<div class="shimmer"><h1>Paradise Inc.</h1></div><center><span id="tagline">Sell your soul. Change your body. Make your dreams come true.
//Version 1.14.0// [[(Update Notes)|https://www.patreon.com/posts/patch-notes-and-69184811]]</center><<if Save.autosave.ok() and Save.autosave.has()>>
<center>You have an autosave from an existing game! What would you like to do?
<<button "Load Autosave">>
<</button>> \
<<button "Load Other Save">>
<</button>> \
<<button [[New Game|Fired]]>>
<hr /><</if>>
//Paradise Inc.// an erotic fiction game focused on themes of body and mind transformation. By playing, you affirm that you are 18 years old or older. All characters depicted are entirely fiction, and any resemblance to anyone, real or otherwise, is purely coincidental. They're also 18 years or older, so go have fun.
Special thanks to our supporters at [[Patreon->https://www.patreon.com/sinspirationalg]]! Our supporters receive early access to new versions and influence on future additions and systems to be added to the game.
<hr />
[[I am 18 years or older, let me play!|Fired]]
[[I want to play offline.|https://www.patreon.com/posts/how-to-play-33650449?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=postshare]]@@ Skip to: @@.choice;[[Chapter 1|IntroSkip]] | [[Chapter 2|Skip to Ch2]] | [[Chapter 3|Skip to Ch3]]@@
<<nobr>><div id="social_media_links">
<<link "@@background-color:#9c55cc;<i class='fa fa-heart' aria-hidden='true'></i> Thanks@@" "Thanks">><</link>>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="https://www.patreon.com/sinspirationalg">@@background-color:#ff424d;<i class='fab fa-patreon' aria-hidden='true'></i> Patreon@@</a>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="https://twitter.com/sinspirationalg">
@@background-color:#01b8f1;<i class="fab fa-twitter-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Twitter@@
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="https://discord.gg/nkdDuemu24c">
@@background-color:#7289da;<i class="fab fa-discord" aria-hidden="true"></i> Discord@@
<<link "@@background-color:#31823d;<i class='fa fa-usd' aria-hidden='true'></i> Support Us@@" "Support Us">><</link>>
</div><</nobr>>// Initialize WaitScene Array //
<<set $phWaitUltimate=[]>>
//Initial Building Variables //
<<set $phEnergyCap to 200>>
<<set $phFocusCost to 100>>
//Other //
<<set $phSeleneTimer to 4>>
<<set $phSidebarPulse = []>>
<<set $phTowerSessions to 0>>
<<set $phRomanceControl to 0>>
//GenderBender Init Array//
<<set $phGenderBender=[]>>
//Initial Personal Upgrade Variables//
<<set $phSpecialAbilities = {
"U31": {
name: "Worker Bee",
desc: "+50% increase to Maximum Management Modifier AND +25% Management Modifier Gained When Working",
tier: 3,
"U32": {
name: "Sleeping In",
desc: "+50% Minimum Management Modifier AND +50% Maximum Energy Cap",
tier: 3,
"U33": {
name: "Maximum Evolution",
desc: "-50% cost to special abilities and building construction/upgrade AND +10 daily visitors in all locations",
tier: 3,
"U21": {
name: "Silver Collector",
desc: "+5% daily energy gain",
tier: 2,
"U22": {
name: "The Boss",
desc: "+20 Energy Whenever You Have Dominant Sex",
tier: 2,
"U23": {
name: "Honey Trap",
desc: "+20 Energy Whenever You Have Submissive Sex",
tier: 2,
"U24": {
name: "Holistic And Synergistic",
desc: "+10 Energy Whenever You Work",
tier: 2,
"U25": {
name: "Show Stealer",
desc: "+15 Visitors Whenever You Work And Are 'Distracted'",
tier: 2,
"U11": {
name: "Chameleon",
desc: "Change your personal appearance at will",
tier: 1,
"U12": {
name: "Work With Your Hands",
desc: "-30% cost to construct new buildings",
tier: 1,
"U13": {
name: "Evolving Mindset",
desc: "-30% cost to building upgrades and special abilities",
tier: 1,
"U14": {
name: "Gravitas",
desc: "+5 additional daily visitors in all locations",
tier: 1,
"U15": {
name: "Winning Smile",
desc: "+10% Management Modifier gain when working at a location",
tier: 1,
"U16": {
name: "Push Your Limits",
desc: "+50% Maximum Management Modifier",
tier: 1,
"U17": {
name: "Energy Efficient",
desc: "+25% Minimum Management Modifier",
tier: 1,
"U18": {
name: "Momentum",
desc: "-10% Management Decay",
tier: 1,
"U19": {
name: "Healthy Appetite",
desc: "+50% Maximum Energy Cap",
tier: 1,
"U110": {
name: "Insatiable Drive",
desc: "+5 Energy Whenever You Have Sex",
tier: 1,
"U111": {
name: "Born Lucky",
desc: "You Never Lose Energy From The Casino",
tier: 1,
<<set $pShe = "She">>
<<set $pshe = "she">>
<<set $pHer = "Her">>
<<set $pher = "her">>
<<set $pHerHis = "Her">>
<<set $pherhis = "her">>
<<set $pHers = "Hers">>
<<set $phers = "hers">>
<<set $pMistress = "Mistress">>
<<set $pgirl = "girl">>
<<set $pmaam = "ma'am">>
<<set $pMs = "Ms.">>
//Global Building Variables//
<<set $phGlobal = {
visitorMod: 0,
visitorMinMax: 0,
visitorMin: 0,
visitorMax: 0,
visitorCapMod: 0,
epdMod: 0,
energyCapMod: 0,
manageAdd: 0.1,
manageDecay: 0,
manageMin: 0,
manageMax: 0,
workEnergyBonus: 0,
workVisitorBonus: 0,
sexBonus: 0,
sexBonusDom: 0,
sexBonusSub: 0,
buildingCostMod: 0,
upgradeCostMod: 0,
bankedEnergyBonus: 0}
<<set $phLocations = {
"Apartment" : {
name: "Your Apartment",
image: "Apartment.jpg"},
"Bank" : {
name: "Bank",
image: "Bank.jpg",
"Bedroom" : {
name: "Bedroom",
image: "Bedroom.jpg",
"Casino" : {
name: "Casino",
image: "Casino.jpg",
"CompCafe" : {
name: "Computer Cafe",
image: "CompCafe.jpg",
"CornerPocket" : {
name: "The Corner Pocket",
image: "CornerPocket.jpg",
"Elysium" : {
name: "Elysium",
image: "Elysium.jpg",
"Exterior" : {
name: "Paradise Inc.",
image: "Exterior.jpg"},
"Fired" : {
name: "Fired!",
image: "Fired.jpg"},
"Floor1" : {
name: "First Floor",
image: "Floor1.jpg",
cansave: 1},
"Floor2" : {
name: "Second Floor",
image: "Floor2.jpg",
"Gym" : {
name: "The Gym",
image: "Gym.jpg",
"Inferno" : {
name: "Club Inferno",
image: "Inferno.jpg",
"VIPLounge" : {
name: "VIP Lounge",
image: "VIPLounge.jpg",
"Mammon" : {
name: "Mammon's Office",
image: "Mammon.jpg",
"Mason" : {
name: "Mason's Office",
image: "Mason.jpg",
"Office" : {
name: "Office",
image: "Office.jpg",
"R&D" : {
name: "Research & Development",
image: "Lab.jpg",
"Security" : {
name: "Security Office",
image: "Security.jpg",
"ShakeShack" : {
name: "Shakes 'n Sundaes",
image: "ShakeShack.jpg",
"ShangriLa" : {
name: "Shangri-La",
image: "ShangriLa.jpg"},
"Sleep" : {
name: "Sleep",
image: "Sleep.jpg"},
"Stables" : {
name: "S&S Stables",
image: "Stable.jpg",
"Suite" : {
name: "The Executive Suite",
image: "Suite.jpg"},
"SupplyCloset" : {
name: "Supply Closet",
image: "Supply.jpg"},
"Trainer" : {
name: "Training Room",
image: "Trainer.jpg",
"Unknown" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"Vault" : {
name: "The Vault",
image: "Vault.jpg",
"VIPLounge" : {
name: "VIP Lounge",
image: "VIPLounge.jpg"},
"CassandraDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"DamienDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"JolieDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"LazrenDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"MammonDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"MasonDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"NadiaDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"PetraDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"SamanthaDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"SaraDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"SeleneDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"XavierDate" : {
name: "Unknown",
image: "Unknown.png"},
"SAClearing" : {
name: "Oregon",
image: "SAClearing.jpg"},
"SANest" : {
name: "The Den",
image: "SANest.jpg"},
"SABottle" : {
name: "Brewery",
image: "SABottling.jpg"},
"SASheriff" : {
name: "Sherrif's Office",
image: "SASheriff.jpg"},
"SACamping" : {
name: "Camping Supply",
image: "SACamping.jpg"},
"SABasement" : {
name: "Creepy Basement",
image: "SABasement.jpg"},
"SAParking" : {
name: "Parking Lot",
image: "SAParking.jpg"}
/* Characters and Dialog */
<<set $phAvery={
name: "Avery",
surname: "",
portrait: "Avery",
style: "avery",
transform: "pre",
focus_bank: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
location:"Paradise Inc."
<<set $phCassandra={
name: "Cassandra",
portrait: "Cassandra",
style: "cassandra",
transform: "pre",
focus_gym: 0,
focus_comp: 0,
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
address:"Miss $phYou.firstname",
Address:"Miss $phYou.firstname",
<<set $phChastity={
name: "Chastity",
surname: "",
portrait: "Phone2",
style: "chastity",
transform: "pre",
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
<<set $phDamien={
name: "Damien",
surname: "Estevez",
portrait: "DamienInitial",
style: "damien",
transform: "pre",
focus_gym: 0,
focus_shake: 0,
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
<<set $phJolie={
name: "Jolie",
portrait: "Jolie",
style: "jolie",
transform: "pre",
focus_comp: 0,
focus_shake: 0,
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
address:"Miss $phYou.firstname",
Address:"Miss $phYou.firstname",
<<set $phKagar={
name: "Kagar",
portrait: "Kagar",
style: "kagar",
transform: "pre",
focus_trainer: 0,
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
title:"Personal Trainer",
<<set $phKayo={
name: "Kayo",
portrait: "Kayo",
style: "sara",
transform: "kitsune",
focus_top: 0,
focus_bottom: 0,
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
<<set $phLazren={
name: "Lazren",
surname: "",
portrait: "Laz",
style: "lazren",
transform: "pre",
focus_bedroom: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
location:"Paradise Inc."
<<set $phMammon={
name: "Mammon",
portrait: "Mammon",
style: "mammon",
transform: "pre",
focus_casino: 0,
focus_bank: 0,
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
<<set $phMason={
name: "Mason",
surname: "",
portrait: "Mason",
style: "mason",
transform: "pre",
focus_rd: 0,
recharge: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
title:"Head Engineer",
<<set $phMNPC={
name: "Man",
portrait: "Phone",
style: "phone",
<<set $phMunokho={
name: "Munokho",
portrait: "Munokho",
style: "munokho",
transform: "pre",
focus_trainer: 0,
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
title:"Personal Trainer",
<<set $phNadia={
name: "Nadia",
portrait: "Nadia",
style: "nadia",
transform: "pre",
focus_casino: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
title:"VIP Guest",
<<set $phPetra={
name: "Petra",
surname: "Torres",
portrait: "Petra",
style: "petra",
transform: "pre",
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
<<set $phPhone={
name: "Phone",
portrait: "Phone",
style: "phone",
<<set $phSamantha={
name: "Samantha",
portrait: "Sam",
style: "samantha",
transform: "pre",
focus_office: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
title:"Executive Assistant",
location:"Paradise Inc."
<<set $phSara={
name: "Sara",
surname: "Kincaid",
portrait: "SaraBJ",
style: "sara",
transform: "pre",
focus_table: 0,
focus_bar: 0,
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
<<set $phSelene={
name: "Selene",
surname: "Sampam",
portrait: "Selene",
style: "selene",
transform: "pre",
focus_vault: 0,
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
<<set $phIra={
name: "Ira",
surname: "Sampam",
portrait: "Ira",
style: "ira",
post_talk: 0,
<<set $phNaitee={
name: "Naitee",
surname: "Sampam",
portrait: "Naitee",
style: "naitee",
post_talk: 0,
<<set $phKessler={
name: "Sheriff",
surname: "Kessler",
portrait: "Sheriff",
style: "kessler",
post_talk: 0,
<<set $phCultist={
name: "Cultist",
surname: "",
portrait: "Cultist",
style: "cultist",
post_talk: 0,
<<set $phTanya={
name: "Tanya",
surname: "",
portrait: "Tanya",
style: "tanya",
post_talk: 0,
<<set $phXavier={
name: "Xavier",
surname: "King",
portrait: "Xavier",
style: "xavier",
transform: "pre",
focus_inferno: 0,
focus_elysium: 0,
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
chapter_talk: 1,
<<set $phXavierDad={
name: "Philip",
surname: "King",
portrait: "XavierDad",
style: "xavierdad",
post_talk: 0,
<<set $phXavierMom={
name: "Lanelle",
surname: "King",
portrait: "XavierMom",
style: "xaviermom",
post_talk: 0,
<<set $phYou={
name: "You",
humanname: "Jane",
firstname: "Red",
surname: "Doe",
gender: "female",
form: "futa",
portrait: "prevyou",
style: "prevyou",
transform: "pre",
location:"Paradise Inc.",
// Achievements//
<<set $phAchievements = [
"phPerfectionist"]>><<set $phLocation to 'Apartment'>><<set $phTime to 2>>
Home, in this case, was a dingy, infested, partially flooded little apartment in a building that was literally only half habitable. Rumor had it the floor in the other half had basically collapsed, prompting the landlord to simply lock up every door on the left side of the building and refuse to answer any questions about them. The only thing the complex had going for it was a rent so ridiculously low that it was almost always possible to scrounge it up.
Stepping over the pile of mail near the door, most of which was emblazoned with deep red 'Last Notice' stickers, you haphazardly tossed your little box of office belongings onto an off-kilter table and then dropped yourself with equal lack of care onto the good part of the couch.
Well, shit.
From beneath the couch cushion, where you hoped no repo man or burglar would look for it, you pulled up your prize possession: a battered laptop. Sure, the screen had a dozen dead pixels and the OS hadn't been supported for the last three or four years, but it was functional. Combined with your apartment being just barely within the Wi-Fi range of the coffee house across the street, it had at least helped you stay afloat. Barely.
After you flicked on the power and waited (several minutes) for it to boot up, you started to navigate through your bookmarks. Temp agencies, help wanted ads, job postings. You'd managed to keep this job a grand total of three weeks; maybe that had been enough time for the pool to refresh.
You barely read the headers anymore. Someone, somewhere wanted somebody to do something and, if there was money involved, you would happily do it. No, you focused on filling out the same little boxes over and over again. An endless barrage of the same questions and empty boxes waiting to be filled.
You started with the @@.choice;[[Basics.|Initial Character]]@@<<set $phLocation to 'Fired'>><<set $phTime to 1>><<set $phGameDays to 1>>
Look, you're a fine worker, but this economy means we have to make some tough choices...
A merger is really good news for us, overall, but unfortunately it means we are going to have some redundancies in terms of personnel...
I've got no doubt you're going to land on your feet, but if you need a referral or if there's anything else I can do...
By now the song and dance had become repetitive, but you might still need the reference. So you kept doing your best to nod understandingly and make all the sounds that might earn you a solid recommendation when you needed it. You made sure your expression was disappointed, but not so devastated they begin to worry you'll come back with a shotgun. You said all the things you'd said before and let your mind wander away from the words.
The first time had been shocking, carrying with it the realization that sometimes bad luck could derail any plan. The second time had been surprising, but still understandable. After all, the troubles that could affect one business could affect a lot of them. By the sixth time, you were beginning to think that you were cursed.
As you had so many times before, you gathered your things with as much dignity as you could muster (thankfully a smaller and smaller task each time as you stopped bothering to decorate your desk) and walked down to the parking lot. Miraculously, your alleged car started on the fourth or fifth attempt and you were spared the embarrassment of asking for a jump from the boss that had just fired you.
Lucky you. Time to go @@.choice;[[Home.|Fired2]]@@<<nobr>>
<<include "check_achievements">>
<<set _buttons to ["Help","PDA","MobileMirror","Characters","Achievements","damien","jolie","xavier","sara","selene","kagar","munokho","mason","mammon","lazren","samantha","petra","cassandra","avery","nadia","chastity","CheatPane"]>>
<<if not _buttons.includes(passage())>>
<<set $phReturn to passage()>>
<</nobr>><<include 'EnergyCalc'>><<if def $phUIDisplay>><<if $phUIDisplay > 0>><div id="sidebar_av_wrapper"><<CC_Avatar>></div><<else>><<if $phYou.gender == 'male'>><<set _profilePic to "Assets/Profiles/UnknownM.gif">><<else>><<set _profilePic to "Assets/Profiles/UnknownF.gif">><</if>><div class="pro tempav">[img[_profilePic]]</div><br><</if>>
<span class="playerName"><<if $phUIDisplay > 0>>$phYou.firstname<<else>>$phYou.humanname<</if>><br></span>
<<nobr>><<if $phUIDisplay eq 1>><div id="icon_nav">
<a id="side_pda" class="btn btn-primary" href="#" data-passage="PDA" aria-label="PDA">
<i class="fa-solid fa-tablet-screen-button" aria-hidden="true" title="Tower Stats"></i>
<a id="side_characters" class="btn btn-primary" href="#" data-passage="Characters" aria-label="ID Badge">
<i class="fa-solid fa-id-badge" aria-hidden="true" title="Characters"></i>
<<if def $phUnlockedCC>><a id="side_mirror" class="btn btn-primary" href="#" data-passage="MobileMirror" aria-label="Character Customization">
<i class="fa-solid fa-palette" aria-hidden="true" title="Character Customization"></i>
<a id="side_achievements" class="btn btn-primary" href="#" data-passage="Achievements" aria-label="Trophy">
<i class="fa-solid fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true" title="Achievements"></i>
<<if $phUIDisplay eq 1>><<CurrentGoal>><</if>>
<<Location>><hr />
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#" data-passage="Help" aria-label="Help Icon">
<i class="fa-solid fa-question-circle" aria-hidden="true" title="Help"></i><span class="menu_help">Help</span>
</a><<nobr>><<if $phUIDisplay eq 1>>
<<run _pda_pulse to recall('pda_pulse')>>
<<run _characters_pulse to recall('characters_pulse')>>
<<run _mirror_pulse to recall('mirror_pulse')>>
<<run _achievements_pulse to recall('achievements_pulse')>>
<<if _pda_pulse>><<addclass "#side_pda i" "pulse">><<else>><<removeclass "#side_pda i" "pulse">><</if>>
<<if _characters_pulse>><<addclass "#side_characters i" "pulse">><<else>><<removeclass "#side_characters i" "pulse">><</if>>
<<if def $phUnlockedCC>><<if _mirror_pulse>><<addclass "#side_mirror i" "pulse">><<else>><<removeclass "#side_mirror i" "pulse">><</if>><</if>>
<<if _achievements_pulse>><<addclass "#side_achievements i" "pulse">><<else>><<removeclass "#side_achievements i" "pulse">><</if>>
<</nobr>><<set $phTime to 4>>
<div class="paper"><h1>Application for Employment</h1>
@@.heading;First Name@@
<<textbox "$phYou.humanname" "Alan">>
@@.heading;Last Name@@
<<textbox "$phYou.surname" "Davis">>
<<radiobutton "$phYou.gender" "male" checked>> @@.text;Male@@
<<radiobutton "$phYou.gender" "female">> @@.text;Female@@
@@.heading;Career Goals@@
@@.text;Blah blah blah, etc. etc.@@
@@.text;Blah and double blah.@@
@@.text;Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh. Triple blah...@@
Enough for one night. Time for @@.choice;[[Bed.|The Offer][$phUIDisplay to 0]]@@<<widget "CurrentGoal">>
<<nobr>><center><hr><u>''Current Goal''</u></center>
<<if $phStoryProgression is 1>>
<<if $phSoulCount lt 3>>@@.narrative;Obtain 3 Souls In $phLazDays Day<<if $phLazDays gt 1>>s<</if>>@@<<else>>@@.complete;Obtain 3 Souls@@<</if>>
<<if $phStoryProgression is 2>>
<<if $phSoulCount lt 6>>@@.narrative;Obtain 6 Souls In $phLazDays Day<<if $phLazDays gt 1>>s<</if>>@@<<else>>@@.complete;Obtain 6 Souls In $phLazDays Day<<if $phLazDays gt 1>>s<</if>><</if>><br>
<<if ($phLocations['Casino']['built'] is 0)>>@@.narrative;Build A Casino@@<<else>>@@.complete;Build A Casino@@<</if>>
<<if ($phStoryProgression is 3) and ($phAvery.post_talk lte 6)>>@@.narrative;Meet & Greet Avery@@<</if>>
<<if ($phStoryProgression is 3) and ($phAvery.post_talk gte 7) and (hasVisited("AverySabotage") is false)>>@@.narrative;Wait For... Something@@<</if>>
<<if (($phStoryProgression is 3.1) and ($phChastity.post_talk lt 3)) or (($phStoryProgression is 3) and hasVisited("AverySabotage"))>>@@.complete;Wait For... Something@@<</if>>
<<if (($phStoryProgression is 3.1) and ($phChastity.post_talk is 3)) or ($phStoryProgression is 3.3)>>@@.narrative;Wait For Chastity To Call@@<</if>>
<<if ($phStoryProgression is 3.2) and ($phChastity.post_talk is 4)>><<if $phNadia.transform is 'pre'>>@@.narrative;Satisfy Nadia In $phLazDays Day<<if $phLazDays gt 1>>s<</if>>@@<<else>>@@.narrative;Wait for Chastity to Call@@<</if>><</if>>
<<if ($phSelene.post_talk gte 6) and ($phSelene.post_talk lt 20)>><br>@@.narrative;Save Selene!@@<</if>>
<<if ($phXavierHunt gte 2) and ($phXavierHunt lt 11)>><br>@@.narrative;Catch the Intruder!@@<</if>>
<<widget "CC_Image">>
if (window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches) {
else { State.setVar("_isMobile",false); }
<<if _isMobile is false>>
<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>
<<set _BaseImage to "Assets/Characters/" + $args[0] + "Male.png">>
<<set _BaseImage to "Assets/Characters/" + $args[0] + ".png">>
<<set _Style to "min-height:" + $args[1] + "px;background:url('" + _BaseImage + "') no-repeat">>
<<set _CCImgPath to "Assets/Characters/You/" + $args[0] + "/">>
<<if _isMobile is true>>
<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>
<<set _BaseImage to "Assets/Characters/" + _Char + "/Mobile/" + _Img + "Male.png">>
<<set _BaseImage to "Assets/Characters/" + _Char + "/Mobile/" + _Img + ".png">>
<<set _Style to "min-height:" + $args[1] + "px;background:url('" + _BaseImage + "') no-repeat">>
<<set _CCImgPath to "Assets/Characters/You/Mobile/" + $args[0] + "/">>
<div id="cc_image_wrapper" @style="_Style">
<div id="cc_image">
<div id="hair"><<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>[img[_CCImgPath + "MaleHair_" + _Hair + ".png"]]<<else>>[img[_CCImgPath + "Hair_" + _Hair + ".png"]]<</if>></div>
<div id="skin"><<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>[img[_CCImgPath + "MaleSkin_" + _Skin + ".png"]]<<else>>[img[_CCImgPath + "Skin_" + _Skin + ".png"]]<</if>></div>
<div id="eyes"><<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>[img[_CCImgPath + "MaleEyes_" + _Eyes + ".png"]]<<else>>[img[_CCImgPath + "Eyes_" + _Eyes + ".png"]]<</if>></div>
<div id="lips"><<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>[img[_CCImgPath + "MaleLips_" + _Lips + ".png"]]<<else>>[img[_CCImgPath + "Lips_" + _Lips + ".png"]]<</if>></div>
<div id="gem">[img[_CCImgPath + "Gem_" + _Gem + ".png"]]</div>
<<widget "SetAchievement">>
<<if (passage() != "Skip to Ch2") and (passage() != "Skip to Ch3")>>
<<run _alreadyset to recall($args[0])>>
<<if not _alreadyset>>
<<run memorize($args[0],true)>>
<<run memorize('achievements_pulse',true)>>
if (Dialog.isOpen("achievement")) {
var Addendum = Dialog.wiki(Story.get("achievement_unlocked").processText());
else {
Dialog.setup("Achievement Unlocked!", 'achievement');
<<widget "BreakAchievement">>
<<if $phStoryProgression is 9>>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "phGenderAchieve">>
<<run _alreadyset to recall($args[0])>>
<<if _alreadyset != "broken">>
<<run memorize($args[0],"broken")>>
<<set _doScript to true>>
<<case "phNeckAchieve">>
<<run _alreadyset to recall($args[0])>>
<<if _alreadyset != "broken">>
<<run memorize($args[0],"broken")>>
<<run memorize('achievements_pulse',true)>>
<<set _doScript to true>>
<<if _doScript is true>>
if (Dialog.isOpen("break_achieve")) {
var Addendum = Dialog.wiki(Story.get("achievement_broken").processText());
Dialog.setup("Achievement Broken!", "break_achieve");
<<widget "GetAchievements">>
<<set _achieved = []>>
<<set _unachieved = []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $phAchievements.length; _i++>>
<<if (recall($phAchievements[_i]) == true)>>
<<run _achieved.pushUnique($phAchievements[_i])>>
<<run _unachieved.pushUnique($phAchievements[_i])>>
<<widget "TimeEnergy">><<nobr>>
<span class="time">
<<switch $phTime>>
<<case 0>>
@@color:orange;<i class="fa-solid fa-sun" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Time of Day"></i>@@ Morning
<<case 1>>
@@color:yellow;<i class="fa-solid fa-sun" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Time of Day"></i>@@ Afternoon
<<case 2>>
@@color:darkturquoise;<i class="fa-solid fa-cloud-moon" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Time of Day"></i>@@ Evening@@
<<case 3>>@@color:blueviolet;<i class="fa-solid fa-moon" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Time of Day"></i>@@ Closing Time@@
<<case 4>>@@color:blueviolet;<i class="fa-solid fa-moon" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Time of Day"></i>@@ Midnight@@
<<if $phUIDisplay is 1>>
<span class="energy">
<<if settings.phTheme != "Light">>
@@color:#ffd868;<i class="fa-solid fa-bolt-lightning" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Current Energy"></i>@@
<<else>>@@color:#ff0000;<i class="fa fa-bolt" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Current Energy"></i><</if>> <<if $phEnergy >= Math.round(($phEnergyCap * (1 + $phGlobal.energyCapMod))*0.8)>>@@color:red;$phEnergy@@<<else>>$phEnergy<</if>></span>
<span class="soulgems">@@color:green;<i class="fa-solid fa-gem" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Soulgems"></i>@@ $phSoulCount Soulgem<<if $phSoulCount > 1>>s<</if>> Collected</span><</if>>
<<widget "Location">>
<<if ndef $phLocation>><<addclass "#story-caption" "invisible">>
<<else>><<removeclass "#story-caption" "invisible">>
<<set _locationPic to "Assets/Locations/"+$phLocations[$phLocation]['image']>>
<<set _locationName to $phLocations[$phLocation]['name']>>
<<widget "GetBuildings">>
<<set _Include = ["CompCafe","Gym","ShakeShack"]>>
<<if $phStoryProgression > 1>>
<<run _Include.pushUnique('Floor2', 'Casino')>>
<<if $phLocations['Floor2'].built == 1>>
<<run _Include.pushUnique('Bank')>>
<<if $phXavierHunt >= 3>>
<<run _Include.pushUnique('Security')>>
<<if $phXavier.transform != 'pre'>>
<<run _Include.pushUnique('Inferno','Elysium')>>
<<set _buildingsBuilt to []>>
<<set _buildingsAvailable to []>>
<<for _i, _name range $phLocations>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if (_Include.includes(_i))>>
<<if $phLocations[_i].built == 1>>
<<run _buildingsBuilt.pushUnique(_i)>>
<<run _buildingsAvailable.pushUnique(_i)>>
<<widget "GetUpgrades">>
<<set _upgradesAvailable to []>>
<<set _upgradesBought to []>>
<<set _t1Count to 0>>
<<set _t2Count to 0>>
<<set _t3Count to 0>>
<<for _i, _name range $phSpecialAbilities>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $phSpecialAbilities[_i].bought == 1>>
<<run _upgradesBought.pushUnique(_i)>>
<<switch $phSpecialAbilities[_i].tier>>
<<case 1>><<set _t1Count++>>
<<case 2>><<set _t2Count++>>
<<case 3>><<set _t3Count++>>
<<elseif $phSpecialAbilities[_i].bought == 2>>
<<set _target to _i>>
<<run _upgradesAvailable.pushUnique(_i)>>
<<widget "CC_Avatar">>
<<if $phYou.form == "male">>
<<set _CCImgPath to "Assets/Characters/You/CC/Male">>
<<set _CCImgPath to "Assets/Characters/You/CC/">>
State.setVar("_Gem","Assets/Characters/You/CC/necklace_" + variables().phYou['necklace']);
<div class="pro">
<div id="skin">[img[_CCImgPath + "Skin_" + _Skin + ".png"]]</div>
<div id="hair">[img[_CCImgPath + "Hair_" + _Hair + ".png"]]</div>
<div id="eyes">[img[_CCImgPath + "Eyes_" + _Eyes + ".png"]]</div>
<div id="lips">[img[_CCImgPath + "Lips_" + _Lips + ".png"]]</div>
<<if $phYou.necklace != 0>><div id="gem">[img[_Gem + ".png"]]</div><</if>>
<<widget "Pro">>
<<run _isnpc = $args[0].toString();>>
<<if _isnpc.includes('npc')>>
<<set _profilePic to "Assets/Profiles/"+$args[0]+".gif">>
<<elseif $phYou.gender == 'male' and $args[0].portrait == 'prevyou'>>
<<set _profilePic to "Assets/Profiles/UnknownM.gif">>
<<elseif $phYou.gender == 'female' and $args[0].portrait == 'prevyou'>>
<<set _profilePic to "Assets/Profiles/UnknownF.gif">>
<<elseif def $args[0].cc_code>>
<<set _profilePic to "Assets/Profiles/"+$args[0].portrait+".gif">>
@@.pro;[img[_profilePic]]@@ <</if>>
<<widget "nm">>
<<= '@@.' + $args[0].style + ';.dialog;\n<<Pro $args[0]>>$args[0].name<hr>\n$args[1]\n@@'>>
<<widget "npc">>
<<= '@@.' + $args[0] + ';.dialog;\n<<Pro $args[0]>>$args[1]<hr>\n$args[2]\n@@'>>
<<widget "EmployeeCard">>
<<set _fullname = $args[0].name + " " + $args[0].surname>>
<div class="idcard">
<<= '<header class="' + $args[0].empstatus + '"><span>' + $args[0].empstatus + '</span></header>'>>
<<switch $args[0].transform>>
<<case "magician">>
<<case "kitsune">>
<<case "siren">>
<<case "drow">>
<<case "genie">>
<<case "angel">>
[img["Assets/Profiles/" +$args[0].name + "Card.png"][$args[0].style]]
<div class="idname">[[_fullname|$args[0].style]]</div>
<div class="idtitle">$args[0].title</div>
<<widget "BuildEmployeeMenu">>
<<set $phEmployees = [$phLazren]>>
<<if $phAvery.post_talk > 0>>
<<run $phEmployees.pushUnique($phAvery)>>
<<if ($phMammon.focus_bank >= 2) or ($phMammon.focus_casino >= 2)>>
<<run $phEmployees.pushUnique($phMammon)>>
<<if ($phSelene.focus_vault >= 1)>>
<<run $phEmployees.pushUnique($phSelene)>>
<<if ($phKagar.post_talk >= 1)>>
<<run $phEmployees.pushUnique($phKagar)>>
<<if ($phMunokho.post_talk >= 1)>>
<<run $phEmployees.pushUnique($phMunokho)>>
<<if $phChastity.post_talk >= 3 >>
<<run $phEmployees.pushUnique($phChastity)>>
<<run $phEmployees.pushUnique($phMason)>>
<<if $phNadia.focus_casino >= 1>>
<<run $phEmployees.pushUnique($phNadia)>>
<<if $phPetra.focus_security > 0>>
<<run $phEmployees.pushUnique($phPetra)>>
<<if $phSara.focus_table > 0>>
<<run $phEmployees.pushUnique($phSara)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $phCharacters.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if ($phCharacters[_i]['transform'] != "pre")>>
<<run $phEmployees.pushUnique($phCharacters[_i])>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $phEmployees.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<EmployeeCard $phEmployees[_i]>>
<<widget "CassandraFlip">>
<<switch $phCassandra.transform>>
<<case "hentai">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phCassandra.address = "Mr. $phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phCassandra.address = "Ms. $phYou.firstname">>
<<case "punk">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phCassandra.address = "bitch-boy">>
<<set $phCassandra.address = "bitch">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phCassandra.address = "Mr. $phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phCassandra.address = "Ms. $phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phCassandra.Address = $phCassandra.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "DamienFlip">>
<<switch $phDamien.transform>>
<<case "bull">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phDamien.address = "hoss">>
<<set $phDamien.address = "ma'am">>
<<case "sissy">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phDamien.address = "master">>
<<set $phDamien.address = "mistress">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phDamien.address = "Mr. $phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phDamien.address = "Ms. $phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phDamien.Address = $phDamien.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "JolieFlip">>
<<switch $phJolie.portrait>>
<<case "JJ">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phJolie.address = "Mr. $phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phJolie.address = "Ms. $phYou.firstname">>
<<case "Delivery">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phJolie.address = "mister">>
<<set $phJolie.address = "lady">>
<<case "Domme">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phJolie.address = "slave">>
<<set $phJolie.address = "slave">>
<<case "Wife">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phJolie.address = "dear">>
<<set $phJolie.address = "honey">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phJolie.address = "Mr. $phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phJolie.address = "Ms. $phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phJolie.Address = $phJolie.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "LazrenFlip">>
<<switch $phLazren.transform>>
<<case "ABC">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phLazren.address = "tiger">>
<<set $phLazren.address = "cowgirl">>
<<case "XYZ">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phLazren.address = "tiger">>
<<set $phLazren.address = "cowgirl">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phLazren.address = "tiger">>
<<set $phLazren.address = "cowgirl">>
<<set $phLazren.Address = $phLazren.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "MammonFlip">>
<<switch $phMammon.transform>>
<<case "ABC">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phMammon.address = "child">>
<<set $phMammon.address = "child">>
<<case "XYZ">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phMammon.address = "child">>
<<set $phMammon.address = "child">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phMammon.address = "child">>
<<set $phMammon.address = "child">>
<<set $phMammon.Address = $phMammon.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "MasonFlip">>
<<switch $phMason.transform>>
<<case "dom">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phMason.address = "sir">>
<<set $phMason.you = "cockslave">>
<<set $phMason.address = "madam">>
<<set $phMason.you = "whore">>
<<set $phMason.You = $phMason.you.toUpperFirst();>>
<<case "sub">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phMason.address = "master">>
<<set $phMason.address = "madam">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phMason.address = "sir">>
<<set $phMason.address = "madam">>
<<set $phMason.Address = $phMason.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "NadiaFlip">>
<<switch $phNadia.transform>>
<<case "genie">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phNadia.address = "master">>
<<set $phNadia.address = "mistress">>
<<case "angel">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phNadia.address = "$phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phNadia.address = "$phYou.firstname">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phNadia.address = "$phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phNadia.address = "$phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phNadia.Address = $phNadia.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "PetraFlip">>
<<switch $phPetra.transform>>
<<case "siren">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phPetra.address = "captain">>
<<set $phPetra.address = "captain">>
<<case "drow">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phPetra.address = "$phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phPetra.address = "$phYou.firstname">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phPetra.address = "cap">>
<<set $phPetra.address = "cap">>
<<set $phPetra.Address = $phPetra.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "SamanthaFlip">>
<<switch $phSamantha.transform>>
<<case "bimbo">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phSamantha.address = "master">>
<<set $phSamantha.address = "mistress">>
<<case "futa">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phSamantha.address = "master">>
<<set $phSamantha.address = "mistress">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phSamantha.address = "Mr. $phYou.surname">>
<<set $phSamantha.address = "Ms. $phYou.surname">>
<<set $phSamantha.Address = $phSamantha.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "SaraFlip">>
<<switch $phSara.transform>>
<<case "magician">>
<<set $phSara.address = "$pmaam">>
<<case "kitsune">>
<<set $phSara.address = "$phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phKayo.address = "$phYou.firstname-//kun//">>
<<set $phKayo.Address = "$phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phSara.address = "$pMs $phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phSara.Address = $phSara.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "SeleneFlip">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phSelene.address = "master">>
<<set $phSelene.address = "mistress">>
<<set $phSelene.Address = $phSelene.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "TrainerFlip">>
<<set $phMunokho.address = $pmaam>>
<<set $phKagar.address = $pmaam>>
<<set $phMunokho.Address = $phMunokho.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<set $phKagar.Address = $phKagar.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "XavierFlip">>
<<switch $phXavier.transform>>
<<case "vampire">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phXavier.address = "sir">>
<<set $phXavier.address = "ma'am">>
<<case "dryad">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phXavier.address = "$phYou.firstname">>
<<set $phXavier.address = "$phYou.firstname">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $phXavier.address = "Mr. $phYou.surname">>
<<set $phXavier.address = "Ms. $phYou.surname">>
<<set $phXavier.Address = $phXavier.address.toUpperFirst();>>
<<widget "GenderFlip">>
<<if ($args[0] != 'male') and ($args[0] != 'female') and ($args[0] != 'futa')>><<set $args[0] == 'futa'>><</if>>
<<set $phYou.form to $args[0]>>
<<if $args[0] == "male">>
<<set $pShe = "He">>
<<set $pshe = "he">>
<<set $pHer = "Him">>
<<set $pher = "him">>
<<set $pHerHis = "His">>
<<set $pherhis = "his">>
<<set $pHers = "His">>
<<set $phers = "his">>
<<set $pMistress = "Master">>
<<set $pgirl = "boy">>
<<set $pmaam = "sir">>
<<set $pMs = "Mr.">>
var TempCCCode = State.variables.phYou['cc_code'].slice(0,4);
State.variables.phYou['cc_code'] = TempCCCode + "M";
<<if ($args[0] == "futa") or ($args[0] == "female")>>
<<set $pShe = "She">>
<<set $pshe = "she">>
<<set $pHer = "Her">>
<<set $pher = "her">>
<<set $pHerHis = "Her">>
<<set $pherhis = "her">>
<<set $pHers = "Hers">>
<<set $phers = "hers">>
<<set $pMistress = "Mistress">>
<<set $pgirl = "girl">>
<<set $pmaam = "ma'am">>
<<set $pMs = "Ms.">>
<<if ($args[0] == "futa")>>
var TempCCCode = State.variables.phYou['cc_code'].slice(0,4);
State.variables.phYou['cc_code'] = TempCCCode + "F";
var TempCCCode = State.variables.phYou['cc_code'].slice(0,4);
State.variables.phYou['cc_code'] = TempCCCode + "W";
<<widget "Transform">>
<<switch $args[0].name>>
<<case "Samantha" "Sammy">>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "bimbo">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "bimbo">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Sammy">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "Sammy">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Executive Assistant">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['Office']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['SamanthaDate']['name'] = "Retro Cafe">>
<<set $phLocations['SamanthaDate']['image'] = "DateSammy.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_office = 7>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phSamanthaBimbo">>
<<case "futa">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "futa">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Samantha">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "Samantha">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Executive Assistant">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['Office']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['SamanthaDate']['name'] = "Classy Restaurant">>
<<set $phLocations['SamanthaDate']['image'] = "DateSamantha.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_office = 7>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phSamanthaFuta">>
<<case "Damien" "Dana">>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "sissy">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "sissy">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Dana">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "Dana">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Personal Trainer">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['Gym']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['DamienDate']['name'] = "Skating Rink">>
<<set $phLocations['DamienDate']['image'] = "DateDana.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_gym = 7>>
<<set $args[0].focus_shake = 8>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phDamienSissy">>
<<case "bull">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "bull">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Damien">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "Dam">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Maintenance Manager">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['ShakeShack']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['DamienDate']['name'] = "Road Trip">>
<<set $phLocations['DamienDate']['image'] = "DateDamien.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_gym = 8>>
<<set $args[0].focus_shake = 7>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phDamienBull">>
<<case "Cassandra" "Cass" "Cassy">>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "punk">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "punk">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Cass">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "Cass">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Fuck Off">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['Gym']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['CassandraDate']['name'] = "Graffiti Park">>
<<set $phLocations['CassandraDate']['image'] = "DateCass.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_gym = 7>>
<<set $args[0].focus_comp = 8>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phCassandraPunk">>
<<case "hentai">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "hentai">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Cassy">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "Cassy">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Virtual Assistant">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['CompCafe']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['CassandraDate']['name'] = "Another World">>
<<set $phLocations['CassandraDate']['image'] = "DateCassyVR.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_gym = 8>>
<<set $args[0].focus_comp = 7>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phCassandraHentai">>
<<case "Jolie" "JJ">>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "pornstar">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "pornstar">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Jolie">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "Jolie">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Motivational Coach">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['CompCafe']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['JolieDate']['name'] = "Cinema Museum">>
<<set $phLocations['JolieDate']['image'] = "DateJolie.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_shake = 8>>
<<set $args[0].focus_comp = 7>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phJoliePornstar">>
<<case "cowgirl">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "cowgirl">>
<<set $args[0].name = "JJ">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "JJ">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Cashier">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['ShakeShack']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['JolieDate']['name'] = "Horse Farm">>
<<set $phLocations['JolieDate']['image'] = "DateJJ.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_shake = 7>>
<<set $args[0].focus_comp = 8>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phJolieCowgirl">>
<<case "Xavier" "Xun">>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "vampire">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "vampire">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Xavier">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "XavierVamp">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Nightclub Manager">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['Inferno']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['XavierDate']['name'] = "City Park">>
<<set $phLocations['XavierDate']['image'] = "DateXavier.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_inferno = 8>>
<<set $args[0].focus_elysium = 8>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phXavierVampire">>
<<case "dryad">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "dryad">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Xun">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "Xun">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Grounds Manager">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['Elysium']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['XavierDate']['name'] = "Nature Trail">>
<<set $phLocations['XavierDate']['image'] = "DateXun.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_elysium = 8>>
<<set $args[0].focus_inferno = 8>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phXavierDryad">>
<<case "Petra">>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "siren">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "siren">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Petra">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "PetraS">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Security Guard">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['Elysium']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['PetraDate']['name'] = "Aquarium">>
<<set $phLocations['PetraDate']['image'] = "DateSiren.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_security = 12>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phPetraSiren">>
<<case "drow">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "drow">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Petra">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "PetraD">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Security Manager">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['Inferno']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['PetraDate']['name'] = "Carnival">>
<<set $phLocations['PetraDate']['image'] = "DateDrow.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_security = 12>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phPetraDrow">>
<<case "Sara">>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "kitsune">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "kitsune">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Sara">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "SaraKitsune">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Bartender">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['CornerPocket']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['SaraDate']['name'] = "((HOLDER))">>
<<set $phLocations['SaraDate']['image'] = "DateKitsune.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_table = 8>>
<<set $args[0].focus_bar = 6>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phSaraKitsune">>
<<case "magician">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "magician">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Sara">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "SaraMagician">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Entertainer">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['Casino']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['SaraDate']['name'] = "((HOLDER))">>
<<set $phLocations['SaraDate']['image'] = "DateMagician.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_table = 6>>
<<set $args[0].focus_bar = 8>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phSaraMagician">>
<<case "Mason">>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "dom">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "dom">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "MasonDom">>
<<set $phLocations['MasonDate']['name'] = "((HOLDER))">>
<<set $phLocations['MasonDate']['image'] = "DateMasonDom.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].post_talk = 7>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set $args[0].you to 'cockslave'>>
<<else>><<set $args[0].you to 'whore'>><</if>>
<<set $args[0].You to $args[0].you.toUpperFirst();>>
<<set $args[0].commands = []>>
<<SetAchievement "phMasonDom">>
<<case "sub">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "sub">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "MasonSub">>
<<set $phLocations['MasonDate']['name'] = "((HOLDER))">>
<<set $phLocations['MasonDate']['image'] = "DateMasonSub.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].post_talk = 7>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<set $args[0].commands = []>>
<<SetAchievement "phMasonSub">>
<<case "Selene">>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "big">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "big">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "SeleneBig">>
<<set $phLocations['SeleneDate']['name'] = "((HOLDER))">>
<<set $phLocations['SeleneDate']['image'] = "DateSeleneBig.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].post_talk = 7>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phSeleneBig">>
<<case "clone">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "clone">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "Selene">>
<<set $phLocations['SeleneDate']['name'] = "((HOLDER))">>
<<set $phLocations['SeleneDate']['image'] = "DateSeleneClone.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].post_talk = 7>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<set $phSelclone={
name: "Selene",
surname: "Sampam",
portrait: "SeleneClone",
style: "selclone",
transform: "clone",
focus_vault: 0,
recharge: 0,
sex: 0,
trans_counter: 0,
post_talk: 0,
<<SetAchievement "phSeleneClone">>
<<case "Nadia">>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "genie">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "genie">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Nadia">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "NadiaGenie">>
<<set $args[0].title = "Complementary Services">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "affiliate">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['VIPLounge']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['NadiaDate']['name'] = "((HOLDER))">>
<<set $phLocations['NadiaDate']['image'] = "NadiaGenieDate.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_casino = 7>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phNadiaGenie">>
<<case "angel">>
<<set $args[0].transform = "angel">>
<<set $args[0].name = "Nadia">>
<<set $args[0].portrait = "NadiaAngel">>
<<set $args[0].title = "VIP Guest">>
<<set $args[0].empstatus = "employee">>
<<set $args[0].location = $phLocations['ShangriLa']['name']>>
<<set $phLocations['NadiaDate']['name'] = "((HOLDER))">>
<<set $phLocations['NadiaDate']['image'] = "NadiaAngelDate.jpg">>
<<set $args[0].focus_casino = 7>>
<<set $args[0].recharge = 1>>
<<SetAchievement "phNadiaAngel">>
<<run memorize('characters_pulse',true)>>
<<GenderFlip $phYou.form>>
<<widget "fakeMenu">>
<<widget "emailHeader">>
From: ''$args[0]'' //<$args[1]>//<br />
To: ''$args[2]'' //<$args[3]>//<br />
<<widget "termtext">>
<<if $args[0] is 'yellow'>><<set _textColor to '#CDEE69'>>
<<elseif $args[0] is 'blue'>><<set _textColor to '#9CD9F0'>>
<<elseif $args[0] is 'red'>><<set _textColor to '#E09690'>>
<<elseif $args[0] is 'green'>><<set _textColor to '#22da26'>>
<<else>><<set _textColor to '#FFFFFF'>><</if>>
<<= '@@color:' + _textColor + ';$args[1]@@'>>
<<widget "CC_Mirror">>
<<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>
<<set _CCImgPath to "Assets/Characters/You/CC/Male">>
<<set _CCImgPath to "Assets/Characters/You/CC/">>
State.setVar("_Gem","Assets/Characters/You/CC/necklace_" + variables().phYou['necklace']);
State.setVar("_PrevNeck", variables().phYou['necklace']);
<div id="cc_mirror_wrapper">
<div id="cc_mirror">
<div id="skin">[img[_CCImgPath + "Skin_" + _Skin + ".png"]]</div>
<div id="hair">[img[_CCImgPath + "Hair_" + _Hair + ".png"]]</div>
<div id="eyes">[img[_CCImgPath + "Eyes_" + _Eyes + ".png"]]</div>
<div id="lips">[img[_CCImgPath + "Lips_" + _Lips + ".png"]]</div>
<div id="gem">[img[_Gem + ".png"]]</div>
<div id="phCCRadioWrapper" class="invisible">
<form id="cc_form">
<div id="phCCRadio">
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouGender" value="female">Female</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouGender" value="futa">Futa</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouGender" value="male">Male</label>
<div id="phCCRadio">
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouSkin" value="L">Light</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouSkin" value="M">Medium</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouSkin" value="D">Dark</label>
<div id="phCCRadio">
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouHair" value="L">Blond</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouHair" value="R">Red</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouHair" value="T">Light Brown</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouHair" value="B">Dark Brown</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouHair" value="K">Black</label>
<div id="phCCRadio">
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouEyes" value="L">Blue</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouEyes" value="B">Brown</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouEyes" value="G">Green</label>
<<if $phYou.form != 'male'>>
<div id="phCCRadio" class="notmale">
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="P">Pink</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="R">Red</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="V">Purple</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="K">Black</label>
<div id="phCCRadio" class="male invisible">
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="L">Blue</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="R">Red</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="G">Green</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="K">Black</label>
<div id="phCCRadio" class="notmale invisible">
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="P">Pink</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="R">Red</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="V">Purple</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="K">Black</label>
<div id="phCCRadio" class="male">
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="L">Blue</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="R">Red</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="G">Green</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouLips" value="K">Black</label>
<div id="phCCRadio">
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouNeck" value="top">Red</label>
<label><input type="radio" class="macro-radiobutton" name="phYouNeck" value="bottom">Green</label>
<div id="phCCSave"> </div>
<div id="phCCButton">
<<if passage() == "Dresser">><<set $phReturn to "Dresser">><</if>>
<<if (passage() == "MobileMirror") and ($phReturn != "MobileMirror")>><<set $phReturn2 to $phReturn>><<set $phReturn to "MobileMirror">><</if>>
<<button "Perfect!" $phReturn>>
<<if $phLazren.post_talk is 4>><<set $phUnlockedCC to true>><<set $phLazren.post_talk to 5>><</if>>
var Skin = $("input[name='phYouSkin']:checked").val();
var Hair = $("input[name='phYouHair']:checked").val();
var Eyes = $("input[name='phYouEyes']:checked").val();
var Lips = $("input[name='phYouLips']:checked").val();
var Neck = $("input[name='phYouNeck']:checked").val();
State.variables.phYou['necklace'] = Neck;
var Gender = $("input[name='phYouGender']:checked").val();
State.variables.phYou['form'] = Gender;
switch(Gender) {
case "male":
Gender = 'M';
case "female":
Gender = 'W';
case "futa":
Gender = 'F';
State.variables.phYou['cc_code'] = Skin + Hair + Eyes + Lips + Gender;
var GC = State.variables.phOldCC;
if (GC == State.variables.phYou['cc_code']) { State.variables.phGenderChanged = false; }
if (
(GC.slice(0,4) == State.variables.phYou['cc_code'].slice(0,4)) && (GC[4] != State.variables.phYou['cc_code'][4])
) { State.variables.phGenderChanged = "Gender Only"; }
if ((GC.slice(0,4) != State.variables.phYou['cc_code'].slice(0,4)) && (GC[4] == State.variables.phYou['cc_code'][4])) { State.variables.phGenderChanged = "Color Only"; }
if ((GC.slice(0,4) != State.variables.phYou['cc_code'].slice(0,4)) && (GC[4] != State.variables.phYou['cc_code'][4])) { State.variables.phGenderChanged = "Gender Color"; }
switch(Skin) {
case "L":
State.variables.phYou['skin'] = "pale";
case "M":
State.variables.phYou['skin'] = "tan";
case "D":
State.variables.phYou['skin'] = "dark";
switch(Hair) {
case "L":
State.variables.phYou['hair'] = "blond";
case "R":
State.variables.phYou['hair'] = "red";
case "T":
State.variables.phYou['hair'] = "light brown";
case "B":
State.variables.phYou['hair'] = "dark brown";
case "K":
State.variables.phYou['hair'] = "black";
switch(Eyes) {
case "L":
State.variables.phYou['eyes'] = "blue";
case "B":
State.variables.phYou['eyes'] = "brown";
case "G":
State.variables.phYou['eyes'] = "green";
switch(Lips) {
case "P":
State.variables.phYou['lips'] = "pink";
case "R":
State.variables.phYou['lips'] = "red";
case "V":
State.variables.phYou['lips'] = "purple";
case "K":
State.variables.phYou['lips'] = "black";
case "L":
State.variables.phYou['lips'] = "navy";
case "G":
State.variables.phYou['lips'] = "dark green";
<<if _PrevNeck != $phYou.necklace>><<set $phDresserChange to "YES CHANGED">><<if ($phYou.necklace is 'top') and ($phMason.transform is 'dom') and ($phMasonCommand is 'Sub')>><<set $phMasonCommand to 'SubBroken'>><</if>><</if>>
<<widget CheckFociReady>>
<<set $phFociReady to []>>
<<if ($phDamien.focus_gym == 4) or ($phDamien.focus_gym == 5) or ($phDamien.focus_shake == 4) or ($phDamien.focus_shake == 5)>>
<<if ($phCassandra.focus_gym is 4) or ($phCassandra.focus_gym is 5) or ($phCassandra.focus_comp is 4) or ($phCassandra.focus_comp is 5)>>
<<if ($phJolie.focus_comp is 4) or ($phJolie.focus_comp is 5) or ($phJolie.focus_shake is 4) or ($phJolie.focus_shake is 5)>>
<<if ($phXavierHunt is 11) and ($phXavier.focus_elysium != 8) and ($phXavier.focus_inferno != 8)>>
<<if ($phPetra.focus_security is 8.3)>>
<<if ($phSara.focus_bar is 4) or ($phSara.focus_table is 4)>>
<<widget FVLinks>>
<div class="choice">
<<if not settings.phSpoilerMode>>
<<link "Activate FetishVision">>
settings.phSpoilerMode = true;
<</link>> (Show Spoilers - Optional)
<<if settings.phSpoilerMode>>
<<link "Turn Off FetishVision">>
settings.phSpoilerMode = false;
<</link>> (Hide Spoilers - Optional)
<<widget FVContent>>
<span class="spoiler">(<b>Fetishes:</b> $args[0])</span>
<<widget FVText>>
<<if settings.phSpoilerMode>>
<<FVContent $args[0]>>
<</widget>><<set $phLocation to 'Exterior'>><<set $phTime to 1>>Okay. Things were officially getting crazy.
The car had been insane enough. You weren't sure what you were expecting when they said 'car' but it hadn't been an honest-to-God limousine. You had found yourself sitting, alone, on cushioned leather seats with a small mini-bar arrayed next to you. Showing up blitzed would //not// make a good impression, however, and you managed to resist the temptation, even if it would have been useful to calm your nerves.
But the building put it to shame. As you had let the car door close behind you and craned your neck, you realized this all had to be some sort of mix up. It was a skyscraper, at least eight or nine stories bigger than anything else downtown, clawing for the sky with its chromed windows gleaming in the sunshine. You saw 'pardon our dust' signs displayed here and there, but couldn't see so much as a speck of dust out of place. A large sign near the main entrance proudly welcomed a small stream of guests in foot-high golden letters.
<source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="Assets/Locations/EntranceSign_Mobile.jpg">
Stepping through, you'd found yourself at the entrance to a mall, or at least that was the closest thing you could think to call it. You recognized the shop fronts spread across two floors of shopping, but most of the malls you visited didn't have marble flooring, gold rails, or literal red carpets. Judging from the assorted //ooohs// and //ahhs// from the other guests entering the shops, you weren't the only one impressed.
The main office lobby at the front of the mall was just as ridiculously opulent as the rest of it, but you didn't notice as much. Rather, the sign directing 'interviewees' to the elevator and up to nearly the top floor reminded you that you hadn't landed the job yet. If you kept rubbernecking like a tourist they were going to realize you had no idea what you were doing here.
So you tried to keep your expression calm and casual, as if this sort of thing happened to you every day. Even when the elevator opened up to a short hallways trimmed with even more gold, crystal, and mirrored walls, you just <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>straightened your tie<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>smoothed the front of your skirt<</if>> and walked off the elevator as if the job was already yours.
The hallway was short, ending in a circular room with three doors. The door to the left sported a silver sign etched with 'Research and Development', the door on the right featured a simple magnetic board printed with 'Supplies', and the door straight ahead was emblazoned with golden letters:
The corner of the room between Management and Supplies was taken up by a desk, a half circle of dark mahogany topped with a glass surface. A woman sat the computer, typing rapidly. Her brown hair was done up into a short bob that framed her freckled face. Her white blouse featured a plunging neckline, but there wasn't all that much cleavage for it to show off. Her eyes, framed through thick glasses, sparkled with apparently genuine excitement as she looked up and flashed a beaming, if slightly shy, smile in your direction.
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh! <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>Mr.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>Ms.<</if>> $phYou.surname?">>
<<nm $phYou "Samantha?">>
You held out your hand in @@.choice;[[Greeting.|Interview2]]<<nobr>>
<<set $phTime to 0>>
The dream you were having shattered into flecks of barely-remembered sights and sounds in the face of that accursed screech. Reflexively, you rolled out of bed, slammed your knee on the traitorous bedframe, uttered a few choice curses about fair weather furniture, and snatched your phone up off the nightstand.
A quick look at the screen showed that it was no number you recognized. That ruled out all the collection agencies you'd marked in your contact list, but there were always new ones calling. For a long moment, you considered just rejecting the call and going back to bed. It would be easier than having an argument with whatever company decided that paying //them// back should be your first and only priority.
The Hell with it: your knee hurt, you were tired, and you figured a good argument might just give you the energy to face the day. You tagged the 'Accept Call' button and lifted the phone to your ear.
<<nm $phPhone "Hello! Is this <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>Mr.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>Ms.<</if>> $phYou.surname?">>
A female voice. You'd talked to female collections people before, but it was rare. Still, you braced yourself for the chipper yet insistent reminder of some past due bill or other.
<<nm $phYou "Yes?">>
<<nm $phPhone "Oh Good! My name is Samantha, and I'm calling from Paradise Inc. about your application. Do you have a minute to talk?">>
Application? Your mind skidded to a halt, and you automatically turned your attention to your laptop on the nightstand beside the bed. You hadn't actually finished any applications last night, had you? Even if you had, there was no way they would process one so--
Ah ha. It couldn't have been one from last night. It must have been one you did ages ago, before this last temp job, and they were only now following up on the day you happened to need it. Maybe you were finally catching a lucky break.
Lucky -- //if// you could actually land the interview. You straightened up and tried to alter the pitch of your voice to<<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>> be deeper and more friendly, without going too far into 'radio announcer' voice.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>> be chipper and bright, like a Disney princess that would just //love// to answer the company's phones all day!<</if>>
<<nm $phYou "Of course! Wow, yes, I'm really glad to hear back from you. You guys were at the top of my list. Of course I have time, please, go ahead.">>
Laying it on thick? Yes. But you did what you had to do. Now if you could only remember what Paradise Inc. did... The 'Inc' meant 'Incorporated' -- unless it was 'Ink', but you were certain you'd remember applying for a tattoo shop. The name didn't ring any bells, but you'd long ago stopped caring exactly what you were applying for.
<<nm $phPhone "Oooh, I can already see you have the enthusiasm for the job, <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>Mr.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>Ms.<</if>> $phYou.surname, that's wonderful. Miss Lazren wanted me to set up an interview with you right away, but if you have any questions for me first, I'm happy to answer them.">>
Questions? You could probably come up with some.
<<include "Interview Questions">><<nm $phYou "I think I've got everything I need. What were you saying about an interview?">>
<<nm $phPhone "I almost forgot! Miss Lazren wanted to see you as soon as it was convenient. Are you doing anything right now?">>
That threw you for a loop. You'd had interviews before that felt rushed, but even those usually scheduled a day or two in advance.
<<nm $phYou "Now? As in right this second? Ah...No, not really, I'm free right now.">>
<<nm $phPhone "Perfect! We'll send the car for you. If this address I have is correct, it should be about thirty minutes?">>
//Car//? You felt your head starting to spin. Being in a rush was one thing, you'd handled that before. But no one had ever sent a car to come fetch you. Exactly what job had you just signed up for? Your mouth moved on autopilot.
<<nm $phYou "Sure. That would be...uh...that would be great.">>
<<nm $phPhone "Perfect! I'll go ahead and get that arranged. We're looking forward to see you, <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>Mr.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>Ms.<</if>> $phYou.surname. Good luck!">>
She disconnected, and you stared at the phone for several seconds, as though you could will more answers from the glass surface. Either you had just gotten amazingly lucky or the other shoe was about to drop //hard//.
Shit. Now you had thirty minutes and you weren't even dressed yet. You needed a shower<<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>> and a shave before the car arrived.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>> and a quick stab at makeup before the car arrived.<</if>> If you hurried, you just might be presentable. You were even pretty sure you had a <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>clean dress shirt somewhere in the apartment.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>cute blouse that had been washed recently somewhere in the house.<</if>>
[[Pretty Sure...|Interview]]@@@@.image;<picture>
<source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Samantha/SamanthaBase.png">
<<set $phLocation to "Office">><<nm $phSamantha "You remembered! I'm very impressed!">>
She stood up from the desk and circled around it to greet you, giving you a view of a conservative knee length skirt over her heels. She was a little shorter than you were, and had to raise both her hands up to shake yours, her soft fingers squeezing once.
<<nm $phYou "Of course, how could I forget? I'm surprised //you// remembered //me//.">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh, you're the only one today. Miss Lazren really wanted to see you as soon as possible. Pretty sure you've got a foot in the door. She's waiting for you, by the way. The car let us know when they dropped you off.">>
Waiting for you? The only one today? Just what the //Hell// had you put in that application? Maybe if you didn't get the job they would at least give you a copy so you could use it again.
<<nm $phYou "Oh...uh...good! So...right through here?">>
You gestured toward the 'Management' door, and Samantha nodded. She turned and reached over the desk to tag a button on the underside, the door lock clicking audibly. It also bent her over the desk and made her skirt ride up a little. Despite the woman's somewhat librarian-like appearance, you had to admit she had a finely toned rear.
She smiled back at you, and you wondered for a moment if she had bent over the desk that way on purpose. No, surely not.
<<nm $phSamantha "She'll be upstairs and in the back. You'll see. Don't worry if she doesn't answer, you'll find her pretty easily.">>
You started to ask what Samantha meant, but she was already pulling open the heavy door and ushering you inside. A few quick steps put you through the doorway and into...
[[A Suite?|Interview3]]@@<<set $phLocation to "Suite">>White marble and gold trim spread out before you. It was immediately clear that this was less of an office and more of a living suite, judging from the full ten seat dining table in the room to your right and the enormous television and couch in the room to your left. This room was dominated by an ascending staircase up to the next floor. The second floor stretched back and around to what you assumed were more rooms, but all you could see from down here was a set of double doors at the top of the stairs that led further into the apartment.
<<nm $phYou "...Hello?">>
There was no response to your call. You threw a look over your shoulder, but Samantha has already shut the doors behind you, leaving you in the utterly silent suite.
Okay. Odd, but to be honest not any stranger than the rest of this day had been.
With nothing else to do, you climbed the stairs, calling out once or twice but still receiving no answer. By this point you weren't surprised to find the suite was ridiculously opulent. The second floor featured a series of doors, all open into lavishly appointed spare bedrooms and bejeweled bathrooms. The toilets in this place were probably worth more than your entire apartment complex.
You stopped at the double doors and knocked with one hand. There was no verbal response, but the doors clicked and swung inward slowly. The room at the top of the stairs was massive. One entire wall was actually a glass window. With no other buildings tall enough to block you view, you could see the entire city stretched out from this spot. An office desk was set up near the window, but the surface was covered in a layer of dust that suggested it hadn't been used in a while.
The central feature of the room was clear, however. A bed, directly ahead, dominated the space. It stretched at least ten feet from the headboard to the end, with a thick wooden frame built around the mattress. The top was loaded down with at least three different blankets that could have been the top layer of any other bed, one of them furred and the other two more modern comforters. The blankets wrapped around a human sized lump, immobile beneath the sheets.
Someone...sleeping? Really? You couldn't really think of anything clever to say at that moment; the lone word escaped you basically on instinct.
<<nm $phYou "...Ah....Hello?">>
The lump moved. The blankets unwound slowly like an insect emerging from a cocoon. A hand emerged from beneath the material, gripping onto the side of the bed. A female hand, yes -- but a hand that seemed to have been dyed a dark purple shade. Another hand, similarly hued, emerged from the other side. Finally, the occupant freed herself from her cloth prison and sat up.
She was small, maybe a little over five feet tall, but you barely processed that detail. She was also nude, with the blankets pooling around her waist and revealing a lovely set of far too perky C-cups, but you didn't really see that either. No, what was distracting you was the fact that the woman's skin was a dark purple, from the tips of the curved horns that extended from her black hair, all the way to where her navel disappeared into the sheets. The only parts of her that weren't that shade were the black and white bird-like wings that sprouted from her shoulder blades. They flapped once as she yawned, before settling back down against her back.
She opened her dark eyes and rubbed at them tiredly before finally focusing on you, still stock-still in the doorway. A smile pulled lopsidedly at the corner of her mouth and she stretched her arms casually, apparently utterly unconcerned by the way her breasts bounced in the open.
<<nm $phLazren "Good morning. <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>Mr.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>Ms.<</if>> $phYou.surname, I assume?">>
She clearly expected an @@.choice;[[Answer.|Interview4]]@@@@.image;<picture>
<source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Lazren/Mobile/LazrenIntro.png">
<<set $phLocation to "Bedroom">>
You weren't sure what you were supposed to say. Shockingly, nothing in your life up until now had prepared you to come face to face with a naked purple woman with wings and horns sleeping in bed when you were expecting a job interview. You just stood there, trying to run through a list of people who could have set you up to be pranked like this.
A short list. In fact: no one. You didn't have a lot of close friends, and the ones you did have were just as much on the financial rocks as you. Building, or even renting, a place like this for a gag would be about as realistic as flying you to the moon for an April Fool's joke.
The purple woman laughed, and you got the strangest feeling that she had heard that last thought.
<<nm $phLazren "No. No, I'm real, dear. My name is...well, <<if ($phYou.humanname is 'Lazren') or ($phYou.surname is 'Lazren')>>//yours//: Lazren. What are the odds?<<else>>these days most people call me Lazren.<</if>> You can call me that, if you like. In an older age, they would have called me Sloth, Acedia, the Noonday demon, or other even more ostentatious titles. But the modern age has grown beyond such things...No, I'm not working for any of your friends, I'm not a hallucination, and I'm not a dream, to cover all the usual bases. I also own Paradise.">>
<<nm $phYou "A demon? You're telling me a //demon// owns this building?">>
Lazren obviously detected the sarcasm. That could have been because you were laying it on pretty thick. She didn't respond immediately, though. Instead, she closed her eyes with an expression like resignation.
<<nm $phLazren "...An interview offer from a company you didn't apply to, bringing you to a building you don't remember, to speak with a woman like me? Is it really so hard to believe there's something in the world you don't know about? But I understand. The modern age is about empirical proof, is it not?">>
She lifted her hand toward you and curled the fingers upward, as if she were beckoning you forward. For a split second, you thought she meant for you to walk closer, and you opened your mouth to tell her that you felt close enough...
...when your feet lifted off the ground entirely.
Your arms shot out, windmilling reflexively against that fall that was coming -- but the impact never came. You simply floated, your feet six inches off the ground. Your flailing arms encountered nothing but air around you, but your body refused to obey the law gravity despite none of your limbs being connected to the ground. After a moment you began to move forward, sliding noiselessly through the air like a vampire from a 50s movie.
Lazren's grin was wide and just a little bit smug as you arrived at the bed, looking down at the mess of blankets and sheets.
<<nm $phLazren "I trust we're past the obvious questions then?">>
Part of you wanted to protest. Wanted to remind her that overt magical power didn't rule out a dream, or a hallucination. But you didn't. Somehow, you just knew this was real. And if it was...
//Oh shit.//
<<nm $phLazren "Good <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>boy<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>girl<</if>>. Now, with that out of the way... you're here because I'd like to offer you a job. Still interested?">>
She pointed to the ground next to the bed, and a moment later you were relieved to find your feet returning to the earth. Your brain still felt like it was floating free of its moorings, but one problem at a time.
Lazren cocked her head at you, waiting for an objection. When one didn't come, she cleared her throat and straightened her shoulders. You didn't understand much about this situation, but you recognized that posture.
Here comes the @@.choice;[[Pitch.|Interview5]]@@<<nm $phLazren "Humans are, by and large, unhappy, $phYou.humanname. You might say that's the fundamental human condition. You're smart enough to come up with ideas for what you want, but the world doesn't usually work in a way that allows it. So you all fill that gap with whatever you can, and believe me we know the list of things you use. But it's not what you //really// want, so it never lasts. Paradise is going to be different. It will make everyone happy. Truly happy.<br /><br /> We give them the form that will bring them what they need. Usually that's something physical that they long for, like a stronger or more alluring or more fantastical body than any human could possibly have. Other times, it's something about the way they think that they wish were different: freedom from shyness or anger or doubt. And lastly, it can be emotional needs. Those are tricky, but a new form can often do that too. If someone wants to be wanted, a full body makeover can certainly get them the attention they're after.">>
This was obviously a practiced speech; the purple woman watched you closely. You felt obliged to object, if only because she seemed to expect it.
<<nm $phYou "Why should you care? Ah, shouldn't you be planning to steal our souls or something?">>
<<nm $phLazren "Souls? What is a soul but a promissory note for an eternal bliss at some future date? It's a pre-order, sweetie, for a game that doesn't turn out to be as good as the hype. But it's also what makes you malleable, lets you change, and gives you those tough choices in the first place. We just use that energy all at once rather than doling it out in bits and pieces your whole life. We use it to make you what you always wanted to be, and spend whatever is left of it to help the next one in line.">>
It was a good speech. You weren't sure you believed a word of it, but it had obviously benefited from some practice in front of a mirror. Something about that made you feel better. Magic, wings, and horns you weren't prepared for, but knowing someone needed something from you? That gave you a little more confidence.
<<nm $phYou "So it's all altruism, huh? Just for our sakes?">>
<<nm $phLazren "Ha! Okay, okay. I might take a wee percentage, but I've never heard any complaints. The point is that none of you are what you want to be. You keep hold of this fantasy life in your head for your whole life that you're never going to be able to live out. All we have to do is promise to make that fantasy real and your average person can't wait to buy in. It might take them a few tries to find their permanent arrangement, but I have faith you can do it.">>
Wait. As you'd gotten more comfortable with the conversation, you'd forgotten this succubus was planning to hire //you// for this.
<<nm $phYou "What do you mean me?">>
<<nm $phLazren "I mean I need a manager. There are rules against my kind doing too much directly, and my name is //Sloth//, if you remember. I didn't get to be where I am today putting in all-nighters at the office. This suite isn't for me, but it can be yours if you want it. You'll build things to draw people in, the building will help you find out what they //really// want, and then we'll help you give it to them. Simple as that. Purveying bliss and reaping the benefits.">>
The horned woman smiled coquettishly and arched her back in a way you couldn't help but notice drew attention to her chest. <<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>You wondered if a set of gravity defying tits might come as a signing bonus. You'd admired other women before, but Lazren was in another league of firm loveliness.<</if>>
<<nm $phLazren "...Well? What do you say?">>
<<include "Lazren Pitch Questions">><<nm $phYou "Okay, I think I've heard enough.">>
Lazren nodded, slowly, and uncoiled from the bed, the sheets falling off to one side. You didn't immediately notice that she was shorter than you expected -- at least a good six inches shorter than you were -- nor that there was tattooed writing in a script you didn't recognize down her legs, from her hips to her knees. You were also slow to notice that the bed began to automatically make itself behind her, the blankets unwinding and stretching themselves taut across the frame the moment the demoness left the sheets.
You were a little distracted. After all, when the woman stood up, you were not expecting the erection she was sporting between her legs. It was big, <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>bigger than you were by far, you had to ruefully admit.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>bigger than any boyfriend you had ever had.<</if>> Her entire body was feminine, from the curve of her hips, to swell of her breasts, and the soft cast of her features...but //that// was anything but girlish.
You must have been staring, because she looked down to follow the line of your gaze and then flashed that wolfish grin of hers again.
<<nm $phLazren "You're off the edge of the map now, <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>tiger.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>cowgirl.<</if>> You're leaving what you know behind...at least, if you want to. Indulge me a bit of pomp and circumstance, won't you? I think you'd be disappointed if I didn't show off.">>
You were about to ask what she meant by that, when she slapped her hands together. There was a sudden flash of light and heat from between her fingers, and you recoiled sharply before you could stop yourself. Flame -- honest-to-God burning orange fire -- engulfed her hand and danced in her smile. Just as quickly she pulled her hands apart, the fire seeming to stretch with those fingers, all four corners pulling out into a flat sheet. The flame seemed to dim and shrink down into that flat plane, until the demoness held a sheet of what looked like parchment. The words were thickly lettered and darkly inked, but they occasionally glinted with a hint of that orange fire.
<div>I do hereby agree to relinquish my soul and enter the service of my lady Lazren, from this day until eternity. In exchange, I shall be granted power, position, and pleasure beyond my wildest dreams.
In my hand,
Lazren reached up, her fingers curling behind your ear before she produced a quill held lightly between two fingers, the way a magician would produce a quarter for a wonder-struck child. Her eyes, you noticed, still burned with the reflection of the fire you could no longer see. Her voice was a throaty, satisfied purr.
<<nm $phLazren "No illusions, love. No deceptions. That's never been my way. You know what I am, what I want, and what I want for //you//. You know the cost. Are you in...or out?">>
That was, indeed, the question.
[[I'm out!|Out]] Demons? Souls? Signing a literal demonic contract? No way!
[[Screw it, I'm in!|In!]] What did you have to lose? A dingy apartment and the search for a minimum wage job you could tolerate?@@You might have expected the meeting to turn nasty when you said the job wasn't for you. Maybe there would be a horde of small demons with pitchforks, a burning pit beneath your feet, or at least a sharp word or two. But no, Lazren just looked disappointed, waving a hand and dismissing the contract in a brief burst of flame.
<<nm $phLazren "Sorry to hear that, <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>Mr.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>Ms.<</if>> $phYou.surname, but I understand. You have a choice, and you made it. I'll find someone else...I do wish you luck, and admire your fortitude, for what it's worth. Talk to Samantha, and she'll arrange for the car to take you home.">>
And that's exactly what happened. The car deposited you back at your crummy digs and then drove off. After a few days, you actually managed to land another interview and then a job working for a telecommunication company. You were good at it, and for once the people upstairs seemed to take notice. One promotion turned into two, and then three, all with commensurate increases in pay. A trip back to school finished your degree, and earned you a spot on the management track.
You even got married, and had a pair of children. You thought often about that day in the tower, but less and less as the years went by. You even dropped in a few times...but you never saw anything the least bit strange. It was just a remarkably fancy shopping center with a couple of luxury suites mixed in. You never saw Samantha or Lazren, and neither name evoked recognition from anyone you talked to.
And that, it would seem, was that. In your darkest hour, you held firm to your gut instinct and got paid off with a fine position, a gorgeous spouse, a couple of beautiful kids, and a life worth living. It was a beautiful thing...
...but it makes for a pretty boring porn game, don't you think?
[[Okay, okay!|In!]] I'll sign the papers - Count me in!@@You took the quill gingerly between your fingers, feeling the strange heat that radiated off the implement. Lazren held out the contract, the letters still flashing with the occasional red or orange glow of a burning ember. You hesitated, unable to help yourself. Were you really sure this was what you wanted?
Yeah, you were.
You signed, feeling the heat against your hand as every letter of your name shone with orange light. As you finished the final letter, you could immediately //feel// the finality. Any lingering hesitation you had about whether this woman was the real deal was gone, and the quill dropped out of your suddenly nerveless fingers. You looked up into the grinning face of your new boss.
<<nm $phLazren "Confident, daring, and just a little bit greedy. Exactly my type. Mmm, very good girl!">>
Lazren purred the words, waving her hand and dismissing the burning contract just as quickly as it had appeared.<<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>
Wait...good //girl//?<</if>>
She leaned in abruptly, her body pressing in to yours, her hands coming up to cup your face as she kissed you. Her body burned like a fever beneath your touch, and you felt that heat as it flowed down into your belly and began to spread to your arms and legs. Your vision blurred, and your knees shuddered and quaked as though they had turned to jelly.
This maybe wasn't the best idea.
<<nm $phLazren "You and I are going to have a lot of fun together for a //very// long time, my love. But first, let's get you acclimatized, alright?">>
You wanted to ask her what she meant, or what she was going to do, or anything at all, but your mouth refused to cooperate. The words died in your throat as she ran her hand slowly down across your chest.<<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>> As her fingers crossed each button on your dress shirt the plastic sagged and wilted, flowing down the fabric as if it were made of water and allowing the two half halves of your shirt separate. Lazren pressed her fingers against your bared chest, her fingers curling in your chest hair...but only for a moment. Every second she stroked, there seemed to less of it to touch, until your torso was as smooth and hairless as it had ever been.
<<nm $phLazren "There now...not so bad, yes? Now let's see what we're working with...">>
She made a little circling gesture with her index finger, and your belt jumped on your hips. The buckle twisted and quivering, finally unhooking itself and spreading open. The zipper on your dark dress pants echoed loudly in the quiet of the suite, the only other sounds your labored breathing and Lazren's cooing approval.
<<nm $phLazren "Not too bad...for a human. We've got a little work to do, of course, but I don't think you'll mind a signing bonus as we get to work.">>
Her hand moved down, her fingers brushing over the front of your boxers, and you were suddenly glad you hadn't opted for briefs this morning. Pleasure ran up your body and if you could have moved you would have tossed your head back and moaned. The single brush of her fingers across your cock had you hard, harder than you had ever felt. Your member strained against the fabric of your boxers, creating a veritable tent across the front...and as you watched, that bulge continued to grow, getting thicker and more prominent by the second. You gasped. You had never had any touch, any blowjob, any //fuck// that felt as good as this.
Lazren looked up with another of her wolfish grins, her tongue running across her teeth as she nodded in satisfaction.
<<nm $phLazren "That's better. Now lie down, love, and let's get you settled...">>
She fastened one hand around the elastic band of your boxers and placed the other on the center of your chest, pushing you back and over. You toppled, unable to even lift your arms to break your fall, but found yourself collapsing into the bed of sheets and furs. Dimly, you felt the tug on your hips as your boxers were ripped off your body, and saw Lazren discard the material over one shoulder. You couldn't feel your shirt anymore, either, but you couldn't remember when you might have lost it.
Lazren knelt on the bed between your legs, her eyes bright as she looked over your throbbing erection, standing straight in the air like a perfect flagpole. You could barely believe your eyes...it was nearly a foot long, thick, the kind of member you only saw in porn. And it was yours.
Lazren's smile grew wider and you could swear you felt the tingle of her fingers across your mind. Her hand ran across her front, over the swell of her breasts and belly before her fingers closed around her own shaft.
<<nm $phLazren "No, dear, it's //mine// like the rest of you. But I //do// want you to enjoy how I use my property...so what will it be? Do you want these lips to suck the humanity straight out of your cock? Mmm...or would you prefer riding mine to your destination? No judgment here, sweetie...you just shout out what you need.">>
[[Oh Fuck! Please...Please use your tongue!|ConversionMale][$phLazTakesYou to 'oral']]
[[I can't help it! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!|ConversionMale][$phLazTakesYou to 'penetrative']]@@<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>> Her hands paused as they pressed over the swell of your breasts, cupping and kneading the flesh. The succubus' mouth rounded as she cooed in admiration.
<<nm $phLazren "These are //wonderful// sweetie. But I admit, I like it when my girls can make an impression just walking into the room. Let's see what we can do, okay?">>
Both of her hands tightened and you felt like you very nearly went cross-eyed. Your blouse suddenly felt tight and hot as her fingers sank into the soft flesh of your breasts, and as you watched in amazement more and more of that flesh seemed to be pressing out against Lazren's questing fingers. A hot pain pressed into your side, and you realized that your overstrained bra was beginning to cut into your ribs, moments before it gave up the ghost entirely and snapped like an overstrained rubber band. Your tits (since when did you call them that?) all but spilled into Lazren's waiting palms and she laughed with gleeful delight.
<<nm $phLazren "That a girl, let these babies into the light then, shall we? It would be cruel to keep them locked up.">>
The purple-skinned woman ran her finger down the center of your blouse, and the material parted instantly as if her extended nail had been a razor blade. You couldn't help but emit a shocked gasp. You were huge! You'd gained at least three cup sizes in fifteen seconds, and your enlarged breasts quivered and shook with every intake of air.
Lazren smiled and leaned forward, wrapping her lips around one exposed nipple. You very nearly lost it again. You enjoyed having your chest massaged as much as the next girl, even if you had had to remind some of your past lovers that they were attached to you and not stress toys. This was different. Every flick of her tongue across your nipple seemed to send a bolt of lightning straight into your brain. It took less than thirty seconds of switching from one breast to the other for Lazren to have you panting and shaking, your cheeks flushed with heat.
Finally, your demonic paramour pulled away, looking up at you with an expression of deep satisfaction. She winked and ran her tongue lightly over her upper lip. You shuddered as you realized that tongue was far longer than it had any right to be.
<<nm $phLazren "That's better. Now lie down, love, and let's get you settled.">>
Both of her hands came up. Her left fastened around the waistband of your skirt, her finger sliding down to grip both skirt and panties between her thumb and index finger. Her right came up to the center of your chest and pushed, hard. You toppled, unable to even lift your arms to break your fall, but found yourself collapsing into the bed of sheets and furs. Dimly, you felt the tug on your hips as your skirt and modest panties ripped off your body as easily as a tissue would split, and saw Lazren discard the material over one shoulder. You couldn't feel your blouse across your shoulders anymore, either, but you couldn't remember when you might have lost it. You were nude, and helpless, in front of the purple-skinned woman.
Lazren knelt on the bed between your legs, and you felt your cheeks burn as you realized you could barely see her past the heaving mounds of your expanded chest. You still couldn't move your hands, save to dig them hard into the sheets, and your voice seemed limited only to panting moans.
Gently, deftly, Lazren took hold of your thighs in her hands, the flesh of her fingers burning just a little too hot to be human against your skin. She separated your legs, leaving you open and exposed to her approving gaze. Her hand ran over the swell of her breasts, down to her belly, and finally wrapped around her bobbing erection. You stared, freshly reminded exactly what Lazren was equipped with.
<<nm $phLazren "Such a good girl, my sweet. I'll give you a reward. Do you want my tongue in you as you change, hmmm? Or is it my cock you need? Think fast, or I might just make my own choice.">>
She pressed her hand down against your belly, and heat seemed to rush from her touch up to your throat, loosening the vocal cords that had been so useless since she began. The heat began to die almost as fast, though, you had only a second or two to speak.
[[Oh fuck! Lick me, please!|ConversionFemme][$phLazTakesYou to 'oral']]
[[Please! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!|ConversionFemme][$phLazTakesYou to 'penetrative']]<</if>>@@<<if $phLazTakesYou is 'oral'>>Lazren's eyes were almost impossibly bright as she smiled up at you, reflecting far more light than the room actually seemed to be giving off. Her tongue ran along her lower lip, making it shine in the dim light as well.
<<nm $phLazren "How could I refuse, when you ask so nicely. And, after all, it would be a shame to waste this wonderful cock that I've crafted you.">>
She shifted her weight and lowered herself between your legs. Your enlarged cock bobbed with unconscious anticipation and you find your breathing picking up. You had been with women before, but none of them made you feel anything like this. The look in her eyes promised things. It declared that she had utter confidence in her skill because she had done this many, many times before, and that you couldn't even imagine what you were in for.
She planted a kiss on the tip of your cock and then leaned forward to let her tongue swirl across the head in a slow, rhythmic pattern. Like her skin, her tongue is just a little hotter than it ought to be, and when her mouth closed around the tip of your shaft you couldn't help but let out a deep-throated groan of pleasure. The demoness didn't waste time, leaning forward and taking the rest of your length into her mouth. You felt yourself brush against the back of her throat without provoking the slightest bit of gag reflex, and her lips were soon pressed down against the base of your shaft. She swallowed once, twice, and three times, her muscles working against the sensitive skin.
A hot, wet feeling ran across your balls and you realized with amazement that it was her tongue, long enough to nearly wrap around both of them at once. Her lips curled, her expression teasing even with her mouth full of your cock, and she began to bob her head. She pulled back until the tip of your dick very nearly slid out from her lips, only to take you in your entirety again in one sudden, hard motion.
It was bliss. As the pleasure grew, you writhed and twisted on the bed, able to move again but unable to bring yourself to even grab hold of Lazren's horns, much less push her away. You felt...something, though. A tingling heat that spread through your cock and radiated out to every part of you, all the way to the tips of your fingers and toes. Your orgasm built, but passed the point where you would normally have erupted in Lazren's mouth and just kept going unabated. Your stomach felt like it was tied in knots as the pleasure compounded, moment by moment, filling you with a burning need to release something. To give up something. To just //finally// cum.
Given all the distraction, it's no surprise it took you so long to notice that you had begun to change. By the time you realized your cries and moans had risen an octave, you had already pushed long locks of red hair out of your eyes four or five times. It took you another ten seconds of twisting, burning pleasure before you took notice of the fact that your chest rose every time you inhaled, but didn't descend again when you let the breath out. A pair of perky mounds had replaced your pecs, and your nipples were far more hard and prominent than they had ever been before. You raised your hand, soft fingers crowned with long nails, to touch them and felt your toes curl in response.
<<nm $phYou "L...Lazren! What's happening? I feel-.">>
Your voice was even higher now, clear and bright and undeniably feminine. Lazren's eyes flicked up to you again. She didn't release your cock, and even bobbed her head faster on it. But you still heard her words in your head, amused and reassuring.
<<nm $phLazren "That a girl, don't worry. I just want to show you what our world can be like. Mmm, you'll be able to choose your own form soon enough, but I have to give you the tour first...">>
You could barely focus on the words. Your breasts heaved, and your hands pressed into them. They were bigger now, probably bigger than Lazren's own, and they tingled wherever your nails pressed down. Your legs rubbed against the bed sheets as you writhed, and you couldn't help but notice how smooth they felt. You were becoming a woman.
No. Not a woman. Your cock hadn't shrunk at all. If anything, it seemed even thicker and larger between your pleasantly rounded hips. The pleasure was constant and unrelenting. You no longer perceived it in terms of one sensation. You couldn't distinguish between the feeling of your fingers pinching your nipples, her hands toying with your balls, or her throat milking your cock. It was all just pleasure, bottling up inside of you and begging for release. Lazren winked up at you, her mental voice dropping to a husky whisper.
<<nm $phLazren "You don't mind, do you? This is what you //always// wanted. To be able to please anyone and everyone. To turn every head. To make people question their own tastes every time you walk by. You're going to be able to give them anything they want, until they're broken and begging and will give you anything //you// want just to feel it again. You will break them on their pleasures, my pet. Just be a good girl. Let it out. Give me the power to remake you.">>
Her fingers tightened on your balls, pressing them against your body. You could feel the tingling begin again as they seemed to shrink against her fingers, getting smaller and more sensitive by the second. Your twisted your hips back and forth, unable to help yourself, but Lazren never let up, her finger stroking slowly up and down, as though drawing a line against your skin. You could feel the flesh part beneath her fingers, a sudden feeling of moisture and heat between your legs...
You realized what was happening the split second before Lazren thrust two fingers into your new pussy. Unfamiliar muscles gripped down hard on those digits, and your cock jumped in the succubus's mouth. It was too much. You couldn't hold back. Wouldn't hold back. You had to have more of this pleasure. You would give //anything// to have more of this pleasure.
You came hard, your voice going raw as you screamed at the ceiling. Your vision went utterly white as your brain refused to function, your first orgasm stringing into a second and then a third, each of them exploding over your head like a firework display. Your felt your body drop bonelessly back against the soft sheets.
Then everything just went [[Black.|GenderChoice]]<</if>><<if $phLazTakesYou is 'penetrative'>>Lazren's eyes were almost impossibly bright as she smiles up at you, reflecting far more light than the room actually seemed to be giving off. Her tongue ran along her lower lip, making it shine in the dim light as well.
<<nm $phLazren "I was hoping you'd say that, tiger. Now, let's get you flipped over. I want to claim you good and proper.">>
The demoness reached down to take hold of your hips, rolling you over onto your front. Her fingers coaxed your backside up and you started to rise up onto hands and knees, only for the purple-skinned woman to reach forward and grab the back of your neck. She pushed down, firmly, driving your nose against the sheets. You could smell the faint scent of floral perfume in the fabric as she held you there.
<<nm $phLazren "That's a good girl. How could I resist an offer like this? Are you ready?">>
She shifted her hips up, and you felt it bumping against your backside. Her cock, like the rest of her, was warmer than any human skin and you felt yourself shudder with anticipation as she positioned herself. Her hand at your neck shifted up to your hair and gripped the short strands, tugging them lightly. You realized she was expecting an answer, and it was all you could do to nod frantically.
She moved and it was bliss. The head of her thick cock spread you open as easily as if you had been made solely for her. You had never experienced anything that felt remotely like this. As she slid into you, you felt the heat of her body spreading into your belly and fogging your mind. You couldn't imagine ever not having her in you.
She moved slowly at first, inch after inch of her length disappearing into you until you felt like you simply couldn't take any more. Finally hilted, she gave you a bare few seconds to get used to the size, letting the room fill with the mingled sounds of your breathing. Hers husky and excited and your own coming out as moans on every exhalation. Then she began to rock her hips, pulling herself back until she was very nearly free of you, only to slam herself home again and press your face hard into the mattress. The room reverberated with the sound of her hips slapping against your ass, and as the pace picked up the rhythm of that slapping intensified. You found it harder and harder to breathe and you gasped and struggled just to get oxygen into your lungs past that pleasure.
You weren't sure when it began. You noticed the hair first. She still had her hand gripped in it, pulling your head up and back when it pleased her or when she needed leverage. Around the third or fourth time she pulled, though, you realized that there was far more hair to tug than there should have been. Your hair, typically kept short, now extended down as far as the center of your back. A few strands of long locks slipped out of her fingers and fell over your eyes, the color a beautiful crimson that you had absolutely not walked in with.
You opened your mouth to protest, but Lazren slammed herself home with another burst of firework pleasure in your brain and the words utterly disappeared. You could hear yourself moan, however, and heard the tenor of your voice rising with every sound, developing an undeniably feminine lilt. Your chest brushed the bedsheets and you nearly came right then and there. Your nipples were harder and more sensitive than you had ever experienced, and every touch threatened to send you over the edge.
You let your head drop down and rest on the mattress, your eyes open to look beneath you. You could see your engorged and enlarged member bob with every thrust Lazren made, and you could see her legs and yours flexing with every motion you made together. You could also see the twin mounds on your chest growing larger with every hard thrust Lazren made into your ass. Already you sported a pair of perky B-cups and they didn't show any sign of stopping.
<<nm $phYou "L...Lazren! What's happening? I feel-.">>
You could barely recognize your voice. It was high, soft, and sensual, the kind of voice you could hear advertising for a sex chat hotline on late night TV. You tried to push yourself up, to get a better look at what was happening to you, but Lazren suddenly went into double-time against your backside and you fell forward against the sheets with your toes curling in pleasure.
<<nm $phLazren "That a girl, don't worry. I just want to show you what our world can be like. Mmm, you'll be able to choose your own form soon enough, but I have to give you the tour first...">>
Your breasts heaved, and your hands pressed into them. They were bigger now, probably bigger than Lazren's own, and they tingled wherever your nails pressed down. Your legs rubbed against the bed sheets as you writhed, and you couldn't help but notice how smooth they felt. You were becoming a woman.
No. Not a woman. Your cock hadn't shrunk at all. If anything, it seemed even thicker and larger between your pleasantly rounded hips. Lazren's pounding weight slowly but inexorably pressed your hips downward until you were finally lying flat on the bed with the demoness thrusting madly against you. Your cock rubbed up against the sheets with every motion, and you felt yourself building toward the biggest orgasm of your life. But no matter how you writhed and thrust and bucked your hips, it always remained just out of reach. You no longer perceived it as one sensation. Lazren's cock in your ass, her hand pulling your hair, her other hand beneath you to grip and jerk your cock: it was all blending together into a desperate release that just wouldn't come. You would give //anything// just to have a little more of that pleasure. You //had// to get off!
<<nm $phLazren "You don't mind, do you? This is what you //always// wanted. To be able to please anyone and everyone. To turn every head. To make people question their own tastes every time you walk by. You're going to be able to give them anything they want, until they're broken and begging and will give you anything //you// want just to feel it again. You will break them on their pleasures, my pet. Just be a good girl. Let it out. Give me the power to remake you.">>
The hand she had slipped beneath you curled upward and her fingers tightened on your balls, pressing them against your body. You could feel the tingling begin again as the heavy orbs seemed to shrink against her fingers, getting smaller and more sensitive by the second. You twisted your hips back and forth, unable to help yourself, but Lazren never let up, her finger stroking slowly up and down, as though drawing a line against your skin. You could feel the flesh part beneath her fingers, a sudden feeling of moisture and heat between your legs....
You realized what was happening the split second before Lazren thrust two fingers into your new pussy. Unfamiliar muscles gripped down hard on those digits and you arched your back up against Lazren's front. It was too much. You couldn't hold back. Wouldn't hold back. You had to have more of this pleasure.
You came. Hard, your voice going raw as you screamed at the ceiling. Your vision went utterly white at your brain refused to function, your first orgasm stringing into a second and then a third, each of them exploding over your head like a firework display. Your felt your body drop bonelessly back against the soft sheets.
And then everything went @@.choice;[[Black.|GenderChoice]]<</if>>@@<<if $phLazTakesYou is 'oral'>>Lazren's eyes were almost impossibly bright as she smiled up at you, reflecting far more light than the room actually seemed to be giving off. Her tongue ran along her lower lip slowly, making it shine as well.
<<nm $phLazren "Of course, my dear. How can I refuse, when you look so sweet? I have been dying for a taste since you walked in...">>
The demoness leaned down, settling herself between your legs. She trailed kisses up your inner thigh, and her breath was hot against your skin and considerably warmer than any human. She took her time, laying tingling kisses up your leg only to skip over the place where they met and work her way down the other thigh. You felt a mewl escape your lips without your intention. You were wet, and you were hot, and you //needed// her. Now.
Finally, she had pity on you. She shifted her body up and pressed her lips just above your sex, the touch sending a strange heat blossoming up through your stomach and then out to the tips of your fingers and toes. Then, at last, she lowered her head to run her tongue gingerly along your slit, exploring with relish. Your mewling breaths became moans as you fought not to thrust your hips up against her. Even that light touch against your pussy made you crave more.
Lazren's eyes flicked upward, meeting your own with a mischievous glint. You heard her voice, but her lips didn't form the words. Her tongue never shifted away from its work, but you still heard her knowing whisper clearly reverberating through your head.
<<nm $phLazren "Don't worry, my sweet. I'll take care of you. You just lie back, relax, and let me help you be who you were meant to be.">>
All at once, her pace changed. Where before her tongue had lazily brushed up and down, it now plunged deep into you. Where her hands had gently teased the skin of your thighs, they now forced your legs apart and wide to give her room. Her tongue was...fuck, how could you even describe it? It was long, powerful, and the expert way she used it turned your knees to jelly. It lashed from side to side, seeking out every spot that made you scream as if Lazren had been doing this to you for years. You found your hands rising despite yourself, gripping onto her horns in desperation as she licked you. They were firm and hot beneath your hands, almost uncomfortably so, but you gripped onto them with all the desperation of a drowning swimmer.
You didn't notice the subtle changes at first. You didn't take note of the way your backside felt firmer and larger as you dropped it back down against the sheets for the tenth time. You didn't notice that your trimmed nails had become long as they gripped around Lazren's head. You didn't even realize it when the skin of your hands turned a deep crimson and the color began to work its way up both your arms.
But when Lazren lifted her hand and wrapped it around the tiny, growing cock just above your sex, you noticed. It was all you could do not to cum instantly as she pressed three fingers around the little shaft and began to stroke up and down. If Lazren wasn't still lashing it with her tongue every few seconds, you would have believed your clit had migrated upward and grown to ten times the size and twenty times the nerve endings just for the hell of it. You stared down, watching your member pulse and throb in Lazren's hands, every moment another few centimeters added to the growing length.
<<nm $phYou "L-Lazren! I...what...I...I have a...">>
<<nm $phLazren "A wonderful, beautiful cock. Or at least, it will be in just a little while. Don't worry, sweetie. You'll be able to choose your own form soon enough, but I couldn't let you choose without taking the tour first, could I?">>
Lazren's mental voice echoed in your mind again and your body arched, thrusting your hips up off the bed again. Her hands picked up pace and her tongue followed suit, stroking your brand new cock up and down while she probed and prodded and lashed your sex demandingly. You couldn't help it. Couldn't resist. You needed release. You felt it building, stronger than it ever had before. Not just the heat from your pussy, but a new and unfamiliar pressure in your shaft. You //had// to cum!
<<nm $phLazren "You don't mind, do you? This is what you //always// wanted. To be able to please anyone and everyone. To turn every head. To make people question their own tastes every time you walk by. You're going to be able to give them anything they want, until they're broken and begging and will give you anything //you// want just to feel it again. You will break them on their pleasures, my pet. Just be a good girl. Let it out. Give me the power to remake you.">>
She moved beneath you, her tongue finally withdrawing only to be replaced by two long, thrusting fingers. You bucked and writhed, and realized what she intended only a second before she raised her head and took your cock into her mouth and down her throat in a single, fluid motion. She swallowed, the muscles of her throat milking the sensitive flesh of your cockhead. It was too much! You couldn't hold back! You felt yourself release, your body arching once again as your vision went white. Fireworks played across your mind and lightning bolts of pleasure ran across every inch of your new body.
And then everything went [[Black|GenderChoice]].<</if>><<if $phLazTakesYou is 'penetrative'>>Lazren's eyes were almost impossibly bright as she smiled up at you, reflecting far more light than the room actually seemed to be giving off. Her tongue ran along her lower lip slowly, making it shine as well.
<<nm $phLazren "How could I refuse when you ask so sweetly? Let's flip you over, love, so I can claim you good and proper.">>
She reached out to take your hips and flipped you onto your stomach, the weight of your expanded breasts still startling as you rolled over. You began to rise up onto your hands, but the demoness reached over your back to grip your neck and press you back down against the mattress. You could smell the faint scent of floral perfume in the fabric as she held you there.
<<nm $phLazren "That's a good girl. How could I resist an offer like this? Are you ready?">>
She shifted her hips up, and you felt it bumping against your sex. Her cock, like the rest of her, was warmer than any human skin and you felt yourself shudder with anticipation as she positioned herself. She stopped for a moment and let her hand slide back away from your neck and down your hair, getting a grip on the long strands. After a few seconds without her moving, you realized she was expecting an answer, and it was all you could do to nod frantically.
She moved and it was bliss. The head of her thick cock spread you open as easily as if you had been made solely for her. You had never experienced anything that felt remotely like this. As she slid into you, you felt the heat of her body spreading into your belly and fogging your mind. You couldn't imagine ever not having her in you.
She moved slowly at first, inch after inch of her length disappearing into you until you felt like you simply couldn't take any more. Finally hilted, she gave you a bare few seconds to get used to the size, letting the room fill with the mingled sounds of your breathing. Hers husky and excited and your own gasps turning into moans on every exhalation. Then she began to rock her hips, pulling herself back until she was very nearly pulled free of you, only to slam herself home again and press your face hard into the mattress. The room reverberated with the sound of her hips slapping against your ass, and as the pace picked up the rhythm of that slapping intensified. You found it harder and harder to breathe, chest shuddering as you desperately sucked in oxygen.
You weren't sure exactly when it started. You first noticed when the demoness slapped her free hand against your ass with a resounding crack that sent fireworks up into your brain. You moaned and writhed, and then belatedly realized the hand had impacted long before it should have. You shifted your hips and tried to look over your shoulder, but Lazren immediately pushed you back down against the mattress, picking up her pace again. You groaned and stretched your hands out in front of you and dug your fingers into the sheets.
That's when you noticed your hands. Your skin had darkened from the tips of your fingers all the way back to your wrists, turning a deep crimson hue. Not a sunburn or flush, but a deep, rich red. As you watched, the color seemed to flow beneath your skin, overtaking your wrists and beginning to work its way down your arms. As Lazren forced your head into the mattress, you felt the material catching on something atop your head. Two curled pointed somethings. Horns, stretching out from your hairline.
<<nm $phYou "L...Lazren! What's happening? I feel-.">>
You could barely recognize your voice. It was high, soft, and sensual, the kind of voice you could hear advertising for a sex chat hotline on late night TV. You tried to push yourself up, to get a better look at what was happening to you, but Lazren suddenly went into double-time against your backside and you fell forward against the sheets with your toes curling in pleasure.
Your expanded breasts swung with every hard impact against your ass. Fuck, was she even bigger now than when she'd started? You could almost feel the tip of her cock stroking against your brain, making it so fuzzy and hot. Lazren chuckled, her hand slipping beneath you, fingers brushing over your sex even as she continued to piston into you. Then her hands shifted upward a few inches...
And wrapped around something. Something long and hard and sensitive. Something that absolutely should not have been standing erectly between your legs. Something that should not have felt so //good// between the succubus' stroking fingers.
<<nm $phYou "L-Lazren! I...what...I...I have a...">>
<<nm $phLazren "A wonderful, beautiful cock. Or at least, it will be in just a little while. After all, my girls have to be able to please //all// comers, don't they. Don't worry, sweet, you're almost done.">>
Her hand blurred beneath you, jacking off your new member with expert speed without letting up her frantic pounding in the slightest. You couldn't take this! The pleasure was building within you, but it just wouldn't release no matter how much you wanted to. You just kept moaning and writhing and twisting on the bed beneath your demonic paramour, willing your body to crest but unable to force it to do so. You thought you would go out of your mind if she just wouldn't let you //cum//!
<<nm $phLazren "You don't mind, do you? This is what you //always// wanted. To be able to please anyone and everyone. To turn every head. To make people question their own tastes every time you walk by. You're going to be able to give them anything they want, until they're broken and begging and will give you anything //you// want just to feel it again. You will break them on their pleasures, my pet. Just be a good girl. Let it out. Give me the power to remake you.">>
You couldn't resist. Your mind was empty, your body was full of her pounding member, and her fingers milked your brand new cock frantically. You ground your hips down into the sheets, your legs spreading as much as they could to let Lazren fuck you with as much speed as she wanted. Your throat was raw from screaming her name. You couldn't resist. Not now, not ever.
You came. Hard and long, the orgasm crashing through your mind and forcing every muscle in your body rigid. You dimly felt your new cock jump hard in Lazren's hand, making a mess of the bed beneath you as you erupted with sticky white cum. Your sex clenched and your mouth went wide. Silent, however, your throat too tense to allow anything but your ragged breathing through. After what seemed like an eternity it was finally over, allowing you to slump down against the sheets.
And then everything went @@.choice;[[Black.|GenderChoice]]<</if>>@@<<nobr>>
<<set $phTime to 2>>
<<if $phYou.form == "male">>
<<set $phYou.cc_code = "LRBKM">>
<</nobr>>You found yourself drifting forward, the statue getting larger and larger until it become your entire world. You found yourself sinking into their eyes, and the world grew blurrier and blurrier until everything finally faded back into a long, timeless void.
<<nm $phLazren "Wake up, sweetie. I'm all for a little rest, but you need to eat your first meal before too long.">>
Lazren's voice pulled you out of your dream and reluctantly up into consciousness again. You cracked your eyes open blearily and sat up, pushing your hair up out of your eyes as you yawn and try to get your bearings. The comfortable bed in Lazren's office, check. Sunlight streaming through the cracked blinds, check. The demoness standing beside the bed, holding a large, circular mirror in both hands...
<<if $phYou.form != "male">>@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/You/Mobile/Mirror.png">[img[Assets/Characters/You/Mirror.png]]</picture>@@<<else>>@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/You/Mobile/MaleMirror.png">[img[Assets/Characters/You/MaleMirror.png]]</picture><</if>>
<<if $phYou.form is "male">>It was the statue, but it wasn't a statue any longer. It was your dark red hair that was combed back from your temples, your deep crimson skin that marked you as totally inhuman, and your throbbing erection that swung between your legs. You tensed instinctively and felt your muscles bunch powerfully, far more so than they had ever done as a human. You felt like your whole body had become a perfectly coiled spring just waiting to release.
The man in the mirror studied you as you studied him. He was handsome, with strong cheek bones and perfectly unblemished skin. When you flashed your smile, you could see a perfect row of shiny white teeth that all but gleamed in the soft light. He was you. You were something else. You were a demon.
You were an incubus. <<else>>You gasped, snatching the mirror from Lazren's fingers and staring into the polished surface. A succubus stared back at you. Her hair was a dark red and fell in beautifully coiffed waves around her perfect face. Her skin was crimson too, a lighter and utterly unnatural color that could only have been duplicated with whole bucket of face paint. Her dark eyes were wide with shock, and her lips seemed to form a sensual pout even in the midst of her surprise.
Your surprise, that is. The mirror fell from your hands as you look down at yourself. You could barely see past the swell of your chest, the bounty of crimson skin topped with dark, prominent nipples.<<if $phYou.form is "futa">> You didn't need to bend very far forward, however, to see the staff nestled between your legs. Even flaccid, it was huge and imposing, as red as the rest of you.<<else>> Even looking at your own body sent a sensual thrill through your sex and you found yourself rubbing your thighs together with sudden need.<</if>> Memory rushed in. Samantha, the call, the contract, signing in fire, being pushed back onto the bed. Being Changed.
<</if>>You should be angry. Lazren had suckered you in with the promise of power, then took your body on a joy ride. She had altered you for her own pleasure and, even if you //had// gotten to choose your final form, you were still completely different than you had been. You had been changed, and part of you knew it was very much a permanent one.
Yet you couldn't seem to summon up the rage. Thoughts of what you could do with this new body were crowding into your head and making your heart thunder in your chest. You were strong. You were gorgeous. You were temptation incarnate. Wasn't it time to admit that you were everything you had wanted?
Lazren stepped around the mirror carefully, reaching out to put a hand lightly on your shoulder. It...tingled, in a strange way, sending a pleasure right through your core just to be touched. She reached down to pick up the mirror again and turned it to face you. You nearly jumped again. Your crimson skin had changed, the bright red fading back into something like your previous tone. Your horns were tiny nubs, disappearing into your mane of still red hair. The outline of your form was still the same, but you could pass for a human now. Not without turning heads, but you could pass.
<<nm $phLazren "Easy, love. Normal to be a little disorientated. I hope you don't mind my work. I find that the classics are the best when you're just starting out. This is what others will see, though. You'll still //be// what you are, of course, but no one will notice the horns or the tail or anything else they aren't supposed to. The tower will take care of keeping your nature hidden from general public.">>
She looked down at you thoughtfully and raised a hand to your chin, turning your head this way and that like a doctor diagnosing a patient. Finally, she beamed.
<<nm $phLazren "Perfect, <<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>Mr.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>Ms.<</if>>...well, I'm not sure that old name suits you anymore, to be perfectly honest. Why don't you leave it behind? That boring life isn't yours anymore. You're one of mine, now, and you're going to be doing a lot of exciting work. What do you say? New life, new name? Something both your staff and humans can call you?">>
What DO you say?
''Your new name is...''
<<textbox "$phYou.firstname" "Red">> @@.choice;[[OK|Feeding1][$phYou.portrait to "You",$phUIDisplay to 0.5]]@@<<nm $phYou "$phYou.firstname. My name is $phYou.firstname.">>
<<nm $phLazren "<<if $phYou.firstname is 'Lazren'>>They do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I just hope that you're a //little// more imaginative when it comes to getting your work done.<<else>>$phYou.firstname it is. That'll do just fine, love, it's your call.<</if>> Now, you're almost done, but I've still got some things to teach you. It's a brand new world, but there are rules. For now, anyway. As you get older, there aren't so many, but that's a whole other subject. I'm guessing you're feeling a little peckish, aren't you?">>
You put your hand over your stomach and frowned. You //did// feel hungry, but it wasn't quite the same. It wasn't all in your stomach, for one thing. Your entire body ached and growled for something, but you had no idea what it was.
<<nm $phYou "Kinda? I mean, I DO but it's-.">>
<<nm $phLazren "Different, I know. You're an infernal now, or close enough to it. You don't need to eat or go to the bathroom or even breathe, if you don't want to. You'll still need to sleep; after all, you're a <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>son<<else>>daughter<</if>> of Sloth now. And you //do// need energy. Human energy, specifically. Soul energy. You used up most of yours during the transformation, so we'll need to get it from somewhere else.">>
The purple-skinned woman leaned down, gathering up your hands in both of hers and squeezing gently. You couldn't help but get the feeling you were being given some demonic version of the 'birds and the bees' talk. Soul energy. You didn't even really know what it was, and yet your mouth watered at the very thought of it.
<<nm $phYou "Okay. If that's what I need, how do I get it?">>
<<nm $phLazren "//That// is what the building is for, love. I've set you up with a pretty easy buffet, though you'll need to put in some work to get it humming. The building will help feed you. First, you'll be able to open some shops. You don't need to worry about money, but it'll cost you energy to maintain each place. In return, though, every shop will siphon off a little of that stuff from your customers. If they want a good meal, your restaurant will satisfy right to the core. If they want to be thinner, your gym will give them the best results they've ever had. That sort of thing. In return, we'll get a bit of that energy. Again, it's finding what they want and giving it to them.">>
That was...decidedly less dramatic than you had been hoping for. Your disappointment must have showed on your face, because Lazren tilted her head back and laughed. She reached up, and touched your cheek with one hand. The hand didn't feel nearly as unnaturally hot, but you guessed that might be because //you// had a higher temperature than you'd had before.
<<nm $phLazren "Of course that isn't //all// we do, love. No, that'll keep the lights on. The shops are the lure, to give people a reason to be here and expose their desires. That's where you come in. There are certain people in the world who have more energy than others. I won't get into the details now, but you'll certainly feel when someone is brimming with enough power to make a dramatic change. Left to their own devices, they'll probably funnel that into getting a new job or an exercise routine or buying a new house. Boring. You're going to do more. Talk to them, find out what they're after, and coax them down a path you want. Make them happy, and they'll surrender everything to you.">>
<<nm $phYou "But why would anyone believe me? I don't go around flashing my horns and claiming to be a demon, do I? And even if I do get them on board, how do I actually do it?">>
<<nm $phLazren "Not usually. Some humans are into that. Paradise will help people believe. The tower will open them up faster and deeper than they ever would on their own. You still have to work, but getting their belief won't be the hardest part. As for the 'how', you didn't think I was going to abandon you without a little practice, did you?">>
Lazren beamed at you, releasing your hands and walking gracefully to the desk in the corner of the room. She was still nude, and still didn't seem to care in the slightest. She leaned down and pressed a small button on a table intercom.
<<nm $phLazren "Oh Samantha? Be a doll and come say hello to the new boss.">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Of course! Right away!">>
The secretary certainly sounded @@.choice;[[Excited!|Feeding2]]@@You heard the front door to the suite open and close, and the rhythmic click clack of heels on the marble floor. After a few seconds, the mousy secretary followed her footsteps into the room. Despite the fact that Lazren was still standing on full display, she didn't show the slightest bit of surprise. When she caught sight of you, however, her hands flew to her face and her cheeks turned a bright, blushing red.
<<nm $phSamantha "<<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>Oh wow! He really...he turned out so...He's gorgeous, ma'am!<<if ($phYou.form is 'female') or ($phYou.form is 'futa')>> Or, she is, sorry! I guess that's a little more accurate.<</if>> I figured when they didn't come out immediately it had probably gone well but...wow!<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>Oh wow! She turned out amazingly, ma'am! <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>> Or rather, he did! I guess 'handsome' might be the word.<</if>> I figured when she didn't come out immediately she had probably accepted things but...wow!<</if>>">>
Samantha's eyes tracked over you, and you fought the sudden urge to turn profile and show off. Part of you felt embarrassed about your new demonic additions, but significantly more of you was pleased that Samantha had noticed and more than happy to give the secretary a more personal encounter if she wanted one. You weren't sure if that was some reaction for your new body or if, by now, you were just coming to grips with the fact that you'd been converted into a super model.<<if $phYou.form is 'futa'>> Albeit one with some extra equipment that wouldn't make the swimsuit edition.<</if>>
Lazren stepped up behind Samantha, put a hand on her back, and turned around toward you with a bright smile. The succubus's fingers curled affectionately around the woman, and the secretary all but purred as she leaned in to the embrace.
<<nm $phLazren "Samantha here came to me about a year ago. Something of a long story for another day, but I could tell right away that she was very special. She's been helping me prepare for this tower and look through our potential recruits. Mortals are sometimes a better judge of other mortals, I've found. That, and she knew she was going to be your first gift, so she had incentive to find the right candidate.">>
<<nm $phYou "...Gift?">>
You looked at Samantha slowly, up and down, and then back across to Lazren. The succubus smiled, her hand descending from Samantha's back to spread across her rear and nudge her forward a few steps toward you.
<<nm $phLazren "Samantha, dear. Tell $phYou.firstname what you truly want. What will make you happy.">>
Samantha moved up to you in halting little steps, the mousy woman's eyes darting everywhere around the room except looking straight at you, her hands clutching one another in front of her long skirt. She hesitated for several seconds, sucking her lower lip into her mouth uncertainly. Then the floor thumped as she dropped to her knees, words suddenly tumbling out in a mad scramble.
<<nm $phSamantha "<<if $phYou.gender is 'male'>>Mr.<</if>><<if $phYou.gender is 'female'>>Ms.<</if>> $phYou.surname...or...$phYou.firstname. I...I want to serve. I've always wanted it. I want to be used and altered...I want to be useful and loved! I want to kneel at my owner's feet and have $pher look down at me like I'm a piece of property. I always have. I've always gone to bed with those perverted thoughts keeping me up! I want to be yours...if you'll have me. However you'll have me. Please.">>
She fell silent at last, her hands trembling at her sides as she kept her head bowed. You couldn't see her face, but you could tell by the way her body was shaking that she must have still been blushing hard. It had probably taken everything she had just to say all that. No surprise -- you had just met like an hour ago. You looked to Lazren, uncertain how to even respond.
<<nm $phLazren "Don't be so surprised. Samantha has had a year to come to grips with her desires, and she's exactly what you need right now. She'll be your first, my dear <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>son<<else>>daughter<</if>>. Keep at least some of her brain; you'll want her organizing the books. Beyond that, she's yours now, and she wants to be whatever you want her to be.">>
You looked back at the kneeling woman in some astonishment, but you could also feel your heart begin to beat faster and a strange, needy heat start to work its way through you. A day ago, you'd never imagine that anyone would be literally throwing themselves at your feet this way. You knew you //should// be a little disgusted by just how easily she was being offered up.
Instead, all you felt was hungry. The ache in your body was back with a vengeance.
<<nm $phYou "Okay. So. What do I do? How does this work?">>
<<nm $phLazren "First, you find out enough about your target to know what they want. Samantha here just made that very easy for you, since all you need to be is her owner. Then, you need a focus. An object. Something they can accept to begin the magic. It just so happens that I have something that will do just fine.">>
The demoness cupped her hands together in the air, and pulled them apart slowly. As her hands separated, a leather band appeared between them. It was dark black, ringed along top and bottom with silver, and studded in the middle with a silver heart. Lazren dropped the collar into your hands and you caught it by reflex. The metal still felt hot against your fingertips.
<<nm $phLazren "I can be something of a traditionalist, love. Anyway, you know what she wants. Now you've got a focus. All you have to do is get her to accept it. Oh! And have something in mind. You don't often get a second chance to touch up a transformation, so make sure it's firm in your head before you try it. You can get some pretty interesting results if your mind wanders halfway.">>
You nodded, as if that made any sense at all, but it wasn't even the weirdest thing you'd seen today. Slowly, you turned back to Samantha, and found that she'd straightened her knees and reached up to pull her hair away from her neck, baring the small expanse freckled skin. She risked a peek upward at you, and you could see the trepidation and excitement warring for control of her mind. You supposed that took care of the accepting part.
Which just left the mental picture. Suddenly, despite all your earlier anticipation, your mind went blank. How were you supposed to know what someone wanted in their deepest fantasies when you'd only //known// them for less than a day? Hell, how did you even know what //you// wanted at this point? You swallowed hard, stepping close to the secretary with slow, deliberate movements. You hoped they seemed intentionally ritualistic and not like you were stalling desperately for time.
What did you want?
You wanted...
[[Utter Loyalty|Feeding3][$phSamantha.transform to 'bimbo']]@@ You wanted Samantha sexy, horny, and totally dedicated to you. She could keep just enough of her brain to do the paperwork, but you weren't going to miss the chance to make a sexpot secretary. You wanted her spreading her legs at the snap of your fingers.
[[A Partner|Feeding3][$phSamantha.transform to 'futa']] @@ You didn't need a sex toy as much as you needed someone worth talking to. Of course, she could still be incredibly hot, horny, and devoted, but you could stand a little backtalk and teasing. In fact, you wanted her just as equipped as Lazren was. A secretary with a tent in her skirt was a fine image.The collar snapped into place with a satisfying little click, even though you hadn't noticed a buckle on it. You weren't surprised to notice that there was no longer any break in the leather material at all. The effect was instantaneous. Samantha's eyes went wide, and flashed with a sudden burst of purple light. Her jaw dropped, and she sucked in a deep, quivering breath.
<<nm $phSamantha "I feel it! I feel it! It feels...it feels so warm, <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>Sir<<else>>Miss<</if>>! It's...It's tingling! My whole body is tingling! It's...It's moving out from my neck!">>
You sympathized, since you had gone through much the same only moment before. You spared a glance in Lazren's direction. The succubus had sat down on the edge of the bed, one knee drawn up, one hand idly stroking her own length. She nodded when you met her eyes.
<<nm $phLazren "Mmm. There's something to be said for a slow change but I didn't think we wanted to waste time, so this one will be a little--">>
A moan split the air and pulled your attention back to the secretary. Samantha was still on her knees, but now she was gripping her breasts with both hands. You couldn't help but notice the fabric of her blouse was pulled tight -- much tighter than it had been when you had arrived.
<<if $phSamantha.transform is 'bimbo'>>Samantha's eyes pingponged between looking down at her body and up at you in astonished wonder. You noticed her lips were fuller and glossier than they had been before, curling into a perfect 'O' of surprised fascination. Her hair, too, was changing. You thought you caught a hint of blonde highlight at the roots, beginning to work its way up the brown strands.
<<nm $phSamantha "I...Oh wow... $pMistress! This is...this is...I don't even know what to say! It's like...warm, everywhere! And my head is all fuzzy!">>
You found yourself licking your lips, realizing that your new secretary didn't even notice the timbre of her voice was changing, pitching upward by the second and developing a breathy kind of whine. A deep cracking sound of strained fabric brought your attention back to her chest. The buttons strained as her growing mounds threatened to exceed what the poor garment could cope with. You thought for a second that the buttons would give way, but before they could the whole outfit tore open with a resounding noise, leaving the secretary blinking down at her bare breasts in the ruins of her shredded top.
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Samantha/Mobile/Sammy1.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Samantha/Sammy1.png]]</picture>@@
Another loud rip told you that wasn't the only place she was expanding. Samantha gasped, both hands flying to her backside. Her skirt was tearing along both sides, trying to pack in a rear that was absolutely not going to be contained. Where she had previously been toned, her new ass was the kind of perfectly shaped swell that all but begged to be spanked, and spanked hard. The skirt held better than the shirt had, but every time the woman wiggled her hips the garment made a deep, creaking protest that signaled it would only be a matter of time.
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Samantha/Mobile/Sammy2.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Samantha/Sammy2.png]]</picture>@@
<<Transform $phSamantha "bimbo">>Finally, it stopped. The plain, shy secretary you had found on your arrival was gone. In her place was a panting, blonde bimbo. The shreds of her clothes still clung to her curves, more out of habit than structural integrity, and those curves had all been generously multiplied. She was breathing deeply with her eyes closed, an activity that seemed to take up most of her attention. One hand was still gripping her own ass as the other brushed over her stomach, drawing slow circles across new, sensitive flesh.
Then she opened her eyes. <<if ($phYou.form is 'male') or ($phYou.form is 'futa')>>You thought at first she was unwilling to lift her head to meet your gaze...until you realized that every swing of your hips moved her head from one side to the other. She was staring at your cock the way a hypnosis victim would study a swinging watch.<</if>><<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>You thought at first she was unwilling to lift her head to meet your gaze, until the followed the line of her eyes and found her attention riveted to your chest. You swayed back and forth briefly, and Samantha's head swayed in time with the motions the way someone would follow a hypnotist's watch.<</if>>
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Samantha/Mobile/Sammy3.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Samantha/Sammy3.png]]</picture>@@
<<nm $phSamantha "Mmm. $phSamantha.Address! You, like, made me all hot and bubbly and stuff. That's //so// fucking cool. Do you want me to...um...thank you all nice? I want to be a good girl for you...Such a good girl...">>
Her tone was drowsy and distracted, and as she spoke you saw she was leaning forward more and more, putting her head right at the level of your thighs. She tilted her head up, the tip of her tongue appearing between her lips as she inhaled deeply. She was crawling toward you now, so slowly you weren't sure she was even aware of it.
Just before she reached you, though, Lazren reached out and grabbed the back of her collar, holding her in place. The blonde whined, looking up with desperate confusion in her eyes.
<<nm $phLazren "It's okay, sweetie. You didn't do anything wrong. You're exactly what your $phSamantha.Address wanted. Mmm. $pShe owns you, doesn't $pshe? You just let $pher rewrite your mind and your body, didn't you? $pShe's going to fuck you soon, like a little personal whore toy. And you love that now, huh?">>
Samantha had gone rigid as the succubus spoke, her eyes wide and full of need. She quivered slightly in place, her mouth opened wide as she began to moan, both of her hand disappearing between her thighs to stroke frantically at the ruins of her skirt. Lazren bent further, her voice dropping to a husky whisper.
<<nm $phLazren "That's the life you wanted, wasn't it? Working the front desk in a slutty outfit that lets everyone see exactly what you are? Letting your $phSamantha.Address bend you over anything that is handy for a good fuck whenever $pshe wants? Giving $pher the power to empty out your little brain whenever $pshe feels like i- Oh! There we are!">>
Samantha clamped her legs together hard, eyes snapping open as she tilted her head back and let out the most orgasmic cry you had ever heard. Her hips bucked, her breasts bounced, her tongue was nearly lolling out of her mouth as she bobbed up and down in place with her mouth hanging open.
But your attention was elsewhere. Something between the woman's lips lit up her mouth with a soft greenish glow. It grew brighter by the moment, until it shone like a firefly laying on the tip of her tongue: a ball of hazy green light. Lazren leaned down, carefully plucked it up, and laid the glimmering ball across the palm of her hand. The succubus turned toward you and lifted her hand to offer up the glowing mote.
<<nm $phLazren "And this, my sweet, is what you're after. What you need. Enough surrender and pleasure that they don't ever want to be anything else ever again. Samantha was prepared for you; you'll need to work a little harder for the others to get them to pop. But for now, why don't you have your first meal?">>
Your stomach rumbled again and your entire body ached. You found yourself staring at the green spot of light just as intensely as Samantha had stared at your new body. You reached out without any conscious thought to take Lazren's wrist, guiding the glowing morsel to your lips.
It was...exquisite. You didn't have any words to describe it. It tingled on your tongue like an electric shock, but tasted like every fine meal you had ever had. It burned down your throat like a shot of alcohol but settled in your belly like a soothing mug of hot cocoa on a cold day. You felt suddenly like there was nothing that you couldn't do, nothing you couldn't accomplish, and no one that could ever stand in your way.
You wanted to take risks. You wanted success. You wanted to show off exactly what you were and see the whole world kneeling at your feet. You knew that they would, someday, and you would generously allow them to supplicate themselves. You would do them the honor of extending your foot to be kissed, and they would love you for it. They would adore you, all of them, and you would remake them in your own image. Blessing them with the perfection of your will.
<</if>><<if $phSamantha.transform is 'futa'>>The secretary let out a high pitched cry that slid into a lower, huskier moan. Her hair, already dark brown, was rapidly becoming as black as night, shimmering in the low light. It fell across her face and you realize that it was getting longer even as you watched, extending past her shoulders to fall over her blouse-straining bosom.
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Samantha/Mobile/Samantha1.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Samantha/Samantha1.png]]</picture>@@
A sudden pop in the room signaled the uppermost button on Samantha's shirt giving up the ghost, launching across the room like a bullet. That proved to be only the vanguard of the next three in similarly spectacular fashion, leaving the woman staring down in awe at her sudden wealth of cleavage. Then a tearing noise drew your attention downward. The woman's skirt, which had been tight across a toned rear, torn at the hips. As you watched, more and more thigh emerged from the end of the overtaxed skirt, and you realized she was actually getting taller, her head slowly reaching your own height.
<<nm $phSamantha "Ah! $pMistress! Too tight, too tight!">>
Her voice was a low, purring moan now, discomfort and arousal fighting for control as she arched her back. Another tearing sound filled the air, and you thought for a moment her skirt had finally torn off entirely. After a second, though, you saw a white, cottony set of ripped panties flutter down between Samantha's thighs. And then spotted the rather obvious bulge pressing against the front of the skirt's fabric, tenting it outward over a mouth-watering shaft.
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Samantha/Mobile/Samantha2.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Samantha/Samantha2.png]]</picture>@@
<<Transform $phSamantha "futa">>Finally, it stopped. The plain and prudish looking secretary was gone. The woman that climbed unsteadily to her feet was tall, leggy, and moved with utter confidence. For a moment she stared down at the still obvious swell in the front of her skirt, both of her hands descending down over the fabric to either side of her new erection. Then, she flipped her head back and sent a cascade of midnight black hair down across her shoulders, meeting your eyes for the first time. Her makeup had intensified while her face had been covered, and was now dark, bold, and perfectly applied.
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Samantha/Mobile/Samantha3.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Samantha/Samantha3.png]]</picture>@@
<<nm $phSamantha "Ooooh $phSamantha.Address. I'm absolutely perfect. We're going to have so much //fun// here, you and I. I have so much to thank you for...should I start like this?">>
Her voice was a husky coo, rippling with confident pride. When she pronounced the word '$phSamantha.Address' it was genuine, but there was a playful, toying note to the address. She took two steps forward, one of her hands extending for you, obviously looking to press across your front and shamelessly reach between your legs.
And she would have, too. If Lazren hadn't reached out and wrapped both arms around the now taller woman's hips to stop her, tilting her head upward to talk directly into Samantha's ear.
<<nm $phLazren "Not just yet, sweetie. But don't worry, there's nothing wrong. You're exactly what your $phSamantha.Address wanted. Mmm, you just let yourself get sculpted, didn't you? $pShe owns you now, doesn't $pshe? You're so ready to go after the other girls with that thing between your legs, but you're still your $phSamantha.Address's creation, right?">>
Samantha had gone rigid as the succubus spoke, her eyes wide and her cheeks flushed with arousal. She quivered slightly in place, her mouth opened wide as she began to moan, both of her hands dropping back to the front of her skirt to stroke frantically across her bulge. Lazren tilted her head up further, her lips nearly brushing the secretary's ear with every syllable.
<<nm $phLazren "That's the life you wanted, wasn't it? You're going to work the front desk and smile at customers and try not to let them see how //hard// you get thinking about what's going to happen to them. You're going to be the best girl you can be for $phSamantha.Address, aren't you? Hoping $pshe'll let you break one of the new girls? And equally hoping $pshe bends you over the front of your desk, huh? And if you're very, very good and faithful, maybe one day $pshe'll order you to come to her room at night, slide into bed with $pher, then take your throbbing, thick cock and- Oh! There we go!">>
Samantha clamped her legs together hard, eyes snapping open as she tilted her head back and let out the most orgasmic cry you had ever heard. Her hips bucked, her breasts bounced, her tongue was nearly hanging out of her mouth as she shuddered and quaked. You saw a huge wet spot appear across the front of her skirt, just above that brand new bulge.
But your attention was elsewhere. Something between the woman's lips lit up her mouth with a soft greenish glow. It grew brighter by the moment, until it shone like a firefly laying on the tip of her tongue: a ball of hazy green light. Lazren leaned down, carefully plucked it up, and lay the little glimmering ball across the palm of her hand. The succubus turned toward you, and lifted her hand to offer up the glowing mote.
<<nm $phLazren "And this, my sweet, is what you're after. What you need. Enough surrender and pleasure that they don't ever want to be anything else ever again. Samantha was prepared for you; you'll need to work a little harder for the others to get them to pop. But for now, why don't you have your first meal?">>
Your stomach rumbled again and your entire body ached. You found yourself staring at the green spot of light with the same burning need that had shone in Samantha for your new body. You reached out without any conscious thought to take Lazren's wrist, guiding the glowing morsel to your lips.
It was...exquisite. You didn't have any words to describe it. It tingled on your tongue like an electric shock, but tasted like every fine meal that you had ever had. It burned down your throat like a shot of alcohol but settled in your belly like a soothing mug of hot cocoa on a cold day. You felt suddenly like there was nothing that you couldn't do, nothing you couldn't accomplish, and no one that could ever stand in your way.
You wanted to take risks. You wanted success. You wanted to show off exactly what you were and see the whole world kneeling at your feet. You knew that they would, someday, and you would generously allow them to supplicate themselves. You would do them the honor of extending your foot to be kissed, and they would love you for it. They would adore you, all of them, and you would remake them in your own image. Blessing them with the perfection of your will.
[[Bliss.|Feeding4]]@@<</if>><<set $phTime to 4>>You weren't sure how long it was before you came back to yourself, except that Samantha was no longer in the room. You found yourself with your head against something soft, and were startled to find it was Lazren's legs. The succubus cradled your head in her lap, peering down at you with a strangely maternal smile.
<<nm $phLazren "There we are. Just about done for the day, I'd say. How do you feel? Good?">>
Actually, you did feel good. Really, really good. You felt like you'd had a wonderful night's sleep, soaked in a bubble bath for an hour, eaten a five star-meal, and picked up the three hottest dancers at a bar all in the same day. Though, at the same time, you felt like you could barely keep your eyes open. You'd arrived at the skyscraper around noon and you felt like it had been days since you walked in the door.
<<nm $phLazren "Ah, I thought as much. Don't push it too far, but that spark ought to sustain for quite a while. Samantha was a good one. Don't worry, she's just at her desk. I told her you'd need to rest. But there are a few last details for us to go over.">>
<<nm $phYou "Samantha...did it turn out the way you wanted it to? Did I do it right?">>
<<if $phSamantha.transform is 'bimbo'>><<nm $phLazren "Hmm? Oh yes, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what she had in mind. Traditional, maybe, but you can't argue with the classics. Just be sure to keep an eye on her. You set her libido pretty high and I bet she's going to get easily 'distracted'. Still, that's your prerogative. She'll help you get started. I'm also leaving you another of my assistants, Mason, who'll help show you the ropes of building. He's also good at making foci, so be sure to stop into his office when you wake up.">><</if>><<if $phSamantha.transform is 'futa'>><<nm $phLazren "Hmm? Oh yes, probably even better than she was expecting. I'm impressed. You left her the brains she'll need to run the shop, like I told you, but you also left her with some initiative. Just keep an eye on her. Politics among my girls is bloodless, but it still happens. You wouldn't be the first of mine who made a servant that eventually ended up holding the collar. Still, she'll help you get started. I'm also leaving you another of my assistants, Mason, who'll help show you the ropes of building. He's also pretty good at making foci, so be sure to stop into his office when you wake up.">><</if>>
She brushed her hand over your brow while she talked. You struggled to keep your mind on the conversation, but exhaustion was beginning to darken the edges of your vision. You felt like you were going to sleep for a week the moment the succubus stopped talking.
<<nm $phYou "There's more?">>
<<nm $phLazren "Not too much more, don't worry. I'll be checking in on you again soon. Two weeks, to be exact. That should be long enough for you to get things established, and extract a few soulgems. I'll want three, counting Samantha, which you already have. That should be a pretty light quota for learning the ropes. I expect you'll find you have a talent for the work.">>
<<nm $phYou "And if I don't get all three?">>
Lazren's smile was just a little bit less maternal this time. Confident and predatory, showing all of her teeth.
<<nm $phLazren "I'd be disappointed. I've been wrong about people before. I wouldn't kick you out on the street or anything. I'd just change your position. Maybe the next person to fill the seat will do better with you //and// Samantha at their feet.">>
Yikes. Suddenly you didn't feel quite as comfortable falling asleep in her lap as you had a moment ago.
<<nm $phLazren "Don't worry, love, I've got faith in you. So much so, that I had one last gift made for you. Something for your personal life more than your work, in fact.">>
She brought her other hand up in front of your face, and you blinked. Between her fingers she held a thin silver chain necklace. Hanging at the end of the necklace was grape-sized emerald held within a silver frame. No, it wasn't just an emerald. As she held it out, Lazren nudged the jewel with her thumb, and it spun within its frame, revealing that the other side of the gem was a ruby red.
<<nm $phYou "Jewelry?">>
<<nm $phLazren "Of a sort. It's not just decoration, though. Look, you're the boss here, and you're going to make some freaky, interesting servants to have fun with, and they're going to be incredibly excited to try their new bodies with you. That's fine, love. A happy worker is a productive worker and all that. But just because you make a domme doesn't mean you need to be on your knees in front of them, and just because you're the boss doesn't mean you can't enjoy getting railed straight into the ground. So I made this. Simple enough. Red side will encourage your people to let you have the top in bed...and the green side will make sure they don't hesitate at all to put a hand on the boss. Keep it on one side or change it every day, the choice is up to you.">>
<<nm $phYou "You made me a magic necklace...that encourages my own employees to fuck me?">>
<<nm $phLazren "You're working for me now, love. What the Hell do I care if you like to take it hard or dish it out? Whatever makes you happy. I'll leave it on your desk. Now -- go to sleep. You're going to need some hibernation before you're ready to roll. Samantha is ready to help you, and Mason will be here by the time you wake up. Just remember: I'll be back in two weeks, okay?">>
Part of you wanted to protest. You wanted to ask more questions about exactly what she wanted you to do. How you were supposed to collect souls and what you were supposed to do with them when you had them. But she was right. Your body was already relaxing and your eyelids were heavy.
One last time, you found your vision growing @@.choice;[[Dark.|Feeding5]]@@<<set $phTime to 0>><<set $phGameDays += 1>>In the morning, she was gone.
You weren't been overly surprised. Somehow, Lazren didn't strike you as a detail person. She had given you the basics and pushed you on your way, and that seemed to be enough for her. You wondered if she really was Sloth, or if that was some kind of joke. Honestly, either one seemed equally rational at this point. Or at least as close to 'rational' as anything about this job had been so far.
So you got up, studied your new body just a little too closely in a full length mirror, and went to shower in the frankly embarrassingly high-class shower. Your entire prior apartment could probably have fit inside of it with enough room left over to still fit the marble Jacuzzi tub. A hot soak had been blissful, finally allowing you a little bit of quiet to organize your thoughts.
Two weeks. You had two weeks to collect three soul gems, whatever those were. Apparently you already had one of them from Samantha, and you could still feel the little spot of warmth in your chest where you'd swallowed it down. You guessed you were a full-fledged demon, now, or close to it: given the task of luring in humans to give up their souls for carnal pleasure.
Having experienced a few tastes of the carnal pleasures in question, you didn't feel like it was all that bad of a deal anymore.
You found a closet full of clothing that had obviously been exactly tailored for your new form. The shirts even had a small slit across the small of the back to poke your new tail through. You waved it back and forth a few times, but had difficulty getting it to move exactly where you wanted. Perhaps it would come with time. <<if ($phYou.gender is 'male') and ($phYou.form is 'female' or $phYou.form is 'futa')>>
Your new body would take some getting used to even aside from the demonic aspects, of course. You'd fumbled with a bra until you'd managed to get it clasped around your chest, and then had stood admiring the swell of your new bust in a mirror. It was strange. When you actually thought about it, it felt totally wrong. The moment your mind wandered, however, your body seemed to move itself on autopilot just fine. The less attention you paid, the more easily you seemed to operate.
<</if>><<if ($phYou.gender is 'female') and ($phYou.form is 'male' or $phYou.form is 'futa')>>Your new body would take some getting used to even aside from the demonic aspects, of course. You'd been very careful with your zipper as you closed it over your new cock, and the attention had only made it harder and more difficult to manage. You'd finally managed to settle it in a position that wasn't painfully obvious and breathed a sigh of relief. It was strange. When you actually thought about it, it was totally wrong. The moment your mind wandered, however, your body seemed to move itself on autopilot just fine. The less attention you paid, the more easily you seemed to operate.<</if>>
You slid into a suit jacket that probably cost more than your entire previous life savings, but you left the silk tie on the rack for today. It was your first day, and you were the boss. You called the shots now, and you got to decide on the dress code.
<<if $phYou.form != "male">>@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/You/Mobile/YouIntro.png">[img[Assets/Characters/You/YouIntro.png]]</picture>@@<<else>>@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/You/Mobile/YouMaleIntro.png">[img[Assets/Characters/You/YouMaleIntro.png]]</picture>@@<</if>>
You studied yourself in the mirror. You were still the model of a demon, with your dark red skin, horns, and the forked tail that followed around behind you like a puppy. Yet, when you let your eyes cross, or looked at the mirror out of the corner of your eye...you were human. The horns were gone, your skin a more human tone, and the tail nowhere to be seen. You assumed that was what your targets would be seeing. It would be an awful short venture if the first person you walked up to asked why you were dressed up for Halloween. That should have worried you, but it didn't. Whatever Lazren was, the power she had demonstrated was more than enough to convince you she could handle your disguise.
You were just about to screw up the courage to venture out into the world when a gleam of silver caught your eye. The necklace Lazren had shown you last night lay on the nightstand, just beside the bed, the jewel half turned within the socket so that neither color was fully facing out. You picked it up and studied it as it swayed in the air.
One side to be their @@.gemred;dominant@@, to take what you wanted. The other side to have a little @@.gemgreen;submissive@@ fun, and see what they would do with you when they could. You could change it later, but for now, you knew what you wanted.
You wanted...
[[Red.|Feeding6][$phYou.necklace to 'top']] I didn't give up humanity to be anyone else's sex toy. At least not today.@@
[[Green.|Feeding6][$phYou.necklace to 'bottom']] What, I'm supposed to have everyone walking on eggshells around me? I enjoy a good fuck as much as the next... uh, <<if ($phYou.form is 'male')>>incubus?<<else>>succubus?<</if>> Whatever. Time to have fun.@@<<set $phTime to 0>><<set $phSoulCount to 1>><<set $phEnergy to 100>><<set $phSamantha.post_talk to 0>><<set $phMason.post_talk to 0>><<set $phUIDisplay to 1>><<set $phLazDays to 14>><<set settings.phSpoilerMode to 0>><<set $phStoryProgression to 1>><<run memorize('characters_pulse',true)>><<if $phYou.necklace is 'top'>><<run memorize('phNeckAchieve','phAllDom')>>You turned the jewel so that the red side was facing out, signaling that you would be remaining on top for now.<</if>><<if $phYou.necklace is 'bottom'>><<run memorize('phNeckAchieve','phAllSub')>>You turned the jewel so that the green side was facing out, signaling that you were willing to take as good as you could give.<</if>> You could swear there was a little light shining within the jewel for a moment, but when you looked closely it was gone. Whatever. It wouldn't even crack your top ten list of weirdness this week.
You settled the necklace on your shoulders and tucked the jewel down against your chest. It was warm against your skin, not at all unpleasant, but you didn't otherwise feel any different. Lazren had told you the necklace would affect others. You supposed you would figure it out when the time was right.
You were ready. You fixed the collar of your shirt, took final stock of yourself in the mirror, and turned toward the door. You had two weeks to decide if signing that contract was the best or worst thing you had ever done in your life. Either way, it was done. You had been dealt a hand at the table.
It was time to @@.choice;[[Play!|SummaryModeOffer]]@@<<include BedroomTriggers>><<script>>if (previous() == "Sleep") { Save.autosave.save("Autosave - Day " + variables().phGameDays); variables().phTime = 0; }<</script>><<include "MasonSubTriggers">><<include "MasonDomTriggers">><<if (($phStoryProgression is 2) and ($phLazDays is 0)) or (($phStoryProgression is 3) and ($phAverySabotage is 0) and ($phLazDays is 0))>><<include AveryArrival>><</if>><<if ($phStoryProgression is 3) and (ndef $phAverySabotage) and ($phLazDays is 0)>><<include ChastityFirstPhonecall>><</if>><<if (($phStoryProgression is 3.1) or ($phStoryProgression is 3.2)) and ($phLazDays is 0)>><<include ChastitySecondPhonecall>><</if>><<if (($phXavier.date is 4) or ($phXavier.date is 5) or ($phXavier.date is 6)) and ($phXavier.recharge is 0) and (ndef _interrupt)>><<include XavierDryadDate>><</if>><<if ndef _interrupt>>Your personal suite would make Caligula blush. You swore every time you looked you found an additional bedroom or office in the upstairs hallway, and each could probably fit your entire previous apartment inside them. The motif was white and gold, with marble flooring and gold trim crammed into every available space.
Your bed dominated the bedroom. Littered with numerous blankets and pillows, it closed around your body every time you lay down and made you want to sleep forever. Your office desk was set just in front the massive glass window that made up one entire wall and allowed you to admire the sprawl of the city far below you. Your inbox always seemed to contain the most up-to-date reports, even though you'd never seen $phSamantha.name or anyone else actually drop them off at your desk.<<if (($phXavier.date gt 5.7) and ($phXavier.date lt 7.1) and (Math.trunc($phXavier.date) is not 6)) and ($phXavier.transform is 'dryad')>>
You know, you figured Damien and Xun must have visited her parents by //now//. Maybe you ought to check in with them when you had the chance?<</if>>
I want to make some @@.choice;[[Wardrobe Adjustments.|Dresser]]@@<<if $phLazDays gt 0>>
<<if $phMammon.focus_bank is 2>>Maybe it would be wise to @@.choice;[[Check Your Investments.|InvestmentScreenBedroom]]@@
<</if>><<if ($phRomanceControl is 1) and ($phRomanceTimer is 0)>><<if $phEnergy gte 100>>You think the tower would be ready for another @@.choice;[[Stress Test - 100 Energy|Bedroom][$phGoodbye to 'RomanceControl']]@@<<else>>@@.unavailable;You think the tower would be ready for another stress test - 100 Energy<</if>>
<</if>>Enough for today. Time to @@.choice;[[Sleep.|Sleep]]@@
<</if>><<include DateSolutionPrompts>><<if ($phMason.transform is 'sub') and ($phMason.commands.includes("Masturbate")) and ($phTime is 2) and ($phMason.recharge is 0)>><br>Call Mason To Check On His @@.choice;[['Enjoyment'|MasonSubSex][$phMason.sex to 5]]@@
<</if>><<if ($phMason.transform is 'dom') and ($phMasonCommand is 'Call') and ($phTime is 2)>><br>Go To The Bed And Give @@.choice;[[Mason A Call|MasonDomSex][$phMason.sex to 99]]@@
<</if>><br>Head to the @@.choice;[[Office.|Office]]@@<<if $phTime > 2>><<goto 'Sleep'>><</if>><</if>><<set $phLocation to 'Sleep'>><<set $phTime to 3>><<nobr>>
<<include "GymTriggers">>
<<include "CompTriggers">>
<<include "ShakeTriggers">>
<<include "InfernoTriggers">>
<<include "ElysiumTriggers">>
<<include "BankTriggers">>
<<include "CasinoTriggers">>
<</nobr>><<if (ndef _interrupt) and ($phSeleneTimer is 0) and (($phXavierHuntDays is not 0) or ($phXavierHunt is 11)) and ($phLazDays is not 0)>><<set _interrupt to 'Selene'>><<include "SeleneAdventure">><</if>><<if (ndef _interrupt) and ($phSamanthaDateTimer is 0) and (($phXavierHuntDays is not 0) or ($phXavierHunt is 11)) and ($phLazDays is not 0)>><<if ($phSamantha.date gt 6) and ($phSamantha.date lt 10) and (($phSamanthaSuitor is 'Mason') or ($phSamanthaSuitor is 'Damien')) >><<set _interrupt to 'Samantha'>><<set $phSamantha.date to 10>><<include "SamConvoInterrupts">><</if>><</if>><<if (ndef _interrupt) and ($phSamantha.date is 11) and (($phSamanthaSuitor is 'Mason') or ($phSamanthaSuitor is 'Damien'))>><<set _interrupt to 'Samantha'>><<include "SamDateSexScenes">><</if>><<if (($phCassandra.date is 4.4) or ($phCassandra.date is 5.3) or ($phCassandra.date is 5.6)) and ($phCassandra.transform is 'punk')>><<set _interrupt to 'Cass'>><<include "CassPunkDate">><</if>><<if (($phXavier.date is 4.5) or ($phXavier.date is 6.5)) and ($phXavier.transform is 'dryad')>><<set _interrupt to 'Xun'>><<include "XavierDryadDate">><</if>><<if ndef _interrupt>><<include "MasonDomTriggers">><</if>><<if ndef _interrupt>>//Clocks chime, the humans file out, and another day comes to a close. The tower slumbers and awaits a new dawn and a new array of guests.//
<<if ndef $phSleepCount>>The last straggling shoppers were ushered out to the parking lot, the mall doors were locked, and most of the tower residents had long since sought their beds. It was a little strange to walk the grounds at night, the empty halls now lit only by the occasional emergency light. A chipper young woman manned the only unlocked door to the tower elevator, allowing access to the residential floors.
After assuring you she had no trouble working the night shift, the receptionist returned to thumbing through a large college textbook as you hit the elevator. She probably didn't have to worry about much traffic for a while. Currently, the only people on those floors were you, $phSamantha.name, Mason, and a handful of very early birds to the hotel. A shopping center and hotel was something of an odd combination, but you suspected things would get a lot busier once you could build some truly unique entertainments.
You rode the elevator up to the top floor, stifling a yawn along the way. Lazren had told you that you would still need to sleep, and she hadn't been kidding. You had started your first day with fire, but now you could hardly keep your eyes open. Lazren had called herself Sloth. You guessed that particularly brand of demonic DNA was part of you as well.
When the elevator opened, you walked past Samantha's empty desk to your door and stepped through, marveling again at just how quickly it had become //yours//. Idly, you wondered how long it would take for your previous landlord to conclude you weren't coming back. Probably not all that long, considering how many months you had been behind on rent. You briefly toyed with the idea of getting a car to take you back to clean out your things, but there really was nothing to get. You had a new body, a new job, and a new home. Nothing you had owned was anything you needed now.
That life was over.
You passed into the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes in your wake. When you arrived, you all but fell into the sheets. They almost seemed to curl around your body of their own volition, wrapping you in a warm embrace. The bedding almost instantly seemed to retain your body heat, feeling like those lazy mornings when you didn't want to get up lest you let the cold air in.
Part of you had wanted to explore your new body, now that you finally had a chance to breathe. Your exhaustion was deeper than your lust, however, and you let your head drop onto the pillows. There would be time enough for that soon.
...Assuming you passed your performance review. Cheerful thought. You would worry about that tomorrow, however. For now, you let yourself drift off to sleep.<<set $phSleepCount to 0>>
<<else>><<set $phSleepCount +=1>><</if>><<if ($phSleepCount is 1) or ($phSleepCount is 2)>>No rest for the wicked. You stretched and yawned, waving to the receptionist on your way into the residential elevator. You were making progress every day but there was a limit to how much you could do in a single day. That limit was, perhaps unsurprisingly, fairly ironclad for someone serving the personification of sloth. You could barely keep your head up as you opened the door to your suite.
You laid out in your bed, feeling the blankets close around you with their familiar warmth. You wriggled into a comfortable position and let out a contented sigh. It had been a good day, but it was time to rest a while. Tomorrow would be a new day.
You dreamed as you slept, but none of your dreams coalesced into anything you could remember. You drifted on a perfect cloud of warmth and comfort until, at last, the dawning light of the morning drew you reluctantly out of your slumber once again...
<</if>><<if $phSleepCount is 3>><<set _random to random(1,5)>><<set $phSleepCount to 0>><<if _random is 1>>You let out a groan as the hot water from the shower faucet eased the latest knotted bit of tension from your shoulders. Eventually, and reluctantly, you reached to turn off the hot water and stepped free of the bath, not bothering to grab a towel. You didn't have any need, as the water steamed from your skin so fast you were nearly dry by the time you reached your nightgown and wrapped it around yourself. Demonic skin temperature had a few advantages, it seemed.
Padding out into your dark suite, you briefly considered finishing up a little bit of paperwork that you had lingering from the previous day, but dismissed the thought quickly. The siren's lure of the bed was just too strong, and you stretched out happily on the mattress, watching the last few wisps of steam from your skin rise lazily to the ceiling.
The work would wait until morning. For now, it was time to rest.
<</if>><<if _random is 2>><<npc "fnpc2" "Evening News" "More local news today, the nearby luxury shopping center, aptly named 'Paradise', announced that new expansion projects would continue well into the next year. The center, which opened earlier this year, has already attracted visitors from far and wide with its combination of luxury accommodations and affordable prices. Competitors within the industry are criticizing the center for what they claim are a number of labor and building violations made to maintain their price advantage, but this does not appear to have dampened local enthusiasm. For more on this story, join us after the break when we'll be telling you all about the upcoming attractions!">>
You yawned and thumbed off the television, thankful that you didn't have to focus on the marketing for this place. Lazren had promised there were no shortage of advertisers who had lost their souls somewhere along the line, and that certainly seemed to be the case. Every story that went out, no matter the content, always seemed to bring more visitors to the tower, which meant you had more than enough of your own work to focus on.
You lay back and closed your eyes, snuggling into the blankets. Tomorrow was a new day.
<</if>><<if _random is 3>>You cried out in pleasure, feeling your back arch as the orgasm swept through you and you <<if $phYou.form != 'female'>>erupted onto $phSamantha.name's talented tongue<<else>>drenched $phSamantha.name in slick, hot nectar<</if>>. Your climax seemed to last forever, transporting you into bliss for an eternity until you finally fell back, panting onto the bed while your partner <<if $phYou.form != 'female'>>swallowed down your love<<else>>licked your juices from her lips<</if>>.
<<if $phSamantha.transform is 'bimbo'>><<nm $phSamantha "Ooooh! $pMistress, you always taste so yummy! Mmm, like, thank you! I should come in late to deliver stuff more often 'cause, like, your <<if $phYou.form != 'female'>>cock<<else>>pussy<</if>> always makes me so happy!">>
You can't help but laugh at that, and agree the bimbo secretary ought to drop in more often. The blonde slut licked her lips for every drop of your climax, then finally stood and tucked her chest back into her top, wriggling her fingers in farewell. You sent her on her way with a kiss and a fond spank onto her backside.<</if>><<if $phSamantha.transform is 'futa'>><<nm $phSamantha "Mmm, you're delicious, $pMistress. I don't think I could get enough of you if I had a hundred years to try...and I certainly hope to put that to the test. I ought to come deliver late mail to your office more often.">>
You grinned and pulled her down against you to kiss her cheek, then let her go. The dark-haired woman straightened her top, tucked herself back into her skirt, and wiggled her finger at you as she departed. Her strut showed off her rear far more than it needed to, but it was a lovely parting view.<</if>>
Laying back in bed you wondered, not for the first time, what your old self would have thought about all this. You had servants throwing themselves at your feet, a ridiculously opulent apartment, and every other material thing you could desire. Maybe, one day, it would all seem dull and rote, but at least so far you couldn't imagine it.
You curled on your side and pulled the blankets up over your shoulder. At least so far, life was very, very good. Time to get some rest.
<</if>><<if _random is 4>>Your head seemed to have barely touched the pillow when you felt the warmth of someone in the bed with you. You rolled over to protest, but felt a familiar purple finger fall across your lips.
<<nm $phLazren "Shhh...You've been so good...I think you deserve a reward, don't you?">>
<<if $phYou.form != 'female'>>The succubus rolled over on top of you and the blanket slid down over her wings. You felt the heat of her sex rolling against your cock, and the wetness of her arousal was difficult to miss. She rose up onto her knees, allowing your cock to slide back into position, and then thrust downward hard. The pair of you moaned as you slid into her.
It was pure bliss and as Lazren began to bounce you found your hips rising to meet her on their own accord. You didn't care. You fastened your hands around her ass and pulled her down hard against you, struggling to let your cock sink even deeper.<<else>>The succubus rolled over on top of you and the blanket slid down over her wings. You felt the heat of her sex rolling against your thigh, and the wetness of her arousal was difficult to miss. She rocked back and forth where she straddled your leg. You moaned as her nectar painted your skin.
You spread your thighs apart, and her slim hand slid between them. Soon you were both deep in the ebb-and-flow rhythm of union. You fastened your hands around her ass as you steadied her and pulled her more forcefully against you, trying to eke out as much sensation as possible from each and every motion.<</if>>
<<nm $phYou "This...This can't be real...">>
<<nm $phLazren "Mmm. Of course it's not. You're dreaming, love. But who says that means we can't have fun?">>
You couldn't argue with that. You signaled your agreement by spanking her ass, firmly, until she began to ride you again. Her heavy, purple tits swayed dizzyingly in front of your eyes and you felt your face growing flush. How could even the dream of this woman do so much to you?
<<if $phYou.form != 'female'>>You wanted to enjoy yourself, but you couldn't hold yourself back. All too soon, your thrusts became more frantic until you finally emptied yourself inside of her as fireworks went off in your mind. Spent and panting, you dropped down onto the covers and reached to pull the succubus down on top of you.
Your hand felt only empty air. You blinked blearily, suddenly realizing just how bright the room was. You glared at the window and rolled over, only to realize that your stomach was sticky with cum. Grumbling, you slid out of bed and moved to get back to your feet...<<else>>You wanted to draw it out and enjoy yourself, but all too soon the thrust your bodies against each other grew to a frantic pace. Friction and pressure combined with the impossible heat of your cunts, and Lazren's heavy, panted breathing was music to your ears. You heard her moan of approval as your cried out and arched hard against her, fireworks exploding in your mind. Spent and panting, you dropped down onto the covers and reached to pull the succubus down with you.
Your hand found only empty air. You blinked blearily, suddenly realizing just how bright the room was. You glared at the window and rolled over, only to realize you'd practically left a puddle beneath your ass. Grumbling, you slid out of bed and moved to get back to your feet...<</if>>
...and nearly fell backward in surprise. For just a half second, you were sure you felt arms around your body, pulling you back in with a kiss on the cheek. When you looked, though, there was still nothing but the rumpled covers and the dark spot in the sheets.
It //had// been a dream, hadn't it?
<</if>><<if _random is 5>><<if ndef $phTailMastery>>You were quick, but not quick enough. The glass tumbled off the night stand and onto the carpet, spilling water everywhere. You glared at it for a moment, and then turned your ire on the culprit.
Your tail.
Most of the time you barely remembered that you had it, honestly. The tower concealed it from most people and it curled naturally over your back in such a way that someone would //really// have to be invading your personal space to trip over it, but it still wasn't perfect. It had a tendency to swing out when you turned from side to side and you continually forgot it was there until it knocked something over.
You brought it around in front of you and glared at the spade tip. You started to bend down to retrieve the cup, but paused. This was going to continue to be a problem until you mastered the extra limb that Lazren had gifted you with, and you couldn't do that by just ignoring it.
Slowly and carefully, you eased your tail down to the floor and toward the fallen cup. You shivered a bit as the tip touched the cold water still in the glass, wiggling into the cup and then lifting upward. It ached and you doubted it would be able to lift much more than the glass, but in seconds you had the cup in hand.
<<nm $phYou "...Okay. I guess if I practice, you could come in handy. Thanks.">>
Lazren would probably be fairly amused to find you talking to your own tail, but some adjustment had to be expected. You actually took a moment to study it, rather than just take it for granted. It was thin throughout the length, maybe the size of a thick computer cable, but the end flared to the familiar triangular demon shape. Curiously, you extended your fingers to run along the skin.
Oh. Oh My.
You shivered. The surface was hot and a little firmer than the rest of your skin, almost like leather, but the touch sent a little bolt of electricity through your body. That was...//surprisingly// sensitive. As you rolled your body, the flare of the tail flexed and expanded slightly before shrinking back down again.
You hesitated, looking around as though someone might have snuck into your most private sanctum. There was no one. Haltingly, but far too curious to desist, you leaned forward and pressed your lips to the very tip of the flared tail.
Oh. Oh yes. This was //very// dangerous. Your lips felt all too wonderful on the sensitive skin. You pulled back quickly and lowered the tail back down beside your leg. You had much more important things to do than get distracted exploring your own body. You shut off the light and firmly pressed yourself down into the mattress beneath the covers.
Sleep was slow to come. Your mind kept drifting to that brand new organ, curled docilely against the back of your knee. It was like breathing. Now that you were aware of it, you couldn't seem to put it out of your mind. Maybe you'd experiment again once you had a little more practice. What could it hurt?
When morning came, you were just a little grumpy about it. Next time, you'd do your exploration a little farther from bedtime. You guessed these were the parts of being <<if $phYou.form != 'male'>>a succubus<<else>>an incubus<</if>> no one wrote in the books.
<<set $phTailMastery to 0>><<else>><<if $phTailMastery lt 1>><<set $phTailMastery +=1>>
<</if>><<if $phTailMastery is 1>><<nm $phYou "Okay...if we're going to work together, we've got to have trust in one another, okay? You follow my lead, and I'll make sure you get taken care of, alright?">>
It wasn't a strange line, coming from you. You'd probably spoken some variant of it a few times since taking over this role... you just weren't usually laying naked on the bed atop a post-shower towel, talking to your own tail.
The spade tail swayed in front of you. You'd gotten better about learning to control it. It didn't <<if $phYou.form != 'male'>>slip out of your skirt<<else>>sneak out of your pantleg<</if>> anymore, unless you wanted it to, and it had been a week since you'd let it get caught in a closing door. It still felt...foreign, though. It was a part of your new body that you simply had no experience with.
You flexed, carefully, and your tail swayed to the left. Another flex, and it swung equally as far to the right. Then you tilted it back, and then forward, allowing the tip to rest across your belly. You let it waggle across your belly button for a moment, then up your body. The feel of it was...strange, but not unpleasant. Warm, hot even compared to your fingers, and more leathery than a fingertip, but it was silky smooth and not rough at all. You allowed it to brush over each of your nipples in turn, feeling them harden under the touch.
<<nm $phYou "Mmm. Okay, I see we understand each other...This might be the beginning of a beautiful friendship...">>
Your tail swayed in front of your face. You felt your cheeks flush and took a quick look around. Stupid. Of course you were alone in your own room. There wasn't anyone to complain about you...experimenting.
Carefully, tentatively, you eased your tail forward until the tip brushed against your soft lips. It was...shockingly intense. The tip of your tail felt nearly as good as <<if $phYou.form != 'female'>>the tip of your cock<<else>>teasing your clit<</if>>, but the unfamiliarity made it seem even stronger. You arched your back on reflex, opening your mouth wide...
...and you filled it with the entire spade tip, rolled slightly into the round shape of the biggest cock you've ever had. It stretched your jaw nearly to the point of aching and forced you to breathe hard through your nose because you weren't getting air in any other way.
And it was amazing.
You lost track of how long you were there, or how long the pleasure stretched. The next thing you knew, your hips were bucking and <<if $phYou.form != 'female'>>your cock was spurting over your bare stomach and the towel you were lying on<<else>>your tail thrust in and out of your mouth in sympathetic echo. Your stomach clenched and your muscles locked in place as you moaned your climax around the spade tip<</if>>. That woke you up enough to reluctantly pull the tail from your lips, allowing it to unfurl into its more regular appearance.
For a long time, you simply lay there, basked in the afterglow, and tried to process what had just happened. Finally, absently, you extended your hand to brush lightly over the flared tail tip.
<<nm $phYou "I'm going to have to be //very// careful with you, aren't I? Apparently tigers aren't the only things you can catch by the tail.">>
You laughed and tucked it away behind you, then looked down at yourself. You'd have to have a second shower tonight, you guessed, then you needed to get some sleep. It would be a long day tomorrow...
<</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<if $phSleepCount is 4>><<set $phSleepCount to 1>>You settled into bed, and the warm comfort of the mattress embraced you as you did. You weren't sure whether the bed Lazren had made was //literal// magic, but if it wasn't then it was very close. No matter how stressed you were or how many plans you had running in your brain, it never took long for sleep to claim you.
Tonight, you were wondering about Sara. It had been a somewhat unusual situation from start to finish, beginning with Mammon hiring a human for you in the first place and ending with Mason not being able to provide her focus himself. You wondered how many more potential converts you might find in strange places...
Maybe you should keep your eye out for more opportunities like that? If they fell into your lap, that would be nice...
... Nice... yes... that would be nice...
When the light shone against your closed eyes, it took you a second to realize that time had passed and that once again the bed had lured you to sleep mid-thought. Now, the orange light of dawn crawled across your face and foretold the coming of the morning. You grumbled and rolled your body away from the window on instinct, ducking your head behind your pillow.
The light didn't go away.
You cracked your eyes open, reluctantly... and then sat up in bed, all thoughts of sleep forgotten. You were no longer alone in your room. The orange light hadn't been the dawn. Judging from the gloom beyond the windows, it was far closer to midnight than morning.
No, the orange light was coming from an incandescent figure, standing in the middle of the room. Its form shone, casting light in all directions, and the edges of its body seemed blurred and indistinct -- even transparent. It made it difficult to latch onto many details.
You could tell it was a woman, wearing some kind of loose and flowing garment. A pair of slim, triangular ears stood straight from the top of her head, protruding out of long, flowing hair. But even the fire-like glow and inhumane ears failed to capture your attention like her most notable feature: seven massive, fluffy tails that fanned out behind her, floating and swaying like anemone fronds beneath the waves.
The figure just... looked at you. Stared at you. You finally cleared your throat and tried to arrange the sheets around yourself with some semblance of modesty. One of her ears twitched at the sound.
<<nm $phYou "You must be Mason's...uh...acquaintance?">>
You couldn't clearly see her face, but she canted her head slightly at your words. Whether she was amused or annoyed was masked by the unearthly glow. She brought her empty hands together, and as she raised them up to her waist, they suddenly weren't empty any more.
Now, she held a mask.
<<nm $phYou "This is...for me? You're delivering it?">>
You reached out tentatively, ready to pull your hands back if you were challenged, but the floating apparition made no other motion. Your hands connected with the mask and found it material; you pulled it back into your lap and turned it over between your fingers to examine it.
It was large, fully big enough to fit over your entire face, and carved from some sort of fine, light wood that had been covered in alabaster white lacquer. It, too, sported triangular ears, the interiors painted cherry red instead. Lines of that same red paint formed contours along the cheeks and head, and formed thin, almost feline lips that were drawn up in a smirking expression. The nose was long and slightly protruding.
No, not feline, you realized. Vulpine: a fox mask. You could feel the faint hum of some indescribable energy run through your hands as you held it. It was warm, as well -- far warmer than the cool of your bedroom in the middle of the night. You opened your mouth to ask a question, finally lifting your eyes from the mask...
...and found yourself alone. No figure. No light. Just the empty, dark air. If not for the mask still gripped in your hands, you would have wondered whether you had dreamed the whole thing.
Your phone buzzed on your nightstand, and you nearly jumped out of your skin. You slapped your hand down on it to silence it, first, then fished it up and swiped your thumb across the screen. It was a text message from Mason.
<<if $phMason.transform is 'dom'>><<nm $phMason "Heads up. I think our guest has arrived. She's never been overly patient, so you may be seeing her shortly. Are you awake or still getting your beauty sleep, my pet? She might yank on your collar a few times to wake you...">><<else>><<nm $phMason "Pardon me, $phMason.address. I am loath to interrupt your rest, but our guest has arrived. She has never been very patient, and you may be seeing her shortly. Are you awake?">><</if>>
You sighed and rubbed your temple with your free hand. Apparently, you would have to have a talk about timely warnings...and maybe when it was worth calling over taking the time to text.
You thumbed a quick and perhaps curt response back to him, and then let your head fall back down onto your pillow. You hoped that was the last time you had a ghostly visitor in the middle of the night. If it wasn't, you would seriously have to make some difficult choices about sleeping this close to where you worked.
The mattress and blankets enfolded you in warmth and you found yourself drifting off again. You had your mask now. Tomorrow, it would be time to pass it on to Sara.
After you got just a little more rest...
<</if>><<include "NewDayTriggers">><br>@@.choice;
[[Embrace The New Day|Bedroom]]@@<</if>><<include "OfficeTriggers">><<include "MasonDomTriggers">><<if ndef _interrupt>>Paradise's main office was quiet and out of the way of the daily business, but there was still an electric charge of energy running through the air. It was a circular room with a door on every point of the compass. Across from your room was the elevator down to the rest of the tower and the shopping center. To your left was a door marked as ''Supplies'' and the door to the right was ''Research and Development''.
<<include "MasonSubTriggers">><<if ndef _interrupt>><<if $phSamantha.transform is 'bimbo'>>Sammy was at her desk in the corner of the room between your door and the supply closet, occasionally blowing a pink bubblegum bubble as she typed away at her computer. Her desk was covered in pink post-it notes, most of which seemed to feature suggestive sketches rather than actual notes. A bowl of candy rested at her elbow and, despite the fact she popped something in her mouth whenever it was empty, the bowl never seemed to run out of sweets.
From here, you can get almost anywhere.
[[Talk to Sammy]]@@<</if>><<if $phSamantha.transform is 'futa'>><<if ($phSamantha.date is 12) and ($phSamanthaSuitor is not 'You')>><<if ndef _MasonDuoChance>><<set _MasonDuoChance to random(1,12)>><</if>><<else>><<set _MasonDuoChance to 0>><</if>><<if _MasonDuoChance is 12>>Huh. That's interesting.
Samantha was at her desk. Her hands were working at her keyboard, but you noticed that her motions seemed to be more halting than usual. She was breathing heavily, her blouse rising and falling with the generous chest underneath it. As you drew closer to the desk, you could have sworn you heard faint, wet sounds coming from beneath the table. You had a suspicion what might be going on there...
[[Ask Samantha What She's Up To|SamanthaFutaDate]]@@<<else>>Samantha was up from her desk at the corner of the room between your door and the supply closet, leaning her hip against the desk as she spoke to someone on the phone. Judging from the tone of her voice and the slight tent in her skirt, whoever it was on the line was being made to heel and understand that a fifty percent discount on their services was perfectly reasonable considering who they were dealing with. The secretary's desk was stacked with binders, each of them meticulously cross-referenced with tiny labels sticking out from the pages. Transformation had not, it seemed, damaged Samantha's organizational skills.
From here, you can get almost anywhere.
[[Talk to Samantha]]@@<</if>><</if>>
[[Research and Development]]@@<</if>><<if $phSelene.post_talk is 21>><<if $phSelene.transform is 'clone'>>@@.choice;
<</if>><<if $phSelene.transform is 'big'>>@@.choice;
<</if>><<else>><<if ($phSelene.post_talk is 0) or ($phSelene.post_talk gt 20)>>@@.choice;
[[Vault]]@@<<else>>@@.unavailable;Selene is out of town. The Vault is locked until she returns!@@<</if>><</if>><<if $phMunokho.post_talk gt 0>>@@.choice;
[[Training Room|TrainingRoom]]@@<</if>>
[[Shopping Center - First Floor]]
<<if $phLocations['Floor2']['built'] is 1>>[[Shopping Center - Second Floor]]<br>
<</if>><<if $phLocations['Casino']['built'] is 1>>[[Elevator - Casino|Casino]]<br><</if>>@@<</if>><<if def $phOldCC>><<unset $phOldCC>><</if>><<if ($phGenderChanged is 'Gender Only') or ($phGenderChanged is 'Gender Color') or ($phGenderChanged is 'Color Only') or (def $phDresserChange)>><<if $phGenderChanged is 'Gender Only'>>You liked how you looked... for the most part. There were just a few //minor// anatomical details to changed. <<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>You watched in the mirror as your breasts slowly flattened and shrank beneath your shirt -- which, somehow, seemed to effortlessly adjust to your new masculine chest. It was a good thing your pants were just as 'responsive', since there was definitely a bit of new heft there, as well.<</if>><<if $phYou.form == 'female'>>The way the bulge in your pants slowly dwindled away was subtle but mesmerizing, all the more so because you could feel how the sack below first drew taut, then //separated//, forming two very feminine folds instead. The tip of what had been your cock withdrew until it was a fraction of its previous size...but was just as sensitive. Nestled into your new sex, it was now your clit.<</if>><<if $phYou.form == 'futa'>>The best thing about being able to change yourself was that you were no longer limited to simply being 'a man' or 'a woman'. Signing away your soul had opened your eyes to so many opportunities -- including having the best of //both// worlds. You watched, a grin on your lips, as your will resculpted your body, pairing soft, feminine curves and swells with a shaft between your thighs that was anything but soft. You were sure there were at least a few people out there who wouldn't mind... maybe more than a few!<</if>>
It didn't take long, and soon you nodded in satisfaction at your reflection. Maybe you'd try out a new hair color another day, but for now, this was perfect.<<set $phGenderChanged to true>><<BreakAchievement "phGenderAchieve">><<GenderFlip $phYou.form>>
<</if>><<if $phGenderChanged is 'Gender Color'>>If you were going to make some changes, you might as well make some significant ones. <<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>You watched in the mirror as your breasts slowly flattened and shrank beneath your shirt -- which, somehow, seemed to effortlessly adjust to your new masculine chest. It was a good thing your pants were just as 'responsive', since there was definitely a bit of new heft there, as well.<</if>><<if $phYou.form == 'female'>>The way the bulge in your pants slowly dwindled away was subtle but mesmerizing, all the more so because you could feel how the sack below first drew taut, then //separated//, forming two very feminine folds instead. The tip of what had been your cock withdrew until it was a fraction of its previous size...but was just as sensitive. Nestled into your new sex, it was now your clit.<</if>><<if $phYou.form == 'futa'>>The best thing about being able to change yourself was that you were no longer limited to simply being 'a man' or 'a woman'. Signing away your soul had opened your eyes to so many opportunities -- including having the best of //both// worlds. You watched, a grin on your lips, as your will resculpted your body, pairing soft, feminine curves and swells with a shaft between your thighs that was anything but soft. You were sure there were at least a few people out there who wouldn't mind... maybe more than a few!<</if>>
Once your body was settled, you turned your attention to more colorful things. In comparison to the anatomical changes, it was child's play -- although it was still surreal to watch as the hues changed. It looked almost like CGI from a science fiction film with how smoothly the colors shifted and spread until, at the end, it seemed as natural as if you were born that way.
Actually, maybe 'natural' wasn't the best word for demonic dye-jobs, but it'd do for now.<<set $phGenderChanged to true>><<BreakAchievement "phGenderAchieve">><<GenderFlip $phYou.form>>
<</if>><<if $phGenderChanged is 'Color Only'>>While you were happy with your physical form, your color palette could use some tweaking. You concentrated and tried to imagine what you'd look like a little differently: $phYou.skin skin, $phYou.hair hair, $phYou.eyes eyes, <<if $phYou.form != 'male'>>with lips the perfect shade of $phYou.lips.<<else>>and a jacket a rich shade of $phYou.lips.<</if>> It was still surreal to watch as the hues changed. It looked almost like CGI from a science fiction film with how smoothly the colors shifted and spread until, at the end, it seemed as natural as if you were born that way.
Actually, maybe 'natural' wasn't the best word for demonic dye-jobs, but it'd do for now.<<set $phGenderChanged to false>>
<</if>><<if def $phDresserChange>>You looked down at the necklace hanging around your neck. It was so light that you often forgot it was there unless something brought it to mind, but the <<if $phYou.necklace == "bottom">>ruby jewel still shone to signify to your employees that the boss was not the trifled with. That could be a good thing, but honestly you felt like it could be time for a change. Easy enough to do. You fiddled with the necklace, turning the jewel within its casing until the green side faced outward.
There. That should let your friends and workers know they had little to fear from you if they wanted to enjoy some more 'hands-on' time with the boss.<<else>>emerald jewel faced the world, showing everyone that it was alright to take a firmer hand with you. That could be a good thing, but you felt like your employees might enjoy a reminder of who held the power within your home. Easy enough to supply. You adjusted your necklace, spinning the jewel around until its red side turned outward.
Perfect. You knew the ruby would make it immediately clear that your mood had shifted. You looked forward to seeing a new level of respect from those who served under you. <</if>><<BreakAchievement "phNeckAchieve">>
<<unset $phDresserChange>>
<div id="CC_Under">Your closet is well-stocked with numerous outfits, ranging from pristine and well-tailored business clothes to ensembles that bear a closer resemblance to dental floss than anything else. You always find what you need here, and you could swear the selection changes to suit whatever you were thinking of that day.
You catch sight of yourself in the mirror, and notice the necklace hanging around your neck. The jewel is currently turned so that the <<if $phYou.necklace is 'top'>>@@.gemred;''red''@@ side is facing outward, indicating you'd like to remain on top for now.<</if>><<if $phYou.necklace is 'bottom'>>@@.gemgreen;''green''@@ side is facing out, encouraging your employees not to fear enjoying you.<</if>> All it would take to change was five seconds to turn the jewel around.
<<if def $phUnlockedCC>>
<<link "I need a change.">><<removeclass "#phCCRadioWrapper" "invisible">>
<<set $phOldCC to $phYou.cc_code>><<script>>document.getElementById("cc_mirror_wrapper").scrollIntoView();<</script>>
<<addclass "#CC_Under" "invisible">>
<</link>> There's always room for improvement!
<<if $phYou.necklace is 'top'>>[[I need a change.|Dresser][$phDresserChange to 'bottom',$phYou.necklace to 'bottom']] I'll turn the necklace to @@.gemgreen;green@@.<<else>>[[I need a change.|Dresser][$phDresserChange to 'top',$phYou.necklace to 'top']] I'll turn the necklace to @@.gemred;red@@.<</if>><</if>>
<br /><<if $phAvery.post_talk is 1>>[[Actually, Everything Is Fine|AveryArrival]]<<else>>[[Actually, Everything Is Fine|Bedroom]]<</if>><</nobr>>
@@ </div><<include R&DTriggers>>Research and Development was a large laboratory full of whirring equipment, humming electronics, and brightly lit workspaces. You could identify the function of maybe a third of the machines, while the rest could have be anything from calculators to coffee makers for all you could tell. The room was almost blindingly lit by a combination of fluorescent lighting and computer monitors.
Mason's office door in the back of the lab was open a crack, and you could hear the demonic scientist hammering on something. He'd told you he'd be available for the creation of foci whenever you had a target, though the engineer had been less than encouraging when it came to simple office chatter.
A touch screen terminal on a swinging arm stood near the door is your access to the tower's systems. The system was laid out with an almost insultingly easy interface featuring large icons and helpful hover text on almost everything. Still, you couldn't help but agree that it made giving almost any building construction order as simple as punching in a couple of buttons.<<if ($phMason.post_talk is 1) and ($phStoryProgression gt 1)>>
You'd passed Lazren's first test and proved you weren't going to fail at the first hurdle. You wondered if that would make the normally private Mason a little more willing to open up to you. Maybe it was time to have a chat with your master builder...<</if>>
<<if ($phMason.recharge is 1) and ($phMason.post_talk is 3)>>You promised to give Mason some time before you talked to him again. Better that you both cooled off for a while.
<<else>><<if ($phMason.post_talk is 4) and ($phMason.recharge is 1)>>Mason asked you for a day to allow the effects of the crystal to wear off. Your head is still a little fuzzy. It would be better to talk to him tomorrow.
<<else>><<if ($phMason.transform is 'sub') and ($phMason.recharge is 1)>>Judging from how you call with him had gone, Mason was probably still catching his breath. Better to bother your pet tomorrow.
[[Talk to Mason]]<</if>><</if>><</if>>
[[Turn On The Construction Console|Build Screen]]
<<if ($phLocations['Gym']['built'] is 1) or ($phLocations['CompCafe']['built'] is 1) or ($phLocations['Gym']['built'] is 1)>>[[Turn On The Management Console|R&DManagementScreen]]<</if>>
[[Return to the Main Office|Office]]@@<<include "First Floor Triggers">>The lowest two floors of the tower were given over to the shopping center, the footprint of which actually extended out farther on all sides than the rest of the tower. That, combined with some clever architectual designs, actually let you pump in a fair amount of natural light into the area. The ceiling of the first floor was open, allowing a view up to the second floor balconies and letting the light shine down further during the day.
Not that most of the shoppers cared. Both sides of the floor were rowed with shop after shop, each of them trying to outdo the others in terms of opulence and enticing displays. Given that your center offered particularly competitive rates for those willing to step up their aesthetics, the mall outshone all but the most elegant art museums. The carefully laid brick was enhanced with shiny lacquer that clacked satisfyingly beneath the heels of a thousand guests a day. Digital screens in display windows enticed customers to enjoy the delights within, and no spill, mess, or piece of discarded trash seemed to last longer than a few minutes before being tidied away.
As with all malls, the selections of shops was an eclectic mixture of clothing, entertainment, niche hobbies, and general supply stores. Paradise, though, was also known for its lifestyle offerings. A number of clubs, self-help, and service companies made their home within the walls. A short jog back to the elevator would take you up to the tower itself, while escalators placed at regular intervals would grant access up to the second floor shops.
<<if ($phCassandra.transform is 'hentai') and ($phCassandra.recharge is not 1)>><br>[[Cassy's|TalkToCassy]] voice calls to you from every TV screen and billboard, promising excitement and fun to all.<br><br><</if>>
<<if $phLocations['CompCafe']['built'] is 1>>
[[The Computer Cafe|Computer Cafe]]<br><</if>>
<<if $phLocations['Elysium']['built'] is 1>>
<<if $phLocations['Gym']['built'] is 1>>[[The Gym|Gym]]<br><</if>>
<<if $phLocations['ShakeShack']['built'] is 1>>
[[Shakes 'n Sundaes]]<br><</if>>
<<if $phLocations['Floor2']['built'] is 1>><br>[[Head Up To The Second Floor|Shopping Center - Second Floor]]<br>
<<if $phLocations['Casino']['built'] is 1>><br>[[Elevator - Casino|Casino]]<br><</if>><</if>>
<br>[[Return to the Main Office|Office]]
<<unset $phDoBuild>>
var i;
var b = State.temporary.buildingsBuilt;
var a = State.temporary.buildingsAvailable;
var p = State.variables.phLocations;
State.temporary.tempNames = [];
for (i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
State.temporary.buildingNames = State.temporary.tempNames.join(", ");
State.temporary.tempNames = [];
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
State.temporary.availableNames = State.temporary.tempNames.join(", ");
<<fakeMenu>>@@ @@.terminal;
<<termtext "white" "M.A.S.O.N Construction System Initialized">>
<<termtext "yellow" "• Current Energy Reserves: $phEnergy unit(s)">>
<<termtext "yellow" "• Estimated Daily Energy Gain: $phEPD unit(s)">>
<<termtext "red" "• You have constructed _buildingsBuilt.length location(s)">>
<<termtext "red" "• Constructed location(s): <<= _buildingNames>>">>
<<termtext "blue" "• There are _buildingsAvailable.length blueprint(s) available">>
<<termtext "blue" "• Available blueprint(s): <<= _availableNames>>">>
Enter Command: [img[Assets/Console/Cursor.gif]]@@
The console hummed to life, a grid map of the tower appearing on the screen beside the text. You recognized the floor plan, the shops, and the little green dots that must have been people walking to and fro. However, the building was awash with tiny streams and eddies of fuzzy multicolored light, all of it flowing in strange directions to a logic you didn't immediately understand. The areas where the energy pooled were flashing white, suggesting they were kept empty and awaiting your command.
<<nobr>>[[First Floor Venues]]<br />
<<if $phLocations['Floor2']['built'] is 1>>[[Second Floor Venues]]<br /><</if>>
<<if $phStoryProgression > 1>>[[Special Venues]]<br /><</if>>
<<if ($phStoryProgression > 1) and ($phLocations['Floor2']['built'] is 0)>>[[Build New Floor]]<br /><</if>>
<<if _buildingsBuilt.length > 0>><br>[[Open Management Screen|R&DManagementScreen]]<br/><</if>>
<br>[[Turn The Console Off|Research and Development][$phGoodbye to 'build']]<</nobr>>@@<<include "GymTriggers">><<include "MasonDomTriggers">><<if ndef _interrupt>>There was a hum within the Gym at all times, a mixture of the rolling treadmills along the back wall and the electric energy of bodies being pushed to the limit. Despite only occupying a small storefront, tinted for the privacy of the calorie-burners within, the gym was larger than it seemed. The floorplan curved behind the shops of its nearest neighbors, forming a large 'T' shape rather than a square.
That space was very much needed. The equipment selection was dizzying: from treadmills and elipticals to barbells and benches, anything a person could desire to improve themselves could be found here -- and in quantity enough that there was almost never a line. The shop was extended further by a door leading to an outdoor section: a small track and skate park built against the side of the mall and shielded from the parking lot by a set of dark green fences.
A set of the doors on the right side of the T shaped floor plan lead to the showers, bathrooms, and sauna. Paradise could not, after all, return its customers to the floor without a rewarding shower to refresh their aching muscles while providing the opportunity for self-admiration in some particularly flattering mirrors. If there was any place in the world to make a change, Paradise was set to beat them all.
<<nobr>><<if ($phDamien.transform is 'pre') and ($phTime is 0) and ($phDamien.recharge is not 1)>>@@.choice;[[Damien|DamienGym]]@@, a young man with slender features, is using a weight bench.<br><</if>>
<<if ($phDamien.transform is 'sissy') and ($phDamien.recharge is not 1)>>@@.choice;[[Dana|TalkToDana]]@@ is walking the floor, his short skirt drawing a lot of attention from the other customers.@@<br><</if>>
<<if ($phCassandra.transform is 'pre') and ($phTime is 1)and ($phCassandra.recharge is not 1)>>@@.choice;[[Cassandra|CassandraGym]]@@, a shy looking woman carrying a messenger bag, is strapping on her skates.<br><</if>>
<<if ($phCassandra.transform is 'punk') and ($phCassandra.recharge is not 1)>>@@.choice;[[Cass|TalkToCass]]@@ is smoking and leaning against one of the outside windows.<br><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Work For A While|GymWait]]
[[Access The Management Console|LocationManagement]]
[[Return to the Shopping Center|Shopping Center - First Floor]]@@<</if>><<include "ShakeTriggers">><<include "MasonDomTriggers">><<if ndef _interrupt>>The food court in Paradise was well-known for both its quality and its variety. Rows of fast-food operations shared space with sit-down restaurants staffed by tuxedo clad waiters. Tablespace was ample and almost always bustling with the happy chatter that came when bellies were full but there might just be room for dessert.
One of the most popular suppliers of said dessert was the Shakes 'n Sundaes storefront. Laden with a truly dizzying selection of ice cream, milk shakes, cookies, brownies, and other assorted treats, the top heavy ladies who worked behind the counter were always in motion. Given that the white and black spotted uniforms were typically open enough to show off said top-heaviness, you couldn't help but notice that the items on the lower shelves, which required the girls to bend forward to retrieve, tended to be some of the most popular offerings.
You wondered how many of the customers would react if they knew the true source of their frozen treats. The backroom of the shop was not the storage area most would assume, but a fully fledged stable, where a number of bovine ladies supplied the dairy for the shop. Most would be quite startled and loud about the discovery, but you suspected at least a few of them would still show up as long as it meant still getting to enjoy their favorite items.
<<nobr>><<if ($phDamien.transform is 'pre') and ($phTime is 1) and ($phDamien.recharge is not 1)>>@@.choice;[[Damien|DamienShake]]@@, a young man with slender features, is studying a milkshake display.<br><</if>>
<<if ($phDamien.transform is 'bull') and ($phDamien.recharge is not 1)>>@@.choice;[[Damien|TalkToDamienBull]]@@ pops out into the food court occasionally from various backrooms, assisting with heavier boxes and deliveries.<br><</if>>
<<if ($phJolie.transform is 'pre') and ($phTime is 2) and ($phJolie.recharge is not 1)>>@@.choice;[[Jolie|JolieShake]]@@, a curvy woman, is sitting at a table with a small sundae.<br><</if>>
<<if ($phJolie.transform is 'cowgirl') and ($phJolie.recharge is not 1)>><br>@@.choice;[[Jolie|TalkToJolieCowgirl]]@@, dressed in an employee's uniform, is walking between the tables answering questions and cleaning up trash.<br><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Work For A While|ShakeWait]]
[[Access The Management Console|LocationManagement]]
[[Return to Shopping Center|Shopping Center - First Floor]]@@<</if>><<include "CompTriggers">><<include "MasonDomTriggers">><<if ndef _interrupt>>Electronic music played quietly over speakers in the cyber cafe, just loud enough to drown out the hum of several dozen computer fans. The lights were kept low; swirling LEDs adorned the ceiling and shone only bright enough to make it possible to navigate to and from the nearby bathroom. In the dimness, rows of computer monitors cast a wash of light onto their respective users, each an island of illumination. The patrons were intensely focused on their own microcosm in front of them, despite sharing the physical space.
An eternally smiling young woman welcomed guests at the door and sold passes, upgrades, and games. Beyond that, customers were left uninterupted by anyone. The rows of computers were the main attraction, and they snaked around the room. One corner was taken up by larger screens in front of couches and beanbags for console gaming. Across from the consoles, and slightly better lit, were a trio of tables set up for cards, dice, and whatever other battle of wits could be desired.
In a world growing increasingly connected, the very idea of a computer cafe was becoming outmoded, but not in Paradise. Here, files downloaded faster, it was always easy to find one's focus, and every visit to an online site resulted in finding exactly what one wanted. There were always seats available to play the games the customers craved, and the cafe offered exactly the kind of privacy and esape from the real world they needed. This place was one of a kind.
<<nobr>><<if ($phCassandra.transform is 'pre') and ($phTime is 2) and ($phCassandra.recharge is not 1)>>
@@.choice;[[Cassandra|CassandraComp]]@@, a woman with brown hair, is slouching in front of a computer monitor.<br><</if>>
<<if ($phJolie.transform is 'pre') and ($phTime is 0) and ($phJolie.recharge is not 1)>>@@.choice;[[Jolie|JolieComp]]@@ is written on the large whiteboard, indicating one of the private computer rooms is currently being rented out.<br><</if>>
<<if ($phJolie.transform is 'pornstar') and ($phJolie.recharge is not 1)>><<JolieFlip>>@@.choice;[[Jolie's|TalkToJoliePornstar]]@@ makeshift office is here, in the back rooms. It's impossible to say what persona she's wearing today, but you could drop in on her.<br><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Work For A While|CompWait]]
[[Access The Management Console|LocationManagement]]
[[Return to Shopping Center|Shopping Center - First Floor]]@@<</if>><<set $phSamantha.post_talk to 1>>You did your best to keep your pace even and confident as you moved down the stairs of your suite toward the office door. You reminded yourself that you were the boss now, even if you still weren't sure exactly what you were supposed to be doing. Lazren had chosen you, and that had to count for something. You didn't pause at the door, but blew through it as if you owned the place. Hell, you really did!
Then you immediately froze in the doorway as a loud feminine moan rolled through the air.
<<if $phSamantha.transform is 'bimbo'>>@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Samantha/Mobile/SammyFinal.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Samantha/SammyFinal.png]]</picture>@@
It didn't take you long to find source of the noise. Samantha, it seemed, hadn't wasted any time shopping for a new wardrobe. Her new blouse was open very nearly down to her navel, and her new blonde hair had been done up in a pair of flouncing pigtails. The woman's black skirt was barely long enough to conceal her panties from view.
Or lack of them, anyway. You knew they were absent because the blonde had both of her high heeled feet up on her desk, and she was driving a buzzing toy into herself with what you could only describe as gusto. She writhed against her chair and bucked her hips up and down repeatedly as she worked the little vibrator hard, utterly unaware of your presence.
You cleared your throat, politely. You had to do it twice before her eyes snapped open.
<<nm $phSamantha "Oohh! $phSamantha.Address! Like, mmm, sorry! Give me just a second, and I'll...I'll...Ah! Ahhhhhh!">>
The woman's body kicked upward like her seat had suddenly turned to lava. She spread her legs wide and closed her eyes as she filled the room with the sound of her orgasm. You had to admire the volume, as well as the flexibility. Samantha's legs were spread so far her ankles actually brushed up against opposite sides of the desk.
Finally she was done. She collapsed back against her seat with a series of mewling gasps and gingerly pulling the toy free. Then she stood, fixed her dress, ran a finger along her lipstick, and pranced over to you.
<<nm $phSamantha "Like, $phSamantha.Address! I'm sooooo glad you're awake! Miss Lazren said you needed to sleep and that I could thank you when you woke up, so...like...thank you! I'm so fucking hot now! And, like, I've gone five times this morning and I still feel totally fine!">>
She reached your side and immediately threw her arms around you, burying her face against your <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>chest<<else>>cleavage<</if>>. She squeezed, firmly, and you couldn't help but return the embrace.
<<nm $phYou "You're...uh...happy then?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Happy? Like, $phSamantha.Address, I'm...um...like, one of those words that is 'happy' but better? I've never been happier, thank you, $phSamantha.Address! Thank you, thank you! Oh! I know, I should thank you by--">>
She broke off abruptly, a look of attempted concentration crossing over her features. <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>She might have pulled it off if she hadn't been absently stroking her fingers up and down across your abs.<<else>>She might have pulled it off if she hadn't still been rubbing her cheek against your cleavage.<</if>>
<<nm $phSamantha "Awww! That's right! Like, Miss Lazren told me not to forget to tell you when Mason got here.<<if $phYou.firstname is 'Mason'>> The other Mason, not you!<</if>> She said it was very important!">>
You waited. Samantha smiled up at you, cheerfully.
<<nm $phYou "...And?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Mason got here! He's been, like, //totally// focused on carrying his boxes in. Wouldn't stop to play or nothin'. He said you should come see him in that room over there real fast when you woke up! Actually, he used this other big word, but when I asked him to spell it, he got all red and started talking //really// slowly. It was funny.">>
You had a guess as to why he had been talking slowly. Maybe you had overdone it. Then again, a look at Samantha's jiggling backside said you had done pretty well overall. You tore your eyes away from her with an effort and looked back toward the Research and Development door. It was ajar, and now that she drew your attention to it you could swear you heard machinary whirring beyond the doorway.
<<nm $phYou "I guess I better go see what he wants. Thank you, Samantha.">>
The secretary screwed up her face, as though she'd suddenly tasted something bitter.
<<nm $phSamantha "//Samantha//, ugh. <<if $phYou.firstname is 'Samantha'>>No offense, but like... <</if>>That's like so long. You can't shout that out when you're fucking someone. Call me Sammy, okay, $phSamantha.Address? <<if $phYou.firstname is 'Samantha'>>Then people can tell us apart! <</if>><<if $phYou.firstname is 'Sammy'>>Just like you! <</if>>And like, come visit me as soon as you're done, and I'll thank you for real! Okay? Okay!">>
She leaned up, planting a kiss directly on your lips before returning to her desk. She opened a desk drawer, producing an enormous circular lollipop and began sucking absently on the end as she typed on her keyboard.
You shook your head, smiling. Okay, maybe you could get used to this after all.
Let's go check out @@.choice;[[Research and Development][$phSamantha.name = 'Sammy']]@@.<</if>><<if $phSamantha.transform is 'futa'>>@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Samantha/Mobile/SamanthaFinal.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Samantha/SamanthaFinal.png]]</picture>@@
Samantha was at her desk, and it was clear the now statuesque secretary hadn't wasted any time getting a new outfit that fit her. A black vest had joined her white blouse, hugging her torso and pushing her chest up into prominence -- though it hardly needed help. The glorious expanse of cleavage shown by a trio of undone buttons seemed more than capable of standing on its own.
After a second, Samantha's eyes flicked up to the doorway and spotted you. Her answering smile was immediate as she reached over to tap at her keyboard, silencing the video playing from the monitor. You couldn't see what she was watching, but that enthusiastic moan certainly gave you a hint of the content. That, and the fact that you could see Samantha's erection stretching the front of her skirt as she stood up to greet you.
<<nm $phSamantha "Good morning, boss. How are you feeling? Lazren said that you would need some time to recuperate, so I tried to let you sleep this morning.">>
Her voice had changed, pitched to a low, husky purr. It was the kind of voice you could expect to see garner a crowd even from reading the phone book.
<<nm $phYou "Feeling good, actually, thank you. That was a hell of a night, no pun intended. Exactly how long was I o-//mmmph//">>
You didn't get much farther than that. The moment Samantha reached you, she reached up to take your face lightly between her hands and pressed her lips firmly to yours. Her body moved in against you, warm and delightfully soft save for the harder point pressed against your thighs. <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>You shifted a little, surprised by the size. Perhaps you had overdone it.<<else>>You felt your own cock stiffen on reflex as you wrapped your arms around her hips on autopilot.<</if>>
Finally, she pulled away and met your eyes, raising one hand to brush over your hair.
<<nm $phSamantha "Sorry, boss, but I owe you that much. This body is...I can't even describe it. I was up until five or six this morning, I just couldn't get enough. I was nearly ready to go hit some clubs and see what I could dig up... Want to guess how many clubs I'd been to in my old life? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.">>
You laughed, letting your hand drop to rest on the dark-haired woman's hip.<<if $phYou.form is 'female'>> She'd leaned back enough to allow you to talk comfortably, but her hips were still pressed against yours and she was absently stroking her hand across your stomach just below the swell of your breast.<<else>> She'd leaned back enough to allow you to talk comfortably, but her hips were still pressed to yours, and you knew she felt your excitement just as much as you felt hers.<</if>>
<<nm $phYou "Ah...so you're happy with the new you then?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Mmm. Tell you what, you've got a little work to do this morning. Mason has been moving boxes into R&D all morning, and wanted to see you as soon as you were up. If you like, after you get done with him you can come back and I'll show you just how happy with the 'new me' I am.">>
She grinned and pulled away from you, her hips swaying with purpose as she walked back to her desk. You tore your eyes away from her with an effort and looked back toward the Research and Development door. It was ajar, and now that she drew your attention to it you could swear you heard machinary whirring beyond the doorway.
<<nm $phYou "Then I guess I better go see what he wants. Thank you, Samantha.">>
She nodded, and pressed a key on her keyboard again, resuming the orgasmic moans at a lower volume.
<<nm $phSamantha "Of course, boss. Be a little careful with him. I've met with him a few times, when Laz was setting things up. He's brilliant, but he's prickly. And remember what I said. If you're in the mood, I'm sure we can spare an hour or three to...organize the supply closet.">>
She winked, and returned to her typing. You shook your head, smiling helplessly. Okay, maybe you could get used to this after all.
Time to check out @@.choice;[[Research and Development]]@@.<</if>><<set $phLocation to "R&D">><<set $phMason.post_talk to 1>>When you walked into R&D, the first thing that caught your eye, literally, was the light. You had to squint and halt in the doorway to let your eyes adjust to the sudden blaze. The room was lit with rows of fluorescent lights above you, and further illuminated by light strips built into the desks and workspaces, and further //further// brightened by rows of computer screens displaying charts, graphs, and more obscurely laid out data.
Fortunately, it didn't all seem to be operational yet or you might have been permanently blinded. It was a large room, paneled in white and largely given over to obvious work spaces. Long laboratory tables split the room, piled with beakers, bottles, and not-yet-unpacked boxes. The back wall was fully occupied by some sort of production line, or at least that was the best guess you could come up with for the hulking metal monstrosity.
Oddly, near the door where you were standing, you saw a single touchscreen monitor swung out from the wall on an articulated support arm. The bottom third of the screen was flashing rapidly with text that looked like an installation procedure, while the bottom two thirds were displaying a green, grid-lined palm print.
You studied the monitor for a long moment, and then uncertainly extended your hand to lay across the print. There was a hum in the air as the monitor flashed brightly and began to fill with icons and scrolling text.
That was the moment when the man beside you coughed, and you just about jumped out of your skin.
[[Turn Around|MasonIntro2]]@@<<set $phMasonQ1 to 0>><<set $phMasonQ2 to 0>><<set $phMasonQ3 to 0>><<set $phMasonQ4 to 0>>@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Mason/Mobile/MasonBase.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Mason/MasonBase.png]]</picture>@@
The man beside you was obviously not human. His skin was the same greyish hue of a dolphin, but like Lazren's was entirely uniform across his body. A pair of curved horns swept back from his temples, just above an equally swept-back wave of short black hair. He was wearing a uniform-like black buttoned labcoat over loose grey slacks, and had a set of goggles resting on his forehead. He held two hands behind his back, clasped together with military parade ground stiffness. His //other// two hands, on arms just above the first set, held a teacup and saucer in front of his stomach.
You gawked. Lazren hadn't been human, of course, but you'd been sort of prepared for a succubus from years of media depictions. You hadn't been prepared for this. After a moment, you realized he was still waiting for a response and tried to pull yourself together. You were the boss, after all.
<<nm $phYou "Mason, I presume? I'm <<if $phYou.firstname is 'Mason'>>...uh... also <</if>>$phYou.firstname.">>
The four-armed man slowly looked you up and down, his expression inscrutable. Then he shrugged, lifted his cup to sip from the contents, and waved his hand at the screens and machinery.
<<nm $phMason "<<if $phYou.firstname is 'Mason'>>How original.<</if>> You presume correctly. I am Mason and this is my lab, where I'll be doing important work. Leave me be, and I'll ensure your tower functions optimally. Interrupt my work needlessly and I can make no guarantees. I would, in fact, recommend limiting interactions to the bare minimum for best results. If you can follow simple guidelines such as these, we'll have a perfect working relationship.">>
His words were clipped and precise, like he was trying to ensure his words contained the absolute minimum level of inflection. Aside from a metric ton of condescension, of course. You narrowed your eyes and drew yourself up to your full height pretty much on reflex.
<<nm $phYou "I'll bear that in mind. What exactly is it you do here?">>
<<nm $phMason "Research and Development...which you would no doubt have read on the door. More specifically, I can assist in coaxing the building into the shapes of particular stores and venues you request. I can provide new equipment to increase the output of those places, and I can create tailored foci to recruit those you identify.<br><br> Where the lady Samantha appears to be <<if $phSamantha.transform is 'bimbo'>>your personal stress toy,<</if>><<if $phSamantha.transform is 'futa'>>your personal organizational assistant,<</if>> I am your operator. You can access available actions through the console near the door and, assuming those directives are within available resources, it should be carried out almost immediately.">>
<<nm $phYou "Resources? So we have something of a budget then?">>
Mason sighed, his expression one of a long suffering teacher lecturing a slow student, but he simply settled his cup back into its saucer and set it down on a nearby countertop.
<<nm $phMason "In a manner of speaking. Money is no particular object. We have very little need for it, since we can manufacture most anything that might be required from the ether alone. In the rare event that things must be purchased from the outside world...well, the manufacture of small green paper bills is not a large ask for our system. Energy is far more pressing a concern.<br /><br />Your task is to seek out those who might produce soulgems for our Queen. However, that requires a person at a major crossroad in their life who may be open to persuasion. In short, not everyone is ready to give up their soul, or possesses enough of the stuff to transform themselves even if they were. However, we still have a use for the public at large. This tower is capable of constructing new stores and venues that will gather small amounts of energy from large numbers of patrons per day. It is this energy that you will need to budget and maintain. Fail to plan for expansion and you will find yourself unable to modify, improve, or expand the tower at all. Plan well, and your successes will feed into one another.">>
You nodded. Lazren had explained much of this to you already, but it was clear that Mason had a more hands-on role in that area. It would be wise to explore exactly how you were supposed to do this. You resolved to keep it short, though. You weren't sure how much lecturing you could stand.
You asked about...
[[Building|MasonIntroQuestions][$phMasonQ1 to 1]] - You needed to know how to make new venues.@@ @@.choice;
[[Management|MasonIntroQuestions][$phMasonQ4 to 1]] - You needed to know what your duties were.@@ @@.choice;
[[Upgrades|MasonIntroQuestions][$phMasonQ2 to 1]] - You should know how to improve your tower. @@ @@.choice;
[[Foci|MasonIntroQuestions][$phMasonQ3 to 1]] - How exactly did you change people?
[[The Console|MasonIntroFinal]]- You were ready to get to work @@<<if $phMasonQ1 is 1>><<set $phMasonQ1 to 2>><<nm $phYou "So tell me about how the tower makes the places I need. I have to put energy into every shop?">>
Mason shook his head, and you thought you saw a trace of amusement in his expression. It wasn't much, but it was just about the first human expression you'd seen on his face yet.
<<nm $phMason "Not at all. We //have// a Starbucks, though I am half-convinced there may be a demonic connection to that. More accurately, we have a number of regular shops renting the space under ordinary lease agreements. We have unusually competitive rates, but demand high production values. Most companies are happy to oblige us. We do not require the funds, but we do require the camouflage of recognizable brands. However, there are a number of slots we reserve at particular loci of high potential energy. These are where our special shops will be built.">>
<<nm $phYou "And the special shops make us energy.">>
<<nm $phMason "Correct. After an initial investment to allow the tower to shape itself into an alluring venue, it will begin gathering energy from clients in exchange for satisfying their desires to a greater degree than any normal store could. Some percentage of that energy will be used to sustain the shop, while the remainder will be filtered back here for further projects. The tower will take care of all the grunt work: the actual construction, advertising, and creating the simulacra to manage the shop.">>
<<nm $phYou "...Simulacra?">>
<<nm $phMason "Employees, essentially. We experimented with using real people for those roles to reduce the initial energy expenditure, but an ordinary person exposed to one of our shops for that length of time might be over-collected by the end of even a week. In addition, simulated employees don't require breaks, won't question unusual business practices, and won't investigate into backrooms we don't want them in. It is simply a cleaner arrangement.">>
That made sense. You reached out and pulled the monitor arm toward yourself, studying the display.
<<nm $phYou "And what exactly can I build?">>
<<nm $phMason "Your options will expand with time. For the moment, however, the tower has been largely exhausted by the burden of our initial construction. You'll need to build the reserves back up in increments. That limits your current selection. I would recommend you begin by filling at least one or two of the smallest venue slots. I have written descriptions of each of them on the main console, so you can get an idea of how each one operates and what kind of clientele they will attract. Once you've made your selection, the tower will have it constructed before you can even walk downstairs. As far as your ordinary patrons will be concerned, it will be a shop they simply hadn't noticed before.">>
A lot of horror stories started that way, you couldn't help but remember. Hopefully, none of your shops will be marketing cursed items.
Next... <</if>><<if $phMasonQ2 is 1>><<set $phMasonQ2 to 2>><<nm $phYou "Okay, so I have to build these places, but then I also have to upgrade them?">>
<<nm $phMason "There is nothing under the sun that cannot be improved. The energy investment I list with the venues will cover the minimum necessary for them to operate sustainably, but that represents only the base function. Mixed in with our regular clientele will be customers of particularly strong wants and desires. Not enough to attract your attention, perhaps, but the tower will focus and learn from them. As it encounters more and more of these special clients, it will become more proficient at shaping itself to suit their needs and, thus, more able to extract the energy we need, only...">>
<<nm $phYou "...I take it this is when the shoe drops?">>
<<nm $phMason "Quite. Reshaping is not a costless process. To put it in human terms, old neurons and muscle memory needs to be eliminated and new pathways constructed. As a result, it will require expending some energy each time we wish to push a venue to the next level of competence. These costs will pay for themselves over time, but the building will wait for your command before it proceeds. I will be sure to alert you when any of our venues appear to be nearing such a point.">>
So it would cost you energy to build a place, and then more of it to make it better. You hoped Mason knew what he was talking about when he said they'd pay for themselves. Otherwise, you could find yourself broke when a certain demoness returned to collect her rent.
<<nm $phYou "This... sounds really complicated.">>
<<nm $phMason "Perhaps it will be, at first. As you grow accustomed to your duties, however, you will find it easier over time. You may reference your personal PDA to obtain a quick summary of the tower's status at any time, to assist with your planning.">>
Right. Well, all new jobs had a learning curve.
<<nm $phYou "So I'll gather the energy from the buildings I build, then spend it to upgrade them. How does it get more energy out of them? Bigger suction cups?">>
<<nm $phMason "Hardly. Energy is subconsciously given off when humans feel a need fulfilled. It is a form of fair exchange, even if the parties involved do not fully understand it. Over time, the tower will learn how to induce those rushes. This may be by improving the operations of the simulacra, more efficient targeting of human desires, or sometimes...other methods.">>
You just arched your eyebrow at him this time. He stood for a moment, and you wondered if he was actually going to make you ask the question. Finally, reluctantly, he elaborated.
<<nm $phMason "Sexuality is a strong motivator for humans to release energy. Unsurprisingly, many of the upgrades rooms features incentives for customers to indulge that feeling. I understand certain members of the staff are highly motivated by that desire as well.">>
Was that...hostility? No -- or at least not towards you. You were certain there was a sour note in the man's voice, however. Had Lazren recruited him the same way she had you and he resented it? Or something else? There was no way to know, and you doubted he would talk about it if you asked.
An awkward silence fell between you. Time to change the subject. <</if>><<if $phMasonQ3 is 1>><<set $phMasonQ3 to 2>><<nm $phYou "I'm pretty sure Lazren mentioned foci. What can you tell me about them?">>
The grey-skinned man nodded, tucking both sets of his hands behind his back in a posture that screamed 'I am about to give a lecture'. You gave him a stern look, and he deflated into something marginally looser.
<<nm $phMason "We will utilize the CliffsNotes version in our work, I see. Very well. Lazren likely told you that alterations to a person must, on some level, be accepted if they are to be permanent. Either it must be something the person desires, or something they believe they deserve. Foci are physical objects, infused with energy, that function as symbols of this acceptance and the source of their conversion. A good focus should relate to the change they are accepting, on some level. By accepting the focus, they will also implicitly accept its enchantment.">>
<<nm $phYou "Okay. So we create something that suits them, infuse it with energy, and give it to them. How do we know what that is?">>
<<nm $phMason "The tower can see and understand -- in a limited way -- everything that happens within its walls. It will pay particular attention to what you see and hear, and it will encourage potential targets to be more open and truthful with you than they would normally be. That should allow you to engage in observation, conversation, or in some cases seduction to discover what they desire. Once you do, it will pass that information onto me, and I will prepare options for you. Each item is unique, so I won't be leaving that to the console. Come see me, and I will describe the likely possibilities.<br><br> I will note that different venues within the tower can appeal to different parts of a person's desires, so it is very likely that speaking to people at different locations will result in additional foci options.">>
<<nm $phYou "So it's all up to me, huh? You don't do much work on the floor?">>
Mason stiffened up a little, which was quite a trick considering how stiff he had been standing before. He inclined his head in your direction ever so slightly.
<<nm $phMason "I have been informed that I am 'bad with people'. No, that is your task. You identify, and I will supply.">>
Fair enough. Another thing to spend energy on, but certainly one that seemed like a lot of fun, if they were going to being anything like Samantha. <</if>><<if $phMasonQ4 is 1>><<set $phMasonQ4 to 2>><<nm $phYou "So I'm the boss now? What exactly am I supposed to do?">>
<<nm $phMason "You have three primary duties. In addition to planning, which you'll largely do here, and the pursuit of soulgems, which you have already discussed with Lazren, you'll also need to be an active hand in managing our constructed venues.">>
<<nm $phYou "Managing? But...what if I don't have any experience with that? Lazren didn't recruit me from a business school.">>
Mason's answering smile was indulgent. He shook his head and gestured to one of his computer monitors.
<<nm $phMason "No, $phMason.address, that's not what I meant. If it were a matter of pure calculation and organization, I could handle it from here. No, the difficulty with the tower is that it is aware, but it is not mortal, much less human. It does not perceive, calculate, or approach solutions the same way our customers do. As a result, you should expect it to be initially quite poor at maximizing its efforts. That is where you come in.">>
<<nm $phYou "But I don't know anything about running a business either.">>
<<nm $phMason "The problems will not be terribly obscure business problems. They will more likely be common sense issues. Sales where the item costs more rather than less. Having only one size of a particular garment, or a hundred different sizes of only a single style. That sort of thing. If you can find the time to visit each of the venues on a regular basis, I am sure the overall efficiency would improve greatly. Be warned, however, that time marches ever onward and new problems and errors will doubtlessly arrive. This will steadily weaken the venue until you find the opportunity to visit once again.">>
<<nm $phYou "So...all I have to do is stop by, and see if anything stands out to me? If it does, I fix it?">>
<<nm $phMason "Precisely. You may even find opportunities to help certain clientele directly. That is less likely to improve the overall efficiency of the venue, but word does get around, and such 'hands on' experience may help draw in more visitors of various types. I will leave it to you as to whether drawing in customers or extracting energy more efficiently is the more important priority. Additionally: you should consider synergy in your planning as well.">>
You gave the four-armed man a withering look.
<<nm $phYou "...You didn't really use 'synergy' in a sentence, did you? Will we be disrupting the paradigm as well?">>
<<nm $phMason "I am merely pointing out there are opportunities for the strengths of one venue to compensate for deficiencies in others. By default, each of the locations will be managed with an eye only toward maximizing gains in that particular locale. However, should you wish, you can deploy them into projects that benefit the tower as a whole. The efficiency in a singular location may suffer, but the sum of the tower as a whole may greatly exceed what any of them could do singularly. The choice, $phMason.address, is yours.">>
You had a feeling you were going to be hearing that a lot. You made a mental note to check out some of the possible 'synergy' options as well...just so long as you never used the word out loud.<</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $phMasonQ1 is 0>>[[Building?|MasonIntroQuestions][$phMasonQ1 to 1]]@@<br><</if>>
<<if $phMasonQ4 is 0>>[[Managing?|MasonIntroQuestions][$phMasonQ4 to 1]]<br><</if>>
<<if $phMasonQ2 is 0>>[[Upgrades?|MasonIntroQuestions][$phMasonQ2 to 1]]@@<br><</if>><<if $phMasonQ3 is 0>>[[Foci?|MasonIntroQuestions][$phMasonQ3 to 1]]<</if>>
You knew all you needed to know. Ask about the @@.choice;[[Console.|MasonIntroFinal]]@@<<nm $phYou "Alright. So I can access all of this from this console here?">>
<<nm $phMason "More or less. I have set up the system to minimize the need for interruptions. That being said, I will typically be on-site. If you encounter a problem that absolutely cannot be solved by any other means, you can inquire at my office in the back, provided that these inquiries are kept to a minimum.">>
He gestured vaguely toward a door at the back of the lab with his upper set of hands while he gathered up his cup and saucer with the lower ones. You gritted your teeth, counted slowly to five, and reminded yourself that Lazren would probably not have sent this ass to you if you didn't need him.
<<nm $phYou "I'm sure that I can figure out how to work the console well enough to avoid knocking on your door too much.">>
<<nm $phMason "I should hope so. I spent a great deal of time making sure the interface was as fool-proof as possible. I would recommend you build at least one of our smaller offerings to ensure that energy can begin building up, as you'll be unable to progress until you have an income stream. Beyond that, it is your domain to run. Simply come see me when you believe you are ready to create a focus. <br><br> Oh, there is one more thing. You may wish to visit the vault at your earliest convienance. You'll find it located on the other side of the hall, just across from the supply closet.">>
<<nm $phYou "The vault? Like a giant Scrooge McDuck safe or something?">>
<<nm $phMason "Not precisely. Energy cannot be stored like bullion can, and requires different arrangements. I would suggest you visit when you are done with the computer, as it would be far easier for you to see for yourself. Now, if that is all, I will take my leave.">>
He nodded to you again, turned sharply on his heels, and strode to his office door. He passed through without so much as throwing another look back in your direction.
You shook your head. Well, they couldn't all be like Samantha, you supposed. Still, you hoped he might loosen up a little over time or this was going to be an extremely long assignment.
You pulled the console back over to you, and studied the display.
Now, what to look at @@.choice;[[First?|Build Screen]]<<run memorize('characters_pulse',true)>>@@<<if $phMason.goodbye is 'foci'>><<nm $phMason "Understood, $phMason.address. I'll continue gathering information. When you're ready to proceed with an option, please notify me.">>
<</if>><<set $phLocation to "Mason">>Mason's office was as orderly and clean as you would have expected after your first conversation with the man. The back wall of the office had been converted to some sort of storage, stacked high with shelves and neatly labeled boxes with everything from 'Rolled Wire' to 'R/C Parts' to 'Lingerie'. Mason's desk was pushed up against another wall, surrounded on either side by a quartet of circular racks laden with tools and supplies.
<<if $phMason.goodbye is 'none'>>It's at this desk that Mason stood like a spider in its web. His four hands moved with dizzying speed: picking up, trading out, and discarding tools with machine precision. Every motion was sure and he measured, cut, and welded as though he had planned out each and every action for months. When his arms finally stopped their frenetic construction, it was only because he noticed your arrival. The demonic builder turned, pushed his goggles up to rest on his brow with one set of hands and tucked the other set behind him. He nodded in your direction.
<<switch $phMason.transform>>
<<case 'pre'>><<nm $phMason "$phMason.Address $phYou.firstname. I trust this is important?">>
<<case 'post'>><<nm $phMason "$phMason.Address $phYou.firstname. How can I assist you today?">>
<<case 'sub'>><<nm $phMason "$phMason.Address! I...Ah...$pMistress, that is. What can I do for you?">>
<<case 'dom'>><<nm $phMason "Ah, $phMason.you, good. I was just thinking my day could use more entertainment. What did you need?">><</switch>><<else>>Mason was still standing near his worktable, his expression expectant as he studied you. <<if ($phMason.transform is 'pre') or ($phMason.transform is 'post')>>Every so often he threw a glance back in the direction of his tool racks as though estimating exactly how long it would be before he could get back to them.<</if>><<if $phMason.transform is 'sub'>>He fidgeted, just a bit, watching your face for any hint as to your intentions and what he might be able to do to please you.<</if>><<if $phMason.transform is 'dom'>>Absently, he extended a hand forward to brush lightly against your side, his eyes reminding you that you only had so long to waste his time before he would find a way to make it worth his while.<</if>><br /><</if>>
<<if $phMason.transform is 'pre'>><<if $phMason.post_talk is 3>>You still wanted to ask Mason about the crystal he'd been using, but his expression suggested there was no point right now. You'd have to try again later.
<<else>>[[Ask Mason About Himself|MasonTalk]]<</if>><</if>>
[[Ask Mason About Foci|MasonFoci]]<<if ($phXavierHunt >= 2) and ($phXavierHunt < 11)>><br />[[Ask Mason About The Intruder|MasonXavierTalk]]<</if>><<if ($phSamantha.date is 6) and (($phSamanthaSuitor is 'Mason') or ($phSamanthaSuitor is 'You'))>><br />[[Ask Mason About Samantha|SamConvoInterrupts]]<</if>><<if ($phSamantha.date is 12) and ($phSamanthaSuitor is 'Mason')>><br>[[Ask Mason About Samantha|SamPostRelationshipConvos][$phSamantha.date to 12.1]]<</if>><<if (not hasVisited ("MasonGenderTalk")) and ($phGenderChanged == true)>><br />[[Ask Mason if He's Noticed Anything...Different About You|MasonGenderTalk]]<</if>>
<<if $phMason.transform is 'sub'>>[[Talk To Mason|MasonSubTalk]]
[[Instruct Your Sub|MasonSubInstructions]]
[[Fuck Your Sub|MasonSubSex][$phMason.sex to 2]]
<</if>><<if $phMason.transform is 'dom'>>[[Talk To Mason|MasonDomTalk]]
<</if>><<if $phMason.transform is 'post'>>[[Talk To Mason|MasonPostTalk]]
[[Return to R&D|Research and Development][$phMason.goodbye to 1]]@@<<set _mod to (1 - $phGlobal.buildingCostMod)>><<set _mod50 to Math.round(50 * _mod)>><<set _mod150 to Math.round(150 * _mod)>><<set _mod250 to Math.round(250 * _mod)>>@@.fakeMenu;
<<fakeMenu>>@@ @@.terminal;
''Available First Floor Venues''
<hr />
<<if ($phLocations['Gym']['built'] is 1) and ($phLocations['CompCafe']['built'] is 1) and ($phLocations['ShakeShack']['built'] is 1) and ($phLocations['Elysium']['built'] is 1)>><<termtext "red" "''Error:''">><<termtext "white" "Floor is at maximum capacity.">>
<</if>><<if $phLocations['Gym']['built'] is 0>><<termtext "white" "__''Gymnasium''__">>
<<termtext "red" "''Sins:''">><<termtext "green" "Pride, Envy, Lust">>
<<termtext "blue" "''Initial Energy Cost:''">> <<termtext "green" "50 unit(s)">>
<<termtext "yellow" "''Base Energy Return:''">> <<termtext "green" "10 unit(s)">><<if settings.phSpoilerMode>>
<<FVText "Sissification, Goth Punk">><</if>>
A gymnasium is an effective low-level venue to draw in those that are overly focused on body image. Visitors will enjoy enhanced and speedier results from even moderate excercise, as well as a reduction in muscle aches and exhaustion. Soulgem candidates will typically include those looking to make a dramatic change in their outward appearance or image, while still remaining human.<hr style="border-top: dotted 1px;" /><br /><</if>><<if $phLocations['ShakeShack']['built'] is 0>><<termtext "white" "__''Shakes 'n Sundaes''__">>
<<termtext "red" "''Sins:''">><<termtext "green" "Gluttony, Sloth, Lust">>
<<termtext "blue" "''Initial Energy Cost:''">> <<termtext "green" "50 unit(s)">>
<<termtext "yellow" "''Base Energy Return:''">> <<termtext "green" "10 unit(s)">><<if settings.phSpoilerMode>>
<<FVText "Cow Girls / Hucows, Bull Boys">><</if>>
The 'Shakes 'n Sundaes' franchise is a focused, low level venue with a surprisingly successful track record. The storefront consists of a simple bar area selling dairy-based treats such as shakes, ice cream, and milk. The supplies are generated in the stables behind the store and are sourced from the most valuable of all dairy producers: Cowgirls. Initial herd will be sourced 'on loan' from other facilities. Customers enjoy delicious and satisfying items that create a long-lasting endorphin high. Permanent converts will generally be attracted to mental changes relating to relaxation, lack of anxiety, and increased simplicity, often accompanied by bovine physical changes and, eventually, encourage them to join the supply herd on a more permanent basis.<hr style="border-top: dotted 1px;" /><br /><</if>><<if $phLocations['CompCafe']['built'] is 0>><<termtext "white" "__''Computer Cafe''__">>
<<termtext "red" "''Sins:''">><<termtext "green" "Sloth, Envy, Lust">>
<<termtext "blue" "''Initial Energy Cost:''">> <<termtext "green" "50 unit(s)">>
<<termtext "yellow" "''Base Energy Return:''">> <<termtext "green" "10 unit(s)">><<if settings.phSpoilerMode>>
<<FVText "Hentai, Porn Star">><</if>>
The Computer Cafe is a small storefront lined with high-end computers, video game consoles, and play areas. In addition to typical high-speed internet access, high-resolution screens, and low ping game servers, customers will also enjoy the ability to stumble across 'new' websites that appear to perfectly cater to their desires and interests, as well as ready sources for all types of social networking. Soulgem candidates will usually be attracted to the idea of being someone else, changing in image and body type. This will most commonly come in the form of adhering to a platonic ideal from various media.<hr style="border-top: dotted 1px;" /><br /><</if>><<if ($phLocations['Elysium']['built'] == 0) and ($phLocations['Inferno']['built'] == 1)>><<termtext "white" "__''Elysium''__">>
<<termtext "red" "''Sins:''">><<termtext "green" "Sloth, Lust">>
<<termtext "blue" "''Initial Energy Cost:''">> <<termtext "green" "250 unit(s)">>
<<termtext "yellow" "''Daily Energy Return:''">> <<termtext "green" "15 unit(s)">><<if settings.phSpoilerMode>>
<<FVText "Mythical, Gender Change, Bondage">><</if>>
Elysium is an oasis of green that provides visitors fresh air, sunshine, and a moment of calm in otherwise hectic lives. The nature park contains gently burbling fountains, soft and verdant grass, and a collection of spectacular wildflowers in bloom year-round. Climate control and careful tending ensure that those wishing to enjoy a blissful day 'outside' find its perfect replication, and will feel destressed, rejuvenated, and energized by their sojourn with nature, however brief.
<hr style="border-top: dotted 1px;" /><br /><</if>><<if $phGlobal.buildingCostMod gt 0>>
Powerful demonic aura detected. Analysis indicates aura is attuned to tower structure, resulting in more efficient adjustments to location layout. Estimate energy expenditures on all construction projects will be reduced by approximately <<print Math.round(100 * $phGlobal.buildingCostMod)>>%.<br><</if>>
''Awaiting Selection:'' [img[Assets/Console/Cursor.gif]]@@
<<if $phLocations['CompCafe']['built'] is 0>>Build the Computer Cafe - <<if $phEnergy >= (50 * _mod)>>[[_mod50 + " Energy"|Construction Finish][$phDoBuild to 'CompCafe']]<</if>><<if $phEnergy < (50 * _mod)>>//@@.unavailable;Insufficient Energy@@//<</if>><br><</if>>
<<if ($phLocations['Elysium']['built'] == 0) and ($phLocations['Inferno']['built'] == 1)>>Build Elysium - <<if $phEnergy >= (250 * _mod)>>[[_mod250 + " Energy"|Construction Finish][$phDoBuild to 'Elysium']]<</if>><<if $phEnergy < 250>>//@@.unavailable;Insufficient Energy@@//<</if>><br><</if>>
<<if $phLocations['Gym']['built'] is 0>>Build the Gym - <<if $phEnergy >= (50 * _mod)>>[[_mod50 + " Energy"|Construction Finish][$phDoBuild to 'Gym']]<</if>><<if $phEnergy < (50 * _mod)>>//@@.unavailable;Insufficient Energy//@@<</if>><br><</if>>
<<if $phLocations['ShakeShack']['built'] is 0>>Build Shakes 'n Sundaes - <<if $phEnergy >= (50 * _mod)>>[[_mod50 + " Energy"|Construction Finish][$phDoBuild to 'ShakeShack']]<</if>><<if $phEnergy < (50 * _mod)>>//@@.unavailable;Insufficient Energy@@//<</if>><br><</if>>
[[Return to the Construction Menu|Build Screen]]@@ @@.choice;
[[Turn The Console Off|Research and Development][$phGoodbye to 'build']]@@
<<FVLinks>><<set _mod to (1 - $phGlobal.buildingCostMod)>>@@.fakeMenu;
<<fakeMenu>>@@ @@.terminal;
''Construction Order Confirmed''
<hr />
<<if $phDoBuild is 'Gym'>><<run memorize('pda_pulse',true)>><<termtext "white" "Constructing new locale:'Gymnasium'">>
> Beginning Energy Transfer
> Loading Schematic Settings
> Clearing Necessary Physical Space
>> <<termtext "yellow" "''Simulacra Type:'' Friendly and Fit (But not //too// fit)">>
>> ''Gym Equipment:'' Installed
<<termtext "yellow" "> ''Auras Installed:''">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Calorie Burn (300%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Muscle Rejuvenation (150%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Fat Relocation (Traditional Attractive)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Endorphin Rush (High, Repeating)">>
> 'Computer Error' - Complimentary Memberships: Mailed
> Finalizing Energy Expenditure... ''Complete''
<<termtext "white" "''Construction Complete'' ">> [img[Assets/Console/Cursor.gif]]<<set $phEnergy -= Math.round(50 * _mod)>><<set $phLocations['Gym'].epdBase to 10>><<set $phLocations['Gym'].epdBonus to 2>><<set $phLocations['Gym']['built'] to 1>><<SetAchievement "phBuildGym">><<set $phLocations['Gym'].mode to 'base'>><<set $phLocations['Gym'].visitorMin to 5>><<set $phLocations['Gym'].visitorMax to 10>><<set $phLocations['Gym'].visitorCap to 50>><<set $phLocations['Gym'].level to 1>><<set $phLocations['Gym'].manageMin to 0>><<set $phLocations['Gym'].manageMax to 0>><<set $phLocations['Gym'].manageDecay to 0>><<unset $phDoBuild>><</if>><<if $phDoBuild is 'ShakeShack'>><<run memorize('pda_pulse',true)>><<termtext "white" "Constructing new locale:'Shakes 'n' Sundaes'">>
> Beginning Energy Transfer
> Loading Schematic Settings
> Clearing Necessary Physical Space
<<termtext "yellow" "''>> Simulacra Type:'' Encouraging, Top Heavy, Content">>
>> Requesting Initial 'Bessie' Staff... //Transfer Approved//
>> Attaching Milkers... //Complete//
<<termtext "yellow" "> ''Auras Installed:''">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Hunger (150%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Hunger Satifaction (300%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Contentment (200%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Anxiety Relief (300%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Focus (Simplistic, Animal)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Breast Obsession (120%)">>
> Mixing Initial Drinks... ''Complete''
> Adding Selection to Vending Machines: 20 Block Radius.
> Finalizing Energy Expenditure... ''Complete''
<<termtext "white" "''Construction Complete'' ">>[img[Assets/Console/Cursor.gif]]<<set $phEnergy -= Math.round(50 * _mod)>><<set $phLocations['ShakeShack']['built'] to 1>><<SetAchievement "phBuildShake">><<set $phLocations['ShakeShack'].epdBase to 10>><<set $phLocations['ShakeShack'].epdBonus to 2>><<set $phLocations['ShakeShack'].mode to 'base'>><<set $phLocations['ShakeShack'].visitorMin to 5>><<set $phLocations['ShakeShack'].visitorMax to 10>><<set $phLocations['ShakeShack'].visitorCap to 50>><<set $phLocations['ShakeShack'].level to 1>><<set $phLocations['ShakeShack'].manageDecay to 0>><<set $phLocations['ShakeShack'].manageMin to 0>><<set $phLocations['ShakeShack'].manageMax to 0>><<unset $phDoBuild>><</if>><<if $phDoBuild is 'CompCafe'>><<run memorize('pda_pulse',true)>><<termtext "white" "Constructing new locale:'Computer Cafe'">>
> Beginning Energy Transfer
> Loading Schematic Settings
> Clearing Necessary Physical Space
>> <<termtext "yellow" "''Simulacra Type:'' Perky, Geeky, Unobtrusive">>
> Installing Per-Station Fiber Connection... ''Complete''
<<termtext "yellow" "> ''Auras Installed:''">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Relaxation (150%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Focus ('In the Zone')">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Entertainment (120%)">>
> Setting Lag Time: -3 second(s).
> Generating Additional Internet Content... ''Complete''
> Finalizing Energy Expenditure... ''Complete''
<<termtext "white" "''Construction Complete'' ">> [img[Assets/Console/Cursor.gif]]<<set $phEnergy -= Math.round (50 * _mod)>><<set $phLocations['CompCafe']['built'] to 1>><<SetAchievement "phBuildComp">><<set $phLocations['CompCafe'].epdBase to 10>><<set $phLocations['CompCafe'].epdBonus to 2>><<set $phLocations['CompCafe'].mode to 'base'>><<set $phLocations['CompCafe'].visitorMin to 5>><<set $phLocations['CompCafe'].visitorMax to 12>><<set $phLocations['CompCafe'].visitorCap to 50>><<set $phLocations['CompCafe'].level to 1>><<set $phLocations['CompCafe'].manageDecay to 0>><<set $phLocations['CompCafe'].manageMin to 0>><<set $phLocations['CompCafe'].manageMax to 0>><<unset $phDoBuild>><</if>><<if $phDoBuild is 'Casino'>><<termtext "white" "Constructing new locale:'Casino'">>
> Beginning Energy Transfer
> Loading Schematic Settings
> Clearing Necessary Physical Space
>> <<termtext "yellow" "''Simulacra Type:''Professional, Friendly, Anecdote Compatible">>
>> ''Casino Equipment:'' Installed
<<termtext "yellow" "> ''Auras Installed:''">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Time Sense (-50%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Fallacies (Gambler) (200%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "'One More Hand' Syndrome (10+ Hands)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Endorphin Rush (High, Risky Behavior)">>
> Finalizing Energy Expenditure... ''Complete''
<<termtext "white" "''Construction Complete'' ">> [img[Assets/Console/Cursor.gif]]<<set $phEnergy -= Math.round(800 * _mod)>><<set $phLocations['Casino']['built'] to 1>><<SetAchievement "phBuildCasino">><<set $phCasinoPayoutOdds to .5>><<set $phCasinoWorkCounter to 0>><<unset $phDoBuild>><</if>><<if $phDoBuild is 'Bank'>><<run memorize('pda_pulse',true)>><<termtext "white" "Constructing new locale:'Bank'">>
> Beginning Energy Transfer
> Loading Schematic Settings
> Clearing Necessary Physical Space
>> <<termtext "yellow" "''Simulacra Type:''Chipper, Executive, Cooperative">>
>> ''Bank Equipment:'' Installed
<<termtext "yellow" "> ''Operation 'Rounding' Begun:''">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Access To Human Banking Systems Initiated">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Account Balances Downloaded">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Waiving All Past Fees">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Applying 15% 'Rounding Error' to local ATMs">>
> Finalizing Energy Expenditure... ''Complete''
<<termtext "white" "''Construction Complete'' ">> [img[Assets/Console/Cursor.gif]]<<set $phEnergy -= Math.round(250 * _mod)>><<set $phLocations['Bank']['built'] to 1>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].epdBase to 10>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].epdBonus to 2>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].mode to 'base'>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].visitorMin to 5>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].visitorMax to 10>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].visitorCap to 100>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].level to 1>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].manageMin to 0>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].manageMax to 0>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].manageDecay to 0>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].investmentBonus to 0>><<set $phLocations['Bank'].investmentBonusCheck to 0>><<SetAchievement "phBuildBank">><<unset $phDoBuild>><</if>><<if $phDoBuild is 'Floor2'>><<termtext "white" "Constructing new locale:'Second Floor'">>
> Beginning Energy Transfer
> Loading Schematic Settings
> Analyzing Energy Flow
> Isolating 'Pooled' Locations
> Relocating Human Businesses Away From High Value Slots (Rent Reductions Applied)
> Locations Analyzed and Prioritized
> Building Slots Opened. Ready To Build
> Finalizing Energy Expenditure... ''Complete''
<<termtext "white" "''Construction Complete'' ">> [img[Assets/Console/Cursor.gif]]<<set $phEnergy -= Math.round(100 * _mod)>><<set $phLocations['Floor2']['built'] to 1>><<SetAchievement "phBuildFloor2">><<unset $phDoBuild>><</if>><<if $phDoBuild is 'Security'>><<run memorize('pda_pulse',true)>><<termtext "white" "Constructing new locale:'Security Office'">>
> Beginning Energy Transfer
> Loading Schematic Settings
> Clearing Necessary Physical Space
>> <<termtext "yellow" "''Simulacra Type:'' ERROR: PROPER SIMULACRA TYPE UNAVAILABLE">>
>> ''Cross-Referencing Pre-Approved Human Workforce:'' Complete
>> ''Match Found (96.4% Compatability):'' Petra Elizabeth Torres
>> ''Arranging Transporting and Transfer'' Complete
<<termtext "yellow" "> ''Auras Installed:''">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Alertness (Well-Caffeinated)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Eye Strain (-75%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Question Suppressor (Workplace Oddities)">>
> ''Tower Set To:'' Learning Mode
> Finalizing Energy Expenditure... ''Complete''
<<termtext "white" "''Construction Complete'' ">> [img[Assets/Console/Cursor.gif]]<<set $phEnergy -= Math.round(150 * _mod)>><<set $phLocations['Security']['built'] to 1>><<set $phLocations['Security'].epdBase to 5>><<set $phLocations['Security'].epdBonus to 2>><<set $phLocations['Security'].mode to 'base'>><<set $phLocations['Security'].visitorMin to 5>><<set $phLocations['Security'].visitorMax to 10>><<set $phLocations['Security'].visitorCap to 50>><<set $phLocations['Security'].level to 1>><<set $phLocations['Security'].manageMin to 0>><<set $phLocations['Security'].manageMax to 0>><<set $phLocations['Security'].manageDecay to 0>><<SetAchievement "phBuildSecurity">><<unset $phDoBuild>><</if>><<if $phDoBuild is 'Inferno'>><<run memorize('pda_pulse',true)>><<termtext "white" "Constructing new locale:'Inferno Nightclub'">>
> Beginning Energy Transfer
> Loading Schematic Settings
> Clearing Necessary Physical Space
>> <<termtext "yellow" "''Simulacra Type:'' Tough But Friendly, Alternative Fashion">>
>> ''Sourcing 'Playroom' Equipment:'' Located, Purchased, and Installed
<<termtext "yellow" "> ''Auras Installed:''">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Shut Up And Dance (120%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Inhibitions (-50%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Resting Stamina Recovery (150%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Endorphin Rush (Excited Highs)">>
> Sourcing Local Bands - Identified and Scheduled
> Finalizing Energy Expenditure... ''Complete''
<<termtext "white" "''Construction Complete'' ">> [img[Assets/Console/Cursor.gif]]<<set $phEnergy -= Math.round (250 * _mod)>><<set $phLocations['Inferno']['built'] to 1>><<set $phLocations['Inferno'].epdBase to 15>><<set $phLocations['Inferno'].epdBonus to 2>><<set $phLocations['Inferno'].mode to 'base'>><<set $phLocations['Inferno'].visitorMin to 5>><<set $phLocations['Inferno'].visitorMax to 10>><<set $phLocations['Inferno'].visitorCap to 75>><<set $phLocations['Inferno'].level to 1>><<set $phLocations['Inferno'].manageMin to 0>><<set $phLocations['Inferno'].manageMax to 0>><<set $phLocations['Inferno'].manageDecay to 0>><<SetAchievement "phBuildInferno">><<unset $phDoBuild>><</if>><<if $phDoBuild is 'Elysium'>><<run memorize('pda_pulse',true)>><<termtext "white" "Constructing new locale:'Elysium Park'">>
> Beginning Energy Transfer
> Loading Schematic Settings
> Clearing Necessary Physical Space
>> <<termtext "yellow" "''Simulacra Type:'' Gardeners (Invisible)">>
>> ''Fertilizing Ground:'' Complete
>> ''Seeding:'' Complete
>> ''Initiating Growth Surge:'' Complete
<<termtext "yellow" "> ''Auras Installed:''">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Resiliance - Plant (500%)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Personal Temperature Control (Comfortable)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Psychic Connection (Low Level, Life)">>
> <<termtext "blue" "Clarity and Focus (135%)">>
> Introducing 'Wild' Randomization Effect...''Complete''
> Finalizing Energy Expenditure... ''Complete''
<<termtext "white" "''Construction Complete'' ">> [img[Assets/Console/Cursor.gif]]<<set $phEnergy -= Math.round(250 * _mod)>><<set $phLocations['Elysium']['built'] to 1>><<set $phLocations['Elysium'].epdBase to 15>><<set $phLocations['Elysium'].epdBonus to 2>><<set $phLocations['Elysium'].mode to 'base'>><<set $phLocations['Elysium'].visitorMin to 5>><<set $phLocations['Elysium'].visitorMax to 10>><<set $phLocations['Elysium'].visitorCap to 75>><<set $phLocations['Elysium'].level to 1>><<set $phLocations['Elysium'].manageMin to 0>><<set $phLocations['Elysium'].manageMax to 0>><<set $phLocations['Elysium'].manageDecay to 0>><<SetAchievement "phBuildElysium">><<unset $phDoBuild>><</if>>
[[Return To Build Options|Build Screen]]
[[Turn The Console Off|Research and Development][$phGoodbye to 'build']]
@@<<nobr>><<if ($phDamien.transform is 'sissy') and ($phCassandra.transform is 'punk') and ($phLocations['Gym']['level'] gt 1) and ($phWaitUltimate.includes('Gym') is false)>><<set _random to 9>><<else>>
<<if ($phDamien.transform is 'sissy') and ($phMason.transform is 'sub') and ($phLocations['Gym']['level'] gt 1) and ($phWaitUltimate.includes('Gym2') is false)>><<set _random to 10>><<else>>
if (State.variables.phLocations['Gym']['waits'].length == 0) {
State.variables.phLocations['Gym']['waits'].push(1, 2, 3, 4);
if (State.variables.phLocations['Gym']['level'] > 1) {
if (State.variables.phCassandra.transform == 'punk') {
if (State.variables.phDamien.transform == 'sissy') {
if ((State.variables.phCassandra.transform == 'punk') && (State.variables.phDamien.transform == 'sissy') && (State.variables.phLocations['Gym']['level'] > 1)) {
if ((State.variables.phMason.transform == 'sub') && (State.variables.phDamien.transform == 'sissy') && (State.variables.phLocations['Gym']['level'] > 1)) {
<<set _random to $phLocations['Gym']['waits'].pluck()>><</if>><</if>>
<</nobr>>Stopping by the gym was always an experience. People pushed themselves to the limit in every gym across the country, but only in yours could they push hard enough to see near-instant results. You had learned that the mind was looser and more honest when the body was properly exhausted, and people lifted on an exercise-fueled endorphin rush would indulge themselves in a whole lot of new ways.
That had, in fact, caused problems in the past. The simulacra were excellent at handling day to day issues, but they weren't very good once the situations became more personal. You didn't have the time to have a full-time job as a coach, but you'd found it useful to step in occasionally and make sure that your customers were being properly looked after.
<<if _random is 1>>A deep groan caught your attention as you passed the weight machines. You spotted a man you had seen around before on one of the pull down machines. He was seated in front of it, and grunting with exertion as he struggled to pull the bar down toward his lap and raise the weights it was attached to. He was fit, but modestly muscled, and you had seen him struggling with machines more and more in recent days.
You //also// saw something interesting outlined in his tight gym shorts. The fabric had bunched up beneath him in his effort, and it had been pulled tight across what was obviously a rather substantial shaft, even soft. You couldn't help but notice it, even from across the room.
You looked around for a moment. It wasn't the most active part of the day, and all of the nearby machines were empty. If you positioned yourself right, you could probably assist the man with a bit of 'hands on' motivating. That would take up your time, but you were sure there was a fair amount of energy tied up in the struggling man's efforts. What would be best today?
[[Personal Encouragement|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 1]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 2>>Movement caught your eye. Delightful, rounded, bouncing movement. A pair of very //large// movements straining against a tank top that was far too small to contain them.
You forced yourself to look up from the pair of heaving breasts and took in the rest of the woman. She was jogging on one of the treadmills at a fairly fast pace, and her skin was glistening with sweat. Her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail beneath a baseball cap and her yoga pants were riding low on her hips. You saw her cast a somewhat guilty look around, but she didn't see you. Instead, she reached out and flipped the treadmill onto an even higher setting. Her nipples were showing prominently through her top, and her knees seemed to shake slightly as she got up to the new speed.
You grinned. Runner's high was a very real thing in //your// gym, but the feelings could be a little bit more intense than people were used to. Judging by the way she was moving, she was finding herself more and more excited the harder she pushed her body. As the gym's owner, it was really your responsibility to help her ride that high to the very end of the workout. It was slow enough at the moment that you were pretty sure you could get away with it.
On the other hand, she seemed to be doing just fine on her own, and you //did// have other work to do...
[[Help Her Out|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 2]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 3>>A familiar noise caught your attention. It was a hollow sounding impact of flesh on wood, repeated with slightly differing pitches for several seconds. You didn't need to look over to know exactly who was in the gym today.
You'd never caught her name, actually, but you'd seen her before. She was a remarkably small woman, probably not even cresting five feet with heels on. She was fit, she was determined, and she threw around sparring partners like they didn't weigh anything at all. You had seen her crush her way through every simulacrum training coach the gym had thrown at her. Apparently, she was bored with them now, given that she was beating her fists and forearms against a wooden training dummy that leaned against one of the lesser-used walls.
You watched her practice for a moment. Her fists moved fast enough to blur as she struck solidly against the protruding wooden arms. She had demolished everyone the gym had put up against her, but you were a different matter. You were stronger, faster, and hardier than any human could be. That might be enough to compensate for the woman's skills. If it was...well, you had a strong suspicion the woman enjoyed sparring for more than just the physical exercise. You were pretty sure it might escalate to something a bit different after she discovered your abilities, and that would certainly help add a nice burst of energy to your coffers.
On the other hand, you weren't entirely sure your strength and speed could match someone who had studied combat for as long as the woman clearly had been. Maybe it would be best to just let her practice and go about your day.
[[Rise To The Challenge|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 3]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 4>>You felt a twinge in your back and rolled your shoulder to work the feeling out. Your body had remarkable stamina, but spending time walking around the floor, coaching, and demonstrating on the machines so regularly could tax even you. You knew the pain would fade quickly, and within an hour you'd probably be entirely recovered, but that didn't help you much right now.
Your eyes strayed to the doors at the side of the gym. You knew they led to the showers, but they also featured a small but ever growing massage suite. Given the mixture of lust and exertion within this area of the tower, you weren't overly surprised that your masseuses had been such a popular attraction, but you had been surprised how many job applications you'd received since the gym had opened. Apparently, those humans who enjoyed the gym's ambience were more than happy to hang around and help work out strained muscles if it meant putting their hands on the hot bodies running around the floor. In fact, you guessed your massage staff was probably almost entirely 'real' these days.
You also guessed about half of them had their eyes on you. You were the boss, of course, and it wasn't like you didn't cut a figure on the floor. Maybe what you needed was a little time on the massage table. They could work out the tension in your back and, after you rolled over and made clear your intentions, they could ease the tension in other ways. That would almost certainly be exciting enough produce a fair bit of energy.
Maybe it would be best not to distract the staff, though. They had work to do, and you had the benefit of healing away your aches and pains in the time it took to take a meal break. Perhaps you should just keep yourself on the main floor.
<<if $phYou.form != 'female'>>@@.choice;
[[Let Your Staff Enjoy Your Staff|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 4]]<<else>>@@.choice;
[[Enjoy Some of Your Staff|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 4]]@@<</if>><</if>><<if _random is 5>>The sound of your footsteps were muffled as you walked along the locker area just outside of the showers. The air was thick and heavy with moisture, and your skin tingled just a bit as it settled in. The additive to the shower water had done wonders. It didn't affect most at all, but your more repressed clients were feeling the effects strongly. It had a tendency to bring things to the surface that were hidden down between layers of self-control and shyness.
Those repressed feelings could be strong however. Even now, you could hear a low, masculine groan even above the sound of running water. You knew that noise well. It was one of desperate, aching need and an uncontrolled desire for satisfaction. It was the sort of sound that the new <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>incubus<<else>>succubus<</if>> parts of you shuddered to hear.
You knew the tower would provide a target for the man soon enough. A simulacrum, more than likely, unless a real person who had a fantasy for exactly this sort of encounter could be found. It wouldn't permit any of your guests to be actually attacked. Still, you had to admit you were curious. Just how wild would this get?
Easy way to find out. All you had to do was wander innocently between the stalls until whoever was making the noise realized they weren't alone. You doubted there would be a lot of seduction, though, or any degree of finesse at all. Perhaps it would be better to let the tower generate a mindless target for the man to vent his lust on, and you could return back to the main gym.
<<if $phYou.form != 'male'>>
[[Play The Innocent Damsel|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 5]]<<else>>[[See What Trouble You Can Get Into|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 5]]<</if>>@@
<</if>><<if _random is 6>>You stepped from the main gym into the locker area near the showers and immediately felt a warm sensation running over your skin. The air was wet with mist from the running showers further in, and you knew that it wasn't //just// water in the pipes any more. It wasn't very noticeable for most, though, and a lot of days passed with nothing more exciting than a few customers feeling unusually pumped and confident when they stepped out of the water.
<<if $phYou.form != 'male'>>A high-pitched moan from within, however, while a feminine voice cooed and urged the moaner on told you that today was not going to be that boring. More voices joined the first two, all of them laced with pleasure. You counted at least six, all of them coming from the women's shower area.
You licked your lips with anticipation. Six women, all of them finding their inhibitions come off and apparently quite keen to enjoy one another and their own relaxation. That sort of thing made you tingle even worse than the water. You were pretty sure they wouldn't mind one more<<if $phYou.form == 'futa'>>, if you could keep your pants on<</if>>.
On the other hand, they certainly didn't need you to enjoy themselves. You could get back to work, let them have their fun, and <<if $phYou.form == 'futa'>>not worry that a stray hand between your legs might cause some awkward explanations<<else>>revisit this little fantasy in the privacy of your bedroom tonight<</if>>. It would be less enjoyable in the short term, but it would help the gym keep running smoothly for all the days to come.<</if>><<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>A low groan from within, followed by a gruff voice that urged the other on, told you that today was not going to be that boring. More voices joined the first two, all of them heavy with pleasure. You counted at least six, all of them coming from the men's shower area.
You licked your lips with anticipation. Six men, all of them finding their inhibitions falling away, and apparently keen to enjoy one another and their own relaxation. That made you tingle even worse than the water. You were pretty sure they wouldn't mind one more.
On the other hand, they certainly didn't need //you// to enjoy themselves. You could get back to work, let them have their fun, and revisit this little fantasy another time. It would be less enjoyable in the short term, but it would help the gym keep running smoothly for all the days to come.<</if>>
[[Join The Fun|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 6]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 7>><<nm $phDamien "$phDamien.Address? Are you okay? You look a little distracted.">>
You blinked and dragged your attention back to the matter at hand. Dana had caught up with you for a talk about halfway into your management routine. Apparently, you had drifted from the conversation.
<<nm $phYou "Sorry. Just a little off my game. Been spending a lot more time 'managing' than 'doing' today, and I guess I'm feeling a little tense.">>
Dana shot you a coquettish grin. You knew that look. It always signified something naughty...though in fairness, where Dana was concerned almost any look signified something naughty.
<<nm $phDamien "We could fix that, $phDamien.Address. Take a little time to yourself and unwind. I'm sure I could come up with a way that would help you sneak in a workout without taking up too much time. Please?">>
You hesitated. You weren't sure what Dana had in mind, exactly, but it would probably be far from an ordinary workout. You still had a lot of coaching to do today, if you were going to hit your goals. On the other hand, you'd probably be a lot more effective after a little break. What could it hurt?
[[Take A Break|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 7]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 8>>You were walking the track outside when the hiss of a spray can drew you attention. You looked up...and found Cass standing at one wall of the tower, rattling a can of spray paint in one hand. In front of her was a half-finished mural. Cass was actually a talented artist, you remembered, and the picture's clean lines and vibrant colors drove that point home. It was amazingly well done.
...Of course, <<if $phSamantha.transform is 'bimbo'>>the picture itself also showed a pigtailed blonde bent over her desk, her face exultant with pleasure as something drove into her backside.<</if>><<if $phSamantha.transform is 'futa'>>the picture itself also showed a dark-haired woman on her knees, breasts popping out of her dress shirt as she suckled something large but not yet drawn in.<</if>> You could guess what was missing from the picture. You frowned. The resemblance to $phSamantha.name was too obvious to ignore, even if the words 'Executive Suck-retary' hadn't been helpfully written on the wall just below it. Trouble among the staff, or was this just Cass's way of expressing her fondness?
Either way, it was a little over the line even for Paradise. The tower would no doubt quietly clean the wall off before too long, but Cass was exactly the sort of woman who would put up a new one every day until one stuck. If you wanted to avoid that, you would have to apply something of a firm hand to your rebel without a cause. But... she wasn't //hurting// anything. You could just walk on by and pretend that you hadn't seen anything.
[[Apply 'Corrective Measures'|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 8]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 9>>Today was going to be a rather slow day, it seemed. Rain battered the windows to the outside and, even inside where it was dry, the air seemed heavy. You were just about to go looking for what targets you could find when you heard what sounded like an argument behind.
<<nm $phDamien "...but you're always outside! Why not use this as an opportunity to try some indoor sports?">>
<<nm $phCassandra "Indoor sports? We can't all spend our days playing with any set of balls that comes their way, slut. I'm just here until the rain clear, so fuck off with the sales pitch.">>
You frowned and turned, hurrying in the direction the words had come from. The last thing you needed was //that// pair getting into a cat fight in the middle of the floor. The tower could conceal a lot of strange happenings, but there were limits.
You needn't have worried. As you rounded a corner, you didn't find the pair the squaring off eye-to-eye. Rather, Dana was curled respectfully next to Cass's seat near the door, and the punkish rebel had one hand down to idly pet the sissy's hair.
Both of them looked up as you approached. Dana with unalloyed cheer, and Cass with a knowing smirk. No doubt she knew exactly what you had thought was happening.
<<nm $phDamien "$phDamien.Address!">>
<<nm $phCassandra "Well well, if it isn't the boss. What brings you down to the gutter?">>
You returned the smirk and then laughed as Dana rose to throw himself into your arms. You returned the hug with a gentle kiss and patted the sissy on his skirt to send him back to his seat.
<<nm $phYou "Just passing through. Weather's bad, so it seemed a good day to apply some personal attention to the new customers. What are you two doing?">>
<<nm $phCassandra "Well, Dana here thinks I should practice some indoor sports, and I was getting ready to show him exactly which ones I like. You gonna fuck off or stick around for a while?">>
Indoor sports. You had a pretty good idea of how Cass liked to get her exercise. Judging by the way Dana flushed and arched his back, he did as well. You couldn't help but feel a little burst of heat rising within you at the notion. Both Dana //and// Cass could be fun, in their own way, but both of them together promised to be a rare treat.
On the other hand, it //was// a good day to work. Fewer people meant it was a lot easier for a new customer to decide to give it a try, and that meant your coaching would be particularly useful. The pair were looking at you expectantly, though, and you had to make a decision.
<<run $phWaitUltimate.pushUnique('Gym')>>
[[Indoor 'Sports'|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 9]]@@
<</if>><<if _random is 10>><<run $phWaitUltimate.pushUnique('Gym2')>><<nm $phDamien "You really should try one of the machines. It might loosen you up a bit!">>
<<nm $phMason "I assure you, the form I've been given does not require any significant amount of exercise to maintain itself. One of the advantages of my condition.">>
<<nm $phDamien "It's not //actually// about your body, Mason! It's about giving your head some time to work things out. You spend all your time in your workshop with your brain running. I think a little time occupied with something physical would do you good.">>
You were walking through the backrooms of the gym when you stumbled across a rarity: Mason actually outside of his own office. The four-armed man had a small folder of papers with him, almost certainly related to some marketing push or redesign for the gym. Dana was sitting on a half disassembled workout bench, kicking his feet idly and showing off a fair bit of thigh with every lift of his skirt.
<<nm $phYou "Nice to see you boys getting along.">>
<<nm $phMason "$pMistress!">>
<<nm $phDamien "$pMistress!">>
They both came to attention in fortunately the same way, turning toward you and straightening their backs. It took only a second for them to realize they'd been speaking in consert. Dana's head whipped around, his eyes going wide with realization and excitement.
Mason grimaced.
<<nm $phDamien "You-....You two? Oooh, Mason, I'm so happy for you! $pMistress is the best, isn't $pshe?">>
<<nm $phMason "That's...That's not //exactly//...">>
<<nm $phDamien "Oh come on! It's written all over your face! It's not something you need to hide! You can tell me!">>
Mason turned his attention to you pleadingly, and you had some mercy. You stepped forward and put a hand lightly on Dana's shoulders.
<<nm $phYou "Now now. Mason is taking things at his own pace. Not everyone can adapt quite as quickly as you. We're going to be good and keep things to ourselves for a while, won't we?">>
<<nm $phDamien "Awwww...I understand. I was just teasing, honestly. I'm really glad for you, Mason. Although...">>
The sissy's eyes grew bright as he tucked his hands behind the small of his back, swaying back and forth with exaggerated innocense.
<<nm $phDamien "As long as I //do// know, there's no harm in having a little fun together, right? You have time for both of us, don't you?">>
Mason's expression flickered. Chagrined, but there was a tiny spark of interest in the tall man's eyes now. He clearly hadn't considered the notion before. He was considering it very strongly now.
Of course, it was ultimately up to you. Did you think Mason was ready to roll in the hay with another sub, or would you need to dampen Dana's enthusiasm just a little bit? It would be hard to get back to work after this opportunity, but you could manage it.
[[Two For One Deal!|GymWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 10]]@@
[[Stick To The General Coaching|Gym][$phGoodbye to 'gymwait']]@@<<set $phTime +=1>><<nobr>>
<<set $phTime to 0>>
<<set $phSoulCount to 1>>
<<set $phEnergy to 100>>
<<set $phUIDisplay to 1>>
<<run memorize('characters_pulse',true)>>
<<set $phLazDays to 14>>
<<set $phGameDays to 2>>
<<set settings.phSpoilerMode to false>>
<<set $phStoryProgression to 1>>
<</nobr>>Clearly, you've done this before. But we can't just skip you right into your job managing an interdimensional tower of lust and self-actualization, without at least getting down some basics.
''Human First Name''
<<textbox "$phYou.humanname" "Jane">>
''Human Last Name''
<<textbox "$phYou.surname" "Doe">>
''Demonic Name?''
<<textbox "$phYou.firstname" "Red">>
''Previous Sex''
<<radiobutton "$phYou.gender" "female" checked>> Female
<<radiobutton "$phYou.gender" "male">> Male
''Current Sex''
<<radiobutton "$phYou.form" "female" checked>> Female
<<radiobutton "$phYou.form" "male">> Male
<<radiobutton "$phYou.form" "futa">> Futanari
''Lazren Encounter''
<<radiobutton "$phLazTakesYou" "oral" checked>> Oral
<<radiobutton "$phLazTakesYou" "penetrative">> Penetrative
''Samantha Status''
<<radiobutton "$phSamantha.transform" "bimbo" checked>> Bimbo Sexpot
<<radiobutton "$phSamantha.transform" "futa">> Futa Partner
''Necklace Facing''
<<radiobutton "$phYou.necklace" "top" checked>> Red - Dominant
<<radiobutton "$phYou.necklace" "bottom">> Green - Submissive
<<button [[Let's Go!|SummaryModeOffer]]>><</button>><<if $phSamantha.goodbye is 'none'>><<if ($phSamantha.chapter_talk lt $phStoryProgression)>><<set $phSamantha.chapter_talk to $phStoryProgression>><<if $phSamantha.chapter_talk is 2>><<nm $phSamantha "$phSamantha.Address! You won, you won!">>
The moment she saw you, your secretary was bouncing up from her desk and rushing in your direction. The movement did a lot of fun things to her, most particularly making her heavy chest bounce and jiggle in a way you couldn't help but notice. You were pretty sure that was the point of the shirt she was wearing.
She threw herself into your arms and you were forced to spin her around in a circle just to avoid being knocked over.
<<nm $phYou "Woah woah woah! I won?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "The contest! Miss Lazren's contest! You had to have enough souls, and you totally did! I knew you could do it!">>
She leaned up and pressed her lips hard against yours. You returned the kiss and then settled the sexy secretary back down onto her feet. She put on a coquettish look and rose up onto her tip toes to smile at you.
<<nm $phSamantha "I bet I could come up with a way to help you celebrate, and you'll never guess what it is!">>
<<nm $phYou "...Is it sex?">>
Sammy was silent for several seconds. Then she pouted and sat down on the edge of her desk with an exaggerated sigh.
<<nm $phSamantha "Okay, maybe you //will// guess, but it would still be fun, $phSamantha.address! You should relax a little. Just because Miss Lazren gave you another task doesn't mean you can't take a little time for yourself!">>
<<nm $phYou "I promise, Sammy. When I have some time, you'll know about it.">>
Her expression brightened as if she had just won the lottery. She faced you more directly and bounced in place two or three more times.
<<nm $phSamantha "Did you need anything?">>
<</if>><<if ($phSamantha.chapter_talk gt 2) and ($phSamantha.chapter_talk lt 3.9)>><<set $phSamantha.chapter_talk to 3.9>>Sammy was concentrating.
That was fairly rare. You'd learned from experience that however flighty, horny, and ditzy she might be, she wasn't stupid. Still, she usually tended to follow the path of least resistance from one thought to another. Here, though, she was seated at her desk, her brow was knit in concentration, and she was very clearly focusing.
You watched for a few seconds. When she didn't move, you couldn't help but distract her.
<<nm $phYou "...Sammy?">>
Her large eyes popped open, and her mouth formed a perfect surprised 'O' as she came up out of her chair and rushed forward for a hug.
<<nm $phSamantha "Hello, $phSamantha.address!">>
<<nm $phYou "You look like you were thinking about something really hard. Everything alright?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Huh? Oh yeah! I was just thinking. Miss Lazren wants you to replace Desire, right? Like Mr. Mason told us?">>
<<nm $phYou "That's the plan, yeah. I'm not sure it will be that easy; we'll have to see.">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Uh-huh, but she's like...every type of desire thing, right? Not just the sexy kind? And she makes them come true, just like you do, right?">>
<<nm $phYou "Sure. Where are you going with this?">>
Sammy bounced in place for a moment and giggled. She took on an almost professorial tone.
<<nm $phSamantha "Well...I figure if //I// want you to take over as the big Sin, and I want it a //whole lot//, then she might feel that, cause it's a desire thing. And then she might have to help you do that, because that's what she does!">>
You blinked for a few seconds, and then controlled your urge to smile. The logic was...surprisingly sound. You were 99% sure it didn't actually work that way, of course, but you couldn't fault the argument.
<<nm $phYou "I suppose it might. Thank you, Sammy!">>
<<nm $phSamantha "You're welcome!">>
She sing-songed out the words, then leaned forward to offer you an extensive glimpse of her cleavage. Concentration time, it seemed, had passed.
<<nm $phSamantha "Can I do anything for you, $phSamantha.address?">>
<</if>><<else>><<nm $phYou "Hey Sammy. How are we doing today?">>
The blonde looked up, pigtails bouncing, and offered you a cheerful grin. She rolled away from her desk to face you directly, her tiny black skirt riding up her thighs in a way you were sure was accidental. You were definitely sure the way she arched her back and drew your attention to her chest was //not// accidental.
<<if $phSoulCount is 1>><<nm $phSamantha "Oooh! Hi, $phSamantha.Address! Like, we're still getting started and stuff so, like, most of the stuff is still boring and normal, but I know we're gonna change that and make it totally yummy!">>
<</if>><<if $phSoulCount is (2 or 3)>><<nm $phSamantha "Ooooh, $phSamantha.Address! Like, you finally found someone to change! I saw on the cameras. And, um..touched myself a little. But it was //really// hawt. We're still, like, tiny and stuff but I think we're getting the hang of things!">>
<</if>><<if $phSoulCount is (4 or 5)>><<nm $phSamantha "Wow, $phSamantha.Address! Like, do you ever have to ask? You've been so hawt making all those people into something new, and happy, and totally sexy and stuff! Like, we may still be getting started, but you're killing it!">>
<</if>>You laugh, leaning on the edge of the desk and looking down at your blonde bimbo. Sammy bites her generous lower lip, her thighs rubbing together beneath your gaze.
<<nm $phSamantha "How can I help, $phSamantha.Address? If you wanna ask me anything, you totally can...or, like, if you wanna help me inventory the supply closet it's very, like, private, most of the time? And quiet.">>
Quiet and private. That was unusually subtle, for Sammy.
<<nm $phSamantha "You know? So you can fuck me good, $phSamantha.Address?">>
So much for subtle.<</if>><<if $phSamantha.goodbye is 'sammy'>>You tell Samantha you'd like to talk about something else.
<<nm $phSamantha "Mmmhmm! I understand, $phSamantha.Address! Sometimes, I am talking to people and I mean to ask about something, but then I get distracted because they have a big cock<<if ($phYou.form is 'futa') or ($phYou.form is 'male')>>, like $phSamantha.Address,<</if>> or really nice tits like <<if ($phYou.form is 'female') or ($phYou.form is 'futa')>>$phSamantha.Address<<else>>me<</if>>, and then I try to see if they want to do the not talking stuff instead!">>
The blonde clasps her hands together and nods her head sharply, as if putting the emphasis on a really astute point.
<<nm $phSamantha "But you want the talking stuff...unless...you, um, wanted to visit the supply closet?">>
She leaned forward, conspiratorially.
<<nm $phSamantha "It's not //really// visiting the supply closet!">><<set $phSamantha.goodbye to 'none'>><</if>><</if>>
<<set $phSamanthaQ1 to 0>><<set $phSamanthaQ2 to 0>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 0>>@@.choice;
[[Ask Sammy about Herself|SammyTalk]]
[[Invite Sammy to the Supply Closet|SammySex]]<<if (not hasVisited ("SamGenderTalk")) and ($phGenderChanged == true)>><br />[[Ask Sammy if She's Noticed Anything...Different About You|SamGenderTalk]]<</if>>
[[That's Enough For Now.|Office][$phSamantha.goodbye to 'sam']]@@<<if $phSamantha.goodbye is 'none'>><<if ($phSamantha.chapter_talk lt $phStoryProgression)>><<set $phSamantha.chapter_talk to $phStoryProgression>><<if $phSamantha.chapter_talk is 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Well now. Look who the cat dragged in.">>
Samantha was smiling broadly as she came around the side of her desk and opened her arms. You stepped in for a hug and a quick kiss on both cheeks before letting her go.
<<nm $phYou "Somehow still here. Surprising, isn't it?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh, I don't know. I think Lazren had a good feeling about you from the very start. She didn't even have me line up a back-up candidate in case you turned things down.">>
<<nm $phYou "I'm pretty sure that would have been an awfully anti-climactic end to the interview. What about you? Did you have faith?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Not at first. I was //given// faith, though. You could have made me anything you wanted, you know. I gave you a blank check. And now I'm me, so that's a strong mark in your favor. Here. A little gesture of my affection.">>
She reached over to her desk and picked up a small, polished wooden box. You cocked your head as she passed it over. It was solid in your hands, and you admired the polished wood for a few long seconds.
<<nm $phYou "A gift?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Why not? You passed your first test! That's more than worth a little celebration, boss.">>
You gently cracked the halves open and looked inside. Within the box, nestled on a red velvet cushion, was a strangely familiar business tie. It was so close to your usual that you actually looked down to make sure the one you were wearing was still in place. It was.
<<nm $phSamantha "I know, I know. It's just like the one you have a dozen of in your closet, but this one is real. I went out and tracked down someone who could //actually// make it for you. The tower's efforts are good, but what's the fun of acquiring wealth if it's out of nowhere?">>
She reached out and nimbly began undoing the tie from around your neck. It was off in a few seconds, and she carefully knotted the new one in its place. Maybe it was your imagination, but it did feel more...substantial, being real. Or maybe that was just knowing who had thought of you.
<<nm $phYou "Thank you, Samantha.">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Any time, boss. Now, what did you stop by for?">>
<</if>><<if ($phSamantha.chapter_talk gt 2) and ($phSamantha.chapter_talk lt 3.9)>><<set $phSamantha.chapter_talk to 3.9>><<nm $phYou "...How long did you know Lazren? Before I came along?">>
Samantha looked up from her desk, surprised. Her eyes rolled back as she thought about it, tapping one long fingernail on the polished surface.
<<nm $phSamantha "I'm not sure. A few months, I think. Did I ever tell you we met in a chat room? She promised to change my life, and she came through on it. Why?">>
You frowned and sat on the end of Samantha's desk, considering. There was an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You certainly knew what it was about, but that hadn't helped you work your way through it.
<<nm $phYou "You know that they want to make me a Sin, right?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "I //heard//. Lust herself, or Desire at least. I can't say I blame them. Given how you run the tower, it's sort of a natural fit, right?">>
<<nm $phYou "Right. I guess that's what's bothering me. This didn't all happen the last few weeks. She knew what she wanted me to do the moment I showed up for the job interview.">>
<<nm $phSamantha "I imagine so. She always tried to delegate. The fact that she showed up personally...I guess I might have known.">>
<<nm $phYou "So then what if I'm //still// not getting the whole story? How would I know?">>
Samantha leaned back in her chair for a long time. Finally, she shrugged her shoulders.
<<nm $phSamantha "...You can't know what you don't know. That's kind of the rub. You already trusted her with your soul, didn't you? Is her wanting you in a higher position really a cause to suddenly distrust her?">>
<<nm $phYou "Well...okay, when you put it like that...">>
<<nm $phSamantha "You've //seen// her at work, boss. And you're doing it, too. Sure, maybe she's got some long game and you've been lied to along the line, but I think it's just as likely she's playing things by ear and hoping they all work out. It sounds like someone I know.">>
<<nm $phYou "So... I should sit down, shut up, and wait?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Pretty much. Though if you want some entertainment while you wait...?">>
She gave you a bold wink. You laughed and pushed yourself away from the desk. Maybe not the deepest advice, but it was certainly an option.
You just weren't very good at waiting. What else could you do to pass the time?
<</if>><<else>><<nm $phYou "Good <<if $phTime is 0>>morning<</if>><<if $phTime is 1>>afternoon<</if>><<if $phTime is 2>>evening<</if>>, Samantha. How are we doing today?">>
The dark-haired woman looked up and smiled at you. She rolled her chair out slightly to face you and crossed her long legs with deliberate slowness. You could clearly see the rise in her skirt that framed her manhood straining hard against the fabric as she oh so casually tossed her hair and picked up a sheaf of papers from the desk.
<<if $phSoulCount is 1>><<nm $phSamantha "Well, boss, we're just getting started officially, but we could be doing a lot worse. I'm confident you'll find someone in need soon enough, and I can't wait to see just how you break them in.">>
<</if>><<if $phSoulCount is 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Very well, boss. I was watching when you converted your first target, and it was riveting. I suspect that Lazren will be pleased with your progress, and how far you've already come. We're still small, but we're growing.">>
<</if>><<if $phSoulCount is (3 or 4 or 5)>><<nm $phSamantha "You're getting the hang of things fast, boss. Every time you convert someone, I think I discover a new favorite transformation. We're still a very small piece in Lazren's empire, but I don't think it will be that way for very long.">>
<</if>>She set the papers down and adjusted her glasses, tilting her head to look up at you again, her green eyes sparkling with a playful energy. She cocked her head very slightly to one side.
<<nm $phSamantha "Is there anything I can do for you, $phSamantha.Address? I've been keeping close tabs on our progress and if there's something that can't be found on my desk I can typically lay my hands on it in short order. Or...">>
Slowly, she uncrossed and then recrossed her long legs, giving you ample opportunity to enjoy the show her short skirt provided. Her tongue emerged to wet her lips, leaving them glistening.
<<nm $phSamantha "If you're feeling stressed, I have been working on some relaxation techniques. We could step inside your office for just a little while?">>
You doubted any of the techniques she was talking about were primarily focused on relaxation, but you couldn't deny the thought was tempting.<</if>><<if $phSamantha.goodbye is 'samantha'>><<nm $phSamantha "Alright, boss, what else can I do for you today?">>
Samantha turned her chair back toward you, uncrossing and crossing her legs again. It seemed she enjoyed your reaction every time she let you get a glimpse up her dark skirt.
You could ask her more questions, of course, but you could also invite her back to your room for a massage session instead. You doubted it would remain just a massage, but you also didn't think that either of you would be disappointed by that fact.<<set $phSamantha.goodbye to 'none'>><</if>><</if>>
<<set $phSamanthaQ1 to 0>><<set $phSamanthaQ2 to 0>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 0>>
[[Ask Samantha About Herself|SamanthaTalk]]<<if $phSamantha.date is 4>><br>[[She's Been Quiet - Everything Alright?|SamanthaFutaDateResolution]]<</if>><<if ($phSamantha.date is 9) and ($phSamanthaSuitor is 'You') and ($phMason.transform is 'post')>><br>[[Broach the Subject of The Crystals|SamYouConvos]]<<elseif ($phSamantha.date is 9) and ($phSamanthaSuitor is 'You') and ($phMason.transform is 'post')>><br>[[Tell Sam How You Really Feel|SamYouConvos]]<</if>><<if ($phSamantha.date is 12) and ($phSamanthaSuitor is not 'You')>><br>[[Ask Samantha About Her Relationship|SamPostRelationshipConvos][$phSamantha.date to 12.2]]<</if>><<if ($phSamanthaSuitor is 'You') and ($phSamantha.date is 12)>><br>[[Let's Talk About Us|SamYouConvos]]<</if>>
[[Invite Samantha to Your Room|SamanthaSex]]<<if (not hasVisited ("SamGenderTalk")) and ($phGenderChanged == true)>><br />[[Ask Samantha if She's Noticed Anything...Different About You|SamGenderTalk]]<</if>>
[[That's enough for now.|Office][$phSamantha.goodbye to 'sam']]@@<<if ($phSamanthaQ1 is 0) and ($phSamanthaQ2 is 0) and ($phSamanthaQ3 is 0)>><<nm $phYou "Sammy, can I ask a few things about you for a second?">>
The blonde's eyes went wide and she clapped her hands with delight. She hopped up out of her chair and threw her arms around your neck, pressing a kiss to your startled lips.
<<nm $phSamantha "Ooooh! I know lots about me! I can answer those, $phSamantha.Address! Go ahead, ask me anything, I'm ready!">>
You laughed and wrapped your arms belatedly around the little bimbo. She responded by nuzzling her face contentedly against the side of your chest. Sammy, it seemed, didn't have many secrets.<</if>><<if $phSamanthaQ1 is 1>><<set $phSamanthaQ1 to 2>>You ask Sammy how much she remembers about her past. The blonde frowns, tilting her head back and absently tugging on one long ponytail.
<<nm $phSamantha "Ummm. Like, a little? Like, I //do// and stuff, $phSamantha.Address, but it's kinda not important? Like it happened to someone else, even if it really happened to me...that's not silly is it?">>
<<nm $phYou "No, that's not silly. I understand. What can you remember?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Ummm. Well, I know I used to be a //lot// better at numbers, but like, I was terrible at blowjobs, so it sort of balanced out? And, um...Well, I totally found these sites where, you know, all the pretty girls were getting tied up, and I thought it was really yummy and fun, but every time I tried to find someone to tie me up it turned out they were mean! Oh! Oh! And then Miss Lazren found me, and she told me I could get tied up in, like, my brain and soul and stuff and they wouldn't be mean, if I would help her. And then she gave me to you! And you're amazing, $phSamantha.Address!">>
She surged up again to plant a kiss on your lips, and you ran a hand down the back of her spine in return. Sammy, it seemed, had been a little more risque than you would have guessed even before Lazren had let you change her. She had also had fairly bad luck finding someone to hold her leash properly. You felt the last trace of guilt over what you had done wash out of you. You had helped her...in your own, now demonic way.<</if>><<if $phSamanthaQ2 is 1>><<set $phSamanthaQ2 to 2>>You ask Sammy how she's feeling about the way she is now, and her current office job.
<<nm $phSamantha "Mmm, $phSamantha.Address! Are you worried about me? That's, like, totally sweet of you! I'm //so// happy though, really! You made me totally hawt and sexy and I get to have all sorts of sex and no one thinks too much about pushing me around a little, it's awesome! Like, I still like helping you with the office stuff, though, even if I have to think really really hard about all the big numbers. But, um, Mr. Mason set up something in my computer that beeps at me if I get things wrong, so I can fix it all up. I'm //really// happy, $phSamantha.Address!">>
<<nm $phYou "You remember you weren't always like this, right? You don't mind that I changed you?">>
Sammy scoffed and shook her head, sending her pigtails flying from side to side like little whips. She arched her back, thrusting her generous cleavage at you.
<<nm $phSamantha "Like, $phSamantha.Address, you totally did me a favor! Look at me! I'm like the perfect sex kitten now, and everyone wants to pet me a little. //And// I have like the bestest, hottest $phSamantha.Address the world! All the subby sluts are jealous of me! Don't you worry at all, $phSamantha.Address, 'kay?">>
Emphatic response, at least. You weren't entirely sure that response hadn't come with the transformation, though, but you were starting to suspect it was genuine. Sammy knew you'd made her into a complete sexpot, and she seemed more than fine with it.<</if>><<if $phSamanthaQ3 is 1>>You asked Sammy if she'd had 'fun' with anyone recently, aside from you. The blonde gave you a blank look.
<<nm $phSamantha "Fun, $phSamantha.Address? Like games?">>
<<nm $phYou "...Like the fun in the supply closet.">><<nobr>>
<<set _randarray to [1]>>
<<if $phJolie.transform is 'cowgirl'>> <<run _randarray.push(2)>><</if>>
<<if $phJolie.transform is 'pornstar'>><<run _randarray.push(3)>><</if>>
<<if $phCassandra.transform is 'hentai'>><<run _randarray.push(4)>><</if>>
<<if $phCassandra.transform is 'punk'>> <<run _randarray.push(5)>><</if>>
<<if $phDamien.transform is 'bull'>> <<run _randarray.push(6)>><</if>>
<<if $phDamien.transform is 'sissy'>><<run _randarray.push(7)>><</if>>
<<set _random to _randarray.random()>><</nobr>>
<<if _random is 1>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Oh! Like that! Uh huh, $phSamantha.Address! Um...like recently? There was this super yummy safety inspector who wanted to ask some questions about, like, who owns the building or whatever?">>
That perked your interest and you gave the bimbo a curious look.
<<nm $phYou "Is that so? And did you answer her questions?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Um. Like, not those ones, but then she asked better questions! Like if I was free on Fridays and if I wanted it harder and why it felt so good! She's //really// good at spanking, $phSamantha.Address! I just about creamed in my panties every time she did it! Now we're gonna go out to dinner and stuff, and I don't think she cares about the boring questions anymore!">>
You chuckled and did not doubt that was true. Sammy may not have done it intentionally, but that was certainly one potential bombshell disarmed. Still, maybe you would meet this inspector yourself, someday, just to be sure. <</if>><<if _random is 2>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Oh! I see! Like the really nice lady in the food court, with the big tits? She's even bigger than me!">>
You laughed at that and reached over to run your hand over Sammy's mentioned assets. The bimbo squealed and bounced on her heels, pushing herself out against your fingers.
<<nm $phYou "Don't worry, yours are just fine, Sammy. Did you have fun with JJ?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Uh huh! She took me in the back and showed me how they make the ice cream. I licked the ice cream and then licked her for a little while, and we put her on the milker and she got all happy and relaxed. She looked a //little// worried when I turned it all the way up, but she didn't say to stop!">>
That would explain why JJ had been wobbling around the last time you'd seen her. You doubted the poor cowgirl had been //able// to object. Oh well, she probably didn't mind too much.<</if>><<if _random is 3>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Oh! Right! Um, I've had all sorts of fun down at the computer place with all the video games? Did you know they have back rooms you can buy?">>
<<nm $phYou "I did know that. I can guess who you ran into too. Tell me about it?">>
Sammy shook her head, sending her pigtails flying with her vehemence. She put her hands on her hips and looked up at you with a pout.
<<nm $phSamantha "Nu-uh! I didn't meet just one person back there! Like, the first time I went back there was this super sweet hot lady in an apron! I didn't know what she was talking about, but she gave me a cookie and I felt her tits and she said it was okay, and then she gave me a nice spanking! But when I went //back// it was this super hot lady in yummy leathers, and she threw me up against a bar and called me a naughty girl and made me scream so good!">>
You grinned at her and accepted her 'correction', holding your hands up in front of you.
<<nm $phYou "Oh my, that does sound like fun. You should try again soon...you know I think they have a pizza place down there, sometimes. Maybe you should look for it.">>
Sammy gave you a blank, uncomprehending look, but there wasn't anything new about that. You were sure Jolie would enjoy having someone else to show off her forms to. She might even need to find a new one, if she was going to keep up with your favorite bimbo.<</if>><<if _random is 4>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Oh, right! Like, I don't know if it really //counts// but I've been playing a lot of that new sexy game you sent me!">>
You paused and blinked. That was news to you.
<<nm $phYou "...What game was that?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "The one you sent me! With the pretty purple-haired girl who has to find out what everyone wants so she came fuck them all? You know, //Cassy Does The World//? It's so much fun, $phSamantha.Address, you have no idea! Sometimes I get really frustrated when I can't figure stuff out, but then the game gives me a hint, like, //right// then and I have fun again. How does it know?">>
You hid a smile. You had a few guesses as to why the game was so adapt at keeping Sammy playing. Cassy had to entertain herself somehow, and you were sure the game would last as long as Sammy's attention span did.
You'd have to ask for a copy someday.<</if>><<if _random is 5>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Oh wow, yeah, I wanted to tell you $phSamantha.Address! I tried to go jogging at the gym the other day, but my titties were bouncing so much I popped right out of my uniform! A couple of really nice skaters helped me out though!">>
<<nm $phYou "...Did they now?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Uh huh! Like, they helped tuck me back in, but it took a few minutes cause they kept squeezing me and that made it hard to get things settled! And then they took me to a clubhouse they made beneath the skate park, and one of them shared her cigarette with me and I got, like, totally happy and relaxed. They were really hot and I wanted to say thank you, so I licked all of them out while they listened to music. The music was kind of loud and shouty, but they tasted yummy, $phSamantha.Address!">>
Cass and her girls then. That was good. Sammy was such a ditz she might actually get herself into trouble, left to her own devices. It was nice to know that your punk skater was looking out for the bimbos in your care.
Or maybe she just wanted to get laid. Either way, it worked for you.<</if>><<if _random is 6>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Oh! Right! Like, I went down to the food court to get an ice cream, $phSamantha.Address, and there was a really sweet guy there! I dropped my ice cream and was getting kinda sad about it, but he scooped me up onto his shoulder like I didn't weigh anything! He took me in the back and showed me how they make the ice cream. Those girls have the yummiest tits. They're bigger than me!">>
<<nm $phYou "They're a little fuller than you too. Did you remember to thank him?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Uh-huh! He said he'd make me another ice cream, and I told him there was something else I liked licking even more. He got this funny look on his face when I undid his belt. He was HUGE, $phSamantha.Address! Like so big! I could barely get my mouth around the tip and, when he did, he started moaning and groaning so loud! I didn't even have to get on my knees, he was so tall! That was fun...then afterward, he showed me how it does it with the cow girls and that was fun too! I might have mooed a little!">>
You couldn't blame Damien for taking advantage of what fell into his lap, so to speak. You were pretty sure you would have done the same thing. The big guy was a gentleman, though, and you knew he'd never push Sammy too far.
Maybe next time you were in the food court you'd try dropping your ice cream in front of him. You weren't sure he'd dare to carry you to the back, but you were more than happy to have a little fun. <</if>><<if _random is 7>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Uh-Huh! Me and Dana went clubbing the other night!">>
That got your attention and you gave Sammy a surprised look. She giggled, cheerfully.
<<nm $phSamantha "We didn't go too far! Dana is really great! She's such a pretty little sissy and when we both put on a nice Catholic schoolgirl costume...well, the guys really take notice! We twirl just a little and they're all suddenly asking for our numbers!">>
<<nm $phYou "...You don't give it out, do you? You know your work phone is for work.">>
<<nm $phSamantha "I know! Don't worry $phSamantha.Address! We usually just blow them instead, and they forget all about the phone number! Safety first!">>
You weren't sure that was 'safety first' but you didn't press the matter. You weren't surprised that Sammy and Dana got along well. They both has similar interests, after all.
In fact, maybe someday you'd call them both to your office at the same time...<</if>>
<<nobr>><br><<if $phSamanthaQ1 is 0>>[[Ask About Sammy's Past|SammyTalk][$phSamanthaQ1 to 1]]@@<br><</if>>
<<if $phSamanthaQ2 is 0>>@@.choice;[[Ask How Sammy is Feeling|SammyTalk][$phSamanthaQ2 to 1]]@@<br><</if>>
<<if $phSamanthaQ3 is 0>>@@.choice;[[Ask If Sammy Has Had Fun Lately|SammyTalk][$phSamanthaQ3 to 1]]@@<br><</if>>
@@.choice;[[Ask Sammy About Something Else|Talk to Sammy][$phSamantha.goodbye to 'sammy']]<br>
<br>[[That's Enough From Sammy For Now|Office][$phSamantha.goodbye to 'sam']]@@<</nobr>>@@
<<set $phLocation to "SupplyCloset">><<nm $phYou "You know, why don't we check in on the supply closet after all?">>
You could actually see the moment Sammy remembered what the supply closet really was. Her green eyes went wide and her breath caught in her throat. Then she squealed and surged out of her chair to throw her arms around you and kiss you on the lips. You could feel the soft, firm warmth of her breasts against your <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>own<<else>>chest<</if>>. The bimbo was so top heavy it was almost difficult for her to reach you from that position.
<<nm $phSamantha "$phSamantha.Address! Wow, okay! Yes, yes, we can do that! Come on, I can show you where everything is! I use the closet lots! Here, here, this way!">>
She took you by the hand and all but dragged you excitedly toward the door. You let yourself be dragged along, wondering idly if she's so familiar with the closet because she needs the office supplies or if its just a 'private enough' space for fun.
Probably both.
Sammy dragged you through the door and into the supply closet. Well, the supply room, anyway. You'd lived in apartments with less square-footage than this place. Brightly colored folders and office paper linned each of the walls, along with neatly labeled containers of scissors, staplers, pencils, glue, and assorted office detritus. There was an island counter in the center of the room, mostly clear save for the stray paper or folder here and there.
Sammy closed the door behind you, though she didn't bother to lock it, then turned and pranced over to your excitedly. The blonde beamed up at you brightly, then her gaze flicked lower and settled on your chest. Before you could ask if they were enjoying the view, though, the secretary let out a sudden gasp.
<<nm $phSamantha "Hey, that's...! Right! Right, Miss Lazren told me all about what that means!">>
Her hand darted forward, hooking around and gently lifting out @@.choice;<<if $phYou.necklace is 'top'>>[[Your Necklace.|SammySexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 0]]<</if>><<if $phYou.necklace is 'bottom'>>[[Your Necklace.|SammySexBottom][$phSamantha.sex to 0]]<</if>>@@<<nm $phYou "You know, I could stand to relax a little. Why don't we step over to my space for a while?">>
Samantha's smile grew wider. She touched two fingers to her brow in salute, then turned her chair back toward the desk, typing rapidly. After about ten or fifteen seconds, she shut the computer down and stood up from the chair, stretching languidly.
<<nm $phSamantha "There we are, boss. Things will survive without me, for at least a little while. Why don't we see if I can ease your tension, just a little?">>
The raven-haired woman winked, her hips swaying wonderfully as she walked in front of you towards your suite door. She waited politely for you to let her in, then strolled confidently inside and up the stairs. You were more than happy with that, since it gave you ample time to admire her rear on the way up. And by the way she was swinging it, she knew you were watching and was more than happy to put on a show.
She looked around with interest as she stepped into your bedroom, admiring the view of the city out the window.<<if $phTime is 0>> The morning sun still painted the sky a bright orange, and the streets were just beginning to come alive with traffic and commerce.<</if>><<if $phTime is 1>> The sun was shining brightly down on the buildings, turning the mirrored windows into blazing squares of fire.<</if>><<if $phTime is 2>> The city was beginning to wind down as the sun set behind the mountains, little caravans of lights marking the winding highway through the metropolis.<</if>> She leaned her shoulder against the glass, watching the people below with interest.
<<nm $phSamantha "I was here often in the last months before we opened. Lazren didn't actually //live// here, I think, but it was where she would meet me. When I checked in for her without being summoned, the bed was always empty, even if she had been napping there before. There wasn't as much furniture, but the view was still incredible. <br><br>I wondered what people would think if they knew what we were about to do. I had some second thoughts from time to time, wondering if Laz would find the right person, or if it would just be the same nonsense again. One more person taking power and stepping on the little guy.">>
You moved up behind her, watching the people scurry far below you on the streets and roads. You had been like them, not that long ago, tied up with money and security and the race of life. Your perspective had certainly changed, even if you had to admit you had essentially traded one set of work and deadlines for another, albeit one with a stunning collection of perks.
<<nm $phYou "And now? You've had a chance to see me in action, so which sort of person do you think I am?">>
Samantha grinned over her shoulder at you, and leaned back against your body affectionately. Her shoulders rose and fell in a teasing shrug.
<<nm $phSamantha "In either case, I'm on your side, boss. But you did put me in a position to do some stepping of my own, so at the very least I'm quite certain you don't mind some competition. I think Lazren always knew who she wanted. This whole place was made for you, specifically.">>
She turned to face you more fully, pushing her glasses up farther onto her nose. She opened her mouth to speak, but her eyes abruptly flicked down toward your chest and she stopped. You frowned and looked down yourself, following the line of her gaze to @@.choice;<<if $phYou.necklace is 'top'>>[[Your Necklace.|SamanthaSexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 0]]<</if>><<if $phYou.necklace is 'bottom'>>[[Your Necklace.|SamanthaSexBottom][$phSamantha.sex to 0]]<</if>>@@<<if ($phSamanthaQ1 is 0) and ($phSamanthaQ2 is 0) and ($phSamanthaQ3 is 0)>><<nm $phSamantha "Me? And what could you possibly want to know about me, boss?">>
Your raven-haired secretary grinned, leaning forward slightly to offer you a better view of her impressive cleavage. Her green eyes were all but sparkling with mischief, though whether that bode good or ill for you was hard to say.
<<nm $phSamantha "You more or less created me, boss. To a certain extent, you know all there is to know. Everything important, anyway.">>
<<nm $phYou "Maybe most of them, but I'm sure I can find a few new things to ask, if I really try.">>
Samantha laughed, resettled herself in her chair, and inclined her head in an exaggeratedly regal nod. She raised her eyebrows expectantly.
<</if>><<if $phSamanthaQ1 is 1>><<set $phSamanthaQ1 to 2>>You ask what Samantha can remember about her past. The dark-haired woman pauses, clearly surprised, and cocks her head to one side.
<<nm $phSamantha "Well...I guess that's a good question. I suppose I won't know what I don't remember, but I feel like it's still pretty solid. I don't know if it's all that exciting of a story, really. Good girl, from a good home, who went to a good school, got a good accounting job, and then found some really good sites where bad boys and girls got tied up good.">>
She laughed, her eyes going a bit distant. You suspected she was mentally looking over the life she had now left behind.
<<nm $phSamantha "...Unfortunately, good people are harder to find. I did my job well, went home, and somehow managed to find the worst partners in the world: ones that confused wanting to try being subservient with wanting to be treated like dirt. It wasn't a good time. Then, Lazren found me, in an online chat room of all places. She knew //exactly// what I meant every time I typed a message, and she knew exactly what I wanted. She offered to give it to me if I helped her get set up.<br><br>And then you came along. A fresh convert given carte blanche to make me anything you wanted, to turn me into your perfect servant, and you made me both gorgeous and really interested in tying up a few bad boys and girls of my own. So...Laz was right, boss. She gave me everything I wanted. She gave me you.">>
Her voice was still wearing the purring, teasing tone that came so naturally to her, but it was said without a moment's hesitation. You couldn't be entirely sure her happiness wasn't part of the transformation, but she had gone in with her eyes open. You felt the last traces of guilt for altering her leave you in a rush.<</if>><<if $phSamanthaQ2 is 1>><<set $phSamanthaQ2 to 2>>You ask Samantha how's she's feeling about things now, especially how you've changed her. Your secretary beamed, stretching in her chair and showing off her altered form.
<<nm $phSamantha "Are you kidding? Look at me, boss. I'm tall, I'm sexy, and I'm powerful. I've felt like a million bucks ever since the moment your collar snapped around my neck. The fact that is was //your// fantasy that made me this way, the image in your head that turned me into a head turner, just makes it hotter. And //this// thing!">>
Her hand dropped to her skirt, fingers pressing in against the bulge there, outlining the perfect shape of her erection against the cloth. She looked up at you with dark amusement in her eyes.
<<nm $phSamantha "I would never have asked for it, boss, but now I can't live without it. It's all I can do sometimes not to run off into the bathrooms and take care of myself...or more likely find someone to run to the bathroom with to take care of me. It's amazing, boss.<<if ($phYou.gender is 'female') and ($phYou.form is not 'female')>> You understand. It must have taken you a while to figure out how to fit it in your skirt.<</if>><<if ($phYou.gender is 'male') and ($phYou.form is not 'female')>> You grew up with one, so you've had a lot more time to get used to it.<</if>>">>
You couldn't argue with that. Samantha was clearly enjoying her new body, and her new role. That was good to know.<</if>><<if $phSamanthaQ3 is 1>>You asked Samantha if she'd had a chance to let her hair down and find a playmate or two for herself. The dark-haired woman grinned at you wolfishly.
<<nm $phSamantha "Me? Playmates? Oh my. Just what kind of woman do you think you've created, boss?">>
<<nm $phYou "One who almost certainly is not hanging around here all day, going straight home after work, and falling asleep watching sitcom reruns. Come on, Sam. Spill.">>
<<set _randarray to [1]>>
<<if $phJolie.transform is 'cowgirl'>> <<run _randarray.push(2)>><</if>>
<<if $phJolie.transform is 'pornstar'>><<run _randarray.push(3)>><</if>>
<<if $phCassandra.transform is 'hentai'>><<run _randarray.push(4)>><</if>>
<<if $phCassandra.transform is 'punk'>> <<run _randarray.push(5)>><</if>>
<<if $phDamien.transform is 'bull'>> <<run _randarray.push(6)>><</if>>
<<if $phDamien.transform is 'sissy'>><<run _randarray.push(7)>><</if>>
<<set _random to _randarray.random()>><</nobr>>
She chuckled huskily, leaning forward, and dropped her voice to a low, confidential purr.
<<if _random is 1>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "I suppose I have been able to find an entertainment or two. Would you believe we had a safety inspector visit a few days ago? She picked up on the fact our little operation here isn't exactly what it seems pretty fast. I caught her skulking around near closing time on the cameras and decided I wanted to learn a few things about her.">>
<<nm $phYou "Learn anything fun?">>
Samantha leaned back in her seat, crossed her legs, and gave you an absolutely predatory smile.
<<nm $phSamantha "I learned she looks absolutely divine in black lace, has a subby streak a mile wide, and turns into absolute putty when I nibble on her earlobe. Don't worry, boss, I don't think she'll be filing any reports on us for a long while. Not without my permission. In fact, I guarantee it.">>
So not everyone in the human world was completely oblivious to what you were doing. That wasn't too surprising, but it was nice to find that your favorite secretary had the situation well in hand. Maybe the next time this inspector nosed around you could join Samantha in encouraging her not to look too deeply.
A fun thought.<</if>><<if _random is 2>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "You know, I did have an interesting run in down at the food court the other day. I was sneaking out for a bit of a snack around lunch time and I met this wonderful blonde working one of the registers. You know the one? The one who fills out her uniform even better than I do?">>
<<nm $phYou "More amply, maybe, but better is an argument. Her name's Jolie.">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Ah. I didn't actually catch her name. See, after I saw the way she was admiring me I took a little tour through the back stable. I'm sure she //would// have given me her name, but when I reached around and got a nice, solid hold on those tits of her, she didn't seem much able to speak anymore. Her knees were shaking by the third squeeze. Made an absolute mess of her top.">>
You laughed at that, and gestured to the broad grin breaking out on your secretary's face.
<<nm $phYou "That sounds like Jolie...and you're looking like the cat who got the cream.">>
Jolie deliberately ran her tongue around her lips before smacking them loudly.
<<nm $phSamantha "...Yeah. I bet I do.">>
Good to see Jolie was getting some love for her fellow employees. She might not have been able to think properly for the rest of the day, but somehow you didn't think she was going to complain.<</if>><<if _random is 3>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "I suppose I did have one fairly notable encounter, down near that computer lab of yours. I was just getting off for the day and thought I might stop in on my way out. I admit, it's something of a favorite hunting ground for me. I have a bit of a weakness for those guys and gals who get a little...tongue-tied around greatness.">>
<<nm $phYou "Oh? And did you find one?">>
Samantha smiled and leaned back in her chair, idly drumming the fingers of one hand along her desk.
<<nm $phSamantha "Even better, I'd say. I'm walking around the back...and this blonde bombshell wearing leather head to toe pops her head out and asks if I need a drink. Oh I like her right away, boss. She had one hell of a way about her, and a pretty well-stocked liquor cabinet to boot. We sipped and talked shop. She said she knew exactly what I was hunting for, because she was hunting for the same thing. She talked about how there's only one way for predators to coexist if they're hunting the same prey.">>
<<nm $phYou "Oh? And what is that?">>
Samantha's answering grin was positively wolfish.
<<nm $phSamantha "You make a pack, and you hunt together. Mmm, it was a novel concept. But I can't argue with the result. Neither can the girl we found together. Turns out, engaging in a bit of team activity can be an awful lot of fun. You should drop in, boss. We'll all go...hunting.">>
Well, that was a tempting invitation. Samantha had met at least one of Jolie's forms and hit it off nicely, it seems. You idly wondered if she would be elated or disappointed if she returned and found a more docile one of Jolie's faces waiting for her. Either way, you were pretty sure it would be an entertaining story.<</if>><<if _random is 4>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Oh, I don't know. Maybe I live a more boring life than you know. After all, Cassy and I //were// playing DnD last night.">>
That caught you by surprise. You blinked and gave the secretary a sharp look.
<<nm $phYou "...Really? She got you into one of her games?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Hey, it's fun! Especially because she animates the scene as we play. Yesun the Barbarian is an unmatched warrior. She travels the land, slaying orcish raiders and necromantic fiends with her axe, her love of nature, and her mighty thews.">>
<<nm $phYou "...Mighty thews. Really?">>
Samantha shrugged and settled back into her seat, waggling her back and forth.
<<nm $phSamantha "Well. //After// she saves a village it's customary for her to select a comely villager who is honored to give her a hero's reward...">>
Now //that// sounded more like Samantha. You leaned back in your seat and pictured it. Cassy was more than capable of animating a story in real time, which would go a long way toward both enhancing the game and making such 'rewards' more interesting.
Maybe you should ask to roll up a character someday.<</if>><<if _random is 5>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Oh, I keep myself entertained. I caught a few girls smoking down near the gym. You know it's bad to be selective with rules enforcement. Second-hand smoke, and all of that?">>
<<nm $phYou "...Well, Cass has always been something of a special case.">>
<<nm $phSamantha "She seemed to think so. She noticed me looking and took another big puff and blew it out in my face. Asked me if I wanted to do something about it, or if I was just going to...how did she put it? 'Sit and stare like a bitch'?">>
Uh-oh. Maybe you should have gone out of your way to introduce these two before now. Apparently, two aggressive personalities were bound to clash.
<<nm $phYou "...And what'd you do?">>
Samantha leaned back and shot you an annoyingly self-confident smile.
<<nm $phSamantha "I gave her something else to handle that little oral fixation of hers. It took a little while to hash out the details while she had her mouth full, but she knows where she can and can't smoke now. She's a little stubborn, boss, but nothing I couldn't handle. She's a fine little minx once you get through to her, isn't she?">>
Or maybe not. It sounded like they're come to an arrangement all on their own. You carefully hid a smile. Cass had the fire, alright, but Sammy was in a league by herself. You wondered briefly what Cass would tell you if you asked about the incident. You probably didn't want to know. The only thing for certain is it would graphic, profane, and end with you also helping her with that oral fixation of hers.
On second thought, that did actually sound pretty good. You'd keep it in mind.<</if>><<if _random is 6>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "I suppose there's no point in playing coy, boss. You were probably able to hear us.">>
<<nm $phYou "...Hear you?">>
That seemed to genuinely surprise Samantha. She blinked for a second, and then broke out into laughter.
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh my...That bed that Lazren hooked you up with really does keep you snoozing. Mmm. Well, I might have invited that wonderful slab of muscle you have hauling boxes around the food court up here for a performance review.">>
You had to think for a second, but it came to you quickly.
<<nm $phYou "...Damien. Cowboy hat, blue jeans, bull horns?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "That's the one! Feel free to reuse that transformation any time you want. If we get a couple more of him running around, we can open a very popular dance show. Anyway, I saw him cleaning up the tables and decided he could use a little executive attention.">>
<<nm $phYou "Mmmhmm. And how did it go?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "I started with a thorough skills analysis, and he really exceeded my expectations. We really drilled down on his strengths for a while and got to work for a few hours. I could really feel his growth potential.">>
You snorted and shook your head, and Samantha gave you her best innocent look. Well, Damien was always eager to please and Samantha was always eager to //be// pleased so that may very well have been a match made in heaven.
Or hell, given your own origins. Either way, a good time.<</if>><<if _random is 7>><<set $phSamanthaQ3 to 2>><<nm $phSamantha "Well, I suppose I //have// drummed up an entertainment or two. You can't blame me for playing with your toys, from time to time, can you?">>
<<nm $phYou "Uh oh. Do I want to know who?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "I'll give you a hint. He's cute in a skirt, flirty, and he moans like a slut when you ram a cock up his ass. I suppose that applies to more men than him, but he owns it.">>
You laughed. So Dana had a run in with your ever confident secretary. Part of you wished you could have been a fly on the wall during //that// introduction.
<<nm $phYou "And did you both have a good time?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "//I// did. And Dana probably //still// isn't walking straight, so I'm going to say they did too.">>
She puffed her chest and preened with exaggerated pride. You grinned and shook your head. Those two were going to get along just fine.<</if>><</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $phSamanthaQ1 is 0>>[[Ask About Samantha's Past|SamanthaTalk][$phSamanthaQ1 to 1]]<br><</if>>
<<if $phSamanthaQ2 is 0>>[[Ask How Samantha is Feeling|SamanthaTalk][$phSamanthaQ2 to 1]]<br><</if>>
<<if ($phSamanthaQ3 is 0) && ($phSamantha.date != 4)>>[[Ask If Samantha Has Been With Anyone Lately|SamanthaTalk][$phSamanthaQ3 to 1]]<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Ask Samantha About Something Else|Talk to Samantha][$phSamantha.goodbye to 'samantha']]
[[That's Enough For Now|Office][$phSamantha.goodbye to 'sam']]
@@<<if ($phStoryProgression is 1) or (ndef $phStoryProgression)>>Mason's expression darkens. Not a lot, but perceptibly. He shakes his head, leaning back up against his desk.
<<nm $phMason "Your curiosity is understandable but, at this time, irrelevant. You have more than enough on your plate in passing your first test, and I have more than enough to do without wasting time with queries like that.">>
You open your mouth to protest, but the demonic builder waves a hand in your direction.
<<nm $phMason "I have no personal animosity toward you, $phMason.address, but there's little point in us trading life stories until it becomes clear you will not simply fail at your duties and be transferred elsewhere. After you have survived your first performance assessment, you may return and inquire if you still wish.">>
So Mason was worried you weren't going to make it past the first hurdle, or some equally insulting analogy. You briefly wondered if you wanted to get to know him at all anyway.
[[Ask About Something Else|Talk to Mason][$phMason.goodbye to 2]]
[[Return to R&D|Research and Development][$phMason.goodbye to 1]]@@
<</if>><<if $phStoryProgression gt 1>><<set $phMasonQ1 to 0>><<set $phMasonQ2 to 0>><<set $phMasonQ3 to 0>>Mason frowned at you for a long moment, then sighed. The tall man leaned over his desk and flicked off some obscure machine, allowing the office to quiet. He crossed his upper arms and leaned against his workbench with his lower set supporting him.
<<nm $phMason "You have survived Lazren's attention for some time now. I suppose it would not behoove me to keep you at such a distance. I admit that casual conversation is not my forte, but you have earned that much.">>
<<nm $phYou "You could sound a little less excited. You know, if you really tried.">>
The ghost of a smile pulled at the edge of Mason's mouth, but he killed it quickly. He gave a quick, formal inclination of his head.
<<nm $phMason "I suppose I could if you really desired it, but it might not be the best use of my time. What precisely would you like to know?">>
You leaned against the wall for a moment and considered. It was rare for the workshop to quiet and much rarer for Mason to actually indulge in conversation. What //did// you want to know?
[[How Did You Come To Work For Lazren?|MasonQuestions][$phMasonQ1 to 1]]
[[So...Why Four Arms?|MasonQuestions][$phMasonQ2 to 1]]
[[Are You Happy Here?|MasonQuestions][$phMasonQ3 to 1]]@@
<</if>><<nm $phMason "Of course. Let me consult my notes a moment, and I will see what I have.">>
Mason half-turned and reached down to pop open a drawer of his desk and withdraw a set of neat manilla envelopes. You realized that, despite the high tech equipment filling the lab, you didn't see a single computer within his office itself. He leafed briefly through the papers, the way a retiree might peruse a newspaper.
<<CheckFociReady>><<if ($phFociReady.length > 0)>>Mason's eyes lit up as he found what he was looking for. He removed a series of photos from his neatly organized folders, then set them down on the table in a fanned shape. You leaned over to examine the pages.
<<nm $phMason "Ah yes, I believe I do have something for you. Here, look through these and let me know who you had in mind.">>
<<nobr>><<if $phFociReady.includes("Damien")>>[[Ask About Damien|DamienFoci]]<br><</if>><<if $phFociReady.includes("Jolie")>>[[Ask About Jolie|JolieFoci]]<br><</if>><<if $phFociReady.includes("Cassandra")>>[[Ask About Cassandra|CassandraFoci]]<br /><</if>>
<<if $phFociReady.includes("Xavier")>>[[Ask About Xavier|XavierFoci]]<br /><</if>>
<<if $phFociReady.includes("Petra")>>[[Ask About Petra|PetraFoci]]<br /><</if>>
<<if $phFociReady.includes("Sara")>>[[Ask About Sara|SaraFoci]]<br /><</if>>
[[Ask About Something Else|Talk to Mason][$phMason.goodbye to 2]]<</nobr>>
[[Return to R&D|Research and Development][$phMason.goodbye to 1]]@@<<else>>
<<nm $phMason "I am sorry to say, at the moment I do not have anything to share with you. I do not believe we currently have anyone ready for their ultimate assignment. You will have to continue working to bring them in and discover what they want.">>
So no one was ready yet. You knew that, of course, but it was always nice to have confirmation that you weren't overlooking anything. You supposed that meant there was more work for you to do.
[[Ask About Something Else|Talk to Mason][$phMason.goodbye to 2]]
[[Return to R&D|Research and Development][$phMason.goodbye to 1]]@@
<</if>><<nm $phMason "Ah, young Damien Estevez. The tower has been most interested in your progress with him. He certainly likes you. Metrics showed he spent more than an additional hour on each of his visits after you met, whether you were there or not. Seems likely he was hoping to catch you more often.">>
<<nm $phYou "I got that sense. <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>I think it might go a little farther than a bromance, but he's never tried to make a move or anything.<<else>>He never tried to make a move, though I think I caught him wishing he could more than once.<</if>> When I first talked to him, I assumed he was just another guy wishing for giant biceps he could pick girls up with, but I don't think that was actually what he was after.">>
<<nm $phMason "Quite right. The tower doesn't typically provide me with the conversations themselves, as that could get exceedingly awkward around the office, but the data it //did// provide tracks with your analysis. After a bit of research, I believe I can craft an item appropriate for our young sir.<<if $phDamien.focus_shake >= 4>><br><br>While you are quite accurate that muscle is //not// the sum of his desires, they do feature quite prominently in his mind. As you uncovered with your conversations in the food court, this young man appears to harbor a great desire to be a protector, a defender of friends and loved ones. This is one of the motivations that drives him toward the acquisition of physical might. We can embrace both halves of that desire with a very special protein supplement. These drinks will contain a much higher dosage of cowgirl milk and, I expect, will very quickly conform him to a shape and mindset useful for them.<br><br>To be more specific, these drinks will create what has been colloquially referred to as a 'bull'. He will enjoy greatly enhanced strength, endurance, and height for his physical body, and a...refocusing of his mind away from complexity and toward direct simplicity. He won't actually lose any of his intelligence, but his patience with more roundabout conversation and topics will be limited. He will also develop both a considerable protective drive toward our supplying cowgirls, and a commiserate increase in libido. The presence of a bull within the stable will increase both the yield and the quality of the dairy produced by a noticable percentage.<</if>><<if ($phDamien.focus_gym >= 4) and ($phDamien.focus_shake lt 4)>><br><br>You spoke to him numerous times while engaged in physical exercise at the gym. The data provided to me by the tower suggests a considerable amount of envy driving his efforts of self-improvement. However, unlike a large percentage of our customer base, this envy is not //primarily// for the physical but rather a degree of self-confidence he believes will come with the form. Accordingly, we can embrace that desire directly by encouraging a shift in mindset as well as form.<br><br>I believe I can construct a treadmill tailored to our young gentleman's aura. Once in use, the machine will introduce a certain degree of malleability to his body, in essence allowing him to resculpt himself at will. However, the machine interacts directly with the id and the ego, bypassing the super ego entirely. This avoids allowing the user to sculpt themselves into a form society approves of, but that they would not. It is difficult to say for certain what result this will have, given it will be under the mortal's partial control, but the data from the tower suggests it will almost certainly //not// be the masculine ideal, and may be quite the contrary. In short, you will see Damien as he actually desires himself without filtering that desire through his upbringing and morality. It is highly likely that, whatever true form he desires, an increase in confidence and enthusiasm would make him an excellent trainer within the gym itself.<</if>>">><<if $phDamien.focus_shake >= 4>>
<<nm $phYou "I see. My very own muscular bull boy. I might be able to see the appeal in that, or at the very least enjoy the energy that comes with better milk. Do we have any other options?">>
<<if $phDamien.focus_gym >= 4>><<nm $phMason "We do. Your work with the gentleman has been quite extensive. If the supplement I mentioned is not to your preference, I believe you have uncovered an alternative that tackles his desires in a less direct way.<br><br>You spoke to him numerous times while engaged in physical exercise at the gym. The data provided to me by the tower suggests a considerable amount of envy driving his efforts of self-improvement. However, unlike a large percentage of our customer base, this envy is not //primarily// for the physical but rather a degree of self-confidence he believes will come with the form. Accordingly, we can embrace that desire directly by encouraging a shift in mindset as well as form.<br><br>I believe I can construct an treadmill tailored to our young gentleman's aura. Once in use, the machine will introduce a certain degree of malleability to his body, in essence allowing him to resculpt himself at will. However, the machine interacts directly with the id and the ego, bypassing the super ego entirely. This avoids the user simply sculpting themselves into a form society approves of, but that they would secretly not be happy with. It is difficult to say for certain what result this will have, given it will be under the mortal's partial control, but the data from the tower suggests it will almost certainly //not// be the masculine ideal, and may be quite the contrary. In short, you will see Damien as he actually desires himself without filtering that desire through his upbringing and morality. It is highly likely that, whatever true form he desires, an increase in confidence and enthusiasm would make him an excellent trainer within the gym itself.<br><br>Ultimately, the choice will be up to you. Despite the difference in their physical sizes, both of these foci will take approximately the same amount of energy to create and enchant. I can begin work at your discretion.">><</if>><<if ($phDamien.focus_gym < 4)>><<nm $phMason "Unfortunately, I believe this is the only focus that can be prepared at this time. Preliminary data from the tower suggests that, yes, there may be another focus that would work equally well to convert the gentleman, but I do not yet have enough data to make any prediction as to what that foci would be. You can rest assured that this option //will// satisfy his desires if you choose to craft it now, but we can also choose to delay until we have enough information to verify our full options. It is, as always, your choice.">><</if>>
<</if>><<if ($phDamien.focus_gym >= 4) and ($phDamien.focus_shake < 4)>>
<<nm $phYou "I see. So Damien would have the body he really wants, which may not be muscles and pecs, but we'd probably get a gym trainer out of it either way. Do we have any other options?">>
<<nm $phMason "Unfortunately, I believe this is the only focus that can be prepared at this time. Preliminary data from the tower suggests that, yes, there may be another focus that would work equally well to convert the gentleman, but I do not yet have enough data to make any prediction as to what that foci would be. You can rest assured that this option //will// satisfy his desires if you choose to craft it now, but we can also choose to delay until we have enough information to verify our full options. It is, as always, your choice.">>
<<nobr>><<if $phDamien.focus_shake >= 4>>Create The Special Protein Supplements- <<if $phEnergy >= $phFocusCost>>[[$phFocusCost + " Energy"|DamienFociFinish][$phDamien.focus_shake to 6]]<<else>>@@.unavailable;$phFocusCost Energy<</if>><<FVText "Bull Boy, Muscle Growth">><br><</if>>
<<if $phDamien.focus_gym >= 4>>Create The Super Treadmill - <<if $phEnergy >= $phFocusCost>>[[$phFocusCost + " Energy"|DamienFociFinish][$phDamien.focus_gym to 6]]<<else>>@@.unavailable;$phFocusCost Energy<</if>><<FVText "Sissyfication, Mild Humiliation, Cross-Dressing">><br><</if>>
<br>[[We'll Wait For Another Day|Talk to Mason][$phMason.goodbye to 'foci']]<</nobr>>@@
<<FVLinks>><<nm $phMason "Ah yes, Jolie Durand. Our budding starlet. One might think that her information would be all over the internet, in our Information Age, but it wouldn't tell the whole story. You've managed to get her to open up sufficiently for the tower to perceive what role she would really like to play, and to plan for a requisite focus.<<if ($phJolie.focus_comp >= 4) and ($phJolie.focus_shake >= 4)>> In fact, you've unearthed enough to give us multiple options.<</if>>">>
You gestured for the scientifically-minded incubus to elaborate. Mason cleared his throat and tucked all four hands behind his back.
<<if $phJolie.focus_comp >= 4>><<nm $phMason "Through your conversations with the young lady in the computer cafe, you were able to draw out a rare, but not entirely unheard of, desire. Almost every human that finds themselves in need of our services wishes to be someone different, but most of those customers have a very particular someone in mind that they wish to be. Miss Durand is slightly different. She is troubled by her inability to leave herself behind when playing a role, and desires the ability to easily inhabit a new persona.">>
<<nm $phYou "So...what? We give her the ability to merge with someone else? Literally step into their shoes?">>
Mason shook his head and cleared his throat, one hand emerging from around his back to waggle a gloved hand at you.
<<nm $phMason "I initially toyed with such an idea, but found it would be counterproductive. In order for the desire to be fulfilled, Miss Durand would have to completely inhabit the mind of whoever she was bonded with...at which point, there would be little fundamental difference between utilizing such a merge and simply ceasing to be. No, I have devised a more elegant method that allows brief and harmless ventures into chosen roles.<br><br> The mask has eternally been a symbol of stagecraft and has historically changed an actor into the being depicted on the mask itself. I propose a very special mask for the young lady. One that has been made to absorb the fruits of our Information Age itself. Every role, character, and line suffused in its entirety onto the mask's surface, offering a variety of potential roles and allowing the woman to subsume herself completely to whatever character she desires, for however long seems appropriate.">>
You thought about it for a few seconds. A mask filled with every character, play, or TV show known to the internet? That would certainly provide enough variety to keep anyone busy.
<<nm $phYou "And what would the tower get out of it?">>
<<nm $phMason "It has been said that certain materials of illicit nature make up a significant percentage of the internet. I have no doubt that inhabiting those roles would prove very popular no matter which particular genre Miss Durand happens to inhabit at the time. Such happiness will, of course, assist in the creation of energy through the typical act of release.">>
Porn then. Yes, you could see it. Having someone able to flick between pornographic characters at will might not improve her acting, but it would help the tower gather the energy you wanted.
<<nm $phYou "I understand. Do we have any other options?">>
<</if>><<if ($phJolie.focus_comp >= 4) and ($phJolie.focus_shake < 4)>><<nm $phMason "I believe that is currently all that can be prepared for Miss Durand. If that is not to your liking, I would encourage you to converse with her in a new setting, as that frequently offers a path to differing desires. Alternatively, if the idea of the mask appeals to you, I can leave such unknowns to the side and simply create the option we have now. The choice, as ever, is yours.">>
<</if>><<if ($phJolie.focus_comp >= 4) and ($phJolie.focus_shake >= 4)>><<nm $phMason "We do. Your conversations with Miss Durand have not been confined only to a single topic. As it happens, the photo shoot that you arranged with the actress has also borne fruit.">>
<<nm $phYou "What kind of fruit?">>
<</if>><<if $phJolie.focus_shake >= 4>><<nm $phMason "During the course of the photoshoots ostensibly for our food court, Miss Durand expressed a desire for a certain amount of simplicity in her life. In particular, it would appear that the young lady's large cup size has generated unwelcome commentary from her peers throughout her teenage years and into adulthood.">>
<<nm $phYou "Right. I tried to ask if she wanted them to be smaller, but she said that she didn't. She just wanted to be less concerned to having her body enjoyed that way, and to her let her worries go.">>
<<nm $phMason "Quite so. Excellent memory, $phMason.address. Reducing anxiety about her body would be quite simple, but would not cover every aspect of her wish. Achieving total serenity is a feat that even we rarely achieve. However, as it happens, I am very familiar with a common transformation that offers peace and tranquility as well as a certain amount of pride and ease with particularly large busts. One that you have already seen employed in the food court to great effect.">>
It took you only a few seconds, but you eventually got it.
<<nm $phYou "...The milk. You want to turn her into a cowgirl.">>
<<nm $phMason "My only desire is efficiently extracting souls and energy for our Lady's purpose. This is simply the most elegant solution that satisfies every one of Miss Durand's requirements. In this case, she will retain much of her intelligence, but will find herself at peace with the idea of being judged by her teats alone. It will provide much needed relaxation for her life, and the food court will benefit from her presence. Milk from those in her position is typically more potent than average, which will increase the yields offered by the ice cream and shakes available.<br><br> Should you approve, I will begin work on a foci immediately. I believe the best way to offer Miss Durand the position will be aurally. I will devise an audio track tuned to the young lady that should latch onto, and remove, the worries she dislikes and replace them with an appropriate herd mentality. As I mentioned previously, this is one of our more common transformations, so I am very familiar with the basic settings. As it turns out, leaving stress and worry behind is a deeply held desire of almost any being capable of worrying in the first place.">>
A cowgirl. It //would// satisfy all of the requirements, alright. Jolie would be able to retain her mind while losing her stress, worries, and the ability to care what people thought about her tits. She was already top heavy enough to fit in, you had no doubt.
<</if>><<if ($phJolie.focus_shake >= 4) and ($phJolie.focus_comp lt 4)>><<nm $phYou "Are there any other options?">>
<<nm $phMason "I believe that is currently all that can be prepared for Miss Durand. If that is not to your liking, I would encourage you to converse with her in a new setting, as that frequently offers a path to differing desires. Alternatively, if the idea of the audio file appeals to you, I can leave such unknowns to the side and simply create the option we have now. The choice, as ever, is yours.">>
<</if>><<if ($phJolie.focus_comp >= 4) and ($phJolie.focus_shake >= 4)>><<nm $phMason "I can begin on either of this foci as soon as the requisite energy is provided. Which would you prefer?">>
<<nobr>><<if $phJolie.focus_shake >= 4>>Create Cowgirl Audio Track - <<if $phEnergy >= $phFocusCost>>[[$phFocusCost + " Energy"|JolieFociFinish][$phJolie.focus_shake to 6]]<<else>>@@.unavailable;$phFocusCost Energy<</if>><<FVText "Cowgirl, Lactation, Mind Control">><br><</if>>
<<if $phJolie.focus_comp >= 4>>Create The Mask - <<if $phEnergy >= $phFocusCost>>[[$phFocusCost + " Energy"|JolieFociFinish][$phJolie.focus_comp to 6]]<<else>>@@.unavailable;$phFocusCost Energy<</if>><<FVText "Porn Star, Dominatrix, Housewife, Roleplay">><br><</if>>
<br>[[Wait For Another Day|Talk to Mason][$phMason.goodbye to 'foci']]<</nobr>>@@
<<FVLinks>><<nm $phMason "Miss Cassandra Woodrow. Yes, I had a feeling you would be coming to ask about her soon. Considering just how much trouble she has with social interaction, the fact that you were able to pull anything at all from her is a mark in your favor. That you managed to get us enough to make a focus is even more remarkable.">>
<<nm $phYou "She's a nice girl. I think the tower might have had more to do with it than my charm, but I'll take the compliment where I can get it. So we do have enough for a foci?">>
<<if ($phCassandra.focus_comp >= 4) and ($phCassandra.focus_gym >= 4)>><<nm $phMason "Only one? You do yourself a disservice, $phMason.address. In fact, I believe you've managed to identify both of the young lady's deepest desires. There are therefore two viable foci designs to be had.<br><br>First, we could certainly handle things in a direct fashion. Your time with Miss Woodrow at the gymnasium has revealed the regret she feels over following the rules too closely, particularly in regards to her parental figures. I believe we can handle that succinctly. The focus I am envisioning would use that ember of dissatisfaction to burn away the habits and insecurities she currently suffers.">>
<<nm $phYou "That sounds promising. What would the focus be?">>
Mason drew himself up, all four arms resting behind his back in a self-satisfied sort of stance.
<<nm $phMason "A young girl rebelling against a parent and their rules? What else but a cigarette, $phMason.address? Symbol for youthful rebellion for a thousand miles in any direction. If you can convince her to indulge after a skate, then she will finally be free of her fetters. I suspect this will cause her to manifest as her own ideal image of freedom. If you are particularly fond of her shyness, then I would have to recommend we pursue our other option as it is very unlikely to survive the process. On the bright side, I believe the presence of a rebel element within the gym could lead to higher yields of energy, particularly from those who desire to follow in the wake of such a shooting star, if you'll forgive a poetic indulgence.">>
<<nm $phYou "I'll keep that in mind. It might be worth it to see exactly what Cass imagines freedom to look like. What would the other option be?">>
Mason brought his lower hands out in front of him, stippling his fingers. You had rarely seen him stop to organize his thoughts before, and you couldn't help but give him an expectant look.
<<nm $phMason "Far more...dramatic, perhaps, but possibly just as effective. When you spoke with her within the computer lab, there was a different note to her desires. Miss Woodrow appears to have a great deal of difficulty with social interaction, a handicap that I can certainly empathize with. In that case, she wishes for a world that has more easily understood rules, rather than wishing the rules gone altogether.">>
<<nm $phYou "Interesting. So one half of her wants no rules and the other wants different ones?">>
<<nm $phMason "With no disrespect intended, $phMason.address, it is not uncommon for humans to be conflicted. They are, after all, inherently unhappy. Regardless, I believe with bold steps we can fulfill the young lady's desires. I have begun initial development on a remarkable focus: a blank CD.">>
You waited. Mason cleared his throat and shook his head at you with an indulgent smile.
<<nm $phMason "...To clarify, I mean a //truly// blank CD, ma'am, not one awaiting writing. Essentially solidified emptiness. Attempting to read the CD will open a link to that emptiness, and nature abhors a vacuum. The young miss will fill that void handily, converting her from flesh and blood to a digitized essence. A ghost in the machine if you will. She will be free to operate in the digital world, which follows rigidly set but easily modified rules.">>
You stared for several seconds. You had seen some pretty impressive stuff from the tower, but this was a whole new level of transformation.
<<nm $phYou "...You want to turn her into a computer?">>
<<nm $phMason "A digital presence. She would not be limited to a particular piece of hardware and, I suspect, would very quickly become adept in moving from computer to computer over our world's increasing connected network. She would have an essentially infinite world to craft as she sees fit, which I suspect will give her the confidence she otherwise lacks. I would also expect our computer lab would begin operating at a high efficiency immediately after her installation, resulting in more energy for our use.">>
<<nm $phYou "I see...A rebel or a digital assistant. You certainly know how to give me the interesting choices.">>
<<nm $phMason "I strive to exceed expectation, $phMason.address. Would you like me to begin one of these projects?">><</if>><<if ($phCassandra.focus_comp >= 4) and ($phCassandra.focus_gym lt 4)>><<nm $phMason "We do, $phMason.address. Your interactions within the computer lab has shown the young lady does have trouble navigating the variables of human interactions. Her heart cries out for a world where the rules are as regimented and understandable as those laid out in her books. A desire I can well understand. Perhaps as a result of this empathy, I have been inspired to pursue a particularly unique focus. I have completed the initial design work for a blank CD-ROM.">>
You waited. Mason cleared his throat and shook his head at you with an indulgent smile.
<<nm $phMason "...To clarify, I mean a //truly// blank CD, ma'am, not one awaiting writing. Essentially solidified emptiness. Attempting to read the CD will open a link to that emptiness, and nature abhors a vacuum. The young miss will fill that void handily, converting her from flesh and blood to a digitized essence. A ghost in the machine if you will. She will be free to operate in the digital world, which follows rigidly set but easily modified rules.">>
You stared for several seconds. You had seen some pretty impressive stuff from the tower, but this was a whole new level of transformation.
<<nm $phYou "...You want to turn her into a computer?">>
<<nm $phMason "A digital presence. She would not be limited to a particular piece of hardware and, I suspect, would very quickly become adept in moving from computer to computer over our world's increasing connected network. She would have an essentially infinite world to craft as she sees fit, which I suspect will give her the confidence she otherwise lacks. I would also expect our computer lab would begin operating at a high efficiency immediately after her installation, resulting in more energy for our use.">>
<<nm $phYou "Unique is certainly one way to put it. It's tempting, I can't deny that. Do we have other options?">>
<<nm $phMason "I believe other options do exist. Very few humans are so without conflict that their desires have only a single facet. However, at this time we lack the information to complete another focus. Would you like me to begin work on creating the CD, or would you prefer to wait until we have all options before us?">><</if>><<if ($phCassandra.focus_gym >= 4) and ($phCassandra.focus_comp lt 4)>><<nm $phMason "We do, $phMason.address. Your time with Miss Woodrow at the gymnasium has revealed the regret she feels over following the rules too closely, particularly in regards to her parental figures. I believe we can handle that succinctly. The focus I am envisioning would use that ember of dissatisfaction to burn away the habits and insecurities she currently suffers.">>
<<nm $phYou "That sounds promising. What would the focus be?">>
Mason drew himself up, all four arms resting behind his back in a self-satisfied sort of stance.
<<nm $phMason "A young girl rebelling against a parent and their rules? What else but a cigarette, $phMason.address? Symbol for youthful rebellion for a thousand miles in any direction. If you can convince her to indulge after a skate, then she will finally be free of her fetters. I suspect this will cause her to manifest as her own ideal image of freedom. If you are particularly fond of her shyness, then I would have to recommend we pursue our other option as it is very unlikely to survive the process. On the bright side, I believe the presence of a rebel element within the gym could lead to higher yields of energy, particularly from those who desire to follow in the wake of such a shooting star, if you'll forgive a poetic indulgence.">>
<<nm $phYou "I'll forgive you this time. I have always wanted my own party girl. Do we have any other options?">>
<<nm $phMason "I believe other options do exist. Very few humans are so without conflict that their desires have only a single facet. However, at this time we lack the information to complete another focus. Would you like me to begin work procuring the necessary ingredients for her new preferred brand or would you prefer we wait until all options have been revealed?">><</if>>
<<if $phCassandra.focus_gym >= 4>>Create The 'Shooting Star' Cigarette - <<if $phEnergy >= $phFocusCost>>[[$phFocusCost + " Energy"|CassandraFociFinish][$phCassandra.focus_gym to 6]]<<else>>@@.unavailable;$phFocusCost Energy<</if>><<FVText "Goth Punk Transformation">><</if>>
<<if $phCassandra.focus_comp >= 4>>Create The 'Blank' CD - <<if $phEnergy >= $phFocusCost>>[[$phFocusCost + " Energy"|CassandraFociFinish][$phCassandra.focus_comp to 6]]<<else>>@@.unavailable;$phFocusCost Energy<</if>><<FVText "Hentai Character Transformation, Body Editing">><</if>>
<br>[[We'll Wait For Now|Talk to Mason][$phMason.goodbye to 'foci']]@@
<<FVLinks>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 0>>Sammy delicately lifted your necklace out of the collar of your shirt, her eyes filled with the red gem as she nodded and giggled.
<<nm $phSamantha "That means $phSamantha.Address wants to be a $phSamantha.Address for real and have all the pretty ladies and hunky boys waiting on $pher! Oooh, that's exciting! Well then! Sammy, reporting for duty!">>
She let the necklace go, bringing up her hand into a sort of exaggerated salute against her brow. Then she dissolved into another fit of happy giggles, and pressed herself against you. You wrapped your arms around her automatically, then let your hand trace down her spine to her skirt, squeezing that finely proportioned rear. The blonde's green eyes went wide for a moment, before she pressed herself back into that groping hand eagerly.
<<nm $phYou "Reporting for duty, hmmm? And what duty should I impose on you, I wonder?">>
Sammy's eyes sparkled. She gave a little bounce in place, threatening to spill her chest out of the top of mostly open blouse.
<<nm $phSamantha "I'm your good girl, $phSamantha.Address! Please, let me show it! Tell me how you want me, and I'll be just the best little slut for you! Please?">>
How could you refuse a plea like that?
Tell Sammy...
[[You Want Her Mouth For More Than Talking|SammySexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 1]]
<<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>[[You Want Her To Show You Her 'Digital' Work|SammySexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 5]]@@<<else>>
[[She Should Put Those Tits Of Hers To Work|SammySexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 2]]<</if>>
[[She Should Put Her Ass Up And Get A Grip On Something|SammySexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 3]]
<</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 1>>The blonde giggled, gave you another mock salute, and dropped down to her knees so fast you wouldn't have been surprised if Mason could hear the thump from his office. Sammy nuzzled against the front of your pants, <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>letting her soft, warm cheek stroke against your sex through the thin material<<else>>letting her soft, warm cheek stroke across the bulge of your straining cock within<</if>>. She drew in a deep breath, as if savoring even the scent of you, before tilting her head to look up at you with needy eyes.
<<nm $phSamantha "May I be your good little <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>pussylicker<<else>>cocksucker<</if>>, $phSamantha.Address?">>
She was all but begging for it. When you nodded, her answering smile was immediate and bright. Dexterous fingers came up to undo your belt, and then her mouth followed, catching hold of the zipper in her teeth. Slowly, her eyes on yours, she dragged the zipper downward.
<<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>Samantha sucked in a reverent breath as she peeled your pants down off your body. You swung your hips slowly from side to side to make it easier as she inched the fabric down your long legs. When you were left in just your panties she leaned forward and nuzzled her cheek against your thigh, even as she began to work that final barrier downward.
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh, $phSamantha.Address...I love your pussy. I could live my life on my knees and it would be...mmmmmmm...">>
She was moaning the words to herself now, her tone almost dazed or hypnotized. Her tongue emerged from between her brightly colored lip to wet them as she tilted her head, staring up at you with a pleading, desperate expression. You tried to resist the urge to laugh, reaching down with one hand to play your fingers across a blonde pigtail. Then you nodded.
Sammy let out a squeal of excitement and the blonde surged forward, opening her mouth wide and pressing her lips firmly down upon your sex. You groaned as your felt her nimble tongue extend, lapping at your pussy with that combination of enthusiasm and expertise that only Sammy possessed. It was all you could do to grip her by the pigtails and not jam your hips forward against her mouth.
You were already breathing hard. You may have sent her IQ plummeting, but the little slut knew exactly what she was and what she wanted. Her face was set with intense arousal and concentration, ever speck of her being seemingly focused on getting you off. Her tongue rolled against your sex, working up and down as she sought out any inch of you that drew out a fresh shudder or a cry. Then she worked that spot until you found yourself struggling to hold back. How //was// she so good at this?
Too soon, you couldn't resist any longer. You tightened your grip on Sammy's pigtails, using them and the weight of your body to bear your private bimbo back against the wall. Her eyes shot open, startled, but you didn't give her time to react. Holding her face firmly in place, you began to thrust your hips hard and fast, fucking her mouth as if it were nothing more than another hole for you to unload on.
You had every faith she could take it, and your faith was well-placed. You saw Sammy's eyes roll back in pleasure, her body arching and rolling against the wall as you used her. Her mouth was hot, wet, and utterly open to you just as Sammy herself was. You tried to draw it out, but it was no use. With a few final thrusts forward, you felt yourself crest and begin to cum against the blonde's face.
You jammed your hips hard against her, pinning her head back to the wall and using her like a sex toy even as you screamed your release to the ceiling. When you finally pulled away, she gasped and fell back against the wall, her chest rising and falling hard and fast as she tried to catch her breath.
You let her breathe. You needed the same recovery, leaning against the countertop. You were panting, but less with exhaustion than excitement. Your body seemed to need far less time to recover than you were used to. You saw Sammy's tongue extend, licking your excitement from her face and starting to gather it greedily onto your fingers, and you felt your sex growing hot once again. //Your// little slut. She caught you looking, and her eyes went wide again as she tracked her gaze up to your face.
<<else>>Your cock did //not// emerge slowly. Already achingly hard and straining at the fabric, the moment the zipper came down it sprang free, slapping against the top of the bimbo's face with an audible noise. Sammy gasped with absolute delight, turning her face upward to nuzzle against the underside of your shaft.
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh $phSamantha.Address...Your cock is the best. So big...mmm...so hot...so perfect...Oh yes...">>
She was moaning the words to herself now, her tone almost dazed or hypnotized. Her tongue emerged from between her brightly colored lips, extending up to run wetly across the base of your shaft. She began to move backward, letting her tongue trace a line upward over every inch of you, all the way up to the head.
When she finally reached the tip, it was clear she can't wait any longer. The blonde surged forward, opening her mouth wide and taking you all the way in a single deft swallow. You groaned as you felt your cock hit the back of her throat without provoking the slightest bit of gag reflex. Sammy began to bob, hard and fast, the supply closet soon filled with the sound of her smacking lips as she took your shaft in and out of her wet, inviting mouth.
You were already breathing hard. You may have sent her IQ plummeting, but the little slut knew exactly what she was and what she wanted. Her face was set with intense arousal and concentration, every speck of her being seemingly focused on getting you off. Her tongue rolled against your shaft and she swallowed, letting her muscles milk the tip even as she continued to bob her head up and down. It was a bevy of sensations, and you found yourself struggling to hold yourself back.
Too soon, you couldn't resist any longer. Reaching down, you took hold of the secretary's pigtails firmly in both hands, using them and the weight of your body to bear your private bimbo back against the wall. Her eyes shot open, startled, but you didn't give her time to react. Holding her face firmly in place, you began to thrust your hips hard and fast, fucking her mouth as if it were nothing more than another hole for you to unload in.
You had every faith she could take it, and your faith was well-placed. You saw Sammy's eyes roll back in pleasure, her body arching and rolling against the wall as you used her. Her throat was hot, wet, and utterly open to you, just as Sammy herself was. You tried to draw it out, but it was no use. With a few final thrusts forward, you felt yourself crest and erupt into the poor bimbo's waiting mouth.
You could see her throat working hard, swallowing for all she was worth. Even she couldn't keep up with the flow entirely though, and you saw a few sticky drops slip between her lips and drip into her cleavage. When you finally pulled away, she gasped and fell back against the wall, her chest rising and falling hard and fast as she tried to catch her breath.
You let her breathe. You needed the same recovery, leaning against the countertop. You were panting, but less with exhaustion than excitement. Your body seemed to need far less time to recover than you were used to. Your cock began to stir again almost immediately as you watched your bimbo slip a finger into her cleavage, fishing out your cum to suckle from her fingertips. She caught you looking, her eyes going wide as she spotted your shaft.
<</if>><<nm $phSamantha "Mmm. Did I do good, $phSamantha.Address, or...do you need me to be even more of a good girl?">><<set $phSamanthaBlowJob to 1>>
[[Tell Sammy She Did Good|SammySexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 8]]
[[Tell Sammy To Put Her Hands on the Counter. You're Not Done Yet|SammySexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 3]]
<</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 2>>Sammy beamed at you, reaching up and pressing her hands into her generous breasts, exaggerating the already lovely cleavage between her mounds.
<<nm $phSamantha "$phSamantha.Address wants $pher good girl's tits? Mmm... I'll let my girls show you a good time!">>
She turned away from you, throwing a teasing look over her shoulder. Your saw her arms move, heard the sound of buttons being threaded through the fabric, then watched as she peeled her blouse off her shoulder. She threw it back toward you, the shirt landing over your face for a bare second, carrying with it the sweet, candy-like perfume that Sammy wore. You reached up and tore the blouse away from your face...
...to find the blonde had turned to face you, one arm covering herself and all but overflowing with the tit flesh it was struggling to contain. She giggled and bounced in place, her heavy breasts jiggling up and down in response to every movement of her body.
<<nm $phSamantha "Do they please you, $phSamantha.Address? Do you want them?">>
You flashed a grin in response and surged forward, your hands grasping hard at Sammy's wrists. She gasped in startled surprise, letting out a little coo as you forcefully spread her arms back and away, exposing her at last. Each of her breasts was topped with a perfect pink nipple, the tips already standing out hard from the flesh of her tits. They shuddered as she drew in a breath, her body relaxing into your grip. You leaned forward and whispered in her ear, your voice hissing with a hot, possessive tone that surprised even you.
<<nm $phYou "They belong to //me//, slut. Now...put my property to work.">>
Sammy's green eyes went wide...and then she dropped to her knees with a thump against the carpet. You let her hands go, and she immediately pressed them against the sides of her bare chest, lifting her breasts up in offer.
<<nm $phSamantha "Please, $phSamantha.Address! Use your property! Let me a good girl for you!">>
You nodded in satisfaction to her pleading, desperate tone, and reached down to undo your belt and zipper. Sammy's breath caught in her throat as your length sprang out into your stroking hand. Her sucked her lower lip between her teeth, her expression changing instantly to one of desperate need.
<<nm $phSamantha "Please, $phSamantha.Address! Use me!">>
You were happy to oblige. You step forward, putting one hand on the blonde's shoulder; the other lightly gripped one of her ponytails. She shifted her body up, finally letting your cock nestle in the soft, warm expanse of her breasts.
Sammy began to move, slowly at first but faster by the second. She rocked her body up and down, letting your cock glide between her breasts. She was wonderfully top-heavy, and her rounded tits felt heavenly as they stroked up and down your shaft, smooth and marshmallow soft. You thought you could feel her heartbeat, sending tiny vibrations over the skin of your shaft.
<<nm $phSamantha "Your cock is so wonderful, $phSamantha.Address...mmm. I could do this every day, if you wanted me to.">>
You began to work your hips faster, unable to resist. In response, Sammy ducked her head and opened her mouth wide, letting the very tip of your shaft slide against her thick lips with every motion. After a few thrusts, she extended her tongue as well, swirling it around the head every time it was close enough.
It was too good. Sammy might not have much of a brain in her head anymore, but she knew what she was and what she wanted. The singular focus on her face as she worked to please you was just too much, and you found your pleasure growing out of control. You tried to hold back, to draw out the pleasure for as long as possible, but it was no use.
With a final moan and gasp, you let yourself erupt. The first jet of sticky cum caught Sammy across her forehead, making her jump. She immediately leaned down, clamping her lips back over the head of your cock, swallowing hard against each subsequent spurt. She didn't release your shaft until every last drop had come out of you, finally leaning back to let you slide free of her lips. Absently, she reached up with one hand to run her finger across the splash of seed on her face, carrying it to her lips to lick at her fingertips.
<<nm $phSamantha "Did I do good, $phSamantha.Address?">>
You laughed, reaching down to muss the blonde's hair briefly. You considered your bare-breasted bimbo for a long moment, catching your breath. She had done good, and that had been fun. On the other hand, you could feel your cock already stirring again, and she could certainly go some more...<<set $phSamanthaTitJob to 1>>
[[Tell Sammy She Did Good|SammySexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 8]]
[[Tell Sammy To Put Her Hands on the Counter. You're Not Done Yet.|SammySexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 3]]@@
<</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 3>><<if ($phSamanthaBlowJob is 1) or ($phSamanthaTitJob is 1)>><<set $phSamanthaBlowjob to 0>><<set $phSamanthaTitJob to 0>>You weren't done with her yet. You reached down to pull the kneeling woman back up to her feet and propel her toward the countertop.<<else>>You laughed, wrapping your hands around Sammy's hips, spinning her around and propelling her toward the countertop.<</if>> The blonde caught herself along the edge, looking over her shoulder with a wide grin, and deliberately bent low. Her rounded rear pressed out against her tight skirt, perfectly outlining her expanded curves. You admired her welcoming pose for several long, enjoyable seconds, then finally growled your command.
<<nm $phYou "Clothes off. Then stay exactly like that.">>
Sammy wasted no time, her hands flying to begin unhooking her skirt. Soon enough, there was a careless pile of her clothes next to her feet, joined quickly by your own. The bimbo looked even curvier in the nude, as though her clothes had been struggling to contain her all this time. Her skin was pale and smooth, and she again leaned down over the counter, so low that her nipples brushed against the countertop.
<<nm $phSamantha "Mmm. Is that how you want me, $phSamantha.Address? Oooh, I'll be such a good girl for you, like, the best girl you coul- Ahh!">>
SMACK. You brought your hand down firmly across Sammy's backside, cutting off her words into a high-pitched squeal of pleasure. She immediately raised up onto her tiptoes, thrusting her jiggling rear upward. You obliged with a second spank, and then a third, each of them drawing another gasping moan from your partner.
By the time you'd spanked her fifth time, she was panting hard and her knees were shaking, both hands now gripping the countertop for support. She spread her stance wider, and you slipped your hand beneath her to stroke against her sex. She was practically dripping, and your touch made her jerk in place like she had just been shocked. You leaned over and purred into her ear as you positioned yourself.
<<nm $phYou "You //are// a good girl, Sammy. Mmm, but you don't have to talk anymore. I know //exactly// what you want. What you need. Why don't I just give it to you?">>
You didn't give her any time to protest, not that you expected she would. You stepped up behind her, took hold of her hips<<if $phYou.form is 'female'>> with one hand, and used the other to drive two fingers into her as firmly as you could.
Sammy's green eyes went wide and blank. Her jaw dropped, but no words came out. Her body, however, answered loud and clear. Her sex clamped down hard around your fingers and she rocked back against you with instinctive need.
You began to thrust, hard and fast, not giving her any time to get used to the sensation. Her thighs spread instantly and were soon glistening with excitement as you drove her hips down against the countertop. You raised your free hand to grab hold of both of Sammy's blonde ponytails, using them as leverage as you fucked her with your fingers, pulling her head back and forcing her to arch her body, tilting her head up toward the ceiling.
She tried to speak a few times, but the only thing she could manage was broken syllables. She was unable to tie them together into anything coherent as you pounded into her. You realized you were driving into her so hard the vibrations were popping open cabinets up and down the island, even spilling a few of the lighter boxes out onto to carpet.
You didn't care. Your focused was on slamming yourself into your toy. You felt her coming orgasm through the sudden shudder that ran through the bimbo's body. You released her pigtails and wrapped your hand instead around her neck, using your grip as leverage to redouble your thrusts. Sammy squealed, her eyes rolling back, and she could finally take no more. She came, hard, not bothering to stifle her scream as she slumped against the countertop.
When the fireworks had finally cleared, you let her go. Sammy slumped, her breath coming out as ragged as a marathon runner as she dropped to her knees, holding onto the cabinet with both hands. Her thighs were shiny with her pleasure and dripped onto the carpet while she struggled to catch her breath, her eyes open but unseeing.
<<else>>, and drove your cock into her as hard as you could.
Sammy's green eyes went wide and blank. Her jaw dropped, but no words came out. Her body, however, answered loud and clear. Her sex clamped down hard on your cock and she rocked back against you with instinctive need, drawing every inch of your shaft into her.
It was bliss. Her pussy was so wet and so tight it was like she had been perfectly tuned to your cock in particular. Maybe she had been. You began to thrust. The supply closet soon reverberated with the wet sound of your impacts, Sammy's panting moans, and your own deeper groans of pleasure. You kept one hand on her hip and reached up with the other to gather up both of Sammy's blonde pigtails, using them as leverage to yank her head back and make her arch her body, tilting her head up toward the ceiling.
She tried to speak a few times, but the only thing she could manage was broken syllables. She was unable to tie them together into anything coherent as you pounded into her. You realized you were driving into her so hard the vibrations were popping open cabinets up and down the island, even spilling a few of the lighter boxes out onto to carpet.
You didn't care. Your focused was on slamming yourself into your toy. When you felt your pleasure begin to crest, you released the poor bimbo's pigtails, wrapping your hand instead around her neck, and used your grip as leverage to redouble your thrusts. Sammy squealed, her eyes rolling back, her tongue hanging half out of her mouth as you gave one final cry, hilted yourself in deep, and finally let the orgasm wash across your body.
When the fireworks had finally cleared, you let her go. Sammy slumped, her breath coming out as ragged as a marathon runner as she dropped to her knees, holding onto the cabinet with both hands. Your cum dripped down her thighs and onto the carpet as she struggled to catch her breath, her eyes open but not seeing anything right at the moment.
<</if>>Casually, you redressed yourself, straightening the collar of your shirt as you walked up behind your panting, nude, dripping secretary. Leaning down, you pressed a kiss into the back of her neck.
<<nm $phYou "Good girl. Take a few minutes. We'll see if anyone drops in for some staples...">>
You grinned, wickedly, and turned to the door. You'd probably discourage anyone who was actually going to pop into the closet at this particular moment.
[[Back To The Office|Office][$phSamanthaSubSexGoodbye to 1,$phTime += 1]]@@
<<set _rewardType to 'Sex'>><<set _sex to 'dom'>><<include "Rewards">><</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 8>>You smiled down at your blonde lover, leaning over to pat her lightly on the head. She beamed up at you, nuzzling against your hand not unlike the way a puppy would greet its beloved owner.
<<nm $phYou "You did good, Sammy. Real good. I need to go get some work done, but we'll do this again soon, okay?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Okay! Thank you $phSamantha.Address! Come say hi to me any time. Um...let me help you get dressed! Then you can go to work, and I'll...ah...Get my focus back!">>
You nodded and she helped get you decent again, her hands rolling over your body more than was strictly necessary to smooth your outfit and conceal what you had just been doing. When you were dressed, she threw her arms around your neck again and kissed you.
<<nm $phSamantha "Thank you, thank you thank you!">>
You laughed and kissed her in return, separating from the bombshell with reluctance and heading for the door. Before you'd even covered half the distance, you could hear the moans begin as Sammy slipped her hand down beneath her skirt and up inside, leaning back against the countertop. You had no doubt she'd be regaining her 'focus' for at least the next few minutes. You should probably discourage anyone from wandering in for supplies during that time.
[[Return To The Office|Office][$phSamanthaSubSexGoodbye to 1,$phTime += 1]]@@
<<set _rewardType to 'Sex'>><<set _sex to 'dom'>><<include "Rewards">><</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 5>>You grinned at your blonde sex toy and shifted positions, hopping up onto the nearby countertop and spreading your legs. You saw the confusion on Sammy's face, but there was nothing new about that expression on her.
<<nm $phYou "I bet you can't keep your hands off yourself, you little slut. I wanted to see just how much you've been practicing using those fingers.">>
It //still// took her a second to get it, but when she did you saw her eyes light up like she had just found the golden ticket. She all but leapt forward at you, pressing her body into your side so hard your upper arm was enveloped in the soft cushion of her breasts.
<<nm $phSamantha "Ooooh, yes $pMistress! I can do that! Thank you thank you!">>
She ran her hand down your front, slowly, taking the time the explore the curve of your chest and run her fingertips over your stomach along the way. You felt a tug at your hips, and were surprised to find she had undone your belt in the blink of an eye. She may not be able to follow a sentence from beginning to end, but the little bimbo knew her business.
<<nm $phYou "That's a good girl. Show $pMistress exactly how you do it, okay? What gets my Sammy off?">>
She giggled and shook her head, the blonde pigtails flying with the exuberance of the gesture. She dropped her fingers down, running two digits across the folds of your sex, forcing you to inhale sharply.
<<nm $phSamantha "I can't do that! What //really// gets me off is thinking about $pMistress, and you can't do that! But, um...I suppose when I really need it, I make sure I do it hard and fast like a good cock, you know?">>
You didn't have time to brace yourself. Sammy flexed her wrist, and suddenly her index and middle fingers were inside of you and her hand was already beginning to pump. You gasped and raised one leg up onto the counter with you, spreading your thighs wider to give her more room to work.
She knew her business //very// well. Despite the speed with which she'd begun, her fingers were curling perfectly within your sex. She stroked against your pussy, and the way she held her hand brought her thumb up against your clit every time she pushed her hand forward. You found yourself arching and had to hook your hand up around the back of her neck just to resist the urge to lay back passively. //You// were giving the orders here.
<<nm $phYou "That's a good girl! Harder, you slut! Bring your $pMistress off! Make $pher cum all over this counter! Show me what you've learned!">>
Oh, she did. You weren't sure she actually needed the encouragement, but it didn't hurt. The blonde nodded rapidly and her brow furrowed adorably with her concentration. There was nothing cute about the way she moved her fingers, though. Her digits spread and then pressed together again. Her fingers curled and straightened. She thrust in and out and then rolled her wrist in slow circles. She teased against the outer fold and then strove to drive herself as deep as she could.
Most of all, it was the look on her face. The intense concentration that screamed that nothing but you and this moment mattered. Sammy was devoted to your pleasure, utterly, and that made it impossible to ignore. All too soon, you found your sex gripping her fingers and your frantic commands rising in pitch. You spread your thighs, tossed your head back, and allowed the orgasm to wash over you.
When you were spent, you leaned back against the wall and caught your breath slowly. Sammy withdraw her fingers and, without missing a beat, ran her tongue greedily over the digits as though she were enjoying her favorite lollipop. When she caught you looking, she blushed and lowered her hand, shooting you a hopeful look even as you gingerly pushed yourself off the counter and back to the floor.
<<nm $phSamantha "Mmm. Did I do good, $phSamantha.Address, or...do you need me to be even more of a good girl?">>
[[Tell Sammy She Did Good|SammySexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 8]]
[[Tell Sammy To Put Her Hands on the Counter. You're Not Done Yet|SammySexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 3]]@@
<</if>><<if ($phSamantha.sex is 0) or (ndef $phSamantha.sex)>>Sammy lifted your necklace out of the collar of your shirt, her eyes filled with the green gem as she giggled and smiled up at you.
<<nm $phSamantha "I know this! That's the side that means $phSamantha.Address doesn't want to be //just// a $phSamantha.Address, and $pshe wants to relax and maybe take a cock a bit! $pShe wants to be a bit like me!">>
You blinked, and then laughed. That was certainly one was to describe it, though probably not the one you would have chosen.
<<nm $phYou "I find that it's nice not to be the boss all the time, Sammy, but that doesn't mea-">>
You broke off, quite suddenly. You did so for a very good reason, because Sammy had<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>> reached down for the front of your pants and gotten a firm grip on your cock. It was like a firework going off in your brain, a sudden heat burning through your body. You could swear you saw a little flicker of green light at just the outer edge of your vision.
<<nm $phSamantha "Aww! See, $phSamantha.Address? You're a bit like me, aren't you? Once someone gets ahold of you, and it's -so- good, then it's, like, totally the best and you don't need to think at all! I'm going to be your good girl! So if you like it like I like it, then I'm going to give it to you just like I take it!">>
She squeezed again, her fingers wrapped tightly around the base of your cock through the material of your pants. You actually felt your knees shake, and you had to reach out to keep yourself upright. It felt...amazing. Way better than it should have any right to. You felt your breathing begin to turn rapid, and your head swam. Was this something to do with being an incubus? Having a body this hair trigger?
<<nm $phYou "T-That's alright, Sammy. Just because I've got a mood in that direction, it doesn't mean you need to- Ah!">>
Sammy pumped her hand, expertly, three times. Up and down your cock in strong, slow motions that caused your words to die on your lips. This time, you actually slumped against the counter, unable to keep your feet. You stared in disbelief at the smiling face of your blonde bimbo.
<<nm $phSamantha "Shush, $phSamantha.Address! Like, you just have to enjoy things! Sammy knows just what boy toys like you want! It's, like, totally weird being on this end of it, but I kind of like it. You don't mind me playing a little this way, do you?">>
<<else>>reached up, pressed both her hands over your breasts, and squeezed them hard. It was like a firework going off in your brain, a sudden heat burning through your body. You could swear you saw a little flicker of green light at just the outer edge of your vision.
<<nm $phSamantha "Awww! See, $phSamantha.Address? You're like me, aren't you? You like it when they get totally squeezed, like, really hard and nice. I'm going to be your good girl! So if you like it like I do, then Sammy is going to give it to you just like that!">>
She squeezed again, her fingers sinking into your tits through the thin fabric of your blouse. You actually felt your knees shake, and you had to reach out to keep yourself upright. It felt...amazing. Way better than it should have any right to. You felt your breathing begin to turn rapid, your cheeks heating. Was this something to do with being a succubus? Having a body this hair trigger?
<<nm $phYou "T-That's alright, Sammy. Just because I've got a mood in that direction, it doesn't mean you need to- Ah!">>
Sammy //twisted// her hand expertly, tugging at your nipple and sending another flare of light through your heads. This time you do actually slump against the counter, unable to keep your feet. You stared in disbelief at the smiling face of your blonde bimbo.
<<nm $phSamantha "Shush, $phSamantha.Address! Like, you just have to enjoy things! Sammy knows just what girls like us want! It's, like, totally weird being on this end of it, but I kind of like it. You don't mind me playing a little this way, do you?">>
<</if>>She twisted again, harder, and you felt your body arching despite yourself. You opened your mouth to protest, to tell Sammy you really didn't need //everyone// playing domme, least of all her...
...only nothing came out. Your throat worked, but none of the actual words seemed to pass your lips. You caught another flicker of green at the corner of your vision.
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh thank you, $phSamantha.Address! I'll do my very best! Now...um...well, if I'm going to be all in charge and stuff, I should tell you do something like...take your pants off, $phSamantha.Address! I wanna see you!">>
You were gasping for breath, heat running up and down your body You pushed back from the counter, getting your shaking knees back from under you, and focused you attention on the tiny blonde in front of you. It was the necklace, you could feel it. Prodding you, encouraging you, aligning things the way you had set. You had to do something, but the green gem kept just one thing on your mind...
[[Take Off Your Pants|SammySexBottom][$phSamantha.sex to 1]]
[[Unzip and Relax|SammySexBottom][$phSamantha.sex to 1]]
[[Slip Out Of Your Trousers|SammySexBottom][$phSamantha.sex to 1]]@@
<</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 1>>You obeyed, reaching down and slowly unzipping your pants, wriggling your hips as you slid the fabric down over long legs. <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>Sammy watched with a bright, beaming smile, one that got even wider when you bared your sex. You could already feel the flush of arousal between your legs, and you knew that Sammy could see the signs just as well as you could. She couldn't always follow a sentence from beginning to end, but she //breathed// sex.
<<nm $phSamantha "Like, wow, $phSamantha.Address! I always forget just how //hot// you are! You're, like, such a sexy slut. I bet we would pick up all the boys if we went clubbing together! Um, but I guess for now, you've just got me. Don't worry, I'll do my best!">>
<<else>>Sammy watched with a bright beaming smile, one that got even wider when you cock emerged from beneath your shirt, already hard and bobbing slowly in the cool air of the closet. You kicked your pants to the side, naked from the waist down.
<<nm $phSamantha "Like, wow, $phSamantha.Address. I always forget just how great your cock looks. Mmm, if I was just being me today I would, like, totally be on my knees all afternoon! But I bet you have lots of girls after that...so I bet I know what //doesn't// get a lot of attention, huh?">>
<</if>>The blonde winked at you, then pranced over to one of the cabinet, pulling open the drawers and pulling out boxes of envelopes and pencils. You cocked your head to the side uncertainly, until she finally got a grip on what she was looking for and turned toward you.
Your jaw dropped. Oh, you weren't surprised she was hiding a vibrator somewhere in the office. In fact, you would be more surprised if she only had the one. But you weren't expecting the //size// of it. It was at least ten inches, thick, made of a purple silicone and very much anatomically correct. <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>You were very, very sure that the toy was not something Sammy was planning to use on herself.<</if>><<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>You felt the heat between your legs intensify tenfold the moment you saw it, and you had to tear your gaze away before your brain locked up entirely.<</if>><<if $phYou.form is 'futa'>>You were freshly away of your feminine sex below your bobbing cock, and at the realization you felt a not at all unpleasant slickness beginning to grow between your thighs.<</if>>
Sammy probably didn't know what the jewel was doing. And you hadn't been able to speak since she shushed you. You had to let her know...wait, the papers! You could write it out to her, explain that-
<<nm $phSamantha "Just relax, $phSamantha.Address. Sammy'll take good care of you! Trust me!">>
You felt the tension drain out of your shoulders. You knew she was right. You'd selected this side of the gem because you wanted to let go and enjoy yourself, why were you fighting it so hard just because Sammy wasn't someone you would have thought of? Sammy was a good girl, she'd take good care of you.
The blonde moved toward you, and this time you met her halfway, wrapping your arms around her and planting a kiss on her lips. Sammy cooed in delighted surprise, her free hand slipping up beneath your shirt to run over the skin of your stomach, leaving a trail of heat in her wake as though her very touch was igniting your lust. She leaned into your kiss, opening her mouth and letting her tongue joust at your lips. You responded to the unspoken command easily, letting your lips part, welcoming her tongue and suckling gently on it as it swirled in your mouth.
The pair of you remained like that for a while, your lips locked and your attention focus on the delicate dance between your teeth. Sammy pressed herself against your body hard, baring you back against counter, forcing you to pull your hands back to support yourself against the edge of the island counter.
Sammy's own hand moved downward, gripping onto your hips. You could feel the slightly cool silicone of the toy in her right hand as she urged you upward, <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>encouraging you to turn and press your hands against the countertop.<<else>>encouraging you to hop up onto the countertop.<</if>> The blonde finally broke the kiss, her eyes filled with a mixture of adoration and lust as she moaned in your ear.
<<nm $phSamantha "That's a good $phSamantha.Address...open up for me. Be a good slut for Sammy, okay?">>
<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>You let out a low, husky moan, the first sound you'd been able to utter in minutes, and widened your stance. Your fingers went tight along the edge of the counter as your raised yourself up on your tip toes to bring your ass higher. You rolled your hips and bit your lower lip, trying to give the impression you were wild with lust. It was incredibly easy, because you were. If Sammy didn't stick that thing into you soon, you felt like you were going to combust.
Fortunately, Sammy didn't seem like the sort to tease. Her smile was beaming as she stepped against you, the air suddenly humming as she flipped the switch on the vibrator with her thumb. She ran the tip along the inside of your knee, and then up to your thigh, and you could feel the vibrations intensify as she worked the toy up your leg. From your lower thigh to your upper...and then higher. She touches the vibrating toy to your balls, letting the sensation work its way up your body for a moment before she draw it back. Soon enough, the tip was positioned behind you, teasing the rosebud of your ass...
And then it was inside. You squealed, spreading your legs even wider as the heat inside you burned hotter than you thought possible. The toy was thick, spreading your ass and sending vibrations all the way through your body. You felt your toes curling with pleasure and your pleasured means grew louder by the second. You rocked your body back and forth, allowing your ass to rise up and down as Sammy begin to stroke the vibrator in and out of you. Had to be a good slut. Such a good slut.
<<nm $phSamantha "Awww! You really like that, $phSamantha.Address! You're shaking like a leaf! See, Sammy knows, like, everything you need!">>
You felt your body heating up by the second as you rocked your hips back into that thrusting toy, the vibration so strong it almost seemed to be located right behind your eyes, shaking apart your thoughts and shattering any chance at coherent thought. All you could think about was that beautiful, wonderful shaft pressed in and out of you, hard and fast as Sammy picked up the pace.
Then she reached down with her other hand, wrapped her fingers around your cock, and began to stroke up and down. You closed your eyes, you weren't able to focus on anything anyway, and simply let the sensations wash over you like a crashing wave. You bounced up and down on the counter top, reaching out with one hand to wrap around the back of Samie's neck, holding on for dear life as she drove her vibrator into you. It felt so good. Sammy was so good. You were so good. Such a good slut.
<<else>>You let out a mewling cry, the first sound you'd been able to utter in minutes, and spread your legs obligingly, letting your feet hang off the edge of the island on either sound. You rolled your hips and bit your lower lip, trying to give the impression you were wild with lust. It was incredibly easy, because you were. If Sammy didn't stick that thing into you soon, you felt like you were going to combust.
Fortunately, Sammy didn't seem like the sort to tease. Her smile was beaming as she stepped against you, the air suddenly humming as she flipped the switch on the vibrator with her thumb. She ran the tip along the inside of your knee, and then up to your thigh, and you could feel the vibrations intensify as she worked the toy up your leg. From your lower thigh to your upper...and then higher, <<if $phYou.form is 'futa'>>brushing along the base of your cock<<else>>brushing gently along your slit<</if>>, the tip teasing against you...
And then it was inside. You squealed, spreading your legs even wider as the heat inside you burned hotter than you thought possible. The toy was thick, spreading your lower lips and sending vibrations all the way through your body. Your felt your toes curling with pleasure, your breasts bouncing inside your shirt as you rocked your body up and down. Had to be a good slut. Such a good slut.
<<nm $phSamantha "Awww! You really like that, $phSamantha.Address! You're soaking! See, Sammy knows, like, everything you need!">>
You felt moisture beginning to puddle beneath you as you rocked your hips up into that thrusting toy, the vibration so strong it almost seemed to be located right behind your eyes, shaking apart your thoughts and shattering any chance at coherent thought. All you could think about was that beautiful, wonderful shaft pressed in and out of you, hard and fast as Sammy picked up the pace.
<<if $phYou.form is 'futa'>>Then she reached down with her other hand, wrapped her fingers around your cock, and began to stroke up and down<<else>>Then she reaches down with her other hand and ran her thumb over the pearl of your slit, making you jump and gasp<</if>>. You closed your eyes, you weren't able to focus on anything anyway, and simply let the sensations wash over you like a crashing wave. You bounced up and down on the counter top, reaching out with one hand to wrap around the back of Samie's neck, holding on for dear life as she drove her vibrator into you. It felt so good. Sammy was so good. You were so good. Such a good girl.
<</if>><<nm $phSamantha "Okay, $phSamantha.Address! Cum! Give me a yummy scream!">>
[[You Screamed.|SammySexBottom][$phSamantha.sex to 2]]@@
<</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 2>>You screamed your throat raw, uncaring if anyone else on the floor heard you enjoying yourself. You barely even registered that there was anyone in this world other than the blonde driving that delicious toy so deep inside of you. Your hips bucks, your body writhed, your vision seemed to swim in and out of focus with the mind erasing pleasure. <<if ($phYou.form is 'futa') or ($phYou.form is 'male')>>You dimly felt a warmth on your stomach as your cock unloaded cum onto your skin.<</if>>
Finally, the wave passed and you collapsed back down against countertop, struggling to catch your breath, struggling even to follow one of your buzzing thoughts from one end to the other. That had been...wonderful. It was a profound release like you had so rarely experienced. A deep, glowing satifaction of surrender and bliss. You fought to lift your head to look back at Sammy, the little secretary grinning wolfishly. When she spoke, her tone was admiring, even if the words would not normally have struck you that way.
<<nm $phSamantha "You are, like, //such// a slut, $phSamantha.Address! I've never seen anyone go off like that, even with my very favorite toy!">>
You laughed and nodded, catching your breath for another moment before you sat up and tried to wriggle off the end of the counter, only to have Sammy bring you up short with a hand on your shoulder. Her smile never wavered.
<<if $phYou.form is 'futa'>><<nm $phSamantha "Oh no, $phSamantha.Address! You're being a good girl right now. And no good girl would ever be the only one to cum! So lay down, okay? I want that cock!">>
<</if>><<if $phYou.form is 'male'>><<nm $phSamantha "Oh no, $phSamantha.Address! You're being a good slut right now. And no good slut would ever be the only one to cum! So lay down, okay? I want that cock!">>
<</if>><<if $phYou.form is 'female'>><<nm $phSamantha "Oh no, $phSamantha.Address! You're being a good girl right now. And no good girl would ever be the only one to cum! So lay down, okay? I wanna cum too!">>
<</if>><<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>You didn't resist this time. There was no point, and why would you? If she wanted to use you for her pleasure, then that is what you wanted too. You laid back flat against the countertop and lifted one leg up onto it. Sammy squealed with delight and jumped up onto the counter with you, stradling your hips and grinding her hips down on you. You could feel her scant weight pressing down and, as she touched, realized very quickly that she was not wearing any panties.
It was slow and deliberate, with more restraint than you thought Sammy was capable of. She ground her hips down on you in long, smooth motions, allowing her body to press forward and back in a slow cycle. Her beneath her skirt, you could feel the wet heat of her sex pressing against yours, and the pleasure running through your bodies made your breathing hitch. Sammy let out a deep, satisfied groan as she grinned down at you.
<<else>>You didn't resist this time. There was no point, and why would you? If she wanted you as a dildo, she would have it. You laid back flat on the countertop, and Sammy squealed in delight and jumped up onto the counter with you, straddling your hips, her scant weight pressing down against you. She reached down to take hold of your shaft, guiding you beneath her skirt and then into her with a deep, satisfied groan.
It was slow and deliberate, with more restraint than you thought Sammy was capable of. She ground her hips up and down on you in long, smooth motions, her sex tight and slick around you. She leaned down, wrapping her arms around your neck, her breasts pressing down against <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>your chest<<else>>yours<</if>>. Her breathing hitched once or twice with the pleasure of it, each exhalation turning into a moan or soft coo.
<</if>>You let her, simply lay back and enjoying the pleasure washing across your body every time she moved her hips. It was simplicity itself. You could simply revel in each motion, knowing you didn't need to move, or decide, or even think until she told you to. You could simply be whatever Sammy required, an instrument of pleasure.
It was several minutes of slow, gentle rocking before Sammy finally began to increase the speed, unable to help herself any longer. She began to bounce, her heavy breasts rising and falling with every motion. Her breathing picked up, and she curled herself against you to whisper against your ear.
<<nm $phSamantha "You're...ah!...the very best $phSamantha.Address, $phSamantha.Address! Mmm...thank you! I'm...ooohh!...so...so...">>
It was too much. She abruptly sat up straight, her body going rigid as her head tilted back toward the ceiling with a long, slow cry.<<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>You felt her sex tighten suddenly against yours and your body obeyed the unspoken commandment, a sudden flush of pleasure running up your stomach as you crested together.<<else>>You felt her sex tighten against your cock, and your body obeyed the unspoken commandment, a sudden flush of pleasure running up your stomach as you crested together.<</if>> Neither of you were loud, both clinging to one another as your mind's went blank and the wash of orgasm took you both far, far away.
Sammy slumped over you, breathing hard, tightening her grip around your body. When she had her breath back, <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>she gently eased her hips back from yours<<else>>she gently eased you free of her<</if>>, and planted a gentle kiss on your lips.
<<nm $phSamantha "Thank you, $phSamantha.Address. Is that what you wanted? Did I do good?">>
You reached up and ran a hand down her hair, toying gently with the tip of one pigtail. When you opened your mouth to speak this time, the words came freely, no longer under the influence of the necklace.
<<nm $phYou "You did good, Sammy. Thank you.">>
The blonde let out a squeal of delight and planted another kiss on you before gingerly sliding off the countertop. You sat up and stretched your arms. You felt...remarkably relaxed, actually. As though all the tension and stress in your body had been utterly excised.
<<nm $phSamantha "Mmm. I //suppose// I should go give Mason those papers he wanted. He's, like, such a drag sometimes. Are you okay here, $phSamantha.Address?">>
You waved her off with a laugh, and she blew you a kiss before strutting her way to the door, just a little bit of self-satisfaction in her walk. You guessed you couldn't blame her for that. You spent a few minutes in contented reflection before collecting your clothes again. <<if ndef $phSamanthaBeenTop>>
You paused for a long moment as the weight of your necklace caught your eye. You would swear the green was less vibrant than usual, apparently it had to apply a little effort to make sure Sammy, of all people, would dare to command you. You certainly had a better idea of how the jewel worked now. You couldn't fault its effectiveness, at the very least, but you'd certainly now apply some care when propositioning people with it on. It //would// ensure you got to enjoy submission.<<set $phSamanthaBeenTop to 1>><</if>>
You took a deep breath at the door. You were going to sleep well tonight, that was for certain.
[[Return To The Office|Office][$phSamanthaTopSexGoodbye to 1,$phTime +=1]]@@
<<set _rewardType to 'Sex'>><<set _sex to 'sub'>><<include "Rewards">><</if>><<if ($phSamantha.sex is 0) or (ndef $phSamantha.sex)>>The red gem sparkled for a moment in her eyes and in her sly smile. Samantha lifted a hand to run a finger down across the side of the jeweled necklace, her fingertip also brushing across the front of your <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>shirt<<else>>blouse<</if>>.
<<nm $phSamantha "Lazren told me about this. A reward, for your faithful service, and an incentive to keep recruiting. I don't think she needs to worry very much about needing the incentive. Why don't you lay down, boss? Lets see if I can help at all.">>
A minute later, you were stretched out face down across your bed, your chin resting on your folded arms beneath you. Samantha was sitting along the edge of the mattress, her hands kneading on your neck and shoulders. You had to admit the secretary was talented at this. Her grip was strong, and she seemed to know exactly how to find every knot and stress point in your body. Each time she worked one of them out, you felt your breathing ease a little more, your body becoming languid.
<<nm $phYou "Who taught you how to do this?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Lazren, of course. She's got a vested interest in making people relax, unsurprisingly, and I was a little wound up when she found me. I was barely able to make contact with anyone at all without stammering and tripping over myself.">>
<<nm $phYou "That seems to have changed.">>
The dark-haired woman laughed and leaned over you, her hands slipping first to your sides, and then underneath you. You let out a surprised gasp as her fingers <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>kneaded against your pecs, cupping your chest openly.<<else>>closed around your breasts, cupping them openly. <</if>>
<<nm $phYou "Sam!">>
<<nm $phSamantha "You were the one who gave me the confidence, boss. Oh don't worry, I just need to get this off you if you're going to enjoy yourself.">>
Her fingers shifted a bit, and you realized her hands had been questing for your buttons, working them off so she could help peel your shirt off your shoulders. You grumbled a little<<if ($phYou.form is 'female') or ($phYou.form is 'futa')>>, your nipples standing out firmly even after that light brushing<</if>>, but you shrugged. It wasn't like you really expected this to stay a simple massage.
Once your shirt was off, your secretary went back to work, her hands now free to drift down your spine and over your bare sides. You found yourself groaning with relieved tension as her dexterous fingers worked out every kink in your back. You don't remember very much of your rambling conversation. You talked about Lazren, your own histories, the stories you'd already accumulated. She filled you in on some of the new tenants moving in this week, and told you about the 'cute reporter' she was seeing on the side in exchange for favorable coverage.
Eventually, there was simply nothing more for her to do. You lay in the bed feeling like a melted puddle, your entire body as relaxed and unwound as it had ever felt. Samantha's hands were still roving, still massaging and stroking, but more for fun than any particular utility. Finally, she chuckled and paused her motions.
<<nm $phSamantha "I think that's about all I can do, boss. Of course, if we weren't such a reputable establishment, I might suggest you could still use a happy ending to round things off. Though, I suppose, I //am// an unlicensed masseuse.">>
You shot her an amused look over your shoulder and she winked back at you, her whole expression glowing with exaggerated innocence. 'Reputable' was not a word you would typically ascribe to any part of this particular establishment.
You tell her...
[[You Think The Company Could Endure A Happy Ending|SamanthaSexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 1]]<<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>
[[You'll Take Your Happy Ending...With Her Tongue|SamanthaSexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 2]]<<else>>
[[You'll Take Your Happy Ending...In Her Rear|SamanthaSexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 2]]<</if>>
[[You're Already Happy. It's Her Turn Now|SamanthaSexTop][$phSamantha.sex to 3]]@@
<</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 1>>You told Samantha you didn't think health and safety was going to bust you over one little happy moment. Samantha flashed you a wide, Cheshire grin and then put on an exaggerated look of concern.
<<nm $phSamantha "I'm just a little sweet secretary, but I suppose you //would// know best, boss. I guess it couldn't hurt to just have a little fun.">>
Her hands shifted down to your hips, urging you to roll onto your back in the bed. Once you did, she ran her hands down over your stomach, her fingers exploring the fit muscle beneath the softer fat. The body Lazren had crafted for you was remarkably strong and yet svelte and slender. Not unlike, of course, the body you had made for Samantha.
<<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>You rolled over obligingly, feeling how wet you already were. Samantha's nimble, stroking hand had ensured that long ago, especially since you had known how this encounter would end since you walked in the door. Her dexterous fingers slide up your thigh, and she made some show of gasping in surprise.
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh my...is this for me, boss? If I didn't know any better, I'd think there was still a bit of tension in you that I had to work out. I'm just not sure how I'll reach that knot...">>
Deftly, she undid the button on your slacks and eased the zipper down. You didn't stop her. In fact, you lifted your hips to make it easier for her to slide your pants and panties down smooth legs. Samantha's eyes were warm as she took you in.
<<nm $phSamantha "I always seem to be remembering again just how hot you are, boss. I'm just about ready to rip out of my skirt here.">>
You laughed and extended your hand, running it across Samantha's hips, squeezing gently. You could see the outline of her own shaft, hard and thick, against the fabric of her skirt. Samantha never bothered to hide it; if anything, she seemed to adore flaunting what she was.
<<nm $phYou "I'm always pleased to be causing a...reaction. Have to do something to keep my edge as the boss, don't I?">>
That drew a naughty laugh, just before Samantha slid her hand back up and pressed two fingers //firmly// against your sex. You lifted your hips again on pure reflex and your thighs closed around her wrist, but it was two late. She was already pressing inward, letting her index and middle fingers push inward.
<<nm $phSamantha "You don't need to worry about that, boss. As long as you look like you do, I'll always be your most loyal of servants. Just being close to //this// on a regular basis is...mmm...Well, it's enough.">>
You tried to respond, but all that really emerged was a somewhat uncertain affirmative. Her fingers shouldn't be this good, but they were. You were already ready after the long build up, and before she was even inside you to the second knuckle you were pumped your hips up and down to coax out more sensation.
Samantha didn't tease you anymore. You were way beyond that. She read the slickness of your pussy well and didn't toy with you. Instead, she began to work her hand expertly, allowing her fingers to explore you with eager delight. The air was full of the wet sound of her knuckles pumping up against your sex, and you found your breathing was soon colored with pleasure.
You couldn't last long. All too soon, your hips jerked, your breath caught in your throat, and your toes curled. Samantha's green eyes shot open with satisfied surprise as the orgasm ripped through your body. One orgasm became two and then three, all of them too close together to determine where one ended and the next began. You were riding a wave of bliss and you couldn't even remember what life was like outside of it.
Samantha pumped her fingers through them all, until you finally began to slow. As you collapsed against the massage table, she finally withdrew her fingers and raised them to her own lips. Her tongue lapped against the digits and a moan broke the air, though you were sure it was at least as much of a show for you as it was genuine love of the taste of your body.
<<else>>Your pants were already tented across the front as you rolled over. Her nimble, stroking hand had ensured that long ago, especially when you had known the encounter would end this way since you walked in the door. Samantha's soft hand glided across the bulge, and she made some show of gasping with surprise.
<<nm $phSamantha "Why, boss, if I don't know any better I would say you still had a bit of tension in you. I just found one //really// hard knot right here. I'm going to have to work this out for a while!">>
Deftly, she undid the button on your slacks and eased the zipper down. Her eyes widened a bit as your cock emerged, standing tall and proud from your body. She shot you a playfully scolding look.
<<nm $phSamantha "Why, boss, you didn't give me a fair shake when you made me. You've got half an inch on me at least! That hardly seems fair at all.">>
You laughed and extended your hand, running it across Samantha's hips, squeezing gently. You could see the outline of her own shaft, hard and thick, against the fabric of her skirt. Samantha never bothered to hide it; if anything, she seemed to adore flaunting what she was.
<<nm $phYou "I have to keep some sort of edge on you to stay the boss, don't I?">>
That drew a naughty grin, but Samantha didn't respond. Instead, she wrapped her hand carefully around your shaft and began to stroke. Her hands had been soft and wonderful when they had been massaging your back, but now they seemed even more so. She began in a slow rhythm, letting you simply relax and enjoy it as she pumped your cock.
Soon, that wasn't enough for her. She began to pump faster, working her hand up and down along the shaft in a steady beat. You felt yourself squirming and twisting on the blankets as the pleasure grew. Fuck, she was really, really good at this. If she ever got a job as a masseuse she would probably be able to buy a tower like this one within just a couple of years. No one who got a taste of her magical fingers would ever let her go.
Magical fingers, and other things. Samantha bent low over you, letting your cock brush against her soft lips while she extended her tongue, swirling around the tip even as her hand kept moving. You felt your cock getting wet from her mouth, the moisture sliding down beneath her fingers, letting her stroke even more smoothly and quickly. You pressed hard into the mattress. The pleasure was rising up in you, and it was all you could do to draw it out for at least another few seconds...
...and a few seconds is all you had. You gave a blissful cry, your hips jerking upward suddenly. Samantha's green eyes went wide as you filled her mouth and immediately began to cum, hard. The first two jets from your cock rushed over her tongue and the back of her throat. Then she pulled away, letting you empty yourself along your own stomach as you enjoyed the waves of pure, orgasmic pleasure running through your mind.
Your body dropped against the bed when it was done, your arms spread at your sides, your still half-hard cock resting against your stomach. You took long slow breaths to recover your wind. Samantha beamed down at you, her lips closed and her eyes on yours. Then, slowly and deliberately, she swallowed. Once, twice, and three times, before her tongue emerged to lick her lips.
<</if>><<nm $phSamantha "Well, boss, it doesn't look like anyone is rushing to arrest us just yet. I guess one happy ending went under the radar after all...Mmm. It //was// a happy one, wasn't it?">>
You flung a pillow at the teasing wench and she chuckled, catching and then returning it to its place. She stood and touched her hand to her lips, blowing you a swift kiss.
<<nm $phSamantha "Always a pleasure, boss. Let me know if any of that stress comes back, and we'll take care of it again. If we have to loosen you up a hundred times to get it to stick, we will. I'd better get back to the phones for now, though. Try not to nap for too long.">>
You waved her off absently, letting your head fall against the pillow. The raven-haired secretary grinned and strutted her way to the bedroom door. One last wink over her shoulder and she was gone, down the stairs and out. You spent a few minutes laying there, enjoying the new looseness in your body, then finally forced yourself up and out of the bed.
You'd be back to the comfy mattress soon enough, but you still had a few more things you wanted to get done today. Getting dressed again, you headed back down toward the office.
[[Return To The Office|Office][$phSamanthaSubSexGoodbye to 1,$phTime += 1]]@@
<<set _rewardType to 'Sex'>><<set _sex to 'dom'>><<include "Rewards">>
<</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 2>>You tell Samantha you have a few ideas for your happy ending. She raised her eyebrows slightly and wet her lips.
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh really, boss? And exactly what sort of ending did you have in mi- Ah!">>
She let out a startled cry as you reached up, grabbed her shoulder, and pulled her hard down over the bed. She fell across your legs, but you turned over and rolled your body, ending atop the secretary and pressing her front down into the mattress. She tensed up in surprise, but you already had her all but pinned to the bed.
<<nm $phSamantha "B-Boss!?">>
<<nm $phYou "Don't worry. I just didn't want you getting in trouble over giving something illegal, so I'll take care of everything.">>
You slipped a hand under her skirt and upward, your fingers playing with the silky fabric of her panties. Samantha let out a surprised moan, and her body relaxed down against the bed beneath your weight. She rolled her hips up against your hand.
<<nm $phSamantha "Mmm. You //could// have just asked, boss. You know I am your most faithful of servants.">>
<<nm $phYou "Well, every so often, I still have to be the boss to earn the title, don't I?">>
You seized her panties firmly and pulled. The fabric resisted the first tug, but the body Lazren had given you was not going to be denied by a piece of cloth. You tugged again, and this time the panties gave way with a loud tearing sound and a gasp from the tall woman. You tossed away the ruined underwear and slipped your hand up underneath her skirt again, your fingers brushing her thighs, her rear, and her rigid shaft. Unconsciously, Samantha began to drive her hips down against your fingers and the bed, her eyes lidding with pleasure.
<<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>You let her enjoy that for a few seconds, running your hands posessively across her flank. Then you lifted your hips off her, grabbing her shoulder and turning her toward the ceiling. Samantha's expression was confused...at least until you climbed over her to straddle her chest, your fingers already working at your zipper.
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh my...I suppose I have no choice but to give in. But what could you possibly have in mind for me in this position?">>
<<nm $phYou "Just putting that mouth of yours to use, that's all. A better use.">>
You pulled zipper down and worked your pants down your thighs. They bunched around Samantha's neck, but you didn't care. You leaned forward, flexing your thighs to present your sex to your secretary. The fabric pulled around her neck and her mouth opened wide on reflex. You gave her your most wicked smile.
<<nm $phYou "Don't worry. Just a little encouragement to please me with some speed. I probably won't let you pass out...">>
You weren't sure if she believed you. As turned on as you were, you weren't sure if you were lying or not. But her tongue extended immediately and she lifted her head from the table to plunge into her task.
You grabbed hold of her hair, hard, pulling her even closer to your body. You moaned, and it was all you could do not to scream. Samantha's tongue was...exquisite. No other word seemed right. There was not a single movement wasted. Every flex and flick and pulse of her tongue had one purpose and one purpose only. To heighten your pleasure.
And it was working.
Soon enough, you were rocking your hips firmly back and forth. Samantha no longer had to lift her head from the table, because you had crawled so far over her that you had to keep both hands on the table to keep your balance. You pounded your hips down on that wonderful tongue, fucking her face hard and fast.
It didn't take long. Soon your thrusts became jagged, your motions less sure, and you could hear your own wanton moans echoing off the walls. You wound your fists tighter into her curls, pulled her sharply against you, and pressed your hips hard against your lips.
The bliss rushed through your body in waves. Your breath caught and you found yourself shuddering. When the tension left your body, it did so all at once and you slumped to one side, your chest heaving as you fought to get your breath back.
Samantha's face was wet from the chin down, but her eyes were shining. She chuckled and reached over, tracing a finger down your side languidly.
<<else>>You shifted your body around again, pulling up Samantha's skirt and pressing your body down against her back. Your cock was already free, sliding up between her thighs. The secretary spread her legs, giving you more room as she gathered great fistful of the bedspread into her fists.
<<nm $phYou "Don't worry. I'll be gentle.">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Mmmm! Oh, my wonderful $phSamantha.Address...be anything but gentle. Please!">>
You never had been one to turn down a request. You pressed your cock up against her ass firmly, the head of your shaft spreading her rosebud. Samantha made a groaning sound that seemed to come from the deepest part of her, arching her body so hard that her hair flipped up out of her face and across her shoulders. You began to slide in, her ass impossibly tight and hot as you drove inside of her, and every inch seemed to draw a louder moan from your partner. By the time you were halfway in her, she let out a cry and pressed her ass back against your body.
<<nm $phSamantha "Fuck me! Fuck me hard, boss! Please!">>
You were happy to oblige. You hilted yourself to the base in a single hard thrust, slapping your hips up against Samantha's plush rear. Her green eyes shot open and her voice seemed to rise an extra octave as her moans reverberated off the windows. You could feel her body trembling around you as you pressed her to her very limit.
You had no intention of slowing down to allow her to adjust. You had made her: you knew she could handle you. You began to piston your hips hard, the air filled with the sound of your bodies impacting. Samantha hitched her hips each time you filled her, and dropped her face down a little more. Before too long, she had her hands and face pressed against the mattress, her ass lifted as much as she could manage beneath you, tongue all but hanging out of her mouth as she begged you not to stop.
Samantha's ass was hot and oh so tight, milking your shaft every time you pulled back and welcoming it home every time you slammed forward again. Taking firm hold of her hips with both hands, you thrust yourself faster and faster until you finally hilted yourself one final time and came hard inside of her. Samantha squealed, hooking her legs up as much as she could around your own, holding you to her, keeping your cock as deep as it could be until every last spurt and jet of your seed was spent.
You stayed inside of her for a while, leaning over to kiss the back of her neck with a possessive little nip of the flesh. The raven-haired woman smiled, blindly pawing behind her to brush her fingers over your hair.
<</if>><<nm $phSamantha "...I could get used to happy endings like that.">>
<<nm $phYou "I can see that.">>
Samantha blinked, and then half rolled to one side, careful not to pull you free of her. The front of her skirt now sported a large, sticky wet spot right over the bulge of her cock. She laughed, and shook her head.
<<nm $phSamantha "Just remember, boss. However much of a slut I am, it's because //you// made me that way, so it reflects on you too. Can I borrow a skirt for a day? Mason might not care, but he'll certainly make one of his snide comments if he catches me wearing this out the door.">>
<<nm $phYou "Sure, sure. This time, anyway. I admit, I like the idea of marking you and sending you to the hall one of these days.">>
Samantha rolled her eyes, and finally shifted her hips to delicately pull you free of her, her voice hitching for a half-second as she did so.
<<nm $phSamantha "If you want to mark me with //yours// next time, we'll talk. I don't think wearing my...ah!...own is much of a testament to your strength, boss. Still...something to think about.">>
Something to think about indeed.
[[Take A Hot Shower, Then Return To The Office|Office][$phSamanthaSubSexGoodbye to 1,$phTime += 1]]@@
<<set _rewardType to 'Sex'>><<set _sex to 'dom'>><<include "Rewards">><</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 3>>You crooked your finger at Samantha, guiding her up from the bed and around the side until she stood next to you near your shoulder. She gave you a curious kind of look, cocking her head to one side. That curious look became outright astonished when you reached out and took hold of her skirt, beginning to work the fabric down her generous hips.
<<nm $phSamantha "B-Boss! I thought you...I...the necklace?!">>
<<nm $phYou "You thought I gave you this purely for decoration? Mmm. I'm still in charge, Sam. Would it help if I gave you some orders?">>
You peeled the skirt down her legs, letting it drop and puddle around her ankles. Samantha was wearing pantyhose all the way up to her hips, and you could see her cock straining against the fabric, threatening to break free at any moment. She was hard already; putting her hands on you for so long had certainly been enough for that. You doubted she expected this finish, however.
<<nm $phYou "Put your arms behind your back, stand at attention. You aren't to move until I give you leave...and Lazren help you if you cum before I give you permission.">>
You put as much command into your voice as you could, knowing well the incredulity of dominantly ordering her to stand there and enjoy herself. The raven-haired woman's jaw dropped, but she obeyed automatically and folded both of her arms at the small of her back, thrusting her hips ever so slightly forward. You smiled, extending a hand and stroking your fingers over her trapped cock, enjoying the silken feel of her pantyhose beneath your fingers.
Samantha squirmed beneath your touch, just a little, maintaining her rigid posture by strength of will alone. Yet, every time you withdrew your fingers her hips thrust forward a little more, trying to milk out another half second of contact with your hand. Her breasts were beginning to rise and fall visibly as her breathing sped up, and her eyes had closed in concentration.
<<nm $phYou "Good girl. After all, this belongs to me, too, doesn't it?">>
You finally pulled her pantyhose down her legs, freeing her cock to bob in front of your face.<<if ($phYou.form is 'male') or ($phYou.form is 'futa')>> She was large, maybe a tiny bit smaller than you but only just.<</if>> You leaned up and pressed your lips along the tip, reveling in the way Samantha's whole body stiffened the moment you made contact.
<<nm $phSamantha "B-Boss, I-!">>
You cut her off with a look, wrapping your fingers around her shaft and starting to stroke in long, slow motions. Her breathing intensified even more, and soon she couldn't help but fill the room with her gasps and moans. She widened her stance, pressing her arms into her back so hard to keep them still you half worried she would do herself genuine harm.
It was intoxicating. You could all but feel her pleasure in the air around you, and the increasing difficulty of not moving or grabbing onto you or setting her own pace. You teased her relentlessly, slowing down when she moved her hips, swirling your tongue over the head of her shaft, never fully giving her the pleasure you knew she needed. Soon enough, her exhalations turned to desperate whimpers and her body almost vibrated from her need.
That, you thought, was enough. When you switched gears, you did so all at once and without warning. You leaned up and suddenly took Samantha's cock deep between your lips, flicking your tongue against the underside. You expected to gag, given her size, but you didn't suffer even the slightest twinge as you worked her down your throat. You began to bob your head, frantically, letting your lips smack loudly against the base of her cock, every motion demanding her surrender and climax.
Samantha cried out, in a mixture of bliss and suffering as she half bent over your head. Bliss from finally getting the pleasure she had been wanting, your mouth running over her shaft the way only a succubus could. And suffering because you hadn't yet given her permission, forcing every muscle taut with the effort to hold herself back. Her voice rose, trembling with need and gasping with every flick of your tongue.
<<nm $phSamantha "B-Boss! $phSamantha.Address! M-May I...ah!...May I cum, please! Please may I cum?">>
You counted to ten. A slow count, not giving her any sign that you've even heard her as you bob your head and work your hand around the base of her cock. Then, mercifully, you look up into her desperate green eyes, and give a single, curt nod.
The response is immediate. Samantha let out a low, loud moan, jerking her hips forward, driving her cock deep into your mouth before she began to cum hard and fast. You swallowed as quickly as you could, but your teasing had clearly had its effect, and you soon found your mouth overflowing with the sticky sweet taste. You pulled back, feeling a drop or two rolling down your chin.
Samantha's head was tilted toward the ceiling, her chest actually bouncing with the force of her deep breathing. She leaned against the side of the bed to keep herself upright, her arms limp at her sides. You swallowed a few last times, and then grinned.
<<nm $phYou "Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you ended up more relaxed than me. I guess that makes me a pretty good boss, doesn't it?">>
Samantha chuckled, leaned down, and pressed a kiss to your lips, heedless of the taste of her still lingering on your tongue. She held the kiss for a full, lovely minute before she finally pulled away.
<<nm $phSamantha "A very good boss, I'd say. Thank you, $phYou.firstname. I...sorry, about the mess. You want me to run you a bath before I go back to work?">>
<<nm $phYou "Run me a bath...and stay to help wash, and I think we'll call it even.">>
Samantha grinned, nodded, and held out her hand to guide you to the bath.
It was a pleasant bath. You settled into the hot water, and Samantha ran a washcloth over you, from head to toe. She washed a lot of places her cum //hadn't// splashed over, but you didn't particularly mind. You simply lay back, closed your eyes, and enjoyed her touch.
When the bath drained, Samantha kissed you again on the lips and offered you another show of her backside as she strode to the door.
<<nm $phSamantha "Any time you need more relaxation...well, you know where I'll be, boss.">>
She blew you a kiss, and then vanished through the doorway. You sat in the bath for another minute, the water clinging to you quickly evaporating to steam on your skin. Sometimes, it was nice just to take a minute to enjoy what you had.
Eventually, though, it was time to go. You sighed and finally slid yourself out of the bath, slipping back into your clothes and heading for the door.
Duty called, as always.
[[Return to the Office|Office][$phSamanthaSubSexGoodbye to 1,$phTime += 1]]@@
<<set _rewardType to 'Sex'>><<set _sex to 'dom'>><<include "Rewards">><</if>><<if $phYou.form is 'male'>><<set _SamInsult to 'pet'>><<else>><<set _SamInsult to 'whore'>><</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 0>>The green gem sparkled for a moment in her eyes and in her sly smile. Samantha lifted a hand to run a finger down across the side of the jeweled necklace, her fingertip also brushing across the front of your <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>shirt<<else>>blouse<</if>>.
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh...Lazren told me about this. I actually helped her come up with the idea. She knows more about some things than I ever will, but I think she loses touch sometimes with how people are. You'd think one of the Seven Sins would be well acquainted with pride, but not always. Did she explain how it worked?">>
You looked down at the green gem between Samantha's fingers, your mind flashing back to the very brief explanation that Lazren had given you. In fairness, the succubus had needed to explain a lot in a short time but you couldn't help but notice that some areas were a little poorly sketched in.
<<nm $phYou "Not very much. She told me what the colors mean, if that's what you're asking. That it would signal that I might be...open to certain things at certain times.">>
Samantha's smile widened, just a bit, but she shook her head and gestured over your shoulder with one hand.
<<nm $phSamantha "What I thought. See, it //is// a signal, boss, that you might enjoy a little time on the bottom, but it's a little more than that. Both sides are designed to bring out the best in you, and your partners. Here, let me show you. Look over there.">>
You looked over your shoulder at the corner of the room. You had just realized that there was nothing in that direction but the wall when Samantha barreled into you, pressing against your back. Her arms slipped <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>> downward to get a firm grip between your legs. She squeezed, hard, and her fingers gripped the base of your cock firmly without any warning at all. <<else>>up under yours, her hands splaying wide across your breasts. She squeezed, hard, her fingers sinking into the soft flesh without any warning at all.<</if>>
You couldn't help but gasp. It was like an electric current had just been formed between your <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>cock<<else>>nipples<</if>> and your brain. You felt your body arch into Samantha's grip, your spine went rigid, and your voice rose in a shocked squeak.
<<nm $phYou "S-Samantha!">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Mmm. It's going to encourage you to //really// indulge yourself, whichever side it's on, boss. So... when someone you're open to makes a move on you, and you've got that side out, it's going to kick your body into overdrive almost immediately. Can you feel it, boss? Feel the heat running up into your face? Feel the strength draining out of your legs?">>
You did. Your knees were shaking and you were already panting hard. Samantha's hands hadn't let up, <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>starting to stroke up and down without ever loosening the hard grip she had on your shaft. You found yourself leaning back against her, needing her support to even remain upright. You thought your cock would rip through your pants entirely if it got any harder.<</if>><<if $phYou.form is 'futa'>>pushing hard through the fabric of your blouse, kneading the sensitive flesh with a firm grip. You found yourself leaning back against her, needing her support to even remain upright, and you thought if your cock got any harder it was going to rip straight through your pants.<</if>><<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>pushing hard through the fabric of your blouse, kneading the sensitive flesh with a firm grip. You found yourself leaning back against her, needing her support to even remain upright, and you thought if your nipples got any hard they would bore holes in the front of your blouse.<</if>>
<<nm $phYou "Samantha! That's...That's not...">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Then, once you're hot and bothered and every nerve in your body is primed for your partner, it'll help you go a little deeper. Ensure you're feeling //very// suggestible, and won't get in your own way by pretending to resist too much. So if, for example, I lean in like this, and nibble on your earlobe like this, and whisper something like...mmm. 'Spread your legs for me, _SamInsult'...<br><br>...Then...">>
You were shaking. Samantha's breath was hot against your ear, her voice low and confident as she purred out her instructions. You were dimly aware that minutes ago you had been the boss, asking her into your office for a bit of fun, but it seemed so distant now. <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>Samantha kept one hand on your cock, but worked the other upward beneath your shirt. Her hand splayed across your nipples and your eyes bugged open. It felt so //good//. Better than playing with your chest had ever been before! It seemed to spread a heat through your body that rose and rose and rose...until....until...
You slowly eased your thighs apart.<<else>>Samantha kept one hand at your breast, her fingers expertly seeking out your nipple through the fabric of your shirt and bra, teasing the hard point while her other hand drifted lower. You felt her dexterous fingers caressing across your cleavage, then pressing down over your stomach, drifting lower, and lower...until...until...
You slowly eased your thighs apart.<</if>>
<<nm $phSamantha "Good slut. Now, let's //really// get started.">>
Oh @@.choice;[[Fuck.|SamanthaSexBottom][$phSamantha.sex to 1]]
<</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 1>><<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>Samantha's hand disappeared between your legs. She pressed her fingers firmly against the front of your sex, the fabric of your pants not serving to dull the sensation very much at all. Her fingers stroked up and down over your slit, and the sensations only seemed to get more intense with every passing second.
<<else>>Samantha's hand didn't caress over your cock. She didn't slide, or brush, or stroke across it. She gripped it, squeezing her hand over your shaft, gathering the fabric of your pants in her palm and jerking you off straight through the material.
<</if>><<nm $phYou "S...Samantha, I...I just...">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Miss. Miss Samantha, you subby slut. You'll address me that way as long as I have my hands on you. Now, tell me honestly...do you like this, hmmm? Do you want me to use you for my pleasure, //boss//?">>
You bit your lip. You felt...amazing. And yet you couldn't shake the fuzzy feeling in your head. Samantha's body seemed impossibly hot as it pressed against your back, and you could feel each of her exhalations along the back of your neck like a fire burning through your brain. She still had a firm grip on your <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>breast<<else>>cock<</if>>, and your entire body tensed up with every movement, making it seemingly impossible to resist or even move from your spot.
Samantha's free hand was still <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>pressing between your legs, something she reminded you of by giving your sex a sharp push through the material when you didn't answer quickly enough.<<else>>on your chest, something she reminded you of with a sharp tug to one nipple when you didn't answer quickly enough.<</if>> You felt your breath catch in your throat, and words rushed out of you unbidden.
<<nm $phYou "I...I like it, Miss Samantha.">>
You could all but hear her smile in her voice, and that was a pleasure too. You weren't sure exactly why, but knowing that your performance was being enjoyed made it easier. Despite yourself, you could feel your shoulders relaxing into Samantha's grip, your thighs spreading a little further to not inhibit her powerful hands between your legs. Her confident laugh rang like a silvery bell in your mind.
<<nm $phSamantha "Such a good slut you are, boss. You know, if I wasn't such a good employee, I'd feel tempted to take advantage of that, but don't worry. All I'm going to do is make you cum right in your pants, then throw you up against your bedroom window and fuck you right there for all the world to see.">>
Your eyes snapped open, flying to the skyline view outside your windows. The glass was dimmed to make sure the room didn't get too bright, but you didn't think it was mirrored. As high up as you were, there had never been any fear of anyone seeing inside. If you were pressed up against the glass...
You opened your mouth to offer up a protest, but Samantha shifted her hand from <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>under your shirt<<else>>your breast<</if>> to your throat abruptly. She didn't squeeze hard, but the warning was enough to freeze your tongue before you said anything.
<<nm $phSamantha "That didn't require a response, slut. In fact, unless you're showing me your pleasure or answering a question, I don't think you need to talk at all. You //want// this. I know it, and you know it. You want someone to take your body and show you what it can do. Someone to be in absolute control for a while, so all you need to worry about is obeying.">>
You didn't say anything. You couldn't. She hadn't asked you a question, so even though your lips were parted the only thing that came out was your increasingly ragged breathing. You started to rock your hips in time with her rough jerking motions, moaning softly. Samantha was right. Why would you resist? You wanted it. You knew you did.
<<nm $phSamantha "Good _SamInsult. Now I'm going to show you just how much control I have, and give you a little reward at the same time. Does that sound good, slut? Oh, I bet it does. I bet it sounds real good. Are you ready? Mmm, you are...<br><br> Now, Cum! Cum for me!">>
Your eyes shot open. Her hand hadn't changed its pace or its grip and her body pressed into your back hadn't moved, but her command reverberated through your entire body. It was like you were a guitar string being plucked in the middle. You felt a rush around your waist, a sudden flood of pleasure burning through your body. You couldn't hold out! You had to obey.
You had to @@.choice;[[Cum.|SamanthaSexBottom][$phSamantha.sex to 2]]@@
<</if>><<if $phSamantha.sex is 2>>Your body quaked. Your vision swam in and out. You cried out, high pitched and needy. Samantha didn't let go of you when you bucked your hips, <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>or when signs of your pleasure began to moisten the front of your pants. She kept stroking her finger up and down across your slit as you shuddered and writhed and moaned, and only when you dropped back against her did she finally take her hand away.<<else>>or when your cum darkened the front of your pants. She kept jerking her hand up and down your shaft as you shuddered and writhed and moaned, and only when you dropped back against her did she finally release your cock.<</if>>
You tried to catch your breath, letting her support your weight for a few seconds while you got your legs back under you, both literally and figuratively. That command had been...wow. Your body had simply reacted, as if it were the most natural thing in the world for her to set you off with a word. A growing part of you couldn't think of a reason why that //wouldn't// be the case.
You didn't remember what else she had promised to do to you. At least, not until you found yourself abruptly shoved forward, stumbling and catching yourself on the thick glass of your bedroom window. You felt a moment of instinctive panic wash over your body, as the long fall to the pavement opened up in front of you, but the glass was more than sturdy enough to hold your body weight. It didn't even flex as Samantha slammed herself against your backside, the weight of her body flattening your cheek against the glass.
<<nm $phSamantha "Well, my horny little <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>incubus<<else>>succubus<</if>>? Shall we give them all a show? I'm not sure how many people are going to look up right now, but we'll reward anyone who stops and admires the scenery, won't we?">>
Her hand slipped down the back of your pants and panties, pulling them down hard without bothering to undo your zipper. You cried out, shifting your hips back and forth as the fabric clung to you, until you were finally able to work the material down. Samantha extended a foot between your legs, stepping onto your pants and trapping your ankles close together in the garment.
<<nm $phYou "Yes, Miss Samantha!">>
You blinked. The words had simply...emerged from you in response to her question without bothering to check in with your mind. You couldn't help but shudder at the sound of your own voice. You sounded needy, and desperate, and horny.
You sounded like you needed to be //fucked//.
Samantha must have agreed. She chuckled, her hands running down your still clothed sides and fastening around your bare hips, holding you in place. You realized she had discarded her skirt at some point only when you felt something hard and hot and so wonderfully thick against the small of your back. Samantha leaned in against you, running a trail of kisses along your neck from ear to shoulder.
And then she gave you exactly what you needed. Her hands tightened along your hips as she pulled her body back, then drove it forward. Her cock speared between your legs slipping into <<if $phYou.form is 'futa'>>the feminine sex beneath your manhood<</if>><<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>into your sex<</if>><<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>into your ass<</if>> as though she had done this a thousand times. Your felt her cock angle upward inside you, her girth stretching you so wonderfully full. When she began to thrust, you gave yourself over to the rhythm.
Soon you were spread flat against the window, your hands and thighs and cheek and cock all pressed firmly against the glass. Samantha never let you rest, never let you get complacent. Every few seconds she varied her pace, shifted her hips subtly to alter her angle, or let her hands coax out another cry from you. She jerked your shirt<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>> <<else>> and bra<</if>>up to your neck roughly, letting your nipples rock against the cool surface of the glass, entirely on display.
And you were entirely //willing//. You felt your spade tail curling around her thigh, urging her onward as your eyes searched the streets below. <<if $phTime is 0>>The morning sun painted your body. You people on the streets below were too small to make anything out, but someone could be looking out their office window with morning coffee in hand right now and you would never know.<</if>><<if $phTime is 1>>The afternoon sun heated your body even further, making you feel as though you were melting against the glass. The people on the street were too far away to make out any details, but if someone in a nearby office happened to look out their window and up at the tower, you would never even know.<</if>><<if $phTime is 2>>The people on the street were too far away to make out any details, and most of them had already gone home for the day, but you knew the light of your bedroom behind you would revealing you to anyone working late that happened to glance out a window. You'd never even know what they saw.<</if>> That should have made you angry, or frightened, or embarrassed. Instead, you found yourself spreading out on the window, grinding yourself against the glass. If anyone was looking, you wanted to be sure they got a proper show.
<<nm $phSamantha "Ah! Oh, boss, you're so //hot//. I can't hold back anymore. Ready for me to cum inside of you, slut? Yeah, you are. Cum with me! Cum with me now!">>
You obeyed, your body propelled along by her words. The moment her cock jumped inside you, and you felt the heat of her seed spreading through your <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>ass<<else>>sex<</if>>, your muscles clamped down hard on Samantha's member and you cried out in bliss. She hilted hard within you and held you firmly while her cock jumped and bucked and came and came and came inside you. You leaned your forehead down against the window, closing your eyes, your mind empty except for the glory of her pleasure.
Finally, you could feel her begin to soften and she pulled free. Her hands slipped up to your shoulders, prying you away from the glass with startling gentleness. She took hold of your hip with one hand and your arm with the other, guiding you across the room to your bed. You let your knees give out, falling back into the comfortable covers. Samantha leaned over you, a smug smile on her lips.
<<nm $phSamantha "And //that// is what the necklace does. Feeling satisfied, boss?">>
You groaned and made a rude gesture in her direction, provoking a brief peal of laughter. Somehow, you knew you could talk freely again, that whatever magic the jewel had worked over you was done, but you couldn't make yourself concentrate enough to form actual words.
<<nm $phSamantha "I'll take that as a yes. Mission accomplished then. You rest, boss, I'll make sure your calander is clear for a little while. Don't forget to invite me again if you ever need stress relief, alright? I'll be waiting.">>
With a wink and a smirk, the black-clad secretary turned and strolled her way to the door, every step and movement filled with self satisfaction. You groaned, turning onto your side in the bed.
Rest. @@.choice;[[Rest sounded good.|Office][$phSamanthaTopSexGoodbye to 1,$phTime +=1]]@@
<<set _rewardType to 'Sex'>><<set _sex to 'sub'>><<include "Rewards">><</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_gym >= 1>>You spotted Damien lifting weights the moment you walked into the gym. He had moved up to a larger size, and the effort to lift them is clearly a struggle. By the time you reached him, his arms are trembling with every rep, and there was a noticeable break in his rhythm.
<<nm $phYou "Sounds like that one might have been a step too far, no? You don't want to hurt yourself.">>
Damien winced and nearly dropped the weight on his foot as he set them down on the ground. He made a pained sort of noise that he turned into a less-than-convincing laugh.
<<nm $phDamien "They were missing my usual weight; I thought I could push it a little bit. It's not actually so bad! I just need...ah...a bit of a breather, is all. A few minutes. You on your way to change, or on your way out, $phYou.firstname?">>
Hmmm, good question. You knew a workout session would take an hour or so -- more than that, with needing to shower and get changed again. Still, it was a good way to get to know Damien a little better.<<if $phDamien.focus_gym is 6>>
You knew, though, that Mason had installed Damien's focus in a back room. The special treadmill was waiting and, if you had the time, maybe it was time to finally welcome Damien to get to know //you// better now, and what you really were.<</if>>
[[Work Out With Damien|DamienGymTalk]]<<if $phDamien.focus_gym is 6>>
[[Invite Damien To The Backroom|DamienSissyTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 0]]<</if>>
[[Some Other Time|Gym][$phDamien.goodbye to 'damienquick']]
@@<</if>><<if ($phDamien.focus_gym is 0) and ($phDamien.focus_shake is 0)>>You were walking up and down the rows of equipment when you spotted him. Like so many others, his face was set in concentration as he labored away, lifting a sizable weight in each hand. He alternated between them, letting one weight fall as the other rose, the muscles in his bared arms straining against each movement. There was something different about him, though, an intensity that those around him lacked. A need, a focus borne of intense desire. Where your other customers begrudgingly accepted the need for exercise in exchange for health, it was clear the young man wanted more from it. He was all but glowing in your sight.
You changed directions instantly, not heading toward him but over to <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>the men's locker room. You changed into a tanktop and shorts,<<else>>the women's locker room. You changed into a sports bra and shorts,<</if>> grateful again that Lazren had bestowed the body on you she did. You got admiring looks from men and women both as you exited from the bathrooms and went to reacquire your soon-to-be friend. You found him right where you had left him, both of the weights on the ground near his feet as he caught his breath and used a towel to wipe sweat from his brow.
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Damien/Mobile/DamienBase.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Damien/DamienBase.png]]</picture>@@
His hair was a reddish brown, cut short and lightly spiked. He was wearing a loose, sleeveless tank top and a set of gym shorts over simple tennis shoes. His features were pleasantly chiseled, but you didn't see even a hint of facial hair, and his eyelashes were remarkably long. Combined with his fit, slender frame, it gave him a distinctly feminine cast.
You let yourself move too close as you passed him, your hip catching the edge of his shoulder. You pretended to stumble, falling against him. He was surprisingly quick, and let out a surprised noise but still managing to get his arms around you before you fell to the ground. You found yourself looking into light blue eyes for a surprised second before he awkwardly returned you to your feet.
<<nm $phDamien "Oh wow, I'm sorry, <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>Bro<<else>>Miss<</if>>! Didn't see you there. Are you alright?">>
He stood, keeping a hand on your arm to keep you steady. It wasn't until he stood up that you realized how short he was. He was actually several inches shorter than you were,<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>> and even your slender frame had some bulk on him.<<else>> and you weren't the tallest woman in the room.<</if>> He seemed to realize it at about the same moment, letting his hand fall away from you. He rubbed at the back of his neck with self-conscious embarrassment. You quickly shook your head.
<<nm $phYou "No, no -- I wasn't watching where I was going, I'm sorry. Yes, I'm fine, thanks to you. Quick reflexes! I'm...well, people around here call me $phYou.firstname. It's sort of a nickname.">>
You extended your hand, and he smiled brightly as he shook it. His hands were soft against your palms, but his grip far from weak.
<<nm $phDamien "<<if ($phYou.firstname is 'Damien') or ($phYou.firstname is 'Damian')>>Wow, small world. I'm Damien, too.<<else>>Damien. I'm Damien.<</if>> Guess all those reps have to pay off for something. Sorry again...so...uh...are you new here?">>
The two of you chatted for a few minutes. You explained that you help manage some of the stores in the tower and you were hoping to get some exercise in as long as you had a membership. Damien was suitably impressed by your revelation, and he politely kept his eyes on your face as you talked. Mostly. You did catch him sneaking a look at your toned stomach from time to time, but he snapped his attention back up almost as quickly as it drifted. Finally, as the conversation hit a slow point, he gestured back to the weight bench.
<<nm $phDamien "I guess I'd better get back to it, then. It was really nice to meet you, $phYou.firstname. If you're here a lot, maybe we'll run into each other. Unless...ah...no, nevermind. Just, it was nice to meet you.">>
His cheeks tinged red as he turned away. <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>You brought him up short with a hand on his shoulder, spinning him around gently to face you again.<<else>>You laughed and lay a hand across his bicep, turning him back around toward you.<</if>>
<<nm $phYou "Unless?">>
<<nm $phDamien "Ah. Well, I was just gonna say, unless you need a spotter or something? I know some people like to work out with just themselves and an iPod, but I didn't see a music player on you, and I thought...well, you know, I'm here, if you needed someone.">>
An opening. You knew the tower would help make sure that Damien was more open with you than he would be with anyone else. It would smoothe over the process of finding out what he wanted that lit him up so much to your eyes. Still, you had to weigh that against your time.
You decided to...<<set $phDamien.focus_gym to 1>>
[[Work Out With Damien|DamienGymTalk]]
[[Take a Rain Check|Gym][$phDamien.goodbye to 'damieninitial']]@@
<</if>><<if ($phDamien.focus_gym is 0) and ($phDamien.focus_shake gt 0)>>You spotted a familiar face in the gym as you do your rounds. Damien was stretched out on one of the weight benches, grunting quietly with exertion as he pumped the barbell up and down. You couldn't help but grin and snuck up behind the bench, waiting for him to finally resettle the bar back onto the stand before you stuck your head out above him.
<<nm $phYou "Burning off some of that ice cream, eh?">>
He jumped in surprise, springing up and very nearly hitting his forehead on the barbell. He managed to avoid doing himself such serious harm, spinning around to face you more fully.
<<nm $phDamien "$phYou.firstname! Don't tell me you manage this place too?">>
<<nm $phYou "How to add calories and how to burn them. It's a self-perpetuating system, you could say. Actually, been trying to find a little time to burn a few myself. Can't let it slide for too long, can we?">>
He looked you over, quickly, before snapping his eyes back up to yours with a blush. It was very clear he didn't believe you had been letting things slide at all and, in fairness, the body Lazren had given you looked as though it had never skipped a fitness day.
<<nm $phDamien "You got that right. So, were you coming in or heading out? I'm just getting my workout started, if you want a partner?">>
Now that was the question. You ran over your schedule in your mind. Talking to Damien in a different environment might reveal some different motivations, and more options were always good. You would, however, need to go change your clothes, work out, and shower afterward, so it wouldn't be a quick thing.
You decided...<<set $phDamien.focus_gym to 1>>
[[Work Out With Damien|DamienGymTalk]]
[[Some Other Time|Gym][$phDamien.goodbye to 'damienquick']]@@<</if>>@@<<if $phCassandra.focus_gym > 0>><<nm $phYou "Afternoon, Cass. How are we today?">>
Cassandra looked up from the gym bench where she was lacing up her skates. She pushed a few strands of dirty blonde hair behind her ear, and offered you an uncertain smile.
<<nm $phCassandra "Um...doing okay, I suppose. How are you, $phCassandra.Address?">>
You stopped near the woman and cocked your hip, giving her an amused kind of look.
<<nm $phYou "You don't //have// to call me '$phCassandra.Address', you know. $phYou.firstname is just fine.">>
<<if $phCassandraShy is 1>>Cassandra's eyes flicked away immediately and her shoulders hunched. You winced, immediately wishing you could erase the playful teasing.
<<nm $phCassandra "Sorry M-- Sorry. Habit. Um...Are-- Are you going to be skating today?">>
Good question. You certainly //could//. It would give you more time to pry Cassandra out of her shell a little more and learn some things about her. On the other hand, getting ahold of your skates, skating, talking, and getting showered off again would certainly eat into your afternoon.
<</if>><<if $phCassandraShy is 2>>Cassandra shot you a faint smile, pulling the laces tight.
<<nm $phCassandra "Of course not, $phCassandra.Address. Are you going to be skating today?">>
You quirked your eyebrow at her, but she kept her expression studiously on the floor. Was she teasing you? Quite a change from the shy woman you'd met not so long ago.
Not a bad one, though. It was a good question, though. You could enjoy skating for a while. It would eat into your time for the day, but you couldn't object to the company.<<if $phCassandra.focus_gym is 6>> It would also give you the opportunity to convince Cassandra to light up one of Mason's special cigarettes. You were dying to see exactly what they would do.
[[Skate with Cass, Then Smoke With Cass|CassandraRebelTransformation][$phCassandra.trans_counter to 0]]@@<</if>><</if>>
[[Skate With Cassandra|CassandraGymTalk]]
[[You've Already Exercised Enough Today|Gym][$phCassandra.goodbye to 'cassandraquick']]
@@<</if>><<if ($phCassandra.focus_gym is 0) and ($phCassandra.focus_comp > 0)>>You spotted Cassandra out of the corner of your eyes and actually did a double take. You wouldn't have put physical fitness high on your artist's priority list, but here she was. She sitting down on the ground at the back of the gym, where a set of double doors lead out to the small outdoor exercise area built against the side of the mall. There was a small runner's track out there, but the skates that she was lacing on her feet rather strongly suggested the tiny skate park was her actual destination.
You changed directions immediately, crossing the distance to the woman with the silent grace and intense focus of a lion stalking an antelope.
<<nm $phYou "Cass? I thought that was you! A little far afield today, aren't we?">>
Cassandra looked up, her green eyes wide. You thought the antelope might actually have looked less stunned.
<<nm $phCassandra "$phCassandra.Address? I...uh...sorry. I was just...I really like the park, here. It's nice to take a break after class, before I settle in to do any work. Um...It sort of helps me focus?">>
<<nm $phYou "I can understand that. Actually, I do a little rollerblading here myself. I always found just walking around in a circle to be a little dull, so it's nice to spice it up a little.">>
Cassandra's answering smile was shy, but interested. She actually met your eyes for a half second, before she looked away.
<<nm $phCassandra "Oh. Something else we have in common. Um...Are you skating today?">>
That was the question. Now that you'd reintroduced yourself, Cassandra wouldn't think anything about running into you here at the gym on future days, so it didn't necessarily need to happen today. On the other hand, if you could afford to spend the time it would be a wonderful opportunity to see how Cassandra operated in a new environment. That might get you some new details about what she was after.
@@.choice;[[Skate With Cassandra|CassandraGymTalk]]
[[Already Exercised Today|Gym][$phCassandra.goodbye to 'cassandraquick']]@@<<set $phCassandra.focus_gym to 1>><</if>><<if ($phCassandra.focus_gym is 0) and ($phCassandra.focus_comp is 0)>>You prowled through the gym but, despite the ample supply of toned and impressive flesh on display, couldn't seem to burn off the nervous energy inside you. Things had been going well enough, but that didn't mean you were out of the woods yet. You needed to be doing more than burning energy, you needed to-
<<nm $phCassandra "Oof! S-Sorry!">>
You were so absorbed in your thoughts that you weren't watching where you were going, and collided with a woman coming around the corner in the opposite direction. Your reflexes were good, so you were able to keep both of you upright despite the impact. You held onto the woman's hips for a moment until you were sure she was stable, then released her and took a quick step back to take her in.
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Cassandra/Mobile/CassandraInitial.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Cassandra/CassandraInitial.png]]</picture>@@
The woman was young, either fresh out of her college years or soon to be. She had a messenger bag slung over one hip, and she held her hand protectively over the contents. Her body was concealed within a loose hoodie, and her eyes slanted down and away from you rather than meet your gaze.
<<nm $phCassandra "Sorry...didn't mean to hit you...">>
Her voice was soft, barely a notch above a whisper. As she spoke, you could see the instant self-recrimination in her eyes. She hadn't been responsible and she knew it, but the apology seemed to leap from her lips before she could stop it. Frustration at her own apology burned in her eyes like a torch. It was a burning need she would give anything to satisfy.
She was one of yours.
<<nm $phYou "No! My fault entirely. I wasn't watching where I was going, but thanks for being nice about it. I was just...">>
You paused a moment, your eyes flicking over her quickly. The hoodie would make it pretty hard to do weight training or stretches, and she'd been heading toward the back door. There was an open area out there, built against the side of the larger mall, for outdoor exercises. Your eyes settled on the pin clipped to the messenger bag:'Skate or Die'
<<nm $phYou "...forgot my skates. Made it almost all the way out there without noticing. They call me $phYou.firstname.">>
<<nm $phCassandra "...Ah...Cassandra<<if $phYou.firstname is 'Cassandra'>>, too, actually<</if>>. People call me Cass, usually<<if ($phYou.firstname is 'Cass') or ($phYou.firstname is 'Cassy') or ($phYou.firstname is 'Cassie')>>...but I guess you know that<</if>>. It's alright. I understand. I've...uh...forgotten my skates a few times.">>
She patted her messenger bag, as if in explanation. The smile she offered you was fleeting and seemed to surprise even her. You had a feeling the tower was going to be working overtime to open her up at all, given how she studiously avoided your gaze. But you thought you saw her checking you out from the corners of her eyes whenever your own gaze turned away.
You were pretty sure you could procure a set of skates from somewhere, and the chance meeting had given you a pretty solid excuse for staying close for a while. On the other hand, you hadn't really planned on spending the afternoon in the skate park. Maybe you could parlay today's introduction into an excuse to look her up later?<<set $phCassandra.focus_gym to 1>>
[[No Time Like The Present|CassandraGymTalk]]
[[No Time Today|Gym][$phCassandra.goodbye to 'cassandrameet']]@@<<set $phCassandra.focus_gym to 1>><<set $phCassandraShy to 1>><</if>><<nobr>>
<<if ($phDamien.transform is 'bull') and ($phJolie.transform is 'cowgirl') and ($phLocations['ShakeShack']['level'] gt 1) and ($phWaitUltimate.includes('ShakeShack') is false)>><<set _random to 9>><<elseif ($phDamien.transform is 'bull') and ($phXavier.transform is 'dryad') and (($phXavier.date is 8) or ($phDamien.date is 8)) and ($phWaitUltimate.includes('ShakeShack2') is false)>><<set _random to 10>>
if (State.variables.phLocations['ShakeShack']['waits'].length == 0) {
State.variables.phLocations['ShakeShack']['waits'].push(1, 2, 3, 4);
if (State.variables.phLocations['ShakeShack']['level'] > 1) {
if (State.variables.phJolie.transform == 'cowgirl') {
if (State.variables.phDamien.transform == 'bull') {
if ((State.variables.phJolie.transform == 'cowgirl') && (State.variables.phDamien.transform == 'bull') && (State.variables.phLocations['ShakeShack']['level'] > 1)) {
if ((State.variables.phDamien.transform == 'bull') && (State.variables.phXavier.transform == 'dryad') &&
((State.variables.phXavier.date == 8) || (State.variables.phDamien.date == 8))) { State.variables.phLocations['ShakeShack']['waits'].push(10);
<<set _random to $phLocations['ShakeShack']['waits'].pluck()>>
<</nobr>>Not even Lazren's gifts could incentivize you to actually work behind the counters in the food court, but you did like to stop in and supervise from time to time. The tower could create some very enticing smells and tastes, but it didn't actually //eat//, itself, and you often had to step in to keep it on track. You'd once found it trying to promote chocolate-covered French fries, and that was a step too far. Better that you sign off on anything new that the simulacra were going to push.
The work had its advantages too. Food within your mall was more than just sustenance. Lots of chain restaurants claimed that their food or drink would transport customers to a wonderland of joy and wonder, but yours actually could. There was nothing extreme, of course. You reserved the full makeovers for your special targets, but you were still more than capable of brightening a dour day, banishing anxiety, and maybe even sanding the edges off a few strategic inhibitions.
<<if _random is 1>>You were walking between two of the shops in the food court when you caught sight of a pair approaching the register. A young man and a young woman, standing close enough together that you assumed they were dating. That wasn't unusual enough to catch your eye, but their general demeanors were.
She was tall, dark-haired, and dressed in an elegant but simple black dress. You could see her holding court to her companion, talking rapidly and confidently in a low tone. Every so often, though, a flicker of uncertainty crossed her expression and she clearly forced herself to stop and ask him a question.
The young man didn't quite meet her eyes, though he admired her frequently whenever she turned away. His features were soft and he didn't speak nearly as much. He nodded along with her comfortably and happily, but every time she stopped to ask him a question he got tense and uncomfortable until the conversation resumed.
You smiled to yourself. A young man who was perfectly happy when his girlfriend took initiative, and a young woman who could use the assurance that it was okay. You had a feeling that providing a shake that would reduce their inhibitions for even a little while would do their relationship a lot of good. On the other hand, they hadn't asked for the help. Maybe it would be better to just keep to your own business for today.
[[Lend a Hand|ShakeWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 1]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 2>>You were looking over the food court when a voice caught your attention. A middle-aged brunette woman was talking on a cellphone as she stood in line. The words weren't important. She was describing some kind of meeting with some kind of company that was causing some kind of trouble, but it was the stress and the weariness that caught your ear. There were lines around the corners of her eyes from a tension you suspected rarely left her. She was holding a health drink in her hand as she waited to pay, but her eyes were locked on a succulent chocolate cake in the glass display case.
She didn't know it, but that cake might be just what she needed to remind her to loosen up and a live a little. It would restore a bit of life into her, in exchange for a fraction of her energy. You were quite sure you could get it on her plate and watch the fireworks happen. On the other hand, maybe it would just be better to let the woman buy her drink and get back home. With any luck, she might actually get some sleep.
[[A Slice Of Cake|ShakeWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 2]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 3>>You liked to think it was usually intangible things that caught your eye. You had an ear out for the unfulfilled desires of humanity, and could size up a soul at a glance. You were <<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>incubus<<else>>succubus<</if>>, therapist, and manager all rolled into one.
But that didn't mean your body didn't respond to the simpler things in life. When 6'3" of perfectly-toned muscle walked by in a shirt stretched so tight it was nearly sprayed on, you noticed. You noticed a perfectly white smile, a square jawline, and a bulge in inexpensive trousers that ran halfway down the thigh.
You noticed hard.
You //had// been working a lot lately. You had a sudden vision of offering the man a complimentary cookie from behind the counter. According to Mason's notes, it would ensure drive enough for anyone to go for several straight hours. You could finally put that claim to the test...
...or maybe not. You were here for work, after all, and you didn't see much 'unfulfilled' about him. All he would be was a little shot of power and a fun afternoon. Could you spare the time?
[[Spare The Time|ShakeWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 3]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 4>>You were so focused on your thoughts that you noticed too late that the woman ahead of you wasn't paying full attention either. The pair of you collided. You both apologized and the woman, dressed in a tight tank top that emphasized her bust line, hurried on.
It wasn't until she pushed past you that you blinked and cocked your head. When you had pressed against her, her chest had been squeezed against your own. You were very familiar with what a woman's chest felt like, and it didn't feel like bundled-up cloth.
You grinned to yourself. Someone was cheating. Maybe she was a little smaller than she'd like to be and was making up for it with a bit of creative stuffing. It wasn't to the level of your real targets, but you could give her a fun afternoon. A quick jog into the Stables could get you a bottle of milk straight from the 'tap'. <<if $phJolie.transform is 'cowgirl'>>Jolie wouldn't mind donating, you were sure.<</if>>That wouldn't be enough to permanently change the woman, but it might give her a taste of what she was after, and it would give //you// a little taste of her energy.
Or maybe you should just let her go. It might be cruel if she noticed only to have the effect wear off after a day. You could just go back to work instead.
[[Give Her A Taste|ShakeWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 4]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 5>>You were walking through the Stables carrying a small batch of new posters to put up when the quiet caught your attention. Oh, it wasn't //that// unusual, but ever since you'd installed the Milkatron 5000 the food court had gotten busy, and more customers meant a lot more cowgirls passing through to supply the special ingredient. You weren't entirely sure where Mason kept finding them.
Today, though, all was quiet. The Milkatron 5000 gleamed in the light, perfectly polished, and the leather bench that the girls laid across smelled freshly oiled. It was perhaps three feet high, with locks for the arms and legs on all four corners. You knew from experience that, once the girls were safely locked in, compartments along the top would open to allow the process to begin in earnest.<<if $phJolie.transform is 'cowgirl'>> Jolie could hardly stop enthusing about it<</if>><<if ($phJolie.transform is 'cowgirl') and ($phDamien.transform is 'bull')>> and<</if>><<if $phDamien.transform is 'bull'>> Damien had told you a lot of stories about how much his girls sang the machine's praises<</if>>.
You paused as a stray thought passed your mind. The machine's interface had discouraged non-bovine users. The suction cups would find little to milk at your chest, but there were other attachments you could use. Maybe you could see if the machine was all it was cracked up to be?
Of course, you had plenty to do without messing around with expensive equipment just to enjoy yourself. You had posters to put up, after all. Still, it was tempting...
[[Maybe Just A Little Experiment|ShakeWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 5]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 6>>You were passing near the Stables when an orgasmic moan drew you up short. You paused and peeked inside, unable to help your curiosity.
You saw the source of the sound immediately. The Milkatron 5000 had been a hit ever since you'd had it installed. The machine consisted of a padded bench about three feet off the ground that the girls could lay across, with hollows at all four corners to lock arms and legs into. You knew from experience that the bench wasn't as simple as it appeared, however. Numerous small compartments could open in the padded surface to allow the machine to work.
Just as it was working now. A flannel shirt was discarded near the machine, and a freckled red-head with a denim skirt was locked in place. Her head was tilted back and she was biting her lower lip hard. You could see the panel beneath her chest had slid away, and her titanic tits were resting on a pair of humming suction cups. Judging from the sound, it was encouraging her to be quite... productive.
A smile pulled at the corner of your mouth. You had to admit, a happy mooing cowgirl getting milked, with her arms and legs locked up, and a wonderfully easy to access skirt, certainly gave you some... thoughts. You wouldn't use force, of course, but you knew well just how happy the true bovine workers were when they were strapped in, and you were quite sure a little bit of extra stimulation would see the milk output increase commensurately.
She did look happy already, however. You could close the door and leave her to her enjoyment instead. Less fun, but it would give you the opportunity to finish your work for the day. Sometimes being the boss was hard.
[[Help Increase 'Production'|ShakeWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 6]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 7>>You'd just bent down to sort through one of the refrigerators in the back when you heard a faint gasp from behind you, then a very deep, rumbling sound. You didn't even need to look up to know that you favorite ranch hand had walked into the room and had gotten more of a view than he'd expected. You were bent over in a somewhat precarious situation as you sorted the bottles and treats cooling on the shelf.
Poor Damien. It did give you an idea, though. You were pretty sure the big man was a little too polite to come onto you in the middle of the workday. You could pretend not to notice him, though, and give him an 'accidental' show. The bull's instincts were strong, and he wouldn't be able to hold himself back. Could be fun, and the release of energy was always good for the tower's coffers.
On the other hand, that would take up some time and you had planned to finish a few things today. You //could// just let him go about his way and //not// tease him into a frenzy. Safer, but when had you ever played it safe?
[[Tease The Beast|ShakeWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 7]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 8>><<nm $phJolie "Yes, ma'am, you heard right! We're offering a special promotion on those items, so it's all free today! Yes, you can grab an extra one, we're really happy you're trying the product!">>
You cocked your head and peeked out into the cashier's station at Shakes 'n Sundaes. Jolie was working the counter today, and it seemed she was quite popular. The line of people waiting to purchase an ice cream or shake was at least six or seven deep, with more arriving every minute. It was clear she'd be at it for the next hour or two before the rush wore off, unless she got some help.
You //could// get some simulacra over there to open a second register and diffuse the mob, of course, but it did give you an opportunity. Jolie had been far too calm in her new role for your taste. You could give the cowgirl a little 'stress test' and see just how well she served the clients while you were doing your best to distract her. She'd enjoy it, and the energy of her trying to focus on customers and your pleasuring at the same time would make it a good day for energy collection.
[[Distract The Cowgirl|ShakeWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 8]]@@<</if>><<if _random is 9>>Today you were looking over some of the sales figures, trying to see if you could apply the expertise of someone with a stomach to figure out what your next big push would be. The numbers and lines were already beginning to blur together when you heard footsteps in the hall behind you.
<<nm $phJolie "Oooh! Be careful with them, please. They're sooo tender!">>
<<nm $phDamien "Hehe...of course they are. When was the last time you had them taken care of, little lady? Yesterday? The day before? You're just about full to the brim, I'd say.">>
The footsteps passed your door and you pushed back from the desk and stuck your head into the hall. Damien was actually //carrying// JJ bridal-style down the hallway, the cowgirl's weight apparently so insubstantial that the man's powerful forearm wasn't even flexed.
<<nm $phYou "...Something wrong?">>
<<nm $phJolie "M-$phJolie.Address! Oh! Not wrong...but...">>
Damien half turned and looked back at you with his usual respectful nod. You could see that the big man's hand was splayed across JJ's titanic chest, and her uniform was already darkened with several spot of wetness.
<<nm $phDamien "Nothing major, ma'am, but this one's been at the register a mite too long and didn't bother to come back and get herself treated right. I was about to go take care of that on the fancy machine back there, but I'm sure she'd enjoy it even more if you were there. You got the time?">>
JJ fluttered her eyelashes at the pair of you, her arms wrapped adoringly around Damien's neck. Apparently she had been pushing herself and hadn't gotten milked. You suspected that was probably more of a ploy to get Damien's personal attention, but that didn't mean she wouldn't delight in a second firm hand to help her empty out. You had to admit that that would be a much more fun way to spend the time. The sales figures would wait.
On the other hand, they //would// be waiting for you when you were done. Maybe it was better to let Damien ply his trade without interference and get back to work. You had every confidence that he could handle it.
<<run $phWaitUltimate.pushUnique('ShakeShack')>>
[[Join Damien and JJ|ShakeWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 9]]@@
<</if>><<if _random is 10>><<run $phWaitUltimate.pushUnique('ShakeShack2')>><<set $phLocation to 'Stables'>>You weren't interested in the crowds or customers today, however. Instead, you were seeking out your bullish manager to ask him a couple of quick questions. Everything in the food court was running well, but you were starting to wonder if it was time to update the menu again, and--
<<nm $phXavier "Something I can help you with, sapling?">>
<<nm $phYou "Oh! Xun, I didn't know you were-- Uh...">>
You looked up...and froze in place. The dryad offered you a warm smile without a hint of hesitation...as though it were perfectly normal for her boss to walk in on her completely nude, sitting up on one of the milking benches.
That wasn't what stopped you, though. Xun's chest had always been rather modest by the standards of Paradise. Now, though, she had gained at least four full cup sizes and you could see a small white dot of milk standing on the tip of each breast. You stared.
<<nm $phYou "...Ah?">>
<<nm $phXavier "An... enhancement, for a particular type of visit. I learned I do have certain options when I want to provoke a particular response, sapling. Oh, speaking of!">>
<<nm $phDamien "Alright. Tanks are put away. Now, where's my pu-- Uh! Boss!">>
Damien stopped in the doorway he had just thrown open hard enough to slam the door back against the wall. You couldn't help but notice that the bull was breathing hard and huffing in a way that you suspected had nothing to do with exertion. You had learned to read him pretty well since you'd first transformed the poor man.
...Though, in fairness, it could also have been the fact he wasn't wearing anything but his cowboy hat, and that massive prick of his was standing up from his waist like a steel rod. You felt your face heat despite yourself.
<<nm $phYou "I should...uh... I should go. I can come back another time and...uh...I'm sure there are simulacra out there who could use a hand.">>
<<nm $phXavier "Of course, sapling. I'm sure Damien would be happy to talk to you later when he's less...occupied. You shouldn't feel it necessary to leave, though I feel compelled to warn you if you're still standing there in ten seconds, my bull is going to hold you down and fuck your ass until you are so full of his cum your belly looks like a beach ball.">>
...You blinked at that, your jaw dropping open. The dryad's expression hadn't so much as twitched as she delivered that prediction...but Damien's had. You saw the big man's cock //jump//, his stance widen, and his breathing got even harder.
<<nm $phYou "But...">>
<<nm $phXavier "Five seconds, sapling.">>
[[Wait Five Seconds!|ShakeWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 13]]@@
[[Business As Usual|Shakes 'n Sundaes][$phGoodbye to 'shakewait']]<<set $phTime +=1>>@@<<if $phDamien.focus_shake >= 1>>You caught up with Damien at Shakes 'n Sundaes, spotting him as he was carrying a milk bottle to the register. You stepped into line behind him and prodded him lightly on the back.
<<nm $phYou "At it again? Starting to think you do the exercise just as an excuse for the treat at the end.">>
<<nm $phDamien "Ha! Well, you actually have to have some bulk before you can bulk up. What can I say? If it wasn't here, it'd be the grocery store across the street and, believe me, its ten times better here. How are you, $phYou.firstname?">>
Damien, laughing, turned toward you. You noticed he was casually rising up a bit on his toes, to make the height disparity less noticeable. You wondered if he did that so often he had forgotten he was doing it.
<<nm $phYou "I'm good. Thought I'd grab a snack on my way through. As you say, it's much better here. Can't stay away for very long.">>
<<nm $phDamien "No kidding. So, in and out today? I always sit down a bit and rest up. So, you know, if you wanted someone to talk to...">>
He was doing his level best to play it cool and that got a smile out of you. You could sit with him for a while, which would help get to know him a bit more, but it would take up some of your free time for the day. You could also plead a busy schedule. Damien didn't strike you as being the sort to take that too personally.<<if $phDamien.focus_shake is 6>>
You had another option, though. You now had the special packages of protein shakes that Mason had created, which were currently being chilled in a fridge behind the counter. You could give Damien one of them to take home. If they worked as well as Mason suggested, you suspected you would very quickly see him again to complete the process.
<<nobr>>[[Join Damien At A Table|DamienShakeTalk]]<br>
<<if $phDamien.focus_shake is 6>>[[Give Damien A Pack Of Special Shakes|DamienBullTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 0]]<br><</if>>
[[Maybe Another Time|Shakes 'n Sundaes][$phDamien.goodbye to 'damienquick']]<</nobr>>@@
<</if>><<if ($phDamien.focus_shake is 0) and ($phDamien.focus_gym is 0)>>You were perusing the ice cream selection when you spotted him, a young man with spiked reddish brown hair standing at one of the display cases, studying the back of a pair of milk bottles with a level of concentration that was usually reserved for performing surgery. You could feel a tingle in the air around him, a glow that made him stand out from everyone else around him. Your body knew what it meant, and you felt your stomach rumble for something that enough this store's treats couldn't satisfy.
He was after something, and he was ready for the change. In short, he was exactly the sort of person you were put here to find.
You pointed to your favorite flavor, and the simulacrum behind the counter fetched it for you quickly, assembling a banana sundae with practiced alacrity. Taking your treat, you turned and walked up behind the young man, tapping him on the shoulder with your free hand.
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Damien/Mobile/DamienBase.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Damien/DamienBase.png]]</picture>@@
<<nm $phYou "If you need a flavor recommendation, I'm sure I could come up with a few. It's not much of a treat if you think about it that hard.">>
The young man jumped, turning with so much surprise on your face it wouldn't have been out of place if you had apparated out of thin air. Now that you were closer, you could see that he was a few inches shorter than you were. Combined with a fit but slender frame and remarkably long eyelashes, it gave him a distinctly feminine cast despite the sleeveless shirt and gym shorts he was wearing.
<<nm $phDamien "Hu- Oh! Oh sorry. I, ah, I just got done with a workout <<if $phLocations['Gym']['built'] is 0>>at that gym down the street.<</if>><<if $phLocations['Gym']['built'] is 1>>at that gym just across the mall.<</if>> Thought I could do with a protein shake, but I'm not familiar with most of these brands.">>
<<nm $phYou "We've got some very special products here, I'm sure you've already seen that looking around the floor. I'm $phYou.firstname, by the way. Leastways, that's what people call me.">>
You extended your free hand to him, and he shook automatically. His fingers were soft against the palm of your hand, but his grip was firm and strong.<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>> You noticed there was no macho posturing in his grip, however. Some men always tried to prove themselves by squeezing as hard as they could.<</if>>
<<nm $phDamien "Gotcha. <<if ($phYou.firstname is 'Damien') or ($phYou.firstname is 'Damian')>>Guess it's a small world -- I'm Damien, too.<<else>>Ah, I'm Damien.<</if>> It's nice to meet you, $phYou.firstname. Ah...what do you mean 'we'? You work here?">>
You chatted for a minute, explaining that you manage some of the shops within the mall. Damien seemed suitably impressed by this, and with you generally. He kept his attention focused mostly on your eyes as you talk, but you do catch him glancing down at <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>the way your shirt clung to your fit form<<else>>the curves of your suit<</if>> from time to time, though each time he snapped his eyes up again as if mentally kicking himself. Finally, flushing, he raised one of the milk bottles with an apologetic expression.
<<nm $phDamien "Alright. Well, I'll stop blocking the aisle now. Sorry again, and thank you. It's always nice to relax and talk a bit after a long workout. It was really nice running into you.">>
You considered. You could let him make his exit now, and get back to what you were doing before you spotted him, or you could invite him to come sit for a while. From the way he was admiring you, you didn't doubt he would leap at the chance. That would help you get to know him, but you didn't think extracting his hidden desires would be a quick process, so it would certainly cost you some time.
You decided to...<<set $phDamien.focus_shake to 1>>
[[Invite Damien To Sit With You|DamienShakeTalk]]
[[Say Your Goodbyes For Today|Shakes 'n Sundaes][$phDamien.goodbye to 'damieninitial']]@@
<</if>><<if ($phDamien.focus_shake is 0) and ($phDamien.focus_gym > 0)>><<nm $phDamien "Oh hey! Getting an after-workout treat too?">>
You turned away from the display at the sound of the familiar voice. Damien, the slender young man from the gym, was standing at your elbow, a milk bottle in his hand. You chuckled and waved cheerfully.
<<nm $phYou "Something like that. Actually, I help manage this place too, if you can believe it. Whether its calories going out or coming in, we've sort of got it covered.">>
<<nm $phDamien "Wow, really? I guess that makes sense. That's gotta be an odd job, overseeing so many different kinds of places.">>
<<nm $phYou "It has its moments, certainly. At least it's never dull.">>
<<nm $phDamien "I'll bet! Anyway, I was just grabbing a bottle and sitting down for a bit. You're welcome to join me...ah...unless you were on your way somewhere? Don't let me keep you.">>
You thought about it. Talking to Damien outside the gym might just reveal some different desires from the young man and give you another avenue of change. On the other hand, if you were going to sit down you wanted more than just a quick chat, and you still had other things to do. It would probably take up a chunk of your free time today if you agreed. <<set $phDamien.focus_shake to 1>>
[[Invite Damien to Sit With You|DamienShakeTalk]]
[[Some Other Time Maybe|Shakes 'n Sundaes][$phDamien.goodbye to 'damienquick']]@@<</if>><<if $phJolie.focus_shake >= 1>><<nm $phJolie "$phJolie.Address, so good to see you! How are you today?">>
Jolie was happy to see you, that much was clear. She crossed over to you quickly, smiling from ear to ear, and gave you an air kiss on either cheek.
<<nm $phYou "Good to see you too! How are you, Jolie?">>
The actress shrugged, the motion making her chest bounce a little within the confines of her top. She waved a hand in an absent sort of way.
<<nm $phJolie "It is the usual, I expect. I am working, one can hardly ask for more than that, yes? It is a new day. Are you...how you say...on business or pleasure today?">>
In other words, were you just grabbing lunch or were you ready to <<if $phJolie.focus_shake is 1>>start on that job you had teased her with?<</if>><<if $phJolie.focus_shake is 2>>begin shooting for her big gig?<</if>><<if $phJolie.focus_shake is 3>>show off the final cut of the commercial?<</if>><<if ($phJolie.focus_shake is 4) or ($phJolie.focus_shake is 5)>>talk about future opportunities?<</if>><<if ($phJolie.focus_shake is 6)>>tell her about your next offer? You had the headset foci that Mason had made on you and it was more than ready to introduce Jolie to a simpler, more relaxed outlook. Was today the day?<</if>>
[[Business with Jolie|JolieShakeTalk]]<<if $phJolie.focus_shake is 6>>
[[Give Jolie The Headphones|JolieCowTransformation][$phJolie.trans_counter to 0]]<</if>>
[[Just Grabbing A Bite To Eat|Shakes 'n Sundaes][$phJolie.goodbye to 'joliequick']]
<</if>><<if ($phJolie.focus_shake is 0) and ($phJolie.focus_comp > 0)>>You spotted a familiar face as you crossed into the food court. Jolie, the aspiring actress you'd met plugging away in the computer lab, was sitting at one of the tables and chewing on the rubber end of a pencil. In front of her was a shopping list of items with prices neatly printed beside each entry. Several had been crossed out, with a new sum at the bottom added for each revision. Her furrowed brow suggested she was not getting an answer she liked.
Ah, budgets. You remembered those, once upon a time. Demonic intervention had its perks. You changed direction to join her.
<<nm $phYou "Jolie? Is that you?">>
The blonde woman looked up and broke into an instant and blinding smile the moment she saw you. She quickly sprang to her feet and enfolded you in a bear hug. Her body was soft and plush beneath her outfit and you did not at all object to being handled so closely. When she moved back across the table, you saw her hastily snatch up the shopping list and stuff it into a pocket, embarrassment coloring her cheeks.
<<nm $phJolie "Oh, $phJolie.Address! I should not be surprised that you come here to eat as well. Sit, sit! Join me. Unless...you do not have your meal yet?">>
You spread your empty hands to show that you hadn't stopped off at any of the food court options today and flashed your best winning smile.
<<nm $phYou "No, no. Actually, I was looking for you, Jolie.">>
The woman blinked and cocked her head to one side the way a small dog would when hearing an unfamiliar noise.
<<nm $phJolie "Really? Why is this?">>
<<nm $phYou "Well, I had some big news. If you're not completely tied up these days...well, the mall is looking to put out some new advertisements and I thought you might just be perfect for the part.">>
Jolie's gasp was so loud that several of the nearby diners turned to follow the noise. She wasn't paying any attention to them, her eyes shining with a sudden blaze of hope and need.
<<nm $phJolie "Truly? That's wonderful, I...sorry! I am being so rude! Thank you so much for thinking of me! Do you want to talk about it, or...?">>
Good question. You had her attention, but of course you hadn't actually set up any advertising initiative yet. You were pretty sure a few covert texts to Mason could summon up a believable ensemble, especially if you took the opportunity to chat over lunch first. On the other hand, maybe it would be best to try another day after you'd had time to set things up more fully. <<set $phJolie.focus_shake to 1>>
[[Grab A Meal And Start Improvising|JolieShakeTalk]]
[[Just Letting Her Know It Was Coming|Shakes 'n Sundaes][$phJolie.goodbye to 'meetquick']]@@
<</if>><<if ($phJolie.focus_shake is 0) and ($phJolie.focus_comp is 0)>>Your stomach rumbled at you as you turned into the food court. It had already been a long day, and you were more than ready to not only have a snack but a few quiet minutes to yourself to collect your thoughts.
It wasn't to be. A flash of light draw your attention to one side. There was a row of displays along the wall. Half the screens showed order numbers for the restaurants on either side, while the other half were looping advertisements of happy people holding various lovely food items. It wasn't the screens that had drawn your eye, however, but a woman standing next to the displays. She was blonde and tall, perhaps an inch or two taller than you, with a generous figure that even a turtleneck top couldn't conceal. She was watching a beaming model extol the virtues of the new, healthy and affordable options available only seconds away...
...and she was glowing. Only you could see it, but the desire was shining from her like a neon sign. She was one of yours.
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Jolie/Mobile/JolieBase.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Jolie/JolieBase.png]]</picture>@@
You changed direction immediately, stepped away from the herd and watched the blonde woman as she shook herself off and headed to a table, the glow diminishing to a dull shine. You wondered briefly if her desire was tied to the health food on offer, but she certainly wasn't eyeing any of the wonderful confections on display around her with any kind of longing. She was a little bigger than the ideal, but still well within what would be considered pleasantly curvy, so you doubted it had to do with her weight.
It wasn't until she picked up an order of Chinese noodles, arrived at a table, and took a stack of stapled white paper out of her bag that you got it. You smiled and finally moved to intercept, stepping close to the chair across from her. She actually didn't notice for a few seconds and her eyes locked on the paper in front of her, but she finally raised her head in response to your extended hand.
<<nm $phYou "...Forgive me. My name is $phYou.firstname, and I was just passing through but...is that a script you're holding?">>
The woman clasped your hand briefly in her own, her expression still confused. When she spoke, you realized she had a soft, pleasant accent. French, you guessed.
<<if ($phYou.firstname is 'Jolie') or ($phYou.firstname is 'Joli')>><<nm $phJolie "Oh! //Parlez-vous français?//">>
<<nm $phYou "... uh...">>
<<nm $phJolie "...no, you do not. I am //also// Jolie; I thought perhaps you were also //francophone//. I apologize. But -- yes, it is a script. Why do you ask?">><<else>><<nm $phJolie "Ah... I'm Jolie. Nice to meet you. Yes, it is...Why do you ask?">><</if>>
<<nm $phYou "Well, I recognize this is a bit unexpected, but I'm actually part of the management here. I oversee a lot of our marketing campaigns, and I was wondering if you might be open to work?">>
Jolie's eyes lit up so brightly that it was all you could do not to break into an immediate grin. Yes, that was it. She was interested, and you could turn that interest into an excuse to find out what was //really// motivating her. An offer of a meal and a chat would get the ball rolling on what you had in mind, and you were sure a couple of subtle texts could have things set up quickly. On the other hand, you hadn't actually intended to find her here. You could just give her your card and promise to catch up with her soon. Aspiring actresses didn't usually turn down a part just because it would take a few days or weeks to get all the details. She would wait, you were sure. <<set $phJolie.focus_shake to 1>>
[[Grab A Meal|JolieShakeTalk]]
[[Just Your Card For Today|Shakes 'n Sundaes][$phJolie.goodbye to 'meetquick']]@@<</if>><<if $phCassandra.focus_comp is 3>><<goto CassandraCompTalk>><</if>><<if $phCassandra.focus_comp > 0>>You saw Cassandra sitting at one of the computers, drawing freehand on a rental tablet. You headed that way, pulled back an adjacent chair, and settled yourself into it. As you did, you put a hand briefly on the back of Cassandra's seat.
<<nm $phYou "Hey Cass. How are you doing today?">>
<<if $phCassandraShy is 1>>The young woman's answering reply was obviously in the affirmative, but too quiet to actually hear. You took it as a good sign, however, and pulled your seat up next to the keyboard. Cassandra returned to her drawing, but you could sense her attention still on you.
It was clear more work was going to be required to help Cassandra open up. You were pretty sure you could do it, with the tower's magical help, but it wouldn't be a fast process. You had to decide if you wanted to devote the time today or just make some small talk for a few minutes before getting back to work.
<</if>><<if $phCassandraShy is 2>>Cassandra looks up at you and smiled brightly. It was a far sight from her inaudible replies only a short time ago.
<<nm $phCassandra "Doing okay, $phCassandra.Address. Doing some work today?">>
<<nm $phYou "As always. It never seems to end.">>
You settled yourself down into your chair, and Cassandra turned her attention back to her creative endeavors. Her position was open, however, and you knew from experience she wouldn't mind the conversation.
<<if $phCassandra.focus_comp is 6>> You felt Mason's CD case bump against your body inside your jacket pocket. Cassandra wished for a new world. It could be time to give it to her, though away from prying eyes.
Besides, given the chaos of its making, you weren't sure you wanted to carry the thing much longer.
[[Invite Cassandra To A Side Room|CassandraHentaiTransformation][$phCassandra.trans_counter to 0]]@@<</if>><</if>>
[[Devote Some Time To Cassandra|CassandraCompTalk]]
[[Small Talk Only|Computer Cafe][$phCassandra.goodbye to 'cassandraquick']]@@
<</if>><<if ($phCassandra.focus_comp is 0) and ($phCassandra.focus_gym > 0)>><<set $phCassandra.focus_comp to 1>><<nm $phYou "Well, there's a familiar face.">>
Cassandra looked up at you with evident surprise. She had settled herself in at one of the computer chairs, but she was using one of the rental tablets to draw free hand. She studied your face for a few seconds before recognition dawned.
<<nm $phCassandra "$phCassandra.Address? What are you doing here?">>
<<nm $phYou "Unwinding. The connection is better here than at home, and it's nice to have a little ambient noise to help with relaxing. Do you come here a lot?">>
Cassandra fidgeted for a moment, as if deciding whether you were likely to make fun of her for being a frequent visitor. Finally, she raised the tablet up slightly.
<<nm $phCassandra "I just found it recently, but they have a monthly rental rate inside the store that is...well, it's really good. I could never afford one of these myself, so...ah...well, it's nice to indulge a little.">>
<<nm $phYou "I understand entirely. Do you mind if I indulge in this seat next to you?">>
Cassandra gestured amicably to the chair beside her and you pulled it back and settled yourself in it. The computer had a login screen that asked for the usual name and password. You punched keys randomly for a few seconds and then clicked enter. The words 'Password Accepted' flashed on the screen as the PC began loading options for you.
It was good to be the boss.
Cassandra returned her attention to her work, but you could feel her shooting you curious glances when she thought you weren't looking. You were quite sure you could draw her out from her shell given enough time, and would probably learn some new things in this environment. Time was the operative word, however, as it would not be a short process. Alternatively, you could make small talk for today and be back to your regular work quickly, leaving Cassandra to your future self.
[[Devote Some Time To Cassandra|CassandraCompTalk]]
[[Small Talk Only|Computer Cafe][$phCassandra.goodbye to 'cassandraquick']]
<</if>><<if ($phCassandra.focus_comp is 0) and ($phCassandra.focus_gym is 0)>>The computer cafe was particularly busy today. When you had first spotted the description in the tower's build system, you had actually wondered if it might be an outdated relic of the last decade. High-speed internet access has long ago made the leap into residences, at least in a city as large as this one. Paradise offered far more than just a fiber connection, however. The computers hummed with electricity, in both the literal and figurative sense. School papers and work reports were written faster and more elegantly, niche website always seemed to appear to entertain, and finding a group of any kind of nerdy pursuit was a sign-up sheet away.
Tonight there was a tournament of some variety taking place in one of the back rooms. The sound proofing was excellent, but every so often a cheer or cry of despair would make it over the low ambient music to celebrate or bemoan the fate of kirby's latest victim. Every other computer monitor was occupied and several of the back tables were spread with figurines, cards, and cardboard. You were considering whether to sit down and do a little surfing yourself or continue your walk through other stores when a movement caught your eye.
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Cassandra/Mobile/CassandraInitial.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Cassandra/CassandraInitial.png]]</picture>@@
She was crossing behind the rows of computer, her arm resting protectively over the messenger bag slung at her hip. Her head was low with her eyes on her feet, and as she passed the door into the tournament room she flinched visibly from a sudden cry of anger from within as someone objected to a 'cheap move'. You saw an expression of annoyance cross over the woman's features as she recovered her footing, and you could all but hear her inner monologue chiding herself for the overreaction.
She was all but shining in your vision. The expression on her face made her stand out clearly when everyone around her might as well have been faceless mannequins. You felt the //need// radiating off her as easily as if it had been actual heat.
She was one of yours.
You watched as she found a seat for herself, pulled it up close to a computer monitor, and typed in her user ID. The program she pulled up looked like some kind of graphic design tool, and she was immediately zoomed in close on a work already in progress, laboriously adding lines and colors to the image.
You waited for a few minutes, then crossed over behind her and laid your hand on the back of her chair. She jumped, despite your wide smile, and you did your best to keep your voice as friendly as possible.
<<nm $phYou "Sorry. Wanted to ask before I sat down. Do you mind if I sit next to you? It's a little crowded today.">>
The woman's eyes returned to her screen and she made no immediate reply. You looked at the security login on your own screen, hesitated for a moment, and then let your fingers punch keys at random. When you hit enter, the screen lit with the words 'password accepted'.
Good to be the boss.
<<nm $phYou "Thanks. I really appreciate it. I'm $phYou.firstname. At least that's what they call me here. It's something of a nickname.">>
<<nm $phCassandra "...I'm Cassandra<<if $phYou.firstname is 'Cassandra'>>, too<</if>>.">>
You looked up in surprise. The woman's voice was soft and her inflection pitched up at the end, making the words sound almost like a question more than a statement. She seemed as surprised as you to be speaking at all, and her shoulders bunched uncomfortably. You let your charm shine fully in your answering smile.
<<nm $phYou "Very nice to meet you, Cassandra. I love the beanie.">>
Cassandra's reacted more like you had slapped her than complimented her. Her hand shot up to grip the purple beanie, as if making sure it was still in place, and her eyes again darted away from you. She mumbled a thank you so quietly you weren't entirely sure you understood the words over the ambient noise.
Even with the tower backing you up magically, this one might take some work. You thought about it. You didn't want to cut things off in the middle, so if you were going to talk you had better commit to some time investment. Alternatively, you could consider that a fine introduction for the day, spend fifteen or twenty minutes answering some emails, and be back on the floor before you lost any significant time.<<set $phCassandraShy to 1>><<set $phCassandra.focus_comp to 1>>
[[Pry Open Cassandra's Shell|CassandraCompTalk]]
[[Another Time. Just Small Talk Today|Computer Cafe][$phCassandra.goodbye to 'cassandrameet']]@@
<</if>><<if $phJolie.focus_comp is 3>><<goto JolieCompTalk>><</if>><<if $phJolie.focus_comp > 0>>You strolled past the computers desk and flashing lights into one of the computer labs along the back hallway. Sure enough, if you strained your ear outside of the last door you could hear a familiar voice speaking with bombast and feeling. Chuckling softly, you waited for a break in the speech before you opened the door.
Jolie looked up with some surprise from the sheaf of papers she was reading from. When she recognized you, she smiled and reached over to thumb off the computer console's webcam.
<<nm $phJolie "Ah! So good to see you again! I trust I am not being too loud?">>
<<nm $phYou "No, no. You're totally fine. I could barely hear you from outside the door. How is the reading going?">>
Jolie's answering smile was wry. She tossed down the script on the table beside the keyboard.
<<nm $phJolie "It is...proceeding, I suppose. It is not as easy as I would hope, but there is...how you say...forward progress?<<if $phJolie.focus_comp > 2>> I have even found some new possible projects. A new mountain to climb, yes?<</if>>">>
You laughed and leaned up against one the nearby computer desks. Jolie didn't look very perturbed by your interuption, so you were sure she could spare a little time to chat and maybe find out more about her innermost desires. On the other hand, you could just claim to have been stopping by and leave it for a more advantageous day.<<if $phJolie.focus_comp is 6>>
You had a third option, though. The mask that Mason had created was still tucked into the breast pocket of your jacket. Jolie was still looking for her next role, so perhaps it was the right time to give her the help that she wanted. You weren't entirely sure what the mask was going to do, but you trusted Mason enough to know that Jolie would have no more issues getting into any character at all.<</if>>
[[Ask Jolie Some More About Her Acting|JolieCompTalk]]<<if $phJolie.focus_comp is 6>>
[[Introduce Jolie To The Mask|JoliePornstarTransformation][$phJolie.trans_counter to 0]]<</if>>
[[Exit, Stage Right|Computer Cafe][$phJolie.goodbye to 'joliequick']]@@
<</if>><<if ($phJolie.focus_comp is 0) and ($phJolie.focus_shake > 0)>>You stretched and yawned as you passed through the door into the computer cafe, looked around briefly to make sure nothing was out of place, and headed for the back. You had more than enough equipment in your office for the work you had to do, but it was sometimes nice to get out into 'the world' at least a little bit. A change of scenery could make a project fly by a lot faster.
The cafe catered to a solitary experience, with all of the customers plugged into their private screens, headsets, and interfaces. Now and again they would gather in small groups around a console or a card table or a group of linked PCs, but for the most part everyone kept to themselves. So it was something of a surprise when you nearly collided with a woman stepping out from the backrooms. Even more surprising that you recognized her.
<<nm $phYou "Jolie?">>
The blonde woman turned and beamed as she recognized you. She stepped up to you quickly and delivered air kisses to both of your cheeks. The motion pressed her top-heavy form up against you, but you certainly weren't going to complain about that.
<<nm $phJolie "$phJolie.Address! I wasn't expecting to see you, I- Oh! Do you also oversee this place?">>
<<nm $phYou "I do, more or less. I know it's a bit of a strange combination, but I have my fingers in a lot of pies. As many as I can manage, usually. What are you up to?">>
Jolie held up the stack of paper she was holding in her hand. You could see the carefully typed bits of stage direction and dialogue, several lines of it highlighted with yellow marks.
<<nm $phJolie "Practice practice! Always practice. I got a part in a play recently, I am happy to say. I was just taking a break, but I could talk for a while, if there's anything new on the modeling project you want to tell me. If you have even more time...well, I could use someone to practice with. I've been talking to myself for hours now, and it's nicer to have someone who //actually// talks back.">>
You thought about it. Spending time with Jolie in a new place might just help you encourage out some new details and maybe see what else the young woman most desires. You had intended to work, though, so you could excuse yourself for now and drop in on her another day.<<set $phJolie.focus_comp to 1>>
[[Assist Jolie With Her Practice|JolieCompTalk]]
[[Exit, Stage Right|Computer Cafe][$phJolie.goodbye to 'joliequick']]@@
<</if>><<if ($phJolie.focus_comp is 0) and ($phJolie.focus_comp is 0) and (ndef $phJolieCompIntro)>>The quiet pulse of the computer cafe's music thrummed pleasantly around you as you stepped through the doors. You gave a cursory look over the place, ensuring that everyone was happily engaged with their chosen screens, headsets, and experiences. Despite the fact the shop was growing increasingly popular, the insulated nature of the offerings always made it a good place to settle in and get some work done when the office just didn't feel right.
You were passing into the back hallways, rows of private computer rooms on either side, when you heard something over the music. You cocked your head to the side and paused, uncertain what the noise was.
It came again. A woman's voice. Desperate, sobbing, and angry. It was coming from the room at the farthest end of the hall. You started moving again, hurrying toward the door, and as you did the sounds got worse. You began to catch words. She was screaming at someone, telling them to leave her alone and that they should kill her if that's what they came to do!
Adrenaline pumping through your system, you hit the door at the end of the hall hard with your shoulder and threw it open with a loud thump as the metal door slammed against the opposite wall. A woman screamed. Your eyes swept the room, looking for the danger...
...and came to rest on a tall, blonde woman staring back at you with wide, surprised eyes.
A tall, blonde woman holding @@.choice;[[A Script|JolieComp][$phJolieCompIntro to 1]]@@
<</if>><<if ($phJolie.focus_comp is 0) and ($phJolie.focus_comp is 0) and ($phJolieCompIntro is 1)>>@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Jolie/Mobile/JolieBase.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Jolie/JolieBase.png]]</picture>@@
Jolie laughed and patted your arm again, shaking her head back and forth.
<<nm $phJolie "I am really very sorry. I'm usually very quiet, but I was getting into the scene and I didn't think about...well, how it would sound to anyone outside.">>
You patted her hand in return, chuckling. Once you both had realized what was happening, it was easy to clear up. The blonde woman had given you her name, Jolie, and assured you that she wasn't in any danger. She had a faint European accent of some kind, likely French, and her laughter at her own mistake was pleasant and free-flowing.
<<nm $phYou "It's alright, really. Just be a little more careful about what scenes you practice while you're here. Why //do// you practice here, anyway, if you don't mind my asking?">>
Jolie pointed to the workstation she was camped at. You saw that the webcam was aglow atop the monitor frame. It was an expensive model with a ton of ridiculous features, and probably cost more than the 4K monitor that it was perched on.
<<nm $phJolie "Yes, I can practice anywhere, but here I can watch my own practice and break it down. It is most helpful, yes? To see the moments where I am not my character, but just Jolie again. To see where I miss my lines, or do not give my best. It is very important, if I am to improve. Does that make sense?">>
As she spoke, Jolie's face lit up with more than metaphorical light. You could see the need and desire flowing off her as an actual glow in your eyes, and very nearly felt the heat on your skin. She wanted something, alright. More than anything. The tower was helping give her the tools to bring out what she truly wanted, but it would be up to you to satisfy it.
She was one of yours.
You smiled and leaned back in your chair. You were sure Jolie would not mind talking for a little longer, and you might just be able to pry loose some of that glowing desire from her and get it out into the open. On the other hand, you were sure that she would be here again soon. With the misunderstanding cleared up, you could easily drop in on her again to say hello any time you wished. That would leave you free to go back to work for the rest of the day and catch up with Jolie another time.
Decisions, Decisions.
[[Ask Jolie Some More About Her Acting|JolieCompTalk]]
[[Exit, Stage Right|Computer Cafe][$phJolie.goodbye to 'meetquick']]@@<<set $phJolie.focus_comp to 1>><</if>><<nobr>>
<<if ($phCassandra.transform is 'hentai') and ($phJolie.transform is 'pornstar') and ($phLocations['CompCafe']['level'] gt 1) and ($phWaitUltimate.includes('CompCafe') is false)>><<set _random to 9>><</if>>
<<if ($phCassandra.transform is 'hentai') and ($phJolie.transform is 'pornstar') and ($phLocations['CompCafe']['level'] gt 1) and ($phCassandra.date is 9) and ($phWaitUltimate.includes('CompCafe2') is false)>><<set _random to 10>><</if>>
<<if ndef _random>><<script>>
if (State.variables.phLocations['CompCafe']['waits'].length == 0) {
State.variables.phLocations['CompCafe']['waits'].push(1, 2, 3, 4);
if (State.variables.phLocations['CompCafe']['level'] > 1) {
if (State.variables.phJolie.transform == 'pornstar') {
if (State.variables.phCassandra.transform == 'hentai') {
if ((State.variables.phCassandra.transform == 'hentai') && (State.variables.phJolie.transform == 'pornstar') && (State.variables.phLocations['CompCafe']['level'] > 1)) {
if ((State.variables.phCassandra.transform == 'hentai') && (State.variables.phJolie.transform == 'pornstar') && (State.variables.phLocations['CompCafe']['level'] > 1) &&
(State.variables.phCassandra.date == 9)) {
<<set _random to $phLocations['CompCafe']['waits'].pluck()>><</if>>
<</nobr>>Actually setting up the complicated web of computer electronics that makes up the cafe is a bit beyond you, but half of it is only for show anyway. The tower was more than capable of creating the equipment, maintaining the hardware, and smoothing out anything that didn't work like it should.
The tower //wasn't// as good as you when it came to //how// to set things, though. You were human, or at least you had been recently enough to remember, and you could instantly find ways to optimize what had been set up. You rescheduled complimentary events to take place closer to one another, you moved icons around on the default desktops, and you made sure that the games and programs people expected were right where they should be.
<<if _random is 1>>A quiet, but heavily exaggerated, moan broke your concentration. You looked up and found that the back room you'd been working in was mostly empty, save for one lone occupant. A youngish man was at one of the computers against the far wall, wearing a set of earbuds plugged into the computer. You could hear the tinny voice of the woman on screen, who was being plowed by a pair of muscular bodies and enjoying every second of it. The young man's hand rested in his lap, but you couldn't tell from here whether it was above or under the fabric.
You grinned. Someone hadn't realized you were back here. You had been working so quietly and intently behind the wall of monitors that you hadn't been spotted, and it was apparently time for a bit of self-love. Normally you might preach a little more self-control, but that really wasn't fair with the tower working its magic.
Maybe you could work a little magic of your own on the poor guy. It would certainly be one way to get a little energy flowing to your coffers.
[[Improve His Technique|CompWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 1]]
<</if>><<if _random is 2>>The café featured a pair of full VR rooms in the back, equipped with the wireless helmets and most up-to-date control setups. You were bent over a keyboard making improvements to one of them when you noticed a very short brunette woman pause outside the door to the other room, look briefly in both directions in a way that screamed 'I am up to no good', and then hurry inside.
Curious, you tapped a few keys as she got herself set up in the helmet. The two rooms were actually linked to the same server, and it was an easy thing to pull up what she was accessing. It was a game with a clear anime aesthetic. A digital blonde bombshell stood in front of the woman's avatar and...
...you grinned as the brunette keyed in a few commands and expanded the figure's bust a couple of sizes. You had a pretty good idea of just what kind of game the brunette was about to indulge in. A stray thought crossed your mind. The two helmets were linked...maybe if you could line things up correctly, you could make the experience a lot more 'realistic' than she was probably expecting. That would certainly help funnel some sexual energy to the tower.
[[Provide Some 'Reality' to the 'Virtual' Experience|CompWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 2]]
<</if>><<if _random is 3>>You were working in the main room today, setting up a couple of the new PCs. Actually, their innards were much the same as the ones that had been there previously, but changing out computer cases every so often would drive some customers to the 'newer' and 'faster' machines, despite the fact that the ones found in your cafe were far faster than anything they could get outside of it.
A faint, muffled noise pricked your ear and you looked up. Since you had started working here, you had become extremely familiar with the difference between an ordinary sigh and one born of pleasure. You homed in instantly on the small, bookish red-headed woman in the front row. She was looking around guilty to see if anyone had heard her before turning back to her monitor. Words scrolled slowly in front of her eyes, and you guessed the story they told involved a lot of ripping bodices, judging from the way her hand slipped down between her thighs. You even saw one illustration scroll past. A nude woman on her knees before a man wearing an expensive business suit.
A flicker of light pulled your attention away to the left. Several seats over, you spotted a dark-haired man making the same guilty look around him. The images on //his// screen were neither tasteful nor illustrated, though he tried hard to shield them with his body. Women bounced on erect shafts, arms held behind their back with elaborate latex bindings.
You ran your tongue over your lips. They were so close together both physically and in what they secretly wanted, but they didn't know it. You could solve that, if you had the time. If they hit it off as well as you suspected they would, their consummation would do wonders in topping off the cafe's energy for the day.
[[Play Matchmaker|CompWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 3]]
<</if>><<if _random is 4>>You had your head down and were idly chewing a pen as you rearranged the event schedule again. You were pretty sure if you lined this up right you could encourage a little cross pollinating with the various groups, in more ways than one. A loud but muffled wave of laughter caught your attention. You looked up and saw a group of college students crowding around a single PC.
<<npc "mnpc1" "First Student" "Who writes this stuff?">>
<<npc "fnpc1" "Second Student" "Everyone! C'mon, it's fun! It's like digital truth-or-dare. If you make it all the way to the end, you get to add some of your own for the next group!">>
A smile pulled at your lips. You'd heard of this game: a bunch of anonymous and titillating dares crowdsourced by the internet. Usually, it was just an excuse to have a few shots, act like an idiot, and maybe be 'forced' into some explicit circumstances. On a normal day, you were sure that a group would ignore the more risque suggestions. Here in the tower, though, those inhibitions might be significantly lower.
In fact, you had ultimate control of every PC in the place. You were pretty sure you could pass on a few suggestions of your own, if you wanted to bump the group toward something more exciting. It would certainly help top off your energy needs.
[[Provide Some 'Dares'|CompWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 4]]
<</if>><<if _random is 5>>You were in the main room today, keeping an eye on the upgraded monitors you had installed. According to Mason's systems, they would display subliminal messages throughout each customer's visit. They had certainly increased the energy being pulled in daily, but you still wanted to be sure they weren't making husks of your clients.
You noticed the woman immediately when she came through the front door. She was tall, dressed in a business suit, with her hair pulled back into a severe bun. Her expression suggested she had only heard about 'fun' when encountering the word in the dictionary. She didn't look left or right, but marched forward to one of the computers, settled a briefcase and a coffee onto the desk in such a way as to block the computers on either side of her from use, and began to type furiously.
Oh my. She may not have been quite as inhibited and repressed as your 'special' clients, but she was clearly flirting with the line. She'd be a wonderful test as to just how far the hypnotic screens could go, if you had the time to test them. You were quite sure the upgraded screens would pull in a better than average energy haul from it too, if you could actually coax her into relaxing.
[[Start Coaxing|CompWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 5]]
<</if>><<if _random is 6>>You yawned as you picked your way through some of the background systems involved in running your new and improved monitor screens. You were pretty sure subliminal messages were no more scientific than casting a fireball from a scroll, but the displays still featured programming that could be tweaked and adjusted.
You clicked absently into a folder marked 'TEST' and the screen immediately filled up with files. Most of them had nonsensical names that you could only guess the purpose of, such as 'Iambic', 'Bath Temp', and 'Beat Line Adjustment'. One file jumped out at you though.
<<termtext "green" ">> Hands-Free Orgasm">>
You paused, your curiosity peaked. You hadn't notice anything different with the computer screens as you worked, but they weren't set up to target you. You could run the program and see what it was like, or you could just put the test file away and get back to optimizing.
[[Indulge Your Curiosity|CompWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 6]]
<</if>><<if _random is 7>><<nm $phCassandra "Awww, $phCassandra.address. Have you been cooped up in here all day? You should relax!">>
You looked up as the monitor beside your flicked itself on and Cassy's image appeared. She had her hands on her hips and was waggling an animated finger in your direction in a motherly fashion.
<<nm $phYou "...Oh? And how do you suggest I relax?">>
<<nm $phCassandra "By watching a show! Let me put one on for you, and you can just sit back and enjoy yourself! I promise you'll like it...and it'll even help with some extra energy too!">>
Tempting. You had been working hard lately. You could relax for a while and take in Cassy's 'show', or you could tell her you were fine and just stick with the task you'd be working on.
[[Start The Show|CompWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 7]]
<</if>><<if _random is 8>><<set $phJolie.portrait to 'Wife'>>You realized with annoyance that you were actually missing a part you needed for the project you were working on, and you picked up your phone. Jolie would probably know where it was kept.
<<nm $phJolie "Ah! Mmmm...ooh yeah...please give it to me, sweetie! You know you want to! Let me feel good!">>
You blinked down at the phone as the connection was made. You recognized Jolie's voice, and could even pair the inflection with her 'wifely' form. You were pretty sure you didn't recognize the other voice who, tone laced with pleasure, frantically urged Jolie to hang up the phone.
Oh my. Seems you had caught your favorite actress in the middle of a scene with a human. You could leave her to it, of course, and ask about the part later. There was still plenty you could do. Or...you could change Jolie's scene to a slightly different variant. Specifically, the one where Jolie's <<if $phYou.form == 'male'>>husband<<else>>wife<</if>> caught her with her lover and demanded satisfaction.
Oh yes, that could be a very fun play to run through, and you were sure the mix of panic and pleasure her partner would experience would deposit an awful lot of energy into the cafe's coffers. What to do?
[[Enter Jealous Spouse, Stage Left|CompWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 8]]
<</if>><<if _random is 9>><<set $phJolie.portrait to 'Jolie'>><<GenderFlip $phYou.form>>You were passing into the backrooms when you heard an unexpected voice coming from Jolie's door -- unexpected enough that you paused.
<<nm $phCassandra "I know, the rules can seem a little intimidating, but that's why I'm trying to streamline it all. I can keep track of all the rolls and stats and such, and just update the world with the results. That way all the players have to worry about is enjoying the ride, and doing what their characters would do!">>
<<nm $phJolie "That might be true, but I'm not quite sure that-...Oh! $phJolie.address! You're working today?">>
You'd opened the door to the small office and found Jolie, maskless, sitting at a console screen with Cassy's cartoonish face flickering on the display. That was //another// surprise. You weren't sure that Jolie had spoken to anyone but you without her 'characters' on since she'd joined your crew. Apparently, that wasn't the case.
<<nm $phYou "Just thought I'd rejigger the systems a bit. What are you two talking about?">>
<<nm $phJolie "Miss Cassy is trying to make me a...how you say...guinea pig?">>
<<nm $phCassandra "It's perfect safe! The hypnotic screens $phCassandra.address installed all work great! I just wanted to use them for a little fun, that's all!">>
<<nm $phJolie "You said there would be dungeons.">>
<<nm $phCassandra "And dragons! That's the adventure, but it's all still just a game! Look, $phCassandra.address knows what it is. Would you give it a try if $pshe joins?">>
Jolie looked speculative as you settled yourself down into a seat in front of a computer screen. You hadn't //intended// to join any impromptu roleplaying game when you'd stopped in today, but you were sure that whatever Cassy had in mind would be a little more advanced, and a lot more explicit, than your typical dice adventure. Knowing how well Jolie got into character...well, it could be fun.
Or you could put your head down and stay out of it. The boring option, to be sure, but sometimes being the boss was like that.
<<run $phWaitUltimate.pushUnique('CompCafe')>>
[[Roll Up A Character|CompWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 9]]
<</if>><<if _random is 10>><<set $phCassandra.portrait to 'CassyJolie'>><<nm $phCassandra "O-Oh! Boss! Ah! W-What...brings you here today?">>
You were just moving through a hallway when you came close to running into Cassy. She was in her new form, so clearly it was another 'trade day' with Jolie. Oddly, though, she seemed to be having some trouble standing. She had a handout against the wall, and her knees were shaking visibly.
<<nm $phYou "Cassy? Everything alright?">>
<<nm $phCassandra "Hmm? Oh, y-yeah! Everything is totally f-fine! Just...getting some exerci-aahhh!">>
There was a sudden low hum in the air, and Cassy's eyes almost crossed. She yelped and leaned hard against the wall, a red flush spreading across her cheeks. She took a couple of sharp breaths but couldn't seem to muster up anything to say.
You resisted the urge to grin. Oh, you had a sudden suspicion as to where Jolie was and what she was doing. Perhaps it had been part of the agreement for the day, but Cassy was clearly being teased by remote. It was good to see the girls getting along so well.
You could leave them to it. You had a lot of work to get down after all. On the other hand, Cassy was clearly enjoying herself. Maybe the three of you could find a way to make things even better.
Always with the hard choices.<<run $phWaitUltimate.pushUnique('CompCafe2')>>
[[Indulge In Some Fun|CompWaitScenes][$phWaitScene to 10]]
[[Stick To The Tech|Computer Cafe][$phGoodbye to 'compwait']]<<set $phTime +=1>><<set $phTime +=1>><<set $phDamien.recharge to 1>><<if $phDamien.focus_gym lt 5>><<set $phDamien.focus_gym += 1>><</if>><<if settings.phSummaryMode is false>><<if $phDamien.focus_gym is 2>><<nm $phDamien "Okay! Ten more, we can do it! One...two...!">>
You groaned, straightening your leg and lifting the weight at the end of the bench. Damien had been a good partner, showing you from machine to machine and encouraging you through each exercise. Sometimes, like now, you were side-by-side doing the same thing at the same time. Other times you spotted for each other, keeping an eye out and taking a rest while the other worked. He had started very cautiously with the weights...though by now you were lifting almost as much as he was. You had a suspicion you could probably do more if you had to, but there was no point in showing him up.
Your muscles burned as you took deep breaths. Your legs forced the weights up one last time before letting them drop with a resounding clank of impact. That was probably rude, or dangerous, but you didn't care. You lay back over the bench as you fought to get you wind back. Damien was more circumspect with letting the weights down, but he was soon stretched out on the bench next to you and panting just as hard.
You both laid there for a while, letting the ache drain out of your bodies until you were ready to sit up again. You dabbed at your forehead with a towel, and Damien lifted his water bottle to drain off the last he had left.
<<nm $phDamien "Not bad! I don't think I've done that much in one day in a while. I really like this place and...wow, well, a partner is way better than none. You're really in shape, $phYou.firstname, it's impressive.">>
You waved off the compliment and shrugged your shoulders. In truth, though, you were astonished at how well you'd done. Your body ate up the exercise like it was nothing. You still had to push yourself, but you hadn't yet even come close to finding your limit. Maybe you didn't have one anymore.
<<nm $phYou "Call it a benefit from managing places like this. Always have some incentive to stay at least in the ballpark of being in shape.">>
<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>><<nm $phDamien "No really! I see other guys who can do way more weight than me, but they're all...uh...Well, I mean, you don't //look// like...wait...what I mean...">>
He fumbled over the words, his cheeks turning red. You couldn't help but tease him, raising your eyebrows and fixing him with your gaze.
<<nm $phYou "I don't look like...?">>
<<nm $phDamien "Ah...I'm sorry. What I mean is, you look great, but you aren't bulking up. So you're //strong// but it's not all for show, you know? That's all I was trying to say...Jeez, I'm digging myself in deep, aren't I?">>
<<else>><<nm $phDamien "No really! I've never seen a woman lift half of what you did. And despite that, you look...ah...">>
He fumbled for the words, his cheeks turning red. You couldn't help but tease him, raising your eyebrows and fixing hin with your gaze.
<<nm $phYou "I look...?">>
<<nm $phDamien "Ah...I mean...amazing, is what I was going to say. It's...Not that I don't //like// a girl with some obvious muscle, but you look gorgeous and you still...I....I am totally just digging myself into a hole here, aren't I?">>
<</if>><<nm $phYou "Pretty much. But keep digging, I don't really mind.">>
<<nm $phDamien "...if you insist. As long as I'm this deep, I wanted to ask...uh...">>
You had both moved to stand and Damien abruptly found himself looking up at you. You had forgotten he was a few inches shorter than you were, since you'd spent most of the workout with one of you sitting or laying down at any given moment. The words seemed to freeze in his throat, and he looked away from you.
<<nm $phDamien "...Just ask if you come here a lot. Ah... 'cause I might see you around from time to time. Maybe say hi?">>
That was very much not what he was going to ask. You didn't need magic or demonic gifts for that one.
<<nm $phYou "...Are you alright? I thought y-">>
<<nm $phDamien "I'm great! Don't worry, just tired, is all. Hey, I'd better hit the showers and all that. I'll see you around, $phYou.firstname! Take care, okay?">>
You barely managed to get out a few words of farewell before Damien had all but vanished, hurrying through the rows of equipment in the direction of the men's showers. You watched him go for a long moment, cocking your head to the side.
Ooookay, so, not entirely a success, but you at least felt like you had learned a lot. Maybe he would loosen up a bit if you saw him again. In the meantime, you didn't think following him would do him much good. Lazren's body would draw some attention in the locker room even if you //weren't// trying to have a heart to heart among the shower stalls.
@@.choice;[[Showers|Gym][$phDamien.goodbye to 'gymtalk']]@@ it was then. You'd track him down again another day.
<</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_gym is 3>><<nm $phDamien "Enough, Enough! I yield! You aren't human!">>
You slowed to a halt on the small track built against the outside wall of the gym, breathing heavily as you turned to look back at him. Your legs burned and your skin glistened with sweat. Your bent slightly, putting a hand on your knees to catch your breath. You were exhausted, and had no doubt you would sleep particularly well tonight.
Poor Damien, on the other hand, was red-faced and puffing, doubling over on the track. He continued to be an excellent workout partner, starting slow with some recommendations for stretches and warmups that had been fun and allowed you to set the pace. And set it you had. You hadn't had the opportunity to truly push your new body this way, and it had been amazing. You got tired, but a minute or two of rest and you were ready to keep moving. From stretches, to weights, to running your body did whatever you asked of it without complaint. Already, you could feel the pain running out of your legs, becoming a dull ache that faded by the second.
<<nm $phYou "Maybe there's a little something else mixed in. I've sort of felt like a new me since I started working here. All those tower steps are good for something, I guess?">>
<<nm $phDamien "I guess they must be! Will have to see if my next job can be a few floors up, if stairs can do all that. Why don't we sit down a sec? I think I'm going to die if we run anymore!">>
You laughed, and the pair of you walked to a set of benches beside the track. Running didn't seem like the most popular exercise, so you were the only two out this time of the day. The sun was bright and hot, but there was a small gazebo positioned just above the benches to provide a little shade. Damien huffed and puffed as he sat heavily down on the seat. He was silent for a minute, his breathing becoming more regular as the two of you just sat for a while. Finally, he shook his head.
<<nm $phDamien "...If my brother could see me now, he'd have some comments, I'll bet. Not that he ever //didn't//, but...you know what I mean?">>
<<nm $phYou "Not close to him, I take it? Older brother?">>
Damien sighed, lifting his arms to rest his elbows on the back of the bench. He tilted his head, squinting up through the slats in the gazebo roof.
<<nm $phDamien "Older brothers, plural. I've got three. Their dad was an army vet who got killed in the field. Mine is an attorney's PA my mom married afterward. //They// went into policing and construction and owning a business, and //I// push marketing papers for a living. I'll let you do the math on that one.">>
You nodded, slowly. You had met that type before, and you could well imagine the comments for a baby brother from another father.
<<nm $phDamien "Michael was always the worst, though. Not that he slung insults or anything, but because he never needed to. Whatever he set his mind to, he did. Just like that. Didn't matter what it was. I don't think he's ever been on a sports team without being the captain. I listened to teachers sing his praises all through school, and he could probably bench three of me at once. Type of guy who not only has a new girl every month, but all those girls are //still// friends with him even after he's onto the new thing, you know?<br><br>So, I finally decide to try bulking up again, and end up getting smoked by <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>a suit?<<else>>an Amazonian Chick?<</if>> Yeah, for that he would have words.">>
You smirked, raised your eyebrows, and gave him a very long look. He could see it out of the corner of his eye, and actually blushed.
<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>><<nm $phYou "...A suit?">><<else>><<nm $phYou "...Amazonian chick?">><</if>>
<<nm $phDamien "<<if ($phYou.form is 'female') or ($phYou.form is 'futa')>>...Like Wonder Woman? <</if>>I...sorry. That didn't come out right. I really like you, $phYou.firstname. Honestly, I feel like I can actually //talk// to you, and it's been a long time for that. I guess I took it pretty hard growing up, you know? When you've got all these brothers, you just sort of assume you'll be a lot like them as you get older. I didn't //really// understand until later that it didn't work that way. <br><br>I guess I just wish I didn't have to worry about it so much? I doubt any of my brothers have ever second-guessed themselves in their entire lives, and that seems like all I do. But no matter how much I worry, how much I work...the genetic lottery is still a bitch, you know? And I //know// it's not about having biceps, or anything like that. I had a friend in high school that was skinny as a twig, and yet he-">>
He laughed, suddenly. It was that special sort of laughter, too loud and too quick to actually be natural. It was a release of tension, the way a bus's brakes hissed when they pulled up to a stop.
<<nm $phDamien "Wow, I really just...vented all over you. I'm sorry. Guess you caught me on kind of a weird day.">>
<<nm $phYou "I don't really mind, Damien, really. In fact, if you want to talk more about i-">>
But he was already on his feet, the slender man half turning to wave in your direction as he jogged backward down the track a few paces.
<<nm $phDamien "Thanks, $phYou.firstname. I appreciate you listening, but I got it. Look, I gotta get a shower and get back, but I'll catch you again, alright? Stay safe out there!">>
And with that, he turned more fully and began jogging toward the gym again. You briefly debated running after him. It was very clear that he hadn't finished telling you all that he could. You doubt you would get any more from him today, though, and it would just make him clam up.
Older brother? An inferiority complex? Genetic lottery? You were pretty sure you could offer an answer to some of those problems, but you had a few too many //possible// answers. You still weren't sure what Damien wanted, other than a change.
But you were getting closer. You sighed and stood, wondering again at the fact that your muscles seemed to have fully recovered in the time it took to get your breath back. Someday, you were going to push this body to the limit...if it even had any.
With that pleasant thought in mind, you jogged back to the gym to @@.choice;[[Shower Off|Gym][$phDamien.goodbye to 'gymtalk']]@@<</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_gym is 4>>Another day, another workout. You and Damien were both moving from machine to machine again, but you couldn't help but notice that he seemed somehow distracted today. Every time you had been with him, he'd always driven both you and himself to achieve those few extra reps or lifts to finish out a set, and added just one extra lap to the total just to wrap things up.
Today, though, he had barely finished his sets at all, and you caught him staring off into space when he was spotting for you. The pair of you had quickly fallen into working in silence, exchanging only the most necessary words to switch to this or that exercise or machine.
Finally, as you were wrapping up, you broke the silence by slapping him on the arm. The young man blinked, looking at you in surprise.
<<nm $phYou "What's eating you today? You've barely said three words to me, and we're almost done! Are you feeling alright?">>
Damien looked at his watch as though he couldn't believe the time it was showing. Then he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck the way he so often did, his expression apologetic.
<<nm $phDamien "I'm sorry, I...Guess I've had some things on my mind, since the last time we talked over here, that's all.">>
<<nm $phYou "We talked about your family, didn't we? Your brothers? Then you lit off like a bat out of hell.">>
<<nm $phDamien "I...I suppose I did. I guess it all seemed so petty, all of the sudden. Being here. Working out. Trying to bulk up and add muscle. Its not //really// about health, you know. I know I'm healthy enough, I'm in good shape and always have been. It's about something else, you know?">>
You moved closer to him, extending a hand to lay on the small of his back. You could feel an odd thrill the air, and that barely perceptible glow that has always clung to the young man seemed to intensify further. You could almost feel his skin heat against your fingers.
<<nm $phYou "You want to be like your brothers? Big? Muscular?">>
<<nm $phDamien "No! I mean...yes, but...it's not //just// that. It's like...Look, I had a friend a long time ago, in high school. His name was Edward, and he was...well, alright, he was gay. Not just gay, but...you know...kind of flaming? He liked to wear pink, wore his hair long and his nails painted. This was down south, too. My brothers hated him, and most of the guys in town felt the same. Even the teachers took every opportunity they could to drop a metric ton of shit on him.<br><br>And you know what? He didn't care. He got beat up for wearing a flower in his hair once, so he wore one for the rest of the year. He'd have groups of guys in his face and he'd brush past them like they weren't anything. I never saw him back down from anyone in his whole life. He liked what he liked and he wasn't going to take any shit about it, you know?">>
Damien's brothers were big and burly, according to what he had said before. Edward sounded like he has been anything but. Yet, you were pretty sure you understood.
<<nm $phYou "You admired his self-confidence, didn't you? And your brothers as well. That's why you're here working out. But you know it doesn't have anything to do with what they look like. Edward wasn't a muscular guy, right?">>
<<nm $phDamien "I know, I know. You're right. But I obviously don't have it the way that I am now. I never have. I figured it was at least worth a shot. Maybe, if I could work on something for a year or two, really stick with it and do all the right things, I'd get results I could be proud of. And if I was proud of them, maybe I could be proud of me too.">>
He laughed, somewhat hollowly, and stood up again from the bench, waving a hand vaguely at all the machines around the pair of you.
<<nm $phDamien "Probably not so uncommon. In fact, it's probably that sort of thinking that keeps places like this in business, but I can't just let it go. With a little work, a little luck...who knows, it might even pay off.">>
You stood as well, reaching out to touch his back lightly. The intense glow you had seem from him before had dimmed somewhat, back toward the level he'd been when you had first seen him. That, you suspected, had been the revelation. What he truly wanted.
<<nm $phYou "You never know. It might pay off bigger than you think.">>
<<nm $phDamien "Ha! Maybe. Maybe it will. Thanks for listening, $phYou.firstname. I know listening to me isn't exactly what you came down to the gym for. I promise, I'll be a little more upbeat next time. Still, it feels good to at least get it out in the open. I'm going to hit the showers and then head home for today, I think. Tommorow is a new day, and all of that.">>
<<nm $phYou "It is, you're right. Have a good night, Damien. Thanks for the workout help, as always. I'll see you again soon.">>
As he turned and headed off toward the showers, you tapped your chin thoughtfully. So it wasn't muscle he was after, it was self-respect. In any other gym, you suspected the story would have a tragic ending. Someone bulking up and up without ever finding what they were after.
But not here. Here, you could actually give him what he needed. Mason should have more than enough to work with by now. You made a mental note to add a visit to your to-do list.
Tomorrow is, as he had said, a new day.
[[Hit The Showers|Gym][$phDamien.goodbye to 'gymtalk']]@@<</if>><<else>><<if $phDamien.focus_gym is 2>>@@.narrative; Summary Mode@@
You trained with Damien for a while, and the young man was astonished at your endurance. You were as well, but the body that Lazren gave you was more than able to cope. Damien is too tongue-tied around you for you to get very much of use out of him at first, and just when he seems about to risk making a move on you he suddenly retreats and leaves you high and dry.
Clearly, the young man had a few hang-ups where confidence was concerned. That was good to know, but you would have to @@.choice;[[Find Out More.|Gym]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_gym is 3>>@@.narrative; Summary Mode@@
You did some jogging with Damien and pushed him to his limits keeping up with you. As the pair of you recovered on a bench, he talked about his family. His mother was remarried and his step brothers were all huge, muscular men in very manly occupations. Damien expressed particular envy for his brother Michael, a confident man's man. You asked if Damien wanted to be like his brother and do those kind of traditionally masculine things, but he said that wasn't it. Before you could pry what he meant out of him, however, he again abruptly chickened out and bolted with a muttered excuse.
There was something about his brothers and childhood, that much was clear. Right now, though, @@.choice;[[You Had No Idea What It Was.|Gym]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_gym is 4>>@@.narrative; Summary Mode@@
You met up with Damien again, and he apologized for leaving suddenly the last time. After a little fitness training, he finally opened up about the whole story. He was envious of his brother Michael, but he was //also// envious of a friend he'd had in high school, Edward. Edward had been openly gay in a high school that strongly disapproved of it, but had persisted anyway. It became quickly clear that what Damien envied was the confidence to do what they wished to do no matter what anyone thought. That was a trait that both Edward and Michael had, but Damien lacked.
That could be fixed, however. A boost to self-confidence would do the young man some good, and you were sure that it was something @@.choice;[[Mason Could Arrange.|Gym]]@@
<</if>><</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_gym gt 4>>It was a lovely workout. You and Damien pushed your bodies to the limit, egging one another one for just one lap, one more rep, or a little more weight. By the time the two of you were done, you were both panting hard and covered in sweat.
You talked for a while as you recovered, but Damien doesn't seem to have anything else to say. He expressed his admiration for a few friends and family members in the course of the conversation, and you quickly pick up on the similarity between all of them. Everyone he mentioned he admired most for their courage, specifically the courage to be one's self without fear of ridicule or rejection.
You would laid money on that self-assurance being the one thing the young man wants more than anything else. When you bid goodbye to your workout partner, you reflected on your possible solutions. No doubt Mason would have some suggestions on how to give Damien that confidance, or you could try to talk with him elsewhere to uncover some other hidden desire he might have.
You were sure, however, you had gotten all you would get from him within the walls of the gym, other than a nice calorie burn.
Time to @@.choice;[[Hit The Showers|Gym][$phDamien.goodbye to 'gymtalk']]@@<</if>><<set $phTime += 1>><<set $phDamien.recharge to 1>><<if $phDamien.focus_shake lt 5>><<set $phDamien.focus_shake += 1>><</if>><<if settings.phSummaryMode is false>><<if $phDamien.focus_shake is 2>><<nm $phYou "So I gotta ask...What are you adding to that? It certainly doesn't seem like it's improving the taste...">>
You'd sat down with the fit young man at one of the food court tables while you enjoyed your respective treats. It had been a pleasant conversation so far. Damien confided he was here fairly often because the shakes always seemed to fill him up longer than other places without making him feel sluggish.
Now, though, he was looking up with the guilty expression of a child caught with his hand in a cookie jar. As you had been sitting down, he had added a small amount of powder from a bottle to his milk, shaken it up, and began to drink with a grimace. He was now halfway through adding the same powder to the second bottle, frozen for a moment by your question.
<<nm $phDamien "Ah...protein powder. I'm starting a new program over at the gym, and I could use the boost. It helps bulk when you're trying to gain some muscle.">>
You looked him over. While short and slender for a man, you could still see muscle definition around his bare arms and calves. It was very clear that he worked out often and was probably in better shape than 90% of the people you'd encountered. You pointed at the label.
<<nm $phYou "I recognize that brand. Doesn't that say it already has protein added? It's already a fitness shake. Besides, you seem like you're doing pretty well without the bulk. I'd wager I could bounce a quarter off your abs if you had your shirt up.">>
Damien flushed, brightly, and rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. It seemed to be a nervous tick.
<<nm $phDamien "Well, yeah, I mean...I'm in shape, I guess. But I can use all the help I can get, you know? It's not all about abs and how many laps you can do. Sometimes it's about the look, you know? Anyway, that's why it tastes so bad. I'm doubling up on the protein...after a couple of weeks, I'll probably just switch to drinking it straight. You know, if the results are where I want them.">>
He wasn't looking directly at you when he spoke, instead studiously focusing on mixing the powder into his milk bottle and giving it a shake. You suspected there was more to it than that, but you weren't sure he was ready to open up yet.
<<nm $phYou "I guess I can respect that. I've been thinking of a new workout routine. You think I ought to be mixing stuff in? Help throw a little fear of God into the interns?">>
<<nm $phDamien "Well...I mean, milk is certainly better at keeping you fit than ice cream, but I don't think you have to worry very much. You're...ah...you're very...um...">>
You smiled, spooning another bit of your sundae into your mouth. It was absolutely delicious, probably the best ice cream you'd had in your life. Damien finally trailed off, laughing self-consciously.
<<nm $phYou "I'll just take that as a compliment, shall I?">>
<<nm $phDamien "Please do. Sorry, I'm not great with <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>guys like you<<else>>pretty girls<</if>>. But I think that-.">>
A chime at his wrist cut him off. He looked down at his watch as if utterly amazed at how late it had gotten.
<<nm $phDamien "Ack! Lost track of time. My boss has me working a bit of graveyard tonight, so I gotta jet, but it was really nice meeting you, $phYou.firstname. Maybe I'll see you around sometime?">>
You assured him that he would, then shooed him off to work. He was jogging before he was even clear of the tables, tilting back his remaining milk bottle, chugging it down, and depositing the bottle in the trash on the way out. You watched him leave, thoughtfully.
So he wanted muscle, and bulk. That was clear, but you weren't sure you'd gotten the full picture just yet. You'd have to see if you could catch him again and get him to open up a little more about what he really wanted. Then you could see about giving it to him.
But for now, you still had a @@.choice;[[Sundae.|Shakes 'n Sundaes][$phDamien.goodbye to 'shaketalk']]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_shake is 3>><<npc "mnpc2" "Man" "Hey, Baby, no need to get feisty. I'm just being friendly.">>
<<npc "fnpc3" "Woman" "I don't need a friend. Get your hand off my ass, now!">>
<<npc "mnpc2" "Man" "Oh, I don't know. This skirt you're wearing says otherwise. I bet you were hoping to attract a little attention, weren't you?">>
Damien stiffened up in his seat. It had been another pleasant talk about nothing important, exchanging stories about various terrible jobs you had both had and workout tips to maximizing fitness. That ended when a knockout of a woman wearing a mid-thigh green skirt had walked into the parlor, followed closely by a brickhouse of a man with a shiny, bald head and biceps like tree trunks. Almost immediately, their whispered conversation had escalated as the woman whirled around to face him.
The simulacra behind the counter were frozen, apparently unable to process the correct response to such a disruption. The few human people in the store at the moment were all studiously looking down at their shoes or studying nutrition stamps in a vain attempt to appear as though they didn't notice. You reached immediately into your pocket, fishing for your phone. Security would be easy to summon.
Damien, though, had other plans. Before your fingers even found your phone, he was up and out of his seat, crossing the distance rapidly. He reached out to grasp one massive bicep and turned the man to face him.
<<nm $phDamien "Why don't you leave the lady alone, asshole?">>
The bald man blinked...and then barked a short laugh. He drew in a breath, his pecs inflating as he stood to his full height. Damien was a few inches shorter than you and this guy was at least a head taller, so the size difference was immediately apparent. You had the sudden image of a child arguing with their father pop into your head.
He didn't say anything, simply extended both his hands to Damien's chest and shoved him backward. The young man went down hard, staggering back and slamming against one of the displays, sending a rain of milk bottles down over his head. The big man snickered, derisively, and turned toward the woman again.
...And found you instead.
The height difference <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>wasn't nearly as bad<<else>>was almost as bad<</if>>, this time, but you<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>> also<</if>> had something Damien didn't. As you met the man's eyes, you felt your disguise slip for a bare moment, giving him a clear view of the red skin and horns. He went pale and recoiled, and you thought you actually saw fire reflected in his eyes from your own burning gaze.
<<nm $phYou "Enough. Get lost.">>
Your command reverberated through the store, and the jerk actually took two steps back away from you on wary reflex alone. You saw his eyes searching around the room and the faces of the patrons, and you heard Damien struggling back up to his feet in his little pile of milk bottles. The big man gave another laugh, though this one sounded far too forced to be real, and lifted both his hands. Muttering something about the whore not being worth it anyway, he turned and stalked out of the store.
The woman thanked you and Damien, but you couldn't help but notice her gratitude toward the young man seemed perfunctory at best. You instructed the simulacra to give her some coupons for free ice cream, then turned your attention back to Damien. His cheeks were burning red, and his shirt and shorts had been soaked in places where some of the milk bottles had been crushed or otherwise broken open in the impact.
<<nm $phDamien "Well. That was embarrassing. Are you alright?">>
<<nm $phYou "I'm fine. You?">>
<<nm $phDamien "Nothing injured but my pride, I guess. Can't believe assholes like that still exist. Good thing you were here. What'd you do? He actually turned white!">>
<<nm $phYou "I don't think it was anything about in particular. But after you said something, and I did, he got the feeling he was outnumbered and took off. You coming back to the table?">>
Damien waved off the invitation and sighed, pulling at the front of his shirt and looking down at the wet patches.
<<nm $phDamien "I'm not so sure I had anything to do with it...and nah. I'd better get home. I don't think dried milk is going to feel great no matter how high quality it might be. I need a change of clothes and a shower. I'll see you around, don't worry.">>
He had a pensive, thoughtful expression on his face. You thought about pressing him further...but you could tell he wanted to get away from here, so you nodded and said your goodbyes. He left slowly, trying not to limp obviously on his way, though it was clear the fall had been bruising to more than just his ego.
You frowned as you watched him go. Then you pulled your phone out of your pocket and called Mason. The scientist could almost certainly track the jerk down from the camera footage. You considered for a moment filing actual charges with the police...but no. You told Mason to send the man some complimentary lingerie with some very special enchantments laid on it. You remembered Lazren telling you that magic wouldn't stick unless the person wanted it...or knew they deserved it. Few people had seemed quite so deserving.
With that done, you felt a little better. You returned to your seat. After all, you had half an ice cream sundae left.
[[Chow Down|Shakes 'n Sundaes][$phDamien.goodbye to 'shaketalk']]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_shake is 4>>You sat down with Damien at one of the usual tables. You noticed he was settling himself into the chair a little gingerly, easing into it rather than dropping himself into the seat.
<<nm $phYou "Are you alright? I thought you said you were fine the other day!">>
He looked up with that guilty expression you'd come to know so well when he got caught out. He shook his head dismissively at his set of usual milk bottles out on the table.
<<nm $phDamien "No, it's not that. At least, not entirely that. I shook that off pretty fast. I think maybe I pushed it a little too hard in the gym today, though, might have pulled something in my back. I just...had to work off a few things, yeah?">>
<<nm $phYou "The fight with that jerk?">>
Damien pursed his lips into a thin line, and looked away from you, his hand going tight on the bottle he was still holding. The pressure on the bottle compressed it enough that a drop or two of milk spilled from the open top and began to work down toward his hand.
<<nm $phDamien "Yeah. That...It's...I'm glad no one got hurt. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't all that big of a deal. Just...bad memories, you know?">>
He sighed, looking up at you for a long moment. Then he finally seemed to decide something, drawing in a deep breath. As he did, that low level glow you saw in him turned suddenly intense. The air all but thrummed around you, though you were pretty sure you were on the only one who could see it or feel it.
<<nm $phDamien "I went to a small school, down south. Town of like a five or six thousand people, when I lived there. You grew up hearing the same gossip about the same families, interspersed with whatever new scandal people could come up with. I'm sure there are a lot of high schools that don't fit the standard stereotype, but mine sure as hell did. A lot of good ol' boys pretty much running things cause that's the way it had always been.<br><br>I never was one of the guys on the inside. I was short and scrawny, I asked far too many questions, and I hung out with all the people no one hung out with. The people doing their own thing in a town where everyone did the //same// thing, you know? And when the status quo came knocking, I tried to stand up for the little guy.">>
<<nm $phYou "And got yourself knocked around for the privilege?">>
Damien barked a short laugh, and actually smiled. He shrugged his shoulders and nodded in your direction. He was still unconsciously toying with the milk bottle in one hand, but he was no longer squeezing it so hard.
<<nm $phDamien "Oh God, yeah. Every week, it felt like. The little sissy kid sticking up for the goth girl, or the gay guy, or the nerd. That part never really bothered me, even if it worried the hell out of my mom. No, I just...I wanted to make a difference, but I never did. If they wanted to go through me, they went through me. I couldn't stop the gossip, or the dirty looks, or the words people used. I was just a speed bump.<br><br> And then I moved out here. New life, new chance, new people, but there are assholes everywhere, and I still can't do a thing. I guess that's why I'm hitting the weight benches, and the protein powder. I can't get taller, but if I bulk up, maybe I can be a wall when it matters, you know? Sometimes it's not about what you are, it's about the appearance. Like you said the other day...a lot of those jerks are cowards. If it looks like a fair fight, maybe they'll finally knock it off.">>
You saw the intense glow around the young man begin to fade back down toward the same every day glow that had drawn you to him originally. You understood. Muscles and protein were means to an end, and that end was an instinct to protect. An instinct, you knew, that would probably never be fulfilled. Damien's frame didn't seem to lean toward big, showy muscles, and if he wasn't able to develop them with all the work you knew he had been putting in, then he probably never would.
Not naturally anyway. But unnaturally...
The conversation drifted to other things, and eventually it was time to depart. Damien finished his milk before you polished off your sundae, and he seemed in a greater hurry to leave today than before. He explained that, despite his sore muscles, he wanted to put in another few laps at the gym before heading home today, lest he fall behind. You protested and he promised to take it easy. A promise you knew he'll break.
Then he left you alone with the remainder of your sundae and some plans on what to do next. You were certain that should be enough information for Mason to whip something up, if you wished. If Damien wanted muscles enough to protect some people, you were also certain that could be arranged.
But that would be another day. For now, you looked down at your ice cream bowl.
[[One More Bite For The Road|Shakes 'n Sundaes][$phDamien.goodbye to 'shaketalk']]@@
<</if>><<else>><<if $phDamien.focus_shake is 2>>@@.narrative; Summary Mode@@
You talked with Damien for a while, and found that the short young man was a bit of a fitness nut. Instead of the ice cream that you were enjoying, he was mixing protein powder in with some of the healthier milk drinks that the store offered. He's far too shy around you for you to pry out his innermost desire, but it's very clear that he's trying to bulk up despite his slender frame.
If that was all he wanted, it would be easy. Unfortunately, you knew you'd have to @@.choice;[[Find Out More.|Shakes 'n Sundaes]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_shake is 3>>@@.narrative; Summary Mode@@
You were just sitting down with Damien when you overhear a man rudely hitting on a woman standing in line, despite her discomfort. He immediately got up to challenge the man, and got himself pushed back into a display case for his trouble. The rude man is far less willing to stand up to even a subtle display of your nature and runs off. You helped Damien up and the young man said he was okay, but it was clear his pride was injured.
He left to change out of the milk-soaked outfit and you promised to send the rude customer something @@.choice;[[Interesting In The Mail.|Shakes 'n Sundaes]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_shake is 4>>@@.narrative; Summary Mode@@
You talked with Damien at your usual table. Physically, he seemed to be recovered from the confrontation during the previous encounter, but you could tell his ego was still wounded. In confidence, he relayed to you the reason he wanted to bulk up. Apparently, he had always had a habit of sticking up for the little guy, but being so small and slender he could almost never make a difference. Bullies simply paved right over him, whether he stood up to them or not. He wanted muscle so that, when he stood up for someone, he wouldn't be so easy to ignore.
It wasn't just muscle, then, but also the ability to protect others. That shouldn't be too difficult for Mason, and you promised yourself you would look the scientist up @@.choice;[[As Soon As You Could.|Shakes 'n Sundaes]]@@
<</if>><</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_shake gt 4>>You spent a while sitting with Damien and chatting away. He told you stories about his home life and high school years. Some are sad, many are funny, and many just paint in the picture of someone who couldn't stand by idly and yet couldn't make a difference when it counted. Though he kept the tone light this time, you could tell the memories still bother him even many years later.
When it was time to say goodbye, you parted happily. As always, Damien finished a few minutes before you do, and promised to keep in touch. You remained behind with your ice cream, pondering the young man. It was clear to you the young man wanted to be larger, but it wasn't muscle for its own sake. He wanted to be able to make a difference in what he saw as injustice. Mason would be able to make that happen, you were certain. You'd given him more than enough information to work with.
For now, though, you had @@.choice;[[Ice Cream To Finish.|Shakes 'n Sundaes][$phDamien.goodbye to 'shaketalk']]@@<</if>><<set $phTime += 1>><<set $phEnergy -= $phFocusCost>><<run $phFociReady.delete("Damien")>><<if $phDamien.focus_gym is 6>><<set $phDamien.focus_shake to 8>>You instructed Mason to construct the special treadmill. You doubted you'd have much trouble getting Damien to use one.
<<nm $phMason "Of course, $phMason.Address $phYou.firstname. I will begin immediately. Fortunately, we have a number of genuine machine available for parts, so it will simply be a matter of enchanting things appropriately.">>
Mason got to work and you returned to yours, but you couldn't help but indulge your curiosity. You found excuses to check into the lab every half hour or so, interested in seeing the way things come together.
The first time you stopped in, you saw Mason's four arms rapidly disassembling one of the standard treadmills from the gym, his whirling hands creating neat piles of screws, wheels, and plastic coverings faster than any human could possibly have managed.
The second time you stuck your head in, he had removed the tread from the unit and was in the process of replacing it with one of his own. You couldn't help but notice the inside of the rubber was marked with dozens of strange, unintelligible symbols. You swore you caught one of them glowing out of the corner of your eye.
The third time round, he had removed the control panel from the top of the machine, and installed his own. The panel was a model you weren't familiar with, embedded with a half dozen small screens and displays rather than featuring any buttons or physical controls. Several of the screens seemed to be installing software, while the final one showed the silhouetted outline of a familiarly slender male figure.
Finally, just when you were wondering if it was time for another check-in, Mason called to inform you that the work had been done. A quick walk over to R&D found him polishing the new machine with an expression of deep self-satisfaction. The displays were aglow with quiet color, displaying their readiness, and every inch has been put back together so cleanly you would swear the machine was brand new. You ran your finger over the textured hand grips along the top, admiring the craftsmanship.
<<nm $phYou "It's ready?">>
<<nm $phMason "It is. And a magnificent design, if I may be so bold. This treadmill analyzes and self-adjusts the incline and speed needed for maximum results. Of course, this is a means to an end. As the machine pushes the gentleman to the limit, it will naturally absorb more and more of his focus until he reaches the point where his conscious mind is no longer engaged. That is the moment when the magic will begin resculpting him to his ideal self. This will ensure the form he steps off the belt with will be the one he wants.">>
<<nm $phYou "Amazing. When can we have it installed?">>
<<nm $phMason "I will ensure it is available immediately, so you should be able to make use of it the next time the sir is on the premises. I will, however, have it placed off the main floor. Anyone else using this machine could find it injurious to their health.">>
You ran a hand over the machine, feeling the slight thrumming of power within the metal. You could //feel// the magic layered into its surface. Dormant now, but awaiting their target.
Soon. It would be soon. You could hardly wait.<<set $phMason.goodbye to 1>>
<<if $phTime gt 2>>[[But It Was Late, and Time to Sleep|Sleep]]<<else>>[[Return to Work|Office]]<</if>>
<</if>><<if $phDamien.focus_shake is 6>><<set $phDamien.focus_gym to 8>>You instructed Mason to whip up some special protein supplements. The scientist nodded, and turned toward his computer.
<<nm $phMason "I will reach out to one of our sister locations for suitable supplies immediately, $phMason.Address $phYou.firstname. Unless there is something unexpected, I believe I will be finished within a few hours at the very most.">>
There was little for you to add after that. You returned to your work, but you couldn't help keeping an eye out for the creation process. Around an hour later, the elevator buzzed, and two of the most top-heavy women you had ever seen strutted out of the elevator. One was tanned to a beautiful gold while the other had skin the rich color of chocolate. After they stood uncertainly for a moment in the main room, Mason appeared and ushered the pair of them into R&D.
You and $phSamantha.name looked at one another for a long moment. Neither of you commented directly, but both of you found excuses to work near R&D's door for a while. You could hear the girls giggling along with Mason's muffled voice, his tone as flat and humorless as ever. You heard a cooing laugh, then an almost sexual groan, and then-
The call just about hurt your ears, despite the closed door. You winced and pulled back away from the door. The call repeated. Once, twice, three times...and then a new voice joined it, the pair of women mooing with utter abandon.
Soon enough, they fell silent. When the door opened and they wobbled out, you found yourself staring. Their tops, previously overflowing, now hung loosely against their bodies. Oh, they were still large in the chest, there was no doubt about that, but they were not nearly as big as they had been on arrival. They gave you a drunken wave and wove their way to the elevator.
Shortly thereafter, Mason stepped out of the office with two wrapped packages of small, plastic bottles. You could see cute designs painted on the sides of the bottles, rather busty girls in farm overalls waving cheerfully, their speech bubbles containing the nutrition information.
<<nm $phMason "Here you are, $phMason.address $phYou.firstname. I would strongly advise against trying any of these yourself, as I believe the mixture would prove to be quite potent even for a succubus.">>
<<nm $phYou "Good to know. How much should I give to him, if it's that strong?">>
<<nm $phMason "Oh, he'll need it all, to make the change permanent, but I don't think that will be difficult to do. He'll understand what is changing him and, more than likely, will seek out as much as he can. I will note, however, that after the first package his adjustments are liable to be more dramatically non-human. I would suggest not letting him leave with both sets of bottles, as he may draw more attention out in the world without the tower to disguise his unusual appearance.">>
<<nm $phYou "Noted. Do I want to ask for details about how it was made?">>
<<nm $phMason "Probably not. Good day, $phMason.address.">>
He turned on his heels and marched back into R&D with a resolute expression. You looked down at the two packages, shook your head, and moved off to find a refrigerator.
Damien was in for a treat.
<<if $phTime gt 2>>[[But For Now, Time To Sleep|Sleep]]<<else>>[[But For Now, Back To Work|Office]]<</if>>@@<</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 0>><<nm $phDamien "I can't believe you ordered something just for me. It's not even my birthday or anything! You didn't have to do this!">>
Damien had seemed quite flabbergasted as you informed him you had a gift for him, agreeing to come along with his usual brand of blushing self-depreciation. You didn't actually have a security badge to open the storage rooms of the gym, but passing your hand over the sensor snapped the door open immediately. This was, after all, your castle and the tower was not about to inhibit you from going anywhere you liked.
The pair of you passed through the door into a long hallway, wide enough that you could pass freely despite the variety of mid-repair weight benches, exercise bikes, and other machines scattered throughout. All the doors were locked save one, and from that doorway a pale blue light spilled out into the dim hall. You made a beeline for it.
<<nm $phYou "Maybe I didn't have to, but I wanted to. We've talked for a long time, Damien, and I think I might be able to help you with a couple of things. Here, this way.">>
<<nm $phDamien "Really, I don't know what to say. Sure, we've talked a few times, but I'm pretty sure you've been better company for me than I've been for you. In fact I- Woah!">>
Damien stopped in the doorway behind you, his eyes turning into saucers as he stared. The room was largely clear save for a table pushed to the corner, the ubiquitous rubber matting of the gym that squished beneath your shoes, and a few opened cardboard boxes. There was nothing, in other words, to distract Damien from his present.
Mason's treadmill stood in the very center of the room, the black metal and rubber shining in the blue light emitted from the displays. At the moment, most of the screens were showing generic messages encouraging any passerby to try, but you knew the whole system was designed for just one singular individual. That individual was, at this moment, standing in utter amazement.
<<nm $phDamien "A treadmill? I-...wow...No, No you can't possibly...I know these machines. This is...this must cost a fortune. Fifteen hundred at least! I can't accept this!">>
<<nm $phYou "Of course you can! It's already done. I know you're more into weights than cardio right now, but trust me, this machine should focus exactly where you need. If you want to talk about paying me back, we'll do that after you try it out.">>
<<nm $phDamien "Oh dear...should I be worried?">>
Damien flashed you an amused smile as he approached the treadmill. He ran a hand along the rubber grip of one of the handles, and then jumped as the screens immediately flashed to life. A bouncing heart rate line appeared on one of the monitors, followed swiftly by a row of information. Calories burned, current running speed, and a count down to upcoming gradient changes. All blank, of course.
<<nm $phDamien "Woah! Ah...sensors in the handle, I guess. Pretty good ones, if it got my heart rate from that.">>
<<nm $phYou "A little elevated already, I notice?">>
Damien flushed, rubbing the back of his neck. He cleared his throat once, but didn't follow it up with anything. Instead, he climbed up onto the machine and got a grip on both of the handles. The screens began to fill with information as the sensors read his vitals again. And more than his vitals, you knew. The main screen began to flash with cheerful words.
@@.narrative;Begin Workout?@@
Damien glanced back at you, eyebrows raised in silent question. You didn't hesitate and nodded back your approval. The young man grinned and tapped the brightly glowing 'Yes' on the screen. The room abruptly filled with the hum of the treadmill beginning to move and the dull whine of the motor rolling up to speed.
You settled in. You had a feeling this was going to be something of a @@.choice;[[Show.|DamienSissyTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 1]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 1>><<set $phDamien.portrait to "DamienMid">>Fifteen minutes later, you were less sure. Damien had been able to talk, a little, for the first few minutes of the workout, but after that the machine had apparently found his limit. The tread had tilted upward to create an incline and the speed increased until the young man had been forced to grip both handles just to keep his balance enough to stay on.
But that was all that had happened. A sheen of sweat made his skin glisten and his breathing had started to rasp a little with exertion, but there wasn't much else. His muscles hadn't increased to four times their regular size, the machine hadn't swallowed him with a sudden burst of light, and he hadn't turned away from the machine to show off a suddenly Adonis-like physique.
Finally, trying to keep your frustration out of your tone, you spoke up.
<<nm $phYou "Hey. Looks like its pushing you pretty hard. Want to take a breather? I've got water.">>
Damien didn't answer. He didn't even look over at you, his feet still falling on the tread at an even, mindless pace. You frowned, raised one hand, and snapped a finger. The sound seemed to finally jolt him from his trance and his pace wavered. He stepped off the side of the treadmill, panting hard.
<<nm $phDamien "Woah! Sorry! Really...ah...got in the zone there. Yeah, yeah. Water sounds...water sounds pretty good.">>
He bent over the machine and struggled to catch his breath, then finally turned toward you. You very nearly gasped aloud. While he had been in motion, it had been hard to detect that there was anything different about him. When he turned toward you, though, you saw exactly what the treadmill had been doing.
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Damien/Mobile/DamienSissy1.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Damien/DamienSissy1.png]]</picture>@@
His shoulders were more slender now, so much so that one strap of his shirt had slipped off the side. His hair, previously short and spikey, now fell in short waves over his face. His eyes, framed under long lashes, seemed huge and soft now, and his face had gone from boyishly cute to downright feminine. He raised a hand, thin and delicate, to his mouth, as if about to nervously chew his fingernails.
<<nm $phDamien "Are you alright, $phYou.firstname? You look surprised, and...have you been hitting the beach? You, ah, look really tan tonight.">>
You blinked, looking down at your hand. It was the same rich red that it always was, but of course Damien wouldn't be able to see that color. Then again, the tower was only supposed to protect what you were from regular customers. Damien was rapidly becoming something else.
<<nm $phYou "A little something like that. It pays to mix it up a little, doesn't it? How do you feel?">>
You stepped forward and offered him a water bottle, which he accepted eagerly. He raised the bottle to his lips and drank nearly half of it before he lowered it again. He wiped the cold bottle across his brow, and his face shone with an abrupt grin.
<<nm $phDamien "Good! Really, really good actually. You know, I'm not really...ah...one for cardio, but I think maybe I should change that. I was really in the zone there. Sorry...this has got to be really boring for you. I suppose I should get this home and do the rest of the workout later...">>
Despite his words, his eyes tracked longingly back to the machine and one hand extended to brush lightly over the gleaming metal. You smiled to yourself and shook your head.
<<nm $phYou "No, no. I'm gathering some valuable data. It wouldn't do to cut things in the middle. Please, finish up. I insist.">>
The young man bit his lower lip, and you would swear it was a far more generous lip then he had had walking in. His gaze flicked back to you for a moment, uncertainty and desire warring in his expression. Finally, he nodded.
<<nm $phDamien "I suppose if you're getting data or something, I don't mind. If you're looking to make these available more widely, I can get behind that. It's really...really nice. I...ah...well, the way the incline works is...good. And the materials are...are uh....">>
Damien climbed back onto the treadmill, moving as if he were in a daze. His words came slower and finally ceased all together as he began to run again, feet thumping against the tread. He didn't even seem to notice when the water bottle fell from his hand, bounced once against the side of the machine, and rolled across the floor.
You shook your head, retrieved the bottle, and settled in once again in your chair. Mason had been right, after all. Damien's perfect body had nothing at all to do with muscle and rock hard abs. Now that you knew it was working and what exactly Damien had in his mind, you had a quick stop to make to pick up a few items before you could settle in to watch and wait.
You hurried. You didn't want to @@.choice;[[Miss A Thing.|DamienSissyTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 2]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 2>>Damien ran for another forty minutes.
Every time he slowed and you thought he might get off the machine, his pace sped up again as though he kept getting filled with fresh determination. He hung onto the handles with both hands, his body soon bent so that his head was hanging below his hands as his legs pumped hard.
You couldn't help but notice his long brown hair was extending farther and farther past his face by the second. His workout clothes hung loosely now, and you could no longer see the muscle in his slender arms. His exhalations took on a slightly higher, breathier pitch, but they never actually crossed all the way into a feminine tone.
Abruptly, the machine beeped and the tread slowed and then finally stopped. A chipper little chime sounded from the main screen, displaying the words 'Ideal Achieved!' over a graphic of exploding fireworks. Damien stood there for several seconds, head resting against his arms, catching his breath.
<<nm $phDamien "What...What just happened? $phYou.firstname?">>
You stood from your chair, moving slowly to stand beside the treadmill. Damien slowly lifted his head, as though it were impossibly heavy, and looked at you. His eyes went wide, and you knew immediately that there was no further disguise for what you were.
<<nm $phDamien "$phYou.firstname?! I...what...You're...You're...!">>
<<nm $phYou "Something very special, yes. The same way you are, now.">>
Damien stared, taking in your horns, your inhuman skin tone, and your idly lashing tail for several seconds before abruptly looking down at himself. He held his hands out in front of him, marveling at the lengthened nails and plucking at the front of his now loose top. You could see his utterly hairless chest, his skin as smooth and clean as milk.
<<nm $phDamien "What...What did you do?!">>
His voice was shaking with disbelief and amazement, but there was something else beneath the tone you recognized. You had, after all, gone through the same experience of finding yourself face to face with a succubus. You had felt the same shock of fear and uncertainty, and knew well the rush of arousal beneath the words.
<<nm $phYou "Do? I didn't do anything. I just gave you a gift. A gift to help you become the real you, that you've always wanted. That's what I made for you. Something to give your true fantasy reality. You turned out //wonderfully//.">>
Damien raised his hands to his face, feeling around the altered contours, his eyes opening even wider.
<<nm $phDamien "M...Mirror! Please? I...I feel...">>
You hadn't been idle for the hour you'd waited for him to change. After seeing the initial alterations, you'd figured he would want to see himself, and you pulled up the square mirror you'd brought with you.
@@.choice;[[Damien Gasped!|DamienSissyTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 3]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 3>>@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Damien/Mobile/DamienSissy2.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Damien/DamienSissy2.png]]</picture>@@<<nm $phDamien "...P...Pretty. I look...pretty?">>
His tone was strange. Bemused, uncertain, and disbelieving. But not angry. Not upset. You smiled and angled the mirror helpfully as he took in his new features. His hair was long and fine, and fell in waves to his shoulders. His lips were a pleasant pink and shiny with applied lip gloss. His eyebrows were thinner and manicured, and the set of his face had become soft and wonderfully effeminate.
<<nm $phYou "Pretty, yes. I'd even say gorgeous. So this is what you really wanted to be? I'm a little surprised, Damien...">>
<<nm $phDamien "What?...I...No, no, this isn't-...!">>
His eyes shot wide, tearing away from the image of himself and up to your face, his expression filled with sudden panic. You could see the backslide coming as he realized that his secret was out into the open. You couldn't allow that, for his sake or yours.
You tossed the mirror to one side and Damien jumped as it bounced on the rubber flooring, but didn't shatter. You moved in hard, pressing both hands to his chest, and pushed him back. His resistance was half-hearted, and you soon had him pressed up against the wall. He had a new scent, something light and floral that clung deliciously to his skin. It took you a moment to realize that it was his sweat, though it could have been bottled as a perfume at any shop on this floor.
You could feel his body through his clothing. Soft and smooth with every hard line of his muscles all but erased. He seemed to have still no excess fat at all, but body still fit without the hard lines.<<if $phYou.form is 'female'>> You worked your body against him, letting him feel your approval in every sensual motion of your body.
<<nm $phDamien "$phYou.firstname?! You...You can't...I look so...">>
<<nm $phYou "Mmm? What? So pretty? So smooth and cute? You have a //lot// of ideas about what a woman wants, don't you? This is my tower, Damien. Things are the way I want them to be...and I think you can //feel// exactly what I think of your new body...">>
You rolled your hips against him, and he squealed with obvious delight. Then he clapped his hand over his mouth and shock rippled through his expression.
<<nm $phDamien "Was that-...? I can't...I can't keep it in...I'm not...I'm a guy! I shouldn't look this way!">>
<<nm $phYou "You're still a man, sweetie. Just a very, very cute one. There are a lot of guys like you who enjoy all sorts of things. You don't think you're the first sissy in the world, do you?">>
A shudder went through Damien's entire body as you spoke the word. He let out a soft, mewling sound, his cheeks turning bright red as he looked away from you...but you felt his cock stiffen in his gym short. You rocked your hips against him again, letting the fabric stroke up and down over his growing erection.
<<else>> You shifted your hips and, in turn, let him feel you grinding up against his thigh.
<<nm $phDamien "$phYou.firstname?! Is that...that...it can't be...">>
<<nm $phYou "Mmm? What? <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>You think another man can't enjoy a pretty face like yours?<<else>>You think I'm going to toss you aside for these hidden desires of yours?<</if>> This is my tower, Damien. Things are the way I want them to be...and I think you can //feel// exactly what I think of your new body...">>
You rolled your hips against him, and he squealed with obvious delight. Then he clapped his hand over his mouth and shock rippled through his expression.
<<nm $phDamien "Was that-...? I can't...I can't keep it in...I'm not...I'm a guy!">>
<<nm $phYou "Of course you are. That didn't go away, you know. Who says someone can't still have a cock and enjoy playing with one? You're not the only sissy in the world, you know.">>
A shudder went through Damien's entire body as you spoke the word. He let out a soft mewling sound, his cheeks turning bright red as he looked away from you...but you felt his cock stiffen in his gym shorts. You rocked your hips against him again, letting your cocks stroke against one another through the thin material.
<</if>><<nm $phDamien "Please...Please don't say that, I can't...">>
<<nm $phYou "You can't hide it anymore. Not from me. You've been afraid your whole life. Afraid of what you've felt. You tried to build a wall around it, to hide it from everyone. If that's what you want...tell me now. Push me away, and tell me I'm wrong and I'll set everything back to right and let you walk back to your life. You can go home just like you always have. Tell me. Tell me I'm wrong.">>
You waited. Damien was breathing heavily still, but you doubted it had anything to do with the workout he'd just completed. His eyes were closed, his hands pressed flat up against the wall. The seconds passed.
He said nothing.
<<nm $phYou "...Good boy. Now, since you're not going to tell me that, I want you to tell me what I already know. I want you to tell me you want my help. I want you to tell me you want to be free to be who you want to be. Free of everyone who ever judged you and forced you to try to be something you're not. Tell me.">>
You waited again, and again, there was silence for a long moment. Damien bit his lip, the wall supporting all of his weight by now. Finally, he took a deep breath in, looking up at you from the corner of his eye.
<<nm $phDamien "Help me...Help me be free...Help me be a sissy.">>
You found yourself grinning, looking down over the shaking young man. That was the hurdle, you knew. Everything after this was just gravy.
Time to @@.choice;[[Get Started.|DamienSissyTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 4]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 4>><<set $phTime to 1>><<set $phLocation to "Suite">>//An Hour Later//
<<nm $phDamien "Please! Please fuck me! Make me your sissy slut!">>
@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Damien/Mobile/DamienSissy3.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Damien/DamienSissy3.png]]</picture>@@
You smiled to yourself, letting your eyes roam. It had not, in retrospect, been that difficult. A short walk back to your apartment and instructions to shower and change into the clothes you'd left him, the second thing you'd picked up while he had been transforming. He'd protested, at first, but you'd simply <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>stepped over to a drawer, removed the thickest strap-on you had, and told him how good boys got good rewards<<else>>taken his hand, pushed it against your cock, and told him just how aroused you were at the thought of it<</if>>. That had been the end of the protesting.
The dress you'd bought for him was pink, with white frilly lace along the short skirt and shoulders. Beneath that, he was wearing knee-high white socks and cute black pumps. His legs were slender, as hairless as the rest of him, and lovely. He had held his hands over the erection tenting up his skirt, until you'd gently taken his wrists and forcibly moved his hands away. From there, it had just been a matter of giving him permission to show his excitement. Enthusiastic permission. Enthusiastic and commanding permission. Enthusiastic and commanding permission that left him pressed up against the wall, his legs spread wide in expectation.
<<nm $phYou "Hike up your skirt, dear, and I'll have you good and proper in short order.">>
Damien bit his lower lip, but he was past argument. He reached down, pulling the pink hem of the dress up over his hips. His ass was full and soft, and you couldn't help but extend your hands to stroke across his backside. He actually let out a moan and then cut himself off, looking over his shoulder with embarrassed eyes. His ass was as smooth as the rest of him, and you squeezed each cheek in turn with a possessive confidence that surprised even you. <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>You reached down, and the whole room seemed to echo with the wet sound of you running your palm up and down the lubed surface of the toy strapped to your hips.<<else>>You reached down, and the whole room seemed to echo with the sound of your zipper coming down.<</if>> You saw Damien's entire body shudder, but his expression made it clear it was neither fear nor disgust that moved through him.
You stepped close, letting your shaft rub along the smooth lines of his ass, drawing a gasp from the man. His hands pressed against the wall so hard that the flesh turned white in places. He was breathing hard, too hard, and you reached up to run your fingers along the side of his neck.
<<nm $phYou "...Relax. You want this. Take it slow. I promise, I won't hurt you in any way you won't enjoy...">>
You held your hand there for a few more seconds, letting his tension ebb and his anticipation rise, before you finally shifted your hips and pressed the head of your <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>strap-on<<else>>cock<</if>> against your paramour's rosebud.
He was not used to this, that much was obvious, but it was equally obvious his body was built for it. He tightened up for several seconds, the muscles in his shoulders going tense as you pressed your front against his back. The silken material of the dress rubbed up against you, teasing your movements onward.
Finally, he forced himself to relax and you felt the first four inches of <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>the thick dildo<<else>>your cock<</if>> slip into him as though he had been made for you. Judging by the way his head tilted back and his full-throated moan rang in your ears, he pretty much was.
<<nm $phDamien "Oh //fuck//! That...That can't...mmmm! It's huge, $phYou.firstname!">>
You couldn't help but laugh at that, rocking your hips to let another inch disappear into that warm, tight hole. Just to show him there was so much more waiting for him. His moan died in his throat, his voice turning to a squeak as his stance spread wider.
<<nm $phYou "...More?">>
<<nm $phDamien "Oh please, yes! More, please!">>
Despite his enthusiasm, you gave him a few seconds to get used to you. Your hands ran up his sides, enjoying the soft but fit curve of his body. He still had his muscle beneath all that soft skin, you could feel some of them at this very moment milking your <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>silicone <</if>>cock hard, but he'd be causing confused pronouns for the rest of his life.
Finally, you moved. You kept it slow, rocking your hips in a gentle pattern, allowing just a little bit more of your length to enter him each time. Damien never stiffened up again, however. He was tight, and hot, and welcoming, and it was all you could do to not hilt yourself in his ass the moment you could. No, you wouldn't break him that way. You had better ways to earn his surrender.
<<nm $phYou "Mmm. You feel that, Damien? That's a cock in your pretty ass...and it is pretty. You're dolled up like a sweet sissy slut, and you love it, don't you? Isn't this exactly what you've always wanted but been too afraid to run after?">>
Damien made a mewling sound low in his throat. He didn't speak, just nodded enthusiastically to every word you spoke. You leaned in, dropping your voice to an urgent whisper in his ear.
<<nm $phYou "You know this won't be the last time, right? Certainly not the last from me. No, you'll bend over anything I want you to, won't you? Yes, you will, and I'll make use of that, I promise you. But there'll be more. When you've awakened to what you are, you'll never feel shame about it again. No more long nights. No more burning hours on the weight bench to get muscles you don't need. You're going to be a sissy slut, and proud of it.">>
He moaned, closing his eyes. His face was scrunched with orgasmic bliss as you finally thrust the last of <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>the toy<<else>>your cock<</if>> into him and began to fuck him against the wall in earnest. The sound of your hips slapping against his ass filled the room, the only competing noise to your relentless barrage of words. You struggled to contain yourself. <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>This brand new sissy was already moaning and basking in your attention in a way that sent heat through your clit, and every push forward pressed the toy back against you in a way that threatened to erode your select control. You began to thrust faster, unable to help yourself.<<else>>He was already learning how to squeeze and relax his inner muscles to pleasure your shaft, and every second loosened him up to allow you to thrust harder and faster.<</if>>
<<nm $phYou "Proud and available. You're going to be the gym's new pretty mascot, you know that? I'm never going to let anyone hurt you ever again, but I'll let anyone use you who wants to. You won't complain. You'll enjoy an endless string of hot, muscular bodies pressing up against you. They'll control every move you make. You're going to cause cocks to harden every time you prance around the place. You're going to make every girl tingle to think about your sissy face buried between their legs. You'll love every minute of it. You're free, Damien.<br><br>No, not Damien. That doesn't suit you anymore. You won't hide your sissy cock, sweetie, but I think you need a new name. I think I'll call you...">>
You trailed off, leaning into his ear again. He was tense, quivering, and you knew you had him right on the edge of bliss. You could see an odd glow around his mouth, a greenish hue that made your stomach rumble with anticipation. You let your teeth graze along his earlobe, teasingly, before you finally spoke the word<<if $phYou.firstname is 'Dana'>>, and christened him after yourself<</if>>.
<<nm $phYou "...Dana. That will be your name.">>
You could feel the impact of the word run through his body. His head tilted back, his hands clawed the wallpaper, and his mouth opened wide in a silent, orgasmic cry. As it opened, that little green firefly emerged from his throat, hovering in the air before his eyes. He stared up at it in confused fascination.
Until you plucked it out of the air. At that point, his eyes flashed with red light, rolled back, and he came all over the wall.
Poor @@.choice;[[Boy.|DamienSissyTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 5]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 5>><<set $phSoulCount += 1>><<Transform $phDamien "sissy">><<nm $phDamien "So...She gave you a job transforming people, and cut you loose on all of us?">>
You were lying in bed, still feeling the warm afterglow of multiple orgasms combined with the taste of the soulgem still lingering on your tongue. Dana was curled at your side, his head resting on your chest as the pair of you recovered from the several additional times you'd gone at it //and// the mutual shower (interrupted, of course, by one more round in between). You fought to keep your eyes open. Your bed was dangerously comfortable at the best of times. When you were actually exhausted, it was a deathtrap of deep sleep.
<<nm $phYou "More or less, yes. I started building after that, looking for people who were ready for a change. People like you, for instance.">>
Dana tucked a stray lock of long hair behind his ear, nuzzling up against your chest. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.
<<nm $phDamien "...That should upset me, but it doesn't. It really doesn't. I can't remember at all why I was even worried. All I want to do is stare at myself in a mirror until someone comes along to fuck me...What happens now? I can stay here, right? I mean, not //here// here, but...at the gym? In the tower?">>
<<nm $phYou "Of course. You're part of the team now, Dana. You're going to be here as long as you like. I want you strutting your stuff all around the gym, making sure anyone who has any questions about themselves gets an answer in a hurry. You're going to cause a lot of confused hard-ons and strangely dominant thoughts...and that'll help bring in more energy to the tower.">>
<<nm $phDamien "That you'll use to change people? Like me?">>
You nodded, looking down at him curiously. The cutely feminine face scrunched up for a moment in deep thought...and then he finally pushed away from you, the sheets sliding off his hairless chest as he sat up.
<<nm $phDamien "...Okay then! No time to waste, $pMistress. If you're going to help more people like you helped me, then I'm going to do everything //I// can to help //you//. Give me the night to get situated and I'll start helping out in the morning.">>
You must have looked surprised, because he flushed a dark crimson and shrugged his shoulders, his voice soft but emphatic. He hopped out of bed and turned toward you, his sissy clit hard again but less than imposing.
<<nm $phDamien "No reason to wait. I've spent my whole life waiting. I'm done with all of that. So much time wasted, $pMistress! If that's what you want me doing, I'm going to do it, and I'm going to love every second of it, and //fuck// anyone who thinks otherwise! <br><br>Ah...sorry if that's...too much?">>
You sat up in turn, swinging your legs off the side of the bed. You rested an elbow on your knee and your chin in your hand as you looked at the blushing boy.
<<nm $phYou "...You know. I hadn't actually commanded you to call me '$pMistress' just yet.">>
That drew another blush, and a shy pawing at the ground with one foot.
<<nm $phDamien "I know, but...may I, $pmaam?">>
You laughed, hard, and stood up, pulling Dana into a long, lingering kiss. When it finally broke the young man's long eyelashes were fluttering and he was almost swaying from side to side.
<<nm $phYou "Go. Handle whatever you need to. I want you back here in the morning. There's going to be a lot of customers that could use the motivation.">>
He actually saluted, his palm facing outward before he dissolved into contented giggling. He grabbed up his pink dress from the floor, throwing it over his head as he headed down to the door, not a moment's hesitation on his face at wearing it out in public.
You watched him go, smiling to yourself. You hadn't been quite sure where Damien would end up but it seemed, in the end, he was going to be right where he belonged. You made a mental note to check in on him in the morning and see how he was getting on.
In the meantime, though, you still had an evening of work to do. There were more souls in the world to collect, and more fantasies like his to fulfill.
You couldn't @@.choice;[[Wait.|Bedroom]]@@
@@.narrative;A New Cheerleader Unlocked At The Gym! Minimum and Maximum Management Caps Increased By 25%!<<set $phLocations['Gym'].manageMin += .25>><<set $phLocations['Gym'].manageMax += .25>>
Soul Gem Obtained (Total Soulgems: $phSoulCount)!@@
<<set _rewardType to 'Sex'>><<set _sex to 'dom'>><<include "Rewards">><</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 0>><<nm $phYou "Actually, I'm glad I ran into you, Damien. I was hoping you might help me out with a little something.">>
<<nm $phDamien "Of course! What do you need? Couple of boxes moved in a backroom or something?">>
<<nm $phYou "Nothing like that. Stay right there a second, I'll be right back.">>
You walked up to the counter and then around behind it. The simulacra smiled at you pleasantly and made no move to interfere as you fished out one of the two packages of special protein shakes...and got yourself a milkshake for the road, while you were at it. You returned to Damien and set the plastic package down on the table.
<<nm $phDamien "Oh? What's this?">>
<<nm $phYou "This is a new product we've been looking at. You go through our shakes more than anyone, so I thought you'd be a great candidate to do a taste test for me and tell me what you think.">>
Damien looked intrigued, pulling the box over close to him and peering down at the labeling. He cocked his head to one side, then looks up at your with curiosity.
<<nm $phDamien "I thought I knew all the major labels, but I don't recognize this one. Lazren Ranch? Kind of an odd one, you're sure it's safe?">>
<<nm $phYou "Absolutely. I wouldn't give it to you if I didn't. They say it'll make a new man out of you.">>
Damien looked up at you for confirmation, studied the label for a few more seconds, then finally twisted off the cap. You thought you saw a flash of something when the seal broke. A flicker of dim light that might have been imaginary. Damien lifted the open bottle to his nose and sniffed.
<<nm $phDamien "Well, it //smells// good at the very least. Alright, for science, yeah? Down the hatch!">>
Despite his vocal enthusiasm, his sip was timid. Then his eyes went wide and he tilted the bottle back for a longer gulp. You saw the effect immediately. The dull glow around him that had brought him to your attention intensified, and you would almost swear the curve of his arms was more pronounced now than a few seconds ago. Damien finished off the bottle without removing it from his lips, then seemed surprised to find it empty in his hands.
<<nm $phDamien "Wow! Okay, I'm sold! I don't know where this is coming from, but it has my seal of approval. I've //never// had a shake that tasted this good, much less a healthy one. You gotta let me know where I can buy them.">>
<<nm $phYou "I'll give you all you can handle, believe me. I'd love to see the effect it has...ah, on your workout, I mean. Take the whole package, and come back when you've gone dry, okay?">>
<<nm $phDamien "Don't have to tell me twice! Thanks, $phYou.firstname! I, ah, I'll just have a second one for the road and I'll let you know later in the week how I'm doing.">>
He slipped another bottle out of the package, then gathered the remainder up under his arm, still in the plastic. You nodded and waved cheerfully as he exited the store, already twisting off the cap to his second bottle.
You had a feeling you were going to see him again very soon for another fill up. It would be a lovely bit of anticipation for the rest of the workday.
Milkshake in hand, you @@.choice;[[Return To The Shopping Center.|DamienBullTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 1]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 1>><<set $phTime +=1>><<set $phLocation to "Bedroom">><<if $phSamantha.transform is 'bimbo'>><<nm $phSamantha "$pMistress! Someone's here for you!">>
Sammy's voice burst through the intercom on your desk. You frowned at it, and then at the clock. You could have sworn you had just sat down to do a little paperwork, but the hour hand had mysteriously advanced a couple of notches when you weren't looking. You yawned and stretched cramped muscles, leaning over to press the transmit button.
<<nm $phYou "<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>Mr.<<else>>Miss<</if>> $phYou.firstname when we've got company, Sammy. Who is it?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Oh! Sorry $pMistress, I, like, totally keep forgetting. Mmm, he says his name is Damien and that you were holding something for him? It's okay if you're busy, I can keep him entertained!">>
Her voice was eager, even through the tinny sounding intercom. You grinned at that, and actually debated letting Sammy keep him occupied for a while. You decided against it, though. If the poor boy was already here, he was likely feeling the effects of your magic. You weren't entirely sure even Sammy would distract him much.
<<nm $phYou "I see. Give me sixty seconds, then send him in, okay?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Yes, $pMistress! I will!">><</if>><<if $phSamantha.transform is 'futa'>><<nm $phSamantha "<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>Mr.<<else>>Miss<</if>> $phYou.firstname? You have a guest here to see you.">>
Samantha's voice came through the intercom on your desk. You frowned at it, and then at the clock. You could have sworn you had just sat down to do a little paperwork, but the hour hand had mysteriously advanced a couple of hours when you weren't looking. You yawned and stretched cramped muscles, leaning over to press the transmit button.
<<nm $phYou "I'm here. Who is it, Sam?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "A very interesting young man who says his name is Damien. He says that you were holding something for him, <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>sir<<else>>ma'am<</if>>. He seems very...anxious for it. Would you like me to send him on or should I keep him tied up for a little while?">>
Her voice was eager, even through the tinny sounding intercom. You grinned at that, and actually debated letting Samantha have him for a little while. You decided against it, though. If the poor boy was already here, he was likely feeling the effects of your magic. You weren't entirely sure even Samantha would distract him much.
<<nm $phYou "No need. Give me sixty seconds, then send him in, okay?">>
<<nm $phSamantha "Of course, <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>Mr.<<else>>Miss<</if>> $phYou.firstname.">><</if>>
You stood, stretched, and moved into the palatial kitchen to grab the second package of milk bottles. You paused in the foyer and looked around. Where exactly did you want to do this? The dining room would make sense with the bottles, but you weren't serving a meal. You could meet him here at the door, but it would be fairly awkward to stand and talk with the package in your hands.
A memory flicked across your mind and you found yourself abruptly grinning. Yes, that would be perfect. You turned and took the stairs two at a time back toward your bedroom. You didn't have very long to prepare!
You nearly didn't make it. You had just barely gotten things arranged when you heard the front door open. There was a silent pause and you felt the grin return to your face. You remembered exactly how out of place the opulent suite had seemed when you first arrived.
<<nm $phDamien "Um...Hello?">>
The voice echoed up from below, hesitant and halting. You said nothing, but kept your eyes on the bedroom door. You'd left it ajar as an obvious invitation. Footsteps sounded quietly on the stairs and stopped just outside the doorway. There was another moment of silent uncertainty and you swore you heard a deep breath.
Finally, the door swung @@.choice;[[Open.|DamienBullTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 2]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 2>>@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Damien/Mobile/DamienBull1.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Damien/DamienBull1.png]]</picture>@@
Damien stepped slowly into the room, and you had to catch your breath. He was still wearing the workout clothes that he had left in, but they hung on him completely differently. The once short, slender man was at least six inches taller and his muscles strained the limit of his tank top. It didn't even reach to his waist any longer. The white fabric was also tight enough to let you count every muscle of his abs, and there were many. He carried one of the empty protein bottles with him.
He stopped as suddenly as he had entered and his eyes turned saucer plate. You heard a crunch as he reflexively tensed his hand and the plastic bottle crumpled between his digits. There was a good reason for his reaction, since you had just set up in the bed and allowed the sheets to fall down to your waist.
It probably also helped that you were entirely nude.
<<nm $phYou "Good evening, Damien. My, that was fast. I wasn't expecting to see you again for at least a day or two.">>
You kept your tone lazily confident, as if there was nothing at all odd about him staring at your bare <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>chest<<else>>tits<</if>>. You idly wondered if Lazren had tossed //her// clothes in a heap in the bathroom when she'd given you this treatment. Probably not, but you had to admit it was way more amusing on this side. Damien was staring for several seconds before his brain seemed to kick into gear and he moved his eyes up.<<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>Well, that settled whether his interest in you was purely platonic or not.<</if>>
<<nm $phDamien "T-This is...a dream! You...you aren't...you aren't human, so...">>
That set you back for a moment, but you recovered quickly. Apparently, even one set of drinks had changed him enough to see you for what you really were. Just like you, he had stumbled head first into a demon trying to seduce him.
Imitation something something flattery.
<<nm $phYou "Oh, I'm real enough. I am very interested in //your// dreams though. Look at you. Isn't this what you wanted? Stronger, taller, harder?">>
Damien looked down at himself as if seeing himself for the first time. He flexed his right hand slowly, apparently enthralled by the motions of the muscles up his arm. When he looked up at you, it was with a mixture of disbelief and growing hope.
<<nm $phDamien "How?">>
<<nm $phYou "I could explain, if you like. I could show you around the place, introduce you to my associates, and tell you everything. Eventually, you'd come around and I'd give you the rest of the protein milk. We'd both very much enjoy watching you finish bulking up.<br><br>Or....">>
You gave him your best sultry smile and raised your eyebrows at him.
<<nm $phYou "We could just say 'fuck it', I tell you I'm <<if $phYou.form is 'male'>>an incubus<<else>>a succubus<</if>>, you drink the milk right now, and we save the explaining for after we've finished some exercise.">>
Damien stared at you, wide-eyed, for so long you half-expected him to actually demand the tour and explanation now. You were just figuring out how you could stand up and get dressed while keeping your dignity when he broke into an abrupt grin and laughed. He turned and walked beside the bed, looking down at you with a new energy in his eyes. He picked up the pack of bottles from the nightstand, and made short work of the plastic wrapping.
<<nm $phDamien "...Fuck it. I probably wouldn't understand it anyway.">>
He was probably right, but that was okay. He @@.choice;[[Didn't Need To.|DamienBullTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 3]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 3>>By the time the third empty bottle joined it brethren beside the bed, Damien's tank top was about ready to tear, so tight against his body that the shoulder straps were indenting his shoulders. He wobbled and caught the bedpost with one hand, gasping.
<<nm $phDamien "Fuck! This feels...mmm. I feel...so...">>
<<nm $phYou "...Strong? Well, don't look now, but I think you might have more of that feeling on the way.">>
Damien gave you a confused look, and you nodded toward the bedpost. He finally realized that the solid wood was fractured around his fingers, which had sunk in at least an inch. He jerked his hand back, astonished, leaving a hand-shaped depression in the surface.
<<nm $phDamien "Holy fuck! Fuck, sorry, I...uh...I...may I?">>
You nodded, and the big man extended his hand again, getting a grip on the rounded top of the bedpost. He twisted, once, and the head of the post snapped off like it was no more sturdy than a toothpick. A slow, awed smiled lit up Damien's face.
<<nm $phYou "You'll have to be a //little// more careful with the girls these days, I think. Not //too// gentle, though.">>
<<nm $phDamien "Fuck! Yes, yes! Christ! That didn't...that wasn't anything! I feel like I could bench a car!">>
Damien laughed, gleefully. He held the broken post for a long second, a little of that awkward young man back in his stance as he looked for somewhere to put it before finally bending to set it beside the bed. As he did, his tank top ripped along his back, opening a fracture from his shoulder blade to just above his opposite hip.
<<nm $phYou "Oh! A little more gentle on the clothes, too. If you're planning to finish your protein, I don't think they're lasting much longer.">>
He laughed, again, looking down at himself and his ludicrously undersized outfit. He looked at you speculatively for a long second, shrugged, and grabbed hold of the material in both hands. He yanked, hard.
The clothes had no chance at all. The room echoed with the resounding @@.choice;[[Rip!|DamienBullTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 4]]@@
<</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 4>>@@.image;<picture><source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="Assets/Characters/Damien/Mobile/DamienBull2.png">[img[Assets/Characters/Damien/DamienBull2.png]]</picture>@@
What remained of his clothes was in shredded piles on either side of the bed. Damien loomed over you like a Roman statue, pushing at least six and a half feet tall by now. He was also built like a tank, and his biceps rippled pleasantly with every little motion of his arms.
And his cock. You hadn't seen Damien's shaft before the transformation, but you would have bet every cent that it had grown just as substantially. <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>It was longer than any natural human you had ever seen, and thicker all the way down to the heavy balls that swung beneath.<<else>>It was easily as long as yours, but thicker all the way down to the heavy balls that swung beneath.<</if>> You had a sudden mental image of being held up during sex by nothing but his cock alone. The idea didn't seem as outlandish as it should have.
He noticed you looking. The smile that broke across his face was one you'd never seen out of the man. It was confident, at ease, and wholly in command of the situation. He reached down with one hand to grip the base of his shaft, stroking up and down a few times as he flexed his other arm to make the muscles of his bicep bulge.
<<nm $phDamien "Like what you see, $phDamien.address? Everything you hoped?">>
You snorted and reached forward, wrapping your hand around his shaft just above his hand. He gasped in surprised and let go, which you nearly did yourself. His cock was rock-hard, not bending in the slightest from the pressure of your hand. You could barely close your fingers all the way around it and you swore you could feel his heart thundering in the hot flesh.
<<if $phYou.form is 'female'>><<nm $phYou "Don't get too cocky, sweet. You're still going to be working under me, if all goes well. I assure you that there are plenty of ways for me to give as well as take.">>
You let him think about that for a while, smiling. Then you @@.choice;[[Drew Back The Blanket|DamienBullTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 5]]@@<<else>><<nm $phYou "Don't get too cocky, sweet. You're still going to be working under me, if all goes well. You're also not the only one in this office who can give it as well as they take.">>
He was ready. Time to show him what was @@.choice;[[Under The Sheet|DamienBullTransformation][$phDamien.trans_counter to 5]].
<</if>><</if>><<if $phDamien.trans_counter is 5>>You shifted on the bed, kneeling along the side. Your head still barely came up to his neck even though he was standing on the carpet and you were kneeling on the mattress. The movement was enough to make the sheets fall, though,<<if $phYou.form is 'female'>> exposing your thighs. Damien's eyes tracked over your nude body and you felt him inhale sharply as his gaze locked between your legs. He gawked, for several seconds, before finally letting out a low chuckle.
<<nm $phDamien "I believe you, $phDamien.address. I suppose that's just fine with me. I've never really been the boss type.">>
<<else>>exposing your length. Damien's eyes tracked over your nude body and you felt him jump with surprise when he reached your erection. He gawked, for several seconds, before finally letting out a low chuckle.
<<nm $phDamien "So it seems, $phDamien.address. So it seems. I suppose that's just fine with me. I've never really been the boss type.">>
<</if>>You could swear you detected a bit of twang creeping into the rumbling vibrato tone. You began to pump your hand up and down, drawing a rumbling groan from the changing man. He blushed, the expression looking quite out of place on his expanded frame, but it was enough to show Damien was still in there.
After a second he stretched out his arm and <<if $phYou.form is 'female'>>slipped his fingers between your thighs. You threw a brief, worried look at the splintered bedpost, but his touch was remarkably gentle. He ran his forefinger up and down your slit, teasing you without ever pressing inside your body.<<else>>closed his fingers around your shaft. You threw a brief, worried look at the splintered bedpost, but his touch was