Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<<media "ui/logoBig.png" "si noShadow bigLogo">>
<<timed 1s>>
<div class="si">
<<btn "terms" "New game" null "menu blink">> /*[[terms]]*/
<<if !$fapUnlimited>><<btnPopup "fap" "Fap Mode">><</if>>
<<btnPopup "changelog" "Check new content">>
<<btn "saves" "Saves" null "menu">>
<p><div class="desc center">v. <<print setup.verNum>></div></p>
<<menu null null "location">>
/* Quests */
<<btn "daphIntro" "Unpack" "daphIntro=1" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaHack" "Check the connection" "alexaHack=4" "quest">>
<<btn "daphBdsm" "Drill a hole" "drill; daphBdsm=4" "quest">>
<<btn "miaDate" "Find a restaurant" "miaDate=2; counter:restaurantDebuff=null" "quest">>
<<btn "daphMeatBags" "Put on some clothes" "daphMeatBags=1; !item:daphMeatBags_clothes; item:daphMeatBags_clothes+" "quest store">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Hide and wait" "daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=3" "quest">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Craft the key" "daphMakeKey=4" "quest">>
<<btn "kellyPower" "Write a letter" "kellyPower=1" "quest">>
/* Activities */
<<btn "daphGuestSearch" "Search room" "daphIntro=done" "activ">> /*[[daphGuestSearch]]*/
<<btn "daphGuestFeed" "Watch cam feed" "alexaHack=done" "activ">> /*[[daphGuestFeed]]*/
<<btn "daphGuestHole" "Check the hole" "daphBdsm=done" "activ">> /*[[daphGuestHole]]*/
<<btn "daphGuestMasturbate" "Masturbate" "daphIntro=done; jerkedoff+; !ballsSmash" "activ">> /*[[daphGuestMasturbate]]*/
<<btn "daphGuestTrain" "Train" "daphIntro=done; dom+; sore+; !sore" "chore">> /*[[daphGuestTrain]]*/
<<btn "daphGuestRead" "Read books" "books; dom+" "activ">> /*[[daphGuestRead]]*/
<<btn "daphGuestComics" "Read comics" "comics; love+" "activ">> /*[[daphGuestComics]]*/
<<btn "daphGuestMemes" "Watch memes" "daphIntro=done; love+" "activ">> /*[[daphGuestMemes]]*/
<<btn "daphGuestSleep" "Go to sleep" "$sleepReset+; energyMAX; energy=0; time+8" "activ">> /*[[daphGuestSleep]]*/
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
/* Locations */
<<btnImg "daphGuest">>/*[[daphGuest]]*/
<<btnImg "daphRoom">>/*[[daphRoom]]*/
<<btnImg "daphAlex">>/*[[daphAlex]]*/
<<btnImg "daphBath">>/*[[daphBath]]*/
<<btnImg "daphLiv">>/*[[daphLiv]]*/
<<btnImg "daphKit">>/*[[daphKit]]*/
<<btnImg "daphGard">>/*[[daphGard]]*/
<<btnImg "daphCel">>/*[[daphCel]]*/
<<btnImg "daphCar">> /*[[daphCar]]*/
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" "daphHouseKey" "exit">>
/* Unique NPCs in location */
<<wrapper "$curLocDoor=open; dudeDaphne">>
<p class="locDesc">''$'' is here too!</p>
<<media `"characters/guy/dudeDaphne" + $dudeDaphne.pic + ".jpg"` "character">>
<<dial "guy" "That's trespassing, son!">>
/* Quests */
<<wrapper "!daphne">>
<<btn "daphHack" "Hack her computer" "daphHack=2" "quest">>
<<btn "daphBdsm" "Look for the cellar key" "daphBdsm=2" "quest">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Look for the cellar key" "daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=null" "quest">>
<<btn "kellyPower" "Look for the Bible" "kellyPower=5; !bible; $kellyPowerTask+bible" "quest">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Search $'s purse" "daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=2; daphne" "quest">>
<<wrapper "while!=sleep; daphne">>
<<btn "daphIntro" "Talk about the room" "daphIntro=2" "quest">>
<<btn "daphHelp" "Make $ a meal" "daphHelp=4; item:groceries" "quest">>
<<btn "daphHelp" "Tell $ you finished chores" "daphHelp=4; !item:groceries" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Talk about the garden" "daphFixGarden=1" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Tell $ the garden is fixed" "daphFixGarden=6" "quest">>
/* Closed doors */
<<wrapper "$curLocDoor=closed">>
<<btn "doorBreakIn" "Break in" "!daphne" "quick">>
<<btn "daphRoomKnock" "Knock at the door" "daphne" "quick">> /*[[daphRoomKnock]]*/
<<btn "daphRoomPeek" "Peek" "daphne" "quick">> /*[[daphRoomPeek]]*/
<<btn "daphRoomEnter" "Enter without knocking" "daphne" "quick">> /*[[daphRoomEnter]]*/
<<wrapelse "$curLocDoor=locked">>
<<btn "doorOpen" "Open with a key" "!daphne; item:daphRoomKey" "quick">>
<<btn "daphRoomKnock" "Knock at the door" "daphne" "quick">> /*[[daphRoomKnock]]*/
/* Activities */
<<btn "daphRoomSearch" "Search room" "!daphne" "activ">> /*[[daphRoomSearch]]*/
<<btn "daphRoomPlay" "Play with $" "daphne; while=sleep; $permission=forced; !ballsSmash" "activ">> /*[[daphRoomPlay]]*/
<<btn "daphRoomWake" "Wake $" "daphne; while=sleep; $permission=forced" "quick">> /*[[daphRoomWake]]*/
/* Relations */
<<wrapper "daphne; !dudeDaphne; $permission!=forced">>
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "$char+daphne" "chat relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "!alexa; daphne.status=3; daphne.status!=5; $char+daphne" "flirt relation">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "!alexa; daphne.status=5; $char+daphne" "sex relation">>
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
/* Unique NPCs in location */
<<wrapper "$curLocDoor=open; dudeAlexa">>
<p class="locDesc">''$'' is here too!</p>
<<media `"characters/guy/dudeAlexa" + $dudeAlexa.pic + ".jpg"` "character">>
<<dial "guy" "I'm gonna whip you with my monster dick, boi!">>
/* Quests */
<<btn "alexaHack" "Hack her computer" "quest:alexaHack=2; !alexa" "quest">>
<<btn "kellyPower" "Look for the printer" "kellyPower=2" "quest">>
<<wrapper "while!=sleep; alexa; !dudeAlexa">>
<<btn "alexaIntro" "Talk with $" "alexaIntro=1" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaIntro" "Help $ with homework" "alexaIntro=2" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaIntro" "Help $ with homework" "alexaIntro=3" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaIntro" "Help $ with homework" "alexaIntro=4" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaIntro" "Talk with $ about tutoring" "alexaIntro=5" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaPool" "Show the pool to $" "alexaPool=3" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaPool" "Show $ the new pool" "alexaPool=5" "quest">>
/* Closed doors */
<<wrapper "$curLocDoor=closed">>
<<btn "doorBreakIn" "Break in" "!alexa" "quick">>
<<btn "daphAlexKnock" "Knock at the door" "closed; alexa" "quick">> /*[[daphAlexKnock]]*/
<<btn "daphAlexPeek" "Peek" "closed; alexa" "quick">> /*[[daphAlexPeek]]*/
<<btn "daphAlexEnter" "Enter without knocking" "closed; alexa" "quick">> /*[[daphAlexEnter]]*/
<<wrapelse "$curLocDoor=locked">>
<<btn "doorOpen" "Open with a key" "!alexa; item:daphAlexKey" "quick">>
<<btn "daphAlexKnock" "Knock at the door" "alexa" "quick">> /*[[daphAlexKnock]]*/
/* Activities */
<<btn "daphAlexSearch" "Search room" "!alexa" "activ">> /*[[daphAlexSearch]]*/
<<btn "daphAlexPlay" "Play with $" "alexa; !dudeAlexa; while=sleep; $permission=forced; !ballsSmash" "activ">> /*[[daphAlexPlay]]*/
<<btn "daphAlexHomework" "Help $ with homework" "alexaIntro=done; alexa; !dudeAlexa; $permission=1; day=workdays; while!=sleep" "activ">> /*[[daphAlexHomework]]*/
<<btn "daphAlexDicks" "Compare dicks" "alexa; dudeAlexa" "quick">> /*[[daphAlexHomework]]*/
<<btn "daphAlexWake" "Wake $" "alexa; while=sleep; $permission=forced" "quick">> /*[[daphAlexWake]]*/
/* Relations */
<<wrapper "alexa; !dudeAlexa; $permission!=forced">>
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "!period=night; $char+alexa" "chat relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "alexa.status=3; alexa.status=!5; !daphne; $char+alexa" "flirt relation">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "alexa.status=5; !daphne; $char+alexa" "sex relation">>
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
/* Quests */
<<wrapper "$permission!=forced">>
<<btn "daphHelp" "Clean toilet" "daphHelp=3" "quest">>
<<btn "daphHelp" "Do laundry" "daphHelp=2" "quest">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Create a diversion" "daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=2; $daphMakeKeyDiversion=null; $daphMakeKeyDiversion+2; !daphne; !alexa" "quest">>
/* Closed doors */
<<wrapper "$curLocDoor=closed">>
<<btn "daphBathKnock" "Knock at the door" "closed; daphne" "quick">> /*[[daphBathKnock]]*/
<<btn "daphBathKnock" "Knock at the door" "closed; alexa" "quick">> /*[[daphBathKnock]]*/
<<btn "daphBathEnter" "Enter without knocking" "closed; daphne" "quick">> /*[[daphBathEnter]]*/
<<btn "daphBathEnter" "Enter without knocking" "closed; alexa" "quick">> /*[[daphBathEnter]]*/
<<btn "daphBathPeek" "Peek" "closed; daphne" "quick">> /*[[daphBathPeek]]*/
<<btn "daphBathPeek" "Peek" "closed; alexa" "quick">> /*[[daphBathPeek]]*/
/* Activities */
<<wrapper "$permission!=forced">>
<<btn "daphBathShit" "Take a shit" "!daphne; !alexa; $lvlup" "activ">> /*[[daphBathShit]]*/
<<btn "daphBathShave" "Shave" "love+" "activ">> /*[[daphBathShave]]*/
<<btn "daphBathShower" "Shower" "!alexa; !daphne; dom+" "activ">> /*[[daphBathShower]]*/
<<btn "daphBathSearch" "Search bathroom" "!alexa; !daphne" "activ">> /*[[daphBathSearch]]*/
<<btn "daphBathWashDaphne" "Wash $'s back" "daphne;" "activ">> /*[[daphBathWashDaphne]]*/
<<btn "daphBathWashAlexa" "Wash $'s ass" "alexa; alexa.dom+2" "activ">> /*[[daphBathWashAlexa]]*/
<<btn "daphBathWatch" "Watch $ shower" "daphne; $permission=forced" "quick">> /*[[daphBathWatch]]*/
<<btn "daphBathWatch" "Watch $ shower" "alexa; $permission=forced" "quick">> /*[[daphBathWatch]]*/
/* Chores */
<<if $permission != "forced" && $now != "Night">>
<<btn "daphBathToilet" "Clean toilet" "daphHelp=done; cash+50; day=sunday" "chore">> /*[[daphBathToilet]]*/
<<btn "daphBathLaundry" "Do laundry" "daphHelp=done; cash+25" "chore">> /*[[daphBathLaundry]]*/
/* Relations */
<<wrapper "$permission!=forced">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "alexa; !daphne; alexa.status=4; $char+alexa" "sex relation">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "daphne; !alexa; daphne.status=4; $char+daphne" "sex relation">>
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
/* Quests */
<<wrapper "period!=night">>
<<wrapper "daphne">>
<<btn "daphIntro" "Talk about the room" "daphIntro=2" "quest">>
<<btn "daphHelp" "Make $ a meal" "daphHelp=4; item:groceries" "quest">>
<<btn "daphHelp" "Tell $ you finished chores" "daphHelp=4; !item:groceries" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Talk about the garden" "daphFixGarden=1" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Tell $ the garden is fixed" "daphFixGarden=6" "quest">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Search $'s purse" "daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=2; daphne; !alexa" "quest">>
<<wrapper "alexa">>
<<btn "alexaIntro" "Talk with $" "alexaIntro=1" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaIntro" "Talk with $ about tutoring" "alexaIntro=5" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaPool" "Show the pool to $" "alexaPool=3" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaPool" "Show $ the new pool" "alexaPool=5" "quest">>
/* Activities */
<<btn "daphLivSearch" "Search room" "!daphne; !alexa" "activ">> /*[[daphLivSearch]]*/
<<btn "daphLivTv" "Watch tv" null "activ">> /*[[daphLivTv]]*/
<<btn "daphLivNap" "Take a nap" "energy+20; !daphne; !alexa; !sleepless; !insomnia; period!=night" "activ">> /*[[daphLivNap]]*/
<<btn "daphLivDrink" "Make a drink" "!daphne; !alexa" "activ">> /*[[daphLivDrink]]*/
<<btn "daphLivDrinkDaphne" "Offer $ drink" "day=sunday; daphne" "activ">> /*[[daphLivDrinkAlexa]]*/
<<btn "daphLivDrinkAlexa" "Offer $ drink" "day=weekend; alexa; !daphne" "activ">> /*[[daphLivDrinkDaphne]]*/
/* Chores */
<<wrapper "period!=night">>
<<btn "daphLivDust" "Dust the room" "daphHelp=done; cash+25" "chore">> /*[[daphLivDust]]*/
/* Relations */
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "alexa; $char+alexa" "chat relation">>
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "daphne; $char+daphne" "chat relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "alexa; !daphne; alexa.status=3; daphne.status!=5; $char+alexa" "flirt relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "daphne; !alexa; daphne.status=3; daphne.status!=5; $char+daphne" "flirt relation">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "alexa; !daphne; alexa.status=5; $char+alexa" "sex relation">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "daphne; !alexa; daphne.status=5; $char+daphne" "sex relation">>
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
/* Quests */
<<wrapper "period!=night">>
<<btn "daphHelp" "Do the dishes" "daphHelp=1" "quest">>
<<btn $curLoc "Get the scissors" "daphBdsm=1; !scissors; scissors+" "quest store">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Create a diversion" "daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=2; $daphMakeKeyDiversion=null; $daphMakeKeyDiversion+1; !daphne; !alexa" "quest">>
<<btn "kellyPower" "Steal a marshmallow" "kellyPower=2; love+10; !$kellyPowerMarshmallow; $kellyPowerMarshmallow+" "quest">>
<<wrapper "daphne">>
<<btn "daphIntro" "Talk about the room" "daphIntro=2" "quest">>
<<btn "daphHelp" "Make $ a meal" "daphHelp=4; item:groceries; $char+daphne" "quest">>
<<btn "daphHelp" "Tell $ you finished chores" "daphHelp=4; !item:groceries" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Talk about the garden" "daphFixGarden=1" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Tell $ the garden is fixed" "daphFixGarden=6" "quest">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Search $'s purse" "daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=2; !alexa" "quest">>
<<wrapper "alexa">>
<<btn "alexaIntro" "Talk with $" "alexaIntro=1" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaIntro" "Talk with $ about tutoring" "alexaIntro=5" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaPool" "Show the pool to $" "alexaPool=3" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaPool" "Show $ the new pool" "alexaPool=5" "quest">>
/* Activities */
<<btn "daphKitSearch" "Search fridge" "!daphne; !alexa" "activ">> /*[[daphKitSearch]]*/
/* Chores */
<<if $now != "Night">>
<<btn "daphKitMop" "Mop floor" "daphHelp=done; cash+50; weekday:sunday" "chore">> /*[[daphKitMop]]*/
<<btn "daphKitDishes" "Do dishes" "daphHelp=done; cash+25" "chore">> /*[[daphKitDishes]]*/
<<btn "daphKitCook" "Cook for $" "groceries; groceries-; daphne; $char+daphne" "chore">> /*[[daphKitCook]]*/
<<btn "daphKitCook" "Cook for $" "groceries; groceries-; alexa; $char+alexa" "chore">> /*[[daphKitCook]]*/
/* Relations */
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "alexa; $char+alexa" "chat relation">>
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "daphne; $char+daphne" "chat relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "alexa; !daphne; alexa.status=3; alexa.status!=5; $char+alexa" "flirt relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "daphne; !alexa; daphne.status=3; daphne.status!=5; $char+daphne" "flirt relation">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "alexa; !daphne; alexa.status=5; $char+alexa" "sex relation">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "daphne; !alexa; daphne.status=5; $char+daphne" "sex relation">>
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
<<media `"characters/player/" + $player.trait + "/portrait_big.jpg"` "wide">>
<span class="fi1" style="margin-right: 10px;">This is YOU. </span>
<span class="fi2">
<<textbox "$" $>>
<<textbox "$player.surname" $player.surname>>
<<repeat 2s>>
<<replace "#playerName">>$<</replace>>
<<replace "#changeNameDad">>$player.surname<</replace>>
<p class="fi3 clear noMarginTop">You're a cliché kid from the suburbs - skinnier than the lamppost, whiter than bleached asshole, and with mouth full of gangsta rap trivia. You talk about //getting the bitches//, but your experience in sex is a hard zero (apart from a strange fixation on mailman porn). By a surprise twist of fate you landed an ''enormous dick'', but with the whole beta vibe, the prospects of using it are pretty damn slim.</p>
<p class="fi3">TL;DR - you're a moron, and your life is boring and predictable (<small>besides the one time when you saw your mom strapon fucking a postman and the night terrors started</small>).</p>
<big class="fi3">Anyway...</big>
<<btn null null null "si3">>
<<media "characters/dad/portrait_big.jpg">>
<span>This is your dad, </span>
<<textbox "$" $>>
<span id="changeNameDad">$player.surname</span>
<p class="noMarginTop">He's always smiling, polite, on time. Retired carpet salesman and lawn mower afficionado. ''He's your nemesis''.</p>
<p>He never really did anything to earn this title, but it's more about what he didn't do. Which is - nothing. Never. Ever. An empty shell of a man, a smiling amoeba, floating on a comfy chair through the abyss of life. One endless neverending...</p>
<p>You always felt you were destined for something better, something grander. That deep down you're a winner, and you're going to win at life...</p>
<big>You want to become an alpha male!</big>
<<media "story/intro/kungfu.mp4" "fiS volumeLow">>
<<dial "player" "Uhm..." "fi3">>
<p class="fi4">What...? Wait! Shit. Sorry.</p>
<big class="fi4">Wrong file.</big>
<p class="fi6">Ok. I got it.</p>
<<btn null null null "si6">>
<<media "story/intro/alphamale.mp4" "fiS volumeLow">>
<big class="fi3">Better?</big>
<<dial "player" "Oh, yea! That's the shit!" "fi4">>
<p class="fi5">Oh, you like it? Well, then - good news, buddy, I'm gonna help you get it. And plenty of it too.</p>
<p class="fi5">There's just one //but//...</p>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<big>You must earn it.</big>
<p>You might have mastered masturbation, but sex requires other participants, and so far...</p>
<big>You're a virgin, <span id="playerName">$</span>!</big>
<<media "story/intro/virgin.mp4" "fiS">>
<p>Or actually, you //were// a virgin, because today everything changes. You leave your childhood behind and enter a path to become an alpha male. Today...</p>
<big>'re flying out to Los Angeles to college.</big>
<<media "story/intro/school.mp4">>
<<btn "introTravel">> /*[[introTravel]]*/
/* Locations */
/* Exit */
<div class="si2">
<big>So you're thinking about goin' to College, huh?</big>
<p>I feel you, dude. I can't wait to dive into that shit myself. Just think about it - big titty teachers, slutty students, or the other way around...</p>
<<media "locations/areaCity/college_girls.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Is it now?! Please - say the College works! Please, please, please...">>
<div class="si4">
<p>It's not yet working. Sorry.</p>
<big>The College is coming in v. 0.3.0!</big>
<<dial "player" "Which is... when?!">>
<<if $fapUnlimited || $fapRegular>>
<p>Hopefully in couple weeks, but it's hard to say. Observe my <a href="" target="_blank">SubscribeStar profile</a> for updates! ''And thanks for supporting the project so far - you're awesome, dude!''</p>
<<dial "player" "You got it, el duderino.">>
<p><small>By the way - yes, that was me, talking with your mouth, to myself. That's the level I'm at. Congratulations, Grave. Your mother would be proud... Shit, I'm doing it again. I'm just gonna shut up.</small></p>
<p>Well, the truth is - ''it will take a while to get there''.</p>
<<dial "player" "How long? I've been waiting like forever!">>
<p>Here's the thing. We both have the same goal - for me to sit on my ass and work on the game. But because I need to work other jobs to balance my budget, there's limited time left for //Become Alpha//. Fortunately - there's one thing you can do to help me focus on the game - pledge to my <a href="" target="_blank">SubscribeStar profile</a>! ''Even one dollar pushes the game forward!''</p>
<<btnPopup "support" "Support the author" "important">>
<<btnPopup "enterCode" "I'm already a supporter, stop nagging me!">>
/* Locations */
<<btnImg "cityCollege">> /*[[cityCollege]]*/
<<btnImg "cityMarket">> /*[[cityMarket]]*/
<<btnImg "cityGallery">> /*[[cityGallery]]*/
<<btnImg "cityCinema">> /*[[cityCinema]]*/
<<btnImg "cityClub">> /*[[cityClub]]*/
<<btnImg "cityPark">> /*[[cityPark]]*/
<<btnImg "cityBridge">> /*[[cityBridge]]*/
/* Travel */
<<btn "areaNeighbourhood" "Travel to the neighbourhood" null "travel si4">> /*[[areaNeighbourhood]]*/
/* Add a counter for Kelly */
<<if $churchKellyDebuff == null>>
<<pocket "counter:churchKellyDebuff-15">>
/* Quests */
<<wrapper "kellyPower!=0; kellyPower!=DONE">>
<<btn "kellyPower" "Put the letters in the mailbox" "kellyPower=4" "quest">>
<<btn "kellyPower" "Look for a priest robe" "kellyPower=5; !priest_robe; $kellyPowerTask+robe" "quest">>
<<btn "kellyPower" "Talk with Sister $" "kellyPower=6; priest_robe; day=saturday; period!=morning" "quest">>
<<wrapper "kellyIntro!=0; kellyIntro!=DONE">>
<<btn "kellyIntro" "Clean the windows" "love+3; kellyIntro=2; period!=morning; $kellyIntroTask+clean; counter:churchClean-1; $churchClean!=1" "quest chore">>
<<btn "kellyIntro" "Talk about collecting offerings" "period=morning; kellyIntro=2; kelly; !$churchTrayAgree; $kellyIntroTask+talk; kelly.status=2; counter:churchTrayAsk-1; $churchTrayAsk!=1" "store quest">>
<<btn "kellyIntro" "Collect offerings" "dom+3; period=morning; kellyIntro=2; kelly; $churchTrayAgree; $kellyIntroTask+tray" "quest">>
<<btn "kellyIntro" "Talk about regular work" "kellyIntro=3; period=afternoon" "quest">>
/* Closed doors */
<<wrapper "$curLocDoor=locked">>
<<btn "doorOpen" "Open with a key" "item:churchKey" "quick">>
/* Activities */
<<btn "churchNuns" "Wait for prospect nun" "kellyPower=done; dom+3; period!=night; day=tuesday" "activ">> /*[[churchNuns]]*/
<<wrapper "day=weekend; period=dayhours">>
<<btn "churchPray" "Pray" "love+2; period!=morning" "activ">> /*[[churchPray]]*/
<<btn "churchMass" "Attend the mass" "love+2; dom-1; period=morning" "activ">> /*[[churchMass]]*/
<<btn "churchConfess" "Confess your sins" "love+4; dom-2; period!=morning" "activ">> /*[[churchConfess]]*/
<<btn "churchSearch" "Search the church" "period!=morning; !priest_robe" "activ">> /*[[churchSearch]]*/
/* Chores */
<<btn "churchClean" "Clean the windows" "love+3; cash+20; kellyIntro=done; period!=morning" "activ">> /*[[churchClean]]*/
<<btn "churchTrayAsk" "Talk about collecting offerings" "period=morning; kelly; kellyIntro=done; !$churchTrayAgree" "quick">> /*[[churchTrayAsk]]*/
<<btn "churchTray" "Collect offerings" "dom+3; cash+40; period=morning; kelly; kellyIntro=done; $churchTrayAgree" "activ">> /*[[churchTrayAsk]]*/
/* Relations */
<<btn "churchChatDaphne" "Chat with $" "daphne" "chat activ">> /*[[churchChatDaphne]]*/
<<wrapper "kelly">>
<<btn "churchChatKelly" "Chat with $" "period=morning; kellyIntro=DONE" "chat activ">> /*[[churchChatKelly]]*/
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "$char+kelly; period!=morning; kellyIntro=DONE" "chat relation">>
<<wrapper "kellyPower=done">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "kelly.status=3; kelly.status!=5; $char+kelly; period!=morning" "flirt relation">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "kelly.status=5; $char+kelly; day=saturday; period!=morning" "sex relation">>
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
<</chunks>>/* For some reason this page is loaded twice, which resulted in problems with backwards compatibility (if sth was missing on the first run - it thrown errors). So I decided to not include anything on this first run if the setup.initComp is 1, let's see if it'll work */
<<if !setup.initComp>>
/* Show back button for Supporter mode, but hide it if there's nothing to go back to (eg. after refresh) */
<<if $test==0 && $fapUnlimited && setup.backDebuff==0 && previous()>>
<<link "<div class=\"btn back\"><span class=\"btnText\">« Go back!</span></div>">>
<<set setup.backDebuff = 1>>
<<run Engine.backward()>>
/* Logo */
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'ui/logoSml.png'" class="center" width="60%">
/* Version info */
<<if !$fapUnlimited>>
<span class="desc">
<<btnPopup "changelog" "Unlock new content" "med dashed">>
/* Player */
<<media `"characters/player/" + $player.trait + "/portrait_sex.jpg"` "noMarginBottom smlMarginTop avatarBig">>
<<btnPopup "player" `$ + " " + $player.surname`>>
/* Trait */
<h3 class="white"><<print $player.traitFull>></h3>
/* Stats */
<table class="stats">
<td><img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/energy.png'" class="statIcon"> <span id="energy"><<print parseInt($>></span></td>
<td><img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/cash.png'" class="statIcon"> <span id="cash"><<print parseInt($>></span> <span class="desc">$</span></td>
<td><img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> <span id="love"><<print parseInt($>></span> <span class="desc">xp.</span></td>
<td><img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon"> <span id="domination"><<print parseInt($player.domination)>></span> <span class="desc">xp.</span></td>
/* Inform player to get some sleep */
<<if $ <= 1>>
<div class="questMode notification blink">
<p class="notifHead blink">''You really should get some sleep, man!''</p>
<<elseif $ <= 20>>
<div class="questMode notification">
<p class="notifHead">You're tired, get some sleep.</p>
/* Inform player about the level up */
<<if $lvlup>>
<<if $lvlUpRed > 0 || $lvlUpRed == null>>
<<pocket "counter:lvlUpRed-3">>
<h3 class="green">Level up!</h3>
<p class="info center green">You have enough points to level up. It's time to go to bathroom!</p>
<h3 class="red">Level up!</h3>
<p class="info center red">Seriously, man, you need to level up once in a while, or you'll explode! Go to bathroom!</p>
<<pocket "counter:lvlUpRed-STOP">>
/* Characters and quests buttons */
<<if $charBtnShow != 1>>
<<for _ch to 0; _ch < setup.characters.length; _ch++>>
<<set _char to State.getVar('$'+setup.characters[_ch])>>
<<if _char.met == 1 && _char.type == "character" && != "dad">>
<<set $charBtnShow = 1>>
<<if $charBtnShow || $test>>
<<btnPopup "characters" "Characters">>
<<if $questBtnShow != 1>>
<<if $player.quests.length > 0>>
<<set $questBtnShow = 1>>
<<if $questBtnShow || $test>>
<<btnPopup "quests" "Quests">>
/* If it's a quest mode - display just the quest mode notification */
<<if $questMode != null>>
/* Find the quest from the quest mode */
<<set _current = $player.quests.findIndex(x => === $questMode)>>
<<if _current != -1>>
<<set _curQuest = $player.quests[_current]>>
/* If the quest from quest mode is not done - print the notification */
<<if _curQuest.done != 1>>
<<set _curQuestData = setup.quests.find(obj => {return === $questMode})>>
<<set _curQuestTask = _curQuestData.tasks[]>>
<div class="questMode notification blink">
<p class="notifHead blink">''Urgent:'' <<print _curQuestTask>></p>
/* If the quest is already done - turn off the quest mode just in case */
<<set $questMode = null>>
/* If cannot find the quest - deactivate the quest mode */
<<set $questMode = null>>
/* If it's not a quest mode - display current active quest */
/* Split player.quests array into separate quests */
<<set _playerQuests = clone($player.quests)>>
<<set _playerQuests = _playerQuests.sort((a,b) => (b.priority - a.priority))>>
<<for _q to 0; _q < _playerQuests.length; _q++>>
<<set _curQuest = setup.quests.find(obj => {return === _playerQuests[_q].id})>>
<<if _playerQuests[_q].done != 1 && _playerQuests[_q].active <= _curQuest.tasks.length && _curQuest.wip != 1>>
/* Draw quest's name */
<h3 class="white"><<print>></h3>
/* Split each quest into separate tasks */
<<for _t to 0; _t < _curQuest.tasks.length; _t++>>
/* Draw active task */
<<if _t == (_playerQuests[_q].active - 1)>>
<p class="info center noMarginBottom"><<print _curQuest.tasks[_t]>></p>
<<if $test>>
<h3 class="white">TESTING</h3>
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/energy.png'" class="statIcon">
<<link "-">>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<pocket "">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "+">>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<pocket "">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/cash.png'" class="statIcon">
<<link "-">>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<pocket "">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "+">>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<pocket "">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "<img @src=\"setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'\" class=\"statIcon\">">>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<pocket "player.loveLvl+1">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "-">>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<pocket "">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "+">>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<pocket "">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "<img @src=\"setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'\" class=\"statIcon\">">>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<pocket "player.dominationLvl+1">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "-">>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<pocket "player.domination-20">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "+">>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<pocket "player.domination+20">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "- per">>
<<set $forceTime to 1>>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "time-1">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "+ per">>
<<set $forceTime to 1>>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "time">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "- day">>
<<set $forceTime to 1>>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "time-8">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "+ day">>
<<set $forceTime to 1>>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "time+8">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "Lvl up" "lvlup">><</link>>
<<link "Test" "TEST">><</link>>
<<link "Intro" "Intro">><</link>>
<<link "Skip intro">>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<pocket "daphIntro+; time+2; daphne.desire+1; love+6; cash+150">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "Room" "daphGuest">><</link>>
<<link "~ $">>
<<if $daphne.status < 5>>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "daphne.desire+10">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<set $daphne.met to 0>>
<<set $daphne.status to 0>>
<<set $daphne.desire to 0>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $daphne.met != 0>>
<<link "[+]">>
<<pocket "charAdd+daphne">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "[-]">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "charAdd-daphne">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "[pill]">>
<<pocket "$daphne.roofies+1">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "[aphro]">>
<<pocket "$daphne.aphro+1">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "~ $">>
<<if $alexa.status < 5>>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "alexa.desire+10">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<set $alexa.met to 0>>
<<set $alexa.status to 0>>
<<set $alexa.desire to 0>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $alexa.met != 0>>
<<link "[+]">>
<<pocket "charAdd+alexa">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "[-]">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "charAdd-alexa">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "~ $">>
<<if $mia.status < 5>>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "mia.desire+10">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<set $mia.met to 0>>
<<set $mia.status to 0>>
<<set $mia.desire to 0>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $mia.met != 0>>
<<link "[+]">>
<<pocket "charAdd+mia">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "[-]">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "charAdd-mia">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "~ $">>
<<if $rose.status < 5>>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "rose.desire+10">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<set $rose.met to 0>>
<<set $rose.status to 0>>
<<set $rose.desire to 0>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $rose.met != 0>>
<<link "[+]">>
<<pocket "charAdd+rose">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "[-]">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "charAdd-rose">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "~ $">>
<<if $kelly.status < 5>>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "kelly.desire+10">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<set $kelly.met to 0>>
<<set $kelly.status to 0>>
<<set $kelly.desire to 0>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $kelly.met != 0>>
<<link "[+]">>
<<pocket "charAdd+kelly">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "[-]">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "charAdd-kelly">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "~ $">>
<<if $fluffy.status < 5>>
<<set $yieldsForce to 1>>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "fluffy.desire+10">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<set $fluffy.met to 0>>
<<set $fluffy.status to 0>>
<<set $fluffy.desire to 0>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $fluffy.met != 0>>
<<link "[+]">>
<<pocket "charAdd+fluffy">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "[-]">>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<pocket "charAdd-fluffy">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "+ Char. Info.">>
<<for _ch to 0; _ch < setup.characters.length; _ch++>>
<<if setup.characters[_ch] != "player" && setup.characters[_ch] != "dad" && setup.characters[_ch] != "fluffy" && setup.characters[_ch] != "noone">>
<<set _char to State.getVar('$'+setup.characters[_ch])>>
<<set _char.desireKnown to 1>>
<<set _char.traitKnown to 1>>
<<set _char.kinkKnown to 1>>
<<set _char.trivia1Known to 1>>
<<set _char.trivia2Known to 1>>
<<set _char.trivia3Known to 1>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "Sex" "sex">>
<<pocket "$char+daphne; $sex+null">>
/* Reset the switch if it goes too far */
<<if $charSwitch > setup.characters.length>>
<<set $charSwitch = 0>>
/* Decide who should be on the switch */
<<set _sexCharSwitchDone = 0>>
<<for _ch to 0; _ch < setup.characters.length; _ch++>>
<<if _ch >= $charSwitch>>
<<set _sexCharSwitchVar = State.getVar("$" + setup.characters[_ch])>>
<<if _sexCharSwitchVar.kink != null>>
<<link ``>>
<<set $charSwitch = _ch + 1>>
<<pocket `"$char+" + + "; $sex+null"`>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back");<</script>>
<<set _sexCharSwitchDone = 1>>
/* If we reached the end and didn't print anything (because of the kink) - reset the switch (needs refresh) */
<<if _sexCharSwitchDone == 0>>
<<set $charSwitch = 0>>
<<link "+ Sex pos." "sex">>
<<for _s to 0; _s < setup.kamasutra.length; _s++>>
<<set _current = $player.items.findIndex(x => === setup.kamasutra[_s].id)>>
/* If not than add it to the array */
<<if _current == -1>>
<<set $player.kamasutra.push({id: setup.kamasutra[_s].id, known: 1, used: 0})>>
<<link "Foreplay" "foreplay">><</link>>
<<link "Talk" "talk">><</link>>
<<link "Refresh">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "Sleep">>
<<pocket "energyMAX; $sleepReset+">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "Test off">>
<<set $test to null>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "$minRand">>
<<if $minRand < setup.minRandDefault>>
<<set $minRand to setup.minRandDefault>>
<<set $minRand to 0>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
CurLocChars: <<print $curLocChars>><br>
Fap Mode:
<<if !$fapUnlimited && !$fapRegular>>
<<link "none">>
<<script>>fapModeSwitch("Unlimited", "magnumDong", "subscription");<</script>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<elseif $fapUnlimited>>
<<link "Unlimited">>
<<script>>fapModeSwitch("off", null, null);<</script>>
<<script>>fapModeSwitch("Regular", "bastardMan", "subscription");<</script>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "Regular">>
<<script>>fapModeSwitch("off", null, null);<</script>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "$permission">>
<<if !$permission>>
<<pocket "$permission+">>
<<elseif $permission == 1>>
<<pocket "$permission+forced">>
<<pocket "$permission+null">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
While: <<print $curLocWhile>><br>
<<if !$fapUnlimited>>
<<btnPopup "fap" "Fap Mode" "med">>
<<if !$fapRegular && !$fapUnlimited>>
<<btnPopup "support" "Support the author" "med">>
<<btnPopup "changelog" "Changelog" "med">>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn med">♫ Playlist ♬</a>
<<btnPopup "about" "About the game" "med">>
<<if $fapRegular || $fapUnlimited || $atomic>>
<<btnPopup "settings" "Settings" "med">>
<<btnPopup "bugs" "Bug Report" "med">>
<p class="desc center">v. <<print setup.verNum>></p>
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=sex">>
/* Check if the player is caught */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].random()>>
<<set _activity to ["alexa_sex0_", "alexa_sex1_", "alexa_sex2_"].random()>>
/* Do HTML */
<p class="fi0 center">You crack the doors and look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">You see that $ is fucking with someone.</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "intro.jpg"` "si3">>
<p class="fi3">Ok, bud, here's the deal - you can stay and watch, but if you get caught, $ might be not so happy about it. What do you want to do?</p>
<<menu "fi3">>
<<btn "#stay" "Stay and watch the show" "energy=10; energy-10; dom+2" "action si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love" "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<p>You press your face against the crack to see better...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "0.jpg"`>>
<big>Lucky bastard.</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>They are not fucking around.</p>
<big>Or actually - they are!</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "1.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$'s is fired up and covered in sweat. The guy slowly tries to loosen up her asshole with a finger.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What the fuck are you doing?!">>
<<dial "guy" "Sorry, I thought you like in the ass?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I like being fucked in the ass with a dick, not a fucking finger. Shove the big thing in there right the fuck now.">>
<p>The guy smiles like he won on the lottery.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "2.jpg"`>>
<big>$ is a true anal princess!</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>The guy pounds $'s asshole like an animal.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "3.jpg"`>>
<big>And she's lovin' it!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/dick_intense.mp4">>
<p>Are you sure you want to continue?</p>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>The guy is speeding up.</p>
<<dial "guy" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "alexa" "In my asshole!">>
<p>He pulls her closer. You can see his cock twitching, as he pumps his load into her butt.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "4.jpg"`>>
<p>Is that how they do...</p>
<big>...asshole bleaching?</big>
<<btn _link>>
<<if !$jerk>>
<p>$ sighs and moves away from the dude.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You can go now.">>
<<dial "guy" "What the fuck?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Get the fuck out of here, or I'll start screaming that you raped me.">>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<p>You stroke your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket jerkedoff+>>
<p>Meanwhile, $ also finishes, and moves away from the dude.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You can go now.">>
<<dial "guy" "What the fuck?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Get the fuck out of here, or I'll start screaming that you raped me.">>
<p>He looks at her, shocked, but quickly does what he's told. He starts gathering his things.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<<if $alexa.traitKnown != 1>>
<<set _linkMore to "#moreTrait">>
<<btn _linkMore "Close the doors" null "action">>
<<chunk null "#moreTrait">>
<p>It takes you a moment to get to your senses after what you just saw in $'s room. But as soon as you do - one thing becomes incredibly clear...</p>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<big>$ is a <<print setup.charTraits.find(obj => {return === $alexa.trait}).name>>!</big>
<<btn null null "">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=masturbating">>
/* Check if the player is caught */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].random()>>
<<set _activity to ["alexa_masturbating0_", "alexa_masturbating1_", "alexa_masturbating2_"].random()>>
/* Do HTML */
<p class="fi0 center">You crack the doors and look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">You see that $ is masturbating.</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "intro.jpg"` "si3">>
<p class="fi3">Ok, bud, here's the deal - you can stay and watch, but if you get caught, $ might be not so happy about it. What do you want to do?</p>
<<menu "fi3">>
<<btn "#stay" "Stay and watch the show" "energy=10; energy-10; dom+2" "action si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love" "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<p>You press your face against the crack to see better...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "0.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "1.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "2.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "3.jpg"`>>
<<media "activities/peek/dick_intense.mp4">>
<p>Are you sure you want to continue?</p>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphAlex/" + _activity + "4.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if !$jerk>>
<p>She licks her fingers and smiles.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<p>You stroke your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket jerkedoff+>>
<p>$ also finishes. She licks her fingers and smiles.</p>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<<if $alexa.traitKnown != 1>>
<<set _linkMore to "#moreTrait">>
<<btn _linkMore "Close the doors" null "action">>
<<chunk null "#moreTrait">>
<p>It takes you a moment to get to your senses after what you just saw in $'s room. But as soon as you do - one thing becomes incredibly clear...</p>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<big>$ is a <<print setup.charTraits.find(obj => {return === $alexa.trait}).name>>!</big>
<<btn null null "">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=sleep">>
<p class="fi0 center">You crack the doors and look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">You see that $ is sleeping.</big>
<<media "activities/peek/daphAlex/alexa_sleep.jpg" "si3">>
<<btn null null null "si3">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; while=nothing">>
<p class="fi0 center">You crack the doors and look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">Unfortunately - you don't see a thing.</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action si3">>
/* Generating a location button. Arguments: location id, prerequisites. */
<<widget "btnImg">>
<<set _btnId = $args[0] ? $args[0] : "">>
<<set _stats = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "">>
/* Check if the button prerequisites are met */
<<prereq _stats>>
<<if $prereq == 1>>
/* Search for this location within a location array */
<<for _i to 0; _i < setup.locations.length; _i++>>
<<if _btnId == setup.locations[_i].id>>
<<set _name to setup.locations[_i].name>>
/* Check if the location prerequisites are met */
<<prereq setup.locations[_i].prereq>>
<<if $prereq == 1>>
/* Start the HTML */
<a data-passage="_btnId" class="btnImg">
<p class="btnText">_name</p>
/* Check a given location for characters based on schedule */
<<for _sch to 0; _sch < $schedTemp.length; _sch++>>
<<if _btnId == $schedTemp[_sch][1]>>
<<if State.getVar('$' + $schedTemp[_sch][0] + ".met") == 1 && State.getVar('$' + $schedTemp[_sch][0] + ".type") != "npc">>
/* Check when the character is in a given location */
<<if $schedTemp[_sch][2] == "workdays">>
<<set _days to setup.workdays>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_sch][2] == "weekend">>
<<set _days to setup.weekend>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_sch][2] == null>>
<<set _days to setup.days>>
<<set _days to $schedTemp[_sch][2]>>
<<if $schedTemp[_sch][3] == "dayhours">>
<<set _hours to setup.dayhours>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_sch][3] == "nighthours">>
<<set _hours to setup.nighthours>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_sch][3] == null>>
<<set _days to setup.periods>>
<<set _hours to $schedTemp[_sch][3]>>
/* Print avatars for characters in location */
<<if _days.indexOf($today) != "-1" && _hours.indexOf($now) != "-1">>
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'characters/'+$schedTemp[_sch][0]+'/avatar.jpg'" class="btnAvatar">
/* If it's garden, we need to reload pic based on the counter and quests */
<<if _btnId == "daphGard">>
<<set _curGarden = $player.quests.find(obj => {return === "daphFixGarden"})>>
<<set _curPool = $player.quests.find(obj => {return === "alexaPool"})>>
<<if $cleanGarden < 7 && _curPool && _curPool.done == 1>>
<<set _btnIdSml = "_sml_pool.jpg">>
<<elseif $cleanGarden < 14 && _curGarden && _curGarden.done == 1>>
<<set _btnIdSml = "_sml_grass.jpg">>
<<set _btnIdSml = "_sml.jpg">>
/* Print the image */
<img class="btnImage" @src="setup.ImagePath+'locations/'+_btnId+'/'+_btnIdSml">
/* Locations */
<<btnImg "daphHouse">> /*[[daphHouse]]*/
<<btnImg "ninaHouse">> /*[[ninaHouse]]*/
<<btnImg "martaHouse">> /*[[martaHouse]]*/
<<btnImg "park">> /*[[park]]*/
<<btnImg "gym">> /*[[gym]]*/
<<btnImg "church">> /*[[church]]*/
<<btnImg "localStore">> /*[[localStore]]*/
/* Travel */
<<btn "areaCity" "Travel to the city center" null "travel">> /*[[areaCity]]*/
<<EVENT "noRand; day=Sunday; period=night">> /* This needs a better link than that */
/* Check if the player is caught */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
/* Turn off until there's a caught event
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].random()>>
<<set _activity to ["daphne_sex0_", "daphne_sex1_", "daphne_sex2_", "daphne_sex3_", "daphne_sex4_", "daphne_sex5_", "daphne_sex6_"].random()>>
/* Do HTML */
<p class="fi0 center">You look through the hole...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/hole.mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">You see that $ is being rough fucked.</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGuest/" + _activity + "intro.jpg"` "si3">>
<p class="fi3">Ok, bud, here's the deal - you can watch, but if you get caught, $ might be not so happy about it. What do you want to do?</p>
<<menu "fi3">>
<<btn "#stay" "Watch the show" "energy=10; energy-10; dom+2" "action si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<p>You press your face against the floor to see better...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGuest/" + _activity + "0.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link "Watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Watch while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGuest/" + _activity + "1.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link "Watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGuest/" + _activity + "2.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link "Watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGuest/" + _activity + "3.jpg"`>>
<<media "activities/peek/dick_intense.mp4">>
<p>Are you sure you want to continue?</p>
<<btn _link "Watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>Meanwhile, $ moans with pain and pleasure.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGuest/" + _activity + "4.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if !$jerk>>
<p>$ sighs, as she comes back to reality.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<p>You stroke your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket "jerkedoff+">>
<p>$ sighs, as she comes back to reality.</p>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; day!=Sunday">> /* TODO comine with while */
<p class="fi0 center">You look through the hole...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/hole.mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">Unfortunately - you don't see a thing.</big>
<p class="fi3">Dude, I think you need to try it when $ is in the cellar!</p>
<big class="fi3">Maybe try on ''Sunday''?</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action si3">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; period!=night">> /* TODO comine with while */
<p class="fi0 center">You look through the hole...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/hole.mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">Unfortunately - you don't see a thing.</big>
<p class="fi3">Dude, I think you need to try it when $ is in the cellar!</p>
<big class="fi3">Maybe try in the ''night''?</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action si3">>
<<EVENT "noRand; $lvlup!=1">>
<<set $dream to "fucked">>
/* Prepare the dream */
<<set _dreams to clone(setup.dreams)>>
<<set _dreamsArray to []>>
<<for _d to 0; _d < _dreams.length; _d++>>
<<set _randD to Math.floor(Math.random()*(_dreams[_d].length))>>
<<set _dreamsArray.push({
rand: _randD,
text: _dreams[_d][_randD],
dial: _dreams[_d][_randD].replace(/your/gi, "my")
<<set _dreams[_d].splice(_randD, 1)>>
<<set _reply to ["Still better love story than Twilight!", "Living the dream? I hope not.", "Don't give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping!"].random()>>
<big class="center fi0">You close your eyes...</big>
<p class="center fi1">And slowly drift away...</p>
<p class="sml center fi2">Into a fucked up dream...</p>
<div id="dream">
<p class="fi3">You are _dreamsArray[0].text, and it's _dreamsArray[1].text. You are strolling around _dreamsArray[2].text in _dreamsArray[3].text, when suddenly - you notice a _dreamsArray[4].text. You walk out to her to get a closer look at her _dreamsArray[5].text.</p>
<<dial "player" _dreamsArray[6].text "fi3">>
<p class="fi3">You tell her.</p>
<<dial "guy" _dreamsArray[7].text "fi3">>
<p class="fi3">She replies.</p>
<big class="fi3">And then you fuck.</big>
<<media "mindblown.mp4" "fi3">>
<div id="cheater" style="display: none;" class="fi0">
<<media "cheater.mp4">>
<<dial "player" _reply "fi3">>
<<btn null null null "si3">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; $lvlup=1">>
<<set $dream to "wet">>
<big class="center fi0">You close your eyes...</big>
<p class="center fi1">And slowly drift away...</p>
<p class="sml center fi2">Into a wet dream...</p>
<<media `"activities/sleep/" + $player.trait +"/" + $curRand + ".mp4"` "si3">>
<<if $player.trait == "satan">><<dial "player" "Oh, fuck it. If it's the bottom, then I might as well enjoy it. Here, little calamari, daddy looove the tentacles!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "toxic">><<dial "player" "What have I done to myself? I need to get back on the righteous path, or I'm doomed!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "bully">><<dial "player" "Sooo... Now I'm dreaming about vampires? Oh, whatever. Here, baby, suck the blood out of my dick." "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "jerk">><<dial "player" "Those dreams are becoming weirder and weirder. But I'm still onboard with this shit!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "beta">><<dial "player" "Oh yeah, baby! Give it to me!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "nerd">><<dial "player" "Justice served, baby!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "vegan">><<dial "player" "I wonder if it's still domination, when you're being dominated by a cucumber?" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "hippie">><<dial "player" "Take it for the mother Earth you whore!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "messiah">><<dial "player" "Good habits make me hard." "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "alpha">><<dial "player" "Ommmm...." "fi4">>
<<if $lvlup>>
<p class="center fi4">...and then it hits you!</p>
<big class="center fi4">It's time to level up, bud!</big>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<if $lvlup>>
<<include "lvlup">>
<big class="center fi0">You open up your laptop...</big>
<p class="center fi1">Type the name of your favorite porn site...</p>
<p class="sml center fi2">And start stroking your cock up and down...</p>
<<media `"activities/masturbation/" + $curRand + ".jpg"` "si3">>
<<dial "player" "I'm a bad boy!" "fi4">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<</chunks>>/* Book quotes */
<<set _books to [
match: "satan",
quote: "There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there.",
title: "Bret Easton Ellis, \"American Psycho\"",
dial: "Does sucking out souls count as a blowjob?"
match: "satan",
quote: "And he that sitteth on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he saith, Write: for these words are faithful and true. And he said unto me, They are come to pass. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.",
title: "Revelation 21:5",
dial: "Does sucking out souls count as a blowjob?"
match: "satan",
quote: "All men are mad in some way or another, and inasmuch as you deal discreetly with your madmen, so deal with God's madmen too, the rest of the world.",
title: "Bram Stoker, \"Dracula\"",
dial: "Does sucking out souls count as a blowjob?"
match: "toxic",
quote: "This letter really touched my heart. Sabrina says when she lost all her hair during chemo, she wore the cap I gave her.",
title: "Justin Bieber, \"First Step 2 Forever\"",
dial: "I like my women like I like my liquor - gone by morning."
match: "toxic",
quote: "I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.",
title: "F. Scott Fitzgerald, \"The Great Gatsby\"",
dial: "I like my women like I like my liquor - gone by morning"
match: "toxic",
quote: "Anastasia, you should steer clear of me. I’m not the man for you - he whispers.",
title: "E.L. James, \"Fifty Shades Trilogy Bundle\"",
dial: "I like my women like I like my liquor - gone by morning"
match: "bully",
quote: "The man who alters his way of thinking to suit others is a fool.",
title: "Marquis de Sade, \"Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom, and Other Writings\"",
dial: "Rules are for pussies, and I'm the hardest dick in town."
match: "bully",
quote: "Third, and finally, if you want people to believe the system is fair and effective, it’s essential to be tough on the most powerful, profitable, and well-known jerks. If you enforce the rule only with the weak performers, people who are easily replaceable, or who deliver bad news and have the gumption to disagree with superiors—and you allow powerful assholes to run roughshod over anyone they please—people will smell your hypocritical bullshit from a mile away.",
title: "Robert I. Sutton, \"The Asshole Survival Guide: How to Deal with People Who Treat You Like Dirt\"",
dial: "Rules are for pussies, and I'm the hardest dick in town."
match: "bully",
quote: "I am always saying \"Glad to've met you\" to somebody I'm not at all glad I met. If you want to stay alive, you have to say that stuff, though.",
title: "J.D. Salinger, \"The Catcher in the Rye\"",
dial: "Rules are for pussies, and I'm the hardest dick in town."
match: "jerk",
quote: "You’ve just got to see more of her long lean legs. Her fine rounded breasts. Her high, firm behind. For an instant you even consider rape.",
title: "Eric Weber, \"How to Pick Up Girls\"",
dial: "In life it's either rape or be raped, and I know on which end of the dick I want to be."
match: "jerk",
quote: "What about God? The idea embarrassed him. It was only in moments of absolute fear that he had ever thought about God and prayed to him, always embarrassed because he did not believe and felt so hypocritical when he prayed out of fear, as if in spite of his disbelief there might be God after all, God who could be fooled by a hypocrite. When he was a child, then he believed. He certainly did believe when he was a child. How did it go, the nightly Act of Contrition? The words came hesitantly, unfamiliarly to him. Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for—For what?",
title: "David Morrell, \"First Blood\"",
dial: "In life it's either rape or be raped, and I know on which end of the dick I want to be."
match: "jerk",
quote: "The more I see of what you call civilization, the more highly I think of what you call savagery!",
title: "Robert E. Howard, \"King Kull\"",
dial: "In life it's either rape or be raped, and I know on which end of the dick I want to be."
match: "beta",
quote: "Of all creatures that breathe and move upon the earth, nothing is bred that is weaker than man.",
title: "Homer, \"The Odyssey\" & \"The Iliad\"",
dial: "The only Homer I know is Homer Simpson."
match: "beta",
quote: "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.",
title: "J.R.R. Tolkien, \"The Lord of the Rings\"",
dial: "I misread the title as //Lord of the Cockrings// and read through 10000 pages waiting for Sauron to buttfuck a hobbit. What a disappointment."
match: "beta",
quote: "There is never a second opportunity to make a first impression.",
title: "Andrzej Sapkowski, \"Sword of Destiny\"",
dial: "This Witcher dude is just like me but blonde."
match: "nerd",
quote: "Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.",
title: "Frank Herbert, \"Chapterhouse: Dune\"",
dial: "My new hobby is fighting for the innocent!"
match: "nerd",
quote: "You people don't know what the truth is! It's there, just under their bullshit, but you never look! That's what I hate most about this fucking city-- LIES ARE NEWS AND TRUTH IS OBSOLETE!",
title: "Warren Ellis, \"Transmetropolitan\"",
dial: "My new hobby is fighting for the innocent!"
match: "nerd",
quote: "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.",
title: "George Orwell, \"1984\"",
dial: "My new hobby is fighting for the innocent!"
match: "vegan",
quote: "It is a great misfortune to be alone, my friends; and it must be believed that solitude can quickly destroy reason.",
title: "Jules Verne, \"The Mysterious Island\"",
dial: "Woo woo! Here comes the depression!"
match: "vegan",
quote: "As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.",
title: "Pythagoras",
dial: "Woo woo! Here comes the depression!"
match: "vegan",
quote: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.",
title: "George Orwell, \"Animal Farm\"",
dial: "Woo woo! Here comes the depression!"
match: "hippie",
quote: "These Romans are crazy!",
title: "René Goscinny & Albert Uderzo, \"Asterix\"",
dial: "That's just like... your opinion, man."
match: "hippie",
quote: "From the beginning men used God to justify the unjustifiable.",
title: "Salman Rushdie, \"The Satanic Verses\"",
dial: "That's just like... your opinion, man."
match: "hippie",
quote: "There is no greater luxury than meditation. Meditation is the last luxury, because it is the ultimate love affair.",
title: "Osho, \"Book of Wisdom\"",
dial: "That's just like... your opinion, man."
match: "messiah",
quote: "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.",
title: "Matthew 6:24",
dial: "I should write an autobiography!"
match: "messiah",
quote: "The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.",
title: "Terry Pratchett, \"Diggers\"",
dial: "I should write an autobiography!"
match: "messiah",
quote: "Hence I have no mercy or compassion in me for a society that will crush people, and then penalize them for not being able to stand up under the weight.",
title: "Malcolm X, \"The Autobiography of Malcolm X\"",
dial: "I should write an autobiography!"
match: "alpha",
quote: "A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.",
title: "Kurt Vonnegut, \"The Sirens of Titan\"",
dial: "Now I understand."
match: "alpha",
quote: "Intelligence is the ability of a living creature to perform pointless or unnatural acts.",
title: "Arkady Strugatsky, \"Roadside Picnic\"",
dial: "Now I understand."
match: "alpha",
quote: "He was going to live forever, or die in the attempt.",
title: "Joseph Heller, \"Catch-22\"",
dial: "Now I understand."
/* Select book quotes */
<<set _bookRand to random(0, 2)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < _books.length; _i++>>
<<if _books[_i].match == $player.trait>>
<<set _book to _i + _bookRand>>
<p class="bookQuote fi0">“<<print _books[_book].quote>>”</p>
<p class="bookTitle fi2"><<print _books[_book].title>></p>
<<media `"activities/read/" + $player.trait + ".mp4"` "si3">>
<<dial "player" _books[_book].dial "fi4">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<big class="center fi0">You pull out a dumbbell from under the bed...</big>
<p class="center fi1">You grab it firmly...</p>
<<dial "player" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!" "fi2">>
<<media `"activities/train/" + $player.trait + ".mp4"` "si4">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hey, I forgot to tell you--">>
<p>$ notices a book in your hands. She smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ohhh, nice to see you read something for a change! I always say - smart is sexy!">>
<<btn null "Then you must be veeery smart!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn null "This book is so good! You'd love it!" "" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, thanks! I just wanted to tell you that if you need some cash, there's always some chores around the house that you might do.">>
<p>You have a feeling she's just looking for someone to do it for her. But still, it's hard to say no to those melons.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, thanks, good to know!">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I knew I can count on you.">>
<p>She winks and leaves, closing the doors behind her.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly the door slams into the wall as ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yo dweeb, I need you to do something for me.">>
<<dial "player" "Y-Yes?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm going out tonight and I want you to do my homework.">>
<p>$ throws her notebook at you.</p>
<<dial "player" "B-but--">>
<<if $alexa.status == 1>>
<<dial "alexa" "What?! I'm not going to show you my butt, you little perv!">>
<<dial "player" "I didn't mean--">>
<<dial "alexa" "But I guess I could show you my tits. Deal?">>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 2>>
<<dial "alexa" "What?! I'm not going to show you my butt, you little perv!">>
<<dial "player" "I didn't mean--">>
<<dial "alexa" "But I guess I could show you the little flower between my legs. Deal?">>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<dial "alexa" "You drive a hard bargain, but I agree.">>
<<dial "player" "Whaat?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll show you my butt if you do my homework. Deal?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, deal.">>
<<dial "player" "What deal?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll let you touch my butt!">>
<<btn "#alexaDeal" "This is the best deal in the history of deals, maybe ever!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaPresent" "You don't have to show me anything - I'll do it as a gift." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaDeal">>
<p>$ smiles. She looks you in the eyes, and slowly pulls her t-shirt up, revealing a pair of perky tits.</p>
<<media "activities/read/alexa_tits.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Do you like 'em?">>
<p>They might be small, but they sure look great. Now when you think about it, you wouldn't change anything - this girl is perfect. She's an angel.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<p>$ continues her show. She lowers herself slowly, looking you right in the eyes, and spreading her legs.</p>
<<media "activities/read/alexa_pussy.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "And what about this?">>
<p>You're asking yourself is it getting hot in here? The answer is //no//. It's what they do to us. At this point in time your entire attention is on this girl. And even more accurately - on her beautiful pussy.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<p>You want to say something, but she gives you a sign to stay quiet. She looks at you with those fuck-me eyes and turns around. As she bends over, she pulls her panties to the side, revealing Eldorado.</p>
<<media "activities/read/alexa_butt.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Do you like it?">>
<p>How could you not to. But you're not able to answer. You're braindead</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I bet you'd give anything to put your finger in my cinnamon roll...">>
<<dial "player" "I would...">>
<<dial "alexa" "You'll have to work on it, kid.">>
<p>Oh, you'll work. You'll do anything to put your finger in there. And your tongue, and nose...</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<p>She turns her head and quietly whispers.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Sometimes I like to touch myself up there. Do you want to see?">>
<p>Why is that even a question? You nod your head so hard, that it nearly falls to the floor. $ licks her finger and slowly sticks it into her asshole, with a quiet mooooaan.</p>
<<media "activities/read/alexa_fingering.jpg">>
<p>$ smiles seeing how completely out of order you become. The only thing you want right now is to praise the fuck god for revealing those fantastic sights to your eyes, yet with all the blood concentrating in the area of your waist, all that comes out of your mouth is...</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>But the show is over. $ covers herself and moves away.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Snap out of it, you have a job to do, dweeb!">>
<p>She leaves the room.</p>
<<chunk null "#alexaPresent">>
<<dial "alexa" "You'd do this for me?">>
<<dial "player" "For you? Anything.">>
<p>You can see that $ hesitates. She thinks for a second, before giving you a kiss.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You deserved a freebie.">>
<p>She blows you a kiss.</p>
<<media "activities/read/alexa_kiss.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Thank you... dweeb.">>
<p>She turns around and leaves.</p>
/* Draw dialog. Atributes - character id, dialog text, css classes. */
<<widget "dial">>
<<set _character = $args[0] ? $args[0] : "player">>
<<set _dialog = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "">>
<<set _classes = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
/* Set path to character's avatar */
<<if _character == "player">>
<<set _avatar to 'characters/player/' + $player.trait + '/avatar.jpg'>>
<<set _avatar to 'characters/' + _character + '/avatar.jpg'>>
/* Select css depending on the character */
<<if _character == "player">>
<<set _classes to _classes + " yourDialog">>
<<set _classes to _classes + " otherDialog">>
/* Replace syntax for character's thoughts with proper html */
<<set _dialog to _dialog.replace(/\<tht\>/gi, '\<span class=\"thoughts\"\>')>>
<<set _dialog to _dialog.replace(/\<\/tht\>/gi, '\<\/span\>')>>
<div @class="_classes">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+_avatar">
<br class="clear">
<<if setup.initChars || !previous()>>
/* Load the characters data and create vars. This needs to be on the passage, not StoryInit, otherwise the new chars get overwritten. More info in the included passage. I added previous because if player goes back in time to the first passage, storyinit does not reinitialize, and characters don't generate at all */
<<include "InitCharacters">>
<<set setup.initChars = null>>
<<if setup.initComp>>
/* After the characters are in place - we need to also check for compatibility issues */
<<if !setup.initComp && setup.initCode && $fapCode>>
<<elseif !setup.initComp>>
<<set setup.initCode = null>>
<<set $curPas = passage()>>
<<set $curTags = tags($curPas)>>
<<set $curChunk = 0>>
<<set $curChunkCustom = 0>>
<<set $curChunkId = null>>
<<set $curChunkCustomId = null>>
<<set $curDisplay = null>>
<<set $curQuestInc = null>>
<<set $chunksArr = []>>
<<set $delayer = null>>
<<set $btnNum = 1>>
<<set $popupArr = []>>
<<set $popupNum = 0>>
<<set $notifNum = 0>>
<<set $checkId = null>>
<<set $checkChunk = null>>
<<set $showChunk = "visible">>
<<set $hideDesc = null>>
<<set $btnVar = null>>
<<if !$activitiesDone>>
<<set $activitiesDone = []>>
/* We need to define curLoc as soon as possible */
<<if tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area")>>
<<set $prevLoc = $curLoc>>
<<set $curLoc = $curPas>>
<<set $curLocCharsNew = []>>
<<if $test==1>>
<<script>>Config.history.controls = true;<</script>>
<<script>>Config.history.controls = false;<</script>>
/* TIME */
/* Update time before everything else */
<<if tags($curPas).contains("area") || tags($curPas).contains("location") || $curPas == "TEST" || $forceTime == 1 || $schedForce == 1>>
<<include "resetTime">>
/* DONE */
/* Add done activities and chores to the array of finished activities */
<<if ( tags($curPas).contains("activity") || tags($curPas).contains("chore") ) && $sleepReset!=1 && ($fapUnlimited || !$fapUnlimited && !tags($curPas).contains("locked"))>>
<<set $activitiesDone.push($curPas)>>
/* If it's quick - we add it with location name and character that was in location (because peek at alexa is not the same as peek at daphne). We also skip doorOpen, as player needs to be able unlock the doors many times */
<<elseif tags($curPas).contains("quick") && $sleepReset!=1 && ($fapUnlimited || !$fapUnlimited && !tags($curPas).contains("locked")) && $curPas != "doorOpen">>
<<set _doneId to $curPas + $curLoc + $curLocChars>>
<<set $activitiesDone.push(_doneId)>>
/* If it's relation - we add it with character name */
<<elseif tags($curPas).contains("relation") && $char && $sleepReset!=1 && ($fapUnlimited || !$fapUnlimited && !tags($curPas).contains("locked"))>>
<<set _doneId to $curPas + $char>>
<<set $activitiesDone.push(_doneId)>>
/* SEX */
/* Update the sex vars */
<<if $curPas == "sex" || tags($curPas).contains("sex") || $curPas == "foreplay" || $curPas == "talk">>
<<if !$char>>
<<set $char to "daphne">>
/* We need to recreate the variables each time we refresh */
<<set $charVar to State.getVar("$" + $char)>>
<<set $charName to $>>
<<set $sex to null>>
<<set $charVar to null>>
<<set $charName to null>>
/* YIELDS */
/* Calculate yields for stats, quests, etc. */
<<if $yieldsForce || !$yieldsOff && ($curTags.contains("location") || $curTags.contains("area") || $curPas=="TEST")>>
<<yields null "header">>
/* Load location specific stuff */
<<if tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area") || $schedForce>>
<<include "buildLoc">>
<<if tags($curPas).contains("activity") || tags($curPas).contains("quick") || tags($curPas).contains("relation") || tags($curPas).contains("quest") || tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area")>>
/* Draw location name, pic and description */
<<if tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area") || _timeChange == 1>>
<span class="weekday">Day <<print $day>>, <<print setup.days[$day % 7]>></span>
<<print $curLocName>>
<<if tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area") || _timeChange == 1>>
<span class="period"><<print setup.periods[$period]>> <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'ui/periods/'+$period+'.png'"></span>
<<media $curLocMedia "wide">>
/* Add description only if it's a location page and there's no include */
<<if tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area")>>
<p class="locDesc">$curLocDesc</p>
/* Draw the notifications */
<<if $yieldsForce || $curTags.contains("location") || $curTags.contains("area") || $curPas=="TEST">>
<<if $resetMulti>>
<<if !$questMode && (tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area"))>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $curLocChars.length; _i++>>
/* Set data */
<<set _charType to State.getVar('$' + $curLocChars[_i] + '.type')>>
<<set _charName to State.getVar('$' + $curLocChars[_i] + '.name')>>
/* We ignore NPCs */
<<if _charType != "npc">>
/* Draw pics sleeping if we forced ourselves in during the sleep */
<<if $permission == "forced" && $curLocWhile == "sleep">>
<p class="locDesc">''_charName'' is sleeping.</p>
<<media `"locations/"+$curLoc+"/"+$curLocChars[_i]+"_sleep.jpg"` "character">>
/* Normal pics if not sleeping */
<<elseif $curLocDoor == "open" || ($permission && $permission != "forced")>>
<p class="locDesc">''_charName'' is here!</p>
<<media `"locations/" + $curLoc + "/" + $curLocChars[_i] + ".jpg"` "character">>
/* EVENTS */
/* if the passage is a location or an area - we need to include the passage with the events before the content */
<<if tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area")>>
<<if Story.has($curLoc + "Inc")>>
<<inc `$curLoc + "Inc"`>>
/* Display info about work in progress and locked passage */
<<if tags($curPas).contains("todo") && ( tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area") || tags($curPas).contains("activity") || tags($curPas).contains("quick") || tags($curPas).contains("chore") || tags($curPas).contains("quest") )>>
<<include "inProgress">>
<<elseif !$fapUnlimited && tags($curPas).contains("locked") && ( tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area") || tags($curPas).contains("activity") || tags($curPas).contains("quick") || tags($curPas).contains("chore") || tags($curPas).contains("quest") )>>
<<include "locked">>
/* Random */
/* Min chance for positive throw in rand(0-9) (less = bigger chance) */
<<set setup.minRandDefault = 6>>
<<set setup.minRandDefaultFap = 5>>
<<set setup.minRandDefaultHigh = 3>>
<<set $minRand = setup.minRandDefault>>
/* Multipliers */
/* Default system experience multiplier (basically just to have bigger numbers and don't rewrite the whole story) */
<<set $defXpMulti = 10>> /* (more = more xp.) */
/* Starting player and character dom/love multiplier */
<<set $defMulti = 1.0>> /* (more = better) */
<<set $defCharMulti = 1.0>> /* (more = better) */
/* Energy multipliers */
<<set $defEnergyMulti = 1.0>> /* (less = better) */
<<set $defTravelMulti = 2.0>> /* (less = better) */
<<set $defChoreMulti = 2.0>> /* (less = better) */
<<set $defSexMulti = 2.0>> /* (less = better) */
<<set $defQuestMulti = 2.0>> /* (less = better) */
/* Lvl up settings */
<<set $lvlup = null>>
<<set setup.lvlUpCost = 15>> /* (less = better) */
<<set setup.lvlUpMulti = 1.14>> /* (less = better) */
/* Defaults */
/* Min number of levels (dom+love) to get alpha male trait (less = better) */
<<set $alphaLvl = 20>>
/* Default energy costs for activities and travel (more = better) */
<<set $energyCost = 10>>
/* Max energy (more = better) (gets bigger on drugs etc) */
<<set $energyMax = 100>>
/* Set starting location (used only for testing) */
<<set $curLoc = "daphGuest">>
<<set $curLocParent = "daphHouse">>
/* Default settings for sex and talk variables */
<<set $sex = null>>
<<set $char = "daphne">> /* test value */
<<set $charVar = State.getVar("$" + $char)>>
/* Default cum points, as well as max cum, vigour, and squirt (it changes for example on Viagra etc) */
<<set $cumDefault = 5>> /* (less = better) */
<<set $cumMax = 10>> /* (more = better) */
<<set $squirtDefault = 2>> /* (more = better) */
<<set $squirtMax = 10>> /* (less = better) */
<<set $vigourMax = 10>> /* (more = better) */
/* Variable for passing random number */
<<set $curRand = 0>>
/* Variable for hiding back link and displaying sex character switch */
<<set setup.backDebuff = 0>>
<<set $charSwitch = 0>>
/* Variable for activating quest mode */
<<set $questMode = null>>
/* Variable for storing the current quest update number (used for displaying last activated quest in the sidebar) */
<<set $lastQuest = 0>>
/* Save ver number */
<<set $saveVerNum = setup.verNum>>
/* Fap variables */
<<set $fapYields = null>>
<<set $fapSex = null>>
<<set $fapRand = null>>
<<set $fapCode = null>>
<<set $fapDate = null>>
/* Data containers */
/* Array with current multipliers */
<<set $multipliers = []>>
/* Array with characters present in current location on schedule */
<<set $curLocChars = []>>
/* Array with items (stats, quests, etc.) that need updating */
<<set $pocket = []>>
<<set $pocketInstant = []>>
/* Array with counters, used to update each counter daily */
<<set $counters = []>>
/* Array with notifications */
<<set $notifications = []>>
/* Load main content */
<<include "InitCharData">>
<<include "InitLocations">>
<<include "InitTime">>
<<include "InitQuests">>
<<include "InitSex">>
<<include "InitContent">>
<<include "InitSched">>
/* Scripts to run on init, load, etc. */
/* Character creation script needs to be launched outside of the StoryInit, so we turn on the switch to do that */
<<set setup.initChars = 1>>
/* Same shit as above with backwards compatibility script */
<<set setup.initComp = 1>>
/* Draws an image or video. Parameters: path, css classes. */
<<widget "media">>
<<set _path = $args[0] ? $args[0] : "">>
<<set _classes = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "">>
<<set _imgClasses = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
/* If extension is "mp4" - it's a video */
<<if _path.indexOf("mp4") != "-1">>
<div @class="'vid ' + _classes">
/* If it's a first chunk - play the vids, if not - keep em paused for better performance */
<<if $curChunk <= 1>>
<<set _vidPlay = "autoplay">>
/* We pass the volume through the classes */
<<if _classes != "" && _classes.indexOf("volumeLow") != "-1">>
<<print '<video ' + _vidPlay + ' loop playsinline onloadstart="this.volume=0.2" onClick="playPause(this);">
<source @src="setup.ImagePath+_path" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif _classes != "" && _classes.indexOf("volumeNormal") != "-1">>
<<print '<video ' + _vidPlay + ' loop playsinline onClick="playPause(this);">
<source @src="setup.ImagePath+_path" type="video/mp4">
/* If no volume change - go with the default */
<<print '<video ' + _vidPlay + ' loop playsinline muted onClick="playPause(this);">
<source @src="setup.ImagePath+_path" type="video/mp4">
/* Otherwise it might be a portrait image */
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("portrait") != "-1">>
<<set _portraitNum to random(1,5)>>
<div @class="'image ' + _classes">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'characters/'+_path+'/portrait'+_portraitNum+'.jpg'">
/* Otherwise it might be a youtube video */
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("youtube") != "-1">>
<div class="youtube">
<iframe @src="'' + _path" frameborder="0" allow="encrypted-media;"></iframe>
/* Otherwise it's a normal image */
<<elseif _path>>
<div @class="'image ' + _classes">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+_path" @class="_imgClasses">
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, so sorry, I thought you're out...">>
<<dial "player" "Why would I go out, if I live under one roof with a beautiful woman?">>
<p>You wink at her. $ is a bit surprised by your compliment. To be honest so am I - well done, buddy, you're learning!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ha, ha. I just came to clean your room, but I won't bother you...">>
<<dial "player" "You never bother me, $! I was just working hard on my muscles... something that we, //alpha males//, do.">>
<p>Somehow this comes out pretty un-alpha. You cannot leave it like that, you had such a good start!</p>
<<btn null "I want to be strong to protect you!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "It's the alpha male blood that makes me push to the limit!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<if $player.lvl > 2>>
<p>You said it in a way that gives $ shivers (and me too - well done!)</p>
<p>You said it in a way that, well, kinda makes me wanna kill myself. What am I even doing here? I was destined for great things, and instead I'm bankrupt and stuck narrating a fucking porn game... Sigh...</p>
<p>Ok, sorry dude. I'm back. Don't worry, we'll work with what we have - improvise, adapt, overcome - right?</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're a sweet-o, hun. May I touch it?">>
<p>You hesitantly look down at your crotch.</p>
<<dial "player" "You want to touch... //it//?">>
<p>There's a deep hope in your voice. The hope, that $ will fall on hear knees and beg - //"yes, hun, I want to touch your dick, I want it more than anything else in the entire fucking world"//. And you'll say //"Yes you can"//, and she'll touch it, and stroke it, and suck it, and it would be pure perfection, right?</p>
<p>But instead - $ starts giggling.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ha, ha, you're so funny! I meant your biceps, dummy!">>
<p>But still - it's a pretty good outcome, right? I'll make it easy for you here, buddy. You can tell her to fuck off, but both of us don't want it, right? So you basically have two options.</p>
<<btn "#daphneLove" "Of course you can!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneDom" "Only if you'll show me your boobs." "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneDom">>
<p>$ looks at you, a bit surprised. You're not sure if she's angry or not, she just stares into your eyes for a moment...</p>
<<media "activities/train/player_stare.mp4">>
<p>Second passes like a year. Were you too direct? You were, but the better question is - is it good? You can't just tell women to show their breasts, you'll get slapped! Then again, it's not like you just met her...</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphTitsBad", "#daphTitsBad", "#daphTitsOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphTitsBad", "#daphTitsOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphTitsBad", "#daphTitsOk", "#daphTitsOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphTitsOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphTitsBad">>
<p>$ bursts into giggle.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Your face, ha, ha! Oh, hun, you know we can't do stuff like that! What would your dad say?">>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't worry, I'm not angry. I'm flattered!">>
<p>She winks at you, and walks out of the room before you manage to stop her.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphTitsOk">>
<p>$ bursts into giggle.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, well, well. It seems you're changing into a man. And I like men.">>
<p>You feel the blood rushing down to your groin. Will it happen? Will you see her boobs?</p>
<<dial "daphne" "But you need to learn how to take things slowly...">>
<<dial "player" "What the fuck!">>
<p>What the fuck indeed. $ leans in, her face is now very close to yours.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<<media "activities/train/daphne_kiss.jpg">>
<p>She puts her mouth to yours. Her tongue pushes deeper and deeper. You grab it with your lips and suck it with all your strength. You can feel that she likes it.</p>
<p>But it's not the end yet. Now you start your own expedition deep into her mouth with your tongue. You stretch it to the maximum, nearly going down her throat.</p>
<p>$ finally pulls away her head, and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<dial "daphne" "That was a nice kiss... It convinced me.">>
<<dial "player" "Convinced you of what...?">>
<p>God damn it, buddy, I feel like I'm spilling my guts for you, and you're learning nothing. NOTHING!</p>
<<dial "player" "I mean... Yeah, baby!">>
<p>Better! Although, for the record, I'm sooooo tired with "Austin Powers" at this point.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<p>$ unpins her blouse and bends over to give you a better view.</p>
<<media "activities/train/daphne_boobs.jpg">>
<p>You hesitantly touch her boobs with your hands. They are firm like fresh melons.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You like \'em?">>
<<dial "player" "Oh yeah...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Ha ha... All the men are the same, show them boobs and they're out.">>
<p>She takes her tits away and covers them.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Your turn!">>
<<dial "player" "Whaaat?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Show me some muscle, hun.">>
<<btn "#daphneLove">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<<dial "daphne" "I like you, hun...">>
<p>She whispers in your ear.</p>
<<dial "player" "That's great...">>
<p>Really?! REALLY!? You could say so many things, and you said this.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I feel like I had enough emotions already. You'll show me your muscless next time...">>
<p>She was so close! You need to work on it, buddy!</p>
<p>You watch as $ leaves, closing the doors behind her.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneLove">>
<p>You look $ in the eyes and flex your biceps the hardest you can.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ohhh...">>
<p>You can feel every fiber of your muscle trying to make itself bigger for her...</p>
<<media "activities/train/player_flex.mp4">>
<p>You're focused. Veins pump the blood, sweat flows like a river. Your face is like a tip of your dick (I mean purple, god damn it!). $ comes closer. She touches your biceps... Rubs it...</p>
<<if $player.dominationLvl < 4>>
<<media "activities/train/player_skinny.jpg">>
<p>Nope. Just nope. It doesn't work. Good news is you might be the first man in the history, that literally has no fucking muscles.</p>
<<dial "player" "Is it awesome or what?">>
<p>Honest opinion, buddy - shut the fuck up already.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Awesome? Sure... Just maybe stay away from everything above 5 pounds, for now... I'm worried that you'll hurt yourself, hun.">>
<<elseif $player.dominationLvl < 8>>
<<media "activities/train/player_medium.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "It's not much but an honest work!">>
<p>There's some potential here, but in general you still look like shit.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm... I love to watch how a boy is becoming a man! Just watch out, and don't hurt yourself, ok?">>
<<media "activities/train/player_strong.jpg">>
<p>If $ was a doctor, she would just take you to a hospital. But because she's a braindead MILF - she actually likes what she sees.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "My, my... hun... They feel really hard.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh behave!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You have to watch out - muscles like that are dangerous! You might even kill someone by accident.">>
<<dial "player" "What can I say? I live dangerous life!">>
<p>If you mean the danger of not-getting-laid then I guess you're onto something.</p>
<<if $daphne.status>=4>>
<p>Surprisingly, $ seems to like what she sees.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You know what? You're such a good boy. I feel like you deserve a reward.">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/train/daphne_boobs2.jpg">>
<p>She unpins her blouse, and shows you her gigantic melons in all the glory. You don't even hesitate for a second - you pull her closer and touch, squeeze, and rub them like a baby.</p>
<p>$ starts moaning... It might be a good opportunity to do something more. Then again, you're a bit tired after the training. Maybe it would be better to just stop when you're on the top?</p>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+daphne; daphne.squirt+2" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish up for today" "" "action">>
<<btn null "Bite those titties" "daphne.dom" "action">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<p>You put your face between those two beautiful meatbags.</p>
<<media "activities/train/daphne_tits.mp4">>
<p>Good job, bud! $ seems to really enjoy your efforts!</p>
<p>But the fun is over anyway.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks, hun. I needed this.">>
<<dial "player" "Maybe we could--">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm a bit tired, hun. I'll leave you be.">>
<p>She walks out of the room, leaving you sweaty and wanting more. Much more.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly the door slams into the wall as ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<<dial "alexa" "Hey, freak, I need to borrow some money-- What the fuck!?">>
<p>She looks at your sweaty face with a mix of surprise and curiosity.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Are you jacking off again?!">>
<<dial "player" "What!? No!">>
<p>Even though you're angry at the way she entered the room, you hope that she will appreciate the efforts that you put in to build up your phisique. Maybe it's a good idea to show off? Or is it too early for that?</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaAnyway" "Keep it cool!" "" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaShowOff" "Show off!" null "action" "My training routine is bringing hella sweet results!">>
<<chunk "player.dominationLvl!=5" "#alexaShowOff">>
<p>She just bursts into laughter.</p>
<<media "activities/train/alexa_laugh.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "//Your training routine//??? O-M-G that's the funniest thing I've ever heard.">>
<<dial "player" "Laugh all you want, you'll change your opinion when you'll see how big I'll grow!">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm sure you will! Just don't forget to eat your veggies.">>
<p>You feel smaller just listening to her. Can't she see that you're doing all this to make her like you more?</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh shit, kid, I haven't laughed that hard for a while. I think I might have peed myself a little.">>
<p>She wipes tears from her eyes.</p>
<<btn "#alexaAnyway" null "alexa.dom-1" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk "player.dominationLvl=5" "#alexaShowOff">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, you do seem to look slightly less pathetic than usual.">>
<p>You heard that?! She noticed it! You're not a dweeb anymore.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "But you're still a dweeb!">>
<p>Oh, shit. Sorry, buddy, that's a bummer.</p>
<<btn "#alexaAnyway">>
<<chunk null "#alexaAnyway">>
<<dial "alexa" "Anyway... So what about the money?">>
<p>Shit. You were hoping she forgot about that.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I just need 50$, I'm sure you can spare that much, you're loaded!">>
<<dial "player" "I'm not loaded! I barely have enough for myself!">>
<p>$ rolls hair around her finger and smiles seductively.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm sure $50 won't hurt you... I'll like you more!">>
<<btn "#alexaNo" "I'm not lending you shit!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaYes" "Ok, here's the money." "; cash-50; cash=50" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "Whaat? You're saying //no// to me?!">>
<p>You're really not sure if it's a good idea, but you're sticking with it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yup.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Who knew, you might have something in you after all!">>
<<dial "player" "Really?">>
<p>Don't look at me, buddy! I'm as surprised as you are.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm not sure why, but I always felt arousal when a man says no to me...">>
<p>It's getting better and better. $ thinks for a second, before a smile brigtens her face. It's one of those smiles that says she has a nasty idea.</p>
<<media "activities/train/alexa_thanks2.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Here's your little reward for sticking to your ground. I wouldn't give you this money back anyway!">>
<p>Ohhh shit, buddy, I'm so proud of you! You kept the money, and still get a pussy - win/win for team $player.surname! Woohoo!</p>
<p>But unfortunately the show ends quickly.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That's it for now, dweeb. See you!">>
<p>She quickly opens the doors and disappears on the other side, leaving you somewhat sad, but hopeful.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaYes">>
<<dial "alexa" "Thanks! You won't regret it!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh really? And how would you repay it?">>
<p>She smiles to you and slowly bends over.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "This is how!">>
<<if $alexa.status < 3>>
<<media "activities/train/alexa_thanks.jpg">>
<<media "activities/train/alexa_thanks2.jpg">>
<p>You were not expecting that. Maybe it was not such a bad investment after all? But unfortunately the show ends quickly.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That's it for now, dweeb. See you!">>
<p>She opens the doors and disappears on the other side, leaving you somewhat sad, but hopeful.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* Check if the given prerequisites are met. Arguments: prereq data for parsing and possible switch. Possible results:
- $prereq = 1 - prerequisites are met;
- $prereq = 2 - prerequisites are not met, but button should be disabled instead of not showing (for quests and energy checks).
- $prereq = 3 - prerequisites are not met.*/
<<widget "prereq">>
/* To launch another iteration of the widget within the widget (for quests) we need to backup some data */
<<set _iCopy = _i>>
<<set _qCopy = _q>>
<<set _objPrqCopy = _objPrq>>
/* Split the data */
<<set _objPrq = splitter($args[0])>>
/* TEST:
<<if $test && $args[0]>>
<</if>> */
/* Check if there's a switch (eg. "valueShow" switches the values to always show) */
<<set _switchPrq = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "">>
/* Set up main vars */
<<set _minRand = null>>
<<set $prereq = null>>
<<set $errorStat = null>>
<<set $errorStatValue = null>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _objPrq.length; _i++>>
<<set _periodCur = null>>
<<set _prereqCur = null>>
<<set _var = null>>
<<set _q = null>>
<<if _objPrq[_i].action == "check" && $prereq < 3>>
/* QUEST */
<<if _objPrq[_i].type == "quest">>
/* Check if a quest we're checking is DONE */
<<if $player.questsListDone && $player.questsListDone.indexOf(_objPrq[_i].id) != -1>>
<<set _questDone = 1>>
<<set _questDone = null>>
/* Check if player knows the given quest, and it's not done */
<<if !_questDone && $player.questsList && $player.questsList.indexOf(_objPrq[_i].id) != -1>>
<<set _questKnown = 1>>
<<set _questKnown = null>>
/* Check if we're checking for a quest to be DONE */
<<if _objPrq[_i].value == "DONE">>
<<if (_questDone && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (!_questDone && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* If we're not looking for a check to be done */
<<if _questKnown || _questDone>>
/* Get the quest */
<<set _curQuest = $player.quests.find(obj => {return === _objPrq[_i].id})>>
/* The check passes if it's positive and the current quest active task is the same as the task we're looking for, or it's negative and it's different */
/* IMPORTANT as of 0.2.43 I've changed that the negative check goes through if the active task is different than the value, instead of smaller as it was before, and also included done quests - needs testing!!! */
<<if (_objPrq[_i].positive && _objPrq[_i].value == || (!_objPrq[_i].positive && != _objPrq[_i].value)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* If the player doesn't know the given quest */
/* If it's a positive search for 0, or a negative search */
/* IMPORTANT as of 0.2.43 I've changed that if it's negative search for anything but 0, and we don't know the quest - it passes. I don't fully remember why it wasn't like this - needs testing!!! */
<<if (_objPrq[_i].positive && _objPrq[_i].value == 0) || (!_objPrq[_i].positive && _objPrq[_i].value != 0)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
/* ITEMS */
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].type == "item">>
/* Check if character has an item */
<<if ($player.itemsList && $player.itemsList.indexOf(_objPrq[_i].id) != -1 && _objPrq[_i].positive) || ((!$player.itemsList || $player.itemsList.indexOf(_objPrq[_i].id) == -1) && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
/* EFFECT */
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].type == "effect">>
/* Check if player has the effect */
<<if ($player.effectsList && $player.effectsList.indexOf(_objPrq[_i].id) != -1 && _objPrq[_i].positive) || ((!$player.effectsList || $player.effectsList.indexOf(_objPrq[_i].id) == -1) && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].type == "character">>
/* If the character is present and the check is positive, or if it's not present, and check is negative */
<<if ($curLocChars.indexOf(_objPrq[_i].id) != -1 && _objPrq[_i].positive) || ($curLocChars.indexOf(_objPrq[_i].id) == -1 && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
/* Otherwise */
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
/* !IMPORTANT! Originally if we were looking for the value of the variable, we were looking for ==. This created problems with debuffs, where the counter might work past a certain number. For 0.2.15 i've changed that if the value is numeric, the check is for >= and not == . */
/* !UPDATE! The above created even bigger problems with vars. It turns out in most cases when I look for a number it's ==1, and I want it to be that exactly. So I reverted back. In the future the counters should be done through counters, and then there might be >=, but not here. This needs a fuckload of testing:( TODO */
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].type == "var">>
/* Rebuild the variable */
<<if _objPrq[_i].char != ''>>
<<set _var to '$' + _objPrq[_i].char + '.' + _objPrq[_i].id>>
<<set _var to '$' + _objPrq[_i].id>>
<<set _valueCurrent to State.getVar(_var)>>
/* If we're looking for "null" change the value to null, unless it's char.met var, in which case null == 0 */
<<if _objPrq[_i].value == "null" && _objPrq[_i].id != "met">>
<<set _objPrq[_i].value = null>>
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].value == "null">>
<<set _objPrq[_i].value = 0>>
/* Check if the check matches the value */
<<if (_valueCurrent == _objPrq[_i].value && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (_valueCurrent != _objPrq[_i].value && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].type == "counter">>
/* Rebuild the variable */
<<if _objPrq[_i].char != ''>>
<<set _var = _objPrq[_i].char + '.' +_objPrq[_i].id>>
<<set _var = _objPrq[_i].id>>
<<set _valueCurrent = State.getVar('$' + _var)>>
/* Go further if _valueCurrent exists */
<<if _valueCurrent != null>>
/* Find this counter in the counter array */
<<set _counterCurrent = $counters.find(obj => {return === _var})>>
/* If the counter exists, and we're looking for null - treat it as the end of counter. This is useful when we have a counter that we want to pass both on null and when the counter ends (like 0) */
<<if _counterCurrent && _objPrq[_i].value == "null">>
<<set _objPrq[_i].value = _counterCurrent.end>>
/* Compare based on the counter type. */
<<if _counterCurrent && _counterCurrent.type == "-" && _counterCurrent != null>>
<<if (_valueCurrent <= _objPrq[_i].value && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (_valueCurrent > _objPrq[_i].value && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<elseif _counterCurrent && _counterCurrent.type == "+" && _counterCurrent != null>>
<<if (_valueCurrent >= _objPrq[_i].value && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (_valueCurrent < _objPrq[_i].value && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* If it's neither - or + or the current doesn't exists - do a normal == like with a var */
<<if (_valueCurrent == _objPrq[_i].value && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (_valueCurrent != _objPrq[_i].value && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* If _valueCurrent doesn't exist - and we're looking for "null" */
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].value == "null">>
<<if _objPrq[_i].positive>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* If _valueCurrent doesn't exist and we're not looking for null - we treat it as it would exist, but it passes just negative checks */
<<elseif !_objPrq[_i].positive>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
/* DAYS */
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].id == "day">>
/* Fix for a common typo */
<<if _objPrq[_i].value.toLowerCase() == "workday">>
<<set _objPrq[_i].value = "workdays">>
/* If the check value is a number - it's a day number check (positive if the current day number is bigger then the checked day number) */
<<if !isNaN(_objPrq[_i].value)>>
/* Check if the current day matches the check */
<<if ($day >= _objPrq[_i].value && _objPrq[_i].positive) || ($day < _objPrq[_i].value && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* If the check value is "workdays" or "weekend" we need to check if the current weekday is in one of these arrays (check is positive if it is) */
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].value.toLowerCase() == "workdays" || _objPrq[_i].value.toLowerCase() == "workday" || _objPrq[_i].value.toLowerCase() == "weekend">>
<<if (_objPrq[_i].positive && _objPrq[_i].value.toLowerCase() == $todayType) || (!_objPrq[_i].positive && _objPrq[_i].value.toLowerCase() != $todayType)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* If none of the above is correct - it's a weekday check (check is ok if current day matches the check day) */
<<elseif (setup.days[$day % 7].toLowerCase() == _objPrq[_i].value.toLowerCase() && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (setup.days[$day % 7].toLowerCase() != _objPrq[_i].value.toLowerCase() && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].id == "period">>
<<set _period = _objPrq[_i].value.toLowerCase()>>
/* Check current period - name or number */
<<if _objPrq[_i].value.match(/[a-zA-Z]+/)>>
<<set _periodCur = setup.periods[$period].toLowerCase()>>
<<set _periodCur = $period>>
/* If te check value is "dayhours" or "nighthours" we need to check if the current period is in one of these arrays (check is positive if it is) */
<<if _period == "dayhours" || _period == "nighthours">>
<<if _period == "dayhours">>
<<set _hours = setup.dayhours>>
<<set _hours = setup.nighthours>>
<<if (_hours.indexOf($now) != "-1" && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (_hours.indexOf($now) == "-1" && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<elseif (_periodCur == _objPrq[_i].value.toLowerCase() && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (_periodCur != _objPrq[_i].value.toLowerCase() && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
/* STATS */
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].id == "domination" || _objPrq[_i].id == "love" || _objPrq[_i].id == "cash" || _objPrq[_i].id == "energy" || _objPrq[_i].id == "desire" || _objPrq[_i].id == "vigour" || _objPrq[_i].id == "status" || _objPrq[_i].id == "lvl" >>
/* If dom or love - we need to use default xp multiplier first */
<<if _objPrq[_i].id == "love" || _objPrq[_i].id == "domination">>
<<set _objPrq[_i].value = _objPrq[_i].value * $defXpMulti>>
/* Build a stat variable */
<<set _var = State.getVar('$' + _objPrq[_i].char + '.' + _objPrq[_i].id)>>
/* If a character has enough of the given stat */
<<if (parseInt(_var) >= _objPrq[_i].value && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (parseInt(_var) < _objPrq[_i].value && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
/* We change prereq to 1, unless it was already sth else */
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
/* If the character doesn't have enough stat */
/* We change prereq to 2, unless it was already 3, or it's lvl check (in which case it should be 3) */
<<if _objPrq[_i].id == "lvl">>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq < 3 ? 2 : 3>>
/* If the _errorStat is already set - we skip it (we limit to first error we find) */
<<if _prereqCur == 2 && !$errorStat>>
/* If the check was for status - we display desire icon */
<<if _objPrq[_i].id == "status">>
<<set $errorStat = "desire">>
<<set $errorStatValue = null>>
/* If the check was for cash - we display the amount */
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].id == "cash">>
<<set $errorStat = _objPrq[_i].id>>
<<set $errorStatValue = _objPrq[_i].value>>
/* If there's a "valueShow" switch - we show the value */
<<elseif _switchPrq == "valueShow">>
<<set $errorStat = _objPrq[_i].id>>
<<set $errorStatValue = _objPrq[_i].value>>
/* If the check was for something else - we display the icon */
<<set $errorStat = _objPrq[_i].id>>
<<set $errorStatValue = null>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
/* TRAIT */
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].type == "other" && _objPrq[_i].id == "trait">>
/* If there's no character - it's player */
<<if _objPrq[_i].char == "">>
<<set _objPrq[_i].char = "player">>
/* Build a stat variable */
<<set _var = State.getVar('$' + _objPrq[_i].char + '.' + _objPrq[_i].id)>>
/* Check trait */
<<if (_var == _objPrq[_i].value && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (_var != _objPrq[_i].value && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
/* We change prereq to 1, unless it was already sth else */
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
/* DOORS */
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].type == "door">>
/* First check if we are looking for open doors */
<<if _objPrq[_i].id == "open">>
/* If the positive search matches or we have permission OR the negative search doesn't match - profit! */
<<if (_objPrq[_i].id == $curLocDoor && _objPrq[_i].positive) || ($permission && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (_objPrq[_i].id != $curLocDoor && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* If we are looking for closed/locked doors */
/* Permission means the doors are actually "open" (player has permission to be there) so in that case positive search for closed/locked doors is always a fail */
<<if ($permission && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (!$permission && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* If there's no permission and it's a positive search it's a normal == */
<<elseif !$permission && _objPrq[_i].positive>>
<<if _objPrq[_i].id == $curLocDoor>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* If we have permission (we're already inside) and it's a negative search for closed/locked doors - it's always a success (because the doors are actually open, so they are never ==) */
<<elseif $permission && !_objPrq[_i].positive>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
/* TEST <<print "id: " + _objPrq[_i].id + " / pos: " + _objPrq[_i].positive + " / perm: " + $permission + " / door: " + $curLocDoor + " \ prereq: " + _prereqCur>><br> */
/* WHILE */
<<elseif _objPrq[_i].id == "while">>
<<set _char = _objPrq[_i].char>>
<<set _charOk = null>>
<<set _charLoc = null>>
<<set _charLocNew = null>>
/* If there's a character - we need to know couple things about him him */
<<if _char != "">>
<<set _charMet = parseInt(State.getVar('$' + _char + '.met'))>>
<<set _charType = State.getVar('$' + _char + '.type')>>
/* If we know the character or he's an npc - he passed */
<<if _charMet == 1 || _charType == "npc">>
<<set _charOk = 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* We also need to know if the character is present in the location */
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf(_char) != -1>>
<<set _charLoc = 1>>
/* And if he just entered it now */
<<if $curLocCharsNew.indexOf(_char) != -1>>
<<set _charLocNew = 1>>
/* If there was no prereqCur already (based on character check) or the charOk is positive - we move forward */
<<if !_prereqCur && (_char == "" || _charOk == 1)>>
/* If the value is "enter" we check if the specified character is new to location */
<<if _objPrq[_i].value == "enter">>
/* If we check with negative, we just check for enter (character can be in the location) */
<<if (_charLoc && _charLocNew && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (!_charLocNew && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* Otherwise, we check if the value of the while matches with the current location's while (0=Char; 1=loc; 2=day; 3=period; 4=while) */
<<for _x = 0; _x < $schedTemp.length; _x++>>
/* If the location matches */
<<if $schedTemp[_x][1] == $curLoc>>
/* Select the current time */
<<if $schedTemp[_x][2] == "workdays">>
<<set _days = setup.workdays>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_x][2] == "weekend">>
<<set _days = setup.weekend>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_x][2] == null>>
<<set _days = setup.days>>
<<set _days = $schedTemp[_x][2]>>
<<if $schedTemp[_x][3] == "dayhours">>
<<set _hours = setup.dayhours>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_x][3] == "nighthours">>
<<set _hours = setup.nighthours>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_x][3] == null>>
<<set _days = setup.periods>>
<<set _hours = $schedTemp[_x][3]>>
/* Check if the room is set to a "while" that we're asking */
<<if _days.indexOf($today) != "-1" && _hours.indexOf($now) != "-1">>
<<set _while = $schedTemp[_x][4]>>
<<if (_while == _objPrq[_i].value && _objPrq[_i].positive) || (_while != _objPrq[_i].value && !_objPrq[_i].positive)>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
/* If we went through the whole thing and didn't find a match */
<<if _prereqCur == null && _objPrq[_i].positive>>
<<set _prereqCur = 3>>
<<elseif _prereqCur == null && !_objPrq[_i].positive>>
<<set _prereqCur = $prereq > 1 ? $prereq : 1>>
<<set $prereq = _prereqCur>>
/* CREW */
/* WHEELS */
/* PERK */
/* TEST:
<<if $test>>
<</if>> */
/* If none of the above checks produced a result */
<<if $prereq < 2>>
<<set $prereq to 1>>
/* In case there was another iteration - we need to bring back some data */
<<set _i to _iCopy>>
<<set _q to _qCopy>>
<<set _objPrq to _objPrqCopy>>
<</nobr>>/* EVENTS - if the passage is an activity/quick - we need to include the passage with the events after the content */
<<if $questMode == null && (tags($curPas).contains("activity") || tags($curPas).contains("quick") || tags($curPas).contains("sex") )>>
<<if Story.has($curPas + `Inc`)>>
<<inc `$curPas + "Inc"`>>
/* LOCATIONS and AREAS - load location specific stuff */
<<if tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area")>>
/* If the location had included event, we need to hide location description and characters in the location */
<<if $hideDesc>>
/* Generate random number */
<<set $curRand to random(9)>>
/* Friendly reminders */
<<if !$fapRegular && !$fapUnlimited && $nagging >= 4 && $day == $nagging * 14>>
<<set $nagging = $nagging + 1>>
<<set _reminder = ["it's better to prepare your tissues before starting this game.", "love your dick, wash your hands (sometimes)!", "cum like a pro with the Fap Mode activated!", "supporting me means that you have guaranteed place in heaven (or hell, if you're into this kind of stuff)!", "you know what's the most alpha thing to do? Supporting the guy that made you cum! <tht>Uhmmm...</tht> Wait. That came out wrong."].random()>>
<div class="si window" id="reminder">
<<dial "mercutio" `"Psst. Up here! It's me - Grave! Just a friendly reminder - " + _reminder` "si1">>
<<btnPopup "support" "Support Grave!" "med">>
<a class="btn sml" onclick="javascript:document.getElementById('reminder').style.display = 'none'"><span class="btnText">Fuck off already!</span></a>
/* Install listeners on clickable tooltips */
<<EVENT "quest:daphIntro=1">> /* She told you to unpack, so what are you waiting for, bozo!? While in your room click the "Unpack" button. */
<p>You put your luggage on the bed and start taking your clothes out of it. You open one drawer - it's full. You open another one - it's full too. And the closet also.</p>
<<media "quests/daphIntro/fullCloset.mp4">>
<p>It's mostly jeans and leather clothing, probably belonging to $'s son - $ It seems he was really into cowboy shit.</p>
<<media "quests/daphIntro/cowboy.mp4">>
<p>You realize that she probably forgot to empty the drawers before you came - after all she said she was expecting you tomorrow.</p>
<p>There's no point in unpacking until you have some space.</p>
<big>You need to talk with $ about it.</big>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphIntro=2">> /* There's not enough space. Find $ and talk with her about it. */
<p>You take a deep breath and approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey miss... I mean - //$!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes, hun?">>
<big>She looks at you with her big ti...eyes!</big>
<p>You feel a bit dizzy and realize that you haven't really thought through how to start this conversation. She notices you're hesitating and moves closer with care.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You can tell me baby.">>
<<media "quests/daphIntro/daphne.jpg">>
<p>You need to take your eyes away from those tits, that's the only way. You look at the floor and pull yourself together.</p>
<<dial "player" "All the drawers in my room are kinda full... I don't have any place to put my stuff!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my god! I was going to put $'s stuff in the bags before you came, but I completely forgot!">>
<p>She's visibly embarrased.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Come with me! I'll do it now!">>
<h2>Your room</h2>
<<media "locations/daphGuest/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You walk back to your room with $</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm so sorry about this, hun. Let me just take my son's stuff, and you can unpack in no-time!">>
<<dial "player" "No problem, really! Don't worry about it!">>
<p>This is actually not a lie - you //really// enjoy watching as she clears the drawers one by one. You feel it might be a good idea to help her, but you're afraid to move - she might notice your growing erection.</p>
<<media "quests/daphIntro/luggage1.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm just so busy lately, that I forget about everything. Yesterday I forgot to buy milk. And some other day I forgot to wear my panties to work. Can you believe it?">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Did she just say that she forgot her panties?</tht>">>
<<dial "daphne" "Maybe I'm just getting old?">>
<<btn null "Old?! You look great!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Oldie but goldie!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, I feel better already, thanks! ">>
<<media "quests/daphIntro/luggage2.jpg">>
<p>The suitcase is almost full. There's one last locker in the corner with $'s things.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just this one last locker and we're done!">>
<p>She bends over.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, it's so big...">>
<p>She pushes her head inside, creating a perfect opportunity for you to take a closer look at her rear.</p>
<<btn "#upskirt" "Take a look" "dom" "action">>
<<btn "#finish" "Be a gentleman and turn away" "love" "action">>
<<chunk null "#upskirt">>
<p>You move closer and...</p>
<big>Behold - the ass!</big>
<<media "quests/daphIntro/upskirt.mp4">>
<<btn "#finish">>
<<chunk null "#finish">>
<p>$ finally finishes, pulls her head out of the closet, and smiles to you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "That's it! It's empty! You can finally unpack.">>
<<dial "player" "Thanks a lot!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, I just realized I also forgot to give you this!">>
<big>$ hands you the key to the house.</big>
<p>''You can now go out when you please.''</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, that's great! Thank you, $">>
<<dial "daphne" "You're a sweet kid!">>
<p>She takes her son's stuff and walks away. You feel sad that she leaves, but at the same time - you just made a first step on a journey that will lead you to those majestic tits. And ass. And pussy. You have no doubt about it.</p>
<big>You finally manage to unpack your things.</big>
<<set $curLoc to "daphGuest">>
<<btn null null "item:daphHouseKey+">>
<<EVENT "daphMeatBags=0; miaDate=DONE; daphBdsm=DONE; $daphBdsmDebuff=0">>
<<inc "daphMeatBags">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa.status=4; $alexa.met">>
<<media "activities/nap/wakeup.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly, a strange feeling pulls you out of the dream.</p>
<<dial "player" "What the fuck?!">>
<p>You open your eyes and look around. You're still in the same spot you fell asleep in...</p>
<big>...but there's something very different.</big>
<<media "activities/nap/alexa_blowjob.mp4">>
<p>$ is giving you a passionate blowjob. She looks at you with an innocent smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I've noticed you have a hard-on while you were asleep, and figured out I'll use you to train on my blowjob skills!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh.">>
<<dial "alexa" "You can go back to sleep if you want.">>
<big>Don't you dare.</big>
<<dial "player" "I think I'll stick around">>
<p>$ is blowing you like a vacuum cleaner, but it takes you a bit longer than usual to finish.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're cumming? <tht>Slurp, slurp, slurp</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "I'm getting there.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm bored! <tht>Slurp, slurp, slurp</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I could play with your pussy?">>
<<if $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<dial "alexa" "Pussies are for pussies. I have a different idea...">>
<p>She drops her panties.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're going to fuck my lil' asshole like Trump fucked Hillary.">>
<p>Ok, maybe not that much...</p>
<big>But I really like her asshole!</big>
<<dial "player" "Prepare to get schlonged!">>
<<dial "alexa" "I wouldn't know. Pussies are for pussies. Anyway, I had enough of training. Thanks!">>
<p>She stand up and leaves you with a raging hard-on.</p>
<<dial "player" "Wait... I was close!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... I can finish you up for 30 bucks.">>
<p>She's playing you, bud.</p>
<<btn "#alexaCum" "Well... ok, I guess." "cash=30; cash-30;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaNoPay" "I'm not paying you shit!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<media "activities/nap/alexa_anal.mp4">>
<p>Ohhhh man... This is really the best fucking asshole in the world.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Do you like it? Do you like my asshole?">>
<<dial "player" "Does the Pope shit in the woods?">>
<p>She hesitates for a moment.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Does he?">>
<<dial "player" "I think he does... I've heard it in a movie.">>
<big>Focus god damn it!</big>
<p>It doesn't take long until you feel a growing pressure in your dick.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Now pay me $30.">>
<<dial "player" "What?! You said it's training!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Cumming costs.">>
<p>She's playing you, bud.</p>
<<btn "#alexaCum" "Well... ok, I guess." "cash=30; cash-30;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaNoPay" "I'm not paying you shit!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNoPay">>
<p>She looks at you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Is that so?">>
<<dial "player" "It is. I had enough of your games!">>
<p>She thinks for a moment....</p>
<<if $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<dial "alexa" "Ah, fuck it. I'm gonna finish you for free.">>
<<btn "#alexaCum" null "alexa.dom+">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well then. Happy blue balls, dweeb.">>
<p>She blows you a kiss and walks away.</p>
<big>That was a good decision, kid.</big>
<p>You can always rub one out.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaCum">>
<p>Her lips wrap around your dick again and after just couple seconds...</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm going to cum!">>
<<dial "alexa" "In my mouth!">>
<p>She kneels in front of you and starts tickling your balls with her fingers. That's more than enough to bring you over the edge.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/alexa_cumshot.mp4">>
<p>You arch back as the first spurt of cum shoots out from your giant dick. And then another, and another. $ catches it all in her mouth and on her face.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh... fuck.">>
<p>You sigh.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Tasty cum.">>
<p>She blows you a kiss and walks away.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "jerkedoff+">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne.status=4; $daphne.met; $dream=fucked; priority">>
/* Construct array with answers to questions */
<<set _questions to [1, 5, 7]>>
<<set _answers to []>>
<<for _q to 0; _q < _questions.length; _q++>>
<<for _a to 0; _a < 3; _a++>>
<<set _question to _questions[_q]>>
<<if _a == 0>>
<<set _answers[_q] to []>>
<<if _a < 2>>
<<set _randD to Math.floor(Math.random()*(_dreams[_question].length))>>
<<set _answers[_q].push({
dial: _dreams[_question][_randD].replace(/your/gi, "my"),
reward: null
<<set _dreams[_question].splice(_randD, 1)>>
<<set _answers[_q].push({
dial: _dreamsArray[_question].dial,
reward: ""
<<set _answers[_q] to _answers[_q].shuffle()>>
/* Clear the answers just in case */
<<set $answer0 to null>>
<<set $answer1 to null>>
<<set $answer2 to null>>
<<media "activities/nap/wakeup.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly, a strange feeling pulls you out of the dream.</p>
<<dial "player" "What the fuck?!">>
<p>You open your eyes and look around. You're still in the same place you fell asleep in...</p>
<big>...but there's something very different.</big>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_titjob.mp4">>
<p>$ is rubbing her majestic tits on your dick. She smiles like an angel seeing you're awake.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Did I wake you up, hun?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... Yes?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry! I had a few drinks... and I noticed your incredible hard-on... I just couldn't help myself.">>
<<dial "player" "It's... It's really not a problem.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Do you want me to stop?">>
<p>I bet my dick that I know the answer to that question.</p>
<<dial "player" "Noooo! Feel free to... you know...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Super! What were you dreaming about?">>
<p>Oh brother, I'm not sure if you should tell her this fucking dream. Than again - sometimes honesty yields surprising results.</p>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "Tell her the truth about the dream" "" "action">>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "It was a dream about you!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
document.getElementById("dream").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("cheater").style.display = "block";
<<dial "player" "It was pretty fucked up to be honest...">>
<p>She stops rubbing her tits against your dick and looks at you with scared eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I hope it wasn't a nightmare?">>
<p>Go over with it!</p>
<<dial "player" "No, no, no. It was... about... It's a bit hard to explain.">>
<p>She resumes working on your cock.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I like it when it's hard.">>
<p>You sigh.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... so the dream started really strange. I was _dreamsArray[0].dial. And it was happening during... during...">>
<p>You hesitate for a moment.</p>
<big>Come on, you have to remember!</big>
<<for _a0 to 0; _a0 < _answers[0].length; _a0++>>
<<btn null `"..." + _answers[0][_a0].dial + "!"` `"$answer0+" + _a0 + "; " + _answers[0][_a0].reward` "dialog yieldHide">>
<p>She stops again - squinting her eyes.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_listening1.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Whaaat?">>
<<dial "player" "I told you it was fucked up.">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "It kinda is... But I wanna hear the rest!">>
<big>She sucks your dick for encouragement.</big>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_listening2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "So... Uhmmm...">>
<p>It's very hard to stay focused, but you're trying really hard.</p>
<<dial "player" "I was strolling around _dreamsArray[2].dial in _dreamsArray[3].dial...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mhmm... <tht>Slurp, slurp, slurp...</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "When suddenly - I noticed a _dreamsArray[4].dial. So I walked out to her to get a closer look at her... her...">>
<<for _a1 to 0; _a1 < _answers[1].length; _a1++>>
<<btn null `"..." + _answers[1][_a1].dial + "!"` `"$answer1+" + _a1 + "; " + _answers[1][_a1].reward` "dialog yieldHide">>
<p>She raises her eyebrow but doesn't stop.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "<tht>Slurp, slurp, slurp...</tht>">>
<<set _answer to _answers[1][$answer1].dial>>
<<dial "player" `"And I told her... I mean the " + _dreamsArray[4].dial + ", not the " + _answer + "... Talking to the " + _answer + ", that would be stupid... ha... ha..."`>>
<big>Focus god damn it!</big>
<<dial "player" "So anyway... Where was I...? So I told her - _dreamsArray[6].dial">>
<p>$ looks at you with a strange expression.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmm?! <tht>Slurp, slurp, slurp...</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, I know. I was surprised myself that I said it... And then she looked at me and said... and said...">>
<<for _a2 to 0; _a2 < _answers[2].length; _a2++>>
<<btn null _answers[2][_a2].dial `"$answer2+" + _a2 + "; " + _answers[2][_a2].reward` "dialog yieldHide">>
<p>$ stops and thinks.</p>
<<set _answer to _answers[2][$answer2].dial.replace(/[.]/gi, "") + "?">>
<<dial "daphne" _answer>>
<<dial "player" "That's what she said...">>
<<media "activities/nap/shesaid.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "But for real!">>
<<dial "daphne" "And you got a hard-on from that?! That's pretty fucked up...">>
<<dial "player" "Well, no, I got a hard-on from fucking her later on.">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, you're funny.">>
<<btn "#daphneContinue">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<<dial "daphne" "Me?! It's so sweet!">>
<p>She spits between her tits and speeds up.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_sweet.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "And what happened then?">>
<<dial "player" "Then...? Well... we fucked!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Just like that?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... It was a great fuck.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, hun!">>
<<if $daphne.status >= 4>>
<<btn "#daphneContinue">>
<<btn "#daphneEnd">>
<<chunk null "#daphneEnd">>
<p>She smiles to you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok hun, cum quickly because I have to make myself a drink.">>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "daphne" "I SAID CUM QUICKLY!">>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_despair.mp4">>
<p>Bit of advice, dude.</p>
<big>Never go between a raging alcoholic and a drink.</big>
<p>Just don't.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ok, ok, I'm cumming!">>
<p>That's my boy! Back in the game!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Let me taste it!">>
<p>She kneels in front of you. The view of her on her knees with her mouth open ready for your sperm is more than enough to bring you over the edge.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_cumshot.mp4">>
<p>You arch back as the first spurt of cum shoots out from your giant dick. And then another, and another. $ catches it all in her mouth and on her face.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh... fuck.">>
<p>You sigh.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yummy cummy! This was really great, hun. We have to do it again some day!">>
<p>She blows you a kiss, gathers her cloths and aims straight at the liquor cabinet, leaving you half dead.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneContinue">>
<<dial "daphne" "You deserve something nice in return. What about a handjob?">>
<<dial "player" "YES!">>
<p>Shit, are you not learning anything here? Look, we both know that you'd gladly suck on her asshole after she had taken a dump, but for the love of God - don't show it. You need to make her think you don't fucking care.</p>
<<dial "player" "...I mean... yea, a handjob? Maybe, I guess?">>
<p>A bit better. Though next time present more confidence.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You don't feel that stoked about it. Maybe you prefer something else instead?">>
<p>See? Take the foot out of the gas pedal and options will present themselves to you.</p>
<<btn "#daphneHandjob" "Handjob is all I dream about!" "daphne.dom+1" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneSucking" "I actually want to suck on your tits!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneRiding" "Ride me like a horse!" "daphne.status=5;" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneHandjob">>
<p>You don't have to say it twice - $ falls on her knees and grabs your dick like a pro.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_handjob.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Like that?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>You wonder how many dicks she treated with her gentle hands. And the answer is probably hundreds. Somehow, it doesn't bother you at all.</p>
<<btn "#daphneCum">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSucking">>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_tits.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh yeah, hun, suck on those titties.">>
<p>Her boobs are heavy and full, like two ripe grapefruits. When you suck em, $ is moaning and groaning, running her fingers through your hair.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm...">>
<p>You can feel she can barely hold herself.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Give me your balls!">>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_balls.mp4">>
<p>You do as she pleases, and she grabs your testicles. At first gently, but then she starts pulling a bit stronger, while massaging your cock.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You like that?">>
<p>With her boob still in your mouth you're barely able to answer.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ffffummmcueaa...">>
<p>That's a //fuck yea!//</p>
<<btn "#daphneCum">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4" "daphneRiding">>
<p>You don't have to say it twice - $ jumps on you and slips your dick into her wet pussy.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_riding.mp4">>
<p>All you can look at are her tits, bouncing left and right, but quite honestly there's nothing better to look at in the entire world.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!">>
<<dial "player" "I am! I am! I am!">>
<p>I think it was kind of rhethorical, buddy, but it's good you're still paying some attention.</p>
<<btn "#daphneCum">>
<<chunk null "#daphneCum">>
<p>It doesn't take long until you feel a growing pressure in your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm going to cum!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Let me taste it!">>
<p>She kneels in front of you. The view of her on her knees with her mouth open ready for your sperm is more than enough to bring you over the edge.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_cumshot.mp4">>
<p>You arch back as the first spurt of cum shoots out from your giant dick. And then another, and another. $ catches it all in her mouth and on her face.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh... fuck.">>
<p>You sigh.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yummy cummy! This was really great, hun. We have to do it again some day!">>
<p>She blows you a kiss, gathers her cloths and aims straight at the liquor cabinet, leaving you half dead.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>You wake up from a dream in the middle of the night, with a feeling there's someone in your room.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/alexa.jpg">>
<p>You cautiously look around and notice ''$'' going through your belongings, probably looking for money. She didn't see you yet, but if you won't do something - she might rob you!</p>
<<btn "#alexaWait" "Wait and see what happens" "" "action">>
<<btn "#alexaTalk" "Hey baby, what is you doin'?!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaWait">>
<p>You watch $ going through your trousers, and taking money out of your wallet. She smiles to herself.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I knew he's loaded. It might be a good idea to get close to this dude!">>
<p>$ takes a glance at you...</p>
<<if $alexa.status > 1>>
<<btn "#alexaLook">>
<<btn "#alexaFinish">>
<<chunk null "#alexaFinish">>
<p>...and a moment later she moves to the doors before you manage to do anything.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/alexa_run.mp4">>
<<set _stolenAmount = $ < 50 ? $ : 50>>
<<btn $curLoc null `"cash-" + _stolenAmount` "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaLook">>
<p>$ hesitantly comes closer to your bed. You have your eyes closed, but you manage to peek at her - it seems she's just standing there, looking down on you...</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/alexa_curious.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What the fuck is she doing?</tht>">>
<p>Suddenly you feel $'s hand reaching under the blanket.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She's going straight for the cock!</tht>">>
<p>Her hand is cold, and when she wraps it around your dick you barely manage to hold in a scream.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Hmm... And he has a nice cock too! Maybe he won't be useless after all.">>
<p>You're not sure if she's teasing you? Does she know you're not asleep? Your dick is growing quickly in her hand, you cannot do anything about it.</p>
<<btn "#alexaWaitDick" "Don't do anything" "" "action">>
<<btn "#alexaCatchDick" "Catch her red-handed" "alexa.dom" "action">>
<<chunk null "#alexaWaitDick">>
<p>$ plays with your dick for a moment, but quickly loses her interest. She removes her hand from under the blanket.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No, no, no...</tht>">>
<p>Yes, yes, yes, buddy. This is what you get if you're not taking opportunities like that.</p>
<p>$ turns and walks out the door, and you just lie there, like a pussy.</p>
<p>//A pussy without the pussy//.</p>
<p>Let that sink in.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Next time I will take the initiative.</tht>">>
<p>I'm sure you will, buddy, I'm sure you will. And in the meantime...</p>
<big> can always jerk one off!</big>
<<set _stolenAmount = $ < 50 ? "cash-" + $ : "cash-50">>
<<pocket _stolenAmount>>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaCatchDick">>
<big>You raise your head and look at $</big>
<<dial "player" "Hey, baby! You've come to see me?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, shit! You're awake... I was just...">>
<p>She's getting really nervous. You cannot let her get away.</p>
<<dial "player" "Why don't you finish what you started?">>
<p>$ seems to be surprised by your directness. But in a good way. She thinks for a moment...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "For 25 bucks I will...">>
<<media "activities/sleep/dollars.mp4">>
<p>What?! She already stole money from you, and now she wants some on top of that?! You need to make a decision - is it worth it?</p>
<<btn "#alexaTouch" "Shut up and take my money!" `"cash=25; cash-25;"` "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaNope" "Not worth it." "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaBargain" "And what about the money you took from me?" "player.lvl=3; alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaBargain">>
<<if $alexa.status < 3>>
<p>$ looks angry.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What money!? Are you caliing me a thief?!">>
<<dial "player" "I meant... I just... I mean...">>
<big>Golden lips.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "You can't prove anything.">>
<p>Before you manage to do anything - she quickly walks out of the room, leaving you with a huge wood.</p>
<<dial "player" "Damn it!">>
<p>You said it, brother. But don't fret. You just need to be patient. In the meantime - you can always work on your wood yourself.</p>
<<set _stolenAmount = $ < 50 ? "cash-" + $ : "cash-50">>
<<btn $curLoc null _stolenAmount "yieldHide">>
<<elseif $alexa.status < 5>>
<p>$ sighs heavily.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ooook. I'll give you a freebie">>
<p>Still... she took your money. But honestly, I don't think there's anything you can do right now to get it back... At this point you might as well enjoy what she offers.</p>
<<btn "#alexaTouch">>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<p>$ sighs heavily.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ooook. I'll give it back... and give you a freebie.">>
<p>She pulls out your money from her pocket and throws it on the bed.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<<media "yes.mp4">>
<<btn "#alexaTouch">>
<<chunk null "#alexaTouch">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, here it goes.">>
<<media "activities/sleep/alexa_touch.jpg">>
<p>You can feel her soft hands as she strokes your giant dick up and down, spits on it, touches and squezees your balls. The view is truly majestic, and it seems like she enjoys it, though maybe not as much like you do.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhhhhhhh....">>
<p>She's speeding up. Her little hands are like a pump. Relentlessly pushing and pulling, until you're on a verge of ecstasy.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You like that, bitch boy?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhmmmm......">>
<<dial "alexa" "You want me to continue?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeeaaaahhhh....">>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks for one minute with my mouth.">>
<<media "say_what.mp4">>
<p>Buddy. She's playing you like a fucking fiddle. You can get a blowjob for free in this town. Hell, you can earn money for getting one.</p>
<<btn null "Shut up and take my money!" `"cash=25; cash-25;"` "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaNope" "Not worth it!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<dial "alexa" "Good doggy.">>
<p>$ takes down her shirt and puts her lips to your cock.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/alexa_blow.mp4">>
<p>Oh man, she's a gem. Even I have a boner.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm getting close...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Maybe you are, maybe you aren't.">>
<<dial "player" "W-What? Don't stop now!!!">>
<p>You're getting distracted. Focus on finishing it!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "One minute is up.">>
<big>She drops your dick like a firecracker.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Noooooooo....</tht>">>
<<dial "alexa" "Cumming costs.">>
<<dial "player" "How much?">>
<p>No. Just no. Don't even think about it. I won't let you. This bitch is playing you, son!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fifty.">>
<<btn null "Shut up and take my money!" "cash=50; cash-50;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaNope" "Not worth it!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<dial "alexa" "Cum me a river, kid.">>
<p>She jumps on you, and puts your dick in her mouth like a pro.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/alexa_cum.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Ohhhh shiiiit.">>
<p>This girl knows what she's doing. It takes you one second to cum. You're pushing wave after wave of thick sperm into her throat. She takes it all and swallows right away like a thirsty cum drinking bitch she is.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Yummy!">>
<p>Finally - you take a deep breath. You realize you're actually not sure what just happened. It's like a system reset. You look at $ She smiles to you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Don't tell anyone, or I'll rip your balls off.">>
<<media "activities/sleep/alexa_smile_cum.jpg">>
<p>She puts her shirt back on and quickly walks out of your room.</p>
<<if $alexa.status < 5>>
<<set _stolenAmount = $ < 50 ? "cash-" + $ : "cash-50">>
<<set _stolenAmount = null>>
<<btn $curLoc null _stolenAmount "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNope">>
<p>$ looks angry.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What the fuck do you mean not worth it? You fucking scum, I'm worth every dollar!">>
<<dial "player" "I meant... Of course you are, but... I don't have the cash... right now.">>
<<dial "alexa" "But you still liked my hands on your dick, right?">>
<<dial "player" "It was awesome!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Of course it was. So better have the fucking money next time, dweeb.">>
<p>Before you manage to do anything - she quickly walks out of the room, leaving you with a huge wood.</p>
<<dial "player" "Damn it!">>
<p>You said it, brother. But don't fret. You just need to be patient. In the meantime - you can always work on your wood yourself.</p>
<<if $alexa.status < 5>>
<<set _stolenAmount = $ < 50 ? "cash-" + $ : "cash-50">>
<<set _stolenAmount = null>>
<<btn $curLoc null _stolenAmount "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaTalk">>
<p>You raise your head from the pillow and look at $, squinting your eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, shit! You're awake... I was just... I wanted to tell you, that...">>
<<dial "player" "I'm all ears for you, baby!">>
<p>She hesitates for a moment, before giving you her brand fuck-me smile.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/alexa_smile.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Actually, I just came to tell you, that I need some help with my homework this week.">>
<p>It's obviously a lie, but at least doing her homework will get you closer with her. Time to play her game.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, baby yeah!">>
<p>What? No. I meant you need to take charge of the situation, not //baby, yeah// her.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "So... that's a //yes//?">>
<<dial "player" "Yea, yea, baby, you're switched on! You're smashing!">>
<p>It takes her a moment to proccess what's going on. And, honestly, I'm not sure either.</p>
<big>Are you on crack?!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Are you doing \"Austin Powers\"?">>
<p>Oh shit, she's right! You were doing "Austin Powers"! Kinda pathetic tbh.</p>
<<dial "player" "No, I'm not. That's how I always speak!">>
<<dial "alexa" "No, you don't.">>
<p>Just admit it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... So what? I like Austin Powers. I don't mean the guy, I mean the movie. I mean, I like the guy too... Not in a sexual way, I mean... I like him in the movie. No homo.">>
<big>Jesus Christ...</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Ah, whatever.">>
<p>She turns and is about to leave. See? This is what happens when you do stupid shit. It's your last chance, buddy. Make a fucking move.</p>
<<btn "#alexaTalkDom" "What if I told your mum that you wanted to steal from me?" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaTalkKind" "Sure, I can do your homework." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaTalkKind">>
<<dial "alexa" "I know!">>
<<dial "player" "I just want one little kiss from you in return.">>
<p>Now we're talking! $ stops and thinks for a moment, before turning back to you and leaning in for a surprising kiss. And it's not a regular kiss on the cheek too....</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/kiss.mp4">>
<p>You nearly faint, barely managing to keep it together.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're not a bad kisser!">>
<<dial "player" "I practice using my thumb!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh shit, kid.">>
<p>She sighs and walks out your room.</p>
<big>Well played, dude...</big>
<<media "not.jpg">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaTalkDom">>
<p>She stops.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "W-what?">>
<<dial "player" "I saw you digging through my stuff. You were looking for money.">>
<<dial "alexa" "You can't prove that.">>
<<dial "player" "Well, you're right. It's my word against yours. I just wonder - who would I believe if I were your mother. Me - a nice student, or you. And I'm sure you have a long record of stuff like this... Right, $">>
<p>Ok, buddy. You went a bit dark here. It still might work, because this girl really is a skank, but it's not a way of the alpha male. Remember - balance is the key.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "So? You want me to suck you off?">>
<p>I have a bad feeling about it. It sounds like a trap.</p>
<<dial "player" "Is... is that an option?">>
<p>Good. Always check your options. A bit more confidence would be great, but I like the approach.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Of course it is an option... If only you like girls biting off your dick with balls, you FUCKING LUNATIC!!!">>
<p>See? I knew it. I fucking knew it. Don't worry, I got your back. In situations like that you don't always have to back off completely. Sucking you off was a bait, but so what? At least you're still in the game. Remember - it is her that set the sexual tone of the conversation, so now - use it. Twist it. Make it fun.</p>
<<dial "player" "If I ever let someone bite off my dick, it would certainly be you...">>
<p>I like it! Strong, but with a compliment hidden in it. Balance!</p>
<<dial "player" "...but I was thinking about something less extreme. Like for example you could just show me your...">>
<<btn "#alexaTalkTits" "...sweet little titties!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaTalkAss" "...cinnamon asshole!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaTalkTits">>
<p>Well, to be honest I'm more of a //let's grab a beer sometimes// kind of a guy, but I guess if it works, it works. And it looks to me, like you hit the mark.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fine. Just don't drool too much.">>
<p>$ pulls her t-shirt up and shows you her valuables.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/alexa_tits.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<<dial "player" "They're great, maybe you could also show me...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck off!">>
<p>$ turns and leaves your room. Remember buddy - don't be greedy. Work on a girl, have patience. Instead of haggling with her for a blowjob, you can actually make her want to give it to you. And, trust me, when they do - it's the best blowjob in the world, with slurping, deepthroating, balls licking and all the nasty stuff.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaTalkAss">>
<p>Well, to be honest I'm more of a //let's grab a beer sometimes// kind of a guy, but I guess if it works, it works. And it looks to me, like you hit the mark.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fine. Just don't drool too much.">>
<p>$ pulls down her pants and turns her ass towards you.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/alexa_ass.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhhh....">>
<p>Braindead, again. You need a fucking second heart to support this dick, god damn it.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "So now - fuck off!">>
<p>$ pulls up her pants and leaves your room. Well, you went a bit zombie on me in this last part, but in general you got from this situation the most you could, so that's a positive. Just remember, asking a girl to show you her things is a risky business. But you can actually make her //want// to show it to you. And, trust me, when they do, you're gonna like it.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>You wake up from a dream in the middle of the night with a feeling there's someone in your room. You look around and see ''$'' standing by your bed.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/daphne.jpg">>
<p>It takes you a moment before it hits you - she's drunk.</p>
<big>Drunk as a skunk.</big>
<p>And as we all know - drunk women make rush and irrational decisions. Is that what you're experiencing? Did she come here to fuuuuuuck?!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck yea!</tht>">>
<p>She didn't see you yet, so the ball is in our court. This means decision time, pal!</p>
<<btn "#daphneSleep" "Pretend you're asleep to not spook her" "" "action">>
<<btn "#daphneTalk" "What are you doing here?!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSleep">>
<<media "hiding.mp4">>
<p>$ is making circles in the darkness, and makes a mess wherever she moves, throwing stuff on the floor and cursing.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Whaaat the... Whereee's my... Huh?">>
<p>You watch from under the blanket how she slowly unbuttons her shirt...</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/daphne_tits.jpg">>
<p>You barely manage to stay quiet seeing those melons. You'd bit them, squeeze them, lick them... But you don't want to scare her away.</p>
<big>Especially that $ is now crawling into your bed.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Thank you, God!</tht>">>
<p>Suddenly - $ notices something is wrong.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/daphne_surprised.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Wwhaaiss... he... doin'... here?">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Please, God, let me spend this night with those melons, she can even throw up on me, I don't care!</tht>">>
<p>She looks around, confused.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Waaait-- a minute... Wheerre am I? It's not my bed...">>
<p>There goes the hopes that she came here for a drunk fuck! She probably just mistook your room as her bedroom.</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#daphneSleepEnd" "Keep pretending you're asleep" "" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#daphneHelp" "It's ok, I'll help you get to your room." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#daphneSexOffer" "Me and my diamond hard dick were waiting!" "daphne.dom" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSleepEnd">>
<p>You decide to pretend you're still asleep, hoping that maybe she will pass out next to you.</p>
<big>But she didn't.</big>
<p>$ quickly realizes her mistake and decides to get out of your room, mumbling something to herself.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Good heee didn't wake... <tht>sighs</tht> Such a nice boy... One day I might actually... With him.... One day.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So close and yet so far...</tht>">>
<p>Treat it as a lesson, bud. The love path doesn't always yield results. You need to take action sometimes, even if it means a bit of risk. Otherwise, well, no one will notice you.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneTalk">>
<p>$ looks at you with her big, round eyes.</p>
<<media "big_eyes.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Wwhaaiss... you... doin'... here?">>
<p>She looks around, confused.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Waaait-- a minute... Wheerre am I? It's not my bed...">>
<p>There goes the hopes that she came here for a drunk fuck! She probably just mistook your room as her bedroom.</p>
<p>Well, you cannot leave a lady in distress, right?</p>
<<btn "#daphneHelp" "It's ok, I'll help you get to your room." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneSexOffer" "I know what you came here for." "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSexOffer">>
<p>This is a bold statement dude. $ looks at you unsure what you mean.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Aaammansuuure whaaatyou me-ean.">>
<<media "activities/sleep/daphne_drunk.mp4">>
<p>Well, you went too far to back out now.</p>
<big>Make your move!</big>
<p>You get closer to her, and reach to those gigantic melons...</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/daphne_approach.mp4">>
<p>$ looks at you unsure what is happening. She slowly gathers all the pieces - hands on her tits, your growing erection... This is the last moment - either she'll accept it and you fuck, or she won't and you're fucked.</p>
<big>Fingers crossed, buddy.</big>
<<media "wheel_spin.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status == 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneSmack", "#daphneSmack", "#daphneSmack", "#daphneSmack", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneSmack", "#daphneSmack", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneSmack", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneSmack", "#daphneSex", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<menu null null "single wildcard">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "action wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSmack">>
<<media "smack.mp4">>
<<yields "daphne.desire-2; sore+" "dialog">>
<big>Ohhhhh shhhhiiiiiittt....</big>
<p>God damn it, man, you got wrecked. That blow could end a heavyweight career.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Doooontyu eeever... eeever... ever... evrrr...">>
<p>She seems to forget what she was talking about.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Whaaaaeeever.">>
<p>She stands up, barely manages to get to the door, and disappears on the corridor.</p>
<p>Hopefully in the morning she won't remember what just happened. If not - you're fucked.</p>
<big>Fingers crossed!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneSex">>
<<media "activities/sleep/daphne_ready.mp4">>
<p>$ closes her eyes and embraces your touch.</p>
<<yields "daphne.desire+" "dialog">>
<p>She slowly lies down to give you a better view of her grand jewels.</p>
<<if $daphne.status < 4>>
<p>Gotta tell you, man, this was a risky decision, but it paid out.</p>
<big>I wish you a good fuck, you deserved it!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+daphne" "sex action">>
<<chunk null "#daphneHelp">>
<p>You decide to help her find her room.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, let me help you!">>
<<dial "daphne" "T-thaaanks hun. I had a looong and haaaaaaard day and I'm sooo tired...">>
<p>You manage to lead her out of your room, and to her bedroom.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/help.mp4">>
<h2>$'s bedroom</h2>
<<media "locations/daphRoom/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>$ collapses on her bed. You're about to leave, but you notice that she's doing something with her bra.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Whaaat rrr you standing liiike thaat... help mee...">>
<p>You realize she's talking about you helping her take off her undergarment. YOU HELPING HER TAKE OFF HER... You gasp, nearly fainting.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Thank you, God. Thank you!</tht>">>
<<media "yes_maam.mp4">>
<p>You get closer to $ from behind and unpin her bra. She takes it off and immediately throws it on the floor.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/daphne_naked.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "You'reee such a goooood boy... One day I'll... I'll... I'll let you...">>
<p>You didn't catch that last part, because she fell asleep. For a moment you consider walking back to your room... but then you realize that an opportunity like that might not happen again.</p>
<<btn "#daphneCum" "Jerk off" "daphne.dom; jerkedoff+" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Be decent and walk away" "" "action">>
<<chunk null "#daphneCum">>
<p>You pull out your thing and start jerking off.</p>
<<dial "player" "Come to papa!">>
<<media "activities/sleep/daphne_tits2.jpg">>
<p>You move your hand up and down, fixating on those two giant melons. They're so big. You'd like to suck them. Bite them. Fuck them. You feel the orgasm is near.</p>
<<media "activities/sleep/daphne_cum.mp4">>
<p>You feel ecstasy and relief, spraying your thick um on those boobs. It's like they were made for this.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Phew!</tht>">>
<p>It takes you a moment to come back, when suddenly - you hear $ muttering something.</p>
<big>Get the fuck out!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly the doors open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hey, I forgot to tell you--">>
<p>You manage to cover your junk at the last moment, but $ saw it anyway. She's in shock.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ohhh no! I'm so sorry! I didn't know that you're...">>
<p>She's sorry, but she keeps peeping at your crotch.</p>
<<media "activities/masturbation/daphne_peek.jpg">>
<p>The thing is - with hands on your dick you cannot close your laptop, and by //pure coincidence// you were just looking at a pic of a big titty momma just like $ getting rough fucked by a postman.</p>
<p>She moves her eyes to the screen and...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ohhh...!">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/laptop_porn.jpg">>
<p>She sees the resemblance right away. A small smile appears on her face.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'll leave you to it...">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#daphneLove" "Wait... I was just thinking about you." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#daphneDom" "Maybe you'd help me out?" "daphne.dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "Ok, sure..." null "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLove">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes, a bit shocked.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you were thinking about me, while...?">>
<<dial "player" "Yes. I often think about you.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Is that so?">>
<p>Her stare gravitates towards junk in your hand. You're not sure whether she likes it or not, she just stays like that for couple seconds. And then...</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status!=2">>
<p>She looks at you angrily.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is that what I am to you? Just a pair of tits?!">>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, so you just care about my butt?!">>
<<media "smack.mp4">>
<p>$ leaves your room. And on this positive note - we end today's show.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk "daphne.status!=3">>
<<dial "daphne" "I guess it's normal for boys your age! Go on, don't worry.">>
<p>She turns to the doors and walks out before you manage to say anything.</p>
<<media "activities/masturbation/daphne_leaves.mp4">>
<p>The doors close and you're left alone.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<p>$ looks at you, with sparks in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well then, it would be rude of me to leave you without something new to think about, right?">>
<big>She unpins her blouse, lifts her skirt and...</big>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/daphne_sexy.jpg">>
<p>Her giganormous tits nearly explode when she squeezes them together.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You like 'em?">>
<<dial "player" "I love 'em...">>
<<if $daphne.status>=4>>
<p>$ smiles. She slowly unpins her blouse and lowers her bra, showing you more of the goods.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/daphne_tits.jpg">>
<p>You want to shove your face into those tits. You're barely able to hold yourself.</p>
<<dial "player" "They're beautiful!">>
<<dial "daphne" "//They//? And what about me?">>
<<dial "player" "You're beautiful too! All three of you!">>
<<dial "daphne" "So why are you not stroking your cock?">>
<p>Did she just asked you to masturbate in front of her? Well, you can't say no to a lady, right? You reveal your erect penis and start stroking it up and down, just like she asked you to.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=5">>
<p>She seems to enjoy it. She closes her eyes, as she rubs her tits.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, I guess you deserved to get something extra, hun.">>
<p>She takes her skirt off and throws it on the bed. She drops on her knees, and turns ass towards you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Enjoy this, $!">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=5">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/daphne_ass.jpg">>
<p>You're breathless. You're stroking your cock up and down like a mad man, looking at this majestic ass. She smiles seeing your reaction.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "What would you do to put your dick in it?">>
<<dial "player" "Anything. I'd... I'd... I'd kill a man. Or a woman. Or a baby!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Ha, ha. You're funny.">>
<p>You're going to cum in a second. It's closing to you like a train in the dark tunnel. Just one more moment...</p>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+daphne; daphne.squirt+2" "sex action">>
<<btn "#daphneTits" "Cum on her tits" "" "action">>
<<btn "#daphneFace" "Cum on her face" "daphne.dom" "action">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=5" "#daphneTits">>
<p>You quickly get closer to $ and...</p>
<<media "activities/masturbation/daphne_tits_cumshot.mp4">>
<p>You feel an overwhelming wave, and another, and another, as cum shoots out of your dick. There's so much of it, that you're not sure where it came from, but it doesn't matter, as you tremble under one of the most incredible orgasms in your life. $ smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're a real treat, hun.">>
<p>She winks. You're too exhausted to say anything. You just look at the sperm dripping from her tits.</p>
<p>$ smiles and stands up. She wipes the sperm off, puts the skirt back on her ass, and walks towards the doors. You know you need to say something, after all - she just help you released. But you're head is empty.</p>
<<dial "player" "Your ass is so... so... so... big.">>
<p>She bursts into laugter.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You know how to make the girl feel special, hun!">>
<p>She blows you a kiss and leaves your room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=5" "#daphneFace">>
<p>You quickly get closer to $ and...</p>
<<media "activities/masturbation/daphne_face_cumshot.mp4">>
<p>You feel an overwhelming wave, and another, and another, as cum shoots out of your dick. There's so much of it, that you're not sure where it came from, but it doesn't matter, as you tremble under one of the most incredible orgasms in your life. $ at first is reluctant to take it on her face, but finally she gives up and accepts a gift of your cum.</p>
<p>Finally, it ends. $ looks at you slightly impressed.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Wow! That was something.">>
<p>She winks. You're too exhausted to say anything. You just look at the sperm dripping from her face.</p>
<p>$ smiles and stands up. She wipes the sperm off, puts the skirt back on her ass, and walks towards the doors.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<p>You want more... much more... But the show is suddenly over. $ smiles to you and covers herself.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You have something to think about now...">>
<p>She winks and turns towards the doors.</p>
<<dial "player" "Wait! Show me more!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Not now, hun. But some day? Who knows.">>
<p>She peeks at you one more time and leaves your room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneDom">>
<<dial "daphne" "What... What do you mean?">>
<<dial "player" "I'm sure you know what I mean.">>
<p>You smile to her, pointing at your crotch. She hesitates for a second, but finally decides it's a bit much.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I should go...">>
<<btn "#daphneDick" "Show it to her!" "daphne.dom" "action">>
<<btn "#beDecent" "Be decent for once!" "" "action">>
<<chunk null "#beDecent">>
<p>$ backs off towards the corridor.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just pretend I wasn't here...">>
<p>Just before leaving - she looks at you one more time with a daring smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "...or not.">>
<p>She winks and closes the door behind her.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneDick">>
<p>You look $ in the eyes, and remove your hands from the crotch, revealing your erect penis.</p>
<<media "activities/masturbation/player_dick.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh...hun... I mean... It's so...">>
<p>She's visibly impressed by the sizes of you member, but she's also embarrased by the whole situation.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I have to go!">>
<p>She turns away and awkwardly walks out of your room. One thing is clear - she won't forget what she saw anytime soon.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly the door slams into the wall as ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<<dial "alexa" "I knew you're jacking off!">>
<p>You cover your junk.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, you can't enter like that.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut the fuck up, dweeb, or I'll tell mum you've molested me!">>
<p>You get quiet.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Good doggy. Now, show me what you got there.">>
<p>You look at $ frightened.</p>
<<dial "player" "W-what--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Are you fucking def or stupid? Show your god damn dick, now!">>
<<btn "#alexaNo" "That would be indicent, m'lady!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaShow" "Show her your enormous dick" "alexa.dom" "action">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "What?! Most of the guys would fucking kill to let me see their dicks!">>
<<media "disappointed.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I'm just not like the other guys. I'm a keeper.">>
<<dial "alexa" "You're a dweeb, dweeb.">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaShow">>
<p>You hesitate for a moment, but finally give in, removing your hands from the crotch and revealing your erect penis to $</p>
<<media "activities/masturbation/player_dick.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "God motherfucking damn it! You've got a really fucking nice dick!">>
<<dial "player" "Thanks... I guess?">>
<<media "high_praise.mp4">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at your member.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "He's such a good boy, but he looks a bit hungry. Do you like me to feed it?">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck yea!</tht> I mean... FUCK YEA!">>
<p>$ smiles and sparks appear in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I thought so...">>
<p>She slowly lifts her skirt up...</p>
<<chunk "!alexa.status=2">>
<big>...and bursts into castrating laughter.</big>
<<media "activities/masturbation/alexa_laugh.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "You lil' dweeb! You didn't thought I'll show you my panties, did you?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Dream on, kiddo.">>
<<dial "player" "Maybe you could show me just a little...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I could... but I just don't like you enough.">>
<p>You feel betrayed. Your dick is shrinking like a snail. But $ doesn't walk away - she's still glancing at your penis. Even now it's still impressive and you can see that she likes it.</p>
<p>Finally, after a moment of silence, she looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "But keep that nice thing of yours in my sight, and one day I might go crazy.">>
<p>She walks away and closes the doors.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/alexa_sexy.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "So... what does he usually eat? He likes redheads?">>
<p>You feel your dick getting even bigger.</p>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea he does!">>
<<if $alexa.status >= 3>>
<<dial "alexa" "That's good... And what about this?">>
<p>She turns her back towards you, lifting the skirt even higher.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/alexa_tease.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Is this the right taste for him?">>
<<dial "player" "Ohhh... Whaat?">>
<<dial "alexa" "That's what I thought.">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<if $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<dial "alexa" "And yet he seems to be still hungry... Let's see what he thinks about my favorite taste of all.">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/alexa_ass.jpg">>
<big>Red mist covers your eyes.</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh......">>
<p>You can't help yourself and start stroking your dick.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeah... I knew you'd like my asshole. My lil' pretty cinnamon sunshine. Pretty, right?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhmmm....">>
<p>$ bites her lip, looking as you masturbate. She puts a finger in her asshole, and another. She rolls her eyes in ecstasy.</p>
<p>You can see it would be real easy to get more from this situation, but you're not sure if you want to stop what you're doing. Your dick feels like it's made of diamond. Like it could cut steel. And at the same time, this immense energy accumulates inside. You're getting close to the finish line.</p>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+alexa; alexa.squirt+2" "sex action">>
<<btn null "Cum now!" null "action">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/player_cum.mp4">>
<p>You tremble under one of the most incredible orgasms in your life, as cum shoots out of your dick. There's so much of it, that you're not sure where it came from. $ smiles, but you can see she's also impressed.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Such a good doggy. You'll do one thing for me?">>
<p>You're out of breath.</p>
<<dial "player" "What... What do you want...?">>
<p>$ moves real close to you, and whispers in your ear.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I want to watch as you lick your cum.">>
<p>Ohhh shit, dude. She played you. God damn it, I don't envy you this decision. It seems whatever you're going to do you're fucked. <<if $player.lvl < 3>>There may be a way out but... I'm not sure if you're ready for it.<</if>></p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#playerLick" "Lick it!" "alexa.dom-" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#playerGross" "Ugh... Gross!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaLick" "Tell her to lick it!" "player.lvl=3; alexa.dom+2" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">> /* After the story branches out is the best spot to end previous thread */
<p>But the show is suddenly over. She covers herself and sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That's the end of the feeding for today.">>
<p>You try to keep your cool, but the truth is - you're heart(dick)broken inside.</p>
<<dial "player" "Wait! Maybe...">>
<<dial "alexa" "No //maybe// you fucking little perv... Keep him hungry for me, I might come back.">>
<p>She turns away and quickly leaves the room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4" "#playerGross">>
<p>$ seems to be really disappointed by your answer.</p>
<<media "disappointed.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "I knew you're a dweeb!">>
<big>She stands up and leaves your room.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4" "#playerLick">>
<p>You hesitate. Licking your own cum? Ugh, buddy, that's straight up gross. But, for her...? Fuck me, I kinda get it. And don't worry...</p>
<big>I won't tell anyone.</big>
<<media "wink.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you waiting for...?">>
<p>You look at your own hand. It's covered with sticky white sperm. You smell it... Ugh, not great. You taste it with a tip of your tongue.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Be a good doggy! Lick it all for mama!">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/alexa_watch1.jpg">>
<p>You take a deep breath. Here it goes.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/player_lick.mp4">>
<p>You lick it all, as you're told. After a moment it doesn't even taste that bad.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Yes... Like that... Clean it good...">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/alexa_watch2.jpg">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<p>$ watches you intensively with a nasty smile. She starts putting a finger in and out of her pussy. Her eyes roll, breath gets heavy.</p>
<<media "activities/masturbation/alexa_watch3.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ughhh....">>
<big>$ just came.</big>
<p>She sighs, and her smile slowly fades.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Thanks... that was... good enough.">>
<<dial "player" "So... That was something... Right?">>
<p>You realize your hand is so clean...</p>
<big> could shake the president's dick.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "You're not such a dweeb after all, dweeb.">>
<p>She stands up, blows you a kiss, and walks out of your room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaLick">>
<<dial "player" "I have a better idea.">>
<p>You reach your hand towards $'s face, so that she could smell your sperm. She's not moving away, looking you straight in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Is that what you like?">>
<<media "yes.mp4">>
<p>She sighs. It's not what she had in mind, but your dick is still huge, and she looks at it with sparks in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What the hell.">>
<<media "activities/masturbation/alexa_lick.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, yeah, baby, clean it well, clean it good.">>
<p>Your dick is extra sensitive after you cum, but her skill is so good that it almost makes you hard again. You consider getting it up and starting over, but you decide you're too exhausted.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Mmmm... I love your taste.">>
<<dial "player" "I'm sure you do.">>
<p>She cleans every last drop of sperm, and kisses your dick.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That was fun!">>
<p>You sigh with relief. It really was fun. Best fun since you remember.</p>
<p>$ stands up and walks out of your room, leaving you alone with your extra clean dick.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<media "story/intro/airport.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You're standing on the airport with a huge luggage, about to leave on the adventure of your life. Mom couldn't come, but your dad is here with you "for encouragement".</p>
<<media "story/intro/dad1.jpg">>
<<dial "dad" "Son, college is a time of adventure and learning. Learning responsibility.">>
<p>Normally you wouldn't pay too much attention to his annoying blabber, especially since the airport is full of girls just waiting for you to check out their sweaty tits and juicy asses. But this time you have to keep up the appearances, because, boring or not...</p>
<big>Your dad didn't give you money for the trip yet.</big>
<<dial "dad" "It's going to be hard. Really, really, hard.">>
<<dial "player" "That's like //really// interesting!">>
<p>You try to focus, but it's not that easy...</p>
<<media "story/intro/airport_girls1.mp4">>
<<dial "dad" "But you're strong. Really, really, strong.">>
<<dial "player" "Strong advice, dad.">>
<<media "story/intro/airport_girls2.mp4">>
<<dial "dad" "Because you're a man. Really, really... man.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh man... <tht>Is he stuck in a loop?!</tht>">>
<<media "story/intro/airport_girls3.mp4">>
<p>Finally, your dad reaches in his pocket and...</p>
<big>He pulls out his wallet.</big>
<<dial "dad" "To aid you on your quest, I'm going to give you a certain amount of money as an ''allowance''.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Finally!</tht>">>
/* Help */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>In //Become Alpha// there are two main routes - <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Domination//'' and <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Love//''. Throughout the game you gather //experience// in both those routes, and if you gather enough of it - you can //level up//.</p>
<p>Additionally, there's also <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/cash.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Cash'', that you can spent on your rent and can buy nice things with it. And you use up your <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/energy.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Energy'' to do stuff in the game.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: Domination and Love are very important for $ $player.surname.''</p>
<<btn null "I'll make you proud, dad." "cash+300" "dialog yieldShow">>
<<btn null "I've studied hard for this." "cash+150; love+5" "dialog yieldShow">>
<<btn null "Knowledge is for pussies." "cash+150; dom+5" "dialog yieldShow">>
<<media "story/intro/money.mp4">>
<<dial "dad" "Son, college is a time of adventure and learning--">>
<<dial "player" "You said it already, dad!">>
<<dial "dad" "Did I? Oh, well, I guess all there is to say is... Goodbye, son. I love you. Really, real--">>
<<dial "player" "Bye!">>
<p>You go through the gate, leaving your dad behind. He stands there for a bit, watching you walk away, before his smile fades...</p>
<<media "story/intro/dad2.jpg">>
<p>But you're already far, moving through the baggage control, and just a couple minutes later you're sitting in a plane that's speeding alongside the runway.</p>
<p>You plug your phones and play some <a href="" target="_blank">''♫tunes♫''</a>. The beats bring nice thoughts about the fuck fest that's awaiting you. You've read an online survey that said...</p>
<big>99,9% of girls in college are total sluts.</big>
<p>And the remaining 0,01% will just give you a handjob.</p>
<<media "story/intro/tits.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Prepare your holes, bitches...</tht>">>
<<btn "introLA" "Big dick is coming to town!" "time+">> /*[[introLA]]*/
Pobiegać (love+, domination+, energy--)
Obczajać laseczki, stalkować ogólnie (domination+ i szansa na spotkanie kogoś i dowiedzenia się czegoś o nim)
Spacer (love+, energy-)
Poleżeć (energy+)
Dostać wpierdol w nocy (energy----, kasa--, domination- [Ale potem szansa u $ na zabawę w doktora]), pojawia się efekt "wpierdol"<<nobr>>
/* Parse the yields on load */
<<if !$curTags.contains("quest") && !$curTags.contains("events")>>
<<yields null "popup">>
/* Reset the multipliers */
/* Help */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>The main stat for character is <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/desire.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Desire//''. Basically - the more //Desire// character has, the higher your ''//Friendship level//'' becomes. And the higher it is, the more positively she'll react to your advances.</p>
<p>The amount of <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/desire.png'" class="statIcon"> the character gets from your actions depends on ''//Multipliers//''. The way it works is this - when you're conversing with someone, and you click a button with <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon">/<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> - the yield from the button goes through the multipliers (both character's and yours), and then - BAM! - you get ''//Experience//'', she gets //Desire//. Simple, right?</p>
<p>As for the ''//Trait//'' - it works the same way as for the player character - it impacts the multipliers for <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon">/<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon">. But character traits don't change, so basically - if a characters is a //MILF//, she'll stay like that until the end of game.</p>
<p>Additionally, you might wonder why so much information is hidden under ''//???//''. Well, you basically don't know a lot about characters at the start, you need to discover it throughout the game, by talking, peeking, even stalking. And you kind of need to know this hidden stuff to successfuly go through //foreplay// with the character. You can also pay for a random information about character with //Desire//, but unless you're really stuck - I would advice against it, dude.</p>
<p>That's all folks!</p>
<p>''TL;DR: make her desire your ass.''</p>
/* List all the characters */
<<for _i = 0; _i < setup.characters.length; _i++>>
/* Create char variable and load the character object */
<<set _charVar = '$'+setup.characters[_i]>>
<<set _char = State.getVar(_charVar)>>
<<if _char.type != "npc" && _char.type != "player" && _char.met == 1>>
/* Load info about trait */
<<for _chT = 0; _chT < setup.charTraits.length; _chT++>>
<<if setup.charTraits[_chT].id == _char.trait>>
<<set _charTrait = setup.charTraits[_chT].name>>
<<set _charTraitDesc = setup.charTraits[_chT].desc>>
/* We need to turn multipliers into percentages. */
<<set _loveMulti = Math.round(_char.loveMulti * 100)>>
<<set _dominationMulti = Math.round(_char.dominationMulti * 100)>>
/* Fill temporary array with multipliers for tooltips */
<<set _multi = clone($multipliers)>>
<<set _multiArr = []>>
<<for _m = 0; _m < _multi.length; _m++>>
<<if _multi[_m].char ==>>
/* Set missing names (mostly because of the backwards compatibility) */
<<if _multi[_m].type == "trait" && !_multi[_m].name>>
<<set _multi[_m].name = _charTrait>>
<<elseif !_multi[_m].name>>
<<set _multi[_m].name = "Other">>
/* Multiply by 100 to get percentage */
<<set _multi[_m].value = Math.round(_multi[_m].value * 100)>>
/* Save trait multi for display in traitbox */
<<if _multi[_m].type == "trait" && _multi[_m].id == "love">>
<<set _loveMultiTrait = _multi[_m].value>>
<<elseif _multi[_m].type == "trait" && _multi[_m].id == "domination">>
<<set _dominationMultiTrait = _multi[_m].value>>
<<set _multiArr.push(_multi[_m])>>
<<set _multi = null>>
/* Load info about kink */
<<for _sc = 0; _sc < setup.sexCat.length; _sc++>>
<<if setup.sexCat[_sc].id == _char.kink>>
<<set _charKink = setup.sexCat[_sc].name>>
<<set _charKinkDesc = setup.sexCat[_sc].desc>>
/* Load trivia */
<<for _tr = 1; _tr <= 3; _tr++>>
<<set _trivia = State.getVar("_char.trivia" + _tr)>>
<<set _triviaId = State.getVar("_char.trivia" + _tr + "Id")>>
<<set _head = "favorite " + setup.charTrivia.find(obj => {return === _trivia}).singular + ": ">>
<<if _trivia == "songs">>
<<set _song = setup.charTrivia.find(obj => {return === _trivia}).trivia.find(obj => {return === _triviaId})>>
<<set _triviaText = _head + "<a href=\"" + + "\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>" + + "</strong></a>">>
<<set State.setVar("_trivia" + _tr, _triviaText)>>
<<set _triviaText = _head + "<strong>" + setup.charTrivia.find(obj => {return === _trivia}).trivia.find(obj => {return === _triviaId}).name + "</strong>">>
<<set State.setVar("_trivia" + _tr, _triviaText)>>
/* Divider (unless it's a first character) */
<<if _firstCharDone>>
<<set _firstCharDone = 1>>
/* Character info */
<a @onclick="'toggle(' + + 'Edit)'" class="editToggle">✎</a>
<<if $test>>
<<link "-">>
<<pocket ` + ".desire-20"`>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "characters">><</replace>>
<<link "+">>
<<pocket ` + ".desire+20"`>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "characters">><</replace>>
<div @id=" + 'Edit'" style="display: none" class="chunk">
<big style="font-size: 135% !important;">
<span>Her name is </span>
/* This is temporary TEST! */
<<if == "daphne">>
<span><<textbox "$" $>></span>
<<elseif == "alexa">>
<span><<textbox "$" $>></span>
<<elseif == "mia">>
<span><<textbox "$" $>></span>
<<elseif == "rose">>
<span><<textbox "$" $>></span>
<<if == "daphne">>
<span>, she's your </span>
<<listbox "$daphne.relation">>
<<option "landlady" "landlady" `$daphne.relation == "landlady" ? "selected" : ""`>>
<<option "aunt" "aunt" `$daphne.relation == "aunt" ? "selected" : ""`>>
<<media `"characters/" + + "/portrait_big.jpg"`>>
<<dial _char.quote "characterStatsDial">>
/* Start the characterStats div */
<div id="characterStats">
/* Character trait */
<div class="traitBox">
<<if _char.traitKnown>>
<<if _char.traitKnown>>
<span class="statSml">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon">
<span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> _loveMultiTrait <span class="desc">%</span></span>
<span class="statSml">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon">
<span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> _dominationMultiTrait <span class="desc">%</span></span>
<p class="desc">
<<if _char.traitKnown>>
You don't know this character's trait yet.
/* Character stats */
<div class="statsBox">
<table class="character">
<tr class="header">
<td width="30%"></td>
<td width="15%" class="desc center">Multiplier</td>
<td width="25%" class="desc center">Desire</td>
<td width="15%" class="desc center">Desire Lvl</td>
<tr class="statsRow">
<td class="bottomBorder">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Love''
<td class="bottomBorderEnd">
<<if _char.traitKnown>>
<div class="uiData multi tooltip">
<span>_loveMulti</span> <span class="desc">%</span>
<div class="tooltipText">
<<for _row = 0; _row < _multiArr.length; _row++>>
<<if _multiArr[_row].id == "love">>
<td><span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> _multiArr[_row].value <span class="desc">%</span></span></td>
<td>_multiArr[_row].name <span class="statValueSml">(_multiArr[_row].type)</span></td>
<div class="uiData multi">
<span>?</span> <span class="desc">%</span>
<td class="bracket">
<div class="uiData desire">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/desire.png'" class="statIcon">
<<if _char.desireKnown>>_char.desire<<else>>?<</if>>
<span class="desc">pts.</span></div>
<td class="bracket">
<div class="uiData desireLvl">
<<if _char.desireKnown>><span class="level">_char.status</span><<else>>?<</if>>
<span class="desc">/5</span>
<tr class="statsRow">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Domination''
<<if _char.traitKnown>>
<div class="uiData multi tooltip">
<span>_dominationMulti</span> <span class="desc">%</span>
<div class="tooltipText">
<<for _row = 0; _row < _multiArr.length; _row++>>
<<if _multiArr[_row].id == "domination">>
<td><span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> _multiArr[_row].value <span class="desc">%</span></span></td>
<td>_multiArr[_row].name <span class="statValueSml">(_multiArr[_row].type)</span></td>
<div class="uiData multi">
<span>?</span> <span class="desc">%</span>
<div class="break"></div>
/* Character kink */
<div class="kinkBox">
<<if _char.kinkKnown>>
<div class="btnImg btnSex">
<p class="btnText">_charKink</p>
<div class="statInfo">
<div class="statInfoPlayer"></div>
<div class="statInfoCharacter">
<div class="uiData">
<img src="media/icons/squirt.png" class="statIcon"> <div class="statValue">+1</div>
<img class="btnImage" @src="setup.ImagePath+'sex/'+_char.kink+'.jpg'">
<div class="trivia">
<div class="btnImg btnSex">
<p class="btnText">?</p>
<div class="trivia">You don't know what type of sex likes.</div>
/* Character trivia */
<div class="triviaBox">
<p class="trivia"><<if _char.trivia1Known>><<print _trivia1>><<else>>?<</if>></p>
<p class="trivia"><<if _char.trivia2Known>><<print _trivia2>><<else>>?<</if>></p>
<p class="trivia"><<if _char.trivia3Known>><<print _trivia3>><<else>>?<</if>></p>
<div class="break"></div>
/* Finish the characterStats div */
/* Learn something about the character if we're in a location */
<<if $curPas == $curLoc>>
<<set _infoArray to [_char.traitKnown, _char.kinkKnown, _char.trivia1Known, _char.trivia2Known, _char.trivia3Known]>>
<<set _infoCost to 20>>
<<set _infoNum to 0>>
<<for _ia to 0; _ia < _infoArray.length; _ia++>>
<<if _infoArray[_ia] == 1>>
<<set _infoCost to Math.round(_infoCost*1.35)>>
<<set _infoNum to _infoNum + 1>>
<<if _infoNum < 5>>
<<set _infoYieldDom to "dom=" + _infoCost + "; dom-" + _infoCost + "; " + + ".info+">>
<<btn "characters" "Use Domination to get info about" _infoYieldDom "valueShow">>
<<set _infoYieldLove to "love=" + _infoCost + "; love-" + _infoCost + "; " + + ".info+">>
<<btn "characters" "Use Love to get info about" _infoYieldLove "valueShow">>
/* End the character list */
<div class="break"></div>
<</nobr>><<if $test>>
<<btn "kellyPower" "kellyPower+" null "quest">>
<<btn "TEST" "beard+" "effect:beard+">>
<<btn "TEST" "beard-" "effect:beard-">>
<<btn "TEST" "playerShave+0" "$playerShave+0">>
<<btn "TEST" "playerShower+0" "$playerShower+0">>
<<btn "TEST" "sleepless+0" "$sleepless+0">>
<<btn "TEST" "Cash+50" "cash+50">>
<<btn "TEST" "Cash-50" "cash-50">>
<<btn "TEST" "Cash=50" "cash-50; cash=50">>
<<btn "TEST" "Love+5" "love+5">>
<<btn "TEST" "Love-5" "love-5">>
<<btn "TEST" "" "">>
<<btn "TEST" "" "">>
<<btn "TEST" "Alexa.dom+1" "alexa.dom">>
<<btn "TEST" "" "">>
<<btn "TEST" "Daphne.desire+1" "daphne.desire+1">>
<<btn "TEST" "EnergyMAX" "energy+MAX">>
<<btn "TEST" "DOMLVL+1" "player.dominationLvl+1">>
<<btn "TEST" "LOVLVL+1" "player.loveLvl+1">>
<<btn "TEST" "Yields switch off" "$yieldsOff+; $yieldsOff=null">>
<<btn "TEST" "Yields switch on" "$yieldsOff-; $yieldsOff=1">>
<<btn "TEST" "Test notifications" "player.loveLvl+2; love+10; kamasutra+anal; dom+2; daphne.dom+3; oldcake+; daphAlexKey+; drunk+">>
<<set _splitterData to "charAdd+daphne|daphCel">>
<<print _splitterData>><br>
<<set _splitterResult to splitter(_splitterData)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < _splitterResult.length; _i++>>
weight: _splitterResult[_i].weight <br>
positive: _splitterResult[_i].positive <br>
action: _splitterResult[_i].action <br>
type: _splitterResult[_i].type <br>
char: _splitterResult[_i].char <br>
id: _splitterResult[_i].id <br>
sign: _splitterResult[_i].sign <br>
value: _splitterResult[_i].value <br><br>
<<set _pocketData to "">>
String <<print _pocketData>><br>
<<pocket _pocketData>><br>
Result: <br><br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $pocket.length; _i++>>
positive: $pocket[_i].positive <br>
action: $pocket[_i].action <br>
type: $pocket[_i].type <br>
char: $pocket[_i].char <br>
id: $pocket[_i].id <br>
sign: $pocket[_i].sign <br>
value: $pocket[_i].value <br><br>
<<for _x to 0; _x < $schedTemp.length; _x++>>
<<print $schedTemp[_x][0]>>
<<print $schedTemp[_x][1]>>
<<print $schedTemp[_x][2]>>
<<print $schedTemp[_x][3]>>
<<print $schedTemp[_x][4]>> <br>
Current multiplier array:<br>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $multipliers.length; _i++>>
type: $multipliers[_i].type <br>
<<if $multipliers[_i].name>>name: $multipliers[_i].name <br><</if>>
char: $multipliers[_i].char <br>
id: $multipliers[_i].id <br>
value: $multipliers[_i].value <br><br>
/* Draw a button. Arguments: id of next element; link text content; gains, loses, and prerequisites (in one var); additional css classes (including the delay for the timed macro). */
<<widget "btn">>
<<set _link = $args[0] ? $args[0] : "">>
<<set _text = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "">>
<<set _stats = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<set _classes = $args[3] ? $args[3] : "">>
<<set _forcedDial = $args[4] ? $args[4] : "">>
<<set _linkChunkId = null>>
<<set _linkChunkIdAlt = null>>
<<set _curChunkId = null>>
<<set _delay = null>>
<<set _btnId = "btn" + $curChunk + "_" + $btnNum>>
<<set _answerId = null>>
<<set _notifId = null>>
<<set _answerIdAlt = null>>
<<set _notifIdAlt = null>>
<<set _passage = null>>
<<set _locked = null>>
<<set _dialog = null>>
<<set _popup = null>>
<<set _prereqSwitch = null>>
<<set _skipId = null>>
<<set _tempChar = null>>
<<set _yieldShow = null>>
<<set _yieldHide = null>>
<<set _valueShow = null>>
<<set _valueInfo = "">>
<<set _errorInfo = "">>
/* If it's a questMode, and the button is located in location/area, then go forward only if the button is connected to the questMode quest through stats, link, passage, or it's a button for exit/travel/open doors */
<<if $questMode == null || ($questMode != null && !tags($curPas).contains("location") && !tags($curPas).contains("area")) || $questMode != null && ((_classes != "" && _classes.indexOf("exit") != "-1") || (_classes != "" && _classes.indexOf("travel") != "-1") || (_link == $questMode) || (_stats != "" && _stats.indexOf($questMode) != "-1") || ($curPas == $questMode) || (_link == "doorOpen"))>>
/* Check what type of a link it is */
<<if _link == "">>
/* We need to make sure we're using proper numeration, and it depends on whether there was a custom ID or not */
<<if !$curChunkCustomId>>
<<set _linkChunkId to "#chunk" + ($curChunk + 1)>>
<<set _linkChunkIdAlt to "#chunk" + ($curChunkLength + 1)>> /* Used for linking exit buttons with events */
<<set _answerId to "#chunk" + ($curChunk + 1) + "Answer">>
<<set _notifId to "#chunk" + ($curChunk + 1) + "Notif">>
<<set _linkChunkId to "#" + $curChunkCustomId + ($curChunkCustom + 1)>>
<<set _linkChunkIdAlt to "#chunk" + ($curChunkLength + 1)>> /* Used for linking exit buttons with events */
<<set _answerId to "#" + $curChunkCustomId + ($curChunkCustom + 1) + "Answer">>
<<set _notifId to "#" + $curChunkCustomId + ($curChunkCustom + 1) + "Notif">>
/* If there's "#" the link is to a css id */
<<elseif _link.indexOf("#") != "-1">>
/* Fixing broken #caught links */
<<if _link == "#caught">>
<<set _linkChunkId to _link + "1">>
<<set _answerId to _link + "1" + "Answer">>
<<set _notifId to _link + "1" + "Notif">>
<<set _linkChunkIdAlt to "#" + $curChunkCustomId + ($curChunkCustom + 1)>>
<<set _answerIdAlt to _link + "1" + "Answer">>
<<set _notifIdAlt to _link + "1" + "Notif">>
<<set _linkChunkId to _link + "1">>
<<set _answerId to _link + "1" + "Answer">>
<<set _notifId to _link + "1" + "Notif">>
/* We need to also check if we're in a popup or not */
<<elseif _link == "characters" || _link == "player" || _link == "quests">>
<<set _popup to 1>>
<<set _passage to _link>>
<<set _answerId to _link + "1" + "Answer">>
<<set _notifId to _link + "1" + "Notif">>
/* Otherwise it's a normal passage link */
<<set _passage to _link>>
<<set _answerId to _link + "1" + "Answer">>
<<set _notifId to _link + "1" + "Notif">>
/* If it's a passage, we need to check whether it's locked */
<<if _passage && tags(_passage).contains("locked") && !$fapUnlimited>>
<<set _locked = 1>>
/* We need to add the energy cost to the prerequisites check */
<<if !$questMode && _classes != "" && _passage != "sex" && (_classes.indexOf("activ") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("chore") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("relation") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("quest") != "-1")>>
/* Determine the energy cost with a multiplier */
<<if _classes.indexOf("store") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("quick") != "-1">>
<<set _energyCost = 0>>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("travel") != "-1">>
<<set _energyCost = $energyCost * $player.travelMulti>>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("chore") != "-1">>
<<set _energyCost = $energyCost * $player.choreMulti>>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("relation") != "-1">>
<<set _energyCost = $energyCost * $player.sexMulti>>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("quest") != "-1">>
<<set _energyCost = $energyCost * $player.questMulti>>
<<set _energyCost = $energyCost * $player.energyMulti>>
<<if _energyCost != 0>>
/* If activity energy was not defined for prereqisites in the button, we need to add it to the stats */
<<set _energyEq = "energy=">>
<<if _stats != "" && _stats.indexOf(_energyEq) == "-1">>
<<set _stats = _stats + "; energy=" + _energyCost>>
<<elseif _stats == "">>
<<set _stats = "energy=" + _energyCost>>
/* If activity energy cost was not defined for yields, we need to add it to the stats */
<<set _energyPl = "energy+">>
<<set _energyMax = "energyMAX">>
<<set _energyMin = "energy-">>
<<if _stats != "" && _stats.indexOf(_energyPl) == "-1" && _stats.indexOf(_energyMax) == "-1" && _stats.indexOf(_energyMin) == "-1">>
<<set _stats = _stats + "; energy-" + _energyCost>>
<<elseif _stats == "">>
<<set _stats = "energy-" + _energyCost>>
/* If the button has a specific class, and the door prerequisites were not added, we need to add it */
<<if _classes != "" && (_classes.indexOf("activ") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("travel") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("chore") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("relation") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("quest") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("store") != "-1")>>
<<if _stats == "" || (_stats.indexOf("open") == "-1" && _stats.indexOf("closed") == "-1" && _stats.indexOf("locked") == "-1")>>
<<if _stats != "">>
<<set _stats = _stats + "; open">>
<<elseif _stats == "">>
<<set _stats = "open">>
/* If we have stats - we need to split them and build yields info */
<<if !_locked && _stats>>
/* Check if we want to hide yields - we do it automatically for relation buttons */
<<if _classes != "" && _classes.indexOf("yieldHide") != "-1" || _classes != "" && _classes.indexOf("relation") != "-1">>
<<set _yieldHide to 1>>
/* If there's a "yieldShow" or "store" class - force show the yield info (both normally and on prereq = 2). I use it mostly to display required dom/love on lvlup or desire on characters screen and for store btn's. */
<<if !_yieldHide && _classes != "" && (_classes.indexOf("yieldShow") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("store") != "-1")>>
<<set _yieldShow to 1>>
/* If there's a "valueShow" class - it's a switch to force show the actual value of the yield (both normally and on prereq = 2). I use it mostly to display required dom/love on lvlup or desire on characters screen. */
<<if !_yieldHide && _classes != "" && _classes.indexOf("valueShow") != "-1">>
<<set _valueShow to 1>>
<<set _prereqSwitch to "valueShow">>
/* Split the stats */
<<set _objects = splitter(_stats)>>
<<for _by to 0; _by < _objects.length; _by++>>
/* This is a bit weird but we need to get the $char variable from the button to properly check $activitiesDone so basically we need to save it for later */
<<if _objects[_by].action == "update" && _objects[_by].type == "var" && _objects[_by].id == "char">>
<<set _tempChar to _objects[_by].value>>
<<if !_yieldHide || _objects[_by].id == "cash">>
<<set _char = State.getVar("$" + _objects[_by].char)>>
/* Because char.desire turns into char.dom/love we need to look for it and update it for valueInfo accordingly */
<<if _objects[_by].action == "update" && _objects[_by].char != "" && _objects[_by].id == "desire">>
/* We need to select character's multipliers */
<<if _char.loveMulti > _char.dominationMulti>>
<<set _desireStat to "love">>
<<elseif _char.loveMulti < _char.dominationMulti>>
<<set _desireStat to "domination">>
<<set _desireStat to ["love", "domination"].random()>>
<<set _objects[_by].id to _desireStat>>
/* We display the yields info in certain cases - when we force show through yieldShow/valueShow classes, when we're on a popup, when it's dom, love, energy or cash yield, and for activ/chore/relation btn classes. At this point it would be probably easier to list when we don't show the yields... TODO */
<<if _yieldShow || _valueShow || _popup || _objects[_by].id == "energy" || _objects[_by].id == "domination" || _objects[_by].id == "love" || _objects[_by].id == "cash" || _classes != "" && ( _classes.indexOf("activ") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("chore") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("relation") != "-1" )>>
/* Narrow down the value info to btns that are stat updates */
<<if _objects[_by].action == "update" && _objects[_by].type == "stat">>
/* If it's a "+" - we use green stat, if "-" - red, unless it's energy, than default */
<<if _objects[_by].sign == "+">>
<<set _statClass to "green">>
<<elseif _objects[_by].sign == "-" && _objects[_by].id != "energy">>
<<set _statClass to "red">>
<<set _statClass to "default">>
/* Start the html */
<<set _valueInfoTemp to '<span class=\"stat ' + _statClass + '\">'>>
/* Add stat icon*/
<<set _valueInfoTemp to _valueInfoTemp + '<img src=\"' + setup.ImagePath + 'icons/' + _objects[_by].id + '.png\" class=\"statIcon\">'>>
/* If we update cash - we need to add value */
<<if _objects[_by].id == "cash">>
<<set _valueInfoTemp to _valueInfoTemp + '<span class=\"statValue\">' + _objects[_by].value + ' <span class="desc">$</span></span>'>>
/* If there's a valueShow we force display the value (eg. because we need people to know how much clicking the btn would cost on the lvlup passage) */
<<elseif _valueShow>>
<<set _valueInfoTemp to _valueInfoTemp + '<span class=\"statValue\">'>>
/* If dom or love - we need to use default xp multiplier and add "xp." */
<<if _objects[_by].id == "love" || _objects[_by].id == "domination">>
<<set _objects[_by].value to (_objects[_by].value * $defXpMulti) + ' <span class=\"desc\">xp.</span>'>>
<<set _valueInfoTemp to _valueInfoTemp + _objects[_by].value>>
<<set _valueInfoTemp to _valueInfoTemp + '</span>'>>
/* Close the html */
<<set _valueInfoTemp to _valueInfoTemp + "</span>">>
<<set _valueInfo to _valueInfo + _valueInfoTemp>>
/* Check the prerequsites */
/* TEST <<print _stats>><br><br><br> */
<<prereq _stats _prereqSwitch>>
/* Do the rest only if the prereq is not 3, or it's also an exit button */
<<if $prereq != 3 || ($prereq == 3 && _classes.indexOf("exit") != "-1")>>
/* If it's an activity, travel, chore, relation or quest - we need to add time update to the stats */
<<if !_locked && _classes != "" && _passage != "sex" && _classes.indexOf("store") == "-1" && (_classes.indexOf("activ") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("travel") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("chore") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("relation") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("quest") != "-1")>>
/* If time was not given, we need to add it to the stats */
<<if _stats != "" && _stats.indexOf("time") == "-1">>
<<set _stats to _stats + "; time">>
<<elseif _stats == "">>
<<set _stats to "time">>
/* If it's an internal link - we need to load chunk vars */
<<if _linkChunkId>>
<<if $curChunkCustomId>>
<<set _curChunkId to "#" + $curChunkCustomId + $curChunkCustom>>
<<set _curChunkId to "#chunk" + $curChunk>>
/* If the text is not given - set it to default "Next" */
<<if _text == "">>
<<set _text to "Next">>
/* We need to check if it's a dialog button */
<<if _classes != "" && _classes.indexOf("dialog") != "-1" && _text != "">>
<<set _dialog to _text>>
/* We need to check if there's a delay depending on the fade in/slide in css classes (we don't need a delay for fi0/si0 classes) */
<<if _classes != "">>
<<if _classes.indexOf("fi1") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("si1") != "-1">>
<<set _delay = "500ms">>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("fi2") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("si2") != "-1">>
<<set _delay = "1000ms">>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("fi3") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("si3") != "-1">>
<<set _delay = "1500ms">>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("fi4") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("si4") != "-1">>
<<set _delay = "2000ms">>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("fi5") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("si5") != "-1">>
<<set _delay = "2500ms">>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("fi6") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("si6") != "-1">>
<<set _delay = "3000ms">>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("fi7") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("si7") != "-1">>
<<set _delay = "3500ms">>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("fi8") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("si8") != "-1">>
<<set _delay = "4000ms">>
<<elseif _classes.indexOf("fi9") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("si9") != "-1">>
<<set _delay = "4500ms">>
/* If there's a delay - hide a button, and show it after the delay */
<<if _delay != null>>
<<set _classes to _classes + " invisible">>
/* If it's a first chunk - we print normal timed macro */
<<if $curChunk == 1>>
<<capture _btnId, _delay>>
<<timed _delay>>
<<removeclass `"#"+_btnId` "invisible">>
/* If it's not a first chunk - we need to delay the delay until the chunk is visible, so we need to wrap it in a delayer */
<<capture _btnId, _delay>>
<<timed _delay>>
<<removeclass `"#"+_btnId` "invisible">>
/* If prereq is "3" and it's an exit button, or prereq is "2", or the button leads to an activity/chore/quick/relation that was already done - print the button in a disabled mode */
<<if ($prereq == 3 && _classes.indexOf("exit") != "-1" && $test != 1) || ($prereq == 2 && _classes.indexOf("relation") == "-1") || ( $prereq == 1 && _classes != "" && (_classes.indexOf("activ") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("chore") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("quick") != "-1" || _classes.indexOf("relation") != "-1") && ($activitiesDone.indexOf(_passage) != -1 || $activitiesDone.indexOf(_passage + $curLoc + $curLocChars) != -1 || $activitiesDone.indexOf(_passage + _tempChar) != -1) )>>
<<if $errorStat>>
/* Create the error html */
<<set _errorInfo to '<span class=\"statError\">'>>
/* Error info with the icon of the stat */
<<set _errorInfo to _errorInfo + '<img src=\"' + setup.ImagePath + 'icons/' + $errorStat + '.png\" class=\"statIcon\">'>>
/* If there's a value for the error info - add the value */
<<if $errorStatValue>>
/* If it's love or dom - add also "xp." */
<<if $errorStat == "love" || $errorStat == "domination">>
<<set _errorInfo to _errorInfo + '<span class=\"statValue\">' + $errorStatValue + ' <span class=\"desc\">xp.</span></span>'>>
<<elseif $errorStat == "cash">>
<<set _errorInfo to _errorInfo + '<span class=\"statValue\">' + $errorStatValue + ' <span class=\"desc\">$</span></span>'>>
<<set _errorInfo to _errorInfo + '<span class=\"statValue\">' + $errorStatValue + '</span>'>>
/* Close the error html */
<<set _errorInfo to _errorInfo + '</span>'>>
/* Print the btn */
<div @class="'btn disabled ' + _classes" @id="_btnId"><span class="btnText">_text</span> _errorInfo</div>
<<set $btnNum to $btnNum + 1>>
/* If prerequisites are met, or not, but it's an exit button while test is on - print a normal button */
<<elseif $prereq == 1 || ($prereq == 3 && _classes.indexOf("exit") != "-1" && $test == 1)>>
<<capture _locked, _passage, _linkChunkId, _linkChunkIdAlt, _dialog, _forcedDial, _answerId, _notifId, _answerIdAlt, _notifIdAlt, _btnId, _curChunkId, _link, _stats, _classes, _text, _popup, _skipId>>
<<link "<div @class=\"'btn '+ _classes\" @id=\"_btnId\"><span class=\"btnText\">_text</span> _valueInfo</div>">>
/* Reset the questMode variable, otherwise sometimes the questMode won't disable itself making the quests not updating itself for some motherfucking reason, and also old gods will rise and enslave us all */
<<if _passage && $questMode && _passage == $questMode>>
<<set $questMode = null>>
/* If the button is on a quest passage, and it leads outside of the quest, and the quest is not locked, or player has Unlimited code, we need to pocket a quest update */
<<if $curTags.indexOf("quest") != "-1" && ($curTags.indexOf("locked") == "-1" || $fapUnlimited == 1)>>
<<if _passage && !tags(_passage).contains("quest")>>
/* Get the id of the quest from the quest include or passage */
<<if $curQuestInc>>
<<set _questId = $curQuestInc>>
<<set _questId = $curPas>>
<<pocket `"quest:" + _questId + "+"`>>
/* If it's a save menu - we need popup */
<<if _passage == "saves">>
/* If it's a close link - we need to kill the popup */
<<elseif _passage == "close">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
/* If it's a link within a popup - just replace the content, otherwise - go to passage */
<<elseif _popup && _passage>>
/* We have to look for the hook */
<<if $checkId>>
<<pocket _stats>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include _passage>><</replace>>
<<set _skipId to 1>>
<<pocket _stats>>
<<goto _passage>>
<<set _skipId to 1>>
/* If we're unsure if it's a popup and the target of the link is a passage */
<<elseif _passage>>
/* We have to look for the hook, and if we find it - close the popup */
<<if $checkId>>
<<if !_locked>><<pocket _stats>><</if>>
<<goto _passage>>
<<set _skipId to 1>>
/* If we don't link to a popup or a passage, we need to check if we're linking to an id (it's a mess, but it works, so fuck off) */
/* We check if a next chunk exists in chunks array */
/* If the target id exists - we leave it as a link. If not - it means that this thread of chunks is finished, and we need to check if we should link to the next chunks widget, or back to location */
<<if !$checkChunk>>
/* If the passage had clickable options, we need to check if it's value is connected with any particular chunk (this is crude tbh, I was using it for tv passage, where first you choose tv option - horror/comedy/porn - and then you need to the right include type to continue the story with random event of that particular kind) - might need rewriting TODO */
<<if $btnVar!=null>>
<<script>>checkId('#btnVar' + State.variables["btnVar"] + '1');<</script>>
<<if $checkId>>
<<set _linkChunkId to "#btnVar" + $btnVar + "1">>
/* If not btnvar than we need to check if the first search for an alternative id, that we defined earlier */
<<if $btnVar==null || !$checkId>>
/* If it works - use it as a link. If not - redirect back to the location */
<<if $checkChunk>>
<<set _linkChunkId to _linkChunkIdAlt>>
<<set _answerId to _answerIdAlt>>
<<set _notifId to _notifIdAlt>>
/* We use different default passage for sex */
<<if $curPas != "sex" && !tags($curPas).contains("sex")>>
<<set _passage = $curLoc>>
<<set _passage = "sex">>
/* If the button is on a quest passage, and it leads outside of the quest, and the quest is not locked, or player has Unlimited code, we need to pocket a quest update */
<<if $curTags.indexOf("quest") != "-1" && ($curTags.indexOf("locked") == "-1" || $fapUnlimited == 1)>>
<<if _passage && !tags(_passage).contains("quest")>>
/* Get the id of the quest from the quest include or passage */
<<if $curQuestInc>>
<<set _questId = $curQuestInc>>
<<set _questId = $curPas>>
<<pocket `"quest:" + _questId + "+"`>>
<<pocket _stats>>
<<goto _passage>>
<<set _skipId to 1>>
/* If we're still here, after all this shit above, we assume we have proper linkChunkId */
<<if _linkChunkId && !_skipId>>
/* We need to check if the incoming chunk has the notification div */
/* If the notification id exists - inject the yields widget */
<<if $checkId>>
<<replace _notifId>><<yields _stats "dialog">><</replace>>
/* If it doesn't exist - pocket the data */
<<pocket _stats>>
/* If it's a dialog button - we need to inject the text of the button into an answer div */
<<if _dialog>>
<<replace _answerId>><<dial "player" _dialog>><</replace>>
//* If it's not a dialog button but we have a _forcedDial variable we also inject the answer */
<<elseif _forcedDial != "">>
<<replace _answerId>><<dial "player" _forcedDial>><</replace>>
/* Hide chunk */
<<removeclass _curChunkId "fiQ visible">>
<<addclass _curChunkId "fo">>
/* Show chunk */
<<removeclass _linkChunkId "invisible">>
<<addclass _linkChunkId "fiQ visible">>
/* Hide btns, pause vids in the current chunk, and play vids in new chunk */
<<script>>chunkChange(State.temporary["curChunkId"], State.temporary["linkChunkId"]);<</script>>
/* Do the delayer if required (we need to save _linkChunkId or delayer will overwrite it) I have no fucking idea why this is here... */
<<set _linkChunkIdTemp to _linkChunkId>>
<<if $delayer>>
/* Finally scroll us the fuck down */
/* <<script>>alert ("linkChunkId: " + State.temporary["linkChunkIdTemp"]);<</script>> TEST */
<<set $btnNum to $btnNum + 1>>
/* Set the prerequsites variable back to default after use */
<<set $prereq to null>>
<h2>City Center</h2>
<<media "locations/areaCity/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<big>The plane touches the airfield like virgin's thigh.</big>
<p>You take your luggage, and look around. The terminal is huge, and the hot air is hard to breathe, but you're too excited to bother. You find your way through the crowd, walk out of the airport, and...</p>
<<media "story/intro/girls.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Jackpot, baby!">>
<p>Here it is. The Promised Land. You feel like a lion looking at a herd of gazelles. Young, hot, horny gazelles...</p>
<p>But you do not allow yourself to lose focus. After all - ''you're on a mission from the god of fuck, and you're not planning to fuck it up''.</p>
<big>Your dad arranged a room for you in LA.</big>
<p>He didn't say much, so you aren't sure what to expect. But you're about to find out.</p>
<big>You call a taxi and ride to your new home.</big>
<<media "story/intro/taxi.mp4">>
<p>The cab goes past beautiful mansions and villas, surrounded by palm trees. Gradually, as you make your way through the city, the area becomes less luxurious (and more liquor-store-ish).</p>
<big>After a while you arrive at your final destination...</big>
<h2 class="border">Neighbourhood</h2>
<<media "locations/areaNeighbourhood/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<big>It's a dump.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Thank you, dad...</tht>">>
<p>Bottles, crackheads, baby on the corner. You cautiously approach the house at the address your dad gave you. It hasn't been painted in years, and the grass is yellow and patchy.</p>
<big>You approach the doors and knock...</big>
<<media "story/intro/daphne.mp4">>
<span>You met </span>
<span><<textbox "$" $>></span>
<<repeat 2s>><<replace "#daphneName">>$<</replace>><</repeat>>
<span>, she's your </span>
<<listbox "$daphne.relation">>
<<option "landlady" "landlady" selected>>
<<option "aunt" "aunt">>
<p class="clear noMarginTop">The sight of those knockers renders you speechless.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes...?">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Thank you, dad!</tht>">>
/* Help */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>When you're interacting with a character, choosing an option with <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon">/<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> not only gives you //Experience//, but also yields ''//Desire//'' for the character.</p>
<p>Basically - the more //Desire// a character has, the higher your ''//Friendship level//'' becomes. And the higher it is, the bigger chance for a positive reaction to your advances.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: boost //desire// to get into character's panties.''</p>
<<btn null "I'm here for the boob! Ermmm... Room!" "" "dialog yieldShow">>
<<btn null "I cum for a room." "daphne.dom" "dialog yieldShow">>
<<if $daphne.relation == "landlady">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh? Oh! The room! I though you'd come tomorrow. Come with me, hun.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh? Oh! You must be $! $, I mean your dad, told me so much about you! I though you'd come tomorrow. Come with me, hun.">>
<<media "story/intro/daphne_walkin.mp4">>
<h2 class="border">$'s house</h2>
<<media "locations/daphHouse/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You follow her to the house. Most of the interior looks like straight out of an 80s porn - clean on the surface, but you have a feeling everything is sticky.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I guess she likes it dirty...</tht>">>
<<dial "daphne" "Why are you smiling, hun?">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, emm... The house looks neato!">>
<<dial "daphne" "That's a nice thing to say. I'm sure we'll get along nicely.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh yes, we will...</tht>">>
<p>You're barely able to stop staring at her ass as she walks up the stairs.</p>
<big>She buttnotized you.</big>
<<media "story/intro/daphne_butt.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.relation == "aunt">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... so my dad told you about me?">>
<<dial "daphne" "He's very proud of you, $! I know it's strange that we never met before, but I've been so busy here in LA...">>
<<dial "player" "Better late than later!">>
<p>$ giggles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, that's what I always say!">>
<h2 class="border">Your room</h2>
<<media "locations/daphGuest/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>$ stops in front of a room on the attic. It looks like shit, but with the little amount of blood left in your brain - you don't care.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You will sleep here. It's my son's old room. He's very successful now and lives downtown!">>
<<dial "player" "U-huh.">>
<<dial "daphne" "I'll leave you to unpack. Have fun in LA, hun!">>
<<if $daphne.relation == "aunt">>
<<dial "player" "Thank you... uhmmm... how should I call you?">>
<<dial "player" "Thank you, miss!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Call me <span id=\"daphneName\">//$</span>, hun!">>
<p>She winks at you and walks away.</p>
<p>But you're not even sad seeing her go.</p>
<p>You were waiting years for an opportunity like this, and you want to be smart about it. You can feel that finally things are going your way. It's your time to shine, and I promise - I'll make you shine, bro!</p>
<big>I'll be the wingman of your dreams.</big>
<<media "success.mp4">>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Start your new life" "daphIntro+; time+">> /*[[daphGuest]]*/
<<EVENT "alexaIntro=0; day=2">> /* Leave it without alexa.met!=1 */
<<inc "alexaIntro">>
<<if !$fapUnlimited && !$fapRegular>>
<div class="item wide">
<h4 class="smlMarginTop smlMarginBottom">Support the author to help him finish <strong class="lockedBadge">Work in progress</strong> quests</h4>
<<btnPopup "fap" "Support the author" "med width75">>
<br class="clear">
<br class="clear">
/* Parse the yields on load */
<<if !$curTags.contains("quest") && !$curTags.contains("events")>>
<<yields null "popup">>
/* Reset the multipliers */
/* Help */
/* TODO: help div */
/* List of player's active and archived quests */
<h1 class="center marginBottom30px">Active quests</h1>
/* Split setup.quests array into separate quests */
<<for _q to 0; _q < $player.quests.length; _q++>>
<<set _curQuest = setup.quests.find(obj => {return === $player.quests[_q].id})>>
/* Check if the quest is work in progress */
<<if _curQuest.wip == 1>>
<<set _curQuestWip = 1>>
<<set _curQuestClass = "expand">>
<<set _curQuestWip = null>>
<<set _curQuestClass = "expand expandOpen">>
<<if $player.quests[_q].active != 0 && $player.quests[_q].active <= _curQuest.tasks.length>>
<div @class="_curQuestClass">
/* Draw quest's name */
<h2><<print>><<if _curQuestWip>><div class="badge wip">Work in progress!</div><</if>></h2>
<div class="expandContent">
/* Split each quest into separate tasks */
<<for _t to 0; _t < $player.quests[_q].active; _t++>>
<<if $player.quests[_q].active == 0>>
<<set _class to "dimmed">>
<<elseif _t == ($player.quests[_q].active - 1)>>
<<set _class to "">>
<<elseif _t < ($player.quests[_q].active - 1)>>
<<set _class to "green">>
<<set _class to "dimmed">>
/* Draw quest's tasks */
<p @class="_class"><<print _t + 1>>. <<print _curQuest.tasks[_t]>></p>
/* For testing we show all available quests */
<<if $test>>
<h1 class="center marginBottom30px">All quests</h1>
/* Split setup.quests array into separate quests */
<<for _q to 0; _q < setup.quests.length; _q++>>
/* Check if the player knows the quest */
<<set _current = $player.quests.findIndex(x => === setup.quests[_q].id)>>
<<if _current != -1>>
<<set _currentVar = $player.quests[_current]>>
<<set _current = null>>
<<set _currentVar = null>>
<div class="expand">
/* Draw quest's name */
<<print setup.quests[_q].name>>
<<capture _q, _current>>
<<if _current == null || (_current != null && <= setup.quests[_q].tasks.length)>>
<<link "[+]">>
<<pocket setup.quests[_q].id>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "quests">><</replace>>
<<link "[done]">>
<<pocket `setup.quests[_q].id + "+DONE"`>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "quests">><</replace>>
<<link "[reset]">>
<<pocket `setup.quests[_q].id + "+RESET"`>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "quests">><</replace>>
<div class="expandContent">
/* Split each quest into separate tasks */
<<for _t to 0; _t < setup.quests[_q].tasks.length; _t++>>
<<if _current == null>>
<<set _class to "dimmed">>
<<elseif _t == ( - 1)>>
<<set _class to "">>
<<elseif _t < ( - 1)>>
<<set _class to "green">>
<<set _class to "dimmed">>
/* Draw quest's tasks */
<p @class="_class"><<print _t + 1>>. <<print setup.quests[_q].tasks[_t]>></p>
<h1 class="center marginBottom30px">Archived quests</h1>
/* Split setup.quests array into separate quests */
<<for _q to 0; _q < $player.quests.length; _q++>>
<<set _curQuest = setup.quests.find(obj => {return === $player.quests[_q].id})>>
<<if $player.quests[_q].active > _curQuest.tasks.length>>
<div class="expand">
/* Draw quest's name */
<div class="expandContent">
/* Split each quest into separate tasks */
<<for _t to 0; _t < _curQuest.tasks.length; _t++>>
<<if $player.quests[_q].active == 0>>
<<set _class to "dimmed">>
<<elseif _t == ($player.quests[_q].active - 1)>>
<<set _class to "">>
<<elseif _t < ($player.quests[_q].active - 1)>>
<<set _class to "green">>
<<set _class to "dimmed">>
/* Draw quest's tasks */
<p @class="_class"><<print _t + 1>>. <<print _curQuest.tasks[_t]>></p>
/* Update stats, quests, effects, etc. and draw notifications. If the argument is given - process only this argument. If not - process pocket. */
<<widget "yields">>
/* Stats given to the widget */
<<set _inputYds = $args[0] ? $args[0] : null>>
/* Switch is used to select which yields to parse in specific places like popups, header, etc. */
<<set _switchYds = $args[1] ? $args[1] : null>>
/* Classes are passed to notify widget */
<<set _classes = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
/* If there is data given through argument - process it through $pocket */
<<if _inputYds>>
/* If there's a switch, and it's not "header" or "popup" - process it through pocketInstant to narrow the results to the input, otherwise do normal pocket */
<<if _switchYds != "header" && _switchYds != "popup">>
<<pocket _inputYds "instant">>
<<set _instant = 1>>
<<pocket _inputYds>>
/* Load the data that we got back from pocket widget */
<<if _instant>>
<<set _objYds = $pocketInstant>>
<<set $yieldsForce = 1>>
<<set _objYds = $pocket>>
/* Set splice array */
<<set _spliceYds = []>>
/* Split pocket into separate yields */
<<for _y = 0; _y < _objYds.length; _y++>>
<<set _notifInfo = null>> /* Additional parameter for notification */
<<set _periodNew = null>>
<<set _process = null>>
<<set _skip = null>>
<<set _lvlNum = 0>>
<<set _q = null>>
<<if _objYds[_y].action == "update">>
/* Decide when to show the yields */
/* If the yields are off - always skip it */
<<if $yieldsOff>>
<<set _process = null>>
/* If it's a $questMode - we ignore energy and time updates */
<<elseif $questMode != null && (_objYds[_y].id == "energy" || _objYds[_y].id == "time")>>
<<set _process = null>>
/* If we force it - we always want to run it */
<<elseif $yieldsForce>>
<<set _process = 1>>
/* Based on switch we exclude the yields that don't fit. Possible switches - header, popup (all, but sex stuff), sex (vigour, squirt, cum) */
<<elseif (_switchYds == null || _switchYds == "header" || _switchYds == "popup") && _objYds[_y].id != "cum" && _objYds[_y].id != "squirt" && _objYds[_y].id != "vigour">>
<<set _process = 1>>
<<elseif _switchYds == "sex" && (_objYds[_y].id == "cum" || _objYds[_y].id == "squirt" || _objYds[_y].id == "vigour")>>
<<set _process = 1>>
/* Process the yields */
<<if _process>>
/* Update the stats */
<<if _objYds[_y].type == "stat">>
/* Round the value just in case */
<<if Util.isNumeric(_objYds[_y].value)>>
<<set _objYds[_y].value = Math.round(_objYds[_y].value)>>
/* If sign is "-", we need to add "-" to the value */
<<if _objYds[_y].sign == "-" && _objYds[_y].value > 0>>
<<set _objYds[_y].value = parseInt(_objYds[_y].sign + _objYds[_y].value)>>
/* Build a var for the update */
<<set _stat = '$'+_objYds[_y].char+'.'+_objYds[_y].id>>
/* Count the new value for the stat */
<<if _objYds[_y].value != "MAX">>
<<set _valueNew = Math.round(State.getVar(_stat)) + _objYds[_y].value>>
<<set _valueNew = $energyMax>>
/* Adjust if the new value is too small */
<<set _valueNew = _valueNew < 0 ? 0 : _valueNew>>
/* Update the stat */
<<set State.setVar(_stat, _valueNew)>>
/* If we update the desire, we also need to update the status of the character */
<<if _objYds[_y].char != "" && _objYds[_y].char != "player" && _objYds[_y].id == "desire">>
<<set _varStatus = '$'+_objYds[_y].char+'.status'>>
<<set _varStatusOld = State.getVar(_varStatus)>>
<<set _varDesire = State.getVar('$'+_objYds[_y].char+'.desire')>>
<<set _varMinDesire = State.getVar('$'+_objYds[_y].char+'.minDes')>>
/* Status depends on the multiplication of minimum desire (minDes) required to have sex with character. Status 1 = we know the character; 2 = familiar; 3 = friends (can have sex); 4 = lovers; 5 = bff */
<<if _varDesire > 0 && _varDesire < _varMinDesire/2>>
<<set _varStatusNew = 1>>
<<elseif _varDesire >= _varMinDesire/2 && _varDesire < _varMinDesire>>
<<set _varStatusNew = 2>>
<<elseif _varDesire >= _varMinDesire && _varDesire < _varMinDesire*2>>
<<set _varStatusNew = 3>>
<<elseif _varDesire >= _varMinDesire*2 && _varDesire < _varMinDesire*3>>
<<set _varStatusNew = 4>>
<<elseif _varDesire >= _varMinDesire*3>>
<<set _varStatusNew = 5>>
<<set _varStatusNew = 0>>
/* If the new status is different then the old one - make a change and display */
<<if _varStatusNew > 0 && _varStatusNew != _varStatusOld>>
/* Set the new status */
<<set State.setVar(_varStatus, _varStatusNew)>>
/* Check if the notification array exists, because backwards compatibility has problems with creating empty arrays */
<<if !$notifications>>
<<set $notifications = []>>
/* Load notification */
<<if _varStatusNew > _varStatusOld>>
<<set $notifications.push({type: "status", id: null, value: _varStatusNew, sign: "+", char: _objYds[_y].char, info: null}) >>
/* If the player advanced friendship status, he also needs to learn something about the character */
<<set _tempChar = clone(_objYds[_y].char)>>
<<pocket `_tempChar + ".info+"`>>
<<set $notifications.push({type: "status", id: null, value: _varStatusNew, sign: "-", char: _objYds[_y].char, info: null}) >>
/* Each time we update the desire, we also need to note we know the character */
/* !IMPORTANT! For 2.0.16 I've moved this line outside of the if, which basically means that everytime the desire is being updated (whether it actually gets updated or not) will trigger the met variable. It had to be like that, otherwise Cult Leader couldn't meet mia, because she was not getting the desire from love, and that was the trigger for met in the quest */
<<set State.setVar('$'+_objYds[_y].char+'.met', 1)>>
/* Update the effects */
<<elseif _objYds[_y].type == "effect">>
/* Split setup.effects array into separate effects */
<<for _e = 0; _e < setup.effects.length; _e++>>
/* Compare with the given effect id */
<<if _objYds[_y].id == setup.effects[_e].id>>
/* If sign is "-", we need to add "-" to the value */
<<if _objYds[_y].sign == "-" && _objYds[_y].value > 0>>
<<set _objYds[_y].value = _objYds[_y].sign + _objYds[_y].value>>
<<set _objYds[_y].value = parseInt(_objYds[_y].value)>>
/* Check if the player already has the effect */
<<set _currentE = $player.effects.findIndex(x => === setup.effects[_e].id)>>
/* If not then add it */
<<if _currentE == -1 && _objYds[_y].sign == "+">>
<<set $player.effects.push({id: setup.effects[_e].id, left: setup.effects[_e].duration})>>
/* We need to recount the multipliers */
<<set $resetMulti = 1>>
/* We need to pocket the yields - 0.2.27 experimental (mostly to add passage:xxx for trip) TEST */
<<if setup.effects[_e].yields>>
<<pocket setup.effects[_e].yields>>
/* If he doesn't have it, and it's "-" - remove it from pocket */
<<elseif _currentE == -1 && _objYds[_y].sign != "+">>
<<set _skip = 1>>
<<set _spliceYds.push(_y)>>
/* If the player has the effect, and it's "+" - adjust the duration, unless it's ongoing effect */
<<elseif _currentE != -1 && _objYds[_y].sign == "+">>
<<set _currentEVar = $player.effects[_currentE]>>
<<if _currentEVar.left != "ongoing" && setup.effects[_e].duration != "ongoing">>
<<set _valueNew = _currentEVar.left + setup.effects[_e].duration>>
<<set _currentEVar.left = _valueNew>>
/* If the player has the effect and it's "-" - remove the effect */
/* IMPORTANT - before version 0.2.20 it was just adjusting the effect duration, but it turns out I prefer to remove the effect completely on "-", so I've changed it - needs testing TODO */
<<elseif _currentE != -1 && _objYds[_y].sign != "+">>
<<set _skip = 1>>
<<set _spliceYds.push(_y)>>
<<set $player.effects.splice(_currentE, 1)>>
/* We need to recount the multipliers */
<<set $resetMulti = 1>>
/* Load vars for notification */
<<set _objYds[_y].value = setup.effects[_e].name>>
/* At the end we also need to rebuild the string for easy checks */
<<set $player.effectsList = null>>
<<for _pe = 0; _pe < $player.effects.length; _pe++>>
<<if $player.effectsList == null>>
<<set $player.effectsList = $player.effects[_pe].id>>
<<set $player.effectsList = $player.effectsList + "; " + $player.effects[_pe].id>>
/* And reset the random var, because some effects change it */
/* Update the items */
<<elseif _objYds[_y].type == "item">>
/* Split setup.items array into separate items */
<<for _it = 0; _it < setup.items.length; _it++>>
/* Compare with the given item id */
<<if _objYds[_y].id == setup.items[_it].id>>
/* If sign is "-", we need to add "-" to the value */
<<if _objYds[_y].sign == "-" && _objYds[_y].value > 0>>
<<set _objYds[_y].value = _objYds[_y].sign + _objYds[_y].value>>
<<set _objYds[_y].value = parseInt(_objYds[_y].value)>>
/* Check if the player already has an item */
<<set _currentI = $player.items.findIndex(x => === setup.items[_it].id)>>
/* If not than add it to the array */
<<if _currentI == -1 && _objYds[_y].sign == "+">>
<<set $player.items.push({id: setup.items[_it].id, quantity: _objYds[_y].value})>>
/* If he doesn't have it, and it's "-" - remove it from pocket */
<<elseif _currentI == -1 && _objYds[_y].sign != "+">>
<<set _skip = 1>>
<<set _spliceYds.push(_y)>>
/* If he has it - adjust the quantity */
<<set _currentIVar = $player.items[_currentI]>>
<<set _valueNew = _currentIVar.quantity + _objYds[_y].value>>
<<if _valueNew > 0>>
<<set _currentIVar.quantity = _valueNew>>
<<set $player.items.splice(_currentI, 1)>>
<<set _objYds[_y].sign = "-">>
/* Load vars for notification */
<<set _objYds[_y].value = setup.items[_it].name>>
/* At the end we also need to rebuild the string for easy checks */
<<set $player.itemsList = null>>
<<for _pi = 0; _pi < $player.items.length; _pi++>>
<<if $player.itemsList == null>>
<<set $player.itemsList = $player.items[_pi].id>>
<<set $player.itemsList = $player.itemsList + "; " + $player.items[_pi].id>>
/* Update the quests */
<<elseif _objYds[_y].type == "quest">>
/* Split setup.quests array into separate quests */
<<for _q to 0; _q < setup.quests.length; _q++>>
/* Find the quest that matches given quest id */
<<if _objYds[_y].id == setup.quests[_q].id>>
/* Check if prerequisites match */
<<prereq setup.quests[_q].prereq>>
<<if $prereq == 1>>
/* Check if the player knows the quest */
<<set _currentQ = $player.quests.findIndex(x => === setup.quests[_q].id)>>
/* If not than add it to the array */
<<if _currentQ == -1>>
<<set $player.quests.push({id: setup.quests[_q].id, active: 0, done: 0})>>
<<set _currentQ = $player.quests.findIndex(x => === setup.quests[_q].id)>>
<<set _currentQVar = $player.quests[_currentQ]>>
/* Check if the quest is not yet finished */
<<if _currentQVar && (_currentQVar.done == 0 || _objYds[_y].value == "RESET")>>
/* Update the quest vars */
<<if _objYds[_y].value == "DONE">>
<<set = setup.quests[_q].tasks.length + 1>>
<<set _currentQVar.done = 1>>
<<elseif _objYds[_y].value == "RESET">>
<<set _skip = 1>>
<<set _spliceYds.push(_y)>>
<<set $player.quests.splice(_currentQ, 1)>>
/* Count 0 as 1 just in case - I'm really not sure why this is here... */
<<elseif _objYds[_y].value == 0>>
/* Update only if the quest is not started yet */
<<if == 0>>
<<set = 1>>
<<if > setup.quests[_q].tasks.length>>
<<set _currentQVar.done = 1>>
/* If none of the above do the normal update */
<<set = + 1>>
<<if > setup.quests[_q].tasks.length>>
<<set _currentQVar.done = 1>>
/* If it's not done, set the new value for the sidebar */
<<set $lastQuest = $lastQuest + 1>>
<<set _currentQVar.priority = $lastQuest>>
<<if !_skip>>
/* Load quest name for notification */
<<set _objYds[_y].id = setup.quests[_q].name>>
<<set _notifInfo = setup.quests[_q].tasks[]>>
/* If the quest is finished - pocket the rewards */
<<if _currentQVar.done == 1>>
<<pocket setup.quests[_q].reward>>
<<prereq setup.quests[_q].prereqExtra>>
<<if $prereq == 1>>
<<pocket setup.quests[_q].rewardExtra>>
/* If the quest was already finished, we skip the notification and remove it from the pocket */
<<set _skip = 1>>
<<set _spliceYds.push(_y)>>
/* If the prereq is not met we skip the notification, but we keep it in the pocket */
<<set _skip = 1>>
/* At the end we also need to rebuild the string for easy checks */
<<set $player.questsList = null>>
<<set $player.questsListDone = null>>
<<for _pq = 0; _pq < $player.quests.length; _pq++>>
<<if $player.quests[_pq].done == 0>>
<<if $player.questsList == null>>
<<set $player.questsList = $player.quests[_pq].id>>
<<set $player.questsList = $player.questsList + "; " + $player.quests[_pq].id>>
<<if $player.questsListDone == null>>
<<set $player.questsListDone = $player.quests[_pq].id>>
<<set $player.questsListDone = $player.questsListDone + "; " + $player.quests[_pq].id>>
/* Update the information about the characters */
<<elseif _objYds[_y].type == "other" && _objYds[_y].id == "info">>
/* If the value is 1 - it means there's no specific info that we need to update, so we choose a random one */
<<if _objYds[_y].value == 1>>
<<set _infoArray = ["trivia1Known", "trivia2Known", "trivia3Known", "traitKnown", "kinkKnown", "desireKnown"]>>
<<set _infoArrayUnknown to []>>
<<for _d = 0; _d < _infoArray.length; _d++>>
<<if State.getVar("$"+_objYds[_y].char+"."+_infoArray[_d]) == 0>>
<<set _infoArrayUnknown.push(_infoArray[_d])>>
<<set _infoUpdate = _infoArrayUnknown.random()>>
<<set State.setVar("$" + _objYds[_y].char + "." + _infoUpdate, 1)>>
<<set State.setVar("$" + _objYds[_y].char + "." + _objYds[_y].value + "Known", 1)>>
/* Load vars for notification */
<<if _objYds[_y].value == "kink">>
<<set _objYds[_y].id = "infoKink">>
<<elseif _objYds[_y].value == "trait">>
<<set _objYds[_y].id = "infoTrait">>
<<elseif _objYds[_y].value == "desire">>
<<set _objYds[_y].id = "infoDesire">>
<<set _objYds[_y].id = "info">>
<<set _objYds[_y].value = State.getVar("$" + _objYds[_y].char + ".name")>>
/* Update kamasutra */
<<elseif _objYds[_y].type == "kamasutra">>
/* Split setup.kamasutra array into separate items */
<<for _k = 0; _k < setup.kamasutra.length; _k++>>
/* Compare with the given kamasutra id (it's in value) */
<<if _objYds[_y].value == setup.kamasutra[_k].id>>
/* Check if the player already knows this kamasutra */
<<set _currentK = $player.kamasutra.findIndex(x => === setup.kamasutra[_k].id)>>
/* If not than add it to the array */
<<if _currentK == -1 && _objYds[_y].sign == "+">>
<<set $player.kamasutra.push({id: setup.kamasutra[_k].id, known: 1, used: 0})>>
/* If he doesn't know it, and it's "-" - remove it from pocket */
<<elseif _currentK == -1 && _objYds[_y].sign != "+">>
<<set _skip = 1>>
<<set _spliceYds.push(_y)>>
/* If he knows it - and it's a positive update - keep it, remove it from pocket */
<<elseif _currentK != -1 && _objYds[_y].sign == "+">>
<<set _skip = 1>>
<<set _spliceYds.push(_y)>>
/* If he knows it - and it's a negative update - remove it */
<<set $player.kamasutra.splice(_currentK, 1)>>
<<set _skip = 1>>
<<set _spliceYds.push(_y)>>
/* Load vars for notification */
<<set _objYds[_y].value = setup.kamasutra[_k].name>>
/* Update the player level, trait, etc.*/
<<elseif _objYds[_y].type == "other" && (_objYds[_y].id == "loveLvl" || _objYds[_y].id == "dominationLvl")>>
/* Update the player level */
<<set _lvlVar = "$" + _objYds[_y].char + "." + _objYds[_y].id>>
<<set _lvlCur = State.getVar(_lvlVar)>>
<<set State.setVar("$" + _objYds[_y].char + "." + _objYds[_y].id, _lvlCur + 1)>>
/* We need to check if player's trait should change, and if it does - change it. 4 is the default position, 0 is minimum, 8 is maximum */
<<set _lvlDiff = $player.loveLvl - $player.dominationLvl>>
<<set _lvlNew = 4 + parseInt(_lvlDiff/2)>>
<<set _lvlSum = $player.loveLvl + $player.dominationLvl>>
<<if (_lvlNew >= 0 && _lvlNew <= 8) || (_lvlDiff > -2 && _lvlDiff < 2 && _lvlSum >= $alphaLvl)>>
/* Change the trait */
<<set _oldTrait = clone($player.trait)>>
<<if _lvlDiff > -2 && _lvlDiff <= 2 && _lvlSum >= $alphaLvl>>
<<set $player.trait = "alpha">>
<<elseif setup.playerTraits[_lvlNew].id != $player.trait>>
<<set $player.trait = setup.playerTraits[_lvlNew].id>>
/* Set trait prefix and name */
<<set _lvlNum = $player.loveLvl + $player.dominationLvl>>
<<for _p = 0; _p < setup.playerTraitsPrefix.length; _p++>>
<<if setup.playerTraitsPrefix[_p].from <= _lvlNum>>
<<set _traitPrefix = setup.playerTraitsPrefix[_p].name>>
/* Set the new total lvl */
<<set $player.lvl = _p>>
<<set _traitName to setup.playerTraits.find(obj => {return === $player.trait}).name>>
/* Set trait full name */
<<set $player.traitFull = _traitPrefix + " " + _traitName>>
/* If the trait was changed - update the trait multipliers */
<<if $player.trait != _oldTrait>>
/* Remove old trait multipliers */
<<set _multiSplice = []>>
<<for _tm to 0; _tm < $multipliers.length; _tm++>>
<<if $multipliers[_tm].type == "trait" && $multipliers[_tm].char == "player">>
<<set _multiSplice.push(_tm)>>
<<if _multiSplice>>
<<set _multiSpliceRev = _multiSplice.reverse()>>
<<for _ms = 0; _ms < _multiSpliceRev.length; _ms++>>
<<set $multipliers.splice(_multiSpliceRev[_ms], 1)>>
/* Add new trait multipliers */
<<set _multi = splitter(setup.playerTraits.find(obj => {return === $player.trait}).multi)>>
<<for _ntm = 0; _ntm < _multi.length; _ntm++>>
<<set _multi[_ntm].type = "trait">>
<<set $multipliers.push(_multi[_ntm])>>
<<set $resetMulti to 1>>
/* If the trait is changing - we need an additional notification to tell user about it */
/* Check if the notification array exists, because backwards compatibility has problems with creating empty arrays */
<<if !$notifications>>
<<set $notifications = []>>
/* Load notification */
<<set $notifications.push({type: "trait", id: $player.trait, value: $player.traitFull, sign: "+", char: "player", info: null}) >>
/* If nothing matches - fuck it */
<<set _skip = 1>>
/* If everything ok - load notification */
<<if !_skip>>
/* Change the value for quests */
<<if _objYds[_y].type == "quest" && _currentQVar>>
<<if _currentQVar.done == 1>>
<<set _objYds[_y].value to "DONE">>
<<elseif == 1>>
<<set _objYds[_y].value to "NEW">>
/* If it's a header - wait before displaying it, otherwise display it right away */
<<if _switchYds == "header">>
/* We have to check if notifications array exists, because backwards compatibility has problems with creating arrays or something else is wrong */
<<if !$notifications>>
<<set $notifications = []>>
<<set $notifications.push({type: _objYds[_y].type, id: _objYds[_y].id, value: _objYds[_y].value, sign: _objYds[_y].sign, char: _objYds[_y].char, info: _notifInfo}) >>
<<notify _objYds[_y].type _objYds[_y].id _objYds[_y].value _objYds[_y].sign _objYds[_y].char _notifInfo _classes>>
/* Remove the stat from the pocket array */
<<set _spliceYds.push(_y)>>
/* Last thing we do is update the yields, as there might be new pocket items in the pocket */
<<if _instant>>
<<set _objYds = $pocketInstant>>
<<set _objYds = $pocket>>
/* Remove the stat from the pocket array */
<<if _spliceYds>>
<<set _spliceYdsRev = _spliceYds.reverse()>>
<<for _s = 0; _s < _spliceYdsRev.length; _s++>>
<<if _instant>>
<<set $pocketInstant.splice(_spliceYdsRev[_s], 1)>>
<<set $pocket.splice(_spliceYdsRev[_s], 1)>>
/* Update lvlup variable - it should be here, because it updates on different situations (lov/dom/des/lvlup) */
<<set _lvlUpCost = setup.lvlUpCost>>
<<set _lvlUpNum = $player.loveLvl + $player.dominationLvl>>
/* We skip 1 and 2, because first 2 levels are default */
<<for _lu = 3; _lu <= _lvlUpNum; _lu++>>
<<set _lvlUpCost = Math.round(_lvlUpCost * setup.lvlUpMulti)>>
<<if $player.domination >= (_lvlUpCost * $defXpMulti) || $ >= (_lvlUpCost * $defXpMulti)>>
<<set $lvlup = 1>>
<<set $lvlup = null>>
/* If there is yieldsForce var - we need to nullify it */
<<set $yieldsForce = null>>
/* If we were using pocketInstant for yields and it's not empty after we finished */
<<if _instant && $pocketInstant && $pocketInstant.length > 0>>
/* If something's left in pocketInstant - combine it with pocket */
<<for _pi = 0; _pi < $pocketInstant.length; _pi++>>
<<set $pocket.push($pocketInstant[_pi])>>
/* Empty pocketInstant */
<<set $pocketInstant = []>>
/* Update sidebar info */
<<replace "#story-caption">><<display "StoryCaption">><</replace>>
/* Parse the yields on load */
<<if !$curTags.contains("quest") && !$curTags.contains("events")>>
<<yields null "popup">>
/* Reset the multipliers */
/* Help */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>In //Become Alpha// there are two main routes - <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Domination//'' and <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Love//''. Throughout the game you gather //experience// in both those routes, and if you gather enough of it - you can //level up//.</p>
<p>The number of <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon">/<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> you'll get from an action in the game depends on your ''//Multipliers//''. At first they are 100%, but it will change when your //trait// will change, or when you're under an //effect// (eg. if you're drunk).</p>
<p>To make things even more fun and easy to grasp - other characters also have //multipliers//! When you're conversing with someone, and you click a button with <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon">/<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> - it goes through the //multipliers// (both character's and yours), and then - BAM! - you get <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon">/<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> //experience//, and she gets <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/desire.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Desire//''. Magic!</p>
<p>As for the trait - when you're starting the game, you're just a regular ''//Beta Male//''. You can turn into ''//The Alpha Male//'' if you gain enough levels in <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon">/<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon">. But if your growth won't be balanced - well, you'll see...</p>
<p>Additionally to all that shit, there's couple more things you might want to know:</p>
<p><img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/cash.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Cash'' - you use it to pay your rent and buy pointless stuff to fill the void within.</p>
<p><img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/energy.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Energy'' - you use it to do stuff (or waste time playing games).</p>
<p>''//Items//'' - keys can unlock new story points, others, like beer, can be consumed and produce an effect (and alcoholism).</p>
<p>''//Effects//'' - each effect can give you certain boosts or bonuses (eg. for your multipliers), but there can also be penalties. Effects usually last for just one day, but some take way longer (I'm thinking about your virginity, bud).</p>
<p>''//Kamasutra//'' - it's basically your sexual knowledge. These are sex positions that you will be able to use during sex with characters.</p>
<p>And that's the main core. Have fun!</p>
<p>''TL;DR: dom/love = become alpha.''</p>
/* Player info */
<h1>$ $player.surname</h1>
<<media `"characters/player/" + $player.trait + "/portrait_big.jpg"`>>
/* Select info about trait */
<<for _pT to 0; _pT < setup.playerTraits.length; _pT++>>
<<if setup.playerTraits[_pT].id == $player.trait>>
<<set _playerTrait to setup.playerTraits[_pT].name>>
<<set _playerTraitDesc to setup.playerTraits[_pT].desc>>
/* We need to turn multipliers into percentages. */
<<set _loveMulti to Math.round($player.loveMulti * 100)>>
<<set _dominationMulti to Math.round($player.dominationMulti * 100)>>
<<set _energyMulti to Math.round($player.energyMulti * 100)>>
/* Fill temporary array with multipliers for tooltips */
<<set _multi = clone($multipliers)>>
<<set _multiArr = []>>
<<for _m = 0; _m < _multi.length; _m++>>
<<if _multi[_m].char == "player">>
/* Set missing names (mostly because of the backwards compatibility) */
<<if _multi[_m].type == "trait" && !_multi[_m].name>>
<<set _multi[_m].name = _playerTrait>>
<<elseif !_multi[_m].name>>
<<set _multi[_m].name = "Other">>
/* Multiply by 100 to get percentage */
<<set _multi[_m].value = Math.round(_multi[_m].value * 100)>>
/* Save trait multi for display in traitbox */
<<if _multi[_m].type == "trait" && _multi[_m].id == "love">>
<<set _loveMultiTrait = _multi[_m].value>>
<<elseif _multi[_m].type == "trait" && _multi[_m].id == "domination">>
<<set _dominationMultiTrait = _multi[_m].value>>
<<set _multiArr.push(_multi[_m])>>
<<set _multi = null>>
/* Start the playerStats div */
<div id="playerStats">
/* Player's trait */
<div class="traitBox">
<span class="statSml">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon">
<span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> _loveMultiTrait <span class="desc">%</span></span>
<span class="statSml">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon">
<span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> _dominationMultiTrait <span class="desc">%</span></span>
<p class="desc">_playerTraitDesc</p>
/* Player's stats */
<div class="statsBox">
<table class="player">
<tr class="header">
<td width="30%"></td>
<td width="20%" class="desc center">Multiplier</td>
<td width="20%" class="desc center">Current</td>
<td width="20%" class="desc center">Level</td>
<tr class="statsRow bottomBorder">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Love''
<div class="uiData multi tooltip">
<span class="desc">%</span>
<div class="tooltipText">
<<if $fapRegular && $fapYields>>
<td><span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> 200 <span class="desc">%</span></span></td>
<td>Fap Mode</td>
<<for _row = 0; _row < _multiArr.length; _row++>>
<<if _multiArr[_row].id == "love">>
<td><span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> _multiArr[_row].value <span class="desc">%</span></span></td>
<td>_multiArr[_row].name <span class="statValueSml">(_multiArr[_row].type)</span></td>
<td class="bracket">
<div class="uiData">$ <span class="desc">xp.</span></div>
<td class="bracket">
<div class="uiData level">$player.loveLvl</div>
<tr class="statsRow bottomBorder">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Domination''
<div class="uiData multi tooltip">
<span class="desc">%</span>
<div class="tooltipText">
<<if $fapRegular && $fapYields>>
<td><span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> 200 <span class="desc">%</span></span></td>
<td>Fap Mode</td>
<<for _row = 0; _row < _multiArr.length; _row++>>
<<if _multiArr[_row].id == "domination">>
<td><span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> _multiArr[_row].value <span class="desc">%</span></span></td>
<td>_multiArr[_row].name <span class="statValueSml">(_multiArr[_row].type)</span></td>
<td class="bracket">
<div class="uiData">$player.domination <span class="desc">xp.</span></div>
<td class="bracket">
<div class="uiData level">$player.dominationLvl</div>
<tr class="statsRowDark bottomBorder">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/energy.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Energy''
<div class="uiData multi tooltip">
<span class="desc">%</span>
<div class="tooltipText">
<td><span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> 100 <span class="desc">%</span></span></td>
<td>Default multiplier</td>
<<for _row = 0; _row < _multiArr.length; _row++>>
<<if _multiArr[_row].id == "energy">>
<td><span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">×</span> _multiArr[_row].value <span class="desc">%</span></span></td>
<td>_multiArr[_row].name <span class="statValueSml">(_multiArr[_row].type)</span></td>
<td class="bracket">
<div class="uiData">$</div>
<tr class="statsRowDark">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/cash.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Cash''
<div class="uiData">$ <span class="desc">$</span></div>
<div class="break"></div>
/* Finish the playerStats div */
/* Effects list */
<<if $test>>
<<for _e to 0; _e < setup.effects.length; _e++>>
<<capture _e>>
<<link `"+ " + setup.effects[_e].name + " "`>>
<<pocket `setup.effects[_e].id + "+"`>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "player">><</replace>>
<div class="break"></div>
<<for _e to 0; _e < $player.effects.length; _e++>>
<<if $player.effects[_e].left > 0 || $player.effects[_e].left == "ongoing">>
<<set _cur = setup.effects.find(obj => {return === $player.effects[_e].id})>>
<<set _multiArr = splitter(_cur.multi)>>
<div class="item tooltip">
<div class="tooltipText">
<td colspan=2>_cur.desc</td>
<td>Time left</td>
<<if $player.effects[_e].left != "ongoing">>
<td><span class="statValue">$player.effects[_e].left <span class="desc">days</span></span></td>
<td><span class="statValue">$player.effects[_e].left</span></td>
<<if _multiArr.length > 0>>
<td>Active modifiers</td>
<<for _em = 0; _em < _multiArr.length; _em++>>
<<if _multiArr[_em].id != "travel">>
<<if _multiArr[_em].sign == "*">>
<<set _multiArr[_em].sign = "×">>
<<set _multiArr[_em].value = Math.round(_multiArr[_em].value * 100)>>
<<set _endSign = "<span class=\"desc\">%</span>">>
<<set _endSign = "">>
<span class="statSml">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath + 'icons/' + _multiArr[_em].id + '.png'" class="statIcon">
<span class="statValue"><span class="statValueSml">_multiArr[_em].sign</span> _multiArr[_em].value _endSign</span>
<div class="break"></div>
/* Items list */
<<if $test>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < setup.items.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<link `"+ " + setup.items[_i].name + " "`>>
<<pocket `setup.items[_i].id + '+1'`>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "player">><</replace>>
<div class="break"></div>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $player.items.length; _i++>>
<<if $player.items[_i].quantity > 0>>
<<set _cur = setup.items.find(obj => {return === $player.items[_i].id})>>
<div class="item tooltip">
<span><<if _cur.effect>><img src="media/icons/consume.png"><</if>></span>
<div class="tooltipText">
<td colspan=2>_cur.desc</td>
<<if _cur.effect>>
<td><span class="statValue">$player.items[_i].quantity</span></td>
<<set _effectsSplit = _cur.effect.split(', ')>>
<<set _effectsYields = null>>
<<for _e to 0; _e < _effectsSplit.length; _e++>>
<<if !_effectsYields>>
<<set _effectsYields = _effectsSplit[_e] + "+">>
<<set _effectsYields = _effectsYields + "; " + _effectsSplit[_e] + "+">>
<<set _effectName = setup.effects.find(obj => {return === _effectsSplit[_e]}).name>>
<span class="statValue">_effectName</span><br>
<td colspan=2>
<<if $curPas == $curLoc>>
<<btn "player" "Consume" `_effectsYields + "; " + $player.items[_i].id + "-"`>>
To consume this item, you need to finish what you're doing first.
<div class="break"></div>
/* Kamasutra sex positions */
<<if $test>>
<<for _k to 0; _k < setup.kamasutra.length; _k++>>
/* Check if the player knows the position */
<<set _current = $player.kamasutra.findIndex(x => === setup.kamasutra[_k].id)>>
<<if _current == -1>>
<<capture _k>>
<<link `"+ " + setup.kamasutra[_k].name + " "`>>
<<pocket `"kamasutra+" + setup.kamasutra[_k].id`>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "player">><</replace>>
<div class="break"></div>
/* List the sex categories */
<<for _sc to 0; _sc < setup.sexCat.length; _sc++>>
<<set _sexCatStart to 0>>
<<set _sexCatEnd to 0>>
/* List the sex positions */
<<for _k to 0; _k < setup.kamasutra.length; _k++>>
/* Check if the player knows the position */
<<set _current = $player.kamasutra.findIndex(x => === setup.kamasutra[_k].id)>>
<<if _current != -1 && $player.kamasutra[_current].known == 1 && setup.kamasutra[_k].sexCat.indexOf(setup.sexCat[_sc].id) != -1>>
/* Print the category name */
<<if _sexCatStart == 0>>
<h3><<print setup.sexCat[_sc].name>></h3>
<<set _sexCatStart to 1>>
<<set _sexCatEnd to 1>>
/* Print the button */
<<btnSex setup.kamasutra[_k].id setup.kamasutra[_k].yields null null "inactive">>
<<if _sexCatEnd == 1>>
<div class="break"></div>
<div class="break"></div>
/* Unique NPCs in location */
<<wrapper "ashIntro=2">>
<p class="locDesc">You hear wild screams and moans of $ and his lady coming from the back room.</p>
<<dial "ash" "Oh yea, baby girl!">>
<<dial "gal" "Shut the fuck up!">>
<p class="locDesc">Better leave them alone...</p>
<<wrapelse "$curLocDoor=open; counter:ashDebuff!=0; period!=Afternoon; ash">>
<p class="locDesc">''$'' is here! He looks at you with a mixture of "why don't you have tits" and "I have a chainsaw with your name on it".</p>
<<media `"locations/" + $curLoc + "/ash_angry.mp4"` "character">>
<<wrapelse "$curLocDoor=open; counter:ashDebuff!=0; period=Afternoon; ash">>
<p class="locDesc">''$'' is here! He's leaning against the register, talking to a hot girl doing her groceries.</p>
<<media `"locations/" + $curLoc + "/ash_nice.mp4"` "character">>
<<dial "ash" "...and then I dragged the kid from the flames... He didn't make it, but it was pretty brave of me.">>
/* Quests */
<<btn "kellyIntro" "Buy cleaning stuff" "kellyIntro=1; cash=100; cash-100" "store quest">>
<<btn "kellyPower" "Buy the sunglasses" "kellyPower=5; !sunglasses; $kellyPowerTask+glasses" "quest">>
<<btn "kellyPower" "Buy the envelope" "kellyPower=3" "quest">>
<<btn $curLoc "Buy the cucumber" "alexaIntro=5; cash=5; cash-5; cucumber+; !cucumber" "store quest">>
<<btn $curLoc "Buy the trash bags" "daphFixGarden=2; cash=15; cash-15; trash_bags+; !trash_bags" "store quest">>
<<btn $curLoc "Buy the paint" "daphFixGarden=6; cash=30; cash-30; paint+; !paint" "store quest">>
<<btn $curLoc "Buy the plunger" "alexaPool=4; cash=30; cash-30; plunger+; !plunger" "store quest">>
<<btn $curLoc "Buy the drill" "daphBdsm=4; cash=30; cash-30; drill+; !drill" "store quest">>
<<wrapper "ashIntro!=0; ashIntro!=DONE">>
<<btn "ashIntro" "Approach $" "ash; ashIntro=1" "store quest">>
<<btn "ashIntro" "Peek at $ and Roxy" "ash; ashIntro=2; $ashIntro1!=2; $ashIntro1+" "store quest">>
<<btn "ashIntro" "Steal something" "ash; ashIntro=2; $ashIntro2!=2; $ashIntro2+" "store quest">>
<<btn "ashIntro" "Browse $'s porn mags" "ash; ashIntro=2; $ashIntro3+" "store quest">>
<<wrapper "miaIntro!=0; miaIntro!=DONE">>
<<btn "miaIntro" "Talk to $" "miaIntro=1; mia; counter:miaDebuff=0" "quest">>
<<btn "miaIntro" "Help $ carry boxes" "miaIntro=2; mia; period=Morning" "quest">>
<<btn "miaIntro" "Help $ clean" "miaIntro=3; mia; period=Afternoon" "quest">>
<<btn "miaIntro" "Take $ out for a walk" "miaIntro=4; mia; period=Afternoon" "quest">>
<<wrapper "miaDate!=0; miaDate!=DONE">>
<<btn "miaDate" "Offer $ a date" "miaDate=1; mia; counter:miaAsked=null" "quest">>
<<btn "miaDate" "Take $ on a date" "cash=100; cash-100; miaDate=3; mia; period=Afternoon; day=Friday" "quest">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Ask $ about Play-doh" "daphMakeKey=1; mia" "quest">>
/* Activities and chores */
<<btn $curLoc "Buy beer" "beer+; cash=20; cash-20" "store">>
<<btn $curLoc "Buy viagra" "viagra+; cash=30; cash-30" "store">>
<<btn $curLoc "Buy aphrodisiac" "aphro+; cash=50; cash-50" "store">>
<<btn $curLoc "Buy sleeping pills" "roofies+; cash=50; cash-50" "store">>
<<btn $curLoc "Buy groceries" "groceries+; cash=40; cash-40" "store">>
<<btn $curLoc "Buy sunglasses" "kellyPower!=5; sunglasses+; cash=25; cash-25" "store">>
<<btn $curLoc "Buy Sex Encyclopedia" "!encyclopedia; encyclopedia+; cash=250; cash-250" "store">>
<<wrapper "miaIntro=DONE">>
<<btn "localStoreBoxes" "Help $ carry boxes" "mia; mia.dom+2; period=Morning" "activ">> /*[[localStoreBoxes]]*/
<<btn "localStoreClean" "Help $ clean" "mia;; period=Afternoon" "activ">> /*[[localStoreClean]]*/
<<wrapper "miaDate=DONE">>
<<btn "localStoreWalk" "Take $ for a walk" "mia; period=Afternoon" "activ">> /*[[localStoreWalk]]*/
<<btn "localStoreDate" "Take $ on a date" "cash=100; cash-100; mia; period=Afternoon; day=Friday" "activ">> /*[[localStoreDate]]*/
/* Relations */
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "mia; $char+mia" "chat relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "mia; mia.status=3; $char+mia" "flirt relation">>
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" "$questMode!=ashIntro" "exit">>
/* Quests */
<<btn "parkDealer" "Buy some weed" "alexaPool=5; weed+; period=evening; cash=30; cash-30" "quest store">>
<<btn "kellyPower" "Meet with Sister $" "kellyPower=5; day=sunday; period=sunset; $kellyPowerTask+park" "quest">>
<<wrapper "daphMakeKey=3">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Search for a stick" "$daphMakeKeyStick+; $daphMakeKeyStick=null" "quest">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Search for a stick" "$daphMakeKeyStick+; $daphMakeKeyStick=1" "quest">>
<<wrapper "roseIntro!=0; roseIntro!=DONE">>
<<btn "roseIntro" "Get closer to the field" "roseIntro=1" "quest store">>
<<btn "roseIntro" "Strip and play footie" "roseIntro=2" "quest">>
/* Activities and chores */
<<btn "parkTrouble" "Look for trouble" "daphMakeKey=done; day=weekend; dom+3; energy-20" "activ">> /*[[parkTrouble]]*/
<<btn "parkRun" "Go for a run" "dom+3; energy-20" "activ">> /*[[parkRun]]*/
<<btn "parkTan" "Lie in the sun" "effect:tan+; love+2; period=!evening; period=!night" "activ">> /*[[parkTan]]*/
<<btn "parkWalk" "Go for a walk" "energy+30" "activ">> /*[[parkWalk]]*/
<<btn "parkHooker" "Find a hooker" "period=night; !ballsSmash" "activ">> /*[[parkHooker]]*/
<<btn "parkDealer" "Buy some drugs" "alexaPool=done; period=evening" "store">> /*[[parkDealer]]*/
<<btn "parkYoga" "Yoga with $" "rose; day=workdays;; energy-20; energy=20; $roseAngry=0; counter:roseAngry-2" "activ">> /*[[parkYoga]]*/
<<btn "parkFootie" "Footie with $" "rose; day=weekend; energy-20; energy=20; roseIntro=DONE; $roseAngry=0; counter:roseAngry-2" "activ">> /*[[parkFootie]]*/
/* Relations */
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "rose; $char+rose" "chat relation">>
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "alexa; !dudeAlexa; $char+alexa" "chat relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "rose; rose.status=3; $char+rose" "flirt relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "alexa; !dudeAlexa; !daphne; alexa.status=3; $char+alexa" "flirt relation">>
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
Można kupić dragi --> można handlować dragami.
Można spotkać kogoś? Może Alexę z chłopakiem?
Można pójść na dziwki.<<chunks>>
<big class="center fi0">You start running down the park path...</big>
<p class="center fi1">First couple steps come easy...</p>
<p class="sml center fi2">And then...</p>
<<media `"activities/run/" + $player.lvl + ".mp4"` "si3">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 0>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Call the ambulance...</tht>" "si4">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>If you see me running, you need to start running too, because for sure something is chasing me...</tht>" "si4">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That awkward moment when you wear Nike, but you just can't do it...</tht>" "si4">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>♫ His knees... are sweaty... vomit... on mom... spaghetti... never let it go, go... nanana... ♬</tht>" "si4">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This is my yoga.</tht>" "si4">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 5>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Adrieeeeennnnn!</tht>" "si4">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("rose")!=-1>>
<p class="fi5">Suddenly you hear $ from behind your back.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Vamos, chico!" "fi5">>
<p class="fi5">You turn and see $ during her jogging. She smiles to you, and turns into a side alley, quickly disappearing from your sight.</p>
<<yields "rose.dom+3" "dialog" "si5">>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p class="fi5">Suddenly you hear $ from behind your back.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Way to go, dweeb!" "fi5">>
<p class="fi5">You turn and see $ standing with some dude in the dark alley. She smiles and turns away, losing her interest in you.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom+2" "dialog" "si5">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<big class="center fi0">You lie on the grass...</big>
<p class="center fi1">And take off your t-shirt...</p>
<<media `"activities/tan/" + $player.lvl + ".mp4"` "si2">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 0>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>The sun... it's... it's killing me...</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I noticed that if I sunbath in the shadow I actually don't need sunscreen!</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I feel like a cookie in the furnace... hot, sexy, brown cookie...</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>♫ Summer, summer, summertime... mhm... something something something mhm mhm mhm... ♬</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I love LA!</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 5>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I am the sun!</tht>" "si3">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("rose")!=-1>>
<p class="fi5">Suddenly you hear $ from behind.</p>
<<dial "rose" "L-O-L. Don't forget to tan your white ass, chico!" "fi5">>
<p class="fi5">You turn and see $ during her jogging. She mocks you with her stair, and turns into a side alley, quickly disappearing from your sight.</p>
<<yields "rose.dom-2" "dialog" "si5">>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p class="fi5">After a moment, you feel a gentle breeze. A delicate gust of wind.</p>
<p class="fi5">You turn, look around, but there's no one there.</p>
<p class="fi5">And yet, you could swear you heard a distant voice, brought to you by the wind...</p>
<big class="fi5">It said.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "You're such a dweeb, dweeb..." "fi5">>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog" "si5">>
<<btn null null null "si4">>
<big class="center fi0">You take a walk in the park...</big>
<p class="center fi1">and notice people give you weird looks...</p>
<p class="center sml fi2">But you don't bother with the haters...</p>
<<media `"activities/walk/" + $player.lvl + ".mp4"` "si2">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 0>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I patented a new way of walking. You should try it, it's like going vegan with your legs!</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm done. Carry me.</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, it might look like everything is fine on the surface, but deep down inside one of my shoes, my sock is slightly sliding off...</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>♫ Walking on sunshine... wooohooo... and... smthng-smthng... good! ♬</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I just stand still. It's the universe that moves around me.</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 5>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wherever you go, whatever you do - fuckin' own it!</tht>" "si3">>
<<btn null null null "si4">>
<</chunks>>/* Create arrays with items (base items are findable many times, unique items can be found just once) */
<<set _searchItemsBase to ["dirty_panties+", "cash+2", "nothing"]>>
<<set _searchItemsUnique to ["dirty_panties+", "roofies+", "weed+", "weed+", "speed+", "speed+", "cash+5"]>>
/* Define found item */
<<searchLoc _searchItemsBase _searchItemsUnique>>
<p class="fi0">You check every corner of the room. Under the carpet, behind the cabinet, and inside the pillows. You even move some of the lighter furniture.</p>
<big class="fi2">And finally...</big>
/* Set the image */
<<if _foundItem && _foundItemId != "cash">>
<<set _foundItemMedia to _foundItem.replace(/\+/gi, '') +".jpg">>
<<media `"activities/search/" + _foundItemMedia` "si4">>
<big class="si5 center">_foundItemText</big>
/* Set the link to next chunk */
<<if _foundItem == "dirty_panties+" || _foundItem == "roofies+" || _foundItem == "weed+" || _foundItem == "speed+">>
<<set _chunkLink to "#more">>
<<set _chunkLink to null>>
<<btn _chunkLink null null "si6">>
<<chunk null "#more">>
<<if _foundItem == "dirty_panties+">>
<p>I'm personally not a huge lingerie guy (unless the girl is really fat, in which case it helps redirect my attention), but even I can't help a growing hard-on.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm sure she won't mind if...</tht>">>
<p>You put it to your nose and give it a good slow sniff.</p>
<<media "activities/search/sniffing.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Mmmmm... Noice!">>
<<yields "sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<elseif _foundItem == "roofies+">>
<<media `"activities/search/roofies.mp4"`>>
<<dial "player" "That might be useful!">>
<big>Hopefully not.</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "weed+">>
<p>At first think it's just a bag of spices, but then you start to wonder...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why would $ have a bag of spices hidden in her room...?</tht>">>
<big>And then it hits you.</big>
<<media "activities/search/weed.mp4">>
<<elseif _foundItem == "speed+">>
<p>At first think it's just a bag of salt, but then you start to wonder...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why would $ have a bag of salt hidden in her room...?</tht>">>
<big>And then it hits you.</big>
<<media "activities/search/speed.mp4">>
/* Define if we also learn about kink */
<<if $alexa.kinkKnown != 1>>
<<set _chunkLinkKink to "#moreKink">>
<<set _chunkLinkKink to null>>
<<btn _chunkLinkKink>>
<<chunk null "#moreKink">>
<big>But you also notice something else hid behind the bed...</big>
<<dial "player" "What the hell...">>
<<media "surprise.mp4">>
<p>You see a bunch of porn dvd's. And you notice something very specific about them...</p>
<<media "activities/search/daphAlex/anal1.jpg">>
<<media "activities/search/daphAlex/anal2.jpg">>
<<media "activities/search/daphAlex/anal3.jpg">>
<p>You realize something shocking.</p>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<big>$ is into <<print setup.sexCat.find(obj => {return === $alexa.kink}).name>>!</big>
<<btn null null "">>
<p class="med fi0">You pull out your laptop and type in the address of your favorite meme site.</p>
<<media `"activities/memes/" + $player.trait +"/" + $curRand + ".jpg"` "si2">>
<<if $player.trait == "satan">><<dial "player" "Ave Satan!" "fi2">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "toxic">><<dial "player" "Toxic masculinity memes for the win!" "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "bully">><<dial "player" "Wait a minute... ohhh, that's clever!" "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "jerk">><<dial "player" "Trollolol!" "fi2">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "beta">><<dial "player" "It's funny and yet it makes me sad." "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "nerd">><<dial "player" "Beam me up, Scotty!" "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "vegan">><<dial "player" "Triggered!" "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "hippie">><<dial "player" "I don't want to leave on this planet anymore." "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "messiah">><<dial "player" "Ha ha, I'm a meme god!" "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "alpha">><<dial "player" "It's funny because I say it's funny, and when I say it's funny - it instantly becomes a scientific fact." "fi3">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<</chunks>>/* We need to activate btnVar by setting it to 0 */
<<set $btnVar to 0>>
/* Load movie data */
<<set _comedy to ["Spies Like Us", "Dazed and Confused", "Groundhog Day", "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", "Dr. Strangelove", "Blues Brothers", "Big Lebowski"].random()>>
<<set _horror to ["Re-animator", "Omen", "Evil Dead", "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", "The Exorcist", "Night of the Living Dead", "Big Meat Eater"].random()>>
<<set _porn to ["Deep Throat", "Lord of the cockrings", "Game of bones", "Edward Penishands", "Star Whores: Attack of the Silicone", "My Ass is Haunted", "Ass Odyssey (platinum anthology)", "Big Wet Asses 12"].random()>>
<p class="fi">You take a remote in your hand and flip couple channels. There are some things that grab your attention. Which one you prefer?</p>
<<media "activities/tv/tv.mp4" "fi1">>
<<dial "player" "I'm in a mood for..." "fi1">>
<<btn "#tvComedy" _comedy "love; $btnVar+1" "action fi2">>
<<btn "#tvHorror" _horror "dom; $btnVar+2" "action fi2">>
<<btn "#tvPorn" _porn "tvPass; $btnVar+3" "action fi2">>
<<chunk null "#tvComedy">>
<<media "activities/tv/tvComedy.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Ha ha, that's hilarious.">>
<p>Hilarious? Yeah, I guess it really is hilarious how you should be getting ass instead of sitting on one. And, don't get me wrong - I do believe it's a good idea to push some proper culture into your thick skull, not to mention the fact that "_comedy" is a fucking classic, obviously. But god damn it man, we need you to be out there...</p>
<big>...where the asses roam the land.</big>
<p>It's the only way, pal. The only fucking way.</p>
<<chunk null "#tvHorror">>
<<media "activities/tv/tvHorror.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck... Oh fuck... Oh fuck... No! Don't split up... What a bunch of idiots! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!! Oh fuck!!!">>
<p>Oh fuck indeed. I'll tell you a horror story, buddy. Get this - it's about a guy, who never had pussy. Never smelled pussy. Never even so much as seen a pussy. And you know what happened to this guy? You know what happend, $ boy?</p>
<big>He fucking died.</big>
<p>Don't be that guy, you hear me, boy? Go, out there, where the wild pussies grow. And get some. Get whole lotta pussy!</p>
<<chunk null "#tvPorn">>
<<media "activities/tv/tvPorn.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "This is not porn!">>
<big>Congrats, Sherloc. Now shut the fuck up.</big>
<p>Here's the thing. You like porn - I get it. I use it too. Those birds in that movies... I mean... I've seen some things, bud. Things some people wouldn't believe. Ass cracks on fire off the streets of Ohio. I watched GILFs covered in glitter and cum in the schoolgirl uniforms. But all those moments will be lost in search engines, like jizz in rain...</p>
<big>It's time to fuck something real!</big>
<<dial "player" "But I //really// wanted to watch some porn!">>
<p>Sigh... Ok, buddy, I know the feeling. And I'll allow it this once as a training. But seriously, we need you out there, or you'd be humping the tv screen all your fucking life.</p>
<<media `"activities/tv/tvPorn" + random(1,5) + ".mp4"`>>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<p>Yeah, completely braindead, it figures... This dick takes so much blood to run, it leaves the guy practically on fumes. I can almost hear the screams of gray cells fighting for their lives. Not to mention it's one big vampire hazard - I'm pretty sure they can smell a hard-on from miles. Then again, those vampire ladies, they're always 10/10, so at least you'll get one unforgettable suck before you die <small>(or become a bug eating braindead ghoul)</small>. So I guess both work.</p>
<<EVENT "noRand">>
<<set $dream to "fucked">>
/* Prepare the dream */
<<set _dreams to clone(setup.dreams)>>
<<set _dreamsArray to []>>
<<for _d to 0; _d < _dreams.length; _d++>>
<<set _randD to Math.floor(Math.random()*(_dreams[_d].length))>>
<<set _dreamsArray.push({
rand: _randD,
text: _dreams[_d][_randD],
dial: _dreams[_d][_randD].replace(/your/gi, "my")
<<set _dreams[_d].splice(_randD, 1)>>
<<set _reply to ["Still better love story than Twilight!", "Living the dream? I hope not.", "Don't give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping!"].random()>>
<big class="center fi0">You close your eyes...</big>
<p class="center fi1">And slowly drift away...</p>
<p class="sml center fi2">Into a fucked up dream...</p>
<div id="dream">
<p class="fi3">You are _dreamsArray[0].text, and it's _dreamsArray[1].text. You are strolling around _dreamsArray[2].text in _dreamsArray[3].text, when suddenly - you notice a _dreamsArray[4].text. You walk out to her to get a closer look at her _dreamsArray[5].text.</p>
<<dial "player" _dreamsArray[6].text "fi3">>
<p class="fi3">You tell her.</p>
<<dial "guy" _dreamsArray[7].text "fi3">>
<p class="fi3">She replies.</p>
<big class="fi3">And then you fuck.</big>
<<media "mindblown.mp4" "fi3">>
<div id="cheater" style="display: none;" class="fi0">
<<media "cheater.mp4">>
<<dial "player" _reply "fi3">>
<<btn null null null "si3">>
<<EVENT "noRand">>
<<set $dream to "wet">>
<big class="center fi0">You close your eyes...</big>
<p class="center fi1">And slowly drift away...</p>
<p class="sml center fi2">Into a wet dream...</p>
<<media `"activities/sleep/" + $player.trait +"/" + $curRand + ".mp4"` "si3">>
<<if $player.trait == "satan">><<dial "player" "Oh, fuck it. If it's the bottom, then I might as well enjoy it. Here, little calamari, daddy looove the tentacles!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "toxic">><<dial "player" "What have I done to myself? I need to get back on the righteous path, or I'm doomed!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "bully">><<dial "player" "Sooo... Now I'm dreaming about vampires? Oh, whatever. Here, baby, suck the blood out of my dick." "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "jerk">><<dial "player" "Those dreams are becoming weirder and weirder. But I'm still onboard with this shit!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "beta">><<dial "player" "Oh yeah, baby! Give it to me!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "nerd">><<dial "player" "Justice served, baby!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "vegan">><<dial "player" "I wonder if it's still domination, when you're being dominated by a cucumber?" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "hippie">><<dial "player" "Take it for the mother Earth you whore!" "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "messiah">><<dial "player" "Good habits make me hard." "fi4">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "alpha">><<dial "player" "Ommmm...." "fi4">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<p class="fi">You approach the liquor cabinet and open it. There's plenty of colorful bottles inside with different liquids. You need to mix them up to create a proper drink.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/cabinet.mp4" "fi1">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty", "Gin + Tonic + Lemon"],
["#tasty", "Tequila + Cointreau + Lemon"],
["#tasty", "Whisky + Cola + No morals"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<menu "si2">>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1] null "si2">>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1] null "si2">>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1] null "si2">>
<<chunk null "#fucked">>
<big>You done fucked it up!</big>
<<media "activities/drink/drink_fucked.mp4">>
<p>If it tastes like shit, looks like shit, and quaks... you probably need some recipes.</p>
<<chunk null "#tasty">>
<big>Drink responsibly! <small>(don't spill)</small></big>
<<media "activities/drink/drink_tasty.mp4">>
<p>Now that's what I call a tasty bewerage!</p>
<big>Good job, buddy!</big>
<<btn null null "drink+">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You stand above a basket of dirty clothes. You open it and see a bunch of panties, bras, and dresses, entagled like a plate of spaghetti. You can smell a strong smell of perfumes and sweat coming from inside.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're a sweet-o, hun. I'll do your laundry next time!" "fi1">>
<<dial "player" "Sure...!" "fi1">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You stand above a basket of dirty clothes. You open it and see a bunch of panties, bras, and dresses, entagled like a plate of spaghetti. You can smell a strong smell of perfumes and sweat coming from inside.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You fucking pervert, you're doing it all just to smell my panties, admit it!" "fi1">>
<<dial "player" "What...? No! I would never..." "fi1">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeah, right. If you wouldn't be such a dweeb you'd have a nose deep in my asshole by now!" "fi1">>
<p>You sigh. She's right, you know. But don't worry - we're working on it.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p class="fi0">You stand above a basket of dirty clothes. You open it and see a bunch of panties, bras, and dresses, entagled like a plate of spaghetti.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh boy..." "fi1">>
<p class="fi2">You can smell a strong smell of perfumes and sweat coming from inside. You take a black lacy thong, put it up to your nose, and give it a nice sniff.</p>
<<dial "player" "Mmmm! Noice!" "fi3">>
<<pocket "sniffrush+">>
<p class="fi4">Ok, bud. Time to get real dirty. You open the laundry machine and start packing the clothes inside.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/laundry.mp4" "si5">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne">>
/* Check if the player is caught */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].random()>>
<<set _shower to ["daphne_shower0_", "daphne_shower1_", "daphne_shower2_"].random()>>
/* Do HTML */
<p class="fi0 center">You crack the doors and look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">You see that $ is taking a shower.</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "intro.jpg"` "si3">>
<p class="fi3">Ok, bud, here's the deal - you can stay and watch, but if you get caught, $ might be not so happy about it. What do you want to do?</p>
<<menu "fi3">>
<<btn "#stay" "Stay and watch the show" "energy=10; energy-10; dom+2" "action si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<p>You press your face against the crack to see better...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "0.jpg"`>>
<big>Mother of god...</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>This woman could make a decent living by just recording her showers. I mean...</p>
<big>Tits to die for!</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "1.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$'s is covered in soap. Her tits are bouncing up and down, as she washes her legs.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "2.jpg"`>>
<p>You feel your legs getting soft.</p>
<big>I blame boobs.</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$ massages her tits like she knew you're watching. Honestly, they're clean already.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "3.jpg"`>>
<p>By the way - why do they call it boob sweat, and not...</p>
<<media "activities/peek/dick_intense.mp4">>
<p>Are you sure you want to continue?</p>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$ left the best for the last. She lathered her thighs and ass until it's slippery with soap, and then... she pushes her fingers into her lovely snatch.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "4.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if !$jerk>>
<p>$ washes down the remaining soap and turns off the water.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<p>You stroke your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket "jerkedoff+">>
<p>Meanwhile, $ washes down the remaining soap and turns off the water.</p>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa">>
/* Check if the player is caught */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].random()>>
<<set _shower to ["alexa_shower0_"].random()>>
/* Do HTML */
<p class="fi0 center">You crack the doors and look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">You see that $ is taking a shower.</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "intro.jpg"` "si3">>
<p class="fi3">Ok, bud, here's the deal - you can stay and watch, but if you get caught, $ might be not so happy about it. What do you want to do?</p>
<<menu "fi3">>
<<btn "#stay" "Stay and watch the show" "energy=10; energy-10; dom+2" "action si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<p>You press your face against the crack to see better...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "0.jpg"`>>
<p>$ is undressing. And she's doing it in a way that makes the risk instantly worth it.</p>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$ lathers her body with soap and starts massaging her little tits and perky ass...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "1.jpg"`>>
<big>She knows her assets!</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$'s is covered in soap. Oh how you wish you'd be there with her...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "2.jpg"`>>
<big>I feel you, dude!</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$ moves on to her pussy... Wait a minute, is she pissing in the shower?!</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "3.jpg"`>>
<big>Dirty girl!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/dick_intense.mp4">>
<p>Are you sure you want to continue?</p>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$ left the best for the last. She lathered her thighs and ass until it's slippery with soap, runs her fingers between the buttcheeks, and... she puts one finger in her asshole.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphBath/" + _shower + "4.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if !$jerk>>
<p>$ washes down the remaining soap and turns off the water.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<p>You stroke your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket "jerkedoff+">>
<p>Meanwhile, $ washes down the remaining soap and turns off the water.</p>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; while=nothing">>
<p class="fi0 center">You crack the doors and look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">Unfortunately - you don't see a thing.</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action si3">>
<big class="center fi0">You undress...</big>
<p class="center fi1">Walk into the shower cabin...</p>
<p class="sml center fi2">And start washing your body...</p>
<<media `"activities/shower/" + $player.lvl + ".mp4"` "si4">>
<<btn null null "$playerShower+0; effect:clean+" "si5">>
<<if $lvlup>>
<<include "lvlup">>
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while=sex">>
/* Check if the player is caught */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].random()>>
<<set _activity to ["daphne_sex0_", "daphne_sex1_", "daphne_sex2_"].random()>>
/* HTML */
<p class="fi0 center">You crack the doors and look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">You see that $ is fucking with someone.</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "intro.jpg"` "si3">>
<p class="fi3">Ok, bud, here's the deal - you can stay and watch, but if you get caught, $ might be not so happy about it. What do you want to do?</p>
<<menu "fi3">>
<<btn "#stay" "Stay and watch the show" "energy=10; energy-10; dom+2" "action si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<p>You press your face against the crack to see better...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "0.jpg"`>>
<big>Lucky bastard.</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>They are not fucking around.</p>
<big>Or actually - they are!</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "1.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$'s is covered in sweat. Her tits are bouncing up and down, in a hypnotizing motion. You feel your legs getting soft.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "2.jpg"`>>
<big>All glory to the hypnotits!</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$ rides the guy like an animal, and her tits are hitting him in the face from right and left like a heavy weight punches.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "3.jpg"`>>
<big>You wish it was your face getting battered!</big>
<<btn _link>>
<<media "activities/peek/dick_intense.mp4">>
<p>Are you sure you want to continue?</p>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch till the end" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>The guy is speeding up.</p>
<<dial "guy" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "daphne" "I want it in my mouth!">>
<p>$ quickly jumps off him and wraps her lips around his dick. He's gasping and you can see his cock twitching, as he pumps his load into her throat.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "4.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if !$jerk>>
<p>She sighs and snuggles close to the guy.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<p>You stroke your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> also cum!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket "jerkedoff+">>
<p>Meanwhile, $ sighs and snuggles close to the guy.</p>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<<if $daphne.traitKnown != 1>>
<<set _linkMore to "#moreTrait">>
<<btn _linkMore "Close the doors" null "action">>
<<chunk null "#moreTrait">>
<p>It takes you a moment to get to your senses after what you just saw in $'s room. But as soon as you do - one thing becomes incredibly clear...</p>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<big>$ is a <<print setup.charTraits.find(obj => {return === $daphne.trait}).name>>!</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while=sleep">>
<p class="fi0 center">You crack the doors and look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">You see that $ is sleeping.</big>
<<media "activities/peek/daphRoom/daphne_sleep.jpg" "si3">>
<<btn $curLoc null null "si3">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while=dressing">>
/* Check if the player is caught */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].random()>>
<<set _activity to ["daphne_dressing0_"].random()>>
<p class="fi0 center">You crack the doors and look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">You see that $ is changing.</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "intro.jpg"` "si3">>
<p class="fi3">Ok, bud, here's the deal - you can stay and watch, but if you get caught, $ might be not so happy about it. What do you want to do?</p>
<<menu "fi3">>
<<btn "#stay" "Stay and watch the show" "energy=10; energy-10; dom+2" "action si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love" "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<p>You press your face against the crack to see better...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "0.jpg"`>>
<big>That tits look lonely without your hands on 'em.</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$ is slowly undressing in front of the mirror. She moves her sweat pants down from her hips, revealing her ass to your eyes.</p>
<big>And, by god, it is magnificent!</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "1.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$ picks a pair of red underwear and a matching dress. She slowly glides her fingers over the delicate material, like she's contemplating it. You notice her nipples getting harder, when she slowly puts it on.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "2.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>The material of her dress wraps around her hips nicely. The two red straps, going around her neck, sqeeze her huge tits, like two pumped up balloons. It barely hides her nipples too, which makes you almost fall inside the room.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "3.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link>>
<<media "activities/peek/dick_intense.mp4">>
<p>Are you sure you want to continue?</p>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$ struggles to put her tits in the dress, but finally manages to squeeze it all in.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphRoom/" + _activity + "4.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if !$jerk>>
<p>$ takes one last look in the mirror and smiles.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<p>You stroke your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket "jerkedoff+">>
<p>Meanwhile, $ takes one last look in the mirror and smiles.</p>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<<if $daphne.traitKnown != 1>>
<<set _linkMore to "#moreTrait">>
<<btn _linkMore "Close the doors" null "action">>
<<chunk null "#moreTrait">>
<p>It takes you a moment to get to your senses after what you just saw in $'s room. But as soon as you do - one thing becomes incredibly clear...</p>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<big>$ is a <<print setup.charTraits.find(obj => {return === $daphne.trait}).name>>!</big>
<<btn _link null "">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; while=nothing">>
<p class="fi0 center">You crack the doors and look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">Unfortunately - you don't see a thing.</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action si3">>
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while=sex">>
<p class="fi0">You knock at the doors to $'s room.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<p class="fi2">You hear a strange commotion and muffled voices coming from inside.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh shit!" "fi2">>
<<dial "player" "It's $ Just wanted to talk." "fi3">>
<<dial "daphne" "Errr... Not right now, hun. I'm busy." "fi3">>
<<dial "player" "It'll just take a moment..." "fi4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Come back... err... come back tomorrow." "fi4">>
<p class="fi5">It seems there's nothing you can do.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null null "si5">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while=sleep">>
<p class="fi0">You knock at the doors to $'s room.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3">Nothing.</big>
<p class="fi3">It takes a moment before you realize - she's probably sleeping.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null null "si3">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while=dressing">>
<p class="fi0">You knock at the doors to $'s room.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<<dial "daphne" "Who is it?" "fi2">>
<<dial "player" "It's $ Just wanted to talk." "fi2">>
<<dial "daphne" "Give me a moment, hun... I'm changing." "fi3">>
<p class="fi5">You wait couple seconds, before you hear $'s voice again.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok, hun, come on in!" "fi5">>
<<btn null null "$permission+" "si5">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while=nothing">>
<p class="fi0">You knock at the doors to $'s room.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<<dial "daphne" "Who is it?" "fi2">>
<<dial "player" "It's $ Just wanted to talk." "fi2">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#no", "#no", "#yes"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#no", "#yes"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#no", "#yes", "#yes"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#yes">>
<<menu "si3" null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard si3">>
<<chunk null "#yes">>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok, hun, come on in!">>
<p>What are you waiting for?!</p>
<<media "yes_maam.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Go inside" "$permission+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#no">>
<<dial "daphne" "Sorry but not know, I'm busy!">>
<p>You have to try some other time.</p>
<<media "too_bad.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while=sex">> /* Daphne has sex */
<p class="fi0">You open the doors and...</p>
<<media "activities/enter/daphRoom/daphne_sex.jpg" "fi2">>
<big class="fi3">Holy fuck.</big>
<<dial "player" "Shit! I didn't know! Sorry!" "fi4">>
<p class="fi4">The guy, balls deep in $, looks at you angrily.</p>
<<dial "guy" "That's trespassing, son!" "fi4">>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeDaphne" + $dudeDaphne.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"` "si5">>
<p class="fi5">You need to quickly figure out what to do.</p>
<<menu "si5">>
<<btn "#run" "Run away" "" "action si5">>
<<btn "#join" "Can I join?" "daphne.dom" "dialog si5">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run from the room, closing the doors behind you. It was probably the best decision, but surely $ is angry at you anyway.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#join">>
<p>$ rises from the bed and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You bursted into my room, and now you have a nerve to ask to join me in bed?">>
<p>I have to tell you, buddy, you really haven't thought that through. The good news is the view is amazing, because in all excitement she forgot to cover herself.</p>
<<media "activities/enter/daphRoom/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I mean... I guess?">>
<p>Surprisingly, she didn't smack you right away. Is it possible that she's considering it?</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#getout", "#getout", "#getout", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#getout", "#getout", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#getout", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#stay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<p>$ finally looks you in the eyes and... smiles!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You know what? I agree.">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Consider it the reward for being a good tenant.">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yeah I'm a good tenant. The best one! So we're doing a triangle?">>
<p>This is amazing, dude! I applaud you.</p>
<<dial "guy" "This is outrageous! I'm not doing triangles.">>
<p>Oh fuck. Captain Cockblock here has some other ideas.</p>
<<dial "player" "So...?">>
<p>You look at $</p>
<p>She smiles one more time.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, in that case you better get lost.">>
<p>Oh shit... I'm sorry, bro...</p>
<<dial "guy" "And close the doors behind you!">>
<p>$ looks at the guy.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was talking to you.">>
<<media "big_eyes.mp4">>
<big>What a rollercoaster!</big>
<p>The guy looks at her like he doesn't believe what he just heard...</p>
<<dial "guy" "What...?">>
<<dial "daphne" "You were a lousy fuck anyway.">>
<p>The guy's expression quickly changes to anger.</p>
<<dial "guy" "You'll regret this, bitch!">>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeDaphne" + $dudeDaphne.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"`>>
<p>He gathers his things and storms out of the house.</p>
<p>$ looks at you with a nasty smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Come here!">>
<<media "success.mp4">>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "daphne.squirt+2; $char+daphne; $permission+" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Not now, thanks!" "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#getout">>
<p>She finally looks you in the eyes and points her finger to the doors.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Get out of here and don't come back!">>
<<media "getout.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now!!!">>
<<dial "guy" "And close the doors behind you, assmunch!">>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeDaphne" + $dudeDaphne.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"`>>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while=sleep">> /* Daphne is sleeping */
<p class="fi0 center">You crack open the doors...</p>
<<media "crack_doors.mp4" "si1">>
<p class="fi2 center">It's dark, but you can see $</p>
<big class="fi4 center">She's on the bed, sleeping.</big>
<<media "activities/enter/daphRoom/daphne_sleep.jpg" "si5">>
<p class="fi5">This presents some opportunities, buddy.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "$permission+forced" "si5">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while=dressing">> /* Daphne is dressing */
<p class="fi0">You open the doors and walk into the room.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, $, I wanted to ask--" "fi0">>
<p class="fi1">$ jumps to the air, scared by your sudden entrance.</p>
<<media "activities/enter/soloEnter.mp4""si1">>
<p class="fi3">She doesn't even notice that her towel drops, revealing her gigantic melons...</p>
<div class="si5">
<<media "activities/enter/daphRoom/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<big>Holy fuck, she's a maneater.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What the fuck was that?! You cannot come here like that!">>
<p>She's so angry that she completely forgot to cover herself. You should probably say something, but the sight of these two beautiful monsters rendered you speechless.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well?">>
<<dial "player" "Yes... I mean... No... I mean... I didn't...">>
<big>Gather yourself!!!</big>
<<btn "#run" "I'll just go..." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#stayWild" "Maybe I can stay?" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#stayWild">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So after you barged into my room and seen me naked, you have the nerve to ask me to let you stay?">>
<p>You can feel the crushing weight of her stare.</p>
<p>There's nothing you can say here. You're just hoping for a bit of mercy. $ takes a deep breath and...</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#getout", "#getout", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#getout", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#getout", "#stay", "#staySex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#staySex"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run from the room, closing the doors behind you.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#getout">>
<p>She sighs</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ points her finger to the doors.</p>
<<media "activities/enter/gulag.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Get out!!!">>
<p>You turn around and run from the room, closing the doors behind you.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<big>She bursts into laughter.</big>
<<media "activities/enter/gotcha.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hahaha! Your face was white!!!">>
<p>Oh thank god, she was just fucking with you!</p>
<<dial "player" "Ha... I thought... So what now?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now?">>
<p>$ smiles seductively, while turning her back to you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Now you will help me to fasten my bra. It's not that easy with that big titties of mine.">>
<big>You lucky motherfucker.</big>
<<media "activities/enter/value.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "; $permission+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#staySex">>
<big>She bursts into laughter.</big>
<<media "activities/enter/gotcha.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hahaha! Your face was white!!!">>
<p>Oh thank god, she was just fucking with you!</p>
<<dial "player" "Ha... I thought... So what now?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now?">>
<p>$ smiles seductively.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Now we're going to fuck.">>
<<media "activities/enter/fuckyeah.mp4">>
<big>You lucky motherfucker.</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "daphne.squirt+2; $char+daphne; $permission+" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Not now, thanks!" "" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while=nothing">> /* Daphne is doing nothing */
<p class="fi0">You open the doors and walk into the room.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, $, I wanted to ask--" "fi1">>
<p class="fi2">$ is startled by your sudden appearance.</p>
<<media "activities/enter/scaredEnter.mp4""si3">>
<div class="si5">
<p>After a moment she realizes it's just you and sighs.</p>
<<media "activities/enter/daphRoom/daphne_angry_clothed.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "What the hell, $! Why don't you knock?!">>
<p>Better figure out something fast...</p>
<<btn "#run" "Oops, wrong room!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#hi" "Oh, hi $!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run from the room, closing the doors behind you.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#hi">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You barged into my room to ask me how was my day?">>
<p>You can feel the crushing weight of her stare.</p>
<p>There's nothing you can say here. You're just hoping for a bit of mercy. $ takes a deep breath and...</p>
<<media "hopefully.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#getout", "#getout", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#getout", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#getout", "#stay", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#stay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#getout">>
<p>She sighs</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ points her finger to the doors.</p>
<<media "activities/enter/gulag.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Get out!!!">>
<p>You turn around and run from the room, closing the doors behind you.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<big>She bursts into laughter.</big>
<<media "activities/enter/gotcha.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hahaha! Your face was white!!!">>
<p>Oh thank god, she was just fucking with you!</p>
<<dial "player" "Ha... I thought...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, come on, it's just a bit of harmless fun! Come on in!">>
<<btn $curLoc null "; $permission+" "yieldHide">>
<</events>>/* Create arrays with items (base items are findable many times, unique items can be found just once) */
<<set _searchItemsBase to ["bible+", "dirty_bra+", "dildo+", "viagra+", "nothing"]>>
<<set _searchItemsUnique to ["crucifix+", "dildo+", "cash+5", "cash+10", "cash+15", "cash+25"]>>
/* Define found item */
<<searchLoc _searchItemsBase _searchItemsUnique>>
<p class="fi0">You check every corner of the room. Under the carpet, behind the cabinet, and inside the pillows. You even move some of the lighter furniture.</p>
<big class="fi2">And finally...</big>
<<if _foundItem && _foundItemId != "cash">>
<<set _foundItemMedia to _foundItem.replace(/\+/gi, '') +".jpg">>
<<media `"activities/search/" + _foundItemMedia` "si4">>
<big class="si5 center">_foundItemText</big>
/* Set the link to next chunk */
<<if _foundItem == "dirty_bra+" || _foundItem == "crucifix+" || _foundItem == "viagra+" || _foundItem == "dildo+">>
<<set _chunkLink to "#more">>
<<set _chunkLink to null>>
<<btn _chunkLink null null "si6">>
<<chunk null "#more">>
<<if _foundItem == "dirty_bra+">>
<p>I'm personally not a huge lingerie guy (unless the girl is really fat, in which case it helps redirect my attention), but even I can't help a growing hard-on.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm sure she won't mind if...</tht>">>
<p>You put it to your nose and give it a good slow sniff.</p>
<<media "activities/search/sniffing.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Mmmmm... Noice!">>
<<yields "sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<elseif _foundItem == "crucifix+">>
<<media "activities/search/crucifix.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "That might be useful!">>
<big>Hopefully not.</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "viagra+">>
<<media "activities/search/viagra.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "That might be useful!">>
<big>Hopefully not.</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dildo+">>
<p>The dildo is huge, almost as huge as your own gigantic dick. Just looking at it gives you hard on.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>$ must have used it many times.</tht>">>
<p>You can't help but put it to your nose and give it a good slow sniff.</p>
<<media "activities/search/sniffing.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Mmmmm... Noice!">>
<<yields "sniffrush+" "dialog">>
/* Define if we also learn about kink */
<<if $daphne.kinkKnown != 1>>
<<set _chunkLinkKink to "#moreKink">>
<<set _chunkLinkKink to null>>
<<btn _chunkLinkKink>>
<<chunk null "#moreKink">>
<big>And then you notice something else...</big>
<<dial "player" "What the hell...">>
<<media "surprise.mp4">>
<p>You see a bunch of porn dvd's. And you notice something very specific about them...</p>
<<media "activities/search/daphRoom/rough1.jpg">>
<<media "activities/search/daphRoom/rough2.jpg">>
<<media "activities/search/daphRoom/rough3.jpg">>
<p>But you also notice something else between the DVDs. You reach for it with your hand and...</p>
<big> find the Bible.</big>
<<media "activities/search/daphRoom/bible.jpg">>
<p>So what does hardcore porn and the Bible have in common? It takes you a moment, before you realize something absolutely shocking.</p>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<big>$ is into <<print setup.sexCat.find(obj => {return === $daphne.kink}).name>>!</big>
<p>And also - Bible.</p>
<<btn null null "">>
/* Quests */
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Search for some metal" "daphMakeKey=3; $daphMakeKeyMetal+; $daphMakeKeyMetal=null" "quest">>
<<wrapper "period!=night">>
<<wrapper "daphne">>
<<btn "daphIntro" "Talk about the room" "quest:daphIntro=2" "quest">>
<<btn "daphHelp" "Make $ a meal" "quest:daphHelp=4; item:groceries" "quest">>
<<btn "daphHelp" "Tell $ you finished chores" "quest:daphHelp=4; !item:groceries" "quest">>
<<btn "daphMakeKey" "Search $'s purse" "daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=2; !alexa" "quest">>
<<wrapper "alexa">>
<<btn "alexaIntro" "Talk with $" "quest:alexaIntro=1" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaIntro" "Talk with $ about tutoring" "quest:alexaIntro=5" "quest">>
<<wrapper "quest:daphFixGarden!=0; quest:daphFixGarden!=DONE">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Talk about the garden" "quest:daphFixGarden=1; daphne" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Clean up trash" "quest:daphFixGarden=2" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Clean up more trash" "quest:daphFixGarden=3" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Finish cleaning up the trash" "quest:daphFixGarden=4" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Cut grass" "counter:cleanGarden+14; quest:daphFixGarden=5" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Tell $ the garden is fixed" "quest:daphFixGarden=6; daphne; !paint" "quest">>
<<btn "daphFixGarden" "Paint the fence" "quest:daphFixGarden=6; item:paint" "quest">>
<<wrapper "quest:alexaPool!=0; quest:alexaPool!=DONE">>
<<btn "alexaPool" "Clean up the trash in the pool" "quest:alexaPool=1" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaPool" "Work on the pool" "quest:alexaPool=2" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaPool" "Show the pool to $" "quest:alexaPool=3; alexa" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaPool" "Fix the damn pool" "counter:cleanGarden+14; quest:alexaPool=4; plunger" "quest">>
<<btn "alexaPool" "Show $ the new pool" "quest:alexaPool=5; alexa" "quest">>
/* Activities */
<<btn "daphGardShit" "Take a shit" "!daphne; !alexa; $lvlup; quest:daphFixGarden=0; dom+3" "activ">> /*[[daphGardShit]]*/
<<btn "daphGardSwim" "Take a swim" "counter:cleanGarden!=7; quest:alexaPool=done; dom+" "activ">> /*[[daphGardSwim]]*/
<<btn "daphGardSun" "Lie in the sun" "counter:cleanGarden!=14; quest:daphFixGarden=done; effect:tan+; love+; period!=night" "activ">> /*[[daphGardSun]]*/
<<btn "daphGardPeek" "Peek at $" "counter:cleanGarden!=14; daphne; !alexa; quest:daphFixGarden=done" "quick">> /*[[daphGardPeek]]*/
<<btn "daphGardPeek" "Peek at $" "counter:cleanGarden!=14; !daphne; alexa; quest:daphFixGarden=done" "quick">> /*[[daphGardPeek]]*/
/* Chores */
<<wrapper "period!=night; day=weekend">>
<<btn "daphGardPool" "Clean pool" "counter:cleanGarden+14; quest:alexaPool=done; cash+50" "chore">> /*[[daphGardPool]]*/
<<btn "daphGardGrass" "Cut grass" "counter:cleanGarden+14; quest:daphFixGarden=done; cash+50" "chore">> /*[[daphGardGrass]]*/
<<btn "daphGardTrash" "Clean up trash" "counter:cleanGarden+14; quest:daphFixGarden=done; cash+50" "chore">> /*[[daphGardTrash]]*/
/* Relations */
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "alexa; $char+alexa" "chat relation">>
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "daphne; $char+daphne" "chat relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "alexa; !daphne; alexa.status=3; alexa.status!=5; $char+alexa" "flirt relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "daphne; !alexa; daphne.status=3; daphne.status!=5; $char+daphne" "flirt relation">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "alexa; !daphne; alexa.status=5; $char+alexa" "sex relation">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "daphne; !alexa; daphne.status=5; $char+daphne" "sex relation">>
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
<<EVENT "daphMeatBags=4; daphne; period=night">>
<<inc "daphMeatBags">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne; daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=1; $daphMakeKeyLostDebuff=0; $permission=1">>
<<inc "daphMakeKey">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "lowRand; !daphne; $daphne.met; $permission=forced">> /* This is when you're in her room, and she comes in on random */
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<p>She looks at you surprised.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "What are you doing in my room?">>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "I wanted to get to know you bit better." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "I wanted to clean it!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<<dial "daphne" "You wanted to clean my room!? Without asking me first?">>
<<dial "player" "It was meant as a surprise!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Surprise...?">>
<p>She looks at your for a moment...</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneLieGetout", "#daphneLieGetout", "#daphneLieOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneLieGetout", "#daphneLieOk"].random()>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneLieGetout", "#daphneLieOk", "#daphneLieOk"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLieGetout">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "And now get out of here!">>
<p>You walk out of her room in shame.</p>
<<media "shame.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "; charAdd+daphne" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLieOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... I guess it really needs some cleaning!">>
<p>L-O-L. She bought it!</p>
<<dial "player" "That's what I thought!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You're such a sweetheart.">>
<<dial "player" "Sure I am!">>
<<media "success.mp4">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So make sure you'd clean behind the furniture and dust the shelfs! And don't forget to mop the floor and wash the carpet, it's so sticky...">>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Ermmm...">>
<p>Oh shit, she turned this around...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I expect this place to be spick-and-span when I come back!">>
<big>I'm so sorry, bud!</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Clean the room" "energy-20; $permission-">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "You wanted to look at my things!? Are you a fucking pervert?">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<p>That's a //yes//.</p>
<<dial "player" "No! I mean... I know it sounds strange, but I... I really like you and... I was just curious...">>
<p>She looks at your for a moment...</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneTruthGetout", "#daphneTruthGetout", "#daphneTruthOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneTruthGetout", "#daphneTruthOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneTruthGetout", "#daphneTruthOk", "#daphneTruthOk"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneTruthOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruthGetout">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Leave me now, I need to change!">>
<<dial "player" "Sure...">>
<p>You turn around and walk out of $'s in shame.</p>
<<media "shame.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "; charAdd+daphne" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruthOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "I understand.">>
<<dial "player" "You do?">>
<big>She does?!</big>
<<media "surprise.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes. You're a young man, and you're living next to a mature, emancia-pe-pated woman.">>
<p>Say what!?</p>
<<dial "daphne" "It must have been hard for you...">>
<p>Whatever. Just go with the flow, dude.</p>
<<dial "player" "It is... hard.">>
<p>You glance down at your crotch to make sure she's not referring to your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "So... You're not angry?">>
<p>$ looks at you and...</p>
<big>She smiles.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "I knew stuff like this will happen from the start. You're a man, and all men are the same. But I'm happy that you told me the truth.">>
<<dial "player" "I would never lie to you!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You're such a sweetheart. You can stay with me if you like, I'd appreciate some company!">>
<<media "success.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "$permission+1; charAdd+daphne">>
<</events>>/* DOORS
Needs to be separate because those settings might change during gameplay, and we need them saved in save game */
<<set $daphRoomDoor = "closed">>
<<set $daphAlexDoor = "closed">>
Possible main door settings:
- open (always open),
- closed (opened by a character, or forced in),
- locked (opened by a character, or by a key)
Also there is some temp states:
- semi (open, but closed when other character is in),
- dayhours (opened in dayhours, otherwise locked)
- workdays (only opened in workdays, otherwise locked)
- nighthours (only opened in nighthours, otherwise locked) */
<<set setup.locations to [
/* daphHouse */
id: "daphGuest",
name: "Your room",
desc: "You're in your room. It was previously occupied by $'s son, who now lives downtown. He has to be a tough dude, because all the walls are covered with pictures of tough dudes.",
prereq: "",
parent: "daphHouse",
door: "open"
id: "daphRoom",
name: "$'s room",
desc: "The bedroom looks pretty old school, but $ managed to create a comfy atmosphere - dimmed lights, candles. And also a strange collection of devotionals - a Jewish menorah alongside huge ass crucifix and a Buddha statue. It seems she has all the options covered.",
prereq: "",
parent: "daphHouse",
door: $daphRoomDoor
id: "daphBath",
name: "Bathroom",
desc: "It exists, and that's the only good thing you can say about this bathroom. Ugly, small, and the drain is completely stuffed with hair.",
prereq: "",
parent: "daphHouse",
door: "semi"
id: "daphLiv",
name: "Living room",
desc: "The living room looks pretty old school. You don't even remember the last time you saw this type of tv. You also notice a huge liquor cabinet, holding enough liquids to send the entire house to the Moon.",
prereq: "",
parent: "daphHouse",
door: "open"
id: "daphKit",
name: "Kitchen",
desc: "The kitchen is small and full of broken household goods - the microwave is probably the only thing that's working here.",
prereq: "",
parent: "daphHouse",
door: "open"
id: "daphAlex",
name: "$'s room",
desc: "Trashy is the first word that pops in your mind. Then again - maybe it's a good thing?",
prereq: "$alexa.met",
parent: "daphHouse",
door: "closed"
id: "daphGard",
name: "Backyard",
desc: "It's surpisingly huge, but it looks like shit because $ is using it as her private dump. She's a fucking hoarder.",
desc_grass: "It's surpisingly huge, and, after you took some care of it, it's actually kinda cool place to spend your time in the sun. But remember to clean it from time to time, or this place will turn to shit again within days. Oh, and the pool is out of order, so maybe it would be a good idea to look into that.",
desc_pool: "It's surpisingly huge, and, after you cleaned it from all the trash and fixed the pool, it's actually kinda cool place to spend your time in the sun. But remember to take care of it from time to time, or it will turn to shit again.",
prereq: "",
parent: "daphHouse",
door: "open"
id: "daphCel",
name: "Cellar",
desc: "It's one of those places that gives you shivers on your back. Yet in this particular case, because of all the BDSM equipment lurking in the dark corners, the shivers are mainly located on your dick.",
prereq: "$daphCel",
parent: "daphHouse",
door: "locked"
id: "daphCar",
name: "$'s Car",
desc: "With some cars it's obvious, that even though they are old, there was a time once when they were awesome. But this motherfucker was old and broken the moment it left the factory. Hell, even the designers were saying \"Let's just finish this piece of shit and go get drunk\".",
prereq: "$daphCar",
parent: "daphHouse",
door: "open"
id: "daphHouse",
name: "$'s house",
desc: "You're in $'s house. Most of the interior looks like straight out of 80s porn - clean on the surface, but you have a feeling everything is sticky.",
prereq: "",
parent: "areaNeighbourhood",
door: "open"
/* areaNeighborhood */
id: "areaNeighbourhood",
name: "Neighborhood",
desc: "Bottles, crackheads, baby on the corner. That's what you saw when you first came here. But now? $'s tits make this area the best fucking place on the planet.",
prereq: "",
parent: "areaNeighbourhood",
door: "open"
id: "localStore",
name: "S-Mart store",
desc: "Everything - from liquors, to guns. And sometimes food too, though it barely passes as one.",
prereq: "",
parent: "areaNeighbourhood",
door: "dayhours, workdays"
id: "church",
name: "Church",
desc: "It's a small, dark, run down ghetto church. Piss stench, needles and used condoms on the floor. Everything that is old is broken, and everything that is new is chained to the floor.",
desc_clean: "The church is pretty old and poor, but it's clear someone is taking good care of it. The candles are lit, the benches are clean, and you can smell the incense in the air.",
prereq: "",
parent: "areaNeighbourhood",
door: "dayhours, weekend"
id: "park",
name: "Small park",
desc: "It's one of those parks, where you can go for a nice run, get an inexpensive blowjob, or a fist in your face (and sometimes even combination of all three).",
prereq: "",
parent: "areaNeighbourhood",
door: "open"
id: "ninaHouse",
name: "$'s house",
desc: "",
prereq: "$nina.met",
parent: "areaNeighbourhood",
door: "closed"
id: "martaHouse",
name: "$'s house",
desc: "",
prereq: "$marta.met",
parent: "areaNeighbourhood",
door: "closed"
id: "gym",
name: "Prestige Gym",
desc: "A run down local gym, with equipment from Salvation Army and a bunch of ruffians looking at you with //Do you even lift, bro?!// expression.",
prereq: "",
parent: "areaNeighbourhood",
door: "dayhours"
/* areaCity */
id: "areaCity",
name: "City Center",
desc: "LA is just like you imagined. Palms, sun, and girls, girls, girls. Big tits, small tits, long legs, thin, fat, brunette, blondes, redheads, pretty, ugly, sexy-ugly, young, old... Basically all the porn categories you can imagine.",
prereq: "",
parent: "areaNeighbourhood",
door: "open"
/* TEST */
id: "TEST",
name: "TEST",
desc: "Testing...",
prereq: "",
parent: "TEST",
door: "open"
]>>/* QUESTS */
/* The array is separated by quests. Each quest has an id, name, current state, and an array of tasks (at least 1 task) with a description for each. States:
- if the active state is 0 - player don't know about this quest,
- if the active state is >= 1 and <= number of tasks in the quest - quest is active,
- if the active state is > than the number of tasks - quest is finished. */
<<set setup.quests to [
/* Daphne quests */
id: "daphIntro",
name: "Tits of Fortune",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"$ told you to unpack, so what are you waiting for, bozo!? While in your room click the \"Unpack\" button.",
"There's not enough space. Find $ and talk with her about it."
id: "daphHelp",
name: "Chores for $",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "item:fancy_dinner",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"You like water sports? Dishes are waiting for you.",
"The fastest way to girl's panties? Go to bathroom and do her laundry!",
"Let's get nasty in the toilet.",
"You can go to $ and let her know you did everything around the house, or you might try to sweeten up the deal by doing a fancy meal for her. You'd need to buy some groceries for that though."
id: "daphFixGarden",
name: "Versus the hoarders!",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "item:sunlounger",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Talk with $ about the garden.",
"Throw away the trash from the garden.",
"Even more trash... how cool is that?",
"You need to take one last dive into garbage.",
"Do the lawn mowers scare you, kid? Because they should. They totally should.",
"You can go to $ and let her know you fixed the garden, or you might try to sweeten up the deal by painting the fence, but you'd need to buy a paint for that."
id: "daphBdsm",
name: "$'s secrets",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Bring $ the scissors from the kitchen.",
"Get to the cellar.",
"Look around the cellar.",
"Cut a hole in the floor of your room, to get a view on what's going on in the cellar. You'll need to buy a drill for that though."
id: "daphMeatBags",
name: "The different kind of meat bags",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Put on some clothes and go to the cellar.",
"Carry the meat bags to the car.",
"Get into the car.",
"Wait till night and find Daphne."
id: "daphMakeKey",
name: "Key quest",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Look around for Play-doh.",
"Get your hands on the cellar key and copy it.",
"Find some metal, a stick, and a box.",
"Craft the new key.",
"Go to the cellar."
/* Alexa quests */
id: "alexaIntro",
name: "Under one roof with an angel",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "item:cucumber",
reward: "alexa.dom+2",
rewardExtra: "alexa.dom+2",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Find an occasion to talk with $! Remember you can check the active quests in the quests panel.",
"Help $ with the homework.",
"Help $ with the english homework.",
"Help $ with the biology homework.",
"Talk with $ about tutoring. And maybe buy a fucking cucumber too? You never know when you're going to need one."
id: "alexaPool",
name: "Make the pool upper class again!",
prereq: "daphFixGarden=done",
prereqExtra: "item:weed",
reward: "alexa.domination+3",
rewardExtra: "alexa.domination+3",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Do I have to spill it out for you?! Clean the damn pool.",
"More fun stuff awaiting for you at the pool.",
"Show $ the pool.",
"Buy a new plunger at a local store and fix the damn pool!",
"You can go to $ and let her know you fixed the pool, or you might try to sweeten up the deal by getting some weed first."
/* Mia quests */
id: "miaIntro",
name: "Shopping with a smile!",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Wait couple days and go to the store.",
"Help $ with the boxes in the morning.",
"Help $ clean the store in the afternoon.",
"Pick $ up in the afternoon, when she finishes her work."
id: "miaDate",
name: "Take $ on a proper date!",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Offer $ a date.",
"Find a restaurant online and make a reservation.",
"Pick $ up on Friday afternoon."
/* Rose quests */
id: "roseIntro",
name: "Phisio with $",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "rose.dom+3",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Get closer to the field and watch $ play.",
"Drop your clothes and join $ on the field."
/* Kelly quests */
id: "kellyIntro",
name: "Twisted sister",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Buy cleaning stuff.",
"Help in the church until Sister $ trusts you enough to give you tray duty.",
"Wait for a good time to talk with Sister $ about regular work in the church."
id: "kellyPower",
name: "Higher powers",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "kelly.dom+8",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Go to your room and fake the letter to the church.",
"Print the letter at $'s printer.",
"Find an envelope to put the letter in.",
"Wait until the church is open and put the letter in the mailbox.",
"On Sunday during sunset meet Sister $ in the park dressed as a priest agent.",
"On Saturday evening meet Sister $ in the church back room to do paperwork."
/* Other quests */
id: "ashIntro",
name: "Alpha's confidence FTW!",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "dom+5; love+5",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Learn something about being an alpha from $, the cashier in the store!",
"Kill the time before $ finishes fucking old tramp!"
id: "daphHack",
name: "Corgis!",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 1,
tasks: [
"$ wants corgis on her computer. Talk with her about it.",
"Check her computer.",
"Read about hacking.",
"Hack it!",
"Access $'s computer remotely."
id: "daphSnoop",
name: "Snooping on $",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "daphne.dom",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 1,
tasks: [
"Search her bedroom when she's not around.",
"Look for a key in her room to open a hidden compartment.",
"Scan the photos you found, before she notices them missing.",
"Put the photos back, before she notices them missing."
id: "alexaDrunk",
name: "Get $ drunk",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "dom",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 1,
tasks: [
"Wine for you and $ - sounds delicious!",
"Check if homework + wine = sex?",
"Maybe a beer for LA princess?",
"Go and see if beer=mc².",
"The princess likes the hard stuff. Buy her some vodka.",
"♫Vodka people, magic people!♫ Find her and see where it goes!"
id: "alexaHack",
name: "See what $ is about",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "item:virus",
reward: "dom",
rewardExtra: "dom",
wip: 1,
tasks: [
"Check $'s email.",
"Check $'s computer when she's not around.",
"Find a password to her laptop or get help from a professional hacker.",
"Hack her laptop when she's not around.",
"Check your laptop to see if the backdoor works."
id: "alexaSnoop",
name: "Snooping on $",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "item:disguise",
reward: "dom",
rewardExtra: "dom",
wip: 1,
tasks: [
"Figure out where she goes in the nights. Maybe you should buy a disguise.",
"Stalk the shit out of her! [1/3]",
"Stalk the shit out of her! [2/3]",
"Stalk the shit out of her! [3/3]",
"Confront her about what you saw."
id: "alexaShades",
name: "50 shades of $",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "alexa.dom+2; $daphCel+",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 1,
tasks: [
"Search her room for a key.",
id: "miaFool",
name: "Fool around with $",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 1,
tasks: [
"Figure out a prank to fool $",
id: "miaKey",
name: "Figure out where to use $'s key!",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 1,
tasks: [
"Figure out where to use $'s key.",
id: "nooneIntro",
name: "Did it really happened?",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "love+10",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 1,
tasks: [
"Ask around for a creepy guy from the church.",
"Go to the old cemetary.",
"Dig out the changelog.",
"Confront your dad about what you know."
id: "hags",
name: "Beware of the hags!",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "love+10",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 1,
tasks: [
"Read about the hags.",
"Train yourself in hag-jitsu.",
"Buy a hag repellant."
id: "testQuest",
name: "Test Quest",
prereq: "",
prereqExtra: "",
reward: "love+1",
rewardExtra: "",
wip: 0,
tasks: [
"Test 1.",
"Test 2.",
"Test 3.",
"Test 4."
/* This is a script that creates the characters. It has to be played outside StoryInit because it uses the story variables, which (if defined in StoryInit) are overwritten when the old session loads (when player refreshes the game). This basically meant that characters who were created on previous version had their variables destroyed when the session was loaded. The solution to this is to load the characters in the game, but only if they don't exist. */
<<set setup.characters = []>>
<<if !$player>>
<<set $player = {}>>
<<set $ = "player">>
<<set $player.type = "player">>
<<set $ = "Harry">>
<<set $player.surname = "Panuchkin">>
<<set $ = 0>>
<<set $player.loveMulti = $defMulti>>
<<set $player.loveLvl = 1>>
<<set $player.domination = 0>>
<<set $player.dominationMulti = $defMulti>>
<<set $player.dominationLvl = 1>>
<<set $player.lvl = 0>>
<<set $ = 100>>
<<set $player.energyMulti = $defEnergyMulti>>
<<set $player.travelMulti = $defTravelMulti>>
<<set $player.choreMulti = $defChoreMulti>>
<<set $player.sexMulti = $defSexMulti>>
<<set $player.questMulti = $defQuestMulti>>
<<set $ = 0>>
<<set $player.trait = "beta">>
<<set $player.traitFull = "Meager Beta Male">>
<<set $player.quests = []>>
<<set $player.questsList = "">>
<<set $player.questsListDone = "">>
<<set $player.items = []>>
<<set $player.itemsList = "">>
<<set $player.effects = []>>
<<set $player.effectsList = "">>
<<set $player.kamasutra = [{id: "handjob", known: 1, used: 0}]>>
<<set $ = "Regular">>
<<set $player.wingman = null>>
<<set $player.crew = null>>
<<doChar $>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$daphne>>
<<set $daphne = {}>>
<<set $ = "daphne">>
<<set $daphne.type = "character">>
<<set $ = "Daphne">>
<<set $daphne.desire = 0>>
<<set $daphne.desireKnown = 1>>
<<set $daphne.trait = "milf">>
<<set $daphne.traitKnown = 1>>
<<set $daphne.kink = "rough">>
<<set $daphne.kinkKnown = 0>>
<<set $daphne.trivia1 = "animals">>
<<set $daphne.trivia1Id = "corgis">>
<<set $daphne.trivia1Known = 0>>
<<set $daphne.trivia2 = "random">>
<<set $daphne.trivia2Id = null>>
<<set $daphne.trivia2Known = 0>>
<<set $daphne.trivia3 = "random">>
<<set $daphne.trivia3Id = null>>
<<set $daphne.trivia3Known = 0>>
<<set $daphne.squirt = $squirtDefault>>
<<set $daphne.loveMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $daphne.dominationMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $daphne.minDes = null>>
<<set $daphne.status = 0>>
<<set $daphne.met = 0>>
<<set $daphne.quote = "Hi hun! Call me $! I'm your favorite $daphne.relation!">>
<<set $daphne.strikes = 0>> /* If reaches 3 - she will notify Dad */
<<set $ = 100>>
<<set $daphne.relation = "landlady">>
<<doChar $>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$alexa>>
<<set $alexa = {}>>
<<set $ = "alexa">>
<<set $alexa.type = "character">>
<<set $ = "Alexa">>
<<set $alexa.desire = 0>>
<<set $alexa.desireKnown = 1>>
<<set $alexa.trait = "whore">>
<<set $alexa.traitKnown = 0>>
<<set $alexa.kink = "anal">>
<<set $alexa.kinkKnown = 0>>
<<set $alexa.trivia1 = "random">>
<<set $alexa.trivia1Id = null>>
<<set $alexa.trivia1Known = 0>>
<<set $alexa.trivia2 = "random">>
<<set $alexa.trivia2Id = null>>
<<set $alexa.trivia2Known = 0>>
<<set $alexa.trivia3 = "random">>
<<set $alexa.trivia3Id = null>>
<<set $alexa.trivia3Known = 0>>
<<set $alexa.squirt = $squirtDefault>>
<<set $alexa.loveMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $alexa.dominationMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $alexa.minDes = null>>
<<set $alexa.status = 0>>
<<set $alexa.met = 0>>
<<set $alexa.quote = "I'm $, the daughter of $, and you're a dweeb.">>
<<doChar $>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$mia>>
<<set $mia = {}>>
<<set $ = "mia">>
<<set $mia.type = "character">>
<<set $ = "Mia">>
<<set $mia.desire = 0>>
<<set $mia.desireKnown = 1>>
<<set $mia.trait = "gnd">>
<<set $mia.traitKnown = 0>>
<<set $mia.kink = "oral">>
<<set $mia.kinkKnown = 0>>
<<set $mia.trivia1 = "random">>
<<set $mia.trivia1Id = null>>
<<set $mia.trivia1Known = 0>>
<<set $mia.trivia2 = "random">>
<<set $mia.trivia2Id = null>>
<<set $mia.trivia2Known = 0>>
<<set $mia.trivia3 = "random">>
<<set $mia.trivia3Id = null>>
<<set $mia.trivia3Known = 0>>
<<set $mia.squirt = $squirtDefault>>
<<set $mia.loveMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $mia.dominationMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $mia.minDes = null>>
<<set $mia.status = 0>>
<<set $mia.met = 0>>
<<set $mia.quote = "Hi! I'm $! Shop smart, shop S-Mart, haha.">>
<<doChar $>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$rose>>
<<set $rose = {}>>
<<set $ = "rose">>
<<set $rose.type = "character">>
<<set $ = "Rose">>
<<set $rose.desire = 0>>
<<set $rose.desireKnown = 1>>
<<set $rose.trait = "sportfreak">>
<<set $rose.traitKnown = 0>>
<<set $rose.kink = "classic">>
<<set $rose.kinkKnown = 0>>
<<set $rose.trivia1 = "random">>
<<set $rose.trivia1Id = null>>
<<set $rose.trivia1Known = 0>>
<<set $rose.trivia2 = "random">>
<<set $rose.trivia2Id = null>>
<<set $rose.trivia2Known = 0>>
<<set $rose.trivia3 = "random">>
<<set $rose.trivia3Id = null>>
<<set $rose.trivia3Known = 0>>
<<set $rose.squirt = $squirtDefault>>
<<set $rose.loveMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $rose.dominationMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $rose.minDes = null>>
<<set $rose.status = 0>>
<<set $rose.met = 0>>
<<set $rose.quote = "Name's $, you can meet me while I exercise in the park.">>
<<doChar $>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$kelly>>
<<set $kelly = {}>>
<<set $ = "kelly">>
<<set $kelly.type = "character">>
<<set $ = "Kelly">>
<<set $kelly.desire = 0>>
<<set $kelly.desireKnown = 1>>
<<set $kelly.trait = "nun">>
<<set $kelly.traitKnown = 0>>
<<set $kelly.kink = "classic">>
<<set $kelly.kinkKnown = 0>>
<<set $kelly.trivia1 = "activities">>
<<set $kelly.trivia1Id = "jesus">>
<<set $kelly.trivia1Known = 0>>
<<set $kelly.trivia2 = "songs">>
<<set $kelly.trivia2Id = "lovelyHorse">>
<<set $kelly.trivia2Known = 0>>
<<set $kelly.trivia3 = "celebs">>
<<set $kelly.trivia3Id = "trump">>
<<set $kelly.trivia3Known = 0>>
<<set $kelly.squirt = $squirtDefault>>
<<set $kelly.loveMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $kelly.dominationMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $kelly.minDes = null>>
<<set $kelly.status = 0>>
<<set $kelly.met = 0>>
<<set $kelly.quote = "Hello, young man. I'm $, nun from the church. The Lord is watching you...">>
<<doChar $>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$nina>>
<<set $nina = {}>>
<<set $ = "nina">>
<<set $nina.type = "character">>
<<set $ = "Nina">>
<<set $nina.desire = 0>>
<<set $nina.desireKnown = 1>>
<<set $nina.trait = "random">>
<<set $nina.traitKnown = 0>>
<<set $nina.kink = "random">>
<<set $nina.kinkKnown = 0>>
<<set $nina.trivia1 = "random">>
<<set $nina.trivia1Id = null>>
<<set $nina.trivia1Known = 0>>
<<set $nina.trivia2 = "random">>
<<set $nina.trivia2Id = null>>
<<set $nina.trivia2Known = 0>>
<<set $nina.trivia3 = "random">>
<<set $nina.trivia3Id = null>>
<<set $nina.trivia3Known = 0>>
<<set $nina.squirt = $squirtDefault>>
<<set $nina.loveMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $nina.dominationMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $nina.minDes = null>>
<<set $nina.status = 0>>
<<set $nina.met = 0>>
<<set $nina.quote = "Hi! I'm $!">>
<<doChar $>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$marta>>
<<set $marta = {}>>
<<set $ = "marta">>
<<set $marta.type = "character">>
<<set $ = "Marta">>
<<set $marta.desire = 0>>
<<set $marta.desireKnown = 1>>
<<set $marta.trait = "random">>
<<set $marta.traitKnown = 0>>
<<set $marta.kink = "random">>
<<set $marta.kinkKnown = 0>>
<<set $marta.trivia1 = "random">>
<<set $marta.trivia1Id = null>>
<<set $marta.trivia1Known = 0>>
<<set $marta.trivia2 = "random">>
<<set $marta.trivia2Id = null>>
<<set $marta.trivia2Known = 0>>
<<set $marta.trivia3 = "random">>
<<set $marta.trivia3Id = null>>
<<set $marta.trivia3Known = 0>>
<<set $marta.squirt = $squirtDefault>>
<<set $marta.loveMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $marta.dominationMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $marta.minDes = null>>
<<set $marta.status = 0>>
<<set $marta.met = 0>>
<<set $marta.quote = "Hi! I'm $!">>
<<doChar $>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$paul>>
<<set $paul = {}>>
<<set $ = "paul">>
<<set $paul.type = "character">>
<<set $ = "Paul">>
<<set $paul.desire = 0>>
<<set $paul.desireKnown = 1>>
<<set $paul.trait = "domina">>
<<set $paul.traitKnown = 0>>
<<set $paul.kink = "anal">>
<<set $paul.kinkKnown = 0>>
<<set $paul.trivia1 = "random">>
<<set $paul.trivia1Id = null>>
<<set $paul.trivia1Known = 0>>
<<set $paul.trivia2 = "random">>
<<set $paul.trivia2Id = null>>
<<set $paul.trivia2Known = 0>>
<<set $paul.trivia3 = "random">>
<<set $paul.trivia3Id = null>>
<<set $paul.trivia3Known = 0>>
<<set $paul.squirt = $squirtDefault>>
<<set $paul.loveMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $paul.dominationMulti = $defCharMulti>>
<<set $paul.minDes = null>>
<<set $paul.status = 0>>
<<set $paul.met = 0>>
<<set $paul.quote = "Hi! I'm $! I'm the son of $, and the previous owner of your room.">>
<<doChar $>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$dad>>
<<set $dad = {}>>
<<set $ = "dad">>
<<set $dad.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Harold">>
<<set $dad.surname = $player.surname>>
<<set $dad.opinion = 50>>
<<set $dad.status = 1>>
<<set $dad.met = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$ash>>
<<set $ash = {}>>
<<set $ = "ash">>
<<set $ash.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Ash">>
<<set $ash.surname = "Williams">>
<<set $ash.status = 0>>
<<set $ash.met = 0>>
<<set $ash.hide = 0>>
<<set $ash.quote = "Groovy.">>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$fluffy>>
<<set $fluffy = {}>>
<<set $ = "fluffy">>
<<set $fluffy.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Fluffy">>
<<set $fluffy.status = 0>>
<<set $fluffy.met = 0>>
<<set $fluffy.quote = "Meow.">>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$noone>>
<<set $noone = {}>>
<<set $ = "noone">>
<<set $noone.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "No one">>
<<set $noone.status = 0>>
<<set $noone.met = 0>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$dudeAlexa>>
<<set $dudeAlexa = {}>>
<<set $ = "dudeAlexa">>
<<set $dudeAlexa.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Alexa's Love Toy">>
<<set $dudeAlexa.pic = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$dudeDaphne>>
<<set $dudeDaphne = {}>>
<<set $ = "dudeDaphne">>
<<set $dudeDaphne.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Daphne's Cash Cow">>
<<set $dudeDaphne.pic = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$parkgirl_0>>
<<set $parkgirl_0 = {}>>
<<set $ = "parkgirl_0">>
<<set $parkgirl_0.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Amanda">>
<<set $parkgirl_0.kink = ["anal", "oral", "classic"].random()>>
<<set $parkgirl_0.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$parkgirl_1>>
<<set $parkgirl_1 = {}>>
<<set $ = "parkgirl_1">>
<<set $parkgirl_1.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Cali">>
<<set $parkgirl_1.kink = "oral">>
<<set $parkgirl_1.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$parkgirl_2>>
<<set $parkgirl_2 = {}>>
<<set $ = "parkgirl_2">>
<<set $parkgirl_2.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Shanice">>
<<set $parkgirl_2.kink = "classic">>
<<set $parkgirl_2.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$parkgirl_3>>
<<set $parkgirl_3 = {}>>
<<set $ = "parkgirl_3">>
<<set $parkgirl_3.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Erica">>
<<set $parkgirl_3.kink = "classic">>
<<set $parkgirl_3.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$parkgirl_4>>
<<set $parkgirl_4 = {}>>
<<set $ = "parkgirl_4">>
<<set $parkgirl_4.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Veronique">>
<<set $parkgirl_4.kink = "anal">>
<<set $parkgirl_4.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$parkgirl_5>>
<<set $parkgirl_5 = {}>>
<<set $ = "parkgirl_5">>
<<set $parkgirl_5.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Britney">>
<<set $parkgirl_5.kink = ["anal", "oral", "classic"].random()>>
<<set $parkgirl_5.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$parkgirl_6>>
<<set $parkgirl_6 = {}>>
<<set $ = "parkgirl_6">>
<<set $parkgirl_6.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Tanya">>
<<set $parkgirl_6.kink = ["anal", "oral", "classic", "handworks"].random()>>
<<set $parkgirl_6.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$parkgirl_7>>
<<set $parkgirl_7 = {}>>
<<set $ = "parkgirl_7">>
<<set $parkgirl_7.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Charlotte">>
<<set $parkgirl_7.kink = ["anal", "oral", "classic"].random()>>
<<set $parkgirl_7.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$parkgirl_8>>
<<set $parkgirl_8 = {}>>
<<set $ = "parkgirl_8">>
<<set $parkgirl_8.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Aisha">>
<<set $parkgirl_8.kink = ["anal", "oral", "classic"].random()>>
<<set $parkgirl_8.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$gymgirl_1>>
<<set $gymgirl_1 = {}>>
<<set $ = "gymgirl_1">>
<<set $gymgirl_1.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Romi">>
<<set $gymgirl_1.kink = "classic">>
<<set $gymgirl_1.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$gymgirl_2>>
<<set $gymgirl_2 = {}>>
<<set $ = "gymgirl_2">>
<<set $gymgirl_2.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Skyy">>
<<set $gymgirl_2.kink = "oral">>
<<set $gymgirl_2.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$gymgirl_3>>
<<set $gymgirl_3 = {}>>
<<set $ = "gymgirl_3">>
<<set $gymgirl_3.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Kristina">>
<<set $gymgirl_3.kink = "anal">>
<<set $gymgirl_3.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$churchgirl_1>>
<<set $churchgirl_1 = {}>>
<<set $ = "churchgirl_1">>
<<set $churchgirl_1.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Alyssa">>
<<set $churchgirl_1.kink = "oral">>
<<set $churchgirl_1.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$churchgirl_2>>
<<set $churchgirl_2 = {}>>
<<set $ = "churchgirl_2">>
<<set $churchgirl_2.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Ava">>
<<set $churchgirl_2.kink = "handworks">>
<<set $churchgirl_2.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$churchgirl_3>>
<<set $churchgirl_3 = {}>>
<<set $ = "churchgirl_3">>
<<set $churchgirl_3.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Chessie">>
<<set $churchgirl_3.kink = "classic">>
<<set $churchgirl_3.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$beargirl_1>>
<<set $beargirl_1 = {}>>
<<set $ = "beargirl_1">>
<<set $beargirl_1.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Mia B.">>
<<set $beargirl_1.kink = "anal">>
<<set $beargirl_1.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$beargirl_2>>
<<set $beargirl_2 = {}>>
<<set $ = "beargirl_2">>
<<set $beargirl_2.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Juliette">>
<<set $beargirl_2.kink = "classic">>
<<set $beargirl_2.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$beargirl_3>>
<<set $beargirl_3 = {}>>
<<set $ = "beargirl_3">>
<<set $beargirl_3.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Teresa">>
<<set $beargirl_3.kink = "oral">>
<<set $beargirl_3.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$churchnun_1>>
<<set $churchnun_1 = {}>>
<<set $ = "churchnun_1">>
<<set $churchnun_1.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Karlie">>
<<set $churchnun_1.kink = "anal">>
<<set $churchnun_1.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$churchnun_2>>
<<set $churchnun_2 = {}>>
<<set $ = "churchnun_2">>
<<set $churchnun_2.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Lilly">>
<<set $churchnun_2.kink = "anal">>
<<set $churchnun_2.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>
<<if !$churchnun_3>>
<<set $churchnun_3 = {}>>
<<set $ = "churchnun_3">>
<<set $churchnun_3.type = "npc">>
<<set $ = "Gia">>
<<set $churchnun_3.kink = "oral">>
<<set $churchnun_3.kinkKnown = 1>>
<<set setup.characters.push($>>/* Time vars */
<<set setup.days to [
<<set setup.periods to [
"Late morning",
<<set setup.workdays to [
<<set setup.weekend to [
<<set setup.dayhours to [
"Late morning",
<<set setup.nighthours to [
/* Start the time variables */
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $period to 0>>
<<set $hour to null>>
<<set $sleepReset to null>>
<<set $today = setup.days[$day % 7]>>
<<set $todayType = "weekend">>
<<set $now = setup.periods[$period]>><<chunks>>
<big class="center fi0">You pull out a key from your pocket...</big>
<p class="center fi1">Put it in the keyhole...</p>
<p class="sml center fi2">And slowly turn it...</p>
<<media "key.mp4" "fi3">>
<big class="fi4">You open the doors!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Let's see what we have here...</tht>" "fi5">>
<<btn null null "$permission+forced" "si5">>
/* Define text depending on location */
<<if $curLoc == "daphBath">>
<<set _helpTxt to "You don't know why, but bathroom has the best aura to think about stuff. Either while you shave, shower, or take a shit. And what's better to think about than sex?">>
<<set _exitTxt to "Finish it">>
<<elseif $curLoc == "daphGuest">>
<<set _helpTxt to "Having a wet dream is like your brain going on a Sexual Research & Development course, bud!">>
<<set _exitTxt to "Wake up">>
<<elseif $curLoc == "daphGard">>
<<set _helpTxt to "You don't know why, but taking a shit was always the best moment to think about stuff. And what's better to think about than sex? The truth is that maybe the garden is not exactly what you had in mind, but whatever.">>
<<set _exitTxt to "Run and don't look back">>
/* Help info */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p><<print _helpTxt>></p>
<p>At the beginning of the game you only know one sex position - a //handjob//. Slowly you'll unlock more, and you'll be able to use them during sex encounters. To unlock a sex position - you need to level up in //Love// or //Domination//. </p>
<p>But you need to look out, because by leveling up, you'll also impact your ''//trait//''. If you want to become a true ''//Alpha Male//'' you need to keep your //Love// and //Domination// levels balanced.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: level up and discover new sex positions.''</p>
/* Select info about trait */
<<for _pT to 0; _pT < setup.playerTraits.length; _pT++>>
<<if setup.playerTraits[_pT].id == $player.trait>>
<<set _playerTrait to setup.playerTraits[_pT].name>>
<<set _playerTraitDesc to setup.playerTraits[_pT].desc>>
/* Select info about level up cost */
<<set _lvlUpCost = setup.lvlUpCost>>
<<set _lvlUpNum = $player.loveLvl + $player.dominationLvl>>
/* We skip 1 and 2, because first 2 levels are default */
<<for _i = 3; _i <= _lvlUpNum; _i++>>
<<set _lvlUpCost = Math.round(_lvlUpCost * setup.lvlUpMulti)>>
/* We need to turn multipliers into percentages. */
<<set _loveMulti to Math.round($player.loveMulti * 100)>>
<<set _dominationMulti to Math.round($player.dominationMulti * 100)>>
<<set _energyMulti to Math.round($player.energyMulti * 100)>>
/* Start the playerStats div */
<div id="playerStats">
/* Player's trait */
<div class="traitBox">
<p class="desc">_playerTraitDesc</p>
/* Player's stats */
<div class="statsBox">
<table class="player">
<tr class="header">
<td width="30%"></td>
<td width="20%" class="desc center">Multiplier</td>
<td width="20%" class="desc center">Current</td>
<td width="20%" class="desc center">Level</td>
<tr class="statsRow bottomBorder">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Love''
<div class="uiData multi">_loveMulti <span class="desc">%</span></div>
<td class="bracket">
<div class="uiData">$ <span class="desc">xp.</span></div>
<td class="bracket">
<div class="uiData level">$player.loveLvl</div>
<tr class="statsRow bottomBorder">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Domination''
<div class="uiData multi">_dominationMulti <span class="desc">%</span></div>
<td class="bracket">
<div class="uiData">$player.domination <span class="desc">xp.</span></div>
<td class="bracket">
<div class="uiData level">$player.dominationLvl</div>
<div class="break"></div>
/* Finish the playerStats div */
<<btn "#loveRandom" "Level up your Love" `"" + _lvlUpCost + ";" + _lvlUpCost + "; player.loveLvl+1; $yieldsForce+; !encyclopedia"` "valueShow">>
<<btn "#dominationRandom" "Level up your Domination" `"player.domination=" + _lvlUpCost + "; player.domination-" + _lvlUpCost + "; player.dominationLvl+1; $yieldsForce+; !encyclopedia"` "valueShow">>
<<btn "#lovePedia" "Level up your Love" `"" + _lvlUpCost + ";" + _lvlUpCost + "; player.loveLvl+1; $yieldsForce+; encyclopedia"` "valueShow">>
<<btn "#dominationPedia" "Level up your Domination" `"player.domination=" + _lvlUpCost + "; player.domination-" + _lvlUpCost + "; player.dominationLvl+1; $yieldsForce+; encyclopedia"` "valueShow">>
<<btn $curLoc "I changed my mind">>
<<chunk null "#loveRandom">>
<<set _sexArr to []>>
/* List the sex categories */
<<for _sc to 0; _sc < setup.sexCat.length; _sc++>>
<<if setup.sexCat[_sc].group == "love">>
/* List the sex positions */
<<for _k to 0; _k < setup.kamasutra.length; _k++>>
<<if setup.kamasutra[_k].sexCat.indexOf(setup.sexCat[_sc].id) != -1>>
/* Check if player knows the sex position */
<<set _current = $player.kamasutra.findIndex(x => === setup.kamasutra[_k].id)>>
<<if _current == -1>>
/* Add positions to the array */
<<set _sexArr.push([setup.kamasutra[_k].id, setup.kamasutra[_k].name, setup.kamasutra[_k].yields])>>
<<if _sexArr.length > 0>>
/* Select random position */
<<set _sexNew to _sexArr.random()>>
/* Add missing info to yield string */
<<set _yields to _sexNew[2]>>
<<set _yields to _yields.replace(/cum/gi, 'player.cum')>>
<<set _yields to _yields.replace(/vigour/gi, 'player.vigour')>>
<<set _yields to _yields.replace(/squirt/gi, 'partner.squirt')>>
/* If there's no vigour, then we just remove one vigour */
<<if _yields.indexOf("vigour") == "-1">>
<<set _yields to _yields + '; player.vigour-1'>>
/* Split the fucker! */
<<set _objects = splitter(_yields)>>
<<set _statsArr to []>>
<<for _p to 0; _p < _objects.length; _p++>>
/* Add icons */
<<set _statInfo to "<img src=\"" + setup.ImagePath + "icons/" + _objects[_p].id + ".png\" class=\"statIcon\">">>
/* Add value */
<<set _statInfo to _statInfo + " <div class=\"statValue\">" + _objects[_p].sign + _objects[_p].value + "</div>">>
/* Wrap stat html */
<<set _statInfo to "<div class=\"uiData\">" + _statInfo + "</div>">>
/* Add it to array with all the stats */
<<set _statsArr.push([_objects[_p].char, _statInfo])>>
/* Now split the array into groups by character and sign */
<<set _statInfoPlayer to "">>
<<set _statInfoCharacter to "">>
<<for _s to 0; _s < _statsArr.length; _s++>>
<<if _statsArr[_s][0] == "player">>
<<set _statInfoPlayer to _statInfoPlayer + _statsArr[_s][1]>>
<<set _statInfoCharacter to _statInfoCharacter + _statsArr[_s][1]>>
/* HTML */
<big>You levelled up in ''Love''</big>
<p>Last thing to do is to spin the wheel and see what ''//sex position//'' will be a new part of your arsenal...</p>
<<media "wheel_spin.mp4">>
<div class="si4">
<big>You learned new sex position...</big>
/* Position name */
<big class="center"><<print _sexNew[1]>></big>
/* Position yields */
<div class="item statInfo">
<<if _statInfoPlayer != "">>
<div class="statInfoPlayer">
<span class="desc">PLAYER</span>
<<print _statInfoPlayer>>
<<if _statInfoCharacter != "">>
<div class="statInfoCharacter">
<span class="desc">CHARACTER</span>
<<print _statInfoCharacter>>
/* Add help */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>Each sex position has different stats for your and for your sex partner, and the goal of sex is to make your partner reach orgasm first. So you basically need sex positions that have high yields on the right, and low at the left.</p>
<p>There's also ''//Vigour//'' which you use up each time you choose a sex position. But don't worry - some of the sex positions are so relaxing that they add vigour - you'll need to pick them up to last longer during sex.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: make her cum.''</p>
/* Print random media with the position */
<<media `"sex/" + _sexNew[0] + "/" + $curRand + ".mp4"` null "wide">>
<<btn $curLoc _exitTxt `"kamasutra+"+_sexNew[0]`>>
/* If player knows all the positions - just level up love */
<big>You levelled up in ''Love''</big>
<p>You already maxed out your Love Kamasutra, so there's nothing more you can do here, bud.</p>
<<media "happy.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc _exitTxt>>
<<chunk null "#lovePedia">>
<big>You levelled up in ''Love''</big>
<p>Because you own a copy of ''//Sex Encyclopedia//'' you can choose the sex position you're interested in.</p>
<<media "book.mp4">>
<div class="si2">
/* Add help */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>Each sex position has different stats for your and for your sex partner, and the goal of sex is to make your partner reach orgasm first. So you basically need sex positions that have high yields on the right, and low at the left.</p>
<p>There's also ''//Vigour//'' which you use up each time you choose a sex position. But don't worry - some of the sex positions are so relaxing that they add vigour - you'll need to pick them up to last longer during sex.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: make her cum.''</p>
/* List the sex categories */
<<set _known = 0>>
<<for _sc to 0; _sc < setup.sexCat.length; _sc++>>
<<if setup.sexCat[_sc].group == "love">>
<<set _sexCatDisplay to 0>>
/* List the sex positions */
<<for _k to 0; _k < setup.kamasutra.length; _k++>>
<<if setup.kamasutra[_k].sexCat.indexOf(setup.sexCat[_sc].id) != -1>>
<<if _sexCatDisplay == 0>>
<h3><<print setup.sexCat[_sc].name>></h3>
<<set _sexCatDisplay to 1>>
/* Check if player knows the sex position */
<<set _current = $player.kamasutra.findIndex(x => === setup.kamasutra[_k].id)>>
/* Print the button if he doesn't know the position */
<<if _current == -1>>
<<set _known = _known + 1>>
<<btnSex setup.kamasutra[_k].id setup.kamasutra[_k].yields>>
/* Disable the button if we already know the sex position */
<<btnSex setup.kamasutra[_k].id null null null "disabled">>
<<if _known != 0>>
<<btn $curLoc _exitTxt `"kamasutra+"+_sexNew[0]`>>
<p>You already maxed out your Love Kamasutra, so there's nothing more you can do here, bud.</p>
<<btn $curLoc _exitTxt>>
<<chunk null "#dominationRandom">>
<<set _sexArr to []>>
/* List the sex categories */
<<for _sc to 0; _sc < setup.sexCat.length; _sc++>>
<<if setup.sexCat[_sc].group == "domination">>
/* List the sex positions */
<<for _k to 0; _k < setup.kamasutra.length; _k++>>
<<if setup.kamasutra[_k].sexCat.indexOf(setup.sexCat[_sc].id) != -1>>
/* Check if player knows the sex position */
<<set _current = $player.kamasutra.findIndex(x => === setup.kamasutra[_k].id)>>
<<if _current == -1>>
/* Add positions to the array */
<<set _sexArr.push([setup.kamasutra[_k].id, setup.kamasutra[_k].name, setup.kamasutra[_k].yields])>>
/* Do the rest only if there's at least one position in the array, if not just lvl up without position */
<<if _sexArr.length > 0>>
/* Select random position */
<<set _sexNew to _sexArr.random()>>
/* Add missing info to yield string */
<<set _yields to _sexNew[2]>>
<<set _yields to _yields.replace(/cum/gi, 'player.cum')>>
<<set _yields to _yields.replace(/vigour/gi, 'player.vigour')>>
<<set _yields to _yields.replace(/squirt/gi, 'partner.squirt')>>
/* If there's no vigour, then we just remove one vigour */
<<if _yields.indexOf("vigour") == "-1">>
<<set _yields to _yields + '; player.vigour-1'>>
/* Split the fucker! */
<<set _objects = splitter(_yields)>>
<<set _statsArr to []>>
<<for _p to 0; _p < _objects.length; _p++>>
/* Add icons */
<<set _statInfo to "<img src=\"" + setup.ImagePath + "icons/" + _objects[_p].id + ".png\" class=\"statIcon\">">>
/* Add value */
<<set _statInfo to _statInfo + " <div class=\"statValue\">" + _objects[_p].sign + _objects[_p].value + "</div>">>
/* Wrap stat html */
<<set _statInfo to "<div class=\"uiData\">" + _statInfo + "</div>">>
/* Add it to array with all the stats */
<<set _statsArr.push([_objects[_p].char, _statInfo])>>
/* Now split the array into groups by character and sign */
<<set _statInfoPlayer to "">>
<<set _statInfoCharacter to "">>
<<for _s to 0; _s < _statsArr.length; _s++>>
<<if _statsArr[_s][0] == "player">>
<<set _statInfoPlayer to _statInfoPlayer + _statsArr[_s][1]>>
<<set _statInfoCharacter to _statInfoCharacter + _statsArr[_s][1]>>
/* HTML */
<big>You levelled up in ''Domination''</big>
<p>Last thing to do is to spin the wheel and see what ''//sex position//'' will be a new part of your arsenal...</p>
<<media "wheel_spin.mp4">>
<div class="si4">
<big>You learned new sex position...</big>
/* Position name */
<big class="center"><<print _sexNew[1]>></big>
/* Position yields */
<div class="item statInfo">
<<if _statInfoPlayer != "">>
<div class="statInfoPlayer">
<span class="desc">PLAYER</span>
<<print _statInfoPlayer>>
<<if _statInfoCharacter != "">>
<div class="statInfoCharacter">
<span class="desc">CHARACTER</span>
<<print _statInfoCharacter>>
/* Add help */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>Each sex position has different stats for your and for your sex partner, and the goal of sex is to make your partner reach orgasm first. So you basically need sex positions that have high yields on the right, and low at the left.</p>
<p>There's also ''//Vigour//'' which you use up each time you choose a sex position. But don't worry - some of the sex positions are so relaxing that they add vigour - you'll need to pick them up to last longer during sex.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: make her cum.''</p>
/* Print random media with the position */
<<media `"sex/" + _sexNew[0] + "/" + $curRand + ".mp4"` null "wide">>
<<btn $curLoc _exitTxt `"kamasutra+"+_sexNew[0]`>>
/* If player knows all the positions - just level up dom */
<big>You levelled up in ''Domination''</big>
<p>You already maxed out your Domination Kamasutra, so there's nothing more you can do here, bud.</p>
<<media "impressive.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc _exitTxt>>
<<chunk null "#dominationPedia">>
<big>You levelled up in ''Domination''</big>
<p>Because you own a copy of ''//Sex Encyclopedia//'' you can choose the sex position you're interested in.</p>
<<media "book.mp4">>
<div class="si2">
/* Add help */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>Each sex position has different stats for your and for your sex partner, and the goal of sex is to make your partner reach orgasm first. So you basically need sex positions that have high yields on the right, and low at the left.</p>
<p>There's also ''//Vigour//'' which you use up each time you choose a sex position. But don't worry - some of the sex positions are so relaxing that they add vigour - you'll need to pick them up to last longer during sex.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: make her cum.''</p>
/* List the sex categories */
<<set _known = 0>>
<<for _sc to 0; _sc < setup.sexCat.length; _sc++>>
<<if setup.sexCat[_sc].group == "domination">>
<<set _sexCatDisplay to 0>>
/* List the sex positions */
<<for _k to 0; _k < setup.kamasutra.length; _k++>>
<<if setup.kamasutra[_k].sexCat.indexOf(setup.sexCat[_sc].id) != -1>>
<<if _sexCatDisplay == 0>>
<h3><<print setup.sexCat[_sc].name>></h3>
<<set _sexCatDisplay to 1>>
/* Check if player knows the sex position */
<<set _current = $player.kamasutra.findIndex(x => === setup.kamasutra[_k].id)>>
/* Print the button if he doesn't know the position */
<<if _current == -1>>
<<set _known = _known + 1>>
<<btnSex setup.kamasutra[_k].id setup.kamasutra[_k].yields>>
/* Disable the button if we already know the sex position */
<<btnSex setup.kamasutra[_k].id null null null "disabled">>
<<if _known != 0>>
<<btn $curLoc _exitTxt `"kamasutra+"+_sexNew[0]`>>
<p>You already maxed out your Domination Kamasutra, so there's nothing more you can do here, bud.</p>
<<btn $curLoc _exitTxt>>
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne">>
<p class="fi0">You knock at the doors to the bathroom.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<<dial "daphne" "Occupied." "fi2">>
<<dial "player" "It's $" "fi3">>
<<dial "daphne" "Aaand?" "fi3">>
<p class="fi4">Well, aaaand? You haven't thought that through, did you?</p>
<<menu "si5">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'll just wait until you finish!" "" "dialog si5">>
<<btn "#daphneWash" "Maybe I could wash your back?" "daphne.status=3;" "dialog si5">>
<<btn "#daphnePiss" "Open up, I have to take a piss!" "daphne.dom" "dialog si5">>
<<chunk null "#daphnePiss">>
<<dial "daphne" "Give me a moment, hun...">>
<<dial "player" "But I really need to!">>
<<media "activities/knock/waiting.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneYes", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneYes", "#daphneAngry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneWash">>
<p>Well, that's bold, dude. And bold is the way of the alpha, so...</p>
<big>Good for you!</big>
<p>I'm just afraid it might still be too early for that shit, but who knows...</p>
<<media "hopefully.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneYes", "#daphneNo", "#daphneNo"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneYes", "#daphneNo"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneAngry">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't be a baby!">>
<<media "pathetic.mp4">>
<p>This is what you get for lame lines.</p>
<p>Well, I guess that's that.</p>
<big>No boobs for $</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away from the doors" "" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneYes">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... I guess... Ok.">>
<p>She agreed?! I'm actually not sure how a lame line like that led to this conclusion, but who cares!</p>
<big>Move in!</big>
<<media "activities/knock/enter.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Walk into the bathroom" "$permission+;" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneNo">>
<p>There's a couple seconds of silence.</p>
<<media "waiting.mp4">>
<p>Don't worry. I'm sure she heard it. That means - even if she says no - you successfully planted in her head an image of you and her together in the shower, and sooner or later, it will bloom.</p>
<p>Finally you hear $'s voice coming from the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Uhm... Sorry but no... Maybe some other day.">>
<<media "disappointed.mp4">>
<p>Well, at least you aimed for the stars kid. And as I said - this might still win you some points over a longer period of time. So... cheer up!</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away from the doors">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa">>
<p class="fi0">You knock at the doors to the bathroom.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<<dial "alexa" "Get lost." "fi2">>
<<dial "player" "It's $" "fi3">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, then get lost, $, you fucking dweeb." "fi3">>
<<dial "player" "But I //really// need to go..." "fi4">>
<p class="fi4">Wow, you really nailed it, bro! With such a negotiation skills you could end the war in the Middle East.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck do I care what you need. What if I'm taking a dump here, have you considered it, ass-wipe?!" "fi4">>
<big class="fi5">Well? Have you?!</big>
<<menu "si5">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'll just wait until you finish..." "" "dialog si5">>
<<btn "#alexaPay" "I'll pay you 25$ if you let me in!" "cash=25; alexa.dom" "dialog si5">>
<<btn "#alexaCock" "I'll show you my cock if you let me in!" "alexa.status=3; alexa.dom+2" "dialog si5">>
<<chunk null "#alexaPay">>
<p>What?! Dude, if you'll allow it, this bitch is going to suck you dry...</p>
<big>...and not in a good way.</big>
<p>I would strongly advice not to give her any money. But it's your decision.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're going to pay me for letting you into the bathroom?">>
<<if ($player.lvl < 3)>>
<<dial "player" "Well... yeah... I guess... I mean...">>
<<media "activities/knock/confidence.mp4">>
<p>God damn it...</p>
<big>Own it!</big>
<<dial "player" "You want the money or not?">>
<p>At least you're sticking with a decision. Good.</p>
<<media "agreed.mp4">>
<p>You don't hear $ for a moment. Is she considering it?</p>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaYes", "#alexa100", "#alexa100"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaYes", "#alexa100"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaYes">>
<p>$ unlocked the doors!</p>
<<media "unlock.mp4">>
<big>Move in, kid!</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Jump into the bathroom!" "$permission+; cash-25; alexa.dom+1" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexa100">>
<<dial "alexa" "One hundred bucks.">>
<p>She's out of her mind!</p>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<p>WHAT?! You're considering it?!</p>
<<media "no.jpg">>
<<btn "#alexaPay100" "Ok... I'll make it 100$." "cash=100;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaPayNo" "No way." "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaPay100">>
<p>$ unlocked the doors!</p>
<p>Congrats, buddy. You've just paid one hundred bucks for taking a piss.</p>
<p>Well, I guess the damage is done. Now least you can do is just enjoy it. Have a nice bathroom visit with $</p>
<<media "yes_maam.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Get in!" "$permission+; cash-100" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaPayNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "So why are you wasting my fucking time?!">>
<p>You want to say something, but you hear the water running - she probably went into the shower.</p>
<p>This is the end of the road, but - honestly...</p>
<big> did the right thing.</big>
<p>If a woman treats you like that - don't fall for that shit. Stick to your guns and you're going to prevail, I promise.</p>
<<media "yes_maam.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "alexa.dom-" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaCock">>
<big>This is bold.</big>
<p>I wouldn't neccessarily recommend it as a pick up line, but with $ it might actually work. Who knows what's going on in this lil' redhead brain of hers.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's going to work!</tht>">>
<p>There's a moment of silence, in which you don't hear anything from the bathroom. Is she considering it?</p>
<<media "activities/knock/listening.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaCockYes", "#alexaCockNo", "#alexaCockNo"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaCockYes", "#alexaCockNo"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaCockYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaCockYes">>
<p>$ unlocked the doors!</p>
<p>Gotta hand it to you, dude - you might be still rough on the edges, but there's an alpha male in you!</p>
<<media "thumbs_up.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Get in!" "$permission+; alexa.dom+1" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaCockNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "If I would want to see your cock, I would rip it off and put it on the shelf next to my bad to rot. Is that fucking clear, you fucking dweeb?!">>
<big>Oh snap. She killed you.</big>
<p>You probably should answer something, but there's no point - you hear the water running, so she probably went into the shower.</p>
<<media "too_bad.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "alexa.dom-2" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; while=nothing">>
<p class="fi0 center">You knock at the doors to the bathroom.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">Unfortunately - no one replies.</big>
<p class="fi3 center">She's probably in the shower and doesn't hear you.</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action si3">>
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa">>
<big class="center fi0">You slowly open the doors...</big>
<p class="center fi1">And see $</p>
<p class="center fi2">She's taking a shower...</p>
<<media "activities/enter/daphBath/alexa_shower.jpg" "si3">>
<big class="fi4">Ohh damn.</big>
<<menu "fi5" null "yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "Too risky! Abort!" null "action si5 yieldHide">>
<<btn null "Hide in the bathroom" "$permission+forced; dom+" "action si5 yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaJoin" "Can I join?" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog si5 yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaJoin">>
<<if $alexa.status < 3>>
<p>She jumps in the air and nearly breaks her head against the ceiling when she hears your voice.</p>
<<media "activities/enter/daphBath/scream.mp4">>
<<media "activities/enter/daphBath/alexa_enter.jpg">>
<big>Looking good!</big>
<p>She turns around, startled by your voice... But she calms down seeing it's you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What the fuck, dweeb?!">>
<<media "activities/enter/daphBath/alexa_enter.jpg">>
<big>Looking good!</big>
<<dial "player" "I just wanted to help you wash, you know, the parts harder to reach.">>
<p>You smile to her in a way that tells me we need to seriously rethink the way your face works.</p>
<<media "bad_smile.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status < 3>>
<p>Oh buddy, buddy... I wish you luck...</p>
<big>You're going to need it.</big>
<p>Yet, somehow, $ is considering your offer.</p>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaBalls", "#alexaBalls", "#alexaJoinNo", "#alexaJoinYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaJoinNo", "#alexaJoinYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaJoinYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaJoinYes">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, what are you waiting for then? There's an ass to wash here, dweeb.">>
<<media "great_success.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Jump in the bathroom" "alexa.domination+2; $permission+1" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaJoinNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "I've already washed my ass, in and out, so you're useless to me.">>
<<dial "player" "Maybe I could check...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Get the fuck outta here.">>
<big>You heard the lady.</big>
<<media "getout.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Get out of the bathroom" "alexa.dom-1" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaBalls">>
<p>$ reaches conclusion and before you manage to stop her - she jumps out of the shower and...</p>
<big>She kicks you in the family dispenser.</big>
<<media "ball_kick.mp4">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger...</p>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl out of the bathroom, and back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne">>
<big class="center fi0">You slowly open the doors...</big>
<p class="center fi1">And see $</p>
<p class="center fi2">She's taking a shower...</p>
<<media "activities/enter/daphBath/daphne_shower.jpg" "si3">>
<big class="fi4">Boobies on the horizon!</big>
<<menu "fi5" null "yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "Too risky! Abort!" null "action si5 yieldHide">>
<<btn null "Hide in the bathroom" "$permission+forced; dom+" "action si5 yieldHide">>
<<btn "#daphneJoin" "Can I join?" "love+2" "dialog si5 yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneJoin">>
<<if $daphne.status < 3>>
<p>She hears your voice and starts screaming.</p>
<<media "activities/enter/daphBath/scream.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "OH MY GOD! Hun, you scared the shit out of me! What are you doing here, haven't you noticed it's occupied?">>
<<media "activities/enter/daphBath/daphne_enter.jpg">>
<p>She turns around, startled by your voice... But she calms down seeing it's you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, $, you surprised me!">>
<<media "activities/enter/daphBath/daphne_enter.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "I was just thinking, how, you know, I could help you... wash?">>
<p>You smile to her in a way that tells me we need to seriously rethink the way your face works.</p>
<<media "bad_smile.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status < 3>>
<p>Oh buddy, buddy... I wish you luck...</p>
<big>You're going to need it.</big>
<p>Yet, somehow, $ is considering your offer.</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneJoinYes", "#daphneJoinNo", "#daphneJoinNo", "#daphneJoinNo", "#daphneJoinNo"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneJoinYes", "#daphneJoinNo"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneJoinYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneJoinYes">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hun, you're reading my mind. Jump in!">>
<<media "behave.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Jump in the bathroom" "; $permission+1" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneJoinNo">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, hun, I don't know... You're a nice boy, and all, but...">>
<<dial "player" "I can also help you dry yourself...">>
<big>Now you're begging.</big>
<<media "pathetic.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Sorry, $, not today.">>
<p>You heard the lady?</p>
<<btn $curLocParent "Get out of the bathroom" "" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneJoinAngry">>
<<dial "daphne" "What have you said?!">>
<<dial "player" "I-I-I'm soo sorry. I wasn't... I mean... I thought you maybe need a helping hand... for... you know...">>
<p>You motion to her melons.</p>
<p>She looks down and realizes she's naked. She covers herself and looks at you angrily.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Get out of there" null "action yieldHide">>
<</events>>/* First run - we need to define cum and squirt starting vars */
<<if !$sex>>
<<set $sex to 1>>
<<set $squirtNow to 0>>
<<set $squirtNum to 0>>
<<set $squirtLow to 0>>
<<set $cumLow to 0>>
<<set $cumAccident to 0>>
<<set $vigourLow to 0>>
<<set $forcedAnal to null>>
/* Character's starting squirt equals default squirt value plus (char's current desire - char's minimum Desire (status=3) / 10) */
<<if $charVar.desire != null>>
<<set _sexCharDesire = parseInt($charVar.desire)>>
<<set _sexCharMinDes = parseInt($charVar.minDes)>>
<<set _sexCharSquirtBonus = Math.round((_sexCharDesire - _sexCharMinDes) / 10)>>
<<set _sexCharSquirtBonus = Math.round($player.lvl / 2)>>
<<set $charVar.squirt = $squirtDefault + _sexCharSquirtBonus>>
<<if $charVar.squirt > 5>>
<<set $charVar.squirt = 5>>
/* Default squirt and squirtMax are defined in StoryInit */
<<elseif $charVar.squirt < $squirtDefault>>
<<set $charVar.squirt = $squirtDefault>>
<<set $charVar.squirtMax = $squirtMax>>
/* Player's starting cum, vigourMax and cumMax are defined in StoryInit */
<<set $player.cum to $cumDefault>>
<<set $player.cumMax to $cumMax>>
<<set $player.vigour to $vigourMax>>
/* We need to modify those vars with effects and level */
<<for _e to 0; _e < $player.effects.length; _e++>>
<<set _cur = setup.effects.find(obj => {return === $player.effects[_e].id})>>
<<if $player.effects[_e].left > 0 && (_cur.multi.indexOf("vigourMax")!=-1 || _cur.multi.indexOf("cumMax")!=-1)>>
/* Split the data */
<<set _objMlt = splitter(_cur.multi)>>
<<for _m to 0; _m < _objMlt.length; _m++>>
<<if _objMlt[_m].id == "vigourMax">>
<<set $player.vigour to parseInt($player.vigour) + parseInt(_objMlt[_m].value)>>
<<elseif _objMlt[_m].id == "cumMax">>
<<set $player.cumMax to parseInt($player.cumMax) + parseInt(_objMlt[_m].value)>>
/* We reduce the starting cum by player lvl */
<<set $player.cum to $player.cum - parseInt($player.lvl)>>
<<if $player.cum < 2>>
<<set $player.cum to 2>>
<<elseif $player.cum > 5>>
<<set $player.cum to 5>>
/* We set the max and min for cum max */
<<if $player.cumMax < 10>>
<<set $player.cumMax to 10>>
<<elseif $player.cumMax > 20>>
<<set $player.cumMax to 20>>
/* We set the max and min for vigour */
<<if $player.vigour < 10>>
<<set $player.vigour to 10>>
<<elseif $player.vigour > 20>>
<<set $player.vigour to 20>>
/* We start with max vigour */
<<set $player.vigourMax to $player.vigour>>
/* Display yields */
<<yields null "sex">>
/* Correct vigour */
<<if $player.vigour > $player.vigourMax>>
<<set $player.vigour to $player.vigourMax>>
/* Set colors */
<<if $player.vigour < 2>>
<<set _vigourClass = "red">>
<<elseif $player.vigour < 4>>
<<set _vigourClass = "yellow">>
<<set _vigourClass = null>>
<<if $player.cum > ($player.cumMax - 2)>>
<<set _cumClass = "red">>
<<elseif $player.cum > ($player.cumMax - 4)>>
<<set _cumClass = "yellow">>
<<elseif $player.cum < 2>>
<<set _cumClass = "cold">>
<<elseif $player.cum < 3>>
<<set _cumClass = "blue">>
<<set _cumClass = null>>
<<if $charVar.squirt > ($charVar.squirtMax - 2)>>
<<set _squirtClass = "red">>
<<elseif $charVar.squirt > ($charVar.squirtMax - 4)>>
<<set _squirtClass = "yellow">>
<<elseif $charVar.squirt < 2>>
<<set _squirtClass = "cold">>
<<elseif $charVar.squirt < 3>>
<<set _squirtClass = "blue">>
<<set _squirtClass = null>>
/* Check if we reached any important plot point */
<<if $charVar.squirt >= $charVar.squirtMax>>
<<set $squirtNow to 1>>
<<set $squirtNum to $squirtNum + 1>>
<<set $charVar.squirt to $charVar.squirtMax>>
<<elseif $charVar.squirt <= 0>>
<<set $squirtLow to 1>>
<<elseif $player.cum <= 0>>
<<set $cumLow to 1>>
<<elseif $player.cum >= $player.cumMax>>
<<set $cumAccident to 1>>
<<elseif $player.vigour <= 0>>
<<set $vigourLow to 1>>
<big class="center fi0">Sex with $charName</big>
/* Help div */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>Where do I start? So there are butterflies and bees and...</p>
<p>The rule of thumb is - you need to make her <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/squirt.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Orgasm//'' first, otherwise she's gonna be angry, and we don't want that, right? To achieve this select those position that bring her closer to the edge, making sure that your <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/cum.png'" class="statIcon"> //Orgasm-o-meter// is below 10.</p>
<p>Additionally - each sex partner have a ''//kink//'', which is a preference for a specific group of sex positions. This means that those sex positions will have a stronger effect.</p>
<p>And remember that each time you choose a sex position you spend 1 Vigour, and if it drops to 0, well, she won't be happy about it. Fortunately, some of the positions allow you to regain //vigour// too.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: make her cum.''</p>
/* Player's box */
<div class="sexStats">
/* Player's pic */
<div class="picBox">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'characters/player/' + $player.trait + '/portrait_sex.jpg'">
/* Player's stats */
<div class="statsBox">
<h3>$ $player.surname</h3>
<tr class="statsRow bottomBorder">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/cum_big.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Orgasm''
<div @class='"uiData " + _cumClass'>
<span class="desc">/ $player.cumMax</span>
<tr class="statsRow">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/vigour_big.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Vigour''
<div @class='"uiData " + _vigourClass'>
<<for _e to 0; _e < $player.effects.length; _e++>>
<<set _cur = setup.effects.find(obj => {return === $player.effects[_e].id})>>
<<if $player.effects[_e].left > 0 && (_cur.multi.indexOf("vigourMax")!=-1 || _cur.multi.indexOf("cumMax")!=-1)>>
<small class="desc"><<print>>: <<print _cur.multi>></small><br>
/* Character's box */
<div class="sexStats floatRight">
/* Character's pic */
<div class="picBox">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'characters/'+$char+'/portrait_sex.jpg'">
/* Character's stats */
<div class="statsBox">
<tr class="statsRow bottomBorder">
<div @class='"uiData " + _squirtClass'>
<span class="desc">/ $charVar.squirtMax</span>
''Orgasm'' <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/cum_big.png'" class="statIcon">
<tr class="statsRowDark">
<div class="uiData desc">
<<if $charVar.kinkKnown>>+1 <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/squirt.png'" class="statIcon"> from $charVar.kink sex<<else>> ? <</if>>
<td class="kink">
<<chunks "$squirtNow=1">>
<<set $squirtNow to 0>>
<<dial $char "I'm coming... coming... Now!!!">>
<<mediaSex $char "squirt">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum together" "player.cum-" "si3 action yieldHide">>
<<if $squirtNum < 3 && $player.cum < 10>>
<<btn "sex" "I'm not finished with you!" `$char + ".squirt-8; " + $char + ".desire+1"` "si3 dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk "$squirtNow=1" "#cum">>
<<set $squirtNow to 0>>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming too!" "fi0">>
<<mediaSex $char "cum">>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish sexy time" `$char + ".desire+4"` "si3 action yieldHide">>
<<chunk "$cumAccident=1" "#cumAccident">>
<p class="fi0">You're on the edge...</p>
<big class="fi1">You can't hold it anymore...</big>
<<media "sex/eruption.mp4" "si2" "wide">>
<<dial "player" "Oh shit... I'm sorry! I just coudn't hold it." "fi3">>
<<if $squirtNum == 0>>
<<dial $char "This feels like a big waste of time." "fi4">>
<<set _squirtYields to $char + ".desire-3">>
<<elseif $squirtNum == 1>>
<<dial $char "It wasn't bad, don't worry about it!" "fi4">>
<<set _squirtYields to null>>
<<elseif $squirtNum == 2>>
<<dial $char "Haha. Don't worry, you were great anyway!" "fi4">>
<<set _squirtYields to $char + ".desire+2">>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish sexy time" _squirtYields "si5 action yieldHide">>
<<chunk "$cumLow=1" "#cumLow">>
<p class="fi0">You're trying really hard to get your groove on, but it doesn't work...</p>
<big class="fi1">Your dick is limp.</big>
<<media "sex/limp.mp4" "si2" "wide">>
<p class="fi3">That's the end of the road. But don't worry, you'll come back stronger!</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish sexy time" `$char + ".desire-2"` "si4 action yieldHide">>
<<chunk "$squirtLow=1" "#squirtLow">>
<p class="fi0">You're trying really hard to make $charName enjoy it...</p>
<big class="fi1">But she's cold.</big>
<<media "sex/boring.mp4" "si2" "wide">>
<p class="fi3">That's the end of the road. But don't worry, you'll come back stronger!</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish sexy time" `$char + ".desire-2"` "si4 action yieldHide">>
<<chunk "$vigourLow=1" "#vigourLow">>
<p class="fi0">You sweat and pant. It looks pretty darn pathetic. In your mind you promise God that you'll do some kardio if he'll let you finish this fuck. But the God is not listening to weak fucks like you.</p>
<big class="fi1">You need to stop before you get a heart attack, bud.</big>
<<media "sex/ded.mp4" "fi2" "wide">>
<p class="fi3">That's the end of the road. But don't worry, you'll come back stronger!</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish sexy time" `$char + ".desire-2"` "si4 action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
/* List the sex categories */
<<for _sc to 0; _sc < setup.sexCat.length; _sc++>>
<<set _sexCatDisplay to 0>>
/* Set additional squirt bonus if category is same as kink */
<<set _kinkBonus to 0>>
<<if setup.sexCat[_sc].id == $charVar.kink>>
<<set _kinkBonus to 1>>
/* List the sex positions */
<<for _k to 0; _k < setup.kamasutra.length; _k++>>
/* Check if the player knows the position */
<<set _current = $player.kamasutra.findIndex(x => === setup.kamasutra[_k].id)>>
<<if _current != -1 && $player.kamasutra[_current].known == 1 && setup.kamasutra[_k].sexCat.indexOf(setup.sexCat[_sc].id) != -1>>
/* Display the name of the category if it starts */
<<if _sexCatDisplay == 0>>
<h3><<print setup.sexCat[_sc].name>></h3>
<<set _sexCatDisplay to 1>>
/* Check if the position has character pics */
<<set _kamasutraCopy = clone(setup.kamasutra[_k])>>
<<set _posChar to State.getVar('_kamasutraCopy.' + $char)>>
<<if _posChar > 0>>
<<set _class = "showChar">>
<<set _class = null>>
/* Print the button */
<<if setup.kamasutra[_k].id != previous()>>
<<btnSex setup.kamasutra[_k].id setup.kamasutra[_k].yields $char _kinkBonus _class>>
/* Disable the button if the sex position was used last time */
<<btnSex setup.kamasutra[_k].id null null null "disabled">>
<<btn "#nope" "I feel like it's not my day..." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#nope">>
<<media "sex/nope.mp4">>
<<dial $char "What???">>
<p>What the hell....? Are you ok, bud?</p>
<<dial "player" "It's not your fault--">>
<<dial $char "My fault?!">>
<<dial "player" "I meant... I didn't...">>
<<media "facepalm.mp4">>
<p>You're digging yourself a grave.</p>
<<dial "player" "It's //my// fault!">>
<<dial $char "You bet it is!">>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish sexy time" `$char + ".desire-5"` "yieldHide">>
<</chunks>>/* Create arrays with items (base items are findable many times, unique items can be found just once) */
<<set _searchItemsBase to ["cash+5", "cash+10", "cash+15", "nothing", "nothing"]>>
<<set _searchItemsUnique to ["paul_lingerie+", "paul_dildo+", "paul_cockring+", "comics+", "books+", "cash+25", "cash+50", "cash+100"]>>
/* Define found item */
<<searchLoc _searchItemsBase _searchItemsUnique>>
<p class="fi0">You check every corner of the room. Under the carpet, behind the cabinet, and inside the pillows. You even move some of the lighter furniture.</p>
<big class="fi2">And finally...</big>
<<media `"activities/search/" + _foundItemMedia` "si4">>
<big class="si5 center">_foundItemText</big>
/* Set the link to next chunk */
<<if _foundItem == "paul_lingerie+" || _foundItem == "paul_dildo+" || _foundItem == "paul_cockring+">>
<<set _chunkLink to "#more">>
<<set _chunkLink to $curLoc>>
<<btn _chunkLink null null "si6">>
<<chunk null "#more">>
<<if _foundItem == "paul_lingerie+">>
<p>You wonder how the lingerie ended up in $'s old room.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No doubt his girlfriend left it.</tht>">>
<p>You can't help but put it to your nose and give it a good slow sniff.</p>
<<media "activities/search/sniffing.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Mmmmm... Noice!">>
<<yields "sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<elseif _foundItem == "paul_dildo+">>
<p>The dildo has impressive size and it looks like it was used many times. You wonder how it ended up in $'s old room.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No doubt he used it on his girlfriend.</tht>">>
<p>You can't help but put it to your nose and give it a good slow sniff.</p>
<<media "activities/search/sniffing.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Mmmmm... Noice!">>
<<yields "sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<elseif _foundItem == "paul_cockring+">>
<p>The cockring has $'s name engraved on it. He must have really like it.</p>
<<media "activities/search/ring.mp4">>
<p>You decide to keep it, and maybe even use it one day?</p>
<</chunks>>/* Notifications */
<<set setup.notifications to [
["love+", "Giggity!"],
["love-", "Baby don't hurt me..."],
["domination+", "♫ Evil dick likes warm, wet places ♬"],
["domination-", "I feel weak and lonely."],
["energyMAX", "Freshness overload!"],
["energy+", "Much better!"],
["energy-", "That was exhausting..."],
["cash+", "Bling bling, baby!"],
["cash-", "Easy comes, easy goes..."],
["desire+", "Her desire is growing!"],
["desire-", "Her desire is falling."],
["cum+", "You're getting closer to orgasm!"],
["cum-", "You're moving away from orgasm."],
["squirt+", "She's getting closer to orgasm!"],
["squirt-", "She's moving away from orgasm."],
["vigour+", "You gained Vigour!"],
["vigour-", "You lost some Vigour."],
["effect+", "You're under the effect:"],
["sleepless+", "You haven't slept and you're very tired."],
["item+", "New item:"],
["item-", "Item removed:"],
["status+", "You gained a friendship lvl:"],
["status-", "You lost a friendship lvl:"],
["dominationLvl+", "You leveled up in:"],
["loveLvl+", "You leveled up in:"],
["trait+", "Your trait has changed to:"],
["info+", "You've learned something about:"],
["infoTrait+", "You've learned a trait of:"],
["infoKink+", "You've learned a kink of:"],
["infoDesire+", "You've learned a desire of:"],
["questDONE", "Quest finished:"],
["questNEW", "New quest:"],
["quest+", "Quest updated:"],
["kamasutra+", "You've learned some Kamasutra:"]
/* Closed doors */
<<set setup.doorLocked = "The doors are locked, you'd probably need a key to get inside.">>
<<set setup.doorClosed = "The doors are closed.">>
<<set setup.doorNoNoise = "You don't hear any noise coming from inside.">>
<<set setup.doorNoise = "You can hear there's someone on the other side.">>
<<set setup.doorInfo = "Come back">>
<<set setup.doorDayHours = "during day hours">>
<<set setup.doorNightHours = "during night hours">>
<<set setup.doorWeekends = "on the weekends">>
<<set setup.doorWorkDays = "on the workdays">>
<<set setup.doorInfo2 = "and it should be open.">>
/* Player effects */
/* If the effect changes the "cumMax" or "vigourMax" - it counts during sex */
<<set setup.effects to [
id: "jerkedoff",
name: "Cummed",
desc: "You already cummed, so it'll take longer to cum during sex.",
duration: 1,
multi: "cumMax+2",
yields: null
id: "ballsSmash",
name: "Smashed balls",
desc: "Your balls are smashed, so sex might be problematic. But girls feel bad for you, so you'll get more love!",
duration: 2,
multi: "vigourMax-5; cumMax-3; dom*0.5; love*1.5",
yields: null
id: "wanker",
name: "Wanker",
desc: "You're a professional dick operator, which means you can perform better during sex!",
duration: 5,
multi: "vigourMax+1; cumMax+1",
yields: null
id: "viagred",
name: "Diamond Cutting Dick",
desc: "Your dick is hard, and your stamina is up - time to fuck!",
duration: 5,
multi: "vigourMax+3; cumMax+3",
yields: null
id: "hagmagnet",
name: "Hag-magnet",
desc: "Old ladies will try to seduce you. RUN!",
duration: "ongoing",
multi: "",
yields: null
id: "nofap",
name: "#NoFap",
desc: "Not fapping made improved your self control and improved your sex stamina!",
duration: 5,
multi: "cumMax+3; dom*1.5; love*1.5",
yields: null
id: "drunk",
name: "Drunkeneness",
desc: "You're drunk as fuck, do I need to explain it?!",
duration: 1,
multi: "dom*1.5; love*0.5",
yields: null
id: "high",
name: "Reefer Madness",
desc: "Your eyes are bloodthirsty red, and your hunger makes you do crazy things!",
duration: 1,
multi: "dom*0.5; love*1.5",
yields: null
id: "rush",
name: "Speedy Gonzales",
desc: "They say nothing moves faster than light? Hold my speed!",
duration: 1,
multi: "energy*0.5; travel*0.5",
yields: null
id: "sore",
name: "It hurts!",
desc: "You did something to yourself, and now every move brings you pain.",
duration: 1,
multi: "dom*0.75",
yields: null
id: "tan",
name: "Tan",
desc: "Brown and crispy, just like the girls like.",
duration: 3,
multi: "dom*1.25",
yields: null
id: "hangover",
name: "Hangover",
desc: "--barf--",
duration: 1,
multi: "dom*0.5; love*0.5; energy*2",
yields: null
id: "fed",
name: "Yummy!",
desc: "You barely have energy to move, but you have all the energy for cuddles!",
duration: 1,
multi: "energy*1.1; love*1.5",
yields: null
id: "sugarrush",
name: "Sugar Rush!",
desc: "If Hitler was into powdered sugar, we would be speaking German.",
duration: 1,
multi: "energy*0.8; travel*0.8",
yields: null
id: "veggierush",
name: "Veggie Rush!",
desc: "You feel light as a feather and healthy as a snail.",
duration: 1,
multi: "love*1.25",
yields: null
id: "sniffrush",
name: "Sniff Rush!",
desc: "Smell of pussy and ass sweat is a remedy for all life problems.",
duration: 1,
multi: "dom*1.25",
yields: null
id: "sleepless",
name: "Sleepless night",
desc: "You haven't slept, you feel like shit.",
duration: "ongoing",
multi: "dom*0.75; love*0.75",
yields: null
id: "insomnia",
name: "Insomnia",
desc: "You haven't slept for too long, you're barely able to communicate.",
duration: "ongoing",
multi: "dom*0.5; love*0.5",
yields: null
id: "superhuman",
name: "Super Human",
desc: "You haven't slept for days, but your body fully adapted.",
duration: "ongoing",
multi: "dom*1.25; love*1.25",
yields: null
id: "babyface",
name: "Babyface",
desc: "You just shaved, so your face looks a bit underwhelming, but it will pass soon.",
duration: 1,
multi: "dom*0.75; love*1.25",
yields: "effect:beard-; effect:scruff-; effect:vikingbeard-"
id: "scruff",
name: "Scruffy beard",
desc: "It was couple days from your last shave. Somehow, you actually look ok.",
duration: "ongoing",
multi: "dom*1.10; love*0.9",
yields: null
id: "beard",
name: "Beard",
desc: "Your beard is now quite visible. Some girls dig it, some don't.",
duration: "ongoing",
multi: "dom*1.25; love*0.75",
yields: null
id: "vikingbeard",
name: "Viking Beard",
desc: "Your beard is epic. Some girls dig it a lot, some walk to the other side of the street when they see you.",
duration: "ongoing",
multi: "dom*1.5; love*0.5",
yields: null
id: "clean",
name: "Clean",
desc: "You smell nice, and look great.",
duration: 1,
multi: "dom*1.1; love*1.1",
yields: "effect:stinker-; effect:bam-"
id: "stinker",
name: "Stinker",
desc: "Seriously, it's time to take a shower, dude.",
duration: "ongoing",
multi: "dom*0.75; love*0.75",
yields: null
id: "bam",
name: "Bam",
desc: "You reek like a fucking bam. Take a shower god damn it!",
duration: "ongoing",
multi: "dom*0.5; love*0.5",
yields: null
id: "trip",
name: "Trip",
desc: "All your gains are halved, but your chance for random events is way bigger!",
duration: 1,
multi: "dom*0.5; love*0.5",
yields: "passage:trip"
id: "bleeding",
name: "Almost dead",
desc: "You're barely alive. All your gains are halved!",
duration: 3,
multi: "dom*0.5; love*0.5",
yields: null
id: "holy_spirit",
name: "Holy Spirit",
desc: "It's like you snorted a line of pure white Columbian cocaine, but with Jesus!",
duration: 3,
multi: "love*1.5",
yields: null
id: "swag",
name: "Swag",
desc: "Whatever it is - you've got it, buddy! And it feels damn right.",
duration: 3,
multi: "dom*1.5",
yields: null
/* Player items */
/* If the item has an effect - it's consumable */
<<set setup.items to [
id: "aphro",
name: "Aphrodisiac",
desc: "Something to make her kinky",
effect: null
id: "beer",
name: "Beer",
desc: "You can get drunk with it",
effect: "drunk"
id: "books",
name: "Books",
desc: "Bunch of old science-fiction books",
effect: null
id: "comics",
name: "Comic Books",
desc: "Bunch of old comic books",
effect: null
id: "crucifix",
name: "Huge Ass Crucifix",
desc: "It scares away energy vampires and hags",
effect: "swag, holy_spirit"
id: "daphRoomKey",
name: "$'s Key",
desc: "Key to $'s room",
effect: null
id: "daphCelKey",
name: "Cellar Key",
desc: "Key to $'s cellar",
effect: null
id: "daphAlexKey",
name: "$'s Key",
desc: "Key to $'s room",
effect: null
id: "daphHouseKey",
name: "House Key",
desc: "Key to $'s house",
effect: null
id: "churchKey",
name: "Church Key",
desc: "Key to the church",
effect: null
id: "drink",
name: "Drink",
desc: "You can get drunk with it",
effect: "drunk"
id: "dumbbell",
name: "Dumbbell",
desc: "Cast iron dumbbells for training",
effect: null
id: "encyclopedia",
name: "Sex Encyclopedia",
desc: "If you have it, you will be able to choose a position to learn when you level up",
effect: null
id: "groceries",
name: "Groceries",
desc: "You can cook them for someone!",
effect: null
id: "oldsandwich",
name: "Sad European burger",
desc: "It's (barely) a burger and you can (barely) eat it.",
effect: "fed"
id: "oldcake",
name: "Apple-pie",
desc: "You cannot fuck it, but you can eat it",
effect: "sugarrush"
id: "olddinner",
name: "Yesterday's Dinner",
desc: "Eat it before it eats you",
effect: "fed"
id: "oldsalad",
name: "Veggie Salad",
desc: "Don't forget to tell everyone you're vegan",
effect: "veggierush"
id: "recipe1",
name: "Gin & Tonic recipe",
desc: "Gin + Tonic + Lemon",
effect: null
id: "recipe2",
name: "Margarita recipe",
desc: "Tequila + Cointreau + Lemon",
effect: null
id: "recipe3",
name: "Lemmy recipe",
desc: "Whisky + Cola + No morals",
effect: null
id: "recipe4",
name: "Tequila Sunrise recipe",
desc: "Tequila + Orange juice + Grenadine",
effect: null
id: "recipe5",
name: "Negroni recipe",
desc: "Gin + Campari + Vermouth",
effect: null
id: "recipe6",
name: "White Russian recipe",
desc: "Vodka + Coffee liqueur + Milk",
effect: null
id: "speed",
name: "Speed",
desc: "It made Hitler conquer Europe",
effect: "rush"
id: "tvPass",
name: "TV porn password",
desc: "It allows you to watch porn in tv",
effect: null
id: "viagra",
name: "Viagra",
desc: "Pill that makes your dick hard",
effect: "viagred"
id: "virus",
name: "Computer virus",
desc: "You can infect a computer with it",
effect: null
id: "vodka",
name: "Vodka",
desc: "You can get drunk with it",
effect: "drunk"
id: "weed",
name: "Weed",
desc: "Breathe in, hold it, puff out, and grin",
effect: "high"
id: "lsd",
name: "LSD",
desc: "Eat it, wait 30 minutes, fly away",
effect: "trip"
id: "dildo",
name: "Dildo",
desc: "It goes into vagina (hopefully)",
effect: null
id: "dirty_bra",
name: "Dirty bra",
desc: "Sell it or smell it",
effect: "sniffrush"
id: "dirty_panties",
name: "Dirty panties",
desc: "Smell 'em or sell 'em",
effect: "sniffrush"
id: "roofies",
name: "Sleeping Pills",
desc: "Basically a roofie",
effect: null
id: "meatTornado",
name: "Meat Tornado",
desc: "Bloody feast of the true carnivore.",
effect: "fed, viagred"
id: "cucumber",
name: "Huge Ass Cucumber",
desc: "Nature's dildo, used also as food [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "plunger",
name: "Plunger",
desc: "Use it to fix the pool [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "trash_bags",
name: "Trash bags",
desc: "You need them to fix the garden [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "paint",
name: "Paint",
desc: "You can use it to paint the fence in the garden [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "paul_cockring",
name: "$'s Cockring",
desc: "Cockring you found in your room [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "paul_dildo",
name: "Old Dildo",
desc: "Dildo you found in your room [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "paul_lingerie",
name: "Old Lingerie",
desc: "Lingerie you found in your room [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "scissors",
name: "Scissors",
desc: "Use them to help $ [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "drill",
name: "Drill",
desc: "Use it to drill a hole in your room [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "priest_robe",
name: "Priest's robe",
desc: "Wear it to pretend you're a priest [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "daphMeatBags_clothes",
name: "Clothes",
desc: "Something to wear when $ wakes you up in the middle of the night [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "QdMK_metal",
name: "Some metal",
desc: "You need it to make a key [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "QdMK_box",
name: "Empty Box",
desc: "You need it to make a key [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "QdMK_stick",
name: "Stick",
desc: "You need it to make a key [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "QdMK_mold",
name: "Copy-key-thingy",
desc: "You need it to copy the cellar key [quest item]",
effect: null
id: "bible",
name: "Bible",
desc: "0AD bestseller on all charts!",
effect: "holy_spirit"
id: "sunglasses",
name: "Sunglasses",
desc: "Going blind was never so easy!",
effect: "swag"
/* Dreams */
<<set setup.dreams to [
"the president of a local Roomba fanclub",
"the hottest dairy farmer south of the South Pole",
"just another dickless parrot",
"an overly excited psycho barber",
"a transsexual snail",
"Furry Salmon - the loveable psychopath",
"Rick Dickhard - a defective detective"
"a nuclear winter",
"the war between penguins and donkeys",
"a rebellion of robot ass-wipers",
"the Judgment Day",
"the Operation Dickcock",
"the last day of your life",
"the Foam Wars"
"the city",
"the Radioactive Plumper Zone",
"the Super Cemetary",
"what's left of Earth",
"your favorite Moon crater",
"Pimp City",
"Los Diabolos"
"a pink flamingo costume",
"your Panzerkampfwagen IV",
"your best monkey suit",
"the Santa Claus camouflage",
"a dick-suit",
"a tin-foil hat",
"a dick-towel"
"sexually active female death-robot",
"barely legal teenage cockroach",
"paralyzed snail woman",
"homeless robot crackwhore",
"dwarf woman scared of Chinese plastic"
"three sentient tits",
"brand new Apple iAnus®",
"backwards butt",
"Lego pussy",
"anus card reader"
"This is awkward...",
"I'm a impassionable melon.",
"I am the walrus.",
"The future is cancelled.",
"I like the Oompa-loompas.",
"I'm selling rubber hopes!"
"I know.",
"Me too!",
"I know you from the stickers.",
"I\'m just a figment of your imagination.",
"You\'re just a figment of my imagination.",
"I\'ll finger your imaginary friend if you\'ll turn into a marshmellow.",
"How dare you?!",
"Kill me before I breed!"
<<EVENT "day=10; quest:hags=0">>
<p>While strolling through the park, you notice a nice big titty MILF doing her yoga on the grass close by, so you decide to sit on a bench and take a better look.</p>
<<media "quests/hags/yoga.mp4">>
<p>You dream about touching her, squeezing those boobies like ripe grapefruits. You feel a pleasent warmth in your loins...</p>
<big>...when suddenly!</big>
<<media "quests/hags/gremlin.mp4">>
<big>Something rubs against your ankle.</big>
<p>You look down and notice a foot. And attached to it - there's a leg. A leg of an ''old saggy hag'', sitting on a bench by your side.</p>
<<media "quests/hags/hag.mp4">>
<p>The hag smiles, biting her lip. And it's one of those smiles that leaves you paralyzed in fear. But don't panic. I'm with you and gonna help you get out of this in one piece.</p>
<p>Basically - hags are old ugly ladies, that still didn't lost hope for sex.</p>
<big>And they crave feeble young boys like you.</big>
<p>They can be really dangerous creatures, as they posses an incredible instinct to seek weak dicks from miles away. But they are old, often half-blind, and easily disoriented. And this particular one is also using a fucking zimmer to move around so...</p>
<big>You stand up and dart away.</big>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>As you stroll down the park alley, the smell of cheap perfume in the air slowly dissipates. You feel you're out of danger...</p>
<p>But I wouldn't get my hopes up. In LA the //hag per square meter ratio// is highest on the planet. And the thing is...</p>
<big>'re a total hag-magnet!</big>
<<yields "hagmagnet+" "dialog">>
<p>Everywhere you go, old ugly ladies will try to take advantage of you and the consequences might be devastating! I mean, like seriously, dude...</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "hags+">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexaPool=5; period=evening; $thedudeMet!=1">>
<p>You walk through the park, when suddenly...</p>
<<dial "thedude" "Hey, man! Wait up!">>
<<dial "player" "Me?">>
<p>From the bushes comes out an older hippie type with a freaking bathrobe.</p>
<<dial "thedude" "Yeah, man. You saw two guys with a rug here somewhere?">>
<p>It takes you a moment.</p>
<<dial "player" "I don't think so...?">>
<<dial "thedude" "Too bad...">>
<p>He's about to walk away, but he comes back.</p>
<<dial "thedude" "Sorry, I hope you're not one of those guys, those types, you know, like, I'm like shaken up, maan, my rug was peed on, and then, freaking, taken, man... I mean... do you have some weed?">>
<p>You hesitate for a moment. This guy is a bit off, but he seems like a decent fellow. I mean, I feel good vibe from him.</p>
<p>Suddenly, the guy reaches to his pocket. Looks down, surprised.</p>
<<dial "thedude" "Oh, fucking found it! Maan, that's ace.">>
<p>He shows an old sock full of weed that he pulled out from the pocket of his bathrobe.</p>
<<dial "thedude" "I was afraid those... bastards, you know, took it. But I got it. So... Phew, maan... You want some weed?">>
<<btn "#no" "Nah, I'm good. Thanks!" null "dialog">>
<<btn "#yes" "Actually..." null "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#no">>
<<dial "thedude" "Ok then, maaan. You know where to find me.">>
<<dial "player" "I mean... like... in the park?">>
<<dial "thedude" "That's where I hang out, man. Especially in the evenings.">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... and ... who are you?">>
<<dial "thedude" "Uhmm... I'm the Dude, so that's what you call me. That or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino, if you're not into the whole brevity thing.">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmmok... thanks... Dude.">>
<<set $thedudeMet = 1>>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#yes">>
<<dial "thedude" "Ok rug. I mean dude. I mean man. See? I'm still shaken up, god damn it. It was a good rug, man.">>
<p>He sighs.</p>
<<dial "thedude" "Give me your hand.">>
<p>You hesitantly extend your hand to him.</p>
<<dial "player" "Like that?">>
<p>The guy pulls out from the sock a huge top and puts it on your hand.</p>
<<dial "thedude" "Yeah, well, take this, like, freebie, man, and, you know, come back, like, later, man. The fish gotta float, right...?">>
<p>He hesitates for a second.</p>
<<dial "thedude" "What I'm getting at, man, that is, you can buy, uhmm... you can buy some weed, like - //with cash//, always with cash, I'm not one of those guys, you know man, if a girl wants then she wants, but, I mean... always cash, man.">>
<<yields "weed+" "dialog">>
<<dial "thedude" "Ok then, maaan. You know where to find me.">>
<<dial "player" "I mean... like... in the park?">>
<<dial "thedude" "That's where I hang out, man. Especially in the evenings.">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... and ... like... who are you?">>
<<dial "thedude" "I'm the Dude, so that's what you call me. That or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino, if you're not into the whole brevity thing.">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... ok... Dude.">>
<<set $thedudeMet = 1>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "rose; day=weekend; roseIntro=0; miaIntro=DONE">>
<<inc "roseIntro">>
/* We don't want to display the updates right away, but rather when the user is back in the location, so this widget saves them for later in a pocket array */
<<widget "pocket">>
/* Load and split data */
<<set _objPct = splitter($args[0])>>
/* Switch is used to select whether to use full pocket, or pocketInstant. */
<<set _switchPct = $args[1] ? $args[1] : null>>
/* We need to load current pocket into temp array, or start a new one */
<<if _switchPct == "instant">>
<<set _pocketTemp = []>>
<<set _pocketTemp = clone($pocket)>>
/* We need the splice array in case we will be removing stuff from pocket, if after update the value is 0 */
<<set _splice = []>>
<<for _p = 0; _p < _objPct.length; _p++>>
<<set _updated = null>>
<<set _updatedDesire = null>>
<<set _addWhere = null>>
<<if _objPct[_p].action == "update">>
/* QUEST MODE - if $questMode is activated - ignore time changes */
<<if $questMode != null && _objPct[_p].id == "time">>
<<set _splice.push(_p)>>
<<set _objPct[_p].value = 0>>
<<set _updated = 1>>
/* STATS */
<<if _objPct[_p].type == "stat">>
<<set _curChar = State.getVar("$" + _objPct[_p].char)>>
<<set _playerData = $player>>
/* If stat sign is "-", we need to add "-" to the value */
<<if _objPct[_p].sign == "-" && _objPct[_p].value > 0>>
<<set _objPct[_p].value to parseInt(_objPct[_p].sign + _objPct[_p].value)>>
/* Because char.desire turns into char.dom/love we need to look for it and update it accordingly */
<<if _objPct[_p].char != "" && _objPct[_p].id == "desire">>
/* We need to select character's multipliers */
<<if _curChar.loveMulti > _curChar.dominationMulti>>
<<set _desireStat = "love">>
<<elseif _curChar.loveMulti < _curChar.dominationMulti>>
<<set _desireStat = "domination">>
<<set _desireStat = ["love", "domination"].random()>>
<<set _objPct[_p].id = _desireStat>>
/* If it's positive domination or love stat - we need to run it through some multipliers */
<<if _objPct[_p].sign == "+" && (_objPct[_p].id == "domination" || _objPct[_p].id == "love")>>
/* We need to multiply the dom/love yields by player's multiplier */
<<if _objPct[_p].id == "love">>
<<set _objPct[_p].value = _objPct[_p].value * _playerData.loveMulti>>
<<elseif _objPct[_p].id == "domination">>
<<set _objPct[_p].value = _objPct[_p].value * _playerData.dominationMulti>>
/* Then we add character's multipliers */
<<if _objPct[_p].char != "" && _objPct[_p].char != "player" && _curChar.type != "npc">>
<<if _objPct[_p].id == "love">>
<<set _objPct[_p].value = _objPct[_p].value * _curChar.loveMulti>>
<<elseif _objPct[_p].id == "domination">>
<<set _objPct[_p].value = _objPct[_p].value * _curChar.dominationMulti>>
/* If it's dom/love and there's a character - we need to transfer dom/love into desire */
<<if _objPct[_p].char != "" && _objPct[_p].char != "player" && (_objPct[_p].id == "domination" || _objPct[_p].id == "love")>>
/* Go forward if character is not an npc, otherwise skip it */
<<if _curChar.type != "npc">>
<<set _charDesire = Math.round(_objPct[_p].value)>>
/* It always needs to be at least 1, otherwise cult leaders and messiahs are fucked */
<<if _charDesire == 0>><<set _charDesire = 1>><</if>>
/* We need to check if the desire wasn't already in the pocket, if so update it instead of adding */
<<for _pd = 0; _pd < _pocketTemp.length; _pd++>>
<<if _pocketTemp[_pd].id == "desire" && _pocketTemp[_pd].char == _objPct[_p].char>>
/* Add the values */
<<set _pocketTemp[_pd].value = Math.round(_pocketTemp[_pd].value) + _charDesire>>
/* Update the sign depending on the value and remove from the pocket if 0 */
<<if _pocketTemp[_pd].value < 0>>
<<set _pocketTemp[_pd].sign = "-">>
<<elseif _pocketTemp[_pd].value > 0>>
<<set _pocketTemp[_pd].sign = "+">>
<<elseif _pocketTemp[_pd].value == 0>>
<<set _splice.push(_pd)>>
<<set _updatedDesire to 1>>
/* If the desire wasn't already in the pocket - add it */
<<if !_updatedDesire>>
/* If it's positive, we need to add "+" */
<<if _charDesire >= 0>>
<<set _charDesire = "+" + _charDesire>>
<<set _charId = clone(_objPct[_p].char)>>
<<set _charYield = _charId + ".desire" + _charDesire>>
<<set _pocketTemp.push(splitter(_charYield)[0])>>
/* Switch the character to the player */
<<set _objPct[_p].char = "player">>
/* If it's dom/love - we need to apply default xp. multiplier for player yield */
<<if _objPct[_p].id == "domination" || _objPct[_p].id == "love">>
<<set _objPct[_p].value = Math.round(_objPct[_p].value * $defXpMulti)>>
/* CHECK POCKET FOR DUPLICATES - if it's a stat, time, effect or item - we need to check if it already exists in the array and update the value instead of adding new. */
<<if _objPct[_p].type == "stat" || _objPct[_p].id == "time" || _objPct[_p].type == "effect" || _objPct[_p].type == "item">>
/* If stat sign is "-", we need to add "-" to the value */
<<if _objPct[_p].sign == "-" && _objPct[_p].value > 0>>
<<set _objPct[_p].value = parseInt(_objPct[_p].sign + _objPct[_p].value)>>
<<for _pd = 0; _pd < _pocketTemp.length; _pd++>>
<<if _objPct[_p].id == _pocketTemp[_pd].id && (_objPct[_p].char == _pocketTemp[_pd].char || _objPct[_p].char == "" && _pocketTemp[_pd].char == null)>>
/* Update the stored value if it's not already "MAX" */
<<if _pocketTemp[_pd].value != "MAX">>
<<if _objPct[_p].value == "MAX">>
<<set _pocketTemp[_pd].value = "MAX">>
<<set _pocketTemp[_pd].value = Math.round(_pocketTemp[_pd].value) + Math.round(_objPct[_p].value)>>
<<if _pocketTemp[_pd].value < 0>>
<<set _pocketTemp[_pd].sign = "-">>
<<elseif _pocketTemp[_pd].value > 0>>
<<set _pocketTemp[_pd].sign = "+">>
<<elseif _pocketTemp[_pd].value == 0>>
<<set _splice.push(_pd)>>
<<set _updated = 1>>
/* QUEST - in case of quests with a "-" - it works like a quest update cancellation, so we need to look for the quest in the pocket, and if they are there - remove them */
<<if _objPct[_p].type == "quest" && _objPct[_p].sign == "-">>
<<for _pq to 0; _pq < _pocketTemp.length; _pq++>>
<<if _objPct[_p].id == _pocketTemp[_pq].id>>
<<set _splice.push(_pq)>>
<<set _updated = 1>>
/* VARS - in case of variables - we update them on the spot, instead of adding them to the pocket */
<<if _objPct[_p].type == "var">>
/* If the var is questMode and we already have a questMode activated - trigger questModeLock, so that it won't turn off when the quest gets updated (which usually
/* Rebuild the variable */
<<if _objPct[_p].char != ''>>
<<set _var = '$' + _objPct[_p].char + '.' +_objPct[_p].id>>
<<set _var = '$' + _objPct[_p].id>>
/* Update the variable value - if "null" change the var to null, if a number add or subtract the value from the var, if it's not a number, or a number == 0, change var into the value */
<<if _objPct[_p].value == "null">>
<<set State.setVar(_var, null)>>
<<elseif _objPct[_p].value == 0>>
<<set State.setVar(_var, 0)>>
<<elseif !isNaN(_objPct[_p].value)>>
/* If "-", we need to add "-" to the value */
<<if _objPct[_p].sign == "-">>
<<set _objPct[_p].value = parseInt(_objPct[_p].sign + _objPct[_p].value)>>
<<set _valueOld = State.getVar(_var)>>
/* If the old value doesn't exist, or it's not a number - treat it as 0 */
<<if !_valueOld>>
<<set _valueOld = 0>>
<<elseif isNaN(_valueOld)>>
<<set _valueOld = 0>>
<<set _valueNew = parseInt(_valueOld) + parseInt(_objPct[_p].value)>>
/* Adjust if the new value is too small */
<<set _valueNew = _valueNew < 0 ? 0 : _valueNew>>
/* Update the stat - !IMPORTANT! Originally if value == 0, then the stat would turn to null. I probably wrote it this way to reset the vars when they reach 0. It turned out problematic, because 0 is a first number when doing <for>, so I changed it to just use 0. Needs testing! TODO! */
<<set State.setVar(_var, _valueNew)>>
<<set State.setVar(_var, _objPct[_p].value)>>
<<set _updated = 1>>
/* COUNTERS - in case of counters - we update them on the spot, instead of adding them to the pocket. */
/* UPDATE 0.2.33 - added check if $counters exists, otherwise there was an error if loading an old save for some reason */
<<if _objPct[_p].type == "counter" && $counters>>
/* Go forward if not STOP, which destroys the counter */
<<if _objPct[_p].value != "STOP">>
/* Rebuild the variable */
<<if _objPct[_p].char != ''>>
<<set _var = _objPct[_p].char + '.' +_objPct[_p].id>>
<<set _var = _objPct[_p].id>>
/* Set the when, if it's added to the value */
<<if _objPct[_p].value.indexOf("/") != "-1">>
<<set _updateWhen = _objPct[_p].value.split("/")[1]>>
<<set _objPct[_p].value = _objPct[_p].value.split("/")[0]>>
<<set _updateWhen = "day">>
/* Define the values */
<<if _objPct[_p].sign == "+">>
<<set _valueStart = 0>>
<<set _valueEnd = parseInt(_objPct[_p].value)>>
<<set _valueStart = parseInt(_objPct[_p].value)>>
<<set _valueEnd = 0>>
/* Check if the counter exists */
<<set _counterCheck = $counters.findIndex(x => === _var)>>
<<if _counterCheck != -1>>
/* If it exists, check if it reached the end */
<<set _counterCurrent = $counters[_counterCheck]>>
<<set _counterVarName = "$" + _var>>
<<set _counterVar = State.getVar(_counterVarName)>>
<<if _counterVar != null && _counterVar == _counterCurrent.end>>
/* If it reached the end - restart the counter */
<<set State.setVar(_counterVarName, _valueStart)>>
/* If it doesn't exist - create it and push to array */
<<elseif _counterCheck == -1>>
/* Push the data to the array */
<<set $counters.push({id: _var, type: _objPct[_p].sign, start: _valueStart, end: _valueEnd, when: _updateWhen})>>
/* Create the variable */
<<set _varName = "$" + _var>>
<<set State.setVar(_varName, _valueStart)>>
/* Rebuild the variable */
<<if _objPct[_p].char != ''>>
<<set _var = _objPct[_p].char + '.' +_objPct[_p].id>>
<<set _var = _objPct[_p].id>>
/* Check if the counter exists */
<<set _counterCheck = $counters.findIndex(x => === _var)>>
<<if _counterCheck != -1>>
/* If it exists, destroy it */
<<set $counters.splice(_counterCheck, 1)>>
/* Update the variable too */
<<set _varName = "$" + _var>>
<<set State.setVar(_varName, null)>>
<<set _updated = 1>>
/* CHARADD - we add the character to location and change the scheduleTemp on the spot */
<<if _objPct[_p].id == "charAdd">>
/* Add or remove current character to $curLocChars */
<<if _objPct[_p].value != 1>>
/* If there's a "|" in the id, it means that it separate character from the location that we should add the character in */
<<if _objPct[_p].value.indexOf('|') != -1>>
<<set _addWhere = _objPct[_p].value.split('|')[1]>>
<<set _objPct[_p].value = _objPct[_p].value.split('|')[0]>>
<<set _addWhere = $curLoc>>
/* Add/remove char in current room, unless we're adding to a different one */
<<if _addWhere == $curLoc>>
<<if _objPct[_p].sign == "+">>
<<set $curLocChars.push(_objPct[_p].value)>>
<<for _ch = 0; _ch < $curLocChars.length; _ch++>>
<<if _objPct[_p].value == $curLocChars[_ch]>>
<<set $curLocChars.splice(_ch, 1)>>
/* Update the $schedTemp array and remove item matching current char/time to avoid having the same character in two places at the same time (0=Char; 1=loc; 2=day; 3=period; 4=while) */
<<for _st = 0; _st < $schedTemp.length; _st++>>
/* If the character matches */
<<if $schedTemp[_st][0]==_objPct[_p].value>>
/* Select the current time */
<<if $schedTemp[_st][2] == "workdays">>
<<set _days = setup.workdays>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_st][2] == "weekend">>
<<set _days = setup.weekend>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_st][2] == null>>
<<set _days = setup.days>>
<<set _days = $schedTemp[_st][2]>>
<<if $schedTemp[_st][3] == "dayhours">>
<<set _hours = setup.dayhours>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_st][3] == "nighthours">>
<<set _hours = setup.nighthours>>
<<elseif $schedTemp[_st][3] == null>>
<<set _days = setup.periods>>
<<set _hours = $schedTemp[_st][3]>>
/* If the time matches with the current time - remove this item from schedule */
<<if _days.indexOf($today) != "-1" && _hours.indexOf($now) != "-1">>
<<set $schedTemp.splice(_st, 1)>>
/* Add the current character, room, day and period to the $schedTemp array */
<<if _objPct[_p].sign == "+">>
<<set $schedTemp.push([_objPct[_p].value, _addWhere, $today, $now, "nothing"])>>
/* If we don't know the character - reset the entire $schedTemp array to delete all the charAdd changes made previously */
<<set $schedForce = 1>>
<<set _updated = 1>>
/* PASSAGE - we change the passage at the end of the pocket */
<<if _objPct[_p].type == "passage">>
<<set _changePassage = _objPct[_p].id>>
<<set _updated = 1>>
/* Push the new object to the _pocketTemp array */
<<if !_updated>>
<<set _pocketTemp.push({
action: _objPct[_p].action,
type: _objPct[_p].type,
positive: _objPct[_p].positive,
char: _objPct[_p].char,
id: _objPct[_p].id,
sign: _objPct[_p].sign,
value: _objPct[_p].value,
weight: _objPct[_p].weight
/* Remove the stat from the pocket array */
<<if _splice>>
<<set _splice = _splice.reverse()>>
<<for _s = 0; _s < _splice.length; _s++>>
<<set _pocketTemp.splice(_s, 1)>>
/* Sort the pocket array */
<<set _pocketTemp = _pocketTemp.sort(function (a, b) { return b.weight - a.weight; })>>
/* Update the real pocket array for later use */
<<if _switchPct == "instant">>
<<set $pocketInstant = _pocketTemp>>
<<set $pocket = _pocketTemp>>
/* Change the passage */
<<if _changePassage>>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
<<goto _changePassage>>
/* Draw given notifications. */
<<widget "notify">>
/* Load notifications either from the args or from the $notifications var */
<<set _notifications = []>>
<<if $args[0] != null>>
<<set _notifications.push({type: $args[0], id: $args[1], value: $args[2], sign: $args[3], char: $args[4], info: $args[5]}) >>
<<set _notifications = clone($notifications)>>
<<set $notifications = []>>
/* Load classes (used for delay) */
<<set _classes = $args[6] ? $args[6] : "fi0">>
<<if _notifications>>
/* Go through the notifications */
<<for _n = 0; _n < _notifications.length; _n++>>
<<set _skip = null>>
<<set _type = _notifications[_n].type>>
<<set _id = _notifications[_n].id>>
<<set _value = _notifications[_n].value>>
<<set _sign = _notifications[_n].sign>>
<<set _char = _notifications[_n].char>>
<<set _info = _notifications[_n].info>>
/* Set notification number (we need to keep it in story var, because notifications might be printed multiple times) */
<<if $notifNum == 0>>
<<set $notifNum = 1>>
<<set $notifNum = $notifNum + 1>>
<<if _type>>
/* Set notification ID */
<<if _type == "stat">>
<<if _value == "MAX">>
<<set _notifId = _id + _value>>
<<set _notifId = _id + _sign>>
<<elseif _type == "quest">>
<<if _value != "DONE" && _value != "NEW">>
<<set _notifId = _type + _sign>>
<<set _notifId = _type + _value>>
<<elseif _type == "other">>
<<set _notifId = _id + _sign>>
<<elseif _type == "effect" && _id == "sleepless">>
<<set _notifId = "sleepless+">>
<<set _notifId = _type + _sign>>
/* Set notification class */
<<if _sign == "+">>
<<set _notifClass = "gain">>
<<elseif _sign == "-">>
<<set _notifClass = "lose">>
<<if _id == "energy" && _sign == "-">>
<<set _notifClass = "neutral">>
<<elseif _id == "cum" && _char == "player" && _sign == "-">>
<<set _notifClass = "gain">>
<<elseif _id == "cum" && _char == "player" && _sign == "+">>
<<set _notifClass = "lose">>
<<elseif _type == "quest">>
<<if _value == "DONE">>
<<set _notifClass = "quest">>
<<set _notifClass = "quest expand">>
<<elseif _type == "effect" && _id == "sleepless">>
<<set _notifClass = "lose">>
/* Set text for the notification */
<<for _nt = 0; _nt < setup.notifications.length; _nt++>>
<<if _notifId == setup.notifications[_nt][0]>>
<<set _notifText = setup.notifications[_nt][1]>>
/* If the value is 0 or null, and it's a stat - skip it */
<<if _type == "stat" && (_value == null || _value == "" || _value == 0)>>
<<set _skip = 1>>
/* Set the value information on the notification */
<<elseif _type == "effect" || _type == "quest" || _type == "item" || _type == "trait" || _type == "kamasutra">>
<<set _notifValue = _value>>
<<elseif _type == "other" && _id == "dominationLvl">>
<<set _notifValue = "Domination">>
<<elseif _type == "other" && _id == "loveLvl">>
<<set _notifValue = "Love">>
<<elseif _type == "status">>
<<set _notifValue = _value + " <span class=\"statValueSml\">/5</span>">>
<<elseif _type == "other">>
<<set _notifValue = _value>>
<<elseif _value == "MAX">>
<<set _notifValue = "to " + _value>>
<<elseif _id == "cash">>
<<set _notifValue = _value + " <span class=\"statValueSml\">$</span>">>
<<elseif _sign == "+" || _sign == "-">>
/* If the desireKnown is 0 - hide the value - otherwise show it */
<<if _id == "desire" && _char != "player" && State.getVar('$'+_char+'.desireKnown')==0>>
<<set _notifValue = "?">>
/* If it's love or dom - we need to add " xp." */
<<elseif _char == "player" && (_id == "love" || _id == "domination")>>
<<set _notifValue = Math.round(_value) + ' <span class=\"statValueSml\">xp.</span>'>>
/* If it's cum, squirt, or vigour - we need to add sign */
<<elseif _sign == "+" && (_id == "cum" || _id == "squirt" || _id == "vigour")>>
<<set _notifValue = _sign + Math.round(_value)>>
/* Otherwise just add value */
<<set _notifValue = Math.round(_value)>>
<<set _notifValue = _value>>
/* Display the notification */
<<if _notifText && !_skip>>
<<set _notifDivId = "notif" + $notifNum>>
<div @class="_notifClass + ' notification ' + _classes" @id="_notifDivId">
/* Quest notification (expandable) */
<<if _type == "quest">>
<p class="notifHead">_notifText ''_id''</p>
<<if _value != "DONE">>
<div class="notifDesc expandContent"><p>_info</p></div>
/* Trait notification */
<<elseif _type == "trait">>
<div @class="_notifClassTrait + ' fi0'" @id="_notifDivId + 'b'">
_notifText ''_notifValue''
<<media `"characters/player/" + _id + "/notification.mp4"`>>
/* Character status change notification */
<<elseif _type == "status">>
/* We show the status */
<span class="stat">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath + 'characters/'+_char+'/avatar.jpg'" class="avatar">
<span class="statValue">_notifValue</span>
/* Stat and other notifications */
/* We show the stat */
<<if _type == "stat">>
<span class="stat">
<<if _char == "player">>
<img @src="setup.ImagePath + 'characters/player/' + $player.trait + '/avatar.jpg'" class="avatar">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath + 'characters/'+_char+'/avatar.jpg'" class="avatar">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/' + _id + '.png'" class="statIcon">
<span class="statValue">_notifValue</span>
<<elseif _type == "other" && ( _id == "loveLvl" || _id == "dominationLvl" )>>
<span class="statOther">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/' + _id + '.png'" class="statIcon">
<span class="statValue">_notifValue</span>
<<elseif _notifValue>>
<span class="statOther"><span class="statValue">_notifValue</span></span>
/* If it's a quest notification, we might also need to check collapsibles */
<<if _type == "quest">>
/* If the fap code was deactivated - display additional notification */
<<if $fapCodeError && (tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area"))>>
<div class="fapOff expand notification fi0">
<p class="notifHead">It seems your Fap Mode code has expired!</p>
<div class="notifDesc expandContent"><p>If you're a Patreon or SubscribeStar supporter <a href="" target="_blank">click here to get the current code</a>.</p></div>
<<set $fapCodeError = null>>
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "knocking.mp4">>
<p>You're browsing the memes, when you hear knocking at the door.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yes?">>
<<dial "daphne" "It's $, can I enter?">>
<<dial "player" "Sure, come in!">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' hesitantly enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hey, sorry for bothering you, but is the internet connection working?">>
<p>You take a look at your laptop - the connection is up.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yup. I was just looking at memes.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Memes? Is that a hacker thing? Like installing Windows?">>
<p>Oh. My. God. 1990 is calling...</p>
<big>He wants his big titty MILF back.</big>
<<dial "player" "No, it's just a picture... Here, I'll show you.">>
<p>$ sits by your side on the bed. You can smell her cheap perfumes and sweaty boobs. Now you only have to pick the meme...</p>
<<btn "#daphneLove" "Show her a funny meme" "" "action">>
<<btn "#daphneDom" "Show her a meme dark as your soul" "daphne.dom" "action">>
<<chunk null "#daphneDom">>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_meme_dom.jpg">>
<p>$ squints her eyes, reading the caption text. She thinks for a moment. Then she looks at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't get it.">>
<<dial "player" "It's a bit meta I guess.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, hun, I was there - the drugs are no good for you!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Whaaat?</tht>">>
<p>I have no clue buddy, you're on your own!</p>
<<dial "player" "I meant it's funny, because it's not funny, and you need to know why it's funny.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh... It's like Tamagotchi! I had one once. It died though.">>
<p>Ok... I think this conversation is over.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneLove">>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_meme_love_1.jpg">>
<p>$ looks at your screen and immediately brigtens up like a pedophile in kindergarten.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh... Shweeet doggy! I loff you, doggy!">>
<p>She looks a bit retarted when talking like that, but still...</p>
<big>...those tits.</big>
<p>From where you sit you have a great view on those two beautiful mountains of pleasure. And you realize one very important thing - they are seconds away from breaking free from her tight shirt...</p>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_tits_giggle_1.jpg">>
<p>Look at her. How happy she is! And I always say - a women's smile is an international way of saying //"I want you to fuck me!"// Or at least in the same general direction.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I really like this meme thing. Maybe you can install it on my computer?">>
<<dial "player" "Well....">>
<p>Don't think about it - just agree!</p>
<<dial "player" "Sure... You want another one?">>
<p>Do you really want to make it a question?</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So there is more?!">>
<p>We're fortunate - she's an imbecil.</p>
<big>Release the memes!</big>
<<wrapper "daphHack=0">>
<<pocket "daphHack+">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_meme_love_2.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, gosh, puppy. I ish misshing you too!">>
<p>She starts giggling. And her tits wobble to the giggle. <a href="" target="_blank">''♫Every day I'm wobbling, wobbling, wobbling♫''</a></p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_tits_giggle_2.mp4">>
<p>Those boobs are really fucking close to break free from the confinement of her shirt. And it's almost like she wants it, or at least she's certainly not holding it back.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You have more dog memes?">>
<p>Oh shit, bro. She's really into it. You know what to do...</p>
<big>MEME, PLEASE!</big>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_meme_love_3.jpg">>
<p>I have a good feeling about this.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Corgiiii! I loooooove corgis.">>
<p>She laughs, and her tits bounce up and down.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "And they called him Kim Corgdashion, that'sh shavage!">>
<p>She's a bit annoying with this sheeshing but we both know that if the boobs are involved - you can take it. And they stretch up her shirt more and more. It looks like it's about to explode...</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<big>...and finally it happens.</big>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_tits_break.mp4">>
<p>I envy you. You have first row sit in a boobycoaster. These are priceless moments, brother, savour them!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my, will you look at that...">>
<p>She doesn't seem to care that much that her tits are hanging like a ripe grapefruits on a tree. She looks you right in the eyes.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_tits_out.jpg">>
<p>Oh shiiiit. Is it getting hot in here?</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Show me another.">>
<<dial "player" "Wh- Whaat?">>
<big>Show her another corgi for the love of God!</big>
<<dial "player" "Oh, yeah, yeah...">>
<p>You click "next" in the browser and...</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_meme_love_4.jpg">>
<p>Bullseye. $ is ecstatic. She puts her hands in her panties. Starts rubbing her clit.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, corgi... Corgi yeah... yeah... Do it, corgi... Do it to me, now...">>
<p>She drops her panties to the floor and lies ass up on your bed...</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_masturbating.mp4">>
<p>What a view! She pushes fingers deeper and deeper into her pussy. They are soaking wet from her juices.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I want you, corgi! I want you to badly!">>
<p>She's rubbing her clit faster and faster. You feel a growing pressure in your pants.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Lick my pussy, corgi. Lick it with yout tiny shweet tongue!!!">>
<p>I have to say - I was doubtful, but you did it, $ And now it's time to make a crucial decision - do you want to fall on your knees and be a fucking corgi for her?</p>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+daphne; daphne.squirt+2" "sex action">>
<<btn "#daphneCorgi" "Woof Woof!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneNo" "I'm not a corgi! I'm a free man!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk "!daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_meme_love_bad.jpg">>
<p>Oh shit. This doesn't look good.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Hmmm... Is this something from \"Lord of the rings\"?Cause' I'm really not into this whole pointy ear stuff.">>
<<dial "player" "No, it's a dog... I mean it's a band...">>
<big>You fucked us.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Doesn't matter, I have to go anyway. But I really needed a laugh - so... thanks! And don't forget to install those doggies on my computer. Especially corgies. I mean... Cat's are ok too... Or bunnies... Corgies, though... I kind of like corgies.">>
<p>Ok. That was a bit strange but whatever.</p>
<<dial "player" "Sure... I'll work on it.">>
<p>$ sighs and stands up.</p>
<<dial "player" "Wait! I'll show you another dog! Even cuter!">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Next time, hun!">>
<p>She blows you a kiss and walks out. Well, I hope you're happy with your performance, because I'm not. I can smell wet pussy from a mile, and I sure as hell smelled one here. This is a wasted opportunity, brother.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4" "#daphneNo">>
<p>$ suddenly stops masturbating. She looks at you, like she just came back from a long voyage.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Whaat?">>
<<dial "player" "I said - I'm not corgi.">>
<p>$ looks around, like she tries to remember what happened. She suddenly covers herself.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my! I'm so sorry! I had this thing for corgis since... since... I have to run!">>
<p>She darts out of your room, leaving you kind of disappointed. But I have to tell you, buddy. It's sometimes better to not be a corgi. We need to have some dignity, right?</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4" "#daphneCorgi">>
<p>You fall on your knees, push your head between $'s legs and start licking like a proper doggy.</p>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_corgi.mp4">>
<p>$ masturbates faster and faster. She's mumbling something about shweet lil' corgies, and...</p>
<big>$ cums!</big>
<<media "activities/memes/daphne_orgasm.mp4">>
<p>She squirts right in your face, screaming...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Coooooorgiiiiiiiiii....">>
<p>...and then she stops. She lies there, motionless, while you slowly get out from between her shaking legs.</p>
<p>$ looks around, like she tries to remember what happened. She suddenly covers herself.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my! I'm so sorry! I had this thing for corgis since... since... I have to run!">>
<p>She darts out of your room, leaving you covered in her juices. And, I know, it was fun. But I have to tell you, buddy. It's usually better not to be a corgi. We need to have some dignity, right?</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met">>
<<media "knocking.mp4">>
<p>You're browsing the memes, when you hear knocking.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Hey, deadbeat. You there?">>
<p>Oh shit, man, it's $ You panically fix your hair, put your body in a sexy pose...</p>
<p>...and a different one...</p>
<p>...and another one.</p>
<p>You make sure your balls don't smell - //sniff, sniff// - they reek, but whatever.</p>
<<dial "player" "Please, come in!">>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_enter.jpg">>
<p>$ hesitantly enters the room. She sees you on the couch with the laptop.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "My inbox got blocked, I need to send an email from your account.">>
<<dial "player" "Your inbox got blocked?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Focus on the part where I need to send something">>
<<btn "#alexaYes" "Sure, here's my laptop!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaNo" "Sorry, my inbox is private!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNo">>
<p>You're playing with fire, buddy!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What do you mean private?!">>
<<dial "player" "Well, it's actually against my policy to share my email, it's also against EULA and I'm pretty strict about those things, which I recommend to you too by the way--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut the fuck up, dweeb.">>
<p>Yeah, dweeb. Shut the fuck up.</p>
<p>She crouches and lifts her skirt up...</p>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_pussy.jpg">>
<p>Ohh fuck, dude. She showed you her pussy to use your email. I love this girl!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Can I //now// use your inbox, $">>
<big>Don't be a monster, man.</big>
<p>Let her. Let her fucking use your email... Please.</p>
<<btn "#alexaYes" "You presented strong arguments!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Still no, sorry!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<p>$ looks at you with a mix of surprise and disappointment.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What?!">>
<<dial "player" "As I said, the EULA--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Than fuck off!">>
<p>She stands up and walks out your room. See? I told you. I fucking told you.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaYes">>
<p>You log in to your inbox and let her use it. She turns it in a way so that you won't see what she's writing.</p>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_laptop.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, done. Thanks dweeb.">>
<p>She closes the email in the browser and notices the memes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh shit, kid. I fucking love memes. You have any good ones here?">>
<p>Ok, bro. A small lesson. This is what we professionals call "the opportunity". Object of your advances shows interest in the stuff you're into. This is a big step. Don't fuck it up.</p>
<<wrapper "alexaHack=0">>
<<pocket "alexaHack+">>
<<btn "#alexaLove" "Show her a funny meme" "" "action">>
<<btn "#alexaDom" "Show her a fucked up meme" "alexa.dom" "action">>
<<chunk null "#alexaLove">>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_meme_love_1.jpg">>
<p>She squints her eyes reading the captions.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Box360? What the fuck?">>
<<dial "player" "It's a console... //Ex//-box 360--">>
<p>She looks at you with a long sigh.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're a fucking dweeb.">>
<p>She moves away and walks out the doors before you manage to say anything.</p>
<big>That's what you get for a weak meme game!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaDom">>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_meme_dom_1.jpg">>
<p>$ takes a second reading the captions. She finally smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, shit. Good one! Maybe you're not such a dweeb I though you are.">>
<<dial "player" "Thanks! <tht>Phew!</tht>">>
<p>Good work, bro. You're learning!</p>
<<if $alexa.status>=2>>
<<dial "alexa" "Now let me!">>
<p>She types the name of the meme in the search bar.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_meme_dom_2.jpg">>
<p>Oh. This girl's fucked up! I love her!</p>
<<dial "player" "Ha, ha, it's funny!">>
<p>Funny?! Are you fucking stupid? This is a god damn masterpiece!</p>
<<dial "player" "Squirting granny, l-o-l!">>
<p>You're drowning...</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_naughty.jpg">>
<p>Fortunately $ seems to be in the mood. She gives you this naughty smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "So... you like kinky shit?">>
<p>There's only one answer to this question, dude.</p>
<<dial "player" "No!">>
<<dial "player" "I meant - YES!">>
<p>I feel like I'm wasting my best years for you, dude...</p>
<<if $alexa.status>=3>>
<<dial "alexa" "Nice. So you have something kinky for me or not?">>
<p>Dazzle her!</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_meme_dom_3.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ohh, shit! Haha. Nice one!">>
<p>Phew! I was afraid that was a one time win, but, seriously, good job!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I was not expecting anything like that from you, kid. You deserve a reward...">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_aroused.jpg">>
<p>She lifts her shirt just enough so you could glance at her titties. And they are fine titties. Small, but firm. You dream about sucking them, smacking them, spitting between them and sliding in your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohh... You're //really// into memes.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Only the fucked up ones.">>
<p>This girl is gold. I can recognize quality skank from a mile away, and, trust me, this one's crème de la crème.</p>
<<if $alexa.status>=4>>
<<dial "alexa" "So... You have something fucked up for me?">>
<p>Buddy, this is your moment. The next picture might change the fate of your dick. Don't fuck it up!</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_meme_dom_4.jpg">>
<p>$ bursts into laughter.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Hahaha. I see a theme, here, kid.">>
<<dial "player" "Theme?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yup. Seems like you're into the fudge stuff.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fudge?</tht>">>
<p>She's talking about anal, dude. ANAL. And if the girl talks about anal, it's like winning a golden medal on Olympics. Or more accurately a bronze one, but that's beside the point.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohh! //Fudge//. Sure! I like fudge.">>
<p>You wink at her.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, well, well. Who would have thought $ is into backdoors. You might appreciate this then...">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_ass.jpg">>
<p>Shiiit. That's what I'm here for. Look at how beautiful she is. My little anal princess.</p>
<<dial "player" "Can I... Can I touch it?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I like a man that's not afraid to get dirty.">>
<p>Find me a finger, and I'll find you an asshole. Works with dicks too.</p>
<<btn null "Just a pinky finger..." "" "action">>
<<btn null "Go in deep!" "alexa.dom" "action">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+alexa; alexa.squirt+2" "sex action">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/memes/alexa_fingering.jpg">>
<p>Her asshole is tight. You can feel as it wraps around your finger like a ring. It feels warm and nice inside.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok. That's enough.">>
<p>WHAT?! NOOOOoooo...</p>
<<dial "player" "B-but--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Pull it out.">>
<p>God damn it, you just started, and it's already the end? Too bad.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<p>You're too worried to push your luck, so you pull your finger out of her asshole.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "How does it smell?">>
<p>You don't have to be asked twice. You put the finger to your nose and sniff it. Fortunately it's clean. The only thing you can smell is how sweaty her ass is. And you kinda like it that way.</p>
<<dial "player" "I like it... it smells... sexy.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Lick it.">>
<p>You hesitantly put the finger to your mouth and lick it with the tip of your tongue. And then you put the whole thing in, and give it a nice suck.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That's what I'm talking about.">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll be back for more.">>
<p>She covers her ass and stands up. Before you manage to stop her, she walks out through the doors.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, it was fun, but it's time to wrap it up! We might repeat it some day!">>
<p>She's getting away! Do something.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, wait, I have more fucked up memes!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Nah. I'm not in the mood. By the way - if you see my cat let me know.">>
<<if $fluffy.met>>
<<dial "player" "Sure...">>
<p>Shit, bro. I feel your pain.</p>
<<dial "player" "I didn't know you have a cat.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeah yeah, I have. Just tell me when you'll see him, it's important.">>
<<dial "player" "Sure...">>
<p>Shit, bro. I feel pain in your voice. Maybe you're going to get further with her next time.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<EVENT "daphMakeKey=0">>
<<inc "daphMakeKey">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "while=notsex">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>You're browsing the memes, when the doors suddenly open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<btn null "XXX" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn null "YYY" "" "dialog">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "while=notsex">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>You're browsing the memes, when the doors suddenly open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<btn null "XXX" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn null "YYY" "" "dialog">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<EVENT "alexa.status=3; $alexa.met">>
<<media "activities/nap/wakeup.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly, a strange feeling pulls you out of the dream.</p>
<<dial "player" "What the fuck?!">>
<p>You open your eyes and look around. You're still in the same spot you fell asleep in...</p>
<big>...but there's something very different.</big>
<<media "activities/nap/alexa_blowjob.mp4">>
<p>$ is giving you a passionate blowjob. She looks at you with an innocent smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I've noticed you have a hard-on while you were asleep, and figured out I'll use you to train on my blowjob skills!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh.">>
<<dial "alexa" "You can go back to sleep if you want.">>
<big>Don't you dare.</big>
<<dial "player" "I think I'll stick around">>
<p>$ is blowing you like a vacuum cleaner, but it takes you a bit longer than usual to finish.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're cumming? <tht>Slurp, slurp, slurp</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "I'm getting there.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm bored! <tht>Slurp, slurp, slurp</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I could play with your pussy?">>
<<if $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<dial "alexa" "Pussies are for pussies. I have a different idea...">>
<p>She drops her panties.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're going to fuck my lil' asshole like Trump fucked Hillary.">>
<p>Ok, maybe not that much...</p>
<big>But I really like her asshole!</big>
<<dial "player" "Prepare to get schlonged!">>
<<dial "alexa" "I wouldn't know. Pussies are for pussies. Anyway, I had enough of training. Thanks!">>
<p>She stand up and leaves you with a raging hard-on.</p>
<<dial "player" "Wait... I was close!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... I can finish you up for 30 bucks.">>
<p>She's playing you, bud.</p>
<<btn "#alexaCum" "Well... ok, I guess." "cash=30; cash-30;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaNoPay" "I'm not paying you shit!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<media "activities/nap/alexa_anal.mp4">>
<p>Ohhhh man... This is really the best fucking asshole in the world.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Do you like it? Do you like my asshole?">>
<<dial "player" "Does the Pope shit in the woods?">>
<p>She hesitates for a moment.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Does he?">>
<<dial "player" "I think he does... I've heard it in a movie.">>
<big>Focus god damn it!</big>
<p>It doesn't take long until you feel a growing pressure in your dick.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Now pay me $30.">>
<<dial "player" "What?! You said it's training!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Cumming costs.">>
<p>She's playing you, bud.</p>
<<btn "#alexaCum" "Well... ok, I guess." "cash=30; cash-30;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaNoPay" "I'm not paying you shit!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNoPay">>
<p>She looks at you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Is that so?">>
<<dial "player" "It is. I had enough of your games!">>
<p>She thinks for a moment....</p>
<<if $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<dial "alexa" "Ah, fuck it. I'm gonna finish you for free.">>
<<btn "#alexaCum" null "alexa.dom+">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well then. Happy blue balls, dweeb.">>
<p>She blows you a kiss and walks away.</p>
<big>That was a good decision, kid.</big>
<p>You can always rub one out.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaCum">>
<p>Her lips wrap around your dick again and after just couple seconds...</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm going to cum!">>
<<dial "alexa" "In my mouth!">>
<p>She kneels in front of you and starts tickling your balls with her fingers. That's more than enough to bring you over the edge.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/alexa_cumshot.mp4">>
<p>You arch back as the first spurt of cum shoots out from your giant dick. And then another, and another. $ catches it all in her mouth and on her face.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh... fuck.">>
<p>You sigh.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Tasty cum.">>
<p>She blows you a kiss and walks away.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "jerkedoff+">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne.status=3; $daphne.met; $dream=fucked">>
/* Construct array with answers to questions */
<<set _questions to [1, 5, 7]>>
<<set _answers to []>>
<<for _q to 0; _q < _questions.length; _q++>>
<<for _a to 0; _a < 3; _a++>>
<<set _question to _questions[_q]>>
<<if _a == 0>>
<<set _answers[_q] to []>>
<<if _a < 2>>
<<set _randD to Math.floor(Math.random()*(_dreams[_question].length))>>
<<set _answers[_q].push({
dial: _dreams[_question][_randD].replace(/your/gi, "my"),
reward: null
<<set _dreams[_question].splice(_randD, 1)>>
<<set _answers[_q].push({
dial: _dreamsArray[_question].dial,
reward: ""
<<set _answers[_q] to _answers[_q].shuffle()>>
/* Clear the answers just in case */
<<set $answer0 to null>>
<<set $answer1 to null>>
<<set $answer2 to null>>
<<media "activities/nap/wakeup.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly, a strange feeling pulls you out of the dream.</p>
<<dial "player" "What the fuck?!">>
<p>You open your eyes and look around. You're still in the same place you fell asleep in...</p>
<big>...but there's something very different.</big>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_titjob.mp4">>
<p>$ is rubbing her majestic tits on your dick. She smiles like an angel seeing you're awake.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Did I wake you up, hun?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... Yes?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry! I had a few drinks... and I noticed your incredible hard-on... I just couldn't help myself.">>
<<dial "player" "It's... It's really not a problem.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Do you want me to stop?">>
<p>I bet my dick that I know the answer to that question.</p>
<<dial "player" "Noooo! Feel free to... you know...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Super! What were you dreaming about?">>
<p>Oh brother, I'm not sure if you should tell her this fucking dream. Than again - sometimes honesty yields surprising results.</p>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "Tell her the truth about the dream" "" "action">>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "It was a dream about you!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
document.getElementById("dream").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("cheater").style.display = "block";
<<dial "player" "It was pretty fucked up to be honest...">>
<p>She stops rubbing her tits against your dick and looks at you with scared eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I hope it wasn't a nightmare?">>
<p>Go over with it!</p>
<<dial "player" "No, no, no. It was... about... It's a bit hard to explain.">>
<p>She resumes working on your cock.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I like it when it's hard.">>
<p>You sigh.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... so the dream started really strange. I was _dreamsArray[0].dial. And it was happening during... during...">>
<p>You hesitate for a moment.</p>
<big>Come on, you have to remember!</big>
<<for _a0 to 0; _a0 < _answers[0].length; _a0++>>
<<btn null `"..." + _answers[0][_a0].dial + "!"` `"$answer0+" + _a0 + "; " + _answers[0][_a0].reward` "dialog yieldHide">>
<p>She stops again - squinting her eyes.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_listening1.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Whaaat?">>
<<dial "player" "I told you it was fucked up.">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "It kinda is... But I wanna hear the rest!">>
<big>She sucks your dick for encouragement.</big>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_listening2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "So... Uhmmm...">>
<p>It's very hard to stay focused, but you're trying really hard.</p>
<<dial "player" "I was strolling around _dreamsArray[2].dial in _dreamsArray[3].dial...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mhmm... <tht>Slurp, slurp, slurp...</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "When suddenly - I noticed a _dreamsArray[4].dial. So I walked out to her to get a closer look at her... her...">>
<<for _a1 to 0; _a1 < _answers[1].length; _a1++>>
<<btn null `"..." + _answers[1][_a1].dial + "!"` `"$answer1+" + _a1 + "; " + _answers[1][_a1].reward` "dialog yieldHide">>
<p>She raises her eyebrow but doesn't stop.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "<tht>Slurp, slurp, slurp...</tht>">>
<<set _answer to _answers[1][$answer1].dial>>
<<dial "player" `"And I told her... I mean the " + _dreamsArray[4].dial + ", not the " + _answer + "... Talking to the " + _answer + ", that would be stupid... ha... ha..."`>>
<big>Focus god damn it!</big>
<<dial "player" "So anyway... Where was I...? So I told her - _dreamsArray[6].dial">>
<p>$ looks at you with a strange expression.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmm?! <tht>Slurp, slurp, slurp...</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, I know. I was surprised myself that I said it... And then she looked at me and said... and said...">>
<<for _a2 to 0; _a2 < _answers[2].length; _a2++>>
<<btn null _answers[2][_a2].dial `"$answer2+" + _a2 + "; " + _answers[2][_a2].reward` "dialog yieldHide">>
<p>$ stops and thinks.</p>
<<set _answer to _answers[2][$answer2].dial.replace(/[.]/gi, "") + "?">>
<<dial "daphne" _answer>>
<<dial "player" "That's what she said...">>
<<media "activities/nap/shesaid.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "But for real!">>
<<dial "daphne" "And you got a hard-on from that?! That's pretty fucked up...">>
<<dial "player" "Well, no, I got a hard-on from fucking her later on.">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, you're funny.">>
<<btn "#daphneContinue">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<<dial "daphne" "Me?! It's so sweet!">>
<p>She spits between her tits and speeds up.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_sweet.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "And what happened then?">>
<<dial "player" "Then...? Well... we fucked!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Just like that?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... It was a great fuck.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, hun!">>
<<if $daphne.status >= 4>>
<<btn "#daphneContinue">>
<<btn "#daphneEnd">>
<<chunk null "#daphneEnd">>
<p>She smiles to you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok hun, cum quickly because I have to make myself a drink.">>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "daphne" "I SAID CUM QUICKLY!">>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_despair.mp4">>
<p>Bit of advice, dude.</p>
<big>Never go between a raging alcoholic and a drink.</big>
<p>Just don't.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ok, ok, I'm cumming!">>
<p>That's my boy! Back in the game!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Let me taste it!">>
<p>She kneels in front of you. The view of her on her knees with her mouth open ready for your sperm is more than enough to bring you over the edge.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_cumshot.mp4">>
<p>You arch back as the first spurt of cum shoots out from your giant dick. And then another, and another. $ catches it all in her mouth and on her face.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh... fuck.">>
<p>You sigh.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yummy cummy! This was really great, hun. We have to do it again some day!">>
<p>She blows you a kiss, gathers her cloths and aims straight at the liquor cabinet, leaving you half dead.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneContinue">>
<<dial "daphne" "You deserve something nice in return. What about a handjob?">>
<<dial "player" "YES!">>
<p>Shit, are you not learning anything here? Look, we both know that you'd gladly suck on her asshole after she had taken a dump, but for the love of God - don't show it. You need to make her think you don't fucking care.</p>
<<dial "player" "...I mean... yea, a handjob? Maybe, I guess?">>
<p>A bit better. Though next time present more confidence.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You don't feel that stoked about it. Maybe you prefer something else instead?">>
<p>See? Take the foot out of the gas pedal and options will present themselves to you.</p>
<<btn "#daphneHandjob" "Handjob is all I dream about!" "daphne.dom+1" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneSucking" "I actually want to suck on your tits!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneRiding" "Ride me like a horse!" "daphne.status=5;" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneHandjob">>
<p>You don't have to say it twice - $ falls on her knees and grabs your dick like a pro.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_handjob.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Like that?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>You wonder how many dicks she treated with her gentle hands. And the answer is probably hundreds. Somehow, it doesn't bother you at all.</p>
<<btn "#daphneCum">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSucking">>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_tits.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh yeah, hun, suck on those titties.">>
<p>Her boobs are heavy and full, like two ripe grapefruits. When you suck em, $ is moaning and groaning, running her fingers through your hair.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm...">>
<p>You can feel she can barely hold herself.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Give me your balls!">>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_balls.mp4">>
<p>You do as she pleases, and she grabs your testicles. At first gently, but then she starts pulling a bit stronger, while massaging your cock.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You like that?">>
<p>With her boob still in your mouth you're barely able to answer.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ffffummmcueaa...">>
<p>That's a //fuck yea!//</p>
<<btn "#daphneCum">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4" "daphneRiding">>
<p>You don't have to say it twice - $ jumps on you and slips your dick into her wet pussy.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_riding.mp4">>
<p>All you can look at are her tits, bouncing left and right, but quite honestly there's nothing better to look at in the entire world.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!">>
<<dial "player" "I am! I am! I am!">>
<p>I think it was kind of rhethorical, buddy, but it's good you're still paying some attention.</p>
<<btn "#daphneCum">>
<<chunk null "#daphneCum">>
<p>It doesn't take long until you feel a growing pressure in your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm going to cum!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Let me taste it!">>
<p>She kneels in front of you. The view of her on her knees with her mouth open ready for your sperm is more than enough to bring you over the edge.</p>
<<media "activities/nap/daphne_cumshot.mp4">>
<p>You arch back as the first spurt of cum shoots out from your giant dick. And then another, and another. $ catches it all in her mouth and on her face.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh... fuck.">>
<p>You sigh.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yummy cummy! This was really great, hun. We have to do it again some day!">>
<p>She blows you a kiss, gathers her cloths and aims straight at the liquor cabinet, leaving you half dead.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hey, hun! What are you doing?">>
<p>Scared by her sudden appearence, you hide the drink you just made behind your back.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhm, nothing, really, I was just... standing here.">>
<p>Your hesitation makes her suspicious.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Wait... I hope you're not stealing from my liquor cabinet?">>
<p>Oh, buddy. Figure something up or we're fucked.</p>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "Stealing? Me? Never!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "I just wanted to make one drink..." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, you don't mind showing me what you're hiding behind your back.">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<p>You hesitantly show her a drink that you just made. She sighs. And it's one of those sighs, that just makes you question all your life choices.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>She walks out of the room, leaving you in shame.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "drink-;" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<p>You hesitantly show her a drink that you just made. She takes it from you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm disappointed...">>
<p>She sighs, heavily. Fortunately, after a moment her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean. I get it, you want to try new things. It's ok, I was young once too.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<p>She laughs, looking at the drink.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well - I guess pouring it out would be a waste!">>
<big>She downs your drink and leaves.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "drink-" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<p>She notices you in front of the liquor cabinet.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What. The. Fuck.">>
<p>You turn around, trying to hide the drink, but it's too late - she saw everything.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Kid. Mum will fucking fistfuck your ass for stealing her booze.">>
<p>This girl is straight to the point.</p>
<<dial "player" "I just took a little bit, she won't notice.">>
<<dial "alexa" "She's a god damn alcoholic, she prays to this liquor cabinet every fucking day!">>
<<dial "player" "Alcoholic?! Come on, everyone can enjoy a drink once in a while.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Once in a while?">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<if $alexa.status <= 1>>
<<set _alexaPay to [$curLoc, "#alexaMore", "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _alexaPay to [$curLoc, "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _alexaPay to $curLoc>>
<<set _alexaBluff to ["#alexaMum", "#alexaLucky"].random()>>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?">>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks for not ratting you out.">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm sure your mum would understand--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Sure, kid. You're paying or not?">>
<p>I don't think we should trust her, bro.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<btn _alexaPay "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=50; cash-50;" "dialog">>
<<btn _alexaBluff "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well? Weren't you leaving?">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks.">>
<p>Ohhhh shit. She played you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "And I'll show you my asshole.">>
<p>Well, at least there's that.</p>
<<dial "player" "How do I know you'll not scam me again?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm always serious when it comes to my asshole, dweeb.">>
<p>She smiles. I wouldn't trust her, bro. It's on you!</p>
<<btn "#alexaAsshole" "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=25; cash-25;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "Fuck it! I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaAsshole">>
<p>$ takes the money from you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Good boy! And now...">>
<p>She turns and lifts her skirt up.</p>
<big>Behold - the asshole</big>
<<media "activities/drink/alexa_asshole.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<media "braindead.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll take your drooling as a //yes//.">>
<p>She covers herself and walks out of the room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaMum">>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!!">>
<p>You hear $'s voice coming from the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'M IN THE BATHROOM!!!">>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb is stealing your alcohol!!!">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT!!!???">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I wasn't... It was just a bit--">>
<big>$ bursts into the room</big>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_naked.jpg">>
<p>The water is dripping from her wet tits and ass.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Have fun!">>
<p>She leaves the room.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well?!">>
<p>You can barely focus on the words.</p>
<<dial "player" "I uhmmmm.... It's... uhmmm... It's nothing...">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<p>You hesitantly show her a drink that you made. She sighs. And it's one of those sighs, that just makes you question all your life choices.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>She takes your drink away and downs it all at once, gives you back the glass, and goes back to the bathroom.</p>
<big>Well... that happened.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "drink-;" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaLucky">>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!!">>
<p>You wait a second but there's no response.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!!!!!">>
<<dial "alexa" "She's probably drunk and sleeping.">>
<<dial "player" "So...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "So you're fucking lucky.">>
<p>$ leaves the room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<</events>>/* Create arrays with items (base items are findable many times, unique items can be found just once) */
<<set _searchItemsBase to ["drink+", "vodka+", "beer+", "cash+5", "cash+10", "cash+15", "nothing", "nothing"]>>
<<set _searchItemsUnique to ["tvPass+", "cash+25", "cash+50"]>>
/* Define found item */
<<searchLoc _searchItemsBase _searchItemsUnique>>
<p class="fi0">You check every corner of the room. Under the carpet, behind the cabinet, and inside the pillows. You even move some of the lighter furniture.</p>
<big class="fi2">And finally...</big>
<<dial "player" "Come on... Come to daddy!" "fi3">>
<<media `"activities/search/" + _foundItemMedia` "si5">>
<big class="si6 center">_foundItemText</big>
<<btn null null null "si7">>
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "What are you doing, hun?">>
<<if _foundItem>>
<p>Scared by her sudden appearence, you hide ''_foundItemName'', that you just found, behind your back.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhm, nothing, really, I was just...">>
<p>Your hesitation makes her suspicious. Figure something up or we're fucked.</p>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "I wanted to help you clean up the house." "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "I was hoping I'll find something interesing." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<p>You give her the most honest smile your face can produce.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>$ hesitates for a moment, but finally she cracks a smile of her own.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "That's really nice of you, hun!">>
<<dial "player" "It's just the way I am, always helping my favourite $daphne.relation.">>
<p>Don't overdo it, or you might get us in trouble.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Great! So - vacuum cleaner is in the closet.">>
<<dial "player" "Vacuum cleaner...?">>
<<dial "daphne" "And don't forget to dust the furniture! This room hasn't been cleaned since last time Clinton got a blowjob... from Hillary.">>
<big>Checkmate, bud.</big>
<<media "fuck.mp4">>
<p>I told you not to push it. Better do as she says.</p>
<<btn "#daphneClean" "Spend the next hours cleaning the room" "" "action">>
<<btn "#daphneNo" "Uhmm... maybe some other day." "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneClean">>
<p>You spend hours cleaning the room.</p>
<big>It sucks and you wanna die.</big>
<<media "activities/search/tired.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "energy-20" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneNo">>
<p>You turn to the doors and you're about to leave, when $ grabs you by your shirt. Her smile quickly changes into anger, as she looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So... You didn't want to clean the room, you were just snooping around.">>
<<dial "player" "I mean...">>
<p>I told you to do what she says...</p>
<big>You've fucked us, bud.</big>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<<media "activities/search/daphne_honest.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Something interesting?">>
<<if _foundItem>>
<p>You show her ''_foundItemName'', that you were hiding behind your back.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed.">>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry.">>
<p>She takes ''_foundItemName'' from you.</p>
<<dial "player" "I won't do it again. I swear.">>
<<dial "player" "I didn't take anything! I swear!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Do you mean you didn't find anything of value?">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed.">>
<p>She sighs, heavily.</p>
<p>Fortunately, her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean right away, instead of trying to lie about it. I like that.">>
<<dial "player" "I won't do it again!">>
<p>$ looks deep into your eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I believe you.">>
<<media "activities/search/come_clean.mp4">>
<p>She winks at you and leaves the room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null _foundItemLose "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<<if _foundItem>>
<p>She notices you trying to hide ''_foundItemName''.</p>
<p>You turn around, surprised by her appearance.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, well, well.">>
<<media "well_well_well.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "It's not how it looks like.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh really? And how does it look like?">>
<<dial "player" "I mean... I was cleaning.">>
<<dial "alexa" "You were cleaning the stuff you stole from us?">>
<<dial "player" "What...?? Noooo...">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "20 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?">>
<<dial "alexa" "20 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum for stealing our shit.">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster.</p>
<<dial "player" "But I was not--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Sure, kid. You're paying or not?">>
<p>I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<set _alexaAgree to [$curLoc, "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<set _alexaMum to ["#alexaMum", "#alexaLucky"].random()>>
<<btn _alexaAgree "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=20; cash-20;" "dialog">>
<<btn _alexaMum "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well? Weren't you leaving?">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "15 bucks.">>
<p>Ohhhh shit. She played you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "And I'll show you my asshole.">>
<p>Well, at least there's that.</p>
<<dial "player" "How do I know you'll not scam me again?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm always serious when it comes to my asshole, dweeb.">>
<p>She smiles. I wouldn't trust her, bro. It's on you!</p>
<<btn "#alexaAsshole" "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=15; cash-15;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "Fuck it! I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaAsshole">>
<p>$ takes the money from you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Good boy! And now...">>
<p>She turns and lifts her skirt up.</p>
<big>Behold - the asshole</big>
<<media "activities/search/alexa_asshole.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll take your drooling as a //yes//.">>
<p>She covers herself and walks out of the room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaMum">>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!! MUM!!! MUM!!!">>
<p>You hear $ from her bedroom.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT?! I'M BUSY!">>
<<dial "alexa" "THE DWEEB IS STEALING OUR STUFF!!!">>
<<dial "player" "I WASN'T!!!">>
<<dial "daphne" "STOP YELLING!!!">>
<<dial "alexa" "BUT WE'RE BEING ROBBED!!!">>
<big>$ bursts into the room...</big>
<big>...looking like a fucking Buffalo Bill.</big>
<<media "activities/search/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<p>Wearing a dead animal is kind of a turn off for me, but the truth is...</p>
<big>...with tits like this you'd forgive her a genocide.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb was trying to rob us. I caught him.">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Were you?">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I was just looking around... I swear.">>
<p>That's a pretty thin line of defense, pal.</p>
<<if _foundItem>>
<<dial "daphne" "Looking around for what?">>
<<media "activities/search/cocainum.mp4">>
<p>$ takes ''_foundItemName'', that you were hiding behind your back, and gives it to $</p>
<<dial "player" "I was going to give it back.">>
<<dial "alexa" "No you didn't...">>
<<dial "alexa" "He was searching through the drawers!">>
<<dial "player" "I didn't took anything!">>
<<dial "alexa" "He didn't find anything!">>
<p>She doesn't have any proof! Stand your ground.</p>
<<media "activities/search/argument.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "How do you know?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I know a thief when I see one!">>
<<dial "player" "You know it from your own experience?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Don't talk to me like this, dweeb!">>
<p>$ looks at both of you with growing anger.</p>
<<media "activities/search/middle.mp4">>
<p>She look more and more like she's about to explode, and finally...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!">>
<p>You get quiet. $ sighs heavily.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm disappointed, $ Very disappointed.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ha!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't pretend you're a saint, $ You're stealing from me every day!">>
<p>$ shuts up and lowers her eyes. $ sighs again, and this time it's one of those sighs that turns men into choir boys.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't have time for this shit - I have a hot date in a moment. We're going to a charity event, they're building animal shelters or something... Anyway - he's loaded, so I need to look appropriately!">>
<p>Wait... She's going to an animal charity event... wearing this?</p>
<<media "activities/search/fur.jpg">>
<p>You and $ look at each other with a silent W-T-F.</p>
<<media "activities/search/mutual_wtf.mp4">>
<p>$ turns to $</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You. Stop screaming, yelling, arguing in my house.">>
<p>And then she turns to you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "And you.">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<if _foundItem>>
<p>She turns around and leaves the room, taking ''_foundItemName'' with her.</p>
<p>She turns around and leaves the room.</p>
<big>Well... that happened.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null `_foundItemLose + ""` "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaLucky">>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!!">>
<p>You wait a second but there's no response.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!!!!!">>
<<dial "alexa" "She's probably drunk and sleeping.">>
<<dial "player" "So...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "So you're fucking lucky.">>
<p>$ leaves the room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<EVENT "nooneIntro=0; $nooneDebuff=0">>
<<inc "nooneIntro">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "kelly; counter:kellyAngry!=0; $kellyAngry!=null">>
<p>You enter the church...</p>
<big>But Sister $ blocks your way.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "Go away! I'm not letting you in!">>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial "kelly" "I don't want to see you!">>
<p>Well, unless we consider an armed entrance - I don't think you're getting in, bud.</p>
<big>She'll get over it eventually, just wait a week or two.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "kellyIntro=0; $churchKellyDebuff=0; $curLocDoor=open">>
<<inc "kellyIntro">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "kellyPower=0; $kellyIntroDebuff=10; $curLocDoor=open">>
<<inc "kellyPower">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "kellyPower=6; day=saturday; period=evening; $curLocDoor=open">>
<<inc "kellyPower">>
<p class="fi0">$ is sitting on a couch, watching "Jersey Shore" in tv, when you approach her with a wide smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, $, what would you say if--" "fi1">>
<<dial "alexa" "I won't blow you." "fi1">>
<<dial "player" "I didn't--" "fi2">>
<<dial "alexa" "I won't show you my ass either." "fi2">>
<<dial "player" "I just--" "fi3">>
<<dial "alexa" "Forget it." "fi3">>
<p class="fi4">You back off, regretting the fact that you were born.</p>
<big class="fi5">And that's fucking lame, bud!</big>
<p class="fi5">Don't let her tell you what to do. Take a deep breath, regroup, and come back at her with full strength. Ready?</p>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<dial "player" "Ijustwantedtoofferyouadrink!">>
<p>Wait... what?</p>
<big>Tap three times if it's a stroke!</big>
<<dial "player" "A drink! I wanted to offer you a drink.">>
<p>Better. $ thinks for a second.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "A drink? Like... alcoholic?">>
<<dial "player" "Yup!">>
<p>She glances at the liquor cabinet.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/liquor_cabinet.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "You know mum will rip your fucking balls off, when she'll find you snooping around her drunk machine?">>
<<dial "player" "She will?">>
<p>Don't back down now!</p>
<<dial "player" "Whatever! It's just one drink!">>
<<dial "alexa" "And you don't want nothing in return?">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I wouldn't mind if you spread your ass cheeks, baby!</tht> Nothing at all!">>
<p>She looks at you, considering your offer. You can see that she's hesitating. It's to be expected - the girl was probably roofied more times than she could count.</p>
<<if $alexa.status == 1>>
<<set _drinkDecision to ["#alexaDrinkYes", "#alexaDrinkNo", "#alexaDrinkNo"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _drinkDecision to ["#alexaDrinkYes", "#alexaDrinkNo"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _drinkDecision to ["#alexaDrinkYes", "#alexaDrinkYes", "#alexaDrinkNo"].random()>>
<<set _drinkDecision to "#alexaDrinkYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _drinkDecision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaDrinkNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "Naaah, I don't trust you.">>
<<dial "player" "But honestly it's just a drink.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeahh, they always say it's just a drink, and then you wake up in a bathtub full of ice and find your asshole ripped in half. I know the drill.">>
<p>Oh man, it seems she went through some shit. But don't lose hope, bud, maybe next time she'd be more willing? You just need to keep on trying, and finally - she'll trust you.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaDrinkYes">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, kid. But if you'll fucking roofie me, I'll fucking rape you with a jackhammer.">>
<p>I gotta say, pal - this sounds fucking convincing. You approach the liquor cabinet and open it with shaky hands. There's plenty of colorful bottles inside with different liquids. You need to mix them up to create a proper drink.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "One more thing. I want Gin & Tonic. I hope you know how to make one, riiight?">>
<<dial "player" "Sure! <tht>Well, I'm fucked.</tht>">>
<p>//We//'re fucked!</p>
<<media "activities/drink/cabinet2.mp4">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty", "Gin + Tonic + Lemon"],
["#tasty", "Gin + Tonic + Lemon"],
["#tasty", "Gin + Tonic + Lemon"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Tonic + Vodka"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Tonic + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Tonic + Mint"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Tonic + Cucumber"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Tonic + Cointreau"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Tonic + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Tonic + No morals"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#fucked">>
<p>You put all the ingridients into the glass and proudly present it to $</p>
<<dial "player" "Here you are!">>
<p>She looks at it cautiously. Sniffs it.</p>
<<dial "player" "And?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I smell gin. That's a good sign...">>
<<dial "player" "Try it!">>
<p>$ takes a deep breath.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, dweeb. Here it goes.">>
<<media "activities/drink/drink_fucked_alexa.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "What the fuck is this shit!">>
<<dial "player" "It's gin and tonic!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Did you soak your dick in it?">>
<p>Oh shit, that was an option?</p>
<<dial "player" "It's just a regular--">>
<<dial "alexa" "I think I'm going to barf!">>
<p>$ runs out to the bathroom. You can hear some unholy sounds coming from there through the doors. Buddy, here's a bit of a life lesson for you - if you want to fuck a girl, you want her alive during the fucking <small>(and if not than it's easier to just pay 100 bucks to the night guard at the local morgue)</small>.</p>
<<btn null null "alexa.dom-2">>
<<chunk null "#tasty">>
<p>You put all the ingridients into the glasses and proudly present it to $</p>
<<dial "player" "Here you are!">>
<p>She takes one of the drinks. Looks at it cautiously. Smells it.</p>
<<dial "player" "And? Try it!">>
<p>$ takes a deep breath.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, dweeb. Here it goes.">>
<<media "activities/drink/drink_tasty_alexa.mp4">>
<p>You both take a sip from your drinks.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck me, dweeb! This tastes fucking good! What did you put into it?">>
<<yields "drunk+; alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "Just the usual. Gin, tonic, lemon. And my secret ingredient.">>
<p>If you're planning to tell her the secret ingredient is love, than don't. Just don't.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You gotta tell me, that's the best fucking gin and tonic I ever had!">>
<p>Now you've done it. She won't let it rest!</p>
<<dial "player" "I cannot tell you, it's a secret!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh really?">>
<<chunk "!alexa.status=2">>
<p>She thinks for a moment, with a strange smile. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, whatever. Thanks for the drink, dweeb!">>
<p>She turns her head towards the tv and loses all interest in you.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/alexa_lose_interest.mp4">>
<p>Don't worry, man. It will be better next time.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<p>She jumps on a chair and turns her ass in your direction. Turns out she has no panties underneath.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/alexa_secret.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "And what about now? Will you tell me your little secret ingridient?">>
<p>Ok, man. She showed you her asshole, even though 1 minute earlier she told you she won't do it. I'd say it's a pretty nice of her to change her mind, right? So be a decent human being and give her something in return.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<p>$ gets impatient.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Come on! You cum into it or what?">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaDrinkCum" "You got me. It's cum." "alexa.dom" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaDrinkLove" "My secret ingridient is my love to you!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaDrinkNothing" "I was joking! It's just a regular drink!" null "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2" "#alexaDrinkLove">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment and...</p>
<big>She bursts into fucking laughter.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Love?!">>
<<media "activities/drink/alexa_laugh.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Love is a fucking disease you fucking cunt!!!">>
<p>She turns her head towards the tv.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Thanks for the drink though.">>
<big>That went well!</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2" "#alexaDrinkNothing">>
<p>$ looks at you like she's about to say something, but she seems to change her mind.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/alexa_disappointed.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh? Well, ok.">>
<<dial "player" "So...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "So thanks for the drink.">>
<p>She turns her head towards the tv and loses all interest in you. Don't worry, man. It will be better next time.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2" "#alexaDrinkCum">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Then you have to cum into everything I drink.">>
<<media "activities/drink/alexa_cum_happy.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Actually... Maybe you want to drink some right now?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Another drink?">>
<<dial "player" "I was thinking about the secret ingredient...">>
<big>That's bold. I like it.</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<p>$ takes another sip from the drink. She cautiously looks around, making sure $ is not around. Finally she turns back to you, and you can see there's fire in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ah, fuck it, you've earned it.">>
<p>She drops her clothes, unzips your pants and takes your dick out.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ready?">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<big>//Fuck yea// from me too, bud!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Have fun!">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<<media "activities/drink/alexa_handjob.mp4">>
<p>$ wraps her fingers around your cock, using your precum to make it wet. She's stroking it, at first slowly, but quicker and quicker. Moments later she's pushing and pulling like a machine, and it doesn't take much longer before you're on a verge of explosion.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm finishing!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Just a moment.">>
<p>She takes a glass and puts it next to the head of your dick.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<<media "activities/drink/alexa_drinking.jpg">>
<p>You pump thick streams of cum into the glass.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Give me this nectar!">>
<p>$ puts the glass to her mouth and drinks the whole thing at one go.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Mmmm... tasty cum!">>
<p>She opens her mouth, showing you that she swallowed everything like a good girl.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<<media "activities/drink/alexa_mouth.jpg">>
<p>You feel you should say something, at least congratulate her on a great achievement that was this passionate handjob, but it turns out she's not interested in having a conversation - she just quickly pops her clothes back on, turns her head towards the tv, and loses all interest in you within seconds.</p>
<p>Don't be a pussy. Some bitches are just not into feels. I count this as a...</p>
<big>...great success!</big>
<<media "yes_maam.mp4">>
<<btn null null "jerkedoff+">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; !alexa.status=3">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... That's great.">>
<<dial "player" "So...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Thanks for the drink.">>
<p>She turns her head towards the tv and loses all interest in you.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/alexa_lose_interest.mp4">>
<p>Don't worry, man. It will be better next time.</p>
<p class="fi0">$ is sitting on a couch, watching tv, when you approach her with a wide smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "You look really nice today!" "fi1">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, thanks, hun!" "fi2">>
<p class="fi3">Good. Always start from a higher note. You need to grease her gears a bit before moving forward.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_thanks.jpg" "si4">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<dial "player" "You always take such a good care of the house, it's nice to see you taking some time off for a change!">>
<p>Ok, ok, bud. Don't overdo it. Nothing is good in excess.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're a sweet boy! Thank you!">>
<<if $daphne.relation == "aunt">>
<<dial "player" "Not as sweet as you, my lovely aunt. I wish I could do something in return for all the sweetness...">>
<<dial "player" "Not as sweet as you, my lovely $daphne.relation. I wish I could do something in return for all the sweetness...">>
<p>What did I just say?!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, that's so thoughtful of you! Could you do the dishes?">>
<<dial "player" "The dishes...? Well...">>
<p>God damn it.</p>
<big>Didn't I fucking tell you not to overdo it!?</big>
<p>Now shut up and let me think... I need to figure out how to get us out of the dishes situation. It's going to need some gentle diplomacy.</p>
<p>Allright, here's my plan--</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I have an idea!</tht>">>
<p>What...? Wait!!!</p>
<<dial "player" "Dishes can wait, what if I make you a drink?">>
<p>You motion at the liquor cabinet. She looks at you a bit surprised.</p>
<big>You fool. What have you done.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "A drink? I really shouldn't...">>
<p>Of course she shouldn't - because she's an alcoholic!</p>
<big>Life flashes before $'s eyes.</big>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_whynot1.mp4">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_whynot2.mp4">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_whynot3.mp4">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_whynot4.mp4">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_whynot5.mp4">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_whynot6.jpg">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<<dial "daphne" "I guess one drink wouldn't hurt.">>
<p>$ was watching tv throughout the entire conversation.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I thought you're on detox?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't worry, it's not your problem.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, so cleaning your bed after you vomited all over it is not my problem also?">>
<<dial "daphne" "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DRUGGIE!!!">>
<<dial "daphne" "//I// am a whore??? If you'd install toll booths in your anus you could run an interstate through it!">>
<p>$ gets up from the couch and runs to her room.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I HATE YOU!!!">>
<<dial "daphne" "FUCK YOU!!!">>
<big>Nothing like a healthy argument!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "I was planning a little detox... but I guess one wouldn't hurt.">>
<<dial "player" "Good decision!">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So... I'm in a mood for a lemmy, hun. Will you make one for me?">>
<p>What the fuck is //a lemmy//?!</p>
<<dial "player" "Sure!">>
<p>I hope you know what you're doing!</p>
<<media "activities/drink/cabinet2.mp4">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty", "Whisky + Cola + No morals"],
["#tasty", "Whisky + Cola + No morals"],
["#tasty", "Whisky + Cola + No morals"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty">>
<p>You put all the ingridients into the glass and proudly present it to $</p>
<<dial "player" "Here you are!">>
<p>She takes a glass from you without any hesitation, though you notice her hands are shaking a bit.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Here's to all the nice boys!">>
<p>She winks at you and downs her drink at once, while you cautiously take your first sip.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round1.jpg">>
<<yields "drunk+;" "dialog">>
<p>Her face brigtens up like a face of a woman who, after decades of banging her head against the emotional wall, has finally found the true meaning of life.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm! This is gooooood!">>
<<dial "player" "Only the best to my favorite $daphne.relation!">>
<<media "activities/drink/drink_tasty_daphne.mp4">>
<p>Well, well, well. Look at you. So sure of himself. Mark my words.</p>
<big>This is going to end badly.</big>
<p>But the moment of pleasure quickly passes, and $ looks you straight in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Make me another.">>
<big>Alcoholism intesifies.</big>
<<dial "player" "Well, are you sure, I mean--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Make it a Margarita this time.">>
<p>Oh, bud...</p>
<p>Buddy, bud, bud...</p>
<p>I'll tell you what's going to happen now.</p>
<p>You're in for a hell of a ride. And most likely, it's going to end badly. So put your straps on...</p>
<big>...and prepare to be bulldozed.</big>
<p>You finish your drink and look at the liquor cabinet.</p>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty2", "Tequila + Cointreau + Lemon"],
["#tasty2", "Tequila + Cointreau + Lemon"],
["#tasty2", "Tequila + Cointreau + Lemon"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty2">>
<p>$ tastes your drink and smiles.</p>
<big>She likes it!</big>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round2.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm! You're getting good at this!">>
<<dial "player" "Well, thanks...">>
<<dial "daphne" "I might use your bartending skills more often!">>
<p>Well, I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Bartending for an alcoholic is like feeding a lion.</p>
<big>A drunk lion.</big>
<p>Before you even finish half of your drink - $ puts an empty glass on the table and looks at you with hunger in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Another.">>
<<dial "player" "Well, are you sure, I mean--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Make it White Russian this time.">>
<<media "activities/drink/alcoholism2.jpg">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty3", "Vodka + Coffee liqueur + Milk"],
["#tasty3", "Vodka + Coffee liqueur + Milk"],
["#tasty3", "Vodka + Coffee liqueur + Milk"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty3">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round3.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "God damn! That's one tasty motherfucker!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>$'s eyes glow when she looks at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I've never noticed how handsome you are...">>
<p>She has a naughty smile, and her hands are getting grabby, but at this point you don't even care. After three drinks your head spins, and you're not sure what is happening around you.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/player_drunk.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you straight in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Another.">>
<big>Surprise, surprise.</big>
<<dial "player" "Wellllll, I me-mean...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Negroni.">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty4", "Gin + Campari + Vermouth"],
["#tasty4", "Gin + Campari + Vermouth"],
["#tasty4", "Gin + Campari + Vermouth"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty4">>
<p>$ takes a zip...</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm.... Goood...">>
<p>$'s is drunk and starts taking care of herself.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round4.mp4">>
<p>Normally you'd be all over her, but your head is spinning, and you're not entirely sure what is happening.</p>
<p>$ finishes her drink and smiles seductively.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "One moore... and I might do some-thing... something stupid.">>
<p>That sounds awesome, but you can barely focus.</p>
<<dial "player" "Like... How many... Like... one? Or more...? How many is one...? Is it like... more than one?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, you're so-o funny...! My lil' shhhweet boy... Oh, I know! I haaave an iiidea. Tequila sunset... I mean //rise//! You know ho-ow to make one?">>
<<dial "player" "Suuure... I know... I know how... like... Thunderkilla rice onnnnnnnn it's wayyyy...">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty5", "Tequila + Orange juice + Grenadine"],
["#tasty5", "Tequila + Orange juice + Grenadine"],
["#tasty5", "Tequila + Orange juice + Grenadine"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty5">>
<p>The drink is awesome and $ is ecstatic.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round5.mp4">>
<p>$ slips her hand inside her panties. She penetrates her wet pussy with her fingers. Pushing them deeper and deeper, gently at first, but with more and more ferocity with every second. After a moment she's banging her pussy with hand like a jackhammer.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes! $! Do it to me! Do it hard! Hurt me, $, hurt me badly!">>
<p>Normally, you'd probably enjoy the view. Maybe even join in and stick it in her wet hole. The problem is - you're not doing any of it.</p>
<big>You are somewhere else.</big>
<<media "activities/drink/player_drunk2.mp4">>
<p>Let me explain. This is one of those situations where the girl is willing, but she's up for disappointment. To tell you the truth, this happens to the best of us, and there is many reasons for it. But this time - it's pretty straight forward, bud.</p>
<big>Never try to outdrink the drinker.</big>
<p>Fortunately, $ is drunk enough to make herself happy with her fingers, so you're off the hook. But still, didn't I say it's going to end badly? Not only the hangover will wreck you tomorrow, but after all this you didn't even fuck her. </p>
<p>Let's just hope that one day you'll learn something from this mistakes. But for now - focus on getting to bed.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/survive.mp4">>
<big>Just to be clear - I'm not cleaning the puke.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" null "$sleepReset+; time+8; hangover+">>
<<chunk null "#fucked">>
<p>You put all the ingridients into the glass and proudly present it to $</p>
<<dial "player" "Here you are!">>
<p>She takes a glass from you without any hesitation, though you notice her hands are shaking a bit.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Here's to all the nice boys!">>
<p>She winks at you and downs her drink at once, while you cautiously take your first sip.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/drink_fucked_daphne.mp4">>
<p>She looks at you in a very un-$ way.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is this shit?!">>
<<dial "player" "No, it's... what you wanted, right?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Did I ask you for a glass of liquid shit?">>
<<dial "player" "It's just--">>
<<dial "daphne" "So why are you giving me a glass of liquid shit?">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<<media "activities/drink/alcoholism.jpg">>
<p>That's what you get for putting your dick in front of a detox.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Were you trying to poison me?">>
<<dial "player" "No! I must have the recipe wrong--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Did my daughter put you up to this?">>
<<dial "player" "No!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Tell this whore I can stop drinking whenever I want.">>
<p>To prove her point <small>(not really though)</small> $ downs the liquid shit you made for her, and angrily walks out of the room, just to return a moment later, take a bottle of whisky, and walk out again.</p>
<big>Great job, buddy! <small>(not really though)</small></big>
<<btn $curLoc null "">>
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>$ suddenly enters the living room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "What are you doing?">>
<p>$ quickly puts the glass away and straightens herself up, but it's more than obvious what you were doing. $ gives her a cold stare.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Were you drinking my alcohol?">>
<p>$ pretends she was watching tv the whole time.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What? Nooo! We were watching \"Jersey Shore\".">>
<p>$ picks up a glass and smells it.</p>
<<media "no.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "I smell my alcohol.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Why do you care? You're on detox.">>
<<dial "daphne" "I care because it's mine, and you stole it from me!">>
<<dial "alexa" "I didn't even want to drink it, the dweeb made me!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yeah, right, like I'd believe it!">>
<p>This seems like a good moment to say something...</p>
<big>But it's not.</big>
<p>Let them fight it off, and until you'll have no other choice, you want to stay as far away from it as possible. It may sound like an un-alpha thing to do, but trust me - it's the only way. Otherwise you'll become collateral damage, and that's not something you'd want.</p>
<<btn "#stayClear" "Quietly sneak away" "" "action">>
<<btn "#getInvolved" "Calm down, there's no need for arguing!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "stayClear">>
<p>$ stands in front of $ with anger in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't blame him for your wrongdoings! You're stealing from me every day and buy drugs with my money, you think I didn't notice???">>
<<dial "alexa" "You're calling me a thief???">>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm calling you a druggie!">>
<<media "activities/drink/cat_fight.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "//I// am a whore??? If you'd install toll booths in your anus you could run an interstate through it!">>
<p>$ gets up and runs to her room.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I HATE YOU!!!">>
<<dial "daphne" "FUCK YOU!!!">>
<big>Nothing like a healthy argument!</big>
<p>The good news is - you managed to quietly sneak away, without them noticing.</p>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<<btn "daphGuest">>
<<chunk null "getInvolved">>
<p>What the fuck are you doing? Didn't you heard what I said? Never ever get involved when two bitches are arguing.</p>
<big>You just fucked yourself.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Don't tell us to calm down, dweeb!">>
<p>$ looks at you with anger in her eyes. $ joins her.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "And why exactly did you thought you can take my alcohol without asking???">>
<<dial "alexa" "I told you mum will be angry!">>
<<dial "daphne" "I am angry! I'm on detox and I'm very vulnerable right now! I can't deal with situations like this!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>You back off.</p>
<<dial "player" "I just--">>
<<dial "alexa" "You heard what she said? You think you can come to our house and use our vulnerability against us?">>
<<yields "alexa.dom-" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "No I--">>
<<dial "daphne" "You probably thought you'll take advantage of my daughter!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "What--">>
<<dial "alexa" "You pig!">>
<<yields "alexa.dom-" "dialog">>
<<media "activities/drink/double_slap.mp4">>
<big>Are you happy with yourself?</big>
<p>Finally the beating stops, and $ looks at your with anger.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Run away to your room" "sore+" "action">>
<</events>><<set _comicRand to random(1, 5)>>
<p class="fi0">You pull one comic book from the box and look at the cover.</p>
<<media `"activities/comics/" + $player.trait + "/" + _comicRand + ".jpg"` "si3">>
<<if $player.trait == "satan">><<dial "player" "//Our Father, Who art in Hell, Cursed be thy name, Thy kingdom upon earth has come, Thy will be done in hell as it is on earth.//" "fi2">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "toxic">><<dial "player" "This is absolutely degenarated... I love it!" "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "bully">><<dial "player" "Kill 'em all... and then some more!" "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "jerk">><<dial "player" "Grab her by the pussy!" "fi2">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "beta">><<dial "player" "If I had super powers, I'd use them to stop being a pussy." "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "nerd">><<dial "player" "Oh no, he died! Oh yea, he's back alive again!" "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "vegan">><<dial "player" "I am Froot!" "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "hippie">><<dial "player" "I wish my super power was a flower power." "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "messiah">><<dial "player" "Haha. Suck it, Satan!" "fi3">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "alpha">><<dial "player" "The life is hard. But I'm harder." "fi3">>
<<btn null null null "fi5">>
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hey, I forgot to tell you--">>
<p>$ notices a comic book in your hands.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Wait... you're reading a comic book? I thought it's for kids!">>
<<btn null "Give it a chance one day, you might like it!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Your boobs are for kids too!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... I guess. I just wanted to tell you that if you need some cash, there's always some chores around the house that you might do.">>
<p>You have a feeling she's just looking for someone to do it for her. But still, it's hard to say no to those melons.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, thanks, good to know!">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I knew I can count on you.">>
<p>She winks and leaves, closing the doors behind her.</p>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly the door slams into the wall as ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yo dweeb, I need you to do something for me.">>
<<dial "player" "Y-Yes?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm going out tonight and I want you to do my homework.">>
<p>$ throws her notebook at you.</p>
<<dial "player" "B-but--">>
<<if $alexa.status == 1>>
<<dial "alexa" "What?! I'm not going to show you my butt, you little perv!">>
<<dial "player" "I didn't mean--">>
<<dial "alexa" "But I guess I could show you my tits. Deal?">>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 2>>
<<dial "alexa" "What?! I'm not going to show you my butt, you little perv!">>
<<dial "player" "I didn't mean--">>
<<dial "alexa" "But I guess I could show you the little flower between my legs. Deal?">>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<dial "alexa" "You drive a hard bargain, but I agree.">>
<<dial "player" "Whaat?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll show you my butt if you do my homework. Deal?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, deal.">>
<<dial "player" "What deal?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll let you touch my butt!">>
<<btn "#alexaPresent" "You don't have to show me anything - I'll do it as a gift." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaDeal" "This is the best deal in the history of deals, maybe ever!" "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaDeal">>
<p>$ smiles. She looks you in the eyes, and slowly pulls her t-shirt up, revealing a pair of perky tits.</p>
<<media "activities/comics/alexa_tits.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Do you like 'em?">>
<p>They might be small, but they sure look great. Now when you think about it, you wouldn't change anything - this girl is perfect. She's an angel.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<p>$ continues her show. She lowers herself slowly, looking you right in the eyes, and spreading her legs.</p>
<<media "activities/comics/alexa_pussy.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "And what about this?">>
<p>You're asking yourself is it getting hot in here? The answer is //no//. It's what they do to us. At this point in time your entire attention is on this girl. And even more accurately - on her beautiful pussy.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<p>You want to say something, but she gives you a sign to stay quiet. She looks at you with those fuck-me eyes and turns around. As she bends over, she pulls her panties to the side, revealing Eldorado.</p>
<<media "activities/comics/alexa_butt.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Do you like it?">>
<p>How could you not to. But you're not able to answer. You're braindead</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I bet you'd give anything to put your finger in my cinnamon roll...">>
<<dial "player" "I would...">>
<<dial "alexa" "You'll have to work on it, kid.">>
<p>Oh, you'll work. You'll do anything to put your finger in there. And your tongue, and nose...</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<p>She turns her head and quietly whispers.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Sometimes I like to touch myself up there. Do you want to see?">>
<p>Why is that even a question? You nod your head so hard, that it nearly falls to the floor. $ licks her finger and slowly sticks it into her asshole, with a quiet mooooaan.</p>
<<media "activities/comics/alexa_fingering.jpg">>
<p>$ smiles seeing how completely out of order you become. The only thing you want right now is to praise the fuck god for revealing those fantastic sights to your eyes, yet with all the blood concentrating in the area of your waist, all that comes out of your mouth is...</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>But the show is over. $ covers herself and moves away.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Snap out of it, you have a job to do, dweeb!">>
<p>She leaves the room.</p>
<<chunk null "#alexaPresent">>
<<dial "alexa" "You'd do this for me?">>
<<dial "player" "For you? Anything.">>
<p>You can see that $ blushes. She thinks for a second, before giving you a kiss.</p>
<<media "activities/comics/alexa_kiss.jpg">>
<p>She looks you deep in the eyes and...</p>
<<dial "player" "You're a dweeb.">>
<p>She turns around and leaves.</p>
/* This passage is part of the quest that can be started from many locations, so we need to check it */
<<if $curLoc != "daphKit">>
<<set $curLoc = "daphKit">>
<h2 class="border fi0">Kitchen</h2>
<<media "locations/daphKit/_big.jpg" "wide fi0">>
/* Select the character */
<<set _cookChar = !$char ? "daphne" : $char>>
<<set _cookCharVar to State.getVar("$" + _cookChar)>>
<p class="fi0">You make a place on the counter, pull out the pots and frying pans from the shelfs, and put out all the required ingredients from the fridge.</p>
<<if == "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, $, I love to watch a man cook!" "fi1">>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_dinner.jpg" "si2">>
<<dial "player" "Pleasure is all mine." "fi3">>
<<elseif == "alexa">>
<<dial "alexa" "No guy ever cooked for me, it's actually quite nice..." "fi1">>
<<media "activities/chores/alexa_dinner.jpg" "si1">>
<<dial "player" "Oh really? I do it all the time for my ladies!" "fi2">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm not your lady, dweeb! And if you'll poison me I'm gonna shit all over your room!" "fi2">>
<<dial "player" "Chill out, $ You're going to enjoy it, I promise." "fi3">>
<<btn null null null "si4">>
/* Create the buttons with answers */
<<set _foods to [
["tasty", "Buns + Beef + Cheese"],
["tasty", "Pasta + Tomato sauce + Meatballs"],
["tasty", "Chicken wings + Fries + Ketchup"]
<<set _foodsWrong to [
["fucked", "Buns + Beef + Broccoli"],
["fucked", "Pasta + Strawberries + Beef"],
["fucked", "Chicken wings + Pasta + Buns"],
["fucked", "Fries + Buns + Potatoes"],
["fucked", "Fries + Pasta + Buns"],
["fucked", "Buns + Tomato sauce + Ketchup"],
["fucked", "Chicken wings + Beef + Meatballs"]
<<set _foodsPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _foodsRand to _foodsPos.random()>>
<<set _foodsWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _foods[_foodsRand] to _foodsWrong[_foodsWrongRand]>>
<<set _foodsPos.splice(_foodsRand, 1)>>
<<set _foodsWrong.splice(_foodsWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _foodsRand to _foodsPos.random()>>
<<set _foodsWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _foods[_foodsRand] to _foodsWrong[_foodsWrongRand]>>
<<set _foods to _foods.shuffle()>>
<p>Enough chit-chat.</p>
<big>Get on with it.</big>
<<media "activities/chores/cooking.mp4">>
<<btn null _foods[0][1] `"$gotoChunk+"+_foods[0][0]`>>
<<btn null _foods[1][1] `"$gotoChunk+"+_foods[1][0]`>>
<<btn null _foods[2][1] `"$gotoChunk+"+_foods[2][0]`>>
/* Check if player has pills and aphrodisiac */
<<set _aphro = null>>
<<set _aphroIndex = $player.items.findIndex(x => === "aphro")>>
<<if _aphroIndex != -1>>
<<set _aphro = $player.items[_aphroIndex].quantity>>
<<set _roofies = null>>
<<set _roofiesIndex = $player.items.findIndex(x => === "roofies")>>
<<if _roofiesIndex != -1>>
<<set _roofies = $player.items[_roofiesIndex].quantity>>
<<if _aphro > 0 || _roofies > 0 >>
<p>The dinner is done. You can put it on the table.</p>
<p>Or maybe it's a good moment to...</p>
<big>...spice things up?</big>
<p>Now, let's make one thing clear. ''I'm against it''. That's not a way of an alpha. But it's your life, your path. You need to make a decision.</p>
<<media "hard_choice.mp4">>
<<btn "#aphro" "Add aphrodisiac to her food" "item:aphro; item:aphro-">>
<<btn "#roofies" "Add sleeping pills to her food" "item:roofies; item:roofies-">>
<<btn "#dinner" "Just put the dinner on the table">>
<p>The dinner is done. The only question that remains is...</p>
<big>Is she going to like it?</big>
<<media "hopefully.mp4">>
<<btn "#dinner" "Put the dinner on the table">>
<<chunk null "#aphro">>
<p>You carefully pull out an aphrodisiac and add it to her food.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/pills.mp4">>
<<if == "alexa">>
<p>Though, to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure if it's not a waste of aphrodisiac with $ This girl is 100% nympho.</p>
<big>Her brain produces arousal on a daily basis.</big>
<p>But I guess it won't hurt too.</p>
<<set setup.items.find(obj => {return === "aphro"}).quantity to setup.items.find(obj => {return === "aphro"}).quantity - 1>>
<<set _cookCharVar.aphro to 1>>
<<btn "#dinner">>
<<chunk null "#roofies">>
<p>You carefully pull out a sleeping pill, crush it to powder, and add it to her food.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/pills.mp4">>
<<set _cookCharVar.roofies to 1>>
<<btn "#dinner">>
<<chunk null "#dinner">>
<big>Dinner is served!</big>
<<media "activities/chores/dinner.mp4">>
<big class="center fi0"> smells the food...</big>
<p class="center fi1">She puts a little bit in her mouth...</p>
<p class="sml center fi2">She closes her eyes, focusing entirely on the taste...</p>
<<btn `"#"+$gotoChunk` null null "si3">>
<<chunk null "#tasty">>
<<media "activities/chores/food_tasty.mp4">>
<<if == "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm! This is gooooood!">>
<<dial "player" "Everything for my favorite $daphne.relation!">>
<p>Well, well, well. Look at you.</p>
<big>I'm proud of you, kid.</big>
<<elseif == "alexa">>
<<dial "alexa" "God damn it, this is fucking ace, dweeb!">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, I told you!">>
<p>She devours her dinner in a minute and smiles to you with pleasure.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Who would have thought that dweebs know how to cook.">>
<<dial "player" "That's because I'm not a dweeb.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... Maybe you aren't. But most likely you're just a dweeb with a cookbook. Still - thanks.">>
<p>She blows you a kiss and walks out of the kitchen.</p>
/* Daphne is love, and Alexa is domination */
<<if _cookChar == "daphne">>
<<btn $curLoc null "; $char+null" "yieldHide">>
<<elseif _cookChar == "alexa">>
<<btn $curLoc null "alexa.dom+2; $char+null" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#fucked">>
<<media "activities/chores/food_fucked.mp4">>
<<dial _cookChar "Oh shit.">>
<p>Her face instantly turns green. She spits the food back on the plate.</p>
<<dial "player" "Something wrong?">>
<<dial _cookChar "This is literally the worst I've ever tasted!">>
<p>God damn it. You blew it.</p>
<big>You blew it all to hell!</big>
<<if _cookCharVar.aphro || _cookCharVar.roofies>>
<<set $gotoChunk to "#"+_cookChar+"Roofies">>
/* Reset the aphro/pills var (she didn't eat it) */
<<set _cookCharVar.roofies to null>>
<<set _cookCharVar.aphro to null>>
<<set $gotoChunk to $curLoc>>
<<if _cookChar == "daphne">>
<<btn $gotoChunk null "; $char+null" "yieldHide">>
<<elseif _cookChar == "alexa">>
<<btn $gotoChunk null "alexa.domination-3; $char+null" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneRoofies">>
<<dial "daphne" "And why did it had such a... funny taste. I know it from somewhere... Last time I was on a party the drink tasted similarly...">>
<p>Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "What I was doing at this party anyway...? Can't remember. I was with this guy, and then... and then...">>
<p>She'll figure out you tried to roofie her in a moment. We need damage control.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "Tell her parts of the truth" "" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#daphneDistract" "Make a diversion by dropping a plate" "" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<p>Now, usually I'd say that in a situation like this - truth is the best option. Lies are not practical. They make it harder as you go on, not easier. So remember...</p>
<big>Act in a way that you won't be ashamed to talk about it.</big>
<p>That's the road of the alpha male.</p>
<p>But sometimes you need to play it cool. Not to the point where you lie, but at least where you don't tell her everything. In this particular situation--</p>
<<dial "player" "I'M SORRY. I ADDED SOMETHING... BUT IT WAS MEANT AS A JOKE. Ha. Ha... Bad idea. I'M SO, SO, SO SORRY.">>
<p>You fall on your knees and start begging.</p>
<p>God damn it, kid.</p>
<big>Do you have no pride?</big>
<<dial "daphne" "It's good that you came clean. But this is serious.">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "And now... clean the dishes.">>
<p>She gives you a cold stare and walks out of the kitchen.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "energy-10; $char+null">>
<<chunk null "#daphneDistract">>
<p>You pretend that by accident you pushed a plate and it falls to the floor.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/dropping_food.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE HELL?!">>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry... I'm going to clean it.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes you will.">>
<p>She looks at the mess you've made with an angry face.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "And clean rest of the dishes too. I want everything here to be spotless.">>
<p>She gives you a cold stare and walks out of the kitchen.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "$char+null">>
<<chunk null "#alexaRoofies">>
<<dial "alexa" "Hey! I know this... this aftertaste! U WERE TRYING TO FUCKING ROOFIE ME!">>
<p>Oh fuck, red alert. You need to do something.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaEnjoy" "I thought you might enjoy some good edibles" "alexa.dom" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaSorry" "I'm SO sorry. I'll never do it again." "alexa.dom-2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaEnjoy">>
<p>She looks at you curiously.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Edibles, huh? Well... good thinking dweeb!">>
<<dial "alexa" "It seems your dweebness rating is droping - good for you! And - to your information - guys tried to roofy me every single weekend for last 5 years. You have to do better than that.">>
<p>She blows you a kiss and walks out of the kitchen.</p>
<p>Well, my man, what will we learn from that?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I should add oregano to cover the taste of pills?</tht>">>
<big>You're scaring me, man.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "$char+null">>
<<chunk null "#alexaSorry">>
<p>$ looks at you...</p>
<big>...and bursts into laughter.</big>
<<media "laughter.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Haha, you should have seen your face, dweeb. This is priceless.">>
<p>Ok, now I'm lost.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Guys tried to roofy me every single weekend for last 5 years. I know how it tastes. So - sorry, kid. You will stay dweeb forever. Now - fuck off!">>
<p>She walks out of the kitchen.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "$char+null">>
<</chunks>>/* Define search items */
<<set _searchItemsBase to ["oldsandwich+", "oldcake+", "olddinner+", "oldsalad+", "nothing", "nothing", "nothing"]>>
<<set _searchItemsUnique to ["recipe1+", "recipe2+", "recipe3+", "recipe4+", "recipe5+", "recipe6+", "cash+1", "cash+5", "cash+10"]>>
/* Define found item */
<<searchLoc _searchItemsBase _searchItemsUnique>>
<p class="fi0">You open the fridge and look into every corner.</p>
<<media "activities/search/daphKit/fridge.mp4" "si1">>
<big class="fi2">And finally...</big>
<<media `"activities/search/daphKit/" + _foundItemMedia` "si4">>
<big class="si5 center">_foundItemText</big>
<<if _foundItem>>
<<dial "player" "My favorite excercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch. I call it //lunch//!" "fi6">>
<<dial "player" "Don't even try to tell my hunger is not an emotion - I feel this fucking shit in the deepest place of my soul." "fi6">>
<<btn null null null "si6">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You stand above a sink full of dirty dishes. $ is looking at you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're my hero!" "fi1">>
<<yields "" "dialog" "fi2">>
<p class="fi1">You smile back to her, and then look back at the sink. Those fucking dishes were rotting there for a while, and the smell is truly horrid, but you keep an open mind.</p>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You stand above a sink full of dirty dishes. $ is looking at you with disgust.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're doing my mother's work now? She wrapped you around her finger, dweeb!" "fi1">>
<<dial "player" "No she didn't, get lost!" "fi1">>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog" "fi2">>
<p class="fi1">You ignore her, and then look back at the sink. Those fucking dishes were rotting there for a while, and the smell is truly horrid, but you keep an open mind.</p>
<p class="fi0">You stand above a sink full of dirty dishes. They were rotting there for a while, and the smell is truly horrid, but you keep an open mind.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What's the worst that could happen?</tht>" "fi2">>
<<media "activities/chores/dishes.mp4" "si3">>
<<dial "player" "God help me!" "fi4">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You soak the mop in the bucket and slowly wash the floor. $ looks at you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're my hero!" "fi1">>
<<yields "" "dialog" "fi2">>
<p class="fi1">You smile back to her, and then look down at the floor, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi2">Don't let it set in...</big>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You soak the mop in the bucket and slowly wash the floor. $ looks at you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're doing my mother's work now? She wrapped you around her finger, dweeb!" "fi1">>
<<dial "player" "No she didn't, get lost!" "fi1">>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog" "fi2">>
<p class="fi1">You ignore her, and then look down at the floor, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi2">Don't let it set in...</big>
<p class="fi0">You soak the mop in the bucket and slowly wash the floor thinking about how low you fell. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi2">Don't let it set in...</big>
<<media "activities/chores/mopping.mp4" "si3">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You'd think that women know how to keep the bathroom clean, but apparently not $ and $ The porcelain is dirty, with clear brown marks, and it stinks with old piss.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm sorry for this... It's my... neigbour! His toilet was broken so he came to us, and he left a mess. It's not us. It's him. He totally... ermm... did it." "fi0">>
<p class="fi0">You smile to her, pretending you believe it. And it's the right move, bud. Ladies don't like when you point out this kind of stuff.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p class="fi0">So you take a deep breath and dive in.</p>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You'd think that women know how to keep the bathroom clean, but apparently not $ and $ The porcelain is dirty, with clear brown marks, and it stinks with old piss.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Just so that we're clear - you'll be cleaning my shit from the toilet." "fi0">>
<p class="fi0">You look at her with disgust, but it's too late to move back on this.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p class="fi0">So you take a deep breath and dive in.</p>
<p class="fi0">You'd think that women know how to keep the bathroom clean, but apparently not $ and $ The porcelain is dirty, with clear brown marks, and it stinks with old piss.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh shit..." "fi1">>
<big class="fi2">Shit indeed.</big>
<<media "activities/chores/toilet.mp4" "si4">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You pull out a piece of cloth and wet it in water with detergent.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, hun, you're a shweeeat boy! Thanks for your help!" "fi1">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p class="fi1">You smile back to her, and then look at the dusty furniture all around you, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi2">Don't let it set in...</big>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You pull out a piece of cloth and wet it in water with detergent.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "L-O-L. You're our maid now?!" "fi1">>
<<dial "player" "No I'm not, get lost!" "fi1">>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p class="fi1">You turn your back from her and look at the dusty furniture all around you, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi2">Don't let it set in...</big>
<p class="fi0">You pull out a wet piece of cloth and start cleaning dusty furniture. You're thinking about how low you fell. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi2">Don't let it set in...</big>
<<media "activities/chores/cleaning.mp4" "si3">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<p>She looks at you standing next to a sink.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ohh! That's so nice of you, hun! You're a true hero!">>
<p>Hero, huh? The truth is you feel like shit, your hands are shaking, and sweat is running down your back like a stream. But don't worry, bud - it's fully natural male reaction to chores. Just pretend it's ok and move along.</p>
<<btn "#daphneNice" "I'm doing it all for you!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneShow" "It's a nightmare! Maybe you could encourage me a bit?" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneNice">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, my... You're such a nice boy!">>
<p>She comes closer and hugs you. And it's one of those hugs to die for.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_hug.jpg">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes with a faint smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Keep up the good work, hun, and you might get more of this.">>
<p>Oh shit. I think I'll start to like doing the chores!</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "!daphne.status=3" "#daphneShow">>
<<dial "daphne" "Ha ha! You're funny! Here's some encouragement!">>
<p>She comes closer and... slaps your ass.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/ass_slap.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Ha! Thanks!">>
<p>You smile to her, but the truth is...</p>
<big>It fucking hurts.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "sore+">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3" "#daphneShow">>
<<dial "daphne" "You want encouragement?">>
<p>She comes closer and smiles to you, biting her lip.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Come here!">>
<p>She pulls your face to her tits.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_hug.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "How's that for encouragement?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... It's great, but...">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<p>She grabs your dick and starts rubbing it through your pants.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_dick.jpg">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes with a faint smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "But...?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>You start drooling.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Keep up the good work, hun, and you might get more of this.">>
<p>She turns around and leaves the room. And I think I'll start to like doing the chores!</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<EVENT "!daphne; !alexa; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<p>She looks at you standing next to a laundry machine.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh! So sorry! I thought the bathroom is empty... wait. Are you doing the laundry?">>
<<dial "player" "Well, yeah, you mentioned you need some help, so I figured I can do some of the stuff.">>
<<dial "daphne" "My hero!">>
<p>Hero, huh? The truth is you feel like shit, your hands are shaking, and sweat is running down your back like a stream. But don't worry, bud - it's fully natural male reaction to chores. Just pretend it's ok and move along.</p>
<<btn "#daphneNice" "I'm doing it all for you!" "" "dialog valueHide">>
<<btn "#daphneShow" "It's a nightmare! Maybe you could encourage me a bit?" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneNice">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, my... You're such a nice boy!">>
<p>She comes closer and hugs you. And it's one of those hugs to die for.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_hug.jpg">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes with a faint smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Keep up the good work, hun, and you might get more of this.">>
<p>Oh shit. I think I'll start to like doing the chores!</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "charAdd+daphne">>
<<chunk "!daphne.status=3" "daphneShow">>
<<dial "daphne" "Ha ha! You're funny! Here's some encouragement!">>
<p>She comes closer and... slaps your ass.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/ass_slap.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Ha! Thanks!">>
<p>You smile to her, but the truth is...</p>
<big>It fucking hurts.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "sore+; charAdd+daphne">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3" "daphneShow">>
<<dial "daphne" "You want encouragement?">>
<p>She comes closer and smiles to you, biting her lip.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Come here!">>
<p>She pulls your face to her tits.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_hug.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "How's that for encouragement?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... It's great, but...">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<p>She grabs your dick and starts rubbing it through your pants.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_dick.jpg">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes with a faint smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "But...?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>You start drooling.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Keep up the good work, hun, and you might get more of this.">>
<p>She turns around and leaves the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I think I'll start to like doing chores!</tht>">>
<big>Me too, bro. Me too.</big>
<p>You finish the laundry and get out of the bathroom.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<EVENT "!daphne; !alexa; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<p>She looks at you with a surprised and embarrased expression on her face.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh! So sorry! I thought the bathroom is empty...">>
<<dial "player" "I was just cleaning the toilet.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh! But I really need to use it...!">>
<<dial "player" "I just put the cleaner in. It's acid, so you better stay away.">>
<<dial "daphne" "But I have to pee!">>
<big>Well, we gotta help her, right?</big>
<<btn "#daphneSink" "You can pee in the sink!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneMouth" "You can pee in my mouth!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk "!daphne.status=4" "#daphneMouth">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT?!">>
<p>Fuck, bro. Isn't it a little early to go full pervy on her?</p>
<big>Lube it up!</big>
<<dial "player" "I mean... I was just joking.">>
<<dial "daphne" "No you weren't! You lost your mind! Get lost from here!">>
<p>She pushes you out of the bathroom and closes the doors in front of your face.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "daphne.dom-2; $permission-; charAdd+daphne" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4" "#daphneMouth">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT?!">>
<p>$ looks at you with disgust.</p>
<p>Fuck, bro. It's a little early to go full pervy on her like that.</p>
<big>Lube it up!</big>
<<dial "player" "I meant... it's one of the options, right, ha, ha?">>
<<dial "daphne" "What are other options?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... You could use a sink?">>
<p>$ looks at the sink hesitantly.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "It's too high up!">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I really have to go, or I'll piss myself!">>
<<dial "player" "Are we still considering my mouth? It would be completely non-sexual! I'd even close my eyes!">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<p>$ looks around with desperation.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok, fine! Get down and close your eyes!">>
<p>You do as she says, while she takes off her dress and crouches over your mouth.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Here it goes!">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_piss1.jpg">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_piss2.jpg">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_piss3.mp4">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok. I'm done.">>
<p>You crawl from under her with mouth full of piss.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I have to say...">>
<p>She comes closer and smiles to you, biting her lip.</p>
<<dial "daphne" " make a good toilet, hun!">>
<big>Was it a compliment...?</big>
<p>$ walks out of the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh man...</tht>">>
<p>You finish cleaning and leave.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSink">>
<p>$ looks at the sink hesitantly.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "It's too high up!">>
<<dial "player" "Well, I could help you get in there...">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok, fine! But hurry up!">>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_sink.jpg">>
<p>She takes off her panties and pulls up the skirt. You come closer and help get her ass into the sink.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Here it goes!">>
<<media "activities/chores/daphne_sink_piss.mp4">>
<p>You can hear the piss dripping down to the sink.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm so embarrased...">>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, it's perfectly normal.">>
<p>You move to the side, hiding your growing erection.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok. I'm done.">>
<p>You help her get down from the sink. She smiles to you, pulling her panties back on.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks!">>
<<dial "player" "No problem!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't mention it to anyone...">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, sure!">>
<<dial "daphne" "It was a pleasure to pee with you, ha, ha.">>
<p>She kisses you in the cheek and walks out of the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh man...</tht>">>
<p>You finish cleaning and leave.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!alexa; !daphne; $alexa.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<p>She looks at you... and bursts into laughter.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "So you're so desperate to get close to my ass that you're licking my shit from the crapper now?">>
<<dial "player" "I'm not licking shit! Your mum pays me for doing chores.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, so you're her bitch now?">>
<<dial "player" "I'm no one's bitch! What do you want anyway? I'm busy!">>
<<dial "alexa" "I need to piss - get lost!">>
<p>Tough choice.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent "Do as she says." "" "action">>
<<btn "#alexaPiss" "You get lost!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaWatch" "I'm staying. I want to see you pee." "alexa.status=2; alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaPiss">>
<<dial "alexa" "You forgot who you're talking to.">>
<<dial "player" "I'm tired of your shit! Come back when I finish cleaning.">>
<p>Whoa! Slow down, bud. This bitch is dangerous!</p>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, if that's how you want to play it... that's on you.">>
<<dial "player" "Huh...?">>
<p>$ drops her panties, puts her ass on the floor, and...</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck...">>
<big>Oh fuck...</big>
<<media "activities/chores/alexa_pissing_floor.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "What the hell?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm giving you something to clean.">>
<<dial "player" "You're really fucked up, you know that?">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<p>$ pulls her panties back on.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm not cleaning that shit.">>
<<dial "alexa" "You are, or next time it really will be shit.">>
<p>She walks out of the bathroom like nothing happened. Damn, buddy.</p>
<big>Tough titties.</big>
<<media "cry.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "alexa.dom-1; energy-10" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk "alexa.status!=3" "#alexaWatch">>
<<dial "alexa" "You fucking perv! Why would I ever allow that?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I've never seen a girl doing... you know.">>
<p>That sounds a bit lame to be honest.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You don't have the Internet?">>
<<dial "player" "Well, I do, but--">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm tired of your lame ass shit. Get lost!">>
<p>She pushes you out of the bathroom and closes the doors in front of your face. Well, I told you it sounded lame. But don't worry - you'll get to her next time.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "alexa.dom-1; $permission-; charAdd+alexa" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3" "#alexaWatch">>
<<dial "alexa" "Look at you! Turning into a proper perv!">>
<<dial "player" "That's a good thing, right?">>
<<dial "alexa" "It depends. Are you willing to pay 50 bucks to get what you want?">>
<p>This greedy bitch.</p>
<<dial "player" "50 bucks?! That's how much I get for cleaning this fucking toilet!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh really? In that case - 75 bucks.">>
<big>GOD DAMN IT!</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<p>$ looks at you, with a fishy smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "There's also another option.">>
<p>I don't trust her.</p>
<<dial "player" "What option?">>
<<dial "alexa" "You can drink the water from the toilet.">>
<big>Don't you even dare.</big>
<<dial "player" "What? No way!">>
<p>Good! Stick with it.</p>
<<media "goodboy.mp4">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<p>$ thinks for a second, looking at you with a dirty smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "And how about something like this - //if// you drink the toilet water, then instead of watching me pee, I'd allow //you// to pee in //my// mouth.">>
<big>She's mad. Don't make any deals with her!</big>
<<media "dont.mp4">>
<<btn "#alexaPay" "Pay her to see how she pees" "cash=75; cash-75;" "action">>
<<btn "#alexaDrink" "Drink the toilet water" "alexa.status=4; alexa.dom-" "action">>
<<btn "#alexaRun" "Get the fuck out of there" "alexa.dom-" "action">>
<<chunk null "#alexaRun">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run from the bathroom, closing the doors behind you. And it's true that $'s lough could be measured on the Richter scale, but in my opinion - you did the sane thing. I mean - the style is questionable, but sometimes there are no good options, and you need to back down.</p>
<big>So in my book that was a strategic retreat.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4" "#alexaDrink">>
<<dial "player" "Ok... I'll do it! I'll drink the water.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Good doggy!">>
<p>You're making a mistake! It's not worth it!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you waiting for?">>
<<media "activities/chores/evil_toilet.mp4">>
<p>You look at the toilet, hesitating.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Stop looking at it, and start drinking!">>
<p>She grabs you by your head and...</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/chores/toilet_lebowski.mp4">>
<p>Your head goes underwater.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Drink it, doggy! Drink it for your anal princess.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Cough!</tht>">>
<<dial "alexa" "What's that, doggy? I can't hear you!">>
<p>You desperately try to catch some air, but $ pushes your head even deeper. You're actually not sure if this bitch is not trying to kill you.</p>
<big>You start struggling for your life and...</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<big> finally manage to free yourself.</big>
<p>You sit by the toilet, caughing and desperately panting for air. The toilet water is dripping from your wet hair and clothes.</p>
<<dial "player" "You stupid bitch! You nearly drowned me!">>
<<dial "alexa" "But I didn't.">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "And now it's your turn.">>
<big>This bitch is asking for a proper revenge!</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<p>You grab $ by her hair, pull out your dick, and start pissing on her face.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/alexa_piss_swallow1.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Take that!">>
<big>She enjoys it.</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=5">>
<<media "activities/chores/alexa_piss_swallow2.jpg">>
<p>Her mouth is full of your piss, but you still got plenty more.</p>
<<dial "player" "Don't swallow it yet!">>
<p>You grab her head and put your dick inside her mouth, still pissing.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/chores/alexa_piss_swallow3.mp4">>
<p>You finally run out of piss. $ swallows most, and spits out the rest.</p>
<<dial "player" "I hope you're happy.">>
<p>Surprisingly, $ just stands up, washes her face in a sink, blows you a kiss and leaves the bathroom.</p>
<p>You look around. It will be exhausting to clean up all this piss, but somehow you feel it was worth it. And I have to say - I really like how you turned this situation around in the end.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "alexa.dom; energy-20" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3" "#alexaPay">>
<<dial "player" "Here's the money.">>
<p>She seems a bit disappointed that this is the option you've chosen, but after a moment - she pulls her panties down, turns her ass towards you, and starts pissing... right on the floor.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<<media "activities/chores/alexa_piss_show.jpg">>
<p>The view is really nice, but she's making a huge mess!</p>
<<dial "player" "You're pissing all over the place!">>
<<dial "alexa" "You'll mop the floor!">>
<p>Normally I like to be a gentleman, but this bitch is really annoying. Remember, dude - be strict with her, there's nothing to be afraid <small>apart from the fact she's a psycho</small>!</p>
<<btn "#alexaThrowMop" "Throw the mop on the floor and leave" "alexa.dom" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Clean it yourself after she finishes" "" "action">>
<<btn null "Tell her to lick it" "alexa.status=4; alexa.dom+2" "action">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<p>You look at her in a way that gives be goosebumps.</p>
<<dial "player" "//You// made a mess, so //you// will clean it. Is that clear?">>
<<media "noice.mp4">>
<p>She's surprised by your strictness and focus and looks at you in a different way.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... I guess... You're right.">>
<<dial "player" "So lick it!">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/chores/alexa_cleaning.mp4">>
<p>You watch $ cleaning the piss from the floor. The truth is, even that you were never into this kind of stuff, this time it gives you immense sense of satisfaction.</p>
<<dial "player" "You missed a spot!">>
<p>$ quickly licks the piss from the place you pointed too. You realize she enjoys it!</p>
<<dial "player" "Ok, it's clean. You can go now!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Thank you... We might do it again some day?">>
<p>Fuck me, she's crazy.</p>
<<dial "player" "Maybe.">>
<p>$ nods. She stands up and leaves the bathroom. And I have to say - I really like how you turned this situation around in the end.</p>
<big>Kudos, bro!</big>
<p>You walk out of the bathroom with a wide smile.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom+3">>
<<chunk null "#alexaThrowMop">>
<p>You drop the mop on her feet and walk out of the bathroom.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/mic_drop.mp4">>
<p>She's so surprised, that she doesn't even try to stop you.</p>
<big>I'm so fucking proud, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<EVENT "!alexa; !daphne; $alexa.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<p>She looks at you and bursts into laughter.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh fuck, dweeb. Are you now a maid too?">>
<<dial "player" "I'm helping your mum... for money.">>
<<dial "alexa" "So that's a //yes//.">>
<<dial "player" "Whatever! You should be doing this in the first place!">>
<<dial "alexa" "L-O-L. Princesses don't do this kind of stuff. It's reserved for peasants and dweebs.">>
<p>Just ignore her, bud.</p>
<p>$ opens the fridge and takes out a plate with yesterday's spaghetti. She sniffs it, decides it's ok, and takes the plate with her.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "So long, dweeb!">>
<p>She walks past you...</p>
<big>...when suddenly.</big>
<<media "activities/chores/dropping_food.mp4">>
<p>$ slips on the wet floor and drops the food.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Oooops.">>
<p>Spaghetti is everywhere. Cleaning it up will take an additional hour at least.</p>
<<btn "#alexaDom" "You're going to clean this up!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaLove" "No worries, I'll clean it." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaDom">>
<<dial "alexa" "No fucking way.">>
<<dial "player" "Yes fucking way.">>
<p>She angrily looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Who do you think you are? You're going to clean it, because you're the fucking dweeb. And if not, then I'm going to tell mom you did this, and what are you going to do about it?">>
<p>She looks at you like she's about to kick your balls to the orbit.</p>
<big>Shit, she's fucking scary when she's like that.</big>
<<btn "#alexaDom2" "Try me." "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaLove" "You're right... I'll clean it." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaDom2">>
<p>You drop the mop on her feet and walk out of the kitchen.</p>
<<media "activities/chores/mic_drop.mp4">>
<p>She's so surprised, that she doesn't even try to stop you.</p>
<big>I'm so fucking proud, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaLove">>
<<media "activities/chores/idiot.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "You will?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeaaah. I have the mop and everything...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... good. It was your fault in the end - the floor was wet and everything.">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, I'm sorry about that...">>
<big>You stupid, stupid man.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "energy-">>
/* Display a menu header */
<<widget "menu">>
<<set _classes = $args[0] ? "menu " + $args[0] : "menu">>
<<set _classesHelp = $args[0] ? "expand help " + $args[0] : "expand help">>
<<set _text = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "What do now?">>
<<set _switches = $args[2] ? $args[2] : null>>
/* Print the header, unless it's single button */
<<if (_switches && _switches.indexOf("single")==-1) || !_switches>>
<h3 @class="_classes"><<print _text>></h3>
<<if _switches>>
/* Help */
<div @class="_classesHelp">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<<if _switches.indexOf("yieldHide")!=-1>>
<p>You're wondering why you don't see //domination// and //love// icons on the buttons? What can I say, sometimes I want you to go with your gut. That's life man, deal with it.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: Boohoo.''</p>
<<elseif _switches.indexOf("sex")!=-1>>
<p>The first option will take you away from the conversation, to a //sex screen// (without the //foreplay//). Other options let you continue the event.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: Sex.''</p>
<<elseif _switches.indexOf("wildcard")!=-1>>
<p>Buttons with <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/wildcard.png'" class="statIcon"> are wildcards. These are branching points, that have a result depending on some partially random factor. This means, that you have a chance for a good outcome even if you're just starting up (although there's a bigger chance for a good result with better stats). If it's gonna end badly - come back later and try the same button again, it might give you a veeeery different result.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: Wildcard, bitches!''</p>
<<elseif _switches.indexOf("location")!=-1>>
<p>Clicking a button with the icon, will make you gain or lose the particular stat visible on the icon. Usually the stat that you gain has greenish background, and the stat that you lose - reddish. For example:</p>
<p>- clicking a button with <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'ui/help/dom_plus.png'" class="statIcon bigIcon"> will make you gain some domination.</p>
<p>- clicking a button with <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'ui/help/dom_minus.png'" class="statIcon bigIcon"> will make you lose some of your domination.</p>
<p>Exception from that rule is <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/energy.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Energy//'' - the buttons that take away your energy have a smaller energy icon, without the red background, to make them more compact and take less space:</p>
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'ui/help/btn_energy.png'" style="width: 160px; margin: 0 auto">
<p>Clicking the above button will make you gain <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Love//'' but lose <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/energy.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Energy//''.</p>
<p>If you cannot click a button, it means it's disabled. ''In most cases the buttons are disabled because you already took that action''. If you want to do it again - you need to reset it by going to sleep.</p>
<p>Other reason for disabled button might be that you don't have enough of required stat. For example:</p>
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'ui/help/btn_disabled.png'" style="width: 180px; margin: 0 auto">
<p>The reason you cannot click this icon is that $ doesn't have enough <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/desire.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Desire//''.</p>
<p>You lie down and move her above you.</p>
<<dial "player" "Lie on me, baby! Put your pussy on my face!">>
<<dial $char "Oh yeah!">>
<p>She squats above your face. You can feel the warmth of her twat, when you stick your tongue inside and start licking it.</p>
<<dial $char "Uhhh... Come here.">>
<p>You can feel that she bends over and grabs your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "U-huh! Put it in your mouth!">>
<p>You don't have to tell it twice. Her lips wrap around your pole and start working it...</p>
<big> a vacuum cleaner.</big>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<</chunks>><<chunks `$char + ".status!=4; $" + $char + ".kink!=anal; $forcedAnal!=1"`>>
<p>By the look on your face $charName can already tell you're planning something.</p>
<big>And indeed you are.</big>
<<dial "player" "Show me your ass, baby.">>
<p>She hesitantly turns around and gets in the doggy position, with her ass high up in the air.</p>
<p>You move closer, spread the cheeks wide open, exposing her beautiful asshole. You spit in it, to lube it up a bit. And then...</p>
<<dial $char "What the fuck are you doing?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... I wanted to fuck your ass.">>
<<dial $char "WHAT?! No way.">>
<p>You should have asked first, now you spooked her.</p>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial $char "Don't be a freak. Fuck my pussy instead.">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<<media "sex/not_butt.mp4">>
<<btn "sex" "Well, I guess no means no." `$char+".squirt-1"` "dialog">>
<<btn "#analForced" "Hold her and stick it in the ass." `$char+".squirt-2; $forcedAnal+1"` "action">>
<<chunk `$char + ".status!=4; $" + $char + ".kink!=anal; $forcedAnal!=1"` "#analForced">>
<p>You grab her hands and hold them while you push your dick inside her asshole.</p>
<<dial $char "What the fuck?! It hurts!">>
<<dial "player" "I'm gonna be gentle...">>
<p>She's squealing and trying to push you away, but it's too late for that. You're already pumping her asshole in and out, and you can slowly feel...</p>
<big>...that she starts enjoying it!</big>
<p>And what's not to enjoy? With both hands on her ass, you hold the cheeks apart, looking at your dick as it goes in and out of her gaping asshole.</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>By the look on your face $charName can already tell you're planning something.</p>
<big>And indeed you are.</big>
<<dial "player" "Show me your ass, baby.">>
<p>She hesitantly turns around and gets in the doggy position, with her ass high up in the air.</p>
<p>You move closer, spread the cheeks wide open, exposing her beautiful asshole. You spit in it, to lube it up a bit.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm gonna be gentle...">>
<<dial $char "Put it in already!">>
<big>You ram her ass with your dick.</big>
<<dial $char "YES! FUCK MY ASS!">>
<p>You're pumping it in and out. With both hands on her ass, you hold the cheeks apart, looking at your dick as it goes in and out of her gaping asshole.</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You always felt that woman's asshole looked quite tasty.</p>
<<dial "player" "Show me your ass, baby.">>
<p>$charName hesitantly turns around and gets in the doggy position, with her ass high up in the air.</p>
<p>You move closer, spread the cheeks wide open, exposing her beautiful asshole. You spit in it, and then...</p>
<big>You push your tongue deep inside.</big>
<<dial $char "Wait... Uhhh... Stop... Uhhhhh...">>
<p>She has some reservations, but they are quickly overcomed by pleasure. You kiss and lick around her hole getting it all wet with saliva, and you push your tongue deeper and deeper, wiggling it around.</p>
<<dial $char "Yes... just like that... lick my asshole.">>
<p>$charName moans with pleasure.</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>There's something about woman's asshole that always magnetized you. In fact, you never really felt the sex is done until you stick something there.</p>
<<dial "player" "Show me your ass, baby.">>
<p>$charName hesitantly turns around and gets in the doggy position, with her ass high up in the air.</p>
<p>You move closer, spread the cheeks wide open, exposing her beautiful asshole. You spit in it, to lube it up a bit. And then...</p>
<big>You push your finger inside.</big>
<<dial $char "Wait... Uhhh... Stop... Uhhhhh...">>
<p>She has some reservations, but they are quickly overcomed by pleasure. You kiss and lick around her hole getting it all wet with saliva. And you keep pumping your finger inside.</p>
<<dial $char "I want two.">>
<<dial "player" "Your wish is my command.">>
<big>You slide the second finger in.</big>
<p>$charName moans with pleasure.</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<</chunks>><<chunks `$char+".status!=4; "+$char+".kink!=anal; $forcedAnal!=1"`>>
<p>By the look on your face $charName can already tell you're planning something.</p>
<big>And indeed you are.</big>
<<dial "player" "Show me your ass, baby.">>
<p>She hesitantly turns around and gets in the doggy position, with her ass high up in the air.</p>
<p>You move closer, spread the cheeks wide open, exposing her beautiful asshole. You spit in it, to lube it up a bit. And then...</p>
<<dial $char "What the fuck are you doing?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... I wanted to put my hand in your ass.">>
<<dial $char "WHAT?! No way.">>
<p>You should have asked first, now you spooked her.</p>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial $char "Don't be a freak. Can't you just put your hand in my pussy instead?">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<<media "sex/not_butt.mp4">>
<<btn "sex" "Well, I guess no means no." `$char+".squirt-1"` "dialog">>
<<btn "#analForced" "Hold her and stick it in the ass." `$char+".squirt-2; $forcedAnal+1"` "action">>
<<chunk `$char+".status!=4; "+$char+".kink!=anal; $forcedAnal!=1"` "#analForced">>
<p>You grab her hands and hold them while you push your fingers inside her asshole.</p>
<<dial $char "What the fuck?! It hurts!">>
<<dial "player" "I'm gonna be gentle...">>
<p>But you're not. You barely managed to squeeze in three fingers, when you force the fourth one in, and then the fifth.</p>
<<dial $char "Wait... Uhhh... Stop... Uhhhhh...">>
<p>She's squealing and trying to push you away, but it's too late for that. You pull out your fingers, wet them with saliva, and then...</p>
<big>You slide your entire hand inside her ass.</big>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>By the look on your face $charName can already tell you're planning something fucked up.</p>
<big>And indeed you are.</big>
<<dial "player" "Show me your ass, baby.">>
<p>She hesitantly turns around and gets in the doggy position, with her ass high up in the air.</p>
<p>You move closer, spread the cheeks wide open, exposing her beautiful asshole. You spit in it, to lube it up a bit. And then...</p>
<big>You push your fingers inside.</big>
<<dial $char "Wait... Uhhh... Stop... Uhhhhh...">>
<p>She has some reservations, but they are quickly overcomed by pleasure. You kiss and lick around her hole getting it all wet with saliva. And you keep pumping your fingers inside - first one, then two, three, five...</p>
<<dial $char "Stick it all in, $ I want to feel your hand up my throat.">>
<p>That's what you were waiting for. You pull out your fingers, wet them with saliva, and then...</p>
<big>You slide your entire hand inside her ass.</big>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>$charName pushes you down and lowers herself so that her mouth is in front of your hard dick.</p>
<<dial $char "Let's see what we have here...">>
<p>She grabs the base of your penis in her hand and squeezes it. Her grip is strong, and it makes you gasp.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<<dial $char "Come here.">>
<p>She pulls the skin down from the tip of your dick and slowly, using a lot of saliva, she starts licking it. You feel a shiver down your spine.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohh... yeah...">>
<p>Her tongue is going up and down against your dick. It feels great, but after a moment you realize it's not enough. You need more.</p>
<<dial "player" "Go harder.">>
<p>$charName smiles, takes a deep breath, opens her mouth and puts your dick right in, while you clench your teeth in extasy.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohhh shiiit...">>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You stand up with your dick pointing at $charName's face.</p>
<<dial "player" "I wanna try something different.">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial $char "Should I suck it?">>
<<dial "player" "It does involve your mouth, but it's a bit more... extreme.">>
<p>She looks at you with fear.</p>
<<dial $char "You want to fuck my face?">>
<p>You nod. She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial $char "Ok. But if you'll see me turning blue - take it out or I'll bite it off.">>
<p>She winks at you, kneels and opens her mouth in an inviting way.</p>
<big>What are you waiting for?</big>
<p>You push the $charName's head against the wall. You fuck her throat deeper and deeper, while she's fighting for air.</p>
<p>As you pause for a moment to let $charName get her breath, you see a stream of saliva flowing from her mouth on her tits.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ready for more?">>
<p>She nods, so you push it in for round 2.</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You look at her.</p>
<<dial "player" "Are you an angel, babe?">>
<p>Oh, come on. Don't go soft now.</p>
<<dial $char "Why?">>
<<dial "player" "Because I'm gonna send you flying.">>
<p>Ohhh... Well, that's a different scenario.</p>
<p>You grab her legs, lift her up, put against the wall...</p>
<big>...and pierce with your dick like it was Ides of March.</big>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You lie down, while $charName crouches over you.</p>
<<dial $char "How you want it?">>
<<dial "player" "Just ride me baby!">>
<p>You don't have to ask twice. She grabs your dick, and puts it inside her wet cunt. The moment it goes in you can feel a shiver going through $charName.</p>
<<dial $char "Uhhhhh.... Yeahhh, like that...">>
<p>Just a moments later she's jumping on your dick like on a fucking trampoline, and it feels goooooood.</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You look at $charName. She's perfect in every inch. But there's one part that you haven't give enough attention yet. Her beautiful feet.</p>
<<dial "player" "Those feet... so lonely out there...">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial $char "Oh, you're a footie!">>
<big>She grabs your dick with her feet.</big>
<<dial $char "Have fun with them!">>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>$charName grabs your dick.</p>
<<dial $char "Come here. You deserved a little gift.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, yeah, make me a happy boy.">>
<big>She spits on her hand and starts pumping.</big>
<p>You look deep in her lustful eyes. With each stroke you feel a wave after wave of pleasure. You imagine how awesome it would be to have her as a slave, jacking you off each time you have a mood for it.</p>
<big>And make her lick you clean after.</big>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>She lies on her back, with her wet pussy wide open for you to admire.</p>
<<dial "player" "Are you ready for it?">>
<<dial $char "Stop talking and start fucking.">>
<big>You heard the lady?</big>
<p>You find a spot between her legs and push it in. And it goes in smoooothly. After a moment your piercing her perfect cunt with your dick, while she moans and squeals under you.</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You look at her all serious.</p>
<<dial "player" "You like wrestling?">>
<<dial $char "Whaat?">>
<p>You sigh, in a way that knows no resistance.</p>
<<dial "player" "Come here!">>
<p>You grab her, twist her, do something with her, then do something else, and in the end...</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>$charName positions herself behind you.</p>
<<dial $char "Get on your knees.">>
<p>You do as she tells and kneel in front of her, expecting to get some good nice pussy to lick.</p>
<<dial "player" "Like that?">>
<<dial $char "No.">>
<p>She grabs and turns you around. Now you're back towards her, with your ass sticking out.</p>
<<dial $char "Like that.">>
<p>Oh buddy! Buddy, bud, bud. I think she's going for some serious assplay here. This is something special, and this doesn't happen often.</p>
<<dial $char "Enjoy it.">>
<big>She's right. Enjoy it.</big>
<p>She rans one finger slowly from your balls to your ass crack. She teases you, and then...</p>
<p>She pushes her finger inside your asshole.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>But this is just a beginning. She wiggles it around. At first it feels awkward, but as soon she finds a spot...</p>
<big>Ohhh damn...</big>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You pull $charName down, and spread her legs.</p>
<<dial "player" "I have something special for you, babe.">>
<<dial $char "Oh, is that so?">>
<<dial "player" "I call it Cunt Twister.">>
<p>Bold move, son. Are you sure you can deliver?</p>
<<dial $char "Well, let's see what you got.">>
<p>You dive in like your life depend on it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Om-nom-nom-nom-nom--">>
<big>Dude, better slow down.</big>
<p>Start it gently. Don't forget about her thighs. Then take care of little man in the boat.</p>
<<dial "player" "Om..... nom... <tht>Like that?</tht>">>
<p>You got it. Leave some space for speeding up when she's ready. Good luck!</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You look at her, smiling.</p>
<<dial "player" "Babe, you're so fine, I wanna see you in shivers.">>
<<dial $char "Oh, yes, I totally deserved a nice little fingering.">>
<<dial "player" "That's exactly what I had in mind.">>
<big>Great minds think alike.</big>
<p>You spread her legs, and lick your fingers. You put them in her pussy and start pumping it. $charName starts to moan.</p>
<p>You're doing good, pal. But I'm gonna give you a small bit of advice about how to take it to another level. Instead of just pushing in, turn your hand, make a hook with your finger, and start knocking on the bottom of a little man's boat. The results are often surprising.</p>
<p>$charName pants and wriggles, while you bring her one step closer to orgasm.</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You stand up with your dick pointing at $charName's face.</p>
<<dial "player" "I wanna try something different.">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial $char "Should I suck it?">>
<<dial "player" "It does involve your mouth, but it's a bit more... in depth.">>
<p>She thinks for a moment... and then she grabs your dick.</p>
<<dial $char "Come here!">>
<p>Without even asking, she covers your dick with her mouth, pushing it deep in her throat. And when you think she cannot go any deeper, she grabs your balls and pulls you even closer. You can feel a warm stream of saliva flowing from her mouth on your legs.</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<<dial "player" "Show me your ass, babe.">>
<p>She complies, and quickly turns around. She wiggles her ass in front of your face.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, behave!">>
<big>You ram it in!</big>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn null null null "si3">>
<p>You look at her gaping pussy.</p>
<<dial "player" "You like your pussy filled?">>
<p>No, she doesn't like it, and she's fucking you because you're rich and handsome...</p>
<big>Get a grip, dude.</big>
<<dial "player" "Because I have a special pussy filler for you.">>
<p>You form a duck with your fingers and show it to her.</p>
<<dial $char "Nasty! Let's try that! But go slow...">>
<p>She sits back comfortably, and spreads her pussy wide.</p>
<<dial $char "I'm ready.">>
<p>She doesn't need to invite you twice. You stick two fingers in, start wiggling them around. She moans and pants, but she's not holding you back.</p>
<<dial $char "More.">>
<p>You push the third and fourth one. You're moving them slowly in and out, her pussy juices flow all over your hand.</p>
<<dial $char "More.">>
<p>You only have one left. You squeeze it in, gently massaging her cunt. She falls back, clutching her tits.</p>
<p>$charName looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial $char "More.">>
<p>Oh shit, buddy. More? Her pussy is so tight it feels like a thick, elastic cunt-glove. You have to use all your strength to push your hand deeper. But with every moment she loosens up, and your hand slips inside her more and more easily. Finally you're pussyfisting her like she has Minecraft diamonds hidden there.</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>$charName is standing in front of you.</p>
<<dial $char "I'm wanna ride you like on a corrida.">>
<p>I hope she meant rodeo, bud. Otherwise you're fucked.</p>
<<dial "player" "But I get out alive, right?">>
<<dial $char "Ha, ha. We'll see about that.">>
<p>She turns around, pushing her ass in front of your face. But before you even manage to kiss her lovely cheeks - she crouches, lowering herself onto your dick...</p>
<big>...and puts it inside her cunt.</big>
<<dial $char "Ohhh.....">>
<p>She moans, while jumping up and down on top of you. You can feel your cock rubbing against her slippery pussy.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohhh!">>
<p>Her hand is also there, massaging her clit. You feel her warmth wrapped around your dong, barely managing to stop before squirting monthly supply of cum into her.</p>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>$charName positions herself behind you.</p>
<<dial $char "Get on your knees.">>
<p>You do as she tells. You kneel in front of her, expecting to get some good nice pussy to lick.</p>
<<dial "player" "Like that?">>
<<dial $char "No.">>
<p>She grabs and turns you around. Now you're back towards her, with your ass sticking out.</p>
<<dial $char "Like that.">>
<p>She starts kissing your butt cheeks, and licking your crack.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh yeah, just like that...">>
<p>You grab her head and push it closer to your asshole. She reacts instantly and puts her tongue inside. At first it feels strange, like a snail entered you. But as soon as she starts wiggling it around it becomes clear that this particular snail is trained in taking care of your asshole like a proper whore.</p>
<big>And it's goooooood.</big>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You look at $charName while she lies on her belly. Her ass is looking incredibly inviting.</p>
<<dial "player" "Stay like that!">>
<<dial $char "Young and beautiful?">>
<p>She winks.</p>
<<dial "player" "That too. And also with your ass up. I'm gonna fuck it.">>
<p>And you don't have to ask twice. You lower herself over $charName, grab your dick, and push it inside her wet twat.</p>
<<dial $char "Uhhhhh.... I felt it in my stomack.">>
<<dial "player" "You're going to feel it in your throat in a moment.">>
<p>You push your dick inside her, and hold it, at the same time pulling her closer. Her entire body tenses up, like she's on the edge of great pleasure, and great pain at the same time. It seems you not only stabbed her pussy...</p>
<big>...but also her heart.</big>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You look at $charName with big, madness filled eyes.</p>
<<dial "player" "Let's do it like rabbits.">>
<p>She seems confused. And to be honest - so am I. I just hope you don't mean having 100 kids because I certainly won't be helping you putting those little bastards in the bag and throwing them off the bridge, got it?!</p>
<<dial "player" "Lie on the side. I'm gonna speedfuck you.">>
<p>Ohhh, this I can approve. Go Speedy Gonzales over her ass!</p>
<p>She lies and turns away from you, lifts her thigh up, opening her wet pussy for you to enter with your hard dick. And within a second...</p>
<big>'re piercing her like a fuck machine.</big>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You can feel her hand on your balls.</p>
<<dial $char "I like your funballs.">>
<p>This sounds like an invitation, bud.</p>
<<dial "player" "Wanna have fun with them?">>
<<dial $char "Sure I do!">>
<p>She falls on her knees, lifts your dick up...</p>
<big>...and gobbles your balls like a fucking turkey.</big>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<p>You can't help but concentrate on $charName's tits. They are so perfect, you'd happily rub them in your dick.</p>
<<dial $char "My eyes are here!">>
<p>She looks at you, angrily...</p>
<big>And then she bursts into laughter.</big>
<<dial $char "Ha ha, I'm joking. Come on, squeeze it in...">>
<p>She grabs her tits together, creating a perfect space to stick in your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "Don't mind if I do.">>
<<mediaSex $char $curPas>>
<<btn "sex" null null "si3">>
<</chunks>>/* Sex positions */
/* Every sex position costs 1 vigour, unless different cost is set */
<<set setup.kamasutra to [
id: "69",
name: "69",
sexCat: "oral",
yields: "cum+1; squirt+1",
alexa: 1,
daphne: 0,
mia: 7,
rose: 0,
kelly: 1,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_7: 3,
gymgirl_3: 2
id: "anal",
name: "Anal",
sexCat: "anal",
yields: "cum+2",
alexa: 16,
daphne: 5,
mia: 8,
rose: 3,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_0: 5,
parkgirl_4: 8,
parkgirl_5: 11,
parkgirl_7: 9,
gymgirl_2: 7,
gymgirl_3: 11,
beargirl_1: 9,
beargirl_2: 5,
beargirl_3: 5,
churchnun_2: 14
id: "asseating",
name: "Ass Eating",
sexCat: "anal",
yields: "squirt+1",
alexa: 2,
daphne: 0,
mia: 3,
rose: 5,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_5: 1,
parkgirl_7: 1,
gymgirl_1: 2,
gymgirl_3: 4,
beargirl_1: 1,
churchnun_1: 3
id: "assfingering",
name: "Ass Fingering",
sexCat: "anal",
yields: "cum+1; squirt+1",
alexa: 4,
daphne: 5,
mia: 1,
rose: 0,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_3: 2,
parkgirl_4: 3,
parkgirl_5: 2,
gymgirl_3: 4,
beargirl_1: 4,
beargirl_2: 3,
beargirl_3: 1,
churchnun_1: 2
id: "assfisting",
name: "Ass Fisting",
sexCat: "fetish",
yields: "vigour-2; squirt+2",
alexa: 7,
daphne: 0,
mia: 0,
rose: 0,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0
id: "blowjob",
name: "Blowjob",
sexCat: "oral",
yields: "cum+2; vigour+1",
alexa: 4,
daphne: 12,
mia: 13,
rose: 19,
kelly: 8,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_0: 1,
parkgirl_1: 8,
parkgirl_2: 2,
parkgirl_3: 3,
parkgirl_4: 5,
parkgirl_5: 4,
parkgirl_6: 3,
parkgirl_7: 5,
parkgirl_8: 4,
gymgirl_1: 5,
gymgirl_2: 5,
gymgirl_3: 4,
churchgirl_1: 6,
churchgirl_2: 6,
churchgirl_3: 6,
beargirl_1: 5,
beargirl_2: 4,
beargirl_3: 9,
churchnun_1: 4,
churchnun_2: 9,
churchnun_3: 7
id: "congress",
name: "Suspended Congress",
sexCat: "rough",
yields: "cum+1; vigour-2; squirt+2",
alexa: 0,
daphne: 1,
mia: 1,
rose: 0,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
gymgirl_2: 2,
beargirl_1: 2,
beargirl_3: 2,
churchnun_3: 2
id: "cowgirl",
name: "Cowgirl",
sexCat: "classic",
yields: "cum+2; squirt+1",
alexa: 0,
daphne: 4,
mia: 3,
rose: 20,
kelly: 7,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_0: 4,
parkgirl_3: 3,
parkgirl_4: 4,
parkgirl_5: 3,
parkgirl_6: 4,
parkgirl_8: 5,
gymgirl_1: 5,
gymgirl_2: 4,
gymgirl_3: 6,
churchgirl_1: 8,
churchgirl_2: 9,
churchgirl_3: 6,
beargirl_2: 7,
beargirl_3: 5,
churchnun_1: 3,
churchnun_2: 3,
churchnun_3: 5
id: "deepthroat",
name: "Deep Throat",
sexCat: "oral",
yields: "cum+2; squirt-1; vigour+2",
alexa: 5,
daphne: 1,
mia: 6,
rose: 0,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_4: 3,
parkgirl_6: 1,
parkgirl_7: 2,
gymgirl_1: 5,
gymgirl_2: 4,
gymgirl_3: 4,
churchgirl_1: 3,
churchgirl_2: 6,
churchgirl_3: 4,
beargirl_1: 5,
beargirl_3: 3,
churchnun_1: 5,
churchnun_2: 7,
churchnun_3: 1
id: "doggy",
name: "Doggy-Style",
sexCat: "classic",
yields: "cum+2; squirt+2",
alexa: 5,
daphne: 5,
mia: 10,
rose: 15,
kelly: 9,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_0: 1,
parkgirl_1: 6,
parkgirl_2: 3,
parkgirl_4: 7,
parkgirl_5: 5,
parkgirl_6: 4,
parkgirl_7: 3,
parkgirl_8: 5,
gymgirl_1: 4,
gymgirl_2: 4,
gymgirl_3: 7,
churchgirl_1: 5,
churchgirl_2: 5,
churchgirl_3: 6,
beargirl_1: 8,
beargirl_2: 8,
beargirl_3: 6,
churchnun_1: 9,
churchnun_2: 6
id: "facefuck",
name: "Face Fuck",
sexCat: "rough",
yields: "cum+3; squirt-2; vigour+3",
alexa: 6,
daphne: 5,
mia: 0,
rose: 0,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_4: 3,
parkgirl_6: 1,
parkgirl_8: 3,
gymgirl_1: 3,
gymgirl_3: 3,
churchgirl_1: 3,
churchgirl_2: 2,
churchgirl_3: 2,
beargirl_1: 3,
beargirl_2: 1,
beargirl_3: 4,
churchnun_1: 4,
churchnun_2: 3,
churchnun_3: 2
id: "footjob",
name: "Footjob",
sexCat: "fetish",
yields: "cum+2; vigour+1",
alexa: 0,
daphne: 0,
mia: 0,
rose: 0,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0
id: "handjob",
name: "Handjob",
sexCat: "handworks",
yields: "cum+1; vigour+2; squirt-1",
alexa: 3,
daphne: 8,
mia: 5,
rose: 10,
kelly: 7,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_0: 2,
parkgirl_2: 3,
parkgirl_3: 1,
parkgirl_5: 1,
parkgirl_6: 1,
gymgirl_1: 2,
gymgirl_2: 2,
gymgirl_3: 3,
churchgirl_1: 3,
churchgirl_2: 6,
churchgirl_3: 7,
beargirl_1: 1,
beargirl_3: 2,
churchnun_1: 3,
churchnun_2: 3
id: "missionary",
name: "Missionary",
sexCat: "classic",
yields: "cum+2; squirt+1",
alexa: 7,
daphne: 5,
mia: 9,
rose: 12,
kelly: 14,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_2: 2,
parkgirl_4: 5,
parkgirl_5: 5,
parkgirl_6: 4,
parkgirl_7: 5,
gymgirl_2: 5,
gymgirl_3: 3,
churchgirl_1: 8,
churchgirl_2: 9,
churchgirl_3: 8,
beargirl_3: 2,
churchnun_1: 6,
churchnun_2: 7,
churchnun_3: 5
id: "pussyeating",
name: "Pussy Eating",
sexCat: "oral",
yields: "squirt+1",
alexa: 1,
daphne: 4,
mia: 4,
rose: 10,
kelly: 2,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_5: 2,
parkgirl_7: 3,
gymgirl_1: 3,
gymgirl_2: 6,
gymgirl_3: 1,
beargirl_1: 1,
churchnun_1: 4,
churchnun_2: 3,
churchnun_3: 4
id: "pussyfingering",
name: "Pussy Fingering",
sexCat: "handworks",
yields: "squirt+2",
alexa: 3,
daphne: 2,
mia: 3,
rose: 3,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_1: 1,
parkgirl_3: 1,
parkgirl_4: 9,
parkgirl_5: 1,
parkgirl_6: 8,
parkgirl_8: 3,
gymgirl_1: 2,
gymgirl_3: 2,
churchgirl_1: 3,
churchgirl_2: 3,
churchgirl_3: 2,
beargirl_1: 1,
beargirl_2: 3,
beargirl_3: 3,
churchnun_1: 4,
churchnun_2: 6
id: "prostate",
name: "Prostate Massage",
sexCat: "fetish",
yields: "cum+1; vigour+1; squirt+1",
alexa: 0,
daphne: 0,
mia: 0,
rose: 0,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0
id: "pussyfisting",
name: "Pussy Fisting",
sexCat: "rough",
yields: "vigour-2; squirt+2",
alexa: 1,
daphne: 1,
mia: 0,
rose: 0,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0
id: "piledriver",
name: "Piledriver",
sexCat: "rough",
yields: "cum+1; squirt+1",
alexa: 0,
daphne: 2,
mia: 0,
rose: 0,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
beargirl_1: 2,
beargirl_3: 2
id: "ridingbull",
name: "Riding the Bull",
sexCat: "classic",
yields: "cum+3; squirt+2",
alexa: 4,
daphne: 6,
mia: 0,
rose: 8,
kelly: 6,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_0: 2,
parkgirl_2: 1,
parkgirl_3: 5,
parkgirl_4: 4,
parkgirl_5: 2,
parkgirl_6: 4,
parkgirl_7: 5,
parkgirl_8: 4,
gymgirl_1: 5,
gymgirl_2: 6,
gymgirl_3: 3,
churchgirl_1: 5,
churchgirl_2: 3,
churchgirl_3: 3,
beargirl_2: 4,
beargirl_3: 8,
churchnun_1: 7,
churchnun_2: 3
id: "rimjob",
name: "Rimjob",
sexCat: "fetish",
yields: "cum+3; vigour+3; squirt-1",
alexa: 0,
daphne: 0,
mia: 0,
rose: 0,
kelly: 1,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
churchnun_1: 3,
churchnun_2: 5,
churchnun_3: 3
id: "spooning",
name: "Spooning",
sexCat: "classic",
yields: "cum+2; squirt+2",
alexa: 4,
daphne: 1,
mia: 1,
rose: 2,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_2: 2,
parkgirl_3: 5,
parkgirl_4: 4,
parkgirl_6: 3,
parkgirl_7: 1,
parkgirl_8: 6,
gymgirl_1: 3,
churchgirl_1: 3,
beargirl_2: 6,
beargirl_3: 3,
churchnun_1: 2
id: "speedbump",
name: "Speed Bump",
sexCat: "classic",
yields: "cum+2; squirt+2",
alexa: 1,
daphne: 0,
mia: 3,
rose: 4,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_5: 2
id: "teabagging",
name: "Teabagging",
sexCat: "oral",
yields: "squirt-1; vigour+2",
alexa: 2,
daphne: 1,
mia: 2,
rose: 0,
kelly: 3,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_2: 1,
parkgirl_7: 2,
gymgirl_1: 2,
gymgirl_3: 4,
churchgirl_1: 4,
churchnun_1: 6,
churchnun_2: 6,
churchnun_3: 2
id: "titjob",
name: "Titjob",
sexCat: "classic",
yields: "cum+2; squirt+1",
alexa: 0,
daphne: 8,
mia: 0,
rose: 2,
kelly: 6,
nina: 0,
marta: 0,
paul: 0,
parkgirl_2: 3,
gymgirl_1: 4,
churchgirl_1: 5,
beargirl_1: 2
/* Orgasms */
/* Each character has his own orgasm clips */
<<set setup.sexOrgasms to {
alexaCum: 7,
alexaSquirt: 4,
daphneCum: 9,
daphneSquirt: 7,
miaCum: 7,
miaSquirt: 15,
roseCum: 10,
roseSquirt: 8,
kellyCum: 11,
kellySquirt: 5,
ninaCum: 0,
ninaSquirt: 0,
martaCum: 0,
martaSquirt: 0,
paulCum: 0,
paulSquirt: 0,
parkgirl_0Cum: 0,
parkgirl_0Squirt: 1,
parkgirl_1Cum: 0,
parkgirl_1Squirt: 1,
parkgirl_2Cum: 0,
parkgirl_2Squirt: 1,
parkgirl_3Cum: 2,
parkgirl_3Squirt: 1,
parkgirl_4Cum: 2,
parkgirl_4Squirt: 5,
parkgirl_5Cum: 1,
parkgirl_5Squirt: 1,
parkgirl_6Cum: 1,
parkgirl_6Squirt: 5,
parkgirl_7Cum: 2,
parkgirl_7Squirt: 1,
parkgirl_8Cum: 2,
parkgirl_8Squirt: 1,
gymgirl_1Cum: 2,
gymgirl_1Squirt: 2,
gymgirl_2Cum: 2,
gymgirl_2Squirt: 3,
gymgirl_3Cum: 3,
gymgirl_3Squirt: 8,
churchgirl_1Cum: 2,
churchgirl_1Squirt: 5,
churchgirl_2Cum: 3,
churchgirl_2Squirt: 7,
churchgirl_3Cum: 2,
churchgirl_3Squirt: 4,
beargirl_1Cum: 2,
beargirl_1Squirt: 2,
beargirl_2Cum: 3,
beargirl_2Squirt: 4,
beargirl_3Cum: 2,
beargirl_3Squirt: 4,
churchnun_1Cum: 2,
churchnun_1Squirt: 4,
churchnun_2Cum: 4,
churchnun_2Squirt: 3,
churchnun_3Cum: 4,
churchnun_3Squirt: 3
/* Sex categories */
<<set setup.sexCat to [
id: "classic",
name: "Classic Sex",
group: "love",
desc: "She's into classics - cowgirl, missionary, and a lot of doggy style, so you can take a good nice look at her magnificent ass while fucking her.",
dial: "When it comes to doggy style - I'm behind you 100%."
id: "rough",
name: "Rough Sex",
group: "domination",
desc: "What can I say - the girl likes it rough. It's like her inner animal is an angry gorilla. So smack that bitch up!",
dial: "My inner gorilla likes your inner gorilla."
id: "oral",
name: "Oral and Mouth Play",
group: "love",
desc: "Om - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom - nom!",
dial: "I may have a bad mouth, but I do great things with it."
id: "anal",
name: "Anal and Ass Play",
group: "domination",
desc: "You felt she's a dirty girl from the moment you looked her in the eyes. Brown sugar honey, that's what this bitch is all about!",
dial: "Life is not only about black or white. There's also brown."
id: "fetish",
name: "Fetish Shit",
group: "domination",
desc: "Well, ok, let's not get all judgy here. So she's into weird stuff, so what? Who wouldn't enjoy kicking someone's balls once every now and then, right?",
dial: "Classic is boring. Let's go weird."
id: "handworks",
name: "Handworks",
group: "love",
desc: "All variety of stuff, from a simple handjob, to a hand deep in your ass - it's all here, buddy, and this is the right person for the job.",
dial: "Roses are red, sky is blue, I have hands to please you."
<p class="fi0">Knock knock.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Who's there?</tht>" "fi1">>
<p class="fi2">I mustache you a question.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Can't it wait?</tht>" "fi3">>
<p class="fi4">Ok...</p>
<big class="fi5">I'll shave it for later.</big>
<p class="fi6">*Ba dum - tss*</p>
<<media `"activities/shave/" + $player.trait + ".mp4"` "si6">>
<<btn null null "$playerShave+0; effect:babyface+" "si6">>
<<if $lvlup>>
<<include "lvlup">>
<</if>>/* Set variables for tracking ending */
<<set $goodAnswer to 0>>
<<set $badAnswer to 0>>
<<if $charVar.status <= 3>>
<<set $badAnswerMax to 0>>
<<elseif $charVar.status == 4>>
<<set $badAnswerMax to 1>>
<<set $badAnswerMax to 2>>
/* Create trivia menu */
<<set _triviaParts to ["trivia1", "trivia2", "trivia3"]>>
<<set _triviaKnownArr to []>>
/* Check witch of the trivia player knows about */
<<for _tk to 0; _tk < _triviaParts.length; _tk++>>
<<set _triviaKnown to State.getVar("$" + $char + "." + _triviaParts[_tk] + "Known")>>
<<if _triviaKnown == 1>>
<<set _triviaKnownCat to State.getVar("$" + $char + "." + _triviaParts[_tk])>>
<<set _triviaKnownId to State.getVar("$" + $char + "." + _triviaParts[_tk] + "Id")>>
<<set _triviaKnownArr.push([_triviaKnownCat, _triviaKnownId])>>
/* If player knows at least one trivia - we pick it at random from the array */
<<if _triviaKnownArr.length > 0>>
<<set _triviaKnown to _triviaKnownArr.random()>>
<<set _triviaCat to _triviaKnown[0]>>
<<set _triviaId to _triviaKnown[1]>>
/* If player doesn't know any trivia - we need to pick up at random from the character's trivia */
<<set _triviaVar to "$" + $char + ".trivia" + random(1,3)>>
<<set _triviaCat to State.getVar(_triviaVar)>>
<<set _triviaId to State.getVar(_triviaVar + "Id")>>
<<set _triviaArray to setup.charTrivia.find(obj => {return === _triviaCat}).trivia>>
<<set _triviaName to _triviaArray.find(obj => {return === _triviaId}).name>>
<<set _goodAnswerYield to "$goodAnswer+1">>
<<set _triviaDial to _triviaArray.find(obj => {return === _triviaId}).dial>>
/* Populate the array with good answers */
<<set _answers1 to [
["#goodAnswer1", _triviaDial, _goodAnswerYield, _triviaName],
["#goodAnswer1", _triviaDial, _goodAnswerYield, _triviaName],
["#goodAnswer1", _triviaDial, _goodAnswerYield, _triviaName]
/* Select which answer shouldn't be replaced */
<<set _goodAnswer1Pos to random(0,2)>>
/* Populate the array with bad answers */
<<set _badAnswers1 to []>>
<<for _ba to 0; _ba < _triviaArray.length; _ba++>>
<<if _triviaArray[_ba].id != _triviaId>>
<<set _badAnswers1.push(["#badAnswer1", _triviaArray[_ba].dial, null, _triviaArray[_ba].name])>>
/* Replace positions in the good answers array with bad answers */
<<for _ga to 0; _ga < _answers1.length; _ga++>>
<<if _ga != _goodAnswer1Pos>>
<<set _badAnswers1Rand to random(0,_badAnswers1.length-1)>>
<<set _answers1[_ga] to _badAnswers1[_badAnswers1Rand]>>
<<set _badAnswers1.splice(_badAnswers1Rand, 1)>>
/* Shake it baby */
<<set _answers1 to _answers1.shuffle()>>
/* Create trait menu */
<<set _trait to State.getVar("$" + $char + ".trait")>>
<<set _traitDial to setup.charTraits.find(obj => {return === _trait}).dial>>
<<set _traitName to setup.charTraits.find(obj => {return === _trait}).name>>
/* Populate the array with good answers */
<<set _answers2 to [
["#goodAnswer2", _traitDial, _goodAnswerYield, _traitName],
["#goodAnswer2", _traitDial, _goodAnswerYield, _traitName],
["#goodAnswer2", _traitDial, _goodAnswerYield, _traitName]
/* Select which answer shouldn't be replaced */
<<set _goodAnswer2Pos to random(0,2)>>
/* Populate the array with bad answers */
<<set _badAnswers2 to []>>
<<for _ba to 0; _ba < setup.charTraits.length; _ba++>>
<<if setup.charTraits[_ba].id != _trait>>
<<set _badAnswers2.push(["#badAnswer2", setup.charTraits[_ba].dial, null, setup.charTraits[_ba].name])>>
/* Replace positions in the good answers array with bad answers */
<<for _ga to 0; _ga < _answers2.length; _ga++>>
<<if _ga != _goodAnswer2Pos>>
<<set _badAnswers2Rand to random(0,_badAnswers2.length-1)>>
<<set _answers2[_ga] to _badAnswers2[_badAnswers2Rand]>>
<<set _badAnswers2.splice(_badAnswers2Rand, 1)>>
/* Shake it baby */
<<set _answers2 to _answers2.shuffle()>>
/* Create kink menu */
<<set _kink to State.getVar("$" + $char + ".kink")>>
<<set _kinkDial to setup.sexCat.find(obj => {return === _kink}).dial>>
<<set _kinkName to setup.sexCat.find(obj => {return === _kink}).name>>
/* Populate the array with good answers */
<<set _answers3 to [
["#goodAnswer3", _kinkDial, _goodAnswerYield, _kinkName],
["#goodAnswer3", _kinkDial, _goodAnswerYield, _kinkName],
["#goodAnswer3", _kinkDial, _goodAnswerYield, _kinkName]
/* Select which answer shouldn't be replaced */
<<set _goodAnswer3Pos to random(0,2)>>
/* Populate the array with bad answers */
<<set _badAnswers3 to []>>
<<for _ba to 0; _ba < setup.sexCat.length; _ba++>>
<<if setup.sexCat[_ba].id != _kink>>
<<set _badAnswers3.push(["#badAnswer3", setup.sexCat[_ba].dial, null, setup.sexCat[_ba].name])>>
/* Replace positions in the answers array with bad answers */
<<for _ga to 0; _ga < _answers3.length; _ga++>>
<<if _ga != _goodAnswer3Pos>>
<<set _badAnswers3Rand to random(0,_badAnswers3.length-1)>>
<<set _answers3[_ga] to _badAnswers3[_badAnswers3Rand]>>
<<set _badAnswers3.splice(_badAnswers3Rand, 1)>>
/* Shake it baby */
<<set _answers3 to _answers3.shuffle()>>
<big class="center fi0">Flirt with $charName</big>
<div class="expand help fi1">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>It's basically a conversation that leads up to sexy time. There are three stages, and in each you need to choose something to talk about. If you choose wisely - profit. If not... it's going to be blue balls for you, bud. She might allow for some margin of error, but if I were you I wouldn't count on it.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: push the right buttons to get into $charName's panties.''</p>
<<media "activities/foreplay/preparations/round1.mp4" "si2">>
<<menu "fi2" "What say you?">>
<<btn _answers1[0][0] `"Casually mention //" + _answers1[0][3]` _answers1[0][2] "action si3" _answers1[0][1]>>
<<btn _answers1[1][0] `"Casually mention //" + _answers1[1][3]` _answers1[1][2] "action si3" _answers1[1][1]>>
<<btn _answers1[2][0] `"Casually mention //" + _answers1[2][3]` _answers1[2][2] "action si3" _answers1[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#goodAnswer1">>
<p>$charName looks at you, surprised by your sudden confession. But quickly her face brightens up.</p>
<<if _triviaCat == "animals">>
<<dial $char "Haha. I love _triviaName!">>
<<elseif _triviaCat == "movies">>
<<dial $char "Haha! I just realized it's from //_triviaName//! I love this movie!">>
<<elseif _triviaCat == "songs">>
<<dial $char "Hey, I know this tune... Isn't it //_triviaName//! I love it!">>
<<elseif _triviaCat == "celebs">>
<<dial $char "L-O-L. You know that _triviaName is my fav celeb?">>
<<elseif _triviaCat == "activities">>
<<dial $char "Haha, I loooove _triviaName!">>
<<elseif _triviaCat == "comics">>
<<dial $char "No way! I didn't know you're into //_triviaName//! That's awesome!">>
<<dial "player" "Same here, what a coincidence!">>
<p>She looks you deep in the eyes.</p>
<<dial $char "There are no coincidences!">>
<<media `"activities/foreplay/success/" + random(0,2) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>Nailed it, bro!</big>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#badAnswer1">>
<p>$charName looks at you, surprised by your sudden confession.</p>
<<dial $char "What the hell are you saying?">>
<<dial "player" "I-I-I'm just... You know... I thought...">>
<<dial $char "Know what? Keep it to yourself.">>
<p>She turns away and goes back to what she was doing.</p>
<<media `"activities/foreplay/fail/" + random(0,2) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>You tried. You failed. You suck.</big>
<<set $badAnswer to $badAnswer + 1>>
<<if $badAnswerMax >= $badAnswer>>
<p>Fortunately - she likes you enough to let you try one more time. You can still turn it around, bud!</p>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<btn "#resultBad">>
<<chunk null "#round2">>
<big class="center">Round 2</big>
<<media `"activities/foreplay/preparations/round2.mp4"`>>
<p>Focus, dude, we need to win this! Make it more personal this time. Make it about $charName!</p>
<<menu null "What say you?">>
<<btn _answers2[0][0] `"Say something a //" + _answers2[0][3] + "// would appreciate"` _answers2[0][2] "action" _answers2[0][1]>>
<<btn _answers2[1][0] `"Say something a //" + _answers2[1][3] + "// would appreciate"` _answers2[1][2] "action" _answers2[1][1]>>
<<btn _answers2[2][0] `"Say something a //" + _answers2[2][3] + "// would appreciate"` _answers2[2][2] "action" _answers2[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#goodAnswer2">>
<p>$charName squints her eyes.</p>
<<dial $char "You really think so...?">>
<<dial "player" "I sure do!">>
<<dial $char "It's like you're reading my thoughts...">>
<<dial "player" "Great minds think alike!">>
<p>$charName looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial $char "Indeed they do.">>
<<media `"activities/foreplay/success/" + random(3,5) + ".mp4"`>>
<<btn "#round3">>
<<chunk null "#badAnswer2">>
<p>$charName squints her eyes.</p>
<<dial $char "What...?">>
<<dial "player" "I said--">>
<<dial $char "You know what? I don't care.">>
<p>She turns away and goes back to what she was doing.</p>
<<media `"activities/foreplay/fail/" + random(3,5) + ".mp4"`>>
<<set $badAnswer to $badAnswer + 1>>
<<if $badAnswerMax >= $badAnswer>>
<big>Remember - you're not a failure until you give up!</big>
<<btn "#round3">>
<<btn "#resultBad">>
<<chunk null "#round3">>
<big class="center">Round 3</big>
<<media `"activities/foreplay/preparations/round3.mp4"`>>
<p>This is the last part. She knows what you're getting at, so there's no point in beating around the bush. Make it sexual!</p>
<<menu null "What say you?">>
<<btn _answers3[0][0] `"Whisper something hot about //" + _answers3[0][3] + "//"` _answers3[0][2] "action" _answers3[0][1]>>
<<btn _answers3[1][0] `"Whisper something hot about //" + _answers3[1][3] + "//"` _answers3[1][2] "action" _answers3[1][1]>>
<<btn _answers3[2][0] `"Whisper something hot about //" + _answers3[2][3] + "//"` _answers3[2][2] "action" _answers3[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#goodAnswer3">>
<p>$charName bites her lip.</p>
<<dial $char "That sounds really kinky.">>
<<dial "player" "I just couldn't help myself.">>
<<dial $char "I know the feeling.">>
<<media `"activities/foreplay/success/" + random(6,8) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>Slam dunk!</big>
<<btn "#resultGood">>
<<chunk null "#badAnswer3">>
<p>$charName sighs. And it's a looong and miserable sigh, one of those that can turn a man impotent.</p>
<<dial $char "Look...">>
<p>Oh fuck. Nothing good starts with "look"...</p>
<<dial $char "That's great and all...">>
<p>Don't get your hopes up. I sense incoming "but".</p>
<<dial $char "But...">>
<p>Told you.</p>
<<dial $char "I'm just not this kind of girl.">>
<<media `"activities/foreplay/fail/" + random(6,8) + ".mp4"`>>
<<set $badAnswer to $badAnswer + 1>>
<<if $badAnswerMax >= $badAnswer>>
<p>I was expecting a bit of hysteria, so I'd say you got away easily, bud.</p>
<<btn "#resultGood">>
<<btn "#resultBad">>
<<chunk null "#resultGood">>
<<if $goodAnswer != 3>>
<big>Not great not terrible.</big>
<p>You've made some mistakes, but it seems $charName doesn't care that much. You know what that means, right...?</p>
<p>YEAH! You've made it to the end, and we all know what that means, right...?</p>
<<media "activities/foreplay/success.mp4">>
<big>We're going to fuck $charName!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" `$char + ".squirt+" + $goodAnswer` "sex action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#resultBad">>
<p>Unfortunately, you've made too many mistakes...</p>
<big>But at least you succeeded at failing.</big>
<<media "activities/foreplay/failure.mp4">>
<p>So in the end it's going to be blue balls for you. But don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Just next time - prepare more before you start talking with her. Learn what she likes, and the outcome will be different!</p>
<<btn $curLoc null `$char + ".desire-" + (5 - $goodAnswer)` "yieldHide">>
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; !alexa; $permission=occupied">>
<<media "knocking.mp4">>
<p>You hear knocking to the door.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yes?">>
<<dial "daphne" "It's $, I //really// need to use the bathroom!">>
<p>You think for a moment.</p>
<<btn "#open" "Sure, I was just finishing up!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#nope" "I'm busy!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#open">>
<p>You open the doors and let ''$'' in.</p>
<<media "locations/daphBath/daphneEnter.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks, hun...">>
<p>She looks at you, expecting you to leave.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent "Leave her in the bathroom" "" "action">>
<<btn null "Can I stay?" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>She looks at you, surprised.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, well, you know... It's kind of inappropriate...">>
<p>It might be inappropriate, but she's clearly...</p>
<big>...glancing at your dick.</big>
<<if $daphne.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out", "#out", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#stay", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#stay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... if you really want to stay, than ok... but behave!">>
<p>She bites her lip.</p>
<<media "locations/daphBath/daphne_horny.jpg">>
<big>O-M-G! She's hitting on you!</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Jump in the bathroom" "; $permission+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Actually... I have to go!" "daphne.dom+3" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#out">>
<big>She pushes you out.</big>
<p>And closes the doors in front of your face.</p>
<<media "fuck.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "$permission-">>
<<chunk null "#nope">>
<p>She's clearly agitated.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... please hurry up, ok?">>
<<dial "player" "I'm doing all I can!">>
<p>You turn the water in the shower on so that you won't hear her screams from behind the doors.</p>
<<media "dont_hear.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "charAdd-daphne">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "lowRand; $daphne.met; !daphne; !alexa; $permission=occupied">>
<<media "knocking.mp4">>
<p>You hear knocking to the door.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yes?">>
<<dial "daphne" "It's $, I //really// need to use the bathroom!">>
<p>You think for a moment.</p>
<<btn "#open" "Sure, I was just finishing up!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#nope" "I'm busy!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#open">>
<p>You open the doors and let ''$'' in.</p>
<<media "locations/daphBath/daphneEnter.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks, hun...">>
<p>She looks at you, expecting you to leave.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent "Leave her in the bathroom" "" "action">>
<<btn null "Can I stay?" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>She looks at you, surprised.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, well, you know... It's kind of inappropriate...">>
<p>It might be inappropriate, but she's clearly...</p>
<big>...glancing at your dick.</big>
<<if $daphne.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out", "#out", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#stay", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#stay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... if you really want to stay, than ok... but behave!">>
<p>She bites her lip.</p>
<<media "locations/daphBath/daphne_horny.jpg">>
<big>O-M-G! She's hitting on you!</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Jump in the bathroom" "charAdd+daphne;; $permission+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Actually... I have to go!" "charAdd+daphne; daphne.dom+3" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#out">>
<big>She pushes you out.</big>
<p>And closes the doors in front of your face.</p>
<<media "fuck.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "charAdd+daphne; $permission-">>
<<chunk null "#nope">>
<p>She's clearly agitated.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... please hurry up, ok?">>
<<dial "player" "I'm doing all I can!">>
<p>You turn the water in the shower on so that you won't hear her screams from behind the doors.</p>
<<media "dont_hear.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; !daphne; $permission=occupied">>
<<media "knocking.mp4">>
<p>You hear knocking to the door.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yes?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Hey shithead. Let me in!">>
<p>You think for a moment.</p>
<<btn "#open" "Sure, I was just finishing up!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#nope" "I'm busy!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#open">>
<p>You open the doors and let ''$'' in.</p>
<<media "locations/daphBath/alexaEnter.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you waiting for?">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<p>She looks at you, expecting you to leave.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent "Leave her in the bathroom" "" "action">>
<<btn null "Can I stay?" "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>She looks at you, surprised.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What...? You must be out of your mind, dweeb!">>
<p>You might be out of your mind, but she's clearly...</p>
<big>...glancing at your dick.</big>
<<if $alexa.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out", "#out", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#stay", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#stay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... if you want to stay, than ok... but you're gonna help me wash my asshole!">>
<p>She turns, showing her ass.</p>
<<media "locations/daphBath/alexa_ass.jpg">>
<p>Well, buddy. Hard to say not to an ass like that.</p>
<big>I would lick it clean if she'd ask me!</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Jump in the bathroom" "; $permission+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Actually... I have to go!" "alexa.dom+3" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#out">>
<big>She pushes you out.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "In your dreams.">>
<p>And closes the doors in front of your face.</p>
<<media "fuck.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "$permission-">>
<<chunk null "#nope">>
<p>She's clearly agitated.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Open it god damn it!">>
<p>You turn the water in the shower on so that you won't hear her screams from behind the doors.</p>
<<media "dont_hear.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "charAdd-alexa">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "lowRand; $alexa.met; !alexa; !daphne; $permission=occupied">>
<<media "knocking.mp4">>
<p>You hear knocking to the door.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yes?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Hey shithead. Let me in!">>
<p>You think for a moment.</p>
<<btn "#open" "Sure, I was just finishing up!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#nope" "I'm busy!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#open">>
<p>You open the doors and let ''$'' in.</p>
<<media "locations/daphBath/alexaEnter.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you waiting for?">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<p>She looks at you, expecting you to leave.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent "Leave her in the bathroom" "" "action">>
<<btn null "Can I stay?" "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>She looks at you, surprised.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What...? You must be out of your mind, dweeb!">>
<p>You might be out of your mind, but she's clearly...</p>
<big>...glancing at your dick.</big>
<<if $alexa.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out", "#out", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#stay", "#out"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#stay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... if you want to stay, than ok... but you're gonna help me wash my asshole!">>
<p>She turns, showing her ass.</p>
<<media "locations/daphBath/alexa_ass.jpg">>
<p>Well, buddy. Hard to say not to an ass like that.</p>
<big>I would lick it clean if she'd ask me!</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Jump in the bathroom" "charAdd+alexa;; $permission+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Actually... I have to go!" "charAdd+alexa; alexa.dom+3" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#out">>
<big>She pushes you out.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "In your dreams.">>
<p>And closes the doors in front of your face.</p>
<<media "fuck.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "charAdd+alexa; $permission-">>
<<chunk null "#nope">>
<p>She's clearly agitated.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Open it god damn it!">>
<p>You turn the water in the shower on so that you won't hear her screams from behind the doors.</p>
<<media "dont_hear.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=sex">>
<p class="fi0">You open the doors and...</p>
<<media "activities/enter/daphAlex/alexa_sex.jpg" "fi2">>
<big class="fi3">Holy fuck.</big>
<<dial "player" "Shit! I didn't know! Sorry!" "fi4">>
<p class="fi5">The guy, balls deep in $, looks at you angrily.</p>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeAlexa" + $dudeAlexa.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"` "si5">>
<<dial "guy" "Get the fuck outta here, cuntmuffin!" "fi5">>
<p class="fi5">You need to quickly figure out what to do.</p>
<<menu "si5">>
<<btn "#run" "Run away!" "" "action si5">>
<<btn "#lie" "You were screaming I thought you need my help." "alexa.dom" "dialog si5">>
<<btn "#join" "Can I join?" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog si5">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run from the room, closing the doors behind you. I'm afraid, buddy, that $ will remember this.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-3">>
<<chunk null "#lie">>
<p>$ and $, with his dick in her ass, both look at you.</p>
<<media "activities/enter/daphAlex/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeAlexa" + $dudeAlexa.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"`>>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... As you can see, there's already a dick in my ass, so I don't need anymore help.">>
<<dial "player" "Yup. I noticed.">>
<p>Wow. You've really expanded the borders of communication here, bud.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Is that your retarted brother, $">>
<<media "what.mp4">>
<p>Obviously you cannot let that slide. You have a great reply prepared for a knuckleheads like that dude, the problem is before you even manage to gather your thoughts - $ blasts away.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!">>
<p>There's something in her voice that just makes you do what you're told.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-1">>
<<chunk null "#join">>
<p>$ pierces you with a death stare. God damn it she has something in those eyes... Like you look there and you instantly know - this bitch has no limits.</p>
<<media "pray.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaDicks"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaDicks"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaDicks", "#alexaDicks"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaDicks">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck off!">>
<p>Straight and to the point.</p>
<big>I like this girl!</big>
<p>It seems there's just one thing you can do.</p>
<<media "im_leaving.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-2" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaDicks">>
<<dial "guy" "No fucking way.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut the fuck up, I make the rules.">>
<<dial "guy" "But I wanted to spend time with you, $ I really like you and...">>
<p>He sounds really pathetic. That's kind of a good sign!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You fucking //really like me//? What is this, kindergarten!?">>
<<dial "guy" "But--">>
<<dial "alexa" "You know what?! Fuck it.">>
<p>She looks straight at you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Here's the deal. Who has bigger dick - stays. Ok?">>
<<dial "guy" "WHAT?!">>
<<media "behave.mp4">>
<p>Here's one in a lifetime opportunity, bud. Don't fuck it up!</p>
<<btn $curLocParent "I've changed my mind" "alexa.dom-2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "Fuck yeah!" "alexa.dom; charAdd+dudeAlexa; $permission+1" "action yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=masturbating">>
<p class="fi0">You open the doors and...</p>
<<media "activities/enter/daphAlex/alexa_angry2.jpg" "si1">>
<<dial "alexa" "What. The. Fuck." "fi2">>
<big class="fi3">Holy Christ.</big>
<<dial "player" "Shit! I didn't know! Sorry!" "fi4">>
<p class="fi5">You need to quickly figure out what to do.</p>
<<menu "si5">>
<<btn "#run" "Run away" "" "action si5">>
<<btn "#lie" "You were screaming I thought you need my help." "alexa.dom" "dialog si5">>
<<btn "#stayWild" "Can I stay and watch?" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog si5">>
<<chunk null "#lie">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... I don't.">>
<<dial "player" "Yup. Noticed.">>
<p>Wow. You've really expanded the borders of communication here, bud.</p>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<p>Unfortunately, $ is a bit more outspoken.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!">>
<p>There's something in her voice that just makes you do what you're told.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run from the room, closing the doors behind you. I'm afraid, buddy, that $ will remember this.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#stayWild">>
<p>Oook, ok. I get it. You were caught, there's no point in pretending anymore, so you might as well take a swing.</p>
<big>That's what alphas do.</big>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck off!">>
<p>Straight and to the point.</p>
<big>I like this girl!</big>
<p>It seems there's just one thing you can do.</p>
<<media "im_leaving.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-2" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaYes">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?!?">>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks or I start screaming that you were trying to rape me.">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Pay up, bitch.">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster. I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro, but if $ learns about it she might go postal. This is a tough decision.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#payMore", "#payKinky"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#payKinky">>
<<btn _decision "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=25; cash-25;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#payBluff" "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#payBluff">>
<p>$ hesitates. I guess she doesn't want to inform her mum about what just happened after all...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, then, fuck off.">>
<<dial "player" "What if I call $ I'm sure she'll have a lot of questions about...">>
<p>You point at the dildo.</p>
<big>Sometimes you scare me kid.</big>
<<media "big_eyes.mp4">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<btn "#payKinky">>
<<chunk null "#payMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks.">>
<p>Ohhhh shit. She played you.</p>
<<media "not_good.mp4">>
<p>I wouldn't trust her, bro!</p>
<<btn "#payKinky" "Shut up and take my money!" "cash=25; cash-25;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#payNo" "You should be paying me for not ratting you out!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#payNo">>
<p>Well look at you, making threats and all. Not that $ would believe you that her little princess is sticking candles up her arsehole, but at least you're making the moves.</p>
<big>And it works.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck off.">>
<<dial "player" "I'm serious. If she'd know you're masturbating, she'd go nuts. And you should know what's going to happen then.">>
<<media "threat.mp4">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<btn "#payKinky">>
<<chunk null "#payKinky">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, you can stick it in.">>
<p>Uhm... What just happened?</p>
<<dial "player" "Erm... what?">>
<<dial "alexa" "You can stick a dick in my asshole.">>
<<media "escalated.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well?">>
<big>Why is that even a question.</big>
<<dial "player" "I mean... Fuck yeah!">>
<p>You lucky bastard. This is a dream come true!</p>
<p>$ turns on the bed revealing her beautiful little asshole.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal1.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... what are you waiting for?">>
<p>Without hesitation, you spit in the middle of her cinnamon hole, and stick your dick inside. $ gasps, but doesn't stop you.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal2.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Right there. Nice and easy...">>
<p>After a while she tells you to lie down, and jumps on you. You can feel the inside of her asshole is warm and comfy, as you pump it with your dick.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal3.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Push your dick in my tiny asshole... Like that... That's the spot...!">>
<p>$ starts breathing heavily and you realize she'll get an orgasm in a moment.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm going to cum...!">>
<p>You can cum with her, or turn this into a proper fuck fest.</p>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "alexa.squirt+2; $char+alexa" "sex action">>
<<btn null "Cum now!">>
<p>She grabs your ass and pushes your dick deeper into her ass.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Yes! YES! DEEPER!">>
<p>You feel her body twitches. Her throbbing asshole is so wet you could drink from it. And more juice flows out of her with every spasm.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/alexa_orgasm.mp4">>
<big>$ cums.</big>
<p>At the same time - your orgasm arrives, making you shoot a stream of hot cum right into her, like from a fucking fire hose.</p>
<big>It's magnificent.</big>
<p>Within seconds, your bodies loosen up. $ moves away, and falls on her back, with a smile of ecstasy. You can see the cum dripping from her asshole.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal4.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ha, ha. You're not such a dweeb after all, dweeb.">>
<<dial "player" "Well... thanks... I guess.">>
<<dial "alexa" "And now - get lost.">>
<p>You gather your things and walk out of the room. I have to say, bud - you really impressed me here!</p>
<big>Good job!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom+3" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=sleep">>
<p class="fi0 center">You crack open the doors...</p>
<<media "crack_doors.mp4" "si1">>
<p class="fi2 center">It's dark, but you can see $</p>
<big class="fi4 center">She's on the bed, sleeping.</big>
<<media "activities/enter/daphAlex/alexa_sleep.jpg" "si5">>
<p class="fi5">This presents some opportunities, buddy.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "$permission+forced" "si5">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=nothing">>
<p class="fi0 center">You crack open the doors...</p>
<<media "crack_doors.mp4" "si1">>
<p class="fi2 center">You enter the room and look around...</p>
<big class="fi4">...when suddenly!</big>
<<btn null null null "fi5">>
<big>$ jumps at you from behind the closet.</big>
<<media "activities/enter/attackEnter.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "I saw you behind the doors, you fucking dweeb! You thought you can play hide and seek with me?!">>
<p>She's smacking you with a cord like with a whip.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm gonna fuck you up!">>
<big>It fucking hurts!</big>
<<btn "#run" "Run for your life!" "sore+" "action">>
<<btn "#grab" "Try to grab the cord from her!" "sore+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run from the room, closing the doors behind you. I'm afraid, buddy, that $ will remember this.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-1" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#grab">>
<p>Dude, are you sure? You're not exactly Indiana Jones...</p>
<<media "worried.mp4">>
<p>Well, fingers crossed, I guess...</p>
<big>You try to grab the whip...</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#grabFail", "#grabFail", "#grabOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#grabFail", "#grabOk"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#grabOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#grabFail">>
<big>But you fail.</big>
<p>And $ has no mercy, with bloodlust in her eyes.</p>
<<media "activities/enter/whip.mp4">>
<p>This is over, there's nothing you can do. Get out of there!</p>
<<btn $curLocParent "Run for your life" "alexa.dom-2" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#grabOk">>
<big>And you succeed!</big>
<<dial "player" "Stop it!">>
<p>You pull it out from $'s hand. The girl looks at you with anger.</p>
<<media "activities/enter/daphAlex/alexa_lost_whip.mp4">>
<p>But you can see there's a spark in her eye. And this means you won this battle, bud. Congrats.</p>
<<dial "player" "So... Can I stay?!">>
<p>$ thinks for a second... before she nods with a smile.</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Stay in the room" "alexa.dom+2; $permission+" "action yieldHide">>
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=sex">>
<p class="fi0">You knock at the doors to $'s room.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<p class="fi2">You hear a strange commotion and muffled voices coming from inside.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut up! Hide in the closet!" "fi2">>
<<dial "player" "It's $ Just wanted to talk." "fi3">>
<p class="fi3">You hear a loud sigh of relief coming from the room.</p>
<<if $alexa.status < 3>>
<<dial "alexa" "God damn it, do you always have to interrupt when I have a dick in my ass?" "fi3">>
<<dial "alexa" "God damn it, what do you want? I'm in the middle of a pretty good fuck." "fi3">>
<p class="fi4">She's not beating around the bush, isn't she? But this is actually a good thing. That presents us with options.</p>
<<menu "fi5">>
<<btn $curLoc "Ok, I'll come back later." "" "si5 dialog">>
<<btn "#stayWild" "Maybe I can join?" "alexa.dom" "si5 dialog">>
<<chunk null "#stayWild">>
<p>Oh shit, this is bold, dude. It actually might be the best strategy for $, although I'm not sure if it's not too early. But you have to try somewhere, so...</p>
<big> of luck!</big>
<<media "thumbs_up.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaDicks"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaDicks"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaDicks">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck off!">>
<p>Straight and to the point.</p>
<big>I like this girl!</big>
<p>It seems there's just one thing you can do.</p>
<<media "im_leaving.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaDicks">>
<p>You can hear a muffled voices.</p>
<<dial "guy" "No fucking way.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut the fuck up, I make the rules.">>
<<dial "guy" "But I wanted to spend time with you, $ I really like you and...">>
<p>He sounds really pathetic. That's kind of a good sign!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You fucking //really like me//? What is this, kindergarten!?">>
<<dial "guy" "But--">>
<<dial "alexa" "You know what?! Fuck it.">>
<p>The doors crack open and $ looks outside.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Here's the deal. Who has bigger dick - stays. Ok?">>
<p>You can hear the dude from behind $'s back.</p>
<<dial "guy" "WHAT?!">>
<<btn $curLoc "Get in!" "alexa.dom+2; charAdd+dudeAlexa; $permission+1" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLocParent "I've changed my mind" "alexa.dom-2" "dialog yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=sleep">>
<p class="fi0 center">You knock at the doors...</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">Unfortunately - no one replies.</big>
<p class="fi3 center">She's probably still sleeping.</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action si3">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=masturbating">>
<p class="fi0">You knock at the doors to $'s room.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<<dial "alexa" "Not now...!" "fi2">>
<p class="fi2">Her voice is agitated, like she's on the edge of great pleasure.</p>
<<dial "player" "It's $ Just wanted to talk." "fi3">>
<<dial "alexa" "NOT NOW...!" "fi3">>
<p class="fi3">She's almost screaming and moaning at the same time. Dude...</p>
<big class="fi3">...$ is masturbating!</big>
<<menu "si5">>
<<btn $curLoc "Leave her alone" "" "si5">>
<<btn "#watchWild" "Can I watch?" "alexa.dom" "si5 dialog">>
<<chunk null "#watchWild">>
<p>A bit desperate, but worth a try...</p>
<big>Good luck!</big>
<<media "thumbs_up.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#watchNo", "#watchNo", "#watchYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#watchNo", "#watchYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#watchYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#watchNo">>
<p>Unfortunately - she doesn't even hear you. Her moans get louder and louder and...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Aaaahhhhhhhhhh...">>
<big>She just came.</big>
<p>The room gets quiet. Well... I guess that's the end of it. Too bad you weren't there, but maybe some other time?</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#watchYes">>
<p>Her moans get louder and louder and...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "YES! NOW! NOW!!!">>
<<dial "player" "Do you mean...">>
<big>YES SHE MOANS YOU.</big>
<p>Open those fucking doors NOW!</p>
<p>You open the doors and see $ on the bed.</p>
<<media "activities/knock/alexa_masturbating.jpg">>
<p>Before you even manage to say anything...</p>
<big>She cums.</big>
<<media "activities/knock/alexa_orgasm.mp4">>
<p>Juices shoot out of her pussy like from a fountain.</p>
<<media "activities/knock/alexa_squirt.mp4">>
<p>After spraying the entire room with her love, $ sighs and settles down.</p>
<big>She looks you in the eyes.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "And now - go fuck yourself.">>
<<dial "player" "But I thought--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Get the fuck out of here, or I'll start screaming that you raped me.">>
<<media "dangerzone.jpg">>
<big>Get the fuck out.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=nothing">>
<p class="fi0">You knock at the doors to $'s room.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<<dial "alexa" "Get lost, dweeb" "fi2">>
<<dial "player" "How do you know it's me?" "fi2">>
<<dial "alexa" "I don't know any other dweebs." "fi2">>
<big class="fi2">Burn!</big>
<<dial "player" "Can I come in?" "fi3">>
<<dial "alexa" "You have 25 bucks?" "fi3">>
<p class="fi4">God damn it, this bitch is going to suck you dry...</p>
<big class="fi4">...and not in a good way.</big>
<<menu "si5">>
<<btn $curLoc "Ok, I have the money." "cash=25; cash-25;; $permission+" "si5 dialog">>
<<btn "#payNo" "No way I'm paying." "alexa.dom" "si5 dialog">>
<<chunk null "#payNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "So why are you wasting my fucking time?!">>
<p>This is the end of the road, but - honestly...</p>
<big> did the right thing.</big>
<p>If a woman treats you like that - don't fall for that shit. Stick to your guns and you're going to prevail, I promise.</p>
<<media "yes_maam.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while=nothing">>
<p class="fi0">You knock at the doors to $'s room.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeah?" "fi2">>
<<dial "player" "Can I come in?" "fi3">>
<p class="fi4">She sighs so loudly that you hear it on the other side of the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeah... ok. But make it quick." "fi5">>
<<btn $curLoc "Come on in!" "$permission+" "si5 action">>
<</events>>/* Check if the player is caught, when and by whom */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
/* Skip interruptions if Daphne is asleep and Alexa is not met */
<<if $daphne.roofies && $alexa.met || !$daphne.roofies>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]>>
<<if $daphne.aphro>><<set _caughtWhen.push(5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6)>><</if>>
<<if $daphne.roofies>><<set _caughtWhen.push(7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11)>><</if>>
<<set _caughtWhen to _caughtWhen.random()>>
<big class="fi0 center">You approach the bed.</big>
<<media `"activities/play/play_" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<p class="fi3">$ is deep in her sleep. Her breasts rise slowly under a loose t-shirt with every breath. You're pretty sure she's not wearing anything underneath.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_play_0.jpg" "si3">>
<<menu "si4">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<btn _link "Take off her shirt" "dom" "action si4">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "love" "action si4">>
<p>You delicately pull her t-shirt away, revealing $'s tits. You never really had an opportunity to look at them like that, so you just stand there, studying every curve, admiring. And, my God...</p>
<big>They are yuuuuuge!</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_play_1.jpg">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<btn _link "Look at her pussy" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+2" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "love" "action">>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>You lift the blanket and notice $ is sleeping in her panties.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Not for long!</tht>">>
<p>You cautiously pull the panties down, revealing the juicy pussy.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_play_2.jpg">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<btn _link "Look at her ass" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "love" "action">>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>This operation requires some skill. You grab her hips and delicately twist her around. At one point she nearly wakes up, starts mumbling something in her dream.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Does your penis... have a first name...? Is it... Dick?">>
<p>You wait a moment, to make sure she's back in a deep sleep, before you continue your operation, and after a moment...</p>
<big>...the ass is revealed in all its glory!</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_play_3.jpg">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<btn _link "Play with her tits and pussy" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "love+2" "action">>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>You grab her warm breasts, put your lips around the nipples, and start sucking. You know you have to be slow and delicate with her, but you're barely able to hold in your urge to...</p>
<big>...sunk your teeth in those meatbags.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_play_4.jpg">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if $daphne.aphro>>
<p>Suddenly $ starts to moan through her sleep. At first you think she's waking up, but then you realize - she's having a wet dream!</p>
<<media "activities/play/aroused.mp4">>
<<btn "#masturbate" "Watch $ masturbate in her sleep" null "action">>
<<btn "#masturbate" "Continue while jerking off" "dom; !$jerk; $jerk+5" "action">>
<<elseif $daphne.roofies>>
<p>$ is sleeping like a rock. Now - it's one thing to rub one out, but I can see in your eyes that you're planning to do some nasty stuff to her. Dude, I promise you'll have plenty of occasions to put your dick in her without roofing her with sleeping pills. Ask yourself this - what's more alpha...</p>
<big>...fucking a woman or raping a sex doll?</big>
<p>Take my advice, dude. Don't do it.</p>
<<media "activities/play/roofied.mp4">>
<<btn "#fuck" "Fuck her while she sleeps" "love-1; dom+; $jerk+null" "action">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" null "action">>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>Sucking on the titties brought you a step too close to the edge. You cannot stop it now as you feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket "jerkedoff+">>
<p>This is the end of the road. Hope you enjoyed the show.</p>
<<media "activities/play/finished.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" null "action">>
<<chunk null "#masturbate">>
<<if $jerk==5>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<big>Oh boy...</big>
<p>You watch as $, still deep in her sleep, presses her fingers against her clit in a swirling motion and starts moaning louder.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmhhhmmm...">>
<<media `"activities/play/watch_" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"`>>
<p>Meanwhile her second hand starts rubbing against her gigantic tits. The view is magnificent, and you're watching it like hypnotized.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_masturbation_1.jpg">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 5 ? "#caughtMasturbation" : null>>
<<btn _link "Keep watching" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom; !$jerk; $jerk+6" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" null "action">>
<<if $jerk==6>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>You watch $'s pussy soaking wet with juices, as she picks up speed.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_masturbation_2.jpg">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 6 ? "#caughtMasturbation" : null>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if $daphne.roofies>>
<p>$ is sleeping like a rock. I can see in your eyes that you're planning to do some nasty stuff to this woman, but I promise you'll have plenty of occasions to put your dick in her without roofiing her with sleeping pills. Ask yourself this - what's more alpha...</p>
<big>...fucking a woman or raping a sex doll?</big>
<<media "activities/play/roofied.mp4">>
<<btn "#fuck" "Fuck her while she sleeps" "love-; dom+; $jerk+null" "action">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" null "action">>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You work your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket "jerkedoff+">>
<p>This is the end of the road. Hope you enjoyed the show.</p>
<<media "activities/play/finished.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" null "action">>
<<chunk null "#cum">>
<p>You work your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Move away" "jerkedoff+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#fuck">>
<p>Sigh... If that's what you want, here it is.</p>
<p>You gently kneel on the bed next to $'s face.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Now or never!</tht>">>
<p>You delicately turn her head and slowly push your dick in her mouth.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_fuck_0.jpg">>
<big>Surprisingly - it works!</big>
<<media `"activities/play/fuck_" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"`>>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 7 ? "#caughtFuck" : null>>
<<btn _link "Keep fucking her" "love-; dom+" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" null "action">>
<p>$ is deep asleep, so you turn her to the side and thrust your dick in her pussy. You can feel she's wet already, even though she's in a deep sleep.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_fuck_1.jpg">>
<p>If she wakes up now, just pretend you were sleepwalking.</p>
<big>Or sleepfucking.</big>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 8 ? "#caughtFuck" : null>>
<<btn _link "Keep fucking her" "love-; dom+" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" null "action">>
<p>$ almost looks like she's awake. She's moaning, touching her tits.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_fuck_2.jpg">>
<p>By the way - did you hear about the blind prostitute?</p>
<big>She never saw him coming.</big>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 9 ? "#caughtFuck" : null>>
<<btn _link "Keep fucking her" "love-; dom+" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish it" null "action">>
<p>You pull $ up, turn her ass to you, and slowly lower her on your dick. You can feel her quiet moan as it slides inside...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, $, fuck me!">>
<p>You nearly push her off when you hear her voice.</p>
<<dial "player" "What the fuck?!">>
<p>Calm down, genius. She's still asleep, she's just dreaming about you!</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_fuck_3.mp4">>
<big>World Rapist Union is so proud of your achievements!</big>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 10 ? "#caughtFuck" : null>>
<<btn _link "Keep fucking her" "love-; dom+" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "love+2" "action">>
<p>You can feel a growing pressure, signalling that you're reaching the peak. You pull out your cock from $'s pussy, and start stroking it, and after a moment a stream of hot cum shoots out of it, straight onto her voluptuous tits.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_fuck_4.mp4">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 11 ? "#caughtFuck" : null>>
<<btn _link>>
<<media `"activities/play/finish_" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"`>>
<p>You reached the finish line without getting caught - congrats. Next time - try this without the roofies!</p>
<<btn $curLocParent "Move away" "jerkedoff+" "action">>
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<<if _foundItem>>
<p>She notices you trying to hide ''_foundItemName''.</p>
<p>You turn around, surprised by her appearance.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, well, well.">>
<<media "well_well_well.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "It's not how it looks like.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh really? And how does it look like?">>
<<dial "player" "I mean... I was cleaning.">>
<<dial "alexa" "You were cleaning the stuff you stole from my mum?">>
<<dial "player" "What...?? Noooo...">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "20 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?">>
<<dial "alexa" "20 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum for stealing her shit.">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster.</p>
<<dial "player" "But I was not--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Sure, kid. You're paying or not?">>
<p>I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _alexaRand to [$curLoc, "#alexaMore", "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _alexaRand to [$curLoc, "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _alexaRand to [$curLoc, $curLoc, "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _alexaRand to $curLoc>>
<<set _alexaMumRand to ["#alexaMum", "#alexaLucky"].random()>>
<<btn _alexaRand "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=20; cash-20;" "dialog">>
<<btn _alexaMumRand "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well? Weren't you leaving?">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "15 bucks.">>
<p>Ohhhh shit. She played you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "And I'll show you my asshole.">>
<big>Well, at least there's that.</big>
<<dial "player" "How do I know you'll not scam me again?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm always serious when it comes to my asshole, dweeb.">>
<p>She smiles. I wouldn't trust her, bro. It's on you!</p>
<<media "hard_choice.mp4">>
<<btn "#alexaAsshole" "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=25; cash-15;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "Fuck it! I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaAsshole">>
<p>$ takes the money from you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Good boy! And now...">>
<p>She turns and lifts her skirt up.</p>
<big>Behold - the asshole</big>
<<media "activities/search/alexa_asshole.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll take your drooling as a //yes//.">>
<p>She covers herself and walks out of the room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaMum">>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!! MUM!!! MUM!!!">>
<p>You hear $ from the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT?! I'M BUSY!">>
<<dial "alexa" "THE DWEEB IS STEALING OUR STUFF!!!">>
<<dial "player" "I WASN'T!!!">>
<<dial "daphne" "STOP YELLING!!!">>
<<dial "alexa" "BUT WE'RE BEING ROBBED!!!">>
<big>$ bursts into the room...</big>
<big>...wet and naked.</big>
<<media "activities/search/daphne_wet.jpg">>
<p>$ smiles, and you cover your eyes <small>(not really though)</small>.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!">>
<p>Her tits jiggle when she yells.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb was trying to rob us. I caught him.">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Were you?">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I was just looking around...">>
<<if _foundItem>>
<<dial "daphne" "Looking around for what?">>
<p>$ takes ''_foundItemName'', that you were hiding behind your back, and gives it to $</p>
<<media "activities/search/cocainum.mp4">>
<<if _foundItem == "dildo+">>
<<dial "player" "I can explain...">>
<<dial "alexa" "I bet you sniffed it!">>
<p>Well... you did.</p>
<<dial "player" "I-I-I... I found it by accident, and wanted to put it back!">>
<<dial "alexa" "You're a little perv, aren't you?">>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dirty_panties+" || _foundItem == "dirty_bra+">>
<<dial "player" "I can explain...">>
<<dial "alexa" "He's a little pervert!">>
<<dial "player" "No I'm not! I was going to give it back!">>
<<dial "alexa" "After you punched the munchkin with it?">>
<<dial "player" "No I wouldn't!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yes you would. I know a perv when I see one!">>
<<dial "player" "I was going to give it back.">>
<<dial "alexa" "No you didn't...">>
<<dial "player" "How do you know?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I know a thief when I see one!">>
<p>Well... she's kind of right. But don't let her treat you like that. Fight back, god damn it!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "He was searching through the drawers!">>
<<dial "player" "I didn't took anything!">>
<<dial "alexa" "He didn't find anything!">>
<p>She doesn't have any proof! Don't let her treat you like that. Fight back, god damn it!</p>
<<media "activities/search/argument.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "How do you know?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I know a thief when I see one!">>
<<dial "player" "You know it from your own experience?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Don't talk to me like this, dweeb!">>
<<media "activities/search/middle.mp4">>
<p>$ can't take your yells anymore.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!">>
<p>You get quiet. $ sighs heavily <small>(Which puts her tits into slow-mo jiggle)</small>.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm disappointed, $ Very disappointed.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ha!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't pretend you're a saint, $ You're stealing and fucking around every day!">>
<p>$ shuts up and lowers her eyes. $ sighs again, and this time it's one of those sighs that turns men into choir boys.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't have time for this shit - I have a hot date in a moment. This guy is taking me to this charity event. Boob Cup Specialists, or Breast Cancer Survivors... something with tits. Anyway, he's loaded, so I need to look appropriately!">>
<p>Wait... she's going to a ''//Breast Cancer Survivors//'' charity event...</p>
<big>...with that tits?!</big>
<<media "activities/search/daphne_wet_tits.jpg">>
<p>You and $ look at each other with a silent W-T-F.</p>
<<media "activities/search/mutual_wtf.mp4">>
<p>$ turns to $</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You. Stop screaming, yelling, arguing in my house.">>
<p>And then she turns to you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "And you.">>
<p>She looks at you with anger.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "You're not kids, act like it!">>
<<if _foundItem>>
<p>She turns around and leaves the room, taking ''_foundItemName'' with her.</p>
<p>She turns around and leaves the room.</p>
<big>Well... that happened.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null `_foundItemLose + ""` "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaLucky">>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!!">>
<p>You wait a second but there's no response.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!!!!!">>
<<dial "alexa" "She's probably out on a fuck-date.">>
<<dial "player" "So...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "So you're fucking lucky.">>
<p>$ leaves the room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<</events>>/* Check if the player is caught, when and by whom */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<if !$alexa.roofies>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]>>
<<set _caughtWhen to _caughtWhen.random()>>
<big class="fi0 center">You approach the bed.</big>
<p class="fi3">$ is deep in her sleep. She's covered from head to toes, but somehow you're pretty damn sure she's naked underneath.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_approach1.mp4" "si3">>
<<dial "alexa" "Mr. Teddy...? Mr. Teddy, is that you...?" "si4">>
<p class="fi5">Hearing her speak makes your blood pressure go straight to heart attack zone...</p>
<<btn null null null "fi8">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck! She's awake!</tht>">>
<p>...but then it quickly drops as you realize she's talking through her sleep.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh... phew. What is she talking about?!</tht>">>
<big>You lean in to better hear the words...</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_approach2.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "I have a vaccum cleaner just like you asked, Mr. Teddy... Are you happy with me, mr. Teddy?">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Mr. Teddy? Vacuum cleaner?! I wonder what is she dreaming about...?</tht>">>
<p>I'm glad you asked this question. My vast knowledge in the psychology of dreams makes me think...</p>
<big>'s either this...</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_dream1.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh...?</tht>">>
<big>...or this.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_dream2.jpg">>
<<if $alexa.roofies==1>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh! The roofies are working!!!</tht>">>
<p>Yup, it certainly seems so. Just remember not to go too far - I'm pretty sure this girl might develop some kind of partial immunity to the roofies. I'm sure you're safe if you ain't gonna push your luck.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh!</tht>">>
<p>The more important question is...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/what_you_gonna_do.jpg">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<btn _link "Pull the covers down a bit" "dom+" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<big>You delicately pull the covers down.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_cover1.mp4">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<btn _link "Pull the covers further down" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>You pull the covers further down and...</p>
<big>...$'s ass is revealed in all its glory!</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_cover2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Uhhh... she's so warm and innocent!</tht>">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<btn _link "Pull the covers all the way down" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>You wait a moment, to make sure she's back in a deep sleep, before you continue your operation...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_cover3.mp4">>
<p>Ok, buddy. So you got what you wanted.</p>
<big>What now?</big>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : "#face">>
<<btn _link "See her face up close" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<chunk null "#face">>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>You move closer to $ Her face is so calm...</p>
<big>...just waiting for your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_face1.mp4">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : "#faceMore">>
<<btn _link "Caress her face" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">>
<<set _linkSkip = _caughtWhen == 5 ? "#caught" : "#feet">>
<<btn _linkSkip "Move to her feet instead" null "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<chunk null "#faceMore">>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>You start gently stroking $'s hair, and caressing her cheeks.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_face2.mp4">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 5 ? "#caught" : "#feet">>
<<btn _link "Move to her feet" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+5" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<chunk null "#feet">>
<<if $jerk==5>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>You move closer to $'s pretty feet. They are so cute and tiny, with smooth arches.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_feet1.mp4">>
<p>I have to say, bud, I was never a foot fetish type, but...</p>
<big>...I'd love to suck on her toes.</big>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 6 ? "#caught" : "#feetMore">>
<<btn _link "See her feet even closer" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+6" "action">>
<<set _linkSkip = _caughtWhen == 7 ? "#caught" : "#tits">>
<<btn _linkSkip "Move to her tits instead" null "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<chunk null "#feetMore">>
<<if $jerk==6>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>You move even closer to $'s feet.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_feet2.mp4">>
<p>Oh man, this black nail polish fits perfectly...</p>
<big>...her rotten heart.</big>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 7 ? "#caught" : "#tits">>
<<btn _link "Move to her tits" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+7" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<chunk null "#tits">>
<<if $jerk==7>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>You move towards the tits.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_tits1.mp4">>
<p>They are small, but cute. You'd love to squeeze them...</p>
<big>...but wouldn't it be too risky?</big>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 8 ? "#caught" : "#titsMore">>
<<btn _link "Squeeze those titties!" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Squeeze them while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+8" "action">>
<<set _linkSkip = _caughtWhen == 9 ? "#caught" : "#pussy">>
<<btn _linkSkip "Move to her pussy instead" null "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<chunk null "#titsMore">>
<<if $jerk==8>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>You touch them hesitantly at first, but when $ doesn't react...</p>
<big> squeeze the titties.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_tits2.mp4">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 9 ? "#caught" : "#pussy">>
<<btn _link "Move to her pussy" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+9" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<chunk null "#pussy">>
<<if $jerk==9>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>You decide it's a good moment to take a look at her little pussy.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_pussy1.mp4">>
<p>It's so wet and warm...</p>
<big>Mr. Teddy clearly knows what he's doing.</big>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 10 ? "#caught" : "#pussyMore">>
<<btn _link "Smell the pussy!" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Smell it while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+10" "action">>
<<set _linkSkip = _caughtWhen == 11 ? "#caught" : "#ass">>
<<btn _linkSkip "Move to her ass instead" null "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<chunk null "#pussyMore">>
<<if $jerk==10>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>You put your nose as close as possible and...</p>
<big>...sniff her pussy juices.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_pussy2.mp4">>
<p>The sweet scent makes you even harder. It feels like her pussy was trying to communicate - //fuck me, $ I'm wet and warm, just as you like me//.</p>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 11 ? "#caught" : "#ass">>
<<btn _link "Move to her ass" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Continue while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+11" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<chunk null "#ass">>
<<if $jerk==11>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>Finally, you arrive at the ass. You touch her butt gently, and slowly spread it wide, and...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_ass1.mp4">>
<big>...oh man.</big>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 12 ? "#caught" : "#assMore">>
<<btn _link "Spread the asshole even more!" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Spread it while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+12" "action">>
<<btn "#hardcore" "Let's see what else you can do with her..." null "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk; love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<chunk null "#assMore">>
<<if $jerk==12>>
<big>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... Mr. Teddy... You started without me...?">>
<p>You put both hands on her butt and spread it...</p>
<big> you were trying to build a fucking highway through it...</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_play_ass2.mp4">>
<<btn "#hardcore">>
<<chunk null "#hardcore">>
<big>$ is sleeping like a rock.</big>
<p>Whatever you did, was not enough to wake her up. I can see in your eyes that you're thinking about bringing it to another level, and doing some nasty stuff to this girl...</p>
<p>But to be honest I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Ask yourself this - what's more alpha...</p>
<big>...fucking a girl or raping a sex doll?</big>
<<media "activities/play/roofied.mp4">>
<p>Not even mentioning the fact, that if she fucking wakes up, she might rip your balls off.</p>
<<if $alexa.roofies>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I roofied her! She won't wake up!</tht>">>
<p>Well... we'll see!</p>
<<btn "#fuckMouth" "Fuck her mouth" "alexa.dom+2" "action">>
<<btn "#lickPussy" "Lick her pussy" "" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Cum and run" "$jerk!=null" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" "!$jerk" "action">>
<<chunk null "#fuckMouth">>
<p>Oh boy...</p>
<big>I hope you know what you're doing.</big>
<p>You position your hard cock in front of $'s face.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This is my revenge! I'm gonna fuck her face like a proper whore!</tht>">>
<p>You grab her head and push your dick into half open mouth...</p>
<<media `"activities/play/fuck_" + random(1,2) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<big>$ opens her eyes!</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_eyes.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck!</tht>">>
<p>You freeze in fear and look at her, with your hard cock still in her mouth.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... Hi $! It's not what it looks like.">>
<big>You're not fucking her mouth...?</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... I mean... I was... uhmmm... Wait...! What am I doing here!? Whoah, why do I have my penis in your mouth?! I'm so sorry, I must have been sleepwalking...!">>
<p>Sigh... man... I'm not even gonna comment on that. Anyway...</p>
<p>It takes you a moment to realize that...</p>
<big>...she's actually still sleeping with her eyes open.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it, you bastard. You could have said it from the start!</tht>">>
<p>That wouldn't be fun, would it?</p>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 13 ? "#caughtMouth" : null>>
<<btn _link "Continue fucking her mouth" null "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Too risky, just cum and run" null "action">>
<p>Your dick is so hard and big, that it barely fits into her mouth...</p>
<big>So you push it deeper, into her throat.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_hardcore_dom1.mp4">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 14 ? "#caughtMouth" : null>>
<<btn _link "Continue fucking her mouth" null "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Too risky, just cum and run" null "action">>
<big>You push your cock deeper and deeper.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_hardcore_dom2.mp4">>
<p>I have to say buddy, looking in those absent eyes, while you fuck her throat, is kinky as hell... Which is fitting, as we're surely going to hell for this.</p>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 15 ? "#caughtMouth" : null>>
<<btn _link "Continue fucking her mouth" null "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Too risky, just cum and run" null "action">>
<p>But it's still not enough. You grab her hair and...</p>
<big>...force your dick as deep as it can go.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_hardcore_dom3.mp4">>
<p>You can't stand the pressure anymore. You feel you're going to cum...</p>
<<btn "#cumMouth">>
<<chunk null "#cumMouth">>
<p>$ is so deep asleep, that she doesn't even wake up when you...</p>
<big>...shoot a stream of cum into her throat.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_cum3.mp4">>
<p>$ is totally oblivious to what's going on, while her mouth fills with hot thick semen. There's far too much of it too swallow, so she instinctively opens her lips, letting the cum flow across her cheeks.</p>
<p>Dude, I have to say, it was hot as fuck. This girl is a fucking nympho even in her sleep. But the fun is over now.</p>
<big>Time to evacuate the building!</big>
<<if $player.trait == "satan">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Actually... I have another idea!</tht>">>
<p>Man, I'm really unsure if it's a good idea to have an idea at this point...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up, I know what I'm doing... This bitch deserves something more.</tht>">>
<<btn "#piss" "Piss into her mouth" "love-4; alexa.dom+4" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" null "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" null "action">>
<<chunk null "#piss">>
<p>You open her mouth one more time and...</p>
<big>...fill it with a stream of hot piss.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_hardcore_piss1.mp4">>
<p>And surprisingly...</p>
<big>...she swallows it all without any hesitation.</big>
<p>But as soon as you finish, and turn away to leave the room...</p>
<big>...$ finally wakes up!</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_hardcore_piss2.mp4">>
<p>She looks at you, surprised that you're in her bedroom.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What the fuck are you doing here?!">>
<p>You look at her, with a smirk on your face.</p>
<<dial "player" "I just came.">>
<p>She looks at you, a bit confused...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You just came?! But it's my room!">>
<p>She hesitates for a moment...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Wait... I have a funny taste in my mouth... It reminds me of... of...">>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_funny_taste.mp4">>
<p>She slowly connects the dots.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Have you just fucked me in my mouth and pissed into it while I was sleeping?">>
<big>She's a fucking Sherlock Holmes!</big>
<p>What now?</p>
<<if $alexa.aphro>>
<<set _decision = "#stay">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#getout", "#getout", "#getout"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#getout", "#getout"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#getout"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#stay", "#getout"].random()>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay"].random()>>
<<btn _decision "Yup. And I loved every second of it." "alexa.dom+3" "dialog">>
<<btn "#getout" "Me?! I would never!" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#getout">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets angry.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You fucker. I'm gonna shit into your mouth. I'm gonna fill it with nails and shit. And broken bottles. Better start locking the doors at night, you fucking sick bastard.">>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Get the fuck out!!!">>
<p>You turn and leave.</p>
<big>I'd say that went well, right?</big>
<<btn $curLocParent "Finish it" null "action">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<p>After a long pause, $ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I like that.">>
<p>See, this is what happ--</p>
<big>Wait, what?!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm a whore and I like when the man treats me as such.">>
<p>God damn it.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I want you to fuck me. Fuck my dirty ass!!!">>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_wake_ass.mp4">>
<p>Well, gotta say...</p>
<big>World Rapist Union is proud of your achievements!</big>
<<btn "#fuck" "Fuck her dirty ass" "alexa.dom+" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn null "No. I'm gonna fuck you when I want to fuck you, whore!" "alexa.dom+4" "dialog yieldHide">>
<p>$'s jaw drop, as you turn and calmly leave the room.</p>
<<media "jaw_drop.mp4">>
<p>Man, I have to say...</p>
<big>...this was one of the most alpha things I've ever seen.</big>
<p>Congrats, my man. You're crazy, but you're not a wuss anymore.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#fuck">>
<p>She doesn't have to ask twice. You push your dick into her asshole and...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_sex1.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "You like it? You like my lil' cinnamon hole?">>
<p>Fuck. Me.</p>
<<dial "player" "Fuck. Me.">>
<p>The view of your dick entering her asshole is so arousing that you have to slow down, or you're going to cum...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_sex2.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Let me get on top of you.">>
<<dial "player" "Say please, whore.">>
<<dial "alexa" "PLEASE! I beg you! Let me ride you with my asshole!">>
<big>I beg you too, $!</big>
<p>She sits on you and starts riding your dick like a proper whore...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_sex3.mp4">>
<p>You feel the pressure growing in your dick. It might be a good moment to pull out. But maybe you wanna something more out of this?</p>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "alexa.squirt+2; player.cum+2; $char+alexa" "sex action">>
<<btn null "Cum now" null "action">>
<<dial "player" "I'm gonna cum!">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want to taste it!">>
<big>I think that's doable, right?</big>
<p>You pull out your dick from her ass, and start stroking it. It doesn't take long before...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_cum1.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Guuuhhh... I love the taste of my asshole!">>
<<dial "player" "That's good... because you're going to lick it clean!">>
<p>You push your dick deeper into her throat, when you unload the rest of your sticky hot cum...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_cum2.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Guhhh... gobble... gobble!">>
<p>You're finally finished. $ smiles, as she swallows all your cum.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Mmm... tasty!">>
<p>She looks at you with sparks in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That was great... I really liked that... Maybe you'll stay in bed with me?">>
<big>...$ asks you to stay!</big>
<p>That's something new. What you're going to do?</p>
<<btn $curLoc "I guess I can stick around" "; $permission+" "dialog">>
<<btn $curLocParent "No. I'm gonna come back when I want to fuck you again, whore!" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#lickPussy">>
<p>You push your face to $'s pussy and...</p>
<big>...push your tongue inside.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_hardcore_love1.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Mmmm... Mr. Teddy... I don't deserve that...">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 16 ? "#caughtLick" : null>>
<<btn _link>>
<big>Her pussy juices are flowing like a river...</big>
<p>So it's time to push your tongue into her asshole.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_hardcore_love2.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Mr. Teddy!!! Mr. Teddy I'm cumming! I'm--">>
<p>You can feel $'s twitching, and twisting, as she orgasms during her sleep.</p>
<big>She squirts right into your face.</big>
<p>And then she loosens up.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, this was fun!</tht>">>
<p>It certainly was, my man. But there's nothing more you can do, so you get up, and leave the room.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#cum">>
<p>You work your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/play/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<p>And that's the end of the road. You move away and close the doors behind you.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent "Move away" "jerkedoff+" "action">>
/* This script chooses the random values for character traits, trivia and multipliers */
<<widget "doChar">>
/* Create char variable and load the character object */
<<set _charId = $args[0] ? $args[0] : null>>
<<if _charId>>
<<set _charVar to '$'+_charId>>
<<set _char to State.getVar(_charVar)>>
/* Load trivia, trait and kink if not a player */
<<if _char.type == "character">>
/* Randomize traits and kinks where it's "random" */
<<if _char.trait == "random">>
<<set _traitNew to setup.charTraits.random().id>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.trait', _traitNew)>>
<<if _char.kink == "random">>
<<set _kinkNew to setup.sexCat.random().id>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.kink', _kinkNew)>>
/* Randomize trivia where it's "random" */
<<set _triviaArray to []>>
<<set _triviaArray to clone(setup.charTrivia)>>
<<if _char.trivia1 == "random">>
<<set _triviaRand to random(0, _triviaArray.length-1)>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.trivia1', _triviaArray[_triviaRand].id)>>
<<set _triviaRandData to _triviaArray[_triviaRand].trivia.random()>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.trivia1Id',>>
<<if _triviaArray[_triviaRand].id == "songs">>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.trivia1Link',>>
<<set _triviaArray.splice(_triviaRand, 1)>>
<<for _t to 0; _t < _triviaArray.length; _t++>>
<<if _char.trivia1 == _triviaArray[_t].id>>
<<set _triviaArray.splice(_t, 1)>>
<<if _char.trivia2 == "random">>
<<set _triviaRand to random(0, _triviaArray.length-1)>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.trivia2', _triviaArray[_triviaRand].id)>>
<<set _triviaRandData to _triviaArray[_triviaRand].trivia.random()>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.trivia2Id',>>
<<if _triviaArray[_triviaRand].id == "songs">>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.trivia2Link',>>
<<set _triviaArray.splice(_triviaRand, 1)>>
<<for _t to 0; _t < _triviaArray.length; _t++>>
<<if _char.trivia1 == _triviaArray[_t].id>>
<<set _triviaArray.splice(_t, 1)>>
<<if _char.trivia3 == "random">>
<<set _triviaRand to random(0, _triviaArray.length-1)>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.trivia3', _triviaArray[_triviaRand].id)>>
<<set _triviaRandData to _triviaArray[_triviaRand].trivia.random()>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.trivia3Id',>>
<<if _triviaArray[_triviaRand].id == "songs">>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.trivia3Link',>>
<<set _triviaArray.splice(_triviaRand, 1)>>
<<for _t to 0; _t < _triviaArray.length; _t++>>
<<if _char.trivia1 == _triviaArray[_t].id>>
<<set _triviaArray.splice(_t, 1)>>
/* Populate the multiplier array with the starting multipliers */
<<if == "player">>
<<for _pt to 0; _pt < setup.playerTraits.length; _pt++>>
<<if _char.trait == setup.playerTraits[_pt].id>>
<<set _multi to splitter(setup.playerTraits[_pt].multi)>>
<<for _m to 0; _m < _multi.length; _m++>>
<<set _multi[_m].char to "player">>
<<set _multi[_m].type to "trait">>
<<set $multipliers.push(_multi[_m])>>
<<elseif _char.type == "character">>
<<for _ct to 0; _ct < setup.charTraits.length; _ct++>>
<<if _char.trait == setup.charTraits[_ct].id>>
<<set _multi to splitter(setup.charTraits[_ct].multi)>>
<<for _m to 0; _m < _multi.length; _m++>>
<<set _multi[_m].char to>>
<<set _multi[_m].type to "trait">>
<<set $multipliers.push(_multi[_m])>>
/* Additionally set minimum desire required for sex for this character based on trait */
<<if setup.charTraits[_ct].minDes == "X">>
<<set _varValueArray to [20, 30, 40, 50, 60]>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.minDes', parseFloat(_varValueArray[random(0,4)]))>>
<<elseif _char.minDes == null>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.minDes', setup.charTraits[_ct].minDes)>>
/* If we have a new character we need to reset the multipliers and force the schedule to make sure it works */
<<set $resetMulti to 1>>
<<set $schedForce to 1>>
<<EVENT "daphne; while=dressing; $alexa.met">> /* Daphne is dressing, Alexa sees player */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - you hear something behind your back. You turn your head...</p>
<<media "turn_around.mp4">>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>$ is standing on the corridor, looking right at you.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "You must be kidding me...">>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck.">>
<p>Oh fuck indeed.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You quickly hide your dick in your pants and move away from the doors.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p>You move away from the doors.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphRoom/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<p>$ looks at you with a mix of anger and mockery.</p>
<<dial "player" "It's not how it looks like.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh really? And how does it look like?">>
<<dial "player" "I mean... I was... just passing by.">>
<p>You need to do better than that, bud. Honestly.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, you were just passing by with a dick in your hand? How convenient.">>
<p>Gotta say, dude...</p>
<big>She's fun.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "So you were not peeking at my mum?">>
<<dial "player" "Me? Peeking?! That's what perverts do!">>
<big>You're digging yourself a shallow grave.</big>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _alexaRand to [$curLoc, "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 4>>
<<set _alexaRand to [$curLoc, $curLoc, "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<set _alexaRand to $curLoc>>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?!?">>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum.">>
<<dial "player" "This is a total rip-off!">>
<<dial "alexa" "You were masturbating while peeking at my naked mum. I think it's a fair price.">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster. I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro, but if $ learns about it she might go postal. This is a tough decision.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<btn _alexaRand "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=50; cash-50;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?">>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum.">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster.</p>
<<dial "player" "But I was not--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Sure, kid. You're paying or not?">>
<big>Don't trust her, bro.</big>
<p>She's gonna screw you either way.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<btn _alexaRand "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=25; cash-25;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<big>Called it!</big>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks.">>
<p>Ohhhh shit. She played you so nicely.</p>
<<media "not_good.mp4">>
<p>$ notices your hesitation. She might be a monster, but she's not that great at hiding her desperation.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks... and ''I'll show you my asshole''.">>
<<media "kinky.mp4">>
<p>Well, at least there's that.</p>
<<dial "player" "How do I know you'll not scam me again?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm always serious when it comes to my asshole, dweeb.">>
<p>She smiles. I wouldn't trust her, bro. It's on you!</p>
<<btn "#alexaAsshole" "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=25; cash-25;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "Fuck it! I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaAsshole">>
<p>$ takes the money from you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Good boy! And now...">>
<p>She turns and lifts her skirt up.</p>
<big>Behold - the asshole</big>
<<media "activities/peek/alexa_asshole.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll take your drooling as a //yes//.">>
<p>She covers herself and walks away.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaMum">>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!! MUM!!! MUM!!!">>
<p>You hear $ from her room.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?! I'M BUSY!">>
<<dial "alexa" "THE DWEEB IS PEEKING AT YOU!!!">>
<<dial "player" "I WASN'T!!!">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "AND JERKING OFF!!!">>
<big>$ bursts out of her room...</big>
<<media "activities/peek/daphRoom/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb was jerking off while peeking at you. I caught him.">>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb was peeking at you. I caught him.">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Were you?">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<p>Decision time, bud.</p>
<<btn "#alexaMumLie" "I was just passing by, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMumTruth" "I couldn't help myself, you're so beautiful..." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumLie">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ goes back to her room and shuts the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Should have taken the deal, dweeb.">>
<<media "hehehe.mp4">>
<p>$ leaves you alone on the corridor.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "alexa.dom-;" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't sugar me, this is serious!">>
<<dial "player" "You're right, I'm sorry.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaMumOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean...">>
<<dial "alexa" "What?!">>
<<dial "daphne" "I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I can't believe it!">>
<p>I have to say, bud, I can't believe it too...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "So you're just letting him go?">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just don't do it again, ok?">>
<<dial "player" "I won't, I promise!">>
<p>$ smiles to you one more time, goes back to her room and closes the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck me.">>
<p>$ turns and leaves the corridor.</p>
<<media "im_leaving.mp4">>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "; alexa.dom" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<big>Freud would laugh his ass off.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses.">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ goes back to her room and shuts the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Should have taken the deal, dweeb.">>
<<media "hehehe.mp4">>
<p>$ leaves you alone on the corridor.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "; alexa.dom-" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne; while=dressing">> /* Daphne is dressing, Daphne sees player */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You barely manage to put your dick back in the pants, before $ bursts out of her room, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>$ bursts out of her room, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphRoom/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK?!">>
<p>Play it ''cool''.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, hi, $">>
<p>//Cool// as in //don't panic//, and not //how's your sex life//, dude. Now you turned into a nuclear winter.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't //hi $ me. Were you peeking through the doors?!">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<p>Decision time, bud.</p>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "I couldn't help myself, you're so beautiful..." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "I was just passing by, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ goes back to her room and shuts the doors.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't sugar me, this is serious!">>
<<dial "player" "You're right, I'm sorry.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean... I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women.">>
<p>Errmmm... Ok...?</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just don't do it again, ok?">>
<p>Yeah, right.</p>
<<media "i_promise.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I won't, I promise!">>
<p>$ smiles to you one more time, goes back to her room, and closes the doors.</p>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<big>Freud would laugh his ass off.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses.">>
<p>Shut the fuck up and pray.</p>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ goes back to her room and shuts the doors.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSex">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>When a woman says she's disappointed, it's basically the end of the road, bud.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I thought that we can trust each other.">>
<p>Pray it won't end up in packing your things.</p>
<<dial "player" "We can... I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "If we can trust each other, than why didn't you just came to me and told me how you feel?">>
<p>Ermmm... What?</p>
<<media "what.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "You could have told me that you want to see me naked... You could have told me, that my body makes you aroused... We could figure something out.">>
<p>She bites her lip.</p>
<big>O-M-G! She's hitting on you!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Than again... We can still figure something out, if you want...">>
<<media "activities/peek/fuck_yea.mp4">>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "daphne.squirt+2; $char+daphne; $permission+" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Not now, thanks!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne; while=sex; $alexa.met">> /* Daphne has sex, Alexa sees player */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - you hear something behind your back. You turn your head...</p>
<<media "turn_around.mp4">>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>$ is standing on the corridor, looking right at you.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "You must be kidding me...">>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck.">>
<p>Oh fuck indeed.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You quickly hide your dick in your pants and move away from the doors. But it's too late, she already saw it.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p>You move away from the doors.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphRoom/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<p>$ looks at you with a mix of anger and mockery.</p>
<<dial "player" "It's not how it looks like.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh really? And how does it look like?">>
<<dial "player" "I mean... I was... just passing by.">>
<p>You need to do better than that, bud. Honestly.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, you were just passing by with a dick in your hand? How convenient.">>
<p>Gotta say, dude...</p>
<big>She's fun.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "So you were not peeking at my mum?">>
<<dial "player" "Me? Peeking?! That's what perverts do!">>
<big>You're digging yourself a shallow grave.</big>
<p>$ comes closer and looks through the crack in the door...</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphRoom/daphne_sex1_4.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh... I see...">>
<<dial "player" "I didn't...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Don't worry, kid. I was there.">>
<<dial "player" "What do you mean?">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "She brings dudes to fuck her every weekend since I remember. When I was a kid I was standing by her doors just like you.">>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You look down at your crotch.</p>
<<dial "player" "Like me...?">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeah, that too. The floor under this doors was often soaking wet from my juices.">>
<<media "activities/peek/interesting.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "80 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?!?">>
<<dial "alexa" "80 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum.">>
<<dial "player" "This is a total rip-off!">>
<<dial "alexa" "You were masturbating while peeking at my mum fucking with some dude. I think it's a fair price.">>
<<dial "player" "You just said you were doing the same thing!">>
<<dial "alexa" "I can do what I want. Pay up!">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster. I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro, but if $ learns about it she might go postal. This is a tough decision.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<btn _alexaRand "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=80; cash-80;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "40 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?">>
<<dial "alexa" "40 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum.">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster.</p>
<<dial "player" "You just said you were also peeking at her!">>
<<dial "alexa" "I can do what I want. Pay up!">>
<p>I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = [$curLoc, "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = [$curLoc, $curLoc, "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = $curLoc>>
<<btn _decision "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=40; cash-40;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "30 bucks more.">>
<p>Ohhhh shit. She played you.</p>
<<media "not_good.mp4">>
<p>$ notices your hesitation. She might be a monster, but she's not that great at hiding her desperation.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "30 bucks... and ''I'll show you my asshole''.">>
<<media "kinky.mp4">>
<p>Well, at least there's that.</p>
<<dial "player" "How do I know you'll not scam me again?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm always serious when it comes to my asshole, dweeb.">>
<p>She smiles. I wouldn't trust her, bro. It's on you!</p>
<<btn "#alexaAsshole" "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=30; cash-30;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "Fuck it! I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaAsshole">>
<p>$ takes the money from you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Good boy! And now...">>
<p>She turns and lifts her skirt up.</p>
<big>Behold - the asshole</big>
<<media "activities/peek/alexa_asshole.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll take your drooling as a //yes//.">>
<p>She covers herself and walks out of the room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaMum">>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!! MUM!!! MUM!!!">>
<p>You hear $ from her room.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?! I'M BUSY!">>
<<dial "alexa" "THE DWEEB IS PEEKING AT YOU!!!">>
<<dial "player" "I WASN'T!!!">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "AND JERKING OFF!!!">>
<big>$ bursts out of her room...</big>
<<media "activities/peek/daphRoom/daphne_angry2.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!">>
<p>Her tits make you gasp.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb was jerking off while peeking at you. I caught him.">>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb was peeking at you. I caught him.">>
<p>In the background the dude on the bed frantically tries to hide his dick.</p>
<<dial "guy" "What is happening? Who is this?">>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeDaphne" + $dudeDaphne.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"`>>
<p>He talks about you, but looks at $ with a smile. She smiles back to him, biting her lip. $ notices it and gives him a cold stare.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut the fuck up.">>
<p>She looks back at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Were you peeking at us?">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<p>Decision time, bud.</p>
<<btn "#alexaMumLie" "I was just passing by, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMumTruth" "I couldn't help myself, you're so beautiful..." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumLie">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<p>The guy on the bed laughs his ass off.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ goes back to her room and shuts the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Should have taken the deal, dweeb.">>
<<media "hehehe.mp4">>
<p>$ leaves you alone on the corridor.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "alexa.dom-;" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't sugar me, this is serious!">>
<<dial "player" "You're right, I'm sorry.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaMumOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean...">>
<<dial "alexa" "What...?">>
<<dial "guy" "What...?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up!">>
<p>$ looks back at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I can't believe it!">>
<p>I have to say, bud, I can't believe it too...</p>
<<dial "guy" "We should castrate this motherfucker!">>
<p>Well, not that, but still...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up!">>
<p>She smiles to you one more time.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "So you're just letting him go?">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just don't do it again, ok?">>
<<dial "player" "I won't, I promise!">>
<<dial "guy" "Whatever, let's just get back to what we were doing already!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up!">>
<p>The guy winks at $ He clearly has a thing for her, and doesn't seem to mind that he was balls deep into her mother just a moments ago... But $ doesn't notice it. She smiles to you one more time, before going back to her room and closing the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck me.">>
<p>$ turns and leaves the corridor.</p>
<<media "im_leaving.mp4">>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "; alexa.dom+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<<dial "guy" "L-O-L.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up!">>
<big>Freud would laugh his ass off.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "guy" "Whatever, let's just get back to what we were doing already!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up!">>
<p>$ goes back to her room and shuts the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Should have taken the deal, dweeb.">>
<<media "hehehe.mp4">>
<p>$ leaves you alone on the corridor.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "; alexa.dom-" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne; while=sex">> /* Daphne has sex, Daphne sees player */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head...</p>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What the fuck?!">>
<<dial "player" "Shit! I'm sorry!">>
<p>The guy, balls deep in $, looks at you angrily.</p>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeDaphne" + $dudeDaphne.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"`>>
<<dial "guy" "That's trespassing, son!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up, it's not your business!">>
<p>You need to quickly figure out what to do.</p>
<<btn "#daphneRun" "Run away" "" "action">>
<<btn "#daphneJoin" "Can I join?" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneRun">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run to your room. Well, in those circumstances it was probably good decision. The guy maybe wasn't in best shape, but still he'd maul your ass.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#daphneJoin">>
<p>$ rises from the bed and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You were peeking at me making love, and now you have a nerve to ask to join me in bed?">>
<p>I have to tell you, buddy, you really haven't thought that through. The good news is the view is amazing, because in all excitement she forgot to cover herself.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphRoom/daphne_angry2.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I mean... I guess?">>
<p>Surprisingly, she didn't smack you right away. Is it possible that she's considering it?</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneGetOut", "#daphneGetOut", "#daphneGetOut", "#daphneStay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneGetOut", "#daphneGetOut", "#daphneStay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneGetOut", "#daphneStay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneStay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneStay">>
<p>$ finally looks you in the eyes and... smiles!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You know what? I agree.">>
<<dial "player" "What?!">>
<<dial "guy" "What?!">>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up!">>
<p>$ looks back at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Consider it the reward for being a good tenant.">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yeah I'm a good tenant. The best one! So we're doing a triangle?">>
<p>This is amazing, dude! I applaud you.</p>
<<dial "guy" "I'm not doing triangles with other dudes.">>
<p>Oh fuck. Captain Cockblock here has some other ideas.</p>
<<dial "player" "So...?">>
<p>You look at $</p>
<p>She smiles one more time.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, in that case you better get lost.">>
<p>Oh shit... I'm sorry, bro...</p>
<<dial "guy" "Ha, ha. And close the doors behind you, assmunch!">>
<p>$ looks at the guy.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was talking to you.">>
<big>Oh fuck! What a rollercoaster!</big>
<p>The guy looks at her like he doesn't believe what he just heard...</p>
<<dial "guy" "What...?">>
<<dial "daphne" "You were a lousy fuck anyway.">>
<p>The guy's expression quickly changes to anger.</p>
<<dial "guy" "You'll regret this, bitch!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up and go.">>
<p>He gathers his things and storms out of the house.</p>
<p>$ looks at you with a nasty smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Come here!">>
<<media "success.mp4">>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "daphne.squirt+2; $char+daphne; $permission+" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Not now, thanks!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneGetOut">>
<p>She finally looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ points her finger to the doors.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Get out of here and don't come back!">>
<<media "getout.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now!!!">>
<<dial "guy" "And close the doors behind you, assmunch!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up.">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met; daphne">>
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - you hear something behind your back. You turn your head...</p>
<<media "turn_around.mp4">>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>$ is standing in the doorframe, looking right at you.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "You must be kidding me...">>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck.">>
<p>Oh fuck indeed.</p>
<h2 class="border">$'s house</h2>
<<media "locations/daphHouse/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You quickly hide your dick in your pants and run out of $'s bedroom. $ is waiting for you on the corridor with a mix of anger and mockery on her face.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p>You run out of $'s bedroom to the corridor, where $ is waiting for you with a mix of anger and mockery on her face.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "It's not how it looks like.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh really? And how does it look like?">>
<<dial "player" "I mean... I... I thought she was calling my name.">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, let me get this straight. You heard her calling your name, so you burst into her bedroom with a dick in your hand, to save her, riiight?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, let me get this straight. You heard her calling your name, so you burst into her bedroom to save her... by couragesly looking at her tits, riiight?">>
<p>You need to do better than that, bud. Honestly.</p>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "100 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?!?">>
<<dial "alexa" "100 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum.">>
<<dial "player" "This is a total rip-off!">>
<<dial "alexa" "You were masturbating over my sleeping mum. I think it's a fair price.">>
<big>She has a point, bud.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?!?">>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum.">>
<p>I know what you're thinking. It's a lot of money to give to this lil' monster. And I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro, but the truth is that if $ learns about it she might go postal.</p>
<<media "caught.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = [$curLoc, "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = [$curLoc, $curLoc, "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = $curLoc>>
<<if $jerk>>
<<btn _decision "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=100; cash-100;" "dialog">>
<<btn _decision "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=50; cash-50;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Another 50 bucks.">>
<p>Ohhhh shit. She played you.</p>
<<media "not_good.mp4">>
<p>$ notices your hesitation. She might be a monster, but she's not that great at hiding her desperation.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks... and ''I'll show you my asshole''.">>
<<media "kinky.mp4">>
<p>Well, at least there's that.</p>
<<dial "player" "How do I know you'll not scam me again?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm always serious when it comes to my asshole, dweeb.">>
<p>She smiles. I wouldn't trust her, bro. It's on you!</p>
<<btn "#alexaAsshole" "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "50; cash-50;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "Fuck it! I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaAsshole">>
<p>$ takes the money from you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Good boy! And now...">>
<p>She turns and lifts her skirt up.</p>
<big>Behold - the asshole</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/alexa_asshole.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll take your drooling as a //yes//.">>
<p>She covers herself and walks out of the room.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#alexaMum">>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!! MUM!!! MUM!!!">>
<p>You hear $ from her room.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?! I'M SLEEPING!">>
<<dial "alexa" "THE DWEEB WAS LURKING IN YOUR ROOM!!!">>
<<dial "player" "I WASN'T!!!">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "AND JERKING OFF!!!">>
<big>$ bursts out of her room...</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<p>Her t-shirt barely covers her giant tits.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb broke into your bedroom when you were sleeping and was jerking off while looking at you. I caught him.">>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb broke into your bedroom when you were sleeping. I caught him.">>
<p>$ looks at you with anger in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is this true?">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<p>Decision time, bud.</p>
<<btn "#alexaMumLie" "Noooo! She's lying, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMumTruth" "I couldn't help myself, you're so beautiful..." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumLie">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ goes back to her room and shuts the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Should have taken the deal, dweeb.">>
<<media "hehehe.mp4">>
<p>$ leaves you alone on the corridor.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't sugar me, this is serious!">>
<<dial "player" "You're right, I'm sorry.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean...">>
<<dial "alexa" "What?!">>
<<dial "daphne" "I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I can't believe it!">>
<p>I have to say, bud, I can't believe it too...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "So you're just letting him go?">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just don't do it again, ok?">>
<<dial "player" "I won't, I promise!">>
<p>$ smiles to you one more time, goes back to her room and closes the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck me.">>
<<media "im_leaving.mp4">>
<p>$ turns and leaves the corridor.</p>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "; alexa.dom" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm disappointed, $ Very disappointed.">>
<p>When a woman says she's disappointed, it basically the nuclear winter, bud.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<big>Freud would laugh his ass off.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses.">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ goes back to her room and shuts the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Should have taken the deal, dweeb.">>
<<media "hehehe.mp4">>
<p>$ leaves you alone on the corridor.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "">>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro" "#caughtMasturbation">>
<p>Suddenly - you hear something behind your back. You turn your head...</p>
<<media "turn_around.mp4">>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>$ is standing in the doorframe, looking right at you.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "You must be kidding me...">>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck.">>
<p>Oh fuck indeed.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<h2 class="border">$'s house</h2>
<<media "locations/daphHouse/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You quickly hide your dick in your pants and run out of $'s bedroom. $ is waiting for you on the corridor with a mix of anger and mockery on her face.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p>You run out of $'s bedroom to the corridor, where $ is waiting for you with a mix of anger and mockery on her face.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "It's not how it looks like.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh really? And how does it look like?">>
<<dial "player" "I mean... She was... You know... She was moaning.">>
<p>$ looks at you questioningly.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Moaning?!">>
<<dial "player" "I thought she might be sick, so I came to check on her, and...">>
<p>You can feel she's curious. That's a good sign. Maybe she won't rip your balls off.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<<dial "alexa" "Aaaand?">>
<<dial "player" "I came and... she was... you know...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Spill it out, dweeb!">>
<<dial "player" "She was masturbating in her sleep!">>
<p>$ looks at you with a surprised expression on her face...</p>
<<media "wtf.mp4">>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<p>...and finally she bursts into laughter.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I gotta see this!">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/curious1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "What?! Wait!!!">>
<p>She quietly opens the doors and walks into $'s bedroom.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<h2 class="border">$'s room</h2>
<<media "locations/daphRoom/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>$ is still on it.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_masturbation_3.jpg">>
<p>$ is stunned.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/curious2.mp4">>
<p>She lowers her voice to whisper.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Awesome!">>
<<dial "player" "Told you.">>
<p>Thank god, she's a lil' pervert too!</p>
<<dial "player" "Ok... I think we should go...">>
<<dial "alexa" "What?! No fucking way.">>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<p>$ looks for something in her pocket and...</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<big>...she pulls out her phone and starts recording.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/recording.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "What the fuck are you doing?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "How does it look like, dweeb?!">>
<<dial "player" "You're recording your mum masturbating! That's fucked up.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut up you fucking hypokite.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Besides... it's kinda hot.">>
<p>Well, she has a point there...</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<big> is kinda hot.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_masturbation_4.mp4">>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<p>Look, I was against this whole thing, but you're here, and she's here, and the least you can do is...</p>
<big>...make her send us the vid.</big>
<p>You know... for archival purposes.</p>
<<dial "player" "So... will you send me the vid?">>
<<dial "alexa" "You'll find it online tomorrow.">>
<<dial "player" "Wait... what???">>
<p>Oh shit.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "She is always calling me floozy. We'll see who's floozy now, when half the world will see you jacking off, bitch.">>
<<media "evil_laughter.mp4">>
<p>This girl is craaaaazy.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<p>Ok, man, Captain Cockblock here. This is serious and we need to stop it. Here's the thing - the video goes online, $ sees it, what do you think will happen? Will she think $ recorded it? Nope.</p>
<big>You'll be the prime suspect, bud.</big>
<p>She'll figure out you drugged her and go fucking postal on your ass.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ooops.</tht>">>
<p>Exactly. So, even though it pains me to say it, you need to destroy this video.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/destroy_vid.mp4">>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<<dial "player" "You need to delete it.">>
<p>$ looks at you, surprised.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What?! No fucking way.">>
<<media "noway.mp4">>
<p>You need to figure it out, quickly.</p>
<<btn "#alexaPay" "I'll pay you 50 bucks to delete it." "cash=50; cash-50;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaYell" "I'll wake her up if you won't delete it." "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro" "#alexaPay">>
<p>The greedy bitch takes your money, counts it, counts it again, and again just to be sure...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/count_money.mp4">>
<p>She finally sighs and deletes the video.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're lucky I'm trying to gather funds for asshole bleaching, otherwise this video would be online already!">>
<<dial "player" "Asshole bleaching?!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "For 100$ I'd let you see it!">>
<p>It's time to leave.</p>
<<dial "player" "Maybe some other day...">>
<<dial "alexa" "You're a fucktard, you know that?">>
<p>She turns and walks out of the bedroom.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro" "#alexaYell">>
<<dial "alexa" "Are you fucking kidding me? You were the one I caught in her room!">>
<<dial "player" "Was I? So let's wake her up and see what will she say when I'll show her a video of her masturbating on //YOUR// phone.">>
<p>$ stares at you blankly for a moment. I have to give it to you, bud, that's some power play done right.</p>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<p>$ sighs. She stops recording and deletes the vid.</p>
<<media "disappointed.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "You're a fucktard, you know that?">>
<p>She turns and walks out of the bedroom, but you can feel she has some new kind of respect towards you after this situation.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies" "#caughtFuck">>
<p>Suddenly - you hear something behind your back. You turn your head and...</p>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>$ is standing in the doorframe, looking right at you.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "WHAT. THE. FUCK.">>
<p>Fuck indeed.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<p>You jump off the bed and nervously try to put your pants back on.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Mum?! What the fuck are you doing with the dweeb!?">>
<p>$ doesn't respond. She just lies there, unconscious.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Mum...?">>
<<dial "player" "It's not how it looks like.">>
<<dial "alexa" "OH. MY. GOD.">>
<p>$ freezes in fear...</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<<dial "alexa" "YOU KILLED HER!">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/killed_her.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?! NO!!! She's just sleeping.">>
<p>$ hesitantly walks closer to the bed and notices that $ is breathing.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ohhh shit. I was hoping... I mean...">>
<p>//HOPING//!? I'm not sure if I want to know where that sentence was going.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>$ looks at you as if it dawned on her.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You roofied her!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmmm...">>
<p>I really can't see a way out of this one, bud. Look at it this way - just a moment ago she thought you're a murderer.</p>
<big>//Rapist// sounds way better.</big>
<<media "caught.mp4">>
<<btn "#alexaRoofyTruth" "The truth is I did roofy her." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaRoofyLie" "That's outrageous! I did not roofy her!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies" "#alexaRoofyTruth">>
<p>$ gazes at you with a new expression. It almost looks like she's impressed.</p>
<<media "impressive.mp4">>
<p>But does it mean she's ok with it?</p>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaRoofyAdmitOk", "#alexaRoofyTruthMoney", "#alexaRoofyTruthMoney"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaRoofyAdmitOk", "#alexaRoofyTruthMoney"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaRoofyAdmitOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies" "#alexaRoofyTruthMoney">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "100 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?!?">>
<<dial "alexa" "100 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum.">>
<<dial "player" "This is a total rip-off!">>
<<dial "alexa" "You roofied and fucked her. It's a bargain.">>
<big>She has a point, bud.</big>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = [$curLoc, "#alexaRoofyTruthMore", "#alexaRoofyTruthMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = [$curLoc, "#alexaRoofyTruthMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = $curLoc>>
<<btn _decision "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=100; cash-100;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaRoofyLieBalls" "No fucking way I'm paying." "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies" "#alexaRoofyTruthMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well?">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Another 50 bucks.">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/not_shocked.mp4">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>$ notices your hesitation. She might be a monster, but she's not that great at hiding her desperation.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks... and ''I'll show you my asshole''.">>
<<media "kinky.mp4">>
<p>Well, at least there's that.</p>
<<dial "player" "How do I know you'll not scam me again?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm always serious when it comes to my asshole, dweeb.">>
<p>She smiles. I wouldn't trust her, bro. It's on you!</p>
<<btn "#alexaRoofyAsshole" "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=50; cash-50;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "Fuck it! I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies" "#alexaRoofyLie">>
<p>Good luck proving it.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "She's completely unconscious!">>
<<dial "player" "I found her like that!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, so you found her unconscious and you figured you're gonna fuck her?">>
<<dial "player" "I wanted to help her... But I tripped... And my dick went into her... By accident.">>
<p>$ looks at you in silence. So am I.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That's fucking pathetic.">>
<big>It is.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/sex_lie.mp4">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "200 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?!?">>
<<dial "alexa" "200 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum.">>
<<dial "player" "This is a total rip-off!">>
<<dial "alexa" "You roofied and fucked her. It's a bargain.">>
<big>She has a point, bud.</big>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = [$curLoc, "#alexaRoofyLieMore", "#alexaRoofyLieMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = [$curLoc, "#alexaRoofyLieMore"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = $curLoc>>
<<btn _decision "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=200; cash-200;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaRoofyLieBalls" "No fucking way I'm paying." "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies" "#alexaRoofyLieMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well?">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Another 100 bucks.">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/not_shocked.mp4">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>$ notices your hesitation. She might be a monster, but she's not that great at hiding her desperation.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "100 bucks... and ''I'll show you my asshole''.">>
<<media "kinky.mp4">>
<p>Well, at least there's that.</p>
<<dial "player" "How do I know you'll not scam me again?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm always serious when it comes to my asshole, dweeb.">>
<p>She smiles. I wouldn't trust her, bro. It's on you!</p>
<<btn "#alexaRoofyAsshole" "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=100; cash-100;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "Fuck it! I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies" "#alexaRoofyAsshole">>
<p>$ takes the money from you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Good boy! And now...">>
<p>She turns and lifts her skirt up.</p>
<big>Behold - the asshole</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/alexa_asshole.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll take your drooling as a //yes//.">>
<p>She covers herself and walks out of the room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies" "#alexaRoofyLieBalls">>
<p>$ looks you deeply in the eyes...</p>
<big>...and then she kicks your balls.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/balls_kick.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "This is for raping my mum!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhhhh.......">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<big>And then she kicks you one more time...</big>
<p>And one more...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/balls_kick_2.mp4">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Next time you better fucking kill her, or I'll rip your balls off and make a spaghetti.">>
<p>She turns and walks out of the room.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies" "#alexaRoofyAdmitOk">>
<p>$ looks you deeply in the eyes...</p>
<big>...with a clear admiration.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Awesome!">>
<<dial "player" "I know I did something bad but... wait... //what//?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Why haven't I thought about it... this is like my birthday!">>
<p>She is visibly happy...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/strange_laugh.mp4">>
<big>...and it worries me, bud.</big>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<<dial "player" "So you're not angry?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Angry?! I'll finally have my revenge for all the fucked up stuff she made me do.">>
<p>She leans over to $</p>
<<dial "alexa" "YOU HEAR THIS, BITCH!? I'm gonna assfuck your religious shit out of you!">>
<<media "escalated.mp4">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<<dial "alexa" "OK. Help me out.">>
<p>$ grabs $ by her feet and pulls her out of bed. Or should I say...</p>
<<dial "player" "Wait! What the fuck are you doing with her?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "What do you think I'm doing! I'm taking her to the cellar.">>
<<if $daphCel>>
<<dial "player" "What?! You crazy?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, obviously... Grab her hands god damn it!">>
<<dial "player" "We have a cellar?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Kind of... Grab her hands god damn it!">>
<big>No! Don't do it.</big>
<<dial "player" "Well... Ok.">>
<p>You grab $ by her feet.</p>
<big>God damn it.</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/drag_body.mp4">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<h2 class="border">Cellar</h2>
<<media "locations/daphCel/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You help $ carry unconscious $ to the cellar. <<if !$daphCel>>It's one of those places that gives you shivers on your back. Yet in this particular case, because of all the BDSM equipment lurking in the dark corners, the shivers are mainly located in the area of your dick.<</if>></p>
<<dial "player" "Ok. What now?">>
<p>You drop $ on the concrete floor.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Now...?">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>$ pulls out ropes from an old trunk.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/psycho.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Now we fuck her up.">>
<p>This is soooo bad...</p>
<big>...but also kinky...</big>
<p>...but mostly bad.</p>
<<btn null null "$daphCel+1">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>$ wraps the long rope around $'s huge tits, which restricts the blood flow and causes them to darken a shade and swell. You're looking at it with a mix of fear and fascination.</p>
<<dial "player" "She'll wake up!">>
<p>$ doesn't even answer. Instead she takes the magic wand massager, puts it on $'s clit, and turns it on.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_bdsm_0.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmhmmmmm....">>
<p>$ moans in her sleep.</p>
<<btn "#alexaCellarRun" "Run, this bitch is crazy!" "" "action">>
<<btn null "I'll tag along for a while." "alexa.dom" "action">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>It seems the $ is just warming up. She puts a gag in $'s mouth, which makes her drool all over her tits. She also wraps a rope around her eyes, so that even if she wakes up, she won't be able to see what is happening.</p>
<<dial "player" "Fuck me...">>
<p>$ gives you one end of the rope.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Pull it!">>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Pull it motherfucker!!!">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/crazy.mp4">>
<big>It's official - she lost it.</big>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_bdsm_1.jpg">>
<p>To your surprise - $ doesn't even squeal. It seems like she enjoys it.</p>
<<btn "#alexaCellarRun" "Run, the bitch is crazy!" "" "action">>
<<btn null "I'll tag along for a while." null "action">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>When you think it couldn't go any more hardcore, $ pulls out a hook. Thanks to your vivid sexual imagination, you instantly know what she's planning.</p>
<<dial "player" "No... Don't...">>
<p>She doesn't even flinch - the hook goes straight in $'s asshole.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh my.">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_bdsm_2.jpg">>
<p>Honestly, bud, either run, or go with the flow, because it doesn't look like this shit will get any better.</p>
<<btn "#alexaCellarRun" "Run, the bitch is crazy!" "" "action">>
<<btn null "I'll tag along for a while." null "action">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>Ordered by $, you help to put $ on a metal bench, next to a strange machine with a mechanical arm extending from it. $ opens a box and pulls out a huge dildo, which she attaches to the arm.</p>
<<dial "player" "What now?">>
<<dial "alexa" "We'll throat fuck her.">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck... She might suffocate.">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/cheap_sentiment.mp4">>
<p>She turns the machine on.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_bdsm_3.jpg">>
<p>The machine starts pumping the dildo in and out of $'s throat. Surprisingly...</p>
<big>...she doesn't even gag!</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/its_alive.mp4">>
<<btn "#alexaCellarRun" "Run, the bitch is crazy!" "" "action">>
<<btn null "I'll tag along for a while." null "action">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>$ smiles, looking at her mother throat fucked by the machine.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Good...">>
<p>Even though the whole thing is pretty fucked up, you can't help an erection growing in your pants. $ notices it too.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I see you're getting ready for the final round.">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<p>The truth is that at this point you'd do anything to fuck $</p>
<<dial "player" "Ok, I'll do it.">>
<p>You pull your pants down, exposing your giant dick.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<p>$ looks at you with her crazy eyes.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/hahaha_no.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "No.">>
<<dial "player" "No?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Tonight is my time to fuck my mother, got it, dweeb?">>
<big>She pulls out a strap-on.</big>
<<dial "player" "Oh... Oh! Ok.">>
<p>$ puts on a strap-on and walks to $</p>
<<dial "alexa" "This is for not buying me the Barbie doll on my tenth birthday, you fucking bitch.">>
<p>She grabs her rubber cock and thrusts it into $'s asshole.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_bdsm_4.mp4">>
<p>$ gives $ the roughest fuck you've ever seen. It almost feels like her dildo is a real cock, that gives her real pleasure. You watch it like hypnotized.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you waiting for, bitch boy? Jerk it off for me!">>
<big>Well... she asked nicely, right?</big>
<p>You start stroking your dick up and down. With a view like that you reach the climax within seconds.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "On her tits! I want to see you cum on my mum's fucking melons!">>
<p>You do as she says and...</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_bdsm_5.jpg">>
<big>You shoot a stream of hot cum on $'s melons.</big>
<p>And another, and another, until her gigantic tits are completly covered with your cum and her own drool.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That's right, dweeb! I'm cumming too!">>
<p>$ reaches her orgasm just a moment after you. Her body twitches. Her throbbing pussy is so wet you could drink from it. And more juice flows out of her with every spasm.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_bdsm_6.mp4">>
<p>Within seconds, her body loosens up, her breath slows down. She moves away, and falls on her back, with a smile of ecstasy.</p>
<p>It takes you and $ a long and quiet minute to get back to your senses. Afterwards, you don't even talk - you just take $ back to her bedroom, clean her up a bit and leave her there.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom+2; jerkedoff+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk "$daphne.roofies" "#alexaCellarRun">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run from the cellar, not looking back. It was probably the best decision, but surely $ will be pretty angry you left her.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-2" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne; while=sleep; !$daphne.roofies">>
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ opens her eyes, turns her head...</p>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<big>She looks right at your dick.</big>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<p>$ jumps out from the bed, barely trying to cover her giant tits.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK?!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, hi, $">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/change_my_mind.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "What the fuck are you doing in my room!?">>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>She catched you red handed, so I guess the best option out of this situation would be...</p>
<p>Would be...</p>
<big>I got nothing.</big>
<p>You're on your own.</p>
<p>Thank god you weren't jacking off. I have some ideas about how to get out of this shitstorm, but I told you this will happen and you wouldn't listen, so now - you're on your own, bud.</p>
<<media "hard_choice.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<btn "#daphneLieJerk" "I heard you call out my name so I came!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "I heard you call out my name so I came!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "I couldn't help myself, you're so beautiful..." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLieJerk">>
<<dial "daphne" "You heard me call your name so you came to rescue me with a dick in your hand?!">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<big>You haven't thought that through, have you?</big>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/i_guess.mp4">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now - leave.">>
<<if $daphne.status < 5>>
<p>You walk out of her room in shame, and hear a "click" of the door lock. I'm pretty sure she will be locking her doors at night from now on.</p>
<<set setup.locations.find(obj => {return === "daphRoom"}).door to "locked">>
<<set $daphRoomDoor = "locked">>
<p>You walk out of her room in shame.</p>
<<media "shame.mp4">>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<<dial "daphne" "I called your name?!">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... I mean... You were calling //\"$! $!\"//. I thought something bad was happening so I came by running, and then you woke up.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... I must have been dreaming about something...">>
<p>She blushes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks for coming to my rescue, $">>
<<dial "player" "You welcome.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you were just coming to my rescue, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now - leave.">>
<p>You walk out of her room in shame.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't sugar me, this is serious!">>
<<dial "player" "You're right, I'm sorry.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean... I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women.">>
<p>Errmmm... Ok...?</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just don't do it again, ok?">>
<<dial "player" "I won't, I promise!">>
<<media "i_promise.mp4">>
<p>$ smiles as you walk out of her bedroom.</p>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#daphneAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm disappointed, $ Very disappointed.">>
<p>When a woman says she's disappointed, it basically means nuclear winter, bud.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<p>Freud would laugh his ass off.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses.">>
<p>Shut the fuck up and pray.</p>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "And now - get out.">>
<p>You walk out of her room in shame.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro" "#caughtMasturbation">>
<p>Suddenly - $ opens her eyes, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<big>She looks right at your dick.</big>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<p>She's so surprised that she doesn't even realize she's naked.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_angry_2.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "What is happening?">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, hi, $">>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/change_my_mind.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "What are you doing in my room!?">>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>She catched you red handed, so I guess the best option out of this situation would be... would be...</p>
<big>I got nothing.</big>
<p>You're on your own.</p>
<p>Thank god you weren't jacking off. I have some ideas about how to get out of this shitstorm, but I told you this will happen and you wouldn't listen, so now - you're on your own, bud.</p>
<<media "hard_choice.mp4">>
<<btn "#daphneMasturbationLie" "You called my name in your sleep so I came!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneMasturbationTruth" "I needed to look at you when you sleep, you're so beautiful!" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro" "#daphneMasturbationLie">>
<<dial "daphne" "I called your name?!">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, you yelled //\"$! $!\"//, so I came.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh no, I'm sorry, this happens to me sometimes! Was it the only thing I was saying?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... You said... You wanted to... You know... Do it.">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Do it?">>
<<dial "player" "Do //it//.">>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You look down on your dick.</p>
<p>You nod at her tits.</p>
<big>Bold move, kid.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh...? Oh!">>
<p>She realizes what you mean and covers herself.</p>
<<media "blush.mp4">>
<p>Surprisingly - she doesn't slap you right away. Is it possible she's still aroused after the aphrodisiac?</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneMasturbationAngry", "#daphneMasturbationAngry", "#daphneMasturbationAngry", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneMasturbationAngry", "#daphneMasturbationAngry", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneMasturbationAngry", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro" "#daphneMasturbationTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "What do you mean you wanted to look at me--">>
<p>She finally notices she's naked and frantically covers her tits.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh fuck! You undressed me?!">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I did... And I'm sorry.">>
<p>Surprisingly - she doesn't slap you right away. Is it possible she's still aroused after the aphrodisiac?</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneMasturbationAngry", "#daphneMasturbationAngry", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneMasturbationAngry", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneMasturbationAngry", "#daphneSex", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneSex">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro" "#daphneMasturbationAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<big>Freud would laugh his ass off.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses.">>
<p>Shut the fuck up and pray.</p>
<<chunk "$daphne.aphro">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>You walk out of her room in shame.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSex">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>When a woman says she's disappointed, it basically means nuclear winter, bud.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I thought that we can trust each other. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<p>Freud would laugh his ass off.</p>
<<dial "player" "We can... I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "If we can trust each other, than why didn't you just came to me and told me how you feel?">>
<p>Ermmm... What?</p>
<<media "what.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "What do you mean?">>
<<dial "daphne" "You could have told me that you want to see me naked... You could have told me, that my body makes you aroused... We could figure something out.">>
<p>She bites her lip.</p>
<big>O-M-G! She's hitting on you!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Than again... We can still figure something out, if you want...">>
<<dial "player" "I'm not sure if I follow.">>
<p>She lies on the bed.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_horny_pussy.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "And now?">>
<<dial "player" "Ohhhh...!">>
<p>God damn it, man... How the fuck did it even happen?</p>
<p>She turns her ass towards you.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphRoom/daphne_horny_ass.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Or maybe you prefer this angle?">>
<big>I should be learning from you, bud.</big>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "daphne.squirt+2; $char+daphne; $permission+" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Not now, thanks!" "" "yieldHide">>
/* Quests */
<<btn "daphBdsm" "Look around" "daphBdsm=3" "quest">>
<<btn "daphMeatBags" "Pick up meat bags" "daphMeatBags=2; $meatBag=null" "quest store">>
<<btn $curLoc "Pick up second meat bag" "daphMeatBags=2; $meatBag=2; $meatBag+1" "quest store">>
<<btn $curLoc "Pick up third meat bag" "daphMeatBags=2; $meatBag=4; $meatBag+1" "quest store">>
/* Closed doors */
<<wrapper "$curLocDoor=locked">>
<<btn "doorOpen" "Open with a key" "!daphne; item:daphCelKey" "quick">>
<<btn "daphCelKnock" "Knock at the door" "daphne" "quick">> /*[[daphCelKnock]]*/
/* Activities */
<<btn "daphCelSearch" "Search cellar" "!daphne; !alexa" "activ">> /*[[daphCelSearch]]*/
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
<</chunks>>/* Reset variables */
<<set $chosenTrivia to null>>
<<set $chosenTriviaCat to null>>
<<set $updateInfo to null>>
/* Create trivia categories menu */
<<set _triviaGood to []>>
<<set _triviaBad to []>>
<<for _ta to 0; _ta < setup.charTrivia.length; _ta++>>
<<if setup.charTrivia[_ta].id == $charVar.trivia1 || setup.charTrivia[_ta].id == $charVar.trivia2 || setup.charTrivia[_ta].id == $charVar.trivia3 >>
<<set _triviaGood.push(["#goodTriviaCat", setup.charTrivia[_ta].id])>>
<<set _triviaBad.push(["#badTriviaCat", setup.charTrivia[_ta].id])>>
<<set _triviaBtns to []>>
<<set _triviaGoodRand to random(0, (_triviaGood.length-1))>>
<<set _triviaBadRand to random(0, (_triviaBad.length-1))>>
<<set _triviaBtns.push(_triviaGood[_triviaGoodRand])>>
<<set _triviaBtns.push(_triviaBad[_triviaBadRand])>>
<<set _triviaBad.splice(_triviaBadRand, 1)>>
<<set _triviaBadRand to random(0, (_triviaBad.length-1))>>
<<set _triviaBtns.push(_triviaBad[_triviaBadRand])>>
<<set _triviaBtns to _triviaBtns.shuffle()>>
<big class="center fi0">Chat with $</big>
<div class="expand help fi1">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>Every character that you encounter has three interests, which we call //trivia//. The trivia is split in couple different categories - favorite movie, song, animal, celebrity etc.. At first you don't know character's trivia, which makes it difficult to successfuly go through //foreplay// with the character. Fortunately, you're able to discover trivia on this screen, by talking with the character.</p>
<p>The way it works is - you pick up a topic of the conversation below. If she's into it - you'll talk more about the subject, and in the end maybe you'll learn something interesting about her. If you choose poorly - tough titties. She's not gonna like it at all.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: push the right buttons to learn $'s trivia.''</p>
<<media "activities/talk/preparations/0.mp4" "si2">>
<p class="fi2">Here's the thing with the women - you need to talk with them. I know - strange, right? Think about it as gathering intel for //undercover// operation later on. Dig it?</p>
<<menu "fi2" "What you wanna talk about?">>
<<for _tb to 0; _tb < _triviaBtns.length; _tb++>>
<<btn `_triviaBtns[_tb][0]` `"Talk about " + _triviaBtns[_tb][1]` `"$chosenTriviaCat+" + _triviaBtns[_tb][1]` "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#goodTriviaCat">>
<<if $chosenTriviaCat == "animals">>
<<dial "player" "So... those damn animals, right?">>
<<dial $char "Oh, I didn't know you care about animal rights!">>
<<dial "player" "Animal rights...? Ermmm... Sure I do!">>
<p>For these knockers you'd care about the rights of cockroaches, but more importantly...</p>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "movies">>
<<dial "player" "I wish life was more like a movie.">>
<<dial $char "What do you mean?">>
<<dial "player" "You know... more exciting and with a guaranteed happy ending.">>
<<dial $char "That would be awesome!">>
<p>Let's just hope it's not a slasher horror, right? But still...</p>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "songs">>
<<dial "player" "Life would be so much better if it had a soundtrack playing in the background.">>
<<dial $char "How come?">>
<<dial "player" "You know how when two characters are in love, there's always a romantic music playing when they meet? Like that.">>
<<dial $char "Hah, that would be awesome!">>
<p>And sad trombone each time you get an elbow from a girl - that would be sooo great! But still...</p>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "celebs">>
<<dial "player" "It's crazy how awesome some celebs are.">>
<<dial $char "Awesome? How come?">>
<<dial "player" "You know, they're beautiful, funny, and they're saving rainforest... They're like the best people on the planet!">>
<<dial $char "True.">>
<p>And also lonely, miserable, and addicted to antidepressants! But still...</p>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "activities">>
<<dial "player" "I don't understand how people get bored so easily. It's like they don't have any activities they like!">>
<<dial $char "They are not bored, but booooring!">>
<<dial "player" "If you're smart you always will find something to do!">>
<<dial $char "Absolutely!">>
<p>For example - playing porn games, right? Anyway...</p>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "comics">>
<<dial "player" "I don't get it how people say comic books are for kids!">>
<<dial $char "You're right, they have no clue!">>
<<dial "player" "History will look back at comic books as a proper art form, I'm sure. Some of the best ones are surely worthy to be exhibited in an art gallery alongside great paintings or sculptures!">>
<<dial $char "I agree!">>
<p>Actually - I agree also! But more importantly...</p>
<big>It seems you hit the mark!</big>
<<media `"activities/talk/success/" + random(0,2) + ".mp4"`>>
/* Check if we knew about this trivia, if he didn't - display info and bigger yields*/
<<if $chosenTriviaCat == $charVar.trivia1 && $charVar.trivia1Known || $chosenTriviaCat == $charVar.trivia2 && $charVar.trivia2Known || $chosenTriviaCat == $charVar.trivia3 && $charVar.trivia3Known>>
<<set _triviaKnown = 1>>
<<if _triviaKnown == 1>>
<<btn null null `$char + ".desire+1"` "yieldHide">>
<<btn null null `$char + ".desire+4"` "yieldHide">>
<<set _triviaCatGood to []>>
<<set _triviaCatBad to []>>
<<set _triviaCatArr to setup.charTrivia.find(obj => {return === $chosenTriviaCat}).trivia>>
<<for _tca to 0; _tca < _triviaCatArr.length; _tca++>>
<<if _triviaCatArr[_tca].id == $charVar.trivia1Id>>
<<set _triviaCatGood.push(["#goodTrivia", _triviaCatArr[_tca].id, _triviaCatArr[_tca].name, "trivia1"])>>
<<elseif _triviaCatArr[_tca].id == $charVar.trivia2Id>>
<<set _triviaCatGood.push(["#goodTrivia", _triviaCatArr[_tca].id, _triviaCatArr[_tca].name, "trivia2"])>>
<<elseif _triviaCatArr[_tca].id == $charVar.trivia3Id>>
<<set _triviaCatGood.push(["#goodTrivia", _triviaCatArr[_tca].id, _triviaCatArr[_tca].name, "trivia3"])>>
<<set _triviaCatBad.push(["#badTrivia", _triviaCatArr[_tca].id, _triviaCatArr[_tca].name])>>
<<set _triviaCatBtns to []>>
<<set _triviaCatGoodRand to random(0, (_triviaCatGood.length-1))>>
<<set _triviaCatBadRand to random(0, (_triviaCatBad.length-1))>>
<<set _triviaCatBtns.push(_triviaCatGood[_triviaCatGoodRand])>>
<<set _triviaCatBtns.push(_triviaCatBad[_triviaCatBadRand])>>
<<set _triviaCatBad.splice(_triviaCatBadRand, 1)>>
<<set _triviaCatBadRand to random(0, (_triviaCatBad.length-1))>>
<<set _triviaCatBtns.push(_triviaCatBad[_triviaCatBadRand])>>
<<set _triviaCatBtns to _triviaCatBtns.shuffle()>>
<big>That's not the end though!</big>
<p>This woman was hitted on every god damn day of her adult life and she knows how to spot an impostor. You need to prove her that you're serious and not only trying to get into her panties <small>(even though you do)</small>.</p>
<<if $chosenTriviaCat == "animals">>
<<dial $char "So what's your favorite animal?">>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "movies">>
<<dial $char "I wonder - what movie would you like your life to be like?">>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "songs">>
<<dial $char "And if your life had a soundtrack - what it would be playing?!">>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "celebs">>
<<dial $char "So which one is your favorite celebrity?">>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "activities">>
<<dial $char "So what do you do to entertain yourselves!">>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "comics">>
<<dial $char "So what comic book do you like?">>
<<media "activities/talk/preparations/1.mp4">>
<<menu null "What say you?">>
<<for _i to 0; _i < _triviaCatBtns.length; _i++>>
<<btn `_triviaCatBtns[_i][0]` `"I'm thinking... " + _triviaCatBtns[_i][2] + "!"` `"$chosenTrivia+" + _triviaCatBtns[_i][1] + "; $updateInfo+" + _triviaCatBtns[_i][3]` "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#goodTrivia">>
/* Celebs */
<<if $chosenTrivia == "seagal">>
<<dial $char "Oh I love him too! Especially the ponytail... and he's so good with the okidoki!">>
<<dial "player" "You mean aikido?">>
<<dial $char "Uhmmm... I guess!">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "tyson">>
<<dial $char "Oh, he's awesome! I'm pretty sure he could punch a hole in a concrete wall if he likes too!">>
<<dial "player" "Or punch a tooth out of a dentist.">>
<<dial $char "Uhm... what?">>
<<dial "player" "Erm, nothing.">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "trump">>
<<dial $char "He's awesome! I have a lil' swamp for him to drain!">>
<<dial "player" "Erm... ok.">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "cage">>
<<dial $char "I love him too! Did they ever catched him after stealing the Declaration of Independence?">>
<<dial "player" "Hahaha... I mean... you know it was just a movie, right?">>
<<dial $char "Like a documentary, right?">>
<<dial "player" "Erm... right.">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "howbowdah">>
<<dial $char "She's really cool, I like her! I'm just not sure why she didn't use the cash machine before going to the doctor?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... right.">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "sasha">>
<<dial $char "Oh, yeah, she's awesome. And so quotable!">>
<<dial "player" "Quotable?! How come?">>
<<dial $char "//Ghagg Gagh Gaggh Gah//...">>
<p>$ bursts into laughter.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh! Now I get it.">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "girlfriend">>
<<dial $char "L-O-L, you really like her? I thought I'm the only one!">>
<<dial "player" "Sure I do! She's awesome.">>
<<dial $char "Especially those eyes and crazy smile. Imagine you wake up and see her above your face!">>
<p>$ bursts into laughter.</p>
<<dial "player" "Haha, yeah.">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "chuck">>
<<dial $char "I bet you thought those tits are natural?">>
<<dial "player" "Ermmm... What?">>
<<dial $char "Chuck Testa!">>
<p>$ bursts into laughter.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, damn, tits taxidermy!">>
/* Songs */
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "amazingHorse">>
<<dial $char "♫ Look at my horse, My horse is amazing ♬">>
<<dial "player" "♫ Give it a lick, it tastes just like raisins ♬">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "intruder">>
<<dial $char "♫ He's climbin in your windows, he's snatchin your people up ♬">>
<<dial "player" "♫ Tryna rape em so y'all need to, hide your kids, hide your wife ♬">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "motherlover">>
<<dial $char "♫ You thinkin what I'm thinkin? I'm thinkin I'm thinkin too ♬">>
<<dial "player" "♫ Slow up! What time is it dawg? It's time for a switcharoo ♬">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "tunak">>
<<dial $char "Ohhh... You mean - ♫ Tunak tunak tun ♬">>
<<dial "player" "♫ Da da da ♬">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "lovelyHorse">>
<<dial $char "♫ I want to shower you with sugar lumps ♬">>
<<dial "player" "♫ And ride you over fences ♬">>
<<dial $char "♫ Polish your hooves every single day ♬">>
<<dial "player" "♫ And take you to the horse dentist ♬">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "trololololo">>
<<dial $char "♫ Trololololo ♬">>
<<dial "player" "♫ Trololololo ♬">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "genitals">>
<<dial $char "♫ Show me your genitals ♬">>
<<dial "player" "♫ Genitalia ♬">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "ashes">>
<<dial $char "♫ Ashes to ashes, funk to funky, We know Major Tom's a junkie ♬">>
<<dial "player" "♫ Strung out in heaven's high, Hitting an all-time low ♬">>
<<dial $char "♫ My mother said, to get things done, You'd better not mess with Major Tom ♬">>
/* Animals */
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "cats">>
<<dial $char "Ohhh, I love cats too!">>
<<dial "player" "What the cat says when it's confused?">>
<<dial $char "I’m purr-plexed!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, damn, you know this joke?">>
<<dial $char "I know all the cat jokes in the world!">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "corgis">>
<<dial $char "Corgis?!">>
<<dial "player" "Corgis.">>
<<dial $char "Corgis!!!">>
<p>$ bursts into maniacal laughter.</p>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "tardigrades">>
<<dial $char "You mean those tiny water bears that can survive anything?!">>
<<dial "player" "Yup.">>
<<dial $char "I love them too!!!">>
<p>Kinda strange but ok.</p>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "armadillos">>
<<dial $char "Wow, I thought I'm the only one that love the armored rat!">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, armored rat, I'll remember that!">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "pigs">>
<<dial $char "Haha! They are sooo charming, right?">>
<<dial "player" "I wouldn't necessarily call them charming, but yeah, they are!">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "rats">>
<<dial $char "Only white?">>
<<dial "player" "Well, what can I say, I'm a bit //ratist//!">>
<<dial $char "L-O-L! White rat power!">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, yeah!">>
/* Movies */
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "rambo">>
<<dial $char "//I'm coming to get you, Murdoch!//">>
<<dial "player" "This is from the second blood! I mean - second part of first blood!">>
<<dial $char "Really? Was it the one with Ruskies getting blasted in the ass?">>
<<dial "player" "Nope, that was third part.">>
<<dial $char "Third part of first blood?!">>
<<dial "player" "Third part of Rambo. They changed the title from //First Blood// at some point, and just went with Rambo.">>
<<dial $char "Oh, so //they drew first blood//!">>
<<dial "player" "Exactly.">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "tetsuo">>
<<dial $char "Oh, that's awesome! I loved this movie so much, I was dreaming about getting a metal dick.">>
<<dial "player" "Metal dick, huh? Listening to Metallica while not replying to your messages applies?">>
<<dial $char "Nope. I want a real crude metal mutant.">>
<<dial "player" "Shit.">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "videodrome">>
<<dial $char "Oh, it's so rare to find a Cronenberg aficionado these days.">>
<<dial "player" "First it controls your mind... then it destroys your body.">>
<<dial $char "Long live the new flesh!">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "apocalypse">>
<<dial $char "Oh, I love it too!">>
<<dial "player" "It's so dark though!">>
<<dial $char "It's what happens when you start your day with napalm!">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, true!">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "rocky">>
<<dial $char "Hah! It's my favorite musical! //♫ Cause I've seen blue skies, through the tears in my eyes. ♬//">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah! Though the title is a bit misleading! When I was younger I thought it's a horror version of Rocky!">>
<<dial $char "Haha, //Adrianne! Behind you!//">>
<<dial "player" "L-O-L!">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "strangelove">>
<<dial $char "No way! Mine too!">>
<<dial "player" "Fun fact - even though the movie is black and white, Kubrick made sure that the table in the War Room is green, to make actors feel like they're playing poker with each other!">>
<<dial $char "Really? Cool! //Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room//">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, exactly!">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "eraserhead">>
<<dial $char "Oh damn, this movie fucked me up!">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, it's practically one big condom commercial!">>
<<dial $char "And this song... //In Heaven, everything is fine...// It gives me creeps!">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "zardoz">>
<<dial $char "Really?! I though I'm the only one!">>
<<dial "player" "No way! Sean Connery wearing Borat swim suit? It's a masterpiece!">>
<<dial $char "Haha, that's true!">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "evildead">>
<<dial $char "Oh, hi Mark!">>
<<dial "player" "I'm $!">>
<<dial $char "Oh, ok... So how's your sex life, $">>
<p>It takes you a moment.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, wait. Was that from the movie!">>
/* Activities and chores */
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "tentacles">>
<<dial $char "No way! You're serious?!">>
<<dial "player" "Absolutely!">>
<p>$ lowers voice.</p>
<<dial $char "That's crazy! I always thought I'm the only one that finds octopuses sexy.">>
<p>Oh boy. Wait till $ discovers hentai.</p>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "mosquitos">>
<<dial $char "I know exactly what you mean. Those little bastards deserve to die!">>
<<dial "player" "Absolutely!">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "running">>
<<dial $char "Mine too!">>
<<dial "player" "Seriously?! What a coincidence!">>
<<dial $char "I sometimes dream about running away from a serial killer! What a thrill!">>
<<dial "player" "I can totally see that!">>
<p>I don't, but whatever floats your goat.</p>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "rawmeat">>
<<dial $char "Wow! Me too!">>
<<dial "player" "Seriously?! What a coincidence!">>
<<dial $char "People are grossed out, but it's pure protein. And it's so cool when they move around in your mouth, and you're like - not today, buggy - and crush it with your teeth!">>
<p>Uh, blowjob is out of the menu for me.</p>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "backwards">>
<<dial $char "Wow! Me too! It's such a thrill, right?">>
<<dial "player" "Exactly!">>
<<dial $char "Once I walked backwards to my workplace, but took a wrong turn, and ended up going to a completely different office. Turned out - they were looking for someone like me, and gave me a job right away!">>
<<dial "player" "No shit!">>
<<dial $char "Cross my heart!">>
<p>That's the strangest thing I've ever heard.</p>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "satan">>
<<dial $char "You're kidding me!">>
<<dial "player" "No, really. I'm an avid Satanist since kindergarten!">>
<<dial $char "That's crazy, me too!">>
<<dial "player" "No shit!">>
<<dial $char "Upside down cross my heart!">>
<p>That's the strangest thing I've ever heard.</p>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "jesus">>
<<dial $char "You're kidding me!">>
<<dial "player" "No, really. I'm an avid Christian since kindergarten!">>
<<dial $char "That's crazy, me too!">>
<<dial "player" "Praise Jesus!">>
<<dial $char "Jesus all day long!">>
<p>Ok... so now, going back to porn.</p>
/* Comics */
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "marvel">>
<<dial $char "Thank god! I was afraid you'll say DC!">>
<<dial "player" "DC?! Who the hell you think I am!">>
<<dial $char "Haha! Stan Lee would laugh his ass off!">>
<p>Here's the answer to why people think comic books are childish.</p>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "dc">>
<<dial $char "Thank god! I was afraid you'll say Marvel!">>
<<dial "player" "Marvel?! Who the hell you think I am!">>
<<dial $char "Haha! Superman would laugh his ass off!">>
<p>Here's the answer to why people think comic books are childish.</p>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "hellboy">>
<<dial $char "Really?! No way!">>
<<dial "player" "Yes way! Hellboy is the best!">>
<<dial $char "It sure is! And you know what? I think it might actually be true!">>
<<dial "player" "True? How come?">>
<<dial $char "I've heard rumors that Rasputin, the guy from the comic book that summoned Hellboy, was actually real! I've watched documentary about him. So if he was real, than everything else has to be real too, right?">>
<<dial "player" "Erm...">>
<p>Don't say it. There's no point.</p>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "asterix">>
<<dial $char "Haha! I love them too!">>
<<dial "player" "No kidding!">>
<<dial $char "I always feel so bad about the Romans though!">>
<<dial "player" "Haha.">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "tintin">>
<<dial $char "Haha! I love them too!">>
<<dial "player" "No kidding!">>
<<dial $char "Especially the drunk captain, he's so funny! //Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles!//">>
<<dial "player" "Haha.">>
<<elseif $chosenTrivia == "sincity">>
<<dial $char "Really?! No way!">>
<<dial "player" "Yes way! I'm totally into noir shit. Gritty, dark stories about tough guys are totally my thing.">>
<<dial $char "And beautiful, dangerous gals! The dames to kill for, right? ">>
<<dial "player" "Haha.">>
<<if $chosenTriviaCat == "songs">>
<<set _song to setup.charTrivia.find(obj => {return === $chosenTriviaCat}).trivia.find(obj => {return === $chosenTrivia}).link>>
<<media _song "youtube">>
<<media `"activities/talk/trivia/" + $chosenTrivia + ".mp4"`>>
<big>Woohoo! You've made it!</big>
<<media "activities/talk/success.mp4">>
<p>You've learned something about $ - she likes ''<<delayer>><<print setup.charTrivia.find(obj => {return === $chosenTriviaCat}).trivia.find(obj => {return === $chosenTrivia}).name>><</delayer>>''! Use this knowledge wisely!</p>
<<if _triviaKnown == 1>>
<<btn null null `$char + ".desire+2"` "yieldHide">>
<<btn null null `$char + ".info+" + $updateInfo + "; " + $char + ".desire+6"` "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#badTriviaCat">>
<<if $chosenTriviaCat == "animals">>
<<dial "player" "So... those damn animals, right?">>
<<dial $char "Wrong!">>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "movies">>
<<dial "player" "I wish life was more like a movie.">>
<<dial $char "I prefer reality, sorry.">>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "songs">>
<<dial "player" "Life would be so much better if it had a soundtrack playing in the background.">>
<<dial $char "Are you high?!">>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "celebs">>
<<dial "player" "It's crazy how awesome some celebs are. They're like the best people on the planet!">>
<<dial $char "No they aren't. Most of them are pathethic and useless.">>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "activities">>
<<dial "player" "I don't understand how people get bored so easily. It's like they don't know how to entertain themselves!">>
<<dial $char "You're just a kid, what do you know?">>
<<elseif $chosenTriviaCat == "comics">>
<<dial "player" "I don't get it how people say comic books are for kids!">>
<<dial $char "The comic books //are// for kids.">>
<<dial "player" "Well, I--">>
<p>$ stops you in the middle of the sentence with a cold stare.</p>
<<dial $char "Know what? Keep it to yourself.">>
<p>She turns away and goes back to what she was doing.</p>
<<media `"activities/talk/fail/" + random(0,2) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>You tried. You failed. You suck.</big>
<<btn null null `$char + ".desire-2"` "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#badTrivia">>
<p>You know this look, that you give to people that like practically the same thing as you do, but slightly different? I mean those situations where someone picks Biggie instead of 2Pac, Dimmu Borgir over Cradle of Filth, or Schwarzenegger instead Stallone - similar, but different enough to hate those fucking bastards from the bottom of your heart. And this is the look that $ gives you.</p>
<<media "contempt.mp4">>
<<dial $char "I'm not interested in that.">>
<p>Sorry, bro, you were close, but in the end...</p>
<big>You failed.</big>
<<btn null null `$char + ".desire-2"` "yieldHide">>
<</chunks>>/* Build an array with all the problems to solve */
<<set _hwork to [
type: "math",
question: "So you're in a gangbang with 3 guys... but one of them has three dicks, and the other one is a midget. So in total they have 4.5 dicks. Anyway, you fuck, and one of them came on your face. Then the one with three dicks came in your ass but with just two of his dicks. And then the midget came half the amount. So what's the number of cumshots you received",
correct: 3.5,
varRemember: "alexaMath1",
wrong: [5, 6.5, 4.5, 6, 7.5],
alexa: [-3, "20 or something", 9, "5 if you count the leap year", "A lot", "3 and one quarter of 75 percent", "13"]
type: "math",
question: "So you go to school. First you get fucked in the ass and make a blowjob to a security guard for letting you in. Then in the afternoon you get your pussy eaten by a school nerd, while the football team captain fucks your pussy. In the evening the principle fucks your asshole, while you give a head to the school therapist. How many times you got analized?",
correct: "3, if you count giving a blowjob to school //therapist//",
varRemember: "alexaMath2",
wrong: [7, 1, 12, 5],
alexa: [-3, "20 or something", 9, "5 if you count the leap year", "A lot", "3 and five quarter of 75 percent", "13"]
type: "math",
question: "You bought a bunch of anal dildos. You come back home, sit comfortably on your bed, losse up your asshole with your fingers. First you put one dildo in. After a moment you pull it out, but you put two smaller ones in. Then you remove one, but add three more. How many dildos do you have in your asshole?",
correct: 4,
varRemember: "alexaMath3",
wrong: [2, 3, 5, ],
alexa: [-3, "20 or something", 9, "5 if you count the leap year", "A lot", "3 and five quarter of 75 percent", "13"]
type: "english",
question: "What is the plot of “//Justine//” by Marquis de Sade?",
correct: "about virtue strangled by vice and evil",
varRemember: "alexaEnglish1",
wrong: ["a cooking book", "worth to be a nice girl, because you get candies", "about how corporate dudes are secretly BDSM bozos"],
alexa: ["the android moves back in time to kill John Connor", "rich girl lets poor man freeze to death", "author's mother was a hamster", "Eric Gumby", "anus"]
type: "english",
question: "What is the plot of “//Moby Dick//” by Herman Melville?",
correct: "a search for a giant white dick... i mean whale",
varRemember: "alexaEnglish2",
wrong: ["just a random set of words", "about a girl and her love to whales", "about rescuing your father from a mouth of a snail"],
alexa: ["the android moves back in time to kill John Connor", "rich girl lets poor man freeze to death", "author's mother was a hamster", "Eric Gumby"]
type: "english",
question: "What was the plot of modern classic “//2 girls 1 cup//”?",
correct: "a shitty plot",
varRemember: "alexaEnglish3",
wrong: ["about reexamining feminist genre through a series of reversals of expectations", "about two girls winning world cup in dirt racing", "about how drugs are actually good for you", "about how Holy Grail is real, and Robert Langdon gonna find it"],
alexa: ["the android moves back in time to kill John Connor", "rich girl lets poor man freeze to death", "author's mother was a hamster", "Eric Gumby", "anus"]
type: "biology",
question: "What has more nerve endings - penis or vagina - and how much?",
correct: "vagina, which has 8 000 nerve endings, while penis 4 000",
varRemember: "alexaBiology1",
wrong: ["penis, which has 20 000 nerve endings, while vagina just point G", "it's vagina, penis has just one nerve ending - the tip", "penis, vagina has no nerve endings, it gives pleasure through the process of //vagina dentata//"],
alexa: ["asshole, right", "has to be the ass", "anus", "gaping asshole", "cinnamon hole"]
type: "biology",
question: "What is bigger - penis or vagina?",
correct: "a tie, they are rougly the same size",
varRemember: "alexaBiology2",
wrong: ["vagina", "penis", "depending on your horoscope", "pretty clear - google //Wood sitting on the bed//"],
alexa: ["asshole, right", "has to be the ass", "anus", "gaping asshole", "cinnamon hole"]
type: "biology",
question: "What's the vagina built with?",
correct: "muscle covered in a mucus membrane",
varRemember: "alexaBiology3",
wrong: ["black holes", "depending on the surgeon", "now tidely known, but the actual medical term for it's tissue is //pussylious//", "foam, similar to the ones you find in algae", "SUPERSKIN™"],
alexa: ["little assholes, right", "has to be the ass tissue", "anussian tissue"]
<p class="fi">You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey. I was thinking that I might help you with your homework." "fi">>
<p class="fi">$ turns to you with hope in her eyes.</p>
<<media "activities/homework/alexa_hope.mp4" "si2">>
<div class="si3">
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, shit. That would be fucking ace, dweeb... I mean... I mean... Fuck, kid, what's your name again?">>
<p>Dude, don't make it too hard for her. It happens on both sides. It's actually on you to make yourself worth remembering.</p>
<big>Respect is not given for nothing, bud.</big>
<<dial "player" "It's $">>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 4>>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, shit, dweeb... I mean... I mean... //$! That would be ace!">>
<p>She remembered your name. This means something.</p>
<big>Good work!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Shit, //$, that would be fucking ace!">>
<p class="fi4">Ok, time to pull your sleeves up. What are you planning to help her with?</p>
<<menu "fi4">>
<<btn "#lesson" "Let's do some math" "$btnVar+math" "dialog si4">>
<<btn "#lesson" "Let's do some english" "$btnVar+english" "dialog si4">>
<<btn "#lesson" "Let's do some biology" "$btnVar+biology" "dialog si4">>
<<chunk null "#lesson">>
/* Because of the subject selection we need to delay everything */
/* Select the one that we're using and build the vars */
<<set _hworkRand = random(0,2)>>
<<set _hworkType = $btnVar>>
/* Adjust the rand based on the subject */
<<if _hworkType == "english">>
<<set _hworkRand = _hworkRand + 3>>
<<elseif _hworkType == "biology">>
<<set _hworkRand = _hworkRand + 6>>
<<set _hworkCur to _hwork[_hworkRand]>>
<<set _hworkCurQuestion to _hworkCur.question>>
<<set _hworkCurVar to "$" + _hworkCur.varRemember>>
<<set _hworkCurDone = State.getVar(_hworkCurVar)>>
/* Check who knows the answer */
<<set _alexaKnows = _hworkCurDone > 2 ? 1 : null>>
<<set _playerClass = _hworkCurDone > 0 ? "blink dialog yieldHide" : "dialog yieldHide">>
/* Shuffle the array with wrong answers to get different ones each time */
<<set _hworkCurWrong to _hworkCur.wrong.shuffle()>>
/* Set the yields for answer */
<<if _alexaKnows>>
<<set _hworkCurYieldCorrect to _hworkCurVar + "+1; alexa.dom+1">>
<<set _hworkCurYieldCorrect to _hworkCurVar + "+1; alexa.dom+2">>
/* Set the yields for wrong answer to null (unless it's already set eg. if the homework is started through quest) */
<<if !_hworkCurYieldWrong>>
<<set _hworkCurYieldWrong = null>>
/* Set the data for the buttons */
<<set _hworkArr to [
["#good", "It's " + _hworkCur.correct + "!", _hworkCurYieldCorrect, _playerClass],
["#bad", "It's " + _hworkCurWrong[0] + "!", _hworkCurYieldWrong, "dialog yieldHide"],
["#bad", "It's " + _hworkCurWrong[1] + "!", _hworkCurYieldWrong, "dialog yieldHide"]
<<set _hworkArr to _hworkArr.shuffle()>>
/* Set the data for Alexa's answers */
<<if _alexaKnows>>
<<set _alexaAnswer to _hworkCur.correct>>
<<set _alexaAnswer to _hworkCur.alexa.random()>>
/* HTML */
<<media `"activities/homework/" + _hworkType + random(1,3) + ".jpg"`>>
<<if _hworkCurDone == 0>>
<big>I really hope you know what you're doing.</big>
<<if _hworkType == "math">>
<p>You take an exercise book and open it at marked spot with $'s last lesson. You read the first task, it's about a dude buying some fucked up amount of vegetables.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ok, so imagine you're on the vegetable market. And there's this dude there--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Does he have a big dick?">>
<<dial "player" "What... ermm... It's about vegetables...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Does he have a big cucumber?">>
<<dial "player" "Ermm... Kind of...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Could you make it about dicks and such? It would be much easier for me to understand...">>
<<media "big_eyes.mp4">>
<p>Those 4th graders these days are pretty hardcore. But you heard the lady...</p>
<big>Translate the exercise to her language!</big>
<<elseif _hworkType == "english">>
<p>You take a _hworkType book and open it at marked spot with $'s last lesson. You read the first task, it's about a meaning of a poem or some shit like that.</p>
<<dial "player" "So in this excersise there's this guy that really likes this lady--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Does he have a big dick?">>
<<dial "player" "What... ermm... It's about tragic love...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, yeah, I know. You mean //painal//.">>
<<dial "player" "Ermm... Kind of...">>
<<media "wtf.mp4">>
<p>Ok dude, that doesn't make sense. She's clearly not a fan of poetry. Just ask her something else, I'm sure there are books about dicks and such, so she'd at least have a chance to know the answer.</p>
<p>You take a _hworkType book and open it at marked spot with $'s last lesson. You read the first task, it's about sexual organs. Thank god for that.</p>
<<dial "player" "So there's this one organ in your body...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Is it the asshole?">>
<<dial "player" "What... ermm... It's where the babies come through...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Like... asshole?">>
<<dial "player" "Ermm...">>
<<media "say_what.mp4">>
<p>Just ask the fucking question already.</p>
<<dial "player" _hworkCurQuestion>>
<p>$ hesitates.</p>
<<if _alexaKnows>>
<<dial "alexa" `"Ok... I think I actually know it... So the answer is going to be... //" + _alexaAnswer + "//!"`>>
<p>Wooow, dude. She remembered the answer! You're making progress! Woohooo!</p>
<p>The only thing that's left to do here is...</p>
<<dial "alexa" `"Ok... I think I actually know it... So the answer is going to be... Like... I mean... I guess it's gonna be... //" + _alexaAnswer + "//?!"`>>
<p>Shit, dude. I'm afraid this is going to be a sloooow process with her. Unless she fucks a teacher and gets a pass. Either way - she's fucked.</p>
<big>What are you going to do about it?</big>
<<btn _hworkArr[0][0] _hworkArr[0][1] _hworkArr[0][2] _hworkArr[0][3]>>
<<btn _hworkArr[1][0] _hworkArr[1][1] _hworkArr[1][2] _hworkArr[1][3]>>
<<btn _hworkArr[2][0] _hworkArr[2][1] _hworkArr[2][2] _hworkArr[2][3]>>
<<if !_alexaKnows>>
<<btn "#lie" `"Yeah, it totally is //" + _alexaAnswer + "//!"` "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#lie">>
<<dial "alexa" "Really?!">>
<<dial "player" "Yup. Totally. You're getting good at this!">>
<p>She looks at you suspiciously.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "And how do you know the answer?">>
<<dial "player" "Well, I just do.">>
<p>If she decides to check your answer she'll fuck you up for lying to her!</p>
<big>Fingers crossed.</big>
<<media "hopefully.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#bad", "#bad", "#good"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#bad", "#good"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#bad", "#good", "#good"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#good">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#good">>
<<dial "alexa" "Wow, $ That's actualy kinda hot.">>
<big>She blushes.</big>
<<media "activities/homework/alexa_good.mp4">>
<p>Duuuude! You made $ blush. The magnitude of that is on a level that will be remembered in the alpha male annals (<small>//annals//, with two //n//'s in the middle, you perv</small>).</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You deserve a little reward.">>
<<set _alexaRewardRand = random(1,5)>>
<<if $alexa.status < 3>>
<<set _alexaRewardFile = "1_" + _alexaRewardRand>>
<<if _alexaRewardRand == 1>>
<p>She pulls her t-shirt up, revealing her sweet perky titties.</p>
<<elseif _alexaRewardRand == 2>>
<p>She pulls her t-shirt up, revealing her sweet perky titties. Her snatch is also visible through the panties, but she doesn't seem to care.</p>
<<elseif _alexaRewardRand == 3>>
<p>She pulls her t-shirt up, and takes down the bra, revealing her sweet perky titties.</p>
<p>She turns around, showing off her sweet little ass.</p>
<<set _alexaRewardFile = "2_" + _alexaRewardRand>>
<<if _alexaRewardRand == 1>>
<p>She turns around and spreads her legs, revealing a sight that melts your brain, and makes your dick diamond hard.</p>
<<elseif _alexaRewardRand == 2 || _alexaRewardRand == 3 >>
<p>She lifts her skirt up, revealing her sweet little pussy.</p>
<p>She turns around, showing off her juicy butt. She looks at you, while she spreads her butt cheeks, revealing her wet pussy and asshole.</p>
<big>Enjoy the views, kid.</big>
<<media `"activities/homework/alexa_reward_" + _alexaRewardFile + ".jpg"`>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<dial "alexa" "You like it, assmunch?">>
<p>Wait. Did she just said //"I want you to munch my ass with a bowl of cereal and milk"//? That's what I heard... I'm 99% sure.</p>
<<dial "player" "You mean... Like... Do you like me to... You know...">>
<big>Oh, she knows.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Hmm.">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes...</p>
<p>But just a moment later her usual bitchy face makes a come back.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Now get the fuck out.">>
<p>Don't worry, el duderino. You're making progress, that's what is important.</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish the lesson" null "action">>
<<chunk null "#bad">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<big>But it's not a good smile.</big>
<<media "activities/homework/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Let's check.">>
<<dial "player" "Come on, I'm sure--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut up.">>
<p>She pulls out a phone, writes down the question into Google Search, looks at the answer...</p>
<<media "not_good.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "That's what I thought. You're full of shit.">>
<big>You kind of are.</big>
<p>You try to quickly figure out some kind of an explanation, turn things around, but $ doesn't really care. She rushes right at you and...</p>
<big>She kicks you in the family dispenser.</big>
<<media "ball_kick.mp4">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger.</p>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action yieldHide">>
<<EVENT "daphne; daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=1; $daphMakeKeyLostDebuff=0">>
<<inc "daphMakeKey">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "lowRand; !alexa; $alexa.met; $permission=forced">> /* This is when you're in her room, and she randomly finds you there */
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<p>She looks at you surprised.</p>
<p>Slow motion kicks in...</p>
<p> hear your heartbeat.</p>
<p>What's it gonna be? Will she fucking explode at you with rage...</p>
<big>...or maybe...</big>
<<if $alexa.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#payup", "#payup", "#payup", "#panties", "#showDick"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#payup", "#payup", "#panties", "#showDick"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#payup", "#panties", "#showDick"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#panties", "#showDick"].random()>>
<<set _decision = ["#showDick"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#payup">>
<<media "well_well_well.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "So now you're digging through my stuff?">>
<<dial "player" "I was just--">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?!?">>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum that you broke into my room.">>
<<dial "player" "This is a total rip-off!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Pay up, bitch.">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster. I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro, but if $ learns about it she might go postal. This is a tough decision.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<btn null "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=50; cash-50;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#callMum" "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks.">>
<<media "big_eyes.mp4">>
<p>I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked!</p>
<p><small>(not really though)</small></p>
<p>$ notices your hesitation. She might be a monster, but she's not that great at hiding her desperation.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks... and ''I'll give you my dirty panties''.">>
<<dial "player" "Dirty panties... I mean... Why would I want your dirty panties?">>
<p>She smiles to you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Isn't that why you're here?">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<<dial "player" "How do I know you'll not scam me again?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Think about it this way - if you'll have my dirty panties, you'll be able to smell my sweaty asshole whenever you want. And I'm always serious when it comes to my asshole.">>
<<media "kinky.mp4">>
<p>Well... I know that all you can think about is your nose right between her butt cheeks... But seriously - you should stop giving her money as soon as possible. Look, if you feel like paying for sex, that's ok.</p>
<big>But don't pay for attention.</big>
<p>We can do better than that.</p>
<<btn "#pantiesBuy" "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=25; cash-25;; dirty_panties+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#callMum" "Fuck it! I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#panties">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<media "well_well_well.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "So now you're digging through my stuff?">>
<<dial "player" "I was just--">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm actually flattered that you decided to steal my dirty panties. I was wondering if you have the balls.">>
<<dial "player" "Dirty panties...? I mean... I didn't... Where did you get that idea... I would never...!">>
<p>Yeah, right...</p>
<<media "pathetic.mp4">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I have an idea.">>
<p>That doesn't sound good in her mouth.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I can rat you out to my mum... Or I can sell you my panties... for 25$ bucks! And I'll make sure they have a strong scent of my sweaty asshole and wet pussy. Satisfaction guaranteed.">>
<<media "kinky.mp4">>
<big>//Satisfaction guaranteed//?</big>
<p>She's a guaranteed perv, that's for sure.</p>
<<dial "player" "How do I know you'll not scam me again?">>
<p>Good. Stay vigilant!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Why would I scam you, if I can make more money by making you my loyal customer. And when you'll get a sniff, you'll be back for more, 100% - my asshole is certified brown sugar baby.">>
<p>Our lil' $ is becoming a business mogul.</p>
<big>And already she holds you by your balls.</big>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<btn "#pantiesBuy" "Ok, ok! I'll pay! For the panties too..." "cash=50; cash-50; dirty_panties+;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#callMum" "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#pantiesBuy">>
<p>$ takes the money from you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Good boy! And now...">>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/alexa_panties.jpg">>
<p>She takes off her panties and hands them to you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "So, you got what you paid for. Time to get lost.">>
<p>You take the panties and walk out of her room.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "charAdd+alexa">>
<<chunk null "#showDick">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<media "well_well_well.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "So now you're digging through my stuff?">>
<<dial "player" "I was just--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut up. Or I will call mum, and tell her you broke into my room. And raped me.">>
<p>You get quiet. $ smiles in a strange way.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Now you're going to show me your dick.">>
<<dial "player" "Erm... What?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Show me your dick, dweeb.">>
<p>Fuck me. Normally I would say - show it! But with her you never know... hopefully she won't cut it off.</p>
<<media "hard_choice.mp4">>
<<btn "#showDickYes" "Ok, ok! I'll show you my dick." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#callMum" "I'm not doing shit!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#showDickYes">>
<p>You hesitantly lower your pants, and pull out your huge penis.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/showDick.jpg">>
<p>$'s eyes glow, as she sees your member.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "God damn!">>
<<media "high_praise.mp4">>
<p>And then...</p>
<p>...this happened.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok kid. It's your lucky day. I need to stretch my asshole to fit the new monster dildo, and I'm going to use your dick!">>
<big>Merry Christmas, bro.</big>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yeah!">>
<p>But keep your eyes open. This bitch is crazy. I suggest to run as soon as you cum.</p>
<p>$ pulls down her skirt and reveals her beautiful little asshole.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal1.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... what are you waiting for?">>
<p>Without hesitation, you spit in the middle of her cinnamon hole, and stick your dick inside. $ gasps, but doesn't stop you.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal2.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Right there. Nice and easy...">>
<p>After a while she tells you to lie down, and jumps on you. You can feel the inside of her asshole is warm and comfy, as you pump it with your dick.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal3.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Push your dick in my tiny asshole... Like that... That's the spot...!">>
<p>$ starts breathing heavily and you realize she'll get an orgasm in a moment.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm going to cum...!">>
<p>You can cum with her, or turn this into a proper fuck fest.</p>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "alexa.squirt+2; $char+alexa; $permission+" "sex action">>
<<btn null "Cum now!">>
<p>She grabs your ass and pushes your dick deeper into her ass.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Yes! YES! DEEPER!">>
<p>You feel her body twitches. Her throbbing asshole is so wet you could drink from it. And more juice flows out of her with every spasm.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/alexa_orgasm.mp4">>
<big>$ cums.</big>
<p>At the same time - your orgasm arrives, making you shoot a stream of hot cum right into her, like from a fucking fire hose.</p>
<big>It's magnificent.</big>
<p>Within seconds, your bodies loosen up. $ moves away, and falls on her back, with a smile of ecstasy. You can see the cum dripping from her asshole.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal4.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ha, ha. You're not such a dweeb after all, dweeb.">>
<<dial "player" "Well... thanks... I guess.">>
<<dial "alexa" "And now - get lost.">>
<p>You gather your things and walk out of the room. I have to say, bud - you really impressed me here!</p>
<big>Good job!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom; charAdd+alexa" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#showDickNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "What?! How dare you?!">>
<p>It's the first time in my entire career I see a girl reacting like that for //NOT// showing her dick...</p>
<<dial "player" "Well, I...">>
<p>$ takes the money from you and angrily points to the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Get lost!!!">>
<p>You quickly walk out of her room.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "charAdd+alexa">>
<<chunk null "#callMum">>
<p>$ smiles. Takes a deep breath. And...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!! MUM!!! MUM!!!">>
<big>Oh fuck.</big>
<p>You hear $ from the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?! I'M WASHING WINDOWS!">>
<<dial "player" "I WASN'T!!!">>
<big>$ bursts into the room...</big>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/daphne_window_washer.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!">>
<p>If it weren't for the bucket and washer you'd say she was wet t-shirt content, not washing windows.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb was stealing my dirty underwear. I caught him.">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Were you?">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<p>Decision time, bud.</p>
<<btn "#callMumLie" "I was just passing by, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#callMumTruth" "I couldn't help myself..." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#callMumLie">>
<p>$ hesitates, looking at you. To strengthen your argument, you give her the most honest smile ever.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>I wouldn't necessarily call it believable, but it seems $ is buying it, so... good work!</p>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<big>$ starts crying.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "I feel so violated... I can't feel safe even in my own, personal space...">>
<<media "fake_cry.mp4">>
<p>$ wraps her arm around $ and hugs her.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "It's like he raped me...!">>
<<dial "player" "What?! Rape!? Come on...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, hunny, I know how that feels, don't worry, it's going to be ok...">>
<p>While $ comforts her, $ looks at you... and smiles.</p>
<big>That BITCH!</big>
<p>$ looks at you with anger.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "See what you've done to my little girl?!">>
<<dial "player" "I didn't! I mean... I wasn't...">>
<p>I don't think there's anything you can do, bud.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>But that doesn't seem to end $'s anger. She's just starting up.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Drop your pants.">>
<<dial "player" "Errmmm... ">>
<big>What the fuck?!</big>
<p>Even $ looks surprised.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "DROP YOUR PANTS, NOW!">>
<p>She sounds pretty convincing, so you do as she says. $ immediately grabs you, and puts you over her knee.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "THIS IS FOR LYING TO ME!">>
<p>She starts spanking your skinny ass.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/spanking.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't you. Ever. Lie. To. Me. GET IT?!">>
<p>You barely even speak with clenched teeth.</p>
<<dial "player" "YES! I PROMISE!">>
<p>Is it wrong that I'm aroused?</p>
<p>Finally $ puts you down and angrily walks out of the room.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Should have taken the deal, dweeb.">>
<<media "hehehe.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Get lost.">>
<p>You gather your things and walk out of the room in shame.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-2;; charAdd+alexa" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#callMumTruth">>
<p>$ looks at you coldly.</p>
<<media "disappointed.mp4">>
<p>But finally she sighs. It takes her a moment to gather her thoughts.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Look. I get it, you're a boy, and she's a girl. It's natural to have those feelings...">>
<p>It seems she won't do a big deal out of it and go easy on you. Phew!</p>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<big>$ starts crying.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "I feel so violated... I can't be safe even in my own, personal space...">>
<<media "fake_cry.mp4">>
<p>$ at first is a bit surprised, but quickly wraps her arm around $ and hugs her.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "It's like he raped me...!">>
<<dial "player" "What?! Rape!? Come on...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, hunny, I know how that feels!">>
<p>While $ comforts her, $ looks at you... and smiles.</p>
<big>That BITCH!</big>
<p>$ looks at you with anger.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "See what you've done to my little girl?!">>
<<dial "player" "I didn't! I mean... I wasn't...">>
<p>I don't think there's anything you can do, bud.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Go back to your room, now!">>
<p>$ looks coldly as you walk to the room.</p>
<<media "shame.mp4">>
<p>As you walk out you catch a glimpse of $'s smile.</p>
<big>This bitch is evil, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-;; charAdd+alexa" "yieldHide">>
<</events>>/* Create arrays with items (base items are findable many times, unique items can be found just once) */
<<set _searchItemsBase to ["dirty_panties+", "dirty_bra+", "cash+5", "cash+10", "nothing", "nothing"]>>
<<set _searchItemsUnique to ["roofies+", "roofies+", "viagra+", "viagra+", "aphro+", "aphro+", "weed+", "cash+25", "cash+50"]>>
/* Define found item */
<<searchLoc _searchItemsBase _searchItemsUnique>>
<p class="fi0">You check every corner of the bathroom. You dive in the basket with dirty clothes, and go through the pockets.</p>
<big class="fi2">And finally...</big>
<<media `"activities/search/" + _foundItemMedia` "si4">>
<big class="si5 center">_foundItemText</big>
/* Set the link to next chunk */
<<if _foundItem == "roofies+" || _foundItem == "viagra+" || _foundItem == "aphro+" || _foundItem == "weed+" || _foundItem == "dirty_panties+" || _foundItem == "dirty_bra+">>
<<set _chunkLink to "#more">>
<<set _chunkLink to null>>
<<btn _chunkLink null null "si6">>
<<chunk null "#more">>
<<set _foundItem to _foundItem.replace(/\+/gi, '')>>
<<if _foundItem == "dirty_bra" || _foundItem == "dirty_panties">>
<p>I'm personally not a huge lingerie guy (unless the girl is really fat, in which case it helps redirect my attention), but even I can't help a growing hard-on.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm sure she won't mind if...</tht>">>
<p>You put it to your nose and give it a good slow sniff.</p>
<<media "activities/search/sniffing.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Mmmmm... Noice!">>
<<yields "sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<elseif _foundItem == "viagra" || _foundItem == "aphro" || _foundItem == "roofies">>
<<media `"activities/search/"+ _foundItem +".mp4"`>>
<<dial "player" "That might be useful!">>
<big>Hopefully not.</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "weed">>
<p>You found it in a pocket of $'s trousers. At first think it's just a bag of spices, but then you start to wonder...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why would $ have a bag of spices...?</tht>">>
<big>And then it hits you.</big>
<<media "activities/search/weed.mp4">>
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly ''$'' enters the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "What are you doing, hun?">>
<<if _foundItem>>
<p>Scared by her sudden appearence, you hide ''_foundItemName'', that you just found, behind your back.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhm, nothing, really, I was just...">>
<p>Your hesitation makes her suspicious. Either figure out a lie, or just say the truth, but do it quickly, or we're fucked.</p>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "I wanted to clean up $'s room as a surprise." "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "I was trying to get to know $" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<p>You give her the most honest smile your face can produce.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>$ hesitates for a moment, but finally she cracks a smile of her own.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "That's really nice of you, hun!">>
<<dial "player" "It's just the way I am, always helping my favorite $daphne.relation.">>
<p>Don't overdo it, or you might get us in trouble.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Great! So - vacuum cleaner is in the closet.">>
<<dial "player" "Vacuum cleaner...?">>
<<dial "daphne" "And don't forget to dust the furniture! This room hasn't been cleaned since when Caitlin Jenner had a dick.">>
<big>Checkmate, bud.</big>
<<media "fuck.mp4">>
<p>I told you not to push it. Better do as she says.</p>
<<btn "#daphneClean" "Spend the next hours cleaning the room" "" "action">>
<<btn "#daphneRun" "Uhmm... sorry, but I have to go now." "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneClean">>
<p>You spend hours cleaning the room.</p>
<big>It sucks and you wanna die.</big>
<<media "activities/search/tired.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "energy-10" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneRun">>
<p>You turn to the doors and you're about to leave, when $ grabs you by your shirt. Her smile quickly changes into anger, as she looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So... You didn't want to clean $'s room, you were just snooping around.">>
<<dial "player" "I mean...">>
<p>I told you to do what she says...</p>
<big>You've fucked us, bud.</big>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<<media "activities/search/daphne_honest.jpg">>
<<if _foundItem == "dirty_panties">>
<p>You show her ''_foundItemName'', that you were hiding behind your back.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed.">>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry.">>
<p>She takes ''_foundItemName'' from you.</p>
<<dial "player" "I won't do it again. I swear.">>
<p>She sighs, heavily.</p>
<<btn null null _foundItemLose>>
<<elseif _foundItem == "weed" || _foundItem == "speed">>
<p>Ok, bud, here's the deal. I actually like the fact that you told her the truth, it shows balls. But in all honesty - you cannot tell her you found the _foundItem! It will mostly likely fuck her up.</p>
<<dial "player" "I didn't take anything!">>
<p>You slide the _foundItem into your back pocket.</p>
<<dial "player" "I swear!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed.">>
<<dial "player" "But I didn't take anything! I swear!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed.">>
<p>Fortunately, her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean right away, instead of trying to lie about it. I like that.">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I understand that you were just curious. It has to be really hard for you with two beautiful women in the house.">>
<p>It really is //hard//.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I won't tell $ about it, but try to find another way for... you know.">>
<<dial "player" "I won't do it again!">>
<p>$ looks deep into your eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I believe you.">>
<<media "activities/search/come_clean.mp4">>
<p>$ winks at you as you go out of the room.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<EVENT "alexa; !daphne; $daphne.met; while=masturbating">> /* Alexa is masturbating, Daphne sees player */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - you hear something behind your back. You turn your head...</p>
<<media "turn_around.mp4">>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<p>$ is standing on the corridor, looking right at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "What are you doing...!?">>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You quickly hide your dick in your pants, but it's too late - she already saw it.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>Fortunately you managed to close the doors - if $ would see what's going on there...</p>
<big>...she might go postal!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/daphAlex/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "I was just passing by the doors, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "I wanted to talk with $ but she's busy!" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<p>$ looks at you suspiciously...</p>
<<media "suspicious.mp4">>
<big>Fingers crossed.</big>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#lieAngry", "#lieAngry", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#lieAngry", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#lieAngry", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#fishy", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#fishy">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#lieAngry">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I-I-I didn't... It's because you're so beautiful...">>
<p>Just shut the fuck up already.</p>
<<btn "#truthAngry" null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<p>$ sizes you...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is that so?">>
<<media "standoff.mp4">>
<p>This ain't gonna be easy, but there's still hope.</p>
<big>Fingers crossed.</big>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy", "#truthAngry", "#truthAngry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy", "#truthAngry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy", "#truthAngry", "#truthAngry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy", "#truthAngry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#truthAngry">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "daphne" "You were jerking off!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You were peeking at my daughter!">>
<big>Oh boy, here we go.</big>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Go to your room, now!">>
<p>You do as you're told.</p>
<<btn "daphGuest" null "">>
<<chunk null "#ok">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh! I thought you were... You know... Thank god it's nothing sexual.">>
<p>She stops for a moment, thinking about something intensively.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm sorry. I just realized I'm still thinking about her as little girl... And she's almost an adult now. In a moment she'll start exploring her body...">>
<big>I'm afraid she already went full Columbus on her ass.</big>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women. I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "But if you see a boy interested in $ - you will tell me, right?">>
<<media "i_promise.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I promise!">>
<p>Yeah, right.</p>
<p>$ smiles to you one more time, goes back to her room, and closes the doors.</p>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#fishy">>
<p>$'s stare is a bit unsettling.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Something's not right...">>
<<media "activities/peek/suspicious.mp4">>
<p>Well, I guess she means the elephant in the room...</p>
<big>...with a dildo up its ass.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What are those sounds anyway...?">>
<p>$ moves you aside and cracks open the doors...</p>
<big>Brace for impact!</big>
<p>She opens her eyes in shock.</p>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<p>Her little $ is frantically pushing her fingers in and out of her pussy and ass.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/alexa_masturbation.mp4">>
<p>$ quickly closes the doors, without $ noticing.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my god... My little girl... She's... She's... She's exploring her body!">>
<p>That's one way of putting it.</p>
<<media "i_guess.mp4.mp4">>
<p>If you got that far, there's no point in backing off now.</p>
<<btn "#drink" "You look like you need a drink!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#happyend" "It's normal for kids her age!" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#happyend">>
<p>Not exactly, but I catch your drift. Calm her down, otherwise it might end in carnage.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You think so...?">>
<<dial "player" "Of course. Don't worry about her, she's a smart girl.">>
<p>More like: depraved, crazy, psychotic... But ok.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks... I needed this.">>
<p>$ hugs you. And it's one of those hugs, that you'll be telling your grandchildren about.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphne_hug.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "You're a good kid.">>
<p>She turns and walks away to her room, leaving you on the corridor.</p>
<big>I'd say that went well!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#drink">>
<p>Are you sure it's a good idea? She's an alcoholic!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're right... I need a drink.">>
<p>Well, there's no going back now.</p>
<h2 class="border">Living room</h2>
<<media "locations/daphLiv/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You walk to the living room with $ She sits on the couch, while you approach the liquor cabinet.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "After such trauma... I need a lemmy. Will you make one for me?">>
<p>What the fuck is //a lemmy//?!</p>
<<dial "player" "Sure!">>
<p>I hope you know what you're doing!</p>
<<media "activities/drink/cabinet2.mp4">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty", "Whisky + Cola + No morals"],
["#tasty", "Whisky + Cola + No morals"],
["#tasty", "Whisky + Cola + No morals"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty">>
<p>You put all the ingridients into the glass and proudly present it to $</p>
<<dial "player" "Here you are!">>
<p>She takes a glass from you without any hesitation, though you notice her hands are shaking a bit.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Here's to all the nice boys!">>
<p>She winks at you and downs her drink at once, while you cautiously take your first sip.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round1.jpg">>
<<yields "drunk+;" "dialog">>
<p>Her face brigtens up.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm! This is gooooood!">>
<<dial "player" "Only the best to my favorite $daphne.relation!">>
<<media "activities/drink/drink_tasty_daphne.mp4">>
<big>Well, well, well. Look at you!</big>
<p>But the moment of pleasure quickly passes, and $ looks you straight in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Make me another.">>
<big>Alcoholism intesifies.</big>
<<dial "player" "Well, are you sure, I mean--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, don't worry, hun. It's just one drink. I need to forget that I saw $ with dildo up her ass... Make it a Margarita this time.">>
<p>Oh, bud... Buddy, bud, bud... I'll tell you what's going to happen now. You're in for a hell of a ride. And most likely, it's going to end badly. So put your straps on, and prepare to be bulldozed.</p>
<<dial "player" "Sure... ok.">>
<p>You quickly finish your drink and look at the liquor cabinet.</p>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty2", "Tequila + Cointreau + Lemon"],
["#tasty2", "Tequila + Cointreau + Lemon"],
["#tasty2", "Tequila + Cointreau + Lemon"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty2">>
<p>$ tastes your drink and smiles.</p>
<big>She likes it!</big>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round2.jpg">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm! You're getting good at this!">>
<<dial "player" "Well, thanks...">>
<<dial "daphne" "I might use your bartending skills more often!">>
<p>Well, I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Bartending for an alcoholic is like feeding a lion.</p>
<big>A drunk lion.</big>
<p>Before you even finish half of your drink - $ puts an empty glass on the table and looks at you with hunger in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Another.">>
<<dial "player" "Well, are you sure, I mean--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Make it White Russian this time.">>
<<media "activities/drink/alcoholism2.jpg">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty3", "Vodka + Coffee liqueur + Milk"],
["#tasty3", "Vodka + Coffee liqueur + Milk"],
["#tasty3", "Vodka + Coffee liqueur + Milk"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty3">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round3.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "God damn! That's one tasty motherfucker!">>
<p>$'s eyes glow when she looks at you. It seems that the trauma of seeing $ masturbating is more or less gone at this point.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I've never noticed how handsome you are...">>
<p>She has a naughty smile, and her hands are getting grabby, but at this point you don't even care. After three drinks your head spins, and you're not sure what is happening around you.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/player_drunk.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you straight in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Another.">>
<big>Surprise, surprise.</big>
<<dial "player" "Wellllll, I me-mean...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Negroni.">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty4", "Gin + Campari + Vermouth"],
["#tasty4", "Gin + Campari + Vermouth"],
["#tasty4", "Gin + Campari + Vermouth"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty4">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round4.mp4">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm.... Goood...">>
<p>$'s is drunk and starts taking care of herself. Normally you'd be all over her, but your head is spinning, and you're not entirely sure what is happening.</p>
<p>$ finishes her drink and smiles seductively.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "One moore... and I might do some-thing... something stupid.">>
<p>That sounds awesome, but you can barely focus.</p>
<<dial "player" "Like... How many... Like... one? Or more...? How many is one...? Is it like... more than one?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, you're so-o funny...! My lil' shhhweet boy... Oh, I know! I haaave an iiidea. Tequila sunset... I mean //rise//! You know ho-ow to make one?">>
<<dial "player" "Suuure... I know... I know how... like... Thunderkilla rice onnnnnnnn it's wayyyy...">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty5", "Tequila + Orange juice + Grenadine"],
["#tasty5", "Tequila + Orange juice + Grenadine"],
["#tasty5", "Tequila + Orange juice + Grenadine"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty5">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round5.mp4">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>$ slips her hand inside her panties. She penetrates her wet pussy with her fingers. Pushing them deeper and deeper, gently at first, but with more and more ferocity with every second. After a moment she's banging her pussy with hand like a jackhammer.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes! $! Do it to me! Do it hard! Hurt me, $, hurt me badly!">>
<p>Normally, you'd probably enjoy the view. Start stroking your own cock, maybe playing with your balls. Maybe even join in and stick it in her wet hole, if she'd allow it. The problem is - you're not doing any of it.</p>
<big>You are somewhere else.</big>
<<media "activities/drink/player_drunk2.mp4">>
<p>Let me explain. This is one of those situations where the girl is willing, but she's up for disappointment. To tell you the truth, this happens to the best of us, and there is many reasons for it. But this time - it's pretty straight forward, bud.</p>
<big>Never try to outdrink the drinker.</big>
<p>Fortunately, $ is drunk enough to make herself happy with her fingers.</p>
<<btn "daphGuest" null "$sleepReset+; time+8; hangover+">>
<<chunk null "#fucked">>
<p>You put all the ingridients into the glass and proudly present it to $</p>
<<dial "player" "Here you are!">>
<p>She takes a glass from you without any hesitation, though you notice her hands are shaking a bit.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Here's to all the nice boys!">>
<p>She winks at you and downs her drink at once, while you cautiously take your first sip.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/drink_fucked_daphne.mp4">>
<p>She looks at you in a very un-$ way.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is this shit?!">>
<<dial "player" "No, it's... what you wanted, right?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Did I ask you for a glass of liquid shit?">>
<<dial "player" "It's just--">>
<<dial "daphne" "So why are you giving me a glass of liquid shit?">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<<media "activities/drink/alcoholism.jpg">>
<p>That's what you get for putting your dick in front of a detox.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Were you trying to poison me?">>
<<dial "player" "No! I must have the recipe wrong--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Did my daughter put you up to this?">>
<<dial "player" "No!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Tell this whore I can stop drinking whenever I want.">>
<p>To prove her point <small>(not really though)</small> $ downs the liquid shit you made for her, and angrily walks out of the room, just to return a moment later, take a bottle of whisky, and walk out again.</p>
<big>Great job, buddy! <small>(not really though)</small></big>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa; while=masturbating">> /* Alexa is masturbating, Alexa sees player */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You barely manage to put your dick back in the pants, before $ bursts out of her room, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p>$ bursts out of her room, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphAlex/alexa_angry3.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "What. The. Fuck.">>
<<dial "player" "Shit! I didn't... I mean... Sorry!">>
<p>You need to quickly figure out what to do.</p>
<<btn "#run" "Run away" "" "action">>
<<btn "#lie" "You were screaming I thought you need my help." "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#stayWild" "Can I stay and watch?" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run from the room, closing the doors behind you. I'm afraid, buddy, that $ will remember this.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#lie">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh rly?">>
<p>Don't reply. It's a bait.</p>
<big>Run, kid, run!</big>
<<dial "player" "Definitely, I mean--">>
<p>Before you finish the sentence $</p>
<big>...kicks you in the family dispenser.</big>
<<media "ball_kick.mp4">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger...</p>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#stayWild">>
<p>Oook, ok. I get it. You were caught, there's no point in pretending anymore, so you might as well take a swing.</p>
<big>That's what alphas do.</big>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck off!">>
<p>Straight and to the point.</p>
<big>I like this girl!</big>
<p>It seems there's just one thing you can do.</p>
<<media "im_leaving.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-2" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaYes">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks. You can stay until I squirt.">>
<<dial "player" "Come on, I thought--">>
<<dial "alexa" "And if you don't pay - I'm calling mum. So... pay up, bitch.">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster. I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro, but if $ learns about it she might go postal. This is a tough decision.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#payMore", "#payKinky"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#payKinky">>
<<btn _decision "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=25; cash-25;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#payBluff" "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#payBluff">>
<p>$ hesitates.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, then, fuck off.">>
<p>I guess she doesn't want to inform her mum about what just happened after all...</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, so you're not gonna call your mum?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm giving you a pass, so get lost.">>
<p>You think for a moment.</p>
<<media "i_guess.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Ok, bye." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#callDaphne" "What if //I// call $ instead?" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#callDaphne">>
<p>You got her attention. And mine too. What are you planning, dude?</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm sure she'll have a lot of questions about...">>
<p>You point at the dildo.</p>
<big>Sometimes you scare me kid.</big>
<<media "big_eyes.mp4">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<btn "#payKinky">>
<<chunk null "#payMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks.">>
<p>Ohhhh shit. She played you.</p>
<<media "not_good.mp4">>
<p>I wouldn't trust her, bro!</p>
<<btn "#payKinky" "Shut up and take my money!" "cash=25; cash-25;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#payNo" "You should be paying me for not ratting you out!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#payNo">>
<p>Well look at you, making threats and all. Not that $ would believe that her little princess is sticking monster dildos up her arsehole, but at least you're making the moves.</p>
<big>And it works.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck off.">>
<<dial "player" "I'm serious. If she'd know you're masturbating, she'd go nuts. And you should know what's going to happen then.">>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<btn "#payKinky">>
<<chunk null "#payKinky">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, you can stick it in.">>
<p>Uhm... What just happened?</p>
<<dial "player" "Erm... what?">>
<<dial "alexa" "You can stick a dick in my asshole.">>
<<media "escalated.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well?">>
<big>Say something!</big>
<<dial "player" "I mean... Fuck yeah!">>
<p>You lucky bastard. This is a dream come true!</p>
<p>$ turns on the bed revealing her beautiful little asshole.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal1.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... what are you waiting for?">>
<p>Without hesitation, you spit in the middle of her cinnamon hole, and stick your dick inside. $ gasps, but doesn't stop you.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal2.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Right there. Nice and easy...">>
<p>After a while she tells you to lie down, and jumps on you. You can feel the inside of her asshole is warm and comfy, as you pump it with your dick.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal3.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Push your dick in my tiny asshole... Like that... That's the spot...!">>
<p>$ starts breathing heavily and you realize she'll get an orgasm in a moment.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm going to cum...!">>
<p>You can cum with her, or turn this into a proper fuck fest.</p>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+alexa" "sex action">>
<<btn null "Cum now!">>
<p>She grabs your ass and pushes your dick deeper into her ass.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Yes! YES! DEEPER!">>
<p>You feel her body twitches. Her throbbing asshole is so wet you could drink from it. And more juice flows out of her with every spasm.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/alexa_orgasm.mp4">>
<big>$ cums.</big>
<p>At the same time - your orgasm arrives, making you shoot a stream of hot cum right into her, like from a fucking fire hose.</p>
<big>It's magnificent.</big>
<p>Within seconds, your bodies loosen up. $ moves away, and falls on her back, with a smile of ecstasy. You can see the cum dripping from her asshole.</p>
<<media "locations/daphAlex/anal4.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ha, ha. You're not such a dweeb after all, dweeb.">>
<<dial "player" "Well... thanks... I guess.">>
<<dial "alexa" "And now - get lost.">>
<p>You gather your things and walk out of the room. I have to say, bud - you really impressed me here!</p>
<big>Good job!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom+3" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa; !daphne; $daphne.met; while=sex">> /* Alexa has sex, Daphne sees player */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - you hear something behind your back. You turn your head...</p>
<<media "turn_around.mp4">>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<p>$ is standing on the corridor, looking right at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "What are you doing...!?">>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You quickly hide your dick in your pants, hoping she didn't see it. Fortunately you also managed to close the doors in time - if $ would see what's going on there...</p>
<p>Fortunately you managed to close the doors - if $ would see what's going on there...</p>
<big>...she might go postal!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/daphAlex/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<btn "#lie" "I was just passing by the doors, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#truth" "I wanted to talk with $ but she's busy!" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#lie">>
<p>$ looks at you suspiciously...</p>
<<media "suspicious.mp4">>
<big>Fingers crossed.</big>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#lieAngry", "#lieAngry", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#lieAngry", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#lieAngry", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#lieAngry", "#fishy", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#fishy">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#lieAngry">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I-I-I didn't... It's because you're so beautiful...">>
<p>Just shut the fuck up already.</p>
<<btn "#truthAngry" null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#truth">>
<p>$ sizes you...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is that so?">>
<<media "standoff.mp4">>
<p>This ain't gonna be easy, but there's still hope.</p>
<big>Fingers crossed.</big>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy", "#truthAngry", "#truthAngry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy", "#truthAngry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy", "#truthAngry", "#truthAngry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy", "#truthAngry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok", "#fishy"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#truthAngry">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "daphne" "You were jerking off!">>
<p>Oh. So she saw you hiding your dick.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "So you were peeking at my daughter!">>
<big>Oh boy... here we go.</big>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Go to your room, now!">>
<p>You do as you're told.</p>
<<btn "daphGuest">>
<<chunk null "#ok">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh! I thought you were... You know... Thank god it's nothing sexual.">>
<p>She stops for a moment, thinking about something intensively.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm sorry. I just realized I'm still thinking about her as little girl... And she's almost an adult now. In a moment she'll start bringing boys in the house... ">>
<big>One of them has a dick in $'s asshole right now.</big>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women. I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just stay away from $'s room, ok?">>
<p>Yeah, right.</p>
<<media "i_promise.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I promise!">>
<p>$ smiles to you one more time, goes back to her room, and closes the doors.</p>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#fishy">>
<p>$'s stare is a bit unsettling.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Something's not right...">>
<<media "activities/peek/suspicious.mp4">>
<p>Well, I guess she means the elephant in the room...</p>
<big>...with a dildo up its ass.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What are those sounds anyway...?">>
<p>$ moves you aside and cracks open the doors...</p>
<big>Brace for impact!</big>
<p>She opens her eyes in shock.</p>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<p>Her little $ is getting manhandled and she loves it.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/alexa_sex.mp4">>
<p>$ quickly closes the doors, without $ noticing.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my god... My little girl... She's... She's... She's a woman now!">>
<p>Well, it looks to me like she was a woman for a while. And pretty fucked up one too. But whatever - this is a good moment to say something and save your ass, if that's even possible.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "My little girl... I can't believe this... It must be her first time...">>
<p>Calling her out of touch would be an understatement.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/out_of_touch.mp4">>
<p>If you got that far, there's no point in backing off now.</p>
<<btn "#happyend" "It's normal for kids her age!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#intervene" "We should intervene! This is immoral!" "daphne.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<btn "#drink" "Come on, I'll make you a drink!" "daphne.dom+1" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#happyend">>
<p>Not exactly, but I catch your drift. Calm her down, otherwise it might end in carnage.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You think so...?">>
<<dial "player" "Of course. Don't worry about her, she's a smart girl.">>
<p>More like: depraved, crazy, psychotic... But ok.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks... I needed this.">>
<p>$ hugs you. And it's one of those hugs, that you'll be telling your grandchildren about.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphne_hug.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "You're a good kid.">>
<p>She turns and walks away to her room, leaving you on the corridor.</p>
<big>I'd say that went well!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#intervene">>
<big>You sick bastard.</big>
<p>What's next?! You'll call the police for giving you a blowjob?!</p>
<<media "shame.mp4">>
<p>Unfortunately, $ is actually considering your offer.</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#interveneNo", "#interveneNo", "#interveneYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#interveneNo", "#interveneYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#interveneYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#interveneNo">>
<<dial "daphne" "Intervene...? No, I'm not ready. I'll consult a priest first.">>
<p>Thank god for that! Hopefully the priest is not be a freak. And you should be ashamed of yourself.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I just hope she'll find Jesus.">>
<big>Up her asshole?!</big>
<p>I wouldn't necessarily count on that.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh... I didn't know you're Catholic?">>
<<dial "daphne" "What? I'm Jewish!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, sorry, it sounded a bit... Catholic.">>
<<dial "daphne" "That's because when it comes to purging little girls from devil, Catholicism is undoubtly the best for the job!">>
<<media "activities/peek/purge.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, ok... So what are we doing?">>
<<dial "daphne" "We need to pray and hope for the best.">>
<<dial "player" "I guess I can do that.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks. If that doesn't stop her behaviour... We'll have to use some more drastic measures.">>
<big>Soaking her dildo in LSD?</big>
<<dial "player" "Ermm... Like therapy?">>
<<dial "daphne" "More like nunhood.">>
<<media "surprise.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Ok...?">>
<p>$ hugs you. And it's one of those hugs, that you'll be telling your grandchildren about.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphne_hug.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "You're a good kid.">>
<p>She turns and walks away to her room, leaving you on the corridor.</p>
<big>I'd say that went well!</big>
<p>And, buddy, I'm starting to see your plan, and I like it! The whole thing is a bit extreme for my taste, but seeing $ as a nun would be the hottest thing ever! Good call!</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#interveneYes">>
<<dial "daphne" "You're right. We need Jesus to purge her body from sin!">>
<big>What have you done?!</big>
<<dial "player" "Oh... I didn't know you're Catholic?">>
<<dial "daphne" "What? I'm Jewish!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, sorry, this whole Jesus thing sounded a bit... Catholic.">>
<<dial "daphne" "That's because when it comes to purging little girls from devil, Catholicism is undoubtly the best for the job!">>
<<media "activities/peek/purge.mp4">>
<p>Wait... This sounds more and more fucked up. What the hell is she planning...?!</p>
<<dial "player" "So... we're going to talk with her...?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Talk?! She has a fucking dick up her ass - it's a bit late for conversation, don't you think?">>
<p>Hard to disagree.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... what then?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Let me just take my crucifix.">>
<<media "escalated.mp4">>
<p>After a moment $ comes back with a wooden crucifix. She stands in front of $'s doors, ready to barge in.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'll take care of $ You grab the guy. Break his neck if you have to. I'll tell the police he attacked us.">>
<<media "wtf.mp4">>
<p>Lady, you have a huge ass wooden crucifix, I'm afraid the jury will be pretty unanimous on the verdict...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ready?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm...">>
<<media "i_guess.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oy vey. Let's do it.">>
<big>$ kicks open the doors to $ room.</big>
<p>She jumps inside, waving the crucifix.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/invasion.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't worry $! I'm here to save you!">>
<p>$ looks around in shock.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphAlex/alexa_angry2.jpg">>
<p>The guy, that you were supposed to handle, jumps from the bed, nearly breaking his neck.</p>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeAlexa" + $dudeAlexa.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"`>>
<<dial "guy" "What the fuck, $! Your mum is into Ku Klux Klan?!">>
<p>He scrambles up to a corner, nervously trying to pull up his trousers...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm here to save you baby!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Save me...?">>
<p>$ looks straight at you.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi, $!">>
<p>$ puts the crucifix in front of $'s face.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/crucifix.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Say //no// to devil! Follow the path of Jesus!">>
<p>The guy in the corner looks at it in disbelief.</p>
<<dial "guy" "I'm just gonna go.">>
<p>He awkwardly navigates to the doors. And as he disappears on the corridor, we reach the pivotal moment, when...</p>
<big>...$ losts it.</big>
<big>She grabs a long double dildo...</big>
<p>...and starts whipping you and $ like a fucking slaver.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/whipping.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "How dare you?! Get out of here or I'll fucking whip the Jesus out of your fucking asses!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hunny, stop it!">>
<<dial "alexa" "GET THE FUCK OUT!">>
<p>$ whips the dildo in your face like a guided missile. Without thinking you turn around and run to the corridor, and $ does the same.</p>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<p>As soon as you run out of the room, you hear a "click" of the door lock.</p>
<big>I'm pretty sure $ will be locking her doors at night from now on.</big>
/* We need to set the doors to locked both for the setup array, and for the var so that it would work after game load */
<<set setup.locations.find(obj => {return === "daphAlex"}).door to "locked">>
<<set $daphAlexDoor = "locked">>
<big>$ shuts the doors behind your back.</big>
<p>It takes you both a moment to calm down.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I think it worked.">>
<p>It did?!</p>
<<media "say_what.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm sure she'll reconsider her connection to Jesus.">>
<p>If by //reconsidering the connection to Jesus// she means $ joining the satanistic cult - then...</p>
<big>Job well done.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Thank you for your help, $ Mazel tov!">>
<p>Oh, so we're back to Judaism. That makes sense!</p>
<<media "judaism.mp4">>
<p>$ walks back to her room, leaving you on the corridor.</p>
<big>That was fucking intense.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-3;" "yieldHide"">>
<<chunk null "#drink">>
<p>Are you sure it's a good idea? She's an alcoholic!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're right... I need a drink.">>
<p>Well, there's not going back now.</p>
<h2 class="border">Living room</h2>
<<media "locations/daphLiv/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You walk to the living room with $ She sits on the couch, while you approach the liquor cabinet.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "After such trauma... I need a lemmy. Will you make one for me?">>
<p>What the fuck is //a lemmy//?!</p>
<<dial "player" "Sure!">>
<p>I hope you know what you're doing!</p>
<<media "activities/drink/cabinet2.mp4">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty", "Whisky + Cola + No morals"],
["#tasty", "Whisky + Cola + No morals"],
["#tasty", "Whisky + Cola + No morals"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty">>
<p>You put all the ingridients into the glass and proudly present it to $</p>
<<dial "player" "Here you are!">>
<p>She takes a glass from you without any hesitation, though you notice her hands are shaking a bit.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Here's to all the nice boys!">>
<p>She winks at you and downs her drink at once, while you cautiously take your first sip.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round1.jpg">>
<<yields "drunk+;" "dialog">>
<p>Her face brigtens up.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm! This is gooooood!">>
<<dial "player" "Only the best to my favorite $daphne.relation!">>
<<media "activities/drink/drink_tasty_daphne.mp4">>
<big>Well, well, well. Look at you!</big>
<p>But the moment of pleasure quickly passes, and $ looks you straight in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Make me another.">>
<big>Alcoholism intesifies.</big>
<<dial "player" "Well, are you sure, I mean--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, don't worry, hun. It's just one drink. I need to forget that I saw $ with dick up her ass... Make it a Margarita this time.">>
<p>Oh, bud... Buddy, bud, bud... I'll tell you what's going to happen now. You're in for a hell of a ride. And most likely, it's going to end badly. So put your straps on, and prepare to be bulldozed.</p>
<<dial "player" "Sure... ok.">>
<p>You quickly finish your drink and look at the liquor cabinet.</p>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty2", "Tequila + Cointreau + Lemon"],
["#tasty2", "Tequila + Cointreau + Lemon"],
["#tasty2", "Tequila + Cointreau + Lemon"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty2">>
<p>$ tastes your drink and smiles.</p>
<big>She likes it!</big>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round2.jpg">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm! You're getting good at this!">>
<<dial "player" "Well, thanks...">>
<<dial "daphne" "I might use your bartending skills more often!">>
<p>Well, I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Bartending for an alcoholic is like feeding a lion.</p>
<big>A drunk lion.</big>
<p>Before you even finish half of your drink - $ puts an empty glass on the table and looks at you with hunger in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Another.">>
<<dial "player" "Well, are you sure, I mean--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Make it White Russian this time.">>
<<media "activities/drink/alcoholism2.jpg">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty3", "Vodka + Coffee liqueur + Milk"],
["#tasty3", "Vodka + Coffee liqueur + Milk"],
["#tasty3", "Vodka + Coffee liqueur + Milk"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty3">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round3.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "God damn! That's one tasty motherfucker!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>$'s eyes glow when she looks at you. It seems that the trauma of seeing $ getting assfucked is more or less gone at this point.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I've never noticed how handsome you are...">>
<p>She has a naughty smile, and her hands are getting grabby, but at this point you don't even care. After three drinks your head spins, and you're not sure what is happening around you.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/player_drunk.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you straight in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Another.">>
<big>Surprise, surprise.</big>
<<dial "player" "Wellllll, I me-mean...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Negroni.">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty4", "Gin + Campari + Vermouth"],
["#tasty4", "Gin + Campari + Vermouth"],
["#tasty4", "Gin + Campari + Vermouth"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty4">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round4.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm.... Goood...">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>$'s is drunk and starts taking care of herself. Normally you'd be all over her, but your head is spinning, and you're not entirely sure what is happening.</p>
<p>$ finishes her drink and smiles seductively.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "One moore... and I might do some-thing... something stupid.">>
<p>That sounds awesome, but you can barely focus.</p>
<<dial "player" "Like... How many... Like... one? Or more...? How many is one...? Is it like... more than one?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, you're so-o funny...! My lil' shhhweet boy... Oh, I know! I haaave an iiidea. Tequila sunset... I mean //rise//! You know ho-ow to make one?">>
<<dial "player" "Suuure... I know... I know how... like... Thunderkilla rice onnnnnnnn it's wayyyy...">>
<<set _drinks to [
["#tasty5", "Tequila + Orange juice + Grenadine"],
["#tasty5", "Tequila + Orange juice + Grenadine"],
["#tasty5", "Tequila + Orange juice + Grenadine"]
<<set _drinksWrong to [
["#fucked", "Gin + Vodka + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Whisky + Cola + Lime"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Gin + Cola + Lemon"],
["#fucked", "Vodka + Whisky + Gin"],
["#fucked", "Cola + Cointreau + Tequila"],
["#fucked", "Tequila + No morals + Cointreau"]
<<set _drinksPos to [0, 1, 2]>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,6)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinksPos.splice(_drinksRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksWrong.splice(_drinksWrongRand, 1)>>
<<set _drinksRand to _drinksPos.random()>>
<<set _drinksWrongRand to random(0,5)>>
<<set _drinks[_drinksRand] to _drinksWrong[_drinksWrongRand]>>
<<set _drinks to _drinks.shuffle()>>
<<btn _drinks[0][0] _drinks[0][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[1][0] _drinks[1][1]>>
<<btn _drinks[2][0] _drinks[2][1]>>
<<chunk null "#tasty5">>
<<media "activities/drink/daphne_round5.mp4">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>$ slips her hand inside her panties. She penetrates her wet pussy with her fingers. Pushing them deeper and deeper, gently at first, but with more and more ferocity with every second. After a moment she's banging her pussy with hand like a jackhammer.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes! $! Do it to me! Do it hard! Hurt me, $, hurt me badly!">>
<p>Normally, you'd probably enjoy the view. Start stroking your own cock, maybe playing with your balls. Maybe even join in and stick it in her wet hole, if she'd allow it. The problem is - you're not doing any of it.</p>
<big>You are somewhere else.</big>
<<media "activities/drink/player_drunk2.mp4">>
<p>Let me explain. This is one of those situations where the girl is willing, but she's up for disappointment. To tell you the truth, this happens to the best of us, and there is many reasons for it. But this time - it's pretty straight forward, bud.</p>
<big>Never try to outdrink the drinker.</big>
<p>Fortunately, $ is drunk enough to make herself happy with her fingers.</p>
<<btn "daphGuest" null "; $sleepReset+; hangover+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#fucked">>
<p>You put all the ingridients into the glass and proudly present it to $</p>
<<dial "player" "Here you are!">>
<p>She takes a glass from you without any hesitation, though you notice her hands are shaking a bit.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Here's to all the nice boys!">>
<p>She winks at you and downs her drink at once, while you cautiously take your first sip.</p>
<<media "activities/drink/drink_fucked_daphne.mp4">>
<p>She looks at you in a very un-$ way.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is this shit?!">>
<<dial "player" "No, it's... what you wanted, right?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Did I ask you for a glass of liquid shit?">>
<<dial "player" "It's just--">>
<<dial "daphne" "So why are you giving me a glass of liquid shit?">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<<media "activities/drink/alcoholism.jpg">>
<p>That's what you get for putting your dick in front of a detox.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Were you trying to poison me?">>
<<dial "player" "No! I must have the recipe wrong--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Did my daughter put you up to this?">>
<<dial "player" "No!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Tell this whore I can stop drinking whenever I want.">>
<p>To prove her point <small>(not really though)</small> $ downs the liquid shit you made for her, and angrily walks out of the room, just to return a moment later, take a bottle of whisky, and walk out again.</p>
<big>Great job, buddy! <small>(not really though)</small></big>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa; while=sex">> /* Alexa has sex, Alexa sees player*/
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You barely manage to put your dick back in the pants, before $ bursts out of her room, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p>$ bursts out of her room, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphAlex/alexa_angry3.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "What. The. Fuck.">>
<p>The guy on the bed looks at you angrily.</p>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeAlexa" + $dudeAlexa.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"`>>
<<dial "guy" "Who's that cuntmuffin!?">>
<p>You need to quickly figure out what to do.</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#run" "Run away!" "" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#lie" "You were screaming I thought you need my help." "alexa.dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#join" "Can I join?" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run from the room, closing the doors behind you.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#lie">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh rly?">>
<p>Don't reply. It's a bait.</p>
<big>Run, kid, run!</big>
<<dial "player" "Definitely, I mean--">>
<p>Before you finish the sentence $</p>
<big>...kicks you in the family dispenser.</big>
<<media "ball_kick.mp4">>
<<dial "guy" "God damn.">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger...</p>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#join">>
<p>$ pierces you with a death stare. God damn it she has something in those eyes... Like you look there and you instantly know - this bitch has no limits.</p>
<<media "pray.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck off!">>
<p>Straight and to the point.</p>
<big>I like this girl!</big>
<p>It seems there's just one thing you can do.</p>
<<media "im_leaving.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-2" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaYes">>
<<dial "guy" "No fucking way.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut the fuck up, I make the rules.">>
<<dial "guy" "But I wanted to spend time with you, $ I really like you and...">>
<p>He sounds really pathetic. That's kind of a good sign!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You fucking //really like me//? What is this, kindergarten!?">>
<<dial "guy" "But--">>
<<dial "alexa" "You know what?! Fuck it.">>
<p>She looks straight at you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Here's the deal. Who has bigger dick - stays. Ok?">>
<<dial "guy" "WHAT?!">>
<<media "behave.mp4">>
<p>Here's one in a lifetime opportunity, bud. Don't fuck it up!</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Fuck yeah!" "alexa.dom+2; charAdd+dudeAlexa; $permission+1" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLocParent "I've changed my mind" "alexa.dom-2" "dialog yieldHide">>
/* Generating a popup button. Arguments: passage, text, classes. */
<<widget "btnPopup">>
/* Load the arguments... */
<<set _text = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "Back to the game">>
<<set _classes = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<capture $args[0]>>
<<link "<div @class=\"'btn '+ _classes\"><span class=\"btnText\">_text</span></div>">>
<<runPopup $args[0]>>
/* Reset multipliers - we need it separately from the header to run it on popup. */
<<widget "resetMulti">>
/* Reset multiplier array */
<<set $multipliers = []>>
/* Reset multipliers to default */
<<for _i to 0; _i < setup.characters.length; _i++>>
/* Reset all the player multipliers */
<<if setup.characters[_i] == "player">>
<<set $player.dominationMulti to $defMulti>>
<<set $player.loveMulti to $defMulti>>
<<set $player.energyMulti to $defEnergyMulti>>
<<set $player.travelMulti to $defTravelMulti>>
/* Populate the multiplier array with the starting multipliers */
<<for _pt to 0; _pt < setup.playerTraits.length; _pt++>>
<<if $player.trait == setup.playerTraits[_pt].id>>
<<set _multi to splitter(setup.playerTraits[_pt].multi)>>
<<for _m to 0; _m < _multi.length; _m++>>
<<set _multi[_m].char to "player">>
<<set _multi[_m].type to "trait">>
<<set $multipliers.push(_multi[_m])>>
/* Reset all the other characters multipliers */
<<set State.setVar('$' + setup.characters[_i] + '.' + 'dominationMulti', $defCharMulti)>>
<<set State.setVar('$' + setup.characters[_i] + '.' + 'loveMulti', $defCharMulti)>>
/* Populate the multiplier array with the starting multipliers */
<<set _charVar to '$'+setup.characters[_i]>>
<<set _char to State.getVar(_charVar)>>
<<if _char.type == "character">>
<<for _ct to 0; _ct < setup.charTraits.length; _ct++>>
<<if _char.trait == setup.charTraits[_ct].id>>
<<set _multi to splitter(setup.charTraits[_ct].multi)>>
<<for _m to 0; _m < _multi.length; _m++>>
<<set _multi[_m].char to>>
<<set _multi[_m].type to "trait">>
<<set $multipliers.push(_multi[_m])>>
/* Additionally set minimum desire required for sex for this character based on trait */
<<if setup.charTraits[_ct].minDes == "X">>
<<set _varValueArray to [20, 40, 80, 100, 120]>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.minDes', parseFloat(_varValueArray[random(0,4)]))>>
<<elseif _char.minDes == null>>
<<set State.setVar(_charVar + '.minDes', setup.charTraits[_ct].minDes)>>
/* Add the multipliers from effects */
<<for _pe = 0; _pe < $player.effects.length; _pe++>>
<<if $player.effects[_pe].left != 0>>
<<set _curEffect = setup.effects.find(obj => {return === $player.effects[_pe].id})>>
<<set _multi = splitter(_curEffect.multi)>>
<<for _pem to 0; _pem < _multi.length; _pem++>>
<<set _multi[_pem].type = "effect">>
<<set _multi[_pem].name =>>
<<set $multipliers.push(_multi[_pem])>>
/* Count custom multipliers */
<<for _m to 0; _m < $multipliers.length; _m++>>
/* Define a variable to update */
<<set _varMulti to '$' + $multipliers[_m].char + '.' + $multipliers[_m].id + 'Multi'>>
/* If value is "X" - choose value by random */
<<if $multipliers[_m].value == "X">>
<<set _varValueArray to [0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]>>
<<set _varValue to parseFloat(State.getVar(_varMulti)) * parseFloat(_varValueArray[random(0,6)])>>
/* If not "X" - multiply the value of the var by the multiplier */
<<set _varValue to parseFloat(State.getVar(_varMulti)) * parseFloat($multipliers[_m].value)>>
/* Update the variable */
<<set State.setVar(_varMulti, _varValue)>>
/* Reset the switch */
<<set $resetMulti to null>>
<</nobr>>/* Reset the cleanGarden counter var */
<<set $cleanGarden = 0>>
<big class="center fi0">You walk to the pool...</big>
<p class="center fi1">You pull out a net to clean the water...</p>
<<dial "player" "Let's do it!" "fi2">>
<<media `"activities/chores/pool/" + $player.trait + ".mp4"` "si3">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p class="fi4">$, who's also in the garden, looks at you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're my hero!" "fi4">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p class="fi4">You smile back to her, and then look at the pool, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi4">Don't let it set in...</big>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p class="fi4">$, who's also in the garden, sends you a mocking smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're doing my mother's work now? She wrapped you around her finger, dweeb!" "fi4">>
<<dial "player" "No she didn't, get lost!" "fi4">>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p class="fi4">You ignore her, and then look down at the pool, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi4">Don't let it set in...</big>
<<btn null null null "si4">>
<</chunks>>/* Reset the cleanGarden counter var */
<<set $cleanGarden = 0>>
<big class="center fi0">You pull out the lawn mower...</big>
<p class="center fi1">Start up the engine...</p>
<p class="sml center fi2">And start mowing the grass...</p>
<<media `"activities/grass/" + $player.trait + ".mp4"` "si4">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p class="fi4">$, who's also in the garden, looks at you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're my hero!" "fi4">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p class="fi4">You smile back to her, and then look at the grass, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi4">Don't let it set in...</big>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p class="fi4">$, who's also in the garden, sends you a mocking smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're doing my mother's work now? She wrapped you around her finger, dweeb!" "fi4">>
<<dial "player" "No she didn't, get lost!" "fi4">>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p class="fi4">You ignore her, and then look down at the grass, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi4">Don't let it set in...</big>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<EVENT "daphFixGarden=0">> /* Intro to the quest. */
<p>You walk out to the garden and look around. It's clear that back in a day it was quite a nice place. There's even a swimming pool!</p>
<big>But now the whole place is a garbage dump.</big>
<p>Everywhere you look is full of old junk. You could easily take a shit here, and no one will notice.</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/trash.mp4">>
<p>You walk around in circles, lost between the piles of trash like in a desert of dunes. You're about to turn away and go back to house, when suddenly...</p>
<big> notice $ carrying a bucket.</big>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/daphne_trash.jpg">>
<p>You're curious what is she doing, so you hide and move closer.</p>
<p>At first it seems she's just throwing away old trash, but there's something off about the way she does it. She looks around cautiously, she walks out to a heap of broken stuff, moves some boxes from the top and...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh shit!</tht>">>
<big>...she reveals a pile of old dildos!</big>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/dildos.jpg">>
<p>Turns out that the bucket she is carrying is full of broken dildos too. She throws them out on the pile, covers with boxes, and darts back to the house, not looking back.</p>
<p>You decide to do some investigating. You walk to where $ was standing, move the boxes to the sides and reveal tens, if not hundreds, of dildos in all sizes, shapes and colors.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>There's so many of them...!</tht>">>
<p>Black dicks, midget dicks, rubber dicks, metal dicks, pink dicks, plastic dicks, double dicks, Minecraft dicks, silicone dicks, triple dicks, Pokemon dicks, snake dicks, elephant dicks, vibrating dicks, laser dicks, inflatable dicks...</p>
<big>Some of those motherfuckers seem pretty old!</big>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/old_dildo.jpg">>
<<btn "#smellit" "Smell the dildo!" "dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#next" "Nah, I'm good, thanks!" "love+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#smellit">>
<p>You hesitantly take one of the dildos in your hand and smell it...</p>
<big>This brings some memories back!</big>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/ancient.mp4">>
<<yields "sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#next">>
<<chunk null "#next">>
<p>The plot of this story seems pretty straight forward, dude. $ was probably too embarrassed to throw her old dildos in the trash, so she has been piling them in the back yard for years. And you just witnessed a new delivery.</p>
<p>It's quite possible, that this is how the whole backyard hoarding started in the first place.</p>
<big>What is //hoarding//, you may ask?</big>
<p>Well, it's basically when this...</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/hoarding_start.mp4">>
<p>Turns into this...</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/hoarding_end.mp4">>
<p>But the more important question is...</p>
<big>What are you planning to do about it?</big>
<p>I mean, look. Gardens are important part of the whole sexual game that we want to play here. Think about all the fun stuff that can happen here, if only there wouldn't be trash everywhere.</p>
<p>Imagine looking at $ getting her two little puppies out in the sun. Or $ roasting her little perky butt on the grass to get some nice tan. After all...</p>
<big>It's all about vitamin //D//, right?</big>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/vitamin_d.mp4">>
<big>Talk with $ about cleaning the garden!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphFixGarden=1">> /* Talk with $ about the garden. */
<p>Ok dude. Let's talk before you make your move. Every opportunity like that brings some possibilities. And if you play it right - maybe there's something in it for you in the long run. So basically what I'm trying to say here...</p>
<big> what I say and it's going to be ok.</big>
<p>Ok, now we have that out of the way - when talking to a lady like $, you need to get the basics straight, or she'll just won't bother.</p>
<p>Take a look in the mirror. Check your clothes. Make sure you're at least resemble a human being.</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/mirror.mp4">>
<big>Oh boy, here we go...</big>
<p>You walk to $ confidently.</p>
<<if $player.lvl < 4>>
<<btn "#greetings">>
<<if $player.lvl < 2>>
<big>...and trip on your own feet.</big>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/trip1.mp4">>
<p>$ looks at you, scared.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my gosh, hun, are you ok?">>
<p>You gather yourself, a bit embarrassed.</p>
<<dial "player" "It's nothing...">>
<p>She sees that you're ok and cracks a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Thank god. I was worried for a second, haha.">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>Ok dude, it turned out ok, but honestly - you don't want the girls to feel sorry for you.</p>
<big>That's not the alpha way!</big>
<p>But anyway... you survived the intro <small>(barely)</small>, so now it's time for the real deal.</p>
<<elseif $player.lvl < 4>>
<big>...and trip on your own feet.</big>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/trip2.mp4">>
<p>Fortunately you manage to gather yourself before she even noticed it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Phew!</tht>">>
<p>Well, it seems you survived the intro <small>(barely)</small>, so now it's time for the real deal.</p>
<<btn "#greetings">>
<<chunk null "#greetings">>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<if $player.lvl < 2>>
<<dial "player" "So... how are you, miss... I mean - $!">>
<p>She looks at you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Good, thanks.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl < 4>>
<<dial "player" "Heyyy, miss... I mean - $">>
<p>She looks at you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Hey hun! Good, thanks.">>
<<dial "player" "Heyyy $! How are you?">>
<p>She looks at you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Hey hun! Good, thanks! And you?">>
<p>So far so good. Stay on point and focus, and it should be ok. Oh, and whatever you do...</p>
<big>Don't look at her titties!</big>
<p>At least not until you get your points across, because I'm pretty sure your dick is going to suck all the blood out of your brain and turn you into a fucking boob zombie again. And we don't want that. Got it?</p>
<<btn null "Got it!">>
<<dial "player" "You look really nice today.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you're so sweet, hun!">>
<p>She turns her tits in your direction like two fucking headlights, but you avoid looking at them with all your strength.</p>
<<dial "player" "So I was thinking... About the garden... I mean... The garden... It's... It's...!">>
<p>Those fucking tits are there, and you know it.</p>
<big>It's like they have their own gravity.</big>
<p>But you're fucking strong. The prize is worth it.</p>
<<dial "player" "I thought maybe it would... make sense... I mean... it seems... I mean... Maybe I could help... //fix it//.">>
<p>Bud... You're doing good.</p>
<<media "proud.mp4">>
<p>$ looks at you with her huge round...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh...? Oh...! The garden! I know, it's such a mess...">>
<<dial "player" "Exactly, and I was thinking, it's LA, the weather is nice... It would be nice to have a place to... you know... spend time.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, I think it's a splendid idea. It's nice you've asked me first, but feel free to do whatever you want there. Throw away all the trash... cut down the grass... paint the fence.">>
<p>//Paint the--//?!</p>
<<media "trap.mp4">>
<p>The plan was to score some points, not to go Extreme Makeover on her fucking yard. Turn it around!</p>
<<dial "player" "Ermmm... What I meant was--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, now I realized - $ would go crazy! She loved this yard so much back in a day... She loved the pool, played naked in it...">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<big>Don't fall for that shit.</big>
<p>She noticed your hesitation and immediately acted upon it. That's how they do it. I'm not against helping her, but doing it alone is a chore. So if I were in your place then I'd either do it for the money or for the sights.</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/your_call.mp4">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#free" "I'll do it!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn null "I'll do it, but it'll cost 150 bucks." "daphne.dom" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn null "I'll do it, if you'll join me." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<p>$ looks at you for a moment, thinking about her answer. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I guess I see your point...">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "But at the moment I can't, sorry. In the end I guess I can live without sunbathing in the garden... Even though I love so much to lie in the sun...">>
<p>Watch out...</p>
<big>She's doing it!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "I was hoping to get some nice tan stripes...">>
<p>She points her eyes down to her tits...</p>
<big>But you keep looking at her face like a pro!</big>
<p>But $ doesn't give up. She squeezes her tits with her arms, pushing them out, and give you one of those instant-hard-on looks.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "But I guess I'm too old for that anyway... Riiight?">>
<p>There's a moment of silence.</p>
<p>A long fucking moment...</p>
<p>You're fighting the urge to look at her tits with all your strength, but she knows exactly what she is doing, and finally...</p>
<big>You give up.</big>
<big>Behold... $'s tits.</big>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/daphne_seductive.jpg">>
<p>You can't believe that those two magnificent beings are just hanging there. It's like staring into two beams of light. Good, beautiful, soothing beams of lights.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhmmmm...">>
<p>Ok, dude. I already know I lost you. But at least we didn't fall without a fight. Good for you.</p>
<<btn "#agree" "I'll do it... For them... For //you//... For all three of you..." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#free">>
<big>Dude... Like, seriously...</big>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/missed_call.mp4">>
<p>Sigh... You need a lot of work.</p>
<<btn "#agree">>
<<chunk null "#agree">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "That's great! You can buy the trash bags in the shop. Go with the bigger ones, there's A LOT to do.">>
<<dial "player" "U-huh.">>
<<dial "daphne" "And remember - //we recycle//! I treat those matters very seriously.">>
<big>Sure you do.</big>
<<media "laughter.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "You need to separate paper, metal and plastic... and if you'll find a dildo... or couple... or a lot... it's //not// ours. It was there when we... moved in.">>
<p>In a moment she'll tell you it's an ancient dildo burial site...</p>
<big>...haunted by big-tiddy goths.</big>
<p>Ha, ha... ha...</p>
<p>Ah, fuck, why am I even trying. You're drooling all over your t-shirt. And $, after wrapping you around her finger, loses all the interest, and goes back to what she was doing.</p>
<p>That's the end of the road.</p>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphFixGarden=2">> /* Be a good boy and throw away the trash from the garden. */
<<set _trashCurYieldWrong = "daphFixGarden-">>
<<include "daphGardTrash">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphFixGarden=3">> /* Even more trash... how cool is that? */
<<set _trashCurYieldWrong = "daphFixGarden-">>
<<include "daphGardTrash">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphFixGarden=4">> /* You need to take one last dive into garbage. */
<<set _trashCurYieldWrong = "daphFixGarden-">>
<<include "daphGardTrash">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphFixGarden=5">> /* Do the lawn mowers scare you, kid? Because they should. They totally should. */
<p>After you take out all the trash - the garden looks way nicer. But you know it's not the end...</p>
<big>Now you have to cut the fucking grass.</big>
<p>You walk to a pile of old garden equipment and notice an ancient lawn mower. It clearly wasn't used in years, but fortunately - it still works.</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/lawn_mower.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<p>Don't fret. Most of the grass rotted away, and the rest is barely even visible.</p>
<big>You're going to finish in no-time!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I hope so...</tht>">>
<<include "daphGardGrass">>
<big>See? It wasn't that bad!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Easy for you to say</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, yeah, don't be a pussy. What's important is that the garden looks pretty good. ''You can safely tell $ you finished''. I mean, she mentioned something about painting the fence, but honestly - you already made such a difference, that I can't imagine she won't appreciate it.</p>
<p>Unless you really want to get some extra points for the fence. In that case...</p>
<big>You'll find all you need in the store.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphFixGarden=6">> /* You can go to $ and let her know you fixed the garden, or you might try to sweeten up the deal by painting the fence, but you'd need to buy a paint for that. */
<<chunks "item:paint">>
<p>You approach to the fence with a bucket of paint and a brush.</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/painting.mp4">>
<p>Dude, I have to say, I admire the dedication. I mean, I wouldn't paint this fence unless there's some good fucking guaranteed at the end of it. But hey, it's actually smart that you're maximizing your efforts.</p>
<big>I'm proud of you.</big>
<<chunk "item:paint">>
<p>While painting you imagine $'s tits. How you would put your dick in between, and fuck'em until they're painted with your cum.</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/painting_tits.mp4">>
<p>Deep in your thoughts you don't even notice, when you finish painting. And the fence looks quite nice too!</p>
<big>You decide it's time to tell $!</big>
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, I have a surprise for you!">>
<<dial "daphne" "A surprise?">>
<p>She looks at your with curiosity.</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/daphne_curious.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Come on, I'll show you!">>
<p>You lead the way, and she follows.</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/daphne_walk.mp4">>
<p>You lead $ to the garden and...</p>
<big>She freezes in shock.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh. My. God. You fixed it! You cleaned up the trash!">>
<<wrapper "item:paint">>
<p>She looks at the fence.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "And the fence! It's painted!">>
<p>Her tits bounce when she yells it.</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/daphne_tits.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Everything for my favorite $daphne.relation!">>
<p>Dude, you're doing great!</p>
<p>$ is beyond happy. She walks in the garden, like it's her first time in nature.</p>
<<media "quests/daphFixGarden/daphne_wild.jpg">>
<big>Ah, MILFs.</big>
<p>It's such a beautiful sight to see those amazing creatures in their natural habitat. Looking for a trashy tan, hungry for a young cock to milk.</p>
<p>But let's not forget - life of a MILF is not easy too. Our studies on this species say that 6 out of 10 MILFs turn into //Hags// after their features start to inevitably deteriorate. It's a sad picture seeing this creature of love turned into a beast of absolute misery and despair.</p>
<big>That's why we need to fuck 'em, when they're still fuckable.</big>
<p>And you, my friend, just made a huge step on a road to fuck $ Good work!</p>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<p>Fixing the garden also created some new opportunities for you. For example - you'd be able to peek on the girls when they're taking a sunbath! Also you'll be now able to make some money doing chores in the garden, like cutting the grass and cleaning the trash that will pile up.</p>
<big>Have fun!</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "item:paint-">>
<<EVENT "alexaIntro=0">> /* Intro to the quest. */
<p>You walk into the corridor and look around. Suddenly you hear someone talking to you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Who the fuck are you?!">>
<p>You turn and see...</p>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/hello.mp4">>
<span>A redheaded angel - </span>
<span><<textbox "$" $>></span>
<<repeat 2s>><<replace "#alexaName">>$<</replace>><</repeat>>
<p>You don't know who this girl is, and how she got here, but one thing is clear - she has one of those fuck-me eyes that make you melt. It seems this trip is only getting better and better!</p>
<<btn null "I'm $, let's marry." "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Hi, my name is -chica- -chica- Slim Shady!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<dial "alexa" "You look like a fucking worm with glasses!">>
<p>Oh, snap! That's what we call a reality check. At this point in your life you should get used to girls calling you names, but the truth is it hurts the same every fucking time. Sometimes you even think about killing yourself and leaving a heartbreaking note about how all the women are to blame, but then you remember you're waiting for the last part of "A Song of Ice and Fire" and decide to endure reality for a bit longer...</p>
<p>$ overhears your conversation and comes out from the kitchen.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, I see you two have met. <span id=\"alexaName\">//$</span> is my daughter. And this is $ - he came to LA to college.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, a nerd? I might use you some time!">>
<<dial "player" "Yeaaah... I'm very... usable!">>
<<dial "daphne" "I knew you guys will like each other!">>
<p>$ leaves, and $ goes back to her room. You're left alone in the corridor with a growing feeling that you're the luckiest bastard in the world.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/smile.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Thank you!</tht>">>
<big>You welcome.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexaIntro=1">> /* Find an occasion to talk with her! Remember you can check the active quests in the quests panel. */
<p>You approach $ with a wide smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Heyy... so I was curious...">>
<p>She points you with a mocking stare.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm curious what makes you so curious...">>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<p>Actually - so am I. I hope you planned something to say?</p>
<<dial "player" "So... how's the life in LA?">>
<big>She sighs.</big>
<p>And so do I. You can do better.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up, I know what I'm doing</tht>">>
<p>Well, by all means, bud.</p>
<<btn null "I mean, for a pretty chick like you life must be easy here, huh?" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn null "I mean, you live in Los Angeles, and you look like an angel!" "" "dialog">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<p>Are we in trouble here, bud? You need some guidance? Because you're fucking it up.</p>
<<dial "player" "I just wanted to say hello... We're going to live under one roof for a while and--">>
<p>Suddenly, $ turns to you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Look, kid. You want to get to my asshole. I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "Assh... no way! I'm just trying to--">>
<p>She looks you right in the eyes, while lifting one of her legs up.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/alexa_teasing.jpg">>
<p>Oh fuck. It worked! It totally worked. Shot in the dark, but who cares. Good job.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I repeat. You want to get to my asshole. Yes?">>
<p>With the little amount of blood left in your brain you manage to squeeze out one barely audible word.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yes...">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Not going to happen unless there's something in it for me. Got it?">>
<p>She lowers her leg and turns away.</p>
<p>Dude, we're losing it! Figure something out or we're gone!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Uhmmm...</tht>">>
<p>Ok, man, I'm with you. Normally I don't like to get myself involved, but we need to make it working with this girl, or you're fucked. So here's my plan - $ mentioned something about $ needing help with homework. Go with that.</p>
<<dial "player" "So... maybe I can help you with... your //homework//?">>
<p>That gets her attention.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck, dweeb, that's actually not a tragic idea. Do my homework, and I'll be nicer to you.">>
<p>Tell her you're not //doing// her homework, but you can //help// her with her homework. You want to get close to her, not do her chores. Got it?</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm not gonna do your homework. I can help you with it. Explain stuff and all.">>
<p>It's working. $ looks at you.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<<yields "alexa.dom+1" "dialog">>
<<dial "alexa" "I guess there's still future for you, dweeb. Ok, you're going to help me with my homework, and I'll be nicer to you.">>
<p>Ha! We nailed it, bro! And notice how we leave it on "I'll be nicer to you" for now. In a different situation it might be beneficial to make her explain what she means by that, but it's far too early to push her against the wall. What if she says "fuck off"? Nah, dude, let's keep it how it is until we reach a stronger position.</p>
<p>Now all there is to do is do some homework!</p>
<big>You can usually find $ in her room in the afternoons on workdays.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexaIntro=2">> /* Help her with the homework. */
<p>$ is sitting on the bed with her phone. She barely notices your presence.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, remember when we said I'm gonna help you with your homework...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeah...?">>
<p>She sighs looking at something in her phone.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/alexa_phone.jpg">>
<p>You need to shake it up, man.</p>
<p>You take a deep breath.</p>
<<dial "player" "Come on, $! The homework won't do itself, right?">>
<p>She points at her school books.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, you can find everything you need there. I'm kinda busy.">>
<p>Nope, you're not doing that. Remind her of your deal.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ermm... I told you... I mean... I'll come back when you'll have a moment...">>
<p>Fuck me, man, no, just no. Stay where you are...</p>
<big>And don't be a fucking wuss!</big>
<<dial "player" "Actually, I have time now, not later.">>
<<media "my_boy.jpg">>
<p>$ sighs one more time, but this time it's different.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, ok, jeez. Just give me a minute.">>
<big>Shots fired!</big>
<p>$ finally puts her phone away and sits by your side next to her school books. You look at them and...</p>
<p>Dude. Red alert. Those books are for 4th grade!</p>
<big>Is she even legal?!</big>
<<dial "player" "Hey, those books are, you know... 4th grade? How old are you?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Older than you are, fuckface.">>
<p>Phew... Treat it as a learning experience - always check the age, bud. Like, always.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I just didn't do that well in school, so I'm still in 4th grade. Is that a problem?">>
<<btn null "No problem! Not everyone is suited for education." "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "It might be a problem for other 4th graders, but not me." "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>Finish the chit-chat, and get to work!</p>
<<dial "player" "So...what subject is the most problematic for you?">>
<<dial "alexa" "All of them? I don't know. Math is the worst. I just don't understand those fucking excersises.">>
<<dial "player" "Ok, let's see.">>
<<set $btnVar = "math">>
<<set _hworkCurYieldWrong = "alexaIntro-">>
<<btn "#lesson">>
<<include "daphAlexHomework">>
<big>...and bursts into laughter.</big>
<<media "evil_laugh.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Keep dreaming kiddo.">>
<p>She turns away and loses her interest in you.</p>
<p>Don't worry, man. You're making progress. That's what is important.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexaIntro=3">> /* Help her with the english homework. */
<p>You approach $ It's not often that you saw her reading something, but surprisingly - she's reading a magazine.</p>
<<dial "player" "What are you reading...?">>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<<dial "alexa" "A magazine...?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, I know, but what is it...?">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/magazine.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "It's for aristocracy, and not fucking dweebs like you, kid.">>
<p>God damn, she's vicious! But fuck it, dude, you'll have your dick in her ass in no time. What I recommend though is staying in tune with the vibe, and offering some help with reading, so...</p>
<big>Let's do English!</big>
<p>You take a deep breath.</p>
<<dial "player" "So I was thinking... maybe we could do some English?">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck off.">>
<p>This one's on me. Sometimes the girl needs a bit of lube. Be more inviting. It's for her own good god damn it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, come on. It'll be over in no time. You wanna stay in 4th grade forever?">>
<p>You're making progress, buddy.</p>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Whatever... fine. Let's do the fucking English than. But I have anal bleaching in an hour, so hurry up.">>
<<media "epic_win.mp4">>
<<set $btnVar = "english">>
<<set _hworkCurYieldWrong = "alexaIntro-">>
<<btn "#lesson">>
<<include "daphAlexHomework">>
<big>...and bursts into laughter.</big>
<<media "evil_laugh.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Keep dreaming kiddo.">>
<p>She turns away and loses her interest in you.</p>
<p>Don't worry, man. You're making progress. That's what is important.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexaIntro=4">> /* Help her with the biology homework. */
<p>You approach $ She's totally focused on her phone, like she saw a Jesus there.</p>
<<dial "player" "Heyy, $ What are you watching?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Why do you care?">>
<<dial "player" "It seems like it's really interesting so I thought--">>
<p>She points a phone right in your face. You look at the screen and...</p>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/anal_nun.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "This math lesson got me thinking about cucumbers.">>
<p>Shit dude, it might be a good idea to buy a cucumber. Who knows where it would lead to?</p>
<p>$ turns the phone away and sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm so fucking bored.">>
<p>Well, that's actually good news for us, because...</p>
<big>We have some biology to teach!</big>
<p>You take a deep breath.</p>
<<btn null "Let's do some biology stuff... I mean your homework." "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "If you like cucumbers, wait till zucchini shows up on your biology lesson." "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<media "i_c_what.mp4">>
<p>$ looks at you and sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "This has to be the worst day of my life. I'm gonna do a fucking biology lesson with a dweeb. Ok, whatever, let's get it over with.">>
<<set $btnVar = "biology">>
<<set _hworkCurYieldWrong = "alexaIntro-">>
<<btn "#lesson">>
<<include "daphAlexHomework">>
<big>...and bursts into laughter.</big>
<<media "evil_laugh.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Keep dreaming kiddo.">>
<p>She turns away and loses her interest in you.</p>
<p>Don't worry, man. You're making progress. That's what is important.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexaIntro=5; !item:cucumber">> /* Talk with her about tutoring. And maybe buy a fucking cucumber too? You never know when you're going to need one. */
<p>You approach $ and barely open your mouth, when...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "The fuck you want?">>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<p>Shit, not a great start. We need to turn it around. Tell her you have the cucumber!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But I don't have a fucking cucumber!</tht>">>
<p>I told you to get a cucumber! Is that too much to ask?!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You said MAYBE buy a cucumber. MAYBE!</tht>">>
<p>Ahh, dude, do I really have to spill it out for you? She's a hot chick. She likes to put stuff in her asshole. And she was talking about a cucumber. Nature's fucking dildo. Is it that hard to connect the dots?! It was going so well with her that I was hoping we'll see some action, but - you fucked us.</p>
<p>Ok, forget about it. We'll work with what we have. Don't just stand there like a fucking dick - ''tell her you can be her long term tutor''. That's why we're here, right?!</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, I was thinking that we might do it more often. I mean the homework. I enjoyed it so far and--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, whatever.">>
<p>Oh, no no no. Don't let her treat you like shit. She needs to show you some appreciation, otherwise it's a no-go.</p>
<<dial "player" "You mentioned something about being nice to me... And to be honest - you're not very nice at the moment...">>
<p>Nooo, not like this. Make it fun, otherwise it just won't work.</p>
<<dial "player" "I mean, if you wanna hang out, that would be cool...! We could... talk... or play... games...">>
<big>Oh. My. God.</big>
<<media "pathetic.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut up already! You're soooo fucking boring, dweeb. Here, have a look at my titties and get the fuck outta here.">>
<p>She unbuttons her shirt and...</p>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/alexa_tits.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<p>You'd answer that, but unfortunately your dick required all the blood, and there's not much left for the brain, so the only thing that comes out of your mouth is drool.</p>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "And now - go fuck yourself.">>
<p>Ok, dude - everything that's good has an ending and this is it. But don't worry, if only you'll stay persistent and improve your game - you'll get there sooner or later. I promise you that.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexaIntro=5; item:cucumber">> /* Talk with her about tutoring. And maybe buy a fucking cucumber too? You never know when you're going to need one. */
<p>You approach $ and barely open your mouth, when...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "The fuck you want?">>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<p>Shit, not a great start. We need to turn it around. Tell her you have the cucumber!</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, you mentioned you like cucumbers so...">>
<big>You pull out a cucumber from your pocket.</big>
<p>$ takes the cucumber and looks at it, a bit surprised.</p>
<big>And then...</big>
<big>She pushes it all in.</big>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/cucumber.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Woooow...">>
<p>God damn it, that shit requires years of training. I feel we landed a jackpot with this gal.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Cool, huh?">>
<<dial "player" "Could you do that with... you know... not cucumber.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Could I? I could. Would I? Doubtful.">>
<big>She bites off half of the cucumber and eats it.</big>
<p>LOL, dude, hold your horses. You need to put something on the weight. Tell her about tutoring her, that's why we're here, right?</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, I was thinking that we might do it more often. I mean the homework. I enjoyed it so far and--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, whatever.">>
<p>Oh, no no no. Don't let her treat you like shit. She needs to show you some appreciation, otherwise it's a no-go.</p>
<<dial "player" "You mentioned something about being nice to me... And to be honest - you're not very nice at the moment...">>
<p>Nooo, not like this. Make it fun, otherwise it just won't work.</p>
<<dial "player" "I mean, if you wanna hang out, that would be cool...! We could... talk... or play... games...">>
<big>Oh. My. God.</big>
<<media "pathetic.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut up already! You're soooo fucking boring, dweeb. Here, have a look at my asshole and get the fuck outta here.">>
<p>She turns around, pulls her panties to the side, and...</p>
<<media "quests/alexaIntro/alexa_asshole.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<p>You'd answer that, but unfortunately your dick required all the blood, and there's not much left for the brain, so the only thing that comes out of your mouth is drool.</p>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "And now - go fuck yourself.">>
<p>Ok, dude - everything that's good has an ending and this is it. But don't worry, if only you'll stay persistent and improve your game - you'll get there sooner or later. I promise you that.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "cucumber-">>
<<EVENT "quest:alexaPool=0">> /* Intro. */
<p>You walk out to the garden and notice $</p>
<big>She's sunbathing.</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_sunbathing.jpg">>
<<btn "#go" "Say //Hi!//" "" "action">>
<<btn "#hide" "Hide and peek at $" "alexa.dom+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#hide">>
<p>You find a good spot behind a bushes...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"`>>
<p>And it's instantly worth it.</p>
<big>$ removes her bra.</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_sunbathing_naked.jpg">>
<p>She turns giving you an even better view of her little treasures. And, oh man, what a view it is...</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_sunbathing_tits.jpg">>
<p>I guess it's time for a little confession.</p>
<big>I'm a boob guy.</big>
<p>And I enjoy biiiig boobies, I can't hide it. Naturals are my preference, though I never said no to good silicones. But what I'm trying to get at here - yeah, big ones are great, but boobies need to fit with the vibe. And some birds are just perfect with small, perky little boobies. $ is one of those.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh yea.</tht>">>
<p>Exactly, dude - //oh yea//. And what's even better about $ than her sweet little titties, is that she's a redhead. And you know how they say...</p>
<big>If the roof is rusty, the cellar is damp.</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/redheads.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yea-- Oh fuck!</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, exactl-- wait, what...?</p>
<big>OH FUCK!</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<p>Sorry buddy, I got carried away, and totally missed how $ saw you in the bushes!</p>
<big>My bad.</big>
<p>Well, no point at hiding now. Go and talk to her. I'll help you get out of this mess.</p>
<<btn "#go">>
<<chunk null "#go">>
<<dial "player" "Hi, $!">>
<p>She looks at you angrily.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you doing here?! Were you jacking off?!">>
<<dial "player" "No... I was just...">>
<<dial "alexa" "You follow me like a fucking shadow. Are you a rapist? Cause you sure look like one!">>
<p>Shit. It seems she's not in the mood. But don't worry, we'll figure it out. Just explain her that...</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm not a rapist!">>
<p>Well, I was hoping for something more substantial, but we'll go with that.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "All the rapists are deadbeats. And you sure are deadbeat, so... do the math!">>
<p>She sends an arrogant smirk your way.</p>
<p>Ok dude. Now listen to me very carefully.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/only_once.mp4">>
<big>First - calm down.</big>
<p>You're in the garden, you can be here. It's not like you broke to her room or something like that. Tell her you were just passing by.</p>
<<dial "player" "I was... just passing through the garden... and... and...">>
<p>Don't lie, but don't tell everything. You saw her sunbathing. That's it.</p>
<<dial "player" "I saw you... sunbathing... and... and...">>
<p>$ looks at you and...</p>
<p>She sighs and turns her face back to the sun.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Jeez, just shut the fuck up already.">>
<p>See? We got this.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Phew.</tht> So... how are you?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Not your fucking business. I'm expecting a call, so split--">>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<big>Her phone rings.</big>
<<media "phone.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Get lost!">>
<p>You pull back, to give her some privacy, while she picks up the phone.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "//Oh, hi! I totally didnt't expect a call from you...//">>
<p>She giggles to the phone.</p>
<p>From where you're standing you can barely hear the conversation. She mentions something about some //fucking dweeb// that's probably also //a deadbeat rapist// who //fixed the garden// and that //he's so pathetic he did it for free//.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_phone_face.mp4">>
<p>Meanwhile, you have a pretty decent angle to take a look at $'s ass.</p>
<<btn "#look" "Take a better look" "alexa.dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#afterCall" "Be decent" "" "action">>
<<chunk null "#look">>
<p>$ is turned away, so you take a long glance at her sweet little ass.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_phone_ass.mp4">>
<big>Good call.</big>
<<btn "#afterCall">>
<<chunk null "#afterCall">>
<p>$ finishes her conversation and disconnects the call. She turns and looks at you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You still here, dweeb?!">>
<<dial "player" "Yup...">>
<p>She thinks for a moment...</p>
<big>And smiles.</big>
<p>I'd be cautious if I were you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You like me, right? You'd do anything for me, and all that shit?">>
<p>She's playing you, bro.</p>
<<dial "player" "Totally!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... I was thinking. You did such a great job at fixing the garden. And there's this pool here...">>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/pool.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "So maybe you'd fix it too?">>
<p>Ok, dude. The pool is a mess, but this is actually good for us. It creates possibilities.</p>
<<btn "#agree" "Sure, I'll do anything for you!" "; $alexaPoolChoice+nothing" "dialog">>
<<btn "#bargain1" "I could... But what I will get in return?" "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#bargain1">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, come on. I would be much nicer to you if you'd do it. Think about it this way - pool is a sign of an upper class. You wanna be white trash forever? I don't! I'm waiting for my prince to take me away from that shithole...">>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/prince.mp4">>
<p>Well, it actually makes sense...</p>
<big>Considering she's an anal princess.</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/choice.mp4">>
<<btn "#agree" "I want to be your prince... I'll do it!" "; $alexaPoolChoice+nice" "dialog">>
<<btn "#bargain2" "Well, yeah, but fixing the pool is //a lot// of work." "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#bargain2">>
<p>She's visibly disappointed by your answer, but she doesn't think long.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, I have an idea. I could totally show you my asshole when you finish. What would you say about that?">>
<p>She smiles to you seductively.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_smile.jpg">>
<big>I don't know, bro.</big>
<p>There's something really fucking tempting having her showing off her asshole, but fixing this pool will take time and I feel we're not getting an even deal here. But it's up to you, dude.</p>
<<btn "#agree" "I'll do it for the ass!" "; $alexaPoolChoice+ass" "dialog">>
<<btn "#bargain3" "It would have to be something more than that..." "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#bargain3">>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/wise_choice.mp4">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh god damn it... Fine! Fix the pool and I'll fucking blow you. Happy?">>
<big>Who's the best fucking wingman?!</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/im_good.mp4">>
<<btn "#agree" "Ok. We have a deal." "$alexaPoolChoice+blowjob" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#agree">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Smart move, dweeb!">>
<p>She sighs, and instantly loses all interest in you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Let me know when the pool will be upper class again.">>
<p>She turns away and goes back to sunbathing.</p>
<big>Well, bud. I guess it's time to get to work!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:alexaPool=1">> /* Do I have to spill it out for you?! Clean the damn pool. */
<p>You walk out to the old pool.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/pool_trash.jpg">>
<p>Ok dude. Same shit like with the garden - we gotta start with taking out the trash. And make sure you segregate, or $ will go mental.</p>
<<dial "player" "Not this shit again...">>
<p>Quit whining.</p>
<big>You agreed to it, so stick to it.</big>
<<if $alexaPoolChoice == "nothing">>
<p>Even though it's beyond me why you agreed to do it for free. But whatever. It's going to be much quicker than with the garden anyway. You'll finish it up in no time.</p>
<<elseif $alexaPoolChoice == "nice">>
<p>Even though it's beyond me why you agreed to do it for a vague promise $ will be nicer to you. It seems like you're not learning anything here... But whatever. It's just a bunch of trash. You'll finish it up in no time.</p>
<<elseif $alexaPoolChoice == "ass">>
<p>Don't forget she promised to show you her asshole. I'd say it's not necessarily worth the work, but, well... boys will be boys, eh? We'd do all sort of stupid shit to just take a peek at a nice perky butt or a pair of titties.</p>
<p>Anyway... don't worry. It's just a bunch of trash. You'll finish it up in no time.</p>
<<elseif $alexaPoolChoice == "blowjob">>
<p>Don't forget she promised to blow you. You will probably cum within first 10 seconds, but we'll worry about that later... Anyway - it's just a bunch of trash - you'll finish up in no time.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Allrighty then. Let's get to it.</tht>">>
<p>You notice an old tire lying on the side of the pool. You pick it up and roll towards trash cans. See? You're doing it!</p>
<big>Time to get dirty.</big>
<<set _trashCurYieldWrong = "alexaPool-">>
<<include "daphGardTrash">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:alexaPool=2">> /* More fun stuff with the pool. */
<p>Well, dude. It's time for second part...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Filling the pool with water?</tht>">>
<<media "haha_no.mp4">>
<big>You won't get away that easily.</big>
<p>Now, when you got rid of trash, it's time for a much more entertaining part...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Scrubbing!?</tht>">>
<p>Dude, you heard what $ said - she wants the pool to be upper class.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Come on! It's not that bad...</tht>">>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/white_trash.mp4">>
<p>Nah, dude. It's pretty bad. But I feel you, man - here's the thing. It won't always be like this. After I finish with you - you won't have to break your back to get the pussy....</p>
<p>But now... I just instinctively feel it's going to work out for the better. I mean, imagine the weekend - $ is sunbathing with her tits out, $ is swimming naked. Isn't it all worth it?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...ok!</tht>">>
<big>Trust me. It's going to be ok.</big>
<p>You spend big part of the day scrubbing the pool.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/scrubbing.mp4">>
<p>But when you finish...</p>
<big>It's so clean you could eat from the bottom.</big>
<big>Good job!</big>
<p>And now it's time to check if the water is working!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Whaaat? No... Now it's time to tell $!</tht>">>
<p>But what if--</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh, come on, it's going to be fine.</tht>">>
<p>Well, I hope you're right...</p>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:alexaPool=3">> /* Show $ the pool */
<<if $alexaPoolChoice == "nothing" || $alexaPoolChoice == "nice">>
<p>You can't wait until you'll tell $ the good news about the pool. Deep down you hope, that one thing will let to another, and in the end something will happen. Something involving your dick and her asshole.</p>
<big>I can't believe how naive you are.</big>
<p>You should have pushed when we had an upper hand. Now - don't expect anything more than a smile.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/bad_life_choices.mp4">>
<p>And that brings us to another point - you look like shit. Do something about it before we approach her, bud, or we're fucked from the start.</p>
<<elseif $alexaPoolChoice == "ass">>
<p>You can't wait until you'll tell $ the good news about the pool. After all - she promissed to show you her asshole.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/lick_assholes.mp4">>
<p>Deep down you hope, that one thing will let to another, and in the end something will happen.</p>
<big>Something involving your dick.</big>
<p>And that brings us to another point - you look like shit. Do something about it before we approach her, bud, or we're fucked from the start.</p>
<<elseif $alexaPoolChoice == "blowjob">>
<p>You can't wait until you'll tell $ the good news about the pool. After all...</p>
<big>She promissed to give you a blowjob!</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/happy.mp4">>
<p>And that brings us to another point - you look like shit. Do something about it before we approach her, bud, or we're fucked from the start.</p>
<p>You quickly run back to your room, wear your best t-shirt, and a fresh pair of underwear. You also spray yourself with all the antiperspirants you could get your hands on.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/deodorant.mp4">>
<big>Dude, you want to get laid, or plan a chemical attack on Kuwait?!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up, I know what I'm doing!</tht>">>
<p>Oh rly? Ok, let it be your way.</p>
<p>You walk to $ with a wide smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi $! I just wanted--">>
<big>$ grabs you by your throat and pushes against the wall.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "DID YOU TAKE IT?!">>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/attack_weed.mp4">>
<p>Oh shit. It's actually worse than I thought.</p>
<<dial "player" "What...!? I haven't... What...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "You're always fucking following me everywhere! So answer me - dweeb - ''did you take my weed''?!">>
<p>Oh, turns out she's a fellow weed enthusiasts. How surprising!</p>
<<btn null "I didn't do shit! Stop accusing me!" "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn null "I would never! But I'm sorry anyway!" "" "dialog">>
<p>$ looks like she's about to punch you...</p>
<big>When suddenly she covers her nose.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh fuck, dweeb. You reek like a fucking air freshner!">>
<big>Told you.</big>
<p>But there's no time for that shit. Use the opportunity to turn the tables.</p>
<<dial "player" "I... I... It's all a misunderstanding. I came here to tell you about ''//the pool!//''">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment...</p>
<p>...and then her eyes light up.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "THE POOL! Fuck me, you're right.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Phew...</tht>">>
<<dial "alexa" "I left it hidden in the pool!">>
<p>Did she just said she left her weed hidden in the pool?!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck.</tht>">>
<big>Oh fuck indeed.</big>
<p>$ runs towards the pool and...</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/pool_empty.jpg">>
<p>...she looks in disbelief at the empty, sparkling clean pool.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What the fuck happened here?!">>
<<dial "player" "You told me to clean the pool... remember?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck the pool. I left the weed stashed in the old tire. Have you seen it?">>
<p>I've seen it. It was carried away by the garbage truck guys. It's probably in the dump yard now.</p>
<<btn null "Old tire? Naaah. Maybe your mum took it?" "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn null "It in the garbage dump now... so sorry." "" "dialog">>
<<dial "alexa" "God damn it, dweeb. It was such a good weed!">>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/crying.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Well... but the pool looks awesome, right?">>
<p>Dude, she just lost a bag of weed.</p>
<big>Show some respect for fuck sakes!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeah... fucking awesome.">>
<<dial "player" "Do you want me to fill it with water?">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Whatever... I guess...">>
<p>Dude, I honestly feel we should wait for a better opportunity...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh come on! It's going to cheer her up!</tht>">>
<big>You walk up to the valve and turn it.</big>
<p>You hear the water rushing through the pipes and...</p>
<big>It stops.</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/fall_apart.mp4">>
<p>$ raises her brow and sighs.</p>
<<dial "player" "I don't get it... it totally should work">>
<p>You try couple more times, until you hear a loud //Thud!// coming from the pipes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "First the weed, and now this. Why are you such a dweeb, dweeb?">>
<p>She turns and walks away before you manage to say something.</p>
<p>See, dude? This is what happens. You ignored the advice, you rushed things, and you got burned.</p>
<p>But... don't worry, I got you. Probably there's something blocking the water. We need a plunger! They probably have them in the store. Go check it ''during working hours''!</p>
<big>We will fix this god damn pool!</big>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:alexaPool=4">> /* Buy a new plunger at a local store and fix the damn pool! */
<p>Ok bud, no point in beating around the bush.</p>
<big>It's going to get nasty.</big>
<p>I suspect there's something stuck in the pipes. It was there for years, so expect the worst. Dead animal? Shit? A sentient ball of women hair?</p>
<p>Whatever it is - it blocks the water. When you get rid of it - it should work like a charm.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/planning.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Makes sense.</tht>">>
<big>Well, then, get to it!</big>
<p>You pull up a plunger and attach it to the drain. You start pumping... and pumping... and pumping...</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/plunger.mp4">>
<p>And finally - something comes out of the pipe...</p>
<big>It's a fucking dildo.</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/dildo_old.jpg">>
<p>It's half rotten, half eaten by rats, but it's still in a working condition if you're desperate enough.</p>
<p>I wonder - if the dildos will be all that's left when we go away? If so, then those guys that come after us will have a pretty unrealistic picture of the average dick size.</p>
<p>But anyway...</p>
<big>You turn the valve and the water starts pouring into the pool.</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/pool_filling.mp4">>
<p>Congrats! Now it's time to go to $ and tell her about the pool. But this time...</p>
<big>Let's do it the right way.</big>
<p>I //highly recommend// that you look around for some weed! After what this girl went through with her stash landing on a dump yard - she might appreciate a little gift. And then... who knows? I mean... reefer madness is the real deal!</p>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:alexaPool=5; !weed">> /* You can go to $ and let her know you fixed the pool, or you might try to sweeten up the deal by getting some weed and smoking it with her. */
<p>You approach $, making sure she's not holding any sharp objects.</p>
<<dial "player" "Heyyy, $ how are you?">>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_angry2.jpg">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "God damn it, what the fuck do you want?!">>
<p>Tell her about the weed first!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But I don't have it...!</tht>">>
<big>You don't--?!</big>
<p>Fuck me. Why am I even trying...?</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, I fixed the pool.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh really? Awesome.">>
<p>The lack of passion in her voice is beyond the scale.</p>
<<dial "player" "You wanna see...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Not really in the mood for sunbathing now, kid.">>
<<if $alexaPoolChoice == "nothing" || $alexaPoolChoice == "nice">>
<<dial "player" "But... you said you really wanted the pool... and I thought--">>
<<media "pathetic.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Look, you fixed the pool - great. You're my hero, //yaaay//. And now leave me alone.">>
<<elseif $alexaPoolChoice == "ass" || $alexaPoolChoice == "blowjob">>
<<dial "player" "But... we had a deal.">>
<p>I'm surprised that you're even trying at this point.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck the deal. Because of your little project - my stash is gone.">>
<<dial "player" "//My project?!// It was your idea!">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, let's try it this way. You fixed the pool - great. You're my hero, //yaaay//. And now leave me alone.">>
<<media "its_bad.mp4">>
<p>Dude. There's no point. Sometimes you gotta cut the losses. Preferably before you totally embarrass yourself.</p>
<big>At least we have a pool now.</big>
<p>And it will bring us a loooooot of fun. I guarantee it!</p>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:alexaPool=5; weed">> /* You can go to $ and let her know you fixed the pool, or you might try to sweeten up the deal by getting some weed first. */
<p>You approach $, making sure she's not holding any sharp objects.</p>
<<dial "player" "Heyyy, $ how are you?">>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_angry2.jpg">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "God damn it, what the fuck do you want?!">>
<p>Tell her about the weed first!</p>
<<dial "player" "I thought about this... this... this //weed incident// in the garden...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Aaand?">>
<<dial "player" "I thought that maybe it'd cheer you up if we'd smoke something together...?">>
<big>This immediately gets her attention.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Like... //weed?//">>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/what.mp4">>
<p>She's ours, dude.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, I have just a little bit, but it should be enough for both of us... What would you say?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'd say - fuck yea!">>
<<dial "player" "Awesome. Come with me to the garden, we'll smoke it there.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll be right there!">>
<big>Dude, this is working surprisingly good!</big>
<p>You walk to the garden and wait for $, who comes just a moment later...</p>
<big>...wearing a skimpy bikini!</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_drink.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "I figured out I get comfortable.">>
<p>Why by all means!</p>
<<btn null "You look great!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Nice ass!" "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<<dial "alexa" "You think so? Thanks. I've been working out.">>
<p>Dude, this is like a totally different gal. She's nice and rounded, and haven't mentioned anything about her asshole--</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, dweeb. Light it up, because my asshole is getting sweaty!">>
<<dial "player" "Here it goes!">>
<<btn null null "weed-">>
<p>You light up the joint and take a small hit, before passing it to $ She looks at it up close. Smells it like a connoisseur...</p>
<big>...and then inhales the whole thing at one go like a fucking vacuum cleaner.</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/dragon.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Wooow.">>
<p>You can see her eyes getting red and a lazy smile appearing on her face.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Not a bad weed, dweeb. Weed. Dweeb. Dweed. Weeb. Bweed. Eewd.">>
<p>She bursts into maniacal laughter.</p>
<p>She finally snaps back to her senses. She looks around and notices the pool!</p>
<big>Our plan seems to be working perfectly!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh! My! God! Look at the pool! It fixed itself!">>
<p>No! //You// fixed the pool and she needs to know it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Haha, that's hilarious... But it was me... I fixed it. There was something in the pipe, I cleaned it!">>
<<dial "alexa" "You?! Wooow! You're like a ninja pool boy.">>
<big>Ninja Pool Boy?!</big>
<p>Sigh... We need to work on your image, dude.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, $ walks to the pool and puts her feet inside.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "The water is perfect!">>
<<if $alexaPoolChoice == "nothing" || $alexaPoolChoice == "nice">>
<p>She jumps in without hesitation.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh fuck, dude. It's fucking ace. Dweeb, I never thought I'll say it, but... //you're ok//.">>
<p>You heard that, buddy? You're //ok//. The first step on a road to any pussy.</p>
<big>Good work!</big>
<p>And that's gonna be the end of the road for now. But I'm sure it's not the last time we meet at the pool.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<elseif $alexaPoolChoice == "ass" || $alexaPoolChoice == "blowjob">>
<p>Dude, what are you waiting for?! The girls's stoned and happy.</p>
<big>This is the best chance to remind her of your deal.</big>
<p>You look at $</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey... Remember when you said you'll do something for me in return for fixing the pool?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh yea, I said I'll blow you, right...?">>
<<if $alexaPoolChoice == "ass">>
<p>Dude, she's so stoned, that she totally forgot what your agreed upon. And blowjob sounds way better than just looking at the ass, so let's just go with the flow and not correct her!</p>
<<btn "#gift" "Actually... treat a pool as a gift!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#blowjob" "Yup!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#gift">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, thanks!">>
<p>She jumps into the water and quickly loses all interest in you.</p>
<<media "facepalm.mp4">>
<p>Sigh... Dude.</p>
<big>You're learning nothing!</big>
<p>$ is no choir girl. She won't throw herself into your arms for doing nice things for her. She's a manipulative bitch, and you need to play her game, or you're fucked. Got it?</p>
<big>But at least we now have a pool.</big>
<p>And it will bring us a loooooot of fun. I guarantee it!</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#blowjob">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, I really wanted to take a dip, but... deal is a deal. Come on, dweeb!">>
<p>She leads you back into the house. You follow her into her room, where she shuts the doors, kneels in front of you and...</p>
<big>Pulls down your pants, releasing your giant dick.</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_blowjob_1.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "God damn. You got a huge dick, dweeb!">>
<big>High praise.</big>
<p>She pulls the skin down from the tip and slowly, using a lot of saliva, she starts licking it. You feel a shiver down your spine.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohh... yeah...">>
<p>$ is working her mouth up and down on your hard rod.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_blowjob_2.jpg">>
<p>Oh, and by the way - congrats. You survived first 10 seconds without cumming. Kudos!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Come here.">>
<big>She grabs you by your balls and pushes your dick deep inside her throat.</big>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_blowjob_3.jpg">>
<p>$ is pumping you like a fucking machine. Sounds of her gagging on your cock are like music.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "-gobble- -gobble-!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhhhhh.">>
<p>You feel you're getting closer to the orgasm. You cannot help it, it's just around the corner, when...</p>
<p>$ suddenly stops. You look at her with desperation in your eyes...</p>
<<dial "player" "Why you stopped?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I have a proposition.">>
<p>Your brain is barely operational, but you try to focus.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I can continue the blowjob until you cum...">>
<<dial "player" "Yes, please...">>
<<dial "alexa" "OR. I could let you fuck me.">>
<<media "interesting.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "For 50 bucks.">>
<p>Ah, shit.</p>
<<btn "#fuck" "Fuck her on the table!" "; cash=50; cash-50" "action">>
<<btn "#blowjobInterruption" "Just finish the blowjob!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#blowjobInterruption">>
<p>$ seems a bit disappointed by your decision, but she complies. She wraps her lips around your cock and starts milking it with all her skill and talent...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "-gobble- -gobble-!">>
<<dial "player" "Yes... like that...">>
<<dial "alexa" "-gobble- -gobble-!">>
<<dial "player" "Suck this dick. Suck it!">>
<<dial "alexa" "-gobble- -gobble-!">>
<<dial "player" "Yes... Yes. YES!!!">>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What? You're talking to me?">>
<p>$'s voice is coming from the corridor.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck. She heard me.">>
<p>$ keeps working on your pole.</p>
<<dial "player" "Shouldn't we... like... uhhh... like... stop?">>
<<dial "alexa" "-gobble- -gobble-!">>
<p>Same moment the doors to $'s room open...</p>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<big>$ looks into the room.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "$ What are you doing here? Were you talking to me?">>
<p>Fortunately at the last second $ moved behind a desk, so that $ cannot see her without going deeper into the room.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_blowjob_interruption.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "$ told me to cum... //come//! To her room... and... and... do her... I mean... //do her homework//!!!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you're helping her with homework? How sweet. I won't bother you.">>
<big>She turns back to the corridor and closes the doors behind her.</big>
<p>The problem is that the whole situation made you so fucking hot, that you can't stop it any longer.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ah, fuck, I'm cumming.">>
<<btn "#cum">>
<<chunk null "#fuck">>
<p>You grab $'s hair, push her face against the glass table, and stick your cock deep into her wet, hot, cunt...</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_fuck_1.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeah, that's the spot. Fuck me. Fuck me like that.">>
<p>You're pumping $ like a jackhammer. She's moaning and panting, while your thick cock is slipping in and out of her wet pussy.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Call me your whore!">>
<<dial "player" "You're my whore...">>
<<dial "alexa" "Louder!">>
<<dial "player" "You're my whore!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Louder!!!">>
<<dial "player" "YOU ARE MY--">>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What? You're talking to me?">>
<p>$'s voice is coming from the corridor.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck. She heard us.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Don't stop!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't stop what?! I don't hear you!">>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_fuck_2.jpg">>
<p>Same moment the doors to $'s room open...</p>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<big>$ looks into the room.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "$ - what is happening here? Were you talking to me?">>
<p>Fortunately at the last second $ pushes you behind the doors, so that $ cannot see you from where she's standing.</p>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_fuck_interruption.jpg">>
<p>$ doesn't stop pumping your dick with her pussy, while she talks to her mum.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "It's nothing... I mean... I'm... I'm... //Praying//... Oh God!!!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you're praying? I'm soooo happy to hear that, hunny! I'll leave you be.">>
<p>She turns back to the corridor and closes the doors. The problem is that the whole situation made you so fucking hot, that you can't stop it any longer.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ah, fuck, I'm cumming.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want it on my face!">>
<<btn "#cum">>
<<chunk null "#cum">>
<p>$ kneels at the last moment before you arch back as the first spurt of cum shoots out from your giant dick. And then another, and another. $ catches it all in her mouth and on her face.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh... fuck.">>
<<media "quests/alexaPool/alexa_cumshot.jpg">>
<big>After a moment, it's all over. You sigh.</big>
<p>$ calms down, looks at you like you both just came back from a long trip, and...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Get the fuck out.">>
<<dial "player" "Whaat?">>
<<dial "alexa" "You heard me.">>
<p>God damn, she's such a bitch! You haul yourself to the doors, and walk out to the corridor. Never the less...</p>
<big>This is a huge success, dude!</big>
<big class="center fi0">You drop your clothes...</big>
<p class="center fi1">Walk into the pool...</p>
<p class="sml center fi1">And start swimming...</p>
<<if $player.trait == "alpha" || $player.trait == "satan" || $player.trait == "messiah">>
<<media `"activities/swim/" + $player.trait + ".mp4"` "si2">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "beta">>
<<media `"activities/swim/beta_" + random(1,6) + ".mp4"` "si3">>
<<elseif $player.dominationLvl > $player.loveLvl>>
<<media `"activities/swim/dom_" + random(1,6) + ".mp4"` "si3">>
<<media `"activities/swim/love_" + random(1,4) + ".mp4"` "si3">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 0>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Now I understand why my ancestors said fuck it and grew legs.</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'll survive... somehow.</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Gotta... Swim... More...</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>♫ Summer, summer, summertime... mhm... something something something mhm mhm mhm... ♬</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Quitters don't swim, swimmers don't quit!</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 5>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I swim because I'm too sexy to do sports that require clothes!</tht>" "si3">>
<<btn null null null "si4">>
<big class="center fi0">You lie on the grass...</big>
<p class="center fi1">And take off your t-shirt...</p>
<<media `"activities/tan/" + $player.lvl + ".mp4"` "si2">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 0>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>The sun... it's... it's killing me...</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I noticed that if I sunbath in the shadow I actually don't need sunscreen!</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I feel like a cookie in the furnace... hot, sexy, brown cookie...</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>♫ Summer, summer, summertime... mhm... something something something mhm mhm mhm... ♬</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I love LA!</tht>" "si3">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 5>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I am the sun!</tht>" "si3">>
<<btn null null null "si4">>
<</chunks>>/* Select player thought */
<<if $player.trait == "alpha">>
<<set _prayer = "I don't ask for anything. I'm gonna get it myself.">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "satan">>
<<set _prayer = "When I die, expect to see my armies at the gates of heaven.">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "messiah">>
<<set _prayer = "Deus Vult!">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "beta">>
<<set _prayer = "Well... I mean... Hi... God. Like... what's up?">>
<<elseif $player.loveLvl > $player.dominationLvl>>
<<set _prayer = "Hi, God. $ $player.surname here. From Earth. Currently in LA... But I'm sure you know all this... you know everything, right? So... just wanted to say... you're awesome. Oh, yeah, and peace on Earth would be great. Thanks!">>
<<elseif $player.loveLvl < $player.dominationLvl>>
<<set _prayer = "One question - if God can do anything, can he create an asshole so tight, that he wouldn't be able to fit his dick in?!">>
<big class="center fi0">You kneel in front of the altar...</big>
<p class="center fi1">And start praying...</p>
<<dial "player" `_prayer` "fi3">>
<<media `"activities/pray/" + $player.trait + ".mp4"` "si4">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p class="fi5">You notice $ is also in the church.</p>
<big class="fi5">She smiles to you.</big>
<<media "locations/church/daphne.jpg" "si5">>
<<yields "" "dialog" "fi5">>
<p class="fi5">You smile back, but she already turned away.</p>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("kelly")!=-1>>
<p class="fi5">You notice Sister $ lighting candles.</p>
<big class="fi5">She looks at you and smiles.</big>
<<media "locations/church/kelly.jpg" "si5">>
<<yields "" "dialog" "fi5">>
<p class="fi5">You smile back, but she already turned away.</p>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
/* Update strikes for the given character. 3 strikes means something bad happens to the player. */
<<widget "strikes">>
/* Check if there's a character */
<<set _strikesChar = $args[0] ? $args[0] : "daphne">>
<<set _strikesCharVar to State.getVar("$" + _strikesChar)>>
<<set _strikesCharStr to _strikesCharVar.strikes>>
<<set _strikesCharStr to _strikesCharStr + 1>>
<<if _strikesCharStr == 1>>
<<dial _strikesChar "I'm disappointed, $ Very disappointed.">>
<p>When a woman says she's disappointed, it basically means nuclear winter, bud.</p>
<<dial _strikesChar "You've been a good kid lately, so I won't notify your dad, but don't test my patience!">>
<p>That would be a huge bummer. He might lower your allowance...</p>
<<elseif _strikesCharStr == 2>>
<<if _strikesChar == "daphne" && $daphne.relation == "aunt">>
<<dial _strikesChar "I'm disappointed, $ Very disappointed. I'm your aunt, not some random lady, do you understand that?!">>
<<dial "player" "Yes, I do...">>
<<dial _strikesChar "This is the last warning - if you won't stop this kind of behaviour - I'll notify $!">>
<<dial "player" "No, not my dad!">>
<<dial _strikesChar "I'm disappointed, $ Very disappointed. This is the last warning - if you won't stop this kind of behaviour - I'll notify your dad!">>
<p>You're on shallow waters here, your dad surely won't be happy about stuff like that.</p>
<<if _strikesChar == "daphne">>
<<dial _strikesChar "And also I'm raising your rent by 10$. That should teach you to behave!">>
<<dial "player" "That's unfair!">>
<<dial _strikesChar "You want me to raise it further?">>
<<dial "player" "No...">>
<p>It's time to get quiet, bud. You can only make things worse.</p>
<<set $ to $ + 10>>
<<if _strikesChar == "daphne" && $daphne.relation == "aunt">>
<<dial _strikesChar "I'm disappointed, $ Very disappointed. I'm your aunt, not some random lady, do you understand that?!">>
<<dial "player" "Yes, I do...">>
<<dial _strikesChar "$ will hear about this! I'm sure he won't be happy that his son is doing something like this at his aunt's house.">>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial _strikesChar "I'm disappointed, $ Very disappointed! Your father will hear about this!">>
<big>You're fucked.</big>
<<if _strikesChar == "daphne">>
<<dial _strikesChar "And also I'm raising your rent by 10$. That should teach you to behave!">>
<p>Double fucked.</p>
<<dial "player" "That's unfair!">>
<<dial _strikesChar "So I'm adding another 10$. That sounds fair?!">>
<<set $ to $ + 20>>
<big>Triple fucked!</big>
<p>But seriously, shut the fuck up!</p>
<<media "fuck.mp4">>
/* Set the new strikes number */
<<set State.setVar("$" + _strikesChar + ".strikes", _strikesCharStr)>>
<big class="center fi0">You walk through the park...</big>
<p class="center fi1">Until you notice a shady figure in the trees...</p>
<p class="center fi2">It's The Dude...</p>
<<set _dealerRand = random(1,3)>>
<<if _dealerRand == 1>>
<<dial "thedude" "Hey, man, like, you're buying or not? I have a bowling league game... like... later... so I gotta go, prepare, you know, get moving." "fi3">>
<<media "activities/weed/thedude.mp4" "si4">>
<<elseif _dealerRand == 2>>
<<dial "player" "Hey, how much for the weed?" "fi3">>
<<dial "thedude" "30 bucks. And, also, it's a little bit undercover, but I'm in a position, where I can, I mean, arrange some, you know, LSD, man. Like, you know, 50 bucks worth of LSD, to be, errm, specific, man." "fi3">>
<<dial "player" "Shit, that sounds like a lot." "fi4">>
<<media "activities/weed/opinion.mp4" "si4">>
<<elseif _dealerRand == 3>>
<<dial "player" "Hey, how much for the weed?" "fi3">>
<<dial "thedude" "Well, my man, it's 30 bucks, but I'll give it to you for free, man, if only you'll find my rug." "fi3">>
<<dial "player" "What rug? Any distinctive features that I should look for?" "fi4">>
<<media "activities/weed/rug.mp4" "si4">>
<<btn null "Buy some weed" "weed+; cash=30; cash-30" "si4 action">>
<<btn null "Buy some LSD instead" "lsd+; cash=50; cash-50" "si4 action">>
<<btn null "Naah, thanks" null "si4 dialog">>
<<EVENT "daphIntro=DONE; daphHelp=0; day=4; daphne">>
<<inc "daphHelp">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne; daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=1; $daphMakeKeyLostDebuff=0">>
<<inc "daphMakeKey">>
<big class="fi0 huge center">Don't panic.</big>
<<media "inprogress.mp4" "fi0 noWidth">>
<big class="fi1 center">You've reached the current end of content.</big>
<p class="fi2 center">(ok - maybe panic //a little bit//)</p>
/* Display the link to SubscribeStar stuff by random */
<<if $minRand <= $curRand && $fapRegular!=1 && $fapUnlimited!=1>>
<<btn null "Emotional stuff coming up" null "si3">>
/* If the player is in the location (so it's not an activity) we have to redirect him to parent, otherwise he might be stuck forever */
<<if $curLoc == $curPas>>
<<btn $curLocParent "Continue the game" null "si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Continue the game" null "si3">>
<p>I'm doing this game for //You// - gamers, porn afficionados, betas and alphas. But it takes a shitload of energy to do so, and I'm a bit short on that particular stat at the moment.</p>
<p>It just so happens that I'm freshly divorced, balls deep in debt, and the god damn korona virus just made me unemployed - all at the same time.</p>
<<media "bankruptcy.mp4">>
<big>The good news is though...</big>
<p>...I have all the time in the world and enough weed to make this game into a fucking //porn epos//. So if you like //Become Alpha//, and want it to continue its progress <small>(and save me from bankruptcy)</small>...</p>
<<btnPopup "support" "Support the author" "important">>
<<btnPopup "enterCode" "I'm already a supporter, stop nagging me!" null "si2">>
<<btn null "Continue" null "si2">>
<big>And if you cannot help now - that's ok too.</big>
<p>I know how it is - you probably have your own version of Apocalypse to deal with. But if you have a moment - spread the word about the game. And thanks for being with me! I'm sure things will work itself out, both for me and for you.</p>
<p>Here's something to cheer you up:</p>
<<yields "love+2; dom+2" "dialog">>
<p class="center">We'll survive.</p>
<p class="center">We'll rebuild.</p>
<big class="center">We'll come back stronger.</big>
<<media "peak.mp4">>
/* If the player is in the location we have to redirect him to parent, otherwise he might be stuck forever */
<<if $curLoc == $curPas>>
<<btn $curLocParent "Back to the game">>
<<btn $curLoc "Back to the game">>
<</chunks>><img @src="setup.ImagePath+'ui/logoBig.png'" style="display: block; margin: 25px auto; width: 30%">
<p class="list">
<li>Story/coding: ''<a href="" target="_blank">Grave Mercutio</a>''<br><span class="desc">(with a ton of coding help from folks at //r/twinegames//)</span></li>
<li>Script Magic: ''Zurkei'' <br><span class="desc">(thanks, dude!)</span></li>
<p>In the game I mainly use content with the pornstars listed below. If you know a pornstar that should be added to the list - please let me know, as I often wasn't able to find a name of the particular actress/actor.</p>
<p class="list">
<li>$ <a href="" target="_blank">''Alexa Nova''</a></li>
<li>$ <a href="" target="_blank">''Daphne Rosen''</a></li>
<li>$ <a href="" target="_blank">''Mia Malkova''</a></li>
<li>$ <a href="" target="_blank">''Rose Monroe''</a></li>
<li>Nun $ <a href="" target="_blank">''Kelly Madison''</a></li>
<li>Park hookup: <a href="" target="_blank">''Daya Knight''</a></li>
<li>Park hookup: <a href="" target="_blank">''Erica Fontes''</a></li>
<li>Park hookup: <a href="" target="_blank">''Cali Kush''</a></li>
<li>Gym hookup: <a href="" target="_blank">''Romi Rain''</a></li>
<li>Gym hookup: <a href="" target="_blank">''Skyy Black''</a></li>
<li>Gym hookup: <a href="" target="_blank">''Kristina Rose''</a></li>
<li>Church hookup: <a href="" target="_blank">''Alyssa Divine''</a></li>
<li>Church hookup: <a href="" target="_blank">''Ava Dalush''</a></li>
<li>Church hookup: <a href="" target="_blank">''Chessie Kay''</a></li>
<li>Park hookup: <a href="" target="_blank">''Mia Bandini''</a></li>
<li>Church nun prospect: <a href="" target="_blank">''Karlie Montana''</a></li>
<li>Church nun prospect: <a href="" target="_blank">''Lilly Hall''</a></li>
<li>Church nun prospect: <a href="" target="_blank">''Gia Paige''</a></li>
<big>Media clips</big>
<p>This is a list of porn studios, which content I use in the game. If you notice a studio that should be added to the list - please let me know, as I simply wasn't able to list them all.</p>
<p class="list">
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''Evolved Fights''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''Kink''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''MYLF''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''Naughty America''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''ZTOD''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''''</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">''Porn Fidelity''</a></li>
<big>Copyright issues</big>
<p>There's no point to hide the obvious - I don't own the media clips and images used in this game. But I can explain!</p>
<p>When it comes to memes - I was using image hosting sites and search engines (Imgur, Giphy, etc.) and it was often impossible to define who the actual author is, and my assumption was that he or she would actually want me to spread their meme, because that's the point of making one.</p>
<p>As for the porn - I was taking it from publicly accessible free sites. I do not remove any logos from the materials, and kept the names of the pornstars as character names. Basically I was working under the assumption that I'm actually helping promote the content made by those pornstars and studios.</p>
<p>So to sum it up - if you see something that belongs to you, and you want me to remove it - just drop me a message on <a href="" target="_blank">SubscribeStar</a> or <a href="">Discord</a>. But I hope you'll look at my game as a fan tribute, and a way to promote your content.</p>
<<media "please.mp4">><<chunks>>
<big class="center fi0">You make sure no one sees you....</big>
<p class="fi1 center">You open the doors slightly...</p>
<p class="sml center fi2">Carefully look inside...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "fi3">>
<big class="fi4">It's empty!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Let's see what we have here...</tht>" "fi5">>
<<btn null null "$permission+forced" "si5">>
<</chunks>>/* Select sermon and reply */
<<set _sermon = ["...The devil will subtract and divide, God will add and multiply.", "...The average American will tell 23 lies a day!", "...God will use imperfect people to do His perfect work!", "...Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him!"]>>
<<set _sermonRand = random(0,2)>>
<<if $player.trait == "alpha">>
<<set _reply = "It doesn't matter if God and devil are real. We name them because they represent different sides of our own psyche. They are us, and we are them.">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "beta">>
<<if _sermonRand == 0>>
<<set _reply = "Multiply, subtract... I was never good at maths...">>
<<elseif _sermonRand == 1>>
<<set _reply = "I wonder how many of those is about Epstein committing suicide?">>
<<elseif _sermonRand == 2>>
<<set _reply = "Hmmm... isn't he afraid they will fuck it up?">>
<<elseif _sermonRand == 3>>
<<set _reply = "That's why women are evil! It's all in the hair!">>
<<elseif $player.loveLvl > $player.dominationLvl>>
<<if _sermonRand == 0>>
<<set _reply = "I wish I'll go to hell and beat Satan's ass!">>
<<elseif _sermonRand == 1>>
<<set _reply = "That means he's not lying for an entire hour each day - that's a start!">>
<<elseif _sermonRand == 2>>
<<set _reply = "It doesn't matter how you look - god loves everyone! Maybe apart from the fat people. Look at kids in Africa, with those huge bellies - God clearly is not a fan of those little plumpers.">>
<<elseif _sermonRand == 3>>
<<set _reply = "God will shave us all...! I meant: save.">>
<<elseif $player.loveLvl < $player.dominationLvl>>
<<if _sermonRand == 0>>
<<set _reply = "Then why I can't get multiple orgasms?!">>
<<elseif _sermonRand == 1>>
<<set _reply = "That's rookie numbers!">>
<<elseif _sermonRand == 2>>
<<set _reply = "We have a name for that - slavery!">>
<<elseif _sermonRand == 3>>
<<set _reply = "God will shave us all!">>
<big class="center fi0">You sit on a bench...</big>
<p class="center fi1">And look at the priest giving a sermon...</p>
<<media `"activities/mass/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4"` "si2">>
<<dial "guy" `_sermon[_sermonRand]` "fi3">>
<<dial "player" `"<tht>" + _reply + "</tht>"` "fi5">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p class="fi7">You notice $ is also in the church, listening to the sermon.</p>
<big class="fi7">She smiles to you.</big>
<<media "locations/church/daphne.jpg" "si7">>
<<yields "" "dialog" "fi7">>
<p class="fi7">You smile back, but she already turned away.</p>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("kelly")!=-1>>
<p class="fi7">You notice Sister $ kneeling on a side of an altar.</p>
<big class="fi7">She looks at you and smiles.</big>
<<media "locations/church/kelly.jpg" "si7">>
<<yields "" "dialog" "fi7">>
<p class="fi7">You smile back, but she already turned away.</p>
<<btn null null null "si7">>
<</chunks>><<chunks "item:priest_robe">>
<big class="si1">Psst! Buddy!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What...?</tht>" "si2">>
<p class="si3">You still have this priest's robe?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yup... I think I do.</tht>" "si4">>
<p class="si5">Oh, you do...? That's great... So... I was thinking... should you... you know...</p>
<div class="si7">
<<dial "player" "<tht>Should I wear it, listen to a confession of a poor sinful lady, and then offer her my dick as a salvation?</tht>">>
<big>You know me so well...</big>
<<btn "#robe" "Fuck yeah we should!" "dom+2" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Nope. I just came to confess my sins!" "love+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk "daphne">>
<p class="fi0">You approach the confessional, and notice $ is also in the church...</p>
<big class="fi1">She smiles to you.</big>
<<media "locations/church/daphne.jpg" "si2">>
<<yields "" "dialog" "fi3">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<chunk "kelly">>
<p class="fi0">You notice Sister $ kneeling on a side of an altar.</p>
<big class="fi1">She notices you and smiles.</big>
<<media "locations/church/kelly.jpg" "si2">>
<<yields "" "dialog" "fi3">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<if $curLocChars && $curLocChars.length > 0>>
<big class="center fi0">Finally - you enter the confessional...</big>
<big class="center fi0">You enter the confessional...</big>
<p class="center fi1">And sit on the bench...</p>
<<media `"activities/confess/" + $player.trait + ".mp4"` "si4">>
<<dial "guy" "Tell me what are your sins, son." "fi2">>
<<menu "si5">>
<<btn null "I dream about fucking dirty hoors!" "dom+" "dialog si5">>
<<btn null "I had dirty dreams!" "love+" "dialog si5">>
<<btn null "I just came to say hi to God!" "love+; dom+; trait=alpha" "dialog si5">>
<<btn "#satan" "I will eat your heart out!" "dom+2; trait=satan" "dialog si5">>
<<btn "#messiah" "I have none... And you, my son?" "love+2; trait=messiah" "dialog si5">>
<p>The priest listens to your confession very carefully and then...</p>
<big>He starts his exorcism!</big>
<<media "activities/confess/cast_out.mp4">>
<p>He gets really into it. Entire confessional is shaking.</p>
<p>Finally he sighs, and mutters something under his breath.</p>
<<dial "guy" "10 Hail Marys. Go with the lord.">>
<p>You thank him and walk out of the confessional.</p>
<<set _tired = [null, null, "#multo"].random()>>
<<btn _tired>>
<<chunk null "#messiah">>
<big>The priest smiles.</big>
<<dial "guy" "I see that you're a man of faith as well!">>
<p>He seems like a nice guy, and you have a brief discussion about how hard it is to stay on a path of good.</p>
<<media "activities/confess/heaven.mp4">>
<p>After a moment you bless each other, and you walk out of the confessional.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#multo">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That was nice!</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dude, you there?</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Grave? Hello?!</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, now I know you're there, you've made the dots bigger!</tht>">>
<p>This is my silent protest.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Protest against what?!</tht>">>
<p>It's a freaking porn game, and you go to church to confess your sins. Maaan, I mean... I get it - it's good to unload some weight sometimes. But...</p>
<big>//PORN FUCKING GAME//.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sheeesh... You cannot even have a normal confession these days, just porn, porn, porn... Ok, I'll get back to fucking bitches, happy?</tht>">>
<p>Multo happy, my dude.</p>
<big>Multo fucking happy.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#satan">>
<big>The priest looks at you, scared.</big>
<<media "activities/confess/fuck_this.mp4">>
<p>He runs out of the confessional, screaming.</p>
<big>That went well...</big>
<<dial "player" "I'll find and drag him to hell!">>
<p>Dude, I think you get a bit too far into character!</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm the reincarnation of Lucifer!">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#robe">>
<big>You put on a priest's robe...</big>
<p>You enter the confessional...</p>
<p>And wait for the first sinful soul...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Please, God. Make it so that she'll fuck me.</tht>">>
<p>Be careful what you wish for, buddy.</p>
<big>What if //she// is a priest?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wait--</tht>">>
<<media "thumbs_up.mp4">>
<<set _decision = ["#priest", "#whoor", "#whoor"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#priest">>
<p>It's quiet for a moment...</p>
<big>...but then!</big>
<<media "activities/confess/steps.mp4">>
<big>You hear steps in the church.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Someone's coming, baby.</tht>">>
<p>Dude, don't even say the word //baby// wearing this robe. If it's actually a freaking baby - ''we move out''!</p>
<p>Suddenly the doors to your side of the confessional opens up and...</p>
<big>...priest looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh shit.</tht>">>
<<dial "guy" "What are you doing here, son!? And where did you found that robe! Take it down, instantly!">>
<<media "activities/search/church/priest_1.mp4">>
<p>You walk out of the confessional, take down the robe, and give it to the priest.</p>
<<yields "priest_robe-">>
<p>The priest looks at you in anger.</p>
<<dial "guy" "This is a place of God! You're making a mockery out of it!">>
<big>Mockery? No. Whorehouse? Maybe.</big>
<<dial "guy" "You deserve a punishment!">>
<<dial "player" "Wait--">>
<p>Before you manage to do anything, priest takes a step back and...</p>
<big>...kicks you in the ass.</big>
<<media "activities/search/church/priest_2.mp4">>
<<dial "guy" "And now go away! I'll pray for your soul!">>
<p>Oh, that's nice to hear, after he fucked you up.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's all your fucking fault!</tht>">>
<p>My fault?!</p>
<big>It was your idea!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null `_foundItemLose + "sore+; dom-2"` "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#whoor">>
/* Select a character */
<<set _curNpc = "churchgirl_" + random(1,3)>>
<p>It's quiet for a moment...</p>
<big>...but then!</big>
<<media "activities/confess/steps.mp4">>
<big>You hear steps in the church.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Someone's coming, baby.</tht>">>
<p>Dude, don't even say the word //baby// wearing this robe. If it's actually a freaking baby - ''we move out''!</p>
<p>You crack the doors to the confessional and see...</p>
<<media `"activities/confess/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_intro.mp4"`>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn.</tht>">>
<<dial _curNpc "Hello, father... I came to confess my sins.">>
<<dial "player" "Sounds interesting!">>
<big>//Sounds interesting//?!</big>
<p>Dude. I beg you. Don't fuck it up! Remember, you're a priest. Stay in character!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok...</tht>">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _textDom = "Tell me... erm... what bad things have you done?">>
<<set _textLove = "Of course... ermmm... my child. I'm listening.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _textDom = "Have you been, uhmmm.... naughty, my child?">>
<<set _textLove = "Please, uhm... tell me everything.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 3>>
<<set _textDom = "Have you been naughty again, my child?">>
<<set _textLove = "Of course, my child. I'm listening.">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textLove "love+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textDom "dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<big>She sighs...</big>
<<media `"activities/confess/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_talk.mp4"`>>
<<dial _curNpc "So... I've met this guy... I mean... My husband was away and this guy came to fix our pipe... And... he was good looking... really good looking... and he had those jeans... very tight... I could see a silhouette of his penis... and I immediately felt... you know, father... those urges... like the last time... with the ice cream guy... and the pizza guy... and the Jehovah witness.">>
<big>Jehovah witness!?</big>
<p>Bitch's crazy!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up...!</tht>">>
<<dial _curNpc "So... I did everything like you said, father... I went to the bedroom, pull out my magnum dildo...">>
<p>This is getting really interesting...</p>
<<dial _curNpc "...and I penetrated my anus with it... multiple times... And when I was fucking... I mean - when I was penetrating my anus multiple times, suddenly I realized, that this guy, the pipe guy, is behind me... and he stuck his dick into my asshole!">>
<p>She hides her face in her hands.</p>
<<dial "player" "And what then?? I meant... what then, my child?">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial _curNpc "I loved it. I absolutely fucking loved every second of it. He fucked my ass. My pussy. My tits. He cummed into my throat and I've licked his dick clean. You need to punish me, father!">>
<p>She starts crying.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What should I do...?</tht>">>
<p>Well, dude. You can tell her to say 10 Hail Marys to her sleep...</p>
<<btn "#dick" "Tell her to suck your dick as punishment." "dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#hailMarys" "Tell her to say 10 Hail Marys as punishment." "love+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#hailMarys">>
<<dial "player" "Tell 10 Hail Marys before sleep and it's going to be ok.">>
<p>She hesitates.</p>
<<dial _curNpc "10 Hail Marys... that would be... enough? He fucked me real good, father... Did I mentioned my asshole penetrated multiple times?">>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, it's enough.">>
<p>She thanks you and walks out of the confessional.</p>
<p>If you'd ask me--</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No one's asking.</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, but if you'd ask, I'd tell you...</p>
<big>You've done fuck it up.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#dick">>
<<dial "player" "As a punishment...">>
<p>You drop your pants, pull out your dick, and stick it into a little window that separates the confessional in half.</p>
<<dial "player" " need to prove me your... devotion!">>
<<media `"activities/confess/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_sex1.mp4"`>>
<big>Woah, dude.</big>
<p>You went a bit extreme there. But fingers crossed.</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail", "#fail", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail", "#sex", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#sex">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail">>
<p>You wait a moment for her reaction...</p>
<big>But nothing happens.</big>
<<dial "player" "Child... are you there?">>
<big>Dude, I think she bailed on you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... so close!</tht>">>
<p>Well, if you play the game of sticking your dick into some random holes, sometimes you lose. Try again when you gather some experience!</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<p>You wait a moment for her reaction...</p>
<big>When suddenly!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She's doing it!</tht>">>
<p>You feel her soft hands on your huge, warm dick...</p>
<<media `"activities/confess/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_sex2.mp4"`>>
<<dial _curNpc "Mmm... yeah...">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh...">>
<p>Now you can actually //uhh// at her all you want!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<p>That's right, let the steam out!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/confess/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_sex3.mp4"`>>
<p>Ok dude, you had some fun, now it's time for the real deal!</p>
<big>Make her beg for your cum!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<p>$ smiles to you, while standing in the shower cabin.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, what are you waiting for, hun? Come on in.">>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_0.mp4">>
<big>You should be already naked--</big>
<<btn null null "$playerShower+0; effect:clean+">>
<<media "activities/wash/clothes.mp4">>
<p>Gotta say, my dude, if dropping clothes would be an Olympic sport, you'd had a real shot at gold.</p>
<big>But there's another problem.</big>
<p>You feel your erection growing. Maybe it's a good idea to hide it from her, until she's //ready//?</p>
<<btn "#continue" "Stay in your shorts for now" "" "action">>
<<btn "#show" "She is ready - get naked!" "daphne.dom+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#show">>
<p>You drop your shorts and show your erection...</p>
<big> a proud puppy with a dead bird.</big>
<<media "activities/wash/erection.mp4">>
<p>She looks down and...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "$!? What is this?!">>
<p>She points at your cock.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well, I thought--">>
<<chunk "daphne.status!=3">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my God, hide it! Go away! You perv!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>She pushes you out of the shower cabin.</p>
<p>Dude - let me translate it for you - you need to take it slow with her!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But she wanted to take a shower together!</tht>">>
<p>That doesn't mean she wants you to put a dick in her face! But don't make it a big deal out of it. We'll teach this bitch to worship that cock of yours. But she needs to be ready!</p>
<p>You gather your clothes and walk out of the bathroom.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my God, $! It's huuuuge! It's one of the biggest ones I've seen all my life!">>
<big>That's what she said!</big>
<p>Oh, wait. She actually is talking about your dick. So in that case...</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>She grabs you and pulls into the shower cabin.</p>
<<btn "#continue" null "$playerShower+0; effect:clean+">>
<<chunk null "#continue">>
<p>You feel warm water on your back.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What now?!</tht>">>
<p>I suggest washing yourself, man!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're looking for the soap?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... Yeah.">>
<p>She points to a bottle of shower gel. You're so nervous that you squeeze out half of it, and start casually soaping your chest...</p>
<big>...staring at $'s tits the entire time.</big>
<p>Their size makes it feel like there's four of you in the cabin, not two. The view is so mesmerizing that you don't notice when...</p>
<big>...your feet slips and--</big>
<p>You fall on your back, into warm soapy water, pulling $ with you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my gosh!">>
<<dial "player" "Sorry!">>
<p>She tries to get up.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my... it's so slippery! I can't--">>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_1.mp4">>
<big>You feel the weight of her boobs on your face.</big>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<p>Fortunately - $ is not angry at your little fall - it makes her giggle.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You know what... Maybe we'll stay on this level?">>
<p>She looks at your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "What do you mean?!">>
<p>She means...</p>
<big>...stick that dick between those tits, bro!</big>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_2.mp4">>
<p>Her boobs are wet and slippery, and you feel a nice warmth when you push your dick between them.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You like those boobs, $">>
<p>With every thrust you feel wave after wave of pleasure.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, I bet you do. Fuck those titties, hun.">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<dial "daphne" "Stand up. I want to make sure it's clean.">>
<p>She points to your dick.</p>
<big>What are you waiting for?!</big>
<p>You quickly jump on both feet, and just a moments later - she's shining that knob like a pro.</p>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_3.mp4">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<p>But $ seems to be in a mood for more.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I need it inside!">>
<big>Do it, for fuck sakes!</big>
<p>You sit on the bathroom floor, back to the wall. Your dick is sticking out like a flag pole.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I want to ride you!">>
<p>She turns back towards you and jumps on your dick like on a bull.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_4.mp4">>
<p>She's pumping your dick with her hips. You feel a pressure building up.</p>
<big>But $ is also close to the finish line.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh yes! That's it! That's the spot. I'm gonna come!">>
<<btn "#squirt" "Let her cum first" "" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Don't care about her, cum now!" "daphne.dom" "action">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+daphne" "sex action">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4" "#squirt">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yeeeeesssss...!">>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_5_squirt.mp4">>
<p>$ sighs in extasy.</p>
<big>Now it's your turn!</big>
<<btn "#cum">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4" "#cum">>
<p>You pull out from her, and stand in front of her tits, stroking the head of your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Give it to me...!">>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_5_cum.mp4">>
<p>You feel an overwhelming wave, and another, and another, as cum shoots out of your dick. There's so much of it, that you're not sure where it came from, but it doesn't matter, as you tremble under one of the most incredible orgasms in your life.</p>
<p>Finally, it ends. $ looks at you slightly impressed.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Wow! That was something.">>
<p>She winks. You're too exhausted to say anything. You just look at the sperm dripping from her tits.</p>
<p>$ smiles and stands up. She wipes the sperm off, puts the towel around her boobs, and walks out from the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh man... that was awesome.</tht>">>
<big>Oh yes it was!</big>
<p>You dry yourself and leave the bathroom with a wide smile.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "charAdd-daphne">>
<<chunk>> /* If status requirements not met */
<p>But suddenly, $ moves away.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, that was fun. Thanks, hun!">>
<p>Oh shit. Red alert! Red alert! She wants to leave!</p>
<big>Do something!</big>
<<dial "player" "Wait...!">>
<p>$ looks at you curiously.</p>
<<btn null "I still have couple dirty spots here and there." "" "action">>
<<btn null "You didn't finish cleaning me!" "daphne.dom" "action">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, you gotta finish cleaning yourself!">>
<p>She wraps her towel around her tits and walks out of the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Damn... I failed...</tht>">>
<p>Don't make it a big deal out of it. We'll teach this bitch to worship that cock of yours. But she needs to be ready!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You're right... I'm gonna make her slide on that cock!</tht>">>
<big>Oh yes you will!</big>
<p>You dry yourself and leave the bathroom.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "charAdd-daphne">>
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne">>
/* Check if the player is caught */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].random()>>
<<set _activity to ["daphne_shower0_"].random()>>
/* Do HTML */
<p class="fi0 center">You hide behind the laundry basket and peek into the shower cabin...</p>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "intro.mp4"` "si3">>
<p class="fi3">Ok, bud, here's the deal - you can stay and watch, but if you get caught, $ might be not so happy about it. What do you want to do?</p>
<<menu "fi3">>
<<btn "#stay" "Stay and watch the show" "energy=10; energy-10; dom+2" "action si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "0.mp4"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "1.mp4"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "2.mp4"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "3.mp4"`>>
<<media "activities/peek/dick_intense.mp4">>
<p>Are you sure you want to continue?</p>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "4.mp4"`>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if !$jerk>>
<p>$ washes down the remaining soap and turns off the water.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<p>You stroke your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket "jerkedoff+">>
<p>Meanwhile, $ washes down the remaining soap and turns off the water.</p>
<big>Hurry up! Get out of the bathroom!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent "Move away" null "action">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa">>
/* Check if the player is caught */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].random()>>
<<set _activity to ["alexa_shower0_"].random()>>
/* Do HTML */
<p class="fi0 center">You hide behind the laundry basket and peek into the shower cabin...</p>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "intro.mp4"` "si3">>
<p class="fi3">Ok, bud, here's the deal - you can stay and watch, but if you get caught, $ might be not so happy about it. What do you want to do?</p>
<<menu "fi3">>
<<btn "#stay" "Stay and watch the show" "energy=10; energy-10; dom+2" "action si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "0.mp4"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "1.mp4"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "2.mp4"`>>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "3.mp4"`>>
<<media "activities/peek/dick_intense.mp4">>
<p>Are you sure you want to continue?</p>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/watch/daphBath/" + _activity + "4.mp4"`>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if !$jerk>>
<p>$ washes down the remaining soap and turns off the water.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<p>You stroke your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket "jerkedoff+">>
<p>Meanwhile, $ washes down the remaining soap and turns off the water.</p>
<big>Hurry up! Get out of the bathroom!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent "Run away!" null "action">>
<<EVENT "daphne; !alexa; $alexa.met">> /* This is when player gets caught by Alexa during Daphne shower */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - you hear something behind your back. You turn your head...</p>
<<media "turn_around.mp4">>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>$ is standing on the corridor, looking right at you.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "You must be kidding me...">>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck.">>
<p>Oh fuck indeed.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You quickly hide your dick in your pants and move away from the doors. But it's too late, she already saw it.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p>You move away from the doors.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphBath/alexa_angry2.jpg">>
<p>$ looks at you with a mix of anger and mockery.</p>
<<dial "player" "It's not how it looks like.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh really? And how does it look like?">>
<<dial "player" "I mean... I was... just passing by.">>
<p>You need to do better than that, bud. Honestly.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, you were just passing by the bathroom with a dick in your hand? How convenient.">>
<p>Gotta say, dude...</p>
<big>She's fun.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "So you were not peeking at my mum?">>
<<dial "player" "Me? Peeking?! That's what perverts do!">>
<big>You're digging yourself a shallow grave.</big>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?!?">>
<<dial "alexa" "50 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum.">>
<<dial "player" "This is a total rip-off!">>
<<dial "alexa" "You were masturbating while peeking at my naked mum. I think it's a fair price.">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster. I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro, but if $ learns about it she might go postal. This is a tough decision.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<set _alexaAgree to [$curLoc, "#alexaMore", "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<set _alexaMum to ["#alexaMum", "#alexaLucky"].random()>>
<<btn _alexaAgree "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=50; cash-50;" "dialog">>
<<btn _alexaMum "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "What?">>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks for not ratting you out to my mum.">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster.</p>
<<dial "player" "But I was not--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Sure, kid. You're paying or not?">>
<p>I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<set _alexaAgree to [$curLoc, "#alexaMore"].random()>>
<<set _alexaMum to ["#alexaMum", "#alexaLucky"].random()>>
<<btn _alexaAgree "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=25; cash-25;" "dialog">>
<<btn _alexaMum "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "25 more bucks.">>
<p>Ohhhh shit. She played you.</p>
<<media "not_good.mp4">>
<p>$ notices your hesitation. She might be a monster, but she's not that great at hiding her desperation.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks... and ''I'll show you my asshole''.">>
<<media "kinky.mp4">>
<p>Well, at least there's that.</p>
<<dial "player" "How do I know you'll not scam me again?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm always serious when it comes to my asshole, dweeb.">>
<p>She smiles. I wouldn't trust her, bro. It's on you!</p>
<<btn "#alexaAsshole" "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=25; cash-25;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMum" "Fuck it! I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaAsshole">>
<p>$ takes the money from you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Good boy! And now...">>
<p>She turns and lifts her skirt up.</p>
<big>Behold - the asshole</big>
<<media "activities/peek/alexa_asshole.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'll take your drooling as a //yes//.">>
<p>She covers herself and walks away.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaMum">>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!! MUM!!! MUM!!!">>
<p>You hear $ from the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?! I'M BUSY!">>
<<dial "alexa" "THE DWEEB IS PEEKING AT YOU!!!">>
<<dial "player" "I WASN'T!!!">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "AND JERKING OFF!!!">>
<big>$ bursts out of the bathroom...</big>
<<media "activities/peek/daphBath/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb was jerking off while peeking at you. I caught him.">>
<<dial "alexa" "The dweeb was peeking at you. I caught him.">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Were you?">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<p>Decision time, bud.</p>
<<btn "#alexaMumLie" "I was just passing by, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaMumTruth" "I couldn't help myself, you're so beautiful..." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumLie">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ goes back to the bathroom and shuts the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Should have taken the deal, dweeb.">>
<<media "hehehe.mp4">>
<p>$ leaves you alone on the corridor.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't sugar me, this is serious!">>
<<dial "player" "You're right, I'm sorry.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaMumAngry", "#alexaMumOk", "#alexaMumOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaMumOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean...">>
<<dial "alexa" "What?!">>
<<dial "daphne" "I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I can't believe it!">>
<p>I have to say, bud, I can't believe it too...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "So you're just letting him go?">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just don't do it again, ok?">>
<<dial "player" "I won't, I promise!">>
<<if $alexa.status > 3>>
<p>You send a winning wink to $ She sighs.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom+1" "dialog">>
<p>$ smiles to you one more time, goes back to the bathroom and closes the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck me.">>
<<media "im_leaving.mp4">>
<p>$ turns and leaves the corridor.</p>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaMumAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<big>Freud would laugh his ass off.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses.">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ goes back to the bathroom and shuts the doors.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Should have taken the deal, dweeb.">>
<<media "hehehe.mp4">>
<p>$ leaves you alone on the corridor.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaLucky">>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!!">>
<p>You wait a second but there's no response.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "MUM!!!!!!">>
<p>Nothing. She probably doesn't hear the screams in the shower. Good for you.</p>
<<dial "player" "So...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "So you're fucking lucky.">>
<p>$ walks away angrily.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne">> /* This is when player gets caught by Daphne during her shower */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You barely manage to put your dick back in the pants, before $ bursts out of bathroom, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>$ bursts out the bathroom, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphBath/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE HELL?!">>
<p>Play it ''cool''.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, hi, $">>
<p>//Cool// as in //don't panic//, and not //how's your sex life//, dude. Now you turned into a nuclear winter.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't //hi $ me. Were you peeking through the doors?!">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<p>Decision time, bud.</p>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "I was just passing by, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "I couldn't help myself, you're so beautiful..." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ goes back to the bathroom and shuts the doors.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't sugar me, this is serious!">>
<<dial "player" "You're right, I'm sorry.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneSex">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean... I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women.">>
<p>Errmmm... Ok...?</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just don't do it again, ok?">>
<p>Yeah, right.</p>
<<media "i_promise.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I won't, I promise!">>
<p>$ smiles to you one more time, goes back to the bathroom, and closes the doors.</p>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<big>Freud would laugh his ass off.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses.">>
<p>Shut the fuck up and pray, bud.</p>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ goes back to the bathroom and shuts the doors.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSex">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>When a woman says she's disappointed, it's basically the end of the road, bud.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I thought that we can trust each other.">>
<p>Pray it won't end up in packing your things.</p>
<<dial "player" "We can... I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "If we can trust each other, than why didn't you just came to me and told me how you feel?">>
<p>Ermmm... What?</p>
<<media "what.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "You could have told me that you want to see me naked... You could have told me, that my body makes you aroused... We could figure something out.">>
<p>She bites her lip.</p>
<big>O-M-G! She's hitting on you!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Than again... We can still figure something out, if you want...">>
<<media "activities/peek/fuck_yea.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Jump in the bathroom" "; $permission+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Maybe some other time, thanks!" "daphne.dom+1" "dialog">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa; !daphne; $daphne.met">> /* This is when player gets caught by Daphne during Alexa shower */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - you hear something behind your back. You turn your head...</p>
<<media "turn_around.mp4">>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<big>$ is standing on the corridor, looking right at you.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What were you doing, hun...?">>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You quickly hide dick back in pants and move away from the doors. But it's too late, she already saw it.</p>
<<yields "daphne.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p>You move away from the doors.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphBath/daphne_angry2.jpg">>
<p>Ok, this is a potentially life threatening situation. There's always a better and worse way to deal with stuff, but whatever you do - remember - the Alpha Male never loses his ''cool''.</p>
<big>Now fix it!</big>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "I was just passing by, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "I couldn't help myself, $'s so beautiful!" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "daphne" "You were jerking off!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You were peeking at my daughter!">>
<big>Oh boy... here we go.</big>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Go to your room, now!">>
<p>You do as you're told.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "What?!">>
<<dial "player" "She got the looks after her mum.">>
<p>You're pushing it, bro.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't try to turn it around, this is serious!">>
<<dial "player" "You're right, I'm sorry...">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneOk">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you suspiciously, like she was fighting different emotions in her heart.</p>
<big>Finally she sighs.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "I was angry, but I think I just realised something... My little $ is a woman now... And you're a man.">>
<p>That turn of events is surprisingly promising... Please don't fuck it up!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I guess it's just natural for you to... <tht>Sigh...</tht> Be interested.">>
<p>After a moment her face brigtens up.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I know how //hard// it is for a man of your age around the women. I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<media "activities/peek/daphBath/hard.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just stay away from bathroom doors, ok?">>
<p>Yeah, right.</p>
<<media "i_promise.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I promise!">>
<p>$ smiles to you one more time, goes back to her room, and closes the doors.</p>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<big>Freud would laugh his ass off.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses. You were peeking at my daughter and jerking off!">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses. You were peeking at my daughter!">>
<big>Shut the fuck up and pray, buddy.</big>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Go to your room, now!">>
<p>You do as you're told.</p>
<<btn "daphGuest" null "" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa">> /* This is when player gets caught by Alexa during her shower */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head...</p>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You barely manage to put your dick back in the pants, before $ bursts out of the bathroom, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>$ bursts out of the bathroom, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphBath/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "WHAT THE FUCK?!">>
<p>Don't panic. She's a weirdo herself, not like she never peeked on anyone. Don't let her make a big deal of it and ''play it safe''.</p>
<<if $player.lvl < 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But she's fucking scary when she's angry!</tht>">>
<big>Play it safe.</big>
<p>That's the best way in this scenario. It still might not work, but at least you'll make it less pathetic.</p>
<<dial "player" "I mean...">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaRun" "Run to your room" "alexa.dom-2" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaBalls" "Sorry... but seeing you naked was worth the risk." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaUnsafe" "Admit it, you want me to peek at you, you weirdo!" "alexa.dom+1" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaRun">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run to your room. You can hear from behind your back the curse words $ is sending your way, but you just don't care.</p>
<p>For the record...</p>
<big>Panic is not what I call //playing it safe//...</big>
<<btn "daphGuest">>
<<chunk null "#alexaUnsafe">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What //what//? You said yourself she's a weirdo!</tht>">>
<p>I said - PLAY IT SAFE!!!</p>
<p>Do something. Fix it. Not sure how after that spectacular meltdown, but at least give it a last spin. And at least try to make it not completely pitiful.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaBalls", "#alexaBalls", "#alexaAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaBalls", "#alexaAss"].random()>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaBalls", "#alexaBalls", "#alexaAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaBalls", "#alexaAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaBalls", "#alexaAss", "#alexaAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaAss">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaBalls">>
<<dial "player" "What I meant is that weird is good! It's a spice of life!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh rly?">>
<p>Don't reply. It's a bait.</p>
<big>Run, kid, run!</big>
<<dial "player" "Definitely, I mean--">>
<p>Before you finish the sentence $</p>
<big>...kicks you in the family dispenser.</big>
<<media "ball_kick.mp4">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger...</p>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#alexaAss">>
<<dial "player" "What I meant is that weird is good! It's a spice of life!">>
<p>$ is taking a good look at you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're fucked up.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I like fucked up.">>
<p>She grabs you by your t-shirt and pull you in the bathroom.</p>
<p>I have to say, buddy - I haven't seen it coming.</p>
<big>Good for you!</big>
<<media "epic_win.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Get in!" "$permission+1" "action">>
<big class="center fi0">It's time to compare your dicks...</big>
<p class="center fi1">$'s boyfriend is looking at you with pure hatred.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well!? Come on boys, my asshole is waiting." "fi3">>
<<media "activities/dicks/show_me.mp4" "si4">>
<<dial "alexa" "$ - you go first!" "fi5">>
<<dial "player" "Why me?!" "fi5">>
<<dial "guy" "Don't whine! Show it, you normie!" "fi6">>
<p class="fi6">It's time, buddy.</p>
<big class="fi6">Do it!</big>
<<btn null "Present your dick!" null "si7">>
<big>You drop your pants and pull out your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/dicks/player_dick.jpg">>
<p>I have to say, my man - you have nothing to be ashamed of. That doesn't mean you necessarily gonna win this, but at least your dick looks presentable.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Whoah, dweeb, you have a decent dick!">>
<big>You can feel the air in the room got a little bit tense.</big>
<<dial "guy" "It's not that great!">>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeAlexa" + $dudeAlexa.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"`>>
<<dial "player" "Oh yeah? Let's see yours then.">>
<<dial "guy" "Sure, you fucking normie.">>
<p>$ looks curiously. She clearly enjoys the competition.</p>
<<media "activities/dicks/alexa_watch.jpg">>
<<dial "guy" "Behold... THE DICK!">>
<<set _dickRand = random(1,8)>>
<<media `"activities/dicks/dick_" + _dickRand + ".mp4"`>>
<p>Both you and $ lean in for a better look. There's a long moment of silence.</p>
<big>And then...</big>
<<if _dickRand <= 4>>
<big>...$ bursts into laughter.</big>
<<media "activities/dicks/alexa_laugh.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "This is fucking pathetic.">>
<p>The guy looks at you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Ha, you heard her?! Go fuck yourself with your normie dick, you fucking normie.">>
<p>She looks at him with disdain.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I meant you. Your dick is pathetic.">>
<<dial "guy" "What??! But--">>
<big>$ looks at him with anger.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "You thought this dick would be enough for me?! GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH IT YOU FUCKING SNAIL-DICK-WANKER-MOTHERFUCKER!!!">>
<big>It totally works.</big>
<p>The guy barely manages to hide his dick in his pants, before he turns away and runs out of the house.</p>
<<btn null null "alexa.dom+3; charAdd-" "yieldHide">>
<big>Oh fuck, man. I think he's bigger.</big>
<<media "activities/dicks/shock.mp4">>
<p>$ looks at you with disdain.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Go away, $">>
<big>I'm so sorry, man.</big>
<<dial "player" "Well... ok, I''ll go...">>
<big>You turn and leave the room.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<p>As soon as he leaves, $ smiles to you. She slowly turns and presents you her little asshole.</p>
<<media "activities/dicks/alexa_ass.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "So... what you're planning to do now, $">>
<p>She smiles invitingly.</p>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "alexa.squirt+2; $char+alexa" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLoc "I want to do something else first" "alexa.dom+; $permission+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<EVENT "quest:daphHack=1">> /* $ wants corgis on her computer. Talk with her about it. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphHack=2">> /* Check her computer. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphHack=3">> /* Read about hacking. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphHack=4">> /* Hack it! */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphHack=5">> /* Access $'s computer remotely. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
/* Generating a sex button. Arguments: kamasutra id, yields, character's id, kink bonus, classes. */
<<widget "btnSex">>
<<set _kamasutraId = $args[0] ? $args[0] : "">>
<<set _yields = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "">>
<<set _char = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<set _kinkBonusValue = $args[3] ? $args[3] : 0>>
<<set _classes = $args[4] ? $args[4] : "">>
<<set _kinkBonusDone to null>>
/* Select character's name */
<<if _char == "">>
<<set _charName to "Partner">>
<<set _charVar to State.getVar("$" + _char)>>
<<set _charName to>>
/* Select position name */
<<set _kamasutraName to setup.kamasutra.find(obj => {return === _kamasutraId}).name>>
/* Select button link */
<<if $curPas == "sex">>
<<set _link to _kamasutraId>>
<<set _link to $curLoc>>
/* If it's disabled - skip the whole yields logic */
<<if _classes.indexOf("disabled") == -1>>
/* Add missing info to yield string */
<<set _yields to _yields.replace(/cum/gi, 'player.cum')>>
<<set _yields to _yields.replace(/vigour/gi, 'player.vigour')>>
<<if _char != "">>
<<set _yields to _yields.replace(/squirt/gi, _char + '.squirt')>>
<<set _yields to _yields.replace(/squirt/gi, 'partner.squirt')>>
/* If there's no vigour, then we just remove one vigour */
<<if _yields.indexOf("vigour") == "-1">>
<<set _yields to _yields + '; player.vigour-1'>>
/* If there's no squirt, and it's a kink category - add it. If there is - we'll adjust it later */
<<if _yields.indexOf("squirt") == "-1" && _kinkBonusValue > 0>>
<<set _yields to _yields + '; ' + _char + '.squirt+' + _kinkBonusValue>>
<<set _kinkBonusDone to 1>>
/* Split the fucker! */
<<set _objects = splitter(_yields)>>
<<set _statsArr to []>>
<<for _p to 0; _p < _objects.length; _p++>>
/* We don't display the yield if it's vigour-1 */
<<if _objects[_p].id != "vigour" || _objects[_p].id == "vigour" && (_objects[_p].value != 1 || _objects[_p].sign != "-")>>
/* Add bonus in case it's kink category (also to _yields, because we use it for pocket in the button) */
<<if _objects[_p].id == "squirt" && _kinkBonusValue > 0 && !_kinkBonusDone>>
/* We need to reverse it (subtract) if it's a negative value */
<<if _objects[_p].sign == "-">>
<<set _objects[_p].value to parseInt(_objects[_p].value) - _kinkBonusValue>>
<<set _objects[_p].value to parseInt(_objects[_p].value) + _kinkBonusValue>>
<<set _yields to _yields + '; ' + _char + '.squirt+' + _kinkBonusValue>>
<<if _objects[_p].value != 0>>
/* Add icons */
<<set _statInfo to "<img src=\"" + setup.ImagePath + "icons/" + _objects[_p].id + ".png\" class=\"statIcon\">">>
/* Add value */
<<set _statInfo to _statInfo + " <div class=\"statValue\">" + _objects[_p].sign + _objects[_p].value + "</div>">>
/* Wrap stat html */
<<set _statInfo to "<div class=\"uiData\">" + _statInfo + "</div>">>
/* Add it to array with all the stats */
<<set _statsArr.push([_objects[_p].char, _objects[_p].sign, _statInfo])>>
/* Now split the array into groups by character and sign */
<<set _statInfoPlayerPlus to "">>
<<set _statInfoPlayerMinus to "">>
<<set _statInfoCharacterPlus to "">>
<<set _statInfoCharacterMinus to "">>
<<for _s to 0; _s < _statsArr.length; _s++>>
<<if _statsArr[_s][0] == "player">>
<<if _statsArr[_s][1] == "+">>
<<set _statInfoPlayerPlus to _statInfoPlayerPlus + _statsArr[_s][2]>>
<<set _statInfoPlayerMinus to _statInfoPlayerMinus + _statsArr[_s][2]>>
<<if _statsArr[_s][1] == "+">>
<<set _statInfoCharacterPlus to _statInfoCharacterPlus + _statsArr[_s][2]>>
<<set _statInfoCharacterMinus to _statInfoCharacterMinus + _statsArr[_s][2]>>
/* Make names */
<<set _playerName to "<span class=\"name desc\">" + $ + "</span>">>
<<set _characterName to "<span class=\"name desc\">" + _charName + "</span>">>
/* Combine everything */
<<set _statInfoPlayer to _playerName + _statInfoPlayerPlus + _statInfoPlayerMinus>>
<<set _statInfoCharacter to _characterName + _statInfoCharacterPlus + _statInfoCharacterMinus>>
/* Now wrap stats in player/character divs */
<<set _statInfoPlayer to "<div class=\"statInfoPlayer\">" + _statInfoPlayer + "</div>">>
<<set _statInfoCharacter to "<div class=\"statInfoCharacter\">" + _statInfoCharacter + "</div>">>
/* Let it become one */
<<set _statInfo to _statInfoPlayer + _statInfoCharacter>>
/* If the character has individual sex media - we want to see his avatar */
<<if _char!="" && _classes != "" && _classes.indexOf("showChar") != -1>>
<<set _charAvatar = "<img src=\"" + setup.ImagePath + "characters/" + _char + "/avatar.jpg\" class=\"btnAvatar\">">>
<<set _charAvatar = "">>
/* Make a button HTML */
<<set _btnHtml = "<div class=\"btnImg btnSex\"><p class=\"btnText\">" + _kamasutraName + "</p><div class=\"statInfo\">" + _statInfo + "</div>" + _charAvatar + "<img class=\"btnImage\" src=\"" + setup.ImagePath + "sex/" + _kamasutraId + "/_sml.jpg\"></div>">>
/* Check if the class is not inactive */
<<if _classes.indexOf("inactive")==-1>>
/* Finally... print the god damn button */
<<capture _kamasutraId, _kamasutraName, _yields, _btnHtml>>
<<link _btnHtml _link>>
/* Pocket yields only if it's a sex page */
<<if $curPas == "sex">>
<<pocket _yields>>
/* If we're not on a sex page - clicking the btn mean the player learned the position */
<<if $curPas != "sex">>
<<pocket `"kamasutra+" + _kamasutraId`>>
/* If he is - it means he's using this sex position */
/* Update the number of times the position was used (the player has to know the position, otherwise it will end up in error) */
<<set _current = $player.kamasutra.find(obj => {return === _kamasutraId})>>
<<set _current.used to _current.used + 1>>
/* If it's inactive - print it without the link */
<div class="btnImg btnSex">
<p class="btnText">_kamasutraName</p>
<div class="statInfo">_statInfo</div>
<img class="btnImage" @src="setup.ImagePath+'sex/'+_kamasutraId+'/_sml.jpg'">
/* If it's disabled */
<div class="btnImg btnSex disabled">
<p class="btnText">_kamasutraName</p>
<img class="btnImage" @src="setup.ImagePath+'sex/'+_kamasutraId+'/_sml.jpg'">
<</nobr>><img @src="setup.ImagePath+'ui/logoBig.png'" style="display: block; margin: 25px auto; width: 20%">
<h2>Bug report</h2>
<<if Has.fileAPI>>
<p>To see what exactly is wrong - I need to see what you see. So below you can download your save game, and then send it to me with a description of the problem on <a href="">Discord</a>. Thanks!</p>
<<link "<div class=\"btn action\" style=\"width: 60%; margin: 0 auto; display: block\"><span class=\"btnText\">Save game to disk</span></div>">>
<p>To see what exactly is wrong - I need to see what you see. So I need to play your save game. It seems your browser doesn't allow you to download a save, but what you can do instead is to copy the contents of the textarea below, and paste it here: <a href="">Pastebin</a>, and then send me your link to the saved paste on <a href="">Discord</a>. Thanks!</p>
<<set _saveGame = Save.serialize();>>
<div class="bugReport">
<<textarea "_saveGame" _saveGame autofocus>>
<<if $test>>
<h2>Load serialized game</h2>
<<set _loadGame = null>>
<div class="bugReport" style="text-align: center;">
<<textarea "_loadGame" _loadGame autofocus>>
<<link "<div class=\"btn\"><span class=\"btnText\">Load game</span></div>">>
<<EVENT `"$"+$char+".kink!=anal; $forcedAnal!=1"`>>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<p>$charName jumps off your dick, while screaming on the top of her lungs.</p>
<<dial "player" "What the hell?!">>
<p>You gather all the facts. She has tears in her eyes worthy at least of the death of her grandma. She holds her asshole with her hand. And when you think about it, you felt that her hole got suddenly tighter. So...</p>
<<media "sex/wrong_hole.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Did it go into your ass? So... sorry!">>
<big>Are you?</big>
<<btn "#anal" "Fuck her in the ass until she loves it" `$char + ".dom; " + $char + ".squirt-1"` "action">>
<<btn "#sex" "No anal, got it. Let me make it up to you!" `$char + ".love; " + $char + ".squirt-1"` "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<<dial $char "Well... I'm not sure. Will you be more delicate?">>
<<dial "player" "I can be veeerryyyy delicate!">>
<<dial $char "Ok, let's try something else. But watch out, ok?">>
<<media "agreed.mp4">>
<<btn "sex">>
<<chunk null "#anal">>
<p>You grab her hands and hold them while you push your dick inside her asshole.</p>
<<dial $char "What the fuck?! It hurts!">>
<<dial "player" "I'm gonna be gentle...">>
<p>She's squealing and trying to push you away, but it's too late for that. You're already pumping her asshole in and out, and you can slowly feel...</p>
<big>...that she starts enjoying it!</big>
<<dial $char "Yes... YES...! YES!!! FUCK MY ASSHOLE!!!">>
<p>With both hands on her ass, you hold the cheeks apart, looking at your dick as it goes in and out of her gaping asshole.</p>
<<mediaSex $char "anal">>
<<btn "sex" null "kamasutra+anal" "si3">>
<<media "ui/warnings.png" "noShadow noWidth noMarginBottom">>
<p>Here's the thing. To play //Become Alpha// you need to be an adult. Also, have in mind that this is a sex game. So there will be... you know... sex. Butterflies, bees, and whole bunch of porn. And, all jokes aside, porn can be a hard drug, so if you have a problem with that shit - ''don't play''.</p>
<big>You were warned.</big>
<<btn "introPlayer" "I understand, ''start the game''" null "action">> /*[[introPlayer]]*/
<<btn "introSkip" "I understand, ''start the game and skip intro''" null "action">> /*[[introSkip]]*/
<p><span class="desc">By starting the game you cofirm that you are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in the jurisdiction you are accessing the game from. You also ackonwledge that the game uses Google Analytics to help the author gather data about the game usage. If you disagree or are under required age, please do not start Become Alpha game.</span></p>
<<btn "Intro" "Back to main menu">> /*[[Intro]]*/
<</chunks>><h1 class="center">The legendary //Fap Mode//<span class="tm">™</span><span class="r">®</span><span class="infinity">☣
<p class="item">The //Fap Mode//<span class="tm">™</span><span class="r">®</span><span class="infinity">☣
</span> will give you access to atomic weapons, world peace, that freaking gauntlet from Avengers, and also...</p>
<br class="clear">
<br class="clear">
<<media "true.mp4" "floatLeft sml">>
<ul class="listSml floatLeft">
<h4>Regular Fap Mode <<if $fapRegular>><div class="badge">Currently active</div><</if>></h4>
<li>''2x bigger'' <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Love//'' and <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Domination//'' yields.</li>
<li>Better <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/cum.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Orgasm//'' stats during sex.</li>
<li>No nagging about supporting the author.</li>
<br class="clear">
<br class="clear">
<<media "unlimited.mp4" "floatLeft sml">>
<ul class="listSml floatLeft">
<h4>Unlimited Fap Mode <<if $fapUnlimited>><div class="badge">Currently active</div><</if>></h4>
<li>''Access to all the Early Access content''.</li>
<li>Ability to click ''//back//'' button once every in-game day.</li>
<li>Higher chance for random events.</li>
<<if $host == "site">><li>No in-game ads.</li><</if>>
<br class="clear">
<br class="clear">
<<btnPopup "support" "Support the author to get the Fap Mode">>
<<btnPopup "enterCode" "I already have the Fap Mode code">><<chunks>>
<big class="center fi0">You pull down your pants...</big>
<p class="center fi1">Sit down on the toilet...</p>
<<media `"activities/shit/" + random(4) + ".mp4"` "si3">>
<p class="center fi4">...and then it hits you!</p>
<big class="center fi4">It's time to level up, bud!</big>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<include "lvlup">><<chunks>>
<big class="center fi0">You find a spot behind a pile of trash...</big>
<p class="center fi1">You pull down your pants and squat awkwardly...</p>
<<media "activities/shit/garden.mp4" "si3">>
<p class="center fi4">...and then it hits you!</p>
<big class="center fi4">It's time to level up, bud!</big>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<include "lvlup">><<nobr>>
/* Draw sex media. Atributes - character id, kamasutra. */
<<widget "mediaSex">>
<<set _character = $args[0] ? $args[0] : "daphne">>
<<set _position = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "69">>
/* If it's cum or squirt - we check if we have clips for this character */
<<if _position == "cum" || _position == "squirt">>
/* This is fucked up, but I cannot use getvar for setup vars */
<<set _sexOrgasmsCopy = clone(setup.sexOrgasms)>>
<<set _orgasmString = _position.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + _position.substring(1)>>
<<set _orgasmChar to State.getVar('_sexOrgasmsCopy.' + _character + _orgasmString)>>
<<if _orgasmChar > 0>>
<<set _orgasmRand = random(0, _orgasmChar - 1)>>
<<media `"sex/" + _position + "/" + _character + "/" + _orgasmRand + ".mp4"` "si2" "wide">>
<<media `"sex/" + _position + "/" + $curRand + ".mp4"` "si2" "wide">>
/* Else we check if we have clips for this position with this character */
<<for _k to 0; _k < setup.kamasutra.length; _k++>>
<<if setup.kamasutra[_k].id == _position>>
<<set _kamasutraCopy = clone(setup.kamasutra[_k])>>
<<set _posChar to State.getVar('_kamasutraCopy.' + _character)>>
<<if _posChar > 0>>
<<set _posRand = random(0, _posChar - 1)>>
<<media `"sex/" + _position + "/" + _character + "/" + _posRand + ".mp4"` "si2" "wide">>
<<media `"sex/" + $curPas + "/" + $curRand + ".mp4"` "si2" "wide">>
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>The doors open and ''$'' enters the room. Fortunately - $ manages to cover herself at the last second.</p>
<<media "activities/homework/daphne_enter.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hey kids, you're doing homework?!">>
<<btn null "Yes, I wanted to help $ with some school work!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Yes, and you interrupted us at a very important moment!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok, ok. I won't be bothering you. Thank god you moved in, $ Someone gotta help this silly girl finish primary school! She's 21!">>
<p>Hearing that make $ erupt with fury.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I do what I want, you bitch!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You'll do what you want when you finish the school, you godless tramp!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Maybe if you wouldn't be such a fucking religious slut, I'd be able to finish the school already!">>
<<dial "daphne" "If you visited the church more often you wouldn't be such a failure!">>
<<media "activities/homework/catfight.mp4">>
<p>The exchange goes back and forth for a moment, until it finally gets quiet. $ smiles to you like nothing happened.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're a treasure, $!">>
<<media "activities/homework/daphne_teasing.jpg">>
<p>$ turns around and walks out of the room.</p>
<big>Dude, she was totally hitting on you!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "What a bitch!">>
<p>Ok, buddy, forget about $ We need to redirect $'s attention back to the sex stuff. We were so fucking close...</p>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... I mean... Forget about her! We were talking about--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut up, I'm not in the mood. Get lost!">>
<<media "getout.mp4">>
<big>Well, shit.</big>
<p>But don't worry, el duderino. You're making progress, that's what is important.</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish the lesson" null "action">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa">>
<p>...and she smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, dweeb, consider yourself lucky. I'm gonna give you a little freebie.">>
<<dial "alexa" "You can look, but you cannot touch. Is that clear?">>
<<dial "player" "Yup!">>
<p>You answer instantly, because you know that in a moment your brain might be completely nonoperational.</p>
<big>$ opens one of the drawers and...</big>
<big>She pulls out a dildo!</big>
<<media "activities/homework/alexa_dildo.jpg">>
<p>Oh, boi! Strap your seatbelts, as we're in for a wild ride.</p>
<p>$ licks and sucks the rubber cock until it's all wet and shiny.</p>
<<media "activities/homework/alexa_dildo_1.mp4">>
<big>And then...</big>
<p>She pushes it deep into her mouth. It barely fits so she sticks out her covered in spit tongue...</p>
<big>...while she penetrates her throat.</big>
<<media "activities/homework/alexa_dildo_2.mp4">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<p>She pulls the wet dildo out of her mouth, turns on the bed so that her ass is aimed straight at you. She puts the dildo between her pussy lips, rubs it for a moment and then...</p>
<big>She slowly pushes it in.</big>
<p>Her snatch is so wet the rubber dick slips right in, with a delicious slurp.</p>
<<media "activities/homework/alexa_dildo_3.mp4">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<p>But that's not the end yet. She gets into doggy position, grabs the dildo and...</p>
<big>She smashes it into her pussy like a jackhammer.</big>
<<media "activities/homework/alexa_dildo_4.mp4">>
<p>At the same time she's stimulating her clit, panting and moaning out loud.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=5">>
<p>Finally, she puts the dildo under her pussy, and starts riding it like a proper cowgirl.</p>
<<media "activities/homework/alexa_dildo_5.mp4">>
<p>You concentrate on her lil' cinnamon hole, bouncing up and down. It's almost like it was staring at you. It's so hypnotizing that you almost don't notice when...</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=5">>
<big>She cums.</big>
<<media "activities/homework/alexa_orgasm.mp4">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=5">>
<p>Juices shoot out of her pussy like from a fountain.</p>
<<media "activities/homework/alexa_squirt.mp4">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=5">>
<p>After spraying the entire room with her love, $ sighs and settles down.</p>
<big>She looks you in the eyes.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "And now - go fuck yourself.">>
<<dial "player" "But I thought--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Get the fuck out of here, or I'll start screaming that you raped me.">>
<<media "dangerzone.jpg">>
<p>Get out of there. And don't worry - you're making progress, that's what is important.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<p>Finally, she pulls the dildo out and sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That's it for now, kid.">>
<big>It seems it's the end of the show.</big>
<p>You feel the blood returning to your brain, giving you back control over your basic life functions.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Keep helping me with my homework, and some day you'll see more.">>
<<dial "player" "I can help you now!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Now, dear dweeb, you're going to leave me the fuck alone.">>
<p>She gets up, puts her clothes back on, and totally loses any interest in you. But don't worry, el duderino. You're making progress, that's what is important.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<</events>><<if $atomic>>
<big>Fix your game</big>
<p>''If you got stuck, or can't finish a quest'' (which is not marked "Work in progress") - clicking the button below will reverse ''all your unfinished quests'' to the beginning (you'll have to start them over again) and move you to your room.</p>
<<link "<div class=\"btn\"><span class=\"btnText\">Let me try to purge evil from your game</span></div>">>
<<if $player.questsList>>
<<set _curQuests = $player.questsList.split('; ')>>
<<set _spliceQ = []>>
<<for _cq = 0; _cq < _curQuests.length; _cq++>>
<<for _pq = 0; _pq < $player.quests.length; _pq++>>
<<if _curQuests[_cq] == $player.quests[_pq].id>>
/* Remove the stat from the pocket array */
<<set _spliceQ.push(_pq)>>
/* Remove the stat from the pocket array */
<<if _spliceQ>>
<<set _spliceQRev = _spliceQ.reverse()>>
<<for _sq = 0; _sq < _spliceQRev.length; _sq++>>
<<set $player.quests.splice(_spliceQRev[_sq], 1)>>
/* Clean up the quest vars just in case */
<<set $ashIntro1 = null>>
<<set $ashIntro2 = null>>
<<set $ashIntro3 = null>>
<<set $meatBag = null>>
<<set $daphMakeKeyLost = null>>
<<set $daphMakeKeyDiversion = null>>
<<set $daphMakeKeyMetal = null>>
<<set $daphMakeKeyBox = null>>
<<set $daphMakeKeyStick = null>>
/* Clean up other vars */
<<set $player.questsList = null>>
<<set $questMode = null>>
<<set $pocket = []>>
<<set $atomic = null>>
<<goto "daphGuest">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<p class="desc center">Just have in mind this is kind of a last resort atomic weapon. It might also make things even more bugged. ''Save your game first!''</p>
<br class="clear">
<br class="clear">
<<if $fapRegular || $fapUnlimited>>
<big>Fap Mode</big>
<p>You're currently playing with ''<<if $fapUnlimited>>Unlimited<<elseif $fapRegular>>Regular<</if>> Fap Mode'' activated. You can turn off some of it's features if you want to have a more vanilla experience.</p>
<<if $fapRegular && $fapYields>>
<<link "<div class=\"btn\"><span class=\"btnText\">Turn ''OFF'' bigger yields (currently: ON)</span></div>">>
<<script>>fapModeSwitch("yields_off", null, null);<</script>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "settings">><</replace>>
<<elseif $fapRegular>>
<<link "<div class=\"btn\"><span class=\"btnText\">Turn ''ON'' bigger yields (currently: OFF)</span></div>">>
<<script>>fapModeSwitch("yields_on", null, null);<</script>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "settings">><</replace>>
<<if $fapRegular && $fapSex>>
<<link "<div class=\"btn\"><span class=\"btnText\">Turn ''OFF'' better sex stats (currently: ON)</span></div>">>
<<script>>fapModeSwitch("sex_off", null, null);<</script>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "settings">><</replace>>
<<elseif $fapRegular>>
<<link "<div class=\"btn\"><span class=\"btnText\">Turn ''ON'' better sex stats (currently: OFF)</span></div>">>
<<script>>fapModeSwitch("sex_on", null, null);<</script>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "settings">><</replace>>
<<if $fapUnlimited && $fapRand>>
<<link "<div class=\"btn\"><span class=\"btnText\">Turn ''OFF'' more often random events (currently: ON)</span></div>">>
<<script>>fapModeSwitch("rand_off", null, null);<</script>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "settings">><</replace>>
<<elseif $fapUnlimited>>
<<link "<div class=\"btn\"><span class=\"btnText\">Turn ''ON'' more often random events (currently: OFF)</span></div>">>
<<script>>fapModeSwitch("rand_on", null, null);<</script>>
<<replace "#ui-popup">><<include "settings">><</replace>>
<<link "<div class=\"btn\"><span class=\"btnText\">Turn ''OFF'' Fap Mode completely (currently: ON)</span></div>">>
<<script>>fapModeSwitch("off", null, null);<</script>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if !$fapUnlimited>>
<br class="clear">
<br class="clear">
<big>Early Access content</big>
<p>If you want to get even better playing experience by unlocking all the new content - get the ''Unlimited Fap Mode''. Here's what it does:</p>
<<media "unlimited.mp4" "floatLeft sml">>
<ul class="listSml floatLeft">
<h4>Unlimited Fap Mode</h4>
<li>''Access to all the Early Access content''.</li>
<li>Ability to click ''//back//'' button once every in-game day.</li>
<li>Higher chance for random events.</li>
<<if $host == "site">><li>No in-game ads.</li><</if>>
<br class="clear">
<<btnPopup "support" "Support the author to get the Unlimited Fap Mode">>
<<btnPopup "enterCode" "I already have the Unlimited Fap Mode code">>
<<EVENT "XXX=0">> /* Intro to the quest. */
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:XXX=1">> /* XXX. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:XXX=2">> /* XXX. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:XXX=3">> /* XXX. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:XXX=4">> /* XXX. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
<</events>><<set _trash to [
{cat: "dildos", item: "An old dildo"},
{cat: "dildos", item: "A dirty rubber dildo"},
{cat: "dildos", item: "An old BBC double dildo"},
{cat: "organic", item: "An old banana"},
{cat: "organic", item: "A rotten rat"},
{cat: "organic", item: "A bunch of fish skeletons"},
{cat: "metal", item: "A rusty bicycle"},
{cat: "metal", item: "A bunch of old nails"},
{cat: "metal", item: "A bunch of rusty screws"},
{cat: "e-waste", item: "An old Heavy Metal Ballads CD"},
{cat: "e-waste", item: "A bunch of broken CD Roms"},
{cat: "e-waste", item: "An old greasy vegan cookbook on CD"},
{cat: "paper", item: "An old book about the Oompa-Loompas"},
{cat: "paper", item: "An old acceptance letter from the Union of Big Titted MILFs"},
{cat: "paper", item: "An old greasy Cook book"}
<<set _trashCatArr = ["dildos", "organic", "metal", "e-waste", "paper"]>>
<<set _trashCatRand = random(0,4)>>
<<set _trashCat = _trashCatArr[_trashCatRand]>>
<<set _trashCatArr.splice(_trashCatRand,1)>>
<<set _trashCatArr to _trashCatArr.shuffle()>>
<<set _trashCur = _trash[(_trash.findIndex(x => === _trashCat)) + random(0,2)]>>
/* This is used for quests, and is defined in quest passage */
<<if !_trashCurYieldWrong>>
<<set _trashCurYieldWrong = null>>
/* Gather data for the buttons */
<<set _trashBtns to [
["#good", _trashCat, null],
["#wrong", _trashCatArr[0], _trashCurYieldWrong],
["#wrong", _trashCatArr[_trashCatArr.length-1], _trashCurYieldWrong]
<<set _trashBtns to _trashBtns.shuffle()>>
/* Reset the cleanGarden counter var */
<<set $cleanGarden = 0>>
<p class="fi">You approach a big pile of trash with hesitation and respect.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh man..." "fi1">>
<p class="fi2">You heard the lady - paper to paper, plastic to plastic...</p>
<big class="fi4">...dildos to dildos.</big>
<<media "activities/trash/recycling.mp4" "si4">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p class="fi4">$, who's also in the garden, looks at you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're my hero!" "fi4">>
<<yields "" "dialog" "fi4">>
<p class="fi4">You smile back to her, and then look at the trash pile, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi4">Don't let it set in...</big>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p class="fi4">$, who's also in the garden, sends you a mocking smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're doing my mother's work now? She wrapped you around her finger, dweeb!" "fi4">>
<<dial "player" "No she didn't, get lost!" "fi4">>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog" "fi4">>
<p class="fi4">You ignore her, and then look down at the trash pile, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi4">Don't let it set in...</big>
<p class="fi5">You sigh and start working. Everything seems fine, and you quickly fill up the bags, until you see something that piques your attention...</p>
<big class="fi6">//<<print _trashCur.item>>//.</big>
<p class="fi6">You wonder where to put it. If you choose a wrong bag - $ might not be happy!</p>
<<menu "si7">>
<<btn _trashBtns[0][0] `"Put it with " + _trashBtns[0][1] + "!"` _trashBtns[0][2] "action si7">>
<<btn _trashBtns[1][0] `"Put it with " + _trashBtns[1][1] + "!"` _trashBtns[1][2] "action si7">>
<<btn _trashBtns[2][0] `"Put it with " + _trashBtns[2][1] + "!"` _trashBtns[2][2] "action si7">>
<<chunk null "#wrong">>
<p>As soon as you finish today's work - $ comes out of the house.</p>
<<media "activities/trash/daphne.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, $! I see that you're working hard.">>
<p>You take a glance at your crotch, to make sure she's not talking about your dick. Unfortunately - she's not.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So... show me what you got there...">>
<p>Again, you glance down, hoping she's talking about your cock... but, again, she's not.</p>
<big>Instead, she takes a trash bag from you, looks inside, and...</big>
<p>She pulls out ''<<print _trashCur.item>>''.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "What the fuck!? This shouldn't be here!">>
<big>You fucked us, dude!</big>
<<dial "player" "I can explain--">>
<p>Before you even manage to start, $ grabs you and...</p>
<big>Pushes you into the trash.</big>
<<media "activities/trash/trash_throw.mp4">>
<<yields "daphne.desire-2; sore+" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Learn to recycle, or don't touch my fucking trash, got it?!">>
<big>Shit, dude. You got wrecked.</big>
<p>Good news is - it's over. $ just turned around and left.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#good">>
<p>As soon as you finish today's work - $ comes out of the house.</p>
<<media "activities/trash/daphne.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, $! I see that you're working hard.">>
<p>You take a glance at your crotch, to make sure she's not talking about your dick. Unfortunately - she's not.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So... show me what you got there...">>
<p>Again, you glance down, hoping she's talking about your cock... but, again, she's not. Instead, she takes a trash bag from you, looks inside, and...</p>
<big>She smiles.</big>
<<media "activities/trash/daphne_happy.jpg">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Good work, $!">>
<p>She blows you a kiss, and walks back to the house.</p>
<big>And that's a good result, mate!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<EVENT "daphFixGarden=0; daphHelp=DONE; period!=night; day=6">>
<<inc "daphFixGarden">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexaPool=0; daphFixGarden=DONE; alexa; period!=night; day=12">>
<<inc "alexaPool">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne; !alexa; daphBdsm=0; alexaPool=DONE; day=15">>
<<inc "daphBdsm">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne; !alexa; daphBdsm=1; scissors">>
<<inc "daphBdsm">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne; daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=1; $daphMakeKeyLostDebuff=0">>
<<inc "daphMakeKey">>
<<EVENT "daphBdsm=0">> /* Intro. */
<p>You walk out to the garden, take a deep breath and look around...</p>
<big>...when suddenly.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Psst!">>
<p>You're not sure from where the voice is coming from.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hello?">>
<<dial "daphne" "It's me, $ I need help.">>
<p>Her voice sounds strange, and it's coming from the bushes behind the house, but you instantly recognize it's really her...</p>
<big>But why $ would talk to you from the bushes?!</big>
<<media "wtf.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Where are you?!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Doesn't matter. I need you to do something for me. Bring me the scissors. They are in the kitchen.">>
<<dial "player" "The scissors?! Did something happen?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Just do it!!!">>
<p>I don't know, man, she sounds serious. So... you gonna do it or what?</p>
<<btn $curLoc "On it!" "$questMode+daphBdsm;" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Not until I'll see you!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>You hear a long sigh.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok, come here, quickly.">>
<p>You walk in the direction the voice is coming from, and...</p>
<big>Oh shit.</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_tied.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Happy?!">>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/happy.mp4">>
<big>But also... so many questions!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Now... will you get me the fucking scissors?!">>
<p>Fucking do it already!</p>
<<btn $curLoc "On it!" "$questMode+daphBdsm" "dialog">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphBdsm=1">> /* Bring $ the scissors from the kitchen. */
/* We need to update the quest, because it starts from the event */
<big>You walk out to the garden cautiously.</big>
<p>$ is still hidden in the bushes - it seems she didn't see you yet. You might just tell her you brought the scissors, or maybe take a peek before she notices you?</p>
<<media "hard_choice.mp4">>
<p>Ok, before you make a next step - give me a moment. I know what you're thinking - //$ is all about love, so I should push that little heart until she's jumping on my dick// - right?</p>
<p>Or at least - partially wrong. Here's the thing. Sure, you can just play it safe and always go for love with her, but remember that alpha male is about balance and taking risks, so going the domination pathway with $ from time to time might reveal some interesting results. But I leave it to you, dude.</p>
<<btn "#look" "Take a look before she notices you" "dom+3" "action">>
<<btn "#scissors" "Just tell her you have the scissors" "" "action">>
<<chunk null "#look">>
<p>You quietly move closer and take a peek...</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_tied_look1.mp4">>
<<btn null "Watch some more" "dom+2" "action">>
<<btn "#scissors" "Tell her you have the scissors" "" "action">>
<p>You wonder how it happened. Did she do it to herself? Doubtful. So is the guy who did it to her is still around...?</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_tied_look2.mp4">>
<<btn null "Watch even more" "dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#scissors" "Tell her you have the scissors" "" "action">>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_tied_look3.mp4">>
<big>Suddenly - you hear someone coming.</big>
<<btn "#guy">>
<<chunk null "#scissors">>
<<dial "player" "Hey $, I have the scissors... what now?">>
<p>You hear a sigh of relief.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Thank god! Come here, quickly! And close your eyes!">>
<<dial "player" "But I'm holding a scissors! I could trip and... die!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... ok. But try to not look at... at... look away!">>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<p>You're getting a hang of it, dude!</p>
<p>You approach her through the bushes. It takes a whole lot of resilience to not stare at those fucking melons, even bigger now with the rope wrapped around them.</p>
<<dial "player" "What now?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Cut the fucking rope!">>
<p>You do as she says and cut the rope hanging from a tree. As soon as you do that she quickly unties all the knots - only her ankles remain tied.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Now my ankles. Hurry up!">>
<p>She lies on the ground, and puts her legs up...</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_legs.jpg">>
<big>You lucky bastard.</big>
<p>I don't even know what was even the point of telling you to look away, and then spreading pussy in front of your face like a fucking buffet, but you don't hear me complain.</p>
<p>You cut the rope on her ankles.</p>
<p>$ stands up and smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Phew...! Finally!">>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_free.jpg">>
<p>And by the way - if you wonder how did she managed to change her bikini twice while tied up...</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/magic.mp4">>
<p><small>(don't be a smart-ass, I'm doing what I can!)</small></p>
<p>She looks around, like she's afraid someone might be hiding in the bushes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Let's get back to the house.">>
<<set $curLoc = "daphRoom">>
<h2 class="border">$'s room</h2>
<<media "locations/daphRoom/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You walk with her back to her room.</p>
<p>She grabs a robe and covers her giant boobs with it. It's a pity, as the views were amazing, but at least you can finally look at her without an instant hard-on.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks... $ I don't know what I would do...">>
<<dial "player" "My pleasure.">>
<p>It really was though. What really bugs me is how did she end up tied up in the garden. Maybe you could investigate that.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey... how did you... you know... end up tied to a tree in the garden?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I really don't feel like talking about it.">>
<<btn "#outro" "That's ok. You don't have to." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#story" "That's not fair! I saved you. You should trust me." "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#story">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... you're right. Ok, I'll tell you. But you need to promiss me you will not tell about it to anyone.">>
<<dial "player" "I promise!">>
<big>I don't.</big>
<p>She exhales.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... ok. So here is how it happened.">>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/long_time_ago.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "So I was bored and wanted to have some fun... I dressed up nicely and went to this party that my friend told me about.">>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_story_1.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "So I took a taxi and went there. But when I showed up it turned out it's a //beach party//. I was totally overdressed!">>
<p>I like where this is going.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_story_2.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Fortunately, there was this guy there... He looked like a nice guy, and offered he can drive me home, where I could slip into something more suitable, and then he would drive me back.">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I really don't know what it was, but I just felt I could trust him.">>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_story_3.jpg">>
<big>I wonder... Was it the mustache? Or his classy black Speedos?</big>
<<dial "daphne" "So anyway, he drove me here. And he tells me: //what a beautiful house!//">>
<p>She's more naive than I thought.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "He started asking me all this questions about the house. So I told him I could give him a little tour.">>
<p>The plot thickens...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So I showed him everything, and he asks //what's there//, and points to the cellar doors.">>
<<if $daphCel != 1>>
<<dial "player" "We have a cellar?">>
<<dial "daphne" "WE DON'T!!!">>
<<dial "daphne" "I mean... we do. But don't go there.">>
<big>Dude. We're totally going there.</big>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "And then some things happened, and I ended up tied in the garden, now please go.">>
<<media "yeah_right.mp4">>
<p>It seems she skipped some important parts, like...</p>
<big>...this one.</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_story_4.mp4">>
<big>And also this.</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_story_5.mp4">>
<<btn "#outro">>
<<chunk null "#outro">>
<p>$ sighs heavily. You look at her with all the compassion your perverted heart can produce.</p>
<<dial "player" "Poor thing... I'm so sorry that such a bad thing happened to you.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yeah... it was pretty... pretty... terrible.">>
<p>Yeah, right. I can tell you right away - she fuckin' enjoyed it. Maybe not standing in the garden for god knows how long, but there's something about the way she talks about it, almost like she wished for more.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Can you leave me alone now?">>
<p>Anyway, I doubt we can get more from her, so it seems it's really time to move on. And by moving on I mean investigating how to get to the fucking cellar.</p>
<<dial "player" "Of course. If you'd need anything - let me know.">>
<p>You walk out of $'s room.</p>
<<btn "daphHouse" null "scissors-; $daphCel+1">>
<<chunk null "#guy">>
<p>After a moment you see a fat dude approaching $ with a creepy smile.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Oh, you waited for me, how nice of you!">>
<big>He smacks her tits.</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_guy_1.jpg">>
<p>$ has a gag in her mouth, but you can understand most of what she says.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I've been standing here for an hour! Where have you been, you fucker!">>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_guy_2.mp4">>
<p>He grabs her by her throat.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Don't you ever call me that, bitch.">>
<p>The way he says it makes your skin crawl.</p>
<p>$ looks at him...</p>
<big>...and lowers her eyes.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm sorry, master.">>
<p>Did she just called him //master//?</p>
<<media "interesting.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "I deserve to be punished. Will you take me to the cellar now?">>
<<if $daphCel != 1>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I didn't know there's a cellar in the house!</tht>">>
<big>This is a fucking rollercoaster!</big>
<p>The guy squeezes out a perverted smile.</p>
<<dial "guy" "You read my mind, bitch.">>
<p>He unties the rope and pushes $ in the direction of the house.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_guy_3.mp4">>
<h2 class="border">$'s house</h2>
<<media "locations/daphHouse/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You follow them inside. The guy leads $ through the corridor.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_guy_4.mp4">>
<p>As it turns out - there's a door in the back part of the house that you haven't noticed before. The guy opens it and takes $ inside.</p>
<p>You stop, unsure what to do. Maybe you should intervene? But on the other hand...</p>
<<btn null "Sneak inside and see what happens" "dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#fight" "Rescue $" "" "action">>
<big>You crack the cellar doors and look inside...</big>
<p>And what you see there is one of the strangest things you ever saw in your life. It seems that the guy smacks $'s face with he own tit.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_cellar_titbump.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Is it bad that I have a hard on from that.</tht>">>
<p>You're not the only one, dude.</p>
<<btn null "Wait and see what happens next" "dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#fight" "Rescue $" "" "action">>
<p>The guy starts fingering $'s pussy with ferocity. You can hear the slurps of her wet twat echoing in the cellar.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_cellar_fingering.mp4">>
<<btn null "Wait and see what happens next" "dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#fight" "Rescue $" "" "action">>
<p>And then he grabs a dildo on a stick and pushes it in her pussy. It almost feels like a torture, even though she can barely hold in her moans.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_cellar_dildo.mp4">>
<<btn null "Wait and see what happens next" "dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#fight" "Rescue $" "" "action">>
<p>But that's not the end. You see the guy drop the dildo stick, and pick up a whip.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "No... not the whip.">>
<p>It almost sound like a //yes//.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Shut up, bitch.">>
<p>He starts mercilessly whipping her twat.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_cellar_whip.mp4">>
<<btn null "Watch it till the end" "dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#fight" "Rescue $" "" "action">>
<p>Whipping is what brings $ over the edge. She starts moaning louder and louder, and finally...</p>
<big>...she cums.</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_cellar_orgasm.mp4">>
<p>She lies there, panting, but the guy is not finished. He pulls out his dick.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Now you're gonna make me cum.">>
<p>He doesn't have to tell it twice.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes, master.">>
<p>She jumps to her knees and starts giving him a nice, slow handjob.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_cellar_handjob.mp4">>
<p>And it doesn't take long before...</p>
<big>He shoots a stream of hot cum on her tits.</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_cellar_cumshot.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Are you happy with me, master?">>
<<dial "guy" "Barely.">>
<p>I'm giving her 5 out of 5 for that handjob!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Thank you, master.">>
<p>He finally puts his dick back in his pants.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Clean up the place. It's a god damn mess. I'm leaving now.">>
<p>You see him coming up the stairs.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck!</tht>">>
<p>You move back at the last moment and hide in your room. You hear the guy coming out of the house and shutting the doors.</p>
<big>Well, that was intense.</big>
<p>But he's gone, and now... we have to check out this cellar, bud!</p>
<<btn "daphGuest" null "scissors-; $daphCel+1">>
<<chunk null "#fight">>
<p>You grab the scissors firmly and jump out of hiding.</p>
<<dial "player" "Stop what you're doing! I have scissors!">>
<p>The guy looks at you, scared.</p>
<<dial "guy" "What the fuck!?">>
<<dial "daphne" "$!">>
<<dial "guy" "I'm gonna fuck you up, boy!">>
<big>He makes a step in your direction...</big>
<big>...and totters backwards, grabbing his chest.</big>
<<dial "guy" "Call the ambulance.">>
<<dial "player" "What?">>
<<dial "daphne" "What?!">>
<p>The guy looks at you...</p>
<p>...and collapses.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/heart_attack.mp4">>
<p>You lower your scissors and walk closer, unsure what's going on. $ hesitantly appears by your side.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is he... dead?">>
<p>You nudge him with your feet.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/dead.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Not that shit again.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Why did you do this?!">>
<<dial "player" "Me?!">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Now you gotta bury him.">>
<p>//Bury him//?! What the hell is going on here?!</p>
<<dial "player" "You mean... call the ambulance?">>
<<dial "daphne" "You don't get it... He's not the only one... First time it happened I was so afraid, I buried the guy in the garden... and then it happened again, so I buried him too... and again... I mean, police was investigating me couple times, but so far they got nothing. But if they find him here, they start snooping again, and... I don't wanna go to prison, $!">>
<p>Fuck me, I told you that her tits are to die for, but this shit is crazy.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "We have to get rid of him...">>
<p>We gotta do the right thing, man. We have to call the police. He might have a family, people might be looking for him. And it's just the right thing to do. I mean, tits are tits, but we're talking about something more here. Mortality. Sense of life...</p>
<p>She looks at you with teary eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Will you help me, $">>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_please.jpg">>
<big>NO! Don't look at her tits!</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhhhh.....">>
<p>God damn it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Where's... the... shovel.">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/shovel.mp4">>
<p>You somehow manage to carry the guy to the garden and dig a shallow grave.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/bury_the_body.mp4">>
<p>You push him inside, and cover his body...</p>
<big>...with dirt and dildos you found while digging the hole.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Phew...</tht>">>
<p>I hope you're proud of yourself.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm actually not sure what happened...</tht>">>
<p>You look around and wonder how many other secrets $ hid in this garden? How many more skeletons (and dildos) are lurking in the shadows...?</p>
<p>Anyway... after all that digging you're barely alive yourself. You walk back to the house. $ awaits you in the corridor and...</p>
<big>...she has a pizza.</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/daphne_pizza.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "I thought you'd be hungry.">>
<p>Yeah, I'm always hungry...</p>
<big>...after digging graves.</big>
<<dial "player" "Thanks...">>
<p>She blows you a kiss, and walks back to her room. To be honest I don't even know what to say anymore, dude. This is way above my head.</p>
<big>Just give me a piece of that pizza!</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" null "; scissors-; $daphCel+1; $daphVictims+1; energy-50; fed+" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphBdsm=2">> /* Get to the cellar! */
<p class="fi0">You check every corner of the room. Under the carpet, behind the cabinet, and inside the pillows. You even move some of the lighter furniture.</p>
<big class="fi2">And finally...</big>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/found_key.mp4" "si4">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yeah!" "si4">>
<p class="fi5">//Fuck yeah// from me too! Good job!</p>
<<yields "daphCelKey+" "dialog" "fi5">>
<p class="fi5">Now we gotta move quickly.</p>
<big class="fi5">Go check the cellar and bring back the key before $ notices.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "$questMode+daphBdsm; charAdd+daphne|daphBath" "si6">>
<<media "activities/search/nothing.mp4" "si4">>
<<dial "player" "God damn it... where the fuck is it." "si4">>
<p class="fi5">It's somewhere here, I'm sure of it.</p>
<big class="fi5">Just try until you find it, bro.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "daphBdsm-" "si6">> /* We don't want to progress the quest until player finds the key */
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphBdsm=3">> /* Look around the cellar. */
<p>You look around the old creepy cellar, like a kid in Disneyland.</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/disneyland.mp4">>
<p>Everywhere you look there's something interesting...</p>
<big>Whips, collars, leather straps...</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/whips.jpg">>
<big>Dildos, magic wands, and every dick-shaped object you could imagine...</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/dildos.jpg">>
<big>And all sort of machines and items made for pain...</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/machine2.jpg">>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/machine1.jpg">>
<big>...and opening a time portal up your ass.</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/time_machine.jpg">>
<<if $daphne.kinkKnown != 1>>
<p>Even though the whole thing looks like a medieval dungeon, there's so many cum stains on the floor that you kinda wish you'd be thrown here for a life sentence.</p>
<p>And what's more - one thing becomes absolutely clear now...</p>
<big>...$ is into <<print setup.sexCat.find(obj => {return === $daphne.kink}).name>>!</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/pervy_smile.mp4">>
<p>Too bad you won't be able to come back here too often, as you have to get the key back before $ notices. Unless...</p>
<p>Even though the whole thing looks like a medieval dungeon, there's so many cum stains on the floor that you kinda wish you'd be thrown here for a life sentence. Too bad you won't be able to come back here too often, as you have to get the key back before $ notices. Unless...</p>
<big>Suddenly you realize something.</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/realization.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Can it be...? No... That would be too beautiful... But maybe...?</tht>">>
<p>You measure the cellar with your steps, and then run up the stairs and measure the corridor.</p>
<big>Dude, I think you're right!</big>
<big>The cellar is directly below your room!</big>
<p>All you need to do is a little hole in the floor, and you'd be able to see what's going on here at all times!</p>
<<media "mindblown.mp4">>
<p>You run out of the cellar and put the key back in $'s room!</p>
<<yields "daphCelKey-" "dialog">>
<big>Now run to the store and buy a drill!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphBdsm=4">> /* Drill a hole in the floor of your room, to get a view on what's going on in the cellar. You'll buy required equipment in the store. */
<p>You find a good spot in the floor, and drill a small hole in it.</p>
<<dial "player" "That should do it.">>
<p>You look down and...</p>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/hole.mp4">>
<p>Next time you notice $ is in the cellar...</p>
<big>...use the hole to check what's going on down there.</big>
<<btn null null "counter:daphBdsmDebuff-7">>
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne; while!=nothing">>
/* Check if the player is caught */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].random()>>
/* Check if the player knows the quest */
<<set _checkPool = null>>
<<set _current = $player.quests.findIndex(x => === "alexaPool")>>
<<if _current != -1>>
<<if $player.quests[_current].done == 1 && $cleanGarden < 7>>
<<set _checkPool = 1>>
/* Set the image file names */
<<if $curLocWhile == "pool" && _checkPool == 1>>
<<set _activityWhile to $curLocWhile>>
<<set _activityNum to [0].random()>>
<<elseif $curLocWhile == "sex">>
<<set _activityWhile to $curLocWhile>>
<<set _activityNum to [0, 1].random()>>
<<set _activityWhile to "sunbath">>
<<set _activityNum to [0, 1, 2].random()>>
<<set _activity to "daphne_" + _activityWhile + _activityNum + "_">>
/* Do HTML */
<p class="fi0 center">You find a good spot behind a bushes...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<<if _activityWhile == "pool">>
<<set _activityNum to [0].random()>>
<big class="fi3 center">You see $ is relaxing by the pool.</big>
<<elseif _activityWhile == "sex">>
<<set _activityNum to [0, 1].random()>>
<big class="fi3 center">You see $ is fucking some dude.</big>
<<elseif _activityWhile == "sunbath">>
<<set _activityNum to [0, 1, 2].random()>>
<big class="fi3 center">You see $ is sunbathing.</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "intro.jpg"` "si3">>
<p class="fi3">Ok, bud, here's the deal - you can stay and watch, but if you get caught, $ might be not so happy about it. What do you want to do?</p>
<<menu "fi3">>
<<btn "#stay" "Stay and watch the show" "energy=10; energy-10; dom+2" "action si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<p>You put your head between the branches to see better...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "0.jpg"`>>
<big>Mother of god...</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "1.jpg"`>>
<p>Oh my god, how I wish I'd be on your place right now, dude...</p>
<big>I'd fucking ravage those tits!</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "2.jpg"`>>
<p>You feel your legs getting soft.</p>
<big>I blame boobs.</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "3.jpg"`>>
<p>By the way - why do they call it boob sweat, and not...</p>
<<media "activities/peek/dick_intense.mp4">>
<p>This is getting real intense. Are you sure you wanna risk it?</p>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch till the end" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$ left the best for the last.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "4.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if !$jerk>>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<p>Ok, bud. This was fun, but...</p>
<big>...that's the end of the show.</big>
<p>You stroke your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket "jerkedoff+">>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; alexa; while!=nothing">>
/* Check if the player is caught */
<<set $jerk to null>>
<<set _caughtWhen to null>>
/* Until there's no random event - turn it off
<<if $minRand <= $curRand>>
<<set _caughtWhen to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].random()>>
/* Check if the player knows the quest */
<<set _checkPool = null>>
<<set _current = $player.quests.findIndex(x => === "alexaPool")>>
<<if _current != -1>>
<<if $player.quests[_current].done == 1 && $cleanGarden < 7>>
<<set _checkPool = 1>>
/* Set the image file names */
<<if $curLocWhile == "pool" && _checkPool == 1>>
<<set _activityWhile to $curLocWhile>>
<<set _activityNum to [0].random()>>
<<elseif $curLocWhile == "sex">>
<<set _activityWhile to $curLocWhile>>
<<set _activityNum to [0, 1].random()>>
<<set _activityWhile to "sunbath">>
<<set _activityNum to [0, 1].random()>>
<<set _activity to "alexa_" + _activityWhile + _activityNum + "_">>
/* Do HTML */
<p class="fi0 center">You find a good spot behind a bushes...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<<if _activityWhile == "pool">>
<<set _activityNum to [0].random()>>
<big class="fi3 center">You see $ is relaxing by the pool.</big>
<<elseif _activityWhile == "sex">>
<<set _activityNum to [0, 1].random()>>
<big class="fi3 center">You see $ is fucking some dude.</big>
<<elseif _activityWhile == "sunbath">>
<<set _activityNum to [0, 1, 2].random()>>
<big class="fi3 center">You see $ is sunbathing.</big>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "intro.jpg"` "si3">>
<p class="fi3">Ok, bud, here's the deal - you can stay and watch, but if you get caught, $ might be not so happy about it. What do you want to do?</p>
<<menu "fi3">>
<<btn "#stay" "Stay and watch the show" "energy=10; energy-10; dom+2" "action si3">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action si3">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 0 ? "#caught" : null>>
<p>You put your head between the branches to see better...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "0.jpg"`>>
<big>Mother of god...</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+2; $jerk+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 1 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==1>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "1.jpg"`>>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmmm...">>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+2" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+1" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 2 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==2>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "2.jpg"`>>
<p>You feel your legs getting soft.</p>
<big>I blame ass.</big>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch more" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+3" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 3 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==3>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "3.jpg"`>>
<p>Oh my god, how I wish I'd be on your place right now, dude...</p>
<big>I'd fucking ravage this ass!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/dick_intense.mp4">>
<p>This is getting real intense. Are you sure you wanna risk it?</p>
<<btn _link "Stay and watch till the end" null "action">>
<<delayer>><<btn _link "Stay and watch while jerking off" "dom+1; !$jerk; $jerk+4" "action">><</delayer>>
<<btn $curLoc "Do not risk it" "love+2" "action">>
<<set _link = _caughtWhen == 4 ? "#caught" : null>>
<<if $jerk==4>>
<p>You can't help but to start stroking your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/jerkoff.mp4">>
<p>$ left the best for the last.</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/" + _activity + "4.jpg"`>>
<<btn _link>>
<<if !$jerk>>
<<media "activities/peek/end_show.mp4">>
<p>Ok, bud. This was fun, but...</p>
<big>...that's the end of the show.</big>
<p>You stroke your dick faster and faster. You feel a wave after wave of pleasure, bringing you to the moment when...</p>
<big> cum!</big>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<<pocket "jerkedoff+">>
<big>That's the end of the show.</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "noRand; while=nothing">>
<p class="fi0 center">You find a good spot behind a bushes...</p>
<<media `"activities/peek/daphGard/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<big class="fi3 center">Unfortunately - you don't see a thing.</big>
<<btn $curLoc "Move away" null "action si3">>
<<EVENT "daphne; while=sunbath">> /* Daphne is sunbathing, Daphne sees player */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You barely manage to put your dick back in the pants, before $ jumps at you.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<big>$ jumps at you.</big>
<<media "activities/peek/daphRoom/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "What are you doing here?!">>
<p>Play it ''cool''.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, hi, $">>
<p>//Cool// as in //don't panic//, and not //how's your sex life//, dude. Now you turned into a nuclear winter.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't //hi $ me. Were you peeking at me from the bushes?!">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<p>Decision time, bud.</p>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "I couldn't help myself, you're so beautiful..." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "I was just passing by, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now... go back to the house!">>
<p>You do as you're told.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't sugar me, this is serious!">>
<<dial "player" "You're right, I'm sorry.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean... I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women.">>
<p>Errmmm... Ok...?</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just don't do it again, ok?">>
<p>Yeah, right.</p>
<<media "i_promise.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I won't, I promise!">>
<p>$ smiles to you one more time, goes back to sunbathing.</p>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<big>Freud would laugh his ass off.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses.">>
<p>Shut the fuck up and pray.</p>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now... go back to the house!">>
<p>You do as you're told.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSex">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>When a woman says she's disappointed, it's basically the end of the road, bud.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I thought that we can trust each other.">>
<p>Pray it won't end up in packing your things.</p>
<<dial "player" "We can... I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "If we can trust each other, than why didn't you just came to me and told me how you feel?">>
<p>Ermmm... What?</p>
<<media "what.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "You could have told me that you want to see me naked... You could have told me, that my body makes you aroused... We could figure something out.">>
<p>She bites her lip.</p>
<big>O-M-G! She's hitting on you!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Than again... We can still figure something out, if you want...">>
<<media "activities/peek/fuck_yea.mp4">>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "daphne.squirt+2; $char+daphne" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Not now, thanks!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa; while=sunbath">> /* Alexa caughts player peeking at her */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You barely manage to put your dick back in the pants, before $ jumps at you.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<big>$ jumps at you.</big>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "What. The. Fuck.">>
<<dial "player" "Hi, $!">>
<p>She looks at you angrily.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you doing here?! Are you a rapist? Cause you sure look like one!">>
<p>Shit. It seems she's not in the mood. But don't worry, we'll figure it out. Just explain her that...</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm not a rapist!">>
<p>Well, I was hoping for something more substantial, but we'll go with that.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "All the rapists are deadbeats. And you sure are deadbeat, so... do I have to fuck you up?!">>
<big>She's fuckin' scary!</big>
<p>You need to quickly figure out what to do.</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#run" "Run away" "alexa.dom-" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#lie" "I was just passing by, I swear" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#stayWild" "Can I stay and watch?" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run to the house, closing the doors behind you. I'm afraid, buddy, that $ will remember this.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#lie">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh rly?">>
<p>Don't reply. It's a bait.</p>
<big>Run, kid, run!</big>
<<dial "player" "Definitely, I mean--">>
<p>Before you finish the sentence $</p>
<big>...kicks you in the family dispenser.</big>
<<media "ball_kick.mp4">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger...</p>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#stayWild">>
<p>Oook, ok. I get it. You were caught, there's no point in pretending anymore, so you might as well take a swing.</p>
<big>That's what alphas do.</big>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck off!">>
<p>Straight and to the point.</p>
<big>I like this girl!</big>
<p>It seems there's just one thing you can do.</p>
<<media "im_leaving.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-2" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaYes">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "For what?">>
<<dial "alexa" "For not telling mum you tried to rape me.">>
<big>Don't let her do it. Resist!</big>
<<dial "player" "25 bucks... that's steep.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Maybe you'll get a bonus too, I like guys who give me cash...">>
<p>She's a fucking lil' monster. I'm not sure if we should trust her, bro, but $ might go postal. This is a tough decision.</p>
<<media "decisions.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#payMore", "#payKinky"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#payKinky">>
<<btn _decision "Ok, ok! I'll pay! Here..." "cash=25; cash-25;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#payBluff" "I call your bluff!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#payMore">>
<p>$ takes the money from you, but hesitates.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want more.">>
<<media "want_more.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "25 bucks.">>
<p>Ohhhh shit. She played you.</p>
<<media "not_good.mp4">>
<p>I wouldn't trust her, bro!</p>
<<btn "#payKinky" "Shut up and take my money!" "cash=25; cash-25;" "dialog">>
<<btn "#payBluff" "I don't think so!" "alexa.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#payBluff">>
<<dial "alexa" "What...?">>
<<dial "player" "Call your mum. I'm gonna tell her I've catched you masturbating.">>
<<dial "alexa" "You catched me?!">>
<p>Dude. That's bold! I like it!</p>
<<dial "player" "Yup. Your word against mine.">>
<p>$ looks at you with anger in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You fucking little--">>
<p>You turn towards the house.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "$!!! I have something import--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, ok, shut up. Whatever - forget about it.">>
<p>I guess she doesn't want to inform her mum about what just happened after all...</p>
<p>You think for a moment.</p>
<<media "hard_choice.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Ok, bye." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#payKinky" "So what would you do for me for not calling $" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#payKinky">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ok, god damn it, you can fuck me.">>
<p>Uhm... What just happened?</p>
<<dial "player" "Erm... what?">>
<<dial "alexa" "You can fuck me. Now.">>
<<media "escalated.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well?">>
<big>Say something!</big>
<<dial "player" "I mean... Fuck yeah!">>
<p>You lucky bastard. What a come back! This is a dream come true!</p>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+alexa" "sex action">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne; while=sex">> /* Daphne has sex, Daphne sees player */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head...</p>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What the fuck?!">>
<<dial "player" "Shit! I'm sorry!">>
<p>The guy, balls deep in $, looks at you angrily.</p>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeDaphne" + $dudeDaphne.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"`>>
<<dial "guy" "That's trespassing, son!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up, it's not your business!">>
<p>You need to quickly figure out what to do.</p>
<<btn "#daphneRun" "Run away" "" "action">>
<<btn "#daphneJoin" "Can I join?" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneRun">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run to your room. Well, in those circumstances it was probably good decision. The guy maybe wasn't in best shape, but still he'd maul your ass.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#daphneJoin">>
<p>$ walks closer and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You were peeking at me making love, and now you have a nerve to ask to join me in bed?">>
<p>I have to tell you, buddy, you really haven't thought that through. The good news is the view is amazing, because in all excitement she forgot to cover herself.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I mean... I guess?">>
<p>Surprisingly, she didn't smack you right away. Is it possible that she's considering it?</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneGetOut", "#daphneGetOut", "#daphneGetOut", "#daphneStay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneGetOut", "#daphneGetOut", "#daphneStay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneGetOut", "#daphneStay"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneStay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneStay">>
<p>$ finally looks you in the eyes and... smiles!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You know what? I agree.">>
<<dial "player" "What?!">>
<<dial "guy" "What?!">>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up!">>
<p>$ looks back at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Consider it the reward for being a good tenant.">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yeah I'm a good tenant. The best one! So we're doing a triangle?">>
<p>This is amazing, dude! I applaud you.</p>
<<dial "guy" "I'm not doing triangles with other dudes.">>
<p>Oh fuck. Captain Cockblock here has some other ideas.</p>
<<dial "player" "So...?">>
<p>You look at $</p>
<p>She smiles one more time.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, in that case you better get lost.">>
<p>Oh shit... I'm sorry, bro...</p>
<<dial "guy" "Ha, ha. Run to your room, assmunch!">>
<p>$ looks at the guy.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was talking to you.">>
<big>Oh fuck! What a rollercoaster!</big>
<p>The guy looks at her like he doesn't believe what he just heard...</p>
<<dial "guy" "What...?">>
<<dial "daphne" "You were a lousy fuck anyway.">>
<p>The guy's expression quickly changes to anger.</p>
<<dial "guy" "You'll regret this, bitch!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up and go.">>
<p>He gathers his things and storms out of the house.</p>
<p>$ looks at you with a nasty smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, $">>
<<dial "daphne" "Those tits ain't going to suck themselves.">>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/daphne_happy.jpg">>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "daphne.squirt+2; $char+daphne" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Not now, thanks!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneGetOut">>
<p>She finally looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ points her finger at the house.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Get back to your room. And stay there!">>
<<media "getout.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now!!!">>
<<dial "guy" "Don't tread on me, assmunch!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Shut up.">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa; while=sex">> /* Alexa has sex, Alexa sees player*/
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You barely manage to put your dick back in the pants, before $ starts shouting.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What. The. Fuck. Can't you fucking see I have a dick up my ass?!">>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<big>$ start shouting.</big>
<p>(but not because a dick up her asshole - painal is not her thing)</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What. The. Fuck.">>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/alexa_angry_sex.jpg">>
<p>The owner of the dick looks at you angrily.</p>
<<set _dudePic to "dudeAlexa" + $dudeAlexa.pic>>
<<media `"characters/guy/" + _dudePic + ".jpg"`>>
<<dial "guy" "Who's that cuntmuffin!?">>
<p>You need to quickly figure out what to do.</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#run" "Run away!" "" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#lie" "You were screaming I thought you need my help." "alexa.dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#join" "Can I join?" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run back to the house, closing the doors behind you.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#lie">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh rly?">>
<p>Don't reply. It's a bait.</p>
<big>Run, kid, run!</big>
<<dial "player" "Definitely, I mean--">>
<p>Before you finish the sentence $</p>
<big>...kicks you in the family dispenser.</big>
<<media "ball_kick.mp4">>
<<dial "guy" "God damn.">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger...</p>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#join">>
<p>$ pierces you with a death stare. God damn it she has something in those eyes... Like you look there and you instantly know - this bitch has no limits.</p>
<<media "pray.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaNo", "#alexaYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck off!">>
<p>Straight and to the point.</p>
<big>I like this girl!</big>
<p>It seems there's just one thing you can do.</p>
<<media "im_leaving.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "alexa.dom-2" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaYes">>
<<dial "guy" "No fucking way.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shut the fuck up, I make the rules.">>
<<dial "guy" "But I wanted to spend time with you, $ I really like you and...">>
<p>He sounds really pathetic. That's kind of a good sign!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You fucking //really like me//? What is this, kindergarten!?">>
<<dial "guy" "But--">>
<<dial "alexa" "You know what?! Fuck it. Get the fuck out of here!">>
<p>Oh shit... I'm sorry, bro...</p>
<<dial "guy" "Ha, ha. Get lost cuntmuffin, this asshole is mine!">>
<p>$ looks at the guy.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I was talking to you.">>
<big>Oh fuck! What a rollercoaster!</big>
<p>The guy looks at her like he doesn't believe what he just heard...</p>
<<dial "guy" "What...?">>
<p>The guy's expression quickly changes to fear.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Yeah, sure... sorry, $!">>
<p>He gathers his things and storms out of the garden.</p>
<p>$ looks at you with a nasty smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you waiting for...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "There's an asshole to fill!">>
<<media "activities/peek/daphGard/alexa_happy.jpg">>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "alexa.squirt+2; $char+alexa" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Not now, thanks!" "alexa.dom-10" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<EVENT "day=12; $fapUnlimited!=1; $fapRegular!=1; $nagging=1; noRand">>
/* Update nagging var */
<<set $nagging=2>>
/* HTML */
<big class="center blinkingOpacity">Important transmission incoming...</big>
<p class="center blinkingOpacity">Loading game author consciousness...</p>
<<dial "mercutio" "Psst. It's me. Grave, the author of this game." "fi3">>
<p class="fi5">You look with confusion at the screen.</p>
<<dial "player" "What the fuck." "fi5">>
<<dial "mercutio" "This might be shocking, but I was here the whole time!" "fi6">>
<<dial "player" "Even when... you know...?" "fi6">>
<<dial "mercutio" "Oh, I know. But don't worry. I just wanted to tell you that ''even though this game is free, I'm busting my ass to bring you updates and bug fixes''. So why not return the favor and make a small donation to the project?" "fi6">>
<p class="fi7">You sigh, hoping that I'm gonna shut up already.</p>
<<dial "player" "Can I go now?" "fi7">>
<<dial "mercutio" "Almost. Look. Think about it. You're here for the good times, right? Well, two words - ''Fap Mode''! The ''Regular'' one makes the game much less grindy, and ''Unlimited'' gives you access to all the locked content and more! And if you're still not convinced - here's a small token of my gratitude. Have fun, my man!" "fi8">>
<<timed 4s transition>>
<<yields "dom+2; love+2" "dialog">>
<p>You see three magical buttons. The first one is pulsating invitingly, like your dick when it smells a fresh pussy. You feel it's a portal to a better world. A world where every player is a happy player, and not a single game developer is a fucking bankrupt fuck up with a broken soul.</p>
<<btnPopup "support" "Support the author" "important">>
<<btnPopup "enterCode" "I'm already a supporter, stop nagging me!">>
<<btn $curLoc "Back to the game!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "day=24; $fapUnlimited!=1; $fapRegular!=1; $nagging=2; noRand">>
/* Update nagging var */
<<set $nagging=3>>
/* HTML */
<big class="center blinkingOpacity">Important transmission incoming...</big>
<p class="center blinkingOpacity">Loading game author consciousness...</p>
<<dial "mercutio" "It's me again. Grave." "fi3">>
<p class="fi5">You sigh.</p>
<<dial "player" "Not this fucker..." "fi5">>
<<dial "mercutio" "Yeah, yeah. I know. But come on, dude, ask yourself this - did my game made you horny? Did it made you smile? Were you entertained? If the answer is //yes// then be a good sport and drop me a buck and I won't be bothering you again!" "fi5">>
<<dial "player" "But I don't know how to support you!" "fi7">>
<<dial "mercutio" "Man, it's really simple. Click the button \"Support the author\" below and I'll explain everything there! And to convince you I'm a good dude - here's another present for you, man!" "fi7">>
<<timed 4s transition>>
<<yields "dom+2; love+2" "dialog">>
<p>You see three magical buttons. The first one is pulsating invitingly, like your dick when it smells a fresh pussy. You feel it's a portal to a better world. A world where every player is a happy player, and not a single game developer is a fucking bankrupt fuck up with a broken soul.</p>
<<btnPopup "support" "Support the author" "important">>
<<btnPopup "enterCode" "I'm already a supporter, stop nagging me!">>
<<btn $curLoc "Back to the game!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "day=40; $fapUnlimited!=1; $fapRegular!=1; $nagging=3; noRand">>
/* Update nagging var */
<<set $nagging=4>>
/* HTML */
<big class="center blinkingOpacity">Important transmission incoming...</big>
<p class="center blinkingOpacity">Loading game author consciousness...</p>
<<dial "mercutio" "Still not a supporter? Come on, dude!" "fi3">>
<<dial "player" "Stop bugging me!" "fi5">>
<<dial "mercutio" "Look, you want the game to grow, right? To have more ladies, more sex, more quests, right? This is A LOT of work and someone's gotta do it. Your pledge would help me focus on the game, instead of wasting time on side projects." "fi7">>
<<dial "player" "Allright, fuck off already... so how do I pledge?!" "fi7">>
<<dial "mercutio" "Good decision! Just click the button \"Support the author\" below and I explain everything there! Oh, almost forgot - here's another present for you, man!" "fi8">>
<<timed 4s transition>>
<<yields "dom+2; love+2" "dialog">>
<p>You see three magical buttons. The first one is pulsating invitingly, like your dick when it smells a fresh pussy. You feel it's a portal to a better world. A world where every player is a happy player, and not a single game developer is a fucking bankrupt fuck up with a broken soul.</p>
<<btnPopup "support" "Support the author" "important">>
<<btnPopup "enterCode" "I'm already a supporter, stop nagging me!">>
<<btn $curLoc "Back to the game!">>
<</events>>/* This setup.schedule defines what characters do at each time
(0=char; 1=loc; 2=day; 3=period; 4=while) */
<<set setup.schedule to [
["daphne", "daphBath", "workdays", "Morning", "shower"],
["daphne", "daphKit", "workdays", "Afternoon"],
["daphne", "daphRoom", "workdays", "Sunset"],
["daphne", "daphLiv", "workdays", "Evening"],
["daphne", "daphRoom", "workdays", "Night", "sleep"],
["daphne", "daphRoom", "weekend", "Morning", "dressing"],
["daphne", "church", "weekend", "Late morning"],
["daphne", "daphKit", "weekend", "Afternoon"],
["daphne", "daphGard", "weekend", "Noon", "sunbath, sex, pool"],
["daphne", "daphBath", "weekend", "Evening", "shower, shower"],
["daphne", "daphRoom", "weekend", "Sunset"],
["daphne", "daphRoom", "Saturday", "Night", "sleep, sex"],
["daphne", "daphCel", "Sunday", "Night", "sex"],
["alexa", "daphAlex", "workdays", "Morning", "sleep, nothing"],
["alexa", "daphBath", "workdays", "Late morning", "shower, shower"],
["alexa", "daphAlex", "workdays", "Afternoon"],
["alexa", "park", "workdays", "Sunset"],
["alexa", "daphGard", "workdays", "Evening", "sunbath"],
["alexa", "daphAlex", "workdays", "Night", "sleep, masturbating"],
["alexa", "daphAlex", "weekend", "Morning", "sleep, nothing"],
["alexa", "daphKit", "weekend", "Late morning"],
["alexa", "daphBath", "weekend", "Noon", "shower, shower"],
["alexa", "daphGard", "weekend", "Afternoon", "sunbath, sex, pool"],
["alexa", "daphAlex", "weekend", "Sunset", "masturbating"],
["alexa", "daphLiv", "weekend", "Evening"],
["alexa", "daphAlex", "weekend", "Night", "sleep, sex"],
["mia", "localStore", "workdays", "dayhours"],
["ash", "localStore", "workdays", "dayhours"],
["rose", "park", "workdays", "Evening"],
["rose", "gym", "workdays", "Morning"],
["rose", "park", "weekend", "Evening"],
["kelly", "church", "weekend", "dayhours"]
/* Search the location. */
<<widget "searchLoc">>
/* Create arrays with items (base items are findable many times, unique items can be found just once) */
<<set _searchItemsBase to $args[0]>>
<<set _searchItemsUnique to $args[1]>>
/* Create a story array with unique items */
<<set _searchVar = "$" + $curPas + "Items">>
<<set _searchItemsUniqueStory = State.getVar(_searchVar)>>
<<if !_searchItemsUniqueStory>>
<<set State.setVar(_searchVar, _searchItemsUnique)>>
<<set _searchItemsUniqueStory = State.getVar(_searchVar)>>
<<set _searchItems = _searchItemsBase.concat(_searchItemsUniqueStory)>>
/* Define the item that was found */
<<set _foundItemRand to random(0,_searchItems.length-1)>>
<<set _foundItem to _searchItems[_foundItemRand]>>
/* Check what was found */
<<if _foundItem != "nothing">>
<<set _foundItemId to _foundItem.split('+')[0]>>
<<set _foundItemQuantity to _foundItem.split('+')[1]>>
<<if _foundItemId == "cash">>
<<set _foundItemName to _foundItemQuantity + " bucks">>
<<set _foundItemMedia to "cash.mp4">>
<<for _i to 0; _i < setup.items.length; _i++>>
/* Compare with the given item id */
<<if _foundItemId == setup.items[_i].id>>
<<set _foundItemName to setup.items[_i].name>>
<<set _foundItemMedia to "item.mp4">>
<<set _foundItemText to "You found: ''" + _foundItemName + "''!">>
<<set _foundItemLose to _foundItem.replace(/\+/gi, '-') + "; ">>
<<pocket _foundItem>>
/* If it's an unique item - remove it from the array */
<<set _foundItemUnique = _foundItemRand - _searchItemsBase.length>>
<<if _foundItemUnique >= 0>>
<<set _searchItemsUniqueStory.splice(_foundItemUnique, 1)>>
/* If nothing was found */
<<set _foundItem to null>>
<<set _foundItemMedia to "nothing.mp4">>
<<set _foundItemText to "You didn't find anything.">>
<<set _foundItemLose to null>>
<<EVENT "!$mia.met; miaIntro=0; $curLocDoor=open; counter:ashDebuff=0">>
<<inc "miaIntro">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "mia; $curLocDoor=open; miaIntro=DONE; miaDate=0">>
<<inc "miaDate">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "mia; miaDate=1; counter:miaAngry!=0; $miaAngry!=null">>
<p>You pull the door handle...</p>
<big>But the doors are locked.</big>
<p>You see $ through the glass.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Go away! I'm not letting you in!">>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial "mia" "I don't want to see you!">>
<p>Well, unless we consider an armed entrance - I don't think you're getting in, bud.</p>
<big>I told you - wait a fucking week.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "day=workdays; period=dayhours; ashIntro=0; noRand">>
<<inc "ashIntro">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphMakeKey=3; $daphMakeKeyBox=null">>
<<set $daphMakeKeyBox = 1>>
<<inc "daphMakeKey">>
<<EVENT "daphBdsm=2; !daphCelKey">>
<p>You try to get inside, but the doors are locked.</p>
<<media "locked.mp4">>
<p>I wonder...</p>
<big>...maybe $ has a key in her room somewhere?</big>
<<btn $curLocParent "Move away" null "action">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphBdsm=3; daphne">>
<p>There's someone on the other side. You need to wait till you're alone.</p>
<<media "waiting.mp4">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphBdsm=3; $permission!=forced; daphCelKey">>
<p>You put the key you found in $'s room into the lock and...</p>
<big>It works.</big>
<<media "quests/daphBdsm/door_open.mp4">>
<p>You hesitantly walk inside the cellar.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "$permission+forced; $questMode+daphBdsm">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphMeatBags=1; item:daphMeatBags_clothes">>
<<inc "daphMeatBags">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphMeatBags=1; !item:daphMeatBags_clothes">>
<big>Man! You're not wearing any clothes!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Do I have to...?</tht>">>
<p>Yes you fucking have to. Go back to your room and find something to wear!</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "$questMode+daphMeatBags">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!daphne; daphMakeKey=0; daphMeatBags=DONE; $daphMeatBagsDebuff=0">>
<<inc "daphMakeKey">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!daphne; daphMakeKey=5">>
<<inc "daphMakeKey">>
<p class="fi0">You look around the back of the store...</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh man..." "fi2">>
<<media `"activities/chores/boxes_" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si3">>
<p class="fi4">Don't whine, just do it.</p>
<<dial "player" "You're right! For $'s pussy!" "fi5">>
<big class="fi5">That's the spirit!</big>
<p class="fi6">You pick up first box, and the second one, and then...</p>
<<media `"activities/chores/boxes_moving_" + $player.lvl + ".mp4"` "si7">>
<<btn null null null "si7">>
<big class="fi0 center">You soak the mop in the bucket...</big>
<p class="fi2 center">And then some more...</p>
<p class="fi4 sml center">And more...</p>
<p class="fi5">Quit stalling and do it god damn it!</p>
<<dial "player" "I know... I'm doing it... In a second... Or two... I'll do it after the next one for sure...!" "si5">>
<p class="fi6">And finally, after a bunch of sighs and muttered //fucks// - you start the cleaning.</p>
<<media `"activities/chores/cleaning_store_" + $player.lvl + ".mp4"` "si7">>
<<btn null null null "si8">>
<<EVENT "quest:miaIntro=0">> /* Intro. */
<p>When you approach the store you notice there's a missing person poster on the doors.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Hey, it's that guy! $!</tht>">>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/ash.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I wonder what happened to him!</tht>">>
<p>Probably something to do with those debts he had.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, he was a dick, but I hope he's ok!</tht>">>
<p>I'm sure they'll find him. With a chin like that guy people will recognize him wherever he shows up.</p>
<p>You walk to the store, still distracted by the poster, when suddenly...</p>
<big>You trip and hit the fridge with your face.</big>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/fall.mp4">>
<p>For a moment you're not sure what happened. You just hear a distant, soothing voice, like it was calling you.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Hey... Are you ok...?">>
<p>You slowly open your eyes and look up, at the girl standing above you. And the moment you lie eyes on her - all your pain fades...</p>
<big>...because she's perfect.</big>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/mia.mp4">>
<span>You met </span>
<span><<textbox "$" $>></span>
<<dial "player" "Hi... I'm $ And you are beautiful...!">>
<p>She smiles, embarrased.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "mia" "Hi $ Come on, stand up.">>
<p>She helps you get on your feet, but you still feel like after a punch.</p>
<<dial "player" "Who are you...?">>
<<dial "mia" "I'm the new cashier. They hired me after the other dude disappeared.">>
<<dial "player" "So... so you'll be working here? Like... forever?">>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Hopefully not forever, but yeah - I'll be working here for now.">>
<big>Praise gods!</big>
<p>This whole thing just keeps getting better and better.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I see you're ok now... I have to get back behind the counter, but if you want something - let me know!">>
<big>You totally need to make her like you, bud.</big>
<p>Come back some other day and talk with her!</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "counter:miaDebuff-1; $ash.hide+">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:miaIntro=1">> /* Wait some time and talk to her. */
<p>You hesitantly look around the store and see $ standing behind the counter. Dude, I can see that you like her. I know that you're afraid, but the best way to approach the girl, is to just go for it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well... I'll try...</tht>">>
<big>Don't try, just do it.</big>
<p>You take a deep breath and walk out to her slowly.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi, $ I thought I'll come by... and say... //hi//.">>
<p>God damn it, bro.</p>
<big>Golden lips.</big>
<p>But it's good that you opened your mouth, we'll work on the details.</p>
<p>$ smiles back. And she does it in a way, that instantly triggers your spider sense (and tingles your balls).</p>
<<media "mia" "portrait">>
<<dial "mia" "Hi... mmmm... $, right?">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She remembers me!</tht>">>
<p>Smashing your face into a fridge is hard to forget, buddy. But still - good for you.</p>
<big>And try not to fuck it up.</big>
<<dial "mia" "So what's up?">>
<p>Well? What's up, bud?</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#shopping" "One beer from a sexy lady, please!" "beer+; cash=20; cash-20; mia.dom+2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#shopping" "I need to buy groceries... and wanted to see your smile!" "groceries+; cash=40; cash-40;" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#talking" "I just wanted to get to know the person in charge of my favorite shop!" "; player.lvl=3" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#nothing" "I forgot my wallet... I'll be back!" "; player.lvl!=3" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#nothing">>
<p>She looks at you confused.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Well... I'll be here.">>
<<dial "player" "Thanks, haha.">>
<p>You storm out of the store, with a feeling that you successfully managed to embarrass yourself.</p>
<<media "too_bad.mp4">>
<p>But in all honesty, bro - don't make a big deal out of it. I know that having a light wallet is not great when you try to make it work with the lady, but it all depends on how you spin it. And most importantly - she's not going anywhere.</p>
<big>Just get some cash and come back to her!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "miaIntro-">>
<<chunk null "#shopping">>
<p>She smiles and hands you your order.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Here you are!">>
<<dial "player" "Thanks! <tht>What now!?</tht>">>
<p>Technically speaking - you just engaged the target. It's a first step, but it's a step in the right direction. One thing that I'm gonna add here - you don't always have to pay to talk to a girl. I mean, $'s a cashier, so it totally made sense, but as you will grow into a proper alpha, you'll learn that there are other ways to approach the situation like this, not necessarily using the money angle--</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Got it, but WHAT THE FUCK NOW?!</tht>">>
<p>Now? Well, now just go with your gut!</p>
<<btn "#ash">>
<<chunk null "#talking">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "It's your favorite shop?! It's mostly booze.">>
<<dial "player" "But it's the only booze shop with such a lovely cashier.">>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<<btn "#ash">>
<<chunk null "#ash">>
<p>You look around with panic in your eyes... and then it hits you!</p>
<<dial "player" "So... you knew the dude who worked here before?">>
<p>You point at the missing person poster.</p>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/ash.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "No. No idea who he was.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, ok... Any news on what happened to him?">>
<p>She looks at you curiously.</p>
<<dial "mia" "You knew him?">>
<<dial "player" "Naah, it's more like... you know... who knows what happened, right? It's a spooky mystery. Like...">>
<p>Please don't say //Scooby Doo//!</p>
<<dial "player" "...Scooby Doo!">>
<<dial "mia" "I don't know. He probably moved back home... to Jacksonville.">>
<p>Hmm... So she doesn't know who he is, but she knows he's from Jacksonville.</p>
<<dial "player" "How do you know--">>
<p>And then, exactly in the middle of your sentence...</p>
<big>...she does this.</big>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/mia_sexy.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It totally looks like she's into me, right?!</tht>">>
<p>Well... maybe. But it kinda has a strange vibe...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You're just jealous!</tht>">>
<p>$ smiles, slightly embarrassed.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, I'm sorry. My mind was somewhere else...">>
<<dial "player" "That's ok!">>
<<dial "mia" "So... tell me something about yourself, $">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>See? She's totally into me! She probably loves Scooby Doo too!</tht>">>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/scooby.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Well, where do I even start! I came to LA to college... and I rent a flat near the store... And that's basically it.">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, it's so interesting.">>
<p>Not really, but good enough for the start.</p>
<<dial "player" "And you?">>
<<dial "mia" "I just work here... but I'm actually looking for something else. They don't pay me a lot here, and I have to carry those heavy boxes every morning.">>
<<dial "player" "Heavy boxes?">>
<big>No... Don't you dare...</big>
<<dial "player" "I can help you with that!">>
<p>Dude. Not that shit again. I was on board with helping around the house for money, but there are other ways to get a pussy, you know?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck off, it's going to work!</tht>">>
<<dial "mia" "What? You can help me how?">>
<<dial "player" "I can come by in the morning and carry those boxes for you!">>
<<dial "mia" "But ... I couldn't pay you, and it's a lot of work.">>
<<dial "player" "No problem, I'll do it for free!">>
<<dial "mia" "You will?!">>
<<dial "player" "Sure! See you in the morning!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Well... thank you... $ You're sweet!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Did you hear that, bozo? She likes me!</tht>">>
<p>She likes someone to do her work, there's a difference. But if you're ok with it, than I'm too. It's your path! Sometimes you need to learn things the hard way.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "time+">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:miaIntro=2">> /* Help her with the boxes in the morning. */
<p>You check in the window reflection whether you look like a human being, and approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi $!">>
<<media "mia" "portrait">>
<p>She seems a little bit surprised that she sees you that early.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, $ What are you doing here?">>
<<dial "player" "Well, you said you needed help with those boxes, so here I am!">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my... I thought you're just saying this to... you know... guys say things to get to my pants.">>
<<dial "player" "Whaaat? I'm not like that!">>
<p>You are exactly like that, but so what? It's good to help others, so why not help others that you want to fuck?!</p>
<<dial "player" "So anyway... the boxes. Where do I start?">>
<p>She takes you at the back of the store.</p>
<<dial "mia" "If you need some help - just call my name!">>
<p>She walks away, leaving you alone.</p>
<<include "localStoreBoxes">>
<p>You finally put the last box on the shelf and walk back to the store.</p>
<<dial "player" "Phew, I think that's all of them!">>
<p>$ turns and smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Really?! That's awesome!">>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/mia_ass.mp4">>
<p>You desperately try not to stare at her perfect butt.</p>
<<dial "player" "Anytime...! I mean... I'm an expert in... that kind of things!">>
<p>You're doing it again! Listen to me very carefully - drop this whole //anytime// shit. And the //expert// too, it's sooo beta. You want her to want to be with you because of //you//, not because //you're a fucking expert// in doing her stuff for her!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But that ass...</tht>">>
<p>I know... I know... I'm just saying - watch your words. Don't offer her shit, before she shows you some appreciation.</p>
<p>$ sends you a seductive smile, while playing with her hair.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I'm glad I've met you, $ I like you.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh shit, she told me she likes me! What should I say?!</tht>">>
<<media "panic.mp4">>
<p>Dude, this is exactly what I was talking about. Don't panic, just bounce the ball back on her side. What's important is that now you're playing on an even ground - and that's the way to do it.</p>
<<btn null "I like you too!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "I know." "mia.dom" "dialog">>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Are all expert box movers so cool?">>
<p>See? Now she's giving you complements. That's an instant profit! I hope you can see now that you have to be a bit ballsy here and there. Girls like that.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Let me try that one more time...</tht>">>
<p>Be my guest.</p>
<<dial "player" "Moving boxes is not the only thing I'm an expert at!">>
<p>That's how you do it. A hint of sexual subtext, something she can pick up and--</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm also pretty good at cleaning!">>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/nooo.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, really?! Well, I have to clean up the store after work, so if you want...">>
<<dial "player" "Count me in!">>
<p>Ok dude. But now you HAVE to fuck her. I mean, honestly, I won't have it any other way.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:miaIntro=3">> /* Help her clean the store in the afternoon. */
<p>You walk to $ with a huge smile covering your face.</p>
<<dial "player" "Reporting for duty!">>
<p>I'd tone it down, bud. You look like a priest in kindergarten.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, hi $! I didn't believe you'd come!">>
<<media "mia" "portrait">>
<<dial "player" "Better believe it. I'm here!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ok, so what do I do?">>
<p>She hands you the mop and a bucket.</p>
<<dial "mia" "You know how to use them?">>
<<dial "player" "Suuure.">>
<<dial "mia" "Awesome! I'll be here, cleaning around the counter!">>
<<include "localStoreClean">>
<p>You see $ cleaning the metal plate with sweets.</p>
<<dial "player" "Finished!">>
<p>$ turns to you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Give me a sec... I'm almost finished here.">>
<p>She puts back the plate and sits in front of you, licking her fingers covered in frosting.</p>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/mia_finger.mp4">>
<p>With a little amount of blood left in your system, you're not even surprised seeing a huge fireplace behind $ Basically - yeah, it's a run down liquor store in the slums...</p>
<big>...and it has its own fireplace.</big>
<p>Don't you have bigger problems to worry about?!</p>
<<dial "mia" "Thank you so much, you really saved my ass today!">>
<p>Well, we like her ass, so it's good you saved it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Haha, pleasure is all mine.">>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/awkward.mp4">>
<p>Dude, you have to say something. You didn't do all that shit to just leave without something more. I mean, she's in a good mood, maybe she'll agree to spend some time together after work? Like, nothing fancy, just to pick her up for a walk--</p>
<<dial "mia" "You know... I was thinking... If you're not into it, than ok, but I was thinking... Maybe we could go... somewhere... sometimes?">>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/whaaat.mp4">>
<p>Did she just blushed while asking //you// to spend time //with her//?!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I think she did...!</tht>">>
<p>It almost seems unreal. Is it possible that you just met the one woman that actually appreciates a guy who helps her?! Well...</p>
<big>Scooby Motherfuckin' Doo, brother!</big>
<<dial "player" "Sure we can go out! That'd be great!">>
<<dial "mia" "Awesome! Just pick me up after work one day! We can go to the park... have a walk... or something.">>
<p>She bursts into a laughter.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my god, I just realized I sound like some kind of a serial killer!">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, yeah. I bet that's how the previous cashier disappeared!">>
<p>She freezes for a second.</p>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/tense.mp4">>
<p>And then brightens with a smile.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Yeah, totally... haha. So anyway, sorry, but I have to close the store now... but thanks for your help, and I hope we'll see each other soon!">>
<<dial "player" "See-ya, $!">>
<p>You walk out of the store feeling light as a feather. And I have to say - congrats. Honestly, if it is what it seems, then you earned it, on your own terms. And that's what alpha does - he goes with his gut.</p>
<p>That said, I have to add - something's fishy here, bud.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:miaIntro=4">> /* Pick her up after work. */
<p>$ notices you as soon as you walk towards her.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, it's you! I was afraid you won't come.">>
<big>Is she for real with that shit?!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh yes she is!</tht> You ready?!">>
<<dial "mia" "Yup! Let me just close the shop, and we can go!">>
<h2 class="border">Neighbourhood</h2>
<<media "locations/areaNeighbourhood/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You wait for her in front of the store. You notice that the missing person poster disappeared from the doors.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Maybe they'd found him?</tht>">>
<p>Hopefully! I actually liked the guy.</p>
<p>Suddenly $ jumps at you from behind, giggling.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Ready!">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, let's go then!">>
<h2 class="border">Small park</h2>
<<media "locations/park/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You've been walking with $ for a while, but the time passed quickly. You didn't even have to be especially creative to keep $ occupied...</p>
<<dial "mia" "...and then, this guy told me, //hey baby, why don't you jump on this dick like a gummy bear//. And I started laughing so hard, because I had this cat that was called Gummy Bear, and he was sooo fat, like a furry ball, and I imagined this guy and my fat cat and... oh my god, that was so funny.">>
<p>The important question is...</p>
<big>...did she jumped on this dick like a gummy bear?!</big>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/gummy.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Keep quiet, you're embarrassing me.</tht>">>
<p>I'm just asking important questions, dude. And you should too.</p>
<<btn null "So did you and this guy hit the sack or what?" "mia.dom; $miaGummy+sex" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Ha, ha, gummy bear, yeah - that's soooo funny." "; $miaGummy+haha" "dialog">>
<<if $miaGummy == "haha">>
<big>And you're soooo full of shit.</big>
<<dial "mia" "What?! Nooo! He was gross!">>
<p>See? World didn't fall apart. She's still here. And you gain a valuable piece of info...</p>
<big>She's not a fucking gummy bear!</big>
<p>But whatever. I've been pulling your leg lately, but all in all, to be fair, I have to say...</p>
<big>...this is going surprisingly well, bud!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That's because I know what I'm doing!</tht>">>
<p>No you don't, but it's working anyway! So whatever you think you know - keep at it.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, $ sighs and changes the subject.</p>
<<dial "mia" "So, what do you plan to do after college?">>
<p>Let me chime in for a moment. If the answer is - //fuck a lot of bitches// - don't say it. I know it was going well with her, and it seems like you can tell her everything, but go with something casual. Like - opening up a business, or starting a family. It's not a lie too, I mean, after you have the right amount of fun it would be nice to settle down with a good woman, right? And if it seems impossible, remember that...</p>
<big>...nothing's impossible for an alpha.</big>
<<btn null "I'm going to open a business and make shitload of money!" "mia.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn null "I'm thinking about settling down, maybe a family?" "" "dialog">>
<<dial "mia" "That's so cool!">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I'm actually not sure what I'm gonna do myself. I feel so clueless about everything, like I was born yesterday...">>
<<dial "player" "Really? You seem like you have it all figured out!">>
<<dial "mia" "Me? I'm working in a liquor store that sells guns!">>
<<dial "player" "Come on, it's a general store! It just happens to have mostly liquor... and guns.">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "mia" "No, but seriously. Sometimes it feels like everything up to this point was a dream. And then - bam! - I woke up and here I am!">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, thank god for that, I wouldn't meet you otherwise!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "True!">>
<p>Suddenly $ remembers something and pulls out her bag.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, I wanted to show you something...">>
<p>She shows you a postcard...</p>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/jacksonville.jpg">>
<p>It's $! The former cashier from S-Mart store!</p>
<<dial "mia" "He sent me this!">>
<<dial "player" "He looks... older.">>
<<dial "mia" "It's probably because all the partying! Look, he even wrote something on the other side.">>
<p>She turns the postcard and shows you scribbled message - //"I'm fine."// Just that, with a small post scriptum at the bottom...</p>
<big>//"Don't look for me."//</big>
<<dial "mia" "See? He's in Jacksonville, just like I thought!">>
<p>I mean - $, Jacksonville - that sounds about right... But why did she say she doesn't know him, and now suddenly he's sending her a postcard!?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dude, you were suppose to be my wingman, not a fucking private eye!</tht>">>
<p>I know, I know, but... something's not right. Do me a favor and ask about it one more time, or it'll be bugging me forever. Does she know him or not. Make it casual, it's totally natural to be a bit curious.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... ok.</tht> Hey, $, so... like you and this guy... this $ I mean, you seem to know him--">>
<big>When suddenly!</big>
<<dial "rose" "$!?">>
<p>$ turns and sees a curvy latino girl in a sport outfit smiling to her.</p>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/rose.jpg">>
<span>You met </span>
<span><<textbox "$" $>></span>
<<delayer>><<dial "mia" "$!? What are you doing here?!">><</delayer>>
<p>The view almost makes you collapse from sudden blood loss. I mean, god damn...</p>
<big>...that sweaty boobs and ass!</big>
<<dial "rose" "I often come here to do yoga or play footie with my gurls, haha.">>
<p>She points to //her gurls// warming up for a football match, and...</p>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/rose_friends.mp4">>
<big>I want to play in that match!</big>
<p><<delayer>>$<</delayer>> looks at your curiously.</p>
<<dial "rose" "And who's the chico?">>
<p>Dude, it's like when you're with $ you're in an alternate reality, where you're not a fuck up, and girls actually notice you.</p>
<big>This is soooo strange.</big>
<<dial "player" "Shut up! I mean... <tht>Shut up!</tht> Sorry, I didn't, it wasn't... I'm $!">>
<<dial "mia" "He's my friend!">>
<p><<delayer>>$<</delayer>> smiles to you, extending her hand.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Hola!">>
<p>You grab her hand and...</p>
<big> feel your fingers getting crushed in a steel grip.</big>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/handshake.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It hurts!</tht>">>
<p>Don't you dare saying it out loud. This bitch is fucking strong, but you cannot ever let her know you're a pussy. I promise you, if you hold it in...</p>
<big>'d be licking sweat off her ass in no time!</big>
<<yields "rose.dom+3" "dialog">>
<p>See? It works!</p>
<p>Meanwhile, $ notices that the handshake takes a bit longer then it should, and jumps in between you and <<delayer>>$<</delayer>> with a nervous giggle.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Ok, ok! That's enough, ha, ha... Sorry, but we have to go! It was nice seeing you! Bye!">>
<p>She grabs you and pulls away.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Chao!">>
<p><<delayer>>$<</delayer>> walks away back to her friends. You can't help but take one last peek at her...</p>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/rose_ass.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Uhhhh...</tht>">>
<p>//Uhhhh// for me too.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, $ is raving about <<delayer>>$<</delayer>>.</p>
<<dial "mia" "She's so pushy! I don't like her!">>
<big>I fuckin' do!</big>
<p>And you?</p>
<<btn null "I kinda like her!" "mia.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Yeah, she totally is pushy!" "" "dialog">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Come on, it's still early! Oh, have you seen this movie about this guy that was stuck in this tv show, like, not stuck really, more like //he// was the tv show, it was sooo funny...">>
<p>You spend the next hour talking with $ about stuff and life. You can feel you have a good flow with this girl, like you could tell her anything. You're so in the moment, that you don't even zoom in on her ass and titties that often, although she has both of those features at premium quality.</p>
<big>Life's good!</big>
<p>Finally $ sighs and smiles to you.</p>
<<dial "mia" "That was a really nice of you to take me out, $">>
<<dial "player" "Pleasure is all mine!">>
<big>Have you been learning pick up lines from Abraham Lincoln?!</big>
<p>She's a hot chick, tell her something from current century.</p>
<<dial "player" "I mean... Fo shizzle my nizzle!">>
<p>You know what. Let's go back to Abraham Lincoln.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Haha, you're funny. Unfortunately I have to go home now. Will you take me to a bus? We were walking for so long that I'm actually not sure which way is it.">>
<<dial "player" "Sure, this way!">>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/mia_park.jpg">>
<h2 class="border">Neighbourhood</h2>
<<media "locations/areaNeighbourhood/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You lead her to a bus stop and you both sit on a bench, waiting for the bus to arrive.</p>
<<dial "player" "So... that was fun, right?">>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/mia_agree.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "We should do this again sometimes.">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I agree.">>
<p>You're so close to each other that you can feel her warmth. Dude, it seems like a great moment for a first kiss.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But I'm afraid I'll spook her!</tht>">>
<p>Come on dude, she was eating from your hand the entire evening.</p>
<big>Go for it!</big>
<p>You lean in for a kiss and...</p>
<p>...just before your lips meet, $'s bus arrives and she jumps inside, giggling.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Bye, $! See you soon!">>
<p>The doors close, and the bus rides away, leaving you alone.</p>
<<media "quests/miaIntro/bus.mp4">>
<p>But you feel great, even without the kiss! You could carry mountains. Not only $ likes you, but this other girl, <<delayer>>$<</delayer>>, seems to be interested too.</p>
<big>What a fuckin' awesome day!</big>
<p>I'm proud of you, bud. The only thing that bugs me is that I just realized we forgot to ask her about $ Well, maybe next time.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<</events>>/* Player trait prefixes */
<<set setup.playerTraitsPrefix to [
name: "Meager",
from: 0
name: "Promising",
from: 4
name: "Aspiring",
from: 8
name: "Renowned",
from: 14
name: "Legendary",
from: 20
name: "The",
from: 25
/* Player traits */
<<set setup.playerTraits to [
id: "satan",
name: "Cult Leader",
desc: "Worst of them all. No empathy, no remorse, ego huge as an T-Rex dick. It's not like he doesn't care about other people's feelings - he cares, but to exploit them.",
multi: "love*0.2; domination*2"
id: "toxic",
name: "Toxic Male",
desc: "Toxic Male is a charismatic and charming guy, who can fake as much love and attention, as he needs to drag chicks to bed. Afterwards he takes everything from them and gives them nothing. Well, actually he herpies. And they like it, cuz he's mothafuckin' good in his craft.",
multi: "love*0.3; domination*1.75"
id: "bully",
name: "Bully",
desc: "Bully is a full of himself asshole, who feeds on weakness and vulnerability of others. Agressive, greedy and narcisstic swagger. Those features make him a perfect one-night stand stallion for drunk, divorced, white-trash bitches on holiday in Miami.",
multi: "love*0.5; domination*1.5"
id: "jerk",
name: "Jerk",
desc: "Jerk is a lacking self-reflection chancer, blaming everyone but himsfelf for failures. He treats women as subspecies born to pamper his pecker. He rejects compassion, involvement and care. Relation means transaction, respect means simulation, and love means illusion.",
multi: "love*0.75; domination*1.25"
id: "beta",
name: "Beta Male",
desc: "Beta male is just a normal guy on the street. He doesn't care very much about his situation, and no one else cares about him too.",
multi: "love*1; domination*1"
id: "nerd",
name: "Nerd",
desc: "Nerd is slightly more queasy and uptight than the other boys. He dumps his agression playing GTA and falls in love with class president. He's often too afraid to open his mouth, so he spends hours masturbating in his room, while the girl of his dreams gets fucked by entire basketball team.",
multi: "love*1.25; domination*0.75"
id: "vegan",
name: "Vegan",
desc: "Vegan is a modern, bigheaded leftie pedaling from library to Occupy Wall Street march, while normal guys pimp up their first muscle car in daddy's garage. He's keen on literature, alternative lifestyle and flat, pale, brainy babes with scrap metal pierced in their faces.",
multi: "love*1.5; domination*0.5"
id: "hippie",
name: "Hippie",
desc: "Hippie is an oversensitive pussy who gets excited about sunrises, singing birds, and that kind of shit. He writes poems, wears his hair long and does everything he can to disappoint his father. This bottom feeder doesn't pay attention to career and cash.",
multi: "love*1.75; domination*0.3"
id: "messiah",
name: "Messiah",
desc: "Messiah is basically one of those guys that never has a bad day. He's always in the mood, energetic, and ready to give a sermon about love and forgiveness.",
multi: "love*2; domination*0.2"
id: "alpha",
name: "Alpha Male",
desc: "The Alpha Male is the ideal male. The perfect one. The unicorn. Dominant, but not a bully. Loving, but not a pushover. Good parent, good husband, good lover - organized, confident, efficient.",
multi: "love*2; domination*2"
/* Character statuses */
<<set setup.charStatuses to [
name: "Who the fuck r u?!",
level: 0
name: "Not gonna happen.",
level: 1
name: "Hold your horses...",
level: 2
name: "Well, maybe...",
level: 3
name: "Wanna be fuckbuddies?",
level: 4
name: "I'm Pamela and you're Tommy-lee!",
level: 5
/* Character traits */
<<set setup.charTraits to [
id: "witch",
name: "Witch",
desc: "This bitch is into dark stuff. If you like skull-candles and blood pentagrams on the floor of your bedroom - you're a perfect match.",
dial: "Hocus Pocus, what about some wine to focus?",
multi: "love*0.5; domination*2",
match: "!beta, !nerd, !vegan, !hippie, !messiah",
minDes: 75
id: "alcoholic",
name: "Alcoholic",
desc: "Dangerzone. I mean - yeah, she might be good looking, and a great fuck, but she'll wreck your house when drunk.",
dial: "If you're already beautiful when I'm sober, I'm not sure if I'd survive seeing you drunk.",
multi: "love*X; domination*2",
match: "all",
minDes: 50
id: "milf",
name: "MILF",
desc: "We all know who we're talking about. Mother of your friend. Your teacher. Neighbour... Experienced, sexy, and freaky.",
dial: "Experience is the best quality in a woman.",
multi: "love*2; domination*1",
match: "!hippie",
minDes: 80
id: "crazy",
name: "Crazy",
desc: "No. Just no. This bitch is too fucked up. Seriously, pass.",
dial: "Be crazy, be weird, don’t be afraid of what anybody thinks!",
multi: "love*X; domination*X",
match: "all",
minDes: "X"
id: "whore",
name: "Whore",
desc: "I mean, if this bitch would land on a desert, she'd catch a snake, fill it with sand, and fuck herself with it. She's a dick machine and she likes it that way.",
dial: "If I were a girl, I'd be flipping dicks like monkeys.",
multi: "love*1; domination*2",
match: "all",
minDes: 50
id: "druggie",
name: "Druggie",
desc: "She has a pretty smile. Until you notice a missing teeths. I mean, that's what crystal meth does, right? With druggie it's a matter of fucking them early in their career.",
dial: "Your smile is addicting like crystal meth.",
multi: "love*2; domination*X",
match: "all",
minDes: 60
id: "keeper",
name: "Keeper",
desc: "Now, this girl is almost perfect. I mean, honestly, when you look at her you visualize the happy ending (and it's more than a blowjob).",
dial: "I could imagine spending my life with you.",
multi: "love*2; domination*2",
match: "beta, nerd, vegan, hippie, messiah",
minDes: 100
id: "gnd",
name: "Girl Next Door",
desc: "She lives somewhere near you. Maybe working in the local pharmacy? She smiled to you once, and you smiled back at her. It was natural.",
dial: "I don't get today's women, what happened with normal girls, like you?",
multi: "love*2; domination*0.5",
match: "beta, nerd, vegan, hippie, messiah",
minDes: 90
id: "femme",
name: "Femme Fatale",
desc: "Dangerzone. Like, seriously. She will destroy you, and take everything you have.",
dial: "You wear a smile like a loaded gun.",
multi: "love*0; domination*2",
match: "all",
minDes: 70
id: "domina",
name: "Dominatrix",
desc: "She's all about pain and she doesn't care what you say about it. But she likes to tell you what to say. And do. And scream...",
dial: "I feel like even pain would be pleasurable with you.",
multi: "love*0; domination*3",
match: "beta, nerd, vegan, hippie, messiah",
minDes: 80
id: "sportfreak",
name: "Sport Freak",
desc: "She will beat you at a marathon, she'll beat you at yoga, hell, she might even beat you at beating your meat.",
dial: "You know what I like? Beating my own limitations!",
multi: "love*0.5; domination*2",
match: "all",
minDes: 60
id: "feminazi",
name: "Feminazi",
desc: "Not very pretty, but smart enough to weaponize her feminity. She crushes the men under a flat heel of her unpriviliged rage. And she prays on the weak, so watch out.",
dial: "Men are disease.",
multi: "love*0; domination*2",
match: "beta, nerd, vegan, hippie, messiah",
minDes: 90
id: "nun",
name: "Religious Freak",
desc: "She has strict rules about life and marriage. She'll go with you only if she'll see a possibility of turning you back to her god.",
dial: "Sex before marriage is an abomination.",
multi: "love*2; domination*0.5",
match: "all",
minDes: 120
/* Character trivia */
<<set setup.charTrivia to [
id: "celebs",
singular: "celeb",
trivia: [
{id: "seagal", name: "Steven Seagal", dial: "I'm thinking about growing a ponytail and learning aikido!"},
{id: "tyson", name: "Mike Tyson", dial: "Sometimes I just feel like punching a hole through the wall."},
{id: "trump", name: "Donald Trump", dial: "Drain the swamp!"},
{id: "cage", name: "Nicholas Cage", dial: "I'm thinking about stealing the Declaration of Independence"},
{id: "howbowdah", name: "Cash Me Outside Girl", dial: "That Dr. Phil guy is not a real doctor, howbow dah?"},
{id: "sasha", name: "Sasha Grey", dial: "//Ghagg Gagh Gaggh Gah// is my favorite quote from a movie."},
{id: "girlfriend", name: "Overly Attached Girlfriend", dial: "Big eyes and crazy smile is what I look for in girls!"},
{id: "chuck", name: "Chuck Testa", dial: "Have you ever thought about taxidermy?"}
id: "songs",
singular: "song",
trivia: [
{id: "amazingHorse", name: "Amazing Horse", dial: "//♫ Look at my horse, My horse is amazing ♬//", link: "E6UzyNOt1BM"},
{id: "intruder", name: "Bed Intruder", dial: "//♫ He's climbin' in yo windows, he's snatchin' yo people up ♬//", link: "hMtZfW2z9dw"},
{id: "motherlover", name: "Motherlover", dial: "//♫ You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? I'm thinkin' I'm thinkin' too ♬//", link: "X0DeIqJm4vM"},
{id: "tunak", name: "Tunak Tunak Tun", dial: "//♫ Tunak tunak tun ♬//", link: "vTIIMJ9tUc8"},
{id: "lovelyHorse", name: "My Lovely Horse", dial: "//♫ I want to shower you with sugar lumps ♬//", link: "jzYzVMcgWhg"},
{id: "trololololo", name: "Trololololo", dial: "//♫ Trololololo ♬//", link: "oavMtUWDBTM"},
{id: "genitals", name: "Show Me Your Genitals", dial: "//♫ Show me your genitals ♬//", link: "qqXi8WmQ_WM"},
{id: "ashes", name: "Ashes to Ashes", dial: "//♫ My mother said, to get things done, you'd better not mess with Major Tom ♬//", link: "HyMm4rJemtI"}
id: "animals",
singular: "animal",
trivia: [
{id: "cats", name: "cats", dial: "Cats are just purr-fect!"},
{id: "corgis", name: "corgis", dial: "Corgis, am I right?"},
{id: "tardigrades", name: "tardigrades", dial: "I wish I were a waterbear, then I'd be comfy anywhere!"},
{id: "armadillos", name: "armadillos", dial: "I'm thinking - armored rats!"},
{id: "pigs", name: "vietnamese pigs", dial: "Those Vietnamese pigs are one hell charmin' motherf***in' pigs."},
{id: "rats", name: "white rats", dial: "White rat power!"}
id: "movies",
singular: "movie",
trivia: [
{id: "rambo", name: "First Blood", dial: "//“They drew first blood, not me.”//"},
{id: "tetsuo", name: "Tetsuo: The Iron Man", dial: "//“We Can Mutate the Whole World into Metal!”//"},
{id: "videodrome", name: "Videodrome", dial: "//“Death to Videodrome! Long live the new flesh!”//"},
{id: "apocalypse", name: "Apocalypse Now", dial: "//“I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”//"},
{id: "rocky", name: "Rocky Horror Picture Show", dial: "//“Cause I've seen blue skies, through the tears in my eyes.”//"},
{id: "strangelove", name: "Dr. Strangelove", dial: "//“Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room.”//"},
{id: "eraserhead", name: "Eraserhead", dial: "//“In Heaven, everything is fine...”//"},
{id: "zardoz", name: "Zardoz", dial: "//“Zardoz is pleased.”//"},
{id: "evildead", name: "The Room", dial: "//“Oh, hi Mark!”//"}
id: "activities",
singular: "activity",
trivia: [
{id: "tentacles", name: "licking tentacles", dial: "There's something really sensual and erotic in octopuses."},
{id: "mosquitos", name: "killing mosquitos with chainsaw", dial: "Those fucking mosquito bastards deserve a bloody carnage."},
{id: "running", name: "running scared", dial: "Jogging is dull, unless I'm jogging away from a serial killer!"},
{id: "rawmeat", name: "eating insects", dial: "I like my insects raw."},
{id: "backwards", name: "walking backwards", dial: "Walking backwards is awesome, because you never know where you end up!"},
{id: "satan", name: "praying to Satan", dial: "Did you fell from Heaven? Because so did Satan."},
{id: "jesus", name: "praying to Jesus", dial: "Jesus was such an important figure in my life!"}
id: "comics",
singular: "comic book",
trivia: [
{id: "marvel", name: "Marvel", dial: "Stan Lee is the man."},
{id: "dc", name: "DC", dial: "Superman is the ultimate super-hero."},
{id: "hellboy", name: "Hellboy", dial: "I have a dick like Rasputin, so maybe I can also summon the devil?"},
{id: "asterix", name: "Asterix and Obelix", dial: "These Romans are crazy."},
{id: "tintin", name: "The Adventures of Tintin", dial: "Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles!"},
{id: "sincity", name: "Sin City", dial: "I hope I'll never meet a dame to kill for."}
/* Split pocket into separate yields */
<<if $pocket.length > 0>>
<<set _pocketTime = $pocket>>
<<for _t to 0; _t < _pocketTime.length; _t++>>
<<if _pocketTime[_t].action == "update" && _pocketTime[_t].id == "time" && !$questMode>>
/* Set vars */
<<set _periodsInDay = setup.periods.length>>
<<set _periodNew = parseInt($period) + parseInt(_pocketTime[_t].value)>>
/* If the night passes - reset the time vars */
<<if _periodNew >= _periodsInDay>>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<set $period = 0>>
<<set _dayChange = 1>>
/* If we're moving back in time */
<<elseif _periodNew < 0>>
<<set $day = $day > 1 ? $day - 1 : 1>>
<<set $period = (_periodsInDay - 1)>>
<<set _dayChangeBack = 1>>
<<set $period = _periodNew>>
/* Set the _timeChange var for later check for $permission */
<<set _timeChange = 1>>
/* Remove the var from the pocket array */
<<set $pocket.splice(_t, 1)>>
/* Reset forceTime var (used for testing) */
<<set $forceTime = null>>
/* Set current time vars */
<<if _timeChange == 1>>
<<set $today = setup.days[$day % 7]>>
<<set $now = setup.periods[$period]>>
<<if _dayChange == 1 || _dayChangeBack == 1>>
<<if setup.weekend.indexOf($today) != -1>>
<<set $todayType = "weekend">>
<<set $todayType = "workdays">>
/* If the day passed and backDebuff is bigger than 0 - subtract from it. It's a counter, but it needs to be separately, because it needs to carry over after the back button is pressed */
<<if setup.backDebuff > 0 && _dayChange == 1>>
<<set setup.backDebuff = setup.backDebuff - 1>>
/* Every night we reset pics of alexaDude and daphneDude */
<<if _dayChange == 1 || _dayChangeBack == 1>>
<<for _npc = 0; _npc < setup.characters.length; _npc++>>
<<if setup.characters[_npc].id == "alexaDude" || setup.characters[_npc].id == "daphneDude" >>
<<set setup.characters[_npc].pic to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].random()>>
/* We need to add counters that will check time passed from last shave, shower, and last time you slept */
<<if _dayChange == 1>>
<<pocket "counter:playerShave+100; counter:playerShower+100; counter:sleepless+100">>
/* If the player slept - we reset a counter */
<<if $sleepReset == 1>>
<<set $sleepless = 0>>
/* Add effects based on the counters */
<<if _dayChange == 1>>
<<if $playerShave == 0>>
<<pocket "effect:scruff-; effect:beard-; effect:vikingbeard-">>
<<elseif $playerShave == 5>>
<<pocket "effect:scruff+">>
<<elseif $playerShave == 10>>
<<pocket "effect:scruff-; effect:beard+">>
<<elseif $playerShave == 30>>
<<pocket "effect:beard-; effect:vikingbeard+">>
<<if $playerShower == 0>>
<<pocket "effect:stinker-; effect:bam-">>
<<elseif $playerShower == 5>>
<<pocket "effect:stinker+">>
<<elseif $playerShower == 10>>
<<pocket "effect:stinker-; effect:bam+">>
<<if $sleepless == 0>>
<<pocket "effect:sleepless-; effect:insomnia-; effect:superhuman-">>
<<elseif $sleepless == 1>>
<<pocket "effect:sleepless+">>
<<elseif $sleepless == 5>>
<<pocket "effect:sleepless-; effect:insomnia+">>
<<elseif $sleepless == 20>>
<<pocket "effect:insomnia-; effect:superhuman+">>
/* Add/remove 1 from counters for different story elements */
<<if $counters && (_dayChange == 1 || _timeChange == 1)>>
<<for _c = 0; _c < $counters.length; _c++>>
<<set _var = "$" + $counters[_c].id>>
<<set _valueCurrent = parseInt(State.getVar(_var))>>
/* Update the counter if a period changed, or if a day changed (day might be empty because of backwards compatibility) */
<<if $counters[_c].when == "period" || _dayChange == 1 && ($counters[_c].when == "day" || !$counters[_c].when)>>
<<if $counters[_c].type == "+">>
<<if _valueCurrent < $counters[_c].end>>
<<set State.setVar(_var, (_valueCurrent + 1))>>
<<if _valueCurrent > $counters[_c].end>>
<<set State.setVar(_var, (_valueCurrent - 1))>>
/* It has to be on location/area only, otherwise it starts up while in activity */
<<if _dayChange && ( tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area") ) >>
/* Reset effects */
<<for _e to 0; _e < $player.effects.length; _e++>>
/* Each sleep removes 1 from the duration of effect, unless it's "ongoing" */
<<if $player.effects[_e].left != "ongoing">>
<<set $player.effects[_e].left = $player.effects[_e].left - 1>>
/* If left drops to 0 - the effect is removed */
<<if $player.effects[_e].left <= 0>>
/* We need to recount the multipliers */
<<set $resetMulti to 1>>
/* We need to remove the effect */
<<set $player.effects.splice(_e, 1)>>
/* Reset Daphne and Alexa roofies and aphrodisiac */
<<set $daphne.aphro to null>>
<<set $alexa.aphro to null>>
<<set $daphne.roofies to null>>
<<set $alexa.roofies to null>>
/* Reset daily vars */
<<set $activitiesDone to []>>
<<set $sleepReset to null>>
<<if tags($curPas).contains("location") || tags($curPas).contains("area") || $schedForce>>
/* If the time passed, we need to erase all the changes done by charAdd and randomize the while variables */
<<if _timeChange || $schedForce>>
<<set _scheduleTemp to clone(setup.schedule)>>
<<for _x to 0; _x < _scheduleTemp.length; _x++>>
/* If there's no while - add 'nothing' */
<<if !_scheduleTemp[_x][4]>>
<<set _scheduleTemp[_x][4] to "nothing">>
/* If there is a while, but not sleep, we need to add 'nothing' to it for randoms */
<<elseif _scheduleTemp[_x][4].indexOf("sleep") == -1 && _scheduleTemp[_x][4].indexOf("nothing") == -1>>
<<set _scheduleTemp[_x][4] to _scheduleTemp[_x][4] + ", nothing">>
/* If there's more than one 'while' - randomize it */
<<if _scheduleTemp[_x][4] && _scheduleTemp[_x][4].indexOf(", ") != -1>>
<<set _scheduleWhile to _scheduleTemp[_x][4].split(", ")>>
<<set _scheduleTemp[_x][4] to _scheduleWhile.random()>>
<<set $schedTemp to _scheduleTemp>>
<<set $schedForce to null>>
/* Change background during nights and evenings */
<<if setup.periods[$period] == "Night" && $curPas != "Intro">>
<<set = 'url(media/ui/bg_night.jpg)';>>
<<elseif $curPas != "Intro">>
<<set = 'url(media/ui/bg.jpg)';>>
<<EVENT "daphne">> /* This is when player gets caught by Daphne during her shower */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You barely manage to put your dick back in the pants, before $ bursts out of the showe cabin, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>$ bursts out bursts out of the showe cabin, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphBath/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE HELL?!">>
<p>Play it ''cool''.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, hi, $">>
<p>//Cool// as in //don't panic//, and not //how's your sex life//, dude. Now you turned into a nuclear winter.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't //hi $ me. What are you doing here?!">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<p>Decision time, bud.</p>
<<btn "#daphneLie" "I needed to pee! The doors were opened!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneTruth" "I couldn't help myself, you're so beautiful..." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneLie">>
<p>$ looks at you, unsure.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "And you didn't notice me when you walked in?!">>
<<dial "player" "I was thinking about... boob--I mean--bool--I mean... School!">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ throws you out of the bathroom and shuts the doors.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't sugar me, this is serious!">>
<<dial "player" "You're right, I'm sorry.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<if $daphne.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneAngry", "#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneOk", "#daphneSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneSex">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean... I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women.">>
<p>Errmmm... Ok...?</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just don't do it again, ok?">>
<p>Yeah, right.</p>
<<media "i_promise.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I won't, I promise!">>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#daphneAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<big>Freud would laugh his ass off.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses.">>
<p>Shut the fuck up and pray, bud.</p>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ throws you out of the bathroom and shuts the doors.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneSex">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>When a woman says she's disappointed, it's basically the end of the road, bud.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I thought that we can trust each other.">>
<p>Pray it won't end up in packing your things.</p>
<<dial "player" "We can... I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "If we can trust each other, than why didn't you just came to me and told me how you feel?">>
<p>Ermmm... What?</p>
<<media "what.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "You could have told me that you want to see me naked... You could have told me, that my body makes you aroused... We could figure something out.">>
<p>She bites her lip.</p>
<big>O-M-G! She's hitting on you!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Than again... We can still figure something out, if you want...">>
<<media "activities/peek/fuck_yea.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Stay in the bathroom" "; $permission+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Maybe some other time, thanks!" "daphne.dom+1" "dialog">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa">> /* This is when player gets caught by Alexa during her shower */
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head...</p>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<p>You barely manage to put your dick back in the pants, before $ bursts out of the shower cabin, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>$ bursts out of the shower cabin, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphBath/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "WHAT THE FUCK?!">>
<p>Don't panic. She's a weirdo herself, not like she never peeked on anyone. Don't let her make a big deal of it and ''play it safe''.</p>
<<if $player.lvl < 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But she's fucking scary when she's angry!</tht>">>
<big>Play it safe.</big>
<p>That's the best way in this scenario. It still might not work, but at least you'll make it less pathetic.</p>
<<dial "player" "I mean...">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaRun" "Run to your room" "alexa.dom-2" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaBalls" "Sorry... but seeing you naked was worth the risk." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaUnsafe" "Admit it, you want me to peek at you, you weirdo!" "alexa.dom+1" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaRun">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run to your room. You can hear from behind your back the curse words $ is sending your way, but you just don't care.</p>
<p>For the record...</p>
<big>Panic is not what I call //playing it safe//...</big>
<<btn "daphGuest">>
<<chunk null "#alexaUnsafe">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What //what//? You said yourself she's a weirdo!</tht>">>
<p>I said - PLAY IT SAFE!!!</p>
<p>Do something. Fix it. Not sure how after that spectacular meltdown, but at least give it a last spin. And at least try to make it not completely pitiful.</p>
<<if $jerk>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaBalls", "#alexaBalls", "#alexaAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaBalls", "#alexaAss"].random()>>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaBalls", "#alexaBalls", "#alexaAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaBalls", "#alexaAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaBalls", "#alexaAss", "#alexaAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaAss">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaBalls">>
<<dial "player" "What I meant is that weird is good! It's a spice of life!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh rly?">>
<p>Don't reply. It's a bait.</p>
<big>Run, kid, run!</big>
<<dial "player" "Definitely, I mean--">>
<p>Before you finish the sentence $</p>
<big>...kicks you in the family dispenser.</big>
<<media "ball_kick.mp4">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger...</p>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#alexaAss">>
<<dial "player" "What I meant is that weird is good! It's a spice of life!">>
<p>$ is taking a good look at you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're fucked up.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I like fucked up.">>
<p>I have to say, buddy - I haven't seen it coming.</p>
<big>Good for you!</big>
<<media "epic_win.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Stay in the bathroom" "$permission+1" "action">>
<</events>>/* LOCATION DATA */
/* Load location name and desc */
<<for _i to 0; _i < setup.locations.length; _i++>>
<<if $curLoc == setup.locations[_i].id>>
<<set $curLocName to setup.locations[_i].name>>
<<set $curLocParent to setup.locations[_i].parent>>
<<set $curLocDesc to setup.locations[_i].desc>>
<<set $curLocDoor = setup.locations[_i].door>>
/* Characters in location - save the old curLocChar array and create a new one */
<<set $prevLocChars to $curLocChars>>
<<set $curLocChars to []>>
/* Load characters that are in the location to the array */
<<for _scheduleObj range $schedTemp>>
/* Select the current time */
<<if $curLoc == _scheduleObj[1]>>
<<if _scheduleObj[2] == "workdays">>
<<set _days to setup.workdays>>
<<elseif _scheduleObj[2] == "weekend">>
<<set _days to setup.weekend>>
<<elseif _scheduleObj[2] == null>>
<<set _days to setup.days>>
<<set _days to _scheduleObj[2]>>
<<if _scheduleObj[3] == "dayhours">>
<<set _hours to setup.dayhours>>
<<elseif _scheduleObj[3] == "nighthours">>
<<set _hours to setup.nighthours>>
<<elseif _scheduleObj[3] == null>>
<<set _days to setup.periods>>
<<set _hours to _scheduleObj[3]>>
<<if _days.indexOf($today) != "-1" && _hours.indexOf($now) != "-1">>
/* Check what characters are in the current location on schedule */
<<set _charMet to parseInt(State.getVar('$' + _scheduleObj[0] + '.met'))>>
<<set _charHide to parseInt(State.getVar('$' + _scheduleObj[0] + '.hide'))>>
<<set _charType to State.getVar('$' + _scheduleObj[0] + '.type')>>
<<if !_charHide && (_charMet == 1 || _charType == "npc")>>
<<set $curLocChars.push(_scheduleObj[0])>>
/* Save while var of currently active room */
<<set $curLocWhile to _scheduleObj[4]>>
/* If there's no character - reset the while var */
<<if $curLocChars.length == 0>>
<<set $curLocWhile to "nothing">>
/* If the player changed locations - he either arrived or moved away - we need to reset permission */
<<if $prevLoc != $curLoc>>
<<set $permission to null>>
<<set $permissionLock to null>>
/* If we're in the same room as before, time passed, and other characters left the room - we need to reset permission, unless it's locked */
<<elseif _timeChange && $curLocChars.length == 0 && $prevLocChars.length > 0 && !$permissionLock>>
<<set $permission to null>>
/* If we're in the same room as before, time passed, and there are characters in it, we need to check if they are new */
/* This whole thing with checking if the new char appeared is a pain in the ass and practically obsolete. The future should be simple - if time passed, perm=forced, and there are chars in the room - reset permission. TODO along with removing of while=enter */
<<elseif _timeChange && $curLocChars.length > 0>>
<<for _ch to 0; _ch < $curLocChars.length; _ch++>>
<<if $curLocChars[_ch] && $prevLocChars.indexOf($curLocChars[_ch]) == -1>>
/* The characters in the _array are new */
<<set $curLocCharsNew.push($curLocChars[_ch])>>
/* If there are new characters in the room - reset the $permission */
<<if $curLocCharsNew.length > 0>>
<<set $permission to null>>
/* DOORS */
/* We need to check all the possible door states (semi, closed, locked, dayhours, etc.), define if the doors are actually opened or closed, and update description if necessary */
<<if $curLocDoor != "open" && !$permission>>
<<if $curLocDoor == "semi">>
/* If the player stayed in the same semi location while the time has changed - we should set the permission to occupied. Either way - we reset it afterwards */
<<if $prevLoc == $curLoc && _timeChange>>
<<set $permission to "occupied">>
<<set _occupied to null>>
/* If there's someone in the room - it's closed - otherwise it's open */
<<if $curLocChars.length > 0 && !$permission>>
<<set _curLocDoorTemp to "closed">>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to setup.doorClosed + " " + setup.doorNoise>>
<<set _curLocDoorTemp to "open">>
<<elseif $curLocDoor == "closed">>
<<if $curLocChars.length == 0>>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to setup.doorClosed + " " + setup.doorNoNoise>>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to setup.doorClosed + " " + setup.doorNoise>>
<<elseif $curLocDoor == "locked">>
<<if $curLocChars.length == 0>>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to setup.doorLocked + " " + setup.doorNoNoise>>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to setup.doorLocked + " " + setup.doorNoise>>
/* We need to check the rest one at a time, because they can be hours and days states mixed together */
<<if $curLocDoor.indexOf("dayhours") != -1>>
<<if setup.dayhours.indexOf($now) != -1>>
<<set _curLocDoorTemp to "open">>
<<set _curLocDoorTemp to "locked">>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to "<strong>" + setup.doorDayHours + "</strong>">>
<<elseif $curLocDoor.indexOf("nighthours") != -1>>
<<if setup.nighthours.indexOf($now) != -1>>
<<set _curLocDoorTemp to "open">>
<<set _curLocDoorTemp to "locked">>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to "<strong>" + setup.doorNightHours + "</strong>">>
<<if $curLocDoor.indexOf("workdays") != -1>>
<<if setup.workdays.indexOf($today) != -1 && _curLocDoorTemp != "closed" && _curLocDoorTemp != "locked">>
<<set _curLocDoorTemp to "open">>
<<set _curLocDoorTemp to "locked">>
<<if _curLocDescTemp>>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to _curLocDescTemp + " <strong>" + setup.doorWorkDays + "</strong>">>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to "<strong>" + setup.doorWorkDays + "</strong>">>
<<elseif $curLocDoor.indexOf("weekend") != -1>>
<<if setup.weekend.indexOf($today) != -1 && _curLocDoorTemp != "closed" && _curLocDoorTemp != "locked">>
<<set _curLocDoorTemp to "open">>
<<set _curLocDoorTemp to "locked">>
<<if _curLocDescTemp>>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to _curLocDescTemp + " <strong>" + setup.doorWeekends + "</strong>">>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to "<strong>" + setup.doorWorkDays + "</strong>">>
/* Expand a temporary description var in reverse order*/
<<if _curLocDescTemp>>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to setup.doorInfo + " " + _curLocDescTemp + " " + setup.doorInfo2>>
<<if $curLocChars.length == 0>>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to setup.doorNoNoise + " " + _curLocDescTemp>>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to setup.doorNoise + " " + _curLocDescTemp>>
<<if _curLocDoorTemp == "locked">>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to setup.doorLocked + " " + _curLocDescTemp>>
<<elseif _curLocDoorTemp == "closed">>
<<set _curLocDescTemp to setup.doorClosed + " " + _curLocDescTemp>>
/* Set the new description */
<<if _curLocDescTemp && _curLocDoorTemp != "open">>
<<set $curLocDesc to _curLocDescTemp>>
/* Set the door state */
<<if _curLocDoorTemp>>
<<set $curLocDoor to _curLocDoorTemp>>
<<elseif $permission>>
<<set $curLocDoor to "open">>
/* We need to load media depending on the door status */
<<if $curLocDoor == "open">>
<<set $curLocMedia = "locations/"+$curLoc+"/_big.jpg">>
<<set $curLocMedia = "locations/door.jpg">>
/* If it's garden, we need to reload pic and description based on the counter and quests */
<<if $curLoc == "daphGard">>
<<set _curGarden = $player.quests.find(obj => {return === "daphFixGarden"})>>
<<set _curPool = $player.quests.find(obj => {return === "alexaPool"})>>
<<if $cleanGarden < 7 && _curPool && _curPool.done == 1>>
<<set $curLocDesc = setup.locations.find(obj => {return === "daphGard"}).desc_pool>>
<<set $curLocMedia = "locations/" + $curLoc + "/_big_pool.jpg">>
<<elseif $cleanGarden < 14 && _curGarden && _curGarden.done == 1>>
<<set $curLocDesc = setup.locations.find(obj => {return === "daphGard"}).desc_grass>>
<<set $curLocMedia = "locations/" + $curLoc + "/_big_grass.jpg">>
/* If it's church, we need to reload description based on if player met Kelly */
<<if $curLoc == "church" && $kelly.met>>
<<set $curLocDesc = setup.locations.find(obj => {return === "church"}).desc_clean>>
<<EVENT "miaDate=0">> /* Intro to the quest. */
<p>You enter the shop and notice $ behind the counter. She smiles to you and her eyes glow, like she's really happy to see you.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She likes me!</tht>">>
<p>Surprisingly, I think you're actually right.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what do I do now?! Pull out my dick and tell her to suck it?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/dick_out.mp4">>
<p>Shit, dude, that's crude as fuck! Imagine this situation the other way around - she comes to you, and instead of //hi// she shows you her pussy, and tells you to suck it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'd suck it!</tht>">>
<p>Actually, I'd suck it too.</p>
<big>Bad example.</big>
<p>In general, what I'm getting at, is that it works differently with women. At least with most of them.</p>
<big>You gotta go step by step.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So should I show it just a little bit?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/the_tip.mp4">>
<big>Don't show her any part of your dick for fuck sakes!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So how would I fuck her?!</tht>">>
<p>God damn it.</p>
<p>You will show her the dick eventually. And if she likes you enough - maybe that moment will be sooner than later.</p>
<p>But she's not some random floozy! She's a nice girl, so first you gotta spend some time with her. She offered you the walk in the park, it went great, it's time to offer her a date!</p>
<big>Got it?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yup!</tht>">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:miaDate=1">> /* Offer $ a date. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi $, how are you?">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "Hi $ To be honest - bad. My grandma died!">>
<p>Well, shit.</p>
<big>Dead grandma means no fucky-fucky.</big>
<p>But more importantly - this is a test of skill, dude. One misstep and she'll remember you as a guy who //didn't do exactly what he should when gran passed//, and, trust me, you don't want to be in that territory.</p>
<p>But, no worries. I'm gonna guide you through this shit like a fucking jedi master. Have I ever told you a story when--</p>
<big>She giggles.</big>
<p>Wait... what?</p>
<<dial "mia" "Got you!">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_laugh.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Oh! So your grandma is not dead!">>
<<dial "mia" "She's alive and kicking! She's gonna live 200 years old, like a whale. Healthiest woman on the planet, haha.">>
<p>I knew that... like... totally.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, I'm sure you did, mr. Jedi Master.</tht>">>
<p>Oh, the kid learned sarcasm. How sweet.</p>
<p>$ looks at you, smiling.</p>
<<dial "mia" "So... How was your day?">>
<p>You think for a moment before answering...</p>
<big>...and it worries me.</big>
<p>I hope you're not considering putting your dick on the counter, right?!</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#date" "I know you like me, so you're going on a date with me!" "mia.dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#date" "What would you say to go on a date with me?" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#dick" "Just put your dick on the counter" null "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#dick">>
<big>You put your dick on the counter.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/dick.mp4">>
<p>$ looks at you surprised...</p>
<p>But not nearly as surprised as me, dude. I mean, it's bold, I'll give you that. If she's into this kind of stuff - score. The problem here seems to be that there's also a chance that she'll cut your dick off. And we don't want that, do we?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I have a good feeling about it!</tht>">>
<p>Well, I guess it's too late to put the genie back in the bottle...</p>
<big>Good luck!</big>
<<media "thumbs_up.mp4">>
<<if $mia.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#dickNo", "#dickNo", "#dickNo", "#dickNo", "#dickYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $mia.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#dickNo", "#dickNo", "#dickYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $mia.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#dickNo", "#dickYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $mia.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#dickYes">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#dickNo">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes...</p>
<p>...but, instead of a gentle glow of happiness, you see a fire of anger.</p>
<<dial "mia" "What the hell do you think you're doing!?">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shit. Didn't work. What now?</tht>">>
<p>Well, I don't wanna say I'm gonna enjoy it, but:</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/popcorn.mp4">>
<p>You smile to $ with fear in your eyes.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, it was just a joke, ha, ha. Like with your dead whale... I mean... grandma.">>
<p>She pulls out a knife.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/knife.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck, fuck, fuck! Do something!</tht>">>
<p>Well, you're right. I cannot leave you like that. I will do something. I will...</p>
<big> you the visuals!</big>
<p>And, oh boy, do I have some great visuals for this...</p>
<p>So there's no point in beating around the bush.</p>
<big>She's gonna cut off your dick.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/dick_piranha.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What?! So... what does it mean? Like... THE END?!</tht>">>
<p>Nooo... far from the end.</p>
<p>After cutting off your dick, she's gonna lick it.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/dick_cut_lick.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Hopefully?!</tht>">>
<p>Well, some girls lick the dick that they cut off, some not, that's more or less how it goes.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>How many dicks how you seen cut off?!</tht>">>
<p>I've seen my share. And in my opinion it should be obvious - if you're a hot girl, and you cut off someone's dick, you could at least lick it one last time, right? It seems the least you could do.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>The least would be not to cut off the dick!</tht>">>
<p>True, but anyway...</p>
<big>...there's more!</big>
<p>So she's gonna go to a freaking scrap yard and throw your dick into a toxic goo from a neighboring genetic laboratory. By a pure accident, the goo will react with the dick tissue and speed up its evolution by thousand years.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/dick_worm.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What. The. Fuck.</tht>">>
<p>Seriously, I've seen it happen. It's gonna crawl away to start a new civilization of super dicks in the Marian Trench.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Marian Trench?! Isn't it on the bottom of the ocean!?</tht>">>
<big>Well, exactly that's the problem because...</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/dick_ocean.mp4">>
<p>And that'll be the end of the story of your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>NO! I don't want any of these to happen!!! I really like my dick!</tht>">>
<p>Well, then maybe...</p>
<big>...don't put it on other people' furniture before asking, god damn it!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I promise I'll never do it again!</tht>">>
<p>Good. Now get the hell out of here, and don't come back for at least a week. I'll pull some strings and make her forget that you're a fucking perv.</p>
<p>You turn around and run from the store, closing the doors behind you.</p>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "counter:miaAngry-7; mia.desire-5; miaDate-" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#dickYes">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes...</p>
<big>...with a naughty smile.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my god. You're crazy... What if I pull out a knife!">>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<p>God damn, it worked! I still think it was a dick //ekhem// move, but congratulations are in order!</p>
<<dial "mia" "Normally I don't do things like that... but I kinda like you, so...">>
<p>She locks the doors and pulls down curtains...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy...</tht>">>
<p>And then she kneels in front of your huge dick.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I haven't done many blowjobs before... will you guide me?">>
<<media "yes.mp4">>
<p>She puts the tip of your dick into her mouth. She wraps her tongue around it.</p>
<big>And then...</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob1.mp4">>
<p>She starts working your dick with ferocity, like she's in some sort of a sexual trance.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohhh... Ohhhhh... Ohhh!">>
<p>Don't wanna spoil the mood, but it certainly doesn't feel like she's new to blowjobs. I'm starting to think our little $ is hiding some oral secret...</p>
<big>But who would think about that now?</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>$ stops and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I always wanted to see how it feels to suck balls... Can I...?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, baby, yeah...">>
<big>It's so funny how she makes it a question...</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob2.mp4">>
<p>Her tongue caresses your balls gently and cautiously.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohhhh...... Like that...">>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<p>She stops again.</p>
<<dial "mia" "It's getting hot here... mind if I undress?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... no... please.">>
<<dial "mia" "But no funny business. I'm not that kind of girls...">>
<p>She winks at you.</p>
<big>I. Love. This. Woman.</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob3.mp4">>
<p>You just lie there, feeling her warmth, while she sucks you off like a motherfucking pro.</p>
<p>Her warm lips wrap nicely around your cock. You feel you're getting close... And she notices it too.</p>
<<dial "mia" "In my mouth...! I want to taste it.">>
<big>Yes ma'am.</big>
<p>Wave after wave of cum spurts out of your dick right into $'s inviting mouth.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob4.mp4">>
<p>And then...</p>
<big>She swallows.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Mmm... it tastes funny... but I like it!">>
<p>God bless this girl.</p>
<p>She stands up and smiles. You sigh.</p>
<<dial "player" "That was... great!">>
<<dial "mia" "I was learning on bananas, haha.">>
<p>She points to the bananas on the display.</p>
<big>Happy fucking bananas.</big>
<p>Dude, you gotta ask her out. Like, seriously, after what just happened...</p>
<big>I'm not letting you out until you do.</big>
<p>You take a deep breath.</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#dateYes" "Now I know you like me, so I'm taking you on a date!" "mia.dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#dateYes" "What would you say to go on a date with me?" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#date">>
<p>$ blushes.</p>
<<dial "mia" "A date... well, I'm not sure.">>
<big>She teases you brother.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_tease.jpg">>
<<if $mia.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#dateNo", "#dateNo", "#dateYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $mia.status == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#dateNo", "#dateYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $mia.status >= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#dateYes"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#dateNo">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Sorry, but I can't... I'm working overtime, and barely have any sleep.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh...">>
<<dial "mia" "But maybe next week?">>
<p>Oh, that's interesting. Let me translate. She doesn't know you enough yet to go on a date, but she likes you, and wants you to stick around.</p>
<big>Be patient, my dude.</big>
<p>And put some work in it. Maybe help her clean the shop or carry those fuckin' boxes once or twice. I'm sure if she likes you enough - she won't say //no//.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... Ok, sure. No worries.">>
<p>You smile to her and walk out of the store.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "miaDate-; counter:miaAsked-3">>
<<chunk null "#dateYes">>
<p>She brightens up.</p>
<<dial "mia" "It was ages since I was on a proper date! Why not!">>
<p>Hah! Score.</p>
<<dial "player" "That's great!">>
<<dial "mia" "So... where are we going?">>
<p>Well? I hope you thought it through.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Don't worry, I got this.</tht>">>
<p>You smile to $</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm gonna take you to the best restaurant in LA! Where all the stars go! It's going to be awesome! And I pay for everything. I promise!">>
<p>She's a bit surprised, but smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, wow! Really!? Cool!">>
<<dial "player" "So...? You ready to go?!">>
<<dial "mia" "Now?! But I'm still working.">>
<p>Dude, hold your horses. Give the girl some time.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, sure... totally! What about after work?">>
<<dial "mia" "Well, I usually can go out earlier on Fridays.">>
<<btn null "So it's a date! Don't forget to wear your best dress!" "mia.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn null "That's great, I'm so happy! See you then!" "" "dialog">>
<p>You smile to her and walk out of the store feeling like you won the lottery.</p>
<<media "happy.mp4">>
<p>I wonder how you'll feel when you realize how hard it is to book a good restaurant in LA... But, whatever...</p>
<big>I'm happy for you!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:miaDate=2">> /* Find a restaurant online and make a reservation. */
<p>You pull out a laptop and google "Best restaurants in LA". You smile, seeing there's a whole bunch of them.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>See? No problem!</tht>">>
<p>Yeah? Well...</p>
<big>Have you seen the prices?</big>
<p>You look into the menu and...</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/prices_shock.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck. Thousand dollars for a fucking soup?!</tht>">>
<p>I'm gonna tell you straight up - forget about //best//. Go with something a little bit fancy, but not over the top. She's not stupid, she knows you're broke. You're still gonna need to spend some cash, but you'll do some chores for $ and it should cover it.</p>
<big>Finally, you find a nice family restaurant called //Italian Affair//.</big>
<p>The prices seem steep but reasonable, and the reviewers say it's the best place for first date.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What do you think about this one?</tht>">>
<p>I think they're probably packed on Fridays and I doubt you're going to get a reservation.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I have a daring plan!</tht>">>
<big>A daring plan? Well, go for it!</big>
<p>You pull out a phone and dial the number to the restaurant. After a moment someone picks up.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Italian Affair here... what's up...?">>
<<dial "player" "Hello! I wanted to politely ask if it's possible to make a reservation on Friday.">>
<<dial "guy" "Friday, huh...?">>
<p>He gets quiet for a moment. You can hear strange voices and car roars coming from the speaker.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Give me a minute... I need to finish something...">>
<<dial "player" "Sure, no problem-o!">>
<p>Let me get this straight. Your daring plan was to...</p>
<big>...politely ask and wait for answer?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up! I know what I'm doing.</tht>">>
<p>You take a deep breath.</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<dial "player" "You know, I came to LA just for one night with my byatch...">>
<<dial "guy" "M-hm...">>
<p>You realize that the sounds you hear in the background are explosions. Either he's running away from coppers, or he's playing GTA!</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm doing this tour around the West Coast...">>
<<dial "guy" "M-hm...">>
<p>You hear police sirens. It's getting hot in San Adreas!</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm this popular rapper slash youtuber - //Cock-roach//. With a dash... //Cock//-roach.">>
<big>Dude, he's not listening to you.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/wasted.mp4">>
<<dial "guy" "Fuck! I was so close...">>
<p>The guy sighs.</p>
<p>L-O-L. I guess it's hard to win the battle for attention with GTA, but still - you need to try better next time.</p>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<dial "player" "So... how's work...?">>
<p>You realize that the sounds you hear in the background are explosions. Either he's running away from coppers, or he's playing GTA!</p>
<<dial "guy" "Oh, it's grrrreat. Picking up the phone in my parent's restaurant, this is what I dreamed about.">>
<p>Sarcasm detected.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well, I'm sure it's not that bad. I don't have a job at all at the moment!">>
<p>You hear sounds of police sirens. It's getting hot in San Adreas!</p>
<<dial "guy" "So you want a table or a job?">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, table. I got the money from my dad. Mostly...">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/wasted2.mp4">>
<<dial "guy" "Fuck!">>
<p>The guys sighs.</p>
<p>A piece of advice - you're talking about his job, while he's in his job, not doing his job, but playing GTA. Does it sound like the best way to engage him?</p>
<p>Still - at least you tried.</p>
<<elseif $player.lvl > 3>>
<<dial "player" "By the way, I've heard some really good stuff about your restaurant!">>
<<dial "guy" "Well, it's not mine, but thanks...">>
<p>You realize that the sounds you hear in the background are explosions. Either he's running away from coppers, or he's playing GTA!</p>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, but you know, you're part of it. And from what I heard people really like the service you guys offer.">>
<<dial "guy" "We're doing what we can...">>
<p>You hear sounds of police sirens. It's getting hot in San Adreas!</p>
<<dial "player" "You're too modest. I'm totally excited! This girl I'm taking on a date deserves only the best, so I immediately thought about you guys.">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mission_passed.mp4">>
<<dial "guy" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>Clearly, the guy was barely listening, but still - you did good. You engaged him. Made it a bit personal. And made his day slightly better with some kind words. The best recipe for good luck.</p>
<<media "thumbs_up.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<dial "guy" "Ok... soooo... when was it? Friday?">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<dial "guy" "Ok, so when was it? Friday?">>
<<elseif $player.lvl > 3>>
<<dial "guy" "Ok, so Friday - right? Give me a sec.">>
<<dial "player" "Yup!">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/schedule.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#restaurantNo", "#restaurantNo", "#restaurantYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#restaurantNo", "#restaurantYes"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl > 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#restaurantYes"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#restaurantNo">>
<<dial "guy" "Nope. Sorry. On Friday we're packed.">>
<<dial "player" "So there's no way?">>
<p>He lowers his voice.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Well, you know...">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/always_way.mp4">>
<<dial "guy" "It all depends on how badly you want it.">>
<p>What a cheap fuck. He wants you to pay for the reservation. Don't do it. Instead wait couple days and try again. Maybe someone will cancel? And in between - work on upping your game, 'cause, to be honest, I'm not impressed.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But what about $!</tht>">>
<p>Don't worry, she'll wait. And let it be a lesson of life, dude. You need to plan those things in advance, otherwise you're pushing yourself into a land mine.</p>
<<btn "#restaurantYes" "Pay the man" "cash=50; cash-50; love+" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'm gonna try some other day, thanks." "dom+; counter:restaurantDebuff-2; miaDate-" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#restaurantYes">>
<<dial "guy" "Well, ok... It seems we have something for you. Table for two, right?">>
<<dial "player" "Perrrfect!">>
<p>Dude! It worked! Awesome!</p>
<<dial "guy" "Ok, done. Thanks!">>
<p>You disconnect the call.</p>
<big>Now just wait for the Friday afternoon and pick $ up!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:miaDate=3">> /* Pick her up on Friday afternoon.. */
<p>So... This is the moment you've been training for.</p>
<big>You're going on a date!</big>
<p>And it means a lot, even for me.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Thanks... To be honest I am a bit nervous...</tht>">>
<p>I'm sure you're going to nail it! Just be yourself! Though maybe restrain from putting your dick on furniture. Unless $ will be clearly into it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But how would I know if she's into it?!</tht>">>
<p>I'll help you with that.</p>
<big>And now... go! Make me proud!</big>
<<media "cry_emotional.mp4">>
<big>$ smiles as you approach her.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_smile.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Hey, $">>
<<btn null "...ready for the best date of your life?" "mia.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn null " look beautiful!" "" "dialog">>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Wow, I didn't know you're such a charmer.">>
<<dial "player" "Only when the girl is worth it!">>
<p>Dude... you're killing it! Good job!</p>
<<dial "mia" "Haha, let me just close up the store, and we can go.">>
<<dial "player" "Sure, I'm gonna wait outside!">>
<h2 class="border">Neighbourhood</h2>
<<media "locations/areaNeighbourhood/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<big>You wait for her in front of the store.</big>
<p>I just remembered, she never told you what's her deal with $!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I don't think $ is a good topic for first date.</tht>">>
<p>Well... you're actually right. Focus on her. We'll ask about it when you start dating on a regular basis.</p>
<big>Same moment $ appears.</big>
<<dial "mia" "So where are we going?!">>
<<dial "player" "You'll see!">>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<<dial "player" "This way!">>
<h2 class="border">Italian Affair</h2>
<<media "locations/restaurant/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<big>After a short walk, you stop in front of the restaurant.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh shit. It doesn't look fancy at all.</tht>">>
<p>Well, at least it's funny!</p>
<<dial "mia" "Italian As Fuck? Haha, that's perfect!">>
<p>$ bursts into laughter.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hah, yeah. That's what I said when I saw it... <tht>Phew!</tht>">>
<p>See? You worry too much. Remember, dude...</p>
<big>Laugh is the best way to get the pussy.</big>
<p>You lead her inside.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/restaurant_full.mp4">>
<big>The restaurant is packed and loud.</big>
<p>It's disappointing, as you were hoping to have a quiet night out. What's worse, there doesn't seem to be a place to sit.</p>
<p>You tell $ to wait and walk to the counter. An old woman, that looks like she owns the place, welcomes you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi. We had a reservation for the name $player.surname. Where should I--">>
<p>She looks at you surprised - //"A reservation?"// - she pauses for a second - //"But we don't do reservations on Fri--"//</p>
<p>Before she finishes the sentence - a small, pimpled teenager lunges at you from the kitchen.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Mum, I'm gonna take care of it! He's a friend!">>
<p>He nods at you to follow him.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Don't worry... I have a spare table for you... It's great!">>
<p>He leads you to a side room, and opens it with a key...</p>
<big>The room is actually quite nice!</big>
<p>And it's completely quiet and secluded. It's clear that it was part of the restaurant some time back, but for some reason they closed it off.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I wonder why they keep it closed...?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/restaurant.jpg">>
<<dial "guy" "Awesome, right!? No one comes here, so you can get cozy with your lady...">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/you_know.mp4">>
<p>Dude, who cares why it's closed. This is perfect for us! Who knows, if you play your cards right, maybe something will actually happen here!</p>
<<dial "player" "Great, I'll take it!">>
<<dial "guy" "Awesome. This will cost you 30 bucks!">>
<big>What the fuck.</big>
<<dial "player" "But I have a reservation!">>
<<dial "guy" "Well, I can set you up in the main room if you want, I just thought that this is better.">>
<p>God damn. It's up to you.</p>
<<btn "#room" "Fuck it, here's 30 bucks." "cash=30; cash-30; love+; $restaurantRoom+1" "dialog">>
<<btn "#table" "No way I'm paying, set me up in the main room!" "dom+; $restaurantRoom+null" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#room">>
<p>The guy takes the money and quickly sets up the table. In the meantime you walk back to $</p>
<<dial "player" "Sorry it took so long, they mixed up our reservation!">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my... so they don't have a table for us?">>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, I took care of it.">>
<big>You lead her to where your table is located and...</big>
<big>...she stops in awe.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_shock.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my! The whole room just for us?! It must have cost you a fortune!">>
<<dial "player" "Well... you know.">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/anything.mp4">>
<<btn "#date" null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#table">>
<p>The guy sighs, but nods in agreement. He walks back to the main room and sets up an additional table for you. The location is far from perfect, but you hope $ doesn't notice.</p>
<p>You walk back to her and smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Sorry it took so long, they mixed up our reservation!">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my... so they don't have a table for us?">>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, I took care of it.">>
<p>You show her the table the guy set up for you.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/restaurant_toilet.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh...">>
<<btn "#date" null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#date">>
<p>You finally sit and order the food...</p>
<big>...and it gets silent.</big>
<p>$ pretends she's admiring the decor, you pretend that you're looking at your dick.</p>
<p>Dude, you're aware that people on dates usually talk?</p>
<<dial "player" "So...">>
<p>She looks at you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "So...?">>
<p>Don't overthink it. She likes you already.</p>
<big>Go with your gut.</big>
<<btn null "You're so beautiful it makes me speechless." "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "You look so sexy that I could eat you." "mia.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>She looks at you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh really? Even when I do this?">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_funny.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Haha. Now even more!">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, come on. You're lucky you didn't see me in the morning... I look like a zombie!">>
<<dial "player" "I'm sure I'd like you in the morning. And in the afternoon. And evening... And I'd like you at night too...">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh... interesting.">>
<p>She sends you a naughty smile.</p>
<big>Well, well well.</big>
<p>You actually are a charmer! Though to be honest, try to keep it closer to the ground. You don't want the girl to think you're do anything for her. It's different with $, as she seems to really like you, but as a general rule - keep it subtle.</p>
<big>Meanwhile, the waiter brings you two plates of restaurant's special spaghetti.</big>
<p>It looks a bit strange, but it tastes fucking great. $ likes it so much that she almost licks the plate clean.</p>
<p>Finally - she sits back and smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Mmm... that was perrrrrfect!">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Totally worth the price!">>
<p>She looks at you, worried.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, it was that expensive? Maybe I'll pay for myself.">>
<p>You already told her you're paying, it would be cheap to back down now.</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<if $restaurantRoom==1>>
<<btn "#sex" "No, don't worry, I got this!" "" "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#end" "No, don't worry, I got this!" "" "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#end" "Well, it was more expensive than I planned." "cash+50;" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<p>$ looks at you with a naughty smile.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Hey, you think we can steal some wine...?">>
<p>She points at the old liquor cabinet.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... I guess we could.">>
<p>You look around, to make sure you're really alone, and walk towards the cabinet. You open it, hesitantly and...</p>
<p>It's empty.</p>
<<dial "player" "Damn, they drank everything.">>
<p>But $ doesn't look like she really cares about the wine.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Hey, bartender... What would you do with a drunk girl like me?">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex1.jpg">>
<p>Shit, I'm not 100% sure, but if you'd ask me...</p>
<big>...this sounds like fucky-fucky!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So is that the moment?! Should I put my cock on the table?!</tht>">>
<p>Not yet. Get closer to her. We need to see if she's not joking.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Well, bartender...?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I guess... I would do this.">>
<p>You come closer. So close you can feel her warmth. You wrap your hand around her waist and...</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<big>You kiss her.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_kiss.jpg">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I wanna do it!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... do what?">>
<p>She drops her dress to the floor.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I always wanted to have sex in the restaurant!">>
<big>Oh... this escalated quickly!</big>
<p>Without thinking, you push her to the old counter and spread her legs. Her wet pussy opens up like a spring flower.</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh yes... Like that... Oh $ Yes...">>
<p>She quietly moans as you lick her clit with your tongue. Her juices flow all over your face.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex2.jpg">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>Finally, she grabs your hair and gently pushes your head away.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Now it's your turn...!">>
<p>She kneels in front of you.</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<big>Her warm lips wrap around your cock.</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex3.jpg">>
<p>She pushes your cock deeper and deeper into her throat.</p>
<<if $mia.status < 4>>
<p>You feel a growing pressure in your balls.</p>
<<dial "player" "You're too good. I can't hold it anymore...">>
<<dial "mia" "In my mouth! I wanna taste it!">>
<p>She opens up her mouth in the last moment and...</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<p>Finally, $ pulls out your dick from her mouth. It's so wet with her saliva that it's dripping to the floor.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I wanna feel you inside.">>
<p>Her words alone make your dick so hard, that you could pierce a wall with it.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Lie on the counter. I'm gonna ride you.">>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<p>She sits on your dick and pushes it inside her wet pussy.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Yeeeeessss....">>
<p>She starts riding you, at first slowly, but the tempo increases with every thrust. She's so tight it'd almost feel like she's a virgin, if it weren't for the fact that she fucks like a god damn porn star.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex4.jpg">>
<big>You can feel her hot pussy wrapped around your cock.</big>
<p>It's so wet with your saliva and her own juices, that your dick slides in and out like a piston into a well oiled machine.</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<<dial "mia" "Tell me you like my pussy!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh... uhhh... I like... I like your pussy...">>
<<dial "mia" "Tell me you like to fuck me.">>
<<dial "player" "I fucking love to fuck you!">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex5.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "I want you to take me from behind!">>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<p>You quickly change position and push your dick in her again.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex6.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "You like it? You like my ass?">>
<<dial "player" "I'd fuckin' do anything for your ass.">>
<<dial "mia" "What would you do to fuck my ass? Tell me...">>
<<dial "player" "I'd... I'd kill to get into your ass. I'd fucking murder someone.">>
<p>As you say it, you feel $ starts shaking.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Aaahhhhhh...">>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex7.jpg">>
<big>She just cummed!</big>
<p>Good work</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming too...!">>
<<dial "mia" "In my mouth! I wanna taste it!">>
<p>She jumps to the floor and kneels in front of your pulsating dick. And it's about time, because...</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<big> cum.</big>
<p>Wave after wave of semen spurts out of your cock right into $'s inviting mouth.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex8.jpg">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>After that you both collapse on the floor next to each other, so sweaty and tired, that you could just fall asleep right there.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, wow... I usually don't do stuff like that...">>
<<dial "player" "Well... it was something...">>
<big>Dude, I feel you hit the jackpot with this girl.</big>
<<btn "#end">>
<<chunk "mia.status=!3">>
<big>She bursts into laughter.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_laugh.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "Hold your horses, I was just playing with you, haha.">>
<big>God damn...</big>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "mia" "Not butts today, haha!">>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<<btn "#end">>
<<chunk null "#end">>
<p>You look around the restaurant and realize it's probably good time to move somewhere else.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, maybe we'd go for a walk? It's still early!">>
<<dial "mia" "Maybe to the park?">>
<<dial "player" "Sure, why not!">>
<<dial "mia" "Awesome!">>
<big>You gather your things and walk out of the restaurant.</big>
<h2 class="border">Small park</h2>
<<media "locations/park/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>The walk from the restaurant took you around 30 minutes, but with $ it felt much quicker.</p>
<<dial "mia" " then I decided to leave Palm Springs and moved to LA.">>
<<dial "player" "But why?">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "mia" "No reason... Anyway, everything was ok at first, but now... I might need to move again.">>
<<dial "player" "What?! You can't! You're perfect here! LA needs girls like you. Normal, naturally beautiful, good natured... <tht>And with grrrrrreat ass.</tht>">>
<<dial "mia" "Well... I don't know about that.">>
<p>She looks around, like she's making sure no one is watching.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Hey, you know what? My legs hurt from those high heels! Let's lie on the grass for a bit!">>
<<dial "player" "Sure!">>
<big>She leads you to a grassy hill on the side of the park.</big>
<big>You lie there and look at a blue sky.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_talk1.mp4">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "mia" "It's so beautiful up here... it almost feels unreal.">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... it's great. <tht>But it would be better with my dick in her mouth.</tht>">>
<big>Come on, dude! You're spoiling the mood.</big>
<p>Can't you be romantic just for a second?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I am romantic! I'm just saying I'd be more romantic with my dick in her mouth.</tht>">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_talk2.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Sometimes I feel everything is just a dream. Or a movie.">>
<<dial "player" "Or a game. I like games!">>
<p>She thinks for a moment... and then moves closer. She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "mia" "You really like me?">>
<<if $mia.status > 1>>
<<btn "#grassKiss" "I really do." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#grassEnd" "I really do." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#grassEnd" "Yeah, I love sexy girls like you." "mia.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk "mia.status=2" "#grassKiss">>
<p>She looks at you for a moment and...</p>
<big>She kisses you.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_kiss.jpg">>
<<if $mia.status > 2>>
<<btn "#grassSex">>
<<btn "#grassEnd">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3" "#grassSex">>
<p>But one kiss is not enough. $ pushes her tongue inside your mouth and wiggles it around.</p>
<p>You're so focused on her, that you don't even notice...</p>
<big>that she dropped her dress.</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex1.mp4">>
<p>Well, you wanted to give some fresh air to your dick? You got it.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I want to feel your tongue inside me.">>
<big>You heard the lady!</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>You push your face into her pussy and lick it like your life depended on it.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex2.mp4">>
<p>It tastes like a fuckin' nectar of gods, and her moans seem like angelic choirs.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Uhhhh... Yeahh... Push it inside... Deeper... Deeper!">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<<dial "mia" "I want you. I want to suck it...">>
<p>You drop your pants in a millisecond.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/pants_drop.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "It's so huge... I'm not sure if I'll fit it in.">>
<big>Deepthroat incoming!</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>She pushes your dick deep inside her throat. And then some more...</p>
<big>...and more.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex3.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Ohhh...? Ohhhhh... Ohhhhhh fuck!">>
<p>Oh my fuckin' god... how I wish I was you right now.</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<<dial "mia" "I want you to do it to me. Right here. Right now.">>
<p>She lies on her back and spreads her legs, revealing her pink pussy in all glory.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Push it in! I want to feel it in my belly!">>
<big>Do as she says god damn it!</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<p>You fuck her dripping wet pussy like a machine. Slowly at first, then harder, and faster.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Ohhhhhh fuck. Fuck. FUCK!">>
<p>Your eyes are fixated on her breasts, bouncing with every thrust. Her half open mouth exhales hot air. Her rolled back eyes look like only her pleasure mattered. It's one of those fucks that will stay with you till the end.</p>
<big>It's magnificent.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex4.mp4">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>Finally, she pushes you away with a daring smile.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I want you to cum in my mouth... I want to taste your semen.">>
<big>Can do!</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>She kneels in front of you, and opens her mouth invitingly, while giving you one of the best handjobs of your life.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex5.mp4">>
<p>Your dick is soaking wet with her pussy juice, and her hand is soft like butter.</p>
<big>It doesn't take long before...</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>Your orgasm arrives like a fucking cargo train, making you shoot a stream of hot cum in $'s mouth.</p>
<big>And she takes it all like a champ.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex6.mp4">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>After you cum, you just collapse on the grass, completely drained. $ lies next to you.</p>
<<dial "mia" "You liked it...?">>
<<dial "player" "That was... great...!">>
<p>You feel gentle breeze on your dick, and $'s warm skin.</p>
<<dial "player" "We have to do it again sometimes...">>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<<btn "#grassEnd">>
<<chunk null "#grassEnd">>
<<dial "mia" "And what if...">>
<p>Suddenly, in the middle of the sentence...</p>
<big>...she jumps in the air.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Oh shit! The last bus is leaving in a moment!">>
<<dial "player" "Whaaat?">>
<p>She starts gathering her things.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Come on! Quickly!">>
<p>She runs to the park exit.</p>
<big>You get to the bus stop at the last moment.</big>
<p>$ jumps inside and turns to you one last time.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Thanks for awesome date, $!">>
<p>Well, are you planning to answer something?!</p>
<<btn null "I hope we will do it again." "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "I guess it was ok." "mia.dom+" "dialog">>
<big>$ smiles, and blows you a kiss.</big>
<p>Same moment the doors close and the bus rides away.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_bus.jpg">>
<p>Dude. This was actually a pretty great first date. One of the best I've seen.</p>
<big>I'm totally proud of you, and you should be too!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<</events>><<chunks "$curPas=localStoreWalk">> /* We need it like that, because we also load this passage from localStoreDate */
<p>$ smiles as you walk towards her.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, it's you! What's happening?">>
<<dial "player" "I'm taking you on a walk, that's what is happening!">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my god, you read my mind! Let me just close the shop, and we can go!">>
<h2 class="border">Small park</h2>
<<media "locations/park/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You've been walking with $ for a while, but the time passed quickly. You didn't even have to be especially creative to keep her occupied...</p>
<<dial "mia" " then I decided to leave Palm Springs and moved to LA.">>
<<dial "player" "But why?">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "mia" "No reason... Anyway, everything was ok at first, but now... I might need to move again.">>
<<dial "player" "What?! You can't! You're perfect here! LA needs girls like you. Normal, naturally beautiful, good natured... <tht>And with grrrrrreat ass.</tht>">>
<<dial "mia" "Well... I don't know about that.">>
<p>She looks around, like she's making sure no one is watching.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Hey, you know what? My legs hurt from those high heels! Let's lie on the grass for a bit!">>
<<dial "player" "Sure!">>
<big>She leads you to a grassy hill on the side of the park.</big>
<<btn "#hill">>
<<chunk null "#hill">>
<big>You lie there and look at a blue sky.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_talk1.mp4">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "mia" "It's so beautiful up here... it almost feels unreal.">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... it's great. <tht>But it would be better with my dick in her mouth.</tht>">>
<big>Come on, dude! You're spoiling the mood.</big>
<p>Can't you be romantic just for a second?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I am romantic! I'm just saying I'd be more romantic with my dick in her mouth.</tht>">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_talk2.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Sometimes I feel everything is just a dream. Or a movie.">>
<<dial "player" "Or a game. I like games!">>
<p>She thinks for a moment... and then moves closer. She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "mia" "You really like me?">>
<<if $mia.status > 1>>
<<btn "#grassKiss" "I really do." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#grassEnd" "I really do." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#grassEnd" "Yeah, I love sexy girls like you." "mia.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk "mia.status=2" "#grassKiss">>
<p>She looks at you for a moment and...</p>
<big>She kisses you.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_kiss.jpg">>
<<if $mia.status > 2>>
<<btn "#grassSex">>
<<btn "#grassEnd">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3" "#grassSex">>
<p>But one kiss is not enough. $ pushes her tongue inside your mouth and wiggles it around.</p>
<p>You're so focused on her, that you don't even notice...</p>
<big>that she dropped her dress.</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex1.mp4">>
<p>Well, you wanted to give some fresh air to your dick? You got it.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I want to feel your tongue inside me.">>
<big>You heard the lady!</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>You push your face into her pussy and lick it like your life depended on it.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex2.mp4">>
<p>It tastes like a fuckin' nectar of gods, and her moans seem like angelic choirs.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Uhhhh... Yeahh... Push it inside... Deeper... Deeper!">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<<dial "mia" "I want you. I want to suck it...">>
<p>You drop your pants in a millisecond.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/pants_drop.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "It's so huge... I'm not sure if I'll fit it in.">>
<big>Deepthroat incoming!</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>She pushes your dick deep inside her throat. And then some more...</p>
<big>...and more.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex3.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Ohhh...? Ohhhhh... Ohhhhhh fuck!">>
<p>Oh my fuckin' god... how I wish I was you right now.</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<<dial "mia" "I want you to do it to me. Right here. Right now.">>
<p>She lies on her back and spreads her legs, revealing her pink pussy in all glory.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Push it in! I want to feel it in my belly!">>
<big>Do as she says god damn it!</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<p>You fuck her dripping wet pussy like a machine. Slowly at first, then harder, and faster.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Ohhhhhh fuck. Fuck. FUCK!">>
<p>Your eyes are fixated on her breasts, bouncing with every thrust. Her half open mouth exhales hot air. Her rolled back eyes look like only her pleasure mattered. It's one of those fucks that will stay with you till the end.</p>
<big>It's magnificent.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex4.mp4">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>Finally, she pushes you away with a daring smile.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I want you to cum in my mouth... I want to taste your semen.">>
<big>Can do!</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>She kneels in front of you, and opens her mouth invitingly, while giving you one of the best handjobs of your life.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex5.mp4">>
<p>Your dick is soaking wet with her pussy juice, and her hand is soft like butter.</p>
<big>It doesn't take long before...</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>Your orgasm arrives like a fucking cargo train, making you shoot a stream of hot cum in $'s mouth.</p>
<big>And she takes it all like a champ.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_grass_sex6.mp4">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>After you cum, you just collapse on the grass, completely drained. $ lies next to you.</p>
<<dial "mia" "You liked it...?">>
<<dial "player" "That was... great...!">>
<p>You feel gentle breeze on your dick, and $'s warm skin.</p>
<<dial "player" "We have to do it again sometimes...">>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<<btn "#grassEnd">>
<<chunk null "#grassEnd">>
<<dial "mia" "And what if...">>
<p>Suddenly, in the middle of the sentence...</p>
<big>...she jumps in the air.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Oh shit! The last bus is leaving in a moment!">>
<<dial "player" "Whaaat?">>
<p>She starts gathering her things.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Come on! Quickly!">>
<p>She runs to the park exit.</p>
<big>You get to the bus stop at the last moment.</big>
<p>$ jumps inside and turns to you one last time.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Thanks for a nice walk, $!">>
<p>Well, are you planning to answer something?!</p>
<<btn null "I hope we will do it again." "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "I guess it was ok." "mia.dom+" "dialog">>
<big>$ smiles, and blows you a kiss.</big>
<p>Same moment the doors close and the bus rides away.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_bus.jpg">>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<big>$ smiles as you approach her.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_smile.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Hey, $! I'm taking you on a date!">>
<<dial "mia" "Like... now?!"??
<<dial "player" "Yup!">>
<p>She looks around, unsure what to do.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Actually... why not! I was going to close the shop anyway. Let's go!">>
<h2 class="border">Italian Affair</h2>
<<media "locations/restaurant/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<big>The restaurant is packed and loud.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/restaurant_full.mp4">>
<p>It's disappointing, as you were hoping to have a quiet night out. What's worse, there doesn't seem to be a place to sit.</p>
<p>You tell $ to wait and walk to the counter.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi, do you have a free table?">>
<<dial "guy" "Oh, it's you again. Well, it depends how much you want it...">>
<<btn "#room" "I wanna sit in a separate room." "cash=30; cash-30; love+; $restaurantRoom+1" "dialog">>
<<btn "#table" "Set me up in the main room!" "dom+; $restaurantRoom+null" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#room">>
<p>The guy takes the money and quickly sets up the table. In the meantime you walk back to $</p>
<<dial "player" "Sorry it took so long, they mixed up our reservation!">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my... so they don't have a table for us?">>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, I took care of it.">>
<big>You lead her to where your table is located and...</big>
<big>...she stops in awe.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_shock.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my! The whole room just for us?! It must have cost you a fortune!">>
<<dial "player" "Well... you know.">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/anything.mp4">>
<<btn "#date" null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#table">>
<p>The guy sighs, but nods in agreement. He walks back to the main room and sets up an additional table for you. The location is far from perfect, but you hope $ doesn't notice.</p>
<p>You walk back to her and smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Sorry it took so long, they mixed up our reservation!">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my... so they don't have a table for us?">>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, I took care of it.">>
<p>You show her the table the guy set up for you.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/restaurant_toilet.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh...">>
<<btn "#date" null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#date">>
<p>You finally sit and order the food...</p>
<big>...and it gets silent.</big>
<p>$ pretends she's admiring the decor, you pretend that you're looking at your dick.</p>
<p>Dude, you're aware that people on dates usually talk?</p>
<<dial "player" "So...">>
<p>She looks at you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "So...?">>
<p>Don't overthink it. She likes you already.</p>
<big>Go with your gut.</big>
<<btn null "You're so beautiful it makes me speechless." "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "You look so sexy that I could eat you." "mia.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>She looks at you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh really? Even when I do this?">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_funny.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Haha. Now even more!">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, come on. You're lucky you didn't see me in the morning... I look like a zombie!">>
<<dial "player" "I'm sure I'd like you in the morning. And in the afternoon. And evening... And I'd like you at night too...">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh... interesting.">>
<p>She sends you a naughty smile.</p>
<big>Well, well well.</big>
<p>You're a real charmer! Though to be honest, try to keep it closer to the ground. You don't want the girl to think you're do anything for her. It's different with $, as she seems to really like you, but as a general rule - keep it subtle.</p>
<big>Meanwhile, the waiter brings you two plates of restaurant's special spaghetti.</big>
<p>It looks a bit strange, but it tastes fucking great. $ likes it so much that she almost licks the plate clean.</p>
<p>Finally - she sits back and smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Mmm... that was perrrrrfect!">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Totally worth the price!">>
<p>She looks at you, worried.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, it was that expensive? Maybe I'll pay for myself.">>
<p>You already told her you're paying, it would be cheap to back down now.</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<if $restaurantRoom==1>>
<<btn "#sex" "No, don't worry, I got this!" "" "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#end" "No, don't worry, I got this!" "" "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#end" "Well, it was more expensive than I planned." "cash+50;" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<p>$ looks at you with a naughty smile.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Hey, you think we can steal some wine...?">>
<p>She points at the old liquor cabinet.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... I guess we could.">>
<p>You look around, to make sure you're really alone, and walk towards the cabinet. You open it, hesitantly and...</p>
<p>It's empty.</p>
<<dial "player" "Damn, they drank everything.">>
<p>But $ doesn't look like she really cares about the wine.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Hey, bartender... What would you do with a drunk girl like me?">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex1.jpg">>
<p>Shit, I'm not 100% sure, but if you'd ask me...</p>
<big>...this sounds like fucky-fucky!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So is that the moment?! Should I put my cock on the table?!</tht>">>
<p>Not yet. Get closer to her. We need to see if she's not joking.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Well, bartender...?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I guess... I would do this.">>
<p>You come closer. So close you can feel her warmth. You wrap your hand around her waist and...</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<big>You kiss her.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_kiss.jpg">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I wanna do it!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... do what?">>
<p>She drops her dress to the floor.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I always wanted to have sex in the restaurant!">>
<big>Oh... this escalated quickly!</big>
<p>Without thinking, you push her to the old counter and spread her legs. Her wet pussy opens up like a spring flower.</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh yes... Like that... Oh $ Yes...">>
<p>She quietly moans as you lick her clit with your tongue. Her juices flow all over your face.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex2.jpg">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>Finally, she grabs your hair and gently pushes your head away.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Now it's your turn...!">>
<p>She kneels in front of you.</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<big>Her warm lips wrap around your cock.</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex3.jpg">>
<p>She pushes your cock deeper and deeper into her throat.</p>
<<if $mia.status < 4>>
<p>You feel a growing pressure in your balls.</p>
<<dial "player" "You're too good. I can't hold it anymore...">>
<<dial "mia" "In my mouth! I wanna taste it!">>
<p>She opens up her mouth in the last moment and...</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<p>Finally, $ pulls out your dick from her mouth. It's so wet with her saliva that it's dripping to the floor.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I wanna feel you inside.">>
<p>Her words alone make your dick so hard, that you could pierce a wall with it.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Lie on the counter. I'm gonna ride you.">>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<p>She sits on your dick and pushes it inside her wet pussy.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Yeeeeessss....">>
<p>She starts riding you, at first slowly, but the tempo increases with every thrust. She's so tight it'd almost feel like she's a virgin, if it weren't for the fact that she fucks like a god damn porn star.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex4.jpg">>
<big>You can feel her hot pussy wrapped around your cock.</big>
<p>It's so wet with your saliva and her own juices, that your dick slides in and out like a piston into a well oiled machine.</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<<dial "mia" "Tell me you like my pussy!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh... uhhh... I like... I like your pussy...">>
<<dial "mia" "Tell me you like to fuck me.">>
<<dial "player" "I fucking love to fuck you!">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex5.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "I want you to take me from behind!">>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<p>You quickly change position and push your dick in her again.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex6.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "You like it? You like my ass?">>
<<dial "player" "I'd fuckin' do anything for your ass.">>
<<dial "mia" "What would you do to fuck my ass? Tell me...">>
<<dial "player" "I'd... I'd kill to get into your ass. I'd fucking murder someone.">>
<p>As you say it, you feel $ starts shaking.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Aaahhhhhh...">>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex7.jpg">>
<big>She just cummed!</big>
<p>Good work</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming too...!">>
<<dial "mia" "In my mouth! I wanna taste it!">>
<p>She jumps to the floor and kneels in front of your pulsating dick. And it's about time, because...</p>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<big> cum.</big>
<p>Wave after wave of semen spurts out of your cock right into $'s inviting mouth.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_restaurant_sex8.jpg">>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>After that you both collapse on the floor next to each other, so sweaty and tired, that you could just fall asleep right there.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, wow... I usually don't do stuff like that...">>
<<dial "player" "Well... it was something...">>
<big>Dude, I feel you hit the jackpot with this girl.</big>
<<btn "#end">>
<<chunk "mia.status=!3">>
<big>She bursts into laughter.</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_laugh.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "Hold your horses, I was just playing with you, haha.">>
<big>God damn...</big>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "mia" "Not butts today, haha!">>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<<btn "#end">>
<<chunk null "#end">>
<p>You look around the restaurant and realize it's probably good time to move somewhere else.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, maybe we'd go for a walk? It's still early!">>
<<dial "mia" "Maybe to the park?">>
<<dial "player" "Sure, why not!">>
<<dial "mia" "Awesome!">>
<big>You gather your things and walk out of the restaurant.</big>
<<include "localStoreWalk">><<events>>
<<EVENT "mia; mia.status=3">>
<p>While you're mopping the floor, you can't keep your mind away from thinking about $ Her soft lips, white skin, and perfect ass. You don't even notice when you get a solid hard-on.</p>
<big>But $ notices it.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my god.">>
<p>She giggles, pointing at your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh shit, sorry! I was thinking about... about...">>
<<dial "mia" "Me?">>
<p>She sends you a naughty smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... actually... yes. I was thinking about you.">>
<p>You look her in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Normally I don't do things like that... but I kinda like you, so...">>
<p>She locks the doors and pulls down curtains...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy...</tht>">>
<p>And then she kneels in front of your huge dick.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I haven't done many blowjobs before... will you guide me?">>
<<media "yes.mp4">>
<p>She puts the tip of your dick into her mouth. She wraps her tongue around it.</p>
<big>And then...</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob1.mp4">>
<p>She starts working your dick with ferocity, like she's in some sort of a sexual trance.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohhh... Ohhhhh... Ohhh!">>
<p>Don't wanna spoil the mood, but it certainly doesn't feel like she's new to blowjobs. I'm starting to think our little $ is hiding some oral secret...</p>
<big>But who would think about that now?</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>$ stops and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I always wanted to see how it feels to suck balls... Can I...?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, baby, yeah...">>
<big>It's so funny how she makes it a question...</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob2.mp4">>
<p>Her tongue caresses your balls gently and cautiously.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohhhh...... Like that...">>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<p>She stops again.</p>
<<dial "mia" "It's getting hot here... mind if I undress?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... no... please.">>
<<dial "mia" "But no funny business. I'm not that kind of girls...">>
<p>She winks at you.</p>
<big>I. Love. This. Woman.</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob3.mp4">>
<p>You just lie there, feeling her warmth, while she sucks you off like a motherfucking pro.</p>
<p>Her warm lips wrap nicely around your cock. You feel you're getting close... And she notices it too.</p>
<<dial "mia" "In my mouth...! I want to taste it.">>
<big>Yes ma'am.</big>
<p>Wave after wave of cum spurts out of your dick right into $'s inviting mouth.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob4.mp4">>
<p>And then...</p>
<big>She swallows.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Mmm... it tastes funny... but I like it!">>
<p>God bless this girl.</p>
<p>She stands up and smiles. You sigh.</p>
<<dial "player" "That was... great!">>
<<dial "mia" "I was learning on bananas, haha.">>
<p>She points to the bananas on the display.</p>
<big>Happy fucking bananas.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Anyway... back to work!">>
<<EVENT "mia; mia.status=3">>
<p>While you're mopping the floor, you can't keep your mind away from thinking about $ Her soft lips, white skin, and perfect ass. You don't even notice when you get a solid hard-on.</p>
<big>But $ notices it.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my god.">>
<p>She giggles, pointing at your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh shit, sorry! I was thinking about... about...">>
<<dial "mia" "Me?">>
<p>She sends you a naughty smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... actually... yes. I was thinking about you.">>
<p>You look her in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Normally I don't do things like that... but I kinda like you, so...">>
<p>She locks the doors and pulls down curtains...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy...</tht>">>
<p>And then she kneels in front of your huge dick.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I haven't done many blowjobs before... will you guide me?">>
<<media "yes.mp4">>
<p>She puts the tip of your dick into her mouth. She wraps her tongue around it.</p>
<big>And then...</big>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob1.mp4">>
<p>She starts working your dick with ferocity, like she's in some sort of a sexual trance.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohhh... Ohhhhh... Ohhh!">>
<p>Don't wanna spoil the mood, but it certainly doesn't feel like she's new to blowjobs. I'm starting to think our little $ is hiding some oral secret...</p>
<big>But who would think about that now?</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<p>$ stops and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I always wanted to see how it feels to suck balls... Can I...?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, baby, yeah...">>
<big>It's so funny how she makes it a question...</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=3">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob2.mp4">>
<p>Her tongue caresses your balls gently and cautiously.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohhhh...... Like that...">>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<p>She stops again.</p>
<<dial "mia" "It's getting hot here... mind if I undress?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... no... please.">>
<<dial "mia" "But no funny business. I'm not that kind of girls...">>
<p>She winks at you.</p>
<big>I. Love. This. Woman.</big>
<<chunk "mia.status=4">>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob3.mp4">>
<p>You just lie there, feeling her warmth, while she sucks you off like a motherfucking pro.</p>
<p>Her warm lips wrap nicely around your cock. You feel you're getting close... And she notices it too.</p>
<<dial "mia" "In my mouth...! I want to taste it.">>
<big>Yes ma'am.</big>
<p>Wave after wave of cum spurts out of your dick right into $'s inviting mouth.</p>
<<media "quests/miaDate/mia_blowjob4.mp4">>
<p>And then...</p>
<big>She swallows.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Mmm... it tastes funny... but I like it!">>
<p>God bless this girl.</p>
<p>She stands up and smiles. You sigh.</p>
<<dial "player" "That was... great!">>
<<dial "mia" "I was learning on bananas, haha.">>
<p>She points to the bananas on the display.</p>
<big>Happy fucking bananas.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Anyway... back to work!">>
<<EVENT "daphne">> /* This is when player gets caught by Daphne during her shower */
<big>You take a step into the bathroom.</big>
<p>You close the doors behind you...</p>
<p>When suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<p>$ bursts out the shower cabin, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphBath/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE HELL?!">>
<p>Play it ''cool''.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, hi, $">>
<p>//Cool// as in //don't panic//, and not //how's your sex life//, dude. Now you turned it into a nuclear winter.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't //hi $ me. What are you doing here?!">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<p>Decision time, bud.</p>
<<btn "#daphneHideLie" "I didn't know you were here, I swear!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneHideTruth" "I couldn't help myself, you're so beautiful..." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneHideLie">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, looking at you. Finally she sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Of course. After all - you're a good boy, aren't you?">>
<<dial "player" "Indeed I am.">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<media "innocent_smile.mp4">>
<p>When suddenly - she looks into your eyes, like into the depths of your soul. And then...</p>
<big>She grabs you by your dick.</big>
<<media "dick_grab.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "So if you're such a good and honest boy, why your dick is hard?">>
<<media "oh_fuck.mp4">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ throws you out of the bathroom and shuts the doors.</p>
<big>Tough luck.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "; $permission-" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneHideTruth">>
<<dial "daphne" "Don't sugar me, this is serious!">>
<<dial "player" "You're right, I'm sorry.">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneHideAngry", "#daphneHideAngry", "#daphneHideOk", "#daphneHideSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneHideAngry", "#daphneHideOk", "#daphneHideSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#daphneHideOk", "#daphneHideSex"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#daphneHideSex">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#daphneHideOk">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>She sighs, heavily, but after a moment her face brigtens up with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Then again, it's important that you came clean... I know how hard it is for a man of your age around the women.">>
<p>Errmmm... Ok...?</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I was young once too, so I get it.">>
<<dial "player" "You're still young!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, you!">>
<<media "oh_you.mp4">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Just don't do it again, ok?">>
<p>Yeah, right.</p>
<<media "i_promise.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I won't, I promise!">>
<p>$ smiles to you one more time.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, hun, thanks... but now, please leave me, ok?">>
<p>You walk out of the bathroom.</p>
<big>You dodged a bullet there, bud.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "$permission-">>
<<chunk null "#daphneHideAngry">>
<p>After a long pause, $'s face gets serious. And it's not a good sign.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I trusted you. I gave you my breast... //BEST//!">>
<big>Freud would laugh his ass off.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't want to hear your excuses.">>
<p>Shut the fuck up and pray, bud.</p>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ throws you out of the bathroom and shuts the doors.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "; $permission-" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneHideSex">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ I'm so disappointed...">>
<p>When a woman says she's disappointed, it's basically the end of the road, bud.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I thought that we can trust each other.">>
<p>Pray it won't end up in packing your things.</p>
<<dial "player" "We can... I'm sorry, I didn't--">>
<<dial "daphne" "If we can trust each other, than why didn't you just came to me and told me how you feel?">>
<p>Ermmm... What?</p>
<<media "what.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "You could have told me that you want to see me naked... You could have told me, that my body makes you aroused... We could figure something out.">>
<p>She bites her lip.</p>
<big>O-M-G! She's hitting on you!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Than again... We can still figure something out, if you want...">>
<<media "activities/peek/fuck_yea.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Jump in the bathroom" "; $permission+1" "action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Maybe some other time, thanks!" "daphne.dom+1" "dialog">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa">> /* This is when player gets caught by Alexa during her shower */
<big>You take a step into the bathroom.</big>
<p>You close the doors behind you...</p>
<p>When suddenly - $ hears something, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<p>$ bursts out of the shower cabin, smashing the doors into the wall.</p>
<<media "activities/peek/daphBath/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "WHAT THE FUCK?!">>
<p>Don't panic. She's a weirdo herself, not like she never peeked on anyone. Don't let her make a big deal of it and ''play it safe''.</p>
<<if $player.lvl < 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But she's fucking scary when she's angry!</tht>">>
<big>Play it safe.</big>
<p>That's the best way in this scenario. It still might not work, but at least you'll make it less pathetic.</p>
<<dial "player" "I mean...">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaHideRun" "Run to your room" "alexa.dom-2" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaHideBalls" "Sorry... but seeing you naked was worth the risk." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaHideUnsafe" "I came to tell you that you're weird!" "alexa.dom+1" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#alexaHideRun">>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run to your room. You can hear from behind your back the curse words $ is sending your way, but you just don't care.</p>
<p>For the record...</p>
<big>Panic is not what I call //playing it safe//...</big>
<<btn "daphGuest">>
<<chunk null "#alexaHideUnsafe">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What //what//? You said yourself she's a weirdo!</tht>">>
<p>I said - PLAY IT SAFE!!!</p>
<p>Do something. Fix it. Not sure how after that spectacular meltdown, but at least give it a last spin. And at least try to make it not completely pitiful.</p>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaHideBalls", "#alexaHideBalls", "#alexaHideAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaHideBalls", "#alexaHideAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#alexaHideBalls", "#alexaHideAss", "#alexaHideAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#alexaHideAss">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#alexaHideBalls">>
<<dial "player" "What I meant is that weird is good! It's a spice of life!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh rly?">>
<p>Don't reply. It's a bait.</p>
<big>Run, kid, run!</big>
<<dial "player" "Definitely, I mean--">>
<p>Before you finish the sentence $</p>
<big>...kicks you in the family dispenser.</big>
<<media "ball_kick.mp4">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger...</p>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#alexaHideAss">>
<<dial "player" "What I meant is that weird is good! It's a spice of life!">>
<p>$ is taking a good look at you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're fucked up.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I like fucked up.">>
<p>I have to say, buddy - I haven't seen it coming.</p>
<big>Good for you!</big>
<<media "epic_win.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc "Get in!" "$permission+1" "action">>
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly the doors open and ''$'' enters the bathroom.</p>
<<media "activities/shower/daphne.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my! So sorry! I didn't know you're in here...">>
<p>She glances down on your crotch, that you managed to cover with a towel at the last moment. The problem is...</p>
<big> feel your erection growing.</big>
<<btn "#hide" "Hide it with the towel for now" "" "action">>
<<btn "#show" "She is ready - show it to her!" "daphne.dom+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#hide">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, don't worry about me, hun. I'm gonna let you shower.">>
<p>She turns to the doors.</p>
<p>Well? You're going to do something? Anything?</p>
<<media "that_would_be_great.mp4">>
<<btn "#hide_end" "I choose not to force myself on her!" "" "action">>
<<btn "#show" "Hey, $ Maybe you could wash me... there." "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#hide_end">>
<big>$ leaves.</big>
<p>Well, I actually respect that, dude. You have principles, good. But remember that at some point of your relation it's actually ok to get kinky. You know, girls actually like a bit of perversion.</p>
<big>But she has to be ready.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>How would I know when she's ready?</tht>">>
<p>I'm glad you asked, $, because I have a training video just for that occasion.</p>
<<btn null "Training video?!" "love+" "dialog">>
<<btn $curLoc "Ok, ok... I've heard enough!" "dom+" "dialog">>
<p>So the girl, when she's ready, sends a whole lot of signals.</p>
<big>With their eyes...</big>
<<media "activities/shower/training1.mp4">>
<<media "activities/shower/training2.mp4">>
<big>...and asses too.</big>
<<media "activities/shower/training3.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That's hot!</tht>">>
<p>Sure it is, buddy. But you gotta look at the negative signals too.</p>
<<btn null "What negative signals?!" "love+" "dialog">>
<<btn $curLoc "Ok, ok... I've heard enough!" "dom+" "dialog">>
<big>I'm glad you asked!</big>
<p>It might start nice, maybe even crazy nice. But //crazy// is the crucial word here. Because after a nice start comes the flood. You know, crying, hysteria, all that stuff that we, professionals, call - //dat byatch mad//.</p>
<<media "activities/shower/training4.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So... stay away from Kardashians?</tht>">>
<p>No, look for signals!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But what are the signals?!</tht>">>
<p>Well, one of them looks like this...</p>
<<media "activities/shower/training5.mp4">>
<big>It's what I call //the crab//.</big>
<p>But I can tell you this - if you see that it's usually too late. The crab's coming for your soul. Your house. Your car. Your entire life. Though, in some cases, there's also a possibility for a blowjob.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So death or blowjob?</tht>">>
<big>Women are mysterious creatures.</big>
<p>But anyway, there's a whole bunch of signals. If she eyefucks a waiter while with you, that's a signal. If on a first date she asks you to walk her dog, that's a signal. It might be overwhelming, but if you start dating, it becomes kind of a code at some point. You'll figure it out.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#show">>
<p>You drop your towel and show your erection...</p>
<big> a proud puppy with a dead bird.</big>
<<media "activities/shower/dick.jpg">>
<p>She looks down and...</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#showBad", "#showBad", "#showBad", "#showGood"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#showBad", "#showBad", "#showGood"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#showBad", "#showGood"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#showGood"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#showBad">>
<<dial "daphne" "$!? What is this?!">>
<p>You hesitate.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... I thought you'll like it--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my God, hide it! Go away! You perv!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>She runs out of the bathroom.</p>
<<media "too_bad.mp4">>
<p>Sorry man, but it's kinda funny to see you fail. But don't make a big deal out of it, seriously. We'll teach this bitch to love that cock sooner or later.</p>
<p>You finish the shower and dry yourself.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#showGood">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my God, $! It's huuuuge! It's one of the biggest ones I've seen all my life!">>
<big>That's what she said!</big>
<p>Oh, wait. She actually is talking about your dick. So in that case...</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Actually... I was thinking about the shower too.">>
<<dial "player" "There's enough place for both of us here...">>
<p>I'm proud of you.</p>
<big>$ drops her dress and joins you in the shower.</big>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_0.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What now?!</tht>">>
<p>Start by washing yourself, and then... you know...</p>
<big>...hand can slip, stuff can happen!</big>
<p>$ notices your hesitation.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're looking for the soap?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... Yeah.">>
<p>She points to a bottle of shower gel. You're so nervous that you squeeze out half of it, and start casually soaping your chest...</p>
<big>...staring at $'s tits the entire time.</big>
<p>Their size makes it feel like there's four of you in the cabin, not two. The view is so mesmerizing that you don't notice when...</p>
<big>...your feet slips and--</big>
<p>You fall on your back, into warm soapy water, pulling $ with you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my gosh!">>
<<dial "player" "Sorry!">>
<p>She tries to get up.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my... it's so slippery! I can't--">>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_1.mp4">>
<big>You feel the weight of her boobs on your face.</big>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<p>Fortunately - $ is not angry at your little fall - it makes her giggle.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You know what... Maybe we'll stay on this level?">>
<p>She looks at your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "What do you mean?!">>
<p>She means...</p>
<big>...stick that dick between those tits, bro!</big>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_2.mp4">>
<p>Her boobs are wet and slippery, and you feel a nice warmth when you push your dick between them.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You like those boobs, $">>
<p>With every thrust you feel wave after wave of pleasure.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, I bet you do. Fuck those titties, hun.">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<dial "daphne" "Stand up. I want to make sure it's clean.">>
<p>She points to your dick.</p>
<big>What are you waiting for?!</big>
<p>You quickly jump on both feet, and just a moments later - she's shining that knob like a pro.</p>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_3.mp4">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<p>But $ seems to be in a mood for more.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I need it inside!">>
<big>Do it, for fuck sakes!</big>
<p>You sit on the bathroom floor, back to the wall. Your dick is sticking out like a flag pole.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I want to ride you!">>
<p>She turns back towards you and jumps on your dick like on a bull.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_4.mp4">>
<p>She's pumping your dick with her hips. You feel a pressure building up.</p>
<big>But $ is also close to the finish line.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh yes! That's it! That's the spot. I'm gonna come!">>
<<btn "#squirt" "Let her cum first" "" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Don't care about her, cum now!" "daphne.dom" "action">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+daphne" "sex action">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4" "#squirt">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yeeeeesssss...!">>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_5_squirt.mp4">>
<p>$ sighs in extasy.</p>
<big>Now it's your turn!</big>
<<btn "#cum">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4" "#cum">>
<p>You pull out from her, and stand in front of her tits, stroking the head of your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Give it to me...!">>
<<media "activities/wash/daphne_wash_5_cum.mp4">>
<p>You feel an overwhelming wave, and another, and another, as cum shoots out of your dick. There's so much of it, that you're not sure where it came from, but it doesn't matter, as you tremble under one of the most incredible orgasms in your life.</p>
<p>Finally, it ends. $ looks at you slightly impressed.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Wow! That was something.">>
<p>She winks. You're too exhausted to say anything. You just look at the sperm dripping from her tits.</p>
<p>$ smiles and stands up. She wipes the sperm off, puts the towel around her boobs, and walks out from the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh man... that was awesome.</tht>">>
<big>Oh yes it was!</big>
<p>You dry yourself and leave the bathroom with a wide smile.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "charAdd-daphne">>
<<chunk>> /* If status requirements not met */
<p>But suddenly, $ moves away.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, that was fun. Thanks, hun!">>
<p>Oh shit. Red alert! Red alert! She wants to leave!</p>
<big>Do something!</big>
<<dial "player" "Wait...!">>
<p>$ looks at you curiously.</p>
<<btn null "I still have couple dirty spots here and there." "" "action">>
<<btn null "You didn't finish cleaning me!" "daphne.dom" "action">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, you gotta finish cleaning yourself!">>
<p>She wraps her towel around her tits and walks out of the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Damn... I failed...</tht>">>
<p>Don't make it a big deal out of it. We'll teach this bitch to worship that cock of yours. But she needs to be ready!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You're right... I'm gonna make her slide on that cock!</tht>">>
<big>Oh yes you will!</big>
<p>You dry yourself and leave the bathroom.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "charAdd-daphne">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly the doors open and ''$'' enters the bathroom.</p>
<<media "activities/shower/alexa.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Dweeb, show me your dick, now.">>
<p>She points to your crotch, that you have covered with a towel.</p>
<big>You feel your erection growing.</big>
<<btn "#show" "Just show her your dick" "" "action">>
<<btn "#bargain" "Jump in, and I'll show you my dick." "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#bargain">>
<p>She looks at you with a smirk.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Sure, no problem. For 50 bucks.">>
<p>God damn this bitch. And the worst thing is - she's so fucking greedy it's god damn sexy.</p>
<<btn "#showGood" "Here's the cash, jump in!" "cash=50; cash-50;">>
<<if $alexa.status < 5>>
<<btn "#showBad" "I can wash your back, but I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom+">>
<<btn "#showGood" "I can wash your back, but I'm not paying!" "alexa.dom+">>
<<chunk null "#show">>
<<media "activities/wash/erection.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shit, dweeb! Nice dick!">>
<big>That's what she said!</big>
<p>Oh, wait. She actually is talking about your dick. So in that case...</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Hey... maybe you will jump in... and I'll wash your back?" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Hey, jump in, someone gotta wash my back." "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>She looks at you with a mix of mockery and interest...</p>
<<media "activities/shower/alexa_thinking.jpg">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#showBad", "#showBad", "#showBad", "#showGood"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#showBad", "#showBad", "#showGood"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#showBad", "#showGood"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#showGood"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#showBad">>
<p>She smirks.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I will jump in. But first you're going to jump out. Get the fuck out of here, I'm in a hurry to get my ass fucked and I need to wash it.">>
<big>Well, at least she has a serious reason.</big>
<p>You dry yourself and leave the bathroom.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Damn... I failed...</tht>">>
<p>Don't make it a big deal out of it. We'll teach this bitch to worship that cock of yours. But she needs to be ready!</p>
<p>You stand up, gather your clothes, and walk out of the bathroom.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#showGood">>
<p>$ thinks for a second, and finally sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ah, what the hell.">>
<p>She drops her clothes and jumps in the shower.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, dweeb? This ass ain't gonna wash itself!">>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_0.mp4">>
<p>You feel warm water on your back.</p>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_1.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "I like my dick real clean.">>
<big>You feel her hands on your cock.</big>
<p>She's stroking you, real slow. Her soapy hands feel warm and slippery.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<p>You moan, feeling your dick getting hard in her hands. When suddenly...</p>
<big>She stops.</big>
<p>Dude, snap out of it, something's going on.</p>
<<dial "player" "Why did you stop...?!">>
<p>Oh shit, if she'll gonna say she wants money, I'm gonna freaking explode.</p>
<big>$ looks you in the eyes and...</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<big>She bites her lip.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "You know what... It's your lucky day!">>
<p>Phew. You dodged a bullet there, buddy.</p>
<p>She looks at your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "What do you mean my lucky day?!">>
<p>She means...</p>
<big>...blowjob incoming!</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_2.mp4">>
<p>Her mouth feels warm and slippery, when you push your dick in it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<p>With every thrust you feel wave after wave of pleasure.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<<dial "player" "Oh yeah... clean it good. Clean the whole thing.">>
<big>She pushes your dick deep in her mouth.</big>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_3.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "<tht>Gobble... gobble... gobble...</tht>">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<p>But $ seems to be in a mood for more.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Give me that dick. I want it inside me!">>
<p>You do as she says. Sit on the bathroom floor, back to the wall. Your dick is sticking out like a flag pole. $ sits on you and...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Uhhhh....!">>
<big>She slips your dick right into her wet cunt.</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_4.mp4">>
<p>She's pumping your dick with her hips. You feel a pressure building up.</p>
<big>But $ is also close to the finish line.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "That's motherfuckin' it! I'm cumming!">>
<<btn "#squirt" "Let her cum first" "" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Don't care about her, cum now!" "alexa.dom+2" "action">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+alexa" "sex action">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4" "#squirt">>
<<dial "alexa" "FUCK YEA!!! FUCK MY ASSHOLE!">>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_5_squirt.mp4">>
<p>$ sighs in extasy.</p>
<big>Now it's your turn!</big>
<<btn "#cum">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4" "#cum">>
<p>You push your dick into her tight asshole.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Into my ass!">>
<p>You feel an overwhelming wave, and another, and another, as your cum shoots into $'s warm ass. You fill her up real good, trembling under one of the most incredible orgasms in your life.</p>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_5_cum.mp4">>
<p>Finally, it ends. You watch as your cum drips from $'s asshole.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "And now - get lost.">>
<p>She winks. You're too exhausted to say anything. You just stand up, gather your clothes, and walk out of the bathroom.</p>
<big>This was something!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk>> /* If status requirements not met */
<p>But suddenly, $ moves away.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, I'm bored, get lost!">>
<p>Oh shit. Red alert! Red alert! She wants to leave!</p>
<big>Do something!</big>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<btn null "I still have couple dirty spots here and there." "" "action">>
<<btn null "You didn't finish cleaning me!" "alexa.dom" "action">>
<p>She smirks.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I don't care. Get the fuck outta here, you take too much space.">>
<p>She points to the doors. Well, I guess it's finished.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Damn... I failed...</tht>">>
<p>Don't make it a big deal out of it. We'll teach this bitch to worship that cock of yours. But she needs to be ready!</p>
<p>You stand up, gather your clothes, and walk out of the bathroom.</p>
<big>This was something!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<EVENT "day=workdays">>
<p>When suddenly...</p>
<big>...boobs on the horizon.</big>
<<media `"activities/run/runner_tits_" + random(0,10) + ".mp4"`>>
<p>The girl is a fucking beauty too, though the truth is - all you can see at the moment are those boobs. They are bouncing up and down, with a nice clap that echoes between the trees like if they were calling your name - //Harryyy... Harryyyy... touch us!//</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>Don't //uhhh// her, dude! Do something!</p>
<<btn null "Uhh and stare at her tits" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Uhh and stare at her tits but stronger" "dom+" "action">>
<p>Oh god damn it.</p>
<big>The girl runs past you.</big>
<p>You hear what I said?! //The girl runs past you//!!! Do you think I have a joy in writing this? ''No. I. don't.'' I had high hopes, you know. Career, movies, books. And what am I left to?! Narrating a porn game to a guy who //uhhs// at ladies. Brilliant. Just brilliant.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dude, chill out! There were no other options there. Like, when I click on the menu thingy. I just had uhhs.</tht>">>
<p>Uhh, that's strange.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Maybe it's a bug?</tht>">>
<p>Don't you dare call it a bug, bud! I'm sure there's a logical explanation to all of it. Now, let's finish this run, I'm freaking panting here.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "day=weekend">>
/* Select the character */
<<set _curNpc = "parkgirl_" + random(0,2)>>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<p>You see a good looking babe running the same park path you're on...</p>
<p>Obviously she's a golfer. I mean - //jogger//, just like you. But there's something different about her. The way she looks around, like she was searching for something... or someone.</p>
<<media `"activities/run/" + _curNpc + "_intro.mp4"`>>
<p>Dude. I beg you. This is a perfect opportunity. Don't fuck it up! Say something to her, like whatever. I need to have a closer look at those boobies!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up, god damn it. I know what I'm doing.</tht>">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _textDom = "You're shagadelic, baby!">>
<<set _textLove = "You plus me equals fantasy!">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _textDom = "This park is unsafe. I'll protect you!">>
<<set _textLove = "This park is unsafe. Maybe you want to run together?">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _textDom = "Hey, beauty!">>
<<set _textLove = "Hey, I'm $">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<set _textDom = "Hi. I'm your escort. Zombies, vampires - I'm gonna take care of it!">>
<<set _textLove = "Sorry, but you mind if we run together? I'm $ by the way.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _textDom = "You grabbed my attention. That rarely happens.">>
<<set _textLove = "Hey, how you doin'?">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textLove "love+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textDom "dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "Focus on the run" "dom+2" "action yieldHide">>
<p>You pull out your best smile, and look her in the eyes, managing to only glance down at her tits and ass like 25 times.</p>
<big>She turns to you, a bit surprised and...</big>
<<media "random.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#getlost", "#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#stay", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#stay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#getlost">>
<big>She goes past you with an awkward face.</big>
<<dial _curNpc "Get lost, creep!">>
<<media `"activities/run/get_lost_" + random(0,2) + ".mp4"`>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You said to do something, and nothing happened!</tht>">>
<p>Well, dude, if you play the game, sometimes you lose. But don't say nothing happened! Many things happened.</p>
<big>You acted.</big>
<p>And that's a good thing for sure. Try again when you gather some experience. And try less lame ass pick up lines.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<p>She stops.</p>
<p>Looks at you for a moment.</p>
<big>And smiles!</big>
<<media `"activities/run/" + _curNpc + "_talk.mp4"`>>
<<dial _curNpc "Well, hi, haha!">>
<p>See? It's working!</p>
<<dial "player" "So... which way are you running?">>
<<dial _curNpc "Running? Well, I was actually finishing my run.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, ok... So what were you planning to do?">>
<<dial _curNpc "Well...">>
<<dial _curNpc "I was hoping for a fuck.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh shit!</tht>">>
<big>Target locked!</big>
<p>Dude, this is a Defcon-1 situation. You need to show some balls! I mean it figuratively - though have your actual balls prepared for presentation shortly after. Anyway, go for it!</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... what do you mean?">>
<p>Seriously? A question? That's how you show confidence?</p>
<<set _curNpcText = ["you'll stick your tongue in my sweaty asshole.", "you'll fuck me like Speedy Gonzales.", "I'm gonna jump on your dick like a monkey."].random()>>
<<dial _curNpc `"I mean... " + _curNpcText`>>
<big>This is how you show confidence!</big>
<p>You're lucky she's so horny she'd fuck a branch of a tree.</p>
<<btn "#sex" "That sounds like a plan!" null "action">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "No thanks, I still have 2 laps" "dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "No thanks, I don't fuck before first date" "love+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#nothanks">>
<<media "awkward.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<<media `"activities/run/" + _curNpc + "_sex1.mp4"`>>
<big>I really like the direction this is going!</big>
<<dial "player" "Me too!">>
<<dial _curNpc "Hm...?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... I meant - //me and you//. We're, like... great together!">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/run/" + _curNpc + "_sex2.mp4"`>>
<<dial _curNpc "Mmm... yeah...">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh...">>
<p>Now you can actually //uhh// at her all you want!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<p>That's right, let the steam out!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/run/" + _curNpc + "_sex3.mp4"`>>
<p>Ok dude, you had some fun, now it's time for the real deal!</p>
<big>Make her beg for your cum!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<EVENT "day=weekend">>
<p>You turn to the other side, to get an even tan, when...</p>
<big> see something interesting.</big>
<<media `"activities/tan/sunbathing_girl_" + random(0,10) + ".mp4"`>>
<p>You lucky bastard! I mean, this is a once in a lifetime view. If you'd be 12 that one situation would be a source of all your fetishes, I guarantee it to you.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>Uhhh from me too.</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Quit stalking and leave" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Rub one out" "dom+; jerkedoff+" "action">>
<p>You start masturbating.</p>
<<media "activities/walk/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh... yeah, baby... show those tits!">>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum but stronger" "dom+" "action">>
<big>You cum.</big>
<<media "activities/walk/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<p>I feel you, dude. There's not many things better than seeing tits in the wild.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah... tits are awesome.</tht>">>
<p>Yup... I've rubbed one out too. Now, let's go home</p>
<big>I'm burned to crisp.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "day=workdays">>
/* Select the character */
<<set _curNpc = "parkgirl_" + random(3,5)>>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<p>You see something on the horizon. Is it...? Oh my...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What? What? What?</tht>">>
<<media `"activities/tan/" + _curNpc + "_intro.mp4"`>>
<p>Dude. I beg you. This is a perfect opportunity. Don't fuck it up! Go there and say something to her, like whatever. I need to have a closer look at those boobies!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up, god damn it. I know what I'm doing.</tht>">>
<p>You stand up and hesitantly walk in her direction.</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _textDom = "You're shagadelic, baby!">>
<<set _textLove = "You plus me equals fantasy!">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _textDom = "This park is unsafe. I'll protect you!">>
<<set _textLove = "This park is unsafe. Maybe you want to sunbath together?">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _textDom = "Hey, beauty!">>
<<set _textLove = "Hey, I'm $">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<set _textDom = "Hi. I'm your escort. Zombies, vampires - I'm gonna take care of it!">>
<<set _textLove = "Sorry, but you mind if we sunbath together? I'm $ by the way.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _textDom = "You grabbed my attention. That rarely happens.">>
<<set _textLove = "Hey, how you doin'?">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textLove "love+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textDom "dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "Just walk past her" "dom-2" "action yieldHide">>
<p>You pull out your best smile, and look her in the eyes, managing to only glance down at her tits and ass like 25 times.</p>
<big>She turns to you, a bit surprised and...</big>
<<media "random.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#getlost", "#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#stay", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#stay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#getlost">>
<big>She looks away with an awkward face.</big>
<<dial _curNpc "Get lost, creep!">>
<<media `"activities/tan/get_lost_" + random(0,2) + ".mp4"`>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You said to do something, and nothing happened!</tht>">>
<p>Well, dude, if you play the game, sometimes you lose. But don't say nothing happened! Many things happened.</p>
<big>You acted.</big>
<p>And that's a good thing for sure. Try again when you gather some experience. And try less lame ass pick up lines.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<p>She stops.</p>
<p>Looks at you for a moment.</p>
<big>And smiles!</big>
<<media `"activities/tan/" + _curNpc + "_talk.mp4"`>>
<<dial _curNpc "Well, hi, haha!">>
<p>See? It's working!</p>
<<dial "player" "So... subathing is great, right?">>
<<dial _curNpc "Subathing? Well, I was actually finishing.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, ok... So what were you planning to do?">>
<<dial _curNpc "Well...">>
<<dial _curNpc "I was hoping for a fuck.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh shit!</tht>">>
<big>Target locked!</big>
<p>Dude, this is a Defcon-1 situation. You need to show some balls! I mean it figuratively - though have your actual balls prepared for presentation shortly after. Anyway, go for it!</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... what do you mean?">>
<p>Seriously? A question? That's how you show confidence?</p>
<<set _curNpcText = ["you'll stick your tongue in my sweaty asshole.", "you'll fuck me like Speedy Gonzales.", "I'm gonna jump on your dick like a monkey."].random()>>
<<dial _curNpc `"I mean... " + _curNpcText`>>
<big>This is how you show confidence!</big>
<p>You're lucky she's so horny she'd fuck a branch of a tree.</p>
<<btn "#sex" "That sounds like a plan!" null "action">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "No thanks, I need to even my tan" "dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "No thanks, I don't fuck before first date" "love+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#nothanks">>
<<media "awkward.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<<media `"activities/tan/" + _curNpc + "_sex1.mp4"`>>
<big>I really like the direction this is going!</big>
<<dial "player" "Me too!">>
<<dial _curNpc "Hm...?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... I meant - //me and you//. We're, like... great together!">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/tan/" + _curNpc + "_sex2.mp4"`>>
<<dial _curNpc "Mmm... yeah...">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh...">>
<p>Now you can actually //uhh// at her all you want!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<p>That's right, let the steam out!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/tan/" + _curNpc + "_sex3.mp4"`>>
<p>Ok dude, you had some fun, now it's time for the real deal!</p>
<big>Make her beg for your cum!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<EVENT "day=weekend">>
<p>You take a turn into a small path between the trees.</p>
<p>At first you're not sure whether it was a good idea...</p>
<big>But then...!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What? What? What?</tht>">>
<p>Just this...</p>
<<media `"activities/walk/park_sex_" + random(0,12) + ".mp4"`>>
<p>You lucky bastard. I mean, this is a once in a lifetime view. If you'd be 12 that one situation would be a source of all your fetishes, I guarantee it to you.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>Don't //uhhh// at them, dude! Do something!</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Quit stalking and leave" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Rub one out" "dom+; jerkedoff+" "action">>
<p>You start masturbating.</p>
<<media "activities/walk/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh... yeah, baby... just like that... uhhh!">>
<big>That's not what I meant.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up. I'm jacking off.</tht>">>
<p>Don't you think I fucking know that, dude?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I don't care! Shut up!</tht>">>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum but stronger" "dom+" "action">>
<p>The girl starts moaning louder and louder, while her pussy juice squirts out of her gaping pussy. And at the same moment...</p>
<big> cum.</big>
<<media "activities/walk/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<p>You know that fucking a stranger in nature was my dream since I was 12?!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sorry dude but... you know... when I put a hand on my dick there's no coming back...</tht>">>
<p>Well, sigh... I can't blame you... I've rubbed one out while writing it too.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You did...!?</tht>">>
<big>Why do you think I write with one hand?</big>
<p>Anyway, there's always the next time. Now, let's go home. My hand hurts from all this jacking off.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "day=workdays">>
/* Select the character */
<<set _curNpc = "parkgirl_" + random(6,8)>>
<p>You take a turn into a small path between the trees.</p>
<p>At first you're not sure whether it was a good idea...</p>
<big>But then...!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What? What? What?</tht>">>
<p>Just this...</p>
<<if _curNpc == "parkgirl_8">>
<<btn "#princess">>
<<btn "#parkgirl">>
<<chunk null "#princess">>
<<media `"activities/walk/" + _curNpc + "_intro.mp4"`>>
<p>And, yes, somehow you were transformed into a sheik, that meets Arabian princess washed ashore the beach, that happens to be in the LA park. What can I tell you. Games work in magical ways, ok?</p>
<big>Just accept it.</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>Don't //uhhh// at the princess, dude! Do something!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok... so... I'm gonna smile to her!</tht>">>
<<media "and_then.mp4">>
<big>And then...?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>And then... I'm gonna smile, and... I'm gonna smack her with my dick! And grab her, throw her on the ground, and stick it up her ass, just like that!</tht>">>
<big>Wow. Dude.</big>
<p>Maybe not that exactly.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why the fuck not?! You were the one pushing me to do something!</tht>">>
<p>You cannot fucking smack the princess and stick it up her ass just like that. That would be a fucking rape...</p>
<big>You'd have a diplomatic crisis on your hands, dude.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Crisis-shmisis... You're overreacting. It's just a fantasy.</tht>">>
<p>But it's my fantasy! I'm not sure what it's doing in the game, maybe I've wrote it in the drunken stupor or some shit like that, but I'm not gonna let you fuck up an opportunity like that. I'm serious - don't fucking rape the princess.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, ok, sheesh... so what do you suggest?!</tht>">>
<big>You gotta use some lube, dude.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>On her ass?</tht>">>
<p>That in a moment (hopefully), but first - for the whole situation. So she's a princess, and you're a sheik. Role play for a bit and see what happens. Tell her you're a lord of this land or some shit like that. And, like, she needs to pay the toll for trespassing, and the law says that if she doesn't, the penalty is death... And she'll be, like, begging you I guess, that she has no money, and you'd be very sad about her misfortune, but at the same time, you're very strict about executing laws of your land, otherwise it's doom and anarchy, and we don't want that and--</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok, I got it god damn it - you wanna mercy fuck a princess.</tht>">>
<big>Man gotta have a dream.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, I guess... This one's for you.</tht>">>
<p>You smile to the princess, who was waiting patiently the entire time we were having this conversation (NPCs do that, you know?).</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _textDom = "Hi, errm, princess, I'm Shaky Sheik, famous rapper...">>
<<set _textLove = "Hi, errm, welcome on my land... ermm... you need to pay... for the... law.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _textDom = "Wow, princess. You have a grreeeat ass. Pay up.">>
<<set _textLove = "Welcome, princess, on my land... the law says... we need to... you know.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _textDom = "Are you fatamorgana? I don't want to stick my dick in the sand again.">>
<<set _textLove = "You're so beautiful that I'm not sure if I'm not imagining you...">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<set _textDom = "The law says - you're my slave. You're do what you're told.">>
<<set _textLove = "The law is strict, but I'm gonna be gentle.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _textDom = "I'm gonna fuck you, slave.">>
<<set _textLove = "The law may say you're my slave, but if you make love to me, you're free!">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#ask" _textLove "love+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#ask" _textDom "dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "Just walk away from her" "dom-2" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#parkgirl">>
<<media `"activities/walk/" + _curNpc + "_intro.mp4"`>>
<p>You lucky bastard! I mean, this is a once in a lifetime view. If you'd be 12 that one situation would be a source of all your fetishes, I guarantee it to you.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>Don't //uhhh// at her, dude! Do something!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You're right...</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm gonna walk up to her.</tht>">>
<<media "my_boy.jpg">>
<p>And then?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>And then...? And then I'm gonna whip my dick out, and stick it up her ass, just like that!</tht>">>
<big>Wow. Dude.</big>
<p>Maybe not that exactly.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why the fuck not?! You were the one pushing me to do something!</tht>">>
<p>You cannot fucking walk to a girl and stick it up her ass just like that. That's a fucking rape.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Eeee... Technically, maaaybe... But practically... it's a grey area.</tht>">>
<p>Technically and practically - don't fucking do that.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, so what do you suggest, smart ass?!</tht>">>
<big>You gotta use some lube, dude.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>On her ass?</tht>">>
<p>That in a moment (hopefully), but first - for the whole situation. Just walk to her, casually, and see what happens. If she's not panicking, maybe offer, //casually//, to join her. You know, be cool about it. Don't show that fucking a stranger in nature was your dream since you were 12. And that you were masturbating frantically imagining that, and strolled the forests and beaches for hours hoping that something like that will happen and--</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up, god damn it. I get it. Here's what I gonna do. I'm gonna walk up to her and say I'm a famous movie producer... Dan Porno! And that I'm looking for new star for my movie - “Incredible Porn adventures of Dan Porno”.</tht>">>
<big>What the fuck you didn't understand about //CASUALLY//?!</big>
<p>You're not Dan Porno. No one is Dan Porno because it's a fucking stupid name. And also... You know what?! Fuck that. Say what you want, I've had enough. I fucking give it to you on a silver plate, and you just--</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok, sheeesh... I'm not gonna say I'm Dan Porno. I have a better idea anyway...</tht>">>
<p>You stand up and hesitantly walk in her direction. She notices you and looks in your direction.</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _textDom = "Hi, I'm B-Bone, famous rapper slash youtuber slash standupper... what's up?">>
<<set _textLove = "Sorry for bothering... it sounds sooo awkward but... what's up?">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _textDom = "Wow. You have a grreeeat ass.">>
<<set _textLove = "Yeah, free love, baby...! Let's do it like the hippies!">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _textDom = "Do you want to see my dick? It's huuuuuge.">>
<<set _textLove = "I did not have sexual relations with this woman. But I'd love to.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<set _textDom = "My dick brought me here and didn't dissappoint.">>
<<set _textLove = "Hi, I'm Adam. Are you my Eve?">>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _textDom = "I'm thirsty, baby. Thirsty for your pussy juice.">>
<<set _textLove = "Your beauty shines brighter than thousand suns...">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#ask" _textLove "love+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#ask" _textDom "dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "Just walk past her" "dom-2" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#ask">>
<p>You pull out your best smile, and look at her, managing to only glance down at her tits and ass like 25 times.</p>
<big>She looks at you, a bit surprised and...</big>
<<media "random.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#getlost", "#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#stay", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#stay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#getlost">>
<big>She covers herself and moves away with anger.</big>
<<dial _curNpc "Get lost, creep!">>
<<media `"activities/walk/get_lost_" + random(0,2) + ".mp4"`>>
<p>You walk away in shame.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You said to do something, and nothing happened!</tht>">>
<p>Well, dude, if you play the game, sometimes you lose. But don't say nothing happened! Many things happened.</p>
<big>You acted.</big>
<p>And that's a good thing for sure. Try again when you gather some experience. And try less lame ass pick up lines.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<<if _curNpc == "parkgirl_8">>
<p>The princess looks at you for a moment...</p>
<big>...and falls to her knees!</big>
<<dial _curNpc "I beg you, do whatever you want with me, my lord!">>
<p>Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So... Like... Can I fuck her now?</tht>">>
<big>Oh, yes!</big>
<<btn "#sex">>
<p>She looks at you for a moment...</p>
<big>...and smiles!</big>
<<dial _curNpc "Well, hi, haha!">>
<p>See? It's working!</p>
<<dial "player" "So... subathing is great, right?">>
<<dial _curNpc "Subathing? Well, I was actually finishing.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, ok... So what were you planning to do?">>
<<dial _curNpc "Well...">>
<<btn "#stay_parkgirl">>
<<chunk null "#stay_parkgirl">>
<<dial _curNpc "I was hoping for a fuck.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh shit!</tht>">>
<big>Target locked!</big>
<p>Dude, this is a Defcon-1 situation. You need to show some balls! I mean it figuratively - though have your actual balls prepared for presentation shortly after. Anyway, go for it!</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... what do you mean?">>
<p>Seriously? A question? That's how you show confidence?</p>
<<set _curNpcText = ["you'll stick your tongue in my sweaty asshole.", "you'll fuck me like Speedy Gonzales.", "I'm gonna jump on your dick like a monkey."].random()>>
<<dial _curNpc `"I mean... " + _curNpcText`>>
<big>This is how you show confidence!</big>
<p>You're lucky she's so horny she'd fuck a branch of a tree.</p>
<<btn "#sex" "That sounds like a plan!" null "action">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "No thanks, I need to walk additional 2000 steps first" "dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "No thanks, I don't fuck before first date" "love+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#nothanks">>
<<media "awkward.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<<media `"activities/walk/" + _curNpc + "_sex1.mp4"`>>
<big>I really like the direction this is going!</big>
<<dial "player" "Me too!">>
<<dial _curNpc "Hm...?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... I meant - //me and you//. We're, like... great together!">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/walk/" + _curNpc + "_sex2.mp4"`>>
<<dial _curNpc "Mmm... yeah...">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh...">>
<p>Now you can actually //uhh// at her all you want!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<p>That's right, let the steam out!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/walk/" + _curNpc + "_sex3.mp4"`>>
<p>Ok dude, you had some fun, now it's time for the real deal!</p>
<big>Make her beg for your cum!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
/* Activities and chores */
<<btn "gymTrain" "Prove you can lift" "dom+4; cash=20; cash-20; energy-20; energy=20; !sore" "activ">> /*[[gymTrain]]*/
<<btn "gymTrainRose" "Train with $" "rose; energy-20; energy=20; rose.dom+3; $roseAngry=0; counter:roseAngry-2; !sore" "activ">> /*[[gymTrainRose]]*/
/* Relations */
<<btn "talk" "Chat with $" "rose; $char+rose" "chat relation">>
<<btn "foreplay" "Flirt with $" "rose; rose.status=3; $char+rose" "flirt relation">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck $" "rose; rose.status=5; $char+rose" "sex relation">>
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
<big class="center fi0">You pull out a dumbbell from the stand...</big>
<p class="center fi1">You grab it firmly...</p>
<<dial "player" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!" "fi2">>
<<media `"activities/train/" + $player.trait + ".mp4"` "si4">>
<<if $player.lvl < 3>>
<<pocket "sore+">>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<big>You look around the gym and notice $</big>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_intro_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuuuck. That ass is thicc!</tht>">>
<big>Oh yes it is.</big>
<p>You think for a moment.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Should I walk over to her?!</tht>">>
<big>Why do you even ask me this?!</big>
<p>What do you think I'll answer - //no//? No, $, don't walk to her! No, don't try to get your dick sucked. No, don't get closer to this magnificent ass...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok, sheesh. I was thinking to... I don't know. Maybe I should pretend I not notice her? That would be like totally dominating, right?</tht>">>
<<media "well_well_well.mp4">>
<big>Look at you, coming up with cunning plans for world ass domination.</big>
<p>You're thinking about options, that's good, point taken. But honestly, man, you know her, she knows you, there's no harm to shortening the distance and just saying //hi//.</p>
<p>Besides, what if you pretend you don't notice her, and she doesn't notice you for real? That could end awkward. Anyway, it's your decision.</p>
<<wrapper "lsd">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I have one more idea.</tht>">>
<p>I'm not sure if I like the sound of that...</p>
<<btn "#roseHi" "Walk to her and say hi" "" "action">>
<<btn "#rosePretend" "Pretend you don't notice her" "rose.dom+" "action">>
<<wrapper "lsd">>
<<btn "#lsdWater" "Put LSD in her water" "dom+2" "action">>
<<chunk null "#lsdWater">>
<big>What the fuck.</big>
<p>Dude, that's a bit extreme, don't you think?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh, come on! It's a perfect opportunity - she left her water out in the open! I'm just gonna put a tiny bit of LSD in it, it's gonna be a prank!</tht>">>
<p>A prank with LSD? This can go sideways so many ways, that I can't even count them.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You're exaggerating! Besides, it's just a game!</tht>">>
<p>Well, you do what you feel like, but for me...</p>
<big>'s a totally shitty move.</big>
<<btn "gymTripRose" "Fuck it - I'm totally doing it!" "dom+; lsd-">>
<<btn "#roseHi" "You're right - I'm just gonna say hi to her!" "love+2">>
<<chunk null "#rosePretend">>
<<if $player.lvl < 3>>
<p>You hesitantly walk to the old rusty training equipment in the corner. You start pumping, pretending you don't notice $ The truth is you barely know how to use it...</p>
<big>...but you improvise.</big>
<p>You casually walk to the old rusty training equipment in the corner. You start pumping, pretending you don't notice $</p>
<<if $player.trait == "satan" || $player.trait == "alpha" || $player.trait == "messiah">>
<<media `"activities/train/prestigeGym/pretend_" + $player.trait + ".mp4"`>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/pretend_1.mp4">>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 4>>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/pretend_4.mp4">>
<<media `"activities/train/prestigeGym/pretend_" + $player.lvl + ".mp4"`>>
<p>Now the question is - will $ notice you?</p>
<big>Roll it!</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#rosePretendFail", "#rosePretendFail", "#rosePretendOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#rosePretendFail", "#rosePretendOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#rosePretendFail", "#rosePretendOk", "#rosePretendOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#rosePretendOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#rosePretendFail">>
<p>You focus on the exercise so much that you don't notice when...</p>
<big>...$ ends her training.</big>
<p>Before you manage to do anything, she quickly gathers her things, and walks out of the training area.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shit. She didn't notice me.</tht>">>
<<if $player.trait != "alpha">>
<p>Or she did notice you, but you were looking so fucking awkward on this freaking machine, that she preferred to stay away.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Naaah, she didn't notice me, I'm sure of it.</tht>">>
<big>Ok, dude, let it be your way.</big>
<p>But here's the thing - don't pretend to be alpha, that doesn't work. When you really become one girls will start noticing you, but until that happens - just do whatever all other mortals are doing - walk out to the girl and say //hi//.</p>
<p>But you'll get her next time.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#rosePretendOk">>
<big>Suddenly $ turns her head and sees you.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Hola $! I didn't notice you!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, hi! I didn't notice you too, how strange!">>
<<media "liar.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "So what are you doing here, chico? Working some músculos?">>
<<btn "#roseMuscles">>
<<chunk null "#roseHi">>
<big>You walk to $ casually.</big>
<<dial "player" "Hi $!">>
<p>She looks at you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Hola $! I didn't notice you!">>
<<dial "player" "I'm a ninja, haha!">>
<<dial "rose" "So what are you doing here, chico? Working some músculos?">>
<<btn "#roseMuscles">>
<<chunk null "#roseMuscles">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wait-wait-wait. Dude, you're trying to pull off latino accent here? Because it's not working.</tht>">>
<p>It totally is working.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Nope. Maybe you should hire some sort of language consultant, you know, people are sensitive about this kind of shit.</tht>">>
<p>Oh fuck off, I'm doing what I can, man, alright?</p>
<big>So anyway...</big>
<<if $player.lvl < 2>>
<<dial "rose" "Oh chico, they look like they really need some work.">>
<p>$ points at your thin, mosquito like hands with a mocking smile.</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_mocking.jpg">>
<<yields "rose.dom-1" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "Don't be a hater, baby girl. I know you like me!">>
<<elseif $player.lvl < 4>>
<<dial "rose" "Oh chico, I can almost see a muscle!">>
<p>$ points at your barely visible bicep.</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose.jpg">>
<big>She laughs in Spanish.</big>
<<dial "player" "It might be small, but it's hard as steel, baby girl!">>
<p>$ smiles visibly impressed by your muscles.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Oh chico, I see you've been training... me gusta!">>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_impressed.jpg">>
<<yields "rose.dom+1" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, I've been breaking my records lately, baby girl!">>
<p>Drop this baby-girl shit, dude, honestly. You're not fooling anyone.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Said a guy who can't pull off latino accent.</tht>">>
<<media "god_damn_it.mp4">>
<p>Man, for fuck sakes. Obviously I'm using Google Translator. Deal with that or we'll have a problem.</p>
<big>Now can you please focus?!</big>
<<if $player.lvl > 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I am focused, but just saying that your latino shit is far worse than my baby girl.</tht>">>
<p>Well, actually - good for you for standing your ground. That shows potential.</p>
<<yields "dom+1" "dialog">>
<big>Now can we please get back to $!</big>
<big>You send $ your muscliest smile.</big>
<<dial "player" "So, what are you up to?">>
<<dial "rose" "Nothing. Training.">>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_intro_2.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Uh... I'm all sweaty...">>
<big>Will you look at that...</big>
<p>From my angle it totally looks like she's trying to say //fuck me, $ Don't you think?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>We can agree on that!</tht>">>
<<dial "rose" "So you wanna train with me?">>
<p>This bitch is kinda crazy about those things, so better ask her what you'll be training first.</p>
<<dial "player" "What do you want to train?">>
<<dial "rose" "Oh, you know chico, just some weightlifting. You in?">>
<<media "trap.mp4">>
<p>We're lucky that I'm with you, man. Weightlifting is some heavy shit. It can get really serious and I doubt--</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm in!">>
<<btn "#train">>
<<chunk null "#train">>
<<dial "rose" "The rules are simple. We do 3 rounds. Whoever does more repetitions, wins the round. Whoever has more wins at the end - wins the whole thing.">>
<p>$ points at the training atlas and... oh shit. You notice it's set to one of the highest settings!</p>
<<dial "rose" "Oh, chico... You're not sure if you can take it?">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "player" "It's not that but--">>
<<dial "rose" "''If you win I will suck your sweaty cock dry.'' How that sounds, amigo?">>
<big>I'm in!</big>
<<dial "player" "Yup. Let's do it.">>
<<btn "#train1">>
<<chunk null "#train1">>
<big>$ jumps on the first machine.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Uno... dos... tres...">>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_train_1.mp4">>
<p>She's really good at it, but slowly losing speed.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Veintitrés... Veinticuatro... Veinti...cinco!">>
<p>She finally stops.</p>
<big>25... Not great not terrible.</big>
<p>$ wipes the sweat off her face.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Well, what are you waiting for?">>
<big>It's your turn.</big>
<p>You sit on the atlas and start pumping...</p>
<p>At first it's not that bad, but soon you start to feel you're losing speed.</p>
<<dial "player" "10... 11... 12...">>
<p>You still have some strength left, but you're in deep pain. And $ stands in front of you, which makes it somehow even worse.</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/roll_1.mp4">>
<p>Will you beat her?</p>
<big>Roll it!</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#fail1", "#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#success1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success1">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail1">>
<<set _score = 0>>
<p>You know you're losing, but you also know you'll fight till the last drop of blood!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No I won't! It's too heavy!</tht>">>
<big>Yes you will!</big>
<p>Couple more and--</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Nope.</tht>">>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/fail_1.mp4">>
<big>You lose this round.</big>
<p>$ starts her celebration.</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_celebration.mp4">>
<p>Ok, now it's not a time to worry. We'll win the next one.</p>
<big>I want this blowjob!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yup.</tht>">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<p>You nod.</p>
<<btn "#train2">>
<<chunk null "#success1">>
<<set _score = 1>>
<p>You feel like you're about to die... but somehow... you manage... to squeeze out... couple... more... reps...</p>
<<dial "player" "24... 25... 26!">>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/success_1.mp4">>
<big>$ sighs.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Fuck! You won!">>
<p>She looks at you, angry.</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_angry.mp4">>
<big>Good work.</big>
<p>Now focus. We don't want to lose the chance to get a blowjob.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh yes...</tht>">>
<<dial "rose" "Ready for next round?">>
<p>You nod.</p>
<<btn "#train2">>
<<chunk null "#train2">>
<big>$ pulls out weights and starts doing crunches.</big>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_train_2.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Trece... Catorce... Quince...">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She's fucking good at it!</tht>">>
<p>Don't worry, I got you. She's losing speed.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Diecinueve... Veinte...">>
<p>She tries to crouch one more time...</p>
<big>...but she cannot get back up!</big>
<<dial "rose" "Puta Madre... I normally do more but 20 should still be enough for you.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dude, 20?! That's a lot. Couldn't you stop it at 5?</tht>">>
<p>I could... but what fun would I have then?!</p>
<<dial "rose" "Your turn, chico.">>
<p>You heard the lady!</p>
<big>Some reps later...</big>
<p>'re barely able to withstand the pain in all your bones.</p>
<p>$ looks you deep in the eyes...</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/roll_2.mp4">>
<big>Come on, dude. You can do it!</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#fail2", "#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#success2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success2">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail2">>
<<set _score = _score>>
<p>You were giving it your best...</p>
<big>...but your body gives up.</big>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/fail_2.mp4">>
<<if _score == 0>>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_win_1.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Well, it looks you lost!">>
<p>Well, doesn't matter. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. At least the views were nice...</p>
<p>Just don't be a sore loser and congratulate her on her win.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... congrats. I'm gonna do some reps and beat your ass next time, haha.">>
<p>She looks at you with a mocking smile.</p>
<<btn "#lose">>
<<elseif _score == 1>>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_celebration.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Hah! We're even! I knew I can beat you!">>
<p>Dude, don't let her get into your head.</p>
<big>We can win this.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Ready for the final round?">>
<<dial "player" "I was born ready!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<btn "#train3">>
<<chunk null "#success2">>
<<set _score = _score + 1>>
<p>You can barely breathe, and your muscles are in fire, but you push forward...</p>
<<dial "player" "18... 19... 20...... 21!">>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/success_2.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Puta madre!">>
<big>You win!</big>
<p>She spits on the ground.</p>
<<if _score == 2>>
<p>$ unpins her weightlifting belt with anger.</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_lose.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Carajo! I'm so fucking pissed right now! I had it! I fucking had it. Couple more reps...">>
<p>Uhh. Fierce and sexy, I looove it. Nothing fucking better than some hot chica with anger issues. How those butt cheeks jiggle with every word! Scream at me, chica! Scream at me while you ride me like a horse!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What?</tht>">>
<p>I mean...</p>
<big>It's time to get your reward!</big>
<<btn "#win">>
<<elseif _score == 1>>
<<media `"activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_angry.mp4"`>>
<big>Even Steven!</big>
<p>Next one wins.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I can do it!</tht>">>
<p>I know you can, buddy.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<<dial "player" "I was born ready!">>
<<btn "#train3">>
<<chunk null "#train3">>
<big>$ sits on last machine and starts pumping.</big>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_train_3.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Siete... Ocho... Nueve...">>
<p>She has some attitude left, but after couple pushes it becomes clear that this time she's not going far, as her legs are so tired they're shaking. She's barely able to push a huge weight that she attached to the machine.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Once... Doce...... Trece........">>
<big>She tries one more... but fails.</big>
<<dial "player" "13 <tht>13!</tht>">>
<p>Yes, I fucking heard the first time. And no need to thank me, I'm just doing my job.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Mierda, you were lucky. Your turn!">>
<p>You focus with all your strength and start pushing out reps!</p>
<<dial "player" "6... 7... 8...">>
<p>$ looks you deep in the eyes.</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/roll_3.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "9....... 10....... 11.......">>
<big>You can do it!</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#fail3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#success3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success3">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail3">>
<p>You clench your teeth...</p>
<<dial "player" "11...... 12........">>
<p>...but it's too painful.</p>
<big>You give up.</big>
<<media `"activities/train/prestigeGym/fail_3.mp4"`>>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_win_1.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Well, it looks you lost!">>
<p>Well, doesn't matter. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. At least the views were nice...</p>
<p>Just don't be a sore loser and congratulate her on her win.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... congrats. I'm gonna do some reps and beat your ass next time, haha.">>
<p>She looks at you with a mocking smile.</p>
<<btn "#lose">>
<<chunk null "#success3">>
<big>You're in deep pain.</big>
<p>Your legs are in pain. All threads in your muscles are in pain. And your dick is in pain too.</p>
<big>You are pain...</big>
<p>And yet... somehow... you manage... to push out... couple... more......</p>
<<dial "player" "14!">>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/success_3.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Puta madre!">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<p>$ unpins her weightlifting belt with anger.</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_lose.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Carajo! I'm so fucking pissed right now! I had it! I fucking had it. Couple more reps...">>
<p>Uhh. Fierce and sexy, I looove it. Nothing fucking better than some hot chica with anger issues. How those butt cheeks jiggle with every word! Scream at me, chica! Scream at me while you ride me like a horse!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What?</tht>">>
<p>I mean...</p>
<big>It's time to get your reward!</big>
<<btn "#win">>
<<chunk null "#lose">>
<<dial "player" "So... what now? Maybe we could go somewhere...">>
<<dial "rose" "No, chico. We're not going anywhere. //I// am going - away from you. Because you're a fucking loser, and I don't like losers! Got it?" >>
<big>She takes her things and walks away.</big>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_win_2.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "rose.dom-" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#win">>
<p>You look at $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "So... you remember about my reward?">>
<p>$ sighs deeply. It's clear she didn't thought it's possible she'll lose.</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_sex_intro_1.mp4">>
<big>Buddy, say something or we're gonna lose her.</big>
<<btn null "Do it or I'll tell everyone you're a cheater." "rose.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Come on, it's gonna be fun!" "" "dialog">>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_sex_intro_2.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "A la mierda! Promise is a promise! Come here...">>
<p>She makes sure you're all alone and...</p>
<big>Oh damn...</big>
<p>She takes your dick out (<small>which also changed color, but whatever</small>).</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_sex_intro_3.mp4">>
<big>There's no coming back, brother!</big>
<<btn "#sex">>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<big>$ wraps her lips around your cock.</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_sex_1.mp4">>
<p>She speeds up.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Gobble, gobble, gobble!">>
<big>Your dick fits perfectly in her mouth.</big>
<<if $rose.status >= 3>>
<p>But somehow, blowjob seems like it was just an appetizer for $ She looks at you with sparks in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready for something extra?">>
<big>We're ready!</big>
<p>You feel a growing pressure. You won't be able to hold it off for long. Too bad, I was hoping we could fuck her. Well, maybe next time.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all!">>
<<btn "#face" "Cum on her face" "rose.dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#ass" "Cum on her ass" "" "action">>
<<chunk "rose.status=3">>
<p>$ pushes her ass in your crotch.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Push it in! Fuck me! Fuck me like a loser I am!!!">>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_sex_2.mp4">>
<p>That's what I'm talking about!</p>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, like that. Punish me. Fuck me.">>
<<chunk "rose.status=3">>
<<if $rose.status == 3>>
<p>You feel growing pressure in your dick. You won't be able to hold it off for long. We need to work on your stamina, dude!</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all!">>
<<btn "#face" "Cum on her face" "rose.dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#ass" "Cum on her ass" "" "action">>
<big>But $ wants more.</big>
<p>She pushes you to the ground and jumps on you like a sex starved gorilla...</p>
<<chunk "rose.status=4">>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_sex_3.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, chico... You're getting fucked by $ You like that? You like my latino pussy?">>
<p>These are all valid questions but all you manage to say in reply is...</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh....">>
<p>>And I don't blame you. I mean...</p>
<big>Dat ass.</big>
<<chunk "rose.status=4">>
<p>$ drops to the ground and positions herself under you.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want your muscular dick in me, chico. NOW!">>
<p>She doesn't have to say it twice...</p>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_sex_4.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, baby, fuck me harder! Fuck me! FUCK ME LIKE AN ANIMAL!!!">>
<p>She starts trembling and...</p>
<big>$ cums.</big>
<p>This is a good moment to cum too, I'm sure she'll like that you came together. Or maybe you want to bring it to another level?</p>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" "$char+rose; rose.squirt+3" "sex action">>
<<btn "#face" "Cum now on her face" "rose.dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#ass" "Cum now on her ass" "" "action">>
<<chunk null "#face">>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my ass.">>
<<dial "player" "I have a better idea.">>
<big>You grab her hair and push your dick to her face.</big>
<p>Your orgasm arrives like a fucking cargo train, making you shoot a stream of hot cum on $'s face.</p>
<big>And she takes it all like a champ.</big>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_sex_cum_face.mp4">>
<<btn "#after">>
<<chunk null "#ass">>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my ass.">>
<p>Your orgasm arrives like a fucking cargo train, making you shoot a stream of hot cum on $'s ass.</p>
<big>And she takes it all like a champ.</big>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_sex_cum_ass.mp4">>
<<btn "#after">>
<<chunk null "#after">>
<p>After you finish cumming, your legs start shaking. You collapse on the bench and sit there for a moment.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhh....">>
<p>$ starts laughing.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ok. Next time I'm gonna beat you. See you then!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh....">>
<p>She grabs her things and walks away.</p>
<big>Dude, congrats.</big>
<p>It was something!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh....">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<EVENT "roseIntro=0">> /* Intro to the quest. */
<p>While walking through the park, you look in the direction of the small football field and...</p>
<big>Oh. My. Fucking. God.</big>
<<dial "player" "What?!">>
<p>Well... This.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_intro_0.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck. It's $!</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Is she...</tht>">>
<p>No panties?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yup...</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, no panties, brother. That's why I love LA!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what now?</tht>">>
<big>Get closer, dude.</big>
<p>I need to take a look at those titties.</p>
<<btn $curLoc "On it!" "$questMode+roseIntro; $roseAngry+0" "dialog">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "roseIntro=1">> /* Get closer to the field and watch $ play */
<p>You walk closer to the football field, but hide so that the girls won't see you.</p>
<big>And it's instantly worth it!</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_intro_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Please, please, please, help me get there somehow!!! I want... I need to play with them! Tell me what to do! I'll do anything!!!</tht>">>
<p>Chill out, god damn it! You'll accomplish shit with this attitude. You need to be cool, buddy.</p>
<big>Cool like a fucking cucumber.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What does it even mean?!</tht>">>
<p>Let's start with this - take a deep breath, and repeat 10 times - //I don't care what will happen//.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But I do care!</tht>">>
<p>It's a training exercise for fuck sakes. I know you want it, but you need to chill the fuck out or you'll spook it. The plan is to go there, use all the opportunities you'll get to bring the situation to a higher level, but if nothing happens, or you'll fuck it up, you'll walk away to fight another day.</p>
<big>Are we clear?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... ok. I don't care what will happen. I don't care what will happen. I don't...</tht>">>
<big>You walk closer to the field and start jumping and waving to $</big>
<<dial "player" "Hi $!">>
<p>Dude. This is fucking pathetic. Stop jumping. Stop waving. Just be cool, for fuck sakes.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Like that...?</tht>">>
<<media "play_it_cool.mp4">>
<p>Well... sigh... At least stop smiling like a fucking idiot or I'll vomit all over the keyboard.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, sorry... You're awfully unpleasant today...</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, I wonder how pleasant you'd be if you'd be forced to leave your promising writing career to narrate a porn game.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well... you weren't really forced... and it wasn't really that promising too... You had couple moments but--</tht>">>
<big>Oh, look, $ is coming!</big>
<<btn null "Wave to her" "" "action">>
<<btn null "Just wait for her" "rose.dom+" "action">>
<p>$ and her friend come to you and smile.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Hi! How long were you here? I didn't notice you!">>
<<dial "player" "Erm... Hi... I just came... here! <tht>Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god...</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, I know - boobies. But, dude, you seriously need to take a step back. Pretend it's normal, like you've seen it thousand times. Just say something natural.</p>
<<dial "player" "Naturals...">>
<p>$ looks at you like she's unsure what you mean. And I look at you too. But with me it's also disappointment. Mostly disappointment actually.</p>
<<dial "player" "I meant... nature... nature is kinda great... Ermm... 'sup ladies?">>
<p>$ points to the other girl.</p>
<<dial "rose" "This is Destiny!">>
<p>You look at the girl and...</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_intro_2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>More tits! I don't know if I can take it...!</tht>">>
<p>You can do it. Just say hi.</p>
<<btn null "Hi Detitsy...ermm... Destiny!" "rose.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Hi, I'm Boob. I mean Bob...? $!" "" "dialog">>
<p>They look at you and...</p>
<big>...burst into laughter.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Haha, we were curious if you'd notice we're naked, but I see that you did. Sorry, we always play naked. We want our bodies to get some air!">>
<<dial "player" "That's totally fine with me, haha!">>
<p>$ whispers something to Destiny's ear. You don't hear too much, but they're both glancing at you, and you think you've heard the words //$, //that stupid bitch// and //let's show her//.</p>
<p>Finally, $ looks back at you.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Hey, maybe you wanna play with us?">>
<p>See? You didn't even had to do anything. This is how it happens.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what should I do?</tht>">>
<p>What should you do?! Well...</p>
<big>Play the god damn football with the girls!</big>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#sure" "Sure, let's fucking do it!" "rose.dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#sure" "Sure, but slow, I'm new to this!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "Naah, I'm not into sports." null "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#nothanks">>
<<media "awkward.mp4">>
<<set $player.quests.find(obj => {return === "roseIntro"}).active = 0>>
<<btn $curLoc null "rose.dom-2; roseIntro-; time+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#sure">>
<p>$ and Destiny smile.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ok, great! Change your clothes and jump in. We'll wait for you!">>
<p>They walk back to the field.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_intro_3.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What now?!</tht>">>
<big>Drop your clothes and play football!</big>
<<btn $curLoc "On it!" "$questMode+roseIntro" "dialog">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "roseIntro=2">> /* Drop your clothes and join $ on the field */
<p>You drop your clothes, leaving just the boxers.</p>
<<media "activities/football/drop_clothes.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You think it's ok to play like that in public park?</tht>">>
<p>I think that if you want to fuck them - there's not much choice.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... ok.</tht>">>
<p>You run towards the girls. $ looks at you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Oh, so you left the boxers on... you're shy of your small dick?">>
<p>She bursts into laughter.</p>
<<btn "#match" "Small? Naah. My dick is huge like Godzilla!" "rose.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#match" "It's not small, but I respect other people in the park." "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#match">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ok, so I'm kinda good in this, so you'll play in one team with Destiny. Ok?">>
<<dial "player" "Yup.">>
<p>You smile to Destiny.</p>
<<dial "rose" "The rules are simple. 2 goals win the match.">>
<p>Destiny nods.</p>
<big>Wait, dude!</big>
<p>Ask what's the reward! That's important, because it would give you something to bounce off the conversation later on!</p>
<<dial "player" "Wait... what's the reward? I mean... for winning?">>
<p>$ looks at you...</p>
<big>...and bites her lip.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Competitive. I like that.">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "rose" "The winner gets one wish, that has to be obeyed. Within reason. Can we play already?">>
<<dial "player" "Ok, but--">>
<p>Same moment $ throws the ball on the ground.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Starting... now!">>
<big>She kicks the ball and runs towards your goal.</big>
<<btn "#play1">>
<<chunk null "#play1">>
<p>Destiny manages to push $ to the side, but she goes past her with ease, and runs toward the goal.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_play_1.mp4">>
<p>Dude! We want to win this!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>We do...?</tht>">>
<p>Of course we fucking do god damn it.</p>
<big>Move your ass!</big>
<p>You sprint towards $ You manage to get in front of her, blocking her path towards goal, but she's about to go around you. You gotta do something.</p>
<big>It's now or never!</big>
<<media "activities/football/roll_0.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#fail1", "#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#success1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success1">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail1">>
<<set _score = 0>>
<<set _roseWonPlay1 = 1>>
<p>$ goes past you and kicks the ball in the direction of the goal and...</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_goal_1.mp4">>
<big>$ scores.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_celebration.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Hah, score! I thought you'd be better at this!">>
<p>Ok man, don't worry. We can still turn it around. Just focus.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's hard to focus with her ass in front of me.</tht>">>
<p>I don't wanna make it even worse for you, but if you won't win this I highly doubt she'll want to fuck you.</p>
<big>This type of girls doesn't fuck with losers.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, I'm gonna win it!</tht>">>
<p>$ takes the ball and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<p>You nod.</p>
<<btn "#play2">>
<<chunk null "#success1">>
<<set _score = 1>>
<<set _roseWonPlay1 = 0>>
<p>You manage to tackle $ and take the ball away from her. You pass it to Destiny and then...</p>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_goal.mp4">>
<big>Destiny scores.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Fuck!">>
<p>$ looks at you with a mix of anger and respect.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, Destiny starts celebrating her goal...</p>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_celebration_1.mp4">>
<big>Good work.</big>
<p>Now focus. We don't want to lose the lead.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's hard to focus with those tits in front of me.</tht>">>
<p>Man, you need to. If you won't win this I highly doubt $ will fuck you.</p>
<big>This type of girls doesn't fuck with losers.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, you're right.</tht>">>
<p>$ takes the ball and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<p>You nod.</p>
<<btn "#play2">>
<<chunk null "#play2">>
<p>The speed of the game increases. $ tries to go around Destiny, but she loses the ball. It goes off the field.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_play_2.mp4">>
<p>The game is quickly resumed. Destiny manages to get the ball and she tries her luck with shot on the goal, but $ blocks it. The ball lands in front of you.</p>
<big>Do something!</big>
<<media "activities/football/roll_1.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#fail2", "#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#success2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success2">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail2">>
<<set _score = _score>>
<<set _roseWonPlay2 = 1>>
<p>You try to kick the ball between $'s legs, but...</p>
<big>She blocks it.</big>
<p>But that's not the end. She quickly runs towards the ball, turns to the goal, shoots and...</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_goal_2.mp4">>
<big>$ scores!</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_celebration.mp4">>
<<if _score == 0>>
<<dial "rose" "Victory! I fucking owned you!">>
<p>Well, doesn't matter. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. At least the views were nice...</p>
<p>Just don't be a sore loser and congratulate her on her win.</p>
<<dial "player" "Good game... I'm gonna beat your ass next time, haha.">>
<p>She looks at you with a mocking smile.</p>
<<btn "#lose">>
<<elseif _score == 1>>
<<dial "rose" "Hah! Equalizer!!! Now I'm gonna beat your ass!">>
<p>Dude, don't let her get into your head.</p>
<big>We can win this.</big>
<p>$ takes the ball and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<<dial "player" "I was born ready!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<btn "#play3">>
<<chunk null "#success2">>
<<set _score = _score + 1>>
<<set _roseWonPlay2 = 0>>
<p>You kick the ball between $'s legs, and...</p>
<<media `"activities/football/player_goal_" + random(1,4) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>You score.</big>
<p>$ spits on the ground with anger.</p>
<<dial "rose" "God damn it!">>
<p>Meanwhile, Destiny starts celebrating...</p>
<<if _score == 2>>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_celebration_2.mp4">>
<big>You won!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I did?</tht>">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I know when I'm beaten. Congrats.">>
<p>You shake her hand and notice that...</p>
<big>...she bites her lip.</big>
<<btn "#win">>
<<elseif _score == 1>>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_celebration_2.mp4">>
<big>We're back, baby!</big>
<p>Now focus. The match starts over. Next goal wins.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I can do it!</tht>">>
<p>$ takes the ball and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<<dial "player" "I was born ready!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<btn "#play3">>
<<chunk null "#play3">>
<p>The intensity of the game reaches new heights. $ and Destiny fight with ferocity. But all you can see...</p>
<big>...are tits and asses everywhere.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_play_3.mp4">>
<p>Finally $ manages to trick Destiny, and gets past her. You're the last line of defense.</p>
<big>I believe in you!</big>
<<media "activities/football/roll_2.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#fail3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#success3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success3">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail3">>
<p>You try to block $, but she manages to change the direction of her run, and you fall on your ass.</p>
<p>She uses that moment, turns towards the goal and...</p>
<<if _roseWonPlay1>>
<<media "activities/football/rose_goal_2.mp4">>
<<media "activities/football/rose_goal_1.mp4">>
<big>$ scores and wins the entire match.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_celebration.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Victory! I fucking owned you!">>
<p>Well, doesn't matter. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. At least the views were nice...</p>
<p>Just don't be a sore loser and congratulate her on her win.</p>
<<dial "player" "Good game... I'm gonna beat your ass next time, haha.">>
<p>She looks at you with a mocking smile.</p>
<<btn "#lose">>
<<chunk null "#success3">>
<p>You manage to keep your cool, and trick $ into thinking you're going to block her from the left...</p>
<p>She counterattacks, but you change the direction and jump behind her, which makes her lose her balance and...</p>
<big>...fall to her ass.</big>
<<if _roseWonPlay1>>
<p>That's exactly what you were waiting for. You pass the ball to Destiny and then...</p>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_goal.mp4">>
<big>Destiny scores.</big>
<p>That's exactly what you were waiting for. You push the ball in front, aim at the goal, and shoot with all your strength...</p>
<<media `"activities/football/player_goal_" + random(1,4) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>You score!</big>
<p>$ can't believe it.</p>
<<dial "rose" "No! Fuck!!!">>
<p>Meanwhile, Destiny starts celebrating...</p>
<<if _roseWonPlay1>>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_celebration_1.mp4">>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_celebration_2.mp4">>
<big>You fucking won the match!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I did?</tht>">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I know when I'm beaten. Congrats.">>
<p>You shake her hand and notice that...</p>
<big>...she bites her lip.</big>
<<btn "#win">>
<<chunk null "#lose">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So... what now?</tht>">>
<p>Well... that was kind of it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So she'll fuck me now?</tht>">>
<p>After that? Well, you can try, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.</p>
<<dial "player" "Good game... So... You won, so you get a wish, right? What's your wish... maybe something naughty, haha?">>
<p>$ takes the ball and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I wish for you to go away... loser.">>
<big>She laughs and walks away with Destiny.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_lose.mp4">>
<p>Oh fuck... I promise you, we'll get it next time. And now, that you know $, you can always ask for a rematch.</p>
<big>$ usually plays football on weekends.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "rose.dom-1" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#win">>
<big>This is a moment to strike, dude.</big>
<p>She's into you, I can tell you that much, but will she agree for something naughty? It depends on how much she likes you. If you want to get into this sweaty ass you need to make your intentions clear.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Clear how...?</tht>">>
<p>Like, tell her you have something naughty in mind for your wish.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, I get it...</tht>">>
<p>You look at $</p>
<<dial "player" "So... I was thinking what should I wish for...!">>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah...? Let me guess. You want to slap my ass.">>
<p>Dude. Change of plans. Now, that she brought this to the table...</p>
<big>...we need to escalate.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Esca-what?</tht>">>
<p>We need to bring it to an even higher level, see how she reacts. Just tell her straight up...</p>
<big> want her to blow you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That I can do.</tht>">>
<<btn null "Slap is not enough for me. I want you to blow me!" "rose.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Well... I was thinking about something involving your mouth..." "" "dialog">>
<<media "perfection.mp4">>
<p>$ looks at you a bit surprised. Like she didn't thought you have it in you.</p>
<<dial "rose" "You want me to blow you?!">>
<p>Destiny bursts into laughter - //"Haha, he got you, bitch! I'm gonna watch you suck him off!"//</p>
<<dial "player" "Actually... I want you both to suck me off.">>
<<dial "rose" "What...?">>
<p>Destiny looks at you in shock.</p>
<<dial "player" "You said I get a wish that has to be obeyed. My wish is - I want you both to suck me off.">>
<<media "impressive.mp4">>
<p>But let's see what they will say about it.</p>
<<if $rose.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#sex_fail", "#sex_fail", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#sex_fail", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#sex">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#sex_fail">>
<big>$ bursts into laughter.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Nope. I said - //within reason//. Disqulified.">>
<<dial "player" "But... so I want a different wish.">>
<<dial "rose" "Nope. You only had one, and you blew it!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, come on, that's not fair.">>
<<dial "rose" "Life's not fair! And I also want a rematch! If you win again... who knows. We might go crazy!">>
<p>She laughs and walks away with Destiny.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_lose.mp4">>
<p>Oh fuck... It seems she just doesn't like you enough yet. But I promise you, we'll get it next time. And you can always ask for a rematch.</p>
<big>$ usually plays football on weekends.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<p>$ and Destiny look at each other and...</p>
<<dial "rose" "I was hoping you'd say that.">>
<p>Fuck yea!</p>
<<dial "rose" "But there's something you need to do first...">>
<<dial "player" "What is it?">>
<p>They both turn around.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_0.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Those asses need to be cleaned.">>
<p>You heard the lady?! Clean those god damn asses, dude!</p>
<<dial "player" "Can do.">>
<big>You grab a hose and smile like a pedo in kindergarten.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_1.mp4">>
<p>The water is cold, but it's not enough to cool down those two hot bitches.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, baby. Just like that. Wash my asshole!">>
<p>Oh yeah! Wash that asshole. Wash it goood.</p>
<big>After a minute both girls are sparkling clean.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Now... time for second part.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh god damn it, I have such a hard on!</tht>">>
<p>It's happening, dude.</p>
<<media "you_did_it.mp4">>
<p>$ and Destiny start slowly. They tickle your dick and balls with their tongues.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_2.mp4">>
<p>You direct their heads and slide your dick between their lips.</p>
<big>It fits perfectly.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_3.mp4">>
<<if $rose.status >= 3>>
<p>But somehow, blowjob seems like it was just an appetizer for $ She looks at you with sparks in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready for something extra?">>
<big>We're ready!</big>
<p>You feel a growing pressure. You won't be able to hold it off for long. Too bad, I was hoping we could fuck them. Well, maybe next time.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<p>$ pushes Destiny aside.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my face!">>
<<chunk "rose.status=3">>
<p>$ pushes you to the ground and jumps on your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_4.mp4">>
<p>That's what I'm talking about!</p>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, like that. Punish me for losing. Fuck me. Fuck me! FUCK ME!!!">>
<<if $rose.status == 3>>
<p>You feel growing pressure in your dick. You won't be able to hold it off for long. We need to work on your stamina, dude!</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<p>$ pushes Destiny aside.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my face!">>
<big>But Destiny also wants a piece of the action.</big>
<p>She pushes $ away and jumps on your dick herself, while $ starts taking care of your balls...</p>
<<chunk "rose.status=4">>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_5.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, baby, fuck Destiny, fuck her hard, like you own her.">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh... yeah... Jump on that dick, bitch.">>
<<if $rose.status == 4>>
<p>You feel growing pressure in your dick. You won't be able to hold it off for long. Too bad, we need to work on your stamina. Well, maybe next time.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<p>$ pushes Destiny aside.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my face!">>
<p>$ moans and whispers.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want... to be your slave... To be your dog... I was a bad doggy... Punish me, master. Fuck me like a dog.">>
<big>Don't let her beg, dude! Have mercy!</big>
<p>You turn her around, and push your huge dick into her gaping pussy.</p>
<<chunk "rose.status=5">>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_6.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "YES! YES! YES! I'm your bitch. Your dog. FUCK ME!">>
<p>You feel growing pressure in your dick. You won't be able to hold it off for long. Too bad, we need to work on your stamina. Well, maybe next time.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<p>$ pushes Destiny aside.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my face!">>
<p>Your orgasm arrives like a fucking cargo train, making you shoot a stream of hot cum on $'s face.</p>
<big>And she takes it all like a champ.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_cum.mp4">>
<p>After you finish cumming, your legs start shaking. You collapse on the grass and lie there for a moment.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhh....">>
<p>$ and Destiny start laughing.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ok. Next time I'm gonna beat you. See you then!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh....">>
<p>They grab their things and walk away.</p>
<big>Dude, congrats.</big>
<p>It was something!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh....">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<p>You look in the direction of the small football field and...</p>
<big>Oh. My. Fucking. God.</big>
<<dial "player" "What?!">>
<p>Well... This.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_intro_0.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck. It's $ and Destiny!</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Are they...</tht>">>
<p>No panties?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yup, same as last time...</tht>">>
<big>God bless those tits and asses.</big>
<p>You walk closer to the field. $ notices you right away and walks your direction with a smile.</p>
<<dial "rose" "You're back! Want to play a rematch?">>
<p>Yes. Say yes. Say motherfuckin' yes!!!</p>
<<dial "player" "Erm... Yup...!">>
<<dial "rose" "Haha! Awesome!">>
<<media "activities/football/rose_intro_1.mp4">>
<<btn "#match">>
<<chunk null "#match">>
<p>$ and Destiny smile.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Come with us.">>
<p>They lead you to one of the goals.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_intro_3.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Ok, so I'm kinda good in this, so you'll play in one team with Destiny. Ok?">>
<<dial "player" "Yup.">>
<p>You smile to Destiny.</p>
<<dial "rose" "The rules are simple. 2 goals win the match.">>
<p>Destiny nods.</p>
<big>Wait, dude!</big>
<p>Ask what's the reward! That's important, because it would give you something to bounce off the conversation later on!</p>
<<dial "player" "Wait... what's the reward? I mean... for winning?">>
<p>$ looks at you...</p>
<big>...and bites her lip.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Competitive. I like that.">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "rose" "The winner gets one wish, that has to be obeyed. Within reason. Can we play already?">>
<<dial "player" "Ok, but--">>
<p>Same moment $ throws the ball on the ground.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Starting... now!">>
<big>She kicks the ball and runs towards your goal.</big>
<<btn "#play1">>
<<chunk null "#play1">>
<p>Destiny manages to push $ to the side, but she goes past her with ease, and runs toward the goal.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_play_1.mp4">>
<p>Dude! We want to win this!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>We do...?</tht>">>
<p>Of course we fucking do god damn it.</p>
<big>Move your ass!</big>
<p>You sprint towards $ You manage to get in front of her, blocking her path towards goal, but she's about to go around you. You gotta do something.</p>
<big>It's now or never!</big>
<<media "activities/football/roll_0.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#fail1", "#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#success1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success1">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail1">>
<<set _score = 0>>
<<set _roseWonPlay1 = 1>>
<p>$ goes past you and kicks the ball in the direction of the goal and...</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_goal_1.mp4">>
<big>$ scores.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_celebration.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Hah, score! I thought you'd be better at this!">>
<p>Ok man, don't worry. We can still turn it around. Just focus.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's hard to focus with her ass in front of me.</tht>">>
<p>I don't wanna make it even worse for you, but if you won't win this I highly doubt she'll want to fuck you.</p>
<big>This type of girls doesn't fuck with losers.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, I'm gonna win it!</tht>">>
<p>$ takes the ball and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<p>You nod.</p>
<<btn "#play2">>
<<chunk null "#success1">>
<<set _score = 1>>
<<set _roseWonPlay1 = 0>>
<p>You manage to tackle $ and take the ball away from her. You pass it to Destiny and then...</p>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_goal.mp4">>
<big>Destiny scores.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Fuck!">>
<p>$ looks at you with a mix of anger and respect.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, Destiny starts celebrating her goal...</p>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_celebration_1.mp4">>
<big>Good work.</big>
<p>Now focus. We don't want to lose the lead.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's hard to focus with those tits in front of me.</tht>">>
<p>Man, you need to. If you won't win this I highly doubt $ will fuck you.</p>
<big>This type of girls doesn't fuck with losers.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, you're right.</tht>">>
<p>$ takes the ball and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<p>You nod.</p>
<<btn "#play2">>
<<chunk null "#play2">>
<p>The speed of the game increases. $ tries to go around Destiny, but she loses the ball. It goes off the field.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_play_2.mp4">>
<p>The game is quickly resumed. Destiny manages to get the ball and she tries her luck with shot on the goal, but $ blocks it. The ball lands in front of you.</p>
<big>Do something!</big>
<<media "activities/football/roll_1.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#fail2", "#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#success2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success2">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail2">>
<<set _score = _score>>
<<set _roseWonPlay2 = 1>>
<p>You try to kick the ball between $'s legs, but...</p>
<big>She blocks it.</big>
<p>But that's not the end. She quickly runs towards the ball, turns to the goal, shoots and...</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_goal_2.mp4">>
<big>$ scores!</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_celebration.mp4">>
<<if _score == 0>>
<<dial "rose" "Victory! I fucking owned you!">>
<p>Well, doesn't matter. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. At least the views were nice...</p>
<p>Just don't be a sore loser and congratulate her on her win.</p>
<<dial "player" "Good game... I'm gonna beat your ass next time, haha.">>
<p>She looks at you with a mocking smile.</p>
<<btn "#lose">>
<<elseif _score == 1>>
<<dial "rose" "Hah! Equalizer!!! Now I'm gonna beat your ass!">>
<p>Dude, don't let her get into your head.</p>
<big>We can win this.</big>
<p>$ takes the ball and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<<dial "player" "I was born ready!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<btn "#play3">>
<<chunk null "#success2">>
<<set _score = _score + 1>>
<<set _roseWonPlay2 = 0>>
<p>You kick the ball between $'s legs, and...</p>
<<media `"activities/football/player_goal_" + random(1,4) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>You score.</big>
<p>$ spits on the ground with anger.</p>
<<dial "rose" "God damn it!">>
<p>Meanwhile, Destiny starts celebrating...</p>
<<if _score == 2>>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_celebration_2.mp4">>
<big>You won!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I did?</tht>">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I know when I'm beaten. Congrats.">>
<p>You shake her hand and notice that...</p>
<big>...she bites her lip.</big>
<<btn "#win">>
<<elseif _score == 1>>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_celebration_2.mp4">>
<big>We're back, baby!</big>
<p>Now focus. The match starts over. Next goal wins.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I can do it!</tht>">>
<p>$ takes the ball and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<<dial "player" "I was born ready!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<btn "#play3">>
<<chunk null "#play3">>
<p>The intensity of the game reaches new heights. $ and Destiny fight with ferocity. But all you can see...</p>
<big>...are tits and asses everywhere.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_play_3.mp4">>
<p>Finally $ manages to trick Destiny, and gets past her. You're the last line of defense.</p>
<big>I believe in you!</big>
<<media "activities/football/roll_2.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#fail3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#success3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success3">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail3">>
<p>You try to block $, but she manages to change the direction of her run, and you fall on your ass.</p>
<p>She uses that moment, turns towards the goal and...</p>
<<if _roseWonPlay1>>
<<media "activities/football/rose_goal_2.mp4">>
<<media "activities/football/rose_goal_1.mp4">>
<big>$ scores and wins the entire match.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_celebration.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Victory! I fucking owned you!">>
<p>Well, doesn't matter. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. At least the views were nice...</p>
<p>Just don't be a sore loser and congratulate her on her win.</p>
<<dial "player" "Good game... I'm gonna beat your ass next time, haha.">>
<p>She looks at you with a mocking smile.</p>
<<btn "#lose">>
<<chunk null "#success3">>
<p>You manage to keep your cool, and trick $ into thinking you're going to block her from the left...</p>
<p>She counterattacks, but you change the direction and jump behind her, which makes her lose her balance and...</p>
<big>...fall to her ass.</big>
<<if _roseWonPlay1>>
<p>That's exactly what you were waiting for. You pass the ball to Destiny and then...</p>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_goal.mp4">>
<big>Destiny scores.</big>
<p>That's exactly what you were waiting for. You push the ball in front, aim at the goal, and shoot with all your strength...</p>
<<media `"activities/football/player_goal_" + random(1,4) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>You score!</big>
<p>$ can't believe it.</p>
<<dial "rose" "No! Fuck!!!">>
<p>Meanwhile, Destiny starts celebrating...</p>
<<if _roseWonPlay1>>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_celebration_1.mp4">>
<<media "activities/football/destiny_celebration_2.mp4">>
<big>You fucking won the match!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I did?</tht>">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I know when I'm beaten. Congrats.">>
<p>You shake her hand and notice that...</p>
<big>...she bites her lip.</big>
<<btn "#win">>
<<chunk null "#lose">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So... what now?</tht>">>
<p>Well... that was kind of it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So she'll fuck me now?</tht>">>
<p>After that? Well, you can try, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.</p>
<<dial "player" "Good game... So... You won, so you get a wish, right? What's your wish... maybe something naughty, haha?">>
<p>$ takes the ball and looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I wish for you to go away... loser.">>
<big>She laughs and walks away with Destiny.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_lose.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc null "rose.dom-1" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#win">>
<big>This is a moment to strike, dude.</big>
<p>She's into you, I can tell you that much, but will she agree for something naughty? It depends on how much she likes you. If you want to get into this sweaty ass you need to make your intentions clear.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Clear how...?</tht>">>
<p>Like, tell her you have something naughty in mind for your wish.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, I get it...</tht>">>
<p>You look at $</p>
<<dial "player" "So... I was thinking what should I wish for...!">>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah...? Let me guess. You want to slap my ass.">>
<p>Dude. Change of plans. Now, that she brought this to the table...</p>
<big>...we need to escalate.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Esca-what?</tht>">>
<p>We need to bring it to an even higher level, see how she reacts. Just tell her straight up...</p>
<big> want her to blow you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That I can do.</tht>">>
<<btn null "Slap is not enough for me. I want you to blow me!" "rose.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Well... I was thinking about something involving your mouth..." "" "dialog">>
<<media "perfection.mp4">>
<p>$ looks at you a bit surprised. Like she didn't thought you have it in you.</p>
<<dial "rose" "You want me to blow you?!">>
<p>Destiny bursts into laughter - //"Haha, he got you, bitch! I'm gonna watch you suck him off!"//</p>
<<dial "player" "Actually... I want you both to suck me off.">>
<<dial "rose" "What...?">>
<p>Destiny looks at you in shock.</p>
<<dial "player" "You said I get a wish that has to be obeyed. My wish is - I want you both to suck me off.">>
<<media "impressive.mp4">>
<p>But let's see what they will say about it.</p>
<<if $rose.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#sex_fail", "#sex_fail", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#sex_fail", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#sex">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#sex_fail">>
<big>$ bursts into laughter.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Nope. I said - //within reason//. Disqulified.">>
<<dial "player" "But... so I want a different wish.">>
<<dial "rose" "Nope. You only had one, and you blew it!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, come on, that's not fair.">>
<<dial "rose" "Life's not fair! And I also want a rematch! If you win again... who knows. We might go crazy!">>
<p>She laughs and walks away with Destiny.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_lose.mp4">>
<p>Oh fuck... It seems she just doesn't like you enough yet. But I promise you, we'll get it next time.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<p>$ and Destiny look at each other and...</p>
<<dial "rose" "I was hoping you'd say that.">>
<p>Fuck yea!</p>
<<dial "rose" "But there's something you need to do first...">>
<<dial "player" "What is it?">>
<p>They both turn around.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_0.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Those asses need to be cleaned.">>
<p>You heard the lady?! Clean those god damn asses, dude!</p>
<<dial "player" "Can do.">>
<big>You grab a hose and smile like a pedo in kindergarten.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_1.mp4">>
<p>The water is cold, but it's not enough to cool down those two hot bitches.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, baby. Just like that. Wash my asshole!">>
<p>Oh yeah! Wash that asshole. Wash it goood.</p>
<big>After a minute both girls are sparkling clean.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Now... time for second part.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh god damn it, I have such a hard on!</tht>">>
<p>It's happening, dude.</p>
<<media "you_did_it.mp4">>
<p>$ and Destiny start slowly. They tickle your dick and balls with their tongues.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_2.mp4">>
<p>You direct their heads and slide your dick between their lips.</p>
<big>It fits perfectly.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_3.mp4">>
<<if $rose.status >= 3>>
<p>But somehow, blowjob seems like it was just an appetizer for $ She looks at you with sparks in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready for something extra?">>
<big>We're ready!</big>
<p>You feel a growing pressure. You won't be able to hold it off for long. Too bad, I was hoping we could fuck them. Well, maybe next time.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<p>$ pushes Destiny aside.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my face!">>
<<chunk "rose.status=3">>
<p>$ pushes you to the ground and jumps on your dick.</p>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_4.mp4">>
<p>That's what I'm talking about!</p>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, like that. Punish me for losing. Fuck me. Fuck me! FUCK ME!!!">>
<<if $rose.status == 3>>
<p>You feel growing pressure in your dick. You won't be able to hold it off for long. We need to work on your stamina, dude!</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<p>$ pushes Destiny aside.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my face!">>
<big>But Destiny also wants a piece of the action.</big>
<p>She pushes $ away and jumps on your dick herself, while $ starts taking care of your balls...</p>
<<chunk "rose.status=4">>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_5.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, baby, fuck Destiny, fuck her hard, like you own her.">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh... yeah... Jump on that dick, bitch.">>
<<if $rose.status == 4>>
<p>You feel growing pressure in your dick. You won't be able to hold it off for long. Too bad, we need to work on your stamina. Well, maybe next time.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<p>$ pushes Destiny aside.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my face!">>
<p>$ moans and whispers.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want... to be your slave... To be your dog... I was a bad doggy... Punish me, master. Fuck me like a dog.">>
<big>Don't let her beg, dude! Have mercy!</big>
<p>You turn her around, and push your huge dick into her gaping pussy.</p>
<<chunk "rose.status=5">>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_6.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "YES! YES! YES! I'm your bitch. Your dog. FUCK ME!">>
<p>You feel growing pressure in your dick. You won't be able to hold it off for long. Too bad, we need to work on your stamina. Well, maybe next time.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<p>$ pushes Destiny aside.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my face!">>
<p>Your orgasm arrives like a fucking cargo train, making you shoot a stream of hot cum on $'s face.</p>
<big>And she takes it all like a champ.</big>
<<media "activities/football/rose_sex_cum.mp4">>
<p>After you finish cumming, your legs start shaking. You collapse on the grass and lie there for a moment.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhh....">>
<p>$ and Destiny start laughing.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ok. Next time I'm gonna beat you. See you then!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh....">>
<p>They grab their things and walk away.</p>
<big>Dude, congrats.</big>
<p>It was something!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh....">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<p>I know you don't have time so I'm gonna write it really fast. I'm your wingman, ''Grave''. Nice to meet you, bud! I'll be on your side the entire time! And, oh boy, we'll have some fun together!</p>
<p>But first - let's start with the basics...</p>
<span style="margin-right: 10px;">You are </span>
<<textbox "$" $>>
<<textbox "$player.surname" $player.surname>>
<p>You were a pussystarved wuss all your life. But you feel the wind of changes blowing - ''you're going to College in LA''!</p>
<span>Your dad's name is </span>
<<textbox "$" $>>
<p>He comes with you to the airport to give you encouraging speech about how to never get laid. What else do you want from him on your trip?</p>
/* Help */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>In //Become Alpha// there are two main routes - <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Domination//'' and <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Love//''. Throughout the game you gather //experience// in both those routes, and if you gather enough of it - you can //level up//.</p>
<p>Additionally, there's also <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/cash.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Cash'', that you can spent on your rent and can buy nice things with it. And you use up your <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/energy.png'" class="statIcon"> ''Energy'' to do stuff in the game.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: Domination and Love are very important for $ $player.surname.''</p>
<<btn null "I'll make you proud, dad." "cash+300" "dialog yieldShow">>
<<btn null "I've studied hard for this." "cash+150; love+5" "dialog yieldShow">>
<<btn null "Knowledge is for pussies." "cash+150; dom+5" "dialog yieldShow">>
<p>When you land in LA you take a taxi to a flat that your dad arranged for you - ''it's a dump, but the owner makes your balls damp'' <small>(yes, this pun barely makes any sense, so I made it bold)</small></p>
<span>Her name is </span>
<span><<textbox "$" $>></span>
<span>, she's your </span>
<<listbox "$daphne.relation">>
<<option "landlady" "landlady" selected>>
<<option "aunt" "aunt">>
<p>When you see her gigantic boobs, you almost melt. With the little amount of blood left in your brain you manage to say just one thing...</p>
/* Help */
<div class="expand help">
<p>Need some help?</p>
<div class="expandContent">
<p>When you're interacting with a character, choosing an option with <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon">/<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> not only gives you //Experience//, but also yields ''//Desire//'' for the character.</p>
<p>Basically - the more //Desire// a character has, the higher your ''//Friendship level//'' becomes. And the higher it is, the bigger chance for a positive reaction to your advances.</p>
<p>''TL;DR: boost //desire// to get into character's panties.''</p>
<<btn null "I'm here for the boob! Ermmm... Room!" "" "dialog yieldShow">>
<<btn null "I cum for a room." "daphne.dom" "dialog yieldShow">>
<p>And I think that's it, buddy! If I missed something - let me know.</p>
<big>Have fun!</big>
<<media "success.mp4">>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Start your new life" "time+; daphIntro+">> /*[[daphGuest]]*/
/* Reset random var - we need it separately from the header to run it after yields for effects */
<<widget "resetRandom">>
/* If the player is on LSD - we give him better random */
<<if $player.effectsList && $player.effectsList.indexOf("trip") != -1>>
<<set $minRand = setup.minRandDefaultHigh>>
<<elseif $fapRegular>>
<<set $minRand = setup.minRandDefaultFap>>
<<set $minRand = setup.minRandDefault>>
<<EVENT "$alexa.met">>
<<chunks null "#btnVar1">> /* tvComedy */
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p>In the middle of the movie $ suddenly stops what she was doing and glances at the screen.</p>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>In the middle of the movie $ walks into the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you watching, dweeb?">>
<<dial "player" "It's _comedy, I'm laughing my ass off!">>
<<dial "alexa" "That's because you're a dweeb!">>
<p>I sense strong resistance in her. I'm not sure if you can turn it around, but you can always try, right?</p>
<<btn null "Watch it with me, you'll see!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Maybe you're just not smart enough?" "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>$ takes a look at the tv for a second.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Nope. It's boring as shit. And you're a fucking dweeb.">>
<p>She picks up a magazine from the table and walks out. Don't beat yourself over it - maybe comedies are just not her thing.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#btnVar2">> /* tvHorror */
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>In the middle of the movie $ walks into the room.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you watching, dweeb?">>
<<dial "player" "It's _horror. Scary as fuck!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Scary? L-O-L, you're a pussy!">>
<p>Well, congrats. Now figure out a way to turn it around!</p>
<<btn null "Watch it with me, you'll see!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "And you're an asshole and you'd shit yourself." "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>$ takes a look at the tv for a second.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Nope. It's boring as shit. And you're a fucking dweeb.">>
<p>She picks up a magazine from the table and walks out. Don't beat yourself over it - maybe horror movies are just not her thing.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#btnVar3">> /* tvPorn */
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>In the middle of the movie $ walks into the room. You try to quickly change a channel, but it's too late.</p>
<<media "alexa" "portrait">>
<<dial "alexa" "Is that _porn?">>
<<dial "player" "I was just changing channels.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Leave it! I love that movie!">>
<<dial "player" "You do?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>She jumps on the couch alongside you. Buddy, this is going in a good direction.</p>
<big>Don't fuck it up!</big>
<<media "activities/tv/anal1.mp4">>
<p>You're a bit embarrased, but $ looks like she won the lottery.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Such an emotional scene! Classic!">>
<<dial "player" "Doesn't it seem a bit rough though?">>
<p>Do you remember me saying not to fuck it up?</p>
<big>You're fucking it up.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Rough is the way to go, kid. I want my asshole feel like a fucking cargo train went through it, otherwise why bother, right?">>
<p>Don't think about it, just agree.</p>
<<dial "player" "That makes sense...">>
<<media "activities/tv/anal2.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh, I love this actor!">>
<p>All you can see is a close up of a giant penis entering girl's buttered up butthole.</p>
<<dial "player" "You know him by his penis?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I know everything about him. He's my celebrity crush. <tht>sigh</tht> Or at least he was, until he filed for a restraining order... But I forgave him.">>
<p>She giggles. And it's quite a creepy giggle. But at the same time - I have to tell you, buddy, I've never seen a girl having so much fun on a porn flick. Next time make some popcorn!</p>
<<media "activities/tv/anal3.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Player 2 entered the game!">>
<<dial "player" "Another restraining order?">>
<<dial "alexa" "I wish! He's a pure gentleman! Look, he could have just stick his dick in her anus like the first dude, but no - he spits first. Remember, kid - gentleman always spits in the ass first.">>
<big>R u writing it down? Because you should.</big>
<p>But don't fucking lose focus! There's an opportunity here, I'm sure of it!</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm a gentleman too...">>
<<dial "alexa" "You're a dweeb, dweeb.">>
<<dial "player" "No, really! I buy girls flowers and all...">>
<<dial "alexa" "What the fuck would I do with flowers?! Girls today want something usable... like a cucumber!">>
<p>Ok man, I think I'm in love with this girl. It might be a bit premature, but I'm actually thinking about proposing to her. Figure out what to say, while I'll check if a diamond ring fits in my anus.</p>
<<btn "#alexaSpit" "Maybe I could spit in your asshole sometimes?" "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#alexaHug" "And what about hugging?" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#alexaHug">>
<p>What? WHAT?! I can't believe that you're offering her a hug after she told you she likes a guy to spit in her asshole. Are you really that fucking clueless?!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're a dweeb.">>
<p>She stands up and walks out of the room.</p>
<big>Yes. You are a dweeb.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#alexaSpit">>
<p>Fuck, dude. I leave you for a minute and you're instantly going full creep. You're lucky she's such a whore she might actually like this approach.</p>
<p>$ thinks for a second, before turning towards you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're offering to spit in my butthole while I watch my favorite porn flick?">>
<p>Yes! Yes! Yes! Say yes! Fucking say it! YES!</p>
<<dial "player" "That would be my pleasure!">>
<p>Spoken like a true gentleman! And $ seems to be really considering it.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/alexa_lip.mp4">>
<<chunk "!alexa.status=2">>
<<dial "alexa" "No. You're a dweeb, and I don't let dweebs spit in my asshole.">>
<<dial "player" "But I'm great at spitting! You want a hard ptooey, or a thick drool - I got it all!">>
<<dial "alexa" "You're just not a true gentleman. You're doing it to see my asshole.">>
<<dial "player" "Well, sure, but still...">>
<<dial "alexa" "I appreciate the offer, but I'm gonna go and look for a cucumber.">>
<<dial "player" "Wait, I have something better, bigger and--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Bye, dweeb!">>
<p>She stands up and walks out of the living room. You tried, buddy, and that's the most important thing. Some day, maybe even soon, you'll spit into her asshole.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<p>She thinks for a second, looking at the movie. One guy is now pinching the girl's asshole, while the other is deepthroating her upside down. $'s hesitating, but it's actually a good thing - she could have just slap you, right?</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well... My asshole is kinda special, I'm not sure if I should let dweeb like you spit into it.">>
<<dial "player" "But I'll take care of it!">>
<<dial "alexa" "You don't even know how.">>
<<dial "player" "Come on... I'll do anything!">>
<p>No! Wrong, buddy. Never say you'll do anything, EVER. Those bitches always treat it like an invitation. Always keep your cool. Act like it's not worth it.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well...">>
<<if $fluffy.met>>
<<media "activities/tv/fluffy_walk.jpg">>
<p>Same moment $ walks into the room and starts rubbing against $'s legs. A smile brigtens her face.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/alexa_idea.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "I have an idea!">>
<big>And I have a baaaad feeling about it, dude!</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; $fluffy.met">>
<<media "activities/tv/fluffy_ass.png">>
<p>$ picks up the cat from the floor and presents it to you in all it's anal glory.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "If you really want to get into my ass, you must first prove me that you know how to handle one. So you're going to lick $'s butt! Lick it clean, that is.">>
<p>Told you this will happen. That's what you get when you let crazy bitch think you'll do anything for her. The rule of thumb is simple...</p>
<big>Not giving shit makes bitches lit.</big>
<p>Anyway. I think you know what to do here, bud.</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaNo" "No. Just fucking no." "alexa.dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaCatLick" "Anything for my lil' anal princess." "alexa.dom-" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; !$fluffy.met">>
<<dial "alexa" "If you really want to get into my ass, you must first prove me that you know how to use your mouth.">>
<<dial "player" "Sure! I'm always happy to--">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want you to blow yourself.">>
<<dial "player" "Blow myself...?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Suck your own dick, dweeb!">>
<p>Told you this will happen. That's what you get when you let crazy bitch think you'll do anything for her. The rule of thumb is simple...</p>
<big>Not giving shit makes bitches lit.</big>
<p>Anyway. I think you know what to do here, bud.</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaNo" "No. Just fucking no." "alexa.dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#alexaSelfLick" "Anything for my lil' anal princess." "alexa.dom-" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; !alexa.status=3" "#alexaNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "What?! You said you'd anything!">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<<dial "alexa" "You're just a lying piece of shit.">>
<p>She walks out of the room. I know, it feels bad seeing her go, but I'm proud of you, pal.</p>
<big>You did the right thing.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3" "#alexaNo">>
<<dial "alexa" "What?! You said you'd anything!">>
<<dial "player" "Well, yeah, but--">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ah, come on, I'm playing with you.">>
<<dial "player" "You do?">>
<<dial "alexa" "Of course I am, dweeb. I wouldn't let you spit in my butthole after you'd lick the cat's fucking ass. And you do want to spit in my hole, right?">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>What did I told you - not giving shit makes the bitches lit! Am I right or am I right, bud?</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That's what I thought... And I never pass on a tongue fuck.">>
<p>She lowers her panties and turns on the couch, so that her ass is now right in front of you.</p>
<<btn "#alexaAss">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; $fluffy.met" "#alexaCatLick">>
<<dial "alexa" "Good boy.">>
<<media "activities/tv/nothing.png">>
<p>You make me sick, dude... I'll narrate it, because that's my fucking job, but I want you to know - I'm against this whole fucking thing.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Here it goes...">>
<p>$ puts the cat's ass near your mouth. You can already smell what's coming (not roses). You close your eyes and hold your breath, hoping that it will help (it doesn't).</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Do it!">>
<p>To get your mind away you imagine that you're 2Pac about to fuck a furry girlfriend. But unfortunately your mind has a whole different idea about <a href="" target="_blank">''♫what to think about♫''</a>.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Do it now!">>
<big>Shit... I cannot look!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you waiting for, dweeb!">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; $fluffy.met">>
<p>You finally stick out your tongue and...</p>
<<media "activities/tv/fluffy_shock.jpg">>
<big> lick $'s asshole.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeahhh, lick it, lick it good...">>
<p>It's just as bad as you imagined, but you went too far to get back now. Somehow you manage to screen yourself from an unbearable taste of cat's shit and focus on putting the tongue as deep into $'s ass as possible. Surprisingly, the cat seems to enjoy it quite a bit.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; $fluffy.met">>
<<media "activities/tv/fluffy_pleasure.jpg">>
<p>But $ seems to enjoy it even more than the cat. She has a wide smile on her face, and is barely able to hold in her laugh.</p>
<big>Fortunately - the torture comes to an end.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh my fucking God, you did it. You cleaned it. I can't believe I made you do it.">>
<p>She puts the cat on the floor, and it immediately pierces you with a fuck-me stare.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; $fluffy.met">>
<<media "activities/tv/fluffy_boner.jpg">>
<p>You feel sick to the bone about what just happened, but even cat's shit can't take your mind away from spitting into $ asshole.</p>
<<dial "player" "Allright. I did what you wanted. Now it's your turn.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Whaat?">>
<<dial "player" "Drop your panties!">>
<p>She looks at you for a second, before bursting into laughter.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You fucking dweeb! You thought I'll let you spit into my asshole after you licked cat's shit?">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<<dial "player" "Keep dreaming!">>
<p>She gets up from the couch and walks out of the room like nothing ever happend.</p>
<big>See? I told you. I fucking told you.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; !$fluffy.met" "alexaSelfLick">>
<<dial "alexa" "Good boy.">>
<p>WHAT!?! God damn it, sucking your own dick?</p>
<big>Do you have no dignity?</big>
<<media "activities/tv/nothing.png">>
<p>And probably you expect me to narrate it? You fucking perv. I hope you know what you're doing - if I won't see her asshole after this shit I'll be really fucking disappointed!</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Take your clothes off.">>
<p>You drop your pants and t-shirt to the floor like she ordered, and just a second later you're standing in front of her in all your naked glory. Licking yourself might be a fucked up thing to do, but doing it in front of her is a whole different thing. Your dick is already hard by just thinking about it.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Such a nice tool you have there. You cannot let this hard-on go wasted.">>
<p>She actually has a point...</p>
<big>The harder you are the easier it will be to reach the tip</big>
<p>There's no time to waste. You sit on the floor, and lower your head with all your strength...</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; !$fluffy.met">>
<big>But it's not enough.</big>
<<media "activities/tv/alexa_selfsuck1.jpg">>
<p>Fortunately $ comes to the rescue.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Here, let me help you.">>
<p>She pushes your head down with all her strength, and finally...</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; !$fluffy.met">>
<big>You did it, $!</big>
<p>Though it's not something you should be proud about.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/alexa_selfsuck2.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeahhh, lick it, lick it good...">>
<p>You hate to admit it, but you actually like it. It might even be one of the best blowjobs you ever had, even though your dick tastes like shit.</p>
<p>But after a while your back starts to hurt. You realize that you can't go on anymore. You raise your head and look at $</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2; !alexa.status=3; !$fluffy.met">>
<<dial "player" "Allright. I did what you wanted. Now it's your turn.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Whaat?">>
<<dial "player" "Drop your panties!">>
<p>She looks at you for a second, before bursting into laughter.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're such a dweeb!">>
<<dial "player" "You promised!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Yeah, well, so what?!">>
<<dial "player" "So... drop your panties and show me your asshole!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Blow yourself!">>
<p>She gets up from the couch and walks out of the room like nothing ever happend.</p>
<big>See? You got played, brother.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3; !$fluffy.met">>
<<dial "player" "See? I fucking did it.">>
<<dial "alexa" "I have to admit - that was hot. I didn't thought it's possible.">>
<<dial "player" "Now it's your turn!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Well...">>
<p>No. Fucking no. After this humiliation - there's no way she's not showing us her asshole.</p>
<<dial "player" "Drop your panties, or I'll rip them from you!">>
<p>Holy shit, bud, finally you're making progress! $ looks at you, curiously.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Calm down, I'm just playing with you. You deserved it! And I never pass on a tongue fuck.">>
<big>Thank god!</big>
<p>She lowers her panties and turns on the couch, so that her ass is now right in front of you.</p>
<<btn "#alexaAss">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3" "alexaAss">>
<<media "activities/tv/alexa_asshole.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "You like it? You like my lil' cinnamon hole?">>
<p>Fuck. Me.</p>
<<dial "player" "Fuck. Me.">>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you waiting for... Do it!">>
<p>You heard the lady! SPIT IN HER ASS RIGHT MOTHERFUCKING NOW!!!</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<<media "activities/tv/alexa_assspit.mp4">>
<p>You kneel in front of $ Her asshole smells like sweat, but it's a nice smell - heavy and sweet.</p>
<p>You grab her hips and bring them closer. Your mouth is now right over her ass. You slowly release a spit and watch as it falls right in the spot.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Ahhh...">>
<p>You're not in a hurry. This beautiful hole deserves all the time in the world. You spit again, and again, rubbing it all over her awesome ass.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Now lick it clean!">>
<big>She doesn't have to ask twice.</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<<media "activities/tv/alexa_asslick.mp4">>
<p>You put your tongue in her little hole as deep as you can.</p>
<big>It tastes like a nectar of the gods.</big>
<p>You grab her ass with your hands and pull it even closer, so close that your entire tongue is now inside her, wiggling it around.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "This is the spot... Yes...">>
<p>You start rubbing her clit too. She helps you by putting her hand on your fingers and showing you how she likes it. After a moment you're fingering her ass and pussy like a jackhammer.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Faster... Faster!">>
<p>You can feel she's about to cum. Maybe it's a good idea to bring it to another level?</p>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+alexa; alexa.squirt+2" "sex action">>
<<btn "#alexaRim" "Tell her it's your turn" "alexa.dom+; alexa.status=4" "action">>
<<btn "#alexaCum" "Let her cum" "" "action">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4" "#alexaRim">>
<<media "activities/tv/alexa_rimjob.mp4">>
<p>$ obeys without question and in a moment you feel her sticky tongue going in and out of your asshole. And you have to say - she really knows her way around. It's like you had a little wet snake inside you, pressing all the right buttons.</p>
<<dial "player" "Ohhh.... fuck!!!">>
<<dial "alexa" "<tht>Slurp... slurp... slurp...</tht>">>
<p>But she doesn't stop at the asshole. She licks and kisses the gouch, sucks and twists the balls. It's pure perfection. You can feel the orgasm coming from a mile away.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!!!">>
<<dial "alexa" "<tht>Slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp...</tht>">>
<p>She puts a finger in your ass and...</p>
<big>You shoot a stream of cum at her face.</big>
<p>And another. And another. And she takes it all like a cum hungry whore, until you finally loosen up and drop on the couch barely able to move.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/tv/alexa_cum.jpg">>
<p>$ smiles to you. Her face is dripping in cum, and it's clear that she likes it. Quite honestly you have to say - she looks real pretty covered in your sperm.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Mmm... Tasty!">>
<p>You probably should say something, but all that comes out of your mind is a low pitched growl.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "We might try that again some other day.">>
<p>Another growl. She sighs and puts her clothes on. She blows you a kiss and leaves the room. Congrats, brother. That was something you're going to tell your grandkids about.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3" "#alexaCum">>
<p>She grabs your wrist and pushes your fingers deeper into her. You can feel the wall between her pussy and ass, it's so thin you're afraid you might break it. But she doesn't care.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Yes! YES! DEEPER!">>
<<media "activities/tv/alexa_orgasm.mp4">>
<big>$ cums.</big>
<p>You feel her body twitches. Her throbbing pussy is so wet you could drink from it. And more juice flows out of her with every spasm.</p>
<p>Within seconds, her body loosens up, her breath slows down. She moves away, and falls on her back, with a smile of ecstasy.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're not so bad at it, kid.">>
<<dial "player" "I'm even better with my dick instead of my fingers!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Ha, ha. You're not such a dweeb after all, dweeb.">>
<p>She slowly gets up, puts her clothes back on, and walks out of the room. I have to say, bud - you really impressed me here!</p>
<big>Good job!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "$daphne.met">>
<<chunks null "#btnVar2">> /* tvHorror */
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p>In the middle of the movie $ suddenly stops what she was doing and glances at the screen.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>In the middle of the movie $ walks into the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, I didn't know you're here. I was just going to chill in front of a tv.">>
<p>She glances at the movie.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "What are you watching?">>
<<dial "player" "_horror. It's a horror.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh no, no, no! I don't like horrors!">>
<<dial "player" "Come on, sit with me, it's going to be ok.">>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm too scared...">>
<p>She says she's scared, but she cannot take her eyes away from the screen. That's a good sign, pal. Use it wisely.</p>
<<btn "#daphneHorrorLove" "You don't have to be scared, I'm here for you!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneHorrorDom" "LOL! Don't be a baby, it's just a movie!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneHorrorDom">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_scared.jpg">>
<p>$ sits on the edge of the couch and focuses on the tv.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't know about this...">>
<<dial "player" "Trust me.">>
<<dial "daphne" "I won't be able to fall asleep...">>
<<dial "player" "Well... There are some ways to remedy that problem.">>
<p>You show her your creepy smile <small>(as if you had any different ones)</small>. She doesn't run away, so I guess it works. Now you need to figure out how to get her tits out of this blouse and...</p>
<p>Suddenly, the movie reaches a turning point and...</p>
<<media "activities/tv/horror3.mp4">>
<big>$ starts screaming her ass off.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What the fuck was that!?">>
<<dial "player" "What? It's just a movie.">>
<p>You try to calm her down, but she's clearly out of her element.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "This guy! This fucking guy! I've seen him!">>
<<dial "player" "You mean the guy from the movie? Maybe the actor lives near by or--">>
<p>She's going mental.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "This is too fucked up! I think I shit my panties!">>
<<dial "daphne" "This is insane. I need a drink.">>
<p>She walks to the liquor cabinet, pours a shot of vodka, downs it, and then drinks half of the bottle.</p>
<p>She takes a deep breath, calming herself down... But it doesn't work. She looks at you with angry eyes.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_angry.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "I told you I don't like horrors!">>
<<dial "player" "Well, sorry, I didn't...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Next time please turn it off when I'm around!">>
<<dial "player" "Sure...">>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm going to wash my ass.">>
<p>She angrily walks out of the room, but after a moment she comes back and takes the bottle of vodka with her.</p>
<big>Well, shit.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#daphneHorrorLove">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_scared.jpg">>
<p>$ sits on the couch next to you. She's visible frightened by the movie, but at the same time curious. Maybe we can use that.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't know about this...">>
<<dial "player" "Here, hold my hand.">>
<p>She grabs your hand, looking at the tv. You use the opportunity to check out her boobs - as always, they're maginificent.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I won't be able to fall asleep...">>
<<dial "player" "Well, let's make a deal - if you won't be able to sleep, just wake me up and we'll talk about it!">>
<p>Shit, man. You're getting good at this! Now just figure out how to get her tits out of this blouse and...</p>
<<chunk "!daphne.status=2">>
<p>Suddenly, the movie reaches a turning point.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/horror3.mp4">>
<big>$ starts screaming.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What the fuck was that!?">>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, it's just a movie. I'm with you.">>
<<dial "daphne" "I know this guy! I've seen him!">>
<<dial "player" "You mean the guy from the movie?">>
<p>She takes a deep breath.</p>
<<chunk "!daphne.status=2">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_scared2.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh shit...">>
<<dial "player" "It's ok, don't worry.">>
<<dial "daphne" "No, I mean I shit my panties...">>
<<dial "player" "Oh... //shit//.">>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm going to wash myself.">>
<<dial "player" "Well... it happens, I guess.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks for ruining my underwear.">>
<p>She angrily walks out of the room and disappears in the bathroom.</p>
<p>To be quite honest, I think you did everything right. Maybe it's just too early for that kind of shit <small>(phrasing)</small>.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<p>Suddenly, the movie reaches a turning point.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/horror1.mp4">>
<big>$ closes her eyes.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "That's scary!">>
<p>She squeezes your hand like a hydraulic press, but you can take it. For those boobs - you could take anything.</p>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, I'm with you.">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2; !daphne.status=3">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_scared2.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Noooooo!">>
<<dial "player" "It's ok, I'm with you.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh fuck... If it weren't for you I'd shit my panties.">>
<<dial "player" "Well... pleasure is all mine, I guess?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks, hun, but horrors are not for me.">>
<p>She gets up from the couch and is about to walk out off the room. Figure something out, buddy, there still might be a way to salvage the situation!</p>
<<btn "#daphneComedyLove" "Wait, I'll switch to _comedy, you'll love it!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn $curLoc "Keep watching _horror and let her go" "daphne.dom+" "action">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks, hun... You're such a sweet boy...">>
<big>Surprisingly even to yourself, she hugs you.</big>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_hug.jpg">>
<p>I always thought I'm not a hugger. I guesss I was wrong.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok, hun, let's watch a bit more, but I'm not sure if I can take it...">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes, smiling. You're barely able to reply, as your growing hard-on took away all the brain power.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm...">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<media "activities/tv/horror2.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!">>
<p>$ jumps and screams her lungs out. You should probably comfort her, but instead you admire the view - her tits are jiggling like a terrified jelly.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "SHIT! Fuck! Fucking shit! That was too fucked up!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... Another hug?">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<p>She turns away from the tv.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "No. Turn it off. I can't take it anymore!">>
<p>Buddy! We're losing her!</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... If I turn it off...">>
<p>Tell her she'll die of cancer. Or her tits will explode! Or...</p>
<<dial "player" "If I turn it off then you won't see how it ends, and it'll haunt you in your dreams.">>
<<media "perfection.mp4">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment, before looking you straight in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're right. I have to watch it till the end.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Drop your pants!">>
<p>Wait... What?</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<p>You drop your pants to the floor and $ grabs your dick. She works it like her life depended on it, while still watching the movie.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_handjob.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "I need to take my mind away from the movie. You probably think I'm crazy?">>
<p>Naaaah. Perfectly normal reaction.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmmmmmm...">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3; !daphne.status=4">>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<<media "activities/tv/horror3.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK!">>
<p>She drops your dick and covers her eyes. You look around like you came back from a looong journey.</p>
<<dial "player" "What happened?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I know him! I've seen him around.">>
<p>She takes a remote and desperately turns the tv off.</p>
<<dial "player" "You mean the guy from the movie?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I think... I think so...">>
<<dial "player" "Well, it's LA, maybe he lives here...">>
<p>She takes a deep breath.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, here's the idea - maybe we could switch to _comedy?">>
<p>Smart. Redirect her attention. That's the best you could do.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "No, I had enough. I though I can, but I cannot!">>
<p>She stands up and walks out of the room, before you manage to stop her.</p>
<p>God damn it, man, so close. But shit happens. You'll get there next time.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<<media "activities/tv/horror3.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "WHAT THE FUCK!">>
<p>She drops your dick and covers her eyes. You look around like you came back from a looong journey.</p>
<<dial "player" "What happened?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I know him! I've seen him around.">>
<<dial "player" "You mean the guy from the movie?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I think... I think so...">>
<<dial "player" "Well, it's LA, maybe he lives here...">>
<p>She takes a deep breath.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're right... It's probably nothing...">>
<<dial "player" "So... Maybe you need something to take your mind away...?">>
<p>You point at your dick.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're such a sweetheart, always thinking about others first. Come here!">>
<p>Ohhhh yeah.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_blowjob.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "<tht>Gobble... gobble... gobble...</tht>">>
<p>She licks and kisses your dick like a pro, and her tits are jumping up and down like two rubber balls.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh....">>
<p>She can feel you're closing to the final line, so she speeds up.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!!!">>
<<dial "daphne" "<tht>Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble.</tht>">>
<big>You shoot a stream of cum into her mouth.</big>
<p>She takes it all like a cum hungry cougar, until you finally loosen up and drop on the couch. But she has something more to show you...</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_cum_spit.mp4">>
<p>She spits the cum on her tits, and rubs it in. You're barely able to move, but this little show makes your blood go faster again, and within couple seconds you're hard again.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I see that you enjoyed my lil' show?">>
<<dial "player" "You wanna go another round?">>
<p>You smile to her.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Not today, hun. But maybe next time?">>
<p>She stands up and walks out of the room, before you manage to stop her. You're a bit disappointed, but still she did more than enough to make you happy and you know that. And I have to tell you, friend, I thought I'm guiding you, but tonight - you were guiding me.</p>
<big>I'm adding _horror to my BluRay collection!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#btnVar1">> /* tvComedy */
<<media "interruption.mp4">>
<p>In the middle of the movie $ walks into the room.</p>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, here you are... what are you watching?">>
<<dial "player" "_comedy. It's soo funny!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh really?">>
<p>God damn it, it's a disgrace that those melons are still covered with a tshirt. Please, bud, do something to get our hands on them.</p>
<<btn "#daphneComedyLove" "Watch it with me, it's fun!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneComedyDom" "It's for young people, but you still might like it." "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#daphneComedyDom">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_not_sure.jpg">>
<p>$ takes a look at the tv for a second.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yeah, I guess it's not my thing. But keep watching, hun, I just wanted a bit of wine.">>
<p>She walks to the liquor cabinet, pours a bit of wine to the cup, and then leaves the cup and takes the whole bottle with her. She walks out of the room, leaving you with _comedy.</p>
<p>Quite honestly, bud, a little bit of advice - if you want to fuck those tits, you need to learn how to be a bit nicer to her. Domination works sometimes, but not every broad is into it.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneComedyLove">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_not_sure.jpg">>
<p>$ takes a look at the tv for a second.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I guess it looks kinda funny.">>
<p>She sits on the couch next to you. You glance cautiously on her tits, thinking how cool would it be to touch them. I always say - laugh is the best way to get to lady's private parts.</p>
<<dial "player" "This scene will be hilarious.">>
<<dial "daphne" "You've seen it already? That's not fair!">>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, just watch, you'd love it!">>
<p>$ looks at the screen and...</p>
<big>She smiles!</big>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_smile.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha! I wasn't expecting that.">>
<<dial "player" "I told you! _comedy is awesome!">>
<p>The movie is great, but I think we should reserve the term //awesome// for $'s tits.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yeah, I really needed a laugh!">>
<p>Another scene passes and $ seems to be really digging it.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Hahaha! This is great!">>
<<dial "player" "Lol!">>
<p>You notice that each time she laughs, her blouse is revealing more and more of her boobs. This is going in a very positive direction, bud - keep on it.</p>
<<dial "player" "This next scene will be even funnier! That guy is such a moron!">>
<p>$ looks at the screen intensively and...</p>
<big>She bursts into laughter!</big>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_tits_haha.mp4">>
<p>Her blouse moves down just enough to reveal her gigantic hooters.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my god! You were right, he's such a moron! Biggest moron on the planet!">>
<<dial "player" "Biggest, right... Huge even... Hugest... Yeah...">>
<p>Snap out of it! You're losing it!</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status!=2">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my... That was hilarious.">>
<p>You're barely able to move your eyes away from her breasts.</p>
<<dial "player" "This next one is--">>
<<dial "daphne" "No, no. I had enough.">>
<p>God damn it.</p>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial "daphne" "We could repeat it some other time. Thanks!">>
<p>She gets up from the couch and leaves the room. I know, bud, it sucks, but don't worry - sometimes with girls you have to play the long game. Sooner or later - you'll get what you want.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my. That was hilarious.">>
<p>She sighs, calming herself. You're still fixated on her breasts popping out from the blouse. They're like magnets for your eyes. After a moment she notices that.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oops! I was like that the entire time?">>
<p>Her words bring you back into reality.</p>
<<btn "#sexy" "I didn't even notice. I was focused on your inner beauty." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#cold" "If I had boobs like that I wouldn't hide them." "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#cold">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Every guy dreams to have boobs for one day, haha. But they are a heavy burden!">>
<p>Yup. That's some life lesson shit right there. Everyone has a burden to carry. For some it might be a pile of debt, divorce, unemployment. And for others...</p>
<big>...a pair of headlights.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, that's enough fun for today.">>
<p>What?! Noooo! You have to convince her otherwise!</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, maybe--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks for the movie, hun, it fixed my day.">>
<<dial "player" "Well... sure.">>
<p>$ covers herself and walks out of the room.</p>
<p>God damn it, dude. I'll tell you a story. I once had a shy friend. We went together to a music festival. And he saw a girl there. Beautiful one, smart one, the one. And she saw him too. And there was a spark, and all that shit. They were literally fucking each other in their minds. And you know what he did?</p>
<big>Big fucking nothing.</big>
<p>And then he fucking died.</p>
<p>What's the point of this fucking story? MISSED-FUCKING-OPPORTUNITIES. Fucking learn from it.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#sexy">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<big>I smell a miracle!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "So... You like 'em?">>
<p>How's that even a question?</p>
<<dial "player" "I-I-I--">>
<big>DO SOMETHING!</big>
<<dial "player" "I fucking love them!">>
<p>$ smiles. She looks down at her breasts and...</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<big>She starts touching them!</big>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_tits_show.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yeah, they are my lil' puppies.">>
<big>Mommy, can I have a puppy?</big>
<<dial "daphne" "You know what I like about them?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmmmmm...">>
<<dial "daphne" "They are always with me. Always on my side...">>
<p>More like front.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmmmmmmmm...">>
<p>Jeez. Hard-ons make you unusable! It's like an instant retard. You need a fucking blood bank or we'll never fuck anyone.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2; !daphne.status=3">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, I'm sorry, I got carried away there.">>
<p>What?! Noooo! You have to convince her otherwise!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmmmmmmmm...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Thanks for the movie, hun, it fixed my day.">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm...">>
<p>$ covers herself and walks out of the room. God damn it, I hate you right now.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<dial "daphne" "Do you want to touch them?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmmmmmmmm...">>
<p>BUDDY. I NEED YOU TO SAY //YES//. You hear me?!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm...">>
<p>One word. One fucking word you motherfucker!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Well...?">>
<<dial "player" "Yyyhmmm...">>
<p>No, this is not going to end like this. You need to focus. Focus like your life depended on it. And it does, because I swear I'm gonna kill you if you won't say //yes//.</p>
<<btn "#daphneUhm" "Uhmmmmmmmm..." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#daphneYes" "YES!" "daphne.dom" "dialog">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3" "daphneUhm">>
<p>You're floating. You don't know where you are, or why. All you can see, all you can count on in this vast eternal space, are $'s boobs.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_tits_eternal.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...">>
<p>You feel like a million years passes within seconds. It all makes sense now. Boobs, milkers, hooters. Knockers, juggs, nitwits. Cuckoos, turkeys, bosoms. They have many names, but all mean exactly the same - life, truth, beauty... TITS.</p>
<big>It's all about tits.</big>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<p>Big tits, small tits, round tits, saggy tits, natural tits, silicone tits.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/tits1.mp4">>
<p>With big nipples, puffy nipples, bumpy nipples, flat nipples, inverted nipples.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/tits2.mp4">>
<p>It always was, and it always will be about tits.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/tits3.mp4">>
<p>You feel like you uncovered a biggest mystery of them all. The meaning of life.</p>
<big>And with this ancient knowledge you wake up.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Wake up!" "dom+3; love+3">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3" "#daphneYes">>
<p>Phew! You cannot torture me like this. I have a heart condition, you know!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "That's what I thought!">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_tits_touch.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmm... That's nice.">>
<p>Oh man, how I wish I was on your place. $ tits are pure perfection. Heavy, firm, but also delicate. Her skin is soft and nipples are just asking to be sucked.</p>
<<dial "player" "Can I suck 'em?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmmmm... We really shouldn't...">>
<<dial "player" "Just a lil' bit!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well...">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_tits_suck.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Be delicate... Uh... Just like that...">>
<p>You want to bite and rip those nipples with your teeth, but you're a good boy, so you're sucking them delicately, just like she asks.</p>
<<dial "player" "Mmmm...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now harder.">>
<p>That's what you were waiting for. You suck with all your strength, wiggling your tongue around the nipples. You can feel them grow in your mouth.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Uhuummm... Yeah... Dirty, dirty lil' boy sucking on mommas titties... Uhummm...">>
<p>She's moans while running her fingers through your hair. You can feel she's very aroused, and you're doing your best to not let her down.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3; !daphne.status=4">>
<p>After a moment $ pushes your head away.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Stop...!">>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial "daphne" "It was nice... You're a good sucker... But we have to end here.">>
<p>You can see she struggles.</p>
<<dial "player" "We don't have to end. I could suck your... You know...">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes. You can see she's highly aroused, but she manages to calm herself.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I know, hun. And some day you will, but not now.">>
<p>She turns away, covers her tits, and walks out of the room. Still, I count it as a success, buddy. You sucked on the best titties on the planet - that's something to put in your resume.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<p>After a moment $ pushes your head away.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Stop...!">>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial "daphne" "It was nice... You're a good sucker... But we have to end here.">>
<<dial "player" "We don't have to end. I could suck your... You know...">>
<p>You can see $ struggles with decision.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I know... but... but...">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh fuck it! Come here!">>
<p>She pulls out your dick from your pants and starts rubbing her tits around it.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_titfuck.mp4">>
<p>Ohhh fuck. You just won the lottery, bud!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmmmmmmmm">>
<p>Her tits feel like heaven. She's rubbing herself against your dick with such a passion, that you cannot even imagine anything better than that.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yeah. Fuck it. Fuck those titties.">>
<p>You feel incoming ecstasy. It's heading your way with a speed of light. $ feels it too. Your cock starts twitching.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "That's it! Cum for me! Cum all over my tits!">>
<p>You can't let lady wait, right?</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<big>You cum.</big>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_cum.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yeaaah! Tasty cum on my tits, that's the way I like it.">>
<p>You cum and cum until your balls are empty. You fall on the couch, while $ licks your sperm from her titties.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm... It tastes so nice.">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm...">>
<p>$ bursts into laughter seeing how pumped out your are.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ha ha! You're a treat, hun! Hope you had fun!">>
<p>She covers her tits and walks out of the room.</p>
<big>Buddy. I'm SO FUCKING PROUD.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#btnVar3">> /* tvPorn */
<<media `"activities/peek/peeking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"`>>
<p>In the middle of the movie, you realise someone is watching it with you.</p>
<<dial "player" "I can see you through the door.">>
<p>$ enters the room. She's visibly embarrassed.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_catched.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm so sorry... I didn't want to... I just heard the sounds and...">>
<<dial "player" "It's ok, don't worry about it.">>
<p>$ curiously glances at the screen.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm gonna go now... Leave you to... whatever you were doing.">>
<<btn null "Watch it with me, it's gonna be fun!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Don't be such a nun!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well, I really don't know...">>
<p>She doesn't know, and yet she sits next to you on the couch.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_curious.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Maybe just a second, I'm not that kind of a girl, you know...">>
<p>Of course you're not, $ Porn is for bad girls, and you're an angel, right? It's just out of pure curiousity that you're going to watch a little bit. For science.</p>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, it's perfectly natural to be curious.">>
<big>You're learning fast, young padawan.</big>
<p>_porn turns out to be truly hardcore BDSM flick.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/bdsm1.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh no, this is horrible!">>
<p>She bites her lip.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I cannot look at it!">>
<p>She can't get her eyes away from the screen.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well, I can change it to something else...">>
<<dial "daphne" "No!">>
<p>She turns red, realizing what she said.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I mean... I didn't mean... I don't care if you turn it off or not.">>
<p>LOL. Don't worry, $, no one noticed your hunger for BDSM porn.</p>
<p>She pretends she makes herself comfortable on the couch, while in reality she moves her hands closer to the pussy.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_aroused.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "I don't understand why anyone would get any pleasure from... uhh... binding...">>
<<dial "player" "I guess everyone has a kink, right?">>
<p>She stretches her body like a cat on catnip.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "And that other horrible thing... uhmmm... domination, I guess. That's what they call it, right?">>
<p>Like you don't know.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "It makes me feel verrrry uncofortable... Very, very, very...">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=2">>
<p>Meanwhile, the movie brings you another gem.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/bdsm2.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "This is... No... You can't do that... It hurts!">>
<p>It probably does, but somehow you wouldn't mind if a girl does that to you.</p>
<<dial "player" "It doesn't look that bad.">>
<p>She looks at you with hungry eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Did you had your... you know...">>
<<dial "player" "Did I had my dick slapped?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes! I mean... <small>yes</small>.">>
<<dial "player" "No. <tht>Not yet.</tht> But sometimes I slap it myself.">>
<p>She closes her eyes and starts rubbing her breasts and thighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ohh... You do? Doesn't it... Hurt?">>
<p>She cannot even hide it anymore, her panties are soaking wet.</p>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_panties.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Maybe you just take them off?">>
<p>You point at her wet panties.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my... I must have spilled something!">>
<p>Yes. Pussy juice.</p>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, I don't mind.">>
<p>She thinks for a second, but the urge is too strong.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Better?">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_pussy.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Much... better...">>
<p>You feel a growing pressure in your pants. The blood leaves all the vital organs, turning you into a sex starved zombie. After a moment all you can focus on is her pussy and how to get inside it.</p>
<big>You'd cut off your dick if she'd use it as a dildo.</big>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<p>Meanwhile, this happens.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/bdsm3.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh... He cums so much...">>
<<dial "player" "I'd cum that much for you!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You would?">>
<p>You can't help it anymore and start stroking your dick through your pants, hoping she won't notice it <small>(or that she does)</small>.</p>
<p>She's focused on the movie.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You'd put it into a dickhole like that for me?">>
<<dial "player" "I would...">>
<<dial "daphne" "And would you like to put my head into a headboard?">>
<<dial "player" "Yes... You're a bad girl and you deserve a punishment.">>
<p>She notices you stroking your dick. She smiles, pushing her tits out of her blouse.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is it hot in here?">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=3">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_tits_lick.mp4">>
<p>It is hot. Hotter than the sun.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh.....">>
<<dial "daphne" "You'd hurt me?">>
<<dial "player" "Never...">>
<p>You were supposed to say //yes// you fucking moron.</p>
<<dial "player" "I mean - //yes//. I'd hurt you so fucking much!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You would?">>
<<dial "player" "I would! I would!">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<p>She drops the rest of her clothes to the floor and puts her legs up, giving her a better access to her pussy and ass.</p>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_masturbating.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hurt me how?">>
<<dial "player" "I-I'd tie up your wrists behind your back...">>
<p>She puts a finger in her pussy.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "And what then?">>
<<dial "player" "I'd hang you from a hook...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yea... and then?">>
<p>You pull your dick out and start stroking it.</p>
<<dial "player" "I-I'd gag you...">>
<<dial "daphne" "With your dick?">>
<<dial "player" "Yes! I'd push my dick deep in your throat until my balls are dangling on your chin.">>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4">>
<p>She puts another finger in. The couch underneath her ass is soaking wet. You're stroking your dick up and down like a jackhammer.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Uhhh... I want more!">>
<<dial "player" "I'd put a dildo in your pussy.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Ohhh...">>
<<dial "player" "And a bigger one in your ass.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Uhhh... fill me up...">>
<<dial "player" "And I'd put a rope around your tits until they'll turn purple.">>
<<dial "daphne" "That would hurt... I want it to hurt... Hurt me!">>
<p>Buddy, she's going to cum in a second. It's your last chance to put your dick into her.</p>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+daphne; daphne.squirt+2" "sex action">>
<<btn "#daphneFinishFirst" "Finish first!" "daphne.dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#daphneFinish" "Let her finish first!" "" "action">>
<big>Suddenly, $ stands up.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "I have to go to... do something.">>
<<dial "player" "But the movie!">>
<<dial "daphne" "It's urgent.">>
<<media "activities/tv/enough.mp4">>
<p>She leaves the room and locks herself in the bathroom. You're not sure, but you think you can hear moans coming from the other side.</p>
<big>God damn it, she got away.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>sigh...</tht>">>
<p>Don't worry, buddy. It was going in a good direction, but you need to get to know the girl a bit better first, before you'll start doing nasty stuff to her. But it'll come, you just need to have fetish-- I meant - you gotta have //FAITH// <small>(but keep the fetish too)</small>.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4" "#daphneFinish">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hurt my body, $ Hurt me until I scream in pain--">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_orgasm.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "AAAAaaaaahhhh...">>
<p>Her tits tremble as the climax ripples through her body.</p>
<big>It's magnificent.</big>
<p>Moments later - your orgasm arrives, making you shoot a stream of hot cum all around you, like from a fucking fire hose.</p>
<p>After both of you finish, you're so tired that you just lay there for couple minutes in complete silence. Finally she gets up and quietly leaves the room. You turn your eyes on the tv, and instantaneously feel a spasm of disgust.</p>
<<dial "player" "What am I watching??">>
<p>You find a remote and quickly turn it off. After all, you're a good boy, and good boys don't watch BDSM, right <small>(wink, wink)</small>?</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk "daphne.status=4" "#daphneFinishFirst">>
<p>Your orgasm arrives like a fucking train, making you shoot a stream of hot cum all around you.</p>
<big>It's magnificent.</big>
<<media "activities/tv/player_cum.mp4">>
<p>$ is not far behind you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Hurt my body, $ Hurt me until I scream in pain--">>
<<media "activities/tv/daphne_orgasm.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "AAAAaaaaahhhh...">>
<p>Her tits tremble as the climax ripples through her body.</p>
<p>After both of you finish, you're so tired that you just lay there for couple minutes in complete silence. Finally she gets up and quietly leaves the room. You turn your eyes on the tv, and instantaneously feel a spasm of disgust.</p>
<<dial "player" "What am I watching??">>
<p>You find a remote and quickly turn it off. After all, you're a good boy, and good boys don't watch BDSM, right <small>(wink, wink)</small>?</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<p>You look around the park. It's calm and empty, it seems you're all alone...</p>
<p>...but something's in the air.</p>
<big>A sweet scent of a sweaty pussy.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Nice...! Who is she?</tht>">>
<p>Give me a moment... Sniff... sniff... she's in her early thirties... sniff... latino...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It has to be $! Where?!</tht>">>
<p>Sniff... sniff...</p>
<big>Up there.</big>
<p>You run between the trees.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/search.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well? Which way now, tell me!</tht>">>
<p>Sniff... sniff...</p>
<p>There, through the bushes!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Are you sure?!</tht>">>
<p>Yes I'm sure!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok, sigh!</tht>">>
<p>You jump into sharp, dry bushes, slowly tearing your way to the other side...</p>
<big>No, wait.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What?!</tht>">>
<p>Come back. It was actually down the alley!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What?! I'm nearly on the other side!</tht>">>
<<media "my_bad.mp4">>
<p>You sigh.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Stop saying that! I can say sigh if I want to!</tht>">>
<p>Dude, I'm just doing my job.</p>
<p>You want to get to that sweaty pussy - stop whining and start walking!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok. Sigh...</tht>">>
<p>You sigh.</p>
<p>Just doing my job.</p>
<p>You finally walk out to a secluded part of the park, which is surprisingly upper class for a ghetto neighborhood (<small>that's me investing funds from supporters into better locations!</small>).</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_intro_0.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck. How did you know?</tht>">>
<<media "activities/yoga/dead_people.mp4">>
<big>...but with pussy.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Weird but ok. So what now?</tht>">>
<p>Now? You gotta listen very carefully. First, you need to find a long branch.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Long like one meter or longer?</tht>">>
<p>One meter would be perfect. Now, when you find a branch, you need to grab it firmly with two hands.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Grab it, two hands, clear. And then?</tht>">>
<p>And then...</p>
<big>...smash your stupid fucking face with it, because you're a god forsaken moron.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But--</tht>">>
<p>Buddy. Just fucking go to her and pretend you're a fucking yoga enthusiast or some fucking shit like that.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oook, sheesh...</tht>">>
<big>I am chilled, god damn it! Just talk to the fucking lady instead of wasting my fucking time on stupid fucking questions!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I already said ok, man, calm down!</tht>">>
<p>I am calm!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No you're fucking not calm!!!</tht>">>
<<media "calmer.mp4">>
<p>You walk closer to a spot where $ lies on the grass. She notices you right away.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Oh, hi $!">>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_intro_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Heeey... erm... I've noticed you're doing yoga and... I wanted to yoga too...!">>
<<dial "rose" "Haha! Sure, I always welcome competition!">>
<p>A competition. In yoga. This bitch knows no rest.</p>
<p>She stands up and smiles to you.</p>
<<dial "rose" "So, are you in...?">>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_intro_2.mp4">>
<big>Yes you are.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Stop interrupting. It's my decision. First you scream at me, and then you pretend like nothing happened all of a sudden.</tht>">>
<p>Wow, really? We're going to do that now?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Really. Until you apologize for screaming at me, I want to make every decision myself. Bring me this menu with those fucking buttons, I'm gonna choose what to do myself!</tht>">>
<p>Oh, look at you... Did I hurt your feelings? Well...</p>
<big>...I'm sorry, dude.</big>
<p>Here, take those two magnificent buttons I made ''just for you''... Happy face!</p>
<<btn null "I'm very, very stupid!" "; $roseSelfSlur+stupid" "dialog">>
<<btn null "I'm a fucking moron!" "rose.dom-; $roseSelfSlur+moron" "dialog">>
<p>$ looks at you a bit surprised by your confession.</p>
<<dial "rose" "What...?">>
<p>You sigh.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok. I got the message. Let's call it even. Now get me out of this mess.</tht>">>
<<media "cool_beans.mp4">>
<p>Let's see...</p>
<p>You squeeze out the best smile your face is able to produce.</p>
<<if $roseSelfSlur=="stupid">>
<<dial "player" "What I meant is - I would have to be very, very stupid if I pass on an opportunity like that! And I'm not stupid, baby girl!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "What I meant is - I would have to be a fucking moron to pass on an opportunity like that! And I'm not a fucking moron, baby girl!">>
<<yields "rose.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>$ starts laughing.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Baby girl? Haha. You're weird. But I fucking like it! Let's do it!">>
<p>You hear that?</p>
<<media "easy.mp4">>
<<btn "#match">>
<<chunk null "#match">>
<<dial "rose" "The rules are simple. We do 3 yoga positions. Whoever withstands longer, wins the round. Whoever has more wins at the end - wins the whole thing.">>
<p>Ask her what's the reward! It would give you something to bounce off the conversation later on!</p>
<<dial "player" "What's the reward? I mean... for winning?">>
<p>$ looks at you...</p>
<big>...and bites her lip.</big>
<<dial "rose" "I see that you believe you can win. Doubtful, but I like that.">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I have an idea...">>
<big>No, it's your turn to choose the prize.</big>
<<dial "player" "Wait... I want to choose the prize this time.">>
<p>$ looks at you curiously.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ok, $ So what do you want?">>
<p>You look around and notice a bouncy ball that someone left here by accident...</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/bouncy_ball.jpg">>
<p><small>So there's a bull in the middle of the park in LA. It happens.</small></p>
<<dial "player" "The loser does 10 minutes on a bouncy ball... naked.">>
<big>Dude, you mad.</big>
<p>What if you fucking lose!? You should have consulted me on this!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up. To see this fucking ass bouncing I'm gonna go fucking Michael Jordan over here!</tht>">>
<p>Well... ok, man.</p>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I'm in!">>
<<btn "#play1">>
<<chunk null "#play1">>
<p>$ shows you the first pose.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_play_1.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Well, what are you waiting for?">>
<p>You mimic her pose. It's not really that hard. Maybe we actually have a chance...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh, now we're suddenly we again? Figures!</tht>">>
<p>You look at $</p>
<<dial "player" "And now?">>
<<dial "rose" "Whoever changes the pose first loses.">>
<<dial "player" "Easy.">>
<<dial "rose" "I know. My record is 30 minutes.">>
<big>//You//'re fucked.</big>
<big>29 minutes later.</big>
<p>Somehow you survived that long without changing the pose, but it was a nightmare. Your entire body hurts and you're sweating like a pig. You'd end it long ago, if only you wouldn't see, that $ struggles as well.</p>
<p>She's on the edge, but so are you. Who will remain?</p>
<big>Roll it!</big>
<<media "activities/yoga/roll_1.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#fail1", "#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail1", "#success1", "#success1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success1">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail1">>
<<set _score = 0>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I can't stand it anymore!</tht>">>
<p>Yes you can! Just a moment later.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Nope. Get me out of this, now!</tht>">>
<p>Sigh... Ok.</p>
<big>You try to straighten up and...</big>
<<media `"activities/yoga/fail_" + random(1,5) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>You lose this round.</big>
<p>$ starts her celebration.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_celebration.mp4">>
<p>Shit happens. We'll win the next one. We gotta see this ass bounce!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh yes... we will.</tht>">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<p>You nod.</p>
<<btn "#play2">>
<<chunk null "#success1">>
<<set _score = 1>>
<p>You're about to collapse, but somehow...</p>
<big>$ sighs and kneels.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Fuck! I couldn't take it anymore!">>
<p>She looks at you, angry.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_angry.mp4">>
<big>Good work.</big>
<p>Now focus. We don't want to lose the chance to see this ass bounce.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh yes...</tht>">>
<<dial "rose" "Ready for next round?">>
<p>You nod.</p>
<<btn "#play2">>
<<chunk null "#play2">>
<p>$ shows you the second position.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_play_2.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Like that.">>
<p>You repeat her moves.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Good. Now stay like that.">>
<p>Shit, I'm afraid to ask what's her record on that.</p>
<big>Some time later...</big>
<p>'re barely able to withstand the pain in all your bones.</p>
<p>$ looks you deep in the eyes...</p>
<p>She's on her edge too...</p>
<big>Come on, dude. You can do it!</big>
<<media "activities/yoga/roll_2.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#fail2", "#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail2", "#success2", "#success2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success2">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail2">>
<<set _score = _score>>
<p>You were giving it your best...</p>
<big>...but your body gives up.</big>
<<media `"activities/yoga/fail_" + random(1,5) + ".mp4"`>>
<<if _score == 0>>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_win.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Victory! I fucking owned you!">>
<p>Well, doesn't matter. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. At least the views were nice...</p>
<p>Just don't be a sore loser and congratulate her on her win.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... congrats. I'm gonna learn some yoga and beat your ass next time, haha.">>
<p>She looks at you with a mocking smile.</p>
<<btn "#lose">>
<<elseif _score == 1>>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_celebration.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Hah! We're even! I knew I can beat you!">>
<p>Dude, don't let her get into your head.</p>
<big>We can win this.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Ready for the final round?">>
<<dial "player" "I was born ready!">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<btn "#play3">>
<<chunk null "#success2">>
<<set _score = _score + 1>>
<p>You can barely breathe, and your muscles are in fire. You can't take it anymore.</p>
<p>But then $' legs start to tremble and...</p>
<big>...she drops her pose.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Puta madre!">>
<p>She spits on the ground with anger.</p>
<p>Oh, dude, that means...</p>
<big>You win!</big>
<<if _score == 2>>
<p>$ stands up and walks circles with her fists clenched.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_lose.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Carajo! I'm so fucking pissed right now! I had it! I fucking had it. Couple more seconds...">>
<p>Uhh. Fierce and sexy, I looove it. Nothing fucking better than some hot chica with anger issues. How those butt cheeks jiggle with every word! Scream at me, chica! Scream at me while you ride me like a horse!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What?</tht>">>
<p>I mean...</p>
<big>It's time to get your reward!</big>
<<btn "#win">>
<<elseif _score == 1>>
<<media `"activities/yoga/rose_angry.mp4"`>>
<big>Even Steven!</big>
<p>Next one wins.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I can do it!</tht>">>
<p>I know you can, buddy.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready?">>
<<dial "player" "I was born ready!">>
<p>$ smiles and lowers herself to the ground and...</p>
<big>Oh my.</big>
<<btn "#play3">>
<<chunk null "#play3">>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_play_3.mp4">>
<p>You lower your hips to the ground, mimicking her pose, but you feel something new in your pants.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I have a hard on!</tht>">>
<p>I know... but we need that blood in your muscles, dude. Fight it! Don't let her provoke you!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I kinda feel provoked!</tht>">>
<big>I believe in you!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well... I'll try!</tht>">>
<p>You focus with all your strength on not looking at her ass... and you can feel your hard on disappearing!</p>
<big>You're doing it!</big>
<p>Now just keep at it for 30 minutes.</p>
<<media "survive.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#fail3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail3", "#success3", "#success3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#success3">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail3">>
<p>You clench your teeth, and focus...</p>
<p>...but it's not enough. You can feel the pressure growing in your muscles...</p>
<big>...and your body gives up.</big>
<<media `"activities/yoga/fail_" + random(1,5) + ".mp4"`>>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_celebration.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Victory! I fucking owned you!">>
<p>Well, doesn't matter. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. At least the views were nice...</p>
<p>Just don't be a sore loser and congratulate her on her win.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm gonna learn some yoga and beat your ass next time, haha.">>
<p>She looks at you with a mocking smile.</p>
<<btn "#lose">>
<<chunk null "#success3">>
<big>You're in deep pain.</big>
<p>Your body is in pain. All threads in your muscles are in pain. And your dick is in pain too.</p>
<p>You are pain...</p>
<p>But so is $ (apart from the dick part). She starts trembling and...</p>
<big>...she drops her chest to the ground.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Puta madre!">>
<p>She sighs with anger.</p>
<p>$ stands up and walks circles with her fists clenched.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_lose.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Carajo! I'm so fucking pissed right now! I had it! I fucking had it. Couple more seconds...">>
<p>Uhh. Fierce and sexy, I looove it. Nothing fucking better than some hot chica with anger issues. How those butt cheeks tits jiggle with every word! Scream at me, chica! Scream at me while you ride me like a horse!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What?</tht>">>
<p>I mean...</p>
<big>You fucking beat her at yoga!</big>
<<btn "#win">>
<<chunk null "#lose">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So... what now?</tht>">>
<p>Well... I'll tell you what now.</p>
<big>The ball.</big>
<p>You see $ carrying it your way.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_ball_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "So... couple bounces and we're ok, right?">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "rose" "No, chico. I want you to bounce on this ball 50 times with a dick in your ass.">>
<p>She points at a rubber dick sticking out from a bouncy ball.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What the fuck.</tht>">>
<p>Ohh, so it's //this// kind of ball...</p>
<big>...who knew.</big>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial "rose" "Yes, in the butt. Drop your clothes, loser!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What should I do?</tht>">>
<p>Well, buddy, in a moments like this a man has to ask himself two questions. First - what your ass tells you to do? And second - are you prepared for the fact she might murder you with her bare hands if you say //no//?</p>
<<btn "#butt" "Ok, why not! It's going to be fun!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#bounce" "Ok, but I'm not sticking anything up my butt." "rose.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#bounce">>
<<dial "rose" "Oh really...?">>
<p>$ looks you in the eyes...</p>
<<media "eyes.mp4">>
<<if $rose.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#bouncyEnd", "#bouncyEnd", "#bouncyJump"].random()>>
<<elseif $rose.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#bouncyEnd", "#bouncyJump"].random()>>
<<elseif $rose.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#bouncyEnd", "#bouncyJump", "#bouncyJump"].random()>>
<<elseif $rose.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#bouncyJump">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#bouncyEnd">>
<<dial "rose" "Huh. I knew you're a bad loser.">>
<<dial "player" "No I'm not! We said bouncing not getting fucked. As a rule - I'm not letting any balls close to my ass!">>
<p>Good work - she actually smiles!</p>
<<dial "rose" "Haha... Well, you have your rules. But I have mine! If you lose and not give me my rewards - you're a cheater. So get lost, cheater!">>
<big>She takes her things and walks away.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "rose.dom-" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#bouncyJump">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Well, dick up your ass or not - start bouncing chico!">>
<p>You make sure no one is watching, drop your clothes, and jump on the ball.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/bouncy_bounce.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Haha, that looks great! Even without the dick in your ass.">>
<big>She laughs.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Ok, I'm going home. I don't like to be seen around losers too much, haha. Chao!">>
<p>She turns around and walks away, leaving you bouncing on the fucking ball naked in the middle of the park.</p>
<big>You know you can finish bouncing, right?</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "rose.dom+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#butt">>
<p>You make sure no one is watching, drop your clothes, and sit on the ball.</p>
<p>It takes you a moment to navigate the rubber dick into your asshole. You wiggle it around, loosening it up a bit, and then you push it in. Fortunately it's sweaty from all the yoga, so...</p>
<big> slips right in.</big>
<p>You start bouncing, at first slow, but quickly speed up to get it over with.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/bouncy_butt_1.mp4">>
<big>$ laughs maniacally.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, chico, ride that ball! ...17 ...18 ...19...">>
<p>You feel pain, as the dick penetrates you deeper and deeper with every squat, but you manage to focus on imagining your dick penetrating $ Or $' dick penetrating you? You aren't even sure...</p>
<<dial "rose" "...49 ...50! Ok, this was fun, but I'm going home. I don't like to be seen around losers too much. Chao!">>
<p>She turns around and walks away, leaving you bouncing on the fucking ball naked in the middle of the park.</p>
<big>You know you can finish bouncing, right?</big>
<<btn "#bounce2" "Continue bouncing for a moment more" "love+" "yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish bouncing" "dom+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#bounce2">>
<<media "activities/yoga/bouncy_butt_2.mp4">>
<p>You don't feel any pain anymore. It actually starts to feel kind of nice, as the hot rubber dick penetrates you with force.</p>
<big>You get an erection.</big>
<<btn "#bounce3" "Continue bouncing for a moment more" "love+" "yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "Finish bouncing" "dom+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#bounce3">>
<<media "activities/yoga/bouncy_butt_3.mp4">>
<p>Now you're just fucking the ball by pushing your ass down with all your strength. You don't care if anyone sees it or not, or maybe even you want them to see. You want this dildo to penetrate you deeper and deeper, whatever is the cost.</p>
<p>And then suddenly...</p>
<big>You cum.</big>
<<media "activities/yoga/bouncy_butt_cum.mp4">>
<p>Your prostate throbs and the cum shoots out of your dick with couple huge squirts.</p>
<p>It seems like it's going on forever, with every push of the rubber dick into your asshole, new portion of cum sprays the grass around you.</p>
<p>And finally, after a moment or two... it fades away.</p>
<p>You look around, like you came back from a looong fucking voyage.</p>
<<media "who_am_i.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm not sure what it was... but it was intense!</tht>">>
<p>That, my friend, was an anal orgasm.</p>
<big>Use it wisely.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "jerkedoff+; sore+; energy+30; love+4" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#win">>
<p>You point to the bouncy ball lying on the grass.</p>
<<dial "player" "So... you remember about my reward?">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Promise is a promise!">>
<p>She walks to the bouncy ball.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_ball_1.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "So... couple bounces and we're ok, right?">>
<p>No fucking way. Tell her to get naked.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well, the reward is you're going to bounce on the ball naked. And I want... 50 good bounces.">>
<<dial "rose" "That's ridiculous.">>
<p>Is it?</p>
<<btn null "Do it or I'll tell everyone you're a cheater." "rose.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Come on, you can do it!" "" "dialog">>
<p>She smiles and drops her top.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_ball_2.mp4">>
<big>She's into it, brother!</big>
<p>And we're in for a show!</p>
<p>But I noticed something else, dude. It's actually a dildo ball! It might be a good idea to tell her to ride it...</p>
<big>The proper way.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Like... fuck it? What if she says no?</tht>">>
<p>Well, she might get angry, true. And it might end the yoga session. That's the worst case scenario. Best case - we're gonna watch her fuck the rubber dick in the middle of the park. And that's a story I'm gonna be telling my grandkids.</p>
<<btn "#rideDildo_1" "Ask her to ride the rubber dildo." "rose.dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#rideBall_1" "Don't ask her, she might get angry!" "" "action">>
<<chunk null "#rideBall_1">>
<p>$ jumps on the ball and starts bouncing up and down.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_ball_4.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "...11... 12... 13... 14...">>
<p>You can't take your eyes away from those tits and huge ass jiggling on the ball.</p>
<big>It's beautiful.</big>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_ball_5.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "...47... 48... 49... Fucking 50!">>
<p>The show was awesome, but $ finally reaches the end.</p>
<p>She stands up and smiles.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I'm gonna beat your ass next time! And you're doing it with a dildo up your ass.">>
<p>$ takes her things and walks away, leaving you alone on the grass.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#rideDildo_1">>
<p>$ looks at you a bit surprised. Like she didn't thought you have it in you.</p>
<<dial "rose" "You want me to put it inside me?!">>
<<dial "player" "I prefer to say ''I want you to fuck this ball until you cum''.">>
<<media "perfection.mp4">>
<p>$ looks at you in shock.</p>
<<if $rose.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#rideDildoFail", "#rideDildoFail", "#rideDildo_2"].random()>>
<<elseif $rose.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#rideDildoFail", "#rideDildo_2"].random()>>
<<elseif $rose.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#rideDildoFail", "#rideDildo_2", "#rideDildo_2"].random()>>
<<elseif $rose.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#rideDildo_2">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#rideDildoFail">>
<<dial "rose" "El hijo de puta! That was not our deal!">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<p>This ain't looking good!</p>
<<dial "rose" "You're lucky I'm not gonna rip your heart out and eat it.">>
<big>Oh shit, red alert.</big>
<p>She looks you in the eyes and walks away, leaving you alone on the grass.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<p>Well, I guess it was worth the try... It's going to work next time!</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "rose.dom-" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#rideDildo_2">>
<<dial "rose" "El hijo de puta! That was not our deal!">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I'm changing the deal.">>
<<media "impressive.mp4">>
<p>$ thinks for a moment...</p>
<big>...and sighs.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Ok, whatever. I'm gonna bounce on that rubber dildo, but next time I'm gonna pierce your ass with it!">>
<<dial "player" "We'll see about that haha.">>
<p>She sits on the ball and...</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_ball_3.mp4">>
<big>Oh. My. God.</big>
<p>She moans softly, as the rubber dildo goes into her.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Uhhh... 1... 2... 3...">>
<p>She starts slow, but picks up the tempo.</p>
<p>The dildo quickly gets wet with her juices. $ jumps on it up and down.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_ball_4.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "...21... 22... 23... 24...">>
<p>You can't take your eyes away from those tits and huge ass jiggling on the ball.</p>
<big>It's beautiful.</big>
<big>And she enjoys it.</big>
<p>She squeezes her nipples, and slaps her ass.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_ball_5.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "...36... 37... 38... 39...">>
<p>$ is moaning faster and faster.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_ball_6.mp4">>
<big>And then...</big>
<<dial "rose" "...47... Uh... 48... Fuck... 49... Yeah... YEAH! FIFTY!!!!">>
<p>She yells as orgasm fills her body.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck... She just came... And I have such a hard on!</tht>">>
<p>You gotta try to fuck her while she's still hot.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Oh shit... this was goood.">>
<p>$ collapses on the ball, panting, sweating.</p>
<big>Make your move!</big>
<<btn null "Hey chica, I have something better to bounce on." "rose.dom+" "action">>
<<btn null "Hey, maybe we could continue this together?" "" "action">>
<p>$ looks at you.</p>
<big>She didn't murder you yet, so it's going great!</big>
<<media "fingers_crossed.mp4">>
<<if $rose.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#sex_fail", "#sex_fail", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#sex_fail", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#sex">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#sex_fail">>
<big>$ bursts into laughter.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Dream on, chico. The ball already gave me all I wanted.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, come on, that's not fair.">>
<<dial "rose" "Life's not fair! And I also want a rematch! If you win again... who knows. I might go crazy!">>
<p>She grabs her things, puts on her clothes, and walks away.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_ass.mp4">>
<p>Oh fuck... It seems she just doesn't like you enough yet. But I promise you, we'll get it next time.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<p>$ think for a moment and...</p>
<<dial "rose" "I was hoping you'd say that.">>
<p>Fuck yea!</p>
<p>You walk to her. Her ass is covered in her own juices, from fucking the ball. You massage her butt using it as lubricant.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_sex_1.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, baby. Just like that!">>
<p>$ grabs you and pushes onto the ball, while she stands above you pushing her wet twat into your face.</p>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_sex_2.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Uhmmmm, chico. Uhmm...">>
<p>You could cut diamonds with that erection, dude. Maybe it's time for a blowjob?</p>
<<dial "player" "Now it's your turn... You're going to suck me...">>
<<dial "rose" "Oh yeah, I'm gonna suck winner's cock... give it to me...">>
<big>Your dick fits perfectly in her mouth.</big>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_sex_3.mp4">>
<<if $rose.status >= 3>>
<p>But somehow, blowjob seems like it was just an appetizer for $ She looks at you with sparks in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ready for something extra?">>
<big>We're ready!</big>
<p>You feel a growing pressure. You won't be able to hold it off for long. Too bad, I was hoping we could fuck her. Well, maybe next time.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my tits!">>
<<chunk "rose.status=3">>
<p>$ pushes her ass into your crotch.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Push it in! Fuck me! Fuck me like a loser I am!!!">>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_sex_4.mp4">>
<p>That's what I'm talking about!</p>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, like that. Punish me. Fuck me.">>
<<if $rose.status == 3>>
<p>You feel growing pressure in your dick. You won't be able to hold it off for long. We need to work on your stamina, dude!</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my tits!">>
<big>But $ wants more.</big>
<p>She pushes you on the ball and jumps on you like a sex starved gorilla...</p>
<<chunk "rose.status=4">>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_sex_5.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, baby, fuck me harder! Fuck me! FUCK ME LIKE AN ANIMAL!!!">>
<p>She starts trembling and...</p>
<big>$ cums.</big>
<p>You can cum too, I'm sure she'll like that. Or maybe you want to bring it to another level?</p>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" "$char+rose; rose.squirt+3" "sex action">>
<<btn null "Cum now!" null "action">>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming too!">>
<<dial "rose" "I want it all! On my tits!">>
<p>Your orgasm arrives like a fucking cargo train, making you shoot a stream of hot cum on $'s tits.</p>
<big>And she takes it all like a champ.</big>
<<media "activities/yoga/rose_sex_cum.mp4">>
<p>After you finish cumming, your legs start shaking. You collapse on the grass and lie there for a moment.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhh....">>
<p>$ starts laughing.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Ok. Next time I'm gonna beat you. See you then!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh....">>
<p>She grabs her things and walks away.</p>
<big>Dude, congrats.</big>
<p>It was something!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh....">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<EVENT "quest:daphHelp=0">> /* Intro to the quest. */
<p>You enter the kitchen and see $</p>
<big>She is crying.</big>
<p>Buddy, I know it's sometimes better to stay away, but crying means emotions, and good sex always involves emotions, so... treat it as an adventure!</p>
<p>You come closer. $ looks at you with tears in her eyes.</p>
<<media "considering.mp4">>
<<btn null "What's the matter, can I help?" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Crying is for little girls!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<p>So far so good. Before she replies - I'm gonna give you some tips about how to deal with this situation.</p>
<big>Listen carefully 'cause I'll say it only once.</big>
<<media "planning.mp4">>
<p>This is a simple in-and-out mission. You engage the target and listen to what she has to say. You are supportive, you are kind, but - for the love of God - ''don't get involved in her shit''.</p>
<p>I cannot stress this enough, buddy. Don't tell her you're going to fix it, and don't agree to do anything for her, unless you talk it over with me first. Basically - listen to what she has to say, tell her how sorry your are, and... BAM! - you outta there.</p>
<big>Got it?!</big>
<<btn null "Got it!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You don't get it. No one does. I'm consantly tired, overworked, and I come back home to this!">>
<p>She points to a sink full of dirty dishes.</p>
<<media "quests/daphHelp/dishes.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "All days are the same. Washing the dishes, doing the laundry, cleaning the toilet. And I'm all alone in this! Completely alone.">>
<<media "quests/daphHelp/daphne_cry.jpg">>
<p>Ok, buddy. This is the moment that I was telling you about.</p>
<big>Be a shoulder to cry on, not a hand that'll solve her problems.</big>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry! I'll help you! I'll clean the dishes.">>
<p>$ looks at you with a big, teary eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You will...?">>
<p>Say //no//. Say fucking //no//.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yes!">>
<<dial "daphne" "That would be great! Thank you so much!">>
<p>You fucking moron.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So... the dishes are here, and the laundry...">>
<<dial "player" "Laundry?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Laundry is in the bathroom.">>
<p>See? I fucking told you.</p>
<<dial "player" "Wait, I--">>
<<dial "daphne" "And when you'll be cleaning the toilet, scrub it real good, it hasn't been cleaned in a while!">>
<p>She blows you a kiss and goes back to what she was doing, like you never existed.</p>
<<media "bummer.mp4">>
<p>See what have you done?</p>
<big>She played you like a drum.</big>
<p>Look, I know how it works, $ is good looking and her boobs are amaaaazing, I know. But if you'll show her weakness - she'll use it. That doesn't mean you need to be cold motherfucker, but don't be //I'll help you// guy, or she will tear you apart.</p>
<<media "quests/daphHelp/tearing.mp4">>
<p>Trust me, I've seen it happening with the players before you, and it's not a nice thing to watch. Be smarter, dude.</p>
<big>Be fucking smarter.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphHelp=1">> /* You like water sports? Dishes are waiting for you. */
<<include "daphKitDishes">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphHelp=2">> /* The fastest way to girl's panties? Go to bathroom and do her laundry! */
<<include "daphBathLaundry">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphHelp=3">> /* Let's get nasty in the toilet. */
<<include "daphBathToilet">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphHelp=4">> /* You can go to $ and let her know you did everything around the house, or you might try to sweeten up the deal by doing a fancy meal for her. You'd need to buy some groceries for that though. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "You remember those chores that you mentioned...?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Sure, hun. What about them?">>
<<media "daphne" "portrait">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I kinda did them.">>
<p>She looks at you with surprise.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "All of them?!">>
<<dial "player" "Yup.">>
<p>You can feel she's deeply moved. Her eyes get teary.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I've met many men... Many, many men... And none did for me what you just did.">>
<p>I like where this is going...</p>
<big>Here comes the hug!</big>
<<chunk "!item:groceries">>
<<media "quests/daphHelp/hug.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Thank you, $ Thank you.">>
<p>That's a thank you that you will not forget. Not that I'm encouraging washing dirty dishes to get laid. There are other ways, sure. But in a situation you're in - every little bit helps. So all in all...</p>
<p>''From now on you can make chores around the house for money.''</p>
<<btn $curLoc "That's enough emotions for one day" null "action">>
<<chunk "item:groceries">>
<<media "quests/daphHelp/hug.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Thank you, $ Thank you.">>
<p>That's a thank you that you will not forget. Not that I'm encouraging washing dirty dishes to get laid. There are other ways, sure. But in a situation you're in - every little bit helps. So all in all...</p>
<p>''From now on you can make chores around the house for money.''</p>
<<dial "player" "And I did something extra... I thought you'll appreciate a nice home cooked meal.">>
<p>She looks at you in disbelief.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're kidding me!">>
<<dial "player" "Nope! I bought groceries, and was just about to start cooking.">>
<<btn null null "item:groceries-">>
<<include "daphKitCook">>
<big>You take the LSD out of your wallet.</big>
<p>It's in a form of a little square, that seems to be cut out from a larger piece of paper with an illustration on it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm a bit afraid.</tht>">>
<big>You should be afraid.</big>
<p>Acid is not something that you should take lightly.</p>
<<media "warning.mp4">>
<p>I had some great moments on LSD in my life, but I had some pretty terrible too. I'm not gonna lie - it can go sideways if you're not prepared.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But how do I know if I'm prepared?</tht>">>
<p>Well, first of - treat it seriously.</p>
<big>LSD is not a party drug.</big>
<p>I mean, sometimes it is, but the risk is huge. And, take it from me, sometimes acid can seriously fuck you up. So you wanna do it in a smart way. With your best friends. Preferably during the day, as nights are scary. And in the nature. Not far, because things might happen, but far enough to be detached from your everyday life. Just go exploring - that's the best case scenario for a good and positive trip, at least for me.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But I'm in the middle of the city! Maybe I shouldn't take it?</tht>">>
<p>I mean - if you're not sure - don't. If we were talking outside the game I would say - be very careful with it. It can be good, but it can be bad too...</p>
<big>But, man - this is a freaking porn game.</big>
<p>Worst case scenario you're lose your boner. Which actually happens on LSD <small>(a friend told me...)</small>... treat it as a safe learning experience.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Hmm... but I like my boner.</tht>">>
<big>I like your boner too, buddy!</big>
<p>It literally pays my bills! And I promise you if you're lucky enough to get a good trip - there will be something for your boner in it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<p>You look at the acid in your hand, hesitating, and...</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#beach_intro" "Take it and go to the beach." "love+2" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#club_intro" "Take it and go to the club." "dom+2" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "Changed my mind, I don't want it." "love+2; dom+2; lsd+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#beach_intro">>
<big>You swallow it!</big>
<<media "activities/trip/take_lsd.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm not feeling anything.</tht>">>
<p>Come on, dude, give it some time. You'll start to notice it in 30 minutes or so. And in the meantime...</p>
<big>...let's go to the beach!</big>
<<btn "#beach">>
<<chunk null "#beach">>
<h2 class="border">Beach</h2>
<<media "locations/beach/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You take a bus to the beach. It's not exactly empty, but, as you don't have any companion, you hope that you might meet someone. Maybe even someone fuckable? Who knows, LSD trips can sometimes bring strangers together.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why everything around me is turning into a fractal...?</tht>">>
<big>Oh shit, the acid is kicking in!</big>
<big>There's no coming back now, dude.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_1.mp4">>
<<wrapper "period=night">>
<<btn `["#goodTrip", "#badTrip"].random()`>>
<<wrapper "period!=night">>
<<btn `["#goodTrip", "#goodTrip", "#goodTrip", "#badTrip"].random()`>>
<<chunk null "#club_intro">>
<big>You swallow it!</big>
<<media "activities/trip/take_lsd.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm not feeling anything.</tht>">>
<p>Come on, dude, give it some time. You can use it to get to the club. Though I still feel it was a mistake to go to a crowded spot like that, I'm gonna support you all the way, so don't worry.</p>
<big>It's gonna be ok!</big>
<p><small>(or not)</small></p>
<h2 class="border">Club</h2>
<<media "locations/club/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You take a bus to the club in downtown. It's full of drunk people dancing and the music is loud. You realize it kinds reminds you of hell.</p>
<big>Told you.</big>
<p>Thankfully, you see some nice girls waving their asses and tits in some sort of ritualistic sex dance. Maybe something will happen? Who knows what the trip will bring you this time.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why everything around me is turning into a fractal...?</tht>">>
<big>Oh shit, the acid is kicking in!</big>
<big>There's no coming back now, dude.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_1.mp4">>
<<btn `["#badTrip", "#badTrip", "#goodTrip"].random()`>>
<<chunk null "#badTrip">>
<p>You feel butterflies in your stomach...</p>
<p>You start noticing different colors and geometrical shapes around you...</p>
<big>It looks like everything is moving and pulsating.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wooow...</tht>">>
<big>But it's just the beginning.</big>
<p>You look at the ground under your feet...</p>
<p>You touch it with your fingers...</p>
<p>You lie on it...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Is it... is the ground... breathing?</tht>">>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_3.mp4">>
<p>I asked myself the same question many times, buddy... I came to conclusion that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, and that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Something like that, buddy.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>...</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>...</tht>">>
<p>Oh shit, buddy, are you ok?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I-I-I... I am... m... mmm... n'sure...</tht>">>
<big>Oh my god...</big>
<big>You're losing it!</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_1.mp4">>
<big>Don't let it take over. Snap out of it!</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_2.mp4">>
<p>Think about something positive...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Liiike... whaaat...</tht>">>
<big>Pussies and tits!</big>
<p>Big boobies that you could suck on. And warm pussy to wrap around your dong. Are you thinking about it?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I-I-I'mmm... tryyyying...</tht>">>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_3.mp4">>
<p>God damn it. It's this place. It has a bad vibe.</p>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_4.mp4">>
<big>We gotta move!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oooook...</tht>">>
<p>You try to get up... but it turns out it's not that easy.</p>
<big>Don't worry. I'll help you out.</big>
<p>First, put your right hand on the ground. Then, use it to turn around to your belly. Then push your torso backwards, until you're kneeling.</p>
<big>And then...</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_5.mp4">>
<big>Man, you're not doing what I'm saying...</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ohhh... Ohhhhhh! So you were saying something... I thought it's in my heeaaad.</tht>">>
<p>Oh, buddy...</p>
<big>Suddenly you hear a woman's voice!</big>
<<dial "gal" "Are you ok?">>
<p>You look in the direction the voice is coming from and...</p>
<big>Fuck me.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Whaaaat?</tht>">>
<big>Well... that.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_6.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Moooonster!</tht>">>
<big>Don't panic.</big>
<p>She doesn't look like that in reality. It's just the acid... It happens.</p>
<p>What's important is that you're in a bad spot now, and maybe she can help you out. Talk to her, it will ground you in reality!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But the acid... should I...</tht>">>
<p>Should you tell her you took acid? Not yet, she might freak out. Let's keep her out of the loop for now - just tell her you took some pills and have a weird reaction.</p>
<<dial "player" "I freaked... a loop... of weird reaction....">>
<big>Dude, focus.</big>
<<dial "player" "I mean... acid.">>
<p>You were suppose to //not// talk about the acid.</p>
<<dial "player" "I mean... LSD... It was a long trip...">>
<<dial "gal" "Long trip...? Oh! You're an Iraq veteran with PTSD! Don't worry! My boyfriend is in the army, he'll know what to do.">>
<p>She looks around.</p>
<<dial "gal" "''Henry! Come here!''">>
<big>It's getting better and better.</big>
<p>You hear another voice closing quickly.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Who the fuck is this, Bethany?!">>
<<dial "gal" "He's an army vet, he just came back from a mission, and has PTSD. <tht>She starts whispering:</tht> I think he might also took some acid, but I'm not sure.">>
<<dial "guy" "God damn it. No wonder he has PTSD, look at how young he is! Honestly, they're recruiting anyone these days.">>
<big>He looks at you...</big>
<<dial "guy" "Dude, you ok?!">>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_7.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wooooot is thissss monsterrrr!</tht>">>
<p>Don't freak out. Remember it's all in your head.</p>
<big>Try to pull yourself together.</big>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#punch" "Punch the monster!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#freak" "Freak out and run" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn null "Try to pull yourself together" null "action yieldHide">>
<big>You take a deep breath.</big>
<p>And another.</p>
<p>Henry and Bethany are looking at you curiously...</p>
<<media "curious.mp4">>
<big>You can do it.</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#freak", "#freak", "#punch", "#fine"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#freak", "#punch", "#fine"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#freak", "#fine"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#freak", "#fine", "#fine"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#fine">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fine">>
<p>Somehow, you manage to get a grip. You stand up and look at Henry and Bethany. </p>
<<dial "player" "Sorry... I... I'll go.">>
<p>You turn around and float away.</p>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_8_fine.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Whaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck was thaaat...</tht>">>
<big>Well, you've experienced a bad trip my man.</big>
<p>It sometimes happens, and it's not great, but I can tell you this - I had worse!</p>
<p>Anyway, that's the end of that. Go back to reality, fun things await you there.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "dom+2; love+2; time+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#freak">>
<p>You jump in the air and start running like mad. Henry and Bethany look at you unsure what to say, but soon lose their interest.</p>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_8_freak.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Whaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck was thaaat...</tht>">>
<big>Well, you've experienced a bad trip my man.</big>
<p>It sometimes happens, and it's not great, but I can tell you this - I had worse!</p>
<p>Anyway, that's the end of that. Go back to reality, fun things await you there.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "dom-; love-; time+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#punch">>
<p>You feel a wave of heat taking over your muscles. You jump up the same moment good Henry was leaning down to help you. You know you have just one shot at this, so...</p>
<big> throw a desperate punch and...</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#miss", "#miss", "#miss", "#hit"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#miss", "#miss", "#hit"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#miss", "#hit"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#miss">>
<big> miss. Obviously.</big>
<p>You're on fucking acid, what were you thinking will happen?! Let me guess, you thought you're Rocky coming back for one last punch? You move like a fucking snail! Snail on fucking acid, let me add. The guy was trying to help you, dude! Come on!</p>
<<yields "dom-5" "dialog">>
<p>Henry is now fucking pissed. And Bethany too. And why is Bethany fucking pissed, you might ask?</p>
<p>Well, I don't mind if I answer that. Bethany is fucking pissed because your fucking missed punch hit her in the fucking face.</p>
<p>You're not making my life easier, buddy...</p>
<big>So, to sum things up...</big>
<big>...this happens.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_8_punch.mp4">>
<big>And yes, it's your face on the fucking picture.</big>
<<yields "sore+" "dialog">>
<p>Well, ok, I have to admit, I'm partially to blame here. Even though I wasn't the one throwing fucking punches at an army guy, but whatever. I should have warned you.</p>
<big>What you've experienced is a bad trip.</big>
<p>I have to say, I rarely see them that fucked up, but, hey, there's always first time for fighting monsters!</p>
<p>Anyway, that's the end of that. Henry and Bethany leave you on the ground and walk away. Go back to reality, better things await you there.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "time+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#hit">>
<big> hit him hard in the chin!</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_8_punch.mp4">>
<p>The guy falls flat on the ground, it's a total knockout.</p>
<p>His girlfriend looks at you, scared...</p>
<big>...and smiles.</big>
<<dial "gal" "Wow.">>
<p>Wait... what?!</p>
<<dial "player" "I've conquered your man. You're mine now.">>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<<yields "dom+5" "dialog">>
<big>What is happening here?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I see it in her eyes... the urge... she's like an animal... she wants me.</tht>">>
<p>God damn, it was //monsters// a moments ago and now suddenly you want to fuck with her? Sheesh.</p>
<p>But you know what? You're right - I see it too...</p>
<big>She has fuck-sparks in her eyes.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_bad_8_win.mp4">>
<big>What a turnaround!</big>
<p>I'm still 100% against physical violence, //especially on acid//, but we can talk about it after we fuck her!</p>
<<btn "#sex">>
<<chunk null "#goodTrip">>
<p>You feel butterflies in your stomach...</p>
<p>You start noticing different colors and geometrical shapes around you...</p>
<big>It looks like everything is moving and pulsating.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wooow...</tht>">>
<big>But it's just the beginning.</big>
<p>You look at the ground under your feet...</p>
<p>You touch it with your fingers...</p>
<p>You lie on it...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Is it... is the ground... breathing?</tht>">>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_3.mp4">>
<p>I asked myself the same question many times, buddy... I came to conclusion that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, and that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Something like that, buddy.</p>
<<dial "player" "That doesn't sound like you...">>
<p>Well, shit. It's a quote, actually. You got me.</p>
<<dial "player" "I got you... but that's ok... because I got you.">>
<p>You smile to yourself, feeling waves of pleasure going through your muscles</p>
<p>You lie on the ground in complete silence for couple minutes.</p>
<big>You all good up there?</big>
<<dial "player" "Yup... I'm reaaaaaally good up here...">>
<p>Haha. Good to hear that. I was worried about you for a moment.</p>
<<dial "player" "Nooo worries, my man... You're a great guide by the way...">>
<p>Oh, really? Thanks, dude. That's nice to hear... I work my ass off for you.</p>
<<dial "player" "I know... And I feel you brother...">>
<p>You lie there for another minute or so...</p>
<big>...and then...</big>
<<dial "gal" "Hi! What's going on here? You're one of those flatearthers or something?">>
<big>She giggles.</big>
<p>You look at her, surprised by her sudden appearance.</p>
<big>Dude... it's a female!</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_good_1.mp4">>
<<dial "gal" "Haha, I'm playing with you. I saw you talking to yourself. What are you on? Shrooms? Acid?">>
<big>Ohhhh... dude.</big>
<p>This is such a jackpot. She's totally friendly, and perfect for this trip.</p>
<p>Well... say something!</p>
<<btn null "I'm the Lizard King, baby." "dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn null "All that matters is that you're an angel." "love+" "dialog">>
<p>She looks at you for a moment...</p>
<big>And bursts into laughter.</big>
<<dial "gal" "Oh shit, you're totally on acid, haha...">>
<p>You look at her breasts as she laughs. They giggle nicely...</p>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_good_2.mp4">>
<p>She notices your stare and...</p>
<big>...unpins her blouse.</big>
<big>Now her tits look right at you.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_good_3.mp4">>
<<dial "gal" "Ok... So it's your lucky day. I have this fetish... basically I like to get fucked by guys on drugs. Don't ask me how it started, cause it's a loooong story...">>
<big>No. No fucking stories. We wanna fuk.</big>
<<btn "#sex" "I don't care, let's fuck." "dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#sex" "You'll tell me this after we'll make heavenly love." "love+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<big>She smiles, while kneeling in front of you.</big>
<p>She opens up your zipper and pulls out your dick. She strokes it couple times, and licks the sweat off.</p>
<p>And then...</p>
<big>She puts it in her mouth.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_good_4.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<<dial "gal" "<tht>Gagagghhh.</tht>">>
<p>But the fun is just starting up.</p>
<big>You grab her tits and squeeze them while fucking her pussy.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_good_5.mp4">>
<<dial "gal" "Yes... squeeze it. Pinch my fucking nipples. Make it hurt!">>
<p>You do as you're told, and she squeals in pleasure.</p>
<<dial "gal" "Now I wanna ride your dick!">>
<big>She's primal, raw, like an animal.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_good_6.mp4">>
<p>While she jumps on your dick, you see every vein in her body filled with a fluorescent fluids. It's like you could see her nervous system lighting up in fire.</p>
<big>The colors around you change every time you pinch her with your dick.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_good_7.mp4">>
<p>You feel you're going to cum, but she wants more... and more... and more...</p>
<p>You notice that she changes the colors too...</p>
<big>...and freaking shapeshiting!</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_good_8.mp4">>
<big>It's too much. You can't hold it anymore.</big>
<p>Your fucking cum shoots into her like it was flying light speed from another freaking galaxy.</p>
<p>And then something happens.</p>
<p>Somehow your own cum ''sucks you in''... It's like, you become it...</p>
<big>You become... cum!</big>
<<media "activities/trip/trip_good_9.mp4">>
<p>You fly into a giant dark tunnel. You have your buddy-sperms there with you.</p>
<p>It's actually a fun ride, like on a huge slide, but deep down you know, that this slide is going to end with a fight to death.</p>
<big>Only one sperm survives.</big>
<p>And it's gonna be you.</p>
<p>It has to be you.</p>
<p>You speed up, waving your little sperm-tail...</p>
<big>...when suddenly!</big>
<big>You notice her tonsils.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/tonsils.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "God damn it! We're in the mouth!">>
<p>You see a wave of terror going through the faces of your cum-buddies. Some take it in silence. Some start crying. You yourself have tears in your sperm-eyes.</p>
<big>But then something hits you...</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wait... I'm $ $player.surname! What am I even doing here?</tht>">>
<p>You look around, unsure what's going on.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why the fuck I have a tail!?</tht>">>
<p>Ok dude, I get how this might be confusing.</p>
<big>But I'll explain everything.</big>
<p>So you took some acid, met this girl, and fucked her.</p>
<big>And then your consciousness was transfered to your cum and--</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wait, I fucked a girl? Cool! Is she pretty?</tht>">>
<p>Well, I actually don't know, I was busy with the fact that you were transformed into your own cum...</p>
<p>Anyway, I think the acid is wearing off, so now--</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Take me back to her, I'm sure she's hot!</tht>">>
<p>Well, yeah. But if she's not hot... Don't panic, ok?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Don't worry! Beam me up, Scotty.</tht>">>
<big>You got it.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/beam_up.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#hag", "#hag", "#hag", "#hot"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#hag", "#hag", "#hot"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#hag", "#hot"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#hag">>
<p>You open up your eyes and...</p>
<big>Oh shit.</big>
<<media `"activities/trip/trip_end_bad_" + random(1,5) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>She's a hag!</big>
<<yields "dom-3; love-3" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I've cummed into her mouth! What should I do now!</tht>">>
<p>You jump straight up and push the hag away.</p>
<<dial "player" "Erm... thanks for the fuck!">>
<p>You dart to the nearest exit like you were running for your life.</p>
<<media "activities/trip/run.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Whaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck was thaaat...</tht>">>
<big>God damn it dude, I don't know myself.</big>
<p>Let's leave it at that. Time go back to reality, fun things await you there.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "time+" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#hot">>
<p>You open up your eyes and...</p>
<big>Oh shit.</big>
<<media `"activities/trip/trip_end_good_" + random(1,5) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>She's a hottie!</big>
<<yields "dom+3; love+3" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ohh, look how pretty she looks with a mouth full of my cum!</tht>">>
<p>She does.</p>
<p>She finally smiles to you.</p>
<<dial "gal" "Thanks for all the cum! I liked it!">>
<<dial "player" "Sure... anytime.">>
<p>She blows you a kiss, gathers her things, and walks away.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dude, that was aaaaawesomeeee...</tht>">>
<big>It really was, lol.</big>
<p>But it's time go back to reality though, fun things await you there too.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "time+" "yieldHide">>
<big>You take the LSD out of your wallet.</big>
<p>It's in a form of a little square, that seems to be cut out from a larger piece of paper with an illustration on it.</p>
<big>You move your eyes to $' locker.</big>
<p>It's open and you can clearly see a bottle of water inside.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You think $ will notice a piece of paper floating in the bottle?</tht>">>
<p>I have no idea.</p>
<big>You glance at $ across the gym...</big>
<big>...she is focused on her training.</big>
<<media "activities/train/prestigeGym/rose_train_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She's too busy to notice anything. I think it should work!</tht>">>
<big>And what about others?</big>
<p>You look around the gym. There's some other people walking around, but they mostly mind their own business. Mostly.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well... Can't you just make everyone look away for a minute with some magic trick?</tht>">>
<p>I could... but I won't.</p>
<big>Deal with it yourself.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<p>You take a deep breath...</p>
<big>...dart forward, towards the locker...</big>
<p>...throw the acid inside the bottle...</p>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/water.mp4">>
<p>...turn around, start walking away...</p>
<big>...when suddenly.</big>
<big>$ walks to you.</big>
<<dial "rose" "$! What are you doing here?">>
<<dial "player" "$! What are //you// doing here?">>
<p>Answering question with the same question. Nice. You should go into politics.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Seriously dude, what should I do? Did she saw me throwing the acid in the bottle?!</tht>">>
<p>Didn't I tell you it's a dangerous game you're playing? Now it's too late for me to do anything, there are higher powers at play.</p>
<big>Let's see what will happen with $</big>
<<media "random.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#saw", "#notSaw", "#notSaw", "#notSaw", "#notSaw"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#saw", "#notSaw", "#notSaw", "#notSaw", "#notSaw", "#notSaw", "#notSaw"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 3>>
<<set _decision = "#notSaw">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#notSaw">>
<big>$ looks at you suspiciously.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Were you doing something in my locker, chico?">>
<<media "suspicious.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I-I-I... I came to train and-and-and was looking for... for my locker! But now I realize, I don't have a locker yet, because I just came--">>
<big>$ sighs and...</big>
<big>...she smiles.</big>
<<dial "rose" "There's plenty of empty lockers, use any of them.">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, that's what I'm going to do, thanks!">>
<<dial "rose" "No problemo, chico. I gotta go back to training, my water break ends in couple seconds.">>
<big>She grabs her water and...</big>
<big>...she drinks it all.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_lsd_intro_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She drank it! The whole thing!</tht>">>
<p>I guess congrats are in order...</p>
<big>Your moronic plan worked.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what now...?</tht>">>
<p>I have no fucking idea.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But what if she'll connect the dots and realize I added something to her water?</tht>">>
<p>God damn it. Man, you did it, own it. The acid kicks in in 30 minutes. You're wasting your time.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, I have a great idea. I'm gonna come back in 30 minutes disguised as someone else, and talk with her. If everything's gonna be fine, I'll reveal my true identity. Or not, that's still debatable.</tht>">>
<big>Hahaha, oh man, good one.</big>
<p>Oh, wait, you were serious?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yes, I am serious. Think about it, she'll be high on acid! This might work!</tht>">>
<p>You know what...?</p>
<big>I'm just gonna go with the flow.</big>
<p>By all means, my man. Do it!</p>
<p>You borrow some dude's pants from a locker, and put on everything you can find.</p>
<big>The problem is - you still look like you.</big>
<p>But fortunately - there's a sharpie on the floor, by a total accident positioned right next to your foot. You take it, sneak in the bathroom, and draw a hyper-realistic mustache and beard on your face.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>How do I look?</tht>">>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/disguise.mp4">>
<p>Like a dude who draw a mustache and beard on his face with a fucking sharpie.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Thanks... by the way, did it really have to be a sharpie? Have you ever used a sharpie to draw a beard? It fucking hurts!</tht>">>
<p>I'm doing what I can, ok? Besides - it was 30 minutes already...</p>
<big>'s time to check how $ is doing.</big>
<big>You walk out to the main gym area.</big>
<p>At first glance it seems empty. Most of the people finished their training and went home. You panic for a second that $ is also not here...</p>
<big>...but then you notice her.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_lsd_intro_2.mp4">>
<big>She's by her locker room.</big>
<p>It seems she's changing after finished training, but you notice she does it in a really awkward way, constantly glancing around herself, talking something, and giggling.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She looks like she's tripping!</tht>">>
<p>Well, I have to agree on that.</p>
<big>It seems your plan is working.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, so I'm gonna walk out to her, and tell her... tell her... that I'm the last remaining member of a secret society of big-dick people and she was chosen for a traditional act of ass probing! How that sounds?</tht>">>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/dick_people.mp4">>
<big>How it sounds...?</big>
<p>Well, to be honest, I was already a little unnerved when you spent 20 minutes drawing beard and mustache on your face, but now, if you ask me how it sounds, I'll have to say, and forgive me if it's a bit rude....</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Jeez, chill out. So what are you proposing, mr. smarty pants?</tht>">>
<p>Just go fucking there and say you can help her with stretching or some shit like that!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, ok... That actually does sound simpler. But if it won't work - I'm going with ass probing!</tht>">>
<big>You approach $ with a smile.</big>
<<dial "player" "Hi, $ I mean - hi, //I don't know you//!">>
<<media "pathetic.mp4">>
<p>$ turns to you, surprised and scared. She squints her eyes, looking at your sharpie beard and mustache, but she doesn't seem to be able to recognize whether it's fake or not.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Hiii? Dooo I knoooow youuu?">>
<p>You look deep into her eyes and immediately see...</p>
<big>...she's high as a kite!</big>
<p>Well, so far so good! Let's see how you'll deal with the next part.</p>
<<dial "player" "So my name is... Dick... erm... Stretch. Dick Stretch.">>
<big>Dick Stretch?</big>
<p>This name is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up! It's awesome and she's buying it!</tht> So, as Dick Stretch, I represent a company that gives free stretches. It's called... Dick Stretch Gives Free Stretches... Limited.">>
<big>I honestly can't believe you survived that far.</big>
<<dial "player" "So, $ I mean... So, //unknown person//, are you interested in a free stretch?">>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_lsd_intro_3.mp4">>
<big>$ looks at you suspiciously...</big>
<<btn "#stretch_start">>
<<chunk null "#stretch_start">>
<<dial "rose" "Is it really freeeee? Noo hiddeeen... you know...">>
<big>Oh fuck.</big>
<p>I think she's buying it...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She's totally buying it!</tht> No hidden stuff! At Dick Stretch Gives Free Stretches Limited we value great customer experience.">>
<big>She smiles.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Well, ooook... But be careful... I'm feeeeeliiiing... Dizzy... zizzy... izzy...">>
<p>Somehow you made it through the intro part, but now the real deal begins.</p>
<big>Remember - if you'll spook her, she'll leave.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok! I won't spook her! Dick Stretch is coming, baby!</tht>">>
<p>You look at $ with your professional eye (more like stare at her boobs and ass).</p>
<<dial "player" "So, I can see you're a bit tense... so let's start by releasing pressure from your ass... I mean... your asspine...ers.">>
<<dial "rose" "My asspiners? I've never heard of them...">>
<big>Me neither.</big>
<<dial "player" "It's a latin term, used by professionals, like me, Dick Stretch. Just bend over and let me see your ass...piners.">>
<<media "fingers_crossed.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#spook", "#stretch1", "#stretch1", "#stretch1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 2>>
<<set _decision = "#stretch1">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#stretch1">>
<<dial "rose" "Ooook... So... like this?">>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_lsd_stretch_1.mp4">>
<big>God damn, it worked.</big>
<<yields "rose.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I told you it will!</tht>">>
<<dial "rose" "Ooooch... I can feeeeeeel my asspiners releasing pressure... nice... So what now?">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That's a good question - what now?</tht>">>
<p>You're asking me? Dude, you're actually doing better than I thought you will, so...</p>
<big>Continue, please!</big>
<<dial "player" "Ok... So before we do next thing, I wanted to ask you important question - did you know that 1250% of muscle damage comes from... erm... legs?">>
<<dial "rose" "Really!?">>
<<dial "player" "Totally. That's why we need to spread your puss-- I mean - stretch your thighs!">>
<big>$ looks at you...</big>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/suspicious.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#spook", "#stretch2", "#stretch2", "#stretch2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#spook", "#stretch2", "#stretch2", "#stretch2", "#stretch2", "#stretch2", "#stretch2", "#stretch2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 3>>
<<set _decision = "#stretch2">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#stretch2">>
<<dial "rose" "Soo... youuu wanna touch mis piernas?">>
<<dial "player" "Yup!">>
<<dial "rose" "Oook... How's that?">>
<<dial "player" "Perrrfect!">>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_lsd_stretch_2.mp4">>
<<yields "rose.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "Ok... So remember I mentioned those buttspiners?">>
<<dial "rose" "You meeaan asspiners!?">>
<<dial "player" "Yup... in old greek they're called buttspiners...! Anyway, so I can see you have some of your butt...asspiners still blocked. To release the rest of the pressure I need to use my hands... Turn around and bend over!">>
<<dial "rose" "Ohh... I don't know... I feel strange...">>
<<dial "player" "It won't hurt... I promise!">>
<big>$ hesitates...</big>
<<media "eyes.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#spook", "#stretch3", "#stretch3", "#stretch3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#spook", "#stretch3", "#stretch3", "#stretch3", "#stretch3", "#stretch3", "#stretch3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 3>>
<<set _decision = "#stretch3">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#stretch3">>
<big>$ does what she's told.</big>
<p>After a second you have your hands massaging her ass, and it doesn't take long before she starts moaning softly.</p>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_lsd_stretch_3.mp4">>
<<yields "rose.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dude! She's moaning!</tht>">>
<p>I know!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what now?!</tht>">>
<p>I don't know! Do whatever you were doing - I never thought you'll get that far!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well... ok.</tht>">>
<p>Your hands go deeper into $ pants. You run your fingers closer and closer to her pussy. But she doesn't seem to mind it, and with every touch you can feel how she shakes and shivers in pleasure.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Yess.... like that... massage those buttspiners... stronger...">>
<p>Without hesitation, you turn her around and start kissing her belly.</p>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_sex_intro_1.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Mister... mister Dick Stretch.... what are you doing...?">>
<<dial "player" "It's a new technique... Just enjoy it.">>
<<dial "rose" "Ohhhh... oooook...">>
<p>$ closes her eyes and let's you do whatever you want.</p>
<big>Next stop - her tits.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_sex_intro_2.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Yess, Dick Stretch, grab those titties... hurt them... put your tongue in my pusssyyy.... my pusssy....">>
<p>Dude, I think it's safe to say...</p>
<big>...$ wants you to tongue-fuck her.</big>
<p>So what are you waiting for?</p>
<big>You kneel in front of $ and spread her pussy wide.</big>
<<dial "player" "Oh yeah... Like that...">>
<<dial "rose" "Do it Dick Stretch... Lick my pussy!">>
<p>Well? Do it!</p>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_sex_1.mp4">>
<p>You push your tongue deep into her pussy and work it around her ass. It tastes a bit salty from the sweat, but you actually like that.</p>
<big>Nothing better than a sweaty asshole.</big>
<<dial "rose" "My turn!">>
<big>$ stands up and wraps her lips around your cock.</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_sex_2.mp4">>
<p>She speeds up.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Gobble, gobble, gobble!">>
<big>Your dick fits perfectly in her mouth.</big>
<<if $rose.status >= 3>>
<p>But somehow, blowjob seems like it was just an appetizer for $ She looks at you with sparks in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want you to stretch my insides Dick Stretch...">>
<big>God damn.</big>
<p>After that I might actually consider legally changing my name to Dick Stretch!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Told you it's awesome!</tht>">>
<p>You feel a growing pressure. You won't be able to hold it off for long. Too bad, I was hoping we could fuck her. Well, maybe next time.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "rose" "I want it on my face!">>
<big>Can do.</big>
<<chunk "rose.status=3">>
<p>$ lies on the bench and positions herself under you.</p>
<<dial "rose" "I want your dick in me, Dick Stretch. NOW!">>
<p>She doesn't have to say it twice...</p>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_sex_3.mp4">>
<<if $rose.status == 3>>
<p>You feel growing pressure in your dick. You won't be able to hold it off for long. We need to work on your stamina, dude!</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "rose" "I want it on my face!">>
<big>Can do.</big>
<big>But $ wants more.</big>
<p>She pushes you to the ground and jumps on you like a sex starved gorilla...</p>
<<chunk "rose.status=4">>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_sex_4.mp4">>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, Dick Stretch... Stretch $' pussy with your dick... You like that? You like my latino pussy?">>
<p>These are all valid questions but all you manage to say in reply is...</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh....">>
<p>>And I don't blame you. I mean...</p>
<big>Dat ass.</big>
<<if $rose.status == 4>>
<p>But you feel growing pressure in your dick. You won't be able to hold it off for long. We need to work on your stamina, dude!</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "rose" "I want it on my face!">>
<big>Can do.</big>
<<chunk "rose.status=5">>
<p>$ pushes her ass in your crotch.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Push it in! Fuck me! Fuck me like an animal I am!!!">>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_sex_5.mp4">>
<p>That's what I'm talking about!</p>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, like that. Punish me. Fuck me.">>
<<chunk "rose.status=5">>
<<dial "rose" "Yeah, Dick Stretch, fuck me harder! Stretch me! STRETCH MY PUSSY!!!">>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_sex_6.mp4">>
<p>She starts trembling and...</p>
<big>$ cums.</big>
<p>This is a good moment to cum too, I'm sure she'll like that you came together. Or maybe you want to bring it to another level?</p>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" "$char+rose; rose.squirt+3" "sex action">>
<<btn null "Cum now on her face" "rose.dom+" "action">>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<big>You grab her hair and push your dick to her face.</big>
<p>Your orgasm arrives like a fucking cargo train, making you shoot a stream of hot cum on $'s face.</p>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_sex_7.mp4">>
<big>And she takes it all like a champ.</big>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_sex_8.mp4">>
<<btn "#after">>
<<chunk null "#after">>
<p>After you finish cumming, your legs start shaking. You collapse on the bench and sit there for a moment.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhh....">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "rose" "That was a goooood stretch, Dick Stretch... I might use your company more often...!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh....">>
<p>She grabs her things and walks away.</p>
<big>Dude, congrats.</big>
<p>It was something!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh....">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#spook">>
<p>$ looks at you, scared.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Youu knoww wwwhaaat? I'm gonna gooo homee.">>
<p>Before you manage to say anything, she grabs her things and walks out from the gym in a hurry.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shit, what did I do wrong?</tht>">>
<p>Apart from putting LSD in her water? I'd say - nothing. You had a pretty good run...</p>
<big>Dating is a numbers game.</big>
<p>Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Especially on acid. Don't worry about it too much, and try again when you'll better prepared...</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "rose.dom-2" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#saw">>
<big>$ looks at you suspiciously.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Were you doing something in my locker, chico?">>
<<media "suspicious.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I-I-I... I came to train and-and-and was looking for... for my locker! But now I realize, I don't have a locker yet, because I just came--">>
<big>$ sighs and...</big>
<big>...she points at the bottle.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Were you trying to drug me?">>
<<dial "player" "Whaaaat?! Noooooo!">>
<<media "yes_you_were.mp4">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<big>But it's not a nice smile.</big>
<<dial "rose" "Ok, chico! Then you drink it!">>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Whaaaat?! Noooooo!">>
<big>You already said it, man.</big>
<<dial "player" "I mean... it's your water... why would I, haha, that's stupid!">>
<<dial "rose" "Either you drink it, or te voy a hacer mierda!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Does it mean she's going to fuck me?</tht>">>
<p>Well, almost...</p>
<big>It means she's going to fuck you up!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck!</tht>">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#drink" "Drink the water" "love+1" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#run" "Turn around and run" null "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<big>You turn around and run out from the gym.</big>
<<media "run.mp4">>
<p>You can hear $ yelling behind your back.</p>
<<dial "rose" "You fucker! I knew it!">>
<p>But you're already far away, running faster than wind.</p>
<p>Well, I hope it was worth it, because it sure doesn't look like it!</p>
<<btn $curLocParent null "rose.dom-5" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#drink">>
<<dial "player" "Well, if you really need a proof I'm innocent - here it is!">>
<p>You take a water bottle in your shaking hands...</p>
<big>...and drink it all!</big>
<<media "activities/trip/prestigeGym/rose_drink.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm sure it's not gonna work on me anyway.</tht>">>
<p>Oh, it will, trust me. Just give it some time.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shit.</tht>">>
<p>$ observes you the whole time. Finally she smiles.</p>
<<dial "rose" "Well... I guess you're ok. There's so many dudes here that want nothing more than to drug and fuck me, I'm getting a bit paranoid sometimes.">>
<<dial "player" "Really? Those bastards!">>
<<dial "rose" "So anyway... back to my training.">>
<<dial "player" "Have fun! I'm finishing for today.">>
<<dial "rose" "What? You haven't even started!">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, yeah... I forgot about it... But I left something... somewhere. Gotta go, bye!">>
<big>You dart out of the gym.</big>
<h2 class="border">Neighbourhood</h2>
<<media "locations/areaNeighbourhood/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<p>You look around, desperately.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>How much time do I have?</tht>">>
<p>Well, you'll start to notice the acid effects in about 20 minutes.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shit-shit-shit... So what do I do? Hospital?</tht>">>
<p>As much as it's fun to watch you squeal, I feel you already learned your lesson.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I totally did!</tht>">>
<p>Ok. I believe you. So what we're going to do now is try to salvage something out of this situation. After all, LSD is a drug that people take to chill. After a disaster like that it won't be easy to achieve that state, but we're going to try.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm freaking out here!</tht>">>
<p>I know. Here's what you're gonna do - take a walk to the beach. You'll spend some time there, watch the grass growing or some shit like that, until the LSD wears off. I cannot guarantee that the trip won't still fuck you up, but it's relatively your best chance to turn it around.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck, ok... Lead the way!</tht>">>
<<btn "#beach">>
<<include "trip">><<events>>
<<EVENT "day=weekend">>
<p>You're about to end your training...</p>
<big>...when suddenly you hear moaning.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Do you hear that?</tht>">>
<<media "activities/train/hitler.mp4">>
<big>Someone's totally fucking in the other room.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I need to see that!</tht>">>
<p>You carefully walk to the doors to other room...</p>
<big>Oh yea.</big>
<<media `"activities/train/NPCs/gym_sex_" + random(1,10) + ".mp4"`>>
<p>You lucky bastard! I mean, this is a once in a lifetime view. If you'd be 12 that one situation would be a source of all your fetishes, I guarantee it to you.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>Don't //uhhh// at them, dude! Do something!</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Let them fuck in peace" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Rub one out" "dom+; jerkedoff+" "action">>
<p>You start masturbating.</p>
<<media "activities/train/NPCs/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh... yeah, baby... fuck this dick!">>
<p>That's not what I meant.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up. I'm jacking off.</tht>">>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum but stronger" "dom+" "action">>
<p>The girl starts moaning, the guy cums, and the same moment...</p>
<big> cum.</big>
<<media "activities/train/NPCs/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<p>Oh god damn it.</p>
<p>You know that joining a strangers fuck was my dream since I was 12?!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sorry dude but... you know... I couldn't really do anything.</tht>">>
<p>Well, sigh... I can't blame you... I've rubbed one out while writing it too. There's always the next time. Now, let's go home</p>
<big>I'm in physical pain from watching you train.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "day=workdays">>
/* Select the character */
<<set _curNpc = "gymgirl_" + random(1,3)>>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<p>You notice an interesting girl in the gym. She sends you a kinky smile, walks to one of the machines, and starts training.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Who is that?</tht>">>
<p>I don't know...</p>
<big>But she's fucking hot!</big>
<<media `"activities/train/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_intro.mp4"`>>
<p>You look around - it seems that you're alone with her...</p>
<big>Dude. I beg you.</big>
<p>This is a perfect opportunity. Don't fuck it up! Go there and say something to her, like whatever. I need to have a closer look at those boobies!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up, god damn it. I know what I'm doing.</tht>">>
<p>You stand up and hesitantly walk in her direction.</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 0>>
<<set _textDom = "You're shagadelic, baby!">>
<<set _textLove = "You plus me equals fantasy!">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _textDom = "Hey, I can show you how to train better!">>
<<set _textLove = "You need some help with your training?">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _textDom = "Hey, beauty!">>
<<set _textLove = "Hey, I'm $">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _textDom = "Hi. I'm your escort. Zombies, vampires - I'm gonna take care of it!">>
<<set _textLove = "Sorry, but you mind if we train together? I'm $ by the way.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 4>>
<<set _textDom = "You grabbed my attention. That rarely happens.">>
<<set _textLove = "Hey, how you doin'?">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textLove "love+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textDom "dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "Just walk past her" "dom-2" "action yieldHide">>
<p>You pull out your best smile, and look her in the eyes, managing to only glance down at her tits and ass like 25 times.</p>
<big>She turns to you, a bit surprised and...</big>
<<media "random.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 0>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#getlost", "#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#getlost", "#stay", "#stay"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#stay">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#getlost">>
<big>She stands up and puts her finger in your face.</big>
<<media "shut_up.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Sorry! I'll go!">>
<p>You walk away in a hurry.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You said to do something, and nothing happened!</tht>">>
<p>Well, it was a bit scary, I'll give you that. But, dude, if you play the game, sometimes you lose. And don't say nothing happened! Many things happened.</p>
<big>You acted.</big>
<p>And that's a good thing for sure. Try again when you gather some experience. And try less lame ass pick up lines.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<p>She stops.</p>
<p>Looks at you for a moment.</p>
<big>And smiles!</big>
<<media `"activities/train/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_talk.mp4"`>>
<<dial _curNpc "Well, hi, haha!">>
<p>See? It's working!</p>
<<dial "player" "So... training is, like, awesome, right?">>
<<dial _curNpc "Training? Not really. I only train when I can't get a proper fuck.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh shit!</tht>">>
<big>Target locked!</big>
<p>Dude, this is a Defcon-1 situation. You need to show some balls! I mean it figuratively - though have your actual balls prepared for presentation shortly after. Anyway, go for it!</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... what do you mean?">>
<p>Seriously? A question? That's how you show confidence?</p>
<<set _curNpcText = ["you'll stick your tongue in my sweaty asshole.", "you'll fuck me like Speedy Gonzales.", "I'm gonna jump on your dick like a monkey."].random()>>
<<dial _curNpc `"I mean... " + _curNpcText`>>
<big>This is how you show confidence!</big>
<p>You're lucky she's so horny she'd fuck a bike.</p>
<<btn "#sex" "That sounds like a plan!" null "action">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "No thanks, I need to work on my legs" "dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#nothanks" "No thanks, I don't fuck before first date" "love+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#nothanks">>
<<media "awkward.mp4">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<<media `"activities/train/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_sex1.mp4"`>>
<big>I really like the direction this is going!</big>
<<dial "player" "Me too!">>
<<dial _curNpc "Hm...?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... I meant - //me and you//. We're, like... great together!">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/train/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_sex2.mp4"`>>
<<dial _curNpc "Mmm... yeah...">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh...">>
<p>Now you can actually //uhh// at her all you want!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<p>That's right, let the steam out!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/train/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_sex3.mp4"`>>
<p>Ok dude, you had some fun, now it's time for the real deal!</p>
<big>Make her beg for your cum!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<big class="fi0 center">You approach the bed.</big>
<p class="fi3">$ is deep in her sleep. Her breasts rise slowly under a loose t-shirt with every breath.</p>
<<media "activities/wake/daphRoom/daphne_sleep.jpg" "si3">>
<p class="fi4">You lean in over her bed and whisper....</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, $!" "fi5">>
<big class="fi6">She slowly opens her eyes...</big>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<<media "activities/wake/daphRoom/daphne_wake.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "$ Did something happened?">>
<big>You look her in the eyes and say...</big>
<<btn "#sex" "I came here to fuck your brains out!" "daphne.dom+; daphne.status=3" "dialog">>
<<btn "#talk" "I just wanted to talk!" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#talk">>
<p>I've seen you decided on a slower approach. Smart, if you're not ready - don't push it. I just hope you're not interrupting her in a wet dream...</p>
<big>Let's see...</big>
<<media "thumbs_up.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#getLost", "#talkOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#talkOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#talkOk", "#talkOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#talkOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#talkOk">>
<p>She squints her eyes...</p>
<big>...and smiles!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Sure hun... I mean... I'm a bit dizzy because I was in the middle of... something... ">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Something that involved... ropes.">>
<p>Oh shit.</p>
<big>Wet dream detected.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh! Haha! I think I was still dreaming a bit. Sorry! Come on in, $! Tell me what's been bothering you, hun?">>
<p>Have fun, kiddo!</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "$permission+1;" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<big>Bold, I like it...</big>
<p>Let's just hope you're going to survive it.</p>
<<media "fingers_crossed.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#smack", "#getLost", "#sexOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#getLost", "#sexOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#sexOk", "#sexOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#sexOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#sexOk">>
<p>She squints her eyes.</p>
<big>...and smiles!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm actually quite horny, I was in a middle of a wet dream...!">>
<<dial "player" "With me?">>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I will make it about you.">>
<<media "activities/wake/daphRoom/daphne_sex.jpg">>
<p>Well, my dude...</p>
<big>I wish you a good fuck!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+daphne" "sex action">>
<<chunk null "#getLost">>
<big>She squints her eyes.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Whaaat? It's a middle of the night!">>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial "daphne" "Let me sleep, $! We'll talk about it tomorrow.">>
<<media `"activities/wake/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4"`>>
<<dial "player" "Ok, sorry...">>
<big>At least you tried, right?</big>
<p>You turn and walk away, closing the doors behind you.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#smack">>
<<media "smack.mp4">>
<<yields "daphne.desire-2; sore+" "dialog">>
<big>Ohhhhh shhhhiiiiiittt....</big>
<p>God damn it, man, I'm so sorry!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm a woman, $! You should treat me like a lady!">>
<<dial "player" "I-I-I thought...">>
<p>I know where this is going...</p>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "And now - get out!">>
<p>You turn and walk away, closing the doors behind you.</p>
<big>What a disaster.</big>
<p>Next time make sure the girl likes you, before offering her sex in the middle of the night.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<big class="fi0 center">You approach the bed.</big>
<p class="fi3">$ is deep in her sleep. Her small perky tits rise slowly with every breath.</p>
<<media "activities/wake/daphAlex/alexa_sleep.jpg" "si3">>
<p class="fi4">You lean in, to see her face, and whisper....</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, $!" "fi5">>
<big class="fi6">She opens her eyes...</big>
<<btn null null null "si5">>
<big>And closes them again.</big>
<<dial "player" "$">>
<p>Maybe try a bit louder?</p>
<<dial "player" "$">>
<<dial "player" "$!">>
<big>Still nothing.</big>
<<dial "player" "$ for fuck sakes!!! WAKE UP!!">>
<big>$ jumps in the air.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!?">>
<p>I think you overdid it, man.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Maybe slightly...</tht>">>
<big>$ looks right at you.</big>
<<media "activities/wake/daphAlex/fuck_this.mp4">>
<<if $player.trait == "alpha" || $player.trait == "satan">>
<<media "activities/wake/daphAlex/alexa_ok.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "$, god damn it! I had such a sweet dream about three dicks up my asshole. I've never had three dicks before! THREE!">>
<big>Three, $! THREE!</big>
<p>And now there's just a gap. A hot, tight, vacuum of her asshole, ready to be filled. You catch my drift?</p>
<<media "activities/wake/daphAlex/alexa_fury.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "You fucking dweeb! I had a dream about three dicks up my asshole. I've never had three before! THREE! And you ruined it! You're a fucking dweeb, you know that?!">>
<big>We know.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ooook. Maybe I did overdid it... So what should I do?!</tht>">>
<p>Well, for sure you have to say something.</p>
<big>You look her deep in the eyes and...</big>
<<btn "#sex" "I came here to fuck your brains out!" "alexa.dom+; alexa.status=3" "dialog">>
<<btn "#talk" "I just wanted to talk!" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#talk">>
<p>Well, my man.</p>
<big>Better strap in...</big>
<<media "pray.mp4">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#smack", "#smack", "#talkOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#smack", "#talkOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#talkOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#talkOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#talkOk">>
<p>She squints her eyes...</p>
<big>...and sighs!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh god damn it, $, OK! I'm curious what's so fucking important that it couldn't wait till morning?!">>
<p>Two things. She didn't throw you out. And she remembers your name even after being woken up from a dream about three dicks up her ass.</p>
<big>And that means something, buddy.</big>
<p>Have fun, kiddo!</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "$permission+1; alexa.dom+2" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<big>Bold, I like it...</big>
<p>Let's just hope you're going to survive it.</p>
<<media "fingers_crossed.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#getLost", "#sexOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#sexOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#sexOk", "#sexOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#sexOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#sexOk">>
<p>She looks at you...</p>
<big>...with a sexy smile!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, I do have a hole to fill...!">>
<<dial "player" "I'm a great filler.">>
<<media "good_move.mp4">>
<p>$ gives you one of hers brand fuck-me-in-the-asshole stares.</p>
<<media "activities/wake/daphAlex/alexa_sex.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Better filler than nothing for sure.">>
<p>Well, my dude...</p>
<big>I wish you a good fuck!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+alexa" "sex action">>
<<chunk null "#getLost">>
<big>She squints her eyes.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "What?! God damn. I was sleeping for fuck sakes!">>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm going back to sleep you fucking dweeb. Get lost!">>
<p>She jumps back on the bed and buries herself deep under covers.</p>
<<media `"activities/wake/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4"`>>
<<dial "player" "Ok, I'm going...">>
<big>At least you tried, right?</big>
<p>You turn and walk away, closing the doors behind you.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#smack">>
<p>She comes at you with an angry face.</p>
<big>Run, kid, run!</big>
<<dial "player" "What are you--">>
<p>Before you finish your sentence...</p>
<big>...$ kicks you in the family dispenser.</big>
<<media "ball_kick.mp4">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger...</p>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action">>
<<EVENT "alexa; noRand">> /* This is when alexa is in the garden when player sunbath */
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<p> notice that $ is looking at you.</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/alexa.jpg">>
<<if $alexa.status < 3>>
<<dial "alexa" "Dweeb, sunbathing ain't gonna help, you're a dweeb for life.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Should I thank her for noticing me?</tht>">>
<p>//Thank her for noticing you//?! God damn it, dude.</p>
<big>I had hopes for you.</big>
<p>Look - let's make it simple. Two choices. If I were you I'd answer something cocky. But it's your call.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Lookin' good... maybe you're not such a dweeb after all.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I hate when she calls me dweeb!</tht>">>
<big>Do something about it.</big>
<<btn "#getLost" "You should stop calling me dweeb!" "">>
<<btn "#alexaDom" "And have you bleached your asshole already, brownie?" "alexa.dom+2">>
<<chunk null "#alexaDom">>
<big>Oh, snap!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Brownie?! My asshole is snow fucking white!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh yeah? Then prove it!">>
<p>I liiiiike how you flipped the situation. Nicely done.</p>
<big>$ looks at her ass for a moment...</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/alexa_ass.jpg">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#getLost", "#showAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#showAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#showAss", "#showAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#showAss">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#showAss">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fine! But no touching!">>
<p>She drops her bottom and...</p>
<big>My god.</big>
<<media "surprise.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?! Snow fucking white.">>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/alexa_ass_1.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Hmm... I'm not sure from that angle... Let me move closer.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh get it over with.">>
<p>I thought I was teaching you, but it seems you were teaching me all along!</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/alexa_ass_2.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Sooooo?">>
<p>Why do you look at me, dude. You're clearly in charge here.</p>
<<btn "#snow" "Snow white. I approve." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#getLost" "Not white enough. Bleach it again." "alexa.dom+3" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#snow">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "It makes me horny when guys know how to appreciate a nice asshole.">>
<<yields "alexa.desire+2" "dialog">>
<p>Dude. Go for it. Tell her how //you// would appreciate her asshole--</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Anyway, thanks, $ I might be nicer to you from now on. We'll see.">>
<p>She turns and walks away, before you manage to squeeze out even one word.</p>
<p>But don't worry, we'll get our hands on that asshole sooner or later!</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#getLost">>
<p>She looks you deep in the eyes and...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Once a dweeb. Always a dweeb.">>
<p>She turns around and walks away.</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/alexa_walks.jpg">>
<big>Too bad.</big>
<p>But don't worry, we'll get her next time!</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "daphne; noRand">> /* This is when daphne is in the garden when player sunbath */
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<p> notice that $ is looking at you from across the garden.</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status < 3>>
<<dial "daphne" "You should train before tanning, $, haha!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Should I thank her for noticing me?</tht>">>
<p>//Thank her for noticing you//?! God damn it, dude.</p>
<big>I had hopes for you.</big>
<p>Look - let's make it simple. Two choices. If I were you I'd go with something easygoing with her. But it's your call.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "$! I like what I see. Have you been training?">>
<big>Is she hitting on you?</big>
<<dial "player" "Oh, hi $! I didn't notice you there.">>
<p>Good. Play her down a bit.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, yeah, don't worry - I know what I'm doing!</tht>">>
<p>Well, ok. But be careful, young padawan. Pride comes before the fall!</p>
<<btn "#tanning" "Gotta stay in shape! You're my inspiration." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#funny" "Training? Sex is the best training." "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#tanning">>
<big>$ smiles.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh really? That's so nice to hear!">>
<p>She turns away, enjoying the sun.</p>
<p>Dude, don't leave it like that. Keep talking to her!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Right, right.</tht> So... sun is cool, right?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I thought sun is //hot not cool//, but maybe that's why I have uneven tan!">>
<big>$ giggles.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_smile.mp4">>
<p>She giggled, dude. Why are you looking at her like a fucking deadbeat?!</p>
<big>Giggle with her god damn it!</big>
<<dial "player" "Oh, haha. That's so funny. Haha... Ha...! Best... joke... ever. Haha.">>
<p>I wonder... Are you able to turn everything into shit?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up. I'm nervous.</tht>">>
<<btn null "Uneven tan? It looks great from where I'm sitting!" "">>
<<btn null "Uneven tan? Maybe you should show a bit more skin!" "daphne.dom+">>
<big>Not bad!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, you're sweet! But I'm serious. I always have white spots...">>
<<dial "player" "Oh yeah? Where? I can't see any.">>
<p>I liiiiike how you flipped the situation. Nicely done.</p>
<big>$ thinks for a moment...</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_thinks.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#funny", "#show"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#funny", "#show", "#show", "#show"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#show">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#show">>
<big>She smiles...</big>
<<dial "daphne" "You know what? Actually - would you mind checking on my backside...? You know, if the tan is even and so on. I want it to be perrrfect!">>
<big>Jackpot, baby.</big>
<p>But play it cool. Remember - you're a cool dude, and you play things cool.</p>
<<dial "player" "Sure... I can take a look at your... backside... I mean, I'm a backside expert!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You're so funny, hun!">>
<p>Now that's what I call...</p>
<big>Right kind of funny.</big>
<p>Well done, my man.</p>
<big>$ walks your direction.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_closer.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl < 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh dude, she's coming.</tht>">>
<p>Play it cool, brother.</p>
<big>Just play it cool.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She's coming to me... And I'm gonna make her cum too!</tht>">>
<big>That's the attitude.</big>
<p>$ stands in front of you and bends over.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So... how does it look?">>
<big>It looks fucking thicc.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_ass_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This ass should be considered 8th wonder of the world.</tht>">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well? You need to take a closer look?">>
<big>$ moves even closer.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_ass_2.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "And?">>
<<dial "player" "This side... It's pretty even.">>
<<dial "daphne" "And the other one?">>
<big>She turns her butt in front of your face...</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_ass_3.mp4">>
<big>Dat ass will be in my wet dreams for sure.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Do you see any white spots?">>
<p>Dude, let's focus here. You gotta say something about her tan, or we'll spook her! But we can try to take it further. Just remember - at this level you need to be really careful with how you play this thing.</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn null "I'm still not sure, let me use my hands..." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "I only see a beautiful tan, my dear." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<if $player.trait == "alpha" || $player.trait == "satan">>
<<btn null "Grab dat ass!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#smack" "Grab dat ass!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "You have the best ass in Hollywood, babe." "daphne.dom+2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<big>You reach your hands to her ass.</big>
<p>She looks at you, suddenly scared.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, $!">>
<p>And then...</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#smack", "#touch"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#touch"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#funny", "#touch", "#touch", "#touch"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#touch">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#touch">>
<big>She smiles.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_ass_4.mp4">>
<p>Oh damn. She didn't stop you. That's a big fucking win for team $ $player.surname!</p>
<<dial "player" "It's awesome! <tht>I meant - it's awesome.</tht>">>
<<dial "daphne" "What you were saying?">>
<<dial "player" "Mmm... nothing. <tht>I could spend hours touching this butt.</tht>">>
<p>I know, dude. I know. Take your time.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm...">>
<p>You can feel $ enjoys your touch. She must be aware that it was enough time to find any blind spots, and still she didn't say a thing. Maybe we can try to take it further?</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "You have the best ass in Hollywood, babe." "daphne.dom+2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "Don't worry - your back will win any man's heart." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<if $player.trait == "alpha" || $player.trait == "satan">>
<<btn null "Grab dat titties!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#smack" "Grab dat titties!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn null "The back seems even, but let me check your front!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh yea, you're right. Puppies need an even tan too, haha!">>
<big>$ shows you her tits.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_tits_1.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "What you think? Is the shade similar to the one on my back?">>
<<dial "player" "Hmmm...">>
<p>Tell her you're unsure, maybe she'll show you more skin.</p>
<<dial "player" "It's really hard to say... Maybe you could show me a bit more?">>
<big>She sighs and smiles.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "All men are the same!">>
<p>The same? Not true. Some of us like asses, some tits, and some like to train helpless young sluts by fucking them in the ass with a feet on their fucking heads and cumming all over their pretty little faces with dick stinking from their own shit.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Whaaaat?</tht>">>
<p>Uhm... nothing.</p>
<big>Say hello to $'s tits!</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_tits_2.mp4">>
<p>$ looks at you with hope.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So...? Are they even?!">>
<big>Are they?!</big>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<if $player.trait == "alpha" || $player.trait == "satan">>
<<btn null "Grab her by the pussy!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#smack" "Grab her by the pussy!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn null "The breasts are even... but I wonder about your... panties area!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "Don't worry - your puppies will win any man's heart." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "Those are tits to die for. The end." "daphne.dom+2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<big>You reach your hands to her panties.</big>
<p>She looks at you, suddenly scared.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh...!">>
<p>And then...</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#smack", "#panties"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#panties"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#funny", "#panties", "#panties"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#panties">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#panties">>
<big>She drops her panties.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "You're right. I need to be even everywhere!">>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_pussy_1.mp4">>
<p>Oh my, how I envy you!</p>
<big>$'s so aroused that she starts moaning!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Uhhh.... Uhhh.... And what... What you think? Is my... pussy... even?">>
<<dial "player" "Hmm...">>
<p>You pinch her pussy with your fingers, not even pretending that you're checking out the tan.</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_pussy_2.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Uhhh.... Uhhh.... yeah... like that... Yeah....">>
<p>I think it's time bro!</p>
<big>Time for fucky-fucky!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+daphne" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Your tan is even. Now I have to go." "daphne.desire-2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#funny">>
<p>She bursts into laughter.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're so funny, hun!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She thinks I'm funny! That's good, right?</tht>">>
<big>Not that kind of funny...</big>
<p>$ turns and walks away, before you manage to say anything.</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_walks.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shit. I thought it's in the bag.</tht>">>
<p>Remember this...</p>
<big>It's in the bag when you have hands on her meatbags.</big>
<p>But don't worry, we'll get her next time!</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#smack">>
<<media "smack.mp4">>
<<yields "daphne.desire-2; sore+" "dialog">>
<big>Ohhhhh shhhhiiiiiittt....</big>
<p>God damn it, man, I'm so sorry!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm a woman, $! You should treat me like a lady!">>
<p>I know where this is going...</p>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ turns and walks away.</p>
<big>God damn...</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I thought it's in the bag.</tht>">>
<p>Remember this...</p>
<big>It's in the bag when you have hands on her meatbags.</big>
<p>But don't worry too much about it - to be honest it's actually quite tricky with $ She's lovable and likes to be treated like a lady, but has some sexual fixation, that also makes her like when you rough fuck her throat and tits. You gotta find a way!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I will... when my face stops burning.</tht>">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!alexa; $alexa.met">> /* This is when alexa find player accidentally in the garden when player sunbath */
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<p> notice that $ is looking at you.</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/alexa.jpg">>
<<if $alexa.status < 3>>
<<dial "alexa" "Dweeb, sunbathing ain't gonna help, you're a dweeb for life.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Should I thank her for noticing me?</tht>">>
<p>//Thank her for noticing you//?! God damn it, dude.</p>
<big>I had hopes for you.</big>
<p>Look - let's make it simple. Two choices. If I were you I'd answer something cocky. But it's your call.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Lookin' good... maybe you're not such a dweeb after all.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I hate when she calls me dweeb!</tht>">>
<big>Do something about it.</big>
<<btn "#getLost" "You should stop calling me dweeb!" "">>
<<btn "#alexaDom" "And have you bleached your asshole already, brownie?" "alexa.dom+2">>
<<chunk null "#alexaDom">>
<big>Oh, snap!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Brownie?! My asshole is snow fucking white!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh yeah? Then prove it!">>
<p>I liiiiike how you flipped the situation. Nicely done.</p>
<big>$ looks at her ass for a moment...</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/alexa_ass.jpg">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#getLost", "#showAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#showAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#getLost", "#showAss", "#showAss"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#showAss">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#showAss">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fine! But no touching!">>
<p>She drops her bottom and...</p>
<big>My god.</big>
<<media "surprise.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Happy?! Snow fucking white.">>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/alexa_ass_1.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Hmm... I'm not sure from that angle... Let me move closer.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh get it over with.">>
<p>I thought I was teaching you, but it seems you were teaching me all along!</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/alexa_ass_2.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Sooooo?">>
<p>Why do you look at me, dude. You're clearly in charge here.</p>
<<btn "#snow" "Snow white. I approve." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#getLost" "Not white enough. Bleach it again." "alexa.dom+3" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#snow">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "It makes me horny when guys know how to appreciate a nice asshole.">>
<<yields "alexa.desire+2" "dialog">>
<p>Dude. Go for it. Tell her how //you// would appreciate her asshole--</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Anyway, thanks, $ I might be nicer to you from now on. We'll see.">>
<p>She turns and walks away, before you manage to squeeze out even one word.</p>
<p>But don't worry, we'll get our hands on that asshole sooner or later!</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#getLost">>
<p>She looks you deep in the eyes and...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Once a dweeb. Always a dweeb.">>
<p>She turns around and walks away.</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/alexa_walks.jpg">>
<big>Too bad.</big>
<p>But don't worry, we'll get her next time!</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "!daphne; $daphne.met">> /* This is when daphne finds player accidentally in the garden when player sunbath */
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<p> notice that $ is looking at you from across the garden.</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status < 3>>
<<dial "daphne" "You should train before tanning, $, haha!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Should I thank her for noticing me?</tht>">>
<p>//Thank her for noticing you//?! God damn it, dude.</p>
<big>I had hopes for you.</big>
<p>Look - let's make it simple. Two choices. If I were you I'd go with something easygoing with her. But it's your call.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "$! I like what I see. Have you been training?">>
<big>Is she hitting on you?</big>
<<dial "player" "Oh, hi $! I didn't notice you there.">>
<p>Good. Play her down a bit.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, yeah, don't worry - I know what I'm doing!</tht>">>
<p>Well, ok. But be careful, young padawan. Pride comes before the fall!</p>
<<btn "#tanning" "Gotta stay in shape! You're my inspiration." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#funny" "Training? Sex is the best training." "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#tanning">>
<big>$ smiles.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh really? That's so nice to hear!">>
<p>She turns away, enjoying the sun.</p>
<p>Dude, don't leave it like that. Keep talking to her!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Right, right.</tht> So... sun is cool, right?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I thought sun is //hot not cool//, but maybe that's why I have uneven tan!">>
<big>$ giggles.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_smile.mp4">>
<p>She giggled, dude. Why are you looking at her like a fucking deadbeat?!</p>
<big>Giggle with her god damn it!</big>
<<dial "player" "Oh, haha. That's so funny. Haha... Ha...! Best... joke... ever. Haha.">>
<p>I wonder... Are you able to turn everything into shit?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up. I'm nervous.</tht>">>
<<btn null "Uneven tan? It looks great from where I'm sitting!" "">>
<<btn null "Uneven tan? Maybe you should show a bit more skin!" "daphne.dom+">>
<big>Not bad!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, you're sweet! But I'm serious. I always have white spots...">>
<<dial "player" "Oh yeah? Where? I can't see any.">>
<p>I liiiiike how you flipped the situation. Nicely done.</p>
<big>$ thinks for a moment...</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_thinks.mp4">>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#funny", "#show"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#funny", "#show", "#show", "#show"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#show">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#show">>
<big>She smiles...</big>
<<dial "daphne" "You know what? Actually - would you mind checking on my backside...? You know, if the tan is even and so on. I want it to be perrrfect!">>
<big>Jackpot, baby.</big>
<p>But play it cool. Remember - you're a cool dude, and you play things cool.</p>
<<dial "player" "Sure... I can take a look at your... backside... I mean, I'm a backside expert!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You're so funny, hun!">>
<p>Now that's what I call...</p>
<big>Right kind of funny.</big>
<p>Well done, my man.</p>
<big>$ walks your direction.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_closer.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl < 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh dude, she's coming.</tht>">>
<p>Play it cool, brother.</p>
<big>Just play it cool.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She's coming to me... And I'm gonna make her cum too!</tht>">>
<big>That's the attitude.</big>
<p>$ stands in front of you and bends over.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So... how does it look?">>
<big>It looks fucking thicc.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_ass_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This ass should be considered 8th wonder of the world.</tht>">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well? You need to take a closer look?">>
<big>$ moves even closer.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_ass_2.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "And?">>
<<dial "player" "This side... It's pretty even.">>
<<dial "daphne" "And the other one?">>
<big>She turns her butt in front of your face...</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_ass_3.mp4">>
<big>Dat ass will be in my wet dreams for sure.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Do you see any white spots?">>
<p>Dude, let's focus here. You gotta say something about her tan, or we'll spook her! But we can try to take it further. Just remember - at this level you need to be really careful with how you play this thing.</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn null "I'm still not sure, let me use my hands..." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "I only see a beautiful tan, my dear." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<if $player.trait == "alpha" || $player.trait == "satan">>
<<btn null "Grab dat ass!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#smack" "Grab dat ass!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "You have the best ass in Hollywood, babe." "daphne.dom+2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<big>You reach your hands to her ass.</big>
<p>She looks at you, suddenly scared.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, $!">>
<p>And then...</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#smack", "#touch"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#touch"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#funny", "#touch", "#touch", "#touch"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#touch">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#touch">>
<big>She smiles.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_ass_4.mp4">>
<p>Oh damn. She didn't stop you. That's a big fucking win for team $ $player.surname!</p>
<<dial "player" "It's awesome! <tht>I meant - it's awesome.</tht>">>
<<dial "daphne" "What you were saying?">>
<<dial "player" "Mmm... nothing. <tht>I could spend hours touching this butt.</tht>">>
<p>I know, dude. I know. Take your time.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Mmmm...">>
<p>You can feel $ enjoys your touch. She must be aware that it was enough time to find any blind spots, and still she didn't say a thing. Maybe we can try to take it further?</p>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "You have the best ass in Hollywood, babe." "daphne.dom+2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "Don't worry - your back will win any man's heart." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<if $player.trait == "alpha" || $player.trait == "satan">>
<<btn null "Grab dat titties!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#smack" "Grab dat titties!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn null "The back seems even, but let me check your front!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh yea, you're right. Puppies need an even tan too, haha!">>
<big>$ shows you her tits.</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_tits_1.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "What you think? Is the shade similar to the one on my back?">>
<<dial "player" "Hmmm...">>
<p>Tell her you're unsure, maybe she'll show you more skin.</p>
<<dial "player" "It's really hard to say... Maybe you could show me a bit more?">>
<big>She sighs and smiles.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "All men are the same!">>
<p>The same? Not true. Some of us like asses, some tits, and some like to train helpless young sluts by fucking them in the ass with a feet on their fucking heads and cumming all over their pretty little faces with dick stinking from their own shit.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Whaaaat?</tht>">>
<p>Uhm... nothing.</p>
<big>Say hello to $'s tits!</big>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_tits_2.mp4">>
<p>$ looks at you with hope.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So...? Are they even?!">>
<big>Are they?!</big>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<if $player.trait == "alpha" || $player.trait == "satan">>
<<btn null "Grab her by the pussy!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "#smack" "Grab her by the pussy!" null "action yieldHide">>
<<btn null "The breasts are even... but I wonder about your... panties area!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "Don't worry - your puppies will win any man's heart." "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#funny" "Those are tits to die for. The end." "daphne.dom+2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<big>You reach your hands to her panties.</big>
<p>She looks at you, suddenly scared.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh...!">>
<p>And then...</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#smack", "#panties"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#smack", "#panties"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#funny", "#panties", "#panties"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#panties">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#panties">>
<big>She drops her panties.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "You're right. I need to be even everywhere!">>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_pussy_1.mp4">>
<p>Oh my, how I envy you!</p>
<big>$'s so aroused that she starts moaning!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Uhhh.... Uhhh.... And what... What you think? Is my... pussy... even?">>
<<dial "player" "Hmm...">>
<p>You pinch her pussy with your fingers, not even pretending that you're checking out the tan.</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_pussy_2.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Uhhh.... Uhhh.... yeah... like that... Yeah....">>
<p>I think it's time bro!</p>
<big>Time for fucky-fucky!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+daphne" "sex action">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Your tan is even. Now I have to go." "daphne.desire-2" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#funny">>
<p>She bursts into laughter.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You're so funny, hun!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She thinks I'm funny! That's good, right?</tht>">>
<big>Not that kind of funny...</big>
<p>$ turns and walks away, before you manage to say anything.</p>
<<media "activities/tan/daphGard/daphne_walks.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shit. I thought it's in the bag.</tht>">>
<p>Remember this...</p>
<big>It's in the bag when you have hands on her meatbags.</big>
<p>But don't worry, we'll get her next time!</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#smack">>
<<media "smack.mp4">>
<<yields "daphne.desire-2; sore+" "dialog">>
<big>Ohhhhh shhhhiiiiiittt....</big>
<p>God damn it, man, I'm so sorry!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm a woman, $! You should treat me like a lady!">>
<p>I know where this is going...</p>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<p>$ turns and walks away.</p>
<big>God damn...</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I thought it's in the bag.</tht>">>
<p>Remember this...</p>
<big>It's in the bag when you have hands on her meatbags.</big>
<p>But don't worry too much about it - to be honest it's actually quite tricky with $ She's lovable and likes to be treated like a lady, but has some sexual fixation, that also makes her like when you rough fuck her throat and tits. You gotta find a way!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I will... when my face stops burning.</tht>">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<p> hear some strange sounds coming from the back room of the church. At first you want to ignore them, but after a moment your curiosity takes charge.</p>
<p>You carefully walk closer in that direction, crack the doors and...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What? What? Tell me what I see!</tht>">>
<p>Well... this...</p>
<big>A nun is giving a blowjob!</big>
<<media `"activities/pray/NPCs/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4"`>>
<<dial "gal" "<tht>Slurp-Slurp-Slurp...</tht>">>
<big>Now that's what I call a sermon!</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>Don't //uhhh//, they will hear you!</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Quit stalking and leave" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Rub one out" "dom+; jerkedoff+" "action">>
<p>You start masturbating.</p>
<<media "activities/pray/NPCs/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Uhh... yeah, baby... just like that... uhhh!</tht>">>
<big>Cum for your sins, buddy!</big>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum but stronger" "dom+" "action">>
<p>The priest starts moaning, pulls out his dick from nun's mouth, and shoots a load of sticky cum all over her pretty face.</p>
<<dial "gal" "Yes, father... give me a gift of your cum!!!">>
<p>At the same moment...</p>
<big> cum.</big>
<<media "activities/pray/NPCs/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<p>Priest sighs, and hides his dick in his robe.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Bless you, sister... You can go.">>
<p>The nun lowers her eyes and walks away.</p>
<p>I don't know what it is, but some of those Catholic bitches are seriously fucked up. It's like at some point of their mission, instead of //"Can I help you, son"//, they go straight to //"Purge my asshole with your dick!"// kind of a thing.</p>
<big>Not that anyone's complaining.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<big>When suddenly.</big>
<p>You realize someone is behind you.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Is it a fuckable nun...?</tht>">>
<p>You turn and see a local priest.</p>
<big>He seems angry.</big>
<<dial "guy" "What are you doing here, son!?">>
<<media "activities/search/church/priest_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What should I do?!</tht>">>
<<if _foundItem>>
<p>You try to come up with an answer, but nothing comes to your mind. Meanwhile, he notices ''_foundItemName'' in your hands.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Give me that!">>
<p>He takes _foundItemName from you.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Aha! You're stealing from us! You're stealing from God!">>
<big>I wouldn't go that far...</big>
<p>Dude, you didn't took anything, so you're fine. Just tell him you lost your Bible.</p>
<<dial "player" "Bible?! I mean... I lost my Bible!">>
<p>He looks at you suspiciously.</p>
<<dial "guy" "I'll let you know if I find it.">>
<p>He walks away.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<dial "guy" "You deserve a punishment!">>
<<dial "player" "Wait--">>
<p>Before you manage to do anything, priest takes a step back and...</p>
<big>...kicks you in the ass.</big>
<<media "activities/search/church/priest_2.mp4">>
<<dial "guy" "And now go away! I'll pray for your soul!">>
<p>Oh, that's nice to hear, after he fucked you up.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's all your fucking fault!</tht>">>
<p>My fault?!</p>
<big>It was your idea!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null `_foundItemLose + "sore+; dom-2"` "yieldHide">>
<big>You listen to the sermon, slowly falling asleep.</big>
<p>After a moment you hear some strange sounds coming from the back of the church. At first you want to ignore them, but after a moment your curiosity takes charge. You turn and...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What? What? Tell me what I see!</tht>">>
<p>Well... this...</p>
<p>Some random girl is masturbating in the back of the church.</p>
<<media `"activities/mass/NPCs/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4"`>>
<big>You lucky bastard.</big>
<p>I mean, this is a once in a lifetime view. If you'd be 12 that one situation would be a source of all your fetishes, I guarantee it to you.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhh...">>
<p>Don't //uhhh// at her, dude! Do something!</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Quit stalking and leave" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Rub one out" "dom+; jerkedoff+" "action">>
<p>You start masturbating.</p>
<<media "activities/mass/NPCs/jerkoff.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh... yeah, baby... just like that... uhhh!">>
<big>That's not what I meant.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up. I'm jacking off.</tht>">>
<p>Don't you think I fucking know that, dude?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I don't care! Shut up!</tht>">>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum but stronger" "dom+" "action">>
<p>The girl starts moaning louder and louder, while her pussy juice squirts out of her gaping pussy. And at the same moment...</p>
<big> cum.</big>
<<media "activities/mass/NPCs/jerkoff_cum.mp4">>
<p>You know that fucking a good Catholic girl in the church was my dream since I was 12?!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wait... every time I don't fuck a girl, you tell me the same story - that it was your dream to fuck a girl like that since 12...</tht>">>
<p>Well, I have a lot of dreams god damn it. Do you have a problem with that!?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Nope... I just wonder what happened when you were 12.</tht>">>
<p>Well, the problem is...</p>
<big>...nothing happened.</big>
<p>Anyway, fuck it. There's always the next time. Now, let's go home.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<</events>>/* Create arrays with items (base items are findable many times, unique items can be found just once) */
<<set _searchItemsBase to ["priest_robe+", "nothing", "nothing"]>>
<<set _searchItemsUnique to ["cash+1", "cash+1", "cash+1"]>>
/* Define found item */
<<searchLoc _searchItemsBase _searchItemsUnique>>
<p class="fi0">You make sure all the nuns look the other way, and check every corner of the church. Under the benches, behind the altar, and inside the tabernacle.</p>
<big class="fi2">And finally...</big>
/* Set the image */
<<if _foundItem && _foundItemId != "cash">>
<<set _foundItemMedia to _foundItem.replace(/\+/gi, '') +".mp4">>
<<media `"activities/search/church/" + _foundItemMedia` "si4">>
<big class="si5 center">_foundItemText</big>
/* Set the link to next chunk */
<<if _foundItem == "priest_robe+">>
<<set _chunkLink to "#more">>
<<set _chunkLink to null>>
<<btn _chunkLink null null "si6">>
<<chunk null "#more">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What the fuck will I do with that thing?!</tht>">>
<p>Man, you're seriously not asking this question.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I mean... I guess I could... like... wear it... and...</tht>">>
<<media "and_then.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I mean... Maybe I could... I don't know... Pose as a priest in confessional... to... to get sinful bitches tell me their dirty secrets...! ...and stuff like that.</tht>">>
<p>That's my boy!!! Ermm... I mean...</p>
<big>Your idea, not mine.</big>
<</chunks>><big class="center">How to Support the author?</big>
<p>Expanding the game takes time, so why not join me on this perverted crusade by pledging on SubscribeStar or Patreon. And the good news is - ''you'll get an unrestricted access to Fap Mode codes!''</p>
/* Start the support div */
<div id="support">
/* Support options */
<div class="supportBox">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img @src="setup.ImagePath+'ui/subscribestar.png'" style="display: block; margin: 5px auto 15px auto; width: 65%"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Pledge on SubscribeStar</a>
<p class="desc center">SubscribeStar is like a younger brother of Patreon. The only difference is that it accepts real porn content, while Patreon censors it.</p>
<div class="supportBox">
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<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Pledge on Patreon</a>
<p class="desc center">You can support me on Patreon and still get all the bonuses and info about the game, but I won't be as active there as on SubscribeStar.</p>
<br class="clear">
<br class="clear">
<big class="center">But I just want the Fap Mode!</big>
<p>No worries, there's always PayPal. Have in mind though that Fap Mode codes from PayPal expire after 14 days - so it might make more sense to pledge on SubscribeStar/Patreon and get an unrestricted access.</p>
<div class="supportBox" style="width:45%">
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'ui/paypal.png'" style="display: block; margin: 15px auto 15px auto; width: 63%">
<p class="desc center">You will be redirected to a page with Fap Mode code right after the payment is done.</p>
<div class="supportBox" style="width:52%">
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn wide">Get ''Regular'' Fap Mode code for ''$1''</a>
<br class="clear">
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn wide">Get ''Unlimited'' Fap Mode code for ''$2''</a>
<br class="clear">
<br class="clear">
<br class="clear">
<<btnPopup "enterCode" "I already have the Fap Mode code">>
<<EVENT "alexa; while=sleep; !$alexa.roofies; $alexa.aphro">>
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ opens her eyes, turns her head...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_wake.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<big>She looks right at your dick.</big>
<<yields "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you doing here?">>
<p>Oh fuck. Think before you answer, because this might end up baaaaad.</p>
<<btn "#answer">>
<<chunk null "#caughtMouth">>
<p>Suddenly - $ opens her eyes...</p>
<big>And realizes there's a dick in her mouth.</big>
<p>She pulls back and looks at you surprised.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you doing here?">>
<p>Oh fuck. Think before you answer, because this might end up baaaaad.</p>
<<btn "#answer">>
<<chunk null "#caughtPussy">>
<p>Suddenly - $ opens her eyes...</p>
<big>And realizes you're licking her pussy.</big>
<p>She pulls back and looks at you surprised.</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<dial "alexa" "What are you doing?">>
<p>Oh fuck. Think before you answer, because this might end up baaaaad.</p>
<<btn "#answer">>
<<chunk null "#answer">>
<<dial "player" "I... I just couldn't help myself. You're really hot, and I have a dirty mind.">>
<p>After a long pause, $ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I like that.">>
<p>See, this is what happ--</p>
<big>Wait, what?!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "I always dreamed about a man breaking into my room at night, putting tongue in my asshole and pussy... that's fuckin' hot.">>
<p>God damn it. I think it's the aphrodisiac working. It was a good idea to drug her with it.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I want you to fuck me, $ Fuck my dirty ass!!!">>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_wake_ass.mp4">>
<p>Gotta say...</p>
<big>World Rapist Union is proud of your achievements!</big>
<<btn "#fuck" "Fuck her dirty ass" "alexa.dom+" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn null "No. I'm gonna fuck you when I want to fuck you, whore!" "alexa.dom+4" "dialog yieldHide">>
<p>$'s jaw drop, as you turn and calmly leave the room.</p>
<<media "jaw_drop.mp4">>
<p>Man, I have to say...</p>
<big>...this was one of the most alpha things I've ever seen.</big>
<p>Congrats, my man. You're crazy, but you're not a wuss anymore.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#fuck">>
<p>She doesn't have to ask twice. You push your dick into her asshole and...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_sex1.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "You like it? You like my lil' cinnamon hole?">>
<p>Fuck. Me.</p>
<<dial "player" "Fuck. Me.">>
<p>The view of your dick entering her asshole is so arousing that you have to slow down, or you're going to cum...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_sex2.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Let me get on top of you.">>
<<dial "player" "Say please, whore.">>
<<dial "alexa" "PLEASE! I beg you! Let me ride you with my asshole!">>
<big>I beg you too, $!</big>
<p>She sits on you and starts riding your dick like a proper whore...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_sex3.mp4">>
<p>You feel the pressure growing in your dick. It might be a good moment to pull out. But maybe you wanna something more out of this?</p>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "alexa.squirt+2; player.cum+2; $char+alexa" "sex action">>
<<btn null "Cum now" null "action">>
<<dial "player" "I'm gonna cum!">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want to taste it!">>
<big>I think that's doable, right?</big>
<p>You pull out your dick from her ass, and start stroking it. It doesn't take long before...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_cum1.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Guuuhhh... I love the taste of my asshole!">>
<<dial "player" "That's good... because you're going to lick it clean!">>
<p>You push your dick deeper into her throat, when you unload the rest of your sticky hot cum...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_cum2.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Guhhh... gobble... gobble!">>
<p>You're finally finished. $ smiles, as she swallows all your cum.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Mmm... tasty!">>
<p>She looks at you with sparks in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That was great... I really liked that... Maybe you'll stay in bed with me?">>
<big>...$ asks you to stay!</big>
<p>That's something new. What you're going to do?</p>
<<btn $curLoc "I guess I can stick around" "; $permission+" "dialog">>
<<btn $curLocParent "No. I'm gonna come back when I want to fuck you again, whore!" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "alexa; while=sleep; !$alexa.roofies; !$alexa.aphro">>
<<chunks null "#caught">>
<p>Suddenly - $ opens her eyes, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<<if $jerk>>
<big>She looks right at your dick.</big>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<big>She looks right at you.</big>
<p>Oh fuck.</p>
<<btn "#caught_2">>
<<chunk null "#caughtMouth">>
<p>Suddenly - $ opens her eyes (this time for real)...</p>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at your dick in her mouth.</big>
<<yields "alexa.dom-4" "dialog">>
<p>Well... I think you're fucked.</p>
<<media "popcorn.mp4">>
<<btn "#caught_2">>
<<chunk null "#caughtLick">>
<p>Suddenly - $ opens her eyes, turns her head and...</p>
<<media "caughtAlexa.mp4">>
<big>She looks right at your face between her legs.</big>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p>Well... I think you're fucked.</p>
<<media "popcorn.mp4">>
<<btn "#caught_2">>
<<chunk null "#caught_2">>
<p>$ jumps out of the bed.</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "WHAT THE FUCK?!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, hi, $">>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/change_my_mind.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "What the fuck are you doing!?">>
<p>She catched you red handed, so I guess the best option out of this situation would be...</p>
<p>Would be...</p>
<big>I got nothing.</big>
<p>You're on your own.</p>
<<media "hard_choice.mp4">>
<<btn "#ballSmash" "I heard you call out my name so I came!" "alexa.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#ballSmash" "I couldn't help myself, you're so beautiful..." "" "dialog">>
<<if $player.trait == "satan" || $player.trait == "alpha">>
<<if $alexa.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#ballSmash", "#ballSmash", "#ballSmash"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#ballSmash", "#ballSmash"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#ballSmash"].random()>>
<<elseif $alexa.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay", "#stay", "#ballSmash"].random()>>
<<set _decision = ["#stay"].random()>>
<<btn _decision "I wanted to fuck your ass, and I still do." "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#ballSmash">>
<<dial "alexa" "Oh rly?">>
<p>Don't reply. It's a bait. She's planning something evil.</p>
<big>Run, kid, run!</big>
<<dial "player" "Definitely, I mean--">>
<p>Before you finish the sentence $</p>
<big>...kicks you in the family dispenser.</big>
<<media "ball_kick.mp4">>
<<dial "guy" "God damn.">>
<p>Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Say goodbye to your balls for at least couple days, bud. I wouldn't count on any sex, and wanking is out of the question. This is going to be hard, but you'll survive and come back stronger...</p>
<p>Somehow you manage to crawl back to your room...</p>
<<media "crawl.mp4">>
<big>...before you fall into a freaking coma.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest" "Die a little" "$sleepReset+; time+8; ballsSmash+" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<p>After a long pause, $ looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I like that.">>
<p>See, this is what happ--</p>
<big>Wait, what?!</big>
<<dial "alexa" "I'm a whore and I like when the man treats me as such.">>
<p>God damn it.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck my dirty ass, $ Fuck it now!!!">>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_wake_ass.mp4">>
<p>Well, gotta say...</p>
<big>World Rapist Union is proud of your achievements!</big>
<<btn "#fuck" "Fuck her dirty ass" "alexa.dom+" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn null "No. I'm gonna fuck you when I want to fuck you, whore!" "alexa.dom+4" "dialog yieldHide">>
<p>$'s jaw drop, as you turn and calmly leave the room.</p>
<<media "jaw_drop.mp4">>
<p>Man, I have to say...</p>
<big>...this was one of the most alpha things I've ever seen.</big>
<p>Congrats, my man. You're crazy, but you're not a wuss anymore.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#fuck">>
<p>She doesn't have to ask twice. You push your dick into her asshole and...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_sex1.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "You like it? You like my lil' cinnamon hole?">>
<p>Fuck. Me.</p>
<<dial "player" "Fuck. Me.">>
<p>The view of your dick entering her asshole is so arousing that you have to slow down, or you're going to cum...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_sex2.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Let me get on top of you.">>
<<dial "player" "Say please, whore.">>
<<dial "alexa" "PLEASE! I beg you! Let me ride you with my asshole!">>
<big>I beg you too, $!</big>
<p>She sits on you and starts riding your dick like a proper whore...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_sex3.mp4">>
<p>You feel the pressure growing in your dick. It might be a good moment to pull out. But maybe you wanna something more out of this?</p>
<<menu null null "sex">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "alexa.squirt+2; player.cum+2; $char+alexa" "sex action">>
<<btn null "Cum now" null "action">>
<<dial "player" "I'm gonna cum!">>
<<dial "alexa" "I want to taste it!">>
<big>I think that's doable, right?</big>
<p>You pull out your dick from her ass, and start stroking it. It doesn't take long before...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_cum1.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Guuuhhh... I love the taste of my asshole!">>
<<dial "player" "That's good... because you're going to lick it clean!">>
<p>You push your dick deeper into her throat, when you unload the rest of your sticky hot cum...</p>
<<media "activities/play/daphAlex/alexa_cum2.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Guhhh... gobble... gobble!">>
<p>You're finally finished. $ smiles, as she swallows all your cum.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Mmm... tasty!">>
<p>She looks at you with sparks in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "That was great... I really liked that... Maybe you'll stay in bed with me?">>
<big>...$ asks you to stay!</big>
<p>That's something new. What you're going to do?</p>
<<btn $curLoc "I guess I can stick around" "; $permission+" "dialog">>
<<btn $curLocParent "No. I'm gonna come back when I want to fuck you again, whore!" "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<</events>><<if !$fapUnlimited>>
<div id="lockedInfo" class="item">
<<media "unlimited.mp4" "floatLeft sml">>
<div class="textColumn floatLeft">
<h4>How to get <strong class="lockedBadge">Early Access</strong> content?</h4>
<p>Access to this content is limited for supporters. I release it to public after 6-8 weeks from the initial release. If you don't want to wait - unlock it now with ''Unlimited Fap Mode''!</p>
<<btnPopup "fap" "Get the Unlimited Fap Mode" "med">>
<br class="clear">
<br class="clear">
/* We will iterate the number of changelos printed */
<<set $changelogNum = 0>>
<<changelog "0.2.44" "Sexy Nuns for Christmas!" "Dec 24, 2020">>
<<log "New activity - \"Wait for prospect nun\"" "lock">>
<p>So in the last part of the "Higher powers" quest, you set up an ad for the prospect nun. Now all you need to do, is go to the church on Tuesday evening wearing a priest robe, open the doors with the key and wait for a prospect nun to come. If you're lucky, you're going to meet one of the 3 girls.</p>
<<media "characters/churchnun_1/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/churchnun_2/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/churchnun_3/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Better media optimization to make the game run better. I've basically converted the biggest media files so that they are smaller (eg. the infamous Rose's football match, who was crashing on some slower devices).</p>
<p>If you have a key to the doors, you can now use them many times per day, not only once.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Cooking for Alexa should properly now display an event for Alexa and not Daphne.</p>
<p>Fix for "Different Kind of Meat Bags" quest with players getting stuck after dropping first meat bag.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.43" "More Sister Kelly!" "Dec 17, 2020">>
<<log "New quest - \"Higher powers\"" "lock">>
<p>Sister Kelly might be a nun, but surely she'll bend over in front of a higher power!:) You just need to play it right, and the effects will be pretty damn hot.</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_letters.jpg">>
<p>To play this quest you need to wait around a week after you finish "Twisted Sister".</p>
<<log "Flirting with $" "lock">>
<p>After you finish "Higher powers" you can now flirt with $ Just don't do it during the masses.</p>
<<log "Sex with $" "lock">>
<p>After you finish "Higher powers" you will be finally able to fuck $ too. I've added shitload of sex clips for her. Just remember you have to do it on Saturday's, after the mass, when The Priest is gone.</p>
<<log "2 new items - The Bible and Sunglasses.">>
<p>You can now find a bible in Daphne's room. The sunglasses are in the store.</p>
<<log "2 new effects - Holy Spirit and Swag.">>
<p>You can get them by consuming Sunglasses or The Bible. Like, you just eat it, and that totally makes sense.</p>
<p>One thing to note - both of those items are slightly connected to the "Higher Power" quest - if you have them in the park meeting you'll get extra desire from Kelly. You can either have them with you, or consume them before the meeting for an effect - you will get the same amount of desire for that too (but you have to be under effect during the meeting, and the effect lasts for 3 days).</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Old item "Huge Ass Crucifix" will now give you both "Holy Spirit" and "Swag" when consumed.</p>
<p>I had to change the scripts that make quest buttons and quest events appear. Considering how great of a dev I am - every quest button and quest event in the game is in jeopardy. So let me know if you notice something, or you won't notice something that you should notice, or... basically let me know if the game is fucked.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Fix for players who couldn't start "Daphne's Meat Bags".</p>
<p>Other small fixes and changes.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.42" "Sister Kelly is in da house!" "Dec 2, 2020">>
<<log "New character - Sister Kelly" "lock">>
<p>So basically there's a new character that you can meet in the church. And - you guessed it - it's Sister Kelly, played by Kelly Madison, that you chose in the Patreon poll. She might be strict at first, but don't worry - she also has a twisted side to her.</p>
<<media "characters/kelly/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<log "New quest - \"Twisted sister\"" "lock">>
<p>Sister Kelly, like every nun, is not easily convinced about your good intentions. So you need to convince her otherwise! If you do good, maybe you'll even earn some cash in the process. And if you're lucky - you should see a bit of pussy too!:)</p>
<p>This quest will start automatically 2 weeks after you first go in the church. For old saves - it should start quicker than that. To finish the quest, you will need to make Sister Kelly like you enough so that she agree for you to collect offerings, and then not fuck it up. It's not easy, but Sister Kelly is worth it!</p>
<<log "New activities - \"Cleaning windows\" and \"Collecting offerings\"." "lock">>
<p>After the quest is completed, you will be able to work for Sister Kelly further. Depending on how much she likes you - you will be able to clean windows in the church, or collect offerings from the people during mass. There's also a possibility to keep some of the offerings for yourself, for those of you of a rotten heart;)</p>
<<log "Chat with Sister Kelly." "lock">>
<p>After you meet sister Kelly and finish the quest, you will be able to chat with her in the church. But you have to choose the time wisely, or she'll go mental over your ass. As for the flirting and fucking her brains out - it's not yet there, I will add it soon though, don't worry.</p>
<<log "Unlocked \"Different kind of meat bags\" quest for all the players.">>
<p>You can enjoy it now even without the Fap Mode on.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>If Daphne or Sister Kelly notice you attending masses, going to confessional (not in the priest robe though), or praying in the church, you will score some extra points with them;)</p>
<p>Bathroom events - if Daphne or Alexa knock on your doors when you'll in the bathroom, you can now try to convince them to let you stay.</p>
<p>Bathroom events - showering with Daphne or Alexa will now make you clean, like normal showering.</p>
<p>Narrator will be whining a little bit less about player confessing sins. Now you're doing it for Kelly, so there's no reason to whine;)</p>
<p>You can now change the name of Mia and Rose directly from the story. You can also do it from the character screen.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Horrible bug in training with Rose event. I don't even remember what it did;)</p>
<p>Bear fights in the park will now properly appear AFTER player finishes "Key Quest".</p>
<p>Fix for players that got stuck after activating Fap Mode on the locked passage.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.41" "Bear fights and more!" "Nov 8, 2020">>
<<log "Look for trouble, find the pussy" "lock">>
<p>So basically there's a new activity in the park called "Look for trouble". You can access it over the weekends. If you do it, you have a small chance to encounter 3 lovely ladies.</p>
<<media "characters/beargirl_1/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/beargirl_2/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/beargirl_3/portrait_big.jpg">>
<p>But there's also a small chance to encounter ''3 fucked up bears''.</p>
<<log "Changed the way desire system works with multipliers">>
<p>With the way multipliers works, if you were Cult Leader/Messiah you were barely getting any love/dom from interactions with other characters. And that meant you were also not getting desire for those interactions. Now each interaction will give player at least 1 desire, even if he has really bad multipliers.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>You can now click the videos to play/pause them.</p>
<p>Improved multipliers for Cult Leader and Messiah, to make it easier for them to move back towards "the middle".</p>
<p>Changed the way changelogs display. Hotfixes are now smaller visually than major updates.</p>
<p>Changed the way quests display. Work in progress quests won't be bothering you in the sidebar anymore.</p>
<p>Saves on the list will now have slightly easier to understand names.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Bug where even though player already finished the "Key Quest", he was stuck on "Go out from the cellar". After you launch a game you should see a notification about completing this quest.</p>
<p>Help menus should be working now.</p>
<p>Bug with videos not starting. This depends on the connection, but it should be better now.</p>
<p>Bug in the bathroom, that prevented players to wash Alexa/Daphne, if they previously washed other character the same day.</p>
<p>Bug with not working random event when Alexa wakes up while player plays with her.</p>
<p>Bug with missing cellar key.</p>
<p>Bug which prohibited top level players encounter ladies while running, walking and sunbathing in the park.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.40" "Hotfix" "Nov 5, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<log "Fix for \"Key quest\" not starting up on some of the old saves" "lock">>
<p>So basically it seems that if you already finished "Different kind of meat bags" quest on your old save, and then load this save, sometimes "Key quest" wouldn't pop up. That's fixed now.</p>
<<log "Bastard bug, eater of saves">>
<p>I found a huge bug in the last release, that will fuck up your quest, break the game, and also permanently damage your save. Fortunately, after a bloody battle, I think I slayed the beast!</p>
<<log "Fix your game">>
<p>So because the bastard bug might have affected your save, I've added a little script that checks whether you have a reason to worry. It launches automatically when you load the game, and if it recognizes that bastard bug affected you, it adds an option in the Settings to fix your game.</p>
<p>If after load you don't see "Settings" in the sidemenu, or you don't see an option to fix your game on the top of your Settings page, it means you're not affected and don't have to worry.</p>
<<log "Unlocked \"Play with Alexa\" and \"Compare dicks\"">>
<p>Those two activities are now available for people without Fap Mode on.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.39" "Hotfix" "Nov 4, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<log "Fix for the BDSM content in the cellar" "lock">>
<p>There was a bug that made some of the clips display incorrectly.</p>
<<log "Going out of the store is fixed">>
<p>So there was a problem that made you stuck in the store. It should be fixed now.</p>
<<log "Fixed broken quest notification">>
<p>New players were getting an error when they finished first quest - that's no longer the case.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.38" "2 new quests and more!" "Nov 4, 2020">>
<<log "New quest: \"Key quest\"." "lock">>
<p>So a lot of you was asking - how to get to the cellar. The problem was Daphne, who was keeping her eyes on the key. But worry not - in this quest, in which you'll interact with Daphne, Alexa, Mia, and some wild animals, you'll finally get your hands on your own cellar key.</p>
<<media "changelog/daphMakeKey.png" "noShadow">>
<p>Oh and just for the record - this quest is the longest quest in the game. It has over 4000 lines of code. In comparison "Different kind of meat bags" had 1700 lines! This also means I need to figure out a better way to write those quests, because 4000 lines of code is at least 1 month of writing.</p>
<<log "New quest: \"Alpha's confidence FTW\".">>
<p>This quest is an intro quest for Ash. It's focused on presenting this character, before other things happen...;)</p>
<<media "changelog/ashIntro.png" "noShadow">>
<p>Important note for those of you who are playing old saves, and you already met Mia - this quest will be automatically marked as finished in your quest log.</p>
<<log "New fap mode codes.">>
<p>So all Patreon and Subscribestar supporters need to change the codes to the new ones. You can find them in the usual places.</p>
<p>Additionally, the game will check from time to time if the Fap Mode code you use is still active. So if you see a notification, that your Fap Mode was turned off, it's probably because you need to enter new one.</p>
<<log "Saving in locations.">>
<p>A lot of people were having problems when they saved the game during the quest, or while doing activity in the game. This turned out to be a huge problem, that forced me to completely block saving during quests and activities. From now on - you have to be in location to save the game.</p>
<<log "Raised minimum desire for all characters.">>
<p>After playstesting the game for last couple weeks, I've decided that with amount of content the game currently has, the required desire levels are too low. It's basically too easy to get close with characters. So I raised minimum desire required to advance your relationship with each character. Let me know if you think it's ok now?</p>
<p>Also, if you're playing old save, the status of your friendship will drop automatically during your next interaction with this character, so don't be surprised that even that you gain desire, the status drops.</p>
<<log "Increased the cost of level up">>
<p>My impression was that with the amount of domination and love that player gets, the level cost is too small. So I increased the cost of the first lvl up, and also steepness of the level cost progression. This means you'll need much more experience to become alpha!</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<<log null "lock">>
<p>Cellar is now open for visitors (if you have a key). At the moment there's not much you can do there (you can search it for some viagra, cash and meat-tornados), but more is coming.</p>
<p>You can now flirt and chat with rose in the gym.</p>
<p>Small interface tweak: the buttons with info that you lose something will be more clearly recognizable now.</p>
<<media "changelog/0238_buttons.png" "noShadow">>
<p>Small interface tweak: sex, chat and flirt icons are now marked with icon.</p>
<<media "changelog/0238_icons.png" "noShadow">>
<p>New effect: ''Almost dead''. For when the character gets really brutally assaulted. Like by a bear...</p>
<p>Performance tweak: the media loading will be now delayed to the moment it's actually displayed, and the game will be stopping the playback of media files once the player advances the story further. Let me know if that changed something for the better, or not?</p>
<<header "Sex tweaks">>
<p>Changed the yields from each sex position during sex. Let me know if that helps and makes sex better?</p>
<p>If you stop sex before finishing, your partner will lose 5 desire (was 3).</p>
<p>If you decide to continue sex after partner's orgasm, then your partner will now lose 8 orgasm points (was 5).</p>
<<header "Balance tweaks">>
<p>Running in the park, while Rose or Alexa is there, will raise their desire.</p>
<p>Sunbathing in the park, while Rose or Alexa is there, lowers their desire.</p>
<p>The wake up from your dream event, in which Daphne or Alexa are having fun with your dick, will now happen only if they really like you.</p>
<p>Both Alexa and Daphne will be less easy to convince to let you in the bathroom while they're taking a shower.</p>
<p>Buying info about characters is now 2x more expensive.</p>
<p>You now need to wait 7 days after completing "Daphne's secrets" to launch "Different Kind of Meat bags".</p>
<p>Changed the yields after successful chat with a character - the yields will be smaller if you knew that the character knows a particular thing (movie, song, etc.), and way higher if you didn't know that.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Huge bug, that made characters screen broken. And that's the only thing I'm gonna say about this fucker, because I don't want to even remind myself how it's possible that I fucking wasted my entire Saturday on this fucking thing.</p>
<p>Fixed a bug where you'd see an info about learning something about character, even though player already knew it.</p>
<p>Fixed default orgasm values for sex.</p>
<p>Bug with groceries not disappearing from your items after you cooked dinner for Daphne or Alexa with them.</p>
<p>Bug with notifications about new friendship level and new status of the player not appearing correctly.</p>
<p>Tens of bugs with saves made during activities and quests. As said before, I had to limit the saves to locations, but if you have an old save that you made not in the location - you should be able to load it without problems.</p>
<p>The strikes system, which was built to log when player does something really bad towards another character (at the moment - only works with Daphne), so that this character will remember those situations, was not working properly. Now this should be fixed. Note that you won't see much difference until the College update.</p>
<p>Bug which allowed player do the same activities unlimited time each day.</p>
<p>Compressed some vids, to make them work better on slow connections.</p>
<p>Hundreds of small bugfixes and changes.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.37" "And another hotfix..." "Oct 12, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<log "Removing the debugging tools from the game">>
<p>So I accidentally left the debugging tools in the game, which obviously shouldn't be there. The game should also run much faster without them.</p>
<<log "Quick fix for disappearing cellar">>
<p>Some of you said the cellar is disappearing. I've made a quick fix to solve it. Let me know if it worked, while I'll work on the final solution to the problem.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.36" "Hotfix for hotfix for Daphne's quest!;)" "Oct 07, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<log "Another fix for a problem with \"Different kind of meat bags.\" quest;)">>
<p>So it seems there was another problem that made some people stuck on first task of the quest. Just in case, ''if you were currently on the first task, I've resetted the quest, so you need to go to sleep again to start it''. If you already finished it, it will stay finished.</p>
<p>If you guys will encounter any more problems - hit me up.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.35" "Hotfix for Daphne's quest!" "Oct 06, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<log "Fixed a problem with \"Different kind of meat bags.\" quest">>
<p>So as it turns out there was a problem with the quest that didn't allow player to progress. Now that should be fixed, but I had to reset the progress of this quest just in case, so ''you need to start over''. If you guys will encounter any more problems - hit me up.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.34" "New Daphne quest!" "Oct 06, 2020">>
<<log "\"Different kind of meat bags.\" quest">>
<p>So in this quest you're going to have an adventure that involves meat bags. To launch it you need to first finish "Daphne's Secrets" and also "Take Mia on a proper date" quests. And you also need to get to sleep;)</p>
<p>In general - this is a HUGE quest. It's almost twice as long as the longest quest so far - which was already really fucking long. And it's also the biggest quest in terms of media clips - there's A LOT of stuff there to see. Oh, and a lot of it happens in the cellar, so you know it'd be hardcore.</p>
<p>For me, this quest was especially important because it ties Daphne with the main storyline. Now, the main story is still on a very early stage, but I want to start connecting the dots.</p>
<p>One thing that I wanted to say here, is that I went a bit crazy with this quest. I mean, stuff that is happening might be sometimes a bit over the top. Let me know if you guys like this direction.</p>
<<media "changelog/daphne_meat_bags.png" "noShadow">>
<<log "Offline versions available to download in the game itself.">>
<p>To make things easier and more clear, the download link for the offline version of the game, will be now available in the game itself - just go to changelogs, open up the last changelog, and it should be there, on the top.</p>
<<media "changelog/download_link.png" "noShadow">>
<<log "Another overhaul of the fap mode system.">>
<p>''This only concerns PayPal donators''. I had a lot of problems in last 2 weeks because some people didn't get the code after they pledged via PayPal. It wasn't my fault, but it was taking so much of my time, that I had to do something about it.</p>
<p>So now if you pledge through PayPal, you will get an email with your code. And the code will be generated for each person separately.</p>
<p>What's even more important - you will be able to remind yourself your code. You just need to go to your left sidebar and click "Fap Mode" button, then in the popup click "I already have the code", and then click a little link "I lost the code".</p>
<<media "changelog/remind_code.png" "noShadow">>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>New item - ''Meat-tornado''. It gives you two effects - Yummy and Diamond-hard Dick. Together they make you slightly slower (every action takes 110% energy), but you fuck like an animal.</p>
<p>Alexa will now be in the park on sunsets some of the days. So far all you can do with her is chatting and flirting, but there will be more.</p>
<p>You can now try to chat with Daphne, when she's in the church, but maybe better don't;)</p>
<p>New \"location\" - ''Daphne's car''. At the moment it's just there for the quest, but it will come back as a permanent location with some additional activities attached.</p>
<p>Changed the name of \"Garden\" to \"Backyard\". This is just cosmetic change.</p>
<p>Changes in the script that deals with consumable items, to allow items have more than one effect after consumption (like meat-tornado).</p>
<p>Added some content to the first game release changelog (0.2.0), for future generations;).</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Some of the characters were not appearing during sunsets - that's now fixed.</p>
<p>A LOT of lil' fuckin' bugs, errors, and corner cases, to make everything work for the quest (I mean, honestly, i was killing those motherfuckers by hundreds).</p>
<<changelog "0.2.33" "Changelogs and overhaul of Fap Modes!" "Sep 19, 2020">>
<<log "Changelogs.">>
<p>So when my Patreon got wrecked, I started having huge problems communicating the updates to my Patreon supporters. In the end I decided that the best would be to move those updates to the game itself. So now you have a cool button in the sidebar, called "Changelog". Click it and you'll find information about latest content there! Actually, I'm sure you know this, because you're looking this changelog now!:)</p>
<<log "Tracking last save game.">>
<p>So now, when we have changelogs in the game, I thought about a cool feature - if you load an old save, the game will automatically show you a changelog and mark all the new content that appeared in the game since that save. Awesome, right?!</p>
<<media "changelog/save_tracking.png" "noShadow">>
<<log "Locked content instead of Public/Early Access versions of the game.">>
<p>I had a growing problem with the fact, that I had to maintain two versions of the game - Early Access for supporters, and the other one for Public. So I decided to simplify it - there will be just one version now, for everyone. But instead - ''not-supporters'' will find that some of the content in the game itself is locked. You can always see what exactly content is locked on the changelog list.</p>
<<media "changelog/content_locked.png" "noShadow">>
<p>In the end, it will work more or less like it does now. But it gives a better experience for the user - for example I can roll out bugfixes quicker, and everyone will get them without the need to wait for next Public version.</p>
<<log "Reorganized Fap Mode.">>
<p>So there are two versions of Fap Mode now - ''Regular'' and ''Unlimited''. The first one acts more or less as before (gives you better yields), but the other one also unlocks the locked Early Access content.</p>
<p>Same as before, you need the codes to activate it. The codes themselves didn't change, and you can still find them in same spot on my SubscribeStar and Patreon accounts.</p>
<p>Here's the exact details for both versions of Fap Modes:</p>
<p style="margin-left: 3%;">
<<media "true.mp4" "floatLeft sml">>
<ul class="listSml floatLeft">
<h4>Regular Fap Mode <<if $fapRegular>><div class="badge">Currently active</div><</if>></h4>
<li>''2x bigger'' <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/love.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Love//'' and <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/domination.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Domination//'' yields.</li>
<li>Better <img @src="setup.ImagePath+'icons/cum.png'" class="statIcon"> ''//Orgasm//'' stats during sex.</li>
<li>No nagging about supporting the author.</li>
<br class="clear">
<p style="margin-left: 3%;">
<<media "unlimited.mp4" "floatLeft sml">>
<ul class="listSml floatLeft">
<h4>Unlimited Fap Mode <<if $fapUnlimited>><div class="badge">Currently active</div><</if>></h4>
<li>''Access to all the locked content''.</li>
<li>Ability to click ''//back//'' button once every in-game day.</li>
<li>Higher chance for random events.</li>
<<if $host == "site">><li>No in-game ads.</li><</if>>
<br class="clear">
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Automatically removing spaces from Fap Mode codes. A lot of people had problems that they copied the code with space and it didn't work - now it will.</p>
<p>Patreon is back as a support option. Basically, I thought that now they're ok with me, I can add a link to the game. BUT It's still better to support me on SubscribeStar if you have an opportunity.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Aphrodisiac is now available in the store. AGAIN. But now it works;)</p>
<p>Hundreds of small bugs in the popup and chunks macros, that I use to generate the content.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.32" "Alexa is back and Daphne is your aunt!" "Sep 09, 2020">>
<<log "You can now do \"Play with Alexa\" activity when she's asleep.">>
<p>There's a lot of new content there, even foot fetish found it's way to this activity. And if you're Cult Leader, well, there's something extra for you, that you perverts might enjoy. To get the most out of this activity it might be good to use sleeping pills and aphrodisiac, but it's not necessary.</p>
<<log "You can now use \"Compare dicks\" activity, when Alexa let's you in her room, while she's having sex with her boyfriend.">>
<p>So when you enter her room while she's having sex, she was telling you that she'll allow one guy to stay - the one who has bigger dick. So now you can be the one, as this activity finally works. You have 50/50 chance that the guy has smaller dick, and there are some visuals too;) Enjoy;) PS In the next version I'll make it more dependent on player level.</p>
<<log "You can now set your relation to Daphne.">>
<p>So now, as we moved out from Patreon, we can allow ourselves a little bit more perversion then before. Having that in mind I decided to add a popular request - you can now select what's your relation to Daphne. It can be either landlady, or aunt. Let me know if that's enough, or you want to be able to edit it yourself. Also, I've changed the dialogs in the game to reflect the relation, but if I missed something - let me know.</p>
<<media "changelog/incest.jpg">>
<<log "Changing names and relation of the characters.">>
<p>If you want to change character's name (for each character), or edit your relation to the character (just for Daphne at the moment) you can now click the characters popup in the sidebar and click a pen icon next to character's name - this should open up a small edit box where you can edit all you need about the character. It saves automatically, so you don't need to do anything else - just close the popup and continue the game.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Aphrodisiac is now available in the store, so you can buy it.</p>
<p>Inreased number of aphrodisiacs you can find when you searching the rooms.</p>
<p>Some story/dialog changes in the cooking activity, to reflect the way roofies work on Alexa (it was written there that alexa is resistant to roofies, but she wasn't really, so i've made the text more fitting).</p>
<p>Other small text edits and changes.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Fixed a problem with confession sex scenes missing.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.31" "PayPal implementation" "Aug 31, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<log "PayPal implemented in the game.">>
<p>So basically you have the ability now to pledge using PayPal. To do so you need to go into the game and click "Support the author" either on the title screen, or in the left side menu. On the popup that'll show up you can select PayPal, after which you'll be taken to a PayPal website where you can configure your pledge. After the pledge is successful (usually up to 15 seconds) you'd be taken to a page where you'll find Fap Mode code! It's that easy!</p>
<<changelog "0.2.30" "SubscribeStar implementation" "Aug 29, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<log "SubscribeStar implemented in the game.">>
<p>This release of the game doesn't have any new features - just changes needed to replace Patreon with SubscribeStar.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.29" "Church" "Aug 25, 2020">>
<<log "\"Pray\" activity.">>
<p>So you can pray in the church, and if you're lucky, you will also see a random nun cleaning up a pole that belongs to a local priest;)</p>
<<log "\"Attend the mass\" activity.">>
<p>So you can attend the mass in the church, and if you're lucky, you will also see a random event with a young lady that seems to be really enjoying her time in the church.</p>
<<log "Search the church.">>
<p>So you can search the church, and if you're lucky, you will find something that you can use afterwards. I won't spoil it, but trust me - it's fun;)</p>
<<log "\"Confess your sins\" activity.">>
<p>So this is something a bit bigger then the rest. First, you can simply confess your sins. But there's also other option there, and if you discover it - you might be surprised by a completely new dimension of Catholicism...</p>
<p>Fuck, I tried to be mysterious, but I want to tell you at the same time... Fuck it! So basically - you can pretend to be a priest, and give a confession to a nice lady that will come by. And by that I mean - fucking the hell out of her perverted Catholic ass. And, trust me man, it's totally worth it. Just check it out:</p>
<<media "characters/churchgirl_1/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/churchgirl_2/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/churchgirl_3/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>There was a bug with searching the room, when player would randomly get the object he found twice. That shouldn't happen now.</p>
<p>Another problem with searching the room, when player found something, and then get caught, the character object that player found should be taken away from him, but sometimes it wasn't. Should be fixed now.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.28" "Daphne's house" "Aug 14, 2020">>
<<log "New fap mode code.">>
<<log "Random events while peeking in the garden.">>
<p>So basically, peeking at the girls in the garden was not really dangerous, because they couldn't catch you. Now it's changed. There are 4 different events for couple different situations (while they have sex or sunbath). In next releases I'll add some more for when they girls are in the pool.</p>
<<log "Possibility to wake Daphne and Alexa in the night in their rooms.">>
<p>This is a small scene, but it required some serious rewriting, so I mark it as main feature. Basically - you can wake the girls up. It's not very complicated, and there's not much you can do after waking her up, but more options will appear in the future.</p>
<<log "Sunbathing activity plus random events for Daphne and Alexa.">>
<p>So basically now you can properly sunbath in the garden, and what's even more cool - Daphne and Alexa can interrupt you. The Alexa event is pretty slim, but I think you guys will really appreciate the one I wrote for Daphne. Check it out!</p>
<<log "\"Swim in the pool\" activity.">>
<p>Basically, now you can properly swim in the pool, without all this "End of content" bullshit. Random events are coming in next releases.</p>
<<log "Different bg during nighttime.">>
<p>This is obviously a small change, but I like it so much, that I wanted it to be here!:) It should help people organize their day in the game a bit more clearer.</p>
<<log "One more period each day.">>
<p>So I'm not sure if it's a good change or not, but I added one period each day - "Sunset". This means that players can do one additional action each day. I think it's cool, but we'll see.</p>
<<log "Totally rewrote the way buying information about character works.">>
<p>I was quite shocked to discover that player had to pay with both desire and dom/love - it was not intended like that. Now player just pay with dom or love, and I also lowered the costs.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Changed the sidebar interface so that when it displays current quest it's actually the last quest that was active. Basically I just hate features that are not reaching it's full potential. I just realized that for most players sidebar information about the quest is stuck on some meaningless, work in progress quest, like "Corgis!" I would prefer them to see something that's useful to them. So I've rebuilt this feature. Now the panel in the sidebar will switch each time you update a quest, to the last update quest (but not done).</p>
<p>You can now fuck Daphne and Alexa without foreplay when your relations are 5/5. I think it's a nice shortcut, as going through the foreplay each time was annoying.</p>
<p>Garden chores received a bonus/penalty points if Daphne/Alexa is around. So basically - if the girl is in the garden while you do the chore, she'll notice it.</p>
<p>No one will probably notice it, but I made new icons for day periods;) I hope they are more readable than the previous ones.</p>
<p>New copyrights. I was trying to write down in the "About" page all the porn porn studios and actresses that have their content in my game. Please send me links to the ones you spotted.</p>
<p>"Help Daphne around the house" quest is now "Chores for Daphne". </p>
<p>"Hag magnet" is now ongoing effect. It's a small change as I prepare to implements the hag system, but for now - it doesn't really change anything.</p>
<p>Million of small text updates, fixes and changes.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Fixed a bug in "Shower" activity. Basically - when Alexa interrupted player in the shower and he asked her to join, the game was checking whether Daphne likes him enough, instead of Alexa. That shouldn't happen anymore.</p>
<p>Fixed missing desire yield in "Help Daphne around the house" quest.</p>
<p>Big script rewrite to fix the problems with Mia not appearing in the store after Ash disappeared. To see her player had to visit the store again. As it turned out this was connected to other problem (the pictures of the garden were not changing immediately when player fixed the garden or pool), and a lot of other small problems that went unnoticed. Basically the problem was - I wanted to display the notifications in the location because it looked better. But the way I wrote the script, is that notifications had to be displaying just after the new stats from yields (buttons etc.) are calculated. This meant stuff that changed after player finished quest was calculated after the location was already loaded, and the player had to reload the location to see the changes. Now I calculate yields on the beginning of generating the content, and then display notifications when player is already in the location, so there's no delay.</p>
<p>I've noticed that some effects like "Bam", "Stinker", "Beard" and other sometimes don't disappear after player uses shower or shaves. This should be fixed now.</p>
<p>Problems with learning Alexa's kink from searching her room was solved. Basically some items didn't trigger the kink thing, and now they should.</p>
<p>Fixed a problem with quest "Shopping with a smile!" that made player skip one part of the quest.</p>
<p>On different screens help menu for the buttons was appearing before content - this was fixed now!</p>
<<changelog "0.2.27" "LSD, Gym NPCs and more Rose" "Aug 1, 2020">>
<<log "Special event - put LSD in Rose' water.">>
<p>So, if you have LSD on you when you train with Rose in the gym, you'll get an option to put it in Rose' water. Doing so, will unlock a special event with couple different endings;)</p>
<<log "Special event - LSD trip.">>
<p>Basically it's something connected with the first point, but it's also a completely separate unique event that you can reach by buying LSD and consuming it. I hope you guys will like it, it's pretty crazy, lol;)</p>
<<log "New NPC in the gym!">>
<p>So basically while training in the gym, you have a chance to either see something sexy (during the weekend), or meet one of the 3 NPCs that would consider fucking you (this will only happen during workdays): Romi, played by sexy Romi Rain; Leshawn (does someone know who she is?); and Kristina, played by incredible Kristina Rose.</p>
<<media "characters/gymgirl_1/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/gymgirl_2/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/gymgirl_3/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Blocked consuming items outside of the location. So basically now you can only consume while in location, and not during quest or activity.</p>
<p>Rose new individual sex clips.</p>
<p>Ability for effects to open new passages. So now effect can have an unique event connected to it that kicks in when player gets this particular effect. I don't think I'm gonna use it often, but I think it's kinda cool with how it works with LSD. Let me know.</p>
<p>Added possibility to NOT masturbate on the short random encounters in the park during walking and sunbathing. I'm sure this option won't be very popular, but still...;)</p>
<p>Added missing weekend event during sunbathing in the park. I thought it was there, but I was wrong, so I added it. Also - some new clips with sexy tanning ladies:)</p>
<p>Raised chances that a random encounter with an NPC park will end up in sex. So basically - it's easier to fuck girls in the park now.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.26" "Rose in the gym" "Jul 27, 2020">>
<<log "New activity in the gym - \"Train with Rose\"">>
<p>So if you meet Rose in the gym, you can now try to train with her. It might get hard, but if you succeed there's quite a reward.</p>
<<log "LSD.">>
<p>So this might be a bit strange, but I added LSD to the game. If you eat it what it does is that it halves your yields for dom and love, but in return you have a way bigger chance for a random event (like 70% instead of 30% or sth like that). So I think it's an interesting mechanic and wanted to share it with you. And there's also other things you will be able to do with it, but that would be implemented in next couple days.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>New names for some of the quests. So I noticed the quest names are dull, and decided to change them to something more exciting.</p>
<li>Old "Get to know Rose" quest is now "Phisio with Rose".</li>
<li>Old "Get To know Daphne" quest is now "Tits of Fortune".</li>
<li>Old "Get to know Alexa" quest is now "Under one roof with an angel".</li>
<li>Old "Make Mia like you" quest is now "Shopping with a smile".</li>
<p>New individual sex clips for Rose.</p>
<p>Added option to have sex instead of cumming during Yoga event. So if Rose agreed to have sex with you during yoga, and she really likes you, instead of cumming you can now take it to another level and sex her up.</p>
<p>Raised minimum desire for Rose and Mia. So here's the thing. Minimum desire sets the amount of desire needed to reach level 3 of friendship. Why level 3? Because it's the level which usually is needed for a character to fuck with you. When I added Mia and Rose to the game I reduced their minimum desire, because there was not enough content in the game for player to raise it effectively. But now there's plenty content so I decided to raise it a bit (but it's still lower than it should be based on their traits). This means that your level of relationship with those characters might decrease after this update. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll get it back with all the new activities;)</p>
<p>The Dude in the park now sells LSD. Surprised? You shouldn't be.</p>
<p>Some cleaning to backwards compatibility script. I basically removed the parts that were not needed anymore.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>A dirty bug with the locked prefix. So you noticed those prefixes to you trait name? Like Meager Beta, or Promising Nerd? They're actually not only prefixes - they describe the overall level of your character, which I use for many checks in the game, or rolls based on strength/skill. It turns out in some situations this prefix was stuck on "Meager", which is lowers possible. I think I fixed it now, you just need to level up to unlock it.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.25" "Rose yoga" "Jul 23, 2020">>
<<log "New activity in the park - \"Yoga with Rose\"">>
<p>So if you meet Rose in the park during the week, you can now try the competitive yoga with her. If you succeed there's quite a reward, especially if you're into bouncing. If you lose... well, there's something there too;) At the moment it's actually the biggest activity in the game in terms of length of text, so I hope you Guys will like it.</p>
<<log "Skip Intro.">>
<p>You asked for it, you got it. You can now quickly skip the intro from the screen with terms of service. And don't worry - I've kept all the choices, so you can still get the yields.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>New notifications when you're super low on energy to get some sleep. So this one will be a bit longer. Basically some players said that it's an error that you can't use options that restore energy (like take nap or walk in park) if your energy is 0. I thought about it and I'm not sure if I want to fix it. Basically - you're so tired that at this point you have to go to sleep. Instead I added some notifications that will tell you you're tired when energy is low. I know it's not the same, but for me personally what irritates me about my game is how it doesn't have this feel of day passing by, which breaks immersion for me. So I want to make that moments kind of clear, like, you HAVE to get some sleep sometimes. But I'm pretty sure I need to figure out something better at some point. I wonder what's your opinion about it?</p>
<p>Delay between the meetings with Rose. So to make things a bit slower, you cannot meet with Rose everyday. There's a delay after you do something together, until she agrees for something more. So after you play footie with her, don't expect her to do yoga with you the next day - wait couple and then come back.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>A bug with Quest Mode that almost made me insane. So quest mode is basically this thing when during a quest you have this notification that says "urgent" in the sidebar, and all the time passage and distractions are blocked, so you need to follow this one particular quest. I made it to avoid situations like in one of the quests, where Daphne asked you to bring her the scissors, and you could do it 3 days later, and she'd be still waiting. I think it will be a needed feature in the future quests, and will allow me to narrow down pathways and still leave player with some control over what he does in the game. So basically - I barely even used quest mode and it already managed to break my game, lol. But fortunately, after spending 2 days on it, I fixed it!!!</p>
<p>Dead end, when the player enters a quest that has a quest mode with no energy. So this was another quest mode bug, this time related to energy. At the moment this shouldn't happen anymore - during quest mode energy requirements for buttons should be ignored.</p>
<p>Fixed a bug in Playing footie with Rose. So no one noticed that footie is actually broken. If your team scored the first goal, and Rose the second, it actually cancelled your goal. Now it's fixed.</p>
<p>Fixed a bug in searching the rooms. Turns out search was kind of broken - if you get caught, and Daphne tried to take the item you found from you, there was an error. It happened in all the rooms, so it took a moment to find all the spots. But it should be fixed now.</p>
<p>Fixed a bug with broken buttons in the garden during "Versus the hoarders" quest. So one player on F95 sent me a screenshot of this bug. Quite honestly I don't even remember how I fixed it. But I have it on a list as done, and it works now. Not gonna lie, I might have been drunk.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.24" "Recursion error" "Jul 17, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<log "Recursion error:)">>
<p>This motherfucker is now fixed!!! Thanks TheMadExile!</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Multiple fixes and changes in the entire game to boost performance.</p>
<p>Fixed error in intro of "Versus the hoarders" quest. There was a part of the dialog that was dependent on player current level and it wasn't really working, now it's fixed.</p>
<p>Fixed missing media when Daphne interrupts player masturbating. I also added one pic, when she notices what's on the screen of player laptop;) Small thing but it should spice things up a bit.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Two new vids in game intro. All this testing made me replay the game intro a lot and I decided to add some spice, so basically there are 2 new Daphne videos there. I think it's much more inviting now;)</p>
<<changelog "0.2.23" "Rose and gym" "Jul 10, 2020">>
<<log "New Fap Mode and Supporter codes.">>
<<log "New activity in the park - \"Take a walk\"">>
<p>So if you're in the park, you can now go for a walk and get a bit of energy. But more importantly - you can meet 3 new NPCs during your walks: Tanya, Charlotte, Aisha. </p>
<<media "characters/parkgirl_6/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/parkgirl_7/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/parkgirl_8/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<log "New quest - \"Get to know Rose\"">>
<p>So after you meet Mia and finish "Get to know Mia", you can kick off the intro quest for Rose. To do so you need to go to the park during weekend and find her there. I really hope you'll find this quest interesting, there's a lot of new content for it. It is also pretty crazy from the side of the code, so it might need some debugging. Let me know what you think.</p>
<<log "New activity - \"Footie with Rose\"">>
<p>It's basically a simpler version of the quest, that will allow you to have a rematch with her on each weekend.</p>
<<log "New location - \"Prestige Gym\"">>
<p>At the moment there's not much to do there, but you will be able to meet Rose there and train with her.</p>
<<log "New activity in the Gym - \"Prove you can lift\"">>
<p>It's basically a simple training activity, similar to the one player already can do in his room. The difference here is that you have to pay, but also in return you'll get a huge yield in domination.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>NPCs have now kinks that add bonus during sex. Some of those kinks are random (decided on the beginning of each game), and some are static.</p>
<p>I've change the input way for fap mode and supporter codes. They will now work independent from the letter size, so it won't matter if you have caps lock on or off.</p>
<p>I've changed the way urgent quests are displayed. Basically moved the notification to the side bar, I think it's cleaner now.</p>
<p>New individual sex clips for Rose.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>So last week I said that I changed the randomization of the random events to make them more often - turns out it wasn't working because of the bug. Now I fixed the bug, so new randomization should work.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.22" "Park NPCs" "Jul 3, 2020">>
<<log "New activity in the park - \"Lie in the sun\"">>
<p>So if you're in the park, you can now go now lie a bit in the sun for a bit of love and an effect - "tan". But what's more important - during the sunbathing there are random events.</p>
<p>For example - if you sunbath over the weekend, when the park is more crowded, you have a chance to get a glimpse of a nice big pair of tits. But if you sunbath during the weekdays, when the park is empty, you can actually meet a girl that's interested in jumping together in the bushes!</p>
<p>At the moment there are three NPCs you can have sex with during sunbathing, each with a ton of individual sex clips: Erica, Veronique, Britney.</p>
<<media "characters/parkgirl_3/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/parkgirl_4/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/parkgirl_5/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<log "New activity in the park - \"Go for a run\"">>
<p>So if you're in the park, you can now go for a run for a bit of domination. But what's more important - during the run there are random events that you can trigger if your lucky. It works the same way as with sunbathing - run during weekdays if you want to get a real action.</p>
<p>At the moment there are three NPCs you can have sex with during running, each with a ton of individual sex clips: Amanda, Roohana, Shanice.</p>
<<media "characters/parkgirl_0/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/parkgirl_1/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<media "characters/parkgirl_2/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Shitload of changes in the sex mechanic to allow NPCs have normal sex. The good news here is that adding new NPCs like the ones above is now streamlined, so I can do it fairly quickly (couple hours of work per NPC).</p>
<p>Changed the randomization of the random events. They should appear a little bit more often now.</p>
<p>Another bunch of changes to make the new characters work on old saves.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Problem with incorrectly loading characters to sex screen.</p>
<p>Tons of text edits and fixes in the existing quests and activities.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.21" "Garden stuff" "Jun 30, 2020">>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>"Cleaning the pool" activity. So after you fix the pool, you now can clean it for additional money.</p>
<p>Insomnia. So I'm sure you noticed that after not sleeping for a night, you get a sleepless night effect which diminishes your yields. So what will happen if you still won't go to sleep for couple nights? I will reward you with another cool mechanic - insomnia! Obviously, it will further diminish your yields, hurray! And what will happen if you're stubborn and won't sleep even longer? Well, let's just say I only recommend it to super humans...</p>
<p>New descriptions and photos after you fix the garden. So now there's a different photo after you fix the garden (by doing "Versus the hoarders!" quest) and after you fix the pool ("Make the pool upper class again" quest). The description also changes accordingly. I know it's a detail, but it took a while to do, and I actually like little details like that to make the world more immersive;)</p>
<p>Garden deterioration. So now it's not enough you'll fix the garden by doing the two quests, you need to be attending it regularly or it will deteriorate. The pool will get dirty and the girls won't be able to use it, or the grass (and piles of trash) will grow and they won't be able to sunbath. It's best if you do at least one chore in the garden every week to avoid that.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Fixed the problem with effects not working properly or stuck. This happened only if you played on old saves. Effects usually go out automatically when the number of days left fall to 0, but in some cases they went past 0 and got stuck. It shouldn't happen anymore.</p>
<p>Fixed a problem with Daphne knocking to bathroom doors just a moment after she left the bathroom. This is a minor problem, but it was annoying me;)</p>
<p>Fixed a problem with "Make the pool upper class again" quest starting up without Alexa in the garden. Now she has to be in the garden for player to kick off the quest.</p>
<p>Fixed a bug with domination route on "Daphne's secrets" quest. It made the quest restart in some cases.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.20" "Bathroom stuff" "Jun 27, 2020">>
<<log "Changed the way you can sneak into the bathroom.">>
<p>Previously it always worked, now - Daphne or Alexa can catch you and there's a random event with some choices if they do.</p>
<<log "Added ability for a player to take a shower.">>
<p>Also, if you take a shower, you have a chance that Daphne or Alexa will interrupt you. Obviously this also results in random event, with some choices that will help you shape the outcome.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Added persistent effects to the game. This means that to end some effects you need to do something (like for example - to end "Sleepless Night" you need to get some sleep). </p>
<p>Added growing beard if you not shave. So from now on you can grow a viking beard, but obviously it will impact your multipliers, so watch out.</p>
<p>Added growing stench if you not shower. So from now on if you don't shower you will stink, and that will impact your multipliers.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Fixed a bug in the intro for the hags quest. The quest itself is still in development, as well as the entire Hags system, but you can start it in the park sometimes.</p>
<p>Fixed irritating error message when displaying characters in location. It didn't happen for everyone, but there was a small problem with it, that shouldn't appear anymore.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.19" "Maintenance" "Jun 25, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Rewrite of the intro for the Dude. The Dude is an NPC that you can meet in the park. But so it happens that he's also one of the coolest dudes on the planet. So I decided to give a slight rewrite of his scene. Nothing fancy, but it flows nicer I think;)</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Fixed a bug in quests panel. You could basically open up a quest panel during quest, to forward the quest. This shouldn't happen now;)</p>
<<changelog "0.2.18" "Mia quest" "Jun 20, 2020">>
<<log "New quest \"Take Mia on a proper date\"">>
<p>So I guess you can figure out what this quest is about. I think it turned out quite cool, and it's definitely huge. To see all the possible paths Mia needs to like you (status 3 or more). But even if she doesn't like you enough yet - no worries, because parts of the quest are also accessible as activities...</p>
<<log "New activities \"Take mia on a walk\" and \"Take mia on a date\"">>
<p>I think the names says it all. To do them you need to first finish the quest, and go to the store. You can take Mia on a walk everyday in the afternoon, and you can take her on a date on Friday.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>New random event for when you help Mia with the boxes and cleaning. Nothing special, just something that will hopefully make the game more fun. Oh, and she needs to like you (3 minimum).</p>
<p>Some new sex clips for Mia. </p>
<p>A lot of small text edits, thanks to great feedback from Thidran (thank you dude!).</p>
<p>Changed the notification about "Sleepless night" to red, to make it more visible. I noticed that a lot of people ignored it, and might not know it diminishes their yields.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Fixed bug with inability to finish "Make Mia like you" quest. So basically when players were trying too finish the quest, they got stuck on the empty store screen. This should be ok now, and if you're stuck in your save - it should automatically unstuck after reload.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.17" "New interfaces" "Jun 11, 2020">>
<<log "New interface for multipliers on character screens.">>
<p>So far the game didn't offer any clear explanation about how multipliers work. What I changed now is that you can go to the character or player stats and hover (or click if you're on mobile - please let me know if it works) on each multiplier to see what exactly impacts it. I hope it's straight forward, but if you have any questions - shoot. </p>
<p>Oh, and if you see "Other (effect)" on the list of multipliers - the reason for that is the saves from older versions didn't have names of the effects saved properly. The new effects that you will gain from this version on will always have a name of the actual effect there.</p>
<<log "New interface for effects on character screen.">>
<p>The multipliers are strictly connected to the effects, so I needed to make a new interface for that too. So from now on, if you go to your character screen, you can hover on each effect and see what it gives you exactly, and how long will it be active.</p>
<p>One important thing here to know, is that not all the effects are for dom and love. Some are for energy (in which case smaller multiplier is better, because you want to spend less energy doing things), some are for sex.</p>
<<log "New interface for items on character screen.">>
<p>So how do I get the effects, you might ask? Sometimes you get them from gameplay itself, and sometimes from consuming your items. The items you can consume are marked with this nice little plus icon.</p>
<<log "Increased the cost of leveling up by 40%.">>
<p>This last change is going to be probably a bit controversial, but you've been sending me a lot of saves for bug fixing, and I noticed that most of the players are Alphas, or Cult Leaders, even though some of them just started. This led me to conclusion that levelling up is too cheap. I think increasing it by 40% should fix it, but if it turns out that the game is too grindy now - we'll switch it back or figure out something else.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Fixed problem with Mia sometimes taking longer to appear. It took me days, but I finally figured it out - Mia should now always appear.</p>
<p>Fixed double multipliers on Fap Mode. So I noticed that for some players the multiplier you get from fap mode was actually much bigger than the advertised x2. This is now fixed. Sorry:)</p>
<<changelog "0.2.16" "Maintenance" "Jun 6, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Removed the test buttons from Daphne's bedroom;) Sometimes even the best craftsman forgets to clean up his tools. Sorry about that;)</p>
<p>Turns out iOS users have disabled ability to save to file via browser. So in bug report popup I added you an ability to save your game as a text string. It's mostly for bug reporting, but if you Guys want I can add a feature to load a game from a text string too.</p>
<p>Added some info about College on City Center screen.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Fixed Daphne catching you masturbating and choosing a love route. It took me 2 hrs of looking into the code, and it turned out to be a freaking typo...</p>
<p>Fixed a bug where you couldn't meet mia when playing with a trait Cult Leader. This was a big tricky to track, but it should work ok now. Messiah also had this problem by the way, but from what I see nearly nobody goes for the Messiah, lol;)</p>
<p>There was a bug in a game which made you able to finish "Corgis!" and "See what Alexa is about" quests by just repeatedly watching memes in your room;) This is now fixed, and I've reverted those quests for everyone who had them started, as both those quests are not ready yet.</p>
<p>A lot of you had problems with meeting Mia, so I thought there's a bug with that. But each time after I contacted those players, it turns out that it was just a matter of timing. Remember to go to the store, see Ash, and then after 7 days come back. You should get an event with Ash missing, and Mia should appear (you should be able to see her on the characters screen). Then, after 1 more day, come back to the store to get the quest. Let me know if that works.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.15" "Alexa and bathroom" "Jun 5, 2020">>
<<log "New activity in the bathroom - \"Wash Alexa's ass\"">>
<p>So if Alexa lets you into the bathroom, you can take a shower together. The more desire Alexa has towards you, the more you'll see in this activity.</p>
<<log "New activity in the bathroom - \"Wash Daphne's back\"">>
<p>It's basically the same thing as the above, but with Daphne.</p>
<<log "New activity after sneaking into the bathroom.">>
<p>So after you break in you can hide in the bathroom, and watch Alexa or Daphne having shower. So it's basically similar to peeking through the doors, but this time - you see much more. Oh, and remember not to get caught!</p>
<<log "Ton of new sex clips for Mia.">>
<<log "Ton od new sex clips for Rose.">>
<<log "New fap mode and supporter codes.">>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Changing the way Mia appears - instead of day 20, which you reported was too long, it's now a week after you meet Ash. So basically what you need to do to trigger Mia is to visit the local store, and wait around a week. Same way, after you get to know Mia, you need to visit her again some time after to trigger the first quest with her.</p>
<p>Counter system - this is something that would stay invisible for you, but it helps me to track things in a game by setting up counters, that can easily tell me how much time passed since an events. Example of it is in previous point, with Mia.</p>
<p>Boosts for fetish sex positions - so you reported that fetish sex yields are underwhelming, so I added couple points here and there. Is it better?</p>
<p>Boosts for oral sex positions - same as above but with oral. Now, when Mia (hint!) is in the game, it makes sense to balance it out. By the way - if you have some balancing ideas for the game - let me know!</p>
<p>One additional sex clip for titjob with Daphne - it barely registers as a change, but still;) </p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Knocking on the bathroom door and asking to wash back sometimes puts you outside bathroom even on success - this hopefully is fixed now. This one was a tricky motherfucker. </p>
<p>Huge bug with the way backwards compatibility treats characters. This is another episode of this fuckin problem, not even sure which. Basically i've spent 3 days rewriting the game to make sure everyone sees the new characters in a game. I probably said it already, but I honestly think my newest approach is the best so far, and it should fnally work!</p>
<p>Reworked Back button system for patrons - now it should work properly, and not break your game in certain situations;) Also, the back button will now properly show to supporters too, not only in the fap mode.</p>
<p>Fixed a bug with leveling up stuck after first level up. It was pretty rare, but still - it shouldn't happen now at all.</p>
<p>Fixed broken max orgasm problem for Mia and Rose - so some players had problems during sex with those girls. Now it should work.</p>
<p>Fixed missing media - daphne_cry.jpg and alexa_sex.jpg.</p>
<p>Fixed a bug where you could finish "Daphne's Secrets" without a drill - now you need to buy a drill to cut a hole.</p>
<p>Fixed errors for Mia and Rose not having traits, or having them bugged out.</p>
<p>Fixed getting stuck while snooping in Alexa's room. So apparently if you get caught snooping in Alexa's room, show her your dick and then fuck her brains out, it'll loop back to the beginning making it a spammable event. This shouldn't happen now.</p>
<p>Fixed the permission system, which tells the game if you are allowed in the location. I'm surprised not many people reported this bug;)</p>
<p>Weird bug when sex partner had uneven number of Orgasm points (eg. 2.7) - this won't happen now.</p>
<p>Turns out some of you met a cat - Fluffy - in the house. That shouldn't happen yet - so I hide him. But don't worry, he's coming back, and it's tied to Alexa's storyline.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.14" "Mia and Rose" "May 30, 2020">>
<<log "New quest - \"Make Mia like you!\"">>
<p>So if you met Mia, and then revisit the store - you should be able to start this quest. I'm quite happy with it, it was real pleasure to write something for Mia, as she's a real beauty.</p>
<<log "Added Rose Monroe to the game!">>
<p>You can meet her through Mia. She'll be around in the park. At the moment there's not much content with her, but I added two activities, that you can do in the park while she's around. They will display the "End of content" text, but they will still work and give raise her Desire.</p>
<<media "characters/rose/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Another backwards compatibility issues - this time with new characters not appearing on old saves. This one was one nasty motherfucker. It took me hours to even figure out what's wrong. The problem is - I'm unable to fix it without huge changes in the game core, but I think I figured out a workaround. So basically - let me know if you encountered Mia in the game, and if everything went fine (to encounter Mia first time you need to go to S-Mart store after day 20, to kick off the quest - go there second time after day 25).</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Changed status of Mia and Rose to characters instead NPCs. Basically - the game is built in a way that NPCs have very limited interaction possibilities. And I really liked writing Mia's quest, and Rose is cool too, so I decided it would be best to have them as full characters. From the perspective of the player what changes is that both girls are now visible when they're in a location, they have their own stats (desire etc.), and the most important thing is - you'd be able to fuck them both, if they like you enough;) Awesome, right? At the moment they don't have any individual sex clips though, but I should add them pretty soon.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.12" "Maintenance" "May 22, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>So there was a problem with Daphne's Secrets - if you went down the route of love with her, you actually couldn't finish the quest, because the cellar wasn't revealed. I fixed it now. It should reveal the cellar after you load the game.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>New title screen. Basically more boobs and butts:)</p>
<<changelog "0.2.11" "Daphne quest and garden peeking" "May 21, 2020">>
<<log "\"Daphne's Secrets\" quest.">>
<p>This one activates the Cellar in the house, and brings some cool story and a lot of visuals. It's pretty long, and there's a lot of decision, so I think you Guys will like it (though I might have gone too far at one spot, lol). One note here is that you have to make the right choices to get to the craziest parts;) Oh, and also you have to be 20 days into the game to launch this quest.</p>
<<log "New possibilities to peek at Daphne in player's room.">>
<p>Basically you can peek at Daphne in the Cellar after you finish "Daphne's Secrets" quest.</p>
<<log "New possibilities to peek at Alexa in the garden.">>
<p>Basically you can peek at Alexa in the Garden after you finish "Make the pool upper class again" quest.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Urgent quest mode. This is a big change actually, but small from the perspective of the player - it basically allows me to turn off the time passage and all the distractions, so that player had to follow the quest. I was thinking about it for a while, and decided to add it here.</p>
<p>Another pack of individual clips for Daphne.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Peeking at Alexa having sex in her room won't result in an error, and will allow you to discover her trait, if you won't get caught.</p>
<p>Cooking for Daphne with roofies should now work properly.</p>
<p>The error that showed up during peeking at Daphne in the shower should be gone now.</p>
<p>Peeking at Alexa in the garden didn't work - now it should be ok.</p>
<p>Fixed a problem of always getting caught after breaking into Daphne's and Alexa's rooms.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.10" "Alexa quest and Mia" "May 15, 2020">>
<<log "Mia Malkova is our new S-Mart cashier, chosen thanks to your votes!">>
<p>At the moment you cannot really do anything with her, there's just one small intro event, but it's very slim. We'll build up this character in time. Just to be clear - Mia appears after some time in the game, when Ash, former cashier of S-Mart mysteriously disappears. Ill probably turn his disappearance into a side quest to get to Mia. We'll see.</p>
<<media "characters/mia/portrait_big.jpg">>
<<log "\"Make the pool upper class again\" quest.">>
<p>This one is for Alexa, and it's part of my plan to activate the Garden location for the players. I'm actually quite happy with it, as it turned out quite long (more than twice as long as Daphne's "Versus the Hoarders"), and it also features some cool visual stuff for our lovable redhead - Alexa).</p>
<<log "New peeking options after you finish the pool quest.">>
<p>Basically you can peek at Daphne in the pool. I'm also almost ready with some Alexa peeking scenes too, should be out with "Daphne's secrets".</p>
<<log "New activity in the park - \"Buy some weed\"">>
<p>I added it as a part of "Make the pool upper class again" quest. Basically, there's a dude (or actually The Dude) in the park, who can sell you weed. Same as Mia - he has a small introduction event, and nothing more.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Buying quest items won't use up your time now. This is a small change, but I noticed that buying quest items uses your time, and buying beer - doesn't. So I decided to unify it, and make it that buying products in general doesn't take time.</p>
<p>This is just cosmetics, but I've changed the name of some of the important buttons. Basically - "Foreplay with..." is now "Flirt with..." and "Talk with..." are now called "Chat with...". The reason for this change is that often quest buttons are also named "Talk with..." and they were often getting confused with regular "Talk" buttons.</p>
<p>Another pack of new individual clips for Alexa.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Deep changes in the function that draws buttons in the interface, to make some of the places where there's a lot of quest buttons (like garden, living room, kitchen) work faster. This is a big concern, because, even though it sounds simple, the buttons are actually super complicated, so if they weren't working right, it could cascade into this huge problem, where going to the garden could even crash your game.</p>
<p>Fixed missing clip for wet dream when you're an alpha male.</p>
<p>Changed the way search works in each room. This was another big rebuilt. It started as a way to address problems with "undefined" search results in Kitchen, but in the end turned out to be a full overhaul of search function. In new version each room has separate unique items that you can search only once, and a bunch of items that you can find each time.</p>
<p>Cucumber paradox part 2. Basically - some of the users couldn't buy Cucumber for Alexa, and it turned out to be another bigger problem. In my game there's a "pocket" function, where you put everything that needs updating - starts, cash, etc.. The problem is - as it turns out - pocket sometimes clogged itself. I made a function that clear pocket and makes it faster.</p>
<p>Anal accident during sex won't happen to Alexa, because with her - anal is never an accident, it's a part of life;)</p>
<p>Effects that work during sex and add player Vigour or Orgasm now should work properly.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.9" "Maintenance" "May 12, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>The multiplier that you get from an effect should now go away after the effect ends. It's pretty important that you download this version, because in the previous version effects like "sleepless night", which were diminishing your love/dom gains, were staying with you forever, and we don't want that, right?! Important note - the multipliers will reset itself AFTER you go to sleep.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Added some sex clips for Alexa.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.8" "Maintenance" "May 8, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Improved bug reporting. Now you can easily download your save game to attach to your bug report, to make it easier for me to hunt the bug.</p>
<p>Help panel in your room - so to clear some doubts and questions about how the buttons work and what icon means - I added a help. You can find it just above the buttons when you're in your room.</p>
<p>Some changes and new media in "Versus the Hoarders" quest.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Missing images in "Peeking" and "Enter without knocking" activities.</p>
<p>Cleaning the yard after you finished "Versus the Hoarders" now works.</p>
<p>Fixed some problems with the way time works. </p>
<<changelog "0.2.7" "Daphne quest" "May 8, 2020">>
<<log "Total rebuild of the data storage.">>
<p>As said - expect the unexpected, and backup your save games!:)</p>
<<log "Quest \"Versus the Hoarders\" is finally finished.">>
<p>You can start it in the Garden, but first you need to help Daphne around the house and wait couple days into the game. I made this quest mostly to activate the garden location, so it's pretty light on the visuals, but two more quests are coming pretty soon, with way more porn.</p>
<<log "Peeking at Daphne in the garden.">>
<p>So after you clean up the garden, you can now peek at the girls taking a sunbath. At the moment it works with Daphne.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Rebuilding the Peek and Enter mechanic. I basically made it more streamlined, removes dome of the memes, and added some sexy stuff. (if you notice a picture not loading - let me know!)</p>
<p>Anal accident during sex was reworked. Basically I simplified it, and made it more gratifying (I hope).</p>
<p>New chore - cut the grass in the Garden. So I added a little chore that you can do for money in the garden. It's nothing big, but it should give you more opportunities to make money.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Effects from items were not working, now this should be fixed.</p>
<p>Finally, after viscious bug-hunt, we can take down one bug from the watchlist - outcomes of roll the dice gave you errors in some cases, now it shouldn't happen.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.6" "Maintenance" "May 1, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Added settings screen in the left menu. At the moment all you can do there is input Patreon codes for Fap Mode (or Supporter code) without starting new game. You can also turn off Fap Mode, if it's already started. As the game progresses this screen should grow with new options and stuff like that.</p>
<p>Ability to turn off the Patreon nagging, without turning on the Fap Mode. You just need to use Supporter code, that you can find here: <a href="" target="_blank">SubscribeStar</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon</a></p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Another fix for levelling up when maxed out, hopefully that would really end the problem.</p>
<p>Some further backwards compatibility improvement when loading old saves (I'm pretty sure it's not the last time we hear about it, but still it should be better).</p>
<<changelog "0.2.5" "Maintenance" "May 1, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Another attempt at fixing video clips at Safari. Please let me know if it's working.</p>
<p>Some save changes that should hopefully fix the backwards compatibility problems (AKA infinitely expensive cucumber paradox).</p>
<p>Higher level players didn't saw reward photos in the homework activity - that's fixed.</p>
<p>If you encounter problems with loading media - please hit CTRL+F5 before reporting a bug.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.4" "Alexa quest" "Apr 29, 2020">>
<<log "Another attempt at complete media conversion, this time to MP4.">>
<p>So the previous media conversion to WEBM turned out to be a success in terms of quality and reducing the game size, but it turned out to be problematic for Safari and Edge users. So with a huge help of Zurkei we've managed to convert all media to mp4. Please let me know if the issues you were experiencing are fixed, and if the game plays ok.</p>
<<log "Quest \"Get to know Alexa\" is finally finished.">>
<p>It was actually quite a demanding piece of work, as it required a lot of coding. But it's finally there. Hope you guys will like it!</p>
<<log "Homework activity with Alexa.">>
<p>So you can now help Alexa in her homework, while she's in her room.</p>
<<log "2 new random events.">>
<p>Additionally to homework activity, I added two random events, that might occur when you're doing homework with Alexa. I think you'll enjoy at least one of them;)</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>Additional "knocking" event for Alexa Room. I added it because it was a bit problematic that you'd have to pay her each time you wanna come in and help her with homework. Now it should work that sometimes she wants money, and sometimes she just lets you in.</p>
<p>"About the game" button instead of "Copyrights". So I changed the "Copyrights" popup into a bigger section with additional info like list of team members and people who helped along the way, as well as the names of Alexa and Daphne. </p>
<p>Raised the required desire level to have sex for Alexa and Daphne. So as the game progresses and new content appears I'll be slowly raising the bar in this area, because the game will become too easy. Though I think that old saves won't be affect by this change anyway.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>"Corgis" quest will now progress only once when showing memes to Daphne, not each time. The quest itself is still not ready, but the memes event is what starts it.</p>
<p>Alexa's Orgasm yields from anal sex were broken, and now they are fixed.</p>
<p>I think I fixed the bug where sometimes you get a "limp dick" on the beginning of sex. Hopefully that won't happen anymore.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.3" "Maintenance" "Apr 24, 2020" "hotfix">>
<<log "New version numbers (I know, awesome, right!?)">>
<p>The new version numbers will look like this: 0.2.3. If the last number changes it might mean anything from a small to medium change, so a new quest, random event, a small new feature, or just a hotfix. The middle number is a big milestone - it might be new location or character, or an impactful, game changing mechanic. And as for the first number - if it changes, it means that Jesus came back to life and is playing Become Alpha. Oh, and just to be clear - in this template the version 0.2.10 is higher than 0.2.9, I hope that's clear.</p>
<<log "Fixed bathroom event.">>
<p>There was an error message when you're caught by Daphne during peeking at Alexa showering. That no longer should appear.</p>
<<log "Fixed getting caught with no energy bug.">>
<p>Getting caught while looking around in Daphne's room, when you have no energy, resulted in getting stuck. This no longer will happen.</p>
<<log "Fixed level up if you're maxed out already.">>
<p>So if you were level 13 dom or love and you were leveling up further - the game gets broken. This no longer should happen!</p>
<<changelog "0.2.2" "Individual sex clips" "Apr 23, 2020">>
<<log "The clips that play during sex are now individual for each character!">>
<p>The sex positions that have those personalized clips are marked with character's avatar next to the name of the position. The number of clips for each position is different - for some I was able to find 10 clips with that character, for some just 1, but, well, that's life, man. Also, I wanted to mention Shafty, who helped me a lot finding nice clips for Daphne. Thank you, dude!</p>
<<log "All the GIFs are now converted to lightweight WEBMs.">>
<p>This means that the size of the entire game went down from 2gb to 400mb! I wanted to personally thank Zurkei for his incredible help in achieving that goal - his scripts saved me hours if not days. You're the man!</p>
<<log "Introducing Fap Mode for supporters.">>
<p>It was requested and it's here, actually sooner than I originally wanted to make it.</p>
<p>Here's what it does:</p>
<li>2x bigger Love and Domination yields.</li>
<li>Better Orgasm stats during sex.</li>
<li>Ability to click back button once every in-game day.</li>
<li>Higher chance for a random events.</li>
<li>No nagging about supporting the author.</li>
<<log "More level ups.">>
<p>So not only you can level up twice a day now (once in a bathroom, and once in a garden), but there's also an additional level up when you sleep in your room and have a wet dream.</p>
<<header "Minor changes">>
<p>The clips that play during peeking and knocking should be now less repetitive and quicker.</p>
<p>Ability to turn off Google Analytics tracking. Not sure if it's needed, but I'm a nice dude, and I care about your privacy. Though I just wanted to say, that I use this data to make the game better. It basically shows me if there are parts of the game that are not being visited. So it might be good to leave it on;)</p>
<p>The saves should be quicker and smaller now (this needs testing!).</p>
<p>Finding out character's trait should be easier now - you need to peek on her while she's doing something sexual, and watch it till the end.</p>
<<header "Bug fixes">>
<p>Nerd images problem should now be fixed.</p>
<p>Level up in domination now should always work.</p>
<p>Daphne crying in the kitchen loop exploit was fixed.</p>
<p>The quests / characters buttons will now be turned off until we know at least one character and have at least one quest.</p>
<p>Buttons that transfer you between areas (Neighborhood to City Center) will now work even if you have no energy.</p>
<p>Reading books in your room should now work properly.</p>
<<changelog "0.2.0" "Hello world!" "Apr 19, 2020">>
<<log null "noNumb">>
<br class="clear">
<big>How it all started?</big>
<p>It was one of those days... I remember it very well. I woke up, feeling dry from all the weed I smoked the night's before. The weather was dry too, and so was my dick without a pussy. But this one morning was different. I felt I had enough.</p>
<<dial "mercutio" "I need to rise up! Fix my life. Do something grand. Like a huge success... Movie, or book... Something off the charts! Something that will shoot me off into the world like a Pershing missile. Big money, house with a view, normal fucking car, holidays in nice places, social life...">>
<p>But then I realized, that's awful lot of work, and I kinda mostly needed cash anyway...</p>
<big>So I made this game.</big>
<<dial "mercutio" "Hurray for me!">>
<br class="clear">
<br class="clear">
<p>The game came out on ''19th April 2020'', and really become a main point of my life since then. Here's a bit of stats for this first version that came out. At the moment of it's premiere the game had:</p>
<ul class="list">
<li>2 characters - Daphne and Alexa</li>
<li>1 location - Daphne's house</li>
<li>2 quests</li>
<li>Around 15 random events</li>
<li>Around 15 activities to do in the house</li>
<li>Around 200mb of media clips</li>
<p>And now? The game is couple times that size! And it all wouldn't be possible without your support.</p>
<big class="center huge">Thank you!</big>
<<media "abides.mp4">>
<</changelog>><big class="center">Enter the Fap Mode code</big>
<p>To activate the //Fap Mode//<span class="tm">™</span><span class="r">®</span><span class="infinity">☣
</span> you need to enter your ''Regular'' or ''Unlimited'' code in this sweet little field below! All the cool kids are already in, so what are you waiting for?</p>
<div id="codeCheck" class="item">
<<if $host == "local">>
<p class="desc" style="margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 20px; width: 60%;">If you're playing offline, it might take a while to connect with database.</p>
<<set $codeInput to null>>
<<textbox "$codeInput" $codeInput>>
<<link "<div class=\"btn med\" id=\"codeCheck\"><span class=\"btnText\">Activate</span></div>">>
<<if $curTags.contains("locked") && ($fapSwitch == "off" || $fapSwitch == "Regular" || $fapSwitch == "Unlimited")>>
<<goto $curLoc>>
<div id="codeInfo">
<a href="" target="_blank" class="linkSml">I lost the code</a>
/* Set quotes */
<<set _veryRealQuote = [
["It's the best mode in the history of modes, maybe ever.", "Donald Trump"],
["I did not have a sexual relationship with this mode.", "Bill Clinton"],
["This mode might be the ultimate cure for koronavirus and also death in general.", "This one virusologist dude at Joe Rogan's"],
["This mode is preeeeetty, preeety, preeeeety good.", "Larry & David"],
["One small fap for a man, one giant mode for mankind.", "This dude that looks like Tinky Winky"]
<div id="fapQuote">
<span class="quotation" style="left: 0">“</span><span class="quote"><<print _veryRealQuote[0]>></span><span class="quotation" style="right: 0">”</span><br>
<span class="author"><<print _veryRealQuote[1]>></span>
<div id="codeNo">
<p>What's the matter, buddy? You're still not a supporter?! Well, man, there's just one thing you can do about it!</p>
<<btnPopup "support" "Support the author to get the Fap Mode codes!">>
<<media "locked_passage.mp4" "fi0 noWidth">>
<big class="fi0 center">This part of the game is <strong class="lockedBadge">Early Access</strong> only</big>
<p class="fi1">This means it's already finished and playable, but not yet released to wide public. Sorry man!</p>
<div id="lockedInfo" class="item si2" style="margin-top:20px; margin-bottom: 20px;">
<<media "unlimited.mp4" "floatLeft sml">>
<div class="textColumn floatLeft">
<h4>How to get <strong class="lockedBadge">Early Access</strong> content?</h4>
<p>Access to this content is limited for supporters. I release it to public after 6-8 weeks from the initial release. If you don't want to wait - unlock it now with ''Unlimited Fap Mode''!</p>
<<btnPopup "fap" "Get the Unlimited Fap Mode" "med">>
<br class="clear">
<p class="fi3">If you're not interested in the new content - that's perfectly ok! You can continue your game like nothing happened!</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Back to the game" null "si5">>
/* Generating a popup. Arguments: passage. */
<<widget "runPopup">>
/* We need to identify each popup separately, otherwise the passage to display gets mixed if we launch a popup from the popup */
<<set $popupArr.push($args[0])>>
<<set _curPopup = $popupArr[$popupNum]>>
/* Start the popup */
<<set $curDisplay = "popup">>
<<run Dialog.setup(_curPopup, _curPopup)>>
<<set _content = '<div id="ui-popup">'>>
/* Add main contents */
<<set _content = _content + Story.get(_curPopup).processText().trim()>>
/* Close the popup div and add hook */
<<set _content = _content + '</div><div id="ui-popup-hook"></div>'>>
/* We need to check for collapsible divs and clickable tooltips */
<<set _content = _content + '<script>checkCollapsible(); checkTooltips();</script>'>>
/* We need to iterate the popups to know which one we're currently looking at */
<<set $popupNum = $popupNum + 1>>
<<EVENT "daphMeatBags=0">> /* Intro to the quest. */
<p>You're in a deep dream, when suddenly...</p>
<big>...loud noises from the cellar wake you up.</big>
<<dial "player" "Fuck my mum, mister postman!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What?</tht>">>
<p>You look around, realizing it's not a dream anymore.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/awkward_silence.mp4">>
<p>You have issues, man.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, yeah... Why did you wake me up?!</tht>">>
<big>Can't you read god damn it?</big>
<p>Loud noises from the cellar woke you up.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Cellar? Oh shit, that might be $!</tht>">>
<<btn null "Check the hole" "dom+2" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "I just wanna go back to sleep..." "love+2; daphMeatBags-; $daphBdsmDebuff+7" "action">>
<big>You stand up and walk to the hole in the floor.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/hole.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>The light is on... there's someone there!</tht>">>
<big>Is it $</big>
<p>You put your eye closer to the hole.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I don't know... it's pretty quiet at the moment--</tht>">>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<big>...$ bursts into your room.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "$!">>
<p>She looks at your awkward position on the floor.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "What were you doing...?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... I couldn't sleep so... I was... ermmm... exercising!">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_what.jpg">>
<big>Fortunately, she didn't notice the hole.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_serious.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "I need you to do something for me. It' urgent.">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, sure. I'll do it...">>
<p>Fuck, man. Didn't you learn anything?</p>
<big>First - ask what it is.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok... I'm still sleepy...</tht> What I meant is that I'll do what I can. So... What's going on?">>
<big>She sits on the bed and sighs.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "It's a little bit hard to explain...">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_explain.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "So basically... I have those freezers in the cellar... It's where I keep the meat...">>
<p>She looks strangely nervous. Like she's hiding something.</p>
<<dial "player" "Meat...?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes, yes... I have a lot of meat... Because... there's this guy... in the slaughterhouse... and he pays me - I mean - //he gives// me meat... sometimes... well, often.">>
<p>So basically we have two options here...</p>
<big>Either $ murdered someone and wants to get rid of the body...</big>
<big>...or she fucks with the butcher.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/butcher.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Anyway... this freezer broke... like it totally stopped working... and all the meat rot. And you need to help me throw it out...">>
<<dial "player" "Oh... you need my help to carry it to the trash?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Trash...? Noooo... That wouldn't be ecological. In California we think green, $ Arnold Schwarzenegger was our president, and he is from the future! Also - we don't want to lure raccoons in the neighborhood! I've heard they can eat a corgi!">>
<<dial "player" "I don't think racoons eat corgis...">>
<<dial "daphne" "They do! Racoons have no heart!">>
<big>Stay on point, god damn it!</big>
<<dial "player" "Ermm... so... the meat?">>
<big>She sighs.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Where was I? Ah...! So we cannot put it in the trash! We have to think green, like proper Californian, hun. So, what I need your help with, is to carry the bags with meat to my car--">>
<<dial "player" "You have a car?!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Of cource I have a car, it's parked outside. We will pack the meat to the trunk and drive out of the town--">>
<<set $daphCar = 1>>
<<dial "player" "Wait... The town... like... LA?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes, LA, haha, what other?">>
<big>She needs to go out of town to throw out old meat?!</big>
<<dial "player" "So... like... we're going to a dumpside?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Dumpside...? Nooo! Haven't you heard the news? The dumps are overflowing with trash! Think green!">>
<p>Sorry dude, I'm as lost as you are.</p>
<<dial "player" "So... where?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hun, we're just gonna dump it into the river or something! Stop asking silly questions, and get up!">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/earth.jpg">>
<p>Ok man, I have to say that this whole thing is pretty fucked up. So it's exactly my kind of adventure. Besides...</p>
<big>Hard to say no to those meat bags.</big>
<<btn null "Can't say no to... a beautiful woman!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "I'll help you - but you owe me." "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<big>$ smiles.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, I knew you won't let me down - thanks hun.">>
<p>She stands up from the bed and turns to the door.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Put on some clothes hun, it's a cold night. I'll be waiting in the cellar. Here's the key. I'll take it back from you after you carry the bags.">>
<<yields "daphCelKey+" "dialog">>
<p>She's about to leave, but she hesitates.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "As for the... uhmm... //equipment// in the cellar... just so that you know - it's not mine... it was there when I bought the house.">>
<p>Sure it is, $</p>
<big>It was there since middle ages!</big>
<p>She turns away and walks out of your room. Well, bud. What are you waiting for?!</p>
<big>Adventure awaits!</big>
<<btn null null "$questMode+daphMeatBags; charAdd+daphne|daphCel">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMeatBags=1; !item:daphMeatBags_clothes">> /* Put on some clothes and go to the cellar. */
<p>You quickly find a random t-shirt and put it on.</p>
<big>It looks like shit.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/tshirt.mp4">>
<p>Man, at least do a control sniff, just in case. You're gonna be alone with $ in the car - who knows what will happen.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ehhh... all right!</tht>">>
<big>You sniff the clothes.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/reek.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it... so should I look for a clean t-shirt now? It's a middle of the night. Aren't you the fucking game master here? Can't you make it not reek?!</tht>">>
<p>Man, I'm just doing my thing. You do what you want.</p>
<<btn null "Look for something decent" "love+" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'm a filthy pig and I'm ok with it" "daphMeatBags-; $questMode+daphMeatBags; dom+" "dialog">>
<p>I like the attitude. Let's just hope you have something clean to wear here...</p>
<p>You take another t-shirt from a pile.</p>
<big>You smell it.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/smell.mp4">>
<p>Fingers crossed, my man.</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#not_reek", "#reek_1", "#reek_1", "#reek_1", "#reek_1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#not_reek", "#reek_1", "#reek_1", "#reek_1"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#not_reek", "#reek_1", "#reek_1"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#reek_1">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/reek_1.mp4">>
<p>Dude, you should really consider doing laundry sometimes...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what now...?</tht>">>
<big>You wanna try one more time?</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#not_reek", "#reek_2", "#reek_2", "#reek_2", "#reek_2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#not_reek", "#reek_2", "#reek_2", "#reek_2"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#not_reek", "#reek_2", "#reek_2"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" "love+" "wildcard">>
<<btn $curLoc "Naaah, I'm a filthy pig and I'm ok with it" "$questMode+daphMeatBags; daphMeatBags-; dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#reek_2">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/reek_2.mp4">>
<p>I mean... seriously...?! These are basics - buddy, you need to cover your smell! Unless it's a good smell, which in this case...</p>
<big>It's not.</big>
<p>Man, maybe try one more time?</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#not_reek", "#reek_3", "#reek_3", "#reek_3", "#reek_3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#not_reek", "#reek_3", "#reek_3", "#reek_3"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#not_reek", "#reek_3", "#reek_3"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" "love+" "wildcard">>
<<btn $curLoc "Naaah, I'm a filthy pig and I'm ok with it" "$questMode+daphMeatBags; daphMeatBags-; dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#reek_3">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/reek_3.mp4">>
<big>How is it possible you don't have one fucking clean t-shirt god damn it?!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I don't fucking play a game to do laundry in it. Where's the porn, for fuck sakes!</tht>">>
<p>You know what?</p>
<p>Fuck it.</p>
<big>I'm calling the author.</big>
<big>Grave, you there!?</big>
<p>Calling Grave Mercutio, hello!?</p>
<p>There's a long moment of silence...</p>
<p>But you can feel the air starts to vibrate...</p>
<p>And then, you hear a beautiful voice straight from heaven...</p>
<p>A manly voice. Sharp, but gentle. Strict, but full of meaning.</p>
<big>A voice of true alpha.</big>
<<dial "mercutio" "Yuuup...?">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/the_dude_god.jpg">>
<p>Yeah, hi. So there's this guy, and he has a complaint.</p>
<<dial "mercutio" "Didn't I fuckin' told you not to bother me with complaints?! I'm busy as fuck writing new content!">>
<p>Well, you can tell it to him yourself.</p>
<<dial "mercutio" "Wait...! He's fucking here...?!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Hey, Grave!</tht>">>
<<dial "mercutio" "God damn... I mean - //Hi!// How are you, buddy? All good?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, man... Wait... should I talk to you like this, or... <tht>like this?</tht>">>
<<dial "mercutio" "Either works, my man.">>
<<dial "player" "Grrreat. So... Love the game, by the way... It's just... I don't want to bother you, but I cannot find a clean t-shirt in my room, and I suppose to go help $">>
<<dial "mercutio" "Yeah, yeah. The meat. Ok dude, tell you what... I'm gonna make it clean for you.">>
<p>Oh, so now you can help, but when I ask--</p>
<<dial "mercutio" "Shut up! Ok, so where was I... ah...">>
<<dial "mercutio" "//Expecto tshirtum cleanum!//">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/spell.mp4">>
<p>You hesitantly smell your t-shirt and...</p>
<big>It doesn't reek!</big>
<p>Who knew, right?!</p>
<<dial "player" "Thanks man!">>
<<dial "mercutio" "No problem! And here's some love exp to help you along the way!">>
<<yields "love+4" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, wow, thanks!">>
<<dial "mercutio" "But now, I have to go <tht>Grave's voice slowly fades...</tht> Save journey, my friend!">>
<p>The voice gets silent, but you still feel shivers of energy in your muscles, like after a really deep orgasm. <small>He told me to write it, I didn't want to!</small></p>
<big>He's gone.</big>
<<dial "player" "What a nice dude!">>
<p>//Expecto tshirtum cleanum.//</p>
<big>It doesn't do shit when I do it.</big>
<p>This dude is a total douche.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, yeah... So... what now?! I'm ready for my adventure.">>
<p>Sigh... Why do I even bother...</p>
<big>Go to the fucking cellar.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "$questMode+daphMeatBags; daphMeatBags-; $daphMeatBags_clean+1">>
<<chunk null "#not_reek">>
<big>It's clean!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/clean.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Finally! So... what now?! I'm ready for my adventure.">>
<p>Sigh... Why do I even bother...</p>
<big>The cellar, man.</big>
<p>Go to the fucking cellar.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "$questMode+daphMeatBags; daphMeatBags-; $daphMeatBags_clean+1">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMeatBags=1; item:daphMeatBags_clothes">> /* Put on some clothes and go to the cellar. */
<big>You slowly walk down the steep stairs leading to the cellar.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/dark.mp4">>
<p>You look around. It's dark, full of BDSM equipment, and $ is nowhere to be seen.</p>
<<dial "player" "$">>
<<dial "daphne" "Up here!">>
<p>The voice is coming from the other side of the cellar. You hesitantly walk in that direction and notice there's another small compartment there, with huge freezer inside. $ is standing next to it.</p>
<big>She smiles to you.</big>
<<wrapper "$daphMeatBags_clean=1">>
<<dial "daphne" "Here you are! Ohhh, and looking goooood, hun!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>See? What did I told you. Profit!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Here you are... you look grrr... <tht>She covers her nose.</tht> What's that stench?!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<big>The stench is you.</big>
<p>And we're standing in a cellar full of rotten meat, mind you. Next time - wear god damn clean clothes, god damn it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... It has to be the meat...">>
<p>Yeah, right.</p>
<<dial "player" "So... what's up?">>
<p>You look around - the freezer is wide open and it seems broken - there's water on the floor.</p>
<big>This part of the story checks out.</big>
<p>And as for the meat...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So I already moved the meat to the bags, they are too heavy for me though...">>
<p>She points to a couple of big plastic bags on the floor.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "...but I'm sure you won't have much problem with them, $!">>
<p>You look at the meat bags (the ones on the floor). $ wrapped it tightly and they're ready to be taken away. But... somehow you hesitate to touch them. They're filled with bloody, sticky goo, and...</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/body_bags.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What the fuck. Did it move?!</tht>">>
<p>I haven't seen a thing.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I swear I saw it move!</tht>">>
<p>Man, your mind is playing tricks on you. It's $, our beloved MILF, she wouldn't hurt a fly <small>(unless this fly would want to be strap-on fucked)</small>.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What if she really did kill someone, cut him into pieces, and now she wants me to take the body away?!</tht>">>
<big>We'll worry about that later.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>IN PRISON?!</tht>">>
<big>Calm down.</big>
<<if $daphVictims > 0>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Don't fuckin' tell me to calm down! She already killed a guy once, remember?!</tht>">>
<p>He got a heart attack!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, it might have been a heart attack, but those tits should be considered a lethal weapon!</tht>">>
<p>Look, kid. I'm on your side here. I mean, whatever is in those bags - this whole situation is against my rules. Going at night to the middle of nowhere with some dirty work just to get your hands on the meat bags (the ones on $ - this kind of approach rarely brings results, unless the result you're looking for is a friend-zone.</p>
<p>But in this case, come on, man, it's gonna be a fun adventure! After all...</p>
<big>'re the main character, I'm sure she won't murder you.</big>
<p><small>(99% sure...)</small></p>
<p>Also, our beloved author, Grave, in his incredible wisdom, didn't create any alternate route for you to go forward in the story. So basically - you have to do it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... ok, I'll do it. I trust Grave.</tht>">>
<p>I don't, but fuck him.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, $ somehow managed to segway into conversation about Africa.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I know what you're thinking - it's not good to throw out food, when the children in Africa are starving, right?! But you have to remember - it's rotten! We don't want to poison children in Africa, do we?! Dumping it into the river seems the most pro-Africa thing to do, right?">>
<big>For the children!</big>
<<btn "#ok" "For you - I'd do just about anything!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#blowjob" "I'll do it - for a blowjob!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#painal" "Well, I hope you like painals...!" "daphne.dom+4; trait=satan" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn "#messiah" "We are all children of god, we need to take care of each other!" "; trait=messiah" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#messiah">>
<p>$ looks at you with awe and trust.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_smile.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "I always liked you, $, but now somehow I also feel I can trust you.">>
<<dial "player" "Of course you can. I can see right through you, and I like what I see...">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/tits_messiah.mp4">>
<p>Well, I have to say my man...</p>
<big>...I like it too!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "You seem so pure and your intentions are so good... I... I... I don't know how to say it... But... If we're done with those meat bags... I would love you to... I don't want to offend you, but would you...">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "...bless my meat bags with your touch...?">>
<<dial "player" "Of course I will, my child...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Thank you!">>
<p>Ok man, I don't even know how that happened, but it's an interesting bonus. Now - let's get to work.</p>
<big>Take the meat bags to the car.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "$questMode+daphMeatBags; charAdd+daphne|daphCar; $permission+; $daphMeatBags_promise+titfuck">>
<<chunk null "#painal">>
<big>That's pretty fucking bold.</big>
<p>Have in mind though - this kind of approach won't work on every girl. Some might get spooked. But if you say it right, to the right kind of woman - you'll get her panties instantly wet.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I don't fucking care if she's spooked or not, as long as I'll end up with a dick in her asshole.</tht>">>
<p>Well, ok...</p>
<big>Let's see what $ think about painals!</big>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#painal_ok", "#daphne_angry", "#daphne_angry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#painal_ok", "#daphne_angry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#painal_ok">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#painal_ok">>
<big>She smiles.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_smile.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, $ you shouldn't talk to me like that...">>
<p>She's embarrassed...</p>
<big>...but smiles.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_ass.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "I mean... I'll think about it... but first you need to help me with the meat, ok?">>
<<dial "player" "Can't say no to my favorite $daphne.relation!">>
<big>Well... Well... Well...</big>
<p>Mister big shot Cult Leader. I have to say - I envy you! When I offer painals to ladies, they reply with firearms.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Thanks.</tht>">>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok... Hurry up, hun. We don't want to spend whole night on it. I'll wait for you in the car.">>
<p>She walks away, leaving you with the meat bags.</p>
<p>Well...? What are you waiting for, pal?</p>
<big>Painal awaits!</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "$questMode+daphMeatBags; charAdd+daphne|daphCar; $permission+; $daphMeatBags_promise+painal">>
<<chunk null "#blowjob">>
<big>That's an interesting move!</big>
<p>What you did there is what we professionals call ''The Blowjob Approach''. Though considered brute, it sometimes yields surprising results. The blowjob scholars mention three main circumstances, which significantly raise your chances for successful usage of The Blowjob Approach - being filthy rich, interacting with a filthy slut, or having filthy nympho wife. In some cases, you will even see combination of all three of those - it's what we call //The Royal Combo//, or - in the old days...</p>
<big>''//Perpetuum Fellatio Mobile//''.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Grrrreat. And now - can we get to the blowjob part?</tht>">>
<big>In a moment.</big>
<p>If The Blowjob Approach is used incorrectly, the effects might be not so pleasant. You might even end up with some physical damage, though - ''don't worry'' - it really rarely happens that...</p>
<big>...they cut off your dong.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Cut of my... Wait, what--?!</tht>">>
<big>Have fun!</big>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#blowjob_ok", "#daphne_angry", "#daphne_angry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#blowjob_ok", "#daphne_angry"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#blowjob_ok">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#blowjob_ok">>
<big>She smiles.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_smile.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, $ you shouldn't talk to me like that...">>
<p>She opens her mouth.</p>
<big>And bites her lip.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_lips.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "I mean... I'll think about it... but first you need to help me with the meat, ok?">>
<<dial "player" "Can't say no to my favorite $daphne.relation!">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok... Hurry up, hun. We don't want to spend whole night on it. I'll wait for you in the car.">>
<p>She walks away, leaving you with the meat bags.</p>
<p>Well...? What are you waiting for, pal?</p>
<big>Blowjob awaits!</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "$questMode+daphMeatBags; charAdd+daphne|daphCar; $permission+; $daphMeatBags_promise+blowjob">>
<<chunk null "#ok">>
<big>She smiles.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_smile.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "I knew I can count on you, $">>
<p>She's about to turn away, but she looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You know, I see how you've been looking at those meat bags. I'm sure you've been dreaming about them, am I right...">>
<big>You look at the meat bags on the floor.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Not that meat bags, dummy...">>
<big>She points to her tits.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_tits.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "You know, if you'd be a good boy, I might go crazy with them.">>
<p>$ smiles to you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok, hun. We don't want to spend whole night on it. I'll wait for you in the car.">>
<p>She turns and walks away, leaving you with the meat bags (the ones on the floor).</p>
<p>Well...? What are you waiting for, pal?</p>
<big>Meat bags await!</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "$questMode+daphMeatBags; charAdd+daphne|daphCar; $permission+; $daphMeatBags_promise+titfuck_maybe">>
<<chunk null "#daphne_angry">>
<big>She sighs.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What the hell, $! I'm your $daphne.relation! I know I'm easy to talk to, but that's not a way to talk to a lady, young man!">>
<p>Well, shit.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What should I do?</tht>">>
<big>Figure something out, man.</big>
<<dial "player" "Ermmm... I'm soooo sorry. I never told you that... but... I actually have a Tourette syndrom. I say stuff that I shouldn't.">>
<p>$ looks at you with disbelief.</p>
<big>And so do I.</big>
<<dial "player" "//BITCH!!!// See? I didn't want to say it at all! I just can't help it!">>
<p>She looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Your turret won't work with me, $">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "And now - get to work. I'll wait for you in the car.">>
<p>She turns and walks away, leaving you with the meat bags (the ones on the floor).</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it.</tht>">>
<p>Take it easy, man. She didn't cut off your dong, so it's not that bad. Now...</p>
<big>Meat bags await!</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "$questMode+daphMeatBags; charAdd+daphne|daphCar; $permission+">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMeatBags=2">> /* Carry the meat bags to the car. */
<big>You stand in front of the three meat bags.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/meat_bags.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So... how should I deal with this meat...?</tht>">>
<big>That's what she said.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Stop joking around, this is serious! Can't you just tell me if there's a body in there...?</tht>">>
<p>I wouldn't know. We didn't reach this point of the story yet, and this Grave dude keeps me out of the loop - so I'm as clueless as you. But...</p>
<big> can always open one and check.</big>
<<btn "#peek" "Open one meat bag and check" "dom+2" "action">>
<<btn "#notpeek" "Naaah... I trust $!" "love+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#peek">>
<big>You unwrap one of the plastic bags and hesitantly look inside...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/meat.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It looks like meat.</tht>">>
<p>So you tell me there's meat in the meat bag?!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, I dunno... I was expecting something like... you know, like body parts and all...</tht>">>
<big>Something like that?</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/human_flesh.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck, now when you say it... How would I know if meat is human or not?</tht>">>
<p>I think you have to taste it to be sure.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Taste it!? Fuck me... Do I have to?</tht>">>
<big>That's the only way.</big>
<<btn "#taste" "Taste the meat" "dom+2" "action">>
<<btn "#notpeek" "No fucking way!" "love+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#taste">>
<big>You take a piece of meat from the bag and...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/meat_eat.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck. It tastes like shit.</tht>">>
<p>It is rotten, you know.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it, I forgot about that! Why didn't you tell me?!</tht>">>
<p>No reason.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck. And I still have no fuckin' clue if it's human or not...</tht>">>
<p>Don't worry.</p>
<big>I got you, bud.</big>
<p>So what we need to do now, is to...</p>
<big>...break into a morgue.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/morgue.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Break into a MORGUE?! You must be kidding me!</tht>">>
<p>Stay with me, man. We're going to break into the morgue, and you're gonna eat a part of the actual human meat, so that you'll have a comparison.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No way!</tht>">>
<big>But wait...</big>
<p>I just realized something. In the morgue all the bodies are well preserved. And we need a rotten human meat, to make a comparison...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What. The. Fuck.</tht>">>
<big>Ok. New plan!</big>
<p>We're going to the cemetery to dig out a corpse. It needs to be at least a week old, up to a month... It's gonna be a perfect example of rotten human meat!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You're just pushing me to do crazy things because you're bored, right...?</tht>">>
<p>True. But it would solve your meat problem!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... I just ate a piece of rotten meat for nothing...</tht>">>
<big>What's //that// thing?!</big>
<big>You pull out a strange object from the bag.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/meat_cookie.mp4">>
<<if !$cookie>>
<<set $cookie = 1>>
<<set $cookie = $cookie + 1>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What the fuck is this...?</tht>">>
<p>It looks like a girl scout cookie...</p>
<big>...if only girl scouts were into Satan.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This is strange...</tht>">>
<p>It is. It is very strange! You gotta taste it man... See if it's made of human flesh!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No fucking way! I'm actually considering going vegan from now on...</tht>">>
<p>Come on. Just one bite!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No. We wasted enough time - I need to take those meat bags to the car!</tht>">>
<big>You put the cookie back into the meat bag and wrap it.</big>
<p>Sigh... It was going so well.</p>
<<btn "#options">>
<<chunk null "#notpeek">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/are_you_sure.mp4">>
<big>What if it really is a human flesh!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Stop doing that!</tht>">>
<p>What do you mean?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You know I'm scared so you're fueling it, because you're bored and want to push me into doing stupid stuff, right...?</tht>">>
<p>True. But I also want to know if it's human or not.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's just a regular meat for sure. Beef or... chicken breast. Anyway, we wasted enough time - I need to take those meat bags to the car!</tht>">>
<<btn "#options">>
<<chunk null "#options">>
<p>Ok, ok...</p>
<big>So you basically have two options.</big>
<p>You can take all of the bags at one go - I'm sure $ will appreciate how strong you are... Or you might be a pussy and carry them one by one.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>They're pretty heavy though... I'm not sure if I manage...</tht>">>
<p>If I were you, I would take it all at once, like a proper man. I feel you can totally do it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You say so...?</tht>">>
<big>I would never lie to you.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/clinton.mp4">>
<<btn "#once" "Carry all the meat bags at once" "dom+" "action">>
<<btn "#thrice" "Carry one meat bag at a time" "love+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#once">>
<p>You pick up one meat bag...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's not that bad...</tht>">>
<p>You hold it with one hand, while you pick up the second one...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck... this one is heavier...</tht>">>
<big>You're doing great!</big>
<p>You lean the meat bags against the wall, and manage to pick up the third one, with a help of your leg.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn... This is really fucking heavy!</tht>">>
<big>Don't be a pussy!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<p>You slowly move towards the stairs leading out of the cellar.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/heavy_load.mp4">>
<p>You manage to walk up the stairs, and out of the house. You notice that $ is sitting in the car...</p>
<big>...looking right at you.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car.jpg">>
<p>You smile back to her.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm almost done...</tht>">>
<p>Let's roll the dice and see if you'll get it to the end.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wait, you said I could totally do it, why do we need to roll the dice...?</tht>">>
<p>It's a normal procedure, you worry too much, my man.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But I am gonna get a good result, right...?</tht>">>
<big>Good luck.</big>
<<media "thumbs_up.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#carry_ok", "#carry_fail", "#carry_fail"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#carry_ok", "#carry_fail"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#carry_ok">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#carry_fail">>
<big>You smile to $</big>
<p>And at the same moment, your foot slips on the wet sidewalk, you lose your balance, make a couple more steps trying to not collapse and...</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/heavy_load_fail.mp4">>
<big>You drop the meat bags and smash your face into the side of the car.</big>
<<yields "sore+" "dialog">>
<big>$ jumps out of the car.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hun! You almost broke the bags! You need to watch out!">>
<<dial "player" "No worries, I was controlling the fall and protecting the meat bags...">>
<p>You smile to her, hiding the fact that your entire face is in pain.</p>
<big>She doesn't buy it.</big>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>God damn it dude, you had one job. It's not every day that Daphne wants your help with her meatbags. Couldn't you do it one by one?!</p>
<big>Was it really necessary to show off?!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>WHAT?! Show off?! You said I could totally do it!</tht>">>
<p>Well, you could do it. But you didn't. That's a problem!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>The problem is - you told me to go for it, so I thought it's in the bag. Like - the meat bags are in the bag. Fuck. You know what I mean!</tht>">>
<p>Naaah, dude, it wasn't in the bag. I said you could do it just because I like to roll those dices once in a while, that's all. It's pretty boring over here, you know. You gotta learn to enjoy a moment.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sheeesh...</tht>">>
<<dial "daphne" "So... do you need my help?">>
<<dial "player" "No no, I'm gonna do it myself!">>
<p>You pick yourself up, and start moving the meat bags to the trunk of the car one by one.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/load_finish.mp4">>
<p>Finally, after a moment, you're done.</p>
<big>Now it's time to join $ in the car!</big>
<<btn "daphCar" null "$questMode+daphMeatBags">>
<<chunk null "#carry_ok">>
<p>You cautiously make your way to the back of the car and...</p>
<big>You drop the meat bags into the trunk.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/heavy_load_ok.mp4">>
<p>$ waves to you from the car and smiles.</p>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>Well, it seems you managed to carry them all at once. That's a surprise...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Surprise? You said I could totally do it.</tht>">>
<p>Uhmmm, yeah...</p>
<big>It's time to join $ in the car!</big>
<<btn "daphCar" null "$questMode+daphMeatBags">>
<<chunk null "#thrice">>
<big>You pick up one meat bag.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's not that bad...</tht>">>
<p>You confidently walk towards the stairs leading out of the cellar.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/load.mp4">>
<p>Ok man, have it your way. go unload it in the trunk of the car...</p>
<big>...and then come back for next meat bag.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "$questMode+daphMeatBags; $meatBag+1; daphMeatBags-">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMeatBags=3">> /* Go to the car. */
<big>You enter the car.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Finally! Now, give me back my key to the cellar!">>
<<dial "player" "Come on... Can't I keep it?">>
<<dial "daphne" "No, hun. Cellar will remain closed. I allowed you there just because of the meat. Come on, we don't have all night.">>
<p>You sigh and give her back the key.</p>
<<yields "daphCelKey-" "dialog">>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok, hun. We're ready, you can start up the engine!">>
<p>You look at her surprised.</p>
<<dial "player" "Me?! But... I don't have a driving licence!">>
<<dial "daphne" "So what?">>
<big>So what?!</big>
<<dial "player" "Well... it kinda is needed to drive a car!">>
<<dial "daphne" "What?! It's the first time I hear this. You must have mixed things up, hun!">>
<big>She smiles in a reassuring way.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_convincing1.jpg">>
<p>God damn it, man.</p>
<big>She knows how to present a convincing argument!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But I don't know how to drive!</tht>">>
<p>Why are you telling this to me?! Tell it to her!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... So... The problem is - I don't know how to drive!">>
<<dial "daphne" "It's easy, you'll learn in no time!">>
<<dial "player" "But why can't you drive?!">>
<p>Her face gets serious.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Because I don't know how!">>
<p>I really feel we can get more out of this situation, man. Stand your ground!</p>
<<btn "#driveAgree" "Ok, ok... I'll drive the car!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#driveBargain" "You'd have to do something more to convince me." "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#driveBargain">>
<p>I'm so proud of you, buddy! So fucking proud! You're gonna be a proper alpha sooner than you think.</p>
<big>$ sighs.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Convince you... like... how?">>
<<dial "player" "Look! It's the middle of the night, the car is full of meat, and you want me to drive it without a licence!">>
<<if !$daphMeatBags_promise>>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... you acted badly before, but I might still give you a reward if you do it...">>
<<dial "player" "I want something now, or I'm not going.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... I though we agreed we'll talk about a reward at the end.">>
<p>She winks to you.</p>
<<dial "player" "I want something now, or I'm not going.">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<big>And then leans in closer to you.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, come on, $ do it for me, ok hun?">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_convincing2.mp4">>
<p>Her tits push against your chest, which instantly gets you dick hard.</p>
<big>It's like the car has a second gear stick.</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhh... I mean... I...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Just do it for your $daphne.relation...">>
<big>Man, don't give up now.</big>
<p>Maybe convince her to teach you how to change the gears... on your dick?</p>
<<btn "#driveAgree" "Ok, ok, I'm gonna drive the car!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#pushFurther" "First you need to show me how to switch gears!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#pushFurther">>
<p>You point to your dick.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/gear_stick.jpg">>
<big>I like the attitude.</big>
<p>Fingers crossed, my man.</p>
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#gearAgree", "#gearNo", "#gearNo"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#gearAgree", "#gearNo"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#gearAgree">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#gearAgree">>
<p>$ looks down on your dick...</p>
<big>...and smiles.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... I guess you're right...">>
<p>She pulls out your dick from your pants.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So... at the start you need to be really delicate with your gear stick... Just like that...">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_convincing3.mp4">>
<big>Who's the best wingman on the planet!?</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh... yeah... you are... I mean... you are great at... explaining car... stuff...">>
<p>She speeds up.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "But then, when you get it going, you need to grab it more firmly.">>
<<dial "player" "Yeahhhh... and... and... what if it jams?">>
<big>Good one!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "If it jams...">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" " need to oil it up a bit.">>
<p>She opens her mouth and wraps her lips around your dick.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_convincing4.mp4">>
<p>She starts slow, but soon works her mouth faster and faster.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "<tht>gobble-gobble-gobble</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "Yeahhhh... uhh... yeah! Uhh!">>
<p>It doesn't take long before your dick starts pulsating and...</p>
<big> shoot thick cream hard into the back of her mouth.</big>
<p>Her eyes widen at the amount of cum. She moves her head away from your dick, and opens her mouth in front of you.</p>
<big>Cum is filling it to the brim.</big>
<<btn "#swallow" "Swallow it!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#spit" "Spit it out on your tits!" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#swallow">>
<big>$ does what she's told.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_convincing5_swallow.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "<tht>gulp!</tht> MMmm... tasty cum!">>
<p>Oh shit, man. How I wish it was my cum. $ is such a great fuck...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So now - start the car.">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh... yeah... ok... just give me a moment--">>
<<dial "daphne" "NOW!!!">>
<<dial "player" "Ok, ok, sheesh... <tht>She might be a great fuck, but she's crazy bitch sometimes!</tht>">>
<big>You can't have it all...</big>
<<btn "#driveAgree">>
<<chunk null "#spit">>
<big>$ does what she's told.</big>
<p>She wiggles her tongue, and the cum drips to her tits.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_convincing5_spit.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "MMmm... Like that...?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... spit it all out...">>
<p>Oh shit, man. How I wish it was my cum. $ is such a great fuck...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So now - start the car.">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh... yeah... ok... just give me a moment--">>
<<dial "daphne" "NOW!!!">>
<<dial "player" "Ok, ok, sheesh... <tht>She might be a great fuck, but she's crazy bitch sometimes!</tht>">>
<big>You can't have it all...</big>
<<btn "#driveAgree">>
<<chunk null "#gearNo">>
<p>$ looks down on your dick...</p>
<big>...and sighs.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh $ You were such a nice boy, and now? I don't know what happened to you!">>
<big>Life happened.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "If you don't want to drive, I'm gonna drive!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck! You told me to go for it!</tht>">>
<p>Man, it's good that you did. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Her hand was so close to your dick, you can't waste an opportunity like that.</p>
<big>And I still think we're gonna turn it around.</big>
<p>It's not like she threw you out of the car.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... ok.</tht>">>
<big>$ sits on the driver seat.</big>
<p>And it quickly becomes clear that she wasn't lying about her driving...</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/passenger.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Not that way!">>
<<dial "daphne" "So which way?!">>
<<dial "player" "LITERALLY ANY OTHER WAY!">>
<<dial "daphne" "You have to be more specific!">>
<<dial "player" "What was that!?">>
<p>Left side mirror is no more.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "That was other's guy fault!">>
<<dial "player" "No it wasn't!">>
<p>I don't think you're going to convince her. Oh, and also...</p>
<<dial "player" "And that!?">>
<big>No more mirrors, my man!</big>
<p>$ pulls down a window and yells at the other car.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Learn to drive, you fucker!">>
<p>In general this seems like a good moment to pray for your life, but you notice something. There's a whole bunch of Krishna dudes in front of you.</p>
<big>I'm sure you played games enough to know what it means...</big>
<<dial "player" "THE KRISHNAS!">>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm Jewish, $!">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/gta.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "FUCK! You rammed through them!">>
<<dial "daphne" "I did it for Jesus!">>
<p>Well, it was Moses just a moment ago, but who cares...</p>
<big>Jesus approves!</big>
<<dial "player" "Ok. That's enough. I'm gonna drive!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Finally!">>
<p>Ahhh, it was starting to be interesting! Do you have to be such a cockblocker, man!?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm a death blocker, god damn it.</tht>">>
<big>$ stops and gets out the car.</big>
<<btn "#driveAgree">>
<<chunk null "#driveAgree">>
<big>You sit on the driver's seat.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_convincing6.mp4">>
<p>You look at $</p>
<<dial "player" "So... where do we go?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Just... go. I'll tell you when to stop.">>
<p>You start up the car and drive forward. The engine stalls every time you try to switch gear, but quickly you manage to figure it out. It turns out it really isn't that hard to drive a car, but just in case - you drive really slowly.</p>
<big>Meanwhile, $ cannot keep her mouth shut.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_talk1.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "The roads are so dangerous these days... I mean. I don't get why some people are allowed behind the wheel. There should be a law against that!">>
<big>There is.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Also, cars are so dangerous... especially those seat belts... I've heard they can cut off your head... Oh, and the air bags - they are the worst! Imagine that you're driving around, minding your business, and then - BAM! - the airbag blows in your face. No, thank you, I have my own air bags!">>
<big>She points to her tits.</big>
<p>Man, did you hear me?! She talks about her air bags!!!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm focused on the driving!</tht>">>
<big>Say something!</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... so... air bags, right?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I love those two puppies... I hope you don't mind if I let them breathe for a moment?">>
<p>She lowers her shirt and...</p>
<big>Oh my.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_talk2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What's happening?</tht>">>
<p>What do you mean //what's happening//?! Just look at her!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I can't look! I'm on the road!</tht>">>
<big>Your loss.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_talk3.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Boobs have so many functions, it's crazy! It's like Navy Seals of body parts. I mean, think about it - accident protection, feeding babies, earning cash. Not that I'm that kind of girl, but still...">>
<big>You're exactly that kind of girl, $</big>
<<dial "daphne" "You can even put something between them, to free your hands.">>
<p>For example: dick.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "There's just so much they can do...">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck!">>
<big>Look at you, so direct.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No! There's a police car behind us.</tht>">>
<p>Oh... in that case:</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/police1.mp4">>
<big>It's because you were going so slow!</big>
<<dial "player" "So what now?!">>
<<dial "daphne" "What do you mean what now...?">>
<<dial "player" "What do you mean what do I mean?! I have no driving licence. We have a car full of meat of god knows what. And there's a fucking police car behind us.">>
<p>I was just going to write a summary of my own, but you nailed it. Thanks, bro!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So what...?">>
<<dial "player" "God damn it. At the minimum, we will get a ticket and they will confiscate the car.">>
<<dial "daphne" "A ticket? Like... to the circus? And - by the way - I love confetti! Especially with cheese!">>
<p>Well, she's clueless buddy.</p>
<big>You're on your own.</big>
<p>Meanwhile, the police car signals you to stop.</p>
<big>You pull to the side of the road.</big>
<p>The policeman is walking your way.</p>
<<dial "player" "We're so fucked.">>
<p>Too bad, man, I was having fun! But don't expect me to visit you in prison.</p>
<big>The policeman knocks on the car window.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/police2.mp4">>
<<btn null "I forgot my papers, can I email them?" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn null "I don't have a driving license..." "" "dialog">>
<big>The policeman puts his hand on a gun.</big>
<<dial "guy" "Please step out of the vehicle.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht> Yes, sir.">>
<p>You're about to open the doors...</p>
<big>...when you hear $</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Can't it wait, mr. policeman? We're in a hurry!">>
<p>You look at her in panic. The policeman leans in to the car.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Please don't get involv--">>
<big>And then he freezes at the sight of her tits.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_police.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Hi, mr. policeman!">>
<p>It takes him a moment to snap back to his senses. He looks at you, with a very different expression on his face.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Sir - I see that you're carrying a high priority cargo!">>
<<dial "player" "High-what?!">>
<<dial "guy" "Why didn't you say it right away, sir!?">>
<big>I honestly have no idea what's going on.</big>
<<dial "player" "Well... I--">>
<<dial "guy" "Doesn't matter! You don't have to explain yourself. Sorry for bothering you, sir! You can go of course!">>
<<dial "player" "We can go?!">>
<big>Don't ask, just do!!!</big>
<p>You're about to start your engine, but the policeman stops you.</p>
<<dial "guy" "No! WAIT!">>
<big>Ahh, shit. So close.</big>
<big>The policeman signals to his partner in the police car.</big>
<<dial "guy" "Willie, come here quickly!">>
<p>Well, now you're double fucked. Why didn't you go when he let you?!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I was in shock!</tht>">>
<p>Willie appears, and the first policeman shows him $'s tits.</p>
<<dial "guy" "What do you think, Willie - 32G?">>
<big>Willie takes a moment to asses.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/police3.jpg">>
<<dial "guy" "I'd say 34GG easily, Dick...">>
<<dial "guy" "Mam, is my partner's assesment correct?">>
<p>$ giggles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "It is! Good guess mr. policeman!">>
<p>Dick looks at you.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Sir, all the boobs above 32G need to be transported with police escort.">>
<<dial "player" "What...?">>
<big>One //what// for me too.</big>
<<dial "guy" "I'm serious, sir. Where are you taking the boobs?">>
<p>Figure something out man, we don't want him to know about the meat.</p>
<<dial "player" "We're just going for a ride, you know, to see the ocean and... whales?">>
<p>$ leans in.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "We're looking for a good spot to bury some meat!">>
<p>God damn.</p>
<big>This bitch is gonna send you to electric chair.</big>
<p>The policemen look at each other...</p>
<<dial "guy" "I know a spot. We found a dead guy there couple weeks back. I think there's still a hole in the ground, so you won't have to dig.">>
<<dial "daphne" "That's perfect!">>
<<dial "guy" "Just follow us, we'll lead you there.">>
<p>Policemen hurry back to their car, put on a siren, and drive to your side. Willie looks at you through the side window.</p>
<<dial "guy" "Ready when you are, sir.">>
<<dial "player" "O... K...">>
<big>You just sit there for a moment.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Hun, what are you waiting for?">>
<<dial "player" "I don't know what just happened.">>
<<dial "daphne" "The police will escort us to a place where we can bury the meat, hun.">>
<<dial "player" "But... why would they do that!?">>
<p>I think I figured it out...</p>
<big>We've been drugged.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "What do you mean why? It's always like that. Police is very helpful.">>
<big>Man, just drive.</big>
<big>You follow the police car.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/police4.mp4">>
<p>After couple minutes the police stops next to a forest. They honk, letting you know it's the spot. $ waves to them from the side window.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Thank you, officers!">>
<p>They drive away into the night, leaving you alone with $</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok, $! Let's go!">>
<p>She steps out of the car.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_spot1.mp4">>
<p>(By the way - it's still a middle of the night. Don't be a pain in the ass and just imagine it, k?)</p>
<big>$ opens a trunk.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Ok, hun! Take the meat and bury it quickly. I'm gonna wait up here for you!">>
<p>At this point - you just do what you're told without asking.</p>
<p>You pick up the first meat bag and take it to the forest. The spot police guy was telling you about is easy to find - police tape is still around it.</p>
<big>You throw the first bag into the hole.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/drag_bags.mp4">>
<p>Man, why so aggressive? It's just meat bags.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>These are not the kind of meat bags I had in mind, when I started playing this fucking game.</tht>">>
<p>Come on, man. There's gonna be plenty more meat bags. The right ones. Just have patience!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<p>You come back to the car for the second bag, and then for the third.</p>
<big>After a moment all the meat bags are in the hole.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "You're doing great, hun!">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_car_spot2.mp4">>
<p>She waves at you, and her tits and ass jiggles with every move.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Don't care, shut up...</tht>">>
<p>Ok, ok... was only trying to make things more interesting.</p>
<big>You take a shovel and cover the hole with dirt.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/digging.mp4">>
<<wrapper "$daphMeatBags_clean=1">>
<<dial "player" "God damn. What was the point of finding clean t-shirt if I ended up fucking it up anyway?!">>
<p>The point was to wear clean clothes... but at this point - I guess it was a bad call on my part.</p>
<<dial "player" "At least I haven't wore a clean t-shirt for that!">>
<p>Well, that was actually a good call on your part...</p>
<big>Sorry for calling you a filthy pig.</big>
<<set $daphMeatBags_clean = null>>
<big>You finish and go back to the car.</big>
<p>$ giggles seeing you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh hun, you're my hero! Let's go back home!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>You don't even have a strength to answer her. You just sit in the car, start up the engine, and drive back home.</p>
<p>Finally, after some time...</p>
<big> arrive in front of $'s house.</big>
<p>$ looks at you with a smile.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "You've been such a good kid, $ You deserve a proper reward.">>
<big>Now we're talking.</big>
<p>Man, say something.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht> Reward! Grrrreat!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, I knew you'd like that! It's too late for that now, but come to my room tommorow night, and I'll have something prepared for you. Ok, hun?">>
<<dial "player" "Ok...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh, haha, I can see you're really tired. I'll let you go back to your room to get some sleep! Thanks for everything!">>
<p>You step out of the car, walk back to your room, and throw yourself on the bed.</p>
<big>It was a long night.</big>
<<btn "daphGuest">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMeatBags=4">> /* Find Daphne in the evening */
<p>First things first - are you sure you have a clean t-shirt? Have you checked if your dick doesn't smell like shit? Have you washed your ass?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why would I wash my ass!? I want to fuck her, not the other way around!</tht>">>
<big>Man, honestly, these are basics.</big>
<p>What if she would want to give you a rimjob? You're lowering your chances on the start - that's soooo beta. And we shouldn't even have this conversation - part of being an alpha is coming up with simple rituals, doing them in 5 fucking minutes, and moving along to fucking bitches. Trust me - you'd feel better about yourself knowing that you have the basics covered.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sheesh, ok... give me a minute!</tht>">>
<p>You go into the bathroom and disappear there for a quick shower. After a moment you show up, clean as a whistle.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Done!</tht>">>
<big>Now, you're ready!</big>
<big>You knock at $'s doors.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Yeees?">>
<<dial "player" "It's me! $! Can I come in?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Sure you can, hun! I was waiting for you!">>
<big>You push the door handle and open the doors.</big>
<p>The lights are dimmed, so it takes you a moment to adjust. You notice $ sitting on the bed.</p>
<big>But there's something different about her...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_covers.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Heeey... what's up with the... is everything ok?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I have a surprise for you!">>
<p>God damn, I think it's the first time in my life that I'm going to say it, but...</p>
<big>...I hope she didn't make her boobs bigger.</big>
<p>I mean, there are limits to the extent of my perversion. She was already on a level that made me ashamed of myself each time I cummed looking at those bazoongas.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up already!</tht> So... surprise...? What surprise?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I was so thankful for your help with the meat, that I though I should come up with something to repay you.">>
<big>I have some pretty good ideas...</big>
<<dial "daphne" "So I have something really special... It's called - ''meat tornado''!">>
<p>Please tell me it involves your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "Haha, bring it on!">>
<big>$ rises her shirt and...</big>
<big>...reveals a plate with burgers hidden underneath.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/meatTornado.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... are these burgers?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Not just any burgers, hun. They are the most delicious burgers on the planet! And they have a little dirty secret too.">>
<big>She winks.</big>
<p>God damn. Burgers, seriously?! Now I actually think I'd prefer if she got bigger boobs. I'm really not in the mood for meat after the whole night operation...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... same here.</tht> Oh, meat-tornados! That's awwwesooome!">>
<p>$ puts the burgers in front of your face.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Try it, hun! You'll love it!">>
<big>Shit, this is a tough one.</big>
<p>The truth is, it's very bad to say no when a lady made cooked something specifically for you. Some gals get really offended by that. And I'm sure $ will give you extra points for tasting her cooking, I think she's that type.</p>
<p>Then again - and I cannot stress this enough - if you're really not into something, then don't do it. That wouldn't be a way of the alpha.</p>
<<btn "#eat" "Meat tornado sounds great! I'm gonna eat one!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#noeat" "Nah, I kinda eaten, so I'm not that hungry." "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#noeat">>
<big>She's visibly disappointed by your decision.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "Well... ok. I was hoping you're gonna like it...">>
<<dial "player" "I'm sure it's tasty, but I'm full. I'm gonna eat it tomorrow, ok?">>
<<dial "daphne" "It won't be as good tomorrow... but ok.">>
<<yields "meatTornado+3" "dialog">>
<p>She took it quite well.</p>
<<btn "#cellar">>
<<chunk null "#eat">>
<p>You take one meat-tornado in your hand...</p>
<big>...and take a bite.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/chewing.mp4">>
<p>Surprisingly... it actually tastes good.</p>
<big>But there's something more...</big>
<p>You look down, at your pants and... oh my!</p>
<big>You got a hard on!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/hardon.mp4">>
<<yields "meatTornado+3; viagred+; fed+">>
<<dial "player" "What the hell...">>
<p>$ giggles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I told you you'll like it! It's a secret recepy, works better than viagra, haha. And it's all natural, very eco friendly!">>
<big>That's an interesting development.</big>
<p>I was 99% sure she's going to poison you, but this seems way better.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Poison me?! Why didn't you say so?!</tht>">>
<p>Oh, don't be a pain in the ass, $ There are always saves, right?!</p>
<<btn "#cellar">>
<<chunk null "#cellar">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "But I was also thinking... well... I know meat-tornados might not be enough for all the help I got from you. I still feel like I owe you.">>
<big>Oh yes you do.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She owes me, not you!</tht>">>
<p>Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "So I was thinking... I saw how you were eyeballing all the equipment in the cellar... maybe I could let you in there for a moment... so that you could... you know... look around?">>
<big>Hell yeah! Finally!</big>
<<dial "player" "That would be great!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Haha, ok. Follow me. But don't get your hopes up, it's just this once...">>
<h2 class="border">$'s cellar</h2>
<<media "locations/daphCel/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<big>You follow $ to the cellar.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "I honestly don't know much about this stuff... it was already here when I bought the house... that's why I keep it locked... but you can ask, maybe I'd be able to answer some questions...">>
<p>You look around.</p>
<<dial "player" "So... what does this do?">>
<p>You point at the dildo bike.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/dildo_bike.jpg">>
<p>Honestly, man, you don't know what the dildo bike does?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm teasing her, shut up.</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_dildo.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "It's a... I mean... I can't be sure, but... I think you sit on it, and it... you know... //it penetrates you//.">>
<p>You can clearly see she's embarrassed, but at the same time - she's getting more aroused with every word.</p>
<big>Keep it up, it might work!</big>
<<dial "player" "It penetrates you? That's sooo interesting, I would never guess.">>
<<dial "player" "And this?">>
<p>You point to a smotherbox.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/smotherbox.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "It's a smo... I mean... I guess it's something... like... to sit... on a man's face... and... kinda... smother him with your... uhmmm... bottom.">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_aroused.jpg">>
<big>It's totally working!</big>
<<dial "player" "And this...?">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/bondage_equipment.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "It's for... uhmmm... so that you... I mean...">>
<p>She's sweating.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is it hot in here...?">>
<p>She starts unbuttoning her sweater and...</p>
<big>...she goes one button too far.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_tits.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh fuck, I can't take it anymore...">>
<big>She runs up the stairs and shuts the doors to the cellar.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck. Did I scare her away?!</tht>">>
<p>I have a feeling she'll be back.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I sure hope so...</tht>">>
<p>You sit on the leather chair in the corner and...</p>
<big>Wait a minute - what's that thing?!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/ash_hand.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Uhmm... It looks like a wooden prosthetic hand... Why?</tht>">>
<p>I'm not sure but...</p>
<big>...didn't $ had a hand like that?</big>
<p>You know, the guy from the store that disappeared?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Hmm... now when you said it... yeah, I think he did.</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/ash_with_hand.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It looks similar... do you think it's his? How would it end up in $'s cellar?</tht>">>
<p>Well, I'm not sure... but it's worth investigating. It seems $ might know him, maybe she knows where he went?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'll ask her--</tht>">>
<p>Same moment, the doors to the cellar open and...</p>
<big>OH FUCK.</big>
<big>$ walks in, with rope tied around her tits.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_fuckme.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "I need you to fuck me, $ I need you to fuck me real badly. I need you to bring me pain. A lot of pain.">>
<<if $player.lvl < 4>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck! What should I do?</tht>">>
<p>What the fuck do you mean //what should I do//?!</p>
<big>You do whatever you want with her.</big>
<p>This is the moment you've been dreaming about. You can literally rape her, and she'll be thankful. Have fun, my man!</p>
<p>I envy you. This is a moment I've been dreaming about. You could literally rape her, and she'd be thankful...</p>
<<dial "player" "Well then.. let's have some fun.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Will you do it? Will you fuck me like a dirty whore?">>
<<dial "player" "Shut up, whore.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes, master.">>
<big>My boy!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_01.mp4">>
<p>You approach her slowly... get really close to her... You're well aware you can take your time... This whore is going to wait as long as you feel like it.</p>
<big>So you decide to start it slow...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_02.mp4">>
<p>You can taste her arousal in her mouth. But kissing is just the beginning...</p>
<big>'s time to have some fun.</big>
<<dial "player" "Sit on the floor, whore. And spread your legs.">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_03.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Like that?">>
<<dial "player" "What are you, stupid?! Wider!">>
<p>You grab a rope and tie her ankles, so that she'll keep it spread out.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm gonna have some fun with your pussy now. And don't you dare have an orgasm.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes master. I'll try.">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_04.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Ohhh... Ahhh... It's... it'ssss....">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_05.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "What did I tell you, whore? You don't deserve to enjoy it.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes... I've been a bad whore... I mustn't en.. joy... it... AHHHHHH!!!">>
<p>I don't think she heard you, buddy.</p>
<big>You need to punish her more.</big>
<big>You grab her hair and pull with all your strength.</big>
<<dial "player" "Shut up, whore. Resist the pleasure.">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_06.mp4">>
<p>The pool of $'s juices is growing on the floor.</p>
<big>I'd say she enjoys it way too much.</big>
<<dial "player" "It seems you cannot control your pussy... It's gonna be punished...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Fuck my pussy, master.">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck your pussy? I don't think so. I'm gonna burn it.">>
<p>She looks at you, panicked, while you pull out a candle and light it.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "$, no! Don't burn... AHHHHH!!!!">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_07.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "You will call me master, whore. Is that understood?">>
<<dial "player" "Too late, whore.">>
<p>You bring the fire really close to her wet pussy. You can almost hear it beginning to frizz.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "IT HURTS... IT HURTSSS.... AHHHHH!!!!">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_08.mp4">>
<p>At the last moment... you blow out the fire. $ sighs with relief.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Thank you... thank you, master...">>
<<dial "player" "You think it's the end? Now we're gonna work on your asshole, whore.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes... work on my asshole... Punish it">>
<p>You find a metal hook and...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "AAAHHHHH!!!!">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_09.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Shut up, whore.">>
<p>You grab a loose rope and tie one end to the hook, and another to her hair.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_10.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "It hurts!">>
<<dial "player" "Good.">>
<p>You grab a magic wand and put it to her pussy.</p>
<<dial "player" "Resist the orgasm, whore.">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_11.mp4">>
<p>She bites her lips and clenches her fists, but she cannot resist it any longer...</p>
<big>...she cums.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_12.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "You fucking whore! What did I tell you?!">>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it...!">>
<<dial "player" "Well, now you've made me mad.">>
<p>You drop the wand, pull out your dick, and put it in front of her face.</p>
<<dial "player" "Suck my dick, whore.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes master!">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_13.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "<tht>Gulp... gulp... gulp...</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "Faster.">>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_14.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "<tht>Gulp-gulp-gulp--</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "What the fuck is this, did you learn to do a blowjob in a fucking nursery home?!">>
<p>You grab her head with both hands...</p>
<big>...and fuck it like a melon.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_15.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "<tht>Gobble-gobble-gobble--</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "That's the way to do it, whore!">>
<<dial "daphne" "<tht>Gobble-gobble-gobble--</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "Now give me your asshole!">>
<p>She removes your dick from her mouth.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Yes, master!">>
<p>She quickly climbs on you and puts your dick in her ass like a proper whore.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_16.mp4">>
<big>You fuck her ass mercilessly.</big>
<p>It's like your dick was democracy and her asshole had oil.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "YES!! FUCK ME!! FUCK MY ASS, MASTER!!!">>
<p>You throw her on the floor, and go even deeper into her ass.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_17.mp4">>
<p>$ squeals with every push, and you feel your dick starts pulsating.</p>
<big>Your orgasm is closing.</big>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming, whore!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Fill me with your semen, master!!!">>
<p>You arch back as the first spurt of your cum shoots into a hot vacuum of $'s ass. And then another, and another.</p>
<big>You fill it to the brim.</big>
<p>Finally, when you're all done, you pull out...</p>
<big>...and enjoy the view of your cum dripping from her ass.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMeatBags/daphne_bdsm_18.mp4">>
<p>It takes a minute or two, before you both come back to your senses.</p>
<big>$ looks at you like she came back from a long voyage.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "That was... that was... We need to forget it happened.">>
<big>I don't think it's possible.</big>
<<dial "player" "But why? Didn't you enjoy it?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I... I need to be alone... Please leave.">>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now!!!">>
<p>You gather your clothes and walk out of the cellar, leaving $ with gaping asshole full of your cum. Don't worry, I'm sure it's not the last time you've visited that ass with your cock.</p>
<big>This is how the story of meat bags comes to an end.</big>
<p>I would call it a success, and a huge step on your way to becoming an alpha.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I don't know what took over me... I completely lost it... Maybe I went too far?</tht>">>
<big>Naaah, it's fine.</big>
<p>All of us have this fucking Neanderthal inside. You need to let it out from time to time. If only a girl enjoys it, than everything is good.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well... Ok.</tht>">>
<p>The only thing that bothers me is that wooden hand... did it belong to $</p>
<big>I feel we need to investigate it a bit further.</big>
<<btn "daphHouse" null "counter:daphMeatBagsDebuff-5">>
<<EVENT "noRand; daphne">>
<p class="fi0">You knock at the doors to the cellar.</p>
<<media `"activities/knock/knocking" + random(1,3) + ".mp4"` "si1">>
<p class="fi2">You hear a strange commotion and muffled voices coming from inside.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh shit!" "fi2">>
<<dial "player" "It's $ Just wanted to talk." "fi3">>
<<dial "daphne" "Errr... Not right now, hun. I'm busy." "fi3">>
<<dial "player" "It'll just take a moment..." "fi4">>
<<dial "daphne" "Come back... err... come back tomorrow." "fi4">>
<p class="fi5">It seems there's nothing you can do.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null null "si5">>
/* Quests */
<<btn "daphMeatBags" "Get into the car" "daphMeatBags=3" "quest">>
<<btn $curLoc "Unload first meat bag" "daphMeatBags=2; $meatBag=1; $meatBag+1" "quest store">>
<<btn $curLoc "Unload second meat bag" "daphMeatBags=2; $meatBag=3; $meatBag+1" "quest store">>
<<btn $curLoc "Unload third meat bag" "daphMeatBags=2; $meatBag=5; $meatBag+null; daphMeatBags+" "quest store">>
/* Closed doors */
<<wrapper "$curLocDoor=locked">>
<<btn "drive" "Drive" "!daphne; item:daphCarKey" "quick">> /*[[drive]]*/
/* Exit */
<<btn $curLocParent "Go out" null "exit">>
<</chunks>>/* Create arrays with items (base items are findable many times, unique items can be found just once) */
<<set _searchItemsBase to ["meatTornado+", "cash+2", "aphro+", "viagra+", "nothing"]>>
<<set _searchItemsUnique to ["meatTornado+", "meatTornado+", "roofies+", "cash+5", "cash+15", "cash+25", "cash+50"]>>
/* Define found item */
<<searchLoc _searchItemsBase _searchItemsUnique>>
<p class="fi0">You check every corner of the cellar. Under the bondage bed, in the whip cabinet, and under the dildo bike.</p>
<big class="fi2">And finally...</big>
/* Set the image */
<<if _foundItem && _foundItemId != "cash">>
<<set _foundItemMedia to _foundItem.replace(/\+/gi, '') +".jpg">>
<<media `"activities/search/daphCel/" + _foundItemMedia` "si4">>
<big class="si5 center">_foundItemText</big>
/* Set the link to next chunk */
<<if _foundItem == "meatTornado+">>
<<set _chunkLink to "#more">>
<<set _chunkLink to null>>
<<btn _chunkLink null null "si6">>
<<chunk null "#more">>
<<if _foundItem == "meatTornado+">>
<p>I'm not a huge meat guy, but there's something about those meat-tornados, which gets me really excited.</p>
<big>It's basically like a mix between meatballs and viagra.</big>
<<media "activities/search/daphCel/meatTornado.mp4">>
/* Define if we also learn about kink */
<<if $daphne.kinkKnown != 1>>
<<set _chunkLinkKink to "#moreKink">>
<<set _chunkLinkKink to null>>
<<btn _chunkLinkKink>>
<<chunk null "#moreKink">>
<big>But you also notice something else hid behind the bondage bed...</big>
<<dial "player" "What the hell...">>
<<media "surprise.mp4">>
<p>You see a bunch of porn dvd's. And you notice something very specific about them...</p>
<<media "activities/search/daphAlex/anal1.jpg">>
<<media "activities/search/daphAlex/anal2.jpg">>
<<media "activities/search/daphAlex/anal3.jpg">>
<p>You realize something shocking.</p>
<<media "shock.mp4">>
<big>$ is into <<print setup.sexCat.find(obj => {return === $daphne.kink}).name>>!</big>
<<btn null null "">>
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=0">> /* Intro. */
<p>You pull the door handle in hopes that the doors will be open.</p>
<big>They are not.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/doors_closed.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But I wanna get inside...</tht>">>
<p>We all want something.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Come on... Think about what happens in this cellar! The bondage shit. $ getting her ass wrecked. I can barely see anything through this hole in my room - if I got my hands on the key I could install cameras maybe, you know...</tht>">>
<p>I know. And still no.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But why?! Maybe you could talk with this Grave dude... ask him...?</tht>">>
<big>I'm not asking him shit!</big>
<p>Besides, he doesn't listen to me. He's always busy. Busy busy busy. He doesn't consult stuff with me. I'm just a fucking narrator. Disposable hero.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sheesh, what's his problem...</tht>">>
<big>I can hear your thoughts, $</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh. Sorry... Or you know what...? I'm not even sorry. You should be on my side, man. Help me out.</tht>">>
<p>Look. I like to watch $ getting bondaged and fucked mercilessly just as the next guy, but...</p>
<big>...unless you'll ''make a key'', you won't get inside.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, you already told me I can't get inside.</tht>">>
<p>No, I told you that ''unless you'll make a key'', you won't get inside.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So ''I can't get inside''.</tht>">>
<<media "pathetic.mp4">>
<big>You can make a fucking key god damn it.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ohhhhh!</tht>">>
<p>If Grave asking - you figured it out yourself.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Riiight!</tht>">>
<p>You inspect the keyhole.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So... how do I make a key?</tht>">>
<p>Oh god damn it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok - don't tell me! I'll figure it out myself!</tht>">>
<big>That's new.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh! I know! In the movies they usually have this special thingy to copy the key. You know... Play-doh!</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, exactly! So where can I get some Play-doh...? Don't tell me...</tht>">>
<big>I won't.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=1">> /* Look around for Play-doh. */
<p>You wait until you're alone with $ in the store, and then approach her with a smile.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/smile.mp4">>
<<btn null "Hey $, what's up?" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Hey baby girl, missed me?" "mia.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_sad.jpg">>
<big>She sighs, and looks at you with teary eyes.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Not great, actually. Since we saw each other last time couple things happened.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck. What happened?">>
<<dial "mia" "Long story, I don't want to bother you, honestly...">>
<p>She turns her eyes away.</p>
<<btn null "Come on, you can totally tell me!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#prankRuin" "Ok, then don't!" "mia.dom+1" "dialog">>
<big>She sighs heavily.</big>
<<dial "mia" "I don't even know where to start. So I was going home after work... I walk out of the bus... and there was this guy there... so I started walking... and he was walking right after me... He was getting closer, you know, I could totally hear his breath...">>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck.">>
<<dial "mia" "What...?">>
<<dial "player" "I mean... I'm afraid to ask, but... did... something... happened...?">>
<<dial "mia" "What?! Nothing happened! He was breathing heavily, because he was jogging.">>
<<dial "player" "I thought...">>
<<btn null "Anyway, continue!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#prankRuin" "I've heard enough!" "mia.dom+1" "dialog">>
<<dial "mia" "So, I was walking home... when I saw... this little girl... I mean, she was maybe 5, she was in this white, long robe... I couldn't see well, because there was this thick mist, and... I remember she was looking right at me and...">>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck...">>
<<dial "mia" "What...?">>
<<dial "player" "Ghost stories give me chills...!">>
<big>Me too...</big>
<<dial "mia" "Why do you think it's a ghost story? She was a normal little girl, she was standing in the window of the building across the street.">>
<<dial "player" "Ahhhhh... Ok...">>
<<btn "#prankEnd" "So... continue!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#prankRuin" "I've heard enough!" "mia.dom+1" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#prankRuin">>
<big>She laughs.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Oh come on! You ruined my prank!">>
<<dial "player" "Prank?">>
<<dial "mia" "Yeah, I was going to tell you whole bunch of pointless stories and then... uh, I won't tell you how it would end, you didn't deserve it, haha!">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_laugh.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Haha. Very funny. Watch out or I'll prank you one day.">>
<<dial "mia" "I'm too good at it, you won't fool me.">>
<<btn "#miaConvo" "You won't see it coming!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#miaConvo" "I will wreck your ass!" "mia.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#prankEnd">>
<big>She thinks deeply for a moment...</big>
<<dial "mia" "So, I was looking at that girl... Her window was pretty high, but I saw her well. And she was looking at me too... We had this, I don't know, moment of connection and... she looked down... she made a step into the air... and she jumped.">>
<p>Oh fuck, this is fucked up... The fucking society we live in, maaan, I mean, child?! 5 year old?! Suicide?! That's fucked up my man... That's totally fucked up...</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh my god... I'm soooo sorry...">>
<p>She looks at you curiously.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Why are you sorry?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... The girl... she killed herself, right...?">>
<<dial "mia" "What?! No! There was a springboard underneath her and--">>
<big>She bursts into laughter.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_laugh.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh fuck, so sorry, but I couldn't take it anymore! I was going to tell you whole bunch of pointless stories and then... uh, I won't tell you how it would end, maybe I'll still use it one day, haha!">>
<p>Oh fuck, she played you. Haha.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She fucking played you too, you dumbass.</tht>">>
<p>No she didn't! I was in on the joke.</p>
<big>I was playing you with her!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, right.</tht> Haha. Very funny. I'll have my revenge one day.">>
<<dial "mia" "Deal! I'd totally love it if someone do thing like that to me! But I'm too good at it, you won't fool me.">>
<<btn "#miaConvo" "You won't see it coming!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#miaConvo" "I will wreck your ass!" "mia.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#miaConvo">>
<<yields "quest:miaFool+">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_smile.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "Anyway... what's up, $">>
<<dial "player" "So... yeah... I was thinking... do you maybe have Play-doh in the store?">>
<p>She looks at you curiously.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Play-doh?! Why?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I actually wanted... to play... with it... kind of.">>
<<dial "mia" "You want to play with Play-doh? It's for kids...">>
<big>You didn't thought that through, right?</big>
<p>She looks at you, curiously, and...</p>
<<dial "mia" "Oh! You're playing me! It's a prank! Haha! I got you!">>
<<dial "player" "What? No! I wasn't playing. I'm serious. I actually need the Play-doh to... copy the key.">>
<big>She looks at you surprised.</big>
<<dial "mia" "What?!">>
<<dial "player" "But it's not like I'm a thief or something... It's my key!">>
<<dial "mia" "So why won't you just bring the key to the hardware store? They can copy it for you easily.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Actually... why don't I do that?</tht>">>
<p>I don't know.</p>
<big>It's your plan.</big>
<p>Though one thing to consider is that if you take the key for too long, $ might notice it, and then... She will change the lock.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, I don't want to risk it. I'm going with the Play-doh.</tht>">>
<p>You form your lips into the most dishonest honest smile the world has ever witnessed.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... the problem is... the key is chained... to the radiator... So I cannot take it out of the house...">>
<big>Liar. Liar. Liar.</big>
<<dial "mia" "So the key is chained to the radiator?">>
<<dial "player" "Yup.">>
<<dial "mia" "And you need to copy it with Play-doh?">>
<<dial "player" "Yup.">>
<<dial "mia" "And you're not a thief?">>
<<dial "player" "Yup.">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_curious.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "We don't sell Play-doh. But it wouldn't work anyway. Thieves use special compound. They impress key in it, put it into the mold, and pour hot metal inside. After it cools you have a fully working key... At least that's what I heard.">>
<p>Wow. That's pretty specific.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh... ok... too bad.">>
<big>She looks you in the eyes.</big>
<<dial "mia" "I have it.">>
<p>She has a special compound that thieves use to copy keys?</p>
<<dial "player" "You do?">>
<<dial "mia" "Yup. I can give it to you...">>
<p>She smiles and touches your hand.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Will you tell me why do you need it, baby...? The truth this time...">>
<big>She makes a step in your direction.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_sexy.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "But... uhmmm... It's, ermm... private!">>
<<dial "mia" "Come on, baby... You can tell me... Does it have something to do with the place you have a room at...? I won't tell anyone...">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Help me out! I'm too fucking aroused to think!</tht>">>
<p>I feel you man. I'm not sure what happened, but...</p>
<big>'s like a whole different persona with her now.</big>
<p>But you cannot tell her the truth. Breaking into the cellar to watch $ whipped and fucked in the ass is not necessarily something you wanna share.</p>
<<btn null "It's not your business." "mia.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<btn null "It's not like that, but I cannot tell you, sorry!" "" "dialog">>
<big>$ gets quiet.</big>
<p>She thinks for a moment...</p>
<p>And then looks at you with a playful smile.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Haha! I was just pulling your leg! I'm gonna give you the thing anyway. Just don't steal the diamond from the museum, ok? Haha!">>
<<dial "player" "Ok, haha... thanks.">>
<p>There's something awkward in a way she said it, but it doesn't matter now - she pulls out a box and puts it on the counter. You can clearly see...</p>
<big> was used before.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mold.jpg">>
<big>$ notices the look on your face.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Oh, shit, I forgot I used it once, when my, uhmm, dad lost a key to, ermm, his... shed! It was long time ago! But I just used half of it, there's still enough for your needs.">>
<p>My lie detector just went off the charts.</p>
<<dial "player" "Oook... Thanks.">>
<p>You're about to take box, when she pulls it slightly back.</p>
<<dial "mia" "But if you'll... //find something interesting//... you'll tell me, right?">>
<p>Fuck, what does she mean by that? This girl is acting kinda strange lately. And I just remembered she still didn't tell you what's the deal with the postcard she got from $</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Not now, I don't want to spook her.</tht> Yeah... sure, I'll let you know if I get the diamond, haha!">>
<<dial "mia" "Ok! Thanks! Have fun!">>
<big>You take the box and walk out of the store.</big>
<<yields "item:QdMK_mold+">>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=null">> /* Get your hands on the cellar key and copy it */
<p>You still remember where you found the cellar key last time.</p>
<big>I hope $ still keeps it there...</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why wouldn't she?</tht>">>
<p>Well, she might figure out you'll have your eyes on the cellar after last time and hid the key somewhere safe.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Last time was aweeesommee...</tht>">>
<big>Let's hope she thinks the same.</big>
/* TODO: In the future this should be changed to strikes, but I made it with status because it turned out strikes system wasn't working */
<<if $daphne.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#keylost", "#keylost", "#keylost", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#keylost", "#keylost", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<elseif $daphne.status == 5>>
<<set _decision = ["#keylost", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#keyfound">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key.mp4">>
<big>You found it.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck yeah...!</tht>">>
<p>Ok, great. Now copy it quickly and move out, before $ comes back.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok...</tht>">>
<p>You put the key inside the mold, that $ gave you, and press it with all your strength.</p>
<big>You open it after a moment and...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_mold.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh my fucking god - it worked...!</tht>">>
<big>I'm //impressed//.</big>
<p>Get it?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Uhmm... what?</tht>">>
<p>Sigh... Anyway, hurry up, we don't want $ to catch you.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, yeah...</tht>">>
<big>You put the key back and dart out of the room.</big>
<h2 class="border">$'s house</h2>
<<media "locations/daphHouse/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, so what now?</tht>">>
<p>What do you mean what now? $ explained everything.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Did she... I was too aroused to notice, sorry...</tht>">>
<p>Man, god damn it.</p>
<big>Just craft it!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/minecraft.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok... so I need some metal, a stick, and a box...</tht>">>
<p>That's what it looks like.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I still don't know where to get it though...</tht>">>
<p>Well, you'd need to figure it out yourself.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#keylost">>
<big>It's not there.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/goddamnit.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck...! So what now?</tht>">>
<p>I hate to break this to you, but $ probably has the key in her purse or something like that. You need to find where she is and figure something out.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck...</tht>">>
<big>Man, it was all your idea.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I know... shut up... I'll do it...</tht>">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "daphMakeKey-; $daphMakeKeyLost+; $daphMakeKeyLostDebuff+0">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=1">> /* Get your hands on the cellar key and copy it */
<p>You walk in and see $</p>
<big>As always, her purse is next to her.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, $ is here...! So what now?</tht>">>
<p>The key is probably in the purse.</p>
<big>You need to take it.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Just like that?</tht>">>
<p>I mean, you can try to take it while she's not looking, but I honestly doubt you'll manage it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what would you recommend?</tht>">>
<big>Maybe a small diversion?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Diversion, huh...?</tht>">>
<p>But that might also blew in your face. I'm sure you can figure out other options too.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "daphMakeKey-; $daphMakeKeyLost+">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=2; $daphMakeKeyDiversion=1">> /* Get your hands on the cellar key and copy it */
<p>You look around the kitchen.</p>
<big>You notice the oven.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, I know... I'll put something in the oven and turn it on. After it starts burning, $ will run to the kitchen, and then I'll take the key from her purse... How does it sound?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/fuck_things_up.mp4">>
<p>You find an old piece of chicken and stuff it in the oven.</p>
<big>Now go hide in your room and wait!</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "daphMakeKey-; $questMode+daphMakeKey; $daphMakeKeyLost+">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=2; $daphMakeKeyDiversion=2">> /* Get your hands on the cellar key and copy it */
<p>You look around the bathroom.</p>
<big>You notice the shower.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, I know... I'll block the drain and turn the water on. After it overflows, $ will run to the bathroom, and then I'll take the key from her purse... How does it sound?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/fuck_things_up.mp4">>
<p>You find an old sock and stuff it in the drain and turn on the water.</p>
<big>Now go hide in your room and wait!</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "daphMakeKey-; $questMode+daphMakeKey; $daphMakeKeyLost+">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=3">> /* Get your hands on the cellar key and copy it */
<p>You sit quietly on your bed and wait.</p>
<big>And it doesn't take long.</big>
<<if $daphMakeKeyDiversion==1>>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/daphne_smells.mp4">>
<p>You hear $ from the other room.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "$ Are you in the kitchen?">>
<p>You stay quiet.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is something burning?!">>
<big>$ finally gets up and walks to the kitchen...</big>
<<dial "alexa" "Mom!!! Mom!!! MOM!!!">>
<<dial "daphne" "What?! What!? WHAT?!">>
<<dial "alexa" "FLOOD!!!">>
<p>$ sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Stop exaggerating. Tampons are in the bathroom!">>
<big>$ gets up and walks to the bathroom with anger...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/daphne_hears.jpg">>
<<if $daphMakeKeyDiversion==1>>
<<dial "daphne" "OH FUCK! FIRE!!! FIRE!!! HELP!">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/daphne_smoke.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT... $, what have you done!!!">>
<<dial "alexa" "It wasn't me!!!">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/daphne_water.mp4">>
<big>That's your cue!</big>
<p>You sneak out of your room and dart towards $'s purse.</p>
<big>You open it...</big>
<big>'s filled to the brim.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/purse.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck! It will take forever to find the key in this mess!</tht>">>
<p>That's a popular women tactic to hide their valuables.</p>
<big>You need to dig through it, my man...</big>
<<dial "daphne" "$!!! Come over here!!! Quickly!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<big>...and do it quickly!!!</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#keyfound">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Dive in!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#notfound1">>
/* Select the prize */
<<set _foundItemArr = ["crucifix+", "dildo+", "dirty_bra+"]>> /* Array for searches */
<<set _foundItemRand = random(0,2)>>
<<set _foundItem = _foundItemArr[_foundItemRand]>>
<<set _foundItemId = _foundItem.split('+')[0]>>
/* HTML */
<<if _foundItem == "crucifix+">>
<big>You found a crucifix!</big>
<<media "activities/search/crucifix.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn... How does it even fit in there?!</tht>">>
<p>Stop whining. It might still be useful when $ find you digging through her purse.</p>
<big>Hurry up!</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dirty_bra+">>
<big>You found a dirty bra!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dirty_bra.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! She has three of them here!</tht>">>
<big>Ok, ok, quick sniff and move on.</big>
<<yields "dirty_bra+; sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dildo+">>
<big>You found a huge dildo!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dildo.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck me... I'm surprised that it fits in the purse... and how does it even fit $'s holes I simply don't fucking know.</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, yeah, you'll dream about it later...</p>
<big>...take a sniff and move on.</big>
<<yields "sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<set _foundItemArr.splice(_foundItemRand, 1)>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what now?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/purse_2.mp4">>
<big>You hear $'s shouts.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "$ get your ass over here!!!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah!!! I'm coming!">>
<big>Hurry up!</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound2", "#notfound2", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound2", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#keyfound">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Go deeper!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#notfound2">>
/* Select the prize */
<<set _foundItemRand = random(0,1)>>
<<set _foundItem = _foundItemArr[_foundItemRand]>>
<<set _foundItemId = _foundItem.split('+')[0]>>
/* HTML */
<<if _foundItem == "crucifix+">>
<big>You found a crucifix!</big>
<<media "activities/search/crucifix.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn... How does it even fit in there?!</tht>">>
<p>Stop whining. It might still be useful when $ find you digging through her purse.</p>
<big>Hurry up!</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dirty_bra+">>
<big>You found a dirty bra!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dirty_bra.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! She has three of them here!</tht>">>
<big>Ok, ok, quick sniff and move on.</big>
<<yields "dirty_bra+; sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dildo+">>
<big>You found a huge dildo!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dildo.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck me... I'm surprised that it fits in the purse... and how does it even fit $'s holes I simply don't fucking know.</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, yeah, you'll dream about it later...</p>
<big>...take a sniff and move on.</big>
<<yields "sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<set _foundItemArr.splice(_foundItemRand, 1)>>
<<dial "daphne" "$ I swear if you won't come here right now I'm gonna kill you!!!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "Almost there!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Last dive. If I don't find it - it means it's not there.</tht>">>
<big>Fingers crossed, my man!</big>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn "#keyfound" "Dig to the bottom!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#keyfound">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key.mp4">>
<big>You found it.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck yeah...!</tht>">>
<p>Ok, great. Now copy it quickly!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok...</tht>">>
<p>You put the key inside the mold, that $ gave you, and press it with all your strength.</p>
<big>You open it after a moment and...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_mold.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh my fucking god - it worked...!</tht>">>
<big>I'm //impressed//.</big>
<p>Get it?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Uhmm...</tht>">>
<p>Sigh... Anyway, hurry up.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, yeah...</tht>">>
<big>You put the key back and dart out of the room.</big>
<<btn "#exit">>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=1" "#exit">>
<h2 class="border">$'s kitchen</h2>
<<media "locations/daphKit/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<big>You run into the kitchen.</big>
<<dial "player" "I came as soon as I could! What's going on?!">>
<p>You see $ in the smoke...</p>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=1">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/daphne_smoke2.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Did you put the chicken in the oven?">>
<p>You think for a moment.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/chicken.jpg">>
<big>I hope you thought that through!</big>
<<btn "#lie" "Me?! No! It had to be $!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#truth" "Yeah... I fall asleep... sorry!" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=1" "#lie">>
<big>$ looks at you with anger.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "$ is not even in the house! It was you!!!">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "Now clean it up! I'm going to take a shower.">>
<p>She walks out of the kitchen and goes straight to the bathroom.</p>
<p>I'd say it wasn't that bad! I was worried that she'll rip your balls off.</p>
<<btn "#ending">>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=1" "#truth">>
<big>$ sighs heavily.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "At least you're not lying.">>
<p>Well, you actually are.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up.</tht> Yeah... I fell asleep because I was so tired after... uhmm... segregating the trash in the garden!">>
<p>Well, at this point, you might as well lie a bit more.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "$ You have to be more careful. Clean it up, I'm going to take a shower.">>
<p>She walks out of the kitchen and goes straight to the bathroom.</p>
<p>I'd say it wasn't that bad! I was worried that she'll rip your balls off.</p>
<<btn "#ending">>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=2" "#exit">>
<h2 class="border">$'s bathroom</h2>
<<media "locations/daphBath/_big.jpg" "wide">>
<big>You run into the bathroom.</big>
<<dial "player" "I came as soon as I could! What's going on?!">>
<p>You see $ and $</p>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=2">>
<big>...they are both soaking wet.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/daphne_bathroom.jpg">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/alexa_bathroom.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "You're such a dweeb, you know that, dweeb?">>
<<dial "daphne" "$, is that your sock?">>
<p>She shows you the sock she pulled out of the drain.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/sock.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck. It actually is my sock.</tht>">>
<p>Well... congrats.</p>
<big>You're a true mastermind.</big>
<<btn "#lie" "Mine?! No way! I don't wear that color!" "; alexa.dom+3" "dialog">>
<<btn "#truth" "Yeah... I'm //so// sorry! I'll mop the water!" "; alexa.dom-3" "dialog">>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=2" "#lie">>
<big>$ looks at you with mocking smile.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/alexa_bathroom_2.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "So maybe it's mine?!">>
<<dial "player" "Maybe, I don't know! Do //you// wear that color?">>
<<dial "alexa" "This is pathetic!">>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=2">>
<<dial "daphne" "It's a man's sock, $!">>
<<dial "player" "Well... all the girls wear male socks now... it's like a new trend.">>
<big>$ hesitates.</big>
<p>I think she's buying it!</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Is that true $">>
<p>But $ just looks at you with fire in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're a dead fucking dweeb, dweeb!">>
<big>She runs at you...</big>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=2">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/alexa_bathroom_3.jpg">>
<big>You brace yourself for a kick in the nuts...</big>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=2">>
<big>When suddenly $ jumps in between you and $</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/daphne_bathroom_2.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Kids! Kids! Stop arguing!">>
<big>She saved your balls, buddy.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "It doesn't matter who did it!">>
<<dial "alexa" "He fucking do it!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Stop cursing $! $ - the least you can do is clean it up. Ok?">>
<p>Come on man, it's your fucking sock...</p>
<<btn "#lie_no" "I didn't do it, so I'm not cleaning it up!" "; alexa.dom+3" "dialog">>
<<btn "#lie_ok" "Yeah... Sure. I'll mop the water!" "; alexa.dom-3" "dialog">>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=2" "#lie_ok">>
<<dial "daphne" "Good. Come on $, we'll leave $ alone.">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/daphne_bathroom_3.jpg">>
<<dial "alexa" "Sigh... You wouldn't be that nice if it was my fucking sock.">>
<<dial "daphne" "God fucking damn it $, I told you thousand fucking times not to fucking curse next to boys. You're a fucking princess, god fucking damn it! Act like it! Now move!">>
<big>They walk out of the bathroom, leaving you alone on the battlefield.</big>
<p>I'd honestly say it wasn't that bad! I was worried that they'll rip your balls off.</p>
<<btn "#ending">>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=2" "#lie_no">>
<<dial "alexa" "Motherfucker!">>
<<dial "daphne" "God fucking damn it $, I told you thousand fucking times not to fucking curse next to boys. You're a fucking princess, god fucking damn it! Act like it! Now grab the mop and clean the water!">>
<p>Before she changes her mind, you turn and walk out of the bathroom.</p>
<big>Fuck, man. That was heavy.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck 'em.</tht>">>
<p>Well, for the record, it was a dick move... but somehow I felt $ enjoyed you fucking her over. This girl is really fucking strange.</p>
<<btn "#ending">>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=2" "#truth">>
<big>$ sighs heavily.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "At least you're not lying.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Fuck me!">>
<<dial "daphne" "Stop cursing $!">>
<<dial "alexa" "So you'll let him go just like that?!">>
<<dial "player" "Why are you always against me?!">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/alexa_bathroom_2.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Kids, stop arguing! Everyone can make a mistake sometimes!">>
<big>Suddenly $ realizes she's naked.</big>
<<chunk "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=2">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/daphne_bathroom_2.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh! I'm so sorry! We took off the clothes to keep them dry... $ - let's leave $ alone. He needs to clean up the water.">>
<<dial "alexa" "Sigh... You wouldn't be that nice if it was my fucking sock.">>
<<dial "daphne" "God fucking damn it $, I told you thousand fucking times not to fucking curse next to boys. You're a fucking princess, god fucking damn it! Act like it! Now move!">>
<big>They walk out of the bathroom, leaving you alone on the battlefield.</big>
<p>I'd honestly say it wasn't that bad! I was worried that they'll rip your balls off.</p>
<<btn "#ending">>
<<chunk null "#ending">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, so what now?</tht>">>
<big>You gotta clean your mess.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I meant what next with the key.</tht>">>
<p>$ explained everything.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Did she...? I was too aroused to notice, sorry...</tht>">>
<big>You need to craft the key!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/minecraft.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok... so I need some metal, a stick, and a box...?</tht>">>
<p>That's what it looks like.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I still don't know where to get it though...</tht>">>
<p>Well, you'd need to figure it out yourself.</p>
<big>Now grab the mop!</big>
<<if $daphMakeKeyDiversion==1>>
<<btn "daphKit" "Spend an hour cleaning up" "energy-20; time+; charAdd+daphne|daphBath" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn "daphBath" "Spend an hour cleaning up" "energy-20; time+; $permission+" "action yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=2; $curLoc=daphRoom; $curLocWhile=sleep">> /* Get your hands on the cellar key and copy it */
<big>You see the purse on the nightstand.</big>
<p>You quietly move closer.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh... yeah... corgis...">>
<p>Don't worry. She's talking through her sleep.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Phew!</tht>">>
<big>You open the purse...</big>
<big>'s filled to the brim.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/purse.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck! It will take forever to find the key in this mess!</tht>">>
<p>That's a popular women tactic to hide their valuables.</p>
<big>You need to dig through it, my man...</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#keyfound">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Dive in!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#notfound1">>
/* Select the prize */
<<set _foundItemArr = ["crucifix+", "dildo+", "dirty_bra+"]>> /* Array for searches */
<<set _foundItemRand = random(0,2)>>
<<set _foundItem = _foundItemArr[_foundItemRand]>>
<<set _foundItemId = _foundItem.split('+')[0]>>
/* HTML */
<<if _foundItem == "crucifix+">>
<big>You found a crucifix!</big>
<<media "activities/search/crucifix.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn... How does it even fit in there?!</tht>">>
<p>Stop whining. It might still be useful when $ will wake up and find you digging through her purse.</p>
<big>Hurry up!</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dirty_bra+">>
<big>You found a dirty bra!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dirty_bra.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! She has three of them here!</tht>">>
<big>Ok, ok, quick sniff and move on.</big>
<<yields "dirty_bra+; sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dildo+">>
<big>You found a huge dildo!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dildo.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck me... I'm surprised that it fits in the purse... and how does it even fit $'s holes I simply don't fucking know.</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, yeah, you'll dream about it later...</p>
<big>...take a sniff and move on.</big>
<<yields "sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<set _foundItemArr.splice(_foundItemRand, 1)>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what now?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/purse_2.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound2", "#notfound2", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound2", "#keyfound"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#keyfound">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Go deeper!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#notfound2">>
/* Select the prize */
<<set _foundItemRand = random(0,1)>>
<<set _foundItem = _foundItemArr[_foundItemRand]>>
<<set _foundItemId = _foundItem.split('+')[0]>>
/* HTML */
<<if _foundItem == "crucifix+">>
<big>You found a crucifix!</big>
<<media "activities/search/crucifix.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn... How does it even fit in there?!</tht>">>
<p>Stop whining. It might still be useful when $ will wake up and find you digging through her purse.</p>
<big>Hurry up!</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dirty_bra+">>
<big>You found a dirty bra!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dirty_bra.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! She has three of them here!</tht>">>
<big>Ok, ok, quick sniff and move on.</big>
<<yields "dirty_bra+; sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dildo+">>
<big>You found a huge dildo!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dildo.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck me... I'm surprised that it fits in the purse... and how does it even fit $'s holes I simply don't fucking know.</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, yeah, you'll dream about it later...</p>
<big>...take a sniff and move on.</big>
<<yields "sniffrush+" "dialog">>
<<set _foundItemArr.splice(_foundItemRand, 1)>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Last dive. If I don't find it - it means it's not there.</tht>">>
<big>I believe in you!</big>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn "#keyfound" "Dig to the bottom!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#keyfound">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key.mp4">>
<big>You found it.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck yeah...!</tht>">>
<p>Ok, great. Now copy it!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok...</tht>">>
<p>You put the key inside the mold, that $ gave you, and press it with all your strength.</p>
<big>You open it after a moment and...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_mold.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh my fucking god - it worked...!</tht>">>
<big>I'm //impressed//.</big>
<p>Get it?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Uhmm...</tht>">>
<p>Sigh... Anyway, you're done?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, yeah...</tht>">>
<big>You put the key back.</big>
<<btn "#ending">>
<<chunk null "#ending">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, so what now? How should I make the key?</tht>">>
<p>$ explained everything.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Did she...? I was too aroused to notice, sorry...</tht>">>
<p>Man, god damn it.</p>
<big>You need to craft this key!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/minecraft.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok... so I need some metal, a stick, and a box...?</tht>">>
<p>That's what it looks like.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I still don't know where to get it though...</tht>">>
<p>Well, you'd need to figure it out yourself.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=2">> /* Get your hands on the cellar key and copy it */
<big>You sit next to $</big>
<p>She looks at you.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Everything fine, hun?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... I'll just sit here for a moment, ok?">>
<<dial "daphne" "Sure, hun.">>
<p>$ smiles to you, and goes back to what she was doing.</p>
<big>You quietly move your hand closer to the purse.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Warn me if she'll notice something!</tht>">>
<p>Uhmm... No.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fucker!</tht>">>
<big>You open the purse...</big>
<big>'s filled to the brim.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/purse.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck! It will take forever to find the key in this mess!</tht>">>
<p>That's a popular women tactic to hide their valuables.</p>
<big>You need to dig through it, my man...</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#daphneNotice"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#daphneNotice"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#keyfound", "#daphneNotice"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#keyfound">>
<<menu null null "wildcard">>
<<btn _decision "Dive in!" "dom+2" "wildcard">>
<<btn $curLoc "Too dangerous! Abort mission!" "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=null; daphMakeKey-; love+2" "action">>
<<chunk null "#notfound1">>
/* Select the prize */
<<set _foundItemArr = ["crucifix+", "dildo+", "dirty_bra+"]>> /* Array for searches */
<<set _foundItemRand = random(0,2)>>
<<set _foundItem = _foundItemArr[_foundItemRand]>>
<<set _foundItemId = _foundItem.split('+')[0]>>
/* HTML */
<<if _foundItem == "crucifix+">>
<big>You found a crucifix!</big>
<<media "activities/search/crucifix.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn... How does it even fit in there?!</tht>">>
<p>Stop whining. It might still be useful when $ will find you digging through her purse.</p>
<big>Hurry up!</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dirty_bra+">>
<big>You found a dirty bra!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dirty_bra.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! She has three of them here!</tht>">>
<big>We gotta move quickly, so no sniffing!</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dildo+">>
<big>You found a huge dildo!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dildo.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck me... I'm surprised that it fits in the purse... and how does it even fit $'s holes I simply don't fucking know.</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, yeah, you'll dream about it later...</p>
<big>...speed up.</big>
<<set _foundItemArr.splice(_foundItemRand, 1)>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what now?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/purse_2.mp4">>
<p>Meanwhile $ sighs.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "I'm so tired today.">>
<p>She's talking to you, but she's still looking away.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... same here... It's the weather...">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound2", "#daphneNotice"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound2", "#keyfound", "#daphneNotice"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#keyfound">>
<<menu null null "wildcard">>
<<btn _decision "Go deeper!" "dom+2" "wildcard">>
<<btn $curLoc "Too dangerous! Abort mission!" "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=null; daphMakeKey-; love+2" "action">>
<<chunk null "#notfound2">>
/* Select the prize */
<<set _foundItemRand = random(0,1)>>
<<set _foundItem = _foundItemArr[_foundItemRand]>>
<<set _foundItemId = _foundItem.split('+')[0]>>
/* HTML */
<<if _foundItem == "crucifix+">>
<big>You found a crucifix!</big>
<<media "activities/search/crucifix.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn... How does it even fit in there?!</tht>">>
<p>Stop whining. It might still be useful when $ will find you digging through her purse.</p>
<big>Hurry up!</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dirty_bra+">>
<big>You found a dirty bra!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dirty_bra.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! She has three of them here!</tht>">>
<big>We gotta move quickly, so no sniffing!</big>
<<elseif _foundItem == "dildo+">>
<big>You found a huge dildo!</big>
<<media "activities/search/dildo.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck me... I'm surprised that it fits in the purse... and how does it even fit $'s holes I simply don't fucking know.</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, yeah, you'll dream about it later...</p>
<big>...speed up.</big>
<<set _foundItemArr.splice(_foundItemRand, 1)>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Last dive. If I don't find it - it means it's not there.</tht>">>
<big>I believe in you!</big>
<small>It's a miracle you survived that far.</small>
<<dial "daphne" "I wonder what the weather will be tomorrow...">>
<p>$ doesn't look at you, she's still minding her business.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... same here... It's the weather...">>
<<menu null null "wildcard">>
<<btn "#keyfound" "Dig to the bottom!" "dom+2" "wildcard">>
<<btn $curLoc "Too dangerous! Abort mission!" "$daphMakeKeyDiversion=null; daphMakeKey-; love+2" "action">>
<<chunk null "#keyfound">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key.mp4">>
<big>You found it.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck yeah...!</tht>">>
<p>Ok, great. Now copy it, quickly...!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok...</tht>">>
<p>You stand up.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm gonna be back in a second.">>
<<dial "daphne" "Sure... you don't have to announce it, hun.">>
<p>You walk to the corridor, put the key inside the mold, that $ gave you, and press it with all your strength.</p>
<big>You open it after a moment and...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_mold.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh my fucking god - it worked...!</tht>">>
<big>I'm //impressed//.</big>
<p>Get it?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Uhmm...</tht>">>
<p>Sigh... Anyway, you're done?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, yeah...</tht>">>
<big>You go back in the room and put the key back.</big>
<p>$ doesn't seem to notice anything.</p>
<<btn "#ending">>
<<chunk null "#ending">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, so what now? How should I make the key?</tht>">>
<p>$ explained everything.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Did she...? I was too aroused to notice, sorry...</tht>">>
<p>Man, god damn it.</p>
<big>You have to craft this key!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/minecraft.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok... so I need some metal, a stick, and a box...?</tht>">>
<p>That's what it looks like.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I still don't know where to get it though...</tht>">>
<p>Well, you'd need to figure it out yourself.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#daphneNotice">>
<<media "caughtDaphne.mp4">>
<<dial "daphne" "$! What are you doing with hand in my purse?!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhmmm... <tht>What now?!</tht>">>
<big>You haven't thought that through, did you?</big>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn null "Am I? Oh! Sorry! That was an accident!" "daphne.dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn null "You caught me... I was looking for... ermm... money!" "" "dialog yieldHide">>
<big>$ looks at you with anger.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "If you wanted money you should have just asked!">>
<<dial "player" "Really...?">>
<<dial "daphne" "I wouldn't give it to you, but at least you wouldn't be stealing!">>
<big>That makes sense.</big>
<<strikes "daphne">>
<<dial "daphne" "And now - go to your room!">>
<big>You stand up and walk out in shame.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck me, that was a disaster.</tht>">>
<p>It was... but we'll try again some other day. And this time...</p>
<big> smarter.</big>
/* We need to reset the vars */
<<set $daphMakeKeyLost = 1>>
<<set $daphMakeKeyDiversion = null>>
<<btn "daphGuest" null "daphMakeKey-; counter:daphMakeKeyLostDebuff-2">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=3; $daphMakeKeyMetal=1">> /* Find some metal, a stick, and a box. */
/* Set up array */
<<set _trashArr to [
{name: "Black metal dildo", id: "dildo_1"},
{name: "Ancient dildo", id: "dildo_2"},
{name: "Mushroom dildo", id: "dildo_3"}
/* HTML */
<p>You look around the backyard.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... Why am I even here?</tht>">>
<big>We gotta find some metal.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But how would I find metal in the freaking back yard...</tht>">>
<big>...have you ever played Minecraft?</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/minecraft_dig.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No... Please don't tell me I have to dig...</tht>">>
<big>Pick up the shovel.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh, the shovel! The shovel is made of metal, right? I could use it!</tht>">>
<p>Not exactly...</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/minecraft_shovel.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck me...</tht>">>
<big>Don't whine...</big>
<big>You put the shovel in the ground.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/minecraft_dig.mp4">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p>$, who's also in the backyard, looks at you and smiles.</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Look at you, doing gardening! You're my hero!">>
<<yields "" "dialog">>
<p>You smile back to her, and go back to the exploring the depths of Earth...</p>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("alexa")!=-1>>
<p>$, who's also in the garden, sends you a mocking smile.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "You're doing my mother's work now? She wrapped you around her finger, dweeb!">>
<<dial "player" "No she didn't, get lost!">>
<<yields "alexa.dom-2" "dialog">>
<p>You ignore her, and go back to the exploring the depths of Earth...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I should be fucking holes, not digging one...</tht>">>
<p>Despite your whining, after a moment of shoveling you suddenly hear a different sound from the ground...</p>
<big>I think you found something!</big>
<p>You fall to your knees and move aside the dirt...</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#found"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#notfound1", "#found"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound1", "#found"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#found">>
<<menu null null "wildcard">>
<<btn _decision "What is it?" "energy-20" "wildcard yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'm too tired to dig..." "$daphMakeKeyMetal+null; daphMakeKey-" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#notfound1">>
<<set _trashArr to _trashArr.shuffle()>>
<<set _trash = _trashArr[2]>>
<big>You found //<<print>>//.</big>
<<media `"quests/daphMakeKey/" + + ".jpg"`>>
<<if == "dildo_1">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Black metal counts as metal, right?</tht>">>
<big>Not quite.</big>
<<elseif == "dildo_2">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Are you sure it's not a club?</tht>">>
<big>It might be both!</big>
<<elseif == "dildo_3">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wait... this is not a dildo... it's a regular mushroom!</tht>">>
<big>That's a quitter talk!</big>
<<set _trashArr.splice(2, 1)>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... so what now?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/digging.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound2", "#notfound2", "#found"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#notfound2", "#found"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#found">>
<<menu null null "wildcard">>
<<btn _decision "Dig, $, dig!" "energy-20" "wildcard yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'm too tired to dig..." "$daphMakeKeyMetal+null; daphMakeKey-" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#notfound2">>
<<set _trashArr to _trashArr.shuffle()>>
<<set _trash = _trashArr[1]>>
<big>You found //<<print>>//.</big>
<<media `"quests/daphMakeKey/" + + ".jpg"`>>
<<if == "dildo_1">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Black metal counts as metal, right?</tht>">>
<big>Not quite.</big>
<<elseif == "dildo_2">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Are you sure it's not a club?</tht>">>
<big>It might be both!</big>
<<elseif == "dildo_3">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wait... this is not a dildo... it's a regular mushroom!</tht>">>
<big>That's a quitter talk!</big>
<<set _trashArr.splice(1, 1)>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn... I'm really tired...</tht>">>
<p>Well, the question is - do you want to see $ bondaged and fucked in the ass or not?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I do... but maybe we could find something in the house...?</tht>">>
<<menu null null "wildcard">>
<<btn "#found" "More digging!" "energy-20" "wildcard yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'm too tired to dig..." "$daphMakeKeyMetal+null; daphMakeKey-" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#found">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/metal_dildo.jpg">>
<big>You found it - //the metal dildo//!</big>
<<yields "item:QdMK_metal+">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Finally...!</tht>">>
<<if !$daphMakeKeyStick && !$daphMakeKeyBox>>
<p>Ok, great. So you have metal, now all you need is...</p>
<big>...a stick and a box.</big>
<<elseif !$daphMakeKeyStick || !$daphMakeKeyBox>>
<p>Ok, great. So you have some metal and <<if $daphMakeKeyStick>>a stick<<else>>a box<</if>>, now all you need is...</p>
<big>...<<if !$daphMakeKeyStick>>a stick<<else>>a box<</if>>.</big>
<big>You have everything you need to make a key!</big>
<p>Go to your room and start working on it.</p>
<<if $daphMakeKeyStick && $daphMakeKeyMetal && $daphMakeKeyBox>>
<<btn $curLocParent null "$daphMakeKeyMetal+; love+4" "yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "$daphMakeKeyMetal+; daphMakeKey-; love+4" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=3; $daphMakeKeyStick=1">> /* Find some metal, a stick, and a box. */
<big>You walk down the park path.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This is so fucking stupid...</tht>">>
<p>I'm unsure what you mean?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm looking for a freaking stick in a park, to make a metal key! Doesn't it strike you as odd?</tht>">>
<p>Man, if I'd be the guy who's writing it - trust me, we'd be in a jacuzzi with couple big-tit bitches. But I'm just a narrator. It's not my fault.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, I've heard this already... Anyway, I'm sure there's a stick somewhere here... It's the freaking park god damn it.</tht>">>
<p>You walk off the path, and deeper between the trees.</p>
<big>You carefully look around...</big>
<big>You notice a stick on the grass.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Here it is. Easy.</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/stick.jpg">>
<p>You walk that direction.</p>
<big>When suddenly!</big>
<big>You see a bear in front of you.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_intro.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "THE FUCK!">>
<p>You jump away, and hide behind the tree.</p>
<<dial "player" "IT'S A FUCKING BEAR!">>
<p>Yes, I saw it. Stop yelling!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What the fuck is a fucking bear doing in the fucking park in LA?!</tht>">>
<p>Well, at the moment it seems he's playing with your stick.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok... I'm gonna sneak away quietly...</tht>">>
<p>Uhmm... Sneak away?</p>
<big>And what about the stick?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well... I'm just gonna find another stick, right...?</tht>">>
<p>And what guarantees you have...</p>
<big>...that a bear from nowhere won't take it too?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>How could this possibly happen twice?</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wait... are you saying that it will happen every time I will find a stick?</tht>">>
<big>Kind of.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What. The. Fuck. It's a porn game and you want me to fight a bear over a stick to make a metal key. I mean... really?!</tht>">>
<p>Look man, I'm just a narrator, I don't make the rules. It says in the manual that you gotta fight the bear, so you gotta fight the bear. If you have complaints - send them to the author.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>How would I even win a fight like that?</tht>">>
<p>Well, apparently there's a way. First of - you need to know what type of bear are we dealing with.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>There are types?!</tht>">>
<<btn "#bear">>
<<chunk null "#bear">>
<<set $QdMK_bear = ["mf", "retard", "baby"].random()>>
<big>You peek at the bear.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It kinda looks like a bear.</tht>">>
<p>Sigh... Focus on the specifics. How big it is?</p>
<<if $QdMK_bear == "mf">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's kinda big... looks really dangerous.</tht>">>
<p>Ok, so what we have here is a...</p>
<big>...Motherfucker Bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_mf.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck.</tht>">>
<p>Yup. They are the worst. Strong, quick, dangerous... Unless you really feel confident in your bear fighting skills, I'd actually suggest finding another stick.</p>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear == "retard">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's kinda big... but... it doesn't look very threatening to be honest.</tht>">>
<p>Ok, so what we have here is a...</p>
<big>...Retarded Bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_retard.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I might have a chance with that one!</tht>">>
<p>Yup. They are big, but slow... And they easily get confused. With the right approach you can totally beat it.</p>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear == "baby">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's not that big to be honest...</tht>">>
<p>Ok, so what we have here is a...</p>
<big>...Baby Bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_baby.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It doesn't look that threatening...</tht>">>
<p>Don't let them fool you. They are small and weak, but quick like fucking roadrunner! You'd have to wear it down first, before you'll have a chance to outrun it.</p>
<<btn "#tactic" "Oh... fuck it. At least I'll go in style!" "dom+3" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Abort! Too dangerous!" "love+1; daphMakeKey-" "action">>
<<chunk null "#tactic">>
<p>Ok, so you got the intel.</p>
<big>Now you have to choose the tactic.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>The tactic?! It's a freaking bear fight, not invasion of Normandy!</tht>">>
<p>Good fighter always plays to his strengths and opponents weaknesses.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... so what would you recommend?</tht>">>
<big>You can do a frontal attack.</big>
<p>Go there, punch a bear in the mug, and (if he doesn't rip you apart) take the stick.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_frontal_attack.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That sounds terrible.</tht>">>
<p>Ok, so other option would be to...</p>
<big>...get to the high ground.</big>
<p>Basically you wait until the bear comes to you, and then wear him down using your superior position.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_high_ground.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This just sounds like suicide with extra steps.</tht>">>
<p>Sigh. So if you really want to avoid confrontation...</p>
<big> can also set a trap.</big>
<p>Basically you hide in the bushes, wait until the bear is close, and then jump at him.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_trap.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, so you simply want to see me killed, right?</tht>">>
<p>Oh come on, be realistic. You're the main character, killing you off is not in anyone's interest! I'm thinking... maybe couple bruises...</p>
<big>...a limb at the most.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Limb?!</tht>">>
<p>Anyway... That's all the options you have.</p>
<big>You gotta choose, man.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God fucking damn it.</tht>">>
<<btn "#round1" "I'm going full frontal!" "dom+10; $QdMK_pos+front" "action">>
<<btn "#round1" "I'm gonna take the high ground!" "love+5; dom+5; $QdMK_pos+high" "action">>
<<btn "#round1" "I'm setting up the trap!" "love+10; $QdMK_pos+trap" "action">>
<<chunk null "#round1">>
<<set $QdMK_prefix = "#r1_">>
<p>The bear is completely focused on the stick, he doesn't notice you at all.</p>
<big>That's a perfect moment!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<p>You take a deep breath and...</p>
<big> come out from your hiding.</big>
<<dial "player" "Hey, you fucking... ermmm... bear! I'm gonna fuck you up!">>
<p>The bear looks at you surprised.</p>
<big>Not as surprised as me though.</big>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<p>You get closer to the bear, while hiding in the bushes. You wait for a good moment and then...</p>
<big> jump out of hiding.</big>
<<dial "player" "Surprise, motherfucker!">>
<p>The bear looks at you, confused by your sudden appearance.</p>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<p>You see a big rock next to a bear, so you quickly run to it and jump on it.</p>
<<dial "player" "A-ha!">>
<p>The bear looks at you, intimidated by your strategic position.</p>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "stick"` "Reach for the stick" "love+10" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "scream"` "Scream at the bear!" "love+5; dom+5" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "punch"` "Punch his stupid fucking bear mug" "dom+10" "action">>
<<chunk null "#r1_stick">>
<p>Without thinking...</p>
<big>You reach for the stick.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stick.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "stick_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r1_scream">>
<p>You take a deep breath...</p>
<big>And scream on the top of your lungs.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_scream.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "scream_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r1_punch">>
<p>You clench your fist and...</p>
<big>...throw your best punch at the bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "punch_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r1_stick_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<big>But it's too far to reach it.</big>
<big>But the bear pushes it away at the last moment.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! What now...?</tht>">>
<p>Now...? Well...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_stick_good">>
<big>You grab it in your hand!</big>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>Don't be so happy...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick+">>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_scream_bad">>
<big>But the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! What now...?</tht>">>
<p>Now...? Well...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 1>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_scream_good">>
<p>And it works!</p>
<big>The bear is scared.</big>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>Don't be so happy...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 1>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_punch_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<big>But your fist misses the target.</big>
<p>You hit the target...</p>
<big>...but the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! What now...?</tht>">>
<p>Now...? Well...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 2>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_punch_good">>
<big>You hit the bear right in the kisser!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch_success_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>Don't be so happy...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 2>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#round2">>
<<set $QdMK_prefix = "#r2_">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + $QdMK_result>>
<<if $QdMK_stun>>
<big>The animal is too shocked to attack.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stun_1.mp4">>
<p>Well, I actually have to say - good work, man!</p>
<<set $QdMK_stun = null>>
<<btn "#round3">>
<big>You managed to get the beast angry.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_roar_1.mp4">>
<big>The bear launches a counter-attack...</big>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r2_bad">>
<big>Bear's paw hits you like a truck!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_attack_success_1.mp4">>
<<wrapper "item:QdMK_stick">>
<p>It's a miracle you survived that. But unfortunately...</p>
<big>You lose the stick.</big>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick-; sore+">>
<p>It's a miracle you survived that.</p>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 1>>
<<yields "sore+">>
<<btn "#round3">>
<<chunk null "#r2_good">>
<big>But the bear's paw misses your head by an inch!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_attack_fail.mp4">>
<p>You lucky bastard!</p>
<big>You survived!</big>
<<btn "#round3">>
<<chunk null "#round3">>
<<set $QdMK_prefix = "#r3_">>
<p>Ok man...</p>
<big>It's time to bring it to another level!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I feel I can win this!</tht>">>
<p>I don't, but we can dream.</p>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "stick"` "Reach for the stick" "love+10; !item:QdMK_stick" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "scream"` "Scream at the bear!" "love+5; dom+5" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "punch"` "Punch his stupid fucking bear mug" "dom+10" "action">>
<<btn "#run" "Take the stick and run!" "item:QdMK_stick" "action">>
<<chunk null "#r3_stick">>
<p>You make a quick decision...</p>
<big>And reach your hand for the stick.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stick.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "stick_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r3_scream">>
<p>You take a deep breath...</p>
<big>And scream on the top of your lungs.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_scream.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "scream_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r3_punch">>
<p>You clench your fist and...</p>
<big>...throw your best punch at the bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "punch_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r3_stick_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<big>But it's too far to reach it.</big>
<big>But the bear pushes it away at the last moment.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck!</tht>">>
<p>Well... too bad. And now...</p>
<big>Brace for impact buddy.</big>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_stick_good">>
<big>You grab it in your hand!</big>
<<dial "player" "I knew I can do this!">>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick+">>
<big>I'm afraid it's not the end yet...</big>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_scream_bad">>
<big>But the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Motherfucker!</tht>">>
<p>Well... too bad. And now...</p>
<big>Brace for impact buddy.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 1>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_scream_good">>
<p>And it works!</p>
<big>The bear is looking at you with fear.</big>
<<dial "player" "YEAH!!! FEAR ME! I'M THE MAN!!!">>
<p>Ok, ok, let's not get too far with this...</p>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 1>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_punch_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<big>But your fist misses the target.</big>
<p>You hit the target...</p>
<big>...but the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ooops... That's not great.</tht>">>
<p>Well... it was nice knowing you. And now...</p>
<big>Brace for impact buddy.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 2>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_punch_good">>
<big>You nail it!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch_success_2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "YEAH!!! FUCKING TEDDY BEAR, THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE!!!">>
<p>Ok, ok, let's not get too far with this...</p>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 2>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#round4">>
<<set $QdMK_prefix = "#r4_">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + $QdMK_result>>
<<if $QdMK_stun>>
<big>The bear is stunned.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stun_2.mp4">>
<big>That's animal cruelty, you know?</big>
<<set $QdMK_stun = null>>
<<btn "#round5">>
<big>The beast is furious!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_roar_2.mp4">>
<big>The bear launches a counter-attack...</big>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r4_bad">>
<big>Bear hits you like a jackhammer!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_attack_success_2.mp4">>
<<wrapper "item:QdMK_stick">>
<p>Man, are you still with me...? I have bad news...</p>
<big>You lost the stick.</big>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick-; sore+">>
<p>Man, are you still with me? Fuck. That was heavy.</p>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 1>>
<<yields "sore+">>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run - 1>>
<<btn "#round5">>
<<chunk null "#r4_good">>
<big>But the bear's paw misses your head!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_attack_fail.mp4">>
<p>Fuck me!</p>
<big>That was close!</big>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 1>>
<<btn "#round5">>
<<chunk null "#round5">>
<<set $QdMK_prefix = "#r5_">>
<big>Wow... You're still here!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh shut up.</tht>">>
<p>Oh, come on, I'm on your side. I even almost, slightly start to believe that...</p>
<big> might have a chance!</big>
<p><small>Very small chance though.</small></p>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "stick"` "Reach for the stick" "love+10; !item:QdMK_stick" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "scream"` "Scream at the bear!" "love+5; dom+5" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "punch"` "Punch his stupid fucking bear mug" "dom+10" "action">>
<<btn "#run" "Take the stick and run!" "item:QdMK_stick" "action">>
<<chunk null "#r5_stick">>
<p>You look at the stick...</p>
<big>It's now or never.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stick.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "stick_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r5_scream">>
<p>You take a deep breath...</p>
<big>And scream on the top of your lungs.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_scream.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "scream_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r5_punch">>
<p>You clench your fist and...</p>
<big>...throw your best punch at the bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "punch_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r5_stick_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<big>But it's too far to reach it.</big>
<big>But the bear pushes it away at the last moment.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No!!!</tht>">>
<big>Now it's gonna get ugly.</big>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_stick_good">>
<big>You grab it in your hand!</big>
<<dial "player" "I knew I can do this!">>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick+">>
<p>Don't open the champagne yet.</p>
<big>You have to survive bear's retaliation...</big>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_scream_bad">>
<big>But the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Motherfucker!</tht>">>
<big>Now it's gonna get ugly.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 1>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_scream_good">>
<p>And it works!</p>
<big>The bear is looking at you with fear.</big>
<<dial "player" "WHO'S THE ALPHA NOW, BITCH???!!!">>
<big>You are!</big>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 1>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_punch_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<big>But your fist misses the target.</big>
<p>You hit the target...</p>
<big>...but the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck.</tht>">>
<big>Now it's gonna get ugly.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 2>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_punch_good">>
<big>You nail it!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch_success_3.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "WHO'S THE ALPHA NOW???!!!">>
<big>You are!</big>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 2>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#round6">>
<<if $QdMK_stun>>
<big>The bear is in shock.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stun_3.mp4">>
<p>What are you waiting for?! </p>
<big>Grab the stick and run!</big>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick+">>
<<set $QdMK_stun = null>>
<<btn "#run">>
<big>The bear has murder written in his eyes!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_roar_3.mp4">>
<big>This won't end well...</big>
<<btn "#badend">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<big>You dart through the park, like your life depended on it.</big>
<p>And it kinda does, so... good for you!</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_run_1.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_angry - $QdMK_run < 0>>
<<set $QdMK_result = "goodend">>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "goodend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["goodend", "goodend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "badend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "goodend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "badend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "badend", "badend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = "#" + $QdMK_result>>
<big>But the beast is behind you.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_run_2.mp4">>
<p>You can do it, man!</p>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#goodend">>
<big>Fortunately, the bear stays behind.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Really!? So can I stop running now!?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_goodend.mp4">>
<big>I'd give it couple more miles just to be sure.</big>
<<btn "#final">>
<<chunk null "#badend">>
<big>The beast grabs you and mauls your ass.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_badend.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Help!</tht>">>
<p>Fortunately, the bear is more interested in the stick.</p>
<big>He grabs it in his mouth and walks away.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ohh... fuck! Am I dead...?</tht>">>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick-; bleeding+">>
<big>And we need to find another stick.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "daphMakeKey-">>
<<chunk null "#final">>
<big>You finally stop.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck me... that was intense!</tht>">>
<p>Look at you. You wrestled with the bear and won... I really didn't expect you to survive.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What about not killing off main character!?</tht>">>
<p>I was just trying to lift your spirit. Besides...</p>
<big>From my perspective I'm the main character.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, right...</tht>">>
<<if !$daphMakeKeyMetal && !$daphMakeKeyBox>>
<p>Ok, enough chit-chat. You have a stick, so now all you need is...</p>
<big>...some metal and a box.</big>
<<elseif !$daphMakeKeyMetal || !$daphMakeKeyBox>>
<p>Ok, enough chit-chat. You have a stick and <<if $daphMakeKeyMetal>>a stick<<else>>a box<</if>>, now all you need is...</p>
<big>...<<if !$daphMakeKeyMetal>>some metal<<else>>a box<</if>>.</big>
<p>Anyway, the good news is...</p>
<big>You have everything you need to make a key!</big>
<p>Go to your room and start working on it.</p>
<<if $daphMakeKeyStick && $daphMakeKeyMetal && $daphMakeKeyBox>>
<<btn $curLoc null "$daphMakeKeyStick+; love+4" "yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc null "$daphMakeKeyStick+; daphMakeKey-; love+4" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=3; $daphMakeKeyStick=2; effect:bleeding">> /* Find some metal, a stick, and a box. */
<big>What the fuck are you doing?!</big>
<p>You're barely moving! You can't fight a bear in this shape.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bleeding.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I can do it!</tht>">>
<p>No you can't.</p>
<big>Get well, and then come back.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<<btn $curLoc null "daphMakeKey-; $daphMakeKeyStick-">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=3; $daphMakeKeyBox=2">> /* Find some metal, a stick, and a box. */
<<set $QdMK_bear = ["mf", "retard", "baby"].random()>>
<p>You walk off the path, and deeper between the trees. You carefully look around...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>There it is.</tht>">>
<p>You point at a stick in the distance.</p>
<big>And there's the bear.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok... so which one is it?</tht>">>
<<if $QdMK_bear == "mf">>
<p>What we have here is a...</p>
<big>...Motherfucker Bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_mf.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck...!</tht>">>
<p>Yup. They're the worst. Strong, quick, dangerous... Unless you really feel confident in your bear fighting skills, I'd actually suggest finding another stick.</p>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear == "retard">>
<p>What we have here is a...</p>
<big>...Retarded Bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_retard.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I might have a chance with that one!</tht>">>
<p>Yup. They are big, but slow... And they easily get confused. With the right approach you can totally beat it.</p>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear == "baby">>
<p>What we have here is a...</p>
<big>...Baby Bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_baby.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It doesn't look that threatening...</tht>">>
<p>Don't let them fool you. They are small and weak, but quick like fucking roadrunner! You'd have to wear it down first, before you'll have a chance to outrun it.</p>
<<btn "#tactic" "Ok, I'm ready!" "dom+3" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Abort! Too dangerous!" "love+1; daphMakeKey-; $daphMakeKeyStick-" "action">>
<<chunk null "#tactic">>
<p>Ok, so you got the intel.</p>
<big>Now you have to choose the tactic.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This again...?</tht>">>
<p>Well, if you don't want to hear about it, that'd just make my job easier. It's your choice.</p>
<<btn "#tactic_choose" "I want to get to the fighting already!" "dom+5" "action">>
<<btn "#tactic_tutorial" "Ok, remind me about the tactic" "love+5" "action">>
<<chunk null "#tactic_tutorial">>
<big>You can do a frontal attack.</big>
<p>Go there, punch a bear in the mug, and (if he doesn't rip you apart) take the stick.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_frontal_attack.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That sounds terrible.</tht>">>
<p>Ok, so other option would be to...</p>
<big>...get to the high ground.</big>
<p>Basically you wait until the bear comes to you, and then wear him down using your superior position.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_high_ground.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This just sounds like suicide with extra steps.</tht>">>
<p>And if you really want to avoid confrontation...</p>
<big> can also set a trap.</big>
<p>Basically you hide in the bushes, wait until the bear is close, and then jump at him.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_trap.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, so you simply want to see me killed, right?</tht>">>
<<btn "#tactic_choose">>
<<chunk null "#tactic_choose">>
<p>That's all the options you have.</p>
<big>You gotta choose, man.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Let me think...</tht>">>
<<btn "#round1" "I'm going full frontal!" "dom+10; $QdMK_pos+front" "action">>
<<btn "#round1" "I'm gonna take the high ground!" "love+5; dom+5; $QdMK_pos+high" "action">>
<<btn "#round1" "I'm setting up the trap!" "love+10; $QdMK_pos+trap" "action">>
<<chunk null "#round1">>
<<set $QdMK_prefix = "#r1_">>
<p>The bear is completely focused on the stick, he doesn't notice you at all.</p>
<big>That's a perfect moment!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<p>You take a deep breath and...</p>
<big> come out from your hiding.</big>
<<dial "player" "Hey, you fucking... ermmm... bear! I'm gonna fuck you up!">>
<p>The bear looks at you surprised.</p>
<big>Not as surprised as me though.</big>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<p>You get closer to the bear, while hiding in the bushes. You wait for a good moment and then...</p>
<big> jump out of hiding.</big>
<<dial "player" "Surprise, motherfucker!">>
<p>The bear looks at you, confused by your sudden appearance.</p>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<p>You see a big rock next to a bear, so you quickly run to it and jump on it.</p>
<<dial "player" "A-ha!">>
<p>The bear looks at you, intimidated by your strategic position.</p>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "stick"` "Reach for the stick" "love+10" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "scream"` "Scream at the bear!" "love+5; dom+5" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "punch"` "Punch his stupid fucking bear mug" "dom+10" "action">>
<<chunk null "#r1_stick">>
<p>Without thinking...</p>
<big>You reach for the stick.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stick.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "stick_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r1_scream">>
<p>You take a deep breath...</p>
<big>And scream on the top of your lungs.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_scream.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "scream_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r1_punch">>
<p>You clench your fist and...</p>
<big>...throw your best punch at the bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "punch_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r1_stick_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<big>But it's too far to reach it.</big>
<big>But the bear pushes it away at the last moment.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! What now...?</tht>">>
<p>Now...? Well...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_stick_good">>
<big>You grab it in your hand!</big>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>Don't be so happy...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick+">>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_scream_bad">>
<big>But the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! What now...?</tht>">>
<p>Now...? Well...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 1>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_scream_good">>
<p>And it works!</p>
<big>The bear is scared.</big>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>Don't be so happy...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 1>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_punch_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<big>But your fist misses the target.</big>
<p>You hit the target...</p>
<big>...but the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! What now...?</tht>">>
<p>Now...? Well...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 2>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_punch_good">>
<big>You hit the bear right in the kisser!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch_success_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>Don't be so happy...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 2>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#round2">>
<<set $QdMK_prefix = "#r2_">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + $QdMK_result>>
<<if $QdMK_stun>>
<big>The animal is too shocked to attack.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stun_1.mp4">>
<p>Well, I actually have to say - good work, man!</p>
<<set $QdMK_stun = null>>
<<btn "#round3">>
<big>You managed to get the beast angry.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_roar_1.mp4">>
<big>The bear launches a counter-attack...</big>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r2_bad">>
<big>Bear's paw hits you like a truck!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_attack_success_1.mp4">>
<<wrapper "item:QdMK_stick">>
<p>It's a miracle you survived that. But unfortunately...</p>
<big>You lose the stick.</big>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick-; sore+">>
<p>It's a miracle you survived that.</p>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 1>>
<<yields "sore+">>
<<btn "#round3">>
<<chunk null "#r2_good">>
<big>But the bear's paw misses your head by an inch!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_attack_fail.mp4">>
<p>You lucky bastard!</p>
<big>You survived!</big>
<<btn "#round3">>
<<chunk null "#round3">>
<<set $QdMK_prefix = "#r3_">>
<p>Ok man...</p>
<big>It's time to bring it to another level!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I feel I can win this!</tht>">>
<p>I don't, but we can dream.</p>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "stick"` "Reach for the stick" "love+10; !item:QdMK_stick" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "scream"` "Scream at the bear!" "love+5; dom+5" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "punch"` "Punch his stupid fucking bear mug" "dom+10" "action">>
<<btn "#run" "Take the stick and run!" "item:QdMK_stick" "action">>
<<chunk null "#r3_stick">>
<p>You make a quick decision...</p>
<big>And reach your hand for the stick.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stick.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "stick_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r3_scream">>
<p>You take a deep breath...</p>
<big>And scream on the top of your lungs.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_scream.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "scream_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r3_punch">>
<p>You clench your fist and...</p>
<big>...throw your best punch at the bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "punch_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r3_stick_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<big>But it's too far to reach it.</big>
<big>But the bear pushes it away at the last moment.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck!</tht>">>
<p>Well... too bad. And now...</p>
<big>Brace for impact buddy.</big>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_stick_good">>
<big>You grab it in your hand!</big>
<<dial "player" "I knew I can do this!">>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick+">>
<big>I'm afraid it's not the end yet...</big>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_scream_bad">>
<big>But the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Motherfucker!</tht>">>
<p>Well... too bad. And now...</p>
<big>Brace for impact buddy.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 1>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_scream_good">>
<p>And it works!</p>
<big>The bear is looking at you with fear.</big>
<<dial "player" "YEAH!!! FEAR ME! I'M THE MAN!!!">>
<p>Ok, ok, let's not get too far with this...</p>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 1>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_punch_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<big>But your fist misses the target.</big>
<p>You hit the target...</p>
<big>...but the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ooops... That's not great.</tht>">>
<p>Well... it was nice knowing you. And now...</p>
<big>Brace for impact buddy.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 2>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_punch_good">>
<big>You nail it!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch_success_2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "YEAH!!! FUCKING TEDDY BEAR, THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE!!!">>
<p>Ok, ok, let's not get too far with this...</p>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 2>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#round4">>
<<set $QdMK_prefix = "#r4_">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + $QdMK_result>>
<<if $QdMK_stun>>
<big>The bear is stunned.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stun_2.mp4">>
<big>That's animal cruelty, you know?</big>
<<set $QdMK_stun = null>>
<<btn "#round5">>
<big>The beast is furious!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_roar_2.mp4">>
<big>The bear launches a counter-attack...</big>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r4_bad">>
<big>Bear hits you like a jackhammer!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_attack_success_2.mp4">>
<<wrapper "item:QdMK_stick">>
<p>Man, are you still with me...? I have bad news...</p>
<big>You lost the stick.</big>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick-; sore+">>
<p>Man, are you still with me? Fuck. That was heavy.</p>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 1>>
<<yields "sore+">>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run - 1>>
<<btn "#round5">>
<<chunk null "#r4_good">>
<big>But the bear's paw misses your head!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_attack_fail.mp4">>
<p>Fuck me!</p>
<big>That was close!</big>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 1>>
<<btn "#round5">>
<<chunk null "#round5">>
<<set $QdMK_prefix = "#r5_">>
<big>Wow... You're still here!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh shut up.</tht>">>
<p>Oh, come on, I'm on your side. I even almost, slightly start to believe that...</p>
<big> might have a chance!</big>
<p><small>Very small chance though.</small></p>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "stick"` "Reach for the stick" "love+10; !item:QdMK_stick" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "scream"` "Scream at the bear!" "love+5; dom+5" "action">>
<<btn `$QdMK_prefix + "punch"` "Punch his stupid fucking bear mug" "dom+10" "action">>
<<btn "#run" "Take the stick and run!" "item:QdMK_stick" "action">>
<<chunk null "#r5_stick">>
<p>You look at the stick...</p>
<big>It's now or never.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stick.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "stick_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r5_scream">>
<p>You take a deep breath...</p>
<big>And scream on the top of your lungs.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_scream.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "scream_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r5_punch">>
<p>You clench your fist and...</p>
<big>...throw your best punch at the bear.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = $QdMK_prefix + "punch_" + $QdMK_result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r5_stick_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<big>But it's too far to reach it.</big>
<big>But the bear pushes it away at the last moment.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No!!!</tht>">>
<big>Now it's gonna get ugly.</big>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_stick_good">>
<big>You grab it in your hand!</big>
<<dial "player" "I knew I can do this!">>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick+">>
<p>Don't open the champagne yet.</p>
<big>You have to survive bear's retaliation...</big>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_scream_bad">>
<big>But the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Motherfucker!</tht>">>
<big>Now it's gonna get ugly.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 1>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_scream_good">>
<p>And it works!</p>
<big>The bear is looking at you with fear.</big>
<<dial "player" "WHO'S THE ALPHA NOW, BITCH???!!!">>
<big>You are!</big>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 1>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_punch_bad">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<big>But your fist misses the target.</big>
<p>You hit the target...</p>
<big>...but the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck.</tht>">>
<big>Now it's gonna get ugly.</big>
<<set $QdMK_angry = $QdMK_angry + 2>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_punch_good">>
<big>You nail it!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_punch_success_3.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "WHO'S THE ALPHA NOW???!!!">>
<big>You are!</big>
<<set $QdMK_stun = 1>>
<<set $QdMK_run = $QdMK_run + 2>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#round6">>
<<if $QdMK_stun>>
<big>The bear is in shock.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_stun_3.mp4">>
<p>What are you waiting for?! </p>
<big>Grab the stick and run!</big>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick+">>
<<set $QdMK_stun = null>>
<<btn "#run">>
<big>The bear has murder written in his eyes!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_roar_3.mp4">>
<big>This won't end well...</big>
<<btn "#badend">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<big>You dart through the park, like your life depended on it.</big>
<p>And it kinda does, so... good for you!</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_run_1.mp4">>
<<if $QdMK_angry - $QdMK_run < 0>>
<<set $QdMK_result = "goodend">>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="high">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "goodend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["goodend", "goodend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="trap">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "badend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "goodend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_pos=="front">>
<<if $QdMK_bear=="mf">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "badend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="baby">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "badend", "badend"].random()>>
<<elseif $QdMK_bear=="retard">>
<<set $QdMK_result = ["badend", "badend", "goodend", "goodend"].random()>>
<<set $QdMK_result = "#" + $QdMK_result>>
<big>But the beast is behind you.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_run_2.mp4">>
<p>You can do it, man!</p>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn $QdMK_result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#goodend">>
<big>Fortunately, the bear stays behind.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Really!? So can I stop running now!?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_goodend.mp4">>
<big>I'd give it couple more miles just to be sure.</big>
<<btn "#final">>
<<chunk null "#badend">>
<big>The beast grabs you and mauls your ass.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/bear_badend.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Help!</tht>">>
<p>Fortunately, the bear is more interested in the stick.</p>
<big>He grabs it in his mouth and walks away.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ohh... fuck! Am I dead...?</tht>">>
<<yields "item:QdMK_stick-; bleeding+">>
<big>And we need to find another stick.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "daphMakeKey-; $daphMakeKeyStick-">>
<<chunk null "#final">>
<big>You finally stop.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck me... that was intense!</tht>">>
<p>Look at you. You wrestled with the bear and won... I really didn't expect you to survive.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What about not killing off main character!?</tht>">>
<p>I was just trying to lift your spirit. Besides...</p>
<big>From my perspective I'm the main character.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, right...</tht>">>
<<if !$daphMakeKeyMetal && !$daphMakeKeyBox>>
<p>Ok, enough chit-chat. You have a stick, so now all you need is...</p>
<big>...some metal and a box.</big>
<<elseif !$daphMakeKeyMetal || !$daphMakeKeyBox>>
<p>Ok, enough chit-chat. You have a stick and <<if $daphMakeKeyMetal>>a stick<<else>>a box<</if>>, now all you need is...</p>
<big>...<<if !$daphMakeKeyMetal>>some metal<<else>>a box<</if>>.</big>
<p>Anyway, the good news is...</p>
<big>You have everything you need to make a key!</big>
<p>Go to your room and start working on it.</p>
<<if $daphMakeKeyStick && $daphMakeKeyMetal && $daphMakeKeyBox>>
<<btn $curLoc null "$daphMakeKeyStick+; love+4" "yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc null "$daphMakeKeyStick+; daphMakeKey-; love+4" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=3; $daphMakeKeyBox=1">> /* Find some metal, a stick, and a box. */
/* Set up array */
<<set _trashArr to [
{name: "Dead rat", id: "dead_rat"},
{name: "Dead racoon", id: "dead_racoon"},
{name: "Dead memes", id: "dead_meme"}
/* HTML */
<p>There might be some boxes in the trash.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dude... why do I even need this fucking box? It's stupid. I'm making a fucking key!!!</tht>">>
<p>Complain all you want, but I'm just a narrator. I don't set up the rules.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<big>You walk closer to the trash.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/store_trash.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Actually, there's plenty of boxes there, it should be easy...</tht>">>
<big>We'll see.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What do you mean we'll see...</tht>">>
<big>You pick up a box and open it...</big>
<<set _trashArr to _trashArr.shuffle()>>
<<set _trash = _trashArr[2]>>
<<if == "dead_meme">>
<<set _notFound = "#notfound1_meme">>
<<set _notFound = "#notfound1">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = [_notFound, _notFound, _notFound, "#found"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = [_notFound, _notFound, "#found"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = [_notFound, "#found"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#found">>
<<menu null null "wildcard">>
<<btn _decision "What's in the box?" "energy-10" "wildcard yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'm too tired for this shit..." "$daphMakeKeyBox+null; daphMakeKey-" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#notfound1">>
<big>You found //<<print>>//.</big>
<<media `"quests/daphMakeKey/" + + ".jpg"`>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh my fucking god!</tht>">>
<big>And also it stinks.</big>
<<yields "stinker+">>
<<set _trashArr.splice(2, 1)>>
<<btn "#search2">>
<<chunk null "#notfound1_meme">>
<<set _trashArr.splice(2, 1)>>
<big>The box is filled with //<<print>>//.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dead memes!?</tht>">>
<p>Yup. These are the memes that were once great, but now they are slowly sinking into oblivion.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/dead_meme_1.jpg">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/dead_meme_2.jpg">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/dead_meme_3.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I remember this one... it wasn't that long ago...</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, I remember this year. It was a great year for memes. But still - //not that long ago// equals ages in terms of meme lifespan, buddy.</p>
<big>Memes are like butterflies.</big>
<<btn "#search2">>
<<chunk null "#search2">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... maybe this one?</tht>">>
<big>You take another box and open it...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/unboxing.mp4">>
<<set _trashArr to _trashArr.shuffle()>>
<<set _trash = _trashArr[1]>>
<<if == "dead_meme">>
<<set _notFound = "#notfound2_meme">>
<<set _notFound = "#notfound2">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _decision = [_notFound, _notFound, "#found"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _decision = [_notFound, "#found"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#found">>
<<menu null null "wildcard">>
<<btn _decision "What's in the box?" "energy-10" "wildcard yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'm too tired for this shit..." "$daphMakeKeyBox+null; daphMakeKey-" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#notfound2">>
<big>You found //<<print>>//.</big>
<<media `"quests/daphMakeKey/" + + ".jpg"`>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh my fucking god!</tht>">>
<big>And also it stinks.</big>
<<yields "stinker+">>
<<set _trashArr.splice(1, 1)>>
<<btn "#search3">>
<<chunk null "#notfound2_meme">>
<<set _trashArr.splice(1, 1)>>
<big>The box is filled with //<<print>>//.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dead memes!?</tht>">>
<p>Yup. These are the memes that were once great, but now they are slowly sinking into oblivion.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/dead_meme_1.jpg">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/dead_meme_2.jpg">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/dead_meme_3.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I remember this one... it wasn't that long ago...</tht>">>
<p>2019 to be exact. It was a great year for memes. But still - //not that long ago// equals ages in terms of meme lifespan, buddy.</p>
<big>Memes are like butterflies.</big>
<<btn "#search3">>
<<chunk null "#search3">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dude... come on... can't you pass me through somehow?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/give_up.mp4">>
<p>But I can feel you're close, my man.</p>
<<menu null null "wildcard">>
<<btn "#found" "What's in the box?" "energy-10" "wildcard yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'm too tired for this shit..." "$daphMakeKeyBox+null; daphMakeKey-" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#found">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/box.jpg">>
<big>You found... //empty box//!</big>
<<yields "item:QdMK_box+">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Hurray... Now can I make a fucking key?!</tht>">>
<<if !$daphMakeKeyStick && !$daphMakeKeyMetal>>
<p>Not yet. You have a box, now all you need is...</p>
<big>...a stick and some metal.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ehh...</tht>">>
<<elseif !$daphMakeKeyStick || !$daphMakeKeyBox>>
<p>Not yet. You have a box and <<if $daphMakeKeyStick>>a stick<<else>>some metal<</if>>, now all you need is...</p>
<big>...<<if !$daphMakeKeyStick>>a stick<<else>>some metal<</if>>.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<p>Go to your room and start working on it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Thank god.</tht>">>
<p>Wait a second...</p>
<big>What's that?!</big>
<p>You notice that the trash are filled with missing person posters.</p>
<big>And they all have $'s face on it.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/ash_poster.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's $! Why those posters are in the trash?</tht>">>
<p>Good question. It looks like someone went around the entire neighborhood, take down all the posters, and put it in the trash.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But who would do that? And why?!</tht>">>
<p>Why? I don't know...</p>
<big>And who...?</big>
<p>You look at the window of the store. For a moment you had a feeling that someone is observing you, but you haven't seen a thing.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You think that $ is involved...?</tht>">>
<p>I have no idea, buddy. But she clearly is hiding something.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Hmm... Anyway - we'll deal with that shit later. I've got other stuff to do...</tht>">>
<big>You take the box and walk away.</big>
<<if $daphMakeKeyStick && $daphMakeKeyMetal && $daphMakeKeyBox>>
<<btn $curLocParent null "$daphMakeKeyBox+; love+4" "yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLocParent null "$daphMakeKeyBox+; daphMakeKey-; love+4" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=4">> /* Craft the new key. */
<big>You prepare all the items needed to craft the key.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/minecraft.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what now...?</tht>">>
<big>You get to work.</big>
<p><small>And I'm going for a beer.</small></p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I though you'll help me.</tht>">>
<p>I am helping you... by not disturbing while you make the key!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... let's get it over with.</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_make_1.mp4">>
<<yields "item:QdMK_metal-; item:QdMK_box-; item:QdMK_stick-">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_make_2.mp4">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_make_3.mp4">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_make_4.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's getting a bit hot in here...</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_make_5.mp4">>
<p>And finally...</p>
<big>...the key is ready!</big>
<<yields "item:daphCelKey+">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_make_6.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Not thanks to you...</tht>">>
<p>Oh, come on!</p>
<big>I was with you in spirit.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I've been thinking... $ was behaving strangely lately... And I still have the mold from her with the key that she impressed...</tht>">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mold.jpg">>
<big>I like where this is going!</big>
<p>We could make this key and try to find the lock that it fits in.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That's exactly what I was saying.</tht>">>
<p>Great minds think alike!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... give me a minute.</tht>">>
<p>You pur hot metal into the mold you got from $, and after couple moments, they key is ready.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_mia.jpg">>
<p>Somehow, it doesn't look like a key to her dad's shed.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>True... I wonder what it opens.</tht>">>
<p>Don't worry, we'll figure it out.</p>
<<yields "miaKey+" "dialog">>
<p>And now...</p>
<big>Cellar awaits!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:daphMakeKey=5">> /* Go to the cellar. */
<p>You look around, making sure no one sees you.</p>
<big>You put the key in the hole...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/key_open.mp4">>
<big>It works!</big>
<big>You walk inside the cellar and close the doors.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/dark.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck. I can't see a thing. Where's the light?!</tht>">>
<p>It's on the left.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yours or mine?!</tht>">>
<p>I don't have a left. I'm a narrator, I'm everywhere. It's a funny feeling to be honest. Like, I know everything, but I can only act based on your actions. So partially - I take part in this adventure - and partially - I'm the adventure itself--</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Could you fucking tell me where is the liiiigh--</tht>">>
<<if $player.lvl >= 4>>
<big>You slip, but your alpha senses kick in.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/stairs_success.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wow. I'm good!</tht>">>
<big>Your feet slips...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/stairs_fail.mp4">>
<big>...and you smash your face into the wall.</big>
<<dial "player" "Wow... That was unnecessarily painful...">>
<<yields "sore+">>
<big>You turn on the lights.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/cellar_lights.mp4">>
<p>$ really put some thought into this...</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm so happy! I'm already thinking where to position spy cameras... I'll have soooo much fun with this...!">>
<p>Why are you saying it out loud?</p>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, I dunno... It's kinda spooky in here. Like, at least when I talk out loud it's not silent.">>
<p>Well, talking to me out loud it's against game manual, but you do what you want. Anyway, instead of spy cameras you should be thinking how to make $ let you in here more often to fuck her.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, I know, I know... But think of the possibilities...">>
<<btn null "I might start a streaming service and make some cash!" "dom+3" "dialog">>
<<btn null "I could learn what $ likes and then use it!" "love+3" "dialog">>
<p>Yeah, yeah... Let's not get ahead of ourselves.</p>
<big>First question - where will you get the cameras?</big>
<<dial "player" "I dunno... online?">>
<p>Yeah, like hell you will. Have you seen any Internet over here?</p>
<<dial "player" "Well, I can browse memes in my room, but, like, there's no computer? I was actually wondering about that - what year is it here anyway?">>
<big>No one knows.</big>
<p>This Grave dude never said. Sometimes you think we're in the 50s, and one quest later it's modern times. That's sloppy writing if you ask me.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well, it's just his style I think... Oh, I have an idea! I'll ask $! Maybe she has spy cameras to sell?">>
<big>Another one of your genius plans?</big>
<p>We just copied her key to spy on her, and now you want to ask her for spy cameras?</p>
<<dial "player" "Yeah, you're right... Now when I think about it... It's actually important that under no circumstances $ could know about this...">>
<big>Look at us - we're actually agreeing about something.</big>
<big>Suddenly you hear something behind you.</big>
<p>You turn and...</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh fuck.">>
<big>Oh fuck.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_intro_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "It's $!">>
<big>Yeah, I think she knows who she is.</big>
<p>She makes a move with her eyes, desperately pointing at a gag in her mouth.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_intro_2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "I think she wants me to ungag her!">>
<big>She nods.</big>
<<dial "player" "And what if I want her gagged?">>
<big>$ freezes in panic.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_intro_3.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck, was I saying it out loud?!</tht>">>
<p>I told you - that shit is against game manual. But you went rogue. And that's what happens.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck, now I have to ungag her, or she'll think I'm a fucking serial killer.</tht>">>
<big>She already thinks that.</big>
<big>You look at $ with a desperate smile.</big>
<<dial "player" "Haha, I got you, haha!">>
<p>You come closer to her and take off her gag.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_ungag.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<dial "player" "I saw you right after I came in haha... This whole talking to myself and all... That was a joke, haha... I wanted you to think I'm some sort of a serial killer... I played you, haha... You believe that, right...?">>
<big>I don't think anyone believes that, $</big>
<p>Also - friendly advice - drop the //haha//, ok? I think she already fucking knows you're a moran.</p>
<<dial "player" "I saw you right after I came in! I was talking to myself to make you think I'm some sort of a serial killer! I played you!">>
<big>At least you're trying.</big>
<big>$ looks around.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Did you see my clothes...?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... <tht>Do you see her clothes?</tht>">>
<p>Better question is...</p>
<big>Do we want to see her clothes?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Got ya.</tht> Uhmmm... No. We... I mean - //I// don't see your clothes.">>
<<btn null "You look great by the way!" "mia.dom+; $daphMakeKeyMiaReply+1" "dialog">>
<<btn null "How did you end up here?" "" "dialog">>
<<if $daphMakeKeyMiaReply == 1>>
<big>She looks at you with anger.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Really...?! That's what you say when you find tied naked girl in the cellar?!">>
<<dial "player" "Well, yeah, actually what are you doing in my cellar?">>
<p>She looks around.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I guess I own you some explanation...">>
<big>She looks at you.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Well... I guess I own you some explanation! It's not everyday you find tied naked girls...">>
<big>Unless your name is Epstein.</big>
<p>Yeah, I'll stop doing that.</p>
<big>$ thinks for a moment.</big>
<<dial "mia" "So... when you told me about the key... I got curious... So I followed you...">>
<<dial "player" "You followed me...?">>
<p>Oh man, wait.</p>
<big>Let's pause this for a second.</big>
<big>Did I tell you that there's a tracking device in the box she gave you?</big>
<<dial "player" "YOU DID NOT!">>
<p>I meant to say it, but kinda forgot.</p>
<<dial "player" "Kinda forgot?!">>
<p>$ looks at you curiously.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Who are you talking to...?">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck! Don't try to weasel your way out of it! We'll talk later!</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "What I meant is - I will never forget that you spied on me!">>
<<dial "mia" "I knew it was bad, but I just couldn't stop... I mean... I don't know many people who fight bears...">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck, she saw that!</tht>">>
<big>And that's a bad thing?!</big>
<big>She moves closer.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_sorry.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "I'm sorry, $ I was worried that you'll do something stupid and go to prison...">>
<<yields "mia.dom+5;">>
<<dial "player" "But if you were following me, how did you end up here before me?">>
<big>Good question!</big>
<<dial "mia" "Well... while you were digging holes in the garden... I kinda made my own key to the cellar... It took me like 5 minutes.">>
<<dial "player" "5 minutes, you say?">>
<<dial "player" "So what happened then?">>
<<dial "mia" "So I waited for a good moment, and sneaked into the cellar. It was dark, so I couldn't see well... And then this guy jumped on me... He yelled //Surprise!//, grabbed me, tied me up, gagged me. I was so scared!">>
<big>She sighs.</big>
<<dial "mia" "But when he turned on the light... He was very surprised when he saw me... I think he was waiting for someone else... And he ran, leaving me here.">>
<p>Oh god damn. The guy might have been waiting for $! He probably planned a surprise kidnap scenario for her... I'm sure it's high on her bucket list.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh, look - suddenly you're doing your job!</tht>">>
<big>$ looks at you like she suddenly realized something.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Oh my god... Did I mess up your... fantasy?!">>
<<dial "player" "Uhm... what?">>
<<dial "mia" "Did you hire this guy... to come here... and... you know... fuck you, $">>
<<dial "player" "What? No!">>
<<dial "mia" "I saw a documentary about stuff like that... It must have been your secret kink... And I've ruined it - I feel so ashamed!">>
<p>You're not sure what to answer.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I know I'm not sure, you don't have to tell it to me!</tht>">>
<p>Suddenly $ looks at you with sparks in her eyes.</p>
<<dial "mia" "But you know what? We can still play this scenario if you want! I'm gonna be that guy...">>
<<dial "player" "What do you mean exactly...?">>
<<dial "mia" "It's simple! I'm gonna be that guy!">>
<big>She takes a strap-on from the shelf.</big>
<<dial "player" "Ohhh...">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_strapon.jpg">>
<big>That's an interesting development.</big>
<<dial "mia" "What do you think, baby? Let's stop those questions, and do something... else instead.">>
<p>I don't want to spoil the mood, but...</p>
<big> kinda feels like a diversion.</big>
<p>There's so much you should ask her. Why she uses equipment for thieves. Why she lied about not knowing $ Why she thrown his posters to the trash.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You know what? Fuck it. I'm tired. I fought a fucking bear god damn it. I WANT TO FUCK.</tht>">>
<p>Well... You know what?</p>
<p>You're actually right. We'll get to the bottom of this sooner or later. And now...</p>
<big>...let's do some damage!</big>
<<btn "#strapon" "Strap-on? I like where this is going." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#bdsm" "Someone's getting dildoed. But it's not me." "mia.dom+4" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#strapon">>
<<dial "mia" "Ok... so... uhmmm... //Surprise!// - is that what I should yell?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I guess--">>
<p>You don't finish your sentence, because...</p>
<big>...$ pushes you on the mattress.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Shut up... uhm... //bitch//! Fuck! I kinda like it!">>
<p>She walks to you slowly.</p>
<big>With a big dick hanging between her legs.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_pegging_1.mp4">>
<big>She puts some lubricant on the dildo.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_pegging_2.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Yeah... You're my little bitch... So I'm gonna fuck you like a bitch!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Remind me why have I agreed to that?</tht>">>
<p>Oh, come on, man. It's good to explore new things.</p>
<big>Have fun!</big>
<big>$ slowly pushes the dildo deeper...</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_pegging_3.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Oh ffuuuuu...">>
<big>...and deeper....</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_pegging_4.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "...uuuuuuuuuuuu...">>
<big>...and deeper!</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_pegging_5.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "...uuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!">>
<p>And with each push you feel the dildo going in and out of your gaping asshole.</p>
<<dial "mia" "You like that, bitch...?">>
<big>Admit it. You do.</big>
<big>$ fucks you like it was her real dick.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_pegging_6.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "THIS... FEELSSS... GOOOOOD!!!">>
<big>Couple more pushes, and you'll come.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_pegging_7.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Yes! YES! YESSS!!!">>
<big>You feel cum boiling in you and...</big>
<big>You cum.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_pegging_cum.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!">>
<<dial "mia" "Yeah, bitch, shoot it all out!">>
<p>And finally...</p>
<big>'s over.</big>
<<dial "player" "Wooow...!">>
<p>You look around, like you'd come back from a long journey.</p>
<<dial "mia" "You're ok?">>
<p>You're tied. Your asshole pulsates. And you have cum all over you.</p>
<big>And it feels good.</big>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... It was great...!">>
<big>$ looks at you with a naughty smile.</big>
<<dial "mia" "You know what bitch?!">>
<p>I don't like the sound of that.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I'm gonna leave you here.">>
<<dial "player" "What...?">>
<p>Before you even realize what's happening...</p>
<big>$ gathers her things and walks out the cellar.</big>
<<dial "player" "Hey! What the fuck! Don't go!!!">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_pegging_help.mp4">>
<p>You crawl up the stairs, trying to loosen up the bondage.</p>
<<dial "player" "$! Wait!">>
<p>God damn it...</p>
<big>She played you.</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk null "#bdsm">>
<<dial "mia" "Uhmm... What do you mean...?">>
<big>You push $ on the bed.</big>
<p>She looks you in the eyes with fear...</p>
<p>...but she nods.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I'm ready...">>
<big>She spreads her long legs.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_1.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Is this what you like, $">>
<<dial "player" "We'll see...">>
<p>$ smiles.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I never thought I'll say it... but... I like to feel vulnerable like that.">>
<big>I think she's about to discover a whole new meaning of //vulnerable//.</big>
<big>You take a huge dildo in your hand.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_2.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh no... it's too big.">>
<<dial "player" "I'll be gentle.">>
<big>Not too gentle though.</big>
<big>You slowly move the dildo around her wet cunt.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_3.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh... that feels good...">>
<big>And finally you push it deeper.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_4.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh...? Oh!!! Fuck!!!">>
<p>But the dildo was just the warm up.</p>
<big>You start smacking her tits.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_5.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Yes! Smack those tits. Do it!">>
<<dial "player" "Oh yea?">>
<big>You take a whip.</big>
<<dial "mia" "Oh fuck.">>
<big>You start slowly.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_6.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Uhhh.... Mmmmm... Stronger!">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_7.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "God damn, I love it!">>
<big>She moans under her breath.</big>
<<dial "player" "Now I want to play with your asshole.">>
<p>$ eagerly pulls her beautiful ass towards you.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Yes master!">>
<big>She's really getting into the mood!</big>
<p>You take a buttplug...</p>
<big>...and push it slowly into her ass.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_8.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Push it all in, I'm ready!">>
<p>You don't even have to use any force.</p>
<big>Her ass sucks the buttplug in.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_9.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Uhhhh... It's big!">>
<big>And now... the big finale!</big>
<p>You grab the whip and start smacking $'s ass.</p>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_10.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Ooh fuck... It hurts... But I like it!">>
<big>You whip $'s ass mercilessly.</big>
<<dial "mia" "YES!!! SMACK THAT ASS!">>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_11.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "I'M GONNA CUM!">>
<p>Her legs start shaking...</p>
<big>She cums.</big>
<<media "quests/daphMakeKey/mia_bdsm_12.mp4">>
<<dial "mia" "Oh fuck... that was... amazing!">>
<<dial "player" "I know.">>
<<dial "mia" "Fuck... I didn't know you from this side...">>
<p>I didn't know you either...</p>
<big>Good fucking job.</big>
<big>She stands up and looks around.</big>
<p>She notices her clothes on the floor.</p>
<<dial "mia" "I'm gonna go... I need to think about this whole thing...">>
<big>And we need to think about questions we want to ask her.</big>
<p>$ gathers her things and quietly sneaks out, making sure that no one sees her. You stay a bit longer to get back to your senses.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wow...</tht>">>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
/* Widget that replaces default include function, to additionally load any tags from the included passage (used mostly because we need to know if we're including a quest, to be able to properly update the quest tasks when player finishes them). */
<<widget "inc">>
/* Backup data (used to run widget inside a widget) */
<<if _incPsg>><<set _incPsgOld = _incPsg>><</if>>
<<if _incDiv>><<set _incDivOld = _incDiv>><</if>>
/* Vars */
<<set _incPsg = $args[0]>>
<<set _incDiv = "inc_" + _incPsg>>
/* Load the content of the passage */
<div @id=_incDiv><<include _incPsg>></div>
/* Do the rest of the stuff with included passages */
<<script>>checkInclude(State.temporary.incDiv, State.temporary.incPsg);<</script>>
/* Backup data (used to run widget inside a widget) */
<<if _incPsgOld>><<set _incPsg = _incPsgOld>><</if>>
<<if _incDivOld>><<set _incDiv = _incDivOld>><</if>>
<<EVENT "ashIntro=0">> /* Intro to the quest. */
<big>You enter the store and look around.</big>
<p>The shelves are full of liquors and guns. There's also a bit of food, though it barely passes as one.</p>
<<dial "ash" "Name's $ What can I do you for, son?">>
<big>You turn around and look at the cashier...</big>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/ash_intro.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, sorry, I didn't saw you there.">>
<<dial "ash" "Oh yeah? Are you a thief?!">>
<<dial "player" "What!? No! I mean... I was just browsing.">>
<p>The cashier might pass as another white trash Elvis at first glance.</p>
<big>But then you start noticing things.</big>
<p>Old scars. Big fucking chin. And most of all...</p>
<big>...his wooden hand.</big>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/ash_hand.jpg">>
<p>He looks at you for a moment, almost like he's considering whether he should offer you help with your groceries...</p>
<big>...or shoot you in the face with the shotgun.</big>
<big>But he decides //no// to both.</big>
<<dial "ash" "Ok then. I'll be here if needed.">>
<p>He picks up latest edition of D-Cup magazine and loses all interest in you.</p>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/dcup.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Whoa... What's his problem!?</tht>">>
<big>He's just old school.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Old like fucking Big Bang.</tht>">>
<p>Oh yeah? I'll give you a piece of advice.</p>
<big>Never underestimate a dude with a chin like that.</big>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/ash_chin.jpg">>
<p>It probably gets him laid like on a flip of a finger.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Hmm... so you're saying I should get a plastic surgery?</tht>">>
<p>I'm saying there's many ways an alpha could run his shop. Witty mind, good physique, awesome chin.</p>
<big>It's the attitude, the confidence that counts.</big>
<p>And apart from the fact that this guy actually works as cashier in a shop in slums, which doesn't necessarily scream "alpha", I'm pretty sure he knows thing or two about picking up chicks.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Hmm... maybe you're right... I will ask him for some tips.</tht>">>
<<btn $curLoc null "$ash.met+">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:ashIntro=1; period!=Afternoon">> /* Kill the time before $ finishes. */
<p>$ is reading a porn mag, while drinking a beer. You walk out to him with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey, so I was thinking--">>
<<dial "ash" "You wanna buy something?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm, no... I kinda wanted to ask--">>
<<dial "ash" "And I'm kinda busy... Come back in the afternoon.">>
<p>He looks back at the big titty gal in the magazine.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm, but it's just couple questions about--">>
<<dial "ash" "Look, son. This town is only big enough for one asshole. And that asshole is me. Either buy something or have tits. Otherwise - I'm busy.">>
<p>He goes straight back to reading a porn mag.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>He's fucking rude!</tht>">>
<big>He just doesn't give a shit.</big>
<p>That's confidence, and you desperately need more of it.</p>
<big>You need to try again some other time.</big>
<p>I'm sure he'll talk with you eventually.</p>
<<btn null null "ashIntro-">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:ashIntro=1; period=Afternoon">> /* Talk with $ about picking up chicks. */
<p>You look around and notice $, the cashier, at the counter. He's talking to a girl while packing her groceries.</p>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/chick_young.jpg">>
<<dial "ash" "...and that's how I lost my hand.">>
<<dial "gal" "So you're a hero!">>
<<dial "ash" "Hero? I don't like to call myself that. But //you// can call me that all day long, baby!">>
<p>He smiles to her seductively.</p>
<<dial "gal" "Haha, you're funny... I have an idea! Maybe you could--">>
<<dial "ash" "...take you into the back room for a little //tit-à-twàt//?">>
<<dial "gal" "What?! I was going to ask if you could pack me some oranges, but now... Fuck you, old pig!">>
<p>She takes her groceries and leaves, smashing the doors. $ doesn't even blink, he just sits back comfortably, opens up a beer...</p>
<big>...and goes back to his usual lecture.</big>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/big_ones.jpg">>
<p>You approach the counter.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey... $, right? That didn't go that well...">>
<p>He looks at you and immediately loses all the interest.</p>
<<dial "ash" "You mean with the girl? It went very well.">>
<<dial "player" "But she left and... it seems she was angry...?">>
<<dial "ash" "Don't worry, she will come back. They all come back.">>
<p>See? That's what I was talking about.</p>
<big>The confidence.</big>
<p>Ladies dig confidence and alphas know how to project it.</p>
<p>He sighs.</p>
<<dial "ash" "You want something?">>
<<dial "player" "Well... where do I start... So there's this voice in my head...">>
<big>That's a bad place to start.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up!</tht> I meant... you look like a guy who could tell me a thing or two about...">>
<<dial "ash" "You want to learn how to get more chicks?">>
<<dial "player" "Totally!">>
<<dial "ash" "I already told you everything I know about that.">>
<<dial "player" "You did?">>
<<dial "ash" "Let them come to you. That's the only rule.">>
<p>He thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "ash" "That, and also having some holy water on you at every occasion.">>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/implication.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Holy water...? Like... a regular holy water?">>
<<dial "ash" "If you can get a holy water from the pope that'd probably help. But if not than regular would do. Just put your dick in it every morning and you're good.">>
<p>There's a moment of complete silence.</p>
<<media "but_why.mp4">>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<big>...$ notices someone through the glass window.</big>
<<dial "ash" "Oh fuck. Kid, you gotta help me out. There's a lady coming by, that I was working on for a while. I think it's going to happen.">>
<<dial "player" "What is going to happen...?">>
<<dial "ash" "I'm gonna take her in the back, weasel my way into her panties, and then... fucky-fucky! Could you guard the castle for me?">>
<<dial "player" "Well...">>
<<dial "ash" "In return I'm gonna teach you everything I know about getting ladies! Deal?">>
<<dial "player" "Deal!">>
<big>Same moment the doors open and...</big>
<big>...the lady enters.</big>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/chick_old.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wait. Where's the lady? Is she behind this old rag...?</tht>">>
<p>I'm actually not sure...</p>
<<dial "ash" "Roxy!">>
<p>Oh my god. That's her.</p>
<big>That's the lady.</big>
<<btn null "Ermm... Hello...!" "love+" "dialog">>
<<btn null "What. The. Fuck." "dom+" "dialog">>
<p>Roxy looks at you for a second, but quickly shifts her attention towards $</p>
<<dial "gal" "$, you dirty bastard! You got my money?!">>
<p>$ smiles to her.</p>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/ash_smile.mp4">>
<<dial "ash" "Just come over to the back room, and I'll sort you out, baby girl!">>
<p>He and "the lady" quickly disappear into the back of the store.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So... you're gonna say something about confidence?</tht>">>
<big>Oh shut up.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>To his defense - he was right about waiting for them to come to him. He just didn't say that it takes half a century.</tht>">>
<p>Ok, so he might not be as alpha as I thought... But at least he's getting laid.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, yeah... So... what should I do now?</tht>">>
<p>Well... When a guy asks you to cover for him while he fucks a lady, no matter how fucking ugly the lady is, it's a common courtesy to do what he asks.</p>
<big>So stick around until he finishes.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "$questMode+ashIntro">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:ashIntro=2; $ashIntro1=1">> /* Kill the time before $ finishes. */
<p>I'm actually unsure if I want to see that...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Maybe she has good tits!</tht>">>
<p>Well... let's hope.</p>
<big>You get closer to the back room.</big>
<p>You hear the sounds coming from the other side of the doors.</p>
<<dial "ash" "You're grrrreat, baby!">>
<<dial "gal" "I'm ugly and you know it.">>
<<dial "ash" "Good kind of ugly!">>
<big>You crack open the doors and look inside...</big>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/old_fuck.mp4">>
<big>Oh god...</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ugh...!</tht>">>
<big>You move back, terrified.</big>
<big>That was fucking terrible!!!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I want to vomit!</tht>">>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/why.mp4">>
<p>I told you. I fucking told you.</p>
<big>Now it will haunt us forever.</big>
<<btn null null "$questMode+ashIntro; ashIntro-; $ashIntro1+">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:ashIntro=2; $ashIntro2=1">> /* Kill the time before $ finishes. */
/* Create arrays with items (base items are findable many times, unique items can be found just once) */
<<set _searchItemsBase to ["cash+2"]>>
<<set _searchItemsUnique to ["beer+", "viagra+", "encyclopedia+", "cash+50", "cash+100"]>>
/* Define found item */
<<searchLoc _searchItemsBase _searchItemsUnique>>
<p class="fi0">You check every corner of the store. Under the counter, behind the shelves, and inside the drawers.</p>
<big class="fi2">And finally...</big>
/* Set the image */
<<if _foundItem && _foundItemId != "cash">>
<<set _foundItemMedia to _foundItem.replace(/\+/gi, '') +".jpg">>
<<media `"activities/search/" + _foundItemMedia` "si4">>
<big class="si5 center">_foundItemText</big>
<<if _foundItem == "encyclopedia+">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What the hell is this?!</tht>" "si5">>
<big class="fi5">Sex encyclopedia!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>There's a demon on the cover!</tht>" "si5">>
<big class="fi5">It literally says //encyclopedia of sex// so it counts.</big>
<p class="fi5">From now on you will be able to choose a sex position to learn during leveling up, so stop whining.</p>
<<btn null null "$questMode+ashIntro; ashIntro-; $ashIntro2+" "si5">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:ashIntro=2; $ashIntro3=1">> /* Kill the time before $ finishes. */
<p>You see a stack of porn magazines that $ collected behind the counter. By the way they look it's quite obvious they've been "read" many, many times.</p>
<big>You take the one from the top.</big>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/cover_1.jpg">>
<big>//Suzi the Milker says "T-shirts make me horny".//</big>
<p>I mean... it's basically like saying //I like a man for having clothes//. How low can you drop your expectations?</p>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/cover_2.jpg">>
<big>//Dixie needs hot gravy on her gazongas?//</big>
<p>Dixie, I have the gravy - please contact me back as soon a you get the message.</p>
<p>Oh shit.</p>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/cover_3.jpg">>
<big>We're going to need more gravy...</big>
<p>You put away the magazine and reach for the next one. But you notice, that...</p>
<big>'s not a porn magazine at all.</big>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/necro.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What the hell is this?</tht>">>
<p>I have no idea...</p>
<big>Open it and find out.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Naaah, I really don't care about it though... Give me titties!</tht>">>
<p>But you //''really want to open the book''//, buddy!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Uhmm... No. Not really. I really want gazongas!</tht>">>
<p>Ok then...</p>
<big>Let's put it this way...</big>
<<btn null "Open the book." "dom+" "action">>
<<btn null "Open the book... but gently" "love+" "action">>
<big>You open the book and flip couple pages.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>For the record - that was a cheap move.</tht>">>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/necro_open.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It looks like some sort of satanic cookbook!</tht>">>
<big>Or leaked manual for Diablo Immortal!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Either way - fuck it. I had enough!</tht>">>
<p>You put the book back on the stack.</p>
<big>Same moment...</big>
<big> hear a sound coming from the store.</big>
<p>You hesitantly look around.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hey! Is someone there?">>
<p>No one answers. The store is quiet, apart from the sounds of fucky-fucky coming from the back room.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Did it got colder here...? And darker too?</tht>">>
<p>I think your mind is playing tricks on you.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, maybe you're right--</tht>">>
<<dial "noone" "Hello.">>
<p>There's a guy standing right next to you.</p>
<<media "quests/ashIntro/noone.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "OH FUCK!">>
<big>You almost fall on the shelves holding liquor.</big>
<<dial "noone" "Oh... I startled you... I'm sorry.">>
<p>He puts an apple on the counter.</p>
<<dial "noone" "How much for the apple?">>
<<dial "player" "I-I-I don't know... just take it, dude...">>
<p>The guy smiles, and puts a hundred dollar bill on the counter.</p>
<<dial "noone" "I'm sure that will cover it.">>
<p>He takes the apple and walks out the doors.</p>
<<yields "cash+100; $noone.met+" "dialog">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck... That was fucked up.</tht>">>
<big>He paid 100 bucks for an apple, so - yeah.</big>
<<dial "player" "He's probably some local wacko... but he scared the shit out of me.">>
<big>...$ and Roxy come out from the back room.</big>
<<dial "ash" "That was great, baby!">>
<<dial "gal" "Yeah, yeah, shut up.">>
<<dial "ash" "Come on, don't be like that, baby girl!">>
<<dial "gal" "Pay your fucking debts, fuckboy!">>
<p>She smashes the doors and leaves. $ sighs and looks at you.</p>
<<dial "ash" "You're still here?">>
<<dial "player" "You told me to wait.">>
<<dial "ash" "Oh. Riiight... I was supposed to tell you how to get laid... <tht>Sigh.</tht> So - did I tell you about holy water?">>
<<dial "player" "You did... and actually... I think I'll just gonna go... Thanks.">>
<p>$ shrugs, sits behind the counter, and picks up another porn magazine, while you walk out of the store.</p>
<<btn $curLocParent "Walk out of the store" "counter:ashDebuff-6; counter:nooneDebuff-8; time+">>
<<EVENT "nooneIntro=0">> /* Intro to the quest. */
<p>Upon touching the church doors - you hear a thunder. You curiously turn around and see a wall of heavy rain coming fast in your direction.</p>
<<media "quests/nooneIntro/rain.mp4">>
<big>You enter the church and close the doors.</big>
<p>You realize the storm probably fucked up the power lines, because the church is dark like devil's butthole.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hello...?">>
<p>And then...</p>
<p>A lightning strikes somewhere near, blinding you.</p>
<p>It takes a moment before your eyes adjust to the dark. You realize there's a light coming through the narrow windows - tainted glass and rain turn it into a barely visible colorful blur, but it's just enough to give everything around you a shape.</p>
<p>You make couple hesitant steps. It's a normal church, and yet... There's something curious about it. Something old... Like it was here waiting for you since you were born. Or maybe much, much longer.</p>
<big>It gives you shivers.</big>
<<media "quests/nooneIntro/air.mp4">>
<p>There's something off about the air too. It's heavy, cold, and it leaves bitter taste in your mouth (ok, pal, here's the deal - I'm wasting this perfect opportunity for a "she said" joke, to officially tell you, that going further might have some fucked up consequences)</p>
<<btn null null "love-10">>
<<btn "#getOut" "Get Out" null "action">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh come on, I'm sure it'll be ok!</tht>">>
<big>Another thunder roars...</big>
<p>It echoes in the church hall, like a bad omen. You probably should turn and run, but somehow, you're drawn forward, like a moth to a torch.</p>
<<media "quests/nooneIntro/curious.mp4">>
<p>You walk slowly in a direction that the sound was coming from. You can feel there's someone there. Or at least you hope it's //someone//...</p>
<<btn null null "love-10">>
<<btn "#getOut" "Get Out" null "action">>
<<dial "noone" "Strange times we live in...">>
<p>You realize there's a man sitting on a church bench in front of the altar.</p>
<<media "quests/nooneIntro/noone.mp4">>
<<if $noone.met>>
<p>Hey, isn't that the guy from the store?</p>
<big>The one who payed hundred bucks for the apple?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck, it is!</tht>">>
<p>Your first instinct is to run for your life <small>(do it!)</small>. But you're also curious <small>(god damn you...)</small>, and it's curiousity that makes you ask the first question.</p>
<<set $noone.met = 1>>
<<dial "player" "Who are you?">>
<p>He takes a moment to think. You're actually not sure if you want to know the answer.</p>
<<dial "noone" "I'm no one.">>
<p>He takes another slow second.</p>
<<dial "noone" "I'm no one from no where, to be precise.">>
<p>Ok, I'm taking over. I don't like him. And I have a baaad feeling about the whole thing since the start.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up for a second.</tht> So... are you a priest?">>
<p>You're not listening to me, $</p>
<<dial "noone" "Ha, ha. No. Unless you want me to be.">>
<p>Last chance to get the fuck out.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why are you so scared all of a sudden? You usually push me to do stupid shit.</tht>">>
<p>This is different. This guy is really creeping me out.</p>
<big>And it's all fun and games until someone gets possessed by a demon.</big>
<p>Let's put this situation on a reverse, it's not even raining that much anymore.</p>
<<btn null null "love-10">>
<<btn "#getOut" "Get Out" null "action">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I want to know who this guy is.</tht>">>
<p>The dead smile brightens up man's face. He's eyes turn towards the fresco around the altar. At first you think he's mocking it, but after a beat you realize - he's admiring.</p>
<<dial "noone" "Such beauty... Have you ever thought all of it is just a dream?">>
<p>Fuck me. Really?! REALLY?! Ok, if we //have// to stay (for a reason that I personally don't get), then at least lighten up the mood - tell a joke or something - I'm shitting myself here.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well, I guess then... today is a //wet dream//! Because of the rain...?">>
<p>Badum-tss! That was awesome! See, we're a team! I feel better already! And you know what a team player would do, buddy? He would leave this fucking guy and get us some //pussy//. And I swear I smell plenty pussy coming your way, pal. PLENTY!</p>
<<btn null null "love-10">>
<<btn "#getOut" "Get Out" null "action">>
<<dial "noone" "Today? And what exactly is today?">>
<<dial "player" "I mean... $today, I guess?">>
<<dial "noone" "Today is. And today isn't.">>
<p>Come on! He's some whack-o, don't listen to him!</p>
<<dial "player" "Ok, this sounds kinda fucked up even to me!">>
<p>That's the spirit! It's still not too late to go home!</p>
<<btn null null "love-10">>
<<btn "#getOut" "Get Out!" null "action">>
<p>I've had it with you. From now - all the responsibility is on you, buddy. You're on your own.</p>
<p>The man looks at you, and you can see that his eyes are old... Almost ancient.</p>
<<dial "noone" "What if time doesn't exists? What if there's only //now//? And what if even that is a lie? How can you know?">>
<p>He takes a moment.</p>
<<dial "noone" "Or actually the better question is - do you want to know?">>
<<dial "player" "Do I want to know what exactly?">>
<<dial "noone" "Do you want to know the truth?">>
<<dial "player" "The truth...?">>
<p>Suddenly - you hear a sound coming from a back room. It's probably a priest or a nun. A creepy smile crawls on a man's face.</p>
<<dial "noone" "They're coming for me. They want to erase me. Erase //you//. And if you say //no// you'll continue your life as this never happened. And it's going to be an easy life, because that's what you get if you don't know the truth.">>
<<dial "player" "And if I say //yes//...?">>
<p>The man looks you in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "noone" "No one knows.">>
<p>You hear another sound. Footsteps near the doors to the back room. Someone is about to open them. The decision has to be made now.</p>
<<media "quests/nooneIntro/choose.mp4">>
<<btn "#no" "No. I don't want to know." "love+25" "dialog">>
<<btn "#yes" "Yes. Show me the truth." "dom+100" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#no">>
<big>The man in front of you smiles.</big>
<p>You feel a strange wave of relief. Like a weight was pulled from your shoulders. It makes you a bit dizzy, so you sit down on a bench to catch a breath.</p>
<<media "quests/nooneIntro/mindfuck.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly the doors to the back room open up and a priest walks out, holding a lit candle. He notices you in front of the altar and smiles.</p>
<<dial "priest" "Don't worry! It often happens! I'll fix the lights in no time.">>
<p>Your strange sensation fades, as you watch the priest walking to a box of fuses, whistling Madonna's "Like a Virgin" under his nose. He switches one, you hear a faint electrical buzz and...</p>
<big>...the church ligtens up.</big>
<<dial "priest" "See? Now... can I help you?">>
<p>The priest smiles to you. And, shockingly, you conclude it's a actually a seductive smile. Or at least - that's what it's creepy author is hoping for.</p>
<p>You look around for help and notice the man you've been talking to is gone. You realize you're actually not sure whether last couple minutes really happend. It was and it wasn't - at this point you don't even care, just want to get away from this creepy priest as quickly as possible.</p>
<<dial "player" "Thank you... I'll go now.">>
<<btn "areaNeighbourhood" "Go out" "nooneIntro-; counter:nooneDebuff-20">>
<<chunk null "yes">>
<big>The man in front of you smiles.</big>
<p>You feel a strange wave of relief. Like a weight was pulled from your shoulders. It makes you a bit dizzy, so you sit down on a bench to catch a breath.</p>
<<media "quests/nooneIntro/mindfuck.mp4">>
<p>Suddenly the doors to the back room open up and a priest walks out, holding a lit candle. He notices you in front of the altar and smiles.</p>
<<dial "priest" "Don't worry! It often happens! I'll fix the lights in no time.">>
<p>Your strange sensation fades, as you watch the priest walking to a box of fuses, whistling Madonna's "Like a Virgin" under his nose. He switches one, you hear a faint electrical buzz and...</p>
<big>...the church ligtens up.</big>
<<dial "priest" "See? Now... can I help you?">>
<p>The priest smiles to you. And, shockingly, you conclude it's a actually a seductive smile. Or at least - that's what it's creepy author is hoping for.</p>
<p>You look around for help and notice the man you've been talking to is gone. You realize you're actually not sure whether last couple minutes really happend. It was and it wasn't - at this point you don't even care, just want to get away from this creepy priest as quickly as possible.</p>
<<dial "player" "Thank you... I'll go now.">>
<<btn "areaNeighbourhood" "Go out" "counter:nooneKelly-6" "action">>
<<chunk null "#getOut">>
<p>Without thinking much - you turn around and dart towards the church doors. You open them - it turns out the rain has passed, and it's even a bit sunny.</p>
<p>I'm proud of you, boy. You made a wise choice. And making wise choices is a mark of a true alpha male.</p>
<<btn "areaNeighbourhood" "Walk out" "nooneIntro-; counter:nooneDebuff-20" "action">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:nooneIntro=1">> /* XXX. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:nooneIntro=2">> /* XXX. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:nooneIntro=3">> /* XXX. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:nooneIntro=4">> /* XXX. */
<p>You approach $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi!">>
<<EVENT "daphne; daphMakeKey=2; $daphMakeKeyLost=1; $daphMakeKeyLostDebuff=0">>
<<inc "daphMakeKey">>
<p>$ smacks her ass, while standing in the shower cabin.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, dweeb? This ass ain't gonna wash itself!">>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_0.mp4">>
<p>She's right, you know...?</p>
<big>You should be already naked--</big>
<<media "activities/wash/clothes.mp4">>
<p>Gotta say, my dude, if dropping clothes would be an Olympic sport, you'd had a real shot at gold.</p>
<big>But there's another problem.</big>
<p>You feel your erection growing. Maybe it's a good idea to hide it from her, until she's //ready//?</p>
<<btn "#shorts" "Stay in your shorts for now" "" "action">>
<<btn "#continue" "She is ready - get naked!" "alexa.dom+" "action">>
<<chunk null "#shorts">>
<p>You walk into the shower cabin in your shorts...</p>
<big>...but $ stops you.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "What the fuck are you doing?!">>
<<dial "player" "I thought--">>
<p>She points at your crotch.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Drop those fuckin' shorts and show me that dick!">>
<<btn "#continue">>
<<chunk null "#continue">>
<<media "activities/wash/erection.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "Shit, dweeb! Nice dick!">>
<big>That's what she said!</big>
<p>Oh, wait. She actually is talking about your dick. So in that case...</p>
<<yields "alexa.dom+2" "dialog">>
<p>She grabs you and pulls into the shower cabin.</p>
<<btn null null "$playerShower+0; effect:clean+">>
<p>You feel warm water on your back.</p>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_1.mp4">>
<<dial "alexa" "I like my dick real clean.">>
<big>You feel her hands on your cock.</big>
<p>She's stroking you, real slow. Her soapy hands feel warm and slippery.</p>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<p>You moan, feeling your dick getting hard in her hands. When suddenly...</p>
<big>She stops.</big>
<p>Dude, snap out of it, something's going on.</p>
<<dial "player" "Why did you stop...?!">>
<p>Oh shit, if she'll gonna say she wants money, I'm gonna freaking explode.</p>
<big>$ looks you in the eyes and...</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<big>She bites her lip.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "You know what... It's your lucky day!">>
<p>Phew. You dodged a bullet there, buddy.</p>
<p>She looks at your dick.</p>
<<dial "player" "What do you mean my lucky day?!">>
<p>She means...</p>
<big>...blowjob incoming!</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=2">>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_2.mp4">>
<p>Her mouth feels warm and slippery, when you push your dick in it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<p>With every thrust you feel wave after wave of pleasure.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "<tht>Gobble... gobble... gobble...</tht>">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=3">>
<<dial "player" "Oh yeah... clean it good. Clean the whole thing.">>
<big>She pushes your dick deep in her mouth.</big>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_3.mp4">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<p>But $ seems to be in a mood for more.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Give me that dick. I want it inside me!">>
<p>You do as she says. Sit on the bathroom floor, back to the wall. Your dick is sticking out like a flag pole. $ sits on you and...</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Uhhhh....!">>
<big>She slips your dick right into her wet cunt.</big>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4">>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_4.mp4">>
<p>She's pumping your dick with her hips. You feel a pressure building up.</p>
<big>But $ is also close to the finish line.</big>
<<dial "alexa" "That's motherfuckin' it! I'm cumming!">>
<<btn "#squirt" "Let her cum first" "" "action">>
<<btn "#cum" "Don't care about her, cum now!" "alexa.dom+2" "action">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out!" "$char+alexa" "sex action">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4" "#squirt">>
<<dial "alexa" "FUCK YEA!!! FUCK MY ASSHOLE!">>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_5_squirt.mp4">>
<p>$ sighs in extasy.</p>
<big>Now it's your turn!</big>
<<btn "#cum">>
<<chunk "alexa.status=4" "#cum">>
<p>You push your dick into her tight asshole.</p>
<<dial "player" "I'm cumming!">>
<<dial "alexa" "Into my ass!">>
<p>You feel an overwhelming wave, and another, and another, as your cum shoots into $'s warm ass. You fill her up real good, trembling under one of the most incredible orgasms in your life.</p>
<<media "activities/wash/alexa_wash_5_cum.mp4">>
<p>Finally, it ends. You watch as your cum drips from $'s asshole.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "And now - get lost.">>
<p>She winks. You're too exhausted to say anything. You just stand up, gather your clothes, and walk out of the bathroom.</p>
<big>This was something!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<<chunk>> /* If status requirements not met */
<p>But suddenly, $ moves away.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "Well, I'm bored, get lost!">>
<p>Oh shit. Red alert! Red alert! She wants to leave!</p>
<big>Do something!</big>
<<dial "player" "But...">>
<<btn null "I still have couple dirty spots here and there." "" "action">>
<<btn null "You didn't finish cleaning me!" "alexa.dom" "action">>
<p>She smirks.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "I don't care. Get the fuck outta here.">>
<p>She points to the doors. Well, I guess it's finished.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Damn... I failed...</tht>">>
<p>Don't make it a big deal out of it. We'll teach this bitch to worship that cock of yours. But she needs to be ready!</p>
<p>You stand up, gather your clothes, and walk out of the bathroom.</p>
<big>This was something!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "charAdd-alexa">>
<big class="center fi0">You walk around the risky parts of the park...</big>
<p class="center fi1">You take a narrow path between the trees...</p>
<p class="center sml fi3">And then...</p>
<div class="si4">
<<if $minRand > $curRand>>
<<if $player.trait == "alpha" || $player.trait == "satan" || $player.trait == "messiah">>
<<media `"activities/trouble/nothing/forest_good_" + $player.trait + ".mp4"`>>
<<media `"activities/trouble/nothing/forest_good_" + $player.lvl + ".mp4"`>>
<big>...nothing happens.</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, I'm mostly happy that I'm still alive.</tht>">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, maybe it's actually better that way.</tht>">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>And //then// nothing happens? That's a cheap shot bro.</tht>">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, at least I got outside. Take a full breath of fresh air.</tht>">>
<p>You're playing a computer game.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Better to do it in the game then none at all, right...?</tht>">>
<p>Sure, why not... but mostly: ''no''.</p>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 5>>
<<dial "player" "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I have way too much bubblegum." "si3">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<p>Is that...?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What?! What!?</tht>">>
<<EVENT>> /* Swarm */
<big>You see a swarm of people running your way.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck!? What's going on?!</tht>">>
<<media "activities/trouble/nothing/forest_bad.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Who are they?!</tht>">>
<p>Zombies? Earth activists? Who knows these days!</p>
<big>Anyway, better run or they'll trample over you.</big>
<<btn "#run" "Run!!!" "love+3" "action">>
<<btn "#stay" "I'm gonna stay where I am!" "dom+3" "action">>
<<chunk null "#stay">>
<big>You turn to face the incoming crowd.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I have a fucking right to be here god damn it! It's a public park!</tht>">>
<p>You bury your heels deep in the ground.</p>
<big>Man, you really should reconsider...</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up. Let's do this.</tht>">>
<p>Well... alright!</p>
<p>First two guys run towards you, but you manage to caught them off guard with your...</p>
<big>...storm of fists.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/nothing/forest_bad_fight.mp4">>
<p>Another three approaching, you turn their direction...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm a ninja, baby!</tht>">>
<big>And then you realize.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I realize what?!</tht>">>
<big>It's a marathon.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>A marathon?</tht>">>
<p>And you're in the middle of it, throwing your fists at the contestants.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ohhh... So that's why they had numbers on them... I thought it's the points I get for taking them down.</tht>">>
<p>Ok, so what I would suggest to do now is: ''run''. But this time...</p>
<big> twice as fast and hope no one will shoot your ass.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I concur!</tht>">>
<<btn "#run" null "energy-20">>
<<chunk null "#run">>
<<media "activities/trouble/nothing/forest_bad_run.mp4">>
<p>You turn around and run as fast as you can, leaving the park behind you. By the way...</p>
<big>That was a good run!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "energy-10" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT>> /* Bear */
/* Select the character */
<<set _curNpc = "beargirl_" + random(1,3)>>
<<media `"activities/trouble/bear/" + _curNpc + "_intro.mp4"`>>
<big>She looks friendly.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She does... But what the fuck is she doing here...?</tht>">>
<p>Man, you came here looking for trouble, you found a sexy lady, do you honestly have to ask those questions?</p>
<big>Just go talk to her.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I ask those questions because you always push me to do stupid things.</tht>">>
<p>Oh, maybe once or twice... Don't be such a pussy!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh, ok...</tht>">>
<p>You smile to the girl.</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _textDom = "Hi, I'm B-Bone, famous rapper slash youtuber slash standupper... what's up?">>
<<set _textLove = "Sorry for bothering... it sounds sooo awkward but... what's up?">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _textDom = "Wow. You have a grreeeat ass.">>
<<set _textLove = "Yeah, free love, baby...! Let's do it like the hippies!">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _textDom = "I did not have sexual relations with this woman. YET!">>
<<set _textLove = "Hey, what's up!">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<set _textDom = "My dick brought me here and didn't dissappoint.">>
<<set _textLove = "Hi, I'm Adam. Are you my Eve?">>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _textDom = "I'm thirsty, baby. Thirsty for your pussy juice.">>
<<set _textLove = "Your beauty shines brighter than thousand suns...">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textLove "love+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textDom "dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<big>She looks at you with an awkward face.</big>
<<dial _curNpc "Get lost, creep!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ooompf...</tht>">>
<p>Well, that seems to be the end of--</p>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<<set _bear = ["mf", "retard", "baby"].random()>>
<big>You hear a roar.</big>
<<dial _curNpc "What. The. Fuck.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It sounded like a bear roar.</tht>">>
<big>That's because it was a bear roar.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it... I knew it's a fucking trap. You bastard.</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, yeah. At least thanks to me you have an actual chance with that girl.</p>
<big>She is in full panic mode.</big>
<<dial _curNpc "Ahhh!! O-M-G!!! It's gonna kill us!!! We don't have to both die!!! Throw yourself on it!!! It'll give me time to run away!!! I'm gonna fuck you afterwards, I promise!!!">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _textDom = "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!">>
<<set _textLove = "DON'T PANIC! DON'T PANIC! DON'T PANIC!">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _textDom = "For a good fuck, I'm gonna fuck this bear up.">>
<<set _textLove = "Don't panic... Ermm... Ok, panic a little bit...">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 3>>
<<set _textDom = "First I'm gonna maul this bear. Then I'm gonna maul yo' ass!">>
<<set _textLove = "Don't panic. You're safe with me.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 4>>
<<set _textDom = "I'm gonna fuck him up.">>
<<set _textLove = "Don't worry... I'm good with bears. You're safe with me.">>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _textDom = "I'm gonna fuck this Yogi-bitch up.">>
<<set _textLove = "Don't worry. I've handled bears before. You're safe with me.">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textLove "love+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<btn null _textDom "dom+" "dialog yieldHide">>
<p>She looks at you, a little bit surprised.</p>
<big>But finally she nods.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok... You're lucky I really want to fuck her. So which bear is it?</tht>">>
<<if _bear == "mf">>
<p>What we have here is a...</p>
<big>...Motherfucker Bear.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_mf.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck...!</tht>">>
<p>Yup. They're the worst. Strong, quick, dangerous... But bigger monsters were slayed for the pussy, so I have faith in you, bud.</p>
<<elseif _bear == "retard">>
<p>What we have here is a...</p>
<big>...Retarded Bear.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_retard.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I might have a chance with that one!</tht>">>
<p>Yup. They are big, but slow... And they easily get confused. With the right approach you can totally beat it.</p>
<<elseif _bear == "baby">>
<p>What we have here is a...</p>
<big>...Baby Bear.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_baby.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It doesn't look that threatening...</tht>">>
<p>Don't let them fool you. They are small and weak, but quick like fucking roadrunner!</p>
<<btn "#tactic" "Ok, I'm ready!" "dom+3" "action">>
<<btn $curLoc "Abort! Too dangerous!" "love+1" "dialog yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#tactic">>
<p>Ok, so you got the intel.</p>
<big>Now you have to talk about the tactic.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This again...?</tht>">>
<p>Well, if you don't want to hear about it, that'd just make my job easier. It's your choice.</p>
<<btn "#tactic_choose" "I want to get to the fighting already!" "dom+5" "action">>
<<btn "#tactic_tutorial" "Ok, remind me about the tactic" "love+5" "action">>
<<chunk null "#tactic_tutorial">>
<big>You can do a frontal attack.</big>
<p>Go there, punch a bear in the mug, and (if he doesn't rip you apart)... ''kick him in the nuts''.</p>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_frontal_attack.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That sounds terrible.</tht>">>
<p>Ok, so other option would be to...</p>
<big>...get to the high ground.</big>
<p>Basically you wait until the bear comes to you, then wear him down using your superior position. And then... kick him in the nuts.</p>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_high_ground.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This just sounds like suicide with extra steps.</tht>">>
<p>And if you really want to avoid confrontation...</p>
<big> can also set a trap.</big>
<p>Basically you hide in the bushes, wait until the bear is close, and then jump at him...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>And kick him in the nuts?</tht>">>
<big>You got it!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_trap.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, so you simply want to see me killed, right?</tht>">>
<<btn "#tactic_choose">>
<<chunk null "#tactic_choose">>
<p>That's all the options you have.</p>
<big>You gotta choose, man.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Let me think...</tht>">>
<<btn "#round1" "I'm going full frontal!" "dom+10; $bear_fight+front" "action">>
<<btn "#round1" "I'm gonna take the high ground!" "love+5; dom+5; $bear_fight+high" "action">>
<<btn "#round1" "I'm setting up the trap!" "love+10; $bear_fight+trap" "action">>
<<chunk null "#round1">>
<<set _prefix = "#r1_">>
<p>The bear doesn't notice you yet.</p>
<big>That's a perfect moment!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht>">>
<<if $bear_fight=="front">>
<p>You take a deep breath and...</p>
<big> come out from your hiding.</big>
<<dial "player" "Hey, you fucking... ermmm... bear! I'm gonna fuck you up!">>
<p>The bear looks at you surprised.</p>
<big>Not as surprised as me though.</big>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<p>You get closer to the bear, while hiding in the bushes. You wait for a good moment and then...</p>
<big> jump out of hiding.</big>
<<dial "player" "Surprise, motherfucker!">>
<p>The bear looks at you, confused by your sudden appearance.</p>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="high">>
<p>You see a big rock next to a bear, so you quickly run to it and jump on it.</p>
<<dial "player" "A-ha!">>
<p>The bear looks at you, intimidated by your strategic position.</p>
<<btn `_prefix + "kick"` "Kick the bear in the nuts" "love+10" "action">>
<<btn `_prefix + "scream"` "Scream at the bear!" "love+5; dom+5" "action">>
<<btn `_prefix + "punch"` "Punch his stupid fucking bear mug" "dom+10" "action">>
<<chunk null "#r1_kick">>
<p>Without thinking...</p>
<big>You swing your leg in an attempt to kick the bear in the nuts.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_kick_1.mp4">>
<<if $bear_fight=="high">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="front">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set _result = _prefix + "kick_" + _result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r1_scream">>
<p>You take a deep breath...</p>
<big>And scream on the top of your lungs.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_scream.mp4">>
<<if $bear_fight=="high">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="front">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set _result = _prefix + "scream_" + _result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r1_punch">>
<p>You clench your fist and...</p>
<big>...throw your best punch at the bear.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_punch.mp4">>
<<if $bear_fight=="high">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="front">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set _result = _prefix + "punch_" + _result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r1_kick_bad">>
<<if _bear=="baby">>
<big>But it's not that easy to kick a baby bear in the nuts.</big>
<big>But the bear moves away his nuts at the last moment.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! What now...?</tht>">>
<p>Now...? Well...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_kick_good">>
<big>You kick the bear right in the nuts!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_nuts.mp4">>
<p>The bear lands flat on the ground, like you'd turn him off.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Did I won?!</tht>">>
<big>First round knock down.</big>
<p>That's something, bud. Here's some exp as a reward...</p>
<<yields "dom+10">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>Oh, and also...</p>
<big>...there's that lady promised to fuck you.</big>
<<btn "#goodend">>
<<chunk null "#r1_scream_bad">>
<big>But the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! What now...?</tht>">>
<p>Now...? Well...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<set _angry = _angry + 1>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_scream_good">>
<p>And it works!</p>
<big>The bear is scared.</big>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<<set _stun = 1>>
<<set _win = _win + 1>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_punch_bad">>
<<if _bear=="baby">>
<big>But your fist misses the target.</big>
<p>You hit the target...</p>
<big>...but the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it! What now...?</tht>">>
<p>Now...? Well...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<set _angry = _angry + 2>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#r1_punch_good">>
<big>You hit the bear right in the kisser!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_punch_success_1.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>Don't be so happy...</p>
<big>Now it's bear's turn.</big>
<<set _stun = 1>>
<<set _win = _win + 2>>
<<btn "#round2">>
<<chunk null "#round2">>
<<set _prefix = "#r2_">>
<<if $bear_fight=="high">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="front">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set _result = _prefix + _result>>
<<if _stun>>
<big>The animal is too shocked to attack.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_stun_1.mp4">>
<p>Well, I actually have to say - good work, man!</p>
<<set _stun = null>>
<<btn "#round3">>
<big>You managed to get the beast angry.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_roar_1.mp4">>
<big>The bear launches a counter-attack...</big>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r2_bad">>
<big>Bear's paw hits you like a truck!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_attack_success_1.mp4">>
<p>It's a miracle you survived that.</p>
<<set _angry = _angry + 1>>
<<yields "sore+">>
<<btn "#round3">>
<<chunk null "#r2_good">>
<big>But the bear's paw misses your head by an inch!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_attack_fail.mp4">>
<p>You lucky bastard!</p>
<big>You survived!</big>
<<btn "#round3">>
<<chunk null "#round3">>
<<set _prefix = "#r3_">>
<p>Ok man...</p>
<big>It's time to bring it to another level!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I feel I can win this!</tht>">>
<p>I don't, but we can dream.</p>
<<btn `_prefix + "kick"` "Kick the bear in the nuts" "love+10" "action">>
<<btn `_prefix + "scream"` "Scream at the bear!" "love+5; dom+5" "action">>
<<btn `_prefix + "punch"` "Punch his stupid fucking bear mug" "dom+10" "action">>
<<chunk null "#r3_kick">>
<p>You make a quick decision...</p>
<big>Bear's nuts are hanging in plain sight.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_kick_2.mp4">>
<<if _win >= 2>>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _win == 1>>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="high">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="front">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set _result = _prefix + "kick_" + _result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r3_scream">>
<p>You take a deep breath...</p>
<big>And scream on the top of your lungs.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_scream.mp4">>
<<if $bear_fight=="high">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="front">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set _result = _prefix + "scream_" + _result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r3_punch">>
<p>You clench your fist and...</p>
<big>...throw your best punch at the bear.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_punch.mp4">>
<<if _win >= 2>>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _win == 1>>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="high">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="front">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set _result = _prefix + "punch_" + _result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r3_kick_bad">>
<<if _bear=="baby">>
<big>But it's not that easy to kick a baby bear in the nuts.</big>
<big>But the bear moves away his nuts at the last moment.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck!</tht>">>
<p>Well... too bad. And now...</p>
<big>Brace for impact buddy.</big>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_kick_good">>
<big>You kick the bear right in the nuts!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_nuts.mp4">>
<p>The bear lands flat on the ground, like you'd turn him off.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Did I won?!</tht>">>
<big>Nice knock down, congrats.</big>
<p>That's something, bud. Here's some exp as a reward...</p>
<<yields "dom+7">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>Oh, and also...</p>
<big>...there's that lady promised to fuck you.</big>
<<btn "#goodend">>
<<chunk null "#r3_scream_bad">>
<big>But the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Motherfucker!</tht>">>
<p>Well... too bad. And now...</p>
<big>Brace for impact buddy.</big>
<<set _angry = _angry + 1>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_scream_good">>
<p>And it works!</p>
<big>The bear is looking at you with fear.</big>
<<dial "player" "YEAH!!! FEAR ME! I'M THE MAN!!!">>
<p>Ok, ok, let's not get too far with this...</p>
<<set _stun = 1>>
<<set _win = _win + 1>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_punch_bad">>
<<if _bear=="baby">>
<big>But your fist misses the target.</big>
<p>You hit the target...</p>
<big>...but the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ooops... That's not great.</tht>">>
<p>Well... it was nice knowing you. And now...</p>
<big>Brace for impact buddy.</big>
<<set _angry = _angry + 2>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#r3_punch_good">>
<big>You nail it!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_punch_success_2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "YEAH!!! FUCKING TEDDY BEAR, THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE!!!">>
<p>Ok, ok, let's not get too far with this...</p>
<<set _stun = 1>>
<<set _win = _win + 2>>
<<btn "#round4">>
<<chunk null "#round4">>
<<set _prefix = "#r4_">>
<<if _angry >= 4>>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="high">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="front">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set _result = _prefix + _result>>
<<if _stun>>
<big>The bear is stunned.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_stun_2.mp4">>
<big>That's animal cruelty, you know?</big>
<<set _stun = null>>
<<btn "#round5">>
<big>The beast is furious!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_roar_2.mp4">>
<big>The bear launches a counter-attack...</big>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r4_bad">>
<big>Bear hits you like a jackhammer!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_attack_success_2.mp4">>
<p>Man, are you still with me? Fuck. That was heavy.</p>
<<set _angry = _angry + 1>>
<<yields "sore+">>
<<set _win = _win - 2>>
<<btn "#round5">>
<<chunk null "#r4_good">>
<big>But the bear's paw misses your head!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_attack_fail.mp4">>
<p>Fuck me!</p>
<big>That was close!</big>
<<set _win = _win + 1>>
<<btn "#round5">>
<<chunk null "#round5">>
<<set _prefix = "#r5_">>
<big>Wow... You're still here!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh shut up.</tht>">>
<p>Oh, come on, I'm on your side. I even almost, slightly start to believe that...</p>
<big> might have a chance!</big>
<p><small>Very small chance though.</small></p>
<<btn `_prefix + "kick"` "Kick the bear in the nuts" "love+10" "action">>
<<btn `_prefix + "scream"` "Scream at the bear!" "love+5; dom+5" "action">>
<<btn `_prefix + "punch"` "Punch his stupid fucking bear mug" "dom+10" "action">>
<<chunk null "#r5_kick">>
<p>You look at the balls...</p>
<big>It's now or never.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_kick_3.mp4">>
<<if _win >= 3>>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _win >= 2>>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _win >= 1>>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="high">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="front">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set _result = _prefix + "kick_" + _result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r5_scream">>
<p>You take a deep breath...</p>
<big>And scream on the top of your lungs.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_scream.mp4">>
<<if $bear_fight=="high">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="front">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<set _result = _prefix + "scream_" + _result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r5_punch">>
<p>You clench your fist and...</p>
<big>...throw your best punch at the bear.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_punch.mp4">>
<<if $bear_fight=="high">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="trap">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["good", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "good", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif $bear_fight=="front">>
<<if _bear=="mf">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="baby">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "good", "good"].random()>>
<<elseif _bear=="retard">>
<<set _result = ["bad", "bad", "bad", "good"].random()>>
<<set _result = _prefix + "punch_" + _result>>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _result "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#r5_kick_bad">>
<<if _bear=="baby">>
<big>But it's not that easy to kick a baby bear in the nuts.</big>
<big>But the bear moves away his nuts at the last moment.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>No!!!</tht>">>
<big>Now it's gonna get ugly.</big>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_kick_good">>
<big>You kick the bear right in the nuts!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_nuts.mp4">>
<p>The bear lands flat on the ground, like you'd turn him off.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Did I won?!</tht>">>
<big>Nice knock down, congrats.</big>
<p>That's something, bud. Here's some exp as a reward...</p>
<<yields "dom+7">>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea!">>
<p>Oh, and also...</p>
<big>...there's that lady promised to fuck you.</big>
<<btn "#goodend">>
<<chunk null "#r5_scream_bad">>
<big>But the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Motherfucker!</tht>">>
<big>Now it's gonna get ugly.</big>
<<set _angry = _angry + 1>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_scream_good">>
<p>And it works!</p>
<big>The bear is looking at you with fear.</big>
<<dial "player" "WHO'S THE ALPHA NOW, BITCH???!!!">>
<big>You are!</big>
<<set _stun = 1>>
<<set _win = _win + 1>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_punch_bad">>
<<if _bear=="baby">>
<big>But your fist misses the target.</big>
<p>You hit the target...</p>
<big>...but the bear just looks at you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck.</tht>">>
<big>Now it's gonna get ugly.</big>
<<set _angry = _angry + 2>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#r5_punch_good">>
<big>You nail it!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_punch_success_3.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "WHO'S THE ALPHA NOW???!!!">>
<big>You are!</big>
<<set _stun = 1>>
<<set _win = _win + 2>>
<<btn "#round6">>
<<chunk null "#round6">>
<<if _stun>>
<big>The bear is in absolute shock.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_stun_3.mp4">>
<p>It's like the animal is in some sort of a trance. It gets up, and with a funny walk slowly moves away, not sure what just happened.</p>
<big>You won!</big>
<<set _stun = null>>
<<btn "#goodend">>
<big>The bear has murder written in his eyes!</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_roar_3.mp4">>
<big>This won't end well...</big>
<<btn "#badend">>
<<chunk null "#badend">>
<big>The beast grabs you and mauls your ass.</big>
<<media "activities/trouble/bear/bear_badend.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Help!</tht>">>
<p>Fortunately, the bear is quickly bored with you.</p>
<big>It follows a butterfly and disappears between the trees.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ohh... fuck! Am I dead...?</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Is the girl that promised to fuck me still here...? I need to ask her for last blowjob...</tht>">>
<big>And I'm afraid the lady ditched you.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh... god damn...</tht>">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#goodend">>
<<dial _curNpc "Oh my!!! You beat the shit out of it!!!">>
<<dial "player" "Easy.">>
<big>She looks at your wounds with a caring smile.</big>
<<dial _curNpc "You're so brave and strong... I like that in men... What would you say if I... take care of you...?">>
<big>Target locked!</big>
<<media `"activities/trouble/bear/" + _curNpc + "_after.mp4"`>>
<<btn null "Doctor, should I take my clothes off...?" "love+4" "dialog">>
<<btn null "I think you need to suck a poison from this dick, baby girl!" "dom+4" "dialog">>
<<media `"activities/trouble/bear/" + _curNpc + "_sex_1.mp4"`>>
<big>I really like the direction this is going!</big>
<<dial "player" "Me too!">>
<<dial _curNpc "Hm...?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmmm... I meant - //me and you//. We're, like... great together!">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/trouble/bear/" + _curNpc + "_sex_2.mp4"`>>
<<dial _curNpc "Mmm... yeah...">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh...">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/trouble/bear/" + _curNpc + "_sex_3.mp4"`>>
<p>Ok dude, you had some fun, now it's time for the real deal!</p>
<big>Make her beg for your cum!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You soak a piece of cloth in the bucket and walk up the ladder to clean the windows.</p>
<big class="fi0">$ looks at you, surprised.</big>
<<media "locations/church/daphne_smile.jpg" "si3">>
<<dial "daphne" "Wow, $! You're helping in the church too? You're a true sweetheart, hun!" "fi1">>
<<yields "" "dialog" "fi2">>
<p class="fi1">You smile back to her, and then look back at the window, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi2">Don't let it set in...</big>
<<elseif $curLocChars.indexOf("kelly")!=-1>>
<p class="fi0">You soak a piece of cloth in the bucket and walk up the ladder to clean the windows.</p>
<big class="fi0">Sister $ looks at you with a smile.</big>
<<media "locations/church/kelly_smile.jpg" "si3">>
<<dial "kelly" "Your sacrifice will be rewarded!" "fi1">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I sure hope so...</tht> Thanks! I mean... God bless!" "fi1">>
<<yields "" "dialog" "fi2">>
<p class="fi1">You smile back to her, and then look back at the window, hiding tears in your eyes. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi2">Don't let it set in...</big>
<p class="fi0">You soak a piece of cloth in the bucket, walk up the ladder, and start cleaning the windows thinking about how low you fell. I know, bud, chores are hard. But you cannot let the existential dread set in...</p>
<big class="fi2">Don't let it set in...</big>
<<media "activities/chores/church_cleaning.mp4" "si3">>
<<btn null null "kellyIntro-" "si5">>
<<if $curLocChars.indexOf("daphne")!=-1>>
<p>You walk around the church, collecting offerings from the gathered people.</p>
<big>$ looks at you, surprised.</big>
<<media "locations/church/daphne.jpg">>
<<dial "daphne" "Oh my, $! You work for the church now? That's incredible, hun!" "fi1">>
<big>She puts 1 buck on the tray.</big>
<<dial "daphne" "I've been a little low on cash lately, sorry...">>
<<yields "daphne.dom+8" "dialog">>
<p>You smile back to her, and walk further down the church, collecting the money on the tray...</p>
<p>You walk around the church, collecting offerings from the gathered people.</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<big>And, surprisingly, you manage to fuck it up...</big>
<<media "activities/tray/church_tray_1.mp4">>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<big>You're doing your best...</big>
<<media "activities/tray/church_tray_2.mp4">>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<big>You're actually quite good at it...</big>
<p>Consider this a career path.</p>
<<media "activities/tray/church_tray_3.mp4">>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<big>And it feels nice.</big>
<<media "activities/tray/church_tray_4.mp4">>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<big>Like a boss!</big>
<<media "activities/tray/church_tray_5.mp4">>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _trayRand = [20, 40, 60].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _trayRand = [40, 60, 80, 100].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _trayRand = [60, 80, 100, 200].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 4>>
<<set _trayRand = [80, 100, 200, 500].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 5>>
<<set _trayRand = [200, 500, 1000].random()>>
<<set _trayRandAll = _trayRand>>
<<set _trayRandHalf = _trayRand / 2>>
<<set _trayRandQuarter = _trayRand / 4>>
<<set _trayRandNone = 0>>
<p>During the rest of the mass, you stay in the back, counting the money.</p>
<big>You got _trayRand bucks!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what now... I should give it all back...?</tht>">>
<p>That's the plan.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What if I don't want to give it back.</tht>">>
<p>What if Sister $ rips your balls off?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well...</tht>">>
<<menu null null "yieldHide">>
<<if $player.dominationLvl > $player.loveLvl>>
<<btn null "Keep it all" `"player.trait=satan; $churchTrayKeep+all; dom+10;" + _trayRand` "action yieldHide">>
<<btn null "Take half" `"$churchTrayKeep+half; dom+5;" + _trayRandHalf` "action yieldHide">>
<<btn null "Take quarter" `"$churchTrayKeep+quarter; dom+2;" + _trayRandQuarter` "action yieldHide">>
<<btn null "Give it all back" "$churchTrayKeep+none; love+5" "action yieldHide">>
<big>After the mass Sister $ takes you to the back room.</big>
<<media "activities/tray/kelly_appear.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "That was a nice mass... thanks for your help! You can give me back the tray with collected offerings now.">>
<<if $churchTrayKeep == "all">>
<<set _trayRandLeft = 0>>
<<elseif $churchTrayKeep == "half">>
<<set _trayRandLeft = _trayRand - _trayRandHalf>>
<<elseif $churchTrayKeep == "quarter">>
<<set _trayRandLeft = _trayRand - _trayRandQuarter>>
<<elseif $churchTrayKeep == "none">>
<<set _trayRandLeft = _trayRand>>
<<if $churchTrayKeep == "all">>
<p>Oh, buddy. I'd advice to pull your balls back inside for safe keeping, cause this might end badly.</p>
<big>You show the empty tray.</big>
<<dial "player" "Unfortunately no one gave anything. People these days, huh?">>
<<dial "kelly" "What... That rarely happens...">>
<big>She looks at you, suspiciously.</big>
<p>You show her the tray.</p>
<<dial "player" "I've counted it... there's like _trayRandLeft dollars... give or take.">>
<<dial "kelly" "Give or take...?">>
<big>She looks at you, suspiciously.</big>
<<if $player.trait == "messiah" || $player.trait == "alpha">>
<<set _decision = "#kellyOk">>
<<elseif $player.trait == "satan">>
<<if _trayRandLeft <= 50>>
<<set _decision = ["#kellyAngry", "#kellyOk"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#kellyOk">>
<<elseif _trayRandLeft < 40>>
<<set _decision = ["#kellyAngry", "#kellyAngry", "#kellyOk"].random()>>
<<elseif _trayRandLeft < 80>>
<<set _decision = ["#kellyAngry", "#kellyOk"].random()>>
<<elseif _trayRandLeft < 160>>
<<set _decision = ["#kellyAngry", "#kellyOk", "#kellyOk"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#kellyOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#kellyOk">>
<big>She smiles.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "You've been of a great help for the church, $ Thank you. From all my heart.">>
<<media "activities/tray/kelly_happy.mp4">>
<big>That's a win for team $player.surname!</big>
<<chunk "quest:kellyIntro=2">>
<<dial "player" "So... what now?">>
<<dial "kelly" "Now I'm gonna go and put the money in the safe and you can go enjoy your day.">>
<big>Oh, so there's a safe in the church.</big>
<<media "interesting.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck the safe, I want to put my hands on those boobs!</tht>">>
<p>Well, I'm all with you on this, bud.</p>
<<chunk "quest:kellyIntro=2">>
<<dial "player" "So I was thinking...">>
<<dial "kelly" "Yes, $">>
<<dial "player" "I wanted to! I was hoping for a chat.">>
<p>You smile desperately.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "I'm sorry but not now - come back in the afternoon...">>
<p>She makes it clear, that you have to leave. You sigh, but walk out to the main part of the church.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Bummer!</tht>">>
<p>Not really, man.</p>
<big>Just remember to come back in the afternoon!</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "kelly.dom+6" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#kellyAngry">>
<big>She sighs.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "That's not good enough, $">>
<<dial "player" "But I was trying my best, honestly!">>
<p>Yeah, right...</p>
<<media "activities/tray/kelly_angry.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "When you work for God, you need to do better than the best, $!">>
<<dial "player" "I'll do better next time, I promise!">>
<p>She thinks for a moment.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "No. I'm sorry. I cannot let you collect the offerings. At least for now...">>
<<dial "player" "But--">>
<<dial "kelly" "That's my final decision.">>
<p>She points you to the doors.</p>
<big>You walk back to the main part of the church.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck.</tht>">>
<p>Oh, come on, just clean the church couple times and you'll be back on a tray duty before you know.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>More cleaning...? God damn.</tht>">>
<p>Normally I'd advice against doing heavy work, but... you kind of aim at scoring a nun here. And, you know how it is...</p>
<big>...nuns need extra work.</big>
<<btn $curLoc "I'll be back!" "$churchTrayAgree+null; kelly.dom-3; kellyIntro-" "action yieldHide">>
<big>The mass is about to start.</big>
<p>You see people gathering in the church.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what do I do now?</tht>">>
<p>Well, you need to find Sister $, the nun. Ask her if you can collect the offerings during the mass.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She's probably in the back...</tht>">>
<p>You walk to the back of the church and see a door.</p>
<big>You knock at it.</big>
<p>You hear $'s voice from the other side.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Yes...?">>
<big>You walk into the back room.</big>
<<media "activities/tray/kelly_sitting.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Hi... I mean - praise the Lord!">>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh, it's you $! We start the mass in a moment.">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... I was thinking... You mentioned something about collecting the offerings during the mass.">>
<p>She looks at you for a moment.</p>
<<if $player.trait == "messiah">>
<<set _decision = "#kellyOk">>
<<elseif $kelly.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#kellyNo", "#kellyNo", "#kellyOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#kellyNo", "#kellyOk"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#kellyNo", "#kellyOk", "#kellyOk"].random()>>
<<set _decision = "#kellyOk">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#kellyOk">>
<<dial "kelly" "Well, I have my reservations... But...">>
<big>She sighs and smiles!</big>
<<media "activities/tray/kelly_smile.jpg">>
<<dial "kelly" "The god speaks in different ways. Ok - grab the tray and come with me.">>
<p>You take the tray and follow Sister $ to the main part of the church.</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Let's do this!" "$churchTrayAgree+1; kelly.dom+5; kellyIntro-" "action yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#kellyNo">>
<big>She sighs.</big>
<<media "activities/tray/kelly_sad.jpg">>
<<dial "kelly" "No. Sorry. I just don't know you enough.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh... too bad... I hoped...">>
<<dial "kelly" "Hey, maybe if you'd help around the church more... than some day I might change my mind.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh...</tht> Ok...">>
<p>You walk back to the main part of the church.</p>
<p>Man, normally I'd advice against doing heavy work, but... you kind of aim at scoring a nun here. And, you know how it is...</p>
<big>...nuns need extra work.</big>
<p>Drop by sometimes and clean the windows or something, she will notice you finally.</p>
<<btn $curLoc "I'll be back!" "$churchTrayAgree+null; kelly.dom-2; kellyIntro-" "action yieldHide">>
<p>You look around the church. $ is sitting on a bench couple rows in front of you.</p>
<big>She's listening to the sermon.</big>
<<media "wah.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Should I talk to her?</tht>">>
<p>I wouldn't put my hopes up, it's a middle of a sermon. But by all means - do what you please.</p>
<big>You quietly stand up and move closer.</big>
<p>You find a spot just behind $ and lean towards her.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi, $!">>
<big>She turns around and looks at you surprised.</big>
<<media "locations/church/daphne_angry.jpg">>
<p>At first you're unsure what she means by that look, so you continue with your little small talk.</p>
<<dial "player" "So, I missed the first part of the sermon, I was hoping you could get me up to speed. Anything interesting happened? Any news, about, you know, //the Big Man//...? Any new resurrections, miracles...?">>
<big>And then...</big>
<p>$ puts a finger to her lips and...</p>
<<dial "daphne" "Shhhhhhhh!!!">>
<<media "shush.mp4">>
<p>Oh my god.</p>
<big>She fuckin' shushed you!</big>
<<dial "daphne" "This is a place of worship. Not talking!">>
<p>She turns and goes back to listening to the sermon.</p>
<<media "that_went_well.mp4">>
<p>I feel you, man, being shushed is the worse! Me and my buddies once spend a day looking for a dude who shushed us in a gin bar. We had to fake a rape report to get a police sketch artist to draw his fucking shushing face. We printed fliers, all that shit. I'm like 90% sure it really happened. 80%.</p>
<p>I think $ might be too deep into religious shit, to ever miss a moment of her sermon, but it's good you tried.</p>
<big>You spend the rest of the sermon alone.</big>
<<btn null null "" "yieldHide">>
<p>You look around the church. The people have gathered for a mass.</p>
<big>You also notice Sister $, kneeling on a side of an altar.</big>
<<media "locations/church/kelly_pray.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's Sister $!</tht>">>
<p>That's a fact. And another fact for your consideration - a mass is about to start.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But I really want to talk with her!</tht>">>
<big>Well, you do what you feel like.</big>
<<btn $curLoc "I'll wait until the mass is over" "love+2; time-" "action">>
<<btn null "I want to chat with her now!" "dom+2" "action">>
<p>You approach Sister $ with a smile.</p>
<<dial "player" "Hi...! I mean... Praise the lord!">>
<big>She turns around and looks at you surprised.</big>
<<media "locations/church/kelly_angry.jpg">>
<<dial "kelly" "Did something happen?!">>
<<dial "player" "No... I just wanted to chat and--">>
<p>Sister $ puts a finger to her lips and...</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Shhhhhhhh!!!">>
<<media "shush.mp4">>
<p>Oh my god.</p>
<big>She fuckin' shushed you!</big>
<<dial "kelly" "A mass is about to start!">>
<p>She turns and goes back to praying.</p>
<<media "that_went_well.mp4">>
<p>I feel you, man, being shushed is the worse! Me and my buddies once spend a day looking for a dude who shushed us in a gin bar. We had to fake a rape report to get a police sketch artist to draw his fucking shushing face. We printed fliers, all that shit. I'm like 90% sure it really happened. 80%.</p>
<p>I think $ might be too deep into religious shit, to ever miss a moment of a mass, but it's good you tried.</p>
<<btn null null "" "yieldHide">>
<<EVENT "kellyIntro=0">> /* Intro to the quest. */
<p>You open the big doors and look inside.</p>
<big>The church is empty.</big>
<p>You hesitantly walk further to the main hall... and notice that there's something different. The church was a mess last time you were here - the decorations from medieval times, piss stench, needles and condoms on the floor.</p>
<big>But now it looks kinda better.</big>
<p>The flowers are alive and smell nice, it's much brighter. Someone even alphabetically arranged night club ads on the notice board.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wow! What happened here?</tht>">>
<big>Same moment you hear something.</big>
<p>It's a very beautiful voice, singing a song. You walk closer in the direction the song is coming from...</p>
<big>And then you see her.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/kelly.jpg">>
<span>You met Sister </span>
<span><<textbox "$" $>></span>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh... I never saw her before... Who is she?!</tht>">>
<big>Probably some sort of a new nun.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>New nun, huh? Awesome! Too bad I can barely see anything under this robe. I hope she has big tits...!</tht>">>
<p>It's hard to say from this angle. You need to get closer.</p>
<<btn "#sneak" "Sneak on her to take a look" "dom+2" "action">>
<<btn "#approach" "Just go and say hello" "love+6" "action">>
<<chunk null "#sneak">>
<big>You carefully sneak closer.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What is she doing?</tht>">>
<p>She's lighting the candles and singing.</p>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/candle_lighting.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well...?? I can barely see her tits - are they big??</tht>">>
<p>It's hard to say for sure, but I think they are pretty huge buddy...</p>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/kelly_thinking.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh yeah, baby!</tht>">>
<p>She's kinda hot too. I bet if it weren't for this robe she'd be fucking all day long.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Such a waste...</tht>">>
<big>It doesn't have to be!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You think I have a chance with her?!</tht>">>
<p>It's up to you!</p>
<<btn "#wait" "Stay hidden and see what is she doing" "dom+2" "action">>
<<btn "#approach" "Just go and say hello" "love+6" "action">>
<<chunk null "#wait">>
<big>The nun is about to walk away, but hesitates.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What is she doing?</tht>">>
<p>She's thinking about something.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What is it!?</tht>">>
<p>I dunno. She's looking at the candles. And...</p>
<big>She grabs the thickest one in her hand.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh!</tht>">>
<p>She looks at it for a moment, and then walks away with it.</p>
<big>You follow the nun.</big>
<p>She walks to the back of the church and disappears behind the doors leading to a small room.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh my fucking god!</tht>">>
<p>You're in the church, $ Behave!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dude! Candle. Back room. Hot nun... you know what it means?</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She's probably pushing this candle into her wet pussy as we speak! Or even better - her lil' cinnamon hole!</tht>">>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/candle_fuck.mp4">>
<p>...she just needed to clean it... that's also a possibility.</p>
<<btn "#ear" "Put your ear to the door" "dom+2" "action">>
<<btn "#knock" "Knock at the door" "love+6" "action">>
<<chunk null "#ear">>
<p>You put your ear to the door and try to hear what's happening in the room.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You're hearing anything?</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Maybe she took a vow of silence and she's masturbating quietly?</tht>">>
<p>Either that or she's not masturbating.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She has to be masturbating! It's a porn game--</tht>">>
<big>When suddenly.</big>
<big>The doors open.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck.</tht>">>
<p>Oh fuck indeed.</p>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/kelly_doors.mp4">>
<p>She looks at you surprised, holding a bottle of Candle Cleaner 2000.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh. So she actually wasn't masturbating...!</tht>">>
<<dial "kelly" "What are you doing here?">>
<p>Better answer something quickly or she'll call the cops.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uh, sorry... uhmm... hi... I mean! Hello nun...">>
<p>Hello nun?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I don't know how to address the nun! Your excellence!?</tht>">>
<p>Your excellence is the fucking Pope god damn it. Look, tell her you got lost or something. Don't overthink it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Um... sorry... I got lost...">>
<big>She looks at you for a moment.</big>
<<btn "#talk">>
<<chunk null "#knock">>
<big>You knock at the doors.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Do you hear anything?</tht>">>
<p>Read the line above god damn it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Maybe she's asleep? Or dead?</tht>">>
<p>Maybe she just doesn't want to open.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm horny and it's a porn game! She has to open!</tht>">>
<big>When suddenly...</big>
<big>...the doors open.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/kelly_doors.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "Yes...?">>
<p>She looks at you surprised, holding a bottle of Candle Cleaner 2000.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh. So she actually wasn't masturbating...!</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "Uh, sorry... uhmm... hi... I mean! Hello, uhmm, Miss nun!">>
<big>Miss nun?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I don't know how do you address the nun? Your excellence!?</tht>">>
<p>Your excellence is the fucking Pope god damn it.</p>
<<btn "#talk">>
<<chunk null "#approach">>
<big>You come out from the hiding.</big>
<<dial "player" "Hello, uhmm, Miss nun!">>
<p>She looks at you, startled by your sudden appearance.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh my, I didn't saw you there!">>
<p>Way to go, scare her on the start! And also...</p>
<big>...Miss nun?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I don't know how do you address the nun? Your excellence!?</tht>">>
<p>Your excellence is the fucking Pope god damn it.</p>
<<btn "#talk">>
<<chunk null "#talk">>
<big>She realizes something.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh...! You're from the ad!">>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/kelly_smile.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Wow... she's actually hot as fuck!</tht>">>
<big>Focus, god damn it!</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... the ad... I mean... yeah, I'm from the ad.">>
<p>Man, you're gonna get us in trouble. Maybe the ad was for a male prostitute for the priest? Don't throw yourself head first into everything.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh, grrreat. Wow, I didn't expect someone showing up so quickly! Keep it up like that, and we'll certainly gonna like each other.">>
<<btn null "I runned all my way over here..." "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Yeah... I like to... come quickly..." "kelly.dom+3" "dialog">>
<<dial "kelly" "The ad was pretty clear so I guess you know what to do, right?">>
<p>Well, $ You know what to do, right?</p>
<<dial "player" "Can you sum up the ad for me... just in case?">>
<<dial "kelly" "Well, cleaning the windows is the main thing. You have to bring your own equipment, we're a very poor church. If you prove yourself, than we could also use some help during the mass. Collecting offerings especially... Of course I need to trust you first.">>
<<dial "player" "You can totally trust me...">>
<big>She looks at you, suspiciously.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "Ok... So we're set. Oh - one important thing...">>
<p>She points to the huge stained glass windows in the main hall.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Remember to use delicate wipes for the colored glass, it's very old!">>
<<dial "player" "Ooook.">>
<<dial "kelly" "Ok, great! You can start whenever you want. God bless!">>
<<btn null "God bless... to you too... your majesty." "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Thanks... you can totally trust me..." "kelly.dom+3" "dialog">>
<p>You turn away and walk to the main hall of the church.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What just happened...?! I got a hard on and blacked out.</tht>">>
<big>You got hired as a window cleaner in the church.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh, that's not too bad! How much is the pay?</tht>">>
<p>I don't know. You didn't care to discuss that particular point. But it seems there's a possibility for a promotion to financial officer AKA tray boy.</p>
<big>So you're on a right career path.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, fuck it. As long as I don't pay for it - I want to get my hands on that gazoongas.</tht>">>
<p>Well, can't say I blame you, bud.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So... what now?</tht>">>
<big>You gotta buy the cleaning equipment.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Buy?!</tht>">>
<p>Well, yeah, buddy. You gotta get the cleaning detergents, the delicate wipes for the stained glass, the ladder. And have you seen those windows? They are huge. That's gonna be like 100 bucks easily.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it.</tht>">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyIntro=1">> /* Buy cleaning stuff. */
<<if $mia.met>>
<<dial "player" "I need to buy cleaning detergents... Like... a lot of them.">>
<big>$ looks at you suspiciously.</big>
<<media "characters/mia/face_suspicious.jpg">>
<<dial "mia" "A lot...? Are you planning to get rid of the body?">>
<<dial "player" "What!? No!">>
<p>She sighs.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Good. Regular detergents don't work on blood stains... that's gonna be 100 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "So... I would need a ladder. And some wipes...">>
<big>$ looks at you suspiciously.</big>
<<media "characters/ash/face_suspicious.jpg">>
<<dial "ash" "Are you planning to climb to someone's window and jack off?">>
<<dial "player" "What!? No!">>
<p>He sighs.</p>
<<dial "ash" "Good. Because it doesn't work. The ladder starts shaking. Better idea - take camera and take some photos. And then, you know, go back home, drink a beer, sit on a comfy chair and... you get the picture. Anyway, that's gonna be 150 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "150?! I thought it's 100.">>
<<dial "ash" "Ok, let's make it 100 - but I want to see those photos.">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyIntro=2; $kellyIntroTask=clean">> /* Help in the church until Sister $ trusts you enough to give you tray duty. */
<<include "churchClean">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyIntro=2; $kellyIntroTask=talk">> /* Help in the church until Sister $ trusts you enough to give you tray duty. */
<<include "churchTrayAsk">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyIntro=2; $kellyIntroTask=tray">> /* Help in the church until Sister $ trusts you enough to give you tray duty. */
<<include "churchTray">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyIntro=3">> /* After the morning mass is finished - talk with Sister $ about regular work in the church. */
<big>You knock at the doors to the back room.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "One moment!">>
<p>You hear strange sounds coming from inside.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What is she doing?</tht>">>
<p>Well, you can always say you heard //"enter"//.</p>
<<btn "#open" "Open the doors" "kelly.dom+3" "action">>
<<btn "#wait" "Wait" "" "action">>
<<chunk null "#open">>
<big>You walk inside the back room.</big>
<p>$ looks at you, surprised.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh!">>
<p>You see she's holding a huge candle in her hand.</p>
<big>It's wet.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/candle.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck. She was fucking the candle! I told you!</tht>">>
<p>Well, come on man, it's a porn game. Of course she was fucking the candle. I was just playing with you, bro!</p>
<<dial "player" "Oh, sorry, did I interrupt something... you said //enter// right? It's hard to hear through those doors...">>
<<dial "kelly" "I said //one moment// but... what do you want, $ I'm kind of busy with this candle!">>
<p>She grabs a wipe and starts polishing the candle.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "I was... cleaning it!">>
<big>I bet you were, Sister $</big>
<<btn "#talk">>
<<chunk null "#wait">>
<p>Finally the doors open.</p>
<big>Sister $ looks at you with a smile.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh, it's you, $!">>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/kelly_naughty.jpg">>
<<dial "kelly" "Come in!">>
<big>You enter the back room.</big>
<p>It smells kinda funny. And you notice a huge candle in the back.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What are you trying to tell me...? Was she fucking the candle?!</tht>">>
<p>Of course she was fucking the candle.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Why didn't you say so, I would have opened the doors!</tht>">>
<p>Come on man, it's a porn game. You should know better!</p>
<<btn "#talk">>
<<chunk null "#talk">>
<<dial "kelly" "So... how can I help you?">>
<<dial "player" "I wanted to! About the work in the church!">>
<p>Seriously? Again?</p>
<big>You need to focus, $</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Easy for you to say... all I can think of is this fucking candle in her ass!</tht>">>
<p>Well, I'm actually with you on this, buddy.</p>
<big>I also see it vividly...</big>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/candle_fuck2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn it, now you made it worse!</tht>">>
<<dial "kelly" "$, are you there?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... sorry! I wanted to ask about the work for the church.">>
<<dial "kelly" "We are very happy with you so far.">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... but... I mean...">>
<p>She smiles.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh, you probably want your pay out?">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, so I am getting paid!">>
<big>Sister $ looks at you surprised.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "Of course you are getting paid! We are a small community, but we pay for work! The ad was clear - you get 50 dollars for a trial period. If you succeed, then we'll pay you 20 dollars for each cleaning, and 40 dollars for tray duty.">>
<<dial "player" "Oh, great!">>
<<dial "kelly" "Ok, so I think we can say you passed your trial. Here's your 50 dollars for your hard work.">>
<p>She sits pulls out a bunch of dollar bills and counts the money. And suddenly...</p>
<big>You notice her robe slips down and...</big>
<big>Oh my.</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/kelly_pussy.jpg">>
<p>Sister $ notices it quickly and pulls down the robe.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "I'm so sorry about that... here's your money. Praise the Lord!">>
<big>She hands you the 50 bucks.</big>
<<if $player.loveLvl <= $player.dominationLvl>>
<<btn "#pussy" "Keep the money, I want to see the pussy." "kelly.dom+6" "dialog">>
<<if $player.loveLvl >= $player.dominationLvl>>
<<btn "#blessing" "Keep the money - your beauty is enough of a blessing." "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#100bucks" "I want 100 bucks" "kelly.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<btn "#ok" "Thanks!" "cash+50;" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#pussy">>
<big>She looks at you, shocked.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh...!">>
<p>She's clearly angry and confused, but you can see something naughty in her eyes.</p>
<<if $player.trait == "messiah" || $player.trait == "alpha">>
<<set _decision = "#ok_pussy">>
<<if $kelly.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok_pussy", "#angry", "#angry", "#angry"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok_pussy", "#angry", "#angry"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok_pussy", "#angry"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status <= 4>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok_pussy", "#ok_pussy", "#angry"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status >= 5>>
<<set _decision = "#ok_pussy">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#blessing">>
<big>She looks at you, surprised by your compliment.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh... really? I mean.. thank you...">>
<p>The way she looks at you gives you a strange naughty vibe. But you can't be sure if you're not imagining it.</p>
<<if $player.trait == "messiah" || $player.trait == "alpha">>
<<set _decision = "#ok_pussy">>
<<if $kelly.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok_pussy", "#ok", "#ok", "#ok"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok_pussy", "#ok", "#ok"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok_pussy", "#ok"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#ok_pussy">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#100bucks">>
<big>She looks at you, surprised.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh really...?">>
<p>You can clearly see a bit of disappointment on her face.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Well, the ad was pretty clear, so I don't think that's fair.">>
<<dial "player" "But... the ad didn't mention the window sizes! And they are huge!">>
<<dial "kelly" "It actually did mention the window sizes, there were even photos! Have you even seen this ad?!">>
<<dial "player" "Well... I browsed through it...">>
<big>She sighs.</big>
<<if $player.trait == "messiah" || $player.trait == "alpha">>
<<set _decision = "#ok_100">>
<<if $kelly.status <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok_100", "#angry", "#angry"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok_100", "#angry"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status <= 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#ok_100", "#ok_100", "#angry"].random()>>
<<elseif $kelly.status >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#ok_100">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#angry">>
<big>She looks at you with anger.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "No. Just no. It's 50 dollars. Take it or leave it.">>
<p>Well, man. It is what it is.</p>
<<btn "#ok" "Thanks!" "cash+50" "dialog">>
<<btn "#ok" "Keep the money for the church!" "" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#angry_pussy">>
<big>She looks at you with anger.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "What the hell do you think I am?!">>
<<dial "kelly" "I'm a nun! Here's your pay out and get out of here!!!">>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/money.mp4">>
<<yields "cash+50">>
<p>You take the money and walk out of the back room in shame.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn...</tht>">>
<p>Oh, don't worry about it too much. We will bounce back. Those windows won't clean themselves.</p>
<big>Just wait 2 weeks before showing up in the church.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well.. ok... but I really wanted to see this pussy.</tht>">>
<p>You will, bro. You will.</p>
<big>Patience is the key.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "kelly.desire-5; counter:kellyAngry-10; counter:kellyIntroDebuff+10" "yieldHide">>
<<chunk null "#ok_100">>
<big>She smiles.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "Well... you did work really hard!">>
<p>Does she mean your hard ons?</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Ok! Let's make it 100!">>
<<yields "cash+100">>
<<dial "kelly" "But now... I have to finish cleaning those candles... so... praise the Lord!">>
<<dial "player" "Thanks... I mean - praise the Lord back to you!">>
<p>You take the money and walk out of the back room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "counter:kellyIntroDebuff+10">>
<<chunk null "#ok">>
<<dial "kelly" "Ok, great! But now... I have to finish cleaning those candles... so... praise the Lord!">>
<<dial "player" "Thanks... I mean - praise the Lord back to you!">>
<p>You take the money and walk out of the back room.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "counter:kellyIntroDebuff+10">>
<<chunk null "#ok_pussy">>
<big>She sighs.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "You know I'm a nun.">>
<p>We sure do. That's what makes it so kinky!</p>
<<dial "kelly" "I'm flattered that you see a woman in me... I like that...">>
<p>Oh man... I think she's gonna do it...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Shut up! I'm getting hard!</tht>">>
<big>Me too.</big>
<p>She looks you right in the eyes.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "I always say... mysterious are the paths of the Lord.">>
<big>And she spreads her legs!</big>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/kelly_pussy_show.mp4">>
<<btn null "Uh... that's a nice pussy!" "kelly.dom+3" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Uh... praise the lord!" "" "dialog">>
<big>She immediately closes her legs.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyIntro/kelly_pussy_hide.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "No, please... show me more!">>
<<dial "kelly" "Not now... I mean - no! I need to be alone, please... leave me...">>
<p>She turns away from you in shame, pointing to the doors.</p>
<<dial "player" "Well... ok.">>
<p>You leave her and walk out of the back room.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... I was so close I could smell her wet pussy.</tht>">>
<big>I'm counting it as a huge win, man.</big>
<p>You just saw a pussy of a nun. And I can guarantee - you will see plenty more of it in the future.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "counter:kellyIntroDebuff+10">>
<<EVENT "kellyPower=0">> /* Intro to the quest. */
<p>You walk closer to doors leading to the back room.</p>
<big>You hear agitated voices from the other side.</big>
<<dial "priest" "Who do you think you are?!">>
<<dial "kelly" "I just--">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What is happening up there?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/listening.mp4">>
<big>They're arguing about something.</big>
<big>The Priest raises his voice.</big>
<<dial "priest" "It's my church, I use the money how I please!">>
<p>Sister $ seems under high stress.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "It's just... if we report the money from the offerings, we also need to report how we spent it--">>
<<dial "priest" "Then don't report how much we get from the offerings, simple. No one really cares about that. Trust me.">>
<<dial "kelly" "But--">>
<big>Priest sighs.</big>
<<dial "priest" "Sister $ What if I send a report of my own. It will say that you're not obeying my command. Do you know who will I send it to?">>
<p>There's a moment of silence.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "I'll obey... Just don't send it to Him...">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Him?! Who is she talking about?!</tht>">>
<p>Maybe Sister $ is so religious she believes the Priest will send a report to the God?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That's fucked up...</tht>">>
<<dial "priest" "So that's settled. Is there something else?">>
<<dial "kelly" "I have some letters to you... there's one from the Bishop.">>
<<dial "priest" "Ohhh, that old rascal wrote me a letter?! Give it to me! You can take care of the rest. Burn it for all I care. And call me a taxi. I'm going to... uhmm... bless a brothel.">>
<big>Bless a brothel?!</big>
<<dial "priest" "All those poor souls up there... damned by lust... in dire need of holy spirit... And I have whole lot of holy spirit for them...">>
<p>You hear footsteps in the room.</p>
<big>They are closing.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck!</tht>">>
<big>You hide behind a pillar just before the doors open.</big>
<big>The Priest walks out of the back room.</big>
<p>He doesn't notice you.</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/priest.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>He kinda looks like a fucko!</tht>">>
<big>He kinda is a fucko.</big>
<p>The priest leaves and you walk out of your hiding.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what now?</tht>">>
<p>You turn back to the doors.</p>
<big>When suddenly...!</big>
<<btn null "Oh my God!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn null "God damn!" "kelly.dom+3" "dialog">>
<big>Sister $ bumps into you.</big>
<p>She drops the letters on the floor.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh! I didn't see you there...">>
<<dial "player" "So sorry! I was just... looking for you.">>
<p>She looks down - the letters are scattered all across the floor.</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_letters.jpg">>
<big>She kneels and starts picking them up.</big>
<<btn null "Help her with the letters" "" "action">>
<<btn null "Wait until she gathers them all" "kelly.dom+3" "action">>
<p>While she's on the floor, you manage to get a short glimpse of what's she hiding under her robe.</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/glimpse.jpg">>
<p>$ gathers all the letters and stands up.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry, we'll talk at some other time.">>
<<dial "player" "But I--">>
<<dial "kelly" "It has to wait, sorry.">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Do something!</tht>">>
<p>It's out of my control, buddy. I just read text.</p>
<big>She turns and walks away.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn. What now?</tht>">>
<big>I have no clue.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Because... I actually have an idea!</tht>">>
<p>That would be something new.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But I'd need your help!</tht>">>
<big>I don't like the sound of that.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/plan.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Look, I got a look at one of those letters... it was like an official church letter...</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Aaaand, I could write a fake letter like that... address it to Sister $ it will say that because of some money investigation, blah blah blah, she needs to meet the secret church agent...</tht>">>
<big>Secret church agent?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah... Vatican is sending a guy to investigate lost money and all... James Bond type of shit!</tht>">>
<p>That makes sense...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'll tell her I got the job cleaning the church to get closer to the priest... and that I heard their conversation, and you know... I'll figure something out from that point.</tht>">>
<big>You'll figure something out, huh?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Totally.</tht>">>
<p>So let me get this straight. You want me to help you forge official church letter, so that you will be able to pretend to be a secret church accountant?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Agent! But the rest is spot on.</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So you don't like this idea?</tht>">>
<p>Well... How can I say it to you, bud...?</p>
<big>I fuckin' love it!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Phew... I knew it's a good plan.</tht>">>
<p>Good plan, bad plan, who cares, as long as it's fun, and it's not me that goes to prison for forgery!</p>
<big>We need a computer - go back to your room!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyPower=1">> /* Go to your room and fake the letter to the church. */
<big>You open up your laptop.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So what should I write?</tht>">>
<p>//Dear Sister $</p>
<big>//I want to suck on your tits.//</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Come on!</tht>">>
<p>It's your plan, buddy! I'm just sticking on for the ride.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, ok...! Those letters usually have an official form... so maybe I'll look online for some references...</tht>">>
<p>You open up browser and google some official letter templates.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh, now you also whine...?</tht>">>
<p>Ok, I'm gonna take a nap.</p>
<big>Wake me up when it's finished.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Deal.</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dear Sister $</tht>">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/hackerman.mp4">>
<<btn null null null "si8">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok. Finished.</tht>">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You hear me?</tht>">>
<p>... yeah... marsh it, baby... marsh it...</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/wakeup.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I said I finished the letter!</tht>">>
<p>Oh really...? Shit... And I was having such an awesome dream...</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/marshmallow.mp4">>
<big>I was dreaming about fucking a marshmallow...</big>
<p>In its tight marshmallow ass... And I was eating it while I was fucking it...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well... that's cool and all... but I finished the letter! You wanna hear it?</tht>">>
<p>Not really.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh come on!</tht>">>
<p>Ok, just let me gather my marshm... I mean - my thoughts.</p>
<big>Ok, hit me.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Here it goes!</tht>">>
<p style="width: 50%; font-style: italic">Dear Sister $,<br><br>
We send you this top secret letter to inform about a top secret investigation concerning top secret matter of missing cash! The top secret priest agent in charge (kind of like James Bond) will come for a top secret meeting with you on ''SUNDAY EVENING'' in the park. Please wear a ''REVEALING BLOUSE'' as a sign of your top secret cooperation.<br><br>
Burn this letter after reading, it's top secret.<br><br>
The Pope.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Aand? What do you think?</tht>">>
<big>Not //top secret// enough.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Hmmm... Really...? I was thinking maybe The Pope is too much, but then again I want her to feel the weight of the letter...</tht>">>
<p>Yeah, yeah, it's great... You just gotta print it now, bud.</p>
<big>And I think I saw a printer in $'s room.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh yeah! It was there when I was doing her homework!</tht>">>
<p>So go get there... And if you happen to find marshmallows somewhere...</p>
<big>I'm reallly in a mood for a marshmallow.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You got it, dude!</tht>">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyPower=2; alexa; $permission=1">> /* Print the letter at $'s printer. */
<big>You look around the room.</big>
<<dial "player" "Hey, $, could I use your printer real quick?">>
<p>$ doesn't even look at you.</p>
<<dial "alexa" "No.">>
<<dial "player" "But I kinda need to...">>
<<dial "alexa" "I kinda don't care.">>
<p>Well, I think you need to try when she's not around or asleep.</p>
<<btn $curLoc null "kellyPower-">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyPower=2; $permission!=1">> /* Print the letter at $'s printer. */
<big>You look around the room and notice the printer.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Here it is!</tht>">>
<p>You come closer to take a better look. The printer is pink and it has a rainbow pony on it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>There's something in there!</tht>">>
<p>You open the printer up and see that it's full of printed photos of...</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/alexa_asshole1.jpg">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/alexa_asshole2.jpg">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/alexa_asshole3.jpg">>
<big>This girl really likes her asshole.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She's not the only one though...</tht>">>
<p>You feel a growing hard-on in your pants.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Such a nice asshole... Uhhh...</tht>">>
<big>Snap out of it!</big>
<p>We need to print those letters!</p>
<<btn "#print" "Print the letters" "love+2" "action">>
<<btn "#jackoff" "Jackoff to the ass-pics first" "dom+4" "action">>
<<chunk null "#jackoff">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Just a quick rub...</tht>">>
<big>Sigh... Ok.</big>
<p>You put all the photos in front of you, pull out your dick from the trousers and start masturbating.</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/jerkoff.jpg">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/alexa_asshole4.jpg">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/alexa_asshole5.jpg">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/alexa_asshole6.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh... yeah, baby... show me that asshole... uhhh!">>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum" "love+" "action">>
<<btn null "Uhh and cum but stronger" "dom+" "action">>
<p>You work your dick faster and faster, and finally...</p>
<big> shoot a stream of cum onto the photo of $'s ass.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/cumming.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Uhhhh...</tht>">>
<big>Are you done?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah... almost... give me a moment...</tht>">>
<p>You slowly get back to your senses and put the dick back in your trousers.</p>
<<btn "#print">>
<<chunk null "#print">>
<big>You turn on the printer...</big>
<p>...and in just couple seconds you manage to print a copy of a letter.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, so what now...?</tht>">>
<p>Now we gotta put it in an envelope and put it in the church's mailbox.</p>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyPower=3">> /* Find an envelope to put the letter in. */
<big>You point at the envelopes in the corner of the store.</big>
<<dial "player" "Can you give me one of those...?">>
<<if $mia.met == 1>>
<big>$ looks at you surprised.</big>
<<dial "mia" "You're writing a letter to Santa?">>
<p>She looks at you very seriously...</p>
<big>...and laughs.</big>
<<dial "mia" "I'm sorry, I'm always pulling your leg. I have it after my father.">>
<<dial "player" "Haha, it's not a letter to Santa. It's top secret.">>
<p>She looks at you curiously.</p>
<<dial "mia" "Well, ok. No one buys them these days. You're the first one since I work here!">>
<big>She gives you an envelope.</big>
<<dial "player" "How much?">>
<<if $mia.status >= 3>>
<<dial "mia" "Just take it, no one will notice.">>
<big>She winks at you.</big>
<<yields "">>
<<dial "player" "Thanks!">>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<dial "mia" "One buck.">>
<<btn $curLoc "Ok, here it is!" "cash-1; cash=1">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'll be back..." "kellyPower-">>
<big>He looks at you very seriously.</big>
<<dial "ash" "You're writing a letter to Santa?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... It's kinda... Top secret.">>
<<dial "ash" "Don't care. 25 bucks.">>
<p>Ouch. That's an expensive envelope.</p>
<<btn $curLoc "Ok, here it is!" "cash-25; cash=25">>
<<btn $curLoc "I'll be back..." "kellyPower-">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyPower=4">> /* Put the letter in the church's mailbox. */
<big>You walk to the church mailbox.</big>
<p>You look around, making sure no one's around.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok. I'm doing it!</tht>">>
<big>You walk towards the mailbox.</big>
<p>You look around to make sure no one sees you...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Now or never!</tht>">>
<big>You're about to put the letter in the mailbox...</big>
<big>When $ appears right next to you.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly.jpg">>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh, $, you came to clean the church?">>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhmmm.... yeah! Exactly!">>
<p>She looks at you with a smile.</p>
<<yields "">>
<<dial "kelly" "Great! Don't let me stop you.">>
<p>She turns and walks back to the main hall of the church.</p>
<big>You know you just agreed to clean the church?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She frightened me god damn it! Why didn't you tell me she's walking my direction... Now I have to clean the church!</tht>">>
<p>You don't have to. It's still your decision.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, whatever!</tht>">>
<p>You make sure that she's gone and put the letter in the mailbox.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Done!</tht>">>
<<btn null "Clean the church as promised" "time+" "action yieldHide">>
<<btn $curLocParent "Just ignore what you promised and walk out" "dom+5; kelly.desire-3" "action yieldHide">>
<<include "churchClean">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyPower=5; $kellyPowerTask=robe">> /* On Sunday during sunset meet $ in the park dressed as a priest agent. */
<big>You look around the church.</big>
<p>Ok, so what's your plan?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So I was thinking... I will pretend I'm cleaning the windows as always... wait for a moment when the back room is empty... go there... I think they have some kind of closet with the robes... I'll just take one and beat it.</tht>">>
<p>That's actually...</p>
<big>...not a terrible idea.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok... then... let's do it.</tht>">>
<p>Wow! I'm with you, man!</p>
<<include "churchClean">>
<p>You pretend to focus on the cleaning, but in reality...</p>
<big>'re just waiting for the moment to strike.</big>
<p>And finally, your patience is rewarded. You see Sister $ walking out of the back room.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She took her coat, so she probably won't be back in couple minutes.</tht>">>
<p>Man, you're really getting good at it!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Is the coast clear?</tht>">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/ready.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Moving in!</tht>">>
<big>You run toward the back doors.</big>
<p>You open it and swiftly move inside.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>There's the closet!</tht>">>
<p>You run towards it and try to open it...</p>
<big>...but it's closed with a key.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck!</tht>">>
<p>I'm with you, man. Probably they hide a key somewhere here... The old priest is too lazy to look for it. Let me think...</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Or I'll just break in, take the robe, and split!</tht>">>
<p>No, wait.</p>
<big>You look at the top of the closet...</big>
<big>Target locked.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/key.mp4">>
<p>Do it!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sir, yes, sir!</tht>">>
<p>You put the key in the hole, open the closet and grab one of the robes. There's so many of them no one'll notice one missing.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Let's split!</tht>">>
<p>You close the closet and quickly walk out of the back room.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Phew! Time for finish cleaning for today. The job is done.</tht>">>
<big>Good work buddy!</big>
<<btn $curLocParent null "dom+4; priest_robe+; kellyPower-" "yieldHide">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyPower=5; $kellyPowerTask=bible">> /* On Sunday during sunset meet $ in the park dressed as a priest agent. */
<big>You look around the room.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>And...? Where's the Bible.</tht>">>
<p>Well, you gotta find it.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... Ok, Let's think... Where $ might put her Bible?</tht>">>
<big>Between her tits?</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Haha... wait, actually - she probably does put it between her tits... when she masturbates! And she probably masturbates in her bed, right? That's what MILFs do on the movies anyway...</tht>">>
<p>You approach the bed and open up a night stand. And, surprisingly, here it is!</p>
<big>The Bible.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/bible.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Is it always that shiny?</tht>">>
<big>It's a fluorescent version.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "bible+; kellyPower-">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyPower=5; $kellyPowerTask=sunglasses; $mia.met=1">> /* On Sunday during sunset meet $ in the park dressed as a priest agent. */
<big>You pick up sunglasses from the shelf.</big>
<p>You put them on and stand in the mirror.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm lookin' good.</tht>">
<<if $player.trait == "alpha" || $player.trait == "satan" || $player.trait == "messiah">>
<<media `"sunglasses_" + $player.trait + ".mp4"`>>
<<media `"sunglasses_" + $player.lvl + ".mp4"`>>
<<if $player.lvl < 3>>
<p>Well... Not really, but it's not because of the glasses.</p>
<p>Actually... you do look kinda good. Well done.</p>
<<if $mia.met == 1>>
<p>You turn to $</p>
<<dial "player" "How much are those glasses?">>
<<if $mia.status <= 1>>
<<set _glassesPrice = 30>>
<<elseif $mia.status == 2>>
<<set _glassesPrice = 25>>
<<elseif $mia.status == 3>>
<<set _glassesPrice = 20>>
<<elseif $mia.status == 4>>
<<set _glassesPrice = 15>>
<<set _glassesPrice = 10>>
<<dial "mia" `"For you...?" + _glassesPrice + " bucks"`>>
<<dial "player" "You like what you see?">>
<<if $mia.status <= 1>>
<<dial "mia" "Uhmmm... I like you, that counts, right...?">>
<big>Wow. Just... wow.</big>
<<elseif $mia.status == 2>>
<<dial "mia" "Well... Ok I guess...">>
<big>I'll translate - //NO//.</big>
<<elseif $mia.status == 3>>
<<dial "mia" "Yeah, you're ok.">>
<big>Ok is still a win.</big>
<<elseif $mia.status == 4>>
<<dial "mia" "Haha, you look great!">>
<big>That's a win.</big>
<p>She just stairs at you for a moment like at a puppy, almost drooling.<p>
<big>That's a win.</big>
<<set _glassesPrice = 40>>
<p>You walk to $, the cashier.</p>
<<dial "player" "How much are those glasses.">>
<<dial "ash" "40 bucks.">>
<<dial "player" "Ouch... expensive... and how do I look?">>
<<dial "ash" "You look like shit. Do you but them or not?">>
<<btn $curLoc "Ok, here it is!" `"cash-" + _glassesPrice + "; cash=" + _glassesPrice`>>
<<btn $curLoc "I'll be back..." "kellyPower-">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyPower=5; $kellyPowerTask=park; !priest_robe">> /* On Sunday during sunset meet $ in the park dressed as a priest agent. */
<<dial "player" "<tht>What?</tht>">>
<p>You're not dressed as a priest.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh, come on, do I have to?</tht>">>
<p>Well, you wrote in the letter that she's supposed to meet //priest// agent!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I think I said James Bond, right?</tht>">>
<p>Well, then...</p>
<big>Priest James Bond.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, so maybe sunglasses and a bible?!</tht>">>
<p>Well, that would certainly score you some points, so I'm not saying no... but still...</p>
<big>You need a priest robe.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Well, god damn. Where will I find priest robe?</tht>">>
<big>Seek and you shall find.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "kellyPower-">>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyPower=5; $kellyPowerTask=park; priest_robe">> /* On Sunday during sunset meet $ in the park dressed as a priest agent. */
<p>You go into the bushes and put on the priest clothing.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>How do I look?</tht>">>
<big>Good enough.</big>
<p>Do you have sunglasses or Bible on you?</p>
<<btn null "Put on the sunglasses" "dom+2; swag+; sunglasses; sunglasses-" "action">>
<<btn null "Show off your bible" "love+2; holy_spirit+; bible; bible-" "action">>
<<btn "#kelly" "Show off your crucifix" "love+2; dom+2; swag+; holy_spirit+; crucifix; crucifix-" "action">>
<<btn "#kelly" "Nope!" null "action">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I feel better already!</tht>">>
<p>You have something else you want to use?</p>
<<btn "#kelly" "Put on the sunglasses" "dom+; swag+; sunglasses; sunglasses-" "action">>
<<btn "#kelly" "Show off your bible" "love+; holy_spirit+; bible; bible-" "action">>
<<btn "#kelly" "Show off your crucifix" "love+; dom+; swag+; holy_spirit+; crucifix; crucifix-" "action">>
<<btn "#kelly" "Nope!" null "action">>
<<chunk null "#kelly">>
<big>You walk around the park, looking for $</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You see her?</tht>">>
<p>Not yet.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck. I hope she read the letter...</tht>">>
<big>I have a bad feeling about this...</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You do? Fuck! But why...? I thought we did everything right... and we were working as a team and all... Is it because I wrote it's from the Pope...? Damn, it should have been Jesus...</tht>">>
<big>You walk around the corner and...</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_park.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's her...! I can finally see her tits! And she has awesome tits! Woohoo!</tht>">>
<p>That was a good plan man, you deserved it!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ahh, shit, dude, I really thought the plan didn't work... Awesome!</tht>">>
<big>She's waiting for you, agent $player.surname!</big>
<big>You walk out to Sister $</big>
<<dial "player" "Hello!">>
<<wrapper "sunglasses">>
<<set _swagLine = 1>>
<<wrapelse "swag">>
<<set _swagLine = 1>>
<<wrapper "bible">>
<<set _holyLine = 1>>
<<wrapelse "holy_spirit">>
<<set _holyLine = 1>>
<<if _holyLine && _swagLine>>
<p>She looks at you, surprised by the holy spirit emanating from you. But it's not only that. It's also the swag. It's so commanding.</p>
<<yields "kelly.dom+5;">>
<<elseif _holyLine>>
<p>She looks at you, surprised by the holy spirit emanating from you. It's the Bible, dude. It works miracles!</p>
<<yields "">>
<<elseif _swagLine>>
<p>She looks at you, surprised by your swag. Those sunglasses really do make you look like a church agent. Congrats.</p>
<<yields "kelly.dom+5">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_park_curious.jpg">>
<<dial "kelly" "$! What are you doing here? Why are you dressed as a priest?!">>
<<dial "player" "I'm the priest agent you're supposed to meet!">>
<<dial "kelly" "WHAT?! Is this a joke?">>
<big>She's pissed.</big>
<p>You need to win her over, man. I hope you have a plan?</p>
<<btn null "I work for the Pope, so you better listen." "kelly.dom+5" "dialog">>
<<btn null "It's not a joke. I really work for the Pope." "" "dialog">>
<p>She sees how serious you look and starts hesitating for a moment, but it's not enough.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "The Pope?! Yeah, like the Pope would be interested in a small church like that.">>
<<dial "player" "Well, not by himself, haha... It's actually a secret church agency ''P.O.P.E.'' that I work for. The Pope is just our, like... you know, pope.">>
<big>Man, you're pushing it.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I can barely think... I keep staring at her tits.</tht>">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_park_tits.jpg">>
<<dial "kelly" "P.O.P.E.?! What does it stand for.">>
<<dial "player" "Uhmm... It's //secret// agency so I cannot tell you... But we have spies and hidden cameras in all churches.">>
<<dial "kelly" "But... I hired you to clean the windows and help during masses!">>
<<dial "player" "That was my way of getting close to the priest. Install cameras and all. I'm Secret Agent $player.surname by the way.">>
<<dial "kelly" "So that's why you appeared so quickly after I gave the ad?">>
<<dial "player" "Yup. I was sent here to investigate and you gave me perfect opportunity, something that we agents call //a flirtation//.">>
<p>$ looks at you curiously.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Flirtation?">>
<big>It's //in-filtration// you dumb ass.</big>
<<dial "player" "Haha. It was a joke, obviously. We agents do them a lot. Infiltration! <tht>Phew!</tht> We knew that there's something wrong when the money went missing.">>
<<dial "kelly" "I told him it will happen...!">>
<<dial "player" "Aha! So you knew about it!">>
<<dial "kelly" "I wanted to stop it, really! But... how much money did he steal?">>
<<dial "player" "Bill--">>
<big>Don't exaggerate...!</big>
<<dial "player" "I mean... he stole the bills! To hide his tracks... we don't know how much he stole.">>
<p>She thinks deeply for a moment.</p>
<<dial "player" "But we know he's running an underground slave market.">>
<big>Slave market?!</big>
<p>God damn, man. Don't exaggerate. You have it in the basket, just carry it home.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sorry, couldn't help myself... I thought I'm losing her.</tht>">>
<big>$'s eyes suddenly get teary.</big>
<p>She looks at you, frightened.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "I really didn't have anything to do with it. You have to believe me. This priest... I was sent here... I really cannot say too much, but...">>
<<dial "player" "Calm down. We know you had nothing to do with it!">>
<<dial "kelly" "You do...?">>
<<dial "player" "Absolutely! If only you'd cooperate with our agency, that is.">>
<p>She thinks about something very deeply.</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_park_thinks.jpg">>
<<dial "kelly" "Ok, I'll do whatever you want... I can give you keys to the church.">>
<<dial "player" "Aweso... I mean - Yes. I need the keys to access church documents of course.">>
<<yields "churchKey+">>
<<dial "kelly" "Is there something else you want from me?">>
<big>I like this. You're doing great.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I know! But I have such a boner I can barely think!</tht>">>
<p>Ok, cool down.</p>
<big>Tell her to meet you on Saturday evening in the church.</big>
<<dial "player" "I would need someone to show me around the church documents... let's say Saturday evening?">>
<<dial "kelly" "Of course. I'll be there.">>
<<media "perfection.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "I have to go now... I want to ask one last thing...">>
<<dial "player" "Yes, my child?">>
<p>Keep it on the ground, man. We don't want to blew it!</p>
<<dial "kelly" "Is it possible that... I'll be a //secret// cooperative...? I don't want the priest to know... Could we do that?">>
<<dial "player" "I'll think about it!">>
<<dial "kelly" "Thank you...">>
<big>$ turns and leaves quickly.</big>
<<media "went_well.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck yea it did! Great fuckin' team work, dude!</tht>">>
<big>It was a pleasure, my man.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Did you hear what I said to her in the end? I'll think about it! L-O-L!</tht>">>
<p>That was heavy shit, man! No, honestly, you did great.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh... shit... So what now?</tht>">>
<big>Now we wait for Saturday evening!</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
/* ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================== */
<<EVENT "quest:kellyPower=6">> /* On Saturday evening meet Sister $ in the church back room to do paperwork. */
<big>You walk inside the church.</big>
<p>It's dark and quiet.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's spooky over here!</tht>">>
<p>Doesn't matter. We're early, you gotta wait for Sister $ in the back room.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yeah, yeah...!</tht>">>
<big>You walk into the back room.</big>
<big>You sit on the couch.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I'm nervous... I really want to fuck her.</tht>">>
<p>It's gonna be fine. You just need to be strict with her... But don't push it. Just let it happen.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I know, I know...</tht>">>
<big>Actually... sit behind a desk up there.</big>
<p>The couch is lower, so when she comes make her sit on it. It'll help to keep her on the defense.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Damn, that's sneaky! I like that!</tht>">>
<big>You sit behind a desk.</big>
<p>There's a bunch of papers on it, and an old PC computer.</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/desk.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You know what? How much time do we have?</tht>">>
<p>Well... Sister $ probably won't be here in 10 minutes.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, it's enough time.</tht>">>
<big>Enough for what?</big>
<p>You're not planning to jack off to some dirty porn are you?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What? Nooo... Listen. Remember how Sister $ said she gave an ad?</tht>">>
<p>Yeah... so?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>So why won't we give an ad of our own? That the church is looking for young nun prospects. I have the key so I can set job interviews to when the church is empty. I'll dress as a priest and interview the nuns... who knows what will happen, right...? Or am I too creepy?</tht>">>
<big>That's brilliant</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I knew that you'd like it! Let's do it!</tht>">>
<big>You turn on the computer.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/windows.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>What the hell is this?!</tht>">>
<big>Ancient times...</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn! The Priest really did steal all the money! Ok, let me take a look... How do you open up Chrome?</tht>">>
<p>Man... I said //ancient times//. The times from before Browser Wars...</p>
<big>The times of only one king...</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/explorer.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck...</tht>">>
<p>It takes you a moment to connect to the net through dial-up modem...</p>
<p>And then another moment before the page with ads loads...</p>
<p>And then another before you manage to fill the forms...</p>
<p>But finally...</p>
<big>The ad is posted.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's done.</tht>">>
<big>Good job.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I wrote the meeting is on Tuesday evening and that we only want young nuns... you know, to avoid fuck ups.</tht>">>
<big>I like it.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>This is going to be awesome...!</tht>">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/nuns.mp4">>
<p>You can't help but start imagining how awesome it would be to fuck some young unsuspecting nuns...</p>
<big>When you hear someone's coming.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>It's Sister $! How do I look...?</tht>">>
<p>You look good, it's gonna be fine.</p>
<big>The doors to the back room open and...</big>
<big>$ leans in.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_doors.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "Can I come in?">>
<<dial "player" "Of course... please! Sit on the couch!">>
<big>She walks in and closes the doors.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_couch.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Sister $ I browsed through church computer files and found a lot of things that bothered me. They involve you.">>
<big>Wow, you're not beating around the bush!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You told me to be strict with her.</tht>">>
<p>Ok, ok, just sayin'!</p>
<<dial "kelly" "What things...?">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_priest.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Well, I thought you're innocent in all this... but now I start to think you might have been priest's accomplice. Can you explain?">>
<big>Sister $ looks at you, scared.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_explains.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "No... really... I don't know anything... I've heard rumors... about this slave market... but...">>
<big>Whoah, what?</big>
<p>So there actually is a slave market?!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn, that was a lucky shot!</tht>">>
<<dial "kelly" "I just heard the priest talking about it... with... I mean... with someone...">>
<<dial "player" "I'm not sure if I can believe you.">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_bad.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "How can I prove you I'm not lying...?">>
<big>She looks at you in a way that instantly makes you hard.</big>
<<dial "player" "Well... what do you have in mind...?">>
<big>She stands up from the couch and walks your direction.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "Well... I saw how you look at me... I thought maybe...?">>
<p>She stands in front of the desk, and leans in towards you. So close you can smell her breath.</p>
<big>And then...</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_kiss.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Woohoo! I'm kissing the nun.</tht>">>
<p>Don't woohoo me. The kiss is just first base.</p>
<big>We want the pussy.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>You fuckin' right we do.</tht>">>
<big>You push $ on the desk.</big>
<<dial "player" "My turn...!">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_pussy1.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "No, wait... I shouldn't... I...">>
<p>You don't listen to her whining. Instead...</p>
<big>You lick her faster and faster.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_pussy2.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "Oh God yes! Lick! Lick the pussy!">>
<big>I think she got enough.</big>
<p>It's time she showed us something.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Yup!</tht> Get naked.">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_show1.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "You like me?">>
<<dial "player" "I haven't seen the full thing yet... turn around.">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_show2.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Oh yeah... you're just like I imagined.">>
<<dial "kelly" "Will you bless me with your cock?">>
<big>$ kneels in front of you.</big>
<<dial "player" "I bless you, Sister $ You can take it in your mouth now.">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_sex1.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "slurp - slurp - slurp">>
<p>She's speeding up. You feel your dick is hard as steel.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh... Yeah...">>
<p>While she wraps her lips around your cock, you think of a nice tight warmth of her pussy.</p>
<<dial "player" "I want your pussy now. Bend over.">>
<big>She obeys your command.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_sex2.mp4">>
<big>Her pussy wraps around your dick like a tight glove.</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhhh...">>
<<dial "kelly" "Yeah... Fuck me... Are you happy with me? Do you like to fuck me?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeah... you're great... Now lie down... I want to look at your tits while I fuck you...">>
<<dial "kelly" "Yes Agent!">>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_sex3.mp4">>
<<dial "kelly" "Fuck me Agent $player.surname! I've been a bad girl!!! Very bad girl!">>
<big>You speed up.</big>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_sex4.mp4">>
<big>You're fucking her pussy like a jack-hammer.</big>
<<dial "player" "Uhh. Uhh. Uh...">>
<<dial "kelly" "Yessss....">>
<<dial "player" "I'm getting close...">>
<<dial "kelly" "You want to cum on the tits or on the face?">>
<p>That's a question I'd like to hear.</p>
<<btn "#tits" "Tits!" "" "dialog">>
<<btn "#face" "Face!" "kelly.dom+2" "dialog">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out instead" "$char+kelly" "sex action">>
<<chunk null "#tits">>
<big>Sister $ squeezes her tits.</big>
<p>She grabs you by the balls and starts working your cock. And it doesn't take long before...</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_sex_cum_tits.mp4">>
<big>You shoot a stream of hot cum right on her gazoongas.</big>
<<dial "player" "Ohhhhh yeahhhhh...">>
<p>After a moment - you're out of bullets.</p>
<big>You collapse on the couch.</big>
<<btn "#end">>
<<chunk null "#face">>
<p>She bring her closer and spray her face with hot cum...</p>
<<media "quests/kellyPower/kelly_sex_cum_face.mp4">>
<<dial "player" "Ohhhhh yeahhhhh...">>
<p>After a moment - you're out of bullets.</p>
<big>You collapse on the couch.</big>
<<btn "#end">>
<<chunk null "#end">>
<big>You're both breathing heavily.</big>
<p>$ glances at you.</p>
<<dial "kelly" "So... I will help you find proofs that the priest is corrupt... and you'll keep my name secret, ok?">>
<p>Wow, she goes right to business.</p>
<<dial "player" "Yeaaah...">>
<big>Another moment of silence.</big>
<<dial "kelly" "We need to keep pretending you're still our cleaner when the Priest is around... Ok?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeeah...">>
<p>Man, you don't have to agree to everything.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>I don't even know what she was asking... I'm just floating here...</tht>">>
<<dial "kelly" "So I'm gonna go... Thank you... Agent $player.surname.">>
<<dial "player" "Yeeah......">>
<big>Sister $ gathers her things and leaves.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>That was grrreat... Sister $ is awesome... I mean... I just fucked a nun, what an accomplishment...</tht>">>
<big>Yeah, man, I'll put it on your tombstone.</big>
<p>But don't you think there's something spooky here? Like, she really doesn't want the priest to know about anything... Maybe he has something on her, and she's afraid it'll come out?</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Like what...?</tht>">>
<big>I feel she's hiding something.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dude, you always feel everyone is hiding something. Chill out.</tht>">>
<p>Well, maybe you're right... But this slave market thing...</p>
<big>Anyway, that was a great fuck.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Team work, baby!</tht>">>
<p>Oh, and remember about your ad...</p>
<big>Nun prospects will be waiting for you on Tuesday evenings.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck, I totally forgot about that... Life's good, man!</tht>">>
<<btn $curLocParent>>
<</events>><<chunks "!item:priest_robe">>
<big>Man... You don't have a priest robe.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Oh fuck... So what now?</tht>">>
<p>Well, you gotta find a priest robe first.</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>But it gonna take time... Maybe I can do it without the priest robe? Like, you know, I'm a modern priest and all...</tht>">>
<p>Man, it hurts, I know, but you gotta have the robe. I'm sure you can find one in the church.</p>
<big>The nuns will be here every Tuesday.</big>
<<btn $curLoc null "time-">>
<<chunk "item:priest_robe">>
<big>You put on the priest robe.</big>
<<media "activities/nuns/player_priest.jpg">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>How do I look...?</tht>">>
<big>You look like a priest.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Like a priest who's ready to bless a nun's ass with his cock.</tht>">>
<big>That's the holy spirit!</big>
<p>You sit beside the desk in back room of the church and wait for the first nun to come...</p>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#nun", "#none", "#none"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#nun", "#none"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#nun", "#nun", "#none"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#nun">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#none">>
<big>No one comes.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>God damn. What happened...?</tht>">>
<p>Well, I guess working in a run down church in a ghetto is not a dream of a young nun.</p>
<big>Who knew?!</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Dude, this is a porn game, there should be porn!</tht>">>
<p>Oh, come on, it wouldn't be fun if you'd just always get the pussy.</p>
<big>Try again in a week.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#nun">>
/* Select a character */
<<set _curNpc = "churchnun_" + random(1,3)>>
<p>It's quiet for a moment...</p>
<big>...but then!</big>
<<media "knocking.mp4">>
<big>You hear knocking.</big>
<<dial "player" "Fuck yea! I mean... Come on in! <tht>Dude, this is soooo cool.</tht>">>
<p>You welcome buddy!</p>
<p>The doors to the back room open.</p>
<big>A young woman pops her head in.</big>
<<dial _curNpc "I'm sorry, I saw an ad that this church is looking for a nun.">>
<<dial "player" "Yes, that's exactly right. And I know this, because I'm a real priest in this real church.">>
<<dial _curNpc "Oh, great!">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ha! I'm good at that shit!</tht>">>
<p>You're terrible but it's working.</p>
<big>She walks in and sits on the couch.</big>
<<media `"activities/nuns/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_intro.mp4"`>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>She's hot.</tht>">>
<big>Hot as hell.</big>
<<dial "player" "So tell me... why do you want to become a nun?">>
<<dial _curNpc "It's... complicated... I... I have this problem... I was hoping that becoming a nun will cure me...">>
<<dial "player" "Herpies?">>
<p>Dude. I beg you. Don't fuck it up! Remember, you're a priest. Stay in character!</p>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Ok, ok...</tht> I'm sorry, I meant - you're in pain, my child?">>
<<dial _curNpc "Yes... I never told this to anyone... but I have those urges... indicent urges... I was hoping that by getting close to the God, he will free me from those... ugly thoughts... I'm even ashamed to think about it now...">>
<<btn null "You can tell me everything, my child." "love+2" "dialog">>
<<btn null "Tell me more." "dom+5" "dialog">>
<<media `"activities/nuns/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_talk.mp4"`>>
<big>She sighs...</big>
<<dial _curNpc "I have those urges... About getting... Sexually... Abused... By a man... Wearing a priest robe...">>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck yea!</tht>">>
<big>Praise the lord!</big>
<<chunk "!$nunsActivDone">>
<<set $nunsActivDone = 1>>
<<dial _curNpc "I thought it's the devil that put those thoughts in my head... because he wants to scare me away from the church... So I decided... I'll be stronger than the devil... And I decided I have to become a nun...">>
<<dial "player" "Awesome! Uhmm... I meant - that's very interesting. So you think that the devil planted a thoughts in your head with you getting uhhmm... abused... by me?">>
<p>She looks at you, flustered...</p>
<<dial _curNpc "...I mean... Is it hot in here? I'm sorry, I feel so hot...">>
<p>She's sweating, trying to move her eyes away from your priest robe.</p>
<<dial _curNpc "...Maybe I should go. I shouldn't be here, with you... ">>
<p>She stands up from the couch.</p>
<<chunk "!$nunsActivDone">>
<<dial "player" "No, no, no. Don't worry! This is exactly where you should be!">>
<<dial _curNpc "It is?">>
<<dial "player" "Yeeesss! I mean... you've made a huge mistake!">>
<<dial _curNpc "I did?">>
<<dial "player" "You've made a mistake, because it was not a devil that planted those urges in your head. It was God! He wanted you to come here, to me!">>
<<dial _curNpc "He did?">>
<<dial "player" "Totally! I mean... That's what he does, right? The old almighty one! He makes us do things. Who knows what's his plan, right? Sometimes he wants you to help old lady go across the street, and sometimes a priest needs to fulfill sexual urges of a young girl.">>
<<dial _curNpc "But... You're a priest! You cannot have sex!!!">>
<<dial "player" "Cannot? Naaaah. I mean, it's not like //a strict rule//, it's more like //a guideline//. And, really, who follows guidelines these days. I'm a very modern priest!">>
<<btn "#offer" "Bible says: let's fuck!" "dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#offer" "Let me bless you with my holy spirit!" "love+" "dialog">>
<<chunk "$nunsActivDone">>
<<dial "player" "Don't worry, I know exactly why you're here.">>
<<dial _curNpc "You do?">>
<<dial "player" "Of course. God send you to have sex with me.">>
<<dial _curNpc "But... You're a priest! You cannot have sex!!!">>
<<dial "player" "Cannot? Naaaah. I mean, it's not like //a strict rule//, it's more like //a guideline//. And, really, who follows guidelines these days. I'm a very modern priest!">>
<<btn "#offer" "Bible says: let's fuck!" "dom+" "dialog">>
<<btn "#offer" "Let me bless you with my holy spirit!" "love+" "dialog">>
<<chunk null "#offer">>
<big>She hesitates.</big>
<<if $player.lvl <= 1>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl <= 2>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail", "#sex", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl == 3>>
<<set _decision = ["#fail", "#sex", "#sex", "#sex"].random()>>
<<elseif $player.lvl >= 4>>
<<set _decision = "#sex">>
<<menu null null "wildcard single">>
<<btn _decision "Roll the dice!" null "wildcard">>
<<chunk null "#fail">>
<big>...she stands up.</big>
<<dial _curNpc "No, I cannot... I'm sorry.">>
<big>She turns and walks to the doors.</big>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Sigh... so close!</tht>">>
<p>Well, sometimes you lose.</p>
<big>Try again next Tuesday.</big>
<<btn $curLoc>>
<<chunk null "#sex">>
<p>She sighs...</p>
<big>...and looks at you with those fuck-me eyes.</big>
<<media `"activities/nuns/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_sex1.mp4"`>>
<<dial "player" "<tht>Fuck yea!</tht>">>
<<media `"activities/nuns/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_sex2.mp4"`>>
<<dial _curNpc "Mmm... yeah...">>
<<dial "player" "Uhh...">>
<p>//Uhh// at her all you want! You deserved it.</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhh...">>
<p>That's right, let the steam out!</p>
<<dial "player" "Uhhhhh...">>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>
<<btn null "Play with her a bit more" null "action">>
<<media `"activities/nuns/NPCs/" + _curNpc + "_sex3.mp4"`>>
<p>Ok dude, you had some fun, now it's time for the real deal!</p>
<big>Make her beg for your cum!</big>
<<btn "sex" "Fuck her brains out" `"$char+" + _curNpc` "sex action">>