Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
,/% Stop AutoSkip from continuing %/
<<set $EndOfWeekSkipping = false>>
<<set $UseAllEnergy = false>>
<<if $Cash < 0>>
<is>(This is all unfinished, and is breaking the fourth wall.)</is>
<br>You've fallen into debt by failing to pay your upkeep or rent.
<br>Your cash is: <r>¤$Cash</r>
<br>Eventually, there will be a proper event here giving you a second chance - not an automatic game-over.
<br>Would you like to continue playing?
<br>[[Yes|Management][$Cash = 1000]]
<br><<cyclinglink "No" "Nope" "Nah" "No thanks" "Negative" "No way!" "Get me out of here!" "I want to quit!" "I want to get off the wild ride!" "Let this nightmare end!" "I want to go home..." "Just close the browser." end>>
<<if $EventCall>>
You've triggered <span id="spaceAct">
<<link "an event">>
<<goto Event>>
<</link>></span>! <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<u><span id="spaceAct">
<<link "Advance to Next Week">>
For each slave, check if any of them have a task set.
If any of them do, set EndOfWeekSkipping to true.
<<for _k = 1; _k < $SlaveCount+1; _k++>>
<<run console.log("Task for slave " + _k + ": " + $SlaveTask[_k])>>
<<if $SlaveEnergy[_k] > 0>>
<<run console.log("Slave " + _k + " has energy.")>>
<<if $SlaveTask[_k] != "none">>
<<run console.log("Slave " + _k + " has a task set.")>>
<<set $EndOfWeekSkipping = true>>
<<AutoSpend _k>>
<<if $PCTask != "none" && $PCEnergy > 0 and _k >= $SlaveCount+1>>
<<set $EndOfWeekSkipping = true>>
<<if $EndOfWeekSkipping == false>>
<<set $RandomEvent = Math.floor((Math.random()*100)+1)>>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $SlaveCount+1; _i++>>
<<set $SlaveEarningsMod[_i] = 1>>
<<goto "AdvanceWeek">>
<</link>></span></u> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<<if $AutoSkipped == true>>
<<if $SlaveCount > 0>>
<LSU>Manage Slaves</LSU>
/% Print the current slaves in a list. %/
<<for _i = 1; _i < $SlaveCount+1; _i++>>
<<print "[[" + $SlaveName[_i] + "|Slave][$ManagedSlave = " + _i + "]]">>
<<set $SlaveTaskOptions = { "None" : "none", "Strip": "ProDance" }>>
<<if $SlaveSub[_i] > $HandSub>>
<<set $SlaveTaskOptions["Hand"] = "ProHand">>
<<if $SlaveTits[_i] >= $TitfuckTitSize && ($SlaveID[_i] != 2)>>
<<set $SlaveTaskOptions["Titfuck"] = "ProTitfuck">>
<<if $SlaveSub[_i] > $OralSub>>
<<set $SlaveTaskOptions["Oral"] = "ProOral">>
<<if $SlaveSub[_i] > $SexSub>>
<<set $SlaveTaskOptions["Sex"] = "ProSex">>
<<if $SlaveSub[_i] > $AnalSub>>
<<set $SlaveTaskOptions["Anal"] = "ProAnal">>
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[_i]>>
<<set $SlaveTaskOptions["Dom"] = "ProDom">>
<<if _i == 2 && $EventsSeen.contains("FootUnlock")>>
<<set $SlaveTaskOptions["Foot"] = "ProFoot">>
<<set $SlaveListBoxName = "$SlaveTask[" + _i + "]">>
<<listbox $SlaveListBoxName autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom $SlaveTaskOptions>>
/% If the slave is already used, print a notice. %/
<<if $SlaveEnergy[_i] <= 0>>
<r>(No Energy)</r>
<<if $PCEnergy > 0>>
<br><LSU>Personal Actions</LSU>
<<set $PCTaskOptions = { "None" : "none", "Office Work": "PCMoney" }>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("PCHandjobEvent") && $GayContentEnabled>>
<<set $PCTaskOptions["Service Male Clients"] = "PCPro">>
<<set $PCListBoxName = "$PCTask">>
<<listbox $PCListBoxName autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom $PCTaskOptions>>
$InspectSelfText = "Inspect yourself.",
$InspectSelfToolTip = "Take a look at yourself, view your stats, and make changes to your appearance."
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("SissyHypno6") && !$EventsSeen.contains("SissyHypno7") && $PCLegs !== "shaved">>
<<set $InspectSelfUpkeepText = "<piss>You can choose to shave your legs in here.</piss>">>
<<set $InspectSelfUpkeepText = "">>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/SelfView.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$InspectSelfToolTip</span><<print $InspectSelfText>></a>" SelfView>><</link>>$InspectSelfUpkeepText
/% Paperwork %/
$PCMoneyText = [
"Do paperwork.",
"Work in the office.",
"Tend to the bookkeeping.",
"Manage brothel affairs."
$PCMoneyTextPrint = $PCMoneyText.random(),
$PCMoneyToolTip = "Manage the brothel's affairs and make a little bit of money."
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/PCMoney.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$PCMoneyToolTip</span><<print $PCMoneyTextPrint>></a>" PCMoney>>
<<set $PCEnergy-->>
/% Male Service %/
$PCProText = ["Personally service a male client."],
$PCProTextPrint = $PCProText.random(),
$PCProToolTip = "Whore <i>yourself</i> out to men to make money."
<<if $SlaveCount > 0 && $EventsSeen.contains("PCHandjobEvent") && $GayContentEnabled>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/ServiceMaleClient.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$PCProToolTip</span><<print $PCProTextPrint>></a>" PCPro>>
<<set $PCEnergy-->>
/% Capture slave, if you have none do the first one, otherwise check if there's enough living space. %/
<<if $SlaveCount == 0>>
<<set $CaptureText = "Find and capture your first slave.">>
<<set $CaptureText = "Capture a new slave.">>
$CaptureUpkeepText = "",
$CaptureToolTip = "Find and capture a new slave for the brothel."
<<if $FreeSpace <= 0>>
<<set $CaptureToolTip += "<br><r>Not enough empty rooms.</r>">>
<<if $SlaveCount < $MaxSlavesAvailable>>
<<if $FreeSpace > 0>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/Capture.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$CaptureToolTip</span><<print $CaptureText>></a>" SlaveCapture>>
<<set $PCEnergy-->>
<</link>> $CaptureUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Capture.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$CaptureToolTip</span><r>$CaptureText</r></a> $CaptureUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Capture.png>> You've captured all available slaves.
/% Capture a Drone %/
<<set $CaptureDroneText = "Capture a Drone.">>
<<if $DroneUnlock>>
<<if $Drone.FreeSpace > 0>>
<<link $CaptureDroneText Management>>
$Drone.FreeSpace = $Drone.Space - $Drone.Count,
<r>$CaptureDroneText</r> <is>(Not enough empty pods.)</is>
<br><LSU>Personal Upgrades</LSU>
/% BondageGear %/
<<set $BondageGearCost = 200 + ($BondageGearLevel * 300)>>
<<set $BondageGearUpkeepText = "">>
<<set $BondageGearToolTip = "Buying toys and equipment increases the rate at which slaves gain submissiveness, and unlocks new scenes.">>
<<if $Cash < $BondageGearCost>>
<<set $BondageGearToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<set $BondageGearText = "¤$BondageGearCost: ">>
<<switch $BondageGearLevel>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $BondageGearText += "Buy a starter's kit of <i>kinky</i> sex toys.">>
<<set $BondageGearToolTip += "The starter's kit includes things like blindfolds, ticklers, and candles.">>
<<case 1>>
<<set $BondageGearText += "Buy a set of basic bondage gear. ">>
<<set $BondageGearToolTip += "<br>The basic set includes things like rope, clamps, restraints, gags, and floggers.">>
<<case 2>>
<<set $BondageGearText += "Buy some <i>specialized</i> sex toys.">>
<<set $BondageGearToolTip += "<br>The <i>specialized</i> collection includes items such as various fetish-wear, tail plugs, leashes, and collars.">>
<<case 3>>
<<set $BondageGearText += "Buy a collection of advanced bondage gear.">>
<<set $BondageGearToolTip += "<br>The advanced collection includes the gear required for 'enhanced' bondage, such as whips, hoods, pumps, chastity gear, stretchers, and hooks.">>
<<case 4>>
<<set $BondageGearText += "Complete your collection of bondage gear, with the most extreme items.">>
<<set $BondageGearToolTip += "<br>The items needed to finish your collection include things such fucking machines, as the implements for sounding, electroshock, medical play, incasement, and long term hobbling.">>
<<if $BondageGearLevel < $BondageGearMaxLevel>>
<<if $Cash >= $BondageGearCost>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/BondageGear.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$BondageGearToolTip</span><<print $BondageGearText>></a>" Management>>
<<if !$OwnedItems.contains("KinkySexToys")>>
<<set $OwnedItems.push("KinkySexToys")>>
<<set $PC.BreakBonus.KinkySexToys = 5>>
<<elseif !$OwnedItems.contains("BasicBondageGear")>>
<<set $OwnedItems.push("BasicBondageGear")>>
<<set $PC.BreakBonus.BasicBondageGear = 5>>
<<elseif !$OwnedItems.contains("SpecializedKinkySexToys")>>
<<set $OwnedItems.push("SpecializedKinkySexToys")>>
<<set $PC.BreakBonus.SpecializedKinkySexToys = 5>>
<<elseif !$OwnedItems.contains("AdvancedBondageGear")>>
<<set $OwnedItems.push("AdvancedBondageGear")>>
<<set $PC.BreakBonus.AdvancedBondageGear = 10>>
<<elseif !$OwnedItems.contains("ExpertBondageGear")>>
<<set $OwnedItems.push("ExpertBondageGear")>>
<<set $PC.BreakBonus.ExpertBondageGear = 10>>
$Cash -= $BondageGearCost,
<br><<Icon /icons/BondageGear.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$BondageGearToolTip</span><r>$BondageGearText</r></a> $BondageGearUpkeepText
/% InfUpgrade %/
<<set $InfUpgradeCost = 200 + ($PCInf * 100)>>
<<set $InfUpgradeToolTip = "Increases your Influence, making it easier to break slaves by increasing the rate at which they gain Submissiveness.
<br>Higher Influence also unlocks new scenes, variants, and choices of a more <b>dominant</b> type.
<<if $Cash < $InfUpgradeCost>>
<<set $InfUpgradeToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<set $InfUpgradeText = "¤$InfUpgradeCost: ">>
<<set $InfUpgradeUpkeepText = "">>
<<if $PCInf == 1>>
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<set $InfUpgradeText += "Buy a collection of pretty, <pi>girly</pi> clothes that allow you to influence people easier.">>
<<set $InfUpgradeText += "Buy clothes that better reflect your status and power.">>
<<elseif $PCInf == 2>>
<<set $InfUpgradeText += "Inject yourself with nanites that'll make you appear more trustworthy.">>
<<elseif $PCInf == 3>>
<<set $InfUpgradeText += "Buy a set of basic bondage gear.">>
<<elseif $PCInf == 4>>
<<set $InfUpgradeText += "Acquire an aura of influence through the use of engineered pheromones.">>
<<elseif $PCInf == 5>>
<<set $InfUpgradeText += "Expand your collection of bondage gear with more 'advanced' equipment, and install a dedicated <i>dungeon</i>-room.">>
<<elseif $PCInf == 6>>
<<set $InfUpgradeText += "Buy new pheromones to further improve your aura of influence.">>
<<elseif $PCInf == 7>>
<<set $InfUpgradeText += "Buy the gear required for 'enhanced' discipline.">>
<<elseif $PCInf == 8>>
<<set $InfUpgradeText += "Take a lesson in the art of domination.">>
<<elseif $PCInf == 9>>
<<set $InfUpgradeText += "Complete your collection of bondage gear with the most extreme items.">>
<<elseif $PCInf >= 10>>
<<set $InfUpgradeText += "Continue improving your influence.">>
<<set $InfUpgradeToolTip += "<br><iss>(You've reached the highest type of Influence - more Influence still helps breaking slaves faster.)</iss>">>
<<if $Cash >= $InfUpgradeCost>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/InfUpgrade.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$InfUpgradeToolTip</span><<print $InfUpgradeText>></a>" Management>>
<<set $PCInf++, $Cash -= $InfUpgradeCost, $PCEnergy-->>
<</link>> $InfUpgradeUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/InfUpgrade.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$InfUpgradeToolTip</span><r>$InfUpgradeText</r></a> $InfUpgradeUpkeepText
/% Room %/
<<set $RoomCost = 250 + (1500 * $LivingSpace)>>
<<set $RoomIncome = 0>>
<<set $RoomUpkeep = 0>>
<<set $RoomText = "¤$RoomCost: Create additional slave quarters.">>
<<set $RoomUpkeepText = "">>
<<set $RoomToolTip = "More rooms allows you to house additional slaves.">>
<<if $Cash < $RoomCost>>
<<set $RoomToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if !$Facilities.contains("Bar") || !$Staff.contains("Bartender")>>
<<set $RoomToolTip += "<br><r>(You should renovate the Bar and hire a Bartender before creating any more rooms.)</r>">>
<<if $LivingSpace < $MaxSlavesAvailable>>
<<if $Cash >= $RoomCost && $Facilities.contains("Bar") && $Staff.contains("Bartender")>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/Room.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$RoomToolTip</span><<print $RoomText>></a>" Management>>
$Income += $RoomIncome,
$Upkeep += $RoomUpkeep,
$Cash -= $RoomCost,
<</link>> $RoomUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Room.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$RoomToolTip</span><r>$RoomText</r></a> $RoomUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Room.png>> You've got enough rooms for all available slaves.
/% Drone Room %/
<<set $DroneRoomCost = 190 + 10 * Math.pow($Drone.Space, 2)>>
<<set $DroneRoomText = "Install a Drone pod.">>
<<set $DroneRoomToolTip = "Allows you to capture and convert additional drones.">>
<<if $Cash < $DroneRoomCost>>
<<set $DroneRoomToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if $DroneUnlock>>
<<if $Cash >= $DroneRoomCost>>
<br>¤$DroneRoomCost: <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$DroneRoomToolTip</span>[[$DroneRoomText|Management][$Drone.Space++, $Cash -= $DroneRoomCost, $Drone.FreeSpace = $Drone.Space - $Drone.Count, $PCEnergy -= 1]]</a>
<br>¤$DroneRoomCost: <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$DroneRoomToolTip</span><r>$DroneRoomText</r></a>
/% Viewing Booth %/
<<set $ViewingBoothCost = (100 + (200 * $ViewingBoothCount))>>
<<set $ViewingBoothIncome = 20>>
<<set $ViewingBoothUpkeep = 0>>
<<set $ViewingBoothText = "¤$ViewingBoothCost: ">>
<<set $ViewingBoothUpkeepText = "<is>(<gr>Extra income: ¤$ViewingBoothIncome</gr> per booth)</is>">>
<<if $ViewingBoothCount < 1>>
<<set $ViewingBoothText += "Install a viewing booth.">>
<<set $ViewingBoothText += "Install another viewing booth.">>
<<if $ViewingBoothUpgrades.includes("Gloryhole")>>
<<set $ViewingBoothIncome += 3>>
<<for $i = 1; $i < $SlaveCount+1; $i++>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$i] >= $HandSub>>
<<set $ViewingBoothIncome += 1>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$i] >= $OralSub>>
<<set $ViewingBoothIncome += 1>>
<<if $SlaveTits[$i] >= $TitfuckTitSize>>
<<set $ViewingBoothIncome += 1>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$i] >= $SexSub>>
<<set $ViewingBoothIncome += 2>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$i] >= $AnalSub>>
<<set $ViewingBoothIncome += 2>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$i] >= $PissSub>>
<<set $ViewingBoothIncome += 3>>
/% Retroactively add income to previously purchased Viewing Booths %/
<<if $ViewingBoothIncomeTotal < (($ViewingBoothIncome*$ViewingBoothCount) + $ViewingBoothIncomeBonus)>>
<<set $Income += ($ViewingBoothIncome*$ViewingBoothCount) - $ViewingBoothIncomeTotal>>
<<set $ViewingBoothIncomeTotal = ($ViewingBoothIncome*$ViewingBoothCount)>>
<<set $ViewingBoothToolTip =
"Private booths where customers pay to watch both recordings and live-feeds from the brothel.
<br>Income is increased for every task beyond stripping unlocked for each slave."
<<if $ViewingBoothUpgrades.includes("Gloryhole")>>
<<set $ViewingBoothToolTip += "<br>Each booth comes with a lockable gloryhole, and the user can signal if they wish to use it.">>
<<if $Cash < $ViewingBoothCost>>
<<set $ViewingBoothToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if $ViewingBoothIncomeTotal > 0>>
<<set $ViewingBoothToolTip += "<br><is>(Total income from Viewing Booths: <gr>¤$ViewingBoothIncomeTotal</gr>)</is>">>
<<if $ViewingBoothUnlocked == false>>
<<set $ViewingBoothToolTip += "<br><r>(Requires at least one slave willing to give handjobs.)
<br>(Otherwise, there is nothing worthwhile to record and play back.)</r>">>
<<if $Cash >= $ViewingBoothCost>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/ViewingBooth.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$ViewingBoothToolTip</span><<print $ViewingBoothText>></a>" Management>>
$ViewingBoothIncomeTotal += $ViewingBoothIncome,
$Income += $ViewingBoothIncome,
$Upkeep += $ViewingBoothUpkeep,
$Cash -= $ViewingBoothCost,
<<if $ViewingBoothCount == 1>>
<<EventCallSet "ViewingBoothIntro">>
<<goto Event>>
<</link>> $ViewingBoothUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/ViewingBooth.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$ViewingBoothToolTip</span><r>$ViewingBoothText</r></a> $ViewingBoothUpkeepText
/% Bar %/
<<set $BarCost = 500>>
<<set $BarIncome = 25>>
<<set $BarUpkeep = 0>>
<<set $BarEnergyIncrease = 0>>
<<set $BarText = "¤$BarCost: Refurbish the Bar.">>
<<set $BarUpkeepText = "<is>(<gr>Extra income: ¤$BarIncome</gr>)</is>">>
<<set $BarPurchasedText = "You've refurbished the <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$BarToolTip</span><msg>Bar</msg></a>. $BarUpkeepText">>
<<set $BarToolTip = "The Bar increases your weekly income by <gr>¤$BarIncome</gr>.">>
<<if $Cash < $BarCost>>
<<set $BarToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if !$Facilities.contains("Bar")>>
<<if $Cash >= $BarCost>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/Bar.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$BarToolTip</span><<print $BarText>></a>" Management>>
$Cash -= $BarCost,
$Income += $BarIncome,
$Upkeep += $BarUpkeep,
<<set $Facilities.push("Bar")>>
<</link>> $BarUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Bar.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$BarToolTip</span><r>$BarText</r></a> $BarUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Bar.png>> $BarPurchasedText
/% Spa %/
<<set $SpaCost = 1225>>
<<set $SpaIncome = 0>>
<<set $SpaUpkeep = 25>>
<<set $SpaEnergyIncrease = 2>>
<<set $SpaText = "¤$SpaCost: Install a spa for your slaves.">>
<<set $SpaUpkeepText = "<is>(<r>Upkeep: ¤$SpaUpkeep</r>)</is>">>
<<set $SpaToolTip = "The Spa gives your slaves $SpaEnergyIncrease extra energy.">>
<<if $Cash < $SpaCost>>
<<set $SpaToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if $Facilities.contains("Spa") == false>>
<<if $Cash >= $SpaCost>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/Spa.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$SpaToolTip</span><<print $SpaText>></a>" Management>>
$SlaveEnergyMod += $SpaEnergyIncrease,
$Cash -= $SpaCost,
$Income += $SpaIncome,
$Upkeep += $SpaUpkeep,
<<set $Facilities.push("Spa")>>
<</link>> $SpaUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Spa.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$SpaToolTip</span><r>$SpaText</r></a> $SpaUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Spa.png>> You've installed the <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$SpaToolTip</span><msg>Spa</msg></a>. $SpaUpkeepText
/% Kitchen %/
<<set $KitchenCost = 900>>
<<set $KitchenIncome = 0>>
<<set $KitchenUpkeep = 20>>
<<set $KitchenEnergyIncrease = 2>>
<<set $KitchenText = "¤$KitchenCost: Repair and renovate the kitchen.">>
<<set $KitchenUpkeepText = "<is>(<r>Upkeep: ¤$KitchenUpkeep</r>)</is>">>
<<set $KitchenToolTip = "Having a working kitchen increases your personal Energy by $KitchenEnergyIncrease per week.">>
<<if $Cash < $KitchenCost>>
<<set $KitchenToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if $Facilities.contains("Kitchen") == false>>
<<if $Cash >= $KitchenCost>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/Kitchen.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$KitchenToolTip</span><<print $KitchenText>></a>" Management>>
$PCEnergyMod += $KitchenEnergyIncrease,
$Cash -= $KitchenCost,
$Income += $KitchenIncome,
$Upkeep += $KitchenUpkeep,
<<set $Facilities.push("Kitchen")>>
<</link>> $KitchenUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Kitchen.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$KitchenToolTip</span><r>$KitchenText</r></a> $KitchenUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Kitchen.png>> You've renovated and repaired the <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$KitchenToolTip</span><msg>Kitchen</msg></a>. $KitchenUpkeepText
/% Robotic Operating Suite aka Surgery %/
<<set $SurgeryCost = 4000>>
<<set $SurgeryIncome = 0>>
<<set $SurgeryUpkeep = 40>>
<<set $SurgeryText = "¤$SurgeryCost: Install a Robotic Operating Suite.">>
<<set $SurgeryUpkeepText = "<is>(<r>Upkeep: ¤$SurgeryUpkeep</r>)</is>">>
<<set $SurgeryToolTip = "The Robotic Operating Suite enables new types of surgery and enhancements for you and your slaves.">>
<<if $Cash < $SurgeryCost>>
<<set $SurgeryToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if $Facilities.contains("Robotic Operating Suite") == false>>
<<if $Cash >= $SurgeryCost>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/Surgery.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$SurgeryToolTip</span><<print $SurgeryText>></a>" Management>>
$Cash -= $SurgeryCost,
$Income += $SurgeryIncome,
$Upkeep += $SurgeryUpkeep,
<<set $Facilities.push("Robotic Operating Suite")>>
<</link>> $SurgeryUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Surgery.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$SurgeryToolTip</span><r>$SurgeryText</r></a> $SurgeryUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Surgery.png>> You've installed a <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$SurgeryToolTip</span><msg>Robotic Operating Suite</msg></a>. $SurgeryUpkeepText
/% Dungeon %/
<<set $DungeonCost = 8000>>
<<set $DungeonIncome = 400>>
<<set $DungeonUpkeep = 0>>
<<set $DungeonText = "¤$DungeonCost: Install a bondage dungeon in the brothel.">>
<<set $DungeonUpkeepText = "<is>(<gr>Extra income: ¤$DungeonIncome</gr>)</is>">>
<<set $DungeonToolTip = "
A space exclusively for BDSM and kink play, for use by both clients and yourself.
<br>The Dungeon increases the rate at which slaves gain submissiveness, and unlocks new scenes.
<br>It also generates an income of <gr>¤$DungeonIncome</gr> per week.
<<if $Cash < $DungeonCost>>
<<set $DungeonToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if $BondageGearLevel == $BondageGearMaxLevel>>
<<if !$Facilities.contains("Dungeon")>>
<<if $Cash >= $DungeonCost>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/Dungeon.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$DungeonToolTip</span><<print $DungeonText>></a>" Management>>
$PC.BreakBonus.Dungeon = 15,
$Cash -= $DungeonCost,
$Income += $DungeonIncome,
$Upkeep += $DungeonUpkeep,
<<set $Facilities.push("Dungeon")>>
<</link>> $DungeonUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Dungeon.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$DungeonToolTip</span><r>$DungeonText</r></a> $DungeonUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Dungeon.png>> You've installed the <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$DungeonToolTip</span><msg>Dungeon</msg></a>. $DungeonUpkeepText
/% Bruce %/
<<set $BruceCost = 10>>
<<set $BruceUpkeep = 400>>
<<set $BruceIncome = 0>>
<<set $BruceEnergyIncrease = 1>>
<<set $BruceText = "¤$BruceCost: Hire Bruce to work as a bouncer for your brothel.">>
<<set $BruceUpkeepText = "<is>(<r>Upkeep: ¤$BruceUpkeep</r>)</is>">>
<<set $BruceToolTip = "Bruce works as a bouncer and security guard, protecting your brothel from outside threats.">>
<<if $Cash < $BruceCost>>
<<set $BruceToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if !$Staff.contains("Bruce") && $EventsSeen.contains("BruceBeerNoHire")>>
<<if $Cash >= $BruceCost>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/Bruce.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$BruceToolTip</span><<print $BruceText>></a>" Management>>
$Cash -= $BruceCost,
$Income += $BruceIncome,
$Upkeep += $BruceUpkeep,
<<set $Staff.push("Bruce")>>
<</link>> $BruceUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Bruce.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$BruceToolTip</span><r>$BruceText</r></a> $BruceUpkeepText
<<elseif $Staff.contains("Bruce")>>
<br><<Icon /icons/Bruce.png>> You've hired <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$BruceToolTip</span><msg>Bruce</msg></a>. $BruceUpkeepText
/% Chef %/
<<set $ChefCost = 2400>>
<<set $ChefUpkeep = 100>>
<<set $ChefEnergyIncrease = 1>>
<<set $ChefText = "¤$ChefCost: Hire a personal chef to work in the kitchen.">>
<<set $ChefTextNoKitchen = "<br><r>(You need a working kitchen before you can hire a chef.)</r>">>
<<set $ChefToolTip = "The Chef increases your personal Energy by $ChefEnergyIncrease per week.">>
<<set $ChefUpkeepText = "<is>(<r>Upkeep: ¤$ChefUpkeep</r>)</is>">>
<<if !$Facilities.contains("Kitchen")>>
<<set $ChefToolTip += $ChefTextNoKitchen>>
<<if $Cash < $ChefCost>>
<<set $ChefToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if !$Staff.contains("Chef")>>
<<if $Cash >= $ChefCost && $Facilities.contains("Kitchen")>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/Chef.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$ChefToolTip</span><<print $ChefText>></a>" Management>>
$Cash -= $ChefCost,
$PCEnergyMod += $ChefEnergyIncrease,
$Upkeep += $ChefUpkeep
<<set $Staff.push("Chef")>>
<</link>> $ChefUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Chef.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$ChefToolTip</span><r>$ChefText</r></a> $ChefUpkeepText
<<elseif $Staff.contains("Chef")>>
<br><<Icon /icons/Chef.png>> You've hired a personal <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$ChefToolTip</span><msg>Chef</msg></a>. $ChefUpkeepText
/% Assistant %/
<<set $AssistantCost = 500>>
<<set $AssistantUpkeep = 25>>
<<set $AssistantEnergyIncrease = 1>>
<<set $AssistantText = "¤$AssistantCost: Hire a personal assistant to make your work easier.">>
<<set $AssistantToolTip = "The Assistant increases your personal Energy by $AssistantEnergyIncrease per week.">>
<<set $AssistantUpkeepText = "<is>(<r>Upkeep: ¤$AssistantUpkeep</r>)</is>">>
<<if $Cash < $AssistantCost>>
<<set $AssistantToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if !$Staff.contains("Assistant")>>
<<if $Cash >= $AssistantCost>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/Assistant.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$AssistantToolTip</span><<print $AssistantText>></a>" Management>>
<<set $Cash -= $AssistantCost, $PCEnergy--, $PCEnergyMod += $AssistantEnergyIncrease, $Upkeep += $AssistantUpkeep>>
<<set $Staff.push("Assistant")>>
<</link>> $AssistantUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Assistant.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$AssistantToolTip</span><r>$AssistantText</r></a> $AssistantUpkeepText
<<elseif $Staff.contains("Assistant")>>
<br><<Icon /icons/Assistant.png>> You've hired Kate, the <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$AssistantToolTip</span><msg>Assistant</msg></a>. $AssistantUpkeepText
/% Bartender %/
<<set $BartenderCost = 900>>
<<set $BartenderIncome = 25>>
<<set $BartenderUpkeep = 0>>
<<set $BartenderText = "¤$BartenderCost: Hire a Bartender to work in the Bar.">>
<<set $BartenderToolTip = "The Bartender increases your weekly income by <gr>¤$BartenderIncome</gr>.">>
<<set $BartenderTextNoBar = "<br><r>(You need to refurbish the Bar before you can hire a Bartender.)</r>">>
<<set $BartenderPurchasedText = "You've hired Jordan, the <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$BartenderToolTip</span><msg>Bartender</msg></a>. $BartenderUpkeepText">>
<<set $BartenderUpkeepText = "<is>(<gr>Extra income: ¤$BartenderIncome</gr>)</is>">>
<<if !$Facilities.contains("Bar")>>
<<set $BartenderToolTip += $BartenderTextNoBar>>
<<if $Cash < $BartenderCost>>
<<set $BartenderToolTip += "<br><r>(Not enough cash.)</r>">>
<<if !$Staff.contains("Bartender")>>
<<if $Cash >= $BartenderCost && $Facilities.contains("Bar")>>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/Bartender.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$BartenderToolTip</span><<print $BartenderText>></a>">>
$Cash -= $BartenderCost,
$Income += $BartenderIncome,
$Upkeep += $BartenderUpkeep,
<<set $Staff.push("Bartender")>>
<<set $EventCall = "MeetingJordan">>
<<goto Event>>
<</link>> $BartenderUpkeepText
<br><<Icon /icons/Bartender.png>> <a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$BartenderToolTip</span><r>$BartenderText</r></a> $BartenderUpkeepText
<<elseif $Staff.contains("Bartender")>>
<br><<Icon /icons/Bartender.png>> $BartenderPurchasedText
<smaller>Mouse-over options to see what they do.</smaller>
<br><LSU>Personal Actions</LSU>
<br><<link "<<Icon /icons/SelfView.png>> <a class=\"tooltipPassage\"><span>$InspectSelfToolTip</span><<print $InspectSelfText>></a>" SelfView>><</link>> $InspectSelfUpkeepText
<br><r>You don't have enough Energy to do anything else.</r>
<<if $Debug == 1>>
<is>(Force an event)</is>
<br><<textbox "$EventCall" false "Event">>
<br>Seen Events: $EventsSeen
<</if>>/% Public vs Private Release %/
<<set $PublicRelease = true>>
/% Max Number of Available Slaves %/
<<set $MaxSlavesAvailable = 4>>
/% Number of numbered Sissy Hypno Scenes available %/
<<set $SissyHypnoSceneCount = 14>>
/% Dice %/
<<set $D = []>>
/% Images %/
<<if $PublicRelease == false>>
<<set $ImgDir = "C:\\Twine\\Whoremaker\\images\\">>
<<set $ImgDir = "images/">>
/% Options %/
<<set $DebugPasswordEntered = "Enter password.">>
<<set $DebugPassword = "whoremaker">>
<<if $PublicRelease == false>>
<<set $Debug = 1>>
<<set $DebugUnlocked = 1>>
<<set $Debug = 0>>
<<set $DebugUnlocked = 0>>
<<set $GapePicturesEnabled = 1>>
<<set $InvertColors = -1>>
<<set $GayContentEnabled = true>>
<<set $HypnoContentEnabled = true>>
<<set $PissContentEnabled = true>>
<<set $EnemaContentEnabled = true>>
/% AutoSkip %/
<<if $PublicRelease == false>>
<<set $AutoSkip = true>>
<<set $AutoSkip = false>>
<<set $AutoSkipped = false>>
<<set $UseAllEnergy = false>>
<<set $EndOfWeekSkipping = false>>
/% For Display %/
<<set $CashDiff = 0>>
<<set $PCSubDiff = 0>>
/% Facilities, Staff, and Items %/
<<set $LivingSpace = 1>>
<<set $SlaveCount = 0>>
<<set $FreeSpace = $LivingSpace - $SlaveCount>>
<<set $Facilities = []>>
<<set $Staff = []>>
<<set $OwnedItems = []>>
<<set $ViewingBoothCount = 0>>
<<set $ViewingBoothUpgrades = []>>
<<set $BondageGearLevel = 0>>
<<set $BondageGearMaxLevel = 5>>
<<set $Drone = {
Space: 0,
Count: 0,
FreeSpace: 0
<<set $Drone.FreeSpace = $Drone.Space - $Drone.Count>>
/% Advance Week %/
<<set $Week = 1>>
<<set $YearWeek = $Week>>
<<set $Month = "January">>
<<set $Year = 1>>
<<set $Season = "Winter">>
/% Rent %/
<<set $RentWeek = 8>>
<<set $RentRate = 50>>
<<set $FirstRentCost = $RentRate * $RentWeek>>
<<set $RentCost = $FirstRentCost>>
/% Random Events %/
<<set $RandomEvent = 0>>
<<set $RandomEventChance = 80>>
/% Events %/
<<set $EventsSeen = []>>
<<set $EventId = "">>
<<set $SpecialClientList = []>> /% Unused %/
<<set $PCProEventWeek = 4>>
<<set $MetBruce = false>>
/% Money %/
<<set $Income = 0>>
<<set $Upkeep = 0>>
<<set $Cash = 400>>
<<set $Debt = 30000>>
<<set $WeekCash = []>>
<<set $ViewingBoothIncomeTotal = 0>>
/% Size Thresholds %/
<<set $HugeAssetSize = 9>>
<<set $LargeAssetSize = 6>>
<<set $SmallAssetSize = 3>>
<<set $TinyAssetSize = 2>>
/% Asshole Status %/
<<set $AssholeStatus1 = 3>>
<<set $AssholeStatus2 = 6>>
<<set $AssholeStatus3 = 9>>
<<set $AssholeStatus4 = 12>>
/% PC Stats %/
<<set $PC = {}>>
<<set $PC.BreakBonus = {}>>
<<set $PC.BreakBonus.Base = 100>>
<<set $PC.Traits = []>>
<<set $PCEnergyMax = 4>>
<<set $PCEnergyMod = 0>>
<<set $PCEnergyBonus = 0>>
<<set $PCEnergy = $PCEnergyMax + $PCEnergyMod>>
<<set $PCInf = 1>>
<<set $PCSub = 0>>
<<set $PCFem = 0>>
<<set $PCFemUnlock = 0>>
<<set $PCDildoed = false>>
<<set $PCAnalFucked = false>>
<<set $PCRim = false>>
<<set $PCRimmed = false>>
<<set $PCProCount = 0>>
<<set $PCCockSize = 6>>
<<set $PCTitsSize = 0>>
<<set $PCAssSize = 0>>
<<set $PCInfLow = 3>>
<<set $PCInfMed = 5>>
<<set $PCInfHigh = 9>>
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber = 1>>
$PCLegs = "hairy",
$PCLegsFem = 0,
$PCBody = "hairy",
$PCFace = "bearded",
$PCMakeup = "none",
$PCTits = "manly",
$PCAsshole = 0
/% List of all slave tasks %/
<<set $TaskList = ["Dance", "Hand", "Titfuck", "Oral", "Sex", "Anal", "Dom", "Foot"]>>
/% List of all skills %/
<<set $SkillList = ["Dance", "Hand", "Oral", "Sex", "Anal", "Dom"]>>
/% Set up SKILLTrainSkill, SKILLTrainBase, SKILLTrainMod %/
<<for _i = 0; _i < $SkillList.length; _i++>>
<<set _Skill = $SkillList[_i]>>
<<set _TrainSkill = "TrainSkill">>
<<set _TrainSkillBase = "TrainSkillBase">>
<<set _TrainSkillMod = "TrainSkillMod">>
<<set variables()[_Skill + _TrainSkill] = 1>>
<<set variables()[_Skill + _TrainSkillBase] = 1>>
<<set variables()[_Skill + _TrainSkillMod] = []>>
<<set $PCTextColor = "PCMale">>
<<set $BruceAvatarDir = "staff\\Bruce.jpg">>
<<set $PCInfToolTip = "Your Influence is a measure of how charismatic you are, your ability to control conversations, and how easily you can control people.
<br>Higher influence makes it easier to break slaves.
<br>It also unlocks new scenes and new choices of a more <b>dominant</b> type.">>
<<set $PCSubToolTip = "Your Submissiveness indicates how easily you are dominated or forced into doing things.
<br>A high score will unlock submissive options in scenes, and sometimes force them on you.">>
<<set $PCFemToolTip = "Your Femininity gauges your girliness, especially in regards to your physical appearance.
<br>(It does not measure your sexual orientation.)">>
/% >one: Handjobs, One: Handjobs, Two: Blowjobs, Three: Customary Blowjobs - ???%/
<<set $PCSubStatus = {
one: 50,
hand: 50,
blowjob: 100,
two: 100,
three: 200,
four: 250,
five: 350,
anal: 350,
six: 500,
seven: 800,
eight: 1200
/% PCInfluence %/
<<set $PCInfStatus = {
nanites: 2,
aura1: 4,
aura2: 7,
domlesson: 9
/% Names %/
<<set $Name = "Alex">>
<<set $Surname = "Surname">>
<<set $SisterName = "Cassie">>
<<set $Cassandra = "Cassandra">>
<<set $Cassie = "Cassie">>
<<set $Rebecca = "Rebecca">>
<<set $Becca = "Becca">>
<<set $Lambrose = "Lambrose">>
<<set $RebeccaAge = 20>>
<<set $Ellinor = "Ellinor">>
<<set $Elli = "Elli">>
<<set $Dyer = "Dyer">>
<<set $EllinorAge = 18>>
<<set $Daniel = "Daniel">>
<<set $Danny = "Danny">>
<<set $Isabella = "Isabella">>
<<set $Bella = "Bella">>
<<set $BellaSurname = "?">>
<<set $Naomi = "Naomi">>
<<set $NaomiSurname = "?">>
<<set $Mark = "Mark">>
<<set $Carl = "Carl">>
<<set $Reyes = "Reyes">>
<<set $CarlCockSize = 6>>
<<set $CarlAge = 27>>
<<set $Bruce = "Bruce">>
<<set $BruceCockSize = 8>>
<<set $Kate = "Kate">>
<<set $Katie = "Katie">>
<<set $Harlowe = "Harlowe">>
<<set $KateAge = 36>>
<<set $Assistant = "Kate">>
<<set $AssistantAlt = "Katie">>
<<set $Jordan = "Jordan">>
<<set $Jo = "Jo">>
<<set $JordanCockSize = 9>>
/% What broken slaves call you %/
<<set $Master = "Master">>
/% Slaves %/
<<set $SubEffect = 0>>
/% Thresholds %/
<<set $DanceSub = 0>>
<<set $HandSub = 100>>
<<set $TitfuckSub = 150>>
<<set $OralSub = 250>>
<<set $SexSub = 450>>
<<set $AnalSub = 750>>
<<set $PissSub = 1500>>
<<set $TitfuckTitSize = 4>>
<<set $AnalingusAssSize = 5>>
/% Slave Creation %/
<<set $ManagedSlave = 1>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyMod = 0>>
<<set $SlaveNumber = []>>
<<set $SlaveID = []>>
<<set $SlaveCock = []>>
<<set $SlaveName = []>>
<<set $SlaveSub = []>>
<<set $SlaveDom = []>>
<<set $SlaveTits = []>>
<<set $SlaveAss = []>>
<<set $SlavePussy = []>>
<<set $SlaveLips = []>>
<<set $SlaveNipples = []>>
<<set $SlaveNipplesExtra = []>>
<<set $SlaveOral = []>>
<<set $SlaveAnal = []>>
<<set $SlaveSex = []>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyMax = []>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy = []>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyBonus = []>>
<<set $SlaveTitfuck = []>>
<<set $SlaveOther = []>>
<<set $SlaveEarningsMod = []>>
<<set $SlaveDance = []>>
<<set $SlaveHand = []>>
<<set $SlaveBeautyMod = []>>
<<set $SlaveBeautyModBonus = []>>
<<set $SlaveNickname = []>>
<<set $SlaveIsDominant = []>>
<<set $SlaveItems = []>>
<<set $SlaveTask = []>>
/% Differences for AutoSkip %/
<<set $SlaveSubDiff = []>>
<<set $SlaveDanceDiff = []>>
<<set $SlaveHandDiff = []>>
<<set $SlaveOralDiff = []>>
<<set $SlaveSexDiff = []>>
<<set $SlaveAnalDiff = []>>
<<set $SlaveDomDiff = []>>
<<set $CashDiff = $Cash>>
/% Preferences for slave interactions %/
<<set $SlavePersonalHandEnabled = []>>
<<set $SlavePersonalOralEnabled = []>>
<<set $SlavePersonalVaginalEnabled = []>>
<<set $SlavePersonalAnalEnabled = []>>
<<set $SlavePersonalPissEnabled = []>>
<<set $SlaveHandEnabled = []>>
<<set $SlaveOralEnabled = []>>
<<set $SlaveVaginalEnabled = []>>
<<set $SlaveAnalEnabled = []>>
<<set $SlavePissEnabled = []>>
/% Create Assistant Slave stats %/
<<set $AssiSlave = -1>>
<<set $ThisSlave = $AssiSlave>>
<<CreateSlave "Assistant" $Assistant 4 4 "trimmed" 100 4 1 1 1 3 0 false 2 "pierced" -1 0 1 1 1 "Katie" 0 "">>
<<set $ThisSlave = $ThisSlave + 1>>
/% Run Synonym Widgets to avoid setters being empty %/
/% CockSizeDesc %/
/% Cock Base %/
<<set $CockSizeDescBase = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i <= 25; _i++>>
<<set $CockSizeDescBase[_i] = []>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "mini" 0>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "miniature" 0>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "minuscule" 0>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "insignificant" 0>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "clit-like" 0>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "petite" 0 1>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "tiny" 0 1>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "small" 1 2 3>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "little" 0 1 2>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "short" 1 2 3>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "below-average" 2 3>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "modest" 4>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "average" 4 5>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "normal-sized" 4 5>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "normal" 5>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "above-average" 6 7>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "big" 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "long" 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "fat" 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "girthy" 7 8 9 10>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "thick" 7 8 9 10>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "massive" 10 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "giant" 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "huge" 8 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "mammoth" 10 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "lengthy" 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "gigantic" 10 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "large" 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescBase "monstrous" 11>>
/% Cock Flavor %/
<<set $CockSizeDescFlavor = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i <= 25; _i++>>
<<set $CockSizeDescFlavor[_i] = []>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "itty-bitty" 0>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "piddling" 0>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "teensy" 0>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "teeny" 0>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "puny" 0 1>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "cute" 0 1 2>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "adorable" 0 1 2>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "worthless" 0>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "pathetic" 0 1>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "insignificant" 0 1>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "regular" 5>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "substantial" 6 7 8>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "impressive" 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "overwhelming" 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "beefy" 7 8 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "amazing" 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "meaty" 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescFlavor "god-like" 11>>
/% Cock Alt %/
<<set $CockSizeDescAlt = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i <= 25; _i++>>
<<set $CockSizeDescAlt[_i] = []>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "embarrassingly" 0 1 2>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "quite embarrassingly" 3 4>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "pathetically" 0 1>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "adorably" 0 1 2 3>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "pitifully" 0 1 2 3>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "rather" 5>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "quite" 5>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "respectably" 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "very" 2 9 10>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "extremely" 0 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "impressively" 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "enticingly" 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "inhumanly" 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "truly" 0 1 10 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "undeniably" 0 1 10 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "tremendously" 8 9 10>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "outrageously" 8 9 10>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "obscenely" 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "ridiculously" 11>>
<<AssembleCockDescAlt "incredibly" 1 10>>
/% TitsSizeDesc %/
/% Cups %/
$TitsCupDesc = {
0: [ "A-cup"]
, 1: [ "A-cup" ]
, 2: [ "B-cup" ]
, 3: [ "B-cup" ]
, 4: [ "C-cup" ]
, 5: [ "D-cup"]
, 6: [ "DD-cup" ]
, 7: [ "E-cup" ]
, 8: [ "F-cup" ]
, 9: [ "G-cup" ]
, 10: [ "H-cup" ]
, 11: [ "I-cup" ]
/% Tits Base %/
<<set $TitsSizeDescBase = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i <= 25; _i++>>
<<set $TitsSizeDescBase[_i] = []>>
/% The numbers after the "word" represent which TitSize they show up for. %/
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "tiny" 0>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "little" 0 1 2>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "petite" 0 1 2 3>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "youthful" 2 3 4>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "tiny" 0 1>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "small" 1 2 3>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "big" 5 6 7>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "great" 6 7 8>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "enormous" 8 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "massive" 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "giant" 9 10>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "huge" 8 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "gigantic" 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescBase "large" 5 6 7>>
/% Tits Flavor %/
/% Flavor are more rare words to use %/
<<set $TitsSizeDescFlavor = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i <= 25; _i++>>
<<set $TitsSizeDescFlavor[_i] = []>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "girlish" 0 1>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "fat" 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "adorable" 0 1 2>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "neat" 0 1 2>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "precious" 0 1 2 3>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "pert" 1 2 3>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "cute" 1 2 3 4>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "round" 3 4 5 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "pendulous" 8 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "plump" 5 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "heavy" 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "heaving" 8 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "firm" 1 2 3 4>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "perky" 1 2 3 4>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "bouncy" 4 5 6>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "delectable" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "hypnotic" 6 7 8 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "gorgeous" 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "beautiful" 5 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "pretty" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "pillowy" 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "perfect" 4 5 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "wonderful" 6 7 8 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "impressive" 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "incredible" 6 7 8 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "amazing" 6 7 8 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "mind-blowing" 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "magnificent" 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "tremendous" 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "marvelous" 7 8 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescFlavor "first-class" 10 11>>
/% Tits Alt %/
/% Sometimes Alt descriptions with adjectivs are used instead %/
<<set $TitsSizeDescAlt = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i <= 25; _i++>>
<<set $TitsSizeDescAlt[_i] = []>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "adorably" 0 1 2>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "wonderfully" 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "impressively" 6 7 8 9>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "truly" 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "beyond" 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "quite" 3 4 5>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "overwhelmingly" 9 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "tremendously" 10 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "absolutely" 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "outrageously" 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "gloriously" 11>>
<<AssembleTitsDescAlt "pleasingly" 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11>>/% Utility %/
<<widget Roll>>
/% args - 0 = die count, 1 = stat. Go through each number in die count. %/
<<set $D = []>>
<<set $RollTotal = 0>>
<<set _c = $args[0]>>
<<for _c; _c > 0; _c-->>
/% Generate a number between 1 and 6 %/
<<set $D[_c] = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1)>>
/% Add the number to the total %/
<<set $RollTotal += $D[_c]>>
<<widget InvertColors>>
<<if $InvertColors == 1>>
<<addclass "body" "inverted">>
<<addclass "html" "inverted">>
<<addclass "#ui-dialog-body" "inverted">>
<<elseif $InvertColors == -1>>
<<removeclass "body" "inverted">>
<<removeclass "html" "inverted">>
<<removeclass "#ui-dialog-body" "inverted">>
/% Costs %/
<<widget SetLipsCost>>
<<set $LipsCost = 30 + 30 * Math.pow($SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave]+$args[0], 2)>>
<<widget SetTitsCost>>
<<set $TitsCost = 50 + 50 * Math.pow($SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]+$args[0], 2)>>
<<widget SetAssCost>>
<<set $AssCost = 50 + 50 * Math.pow($SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]+$args[0], 2)>>
/% Print Shortcuts %/
<<widget s>><<if $args[0] != 1>><<print "s">><</if>><</widget>>
<<widget NotSub>>
<is>(Not submissive enough.)</is>
<<widget TitsTooSmall>>
<is>($SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s <<Tits>> are too small.)</is>
<<widget NoPCEnergy>>
<<if $PCEnergy < 1>><is>(You don't have enough energy.)</is><</if>>
<<widget BeautyModExplanation>>
<<print "BeautyMod: " + $BeautyMod + " (( Tits*0.3 + Ass*0.3 + Lips*0.2 + (SlaveSub/100)*0.2 ) * 4)">>
/% Scene Parts %/
<<widget GoBackUp>>
<<set $GoBackUp = false>>
<<timed 40ms>>
<<if !$GoBackUp>>
if ($("body").height() > $(window).height()) {
Wikifier.setValue("$GoBackUp", "true");
<<if $GoBackUp>>
<right><<link "Go back up ▲">>
<<widget GoBackUpRepeat>>
<<replace "#GoBackUp">>
<<widget NewScene>>
<<timed 40ms>>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains($EventId)>>
<<replace "#NewScene">>
<grs>New Scene!</grs><hr>
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventId)>>
<<widget Conditionals>>
<<set $OwnBar = ($Facilities.contains("Bar"))>>
/% Allow for bad memory %/
<<set $BruceBouncer = ($Staff.contains("Bruce"))>>
<<set $BruceHired = ($Staff.contains("Bruce"))>>
<<set $OwnBruce = ($Staff.contains("Bruce"))>>
<<set $OwnBouncer = ($Staff.contains("Bruce"))>>
<<set $OwnAssistant = ($Staff.contains("Assistant"))>>
<<set $OwnBartender = ($Staff.contains("Bartender"))>>
<<set $OwnChef = ($Staff.contains("Chef"))>>
<<set $OwnBar = ($Facilities.contains("Bar"))>>
<<set $OwnSpa = ($Facilities.contains("Spa"))>>
/% Create checks for all SissyHypno scenes %/
<<for _i = 1; _i <= $SissyHypnoSceneCount; _i++>>
<<= "<<set $SeenSissyHypno" + _i + " = ($EventsSeen.contains(\"SissyHypno" + _i + "\"))>>">>
/% 5 = Panties %/
/% 6 = Cosmetics, Lingerie, Shave Legs - The one after accepting panties
6 = Going down the Sissy path. %/
/% 10 = Hungry Cockslut %/
/% 12 = Likely first dildoing, possibly caught by Rebecca (SissyHypno12BothDominant) %/
<<set $BruceMasc = ($EventsSeen.contains("BruceMasc1"))>>
<<set $BruceSissy = ($EventsSeen.contains("BruceFirstFuck"))>>
<<set $PCGirly = ($PC.Traits.includes("Girly"))>>
<<set $PCVeryGirly = ($PC.Traits.includes("BraWearer"))>>
<<set $PCInfLow = ($PCInf < $PCInfStatus.nanites)>>
<<set $PCInfMed = (($PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.aura1) && ($PCInf < $PCInfStatus.aura2))>>
<<set $PCInfHigh = ($PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.domlesson)>>
/% Stats %/
$args[0] = ID
$args[1] = SlaveName
$args[2] = SlaveTits
$args[3] = SlaveAss
$args[4] = SlavePussy (string)
$args[5] = SlaveSub
$args[6] = SlaveLips
$args[7] = SlaveOral
$args[8] = SlaveAnal
$args[9] = SlaveSex
$args[10] = SlaveEnergyMax
$args[11] = SlaveEnergyBonus
$args[12] = SlaveTitfuck
$args[13] = SlaveNipples
$args[14] = SlaveNipplesExtra (string)
$args[15] = SlaveCock
$args[16] = SlaveDom
$args[17] = SlaveEarningsMod
$args[18] = SlaveDance
$args[19] = SlaveHand
$args[20] = SlaveNickname
$args[21] = SlaveBeautyModBonus
$args[22] = SlaveItems
<<widget CreateSlave>>
$SlaveNumber[$ThisSlave] = $ThisSlave,
$SlaveID[$ThisSlave] = $args[0],
$SlaveName[$ThisSlave] = $args[1],
$SlaveTits[$ThisSlave] = $args[2],
$SlaveAss[$ThisSlave] = $args[3],
$SlavePussy[$ThisSlave] = $args[4],
$SlaveSub[$ThisSlave] = $args[5],
$SlaveLips[$ThisSlave] = $args[6],
$SlaveOral[$ThisSlave] = $args[7],
$SlaveAnal[$ThisSlave] = $args[8],
$SlaveSex[$ThisSlave] = $args[9],
$SlaveEnergyMax[$ThisSlave] = $args[10],
$SlaveEnergy[$ThisSlave] = $SlaveEnergyMax[$ThisSlave]+$SlaveEnergyMod,
$SlaveEnergyBonus[$ThisSlave] = $args[11],
$SlaveTitfuck[$ThisSlave] = $args[12],
$SlaveNipples[$ThisSlave] = $args[13],
$SlaveNipplesExtra[$ThisSlave] = [$args[14]],
$SlaveCock[$ThisSlave] = $args[15],
$SlaveDom[$ThisSlave] = $args[16],
$SlaveEarningsMod[$ThisSlave] = $args[17],
$SlaveDance[$ThisSlave] = $args[18],
$SlaveHand[$ThisSlave] = $args[19],
$SlaveNickname[$ThisSlave] = $args[20],
$SlaveBeautyModBonus[$ThisSlave] = $args[21],
$SlaveItems[$ThisSlave] = []
/% Set SlaveTask to "none" as default. No need to have options for this per slave. %/
<<set $SlaveTask[$ThisSlave] = "none">>
/% Set up to display differences in values after automatic tasks. %/
$SlaveSubDiff[$ThisSlave] = $SlaveSub[$ThisSlave],
$SlaveDanceDiff[$ThisSlave] = $SlaveDance[$ThisSlave],
$SlaveHandDiff[$ThisSlave] = $SlaveHand[$ThisSlave],
$SlaveOralDiff[$ThisSlave] = $SlaveOral[$ThisSlave],
$SlaveSexDiff[$ThisSlave] = $SlaveSex[$ThisSlave],
$SlaveAnalDiff[$ThisSlave] = $SlaveAnal[$ThisSlave],
$SlaveDomDiff[$ThisSlave] = $SlaveDom[$ThisSlave]
<<set $SlaveBeautyMod[$ThisSlave] = 0.5>>
/% Enable all options by default %/
<<set $SlavePersonalHandEnabled[$ThisSlave] = true>>
<<set $SlavePersonalOralEnabled[$ThisSlave] = true>>
<<set $SlavePersonalVaginalEnabled[$ThisSlave] = true>>
<<set $SlavePersonalAnalEnabled[$ThisSlave] = true>>
<<set $SlavePersonalPissEnabled[$ThisSlave] = true>>
<<set $SlaveHandEnabled[$ThisSlave] = true>>
<<set $SlaveOralEnabled[$ThisSlave] = true>>
<<set $SlaveVaginalEnabled[$ThisSlave] = true>>
<<set $SlaveAnalEnabled[$ThisSlave] = true>>
<<set $SlavePissEnabled[$ThisSlave] = true>>
/% SlaveIsDominant to false, for Rebecca. %/
<<set $SlaveIsDominant[$ThisSlave] = false>>
BeautyMod is a weighted average of SlaveTits, SlaveAss, and SlaveLips.
All weights are currently equal at *0.3, meaning everything is equally important.
BeautyMod cannot be lower than 0.5.
args[0] Roll/Base Input
args[1] SkillFactor
args[2] Base Skill Value
(Roll + SkillFactor) * Base Value * SlaveEarningsMod * TaskCashMod
<<widget SetEarnings>>
/% arg0 = floor value, arg1 = value2, arg2 = multiplier (Base Value). %/
/% (arg0 + arg1) * arg2 | times between 0.75-1.25 %/
<<if $ManagedSlave == undefined || $ManagedSlave == 0 || $ManagedSlave == null>>
<<set $ManagedSlave = 1>>
<<set $TaskCashMod = (Math.random() * (1.25 - 0.75)) + 0.75>>
<<set $Earnings = Math.round(($args[0] + $args[1]) * $args[2] * $SlaveEarningsMod[$ManagedSlave] * $TaskCashMod)>>
<<widget SetEarningsPC>>
<<if $ManagedSlave == undefined || $ManagedSlave == 0 || $ManagedSlave == null>>
<<set $ManagedSlave = 1>>
<<set $TaskCashMod = (Math.random() * (1.25 - 0.75)) + 0.75>>
<<set $Earnings = Math.round(($args[0] + $args[1]) * $args[2] * $TaskCashMod)>>
<<widget Earnings>>
$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] earned <gr>¤$Earnings cash.</gr>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<<widget SetPCSubGain>>
<<set $PCSubGain = Math.round($args[0]/$args[1])>>
<<set $PCSub += $PCSubGain>>
<<widget PCSubGain>>
<<print "<b>" + $PCSubGain + " points</b>">>
<<widget SubGain>>
/% arg0 = print type; slave %/
/% Set _RandFloor to 1 if args1 isn't used, otherwise set it to args1 %/
<<set _RandFloorDefault = 1>>
<<set _RandFloor = $args[1] ? $args[1] : _RandFloorDefault>>
/% Set _RandRoof to 5 if args2 isn't used, otherwise set it to args2 %/
<<set _RandRoofDefault = 5>>
<<set _RandRoof = $args[2] ? $args[2] : _RandRoofDefault>>
/% Set multiplier, if $SubGainMultiplier is set %/
<<set _RandMultiplier = $SubGainMultiplier ? $SubGainMultiplier : 1>>
/% SubEffect = random(floor, roof) * PCBreakMod * RandMultiplier %/
/% #### $PCInf should be removed from here later %/
<<set $PCBreakMod = (ReduceObject($PC, "BreakBonus") / 100) + ($PCInf / 10)>>
<<run console.log("<<SubGain>> - PCBReakMod: " + $PCBreakMod)>>
<<set $SubEffect = Math.round(random(_RandFloor, _RandRoof) * $PCBreakMod * _RandMultiplier)>>
<<set $SubEffect = Number($SubEffect.toFixed(2))>>
<<if $SubEffect > 0>>
<<set $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] += $SubEffect>>
<<set $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] = Number($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave].toFixed(2))>>
<<if $args[0] == "slave">>
<<if $SubEffect > 0>>
She became <b>$SubEffect point<<s $SubEffect>></b> more submissive <smaller>(now at $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave])</smaller>.
/% Unset SubGainMultiplier, as it should default to 1 if it's not set in the passage %/
<<unset $SubGainMultiplier>>
<<widget SetBeautyMod>>
<<if $ManagedSlave == undefined>>
<<set $ManagedSlave = 1>>
<<set $BeautyMod = Math.round((($SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]*0.3 + $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]*0.3 + $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave]*0.3)*1.5) + $SlaveBeautyModBonus[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<if $BeautyMod < 0.5>>
<<set $BeautyMod = 0.5>>
<<set $SlaveBeautyMod[$ManagedSlave] = $BeautyMod>>
<<widget SkillGain>>
/% arg0 "Skill", arg1 floor, arg2 roof, arg3 print true/false %/
<<set _SkillGain = $args[0]>>
<<set _TrainEffect = "TrainEffect">>
<<set _TrainSkill = "TrainSkill">>
/% Set _RandFloor to 1 if args1 isn't used, otherwise set it to args1 %/
<<set _RandFloorDefault = 1>>
<<set _RandFloor = $args[1] ? $args[1] : _RandFloorDefault>>
/% Set _RandRoof to 5 if args2 isn't used, otherwise set it to args2 %/
<<set _RandRoofDefault = 2>>
<<set _RandRoof = $args[2] ? $args[2] : _RandRoofDefault>>
<<set _Rand = random(_RandFloor,_RandRoof)>>
/% Random number between Floor and Roof, multiplied by Skill, divided by 10 %/
<<set variables()[_SkillGain + _TrainEffect] = (_Rand * variables()[_SkillGain + _TrainSkill]) / 100>>
<<print "<<set $Slave" + _SkillGain + "[$ManagedSlave] += variables()[_SkillGain + _TrainEffect]>>">>
<<print "<<set $Slave" + _SkillGain + "[$ManagedSlave] = Number($Slave" + _SkillGain + "[$ManagedSlave].toFixed(3))>>">>
/% SKILLTrainEffectPrint, for using the value outside of the widget %/
<<print "<<set $" + _SkillGain + "TrainEffectPrint = variables()[_SkillGain + _TrainEffect]>>">>
<<if $args[3]>>
/% Unset SkillGain as it's now been used, otherwise unset in SkillGainPrint %/
<<print "<<unset $" + _SkillGain + "TrainEffect>>">>
<<widget SkillGainPrint>>
/% Run through the list of skills, check to see which are set, print those. %/
<<for _i = 0; _i < $SkillList.length; _i++>>
<<set _Skill = $SkillList[_i]>>
<<set _TrainEffect = "TrainEffect">>
/% If something is set, print it. %/
<<if variables()[_Skill + _TrainEffect] != undefined && variables()[_Skill + _TrainEffect] > 0>>
She gained <b><<= variables()[_Skill + _TrainEffect]>> <<= _Skill>> Skill point<<s variables()[_Skill + _TrainEffect]>></b> <smaller>(now at <<= "$Slave" + _Skill + "[$ManagedSlave]">>)</smaller>.
/% Unset the variable, as it's now been used. %/
<<print "<<unset $" + _Skill + "TrainEffect>>">>
/% Events %/
<<widget PushEvent>>
<<if $args[0]>>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains($args[0])>>
<<set $EventsSeen.push($args[0])>>
<<timed 50ms>>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains($EventId)>>
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventId)>>
/% Slave Events %/
<<widget RandomSlaveEvent>>
<<set $RandomSlave = Math.floor((Math.random()*$SlaveCount+1))>>
<<set $ManagedSlave = $RandomSlave>>
<<if $RandomSlave == 1 && $SlaveTits[$RandomSlave] >= $HugeAssetSize>>
<<set $EventList.push("BreakfastWithCream")>>
<<if $RandomSlave == 1 && $SlaveIsDominant[$RandomSlave] && !$EventsSeen.contains("ViewingBoothGloryhole")>>
<<set $EventList.push("ViewingBoothGloryhole")>>
<<if $RandomSlave == 4 && $SlaveTits[$RandomSlave] > 5>>
<<set $EventList.push("BigBlackShowerTitties")>>
<<if $RandomSlave == 4 && $SlaveTits[$RandomSlave] > 5>>
<<set $EventList.push("BigBlackShowerTitties2")>>
<<if $SlavePussy[$RandomSlave] == "shaved" || $SlavePussy[$RandomSlave] == "trimmed">>
<<set $EventList.push("SlaveGrooming")>>
<<if $SlaveTits[$RandomSlave] > 3>>
<<set $EventList.push("SlaveLotionTits")>>
<<if $RandomSlave == 1 && $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] > $HandSub && !$EventsSeen.contains("SlaveLezdom")>>
<<set $EventList.push("SlaveLezdom")>>
<<if $RandomSlave == 1 && $EventsSeen.contains("SlaveLezdom") && !$EventsSeen.contains("SlaveLezdom2")>>
<<set $EventList.push("SlaveLezdom2")>>
<<if $RandomSlave == 1 && $EventsSeen.contains("SlaveLezdom") && !$EventsSeen.contains("ShemaleOnFemale2")>>
<<set $EventList.push("ShemaleOnFemale")>>
<<if $RandomSlave == 2 && $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] >= $AnalSub && !$EventsSeen.contains("FootUnlock")>>
<<set $EventList.push("FootUnlock")>>
<<if (Math.floor(Math.random()*100+1)) < 75>>
<<set $EventList.push("SlaveDinnerNice")>>
<<if $Facilities.contains("Spa")>>
<<set $EventList.push("PCMassage")>>
<<if random(1, 100) <= 75 && $SlaveSubTitfuck>>
<<set $EventList.push("SlaveMakesBreakfast")>>
<<if random(1, 100) <= 75 && $SlaveSubAnal>>
<<set $EventList.push("SlaveMakesBreakfast2")>>
<<set $EventList.push("RestaurantGloryhole")>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] < $AnalSub+500 && (random(1,2)) == 1>>
<<set $EventList.push("SlaveDefiance")>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] > $OralSub && (random(1,2) == 1) && $SlavePersonalOralEnabled[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $EventList.push("DeskBlowjob")>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] > $AnalSub && $PissContentEnabled == true>>
<<if random(1,100) <= 25>>
<<set $EventList.push("ToiletPiss")>>
<<set $ManagedSlave = $RandomSlave>>
<<widget EventCall>>
<<run console.log("EventCall Widget Start")>>
<<if passage() != "Event">>
<<run console.log("EventCall: Passage is not Event")>>
<<run console.log("EventCall: " + $EventCall)>>
<<if $SlaveTitfuck[$ManagedSlave] == false && $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] >= $TitfuckTitSize && $SlaveSubTitfuck>>
<<set $EventCall = "TitfuckUnlock">>
<<elseif passage() == "IncreaseAss" && $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == $AnalingusAssSize>>
<<set $EventCall = "AnalingusAssSize">>
<<elseif passage() == "Management" && $PCInf >= 10 && !$PC.Traits.includes("Charismatic") && !$EventsSeen.includes("Charismatic")>>
<<set $EventCall = "Charismatic">>
<<elseif $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $HandSub && !$EventsSeen.includes("HandjobUnlock" + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $EventCall = "HandjobUnlock">>
<<elseif $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $OralSub && !$EventsSeen.includes("BlowjobUnlock" + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $EventCall = "BlowjobUnlock">>
<<elseif $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $SexSub && !$EventsSeen.includes("SexUnlock" + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $EventCall = "SexUnlock">>
<<elseif $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $AnalSub && !$EventsSeen.includes("AnalUnlock" + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $EventCall = "AnalUnlock">>
<<elseif $Week == $PCProEventWeek && passage() == "AdvanceWeek">>
<<set $EventCall = "PCHandjobEvent">>
<<elseif $PCSub >= $PCSubStatus.two && $PCSub - $PCSubGain < $PCSubStatus.two && $PCProCount > 3 && !$EventsSeen.contains("PCBlowjobUnlock")>>
<<set $EventCall = "PCBlowjobUnlock">>
<<elseif $PCSub >= $PCSubStatus.two && !$EventsSeen.contains("PCBlowjobUnlock") && $PCProCount > 3>>
<<set $EventCall = "PCBlowjobUnlock">>
<<elseif $Week == ($RentWeek - 1) && !$EventsSeen.contains("FirstRent") && passage() == "AdvanceWeek">>
<<set $EventCall = "FirstRent" >>
<<elseif ($Week % $RentWeek == 0) && ($Week >= $RentWeek*4) && ($SlaveSub[1] >= $OralSub) && !$EventsSeen.contains("CarlBJ") && $EventsSeen.contains("FirstRent") && passage() == "AdvanceWeek">>
<<set $EventCall = "CarlBJ" >>
<<elseif ($Week % $RentWeek == 0) && ($Week >= $RentWeek*4) && ($EventsSeen.contains("PCBlowjobUnlock")) && !$EventsSeen.contains("CarlBJ") && $EventsSeen.contains("FirstRent") && passage() == "AdvanceWeek">>
<<set $EventCall = "CarlBJ" >>
<<run console.log("<<EventCall>> - $EventCall: " + $EventCall + "\n $EventName: " + $EventName + "")>>
<<set $EventName = $EventCall>>
<<run console.log("<<EventCall>> - $EventCall: " + $EventCall + "\n $EventName: " + $EventName + "")>>
<<widget EventCallSet>>
<<set $EventCall = $args[0]>>
<<set $EventName = $args[0]>>
/% Back Widgets %/
<<widget BackStandard>>
<<if passage() != "Event">>
<<run console.log("BackStandard Widget - EventCall triggered.")>>
/% Debug reasons %/
<<unset $EventCall>>
<<run console.log("BackStandard Widget - EventCall unset.")>>
<<if $EventCall>>
<<set $EventName = $EventCall>>
<<print "You've triggered <span id=\"spaceAct\">[[an event!|Event]]</span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>">>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<<if passage() == "SelfView">>
<u>[[Back to Management|Management]]</u>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<span id="spaceAct"><u>[[Back to Management|Management]]</u></span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<<widget BackAdvance>>
<span id="spaceAct"><u>[[Advance Week|AdvanceWeek]]</u></span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<<widget BackManagement>>
<span id="spaceAct"><u>[[Back to Management|Management]]</u></span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<<widget BackPCAction>>
<<if $PCSub >= $PCSubStatus.two && !$EventsSeen.contains("PCBlowjobUnlock") && $PCProCount > 3>>
<<EventCallSet PCBlowjobUnlock>>
You've triggered an [[Event]]!
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<<if $EndOfWeekSkipping>>
<<if $PCEnergy > 0>>
<<set $RepeatText = "Continue.">>
<span id="spaceAct"><<print "[[" + $RepeatText + "|" + passage() + "][$PCEnergy--]]">></span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<span id="spaceAct">[[Finish.|Management]]</span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<<timed 40ms>>
<<if $EventCall>>
<<print "You've triggered <span id=\"spaceAct\">[[an event!|Event]]</span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>">>
<<set $EventName = $EventCall>>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<span id="spaceAct"><u>[[Back to Management|Management]]</u></span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<<if tags().contains("PCEnergy")>>
<<set $RepeatText = "Repeat this task.">>
<<if $PCEnergy > 0 >>
<br><<print "[[" + $RepeatText + "|" + passage() + "][$PCEnergy--]]">>
<br><r>$RepeatText</r> <is>(You don't have enough energy.)</is>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<<widget BackSlave>>
<<if $EventCall>>
<<print "You've triggered <span id=\"spaceAct\">[[an event!|Event]]</span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>">>
<<set $EventName = $EventCall>>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<<if $EndOfWeekSkipping>>
/% Get the index of the next valid person %/
<<for _k = $ManagedSlave+1; _k < $SlaveCount+1; _k++>>
<<if $SlaveEnergy[_k] > 0 and $SlaveTask[_k] != "none">>
<<run console.log("_k" + _k)>>
<<if $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] > 0>>
<<set $RepeatText = "Continue.">>
<span id="spaceAct"><<print "[[" + $RepeatText + "|" + passage() + "][$SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]--]]">></span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
/% Check if current person is the last. If not, move on to the next. %/
<<elseif $ManagedSlave < $SlaveCount and _k <= $SlaveCount>>
<span id="spaceAct"><<print "[[Finish.|" + $SlaveTask[_k] + "][$ManagedSlave to _k]]">></span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
/% Check to see if the PC has a task. If they do, move on to PC scenes. %/
<<elseif $PCTask != "none" && $PCEnergy > 0>>
<span id="spaceAct">[[Finish.|$PCTask]]</span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<span id="spaceAct">[[Finish.|Management]]</span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<span id="spaceAct"><u>[[Back to Management|Management]]</u></span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<<if $ManagedSlave > 1>>
<<print "[[← Previous Slave|Slave][$ManagedSlave--]] -">>
<<print "<gre>← Previous Slave -</gre>">>
<<if $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] > 0>>
<<print "↶ to [[" + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + "|Slave]]">>
<<print "↶ to [[" + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + "|Slave]] <r>(No Energy)</r>">>
<<if $ManagedSlave < $SlaveCount>>
<<print "- [[Next Slave →|Slave][$ManagedSlave++]]">>
<<print "<gre>- Next Slave →</gre>">>
<<set $RepeatText = "Repeat this task.">>
<<if $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] > 0 && !tags().contains("Cost")>>
<<if tags().contains("PCEnergy")>>
<<if $PCEnergy > 0 >>
<br><<print "[[" + $RepeatText + "|" + passage() + "][$SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]--, $PCEnergy--]]">>
<br><r>$RepeatText</r> <is>(You don't have enough energy.)</is>
<br><<print "[[" + $RepeatText + "|" + passage() + "][$SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]--]]">>
/% Pages that cost %/
<<elseif $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] > 0 && tags().contains("Cost") && $Debug == 1>>
<<if tags().contains("PCEnergy")>>
<<if $PCEnergy > 0 >>
<<if passage() == "IncreaseLips">>
<<SetLipsCost 1>>
<br><<print "[[Give " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " larger lips again.|IncreaseLips][$SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]--, $PCEnergy-= 1, $Cash -= $LipsCost]]">>
<<print " Cost: ¤$LipsCost">>
<<elseif passage() == "IncreaseTits">>
<<SetTitsCost 1>>
<br><<print "[[Give " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " larger tits again.|IncreaseTits][$SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]--, $PCEnergy-= 1, $Cash -= $TitsCost]]">>
<<print " Cost: ¤$TitsCost">>
<<elseif passage() == "IncreaseAss">>
<<SetAssCost 1>>
<br><<print "[[Give " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " a larger ass again.|IncreaseAss][$SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]--, $PCEnergy-= 1, $Cash -= $AssCost]]">>
<<print " Cost: ¤$AssCost">>
<br><r>$RepeatText</r> <is>(You don't have enough energy.)</is>
<br><<print "[[" + $RepeatText + "|" + passage() + "][$SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]--]]">>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<<widget BackSlaveSlave>>
<span id="spaceAct"><u>[[Back to Management|Management]]</u></span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>
<<if $ManagedSlave > 1>>
<<print "[[← Previous Slave|Slave][$ManagedSlave--]] -">>
<<print "<gre>← Previous Slave</gre> -">>
<<print $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<if $ManagedSlave < $SlaveCount>>
<<print "- [[Next Slave →|Slave][$ManagedSlave++]]">>
<<print "- <gre>Next Slave →</gre>">>
<<if $AutoSkipped == true>>
/% Setup differences for AutoSkip, after testing for them above %/
<<widget BackSlaveView>>
<u>[[Back to Management|Management]]</u>
<<if $ManagedSlave > 1>>
<<print "[[← Previous Slave|SlaveView][$ManagedSlave--]] -">>
<<print "<gre>← Previous Slave -</gre>">>
<<if $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] > 0>>
<<print "↶ to [[" + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + "|Slave]]">>
<<print "↶ to [[" + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + "|Slave]] <r>(No Energy)</r>">>
<<if $ManagedSlave < $SlaveCount>>
<<print "- [[Next Slave →|SlaveView][$ManagedSlave++]]">>
<<print "<gre>- Next Slave →</gre>">>
<<widget BackSlaveEvent>>
<<if $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] > 0>>
<<set _BackSlaveEventPrint = "Back to " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + "">>
<span id="spaceAct">
<<link _BackSlaveEventPrint>>
<<goto Slave>>
<<set _BackSlaveEventPrint = "Back to Management">>
<span id="spaceAct">
<<link _BackSlaveEventPrint>>
<<goto Management>>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<<widget MakeAChoice>>
<span id="BackButton">
<b>Make a choice.</b>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
/% AutoSkip %/
<<widget AutoSkipSlavePro>>
/% Stop Autoskipping at all times if there is an EventCall happening. %/
<<if !$EventCall>>
<<if $AutoSkip == true>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipSlavePro>> - Entering AutoSkip, AutoSkip is True: " + $AutoSkip)>>
/% Only proceed autoskipping if the current Event has been seen already. %/
<<if $EventsSeen.contains($EventId)>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipSlavePro>> - Scene Seen, skipping.")>>
/% If current Slave has Energy and UseAllEnergy is true, reduce Slave Energy by one and refresh the passage. %/
<<if $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] > 0>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipSlavePro>>, Slave " + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] + " has energy left.")>>
<<if $UseAllEnergy>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipSlavePro>>, Slave " + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] + " has energy left, repeating passage. Slave Energy:" + $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] + "")>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] -= 1>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipSlavePro>> - goto Passage Triggered")>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
/% If UseAllEnergy is true, and Slave has no Energy left, go to Slave passage. %/
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipSlavePro>>, Slave " + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] + " has no energy left, returning to slave passage. Slave Energy:" + $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] + "")>>
<<goto Slave>>
<<elseif $EndOfWeekSkipping == true>>
/% If Slave has no Energy left, and EndOfWeekSkipping is true, trigger AutoSpend - to automatically do the next slave. %/
<<run console.log("<<AutoSpend>>, widget start., Slavetasks are: " + $SlaveTask)>>
<<set $UseAllEnergy = true>>
<<if $EndOfWeekSkipping == true>>
<<for $j = 1; $j < $SlaveCount+1; $j++>>
<<if $SlaveEnergy[$j] > 0>>
/% Iterate each Slave, first one found without task = "none", go to that task. %/
/% This widget is called from within the individual passages (through <<AutoSkipSlavePro>>), so it will repeat. %/
<<set $AutoSpendComplete = false>>
<<if $SlaveTask[$j] != "none">>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSpend>>, SlaveNumber = " + $j)>>
<<set $ManagedSlave = $j>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] -= 1>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSpend>>, Going to passage " + $SlaveTask[$j])>>
<<goto $SlaveTask[$j]>>
<<set $AutoSpendComplete = true>>
<<if $AutoSpendComplete == true>>
/% If no Slaves have any tasks set, or Energy left - go to Management. %/
<<run console.log("<<AutoSpend>>, for-loop over, returning to Management.")>>
<<goto Management>>
/% If EndOfWeekSkipping isn't true, go back to Management once Slave runs out of Energy. %/
<<set $UseAllEnergy = false>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipSlavePro>> - goto Management Triggered")>>
<<goto Management>>
/% Set the AutoSkipped flag to true, for prints of changes and notice of skipping. %/
<<set $AutoSkipped = true>>
<<widget AutoSkipPC>>
/% Stop Autoskipping at all times if there is an EventCall happening. %/
<<if !$EventCall>>
<<if $AutoSkip == true>>
/% Only proceed autoskipping if the current Event has been seen already. %/
<<if $EventsSeen.contains($EventId)>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipPC>> - Scene Seen, skipping.")>>
/% If current PC has Energy and UseAllEnergy is true, reduce PC Energy by one and refresh the passage. %/
<<if $PCEnergy > 0>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipPC>>, energy left.")>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipPC>>, energy left, repeating passage. Energy:" + $PCEnergy + "")>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= 1>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipPC>> - goto Passage Triggered")>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
/% Once Energy is out, go to Management %/
<<set $UseAllEnergy = false>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSkipPC>> - goto Management Triggered")>>
<<goto Management>>
/% Set the AutoSkipped flag to true, for prints of changes and notice of skipping. %/
<<set $AutoSkipped = true>>
<<widget PCAutoSpend>>
<<if $PCEnergy > 0>>
<<run console.log("<<PCAutoSpend>>, PC ENERGY NOT ZERO PCTASK:" + $PCTask)>>
<<goto $PCTask>>
<<widget AutoSpend>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSpend>>, widget start., Slavetasks are: " + $SlaveTask)>>
/% Special case handling for autoskip widget %/
<<if $AutoSkip == true>>
<<set $UseAllEnergy = true>>
<<if $EndOfWeekSkipping == true>>
<<if $SlaveEnergy[$args[0]] > 0>>
<<if $SlaveTask[$args[0]] != "none">>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSpend>>, SlaveNumber = " + $args[0])>>
<<set $ManagedSlave = $args[0]>>
<<run console.log("<<AutoSpend>>, Going to passage " + $SlaveTask[$args[0]])>>
<<goto $SlaveTask[$args[0]]>>
<<widget AutoSkipDiffSetup>>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $SlaveCount+1; _i++>>
$SlaveSubDiff[_i] = $SlaveSub[_i],
$SlaveDanceDiff[_i] = $SlaveDance[_i],
$SlaveHandDiff[_i] = $SlaveHand[_i],
$SlaveOralDiff[_i] = $SlaveOral[_i],
$SlaveSexDiff[_i] = $SlaveSex[_i],
$SlaveAnalDiff[_i] = $SlaveAnal[_i],
$SlaveDomDiff[_i] = $SlaveDom[_i]
$CashDiff = $Cash,
$PCSubDiff = $PCSub
/% Unused, broken %/
<<widget AutoSkipDiffCheck>>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $SlaveCount+1; _i++>>
<<if $SlaveSubDiff[_i] != $SlaveSub[_i]>> <<set $AutoSkipped = true>> <</if>>
<<if $SlaveDanceDiff[_i] != $SlaveDance[_i]>> <<set $AutoSkipped = true>> <</if>>
<<if $SlaveHandDiff[_i] != $SlaveHand[_i]>> <<set $AutoSkipped = true>> <</if>>
<<if $SlaveOralDiff[_i] != $SlaveOral[_i]>> <<set $AutoSkipped = true>> <</if>>
<<if $SlaveSexDiff[_i] != $SlaveSex[_i]>> <<set $AutoSkipped = true>> <</if>>
<<if $SlaveAnalDiff[_i] != $SlaveAnal[_i]>> <<set $AutoSkipped = true>> <</if>>
<<if $SlaveDomDiff[_i] != $SlaveDom[_i]>> <<set $AutoSkipped = true>> <</if>>
<<if $CashDiff != $Cash>> <<set $AutoSkipped = true>> <</if>>
<<if $PCSubDiff != $PCSub>> <<set $AutoSkipped = true>> <</if>>
<<widget AutoSkipDiffPrint>>
/% This entire widget is a shambles, but works fine for now. Will have to rework when reworking automation anyway, so leaving it for now. %/
<larger><<= "<b>AutoSkip results:</b>">></larger>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $SlaveCount+1; _i++>>
<<if $SlaveSubDiff[_i] != $SlaveSub[_i]>>
<<if (($SlaveSubDiff[_i] - $SlaveSub[_i]) * -1) > 0>>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] gained <grs>" + (($SlaveSubDiff[_i] - $SlaveSub[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</grs> Submissiveness.">>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] lost <re>" + (($SlaveSubDiff[_i] - $SlaveSub[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</re> Submissiveness.">>
<<if $SlaveDanceDiff[_i] != $SlaveDance[_i]>>
<<if (($SlaveDanceDiff[_i] - $SlaveDance[_i]) * -1) > 0>>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] gained <grs>" + (($SlaveDanceDiff[_i] - $SlaveDance[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</grs> Dance Skill.">>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] lost <re>" + (($SlaveDanceDiff[_i] - $SlaveDance[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</re> Dance Skill.">>
<<if $SlaveHandDiff[_i] != $SlaveHand[_i]>>
<<if (($SlaveHandDiff[_i] - $SlaveHand[_i]) * -1) > 0>>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] gained <grs>" + (($SlaveHandDiff[_i] - $SlaveHand[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</grs> Hand Skill.">>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] lost <re>" + (($SlaveHandDiff[_i] - $SlaveHand[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</re> Hand Skill.">>
<<if $SlaveOralDiff[_i] != $SlaveOral[_i]>>
<<if (($SlaveOralDiff[_i] - $SlaveOral[_i]) * -1) > 0>>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] gained <grs>" + (($SlaveOralDiff[_i] - $SlaveOral[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</grs> Oral Skill.">>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] lost <re>" + (($SlaveOralDiff[_i] - $SlaveOral[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</re> Oral Skill.">>
<<if $SlaveSexDiff[_i] != $SlaveSex[_i]>>
<<if (($SlaveSexDiff[_i] - $SlaveSex[_i]) * -1) > 0>>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] gained <grs>" + (($SlaveSexDiff[_i] - $SlaveSex[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</grs> Sex Skill.">>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] lost <re>" + (($SlaveSexDiff[_i] - $SlaveSex[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</re> Sex Skill.">>
<<if $SlaveAnalDiff[_i] != $SlaveAnal[_i]>>
<<if (($SlaveAnalDiff[_i] - $SlaveAnal[_i]) * -1) > 0>>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] gained <grs>" + (($SlaveAnalDiff[_i] - $SlaveAnal[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</grs> Anal Skill.">>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] lost <re>" + (($SlaveAnalDiff[_i] - $SlaveAnal[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</re> Anal Skill.">>
<<if $SlaveDomDiff[_i] != $SlaveDom[_i]>>
<<if (($SlaveDomDiff[_i] - $SlaveDom[_i]) * -1) > 0>>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] gained <grs>" + (($SlaveDomDiff[_i] - $SlaveDom[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</grs> Dom Skill.">>
<<print "<br>$SlaveName[_i] lost <re>" + (($SlaveDomDiff[_i] - $SlaveDom[_i]) * -1).toFixed(2) + "</re> Dom Skill.">>
<<if $CashDiff != $Cash>>
<<if (($CashDiff - $Cash)*-1) > 0>>
<<print "<br>The Brothel earned <grs>¤" + (($CashDiff - $Cash)*-1) + "</grs> cash.">>
<<print "<br>The Brothel lost <re>¤" + (($CashDiff - $Cash)*-1) + "</re> cash.">>
<<if $PCSubDiff != $PCSub>>
<<if (($PCSubDiff - $PCSub)*-1) > 0>>
<<print "<br>You gained <grs>" + (($PCSubDiff - $PCSub)*-1) + "</grs> Submissiveness.">>
<<print "<br>You lost <re>" + (($PCSubDiff - $PCSub)*-1) + "</re> Submissiveness.">>
/% Turn off AutoSkipped %/
<<set $AutoSkipped = false>>
/% Name Widgets (Names) %/
<<widget PCName>><<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $SexSub>><<print $Master>><<else>><<print $Name>><</if>><</widget>>
<<widget PCNameBroken>><<print $Master>><</widget>>
<<widget SubNameMale>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $SubNameMale = [ "boy", "slave", "pig", "sissy", "slut", "cuck", "cuck-boy", "simp", "loser" ]>>
<<set $SubNameMale = [ "boy", "slave", "pig", "sissy", "slut", "cuck", "cuck-boy", "simp", "loser", "cucky", "little boy", "little man", "fool", "baby", "babe", "tosser", "bug", "dog", "scum", "silly", "puppy" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $SubNameMale.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget SubNameFemale>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $SubNameFemale = [ "slave", "bitch", "girlie", "sissy", "slut", "cunt" ]>>
<<set $SubNameFemale = [ "slave", "bitch", "girlie", "sissy", "slut", "cunt", "hole", "puppy", "toy" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $SubNameFemale.random()>><</widget>>
/% Synonym Widgets %/
<<widget CondenseSynonyms>>
<<set $SynonymName = $args[0]>>
<<if $args[1] > $HugeAssetSize>>
<<print "<<Huge" + $SynonymName + ">>">>
<<elseif $args[1] > $LargeAssetSize>>
<<print "<<Large" + $SynonymName + ">>">>
<<elseif $args[1] > $SmallAssetSize>>
<<print "<<Small" + $SynonymName + ">>">>
<<elseif $args[1] < $TinyAssetSize>>
<<print "<<Tiny" + $SynonymName + ">>">>
<<print "<<print $" + $SynonymName + ".random()>>">>
/% Ass %/
<<widget Ass>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Ass = [ "ass", "butt", "arse", "bum", "bottom" ]>>
<<set $Ass = [ "ass", "butt", "arse", "bum", "bottom", "backside", "behind", "rear-end", "booty" ]>>
<<CondenseSynonyms "Ass" $args[0]>>
<<widget TinyAss>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $TinyAss = [ "ass", "butt", "arse", "bum", "bottom" ]>>
<<set $TinyAss = [ "ass", "butt", "arse", "bum", "bottom", "backside", "behind", "rear-end", "derrière" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $TinyAss.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget SmallAss>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $SmallAss = [ "ass", "butt", "arse", "bum", "bottom" ]>>
<<set $SmallAss = [ "ass", "butt", "arse", "bum", "bottom", "backside", "behind", "rear-end", "derrière", "tail" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $SmallAss.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget LargeAss>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $LargeAss = [ "ass", "butt", "arse", "bum", "bottom" ]>>
<<set $LargeAss = [ "ass", "butt", "arse", "bum", "bottom", "backside", "behind", "rear-end", "booty", "badonkadonk", "trunk", "derrière", "tail", "caboose", "buns" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $LargeAss.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget HugeAss>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $HugeAss = [ "ass", "butt", "arse", "bum", "bottom" ]>>
<<set $HugeAss = [ "ass", "butt", "arse", "bum", "bottom", "backside", "behind", "rear-end", "booty", "badonkadonk", "trunk", "caboose", "buns" ]>>
/% Incredibly rare, joke version %/
<<if random(1,1000) == 1>>
<<set $HugeAss = [ "sit-tits" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $HugeAss.random()>><</widget>>
/% Asses %/
<<widget Asses>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Asses = [ "asses", "butts", "arses", "bums", "bottoms" ]>>
<<set $Asses = [ "asses", "butts", "arses", "bums", "bottoms", "backsides", "behinds", "rear-ends", "booties", "buttocks", "buns" ]>>
<<CondenseSynonyms "Asses" $args[0]>>
<<widget TinyAsses>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $TinyAsses = [ "asses", "butts", "arses", "bums", "bottoms" ]>>
<<set $TinyAsses = [ "asses", "butts", "arses", "bums", "bottoms", "backsides", "behinds", "rear-ends", "buttocks" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $TinyAsses.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget SmallAsses>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $SmallAsses = [ "asses", "butts", "arses", "bums", "bottoms" ]>>
<<set $SmallAsses = [ "asses", "butts", "arses", "bums", "bottoms", "backsides", "behinds", "rear-ends", "buttocks" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $SmallAsses.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget LargeAsses>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $LargeAsses = [ "asses", "butts", "arses", "bums", "bottoms" ]>>
<<set $LargeAsses = [ "asses", "butts", "arses", "bums", "bottoms", "backsides", "behinds", "rear-ends", "booties", "badonkadonks", "buns" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $LargeAsses.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget HugeAsses>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $HugeAsses = [ "asses", "butts", "arses", "bums", "bottoms" ]>>
<<set $HugeAsses = [ "asses", "butts", "arses", "bums", "bottoms", "backsides", "behinds", "rear-ends", "booties", "badonkadonks", "buns" ]>>
/% Incredibly rare, joke version %/
<<if random(1,1000) == 1>>
<<set $HugeAsses = [ "sit-tits" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $HugeAsses.random()>><</widget>>
/% Asshole %/
<<widget Asshole>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Asshole = [ "butthole", "asshole", "arsehole" ]>>
<<set $Asshole = [ "butthole", "asshole", "arsehole", "butt-hole", "backdoor", "back-door", "sphincter", "anus" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Asshole.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget Assholes>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Assholes = [ "buttholes", "assholes", "arseholes" ]>>
<<set $Assholes = [ "buttholes", "assholes", "arseholes", "butt-holes", "backdoors", "back-doors", "sphincters", "anuses" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Assholes.random()>><</widget>>
/% Balls %/
<<widget Balls>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Balls = [ "balls", "sack", "ballsack", "testicles" ]>>
<<set $Balls = [ "balls", "sack", "ballsack", "testicles", "ball-sack", "ball-bag", "testes" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Balls.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget Ball>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Ball = [ "ball", "testicle" ]>>
<<set $Ball = [ "ball", "testicle", "teste", "gonad" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Ball.random()>><</widget>>
/% Cock %/
<<widget Cock>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Cock = [ "cock", "dick", "member", "manhood", "penis", "shaft", "prick" ]>>
<<set $Cock = [ "cock", "dick", "member", "manhood", "penis", "shaft", "prick", "dong", "wang", "knob", "rod" ]>>
<<CondenseSynonyms "Cock" $args[0]>>
<<widget TinyCock>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $TinyCock = [ "dick", "penis" ]>>
<<set $TinyCock = [ "dick", "penis", "clitty", "pee-pee", "wee-wee", "willy", "willie", "winkie" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $TinyCock.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget SmallCock>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $SmallCock = [ "dick", "penis" ]>>
<<set $SmallCock = [ "dick", "penis", "pee-pee", "dicklet", "willy", "willie" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $SmallCock.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget LargeCock>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $LargeCock = [ "cock", "dick", "member", "manhood", "penis", "shaft", "prick"]>>
<<set $LargeCock = [ "cock", "dick", "member", "manhood", "penis", "shaft", "prick", "dong", "wang", "knob", "rod", "pole", "fuckstick", "meatstick", "fuckpole", "python" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $LargeCock.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget HugeCock>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $HugeCock = [ "cock", "dick", "member", "manhood", "penis", "shaft", "prick"]>>
<<set $HugeCock = [ "cock", "dick", "member", "manhood", "penis", "shaft", "prick", "dong", "wang", "knob", "rod", "pole", "fuckstick", "meatstick", "fuckpole", "python" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $HugeCock.random()>><</widget>>
/% Cocks %/
<<widget Cocks>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Cocks = [ "cocks", "dicks", "members", "manhoods", "penises", "shafts", "pricks" ]>>
<<set $Cocks = [ "cocks", "dicks", "members", "manhoods", "penises", "shafts", "pricks", "dongs", "wangs", "knobs", "rods" ]>>
<<CondenseSynonyms "Cocks" $args[0]>>
<<widget TinyCocks>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $TinyCocks = [ "dicks", "penises" ]>>
<<set $TinyCocks = [ "dicks", "penises", "clitties", "pee-pees", "willies", "winkies" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $TinyCocks.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget SmallCocks>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $SmallCocks = [ "dicks", "penises" ]>>
<<set $SmallCocks = [ "dicks", "penises", "pee-pees", "willies" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $SmallCocks.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget LargeCocks>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $LargeCocks = [ "cocks", "dicks", "members", "manhoods", "penises", "shafts", "pricks" ]>>
<<set $LargeCocks = [ "cocks", "dicks", "members", "manhoods", "penises", "shafts", "pricks", "dongs", "wangs", "knobs", "rods", "poles", "fucksticks", "meatsticks", "fuckpoles", "pythons" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $LargeCocks.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget HugeCocks>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $HugeCocks = [ "cocks", "dicks", "members", "manhoods", "penises", "shafts", "pricks" ]>>
<<set $HugeCocks = [ "cocks", "dicks", "members", "manhoods", "penises", "shafts", "pricks", "dongs", "wangs", "knobs", "rods", "poles", "fucksticks", "meatsticks", "fuckpoles", "pythons" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $HugeCocks.random()>><</widget>>
/% Tits %/
<<widget Tits>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Tits = [ "tits", "boobs", "breasts", "boobies", "titties" ]>>
<<set $Tits = [ "tits", "boobs", "breasts", "boobies", "titties" ]>>
<<CondenseSynonyms "Tits" $args[0]>>
<<widget TinyTits>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $TinyTits = [ "tits", "breasts", "titties" ]>>
<<set $TinyTits = [ "tits", "breasts", "titties", "bee-stings", "mosquito-bites", "ittie-bitties" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $TinyTits.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget SmallTits>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $SmallTits = [ "tits", "boobs", "breasts", "boobies", "titties" ]>>
<<set $SmallTits = [ "tits", "boobs", "breasts", "boobies", "titties", "bee-stings", "mosquito-bites", "ittie-bitties" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $SmallTits.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget LargeTits>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $LargeTits = [ "tits", "boobs", "breasts", "boobies", "titties"]>>
<<set $LargeTits = [ "tits", "boobs", "breasts", "boobies", "titties", "funbags", "hooters", "melons", "knockers", "tatas", "juggs", "jugs", "sweater-puppies", "puppies"]>>
<</silently>><<print $LargeTits.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget HugeTits>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $HugeTits = [ "tits", "boobs", "breasts", "boobies", "titties"]>>
<<set $HugeTits = [ "tits", "boobs", "breasts", "boobies", "titties", "funbags", "hooters", "melons", "knockers", "tatas", "juggs", "jugs", "sweater-puppies", "udders", "milkbags", "puppies", "bazongas", "bazookas", "jubblies", "honkers", "milkers", "puppies", "norks"]>>
<</silently>><<print $HugeTits.random()>><</widget>>
/% Tit %/
<<widget Tit>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Tit = [ "tit", "boob", "breast", "boobie", "titty" ]>>
<<set $Tit = [ "tit", "boob", "breast", "boobie", "titty" ]>>
<<CondenseSynonyms "Tit" $args[0]>>
<<widget TinyTit>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $TinyTit = [ "tit", "breast", "titty" ]>>
<<set $TinyTit = [ "tit", "breast", "titty", "bee-sting", "mosquito-bite" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $TinyTit.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget SmallTit>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $SmallTit = [ "tit", "boob", "breast", "boobie", "titty" ]>>
<<set $SmallTit = [ "tit", "boob", "breast", "boobie", "titty", "bee-sting", "mosquito-bite" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $SmallTit.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget LargeTit>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $LargeTit = [ "tit", "boob", "breast", "boobie", "titty" ]>>
<<set $LargeTit = [ "tit", "boob", "breast", "boobie", "titty", "funbag" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $LargeTit.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget HugeTit>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $HugeTit = [ "tit", "boob", "breast", "boobie", "titty" ]>>
<<set $HugeTit = [ "tit", "boob", "breast", "boobie", "titty", "funbag", "udder", "milkbag", "bazooka", "milker" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $HugeTit.random()>><</widget>>
/% Pussy %/
<<widget Pussy>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Pussy = [ "pussy", "cunt" ]>>
<<set $Pussy = [ "pussy", "cunt", "twat", "snatch", "coochie" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Pussy.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget Pussies>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Pussies = [ "pussies", "cunts" ]>>
<<set $Pussies = [ "pussies", "cunts", "twats", "snatches", "coochies" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Pussies.random()>><</widget>>
/% Lip %/
<<widget Lip>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Lip = [ "lip" ]>>
<<set $Lip = [ "lip" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Lip.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget Lips>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Lips = [ "lips" ]>>
<<set $Lips = [ "lips" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Lips.random()>><</widget>>
/% Nipple %/
<<widget Nipple>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Nipple = [ "nipple" ]>>
<<set $Nipple = [ "nipple", "nip" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Nipple.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget Nipples>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Nipples = [ "nipples" ]>>
<<set $Nipples = [ "nipples", "nips" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Nipples.random()>><</widget>>
/% Piss %/
<<widget Piss>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Piss = [ "piss", "pee" ]>>
<<set $Piss = [ "piss", "pee", "urine" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Piss.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget Pissing>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Pissing = [ "pissing", "peeing" ]>>
<<set $Pissing = [ "pissing", "peeing", "urinating" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Pissing.random()>><</widget>>
<<widget Pissed>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Pissed = [ "pissed", "peed" ]>>
<<set $Pissed = [ "pissed", "peed", "urinated" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Pissed.random()>><</widget>>
/% Cum %/
<<widget Cum>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Cum = [ "cum", "jizz" ]>>
<<set $Cum = [ "cum", "jizz", "semen", "seed", "sperm", "spunk" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Cum.random()>><</widget>>
/% Stiff %/
<<widget Stiff>><<silently>>
<<if random(1,3) != 1>>
<<set $Stiff = [ "stiff", "hard", "erect" ]>>
<<set $Stiff = [ "stiff", "hard", "erect", "rigid", "engorged", "rock-hard" ]>>
<</silently>><<print $Stiff.random()>><</widget>>
/% Gender Stuff %/
<<widget panties>>
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<widget skirt>>
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<widget pants>>
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<widget girl>>
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<widget boy>>
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<widget littlegirl>>
<<if $PCGirly>>
little girl
/% Descriptions %/
<<widget DescSelector>>
short - forces a single word description
full - forces a two word description
flavor - forces a more flavourful variant (Combines: Short, Full)
special - forces a special word to appear (Combines: Short, Full)
random - picks a random cock size (Combines: All but #)
# - input number (size) (default behaviour is to use PC or ManagedSlave size) (Combines: All but random) [Has to be used in the first two args]
noword - disables the bodypart (ie <<Cock>>) from being output, to allow for manually picking a term etc
PC - use the PC's stats instead of ManagedSlave's stats where appropriate (not implemented)
/% Define args %/
$DescArgNum = ($DescArgs[0] > -1 or $DescArgs[1] > -1);
$DescArgShort = ($DescArgs.contains("short"));
$DescArgFull = ($DescArgs.contains("full"));
$DescArgRandom = ($DescArgs.contains("random"));
$DescArgFlavor = ($DescArgs.contains("flavor"));
/% If "random" or a # has been used, set $DescValue as appropriate %/
<<if $DescArgRandom>>
<<set $DescValue = random(0, $DescClamp)>>
<<elseif $DescArgNum>>
<<if $DescArgs[0] > -1>>
<<set $DescValue = Math.clamp($DescArgs[0], 0, $DescClamp)>>
<<elseif $DescArgs[1] > -1>>
<<set $DescValue = Math.clamp($DescArgs[1], 0, $DescClamp)>>
/%Pick a random number %/
<<set $DescRoll = random(1, 100)>>
$DescPrintBase = $DescBase[$DescValue].random();
$DescPrintFlavor = $DescFlavor[$DescValue].random();
$DescPrintAlt = $DescFlavorAlt[$DescValue].random();
/% If DescRoll is below 60, or "short" is used, use a single word. Never do this if "full" is used. %/
<<if $DescRoll <= 40 && $DescArgFull == false || $DescArgShort>>
/% If "flavor" is used pick a flavor word. %/
<<if $DescArgFlavor>>
<<set $DescPrintFull = $DescFlavor[$DescValue].random()>>
<<set $DescPrintFull = $DescBase[$DescValue].random()>>
<<elseif $DescRoll <= 70>>
<<if (random(1, 4)) == 1>>
<<set $DescPrintLink = " and ">>
<<set $DescPrintLink = ", ">>
/% Flavour first most of the time %/
<<if (random(1, 4)) == 100>>
<<set $DescPrintFull = $DescPrintFlavor.concat($DescPrintLink, $DescPrintBase)>>
<<set $DescPrintFull = $DescPrintBase.concat($DescPrintLink, $DescPrintFlavor)>>
<<set $DescPrintFull = "" + $DescPrintAlt + " " + $DescPrintBase>>
/% Cock Desc %/
<<widget AssembleCockDescBase>>
<<set $Adjective = $args[0]>>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $args.length; _i++>>
<<set $CockSizeDescBase[$args[_i]].push($Adjective)>>
<<widget AssembleCockDescFlavor>>
<<set $Adjective = $args[0]>>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $args.length; _i++>>
<<set $CockSizeDescFlavor[$args[_i]].push($Adjective)>>
<<widget AssembleCockDescAlt>>
<<set $Adjective = $args[0]>>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $args.length; _i++>>
<<set $CockSizeDescAlt[$args[_i]].push($Adjective)>>
<<widget AssembleCockDesc>>
<<if $DescArgs == undefined>><<set $DescArgs = []>><</if>>
/% Bodypart Specifics %/
$DescValue = $PCCockSize.clamp(0, $DescClamp);
$DescBase = $CockSizeDescBase;
$DescFlavor = $CockSizeDescFlavor;
$DescFlavorAlt = $CockSizeDescAlt;
<<widget CockDesc>>
<<set $DescArgs = $args>>
<<set $DescClamp = 11>>
<<print $DescPrintFull>><<if !$args.contains("noword")>> <<Cock $DescValue>><</if>>
/% Tits Desc %/
<<widget AssembleTitsDescBase>>
<<set $Adjective = $args[0]>>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $args.length; _i++>>
<<set $TitsSizeDescBase[$args[_i]].push($Adjective)>>
<<widget AssembleTitsDescFlavor>>
<<set $Adjective = $args[0]>>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $args.length; _i++>>
<<set $TitsSizeDescFlavor[$args[_i]].push($Adjective)>>
<<widget AssembleTitsDescAlt>>
<<set $Adjective = $args[0]>>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $args.length; _i++>>
<<set $TitsSizeDescAlt[$args[_i]].push($Adjective)>>
<<widget AssembleTitsDesc>>
<<if $DescArgs == undefined>><<set $DescArgs = []>><</if>>
/% Bodypart Specifics %/
/% Correction to make TestPassage work before first slave %/
<<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] != undefined>>
<<set $DescValue = $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave].clamp(0, $DescClamp);>>
<<set $DescValue = random(0,11)>>
$DescBase = $TitsSizeDescBase;
$DescFlavor = $TitsSizeDescFlavor;
$DescFlavorAlt = $TitsSizeDescAlt;
<<widget TitsDesc>>
<<set $DescArgs = $args>>
<<set $DescClamp = 11>>
<<print $DescPrintFull>> <<if random(1,3) == 1>><<print $TitsCupDesc[$DescValue]>><</if>><<if !$args.contains("noword")>> <<Tits $DescValue>><</if>>
<<widget TitDesc>>
<<set $DescArgs = $args>>
<<set $DescClamp = 11>>
<<print $DescPrintFull>> <<if random(1,6) == 1>><<print $TitsCupDesc[$DescValue]>><</if>><<if !$args.contains("noword")>> <<Tit>><</if>>
/% PC Tits %/
<<widget PCTitsDesc>>
<<if $PCTits == "hormone">>
<<switch $PCTitsSize>>
<<case 0>>
hairless, smooth chest
<<case 1>>
barely noticeable <<SmallTits>>
<<case 2>>
tiny, budding <<SmallTits>>
<<case 3>>
petite little <<Tits>>
<<case 4>>
<<TitsDesc 0>>
<<case 5>>
<<TitsDesc 0>>
<<case 6>>
<<TitsDesc 1>>
<<case 7>>
<<TitsDesc 2>>
<<case 8>>
<<TitsDesc 3>>
<<elseif $PCTits == "real">>
<<TitsDesc $PCTitsSize>>
<<elseif $PCTits == "manly">>
strong, manly pecs
<<elseif $PCTits == "twink">>
smooth-shaven, muscular chest
<<widget PCTitsPic>>
<<if $PCTits == "hormone">>
<<set $PCTitsPicPrint = "\\player\\chest\\hormone\\" + $PCTitsSize + ".jpg">>
<<SmallImage $PCTitsPicPrint>>
<<elseif $PCTits == "real">>
<<TitsDesc $PCTitsSize>>
<<elseif $PCTits == "manly">>
<<SmallImage player\chest\fit.jpg>>
<<elseif $PCTits == "twink">>
<<SmallImage player\chest\fit.jpg>>
<<widget PCFaceDesc>>
<<switch $PCFace>>
<<case "bearded">>
face with a stylish and well-groomed beard
<<case "shaved">>
clean-shaven face
<<case "feminine1">>
soft, stylish face
<<case "feminine2">>
soft, smooth face
<<case "feminine3">>
rather androgynous face
<<case "feminine4">>
quite feminine face
<<case "feminine5">>
cute, girlish face
<<case "feminine6">>
refined, feminine face
<<case "feminine7">>
adorable girl-face
<<case "feminine8">>
sexy girl-face
<b>bugged</b> face
<<widget PCFacePic>>
<<switch $PCFace>>
<<case "bearded">>
<<SmallImage player\face\bearded.jpg>>
<<case "shaved">>
<<SmallImage player\face\shaved.jpg>>
<<case "feminine1">>
<<SmallImage player\face\feminine1.jpg>>
<<case "feminine2">>
<<SmallImage player\face\feminine2.jpg>>
<<case "feminine3">>
<<SmallImage player\face\feminine3.jpg>>
<<case "feminine4">>
<<SmallImage player\face\feminine4.jpg>>
<<case "feminine5">>
<<SmallImage player\face\feminine5.jpg>>
<<case "feminine6">>
<<SmallImage player\face\feminine6.jpg>>
<<case "feminine7">>
<<SmallImage player\face\feminine7.jpg>>
<<case "feminine8">>
<<SmallImage player\face\feminine8.jpg>>
<<widget PCLegsPic>>
<<if $PCLegs == "hairy">>
<<SmallImage player\legs\hairy.jpg>>
<<if $PCCockSize > 6>>
<<set $LegsCockSelector = "c">>
<<elseif $PCCockSize > 4>>
<<set $LegsCockSelector = "b">>
<<set $LegsCockSelector = "a">>
<<if $PCLegs == "shaved">>
<<if $PCLegsFem == 0>>
<<SmallImage player\legs\shaved.jpg>>
<<set $LegsFemPrint = "" + $PCLegsFem + $LegsCockSelector>>
<<print "<<SmallImage player\\legs\\" + $LegsFemPrint + ".jpg>>">>
<<widget PCAssPic>>
<<if $PCAssSize < 12>>
<<print "<<SmallImage player\\ass\\" + $PCAssSize + ".jpg>>">>
<<print "<<SmallImage player\\ass\\12.jpg>>">>
/% #### %/
<<widget PCAsshole>>
/% #### %/
<<widget PCAssholePic>>
<<print "No picture.">>
/% These need to be here for things to work?? %/
<<set $AssholeStatus1 = 3>>
<<set $AssholeStatus2 = 6>>
<<set $AssholeStatus3 = 9>>
<<set $AssholeStatus4 = 12>>
<<widget AssholeDesc>><<silently>>
<<set $AssholeDescPrint = "">>
<<if $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] <= $AssholeStatus1>>
<<set $AssholeDescPrint = [ "unused", "very tight", "snug", "virginal", "untouched" ] >>
<<elseif $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] <= $AssholeStatus2>>
<<set $AssholeDescPrint = ["tight", "barely used", "quite tight", "puckered", "rarely used" ]>>
<<elseif $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] <= $AssholeStatus3>>
<<set $AssholeDescPrint = ["relaxed, welcoming", "easily-penetrated", "quite well-used", "rather open" ]>>
<<elseif $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] <= $AssholeStatus4>>
<<set $AssholeDescPrint = ["gaping", "loose", "well-used", "well-fucked" ]>>
<<elseif $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] > $AssholeStatus4>>
<<set $AssholeDescPrint = ["permanently gaped", "constantly gaping", "fucked-open", "absolutely ruined", "over-fucked", "cock-hungry, gaping" ]>>
<</silently>><<print either($AssholeDescPrint)>> <<Asshole>><</widget>>
<<widget PussyDesc>><<silently>>
<<set $PussyDescPrint = "">>
<<if $SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] == "hairy" >>
<<set $PussyDescPrint = [ "hairy", "bushy", "untrimmed", "unshaved", "naturally hairy" ] >>
<<elseif $SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] == "trimmed" >>
<<set $PussyDescPrint = ["trimmed", "well-groomed", "groomed", "neatly cropped" ]>>
<<elseif $SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] == "shaved">>
<<set $PussyDescPrint = ["clean-shaven", "hairless", "bald", "smooth and hairless", "perfectly smooth", "perfectly hairless" ]>>
<</silently>><<print either($PussyDescPrint)>> <<Pussy>><</widget>>
<<widget NipplesDescPrintSetter>><<silently>>
<<set $NipplesDescPrint = []>>
<<if $SlaveNipples[$ManagedSlave] <= "1">>
<<set $NipplesDescPrint = ["small", "tiny"]>>
<<elseif $SlaveNipples[$ManagedSlave] == "2">>
<<set $NipplesDescPrint = ["usual", "normal"]>>
<<elseif $SlaveNipples[$ManagedSlave] == "3">>
<<set $NipplesDescPrint = ["large", "big"]>>
<<elseif $SlaveNipples[$ManagedSlave] == "4">>
<<set $NipplesDescPrint = ["huge", "enormous"]>>
<<elseif $SlaveNipples[$ManagedSlave] > "4">>
<<set $NipplesDescPrint = ["gigantic", "massive"]>>
<<set $NipplesDescExtraPrint = "">>
<<if $SlaveNipplesExtra[$ManagedSlave].length > 0>>
<<set $NipplesDescExtraPrint = ", ">>
<<for $ii = 0; $ii < $SlaveNipplesExtra[$ManagedSlave].length; $ii++>>
<<set $NipplesDescExtraPrint += $SlaveNipplesExtra[$ManagedSlave][$ii]>>
<<if $ii+1 < $SlaveNipplesExtra[$ManagedSlave].length>>
<<set $NipplesDescExtraPrint += ", ">>
<<widget NippleDesc>><<silently>>
/% "Nipples" is intentional %/
<</silently>><<print either($NipplesDescPrint)>><<print $NipplesDescExtraPrint>> <<Nipple>><</widget>>
<<widget NipplesDesc>><<silently>>
<</silently>><<print either($NipplesDescPrint)>><<print $NipplesDescExtraPrint>> <<Nipples>><</widget>>
<<widget AssembleAssDesc>>
$AssSizeDescBase = {
0: [ "tiny", "petite", "little", "flat", "small", "unimpressive", "disappointing" ]
, 1: [ "petite", "small", "firm", "taut" ]
, 2: [ "modest", "round", "soft", "pert", "perky", "rounded", "firm" ]
, 3: [ "large", "round", "bouncy", "rounded" ]
, 4: [ "large", "big", "bouncy", "soft", "round", "bubbly", "juicy" ]
, 5: [ "large", "plump", "enormous", "bubbly", "juicy" ]
, 6: [ "huge", "enormous", "massive", "juicy", "jiggling", "curvaceous" ]
, 7: [ "huge", "massive", "juicy", "jiggling", "curvaceous" ]
, 8: [ "massive", "gigantic", "juicy", "jiggling", "curvaceous" ]
, 9: [ "massive", "mammoth", "colossal", "giant", "juicy", "jiggling", "curvaceous" ]
, 10: [ "massive", "mammoth", "colossal", "gargantuan", "gigantic", "juicy", "jiggling", "curvaceous", "over-stacked" ]
, 11: [ "massive", "gigantic", "gargantuan", "enormous", "juicy", "jiggling", "curvaceous", "over-stacked", "titanic", "stupendous" ]
$AssSizeDescFlavor = {
0: [ "pert", "girlish" ]
, 1: [ "adorable", "cute", "pert" ]
, 2: [ "perky", "bouncy", "delectable" ]
, 3: [ "delicious", "exquisite", "delectable", "hypnotic", "gorgeous", "beautiful" ]
, 4: [ "delicious", "bountiful", "delectable", "huggable", "hypnotic", "gorgeous", "beautiful" ]
, 5: [ "delicious", "heaving", "bountiful", "delectable", "huggable", "gorgeous", "beautiful" ]
, 6: [ "delicious", "huggable", "curvaceous", "gorgeous", "beautiful" ]
, 7: [ "delicious", "perfect", "wonderful", "impressive", "incredible", "gorgeous", "beautiful" ]
, 8: [ "delicious", "perfect", "wonderful", "amazing", "voluptuous", "incredible", "gorgeous", "beautiful" ]
, 9: [ "delicious", "perfect", "wonderful", "mind-blowing", "overwhelming", "voluptuous", "gorgeous", "beautiful" ]
, 10: [ "delicious", "peerless", "mind-blowing", "overwhelming", "magnificent", "voluptuous", "gorgeous", "beautiful" ]
, 11: [ "delicious", "peerless", "mind-blowing", "monstrous", "ridiculous", "glorious", "tremendous", "gorgeous", "beautiful" ]
$AssSizeDescFlavorAlt = {
0: [ "adorably" ]
, 1: [ "wonderfully", "adorably" ]
, 2: [ "perfectly", "wonderfully" ]
, 3: [ "perfectly", "wonderfully" ]
, 4: [ "perfectly", "wonderfully" ]
, 5: [ "impressively", "enticingly" ]
, 6: [ "impressively", "enticingly" ]
, 7: [ "undeniably", "truly", "beyond" ]
, 8: [ "incredibly", "truly", "beyond" ]
, 9: [ "incredibly", "overwhelmingly", "tremendously", "beyond" ]
, 10: [ "completely", "absolutely", "outrageously", "beyond" ]
, 11: [ "absolutely", "gloriously", "obscenely", "ridiculously", "beyond" ]
$AssSizeDescSpecial = {
0: []
/% Special Conditions %/
/% ! These are disabled, and lack arguments. Uncomment to test. ! %/
If "special" arg is found, and there's at least one special description, force special descriptions to appear.
If "short" is also used, replace both arrays with the special array to force one to appear.
If "full" is used, it will only replace base, allowing things like "undeniably clit-like" or "thick and alpha"
If "special" is the only arg, it will not always cause the special words to appear, depending on what is randomly picked.
<<if $DescArgs.contains("special") && $AssSizeDescSpecial[0].length > 0>>
<<for $i = 0; $i <= $DescClamp; $i++>>
<<if $DescArgs.contains("short")>>
<<set $AssSizeDescBase[$i] = $AssSizeDescSpecial[0]>>
<<set $AssSizeDescFlavor[$i] = $AssSizeDescSpecial[0]>>
<<set $AssSizeDescFlavor[$i] = $AssSizeDescSpecial[0]>>
If "special" arg is not used, add a random word from DescSpecial into each array of the DescBase object.
This causes them to appear rather infrequently.
<<elseif $AssSizeDescSpecial[0].length > 0>>
<<for $i = 0; $i <= $DescClamp; $i++>>
<<set $AssSizeDescFlavor[$i].push($AssSizeDescSpecial[0].random())>>
/% Bodypart Specifics %/
$DescValue = $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave].clamp(0, $DescClamp);
$DescBase = $AssSizeDescBase;
$DescFlavor = $AssSizeDescFlavor;
$DescFlavorAlt = $AssSizeDescFlavorAlt;
<<widget AssDesc>>
<<set $DescArgs = $args>>
<<set $DescClamp = 11>>
<<print $DescPrintFull>><<if !$args.contains("noword")>> <<Ass $DescValue>><</if>>
<<widget PCLegsDesc>><<silently>>
<<set $PCLegsDescPrint = "">>
<<if $PCLegs == "hairy">>
<<set $PCLegsDescPrint = ["hairy", "unshaved", "hairy, unshaved", "hairy, manly", "manly, hairy"]>>
<<elseif $PCLegs == "shaved">>
<<set $PCLegsDescPrint = ["hairless", "smooth", "shaved", "smooth and hairless"]>>
<</silently>><<print either($PCLegsDescPrint)>> legs<</widget>>
<<widget PCAssDesc>>
<<if $PCAssSize == 0>>
<<print "masculine <<Ass>>">>
<<AssDesc $PCAssSize>>
<<widget PCCockDesc>>
<<CockDesc PC>>
<<widget LipsDesc>><<silently>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = "">>
<<if $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] < 1>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = [ "incredibly thin", "very thin", "tiny"] >>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 1>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = [ "thin", "narrow", "tiny" ]>>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 2>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = [ "quite thin", "rather narrow", "slender", "small" ]>>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 3>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = [ "quite fine", "rather nice", "average looking" ]>>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 4>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = [ "round and plump", "kissable", "large" ]>>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 5>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = [ "thick", "kissable", "plump" ]>>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 6>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = [ "luscious", "plump and kissable", "very thick" ]>>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 7>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = [ "dick-sucking", "whorish", "fat and plump", "luscious" ]>>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 8>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = [ "enormous", "dick-sucking", "blowjob", "inviting" ] >>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 9>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = "ridiculously thick", "cocksucker's", "o-shaped", "gigantic" >>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 10>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = "gigantic and extremely plump", "overly thick", "incredibly fat and thick">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] > 10>>
<<set $LipsDescPrint = "oversized", "whorish", "bimbo">>
<</silently>><<print either($LipsDescPrint)>> <<Lips>><</widget>>
/% Pictures %/
<<widget TextMessageAvatar>>
<<set $PrintImage = "" + $ImgDir + $args[0]>>
<<print "<span class=\"textmessageavatar\">[img[" + $PrintImage + "]]</span>">><</widget>>
<<widget DossierImage>>
<<set $PrintImage = "" + $ImgDir + $args[0]>>
<<print "<span class=\"dossierimg\">[img[" + $PrintImage + "]]</span>">><</widget>>
<<widget WorldBuildingImage>>
<<set $PrintImage = "" + $ImgDir + $args[0]>>
<<print "<span class=\"textmessageavatar\">[img[" + $PrintImage + "]]</span>">><</widget>>
<<widget BoxImage>>
<<set $PrintImage = "" + $ImgDir + $args[0]>>
<<print "<span class=\"boximg\">[img[" + $PrintImage + "]]</span>">><</widget>>
<<widget Icon>>
<<set $PrintImage = "" + $ImgDir + $args[0]>>
<<print "<span class=\"icon\">[img[" + $PrintImage + "]]</span>">><</widget>>
<<widget EnergyIcon>>
<<set $PrintImage = "" + $ImgDir + $args[0]>>
<<print "<span class=\"energyicon\">[img[" + $PrintImage + "]]</span>">><</widget>>
<<widget SmallImage>>
<<set $PrintImage = "" + $ImgDir + $args[0]>>
<<print "<span class=\"smallimg\">[img[" + $PrintImage + "]]</span>">><</widget>>
<<widget Image>>
<<set $PrintImage = "" + $ImgDir + $args[0]>>
<<print "<span class=\"mediumimg\">[img[" + $PrintImage + "]]</span>">><</widget>>
<<widget LargeImage>>
<<set $PrintImage = "" + $ImgDir + $args[0]>>
<<print "<span class=\"largeimg\">[img[" + $PrintImage + "]]</span>">><</widget>>
<<widget Webm>>
/% 0 = ImageDir, 1 = width, 2 = height %/
<<set $PrintImage = "" + $ImgDir + $args[0]>>
<<print "
<video width=\"" + $args[1] + "\" height=\"" + $args[2] + "\" autoplay muted loop>
<source src=\"" + $PrintImage+ "\" type='video/webm; codecs=\"vp8, vorbis\"'>
<<widget PCCockPic>><<silently>>
<<set $PCCockPic = "" + $PCCockSize + ".jpg">>
<<set $PCCockPicPrint = "" + $ImgDir + "/player/cock/" + $PCCockPic >>
<</silently>><span class="smallimg">[img[$PCCockPicPrint]]</span><</widget>>
<<widget TitsPic>><<silently>>
<<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == 0>>
<<set $TitsPic = "A-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == 1>>
<<set $TitsPic = "B-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == 2>>
<<set $TitsPic = "C-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == 3>>
<<set $TitsPic = "D-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == 4>>
<<set $TitsPic = "E-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == 5>>
<<set $TitsPic = "F-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == 6>>
<<set $TitsPic = "G-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == 7>>
<<set $TitsPic = "H-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == 8>>
<<set $TitsPic = "I-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == 9>>
<<set $TitsPic = "J-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == 10>>
<<set $TitsPic = "K-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] > 10>>
<<set $TitsPic = "L-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<set $TitsPicPrint = "" + $ImgDir + "/tits/" + $TitsPic >>
<</silently>><span class="slaveimg">[img[$TitsPicPrint]]</span><</widget>>
<<widget AssPic>><<silently>>
<<if $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == 0>>
<<set $AssPic = "A-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == 1>>
<<set $AssPic = "B-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == 2>>
<<set $AssPic = "C-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == 3>>
<<set $AssPic = "D-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == 4>>
<<set $AssPic = "E-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == 5>>
<<set $AssPic = "F-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == 6>>
<<set $AssPic = "G-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == 7>>
<<set $AssPic = "H-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == 8>>
<<set $AssPic = "I-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == 9>>
<<set $AssPic = "J-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] == 10>>
<<set $AssPic = "K-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] > 10>>
<<set $AssPic = "L-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<set $AssPicPrint = "" + $ImgDir + "/ass/" + $AssPic >>
<</silently>><span class="slaveimg">[img[$AssPicPrint]]</span><</widget>>
<<widget AssholePic>><<silently>>
<<if $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] <= $AssholeStatus1>>
<<set $AssholePic = "A-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] <= $AssholeStatus2>>
<<set $AssholePic = "B-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] <= $AssholeStatus3>>
<<set $AssholePic = "C-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] <= $AssholeStatus4>>
<<set $AssholePic = "D-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] > $AssholeStatus4>>
<<set $AssholePic = "E-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<set $AssholePicPrint = "" + $ImgDir + "/asshole/" + $AssholePic >>
<</silently>><span class="slaveimgS">[img[$AssholePicPrint]]</span><</widget>>
<<widget FacePic>><<silently>>
<<set $FacePic = "A-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<if $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 0>>
<<set $FacePic = "A-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 1>>
<<set $FacePic = "B-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 2>>
<<set $FacePic = "C-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 3>>
<<set $FacePic = "D-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 4>>
<<set $FacePic = "E-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 5>>
<<set $FacePic = "F-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 6>>
<<set $FacePic = "G-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 7>>
<<set $FacePic = "H-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 8>>
<<set $FacePic = "I-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 9>>
<<set $FacePic = "J-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] == 10>>
<<set $FacePic = "K-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] > 10>>
<<set $FacePic = "L-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<set $FacePicPrint = "" + $ImgDir + "/face/" + $FacePic >>
<</silently>><span class="slaveimgS">[img[$FacePicPrint]]</span><</widget>>
<<widget PussyPic>><<silently>>
<<if $SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] == "hairy">>
<<set $PussyPic = "hairy-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] == "trimmed">>
<<set $PussyPic = "trimmed-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<elseif $SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] == "shaved">>
<<set $PussyPic = "shaved-" + $SlaveNumber[$ManagedSlave] + ".jpg">>
<<set $PussyPicPrint = "" + $ImgDir + "/pussy/" + $PussyPic >>
<</silently>><span class="slaveimg">[img[$PussyPicPrint]]</span><</widget>><hr>
<<if visited("Management")>>
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>The current year.</span>Year</a>: $Year
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>The current season.</span>Season</a>: $Season
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>The current month.</span>Month</a>: $Month
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>The current week of the year. Years have 52 weeks. Rent is paid every $RentWeek weeks.</span>Week</a>: $YearWeek
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>The total amount of weeks elapsed.</span>Total Weeks</a>: $Week
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>This is your current money. <br>The game's currency is simply called <i>Cash</i> and uses the ¤ symbol.</span>Cash</a>: <gr>¤$Cash</gr>
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>You gain this amount of cash at the start of every week.</span>Income</a>: <gr>¤$Income</gr>
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>You lose this much cash at the end of every week paying for salaries, upkeep and maintenance, utilities, and similar expenses.</span>Upkeep</a>: <r>¤$Upkeep</r>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("FirstRent") && $Debt > 0>>
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>You have this much debt left to pay to $Carl.</span>Debt</a>: ¤$Debt
<br>Next rent: <<print $WeeksToRent>> week<<s $WeeksToRent>>
<br>Rent: <re>¤$RentCost cash</re>
<<if $Week % $RentWeek == 0>>
<br><re>(Rent will be paid at the end of this week!)</re>
<a class="tooltip"><span>You need Energy to perform most tasks.<br>It is refilled at the start of every week.</span>Energy</a>:
<<for $PCEnergyBar = $PCEnergy; $PCEnergyBar > 0;>>
<<if $PCEnergyBar >= 100>>
<<EnergyIcon /icons/energy100.png>>
<<set $PCEnergyBar -= 100>>
<<elseif $PCEnergyBar >= 50>>
<<EnergyIcon /icons/energy50.png>>
<<set $PCEnergyBar -= 50>>
<<elseif $PCEnergyBar >= 10>>
<<EnergyIcon /icons/energy10.png>>
<<set $PCEnergyBar -= 10>>
<<elseif $PCEnergyBar >= 5>>
<<EnergyIcon /icons/energy5.png>>
<<set $PCEnergyBar -= 5>>
<<EnergyIcon /icons/energy1.png>>
<<set $PCEnergyBar -= 1>>
<<if $PCEnergy > 0>>
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>$PCInfToolTip</span>Influence</a>: $PCInf
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>$PCSubToolTip</span>Submissiveness</a>: $PCSub
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>$PCFemToolTip</span>Femininity</a>: $PCFem
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>How many slaves you have under your control.
<br><s>(Does not count drones.)</s></span>Slaves</a>: $SlaveCount
<br><a class="tooltip"><span>How many rooms you have, and how many are empty - for housing new slaves.</span>Rooms</a>: $FreeSpace / $LivingSpace
<<for $i = 1; $i < $SlaveCount+1; $i++>>
<a class="tooltip"><span>Energy is used to perform most tasks.<br>It is refilled at the start of every week.</span>$SlaveName[$i]'s Energy</a>:
<<for $SlaveEnergyBar = $SlaveEnergy[$i]; $SlaveEnergyBar > 0;>>
<<if $SlaveEnergyBar >= 100>>
<<EnergyIcon /icons/energy100.png>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyBar -= 100>>
<<elseif $SlaveEnergyBar >= 50>>
<<EnergyIcon /icons/energy50.png>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyBar -= 50>>
<<elseif $SlaveEnergyBar >= 10>>
<<EnergyIcon /icons/energy10.png>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyBar -= 10>>
<<elseif $SlaveEnergyBar >= 5>>
<<EnergyIcon /icons/energy5.png>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyBar -= 5>>
<<EnergyIcon /icons/energy1.png>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyBar -= 1>>
<<if $SlaveEnergy[$i] > 0>>
<<set $DroneUnlock = ($EventsSeen.contains("SecondRent"))>>
<<if $DroneUnlock>>
<br>Drones: $Drone.Count
<br>Empty Pods: $Drone.FreeSpace / $Drone.Space
<<link "Options">>
<LSU>Optional Fetishes</LSU>
<br><label><a class='tooltipPassage'><span>Unchecking this box disables gay (Male/Male) content outright.
<br><b>This will also disable most interactions with male clients after becoming feminized (ie trap or shemale).</b>
<br>This content is entirely and easily avoidable through your choices in game, it is not recommended that you disable it.
<br><r>Disabling or enabling Gay content after Week 4 will have unexpected results, and should be avoided!</r>
<br></span>Gay (Male/Male)</a> <<checkbox '$GayContentEnabled' false true `$GayContentEnabled ? 'checked' : ''`>></label>
<br><label><a class='tooltipPassage'><span>Unchecking this box disables most Sissy and Hypno (feminization) content.
<br><r>You can avoid most of this content through your actions in the game!</r></span>Sissy & Hypno</a> <<checkbox '$HypnoContentEnabled' false true `$HypnoContentEnabled ? 'checked' : ''`>></label>
<br><label><a class='tooltipPassage'><span>Unchecking this box disables most Urolagnia (Golden Shower) content.</span>Piss & Watersports</a> <<checkbox '$PissContentEnabled' false true `$PissContentEnabled ? 'checked' : ''`>></label>
<br><label><a class='tooltipPassage'><span>Unchecking this box disables most Enema and Rectal Douching-type content.
<br>(There is very little of this content in the game, and it does not include scat-play at all.)</span>Enema</a> <<checkbox '$EnemaContentEnabled' false true `$EnemaContentEnabled ? 'checked' : ''`>></label>
<br><i>Note: Enabling or disabling fetishes during a playthrough may have unintended consequences.</i>
<br><label><a class='tooltipPassage'><span>AutoSkip automatically skips scenes you've already seen. It currently only works for the various slave prostitution scenes.</span>AutoSkip</a> <<checkbox '$AutoSkip' false true `$AutoSkip ? 'checked' : ''`>></label>
<br><<link 'Invert Colors'>>
<<set $InvertColors *= -1>>
<<if $DebugUnlocked == 1>>
<LSU>Debug & Cheats</LSU>
<<if $Debug == 1>>
<<link 'Gain ¤10000'>>
<<set $Cash += 10000>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<br><<link 'Gain ¤10000000'>>
<<set $Cash += 10000000>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<br><<link 'Slaves +10 Max Energy'>>
<<for $i = 1; $i < $SlaveCount+1; $i++>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyMax[$i] += 10>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$i] += 10>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<br><<link 'Player +10 Max Energy'>>
<<set $PCEnergyMax += 10>>
<<set $PCEnergy += 10>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<br><small>(There are other Debug Cheats inside the Inspect pages.)</small>
<br><<link 'Turn Debug Mode off'>>
<<set $Debug = 0>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<elseif $DebugUnlocked == 1>>
<<link 'Turn Debug Mode on'>>
<<set $Debug = 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Close and Save'>>
Welcome to Whoremaker!
<<if $Debug == 1>>
<<if $PublicRelease == false>>
<<click 'Gain a lot of money.'>>
<<set $Cash += 1000000>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<click 'Slaves +10 Max Energy'>>
<<for $i = 1; $i < $SlaveCount+1; $i++>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyMax[$i] += 10>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$i] += 10>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<click 'Player +10 Max Energy'>>
<<set $PCEnergyMax += 10>>
<<set $PCEnergy += 10>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<click 'Turn Debug off'>>
<<set $Debug = 0>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</if>><<Roll 1>>
<<set $SkillFactor = ((($BeautyMod / 3) + ($SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] / 3) + $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave])/10)>>
<<SetEarnings 1 $SkillFactor 25>>
<span id="BackButton">
<<set $AnalScene = []>>
<<set $AnalScene.push ("
<<if $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] <= $AssholeStatus2>>
<<set $EventId = \"AnalScene1.1\">>
<<NMS>> felt like she was going to be split apart when the client's huge <<Cock>> rammed into her <<AssholeDesc>>. He quickly buried his entire length deep inside of her and started hammering, despite $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s pained protests.
<br>She let out a whimper of relief when she felt her <<Asshole>> fill with the client's burning hot <<Cum>>, knowing that it was going to be over soon.
<br><<Image anal018.gif>>
<<set $EventId = \"AnalScene1.2\">>
<<if $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] <= $AssholeStatus3>>Thanks to copious amounts of lube, <</if>>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s <<AssholeDesc>> easily accommodated both the girth and length of her client's large <<Cock>>.
<br>She could feel the client's balls slapping against her <<Ass>> as he hammered away. A very pleasant sensation started welling up within her.
<br><pi>\"Don't stop!\"</pi>, she encouraged the client, and let out a slutty moan.
<br><blu>\"You're such a fucking good little anal whore.\"</blu>, the client responded with a groan, mostly to himself. He had no intention of stopping.
<br><<NMS>> felt shame welling up within her at his words, but she quickly pushed it out of her mind. Being fucked simply felt too good.
<br><blu>\"You fucking want me to bust a nut inside your ass, don't you?\"</blu>, the client said, slapping her ass to get her attention.
<br><pi>\"Y-yes! Fill my ass with your <<Cum>>!\"</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] said, in a voice filled with desire.
<br><blu>\"Aah! Take it, you fucking whore!\"</blu> The client let out a loud groan as he buried his large <<Cock>> as deep as it would go.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] could only respond by moaning loudly, relishing the sensation of getting her <<Asshole>> filled with his hot <<Cum>>.
<br><<Image anal002.gif>>
<<set $AnalScene.push ("
<<if $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] <= $AssholeStatus2>>
<<set $EventId = \"AnalScene2.1\">>
$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] buried her face in a pillow and bit down as the client split her <<AssholeDesc>> open with his hard <<Cock>>. He mercilessly pumped away, without any regard for the pained grunts his efforts were eliciting from $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]. He emptied his balls in her <<AssholeDesc>> and left, satisfied. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] was left alone with the sticky mess, and her throbbing pain.
<br><<Image anal006.gif>>
<<set $EventId = \"AnalScene2.2\">>
$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] enjoyed the feeling of the client's <<Cock>> inside her <<AssholeDesc>>.
<br>She played with her <<PussyDesc>> as the man thrust in and out of her.
<br><<Image anal015.gif>>
<<set $AnalScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"AnalScene3\">>
<<NMS>> had no idea what awaited her as she greeted her next client.
<br><blu>\"I've paid extra for you.\"</blu>, he said as she entered the room. There was a sly grin on his face.
<br><blu>\"I've got special plans for you, my beautiful little asswhore.\"</blu>
<<NMS>> was very nervous, not knowing what to expect, but she managed to steel her courage and reply, <pi>\"I... I'm happy to be of service, Sir.\"</pi>
<br><blu>\"I bet you are, you little slut.\"</blu>
<br>The client started ripping <<NMS>>'s clothes off her body, almost tearing them.
<br><blu>\"Something real special.\"</blu>, he said, ripping off <<NMS>>'s panties. He immediately plunged a couple of fingers into her <<AssholeDesc>> and started pumping.
<br><<NMS>> let out a little cry of pain. She immediately received a slap across the face as a result.
<br><blu>\"That's right, bitch, cry. You worthless cunt, I bet your family is real proud of you.\"</blu>, he mocked, as tears started streaming down <<NMS>>'s face.
<br><blu>\"I bet your Daddy always wanted to raise a whore who sells her ass to strangers for cash.\"</blu>
<br>The man worked another finger into her <<Asshole>> and continued pumping.
<br><blu>\"Or maybe you learned it from your whore mother, when she wasn't too busy getting her holes stuffed with cock.\"</blu>, he continued his verbal assault.
<br><pi>\"S-shut up!\"</pi>, <<NMS>> bristled. She received another stinging slap across the face as a result.
<br><blu>\"Too close to the truth, eh? Whores like you are all the same.\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>> wanted to fight back, to scream and shout, to punch and kick - but all she did was sob.
<br><blu>\"That's what I thought.\"</blu>, the client's sly grin appeared again.
<<NMS>>'s ass had been getting abused by the client's fingers for a long time when he suddenly and abruptly picked her up, lifting her off the floor. He carried her over to the sofa, sat down and placed her in his lap.
<br><blu>\"Enough foreplay.\"</blu>, he said, and lined up his long <<Cock>> with <<NMS>>'s <<AssholeDesc>>. <<NMS>> struggled to get away.
<br><blu>\"Oh no you don't.\"</blu> The man held <<NMS>> in place, then leaned down and put his arms under her knees, pulling upwards. <<NMS>>'s body was forced to curl up, which had the effect of giving the client easy access to her <<Asshole>>.
<br>He thrust into her. A searing pain shot through <<NMS>>'s spine. She let out a pained whimper.
<br><blu>\"This is all you're good for. A hole for me to use.\"</blu>, he admonished her.
<br><<NMS>> was entirely in the client's control, he was strong enough to lift her up and hold her in place. He wrapped his hands around her neck, forcing her head down.
<br><blu>\"Look! Look at how my cock is being welcomed into your asshole. It's like a key in a lock. Your ass was made to be fucked by big, hard cocks.\"</blu>
<br>She saw. She saw her <<AssholeDesc>> being mercilessly pounded by a huge <<Cock>>.
<br><blu>\"Just like a lock was made for a key, your asshole was made for dick!\"</blu> The man was clearly proud of his analogy.
<br><<Image anal012.gif>>
<br>The man continued to ravage <<NMS>>'s <<Asshole>> for a long time, and continued delivering insult after insult.
<br>When he was done, he tossed <<NMS>> onto the floor and spat on her.
<br>You found her still lying there, whimpering. She was a broken, sore, crying mess. It took a long time to comfort her.
<<set $ExtraPay = Math.round(10*$SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $Cash += $ExtraPay>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyLoss = 2>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] -= $SlaveEnergyLoss>><<if $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] < 0>><<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] = 0>><</if>>
<<timed 40ms>><<replace \"#BackButton\">><<BackSlave>><</replace>><</timed>>
<br>Due to her soreness, <<NMS>> <r>lost</r> <bl>$SlaveEnergyLoss extra energy.</bl> The client paid extra for this assignment, giving you <gr>¤$ExtraPay extra Cash</gr>.
<<set $AnalScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"AnalScene4\">>
The client was assertive and imposing, the kind who made his wishes clear immediately.
<br>He snapped his fingers at <<NMS>> and pointed to the ensuite.
<br><blu>\"Get in the shower, I want you clean.\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>> obeyed, and got in the bathroom, stripped down and got into the shower.
<br>The client followed her, his stern eyes fixed on her body.
<br><blu>\"Soap up.\"</blu> he said, throwing a bath loofah at her. She caught it, and obeyed his wishes.
<br><<Image tits002.gif>>
<br>Once he deemed her sufficiently sudsy, the client got undressed himself and joined <<NMS>> in the shower.
<br>He ran his hands over her slippery, <<TitsDesc>> and <<Ass>>, then grabbed the showerhead and rinsed her off.
<br><blu>\"Nice and clean.\"</blu>, he commented, with a smile.
<br><<NMS>> nodded and smiled. She couldn't help but notice that the man's <<Cock>> was now fully erect.
<br>He pushed it towards her, rubbing it against her <<AssDesc>>.
<br><<NMS>> purred, and grinded back at him.
<br>Before long, the <<CockDesc 6>> found its way between her cheeks and into her <<AssholeDesc>>.
<br>She let out a moan of pain and pleasure as she was pushed up against the side of the shower.
<br><<Image anal004.gif>>
<br>He started pounding her, and continued to relentlessly pound her for a long time.
<br>Once they were finally done, the client made <<NMS>> dress before he left.
<<if $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] >= $AssholeStatus2>>
/% Written by mlreta %/
<<set $AnalScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"AnalSceneBBC\">>
<<NMS>> was in the lobby, looking at herself in a big mirror. She adjusted her <<TitsDesc>> - she knew they were some of her customers' favourite assets of hers, and she had to make sure they looked good!
<br>The other favourite asset of hers is, of course, her <<AssDesc>>. She has developed quite the expertise with it, and many customers now ask for anal only. She can make them touch the sky with her muscles.
<br>She turned around as she suddenly saw the reflection of a new customer entering the premises.
<br>A tall, herculean black man, with a body as if it were chiseled by a masterful sculptor. His deep almond eyes complete his perfect face, and his stride exudes confidence as he walks across the lobby towards <<PCName>>.
<br>He can't help eying <<NMS>>'s <<AssDesc>> though.
<br>When the customer walked her way, after just a couple of words with <<PCName>>, she gleefully smiled - having dreamed of being with this kind of man for a long time.
<br>As soon as they entered the room, <<NMS>> dropped to the floor and went straight for the guy's crotch, unzipping his trousers to reveal a 14-inch monster - already semi-rigid.
<br>The sight of it made her salivate in anticipation.
<br>She knelt in front of him and started licking his shaft before covering every single inch of it in kisses.
<br><blu>\"I didn't pay for no blowjob.\"</blu>, the client said and stopped her.
<br><<NMS>> looked up at him.
<br><blu>\"I'm gonna pound your ass until you beg me to stop, whore.\"</blu>
<br>She smiled, and said, <pi>\"The BJ is on the house. I just wanted to make sure you were ready for me.\"</pi>
<br><pi>\"And there's no way I'm going to beg you to stop, I want this thing inside me so badly!\"</pi>, she added with a moan.
<br><<Image blowjob004.gif>>
<br>When she felt that he was ready, <<NMS>> laid down on a small pouff, spreading her legs as much as she could, inviting the man to plow her hungry asshole.
<br>Her black Adonis didn't make her wait long, as he got behind her and soon entered her <<AssholeDesc>>.
<br>The sheer size of the intruding <<Cock>> made her gasp for air - she tried to scream but couldn't, as her mouth was being covered by the client's big, strong hand.
<br><<NMS>>'s <<Pussy>> was completely drenched, she felt like she was in heaven - the initial pain quickly turning into rapturous pleasure.
<br>She started to move her hips in sync with his thrust, driving him deeper and harder into her. Soon he was fucking her <<Ass>> as hard as he could, and <<NMS>> no longer showed any signs of pain or discomfort, just pure bliss.
<br><<Image anal001.gif>>
<br>She squirmed, whimpered, and begged until he came inside her ass - causing <<NMS>> to explode into her own orgasm at the same time.
<br>After emptying his load inside of her, he let his own body go limp, and fell across <<NMS>>'s back.
<br>His warm breath hit her face as he panted a <blu>\"Damn, you're good.\"</blu>.
<br><<NMS>> felt like a complete whore, and was very proud about that.
<<if $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] >= $AssholeStatus3>>
/% Written by mlreta %/
<<set $AnalScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"AnalScene5\">>
<<NMS>> had been willing to get her ass stuffed more and more, and was always daydreaming about big cocks filling her hungry <<Asshole>>.
<br>It seems as if she's been turned into quite the anal whore due to the constant training and abuse her ass has been suffering.
<br>At this point, it's all pleasure for <<NMS>> when a big chunk of meat goes <i>up there</i>.
<<if $SlaveCount > 1>>
<br>A tall, well-formed guy was standing in the lobby, looking at the girls, the way a tiger looks at its prey.
<br>He was gazing at their bodies, taking in their curves and figures, his mouth watering like that of a predator.
<br>His gaze then fixed on <<NMS>>'s <<AssDesc>>, and he licked his lips.
<br>A tall, well-formed guy was standing in the lobby, eyeing <<NMS>> up and down.
<br>He was taking in her curves and his mouth watered like that of a predator who just spotted a wounded deer.
<br>The man walked decidedly up to her and looked deeply into her eyes.
<br><blu>\"I want to fuck that ass.\"</blu>, he said bluntly.
<br><<NMS>> just nodded.
<br>After entering the room, the guy pulled his pants down, giving <<NMS>> a look at his <<CockDesc 10>>.
<br>He started to massage it, and it quickly grew to its impressive, full size.
<br><blu>\"I want you to beg for this in your hungry hole.\"</blu>, he said, waving his <<Cock>> towards her.
<br><<NMS>> couldn't keep her eyes off that meaty monster, her <<AssholeDesc>> almost pulsating with need - the need for that gorgeous <<Cock>> deep inside her.
<br>She knelt on top of the bed and arched her back, pushing her ass back and spreading her cheeks apart.
<br><pi>\"Please, Sir, please fuck me!\"</pi>, she begged.
<br>The client rubbed a bit of spit on his cockhead then plunged deep inside of <<NMS>>, spearing her on his thick shaft.
<br>The invasion began slowly and fairly gently, but rapidly became harsh and fast, pumping faster and deeper with each thrust.
<br><<Image anal005.gif>>
<br>Soon, the girl was quivering and moaning like a bitch in heat - her mind screaming in pleasure, wishing that this sensation could last forever!
<br><<Image anal007.gif>>
<br>When the guy exploded into her, she moaned and shrieked in pleasure, feeling completely full - and happy.
<br>Long after the client had left the room, <<NMS>> remained, her ass dripping with warm <<Cum>>, her eyes staring blankly into nothingness.
<br><pi>\"My ass is a hole that needs to be fucked every day...\"</pi>, she whispered to herself.
<br><pi>\"And I love it...\"</pi>, she whimpered.
<<print $AnalScene.random()>>
<br><<SubGain "slave" 2 10>> <<SkillGain "Anal" 1 8 true>>
<<if $EventCall>>
<<print "You've triggered <span id=\"spaceAct\">[[an event!|Event]]</span> <key>[Spacebar]</key>">>
<<set $EventName = $EventCall>>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
<<set _InspectName = "Inspect " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<if $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] > 0>>
<<NMS>> has <bl>$SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] energy</bl> remaining.
<<if $PCEnergy > 0>>
/% Set strings for Training %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $HandSub>>
<<set $BreakWillText = "Teach " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " how to be a better slave.">>
<<elseif $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $OralSub>>
<<set $BreakWillText = "Help " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " accept her position as your slave.">>
<<elseif $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $SexSub>>
<<set $BreakWillText = "Discipline " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + ".">>
<<elseif $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $AnalSub>>
<<set $BreakWillText = "Dominate " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " and break her will.">>
<<elseif $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $AnalSub>>
<<set $BreakWillText = "Continue breaking " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + ".">>
<<set $DanceTrainText = [
"Teach " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " to move her body in more erotic ways.",
"Improve " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + "'s dancing skill."
<<set $HandTrainText = [
"Teach " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " to give better handjobs.",
"Improve " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + "'s ability to give pleasure using her hands."
<<set $OralTrainText = [
"Teach " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " to give better blowjobs.",
"Improve " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + "'s blowjob skills.",
"Make " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " a better cocksucker."
<<set $SexTrainText = [
"Teach " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " how to please her clients better.",
"Show " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " how to be a better lay.",
"Train " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " in the art of sex.",
"Practice fucking with " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + ""
<<set $AnalTrainText = [
"Break in " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + "'s " + $Asshole.random() + " and prepare her to serve clients better with it.",
"Train " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " to use her asshole to please.",
"Improve " + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + "'s ability to give pleasure using her " + $Asshole.random()
/% Break %/
<<link "<<Icon /icons/break.png>> $BreakWillText" BreakWill>>
/% TrainDance %/
<<link "<<Icon /icons/dancetrain.png>> <<print $DanceTrainText.random()>>" TrainDance>>
/% TrainHand %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $HandSub>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/handtrain.png>> <<print $HandTrainText.random()>>" TrainHand>>
<r><<Icon /icons/handtrain.png>> <<print $HandTrainText.random()>></r> <<NotSub>>
/% TrainOral %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $OralSub>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/oraltrain.png>> <<print $OralTrainText.random()>>" TrainOral>>
<r><<Icon /icons/oraltrain.png>> <<print $OralTrainText.random()>></r> <<NotSub>>
/% TrainSex %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $SexSub>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/sextrain.png>> <<print $SexTrainText.random()>>" TrainSex>>
<r><<Icon /icons/sextrain.png>> <<print $SexTrainText.random()>></r> <<NotSub>>
/% TrainAnal %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $AnalSub>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/analtrain.png>> <<print $AnalTrainText.random()>>" TrainAnal>>
<r><<Icon /icons/analtrain.png>> <<print $AnalTrainText.random()>></r> <<NotSub>>
<br><r>You can't train this slave, you're out of energy.</r>
/% Set strings for Tasks %/
<<set $DanceText = [
"Work as a stripper.",
"Strip for clients.",
"Show off her naked body.",
"Strip and give lapdances.",
"Give lapdances."
<<set $HandText = [
"Offer handjobs.",
"Give handjobs.",
"Jerk clients off.",
"Pleasure clients with her hands."
<<set $TitfuckText = [
"Service clients with her tits.",
"Let clients fuck her tits.",
"Pleasure clients with her " + $Tits.random() + "."
<<set $OralText = [
"Offer blowjobs.",
"Use her mouth to get clients off.",
"Let clients use her mouth.",
"Pleasure clients with her mouth."
<<set $SexText = [
"Have sex with clients.",
"Fuck clients.",
"Let clients fuck her pussy.",
"Let clients use her pussy."
<<set $AnalText = [
"Let clients use her ass.",
"Have anal sex with clients.",
"Let clients fuck her " + $Asshole.random() + "."
<<set $DomText = [
"Dominate a submissive client.",
"Find a sub for " + "" + $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] + " to dominate."
<<set $FootText = [
"Give a client a footjob.",
"Make " + $SlaveNickname[$ManagedSlave] + " pleasure a client with her feet.",
/% Dance %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $DanceSub>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/dance.png>> <<print $DanceText.random()>>" ProDance>>
<r><<Icon /icons/dance.png>> <<print $DanceText.random()>></r> <<NotSub>>
/% Hand %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $HandSub>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/hand.png>> <<print $HandText.random()>>" ProHand>>
<r><<Icon /icons/hand.png>> <<print $HandText.random()>></r> <<NotSub>>
/% Titfuck %/
/% Disable Titfuck for Ellinor %/
<<if $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] != 2>>
<<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] >= $TitfuckTitSize && $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $TitfuckSub>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/titfuck.png>> <<print $TitfuckText.random()>>" ProTitfuck>>
<r><<Icon /icons/titfuck.png>> <<print $TitfuckText.random()>></r> <<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] < $TitfuckTitSize>><<TitsTooSmall>><</if>><<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $TitfuckSub>> <<NotSub>><</if>>
/% Oral %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $OralSub>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/oral.png>> <<print $OralText.random()>>" ProOral>>
<r><<Icon /icons/oral.png>> <<print $OralText.random()>></r> <<NotSub>>
/% Sex %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $SexSub>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/sex.png>> <<print $SexText.random()>>" ProSex>>
<r><<Icon /icons/sex.png>> <<print $SexText.random()>></r> <<NotSub>>
/% Anal %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $AnalSub>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/anal.png>> <<print $AnalText.random()>>" ProAnal>>
<r><<Icon /icons/anal.png>> <<print $AnalText.random()>></r> <<NotSub>>
/% Unique %/
<<switch $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<case 1>>
/% Rebecca Dom %/
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/dom.png>> <<print $DomText.random()>>" ProDom>>
<r><<Icon /icons/dom.png>> <<print $DomText.random()>></r> <is>(<<NMS>> isn't currently interested in being dominant.)</is>
<<case 2>>
/% Elli Footjobs %/
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("FootUnlock")>>
<<link "<<Icon /icons/foot.png>> <<print $FootText.random()>>" ProFoot>>
<r><<Icon /icons/foot.png>> <<print $FootText.random()>></r> <is>(<<NMS>> hasn't been introduced to the idea of using her feet in a sexual manner yet.)</is>
/% Generic %/
<key>This slave doesn't have a unique task yet.</key>
/% Enhancements %/
/% Set strings for Enhancements %/
/% Ass %/
<<switch $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $IncreaseAssText = "Grow <<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>> by injecting her with a round of growth hormones.">>
<<case 1>>
<<set $IncreaseAssText = "Grow <<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>> by giving her growth hormones.">>
<<case 2>>
<<set $IncreaseAssText = "Administer another round of growth hormones to <<NMS>> in order to continue expanding her <<Ass $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>>.">>
<<case 3>>
<<set $IncreaseAssText = "Reshape <<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>> using nanites.">>
<<case 4>>
<<set $IncreaseAssText = "Continue to enlarge and reshape <<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>> using black-market nanites.">>
<<case 5>>
<<set $IncreaseAssText = "Use targeted stem cells to make <<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>> grow even larger.">>
<<case 6>>
<<set $IncreaseAssText = "Administer a booster shot of stem cells to make <<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>> swell even more.">>
<<case 7>>
<<set $IncreaseAssText = "Expand the size of <<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>> by using fat-redistributing nanites.">>
<<case 8>>
<<set $IncreaseAssText = "Give <<NMS>> fillable implants to enlarge her <<Ass $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>> even more.">>
<<case 9>>
<<set $IncreaseAssText = "Fill <<NMS>>'s implants to enlarge her <<Ass $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>>.">>
<<set $IncreaseAssText = "Continue to fill <<NMS>>'s implants to enlarge her <<Ass $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>>.">>
/% Tits %/
<<switch $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $IncreaseTitsText = "Use hormone injections to grow <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>>.">>
<<case 1>>
<<set $IncreaseTitsText = "Grow <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>> with growth-hormones.">>
<<case 2>>
<<set $IncreaseTitsText = "Expand the size of <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>> through the use of growth-hormone injections.">>
<<case 3>>
<<set $IncreaseTitsText = "Inject <<NMS>> with nanites to increase the size of her <<Tits $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>>.">>
<<case 4>>
<<set $IncreaseTitsText = "Use black-market nanites to further increase the size of <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>>.">>
<<case 5>>
<<set $IncreaseTitsText = "Use targeted stem cells to grow <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>> larger.">>
<<case 6>>
<<set $IncreaseTitsText = "Inject <<NMS>> with special, fat-redistributing nanites to further increase her <<Tits $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>>'s size.">>
<<case 7>>
<<set $IncreaseTitsText = "Give <<NMS>> a pair of fillable breast implants.">>
<<case 8>>
<<set $IncreaseTitsText = "Add filler to <<NMS>>'s implants and expand her <<Tits $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>>.">>
<<case 9>>
<<set $IncreaseTitsText = "Reshape and increase the size of <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>> with a new type of filler.">>
<<set $IncreaseTitsText = "Continue to expand <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>>.">>
/% Lips %/
<<switch $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $IncreaseLipsText = "Plump up <<NMS>>'s <<Lips>> with a special lip gloss.">>
<<case 1>>
<<set $IncreaseLipsText = "Continue expanding the size of <<NMS>>'s <<Lips>> with the a new type of plumping lip gloss.">>
<<case 2>>
<<set $IncreaseLipsText = "Grow <<NMS>>'s <<Lips>> with injections.">>
<<case 3>>
<<set $IncreaseLipsText = "Inject <<NMS>> with nanites to increase her <<Lip>> size.">>
<<case 4>>
<<set $IncreaseLipsText = "Use black market nanites to further increase the size of <<NMS>>'s <<Lips>>.">>
<<case 5>>
<<set $IncreaseLipsText = "Give <<NMS>> implanted fillers to expand her <<Lips>>.">>
<<case 6>>
<<set $IncreaseLipsText = "Add fluid to <<NMS>>'s implants in order to swell her <<Lips>> larger.">>
<<case 7>>
<<set $IncreaseLipsText = "Give <<NMS>> a new, larger type of expandable implants.">>
<<case 8>>
<<set $IncreaseLipsText = "Fill <<NMS>>'s expandable implants to increase the size of her <<Lips>>.">>
<<set $IncreaseLipsText = "Continue to fill and expand <<NMS>>'s <<Lips>>.">>
<<if $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] != 2>>
/% Ass %/
<<set $AssCost = 50 + 50 * Math.pow($SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave], 2)>>
<<if $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] >= 5 && $Facilities.contains("Robotic Operating Suite") == false>>
¤$AssCost: <r>$IncreaseAssText</r> <is>(Requires Robotic Operating Suite.)</is>
<<elseif $Cash >= $AssCost && $PCEnergy >= 1>>
<<link $IncreaseAssText>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] -= 1>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= 1>>
<<set $Cash -= $AssCost>>
<<goto IncreaseAss>>
¤$AssCost: <r>$IncreaseAssText</r> <<NoPCEnergy>>
/% Tits %/
<<set $TitsCost = 50 + 50 * Math.pow($SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave], 2)>>
<<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] > $TitfuckTitSize && !$Facilities.contains("Robotic Operating Suite")>>
¤$TitsCost: <r>$IncreaseTitsText</r> <is>(Requires Robotic Operating Suite.)</is>
<<elseif $Cash >= $TitsCost && $PCEnergy >= 1>>
/% Disable going into TitfuckSize if slave isn't submissive enough %/
<<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] == ($TitfuckTitSize - 1) && !$SlaveSubTitfuck>>
¤$TitsCost: <r>$IncreaseTitsText</r> <is>(<<NMS>> refuses to agree to any more modifications, she's not submissive enough.)</is>
<<link $IncreaseTitsText>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] -= 1>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= 1>>
<<set $Cash -= $TitsCost>>
<<goto IncreaseTits>>
¤$TitsCost: <r>$IncreaseTitsText</r> <<NoPCEnergy>>
/% Lips %/
<<set $LipsCost = 30 + 30 * Math.pow($SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave], 2)>>
<<if $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] >= 5 && $Facilities.contains("Robotic Operating Suite") == false>>
¤$LipsCost: <r>$IncreaseLipsText</r> <is>(Requires Robotic Operating Suite.)</is>
<<elseif $Cash >= $LipsCost && $PCEnergy >= 1>>
<<link $IncreaseLipsText>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] -= 1>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= 1>>
<<set $Cash -= $LipsCost>>
<<goto IncreaseLips>>
¤$LipsCost: <r>$IncreaseLipsText</r> <<NoPCEnergy>>
/% Ellinor's Unique Stuff %/
<<elseif $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] == 2>>
/% ########## %/
/% TeethWhitening %/
<<set $TeethWhiteningCost = 500>>
<<set $TeethWhiteningText = "Whiten and straighten <<NMS>>'s teeth.">>
<<set $TeethWhiteningPurchasedText = "<<NMS>>'s teeth have been whitened and straightened. She has a beautiful, pearly-white smile.">>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("TeethWhitening")>>
<<if $Cash >= $TeethWhiteningCost && $PCEnergy >= 1>>
<<link $TeethWhiteningText>>
<<set $Cash -= $TeethWhiteningCost>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= 1>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] -= 1>>
<<set $EventCall = "TeethWhitening">>
<<goto "Event">>
¤$TeethWhiteningCost: <r>$TeethWhiteningText</r> <<NoPCEnergy>>
/% FashionShopping %/
<<set $FashionShoppingCost = 500>>
<<set $FashionShoppingText = "Get <<NMS>> a new, fashionable wardrobe.">>
<<set $FashionShoppingPurchasedText = "<<NNS>> has a wardrobe full of fashionable clothes.">>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("FashionShopping")>>
<<if $Cash >= $FashionShoppingCost && $PCEnergy >= 1>>
<<link $FashionShoppingText>>
<<set $Cash -= $FashionShoppingCost>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= 1>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] -= 1>>
<<set $EventCall = "FashionShopping">>
<<goto "Event">>
¤$FashionShoppingCost: <r>$FashionShoppingText</r> <<NoPCEnergy>>
/% AnalBleaching %/
<<set $AnalBleachingCost = 500>>
<<set $AnalBleachingText = "Bleach <<NMS>>'s <<Asshole>>.">>
<<set $AnalBleachingPurchasedText = "<<NMS>>'s <<Asshole>> has been bleached.">>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("AnalBleaching")>>
<<if $Cash >= $AnalBleachingCost && $PCEnergy >= 1>>
<<link $AnalBleachingText>>
<<set $Cash -= $AnalBleachingCost>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= 1>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] -= 1>>
<<set $EventCall = "AnalBleaching">>
<<goto "Event">>
¤$AnalBleachingCost: <r>$AnalBleachingText</r> <<NoPCEnergy>>
<r>This slave has no energy left.</r>
<</if>> /% Stop AutoSkip from happening at the end of the week. %/
<<set $EndOfWeekSkipping = false>>
<<if $RandomEvent <= $RandomEventChance && $Week > $PCProEventWeek>>
<<unset $RandomEvent>>
<<set $EventList = []>>
<<if random(1,100) <= 70>>
/% Non-Slave events %/
<<if $PCProCount == 0 && !$EventsSeen.contains("PCHandjobEventFem") && $EventsSeen.contains("SissyHypno6")>>
<<set $EventList.push("PCHandjobEventFem")>>
<<if random(1,100) <= 60>>
<<set $EventList.push("MoneyEvent")>>
/% Sissy %/
<<if $PCTitsSize <= 5>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("SissyHypno13.Yes")>>
<<set $EventList.push("HormoneTits" + $PCTitsSize + "")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("SissyHypno11") && $PCTitsSize < 5 && $HypnoContentEnabled>>
<<set $EventList.push("Daydream1")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream1") && $SlaveTits[1] > $TitfuckTitSize>>
<<set $EventList.push("Daydream2")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream2")>>
<<set $EventList.push("Daydream3")>>
<<if random(1,100) <= 80 && $HypnoContentEnabled>>
<<set $EventList.push("SissyHypno" + $SissyHypnoNumber + "")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("HormoneTits5") && !$EventsSeen.contains("PCMakeup1")>>
<<set $EventList.push("PCMakeup1")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("SissyHypno13") && !$EventsSeen.contains("SissyHypno13.Yes")>>
<<set $EventList.push("FemClothes1NoTits")>>
/%<<if $PCInf >= 5 && !$EventsSeen.contains("FemaleClientIntro")>>
<<set $EventList.push("FemaleClientIntro")>>
/% Bruce %/
<<if $PCSub >= $PCSubStatus.two && $PCProCount > 3 && $PCLegs == "shaved" && !$EventsSeen.contains("SissyBath")>>
<<set $EventList.push("SissyBath")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("SissyBath") && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage1")>>
<<set $EventList.push("BruceMessage1")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage1") && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage2")>>
<<set $EventList.push("BruceMessage2")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage2") && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage3") && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage2.No") && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage2.WithoutPanties")>>
<<set $EventList.push("BruceMessage3")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage3") && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage4")>>
<<set $EventList.push("BruceMessage4")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage3") && $BruceBouncer && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceFrot")>>
<<set $EventList.push("BruceFrot")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("BruceMasc1") && $BruceBouncer && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceFrot")>>
<<set $EventList.push("BruceFrot")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage4") && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceFirstFuck")>>
<<set $EventList.push("BruceFirstFuck")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage2.WithoutPanties") && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceMasc1")>>
<<set $EventList.push("BruceMasc1")>>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("BrucePhonesex") && $EventsSeen.contains("BruceMasc1") || $EventsSeen.contains("BruceFirstFuck")>>
<<set $EventList.push("BrucePhonesex")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("DomScene2") && $EventsSeen.contains("HormoneTits1") && $SlaveIsDominant[1] && $PCSub > $PCSubStatus.five && $PCTits != "manly">>
<<set $EventList.push("SissyMassagePegging")>>
<<set $ProtectionMoneyAmount = 2000>>
<<if $Cash >= $ProtectionMoneyAmount && $Facilities.contains("Bar") && !$EventsSeen.contains("ProtectionMoney")>>
<<set $EventList.push("ProtectionMoney")>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("ProtectionMoney") && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceBeer")>>
<<set $EventList.push("BruceBeer")>>
/% Other %/
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("MeetingJordan") && !$EventsSeen.contains("JordanDrunk") && $PCProCount > 0>>
<<set $EventList.push("JordanDrunk")>>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("ShemaleTakesPC") && $PCAnalFucked == true>>
<<set $EventList.push("ShemaleTakesPC")>>
/% If nothing has been picked, add a Money Event %/
<<if $EventList.length < 1>>
<<if $EventList.length < 1>>
<<set $EventList.push("MoneyEvent")>>
<<set $EventCallSetter = $EventList.random()>>
<<EventCallSet $EventCallSetter>>
<<if $EventCall>>
<<goto Event>>
This shouldn't have happened, something with random events went wrong.
/% World Building Box %/
<<set $WorldBuldingPicture = "">>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents = []>>
/% Initiate the list of possible events %/
/% General Events %/
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
id: "Gossip1",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"...saw the cutest blonde in here last week, tiny little thing. The kind that you just know would call you <i>Daddy</i> in bed.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
id: "Gossip2",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"I like to watch 'em dance, but I'm not going to shell out for more than that. Not with how tight money is these days.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
id: "Gossip3",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"How much do you think they would charge for a pair of used panties?\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
id: "Gossip4",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"...a choker like that? Definitely hiding an Adam's apple. Wouldn't take her out back without checking to see she ain't using the urinals first if you know what I mean...\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
id: "Gossip5",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Not gonna lie, wish they had a ladyboy working here. Nothing better than unloading in one of those tight little asses while their little cocks spurt all over their tummies.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
id: "Gossip6",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Can't tell 'em apart from the <i>real thing</i> these days, not with modern surgery 'n shit. Now, how they're paying for that shit? I'm sure I don't have to tell you it's probably on their knees...\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
id: "Gossip7",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"No way she's a \"man\", so quit runnin' your stupid mouth. Tits are too bouncy for that - too soft...\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
id: "Gossip8",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Saw that councilman in here last week, talking with some brunette. Just what we need, another scumbag politician who claims he's all \"family values\", but still picking up whores on the weekend...\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
id: "Gossip9",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"...not going to find the bodies. Those idiots picked the wrong place to mess with. You don't mess with the Grand Flame Casino anymore than you mess with the Eastsiders.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
id: "Gossip10",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><fe>\"I caught him going to that area of the metro full of degenerates, zone 95 F!\"</fe>
img: "events/bargossipfemale2.jpg"
id: "Gossip11",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"You think she'd let us double team her? You just know she's the kind of girl that looks better when she's completely wrecked!\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
id: "WorldTalk1",
content: "
You overhear a somber, nostalgic conversation take place.
<br><blu>\"...what I really miss though? It's that skating rink we used to have as kids. I know some people use the ponds in the winter, but it just isn't the same.\"</blu>
<br><blu2>\"Yeah, a shame it closed down, feels like there's nothing left around here these days...\"</blu2>
img: "events/abandonedhall.jpg"
id: "WorldTalk2",
content: "
You overhear a somber, nostalgic conversation.
<br><blu>\"Remember when our dads used to take us there? All the excitement as if we were going on a vacation - not just scavenging for scraps in the Wastes. Kids these days just wouldn't get it.\"</blu>
img: "events/abandonedhall.jpg"
id: "WorldTalk3",
content: "
You overhear a man complaining about the state of the neighbourhood.
<br><blu>\"Everything around here looks so broken these days, nobody is taking care of anything, it's all just going to shit... \"</blu>
img: "events/bleakhouse.jpg"
id: "DrugDeal1",
content: "
You're taking out the day's trash at the end of a long shift when you spot two people in an alley outside.
<br>You can't hear their conversation, but the exchange of some folded bills and a small packet makes it clear that it's a drug deal.
<br>You pay it no mind, it's none of your business...
img: "events/alley.jpg"
/% Rare Generic Events %/
<<if random(1,5) == 5>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
id: "GossipBurger",
content: "
Right around dinner time, you overhear a couple of guys talking about food.
<br><blu>\"...and you gotta have that caramelized onion on there, for sure.\"</blu>
<br><blu2>\"Oh, for sure! On top of the melty cheese, crispy lettuce, slice of tomato and smoky dressing. God, it's wonderful.\"</blu2>
<br><blu>\"Yeah man, damn. I could really go for a burger right about now. You in?\"</blu>
<br><blu2>\"Fuck yeah!\"</blu2>
<br>The men leave the brothel, presumably to sate their hunger elsewhere.
img: "events/burger.jpg"
/% Rebecca Generic %/
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
id: "RebeccaGeneric1",
content: "
You overhear a conversation in the brothel.
<br><blu>\"Bet she didn't realize she was signing up to be a whore when she applied to be a waitress!\"</blu>
<br><blu2>\"Heh. Probably makes more now than she ever did in 'tips', though.\"</blu2>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Rebecca Only Slave %/
<<if $SlaveCount == 1>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
id: "RebeccaOnly1",
You overhear a conversation in the brothel.
<br><blu>\"Think they'll ever get any more girls in here? $SlaveName[1] is fine and all, but a bit of variety would be nice.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
id: "RebeccaOnly2",
content: "
You overhear a conversation in the brothel.
<br><blu>\"Think they'll get any fresh blood in here anytime soon?\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Rebecca Tits >= 6 %/
<<if $SlaveTits[1] >= 6>>
<<if random(1,5) == 5>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
id: "RebeccaBigTitsJoke",
content: "
A man with a particularly ridiculous and wooden way of speaking can be overheard making comments about $SlaveName[1] at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Wow! Look at the size of those <<Tits>>, she must get a lot of cancer!\"</blu>
<br><blu>\"How can she persist in her worldly adventures despite her illness?\"</blu>
<br><blu>\"I'm shocked, stunned, and moved.\"</blu>
img: "events/gossipintheclintonyears.jpg"
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
id: "RebeccaBigTits1",
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Have you noticed how $SlaveName[1]'s <<Tits>> have grown? They're huge now!\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Rebecca > Sex Sub %/
<<if $SlaveSub[1] > $SexSub>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Been wanting to stick my dick in that tight ass for years! Favorite waitress by far, and now the best whore this place will ever see.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"How much you think it would cost us to spitroast that $SlaveName[1] chick? She looks like she needs a good fucking to pull the stick out of her ass.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Rebecca Dominant %/
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1]>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"I'd let Mistress $SlaveName[1] tie me up any day. Her hands are so soft and so sure, you've got to try it. She won't even fuck you in the ass unless you beg for it.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Then she put a blindfold on me and made me suck her strap-on - except it wasn't her strap at all! It was some dude's <<Cock>>! Then she fucked me from behind.\"</blu>
<br><blu>\"I think I'm in love? Is it too early to be in love...?\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><fe>\"...great strides with my husband, truly. I owe that woman a debt, he cooks and cleans now - and I don't even have to worry about him trying to put his disgusting little <<SmallCock>> in me since she caged him.\"</fe>
img: "events/bargossipfemale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><fe>\"Oh, Richard? He's in with Mistress $SlaveName[1]. I bring him here at least once a month to be milked. Otherwise he starts to get too horny, and, really... no one wants that. My beauty sleep is too important to be woken up because he's made a mess of the sheets.\"</fe>
img: "events/bargossipfemale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"You've got to be careful with that one- heard she put ol' Joe in a cock cage and won't let him out.\"</blu>
<br><blu>\"It's pathetic what a man will do for a little coochie, and he's not even getting to fuck it.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Think that Mistress chick can teach my girlfriend how to suck cock half as good as she does?\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Elli Hired %/
<<if $SlaveCount >= 2>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Were you here when that one did her little school girl dance, grinding on that ruler? Wouldn't mind her rubbing my ruler, if ya know what I mean.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
When leaving the bathroom, you overhear a client discussing who has to be $SlaveNickname[2].
<br><blu>\"The feet on her! So delicate, such a beautiful arch! I'm telling you, especially with those cute little stockings she likes to wear - imagine them just gliding on your <<Cock>>!\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
You overhear a conversation about $SlaveName[2].
<br><blu>\"Damn! It really is her! Guess I shouldn't be shocked, we all know she was banging Mr. Michaels that year.\"</blu>
<br><blu2>\"You think he gets a discount for his part in turning her into a whore?\"</blu2>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
You overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"As soon as my paycheck comes in, I know what I'm spending it on. A threesome with those two!\"</blu>
<br><blu2>\"Man, shut up. You barely know what to do with one girl, much less two.\"</blu2>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Elli > Sex Sub %/
<<if $SlaveSub[2] > $SexSub>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Always knew $SlaveName[2] was a little floozie. Just wish I'd banged her back in school, wouldn't have been so expensive then...\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Assistant Hired %/
<<if $Staff.contains("Assistant")>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"You seen that 'office assistant' they've hired? How long you think til she's turning tricks too?\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"She was coming out of $SlaveName[1]'s room last week, I'm telling you... something ain't right about those two...\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Doesn't that new secretary look familiar? I can't quite place it, but I feel like I recognize her from somewhere.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Any Slave > Piss Sub %/
<<for $i = 1; $i < $SlaveCount+1; $i++>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$i] > $PissSub>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"I hear they'll even let you piss on 'em if you're willing to pay enough.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% PC Shaved Legs %/
<<if $PCLegs == "shaved">>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"He definitely shaves his legs... bitch boy like that probably feels most at home in some pretty panties and a nice short skirt...\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a couple of people talking about you.
<br><blu>\"The owner is looking real cute these days, don't you think?\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% PC Blowjobs %/
<<if $PCGivingBlowjobs>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\" thing I know, he's down on his knees in some back room, jerking off a guy from the bar. Don't even think he noticed that I was there.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"I've tried every willing mouth in this place, and I stand by what I said- he's got the best one of them all.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"The girls are fine and all, don't get me wrong. But you want someone real eager for it? The owner is one real dedicated cocksucker.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% PC Blowjobs but not Anal %/
<<if $PCAnalFucked == false>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Do you think the owner is going to auction off his ass to the highest bidder? 'Cause if so, I'ma start saving up. I'd love to be the first to tap that.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/%PC Girly%/
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a group of men around a table sharing a joke.
<br><blu>\"You seen the owner? This place should get a new slogan: \"Come for the sissy, come IN the sissy!\"\"</blu>
<br>The bad joke is met by laughter from the other men.
<br>You avoid their stares as you head outside.
img: "events/bargossipmale2.jpg"
/% Bruce Hired %/
<<if $BruceBouncer>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"You seen that new bouncer they got here? Could've sworn he used to work for the Grand Flame Casino down the road.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Jordan Hired %/
<<if $OwnBartender>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"That bartender is a little cutie, too bad he isn't on the menu.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Chef Hired %/
<<if $OwnChef>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"They've got a chef! A chef of all things! If I was a bitch, I'd sign up to be a whore here in an instant as long as that meant I didn't have to cook for myself any more.\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Bar Not Owned %/
<<if !$OwnBar>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
You overhear a conversation about the state of the bar in the brothel.
<br><blu>\"Damn, this bar is rickety as hell.\"</blu>
<br><blu2>\"Yeah, real ramshackle. At least the lager is cold, and strong...\"</blu2>
img: "events/barsucks.jpg"
/% Bar Owned %/
<<if $OwnBar>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"As nice as the bar is, they really ought to be serving some better shit in here. Where's that top shelf stuff?\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"Sure, the wife ain't too happy 'bout me spending time here, but I'm tired of always listening to her bitch and moan anyway. At least the broads here have their mouths too busy with other things...\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Spa Owned %/
<<if $OwnSpa>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"I'm telling ya- it ain't widely advertised or nothing, but there's this spa here? Guess it's meant for the girls to take care of themselves, but you should try fucking a girl in the sauna. Best lay I've ever had! Real sweaty though...\"</blu>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Carl has visited the brothel (FirstRent event) %/
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("FirstRent")>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
During the week, you overhear a conversation at the bar.
<br><blu>\"I've seen that Carl guy coming out of the owner's office... you know they say he's a drug dealer? But none of that cartel shit, word is he's got stuff we've never even thought of yet!\"</blu>
<br><blu2>\"Oh? What is he doing here?\"</blu2>
img: "events/bargossipmale.jpg"
/% Winter %/
<<if $Season == "Winter" && ($Week > 40)>>
<<set $WorldBuildingEvents.push(
content: "
A huge winter storm roars through the area, blocking traffic and causing general mayhem.
<br>Thankfully, cold weather means that warm <<Pussy>> and a snug cuddle is even more appealing.
<br>Business is booming.
img: "events/blizzard.jpg"
/% DEFAULT - ERROR - no longer needed %/
/% "
Something went wrong with this box. This shouldn't affect anything, you can keep playing.
<br>Have a duck:
<br>_(o< ~ quack
" %/
Week $Week has come to an end.
<<set _rand = $WorldBuildingEvents.random()>>
<<worldbuildingbox _rand.img>>
<<= _rand.content>>
<<if $Debug == 1>>
Debug - WorldBuildingEvents call: <b><<print>></b>
/% Income, Cash %/
<<set $Cash += $Income, $Cash -= $Upkeep>>
<<if $Income > 0>>You gain <gr>¤$Income cash</gr> from your income<<else>>You have no weekly income<</if>><<if $Upkeep > 0>>, and pay <r>¤$Upkeep cash</r> as your upkeep <is>(for a total change of
<<if $Income - $Upkeep >= 0>>
<grs>¤<<print ($Income-$Upkeep)>> cash</grs>)
<<elseif $Income - $Upkeep < 0>>
<re>¤<<print ($Income-$Upkeep)>> cash</re>)
<<set $WeeksToRent = ($Week + ($RentWeek - ($Week % $RentWeek))) - $Week>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("FirstRent")>>
<<set $isRentWeek = ($Week % $RentWeek == 0)>>
<<if $isRentWeek>>
<<script>>[title ["Autosave"]])<</script>>
<<set $RentCost = ($RentRate*$Week)>>
<<if $RentCost > $Debt>>
<<set $RentCost = $Debt>>
<<set $Cash -= $RentCost>>
<<set $Debt -= $RentCost>>
<<if $Debt > 0>>
<br>You paid <r>¤$RentCost cash</r> towards your debt.
<br>Debt payments increased by <re>¤<<print ($RentRate*($Week+$RentWeek))-$RentCost>> cash</re>. The next payment, in $WeeksToRent week<<if $WeeksToRent > 1>>s<</if>>, will be for <re>¤<<if $RentCost > $Debt>>$Debt<<else>><<print ($RentRate*($Week+$RentWeek))>><</if>> cash</re>.
<br>Your remaining debt is now <ds>¤$Debt cash</ds>.
<is>(This is not fully implemented. You can keep playing, but nothing will change.)</is>
<br>You've paid off all your debt.
<br><img src="">
<<elseif $Debt > 0>>
<<set $RentCost = ($RentRate*($Week + ($RentWeek - ($Week % $RentWeek))))>>
<br>Next debt payment, for <re>¤$RentCost cash</re>, is due in <b>$WeeksToRent week<<if $WeeksToRent > 1>>s<</if>></b>.
/% Total Money %/
<<set $WeekCash[$Week] = $Cash>>
<<set $WeekCashChange = $Cash-$WeekCash[($Week-1)]>>
<<set $WeekCashChangeTasks = 0>>
<<set $WeekCashChangeTasksTotal = 0>>
<<if $Week > 1>>
<<set $WeekCashChangeTasks += $Income>>
<<set $WeekCashChangeTasks -= $Upkeep>>
<<if $isRentWeek>>
<<set $WeekCashChangeTasks -= $RentCost>>
<<set $WeekCashChangeTasksTotal = ($WeekCashChange - Math.abs($WeekCashChangeTasks))>>
<br>Your brothel made <<if $WeekCashChangeTasksTotal > 0>><grs>¤$WeekCashChangeTasksTotal cash</grs><<else>><re>nothing</re><</if>> directly from customers and other sources this week.
<br>You <<if $WeekCashChange >= 0>>earned a total of <gr>¤$WeekCashChange cash</gr><<else>>lost a total of <r>¤$WeekCashChange cash</r><</if>> since last week.<a class="tooltipPassage"> <span>At the start of this week you had ¤<<print$WeekCash[($Week-1)]>> cash.
<br>At the start of next week you will have ¤$WeekCash[$Week] cash.</span>[?]</a>
/% Energy Regain %/
<<if $SlaveEnergyMod > 0>><smaller>Your slaves recover <bl>$SlaveEnergyMod extra energy</bl> from the facilities and services available at your brothel.</smaller><br><</if>>
<<for $i = 1; $i < $SlaveCount+1; $i++>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$i] = ($SlaveEnergyMax[$i] + $SlaveEnergyBonus[$i] + $SlaveEnergyMod)>>
<b>$SlaveName[$i]</b> rests and regains her energy. <<if $SlaveEnergyBonus[$i] > 0>>She regained an additional <bl>$SlaveEnergyBonus[$i] energy</bl>.<<elseif $SlaveEnergyBonus[$i] < 0>>She regained <bl><r>$SlaveEnergyBonus[$i]</r> energy</bl> <r>less</r> this week.<</if>> She has <<if $SlaveEnergy[$i] > 0>><bl>$SlaveEnergy[$i] energy</bl><<else>><r>$SlaveEnergy[$i] energy</r><</if>> this week.
<<set $SlaveEnergyBonus[$i] = 0>>
/% Only print a br if this isn't the last slave %/
<<if $i != $SlaveCount>>
<<if $PCEnergyMod > 0>><br><smaller>You recover <bl>$PCEnergyMod extra energy</bl> thanks to your staff and facilities.</smaller><</if>>
<<set $PCEnergy = $PCEnergyMax + $PCEnergyMod + $PCEnergyBonus>>
<br>''Your'' energy is restored. <<if $PCEnergyBonus > 0>>You regained an additional <bl>$PCEnergyBonus energy</bl>.<<elseif $PCEnergyBonus < 0>>You regained <bl><r>$PCEnergyBonus</r> energy</bl> <r>less</r> this week.<</if>> You have <<if $PCEnergy > 0>><bl>$PCEnergy energy</bl><<else>><r>$PCEnergy energy</r><</if>> this week.
<<set $PCEnergyBonus = 0>>
/% Facilities %/
<<if $Facilities.length > 0>>
<LSU>Brothel Facilities</LSU>
<table class="imgtable">
<<for $i = 0; $i < $Facilities.length; $i++>>
<<print "<td><msg>$Facilities[$i]</msg></td>">>
<<set $FacilitiesImageDir = "\\facilities\\">>
<<set $FacilitiesPrint = "">>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $Facilities.length; $i++>>
<<if $Facilities[$i] == "Robotic Operating Suite">>
<<set $FacilitiesPrint = "RoboticOperatingSuite">>
<<set $FacilitiesPrint = $Facilities[$i]>>
<<print "<td><<SmallImage " + $FacilitiesImageDir + $FacilitiesPrint + ".jpg>></td>">>
<<set $FacilitiesUpkeepPrint = "">>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $Facilities.length; $i++>>
<<if $Facilities[$i] == "Robotic Operating Suite">>
<<set $FacilitiesUpkeepPrint = "Surgery">>
<<set $FacilitiesUpkeepPrint = $Facilities[$i]>>
<<if State.variables[$FacilitiesUpkeepPrint + "Upkeep"] > 0>>
<<print "<td><re>¤$" + $FacilitiesUpkeepPrint + "Upkeep Upkeep</re></td>">>
<<print "<td><grs>¤$" + $FacilitiesUpkeepPrint + "Income Income</grs></td>">>
<<if $ViewingBoothCount > 0>>Viewing Booths: <msg>$ViewingBoothCount</msg> <smaller>(Total income from Viewing Booths: <msg>¤$ViewingBoothIncomeTotal</msg>)</smaller><</if>>
/% Staff %/
<<if $Staff.length > 0>>
<table class="imgtable">
<<for $i = 0; $i < $Staff.length; $i++>>
<<print "<td><msg>$Staff[$i]</msg></td>">>
<<set $StaffImageDir = "\\staff\\">>
<<set $StaffPrint = "">>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $Staff.length; $i++>>
<<set $StaffPrint = $Staff[$i]>>
<<print "<td><<SmallImage " + $StaffImageDir + $StaffPrint + ".jpg>></td>">>
<<set $StaffUpkeepPrint = "">>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $Staff.length; $i++>>
<<set $StaffUpkeepPrint = $Staff[$i]>>
<<if State.variables[$StaffUpkeepPrint + "Upkeep"] > 0>>
<<print "<td><re>¤$" + $StaffUpkeepPrint + "Upkeep Upkeep</re></td>">>
<<print "<td><grs>¤$" + $StaffUpkeepPrint + "Income Income</grs></td>">>
<<if $Drone.Count > 0>>
You have <b>$Drone.Count drone<<if $Drone.Count > 1>>s<</if>></b>.
<<set $Week++>>
<<if $YearWeek < 52>>
<<set $YearWeek++>>
<<set $YearWeek = 1>>
<<set $Year++>>
<<if $YearWeek >= 1 && $YearWeek <= 8>>
<<set $Season = "Winter">>
<<elseif $YearWeek >= 9 && $YearWeek <= 20>>
<<set $Season = "Spring">>
<<elseif $YearWeek >= 21 && $YearWeek <= 32>>
<<set $Season = "Summer">>
<<elseif $YearWeek >= 33 && $YearWeek <= 44>>
<<set $Season = "Autumn">>
<<elseif $YearWeek >= 45 && $YearWeek <= 52>>
<<set $Season = "Winter">>
<<switch $YearWeek>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $Month = "January">>
<<case 5>>
<<set $Month = "February">>
<<case 10>>
<<set $Month = "March">>
<<case 13>>
<<set $Month = "April">>
<<case 18>>
<<set $Month = "May">>
<<case 22>>
<<set $Month = "June">>
<<case 26>>
<<set $Month = "July">>
<<case 33>>
<<set $Month = "August">>
<<case 37>>
<<set $Month = "September">>
<<case 41>>
<<set $Month = "October">>
<<case 45>>
<<set $Month = "November">>
<<case 49>>
<<set $Month = "December">>
<<GoBackUp>><<Roll 1>>
<<set $SkillFactor = (($BeautyMod + ($SlaveSex[$ManagedSlave]*2)) / 10)>>
<<SetEarnings 1 $SkillFactor 20>>
<<set $SexScene = []>>
<<set $SexScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"SexScene1\">>
The client hastily undressed <<NMS>> and pushed her forcefully onto the bed. He got behind her, lined up his <<Cock>> and started thrusting. He grabbed her arms and pulled them back, which forced her face into the mattress.
<br><<NMS>> could do nothing but lie there and take it.
<br>His thrusts got harder and faster as he approached climax.
<br><blu>\"Stupid cunt!\"</blu>, the client growled as he finished inside her.
<br><blu>\"Only use you have is as a hole for real men to use as a cocksleeve.\"</blu>
<br><<Image fucking015.gif>>
<br><<NMS>> replayed his words in her mind over and over again as the client left. She could feel his warm <<Cum>> oozing out of her <<Pussy>>.
<<set $SexScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"SexScene2\">>
The client was very kind to her and seemed to care what she thought. He said he wanted to make this a pleasant experience for the both of them. They only exchanged a few words before their mouths were put to better use, but the client left $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] feeling better about her situation.
After eating her out and making sure she was ready, the client thrust into <<NMS>>'s <<PussyDesc>>. He was gentle at first, but his pace steadily increased. <<NMS>> urged him on, caught in the throes of ecstasy. He leaned in to kiss her, and $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] responded by nestling a hand into his hair, pulling him in. The client thrust deeply inside of her and she knew he was close. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] hugged him close and urged him on. He buried his <<Cock>> to the base with a final thrust and started to deposit his hot <<Cum>> deep inside her. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] moaned with delight as she reached the peak of her own climax.
<br><<Image fucking009.gif>>
<br>A pleasant throbbing sensation accompanied the warmth inside of her as the client left. She could get used to this...
<<set $SexScene.push ("
/% Written by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
<<set $EventId = \"SexScene3\">>
The customer came in, knowing exactly what he wanted.
<br>He immediately ordered <<NMS>> to strip and get on all fours on the sofa.
<br>He teased her clit with his <<CockDesc random>> until she got wet enough for him to push into her - and went to town.
<br><<Image fucking008.gif>>
<br>The man fucked her roughly, pushing her face into the back pillows of the sofa.
<br>Despite the rough treatment, <<NMS>> couldn't help but moan in excitement.
<br>The man wore her out real good before eventually coming all over her <<AssDesc>>.
<<set $SexScene.push ("
/% Inspired by ChickenscratchRuskie, improved by Elboba %/
<<set $EventId = \"SexSceneCaveman\">>
<<NMS>> was already on the bed when the customer entered the room.
<br>She slowly started removing her panties, intending to tease the man.
<br>He was having none of it. It happened to fast that <<NMS>> was wondering if he had <i>ripped</i> his pants off, as he was suddenly bottomless, revealing his <<CockDesc 5>> to already be rock-hard.
<br>He growled at her, offering a brief explanation: <blu>\"Took a pill. Bitch didn't show up. Need to fuck.\"</blu>
<br>He spoke in short grunts, like some kind of caveman.
<br>And just like <<NMS>> would imagine a caveman doing it, he lumbered towards her, his erection bouncing back and forth.
<br>It was both funny and kind of hot...
<br>The <i>caveman</i> grabbed her arms, pinned her arms behind her, and pulled her up onto her knees. Without using his hands to aim or steer his shaft, he then speared her <<PussyDesc>> onto himself.
<br><<Image fucking010.gif>>
<br>It didn't take long for him to cum, splattering her insides with his <<Cum>>.
<br>But he didn't stop there - thanks to the pill he took.
<br>He just continues fucking her, steaming on towards another orgasm.
<br>Once he finishes unloading for the third time without pause, he just lets her drop down onto the bed.
<br>As he pulls out, it is as if a dam burst, and a torrent of <<Cum>> flows out onto the sheets.
<br><<Image cum006.gif>>
<br>The client leaves just as quickly as he arrived.
<<if $PCInf > $BondageGearAdvancedLevel>>
<<set $SexScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"SexSceneBondageBasic\">>
A client rents part of your <<if $PCInf > $BondageGearExpertLevel>>comprehensive<<else>>adequate<</if>> bondage gear and decides to put it to good use on <<NMS>>.
<br>The whore still fully clothed, he used the leather straps on the rack to fasten her arms securely in place - one strap at the wrist and one strap at the elbow.
<br><<NMS>> is forced to bend forward at her waist due to the low position of her arms and limited leg room.
<br>That seems to be exactly what the dominant client wants.
<br>He rips her leggings apart at the groin, creating a hole, pulls her panties aside, and thrust into her.
<br><<NMS>> lets out a surprised groan as the <<CockDesc 7>> enters her <<PussyDesc>>.
<br>He continues slamming into her with brute force, and at times she feels like she's going to be split in half!
<br><<Image bondage004.gif>>
<br>After about thirty minutes of rough, brutish <i>(and wordless)</i> fucking the man finishes inside her with a loud series of guttural grunts.
<br>He bathes in the afterglow for a while, keeping his now rapidly softening <<Cock>> inside her for a minute or two.
<br>Once he finally pulls out, <<NMS> can feel the hot, sticky <<Cum>> sliding out of her and trail down her leg on the inside of her ripped leggings.
<br>The client unties <<NMS>> and she immediately collapses to the ground, having been stuck in the awkward bent-forward position for too long.
<br>He leaves her there and exits the room without a word.
<<if $Staff.contains(\"Assistant\")>>
Your personal assistant finds <<NMS>> in that state on the floor and helps her get up.
<br>Thanks to your personal assistant, <<NMS>> doesn't lose any extra energy.
<<set $SlaveEnergyLoss = 1>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] -= $SlaveEnergyLoss>><<if $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] < 0>><<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] = 0>><</if>>
<br><<NMS>> was left on the floor, unable to get up. She eventually managed to crawl over to the bed.
<br>She <r>lost</r> <bl>$SlaveEnergyLoss extra energy.</bl>
<<set $ExtraPay = random(40, 100)>>
<<set $Cash += $ExtraPay>>
<br>The client paid <gr>¤$ExtraPay</gr> extra cash to rent your equipment.
<<set $SexScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"SexSceneBondageAdvanced\">>
<blu>\"There.\"</blu>, the client says as he clicks <<NMS>>'s hands into the cuffs above her. <blu>\"Now you can't move an inch.\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>>'s legs are already pulled to either side of her by a spreader bar, knees level with her head.
<br>The client seems proud of his handiwork, trailing fingers along her side as he watches her squirm.
<br><blu>\"Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to slam my cock into you.\"</blu>
<br>With that, he uses both hands to pick her ass up and pull <<NMS>> onto his cock.
<br><<Image bondage003.gif>>
<<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] > 5>>
<br>With each thrust, <<NMS>>'s <<TitsDesc>> slap up towards her face.
<br>She gasps with every stroke.
<<set $ExtraPay = random(40, 100)>>
<<set $Cash += $ExtraPay>>
<br>The client paid <gr>¤$ExtraPay</gr> extra cash to rent your equipment.
<<set $SlaveDanceFlexibleLevel = 6>>
<<if $SlaveDance[$ManagedSlave] > $SlaveDanceFlexibleLevel>>
<<set $SexScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"SexSceneFlexibleFuck\">>
The client had seen <<NMS>> dancing on stage, twirling her body in all sorts of athletic and acrobatic ways.
<br>He'd been wanting her for a long time - and when he finally scraped enough cash together, <<NMS>> was called to his room.
<br><blu>\"Finally.\"</blu>, he exclaimed when she entered the room.
<br><blu>\"You're even more beautiful up close.\"</blu>, he said, his voice full of awe.
<br><pi>\"Why, thank you!\"</pi>, <<NMS>> replied with a impish grin on her face.
<br><pi>\"Would you like to see all of me?\"</pi>, she added, and twirled around, her skirt lifting up to reveal her lace underwear.
<br><<NMS>> started getting undressed, gyrating her body as she did - just like she'd done so many times on stage.
<br>Her skirt fell to the floor, followed by the tight tube top she was wearing. The man was entranced, his <<Cock>> rock hard.
<br>When she removed her bra to release her <<TitsDesc>> his jaw dropped.
<br><pi>\"Like it?\"</pi>, she asked in a teasing voice.
<br>The man did not reply, he simply lunged forward and grabbed her. He pulled her onto the sofa, onto her knees.
<br><<NMS>> giggled and said <pi>\"Oh no!\"</pi> in mock fear as the man ripped her panties off of her.
<br>Once she was naked, he instructed her: <blu>\"Do the splits!\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>> started getting off the sofa and onto the floor to obey his instructions, but he once again grabbed her and held her firm.
<br>With his one free hand, he slid out of his pants and released his straining <<CockDesc 6>>.
<br><blu>\"Not on the floor, here.\"</blu>, he said, gesturing towards his erect prick.
<br><<NMS>> giggled again, of course this is what he wanted, she thought - and got into position, spreading her legs wide apart into a split, with her feet on the back of the sofa, and slowly lowered herself onto the man's pointed shaft.
<br><<Image fucking004.gif>>
<br>Her client took advantage of her flexible body and physical fitness throughout the night.
/% Elli Halloween %/
<<if $ManagedSlave == 2 && $Month == "October">>
<<set $SexScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"SexSceneElliHalloween\">>
October is Halloween month, something that <<NNS>> is taking full advantage of, dressing up for her clients.
<blu>\"And just what are you supposed to be, little girl?\"</blu>
<br><<NNS>> runs her hands down her body, nice and slow, as she stares up at the client. <eli>\"Why- I'm Daddy's little monster, of course.\"</eli>
<br>He takes a step closer, grabbing her ass to drag her to him as he does. <blu>\"Daddy's little monster, huh? Have you been a good little monster?\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"And if I haven't been?\"</eli> <<NNS>> asks, staring at his lips. <eli>\"Are you going to punish me?\"</eli>
<br><<NNS>> gasps as the client throws her on the bed. Rough hands rip the little shorts from her body, exposing her to his gaze.
<br><blu>\"Naughty little girls always get punished.\"</blu> <<NNS>> squeaks as he spanks her, trying to stay on all fours. <blu>\"You're not going to be able to sit down for a week when I'm done with you.\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"Please! Stop! I'm sorry! I'll be good!\"</eli>, <<NNS>> begs as he reddens her bottom.
<br>Finally, after a while he stops. But only to line up his <<LargeCock>> with her <<Pussy>>. <<NNS>> cries out as he pushes into her.
<br><<Webm fucking020.webm auto>>
<<print $SexScene.random()>>
<br><<SubGain "slave" 1 8>> <<SkillGain "Sex" 1 8 true>>
<<GoBackUp>><span id="BackButton">
<<set $SLS = $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $EventId = "IncreaseLips" + $SLS>>
<<switch $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave]>>
/% Many variants written by Sojourner %/
<<case 0>>
You've gotten your hands on a type of lip gloss with extract of capsicum and peppermint, it increases circulation, giving the <<Lips>> a swollen, plump look.
<br>The effect is usually temporary, but by continuously applying the gloss the effect lasts much longer.
<br><<NMS>>'s <<Lips>> become significantly fuller and rounder over time.
<br><<Image lips/lips000.gif>>
<<case 1>>
You switch the product <<NMS>> is using to a different kind of plumping lip gloss, containing activated hyaluronic acid.
<br>You watch <<NMS>> paint her newly puffed-up <<Lips>> in a shiny pink colour.
<br><<Image lips/lips001.gif>>
<br>The lip gloss will continue to plump them up further. It looks really good.
<<case 2>>
The lip gloss has reached the peak of it's effect, so you switch over to injections of the hyaluronic acid.
<br><<NMS>>'s <<Lips>> tingle as they swell - and she can't help but constantly licking them in a teasing fashion.
<br><<Image lips/lips002.gif>>
<<case 3>>
The nanites have definitely done their work. <<NMS>>'s new <<Lips>> look stunning covered in whorish, bright-red lipstick.
<br><<Image lips/lips003.gif>>
<<case 4>>
Several more injections, this time with black market nanites, and <<NMS>>'s <<Lips>> expand further - giving her a very <pi>kissable</pi> mouth.
<br><<Image lips/lips004.gif>>
<<case 5>>
Implanted fillers give <<NMS>>'s mouth a very fuckable look. You tease your fingers across them, imagining how they'll feel against your <<CockDesc PC>>.
<br><<Image lips/lips005.gif>>
<<case 6>>
After adding to her fillers <<NMS>> proudly shows off her newly expanded <<Lips>> and wet, willing mouth.
<br><<Image lips/lips006.gif>>
<<case 7>>
You implant new larger fillers designed to expand much further than the first ones. <<NMS>> shows off exactly what her new, whorish <<Lips>> are good for.
<br><<Image lips/lips007.gif>>
<<case 8>>
Able to add even more to the new fillers, <<NMS>>'s huge <<Lips>> make her mouth form an almost permanent o-shape. Her <<Lips>> look like they were custom-made for sucking dick.
<br>You decide to try them out - and leave a little present on her face.
<br><<Image lips/lips008.gif>>
<<if $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] >= 9>>
<<set $EventId = "IncreaseLips" + 9>>
Adding to her fillers you expand <<NMS>>'s <<Lips>> further.
<br><<Image lips/lips999.gif>>
<br><i>(This is as large as they'll get, for now.)</i>
Something seems to have gone wrong with the size of <<NMS>>'s <<Lips>>...
<<set $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave]++>>
<<if $Debug == 1>>
/% Debug and Explanation %/
SlaveLips: $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave]
<</if>><<Roll 3>>
<span id="BackButton">
<<set $BreakWillScene = []>>
/% Before Handjob %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] <= $HandSub>>
/% Ellinor %/
<<if $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] == 2>>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillEllieMasturbation\">>
<<NMS>> is beautiful, her body stretched out on the covers of her bed, cute little black skirt hitched up high, fingers rubbing herself through her panties.
<br>You stand back for another second, watching her take pleasure in herself, before making your presence known.
<br>Bratty girl that she is, <<NMS>> doesn't even bother to look ashamed, she just pouts, <eli>\"You could have let me finish...\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"I will.\"</PC>, you tell her. <PC>\"Keep touching yourself, go on. I want you to tell me something while you do it, something about yourself.\"</PC>
<br>Touching herself in front of others clearly isn't something she's used to, if the suspicious glare and the hesitation to continue are anything to go by.
<br>She'll get there eventually, you're sure of that - you'll make sure of that.
<br>Men will pay to watch her <i>defile</i> herself, whilst being ashamed to actually touch her - their fantasies running rampant. They'll imagine her as their step daughter, or perhaps a girl they kindly took off the streets. They <i>knew</i> she was a minx, but still weren't ready for this...
<br>You have a couple of clients in mind already. Which makes it all the more important that she gets used to this kind of attention.
<br><PC>\"That wasn't a suggestion, <<NMS>>.\"</PC>
<br>It's a slow and deliberate stroke this time - clearly more about keeping you happy than pleasuring herself.
<br><PC>\"Good girl. Now, I want you to keep going as you tell me about the first older man you flirted with.\"</PC>
<br>She doesn't remember his name. A faceless friend of her father that she'd teased by bending over in front of him, or sitting a little too close to him on the couch when he came over. <<NMS>> tells you it made her feel powerful - how affected he'd been by her.
<br>He was the first of her father's friends, but certainly not the last.
<br>Whether she realizes it or not, her fingers have sped up.
<br><PC>\"Pull your top up.\"</PC>, you interrupt her story. <<NMS>> glares at you, clearly annoyed to be interrupted again, but pulls the top up, revealing the two <<TitsDesc>> beneath. Perfect. She really is perfect for this kind of thing.
<br><<Webm solo001.webm auto 480>>
<br><PC>\"Good. Suck on your fingers.\"</PC>
<br>Once they're nice and wet, you direct her to play with her nipples. She lets out a small moan, clearly getting into it.
<br><PC>\"Tell me about the others.\"</PC>, you ask her to continue.
<br>When she finally cums, it's with one hand in her panties and the story of how she 'passed' English class on her lips.
<br>You leave her to clean up, new plans already forming in your head.
<<set $BreakWillScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillEllieSkirt\">>
<<if !$SlaveItems[$ManagedSlave].contains(\"SchoolGirlClothes\")>>
<eli>\"What's wrong with my clothes!?\"</eli>, <<NNS>> snaps, clearly annoyed by your mere presence.
<br><PC>\"They're perfect for other things, but I have something different in mind for today.\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> looks at you suspiciously, <eli>\"Different? You said I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to. You can't make me!\"</eli>
<br>Not yet, perhaps... but you have ways to make her comply.
<br><PC>\"Of course not. You can say no at any time. But there's a very wealthy client who is interested in a certain thing, and I thought you'd be perfect for it. I can give his business to <<if $SlaveCount > 2>>one of the other girls<<else>>$SlaveName[1]<</if>> if you'd prefer?\"</PC>
<br>Carrot and stick, all in one.
<br><eli>\"I'm not going to have to suck on his toes, am I?\"</eli>, <<NMS>> says with a look of worried disgust on her face.
<br>Huh, apparently feet are on her hard-no list?
<br><PC>\"No feet, don't worry.\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"I never want to do that again...\"</eli>, she says, seemingly mostly to herself.
<br>You decide to leave that alone for now - but perhaps this is something that should be explored further in the future.
<br><PC>\"You're just going to put on a little show, <<NNS>>. Put on this pretty plaid skirt, a tight little white top with a tie, and pretend you forgot to turn in your final project. You can do that, can't you?\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"With you?\"</eli>
<br>You nod, and <<NMS>> finally takes the package you came to deliver, disappearing into the bathroom with it.
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillEllieSkirtOwned\">>
You prop yourself up on the bed waiting for <<NMS>> to come join you. When she appears at the door, it's in her little school girl uniform as instructed. After all, it's important to get dressed up when roleplaying.
<br>When she comes out, you have to stop yourself from smiling. For someone who put up such a fuss about putting it on, she's rolled up the band on the skirt to make it even shorter and opted for tying the blouse under her <<TitsDesc>>.
<br>Next time there will have to be knee high socks to go with the outfit. Pigtails or braids would also add to the look.
<br><eli>\"Sir?\"</eli>, <<NMS>> starts, tugging at the edge of her skirt as if anxious. <eli>\"I know our paper was due yesterday, but I overslept-\"</eli>
<br>And a desk for her room, that'll add some realism. For now, you prop yourself up against her dresser, doing your best to look unimpressed: <PC>\"I'm unsure how that's my problem?\"</PC>
<<if !$SlaveItems[$ManagedSlave].contains(\"SchoolGirlClothes\")>>
<br><eli>\"Oh Sir-\"</eli>, you'll need to work on her begging voice, but that's a thought for later- <eli>\"My Daddy would be so mad with me if I failed your course. You must let me turn it in now. Please? I'll do anything.\"</eli>
<br>Begging might not be her forte, but this part is. The way she brushes her fingertips down her shirt front, biting her bottom lip as she writhes. <eli>\"Anything at all, Sir. You're so smart. So serious. So generous. Let me show you how thankful I can be.\"</eli>
<br>You raise an eyebrow and motion for her to go on. She starts giving you a proper show, stripping out of her clothes, teasing you as best as she can.
<br><<Image strip009.gif>>
<br>You sit back and enjoy.
<br><eli>\"Oh Sir-\"</eli>, <<NMS>> simpers, eyes wide, <eli>\"My Daddy would be so mad with me if I failed your course. You must let me turn it in now. Please? I'll do anything.\"</eli>
<br>She's getting better at this. Her fingertips brush down her shirt front, biting her bottom lip as she writhes.<eli>\"Anything at all, Sir. You're so smart. So serious. So generous. Let me show you how thankful I can be.\"</eli>
<br><<Image strip009.gif>>
<br>You sit back and enjoy the show.
<br>Getting some practice makes it easier for <<NMS>> to move her body in erotic ways. <<SkillGain \"Dance\" 1 2 true>>
<<if !$SlaveItems[$ManagedSlave].contains(\"SchoolGirlClothes\")>>
<br>''<<NNS>> now owns a set of school-girl clothes.'' She'll be able to use them in the future. They also increase her earnings slightly (by <gr>increasing her Beauty by $SchoolGirlClothesMod</gr>).
<<set $SlaveItems[$ManagedSlave].push(\"SchoolGirlClothes\")>>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillEllieCorner\">>
<eli>\"You can't actually expect me to stand in the corner, I'm not a child.\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"You're not?\"</PC>, you raise an eyebrow. <PC>\"Because from my perspective, that's exactly what I'm dealing with. A bratty little girl who wants everything exactly her way, with no compromise. That's not the kind of establishment that I'm running here!\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"And standing in the corner is, what, supposed to make me do what you want?\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"Would you prefer I take a more hands on approach? Because that's what's going to happen if you don't get your nose in that corner by the time I reach one.\"</PC>
<br><PC>\"Five. Four.\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> stares at you defiantly.
<br>You roll up your cuffs.
<br>You start undoing your belt.
<br> <eli>\"FINE!\"</eli>, <<NMS>> snaps, storming over to the wall with her arms crossed.
<br><PC>\"Five minutes for refusing to dance tonight, and another five for arguing. And put your hands on your head.\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"This is stupid.\"</eli>, <<NMS>> whines.
<br><PC>\"Would you like to make that fifteen minutes instead of ten? One more word out of that mouth and that's exactly what you'll get.\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> opens and closes her mouth a few times before finally shutting it with a click.
<br><<Image bondage009.jpg>>
<br>It's almost cute the way she's glaring at the wall, as if it were the one who got her in this situation. Almost. Since it's clear that she's not going to put up much more of a fight, you settle into the armchair in her room.
<br>At around the five minute mark, she begins to squirm, clearly tired of standing there.
<br><PC>\"Stand still, you silly girl. You're barely even halfway through.\"</PC>, you chide her.
<br>When her time is finally up, you cross over to where you can see her face. <PC>\"Next time you refuse to listen, it'll be doing a lot worse than just standing in a corner. Do you understand me?\"</PC>
<br><PC>\"Yes, what?\"</PC>. You glower at her.
<br><eli>\"Yes, <<PCName>>.\"</eli>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillEllieDirtyPictures\">>
<PC>\"Now, bend over the desk, just like that-\"</PC>
<br>It's a Monday morning, and there's little else to do, so you have <<NMS>> posing for the camera.
<br>You'd been worried that she'd resist, that she'd think about what you might be able to do with said pictures, but so far, she's been loving it.
<br><PC>\"Alright, up on the desk now, maybe grab the ruler and show me what you can do with it.\"</PC>
<br>The camera flashes as she trails it up her thigh, slowly raising the edge of her skirt and flashing the lacy panties beneath.
<br><<Image girl007.jpg>>
<br>Another flash as she uses the ruler to drag her skirt higher.
<br>It's a fun way to spend time - and more importantly, it gets <<NMS>> used to listening to your commands.
/% Generic %/
<<set $BreakWillScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillScene1\">>
You sit down with <<NMS>> and have a conversation. She has to accept that she belongs to you, that she's your slave.
<br>You explain her situation to her, and she seems to gain a better understanding of her place.
<br>Before leaving, you place a hand on her leg and run it up her thigh until your fingers brush against her panties.
<br>A shiver runs through <<NMS>>'s body and she lets out a very quiet whimper.
<br><<Image fingering004.gif>>
<br><grs>\"Until next time.\"</grs>, you whisper, wink at her, and leave.
<<set $BreakWillScene.push ("
You order <<NMS>> to strip naked in front of you.
<br><grs>\"I want you to show me how you masturbate when you're alone.\"</grs>, you tell her.
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains(\"FirstMasturbationBreakWill\")>>
<<set $EventId = \"FirstMasturbationBreakWill\">>
<br><pi>\"B-but I don't masturbate.\"</pi>, she protests.
<br><grs>\"Don't lie to me, of course you do.\"</grs>
<br><grs>\"You'll just have to figure it out then.\"</grs>, you reply, sarcastically.
<br><pi>\"B-but... I have to do it in front of you?\"</pi>
<br>You give her a stern look, and she stops protesting.
<<NMS>> slowly moves a hand down towards her <<PussyDesc>> and starts rubbing, slowly at first but quickly building up speed.
<br>She starts to let out quiet moans, her face flushing red with both excitement and embarrassment.
<br>Her moans grow in volume as she approaches climax. She continues fingering her clit until the orgasm finally invades her body. Her entire form shakes and shivers, and <<NMS>> cries out in pleasure. There is an expression of bliss on her face.
<br><<Image solo002.gif>>
<br><grs>\"You really expect me to believe that you've never done that before?\"</grs>
<br><grs>\"Liar, you're clearly an expert.\"</grs>, you mock <<NMS>>, while she puts her clothes back on.
<<set $EventId = \"FirstMasturbationBreakWillAlt\">>
<br><pi>\"B-but I don't masturbate.\"</pi>, she protests.
<br><grs>\"Don't lie! I've already seen you do it.\"</grs>
<br><pi>\"D-do I really have to?\"</pi>
<br>You give her a stern look, and she stops protesting.
<<NMS>> slowly moves a hand down towards her <<PussyDesc>> and starts rubbing, slowly at first but quickly building up speed.
<br>She starts to let out quiet moans, her face flushing red with both excitement and embarrassment.
<br>Her moans grow in volume as she approaches climax. She continues fingering her clit until the orgasm finally invades her body. Her entire form shakes and shivers, and <<NMS>> cries out in pleasure. There is an expression of bliss on her face.
<br><<Image solo004.gif>>
<br><grs>\"See? You're a natural.\"</grs>, you mock <<NMS>>, while she puts her clothes back on.
/% Before Blowjob %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $OralSub && $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $HandSub>>
/% Ellinor %/
<<if $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] == 2>>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillElieMasturbation2\">>
<PC>\"Tell me about the first older man you had sex with.\"</PC>
<br>This has become almost a ritual between the two of you. <<NMS>> sprawled on her bed, you sitting in the armchair next to it. Close enough to touch - if you wished to.
<br><eli>\"Marcus.\"</eli>, <<NMS>>'s fingers pause, then slip beneath the band of her panties. <eli>\"He bought me this gorgeous black dress, I felt so grown up when I wore it. He took me out to dinner, a really fancy and beautiful restaurant. The kind of place Daddy never would have been able to afford to take me.\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"You liked that, didn't you? Being treated like you were special?\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> nods, biting her bottom lip. <eli>\"He said pretty girls like me should always be taken care of. My friends from school, they were struggling to pay the bills since graduation - but not me. Whatever I wanted, all I had to do was pout in his direction and he'd give it to me.\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"And how did you repay him for such kindness?\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"His wife, not that he ever called her that, wouldn't touch him anymore.\"</eli>
<br>At your direction, <<NMS>> pushes her panties down and then off, spreading her legs so that you can see better. You watch as she teases her folds before rubbing two fingers around the edge of her clit.
<br><<Image solo002.gif>>
<br><eli>\"It was just little stuff at first. He wanted pictures. And then for me to touch him. He was always so gentle.\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"Were always you a good girl for him?\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> laughs, flushed in the face and chest. <eli>\"He liked it when I wasn't. Liked it when I told him he was a pervert for wanting a girl young enough to be his daughter. And I liked riding his face while calling him gross.\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"Hands off.\"</PC>, <<NMS>> freezes, but doesn't move her hand. <PC>\"Both hands on the bed, little girl.\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"Why?\"</eli>, she whines. <eli>\"<<PCName>>...!\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"Dirty little girls like you don't get to cum. Maybe tonight, if I'm happy with your performance.\"</PC>
<br> The <i>denial</i> makes <<NMS>> frustrated and angry, but also helps her understand her position.
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillElieCornerSpanking\">>
<PC>\"Over the desk.\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"I didn't do anything wrong!\"</eli>
<br>You grab <<NMS>> by the back of her shirt, bending her over the desk yourself. <PC>\"You've been lazy with the customers and now you're mouthing back at me.\"</PC>
<br>Flipping up her skirt, you begin to spank her.
<br>Strike after strike slowly adding color to that pert little ass of hers.
<br><<Webm bondage010.webm>>
<br>It doesn't take long for her to devolve into sniffling and apologizing. <eli>\"<<PCName>>! Please-\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"Five more. Count them.\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> does, voice wobbling as she tries to obey your orders.
<br>When you're finished, you send her to kneel in the corner and think about what she's done. Unlike the first time you tried this, she goes easily. A fact that fills you with pleasure.
<br><<Image bondage011.jpg>>
<br>After all, it's always good to see hard work paying off.
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("ProtectionMoney")>>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillElieFlight\">>
<br>Apparently today's client had been a respected teacher of hers, and this has been <<NMS>>'s line in the sand. The one she doesn't want to cross, even though he decided he didn't want to touch <<NMS>> after recognizing her. He just wanted a little show - even offered to watch from the booth, if that would have made her more comfortable.
<br><PC>\"I don't remember that being a question, little girl.\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> continues to back up until she's firmly against the door. <eli>\"I'll leave. I'll go back to finding men on my own.\"</eli>
<br>You've been waiting for this moment. For her to try and pull that card. <PC>\"A little girl like you? Out on these streets by herself? Why that's dangerous. Who knows what kind of strange men might pick you up.\"</PC>
<br>Especially with all the gang activity lately. Not that your refusing to let her leave is entirely about her safety.
<br><eli>\"I'm not a little girl!\"</eli>, <<NMS>> pulls at the skirt she's wearing, the little school girl one. It makes her statement feel especially ridiculous. <eli>\"I'm not. I can handle myself. I did it before you.\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"Not a little girl, huh?\"</PC>, Three steps are all it takes to meet her, your much larger body forcing her to flatten that last little bit to the door. <PC>\"And you were lucky. Especially with that mouth of yours. You are not going back out onto the streets where one of the easy men you pick up might decide they don't like being a mark. I'm not going to let one of them hurt you. I'm not going to have it on my conscious that my little girl was kidnapped and kept in a basement.\"</PC>
<br>It's almost cute the way she chews on her bottom lip, chin tilted to look up at you even as she does. <eli>\"That wouldn't happen to me.\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"You're right, it's much more likely you'd be picked up by the Eastsiders. I'm sure Lyudmila would love a cute little thing like you. Might even keep you as her personal pet. Which might sound nice, but I've heard she rather likes the crop. She wouldn't stop until that soft skin of yours was nothing but callouses from how often she's torn you open.\"</PC>
<br>You stroke <<NMS>>'s cheek gently, even as you continue, <PC>\"And well, once she gets bored- that's another story entirely. They'll probably just tie you up and leave you in the warehouse, a set of common holes for whoever comes through. Or maybe they'll use you as a bargaining chip with their supplier.\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> looks close to tears, which is exactly where you want her. You put space between the two of you, taking pleasure in her shivering.
<br><eli>\"I-\"</eli>, <<NMS>> tries to say something then stops, unsure.
<br><PC>\"You're right, <<NMS>>. I can't stop you from destroying yourself.\"</PC>
<br>You sit down on the edge of her bed. <PC>\"But wouldn't it be so much nicer to stay here? To be my sweet little girl? And sure, you might have to suck a few cocks, or fuck a few guys, but isn't that worth it? To be taken care of? To be kept safe? Tell me you want me to keep you safe.\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> takes one step, then another, slow and hesitant before finally giving in and collapsing into your embrace. <eli>\"Please. <<PCName>>, please keep your little girl safe. I need you.\"</eli>
<br>You take her to bed with you - just for a cuddle.
<br><<Image girl006.gif>>
<br>Idly you stroke her hair, enjoying the warmth of her body. <PC>\"Take the night off. I know it's been a hard day.\"</PC>
<br>Later, once she's calmed down, there will be time to talk about the consequences of saying no. For now, you're happy to cuddle and reinforce that she's your little girl.
/% Generic %/
<<set $BreakWillScene.push ("
/% Written by Philip %/
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillChoking\">>
You glare at <<NMS>> furiously, as yet another potential customer storms off with a red mark across his face.
<br>As she catches your gaze, her lips tremble in fear.
<br><PC>\"<<NMS>>, come here now!\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> stares defiantly at you, her eyes shining with prideful tears.
<br><PC>\"You dare look at me like that, after what you did? Perhaps you have been missing the punishment sessions. I think you need another reminder.\"</PC>
<br>She recoils from you in shock and fear, glancing at the door as a possible avenue of escape but barely restrains herself from taking it - through pride, or fear of a more serious reprisal, you do not know.
<br>She brings her gaze back to you, her eyes widening as she realizes you have been watching her.
<br><PC>\"Looking for an escape, slave?\"</PC> A clear warning resonates in your voice.
<<NMS>>'s mouth quivers at the emphasis on \"slave\", subconsciously rubbing at a prominent sore on her left elbow from a previous session, her face shaking in an emphatic \"no\".
<br>Without warning, you suddenly lunge towards her, grasping her throat with a clawed, extended hand.
<br><<Webm bondage012.webm auto 480>>
<br>Tightening your grip slowly, you watch as her face reddens from asphyxiation, only loosening as you feel that she's about to pass out.
<br><PC>\"What a lovely puce colour your face turns...\"</PC>, you mutter to yourself, <PC>\" would be a shame to leave the rest of you unmarked, wouldn't it?\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> shakes her head desperately, choking out pleas and promises to be obedient but, you would not be swayed.
<br>Your hands trail down her still clothed, svelte form as her face scrunches up in horrified anticipation. Grasping at her blouse, you roughly tear it loose from her body, exposing her <<TitsDesc>> to your hungry and sadistic gaze.
<br>Your mouth descends to her pert <<Nipples>>, your tongue undulating around the sensitive mounds - drawing reluctant cries of pleasure from her mouth.
<br>Without warning, you bite down hard on the slick <<Nipple>> and dig your sharp fingernails into the other, eliciting a sharp cry of pain.
<br>Grinding it between your teeth, you enjoy the whimpers that follow.
<br>After one last forceful bite, you retract your mouth, grinning morbidly at her, displaying a saliva-stained grin.
<br>You leave her sobbing quietly, her tears mixing with the spit on her chest, and a persistent ache that's not likely to disappear soon.
<br><PC>\"Let this serve as a reminder to keep you from acting out. Though I doubt it will. If you could learn, you wouldn't have needed this is the first place.\"</PC>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillScene2\">>
You notice <<NMS>> engaged in an argument with one of your customers.
<br>You quickly move to stop her, pull her aside and order her to strip naked right here in front of the entire common room.
<br>She reluctantly complies. Once naked, you continue her lesson.
<br><grs>\"You must never use that kind of tone towards one of my customers again.\"</grs>, you chide her.
<br><pi>\"But he was-\"</pi>, <<NMS>> starts to protest, but you cut her off with a slap across the face.
<br>She crumbles to the floor.
<br><grs>\"Don't give me any of that! Using that kind of tone is what's landed you in trouble to begin with.\"</grs>, you scold.
<br><pi>\"Sorry $Name, I didn't mean to-\"</pi>, <<NMS>> begins to apologize, tears welling up in her eyes.
<br>You interrupt her yet again with a hard slap across the face.
<br><grs>\"I've told you what to call me.\"</grs>
<br><pi>\"...sorry, Master.\"</pi>, she sobs quietly, tears now streaming down her face.
<br>A few mumbles of approval from the crowd punctuates her apology.
<br>As punishment for her cattiness you tie her up to a piece of furniture.
<br>Her naked body will be on display for a few hours, giving everyone a good look at her <<TitsDesc>>, <<AssDesc>> and <<PussyDesc>>.
<br><<Image bondage002.gif>>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillScene3\">>
You must continue to chip away at <<NMS>>'s willpower to make her more susceptible to your sexual suggestions.
<br>With that in mind, you head to her room.
<br><grs>\"Get undressed.\"</grs>, you tell her.
<br><pi>\"$Name, do I have to?\"</pi>
<br><grs>\"Master.\"</grs>, you correct her, <grs>\"Yes, get naked.\"</grs>
<br>She seems to struggle against your command for a moment, but starts to slowly and nervously undress, exposing her <<TitsDesc>> and <<PussyDesc>> to you.
<br>As you approach her naked form she takes a defensive step back.
<br><pi>\"$Name, please, you don't have to do this.\"</pi>, she pleads with you, in a display of unusual mental clarity.
<br>You quickly close the distance between you, reach out and grab hold of one of her <<Tits>>, pinching the nipple between your thumb and forefinger.
<br><grs>\"I can do whatever I want with my property.\"</grs>, you hiss, giving her nipple a sharp twist.
<br>She cries out in pain and tries to get away from you, backing off. You follow, and use your weight to push her back further until she's pressed up against the wall.
<br><<NMS>> lets out a gasp of pain as you crash into her, and another gasp of surprise when you work your hand between her thighs. She grabs your arm and tries to stop you, but you easily overpower her.
<br>You run your fingers over <<NMS>>'s labia and tease her clit. She moans.
<br><grs>\"I've told you what to call me, you little slut.\"</grs>, you whisper, leaning closer to her face.
<br><pi>\"P-please stop, I-I'm not a slut!\"</pi>, she says, her words accompanied by louder and louder moans as your fingers continue to work.
<br><grs>\"Only a slut would get wet this fast.\"</grs>
<br><pi>\"N-no, I-\"</pi>, her protestation is interrupted when you suddenly penetrate her folds with two fingers.
<br><<NMS>>'s knees buckle and she starts slipping towards the floor. You reach around her with your free arm and lower her gently, leaning her back against the wall.
<br><<Image fingering003.gif>>
<br><grs>\"You want to cum, don't you?\"</grs> Your hand speeds up, adopting a quicker pace.
<br><pi>\"Y-yes...\"</pi>, she admits in a shy whisper.
<br>You abruptly stop, withdrawing your fingers from her glistening <<Pussy>>.
<br><<NMS>> looks at you with surprise, her face filled with frustrated disappointment. You raise an eyebrow, as if expecting something from her.
<br><pi>\"P-please... Master.\"</pi>, she says, getting the hint.
<br>You renew your efforts, rapidly bringing <<NMS>> towards climax.
<br><grs>\"Good slut, cum for me.\"</grs>, you whisper to her.
<br>She turns her face away in shame. But, despite herself, her body starts to stiffen and she lets out a series of short, breathy moans and her <<Pussy>> clamps down around your fingers.
<br>You continue fingering her until her orgasm is finished, then wrap your arms tightly around her body and hug her close.
<br><pi>\"Thank you, Master.\"</pi>, she whispers in a weak voice, spent.
<br>You smile.
/% Before Sex %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $SexSub && $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $OralSub>>
/% Ellinor %/
<<if $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] == 2>>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillElieSpanking\">>
<PC>\"Bend over the bed.\"</PC>
<br><PC>\"I didn't ask for lip, little girl.\"</PC>
<br>You cross your arms. <PC>\"You've mouthed off at one too many clients lately. So now you can either bend over the bed, or you can beg real nicely to get your spanking over my lap.\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> whines, shifting her weight from one foot to the other finding her courage. <eli>\"Please, <<PCName>>, please punish your little girl over your lap.\"</eli>
<br>The armchair in her room is comfortable, even when you're perched toward the edge. Without further instructions, <<NMS>> drapes herself across your lap, barely squirming when you tuck her skirt up and pull her panties down to expose her bare bottom.
<br><PC>\"Now, you're going to count for me, and apologize each time.\"</PC>
<br>Despite starting out softly, even the first hit elicits a whine. <eli>\"One. I'm sorry, <<PCName>>.\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"Sorry for what?\"</PC>
<br><PC>\"It won't count if you aren't specific, little girl. It's up to you how long this lesson takes.\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"I'm sorry for talking back to client, <<PCName>>.\"</eli>
<br><<Image bondage008.gif>>
<br>Another hit, this one slightly harder.
<br><eli>\"Two. I'm sorry for talking back-\"</eli>
<br>You tut. <PC>\"Nuh-huh. That's not your only transgression, you naughty girl.\"</PC>
<br><<NMS>> tries again, <eli>\"I'm sorry for being a brat.\"</eli>
<br>It isn't the most descriptive, but you'll accept it.
<br>This time you go a little harder, enjoying the way it causes <<NMS>> to jolt.
<br><eli>\"Three.\"</eli>, She sniffles. <eli>\"I'm sorry that I wasn't listening.\"</eli>
<br>Sorry that she didn't bring in enough clients.
<br>Sorry that she refused to masturbate in front of her old teacher.
<br>Sorry that she called that one guy a pervert.
<br>The list goes on, including a few events you didn't know about, and her ass eventually starts glowing bright red. It's only when sniffles turn into outright crying that you stop, instead running your hand over the place you've been hitting.
<br><PC>\"Shh, shh, it's alright, you're forgiven.\"</PC>
<br>It takes but a moment to rearrange her so that she's curled up on your lap instead of laid over it. <PC>\"My sweet <<NMS>>. <<PCName>> knows you're going to mess up sometimes, that's why he's here to make things right.\"</PC>
/% Generic %/
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillScene4\">>
<<NMS>> must get used to being your slave. Her body belongs to you, it is yours to do with as you please.
<br>To elucidate this fact, you tie her naked body to a bench and grab a paddle.
<br>After a minute of teasing her <<Ass>> with gentle, playful slaps you raise your arm fully and bring the paddle back down with a resounding smack.
<br><<NMS>> cries out in pain.
<br><grs>\"Thank me.\"</grs>, you instruct.
<br><grs>\"Thank me for teaching you how to be a good, well-behaved slave.\"</grs>
<br>You give her <<Ass>> another hard slap and repeat the command.
<br>She finally lets out a quiet, whispered <pi>\"... thank you.\"</pi>
<br><grs>\"I couldn't hear you, what was that?\"</grs>, you ask her as you deliver another forceful spanking with the paddle.
<br><pi>\"Thank you!\"</pi>, she cries. Tears of pain and shame start streaking across her face.
<br><grs>\"Again!\"</grs>, you command, and deliver another blow.
<br><pi>\"THANK YOU!!!\"</pi>, she screams at the top of her lungs.
<br><grs>\"Thank me for what?\"</grs>, another hit of the paddle.
<br><pi>\"Thank you for teaching me how to be a good slave!\"</pi>, <<NMS>> cries.
<br><grs>\"Thank me for teaching you how to be <b><i>my</i></b> good slave.\"</grs>
<br><pi>\"Yes! Thank you for teaching me how to be <i>your</i> good slave, Master! Thank you!\"</pi>
<br><<Image bondage001.gif>>
<br>Her <<Ass>> was throbbing, red and bruised by the time you were finished with her. She had surely learnt her lesson.
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillScene5\">>
<<NMS>> has been well behaved recently, and deserves a reward.
<br>After tying her arms behind her back you guide her head onto your <<Stiff>> <<Cock>>.
<br>She wraps her <<LipsDesc>> around it and starts bobbing her head.
<br><grs>\"Good girl.\"</grs>, you purr, and stroke her cheek. <br><grs>\"You're starting to become really good at using your tongue.\"</grs>
<br>You place your hands on the back of <<NMS>>'s head and increase the pace, but make sure to avoid making her gag.
<br><<Image bondage019.gif>>
<br>She lets out a slutty moan that makes a pleasant vibrating sensation around your <<Cock>>.
<br><<NMS>> wiggles her hips, trying to find some way to placate the growing heat between her legs.
<br>You decide to give her what she wants.
Her arms still tied behind her back, you lift her to her feet and hug her tightly against your chest.
<br>You tilt her head to the side and gently bite her neck. <<NMS>> moans in response.
<br><grs>\"Do you want it?\"</grs>, you ask, moving your hand down across her ass, finding her wetness.
<br><pi>\"Y-yes...\"</pi>, <<NMS>> whispers.
<br><pi>\"Please, Master, please give it to me!\"</pi>
<br>You oblige, plunging your fingers into her. She moves her hips back and grinds against your hand, thrusting it deeper inside her.
<br><<Image fingering002.gif>>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
/%Inspired by VonKayas%/
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillScene6\">>
You had a few complaints from some less than satisfied customers that <<NMS>> was being rebellious and refused to listen to orders.
<br>When yet another client approaches you with a complaint you decide it is time to punish her disobedience and put her back in her place.
<br><grs>\"I'm sorry for the trouble, Sir.\"</grs>, you apologize to the customer.
<br><blu>\"Bitch should be put in her place!\"</blu>, the customer growls.
<br><grs>\"She should. Wanna help out? You look a bit wound up, it might be a good outlet for you. Free of charge, of course.\"</grs>
<br>The client nods. <blu>\"Yeah, yeah. I wanna show her what happens when you mess with me!\"</blu>
You take <<NMS>> to a private room.
<br>She follows with her head held high, but her confidence falters when she enters the room and she sees what's in store for her.
<br>Thick straps with strong leather cuffs attached to them cross the bed. Several switches, whips and paddles have been laid out neatly on the side.
<br>Standing next to the bed stands a client who <<NMS>> recognizes. He was so rude to her, and she verbally bit back.
<br>That might have been a mistake.
<br><pi>\"B-but... why?\"</pi>, she stammers, glancing back and forth between the implements and the man.
<br><grs>\"Klaus here tells me you've been a naughty girl. You know that naguhty girls have to be disciplined.\"</grs>, you say, motioning towards the man. He's grinning.
<br><pi>\"N-no! I haven't!\"</pi>
<br><blu>\"Lying bitch!\"</blu>, Klaus yells, and charges towards <<NMS>>.
<br>You hold up a hand, halting Klaus. He comes to a stop a short distance away.
<br><grs>\"That's a shame,\"</grs>, you begin, shaking your head in feigned disappointment, <grs>\"I was going to give you the chance to confess and avoid punishment. But I guess it's too late for that now.\"</grs>
<br><pi>\"B-but...\"</pi>, <<NMS>> protests.
<br>You cut her off. <grs>\"Strip.\"</grs>, you command.
<br>She looks like she's about to protest, but sensing how displeased you are <<NMS>> tentatively begins to undress.
<br>You clear your throat to get her attention. <grs>\"Not like that. Strip, put on a show.\"</grs>
<br><blu>\"Earn your forgiveness, bitch!\"</blu>, Klaus bristles.
<br><<NMS>> bites her lip, then begins to sway her hips in an impromptu sensual dance as she slowly sheds her clothes. The performance ends with her panties, which she teasingly flings towards Klaus in the vain hope that her performance might get her out of what you have planned next.
<br>Klaus smiles faintly as he catches the still warm panties. He makes eye contact with you, and you give him a slight nod of permission.
<br>Stepping behind <<NMS>>, Klaus wraps his arms around her waist and throws her onto the bed, pushing her face into the mattress. She lets out a small yelp.
<br>You help Klaus hold her down as he locks the cuffs around her wrists and ankles, strapping her into the bed. <<NMS>> kicks and struggles, but her efforts are no match for the two of you.
<br><blu>\"A bitch doesn't talk back or complain. She keeps her dumb fucking mouth shut unless told to speak.\"</blu>, Klaus says as he grabs one of the paddles that have been laid out.
<br>You stand at the sidelines and watch as Klaus starts working <<NMS>>'s tender flesh with the paddle.
<br>He delivers a powerful blow to her <<AssDesc>>, causing her to yell out in pain.
<br><blu>\"Learn your place, fucking cunt bitch.\"</blu>, Klaus shouts at her.
<br><<Image bondage073.gif>>
<br>His methods are a bit unsophisticated, but they seem effective. Within minutes, she's been reduced to a crying, whimpering mess.
<br>Klaus shows no sign of stopping, he changes the paddle for a switch and starts to swat at her feet. Each strike casues her to arch her back in pain. <br><<NMS>> begs and pleads for him to stop, for you to help her, for any kind of relief - but you don't intervene.
<br>When he's finally satisfied, <<NMS>>'s ass is red and bruised, as are her thighs and her back.
<br><grs>\"Don't you have something to say to the client?\"</grs>, you lean in and whisper to her.
<br><pi>\"I-I'm sorry for misbehaving, Sir.\"</pi>, she manages between sobbing whimpers.
<br><grs>\"You should thank him for helping you understand the error of your ways.\"</grs>, you whisper.
<br><pi>\"T-thanks for punishing me for misbehaving. I won't ever do it again.\"</pi>, she says, her voice shaking.
<br><blu>\"Yeah, bitch, you better not.\"</blu>
<br><blu>\"Well man, I'm done. Your turn.\"</blu> Klaus hands you the riding crop he was using last.
<br><<NMS>> whimpers in fear, she was hoping that he was done, that it would be over.
<br><blu>\"With a bro like you in charge this bitch will be brought to heel in no time.\"</blu>, Klaus says, and leaves the room.
<br>You tease the crop over <<NMS>>'s body for a moment, running it across her aching <<Ass>>. She whimpers in fear.
<br>You put it down.
<br><grs>\"I hope you've learned your lesson.\"</grs>, you tell her.
<br><grs>\"I'll give you some time to think about it.\"</grs>
<br>You leave the room, <<NMS>> still tied to the bed.
/% Before Anal %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $AnalSub && $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $SexSub>>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillScene7\">>
<grs>\"Good girls deserve to be rewarded, don't they?\"</grs>, you ask <<NMS>> as you unbuckle your pants and start stroking your <<CockDesc PC>>.
<br><pi>\"Yes Master, thank you Master!\"</pi>, <<NMS>> eagerly replies.
<br>Without having to be told, she kneels on the floor in front of you. Her eyes lock onto yours and she gives you an inviting smile.
<br><grs>\"Stick out your tongue.\"</grs> She does.
<br>You quickly finish, giving <<NMS>> her promised reward.
<br>She moans like a bitch in heat as your hot <<Cum>> splatters past her <<LipsDesc>> and lands on her tongue in thick ropes.
<br><<Image cum007.gif>>
<br>The load still in her mouth, she looks at you questioningly. You stroke her cheek and nod your head.
<br>She swallows.
<br><grs>\"Good girl.\"</grs>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillScene8\">>
When <<NMS>> accidentally breaks a rule you decide to discipline her the good old-fashioned way:
<br>You bend her over your knee, remove her bottoms and give her <<Ass>> a spanking she'll not soon forget.
<br><<Image bondage033.gif>>
/% Fully Broken / After Anal %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $AnalSub>>
<<set $BreakWillScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"BreakWillScene9\">>
For now, <<NMS>>'s will is fully broken. You can continue increasing her Submissiveness, but there are no further scenes.
<br><is>(Until a later version of this game.)</is>
<<print $BreakWillScene.random()>>
<br><<SubGain "slave" 2 12>>
<<GoBackUp>>/% Timed to allow for events to trigger %/
<<timed 40ms>>
<span id="BackButton">
<<set $STS = $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $EventId = "IncreaseTits" + $STS>>
<<switch $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>>
/% Many variants written by Sojourner %/
<<case 0>>
Although she protested at first, even <<NMS>> was happy with the results of the hormone treatment you gave her.
<br>Her body is finally starting to look like a woman instead of a girl - her <<Tits $STS>> have finally begun to take shape.
<br><<print either ("<<Image tits011.gif>>", "<<Image tits126.gif>>", "<<Image tits134.gif>>")>>
<<case 1>>
You administer another intensive dose of hormone injections and <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $STS>> grow once again.
<br><<print either ("<<Image tits123.gif>>", "<<Image tits127.gif>>", "<<Image tits135.gif>>")>>
<<if $ManagedSlave == 1>>
<br><PC>"Do you like them?"</PC>
<br><reb>"Yeah, I guess I do..."</reb>
<br>She's developing beautifully.
<<case 2>>
A final course of female growth hormones makes <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $STS>> expand further.
<br>There's now far more than a handful, and wearing a bra will be necessary if she wants to remain comfortable.
<br><<print either ("<<Image tits009.gif>>", "<<Image tits078.gif>>")>>
<br>It'll take some time for <<NMS>> to get used to the additional weight.
<<if $ManagedSlave == 1>>
<br><reb>"They're starting to get quite big..."</reb>
<<case 3>>
/% Unlocks titfucking %/
Her body is longer responding to growth hormones, so you inject <<NMS>> with a shot of nanites. Nothing too fancy, just the general-use nanotech found on the open market.
<br>These nanites have limited function, and are not as powerful as the strictly regulated kind.
<br>First invented to cure male pattern baldness, bodymod-nanites now have a variety of uses and are quite popular, even though they can only make minor changes to the body parts they're programmed for.
<br>Still, they'll get the job done in this case.
<br><<print either ("<<Image tits121.gif>>", "<<Image tits087.gif>>")>>
<br>Her new <<Tits $STS>> look absolutely delicious, and you decide that they deserve a trial-run.
<br>You walk over to <<NMS>> and pinch one of her <<Nipples>> - she lets out a whimper and her knees go weak, she almost crumbles to the floor.
<br><grs>"That sensitive, huh? Want me to help you out?"</grs> you ask, smiling to yourself.
<<if $SlaveSub >= $TitfuckSub>>
<<if $ManagedSlave == 1>>
<br><reb>"Y-yes, please!"</reb>
/% This isn't achievable without debug %/
<br><pi>"No, leave me alone!"</pi>, <<NNS>> defiantly protests. Looks like you'll have to break her some more first.
<<case 4>>
Impressed with the results of the last shot of nanites, you've managed to acquire some blackmarket nanotech.
<br>Similar in function to the last batch, these have been reprogrammed to produce a much larger effect.
<br>You watch as <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $STS>> swell, her skin seemingly near the point of bursting.
<br>As <<NNS>> begins to get dressed, her swollen mounds start to spill out of her now-too-small lingerie.
<br>Even if she complains about her skin feeling tighter from the rapid increase in size, <<NMS>> seems to enjoy her new growth.
<br><<print either ("<<Image tits001.gif>>", "<<Image tits104.gif>>")>>
<br>You know you do.
<<case 5>>
Having reached the limit of what you can accomplish by hand, you use the Robotic Operating Suite to inject <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $STS>> with targeted, reprogrammed stem cells, causing another round of growth. The procedure is very delicate, and requires several injections at very precise points - as the result can easily become lopsided if done incorrectly.
<br><<NMS>>'s <<Tits $STS>> are starting to become truly impressive.
<br>You've heard her quietly complaining about how they keep getting in the way as she does her chores - but the customers are very happy with them.
<br><<print either("<<Image tits076.gif>>", "<<Image tits141.gif>>")>>
<<case 6>>
You can't help but be impressed with the rate of growth after injecting the special fat-redistributing nanites.
<br>They are medical grade, far more effective than that black-market stuff.
<br><<NMS>> is starting to become incredibly top-heavy.
<br>After the procedure is completed, <<NNS>> gently massages her <<TitsDesc>>, whining softly. Her skin has been stretched to the limit, but it'll heal soon enough and she'll soon be ready for more.
<br><<print either("<<Image tits142.gif>>", "<<Image tits151.gif>>")>>
<<case 7>>
All things considered, <<NMS>> seems pleased with her new fillable breast implants.
<br>Her <<Tits $STS>> can now be expanded further without the use of invasive surgery.
<br>Instead, you can simply add more liquid, as long as <<NMS>>'s skin is allowed time to stretch and heal.
<br><<print either("<<Image tits018.gif>>", "<<Image tits075.gif>>")>>
<br>The implants will also keep her <<Tits $STS>> fairly round and perky.
<<case 8>>
You add filler to her implants - loving how they swell even larger.
<br><<NMS>>'s <<Tits $STS>> have gotten so massive that they've started to droop, despite the shape of her implants. They create a beautiful teardrop-shape when she sits or stands and when she lies down they spread out to create a silky, creamy pillow of flesh.
<br><<print either("<<Image tits013.gif>>", "<<Image tits045.gif>>")>>
<<case 9>>
Using a new kind of filler, the most recent course of injections have let <<NMS>>'s <<TitsDesc>> regain some of their formerly perky shape, while continuing to grow. Unfortunately it is not possible for <<Tits $STS>> this gigantic to be truly perky.
<br>Nevertheless, her <<Tits $STS>> have become absolutely incredible.
<br><<print either("<<Image tits108.gif>>", "<<Image tits117.gif>>", "<<Image tits154.gif>>")>>
<<case 10>>
You force even more fluid into her implants with another round of injections.
<<NMS>>'s <<Tits $STS>> are starting to get as large as they'll ever get. They have grown to truly gigantic proportions.
<br><<print either("<<Image tits128.gif>>", "<<Image tits130.gif>>")>>
<<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] >= 11>>
<<set $EventId = "IncreaseTits" + 11>>
<<NMS>>'s <<Tits $STS>> continue to grow.
<br><<print either("<<Image tits128.gif>>", "<<Image tits130.gif>>")>>
<br><i>(This is as large as they'll get, for now.)</i>
Something seems to have gone wrong with the size of <<NMS>>'s <<Tits $STS>>...
<<set $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]++>>
<<if $Debug == 1>>
/% Debug and Explanation %/
SlaveTits: $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]
<</if>><<Roll 1>>
<<set $SkillFactor = (($SlaveHand[$ManagedSlave]*3 + $BeautyMod)/10)>>
<<SetEarnings 1 $SkillFactor 13>>
<<set $LowSubHJ = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $OralSub)>>
<<set $MedSubHJ = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $SexSub)>>
<<set $HighSubHJ = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $SexSub)>>
<<set $HandScene = []>>
<<if $Facilities.contains("Spa") == true>>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
<<NMS>> had received an unusual request from a client. Not in terms of task, but rather location. He wanted her to jerk him off in the spa, underwater.
<br><<NMS>> had agreed, and met the client at the small pool inside the brothel spa. She was dressed in a two-piece swimsuit. The client was dressed in nothing - only the water covered his nudeness.
<br>The warm water felt good against her skin as she stepped into the pool. The man smiled at her, and she smiled back.
<br><<NMS>> got close to the client and gently wrapped her hand around his already-hardening <<Cock>>.
<br>As <<NMS>> got to work jerking the man's hard <<Cock>>, he reached towards her under the water and placed his hand on her crotch.
<<if $LowSubHJ>>
<<set $EventId = \"HandScene1.1\">>
<br><<NMS>> recoiled and slapped his hand away.
<br><pi>\"No touching!\"</pi>, she scolded him.
<br>He kept his hands to himself for the rest of the session, but seemed quite disappointed by the whole ordeal.
<<elseif $MedSubHJ>>
<<set $EventId = \"HandScene1.2\">>
<br><<NMS>> ignored the hand for some time, but when exploring fingers found their way underneath her bikini she gently used her free hand to move his hand away.
<br>The client's hand would find its way back to <<NMS>>'s groin every now and then, but <<NMS>> would gently remove it every time.
<<elseif $HighSubHJ>>
<<set $EventId = \"HandScene1.3\">>
<br><<NMS>> ignored the hand at first, but when exploring fingers found their way underneath her bikini she started to grind her <<PussyDesc>> into it, encouraging the man to keep going. He stuck a finger into her, and <<NMS>> let out a soft moan.
<br>After some time, the two of them shared orgasms in the warm water of the spa.
<br><<Image handjob002.gif>>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandScene2\">>
The client was completely naked, his thick <<Cock>> fully erect.
<br><blu>\"C'mere, sit down.\"</blu>, the client told <<NMS>>, and clapped his thigh.
<br><<NMS>> was hesitant, but obeyed. She put her legs across the client's thigh and sat down.
<br>The client's <<Cock>> was tipped with fat, red head. It was glistening with moisture.
<br><pi>\"Want me to start?\"</pi>, <<NMS>> asked.
<br><blu>\"Go ahead.\"</blu>, the client responded with a smile.
<br><<NMS>> started doing her usual thing, wrapping a hand around his shaft. She then began pumping it up and down.
<br><blu>\"Use both hands.\"</blu>, the client instructed.
<br><<NMS>> followed his advice and put both hands on his <<Cock>>. It was big enough that they both easily fit on there.
<br><blu>\"Mmh, that feels great.\"</blu>, he moaned.
<<if $SlaveTits >= 4>><br>The man had a good view of <<NMS>>'s generous cleavage.<</if>>
<br><<NMS>> could feel the <<Cock>> twitching in her grasp, and hear the client moaning. He was getting close.
<br><blu>\"Hold on, stop, stop!\"</blu>, the client groaned.
<br><<NMS>> stopped stroking his cock and looked up at him expectantly.
<br><blu>\"I want you to just play with the tip.\"</blu>, he instructed.
<br><pi>\"Like this?\"</pi>, <<NMS>> asked, wrapping her hands back around the thick <<Cock>>, but holding them still this time.
<br>She used her thumb to rub the swollen tip. The client's rapid heartbeat throbbed through his <<Cock>>.
<br>The client could only groan in response, he closed his eyes and leaned back.
<br>As his body tensed up, <<NMS>> continued teasing his sensitive cockhead, causing spurt after spurt of hot, sticky <<Cum>> to shoot out.
<br><<Image cum001.gif>>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"HandSceneCutie\">>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains(\"HandSceneCutie\")>>
<blu>\"Well, aren't you a little cutie?\"</blu>, the client murmurs as <<NMS>> strips down to her lacey underwear. Her <<TitsDesc>> looking very nice in the delicate white bra.
<blu>\"Have you been looking forward to this as much as I have? I see you wore that pretty little thing I like so much.\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>> spots the straining tent in the clients pants, and suggests he gets undressed too - to get more comfortable.
<br><blu>\"I suppose it's only fair.\"</blu>, the client says and starts pulling off his top.
<br>Once completely naked, he sits down on the bed and beckons for <<NMS>> to join him, spreading his legs so that she can kneel in between.
<br><<Image handjob019.gif>>
<br><pi>\"Like this?\"</pi>
<br><blu>\"Just like that, nice and slow sweet heart. I've got all night.\"</blu>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandSceneEyeContact\">>
<<NMS>> was told to undress and sit on the floor at the end of the bed.
<br>She did so, as the client unbuckled his pants and got comfortable.
<br>He sat down, cupped her face with his hands and made her look at him.
<br><blu>\"Lovely eyes.\"</blu>, he murmured.
<br><pi>\"Thanks!\"</pi>, <<NMS>> replied, with a smile.
<br><blu>\"I want to keep looking at me, let me see those eyes.\"</blu>
<br><pi>\"Okay...\"</pi>, she said as she wrapped her hands around the client's <<CockDesc 6>>.
<br><<Image handjob004.gif>>
<br><<NMS>> kept eye-contact with her client as she jerked him off<<if $SlaveSubSex>>, enjoying the feeling of his <<Cock>> in her hands<</if>>.
<<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] >= 4>>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandScene3\">>
When the client asked to see her <<TitsDesc>>, <<NMS>> quickly acquiesced, proudly showing him her <<TitsDesc>> to him.
<br>She unzipped his pants and reached inside, finding his large <<Cock>> already erect.
<br><<NMS>> wrapped her hand around his <<Cock>> and started pumping. It wasn't long before he was humping back.
<br>The added visual stimulation of her <<Tits>> combined with the closeness of <<NMS>>'s body made short work of the client.
<br>His hot <<Cum>> splattered across the side of <<NMS>>'s belly.
<br><<Image handjob001.gif>>
<<elseif $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] < 4>>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandScene4\">>
When the client asked to see her <<TitsDesc>>, <<NMS>> refused, it wasn't part of the agreement.
<br>Besides, she wasn't particularly proud of what she had to show off.
<br>She told him to remove his pants and sit down. He did.
<br><<NMS>> carefully approached, slowly reached out and wrapped her hand around his soft <<Cock>>. It quickly stiffened.
<br>She jerked him off with unpracticed, ungraceful motions.
<br>The client eventually let out a small groan as warm <<Cum>> seeped out from his <<Cock>>, streaking a trail across <<NMS>>'s hand.
<br><<Image handjob006.gif>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $OralSub>>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandScene5\">>
After getting him undressed, <<NMS>> knelt in front of her client. She was still wearing the school girl uniform he had requested.
<br>The client prompted her with a gesture of his hand, and <<NMS>> replied like she had been instructed:
<br><pi>\"You can't fail me! I'm a good student!\"</pi>
<br><pi>\"Please, Sir, isn't there anything I can do?\"</pi>
<br>Her face displayed a mix of innocence, curiosity and... hunger.
<br><blu>\"Be a good girl for me, and maybe we can get you a passing grade...\"</blu>
<br>The roleplaying continued throughout the handjob.
<br><<NMS>> maintained eye contact as she finished the job, splattering <<Cum>> across the floor.
<br><<Image handjob010.gif>>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandSceneMutual\">>
<<NMS>> rubbed the client off with one hand, and tried to discreetly rub herself with the other.
<br>The client just smirked when he noticed, and instructed her to get undressed.
<br><blu>\"You might as well give me a show.\"</blu>, he told her.
<br>She obliged.
<br><<Image handjob017.gif>>
<br>Once the client came, covering her hand in hot <<Cum>>, she switched hands, and started rubbing the sticky mess into her <<PussyDesc>>.
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $OralSub>>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandScene6\">>
<<NMS>> was standing face-to-face with two customers who paid extra to get a particular kind of treatment. It started out like any other handjob - except that there were two cocks pointed at her. <<NMS>> tried her best to pay attention to both of them.
<br><<Image handjob003.gif>>
<br>They guided <<NMS>> between each other, making sure that neither of them got too close to cumming.
<br>Once they were both close, they ordered <<NMS>> to kneel on the floor between them.
<br><<Image cum002.gif>>
<br>The warm cum splashed across her face as the two men emptied themselves all over it.
<<set $ExtraPay = Math.round(20*$SlaveOral[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $Cash += $ExtraPay>>
<br>The clients paid extra for this assignment, giving you <gr>¤$ExtraPay extra Cash</gr>.
/% Elli %/
<<if $ManagedSlave == 2>>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"HandSceneElliDanielStepbro\">>
<<NMS>>'s eyes are closed, and she's just beginning to wonder if $Daniel has bailed when feels him slip behind her into bed.
<br><blu>\"Shh.\"</blu>, $Daniel murmurs. <blu>\"Shh, lil sis. It's just me.\"</blu>
<br><blu>\"It's just me-\"</blu>, $Daniel repeats. <blu>\"My dad's gone for the night. I was hoping you'd be okay with me joining you.\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"But I'm-\"</eli>, <<NMS>> tries to wriggle away- <eli>\"You can't be in here. I'm not-\"</eli>
<br><blu>\"Wearing anything?\"</blu> $Daniel strokes her back as he says it. <blu>\"Can't be much more revealing than half the stuff you've been prancing around here in. Those itty bitty crop tops and shorts. Or when you're bouncing around in one of your bras and a robe, acting like you don't know it's falling open.\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"You're a creep.\"</eli>
<br>There isn't a script, but she knows she's meant to resist- at least, at first.
<br>Which is why when he actually tries to touch her breast, <<NMS>> rolls away. <eli>\"I'll tell my mom- she'll kick you both out-\"</eli>
<br><blu>\"Will she? Or will she think about how this summer you kept hanging all over me and my friends at the pool? How you argued about putting a shirt on?\"</blu> $Daniel tips his head to the side, almost quizzically. <blu>\"Or maybe I'll just tell her about how you've been using my friends to get cigarettes. I'm sure she'd love to know all about her precious daughter's pesky little habit.\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"You wouldn't.\"</eli>, <<NMS>> swallows. <eli>\"You can't.\"</eli>
<br><blu>\"I won't.\"</blu>, $Daniel says, reaching out to stroke her stomach. <blu>\"If you do something for me.\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"But I've never-\"</eli>
<br><blu>\"You're a virgin?\"</blu> Such a tone of disbelief. <blu>\"I find that hard to believe.\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"I am.\"</eli>
<br><blu>\"Well, then, I'll be nice.\"</blu> $Daniel takes <<NMS>>'s hand, dragging it to his cock. <blu>\"I won't even make you put your mouth on it. Just use those pretty little hands of yours and I won't say a word to your mom or my dad about what you get up to when they aren't looking.\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"You won't tell them anything?\"</eli> There's a quiver in her voice, even as she tentatively strokes his cock. <eli>\"I just have to do this once and you'll leave me alone?\"</eli>
<br><blu>\"Of course.\"</blu>, $Daniel reassures her, head falling back onto the bed as he lets her get to work. <blu>\"Just keep going- just like that-\"</blu>
<br><<Webm handjob025.webm auto 200>>
<br>$Daniel cums, splattering all over <<NMS>>'s hand. He lays there for a while before rolling away and giving her a wink. <blu>\"Thanks for that. I'm sure I'll be seeing you again soon.\"</blu>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"HandSceneElliShower\">>
<<NMS>> is dressed in nothing but a towel, about to go take a shower. As she opens the door to the bathroom she hears a noise.
<br><eli>\"Hello? Is there someone's in-\"</eli>
<br>The word 'here' falls away as <<NNS>> faces the black man standing in the bathroom. He's tall and muscular, and more importantly, working on removing his pants - his chest already bare by the time <<NNS>> came in.
<br><blu>\"Oh, hey. Your brother told me it was okay if I-.\"</blu>, he says, stepping out of his jeans. <blu>\"'Spose he might have meant for me to wait- but hey, don't see him stopping me now.\"</blu>
<br><<NNS>> glances down at his now-revealed <<CockDesc 10>> before darting her eyes back up to his face. <eli>\"I didn't know he had friends over! I'm so sorry...\"</eli>, <<NMS>> says, averting her gaze in embarrassment.
<br><blu>\"Nah, no need to be sorry, hon'. We both just wanna get clean, right? Nothin' wrong with that.\"</blu>
<br>He steps into the shower and turns it on.
<br><blu>\"There's plenty of room in here.\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>>, playing her role well, shyly strips out of her clothes, trying to hide her body with her hands, then joins him in the shower. The hot water feels good on her skin.
<br><<NNS>> pretends to try and keep her eyes on his face even as he takes a step closer to her, coming into her space, but truth is - even if he wasn't a client - he's gorgeous. Especially with the water spraying down his body.
<br>He notices her staring. <blu>\"And of course- nothin' wrong with you helping out, either.\"</blu>
<br><<NNS>> plays innocent a little longer. <eli>\"D-do you need me to wash your back?\"</eli>
<br><blu>\"Amongst other things.\"</blu>, he says, laughing, then drags <<NNS>>'s dainty hand to his rapidly hardening <<HugeCock>>. Her small hands make it look even bigger.
<br><eli>\"Oh! I've never-\"</eli>
<br><blu>\"It's real easy, sweet thing. Just up and down, you can do that, right?\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>> blushes, but nods, and starts jerking him off.
<br><<Image handjob026.gif>>
<br><blu>\"Yeah honey, you can do that, you're good at that.\"</blu>
<br><<NNS>> continues jerking him off for some time as he explores her petite body with his large hands.
<br>On pure instinct, getting quite turned on herself, <<NNS>> leans in and kisses the man - her hands never leaving his <<CockDesc 10>>.
<br><<Image handjob027.gif>>
/% Elli > OralSub %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $OralSub>>
<<set $HandScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandSceneElliPantyrub\">>
/% Written/Inspired by Kris %/
<eli>\"Like this?\"</eli>, <<NNS>> asks while getting on top of him and moving her panties to the side.
<br>The client nods his head, sliding his <<CockDesc 8>> in the space between the soft fabric and her sensitive, <<PussyDesc>>.
<br><blu>\"Just, yeah... just be careful, or I might have to slip inside. And we don't want that, do we, baby?\"</blu>
<br><<NNS>> bites her lip as she starts to grind herself across him, humping back and forth.
<br><<Image outercourse004.gif>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $SexSub>>
<<set $EventId = \"HandSceneElliPantyrubFucking\">>
<br><eli>\"Don't we?\"</eli>, <<NNS>> teases, <eli>\"Just, uh..\"</eli>, she moans, <eli>\"...wouldn't it feel good?\"</eli>
<br><blu>\"Fuck, you're so hot.\"</blu>
<br>He grabs her around the waist, adjusts his <<CockDesc 8>> and thrusts inside.
<br><eli>\"Oh no, what are you doing?!\"</eli>, <<NNS>> feigns shock and outrage, even while moaning in pleasure at the thickness inside her. <eli>\"This is going to cost you extra!\"</eli>, she chides.
<br><blu>\"I'll pay, whatever. Oh baby, you're so sexy!\"</blu>
<br>Realizing she's got him, she falls fully into the role: <eli>\"Oh, Daddy. Fuck me Daddy.\"</eli>.
<br><<Image fucking021.gif>>
<br>He does.
<<set $ExtraPay = Math.round(20*$SlaveSex[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $Cash += $ExtraPay>>
<br>The client was true to his word, and paid <<NMS>> extra for fucking her. She made you <gr>¤$ExtraPay Cash</gr> on top of her regular pay..
<br><eli>\"It's too big to go inside! It would tear me apart.\"</eli>
<br>He just groans in response.
<<print $HandScene.random()>>
<br><<SubGain "slave" -1 3>> <<SkillGain "Hand" 1 8 true>>
<<GoBackUp>><span id="BackButton">
<<set $SAS = $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $EventId = "IncreaseAss" + $SAS>>
<<switch $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]>>
/% Many variants written by Sojourner %/
<<case 0>>
You administer an initial course of growth hormones to <<NMS>>, they quickly take effect, expanding her <i>ass</i>ets.
When <<NMS>> goes to get dressed again, her underwear seems to fit a lot more snugly than before.
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $BlowjobSub>>
<br><pi>"Oh no~"</pi>, she says with a giggle, bending over to tease you, as she struggles to pull her panties up.
<br>She's happy to show you.
<br><PC>"Looking good, <<NNS>>."</PC> She smiles at your compliment.
<br><pi>"Um, oh no.."</pi>, she says nervously, struggling mightily to pull her panties back up.
<br><PC>"Looking good, <<NNS>>."</PC>, you tease.
<br>She blushes at the compliment.
<br><<print either ("<<Image ass117.gif>>", "<<Image ass073.gif>>")>>
<<case 1>>
You treat <<NMS>> to another course of growth hormones.
<br>Her <<Ass $SAS>> slowly grows, and gains a bit of extra bounce.
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $BlowjobSub>>
<br>Without you even asking her, she happily shows it off to you.
<br>She shyly shows it to you after you prompt her.
<br><<print either ("<<Image ass101.gif>>", "<<Image ass009.gif>>")>>
<<case 2>>
<br>At your command, <<NMS>> slowly pulls up her dress, revealing the results of the latest round of hormones.
<br><<print either ("<<Image ass087.gif>>", "<<Image ass077.gif>>")>>
<br><<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SAS>> has started rounding out beautifully.
<<case 3>>
<<NMS>>'s derrière is no longer responding very well to the simple growth hormones you've been using, so it's time to switch up the treatment.
<br>You acquire some open-market nanites, the kind typically used to correct minor, superficial imperfections - such as removing scars or improving beard growth.
<br>Quite expensive, they're highly regulated and far more limited in function compared to the ones you'd be able to get your hands on through the black market.
<br>With a large enough dose though, they'll get the job done.
<br>The nanites work surprisingly quickly; redistributing fat cells, encouraging the growth of collagen and other <i>building materials</i>, they reshape <<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SAS>>, giving it a rounder and perkier shape.
<br><<print either ("<<Image ass127.gif>>", "<<Image ass068.gif>>", "<<Image ass019.gif>>", "<<Image ass015.gif>>", "<<Image ass004.gif>>")>>
<br>Just as expected, <<NMS>>'s newly acquired bubble butt looks absolutely exquisite in a thong.
<<case 4>>
Happy with the results of the previous dose of nanites, you purchase some more - off the black market this time, reprogrammed for an even greater result.
<br><<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SAS>> swells larger; full and bouncy!
<br>Her <<Ass $SAS>> is starting to become quite the attention-grabber.
<br><<print either ("<<Image ass050.gif>>", "<<Image ass085.gif>>", "<<Image ass020.gif>>", "<<Image ass042.gif>>")>>
<<case 5>>
/% Analingus Event %/
<<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SAS>> grows even further with the help of targeted stem cell injections. The stem cells will mature into fat and muscle cells as appropriate once they've been deposited.
<br>They'll continue to develop, adding more mass to <<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SAS>> for some time to come.
<br>You tell <<NMS>> to spread her newly enlarged butt-cheeks, to allow you to get a good look at her <<PussyDesc>> and <<AssholeDesc>>.
<br><<print either("<<Image ass098.gif>>", "<<Image ass048.gif>>", "<<Image ass003.gif>>", "<<Image ass030.gif>>")>>
<br>It is an absolutely magnificent sight, she looks truly delectable.
<br>The stem cell treatment was most definitely a great success, and you can't wait to bury your face between those jiggling cheeks.
<<case 6>>
After a booster shot, the implanted stem cells in her <<Ass $SAS>> activate again, spurring more growth.
<br><<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SAS>> has become almost irresistible. In fact, you can't help yourself.
<br><<print either("<<Image ass094.gif>>", "<<Image ass047.gif>>", "<<Image ass040.gif>>", "<<Image ass038.gif>>")>>
<br>Her <<Ass $SAS>> is so soft and squishy, it makes a wonderful plaything.
<br>You're sure <<NMS>>'s clients will appreciate her new <<Ass $SAS>> too.
<<case 7>>
You've managed to get hold of a new type of nanite: it will spread throughout the body of whoever is injected with it and slowly redistribute fat cells, depositing them where they're wanted.
<br>After injecting <<NMS>>, it doesn't take long before you see results: her stomach shrinks while her <<Ass $SAS>> and hips expand.
<br>She has quite a lot of junk in the trunk by now.
<br><<print either("<<Image ass105.gif>>", "<<Image ass104.gif>>", "<<Image ass109.gif>>", "<<Image ass011.gif>>", "<<Image ass022.gif>>")>>
<br><<NMS>> is starting to become the kind of girl you can't take your eyes off - especially while you're behind her.
<<case 8>>
<<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SAS>> continues to grow as you use the Robotic Operating Suite to give her a pair of subtle, fillable butt-implants.
<br>Her <<Ass $SAS>> can be expanded further with minimal trouble by continuing to fill them - as long as her skin is allowed to adjust between fillings.
<br><<print either("<<Image ass037.gif>>", "<<Image ass014.gif>>", "<<Image ass013.gif>>", "<<Image ass043.gif>>", "<<Image ass021.gif>>")>>
<br>She now has the kind of <<Ass $SAS>> you'd tell your friends about, the kind of <<Ass $SAS>> you wouldn't soon forget.
<<case 9>>
After adding more filler to her butt-implants, <<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SAS>> is now amongst the biggest you've ever seen. It has become the stuff of legends.
<br><<print either("<<Image ass114.gif>>", "<<Image ass129.gif>>", "<<Image ass091.gif>>", "<<Image ass126.gif>>")>>
<<if $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] >= 10>>
<<set $EventId = "IncreaseAss" + 10>>
You force even more fluid into <<NMS>>'s butt-implants.
<br><<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SAS>> has become as large as it'll ever be.
<br><<print either("<<Image ass116.gif>>", "<<Image ass110.gif>>", "<<Image ass054.gif>>")>>
<br>It has grown to truly gigantic proportions.
<br><i>(This is as large as it'll get, for now.)</i>
Something seems to have gone wrong with the size of <<NMS>>'s <<Ass $SAS>>...
<<set $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]++>>
<<if $Debug == 1>>
/% Debug and Explanation %/
SlaveAss: $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]
<</if>><<Roll 1>>
<span id="BackButton">
<<set $SexTrainScene = []>>
<<set $SexTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"SexTrainScene1\">>
You spend some time teaching <<NMS>> the best way to respond to a hard dicking.
<br><<Image fucking005.gif>>
<<set $SexTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"SexTrainScene2\">>
To truly learn how to pleasure a man, <<NMS>> needs to know her own body.
<br>You explore it with her, especially her <<PussyDesc>>.
<br><<Image fingering001.gif>>
<<set $SexTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"SexTrainScene3\">>
You catch up with <<NMS>> in between clients and decide that she needs a bit of training.
<br>You slip a condom on, as she hasn't had time to clean herself up properly yet, and slip inside her.
<br><<Image fucking003.gif>>
<<set $SexTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"SexTrainScene4\">>
Under the guise of training her, you decide to have some private fun with <<NMS>>.
<br><<Image fucking011.gif>>
<<print $SexTrainScene.random()>>
<br><<NMS>> learned how to please her clients better.
<br><<SkillGain "Sex" 4 32 true>> <<SubGain "slave" -2 2>>
<<GoBackUp>><<Roll 1>>
<span id="BackButton">
<<set $AnalTrainScene = []>>
<<set $AnalTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"AnalTrainScene1\">>
You spend some time teaching <<NMS>> how use her <<AssDesc>>'s hole to please clients.
<br><<Image anal016.gif>>
<br>How to tighten her sphincter to grip onto the shaft inside her, the effect of moving her legs, how different positions affect how tight or how open her <<Asshole>> is.
<br>It's a lesson well-learned, yet often repeated - mostly for your own sake.
<<set $AnalTrainScene.push ("
/% Inspired by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
<<set $EventId = \"AnalTrainScene2\">>
After reiterating some of the basics of anal hygiene with <<NMS>>, she's ready for a more hands-on lesson.
<br>She spreads her cheeks apart like you instructed her to.
<br>You lube your dick up and press it against <<NMS>>'s sphincter, slowly pushing into her to get her used to the feeling. She groans in pain as the you bottom out inside her and start to slowly pull back out again.
<br>Her asshole winks at you when you pull all the way out, seeming to invite you to push yourself back in again - so you do.
<br><<Image anal011.gif>>
<br>The sides grip you firmly, and there's a warmth inside of her that's incredibly pleasant.
<br>You can't say that you mind this kind of training at all...
<<set $AnalTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"AnalTrainScene3\">>
<<NMS>> has to learn that not everyone will treat her gently, kindly, or fairly. You have to show her what it feels like when someone <i>takes</i> her, without letting her prep.
<br>The saliva from a quick blowjob to get you ready is all the lubrication she gets - you push her over the couch and penetrate her, dry.
<br>She screams out in pain as your <<CockDesc PC>> rips into her, but you show no mercy. She has to learn to deal with this - and learn why it's important to keep her asshole loose and ready at all times.
<br><<Image anal013.gif>>
<br><PC>\"Don't tighten up, relax. You're trying to push me out, that's just making it worse for you. Don't clamp up on me. Take deep breaths and let it happen.\"</PC>
<br>You give her these instructions over the course of a few minutes as you keep pounding away at her. Tears stream down her face, smearing her eyeliner across her cheeks.
<br>By the time you leave she's beyond sore, her backdoor pulsing with pain. You think she'll take the lesson to heart.
<<set $AnalTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"AnalTrainToyGape\">>
You give <<NMS>> a simple task to complete at some point during the week - she needs to pick out a toy and use it to gape herself.
<br>She seem to settle on a large black dildo rather than a traditional buttplug.
<br>You tell her that is a good choice - though it might be a little bit harder for her than it would with a buttplug.
<br>Later in the week, she sends you a short video showing her accomplishing the task. It's not the widest gape you've ever seen, but she's clearly put in some amount of effort.
<br><PC>\"Bonus points for getting her face in the video.\"</PC>, you think.
<br><<Image toy001.gif>>
<<if $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave] > $AssholeStatus4 && $Facilities.contains("Dungeon") && $EnemaContentEnabled && $SlaveIsDominant[$ManagedSlave] == false>>
<<set $AnalTrainScene.push ("
/% Written by Philip %/
<<set $EventId = \"AnalTrainEnema\">>
You frown in dismay as another customer walks past without leaving a tip. This won't do - it seems as if $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] still has some training left.
<br>You go to find her, and catch up with her in the hallway just outside the <i>dungeon</i>.
<br><PC>\"<<NMS>>, come here!\"</PC>, you command.
<br>She walks towards you with a slight limp in her step, the <<Cum>> dripping from her <<AssholeDesc>> evidencing her previous activities. She looks up at you with her puppy-dog eyes, as if begging you to leave her alone to clean up and recuperates.
<br>You'd usually humour her, but you have had about enough of this, plus, you're in a bad mood - this place needs to make money, you can't abide by disappointed customers.
<br>You take two quick steps towards her, grasp her hair tightly and twirl it around your wrist, then drag her over to a nearby chair.
<br><PC>\"When I say 'come here', I mean now! You incompetent bitch!\"</PC>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $PissSub>>
<br><pi>\"I'm sorry, $Master!\"</pi>, she quickly replies.
<br>She doesn't reply.
<br>You pull her towards yourself, spreading her legs apart with your own.
<br>Her head is pressed against your chest, and you slap her back hard so that it arches her toward you.
<br>You impatiently spread her asscheeks and grab her hand, - twisting it away from your shoulder, and shove four of her well-manicured fingers into her <<Asshole>>. A glob of <<Cum>> oozes out as she her hand is forced inside.
<br><PC>\"What the fuck is this?\"</PC>, you ask her, <PC>\"You could fit a fucking horsecock in this sloppy hole. No fucking wonder the customers aren't tipping.\"</PC>
<br><PC>\"First, let's wash this disgusting gunk out of you.\"</PC>
<<if $PCGirly>>
<piss>(it's not 'disgusting', it's delicious!)</piss>
<br>Her eyes widened and she meekly protests, saying that she can do it herself - but your grip on her doesn't waiver, and you quickly maneuver her over to a small, square platform, and rip her remaining clothes off.
<br>You enjoy the process of tying her up, there's something almost meditative about it. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] squirms a little at first, but a threatening glare is all it takes to make her meekly obey you.
<br>You start by tying up her wrists, forcing her to keep her arms by her sides. She's laying on her back, with ropes around her ankles and knees, forcing her legs up into the air, while spreading her as widely as possible.
<br>Her <<PussyDesc>> and <<AssholeDesc>> are on full display.
<br><<Image bondage013.gif>>
<br>Her facial expression betrays her discomfort, but also her sense of reassignment.
<br><PC>\"That's a good slave.\"</PC>, you compliment her compliance.
<br>You grab a large, buttplug with a hollow tube through the middle, and waste no time working it up her <<AssholeDesc>>.
<br>Scanning around, you can't seem to find a proper enema bag to use - instead your eyes land on the nearby tap. That'll work.
<br>You connect the valve to the tap and turn it on. Cold water starts streaming up the tube.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s eyes quickly widen in shock, as cold water fills her intestines, and soon her stomach begins to cramp.
<br>Feeling vindictive, and more sadistic than usual, you wait until a noticeable bump develops on her belly before stopping the flow of water.
<br>Now in significant pain, she reaches down to pull the plug out, humiliation burning in her eyes. You stop her.
<br><PC>\"What do you think you are doing, whore? You pull it out when I say you can!\"</PC>
<br>She lowers her head in defeat and lets out a sad whimper.
<br>Grabbing a solid wooden paddle, you 'test' swing it through the air a few times - building the tension. Another whimper escapes her lips.
<br>You land a fairly hard hit directly onto her stomach-bulge.
<br>Usually, such a strike with this paddle would cause little pain, but your intention is to take advantage of liters of water stored in her intestines - and a solid plank of wood is perfect for this.
<br>After a few more swings, each eliciting a high-pitched cry of pain, you frown as you notice water leaking from her anus.
<br><PC>\"No. Clench down. If I see another drop fall out I'm doubling the water.\"</PC>
<br>She nods, and tears start rolling down her face. After her perfect<<if $ManagedSlave != 4>> snow white<</if>> skin has been marred with a smattering of red stripes, you decide to end her punishment: abruptly yanking the plug out of her, followed by a deluge of dirtied water.
<PC>\"Now that you are nice and clean...\"</PC> <<NMS>>'s eyes widen in realization that her ordeal isn't over yet, <PC>\"...we can begin working on tightening that <<Asshole>> of yours.\"</PC>
<<print $AnalTrainScene.random()>>
<<set $AnalTrainFlavourPrint = []>>
<<set $AnalTrainFlavourPrint.push ("<<NMS>>'s <<Asshole>> becomes more accustomed to being used.")>>
<<set $AnalTrainFlavourPrint.push ("<<NMS>>'s <<Asshole>> is more ready to be stuffed with cock.")>>
<<set $AnalTrainFlavourPrint.push ("<<NMS>>'s continues training her <<AssholeDesc>>.")>>
<<set $AnalTrainFlavourPrint.push ("<<NMS>>'s <<Asshole>> is getting more well-trained.")>>
<<set $AnalTrainFlavourPrint.push ("<<NNS>> learned to use her <<Asshole>> in a way that's more pleasurable.")>>
<br><<print $AnalTrainFlavourPrint.random()>>
<br><<SkillGain "Anal" 4 32 true>> <<SubGain "slave" -2 2>>
<<GoBackUp>><<Roll 1>>
<span id="BackButton">
<<set $OralTrainScene = []>>
<<set $OralTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"OralTrainScene1\">>
You spend some time teaching <<NMS>> how to properly give balls the attention they deserve.
<br><<Image blowjob003.gif>>
<<set $OralTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"OralTrainScene2\">>
You teach <<NMS>> how to use her hand to complement her mouth while giving a blowjob.
<br><<Image blowjob006.gif>>
<<set $OralTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"OralTrainScene3\">>
<<NMS>> is taught the importance of maintaining eye-contact when pleasuring a man.
<br><<Image blowjob007.jpg>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $SexSub>>
<<set $OralTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"OralTrainScene4\">>
<<NMS>>'s obedience is tested as you instruct her to kneel on the floor, open her mouth and stick her tongue out.
<br>She complies, and you teach her an important lesson, both in how to please a <<Cock>> and in obedience.
<br><<Image blowjob010.gif>>
<<if $SlaveOral[$ManagedSlave] > 5>>
<<set $OralTrainScene.push ("
<<if $SlaveOral[$ManagedSlave] < 10>>
<<set $EventId = \"OralTrainScene5.1\">>
<<NMS>> knows how to give a proper blowjob, but has yet to master the art of deep-throating.
<br>You help her understand the finer points.
<<set $EventId = \"OralTrainScene5.2\">>
<<NMS>> is already a deep-throating expert, but you still enjoy \"training\" her.
<br><<Image blowjob011.gif>>
<<print $OralTrainScene.random()>>
<br><<NMS>> learned how to give a better blowjob.
<br><<SkillGain "Oral" 4 32 true>> <<SubGain "slave" -2 2>>
<<GoBackUp>><span id="BackButton">
/% Setup %/
<<set $PCProScene = []>>
/% Setup Special Conditionals %/
<<set $PCProIntro1 = ($PCProCount <= 0)>>
<<set $PCProIntro2 = ($PCProCount == 1)>>
<<set $PCProIntro3 = ($PCProCount == 2)>>
<<set $PCGivingHandjobs = ($PCProCount > 2)>>
<<set $PCGivingBlowjobs = ($EventsSeen.contains("PCBlowjobUnlock"))>>
/% First three scenes are intro scenes %/
/% Scene 1 %/
<<if $PCProIntro1>>
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneIntro1\">>
<<if $MetBruce>>
/% Has met Bruce %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneIntro1MetBruce\">>
$Bruce catches your eye one afternoon, nodding for you to follow him into a room - away from the prying eyes of the bar.
<br><bru>\"Been over hearing some things. Thought you might want to know.\"</bru>
<br>Concerned, you motion for him to continue.
<br><bru>\"The girl<<s $SlaveCount>> are great and all, but some of the patrons are interested in a... less gentle touch, if you know what I mean.\"</bru>
<br>Less gentle touch...? Oh. You flush under his intense gaze. He's given you an out - to say that this isn't that kind of place or that you'll look into finding a male whore.
<br>But you like $Bruce. He's attractive, to that there's no question, and you're quite literally already trusting him with your life - surely you can trust him with your reputation too.
<br>Besides, what he says is true, people have been asking for it, even from you personally.
<br><PC>\"If these patrons are willing to approach me with what they want-\"</PC>, the words are thick in your mouth.
<br>This isn't how you'd normally have this conversation, but you don't want to openly accuse $Bruce of being one of them. After all, he could just be looking out for the business...?
<br>A fear that he settles immediately, sitting down on the edge of the bed. <bru>\"And if I wanted a handy?\"</bru>
/% Haven't met Bruce %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneIntro1MeetingBruce\">>
When the man approached you and told you he'd prefer to be serviced by <i>you</i> rather than <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>one of your slaves<<else>>your slave<</if>>, you weren't quite sure how to react. You're the boss around here, not part of the <i>product</i>. However, you sure could use the cash...
<br><bru>\"How about just a quick handy?\"</bru>, he suggests, sensing your hesitation.
<br><PC>\"Fine.\"</PC>, you agree.
Once in private, he takes off his pants, sits down and leans back.
<br>Doing so reveals his <<CockDesc $BruceCockSize full>> to you.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br><PC>\"Wow! It's <pi>huuge</pi>!\"</PC>, you exclaim.
<br><bru>\"Hah, so I've heard. You like that, don't you?\"</bru>, he responds.
<br><PC>\"Y-yeah...\"</PC>, you admit, and eagerly wrap a hand around the thick limb.
<br>Your hands look so dainty against the sheer size of his <<HugeCock>>.
<br><PC>\"Woah, it's huge...\"</PC>, you think.
<br><bru>\"Hah, thanks.\"</bru>, he responds.
<br>You look at him in surprise. You must've accidentally said that out loud...
<br>Well, nothing to it, you reckon, lean forward, and wrap a hand around the thick limb.
<br>It's surprisingly warm - heat almost seems to radiate from it.
<br>As you start jerking it, you also realize that it has quite a distinct, not wholly unpleasant, smell.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<pii>(smells delicious!)</pii>
<br><<Image handjob035.gif>>
<br><bru>\"Oh yeah, keep going.\"</bru>, he moans. You obey, and keep jerking his <<CockDesc $BruceCockSize short>>.
<br>Before long, he tenses up, grunts and shoots his load. Some of his <<Cum>> hits your hand
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
and you quickly lick it up! <pii>(yummy!)</pii>
<<elseif $SeenSissyHypno6>>
and you're strangely transfixed by it, consider giving it a taste, but shake that thought from your head and wipe it off.
but you quickly wipe it off.
<<if $MetBruce>>
<br><bru>\"I think you made the right choice. That was great.\"</bru>, he tells you from the door as he's leaving.
<br><bru>\"By the way, I'm $Bruce. I reckon we'll meet again, that was great.\"</bru>, he tells you from the door as he's leaving.
<<set $MetBruce = true>>
<br><bru>\"See you next time, buddy.\"</bru>
/% Scene 2 %/
<<if $PCProIntro2>>
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneIntro2\">>
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneIntro2SissyHypnoGirly\">>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneIntro2SissyHypno\">>
You felt such excitement, you were finally <pii>giving in</pii>.
<br>Thoughts of <pi>wonderful <<Cocks>></pi> had been filling your mind for some time.
<br>You don't quite know where those thoughts came from - all you knew is that you were finally taking the next step!
You were still doubting if you really wanted to do this as you headed towards the room.
<br>Several customers had been asking you for your service... your <i>hand</i> service.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br>Given your recent transformation - perhaps this wasn't too surprising. You've definitely got a certain feminine appeal - plus the fact that you're 'the boss'.
<br>Men love to dominate those in high standings, and a <pi>girlie</pi> like you - a successful business-owner and entrepreneur - that's a prime target.
<br>The interest baffled you, male prostitutes had never been all that popular. Perhaps it had something to do with your status, perhaps it was more of a conquest for them to get pleasured by a successful businessman.
<br>Successful? Perhaps. But truth be told, you could really use the money.
<br>So, you had politely accepted one of the propositions and was now headed towards the room. <<if $SeenSissyHypno10>><piss>(so excited!)</piss><</if>>
Soon, you started your routine. Get the client relaxed, get his <<Cock>> out, get it hard, and, eventually, get him off.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<br>You couldn't suppress your emotions - you were thrilled to be doing this.
<br>Giving pleasure to a man, what a wonderful thing!
<br>You try to keep a dispassionate attitude towards the task at hand, just going through the motions.
<br>However, you can't help but feel a small thrill of excitement run down your spine every time your handiwork elicits a pleasured groan, moan or grunt.
<br>Besides, it's better for business if you do it well, right? A happy customer will be more likely to return, and he'll tip better.
<br>You work his <<Stiff>> <<Cock>> with both hands, urging him on. His heavy breathing and pleasured moans encourage you to continue.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image handjob021.gif>>
<br><<Image gayhandjob002.gif>>
<br>Before long, the man's muscles tense up, announcing his imminent orgasm.
<br>As thick jets of <<Cum>> shoot out of his <<Cock>>, you smile to yourself, satisfied with a job well done.
/% Scene 3 %/
<<if $PCProIntro3>>
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneIntro3\">>
<<if $BruceBouncer>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneIntro3BruceBouncer\">>
$Bruce catches up with you on one of his breaks.
While you're at the bar, a man approaches you. You recognize him, he's the first client you serviced personally. $Bruce, was it?
<br><bru>\"Got time for another a quick handy?\"</bru>
<br><PC>\"Sure.\"</PC>, you agree<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>, <pi>eagerly</pi><</if>>.
Once in private, $Bruce takes his pants off, sits down and leans back - once again revealing his huge, thick, meaty<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>, <pi>delicious</pi><</if>> <<Cock>> to you.
<br>Even though you've seen it before, it's almost overwhelming.
<br><PC>\"Christ...\"</PC>, you mutter under your breath.
<br><bru>\"Like it, eh?\"</bru>, he responds.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<br><PC>\"I love it!\"</PC>, you happily respond - and wrap a hand around the thick shaft.
<br>You shrug, lean forward, and wrap a hand around the thick shaft.
<br>It's surprisingly warm, almost as if heat radiates from it.
<br>As you start jerking it, its masculine, meaty smell fills your nostrils once again. You find his scent quite enjoyable.
<br><<Image handjob035.gif>>
<br><bru>\"Oh yeah, that's it, keep going.\"</bru>, the man moans. You obey, and keep jerking his huge <<Cock>>.
<br>Before long, $Bruce tenses up, grunts and shoots his load. Some <<Cum>> hits your hand but you quickly wipe it off.
<br><bru>\"Thanks buddy, that was great once again.\"</bru>, $Bruce tells you from the door as he's leaving. <bru>\"Already looking forward to next time.\"</bru>
/% End of Intro Scenes %/
<<if $PCGivingHandjobs>>
/% Handjobs Only %/
<<if $PCGivingHandjobs && !$PCGivingBlowjobs>>
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneBruceReturns\">>
<<if $BruceBouncer>>
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneBruceReturnsBruceBouncerSissyHypno\">>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneBruceReturnsBruceBouncer\">>
At a moment when the brothel is quiet, $Bruce approaches you.
<br><bru>\"Hey there buddy! I could use some <i>relief</i>, if you know what I mean.\"</bru>
<br>You know better than to suggest he use <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>one of the girls<<else>>$SlaveName[1]<</if>>, that's not what he's after.
<br>As if to confirm your thoughts, he nods towards the back and asks <br><bru>\"You busy?\"</bru>
$Bruce approaches you once again. He gives you a smile and nods towards the back.
<br><bru>\"You busy?\"</bru>, he asks.
<br><PC>\"No, I have time.\"</PC>, you respond<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>, <pi>eagerly</pi><</if>>.
Once in private, $Bruce takes off his pants, sits down and leans back.
<br>Doing so once again reveals his thick and delectable piece of meat to you.
<br>You've gotten used to seeing it by now, but it's still a sight to behold. So long, thick and veiny<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>> <pi>so delicious</pi><</if>>.
<br><PC>\"There you are...\"</PC>, you mumble under your breath.
<br><bru>\"Missed it, eh?\"</bru>, the client responds.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<br>You nod. <PC>\"I have really missed it...\"</PC>
<br>You lean forward, and wrap a hand around the <pi>thick, manly shaft</pi>.
<br><PC>\"Missed it a lot.\"</PC>
<br>You smile and nod. <PC>\"Yeah, I guess so.\"</PC>, you reply with a chuckle.
<br>You lean forward, and wrap a hand around the thick shaft.
<br>As you start jerking it, its testosterone-fueled smell fills your nostrils once again. You find his masculine aroma incredibly enjoyable. <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><piss>(yummy!)</piss><</if>>
<br><<Image handjob035.gif>>
<br><bru>\"Oh yeah, that's it, keep going.\"</bru>, $Bruce moans. You obey, and keep jerking his huge <<Cock>>.
<br>Before long, he tenses up, grunts and shoots his load. Some <<Cum>> hits your hand.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<br>As if in a trance, you bring your cum-dripping fingers towards your face, and extend your tongue. You lick the warm goo off your fingers, relishing the creamy texture and salty flavour. <piss>(good girls eat cum)</piss>
<<elseif $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br>You automatically bring the hand up towards your face, and extend your tongue, about to lick the warm goo off your fingers when you suddenly realize what you're doing, and stop. You quickly wipe your hand clean.
<br>You consider the <<Cum>> on your hand for a moment, then quickly wipe your hand clean.
<br><bru>\"Thanks buddy, you're getting even better at doing this.\"</bru>, $Bruce tells you from the door as he's leaving.
<br><bru>\"Already looking forward to next time.\"</bru>
<br>You realize that you are too.<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>> You can't get enough of his <pi>huge <<HugeCock>></pi>.<</if>>
/% Always %/
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene5\">>
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene5SissyHypno\">>
You couldn't be happier. Every day now, several customers have asked for your personal service. You try your best to accomodate as many <s><pi>cocks</pi></s> clients as possible.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene5SissyHypnoGirly\">>
<br>Your <pi>transformation</pi> has helped you attract a lot of potential customers.
Every day now you've had several customers asking for your personal service. Whenever you're not busy, you accept.
<br>The money, you told yourself. You were doing it for the money.
<br>However, you always found yourself looking forward to... making money.
Your routine was still much the same: get the client relaxed, get his <<Cock>> out, get it hard and, eventually, get him off. <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><piss>(you really like this!)</piss><</if>>
<br>Although... every time you do it makes you feel more and more comfortable.
<br>The idea of another man's hard <<Cock>> in your hands no longer bothers you at all. Instead, you're starting to enjoy the feeling. <<if $SeenSissyHypno10>><piss>(you love it!)</piss><</if>>
<br>The idea of giving pleasure to another person feels good, it gives you a sense of control. Very different from how you usually manifest control, but it's a similar, empowering feeling all the same. <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><piss>(I'm a good girl!)</piss><</if>>
<br>Your hand is grabbing the client's <<Cock>> firmly, moving up and down his shaft with ever-increasing expertise.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<br><PC>\"Do you like that, honey?\"</PC>, you ask.
<br><blu>\"Mmmh..\"</blu>, the man moans in response.
<br>There's nothing better than <pi>pleasing a man</pi>. Sure, it's good for business, but you're doing this for <pi>pleasure</pi>.
<br>You need to keep getting better, so you help <pi>your lovers</pi> reach true bliss.
<br><PC>\"You like that?\"</PC>, you ask.
<br><blu>\"Mmmh..\"</blu>, the man moans in response.
<br>The better you please him, the better for business... but you've also started taking pride in your work.
<br>You know that you're good at this, and you don't mind doing it, so why not do it well?
<br>You use your free hand to gently massage the man's balls, giving them a gentle tug.
<br>The grunt of pleasure he makes in response makes your head feel all fuzzy. You want him to make more noises like that.
<br>With increased dedication, you continue to grab, squeeze, pull, massage, and otherwise manipulate both shaft and balls until finally, with a groan, the client shoots his warm <<Cum>> all over his belly and your hand.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image handjob022.gif>>
<br><<Image gayhandjob012.gif>>
<br>The whole experience feels great. The twitching of his <<Cock>>, the way he closes his eyes as his muscles tense up, his groan, the steaming hot <<Cum>> on your hand...
<br>You realize that your own <<CockDesc PC>> is straining against your pants.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<br>It only gets harder as you stick your <i>cummy</i> fingers into your mouth and lick them clean. <piss>(good girls love cum!)</piss>
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene6\">>
One of the patrons in the bar was being particularly flirty with you, making it clear that he'd be interested in your personal service.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene6Sissy\">>
<br>Eager for some <<LargeCock>>, you happily agree.
<br>Doing nothing important at the moment, you agree.
After closing the door, you tell the man to get undressed and get on the bed. He does.
<br>You wrap your hand around his soft <<LargeCock>> and start gently massaging it. It quickly wakes up, growing <<Stiff>> under your ministrations.
<br><blu>\"Oh yeah, keep going.\"</blu>, the client groans. He leans forward. You gently push him back onto the bed.
<br><PC>\"Just lie back.\"</PC>, you tell him. He nods.
<br>The client's completely shaved and smooth <<LargeCock>> is pointing right at the ceiling.
<br>You give it another couple of strokes to keep him hard while you prepare the main course.
<<if $PCVeryGirly>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene6VeryGirly\">>
<br>You strip out of your clothes, leaving only your <<panties>> - showing off your <<PCTitsDesc>>, which the client seems to appreciate - then grab a fleshlight and a bottle of lube from the nightstand.
<br>Taking a few steps away, you grab a fleshlight as well as a bottle of lube.
You apply a generous amount of lube around the opening of the artificial vagina, and position the opening at the tip of the man's <<Cock>>.
<br>You push the toy downwards, and the client's hard <<LargeCock>> penetrates into its slippery silicon folds.
<<if $PCVeryGirly>>
<br><<Image handjob023.gif>>
<br><<Image gay009.gif>>
<br>You start pumping the toy up and down the length of his shaft. It takes very little effort to make the slippery toy slide across his shaft.
<br>Before long, the man is thrusting his pelvis upwards, humping back at the toy.
<br><blu>\"Oh shit, oh fuck, don't stop!\"</blu>, he groans.
<br>You don't, and the man shortly shoots his load into the toy with a pleasured grunt.
<blu>\"Man, that was great.\"</blu>, he compliments your efforts.
<br><PC>\"Try the real thing next time, it's even better.\"</PC> You give him a smile. <<if $SeenSissyHypno10>><piss>(if only I had a <b>real</b> one...)</piss><</if>>
<br><blu>\"Maybe... but maybe I want you again.\"</blu>, he says, gives you a wink, and leaves.
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by TFC %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneFemMaster\">>
<<set $FemHypno1 = ($SissyHypnoNumber >= 4)>>
There's a man who insists on being serviced by <b>you</b>, and no one else.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneFemMasterSissy\">>
<br>You're happy to help - eager, even. <piss>(<<Cocks>>!)</piss>
<br><blu>\"I know you want to. A handjob, real nice and slow?\"</blu>, the man asks, smirking at you, as if he knows how willing you truly are.
<br><PC>\"Oh, yes, please, I'd love to!\"</PC>, you respond, playing into his fantasy of how slutty you are. <piss>(you <i>are</i> that slutty!)</piss>
<br>You lead him to one of the private rooms inside the brothel.
<br>The man undoes his pants, sits down, and leans back on the couch.
<br>You're confronted by the sight of his already-hard <<CockDesc $LargeAssetSize)>>. The man is completely shaved, his <<LargeCock>> standing to attention, it has a slight curvature and a glistening tip. It looks <pi>delicious</pi>.
<br><PC>\"Wow, it's... wonderful.\"</PC>, you tell him.
<br>The man chuckles and gives you a wink.
<br>You lean forward wrap your hands around it, feeling the warmth radiate from it. It twitches slightly as you touch it, and a tiny drip of clear pre-cum leaks out of the tip.
<br><blu>\"Been edging for days...\"</blu>, the client explains, <blu>\"...go nice and slow, I want to make this last.\"</blu>
<br>You nod your head and start stroking the shaft slowly.
<br><<Image handjob024.gif>>
<br>Doing your best to prolong his pleasure, you carefully tease him, never applying too much pressure or going too fast.
<br>It takes a while, but eventually the man tenses up.
<br><blu>\"Oh yeah, that feels great, keep going baby!\"</blu>, the man moans. You cringe slightly at the cheesy porno-dialogue, but obey without hesitation, and keep jerking his <<CockDesc $LargeAssetSize>> until a very impressive load shoots onto the floor.
<br>You briefly consider licking the <<Cum>> off the floor - but think better of it, even though you'd probably enjoy it...
You're not sure what to think of it.
<br>You are the <i>$Master</i> around here, the one in charge - not someone people can just order around!
<br>However, that is a pretty large amount of money he is offering...
<br><blu>\"How about it, a handjob, give it to me real nice and slow?\"</blu>, the man smirks at you as if he senses your discomfort.
<br><PC>\"Fine.\"</PC>, you reluctantly agree. <<if $FemHypno1>><piss>It's important that the customers happy and satisfied!</piss><</if>>
<br>You lead him to a private room inside the brothel.
<br>The man undoes his pants, sits down, and leans back on the couch.
<br>Once you gather up enough courage to look at the man, and more importantly, his junk - you're confronted by the sight of his <<CockDesc $LargeAssetSize>>.
<br><PC>\"Wow...\"</PC>, you think.<<if $FemHypno1>> <piss>(looks yummy!)</piss><</if>>
<br>The man chuckles and gives you a wink. You're unsure if he heard you, did you say that out loud?
<br>Well, there's nothing to it, you figure.
<br>You lean forward and wrap your hands around his girthy shaft then proceed to stroke him awkwardly.
<br>It's surprisingly warm, it's almost like you can feel the heat radiating from it. There's also a very distinct smell...<<if $FemHypno1>> <piss>(It <i>smells</i> yummy too!)</piss><</if>>
<br>You keep stroking it, somewhat amateurishly.
<br><blu>\"Still pretty new to this.\"</blu>, the client states.
<br>You nod meekly and fight against the blush that threatens to break out on your cheeks.
<br><blu>\"Well it feels great, oh yeah, keep going, baby!\"</blu>, the man moans. You cringe at the cheesy porno-dialogue, but obey and keep jerking his girthy shaft.
<br><<Image gayhandjob003.gif>>
<br>Before long, the man tenses up, grunts and shoots his impressive load onto the floor. Some of his cum hits your hand<<if $FemHypno1>>... <piss>taste it!</piss>...<<else>> <</if>>but you quickly wipe it off.
<br>This wasn't as horrible as you thought it would be, maybe you'd be okay with doing this kind of thing again?
/% Medium Sub Handjobs %/
<<if $PCSub > $PCSubStatus.two>>
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by TFC %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneMoreClients\">>
More customers have been asking for your personal service - to be pleasured by your hands.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneMoreClientsSissy\">>
<br>You were still not too sure what to make of any of this, but you enjoyed it!
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneMoreClientsSissyGirly\">>
<br>Their interest baffled you at first, but perhaps it's thanks to your recent <pi>transformation</pi>?
<br>At any rate, t here was suddenly a high demand for you - especially since you only offer handjobs.
<br>Their interest baffleed you, male prostitutes have never been particularly popular, especially not in this area, you don't know why there's suddenly a high demand for you - especially since you only offer handjobs.
<br>You were still not too sure what to make of any of this.
<br>Their interest baffleed you, male prostitutes have never been particularly popular, especially not in this area, you don't know why there's suddenly a high demand for you - especially since you only offer handjobs.
<br>Perhaps they just want to experience something different? You're fairly sure that you've seen some of these same clients with your girl<<s $SlaveCount>> too.
<br>Or perhaps it's the power play that they like? To be serviced and pleasured, not by some <i>lowly whore</i>, but by someone in a position of power?
<br>No matter what the reason is, truth be told, the additional income is really welcome. <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><piss>(and you really enjoy it!)</piss><</if>>
<br>So you've kept doing it, and giving handjobs is becoming part of your routine.
<br>Make the client feel relaxed, get his <<Cock>> out, make it hard with your hands and jerk him off until he explodes in orgasmic pleasure.
<br>It's just a part of the job.
<br>Still... you can't deny the feeling of excitement and sense of control every time your actions elicit a pleasured groan, moan or grunt.
<br>Besides, it's better for business when your clients are happy. Happier clients means bigger tips. <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><piss>(stop lying to yourself, you enjoy it!)</piss><</if>>
You work this particular client's <<Stiff>> <<Cock>> with both hands, urging him on.
<br>His heavy breathing and pleasured moans encourage you to continue.
<br>Before long, the man's lower body tenses up, announcing his imminent orgasm.
<br><<Image gaycum002.gif>>
<br>As thick jets of <<Cum>> shoot out of his <<Cock>> you smile to yourself, satisfied with a handjob well done.
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene8\">>
As you enter the room, the customer is already lying on the bed, topless.
<br>He looks at you with hunger in his eyes. You smile, and remove your shirt before throwing yourself on top of him.
<br>You lock your lips onto him and start kissing him passionately. He wraps a hand around your neck and pulls you closer, kissing back.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene8Girly\">>
<br><<Image kiss002.gif>>
<br><<Image gaykissing027.gif>>
<br>He runs a hand across your body. You delight in the feeling and let out a small moan.
<br>The client seems happy with your new disposition, something that you confirm when you run a hand down towards his pants and find him rock hard.
<br>You start rubbing his straining bulge. At the same time, your own <<CockDesc PC>> has woken up, growing painfully hard.
<br>After a couple of minutes, you pull his pants off and break the kiss.
<br>Keeping your eyes locked into his gaze, you lick your lips and smile. You're looking forward to servicing this young hunk...
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene7\">>
You enter the room where the client is waiting. He's one of your regulars, you quite like him.
<br>He's a good tipper, sure, but beyond that... he's, well, hot.
<br>His body is toned, his <<Cock>> is long and hard - they both react to your touch in just the right way.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<br>You were noncommittal at first, but each time you saw him, your desire to serve this man, to please him, grew deeper and deeper.
<br>You enjoy <i>servicing</i> him.
<br>It was hard to admit at first, but you enjoy servicing him.
<br>You never thought you'd think this way about another guy, but getting into the habit of jerking guys off is making you start to enjoy men's bodies more and more.
<br>As each moment passed, your desire to serve this man, to please him, grew deeper and deeper.
<br>Your <<CockDesc PC>> hardened at the thought of what you were about to do.
<br><PC>\"Get undressed.\"</PC>, you command the client. He starts taking off his clothes.
<br><blu>\"Why don't you join me?\"</blu>, he suggests, cupping the tent in front of your pants with his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
<br><PC>\"I...\"</PC>, you hesitate.
<br>The man leans closer to you. <blu>\"Come on, I know you want to.\"</blu>, he whispers into your ear, and gives your <<Stiff>> <<Cock>> another squeeze through the straining fabric of your <<pants>>.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<br>He's right, you do want to. You smile and nod, the client takes this as a sign of consent, and starts to undress you.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br>He slides your skirt down, and you step out of it. Your shirt is then pulled over your head.
<br>The client smiles as your <<PCTitsDesc>> are revealed.
<br>He unbuckles your belt, unbuttons your pants and starts pulling them down. You let it happen.
<br>After your pants fall to the floor, your shirt is pulled over your head. The client smiles as your naked chest is revealed.
<br>You remain passive, not showing initiative in either direction. The client takes this as a sign of consent, and starts to undress you.
<br>He unbuckles your belt, unbuttons your pants and starts pulling them down. You let it happen.
<br>After your pants fall to the floor, your shirt is pulled over your head. The client smiles as your naked chest is revealed.
<br>You're now naked, except for your <<panties>>.
<br>He takes one of your hands and guide it towards his <<Stiff>> <<Cock>>. You obey, wrapping your hand around his hardness and start jerking him off.
<br><blu>\"You like my body, don't you?\"</blu>, he says. At the same time, he traces a hand across your chest and traps a nipple between two fingers.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br><PC>\"Yeah, I do.\"</PC>, you admit.
<br><PC>\"I guess.\"</PC>, you shrug.
<br>He gives your nipple a gentle tug and twist, you respond with an involuntary moan. Using your free hand, you pull your <<panties>> down, unveiling your <<CockDesc PC>>.
<br>You go grab your own <<Cock>>, intending to jerk both of you off at the same time, but the client grabs your arm before you can put that plan into action. Instead, he pulls your hand towards his own chest.
<br><blu>\"Hey now! You're here to get me off, not yourself!\"</blu>, he says with playful scorn in his voice.
<br>By pushing your hand in the right direction the man indicates for you to rub or pinch his nipple. You do. He moans.
<br><blu>\"That's right. You know you like my body, you love the feel of my muscles, don't you?\"</blu>
<br>You respond by letting out a groan of desire. His words drive you on, they make your mind all foggy. You lean towards him and put your lips against his beautiful pecs.
<br>While your hand is still pumping away at his <<Stiff>> <<Cock>>, you deliver a series of playful kisses across his chest.
<br>The client gives your neglected <<Cock>> a quick stroke, seemingly to encourage you to keep going.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><blu>\"Kiss me, you slut.\"</blu>
<br>He leans in and kisses you. You kiss him back.
<br><<Image shemale014.gif>>
<br><blu>\"Suck my nipple, you slut.\"</blu>, the client groans.
<br>You do, taking one of his hard points into your mouth
<br><<Image gayhandjob001.gif>>
<br>Only after obeying his command does the word he used, <i>slut</i>, echo in your mind. You push it away for now, burying it, ignoring it.
<br>You continue to service the man with dedication, almost as if worshipping his body.
<br><blu>\"Fuck yeah, you're so good at this. I'm gonna fucking cum.\"</blu>, the client groans.
<br>You brace yourself, but keep jerking him off.
<br><blu>\"Ah fuck, take it you dirty slut.\"</blu>, the man groans as spurt after spurt of his hot <<Cum>> splashes against your chest and belly, covering you in his manly juice.
<br>You can't help but let out a slutty, wanton whimper.
<br>A few moments later, the man puts a hand around your neck and pulls you in for a kiss. You instinctively recoil but he lands a quick peck on your lips.
<br><blu>\"Thanks babe, that was great. Can't wait for next time.\"</blu>, the man says.
<br>He delivers a light, playful slap against your own, still <<Stiff>>, <<Cock>> before leaving.
<br>Once alone in the room, you can't help but hear that word over and over again in your head. <i>Slut</i>.
<br>No, not you. You were still in control. This was just a small indulgence.
His cum is still covering your body. <i>Slut</i>. Your cock is still hard.
<br><i>Slut</i>. Your head is spinning. <i>Slut</i>. You start jerking your <<CockDesc PC>>.
<br>No matter what, you're still in control. <i>Slut</i>. The powerful aroma of his fresh <<Cum>>. <i>Slut</i>.
<br>Is this how you make <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>your slaves feel<<else>>your slave feel<</if>>? <pi><i>Slut</i></pi>.
<br>You orgasm, your own <<Cum>> landing on your chest and belly, mixing with his.
<br>Shaking your head, you snap out of it and head off to take a much needed shower.
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% #### Femininity stopped being written here ### %/
/%Scene idea by VonKayas, re-written by Koda%/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene9\">>
<<set $LowSub = (($PCSub - $PCSubGain) < ($PCSubStatus.two + (($PCSubStatus.three-$PCSubStatus.two)/2)))>>
<<set $MedSub = (($PCSub - $PCSubGain) < $PCSubStatus.three)>>
<<set $HighSub = (($PCSub - $PCSubGain) >= $PCSubStatus.three)>>
<<set $FirstTime = (($VKBJSeen == false) || (ndef $VKBJSeen))>>
<<set $FemCheck = ($PCFem > 0)>>
You guide your client to the private room with
<<if $LowSub>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene9.1\">>
a slight smile, actually looking forward to addressing the bulge in his pants.
<<elseif $MedSub>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene9.2\">>
a smile, happy to take care of the bulge in his pants.
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene9.3\">>
a dreamy smile, knowing <<if $FemCheck>>your <pi>stud</pi><<else>>the stud<</if>> has a tasty treat for you.
<br>The moment the door closes behind the two of you, he wastes no time letting his pants fall to the floor.
<<if $LowSub>>
<br>You reach for his <<CockDesc 4 full>>, but he grabs you by the wrist and shakes his head.
<br><blu>\"With your mouth.\"</blu>, he corrects sharply.
<br><PC>\"Uhh..\"</PC>, you start, caught off guard by his domineering tone. <br><PC>\"I don't usually...\"</PC>
<br><blu>\"Unless you 'never', which I doubt, I don't care. Just set that pretty mouth to work.\"</blu>, he instructs, cutting you off.
<<elseif $MedSub>>
<br><blu>\"Kneel and suck.\"</blu>, he quickly orders, his erection already standing tall.
<br><PC>\"Um...\"</PC> You hesitate, not so shaken by his command as the effect his domineering tone seems to have on you.
<br><blu>\"No need to play shy, <<if $FemCheck>>sissy<<else>>boy<</if>>; just set that pretty mouth to work.\"</blu>, he instructs.
<br><blu>\"Kneel and suck.\"</blu>, he commands flatly, his erection already standing tall.
<br><PC>\"Yes sir..\"</PC>, you murmur, unable to suppress the submissive impulses brought on by his domineering attitude.
<br><blu>\"<<if $FemCheck>>Sissy<<else>>Bottom<</if>> sluts don't need to reply; just set that pretty mouth to work.\"</blu>, he instructs, cutting you off.
<br>He presses your shoulders to guide you to your knees, presenting his thick mast before you, expectant.
<<if $LowSub>>
<br>Though crude, your client's behavior and words remind you that it's his satisfaction that's important, not yours.
<<elseif $MedSub>>
<br>Somehow, being on the receiving end of this crude treatment doesn't bother you.
<br>Somehow, being on the receiving end of this crude treatment feels right to you.
<br>You lean forward and lightly kiss the tip of his <<Cock>> before proceeding onto his total length.
<br>Dragging your tongue from base to tip, you get it wet with saliva before opening wide to accept him into your <<if $HighSub>>hungry maw<<else>>mouth<</if>>.
<br>Your client<<if $HighSub>>,<i> your stud</i>,<</if>> groans appreciatively and runs his fingers through your hair, his <<Cock>> sliding deeper into you.
<br><blu>\"That's it, slut. This is where you belong: wrapped around my cock like the little <<if $FemCheck>>sissy<<else>>sub<</if>> you are.\"</blu>
<br>With your mouth sealed around his pillar of manhood, you can only give a humming moan in response. The vibrations of your voice seem only to add to his pleasure as you bob your head ever faster on his <<Cock>>.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image blowjob023.gif>>
<br><<Image gayblowjob025.gif>>
<br>You look up at him, his face is the perfect picture of pleasure. Seeing that makes you <<if $LowSub>>strangely<<elseif $MedSub>>sincerely<<else>>so<</if>> happy.
<<if $HighSub>>
All too soon your fun comes to an end,
Before long he reaches climax,
your only warning being his tightening grip on your hair. He holds you still as his <<Cock>> erupts into your mouth, forcing you to either swallow his large load of <<Cum>> or choke on it.
<<if $LowSub>>
<br>By necessity you choose the former, but gulping down on the salty liquid is surprisingly easy, even pleasant. As your client pulls away, some of it dribbles down your chin.
<<if $FirstTime>>
<blu>\"That was fun. Was nice to meet you, slut. I'll be sure to come feed you again some time.\"</blu>,
<blu>\"Not bad, slut; that was fun. I'll be sure to come feed you again some time.\"</blu>,
he praises, wiping off his cock on your cheek before he goes.
<<if random(1, 2) == 1>>
<br><PC>\"Feed me..?\"</PC>, you whisper to yourself in a daze, your throat still sticky with the remnants of his seed.
<<elseif $MedSub>>
<br>You choose the former and close your eyes, savoring the flavor despite yourself as you gulp down on the salty liquid. As your client pulls away, some of it dribbles down your chin.
<br><blu>\"That was fun. Did you enjoy your meal, slut? I'll be glad to feed you more some time.\"</blu>, he praises, wiping off his cock on your cheek before he goes.
<<if random(1, 2) == 1>>
<br>It's not until the door shuts behind him that you realize you're still kneeling obediently on the floor.
<br>You choose the former without hesitation, greedily gulping down on the salty liquid. As he pulls away, some of it dribbles down your chin.
<br><blu>\"That was fun, my little slut; well done. I'll be sure to come back and feed you again soon.\"</blu>, he praises, wiping off his cock on your cheek as always.
<<if random(1, 2) == 1>>
<br>Without thinking you intercept it with your tongue, cleaning the last beads of cum from your stud's tip and diligently polishing the rest for good measure.
<br><blu>\"Look at that; you're learning. Good <<if $FemCheck>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>.\"</blu>, he praises further, crossing his arms.
<br>You nearly shudder under his calm, commanding gaze, almost panting as you lower yourself to his ankles, lift his pants, and adjust his belt for him to leave.
<<set $VKBJSeen = true>>
/% Blowjobs %/
<<if $PCGivingBlowjobs>>
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by subrosa, Sissy version edited by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneTrilogy\">>
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneTrilogyPartOneSissy\">>
Word of your talents for servicing men has been spreading.
<br>A new client has requested to be seen by you and you agree. More cocks and cash are always to your liking.
<br>You greet him warmly and bring him to a room, taking in his appearance. He's a tall man, dressed casually in a t-shirt and jeans.
<br>As he sits on the bed, you ask him what he's looking for, and he replies <blu>\"Honestly girl, I just need to get off. You're the expert - take care of it.\"</blu>
<br>As he says that, he grabs his crotch and gives it a squeeze.
<br>Pushing him back on the bed you eagerly unbutton his jeans, and free the semi-flaccid <<Cock>> from his jeans.
<br>As you wrap your hand around it, teasing it with your fingers and tugging on his <<CockDesc 6>> it starts to grow, quickly allowing you to give it full and firm strokes.
<br>On every stroke, you lightly rub your thumb across the tip of his <<Cock>>, causing him to groan with pleasure.
<br>He's enjoying the focused attention you've been giving him, seemingly as much as you are enjoying having your hands all over such a <pi> cock </pi>.
<br><blu>\"Oh yeah, that feels great! I need more though. Suck it for me!\"</blu>, he says through a moan.
<br>You don't hesitate, jumping on the chance to have it in your mouth, causing him to shudder.
<br><pi>\"He tastes so damn good. I wish i could keep this taste in my mouth forever.\"</pi> you think to yourself.
<br><blu>\"Oh yeah, you didn't even question that, did you? You're such a whore! Yeah, keep sucking it!\"</blu>, his porno-dialogue is a little bit grating, but at the same time, it's pretty hot.
<br>Trying to ignore the feelings welling up inside you
<br><pi>(\"I'm <pish>loving</pish> this! If only he asked to fuck me too...\")</pi>
you focus all your attention on the <pi><<Cock>></pi> in your mouth, and begin using your tongue to lap at his glans. (Spreading the flavor of his <pi>pre-cum</pi> all over your mouth!)
<br><blu>\"Oh, keep doing that! You're gonna make me cum real soon!\"</blu>, he tells you, as he grabs the side of your head gently with his hand.
<<if $PCTitsSize > 1>>
<br><<Image shemale006.gif>>
<br><<Image gay022.gif>>
<br><blu>\"Y'know, I have some buddies that'd probably enjoy a mouth like this. Would you like that, slut? Some more cock to suck on?\"</blu>
<br>Even though you're almost gagging on his <pi><<Cock>></pi>, images flood into your brain. <pi>You're on your knees</pi>, surrounded by real men. <pi>Cock after cock</pi> filling your mouth as they take turns with you, passing you around like a piece of meat. <pi>Load after load</pi> covering you, filling your mouth, you drink it down.
<br><pi>\"Please, please give it to me. I want it so bad.\" is the only idea still left in your dumb brain.</pi>
<<if $SeenSissyHypno14>>
<br>The thought makes your <<Cock>> strain against the <pi>cute panties</pi> you're wearing.
<br>The thought makes you realize just how turned on you are!
<br>Right now however, what you want more than anything else is his <pi>warm cream</pi>.
<br>You feel his balls tighten and he arches his back as he starts to shoot into your mouth. You clamp your mouth over his <<Cock>>, not wanting to lose a drop.
<br>Once he's done filling your mouth, you swallow his <pi>full creamy load</pi> down with a slight audible, gulp.
<br>He lies on the bed for a few moments, catching his breath, before composing himself and sitting up.
<br>As he gets dressed, he tells you how much he enjoyed that, and that he'll definitely be back with some of his friends next time.
<br> <pi>You can only think about how much you enjoyed it too, and can't wait for the next time.</pi>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneTrilogyPartOne\">>
Word of your talents for servicing men has been spreading.
<br>A new client has requested to be seen by you and you agree, thinking more cash will always be welcome.
<br>You greet him warmly and bring him to a room, taking in his appearance. He's a tall man, dressed casually in a t-shirt and jeans.
<br>As he sits on the bed, you ask him what he's looking for, and he replies <blu>\"Honestly dude, I just need to get off. You're the expert - take care of it.\"</blu>
<br>As he says that, he grabs his crotch and gives it a squeeze.
<br>Pushing him back on the bed you unbutton his jeans, and free the semi-flaccid <<Cock>> from his jeans.
<br>As you wrap your hand around it and start to tug on his <<CockDesc 6>> it starts to grow, quickly allowing you to give it full and firm strokes.
<br>On every stroke, you lightly rub your thumb across the tip of his <<Cock>>, causing him to groan with pleasure.
<br>He's enjoying the focused attention you've been giving him.
<br><blu>\"Oh yeah, that feels great! I need more though. Suck it for me!\"</blu>, he says through a moan.
<br>You don't hesitate, just put your mouth over his cock-head and start sucking, causing him to shudder.
<br>He tastes pretty good, considering.
<br><blu>\"Oh yeah, you didn't even question that, did you? You're such a whore! Yeah, keep sucking it!\"</blu>, his porno-dialogue is a little bit grating, but at the same time, it's pretty hot.
<br>Trying to ignore the feelings welling up inside you
<br>(you're <i>loving</i> this!)
,you focus all your attention on the <<Cock>> in your mouth, and begin using your tongue to lap at his glans.
<br><blu>\"Oh, keep doing that! You're gonna make me cum real soon!\"</blu>, he tells you, as he grabs the side of your head gently with his hand.
<<if $PCTits == \"hormone\" && $PCTitsSize > 1>>
<br><<Image shemale006.gif>>
<br><<Image gay022.gif>>
<br><blu>\"Y'know, I have some buddies that'd probably enjoy a mouth like this. Would you like that, slut? Some more cock to suck on?\"</blu>
<br>Even though you're almost gagging on his shaft, images flood into your brain. You're on your knees, surrounded by men. Cock after cock filling your mouth as they take turns with you, passing you around like a piece of meat. Load after load covering you, filling your mouth, you drink it down.
<br>The thought makes you realize just how turned on you are!
<br>Right now however, what you want more than anything else is his warm cream.
<br>You feel his balls tighten and he arches his back as he starts to shoot into your mouth. You clamp your mouth over his <<Cock>>, not wanting to lose a drop.
<br>Once he's done filling your mouth, you swallow his full load down with a slight audible, gulp.
<br>He lies on the bed for a few moments, catching his breath, before composing himself and sitting up.
<br>As he gets dressed, he tells you how much he enjoyed that, and that he'll definitely be back with some of his friends next time.
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% by mlreta %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneRegularBlowjob\">>
You were lying on your bed, as you often do now. People request your <i>famous</i> blowjobs several times per day now.
<br>You're more than willing to give them, you rather enjoy it actually.
<br>When the door opened and the customer came in, you were already smiling, licking your lips, your own cock already hard in anticipation.
<br>You jumped off the bed in order to quickly and expertly undress the man. You kissed him, fondled him, and ran your tongue all over his body before eventually getting to your knees.
<br>You removed his underwear with your mouth.
<<if !$PCGirly>>
<br><<Image gay001.gif>>
<br>The strong scent of his <<CockDesc random>> assaulted your senses, and you were soon demonstrating why you're now considered the best cocksucker in this entire establishment - deepthroating him without even a hint of hesitation.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image blowjob024.gif>>
<br><<Image gay002.gif>>
<br>Your service was excellent, as usual, and your customer left as happy as he could be.
<br>You remained laying in bed for some time, enjoying the aftertaste of the hot <<Cum>> in your mouth - waiting for another hot <<Cock>> to come fuck your hungry mouth.
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by mlreta %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProSceneOfficeBlowjob\">>
You were just finishing up some routine tasks in your office, just about ready to call it a day when you were informed that a customer was requesting your services.
<br>A dime is a dime, you thought - even though you were already exhausted.
<br>You did not expect the sight that greeted you when you walked into the lobby.
<br>A man in his early thirties: tall, handsome, and with a sculpted body.
<br>His tanned skin seemed to almost glow dimly, and he greeted you with smile so warm that felt like it could melt snow.
<br>Without hesitation, you grabbed his and and guided him into an empty room.
<br>You didn't ask what he wanted, you simply got on your knees and started to give him one of your now-famous blowjobs.
<br>Soon the guy was moaning, his hips bucking back and forth wildly.
<br>You were both still completely dressed, save for the fact that you had pulled his pants down to around his knees.
<br>The client had a blissful, distant expression on his face - an expression you knew well.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image blowjob025.gif>>
<br><<Image gay004.gif>>
<br>In a couple of minutes, the man grunted and erupted inside your mouth.
<br>He was happy. That made you happy, too.
<br>Before you parted ways, he kissed you warmly, and promised to return soon.
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by Elboba %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProOralRelief\">>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains(\"PCProOralRelief\")>>
A client approaches you - he's not a regular. You smile and greet him politely.
A familiar face approaches you. You smile and greet him politely.
<br><PC>\"Hello there, how can I help you today?\"</PC>, you say, in a very customer-service-like way, for some reason.
<br><blu>\"I've heard you're the man to see for some oral relief?\"</blu>, the man says, ignoring the stumbled phrasing of your question.
<br>You can't help but grin, the awkwardness quickly melting away. You nod at the customer calmly, trying to hide just how proud you feel at the comment. Your reputation is growing.
<br><PC>\"Absolutely, this way.\"</PC>, you instruct.
<br>After entering the room, the client tells you his request: <blu>\"I want you to strip off and lay on your back.\"</blu>
<br>You oblige, feeling a bit curious. Normally, when clients look for <i>oral relief</i> they want you on your knees.
<br>The client begins to strip off too. He's pretty handsome. His body is slim yet fit - like a swimmer. Your attention is quickly drawn to his <<CockDesc 8>>. You bite your bottom lip in anticipation.
<br>He straddles your chest and shoves his <<Cock>> towards your willing mouth. You accept him inside you, tasting him, feeling him fill out your mouth with his girth, and your nostrils with that wonderful musk.
<br>He's well-groomed, his downstairs area being completely smooth, and he smells pleasantly of bodywash.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image blowjob029.gif>>
<br><<Image gayblowjob006.gif>>
<br>Your arms are pinned to your sides by his thighs, but you don't mind, you're enjoying the sensation of his thick meat in your mouth. He's pumping back and forth gently, but still letting you do most of the work.
<br>He pulls out, and gently grabs onto your hair, holding your head up, while moving his entire body forward slightly. There are no words, but you understand exactly what he wants.
<br>His wishes are made all the more clear when his smooth sack descends towards your face.
<br>You begin to lick his <<Balls>>. The same clean-yet-musky flavour and smell, yet somehow more intense this time, as if you could actually <i>taste</i> the masculinity, the testosterone, contained within.
<br>You feel like it's been ages since you last serviced a hot guy (even though it wasn't!), and you're enjoying the chance very much - even more so when your ball-licking makes him moan on top of you.
<br>He shuffles above you, and moves forward a few more inches. You're tongue is now pressed against his taint. You give it a few careful licks, thankfully it's just as clean as the rest of him.
<br>He groans above you, and pushes your head further downwards.
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains(\"PCProOralRelief\")>>
<br>You push back against him, thinking he's just doing it to stay upright.
<br>He pushes harder, and groans again.
<br>You start wondering what's going on, and disengage, your tongue leaving the man's skin for the first time in quite a while.
<br><blu>\"No, no, why did you stop?\"</blu>, the guy asks, clearly frustrated.
<br><PC>\"You're pushing my head too hard.\"</PC>, you explain.
<br><blu>\"Well, maybe if you stopped being such a tease I wouldn't have to keep trying to push you.\"</blu>
<br>You don't understand.
<br><PC>\"What do you want me to do?\"</PC>, you ask, hoping that the more direct route is the best option.
<br><blu>\"You know!\"</blu>, the client accuses, <blu>\"Don't try to act all innocent!\"</blu>
<br>It finally clicks in your mind. He was pushing in the wrong direction, really, so it wasn't your fault that you didn't get it immediately!
<br>You know exactly what he wants.
<br><PC>\"You want me to rim you?\"</PC>, you ask, with a tone of voice that is meant to tease.
<br><blu>\"Yes!\"</blu>, he groans.
<<if $PCRim>>
<br>You've done it before, and he's been very clean so far.
<br>You don't think much of it, it's part of the job.
<br><PC>\"Then you need to stop pushing me away! I've been trying to get my tongue up there for the last few minutes!\"</PC>, you chide him - with a bit of a lie.
<br>He groans again and lowers himself down on top of your face again.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br>It makes you so happy! You need to be a <pi>good girl</pi>.
<br>You quickly comply with his wishes, sticking your tongue deep inside him.
<br><piss>You love to serve men.</piss>
<br>You get to work.
<<set $PCRim = true>>
<br>You've never done it before, licking an asshole. While he's been very clean so far, you're actually a bit scared.
<br><PC>\"That's not exactly the kind of oral relief I'm known for.\"</PC>, you offer, hoping that he'll relent.
<br><blu>\"But that's the kind of relief I need.\"</blu>, the man retorts.
<br><blu>\"Get to it!\"</blu>, he commands, in a commanding voice for the first time.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br>His tone of voice makes you melt. You need to be a <pi>good girl</pi>.
<br>You quickly comply, sticking your tongue deep inside him.
<br><piss>You love to serve men.</piss>
<br>His tone of voice makes you balk for a second, not wanting to submit to his will - wanting to do things on your own terms!
<br>However... he does have you pinned. And you are is <i>whore</i>.
<br>You sigh inwardly and prepare yourself to get things over with.
<br>You get to work.
<br><b>You've given your first rimjob to a man.</b>
<br>A deeper moan escapes his lips. It makes you feel proud.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image rimming001.gif>>
<br><<Image gay013.gif>>
<br>Your tongue is lapping hungrily against his backdoor, almost teasing it's way inside before going back out to lick the rim. You're eating his ass like a starving man presented with a hot meal.
<br>It tastes good, and your client is now moaning like a bitch in heat, furiously jerking his <<Cock>>. You can feel his hole twitching as he approaches orgasm.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br><pi>You're loving this.</pi>
<br>You're loving this.
<br>The tip of your tongue finally slips inside, probing the spasming depths - and the man grunts and groans above you as he lets a load of sticky hot jizz spray across the floor above your head.
<br>Your own <<CockDesc PC>> is painfully <<Stiff>>, you're so turned on by how you managed to bring the man pleasure this way.
<br>A while later, the man finishes getting dressed.
<br><blu>\"That was way better than I'd been told. I'll be back before long.\"</blu>
<br>He leaves, a relaxed smile still painted on his face.
<br>You're glad he enjoyed it.
/% Anal %/
<<if $PCAnalFucked>>
/% PCAnal Intro Scene %/
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by Elboba %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProAnal1\">>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains(\"PCProAnal1\")>>
Quite a few people had been lining up to get a piece of your ass, but you had always turned them down. (You knew $Bruce was going to be your first!)
<br>However, you've now been <i>broken in</i> - so you're ready to take on clients.
A regular client shows up. You know what he wants - your ass.
<br>The client that enters the room is young, fit, and handsome. His skin is the colour of milk chocolate, and even through his loose-fitting clothes you can see his rippling muscles.
<<if $EventsSeen.contains(\"PCProAnal1\")>>
<br>You know his <<Cock>> is pretty fucking huge. The thought of it makes you shiver with excitement.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br>You look forward to servicing him, look forward to being a <pi>good girl</pi>.
<br><PC>\"Hey!\"</PC>, you greet him, casually.
<br><blu>\"Hey yourself, man.\"</blu>, he responds. <blu>\"Wow, you're real cute. Looking forward to this.\"</blu>
<br><PC>\"Me too.\"</PC>, you admit, with a wink.
<br>You walk over towards the bed.
<br><PC>\"How do you want me?\"</PC>, you ask.
<br><blu>\"On your back. Let me see that hole of yours.\"</blu>, he says, pointing towards the bed.
<br><PC>\"Yes, sir.\"</PC>
<br>You do as instructed, stripping down and getting on the bed, grabbing a bottle of lube.
<br>While you're getting into position, the man has pulled his bottoms off and is pumping a hardening <<Cock>> with his hand, getting himself ready. It's huge!
<br>It doesn't take long for him to get ready, and your hole is slippery and ready to go.
<br>Judging by his approach, you can tell that this is going to be rough.
<br>Without any further warning, he positions himself at your hole, and plunges inside.
<br>You wince as being stretched apart stings painfully at first, but you quickly get over that as the man leaning over you starts pumping in and out slowly.
<br>You relax your sphincter, accommodating his length and girth.
<br>The man pulls his black shaft all the way out before slamming back in again. This time there's no wince - you moan in pleasure.
<br>The two of you are making constant eye-contact, he never looks away, even has he begins his assault for real. And what an assault it is! He fucks you hard and fast.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image shemale015.gif>>
<br><<Image gay014.gif>>
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br>That familiar sensation fills your mind, submitting to this man, giving up your hole for his personal pleasure. You're such a <pi>good whore!</pi>
<br>You're so turned on by his fat cock in your ass. You lie back and relax, allowing him to do as he pleases with you.
<br>As he pulls all the way back out again, you whimper from the sudden emptiness - but thankfully he slams back inside you again before long.
<br>You moan loud and louder.
<br><blu>\"Aw yeah, nice and loose, such a good fuckhole.\"</blu>, the man grunts.
<br><PC>\"Y-yes!\"</PC>, you manage between moans.
<br><blu>\"You want my load?\"</blu>
<br>You can't even muster a response, you simply nod your head and moan.
<br><blu>\"Tell me you want it! Tell me you want me to cum on your face!\"</blu>, he commands.
<br><PC>\"I want your load! I want you to shoot it all over my face!\"</PC>, you respond, eagerly and honestly.
<br>He continues pumping away for some time, and you feel your own orgasm approaching fast. Your <<Cock>> is hard as steel, and when the man speeds up, approaching his own orgasm your ass clamps down hard on the shaft inside you, and you shoot jets off cum across your stomach.
<br>He pulls out, leaving your ass agape, and jerks himself off across your face.
<br><<Image gay015.gif>>
<br>The sensation of the warm <<Cum>> on your <<if $PCFace == \"bearded\">>bearded<<elseif $PCFace == \"shaved\">>clean-shaven<<else>><pi>girly</pi><</if>> face is wonderful.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br>You reach up with a couple of fingers and scoop the load into your mouth, tasting that <pi>yummy cum</pi>!
<br>You could definitely get used to this.
/% Scenes after PCProAnal1 (intro scene to PCAnal) %/
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("PCProAnal1")>>
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by Popirs %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProDomDaddy\">>
As you enter the room, you find the man naked. He's a real bear of a man, full on dadbod, complete with hairy chest and a fairly substantial beer gut.
<br>He clearly wants you to be Daddy's good <<littlegirl>> - as he beckons you over, towards his <<CockDesc 6>>.
<br><blu>\"Get undressed for me, sweetie.\"</blu>
<br>He watches you undress, lazily stroking his <<Stiff>> <<Cock>> as you get naked in front of him.
<br>He pats the bed next to him, and you obediently lay down on your stomach, letting him get a real good look at you.
<br><blu>\"What a beautiful display - you're such a good <<girl>>... So desperate for Daddy's <<Cock>>.\"</blu>
<br>Before you know it, he's on top of you, spreading you apart, positioning himself and pushing himself inside you.
<br>You start to moan as he sets a fast pace. You can feel him taking over your body and using you as he sees fit - he on top of you with a dominant attitude, you feel like he is only using you to cum... and you like it.
<br><PC>\"Yes, Daddy, please fuck me!\"</PC>, you beg, almost uncontrollably, <PC>\"Make me yours! Fuck me hard!\"</PC>
<br>He gives you what you want, and fucks you like an animal.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<Image sissy013.gif>>
<<Image gay024.gif>>
<br>With every thrust, he hits your prostate, overwhelming you with pleasure.
<br>Just when you feel like you can't take it any more, he spills his seed deep inside you - making you feel full and complete.
<br>You hope <i>Daddy</i> comes back again...
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by Popirs/Emmafrostfestivalofdimonds %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProAnal2\">>
You are taking a break, relaxing in the bar.
<br>There is this tall gentlemen, in his late thirties, looking at you like you're a a piece of meat.
<br>You notice him and make eye contact with him.
<br>He approaches you. You can't help but assume he wants to try your <i>legendary</i> mouth.
<br><PC>\"How can I help you, Sir?\"</PC>, you greet him.
<br>The man gives you a dark smile and with a very sensual voice he answers <blu>\"I heard so much about you.\"</blu>.
<br>You blush at his words, he's clearly a flirt.
<br><PC>\"Only good things, I hope.\"</PC>, you reply coyly.
<br>He takes your hand and says, ever so gallantly <blu>\"Oh yes. I heard you're quite popular here. Manager and whore at the same time. Why don't you show me how good you are?\"</blu>
<br>You take his hand and lead him into one of the rooms before quickly getting on your knees. You unzip his pants and pull both them and his boxers down, letting his <<CockDesc 7>>> free.
<br>Lust runs through your entire body, and you start quickly put it in your mouth and start sucking it with passion.
<br>He moans loudly as you go up and down on his <<LargeCock>>, giving him all you've got.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image blowjob030.gif>>
<br><<Image gayblowjob007.gif>>
<br>Your eyes start to water as you bury his entire length down your throat. You look up at the man, his face is a picture of bliss.
<br>He grabs your head and pushes you further down, causing you to gag.
<br><blu>\"Yes! That's it! You're a good whore!\"</blu>, he says with a grunt - doing with you whatever he wants.
<br><blu>\"But I want more!\"</blu>
<br>You can see him eyeing your behind.
<br>You let his <<Cock>> free with an indecent popping sound, stand up and kiss him roughly. <PC>\"I know exactly what you want.\"</PC>
<br>Breaking off the kiss, you head to the bed, quickly sliding off your pants, and put yourself on all fours, presenting your <<Asshole>> to him.
<br><blu>\"Good whore...\"</blu>, he growls, while walking towards you, a determined smirk on his face.
<br>Without further warning, he sinks his <<CockDesc 7>> inside you in one smooth thrust. Not being lubed up, you cry out in pain, but the pain quickly gives way to pleasure as he starts pumping in and out at a steady pace, fucking you like the <i>whore</i> you are.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image shemale016.gif>>
<br><<Image gay017.gif>>
<br>You whimper and beg him to go faster, harder. You need all of him!
<br>He's all too happy to oblige, and increases both his pace and the depth of his thrusts.
<br>His hands are on your hips, pulling you back into him. He leans over, bites the back of your neck lightly then starts whispering obscenities in your ear. It makes you even hornier than you were before. Your own <<CockDesc PC>> is completely <<Stiff>>.
<br>You feel full and complete, his beefy meat stretching you open without issue. Being used makes you feel so good.
<br>He grunts loudly a few times, then you feel his <<LargeCock>> pulsing inside you.
<br>At the sensation of his hot <<Cum>> filling you, your own <<CockDesc PC>> explodes without even being touched.
<br>He leaves you like that, letting you catch your breath.
<br>Before leaving, he looks you up and down with that predatory gaze and says <blu>\"I can't wait til next time.\"</blu>
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by Popirs/Emmafrostfestivalofdimonds, edited by deathbymanga %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene10\">>
He's naked. You're naked. He has you on all fours, waiting to be mounted.
<br>In mere moments, he's going to make you his <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><pi>girl</pi><<elseif $PCSub > $>>property<<else>>for the evening<</if>>.
<br>He doesn't say a word as he slides his <<CockDesc 6>> deep inside you.
<br>You start to moan, like the <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>little <pi>bitch</pi><<else>>whore<</if>> you are, but he puts a hand on your mouth.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image shemale005.gif>>
<br><<Image gay021.gif>>
<br>He demands silence, that's what he paid for.
<br>The tension makes you shiver, as you bury the sounds deep in the core of your being.
<br>He pounds your <<Ass>>, without mercy or hesitation, leaving you quivering on your hands and knees. Just like he found you.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br>You're so happy to be used like the <pi>sissy slut</pi> you are. A dominant man! <piss>Wonderful!!</piss>
<br>Despite the roughness and impersonality of the interaction, you find it exciting to be dominated by someone like this.
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by Popirs/Emmafrostfestivalofdimonds %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProScene11\">>
You're laying on your back on the bed, with your legs spread wide - exposing yourself to whoever comes into the room.
<br>When someone finally does, you are eager, and beg him to fuck you. Hard and rough.
<br>The response to your pleas are the sound of his pants hitting the floor.
<br>Before long, a <<CockDesc 7>> stuffs your <<Asshole>> - and you are in heaven again.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image shemale017.gif>>
<br><<Image gay026.gif>>
<br>You kiss him, desperately begging for more. You're such a <pi>slut</pi>.
<br>It doesn't take long before your insides are flooded with <<Cum>> again.
/% Anal + Dominant Rebecca + Girly PC %/
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1] && $PC.Traits.includes("CockHungry") && $PCGirly && $ViewingBoothCount > 0>>
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by GM, edited by VonDoom %/
<<set $ManagedSlave = 1>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCProGMGloryholeBlowjob\">>
You cannot help but stop and stare at the <b>massive</b>, heavy, <b>dominant</b>, <i>fertile</i> <s>cock</s> bitch-breaker sticking through the hole in the cubicle.
<br>Near-obsidian in colour and wreathed with veins that make your <pi>secret spot</pi> tingle, it looks less like a cock and more like <b>THE</b> cock. The very concept and embodiment of what it means to be a man, to have a cock.
<br>The size alone makes your <<PCCockDesc>> twitch and hang lower, almost bowing in deference to this... this king among cocks. The head itself is as large as your mouth stretched wide, and it wouldn't surprise you if this belonged to some beast rather than a mere mortal.
<br>You can even smell it, the acrid tang of sweat and the thick, roiling musk that the shaft exudes.
<br><<Image blowjob027.gif>>
<br>A voice shatters your reverie.
<br><blu>\"Start sucking, bitch.\"</blu>
<br>The voice is deep and seems to reverberate in your bones. Both a siren call and a death knell to your past, filling you with strange and inexplicable emotions, and shattering your sense of self.
<br>Your feet move forward without you willing them. Within moments you are kneeling, your heart beating like it's trying to break through your chest.
<br>As your face comes near the cock, you can see a thick ribbon of pre-cum has oozed out already. Like some wild beast, it can sense prey and drools in anticipation.
<br><reb>\"Give it a kiss.\"</reb>
<br>The instruction comes from both without and within, a command echoing up from the lust-fogged recesses of your mind, as well as the nearly-forgotten companion by your side.
<br>Whimpering, you lean forward and plant a wet kiss right on the enormous head. As if kissing a lover, your tongue demurely laps at the source of the flow.
<br>You could stay like this for hours, days... an eternity, suckling at it like a newborn at his mother's teat. The sound of heels clicking on the floor breaks your trance as a figure takes up position next to you.
<br>Just as you start to pull away, slim hands entwine themselves in your hair and keep you held in place.
<br><reb>\"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist...\"</reb>, <<NMS>> purrs, <reb>\"...but I also knew you'd need... help.\"</reb>
<br>Standing behind you, she rocks her hips hard and suddenly your head is thrust forward - the tip filling your mouth even as tears fill your eyes. The pain of your jaw nearly dislocating is intense.
<br><reb>\"I knew you would need that extra... little... push.\"</reb>, she continues, each word punctuated by a firmer thrust of her hips.
<br>You wish you could overpower her, or stop listening - but your entire being is focused on keeping your teeth out of the way. Not an easy feat, but you somehow manage.
<br>You wish you could reach down and stroke your <<PCCockDesc>>, so it would stop drooling as if you were a bitch in heat.
<br>The pain is overwhelming but what follows is all the sweeter for it.
<br>The <<HugeCock>> is now in your throat, jaw distended to the point where it feels like it's going to break, a nearly uncontrollable gagging sensation, and shortness of breath. But your <pi>cocksucker</pi>-instincts prevail and the <<HugeCock>> is allowed to push forward.
<br><reb>\"Such a good little girl.\"</reb> <<NMS>> continues, having changed her position to kneel behind you. <reb>\"I bet you can't wait until he gives you your reward though, can you?\"</reb>
<br>Unbidden, your eyes shift downwards and you see his <b>enormous</b>, <i>heaving</i>, jiggling, sperm-packed <s>testicles</s> <b>sissy-breeders</b> seemingly roiling and seething with the building load.
<br><reb>\"But you have to earn it.\"</reb> she coos, as she entwines her fingers in your hair, pushing you forward, forcefully fucking your throat with the <<HugeCock>>.
<br>Each thrust makes your stomach quiver and your <<PCCockDesc>> spurt a glob of precum. Even as she speeds up, each thrust takes seconds, simply by virtue of the size involved.
<br><reb>\"Soon, you might even get this stallion of a man to breed you...\"</reb>, a whisper in your ear. But it seems to echo from within your own mind as well as from the lips of the temptress by your side.
<br><reb>\"But for now... drink.\"</reb>
<br>And with that, the <<HugeCock>> erupts like a volcano.
<br>The orgasm coincides with the final, deepest thrust from <<NMS>> - the <<HugeCock>>, now buried so deep in your gullet that it shoots straight down.
<br>Within moments the load had been shot and your hands gravitate down to feel your belly. You could swear it was swollen and round from the volume, looking almost pregnant.
<br>Your own milky sissycum runs down your legs in rivulets. You don't know when you orgasmed, but you're not surprised. The combined sensations have been so overwhelming.
<br><reb>\"Oh? I think we might need to get you a change of clothes.\"</reb>, <<NMS>> giggles.
/% Anal + Assistant %/
<<if $Staff.contains("Assistant")>>
<<set $PCProScene.push ("
/% Written by Popirs/Emmafrostfestivalofdimonds %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCProAfroman\">>
As you enter the lobby, your assistant tells you there is a man waiting for you in one of the rooms. Apparently he asked for you by name.
<br>You decide to go see who wants to have you tonight. As you walk through the door, you notice a big, muscular man with skin like dark chocolate. He is naked, and a real python of a <<LargeCock>> rests between his legs.
<br><blu>\"Get on the bed.\"</blu>, he commands.
<br><blu>\"No hands, no sucking. Just you on bed, cock in ass.\"</blu>, he continues, pointing towards the bed. His accent is rather thick, and his grasp of the language seems modest at best.
<br>The python between his legs seems to be waking up, growing even bigger than before.
<br>You look at him and shudder - he wants to plunge <i>that</i> inside of you!
<br>He's still pointing towards the bed, a look of primal lust in his eyes.
<br>You can't help but oblige (even though you're afraid that huge thing might tear you apart!), getting undressed and ready. You'll be needing plenty of lube...
<br>He watches you strip, the primal lust never leaving his eyes. He strokes his <<CockDesc 12>> until it is fully <<Stiff>>. It's even more intimidating sticking out straight towards you.
<br>As soon as you're naked, he pushes you onto the bed, quickly lubes himself up, grabs your legs and then pushes into you.
<br>Everything goes black for a moment, your mind unable to process what is happening. When you come to, the man is roughly pounding away at you, grunting like an animal.
<br>You can't even scream - all you can do is groan meekly as you're being violated by this man - this beast.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br><piss>(This is wonderful! Serving a real man!!)</piss>
<br>It's as if more and more of the <<LargeCock>> is pushing inside you, burning you, stretching you out - and making you feel things that you've never felt before.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image gay020.gif>>
<br><<Image shemale018.gif>>
<br>Thankfully, the rough pace is getting to him as well, and you feel him pulsating inside you, about to shoot his load.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br><piss>(You're being such a good girl, serving your man! You love being used!)</piss>
<br>You're still grunting and groaning - but this time it's half pleasure and half pain.
<br>The warmth of his <<Cum>> filling your <<Asshole>> is not only pleasurable - it's soothing. It's as if the pain just melts away, leaving a pleasant, dull humming sensation in its place.
<br>He pulls out with a loud \"plop!\" - leaving a sad emptiness behind.
<br>He gets up and pulls his clothes back on, then simply comments: <blu>\"Good ass.\"</blu> before leaving.
<<set $EnergyLoss = 1>>
<<if $PCEnergy-$EnergyLoss > 0>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= $EnergyLoss>>
<<timed 40ms>>
<<replace \"#BackButton\">>
<br>Due to your soreness, you <r>lost</r> <bl>$EnergyLoss extra energy.</bl>
<<print $PCProScene.random()>>
/% Reward %/
<<Roll 20>>
<<SetPCSubGain $RollTotal 15>>
<<set $SkillFactor = ($PCSub / 300)>>
<<SetEarningsPC 1 $SkillFactor 30>>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<<set $PCProCount++>>
/% Scene and Skip %/
/% Output %/
<br>You earned <gr>¤$Earnings cash.</gr>
<br>You also became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<GoBackUp>>/% Remove button for the first slave. %/
<<if $SlaveCount > 0>>
[[Back to Management|Management]]
[[Go to the Management screen.|Management]]
/% Restore to default. %/
<<set $CaptureProceed = false>>
/% Set up for printout. %/
<<set $ThisSlave = $SlaveCount + 1>>
<<if $SlaveCount == 0>>
<<set $SlaveCount++>>
<<set $FreeSpace-->>
<<set $CaptureProceed = true>>
<<CreateSlave 1 $Rebecca 0 0 "hairy" 10 0 1 1 1 3 0 false 0 "" -1 0 1 1 1 $Becca 0 "">>
<<set $CaptureText = "
You set up $SlaveName[$ThisSlave] in her own room.
<br>She's capable of acting independently, but you often find her just sitting there, patiently waiting for orders.
<br><br>You've spread the word, and your first clients should be arriving shortly. They'll be hungry for carnal entertainment, there hasn't been a proper outlet for their lusts in this neighbourhood before. Being the only adult establishment in the neighbourhood comes with a few perks.
<br>$SlaveName[$ThisSlave] isn't ready to have sex with anyone yet, but you've managed to convince her to give your customers a good show.
<br><<LargeImage nude02.jpg>>
<br>$SlaveName[$ThisSlave] stares off into the distance with a vacant look. You ask her if she's ready to go. She smiles and nods.
<br><br>[[Go to the Management screen.|Management]]
<<elseif $SlaveCount == 1>>
<<set $SlaveCount++>>
<<set $FreeSpace-->>
<<set $CaptureProceed = true>>
<<CreateSlave 2 $Ellinor 0 0 "shaved" 1 0 1 1 1 4 0 false 2 "" -1 0 1 2 3 $Elli 0 "">>
<<set $CaptureText = "
/% Written by Kris %/
It's a Tuesday night when you first see her at the bar, long blonde hair and pert bum amiss in a sea of mostly men.
<br>Cute little thing in a skin tight black dress, batting her eyelashes as she strokes the thigh of one of the brothel's regular clients. Before you can make up your mind about approaching, she's leaning in to whisper in his ear and they're both heading out the door.
<br>Which really isn't something you can have. Cute or not - someone is hunting on your territory.
<br>Jordan shoots you a quick text a few days later, letting you know that she's back - and alone, for the moment.
<br>It would be easy to throw her out, to tell her that she's not welcome to steal your business. She's tiny enough, probably wouldn't put up much of a fight.
<br>There's another route you could go, though, especially if you act now, before she steals another client. You decide to act on that thought.
<br>You're almost at the door when you double back to quickly grab something from your desk.
<<Image /facilities/BarAlt.png>><<Image staff/Elli.jpg>>
<br>At the bar, <i>Blondie</i> is playfully sucking on a lollipop, eyes scanning the crowd. You can almost see the calculation in her gaze, imagine she's clocking watches and suits for who might be the biggest payout.
<br>And in your expensive suit, you're easily the biggest fish in this particular sea.
<br><PC>\"The usual.\"</PC>, you say to Jordan, taking a seat at the end of the bar.
<br>It's almost sad how predictable she is. The way you can feel <i>Blondie's</i> eyes on you, hear the clack of her heels approaching, but then stopping, probably waiting for you to turn to her.
<br>You could.
<br>But you don't. Instead you take a sip of your drink, relishing the burn of the whiskey, idly considering what she might do next. The way she'll bat her eyelashes, or attempt to push those itty bitty titties together to get your attention.
<br>What you didn't imagine she'd do is <i>'trip'</i> directly onto your lap. You've barely managed to make a noise of surprise before Blondie turns to glare at you, <eli>\"You're supposed to help me up, not grope me, you pervert!\"</eli>
<br>What an interesting tactic, the directed insult - is this how she picks up most of her clients? You decide to play into it.
<br><PC>\"I'm so sorry, Miss-\"</PC> You do your best to help her to the seat next to you without anymore accusations, <PC>\"You caught me off guard.\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"If you don't buy me a drink, I'll complain about you to the manager!\"</eli>, Blondie says, crossing one knee over the other, tonight's red skirt sliding to show even more of her thigh. <eli>\"He's a good friend of mine.\"</eli>
<br>Without looking up, you signal for Jordan to bring a drink over.
<br><PC>\"Is he now?\"</PC> There's a touch of humor in your voice, but she must miss it because she nods seriously. Which is fine, you can work with this. If she doesn't know who you are, her guard won't be up just yet. <PC>\"And what is such an important little girl's name?\"</PC>
<br>A pink little tongue darts out, licking her bottom lip. <eli>\"I'm not a little girl!\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"Of course not.\"</PC> There's a drink in your periphery, some sort of fruity cocktail. Blondie is looking at the crowd, perhaps displeased that you aren't more apologetic, and already looking for a different mark? She's not paying attention to her drink.
<br>And that's perfect for you, because it gives you just enough time to slip the last few remaining drops of <i>the Formula</i> used on $SlaveName[1] into the glass. It's not enough to give her the full effect, but you're confident that you can work your magic even without it. This will just make things a little easier...
<br><<Image intro004.png>>
<br><PC>\"After all...\"</PC>, you say after having re-pocketed the vial, <PC>\"If you were a helpless little girl, you wouldn't be here, would you? Still, I'd feel much better if I knew what to call you.\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"Ellinor-\"</eli>, Blondie reaches for the cocktail with one hand, while settling the other on your knee, she locks eyes with you, <eli>\"But my lovers call me Elli.\"</eli>
<br>Elli runs that tantalizing tongue along the rim, and winks at you. Enticing you.
<br>Once the glass is back on the bar, and you can smell just a touch of liquor on her breath, you lean in, <PC>\"And I bet you've had many of those, haven't you?\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"I don't know what you're implying!\"</eli>, Elli says, trying to pull away the hand you've captured. It's just a gentle tug, nothing too hard. She's not really trying to escape. Though whether that's because she doesn't want to make a scene, or because the Formula is starting to take effect, you aren't quite sure.
<br><PC>\"I'm not implying anything, Elli...\"</PC> It feels good to finally say her name. <PC>\"...just saying what we both know. That you're a little slut. Coming into a place like this, dressed like that proves it. You know exactly what you're doing, how many eyes are glued to your thighs when you accidentally open them a little too wide. The way they imagined that they're the lollipop you casually sucked on earlier. It's a little too late to play innocent now.\"</PC>
<br><eli>\"I-\"</eli> The words fade away as you pull her hand higher up your thigh. <eli>\"S-Sir-\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"$Master.\"</PC>, you correct. <PC>\"Girls like you call me $Master. And don't worry, we have the perfect place for you here. You can keep doing exactly what you've been doing - looking pretty at the bar. Except when a man approaches you, you won't have to leave with him, there will be a room in the back just for you. You can take things as far as you want, or do as little as you want. You'll be safe here. This is the perfect place for naughty girls like you.\"</PC>
<br>Elli squirms, whether out of shame or the way your free hand's fingertips are stroking her side, you're not sure. <eli>\"I won't have to do anything I don't want to?\"</eli>
<br><PC>\"Of course not!\"</PC>, you reassure her. At least, not at first, but that isn't something she needs to know. <PC>\"I'll guide you. Teach you. You've been riding on raw talent, but there's a whole new world out there for you. All these men here? By the time I'm through, you'll be able to have your pick.\"</PC>
It takes a while longer to convince her, listing the benefits she'll have working for you - and the dangers of working on the streets.
<br>Eventually, Ellinor is set up in a private room. You'll have an uphill battle with her - but she'll be worth it.
<br>After a bit more coaxing, you get her to show off what you'll be working with. She's surprisingly shy, for such a <i>predator</i>.
<br><<Image strip008.gif>>
<br>It takes a while to get her to accept stripping down in front of you - even though the Formula did make things easier.
<<elseif $SlaveCount == 2>>
<<set $SlaveCount++>>
<<set $FreeSpace-->>
<<set $CaptureProceed = true>>
<<set $NippleExtraSetter = ("pierced", "fuckable")>>
<<CreateSlave 3 $Isabella 0 0 "trimmed" 200 0 5 1 1 3 0 false 1 $NippleExtraSetter -1 0 1 2 2 $Bella 0 "">>
<<set $CaptureText = "
This is the third slave.
<br><<Image fucking016.gif>>
<br><is>(This is a placeholder event! This slave is also a placeholder and has no story or unique events!)</is>
<br>You capture another slave. Her name is $SlaveName[$ThisSlave].
<<elseif $SlaveCount == 3>>
<<set $SlaveCount++>>
<<set $FreeSpace-->>
<<set $CaptureProceed = true>>
<<CreateSlave 4 $Naomi 4 4 "hairy" 100 4 1 1 1 5 0 false 3 "fuckable" -1 0 1 3 4 $Naomi 0 "">>
<<set $CaptureText = "
This is the fourth slave.
<br><<Image fucking016.gif>>
<br><is>(This is a placeholder event! This slave is also a placeholder and has no story, but a <b>DOES</b> have a few unique events!)</is>
<br>You capture another slave. Her name is $SlaveName[$ThisSlave].
<b>You've captured all available slaves.</b>
<br>There are no more slaves in the game yet.
<<if $CaptureProceed == true>>
/% The printout itself. %/
<br>There is nothing else here.
<<if $Debug == 1>>
[[Refresh Page|SlaveView]]
<<if $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] != 2>>
<br>[[Grow tits|SlaveView][$SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]++]], [[Shrink tits|SlaveView][$SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]--]]
<br>[[Grow ass|SlaveView][$SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]++]], [[Shrink ass|SlaveView][$SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]--]]
<br>[[Grow lips|SlaveView][$SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave]++]], [[Shrink lips|SlaveView][$SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave]--]]
<br>[[Dance Skill+|SlaveView][$SlaveDance[$ManagedSlave]+= 2]], [[Dance Skill-|SlaveView][$SlaveDance[$ManagedSlave]-= 2]]
<br>[[Hand Skill+|SlaveView][$SlaveHand[$ManagedSlave]+= 2]], [[Hand Skill-|SlaveView][$SlaveHand[$ManagedSlave]-= 2]]
<br>[[Oral Skill+|SlaveView][$SlaveOral[$ManagedSlave]+= 2]], [[Oral Skill-|SlaveView][$SlaveOral[$ManagedSlave]-= 2]]
<br>[[Sex Skill+|SlaveView][$SlaveSex[$ManagedSlave]+= 2]], [[Sex Skill-|SlaveView][$SlaveSex[$ManagedSlave]-= 2]]
<br>[[Anal Skill+|SlaveView][$SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave]+= 2]], [[Anal Skill-|SlaveView][$SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave]-= 2]]
<<if $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] == 1>>
<br>[[Make Slave Dominant|SlaveView][$SlaveIsDominant[$ManagedSlave] = true]], [[Make Slave non-Dominant|SlaveView][$SlaveIsDominant[$ManagedSlave] = false]]
<br>Set Submissiveness to: <<link "Dance">>
<<set $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] = ($DanceSub + 1)>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> |
<<link "Hand">>
<<set $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] = ($HandSub + 1)>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> |
<<link "Titfuck">>
<<set $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] = ($TitfuckSub + 1)>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> |
<<link "Oral">>
<<set $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] = ($OralSub + 1)>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> |
<<link "Sex">>
<<set $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] = ($SexSub + 1)>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> |
<<link "Anal">>
<<set $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] = ($AnalSub + 1)>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> |
<<link "Piss">>
<<set $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] = ($PissSub + 1)>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> |
<br>Modify Slave Energy:
<<link "+1">>
<<set $SlaveEnergyMax[$ManagedSlave]++, $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]++>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> |
<<link "+10">>
<<set $SlaveEnergyMax[$ManagedSlave]+=10, $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]+=10>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> |
<<link "-1">>
<<set $SlaveEnergyMax[$ManagedSlave]--, $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]-->>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> |
<<link "-10">>
<<set $SlaveEnergyMax[$ManagedSlave]-=10, $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]-=10>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> |
$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] presents herself for your inspection.
/% Pictures %/
<br><<TitsPic>>She shows you her <<TitsDesc>>,<right><center><<FacePic>><br>You see her <<LipsDesc>>,</center><<if $GapePicturesEnabled == 1>><center><<AssholePic>></center><</if>><center>and her <<AssholeDesc>>.<br>She has <<NipplesDesc>>.</center></right>
<br><<PussyPic>>her <<PussyDesc>>,
<br><<AssPic>>and her <<AssDesc>>.
/% Options %/
Instruct $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] to keep her pubic hair:
<<if $SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] == "hairy" >>
<b>hairy</b> | [[trimmed|SlaveView][$SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] = "trimmed"]] | [[clean-shaven|SlaveView][$SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] = "shaved"]]
<<elseif $SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] == "trimmed" >>
[[hairy|SlaveView][$SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] = "hairy"]] | <b>trimmed</b> | [[clean-shaven|SlaveView][$SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] = "shaved"]]
<<elseif $SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] == "shaved" >>
[[hairy|SlaveView][$SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] = "hairy"]] | [[trimmed|SlaveView][$SlavePussy[$ManagedSlave] = "trimmed"]] | <b>clean-shaven</b>
<r>Something went terribly wrong with this Slave's pussy (it's not hairy, trimmed, or shaved)</r>
<<if $GapePicturesEnabled == 1>>
<<link "Disable gape pictures.">>
<<set $GapePicturesEnabled = 0>>
<<goto SlaveView>>
<<elseif $GapePicturesEnabled == 0>>
<<link "Enable gape pictures.">>
<<set $GapePicturesEnabled = 1>>
<<goto SlaveView>>
<br>Instruct $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] to keep her nipples:
<<if $SlaveNipplesExtra[$ManagedSlave].contains("pierced") == false>>
<b>unpierced</b> | [[pierced|SlaveView][$SlaveNipplesExtra[$ManagedSlave].push("pierced")]]
<<elseif $SlaveNipplesExtra[$ManagedSlave].contains("pierced") == true>>
<<link unpierced SlaveView>>
<<set $Index = $SlaveNipplesExtra[$ManagedSlave].indexOf("pierced")>>
<<set $SlaveNipplesExtra[$ManagedSlave].splice($Index, 1)>>
<</link>> | <b>pierced</b>
<br><is>(Use fewer than 20 characters, press Enter to perform the name change.)</is>
<<set $OldSlaveName = $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $NewSlaveName = $OldSlaveName>>
<br><<textbox "$NewSlaveName" $OldSlaveName "SlaveNameChange">>
<br><is>(Usually a shortened version of the slave's name.)</is>
<<set $OldSlaveNickname = $SlaveNickname[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $NewSlaveNickname = $OldSlaveNickname>>
<br><<textbox "$NewSlaveNickname" $OldSlaveNickname "SlaveNameChange">>
/% Stats and explanations %/
<table class="stats">
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>This slave's name.</span>Name</a>: $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>The size of this slave's breasts.</span>Tits</a>: $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>How skilled this slave is at dancing, stripping, and similar acts. Higher skill equals greater pay for relevant tasks.</span>Dance skill</a>: $SlaveDance[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>This slave's nickname.</span>Nickname</a>: $SlaveNickname[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>The size of this slave's ass.</span>Ass</a>: $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>How skilled this slave is at pleasing people with her hands. Higher skill equals greater pay for relevant tasks.</span>Hand skill</a>: $SlaveHand[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>How submissive or broken this slave is. Higher submissiveness unlocks new tasks and events.</span>Submissiveness</a>: $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>The size of this slave's lips.</span>Lips</a>: $SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>How skilled this slave is at oral sex. Higher skill equals greater pay for relevant tasks.</span>Oral skill</a>: $SlaveOral[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>The current energy this slave currently has. Energy is restored at the start of every week.</span>Energy</a>: $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>How beautiful this slave is considered.
<br>Beauty is a combination of the size of her ass, tits, and lips - plus other bonuses.</span>Beauty</a>: $SlaveBeautyMod[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>How skilled this slave is at 'regular' sex (not oral, anal, or using hands). Higher skill equals greater pay for relevant tasks.</span>Sex skill</a>: $SlaveSex[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>The base energy this slave has. Certain buildings, such as the Spa, increases a slave's maximum energy.</span>Base Energy</a>: $SlaveEnergyMax[$ManagedSlave]</td>
<td><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>How skilled this slave is at anal sex. Higher skill equals greater pay for relevant tasks.</span>Anal skill</a>: $SlaveAnal[$ManagedSlave]
<<if $SlaveItems[$ManagedSlave].length > 0>>
<LSU>Owned Items & Upgrades</LSU>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $SlaveItems[$ManagedSlave].length; _i++>>
<<switch $SlaveItems[$ManagedSlave][_i]>>
<<case "TeethWhitening">>
<<case "FashionShopping">>
<<case "AnalBleaching">>
<<case "SchoolGirlClothes">>
<br><<NNS>> owns a set of kinky school-girl clothes that her <i>perverted</i> clients really appreciate.
<br><<print $SlaveItems[$ManagedSlave][_i]>>
<br><re>(This should have a proper description! This is a bug.)</re>
/% Toggles %/
<br>Personal interaction:
<br><label><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>Unchecking this box means that you will not engage sexual activities involving hands with this slave (eg. handjobs).</span>Hands</a> <<checkbox "$SlavePersonalHandEnabled[$ManagedSlave]" false true `$SlavePersonalHandEnabled[$ManagedSlave]? "checked" : "unchecked"`>></label>
<br><label><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>Unchecking this box means that you will not engage oral sex with this slave.</span>Oral</a> <<checkbox "$SlavePersonalOralEnabled[$ManagedSlave]" false true `$SlavePersonalOralEnabled[$ManagedSlave]? "checked" : "unchecked"`>></label>
<br><label><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>Unchecking this box means that you will not engage in vaginal sex with this slave.</span>Vaginal</a> <<checkbox "$SlavePersonalVaginalEnabled[$ManagedSlave]" false true `$SlavePersonalVaginalEnabled[$ManagedSlave]? "checked" : "unchecked"`>></label>
<br><label><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>Unchecking this box means that you will not engage in anal sex with this slave.</span>Anal</a> <<checkbox "$SlavePersonalAnalEnabled[$ManagedSlave]" false true `$SlavePersonalAnalEnabled[$ManagedSlave]? "checked" : "unchecked"`>></label>
<br><smaller>(This does not prevent you from willingly engaging in these acts, such as by training a slave.)</smaller>
<br>[[Save Preferences|Management]]
<<if $Debug == 1>>
<b>Submissiveness Requirements</b>
<br>Piss/Extreme: $PissSub
<br>Anal: $AnalSub
<br>Sex: $SexSub
<br>Blowjob: $OralSub
<br>Titfuck: $TitfuckSub
<br>Handjob: $HandSub
<br>Stripping: $DanceSub
<</if>><b>Enter your character's male name:</b>
<br><is>(Use fewer than 20 characters.)</is>
<br><<textbox "$Name" $Name "Intro2">>
Text with <a class="tooltip"><span>This is an example tooltip!</span>this color</a> contain tooltips. Hover your mouse over them to read them.
<LSU>Optional Fetishes</LSU>
<br><re>Note: Disabling fetishes might make the game unbalanced - and is generally not recommended.</re>
<br><label><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>Unchecking this box disables gay (Male/Male) content outright.
<br><b>This will also disable most interactions with male clients after becoming feminized (ie trap or shemale).</b>
<br>This content is entirely and easily avoidable through your choices in game, it is not recommended that you disable it.
<br></span>Gay (Male/Male)</a> <<checkbox "$GayContentEnabled" false true checked>></label> This content is disabled by default, and you enable it with your actions in game. The action is clearly marked! Disabling not recommended.
<br><label><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>Unchecking this box disables most Sissy and Hypno (feminization) content.
<br><r>You can avoid most of this content through your actions in the game!</r></span>Sissy & Hypno</a> <<checkbox "$HypnoContentEnabled" false true checked>></label> You can avoid most of this content through your actions in the game! Disabling not recommended.
<br><label><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>Unchecking this box disables most Urolagnia (Golden Shower) content.</span>Piss & Watersports</a> <<checkbox "$PissContentEnabled" false true checked>></label>
<br><label><a class="tooltipPassage"><span>Unchecking this box disables most Enema and Rectal Douching-type content.
<br>(There is very little of this content in the game, and it does not include scat-play at all.)</span>Enema</a> <<checkbox "$EnemaContentEnabled" false true checked>></label>
<br><iss>(These toggles are a work-in-progress and there's a chance scenes are missed. Please report any unwanted scenes after disabling.)
<br>(A box being <b>checked</b> means that the content is <b>enabled</b>)</iss>
<<checkbox "$AutoSkip" false true>>
<br><iss>(AutoSkip automatically skips scenes you've already seen. It only works for slave and management scenes, not random events.)</iss>
/% Debug %/
<<if $DebugPasswordEntered.toLowerCase() == $DebugPassword>>
<<set $Debug = 1>>
<<set $DebugUnlocked = 1>>
<<if $Debug == 0>>
Debug mode is: <b>disabled</b>.
<br>To enable debug mode, enter the password:
<br><<textbox "$DebugPasswordEntered" "Enter password." "Intro">>
Debug mode is: <b>enabled</b>.
<i>Note: Debug mode is NOT simply a "cheat mode" added for players.
<br>It is made to make the game easier to develop.
<br>The game is not designed to be played with debug mode on.
<br>You can easily break the game by using debug mode.
<br><b>Use at your own risk!</b></i>
<br>You'll find the debug password on the <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon page</a>.[[Skip the intro.|SlaveCapture]]
When your father finally succumbed to the contamination that had long been plaguing his body you were left with the family business: A once thriving hostel that was always teeming with guests.
<br>You and your younger sister, $SisterName, grew up in and around that hostel, spending time with the travelers who passed through.
<br>Travelers would generally spend a night or two, appreciating the chance to sleep in a soft bed and getting a bellyful of food before venturing on.
<br>Many were adventurers and scavengers, headed into the Wastes - others were traders stopping by on their way to the city.
<br>You met many colourful individuals at the hostel, and learned a lot about people - their motivations, desires, and drives.
<br>Both you and your sister helped out where you could around the hostel: everything from offloading new deliveries and restocking the larder to taking orders and serving customers in the cafeteria.
That was a long time ago, before the Blight came to town. Your father's legacy was no longer thriving. By the time he died, the neighbouring buildings that used to bustle with activity now sat quiet and abandoned.
<br>There are few travelers on the roads these days - fewer still are looking for a place to spend the night.
<br>Even fewer would choose a hostel located in this kind of neighbourhood.
<br><<Image intro002.jpg>>
<br>Your inheritance quickly became more of a curse than a blessing.
<br>You sank all your money into the hostel but never managed to turn a profit.
<br>One day, $SisterName decided to leave the failing establishment to find greener pastures.
<br>You still hate her for abandoning the family - for abandoning you. There were only the two of you left, you were meant to stick together.
<br>Things kept getting worse and eventually the upkeep alone was more than you could afford.
<br>You had to start letting employees go, being unable to pay their salaries.
<br>You couldn't help but feel a little pang of sympathy for them, since you knew that most of them would be unable to find another job - and would likely end up on the streets.
<br>A few months later, only you and $Rebecca were left.
<br>She had originally been a waitress, but as the staff dwindled, $Rebecca started taking on other tasks as well.
<br>The two of you struggled to keep the hostel running.
<br>$Rebecca was always popular with the guests - the few that still came.
<br>If she had been around in the time when business was booming you're sure she would've made a small fortune in tips alone.
<br>$Rebecca is young and rather attractive.
<br>Unfortunately, for her, that makes her the perfect candidate for [[your new business model.|Intro3]]You had to face the truth: the hostel was failing. It would never be successful again.
<br>It was time to try something else.
<br>There are only three industries that thrive in blighted neighborhoods: guns, drugs, and sex.
<br><<Image intro003.png>>
<br>You couldn't get into neither guns nor drugs. To produce and sell drugs would require far too much of an initial investment - and you didn't like the idea of angering the Eastside Gang, the local <i>cartel</i> - nor the idea of getting into business with them, as they are far too ruthless.
<br>Guns, or protection, was a more appealing consideration.
<br>You could sell your services as a bodyguard, or hired thug - there was always plenty of that kind of work to go around, but you wouldn't make much money that way.
<br>Not enough to expand and hire your own crew, not enough to turn it into a real business.
<br>You wanted to do more than survive, you wanted to prosper.
<br>Without the means to produce or smuggle large quantities of firearms into the area you couldn't become a merchant of death either.
<br>So it had to be sex. Sex has always been popular, even more so in desperate times like these.
<br>Life as a male prostitute is hard, in more ways than one - but you weren't afraid of a little hard work.
<br>Nor were you terribly upset by the idea of having sex with men, you've always considered yourself bisexual.
<br>The problem once again was that you'd simply not make enough money.
<br>You could always turn yourself into a woman through surgery and injections if you could scrape together enough money, but even female prostitutes don't make a great living.
<br>Besides, working on the streets is very dangerous.
<br>You'd likely be forced into a protection agreement with some two-bit pimp who'd end up stealing most of your income.
<br>Still, it had to be sex. Just not you: [[not personally|Intro4]].$Rebecca seemed to appreciate your touch as you caressed her body, but every time you approached her groin she would recoil and try to push away from you.
<br><<Image tits004.gif>>
<br>Curious, you decided to test her limits.
<br>She obeyed simple commands without hesitation, but would refuse more extreme commands.
<br>When you tried to get her to hurt herself, she refused.
<br>When you tried to get her to suck you off, she also refused.
<br>$Rebecca occasionally argued or pleaded with you, but it seemed as if she had trouble focusing.
<br>She would often act as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on, as if she had forgotten that you just asked her to put your <<Cock>> in her mouth and simply complied without any hesitation when you instructed her to walk naked to the bedroom.
<br>You could've easily raped $Rebecca.
<br>To be fair, you could've easily raped her without the formula, you're far stronger than she is.
<br>However, forcing yourself upon her wouldn't have led to anything constructive.
<br>It seemed as if her inhibitions could be lowered further: you kept insisting and, after repeated protests, she finally agreed to spread her legs and show you her <<Pussy>>.
<br><<Image ass001.gif>>
<br>You were afraid that going too far or too fast would make her mind recoil and snap her out of the state she was in.
<br>Better to keep nudging her gently in the right direction.
The formula is quite impressive, but there is still a lot of work to be done.
<br>$Rebecca is still struggling against the effects on her mind, fighting back.
<br>You fear that she might be able to break the formula's influence at some point, besides, its effects are temporary.
<br>You'll have to break her the old fashioned way, whittling away at her mental barriers over time.
A few days later, and $Rebecca is still your pliable slave.
<br>You've explained the situation to her, told her what her new role is going to be, reminded her of her place.
<br>She understands, but does not accept. You'll have to fix that.
<br><br>It's time to set your plans into motion.
<br>You'll no longer manage a hostel, instead you'll be in charge of the best brothel in the neighbourhood.
<br>True, the <i>only</i> brothel in the neighbourhood, but still!
<br>You must continue breaking $Rebecca's will, and look for other opportunities to make money.
<br>You have some ideas about how to retrofit your hostel into a brothel - various additions that would be fitting to build once you have the capital.
<br>Thankfully the bare basics already exist: private bedrooms.
<br>The hostel also has a public stage in the dining area where various shows can be arranged.
<br>Eventually you'll have to find other people to 'recruit' as well.
<br>$Carl will happily sell you more of the formula once you've paid off the first dose, but there might be other venues to explore as well.
<br><br>It is time to [[start your new life.|SlaveCapture]]<link href='' rel='stylesheet'>
<span style="font-size: 250%;"><u>Whoremaker</u></span>^^// - a slave management game//^^
<<if $Debug == 1>>[[Skip the intro.|SlaveCapture]]<br><</if>>
Welcome to <larger><b>Release 23 - Future Content</b></larger>
<br>This is the twenty-third release of Whoremaker. A <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon</a> supported game!
<div class="authorscommentbox">
The highlights of this release are changes to influence and bondage gear, a bunch of Elli content, continued feminization storylines, and an overhaul to the automation system (you can now automate player tasks as well!). There's also a bunch of new scenes, of course. Check out the changelog for all the details!
<br>Once again, I've gotten a lot of help from the people over on the <a href="" target="_blank">Discord Server</a> for this one, I'm very grateful! And of course, to the people who support the development of this game on Patreon - you're the best!
Check out the [[changelog|Changelog]] for more details.
<br>For up to date news, previews of new scenes, and discussion of the game, join our <a href="" target="_blank">Discord Server</a>!
<br>This release was made possible thanks to my Patrons at <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon</a>! Thank you all so much!
[[Read the changelog!|Changelog]] | <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Discord Server</a>
<b>This game is intended for adults only!</b> It contains the following:
<li>Sexual content (text and pictures)</li>
<li>Sexual slavery and forced prostitution</li>
<li>Mind control, hypnosis, and brainwashing</li>
<li>BDSM, torture, and cruelty</li>
<li>Rape and violence</li>
<li>Body modification, plastic surgery, and asset expansion</li>
<li>Straight (male on female) content</li>
<li>Gay (male on male) content <i>(entirely optional!)</i></li>
<li>Lesbian (female on female) content</li>
<li>Trans (shemale on female) content</li>
<li>Forced feminization <i>(can be disabled and avoided)</i></li>
<li>Watersports <i>(can be disabled)</i></li>
<li>Enemas <i>(can be disabled)</i></li>
<larger><b>This game is not real. This game is a fantasy.</b></larger>
<br>If you cannot separate the two, do not play this game. If this game offends you, turn it off.
<LSU>Whoremaker</LSU> is part rapid-fire delivery system for porn gifs and images, part management game.
<br>There is a story, but the focus of the game is on the management of slaves along with a large variety of different (sex) scenes.
<br>Many scenes vary depending on the stats of your slaves and yourself, with different variants playing once certain parameters are met - experiment!
<br>Whoremaker is inspired by games such as <a href="">No Haven</a>, <a href="">Free Cities</a>, <a href="">Escort Dreams</a>, and the criminally underrated <a href="">The Lilith Device</a> (all of which I highly recommend!).
<br>The game is far from finished and will continue to be improved!
<br>There is no real ending! Once you've unlocked all the tasks for your slaves and seen all the random events, there is nothing else left to do.
<br><is>(Paying off your debt will give you a placeholder ending.)</is>
<br>Most content is currently tailored to the first two slaves. The other slaves work, but will repeat much of the same content.
Whoremaker is being developed by <b>Dopefish</b>, hello!
<br>You can support the game by going to the <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon Page</a>
<br>A huge thanks to Marianne (mlreta), TFC, VonKayas, jonwich, DerpTheDark, Elboba, Kaeil, subrosa, Popirs/Emmafrostfestivalofdimonds, and Sojourner who have helped me write scenes for the game. Special thanks also to Koda, Kris, and ChickenscratchRuskie who has contributed a lot to the development of the game!
<br>I am looking for people to contribute to the game. It is very easy to write a scene, and the more content this game gets, the better.
<br><gr>If you feel like helping out, join the Discord and message me!</gr>
<br>I'll also be very grateful to anyone who points out mistakes in grammar, spelling, and formatting so that I can correct them. This also includes scenes where the game seems to "forget" that certain changes that have occurred.
<br>You can reach me through email at, at the <a href="" target="_blank">Discord Server</a>, or drop a post on <a href="">the forums</a>.
<br>I love to hear your feedback and suggestions!
[[Let's begin.|Intro]] <u>[[Back|Welcome]]</u>
<large><b>Release 23 - Future Content</b></large>
<br><LSU>Release Summary:</LSU>
<li>''Influence/Bondage Gear changes'' - Influence upgrades and Bondage Gear are now separate upgrades. There is a new stat called Break Bonus, which affects the rate at which slaves gain submissiveness.</li>
<li>''Elli Content'' - There are a ton of new Elli scenes!</li>
<li>''Feminization Content'' - The feminization/sissy hypno storylines have been continued, and you'll now get to learn how to apply makeup.</li>
<li>''Automation'' - PCPro and Office scenes now work with AutoSkip and you can select an automatic activity for the end of the week. The entire system has also been overhauled and should function better now.</li>
<br><LSU>New Content:</LSU>
<li>Added a new PCPro scene, a gloryhole blowjob where you're urged on by Rebecca. It requires you to be feminized to a certain point, own at least one Viewing Booth, and for Rebecca to be dominant. (Written by GM, edited by VonDoom)</li>
<li>Added a new anal Service Male Client scene. (Written by Popirs)</li>
<li>Added a scene where Rebecca suggests upgrading your ViewingBooths with gloryholes. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added a new Daydream scene, with variants depending on if you're servicing men or not. (Written by Sojourner)</li>
<li>Added PCMakeup1, a scene where Rebecca teaches you to apply makeup properly. It triggers after you've seen HormoneTits5.
You also gain a Trait, and the ability to change your makeup style on the SelfView page.</li>
<li>Added a feminized version of PCProAfroman.</li>
<li>Added several variations for RestaurantGloryhole for when you're feminized, both dominant and submissive. (Written by Sojourner)</li>
<li>Added Elli's unique SexUnlock scene. It has two versions: low or high Influence. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added Elli's unique AnalUnlock scene. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added three Elli-exclusive Halloween scenes, they trigger during the (in-game) month of October. One Dance, one Oral, one Sex. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added Elli's unique task (footjobs). (Written by Kris)
There is currently 1 scene, plus the unlock scene. The unlock scene triggers randomly after Elli has unlocked Anal.</li>
<li>Added 3 Elli-exclusive Dance scenes and 3 Handjob scene (Written and Inspired by Kris).
<br>One of the handjob scenes has a sex-variant if her submissiveness is high enough.</li>
<li>Added a variant to BreakWillEllieSkirt after you've seen it once. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added a Elli-exclusive handjob scene that </li>
<li>Added several Worldbuilding Events.</li>
<li>Several more Service Male Clients scenes now have girly-PC variants.</li>
<li>Added two Christmas-themed blowjob scenes. They trigger during December in-game. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added several variations for RestaurantGloryhole for when you're feminized, both dominant and submissive. (Written by Sojourner)</li>
<li>Added two Christmas-themed blowjob scenes. They trigger during December in-game. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>AutoSkip now works for PC tasks without slaves (Service male clients, Work in the office).</li>
<li>Updated the AutoSkip system, it should work as intended now. (Coded by Brun0)</li>
<li>You can now select an automatic activity for the end of the week for the PC.</li>
<li>There's a new stat for the PC: BreakBonus. It increases the rate at which slaves gain submissiveness, and is increased by purchasing Bondage Gear and the Dungeon.
<br>Influence still helps as well, but this is a first step towards changing the role of Influence.
<br>Each Bondage Gear purchase increases submissiveness gain by 5-15%.</li>
<li>Influence upgrades and bondage gear are now two separate categories and purchases.</li>
<li>Once you've bought all the bondage gear available, you can now install a Dungeon in the brothel.
<br>The Dungeon is a new location for scenes, and gives a pretty high passive income as well as BreakBonus.</li>
<li>Added an option to outright disable Gay (Male/Male) content. It is generally not recommended that you use this toggle, as the content can be avoided through your actions in the game.</li>
<li>Added the option to disable Enema content to the options menu.</li>
<li>There is a new Trait, MakeupArtist.</li>
<br><small>Gameplay & Balance</small>
<li>Significantly reduced the cost of buying new slave rooms.
<br>(1000 + 2000 * Rooms) -> (250 + 1500 * Rooms)
<br>This reduces their cost from 3000, 5000, 7000 -> 1750, 3250, 4750.</li>
<li>Increased the rate at which you gain submissiveness from servicing male clients. (Rate roughly doubled).</li>
<li>Elli started with 10 Anal skill for some reason. Fixed this, it now starts at 1.</li>
<li>Accessing AnalTrainEnema now requires you to have installed the Dungeon, and won't trigger for a dominant Rebecca.</li>
<li>Lowered the submissiveness gain for tasks slightly to compensate for BreakBonus, and to make BreakWill a worthwhile time investment.</li>
<li>The extra income from Viewing Booths per slave with high enough submissiveness increased.
<br>Sex: 1->2, Anal: 1->2, Piss: 1->3</li>
<li>Reduced Bruce's upkeep. (500 -> 400)</li>
<li>BreakWillEllieSkirt now gives Elli a set of kinky school-girl clothes that also increase her earnings.</li>
<li>Elli's upgrades now cost an Energy for her.</li>
<li>Fixed HormoneTits5 not getting added to the EventsSeen list properly, and as a consequence PCMakeup1 not triggering.
<br>Also fixed a few other places where this happens. (Thanks Hawkswift & onnees!)</li>
<small>Graphical & Text</small>
<li>Updated the layout of the SelfView page, mostly changing the order of some things around.</li>
<li>Made some changes to the layout of the changelog.</li>
<li>Fixed several typos.</li>
<li>Moved parts of IncreaseTits4 to IncreaseTits3 to reflect the fact that the TitfuckUnlockSize has been changed. (Thanks Sojourner!)</li>
<li>Made smaller text changes to IncreaseAss scenes. (Thanks Sojourner!)</li>
<li>Removed repeated text in IncreaseTits10. (Thanks Sojourner!)</li>
<li>Added BreakBonus to the SelfView statistics.</li>
<li>Modified the ViewingBooth tool-tip slightly.</li>
<li>Made some visual changes to the Intro passage, where you choose your settings and name.</li>
<li>Changed the TitsDesc widget so that cup-sizes better reflect the actual size of the breasts described.</li>
<li>Made some changes to CockDesc widget, removing a few descriptors and adding a few new ones.</li>
<li>Changed the boxes in BruceFirstFuck to the textmessage format.</li>
<li>Made some changes to the debug cheats on the SlaveView page. Also added a few extra options for Energy.</li>
<li>Reduced the display size of some webms so that scenes flow better.</li>
<li>Changed the text colour of the shemale who fucks Rebecca, it was previously the same as The Mistress, and they're not the same character.</li>
<li>Changed the picture for feminine7 face.</li>
<li>Changed wording for automation results from "You earned" to "The Brothel earned". (Thanks Alice!)</li>
<li>Updated PCProAfroman to have a different image for when you're feminized.</li>
<li>Added a two new images for RestaurantGloryhole for when you're feminized, one for both Men's and Women's bathroom options. (Thanks Jordyn!)</li>
<li>Tried to fix the blank events again, hopefully I finally got it this time.
Update: It hadn't fixed it. I did another pass, and HOPEFULLY this time it will be fixed.</li>
<li>Fixed the huge bug with feminized PCPro scenes. They should now play properly, without errors. Sorry!</li>
<li>Hiring Jordan the Bartender now properly increases your income. (Thanks Sojourner!)</li>
<li>Fixed "New Scene!" not properly triggering for PCPro scenes.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where Rebecca versions of certain scenes would always get added to EventsSeen, even if you got them first with a different slave (eg. HandjobUnlock).</li>
<li>Fixed it so that the alternate version of BackwardsBlowjob now properly triggers "New Scene!".</li>
<li>Stopped ViewingBoothGloryhole from incorrectly repeating and fixed it incorrectly using "Back to Management" (Thanks Alice!)</li>
<li>Fixed an error in a TrainOral scene. (Thanks Brun0!)</li>
<li>{{{$SissyHypnoSceneCount}}} added, to avoid having to change a number in several places as more scenes are added.</li>
<li>Improved the "Make yourself Girly" debug options.</li>
<li>Replaced deprecated {{{<<click>>}}} macro with {{{<<link>>}}}.</li>
<li>Added {{{$PCInfStatusLow = 3, $PCInfStatusMed = 5, $PCInfStatusHigh = 9}}} to make certain checks more consistent.</li>
<li>Added {{{$Daniel}}}, a new character in the Elli storyline.</li>
<li>Renamed a few images.</li>
<li>Made Management more consistent code-wise, by adding in missing blank variables and reformatting the code.</li>
<li>Every name in the game now has a variable to represent it, in order to make writing a bit easier. Also replaced every instance of {{{$Slave1Name}}} with {{{$Rebecca}}}.</li>
<li>Added {{{$SlaveItems[]}}} to slave creation, to allow for slaves to own items.
Also reworked how Elli's upgrades/bonuses work, to fit into the new system. She now gets an "item" for every upgrade.</li>
<li>Added {{{<<BackSlaveEvent>>}}} for certain events, to go back immediately to the Slave's page from events.</li>
<li>Updated textmessage macro to be more flexible for player avatars. Removed {{{$PCAvatarDir}}}.</li>
<li>Updated {{{<<PushEvent>>}}} to take a variable. The widget is used to add an event name to the EventsSeen array.</li>
<br><LSU>Known bugs:</LSU>
<li>Some pages will not display correctly on small resolutions or in phone browsers. Try to zoom in or play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear in the wrong place if you're running the game in a small window.</li>
<li>Images sometimes don't show up when playing the game on mobile. Make sure it's extracted properly - or try a different browser.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear too large while playing on mobile, blocking certain buttons.</li>
<li>Extra spaces are sometimes inserted in text where they don't belong.</li>
<large><b>Release 22 - Automatic Systems</b></large>
<br><LSU>Patch Summary:</LSU>
<li>''Automation'' - The game now allows you to automate slave tasks. This is not a particularly good or beautiful implementation, but consider it an early beta version - improvements will come!</li>
<li>''Feminization & Hypno Matters'' - A lot of Player/male scenes now take feminization and Sissy Hypno into account - there's a lot of new text as well as a bunch of new images. To experience them, you have to avoid Male Clients until you've become hypnotized or feminized enough.</li>
<li>''Size Matters'' - A few more scenes now take the size of the players penis into account, more work of this nature will be done going forward.</li>
<li>''Systems'' - A lot of effort has gone into reworking the underlying systems of the game. As a player, you won't notice a lot of these changes, but it makes continued development of the game a lot faster and easier.</li>
<li>''Traits'' - Certain milestones in the game now give the player "Traits", they work sort of like achievements (but you won't be trying to collect as many as possible or anything). They'll make it more obvious to players when they've reached certain points where things change in the game. They are a work in progress, and mostly focus on the feminization path right now, but will continue to be expanded on.</li>
<br><LSU>New Content:</LSU>
<li>New random scene for Rebecca, BreakfastWithCream. (Written by Sojourner)</li>
<li>New Office scene, OfficePizzaBreak. (Written by Sojourner)</li>
<li>New BreakWill Scene, a harder BDSM scene that plays after you've unlocked handjobs. (Written by Philip)</li>
<li>Added feminized-player and hypno text variants to most Service Male Clients scenes, and feminized pictures to all of them.</li>
<li>New AnalTrain Scene, a harder BDSM scene, including an enema, that plays after a Slave has quite high Anal Skill. (Written by Philip)</li>
<li>Added variants, including new pictures, to HormoneTits5 for having a huge or tiny cock. There are now a ton of variants for this scene depending on if Rebecca is dominant, your Influence and Cock Size.</li>
<li>Added a placeholder scene for when you reach 10 Influence.</li>
<li>There is a new automation system, you can now choose a task for a slave to perform at the end of the week, and they'll spend all their energy doing that task. This is a work-in-progress.</li>
<li>Expanded on the IncreaseLips scenes a bit, adding more 'science' and worldbuilding to them.</li>
<li>AutoSkip now works for Training scenes and BreakWill.</li>
<li>ServiceMaleClients with Bruce now take into account if he's been hired.</li>
<li>There is a new Trait system, the PC can acquire certain traits throughout the game.</li>
<li>SissyHypno5 now gives you the trait <b>Panty Curious</b>.</li>
<li>SissyHypno10 now gives you the trait <b>Hungry for Cock</b>.</li>
<li>HormoneTits0.2 now gives you the Trait <pi>Girly</pi>.</li>
<li>HormoneTits5 now gives you the Trait <pi>Bra Wearer</pi>.</li>
<li>You now gain the Trait <b>Charismatic</b> when reaching 10 Influence.</li>
<li>Intro3 now references the Eastside Gang by name.</li>
<li>Made changes to the sidebar, adding Debt, Rent Cost, and moving some things around.</li>
<br><LSU>Gameplay Changes:</LSU>
<li>Rebalanced the submissiveness gain for all tasks.</li>
<li>Rebalanced the rate at which slaves gain all types of skill.</li>
<li>Changed the order of a few Influence upgrades, and the Advanced Bondage Gear now includes installing a dedicated BDSM-room.</li>
<li>Getting certain Influence breakpoints (the ones where you acquire new bondage gear) now increases the bonus to slave submissiveness gain (on top of the regular increase).</li>
<li>Slaves will now refuse breast-expansion beyond a certain point unless they're submissive enough.</li>
<li>Increased the Base Value earnings slaves make from prostitution tasks:
<br>Dance: 8->10 | Hand: 11->13 | Titfuck: 12->14 | Oral: 12->16 | Sex: 14->20 | Anal: 18->25</li>
<li>Increased the Base Value earnings from working in the Office: 20->25. Doubled the rate at which Office income increases (based on how many weeks have passed).</li>
<li>Fixed JordanDrunk showing up even if you hadn't serviced any male clients.</li>
<li>Fixed HormoneTits2 choosing which variation to play in reverse (serviced/not serviced male clients)</li>
<li>You now need to have serviced male clients at least once before getting the gay variant of RestaurantGloryhole.</li>
<li>AnalingusAssSize submissive version no longer gives the slave any extra submissiveness.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug where blank events would sometimes play. Hopefully this means you won't see the error-event any more, but let me know if you do!</li>
<li>Fixed another, related bug that would get certain events stuck, repeating in a loop, in rare cases.</li>
<small>Graphical & Text</small>
<li>Updated the text for the various slave asset expansion upgrades.</li>
<li>Fixed a typo in Daydream3 (thanks Bagg!)</li>
<li>Added lines to indicate when you've hit the the final, repeating IncreaseAss and IncreaseLips scenes.</li>
<li>Stopped the final asset Increase scenes from always displaying "New Scene!".</li>
<li>Minor changes to some text on the Management page.</li>
<li>Facilities and Staff on the AdvanceWeek page now display Income or Upkeep as appropriate (Rather than only displaying Upkeep).</li>
<li>"Advance Week" has been changed to "Advance to Next Week" in Management, in order to reflect the fact that the same button starts autoskipping if you have enabled that.</li>
<li>Changed the size of Bruce's cock - it was already described in plaintext as very big, but this will now be reflected statistically too.</li>
<li>Made minor changes to the way stat changes are displayed.</li>
<li>Fixed various typos.</li>
<li>Gave $Bruce a <bru>new text color</bru>.</li>
<li>Removed hidden nazi imagery from SissyHypno12 - I had no idea it was there.</li>
<li>Fixed one of the IncreaseTits variants incorrectly using the wrong image. Also swapped two sets of images around between sizes. (Thanks Sojourner!)</li>
<li>Fixed HormoneTits0 not displaying "New Scene!" properly.</li>
<li>The text for the first influence upgrade now changes if you become <pi>girly</pi> before buying it.</li>
<li>Reworked WorldBuildingEvents, they were growing hard to keep track of and the code was a bit stupid.</li>
<li>Set passage transition speed to 0s, to speed up automation. (Previous transition was barely visible, but noticeably slowed things down.)</li>
<li>Reworked the code for PCPro and rearranged some events.</li>
<li>Added {{{$HugeAssetSize = 9, $LargeAssetSize = 6, $SmallAssetSize = 3, $TinyAssetSize = 2}}}, to be used to make conditionals more consistent.</li>
<li>Replaced {{{<<endif>>}}} with {{{<</if>>}}}, as {{{<<endif>>}}} is deprecated.</li>
<li>Reworked {{{<<SubGain>>}}} and sister widgets, as part of reworking how submissiveness gain works in general (full revamp in a later release). It's now more flexible and less cumbersome to use.</li>
<li>Created a new, modular widget {{{<<SkillGain>>}}} to replace the clusterfuck of all previous widgets that increased skills. This one is now also more flexible and less cumbersome to use.</li>
<li>As a result of the previous two posts, removed a lot of now-unused widgets.</li>
<li>Reworked how skills are initiated.</li>
<li>Various code improvements all over the place.</li>
<li>Removed CaptureAttempt passage, it hasn't been used in a very long time.</li>
<li>Renamed a few scenes, and added checks for a few additional variant scenes.</li>
<li>Changed usage of {{{"false"}}} to simply {{{false}}}.</li>
<li>Added {{{<<diffbox>>}}}, a new macro for displaying AutoSkip results.</li>
<li>Added {{{<<PushEvent>>}}}, which adds EventId to seen events.</li>
<li>Added a new debug option under Inspect Self, to instantly become feminized.</li>
<li>Added {{{<<skirt>>, <<pants>>}}} which print either skirt or pants depending on if you're <pi>girly</pi> or not.</li>
<br><LSU>Known bugs:</LSU>
<li>Some pages will not display correctly on small resolutions or in phone browsers. Try to zoom in or play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear in the wrong place if you're running the game in a small window.</li>
<li>Images sometimes don't show up when playing the game on mobile. Make sure it's extracted properly - or try a different browser.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear too large while playing on mobile, blocking certain buttons.</li>
<li>Extra spaces are sometimes inserted in text where they don't belong.</li>
<large><b>Release 21 - Dreams and Choices</b></large>
<br><LSU>Patch Summary:</LSU>
<li><b>More Elli</b> - There's new Elli-exclusive content, including some gameplay changes to make her a better potential earner.</li>
<li><b>More Jordan</b> - Expanded upon Jordan's storyline with a new scene, and laid groundwork for more future content.</li>
<li><b>Slave Upgrades</b> - All slave upgrades have been reworked, there's a bit of new content, and most other content has been re-written.</li>
<li><b>UI</b> - Added an options menu and continued improving the UI - the sidebar and Management passage have been changed a bit - including a new look for Energy.</li>
<li><b>Synonyms</b> - Reworked all of the synonym widgets to create more flexibility in writing, and to create a better and more varied experience for the player.</li>
<li><b>New Scenes</b> - There are also several new scenes in the game to explore!</li>
<br><LSU>New Content:</LSU>
<li><b>PCProDomDaddy</b> - a service male clients scene, including a feminine variant. (Written by Popirs)</li>
<li><b>Daydream1</b> - new variants after repeat viewings as well as when you've started to grow tits, including one new image. (Written by Sojourner)</li>
<li><b>Daydream2</b> - a gif-heavy day dreaming sequence involving titfucking. It has variants for repeat viewings and your breast size, just like Daydream1. (Written by Sojourner)</li>
<li><b>Daydream3</b> - a day dream about masturbating as a girl. It has several variations and a lot of images to go with it. (Written by Sojourner)</li>
<li><b>JordanDrunk</b> - a scene which triggers after you've hired Jordan the Bartender and choose not to ignore the message in the scene where you hire him. (Written by Elboba, edited by Kris)</li>
<li><b>SlaveMakesBreakfast2</b> - a random event after any slave does anal. (Inspired by ChickenscratchRuskie)</li>
<li><b>RestaurantGloryholeStraightHighSub</b> - another variant of the restaurant scene - and renamed the previous RestaurantGloryholeStraight to RestaurantGloryholeStraightLowSub. As should be clear from their names, they trigger depending on if the slave has high or low submissiveness. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Elli new has an exclusive scene for her ''HandjobUnlock''. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Elli new has an exclusive scene for her ''BlowjobUnlock'' It has two variants, depending on if you've got high or low influence (or if you've gone down the Sissy Hypno path). (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>[Work in progress] Added a few ways to increase Elli's beauty - for now, there's a scene for the teeth-whitening but only placeholders for the other options.</li>
<li>Rewrote and recoded all of the ''IncreaseTits'', ''IncreaseAss'', and ''IncreaseLips'' variants. (Tons of help from Sojourner!)</li>
<li>Added an options-menu, for on-the-fly adjustment of various options instead of having them all at the start. You can now enable and disable fetishes while playing.</li>
<li>Moved the debug cheat for more money into the new options menu.</li>
<li>Added a new Debug Cheat, which will give you or slaves additional Energy.</li>
<li>Changed the look of the Energy-bar on the sidebar, it now counts in blocks of 100s, 50s, 10s, 5s, and 1s.</li>
<li>Added 11 new Worldbuilding scenes.</li>
<li>Updated the SlaveView page, you can now also change a slave's nickname.</li>
<li>BruceBeer event now has a variant for if you haven't met Bruce beforehand.</li>
<li>The first and third Service Male Client scenes now change if you have met Bruce beforehand.</li>
<li>Added a new image to the second variant of FirstMasturbationBreakWill.</li>
<br><LSU>Changes & Bugfixes:</LSU>
<br><small>Gameplay & Balance</small>
<li>Fixed the game from calling the non-existent scene HormoneTits6. (thanks to everyone who reported it!)</li>
<li>Made Non-Slave random events slightly more common, over Slave random events.</li>
<li>Disabled Spacebar-navigation on the SlaveView and SelfView pages to enable input of names with spaces.</li>
<li>IncreaseTits, IncreaseAss, and IncreaseLips now display "New Scene!" indicators like all other passages.</li>
<small>Graphical & Text</small>
<li>Made significant changes to the look of the sidebar, primarily making it more compact and changing the order of certain things.</li>
<li>Updated the stylesheet, removing a lot of margins and padding, as well as cleaning it up.</li>
<li>Fixed some minor typos here and there.</li>
<li>Minor textual edits to the intro passages.</li>
<li>Relabeled the optional "Sissy" fetish to the more accurate "Sissy & Hypno".</li>
<li>Renamed SlaveMakesDinner to SlaveMakesBreakfast, since that's what's actually happening.</li>
<li>Updated the tooltip for Beauty.</li>
<li>Changed the text colour in Inverted Colors mode to make it more easily readable against certain backgrounds, and fixed the worldbuildingbox from being totally unreadable in that mode.</li>
<li>Stopped you from creating additional rooms or trying to capture slaves once you've recruited all the ones in the game at this time.</li>
<li>Made minor changes to the look of Management, as well as what happens when you run out of energy.</li>
<small>Backend & Debug</small>
<li>Debug password is now case-insensitive ("Whoremaker", "whoremaker", "WhOrEmAkEr" etc are all accepted). Too many people thought the password had changed or was broken because they forgot to capitalize the W.</li>
<li>You can now turn Debug on and off at will after having enabled it once, instead of the ability to turn it off being one-way.</li>
<li>Implemented a small system that decreases the hassle of switching between private test builds and public releases, to make it easier to put out new versions, and makes silly mistakes from my side less likely.</li>
<li>Changed {{{<<NMS>>}}} and {{{<<NNS>>}}} from widgets to macros as they were printing extra spaces occasionally.</li>
<li>Added <fe2>{{{<fe2>}}}</fe2>, a new colour for female characters in scenes with two at once.</li>
<li>Added {{{<reb>}}}, a copy of {{{pi}}}, specifically for Rebecca.</li>
<li>Added the widget {{{<<s>>}}}, which takes an argument and adds an 's' if the argument is not equal to 1. (This just makes eg. "1 point/2 points" easier to code)</li>
<li>Hid away the TestPassage from the public release (even with debug enabled).</li>
<li>Added a new variable to slaves, SlaveBeautyModBonus, which allows for a flat bonus to be added to their BeautyScore.</li>
<li>Renamed a few images and moved others to subfolders.</li>
<smaller>Synonym Widgets</smaller>
<li>Overhauled all synonym widgets, changing the frequency of certain words, adding new synonyms and to make the widgets consistent.</li>
<li>Added rare synonyms for nipple and nipples (nip and nips).</li>
<li>Changed {{{<<Ass>>}}} to use certain words more than any other synonym.</li>
<li>Changed {{{<<Asshole>>}}} to use the words "butthole", "asshole" or "arsehole" more than any other synonym, and added a few more rare synonyms.</li>
<li>Changed {{{<<Pussy>>}}} to use the words "pussy" or "cunt" more than any other synonym,.</li>
<li>(Earlier undocumented change) Changed {{{<<Cum>>}}} to use the words "cum" or "jizz" more than any other synonym.</li>
<li>(Earlier undocumented change) Changed {{{<<Cock>>}}} and related widgets to use the words "dong", "wang", "knob" and "rod" a lot less frequently.</li>
<li>Added {{{<<SmallTit>>, <<LargeTit>>, <<HugeTit>>, <<LargeCocks>>, <<SmallCocks>>, <<TinyCocks>>, <<Pussies>>, <<Asses>>, <<Assholes>>}}}, filling in the missing plural/singular ones.</li>
<li>Added {{{<<Pissing>> and <<Pissed>>}}}, synonyms for the action of urinating.</li>
<li>Updated the design document with the new synonym widgets, as well as some general formatting changes.</li>
<li>Added {{{<<panties>>}}} , which prints the type of underwear you're wearing.</li>
<li>Added {{{<<girl>>, <<boy>>}}} which prints either "girl" or "boy", depending on if the player is feminized or not.</li>
<li>Added {{{<<littlegirl>>}}} which prints either "little girl" or "boy", depending on if the player is feminized or not.</li>
<li>Synonym widgets for bodyparts now takes an optional argument, the size of the bodypart in question, and returns either Tiny, Small, Normal, Large, or Huge synonyms for the bodypart. Updated the Desc-widgets accordingly.</li>
<br><LSU>Known bugs:</LSU>
<li>Some pages will not display correctly on small resolutions or in phone browsers. Try to zoom in or play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear in the wrong place if you're running the game in a small window.</li>
<li>Images sometimes don't show up when playing the game on mobile. Make sure it's extracted properly - or try a different browser.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear too large while playing on mobile, blocking certain buttons.</li>
<li>Extra spaces are sometimes inserted in text where they don't belong.</li>
<large>''Release 20 - A Bright Future''</large>
<br><LSU>Patch Summary:</LSU>
<li><b>Continued feminization of player</b> - Player's Legs and Ass can now be feminized, and has a set of unique pictures in the SelfView passage. Legs also takes Cock Size into account. There are several new scenes in the hormone storyline.</li>
<li><b>Continuation of Feminization storyline</b> - Several new scenes have been added, as well as a lot of stuff below the hood to facilitate further feminization of the PC.</li>
<li><b>Ease and speed of play</b> - One of the ongoing goals of WM is to make it hassle-free to play. As part of this, I've removed a few extra clicks from gameplay and sped up all transitions. A system for automatically skipping viewed scenes is also undergoing development in order to cut down on grind.</li>
<li><b>More Elli</b> - Elli is continuing to be expanded.</li>
<li><b>UI</b> - The UI has been updated, including new icons, end-of-the-week snippets and several formatting & styling changes.</li>
<br><LSU>New Content:</LSU>
<li>Added 3 Elli-exclusive BreakWill scenes, written by Kris.</li>
<li>Added a Shemale on PC scene (ShemaleTakesPC) random event scene, written by Sojourner. It triggers once you've been fucked in the ass at least once.</li>
<li>HormoneTits0 now includes ass-expansion the second time through. (Written by Sojourner)</li>
<li>Updated HormoneTits2 (was placeholder). New scene has three variants, depending on if you've got high Influence or not - and if you've serviced men or not. (Written by Sojourner)</li>
<li>Added Daydream1, a scene where you dream about having huge tits. It triggers once you're far enough down the hypno path. (Written by Sojourner)</li>
<li>Added HormoneTits3.</li>
<li>Added HormoneTits4, a scene with three variants, dependant on your Influence and if Rebecca is dominant or not.</li>
<li>Added "worldbuilding events" that display on the EndWeek passage. There aren't that many currently, but it will continue to be expanded.</li>
<br><LSU>Changes and Bugfixes:</LSU>
<br><small>Gameplay & Balance</small>
<li>Random events now immediately trigger, instead of having to click the link ("You have triggered a random event!")</li>
<li>Lowered the transition time for all passages from 0.15 to 0.05 seconds.</li>
<li>Increased the cost of upgrading your Influence, especially later levels. Influence has a pretty high gameplay impact, and is also used to unlock certain scenes. It is now a much bigger investement to go down the High Influence route.</li>
<li>The game now tracks Years, Seasons, and Months. There will be seasonal content eventually, but very little is implemented yet.</li>
<small>Graphical & Text</small>
<li>Updated all icons (Made by ChickenscratchRuskie, thanks!)</li>
<li>Updated the look of BruceMessage1 (along with a few textual changes), BruceMessage2, BruceMessage3 and BruceMessage4.</li>
<li>Fixed SissyMassagePegging sometimes displaying a name other than Rebecca for the slave in the scene (Thanks naicore!)</li>
<li>Ellinor no longer has the (unreachable) option for titfucking on her task page. (Thanks sissyqueen2211)</li>
<li>Fixed TrainSex incorrectly displaying extra text in all scenes. (Thanks Kris!)</li>
<li>Fixed a few typos. (Thanks Ashe!)</li>
<li>Fixed dinner.jpg not showing up. (Thanks Ashe!)</li>
<li>Changed the wording of Intro2 slightly to make it less ambiguous, along with minor stylistic changes. (Thanks Kris!)</li>
<li>Updated the look of the Management passage, including adding icons.</li>
<li>Updated the text of several ToolTips to clarify what certain things do/mean.</li>
<li>Fixed a typo in HandScene4. (Thanks, lookforme!)</li>
<small>Backend & Debug</small>
<li>Implemented a new macro to make textmessage-conversations a lot easier to work with.</li>
<li>Added a debug testing button to switch between "hormone" and "manly" tits for the PC.</li>
<li>Added several new debug options for SelfView.</li>
<li>Changed {{{<<PCTits>>}}} to {{{<<PCTitsDesc>>}}} and {{{<<PCFace>>}}} to {{{<<PCFaceDesc>>}}} for consistency.</li>
<li>Added {{{<<PCAssDesc>>}}} and {{{<<PCCockDesc>>}}}. The latter functions exactly the same as {{{<<CockDesc PC>>}}}</li>
<li>Added an option to test the Autoskip feature, which automatically skips viewed scenes. Currently only implemented for Slave Dance scenes.</li>
<li>Changed the way this changelog works, with an easier to grasp summary at the top of each release detailing the major changes.</li>
<br><LSU>Known bugs:</LSU>
<li>Some pages will not display correctly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear in the wrong place if you're running the game in a small window.</li>
<li>Images sometimes don't show up when playing the game on mobile. Make sure it's extracted properly - or try a different browser.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear too large while playing on mobile, blocking certain buttons.</li>
<large>''Release 19 - Ellinor''</large>
<br><LSU>New Content:</LSU>
<br><small>Major additions</small>
<li>There are two new characters, Ellinor and Jordan. </li>
<li>Ellinor is now the second slave (from the third), and has a storyline behind her "capture" as well as a lot of unique content.</li>
<li>Major rework to the screen where you give slaves tasks (there are now icons, amongst other changes)</li>
<li>Added three new options into RestaurantGloryhole if you have high enough influence. You can now stop the slave from going into the bathroom (and thus using the Gloryhole) if you don't want her to. You can tell her to stay and eat dessert with you, or get her to suck you off right under the table instead (third option is to let her go to the bathrooms like normal). (Under the table blowjob variant written by Kris) [Patreon Request]</li>
<li>Added a long femdom pegging scene between the PC and Rebecca, it triggers after Rebecca has started being frisky with Kate the Assistant and you've started being feminized by the pills. It was written by sAint.</li>
<li>Added a short anal scene between PC and a customer. (Written by Popirs/Emmafrostfestivalofdimonds, edited by deathbymanga)</li>
<li>Added a introductory scene with Jordan, that has a hypnosis variant if he's hired if you've seen enough hypnosis events before hiring him.</li>
<li>Added a scene where you scope out Jordan, and choose whether or not to go down a hypno route with him.</li>
<li>Added a Blowjob scene for Service Male Clients (Written by subrosa).</li>
<li>Added Ellinor's capture scene (Written by Kris).</li>
<li>Added a short ballbusting scene for dominant Rebecca. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added four unique BreakWill scenes for Ellinor. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added a deepthroat blowjob scene. It requires a certain level of Oral skill to trigger. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added a light bondage blowjob scene. It requires owning Basic Bondage Gear to trigger. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added a striptease scene with two variants depending on slave submissiveness. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added a CFNM lapdance/outercourse scene with two variants depending on if it's the first time you see it or not. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added a handjob scene. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added a blowjob scene with optional piss play once slave is broken enough. (Written by Kris)</li>
<li>Added a counter for when the next rent payment is due to the sidebar. (Thanks deathbymanga!)</li>
<li>Changed Slave page a fair bit, added icons (currently placeholder).</li>
<li>Reworked all the IncreaseLips scenes with some new pictures and text.</li>
<br><LSU>Changes and Bugfixes:</LSU>
<br><small>Gameplay & Balance</small>
<li>Fixed BruceFrot not being accessible after BruceMasc1 as intended. (thanks Lucciana!)</li>
<li>Fixed rent payments from overcharging you on the final one. It now also correctly displays that you're debt free the exact week you pay off the remaining debt (currently happens at the end of week 96).</li>
<li>Ellinor (Slave 3) no longer has "fuckable" nipples. This adjective is still used for Naomi (Slave 4), but has no functionality in the game.</li>
<li>You now need to refurbish the bar and hire a bartender before you can build your first new room and capture your second slave.</li>
<li>Refurbishing the Bar now costs ¤500 (from ¤300).</li>
<li>Increased the requirements for many Slave Skill conditionals, as you now get a lot more Skill by training slaves.</li>
<li>Increased the payout of the SlaveLezdom random event significantly.</li>
<li>Made changes to the CaptureSlave page in order to reflect that there are now two slaves to capture in total. Also changed the text when there are no more slaves to capture.</li>
<li>Bruce now has a portrait as intended instead of a broken image. It is merely a silhouette, and that's intentional. (Thanks to everyone who pointed it out! I think Tanaxanth was first, so thanks!)</li>
<li>Fixed DomScene3 not using the player's name properly. (Thanks Phantom901st!)</li>
<li>Minor textual change to PCProScene7 (Thanks Elboba!)</li>
<li>Fixed a missing image in BrucePhonesex. (Thanks Lampshade15!)</li>
<li>Grammatical and formatting fixes for various scenes.</li>
<li>The Bartender now has a name, Jordan.</li>
<li>Fixed missing/broken tooltip for creating new rooms.</li>
<li>Changed a lot of tiny little details on the Management screen.</li>
<li>Updated a few printing widgets with updated phrasing.</li>
<li>Removed extra linebreaks from SissyHypno12</li>
<li>Fixed a few places where "New Scene!" indicator was appearing in the wrong place.</li>
<small>Backend & Debug</small>
<li>Created the <a href="" target="_blank">Whoremaker Design Document</a></li>
<li>Added support for webms.</li>
<li>Added a few new testing shortcuts to TestPassage.</li>
<li>Added a text style for <jo>Jordan</jo>. ({{{<jo>}}})</li>
<li>Added a text style for <eli>Ellinor</eli> ({{{<eli>}}}). It's similar to the standard slave one, but a bit brighter pink.</li>
<li>Added a text style for generic <fe>female character</fe>. ({{{<fe>}}})</li>
<li>Added three new levels of PCSubStatus.</li>
<li>Slaves now have a new parameter for "Nickname". Rebecca's is Becka, Isabella's is Bella, and Ellinor's is Elli. Kate (the Assistant)'s nickname is Katie.</li>
<li>Added a widget, {{{<<NNS>>}}}, which prints the current Slave's nickname.</li>
<li>Renamed a some images for the sake of consistency and moved others around in the filetree.</li>
<li>Removed old debug text from a few passages.</li>
<li>Updated a few passages that were still using old code in places.</li>
<li>Created a widget to make all "Make a choice!" scenes look and behave the same.</li>
<li>Started replacing {{{'' ''}}} notation with {{{<b></b>}}} for the sake of consistency.</li>
<li>Renamed ProStrip to ProDance, ProBlowjob to ProOral and ProHandjob to ProHand for the sake of consistency, and updated all variables accordingly.</li>
<li>Renamed {{{$HandjobSub}}} to {{{$HandSub}}}.</li>
<li>Renamed {{{$BlowjobSub}}} to {{{$OralSub}}}.</li>
<li>Made some changes to how SlaveCapture works - it is no longer split up for no good reason.</li>
<li>Added comments to some of the code that was missing it.</li>
<li>Changed the error message that displays when Events missfire in order for it to be more helpful for debugging.</li>
<br><LSU>Known bugs:</LSU>
<li>Some pages will not display correctly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear in the wrong place if you're running the game in a small window.</li>
<li>Images sometimes don't show up when playing the game on mobile. Make sure it's extracted properly - and try a different browser.</li>
<large>''Release 18 - The Feminine Mystique''</large>
<br><LSU>New Content:</LSU>
<br><small>Major additions</small>
<li>Male-to-female transformation of the player character has been added to the game! It is still a work in progress and will continue to be expanded on. [Patreon poll result.]</li>
<li>You're now able to opt out of the SissyHypnosis content after a while without using the toggle to disable the fetish outright. There is also a later opt-out, if you want the SissyHypnosis stuff but don't want to actually be feminized.</li>
<li>Added a new Dominant Rebecca lesbian scene featuring the assistant (Kate). Unlock it by having dominant Rebecca + Assistant.</li>
<li>Added a second Dominant Rebecca lesbian scene featuring the assistant (Kate). It unlocks after the first.</li>
<li>Added a new PC/Male scene (PCProOralRelief) written by Elboba. It has a first/second time variation as well as additional content related to hypno.</li>
<li>Added a new PC/Male scene (PCProAnal1) written by Elboba. It unlocks after you've been fucked by Bruce.</li>
<li>Added two short Sex task scenes.</li>
<li>Added two short TrainAnal scenes.</li>
<li>Rewrote one TrainAnal scene.</li>
<li>Added a short TrainSex scene.</li>
<li>Added a new Bruce scene (BrucePhonesex). It has two versions, sissy and non-sissy/masc.</li>
<li>Added a short Dance Train scene.</li>
<li>Added a new hypno scene which leads to the player character eventually growing breasts, with a choice to not go down that route if you don't want to.</li>
<li>Added three new scenes for the new feminization route. If you accept the pills, you'll start growing breasts and becoming more feminine - these scenes detail you noticing these changes. One of them has a lot more content if Rebecca is dominant.</li>
<li>Added a new PC/Male anal sex scene, written by Popirs/Emmafrostfestivalofdimonds. It unlocks after you've been fucked by Bruce.</li>
<li>Added a new hypno scene, Written by Popirs/Emmafrostfestivalofdimonds.</li>
<li>Added a new Bruce scene, BruceFrot, a frottage scene written by Popirs/Emmafrostfestivalofdimonds. It triggers after you've gotten quite far into the $Bruce storyline and hired him as a bouncer.</li>
<li>Added a new scene in the office with the assistant, it'll start out as just an upskirt shot - but after seeing it a few times you get to fuck her.</li>
<li>The Assistant now has a name, Kate. She's also called Katie.</li>
<li>The game now tracks if you've given a man a rimjob, as well as if you've been rimmed by a man.</li>
<li>AnalTrain now has a variety of flavour text at the end of any given scene, this will be expanded to more places going forward.</li>
<li>SissyHypnosis storyline now ends early if you choose not to put on the panties.</li>
<br><LSU>Bugfixes and Changes:</LSU>
<br><small>Gameplay & Balance</small>
<li>SissyHypnosis storyline now clearly tells you that it's optional and that you'll be able to opt out of it.</li>
<li>Having a large penis now gives you a bonus to training slaves Sex and Anal skill, conversely having a very small penis gives you a penalty for these tasks.</li>
<li>Moved where one of the ServiceMaleClients scene appears, and makes sure it doesn't show up later.</li>
<li>Made random events more common. (from 60% to 70%)</li>
<li>Made hypno scenes appear more frequently. Also made slave random events slightly more rare, in favour of general events.</li>
<li>PCHandjobEventFem now only fires after having seen SissyHypno6 instead of SissyHypno4, to avoid it showing up for players who opt out of the hypnosis stuff early.</li>
<li>RestaurantGloryhole now gives adds submissiveness for the gay choice.</li>
<li>Fixed a softlock that would occur during BruceMessage2 if a particular sequence of choices were picked. (Thanks Kaeil!)</li>
<li>Fixed a masculine scene with Bruce accidentally giving extra femininity instead of decreasing it.</li>
<li>Fixed TrainDance not giving Dance Skill.</li>
<li>Overhauled Cock pictures, changing most of them. The previous ones were mostly placeholder, the new ones look a lot better.</li>
<li>Changed how descriptions of Cocks and Tits is generated, giving them a lot more flavour and variety.</li>
<li>Added a lot of new synonyms for Cocks and Tits, and added a system to allow for particular words only for certain sizes (eg "jugs" for large breasts). Generated descriptions should now be more pleasant and varied overall.</li>
<li>Changed the colours of input textboxes so they are easier to read.</li>
<li>A few small changes to SelfInspect formatting. Added a few more visible stats.</li>
<li>A few small changes to the optional fetishes page, particularly explaining that Gay/Male content and SissyHypno is optional and can be avoided through gameplay.</li>
<li>Added variables PCRim and PCRimmed to check for if the PC has given and received rimjobs respectively.</li>
<li>The Assistant (Kate) and Bruce now have their own styles to make it easier to keep track of their text colours.</li>
<li>The game now tracks Kate's stats as if she was a slave, without actually adding her to the slave roster (yet).</li>
<li>Moved a few images around to make them easier to keep track of.</li>
<li>Added new things to TestPassage (only for debug releases).</li>
<li>PC can now grow breasts, this is represented by a variable tracking the type of breasts/state of chest + a variable for the size of tits.</li>
<li>Changed the way the description of your face is displayed, added a widget for pictures.</li>
<br><LSU>Known bugs:</LSU>
<li>Some pages will not display correctly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<li>Tooltips might appear in the wrong place if you're running the game in a small window.</li>
<large>''Release 17 - Buddy Bruce''</large>
<br><LSU>New Content:</LSU>
<br><small>Major additions</small>
<li>Added the option to train your slave's Hand Skill.</li>
<li>Added the option to train your slave's Dance Skill.</li>
<li>You can hire Bruce as a bouncer/security guard after a certain point in the story.</li>
<li>Added BruceFirstFuck, the much-awaited continuation of the Bruce/Sissy storyline. Co-written by Elboba.</li>
<li>Added ProtectionMoney, a scene where a man and a woman from a local gang extort you for protection money. If you're submissive enough, you're able to be dominated by both of them in a bisexual sex scene. It unlocks by purchasing the Bar and having a bit of money saved up.</li>
<li>Added BruceBeer, a scene where you platonically share a beer with Bruce. You can also hire him to work for you. It unlocks after you've seen ProtectionMoney.</li>
<li>The $Bruce storyline now splits off into a feminized and non-feminized path. You can now refuse to wear panties, but still get $Bruce to keep an interest in you, just without the feminization.</li>
<li>There's a new sex scene with $Bruce if you choose to stay masculine.</li>
<li>Added 4 quick Hand Training scenes. 1 unlocks when you have unlocked titfucking, 1 unlocks by getting the Spa.</li>
<li>Added a longer Hand Training scene. It has several major variants depending both on a slave's submissiveness and Hand Skill.</li>
<li>Added 5 quick Dance training scenes. 1 unlocks when you buy the Bar.</li>
<li>Added a quick Handjob scene with mutual masturbation. It unlocks after a slave is submissive enough.</li>
<li>Added 4 new Sissy Hypnosis scenes, and made minor changes to a few others. Moved the order of hypnosis scenes, there should now be a better sense of progression between events.</li>
<li>One of the new hypno scenes has a huge amount of variations depending on several of your stats. Experiment with the following: Having the Assistant or not, Rebecca being dominant or not. You having high influence or not. There's a whole extra sex scene hidden in there, try to find it!</li>
<li>Renamed the unfinished event MoneyGain to MoneyEvent and wrote a bunch of short events for it. This is in effect 13 new random events. 2 of them has nudity. It now also has a chance to cause you to lose money. Scene made more common now that it has some actual content.</li>
<li>Added a toggle to disable Sissy content. <i>(This might currently miss a few scenes.)</i></li>
<li>You can now change how you want your slaves to address you from the InspectSelf page.</li>
<br><LSU>Bugfixes and Changes:</LSU>
<br><small>Gameplay & Balance</small>
<li>Fixed an oversight where ToiletPiss would only ever play a single scene variant. You now unlock it earlier and it has three variants as intended that unlock depending on a slave's submissiveness. (Thanks Botopa!)</li>
<li>Titfucking can now be unlocked before you build the ROS (You can give slaves larger tits before needing the ROS) - and now also requires a certain level of submissiveness from the slave.</li>
<li>RestaurantGloryhole now gives the chosen slave a little bit of Oral Skill.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug that caused Handjobs to be by far the most valuable type of task.</li>
<li>Added a few new synonyms for various words.</li>
<li>Fixed energy gain/loss being displayed incorrectly in some cases.</li>
<li>RestaurantGloryhole's gay scene now gives a max of ¤200 Cash.</li>
<li>Updated the look of the sidebar slightly and changed the order of some things.</li>
<li>Graphical upgrades of the SelfView page.</li>
<li>Changed one of the SelfView Cock-pictures and changed the order of two others.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where CockDesc would be broken sometimes.</li>
<li>Fixed some other issues with all description macros, they were printing nonsense occasionally.</li>
<li>Fixed Girly Items not appearing in your inventory like they should.</li>
<li>Fixed "rent" messages still showing up, and appearing to cost money even after your debt was paid off.</li>
<li>Made minor changes to BruceMessage4.</li>
<li>A message now displays when the PC loses his 'anal toy virginity'.</li>
<li>Added variable PCDildoed, for if the PC has had a dildo/toy up his ass. </li>
<li>Added variable SlaveIsDominant, to make multiple paths easier to code.</li>
<li>Added variable PCHypno1, to make certain checks easier.</li>
<li>Made some debugging code a bit more user-friendly. Only applicable to debug builds.</li>
<li>Made changes to the CSS-stylesheet to make it easier to remember which character uses what text.</li>
<br><LSU>Known bugs:</LSU>
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear in the wrong place if you're running the game in a small window.</li>
<large>''Release 16 - Renovation''</large>
<br><LSU>New Content:</LSU>
<br><small>Major additions</small>
<li>Added a new slave, Naomi! She's black.
<br>All appropriate images (face, pussy, ass, tits, asshole) added.
<br>She is still to be considered placeholder like slave 2 and 3 as she has no story. [Patreon Request]</li>
<li>Added a Hand skill for slaves - for giving pleasure with their hands (handjobs, masturbation, massage, etc). [Patreon Request]</li>
<li>Added a Dance skill for slaves - it represents how well they can move their body (stripping, lap-dancing, hot-dogging, titfucking, etc). [Patreon Request]</li>
<li>The SelfView page has been totally remade. It now also shows pictures for your face, penis, legs, ass, and chest.</li>
<li>The Advance Week page has also been totally remade with images and more information.</li>
<li>The economy has been reworked! You'll now earn less cash from pretty much everything, but things have been adjusted in price accordingly.</li>
<li>Added a SexScene that unlocks once a slave's Dance Skill is high enough.</li>
<li>Added two very brief showering Random Events, <b>exclusive to the new slave Naomi</b>. They unlock once she has large enough breasts.</li>
<li>Added a Stripping Scene with groping. Unlocks with large enough breasts and good enough dancing.</li>
<li>Added five new scenes to the Office: 1 Oral, 2 Sex, 2 Anal. They unlock as you unlock the appropriate tasks for your slaves.</li>
<li>Added a stripping scene for the Office that unlocks once a slave's Dance Skill is high enough.</li>
<li>Added another stripping scene in the Office that unlocks when you buy a Viewing Booth.</li>
<li>Finished the unfinished Bondage Sex scene. It now requires you to own Advanced bondage gear. This scene changes slightly if you get the new Personal Assistant.</li>
<li>Remade the HandjobUnlock scene, the previous scene was an unfinished placeholder.</li>
<li>Updated the intro with images. Also changed some of the text and fixed some typos.
<br>Thanks to DerpTheDark for some of the images and inspiration.</li>
<li>You can now enable/disable certain normally-automatic interactions with your slaves, on a per-slave basis. It disables certain events from playing.
<br>There is currently no benefit from disabling anything, it's to enable choice of preferred content. Eventually, it might be part of a larger system involving things such as slave virginity.
<br>It works for Office scenes and some Random Events right now. [Patreon Request]</li>
<li>The Kitchen upgrade has been reimagined and split into two different upgrades (Repair Kitchen and Hire Chef).</li>
<li>There is a new Bar upgrade for the Brothel.</li>
<li>You can now hire a Personal Assistant and a Bartender.</li>
<br><LSU>Bugfixes and Changes:</LSU>
<br><small>Gameplay & Balance</small>
<li>Major changes to the costs and upkeep costs of all facilities. The entire economy has been rebalanced.</li>
<li>Rent is now paid every 8 weeks instead of every 10 weeks, and the cost has been adjusted.</li>
<li>Your starting income is now 0.</li>
<li>Reworked BeautyMod - it no longer takes submissiveness into account, and is now stored instead of being temporary. It is displayed on the Inspect Slave page.
<br>Beauty can currently only be gotten from growing bigger tits, bigger ass, and bigger lips - but I'd like to make it a lot more varied in the future, with other things you can do to your slaves to increase their beauty, and without forcing you to go for asset expansion.</li>
<li>Reworked the earnings from all prostitution tasks and events. Submissiveness no longer gives extra money. Skills matter more.</li>
<li>Reworked how Viewing Booths work - they now give a lot less income but scale as you unlock more tasks for your slaves.</li>
<li>Titfucking is now based on a combination of Hand and Dance skill rather than Sex Skill.</li>
<li>Training your slaves give them a lot more skill points than before.
<br>Since you're not earning money and using energy, it needs to be worth it to personally train slaves.</li>
<li>Several events that previously didn't give any skill now train slaves in the appropriate skill.</li>
<li>You can no longer easily bypass the submissiveness requirement to change a slave's name.</li>
<li>You now earn progressively more money working in the Office as the weeks go on. It's still not a particularly good way to make money!</li>
<li>Made sex scenes in the Office happen a lot less often. (but there are many more of them!)</li>
<li>Made random events more common, again.</li>
<li>Random events no longer default to the unfinished money scene. Instead, you'll get more slave events.</li>
<li>You can now choose to "do neither" in the RestaurantGloryhole event.</li>
<li>$Rebecca now starts with 3 energy instead of 2.</li>
<li>The changelog is now split into sub-categories, and has a new-and-improved look!</li>
<li>The save menu was unreadable with the colours inverted. Fixed! (Thanks Michael_57!)</li>
<li>Continued hiding away debug text into debug mode. I think it's all gone now.</li>
<li>Fixed several typos and formatting errors.</li>
<li>Updated the look of parts of the Inspect Slave page.</li>
<li>Updated the game's main stylesheet. The primary difference is that the game now stretches out a bit further to the sides of your browser window.</li>
<li>Fixed some display issues with BruceMessage-scenes.</li>
<li>Leg-shaving hint text now disappears if you shave your legs.</li>
<li>Updated the AssDesc widget - asses are now described more pleasantly throughout the game.</li>
<li>Updated the CockDesc widget - Cocks are now described in a more consistent way throughout the game.</li>
<li>Shuffled around some of the Influence improvements. For example, injecting yourself with nanites now comes later.</li>
<li>Changed a picture and the description of Bondage gear on the InspectSelf page.</li>
<li>Minor changes to SissyHypno6 (many more words added to the blinking texts. It now tells you explicitly that you have acquired new items).</li>
<li>Minor changes to all Hypno scenes (more pink text).</li>
<li>Renamed 'rent' to 'debt payment' and similar phrases. You actually own the brothel and aren't paying rent. Carl will still explain it as 'rent'.</li>
<li>Minor graphical changes to the Slave page.</li>
<li>Fixed messages from Bruce being invisible with inverted colours (Thanks Koda!)</li>
<li>Made changes to several ToolTips.</li>
<li>Reworked items/inventory. The game now tracks an actual inventory, rather than it being ad-hoc.</li>
<li>Updated to SugarCube 2.29.0</li>
<li>Renamed some passages. (No change for players.)</li>
<br><LSU>Known bugs:</LSU>
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear in the wrong place if you're running the game in a small window.</li>
<li>Not exactly a bug, but there are currently no options to train slaves in Hand or Dance skill.</li>
<br>''Release 15 - Exspecto''
<li>Added a system that allows unique scenes for each slave. As part of this, Rebecca can now dominate clients after seeing ShemaleOnFemale2. Nothing for the other slaves as of yet. There is only one scene for this right now.</li>
<li>Added a very cruel, blowjob scene. Trigger it by breaking a slave enough then make her offer blowjobs. Written by jonwich.</li>
<li>Added a gay blowjob scene. Written by mlreta.</li>
<li>Added a short handjob scene.</li>
<li>Added keyboard shortcuts. For now, there is only one implemented - hit Spacebar to Advance Week, go Back to Management, or accept Events. Will refine this in the future. (Thanks austinhaney6969!)</li>
<li>Added a (non-porn) picture to the boring version of RestaurantGloryhole. Also renamed it from Gloryhole to RestaurantGloryhole for clarity.</li>
<li>Added a (non-porn) picture to the standard office scene.</li>
<li>Added a random event where a slave cooks you breakfast.</li>
<li>Added an event where the player character gets a handjob at the Spa. There are two variants depending on your Influence level. Written/Inspired by mlreta. A Shemale variant for this scene is in the works.</li>
<li>Added a scene in the Hypnosis storyline, with some new effects.</li>
<li>Continued adding items to the Self Inspect page and updated its look. There are now three levels of bondage gear, plus girly items that you can own and the game keeps track of.</li>
<li>Added the next Bruce storyline scene (sorry about the tease!) - and laid the groundwork for the player character receiving anal sex in the future.</li>
<li>Fixed the bug slowing things down after playing the game for long (reduced number of history states). Be warned that you can no longer go backwards particularly far, so keep extra saves instead if that's your thing.</li>
<li>Changed the Management Page by hiding away a lot of explanatory text into ToolTips. Also added a lot of new text and updated existing text. For example, Viewing Booths now better explain why they can't be built even though you can afford them, and their cost turns green to indicate this.</li>
<li>Hid away some more debug text into development mode.</li>
<li>Changed the way slaves are generated in order to make it easier to put in new features for slaves (eg. male slaves), and new slaves. No change for players.</li>
<li>Restructured a few widgets to make coding more consistent. No change for players.</li>
<li>Added some new internal shortcuts for coding ease.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug where RestaurantGloryhole could give you a decimal amount of cash rather than a whole number.</li>
<li>Added text that displays between SissyHypno6 and SissyHypno7 for the Self Inspect link on the management screen, making it a lot more obvious that you can now choose to shave your legs. Several players seemed to miss this, and was wondering where the $Bruce storyline was hidden away. It only stays between the two events, since some players will want to ignore the option.</li>
<li>Added an option to skip the intro after picking your name.</li>
<li>Updated all the training scenes to the new system. No change for players.</li>
<li>Changed the Welcome page a bit, made it more compact and re-wrote some of it.</li>
<li>Prevented Energy from going into the negative (hopefully!).</li>
<li>Updated the Paperwork/Office scenes slightly, re-writing one of them and structuring them better.</li>
<li>Wearing lingerie for $Bruce now increases your femininity.</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear in the wrong place if you're running the game in a small window.</li>
<br>''Release 14 - Resurgence''
<li>Added a <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon</a> for this project. Releases will continue to be public, but people who pledge on Patreon might get some additional perks.</li>
<li>Added a blowjob variation for the standard bookkeeping scene. There are two different versions, depending on slave submissiveness. Written by/stolen from DerpTheDark.</li>
<li>Added another sex scene variation for bookkeeping. Written by/stolen from DerpTheDark.</li>
<li>Added anal prostitution scene involving a shower.</li>
<li>Added four new quick Oral Train scenes. One is only unlocked at a certain slave submissiveness. Another is unlocked by getting a slave's Oral Skill up high enough.</li>
<li>Added two new quick Sex Train scenes.</li>
<li>Added a few pictures of bondage gear to the Self View screen after you've bought them, and certain scenes can now require that you own bondage gear before they show up (doesn't apply to any old scenes). This is a work in progress.</li>
<li>Added a piss-drinking scene with three variants that depend on how submissive the slave is. It will appear randomly, quite infrequently. (You can disable it.)</li>
<li>Added a system for gating off/disabling certain content. Will probably not expand this greatly, but keep it to the fringe stuff.</li>
<li>Added a Shemale on Female scene for the first slave ("Rebecca"), written by mlreta! It is a random event, and will trigger after lesbian scenes have appeared. It has two major variants.</li>
<li>Added a random event where you go to a restaurant with a slave. It has three major variations (boring, straight, and gay) with two smaller variations and a hypno variant appearing as well, Slave submissiveness is the key to unlocking the variants, and your own submissiveness for the gay route.</li>
<li>Added the next scene in the $Bruce storyline, a scene with some build-up for things to come. It triggers randomly just like the others. Written by mlreta.</li>
<li>Added another Anal prostitution scene, it unlocks when your slave's asshole is well-trained.</li>
<li>Changing a slaves name now requires her to be broken (ie. high submissiveness). The actual text you get is a placeholder.</li>
<li>Changed the Inspect Slave screen somewhat. There are now a list of attributes along with tooltips for them.</li>
<li>Personal sex with slaves (eg. during bookkeeping scenes) now train the appropriate sex skill to some extent.</li>
<li>Fixed bugged behavior for displaying slave's name in AnalSceneBBC (thanks Jami3!)</li>
<li>Fixed a bug in BruceMessage2 that displayed a replace error and another one that caused one of the No way! option to not work. (thanks Koda, Jami3, minibw and others!)</li>
<li>Fixed the accidental skipping of weeks when events happened. (Thanks Koda, sesbio)</li>
<li>Fixed so that the new male client service scene (written by TFC) is accessible. Just don't service males for a while, and get hypnotized and it will trigger.</li>
<li>Fixed a broken else-if statement on the Inspect Slave screen.</li>
<li>When a slave increases any of the sex skills, it now shows the resulting number as well as the increase.</li>
<li>Oral Training, Sex Training and Anal Training moved over to the new system (now also supports New Scene system).</li>
<li>BreakWill now supports New Scene system.</li>
<li>Hypnosis scene during bookkeeping now causes you to gain submissiveness.</li>
<li>Made random events more likely to occur in general.</li>
<li>You can now inspect yourself even if you have no energy left.</li>
<li>Removed some debug text (hid it away into development mode).</li>
<li>Added a name widget for piss.</li>
<li>Added a new level of submissiveness, for now it's used to check if a slave is broken enough to drink piss.</li>
<li>Expanded the system for bonus or minus energy to work for the player's energy too.</li>
<li>The way energy is displayed in the sidebar has changed, and now also displays the energy of your slaves.</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear in the wrong place if you're running the game in a small window.</li>
<br>''Release 13 - More Stuff!''
<li>Added a handjob scene that will only trigger once you buy the Spa. Three variations depending on slave submissiveness.</li>
<li>Improved/changed school-girl uniform handjob scene.</li>
<li>Added a double-handjob/facial scene that gives extra money, available once a slave is submissive enough.</li>
<li>Implemented a system for displaying ToolTips.</li>
<li>Updated the status bar with a few new features, including tooltips.</li>
<li>Added SlaveLezdom2 (co-written by mlreta, thanks!), a lesbian scene that triggers randomly after you've seen the first one, and made the first one non-repeatable. This series of events will continue, and are now exclusive to your first slave ($Rebecca).</li>
<li>Added the next scene in the $Bruce storyline, with a few options. Currently, the options lead nowhere in particular after the scene, but will allow for the story with $Bruce to go in different directions. (Thanks to mlreta for the help!)</li>
<li>Added a new system that alerts you when a new scene is being shown, one you haven't seen before. It will display a scene as "new" if a major variant of it that you haven't seen before is displayed. Please report any bugs or oversights regarding this system!</li>
<li>Added a new event (written by TFC) that triggers if you've not gone down the gay route, but have gotten hypnotized enough. Will expand on this route going forward.</li>
<li>Added a new male client service scene (written by TFC), with some smaller variations if you're hypnotized enough (hard to a achieve unless you don't start doing "personally service clients" immediately.</li>
<li>Added a new hypno scene (written by TFC) that can trigger when doing paperwork, it will not repeat.</li>
<li>Added a new Service Male Client scene (written by mlreta) that triggers at high-submissiveness.</li>
<li>Added a new Anal prostitution scene (written by mlreta) that triggers once a slave is skilled enough at Anal. </li>
<li>Moved Sex Prostitution and Anal Prostitution over to the new system. No change for players.</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<li>ToolTips might appear in the wrong place if you're running the game in a small window.</li>
<br>''Release 12 - Back in the Saddle''
<li>Added more variations and text to a Strip scene.</li>
<li>Added more variations and text to the FirstMasturbationBreakWill break-will scene.</li>
<li>Added a slave blowjob scene with several varations depending on the slave's submissiveness.</li>
<li>Once you have a slave that's submissive enough, there's a new sex scene that will trigger in the Tend to Bookkeeping page.</li>
<li>Various minor grammatical and formatting fixes.</li>
<li>Experimenting a bit with display of certain stats (eg Energy using bars)</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<br>''Release 11a - Fucking Hotfix''
<li>Fixed a bug that broke slaves learning how to have sex after the new event was triggered. Accidentally overwrote a variable, whoops!</li>
<br>''Release 11 - Carl: Rent and Blowjobs''
<li>This update has various minor undocumented changes. I lost my exact documentation and had to re-write the changelog from memory.</li>
<li>Added a huge scene between the PC and Carl, with major variations depending on how the game has been played up until the point where the scene triggers. It has dominant and submissive M/M, as well as M/F content. This is the majority of the update. The scene was written by Koda.</li>
<li>Added an option to invert the colours, giving you a dark background. However, the game will continue to be designed for play with the light background.</li>
<li>You can now see how much money you've earned/lost at the end of each week.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug that broke some things (images being displayed for example) after a certain random event was played.</li>
<li>Updated to the latest version of SugarCube (2.7.2) and fixed all the things (hopefully!) that broke.</li>
<li>Moved Slave Blowjobs over to the new system. No change for players.</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<br>''Release 10 - Pay Debts''
<li>Implemented a major revision to the first non-event blowjob Service Male Clients scene. It now has a ton of variations that play depending on your submissiveness and femininity. This was written by Koda.</li>
<li>Added a new titfucking scene, co-written by VonKayas. Has two different versions that play depending on the slave's submissiveness.</li>
<li>Started implementing Drones. <strike>These are still <i>very</i> unfinished.</strike> They've been hidden away completely for now, their unfinished state just made it confusing and disappointing. Expect them in the next release or two.</li>
<li>Added a scene that explains the whole rent system. It occurs on the 10th week, and contains an unlockable sex scene (break your slave enough).</li>
<li>The game now tracks your debt, giving you a long term goal to accomplish. <b>However, clearing your debt has no effect.</b></li>
<li>Added 'Paperwork' as a personal action, giving you something to spend your energy on if you decide not to service male clients. This is very unfinished, and likely temporary.</li>
<li>Added a (placeholder) scene that plays if you fall into negative money.</li>
<li>Added a random event, DeskBlowjob - there are three major versions that play depending on the slave's submissiveness. It earns the slave a bit of Oral Skill.</li>
<li>Renamed Dominance to Influence. This should make it more clear that it is totally separate from submissiveness. (Thanks Koda!)</li>
<li>Fixed BeautyMod incorrectly being set to 0.5 at all times. (Thanks ray!)</li>
<li>Moved descriptions of tits over to the new system, also changed a lot of the synonyms. Descriptions generated should now be more flavourful.</li>
<li>Moved titfuck scenes over to the new system. (No change for players)</li>
<li>Reorganized the Management Screen slightly.</li>
<li>Random events will no longer happen before week 4 (when you unlock Personal Service).</li>
<li>Continued fixing various formatting, grammar and spelling errors.</li>
<li>Reformatted Inspect Self page slightly. You can now choose if you want to have a beard or not from the Inspect Self page. This changes nothing, and is only temporarily in place for formatting reasons.</li>
<li>The lesbian scene between a slave and mistress (SlaveLezdom) now pays a decent chunk of cash. It is also 25% more frequent (it was a bit too rare).</li>
<li>Installed Leon's Combined Replace Macro Set and Cyclinglink Macro. These will make my life a lot easier!</li>
<li>Made it a bit easier to see when you've reached the highest current level of lips for a slave. (Thanks, Validan!)</li>
<li>SlaveDefiance event (where a slave loses all energy) is now more rare, and only makes the slave lose part of their energy.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug where titfucking was unlocked too quickly. (Thanks tooqoo!)</li>
<li>Updated to SugarCube v2.6.2.</li>
<li>The game now autosaves every time you visit the Management page.</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<br>''Release 9 - Accession''
<li>Added a few more hypno events, one of them will unlock the ability to keep your legs shaved.</li>
<li>Added a feminizing event that triggers once you're submissive enough.</li>
<li>Added a gay (male/male) blowjob scene, written by VonKayas.</li>
<li>Added a "femininity" variable for the PC. This will currently only increase in very specific circumstances. It has nothing to do with your sexual orientation, it is soley concerned with the physical state of your body.</li>
<li>Continued the Bruce storyline with a new event. If you're wondering where the content is, make sure you shave your legs.</li>
<li>Added a new scene, co-written by VonKayas, that plays when breaking a slave's will. It involves getting a disgrunteled client to punish the slave.</li>
<li>Added a new scene, co-written by Marianne. It plays randomly as long as you have a slave submissive enough, and includes Whoremaker's first lesbian content.</li>
<li>Random events are now more common (33% chance per week, up from 25%), this will continue to be adjusted.</li>
<li>Started implementing a major reconsctruction of how descriptions for bodyparts are assembled and printed, the system is now very flexible and allows for a wide variety of options. Thanks a lot for the help, Koda!</li>
<li>Changed the layout of the side-bar. It now displays stats in a more logical order. It also doesn't show up until after the intro.</li>
<li>Added a debug tool to allow easier testing of events (bypassing randomness). This tool is not available to players.</li>
<li>Added descriptions for the PCs legs, allowing them to be hairy or shaved. Once unlocked, you can now choose to keep your legs shaved. Also added variable tracking the PCs bodyhair.</li>
<li>Did some work on the back-end to allow for a few new styles of scenes to work.</li>
<li>Some (hypno) pages now contain additional subliminal messages.</li>
<li>BeautyMod now bottoms out at 0.5 rather than 0.0. This will make slaves earn slightly more money early on.</li>
<li>The game now stores all the events you've seen. This replaces using separate variables to check if an event has been seen before with a smarter and more flexible system.</li>
<li>The first three Male Client Service scenes will now play out in order, every time. (This was always intended behaviour.)</li>
<li>Restructured slave breaking scenes to fit the newer system (no change for players).</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<br>''Release 8 - Random Hypnosis''
<br><b>NB:</b> Some events imply that you can do something to stop them from happening - this is not implemented yet.
<li>Added 5 new stripping scenes and rewrote two other ones. Some of them only show up after your slave has gotten submissive enough, and one unlocks once the slave has a large enough ass, so don't forget to go back and strip every once in a while.</li>
<li>Added 5 random events that involve the PC receiving feminizing hypnotic messages.</li>
<li>Added a non-sex random event for slaves, the event will increase their energy for the following week.</li>
<li>Added a cruel bondage random event that makes the slave lose energy. Once a slave is broken enough, this will stop happening.</li>
<li>Added a new handjob scene.</li>
<li>Restructured and reorganized Personally Service Clients task to work properly even though you can now gain submissiveness from other sources. It should no longer be able to skip past. Also made sure the PC blowjob scene doesn't trigger if you've not serviced at least a few clients.</li>
<li>Added variations to the text of some tasks, to make it more obvious that they contain multiple different events (ie "Offer blowjob" or "Suck dick"). Events are not linked in any way to the text that's currently being displayed.</li>
<li>Added more descriptions for cocks of various sizes.</li>
<li>Random events now happen more frequently (~once every four weeks), and should far less often result in no event being picked.</li>
<li>Added game logic to allow for temporary energy penalties and bonuses for slaves. These show up in some of the new events. Also added a system to allow for temporary increases or decreases in the amount of cash a slave makes for selling her body. These also show up in events.</li>
<li>There is now a direct benefit to instructing your slaves to keep their pubic hair trimmed or shaved (it qualifies her for a particular random event). This will be removed later by adding more random events, as I don't want to force people to choose something that's not their preference.</li>
<li>Continued improving/fixing formatting, spelling and grammar.</li>
<li>Did a few changes on the back-end to allow for more flexibility and to make things more consistent.</li>
<li>Reduced the energy penalty for the anal scene that reduces it. Also increased its cash reward.</li>
<li>Made small changes to all handjob scenes, bringing them closer in line with the newer writing style.</li>
<li>Changed the colour of horizontal rules, making them stand out slightly more.</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<br>''Release 7 - "No Homo"''
<li>Added a scene that triggers when you unlock Anal prostitution for your slaves.</li>
<li>There's now a system that tracks submissive acts by the PC. The more of them you do, the more submissive you get. This system does not interact with your dominance in any way, so you can be both dominant and submissive at the same time.</li>
<li><b>Added 8 new scenes</b> where the PC personally services male clients. These scenes take advantage of the new PC submissiveness system and get progressively more slutty the more you do them. This content is exclusively gay (male/male). New content currently stops being unlocked after the first male/male blowjob scene.</li>
<li>Added a new submissive male/male blowjob event that plays when the PC gets submissive enough.</li>
<li>Fixed modifying yourself not caring if you could afford it or not. (Thanks naachan!)</li>
<li>A few of triggered events now increase the PC's submissiveness (ones that has the PC take a more submissive role).</li>
<li>You now need to unlock Handjobs on at least one slave before you can buy Viewing Booths.</li>
<li>The income from Viewing Booths now scales upwards the more of them you buy, making them more viable to purchase.</li>
<li>The amount of money earned from personally servicing clients now scales with your submissiveness.</li>
<li>Increasing your dominance made a lot cheaper (especially higher levels).</li>
<li>Changed a few scenes slightly to better reflect the new content.</li>
<li>Some smaller typos and odd formatting fixed.</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<br>''Release 6 - Modifications''
<li>Added a long multiple-choice scene for when you unlock the Sex prostitution task.</li>
<li>Added the Robotic Operating Suite (ROS). You need to install it before you can perform surgery on your slaves (ie expand their assets beyond a certain point).</li>
<li>Laid groundwork to allow for variation in nipples. There are currently no way to increase or decrease their size, but you can choose if slaves should have them pierced or unpierced (no pictures yet).</li>
<li>You can now inspect yourself. This is very barebones right now, but is the first step towards allowing more customization of the PC. You can currently increase (or decrease) the size of your cock. It has no gameplay effect other than changing descriptions in some scenes. This system will be expanded, eventually you'll be able to perform far more drastic changes, it's also the first step towards a femininity/masculinity system (and TG/TF).</li>
<li>The Advance Week screen will now tell you how many weeks are left until you have to pay rent, and how much the rent will cost. Also added a notice that shows you how much the rent increases by. (Thanks Sans!)</li>
<li>Fixed a few equations that were missing parentheses. (Thanks Rfpnj!)</li>
<li>Fixed another issue with displaying images on unix/non-windows systems. (Thanks SiriusProspect!)</li>
<li>Reworked the amount of money you get for every task, made the equations less complex and more streamlined. Still needs to be balanced.</li>
<li>Added singular variants for some descriptors, to avoid having to do awkward phrasing ("one of her boobs" -> "her boob"). Conversely, added a plurals to some other words.</li>
<li>Did some other improvements to how things are displayed to make it more convenient and flexible. Not much change for the player.</li>
<li>Improved back-end logic for building new facilities, it will now be quicker for me to add new facilities. The Advance Week page now also displays your facilities.</li>
<li>Changed the way random events work, making the system to be far more flexible. Still need to add a lot of random events.</li>
<li>Changed a few images/gifs.</li>
<li>Fixed a few typos and formatting errors.</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<br>''Release 5a''
<li>Fixed slaves not learning how to suck dick and fuck properly! Bad slaves! (Sex Skills should now add properly)</li>
<br>''Release 5 - Choices (and Assholes)''
<li>Added a multiple-choice event that unlocks when you get your slave's ass big enough. (Also added the architecture for multiple-choice events in general, expect more in the future!)</li>
<li>Added descriptors and synonyms for a slave's asshole's status (ie tight, loose, gaping etc). It is currently based on their Anal Skill. Asshole status is listed in the Inspect Slave page, and referenced in various scenes.</li>
<li>Added images to go along with asshole status. These are somewhat unfinished. Gape images can be disabled from within the Inspect Slave page.</li>
<li>Added two variations to Anal prostitution scenes that play when your slave has a loose enough asshole.</li>
<li>Added another, rather brutal, Anal prostitution scene that hurts the slave who does it, but pays a bit extra. (It is currently too common, due to having a small number anal scenes)</li>
<li>Added a short variant Stripping prostitution scene with a few variations that play depending on the slave's stats.</li>
<li>Added a button that takes you back to the top of the page, it only shows up when a page is long enough.</li>
<li>Added a new facility (Kitchen) that increases your personal energy.</li>
<li>"Nanites" now exist in the universe of the game (as planned), they're not especially realistic, but they don't have to be. They're nanoscopic robotic machines that can do all sorts of things, including but not limited to delivering drugs to particular areas of the body, expanding or shrinking assets, inducing lactation and much, much more. I'll try not to let them become "magic" in terms of storytelling.</li>
<li>Slaves now slowly build the appropriate skill when doing prostitution tasks.</li>
<li>Replaced "Buy bondage gear" with something more intuitive, it is now a list of various ways to improve your dominance.</li>
<li>Your Domination now affects all (random) submissiveness gains.</li>
<li>Once again, continued adjusting synonym lists. If you spot anything that looks silly, let me know!</li>
<li>Improved the ass expansion scenes a lot. Added some worldbuilding to them.</li>
<li>Expanded event logic a lot. I now have the systems in place to allow for all sorts of events that I want (for now). This might be buggy, please report any odd behaviour regarding events.</li>
<li>Moved all events over to the new system.</li>
<li>Changed the way random events work. There is still only one random event, it is very placeholder.</li>
<li>Made a few changes here and there to various tasks.</li>
<li>Updated the Welcome page. Check out the links to the games listed as inspiration, they're all great and deserve your attention!</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<li>The Inspect Slave page does not display properly on <i>very</i> small resolutions. Play the game in a larger window to fix.</li>
<br>''Release 4 - Breaking Them In''
<li>Added a rather long unique scene with multiple gifs that plays when you unlock blowjobs.</li>
<li>Added several new variations of the "Break her will." task, different scenes now also play depending on how broken the slave already is. Many of these scenes have BDSM themes.</li>
<li>Started adding progression to the Lip Expansion task, although it is still unfinished.</li>
<li>Implemented a system for random events. It currently only has one unfinished event (slave grooming) but will be expanded upon in the future.</li>
<li>Fixed a few typos.</li>
<li>Updated from a beta version of Sugarcube to v2.3.1 (this will not change much for players, but might resolve some odd bugs that people were getting) </li>
<li>Continued adjusting synonym lists, removing a few rare synonyms for 'ass' (like 'tush') and added a few other things elsewhere.</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<br>''Release 3 - Introducing the Backstory''
<li>Finally added the introduction to the story, and the first slave. Still need to tinker with it.</li>
<li>Added ~40 new images for ass expansion, as well as custom text depending on the current size while increasing its size (just like with tits). There are multiple different gifs for each step, so you might want to play it multiple times to see them all (or use the backwards button).</li>
<li>Added rudimentary timed events. Currently "Personally service a male client." will unlock after the end of the fourth week, with a small message. Expect this to be expanded a lot.</li>
<li>Beauty Mod is now a combination of Tits, Ass and Lips, with Tits and Ass being more important.</li>
<li>All prostitution assignments have been rebalanced and adjusted upwards. You'll now earn quite a bit more cash. They're still nowhere near balanced, but progression should now be faster. It is now a lot more important to expand your slave's assets.</li>
<li>Continued to expand the synonym lists, especially for very large asses and tits.</li>
<li>Increased the cost of new rooms, it will take longer before you're able to capture the last two (unfinished) slaves.</li>
<li>Inspect Slave page should now display images correctly for non-windows systems. </li>
<li>Reduced the filesize of a few images.</li>
<li>Updated Slave 1's largest breast picture to something less horrible.</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<br>''Release 2 - Tits and Titfucking:''
<li>Added titfucking, as well as an event to go with it. It unlocks after you get your slave's tits large enough.</li>
<li>The Inspect Slave page has been improved a lot, it now displays faces, asses and pussies in addition to breasts. Each slave has unique pictures for each category, be sure to check out them all! I also expanded the descriptions of various body parts and added more variations.</li>
<li>You can now choose how your slave should groom her pubic hair (hairy, trimmed or shaved). Some scenes now refer to the state of your slave's pubic hair.</li>
<li>Expanding your slave's tits now has progression with multiple gifs for each step of growth. There's also some subtle worldbuilding content added to the breast expansion scenes.</li>
<li>Changed the handjob-unlock event slightly.</li>
<li>Fixed/added the missing Inspect Slave breast images.</li>
<li>Fixed save menu.</li>
<i>Known</i> bugs:
<br>''Release 1:''
<li>Initial release.</li>
<hr><<Roll 1>>
<<set $SkillFactor = ((($BeautyMod/5) + ($SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] * 3) + $SlaveHand[$ManagedSlave] + $SlaveDance[$ManagedSlave]) / 10)>>
<<SetEarnings 1 $SkillFactor 14>>
<<set $TitfuckScene = []>>
<<set $TitfuckScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"TitfuckScene1\">>
$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] bares her <<TitsDesc>> and puts the client's long, <<Stiff>> <<Cock>> between them.
<br>She pumps up and down vigorously until, with a groan, the client paints her chest and neck with his <<Cum>>.
<br><<Image titfuck021.gif>>
<<set $TitfuckScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"TitfuckScene2\">>
Without removing her top, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] gets on her knees in front of the client and positions his <<Cock>> beneath her cleavage.
<br>He starts to thrust into the tunnel of flesh, enjoying the sensation of $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s <<TitsDesc>> wrapped around his <<Cock>>.
<br><<Image titfuck001.gif>>
<<set $TitfuckScene.push ("
/%Scene by VonKayas%/
<<set $SubTest = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $SexSub)>>
$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] led her client to the bedroom for a private session.
<br>She gave him a teasing smile as she slowly stripped her blouse off, exposing her <<TitsDesc full>>. They were being pressed together by her bra, giving her ample cleavage.
<br>The client gazed upon her ample cleavage with growing lust in his eyes as he unzipped his pants.
<br><pi>\"Like what you see?\"</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] cooed as she picked up a bottle of lube from the bedside table.
<br><blu>\"You're such a sexy little minx.\"</blu>, he replied. The man was now openly stroking his hardening member.
<<if $SubTest>>
<<set $EventId = \"TitfuckScene3.1\">>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] upturned the bottle of lube over her <<Tits>>, drizzling both them and the bra in the wet, slippery liquid.
<br><pi>\"Oops, looks like I've made a mess...\"</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] giggled. <pi>\"Would you mind helping me out?\"</pi>
<br>Without responding, the client approached $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave], a smile splayed across his face.
<br>He slowly took off her bra, releasing her slippery <<Tits>>. They were not free for long, the client's large hands quickly found them. His fingers played across $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s <<NipplesDesc>>, illiciting several moans from her.
<<set $EventId = \"TitfuckScene3.2\">>
<br><pi>\"T-thanks. Where do you want me?\"</pi>, she replied somewhat nervously.
<br>Wrapping his arms around her, the client guided $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] towards the bed. She laid down on her back and he straddled her chest.
<br><blu>\"Here we go.\"</blu>, the client says and smiles.
<<if $SubTest>>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] smiled at her client as she pressed her tits together, encouraging him to thrust into her pillowy mounds.
<br>He happily obliged, thrusting his <<CockDesc random>> between her <<TitsDesc full flavor>>.
<br><pi>\"That feels really nice.\"</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] purred.
<br><blu>\"Now take off your bra.\"</blu>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] nodded her head and slowly took off her bra. She was still holding the bottle of lube in her hands.
<br>The client nodded towards it. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] understood, she drizzled the lube across her <<Tits>> before rubbing it in, making her cleavage nice and slick.
<br>He pressed his <<CockDesc random>> between her pillowy mounds, sighing in pleasure at the feeling of her slick flesh around his cock.
<<if $SubTest>>
<br>Whenever the client thrust forward far enough for his cockhead to appear at the top of her cleavage, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] would reward him with a wet kiss on it.
<br><<Image titfuck003.gif>>
<br>This went on until the client's breath became ragged and he approached orgasm.
<br>With a groan, he erupted all over her chest and neck.
<br>Exhausted, he rolled off $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] and laid down on the bed for a while to recover.
<<if $SubTest>>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] stayed next to him with a smile on her face, enjoying the feeling of her new, sticky pearl necklace.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] quickly got out of bed to clean herself off.
<br>After a few minutes, the client got up and left.
<<print $TitfuckScene.random()>>
<br><<SubGain "slave" 0 6>>
<br><<SkillGain "Hand" 2 6 true>> <<SkillGain "Dance" 2 6 true>>
<<GoBackUp>>It was a slow day without many customers, as usual. Rain pattered softly against the windows and puddles were starting to form in the potholes in the road outside. $Rebecca was wiping down a table.
<br>You looked at her. The two of you weren't really friends, even though she had worked here for a long time. She was pleasant enough though, and you felt a little bit bad for what you were about to do. But only a little bit. In truth, you were excited; the prospect enticed you, you were looking forward to the possibilities.
<br>You smiled to yourself as you surreptitiously emptied the contents of the little vial into the glass.
<br><<Image intro001.png>>
<br><grs>"$Rebecca, would you come here for a second?"</grs>
<br><pi>"Sure $Name, what's up?"</pi>
<br><grs>"Here, try this."</grs>, you instructed, handing her the glass of water. <grs>"Does it taste funny to you?"</grs>
<br><pi>"Oh, no. There's something wrong with the water?"</pi>, $Rebecca asked with a worried look on her face. She was used to things around the hostel breaking down. Frankly, you were lucky to still have running water.
<br>$Rebecca brought the glass to her lips.
$Carl had called it <i>the Formula</i>. You chuckled, what a very specific name.
<br>When you asked what it was and how it worked he fed you some line about 'flunitrazepam', 'neurotransmitters', 'GABAA receptors', and 'benzodiazepine'. You couldn't keep up; you had never studied neurochemistry. It didn't really matter, $Carl assured you it would work.
<br>The Formula would put the imbiber in a very relaxed and suggestible state, it would also increase their libido. The effects are temporary, lasting anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, but will allow the training and conditioning required to permanently change the person take place.
<br>$Carl is an old... friend? Associate? Associate is probably the right word. You've known him for a very long time. His nickname, ever since you met him, has always been 'the provider'. It's quite fitting. $Carl will hook you up. You don't know how he does it, where he gets his stuff from - but somehow or another he manages to, well, provide almost anything you need.
<br>The formula had been very expensive, but $Carl was surprisingly lenient with payment plan, allowing you to pay him back in several installments over a few months. He was probably just as curious as you were to see if it'd actually work.
<pi>"Doesn't taste any different to me."</pi>, $Rebecca stated after tasting the water. There was a look of relief on her face.
<br><grs>"Finish the whole glass."</grs>, you encouraged her.
<br><pi>"Why?"</pi> she questioned, but put the glass to her lips again and continued drinking. She put the glass down once she was done.
<br><pi>"Nope, nothing strange about it to me."</pi>
<br><grs>"$Rebecca, aren't those shoes a bit uncomfortable?"</grs>
<br><pi>"What? These are the same shoes I always wear."</pi>, $Rebecca replied, a bit confused about the abrupt change in topic.
<br><grs>"I think you should take them off."</grs>
<br><pi>"But $Name. the floor is so dirty."</pi>, she protested. Despite her protests she leaned down and started pulling off her shoes.
<br>When she held her shoes in her hand she stared at them, looking very surprised. She looked back towards you, and her face was a picture of confusion.
<br><grs>"There, doesn't that just feel so much better?"</grs>, you ask, in a tone that makes it seem more like a statement than a question.
<br><pi>"Yeah, I guess it does."</pi>, $Rebecca responded unsurely, still looking very confused.
<br><grs>"I think you should take off your shirt too."</grs>
<br>She looked as if she wasn't quite sure whether or not you were joking. Regardless, she slowly started unbuttoning her shirt, took it off and folded it neatly over the back of a chair.
<br>Underneath, $Rebecca was wearing a plain bra that covered her small breasts.
<br><pi>"Y-yes?"</pi>. $Rebecca seemed very nervous.
<br><grs>"Remove your bra."</grs>, you instructed.
<br><pi>"What? N-no way."</pi>, $Rebecca protested. She reached behind her back and started to unclasp her bra. It fell to the floor in front of her. $Rebecca had a stunned look on her face as she realized what she had done.
<br>As her breasts were freed, you could see that their pink tips had stiffened.
<br><<Image tits003.gif>>
<br><pi>"W-what?"</pi>, $Rebecca asked, with a baffled look on her face as she gazed down upon her exposed chest. She moved to cover herself with her hands.
<br><grs>"Oh, $Rebecca, no need to be such a tease."</grs>, you said, with a broad smile on your face and pulled her hands aside.
<br>When $Rebecca noticed your smile she started smiling faintly too, as if by subconscious influence.
<br><grs>"Don't be coy, keep going."</grs>
<pi>"$Name, what's happening to me?"</pi>, $Rebecca asked as she slipped out of her panties. It seems like she finally realized that something strange was going on.
<br><grs>"Master."</grs>, you corrected her, matter-of-factly.
<br><pi>"What's happening to me, Master?"</pi>, she asked again, without hesitating.
<br>You moved closer to her and cupped her breasts in your hand, letting your fingers brush across her nipples. $Rebecca let out a moan full of desire.
<br>After teasing her breasts for a moment, you let your hand lazily trail across her stomach, heading towards the honeypot between her legs. Before you got there however, she grabbed your arm with both her hands and pushed you back.
<br><pi>"N-no, stop it!"</pi>, she cried, falling to her knees.
<br><pi>"Please, $Name, stop this. Whatever is happening, please stop it."</pi>, she pleaded, with a hint of desperation in her voice.
<br><pi>"Please, Master..."</pi>, she whispered, <pi>"... please stop."</pi>
<br>You decided it would be unwise to push her too far at once and relented.
<br>You moved your hand to cup her chin instead, and turned her head upwards until her gaze met yours.
<br><<Image bondage006.jpg>>
<br><grs>"Don't worry $Rebecca, everything is going to be just fine."</grs>, [[you told your first slave.|Intro5]]<<run console.log("Event Preintro - \n $EventCall: " + $EventCall + "\n $EventName: " + $EventName + "")>>
<<if $EventCall>>
<<set $EventName = $EventCall>>
<<set $EventId = $EventName>>
<<unset $RandomEvent>>
<<if $RandomSlave == undefined>>
<<set $RandomSlave = 1>>
<<if $ManagedSlave == undefined>>
<<set $ManagedSlave = 1>>
<<run console.log("Event Postintro - \n $EventCall: " + $EventCall + "\n $EventName: " + $EventName + "")>>
/% ^ Story/One-Time Events %/
<<if $EventName == "JordanDrunk">>
/% Written by Elboba, edited by Kris %/
$Jordan is hammered, he must've been drinking for quite a while before you joined him after work.
<br>You're sitting in one of the private booths by the bar, enjoying his company. You aren't sure if it's the images you have been sending him or if he's just nervous, but he keeps giving you nervous glances and shifting around in his seat, as if unsure of himself.
<br><jo>"Man, I could go some pussy right now."</jo>, he slurs.
<br><PC>"You know you work in a whore house, right?"</PC>
<br><jo>"I didn't know if I could use the merchandise."</jo>, $Jordan replies, a little glazed over.
<br><PC>"How about a lap dance from $SlaveName[1]?"</PC>, You offer.
<br><jo>"Fuck yeah, are you gonna get one too?"</jo>, $Jordan asks.
<br><PC>"$SlaveName[1] knows how to play a crowd."</PC>
<br>You quickly send the request to $SlaveName[1] and she is promptly on her way.
<br><jo>"Scoot over here boss, I have a super important question."</jo>, $Jordan slurs, motioning for you to sit beside him.
You move over, and he puts his arm over your shoulder and pulls you closer.
<br>Lowering his voice, and getting close to your ear, he whispers,
<<if $PCAnalFucked && $PCSub > $PCSubStatus.anal>>
<jo>"I overheard a guy in the bar say that he had the <i>best time</i> fucking you..."</jo>
<jo>"I overheard a guy in the bar say that you, personally, provided a very memorable service."</jo>
<br><PC>"Do you have a problem with that?"</PC>, you ask, rhetorically - judging by the way he's leaning on you, hugging you close, you doubt he has any <i>problems</i> with that.
<br><jo>"Ah, no, not at all. I was just wondering…"</jo>, he stumbles over his words.
<<if $PCAnalFucked && $PCSub > $PCSubStatus.anal>>
<br><PC>"What are you saying, you wanna fuck me, $Jordan?"</PC>, you tease.
<br><PC>"What are you saying? Do you want a <i>memorable service</i>, $Jordan?"</PC>, you tease.
<br><jo>"No, no, no nothing like that. I figured it was for the money?"</jo>, he replies.
<<if $PCAnalFucked && $PCSub > $PCSubStatus.anal>>
<br><PC>"The money is a nice a bonus."</PC>, you respond with a coy smirk.
<br><PC>"Yeah... the money is nice too, I guess."</PC>, you respond.
<br>$Jordan looks at you, his drunken mind trying to process what you just said, as $SlaveName[1] walks in.
<br><reb>"Having a little party, are we?"</reb>, $SlaveName[1] asks.
<br><PC>"Yup."</PC>, you reply, and motion for her to get started.
<br>Like a true professional $SlaveNickname[1], gets straight to work, all the right moves all the right touches. $Jordan lays his head back and enjoys the contact.
<br><<Webm strip011.webm 600>>
<br>$SlaveName[1] grinds hard on his crotch, $Jordan's breath catches and he flexes his body. You're pleased to note that when he moans and pushes his hips up, he squeezes you as well, pulling you closer.
<br>You shift a little so that you can face him. His hand now at the top of your <<PCAssDesc>>.
<br>$SlaveName[1] straddles $Jordan, palming his <<CockDesc $JordanCockSize>> with a teasing smile on her face. Another moan - and this time he squeezes your <<Ass>>.
<br>Throwing caution to the wind you slide your hand up his shirt, fingers roaming over his rock hard abs. As you trace your fingers over his chest, you turn your focus to a <<Nipple>>, teasing it. The way he squeezes at your <<PCAssDesc>> in response is consent enough for you to continue.
<br>$SlaveName[1] gives you a knowing smile as she grinds down on $Jordan's hardness. She leans forward while sliding a hand behind his head to give him a gentle kiss. You watch them, the wet softness of their lips, the tenderness in $SlaveName[1]'s touch. With a wink, she breaks the kiss and deliberately tilts $Jordan towards you.
<br>You can't help yourself: you answer her challenge.
<br>He continues to kiss you, with the same delicacy as he did $SlaveName[1].
<br><<if $PCGirly>><<Image kiss001.gif>><<else>><<Image gay025.gif>><</if>>
<br>$Jordan moans into your mouth as you continue your exploration of his chest. $SlaveName[1] picks up the pace, grinding harder as you deliberately give his <<Nipple>> a hard squeeze. His gasp allows you to slide your tongue into his mouth. There is a very small pause and then he moans, pressing up against you as he takes control of the kiss. His technique is rough, but there's something thrilling about that.
<br>Moments later, $Jordan shudders, a hand on each of you, pressing you into his body as he cums.
<br>Judging by the huge wet patch in his jeans, it was a massive load.
<br><reb>"Pleasure, boys!"</reb>, $SlaveName[1] says as she hops off $Jordan's lap and leaves.
<br>For a few, long minutes, the only sound in the room is $Jordan's breath as he tries to collect himself. Eventually you take pity on him, helping him to his feet.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br>You can't help but look at his crotch - fuck, how you'd love to strip him naked and clean up that <pi>yummy</pi> mess with your tongue, and milk what's still left in his <<CockDesc $JordanCockSize>>
<br><jo>"Never done that before..."</jo>, $Jordan whispers to himself.
<br><PC>"You alright to get to bed?"</PC>, you ask.
<br><jo>"Uh, huh? Oh, yeah, yeah... all good!"</jo>, $Jordan breaks whatever train of thought he was stuck in.
<br><PC>"Have a good night, $Jordan. See you tomorrow."</PC>
<br>You're almost out of the room when you add: <PC>"Be sure to drink some water before you go to sleep. Don't want you feeling too useless tomorrow, the bar's gonna be open."</PC>
<br><jo>"Yes, Boss."</jo>
<<elseif $EventName == "MeetingJordan">>
<span id="BackButton">
<<if $SeenSissyHypno2>>
<<set $JordanMessageOutro = "
<br><b>You hire Jordan to be your new bartender.</b>
<<set $ShowJordan = "
<<set $EventId = \"MeetingJordanShowJordan\">>
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventId)>>
<br>You decide to show $Jordan the message, making sure you stay well clear of the screen - so that it doesn't affect you.
<br><PC>\"One more thing before we're done, come take a look at this.\"</PC>
<br>$Jordan curiously comes over, and you motion for him to sit in your chair and take a look at the screen.
<br>His eyes quickly go blank, his mouth slightly agape. It's clearly having the same effect on him as it would on you.
<br>You end up watching him for a while, thinking that it might be fun to have a submissive boy-toy around... perhaps you should do this again in the future?
<br>After around fifteen minutes, he snaps out of it, and seems to have forgotten what he was doing.
<br><jo>\"... sorry, Sir, I think I must've spaced out for a bit. What were we doing?\"</jo>
<br>You just smile at him and tell him not to worry about it - and that he's got the job.
<<set $IgnoreMessage = "
<<set $EventId = \"MeetingJordanIgnoreMessage\">>
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventId)>>
<br>Mustering a fair bit of willpower, you decide to ignore the message for now, and turn off the computer.
<br>You turn to $Jordan with a smile and tell him the job is his.
<<set $ShareMessage = "
<<set $EventId = \"MeetingJordanShareMessage\">>
<br>As soon as you make the decision to share the message with Jordan, things go black.
<br>Time seems to disappear.
<br>All you know is that you've hired Jordan <is>(and that you had a good time...?)</is>
Having refurbished the brothel's bar, you've realized that you need to hire a bartender.
<br>You simply don't have time to constantly tend to guests there any more, and <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>your slaves are<<else>>$SlaveName[1] is<</if>> too busy helping clients with <i>other things</i>.
<br>Finding potential employees isn't hard - there are plenty of desperate people out there, but you need to find someone reliable.
<br>You posted a "help wanted" sign at the bar, and it doesn't take long until people seek you out to apply for the job.
<br>Most are useless: addicts looking for an easy score in a quick paycheck, or to take advantage of or rob you; uneducated and illiterate fools; young children or elderly cripples.
<br>None of them would do.
<br>After rejecting several dozen people, you're approached by a man in his mid-twenties. He's dressed in a proper button-up shirt, his hair nicely styled. He asks about the job. You explain the details to him. he smiles, and hands you a small folder.
<br>You're caught by surprise, he actually handed you a CV. Like in the old days.
<br>It's a pleasant surprise to be sure though. This man seems like a great choice. He even has some previous bartending experience listed on his CV.
<br>He introduces himself as $Jordan, and calls you <jo>"Sir"</jo>. A good sign.
<br>You take $Jordan to your office to conduct a brief interview - mostly a formality at this point, but if he's making an effort to be <i>proper</i>, you will too.
<br><<Image events\interview.jpg>>
<br>You ask the basic questions. $Jordan tells you that he used to work at a fairly prestigious hotel, serving as their bartender - but, like most other businesses in the area, they had been forced to shut down as clientele dried up.
<br>He's been getting by on day jobs since then, but was always on the lookout for another bartending position.
<br>You ask him if he understands what kind of place he'll be working in - and he seems to:
<br><jo>"To be honest Sir, it's not exactly the kind of place I dreamed I'd be working at when I studied to become a bartender. But, well, it's not so bad either. Not really the kind of place I'd spend my evenings at normally, but I have no problem with the kind of business that goes on here. And the new bar looks really good!"</jo>
<br>His response is refreshingly honest, and just the kind of thing you were after.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno2>>
<br>You wrap things up with a few more questions, then right as you're about to offer him the job - a message appears on your computer. One of those...
<span id ="MeetingJordan">
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<br><pi>(My my gosh! What an opportunity!!)</pi>
<br><pi>(Time for some <pish>dick</pish>!)</pi>
<<link "Show Jordan the message.">>
<<replace "#MeetingJordan">>
<<print $ShowJordan>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<link "Share the message with Jordan!">>
<<replace "#MeetingJordan">>
<<print $ShareMessage>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<link "Ignore the message for now, you'll open it alone later.">>
<<replace "#MeetingJordan">>
<<print $IgnoreMessage>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<elseif $SeenSissyHypno2>>
<br><PC>(Oh no! Not now!)</PC>
<br><PC>(Wait, this could be an opportunity!)</PC>
<<link "Show $Jordan the message.">>
<<replace "#MeetingJordan">>
<<print $ShowJordan>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<link "Ignore the message for now.">>
<<replace "#MeetingJordan">>
<<print $IgnoreMessage>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<br>You wrap things up with a few more questions, and you're satisfied.
/% ########### Placeholders %/
<<elseif $EventName == "JordanPhone">>
/% #### images? %/
/% Written by Elboba %/
It's one of those days - business is booming but you seem to lose track everything. Right now, you have no idea where you put your phone. After searching for a while, you rack your brain and think you remember using it last at the bar.
<br>As you walk into the large common room, you take a quick glance around. It's packed with people drinking, dancing, and generally enjoying themselves. <<NMS>> is putting on a good show over by the stage, and has gathered quite an audience.
<br>As you make your way to the bar, you realize that $Jordan isn't at his usual spot. You don't see your phone either, but maybe $Jordan has seen it? You just need to find him.
<br>You take a look around the back room, but he's not there either. After a while you hear a door slam close, it's to the small employee-only bathroom. That must be where he is.
<br>Well, that suits you well - you could go for a piss and ask $Jordan at the same time, you needed to go anyway.
<br>$Jordan is standing at the urinals, you give him the standard head-nod and get next to him while unbuckling.
<br><jo>"Hey, Boss."</jo>, he greets you.
<br>You realize you've not actually seen his <<Cock>>. Might as well take the chance. You take a sneaky peek.
<br>It takes a lot of self control to prevent yourself from letting out an audible gasp. That's a real <i>trouser snake</i>. Easily five inches - soft!
<br>You look away, attempting to make eye-contact with $Jordan again, only to catch him staring at your own junk.
<br>Aiming yourself into the urinal, you release, and $Jordan eventually stops staring. He's done pissing by now, but it doesn't seem like he's planning to leave just yet.
<br><PC>"Hey $Jordan, how's it going? You seen my phone?"</PC>, you ask.
<br>He seems slightly startled at the question, but replies, <jo>"Oh, yeah! I found it at the bar. Was gonna come give it to you, here."</jo>, he slides your phone out of his pocket and hands it to you. It's slightly awkward since you're still pissing - but you're glad to get your phone back.
<br>You shake off the last few drops and zip up, grab your phone, then follow $Jordan to the sink to wash up.
<br><PC>"Thanks, I've been searching for a while now."</PC>, you tell him.
<br><jo>"No problem!"</jo>, he says cheerfully.
<br>As you wash your hands at the sink, you catch him throwing sideways glances at you - if you didn't know any better, you'd say he was checking you out. An idea forms in your head, perhaps you and $Jordan could have some <i>fun</i>?
<br>He's quite submissive by nature and seems to have taken to the servant/master dynamic of your professional relationship quite quickly, and even taken it further than you'd expect. He's always deferent to you, keeps calling you "Sir", and always does what he's told. He'd make a good little toy...
<br>The only question is how.
<<if $HypnoContentEnabled>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("MeetingJordanShowJordan") || $EventsSeen.contains("MeetingJordanShareMessage")>>
<br>You've already introduced him to one of those hypnotic messages, and that seems to have gone well. Perhaps you should continue down that path?
<br>There's always the option of showing him some of those hypnotic messages that you receive. It shouldn't be hard to share them with him.
<br>Or perhaps you want do to things the old-fashioned way?
<<if $HypnoContentEnabled>>
<<linkreplace "Start exposing him to hypnotic messages.">>
You make plans and set them into action.
<br><b>$Jordan will now frequently be exposed to hypnotic messages.</b>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<br><grey>Start exposing him to hypnotic messages.</grey> <r>(Hypno content disabled)</r>
<<linkreplace "Do it the old-fashioned way.">>
You decide to do it the old-fashioned way instead, choosing not to expose $Jordan to any hypnotic messages.
<br>He seems keen enough without them. You won't do anything straight away, but wait for the right opportunity.
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<linkreplace "No, let's keep this professional.">>
You dismiss the thoughts, $Jordan doesn't really do it for you. Besides, you don't want to complicate things. It's nice to have someone at the brothel you don't have a sexual relationship with.
<br>You decide to keep it strictly professional, and won't persue anything else with him.
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<</linkreplace>> <b>(Ends the $Jordan storyline.)</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "ViewingBoothIntro">>
/% #### %/
<i>This is a placeholder event for when you purchase the first Viewing Booth.</i>
<<elseif $EventName == "ViewingBoothGloryhole">>
/% Written by Kris %/
You're sitting at your desk when $SlaveName[1] walks- no, saunters in, wearing a very salacious piece of lingerie. If you can even call it that. A tight fishnet top and bottom, with no underwear.
<br>She might as well be naked. Though this is somehow more naked than being naked...
<br><<Image girl008.jpg>>
<br>It's not something you've seen before, certainly not anything that you purchased, which means she must have received it from one of her more dedicated clients.
<br><reb>"So, I've been thinking-"</reb>, she draws the word out, taking her time as delicate hands begin to massage your shoulders. In another life, perhaps she could have made a living doing this instead... <reb>"About some improvements. For this place."</reb>
<br>Her thumb digs into a particularly recalcitrant knot. You groan.
<br><PC>"Were you now?"</PC>
<br><reb>"Not to overstep, of course!"</reb>, she reassures you. <reb>"But I have some clients that might benefit from... something special."</reb>
<br>You close your eyes, trying to imagine just exactly what $SlaveName[1] might be planning on asking for. Maybe a fucking machine or a whip, or a new strap-on?
<br>Encouraged by the little sounds you keep making, she keeps going, <reb>"See, some of my bitch-boys are just dying to wrap their lips around a tasty, juicy <<HugeCock>>. They're just a bit skittish about being seen. A glory hole would be a perfect solution! And just think, it'd be a double pay day!"</reb>
<br>You can't argue with that kind of logic. <PC>"The viewing booths could use an upgrade."</PC>
<br>$SlaveName[1] claps her hands, clearly pleased with herself. <reb>"I'll get started right away!"</reb>
<<if !$ViewingBoothUpgrades.includes("Gloryhole")>>
<<set $ViewingBoothUpgrades.push("Gloryhole")>>
<br><b>Your Viewing Booths have been upgraded with gloryholes, increasing their income and unlocking new scenes..</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "Charismatic">>
<i>This is a placeholder event for when you reach 10 Influence.</i>
<<if !$PC.Traits.includes("Charismatic")>>
<<set $PC.Traits.push("Charismatic")>>
<br>You have become very <b>charismatic</b>, you can easily persuade people to listen to you, and change their minds. People are naturally at ease around you, if you want them to be - you can just as easily be intimidating or domineering.
<<elseif $EventName == "HandjobUnlock">>
/% Sort out EventId variants for different slaves %/
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventName + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $EventId = ($EventName + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<if $ManagedSlave == 2>>
/% Elli version written by Kris %/
<PC>"I think she's ready to move onto the next phase."</PC>, you mumble, half to yourself, after watching <<NMS>>'s little show one night.
<br>Apparently, she heard you.
<br><eli>"But you said-"</eli>, she begins to protest.
<br><PC>"I said you didn't have to do anything you didn't want to."</PC>, you interrupt her.
<br>You move across the room, settling on the edge of her bed. <PC>"But let's not play innocent here. We both know you've done a lot more than show off for men before. I'm only suggesting it's time to get a bit more hands on."</PC>
<br><<NNS>> eyes you suspiciously. <eli>"You want to turn me into a whore."</eli>
<br>Eventually. This is, after all, a brothel.
<br>But you don't want <<NNS>> to bail, so you don't tell her that.
<br><PC>"Don't you like that feeling of power, though? The effect you have on men?"</PC>
<br>A small nod.
<br>This would be so much easier with more of the Formula, but you don't <i>need</i> it. After all, you know what makes <<NMS>> tick.
<br><PC>"And the money, too. That's nice, isn't it? You're a smart girl. You know the more you put in, the more you get out."</PC>
<br><eli>"I'm not going to have sex with them."</eli>
<br>What a curious line to draw, considering the stories <<NNS>> has told you...
<br><PC>"Of course not. You'd just be giving them a... <i>helping hand</i>."</PC>
<br><<NNS>> considers this for a moment, <eli>"And they'll pay me more money for it? And you won't let them take it further?"</eli>
<br>Not for now... <PC>"I protect my girls."</PC>, you reassure her.
<br><PC>"Though we will need to talk about how you're going to go about this. I can't have unhappy clients because you were <i>manhandling</i> them, now can I?"</PC>
<br><eli>"I'm not a little girl!"</eli>, <<NNS>> snips. <eli>"I don't need you to hold my hand. I know what I'm doing."</eli>
<br><PC>"Do you?"</PC> It's a challenge. <PC>"Then show me."</PC>
<br>It's impressive how quickly <<NNS>> is able to switch into her persona, her entire body language softening, as she flutters her eyelashes. <eli>"Oh, Sir, is that for me?"</eli>
<br>You'd gone soft during your conversation, but <<NNS>>'s hands are sure, as she traces along the edge of your growing length, <eli>"It's so big..."</eli>
<br>Flattery will get her everywhere, especially with the kind of clients that she attracts.
<br><<NNS>> slides to her knees, eyes wide, even as she gently encourages you to spread your legs. <eli>"I- Can I touch it, Sir? Please?"</eli>
<br><PC>"Who could deny a pretty girl like you?"</PC>, you say, smiling warmly at her.
<br><<NNS>> giggles. She lowers her eyes in mock bashfulness before reaching up to undo the button on your slacks.
<br><eli>"Does it feel good? When I do this?"</eli>, the hesitation in her voice doesn't quite match the sureness of her hand as she strokes you - but it isn't something you're going to complain about.
<br><<Image handjob020.gif>>
<br>Especially not when she coyly starts fondling your <<Balls>> too, biting on her bottom lip the whole time.
<br>With another girl you might have insisted on more eye contact, but there's something about the way she stares at your <<PCCockDesc>> as she works it - as if it's the most important thing in her world, at least for this moment.
<br>You allow her to bring you to orgasm quickly, and you cum on her <<TitsDesc SlaveTits[2]>>, <<NNS>>'s mouth parted in the cutest impression of shock.
<br>It's far too soon to press that new boundary, but you know you'll be dreaming about that mouth tonight...
<br><b><<NMS>> is now willing to pleasure clients with her hands.</b>
/% Update written by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
You walk into <<NMS>>'s room. She is laying on her bed and stares blankly at you.
<br><grs>"How are you doing <<NMS>>?"</grs>, you ask.
<br><pi>"I-I'm not sure... scared... confused..."</pi>
<br><grs>"Don't worry, it'll get easier."</grs>, you reassure her.
<br>She nods, but doesn't look particularly reassured.
<br><grs>"I think it's time to teach you how to actually pleasure a man."</grs>, you tell her.
<br><pi>"W-what do you mean?"</pi>, she asks.
<br><grs>"Give me your hand."</grs>
<br>She slowly extends her hand towards yours, and you grab it.
<br>You place her hand onto your already hardening <<Cock>>.
<br>She understands what is expected of her, but you can tell she isn't happy with it.
<br><<Image handjob053.gif>>
<br>With both hands on your <<CockDesc PC>> she starts to jerk you off while trying her best to simultaneously ignore what is happening.
<br>You grab her head gently and twist it so she is looking right at your <<Cock>>.
<br><grs>"Look at what you're doing. That way you'll be able to improve faster."</grs>
<br>She whimpers in mild disagreement, but obeys.
<br><<NMS>> continues jerking you off for a decent while - her lack of skill making it last a lot longer than it normally would.
<br>When you get close to finishing she seems to instinctively try to pull away from you, but you force her to remain close.
<br><grs>"Stay right there, don't turn away!"</grs> you instruct her in a gutteral tone as you grip your own <<Cock>>, point it towards her and start jerking it.
<br>She closes her eyes tight as soon as the first jet of hot <<Cum>> hits her, but doesn't turn away and you continue to unload onto her face.
<br><<Image cum004.gif>>
<br><grs>"Don't worry, you'll get better with time and practice."</grs>
<br><grs>"You'll be doing this a lot from now on."</grs> you tell her.
<br><b><<NMS>> will now agree to give handjobs.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "BlowjobUnlock">>
/% Sort out EventId variants for different slaves %/
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventName + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $EventId = ($EventName + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<if $ManagedSlave == 2>>
/% Elli version, written by Kris %/
<PC>"You really do have a pretty mouth."</PC>
<br>You can't help yourself. <<NNS>> is on her knees, working your <<PCCockDesc>>, her mouth parted slightly in concentration. It's precious how innocent she can manage to look, especially after all the things she's done.
<br><eli>"Do you like it?"</eli>, <<NNS>> makes eye contact, that delightful tongue running along the bottom lip even as she keeps stroking. <eli>"Do you want it? My mouth on your cock?"</eli>
<br>Without thinking you nod.
<br>Apparently this was the wrong answer, as <<NMS>> pulls back entirely, sitting on her heels. <eli>"If you want my mouth, then you're going to have to give me something in return."</eli>
<br>You can only imagine the kinds of things that <<NNS>> might want. Jewelry, fancy dresses, her own personal servant...?
<br><PC>"And what are you suggesting?"</PC>
<br><eli>"A little quid pro quo."</eli>, <<NNS>>'s fingers trace up your thigh. <eli>"Your mouth for mine."</eli>
<br><PC>"My mouth?"</PC>
<br>As if you've already agreed, <<NNS>> pushes herself up, and you back, as she crawls onto the bed with you. <eli>"It gets so lonely, just me and my hand, <<PCName>>. You won't even have to do anything- just let me ride your face and I'll give you the best blowjob of your life."</eli>
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6 || ($PCInf < $PCInfStatus.aura1)>>
<br>That's a trade you're willing to make, especially for a girl as tiny as <<NNS>>.
<br>You allow her to move you further, until you're laying all the way down on her bed. She makes quick work of her panties and skirt, tossing them to the side so that she can wrap her legs around your head.
<br>She meant what she said, too. <<NNS>> doesn't wait for you to get your bearings, and doesn't seem interested in what you might be able to do with your tongue. No, she uses the headboard to keep balance while rubbing herself relentlessly against your nose and face. She must like how it feels for the way she keeps moving - leaving a slick trail of her juices across your face.
<br><<Webm cunnilingus005.webm auto 400>>
<br>After what seems like ages, there's a surge of wetness as her body tightens up and a gentle moan escapes her lips - followed by the weight of her body smothering you as she tries to recover from her orgasm.
<br><eli>"Ffuck~"</eli>, <<NMS>> is still panting by the time she lets you breathe again. <eli>"Keep letting me do that and I might just give you... anything."</eli>
<br>But for now a deal is a deal and <<NMS>> straddles your chest so that she can suck your cock, her still dripping <<Pussy>> right in your face, a reminder of what you've just done...
<br><PC>"Nuh uh."</PC>, you say, sitting up. <PC>"On your back."</PC>
<br>When she doesn't move immediately, you grasp her shoulders and roll her over yourself.
<br><PC>"Don't worry your pretty little head."</PC>, you reassure <<NNS>> as you spread her thighs, <PC>"I'm going to give you exactly what you asked for."</PC> On your own terms...
<br>Not only because she's offering her mouth in return, but because you want to taste her.
<br>Because you want to experience how tight and wet <<NNS>> is, relishing in the fact that it won't be long before she agrees to let you use more than your mouth down here.
<br>You lick along the folds with long swipes of your tongue, before focusing on her clit with short flicks.
<br>When <<NNS>>'s legs come up around your head, you wrap your hands around her thighs, letting the tension there guide you as to what feels best to her.
<br><<Webm cunnilingus004.webm auto 400>>
<br><eli>"Oh god, oh god, oh god, <<PCName>>, <<PCName>>!"</eli> ,<<NMS>> thrashes, then falls flat.
<br>You press your lips against her sensitized clit before crawling up her body to kiss her, forcing <<NNS>> to taste her own juices.
<br>There's an open look of adoration in <<NNS>>'s eyes as she looks up at you, her sweat slicked blonde hair creating an almost halo. <eli>"W-when can I have that again?"</eli>
<br><PC>"When you earn it. First you need to hold up your end of the bargain, Missy."</PC>, you tease.<PC> "A mouth for a mouth."</PC>
<br><<NMS>> laughs before encouraging you to roll over. <eli>"Like this, <<PCName>>?"</eli>
<br>She runs her tongue up and down the sides of your <<PCCockDesc>> before taking you into her mouth with a wink.
<br>There's a little bit of gagging when she bobs her head, but she's able to get it under control, using a mixture of her hands and tongue to get the job done.
<br>When it becomes clear you're about to cum, she leans back, stroking your cock until you spurt over her face-
<br>And into her hair.
<br><<Webm cum010.webm>>
<br><b><<NMS>> is now willing to have oral sex with clients.</b>
/% Rebecca & Generic Version %/
You watch as <<NMS>> serves drinks to customers in the dining room.
<br>The skimpy clothing you've got her dressed in leaves little to the imagination, but that doesn't stop the more lascivious or mischievous patrons from lifting her skirt to get a better look at her thong-covered <<Ass>>.
<br><<NMS>> also has to deal with a fair number of naughty compliments, lewd suggestions and slaps across her <<AssDesc>>.
<br><<Image maid001.jpg>>
She used to bristle at such customers, snapping back with some cutting remark of her own. You've even seen her slap a few particularly opportunistic people when they crossed the line. You always disciplined her when she acted in such a way, hurting a customer or potential client is never acceptable.
<br>You've used both punishment and reinforcement to slowly change her behaviour. It didn't have to be physical: a stern reprimand when she behaved the wrong way and a happy smile when she behaved correctly. Your continuous conditioning efforts seem to finally have borne fruit.
<br>Today, while <<NMS>> was unloading a tray of drinks at a table, a customer made a comment about her slutty clothing and her <<TitsDesc>> You expected her to frown and tell him off, but instead she just smiled and nodded.
<br>Later, you watched <<NMS>> respond to getting her <<Ass>> pinched by giggling, turning around and giving the customer a coy smile.
<br>She's ready.
You joined <<NMS>> in her room later that evening.
<br>She happily got undressed in front of you, baring her <<TitsDesc>> to you.
<br><grs>"Come here."</grs>, you tell her, indicating that she should lean over towards you.
<br>You caress her face and comb through her hair with your fingers. She positively purrs at your touch.
<br><grs>"You've been such a good girl lately."</grs>. You smile at her.
<br><pi>"Thank you, Master."</pi>, she replies, smiling back.
<br><grs>"I think you deserve a reward."</grs>
<br>You run your thumb across her <<LipsDesc>> and slowly press it against her mouth. She opens up and lets you inside.
<br><grs>"Suck."</grs>, you command.
<br>She does.
<br><grs>"Good girl."</grs> You smile. She's really starting to become a good little pet.
<br>You unbutton your pants and instruct $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] to pull them off.
<br><grs>"Are you ready for your treat, my pet?"</grs>
<br><pi>"Don't call me that..."</pi>, she whines. You give her a stern look. <pi>"... Master"</pi>, she meekly adds.
<br><<Image blowjob001.gif>>
$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] shyly wraps her hand around your <<CockDesc PC>> and leans closer.
<br><grs>"Go on."</grs>, you encourage her.
<br>She approaches your <<Stiff>> <<Cock>> carefully and curiously, as if it were some enigmatic puzzle.
<br><grs>"Put it in your mouth, don't be afraid."</grs>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] cautiously wraps her <<LipsDesc>> around your length.
<br><<Image blowjob040.gif>>
Before long, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] is bobbing her head up and down at a steady pace. You stroke her hair, encouraging her, rewarding her.
<br><grs>"See? It's not so bad, is it?"</grs>, you ask with a smirk and pull her head off your <<Cock>>.
<br><pi>"No... I guess it's not."</pi> $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] replies.
<br><grs>"Do you like it?"</grs>
<br><pi>"I don't know... I suppose it's not totally unpleasant."</pi>
<br><grs>"I knew it. You'll be begging for cocks to suck soon enough, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]."</grs>
<br>She turns her head away in shame and her face flushes with embarrassment at your comments.
<br>You stand up, place your hands on either side of her head and pull her back onto your <<CockDesc PC>>.
<br><grs>"Look at me $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]."</grs>
<br>She meets your gaze, making eye contact. You start pumping your <<Cock>> in and out of her mouth.
<br><grs>"This is your place, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]. This is where you belong."</grs>
<br>She tries to turn her head away again, but you hold her firm.
<br><grs>"No, look at me. Don't try to hide it. You're a slut who loves sucking cock. Say it."</grs>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] tries to pull your <<Cock>> out of her mouth to respond, but you won't allow it.
<br><grs>"No, don't pull away. Tell me what you are, say it right now while you have my cock in your mouth."</grs>
<br><pi>"... I wa swut."</pi>, she begins, her words garbled by your thrusting <<Cock>>. You nod for her to continue.
<br><pi>"I-... I wa shwut who wuvs shwucking cock..."</pi>
<br><<Image blowjob035.gif>>
<br><b><<NMS>> will now agree to give blowjobs.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "SexUnlock">>
/% Sort out EventId variants for different slaves %/
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventName + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $EventId = ($EventName + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<if $ManagedSlave == 2>>
/% Ellinor Version, written by Kris %/
It's rather early in the afternoon when you hear it: unabashed moaning coming from <<NNS>>'s room.
<br>You peek in through the crack in the door to catch a glimpse of who she's with, only to find her alone, straddling a large unicorn plushie, grinding against it.
<br><<Image solo010.gif>>
<br><eli>"<<PCName>>!"</eli>, <<NMS>> exclaims when you step inside.
<br><PC>"I was just curious as to what my little girl was up to-"</PC>, you say. <PC>"I suppose I should have known. Not that I could have guessed exactly what you'd be playing with..."</PC>
<br><<NNS>> giggles, and lays down more fully against the unicorn, petting it's mane. <eli>"$Daniel got it for me. I bet there's a matching one in his step sister's room."</eli>
<br>You stop a second to think about it before nodding. You're pretty sure you know which customer she's talking about. <PC>"Should I be jealous? Is $Daniel going to come whisk you away?"</PC>
<br>The question earns you another giggle, and then <<NMS>> rolls to her feet, crossing the room so that she can press her naked body against you.
<br><eli>"Are you? Jealous, that is. Wish it was you between my legs?"</eli>
<<if $PCInf > $PCInfLow>>
<<set $EventsSeen.push("SexUnlock" + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] + "LowInf")>>
<br>You squeeze her tiny little ass with both hands, effectively trapping her. <PC>"And if I did?"</PC>
<br><eli>"Certainly can't have <<PCName>> being jealous of a client."</eli>, <<NMS>> shakes her head in mock sadness. <eli>"I guess that means I need to reassure you that you're still number one."</eli>
<br><<NNS>>'s arms wrap around your neck as she raises herself to her tippy toes to kiss you. It's long and slow. Which is nice, but not what you need or want right now.
<br>You use your grip on her ass to lift her up further, and instinctively <<NNS>> wraps her legs around your waist. She's so petite that you're easily able to maneuver her at will.
<br><<NMS>> kisses your neck as you undo your zipper and slide your hardness into her.
<br><<Image fucking013.gif>>
<br><PC>"Is this what you wanted?"</PC>, you growl directly into her ear as you fuck <<NMS>> into the wall. <PC>"What you were thinking about while you rubbed your needy little slit against anything you could?"</PC>
<br><<NNS>> moans.
<br><PC>"Should have known-"</PC>, you grunt, <PC>"Of course your slit is just as needy as the rest of you. Next time it needs attention though, you find me. Understand?"</PC>
<br><eli>"Yes sir!"</eli>
<<set $EventsSeen.push("SexUnlock" + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave] + "HighInf")>>
<br><PC>"I promised you I wouldn't make you do anything you didn't want."</PC>
<br>For a brief second, it almost looked like <<NMS>> rolled her eyes, but it's over as quickly as it started.
<br><eli>"You're not making me do anything. I want dick,"</eli>, <<NMS>> strokes you through your jeans, <eli>"This dick. In me. Now."</eli>
<br>Who are you to argue with such a direct order?
<br><PC>"Then I suggest that you get on the bed, little missy."</PC>
<br><<NMS>> giggles as she goes, shoving the unicorn aside so that there's room for both of you.
<br>You want to make this good for her, so you take the time to go down on her first. After all, she's always a fan of that.
<br><<Image cunnilingus007.gif>>
<br><eli>"<<PCName>>!"</eli>, <<NMS>> moans, shoving at your shoulders with her hands. <eli>"Dick! Please! Now!"</eli>
<br><PC>"Are you sure that's what you want?"</PC>, you tease.
<br><<NMS>> takes the matter into her own hands, rolling you onto your back so that she can ride you. It's a beautiful view, her tiny titties bouncing as she uses you for her pleasure.
<br><<Image fucking014.gif>>
<br><PC>"So good."</PC>, you pant, nearing climax.
<br><<NNS>> just giggles, and keeps going.
<br><b>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] will now agree to have sex with clients.</b>
<br><<SkillGain "Sex" 1 2 true>>
/% Rebecca & Generic Version %/
As you enter $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s room in the morning to check in on her you find her lying naked on the bed, her fingers buried in her <<PussyDesc>>. Her free hand is cupping one of her <<TitsDesc>>, casually rubbing a nipple.
<br>Her eyes are closed, she hasn't noticed you.
<br><<Image solo005.gif>>
<br>You quietly approach her, careful not to make any noise. You can both see and <i>hear</i> the wetness between her thighs.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] moans quietly.
<br>She's immersed in her fantasy, oblivious to the world around her. You slowly unbuckle your pants, pull out your <<CockDesc PC>> and give it a gentle stroke. It slowly wakes up and stands to attention.
<br>You lean over her and plant a kiss on her lips. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] startles with a gasp and tries to sit up. You gently push her back down, locking your lips against hers again.
<br>At the same time, you grab her hand and guide it back between her legs. After a moment, she takes the hint and begins fingering herself again. You continue kissing $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave], she moans into your mouth.
<br><grs>"You should've asked."</grs>, you whisper to her, breaking the kiss.
<br>She looks at you, bewildered. It is clear that $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] is expecting you to punish her for breaking some rule.
<br><pi>"S-sorry, Master!"</pi>, she squeaks in fear.
<span id ="SexUnlock">
You give her a quick peck on the cheek, stand back up and give her a wicked smile. It'll be fun to take advantage of that fear, fun to <<link "show her your sadistic side.">>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace "#SexUnlock">>
<br>You give her a quick peck on the cheek, stand back up and give her a wicked smile. It'll be fun to take advantage of that fear, fun to show her your sadistic side.
<br><grs>"You should've asked."</grs>, you repeat, grabbing your <<Stiff>> <<Cock>>. You raise your eyebrow expectantly.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] has a look of panic in her eyes, she doesn't seem to understand exactly what you're asking of her, but knows that she needs to say or do something.
<br><pi>"P-please, Master, may I touch myself?"</pi>, she finally says.
<br><grs>"Why, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave], I didn't expect such vulgar behaviour from you!"</grs>, you say, feigning outrage.
<br><pi>"Sorry, Master!"</pi>, she replies, and looks away in shame, seemingly not understanding your joke; or playing along.
<br><grs>"Why do you want to touch yourself?"</grs>, you ask. You give your <<CockDesc PC>> a couple of strokes to underscore your mocking tone.
<br><pi>"B-because it feels good!"</pi>, she replies, without hesitation.
<br>You gently nudge her arm, indicating her <<Pussy>>. She takes the hint and starts to gently caress her <<PussyDesc>> again.
<br><grs>"Be more detailed. Why are you touching yourself?"</grs>
<br><pi>"I just feel hot all the time."</pi>, she replies, after taking a moment to think. Her words are punctuated by soft moans. Her gentle, rhythmical masturbation grows more rapid.
<br><grs>"Go on."</grs>, you encourage her to continue.
<br><pi>"I spend all day using my body to serve strangers, to please them, to sate their lusts, to get them off."</pi>, she says, every beat accompanied by a moan.
<br><grs>"And that makes you horny?"</grs>, you ask.
<br><pi>"Yes!"</pi>, she cries. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] is rapidly approaching climax.
<br><grs>"What makes you horny?"</grs>, you prod, wanting her to give you more details.
<br><pi>"When they look at my naked body, when I jerk them off<<if $SlaveTitfuck == "true">>, when I use my <<Tits>> to get them off<</if>>, and when I suck their long, hard <<Cocks>>!"</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] is almost screaming by the time she gets to the end of her list, her voice brimming with pleasure.
<br><grs>"What else?"</grs>
<br><pi>"When they slap my ass or pinch my nipples, when they shoot their hot <<Cum>> all over my face!"</pi> $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] is almost screaming at this point.
<br>She's about to reach her peak and enter blissful climax.
<br>You grab her hand and pull it away from her <<PussyDesc>>, robbing her of that sweet bliss.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] instantly lets out a whimper. Her body trembles softly, and she starts to buck her hips, seeking the satisfaction you so abruptly stole away. She tries to use her other hand but you stop her.
<br><pi>"P-please!"</pi>, she whines.
<br><grs>"No, not yet."</grs>, you calmly state. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] lets out another whimper. <grs>"You'll have to earn it."</grs>
<br>You unbuckle your belt and pull it out, letting your pants drop to the floor. Pulling $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s arms together, you wrap the belt around her wrists, tighten it and lock it with the buckle. You step out of your pants and remove the rest of your clothes.
<br><grs>"You know what to do."</grs>, you say with a grin, moving around to the head of the bed.
<br>You reach out and grab $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s <<Stiff>>, <<NippleDesc>>. You give it a quick twist, illiciting a pained moan from $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]. Taking advantage of the opportunity, you thrust your <<CockDesc PC>> against her mouth.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] dutifully starts licking your shaft, working her way up towards the head.
<br><<Image blowjob017.gif>>
<br><grs>"So, does this turn you on?"</grs>, you tease. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] moans in response.
<br>You extend a hand towards her <<PussyDesc>> and watch as $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] eagerly moves her hips upwards in anticipation. You bring your hand down quickly, delivering an open-handed slap across her vulva. She lets out a short, pained shriek in surprise.
<br><grs>"I asked you a question."</grs>, you remind her.
<br><pi>"Yes! Sucking your cock turns me on!"</pi>, she eagerly replies, then quickly goes back to licking and sucking.
<br>You smile, and decide to push her further. Your <<Cock>> leaves $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s mouth with a wet plop as you climb onto the bed. You place a knee on either side of her chest, which causes your <<CockDesc PC>> to bounce up and down right in front of her face.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] reaches forward to lick it but you hold her in place. <grs>"Just lie back and relax."</grs>, you tell her.
<br>You reach back with one hand and give her <<PussyDesc>> another hard slap. Afterwards, you run your fingers playfully across her clit, teasing her.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] bucks her hips against your hand, seeking more, deeper stimulation. You give her what she wants, plunging a couple of fingers into her slick folds. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] bites her lip to stifle a moan. She lifts her <<AssDesc>> off the ground and gyrates, pushing you further inside.
<br>You continue fingering her until she starts getting close to the edge, then you abruptly stop again, delivering another open-handed slap to her vulva. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] whines and whimpers, but then leans forward and tries to stick your <<Cock>> back into her mouth, hoping her enthusiasm will make you continue.
<br>Instead, you push her head back down and thrust your hips forward. <grs>"I told you to lie back."</grs>
<br>You guide your <<CockDesc PC>> towards her mouth, she opens to accept it. You continue moving forward, pushing your length against the back of her throat. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s body convulses as she gags. She tries to push you off, but her tied hands afford her no leverage. Tears start welling up in her eyes.
<br>You continue pushing, savouring the feeling of her throat opening up to accept your <<Cock>>.
<br><<Image blowjob026.gif>>
<br>There is a look of panic in $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s eyes as she struggles to breathe. She tries to hit you and shove you off, she starts to kick her legs and tries to roll away. You hold her still, ignoring her weak struggles.
<br>You stay buried balls-deep inside of her until you see her eyes start rolling back. Pulling out, you give $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] a powerful slap across the face to snap her fully back to consciousness.
<br>She takes a deep breath, starts coughing and tears start streaming down her face. You reach between her legs and start rubbing.
<br><grs>"Well?"</grs>, you say, expecting her to respond the proper way.
<br><pi>"Thank you, Master..."</pi>, she says, still gasping for air.
<br><grs>"I think you've finally earned your reward."</grs>, you say, smiling at her.
<br>You grab her shoulders and spin her around. Her arms are still tied, and now trapped beneath her. This has the effect of thrusting her <<AssDesc>> into into the air. You give it a quick slap.
<br>Without warning, you guide your <<CockDesc PC>> between her legs and plow into her needy <<Pussy>>. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] lets out a wanton cry of pleasure.
<br><<Image fucking018.gif>>
<br><grs>"You're such a slut, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]. I knew you'd enjoy this."</grs>
<br>You circle a hand around her neck and grab her throat, and make her face you. Her tear-streaked face is displaying an almost bizarre mix of pleasure and fear. You apply brief pressure to her windpipe, just to show her that you can.
<br><grs>"Tell me what you are."</grs>
<br><pi>"I'm your horny slut slave, Master!"</pi>, she cries, her <<Pussy>> tightens around your <<Cock>>.
<br><grs>"And you love to let strangers use your body?"</grs>
<br><pi>"Yes, yes! I love to fuck strangers!"</pi> She is about to orgasm.
<br>As she starts to cum you squeeze down on her throat again, making her whole body jerk wildly. The added stimulation of her bucking hips and tightening <<Pussy>> feels great, and you blow your load deep inside of her.
<grs>"Get cleaned up."</grs>, you tell her. She's still lying on the bed, sobbing softly. <br><grs>"The first clients of the day will be here soon."</grs>
<br><b>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] will now agree to have sex with clients.</b>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] learned from the experience, becoming more used to deepthroating and having rough sex.
<br><<SkillGain "Oral" 1 2 true>>
<br><<SkillGain "Sex" 1 2 true>>
<</link>> <key>(Brutal)</key>
You stroke her cheek and smile kindly at her.
<br><grs>"Don't be."</grs>, you tell her, <grs>"I understand."</grs> You kiss her once more, deeply, passionately. She kisses back, welcoming your tongue into her mouth.
<br>You get on the bed, spread her legs and <<link "bury your tongue in her wet snatch.">>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace "#SexUnlock">>
<br>You stroke her cheek and smile kindly at her.
<br><grs>"Don't be."</grs>, you tell her, <grs>"I understand."</grs> You kiss her once more, deeply, passionately. She kisses back, welcoming your tongue into her mouth.
<br>You get on the bed, spread her legs and bury your head between them. Your tongue finds her <<Pussy>> wet and wanting, you start licking.
<br><<Image cunnilingus002.gif>>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] lets out a series of pleasant moans and purrs as you continue eating her out. Reaching up, you cup a <<TitDesc>> and squeeze it gently. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] moans again.
<br>She has a clean, slightly sweet taste, but there's also a distinct salty undertone.
<br><pi>"Keep going! I-I'm gonna cum!"</pi>, she cries.
<br>You stop licking.
<br><grs>"Not yet."</grs>, you tell her.
<br><pi>"B-but..."</pi>, she whines.
<br><grs>"I'm going to show you something that'll feel even better."</grs>
<br>You scoot up until your pelvis touches hers and slap your <<CockDesc PC>> against her vulva a few times. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] lets out a stifled moan.
<br><pi>"B-but..."</pi>, she repeats.
<br><grs>"Don't worry."</grs>, you reassure her, <grs>"You won't have to do anything you don't want."</grs>
<br>You grind your <<Cock>> against her <<PussyDesc>>, rubbing her clit with your head.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] slowly starts to move her hips back against you and it's not long before she's grinding her entire <<Pussy>> against your <<Cock>>. You let her take charge and control the pace.
<br><grs>"That feels nice, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave], but we both have to get back to work soon."</grs>, you tell her, and act as if you're about to stand up.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] grabs hold of your legs and holds you in place. At the same time, she uses her legs to lock you in place. You could easily break out of her grasp and stand up, but that's not the point. She rubs her crotch against you, gyrating her hips, and moans loudly.
<br><<Image outercourse001.gif>>
<br><grs>"You're grabbing me, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]."</grs>, you point out. You smile at her.
<br><grs>"Remember what I said: you simply have to ask."</grs>
<br><pi>"P-please..."</pi>, she whispers, with a pleading tone.
<br><grs>"Yes?"</grs>, you ask.
<br><pi>"Please put it in..."</pi>, she says, her voice trembling.
<br><grs>"What?"</grs>, you ask, pretending that you couldn't hear her.
<br><pi>"Please... fuck me."</pi>, she says, more confident, more demanding, <pi>"...Master."</pi>, she adds.
<br>You smile, and comply. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] lets out a loud, slutty moan as your <<CockDesc PC>> is engulfed by her loins.
<br>Her warmth and wetness feel great around your <<Cock>>, and you start pounding away. You push her legs back, freeing yourself from her grasp.
<br>You push into her until your entire length is buried. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] lets out a gasp. You pull out, then thrust back in.
<<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] > 1>><br>With every thrust, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s <<TitsDesc>> jiggle back and forth, like creamy waves of flesh, tipped with stiff pink buds.<</if>>
<br><<Image fucking017.gif>>
<br><pi>"I-I'm gonna..."</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] warns, breathlessly.
<br>You nod your head, giving her permission.
<br>She cries out as seemingly all the muscles in her body contract at once, arching her back and curling her toes. You realize that not even her vaginal muscles are exempt when she squeezes down on your <<CockDesc PC>>. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s body shudders, and then she relaxes, collapsing back down into the mattress.
<br>You look at her. She's out of breath, panting heavily, but there's a satisfied, somewhat sheepish, grin on her face.
<br>You remind her that you haven't finished yet by thrusting back into her as far as possible.
$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] orgasmed at least a couple of more times that morning, before you finally painted her insides with your <<Cum>>.
<br><grs>"You should've asked earlier, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]. No need to withhold this kind of pleasure from yourself."</grs>
<br>She nods her head.
<br><grs>"You'll be experiencing it a lot more from now on."</grs>, you tell her as you leave her room.
<br><b>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] will now agree to have sex with clients.</b>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] also learned from the experience, getting to know her body better.
<br><<SkillGain "Sex" 1 3 true>>
<<elseif $EventName == "AnalUnlock">>
/% Sort out EventId variants for different slaves %/
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventName + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $EventId = ($EventName + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<if $ManagedSlave == 2>>
/% Ellinor Version, written by Kris %/
You're in your office, doing some paperwork - idly keeping one eye the video feeds from the cameras placed throughout the brothel when you see it: <<NNS>> laying naked on her bed, playing a lollipop.
<br><<Image tits020.gif>>
<br>And you do mean playing. You can't look away as she toys with it, alternating between wetting it in her mouth and running it along the sensitive skin of her <i>'princess parts'</i>, even putting it inside... You can't help but thinking that she wants you to see this - though you're not sure what her motive is.
<br><<Image solo011.gif>>
<br>Not that <<NNS>> needs one, beyond wanting you to come play.
<br>But there's paperwork to be done, so you try to drag your attention back to the order-form you were filling out. You're just about finished when something on the screen catches your eye once more.
<br><<NNS>> has shifted to her side, positioning herself so that her <<Ass>> is on display for the camera. It's almost definitely intentional, considering she's still playing with that blasted lollipop. Except this time, this time she's pushing it in and out of her <<Asshole>>.
<br><<Image solo012.gif>>
<br>Taunting you.
<<if $PCInfMed || $PCInfHigh>>
br>You can order more condoms tomorrow. Right now you need to show <<NNS>> who's boss.
<br>You realize you can't deny her any longer. Not with such an enticing offer on show.
<br><<NNS>> doesn't even bother to look ashamed when you open the door to her room, instead dragging that lollipop along her tongue as she makes eye contact.
<br><PC>"You've been a naughty, naughty girl."</PC>
<br><eli>"Come to play, <<PCName>>? I've missed you so much."</eli>, she murmurs, spreading her legs just in case her meaning isn't clear.
<<if $PCInfMed || $PCInfHigh>>
<br>You pin her hands above her on the bed in one easy move, and brat that she is, <<NNS>> melts into the hold.
<br><<NNS>> holds the lollipop out to you, and you take it from her. She pouts when you place it on her dresser so that you can focus on undoing your own clothes.
<br><eli>"<<PCName>>."</eli>,<<NNS>> says breathlessly, rolling her hips. <eli>"I need you. Please, <<PCName>>- take care of your little girl."</eli>
<<if $PCInfMed || $PCInfHigh>>
<br>You give her wrists a firm squeeze, reminding her to stay in place so that you can get undressed. <PC>"I've got just what you need."</PC>
<br><PC>"Yes, baby, of course."</PC> You give her a kind smile.
<br>You grab a bottle of lube from her nightstand.
<br><<NNS>> watches with lust as you slick up your <<PCCockDesc>>. It's only when you drizzle the lube on her pink pucker that <<NNS>> squeaks. <eli>"Wait- I was just-"</eli>
<br>Teasing. You ignore her weak protests and slide a finger inside of her, and then another.
<br><<NNS>> squirms but doesn't roll away - despite her whining, it's clear that she's ready for this.
<br>It's been a long time coming, but you finally are able to push your <<Cock $PCCockSize>> into her tight <<Asshole>>.
<br>Considering it's her first time - you take it slow, while making sure to play with her clit.
<br><<Image anal014.gif>>
<br>After all, little girls learn best from positive reinforcement...
Later, your cum is leaking out of her <<Asshole>> and <<NNS>> is curled up on your chest, she leans up for a kiss. <eli>"Thank you, <<PCName>> for always knowing what I need."</eli>
<br>''<<NNS>> will now agree to let clients use her <<Asshole>>.''
/% Generic and Rebecca version %/
Even before entering $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s room you can hear the moans coming from inside. It's too early for there to be a client in there with her, she must be alone. You open the door and peer inside.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] is feverishly masturbating, pumping a large dildo in and out of her sopping wet <<Pussy>>.
<br><pi>"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir! Fuck me, fuck me like the slut I am..."</pi>, she whispers between moans.
<br><<Image toy013.gif>>
<br>Her eyes are closed, she's clearly caught up in her fantasy.
<br>You silently approach the bed. Once close enough, you quickly move her hands aside, forcefully grab hold of the dildo and pull it out of her. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] lets out a welp of surprise.
<br>Her eyes go wide with surprise and fear. You lock your eyes onto hers, and slowly push the dildo back into her dripping <<Pussy>>.
<br>She gasps, but the look on her face does not change. There's terror in those eyes, her fear of getting punished written plainly on her face. You give her a gentle smile and slowly start pumping the dildo back and forth.
<br><grs>"Don't worry $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]. This is how I like my whores. Always willing, always wanting, always <i>craving</i> to be fucked."</grs>, you reassure her.
<br>She lets out a loud moan.
<br><grs>"You like to be fucked like this, don't you? You're a good little slut, aren't you?"</grs>, you ask. At the same time, you pick up the pace and start to fuck her fast and hard with the toy.
<br><pi>"Yes, Master! I love to be fucked like this! I'm a good little slut! I'm <i>your</i> good little slut!"</pi>
<br><grs>"But you want more than this toy, don't you?"</grs>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] moans and licks her lips. Her gaze meets yours, and she looks deeply into your eyes.
<br><pi>"Yes! Please, Master, fuck your good little slut. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] is your horny little slut-whore, please use her!"</pi>
<br>You smile and pull down your pants, revealing your <<Stiff>>, <<CockDesc PC>>. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] looks at it eagerly, her expression one of desperate desire: she doesn't just want your cock, she <i>needs</i> it.
<br>Removing the dildo from her slick <<Pussy>>, you discard it and lean towards $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]. You stroke her cheek gently for a moment, then grab her head with both hands, forcing her eyes to meet yours. You look deeply into them.
<br><grs>"You'll be my good little whore?"</grs>, you ask.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] nods. She's ready.
<br><grs>"Then I'll fuck you, just like you want me to. I'll fill you up with my <<CockDesc PC>>."</grs>
<br><pi>"Thank you, Master!"</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] replies.
<br><grs>"But..."</grs>, you continue, pausing to let her squirm for a bit, not knowing what the condition is going to be.
<br><grs>"I'm going to fuck you up the ass."</grs>
<br><pi>"W-what? P-please, no..."</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] responds, the fear returning to her expression.
<br><grs>"That doesn't sound like what a good little slut-whore would say. I thought you were going to be a good little whore for me? A good little whore wouldn't protest, a good little whore is happy to serve her Master, to be used in any way he wants."</grs>
<br><pi>"B-but, I've never... I've never done that before... Please, Master, can't we-"</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] pleads with you. You interrupt her.
<br><grs>"A good little whore would beg to be fucked like the slut she is, she'd love to be turned into an anal slut. A good little whore doesn't want to resist, doesn't dare to defy her Master."</grs>, you say.
<br><pi>"Please, not my ass... I haven't given up that yet... I-I still have my virginity... my dignity..."</pi>, she mumbles.
<br><grs>"A good little whore doesn't have to be punished..."</grs>, you add. The threat seems to have hit the mark.
<br><pi>"Master, t-take my ass if you want."</pi>, she says quietly.
<br><grs>"That doesn't sound like begging to me."</grs>
<br><pi>"P-please Master, make me your... your..."</pi>, her voice falters. <pi>"...your anal whore."</pi>, she whispers the final words. You smile at her and nod, then motion for her to continue.
<br><pi>"I want you t-to take my anal virginity, Master."</pi>, she adds. <pi>"I want you to stick your cock inside of me and teach me how to love getting fucked in the ass."</pi>
<br>Giving her a wicked smile, you make $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] turn around, pushing her <<TitsDesc>> down into the mattress and her <<AssDesc>> out towards you. You grab her arms and place her hands on her <<Ass>>, instructing her to spread herself open. She does, revealing her <<AssholeDesc>> to you.
<br>You spit on your <<CockDesc PC>> and rub it between her asscheeks.
<br><grs>"Do you want to know what it feels like to have my cock in your ass?"</grs>, you ask.
<br><pi>"No, Master..."</pi>, she whispers, to your surprise, but then continues, <br><pi>"...I <i>need</i> to know. Please, please Master, stick your cock inside of me, stick it inside of my <<Asshole>>. I need to feel your cock deep inside me!"</pi>, her whisper grows louder and louder, and by the end she's almost shouting the words.
<br>You grab your <<CockDesc PC>>, aim straight for her hole and push forward. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] lets out a groan of pain, her body protesting to the intrusion. Stinging pain shoots through her, and her eyes start to well up with tears.
<br><grs>"Relax. Don't push against it, you have to relax and it'll stop hurting."</grs>, you instruct her.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] lets out a sob, nods her head and whispers <pi>"O-okay..."</pi>
<br>Her grunts of pain gradually turn into moans of delight as she embraces your advice. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] is beginning to enjoy her first assfucking.
<br><<Image anal008.gif>>
<br>A couple of minutes later, she was pushing her ass back against you, squeezing her muscles tightly around your <<CockDesc PC>>, begging for more.
<br><pi>"Thank you, Master! Thank you for fucking my ass! Thank you for filling it with your cock!"</pi>, she moans, unmistakable arousal evident in her voice.
<br>You raise your hand and deliver a slap across her <<AssDesc>>, illiciting a gasped moan from $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]. The way her sphincter tightened up around you when you spanked her felt wonderful. You deliver another.
<br><grs>"You love it, don't you? You love the way it feels to have a cock inside your ass, don't you?"</grs>, you ask.
<br><pi>"Yes, Master, I do!"</pi>. she replies between moans.
<br>Letting out a grunt of pleasure, you spank her <<AssDesc>> again.
<br><grs>"You're being such a good little slut, I think you've earned a reward. I'm gonna blow my load deep inside your ass, would you like that?"</grs>
<br><pi>"Yes, Master! Please cum inside my <<AssholeDesc>>! I want you to cum inside me! Fill my ass with your hot juice!"</pi>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] sounds like she's getting close to her own orgasm.
<br><pi>"I want it! I need it!"</pi>, she cries.
<br><<Image anal017.gif>>
<br>With every thrust, her orgasm grows closer. With every thrust, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] accepts her position as your buttslut more and more. Her <<Asshole>> tightens around your <<Cock>> in waves, squeezing, milking you. She wants it.
<br>With a grunt, you cum inside her willing ass. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] moans sluttily and continues thrusting her <<Ass>> back at you even as your <<Cum>> is deposited deep inside her bowels. Suddenly, she gasps, and her body starts to shudder as she also reaches climax.
<br>You collapse onto her back, pushing her back down onto the mattress. Both of you are breathing heavily from the exertion. You leave your <<Cock>> buried inside $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s <<Asshole>>, relishing the warmth and tightness. It slowly softens, allowing the buried <<Cum>> to start slowly dripping out.
<br><pi>"That was... amazing."</pi> $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] purrs. <pi>"Thank you!"</pi>
<br>It seems like $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] has eagerly accepted her future role as an anal-whore, completely devoted to getting her ass stuffed and roughly fucked.
<br>You turn her head to the side and kiss her.
<br><grs>"That's my good little butt-slut."</grs>, you smile.
<br>''$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] will now agree to let clients use her ass.''
<br>She'll make an excellent ass-whore, sure to bring you and your establishment substantial earnings.
<<elseif $EventName == "TitfuckUnlock">>
/% Sort out EventId variants for different slaves %/
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventName + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $EventId = ($EventName + $SlaveID[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $SlaveTitfuck[$ManagedSlave] = true>>
$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] is surprisingly eager to go along with your suggestion, even after you explain what you meant. She moans loudly as she wraps her <<TitsDesc>> around your <<CockDesc PC>>. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] grabs her nipples, pushes her cleavage together and starts pumping. Her pillowy mounds feel great around your <<Cock>>. You lean back and enjoy the sensation.
<br>With every stroke, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] lets out a slutty moan. You see that she's pinching and rubbing her nipples. When you point it out to her she flushes red with embarrassment, but doesn't stop.
<br><pi>"They're just so sensitive..."</pi>, she whispers between moans.
<br><grs>"I knew you were a slut."</grs>, you tease her.
<br><pi>"I-I'm not!"</pi>
<br><<Image titfuck020.gif>>
<br>You finish between her engorged <<Tits>> with a satisfied groan. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] let's out a happy whimper as your hot <<Cum>> splashes across her chest.
<br><grs>"You liked that, didn't you?"</grs>, you ask.
<br><pi>"N-o!"</pi>, she protests.
<br><grs>"Don't lie to me!"</grs>
<br><pi>"... Yes."</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] finally admits, flushed with shame.
<br><b>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] will now agree to pleasure clients with her <<Tits>>.</b>
<br><<SubGain "slave" 35 35>>
<<elseif $EventName == "FootUnlock">>
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $ManagedSlave = 2>>
<blu>"Hey, I'm glad I caught you here!"</blu>
<br><<NNS>> turns around to see $Daniel, one of her regulars, approaching her at the bar.
<br><eli>"How so, handsome?"</eli>
<br><blu>"I was thinking, hoping really, that you'd be open to something a little... off menu?"</blu>
<br>If it had been anyone else but $Daniel, <<NNS>> would have pointed out that it would cost extra. Instead she gestured for him to take the seat next to her. <eli>"Step sister been acting up? Looking to put me in my place?"</eli>
<br>After all, clients wanting to spank her is nothing new. But $Daniel shakes his head. <blu>"I was thinking you could pretend to be asleep again?"</blu>
<br>Nothing new there, especially for $Daniel. <eli>"And then you want to stick it in my bum?"</eli>, she teases.
<br>$Daniel shakes his head again. His eyes dart around the busy bar, though whether he's looking to make sure no one is listening or searching for words, <<NNS>> can't be sure.
<br><blu>"You'll catch me- ya know, jerkin' it. Except this time I want to, uhm, I want to cum on your feet...?"</blu>
<br><eli>"So I catch you and then play with you with my feet?"</eli>
<br><blu>"Oh! That... that sounds nice. Maybe next time? This time-"</blu>
<br>It's cute how awkward $Daniel can be, even this long into their <i>relationship.</i><<NNS>> decides to spare him trying to spell things out any further, instead leaning up to kiss him. <eli>"I'll just follow your lead, okay? It'll be fun."</eli>
<br>With $Daniel's permission she disappears from the bar to slip into some skimpy pajamas. After all, if she's meant to be 'asleep' a costume change is only appropriate.
<eli>"$Danny! What are you doing?"</eli>
<br>It's a mock sense of outrage as <<NNS>> turns over to 'realize' that $Daniel is standing next to her bed, jerking off.
<br><blu>"Shh!"</blu>, he demands, using one hand to roughly roll <<NNS>> back onto her stomach. <blu>"I'm not hurting you- I just- fuck- I need to do this."</blu>
<br><eli>"But Mom might-"</eli>
<br>$Daniel pushes her face into the pillow, momentarily silencing her, before whispering, <blu>"Only if you don't shut up. I won't even touch you if you stay like that - yeah, nice and quiet."</blu>
<br>For someone so concerned with <<NNS>>'s 'silence', $Daniel continues to mutter to himself before finally cumming all over her raised feet. <<NNS>> has to stop herself from accidentally kicking him when she suddenly feels his tongue.
<br><<Image footjob003.gif>>
<br>When he's finished cleaning up his mess, $Daniel pats her on the bum.<blu>"See you next week?"</blu>
<br>This experience has opened <<NMS>> up to the idea of <i>pleasuring clients with her feet.</i> ''She will now agree to give footjobs to clients''.
<br><<SubGain "slave" 10 10>>
<<elseif $EventName == "TeethWhitening">>
It didn't take much, her teeth were already in excellent condition - but a bit of work could be done.
<br>The procedure is completely non-invasive, and within half an hour the work has been done.
<br><<NNS>> is happy to show off her new, perfectly white, smile. She seems happy with the results.
<br><<Image /staff/ElliSmile.jpg>>
<br><PC>"That looks great!"</PC>
<br>In truth, her teeth aren't exactly <i>perfect</i>, but her smile looks fantastic, and adds a lot to her charm.
<<set $SlaveItems[$ManagedSlave].push("TeethWhitening")>>
<br>She gains <gr>$TeethWhiteningMod beauty</gr>.
<<elseif $EventName == "FashionShopping">>
Placeholder FashionShopping scene.
/% ######### %/
<<set $SlaveItems[$ManagedSlave].push("FashionShopping")>>
<br>She gains <gr>$FashionShoppingMod beauty</gr>.
<<elseif $EventName == "AnalBleaching">>
Placeholder AnalBleaching scene.
/% ######### %/
<<set $SlaveItems[$ManagedSlave].push("AnalBleaching")>>
<br>She gains <gr>$AnalBleachingMod beauty</gr>.
<<elseif $EventName == "AnalingusAssSize">>
You give <<NMS>>'s <<AssDesc>> a playful slap and watch it jiggle. <<NNS>> giggles coyly in response.
<br><grs>"You've done well, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave], you've earned a reward."</grs>
<br><pi>"Thank you, Master."</pi>, she replies, with a hint of worry in her voice.
<br><grs>"I think it's time to put that <<Ass>> of yours to use."</grs>
<br><pi>"What do you mean?"</pi>, she asks.
<span id="AnalingusAssSize">
You tell <<NMS>> exactly what you mean: <<link "you want her to sit on your face.">>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace "#AnalingusAssSize">>
<<set $EventId = "AnalingusAssSizeSub">>
You tell <<NMS>> exactly what you mean: you want her to sit on your face.
<<NNS>> seems baffled by the idea. She's not used to being on top, being in charge.
<br>You lie down on your back, your body facing away from her. You motion for <<NMS>> to approach, slowly ease her down on top of your face until her <<PussyDesc>> makes contact with the top of your nose.
<br>She lets out a gasp of surprise as your tongue swiftly begins lashing against her folds.
<br><pi>"That feels really nice, Master."</pi>, <<NMS>> purrs, and starts grinding her hips against you. <pi>"Please don't stop."</pi>
<br>You're almost taken aback by how quickly she started taking a more domineering role when given the chance, but you reckon that she hasn't yet gone far enough outside of her permitted behaviour to warrant punishment.
<br>Her scent is intoxicating, her wetness overflowing. It feels like you have to keep licking simply to avoid drowning in her juices.
<br><<Image cunnilingus006.gif>>
<br><<NMS>> rides your face for a few minutes, until suddenly, with a scream of pleasure, she reaches orgasm. The veritable fountain of love juice that gushes forth nearly threatens to drown you once again.
<br>You slap her <<AssDesc>> and push her off, getting back up.
<br><pi>"Thank you, Master!"</pi>, she says, her voice still a bit shaky after the ordeal.
<br>You smile at her. <grs>"You're welcome."</grs>
<br><<NMS>> learns from the experience, becoming better at pleasing clients.
<br><<SkillGain "Sex" 2 3 true>>
<br><<SetPCSubGain 6 1>> Taking a submissive role with your slave made you become <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<</link>> <is>(Submissive)</is>
<br>You push <<NMS>> against the wall and <<link "bury your tongue between her cheeks.">>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace "#AnalingusAssSize">>
You push <<NMS>> against the wall and bury your tongue between her cheeks.
<br>She gasps in surprise and tries to pull away, but you hold her in place and start hungrily thrusting your tongue into her <<Asshole>>.
<br><pi>"Master, that feels really strange..."</pi>, she stutters, <pi>"... but kind of nice."</pi>
<br>Her <<Asshole>> has a remarkably fresh and clean taste. <<NMS>> knows that she must always maintain her personal hygine, and seems to have followed that decree well.
<br>Before long, <<NNS>> starts pushing back against your face, trying to bury your tongue deeper with every thrust.
<br><<Image rimjob018.gif>>
<br>She lets out a series of small gasps and moans as you flick your tongue across the rim of her <<Asshole>>, teasing her.
<br><pi>"P-put it back in."</pi>, she begs. You oblige.
<br><<NMS>> moves a hand between her legs and starts fingering herself, you let her.
<br>You continue to alternate between licking and thrusting your tongue into her <<Asshole>> as she uses her fingers to bring herself to orgasm.
<br>As the pleasure takes over her body and her legs begin to shake you deliver a sharp slap across her <<AssDesc>>, hard enough to leave a stinging, red mark.
<br><<NMS>>'s orgasmic cry gets and octave higher and much louder as the pain intensifies her pleasure.
<br>You slap her <<Ass>> again before her climax subsides. Her whole body shudders.
<br><pi>"Ouch, that really hurt..."</pi>, she whines, but quickly adds, <pi>"T-thank you, Master."</pi>
<br><<NMS>> learned from the experience, becoming better at anal sex.
<br><<SkillGain "Anal" 1 3 true>>
<br><<SubGain "slave" 20 20>>
<</link>> <is>(Analingus)</is>
<<elseif $EventName == "PCHandjobEvent">>
<<if $GayContentEnabled>>
A male client approaches you and asks if <i>your</i> services are for sale. You consider the offer.
<br>Perhaps when you have some spare time offering to please a client personally is not a bad idea.
<br>You sure could use the cash, and it's not like you'd have to fuck anyone. Just a few handjobs here and there.
<br><b>You can now choose to personally service male clients.</b>
<br><key>(Servicing male clients opens up the game's gay (male on male) content!)</key>
A male customer approaches you, and asks if <i>your</i> services are for sale.
<br>You tell him that they aren't, and that you're not interested.
<br><b>You have chosen to outright disable Gay (Male/Male) content.</b>
<br><key>(You can still enable Gay content in the options menu, but choosing to do so after leaving this event will have unexpected consequences. This is your last safe chance to opt in.)</key>
<<elseif $EventName == "PCHandjobEventFem">>
/% Written by TFC %/
A male client approaches you and tells you that he finds you very attractive, he then asks if <i>you</i> offer the same services as your slaves.
<br>You've heard this before, but you find it hard not to blush under the man's lustful gaze...
<br>It's very flattering, in a strange sort of way...
<br>You politely tell him that you'll think about it.
<br>After considering the man's offer for some time, you decide that it wouldn't be a bad idea - you need to do everything and anything to <pi>keep clients satisfied</pi>, after all.
<br>It's not a bad idea if you can personally <pi>make sure your clients are happy</pi>.
<br>The additional income would benefit your brothel, and it's not like you'd have to go all the way. <piss>Unless you want to.</piss>
<br>Just a few handjobs here and there won't change anything, <piss>right</piss>?
<br><piss>It could be so much fun!</piss>
<<elseif $EventName == "PCBlowjobUnlock">>
You rushed into the room, finding yourself strangely eager for another cock to jerk off.
<br>$Bruce was expecting you. He's dressed in a nice suit, it makes him look very confident.
<br>You raise an eyebrow, not used to seeing him dressed so fancily. <grs>"What's the occasion?"</grs>, you ask.
<br><blu>"You like it?"</blu>, $Bruce asks, spreading his arms wide to give you at good look at his getup.
<br>As your eyes scan his figure you can't help but notice the pronounced bulge in front of his pants.
<br><grs>"Sure, yeah. It looks good on you."</grs>, you respond, honestly.
<br><blu>"Great! I'm glad you think so, buddy."</blu>
<br>He moves over to a chair and takes a seat, indicating for you to follow.
<br>Once there, he pushes you down to the floor.
<br><blu>"I know exactly what you want."</blu>, $Bruce says with a smirk. He grabs his huge <<Cock>> through the material of his trousers, indicating what he meant.
<br>You nod your head, and put a hand on his bulge, rubbing it. <grs>"You're right."</grs>, you admit, with increasing desire in your voice.
<br><<Image gayhandjob004.gif>>
<br>He puts a hand on your head and leans down towards you.
<br><blu>"You want to do more than just rubbing it, don't you?"</blu>, he asks.
<br>You swallow nervously. <grs>"Y-yeah..."</grs>, you mumble. Your <<CockDesc PC>> is almost painfully erect.
<br><blu>"That's why I dressed up for you, buddy. I wanted your first time to be special."</blu>
<br>Your first time...
<br>$Bruce unzips his pants and pulls out his huge, meaty cock. The familiar, pleasant smell of manhood fills your nostrils.
<br><blu>"You've become such a wonderful slut. The way you worship my <<Cock>> is amazing."</blu>, $Bruce compliments you.
<br><blu>"But I've seen that you want more, buddy."</blu>
<br>You nod. There's something about his words that just seems... right. Deep inside you, you know that he's right.
<br><blu>"So, let's not put it off any longer, eh? You'll love the way my <<Cock>> tastes."</blu>
<br>Tastes? Does he mean? My... first time...
<br>You look at his enormous, veiny <<Cock>>... and slowly nod. You <i>do</i> want it.
<br>You want to taste it, to suck it, to experience the feeling of his hot <<Cum>> filling your mouth. Your impossibly hard <<Cock>> feels like it's about to explode.
<br>The smell is irresistible. You lick your lips. $Bruce pushes your head gently towards his towering shaft.
<br>You kiss the tip, putting your soft lips against it, giving it a quick peck. You kiss it again, allowing your lips to part slightly.
<br><blu>"That's it babe, keep going."</blu>, $Bruce groans, approving of your efforts.
<br>You give his marvelous column a few more quick pecks.
<br>A bead of precum forms at the tip, and you can't help but stick out your tongue to lap it up.
<br>It tastes salty, and slightly bitter... and you love it. Unable to stop yourself even if you wanted to, you wrap your lips around his thick cock and let him enter your mouth.
<br>A shiver runs through your spine, spreading out all throughout your body. It feels so good, tastes so right.
<br>You start bobbing your head up and down, your lips tightly wrapped around his astonishing piece of meat. $Bruce moans in pleasure, it makes your own <<Cock>> stir.
<br><<Image gayblowjob003.gif>>
<br>You kept going, deeper and deeper. Each thrust of his cock was making you more and more eager to please him. Every grunt of pleasure you got from him was making you more and more devoted to being the best cocksucker you could possibly be.
<br>You're eager to bring him to his limit, eager for him to fill your mouth with his <<Cum>>. You were going to give him the best, most mind-blowing orgasm ever!
<br><blu>"Aah! Fuckin' ace work buddy, that feels splendid."</blu>, he groans, <blu>"Keep going!"</blu>
<br>You can't help but let out a moan of your own. It vibrates against his thick shaft.
<br><blu>"Here it comes, buddy!"</blu>. $Bruce warns.
<br>You don't just keep going. No, you redouble your efforts, picking up the pace. You're eager for him to cum, hungry for his <<Cum>>!
<br>As you feel him tense up your lust nearly overwhelms you.
<br>He explodes inside your wanting mouth, filling it to the brim with his steaming hot <<Cum>>. You swallow it down, savouring each drop.
<br>Your mind feels like it's melting away, and a haze of submissive fantasies take over. You love the feeling of being a complete, cocksucking slut.
<br><blu>"I always knew you were a submissive cocksucker in secret."</blu>. $Bruce says, after recovering from his orgasm.
<br><blu>"Did you like that?"</blu>
<br><grs>"Y-yeah..."</grs>, you bashfully admit.
<br><blu>"I'm glad, buddy. I liked it too."</blu>
<br>Your own, neglected <<Cock>> is still rock hard by the time $Bruce leaves, and you can't help but look forward to next time...
<<set $Earnings = 400>>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<br>You earned <gr>¤$Earnings cash.</gr>
<<elseif $EventName == "FirstRent">>
<<set $RebeccaSubby = ($SlaveSub[1] >= $HandSub)>>
$Carl had let you know he was coming, and you'd prepared for his visit. The two of you are currently sitting in the lounge, each enjoying a glass of especially expensive and prestigeous alcohol.
<br>You enjoy the idle conversation for a bit, sipping the drink. After a while, $Carl nods his head towards $SlaveName[1].
<<if $RebeccaSubby>>
<br><ca>"Judging by $SlaveName[1] over there, it looks like the Formula worked well. She seems to be coming along nicely."</ca>, $Carl comments.
<br><grs>"Yeah, her training is going well so far."</grs>, you reply, adding <grs>"You wanna take her for a spin?"</grs>
<br><ca>"Oh, I might, but you know that's not why I'm here."</ca>
<br><ca>"What's up with $SlaveName[1]? She seems quite... independent. It's obvious that you've given her the Formula, but why haven't you started breaking her?"</ca>, $Carl says with disappointment in his voice.
<br><grs>"W-well, I'm taking things slow."</grs>, you stammer, caught a bit off-guard.
<br><ca>"Are you sure that's the best idea?"</ca>
<br><grs>"I, uh... maybe not."</grs>
<br><ca>"No time to pussyfoot around, you've got cash to make."</ca>
<br><ca>"It's about time for you to make the first payment for the Formula. Let's call it... 'rent'. You able to swing a ¤$FirstRentCost?"</ca>
<<if $Cash > ($FirstRentCost/2)>>
<br>You nod. <grs>"Yeah, I'll be able to handle that."</grs>
<br>You shake your head. <grs>"I'm not sure I will..."</grs>, you say sheepishly.
<br><ca>"Not good $Name."</ca>, $Carl says with a disapproving glare. His face quickly softens. <ca>"But don't worry. I'll cover for you, this time."</ca>
<br><ca>"Here,"</ca>, $Carl hands you some cash, <ca>"make sure you can make rent next week."</ca>
<br><grs>"Thanks, man."</grs>, you say, with genuine appreciation.
<br><ca>"Don't disappoint me, $Name, I'm putting a lot of faith in you here."</ca>
<br><grs>"I won't..."</grs>, you begin, but something about $Carl's imperious glare quickly makes you add, <grs>"Sir!"</grs>
<<set $Earnings = ($FirstRentCost/2)>>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<<SetPCSubGain 6 1>>
<br>You gained <gr>¤$Earnings cash</gr>. Feeling somewhat humiliated, you became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<br><ca>"By the way, rent's gonna go up. So make sure you ramp up those earnings."</ca>
<br><b>You will have to make 'rent' payments every $RentWeek weeks until you've paid off your debt to $Carl.</b>
<br><smaller>Your current total debt is <re>¤$Debt cash</re>, your current weekly rent payment is <re>¤$FirstRentCost cash.</re></smaller>
<<if $RebeccaSubby>>
With business out of the way, $Carl turns his attention towards $SlaveName[1].
<br><ca>"So, how about that spin?"</ca>, he says, and grabs his junk through his trousers.
<br>You motion for $SlaveName[1] to come over. She understands what needs to be done, and quickly gets to work unbuckling $Carl's pants.
<br>She pulls out his <<CockDesc 7 full>> and starts stroking it with one hand. It quickly hardens, growing big enough for her to use two hands. She does.
<br><<Image handjob016.gif>>
<br>$Carl leans back and enjoys the handjob, making casual conversation with you at some points and instructing $SlaveName[1] how she should do it at others.
<br>He lasts quite a while, but eventually blows his load all over $SlaveName[1]'s face.
<br><ca>"Ah man, that was nice. Keep training her, she'll make a real good whore in no time. Remember what I said, yeah? I'll talk to you soon."</ca>
<br><<SkillGain "Hand" 5 10 true>>
<ca>"So, any chance I could sample the <i>goods</i> before I head out?"</ca>, $Carl asks, smiling towards $SlaveName[1].
<br>$SlaveName[1], who was apparently listening, quickly leaves the room.
<br>$Carl shakes his head in disappointment.
<br><ca>"That ain't good man. You're gonna have to train her better."</ca>
<br><grs>"I will."</grs>, you nod your head apologetically.
<br><ca>"Well man, I guess we're done. Remember what I said, yeah? I'll talk to you soon."</ca>
<br>$Carl leaves.
<<elseif $EventName == "CarlBJ">>
/% Written by Koda %/
$PCInfMed = ($PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.nanites),
$PCInfHigh = ($PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.aura1),
$PCInfVeryHigh = ($PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.aura2),
$ServicedMales = ($PCProCount >= 1),
$PCGivingBlowjobs = ($EventsSeen.contains("PCBlowjobUnlock")),
$SlaveBlowjobs = ($SlaveSub[1] >= $OralSub),
$SlaveSexing = ($SlaveSub[1] >= $SexSub),
$PCBigCock = ($PCCockSize > 6),
$PCBearded = ($PCFace == "bearded"),
$SubLow = ($PCSub > $PCSubStatus.two && $PCSub < $PCSubStatus.three),
$SubMed = ($PCSub > $PCSubStatus.three && $PCSub < $PCSubStatus.four),
$SubHigh = ($PCSub >= $PCSubStatus.four),
$SeenSissyHypno6 = ($EventsSeen.contains("SissyHypno6"))
<<if $Debug == 1>>
Debug info:
<<if $PCInfMed>><br>PCInfMed is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $PCInfHigh>><br>PCInfHigh is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $PCInfVeryHigh>><br>PCInfVeryHigh is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $ServicedMales>><br>ServicedMales is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $PCGivingBlowjobs>><br>PCGivingBlowjobs is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $SlaveBlowjobs>><br>SlaveBlowjobs is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $SlaveSexing>><br>SlaveSexing is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $PCBigCock>><br>PCBigCock is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $PCBearded>><br>PCBearded is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $SubLow>><br>SubLow is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $SubMed>><br>SubMed is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $SubHigh>><br>SubHigh is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><br>SeenSissyHypno6 is fulfilled.<</if>>
<<if $SlaveBlowjobs>>Rebecca Sucking Dick Route<<else>>Rebecca Not Sucking Dick Route<</if>>
<<set $SubVersionAnchor = "
<br>You call $SlaveName[1] in and find a way to busy yourself while she gets to work, knowing Carl likes to instruct girls as they service him.
<ca>\"What do you say?\"</ca>, Carl asks $SlaveName[1] once she's finished. Well, almost finished.
<br><<Image blowjob028.gif>>
<br>She's still gagging on his meat but nonetheless gets the hint and manages to mumble something resembling <pi>\"Thank you for the lesson, sir.\"</pi>
<br><ca>\"Good girl\",</ca> he says, before shooing her away like a pet.
<br><ca>\"Damn, $Name, you're doing great with her. I'll be sure to come back to see the next trick she learns.\"</ca>, he says with a big banana grin. He tosses some bills on the table before he leaves.
<br><grs>\"You sure?\"</grs>, you ask. <grs>\"It was meant to be on the house.\"</grs>
<br><ca>\"Nah, you earned it, man\"</ca>, Carl says, giving you a thumbs up.
<br><ca>\"Besides, I'm sure it'll find its way back to me, y'know?\"</ca>
<br>You suppose you can't argue with that.
<<set $OralTrainEffect = 1>>
<<set $SlaveOral[1] += $OralTrainEffect>>
<<set $Earnings = $Week*3>>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
Carl's tutelage has improved $SlaveName[1]'s oral skill by <b>$OralTrainEffect points</b>.
<br>He also left <gr>¤$Earnings cash</gr> with his compliments.
<<replace \"#BackButton\">>
<<set $DomVersionAnchor = "
<<if $SubLow>>
<br><grs>\"Excuse me?\"</grs>, you say somewhat defensively.
<br><grs>\"Uh, sorry?\"</grs>, you say, trying <<if $SubHigh>>(ineffectively) <</if>>to sound innocent.
<br><ca>\"What can I say?\"</ca>, Carl says with a laugh.
<br><ca>\"I heard your place offers quite the rent boy. And it can't be $SlaveName[1], so...\"</ca>
<br>He raises his hands in mock apology when you scowl at him.
<br><ca>\"Oh come on. It was a joke. If <i>anyone</i> can call you that, it should be me, right?\"</ca>
/% Connect this with the Femdom scenes! %/
<<if 1 == 0>>
<br><ca>\"Besides, we both know you're a professional, right?\"</ca>, he winks.
<br><ca>\"Rumor has it that you're just as happy to get on your knees for a woman, after all. Is that true?\"</ca>
<br>He feigns ducking to dodge the daggers you're glaring at him before again waving the comment off. $Carl's ribbing appears to be all in good fun, but having your recent conduct brought to your attention so plainly is nonetheless flustering.
<br><ca>\"Anyway, if you're into the whole girl-power thing, good for you. If not, hey, cash is cash, right? I respect the hustle. Just don't forget to keep working $SlaveName[1], alright?\"</ca>
<br>You nod idly, glad he seems to have dropped the subject.
<br>Unfortunately, that returns you to the original conversation.
<br><ca>\"Besides, whether you need the extra cash or you just want a bit of fun for yourself, good for you. I respect the hustle. Just remember to keep working $SlaveName[1], alright? And don't put her out of a job, either!\"</ca>
<br>You nod idly, glad he seems to have dropped the subject with his final joke.
<br>Unfortunately, he hasn't. At least not entirely.
<ca>\"So, about that blowjob?\"</ca>, Carl looks you right in the eye. <<if !$SlaveBlowjobs>>Even if she were available, <</if>>$SlaveName[1] is clearly not his primary interest this evening.
<br><grs>\"Are you serious?\"</grs>, you ask. You assumed he was just giving you a hard time.
<br><ca>\"Of course. You're a <<if $PCBearded>>handsome<<else>>cute<</if>> enough guy, $Name, and it's not like I'm picky anyway. My cock has a lot of nerves, so a mouth is a mouth, you know?\"</ca>
<br><grs>\"You definitely have a lot of nerve.\"</grs>, you reply. $Carl chuckles.
<<if $PCInfMed>>
<br><ca>\"Hey, if I'm being honest, I probably wouldn't have the guts to ask if I hadn't heard you were already doing it. I mean, you spend your free time training <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>sex slaves<<else>>a sex slave<</if>>. Frankly, I'm a little surprised you've let other guys top you at all.\"</ca>
<br><grs>\"What's your point?\"</grs> you say, finally somewhat intrigued now that $Carl's showing a little respect, or at least tact.
<br><ca>\"Is that what you said to the first guy who asked for your mouth? Some sort of reluctance role-play? I'm down. Or did the first one even have to ask? Maybe you offered? Maybe you even-\"</ca>
<br><grs>\"Do you have a point?\"</grs> you interrupt, $Carl's new tone putting you on the defensive somewhat.
<br><ca>\"My point is that the sexy stud I've sponsored is either secretly a budding sub, which would be hot, or enough of a pragmatist to kneel down and open wide if there's a big enough reward involved, which would be even hotter. Look, $Name, I'm not trying to embarrass you for having a price, I'm offering to pay that price; I want to buy you.\"</ca>, he says plainly, shrugging.
<br>You suppose you shouldn't be too surprised that a guy who fronted you a miracle drug to help expand your brothel has a bit of a fetish for bought sex. And he does have a point about you doing it for strangers without complaint. Then again, $Carl isn't a stranger, so maybe he'd understand your wanting to keep your relationship as-is...
<br>Despite your reservations, you know you could use the money. <<if $SubMed>>And part of you is eager to serve another client, no matter who. <</if>><<if $SubHigh>>Submitting to your partner might even be somewhat liberating, if you're being honest.<</if>> <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>Not to mention the voice in the back of your head, telling you to serve this man. To <piss>serve all real men</piss>. To turn off your brain off and <piss>be a good girl</piss>. You're not entirely sure what that means but it becomes more tempting the more you struggle with your decision.<</if>>
<span id =\"CarlBJ2\">
<br>You crawl over and <<link \"suck his cock\">>
<<replace #CarlBJ2>>
<br>You crawl over and suck his cock.
<br>Without saying a word, you let yourself slip from your chair and make your way to $Carl on your hands and knees. You're not sure what compels you to make such a show of it, but somehow it just feels appropriate.
<<if $SubLow>>
<br>After all, if Carl wants to be a customer, you have to make him feel like he's getting his money's worth.
<<elseif $SubMed>>
<br>After all, part of making a client feel studly and powerful is keeping yourself meek and low.
<<if $SlaveBlowjobs>>
<br>You taught $SlaveName[1] that, so why not apply it yourself?
<br>If only you could teach $SlaveName[1] that...
<<if $SubHigh>>
<br>After all, real men don't just need their cocks sucked, they need to be worshipped. It's essential that you show your devotion from the outset. <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>> <piss>Good girl.</piss><</if>>
<br><ca>\"Aw, fuck yeah!\"</ca>, $Carl cheers, scrambling to get his junk out.
<<if $PCInfMed>>
<br><ca>\"I didn't think<<if $PCInfHigh>> there was a chance in hell<</if>> you'd actually do it, but here we are, eh?\"</ca>
<br>He wraps a hand around the back of your head and pulls you onto his <<CockDesc $CarlCockSize>> as soon as you reach him. The forceful treatment startles you at first, but you remember you place and quickly submit to the facefucking. Before you know it he's fully engorged and priming your tongue with ample pre-cum. Your mouth seems to move on its own in response to the tasty sensation, slurping and sucking with no regard for dignity or restraint.
<br><<Image gayblowjob020.gif>>
<br><ca>\"You're a greedy little pig, aren'tcha, $Name?\"</ca>, $Carl taunts.
<br><ca>\"Willing to do about anything for a bit of cash, huh?\"</ca>
<br>He presses the thumb of his other hand up against your nose, not only to help you look the part, but also well aware that you'll need air soon and your mouth is very occupied.
<<if $SubLow>>
<br>You hold out for as long as you can, but ultimately can't help taking a deep breath, nostrils flaring and eyes fluttering as his masculine musk overpowers you. <ca>\"That's right, slut, just let yourself go. Oink a little for me I'll even throw in another hundred, deal?\"</ca>
<<elseif $SubMed>>
<br>You hold out long enough to show some toe resistance, but ultimately allow yourself to take a deep breath, nostrils flaring and eyes fluttering as his masculine musk overwhelms your thoughts.
<br><ca>\"Feels good, doesn't it, slut? How about you oink a little and I throw in another hundred for being such a good piggy?\"</ca>
<br>You don't even try to resist, flaring your nostrils and closing your eyes to take a full, deep breath. You moan and shudder as his masculine musk fully consumes you, sniffing desperately for more even as his laughter fills your ears.
<br><ca>\"Now there's a piggy who knows what he wants. Oink for me and maybe I'll give it to you.\"</ca>
<span id =\"CarlBJ3\">
<br>You <<link \"oink\">>
<<replace #CarlBJ3>>
<br>You oink for $Carl like a good piggy.
<<if $SubLow>>
<br>You can't believe you're letting Carl of all people humiliate you like this, but you also reason that you've gone this far for some extra cash. What's a little further? So you moan and snort around his cock to the best of your ability, letting the taste of his flesh and the scent of sex numb you to the overwhelming degradation. You're not sure the noise that comes out is really an oink, but $Carl seems content with your effort.
<br><ca>\"Good! Very good, $Name. Such an entrepreneur, eh?\"</ca>, he says, still laughing.
<br><ca>\"You'll have me paid back in no time, at this rate.\"</ca>
<br>You feel your cheeks burn at his mocking, but know he's right. You could stop if you really wanted to, but here you are: still bobbing your head and lavishing his <<Cock>> with attention.
<br><ca>\"Now, I'd ask if you were willing to swallow.\"</ca>, $Carl muses.
<br><ca>\"But we both know the answer is yes, given the right incentive. So have another hundred and get ready for your treat!\"</ca>
<br>He doesn't even give you the dignity of waiting for a response, nor any more warning than the sudden tensing of his <<Cock>> as you finally bring him to climax.
<<elseif $SubMed>>
<br>Even if he hadn't offered you a bonus, you're not sure you could have resisted $Carl's suggestion. Face stuffed with his cock and nose filled with his scent, you realize you do feel like a pig. And that makes it oh so easy to just let go completely and begin snorting and squealing in your best imitation of the animal. Given the considerable obstruction in your throat, the noises aren't entirely accurate, but that doesn't stop $Carl from enjoying the performance to its fullest.
<br><ca>\"Would you look at that, $Name. You're just like $SlaveName[1].\"</ca>, $Carl says.
<br><ca>\"All you needed to find your calling was little a push!\"</ca>
<br>You feel your cheeks flush at his mocking, or rather, the submissive thrill that comes from wondering if he's right. And the fact that you're still worshipping his <<Cock>> despite his degrading remarks is certainly evidence in his favor...
<br><ca>\"Anyway, I'll add another hundred so get ready to swallow, deal?\"</ca>, he adds.
<br>You \"oink\" again without even thinking, which $Carl gleeful takes as a sign of your agreement as you finally bring him to climax.
<br>You obey $Carl's command without a second thought, snorting and squealing as your mind floods with submissive fantasies of being treated like livestock. Specifically, livestock that doesn't have to think about anything other than crawling around, worshipping cock, and slurping down cum as often as your owner deigns to feed you. Your shameless noises aren't exactly accurate given the considerable obstruction in your throat, but your wanton willingness to degrade yourself more than makes up for it in Carl's eyes.
<br><ca>\"Very good, $Name. You're enjoying being my piggy, aren't you?\"</ca>, $Carl teases.
<br>The affection in his tone is obviously sarcastic, but you nonetheless shudder at the praise, your next attempt at a squeal collapsing into a lust-addled moan around his <<Cock>>.
<br><ca>\"That's what I thought. Now show me how much you want to swallow my <<Cum>>.\"</ca>, he commands abruptly.
<br>You know the drill by now, and \"oink\" with mindless fervor, at last bringing $Carl over the edge with your abject, animalistic begging.
<br>Your brain shuts off as he erupts in your mouth, coating your tongue and flooding your senses with a deluge of molten cum.<<if $SubLow>> Any of your lingering resistance is consumed by the heavenly taste.<</if>> Drinking his seed is all you can think about. It's all you <i>want</i> to think about. You swallow practically with each pulse of the <<Cock>>, guzzling down as much as you can and suckling greedily at his tip once the flow begins to stop.
<br><<Image gaycum039.gif>>
<br>For $Carl's part, even he can't keep up his wry mocking as the pleasure of your ministrations reach their peak.
<br><ca>\"F-fuck...\"</ca> he shouts breathlessly, before surrendering himself to his own series of moans as you coax out every drop of his seed. He at last lets his hands drop to his sides, but you need no further direction to please him. Even once his orgasm truly ends you dutifully lick and slurp along his <<Cock>>, making sure to clean him up while savoring his taste for as long as possible.
You finally come back to your senses when you realize $Carl's gone completely flaccid, and instinctively look up at him in a mix of disbelief at how you've behaved and curiosity about whether or not he enjoyed it.
<br><ca>\"Back down to earth, $Name?\"</ca>, $Carl says with a laugh.
<br><ca>\"Shame. I was just about to put a tag on your ear and fit you with a nose hook.\"</ca>
<br>You feel yourself flushing all over again, and realize your own <<Cock>> so hard it's nearly bursting out of your trousers.
<<if $SubLow>>
<br><ca>\"Aww, do you like that idea? Maybe next time, then.\"</ca>
<br><grs>\"Next time?\"</grs>, you ask hesitantly, suddenly imagining the potential consequences of $Carl as a regular.
<br><ca>\"Yes, piggy.\"</ca>, he says firmly. <ca>\"You don't think I'd give up on you just because you were a bit reluctant at first, right? Hell, reluctance is hot.\"</ca>
<br>$Carl shrugs in his usual friendly way, so you can't be sure if he's joking or not.
<br><ca>\"Of course, if you mind, you can always just say no, right?\"</ca>
<br>He tosses your <i>considerable</i> payment on the table before leaving.
<<elseif $SubMed>>
<br><ca>\"Aww, do you like that idea? How about this, then.\"</ca>
<br>$Carl tosses your <i>considerable</i> payment at you like a stack of confetti, before pulling out a few extra bills and placing them on the table.
<br><ca>\"To earn these, all you have to do is stay kneeling there until you get yourself off once I leave.\"</ca>, he says, shrugging in his usual friendly way.
<br><ca>\"And 'm not even gonna insist that you do it while fantasizing about being my filthy pig, or anything.\"</ca>, he adds with a nod.
<br><ca>\"'Cuz I'm pretty sure I don't have to!\"</ca>
<br>He leaves with a dismissive wave before you can respond.
<br>You wrap your hand around your <<Cock>> and close your eyes.
<br><ca>\"Go ahead and take it out.\"</ca>, he instructs, motioning to your obvious bulge.
<br>You hesitantly do as he says, obviously not opposed to giving yourself some relief.
<br><ca>\"Now you're going to get yourself off.\"</ca>, he says.
<br><ca>\"While I give you a nice bonus for being such a good piggy.\"</ca>
<br>$Carl takes out his wallet and tosses a <i>considerable</i> amount of cash at you like a stack of confetti. He then pulls out another bill and waves it gently before you.
<br><ca>\"Just so we're clear: tell me you're a good little piggy.\"</ca>, he commands.
<br><grs>\"I... I'm... I'm a good little piggy.\"</grs>, you finally manage in a mortified whisper.
<br><ca>\"Good boy.\"</ca>, $Carl replies, flicking the bill at you.
<br><ca>\"Don't forget to stroke.\"</ca>, he adds.
<br>You begin to pump your <<Cock>>, eyes fluttering as your pent up lust is finally met with some sensation. You know that doing this on your knees before the man who just blew a load down your throat is humiliating, but you don't care. A pig doesn't need to be proud, you reason.
<br><ca>\"Now tell me you love worshipping cock.\"</ca>, $Carl continues, revealing another bill.
<br><grs>\"I-I... love w-worshipping cock.\"</grs>, you say, shivering in a mix of pleasure and shame.
<br>$Carl rewards your \"admission\" with more cash once again.
<br><ca>\"And that you love the taste of cum.\"</ca> Another bill.
<br><grs>\"I love the taste of cum.\"</grs>, you say quickly, trying to get it over with, not even realizing how furious your self-ministrations have become.
<br><ca>\"Go ahead and cum then.\"</ca>, $Carl says, chuckling again.
<br><ca>\"As soon as you thank me, anyway.\"</ca>
<br><grs>\"T-thank you!\"</grs>, you shout, finally unleashing your load. You're not sure whether you're supposed to be thanking him for his patronage or for dominating you or for letting you cum, but you shout it a few more times for good measure as your <<Cum>> coats the floor before you.
<br><<Image gaycum042.gif>>
<br>$Carl nods approvingly and tosses a final bill into the sticky puddle, but you don't even notice.
<br>You take a deep breath and close your eyes, exhausted.
<br><ca>\"Oink oink, piggy\"</ca>, $Carl commands, confident he's made his point.
<br>You indulge him and snort one last time in meek surrender.
<br><ca>\"Till next time, then, $Name.\"</ca>, $Carl says with satisfaction, patting you on the head with mock condescension before he departs.
<<SetPCSubGain 16 1>>
<<set $Earnings = 1000 + $Week*30>>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<br>Playing $Carl's pig has made you <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<br>But he also rewarded you with an impressive <gr>¤$Earnings cash</gr>!
<<replace \"#BackButton\">>
<</link>> for $Carl like a good piggy.
<br>You voice a <<link \"muffled refusal\">>
<<replace #CarlBJ3>>
<br>You voice muffled refusal.
<br>Refusing to oink<<if $SubHigh>> despite the overwhelming temptation<</if>>, you attempt to say something dignified and defiant. Unfortunately, your <<print $Carl>>-approved piggy-snout is still stuffed with his <<CockDesc $CarlCockSize>>, so your refusal is reduced to a garbled, unintelligible whimper. Still, you do your best given your musk-addled state and seem to get your point across, if roughly.
<br><ca>\"Aww, you're no fun.\"</ca>, $Carl says, finally removing his thumb from your nose.
<br><ca>\"Part of being a whore is letting pride take a back seat, ya know? But that's not what you want, huh, $Name. Maybe you're just in this for a mouthful of hot... creamy...\"</ca>
<br>You don't quite realize what $Carl is saying, or how tense his cock has become, so the deluge of molten cum coats your tongue and begins filling your mouth without warning.
<br><<Image gaycum048.gif>>
<br>Your fleeting irritation with $Carl is washed away by the heavenly taste as it brings along memories of $Bruce and other clients. You've always looked forward to making money, but had forgotten the pleasure of being on your knees, seed gushing down your throat.
<br><ca>\"S-swallow it all.\"</ca>, $Carl commands between his own wanton exhalations.
<br>It's really more of a reminder as your jaw was starting to go slack from your trance, but you quickly snap to attention and take a nice gulp of the accumulated spunk, shamelessly suckling for more at his pulsing tip. He's happy to feed you all he can, and you suspect that your sudden fervor extracts more than even $Carl expected. His own chest is heaving by the time he's spent, at which point he sinks deep into his chair with a pleasured but exhausted sigh.
<ca>\"Damn, $Name. You're fuckin' good. Oral skill is one thing but you really know how to sell the needy cum-slut act.\"</ca>
<br>You blink. Perhaps because you refused to let him completely humiliate you, $Carl seems to think your... enthusiasm for his jizz was for his own benefit.
<<if $SubLow>>
<br>It certainly was to an extent, of course. ~But is that really all there is to it..?~
<br>Your continued buzz from his taste on your tongue certainly suggests otherwise.
<<elseif $SubMed>>
<br>You suppose it was, to an extent. But you know it would be dishonest to pretend you're not still savoring the taste on your tongue.
<br>Obviously you were happy to serve but you'd be lying if you didn't acknowledge the privilege of nursing a cock and swallowing a load as its own sort of reward.
<br><grs>\"Uh, yeah... well, glad you enjoyed it.\"</grs>, you reply, still somewhat in a daze.
<br><ca>\"Oh I absolutely enjoyed it!\"</ca>, $Carl says.
<br>\"If <<if $SlaveBlowjobs>>$SlaveName[1] can blow <<else>> you can get $SlaveName[1] to blow <</if>>even half as well as you, I'm sure you'll have me paid back in no time. And hey, if not, I'm sure we can work something out, eh?\"
<br>As $Carl tosses your payment on the table before leaving, it's quite clear what he has in mind.
<br><grss>Is he going to stop by again...?</grss>
<br>The thought fills you with excitement.
<<SetPCSubGain 8 1>>
<<set $Earnings = 200 + $Week*5>>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<br>Servicing $Carl has made you <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<br>But you also earned <gr>¤$Earnings cash</gr> for your efforts. <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><piss>Good girl!</piss><</if>>
<<replace \"#BackButton\">>
<br>You politely <<link \"decline the offer\">>
<<replace #CarlBJ2>>
<br>You politely decline the offer:
<<if $SubLow>>
<br><grs>\"Sorry $Carl, I'm not going to do that.\"</grs>, you tell him plainly.
<<elseif $SubMed>>
<br><grs>\"S-sorry, $Carl\"</grs>, you say, shaking off your temptations.
<br><grs>\"I'm just not really comfortable with having my partner as a client.\"</grs>
<br>You shake your head. That's not what you meant to say.
<br><ca>\"Hah, really? Sweet!\"</ca>, $Carl seems to be somewhat surprised by your response.
<br><grs>\"I-I mean... no.\"</grs>
<br><ca>\"No?\"</ca>, $Carl asks, somewhat disappointed.
<br><grs>\"N-not today...\"</grs>, you almost whisper, unsure of why you qualified your refusal in that manner.
<br><ca>\"Aww, you're no fun.\"</ca>, he says, though he's clearly far from heartbroken.
<br><ca>\"Though honestly, it's nice to know you have the backbone to say no. Can't have my investment becoming a total slut before at least paying me back, eh?\"</ca> he laughs.
<br>You nod agreeably, glad there's no hard feelings. His formula has probably made him enough money to proposition anything that moves, so maybe that's all he was doing anyway. Still, you'd feel a little bad if $Carl left totally unsatisfied.
<br><grs>\"Why don't I at least call $SlaveName[1] in?\"</grs>, you offer.
<<if $SlaveBlowjobs>>
<<print $SubVersionAnchor>>
<br><ca>\"Nah, don't worry about it. Thanks though.\"</ca>, $Carl replies.
<br><ca>\"That said, you probably don't need me to point out that it's a little conspicuous for you to be selling your mouth before your own //slave//. I guess it's not my business as long as you make 'rent', but it'd be a shame for you to waste the formula's potential, is all.\"</ca>
<br><grs>\"I appreciate the advice.\"</grs>, you say sincerely.
<br>You don't really want to think about it, but $Carl's right. If you're becoming more of a whore than $SlaveName[1], you might need to either re-think your training strategy... or your goals.
<<SetPCSubGain -8 1>>
<br>Refusing $Carl's proposition has made you <<PCSubGain>> less submissive.
<br><iss>(Note: This might break things! Please report any strange behaviour in regards to submissiveness.)</iss>
<<replace \"#BackButton\">>
<u>[[Advance Week|AdvanceWeek]]</u>
Carl had informed you he would be stopping by again to collect the week's rent and see how you and $Rebecca were doing. After giving him the payment, you prepared some drinks and are having a friendly discussion about your growing business.
<br><ca>"Sounds like things are working out for you!"</ca>, Carl says genially.
<br><grs>"And you by extension, eh?"</grs>, you reply.
<br><ca>"Hey, can't fault a guy for being happy to see return on his investment."</ca>
<br><ca>"Besides, your 'rent' is hardly my only reward. I heard your services had 'advanced' to include some oral action. That true?"</ca>, Carl asks, giving his junk a suggestive squeeze through his trousers.
<<if $SlaveBlowjobs>>
/% Rebecca sucking dick route %/
<br><grs>"We do"</grs>, you say calmly. <grs>"$SlaveName[1]'s become quite malleable."</grs>
<<if $SlaveSexing>>
<br><grs>"And she's well beyond just sucking cock, actually."</grs>, you add with a wink.
<br><grs>"And she's proven herself a natural at sucking cock."</grs>, you add with a smile.
<br><ca>"Yeah, no surprise there."</ca>, $Carl says<<if $PCInfHigh>>, though you notice his voice waver slightly.<<else>>.<</if>>
<<if $PCInfHigh>>
<br><ca>"Honestly not sure what you've been doing, man, but it's working. I'm not sure you'd even need my formula to put a girl in her place..."</ca>, he trails off.
<br>You can't help but smirk. Looks like Carl is more right than he realizes, as he's clearly being influenced by your commanding presence. You'd expect someone in his line of work to have some sort of resistance to the nanites and pheromones you've acquired, but maybe not. Or maybe so, and he's just impressed by the way you carry yourself.
<br><ca>"Well, whatever you've been doing, it's working. You've really put that girl in her place."</ca>
<span id = "CarlBJ1">
<<if !$PCInfHigh>>
<r>You tell him you could also put men in their place.</r> <is>(You don't feel commanding enough to try something like that.)</is>
You tell him you could also <<link "put men in their place">>
<<replace "#CarlBJ1">>
You tell him you could also put men in their place.
<br><grs>"Not just girls, either"</grs>, you say, giving your sponsor a once over.
<br><ca>"Uh, yeah of course"</ca>, he laughs hesitantly.
<br><grs>"If anything, a guy would be easier"</grs>, you shrug.
<br><grs>"I mean, with $SlaveName[1], I can teach her that stroking a cock or swallowing cum means she gets rewarded instead of punished, and your formula obviously helps me help her associate submission with pleasure. But take a guy - you for instance. You know how good a hand feels around your cock."</grs>
<br><ca>"Hey!"</ca>, Carl interrupts, feigning offense.
<br><grs>"A whore's hand, of course!"</grs>, you correct with a grin.
<br><grs>"But the point is, if I let you touch my cock, for example, you'd not only know exactly how to work it, but you'd have a much better idea of how you were making me feel than a woman. Hell, you could probably get off just imagining the pleasure you'd be providing."</grs>
<br>Carl scratches his head, thinking. <ca>"Yeah, that makes sense... I guess."</ca>
<br>You notice his eyes have drifted to your crotch. Carl's practically been hard since he sat down, probably thinking of $SlaveName[1], but teasing him this way has gotten your own blood flowing and that seems to have garnered his attention.
<br><grs>"If you're that curious, I don't mind."</grs>, you say with a laugh, unzipping your trousers and whipping out your <<CockDesc>>.
<br><ca>"Uh, wow. Don't get me wrong, $Name. You're pretty hot<<if $PCInfVeryHigh>> and I'm definitely interested<<else>>, I suppose<</if>>, but I kinda prefer to be the one in control..."</ca> He seems to doubt his own words even as he says them. <<if $ServicedMales>>And you don't blame him. You had similar reservations about servicing male clients.<</if>>
<br><grs>"Oh come on, Carl. Not only do I still owe you thousands of dollars, but I'm offering to sit here while you play with your investment. I am part of your investment, you realize? The formula went to $SlaveName[1], of course, but the income she provides is a big part of my success and, I assume, my appeal. Trust me: you're definitely in control regardless, but no pressure."</grs>
<br>Was that a lie? Control is a matter of perspective, you suppose. If he thinks he's on top while jerking you off like a shy rent boy, it's not like he's lost anything. And while you suspect your "enhancements" are having some effect on him, you know it's nothing in the realm of the formula. If he wants this, it's because at least some small part of him has wanted it for a while.
<br>And it appears Carl does want it.
<br>Without a word he leaves his seat, walks over to you, kneels down, and begins stroking your <<Cock>><<if $PCBigCock>> with both hands<</if>>.
<br><<Image gayhandjob013.gif>>
<br><grs>"Mm, that's great. See? I knew you'd be good at this."</grs>
<br>Your praise seems to spur him on, and it's hardly dishonest. You don't know how much experience $Carl has with other men, but you suspect he has more than enough with both whores and handjobs. Regardless, he seems to know what it is that separates a poor handjob from a good one.
<<if $ServicedMales>>
<<if $SubLow>>
<br>You close your eyes and relax into your chair, ecstatic with the pleasure of another man servicing you for a change. Is this how your clients feel under your ministrations? You smirk: no wonder you're popular.
<<elseif $SubMed>>
<br>You close your eyes and relax into your chair, enjoying the pleasure of another man servicing you for a change. If this is anything like how your clients feel under your ministrations, you can hardly blame them for requesting you so often.
<<elseif $SubHigh>>
<br>You close your eyes and relax into your chair, the pleasure of being serviced filling your mind with a deluge of you own submissive fantasies. You wonder what $Carl's cock feels like. You wonder if he'll 'punish' you later for taking charge. Would he have even let you get away with this if he knew what a slut you'd been with other guys?
<br>You close your eyes and relax into your chair, ecstatic with the pleasure of dominating another man. Given how this feels, you're not surprised guys were asking for your service, but you're glad you've landed on this end of the bargain.
<br>With no more warning than a flutter of your eyelids, you blow your load in $Carl's hands. He manages to avoid a facial, but the way he shudders after inhaling your scent leaves you wondering if he regrets that.
His hands immediately redirect to his own cock as you begin to go limp, but you decide to help him out and call $SlaveName[1] in.
<br>She drops to her knees and eagerly tends to his throbbing hard-on.
<br><<Image blowjob009.gif>>
<br>You're idly aware of $Carl finishing as you step away to freshen up.
<br>Once you return, he's back in his chair with a very satisfied look on his face.
<ca>"Thanks, man. You, uh, weren't kidding about her progress."</ca>
<br>He still seems a bit shaken, but $SlaveName[1] clearly helped calm his nerves.
<br><grs>"Glad you approve."</grs>, you say.
<br><ca>"As for the other thing, don't get any silly ideas."</ca>
<br><grs>"What kind of ideas?"</grs>, you ask, playing coy.
<br>Ignoring you, he continues, <ca>"And don't go telling anyone."</ca>
<br><grs>"Really? You never seemed like the kind of person who'd care what people think."</grs>
<br><ca>"Well, yeah. I mean, I don't. I'm just saying."</ca>, $Carl says, clearly flustered.
<br><grs>"Don't worry, our secret."</grs>, you chuckle.
<br>He shows himself out while waving off your laughter.
<br><grss>That was unexpected...</grss>
<br>You can't help but wonder as he departs.
<br><grss>Does $Carl just have a thing for me, or...</grss>
<br>You're curious to see how your influence might affect others.
<<SetPCSubGain -12 1>>
Seducing $Carl has made you <<PCSubGain>> less submissive.
<br><iss>(Note: This might break things! Please report any strange behaviour in regards to submissiveness.)</iss>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<set $CarlBJButtonName = "try out " + $SlaveName[1] + "'s mouth">>
<br>You ask if he'd like to <<link $CarlBJButtonName>>
<<replace "#CarlBJ1">>
You ask if he'd like to $CarlBJButtonName.
<br><grs>"Should I call $SlaveName[1] in?"</grs>, you ask.
<br>You're certainly flattered by the way $Carl seems to be admiring you, but you can only assume he's here for your whore, especially given how excited he always seems to be about her progress.
<<if $PCGivingBlowjobs>>
<br><ca>"Actually, bud, I was hoping you might do the honors."</ca>, Carl replies.
<<print $DomVersionAnchor>>
<br><ca>"Hell yeah!"</ca>, he says, relaxing into his chair and taking his cock out.
<<print $SubVersionAnchor>>
<<elseif $PCGivingBlowjobs>>
/% Rebecca NOT sucking dick route %/
<<if $SlaveBlowjobs>>
<br><grs>"We sure do"</grs>, you say with a smile.
<br><grs>"$SlaveName[1] will be happy to suck your cock, if that's what you're asking."</grs>
<br><ca>"Good to hear, bud. But I was actually asking about you."</ca>, Carl replies.
<br><grs>"Actually, $SlaveName[1]'s not quite there yet..."</grs> you apologize.
<br><ca>"Aww, that's a bummer"</ca>, Carl replies.
<br><ca>"But I'm sure you'll do just as well, $Name."</ca>
<<print $DomVersionAnchor>>
<br><b>Something went horribly wrong. This event should not have been loaded.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "SecondRent">>
<br><ca>"Let's cut to the chase. You owe me a lot of money."</ca>
<br><grs>"And I'm going to pay you back!"</grs>
<br><ca>"Oh, I have no doubt about that. Don't worry, I'm not here to break your legs or anything."</ca>, $Carl says with a chuckle.
<br><ca>"I'm here to make sure my investment isn't going to waste is all."</ca>
<br><grs>"We're already bringing in a lot more cash than before, it won't be long until we're making a profit again."</grs>, you explain.
<br><ca>"No doubt, it's a good start, but even once you do, you'll not be making much off of a single whore."</ca>
<br><ca>"There's plenty of space in here, a lot of empty rooms."</ca>, $Carl says knowingly.
<br><grs>"You want me to expand?"</grs>, you ask.
<br>$Carl simply nods.
<br><grs>"I'm already heavily in debt, mostly to you, I don't think I can afford any more of that Formula."</grs>, you explain.
<br><ca>"You won't need it. Got something else for you."</ca>, he replies, with a hint of mystery in his voice.
<br>You raise an eyebrow, but $Carl just gives you a coy smile and starts rummaging through his bag. Moments later, he pulls out a strangely ornamented collar.
<br><ca>"Now this,"</ca>, he indicates the device, <ca>"is nowhere near as sophisticated as the Formula. This is primitive in comparison."</ca>
<br>He hands you the collar, you grab it and take a closer look at it. The collar consists of a simple stainless steel band with a locking clasp. The front of the collar houses a small casing, attached to it are three LEDs.
<br>$Carl taps the metal casing. <ca>"It all happens in here."</ca>
<br><grs>"What does?"</grs>, you ask.
<br><ca>"The magic."</ca>, he replies, and winks at you. <ca>"You need more willing workers, this will help."</ca>
<br><grs>"What does it do?"</grs>
<br><ca>"Isn't it obvious, $Name? It allows you to control people."</ca>
<br><grs>"That's what I thought... You said it's more primitive than the Formula? How so?"</grs>
<br><ca>"Once you've used this, there won't be any personality left. Well, at least not much. They'll become blank slates. Drones, we call them. They'll obey your commands, but don't expect to get a conversation partner for the dinner table out of it."</ca>
$Carl took some time to explain to you how the collar works. As he said, it seems simple. You'll just need to put it around the neck of someone, and they'll quickly become an obedient, if unintelligent, slave. A drone. You'll need a collar for each drone, and you'll also need to install a special device he called a pod, where the Drone will rest and where it can be programmed (and reprogrammed). Trying to teach a Drone something is pointless, if they need to learn a new task they'll have to do it in the pod. The pod will also keep them docile and obedient.
<br>$Carl warned you that the collar will not work against individuals with strong willpower, he explained that you'll need to find weak individuals - or break them before collaring them. Obviously you'll also not want to collar anyone who will be missed. Once a person has been collared, they will slowly, and irreversibly, lose their personality. If you accidentally collar the wrong person, you should correct the mistake as quickly as possible.
<ca>"Like the sound of that, eh? It's not too expensive either, let me know when you're ready to install your first pod and I'll hook you up."</ca>
<br>You nod.
<br><b>You now have access to Pods and Drones.</b>
/% ^ Random Slave and PC Events %/
<<elseif $EventName == "ShemaleTakesPC">>
/% Written/Inspired by Sojourner, edited by Kris %/
$SlaveName[1] tells you that there is a client waiting for you in the back.
<br>For a moment, you find it odd that she is accepting appointments for you, but shrug it off as you think about the chance to
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<s>make more money</s> <pii>please a real man</pii>
make more money.
<br>You are confused when you open the door and see a tall, stately woman waiting for you in the room.
<br><PC>"Sorry, can I help you?"</PC>, you say, assuming there has been some kind of miscommunication with $SlaveName[1]. This is not your usual type of client, and you realize there is a twinge of <i>disappointment</i> in your mind.
<br>The woman looks you up and down, a slight smile on her face, and says,
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<fe>"Yes, I believe so. $SlaveName[1] mentioned that you've been going through some changes lately, that I might be interested in your services."</fe>
<fe>"Yes, I believe so. $SlaveName[1] told me that I might be interested in your services."</fe>
<<if $PCTits != "manly">>
<br>You blush as her eyes travel across your body, and rest on your <<PCTitsDesc>>, her smile deepening into a smirk.
<<if $PCDildoed>>
<br>You can't help but respond to the command in her eyes and voice and find yourself stammering, <PC>"I-I don't really know..." </PC>
<br><PC>"I don't really know-"</PC>, you begin to say.
<br>She cuts you off as she walks forward, pulling aside her clothing, revealing a hardening <<Cock>>, <fe>"I believe you know exactly how to help me."</fe>
<br>You stare blankly for a moment, but your mouth begins to water at the sight and you find yourself dropping to your knees without thinking.
<br>The woman sighs as you begin to suck and you moan around her cock in response.
<br><<Image shemale008.gif>>
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<br><fe>"That's right suck my dick, you little sissy."</fe>
<br><fe>"I knew you would be able to help me. Suck that cock!"</fe>
<br>She thrusts her hips pushing deeper into your mouth. It pushes against the back of your throat and you gag slightly trying to take it deeper.
<br>The feeling of her smooth <<LargeCock>> sliding in and out of your mouth combined with the sight of her feminine curves, further revealed as she sheds more clothing, begins to turn you on - even more than your normal clients.
<br>You lose yourself to the hard warmth in your mouth, barely hearing her words of encouragement as you moan and drool around her - trying to take this unexpected <<LargeCock>> completely down your throat.
<br>After a few more minutes of watching you kneeling before her, sucking, she pushes you over onto all fours.
<br>You go willingly, curving your ass into the air.
<br>You whimper in anticipation. Sucking on her cock has made you incredibly horny, and you feel a yearning emptiness - a need to be filled.
<br>You don't have to wait long before she plunges into your willing <<PCAsshole>>. She thrusts over and over, burying her <<LargeCock>> deep within you. Her balls slap against your ass as she rolls her hips, forcing herself deeper.
<br><<Image shemale009.gif>>
<br><fe>"Does that feel good? You like the feeling of being fucked, don't you?"</fe>
<br>A low moan escapes your lips.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno10>>
<br><fe>"Of course you do, all little sissy sluts love to be fucked by nice hard cocks."</fe>, she says, taunting you.
<br><fe>"I guess all those rumors were true."</fe>
<br>You can only groan and gasp in reply, unable to speak, lost in the sensations her <<CockDesc 9>> creates within you.
<<if $PCTits != "manly">>
<br>She reaches around and begins to roll the swollen nipples of your <<PCTitsDesc>> between her fingers as she continues.
<br><<Image tits012.gif>>
<br>The sudden shock of pleasure causes you to arch your back, pushing your ass against her and your <<PCTitsDesc>> further into her hands. She continues to pinch and twist them, laughing as you can't help but gasp and groan in response.
<br><fe>"Someone likes their new <<Tits>>, don't they?"</fe>
<br>You can only gasp in response.
<<if $PCTits == "hormone">>
<br><fe>"Just think how good they will feel when they are a decent size, hanging heavy while you are bent over getting fucked like this."</fe>, the shemale client taunts.
<br><fe>"Do you like how they bounce while I fuck you like this? How they hang heavy beneath you? Don't you wish they were even bigger?"</fe>, the client taunts.
<br>You push back against her with a whimper, not wanting to admit that the idea is turning you on further.
<br>Moments later, she cums deep inside your guts, and pulls out - leaving you with an emptiness that you wish she was still filling.
<br>You can feel your hole gaping, and you can't help but reach back and spread your cheeks. You groan as you feel the cool air invading where moments before her hot, hard cock spread you apart.
<br><<Image gay023.gif>>
<<if $PCTits == "hormone">>
<br>You hear her laugh at your display, <fe>"I think $SlaveName[1] was right about you, my little sissy slut. This was fun. I'll have to come by again to check on your progress. Try to have some proper titties next time, I want to see them hanging heavily under you when I fuck you."</fe>, she says, slapping your ass as she leaves the room.
<br>You remain on your knees, your thoughts are a jumble of pleasure and her words echo in your mind: "<pish>sissy slut</pish>, titties, hanging heavily."
<br><PC><i>"Is that what I am?"</i></PC>, you find yourself thinking. <piss>yes, a sissy slut</piss>
<br><PC><i>"Do I really want breasts?"</i></PC> <piss>heavy, fat titties</piss>
<br>You let go of your ass and begin to pinch your nipples, wondering when you will see her again.
<<if $PCTits == "real">>
<br>You hear her laugh at your display, <fe>"I think $SlaveName[1] was right about you, my little sissy slut. This was fun. I'll have to come by again to check on your progress. How much larger do you think you can grow those tits before I see you again?"</fe>, she says, slapping your ass as she leaves the room.
<br>You remain on your knees, your thoughts are a jumble of pleasure and her words echo in your mind: "<pish>sissy slut</pish>, titties, hanging heavily."
<br><PC><i>"Is that what I am?"</i></PC>, you find yourself thinking. <piss>yes, a sissy slut</piss>
<br><PC><i> "Do I really want bigger tits?"</i></PC> <piss>huge round titties</piss>
<br>You let go of your ass and begin to pinch your nipples, wondering when you will see her again.
<<if $PCTits == "manly">>
<br><fe>"Have you ever thought about getting your own tits to match this ass?"</fe>, she says while giving it a slap, as she leaves the room.
<<elseif $EventName == "PCMassage">>
/% Written/Inspired by mlreta %/
<<set $PCInfHigh = ($PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.aura1)>>
<<if $PCInfHigh>>
<<set $EventId = "PCMassageHigh">>
<<set $EventId = "PCMassageLow">>
The weekend had finally arrived again.
<br>The stress of management<<if $EventsSeen.contains("SissyHypno7")>>, and your constant craving for <pi>cock</pi>,<</if>> is taking a toll on your mental health.
<br>You've decided to take advantage of your Spa, to get some time for yourself, to relax and let go of some of the stress you're feeling.
You're naked, facing down with just a folded towel covering your ass cheeks.
<br>You hear the masseuse enter the room, she greets you warmly and before long she's rubbing warm oil into your shoulders and back - slowly, gently caressing your skin, working out the knots in your muscles.
<br>After a few minutes, you start to calm down - the relaxing flowery scents and sedate atmosphere relaxing every sense in you.
<br>The masseuse removes the towel and begins to massage your glutes. It startles you at first, but it actually feels really good, so you let her continue.
<br>She moves on to the back of your thighs, calves, and eventually even your feet.
<br>After she asks you to turn over, you realize that your <<CockDesc PC>> has gotten hard, and you won't be able to turn around without showing off your erection.
<br>You try to avoid it, but the masseuse insists: <tha>"Don't be coy, there's nothing there I haven't seen before."</tha>
<br>You suppose she's right, and you roll over.
<br><<Image handjob005.gif>>
<<if $PCCockSize >= 6>><br>She gasps slightly as your girthy member comes into view. <tha>"Wow, that's... quite hefty."</tha><</if>>
<<if $PCCockSize < 3>><br>She lets out a quiet sigh. <tha>"Hmm, that's a lot smaller than I imagined..."</tha><</if>>
<br><tha>"Don't worry, that's perfectly normal..."</tha> she says, motioning towards your erection, <tha>"...everybody gets hot with my hands."</tha>, she adds, smiling.
<br><tha>"You should see the girls when I work on them, dripping all over the place."</tha>
<br>She starts rubbing your arms.
<br>Her sensual voice, and her renewed attention to your body, combined with the image she awoke in your mind, makes you grow even harder.
<br>You feel like you are about to lose control of your arousal.
<<if $PCInfHigh>>
<br><grs>"Normal or not, I need you to do something about it."</grs>, you say, with a commanding tone.
<br>Soon, her hands were on your <<CockDesc PC>>, sliding up and down, slowly - almost painfully.
<br><<Image handjob008.gif>>
<br>She teases you with her hands, but in a pleasant way. You relax into it, and eventually release your pent up load.
<br>Her hands wrap around your <<Cock>>.
<br>You gasp as you feel her take ownership of your <<Cock>>. You're at her mercy.
<br><<Image handjob007.gif>>
<br>After what feels like an eternity, you're finally allowed to cum.
<<set $PCEnergyBonusGain = 2>>
<<set $PCEnergyBonus += $PCEnergyBonusGain>>
<br>You feel relaxed and refreshed. You gain <bl>$PCEnergyBonusGain extra energy point<<if $PCEnergyBonusGain > 1>>s<</if>></bl> next week.
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyMassagePegging">>
/% Written by Saint %/
<<set $ManagedSlave = 1>>
<<NMS>> calls on $Assistant yet again. Their encounters have become quite frequent, after only a few weeks they had become the norm. <<NMS>> was enjoying her submissive, and to be honest, $Assistant looked (and acted) like she was enjoying the whole situation as well.
<br><pi>"I'm glad you're here $AssistantAlt, I need something of you."</pi>
<br><asi>"Of course, Miss <<NMS>>."</asi> $Assistant says, and slowly starts to undress.
<br><<NMS>> puts a hand on her shoulder and stops her. <pi>"I love the enthusiasm, but not today."</pi>
<br>$Assistant does her best to hide her disappointment as she starts to button her shirt back up.
<br><pi>"I have some other plans I need you to help me with."</pi> $Assistant listens attentively as <<NMS>> continues: <pi>"Next time <<PCName>> goes for a massage, I need you to let me know."</pi>
<br><asi>"Yes, Miss <<NMS>>. May I ask why?"</asi>, $Assistant is clearly curious.
<br><pi>"You'll do it even if I don't tell you, won't you?"</pi>
<br><asi>"Yes, of course..."</asi>, $Assistant meekly responds, again clearly disappointed. Her excitement to be part of something for both <<PCName>> and <<NMS>> is obvious.
<br><pi>"Good girl. I knew I could count on you $AssistantAlt. Let me know when he goes for a massage, and be sure to stick around yourself as well."</pi>
<br><asi>"Yes, Miss."</asi>
It takes a few days, but eventually $Name schedules another massage.
<br>$Assistant informs <<NMS>> as promised.
<br>Excitedly, <<NMS>> gets ready - changing into more suitable attire for what is about to happen, and preparing the equipment.
You're laying on your stomach, your face down into the small hole of the massage table. You're naked, as per usual.
<br>You're not aware that none of the ordinary masseuses are actually here, so don't suspect anything when <<NMS>> starts to slowly rub your shoulders.
<br>She teases her way down your back, squeezing your ass, before gently reaching in under you and rubbing your penis.
<br><PC>"She's starting early today."</PC>, you think to yourself.
<br>Suddenly, and without warning, <<NMS>> grabs hold of your balls, squeezing them gently - but hard enough for it to be uncomfortable. You're about to turn around when she pushes you back down onto the bed and leans over you.
<br><pi>"No, stay there, you sissy slut."</pi>
<br>Hearing <<NMS>>'s voice shocks you, but as you try to turn around with force this time, the grip around your testicles tighten.
<br><pi>"Stay!"</pi>, she reiterates, with the type of voice you'd use to command a particularly disobedient dog.
<br>$Assistant is shocked about what she is witnessing.
<br><pi>"$AssistantAlt, would you be a dear and get the straps?"</pi>
<br>$Assistant hesitates briefly, but as you do not speak up to stop her - she obeys her <i>mistress</i>.
<br>The straps are wrapped around your body, and you're tied onto the massage table.
<br>You let it happen. You're still in charge, right? <piss>(good girls are obedient)</piss>
<br><pi>"Remember when I told you you'd make a <pish>good girl</pish>? Those pills you're taking are clearly having their intended effect."</pi> <<NMS>> punctuates the sentence by giving your bare ass a slap.
<br><pi>"You've already gotten used to wearing sexy lingerie - and you're doing such a good work with <i>our</i> clients."</pi>
<br>You whimper slightly.
<br><pi>"Still, you have a lot left to learn. I thought I'd help you. How does that sound, $Name?"</pi>
<br>You can't help but nod your head. You're so turned on.
<br>It's only when <<NMS>> forces your head to be tilted upwards that you see the extent of what is going on. She's standing there, dressed in a tight leather dress, the sort of thing with several straps and belts around it, it's giving off a real <i>bondage club vibe</i>.
<br>You don't have a lot of time to inspect her outfit though, because your eyes are immediately drawn to the thing between her legs. A <b>huge</b> strap-on dildo. It must be at least twelve inches long, and has the girth of a soda can. It almost looks more like a baseball bat than a dildo!
<br><<Image femdom002.gif>>
<br>You let out a surprised gasp.
<br><<NMS>> just smiles then wraps her hand around the base of the dildo, lifts it up, then smacks it against your face.
<br>The action shocks you - you're not used to being treated like this, especially not by your own girls!
<br>She does it again, and giggles in that cute way that she does.
<br><pi>"Look at her face! Isn't she just adorable?"</pi>, <<NMS>> asks $Assistant.
<br>It takes a split second for $Assistant to connect that <<NMS>> is talking about $Name, since she used female pronouns. Once it clicks however, she answers <asi>"Super cute!"</asi>, with a smile on her face.
<br><pi>"Do you think she wants to taste it?"</pi>, she smacks <i>it</i> across your face again.
<br><asi>"He's- I mean, she's dying to!"</asi>
<br><pi>"Oh, is that right?"</pi>, <<NMS>> asks, directing the question directly towards you.
<br>You nod your head.
<br><pi>"Open wide and stick your tongue out."</pi>, she commands.
<br>You comply, opening as wide as possible, and sticking your tongue out.
<br><<NMS>> shows no mercy, quickly filling your mouth - and then throat with the huge thing.
<br><<Image femdom003.gif>>
<br>You choke and sputter, saliva drooling out of your mouth, as you do your best to accomodate the length and girth.
<br><pi>"Good girl, <pish>good girl</pish>. Get it all nice and wet. You'll want it nice and slick for what comes next."</pi>
<br>You moan against the faux-member filling your mouth at those words. <piss>(What comes next? Gods, yes. You want it badly.)</piss>
<br>She continues fucking your mouth for some time, but eventually pulls the dildo out with a loud plop. A river of drool escapes your mouth.
<br><<NMS>> walks behind you, and you shiver in anticipation. You're both scared and excited. However, as she delivers a swift smack to your balls - which are squished against the massage table along with your <<CockDesc PC>>, yet sticking out slightly behind you ever since she pulled on them - your excitement is quickly replaced by fear alone.
<br>It doesn't hurt that bad, but it's shocking and painful - and the thought that you couldn't do anything to stop her from utterly destroying you if she wanted to bubbles up into your mind until it is all you can think of.
<br>Thankfully, no more swats are delivered, instead <<NMS>> speaks: <pi>"Go on slut, beg for it. Don't make me hit you again. You should be doing this without being told."</pi>
<br><PC>"P-please fuck me."</PC>, you whimper.
<br><pi>"You can do better than that!"</pi>, she says, and wraps her hand around your ballsack, as if getting ready to strike it again.
<br>Panic fills your mind and you can't help but yell out <PC>"Please! <<NMS>>, put that big thing inside me! I deserve it! I've been a <pi>good girl</pi>! Please, oh please fuck me!"</PC>
<br>She leans over you, and you feel the large dildo resting between your buttcheeks as she does so. <pi>"You have been a good girl."</pi>, she whispers, and then positions the tip of that monstrosity of a toy right against your sensitive <<Asshole>>.
<br><pi>"And good girls get rewarded!"</pi>, she half yells, half moans, as she spears into you. The burning sensation is so intense you think you're about to lose consciousness for a moment, you want her to stop, to pull it back out - but understand that you can't stop her. There's no point in begging her to stop. You're hers right now. You're her <pish>good girl</pish>.
<br>Thankfully, the painful sensations are eventually numbed, and give way to waves of pleasure. Your <<CockDesc PC>> is rock hard, despite being crushed against the mattress, and you feel your climax approaching. You're filled to the brim, over and over again, as <<NMS>>'s thrusts get more and more violent.
<br><<Image femdom004.gif>>
<br>Eventually, you reach the point of no return.
<br><PC>"Yes, yes! Fuck me! <pi>I'm a good girl!</pi>"</PC>, you yell between girlish moans.
<br><<NMS>> shows no intention of stopping, and your orgasm eventually takes you. You haven't even touched your <<Cock>>, but it explodes, splattering a sticky white mess across the massage table.
<br>She keeps pounding you for a few more minutes - and despite already having spent your seed, it feels really nice.
<br>As she pulls out, the emptiness she leaves behind is palpable. You feel your asshole gaping as the thick dildo is replaced by cold air. It feels wrong, somehow. You want it back, but realize that you can't, not now at least.
<br><pi>"She made such a mess!"</pi>, <<NMS>> tells $Assistant, in a playfully annoyed tone of voice.
<br><pi>"We can't have this, this is silly. You know what $AssistantAlt, I'm going to have to ask you for another favour."</pi>
<br>Only now do you realize that $Assistant had been leaning against one of the counters in the room and was masturbating. She quickly straightens her underwear, but her breath is still ragged as she asks <<NMS>> how she can be of assistance.
<br><pi>"I think we're going to have to do something about this."</pi>, <<NMS>> says, and flicks her index finger against your not-yet-soft penis.
<br><pi>"Will you look up some good chastity cages for me?"</pi>, <<NMS>> says with a smirk.
<br><asi>"Of course, Mistress!"</asi>
<br><PC>(""Mistress?" What have they been up to?")</PC>, you think - but it's a stray thought. You're still way more focused on the whole "chastity" thing.
<br>Almost as if she could read your mind, $Assistant leans down and whispers to you: <asi>"I think you should thank Miss <<NMS>>."</asi>
<br><PC>"T-thank you for the lesson, <<NMS>>."</PC>, you mumble.
<br>She smiles at you.
<<SetPCSubGain 100 1>>
<<SkillGain "Dom" 5 25 false>>
<br><i>Beknownst</i> to everyone in the room, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<br>The experience gave <<NMS>> a lot of confidence, making her a lot more dominant. She became <b>$DomTrainEffectPrint points</b> more dominant <smaller>(now at $SlaveDom[$ManagedSlave])</smaller>.
<<elseif $EventName == "BigBlackShowerTitties">>
<<NMS>> takes care of her personal hygiene, and you enjoy watching her wash her <<TitsDesc>>.
<br><<Image tits005.gif>>
<<set $SlaveEarningsMod[$ManagedSlave] = 2>>
<br>Keeping herself clean and fresh makes <<NMS>> more appealing.
<br><b>She will earn <gr>$SlaveEarningsMod[$ManagedSlave] times more cash</gr> during the upcoming week.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "BigBlackShowerTitties2">>
<<NMS>> takes a long, hot, soapy shower - and you enjoy watching her wash her <<TitsDesc>>.
<br><<Image tits006.gif>>
<<set $SlaveEarningsMod[$ManagedSlave] = 2>>
<br>Keeping herself clean and fresh makes <<NMS>> more appealing.
<br><b>She will earn <gr>$SlaveEarningsMod[$ManagedSlave] times more cash</gr> during the upcoming week.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "BreakfastWithCream">>
/% Written by Sojourner %/
Walking into the kitchen for breakfast, you find $SlaveName[1] naked - licking cream off of her <<TitsDesc>>.
<br>A plate of pancakes sits on the table and her clothes lay on the floor at her feet.
<br><<Image tits017.gif>>
<br><reb>"Sorry. I spilled the last of the cream."</reb>, she says, looking down at her soiled clothes, before looking up at you with a coy smile.
<br><reb>"$Master, I made such a mess. Could you help me clean up?"</reb>
<br><PC>"Just as soon as I eat."</PC>, you say, moving towards her. <PC>"You know I hate pancakes without cream. Can't let this go to waste."</PC>
<br>She laughs, pushing her <<TitsDesc>> together, as you pick up a pancake.
Wiping the last bit of cream from her <<Tits $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave]>>, you share the final pancake with $SlaveName[1], enjoying how she licks the sticky juices from her lips.
<br><PC>"I guess we better get to cleaning up now."</PC>, you say as you pull her close lowering your mouth to her still sticky <<TitDesc>>.
<br>With a gasp, $SlaveNickname[1]'s knees buckle and you both sink to the floor.
<br>Afterwards you thank her for the lovely breakfast, leaving her with a fresh load of <i>cream</i> smeared across her <<TitsDesc>>.
<<set $PCEnergyBonusGain = 1>>
<<set $PCEnergyBonus += $PCEnergyBonusGain>>
<br>You feel a bit more energetic after the delicious and enjoyable meal. You gain <bl>$PCEnergyBonusGain extra energy point<<s $PCEnergyBonusGain>></bl> next week.
<<elseif $EventName == "SlaveMakesBreakfast">>
After waking up, you make your way to the kitchen for some breakfast.
<br>You're surprised to find <<NMS>> there, dressed in nothing more than an apron.
<br>She's whisking some eggs in a bowl.
<br><grs>"Hey?"</grs>, you ask.
<br>She turns around and smiles towards you.
<br><pi>"Good morning, <<PCName>>!"</pi>, she says, cheerfully.
<br><pi>"I'm making breakfast for you!"</pi>
<br>You raise an eyebrow.
<br><<if $Staff.contains("Chef")>>You're used to your personal chef cooking your food for you.<<else>>You're used to making your own food.<</if>>
<br><pi>"I thought I'd surprise you. Go sit down, I'll be right over!"</pi>, <<NMS>> says, and turns back to the task at hand.
<br><<Image girl001.jpg>>
<br>You enjoy the delicious breakfast.
<br><<NMS>> sits at your side, and offers to give you a blowjob while you eat - but you decline, deciding that she deserves a bit of a break.
<br>Besides, you're enjoying your breakfast as it is.
<<set $PCEnergyBonusGain = 1>>
<<set $PCEnergyBonus += $PCEnergyBonusGain>>
<br>You feel a bit more energetic after eating. You gain <bl>$PCEnergyBonusGain extra energy point<<s $PCEnergyBonusGain>></bl> next week.
<<elseif $EventName == "SlaveMakesBreakfast2">>
/% Inspired by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
You groggily stumble down into the kitchen, finding <<NMS>> cooking you breakfast.
<<if $RandomSlave == 1 && $EventsSeen.contains("SissyHypno12BothDominant")>>
<br><pi>"Hey babe. good morning!"</pi>, <<NMS>> greets you with a wide smile.
<br><pi>"Good morning!"</pi>, <<NMS>> greets you with a smile.
<br><PC>"Morning, is this for me?"</PC>, you ask, pointing at the sizzling bacon.
<br><pi>"Yup!"</pi>, she moves the bacon onto a plate, next to a slice of buttered toast and a fried egg.
<br><<NMS>> puts the plate full of breakfast foods down on the table in front of you and pulls out the chair.
<br>Such service!
<br><pi>"Sit, enjoy your meal."</pi>, she encourages, still smiling at you.
<br>She pulls out the chair opposite yours and sits down, having a bowl of yoghurt with some sliced fruit.
<br><PC>"Dang, this is actually really good! Thanks. What's the occasion?"</PC>
<br><pi>"Oh, nothing, just trying to make something special for you."</pi>
<br>As she finishes her sentence, you feel her foot trailing its way up your leg until her toes start massaging your <<PCCockDesc>>.
<br><PC>"So... you finished with breakfast?"</PC>, you ask, trying to act nonchalant.
<br><pi>"Yeah, but... I wouldn't mind some <i>breakfast sausage</i>..."</pi>
Her continued teasing makes it easy to give her what she wants, especially as she'd been nice enough to cook you a good meal beforehand.
<br>You bend her over the counter and give in to her desires.
<br><<Webm anal019.webm>>
<<set $PCEnergyBonusGain = 1>>
<<set $PCEnergyBonus += $PCEnergyBonusGain>>
<br>That was really refreshing, what a great way to start the day! You feel a more energetic. You'll gain <bl>$PCEnergyBonusGain extra energy point<<s $PCEnergyBonusGain>></bl> next week.
<br><<NMS>> got more used to taking things up her <<Ass>>. <<SkillGain "Anal" 5 10 true>>
<<elseif $EventName == "RestaurantGloryhole">>
/% Written/Inspired by mlreta, Edited upon Patreon request from Bob, Undertable Blowjobs by Kris, Girly gloryhole interactions and SPH by Sojourner %/
<<PushEvent $EventName>>
<<set $GloryholeScene = []>>
<<set $PCSubFour = ($PCSub >= $PCSubStatus.four)>>
<<set $PCSubFive = ($PCSub >= $PCSubStatus.five)>>
<<if $PCSub >= $PCSubStatus.three && $PCProCount > 0>>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("RestaurantGloryholeGay")>>
<<set $EventId = "RestaurantGloryholeGay">>
<<set $GloryholeScene.push("Gay")>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $OralSub>>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("RestaurantGloryholeStraightLowSub")>>
<<set $EventId = "RestaurantGloryholeStraightLowSub">>
<<set $GloryholeScene.push("Straight")>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $AnalSub>>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("RestaurantGloryholeStraightHighSub")>>
<<set $EventId = "RestaurantGloryholeStraightHighSub">>
/% Debug Testing
<<if $Debug == 1>>
Debug Testing
<br><<link "Gay">>
<<set $PCSub = $PCSubStatus.three + 1>>
<<set $PCProCount++>>
<br><<link "Straight">>
<<set $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] = $OralSub + 1>>
<br><<link "Straight, High Sub">>
<<set $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] = $AnalSub + 1>>
<br><<link "Inf, Aura 1">>
<<set $PCInf = $PCInfStatus.aura1 + 1>>
<<set $RestaurantGloryholeAllowBathroomText = "
<br>After you've had the main course, <<NMS>> heads off to the bathroom, and is gone for quite some time.
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $AnalSub>>
<br>Eventually, she returns with a smile on her face.
<br>Her hair is a bit ruffled, and there are some wet spots down the front of her clothes.
<br>She hands you a small wad of cash.
<br><pi>\"I didn't want you to have to pay for dinner, so I paid a visit to the little girl's room.\"</pi>
<br>She's still smiling.
<br><pi>\"There's a gloryhole in there.\"</pi>, she says while lowering her voice, and she winks conspiratorially.
<br>You're not sure whether to be disgusted or proud of her. A bit of both, you suppose.
<br><grs>\"So, I guess we're not ordering any dessert?\"</grs>, you quip.
<br><pi>\"No thanks, I'm stuffed!\"</pi>, she giggles.
<br>You're pretty full too - but another primal urge has just woken up inside you, one that you need to take care of.
<br>When she returns, you ask what took her so long.
<br>She looks down, breaking eye contact.
<br>You yell her name: <grs>\"<<NMS>>!\"</grs>
<br>She bolts upright and looks back up at you.
<br><grs>\"Well?\"</grs>, you ask in a tone that makes it clear to her that she better tell you.
<br><pi>\"T-there was a, uh... gloryhole in the bathroom.\"</pi>
<br>You burst out laughing.
<br><grs>\"And what, you couldn't help yourself? Did it look too delicious? Did you want a bit of dessert, is that it?\"</grs>
<br><pi>\"W-what?! No, I, uh, I did it for money.\"</pi>, she says, blushing heavily.
<br><grs>\"Oh, okay. I guess you're paying for dinner then.\"</grs>, you say.
<br>For the faintest moments it look like <<NMS>> is about to argue with you, but she simply nods her head and says <pi>\"Yes, Sir.\"</pi>
<br>You stand up and decide you could stand to <i>get some dessert</i> too, your way.
<br><<NMS>> got some blowjob practice. <<SkillGain \"Oral\" 1 2 true>>
<span id =\"GloryholeEvent\">
<<if $GloryholeScene.contains(\"Gay\")>>
<br><<link \"You go to the women's bathroom.\">>
<<replace \"#GloryholeEvent\">>
<br>You go to the women's bathroom, and head into the stall that <<NMS>> pointed out, locking the door behind you.
<br><<if $PCSubFour>>Eagerly<<else>>Nervously<</if>>, you get on your knees<<if $PCSubFour>> like you've gotten used to doing<</if>>.
<br>You put your fingers through the hole, signaling to whoever is on the other side that you're available.
<br>Soon, a <<CockDesc 7>> slides through the hole. <<if $PCSubFour>>The aroma is intoxicating, your mouth starts to water.<</if>>
<br>You grab it firmly, and let your smooth tongue wetten the length with saliva before taking it into your mouth.
<br>Moans from the other side tell you that you must be doing something right.
<br>Spurred on by these sounds of pleasure, you take the shaft into your mouth, swallowing it down until it reaches your throat.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image shemale019.gif>>
<br><<Image gayblowjob001.gif>>
<br><<if $PCSubFour>>With practiced skill, you deepthroat the <<Cock>>. You can feel it pulsating in response, and the moans get louder.<<else>>You deepthroat the <<Cock>> amateurishly, and end up choking a bit on the length.<</if>>
<br>It doesn't take long for the man on the other side to grunt one final time in pleasure as he releases a load of sticky, hot <<Cum>> into your mouth.
<br><grs>\"Damn baby, you're amazing!\"</grs>, the muffled voice from the other side of the wall says.
<br><<if $EventsSeen.contains(\"SissyHypno6\")>>You eagerly swallow the <pi>delicious cum</pi> like a <piss>good girl</piss> and wipe your lips.<<elseif $PCSubFour>>You swallow the load and wipe your lips.<<else>>You spit the load out onto the floor and wipe your mouth.<</if>>
<br>The person on the other side shows a few bills through the hole as payment.
<br>Spending some time pondering what just happened, you grab the cash, wash up, adjust your clothes, and head back to your dinner date.
<<set $Earnings = (Math.round($PCSub*1.25))>>
<<if $Earnings > 200>><<set $Earnings = 200>><</if>>
<br>You made <gr>¤$Earnings cash</gr>.
<<SetPCSubGain 29 1>>
<br><b>Sucking dick in the women's bathroom has increased your submissiveness by <<PCSubGain>>.</b>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<<replace \"#BackButton\">>
<</link>> <<if !$PCGirly>><is>(Gay content)</is><</if>>
<br><r>You go to the women's bathroom.</r> <is>(You have no intention on being on the receiving end.)</is>
<br><<link \"You go to the men's bathroom.\">>
<<replace \"#GloryholeEvent\">>
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br>You go to the men's bathroom and stop short as a man glances up at you and clears his throat, <blu>\"Excuse me, I think that you might have wrong room, ma'am.\"</blu>
<<if $PCInfLow>>
<br>Not expecting to run into anyone; without thinking, you embarrassingly blurt out, <PC>\"I heard there was a gloryhole-\"</PC>
<br><blu>\"Yeah, I definitely think you have the wrong side, girly.\"</blu>, he interrupts in a new tone.
<br><blu>\"But, since your here.\"</blu>, he continues, and begins to unbuckle his belt with a knowing grin.
<<if $PCSubFour>>
<br>You stand, stunned watching him pull out his <<CockDesc 7>>.
<<print $SuckCockInMensText>>
<br>Quickly you back out of the restroom his laughter following you. No longer in the mood you return to the table and settle up the bill.
<<elseif $PCInfHigh>>
<br><PC>\"No, I don't think so.\"</PC>, you say pulling out your <<PCCockDesc>>
<br>The man looks at your hardening <<Cock>> and then back to your feminine appearance with a confused and shocked expression.
<br><PC>\"I heard there was a gloryhole in the back stall.\"</PC>, you continue in his silence.
<<if $PCCockSize >= 8>>
<br>The man looks down at your <<PCCockDesc>> again watching as it continues to swell. You can't really blame him. It's doubtful he's ever seen a <<Cock>> so large.
<br>You begin to stroke it, slowly bringing it to full hardness, while watching his face. He seems mesmerized, nervously licking his lips. His breathes quickening.
<br><PC>\"You know, I came for the back stall, but I'm flexible if you see something you like.\"</PC>, you tell the man. You don't really care who sucks your <<Cock>>, but to be honest the idea of him on his knees before you, dominating him, only turns you on even more.
<<if $PCTits == \"real\" || $PCTits == \"hormone\">>
<br><PC>\"Do these help any?\"</PC>, you say reaching up with your other hand to caress your <<PCTitsDesc>>.
<br>The man quickly looks at your face tearing his eyes away from your <<PCCockDesc>>.
<br><PC>\"Don't worry. No one will ever know if that's what your afraid of. I can tell you want to taste it.\"</PC>, you say as you push him back into the stall.
<br>Without a word he sinks to his knees his eyes locked on your <<PCCockDesc>> hovering before his face. Leaning forward you rub the head against his lips. Almost as if by instinct, he opens his mouth and lets out a small gasp as it slips past his lips.
<br><PC>\"That's right. That's what you need.\"</PC>, you say as you push forward forcing more of your shaft into his mouth.
<br>With a groan he suddenly opens wider trying to take more and begins to gag slightly. Its obvious that he has little to no experience and you take control grabbing his head to guide his mouth on your <<Cock>>.
<br><<Image shemale020.gif>>
<br>You hear a gasp and giggling. Glancing towards the noise you see a girl's eye pressed to the hole in the wall watching as you slowly fuck this man's face.
<br>Hearing the noise he tries to pull away, but you tighten your hold on his head forcing your <<PCCockDesc>> deeper than before. After a moment you feel his throat relax and begin to thrust more quickly.
<br>The idea of being watched, the knowledge of how that must be so humiliating for the man kneeling before you only adds to your excitement. <<if $PCTits == \"real\" || $PCTits == \"hormone\">>You feel your nipples tighten and raise a hand to play with your <<PCTitsDesc>> adding to the sensations.<</if>>
<br>Within moments you tense and push deeper into the man's mouth. He senses what is about to happen and tries to pull back but you don't allow him depositing a load of <<Cum>> in his throat.
<br><PC>\"That was lovely. Maybe we'll run into each other again.\"</PC>, you say with a quiet laugh, as you leave him on the floor of the stall still in a daze over what has just happened.
<br>After a few moments to let your heavy breathing subside, you arrange your clothes in the mirror and leave the restroom with a big smile on your face.
<<set $PCEnergyBonusGain = 2>>
<<set $PCEnergyBonus += $PCEnergyBonusGain>>
<br>Due to your little escapade, you gain <bl>$PCEnergyBonusGain extra energy points</bl> next week.
<<elseif $PCCockSize <= 3>>
<br>The man looks down at your <<PCCockDesc>> again watching as it continues to swell.
<br><blu>\"Is that supposed to be a <<Cock>>?\"</blu>, he asks regaining his composure. <blu>\"I've never seen one so small before. I still think you might have the wrong room. What do you expect a girl to do with that? Looks more like a clit to me.\"</blu>
<br>You decide to ignore him and turn to the last stall.
<br>Stepping in front of you he begins to open his pants and says with a grin, <blu>\"Let me show you a what a proper <<Cock>> looks like, girly\"</blu>
<<if $PCSubFive>>
<br>Despite yourself a part of you reacts to the sight of his bulge and you realize you are licking your lips at the idea of this man's <<Cock>>.
<br>Watching your face the man continues to pull out his <<CockDesc 7>>.
<<print $SuckCockInMensText>>
<br>Unwilling to deal with him, you push past and enter the last stall.
<br>As you drop your pants in front of the hole in the wall, you hear his laughter as he leaves the restroom.
<<print $UseGloryholeSPHText>>
<br>The man looks down at your <<PCCockDesc>> again, watching as it continues to swell, and quickly excuses himself with a mumbled apology.
<br>You can't help but laugh to yourself as he leaves.
<br>Entering the last stall of the row, you close the door behind you.
<<print $UseGloryholeInMensText>>
<<else>> /% For Med PCInf %/
<br><PC>\"No, I don't think so.\"</PC>, you say rubbing against your <<PCCockDesc>> to emphasize your bulge.
<<if $PCCockSize <= 3>>
<br>Watching you rub your crotch, the man begins to smile and says in a suggestive tone, <blu>\"Is there something I can help you with then?\"</blu>
<br>Looking down you realize that as small as it is the bulge from your <<PCCockDesc>> looks more like a <<Pussy>>; and that the man must think you're a woman coming on to him.
<br><PC>\"I don't think so.\"</PC>, you say pulling out your <<PCCockDesc>> and giving it a stroke. <PC>\"I heard there was a gloryhole in the back stall.\"</PC>, you continue trying to take control of the situation.
<br>The man looks down at your <<PCCockDesc>> watching as it begins to swell.
<br><blu>\"Is that supposed to be a <<Cock>>?\"</blu>, he asks regaining his composure. <blu>\"I've never seen one so small before. What do you expect a girl to do with that? Looks more like a clit to me. Are sure there's nothing I can't help you with?\"</blu>
<br>You decide to ignore him and turn to the last stall.
<br>Stepping in front of you he begins to open his pants and says with a grin, <blu>\"Let me show you a what a proper <<Cock>> looks like, girly\"</blu>
<<if $PCSubFour>>
<br><br>Despite yourself a part of you reacts to the sight of his bulge and you realize you are licking your lips at the idea of this man's <<Cock>>.
<br>Watching your face the man continues to pull out his <<CockDesc 7>>.
<<print $SuckCockInMensText>>
<br>Unwilling to deal with him, you push past and enter the last stall.
<br>As you drop your pants in front of the hole in the wall, you hear his laughter as he leaves the restroom.
<<print $UseGloryholeSPHText>>
<br>The man looks at your feminine appearance and then your crotch with a confused and shocked expression.
<br><PC>\"I heard there was a gloryhole in the back stall.\"</PC>, you continue in the awkward silence.
<br>Glancing at your obvious bulge once more, he quickly excuses himself with a mumbled apology.
<br>Not wanting to embarrass him further you enter the last stall of the row and close the door behind you.
<<print $UseGloryholeInMensText>>
<br>You go to the men's bathroom and walk to the last stall of the row, closing the door behind you.
<<if $PCCockSize <= 3>>
<<print $UseGloryholeSPHText>>
<<print $UseGloryholeInMensText>>
<<replace \"#BackButton\">>
<br><<link \"Do neither.\">>
<<replace \"#GloryholeEvent\">>
<br>You decide against going into either of the toilets, finish up your meal and head back.
<<replace \"#BackButton\">>
<<set $UseGloryholeInMensText = "
<br>You unzip your pants and extract your <<CockDesc PC>>, massaging it until you're sporting a semi - hard enough to insert through the hole in the wall.
<br>It doesn't take long for a warm mouth to engulf it and start to greedily suck it, giving you a really satisfying blowjob.
<br>You unleash your load into the receiving mouth on the other side with a grunt, and hear a girlish moan of pleasure in response.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image gay027.gif>><<Image blowjob013.gif>>
<br><<Image gay003.gif>><<Image blowjob013.gif>>
<br>You take a few moments to let your heavy breathing subside before you arrange your clothes in the mirror and leave the restroom with a big smile on your face.
<<set $PCEnergyBonusGain = 2>>
<<set $PCEnergyBonus += $PCEnergyBonusGain>>
<br>Due to your little escapade, you gain <bl>$PCEnergyBonusGain extra energy points</bl> next week.
<<set $SuckCockInMensText = "
<br>Something shifts in your mind <piss>(tasty cock)</piss> and you walk towards him, pushing him back into the stall.
<br>This isn't what you came for, but you can't resist reaching out to his hardening <<CockDesc 7>> as you sink to your knees, your mouth already watering.
<br>Quickly you stroke him, licking the tip, teasing him until he is rock hard in your hand. Parting your lips you guide him into your welcoming mouth.
<br><blu>\"That's right slut. Suck it deep.\"</blu>, you hear him say as he suddenly grabs your head forcing his <<CockDesc 7>> down your throat.
<br>As you gag on his <<CockDesc 7>> willing your throat to relax, you hear a gasp and giggling. Glancing towards the noise you see a girl's eye pressed to the hole in the wall watching as you drool around this man's <<Cock>>.
<br><<Image shemale021.gif>>
<br>No longer caught by surprise <<if $PCSubFour>>with practiced skill, you deepthroat the <<Cock>>. You can feel it pulsating in response, and the man begins to moan.<<else>>you manage to deepthroat the <<Cock>>, while still choking a bit on the length.<</if>>
<br><fe>\"That's it girl, suck it. Take that cock. Guess you couldn't wait your turn on this side, huh slut?\"</fe>, you hear the girl's muffled voice teasing you as she continues to watch.
<br>It's humiliating, but somehow knowing that you are being watched by the girl that only moments before you had hoped would be sucking your <<PCCockDesc>> only turns you on even more and you begin to moan around his <<Cock>>. <piss>(good slut)</piss>
<<if $PCTits == \"real\" || $PCTits == \"hormone\">>
<br>Caught up in the moment, without thinking about it, you begin to squeeze your <<PCTitsDesc>> pinching and pulling on your nipples, adding to your excitement.
<br>It doesn't take long for the man to grunt a final time in pleasure as he releases a load of sticky, hot <<Cum>> into your mouth.
<br><<if $EventsSeen.contains(\"SissyHypno6\")>>You eagerly swallow the <pi>delicious cum</pi> like a <piss>good girl</piss> and wipe your lips.<<elseif $PCSubFour>>You swallow the load and wipe your lips.<<else>>You spit the load out onto the floor and wipe your mouth.<</if>>
<br><blu>\"Damn, I can't believe this just happened!\"</blu>, you hear the stranger say above you.
<br>Leaving you kneeling on the floor, the man drops some money next to you as he walks out muttering to himself, <blu>\"The guys are never going to believe this.\"</blu>
<br>Spending some time pondering what just happened, you grab the cash, wash up, adjust your clothes, and head back to your dinner date.
<<set $Earnings = (Math.round($PCSub*1.25))>>
<<if $Earnings > 200>><<set $Earnings = 200>><</if>>
<br>You made <gr>¤$Earnings cash</gr>.
<<SetPCSubGain 29 1>>
<br><b>Being forced to suck dick in the men's bathroom has increased your submissiveness by <<PCSubGain>>.</b>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<<set $UseGloryholeSPHText = "
<br>Stroking your <<PCCockDesc>> until it is hard enough, you insert it in the hole in the wall.
<br>Someone begins to lick the tip of your <<Cock>> and you hear through the wall a muffled voice moan, <fe>\"About time.\"</fe>
<br>After a moment the voice continues, <fe>\"Well come on, stick it all the way through. Do you want me to suck it or are you just a tease?\"</fe>
<br>You feel plump lips press against your cock's head trying to suck you in further. Shifting your weight you press as much of your <<PCCockDesc>> as you can through the hole into her waiting mouth.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<br><<Image gay027.gif>><<Image *tobeassigned*.gif>> GhSPH.gif
<br><<Image gay003.gif>><<Image *tobeassigned*.gif>> /% Same as $PCGirly gif %/
<br>She begins to lick again briefly before pulling away with a shocked gasp, <fe>\"Is that all? I can't suck that. Is this some kind of a joke? I can barely even get my lips around it.\"</fe>
<br>The feeling her warm tongue on your <<Cock>> only made your need for relief more urgent and you again try to force more of your <<PCCockDesc>> through the hole with a groan.
<br><fe>\"Oh honey, that's not going to make a difference. It's just too small. Have you ever thought that you should be the one sucking <<Cock>>, with a <<PCCockDesc>> like that?\"</fe>, she says while giving it a final kiss and pushing it back through with a laugh.
<br>Pulling away you see her eye at the hole looking up at you.
<br><fe>\"</fe><<if $PCTits == \"real\" || $PCTits == \"hormone\">><fe>You've got tits too?</fe> <</if>><fe>You should seriously think of trying this side out next time.\"</fe>, she continues with another giggle.
<br>Turning away from her gaze you straighten your clothes and exit the stall. <<if $PCSubFour>>Thoughts of <piss>tasty cocks</piss> fill your mind and the humiliation of her words somehow only make you more excited and turned on.<</if>>
<br>Taking a moment to overcome your embarrassment you head back to the table to finish your evening<<if $PCSubFour>>, ignoring the urge to enter the woman's restroom and let yourself be used <piss> (like a good slut)</piss><</if>>.
<<SetPCSubGain 29 1>>
<br><b>The humiliation of being turned away from the gloryhole because of your <<PCCockDesc>> has increased your submissiveness by <<PCSubGain>>.</b>
<<if $GloryholeScene.length == 0>>
During the weekend, you decided to treat <<NMS>> to an evening out, as a reward for her hard work.
<br>Finding even a somewhat fancy restaurant in the neighborhood around the brothel wasn't easy - but you found a place with table service and decent food.
<br><<Image events/dinner.jpg>>
<<if $GloryholeScene.length == 0>>
<br>The whole ordeal is pleasant enough, and you feel like <<NMS>> trusts you just a little bit more.
<br><<SubGain "slave" 1 2>>
<span id ="GloryholeEventInfluence">
<<if $PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.aura1>>
<br>After the main course, <<NMS>> asks if she can be excused to head to the restroom.
<br>You get the feeling that she doesn't simply need to relieve a full bladder, but plans to find some <i>fun</i> as well.
<br><<link "Tell her she may be excused, and let her have her fun.">>
<<replace "#GloryholeEventInfluence">>
<br><<link "Tell her to stay for dessert.">>
<<replace "#GloryholeEventInfluence">>
<br><<NMS>> meekly agrees. Dessert is brought in, and the two of you enjoy the rest of the meal without further interruptions.
<br>Being denied her <i>fun</i> makes <<NMS>> more aware of her role and place. She becomes more submissive, and the nice evening spent together makes her ready to work a bit harder next week!
<<set $SlaveEnergyGain = 1>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyBonus[$ManagedSlave] += $SlaveEnergyGain>>
<br><<SubGain "slave" 4 6>>
<br><<NMS>> gains <bl>$SlaveEnergyGain extra energy</bl> for the upcoming week.
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<br><<link "Tell her to get under the table to service you, and get her kicks that way instead...">>
<<replace "#GloryholeEventInfluence">>
<br>You tell her to get under the table and <i>get to work</i>.
<<if $SlaveSubAnal>>
<br><pi>"Of course, Sir."</pi>
<br>Without a fuss, <<NMS>> slides to her knees, crawling under the table so that she can reach you. Practiced hands undoes your zipper, and you do your best to smile politely at the waiter who walks up just as <<NNS>> takes your <<PCCockDesc>> into her mouth.
<br><<Webm blowjob022.webm auto 256>>
<br><<NMS>> glances around at all the people dining, <pi>"Out here? But someone might see us."</pi>
<br><PC>"This isn't up for discussion"</PC>, you tell her, <PC>"The bigger a scene you make, the more likely someone will know what you're doing."</PC>
<br>You're willing to wait her out, to prove a point. If she's so willing to disappear to the ladies room for some <i>fun</i>, then she also needs to be ready to take care of $Master.
<br>After all, she wouldn't have any of this without you.
<br><pi>"Please-"</pi>, she says pleadingly.
<br>"We're not leaving until you listen and obey. I have all night."
<br><<NMS>> finally slips under the table, careful to keep cover underneath the tablecloth.
<br>She unzips your trousers and pulls your <<CockDesc PC>> out.
<br>She's barely started when the waiter comes by.
<br><blu2>"Will dessert be on the menu tonight? Or shall I wait for the Missus to return?"</blu2>, he asks, unaware of what is happening just out of sight.
<br><PC>"Dessert sounds wonderful."</PC>, you tell the waiter, while reaching down inconspicuously with one hand to stroke <<NMS>>'s cheek - making sure she stays put.
<br><PC>"I'm feeling peach cobbler today. And a small slice of chocolate cake for her. Hold the whipped cream - I suspect she's beginning to feel quite full."</PC>
<br><blu>"Of course, Sir."</blu>, the waiter says<<if $SlaveSubAnal>>, unwittingly echoing <<NMS>>'s earlier sentiments<</if>>. <blu>"That will be right out."</blu>
<br>The waiter dutifully scribbles down your order and heads off to the kitchen.
<br>With the waiter gone, you shift over so that <<NMS>> can resume her task.
<<if $SlaveSubAnal>>
<br>Intending to prolong the experience, you move your chair back just a touch. After all, you would hate to finish too soon.
<br><<NNS>> crawls forward again, pushing the table cloth back so that it's not in her way. It seems she no longer cares about the risk of being seen.
<br>The waiter clears his throat as his approaches, a flush clear on his cheeks as he sets the plates down on the table. He lingers briefly once they're in place, his eyes locked on the back of <<NMS>>'s head as it bobs up and down. It's only when your hands clench at the white tablecloth that he seems to break out of his trance.
<br><blu>"Full indeed."</blu>, he chuckles to himself as you cum down <<NMS>>'s throat.
<br><<Webm cum011.webm auto 256>>
<br>You hand <<NNS>> a napkin, which she uses to wipe off some of the <<Cum>> that she didn't manage to swallow.
<br>Without a bit of shame, <<NMS>> licks her lips as she returns to her seat at the table.
<br>As you're getting close, you slip your hand back beneath the cloth, holding her tight as you unload into her throat. It's a kindness, really. She wouldn't be happy if she had to walk out of here with cum all over her dress.
<br><<Image blowjob015.gif>>
<br>It's only after the waiter has reappeared with both plates and then made his way to another part of the room that <<NMS>> pushes herself back up and into her seat. She's obviously taken the time to try and flatten her hair back down, but there's no mistaking the slight smear of her lipstick.
<br>You find yourself filled with an equal mix of pride and amusement every time you see it.
<br><<SubGain "slave" 6 6>>
<br><<SkillGain "Oral" 1 2 true>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<elseif $EventName == "ShemaleOnFemale" || $EventName == "ShemaleOnFemale2">>
/% Written by mlreta %/
<<NMS>> was sitting at the reception of the brothel, carelessly playing with her long hair when a dignified-looking woman came into the lobby.
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("ShemaleOnFemale")>>
<br>Tall, voluptuous, and with curves like those of a mountain road, accentuated by the tight dress she was wearing. It perfectly hugged her figure, showed her body to perfection.
<br>The woman looked around<<if $SlaveCount>1>> at the girls in<<else>> the lobby<</if>> and as soon as she saw <<NMS>>, her expression changed.
<br>From the distant and uninterested look, it changed to the appearance of a predator stalking its prey as a sinister smile drew on her lips.
<br>With firm steps, she reduced the distance until she was standing right in front of <<NMS>>.
<br>Without a word the woman extended her hand towards <<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $AnalSub>>the eager whore<<else>>the girl<</if>>.
<br><<NMS>> took it, delighted at the prospect of having sex with yet another gorgeous woman.
<br>As soon as they entered the room, the woman enfolded <<NMS>> in a hug and started kissing her intensly.
<br>The surprised girl<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $AnalSub>>, overwhelmed by her horniness,<</if>> started fumbling with the client's clothes, caressing her body.
<br>Suddenly, to <<NMS>>'s surprise, she found something that <i>shouldn't be there</i> when she worked her way down to the client's crotch.
<br>The brunette client broke the kiss and smiled widely.
<br><ds>"Have you found something you like?"</ds>, she asked.
<br><<NMS>> couldn't believe her eyes when the tall woman pulled her dress aside and extracted her <<CockDesc short 8>> from within her panties.
<br>The whore couldn't contain herself, she got straight to her knees and engulfed <<CockDesc short 8>> with her mouth.
<br>The combination of the feminine woman's body with a thick, meaty cock was overwhelming - <<NMS>> almost felt like she was in love, her head rushing.
<<set $EventId = "ShemaleOnFemale2">>
It was the same tall and stately woman as last time.
<br>She walked straight to where <<NMS>> was sitting and extended her hand towards the eagerly expecting whore.
<<NMS>> couldn't hide her desire to yet again be used to sate this woman-with-dick's wanton lusts.
<br>As soon as both entered the room, <<NMS>> fell to her knees, and hungrily hunted for the woman's <<Cock>>.
<br>She slid it into her mouth with loud, slurping sounds.
<br>A few seconds later and the shemale's <<Cock>> was rock hard. <<NMS>> sucked on it lustfully and without shame.
<br>When <<NMS>> felt the tall woman approaching orgasm, she let the <<Cock>> slide out of her mouth and begged to be taken to bed.
<br>Her <<Pussy>> was aching with need, and she was going to offer it willingly to her client.
<br><<NMS>> was thrown atop the bed and the tall woman spread her legs wide open.
<br>The whore eagerly complied, and her hungry eyes implored the shemale to hurry, to fuck her.
<br>When the client's <<CockDesc 8>> entered her, <<NMS>> was completely lost in bliss.
<br><<if !$EventsSeen.contains("ShemaleOnFemale")>><<Image shemale001.gif>><<else>><<Image shemale003.gif>><</if>>
<br>She was feeling something that she <<if !$EventsSeen.contains("ShemaleOnFemale")>>never thought possible:<<else>>had quickly learnt to enjoy:<</if>> having sex with a girl with a cock.
<br><<NMS>> loved the sensation so much!
<br><pi>"If this wonderful woman keeps fucking me this good, I might be lost forever..."</pi>, she thought.
<br>It felt so good, so powerful - her attraction towards the client only grew stronger and she felt herself giving up all resistance, mesmerized by the girl-cock pounding away at her.
<br>Finally, <<NMS>> was overwhelmed by a powerful orgasm and came, screaming in pleasure.
<br>The client smiled wickedly as she looked down upon the still-numb-and-shuddering-from-pleasure girl then bent down and kissed her.
<br><<NMS>> moaned into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of this woman's tongue against hers.
<br>With a quick twist, the shemale broke the kiss and turned <<NMS>> over, making her face the pillow.
<br><ds>"Ready for round two?"</ds>, she asked.
<br><<NMS>> could only moan happily - and the client penetrated her from behind.
<br><<if !$EventsSeen.contains("ShemaleOnFemale")>><<Image shemale004.gif>><<else>><<Image shemale002.gif>><</if>>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("ShemaleOnFemale")>>
<br>As they went on, the powerful woman would lean forward and whisper to <<NMS>>.
<br>The whispers seemed strangely hypnotic - and <<NMS>> understood that from this moment on, she was going to crave girls with cocks more and more.
<br>In her mind, <<NMS>> started to visualize her future: having sex with this kind of girl all the time.
<br>When the woman detected that <<NMS>> was already lost in sensations, she started to whisper in her ear.
<br>She was creating a new craving within the promiscuous whore's mind.
<br><ds>"Wouldn't you love to have your own submissive little dick-girl? Someone that you and your master could train - someone to satisfy both you and him?"</ds>
<br><<NMS>> moaned happily in agreement as the shemale carried on.
<br><ds>"Another slave-whore for this place - wouldn't you just love that?"</ds>
<br><<NMS>> could already picture it in front of her, how they could take one of the more effeminate clients and turn him into a perfect little girl-with-a-dick.
<br><ds>"I can help you. Tell your master."</ds>, the shemale whispered.
<br><<NMS>> could feel how the client's pace was picking up, and the whore wasn't really even listening anymore.
<br>She shouted out in pleasure as her <<PussyDesc>> was filled with warm, sticky <<Cum>>.
<br><b><<NMS>> can now seek out submissive customers to dominate.</b>
<<if $EventId == "ShemaleOnFemale2">>
<<set $SlaveIsDominant[$ManagedSlave] = true>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyGain = 2>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyBonus[$ManagedSlave] += $SlaveEnergyGain>>
<br><b>As a result of the encounter, <<NMS>> gains <bl>$SlaveEnergyGain extra energy</bl> for the upcoming week.</b>
<<set $Earnings = Math.round($SlaveSex[$ManagedSlave]*20)>>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<br>The woman paid you <gr>¤$Earnings</gr> for <<NMS>>'s time.
<br><<NMS>> learned a bit about a different kind of sex. <<SkillGain "Sex" 1 2 true>>
<<elseif $EventName == "ToiletPiss">>
/% Written/Inspired by DerpTheDark %/
<<set $AnalScenePissLowSub = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $AnalSub)>>
<<set $AnalScenePissMedSub = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $PissSub)>>
<<set $AnalScenePissHighSub = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $PissSub+400)>>
$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] entered <<PCName>>'s bathroom to hide away from the stress she had been under lately, feeling the urge to pee as well.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] pulled down her lacy thong, kicked it away and sat her <<AssDesc>> on the toilet to pee.
<br><<Image piss001.gif>>
<br>At that moment, you burst burst into the bathroom, already unzipping your fly as you spot <<NMS>> in her compromising situation.
<br>She's not allowed to be in here. She knows that well.
<br>You glare at her, and she cowers away from you, a few drops of <<Piss>> still dribbling out between her legs.
<br><blu>"$SlaveName[$RandomSlave], why are you in here?"</blu>
<br><pi>"I-I, uh..."</pi> she started.
<br><blu>"Shush."</blu>, you put your finger on her lips to silence her.
<br>You finish unzipping and pull out your <<CockDesc PC>>.
<<if $AnalScenePissHighSub>>
<<set $EventId = "AnalScenePissHighSub">>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] obediently opens her mouth, knowing exactly what to expect.
<br><blu>"Good girl"</blu>, you purr, grab your <<Cock>>, point it towards her expectantly open mouth and release a stream of warm <<Piss>>.
<br>She swallows it down as fast as she can, trying to avoid spilling any.
<br><<Image piss003.gif>>
<<elseif $AnalScenePissMedSub>>
<<set $EventId = "AnalScenePissMedSub">>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] looks at you tentatively, then opens her mouth.
<br>She knows what's coming, and she can't help but wince.
<br>You let loose a golden yellow stream of warm <<Piss>> into her open mouth.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] simply stays there with her mouth open. It quickly overflows with <<Piss>> and it streams down her chin, soaking her clothes.
<br><<Image piss002.gif>>
<<set $EventId = "AnalScenePissLowSub">>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] looks at you curiously, then opens her mouth tentatively, expecting to give you blowjob.
<br>You grip the side of her head by her hair and hold her firmly, using your other hand to point the tip of your <<Cock>> towards her face.
<br><<Image piss004.gif>>
<br>She looks confused, and then cringes as it dawns upon her what is going to happen.
<br>You let loose a golden yellow stream of warm <<Piss>> that hits the bridge of her nose and splashes all over her face.
<br>She recoils and flinches her head away in disgust.
<br>The <<Piss>> streams down her face and onto her body, soaking her clothes.
Being used as a urinal crushes $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s resistance. <<SubGain "slave" 12 12>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SlaveGrooming">>
You catch $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] grooming herself to maintain the standards you've set for her.
<br><<Image shaving001.gif>>
<br>When she's done, her <<PussyDesc>> looks perfect.
<br>You compliment her on a job well done, and she smiles coyly at you.
<br><pi>"Thanks you."</pi>, she responds.
<br>The compliment seems to have motivated her to further in regards to keeping herself presentable and beautiful.
<<set $SlaveEarningsMod[$RandomSlave] = 1.5>>
<br><b>Because of this, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] will earn <gr>$SlaveEarningsMod[$RandomSlave] times more cash</gr> during the upcoming week.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "SlaveLotionTits">>
$SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s body is being put through a lot of stress, she has to take good care of it.
<br>You've bought a bottle of extra fancy moisturizing lotion for her.
<br>She takes the bottle and thanks you for the gift.
<br><grs>"Go on."</grs>, you instruct, nodding your head towards her.
<<if $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] < $OralSub>>
<br><pi>"Do I really have to?"</pi>, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] asks, she looks uncomfortable.
<br><grs>"Yes."</grs>, you insist.
<br>She looks like she wants to continue arguing, but you give her a stern gaze and the fight going out of her.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] nervously gets undressed and awkwardly starts applying the luxurious lotion.
<br><grs>"It's important to keep yourself looking good, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]."</grs>
<br><pi>"Okay."</pi>, she says with a smile.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] happily gets undressed and starts applying the luxurious lotion to her body.
<br>You continue watching as $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] rubs the silky lotion into her <<TitsDesc>>.
<br>Her <<NipplesDesc>> stiffen beneath her hands.
<br><grs>"You look beautiful, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]."</grs>
<<if $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] < $OralSub>>
<br>Your compliment makes $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] uncomfortable. She stares at the floor with a frown on her face.
<br><pi>"Thank you, Master!"</pi>, she happily replies.
<br><<Image tits158.gif>>
<<set $SlaveEarningsMod[$RandomSlave] = 1.5>>
<br>Keeping her skin nice and smooth makes $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] more appealing.
<br><b>She will earn <gr>$SlaveEarningsMod[$RandomSlave] times more cash</gr> during the upcoming week.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "SlaveDinnerNice">>
You instruct $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] to put on a fancy dress and join you for dinner.
<br>She seems nervous, expecting that you have some nasty surprise planned for her, but does as you tell her.
<br>You stand up to greet her when she enters the room.
<br><grs>"You look stunning tonight, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]."</grs>, you tell her.
<br><pi>"Thank you, <<PCName>>."</pi>
<br><<if $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] <= $OralSub>>You frown as she uses your name, but decide to let it pass this time.<</if>>
<br>You move towards her, and wrap her in your arms.
<br><grs>"Don't be nervous, we're just going to have a nice dinner together tonight."</grs>, you whisper into her ear.
<br>You give her <<AssDesc $RandomSlave>> a bit of a squeeze, and pull her in for a kiss.
<br>She kisses back, <<if $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] <= $OralSub>>but doesn't seem particularly into it<<else>>lovingly, as if she's enjoying it<</if>>.
<br><<Image kiss011.gif>>
<br>The dinner goes well.
<br>You pamper $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] with compliments and attention. By the end of the meal, she seems like she's had a good evening.
<<set $SlaveEnergyGain = 3>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyBonus[$RandomSlave] += $SlaveEnergyGain>>
<br>Thanks to your personal attention, <<NMS>> gains <bl>$SlaveEnergyGain extra energy</bl> for the upcoming week.
<<elseif $EventName == "SlaveDefiance">>
<<NMS>> refuses to listen to any of your orders. You try to punish her for misbehaving, but she doesn't react the way you expect.
<br>You cannot break her. She is simply stubbornly defiant.
<br>This behaviour cannot be tolerated, and must immediately be quashed.
<br><PC>"One last chance, <<NMS>>."</PC>, you give her a final warning.
<br><pi>"Fuck you, $Name."</pi>, she spits back.
<br>It can't be helped then. You grab her arms and drag her with you into one of your playrooms.
<br><<NMS>> screams and kicks and tries to bite you. You cannot fathom what has gotten into her. She usually behaves.
<br>Despite her best efforts, you manage to get her into the room. Once inside, you quickly tie her hands together and hook them onto the end of a pulley.
<br><PC>"I wish I didn't have to do this, <<NMS>>, but you have to learn what happens to bad girls when they misbehave."</PC>
<br>Using a wheel on the wall, you raise the pulley <<NMS>> is hooked onto. This forces her hands and arms up into the air.
<br><pi>"Fuck you! Let me go! Let me go!!"</pi>, she screams.
<br>You ignore her.
<br>Once her arms raise above her head you lock the wheel in place. She'll be standing like that for a while.
<br>To make things worse, you grab a posture collar out of a drawer and put it around her neck. It will force her to keep her neck stretched, removing any possibility of letting her head hang and relax.
<br><pi>"You asshole! Get me out of this shit! Fucking let me go!"</pi>, she continues protesting.
<br><PC>"I'll let you go..."</PC>, you say, and start removing her clothing, <PC>"... as soon as you've learned to behave."</PC>
<br><<Image bondage021.gif>>
<br>You leave her hanging naked in that position. It will start out bearable, but before long her body will start cramping up. She'll be unable to relax, unable to find any relief from the burning pain in her muscles.
<br>You check in on her periodically throughout the day, every time asking her to apologize and admit that she's been a bad girl. Every time, she refuses, instead shouting insults and expletives at you.
<br>There is a look of steely determination in her eyes. You know the pain she is experiencing must be severe, yet she shows no sign of breaking. She hasn't even cried.
<br>Something is wrong. This is not normal. You think that even <i>you</i> would've broken at this point.
<br>Somebody must've done something to her. Given her some drug, perhaps? You try to interrogate her, but she does not respond.
<br>If it is a drug, perhaps it will wear off. You leave her tied up for a couple more hours, just to make absolutely sure.
<br>By the time you come back, she's collapsed. She's hanging from her arms, her legs having buckled underneath her. Her shoulders are bulging outwards, it looks like they've popped out of their sockets from the pressure.
<br>You grimace. Hopefully there's no permanent damage. There shouldn't be.
<br>Some drool has escaped from <<NMS>>'s mouth and is running down her chin. You wipe it away using your thumb.
<br><PC>"<<NMS>>, can you hear me?."</PC>, you ask.
<br><pi>"P-please..."</pi>, she whispers.
<br><PC>"Have you been a bad girl, <<NMS>>?"</PC>
<br><pi>"Y-yes, Master. P-please forgive me..."</pi>. Every word seems to strain her greatly.
<br>You're relieved, whatever was going on has clearly either passed, or you finally managed to push past it and break her.
<br>You quickly get her down from her precarious position. She whines and yelps in pain throughout.
<br>You question <<NMS>> afterwards. She's very scared and apologetic, she doesn't understand what came over her.
<br>You think she's telling the truth, she doesn't seem to know what happened to her, or why.
<br>Regardless, you have to investigate this, make sure it doesn't happen again.
<<set $SlaveEnergyGain = ($SlaveEnergyMax[$RandomSlave]) * -1>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyBonus[$RandomSlave] = $SlaveEnergyGain>>
<br><b>Because of her injuries, <<NMS>> <r>loses</r> <bl>$SlaveEnergyGain energy</bl> for the upcoming week.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "SlaveLezdom">>
/% Written by mlreta %/
$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] was bored. She was sitting in the lounge, waiting for a customer to arrive.
<br>Her ennui finally came to an end when a tall, thin woman entered the brothel.
<br>She strode straight in like she was the queen of the world: her steps surefooted, her head held high.
<br>The woman's eyes were concealed by a pair of very fancy, dark sunglasses. They looked very expensive, as did the woman's long coat and black leather boots.
<br>Her attire exhibited luxury and confidence alike.
/% ####ADJUST %/
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("FemaleClientIntro")>>
<br>It was not unusual to see women come into the brothel, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] knew that they sometimes sought <<PCName>>'s services.
<br>This one however displayed unusual elegance and class.
<br>It was unusual to see women come into the brothel, especially ones with displaying such obvious elegance and class.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] observed as the woman strode confidently across the room, towards <<PCName>>.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] couldn't hear what the woman asked. <<PCName>> looked at her, quizzically.
<br><grs>"The girl?"</grs>, he responded, motioning towards $SlaveName[$RandomSlave].
<br>The woman nodded, and related her desires.
<br><<PCName>> explained that $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] had absolutely no experience with other women. The tall woman removed her sunglasses.
<br>There was glimpse of eagerness and desire in those eyes. She smiled wickedly, and said <thi>"Even better!"</thi>.
<br><<PCName>> called $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] over. She obliged, curious as to what exactly was going on, but also fearful.
<br>The woman took a few steps, walking around $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]. She nodded her head in approval a few times.
<br>When she finished her lap, she took $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s chin in her hand and looked into her eyes.
<br><thi>"You'll learn a lot of new things today, and you'll be grateful for it."</thi>
<br><pi>"Y-yes, Madam.</pi>, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] responded.
<br><thi>"Mistress."</thi> The woman didn't have to say anything else, that word alone was enough for $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] to understand.
<br>A chill ran down her spine and $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] glanced at <<PCName>>, pleadingly, as if to implore him to reconsider. He looked back, his steely gaze alone was more than enough for $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] to understand that she had no choice in the matter.
<br><pi>"Mistress.</pi>, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] obliged.
<br>The lady took $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s hand and guided her into a room.
<br>As soon as the door closed, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] turned to look at the woman. She let her coat slide off her body and fall to the ground, revealing a shiny black leather outfit. It was composed of a tight corset, which left the woman's <<Tits>> exposed, as well as perfectly fitted thong panties made out of leather. The thong had a slit down the middle, which revealed her labia. She was also wearing gloves of leather, and her leather boots, that reached mid-thigh, were studded with metal spikes and tacks.
<br><i>Mistress</i> had a furled up whip hanging by her side.
<br><<Image bondage005.jpg>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] was speechless, the sight was overwhelming. She felt a heat whelm up within her, and a wetness form between her legs.
<br><thi>"Strip, and get on the bed."</thi>, her mistress said in a tone that would brook no argument.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] did, without hesitation.
<br><thi>"Get on all fours."</thi>
<br>She did.
<br><thi>"First of all, little princess, tell me your name, and how many women you've been with.</thi>
<br><pi>"My name is $SlaveName[$RandomSlave], and I've never been with a woman in my whole life."</pi>, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] replied, trembling, her voice half whispered.
<br>The sudden crack of the whip reminded $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] of thunder, it was so loud and sudden.
<br>The whip didn't touch her, but the mere suggestion that it could scared $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] tremendously.
<br><thi>"You forgot something. I expect you to adress me as Mistress, every time. The next time you fail to do so, the whip will strike your flesh."</thi>
<br><thi>"Now tell me: have you ever fantasized about being with another woman?"</thi>
<br>It took $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] a second to reply. Should she tell the truth, or try to please the Mistress?
<br><pi>"No Mistress, never.</pi>, she said, opting for the truth.
<br>The lady smiled. <thi>"It seems your body is willing, judging by this."</thi>, she indicated $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s sopping wet, <<PussyDesc>>.
<br><thi>"And these."</thi> The woman teased a hand across $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s <<TitsDesc>>, grabbing one of her <<Stiff>> <<Nipples>>.
<br><<NMS>> let out a submissive whimper.
<br><thi>"When I'm done with you, you'll be a perfect little pussy-craving lesbian."</thi>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] squirmed, rubbing her legs together, her <<Pussy>> throbbing. She realized that the thought enticed her.
<br>The woman turned $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] around and pulled her arms in front. She then handcuffed the lusting girl.
<br>Mistress pushed her slut back, making her fall onto the bed, and pulled her legs to the sides.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] yelped in pleasure and pain as her Mistress gave her <<PussyDesc>> a firm slap with the flat of her hand.
<br>Pulling an intimidatingly large dildo out of her purse, the lady had a wicked grin on her face.
<br><thi>"This is what your pussy is used to, isn't it, whore?"</thi>, the Mistress demanded. At the same time, she started teasing the dildo across $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s clit.
<br><pi>"Yes, Mistress."</pi>, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] responded.
<br>The mistress teased the opening of $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s dripping <<Pussy>> with the huge dildo. She slowly pushed it forward, spreading $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] open.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] moaned, twisting her body, straining against the cuffs - enjoying the sensations more and more with every pasing second.
<br>Then, suddenly, the mistress stopped. $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.
<br><thi>"It's time for you to learn what <i>real</i> sex feels like."</thi>, she said, and casually discarded the dildo, tossing it onto the floor.
<br><thi>"You're allowed to cum as many times as you want, princess."</thi>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] was surprised to hear that, but barely had time to process the thought before her mistress dove between her legs.
<br><<Image lesbian010.gif>>
<br>Adroit fingers plunged inside of her, exploring her folds, and an expert tongue started licking her clit.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] came almost immediately, but Mistress didn't stop there. She continued massaging the sensitive nub using both fingers and tongue, licking the labia and occasionally letting her tongue plunge deeper.
<br><<Image lesbian008.gif>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] became a squirming mass of pleasure - moaning and twisting, pushing her <<PussyDesc>> back towards her Mistress's mouth, craving more.
<br>She went from orgasm to orgasm, quickly losing count. She was a wet, exhausted mess by the time her Mistress decided to stop.
<br>Slowly, the woman crawled across the bed, until her face was millimeters away from $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s face.
<br>Their lips met, and $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] could taste herself as their tongues entwined. $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] eagerly kissed her Mistress, her <i>Goddess</i>.
<br><thi>"See? This is what real sex feels like."</thi>
<br><thi>"You have a lot left to learn. I'll be seeing you again soon, princess."</thi>, the tall woman said as she left.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] could only whimper in response, she had been reduced to a puddle of pleasure.
<<set $Earnings = Math.round($SlaveBeautyMod[$ManagedSlave]*90)>>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<br>You were paid <gr>¤$Earnings cash</gr> for the use of $SlaveName[$RandomSlave].
<br><<SkillGain "Hand" 12 12 true>>
<br><<SkillGain "Oral" 25 25 true>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SlaveLezdom2">>
/% Written by mlreta %/
$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] was resting in her room when $Name called for her.
<br><grs>"Come to the lobby, a customer is asking for you."</grs>
<br>She whimpered, as it was late, and she had already had more customers than she could handle; she was exhausted.
<br>Of course, she didn't say a word about it. She knew that $Name was very strict about girls complaining about their work.
<br>She freshened up, touched up her makeup and went out for yet another cock.
<br>When $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] entered the lobby she was surprised.
<br>Standing there, talking to <<PCName>>, was the woman from the other day - <pii>"Mistress"</pii>, was the first thing that came to the girl's mind.
<br>She looked as magnificent as ever, stunningly beautiful. The woman was politely discussing something with <<PCName>> - he seemed somewhat annoyed at what she was saying.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] couldn't help but remembering the last time she had met with this woman, especially the way <pii>"Mistress"</pii> made her feel.
<br><pi><<if $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] < $SexSub>>"She taught me how to love a woman."<<else>>"She fucked my brains out."<</if>></pi>, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] thought.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] realized that her <<PussyDesc>> was completely drenched, she was flooding her thong with juices just remembering <thi>"what real sex feels like"</thi>.
<br>She couldn't wait to experience that again...
<br>The tall woman looked in $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s direction and smiled. Sweetly at first, then wickedly. <pii>"Mistress"</pii> excused herself from the conversation with $Name and walked over to $SlaveName[$RandomSlave].
<br><pii>"Mistress"</pii> placed three fingers on $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s chin and pulled her head upwards until their gazes met. They seemed to share an understanding, and their lips touched.
<br><<Image lesbian002.gif>>
/% Change Image %/
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] let the woman kiss her dominantly, just enjoying the wet warmness of her tongue for as long as <pii>"Mistress"</pii> wanted it to last.
<br><thi>"I see you've missed me..."</thi>, the woman said, <thi>"..and smell it."</thi>, she added, sinking a hand down towards $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s dripping <<Pussy>>, <pii>"Mistress"</pii> caressed it gently from outside of the panties.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] simply shivered and nodded.
<br><thi>"Are you ready to continue where we left off?"</thi>, <i>"Mistress"</i> said in a breathy whisper.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] nodded again.
<br><thi>"Ready to be my little lesbian princess?"</thi>, <pii>"Mistress"</pii> said, emphasizing the last word by pulling $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s panties to the side and plunging three fingers into her sopping wet <<Pussy>>.
<br><<Image lesbian001.gif>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s body spasmed as the first orgasm of the night coursed through her body.
<br>She knew that there was going to be many more...
<<set $Earnings = Math.round($SlaveSex[$RandomSlave]*40)>>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<br>You were paid <gr>¤$Earnings cash</gr> for the use of $SlaveName[$RandomSlave].
<<elseif $EventName == "SlaveLezdom3">>
/% Written by mlreta %/
Once inside, the woman turned around and locked her gaze with the girl's, pulling her chin up to avoid her to lower her eyes. “Will you say something, slut?”, the woman asked. “I missed you, Mistress. I masturbated thinking in you every day. I even looked at the other girls, and masturbated thinking in fucking them, Mistress. Am I a lesbian now?” The woman chuckled lightly, and said: “not yet, but soon, really soon, you'll be, my slave”. That last word triggered an alarm in $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s head. She can't have two owners. Is the Mistress willing to take over this place? What will happen to Master? The woman read the girl's thoughts, and said: “I see you got it. Very good, slave. You're smart after all. Yes, I plan to take over this place. I plan to make you and the other girls my lesbian sluts, and put you all to work for me. I already have another slaves, already working for me in the streets. They fuck men for money, and they fuck me and each other for fun. I will bring them here, and have them working for me together with you all. That pathetic master of yours will have no chance against me. And you'll help me take over this place. In fact, you'll beg me to let you help me. (note: if <<PCName>>'s femininity is high enough at THIS moment, then the Mistress might say: And I'll turn that master of yours into another slutslave and put her to work for money. She will beg me to put her to whore here, with the rest of you.) $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s mind was trying to process all of this, and the Mistress took the opportunity to send her fingers up the girl's pussy, massaging her clit, kissing her at the same time. $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] couldn't resist, and started to cum repeatedly, for a long time. Finally, when she opened her eyes, she looked deeply into the Mistress' ones, and smiling wickedly, said: “of course I'll help you, Mistress, but would you let me dominate the other girls, and turn them into eager lesbians all by myself? I want to break the bitches, and bring them under your command, without your help. Will you allow, me, Mistress?” Both women laughed out loud, and then went into kissing each other again.
One hour, and uncountable orgasms from both of them later, the Mistress said: “OK, sweetie, you're ready now. You learned a lot in how to make a woman delirious with pleasure, and how to crave for another woman's touch. Now you can say proudly you ARE a lesbian. Will you bring the other girls into my herd?” $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] came again, from the fingering that Mistress was giving her, and smiling, between panting and shaking, said: “of course I will, Mistress. The other girls must feel this way, too. Just give me one week, and they'll be all yours”.
Mistress got dressed and left the room, while $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] masturbated yet once more with one of the toys, picturing a threesome with the other two girls, all cumming at the same time, all swearing her loyalty to the Mistress.
When she was about to cum, Master entered the room. He said: “so, I see you're planning to betray me. I heard all you and that bitch said. Don't think I'm stupid or weak. I know what you're planning. Of course, you can go fuck the other girls all you want. Suit yourself. I understand you're bisexual now. Or lesbian. I don't care. Just one warning: your male customers should not notice you don't enjoy the sex with them. If they do, I'll have to punish you so severely, that you might end up not being able to take customers anymore. Got it, slut?” He paused for a few seconds. Then continued: “What do this bitch think? I'll turn her into my bimbo slut, too (note 2: if same conditions as to note 1 are met, then PC would add: Does she think that because I love to be fucked like a girl I'm weak or submissive? She'll see!)”
$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] trembled in fear. She looked upon her Master, and she realized she was not as smart as she thought. Master was aware of all she had been planning with Mistress. What about her Mistress? Will she make a good enough contender for her Master? Should she warn her, or should she disclose all the plan to Master? (note 3: you might want to give this last phrase as an option to help in further development of the action. If the girl backs up the master, that would improve PC chances in future confrontation; if she goes the Mistress way, that would help the woman AND increase the girl's dominance).
<<elseif $EventName == "DeskBlowjob">>
$SlaveSubHigh = ($SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] >= $AnalSub),
$SlaveSubMed = ($SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] >= $SexSub && $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] < $AnalSub),
$SlaveSubLow = ($SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] < $SexSub)
You're at your desk in your office. It's nearing the end of what feels like a long day. You yawn. So much boring paperwork.
<br>You need a break.
<br>A gentle knock at the door.
<br><grs>"Enter."</grs>, you command.
<<if $SlaveSubLow>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] slowly opens the door and peers inside.
<br><grs>"Enter."</grs>, you repeat, and point to the floor in front of your desk.
<br>After a brief moment of hesitation she reluctantly steps forward.
<br><pi>"Yes, Master?"</pi>, she asks, with a slight quiver in her voice.
<<elseif $SlaveSubMed>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] opens the door and steps inside, closing the door behind her.
<br>You point to the floor in front of your desk.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] lingers but a moment before obediently walking forward.
<br><pi>"Master?"</pi>, she asks, as if expecting an order.
<<elseif $SlaveSubHigh>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] obediently steps inside, closes the door behind her then walks up towards your desk.
<br>She stands in front of your desk and lowers her gaze, waiting for your command.
<br><grs>"Get naked."</grs> The tone of your voice makes it clear that you're telling rather than asking.
<<if $SlaveSubLow>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] complies, reluctantly, her face blushing with embarrassment, and is soon standing naked in front of you.
<<elseif $SlaveSubMed>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] complies, and is soon standing naked in front of you.
<<elseif $SlaveSubHigh>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] happilly complies, and is soon standing naked in front of you.
<br><grs>"Good girl."</grs>, you compliment her, <grs>"Now get on your knees."</grs>
<<if $SlaveSubLow>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] looks worried, but knows that disobedience is punished.
<br>With a whimper of dismay, she gets on her knees.
<<elseif $SlaveSubMed>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] seems to hesitate for a moment, but then gets on her knees.
<<elseif $SlaveSubHigh>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] drops down to her knees without hesitation.
<br>You pat your lap, as if calling a dog. <grs>"Crawl."</grs>, you instruct.
<<if $SlaveSubLow>>
<br>Judging by the look on her face, a fierce battle appears to be raging inside $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]'s mind. She doesn't want to do this, but she's too afraid, or too weak not to.
<<elseif $SlaveSubMed>>
<br>Naked on all fours on the floor, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] has a moment of doubt - but realizes that if she's already gone this far, she might as well continue.
<<elseif $SlaveSubHigh>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] obeys your command without questioning it.
<br>She starts crawling around the desk to get to you, but you quickly stop her by snapping your fingers. She looks up at you.
<br><grs>"Here."</grs>, you motion under the desk. $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] gets the idea and ducks in under the desk, crawling towards you.
<br>Once she's in position, you gently guide her head towards your crotch.
<br>She gets the idea, and starts to gently massage your <<Cock>> through your pants. You unbutton them and pull them off.
<br>As your <<CockDesc>> grows erect, you grab $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] gently by the hair and pull her closer to it.
<br>You tilt her head and make her look into your eyes.
<<if $SlaveSubLow>>
<br>The look she gives you is one of dismay and fear.
<<elseif $SlaveSubMed>>
<br>The look she gives you is one of shame-filled submission.
<<elseif $SlaveSubHigh>>
<br>The look she gives you is one of eager anticipation.
<br><grs>"Use your mouth."</grs>, you tell her, and let go of her hair.
<<if $SlaveSubLow>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] tries to pull back, but you hold her firmly in place.
<br><grs>"Stop that!"</grs>, you scold in a tone of voice that makes $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] recoil with dread.
<br>You pull her back in. <grs>"Kiss it."</grs>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] swallows her pride and does what she's told, planting a quick peck against the tip of your <<Cock>>.
<br>You rub your shaft against her lips. <grs>"Stick your tongue out."</grs> She does, and you make her lick up and down your shaft.
<<elseif $SlaveSubMed>>
<br>She nods her head, leans forward and plants a kiss against the tip of your <<Cock>>. You push forward gently, rubbing your hard shaft against her lips. $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] responds by letting her tongue loll out, and as you pull back she caresses your length with her tongue.
<<elseif $SlaveSubHigh>>
<br>She leans in and plants a sloppy kiss against the tip of your <<Cock>> before expertly teasing the length it with her tongue.
<br><<Image blowjob359.gif>>
<br><grs>"Good, keep going."</grs>
<<if $SlaveSubLow>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] takes your <<CockDesc>> in her mouth and starts moving back and forth, without any real commitment.
<br>It feels pretty good, but it's obvious that she's not putting any effort into it.
<<elseif $SlaveSubMed>>
<br>She does, planting kisses down the length of your shaft. Once she reaches the bottom, she hesitates momentarily. But sensing no misgivings from you, she continues downwards - planting wet little pecks down across your balls.
<br>You murmur quietly in approval.
<br>Without being asked, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] extends her tongue and gives your sack an experimental lick.
<br>A hum of satisfaction escapes your lips, which only seems to spur $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] on. She kisses your tip again and then moves forward, sliding her lips down your <<CockDesc>>.
<<elseif $SlaveSubHigh>>
<br><pi>"Of course, Master."</pi>, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] happily murmurs and continues working the entirety of your length with her lips and tongue.
<br>She starts moving lower, and you can't help but let out a groan of pleasure when you feel her wet tongue against your <<Balls>>.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] takes one of your balls in her mouth and starts gently sucking on it.
<br>You groan in pleasure. <grs>"Ah shit, keep fucking going!"</grs>
<br><<Image blowjob262.gif>>
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] continues alternating between your shaft and your sack, kissing, sucking and licking.
<br>You enjoy her ministrations for some time, but before long you the pleasure overwhelms you and the urge to cum becomes unbearable.
<br><grs>"I hope you're ready."</grs>, you warn $SlaveName[$RandomSlave].
<br>You grab her by the hair again and push her down until you bottom out against the back of her throat.
<br><<Image blowjob187.gif>>
<br>You roughly pump her back and forth as you empty your load down her throat.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] coughs and sputters as she is forced to swallow your <<Cum>>, her eyes watering.
<br>You lean back into your chair and let out a loud groan of satisfaction.
<<if $SlaveSubLow>>
<br>Once she's done coughing and gagging, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] stands up and starts to leave.
<br><grs>"And where are you going?"</grs>
<br>She turns and looks at you, a flash of hatred in your eyes. Her makeup is all ruined, her eyeshadow has ran down her cheeks because of the tears, and her lipstick is all smeared around.
<br><pi>"To clean up."</pi>, she says with cattiness in her voice. You frown. <pi>"Master. If I may?"</pi>, she adds.
<br><grs>"Go."</grs>, you say with a wave of dismissal.
<<elseif $SlaveSubMed>>
<br>Once she's done coughing, $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] looks up towards you expectantly, with still-teary eyes. Her eyeshadow has started running down her cheeks thanks to the tears, and her lipstick is all smeared.
<br><grs>"Yes?"</grs>, you ask, prompting her.
<br>$SlaveName[$RandomSlave] remains silent for a moment, but then says <pi>"T-thank you, Master."</pi>
<br><grs>"Good girl!"</grs> You pat her on the head, smile and send her off to clean up.
<<elseif $SlaveSubHigh>>
<br>She quickly stops coughing and looks up towards you with a smile. It's a pretty picture, despite how smeared her makeup has gotten.
<br><pi>"Thank you, Master, that was fun!"</pi>
<br><grs>"It really was. Good girl!"</grs> You pat her on the head, smile and send her off to clean up.
<br>Your personal attention teaches $SlaveName[$RandomSlave] how to give a better blowjob.
<br><<SkillGain "Oral" 40 80 true>>
<<elseif $EventName == "NoSlaveEventAvailable">>
<u>[[Advance Week|AdvanceWeek]]</u>
There's no random event available (for $SlaveName[$RandomSlave]). This shouldn't happen, something has gone wrong.
/% ^ Random Non-slave Events %/
<<elseif $EventName == "FemaleClientIntro">>
<u>[[Advance Week|AdvanceWeek]]</u>
Female client intro
<<elseif $EventName == "Daydream1">>
/% Written by Sojourner %/
Exhausted from the daily grind, your mind drifts...
<br>You're alone in one of the backrooms. Half-naked, waiting for clients, your <<Tits>> hang heavy on your chest. Looking down at your giant, full <<Tits>>, you reach up and push them together.
<<if $PCTitsSize >= 3>>
<br><<Image tits014.gif>>
<br><<Image tits016.gif>>
<br>Soft and squishy, yet heavy in your hand - they sway and jiggle as they move. You pinch a thick nipple and bite your lips as you imagine a <<LargeCock>> sliding between them. A jolt of pleasure runs through you. Where is that next client...?
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("Daydream1")>>
<br>You snap out of your reverie, back to the present. <PC><i>"What was that?"</i></PC> You almost glance down at yourself just to make sure.
<br><PC><i>"Breasts, I had breasts. <pish>Huge breasts</pish>. Why did I have such hu-"</i></PC>
<br>You remember how good it felt to pinch your nipple.
<br><PC><i>"Is that what I want? Do I want <pish>giant tits</pish>?"</i></PC>
<br>You feel a familiar sensation in your underwear. <PC><i>"Why am I getting turned on?"</i></PC> <piss>(good slut)</piss>
<br>You remember how they felt in your hand. The soft resistance of their weight. It was so nice.
<br><PC><i>"I wonder how it'd feel to have a huge <<Cock>> slide between them...?"</i></PC>
<br>You gasp, not knowing where that last thought came from, but being aroused nonetheless.
<br>As the thoughts trail off, you catch yourself thoughtlessly pinching your nipples - and are left both confused and horny...
<br>You snap back to the present.
<br>You glance at yourself, almost still feeling their weight.
<br><PC><i>"Breasts. Huge breasts... Why am I thinking of having such hu-"</i></PC>
<br>You reach up, pinching your <<Nipples>> without thinking, remembering how good it felt when they were so <pi>big and heavy</pi>.
<<if $PCTitsSize < 1>>
<<set $EventId = "Daydream1.21">>
<br><PC><i>"Do I really want breasts?"</i></PC> <piss>(huge tits)</piss>
<<elseif $PCTitsSize >= 1 && $PCTitsSize < 3>>
<<set $EventId = "Daydream1.22">>
<br>You caress your <<Tits>>, feeling yourself getting turned on by your growing <<PCTitsDesc>>.
<br><PC><i>"Is this what I want? Do I want these to be gigantic...?"</i></PC> <piss>giant tits</piss>
<br>You feel an increased pressure in your <<panties>>.
<<elseif $PCTitsSize >= 3>>
<<set $EventId = "Daydream1.23">>
<br>Remembering in your dream how they squished into your hand, you squeeze your <<PCTitsDesc>> together, watching to see if they'll form a bit of cleavage.
<br><pii>"Will they get big enough?"</pii>
<br>You shake your head, not knowing where that last thought came from - but being aroused nonetheless by the idea of them growing larger. <piss>(much larger)</piss>
<<elseif $EventName == "Daydream2">>
/% Written by Sojourner %/
You see $SlaveName[1] escorting her latest client out of the brothel.
<br>He came in requesting a titfuck and it seems like he got his money's worth - judging by the wide smile on his face.
<br>Your eyes linger on $SlaveName[1]'s chest as she walks by, watching her <<TitsDesc $SlaveTits[1]>> shake and sway, imagining them just recently wrapped around that guy's <<Cock>>.
<br>Your mind wanders…
You playfully tease the man by pushing your <<TitsDesc 10>> together and making them bounce.
<br><<Image tits015.gif>>
<br>He reacts just the way you wanted, and swiftly pushes you back onto the bed. As you land, you feel how your massive <<LargeTits>> jiggle from the impact - a wave of motion rolling through the fleshy mounds. You revel in the sensation.
<br>Before they even have time to settle, he is kneeling over you, pushing his <<Stiff>> <<Cock>> between your <<Tits>>.
<br>You instinctively press your bouncy tits together, wrapping them around his hard cock. <piss>(use my <<Tits>>)</piss>
<br><<Image titfuck002.gif>>
<br>After letting him ram his hot cock between your <<Tits>> for a few minutes, you take more control - sliding your <<HugeTits>> up and down his <<LargeCock>>. You increase the speed while looking up at him, watching the pleasure on his face.
<br>It turns you on even more, not only his warm hardness sliding between your <<LargeTits>>, but also knowing that you are making him feel <i>so</i> good. <piss>(fuck my <<HugeTits>>)</piss>
<br><<Image titfuck004.gif>>
<br>He can't take it any longer, and pushes forward, shoving his <<LargeCock>> into your wet and willing mouth.
<br>Your <<LargeTits>> press up into your face. The soft, smooth, and sensitive skin rubbing against your cheeks only adds to the sensations - a hard cock pressed between your tits as you suck its tip. You can't help but moan around him.
<br><<Image titfuck005.gif>>
<br>Within moments, he pulls back and starts cumming on your <<LargeTits>>.
<br>You can't help but get a taste, licking the hot <<Cum>> off your own body. <piss>(yummy cummy)</piss>
<br><<Image titfuck006.gif>>
<br>The man climbs off of you and, you sit up, rubbing his still-hard <<LargeCock>> between your cum-smeared <<HugeTits>>. You both watch them sway back and forth as you twist your torso.
<br>You wonder how long he is going to stay hard... <piss>(time for round two!)</piss>
<br><<Image titfuck007.gif>>
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream2")>>
You find yourself staring into space once again, $SlaveName[1] no longer around.
<br><PC><i>"Why do I keep thinking about this? Where are these thoughts coming from? There has to be something wrong with m--"</i></PC>
<br>A flash from the daydream interrupts your questioning thoughts.
<br>Your fat, huge breasts pressed around that hot, hard <<LargeCock>>, feeling them shake with his thrusts, your thick nipples aching to be pinched.
<br>You realize you are squeezing your <<PCTitsDesc>>, as your nipples tighten.
<<if $PCTitsSize <= 1>>
<<set $EventId = "Daydream2.21">>
<br><PC><i>"Do I want that? What would it be like? Large, full breasts."</i></PC>
<br><piss>(fat titties!)</piss>
<<elseif $PCTitsSize >= 2 and $PCTitsSize <= 3>>
<<set $EventId = "Daydream2.22">>
<br>You look down with a frown, trying to push them together.
<br><PC><i>"Are they going to get big enough to squeeze around a cock?"</i></PC>
<br><PC><i>"What?!"</i></PC> <piss>(good girls have huge tits!)</piss>
<<elseif $PCTitsSize >= 4>>
<<set $EventId = "Daydream2.23">>
<br>You look down, pushing them together.
<br><PC><i>"Could they be big enough to squeeze around a cock?"</i></PC>
<br>You bite your lip with the thought. <piss>(good girls have huge tits!)</piss>
<br>You twist and pull on your nipples lost in the thoughts, groaning, feeling yourself about to slip away again. <piss>feels good - don't think</piss>
<br>You shake your head and force your hands to your sides. It is a bit harder than last time and you are really starting to become concerned about these daydreams.
You find yourself staring into space at the spot where $SlaveName[1] was walking - now completely empty.
<br><PC><i>"Where are these thoughts coming from? What is wrong with me?"</i></PC>
<br>You run your hands up your chest feeling your <<PCTitsDesc>>. Your <<Nipples>> harden.
<br><PC><i>"What would it be like to have <i>real</i> breasts? Large, full breasts...?"</i></PC>
<br>Hanging heavy from your chest. Thick <<Nipples>> being pulled as a dick slides between them... <piss>(good, so good!)</piss>
<br>You shake your head and force your hands to your sides. You are starting to become concerned about these daydreams.
<<elseif $EventName == "Daydream3">>
/% Written by Sojourner %/
Wandering past the girl's bathroom in the afternoon, you hear soft gasps and moans, and the sloppy sounds of what has to be an <i>extremely</i> wet <<Pussy>> being forcefully fingered and rubbed at a vigorous pace.
<br>You can hear moans growing louder, turning you on, and you can't help but imagine what is happening behind the closed door…
You turn down the water of the shower as you finish rinsing off the last traces of soap, and grab the razor.
<br>It always makes you horny when you shave, thinking about the men that will see your clean mound and what they might do. You realize that your <<Pussy>> isn't just wet from the shower's water.
<br>Unable to help yourself, you sigh happily and slide back against the tiles, feeling the freshly shaved skin between your legs.
<br>Your fingers slide down across the smooth skin of your puffy mound - and with barely any resistance, slipping between your lower lips.
<br>Your breath catches in your throat and you moan as you push your fingers deep within you. As you rub your <<Pussy>>, your legs spread without thought.
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("Daydream3")>>
<br><<Image solo007.gif>>
<<elseif $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream3") && !$EventsSeen.contains("Daydream3.21")>>
<br><<Image solo008.gif>>
<br>The jiggly <<Tits>> on your chest begin to shake with the movement, adding to the sensations.
<<elseif $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream3.21")>>
<br>Peering down between the valley of your cleavage, your fingers disappear within the slick, wet folds.
<br><<Image solo006.gif>>
<br>Your fat <<HugeTits>> begin to shake with the movement, adding to the sensations. You reach up to steady them, pushing the huge mounds together, forming a wall of jiggling flesh, blocking your sight.
<br>You can still hear your fingers sliding in and out of your wet <<Pussy>> though - and feel it.
<br>Your own gasping moans mixing with the sounds of slick flesh are turning you on even more!
<br>Faster and faster, you plunge your fingers inside you, feeling the tight walls squeezing down around your fingers as you force additional digits inside.
<br>One hand reaches up to pinch, pull, and twist your nipples - causing your breasts to shake even more violently, rippling back and forth.
<br>Your thumb rubs against your clit and your groans become loud enough to be heard down the hall. But you don't care, lost in the sensations as you approach the edge and fall into an orgasm.
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream3") && !$EventsSeen.contains("Daydream3.21")>>
<br><<Image solo009.gif>>
<br>Your fingers are forced out of your <<Pussy>> with the strength of its spasms, and you suddenly realize how loud you were being.
<br>You sit up, stroking the sensitive flesh, unable to take your hand away - half-embarrassed, yet half-hoping that someone will come and check on you…
You snap out of your reverie as the bathroom door begins to open, and you hurry down the hall, not wanting to be caught standing and listening.
<br>Trying to shake the dream from your mind you can feel your<<if $PCTitsSize >= 3>> <<PCTitsDesc>> bouncing and your<</if>> <<PCCockDesc>> straining against your <<panties>> as you walk.
<br>You reach down to adjust it as you enter your office but begin to stroke instead. Your mind again filling with the sensations of fingers sliding between fleshy lips, breasts full and heavy, swaying on your chest.
<br>You stifle a moan.
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("Daydream3")>>
<br><PC><i>"What is happening to me?"</i></PC>
<br>Where are these thoughts coming from, and why do they seem to turn you on so much? Even now, a small part of you wants to feel the fingers wrapped around your <<Cock>> slipping inside instead.
<br><PC><i>"Is that what I want? Do I want a wet <<Pussy>> to be fucked in?"</i></PC> <piss>(yes!)</piss>
<br>As if in answer,
<<elseif $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream3") && !$EventsSeen.contains("Daydream3.21")>>
<<set $EventId = "Daydream3.21">>
<br><PC><i>"Why is this happening to me?"</i></PC>
<br>You still don't understand where these thoughts are coming from, and why they turn you on so much.
<br>Are they getting more intense, more powerful? Part of you wants to feel the fingers wrapped around your <<Cock>> slipping inside instead.
<<if $PCTitsSize >=3>>
<br>Your other hand slides up and begins to squeeze your <<PCTitsDesc>>. <piss>(good girls have big titties!)</piss>
<br><PC><i>"Is that what I want? Do I want a wet <<Pussy>> to go with these tits?"</i></PC>
<br><PC><i>"Do I want that? A wet <<Pussy>> to be fucked in?"</i></PC> <piss>(yes!)</piss>
<br>Once again as if in answer,
<<elseif $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream3.21")>>
<<set $EventId = "Daydream3.22">>
<br><PC><i>"Something is happening to me."</i></PC>
<br>You still don't understand where these thoughts are com- <piss>(don't think)</piss>
<br>They turn you on so much, and seem to be getting more intense, more powerful.
<br>Each time, a larger part of you wants to feel the fingers wrapped around your <<Cock>> slipping inside a wet <<Pussy>> instead.
<<if $PCDildoed == true>>
<br>Your other hand begins to drift towards your <<PCAsshole>>, yearning for penetration, yet you know that is not what you really crave. <piss>(need!)</piss>
<br>You think about your <<PCAssDesc>>, wondering what it would feel like to have something push deep inside. <piss>(so good!)</piss>
<br><PC><i>"To be fucked in my wet, aching <<Pussy>>? That can't be what I want..."</i></PC> <piss>(be a good girl)</piss>
<br>With the thought,
your <<PCCockDesc>> hardens even more in your hand and you cum with a groan and a shudder.
<<if $PCGirly>>
<<if $PCCockSize >= 6>>
<br><<Image cum013.gif>>
<br><<Image cum014.gif>>
<br><<Image cum012.gif>>
<br>You are left deflated and confused, a sticky warmth soaking into your <<panties>>.
<<elseif $EventName == "Daydream4">>
/% requires Katie or Jordan %/
/% Written by Sojourner %/
/% No to almost no male clients serviced %/
<<if $PCProCount < 3>>
It's a slow day at the brothel. You're in the office waiting for a vendor to show up. You could have <<if $OwnAssistant>>$Katie<<else>>$Jordan<</if>> meet with him, but you like to keep up with things.
<br>At least that is what you tell yourself... You try not to think about where your mind wanders lately when you relax. Better to stay busy.
<br>You glance at the clock again, becoming bored. Where is that vendor?
/% Service clients %/
It's a slow day at the brothel, and you're lying on your bed, waiting for more clients to show up.
<br>You seem to be doing that more and more, but with the staff you've hired there is more time to relax. <br>At least that is what you tell yourself...
<br>Stretching out on the bed, half-dozing, you wish a client - and their nice hard <<Cock>> would appear.
<br>Your mind begins to wander while you wait…
<br>This is what you have been waiting for, you think, as you feel the client's <<Stiff>> <<Cock>> stretching out your throat. He holds your head steady as he fucks your face with rapid thrusts of his hips, driving in and out. <br>All you can do is moan around the shaft as he takes control.
<br><<Image blowjob031.gif>>
<br>Your fat, full <<HugeTits>> hang beneath you - shaking and bouncing from the force of his thick rod plunging into your throat.
<br>Feeling those heavy weights swaying turns you on even more, and your thick <<Nipples>> harden - begging to be pinched.
<br>The man eventually grows tired of your mouth and pulls you up, throwing you onto the bed - your massive <<HugeTits>> bouncing wildly.
<br>Spreading your legs, he rams into your sopping wet <<Pussy>>. You are so turned on from sucking him that there is barely any resistance, and you let out a low moan as his hard warmth spreads you apart.
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("Daydream4")>>
<br>As he begins to thrust within you, a small whimper escapes from between your lips as the sensations begin to build.
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream4")>>
<<set $EventId = "Daydream4.1">>
<br><<Webm fucking019.webm auto 480>>
<br>He grabs your <<TitsDesc 9>>, pinning you in place below him. You can only lie there, enjoying his rough caresses as your soft pillowy <<HugeTits>> shake and quake under his strong hands as he continues to powerfully thrust.
<br>You love how he pulls almost completely out and then slams back in, his long, thick <<LargeCock>> pushing so deep within you.
<br>The sound of your bodies slapping together and the wet, rhythmic sounds of your <<Pussy>> being <i>taken</i> turns you on even more.
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream4") && !$EventsSeen.contains("Daydream4.1")>>
<br>You begin to whimper between gasps, losing yourself to the sensations as they intensify, building and multiplying.
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream4.1")>>
<<set $EventId = "Daydream4.2">>
<br>You gasp as he pulls and pinches your thick <<Nipples>> while still holding you down.
<br>Losing yourself, you give in to the way he controls your body and begin to roll your hips, trying to draw him deeper with every thrust.
<br>You moan and whimper as the sensations begin to build, seeming to multiply. You feel the edge of the wave of sensation cresting-
<<if $PCProCount < 3>>
<br>A knock at the door interrupts your reverie as the vendor finally arrives.
<br>You want to stay in the dream - the feeling of that hard cock sliding in and out of you...
<br>However, you get no chance as he immediately comes in, pulling out his samples and you are forced to get to work.
<br>You sit up and lean forward over your desk to study his merchandise,
<<if $PCTits == "real" || $PCTits == "hormone" && $PCTitsSize >= 3>>
feeling your <<PCTitsDesc>> shifting on your chest,
your mind flashes back to your dream and you find yourself wishing for the sensation of heavy, fat tits moving, swinging on your chest with the motion. <piss>(big titties)</piss>
<br>As he continues to talk, looking down at his materials, you can't help but reach up behind the covering of your jacket and begin to play with your <<PCTitsDesc>>, pinching and pulling on your nipples.
<br>A slight gasp escapes your lips and you cover it with a cough - forcing your hands away from your <<PCTitsDesc>> as he looks up.
<br>He gives you a questioning look, but you don't think he saw anything.
<br><PC>"This all looks good."</PC>, you quickly say to distract him. <PC>"We'll give these a try and then see about a more permanent arrangement."</PC>
<br><blu>"Alright."</blu>, he replies, and continues to go over some final details. Still feeling the unfulfilled urge from your dream,
<<if $PCProCount >= 2>>you catch yourself looking at his crotch and thinking about that time you helped out a client-
you force yourself to focus.
<br> When he finally gathers his samples to leave, you walk him to the door and then collapse on your office couch.
<br>A knock at the door interrupts your reverie as a client finally arrives.
<br>You want to stay in the dream- the feeling of that <<Stiff>> <<Cock>> sliding in and out of you.
<br>However, you get no chance, as he immediately pulls his <<Cock>> out, and you instinctively prepare to get to work with your mouth.
<br>As you sit up and slide your lips over his jutting cock your mind flashes back to your dream and you can't help but reach up and begin to play with your <<PCTitsDesc>> pinching and pulling on your nipples.
<<if !$PCGirly>>
<br>You can't help but imagine yourself as a girl.
<br><<Webm blowjob032.webm auto auto>>
<br>Moaning around his <<CockDesc 7>>, you find yourself wishing for the sensation of <<TitsDesc 9>> shaking on your chest as you bob up and down. <piss>(big bouncing titties)</piss>
<<if $PCAnalFucked == true>>
<br>You know he only came for a quick blowie, but you still feel the unfulfilled urge from your dream and begin rolling your hips and <<PCAssDesc>> hoping to entice him to stay for more.
<br>He doesn't take the hint or maybe doesn't care for what you are offering, however, and
<br>You begin to roll your hips and <<PCAssDesc>> as you move, the feelings from the dream still effecting you. Not even realizing what you are doing until the client comments that you shouldn't be such a tease, and
cumming quickly leaves with a gruff thank you.
<br>You collapse back on the bed, the aftertaste of your client still fresh in your mouth.
<br>No longer distracted, your mind spins as you remember what you were thinking before he appeared.
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("Daydream4")>>
<br>Part of you wants to slip back into the dream and your fingers begin to slip towards your <<PCAssDesc>> remembering the sensation of your pussy being filled. <piss>(get fucked)</piss>
<<elseif $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream4") && !$EventsSeen.contains("Daydream4.1")>>
<br><PC><i>"Why do I keep thinking about getting fucked?</i></PC> <piss>(girls get fucked)</piss> <PC><i>The way he played with my tits..."</i></PC>
<<if $PCTits == "real" || $PCTits == "hormone" && $PCTitsSize >= 3>>
<br>You begin to caress your <<PCTitsDesc>> pulling on your sensitive nipples. A soft sigh escapes your lips.
<br>You look down at your <<PCTitsDesc>> feeling a yearning. <piss>(need to grow)</piss>
<br>Part of you wants to slip back into the dream and a hand begins to slip towards your <<PCAssDesc>> remembering how his cock slammed so deep within your pussy. Filling you. <piss>(huge cocks stretching)</piss>
<<elseif $EventsSeen.contains("Daydream4.1")>>
<br><PC><i>"It was so much more intense that time. The way he took control."</i></PC> <piss>(give in)</piss>
<br>You find that your hand is already on your <<PCTitsDesc>> as your remember how he pinched and pulled your thick nipples.
<br><PC><i>"Was I about to cum?"</i></PC>
<br>You want to slip back into the dream wishing you hadn't been interrupted. <piss>(wishing for a pussy and fat titties)</piss> Your fingers begin to slip towards your <<PCAssDesc>> remembering how your pussy gripped his large cock, the beginning edge of that wave of pleasure. <piss>(cum like a girl)</piss>
<br>You force yourself to grab your <<PCCockDesc>> instead stroking it furiously not willing to admit how much the idea has turned you on, but still needing relief.
<br>I'm in control, you tell yourself. <piss>(be a good little girl)</piss>
<br>You whimper as you suddenly come all over yourself.
<br><PC>"What is happening to me?"</PC>
<<elseif $EventName == "ProtectionMoney">>
/% Written by Kaeil %/
/% For Debug Purposes %/
<<if $ProtectionMoneyAmount == undefined>>
<<set $ProtectionMoneyAmount = 1>>
/% Scene %/
<<set $ProtectionMoneyNoPay = "
<br><PC>\"I'm not having any of this; take a walk!\"</PC>, you say in a determined tone.
<br>At the same time, you're making your way over to the bar to grab the bottle Polugar still stood there.
<br>You can see that the violent girl is glad you made this choice. <dgr>\"Well, Barry; looks like he wants to sign up for the free trial program.\"</dgr>, she tells her bodyguard.
<br>You uncork the bottle in your hands and bring it to your lips, downing a large quantity of the peppery liquid.
<br>The girl makes her way over to the bar and grabs a different bottle.
<br><dgr>\"Be a dear and give him our demo, Barry.\"</dgr>, she says, handing the bottle over to him.
<br><sb>\"With pleasure, Lyudmila.\"</sb>, Barry replies in a deep baritone voice.
<br>The hulking man grabs the bottle from her, and rushes towards you.
<br>Your reactions not yet dulled by the alcohol, you throw the remnants of the bottle towards him, but he quickly weaves to the side and the bottle crashes to the floor harmlessly.
<br>You expected this. Hopefully the booze will dull the pain somewhat...
<br>Barry reaches you, and smashes the bottle in his hands over your head, despite your best efforts to parry it.
<br>The mixture of alcohol and blood in your eyes makes it hard to see as you stand up to defend yourself.
<br>A swift punch lands in your stomach, forcing any breath you had from your lungs. The next punch puts you on the floor before you even know what hit you, coughing up blood.
<br>You see the blurry image of the urban girl standing above you, looking down at you with that same fucking smirk on her face.
<br><dgr>\"I hope you've enjoyed this demonstration of our protection services. And remember, $Name, this is a limited-time offer. I hope you do reconsider, and sign up for the premium version of our services soon.\"</dgr>
<br>She kicks you in the side with her boots, seemingly more to humiliate you than to harm you, and the two of them leave.
<br>You recover about an hour later, still sprawled out across the floor, and slowly get yourself up. You will need some time to recover from this - but the business should hopefully be able to run itself for a week.
<<set $PCEnergyBonusGain = ($PCEnergyMax+$PCEnergyMod)*-1>>
<<set $PCEnergyBonus += $PCEnergyBonusGain>>
<br>You will have <r>no energy</r> next week.
<br><iss>(Maybe you should think about hiring some kind of security?)</iss>
<<set $EventId = \"ProtectionMoneyNoPay\">>
<<set $ProtectionMoneyPay = "
<br><PC>\"I suppose I don't have any other options, do I?\"</PC>, you ask rhetorically.
<br>She doesn't respond, just glares at you with her violent eyes that look like they could slice your throat open with just a look alone.
<br><dgr>\"You could let us borrow <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>the girl<<else>>one of the girls<</if>> for a little while, let's say three months?\"</dgr>, she replies facetiously, not particularly interested in the concept but humoring your attempt to barter by asking for something ridiculously over-valued just to see if you're desperate enough. You aren't.
<br>You sigh. There's no way out of this. You walk towards the safe that holds the overnights, carefully open it (making sure that the girl doesn't see how) and grab the cash.
<br>You stick the money into an envelope and gently hand the funds over to the girl.
<br><PC>\"I look forward to the great services you provide.\"</PC>, you add, sarcastically - but non-threateningly. <PC>\"Speaking of which, my brothel is always open for business if you and your boys would be interested in coming by some time to sample the goods.\"</PC>
<br>She snatches the cash-filled envelope from you. <dgr>\"We'll see about that.\"</dgr>, she says in a tone of voice that you have trouble deciphering.
<br><dgr>\"Barry, let's be on our way. Places to go, people to fuck.\"</dgr>
<br><sb>\"With pleasure, Lyudmila.\"</sb>, Barry replies in a deep baritone voice.
<br>As the pair leave, Lyudmila turns at the front door for a parting remark: <dgr>\"It was nice doing business with you, $Name. We'll be back - but maybe for pleasure next time, yes?\"</dgr>
<br>Their departure can't happen fast enough. Luckily only your finances took a beating this time around.
<<set $Cash -= $ProtectionMoneyAmount>>
<br>You lost <r>¤$ProtectionMoneyAmount Cash</r>.
<<set $EventId = \"ProtectionMoneyPay\">>
<<set $ProtectionMoneyBody = "
<br>Your eyes go wide realizing the situation you are in, and the options (or rather, lack of options) before you.
<br><PC>\"Look, I don't have that kind of Cash. All my money goes straight back into this place<<if $SlaveCount > 1>>, and the girls<</if>>.\"</PC>
<br>You scramble for another option. <PC>\"I could offer you... how about you take $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] for a little romp, the both of you? A bit of pleasure, what do you say?\"</PC>
<br>The girl's eyes burn with malice. <dgr>\"Oh, you're gonna offer up one of your bitches for me? That's it?\"</dgr>, she climbs onto the bar and sits down, facing you - her words are filled with venom and you can tell that vile thoughts are stirring within her.
<br><dgr>\"Here's what we'll do, honey. We'll accept your gracious offer, but let's switch up one thing.\"</dgr>, she motions towards the man and cocks her head to the side, <dgr>\"Barry?\"</dgr>.
<br>Before you even realize her intention, Barry's massive hands grab at your shoulders and force you down onto your knees.
<br><sb>\"He's all yours, Lyudmila.\"</sb>, the hulking man says, his voice deep and confident.
<br>The girl hops off the bar and starts walking in a semi-circle around you. <dgr>\"Now then...\"</dgr>, she starts, her demeanor actually starting to scare you.
<br><dgr>\"I could abuse some innocent girl, ooooorrrr~\"</dgr>, she drags out the last word, grinning from ear to ear, then punctuates it by slapping you playfully across the face, twirling her hand and pointing towards you, <dgr>\"...I could abuse you. I think it's your turn, don't you?\"</dgr>
<br>You cautiously nod, figuring that it's best for you if you stay agreeable from this point onward.
<br><dgr>\"Barry.\"</dgr>, Lyudmila says while nonchalantly unzipping her jeans then pulling the tight denim clothing down to expose her simple cotton panties.
<br>Behind you, the large man grabs at the waist of your pants and you let out a soft yelp as he practically rips them apart and down your legs, underwear included.
<br><dgr>\"Thank you.\"</dgr>, she says as your clothes fall tattered onto the floor - your flacid <<Cock>> exposed and as vulnerable as you feel.
<br>Lyudmila pulls off her panties and places them gingerly onto the bar. She grabs your hair, and hisses <dgr>\"I better cum, or we're going to get creative!\"</dgr>
<br>She positions herself above you with her legs opened wide, and pushes your head into her crotch - your lips pressed firm against the folds of her vulva. You get to work. Your tongue drills and laps at her sex, wetting and encouraging her, trying to bring her to climax as quickly as possible.
<br><<Image cunnilingus001.gif>>
<br>Behind you, you can feel Barry fiddling with his own belt, but before you can pay much attention to that Lyudmila pulls hard on your hair, forcing you to focus back on her, and to redouble your efforts.
<br><dgr>\"Too delicate, boy! Eat me out like you need it!\"</dgr>, she commands, and forces you deeper into her sex while at the same time she starts humping your face.
<br><<Image cunnilingus003.gif>>
<br>Her legs tighten, locking around your head, and they seem to refuse to let go before you complete your task! She lets out a series of moans, each longer than the last, until you feel her entire body start vibrating around you.
<br>You glance behind to see Barry pulling down hsi pants, exposing his massively muscles legs, and his <<CockDesc 10>> standing to attention at the prospect of violating you.
<br><dgr>\"Ffffuuck yeaaah~\"</dgr>, Lyudmila moans, still enjoying the afterglow of her powerful orgasm.
<br><sb>\"My turn.\"</sb>, Barry states as a matter of fact, and Lyudmila happily slides off your face, allowing him access.
<br>Barry slaps his fat cock across your face a few times, a grin on his face. <sb>\"Open up.\"</sb>
<br>You're well past arguing at this point; you open your mouth obediently.
<br>Barry wastes no time stuffing his mass into your open maw, after which he starts fucking your face relentlessly.
<br><<Image gayblowjob005.gif>>
<br>His fingers intertwine in your hair, grabbing you firmly. His motions are forceful and ferocious, you gag as his unrelenting girth and vigor stretches down your throat.
<br>The large, black man uses you like a toy, gripping you so hard that you feel like he's about to rip a chunk of hair out, his heavy balls slap against your chin.
<br>Your own limp cock only seems to further the man's complete dominance of you.
<br>Lyudmila is watching from her seat at the bar, malicious glee on her face as she rubs her sex fervently at the erotic sight in front of her.
<br>Finally you hear Barry announce his nearnig climax. Moments later he releases hot seed directly into your distended throat. He's not done defiling you, as he pulls out to let ropes of cum strike against your face and chest, marking his conquest, leaving you a humiliated mess...
<br>They left, promising to return for another visit soon.
<<SetPCSubGain 3 1>>
<br>Your old self wouldn't have submitted to being treated as an object, but now? Is that all you are now...?
<br>You became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<set $EventId = \"ProtectionMoneyBody\">>
There's a loud knock on the door early in the morning and you begrudgingly head to answer the unexpected call.
<br>Opening up the door, you see a slim girl with more than a little urban influence in her clothing style and tattoos covering a lot of her body - backed up by the presence of a large black man who was probably a linebacker before turning to the life of a bodyguard. A stylized <LSU>'ES'</LSU> is tattooed across the back of his hand, which rests at his side by his belt - near a not-very-hidden firearm.
<br><<Image staff/Lyudmila.jpg>><<Image staff/Barry.jpg>>
<br>From the tattoo, and their general attitude and style, you recognize the pair as part of Eastside, a gang that controls a lot of the drug-trade in the area.
<br><dgr>"I was in the neighbourhood and wanted to bring some cookies over and greet you."</dgr>, she says snarkily and makes her way past you, into the brothel - heading towards the bar.
<br>You don't bother to protest the invasion, as you're certainly not going to start a fight with these people if you can avoid it.
<br>Heading behind the bar, she helps herself to a bottle of Polugar single malt rye, a fairly pricy vodka, and pours herself a shot. She raises the glass towards you, says <dgr>"Cheers!"</dgr>, and downs it in a single gulp.
<br><dgr>"That hits the spot."</dgr>, she says, and slams the glass down on the bar - a wry smile on her face.
<br>She looks around, seeming to inspect the place. <dgr>"Boss was right when he said you had a fairly profitable establishment, by the look of things."</dgr>
<br><dgr>"We haven't gotten any donations to our neighbourhood watch in a little while..."</dgr>, she pours another drink while she talks, <dgr>"... so, well, I have this here invoice to give to ya."</dgr>
<br>She grabs a napkin and scribbles a number on it, then tosses it in your general direction.
<br>You look down at the crude writing and can only sigh in exasperation. She wants <b>¤$ProtectionMoneyAmount Cash</b>.
<br>The girl slams down the second shot, then hops off the stool she was sitting on and approaches you.
<br><dgr>"Would you mind taking care of the bill now? Places to go, people to fuck up - yada yada, you know the drill."</dgr>
<span id ="ProtectionMoney">
<<if $PCInf > $PCInfStatus.aura1>>
<<link "Refuse to pay.">>
<<replace "#ProtectionMoney">>
<<print $ProtectionMoneyNoPay>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<grey>Refuse to pay.</grey> (You don't feel confident enough to refuse to pay.) <r>(Not enough Influence)</r>
<<link "Pay them.">>
<<replace "#ProtectionMoney">>
<<print $ProtectionMoneyPay>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<if $PCSub >= $PCSubStatus.three>>
<<link "Pay them <i>with your body.</i>">>
<<replace "#ProtectionMoney">>
<<print $ProtectionMoneyBody>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<</link>> (Bisexual content!)
<grey>Pay them <i>with your body.</i></grey> <r>(You're not submissive enough to offer them your body.)</r>
<<elseif $EventName == "MoneyEvent">>
/% Many variants inspired by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
<<set $MoneyGainCashMultiplier = 1>>
<<if random(1, 3) != 1>>
<<set $MoneyEventRandom = random (1, 7)>>
<<switch $MoneyEventRandom>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "FoundCash">>
<<case 2>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "ScratchCard">>
<<case 3>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "SmallBet">>
<<case 4>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "StealPurse">>
<<case 5>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "StripShowWallet">>
<<case 6>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "SlaveHidingCash">>
<<case 7>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "SlaveWalkFlash">>
<<switch $MoneyEvent>>
<<case "FoundCash">>
Whilst walking to the brothel's main building, you spot a money clip on the ground.
<br>Curious, you pick it up. There's still a bit of Cash left in it.
<br>There's no identifying information inside, and nobody else is around...
<br>You thank your luck and pocket the money.
<br><<Image moneyclip.jpg>>
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventFoundCash">>
<<case "ScratchCard">>
As you're picking up some breakfast and decide to buy a cheap scratchcard with the leftover change instead of carrying it around.
<br>To your surprise, you actually hit a winner! It's not a large sum, but still a nice profit.
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventScratchCard">>
<<case "SmallBet">>
During the weekend, you make a small bet with one of the brothel's clients and end up winning. He pays up without argument.
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventSmallBet">>
<<case "StealPurse">>
A customer carelessly left their purse unattended when they went to the bathroom.
<br>You seize the opportunity and grab some of the Cash you can see inside.
<br>When the customer came back, she didn't even seem to notice anything had been taken.
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventStealPurse">>
<<case "StripShowWallet">>
<<NMS>> was on the stage during one of the weekend's shows, with a fairly sizable audience.
<br><<Image strip001.jpg>>
<br>After some time, a short, balding man started making a ruckus - hurling insults and abuse towards both the girl on stage and the other clients.
<br>You approached the man and told him to shut up or get out. He turned around and started yelling at you - and laid his hands on you to shove you away.
<br>That was too far, and you decided to defend yourself.
<br>The short man turned out to be frail as well, as he immediately hit the floor like a sack of bricks when you cracked him in the jaw.
<br>Murmurs of approval could be heard from the crowd around the stage as you dragged the man out of the building.
<br><grs><i>"Annoying piece of shit."</i></grs>, you thought to yourself as you dumped him on the curb.
<br>You decide that he should compensate you for the effort, and you rummage through his pockets until you find a wallet. You grab the Cash inside and chuck the wallet onto the ground next to the unconscious man.
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventStripShowWallet">>
<<case "SlaveHidingCash">>
During a routine cleanup round of the brothel's various rooms you notice that one of the wooden baseboards in a bedroom is loose.
<br>You pry it off and find a small stash of Cash hidden behind it.
<br><<if $SlaveCount>1>>The girl<<else>>One of the girls<</if>> must have hidden it there.
<br>You'll look into that and punish as appropriate. For now, you grab the money.
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventSlaveHidingCash">>
<<case "SlaveWalkFlash">>
You're out on a walk with <<NMS>>, enjoying the weekend's fine weather on one of the few remaining nature-trails in the area.
<br>A man approaching from the other direction seems to recognize the two of you.
<br><blu>"Hey! $Name, isn't it?"</blu>, he asks.
<br><PC>"Yup."</PC>, you confirm.
<br><blu>"And this is that whore of yours."</blu>, he states, indicating <<NMS>>.
<br><PC>"Yup."</PC>, you again confirm.
<br><blu>"Go on, give us a show."</blu>, he waves towards the girl.
<br><PC>"If you want a show, come by the brothel tonight."</PC>, you tell him.
<br><blu>"Oh go on, just a peek?"</blu>, he pushes.
<br><PC>"No."</PC>, you reiterate.
<br><blu>"Ah, I get it."</blu>, he says, and pulls out a few bills from his pocket and hands them to you.
<br>You sigh, a bit annoyed to be disturbed by customers during your free time - but you pocket the money and nod towards <<NMS>>.
<br><<if $SlaveSubBlowjob>>She smiles at both you and and the other man<<else>>She is looking rather embarrassed, but complies<</if>>, lifting her shirt up, flashing her <<TitsDesc>> for the man.
<br><<Image girl002.jpg>>
<br><blu>"Fuckin nice!"</blu>, the man exclaims, <blu>"Maybe I'll come by tonight, eh?"</blu>
<br>The man leaves and you finish the rest of your journey undisturbed.
<br>You applaud <<NMS>> for her courage and compliance. She gives you a smile. <pi>"Thank you!"</pi>
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventSlaveWalkFlash">>
<<set $MoneyGainCash = $Week*4>>
<br>You gain <gr>¤$MoneyGainCash cash</gr>.
<<set $Cash += $MoneyGainCash>>
<<set $MoneyEventRandom = random (1, 6)>>
<<switch $MoneyEventRandom>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "DroppedCash">>
<<case 2>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "LostBet">>
<<case 3>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "UnexpectedMaintenance">>
<<case 4>>
<<if $Staff.contains("Assistant")>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "FailedShipmentAssistant">>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "FailedShipment">>
<<case 5>>
<<if $Staff.contains("Bruce")>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "SmallSabotageBouncer">>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "SmallSabotage">>
<<case 6>>
<<set $MoneyEvent = "Lightbulbs">>
<<switch $MoneyEvent>>
<<case "DroppedCash">>
You could've swore you had more Cash than this in your wallet. You have no idea where it's gone.
<br>Someone's stolen from you, or you've misplaced it somehow.
<br>Either way - it's gone.
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventDroppedCash">>
<<case "LostBet">>
During the weekend, you make a small bet with one of the customers of the brothel.
<br>You lose the bet, and have to pay up. Thankfully, it was only a small sum.
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventLostBet">>
<<case "UnexpectedMaintenance">>
A water pipe in the bathrooms unexpectedly burst open, spewing water everywhere.
<br>You have to pay a plumber to fix the issue.
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventUnexpectedMaintenance">>
<<case "FailedShipment">>
You ordered some supplies, but they never showed up. When you tried to follow it up with the distributor, you were stonewalled.
<br>Since it's such a small sum, you decide to just pay for the supplies again from another company - you'd just waste money by spending more time on the matter.
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventFailedShipment">>
<<case "FailedShipmentAssistant">>
You ordered some supplies, but they never showed up. When you tried to follow it up with the distributor, you were stonewalled.
<br>You asked your assistant to take care of it - and she managed to track down the missing shipment.
<<set $MoneyGainCashMultiplier = 0>>
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventFailedShipmentAssistant">>
<<case "SmallSabotage">>
Some teenagers decided it would be fun to engage in some casual destruction of property, and ended up picking your building as a target.
<br>Several windows were shattered by the stones they threw.
<br>You were too late to stop or catch them, as they quickly scattered into the streets afterwards.
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventSmallSabotage">>
<<case "SmallSabotageBouncer">>
Some teenagers decided it would be fun to engage in some casual destruction of property, and ended up picking your building as a target.
<br>Thankfully, your security put a stop to it before it had even started, and the teenagers were scared off.
<<set $MoneyGainCashMultiplier = 0>>
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventSmallSabotageBouncer">>
<<case "Lightbulbs">>
A small power surge causes several lightbulbs to pop at once.
<br>You have to replace them.
<<set $EventId = "MoneyEventLightbulbs">>
<<set $MoneyGainCash = $Week*3*$MoneyGainCashMultiplier>>
<br><<if $MoneyGainCash != 0>>You lose <r>¤$MoneyGainCash cash</r>.<<else>>You managed to avoid losing any money.<</if>>
<<set $Cash -= $MoneyGainCash>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno1">>
You check your computer and notice that you've gotten a message from an anonymous sender. Curious, you open it.
<br>As you open the message, a program automatically starts.
<br><<Image hypno020.gif>>
<br>An avalanche of lewd images flash across the screen in rapid succession. Images of girls with their mouths stuffed full of fat, hard cocks.
<br>All the girls are staring straight at you, their eyes full of desire.
<br>You stare at the curious display for a while, intrigued by it. Who sent it? Why?
<br>It's quite appealing, and you decide to save the program so that you can look at it later.
<br>However, when you close the program and go back to the message - it's nowhere to be found - not the message, nor the program.
<br>You can't find any evidence of ever having received the message or running the program.
<br>Your memories of the event quickly take on a dreamlike quality, and you're not entirely sure if anything actually happened or if you imagined the whole thing.
<<SetPCSubGain 3 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<br><b>You get the feeling you're able to avoid messages like these, you're just not quite sure how, yet.</b>
<br><key>(This is optional content that you'll be given a choice to opt out of soon.)</key>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno2">>
When another anonymous message pops up on your screen you vaguely recall seeing something like this before.
<br>You open the message, and suddenly a program boots up automatically, covering the entire screen.
<br><<Image hypno014.gif>>
<br>A series of explicit images flash across the screen, showing girls variously sucking on and jerking off cocks. Some of them are covered in cum.
<br>Each image is accompanied by some text, which you imagine is meant to be what the girls are saying.
<br>The images flash by so quickly that you really have to concentrate to read the text.
<br>You lean closer to your screen in order to get a better look.
<br>You find yourself turned on by the thought of these women enjoying all of these thick, juicy dicks.
<br>Your <<CockDesc PC>> grows <<Stiff>> in your pants. You read and re-read the text, over and over.
<br>After a few minutes, you snap out of it and shut the program off, deciding that you need to get back to work.
<<SetPCSubGain 5 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno3">>
Another mysterious message. Just like the others, this one automatically starts a program when you open it.
<br><<Image hypno007.gif>>
<br>You were ready for it this time, and was looking forward to another experience with the intriguing images.
<br>This time the rapidly flashing images of cocksucking women are interspersed with what appears to be lingerie and woman's fashion.
<br>It's quite confusing, but you try to put it out of your mind and focus on reading the text instead.
<br>The text doesn't seem to be applicable to the images any more, it doesn't make sense that the girls would be saying these things.
<br>Perhaps it's meant to be what is being said <i>to</i> them by whoever's holding the camera?
<br>Pretty girls wear dresses? You need dick, you love dick?
<br><grs>"Yes..."</grs>, you whisper, and startle yourself by doing so. You look around, wondering what just happened.
<br>There's nothing on your screen. You must've dozed off... Oh well, back to work.
<<SetPCSubGain 8 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno4">>
You eagerly open the new anonymous message as soon as you notice it, acting purely on instinct.
<br><<Image hypno021.gif>>
<br>The images this time around depict a series of happy women doing what they're supposed to.
<br>They're happy to have a purpose, happy to serve just like they're supposed to.
<br>All women become happy when they fulfill their purpose.
<br>All women are happy to be filled with cock.
<br>All women become happy when they get to gulp down huge loads of hot cum.
<br>All women are happy when they're stretched to their limit.
<br>All women become happy when they listen and obey.
<br>All women are happy when they act like sluts.
<br>All women become happy.
<br>All women are happy.
<br><i>All women are happy.</i>
<br><is>All women are happy.</is>
<br><iss>All women are happy.</iss>
<br><grs>"Happy..."</grs>, you whisper, <grs>"I want to be happy too..."</grs>
<br>A few minutes later you suddenly realize that you've been staring blankly into space for a while, and decide to get back to work.
<<SetPCSubGain 5 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno5">>
Before you can even react to what you're doing, you've opened another anonymous message. As usual, it automatically starts another program.
<br><<Image hypno027.gif>>
<br>You stare blankly at the screen for some time as images of lingerie flash across the screen.
<br>Pretty panties.
<br><grs>"Must wear panties..."</grs>
<br>You own a surprisingly large collection of female underwear, for your slaves, but you've never gone through the collection looking for a pair for yourself to wear before.
<br>For... yourself?
<br><grs>"What am I doing?"</grs>
<br>You're holding a pair of <<if $PCCockSize >= 3>>black panties trimmed with pink bows<<else>>plain pink panties with a pretty butterfly design on them<</if>>, they're very feminine.
<span id ="SissyHypno5">
<br><<link "Put them on.">>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace #SissyHypno5>>
<<set $EventId = "SissyHypno5Panties">>
<br>You look at the panties in your hands.
<br><grs>"Good girls wear panties."</grs>
<br>You pull down your pants and underwear in one swift motion, allowing your <<CockDesc PC>> to spring free.
<br>Brushing those clothes aside, you focus your attention back towards the panties.
<br>The silky material feels so nice against your skin.
<br>You can't wait any more. It's time to be a good girl.
<br>As the panties slide up your legs it's like a trigger is pulled inside your mind.
<br>You whimper and moan like a slut in heat, a bead of precum forms at the tip of your <<Stiff>> <<Cock>>.
<br>As the panties slide further up your body, you feel the material make contact with your <<Balls>> and another surge of pleasure runs through your body.
<br>Your painfully hard <<Cock>> is dribbling precum as the panties slide into place.
<br><grs>"Why does this feel so good?"</grs>, you ask yourself, but the thought is quickly lost in the blurry haze of pleasure that's taking over your mind.
<br><<if $PCCockSize >= 3>>Your <<CockDesc PC>> is too big to fit inside the panties, so you let it hang out.
<br><<Image sissypanties001.jpg>>
<br>It doesn't matter, wearing these feels fantastic. Your <<Cock>> continues leaking precum, several drops fall to the floor.
<<else>>Thankfully, your <<CockDesc PC>> is small enough to fit inside the panties. It strains against the fabric, revealing the outline of your <<Cock>> through them.
<br><<Image sissypanties002.jpg>>
<br>Wearing these panties just feels so... right. Your <<Cock>> continues leaking precum, creating a small wet patch on the front of the panties.<</if>>
<br>You can't help yourself. You have to continue.
<br>You pick out a pair of <pi>slutty</pi> stockings to put on. That now-familiar, wonderful tingle of pleasure runs through your body as they slide up your legs.
<br>Wearing these makes you feel pretty. <grs>"I'm being a good girl..."</grs>
<br>Your <<Cock>> continues throbbing, leaking precum all over the place. By the time you've finished putting the stockings on you feel like you're about to burst.
<br>You want to continue, you want to pick out more <pi>pretty, girly</pi> clothes to put on but your throbbing erection will not allow itself to be ignored any longer.
<br><<Image shemale007.gif>>
<br>You wrap a hand around your <<CockDesc PC>> and give in to the pleasure. It doesn't take more than a few pumps. You catch the <<Cum>> in your hand.
<br><iss>Be a good girl.</iss>
<br>You stare at the cum in your hand.
<br><iss>You know what to do.</iss>
<br>You start moving your hand towards your face. Towards your mouth.
<br>Catching a glimpse of yourself in a mirror breaks you out of the spell. What are you doing?
<br><grs>"A good girl...?"</grs>, you ask nobody in particular.
<br>No... You look like a parody. A man wearing panties, not a real girl.
<br>Maybe you should do something about that...
<br>Or maybe you should try to stop this from happening again? <piss>But it was so much fun!</piss>
<<SetPCSubGain 20 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<if !$PC.Traits.includes("PantyCurious")>>
<<set $PC.Traits.push("PantyCurious")>>
<br><b>You've become <pi>curious about wearing women's underwear</pi>.</b>
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<br><<link "Put them back.">>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace #SissyHypno5>>
<<set $EventId = "SissyHypno5NoPanties">>
<br>You shake your head, clearing the fog. You put the panties away again.
<br>It was that program, that message...
<br>You'll have to do something about this, it's becoming obvious that someone is targeting you, attacking you.
<br>Some kind of subliminal suggestion?
<br>You'll need to be more careful in the future.
<br>Maybe you should do something about this?
<br><key>(This is the current end of the anti-hypnosis storyline. You can re-enable Hypno content in the options menu.)</key>
<<set $HypnoContentEnabled = false>>
<</link>> <key>(This will disable further hypno scenes!)</key>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno6">>
You're tending to some bookkeeping when another anonymous message comes in.
<br>You hesitate a while before opening it, vividly remembering the effects the previous message had on you.
<br>With a shudder, you decide not to open it, go to delete it and- <iss>open it</iss>
<br>Right. You open up the message, just like you planned.
<br>Instantly, a low buzz fills the room and a series of bright, flashing images begin rushing past in front of your eyes.
<br><<Image hypno045.gif>>
<br>The images display various feminine tropes. Pink lipstick, glittery high heels, that sort of thing.
<br>You can't look away, your eyes glaze over and you stare blankly at the screen.
<br>Words are being imprinted on your mind. You can feel them. They feel nice.
<br><is><span id="SissyHypno6-1">Cosmetics</span></is>
<br>You nod your head.
<br><pi><is><span id="SissyHypno6-2">Lingerie</span></is></pi>
<br>You smile.
<br><is><span id="SissyHypno6-3">Whore</span></is>
<br>Your <<CockDesc PC>> grows hard.
<br><pi><is><span id="SissyHypno6-4">Pretty</span></is></pi>
<br>The words are slowly crawling inside your head.
You notice that the images on the screen have started to change, there are now pictures of hard cocks oozing hot cum in the mix.
<br>The images eventually start to fade, you're not sure how long you've been staring at the empty screen.
<br>Except, the screen isn't completely empty. You're looking at the check-out page of an online store.
<br>The little shopping cart in the corner tells you that you've filled it with cosmetics, stockings, heels, training bras and various other pieces of clothing.
<br>A collection of <pi>dildos and buttplugs</pi> have also been added.
<br>At the bottom of the list, you spot a variety of lotions, soaps, and gels.
<br>The price of the entire collection is listed as <gr>¤0 cash</gr>.
<br>A coupon code has been entered, there's a small note that reads <i>"A gift for my new friend <re><3</re>"</i>.
<br>You smile to yourself, glad to have such a generous new fr-
<br>Wait, who? Who is giving this to you? And why?
<br>You shake your head, trying to clear the fog.
<br>You decide to cancel the or- <iss>good girls don't turn down gifts</iss>
<br>You decide to ignore the questions for now and accept the order. It's free stuff, after all. You'll look into who it's from later.
<<repeat 160ms>><<replace "#SissyHypno6-1">><<print either ("Cosmetics", "Feminine", "Lipstick", "makeup", "Glitter", "Long hair", "Painted nails", "Eyeliner", "Eye shadow", "Smokey eyes", "Blush", "Mascara", "Lip gloss", "Shaved legs", "Smooth skin", "Painted nails", "Manicures")>><</replace>><</repeat>>
<<repeat 150ms>><<replace "#SissyHypno6-2">><<print either ("Lingerie", "Panties", "Stockings", "High heels", "Skirts", "Dresses", "Jewelry", "Fishnet", "Lace", "G-string", "Thongs", "Satin", "Thigh-highs", "Knee-high boots", "Nightie", "Teddy", "Bodice", "Babydolls", "Bikinis", "Garters", "Corsets", "Chemise", "Pretty bows", "Pink clothes", "Skirt", "Dress")>><</replace>><</repeat>>
<<repeat 170ms>><<replace "#SissyHypno6-3">><<print either ("Whore", "Slut", "Bitch", "Girl", "Toy", "Girlfriend", "Cumdump", "Cocksucker", "Sissy", "Buttslut", "Shemale", "Wife", "Mother", "Daughter", "Sister", "Slave", "Gurl", "Woman", "Madam", "Breeder", "Mademoiselle", "Gal", "Chick", "Lady", "Hooker", "Belle", "Chica", "Arm candy", "Babe", "Kitty", "Bitch", "Bimbo", "Bird", "Chiquita", "Floozie", "Dame", "Filly", "Honey", "Hunny", "Lass", "Mommy", "Mom", "Mum", "Skank", "Ho", "Hoe", "Bunny", "Tail", "Whore", $Becca )>><</replace>><</repeat>>
<<repeat 140ms>><<replace "#SissyHypno6-4">><<print either ("Pretty", "Beautiful", "True self", "Feminine", "Meant to be", "Already there", "Feels right", "Obedient", "Submissive", "Feels good", "Obedience", "Submission", "Pleasure", "Desire", "Lust", "Hunger", "Crave it", "Long for it", "Erotic", "Sexy", "Lewd", "Wanton", "Slutty", "Whoreish")>><</replace>><</repeat>>
<<SetPCSubGain 12 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<br>''You now own a collection of <pi>girly items</pi>.''
<<set $OwnedItems.push("GirlyItems")>>
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<<if $PCFemUnlock != 1>>
<<set $PCFemUnlock = 1>>
<br>''$Name can now shave his legs.'' <piss>(like a good girl!)</piss>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno7">>
/% Written by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
One of those weird messages pops up on your computer.
<br>You try to click it away, but somehow manage to open it, and the program starts running.
<br>Flashing, hypnotic images appear on the screen - and you can't help but stare at them, it's as if the images are drawing you in.
<br>It's hard for you to fully understand what is happening in the images, but you feel like you're close to uncovering their hidden meaning.
<br>It's a puzzle just waiting to be solved - you have to figure it out, and keep staring!
<br>Perverse thoughts and ideas seep into your mind, arousing you.
<br>You get the urge to partake in all sorts of <pi>lewd</pi>, carnal acts.
<br><<Image hypno004.gif>>
<br><pish><span id="SissyHypno6-1">Inside me.</span></pish>
<br>Once the program has done what it was supposed to you're left to regroup your thoughts and go back to work.
<<SetPCSubGain 6 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<repeat 100ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno6-1">>
<<print either ("Inside me", "Stuffed", "Filled", "Whole", "Full", "Snug", "Complete", "Anal slut", "Toy with my ass", "Packed", "Bursting", "Crammed", "Impregnated", "Leaking from my asshole", "But I poop from there", "Satisfied", "Jammed", "To the brim", "Not one more inch", "Jam-packed")>>
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno8">>
/% Written by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
As your computer starts, so does the program. It is instantly bombarding you with its images.
<br>You don't even think too much about it anymore, it's normal.
<br><i>It's normal</i>
<br>It's normal for you to look at images like these
<br>It's normal for this to happen
<br>It's normal to see images of cock-hungry <span id="SissyHypno8-1">girls</span>
<br>It's normal to <pi>crave cock</pi>
<br>It's normal to have these thoughts burned into your mind
<br>It's normal to allow this to happen
<br>It's normal to avoid resisting
<br>It's normal to want to be happy and <piss>slutty</piss>
<br>It's normal to serve<span id="SissyHypno8-2"></span>
<br>It's normal to love<span id="SissyHypno8-3"></span>
<br>It's normal to be a <span id="SissyHypno8-4">good girl</span>
<br>It's normal to be just like them
<br>It's normal
<br>It's all normal
<br><<Image hypno005.gif>>
<br><span id="SissyHypno8-A">It is normal to want this...</span>
It's night<is>...?</is>
<br>You're not sure how that happened. So much time just passed by in an instant.
<br>You don't seem to have gotten much work done...
<br>But you're tired now. Time to go to sleep. Perchance to dream.
<br><piss>Dream of being a good girl.</piss>
<<SetPCSubGain 12 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<repeat 3000ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-1">>
<<print either ( "<pi>sluts</pi>", "<pi>whores</pi>" )>>
<<timed 500ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-1">>
<<print "girls">>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-2">>
<<print "<pi>fat cocks</pi>">>
<<timed 1500ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-2">>
<<print "">>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-3">>
<<print "<pi>the taste of cum</pi>">>
<<timed 1000ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-3">>
<<print "">>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-4">>
<<print "<pi>cumdumpster</pi>">>
<<timed 300ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-4">>
<<print "good girl">>
<<repeat 2500ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-A">><<print "<pish>It is normal to want this.</pish>">>
<<timed 1000ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-A">>
<<print "It is normal to want this.">>
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno9">>
/% Written by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
The program is back.
<br>This time it doesn't just <i>want</i> you to look at the images.
<br><i>It</i>, the program, or the images, you're not sure - but <i>it</i> wants you to <i>do</i> things.
<br>Things like dressing in <pi>girly clothes</pi>.
<br>And then stroke yourself as you watch the images on your screen.
<br><i>It</i> doesn't want you to think too much. <i>It</i> wants you to be a <pi>good girl</pi>.
<br>Thinking too much makes you a bad girl. <piss>(You don't want that!)</piss>
<br>You find it difficult to stop watching <i>it</i>, even if you want to do what <i>it</i> says.
<br><i>It</i> doesn't want you to go, not now. But you will. You will be a <pi>good girl</pi>, won't you?
<br><<Image hypno006.gif>>
<br>You're sitting there, fully exposed, jerking your <<CockDesc PC>> with increasing fervor.
<br>When <i>it</i> <grs>orders</grs> you to cum you do so eagerly.
<br>While you clean yourself up, the program seems to close itself and you are free to go back to work.
<<SetPCSubGain 8 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno10">>
You open the message. <pi>Of course you do. You want to.</pi>
<br>Your body shudders as the flashing images take over the screen once again.
<br><<Image hypno051.gif>>
<br>The images.
<br>The text. <larger><pish><span id ="SissyHypno7-1"></span></pish></larger>
<br>It feels as if tendrils of corruption are erupting from the screen, slowly but steadily reaching out towards you, gently massaging your head before burrowing deeply inside your brain.
<br>Thoughts of <pi>huge cocks</pi> in your mouth, feeding you enormous amounts of <pi>cum.</pi> You'd eagerly swallow it all down like the <pi>hungry cumslut</pi> you are, then beg for more.
<br>Your <<CockDesc PC>> is painfully hard. You pull it out and start pumping, all the while imagining yourself kneeling on the floor in front of real men, begging for them to fill you with their <pi>huge <<Cocks>>.</pi>
<<SetPCSubGain 13 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<if !$PC.Traits.includes("CockHungry")>>
<br><b>You have become <pi>hungry for cock</pi>.</b>
<<set $PC.Traits.push("CockHungry")>>
<<repeat 7500ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno7-1">>
<<print either ("Obey", "Kneel", "Suck")>>
<<timed 500ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno7-1">>
<<print "">>
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno11">>
<br>Despite yourself, you seek it out. <piss>(You crave it!)</piss>
<br>A new message! <piss>(Finally!!)</piss>
<br>You hasten to open it.
<br><<Image hypno003.gif>>
<br>You want to suck cock.
<br>You want to stop thinking and keep watching...
<br><grs><span id ="SissyHypno8-2"></span></grs>
<br><span id ="SissyHypno8-1"></span>
<<SetPCSubGain 13 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more <pii>submissive.</pii>
<<repeat 100ms>>
<<append "#SissyHypno8-1">>
<<print "❤">>
<<print either ("<pi>See Cock</pi> ", "<pii>Smell Cock</pii> ", "Feel Cock ", "<pii>Touch Cock</pii> ", "<pi>Need Cock</pi> ", "Want Cock ", "<pii>Suck Cock</pii> ", "Serve Cock ", "<pi>Worship Cock</pi> ", "<pi>Please Cock</pi> ", "Gratify Cock ", "<pii>Satisfy Cock</pii> ", "<pi>Grab Cock</pi> ", "Rub Cock ", "Tickle Cock ", "<pi>Indulge Cock</pi> ", "<pi>Titillate Cock</pi> ", "<pii>Caress Cock</pii> ", "Polish Cock ", "<pi>Stroke Cock</pi> ", "<pi>Kiss Cock</pi> ", "Blow Cock ", "<pii>Smooch Cock</pii> ", "Salute Cock ", "<pi>Embrace Cock</pi> ", "<pii>French Cock</pii> ", "Honor Cock ", "<pi>Idolize Cock</pi> ", "<pi>Love Cock</pi> ", "Praise Cock ", "<pi>Service Cock</pi> ", "<pii>Admire Cock</pii> ", "<pi>Adore Cock</pi> ", "Revere Cock " )>>
<<repeat 300000ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-1">>
<<print "">>
<<repeat 8000ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-2">>
<<print either ("Wait, something is wrong! Focus! Snap out of it!!", "I have to fight this!!", "It's taking over! I need to stop!", "Fuck! Stop this!", "Get out of my head!!", "Make it stop, this isn't right!", "I have to find a way to stop this!", "I don't want this!!")>>
<<timed 400ms>>
<<replace "#SissyHypno8-2">>
<<print "">>
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno12">>
<<set $ManagedSlave = 1>>
<<set $SissyHypno12Text = "
You return to the computer, your entire body trembling.
<br>You've put on a pair of lacy white thigh-high stockings and white thong panties.
<br>You have a dildo in your left hand and a bottle of lube in your right.
<br>The images on the screen draw you back in.
<br><<Image hypno009.gif>>
<br>The cold lube against your <<Asshole>> makes you snap back to reality briefly - you're actually doing this.
<br>You've pulled your panties to the side, the dildo right next to you - ready to go.
<br>The images pull you back in.
<br><<Image hypno010.gif>>
<br><piss>big cock</piss>
<br>The dildo is at your entrance, slippery with lube. You give it a push.
<<if !$PCDildoed>><br>It stings.
<br>This is the first time you've put something like this up your ass!
<br><b>You've lost your anal virginity for toys!</b>
<<set $PCDildoed = true>>
<br>It hurts a little bit at first.
<br>This isn't the first time you've done something like this...
<br>Once it's inside, you can't help but pump it back and forth.
<br>It feels so amazing!
<br><<Image sissy004.gif>>
<br>You get on your knees and ride the <pi><<Cock>></pi> like a <pi>good girl</pi>!
<br>Time seems to lose all meaning, there is only pleasure.
<br>Your whole body stiffens and jerks as you cum, shooting load after load of sticky, hot, white <<Cum>> all over yourself.
<br>You never stop fucking yourself with the dildo. <piss>(It feels soooooo~ good!)</piss>
<br>Eventually you collapse onto the floor, exhausted.
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1]>>
Several minutes later, you're still laying on the floor as you hear the click-clack-click sound of someone walking down the corridor towards your room wearing high heels.
<br><<NMS>> saunters into the room and looks at you.
<br><pi>\"Is there a problem, <<PCName>>\"</pi>, she asks, in a tone of voice that suggests both mischievousness and malice.
<br><grs>\"Uh, just help me up.\"</grs>, you say, looking up at the woman in front of you.
<br>She's wearing a sexy red dress that shows off her <<TitsDesc>> and her ample legs. You can't help but be impressed.
<br><pi>\"Help you up?\"</pi>, she says, teasingly.
<br><<NMS>> crouches down next to you. You can feel her gaze over your body.
<br>The girly clothes you're wearing, your half-erect cock, the discarded dildo at your side, and your <<Asshole>>, still slippery with lube - it's all on full display.
<br><pi>\"My, my...\"</pi>, she tuts.
<br><pi>\"Whatever are we going to do with you?\"</pi>
<br><grs>\"Cut it out!\"</grs>, you growl, but halfway through the sentence your voice cracks.
<br><<NMS>> lets out a giggle filled with derision.
<br>She raises her hand and smacks you on the bum. You almost let out a squeal in surprise!
<br><pi>\"Looks like someone's been real, real naughty. Playing with <i>my</i> toys?\"</pi>, <<NMS>> picks up the dildo and waggles it at you.
<br><pi>\"And the state of you! You're leaking goo all over the place!\"</pi>
<br>She rubs the dildo against your <pii>hungry</pii> hole, covering it in frothy lube.
<br><pi>\"Maybe I need to bring a buttplug to help you keep all that love-juice inside of you? Would you like that?\"</pi>
<<if $PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.aura2>>
<<set $EventId = \"SissyHypno12BothDominant\">>
<br><grs>\"Enough!\"</grs>, you roar, and push yourself up.
<br>You snatch the dildo away from her and strike her across the face with it, hard.
<br><<NMS>> crumples to the floor.
<br><grs>\"How dare you?!\"</grs>, you shout at her and start ripping at her red dress, it tears in several places.
<br><<NMS>> feebly tries to stop you.
<br><grs>\"Remember your place, bitch!\"</grs>
<br>You rip her panties aside and shove the slick dildo up inside her dripping wet snatch.
<br>At the same time, you get her up on her knees, facing you.
<br><grs>\"Ride it!\"</grs>, you command, and wrap one of your hands around her throat.
<br>With tears streaming down her face, she obeys, and starts to move her body up and down on the dildo.
<br>You rip the remaining shreds of the dress off of her body and grab her hair with your other hand.
<br><<Image bondage007.gif>>
<br>Through the tears, you suddenly see <<NMS>> smiling, as if holding back laughter.
<br><grs>\"What's so funny?!\"</grs>, you ask.
<br>She can't speak with your hand around her throat, so you relent in your grip.
<br><<NMS>> starts laughing, almost hysterically. She gestures down towards you, while still riding the dildo.
<br><pi>\"You're still wearing frilly stockings!\"</pi>, she manages to say between gasps of breath and spouts of laughter.
<br>You are.
<br>You burst out laughing as well!
<br>The whole situation is so bizarre.
<br><grs>\"I am!\"</grs>, you exclaim, in a voice filled with mirth.
<br><grs>\"This is just crazy.\"</grs>
<br>You shake your head.
<br><pi>\"But so much fun, right?!\"</pi>
<br><grs>\"I guess you can stop...\"</grs>, you gesture towards the dildo that she's still riding feverishly.
<br><pi>\"Fffffuck no, I'm about to cum!\"</pi>, she squeals.
<br>Her body quivers as the orgasm arrives - and she lets out a shriek.
<br>Afterwards, she collapses onto the floor.
<br>You let out a chuckle, that's the second mind-shattering orgasm the very same dildo has given someone in a very short amount of time.
You're both still naked, heading towards the showers to clean off, you both need it.
<br>You feel as if something has changed between the two of you - but you're not exactly sure what.
<br><pi>\"That was fun!\"</pi>, <<NMS>> would whisper to you as she hugs you close.
<br><grs>\"It was.\"</grs>, you agree.
<br><pi>\"I like that you can be on both sides.\"</pi>
<br><grs>\"Yeah? I guess so... I like that about you too...?\"</grs>, you say, a bit hesitantly.
<br><<NMS>> smiles and hugs you closer still.
<br><pi>\"Thank you, lover.\"</pi>
<<SetPCSubGain 15 1>>
<<SkillGain \"Dom\" 1 1 true>>
<<SubGain \"\" 20 20>>
<br>You both learned from the experience. You became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive, <<NMS>> became <b>$DomTrainEffectPrint point</b> more dominant, and <b>$SubEffect points</b> more submissive. At the same time.
<br><<SkillGain \"Sex\" 3 3 true>>
<br><<SkillGain \"Dom\" 3 3 true>>
<<set $EventId = \"SissyHypno12DominantSlave\">>
<br><grs>\"S-stop!\"</grs>, you stutter, trying to take command of the situation.
<br><pi>\"Aw, that's cute!\"</pi>, <<NMS>> mocks you.
<br>You growl at her.
<br><pi>\"Come here you big baby, let's get you cleaned up.\"</pi>, she says and helps you up from the floor.
<br><<NMS>> takes you into the showers, where she helps you wash up.
<br>She makes extra sure to clean your <<Asshole>>, and even sticks a finger inside - despite your protestations.
<<SetPCSubGain 45 1>>
<<SkillGain \"Dom\" 5 15 false>>
<br>The whole situation is horribly humiliating. You became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive. <<NMS>> became <b>$DomTrainEffectPrint points</b> more dominant.
<br><<SkillGain \"Hand\" 5 15 true>>
<<elseif $Staff.contains(\"Assistant\") && random(1,2) == 1>>
<<set $EventId = \"SissyHypno12Assistant\">>
Your Assistant finds you in this state, and helps you clean up.
<br>You're thankful that she didn't ask about, or even mention the dildo, or the clothes you were wearing.
<br>She does give you a slightly judgemental look at one point, and you feel like she's about to comment, but she decides to stay quiet.
<<SetPCSubGain 5 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<set $EventId = \"SissyHypno12SubbySlave\">>
A while later, <<NMS>> finds you like this - sprawled across the floor, wearing girly clothing, your <<Asshole>> still slippery with lube.
<br><pi>\"<<PCName>>? What are you doing?\"</pi>
<br>You groan and roll over.
<br>Your face is flushed red with embarrassment.
<br><grs>\"Just be quiet, and help me up.\"</grs>, you say, in a tone which you hope commands some respect.
<br><<NMS>> can't help but let out a cute, girlish giggle as she helps you up.
<br>You give her a stern look<<if $PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.aura1>> and she quickly shuts up.<<else>> but she doesn't seem to care, and keeps giggling at you.<</if>>
<br>Despite yourself, you feel your <<Cock>> stir. <piss>(Good girls love to giggle!)</piss>
<<SetPCSubGain 20 1>>
<br>Horribly embarrassed by the situation - but slightly turned on nonetheless, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
The images come instantly, as soon as you sit down.
<br><<Image hypno008.gif>>
<br>They want more out of you. <piss>(You're happy to oblige!)</piss>
<br>They want you to take a toy from <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>one of the girls<<else>>your slavegirl<</if>> and use it on yourself.
<br>You'll get to submit to the same desires and pleasures that girls feel. <piss>(Yay!!)</piss>
<span id ="SissyHypno12">
<<link "Submit">>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace #SissyHypno12>>
<<print $SissyHypno12Text>>
<br><<cyclinglink "Resist" "Can't Resist..." "Can't Resist." "Can't Resist!" "Won't Resist..." "Won't Resist." "Won't Resist!" "Must Submit..." "Must Submit." "Must Submit!" end>>
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno13">>
<<set $ManagedSlave = 1>>
There's a message waiting for you at the computer. One of <i>those</i> messages.
<br>You've learned to expect what will happen next, but open it without hesitation.
<br>To your surprise, nothing happens. No flashing images, no trance.
<br>Instead, there's a simple message.
<div class="boxed">
Are you ready to take the next step? <piss>(Yes, more than ready!)</piss>
<br>You've become such a good girl. <piss>(Good girl!!)</piss>
<br>It's time for you to submit. <piss>(Yes!)</piss>
<br>Be the girl you were always meant to be. <piss>(Yes!!)</piss>
<br>A delivery will arrive at your door tomorrow. Follow the instructions inside.
<br>A delivery? Of what? It doesn't say. You feel quite uneasy.
<br>You suddenly notice that the message has an attachment, so you click it.
<br><<Image hypno011.gif>>
<br>The familiar sensation sets back in as the flashing images appear on the screen, and whatever worries you had quickly melt away.
<br>Time seems to fly...
Early next morning, you find a nondescript cardboard package outside of the brothels main entrance. A handwritten note with a <pish>♥ pink heart ♥</pish> on one side is attached with a bow.
<br>You pick up the note and read it.
<br><handwrittennote><xl>"For my special girl. Take one each day."</xl></handwrittennote>
<br>Inside the box there are several large bottles containing pink pill capsules. You pick one up and get a closer look at it.
<br><<Image player\items\pills.jpg>>
<br>You hear a sudden noise behind you, and see <<NMS>> standing in the doorframe wearing her nightclothes.
<br><<Image girl003.jpg>>
<br><pi>"Morning!"</pi>, she says cheerily, then stretches her arms out and yawns.
<br><PC>"You're up early."</PC>, you comment.
<br><pi>"What've you got there?"</pi>, she asks, indicating the jar of pills.
<br><PC>"Uh, nothing."</PC>, you reply, putting the bottle back into the box and closing it up.
<br><<NMS>> shrugs and starts heading back inside. <pi>"Breakfast?"</pi>, she asks.
<br>You nod. <PC>"I'll be right with you."</PC>
<br>First you just have to figure out what to do with these pills...
<span id ="O1">
<<linkreplace "You put them in your room, near your nightstand, and plan to take one every day.">>
You put them in your room, near your nightstand, and plan to take one every day.
<br><pi>of course you do, you're <pish>good girl</pish>.</pi>
<br><b>You now own a large supply of <pi>Hormonal Pills</pi>.</b>
<<SetPCSubGain 20 1>>
<br>$Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<set $OwnedItems.push("HormonalPills")>>
<<set $EventId = "SissyHypno13.Yes">>
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventId)>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace "#O2">>
<span id ="O2">
<<linkreplace "You decide to get rid of them. This has gone too far.">>
You decide to get rid of them. This has gone too far.
<br>You take the entire box and throw it into a nearby dumpster.
<<set $HypnoContentEnabled = false>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace "#O1">>
<</linkreplace>> <key>(This will prevent further feminization of your body and disable further hypno scenes!)</key>
<<set $SissyHypnoNumber++>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyHypno14">>
/% Written by Popirs/Emmafrostfestivalofdimonds %/
<<set $ManagedSlave = 1>>
<is>(This is the current end of the Sissy Hypno storyline, this event will just keep repeating.)</is>
<br>You received a new message and you quickly open it, expectantly.
<br>You have a pretty good idea of what it is, but that just makes you want to click it faster!
<br>The screen is once again filled with images that make you feel hot all over.
<br><<Image hypno012.gif>>
<br>Cum is tasty
<br>Cum is for <pi>good girls</pi>
<br>Cum is <piss>Daddy's love</piss>
<br>Cum is <i>life</i>
<br><PC>"I want cum..."</PC>, you repeat to yourself, over and over.
<br><PC>"I want cum so bad! <pi>I need it.</pi>"</PC>
<br><PC>"I want cum on my face!"</PC>
<br><PC>"<pi>I</pi> want cum on my <pi>tits</pi>!"</PC>
<br><PC>"<pi>I</pi> want cum <pi>in my hole</pi>!"</PC>
<br><pi>"I want to be a good girl!"</pi>
<br>Your brain is working at lightning speed, absorbing the message from the images, and you keep repeating the words.
<br><pi>"I'm a good girl!"</pi>
<br><pish>"I need cum!"</pish>
<br><pi>"Cum, <<repeat 200ms>><<print "<<Cum>>, ">><</repeat>> cum!!!"</pi>
<br>After a long while, things get quiet. All you know is that you need a real man's cum.
<<SetPCSubGain 20 1>>
<br>$Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
<<elseif $EventName == "HormoneTits0">>
/% Inspired by ChickenscratchRuskie, updated by Sojourner %/
<<set $ManagedSlave = 1>>
<<if $PCTits != "hormone">>
As the dim morning sunlight creeps its way between your blinds you're woken up.
<br>You're covered in sweat and feel quite groggy. Must've had a nightmare, but you can't remember anything.
<br>You decide to have a shower, so get out of bed and stumble towards your bathroom on trembling legs.
<br>The hot water feels good against your smooth skin <PC><iss>(smooth skin?)</iss></PC>, and the tired daze of morning slowly leaves your mind.
<br>As your consciousness finally enters your body fully, you realize that something is wrong.
<br>Your chest.
<br>Where's the hair?
<br>Your arms, too.
<br>The hairs are thin and blonde - far different than what they used to look like.
<br>You wash yourself, dry off then inspect yourself in the large full-body mirror.
<<if $PCFace == "bearded">>
<br>Gods! Your face! Your beard is totally gone! Did someone break in and shave you in your sleep?!
<br>You're baffled at your new appearance, but notice thick tufts of hair at the bottom of the shower.
<br>There's not even any scruff left, your face has become completely smooth.
<br><b>You can no longer grow a beard.</b>
<<set $PCFace = "shaved">>
<br>Your body still has hairs, but they're very slender and light. Nothing like before.
<<if $PCLegs == "hairy">>
<br>Your legs look like they've been recently shaved, they're very smooth and hairless.
<<set $PCFemIncrease = 1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<br><b>You can no longer have hairy legs. Your femininity has increased by $PCFemIncrease.</b>
<<set $PCLegs = "shaved">>
<br>The biggest difference has to be your chest and stomach. They used to be covered with a fair bit of dark fur, but they're now completely hairless.
<br><<Image player\chest\hairless.jpg>>
<br>You can't help but feel like you're... thinner too? Less muscular? <piss>more girly</piss>.
<<set $PCFemIncrease = 1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<br><b>Your femininity has increased by $PCFemIncrease as your body changes from the hormones you're taking.</b>
<<set $PCTits = "hormone">>
<<set $EventId = "HormoneTits0.2">>
<<set $PCAssSize++>>
Another morning of waking up dazed and sweaty.
<br>You quickly head towards the shower, to wash the scent of sleep off your body (and mind).
<br>Getting into the shower while still groggy, you don't even realize the new changes to your body.
<br>The softer skin, the tiny budding breasts, and fuller <<Ass>>. The longer hair on your head.
<br>You get lost in thought while washing yourself, focusing on trying to remember a half-lost dream, and don't hear <<NMS>> enter your room, looking for you. She knocks gently on the bathroom door, but you left it open out of habit, so she helps herself in.
<br>Noticing you showering, she decides to take a peek - and notices the changes to your body.
<br>You're definitely looking more feminine, there's no doubt about that.
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1]>>
<<set $EventId = "HormoneTits0.2Dom">>
<br><<NMS>>, feeling rather mischievous, decides to sneak up behind you and surprise you after taking her own clothes off.
<br>You jump in shock as she suddenly grabs your sensitive, budding breasts.
<br><PC>"Shit! You scared the life out of me."</PC>
<br><pi>"Morning, sleepyhead."</pi>, she says cheerily, her hands still roaming across your chest.
<br>You feel her <<TitsDesc>> rubbing against your back and she enfolds you in a tight hug.
<br><pi>"Nice tits."</pi>, she whispers as she wraps her fingers around your nipples and pinches them hard.
<br><PC>"H-hey, stop it!"</PC>, you say, but can't help but let out a moan as she twists your nipples expertly with her fingers.
<br><pi>"Did you like mine enough to get a pair of your own?"</pi>, she teases.
<br><pi>"Don't think I don't know what's going on."</pi>
<br>As she says that last word, you get goosebumps all over your body, and your <<CockDesc PC>> instantly stands to attention.
<br><pi>"Yeah, that's right."</pi>, she moves one hand down towards your <<Cock>>, giving it a gentle flick before wrapping her hand around it.
<br><pi>"I'm not blind, you know. Your ass loooks like it's coming along nicely as well."</pi> She gives it a quick squeeze then starts massaging your <<Cock>>, pumping it up and down.
<br>Your hand works its way back towards her, not to push her away, but to reciprocate. You nestle it into her moist sex and start playing with her clit in return.
<br><<Image handjob018.gif>>
<br><pi>"I think it's cute! I'm glad for you."</pi>, she continues, while stroking you - and rocking her hips into your hand.
<br><pi>"You'll make such a <pish>good girl</pish>."</pi>, she whispers. At those words, you can't hold it any more, and release your load, along with a girlish moan.
<br><<NMS>> leaves without making any further comment, leaving you feeling both incredibly horny (despite just having an orgasm) and quite ashamed.
<<SetPCSubGain 29 1>>
<br><b>Your submissiveness is increased by <<PCSubGain>>.</b>
<br>Not wanting to embarrass you, or make you angry - <<NMS>> quickly leaves.
<br>The sound of the door closing rouses you from your thoughts and you suddenly notice how your chest has changed.
<br>You spend some time exploring the new bumps on your chest. They're very sensitive.
<br>You find out that if you bounce up and down, you can actually make them jiggle a little. You feel a similar motion from your <<Ass>> and run your hands over it, feeling a new fullness.
<br><<Image tits010.gif>>
<br><pi>I have breasts!</pi>
<<set $PCTitsSize++>>
<<set $PCFemIncrease = 1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<br><b>Your femininity has increased by $PCFemIncrease as your body changes from the hormones you're taking.</b>
<<if !$PC.Traits.includes("Girly")>>
<<set $PC.Traits.push("Girly")>>
<br><b>Due to the change in your appearance, you've become <pi>girly</pi>.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "HormoneTits1">>
/% Updated by Sojourner %/
You look at your body, noticing your <<PCTitsDesc>>. They've grown again! These pills are really working.
<br>Your face also looks different, there's a roundness and softness to it that wasn't present before.
<br>You lean in closer towards the mirror to get a good look at yourself.
<br><span id="Mirror"><<Image player\face\mirror\feminine1.jpg>></span>
<<repeat 7000ms>>
<<replace "#Mirror">>
<<Image player\face\mirror\bimbo.jpg>>
<br><pish>the real you</pish>
<<timed 500ms>>
<<replace "#Mirror">>
<<Image player\face\mirror\feminine1.jpg>>
<<if $PCCockSize >= 5>>
<<set $PCCockSize-->>
<br>Your face seems to blur in the mirror, the reflection changing as you gaze at yourself.
<br>You look down, disoriented for a moment, and notice your now <<CockDesc PC>>.
<br>Is it smaller? It's hard to tell, but you think it might be.
<br>You are unsure how you feel about this apparent development. <piss>smaller is better</piss>
<br>Maybe these pills are working too well...?
<<set $PCTitsSize++>>
<<set $PCFace = "feminine1">>
<<set $PCFemIncrease = 1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<br><b>Your femininity has increased by $PCFemIncrease as your body changes from the hormones you're taking.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "HormoneTits2">>
/% Written by Sojourner %/
<<PushEvent $EventName>>
/% No to almost no male clients serviced %/
<<if $PCProCount <= 3>>
<<set $EventId = "HormoneTits2Straight">>
You realize you're getting more lingering looks from some of the clients as you interact with them in the brothel lately.
<br>When you get a moment, you head to your room and strip down to get a better look at what the clients are ogling.
<br><<Image sissy010.gif>>
<br>You lean back in the chair, watching yourself in the mirror. You stroke your <<SmallTits>> and caress your <<Ass>>. They both seem to have grown since the last time you really took the time to look closely at them.
<br>Your body doesn't really look like a man's any longer, and you can appreciate why some of the men's gazes have started to change.
<br>Your face has changed as well. There's a roundness and softness to it that wasn't there before. You feel the smooth skin of your face and find yourself wondering how it would look if you wore some makeup. <piss>(good girls look pretty!)</piss>
<br>You feel yourself getting hard, and drop your eyes to your lap.
<br>At least the pills haven't affected your ability to get hard... You grab your <<PCCockDesc>> and begin to stroke it, oddly turned on by the continued growth of your <<SmallTits>> and <<Ass>>.
Your client seems puzzled, and is staring at your body more than usual. He's a regular, but has been on and off for the last few months. It's probably been a few weeks since he last visited.
<br>As you remove your clothes his expression clears.
<br><blu>"That's it! You've got little titties. Some of the others guys said there was something going on with you."</blu>, he exclaims.
<br>You look down at yourself noticing how your tits stand out on your chest, easily an A-cup you admit to yourself.
<br><blu>"Turn around and let me see if that ass matches."</blu>
<br>You bend over, running your hands across your <<PCAssDesc>>. It is probably bigger than it was the last time he was here - it's true. You turn back to face him.
<br><blu>"Your face has changed too! There's a softness that wasn't there before. You might look real pretty if you wore some makeup."</blu>, he says with a grin.
<br>You feel the smooth skin of your face.
<br><PC><i>"Have I changed that much? I guess I don't notice the changes, seeing myself every day."</i></PC>, you think to yourself.
<br>The client keeps staring at your feminized body. You pinch a nipple and run a hand down your hip, covering your cock - teasing him. You can tell that he is attracted by what he sees.
<<if $PCInf < $PCInfStatus.nanites>>
<<set $EventId = "HormoneTits2GayLowInf">>
<br>You slowly uncover yourself, stroking your <<PCCockDesc>>, as you twist and pull on your <<Nipple>>, squeezing your <<PCTitsDesc>> with a moan.
<br>His eyes remain fixed on your <<SmallTits>> as you stand before him, stroking yourself.
<br>He steps forward, lust in his eyes, and grabs you - pulling you towards him. His mouth quickly finds one of your <<Nipples>> and begins to suck - his tongue swirling around the sensitive nub.
<br>You gasp and fall against him as he grabs your tight <<Ass>>. You were ready to suck, but you can tell he wants something <i>more</i>.
<br>He lays you back on the bed and pushes your legs up and apart. You grab your ankles, holding them back.
<br>You look up at him, your <<PCAssDesc>> spread, waiting for him. He grabs your hair while resting the head of his <<CockDesc 8>> at your entrance. <piss>(good girls get fucked)</piss>
<br>You whimper in anticipation.
<br>He slides it in suddenly, pulling your head forward, your <<PCTitsDesc>> shake as you jerk ahead, impaling yourself deeper.
<br><<Image shemale010.gif>>
<br>The client continues to thrust as you hold yourself open. - his fingers still gripping your hair tight.
<br>You can't help but watch his face as he fucks you. His eyes never leave the little titties bouncing on your chest.
<br>His attention only makes you more aware of them.
<br>He finally cums, pulling you forward to suck him clean. Unsatisfied, you still have to admit it's good to feel a cock in your mouth even if only for a moment. <piss>(good girls suck cock)</piss>
<br>You take your time making sure the client is clean, before helping him to get dressed.
<br>As he leaves you can tell he is still looking at your <<SmallTits>>. You lay on the bed inspecting yourself in the mirror one hand feeling your <<PCTitsDesc>> your other drifting towards your ass needing to satisfy the ache that client left behind.
<<set $EventId = "HormoneTits2GayHighInf">>
<br>The fact that his eyes seem to keep coming back to the hand covering your crotch gives you an idea.
<br>As you twist and pull on your nipple, squeezing your <<PCTitsDesc>> with a moan, you slowly uncover yourself - stroking your <<PCCockDesc>>.
<br>His eyes remain fixed on your <<Cock>> as you stand before him, stroking yourself.
<br>You take a step backwards, leaning against the wall and nod as he mutely looks at you, lust in his eyes.
<br><PC>"Does it turn you on seeing my little titties and tight ass? Do you like watching my smooth cock? Go ahead, you can taste it if you want. I won't tell~"</PC>, you coyly whisper to your client.
<br>You guide him as he kneels and takes you in his mouth, fumbling a little at first.
<br>You begin to thrust, feeling your <<PCTitsDesc>> shaking on your chest and your <<PCAssDesc>> slapping back against the wall.
<br><<Image shemale011.gif>>
<br>It is not quite as fun as getting to suck a cock yourself, but you enjoy it nonetheless, and the client seemed to enjoy it a great deal.
<br><i><PC>"After all we have to keep the clients happy"</PC></i>, you think, as he quietly leaves and you turn to inspect yourself in the mirror.
<<set $PCFace = "feminine2">>
<<set $PCTitsSize++>>
<<set $PCFemIncrease = 1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<<set $PCAssSize++>>
<br><b>Your femininity has increased by $PCFemIncrease as your body changes from the hormones you're taking.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "HormoneTits3">>
/% Written by Sojourner %/
<<set $PCFace = "feminine3">>
<<set $PCTitsSize++>>
<<set $PCLegsFem++>>
You don't wear one every day, but getting dressed this morning you decided to try on a bra. It seems to be fitting a little tighter than the last time you wore it.
<br>Looking in the mirror, your <<PCTitsDesc>> do look bigger, and your face seems to have rounded out more as well.
<br>Do your lips seem fuller?
<br>Removing the rest of your clothing you look over your body more carefully and notice the muscles in your legs have developed a more rounded, curved appearance.
<br><<Image sissy007.gif>>
<br>With the lack of hair and sharply defined muscles they look pretty girly, and you realize they would look good on any typical girl.
<br><PC><i>"I have</i></PC> <pii>lady legs..."</pii>
<br><pii>"They actually go pretty well with this rounder ass..."</pii>, you think to yourself as you rummage for some cute stockings to try on.
<<set $PCFemIncrease = 1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<br><b>Your femininity has increased by $PCFemIncrease as your body changes from the hormones you're taking.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "HormoneTits4">>
/% Written by Sojourner %/
<<set $PCFace = "feminine4">>
<<set $PCTitsSize++>>
<<set $PCLegsFem++>>
<<set $PCAssSize++>>
You stand before the full-body mirror in a pair of lace stockings, studying your body.
<br>Earlier, someone at the bar commented on your <<PCAssDesc>> while you were bent over, putting down some stock.
<br><<Image sissy008.gif>>
<br>It does seem bigger.
<br>You twist your hips, watching it jiggle.
<br>Yeah, you guess you can see how someone could mistake it for a girl's ass. A pretty curvy girl's ass at that...
<br>You have to admit your panties have begun to fit better, pulled tight across that full <<Ass>>.
<br>You realize that your ass isn't the only thing that is shaking.
<br>It seems your breasts are continuing to grow from your daily pills as well. You watch your jiggling <<PCTitsDesc>> for a moment before lifting your eyes to your face.
<br>It's definitely showing more of the effects too. Your lips look even more like a girls, no longer the thin hard lips you once had. You could almost swear your jaw is more refined and that your cheekbones are higher too. It is definitely on the androgynous side... if not already a bit past that.
<br>You sink to the floor, continuing to stare at your reflection.
<br><<Image sissy009.gif>>
<br>The sight of your <<PCTitsDesc>> and cute face, the feeling of your <pi>girly</pi> ass spreading beneath you as you sit; the combination of it all turns you on. <piss>(good girls have titties)</piss>
<br><pii>"Yes. I'm a good girl."</pii>
<br>You begin to stroke your <<PCCockDesc>> while watching in the mirror. <piss>(good girls look pretty)</piss>
<br>You smile at yourself as your eyes settle on your growing breasts.
<<elseif $EventName == "HormoneTits5">>
/% Written by Sojourner %/
<<set $PCFace = "feminine5">>
<<set $PCTitsSize++>>
<<if $PCCockSize > 3>>
<<set $PCCockSize-->>
<<set _EventString = "HormoneTits5">>
<<PushEvent _EventString>>
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1] == false>>
<<set _EventString += "NoDom">>
You sit back, looking at yourself in a mirror. Maybe $SlaveName[1] was right...
<br>You heft your <<PCTitsDesc>>, caressing their soft weight. Your breasts have definitely grown in with the help of those pills, but with this last growth spurt it seems like they might be slowing.
<br>You reckon you should probably start wearing a bra more often than not.
<br>Your face has changed a great deal as well. It has continued to round out, with your skin much softer and your lips swelling - even your eyes even seem larger and rounder somehow.
<br>Perhaps it's your hair? It's been growing quickly, you could probably use a trim - but you're enjoying this new length.
<br><<Image sissy011.gif>>
<br>As you continue inspecting your body in closer detail you find another change. It seems your <<PCCockDesc>> has reacted to the pills as well, shrinking to a smaller size. You're not sure how you feel about this development. <pii>(my panties will fit better...)</pii>
<br>Thanks to the increasing weight on your chest, you determine that you'll need to start wearing a bra.
<<elseif $SlaveIsDominant[1] == true>>
<<set _EventString += "Dom">>
You look at yourself in the mirror. $SlaveName[1] is standing by your side, gesturing at your <<PCTitsDesc>>.
<br><pi>"Just look at those <<Tits>>. I'm telling you, you need to start wearing a bra like the good little girl you are. Start taking care of them properly, unless you want the girls to start sagging."</pi>, $SlaveName[1] teases you.
<<if $PCInfHigh>>
<<set _EventString += "HighInf">>
<br>You glare at her for her direct words and tone of voice.
<<set _EventString += "LowInf">>
<br>You wince slightly from her very direct tone and words.
<br><pi>"What did you think you would get taking those pills?"</pi>, she continues, unfazed.
<br>You cup your <<PCTitsDesc>>, feeling their soft weight. It does seem that your breasts have definitely grown in with the help of those pills - they seem to be slowing down with this last growth spurt however.
<br><pi>"Even your face looks different. Those lips - trying to grow some cocksuckers there, are you?"</pi>, she teases.
<<if $PCInfHigh>>
<br>You look at her, biting your lip, before turning back to the mirror to study your face.
<br>You continue staring into the mirror, not wanting to meet her eyes, and study your face, self-consciously licking your lips.
<br>It has changed a great deal. Rounder, your skin is more refined, smoother somehow. Your lips have swelled up and become soft. Even your eyes seem larger somehow.
<br>Perhaps it's your hair? It's been growing quickly, you could probably use a trim - but you're enjoying this new length.
<br><pi>"I'm not really surprised to see you like this to be honest. I knew something was up from the moment I caught you all dressed up, with a dildo sticking out of your ass."</pi>, $SlaveName[1] continues, laughing.
<<if $PCInfHigh>>
<br><PC>"That's not all I remember..."</PC>, you respond, feeling yourself harden.
<br>You can't help but blush at the memory.
<br><<Image sissy012.gif>>
<br>She looks over your body once again. <pi>"So, here we are. Do you even have any guy clothes that fit you left?"</pi>
<br>Maybe the dresses are too much, but they feel so freeing compared to your old clothes...
<br><pi>"Let's see how much of a man you still are."</pi> She reaches around, grabbing for your <<PCCockDesc>>.
<<if $PCCockSize >= $LargeAssetSize>>
<<set _EventString += "LargeCock">>
<<if $PCInfHigh>>
<br><PC>"Still enough to fuck you."</PC>, you declare.
<br>Feeling the still-significant size harden in her hand, she smiles at you and bites her lower lip, <pi>"Easily..."</pi>.
<br>You strip her out of her clothes and push her over - then push yourself into her wet <<Pussy>>.
<br><<Image shemale013.gif>>
<br>Your <<CockDesc PC>> quickly brings her to climax, and it happens again more than once before you're done.
<br>Despite the effects of the hormones you're taking, your <<Cock $PCCockSize>> is large enough to satisfy even the most greedy size-queen. You like the feeling of empowerment it gives you, perhaps you should make sure it stays this size.
Afterwards, you're having a bit of a cuddle. $SlaveName[1] gently sucks on your nipples, murmuring comfortably as you stroke her hair. Looking down at the action, you have to admit - you need a bra.
<br><<Image lesbian011.gif>>
<br>Feeling its still-significant size, a look of surprise crosses her face.
<br><pi>"Oh? We'll have to do something about this, won't we?"</pi>
<br>With a firm slap across your newly-expanded ass, she leaves the room
<br>Seems like you'll have to do something if you want to counteract the shrinking of your <<Cock $PCCockSize>>.
<br>You agree with <<NNS>> on one thing though: you should probably start wearing a bra.
<<elseif $PCCockSize <= $TinyAssetSize>>
<<set _EventString += "TinyCock">>
<<if $PCInfHigh>>
<br><PC>"Still enough to fuck you."</PC>, you declare.
<br>Feeling the tiny size of your <<TinyCock>>, she chuckles and says,<pi>"No, honey, I don't think so."</pi>
<br>Determined to prove her wrong, you strip her naked and push her over - taking her as roughly as you can - showing her that it's still enough!
<br>She turns around and looks at you as you're humping away from behind her. <pi>"Umm, is it in?"</pi>
<br>She laughs when she sees the visible frustration on your face.
<br>Feeling anger building inside of you, you slap her <<AssDesc>> as hard as you can before quickly leaving the room.
<br><<Image bondage014.gif>>
<br>You look down at your pathetic <<CockDesc PC>>. It's hard enough - but it is admittedly <i>tiny</i>. You'll have to do something about this if you want to keep your dignity going forward - unless you intend to submit to being a <i>bottom</i>.
<br>As you're looking down at your body, you can't help but agree with <<NNS>> despite everything - you probably need to start wearing a bra.
<br>Feeling how tiny your <<Cock $PCCockSize>> is, she giggles and says <pi>"Yeah, figures. Good thing you're learning some new skills."</pi>
<br>With a firm slap across your newly-expanded ass, she leaves the room
<br>You can't help but agree with <<NNS>> on at least one thing: you should probably start wearing a bra.
<<set _EventString += "NormalCock">>
<<if $PCInfHigh>>
<br><PC>"Still enough to fuck you."</PC>, you declare.
<br>Feeling its smaller size harden in her hand, she smiles at you with a cute, <pi>"Awh..."</pi>.
<br>She laughs as you strip her, pushing her over, taking her as roughly as you can - showing her that it's still enough!
<br><<Image shemale012.gif>>
Afterwards, you're having a bit of a cuddle. $SlaveName[1] gently sucks on your nipples, murmuring comfortably as you stroke her hair. Looking down at the action, you have to admit - you need a bra.
<br><<Image lesbian011.gif>>
<br>Feeling its smaller size, she says <pi>"Yeah, figures. Good thing you're learning some new skills."</pi>
<br>With a firm slap across your newly-expanded ass, she leaves the room
<br>You can't help but agree with <<NNS>> on at least one thing: you should probably start wearing a bra.
<<set $EventId = _EventString>>
<<if !$PC.Traits.includes("BraWearer")>>
<<set $PC.Traits.push("BraWearer")>>
<br><b>You've started <pi>wearing bras</pi>.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "PCMakeup1">>
/% Written by Sojourner %/
<<set _EventString = "PCMakeup1">>
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1] == true>>
<<set _EventString += "Dom">>
Lounging around at the end of the day with the others, you see $SlaveName[1] looking at you. Staring, really - studying your face. Not really wanting to know what she is thinking, you choose to ignore her.
<<if $PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.aura1>>
<<set _EventString += "HighInf">>
<br><reb>"Hey <<PCName>>, can you help me with something in my room?"</reb>, $SlaveName[1] suddenly asks.
<br>Not really knowing where this might be going, but hoping for a little fun, you agree.
<br><PC>"So, what's the problem?"</PC>, you ask once you arrive at her room.
<br><reb>"The fact that you're walking around with that cute little face and no makeup."</reb>, she says while pointing to her chair and her array of beauty products on the vanity in front of it.
<br><PC>"What do you think you're doing?"</PC>, you ask, looking at her.
<br><reb>"Don't worry. It's not going to hurt a bit and I guess you can take it off afterwards if you want, but I think you'll love it."</reb>
<br>Not really knowing why, <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><piss>(girls need makeup)</piss><</if>> you decide to humor her and take her seat before the mirror.
<br>Taking this as an act of consent she begins.
<<set _EventString += "LowInf">>
<br><reb>"I've got to see."</reb>, she suddenly announces and getting up grabs your arm and begins to drag you down the hall.
<br><PC>"Where are we going?"</PC>, you protest, trying to pull your arm from her grasp.
<br>She drags you into her room and sits you in front of her mirror.
<br>You're afraid to ask her what she intends as she starts to pick through the various lotions and beauty products spread in front of you.
<br><reb>"Don't worry. It's not going to hurt a bit, and I guess you can take it off afterwards if you want, but I think you'll love it."</reb>
<br>Taking your silence for consent she begins.
<br>Blocking your view of the mirror while she works, all you can do is sit and feel her applying the makeup. You're not sure why, but a part of you begins to revel in the sensations, the soft brush of the powder on your cheeks, the gentle tracing of your eyes and lips as she adds color.
<br>After some time she steps aside.
<<set _EventString += "NoDom">>
Waking up, you see $SlaveName[1] hovering over you. She seems anxious, but proud at the same time. It takes a moment for you to remember that you are laying on your office couch. It had been a tough week and at some point you must have lain down and gone to sleep.
<br><reb>"Sorry, I saw you sleeping so soundly and I couldn't resist",</reb> she says while holding up a mirror. <reb>"Your face has just gotten so cute and girly lately, I wanted to see what you would look like made up like a real girl.
<<if $PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.aura1>>
<<set _EventString += "HighInf">>
Please, don't be mad.
<<set _EventString += "LowInf">>
<<set $PCFace = "feminine6">>
<br>Seeing yourself in the mirror, you are amazed at how feminine and girly your face looks. With just the right amount of makeup, you have been transformed!
<br>There is no question that the face looking back at you belongs to a girl<<if $SeenSissyHypno12>> <piss>(I <i>am</i> a girl)</piss><</if>>.
<br>Looking at yourself, you can't be angry at $SlaveName[1] - or the result.
<br>Watching you study yourself, $SlaveName[1] says,
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1] == true>>
<reb>"I knew you would look good. In fact, I think you need to learn how to do this yourself. I'm going to show you how to put on a couple of different looks. Something like this for everyday and something a little more slutty for </reb>
<<if $PCProCount >=3>>
<reb>the clients that like that kind of look."</reb>
<reb>when you're feeling sexy."</reb>
<<elseif $SlaveIsDominant[1] == false>>
<reb>"You look so beautiful. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to look like this whenever you want? I could show you how to put on a couple of looks if you wanted. Something like this for everyday and maybe something a little more sexy.</reb>
<<if $PCInf >= $PCInfStatus.aura1>>
<br><PC>"Well I don't know if we need to go that far"</PC>, you start to say, but looking at the beautiful girl staring back at you from the mirror
<br>Still bemused from seeing yourself as a beautiful girl, hardly believing it's your reflection
, you don't object as she begins to work again. She makes sure that you can see how she transforms your face and explains the techniques as she works. She quickly shows you the first look and then the second.
<br>When she is done, you are left looking at yourself again. This second look definitely emphasizes the lines of your face in a much more sexual way and you think about the attention it will bring. <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><piss>(good to look sexy)</piss><</if>>
<<set $PCFace = "feminine7">>
<br><reb>"I know, I think I might like this look even better for you"</reb>, $SlaveName[1] says watching as you practice smiling at your reflection. <reb>"Do you have any questions?"</reb>
<br> You shake your head no, feeling confident you could manage to recreate the looks she has tried to teach you with a little practice.
<br><reb>"I'll put together a little kit and put it in your room so you can do this whenever you want."</reb>
<br>Still unsure about this new development you thank $SlaveName[1] and
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1] == true>>
head back to your room.
send her away.
<br>Standing before your mirror studying your new face again, you glance down at your body. Your developing curves definitely match your new look better than your old hairy body and you find yourself half hoping that the hormones continue to change you. <<if $SeenSissyHypno12>><piss>(make those titties grow)</piss><</if>>
<<if !$PC.Traits.includes("MakeupArtist")>>
<<set $PC.Traits.push("MakeupArtist")>>
<<set $PCFemIncrease = 1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<br><b>Your femininity has increased by $PCFemIncrease as you learn to wear makeup.</b>
<br><b>You've gained the Makeup Artist Trait.</b>
<br><key>(You can now choose to wear makeup on the Self-View Screen.)</key>
<<set $PCFace = "feminine5">>
<<set $EventId = _EventString>>
<br><key>(This is the current end of the feminization storyline.)</key>
/% #### %/
<<elseif $EventName == "FemClothes1NoTits">>
/% Written by Sojourner %/
<<set _EventString = "FemClothes1NoTits">>
/% If declined hormone pills, but accepted panties %/
<<if $SlaveCount > 1>>The girls have <<else>>$SlaveName[1] has <</if>>been begging for some new lingerie lately. You're not sure if <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>they really need <<else>>she really needs <</if>>it and the customers don't seem to be complaining. However, you know that if <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>the girls are <<else>>she is <</if>>happy the customers are happy and happy customers keep coming back, so you tell $SlaveName[1] to put together an order and bring it to you for approval.
<br>$SlaveName[1] looks over your shoulder as you pull up the order on your computer, ready to answer any questions you have.
<br>Looking at all of the cute, sexy, and downright slutty lingerie on your screen you feel a stirring within and can't help but begin to get excited. You're not sure why it turns you on so much to wear girly underwear lately, but you've come to love the feeling of the soft, smooth fabrics sliding across your skin...
<br>When you pause too long looking at a <pi>cute</pi> pair of low cut panties, she leans in closer
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1] == true>>
<<set _EventString += "Dom">>
saying, <reb>"Oh, those would look cute on you. Why don't we add some things for you as well while we are at it?"</reb>
<<set _EventString += "NoDom">>
and whispers in your ear, <reb>"You know you could add a few things for yourself."</reb>
<br>You know you've been seen in girly clothing before. There was that time you were caught playing with a dildo while dressed up like a <pi>cute girl</pi>. You feel your <<PCCockDesc>> stir at the memory.
<br>Still you're not sure if anyone really knows how often you've been wearing girly underwear recently; and do you really want to admit to her how much of a thrill it is to wear a cute pair of panties under your clothes for the day?
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage2") && !$EventsSeen.contains("BruceMessage2.WithoutPanties")>>
How sexy you feel when you dress up for Bruce's visits. <piss>(good sissy slut)</piss>
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1] == true>>
<br><reb>"Look I know what you've been up to. I think it's time for you to have more of your own sexy underwear. No need to be borrowing panties anymore."</reb>, she continues.
<br><reb>"Come on, you know you want to."</reb>, she continues.
<br>You open your mouth to dismiss her suggestion, but pause as she reaches out to rub across your back her fingers tracing the band of the bra that you slipped on this morning.
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1]>>
<br><reb>"I knew it."</reb>, she laughs triumphantly. <reb>"I was pretty sure that's what I saw under your shirt."</reb>
<br><reb>"Wow, it is."</reb>, she gasps. <reb>"I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw straps under your shirt."</reb>
<br>You pull back wondering why you put the bra on this morning. You don't wear one everyday, after all you don't need it, but it looked so <pi>cute</pi> with the matching panties that you couldn't resist.
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1]>>
<br><reb>"Don't be that way."</reb>, she admonishes you reaching down to rub your <<PCCockDesc>>.
<br><reb>"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."</reb>, she says softly trying to reassure you.
<reb>"It's okay to enjoy the feeling of a soft pair of panties, a bra pulled around your chest, smooth stockings hugging your legs."</reb>
<br>At her words your <<PCCockDesc>> twitches and begins to grow hard, unable to help yourself you imagine how it would feel, how <pi>sexy</pi> you would look in the lingerie on the screen. <piss>(good girls wear panties)</piss>
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1]>>
<br><reb>"That's right!"</reb>, she giggles as she unzips your pants while pulling open your shirt to reveal the cute matched set. <reb>"It turns you on to dress up like a good little slut, doesn't it?"</reb>
<br>Noticing your swelling <<PCCockDesc>> she reaches out to rub it gently, unsure of how you will react. When you sigh softly leaning back, she becomes more bold unzipping your pants and pulling open your shirt to reveal the cute matched set.
<br><reb>"So it <i>does</i> turn you on to dress up like a girl."</reb>, she says continuing to play with your <<PCCockDesc>> encased in your panties.
<br>Unable to deny it you can only groan as she more aggressively rubs your <<PCCockDesc>> while she scrolls through the items on the screen whispering in your ear about how sexy you would look in the various items of lingerie, every now and then rubbing and pinching your nipples through your bra causing you to gasp.
<br><reb>"Like that? Maybe you should think about growing some sensitive little titties. As cute as this bra looks on you, it would look even better holding something."</reb>, she teases you.
<br>You remember the pills you threw out. Was that a mistake? <piss>(cute sexy titties)</piss> Maybe you should have kept them. Where could you get more?
<br>$SlaveName[1] draws your attention back to the screen.
<<if $SlaveIsDominant[1] == true>>
<br><reb>"A little slut like you would look so good in all of this. Don't you want me to pick some things out for you?"</reb>
<br><reb>"Come on, let me help you pick something out. A girl can't wear the same thing everyday, can she?"</reb>
<br>Your resistance worn down by visions of new soft, silky lingerie and the sensations of her hand stroking you through your panties, you find yourself nodding in agreement.
<br><reb>"I knew you would agree the way you were looking at all of this. What you have going on right now is pretty cute, but sometimes a girl wants to feel sexy and other times maybe even a little slutty. Let me see what we can find for you."</reb>
<br>Quickly she pulls up more items and places them in the order. Looking at them your pulse begins to race.
<br><reb>"There we go. That should be good, a little something for every mood and occasion.</reb><<if $PCProCount >= 3>> <reb>I think the clients are really going to enjoy these new sexy and slutty looks.</reb><</if>><reb>"</reb>
<br>Just as she said she has put together a few sets of cute
<br><<print either("<<Image *tobeassigned*.gif>>", "<<Image *tobeassigned*.gif>>", "<<Image *tobeassigned*.gif>>")>>
<br><<print either("<<Image *tobeassigned*.gif>>", "<<Image *tobeassigned*.gif>>", "<<Image *tobeassigned*.gif>>")>>
<br>and slutty
<br><<print either("<<Image *tobeassigned*.gif>>", "<<Image *tobeassigned*.gif>>", "<<Image *tobeassigned*.gif>>")>>
<br>lingerie for you.
<br>Without hesitating you finalize the order, even paying for express shipping, while trying not to think about what you are doing and what you are admitting with your actions. <piss>(I'm a good girl.)</piss>
<br>After she leaves you begin to think of how quickly she brought up her choices for you, it almost seemed like she already had them picked out. You begin to wonder how much <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>the girls<<else>>she<</if>> really needed new lingerie, or if this was all simply a ruse to encourage you to explore this side of yourself more fully.
<br>Oddly you don't seem to care and part of you can't wait for the order to come in. Already you can see yourself posing in front of the mirror in a sexy garter set and stockings.
<br><key>(You can now choose what style of lingerie you want to wear on the Self-View Screen.)</key>
<<set $EventId = _EventString>>
/% ############ linking broken, not edited, images not done %/
<<elseif $EventName == "BruceMessage1">>
You're just about to start your daily routine when a quiet chime from your phone catches your attention.
<br>You've received a new text message. You don't recognize the number. Intrigued, you open it.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
I saw your picture, buddy. Very nice.
<br>I've known you were a little sub since the first time I met you. Didn't know you were such a <pi>femme</pi> slut though.
<br>But I like it, I'm glad that you're embracing it.
<br>We should continue your training.
<br>I'll come over again soon.
It's from $Bruce. You stare at the message for a while - at first in disbelief, but soon with eager anticipation.
<br>Your <<CockDesc PC>> starts growing hard inside your pants.
<br>After some hesitation, you send $Bruce a reply.
<<textmessage PC>>
I'm glad you liked it!
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Sure did.
<br>You'll be wearing panties next time I see you.
<<textmessage PC>>
<br><i>(What the hell is he suggesting? You're </i>not <i>going to play along.)</i>
<br>No, I'm not wearing panties.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
You will.
<br>You want this, don't you?
<br><<Image dick001.jpg>>
$Bruce sent you a picture of his massive junk.
<<textmessage PC>>
I mean...
<br><i>(Shit, you do <pi>want it</pi>!)</i>
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Panties. Understood?
<<textmessage PC>>
Okay... yeah, I guess.
<br>(<grss>What did I just agree to...?</grss>)
<br>(<grss>I'll surely be able to get out of this,</grss> <piss>unless I don't want to avoid it...?</piss>)
<<elseif $EventName == "BruceMessage2">>
/% Co-written by mlreta, Non-panty path by Koda %/
/% Scene Diagram/Flowchart %/
<<set $BruceMessage2Text = "
You shudder, but can't tell if it's in fear or anticipation.
<br>It feels like you're in a trance as you go grab a pair of pretty panties, strip down what you're wearing and put them on.
<br>An image flashes unbidden into your mind as the silky panties slide up across your <<PCLegsDesc>>.
<br><<Image hypno001.gif>>
<br>You struggle slightly to fit the panties over your rapidly growing bulge, but manage, and put your pants back on over them.
A while later, you welcome $Bruce in the lobby.
<br>He's dressed smartly, as usual. He looks good in a suit.
<br><blu>\"Hey there, buddy.\"</blu>, he says, reaching around you to give your <<Ass>> a squeeze.
<br><<if $PCSub < $PCSubStatus.four>>You jerk back a bit in surprise, not used to being manhandled like this. <grs>\"Not out here!\"</grs>, you hiss.<<else>>You subconsciously lean into $Bruce, relishing his embrace.<</if>>
<br><blu>\"Let's go.\"</blu>, $Bruce says with a smile, and starts walking with you towards one of the rooms.
<br>You arrive at the room and $Bruce makes himself comfortable on the bed. You're about to sit next to him when he stops you.
<br><blu>\"Don't sit down just yet, buddy. Show me.\"</blu>
<br><<if $PCSub < $PCSubStatus.four>>You gulp, nervous.<<else>>A tingle runs down your spine and you harden in excitement.<</if>>
<br>You <<if $PCSub < $PCSubStatus.four>>hesitantly <</if>>pull your pants down, revealing the silken panties you're wearing underneath.
<br><blu>\"Nice.\"</blu>, $Bruce comments, his eyes fixed on you.
<br><blu>\"Go on, give us a twirl.\"</blu>, he adds as you fold your discarded pants over the back of a chair.
<br>Despite feeling a bit awkward, you spin around for him.
<br><blu>\"It suits you, you know that, right?\"</blu>
<br><grs>\"Uh, thanks?\"</grs>, you reply.
<br><blu>\"And you like it, don't you?\"</blu>
<br><grs>\"Y-yeah, I guess it feels kind of nice...\"</grs>, you bashfully reply.
<br><blu>\"I can tell.\"</blu>, $Bruce says playfully as he reaches up to give your confined package a squeeze.
<br><blu>\"I like it too.\"</blu>, he adds, motioning towards his own crotch. His privates are also bulging within their confines, it seems.
<br><grs>\"S-so, what do I...?\"</grs>, you ask, unsure of what to do next.
<br><blu>\"Don't be shy, buddy. You know exactly what you want to do, and how to do it.\"</blu>, he reassures you, and put gentle pressure on your shoulders for you to kneel.
<br>You do.
<br>$Bruce scoots to the end of the bed, and suddenly you're face to face with his bulging crotch. A very strong and distinct, yet not wholly unpleasant smell hits your nostrils.
<br>Your hands are trembling with excitement as you fumble with his zipper.
<br>With an audible pop, his <<CockDesc $BruceCockSize>> flops out and slaps you gently on the chin.
<br>It smells so good.
<br>You look up at $Bruce, and he nods in approval, placing his hands on your head and gently guiding your mouth towards his shaft.
<br>His strong hands feel comforting on your head, and you let yourself be guided.
<br>Pleasure and reward chemicals immediately start flooding your brain as your lips make contact with the head. It is soft and hard at the same time, it feels wonderful.
<br>You slide your tongue around it, set on tasting as much of its flavour as you can before the <<Cock>> is forced deeper into your mouth.
<br>A grunt from $Bruce lets you know that you're doing good. <piss>That makes you really happy!</piss>
<br>You move down as far as you can, until you feel the <<Cock>> tickling your throat, about to make you choke - all the while using your tongue and your lips to stimulate this wonderful <<Cock>>.
<br>You pull back, and $Bruce loosens his grip. Before it is entirely out of your mouth, you go back down again.
<br><blu>\"There's my good slut!\"</blu>, $Bruce groans, and releases your head entirely.
<br>You no longer need that encouragement, as you happily bob your mouth up and down on his impressive shaft.
<br><<Image gayblowjob002.gif>>
<br><blu>\"Sucking my dick while wearing panties, god, you're such a cocksucker!\"</blu>, $Bruce tells you between moans. Being talked to like that makes you feel... <piss>good</piss>.
<br>Your own <<CockDesc>> is straining against the satin fabric of the panties you're wearing - but you barely notice, servicing the thing in front of you feels so good, and is so important.
<br><blu>\"Fuck, you're gonna make me-\"</blu>, $Bruce almost shouts, then pulls you off his <<CockDesc $BruceCockSize>> just in time for his warm <<Cum>> to splatter across your face.
<br><<Image gaycum001.gif>>
<br>After relishing in the afterglow, you both get dressed and say your good-byes.
<br>As you part, $Bruce tells you, <blu>\"We're going to keep going, but you already knew that. Thanks buddy, that was great.\"</blu>
<<set $PCFemIncrease = 1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<br>Wearing panties while doing these things makes you feel <pi>more feminine</pi>. <b>Your femininity is increased by $PCFemIncrease.</b>
<<set $BruceMEssage2NoPantiesText1 = "
<<textmessage PC>>
I don't want to wear panties.
<br>I'm not doing it.
<span id ="BackButton">
<iss>Pick an option.</iss>
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
You're in your office as your phone chimes. You take a look at it.
<br>It's from $Bruce.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
I'm coming over. You remember what I told you, right?
<<textmessage PC>>
<<textmessage Bruce>>
<span id ="BruceMessage2">
<<textmessage PC>>
<<link "-Yes, sir.">>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace #BruceMessage2>>
<<textmessage PC>>
Yes, sir.
<br>I'll put them on.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
I knew you would.
<br>Be there in 20 or so, buddy.
<<print $BruceMessage2Text>>
<br><<link "-I don't want to wear panties.">>
<<replace #BruceMessage2>>
<<print $BruceMEssage2NoPantiesText1>>
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Oh, really?
<br>So you don't want this?
<<textmessage Bruce>>
<<Image dick001.jpg>>
<<textmessage PC>>
<<link "-Okay, I'll do it.">>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace #BruceMessage2>>
<<print $BruceMEssage2NoPantiesText1>>
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Oh, really?
<br>So you don't want this?
<<textmessage Bruce>>
<<Image dick001.jpg>>
<<textmessage PC>>
Okay, I'll do it.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
I knew you would.
<br>Be there in 20 or so, buddy.
<<print $BruceMessage2Text>>
<br><<link "-I do... but I'm not going to wear panties.">>
<<replace #BruceMessage2>>
<<print $BruceMEssage2NoPantiesText1>>
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Oh, really?
<br>So you don't want this?
<<textmessage Bruce>>
<<Image dick001.jpg>>
<<textmessage PC>>
I do... but I'm not going to wear panties.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
<br>I like you buddy, but you're really sending me mixed signals here.
<br>Are you just playing hard to get, or are the panties really a no-go?
<br>You feel bad. This definitely isn't $Bruce's fault.
<br>And you've been leading him on this whole time.
<br>Maybe he at least deserves the truth...
<<textmessage PC>>
I've been getting these weird emails, and...
<br>You try drafting a text explaining what happened - but it's difficult to find the words.
<br>It's like a secret you're not supposed to share... <piss>(Stop!)</piss>
<br>Besides, your memory is all foggy... <piss>(Stupid sissy!)</piss>
<br>There were lights, pictures, and words, but then just... feelings... compulsions <piss>(Be a good girl!)</piss>
<br>That's why you shaved and sent him that picture. <piss>(You won't get that delicious</piss> <pi>cock</pi> <piss>this way!)</piss>
<br><pi>His cock...</pi>
<br>You remember when you first met.
<br><div class="pinkbox"><<BoxImage handjob035.gif>></div>
<br>The message starts to feel like a lie... <piss>(Bad girl!)</piss>
<br>Your <pi>need</pi> for his <<Cock>> never had anything to do with any messages... <piss>(Delete this!)</piss>
<br>Maybe his little request doesn't either... <piss>(Serve your man!)</piss>
<br>You remember when you first had the <pi>privilege</pi> of tasting him.
<br><div class="pinkbox"><<BoxImage gayblowjob003.gif>></div>
<br>All you have to do to taste him again is stop worrying... <piss>(Good girls don't think!)</piss>
<br>All you have to do is slip on those panties... <piss>(Get it, girl!)</piss>
<span id ="BruceMessage2-2">
<br><<link "Put on the panties.">>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace #BruceMessage2-2>>
<br>You put on the panties and shake your head.
<br>You delete the <pi>silly</pi> draft you were writing and send $Bruce a much shorter message.
<<textmessage PC>>
Okay, I'll do it.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
I knew you would.
<br>Be there in 20 or so, buddy.
<<print $BruceMessage2Text>>
<br><<link "Send the text trying to explain what's happening.">>
<<replace #BruceMessage2-2>>
<br>You shake your head. Something's definitely wrong!
<br>You send the text and hope it makes any sense at all.
<br>A little later, you get a reply.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
<br>Not sure I totally follow, but if you really aren't comfortable with the panties, no biggie.
<br>Tell you what, how about I buy something different for you to wear and come over in a few days?
<br>I think you'll like it.
<br>And I think you know how you'll be able to thank me.
<span id = "BruceMessage2-3">
<<textmessage PC>>
<<link "Yes, Sir!">>
<<replace #BruceMessage2-3>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<textmessage PC>>
Yes, Sir!
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Attaboy, nice to see that you still know your manners at least.
<br>See you soon, buddy.
You look forward to seeing $Bruce again, without the whole having-to-wear-panties thing.
<<set $EventsSeen.push("BruceMessage2.WithoutPanties")>>
<br><<link "Actually, forget it. I'm not interested.">>
<<replace #BruceMessage2-3>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<textmessage PC>>
Actually, forget it.
<br>On second thought, I'm not interested.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
<br>I don't like being toyed with like this.
<br>If you don't want anything to do with me, I'll leave you alone.
<br>Go find someone else to tease.
<br>Cya, buddy.
<br><grss>You get the feeling you won't hear from $Bruce anymore.</grss>
<<set $EventsSeen.push("BruceMessage2.No")>>
<br><<link "-No.">>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<<replace #BruceMessage2>>
<<textmessage PC>>
No way!
<br>I'm not doing that.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Oh, really?
<br>So you don't want this?
<<textmessage Bruce>>
<<Image dick001.jpg>>
<<textmessage PC>>
<br>No interest.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Damn, that's cold.
<br>Okay buddy, I'll leave you alone.
<br><grss>You get the feeling you won't hear from $Bruce anymore.</grss>
<<set $EventsSeen.push("BruceMessage2.No")>>
<<elseif $EventName == "BruceMessage3">>
/% Written by mlreta %/
You're sitting in your office, working on the computer, when you get a new instant message.
<br>It's from $Bruce.
<br>You tremble, undecided if you want to read it or not.
<br>Your mind wanders...
<br>You still remember last time. <piss>his hard cock...</piss>
<br>Wearing those <piss>pretty panties...</piss>
<br>Your soft skin rubbing against the <piss>lace of your thong...</piss>
<br>Suddenly you realize your <<CockDesc PC>> is hard as a rock, and your hand is unwittingly rubbing it over your trousers.
<br>You unzip your pants and your fingers caress the delicate fabric of your <pi>whorish underwear</pi>.
<br>You moan.
<br>Your fingers release your <<Cock>> and start to slowly massage it.
<br>You open your eyes and with your other hand, open the message in your phone.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Hi, slut.
<<textmessage PC>>
Hi, $Bruce.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
I know you miss this.
<br><<Image dick002.gif>>
A short video of his gorgeous <<Cock>> fills your screen, making you quiver in anticipation - speeding your jerking hand.
<<textmessage PC>>
I do!
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Do you want me to come visit you?
<<textmessage PC>>
Yes, please!
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Good slut.
<br>This time, you'll wear a full set of lingerie: thong, stockings, and bra.
<br>And make-up.
<br>Plus, your red stiletto heels.
<<textmessage PC>>
How do you know about those?
<<textmessage Bruce>>
I know everything about you, slut.
<<textmessage PC>>
I don't know $Bruce, it's a bit much...?
<br>I'm not a girl.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Of course you're not.
<br>You're a slut.
<br>A cock-hungry, lace-loving slut that wants a cock in your mouth all the time.
<br>Don't try to deny it.
<br>You'll wear what I told you to.
<<textmessage PC>>
I will.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
That wasn't a question.
<<textmessage PC>>
I know...
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Good slut.
<br>See you soon.
<br>Your body shakes and convulses as you read that final <pi>'slut'</pi>, ejaculating lots of hot <<Cum>> all over your hand and the desk.
<br>You lick your hand clean while imagining $Bruce's hard <<Cock>> in your eager mouth.
<<elseif $EventName == "BruceMessage4">>
It was time.
<br>$Bruce was coming.
<br>You were just doing the finishing touches on your makeup.
<<if $PCFace == "bearded">>
<br>The hardest part was making it look natural with your beard. You just couldn't manage.
<br>The beard was getting in the way, so you decided to shave it off.
<<set $PCFace = "shaved">>
<br>Your face is now clean-shaven - and covered in a subtle yet somewhat enchanting layer of makeup.
<br>The person staring back at you from the mirror does look a bit funny, but also <piss>really hot</piss>.
You relish the feeling of soft silken velvet as you roll the stockings up your shaved legs and attach them to the garter you're wearing.
<br>Your <<CockDesc PC>> is rock hard at this point, sticking out of the lace panties you're wearing.
<<if $PCTits == "manly">>
<br>You don't have any breasts to speak of, but the cups of the bodice you're wearing feel strangely <i>correct</i> on your chest.
<br>Your <<TitsDesc $PCTitsSize>> fit well into the cups of the bodice you're wearing. It feels very <i>correct</i> on your chest.
<br>Balancing on the heels you're wearing is quite difficult, but it feels really good to stand up in them - it really pushes your butt out <pi>in a really cute way!</pi>
<br><<Image sissy001.gif>>
<br>You run your hand, nails painted a crimson red, up and down your shaft as you wait for $Bruce to arrive...
He doesn't. Instead, you get a message.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
All ready for me?
<<textmessage PC>>
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Show me.
<<textmessage PC>>
I'm waiting for you!
<br><<Image sissy002.gif>>
<<textmessage Bruce>>
You're looking really cute, slut.
<br>Almost making me regret what I'm about to say.
<<textmessage PC>>
<<textmessage Bruce>>
I'm not coming.
<<textmessage PC>>
But, you said you wanted me to dress up for you and I did!
<<textmessage Bruce>>
You did. You look great, too. A real cutie.
<br>But you're not ready.
<<textmessage PC>>
Please, Sir, please come, I need you!
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Haha, damn, you're so thirsty.
<br>Begging isn't going to help this time.
<br>You need to finish getting ready. The next time is for real.
<<textmessage PC>>
Yes! Anything! What do I need to do?
<br>I need you back in my mouth!
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Your mouth isn't what I had in mind...
<<textmessage PC>>
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Time to get your other hole ready for me, my lovely sissy slut.
<<textmessage PC>>
You mean, my ass??
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Bingo, buddy.
<br>You know how big I am. I would destroy you. You need to get ready.
<br>And show me.
<<textmessage PC>>
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Too late to back out now.
<br>I want to see you practice, stretch yourself out for me, and next time, you've got a good thing coming.
<<if !$PCDildoed>>
You can't believe you stuck a dildo up your ass, you've never done that before!
<br><b>You've lost your anal virginity for toys!</b>
<br>$Bruce has such an effect on you...
It takes a while, but eventually you're ready to send $Bruce a picture.
<<textmessage PC>>
<<Image sissy003.png>>
<br>It hurts a little bit, but it also feels really good!
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Very good.
<br>If you think that feels good, imagine how nice the real thing is going to feel!
<br>At the last message, you cum hard, your asshole clamps down around the dildo in your ass and you spray hot jizz all over yourself.
<br>You can't wait to feel the real thing...!
<<set $PCDildoed = true>>
<<set $PCFemIncrease = 1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<br>Training your own ass while wearing lingerie and makeup definitely makes you feel <pi>more feminine</pi>. <b>Your femininity is increased by $PCFemIncrease.</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "BruceFirstFuck">>
/% Written by Elboba %/
<<if $BruceBouncer>>
$Bruce has been away for a few days, tending to some business some distance away.
<br>You were just thinking that he should be coming back soon when you get a text from him.
You were just thinking that it's been a long time since you last heard from $Bruce, when your phone chimes.
<br>It's a text from $Bruce!
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Me in you, tonight. Wrap my present in something lacy.
<br>Your entire body tingles at the thought. Ever since you were a <pi>good girl</pi> and toyed with yourself, you've been longing for the real thing.
<br>You aren't even nervous, you've long since accepted that $Bruce will be the first man to fuck you. <piss>(He will take your virginity tonight!)</piss>
<br>If you're honest with yourself, you've known that his thick cock would end up inside you since the first time you tasted it. <piss>(You're going to become a girl for real!)</piss>
<br><PC>"Tonight!"</PC> You grin, you've been preparing your <<Asshole>> for him, and not just that one time. He obviously doesn't want to hurt you. $Bruce is such a gentleman. <piss>(a real man!)</piss>
<br>You've had plenty of customers wanting a piece of your <<Ass>>, but you've been saving yourself for $Bruce. It only feels right. <piss>(it will feel so good!)</piss>
<br><PC>"Hmm, wrap his present in something lacy?"</PC>, you think to yourself. You can do that. You go through your lingerie drawer until you find a pair of black and red lace panties.
<br><PC>"Perfect."</PC> Sexy and slutty but still classy somehow.
<br>As night approaches, you don't even message him - he knows where to find you. You've prepared the room. Drawn the blinds, lit some candles. Nothing too fancy, but you still want to make tonight special. <piss>(Pleasure your man all night!)</piss>
<br>The room is dim and quiet. You are laying on your stomach with your prize ass in the air. Your prize? Bruce's prize. $Bruce. Just thinking his name sends your mind into a spiral of arousing images.
<br>His thick, juicy <<Cock>> - the perfect foreskin, his huge head, his aroma... oh god, his aroma...
<br>Your train of thought is interrupted. He's here. The door opens. He remains silent. The only sounds are his footsteps and the rustling of his clothes being removed. You close your eyes. You can smell his cologne already.
<br>You get up on all fours, wiggling your <<Ass>> towards him, doing your best to present a <pi>perfect ass and willing hole</pi>.
<br>You can feel him behind you, surveying your shape you with his keen green eyes.
<br>A gentle yet firm push on your back puts you back down on your stomach. His hand traces down your spine, almost painfully slowly, until it reaches your cheeks.
<br><bru>"Mmh."</bru>, he grunts, as he gives your butt a firm squeeze.
<br><bru>"Perfectly wrapped, good job."</bru>, his praise makes you feel proud. <bru>"Now spread those cheeks for me and show me what you're hiding."</bru>
<br>You do as instructed, and spread yourself apart. His hands join yours and he helps spreading you. You feel so vulnerable, so submissive... <piss>(and you fucking love it!)</piss>
<br>You expect lube, maybe a finger - or maybe even a toy? What you get is way better. $Bruce leans in, and without hesitation, covers your hole with his mouth.
<br><<Image gay010.gif>>
<br>You gasp, his warm breath fills the valley between your cheeks and it feels great, but the clear highlight is his soft and wet tongue licking the rim of your hole.
<br>You let out an involuntary moan. He continues circling the bullseye for what feels like forever, until you start whimpering with need.
<br>At that cue, $Bruce lightly brushes his wet tongue up against your begging hole. You moan louder this time.
<br>He begins to eat you out, his jaw pushing against your taint as his tongue finds its target.
<br>You relax as it probes against your sensitive anus, and moan softly as it pushes past your barrier. The pleasure is unlike anything you've ever experienced.
<br>Your <<CockDesc PC>> is rock hard.
<br><bru>"You like that Buddy, I can tell."</bru>, he flicks your <<Cock>> as if to punctuate the statement.
<br><PC>"Yes!"</PC>, you moan in agreement.
<br><bru>"Are you ready for the main course?"</bru>, he asks, but doesn't wait for you to answer - instead he shuffles up onto his knees.
<br><piss>(It's here, it's finally here!)</piss>
<br>He gives your <<Ass>> a slap. <bru>"I asked you a question."</bru>
<br><PC>"Sorry! Yes, yes, gods yes!"</PC>, you let out in a voice filled with desire. You shake your booty suggestively, trying to hurry him on.
<br><bru>"What do you want?"</bru>, $Bruce asks in a tone of voice that suggests that he's enjoying teasing you.
<br><PC>"I want you to fuck me!"</PC>, you shout at him, pushing your ass back until you can feel the throbbing head of his <<Cock>> push against the side of your cheek.
<br><PC>"Please, $Bruce, please fuck me. Put that cock inside me! I want it, I need it, please, please!"</PC>, you plead.
<br><bru>"Such a good girl."</bru>, $Bruce purrs, grabs his <<CockDesc $BruceCockSize>> and pushes forward towards your hungry, wanton hole.
<br>As it pierces you, you head $Bruce grunting above you, <bru>"Gonna destroy your virgin ass, your boipussy is gonna be oozing my cum all night!"</bru> - but his words are drowned out by your own wordless scream of pleasure.
<br><<Image gay011.gif>>
<br>Lost in ecstasy, you don't even care when he begins to thrust in and out of your ass. There is no pain, only pleasure.
<br>You feel a wet spot against your stomach and realize that you're oozing precum like crazy, to the point where the sheets underneath you have gotten wet.
<br>After a few minutes, $Bruce slows his pace and leans forward to whisper in your ear.
<br><bru>"You're great, your hole is so tight."</bru>
<br>You whimper in sheer pleasure. You can barely articulate how you're feeling right now, but you manage: <PC>"It's your hole $Bruce. Do what you want with it! Just promise that you'll cum in me!"</PC>
<br>The words have a noticeable effect on $Bruce, as you feel his <<Cock>> stiffen and pulsate inside you.
<br><bru>"You want the first load now?"</bru>
<br><bru>"Yeah?"</bru>, he says, teasing.
<br><PC>"Yes! Please fucking cum in me!!!"</PC>, you almost scream, as you buck your hips wildly.
<br>$Bruce grunts, buries himself to the hilt and pulls back out only to go back inside again. He does this a few times, and then lets out a loud, manly groan.
<br>You feel the warmth. $Bruce unloads inside you, a huge load. He wasn't wrong, you're gonna be leaking all night. It feels so good, his cock still pulsing inside you, giving you the last of his release.
<br>You expect him to collapse on you. He doesn't.
<br>He slowly pulls out, rolls over to his side, and commands you: <bru>"We're not done yet. Ride me well and you might just earn another load."</bru>
<br>You waste no time, despite your legs shaking and your <<Cock>> drooling precum, you quickly straddle him, grab his still-stiff <<Cock>> and slowly lower yourself onto it.
<br>As you take the thickness inside you, inch by inch, your eyes roll back in your head - it feels so good!
<br>You begin to ride his <<Cock>>. You want it, and you're ready to work for it!
<br>$Bruce only occasionally gives you a break by thrusting into your cum-slick lovehole himself.
<br><<Image gay012.gif>>
<br>You ride for what feels like hours, and you've already cum twice yourself, soaking your panties.
<br>That doesn't matter though, you have a goal and you will ride this fat cock until you reach it!
<br>By now, your <<Asshole>> is stretched and you're gliding up and down Bruce's <<Cock>> with ease.
<br>On the up-stroke, you go as far as possible, until you feel his head about to pop out of your hole - only to slam yourself back down until you feel his balls clapping against your ass.
<br>$Bruce grunts. <bru>"Ready for your reward?"</bru>
<br>Exhausted, you pant <PC>"Yes!"</PC>
<br><bru>"Yes, what?"</bru>
<br><PC>"Yes, please!"</PC>
<br><bru>"Yes, please, what?"</bru>, he teases.
<br><PC>"Yes, please give me my reward! Fill my hole with more of your sticky, warm cum! Please!!!"</PC>, you beg.
<br><bru>"That works for me."</bru>, he responds with a chuckle.
<br>You didn't think it possible, but $Bruce somehow manages to go deeper, hilting himself completely within you. You feel his hot <<Cum>> erupt inside you, and it just feels so fucking good. Your own <<Cock>> spurts out a drizzle of <<Cum>> as you have your third anal-orgasm of the night.
<br>You're both locked in the moment in time, enjoying the incredible sensations as much as you can - and then you collapse onto his chest.
<br>You lay on top of him, his <<Cock>> still inside you, but slowly softening and about to plop out, enjoying the afterglow of the most amazing sex you've ever had.
<br>Wet lips plant soft pecks on your neck, so you turn your head and kiss $Bruce deeply.
<br>You're both moaning into the kiss, still riding the feelings of the orgasmic wave. The feelings are only enhanced by the kiss, somehow.
<br><PC>"That was fucking amazing, thank you!"</PC>, you pant, laying your head to rest against his chest.
<br><bru>"Yeah it was, Buddy, yeah it was."</bru>. He runs his fingers through your hair.
<br><bru>"Well worth it..."</bru>
<br>You mumble in agreement, his hand still stroking your head, massaging your scalp gently. He hums a soft tune. It's comforting and cozy.
<br>Before you know it, morning is here. $Bruce has left, but there's a message on your phone.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Amazing night, Buddy.
<br>I had to get back to work this morning, but I let you sleep in, you looked so cute, I couldn't stand to wake you.
You smile to yourself, and head off to have a much-needed shower.
<<set $PCFemIncrease = 1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<br>Taking a fat cock up your ass definitely makes you feel more <pi>girly</pi> - especially since you were wearing lingerie while doing it. <b>Your femininity is increased by $PCFemIncrease.</b>
<<if $PCAnalFucked == false>>
<<set $PCAnalFucked = true>>
<br><b>You've lost your anal virginity!</b>
<<elseif $EventName == "BrucePhonesex">>
<<set $BrucePhonesexText = "
/% Inspired by Elboba %/
It's a slow day in terms of customers, but you don't mind - there's quite a bit of maintenance work to be done.
<br>You're slightly annoyed when your phone chimes - until you see that it's a call from $Bruce. <<if $BruceBouncer>>
<br>$Bruce has been away from the brothel for a few days attending to personal matters.
<br>$Bruce hasn't come around for a few days, you remember him mentioning that he was traveling somewhere.
<br><PC>\"Hello?\"</PC>, you answer.
<br><bru>\"Hey Buddy, miss me?\"</bru>
<br><PC>\"Yeah.\"</PC>, you reply, honestly.
<br><bru>\"Glad to hear it. Miss you too, actually. About done over here, so I'll be back soon.\"</bru>
<br><bru>\"Feelin' a bit lonely though, Buddy. Think you could help me out?\"</bru>
<br><PC>\"Of course. How?\"</PC>, you ask, eager to help.
<br><bru>\"You alone?\"</bru>, he asks, in a tone of voice that suggests that he wants you to be.
<br><bru>\"Good! So what are you wearing?\"</bru>, he asks, with a slight hint of humor in his voice at the cliché line.
<br>You hear the sound of a zipper, and shuffling of clothes - you're pretty sure $Bruce just took off his pants.
<<if $BruceSissy>>
<br>You're just wearing normal, plain clothes. At least on the outside. Underneath, you've got some <pi>sexy</pi> garments on. You tell $Bruce: <PC>\"I've got a pair of sexy, black suspenders on, and a pair of striped panties.\"</PC>
<br>Of course you are. You're <pi>supposed to be wearing girly clothes</pi>. You don't want to disappoint $Bruce.
<br><bru>\"That's a good girl. I want you to do something for me. Start by getting undressed. Leave the suspenders on.\"</bru>
<br>You comply.
<br><<Image sissy005.gif>>
<br><bru>\"Now, put a couple of fingers in your mouth and give them a good lick.\"</bru>
<br>You do as he says, once again.
<br><bru>\"Now reach down and stick them in your ass.\"</bru>, he instructs, <bru>\"I want to hear you fucking yourself while we talk.\"</bru>
<br>You start moaning gently as you work your fingers into your <pi>slutty hole</pi>.
<br><bru>\"I had some spare time today so I hit the gym, and I ended up talking about you to this guy.
<br>I told him about how good you've been, and how amazing it was to break you in.
<br>He seemed interested in having a go. Hah, can you imagine? I told him he'd have to pay.\"</bru> $Bruce says with a chuckle, indicating that the last part was a joke.
<br><bru>\"What do you think of that? Do you like the idea of strangers thinking about fucking you? Of being loaned out to my friends?\"</bru>
<br>You let out a moaned <PC>\"Yes!\"</PC>, your <<CockDesc PC>> rock hard as you pump the fingers back and forth while listening to the story $Bruce is telling you.
<br>The thought of $Bruce telling strangers about your escapades makes you increase the pace, unconsciously fucking yourself harder and deeper than before.
<br><bru>\"I thought you would, you're such a good girl.\"</bru>
<br><piss>good girl</piss>
<br><bru>\"At the end of the day though, you'll always come back to me, give me what I need, isn't that right?\"</bru>
<br><PC>\"Mhmm...\"</PC> He's right, you would. <PC>\"Whatever you need! I'm your <pi>good little girl</pi>.\"</PC>
<br><bru>\"My good sissy slut!\"</bru>, $Bruce grunts.
<br>Hearing those words from $Bruce is almost shocking - but they're so accurate! <piss>(I am sissy slut!!)</piss>
<br><PC>\"I wish you were here! I want you!\"</PC>
<br>You moan louder and louder as you approach orgasm, and you hear $Bruce grunting on the other end of the call.
<br>You lose track of time as the orgasm takes you, shooting ropes of hot <<Cum>> all over the floor.
<br><<Image sissy006.gif>>
<br>A few moments later, you hear $Bruce's voice again: <bru>\"That was fun. I'll see you soon, Buddy.\"</bru>, before hanging up.
<<elseif $BruceMasc>>
<br>You're wearing slacks and a button-up shirt. You understand what $Bruce is after though, and tell him: <PC>\"Just a loose t-shirt and some tight briefs.\"</PC>
<br><bru>\"Sounds hot! No trousers?\"</bru>
<br>I want you to do something for me. Slip those briefs off.\"</bru>
<br>You comply, removing your pants and underwear.
<br><<Image gay019.gif>>
<br><bru>\"Now, put a couple of fingers in your mouth and suck on them for me. Get them real nice and wet.\"</bru>
<br>You do as he says, once again.
<br><bru>\"All lubed up? Good. Now bend over and stick those fingers inside you.\"</bru>, he commands, <bru>\"I want to hear you fucking yourself while we talk.\"</bru>
<br>You start moaning gently as you work your fingers into your hungry hole, the fingers filling a void inside you - but they're clearly not enough.
<br><bru>\"I had some spare time today so I hit the gym, and I ended up talking about you to this guy.
<br>I told him about how good you've been, and how amazing it was to break you in.
<br>He seemed interested in having a go.\"</bru> $Bruce says with a chuckle.
<br><bru>\"What do you think of that? Do you like the idea of strangers thinking about fucking you? Of being loaned out to my friends?\"</bru>
<br>You let out a moaned <PC>\"Yes!\"</PC>, your <<CockDesc PC>> rock hard as you pump the fingers back and forth while listening to the story $Bruce is telling you.
<br>The thought of $Bruce telling strangers about your escapades makes you increase the pace, unconsciously fucking yourself harder and deeper than before.
<br><bru>\"I thought you would, you're such a good boy.\"</bru>
<br><bru>\"At the end of the day though, you'll always come back to me, give me what I need, isn't that right?\"</bru>
<br><PC>\"Mhmm...\"</PC> He's right, you would. <PC>\"Whatever you need, Sir! I'm yours.\"</PC>
<br><bru>\"My good little pet!\"</bru>, $Bruce grunts.
<br>That phrasing almost seems surreal to you, but you're not going to deny it at this point.
<br><PC>\"I wish you were here, Sir!\"</PC>
<br><bru>\"I know you want me. My big cock, you're hungry for it, aren't you, buddy?\"</bru>,
<br>You moan louder and louder as you approach orgasm, and you hear $Bruce grunting on the other end of the call.
<br>You lose track of time as the orgasm takes you, shooting ropes of hot <<Cum>> all over the floor.
<br><<Image gay016.gif>>
<br>A few moments later, you hear $Bruce's voice again: <bru>\"That was fun. I'll see you soon, Buddy.\"</bru>, before hanging up.
<br><r>Something went horribly wrong, this scene shouldn't have loaded! Please let Dopefish know.</r>
<<print $BrucePhonesexText>>
<<elseif $EventName == "BruceFrot">>
/% Written by Popirs/Emmafrostfestivalofdimonds %/
You get a message from $Bruce, he asks if you're free.
<br>You're not doing anything in particular, so you answer in the affirmative.
<br>He sends you a pic of his rock-hard <<LargeCock>> along with the message <bru>"Meet me in my room, I've got something for you."</bru>
<br>When you reach his room you see him in all his naked glory, so strong and masculine.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<pi> (A real man!)</pi>
<br>The sight of his body makes you <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>want to submit to him<<else>>want him so badly<</if>>!
<br>He smiles as he watches you undress in front of him. Once you're naked, he commands you to <bru>"Come here!"</bru>, in his deep, authoritative voice.
<br>You obey him without hesitation and walk towards him. He takes your face in his palms and kisses you deeply. He's quite rough, but you don't mind - so you don't resist. You let him push his tongue deep inside you, reciprocate, and make small noises of appreciation. <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><pi>(submitting to a manly man feels so good, so right!)</pi><</if>>
<br>He breaks the kiss and looks at you, gazing deeply into your eyes, but doesn't say anything.
<br>You can only look back at his deep, green eyes and wait for him wait for him to tell you what to do next.
<br><bru>"Get on the bed, legs spread wide."</bru>, he commands.
<br>You are such <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>a <pi>good girl</pi><<else>>an obedient man<</if>> that you do as he commands.
<br>He gets on top of you, grabbing a bottle of lube from the nightstand. He lets a large amount drizzle out into his hand, then wraps his slippery hand around your <<CockDesc PC>>. He strokes it up and down and all you can do is moan as he works your already-stiffening cock into a full erection.
<br>Suddenly, he shifts, and gets even closer to you. You feel his <<CockDesc $BruceCockSize>> against yours, and he starts rubbing both cocks with his big hands.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6 && $BruceCockSize > $PCCockSize>>
<br>His <<Cock>> is bigger than yours, <pi>just like it should be.</pi>
<<if $PCTits != "manly">>
<br>The nipples of your <pi><<PCTitsDesc>></pi> get painfully <<Stiff>> as he keeps rubbing the two of you together.
<br><<Image gay018.gif>>
<br>$Bruce is in charge. You can only look up to him and whimper - subconsciously pleading for him to kiss you again.
<br>It seems like he got the message, he quickly closes the gap between you and your lips touch yet again. You welcome his taste, his smell. You feel so loved as he holds you close..
<br>His hand keeps pumping away at your <<Cocks>>.
<br>Your own hands are roaming all over his back and chest, caressing, hugging, gently scratching - you want him to feel how much you need this. <<if $SeenSissyHypno6>><pi>(please your man!)</pi><</if>>
<br>His big hands are doing quick work of both of you, you gasp at just how good it feels. He knows exactly what he's doing, and it's driving you crazy!
<br>He pauses a moment to kiss your neck and whisper something.
<br><bru>"Are you ready, buddy?"</bru>, he asks.
<br>You nod your head and moan in pleasure.
<br>The pumping gets faster, and you reach the point of no return. The waves of pleasure hit you like a raging ocean.
<br>Your semen mixes with the lube and $Bruce keeps pumping until he, with a manly grunt, shoots his own load. It splashes all over you.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6 && $BruceCockSize > $PCCockSize>>
<br>You happily scoop up the <pi>delicious cum</pi> and bring your hands to your mouth, licking them.
<br><bru>"Damn, buddy. That was some great relief."</bru>, $Bruce says as he rolls off you, onto his back next to you.
<br>You nod happily, and snuggle up against his chest for some time before getting back to work.
<<elseif $EventName == "BruceMasc1">>
/% Written by Koda %/
<span id ="NewScene"></span>
You're in your office as your phone chimes. You take a look at it.
<br>It's from $Bruce.
<<textmessage Bruce>>
Hey buddy, ready to cash that rain check?
<br><<Image dick001.jpg>>
You feel like you'll lose your mind if he sends that picture again without you getting a taste!
<<textmessage PC>>
Yes, sir!
<<textmessage Bruce>>
That's what I thought.
<br>Be there in 20 or so.
<<set $BruceMessageNoPanty2Text = "
A while later, you welcome $Bruce in the lobby. He has a gym bag with him.
<br>He's dressed smartly, as usual. He looks good in a suit.
<br><blu>\"Hey there, buddy.\"</blu>, he says, reaching around you to give your <<Ass>> a squeeze.
<br><<if $PCSub < $PCSubStatus.four>>You jerk back a bit in surprise, not used to being manhandled like this. <grs>\"Not out here!\"</grs>, you hiss.<<else>>You subconsciously lean into $Bruce, relishing his embrace.<</if>>
<br><blu>\"Let's go.\"</blu>, $Bruce says with a smile, and starts walking with you towards one of the rooms.
<br>You arrive at the room and $Bruce makes himself comfortable on the bed. You're about to sit next to him when he stops you.
<br><blu>\"Not yet, buddy. You need to get dressed first, remember?\"</blu>
<br><<if $PCSub < $PCSubStatus.four>>You gulp, nervous.<<else>>A tingle runs down your spine and you harden in excitement.<</if>>
<br><<Image gay005.gif>>
<br>You <<if $PCSub < $PCSubStatus.four>>hesitantly <</if>> take off your clothes, fumbling a bit under his conspicuous gaze.
<br><blu>\"Oh yeah, this'll be perfect.\"</blu>, $Bruce comments, his eyes fixed on you.
<br><blu>\"That butt would be wasted in panties.\"</blu>, he adds, standing and taking another handful of you when you finish undressing.
<br><<Image gay006.gif>>
<br><blu>\"Ready for your gift?\"</blu>
<br><<if $PCSub < $PCSubStatus.four>><grs>\"Y-yeah.\"</grs>, you reply, trying and failing to keep some semblance of a poker face.<<else>><grs>\"Yes, please...\"</grs>, you all but moan, your body apparently very eager to surrender to his strong grip.<</if>>
<br>He turns you around and hands you an undergarment... <piss>(Ew!)</piss>
<br>It's definitely not feminine... <piss>(Don't wear that!)</piss>
<br><blu>\"Get on with it, boy.\"</blu> $Bruce commands with sudden edge.
<br><blu>\"I want some eye candy before I feed you yours!\"</blu>
<br><grs>\"Yes, sir...\"</grs>, you meekly reply, turning again to give him a show. <piss>(Stop!)</piss>
<br>Part of your mind clearly disapproves, but it's not internal approval you're looking for.
<br>Right now, you just want to please $Bruce...
<br>And that means putting on and showing off the jockstrap he just gave you!
<br><<Image gay007.gif>>
<br><blu>\"Very nice, buddy.\"</blu>, $Bruce says genially, reaching up to give your newly confined package a squeeze.
<br><blu>\"And do you know what to do next?\"</blu>, he adds, standing and motioning towards his own crotch.
<br>A conspicious outline strains against the suit fabric, and as you look at it...
<br>You know you're in the wrong position.
<br><<Image gay008.png>>
<br><blu>\"Good boy.\"</blu>, $Bruce praises as you kneel.
<br><blu>\"Guess those weird emails didn't fry your brain entirely.\"</blu>, he adds, ruffling your hair a bit in mock condescension.
<br><<if $PCSub < $PCSubStatus.four>>It's a bit embarrassing, but the now much closer bulge makes a convincing argument for enduring.<<else>>And more embarrassing than the gesture itself is the spark you feel on your cheeks and between your legs as a result.<</if>>
<br><blu>\"Just in case, though, I'll make it easy for you today.\"</blu>
<br>With that he quickly frees his member, offering you your prize.
<br>But this time he takes initiatize, gripping where he was petting before and pulling you onto him.
<br>Pleasure and reward chemicals immediately start flooding your brain as your lips make contact with the head. It is soft and hard at the same time, it feels wonderful.
<br>You slide your tongue around it, set on tasting as much of its flavour as you can before the <<Cock>> is forced deeper into your mouth.
<br>A grunt from $Bruce lets you know that you're doing good. <piss>That makes you really happy!</piss>
<br>And while you feel some of your own pre soaking into its new confines, you realize you don't care much what you wear...
<br>...As long as you have a strong man like $Bruce to keep you in line. <grss>Good boy...</grss>
<br><<Image gayblowjob004.gif>>
<br><blu>\"Look at you. You like being used, huh, boy?\"</blu>, $Bruce tells you between moans.
<br>You're not in much position to answer, but being talked to like that makes you feel... <piss>good</piss>.
<br>Your own <<CockDesc PC>> is straining against the jockstrap now - but you barely notice, servicing $Bruce feels too good, and is so much more important.
<br><blu>\"Fuck, you're gonna make me-\"</blu>, $Bruce almost shouts, then pulls you off his <<CockDesc $BruceCockSize>> just in time for his warm <<Cum>> to splatter across your face.
<br>At the same time, you're idly aware of your own load dirtying your new underwear.
<br><<Image gaycum001.gif>>
<br>After relishing in the afterglow, you both get dressed and say your good-byes.
<br>Before you part, $Bruce motions to the gym bag.
<br><blu>\"I figured you might end up needing a change.\"</blu>, he laughs, unzipping it.
<br>Within is a collection of underwear in a variety of colors and styles.
<br><blu>\"So. When some spam tells you panties and I tell you these, who are you going to obey, boy?\"</blu>, he asks, not asking.
<br><grs>\"Y-you, sir.\"</grs> you answer immediately<<if $PCSub < $PCSubStatus.four>>.<<else>>, your cock twitching again from his emphasis on the final word.<</if>>
<br><blu>\"Great. Make sure you're in them for me next time, then!\"</blu>, he adds, stealing a final squeeze before leaving.
<<set $PCFemIncrease = -1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<<SetPCSubGain 16 1>>
<br>Submitting to $Bruce makes you feel <gr>less feminine</gr> but <blu>more submissive</blu>.
<br><b>Your femininity is decreased by $PCFemIncrease.</b>
<br><b>Your submissiveness is increased by <<PCSubGain>>.</b>
<<set $OwnedItems.push(\"MascUnderwear\")>>
<br><b>You gain a collection of sexy, <grs>masculine</grs>, underwear!</b>
<<print $BruceMessageNoPanty2Text>>
<<elseif $EventName == "BruceBeer">>
/% Inspired by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
<<set $BruceBeerHire = "
<br><PC>\"Yeah, I can do that.\"</PC>, you say, nodding to yourself.
<br><PC>\"I've got the space, I just need to clear out some junk and get some furniture - that'll be easy.\"</PC>
<br><PC>\"When can you start?\"</PC>
<br><bru>\"Next week. I just have to deal with some stuff at the Grand Flame, then I'll be ready to start at your place.\"</bru>, $Bruce seems surprised by your proclamation - surprised, but happy.
<br><PC>\"Great! I'll see you next week then.\"</PC>
<br>You finish the beer.
<br><PC>\"And thanks for the pint!\"</PC>
<br><bru>\"Yeah, see you then. And no worries, buddy. Next one is on you!\"</bru>
<br><b>You've hired $Bruce as a bouncer.</b>
<<set $Staff.push(\"Bruce\")>>
<<set $Upkeep += $BruceUpkeep>>
<<set $EventId = \"BruceBeerHire\">>
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventId)>>
<<set $BruceBeerNoHire = "
<br><PC>\"I actually can't right now. Would you mind if I contact you later on, when the opportunity arises?\"</PC>
<br><bru>\"Not at all. You know where to find me, just come get me. I'll need about a week to get other things in order.\"</bru>
<br><PC>\"Great! I'll get back to you.\"</PC>
<br>You finish the beer.
<br><PC>\"And thanks for the pint!\"</PC>
<br><bru>\"No worries, buddy. Next one is on you!\"</bru>
<<set $EventId = \"BruceBeerNoHire\">>
<<set $EventsSeen.push($EventId)>>
You've been out and about, tending to some errands to make sure the Brothel is running smoothly.
<<if $MetBruce>>
<br>You decide to stop by a nearby bar on the way home - and to your surprise, you find someone you know inside: $Bruce.
<br>He's sat at the bar, seemingly in a heated argument with another man. You walk over.
<br><PC>"Hey $Bruce, what's up?"</PC>, you say, giving the other guy a sideways glance.
<br>He's a lanky, swarthy fellow - and you can't help but think he looks somewhat shady.
<br><bru>"Oh hey, buddy! Didn't know you came here."</bru>, $Bruce looks happy to see you.
<br><bru>"Just arguing with this idiot about cards, nothing important."</bru>, he waves in the general direction of the swarthy man.
<br><bru>"Take a walk."</bru>, $Bruce says, waving the man off. The man stands unsteadily on his feet, grunts with displeasure and wobbles away - clearly having had quite a bit to drink.
<br>You sit down in the newly vacated seat.
<br>You decide to stop by a nearby bar on the way home.
<br>You spot a heated argument between a lanky, swarthy looking fellow, and a rather intimidating bruiser-looking man.
<br>Curiosity piqued, you head on over.
<br><bru>"Take a walk."</bru>, the bruiser says, directed towards the lanky man. The man stands unsteadily on his feet, grunts with displeasure and wobbles away - clearly having had quite a bit to drink.
<br><PC>"What was that about?"</PC>, you ask, sitting down in the newly vacated seat.
<br><bru>"Just arguing with this idiot about cards, nothing important."</bru>
<br>He turns to look at you, as if for the first time.
<br><bru>"Hey, I know you!"</bru>, he exclaims, <bru>"You're the guy who runs that brothel, aren't you?"</bru>
<br>Huh, you think you recognize him too, now that he mentions it. He must've been around there at some point.
<br><PC>"Yeah, that's me. I'm $Name"</PC>
<br><bru>"$Bruce."</bru>, he extends his hand for a handshake. You take it.
<br>He seems really friendly, despite his rather rough exterior.
<br><bru>"So, can I get you anything?"</bru>, $Bruce says and gestures for the bartender.
<br><PC>"Sure, a pint of lager wouldn't go wrong."</PC>
<br>$Bruce orders you the drink, and pays for it. The bartender sets it down in front of you.
<br><PC>"Thanks $Bruce, nothing like a cold, frothy pint after a hard days work, eh?"</PC>, you smile towards $Bruce and take a sip of the beer.
<br>It tastes lovely.
<br><<SmallImage events/lager.gif>>
<<if $MetBruce>>
<br><PC>"So, what are you doing around here? Never actually found out what you do for a living."</PC>, you ask.
<br><bru>"Here? Just relaxing, same as you I guess. As for what I do for a living? Well, I'm a, uh, security guard of sorts over at the Grand Flame."</bru>
<br><PC>"So, what do you do for a living?"</PC>, you ask
<br><bru>"Well, I'm a, uh, security guard of sorts over at the Grand Flame."</bru>
<br>Grand Flame, you know the name: a casino of some notoriety.
<br><PC>"Oh yeah, like a bouncer?"</PC>, you ask, curious.
<br><bru>"Mhm, like a bouncer, amongst other things..."</bru>, $Bruce explains.
<br><bru>"It's hard and dangerous work, but it pays well."</bru>
<br><PC>"I'd imagine so."</PC>, you agree.
<br><PC>"I've actually been thinking about getting some security for my own place - getting big enough that I'm sure it's going to get targeted soon, especially in this neighbourhood."</PC>
<br>You sip your lager. <PC>"I have to stay pretty vigilant myself at all times right now. Don't want to be robbed - or worse. Need to make sure the girls aren't hurt, you know?"</PC>
<br>$Bruce nods. <bru>"Yeah. Rough neighbourhood too, buddy."</bru>
<br>You nod back.
<br><PC>"How much you getting paid?"</PC>
<br><bru>"Hm? At the casino? Around ¤500 per week."</bru>
<br>You must've looked thoughtful for a moment, because $Bruce continues: <bru>"Match that and get me a decent place to stay, and I'll come work for you."</bru>
<span id="BruceBeer1">
<<link "Agree to hire him.">>
<<replace "#BruceBeer1">>
<<print $BruceBeerHire>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<</link>> $BruceUpkeepText
<<link "Don't hire him right now.">>
<<replace "#BruceBeer1">>
<<print $BruceBeerNoHire>>
<<replace "#BackButton">>
<</link>> <i>(You'll be able to hire him later from the Management screen.)</i>
<<set $MetBruce = true>>
<<elseif $EventName == "SissyBath">>
As you sink into the tub, you close your eyes and relax. The hot water feels great, it's just the right temperature.
<br>You've added some flower-scented salts to it, like usual. <grss>Don't I usually take showers?</grss>
<br>The salts really make your skin glisten. You run a hand down your thigh to enjoy the smoothness, but notice to your annoyance that you're not properly shaved.
<br>You grab your pink, disposable razor. It smells faintly of aloe vera.
<br>Slowly and methodically, you shave your legs until they're perfectly smooth. <piss>like they're supposed to be</piss>
<br>When you're done, you pause for a moment. Your arms are still covered in hair. You want them to be smooth too. And your chest is so ugly with this dark fur growing on it.
<br>Many minutes later you're finally satisfied. Your glistening skin is smooth and hairless, just like it's supposed to be. You even shaved your ass and back, with some difficulty.
<br>You stand up and inspect your hairless body in a mirror. It's much better now. Much better. You strike a few poses for the mirror, and your <<CockDesc PC>> slowly springs to life.
<br>This will surely help you get more clients, for your <strike>business</strike> <pi>pleasure</pi>.
<br>You shudder. <piss>love to serve your man</piss>
<br>Suddenly, you get a great idea. You pick up your phone, strike a sexy pose and snap a selfie.
<br>A few moments later and it's been uploaded. You're not quite sure where, or to who.
<<set $PCFemIncrease = 1>>
<<set $PCFem += $PCFemIncrease>>
<<set $PCBody = "shaved">>
<br>Your smooth, hairless body doesn't look very manly.
<br><b>Your femininity has increased by $PCFemIncrease.</b>
/% Seasonal %/
<<elseif $EventName == "NOTHING">>
<<elseif $EventName == "NoRandomEvent">>
There was no random event picked. This shouldn't happen. Please report this as a bug, along with what you did to cause this to happen.
/% Default case %/
<<if $Debug == 1>>
<i><b>Debug mode is enabled</b>. It is very easy to mess things up in regards to events with debug mode. If you're reporting this bug, please note that you were using debug mode - and what you were doing to cause it to happen.</i>
Something went wrong! This event ("<b>$EventName</b>") does not exist, or no event was loaded.
<br>Please let Dopefish (the author) know, and copy the following information:
<br>EventName: $EventName
<br>EventCall: $EventCall
<br>EventId: $EventId
<br>EventCallSetter: $EventCallSetter
<br>EventList: $EventList
<br>EventsSeen: $EventsSeen
<<unset $EventCall>>
<<unset $EventName>>
<<unset $EventCallSetter>>
<<run console.log("Event PostEvent - \n $EventCall: " + $EventCall + "\n $EventName: " + $EventName + "")>>
<span id="GoBackUp"><<GoBackUp>></span><<BackStandard>>
<<if $Debug == 1>>
Debug view:
<br>[[Refresh Page|SelfView]]
<br>[[Increase Submissiveness|SelfView][$PCSub += 25]], [[Decrease Submissiveness|SelfView][$PCSub -= 25]]
<br>[[Grow cock|SelfView][$PCCockSize++]], [[Shrink cock|SelfView][$PCCockSize--]]
<br>[[Grow tits|SelfView][$PCTitsSize++]], [[Shrink tits|SelfView][$PCTitsSize--]]
<br>[[Hormone Tits|SelfView][$PCTits = "hormone"]], [[Manly Tits|SelfView][$PCTits = "manly"]]
<br>[[Hairy Legs|SelfView][$PCLegs = "hairy"]], [[Shaved Legs|SelfView][$PCLegs = "shaved"]]
<br>[[Bearded Face|SelfView][$PCFace = "bearded"]], [[Shaved Face|SelfView][$PCFace = "shaved"]], [[Feminine1 Face|SelfView][$PCFace = "feminine1"]], [[Feminine2 Face|SelfView][$PCFace = "feminine2"]], [[Feminine3 Face|SelfView][$PCFace = "feminine3"]],
<br>[[More Feminine Legs|SelfView][$PCLegsFem++]], [[Less Feminine Legs|SelfView][$PCLegsFem--]]
<br>[[Bigger Ass|SelfView][$PCAssSize++]], [[Smaller Ass|SelfView][$PCAssSize--]]
<br>[[You've been assfucked.|SelfView][$PCAnalFucked = true]], [[You haven't been assfucked.|SelfView][$PCAnalFucked = false]]
<<link "PC is Girly">>
<<for _i = 1; _i < 12; _i++>>
<<set _Scene = "SissyHypno" + _i + "">>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains(_Scene)>>
<<set $EventsSeen.push(_Scene)>>
<<set $EventsSeen.push("HormoneTits0")>>
<<set $EventsSeen.push("HormoneTits1")>>
<<set $OwnedItems.push("HormonalPills")>>
<<set $OwnedItems.push("GirlyItems")>>
<<set $PC.Traits.push("Girly")>>
<<set $PC.Traits.push("CockHungry")>>
<<set $PCTits = "hormone">>
<<set $PCLegs = "shaved">>
<<set $PCFace = "feminine2">>
<<set $PCTitsSize = 3>>
<<set $PCAssSize = 5>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> - <<link "PC is Very Girly">>
<<for _i = 1; _i < 20; _i++>>
<<set _Scene = "SissyHypno" + _i + "">>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains(_Scene)>>
<<set $EventsSeen.push(_Scene)>>
<<set $EventsSeen.push("HormoneTits0")>>
<<set $EventsSeen.push("HormoneTits1")>>
<<set $EventsSeen.push("HormoneTits2")>>
<<set $EventsSeen.push("HormoneTits3")>>
<<set $OwnedItems.push("HormonalPills")>>
<<set $OwnedItems.push("GirlyItems")>>
<<set $PC.Traits.push("Girly")>>
<<set $PC.Traits.push("CockHungry")>>
<<set $PC.Traits.push("BraWearer")>>
<<set $PCTits = "hormone">>
<<set $PCTitsSize = 4>>
<<set $PCLegs = "shaved">>
<<set $PCFace = "feminine2">>
<<set $PCAssSize = 12>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>> <key>(not reversible)</key>
You get in front of a mirror and take a good look at yourself.
<br>You see
<table class="imgtable">
your <<PCFaceDesc>>,
your <<PCCockDesc>>,
your <<PCLegsDesc>>,
your <<PCAssDesc>>,
and your <<PCTitsDesc>>.
/% Grooming %/
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("PCMakeup1") || $PC.Traits.includes("MakeupArtist")>>
<br>Makeup Style:
<<set $MakeupOptions = { "None" : "none", "Subtle": "subtle", "Sexy": "sexy", "Slutty": "slutty" }>>
<<listbox "$PCMakeup" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom $MakeupOptions>>
<</listbox>> <<link "Apply">>
<<switch $PCMakeup>>
<<case "none">>
<<set $PCFace = "feminine5">>
<<case "subtle">>
<<set $PCFace = "feminine6">>
<<case "sexy">>
<<set $PCFace = "feminine7">>
<<case "slutty">>
<<set $PCFace = "feminine8">>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<switch $PCMakeup>>
<<case "none">>
You have a cute, girly face, free from makeup.
<<case "subtle">>
You have a cute, girly face with subtle, classy makeup.
<<case "sexy">>
You have a cute, girly face, covered in sexy makeup.
<<case "slutty">>
You have a cute, girly face, covered in slutty <pi>bimbo</pi> makeup.
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("HormoneTits0") || $PC.Traits.includes("Girly")>>
Your chin is smooth and hairless. You can't grow a beard.
<<if $PCFace == "bearded">>
[[Clean-shaven|SelfView][$PCFace = "shaved"]] | <b>Bearded</b>
<<elseif $PCFace == "shaved">>
<b>Clean-shaven</b> | [[Bearded|SelfView][$PCFace = "bearded"]]
You have a girly face, you don't want to grow a beard.
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("HormoneTits0") || $PC.Traits.includes("Girly")>>
Your legs are smooth and almost completely hairless, and you intend to keep them that way.
<<if $SeenSissyHypno6>>
<<if $PCLegs == "hairy" >>
<b>Don't shave your legs</b> | [[Keep your legs shaved|SelfView][$PCLegs = "shaved"]]
<<elseif $PCLegs == "shaved" >>
[[Don't shave your legs|SelfView][$PCLegs = "hairy"]] | <b>Keep your legs shaved</b>
<r>Something went terribly wrong with your legs (they're not hairy or shaved)</r>
You don't have any reason to shave your legs.
<<if $PC.Traits.length > 0>>
<<if $PC.Traits.includes("Charismatic")>>
¬ <b>Charismatic</b> - You are very <b>charismatic</b>, you can easily persuade people to listen to you, and change their minds. People are naturally at ease around you, if you want them to be - you can just as easily be intimidating or domineering.
<<if $PC.Traits.includes("PantyCurious")>>
<<if $PC.Traits.includes("BraWearer")>>
¬ <b>Female Clothes</b> - You normally wear <pi>women's clothes and underwear</pi> in private.
¬ <b>Panty Curious</b> - You're <pi>curious about wearing women's underwear</pi>.
<<if $PC.Traits.includes("BraWearer")>>
¬ <b>Bra Wearer</b> - Thanks to your <<PCTitsDesc>>, <pi>you usually wear a bra</pi>.
<<if $PC.Traits.includes("CockHungry")>>
¬ <b>Cock Hungry</b> - You're <pi>hungry for cock</pi>.
<<if $PC.Traits.includes("Girly")>>
¬ <b>Girly</b> - You're <pi>girly</pi>.
<<if $PC.Traits.includes("MakeupArtist")>>
¬ <b>Makeup Artist</b> - You're skilled at applying makeup.
<<if $Debug == 1>>
List of traits: <<print $PC.Traits>>
/% Owned Items %/
<LSU>Owned Items</LSU>
<<if $OwnedItems.length == 0>>
<br>You don't own any special items.
<<if $OwnedItems.contains("KinkySexToys")>>
<br>You own a collection of <i>kinky</i> sex toys<<if $OwnedItems.contains("SpecializedKinkySexToys")>>, including specialized toys for things such as pet play<</if>>.
<<if $OwnedItems.contains("BasicBondageGear")>>
<br>You own a set of basic bondage gear<<if $OwnedItems.contains("AdvancedBondageGear")>><<if !$OwnedItems.contains("ExpertBondageGear")>> and <<else>>, <</if>>a more extensive collection of BDSM items<</if>><<if $OwnedItems.contains("ExpertBondageGear")>>, and a collection of extreme bondage equipment<</if>>.
<br><<SmallImage player\items\bondagebasic.png>><<if $OwnedItems.contains("AdvancedBondageGear")>><<SmallImage player\items\bondageadvanced.jpg>><</if>><<if $OwnedItems.contains("ExpertBondageGear")>><<SmallImage player\items\bondageexpert.jpg>><</if>>
<<if $OwnedItems.contains("GirlyItems")>>
<<if !$OwnedItems.length == 1 && !$OwnedItems.first == "GirlyItems">><br><</if>>
<br>You own a personal collection of lingerie, cosmetics, heels, and other <pi>girly</pi> items.
<br><<Image player\items\girlyitems.png>>
<<if $OwnedItems.contains("HormonalPills")>>
<br>You own a large supply of <pi>Hormone Pills</pi> containing a cocktail of estrogen and other substances. You dutifully take one every morning.
<br><<Image player\items\pills.jpg>>
<<if $OwnedItems.contains("MascUnderwear")>>
<<if !$OwnedItems.length == 1 && !$OwnedItems.first == "MascUnderwear">><br><</if>>
<br>You have a collection of manly underwear.
<br><<Image player\items\manlyunderwear.gif>>
<LSU>Modify Yourself</LSU>
<br>Broken slaves will refer to you as: <b><<PCNameBroken>></b>
<br><<textbox "$Master" $Master "SelfView">>
<br><is>(Use fewer than 20 characters, press Enter to perform the change.)</is>
<br><is>(Note: Slaves will often disobey this, and call you other things.)</is>
<<if !$Facilities.contains("Robotic Operating Suite")>>
<r>You need to install the Robotic Operating Suite before you can modify yourself through surgery.</r>
<<if $PCEnergy > 0>>
/% CockSize %/
<<set $IncreasePCCockText = "Increase the size of your <<Cock>>.">>
<<set $IncreasePCCockCost = 100 + (50 * Math.pow($PCCockSize, 2))>>
<<set $IncreasePCCockTooBig = "<is>Your <<Cock>> can't get any bigger!</is>">>
<<set $DecreasePCCockText = "Decrease the size of your <<Cock>>.">>
<<set $DecreasePCCockCost = 400>>
<<set $DecreasePCCockTooSmall = "<is>Your <<Cock>> can't get any smaller.</is>">>
<<if $PCCockSize < 17>>
<<if $Cash >= $IncreasePCCockCost>>
¤$IncreasePCCockCost: <<link $IncreasePCCockText SelfView>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= 1, $Cash -= $IncreasePCCockCost, $PCCockSize++>>
¤$IncreasePCCockCost: <r>$IncreasePCCockText</r>
¤$IncreasePCCockCost: <r>$IncreasePCCockText</r> ($IncreasePCCockTooBig)
<<if $PCCockSize > 0>>
<<if $Cash >= $DecreasePCCockCost>>
<br>¤$DecreasePCCockCost: <<link $DecreasePCCockText SelfView>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= 1, $Cash -= $DecreasePCCockCost, $PCCockSize-->>
<br>¤$DecreasePCCockCost: <r>$DecreasePCCockText</r>
<br>¤$DecreasePCCockCost: <r>$DecreasePCCockText</r> ($DecreasePCCockTooSmall)
/% TitsSize %/
<<if $PCTits == "real">>
<<set $IncreasePCTitsText = "Increase the size of your <<Tits>>.">>
<<set $IncreasePCTitsCost = 100 + (50 * Math.pow($PCTitsSize, 2))>>
<<set $IncreasePCTitsTooBig = "<is>Your <<Tits>> can't get any bigger!</is>">>
<<set $DecreasePCTitsText = "Decrease the size of your <<Tits>>.">>
<<set $DecreasePCTitsCost = 400>>
<<set $DecreasePCTitsTooSmall = "<is>Your <<Tits>> can't get any smaller.</is>">>
<<if $PCTitsSize < 17>>
<<if $Cash >= $IncreasePCTitsCost>>
¤$IncreasePCTitsCost: <<link $IncreasePCTitsText SelfView>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= 1, $Cash -= $IncreasePCTitsCost, $PCTitsSize++>>
¤$IncreasePCTitsCost: <r>$IncreasePCTitsText</r>
¤$IncreasePCTitsCost: <r>$IncreasePCTitsText</r> ($IncreasePCTitsTooBig)
<<if $PCTitsSize > 0>>
<<if $Cash >= $DecreasePCTitsCost>>
<br>¤$DecreasePCTitsCost: <<link $DecreasePCTitsText SelfView>>
<<set $PCEnergy -= 1, $Cash -= $DecreasePCTitsCost, $PCTitsSize-->>
<br>¤$DecreasePCTitsCost: <r>$DecreasePCTitsText</r>
<br>¤$DecreasePCTitsCost: <r>$DecreasePCTitsText</r> ($DecreasePCTitsTooSmall)
<r>You don't have enough energy to use the Robotic Operating Suite.</r>
<<set _BreakMod = (ReduceObject($PC, "BreakBonus"))>>
<table class="stats">
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>Your name.</span>Name</a>: $Name
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$PCInfToolTip</span>Influence</a>: $PCInf
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>A measurement of how big your penis is.</span>Cock size</a>: $PCCockSize
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$PCSubToolTip</span>Submissiveness</a>: $PCSub
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>The state of your face</span>Face style</a>: $PCFace
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>$PCFemToolTip</span>Femininity</a>: $PCFem
<<if $PCLegsFem == 0>>
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>How your legs look.</span>Legs</a>: $PCLegs
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>How feminine your legs look.</span>Legs</a>: $PCLegsFem
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>Your Break Bonus increases the submissiveness gain of your slaves.</span>Break Bonus</a>: _BreakMod
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>What kind of chest you have.</span>Chest</a>: $PCTits
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>The size of your breasts, if you have them.</span>Tits</a>: $PCTitsSize
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>The size of your ass.</span>Ass</a>: $PCAssSize
<a class="tooltipPassage"><span>The state of your asshole.
<br>''NOT YET IMPLEMENTED''</span>Asshole</a>: $PCAsshole
<is>(A lot of this is complete nonsense, don't worry about using it unless you know exactly what you're doing.)
<br>(If you came here from somewhere other than the Management page, use the back arrow to return to the game.)</is>
<br><LSU>You shouldn't be seeing this page, Mr Hackerman. <<Icon /icons/energy100.png>></LSU>
<<set $one = ($one == undefined ? "one" : $one)>>
<<set $one2 = ($one2 == undefined ? "one" : $one2)>>
<<set $one22 = ($one22 == undefined ? "one" : $one22)>>
<<set $one222 = ($one222 == undefined ? "one" : $one222)>>
<<set $one2222 = ($one2222 == undefined ? "one" : $one2222)>>
<<set $one22222 = ($one22222 == undefined ? "one" : $one22222)>>
<<textbox "$one" $one>>
<<textbox "$one2" $one2>>
<<textbox "$one22" $one22>>
<<textbox "$one222" $one222>>
<<textbox "$one2222" $one2222>>
<<textbox "$one22222" $one22222>>
<<link "make it december">><<set $Month = "December">><</link>>
<<pink "Testing the pink macro" false>>
<<pink "Testing the pink macro with quotes">>
<LSU>Synonym Tester</LSU>
<br>Ass: <<Ass>> <<Ass>> <<Ass>> <<Ass>> <<Ass>> <<Ass>> <<Ass>> <<Ass>> <<Ass>> <<Ass>> <<Ass>> <<Ass>>
<br>TinyAss: <<TinyAss>> <<TinyAss>> <<TinyAss>> <<TinyAss>> <<TinyAss>> <<TinyAss>> <<TinyAss>> <<TinyAss>> <<TinyAss>> <<TinyAss>> <<TinyAss>> <<TinyAss>>
<br>SmallAss: <<SmallAss>> <<SmallAss>> <<SmallAss>> <<SmallAss>> <<SmallAss>> <<SmallAss>> <<SmallAss>> <<SmallAss>> <<SmallAss>> <<SmallAss>> <<SmallAss>> <<SmallAss>>
<br>LargeAss: <<LargeAss>> <<LargeAss>> <<LargeAss>> <<LargeAss>> <<LargeAss>> <<LargeAss>> <<LargeAss>> <<LargeAss>> <<LargeAss>> <<LargeAss>> <<LargeAss>> <<LargeAss>>
<br>HugeAss: <<HugeAss>> <<HugeAss>> <<HugeAss>> <<HugeAss>> <<HugeAss>> <<HugeAss>> <<HugeAss>> <<HugeAss>> <<HugeAss>> <<HugeAss>> <<HugeAss>> <<HugeAss>>
<br>Asses: <<Asses>> <<Asses>> <<Asses>> <<Asses>> <<Asses>> <<Asses>> <<Asses>> <<Asses>> <<Asses>> <<Asses>> <<Asses>> <<Asses>>
<br>TinyAsses: <<TinyAsses>> <<TinyAsses>> <<TinyAsses>> <<TinyAsses>> <<TinyAsses>> <<TinyAsses>> <<TinyAsses>> <<TinyAsses>> <<TinyAsses>> <<TinyAsses>> <<TinyAsses>> <<TinyAsses>>
<br>SmallAsses: <<SmallAsses>> <<SmallAsses>> <<SmallAsses>> <<SmallAsses>> <<SmallAsses>> <<SmallAsses>> <<SmallAsses>> <<SmallAsses>> <<SmallAsses>> <<SmallAsses>> <<SmallAsses>> <<SmallAsses>>
<br>LargeAsses: <<LargeAsses>> <<LargeAsses>> <<LargeAsses>> <<LargeAsses>> <<LargeAsses>> <<LargeAsses>> <<LargeAsses>> <<LargeAsses>> <<LargeAsses>> <<LargeAsses>> <<LargeAsses>> <<LargeAsses>>
<br>HugeAsses: <<HugeAsses>> <<HugeAsses>> <<HugeAsses>> <<HugeAsses>> <<HugeAsses>> <<HugeAsses>> <<HugeAsses>> <<HugeAsses>> <<HugeAsses>> <<HugeAsses>> <<HugeAsses>> <<HugeAsses>>
<br>Asshole: <<Asshole>> <<Asshole>> <<Asshole>> <<Asshole>> <<Asshole>> <<Asshole>> <<Asshole>> <<Asshole>>
<br>Assholes: <<Assholes>> <<Assholes>> <<Assholes>> <<Assholes>> <<Assholes>> <<Assholes>> <<Assholes>>
<br>Balls: <<Balls>> <<Balls>> <<Balls>> <<Balls>> <<Balls>> <<Balls>> <<Balls>> <<Balls>> <<Balls>>
<br>Ball: <<Ball>> <<Ball>> <<Ball>> <<Ball>> <<Ball>> <<Ball>> <<Ball>> <<Ball>> <<Ball>> <<Ball>>
<br>Cock: <<Cock>> <<Cock>> <<Cock>> <<Cock>> <<Cock>> <<Cock>> <<Cock>> <<Cock>> <<Cock>> <<Cock>>
<br>TinyCock: <<TinyCock>> <<TinyCock>> <<TinyCock>> <<TinyCock>> <<TinyCock>> <<TinyCock>> <<TinyCock>>
<br>SmallCock: <<SmallCock>> <<SmallCock>> <<SmallCock>> <<SmallCock>> <<SmallCock>> <<SmallCock>>
<br>LargeCock: <<LargeCock>> <<LargeCock>> <<LargeCock>> <<LargeCock>> <<LargeCock>> <<LargeCock>>
<br>HugeCock: <<HugeCock>> <<HugeCock>> <<HugeCock>> <<HugeCock>> <<HugeCock>> <<HugeCock>>
<br>Cocks: <<Cocks>> <<Cocks>> <<Cocks>> <<Cocks>> <<Cocks>> <<Cocks>> <<Cocks>> <<Cocks>> <<Cocks>> <<Cocks>>
<br>TinyCocks: <<TinyCocks>> <<TinyCocks>> <<TinyCocks>> <<TinyCocks>> <<TinyCocks>> <<TinyCocks>> <<TinyCocks>>
<br>SmallCocks: <<SmallCocks>> <<SmallCocks>> <<SmallCocks>> <<SmallCocks>> <<SmallCocks>> <<SmallCocks>>
<br>LargeCocks: <<LargeCocks>> <<LargeCocks>> <<LargeCocks>> <<LargeCocks>> <<LargeCocks>> <<LargeCocks>>
<br>HugeCocks: <<HugeCocks>> <<HugeCocks>> <<HugeCocks>> <<HugeCocks>> <<HugeCocks>> <<HugeCocks>>
<br>Tits: <<Tits>> <<Tits>> <<Tits>> <<Tits>> <<Tits>> <<Tits>> <<Tits>> <<Tits>> <<Tits>> <<Tits>>
<br>TinyTits: <<TinyTits>> <<TinyTits>> <<TinyTits>> <<TinyTits>> <<TinyTits>> <<TinyTits>>
<br>SmallTits: <<SmallTits>> <<SmallTits>> <<SmallTits>> <<SmallTits>> <<SmallTits>> <<SmallTits>>
<br>LargeTits: <<LargeTits>> <<LargeTits>> <<LargeTits>> <<LargeTits>> <<LargeTits>> <<LargeTits>>
<br>HugeTits: <<HugeTits>> <<HugeTits>> <<HugeTits>> <<HugeTits>> <<HugeTits>> <<HugeTits>> <<HugeTits>>
<br>Tit: <<Tit>> <<Tit>> <<Tit>> <<Tit>> <<Tit>> <<Tit>> <<Tit>> <<Tit>> <<Tit>> <<Tit>>
<br>TinyTit: <<TinyTit>> <<TinyTit>> <<TinyTit>> <<TinyTit>> <<TinyTit>> <<TinyTit>>
<br>SmallTit: <<SmallTit>> <<SmallTit>> <<SmallTit>> <<SmallTit>> <<SmallTit>> <<SmallTit>>
<br>LargeTit: <<LargeTit>> <<LargeTit>> <<LargeTit>> <<LargeTit>> <<LargeTit>> <<LargeTit>>
<br>HugeTit: <<HugeTit>> <<HugeTit>> <<HugeTit>> <<HugeTit>> <<HugeTit>> <<HugeTit>> <<HugeTit>>
<br>Pussy: <<Pussy>> <<Pussy>> <<Pussy>> <<Pussy>> <<Pussy>> <<Pussy>> <<Pussy>> <<Pussy>> <<Pussy>>
<br>Pussies: <<Pussies>> <<Pussies>> <<Pussies>> <<Pussies>> <<Pussies>> <<Pussies>> <<Pussies>>
<br>Lip: <<Lip>> <<Lip>> <<Lip>> <<Lip>> <<Lip>> <<Lip>> <<Lip>> <<Lip>> <<Lip>> <<Lip>> <<Lip>> <<Lip>>
<br>Lips: <<Lips>> <<Lips>> <<Lips>> <<Lips>> <<Lips>> <<Lips>> <<Lips>> <<Lips>> <<Lips>> <<Lips>>
<br>Piss: <<Piss>> <<Piss>> <<Piss>> <<Piss>> <<Piss>> <<Piss>> <<Piss>> <<Piss>> <<Piss>> <<Piss>>
<br>Pissing: <<Pissing>> <<Pissing>> <<Pissing>> <<Pissing>> <<Pissing>> <<Pissing>> <<Pissing>>
<br>Pissed: <<Pissed>> <<Pissed>> <<Pissed>> <<Pissed>> <<Pissed>> <<Pissed>> <<Pissed>> <<Pissed>>
<br>Cum: <<Cum>> <<Cum>> <<Cum>> <<Cum>> <<Cum>> <<Cum>> <<Cum>> <<Cum>> <<Cum>> <<Cum>> <<Cum>> <<Cum>>
<br>Stiff: <<Stiff>> <<Stiff>> <<Stiff>> <<Stiff>> <<Stiff>> <<Stiff>> <<Stiff>> <<Stiff>> <<Stiff>>
<br>SubNameMale: <<SubNameMale>> <<SubNameMale>> <<SubNameMale>> <<SubNameMale>> <<SubNameMale>> <<SubNameMale>> <<SubNameMale>>
<br>SubNameFemale: <<SubNameFemale>> <<SubNameFemale>> <<SubNameFemale>> <<SubNameFemale>> <<SubNameFemale>> <<SubNameFemale>>
PC Cock Size: <<print $PCCockSize>>
<br>NoArgs: <<CockDesc>>
<br>Number: <<CockDesc 14>> (should clamp to max size)
<br>Random: <<CockDesc random>> (should be random size)
<br>Short: <<CockDesc short>>
<br>Flavor: <<CockDesc flavor>>
<br>Flavor Short: <<CockDesc flavor short>>
<br>Flavor Full: <<CockDesc flavor full>>
<br>Random ShortA: <<CockDesc short random>>
<br>Random ShortB: <<CockDesc random short>>
<br>Random FullA: <<CockDesc full random>>
<br>Random FullB: <<CockDesc random full>>
<br>Random FlavorA: <<CockDesc flavor random>>
<br>Random FlavorB: <<CockDesc random flavor>>
<br>Flavor Number 0: <<CockDesc flavor 0>> (min size)
<br>Flavor Number11: <<CockDesc 11 flavor>> (max size)
<br>Short Number 0: <<CockDesc short 0>> (min size)
<br>Short Number11: <<CockDesc 11 short>> (max size)
<br>Full Number 0: <<CockDesc 0 full>> (min size)
<br>Full Number 11: <<CockDesc full 11>> (max size)
<br>Special: <<CockDesc special>>
<br>Short SpecialA: <<CockDesc special short>>
<br>Short SpecialB: <<CockDesc short special>>
<br>Full SpecialA: <<CockDesc special full>>
<br>Full SpecialB: <<CockDesc full special>>
<br>Nocock: <<CockDesc noword>>
<br>Nocock Random: <<CockDesc noword random>>
<br>Special Random Full Flavor: <<CockDesc special random full flavor>>
PC Tits Size: <<print $PCTitsSize>>
<br>NoArgs: <<TitsDesc>>
<br>Number: <<TitsDesc 14>> (should clamp to max size)
<br>Random: <<TitsDesc random>> (should be random size)
<br>Short: <<TitsDesc short>>
<br>Flavor: <<TitsDesc flavor>>
<br>Flavor Short: <<TitsDesc flavor short>>
<br>Flavor Full: <<TitsDesc flavor full>>
<br>Random ShortA: <<TitsDesc short random>>
<br>Random ShortB: <<TitsDesc random short>>
<br>Random FullA: <<TitsDesc full random>>
<br>Random FullB: <<TitsDesc random full>>
<br>Random FlavorA: <<TitsDesc flavor random>>
<br>Random FlavorB: <<TitsDesc random flavor>>
<br>Flavor Number 0: <<TitsDesc flavor 0>> (min size)
<br>Flavor Number11: <<TitsDesc 11 flavor>> (max size)
<br>Short Number 0: <<TitsDesc short 0>> (min size)
<br>Short Number11: <<TitsDesc 11 short>> (max size)
<br>Full Number 0: <<TitsDesc 0 full>> (min size)
<br>Full Number 11: <<TitsDesc full 11>> (max size)
<br>Special: <<TitsDesc special>>
<br>Short SpecialA: <<TitsDesc special short>>
<br>Short SpecialB: <<TitsDesc short special>>
<br>Full SpecialA: <<TitsDesc special full>>
<br>Full SpecialB: <<TitsDesc full special>>
<br>NoTits: <<TitsDesc noword>>
<br>NoTits Random: <<TitsDesc noword random>>
<br>Special Random Full Flavor: <<TitsDesc special random full flavor>>
TitsDesc random:
<<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>> - <<TitsDesc random>>
TitsDesc 0-12:
<<for _i = 0;_i < 12;_i++>>
<<print "" + _i + ": <<TitsDesc " + _i + ">>">>
/% Objects inside objects %/
<<set $Team = {
first : 'South',
last : 'Holland',
health : 10,
alive : true
first : 'Morse',
last : 'Ferguson',
health : 10,
alive : true
first : 'Sanaya',
last : 'Lim',
health : 10,
alive : true
first : 'Angus',
last : 'Gonzalez',
health : 10,
alive : true
first : 'Piers',
last : 'Fisher',
health : 10,
alive : true
<<set $Player = {John: {Health : {baseHealth: 100, bonusHealth: 50}}, Jane: {Health: 100, Shield: 100}}>>
<br>baseHealth of john: <<print $Player.John.Health.baseHealth>> then jane: <<print $Player.Jane.Health>>
<<Roll 1>>
<<set $RandomSlave = Math.floor((Math.random()*$SlaveCount+1))>>
<<set $ManagedSlave = $RandomSlave>>
<<set $SkillFactor = ($Week / 50)>>
<<SetEarnings 1 $SkillFactor 25>>
<<set $PCMoneyScene = []>>
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneyScene1\">>
You spend some time doing ordering new supplies, paying bills, and making sure that everything is in order.
<br><<Image office001.jpg>>
<br>This allows the brothel to run more efficiently, making more money.
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains("PCMoneySceneHypno1") && $Week > $PCProEventWeek && random(1,100) <= 20 && $HypnoContentEnabled>>
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
/% Written by TFC %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneySceneHypno1\">>
You are sorting out paperwork when you notice that your computer screen has suddenly turned blue, with the words \"CLICK ME\" on it.
<br>You feel annoyed, is someone pranking you? You intend to ignore it, but your curiosity wins out in the end and you tap the mouse with your finger.
<br>A program automatically starts.
<br>An avalanche of images flash across the screen in rapid succession. Images of girls with their mouths stuffed full of fat, hard cocks.
<br>The girls are all staring straight at you, their eyes full of desire.
<br><<Image hypno002.gif>>
<br>You stare at the arousing display for a while, intrigued by it. Who sent it? Why?
<br>It's quite appealing, and you want to see if you can save the program so that you can look at it again later.
<br>However, you notice a low-frequency buzz coming from your computer - it's starting to make you feel a bit dizzy...
You're staring at your computer's blank screen, unsure of what you were just doing.
<br>The memories of the event are already fading away, and you're not entirely sure if anything actually happened, or if you just had some kind of daydream.
<br>You spend the rest of the day sorting out paperwork with no further interruptions.
<<SetPCSubGain 2 1>>
<br>Unbeknownst to yourself, $Name became <<PCSubGain>> more submissive.
/% One-in-five to get a non-standard event. %/
<<if random(1,5) == 1>>
/% Rebecca huge tits, one-in-two to get %/
<<if $SlaveTits[1] >= $HugeAssetSize && (random(1,2) == 1)>>
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
/% Written by Sojourner %/
<<set $EventId = \"OfficePizzaBreak\">>
You've been working in the office for a few hours, trying to catch up on the ever-growing pile of paperwork.
<br>The sound of the door makes you look up, and you see $SlaveName[1] entering with a pizza - her <<TitsDesc>> resting on the box.
<br><<Image tits019.gif>>
<br><reb>\"You've been working for quite a long time. I thought you might like a break. Hungry?\"</reb>, she asks with a grin, while posing with the pizza in the doorway.
<br><PC>\"Well, it's not a burger...\"</PC>, you reply, with feigned sadness, <PC>\"...but I <i>am</i> hungry. The presentation's not bad either, if I'm being honest.\"</PC>
<br>$SlaveName[1] laughs as she enters, <reb>\"I thought you might appreciate it.\"</reb>
<<set $PCEnergyGain = 1>>
<<set $PCEnergy += $PCEnergyGain>>
<br>After the break and meal, you feel refreshed. You regain <bl>$PCEnergyGain energy point<<s $PCEnergyGain>></bl> immediately - and you got a lot of paperwork done.
/%At least one viewingbooth %/
<<if $ViewingBoothCount > 0>>
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"OfficeStripCamera\">>
You replace a malfunctioning camera in one of the rooms - and decide to test it out.
<br>You find <<NMS>> and tell her to get ready, go to the room, stand in front of the camera, and show off for it.
<br><pi>\"How?\"</pi>, she asks.
<br><grs>\"Surprise me.\"</grs>, you respond.
<br>Back in your office, you're glad to see that the camera is working again, broadcasting crisp video directly to your monitor.
<br><<NMS>> enters the room, wearing a tiny plaid microskirt, fishnets, thigh-highs, and a thong.
<br>She smiles and waves at the camera, then turns around and bends over - giving the camera, and you, a good look at her <<AssDesc>> behind the netted clothing.
<br><<Image dance002.gif>>
<br><<NMS>> gets better at displaying her body.
<br><<SkillGain \"Dance\" 10 40 true>>
<br>You get back to work.
<<set $SlaveDanceFlexibleLevel = 4>>
<<if $SlaveDance[$ManagedSlave] > $SlaveDanceFlexibleLevel>>
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"OfficeStrip\">>
When your tedious office work becomes painfully dull, you summon <<NMS>> to your office.
<br><grs>\"You've been getting a lot of practice.\"</grs>, you tell her.
<br><pi>\"What kind of practice?\"</pi>
<br><grs>\"How about a private show?\"</grs>, you ask.
<br>She nods her head and starts stripping off, expertly moving her body.
<br><<Image dance001.gif>>
<br>She gyrates her hips, accentuating her curves.
<br><<NMS>> gains yet more practice. <br><<SkillGain \"Dance\" 10 40 true>>
<br>The excellent performance reinvigorates your spirit and you get back to working in the office.
<<if $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] >= $OralSub && $SlavePersonalOralEnabled[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
/% Written by DerpTheDark %/
You spend some time doing ordering new supplies, paying bills and making sure that everything is in order.
<br><<Image blowjob005.gif>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $AnalSub>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneyScene4.1\">>
<br>Everything is made a bit more fun thanks to pleasant surprise down south from the enthusiastic <<NMS>>.
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneyScene4.2\">>
<br>You order <<NMS>> to help you, she reluctantly agrees to alleviate your boredom by kneeling below the desk and putting her mouth to work.
<br>Practice means that <<NMS>> learns to give a better blowjob.
<br><br><<SkillGain \"Oral\" 10 40 true>>
<br>The paperwork allows the brothel to run more efficiently, making more money.
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
/% Written by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneyScene5\">>
Getting bored of looking at charts you call in <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>one of your personal sluts<<else>>your personal slut<</if>> and put her under the table.
<br>Her mouth going up and down on your shaft gives you the extra motivation you needed to get on with the work.
<br>Finishing in her throat was just an added bonus.
<br><<Image blowjob014.gif>>
<br><<NMS>> gains a bit of experience.
<br><br><<SkillGain \"Oral\" 10 40 true>>
<br>With renewed energy, you finish the work at hand.
<<if $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] >= $SexSub && $SlavePersonalVaginalEnabled[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneyScene2\">>
After tending to some bookkeeping, you call <<NMS>> into your office.
<br>You snap your fingers and point to the desk. <<NMS>> nods and leans over.
<br>You pull down her panties and thrust into her.
<br><<Image fucking001.gif>>
<br>After letting off some steam you go back to doing some paperwork in order to make the brothel run more efficiently.
<br>The experience teaches <<NMS>> an important lesson.
<br><<SkillGain \"Sex\" 10 40 true>>
<br>Sorting the bookkeeping helps keep the brothel running smoothly.
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
/% Written by DerpTheDark %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneyScene3\">>
After finishing some paperwork, you call <<NMS>> into your office.
<br>You point to the desk. <<NMS>> nods and climbs on top.
<br>You pull down her thong and thrust into her <<PussyDesc>>.
<br><<Image fucking002.gif>>
<br>After cumming in her <<PussyDesc>> you go back to doing some paperwork in order to make the brothel run more efficiently.
<br><<NMS>> learns from the experience.
<br><<SkillGain \"Sex\" 10 40 true>>
<br>Finishing that paperwork allows the brothel to run smoother and make more money.
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
/% Written by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneyScene6\">>
After replying to all the emails you don't really care about you call <<NMS>> over.
<br>You bend her over the table and tear off her panties.
<br>Fucking her as hard as you can is a really good way to unwind after a hard day's work.
<br><<Image fucking006.gif>>
<br><<NMS>> learns how to respond to a really hard pounding a bit better.
<br><<SkillGain \"Sex\" 10 40 true>>
<br>Taking care of those emails helps make sure that nothing interrupts the brothel business.
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
/% Written by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneyScene7\">>
Running a shady business like yours means that the websites you do your networking, outreach, and advertising on are full of porn ads.
<br>A long session of promoting your business got your mind (and your <<Cock>>) going.
<br>You decide to get <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>one of the girls<<else>>your personal slut<</if>> to empty your <<Balls>> into.
<br>Thankfully your <<if $SlaveCount > 1>>personal sluts are<<else>>girlie is<</if>> always ready to take a load.
<br><<Image fucking007.gif>>
<br>Your warm <<Cum>> between her legs, <<NMS>> gets more used to taking a creampie.
<br><<SkillGain \"Sex\" 10 40 true>>
<br>Networking is tedious, but this <i>distraction</i> helped. The brothel runs more smoothly.
<<if $SlaveSub[$RandomSlave] >= $AnalSub && $SlavePersonalAnalEnabled[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
/% Written by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneySceneAnal1\">>
While working, some papers fell off the desk. Thankfully, <<NMS>>, being the good girl she is immediately went to start picking them up for you.
<br>She bent over in such a way that her <<AssDesc>> caught your attention, on full display underneath her tiny skirt.
<br>You pull her skirt up, her panties down, her <<Ass>> on top of your <<Cock>>, and get to work.
<br><<Image anal009.gif>>
<br>Your <<Cock>> stretches her out and makes her ready for more.
<br><<SkillGain \"Anal\" 10 40 true>>
<br>Eventually, the papers get gathered back up and you finish what you were working on. Finished paperwork makes for stable brothel income.
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
/% Written by ChickenscratchRuskie %/
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneySceneAnal2\">>
Working in the office, some papers were suddenly blown off the desk by the wind as the door opened.
Thankfully, <<NMS>>, who had just entered the room, quickly got down and started to gather them back up.
<br>She was bent over in such away that you couldn't keep your eyes off of her <<AssDesc>>, on full display underneath her miniskirt.
<br><pi>\"So sorry, Sir!\"</pi>, <<NMS>> would say, sounding sincere.
<br><grs>\"Leave it.\"</grs>, you say, and grab her waist.
<br>You lift her up and push her against the wall.
<br><grs>\"Such a good girl, cleaning up her own mess.\"</grs>, you'd growl in her ear, as you pin her against the wall.
<br><pi>\"Thank you, Sir!\"</pi>, she'd reply, half moaning.
<br>Your fingers find their way down between her legs, to the wetness of her <<PussyDesc>>.
<br>You slip one in. She moans.
<br>You slide her panties off and pull your cock out.
<br><<NMS>> bites her lip in anticipation.
<br>You slip your finger out of her <<Pussy>> and slowly trail it towards her <<AssholeDesc>>.
<br><<NMS>> gasps.
<br>You point your <<CockDesc PC>> at her <<Asshole>>, and push forward.
<br>She screams in pleasure as you invade her bowels.
<br><<Image anal010.gif>>
<br>Your <<Cock>> stretches her out and makes her ready for more.
<br><<SkillGain \"Anal\" 10 40 true>>
<br>The papers were eventually gathered back up, and you finished the things you were working on. Paperwork being finished means stable finances.
<<if $OwnAssistant>>
<<set $PCMoneyScene.push ("
You call $Assistant into the office, needing her help with some some boring paperwork.
<br>She leans over to grab a folder, and gives you a good look at her ass. She's wearing a pink thong.
<br><<Image girl005.jpg>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$AssiSlave] >= 5>>
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneySceneAssistantTease\">>
<br>You make a mischievous remark on the show she's unintentionally giving you, and $Assistant blushes wildly and averts her gaze.
<br>You leave her alone, for now.
<<set $EventId = \"PCMoneySceneAssistantFucked\">>
<br>You make a mischievous remark on the show she's unintentionally (?) giving you.
<br>$Assistant blushes, but then leans over a bit further, giving you an even better look.
<br>You need no more invite than that. You stand up and approach her.
<br><PC>\"You able to find that folder?\"</PC>, you ask as you sidle up behind her and \"help\" her out by placing your hands on her hips and pulling her into yourself.
<br><asi>\"Um, uh,...\"</asi>, she begins to stutter out an answer, but you interrupt her by putting your hand up her skirt and pulling her panties down.
<br>Probing her sex with a couple of fingers, you find an expected wetness.
<br><PC>\"You should try looking under D.\"</PC>, you lean into her and whisper.
<br><asi>\"D? W-what?\"</asi>
<br>You turn her around, and present your <<CockDesc PC>>, which you had just expertly extracted.
<br><PC>\"D.\"</PC>, you say with a smirk.
<br>She rolls her eyes at the lame pun, but the bad humour seems to have broken her through her embarrassment, as she's no longer blushing or stuttering.
<br>You push her over towards the desk, bend her over and give her the D she so clearly wanted.
<br><<Image fucking012.gif>>
<<set $SlaveSub[$AssiSlave] += 1>>
<br>You get a bit of paperwork done.
<<print $PCMoneyScene.random()>>
<<set $Cash += $Earnings>>
<br>You earned <gr>¤$Earnings cash.</gr>
/% Scene and Skip %/
/% Subcheck Shortcuts %/
<<set $SlaveSubHandjob = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $HandSub)>>
<<set $SlaveSubTitfuck = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $TitfuckSub)>>
<<set $SlaveSubBlowjob = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $OralSub)>>
<<set $SlaveSubSex = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $SexSub)>>
<<set $SlaveSubAnal = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $AnalSub)>>
<<set $SlaveSubPiss = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $PissSub)>>
/% Set BeautyMod bonuses based on owned items %/
/% Currently only for Elli %/
<<if $SlaveID[2] == 2>>
<<set $SlaveBeautyModBonus[2] = 0>>
<<set $TeethWhiteningMod = 2>>
<<set $FashionShoppingMod = 2>>
<<set $AnalBleachingMod = 2>>
<<set $SchoolGirlClothesMod = 1>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $SlaveItems[2].length; _i++>>
<<switch $SlaveItems[2][_i]>>
<<case "TeethWhitening">>
<<set $SlaveBeautyModBonus[2] += $TeethWhiteningMod>>
<<case "FashionShopping">>
<<set $SlaveBeautyModBonus[2] += $FashionShoppingMod>>
<<case "AnalBleaching">>
<<set $SlaveBeautyModBonus[2] += $AnalBleachingMod>>
<<case "SchoolGirlClothes">>
<<set $SlaveBeautyModBonus[2] += $SchoolGirlClothesMod>>
/% Beauty %/
/% Conditionals %/
/% CockSize Training Mods %/
<<set $SexTrainSkillMod[1] = 0>>
<<set $AnalTrainSkillMod[1] = 0>>
<<if $PCCockSize <= 3>>
<<set $SexTrainSkillMod[1] = -0.4>>
<<set $AnalTrainSkillMod[1] = -0.4>>
<<if $PCCockSize >= 7>>
<<set $SexTrainSkillMod[1] = 0.1>>
<<set $AnalTrainSkillMod[1] = 0.1>>
<<if $PCCockSize >= 9>>
<<set $SexTrainSkillMod[1] = 0.3>>
<<set $AnalTrainSkillMod[1] = 0.3>>
<<if $PCCockSize >= 11>>
<<set $SexTrainSkillMod[1] = 0.6>>
<<set $AnalTrainSkillMod[1] = 0.6>>
<<set $SexTrainSkill = $SexTrainSkillBase + $SexTrainSkillMod[1]>>
<<set $AnalTrainSkill = $AnalTrainSkillBase + $AnalTrainSkillMod[1]>>
<is>(This page is <b>very</b> unfinished.)</is>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $AnalSub>>
<<set $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] = $NewSlaveName>>
<<set $SlaveNickname[$ManagedSlave] = $NewSlaveNickname>>
You successfully change her name, she accepts her new designation without argument.
<br><<NMS>> (aka <i><<NNS>></i>) leaves the room.
/% Fix name variables %/
<<switch $ManagedSlave>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $Rebecca = $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $Becca = $SlaveNickname[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set $Ellinor = $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $Elli = $SlaveNickname[$ManagedSlave]>>
<<set $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] = $OldSlaveName>>
She's not broken enough to let you change her name.
<br><<NMS>> leaves the room.
<<Roll 1>>
<<set $SkillFactor = ((($SlaveDom[$ManagedSlave] * 3) + $BeautyMod) / 10)>>
<<SetEarnings 1 $SkillFactor 22>>
<<set $DomScene = []>>
<<set $DomScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"DomScene1\">>
<<NMS>> entered the room with her customer right behind her.
<br>They started to kiss warmly, even sweetly - something that wasn't all that usual for her.
<br>However, the guy's hands didn't start to roam towards her <<Tits>> or <<Ass>>, like they usually do, instead they softly and gently caressed her skin, making her tingle and sending shivers of pleasure up and down her body.
<br>There was something different about this guy. His touch, his moves, his kisses - they were all too similar to what <<NMS>> usually does with other girls.
<br><i><pi>\"There's something definitely feminine about all of this.\"</pi></i>, <<NMS>> thought as she started to slowly undress her client.
<br>Slowly, she started to go a bit harder, a bit rougher. She kissed him roughly, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him in.
<br>The boy moaned into her mouth and let himself be handled by her.
<br><pi>\"You like that, do you?\"</pi>, <<NMS>> purred, put her hands on the boy's shoulders and pushed him to his knees.
<br>He nodded and obediently knelt.
<br><i><pi>\"I should tell <<PCName>> about this\"</pi></i>, she thought, <i><pi>\"but I should probably make sure, first.\"</pi></i>
<br><<NMS>> pushed the boy's head towards her crotch until his nose was just a couple of inches away from her dripping, <<PussyDesc>>.
<br>Then she did it, she ordered him. She thought that this might be taking it too far, but decided to take the risk.
<br><pi>\"Lick it! Lick my cunt!\"</pi>
<br>The client hesitated.
<br><pi>\"If you lick my <<Pussy>> and make me cum, we'll turn you into a good little slave. Wouldn't you like that?\"</pi>
<br><pi>\"Do it, stick your tongue out and have a taste!\"</pi>, she commanded.
<br>This was the moment. Either success or failure. If she had misjudged the situation, she would be punished by <<PCName>>, for sure.
<br>She looked into his eyes, waiting for his response. Those eyes slowly softened.
<br>The guy slowly lowered his gaze, stuck his tongue out and starting licking <<NMS>>'s <<Pussy>>, making her sigh in relief - and pleasure.
<br><<NMS>> started to grind herself against his face, putting that tongue to good use, losing herself in the feeling.
<br><<Image femdom001.gif>>
<br>After a few minutes, she was lying in bed, her legs spread open, the guy's head buried deep within her crotch - the eager boy's tongue licking at her wetness with fervor.
<br>She couldn't resist any longer and had an earth-shattering orgasm - pressing the boy's head hard against her.
<br>After her body was done shaking from the orgasm, she pulled the guy's head up for a deep kiss, enjoying the sweet taste of her own sex.
<br>Afterwards, <<NMS>> returned the favour, going down on the client, taking his incredibly hard <<Cock>> in her mouth.
<br>She just started sucking as he exploded into her mouth - he lasted only a few seconds.
<br>As far as <<NMS>> was concerned, that was fine. It was time for the final test, the master move.
<br>She climbed up on him until their lips were millimeters apart, and starting kissing him, deeply.
<br><<NMS>> pushed his own <<Cum>> into his mouth. He choked and gagged, but she didn't allow him to break the kiss until he had finally swallowed his own load.
<br>When she was sure he had swallowed it all, she released him.
<br><pi>\"I knew you'd enjoy the taste of cum.\"</pi>, she teased.
<br><<Image cum003.gif>>
<br><pi>\"I could tell you were dying to taste your own juices...\"</pi>
<<set $DomScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"DomScene3\">>
/% Written by Kris %/
<pi>\"I bet that feels good, doesn't it?\"</pi>, <<NMS>> taunts as she rubs the client's cock with the flat of her palm.
<br>They've been laying like this for a good hour, <<NMS>> running up the clock (and the cost of his session) as she works him closer and closer to the edge, only to keep denying him orgasm.
<br><blu>\"Yes, Mistress.\"</blu>, The client moans. <blu>\"Mistress- Mistress- I'm getting close!\"</blu>
<br><<Image femdom005.gif>>
<br><pi>\"Good boy letting Mistress know.\"</pi>, <<NMS>> slaps his <<Cock>> and <<Balls>> as she says it - then laughing, even while stroking the outside of his thigh to get him to relax again.
<br><pi>\"Don't worry, if you keep being a good boy, I'll let you eat me out before I send you home in your cage again.\"</pi>
<<if $Staff.contains("Assistant") == true>>
<<set $DomScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"DomScene2\">>
/% Written by Kaeil %/
As her most recent client finished dressing and walked out the door, <<NMS>> got up and started for the ensuite bathroom to get cleaned up herself. Before she could make it across the bedroom, there's a knock at the door and the brothel's assistant, Kate, enters the room, carrying a set of new sheets and fresh towels.
<asi>\"I hope you don't mind.\"</asi>, $Assistant says walking over to place the sheets on the bed. <asi>\"There's another client waiting for you in the lobby.\"</asi>
<<NMS>>, being used to the open-door policy simply waved a hand in acceptance before turning on the shower's hot water. <pi>\"That's more than fine.\"</pi>
<br>She pauses for a moment, then turns her attention to $Assistant, a grin slipping onto her face as a plan takes shape in her mind.
<br><pi>\"You know...\"</pi>, <<NMS>> turns around and approaches the assistant with a confident stride, doing nothing to hide her naked body. <pi>\"<<PCName>> would appreciate if I could get ready faster. Maybe you could help?\"</pi>
<br>$Assistant is caught a bit off balance, and haltingly replies <asi>\"Uh, I'm not really sure, it's not really part of my job des-\"</asi>
<br><<NMS>> interrupts $Assistant by popping open the top button of her blouse and raising a hand to caress her face.
<br><pi>\"You know the rules, don't you? Customers first. And you want to do a good job, don't you?\"</pi>
<br><<NMS>> finishes opening up her blouse, $Assistant still too stunned to react. The tight pencil skirt is zipped open and slips to the floor.
<br><asi>\"I-I should just...\"</asi>, $Assistant motions towards the towels on top of the bed. <<NMS>> doesn't give the almost-naked woman time to consider anything but her demands as she forces her lips against $Assistant's.
<br><pi>\"You should just help me clean up.\"</pi>, <<NMS>> finishes her sentence for her.
<br>Any protests are muffled as <<NMS>> reengages the kiss. A low moan escapes $Assistant's lips as <<NMS>> forces her tongue into her mouth.
<br>$Assistant limply follows as <<NMS>> drags her towards the shower, stripping her of the last pieces of clothing on the way there.
<br><pi>\"Don't worry $AssistantAlt dear, you're just going help me get clean for my next client.\"</pi>
<br>As $Assistant enters the steamy bathroom her glasses fog up, but <<NMS>> guides her onwards, enticing her with another kiss.
<br>The glorified receptionist seems unable to react to what's going on, and simply follows into the steaming hot water pouring out of the showerhead, letting <<NMS>> dictate her every step.
<br><<NMS>> hands her a bottle of body wash, the pleasant scent of vanilla and chamomile wafts from the top as she pops the cap open. <<NMS>> turns her back to $Assistant. <pi>\"We must hurry, mustn't we?\"</pi>, she asks, her words compelling obedience.
<br>$Assistant complies as if out of instinct, and fills her palms with the fresh-smelling substance, enjoying the (now even stronger) fragrance for a moment before rubbing it onto <<NMS>>'s body.
<br>She sticks to the 'safe' parts first, the shoulders, back, and stomach - but before long her hands are roaming into dangerous territory. <asi><i>\"Purely out of thoroughness\"</i></asi>, she thinks to herself.
<br>Curiosity turns into eagerness as her lathered hands massage venture from <<NMS>>'s arched back around to caress and soap up her <<TitsDesc>> then back around again towards her <<AssDesc>>.
<br><<NMS>> remains wordless except for a purring moan of approval.
<br><<Image lesbian003.gif>>
<br>$Assistant was now pressing her body against <<NMS>>'s, her own breasts rubbing against the woman's back as she reached around to massage her chest. It was no longer about cleaning, she was thoroughly enjoying the sensation of <<NMS>>'s wet body. The warmth of the shower, the soft skin, the perfumed scent - $Assistant was so lost in the moment that she barely even realized that she had started pinching <<NMS>>'s <<NipplesDesc>>.
<br>When $Assistant realized, she moved back and cleared her throat, <asi>\"I think you're clean now.\"</asi>.
<br><<NMS>> turned to face the assistant. <pi>\"You did a good job $AssistantAlt, but we both know that there's one more place that needs to be cleaned.\"</pi>
<br>$Assistant blushed and averted her gaze. <<NMS>> cupped her chin and looked into her eyes. <pi>\"As a reward for doing such a good job thus far, I think I'll let you take care of that too.\"</pi>
<br><<Image lesbian004.gif>>
<br><<NMS>> leaned in and kissed $Assistant with passion, then gently pushed her down. The submissive girl found herself kneeling on the floor. Despite herself, she looked up towards <<NMS>> with anticipation, the beautiful, dominant woman standing above her, about to give her exactly what she wanted. $Assistant could feel a wetness between her legs, other than the steamy shower water.
<br><<NMS>> spread her legs slightly, pushed her hips out, and placed her clit upon the lips of the kneeling girl.
<br>$Assistant immediately pressed forward, opened her mouth, and stuck her tongue between the folds to taste the hot <<Pussy>>. The slickness inside could not be explained by the water alone, $Assistant dug her tongue deeper into the wanton sex, attending <<NMS>> with an eagerness she didn't know she possessed.
<br><<Image lesbian005.gif>>
<br>Even though $Assistant's eagerness meant she didn't have to, <<NMS>> placed her hands on the girl's head and held her in place. As <<NMS>> approached orgasm, she would press $Assistant's slopping wet mouth and tongue into herself even harder. Finally, a powerful orgasm rocked <<NMS>>'s body and she cried in relief as she finally came - something that her client from only a few minutes ago had failed to accomplish.
<br><pi>\"That's a good girl.\"</pi>, she said rather nonchalantly, cupping the assistant's chin with her hand, reveling in the feeling of having someone to look down on. <pi>\"You've really helped me get ready, we should do this again soon.\"</pi>
<br>Without waiting for a reply <<NMS>> was out of the shower and drying off, before getting dressed and ready to meet the next client in the lobby.
<br>$Assistant was left to gather her thoughts for some time, before returning to the task she had originally arrived for.
<br>With the assistant's <i>help</i>, <<NMS>> was able to perform a lot better with her next client, earning her a large tip.
<<if $EventsSeen.contains("DomScene2")>>
<<set $DomScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"DomScene3\">>
/% Written by Kaeil %/
After <<NMS>>'s most recent client finished, she reaches over to her phone and places a call to the lobby, requesting that the assistant, $Assistant, come to her room.
<br>Setting the phone down, she slid to the rumpled bed's foot, and sat upon the edge, facing the door - waiting, her lips pursed in a half-smile. She was evoking the image of her Mistress - that superior and demanding demeanor. She waited there naked, and with her legs resting closed - like a patient cat, ready to pounce.
<br>When the knock came at the door, <<NMS>> purred <pi>\"Come in, would you?\"</pi>
<br>The assistant casually opened the door and walked in to see <<NMS>> naked and waiting for her arrival.
<br><asi>\"Yes Miss, is something wrong?\"</asi>, she asked.
<br><pi>\"Everything will be fine. Won't you be a dear and close the door behind you?\"</pi> $Assistant complied, shutting the door.
<br><pi>\"Come here.\"</pi>, <<NMS>> commanded.
<br>Seeing $Assistant's befuddled face, <<NMS>> quickly added <pi>\"You've done this for me before $AssistantAlt, don't look so surprised. Be a dear and kneel.\"</pi>, she indicated a spot on wooden floor covered by a fluffy throw rug next to the bed.
<br>$Assistant slowly lowered herself onto the the indicated spot, and waited for a clue as to why she had been summoned. Her head just above the height of <<NMS>>'s closed knees, <asi>\"Miss <<NMS>>?\"</asi>, she asked.
<br><pi>\"There we are.\"</pi>, <<NMS>> said, determined and with finality in her voice. Her body slid forward to the very edge of the bed, and her legs opened to surround the assistant's submissive position - exposing her <<PussyDesc>> to the woman. <pi>\"I need you to get me ready for my next client. Come closer.\"</pi>
<br><asi>\"I-I don't think I should...\"</asi>, her words were cut off as <<NMS>> asserted herself.
<br><pi>\"Attend me.\"</pi>, the words came out as a demand and a threat.
<br><<NMS>> reached down, gently brushing $Assistant's cheek before circling around her head to gently pull the woman in towards her hungry sex.
<br>The assistant inched forward, hesitating, but something about <<NMS>>'s posture and attitude made her unable to protest - she was slowly getting close and closer, as if in a trance. $Assistant stretched her tongue out to taste the <<Pussy>> in front of her.
<br>It was slick with juices - and something else. It was clear that <<NMS>> had recently been fucked.
<br><<Image lesbian006.gif>>
<br>$Assistant's tongue started lapping at the soft, hot skin - as if clearning her - attentively.
<br><<NMS>> trapped her prey by closing her legs over the secretary's shoulders and wrapping them around $Assistant's body to keep her locked in place. <<NMS>>'s unsatisfied pussy was going to be served properly!
<br>There did not seem to be any need to lock her in place, as once the $Assistant had gotten started, she was utterly dedicated to the task. Her tongue was darting in and out of the depths of <<NMS>>'s <<Pussy>>, lapping delicately along her clit, exploring her folts, taking every effort to satisfy her <i>mistress</i>.
<br><is><asi>\"Mistress?\"</asi></is> - the thought quickly left $Assistant's mind as she heard <<NMS>> purring above her.
<br>Spoke through clenched teeth, orgasm quickly approaching, <<NMS>>'s words only served to spur her on. <pi>\"That's it, right there, keep going!\"</pi>
<br><<Image lesbian007.gif>>
<br><<NMS>> sounded so happy, it only seemed right for $Assistant to give her pleasure. Her lips pressed hard into her sex, digging her tongue in deep, determined to grant release.
<br>It only took a few moments before <<NMS>> cried out in pleasure, her juices coating the assistant's face. <<NMS>>'s legs pressed hard on $Assistant's head, uncomfortably so, but eventually release - allowing the receptionist to breathe once again.
<br><pi>\"You're such a good little servant girl, $AssistantAlt. Very good.\"</pi>, <<NMS>> panted, laying back on the bed to catch her breath - and to enjoy the afterglow.
<br><asi>\"Thank you, Miss <<NMS>>.\"</asi>, $Assistant whispered, feeling happy with her own efforts.
<br>She turned to the door satisfied, her work complete. Now she just needed to clean up and return to helping <<PCName>>.
<br>With the assistant's <i>help</i>, <<NMS>> was able to perform a lot better with her next client, earning her a large tip.
<<print $DomScene.random()>>
<br><<SkillGain "Dom" 1 8 true>>
<<GoBackUp>><<Roll 1>>
<span id="BackButton">
<<set $HandTrainScene = []>>
<<set $HandTrainScene.push ("
<<if !$SlaveSubSex>>
It's time to continue <<NMS>>'s training, now that she's willing to jerk customers off. She has to learn to do it the right way.
<br>You call her into a room.
<br><pi>\"You wanted me to come, <<PCName>>?\"</pi>
<br><grs>\"It's time for training. Come sit down.\"</grs>, you say, patting the spot beside you on the bed.
<br><<NMS>> hesitates.
<br><grs>\"Come!\"</grs>, you say, more firmly.
<br><pi>\"A-alright...\"</pi>, she relents.
Despite the fact that <<NMS>> is willing to have sex with clients now, it's still important that she continues improving how to use her hands.
<br>You call her into a room. She stands at attention in front of you.
<br><pi>\"Yes, <<PCName>>?\"</pi>
<br><grs>\"Training time. Come sit.\"</grs>, you indicate the spot next to you on the bed.
<<if $SlaveSubAnal>>
<br><pi>\"Yay! More training with <<PCName>>!\"</pi>, she says, gleefully, and bounces towards the spot you indicated.
<br><pi>\"Oh, okay.\"</pi>, she says and gets seated.
<br>Grabbing her hand, you slowly move it towards your crotch.
<<if $SlaveSubAnal>>
<br><<NMS>> looks happy to be of service, and she quickly unzips your fly, then bends down and takes your still-hardening <<Cock>> into her mouth.
<br><grs>\"No, no.\"</grs>, you mumble.
<br><pi>\"Hmm...?\"</pi>, she hums, your <<CockDesc PC>> still in her mouth.
<br>It takes a lot of willpower to stop her.
<br><grs>\"Hands only.\"</grs>, you instruct.
<br>She releases your <<Cock>> from her mouth with a wet pop.
<br><pi>\"Really? Okay, no problem!\"</pi>, she says, happily - and wraps her hands around your <<Cock>>.
<<elseif $SlaveSubSex>>
<br>She takes the initiative and unzips your fly, pulling out your <<CockDesc PC>>.
<br>She licks her palm, covering it in slippery drool, and starts rubbing it.
<br><<NMS>> stares blankly ahead with a slight look of dread on her face.
<br>It's obvious that she's not really into this stuff <i>(yet!)</i> - but that's exactly why she needs the training.
<br>You unzip your fly and pull out your <<CockDesc PC>>.
<br><<NMS>> doesn't grab it until you prompt her by closing her hand around it.
<br>The <<Cock>> quickly hardens in her hands as she slowly starts jerking it.
<<if $SlaveHand[$ManagedSlave] < 5>>
<<set $EventId = \"HandTrainScene1Dull\">>
<br>She's really bad at this - and isn't particularly into it.
<br>You give her pointers throughout, where to apply pressure, how to adjust her grip, and so on.
<br>She does her best to accommodate - but just doesn't know how.
<br>After a long and dull handjob, you're finally about to finish.
<br>You tell <<NMS>>, and she instinctively blanches, causing her to let go of your <<Cock>> at the worst possible time!
<br><<Image cum005.gif>>
<br>You whimper in misery as your seed pathetically drools out of your swollen head.
<br>She has so much to learn...
<<elseif $SlaveHand[$ManagedSlave] < 15>>
<<set $EventId = \"HandTrainScene1Fun\">>
<br>She's not too bad at this - and quickly seems to get into it.
<br>You give her pointers throughout, where to apply pressure, how to adjust her grip, and so on.
<br>She seems to appreciate the advice, and quickly puts it to use.
<br><<Image handjob009.gif>>
<br>After a long and pleasurable handjob, you finish, splashing all over her hand.
<<if $SlaveSubAnal>>
<br><<NMS>> brings her messy hand to her mouth and happily laps up the hot, sticky <<Cum>>, with a smile on her face.
<br><pi>\"Thanks, <<PCName>>! That was fun.\"</pi>, she tells you before leaving.
<<set $EventId = \"HandTrainScene1Awesome\">>
<br><grs>\"Oh, god!\"</grs>, you moan almost instantly.
<br><<NMS>> is an expert at this.
<br>She takes off her top, revealing her <<TitsDesc>> and her <<Stiff>> <<Nipples>>.
<br>The girl seems to be enjoying this too, especially your reactions.
<br><grs>\"Damn, you're good.\"</grs>
<br><pi>\"Thank you, <<PCName>>. But I'm only just getting started.\"</pi>, she says with confidence - and wraps her hand around your <<Balls>>.
<br>You let out a grunt in pleasure. She's applying just the right amount of pressure and pull. It feels <i>amazing</i>!
<br><pi>\"You like that?\"</pi>
<br><grs>\"Y-yeah.\"</grs>, you moan.
<br><<Image handjob012.gif>>
<br>She purrs at you, smiles, and keeps going.
<br>When you finally cum, it is a volcanic explosion of <<Cum>> - all over <<NMS>>'s hands and <<Tits>>.
<<if $SlaveSubAnal>>
<br><<NMS>> brings her messy hand to her mouth and happily laps up the hot, sticky <<Cum>>, with a smile on her face.
<br><pi>\"Thanks, <<PCName>>! That was fun!\"</pi>, she tells you before leaving.
<<set $HandTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandTrainScene2\">>
You get <<NMS>> to jerk you off.
<br>You teach her to move her hands up and down your shaft slowly, teasing your <<CockDesc PC>>.
<br>You show her where and how she can get more pleasure out of you.
<br><<Image handjob013.gif>>
<<set $HandTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandTrainScene3\">>
<<NMS>> comes into the room, ready for her training.
<br>You explain the importance of anticipation, and show her how to get a man ready to go by teasing him with your hands without getting him undressed.
<br><<NMS>> seems to quickly get the idea, and before long you're aching for release.
<br>She finally pulls your <<Cock>> out and jerks you off.
<br><<Image handjob015.gif>>
<<if $Facilities.contains("Spa")>>
<<set $HandTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandTrainSceneSpa\">>
<<NMS>> is taught the proper way to milk a cockhead, using her newly manicured hands.
<br><<Image handjob011.gif>>
<<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] >= $TitfuckTitSize>>
<<set $HandTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"HandTrainSceneTeachTits\">>
You tell <<NMS>> to take her top off. She obliges, revealing her <<TitsDesc>>.
<br><grs>\"You can use those to good effect, even if you're only giving a handjob.\"</grs>
<br>She looks at you curiously, and you explain.
<br>The concept isn't particularly hard to grasp, and before long she's giving you both the pleasure of seeing her <<Tits>> bounce up and down as well as the sensation of your head rubbing against the soft flesh.
<br><<Image handjob014.gif>>
<<print $HandTrainScene.random()>>
<br><<NMS>> got better at using her hands to give pleasure.
<br><<SkillGain "Hand" 4 32 true>> <<SubGain "slave" -2 2>>
<<GoBackUp>><<Roll 1>>
<span id="BackButton">
<<set $DanceTrainScene = []>>
<<set $DanceTrainScene.push ("
/% Inspired by ChickenscratchRuskie%/
<<set $EventId = \"DanceTrainScene1\">>
You decide to teach <<NMS>> how to move dance, to perform better for her clients.
<br>Getting her to move her body in seductive and sexy ways is a great way to get clients to come and to see more of her - in both meanings of those words.
<br>Keeping things simple, you make her stand in the middle of the room and instruct her to try her best to dance for you in a sexy way.
<br><<Image strip002.gif>>
<br>You correct her when she makes mistakes, and tell her how to improve. You point out exactly what you find sexy, and what doesn't work.
<br><<NMS>> seems to understand, and by the end of the session you can tell that she's already moving her body in a more seductive way.
<<set $DanceTrainScene.push ("
/% Inspired by ChickenscratchRuskie%/
<<set $EventId = \"DanceTrainScene2\">>
A sexy woman can use the clothes she's wearing to accentuate her features - sometimes the right clothes can be sexier than full nudity.
<br>Picking out a particularly tiny monokini for <<NMS>>, as well as a pair of net stockings, you help her figure out how to tease and show off her body behind clothes.
<br><<Image strip003.gif>>
<<set $DanceTrainScene.push ("
/% Inspired by ChickenscratchRuskie%/
<<set $EventId = \"DanceTrainScene3\">>
<<NMS>> needs to learn how to pose in such a way that her <<AssDesc>> stands out, enticing all those who look on.
<br>You set up a faux-photoshoot, and get her to train posing in just such a way. It's important that she always carries herself in a way that makes appealing to on-lookers.
<br>It's free advertising, after all.
<br><<Image strip004.gif>>
<<if $OwnBar>>
<<set $DanceTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"DanceTrainScene4\">>
One of the easiest ways to excite men is to let them sneak an unexpected or unintentional peek.
<br>You teach <<NMS>> how to create these situations by combining a short skirt with the high shelf at the bar.
<br>She eagerly takes advantage of it.
<br><<Image strip005.gif>>
<<set $DanceTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"DanceTrainScene5\">>
One of the most important aspects of a woman's body is her <<Ass>>. You teach <<NMS>> how to shake hers.
<br><<Image strip006.gif>>
<<set $DanceTrainScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"DanceTrainScene6\">>
With the help of a treadmill and some encouragement from you in the form of light slaps on her behind, <<NMS>> learns how to walk with a more seductive gait.
<br><<Image strip007.gif>>
<<print $DanceTrainScene.random()>>
<br><<NMS>> got better at moving her body in erotic and exciting ways.
<br><<SkillGain "Dance" 4 32 true>> <<SubGain "slave" -2 2>>
<<GoBackUp>><<Roll 1>>
<<set $SkillFactor = ((($BeautyMod * 2) + ($SlaveDance[$ManagedSlave] * 3)) / 10)>>
<<SetEarnings 1 $SkillFactor 10>>
<<set $DanceScene = []>>
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"DanceScene1\">>
The client brought <<NMS>> into a private room where she instructed to slowly take off her clothes.
<br>She complied, <<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $SexSub>>nervously<<else>>eagerly<</if>>, and the client got a good look at her <<TitsDesc>> and <<PussyDesc>>.
<br><<Image strip012.gif>>
<br>The client complimented <<NMS>>'s body, and she gave him a shy smile in response.
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"DanceScene2\">>
<<NMS>> stood in front of the client in her underwear. He ordered her to continue, and she slowly unclasped her bra, dropping it to the floor.
<br><blu>\"Very nice.\"</blu>, he commented as <<NMS>>'s <<TitsDesc>> came into view.
<br><<Image girl039.gif>>
<br><blu>\"Now the panties.\"</blu>, the client instructed.
<br><<NMS>> slipped her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slowly pulled them down towards the ground while bending over towards the client, giving him a good look at her pushed together cleavage.
<br>The client smiled...
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $SexSub>>
<<set $EventId = \"DanceLingerieHighSub\">>
<<set $EventId = \"DanceLingerieLowSub\">>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $SexSub>>
<<NMS>> confidently undresses in front of the client, enjoying the chance to show off her new lingerie.
<<NMS>> shyly undresses in front of the client, but still somewhat enjoying the chance to show off her new lingerie.
<br>The client leans back, taking in the way she twists and shakes her body before calling out, <blu>\"Take it off! I want to see those titties.\"</blu>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $SexSub>>
<br><pi>\"Anything for you, sweet thing.\"</pi>
<br><pi>\"A-alright, sure.\"</pi>, she nervously stutters.
<br>Coyly <<NMS>> reaches behind her to undo her bra clasp, using her bra as a prop as she continues to dance for him.
<br><<Image strip010.gif>>
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"DanceScene3\">>
<<NMS>> <<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $SexSub>>nervously<<else>>eagerly<</if>> got undressed in front of her clients, showing them her <<TitsDesc>>, <<PussyDesc>> and <<AssDesc>>.
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < ($HandSub/2)>>
<br>Being very new to this, <<NMS>> didn't exactly know what to do. She just stood there awkwardly, trying her best to cover herself with her hands. The small crowd got impatient and started jeering, shouting at her to stop hiding. <<NMS>> had to fight hard to keep the tears back as she moved her hands to her side.
<<elseif $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $HandSub>>
<br><<NMS>> was still very awkward and unsure of herself but tried her best to put on a show. She walked back and forth a few times, even performing a small twirl at each end of the path once or twice. The crowd seemed to expect more, but didn't seem to be too unhappy after the show was over.
<<elseif $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $OralSub>>
<br><<NMS>> put on a good show for the small crowd, with plenty of seductive movements mixed in, creating an erotic performance.
<<elseif $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $SexSub>>
<br><<NMS>> was happy to show off her body and put on a good show for the crowd - she knows just how to move her body in order to elicit the right reaction from her onlookers.
<br><<Image girl031.gif>>
<<if $BeautyMod < 6>>
At the end of the show, it was obvious that the crowd were unimpressed by her body.
At the end of the show, it seemed like the crowd were very pleased with her sexy body.
<<if $SlaveAss[$ManagedSlave] >= 6>>
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"DanceScene4\">>
<<NMS>> <<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $SexSub>>nervously<<else>>eagerly<</if>> got undressed in front of her clients, showing them her <<TitsDesc>>, <<PussyDesc>> and <<AssDesc>>.
<br><<NMS>>'s clients were very pleased with her efforts.
<br>They particularly liked the way she rubbed her <<AssDesc>> against the straining bulges in their pants.
<br><<Image girl010.gif>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $HandSub>>
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"DanceScene5\">>
<blu>\"You wouldn't mind if I...?\"</blu>, the client asked as he was unbuckling his pants, about to release the straining cock trapped within.
<br><pi>\"No, not at all.\"</pi>, <<NMS>> responded with a coy smile.
<br>She was used to getting people off - and to people getting off in front of her - it had become part of her job.
<br>It even excited her somewhat: she has the power to control men. She's in charge of their pleasure.
<br><<NMS>> was in control of the situation, she was the one who was making the decisions. The client had asked <i>her</i> for permission.
<br>She relished being in control of her situation for once, even if it was just this little thing.
<br>The client was vigorously rubbing his <<Cock>> at this point.
<br><<NMS>> continued to give him a good show, slowly stripping out of her bra, revealing a stiff <<Nipple>>.
<br><<Image girl030.gif>>
<br>The sight of <<NMS>>'s body excited the client, and he was going to blow his load soon.
<br>That thought sent a shiver of pleasure through <<NMS>>'s spine.
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<if $EventsSeen.contains(\"DanceCFNM\")>>
<<set $EventId = \"DanceCFNM.2\">>
<<set $EventId = \"DanceCFNM\">>
The client is already waiting on <<NMS>> when she enters her room, his nakedness showing off just how fit he is.
<<if $EventsSeen.contains(\"DanceCFNM\")>>
<br>He's a welcome sight, gorgeous and kind.
<br><pi>\"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?\"</pi>, <<NMS>> teases as she crosses to him.
<br><blu>\"I couldn't resist coming back.\"</blu>
<br><pi>\"Just a lap dance?\"</pi>, <<NMS>> asks.
<br>The client nods. <blu>\"Wife said I can look but not touch. I plan to make the best of it.\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>> doesn't point out that being naked is probably against his wife's rules - but it's his marriage, not hers.
<br>She shimmies out of her skirt, but when she reaches up to pull off her top, he shakes his head. <blu>\"You look perfect, just like that.\"</blu>
<br><pi>\"You like that, huh?\"</pi>, <<NMS>> teases as she bounces her ass for him. <pi>\"Wish you could just reach out and touch it?\"</pi>
<br><blu>\"Yes.\"</blu>, there's a roughness to his voice, a desperation.
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains(\"DanceCFNM\")>>
<blu>\"You know I do.\"</blu>
<br><pi>\"How about this, I'll help you out.\"</pi>, <<NMS>> backs herself up. <pi>\"It doesn't count if I'm the one touching you, right?\"</pi>
<br><<Image outercourse002.gif>>
<<if !$EventsSeen.contains(\"DanceCFNM\")>>
<br><blu>\"No hands.\"</blu>
<br><pi>\"Of course not.\"</pi>
<<if $SlaveTits[$ManagedSlave] >= 3 && $SlaveDance[$ManagedSlave] >= 2>>
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"DanceSceneGroping\">>
Spinning and twisting, her body moving in rhythm with the music. <<NMS>> had her entire audience captivated.
<br>She grabbed the pole and twisted her legs around it, letting go with her hands and leaned back - her entire weight held up by her legs.
<br>The audience cheered.
<br><<NMS>> snatched the clasp of her red velvet bra behind her back, snapped it open and the bra fell off, revealing her <<TitsDesc>>.
<br>She leaned back further, her body almost horizontal, and then shook her torso from side to side, causing the <<Tits>> to bounce and jiggle.
<br>The routine lasted a while longer before the music faded. Once it had, the audience shouted for her to continue!
<br>She, with a sudden shyness, informed the patrons that this was it for tonight - that they'd have to come back tomorrow if they wanted more.
<br>While she said this, she posed with her hand on her head, shaking her breasts back and forth, almost hypnotically.
<br><<Image tits008.gif>>
<br><blu>\"You can't stop now!\"</blu>, one of the clients shouted.
<br><blu2>\"Yeah, come on!\"</blu2>, another one shouts.
<br>Faster than <<NMS>> can react, a man climbs the stage and pins her arms behind her back.
<br><pi>\"Hey! Stop that!\"</pi>, <<NMS>> protests.
<br>The man doesn't listen, instead he starts rubbing and groping her chest.
<br><<NMS>> lets out a small moan and seems to relax a little - letting the handsy man continue groping her.
<br><<Image tits007.gif>>
<br>A few moments later, the man suddenly disappears from the stage, as if snatched by someone.
<br><<NMS>> looks around in bewilderment briefly before quickly retreating backstage.
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $SexSub>>
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"DanceScene6\">>
<<NMS>> happily stripped out of her clothes, a wide smile gracing her face.
<br>Showing off her naked body had become routine, but it was still exciting to see how her clients would react.
<br><<Image girl003.gif>>
<br><pi>\"So, what do you think?\"</pi>, <<NMS>> asked, and did a pirouette on the spot, allowing the client to scrutinize her nude body.
<br><blu>\"I-it's lovely, absolutely lovely.\"</blu> the client responded, somewhat nervously.
<br><pi>\"Thanks! Which part of me do you like best?\"</pi>
<br><blu>\"I, err, I don't know. I like all of it!\"</blu>
<br><pi>\"But if you had to pick?\"</pi>
<br><pi>\"Is it my <<Tits>>?\"</pi>, <<NMS>> said, and pushed her <<TitsDesc>> together, shoving her cleavage in the client's face.
<br><pi>\"Or maybe you're an ass-man?\"</pi>, she spun around and bent over, pushing her <<AssDesc>> towards him.
<br><pi>\"Well?\"</pi>, <<NMS>> gave her <<Ass>> a gentle slap with the flat of her hand.
<br><blu>\"I love all of you!\"</blu>, the client exclaimed and grabbed hold of <<NMS>>'s hips, pulling her <<Ass>> towards his crotch.
<br><pi>\"Hey, now! No touching, that's extra!\"</pi>, <<NMS>> said with a giggle as she squirmed herself out of his grasp.
<br><pi>\"But maybe we could still have some fun.\"</pi>, <<NMS>> said with a wink. <pi>\"Get your cock out!\"</pi>
<br>The client agreed, and before long they were both engaged in a game of teasing torment and ever-growing lust.
<br>The experience ended with <<NMS>> on her knees in front of the client, her mouth open.
<br>The client grunted as he came, and <<NMS>>'s mouth filled his hot <<Cum>>.
<br>She happily swallowed it down with an audible gulp and an <pi>\"aah\"</pi> of contentment. <<NMS>> then opened her mouth to show that it was now empty, and gave the client a wink with a satisfied smile on her face.
<br><<Image cum008.gif>>
/% Elli %/
<<if $ManagedSlave == 2>>
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"DanceSceneElliDaniel1\">>
<blu>\"Just like that.\"</blu>
<br>Today's client is younger than <<NMS>>'s usual johns. Not yet thirty, with a mop of messy black hair on his head, $Daniel stands with his back against the wall as <<NMS>> lays on the bed.
<br><eli>\"$Daniel!\"</eli>, <<NMS>> moans as she fingers herself, head turned to the side 'unseeing' of her current viewer.
<br>He takes a step closer, <blu>\"$Danny. I like it when she calls me $Danny.\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>> shifts, legs falling open further to afford him a better view. <eli>\"$Danny, please-\"</eli>
<br><blu>\"Please what?\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"Wish you were here, $Danny,\"</eli>, <<NMS>>'s hands have found her breasts beneath the little crop top he asked her to wear, <eli>\"Wish this was you touching me.\"</eli>
<br><<Webm solo002.webm auto 480>>
<br>It's closer than clients are meant to come, but <<NMS>> doesn't complain when $Daniel sits at the foot of the bed. The room falls into little more than moans as he wraps a hand around his cock as he watches her.
<br><blu>\"Next time-\"</blu>, $Daniel pants after cumming, <blu>\"We should do a bit more role play. Would you be okay with that?\"</blu>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $SexSub>>
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"DanceSceneElliDaniel1\">>
<blu>\"Just like that, sweetheart. Keep rubbing just like that, you're making Daddy very happy.\"</blu>
<br><<NNS>> giggles as she rocks her hips, enjoying the slide of her panties against the client's work slacks.<eli>\"It tingles, Daddy. In my downstairs- is that okay, Daddy?\"</eli>
<br><<Image outercourse003.gif>>
<br>The client groans, hands coming up to grab her hips. <blu>\"Perfect, sweetie. Daddy will make sure that all the tingles are taken care of. But remember- only Daddy gets to touch you like this, okay? This is our little secret.\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"Our little secret.\"</eli>, <<NNS>> promises as she leans in for a kiss.
/% Own Schoolgirl Clothes %/
<<if $SlaveItems[2].includes("SchoolGirlClothes")>>
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"DanceSceneElliSchoolGirl\">>
There's a small group of men cluttered around a table.
<br>One of them whistles when <<NMS>> comes out, waving at them coyly.
<br>Today she's wearing a cute little school girl number, skirt rolled up so that she barely has to bend over before exposing the white lace panties she's wearing underneath.
<br><<Webm dance004.webm auto 480>>
<br>Something she does often, especially as she works on unbuttoning her top, shaking her tiny bottom to tease the men.
<br>With a roll of her shoulders, <<NMS>> drops her blouse to the ground, leaning over to push her <<TitsDesc>> together for them.
/% Halloween %/
<<if $Month == "October">>
<<set $DanceScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"DanceSceneElliHalloween\">>
It's the month of Halloween, and <<NNS>> is taking full advantage of that - she's all dressed up, doing a little stripping routine for a few clients.
<blu>\"Fuckin' hell! I picked a good night to come, ain't see' this look before.\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"You like?\"</eli>, <<NNS>> teases.
<br><blu>\"Like it even more if you took off that skirt.\"</blu>, one of the clients demand.
<br><<NNS>> complies, dropping it to the side as she continues to dance for them.
<br><<Image dance003.gif>>
<<print $DanceScene.random()>>
<br><<SubGain "slave" -2 2>> <<SkillGain "Dance" 1 8 true>>
<<GoBackUp>><<Roll 1>>
<<set $SkillFactor = (($SlaveLips[$ManagedSlave] + ($SlaveOral[$ManagedSlave] * 2) + ($BeautyMod / 3)) / 10)>>
<<SetEarnings 1 $SkillFactor 16>>
<span id="BackButton">
<<set $LowSubBJ = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $SexSub)>>
<<set $MedSubBJ = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] < $AnalSub)>>
<<set $HighSubBJ = ($SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] >= $AnalSub)>>
<<set $OralScene = []>>
<<set $OralScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"OralScene1\">>
At her client's request, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] used her tongue to tease the head of his <<Cock>>.
<br>It tasted faintly, and not unpleasantly, of some musky bodywash. The taste became more salty towards the end, as the client started to leak precum. $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] kept licking until her tongue was streaked with thick ropes of <<Cum>>.
<br><<Image blowjob008.gif>>
<<set $OralScene.push ("
<pi>\"Hello, Sir.\"</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] <<if $MedSubBJ>>happily <<else>>timidly <</if>> greeted her client.
<br>He puts a finger to his lips.
<br><blu>\"No talking. You're going to do what I tell you to. Do you understand?\"</blu>
<<if $LowSubBJ>>
<<set $EventId = \"OralScene2.1\">>
<br><pi>\"What?\"</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] responded, unsure.
<br><blu>\"No.\"</blu> The man shook his head. <blu>\"No talking.\"</blu>
<br><pi>\"B-but...?\"</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] started to protest, but the man put his index finger over her lips, silencing her. <blu>\"Shh...\"</blu>
<<elseif $MedSubBJ>>
<<set $EventId = \"OralScene2.2\">>
<br><pi>\"Um... okay, Sir.\"</pi>, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] responded, before realizing that she probably should've just kept quiet.
<br>The man just smiled at her and patted her head. <blu>\"Shh...\"</blu>, he shushed her.
<<elseif $HighSubBJ>>
<<set $EventId = \"OralScene2.3\">>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] simply nodded her head in response, keeping perfectly quiet.
<br><blu>\"Kneel.\"</blu>, the man instructed, and pointed towards a spot on the floor.
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] did.
Some time later, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] was laying naked on the bed, three fingers buried deep inside her <<Pussy>>, a hard <<Cock>> in her hand and a pair of heavy, smooth balls in her mouth.
<<Image blowjob002.gif>>
<<if $LowSubBJ>>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] hated that she couldn't control her body; being used by this man made her feel so good, she just couldn't help it.
<br>The client finished himself off, spraying his <<Cum>> all over $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave]'s body.
<<elseif $MedSubBJ>>
<br>Being used by this man made $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] feel so good, she just couldn't help it.
<br>At the client's command, $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] finished him off, jerking his <<Cock>> until he sprayed all over her body.
<<elseif $HighSubBJ>>
<br>$SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] loved being used by this man, it made her feel so good.
<br>When $SlaveName[$ManagedSlave] noticed that the client was about to cum, she wrapped her lips around his <<CockDesc 8>> and finished him off inside her mouth, swallowing his warm <<Cum>>.
<<set $OralScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"OralScene3\">>
<<NMS>> had allowed the client to put his hand on the back of her head, she didn't mind if he set the pace - actually, it was easier that way.
<br>His <<Cock>> was very large, and <<NMS>> had to struggle to avoid gagging.
<br>She looked back up at her client, making eye contact. She could tell he was close.
<br>Despite bracing herself, <<NMS>> was surprised when her head was suddenly pushed down hard on the huge <<Cock>>.
<br>As the <<Cock>> entered her throat the client let out a satisfied groan and <<NMS>> was forced to start swallowing down a massive load of <<Cum>>.
<br><<Image blowjob195.gif>>
<br><<NMS>> was still catching her breath by the time the client left. There was a huge grin on his face.
<<set $OralScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"OralSceneInterracial\">>
<blu>\"You ever sucked black cock before?\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>> knows this kind of client, the way they get off on <i>defiling</i> the innocent - so she doesn't bother wasting time thinking back on who she's gone down on, just shakes her head.
<br><blu>\"Well then, you're in for a real treat.\"</blu>
<br>As the client pulls down his pants and boxers, leaving them in a pile on the floor there's no denying that he's huge. The careless way he took his trousers off carries over to the way he grabs at her hair and drags her face toward his <<LargeCock>>. <blu>\"Well, go on, sweet heart. Take your first taste, I'm sure you'll thank me for it later.\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>> runs her tongue along the impressive length, doing her best to get it nice and wet before taking the tip into her mouth.
<br><<Image blowjob021.gif>>
<<if $SlaveOral[$ManagedSlave] < 10>>
<br><blu> \"That's a girl. Look at you go.\"</blu>
<br><blu>\"Stop acting like this is your first cock and get in there.\"</blu>
<br>It's the last thing he says, grabbing her by the back of the head again so that he can properly fuck her face. This goes on for a few minutes until finally he pulls back and cums all over <<NMS>>'s nose and cheeks.
<br><<Image cum009.gif>>
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $PissSub && $PissContentEnabled>>
<<set $EventId = \"OralSceneInterracialPiss\">>
<br><blu>\"Don't worry, sweetheart,\"</blu>, the client mocks as he takes a step back. <blu>\"I'll wash that right off for you.\"</blu>
<br>Before <<NMS>> can wonder what that means, a stream of piss hits her cheek.
<br><<Image piss005.gif>>
<br>At her gasp, the client laughs. <blu>\"Should have known you'd be a piss loving whore. Keep that mouth open now, you wouldn't want to waste any of that delicious piss, would you?\"</blu>
<br>The humiliation is eased a little by just how nice the payday is for it.
<<set $ExtraPay = Math.round(10*$SlaveOral[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $Cash += $ExtraPay>>
<br>The client paid extra for this assignment, giving you <gr>¤$ExtraPay extra cash</gr>.
<<set $OralScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BackwardsBlowjob\">>
The client grins as he enters the room, spotting <<NMS>> in her workout clothes as requested. <blu>\"Did you stretch like I asked?\"</blu>
<br><pi>\"Of course, Sir.\"</pi>
<br><blu>\"Excellent.\"</blu>, he says, hands coming to rest on her hips. <blu>\"Can these come off?\"</blu>
<br>At <<NMS>>'s nod, the client kneels to pull her workout shorts down. He kisses her hip before tossing them to the side and encouraging her to get to work on removing his own clothing.
<br><blu>\"You know what to do.\"</blu>
<br>It's true, <<NMS>> doesn't have to be told to wrap her lips around his gorgeous shaft, bobbing her head up and down as she kneels on her yoga mat.
<<Image blowjob019.gif>>
<<if $SlaveDance[$ManagedSlave] > 10>>
<<set $EventId = \"BackwardsBlowjobExpert\">>
<br><blu>\"Now for the fun part, go on, stand up-\"</blu>, the client instructs. <blu>\"Now do a backbend-\"</blu>
<br>The client reaches out, grabbing her upper arms before she can go too low, and directing her to his cock.
<br><blu>\"Fuck, yes, just like that!\"</blu>, he cries out as she takes his cock into her mouth again. <blu>\"I've been dreaming of this since I saw you dancing on the stage. Knew this lithe little body could do some amazing things.\"</blu>
<br><<Image blowjob020.gif>>
/% > Sex Sub %/
<<if $SlaveSub[$ManagedSlave] > $SexSub>>
<<if random(1,3) == 1>>
<<set $OralScene.push ("
<<set $EventId = \"OralSceneFatAndCruel\">>
/% Written by jonwich %/
<<NMS>> wanted to retch when she saw her client.
<br>The man probably hadn't seen the lighter side of five hundred pounds in over a decade.
<br>He didn't even bother looking in her direction when she came in the room.
<br>The man sat naked - his form was made up of a pile of sickening, sweaty folds flopping forth from his core.
<br>His size was so great that he took up more than half the couch.
<br><<NMS>> reluctantly crept forward, stopping at the man's side - still ignored while he watched some sporting event on TV.
<br>Unsure of what to do or what the man wanted, she kept her eyes downcast and her hands behind her back - waiting for some form of instruction, or at least acknowledgment.
<br>In a flash, the man's beefy paw lunged out, tangling painfully in <<NMS>>'s hair, before swiftly jerking the girl from her feet and onto the floor.
<br>The action was so sudden and unexpected that she couldn't even fall to her knees - her feet and hands and shins scrambled painfully across the floor as the man dragged her face into his crotch.
<br>Despite being dazed, <<NMS>> couldn't help but smell the man - his vulgar stench of unwash filled her nostrils.
<br>After a moment of him rubbing her face against the straining fabric of his crotch, and the prick trapped behind it, <<NMS>> felt sharp blows hitting the side of her head.
<br>The girl was completely unable to see the man's face, his bulging stomach blocked it from her few - she was however able to see the <<CockDesc 6>> the man fished out of his underwear, and the hairy balls that plopped down right in front of her eyes.
<br>Using her hair as a painful handle, <<NMS>>'s head was jerked up, and the man's <<Cock>> forced into her mouth.
<br>The only thing worse than the putrid, unwashed stench was the taste of decay in her mouth as the man forced her face down his <<Cock>> until her nose and eyes were pressed into the fat fold of flesh above her - making it impossible to breathe as he began to fuck her face.
<br>Up and down he forced her, seemingly enjoying the feeling of her gagging and struggling to breathe against the pulsing cock in her throat.
<br>Whenever <<NMS>>'s hands involuntarily found their way to his legs, his stomach, or the seat, he would painfully slap her face and jerk her wrists back behind her back.
<br><<Image blowjob012.gif>>
<br>It seemed like an eternity when he pressed her face down and held as his <<Cum>> shot into her throat, causing her to retch, but with nowhere for anything to go.
<br>Much to her dismay, the fat man didn't stop, and soon began pumping her face with his disgusting dick once again.
<br><<NMS>> wasn't quite sure when the man was finished - by that time she was far from coherent.
<br>It probably took a moment to realize she was laying, trembling, on the floor - with the tub of lard standing above her, buckling his belt.
<br>She had no energy to say or do anything, and couldn't even make her eyes focus on his face.
<br>A sharp kick delivered to her stomach caused her to roll away from him, and he made his first noise since her arrival - something between a chuckle and a grunt - as he walked out of the room.
<<set $ExtraPay = Math.round(10*$SlaveOral[$ManagedSlave])>>
<<set $Cash += $ExtraPay>>
<<set $SlaveEnergyLoss = 1>>
<<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] -= $SlaveEnergyLoss>><<if $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] < 0>><<set $SlaveEnergy[$ManagedSlave] = 0>><</if>>
<br>Due to her soreness, <<NMS>> <r>lost</r> <bl>$SlaveEnergyLoss extra energy.</bl> The client paid extra for this assignment, giving you <gr>¤$ExtraPay extra cash</gr>.
<<timed 40ms>><<replace \"#BackButton\">><<BackSlave>><</replace>><</timed>>
/% Skilled Blowjobs %/
<<if $SlaveOral[$ManagedSlave] >= 8>>
<<set $OralScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BlowjobDeepthroating\">>
<blu>\"There you go, princess-\"</blu>, the customer says as he encourages <<NMS>> to lay down. He arranges her so that her head is hanging over the edge, a pillow tucked beneath her neck. <blu>\"Need to make sure you're nice and comfortable, I plan to get my money's worth out of that throat.\"</blu>
<br><<NMS>> blows him a kiss before reaching up with a manicured hand to help guide his thick length into her mouth. His cock sinks in easy, balls resting against her nose for just a second before he pulls and pushes back in.
<br><<Image blowjob016.gif>>
<br>It's a slow pace, one <<NMS>> can get used to. And she does, as he takes quite a while.
<br>When he finally cums, sticky white ropes decorate her face and tits.
/% Bondage Gear Owned %/
<<if $OwnedItems.contains("BasicBondageGear")>>
<<set $OralScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BlowjobLightBondage\">>
<blu>\"Go ahead, give me a twirl.\"</blu>, the client instructs.
<br><<NMS>> spins, little black dress flaring around her thighs when she does. He'd requested it (and heavy eye makeup) specifically.
<br><blu>\"Now, put that hair of yours up in a bun, wouldn't want it getting in the way of the main attraction.\"</blu>
<br>When she's finished doing as he's asked, the client references toward the couch. <blu>\"Up on there, and then put your hands behind your back.\"</blu>
<br>Once <<NMS>> has climbed up, the man pulls a simple black handcuff out of his pocket before dropping his pants entirely. Nude from the bottom down, he joins her and secures her hands. 'Just in case'.
<br><blu>\"Gonna fuck that little mouth of yours-\"</blu>, he says almost mindlessly as he slides his cock into her mouth. <blu>\"Gonna fuck you till your face is a mess.\"</blu>
<br><<Image blowjob018.gif>>
<br>It's a promise he keeps.
/% Christmas %/
<<if $Month == "December">>
<<set $OralScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BlowjobChristmas\">>
<<NMS>> giggles as she crawls between the client's legs, mindful of the hat perched upon her head. <pi>\"Did you ask Santa for anything special this year?\"</pi>
<br>He doesn't have a chance to answer before she dips her head down, taking his already exposed <<Cock>> into her mouth. She sets a teasing pace, toying with the head and balls, never spending too much time in one area.
<br><<Image blowjob034.gif>>
<br><blu><i>\"Merry Christmas indeed...\"</i></blu>
<<set $OralScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BlowjobChristmas2\">>
<blu>\"Merry Christmas to me.\"</blu>, the client groans as <<NMS>> pulls his erection out of his slacks.
<br>She winks up at him before slowly taking his <<CockDesc 7>> into her mouth. He rests a gentle hand on the back of her neck, not quite pushing but a reminder that he could. It's enough to encourage her to keep going, bobbing her head further and further with each stroke.
<br><<Image blowjob036.gif>>
/% Elli Halloween %/
<<if $ManagedSlave == 2 && $Month == "October">>
<<set $OralScene.push ("
/% Written by Kris %/
<<set $EventId = \"BlowjobSceneElliHalloween\">>
It's the time around Halloween, and <<NNS>> is taking full advantage of that fact - she's all dressed up and playing a character.
<eli>\"Trick or treat?!\"</eli>, <<NMS>> sing-songs when her newest client comes in.
<br>He takes a moment to look her up and down, seemingly surprised by her odd get-up. <blu>\"Treat. Definitely.\"</blu>
<br><eli>\"Then you better come on over here, puddin'. Let me take care of that nice, beefy rod of yours.\"</eli>
<br><<Image blowjob033.gif>>
<<print $OralScene.random()>>
<br><<SubGain "slave" 1 5>> <<SkillGain "Oral" 1 8 true>>
<LSU>The Formula</LSU>
<br>[The Formula] was given to you by [Carl Reyes] in order to start your business of running a brothel with less-than-willing employees. It puts the imbiber into a very relaxed and suggestible state, while also increasing their libido. The effects are temporary, lasting anywhere from a few weeks to a few months - but will allow the training and conditioning required to permanently change the person take place.
<LSU>The Formula</LSU>
<br>[The Formula] was supposedly created by [Westane Medical Inc.] as an experimental drug meant to facilitate interrogation, and briefly marketed to law enforcement as a sort of truth-serum under the name [MCS-TC]. Several precincts purchased supplies of the drug and put it into systematic use. When this was discovered by the wider population, a small controversy arose and civil rights groups got involved. Through their efforts, appellate courts swiftly ruled in their favour, banning the use of the drug - and most cases where a confession had been generated through its use were thrown out. [Westane Medical Inc.] stopped producing the drug, but stockpiles of it soon began making their way onto the black market and subsequently mostly used as a type of roofie.
<br>While the exact ingredients and details remain unknown, [The Formula] contains flunitrazepam (rohypnol), sodium pentothal, and scopolamine - which together decrease higher cortical brain functioning and create a lack of inhibition. Subjects tend to become confused and detached from reality, but also highly cooperative and even effusive.
<br>[Westane Medical Inc.] are rumored to have created other versions of their MCS-series pharmaceutical, with far greater effect, but these were never officially sold by the company.
<LSU>The Wastes</LSU>
<br>[The Wastes] is a term given to a wide variety of areas in the world which most now consider uninhabitable. Pollution, climate change, and perhaps most importantly, widespread technological scarring from the [Global Wars], have turned certain areas into desolate shadows of their former selves. The militaries of the world didn't much care for the aftermath of what they did at the time, and the use of nanotech-weaponry was widespread. They've left behind lifeless glass-craters, newly formed deserts, and areas with such high radioactivity that no life can survive. Nano-mutated forests and wildlife are a major threat in certain zones - and some areas are still patrolled by autonomous weapon systems who fire on anyone or anything that gets within range.
<br>There are those who make a life, of sorts, in the Wastes. They are mostly scavengers - many places were rendered uninhabitable without actually destroying the physical infrastructure or buildings within. These areas hold many goods and items that can be reclaimed and sold - if one is brave enough to venture inside - and lucky enough to make it back out again.
<br>Rumors abound of strange religious cults, cannibals, apocalyptic warrior-clans, medieval-resurrectionist-microkingdoms, and other bizarre things that are said to exist within the wastes.
<LSU>The Blight</LSU>
<br>[The Blight] is the name given to a global phenomenon of catastrophic economic and societal decline. The exact details vary, but some combination of recession, unemployment, underfunded governmental services, wealth drain, and urban decay - all impacting and exaggerating each other - leads to an area becoming <i>blighted</i>. It spreads like a disease, finding a foothold in one neighbourhood, then spreading out, until vast areas have become slums of the poor, uneducated, and often criminal.
<br>The rise of automation was another major cause of <i>blighting</i>. As menial work is replaced by machines, the required man-hours is reduced by a very large percent. Unions quickly collapsed as people grew desperate for work, regardless of the conditions - and wealth accumulated even quicker towards the owners of industry, further stratifying society.
<br>[The Blight] <i>isn't</i> a disease. It's not a physical phenomenon at all, but a result of people's actions. When unemployment goes up, businesses have less customers, so profits go down. Profits go down, so tax revenue goes down. Tax revenue goes down which leads to social services become underfunded and the safety-net is removed. Without a safety-net, more people turn to crime as a last resort. As crime increases, safety decreases, and people try to leave. Those who have the means, the wealthy and educated, leave for [the Metros] or [Arcologies]. Them, and their wealth along with them, leaving the area means less tax revenue - and the downwards spiral continues.
<br>Most blighted areas have little in terms of law enforcement, higher education, social services, and even government presence. Those businesses that remain tend to use private security rather than relying on a police force that doesn't (and can't) care.
<br>A few countries have managed to keep the blight from getting a strong foothold within their borders - but have had to make great sacrifices in return. They are mostly totalitarian states, ruled with an iron fist - either by ideology or a ruling class. If their citizens are better off than those who live in areas touched by the blight is hard to say.
<LSU>Law Enforcement</LSU>
<br>Law Enforcement in [Arcologies] is usually handled by a private security force - who have little in terms of oversight or scrutiny. They tend to act unilaterally with an iron fist, often as judge, jury, and executioner at once. As [Arcologies] are often effectively dictatorships or oligarchies, security forces answer directly to their leaders, and the civil rights of the average citizen is disregarded.
<br>Outside of the [Arcologies], a regular police force still exists, but their presence outside of [Metros] or [Gated Communities] (especially in [Blighted regions]) is nearly non-existent. What resources they have is spent protecting the wealthy and influential. They tend to focus on more serious crime - as such, petty crimes are hardly ever prosecuted. Despite their budgetary issues, law enforcement tends to be highly militarized, often using surplus military equipment like body armor and APCs.
<br>Most unions collapsed as a result of automation replacing the menial workforce, but the Police Unions are still very strong entities in most areas. Both their influence and methods are akin to that of cartels, in terms of how they put pressure on businesses and politicians. It's not just individual cops that are corrupt, the entire system is. Corruption runs rampant within most police forces, and it is not unusual for wealthy politicians to use them as their own army of jackbooted thugs.
<br>Since blighted regions are left mostly lawless, local gangs and cartels tend to take over to create their own form of law enforcement, following their own rules and working towards their own goals. When law enforcement shows up in blighted regions, it is almost always because of crime committed by the poor living there against those of higher societal status.
<br>Cops are feared and hated within blighted regions, they are avoided whenever possible. People will not talk to cops and will not cooperate with their investigations if they can avoid it. This leads the police to use force far more often to get their way, since they know that they'll get nowhere otherwise. Despite this culture of force and intimidation, cops are very seldom hurt or killed in blighted regions - because everybody knows that the retaliation will be grave. Cops have each other's backs, and if a cop is killed, the entire neighbourhood will know what it feels like to have the wrath of god descend on it.
Arcologies, Metros, Gated Communities
Eastside Gang, Cartels
<<DossierImage /staff/AssistantPortrait.jpg>>
<b>Name:</b> $Kate "$Katie" $Harlowe
<br><b>Age:</b> <<print ($KateAge+$Year)>>
<br><b>Ethnicity:</b> Caucasian
<br><b>Occupation:</b> Secretary/Personal Assistant
<b>Info:</b> $Kate "$Katie" $Harlowe used to work as head of admin for a rather prestigious company. When the blight came to town, the company struggled for a long time before they eventually went under. She's had to take whatever jobs she can - and the one in the brothel pays surprisingly well. She's very good at her job, and frees you up to focus on other things.
<b>Appearance:</b> She dresses in office-appropriate attire, though it tends to lean towards the side of salacious rather than modest. She bleaches her hair, as she finds that people respond to her better as a blonde. $Kate uses her appearance to her advantage.
<b>Attitude:</b> $Kate is a professional, she likes to be appreciated for what she does, and she tends to be, as she's really good at her job. She always tries to please those around her, sometimes going to extreme lengths to do so. $Katie is very intelligent and well-read, but often plays it down, especially around men, who often underestimate her.
<br>She used to be a very career-driven woman, quickly rising in ranks until she became head of admin for a rather prestigious company. Of course, that was before <i>the blight</i>. These days she does what she needs to to survive. Prestige has been replaced by self-preservation as her primary motivation.
<br>$Katie has found that using her sex-appeal is a good way to get what she wants.
<b>Likes:</b> To be liked, to be useful. Doing a good job. Swimming.
<b>Dislikes:</b> Nepotism, and undeserving people getting more than they should. Jogging. Brussel sprouts.
<<DossierImage /staff/Carl.jpg>>
<b>Name:</b> $Carl $Reyes
<br><b>Age:</b> <<print ($CarlAge+$Year)>>
<br><b>Ethnicity:</b> Biracial (Latin & Caucasian)
<br><b>Occupation:</b> "Businessman"
<b>Info:</b> $Carl $Reyes is the cousin of $Mark $Reyes, who was a close friend of yours in high school. He was always into what you'd consider shady stuff, even when you were kids.
<br>$Carl is the one who gave you <i>the Formula</i> which makes people submissive and controllable - you are indebted to him because of this. He is also a minor investor in your brothel.
<b>Appearance:</b> $Carl has a pretty fit body, with visible abs and biceps. Being born of a mixed race marriage has given his skin a unique, bronze-tan colour. $Carl has a 10-inch <<LargeCock>>, and seems to know how to use it.
<b>Attitude:</b> Dominant and in charge, partly thanks to a strict conservative upbringing. <i>(...might have secret desires to submit?)</i>
<b>Likes:</b> $Carl values money very highly, almost above all else. He clearly loves his suits, as he always keeps them pressed and clean.
<b>Dislikes:</b> Anyone wasting his time, pointless small talk.
<<DossierImage /staff/Elli2.jpg>>
<b>Name:</b> <eli>$Ellinor "$Elli" $Dyer <<if $SlaveName[2] != $Ellinor && $SlaveName[2] != undefined>>(now $SlaveName[2])<</if>></eli>
<br><b>Age:</b> <<print (18+$Year)>>
<br><b>Ethnicity:</b> Caucasian
<br><b>Occupation:</b> Prostitute
<b>Info:</b> $Elli is a former <i>sugarbaby</i> you found hunting clients on your turf. With just a little bit of the Formula, and a whole lot of 'long-game' manipulation - you'll turn her into a top-tier whore with a penchant for age-play.
<b>Appearance:</b> $Ellinor is rather short, with a slender petite figure and small breasts. She looks younger than she is, and uses that to her advantage. Along with her clear, pale skin and blonde hair, she combines conventional attractiveness with a look of innocence - irresistible to many.
<b>Attitude:</b> In a word: Bratty. $Elli can be playful when she's in control, but often turns defensive when she's not.
<b>Likes:</b> Attention, getting what she wants. Holidays and celebrations, parties.
<b>Dislikes:</b> Feet, feeling powerless.
<</dossierbox>><<Roll 1>>
<<set $SkillFactor = (($SlaveDance[$ManagedSlave] * 4 + $BeautyMod)/10)>>
<<SetEarnings 1 $SkillFactor 13>>
<<set $FootScene = []>>
<<set $FootScene.push("
<<set $EventId = \"FootScene1\">>
/% Written by Kris %/
<<NNS>> drags her dress over her head, glaring openly at the client. <eli>\"Well, go on. Trousers down, you dirty old man.\"</eli>
<br>It thrills her how quickly he responds, shoving down the khakis that he'd worn that day to come and see her. When his hands hover at the edge of his shirt, she scoffs. <eli>\"No one wants to see that.\"</eli>
<br>He flushes, but <<NNS>> is proud to notice that his erection doesn't flag. She lays back on the bed, beckoning him over with one curled finger. <eli>\"Hands behind your back. You don't get to touch me until I say so, pervert.\"</eli>
<br><<NNS>> slides her stocking covered feet along either side of his cock before using the toes of one foot to press into his balls. <eli>\"Does it feel good? My dirty feet rubbing all over your hard cock?\"</eli>
<br><<Image footjob001.gif>>
<br>Without waiting for him to answer, <<NNS>> continues, <eli>\"I bet it does. I bet this is the closest you've come to a pretty girl in years, and you're so desperate that it doesn't bother you one bit that you only get my feet.\"</eli>
<br>Idly she wonders if he'd be willing to purchase her dirty socks. It's certainly an idea worth bringing to $Master. <eli>\"Go on then, you can touch my ankles- just my ankles though, and imagine that my soles are my nice, tight pussy.\"</eli>
<br>Barely three strokes later, the client shoots his load across her face and chest. <<NNS>> smirks up at him as she makes a show of licking her lips. <eli>\"Pathetic. Now, pay up.\"</eli>
<br><<Image footjob002.gif>>
<<print $FootScene.random()>>
<br><<SubGain "slave" 2 4>> <<SkillGain "Dance" 4 10 true>>