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,,,,Welcome to Dungeon Lord. A game that places you in control of your very own Dungeon!
Enter your name.
<<textbox "$pcname" "Loki" autofocus>>
Are you, the person playing this game, 21 years or older?
<label><<radiobutton "$isold" "yes">> Yes</label>
<label><<radiobutton "$isold" "no" checked>> No</label>
<div class="title-image">[img[images/title.jpg]]</div>\
\/* Player Variables*/\
\<<set $pcstr to 5>>
\<<set $pcend to 5>>
\<<set $pchp to $pcend * 5>>
\<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>>
\<<set $pcmgc to 5>>
\<<set $pcmana to $pcmgc * 2>>
\<<set $pcsexskills to 1>>
\<<set $pccharisma to 5>>
\<<set $pcgold to 0>>
\<<set $pclvl to 1>>
\<<set $pcexp to 0>>
\<<set $pctreasure_size to 5>>
\<<set $pctreasure_rank to 1>>
\<<set $pcexp_nextlvl to Math.round(((12 * ($pclvl * $pclvl)) / 4) + ($pclvl * 8))>>
\<<set $pcmaxunitlvl to 5>>
\<<set $pcloses to false>>
\<<set $v_sex to 0>>
\<<set $m_sex to 0>>
\<<set $a_sex to 0>>
\<<set $k_sex to 0>>
\<<set $h_sex to 0>>
\<<set $e_sex to 0>>
\<<set $l_sex to 0>>
\<<set $s_sex to 0>>
\<<set $t_sex to 0>>
\<<set $w_sex to 0>>
\<<set $active_abilities to []>>
\<<set $blessings to []>>
\<<set $skillpoints to 0>>\
\/*Mistress Variables*/\
\<<set $misstrexp to 0>>
\<<set $misintexp to 0>>
\<<set $missexexp to 0>>
\<<set $misstr_nextlvl to 3>>
\<<set $misint_nextlvl to 3>>
\<<set $missex_nextlvl to 3>>
\<<set $mistaskexp to 0>>
\<<set $mistaskexp_num to 3>>
\<<set $misenergy to 1>>
\<<set $miscurenergy to 1>>
\<<set $misevent to true>>
\<<set $firstmisevent to false>>
\<<set $has_done_whore to false>>
\<<set $has_done_ad to false>>
\<<set $has_done_unitexp to false>>
\<<set $has_done_shop to false>>
\<<set $has_done_pcexp to false>>
\<<set $goddesstask to false>>\
\/*Dungeon variables*/\
\<<set $dname to "">>
\<<set $v_entered to 0>>
\<<set $m_entered to 0>>
\<<set $a_entered to 0>>
\<<set $k_entered to 0>>
\<<set $h_entered to 0>>
\<<set $e_entered to 0>>
\<<set $l_entered to 0>>
\<<set $s_entered to 0>>
\<<set $t_entered to 0>>
\<<set $w_entered to 0>>
\<<set $totalgirlsentered to $s_entered + $m_entered + $a_entered + $k_entered + $l_entered + $h_entered + $e_entered + $t_entered + $w_entered + $v_entered>>
\<<set $goldearned to 0>>
\<<set $goldstolen to 0>>
\<<set $totgoldearned to 0>>
\<<set $totgoldlost to 0>>
\<<set $totgoldspent to 0>>\
\/*Dungeon Rooms*/\
\<<set $room0 = {
name: "",
roomtype: "",
scenename: ""
\<<set $room1 = {
name: "",
roomtype: "",
scenename: ""
\<<set $room2 = {
name: "",
roomtype: "",
scenename: ""
\<<set $room3 = {
name: "",
roomtype: "",
scenename: ""
\<<set $room4 = {
name: "",
roomtype: "",
scenename: ""
\<<set $room5 = {
name: "",
roomtype: "",
scenename: ""
\<<set $empty_owned_room = {
name: "Empty",
roomtype: "",
scenename: "EmptyRoom"
\<<set $hasroom1 to false>>
\<<set $hasroom2 to false>>
\<<set $hasroom3 to false>>
\<<set $hasroom4 to false>>
\<<set $hasroom5 to false>>
\<<set $hasonsen to false>>
\<<set $hasdungeon to false>>
\<<set $hasshrine to false>>
\/*Girl classes*/\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $mage = {
name : "Mage",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Experts in fire and ice magic, Mages enter your Dungeon in hopes to increase their knowledge of the arcanes. They have increased Magic but lower Strength and Endurance and are also strong against Magic spells and abilities.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.6,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 70,
hornyeffect: 0.9,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 2,
numstrong: 2,
trapcheck: 1,
spellcheck: 1.5,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 15,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $archer = {
name: "Archer",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Armed with a trusty bow and plenty of arrows, Archers are looking to make a name for themselves. They have increased Strength but lower Endurance and Magic, always strike first in combat, are more likely to avoid Traps, and can disarm them.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.6,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 70,
hornyeffect: 0.9,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 2,
numstrong: 2,
trapcheck: 1.5,
spellcheck: 1,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 15,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $knight = {
name: "Knight",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "These proud Knights look to vanquish all evil from their king's land, real original. They have increased Endurance but lower Magic and Intelligences and they have more Health than any other class, but often fall victim to Traps and Magic spells and abilities.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 3,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 70,
hornyeffect: 0.9,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 2,
numstrong: 2,
trapcheck: 0.66,
spellcheck: 0.66,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 15,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $holy = {
name: "Attendant of the Holy Spirit",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Girls gifted by Holy power, they are sent out to hunt down those speading darkness. They excel in all stats, are strong against Magic spells and abilities, Traps, and can disarm them. They have the highest Horny limit among all classes but gain a large stat penalties when Horny.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.8,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1.5,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 85,
hornyeffect: 0.75,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 2,
numstrong: 4,
trapcheck: 1.75,
spellcheck: 1.75,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 20,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $evil = {
name: "Servant of Evil",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Girls that were once pure, now infused with lust and dark magic. They excel in all stats, are strong against Magic spells and abilities, Traps, and can disarm them. Thier stats increase when they become Horny and have a chance to start a Raid Horny.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.8,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1.5,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 50,
hornyeffect: 1.1,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 3,
numstrong: 3,
trapcheck: 1.5,
spellcheck: 1.5,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 20,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $loli = {
name: "Loli",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Despite their childlike appearance and innocents, they always find themselves in the lewdest situations. They excel in all stats but often fall victim to Traps and Magic spells and abilities. They enter the Dungeon with the lowest amount of Lust of any class, but have a lower threshold to become Horny.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.75,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1.25,
horny: 1,
hornylimit: 60,
hornyeffect: 0.9,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 1,
numstrong: 4,
trapcheck: 0.3,
spellcheck: 0.3,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 15,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $slut = {
name: "Slut",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Unsatisfied with the men back home, she searches for ultimate pleasure. Sults have no regular stats and are always Horny. Instead of Health, they have Energy that drains as they engage in sexual activities in the Dungeon. They always fall victim to Traps and Magic spells and abilities, having different outcomes from other Girls. They drop very little Gold, aren't worth any Exp, and they can cause chaos if they clear your Dungeon. Sluts are the true Raid boss.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 6,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 1,
expmult: 1,
horny: 99,
hornylimit: 100,
hornyeffect: 1,
ishorny: true,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 5,
numstrong: 1,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 1,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $villager = {
name: "Villager",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Villagers who enter your Dungeon are clearly lost and should be sent home as soon as you finish using them. They don't excel in any stats and they often fall victim to Traps and Magic spells and abilities.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.3,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0.5,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 50,
hornyeffect: 0.5,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 3,
numstrong: 2,
trapcheck: 0.25,
spellcheck: 0.25,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 5,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $thief = {
name: "Thief",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Smart and agile, Thiefs are in it for the Treasure. They have increased Intelligence but lower Endurance and Magic. They are masters at avoidance, having increased chance to dodge Traps as well as units, can disarm Traps, and will always steal a Treasure if they clear your Dungeon.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.5,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 70,
hornyeffect: 0.9,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 2,
numstrong: 2,
trapcheck: 2.25,
spellcheck: 0.75,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 20,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $witch = {
name: "Witch",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Unwanted by the townsfolks, Witches seek out vengeance against those unfortunate enough to cross their path. They have increased Magic but lower Strength, Endurance, and Intelligence. These Fetish experts don't have any weakness and if they become Horny, their stats increase greatly.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.75,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1.25,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 70,
hornyeffect: 1.25,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 5,
trapcheck: 0.75,
spellcheck: 0.75,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 5,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\/*Girl Fetishes 13*/\
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\/*Girl Names 45*/\
\<<set $girl_names to ["Vivian", "Lexi", "Ashely", "Brenda", "Toni", "Stephanie", "Nicole", "Monica", "Zoe", "Jenny", "Jessica", "Allison", "Josie", "Yoko", "Eureka", "Fey", "Alexa", "Andrea", "Ali", "Nina", "Haley", "Rebecca", "Hitomi", "Sakura", "Kiku", "Kira", "Reina", "Elizabeth", "Megan", "Violet", "Ruby", "Sapphire", "Crystal", "April", "Summer", "Morrigan", "Amy", "Melody", "Maria", "Clair", "Lilie", "Rose", "Indigo", "Misty", "Cecilia"]>>\
\<<set $slime1 = {
name: "Slime",
desc: "A simple and weak Slime, although their body makes them quite studry. Every great summoner has to start somewhere. For most, it's here.",
scenename: "SlimeRoom",
cost: 200,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 9,
fetishlist: ["Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass"],
numfetish: 2,
fetish: ["Getting Dirty"],
ability: "Oozy Body",
abilitydesc: "Doubles it's Resistance against all Physical and Sexual damage.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 4,
str: 2,
res: 3,
int: 1,
sex: 6,
hp_mingains: 1,
hp_maxgains: 2,
str_mingains: 0,
str_maxgains: 1,
res_mingains: 1,
res_maxgains: 3,
int_mingains: 0,
int_maxgains: 0,
sex_mingains: 2,
sex_maxgains: 3,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $goons1 = {
name: "Goons",
desc: "A gang of goons, ready to plunder easy victims.",
scenename: "GoonsRoom",
cost: 400,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 14,
fetishlist: ["Double Penetration", "Gang Bang", "Oral", "Getting Dirty"],
numfetish: 3,
fetish: [],
ability: "Mob Deep",
abilitydesc: "Gains increase stats against low health targets. Slight chance to capture Villagers.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 18,
str: 5,
res: 1,
int: 2,
sex: 12,
hp_mingains: 2,
hp_maxgains: 3,
str_mingains: 2,
str_maxgains: 3,
res_mingains: 0,
res_maxgains: 1,
int_mingains: 0,
int_maxgains: 1,
sex_mingains: 1,
sex_maxgains: 2,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $zombie1 = {
name: "Zombie",
desc: "He doesn't hunger for brains, only ass and titties.",
scenename: "ZombieRoom",
cost: 400,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 18,
fetishlist: ["Anal", "Pussy"],
numfetish: 1,
fetish: [],
ability: "Die Hard",
abilitydesc: "This Unit does not deal Sexual damage during normal attacks. Once a night, this Unit will survive a lethal blow and attack again. This attack deals bonus Physical and Sexual damage and ignores Resistances.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 10,
str: 2,
res: 4,
int: 1,
sex: 2,
hp_mingains: 2,
hp_maxgains: 4,
str_mingains: 1,
str_maxgains: 2,
res_mingains: 0,
res_maxgains: 1,
int_mingains: 0,
int_maxgains: 0,
sex_mingains: 0,
sex_maxgains: 3,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
abilitytriggered: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $fairies1 = {
name: "Fairies",
desc: "Sneaky little devils, always playing the same tricks. They can never learn if they can never remember.",
scenename: "FairiesRoom",
cost: 600,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 21,
fetishlist: ["Aphrodisiacs", "Breasts", "Bondage", "Pussy", "Anal"],
numfetish: 2,
fetish: ["Group"],
ability: "Trance",
abilitydesc: "Magic spell against the Girl's Intelligence. If the Girl loses, they are put in a trance and forced to masturbate, suffering significant Sexual damage that is affected by the Masturabtion Fetish. Against Sluts they have a chance to instantly defeat them.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 9,
str: 3,
res: 2,
int: 4,
sex: 8,
hp_mingains: 1,
hp_maxgains: 1,
str_mingains: 0,
str_maxgains: 1,
res_mingains: 1,
res_maxgains: 3,
int_mingains: 2,
int_maxgains: 4,
sex_mingains: 1,
sex_maxgains: 2,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $outlaw1 = {
name: "Outlaw",
desc: "Strong and cunning, he will make sure you get a nice prize as long as he gets the gold. Better lock the treasure room.",
scenename: "OutlawRoom",
cost: 500,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
maxlvl: 15,
fetishlist: ["Bondage", "Breasts", "Oral", "Masturbation", "Pussy"],
numfetish: 3,
fetish: [],
ability: "Fair Trade",
abilitydesc: "Once a night, whenever the Outlaw captures an adventurer, he will steal her gold for himself but makes sure her body is well taken care of, increasing the exp she gives by 50%.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 19,
str: 6,
res: 3,
int: 9,
sex: 21,
hp_mingains: 2,
hp_maxgains: 3,
str_mingains: 2,
str_maxgains: 3,
res_mingains: 1,
res_maxgains: 2,
int_mingains: 3,
int_maxgains: 4,
sex_mingains: 3,
sex_maxgains: 4,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $tenta1 = {
name: "Tentacles",
desc: "A staple in any legendary Dungeon. What kinda joint would this be without a tentacle monster? Lame, that's what.",
scenename: "TentacleRoom",
cost: 800,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 28,
fetishlist: ["Bondage", "Double Penetration", "Ass", "Oral", "Breasts", "Getting Dirty", "Pussy"],
numfetish: 4,
fetish: ["Monster"],
ability: "Fetish Master",
abilitydesc: "If this Unit has a Fetish the Girl is weak against, it deals increased Sexual damage and reduces the amount of Physical damage it deals. This Unit also takes reduced Sexual damage from Sluts.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 12,
str: 4,
res: 3,
int: 2,
sex: 11,
hp_mingains: 1,
hp_maxgains: 3,
str_mingains: 1,
str_maxgains: 2,
res_mingains: 1,
res_maxgains: 3,
int_mingains: 0,
int_maxgains: 1,
sex_mingains: 2,
sex_maxgains: 4,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $ditto1 = {
name: "Ditto",
desc: "Nobody said you could only summon creatures from this universe. Who wouldn't want the best breeder ever in their Dungeon?",
scenename: "DittoRoom",
cost: 500,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 10,
fetishlist: [],
numfetish: 0,
fetish: ["Lesbians"],
ability: "Transform",
abilitydesc: "This Unit copies all stats of the Girl besides their Health. Against Sluts, this Unit transforms into a random sex toy, negating all damage done to and by it.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 2,
str: 0,
res: 0,
int: 0,
sex: 0,
hp_mingains: 1,
hp_maxgains: 4,
str_mingains: 0,
str_maxgains: 0,
res_mingains: 0,
res_maxgains: 0,
int_mingains: 0,
int_maxgains: 0,
sex_mingains: 0,
sex_maxgains: 0,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $dart1 = {
name: "Intoxicating Darts",
desc: "It's like hundreds of little cupids shooting you.",
scenename: "DartRoom",
cost: 200,
isworking: true,
fetish: ["Aphrodisiacs"],
effect: "Once triggered, aphrodisiac darts will be shot all over the room, dealing Sexual damage and making the Girl Horny.",
str: 1,
str_up: 1,
sex: 2,
sex_up: 2,
rate: 55,
rate_up: 5,
lvl: 1,
maxlvl: 5,
ismaxlvl: false,
isenchanted: false,
roomtype: "Trap",
maxlvldesc: "Greatly decreases Intelligence stat."
\<<set $pit1 = {
name: "Pitfall",
desc: "A deep, dark hole hidden from view. One of the oldest trick in the book.",
scenename: "PitRoom",
cost: 300,
isworking: true,
hascaptured: 0,
fetish: ["None"],
effect: "Once triggered, the Girl falls into a hole hiding under a trapdoor. The Girl then becomes instantly Captured from being exposed to intoxicating pheromones all night. Can only Capture one Girl a night. After it has Captured a Girl, it becomes an empty room until the next night. Cannot become disarmed.",
str: 0,
str_up: 0,
sex: 0,
sex_up: 0,
rate: 45,
rate_up: 8,
lvl: 1,
maxlvl: 5,
ismaxlvl: false,
isenchanted: false,
roomtype: "Trap",
maxlvldesc: "Increases Capture size per Raid to two Girls."
\<<set $chest1 = {
name: "Mimic Chest",
desc: "A monster cleverly disguised as a treasure chest. Who wouldn't open the chest?",
scenename: "ChestRoom",
cost: 400,
isworking: true,
fetish: ["Monsters", "Bondage"],
effect: "Once triggered, the Mimic engulfs the Girl inside its mouth. Inside, the Mimic pleasures the Girl, dealing Physical and Sexual damage. Bonus success rate against Thiefs.",
str: 5,
str_up: 3,
sex: 8,
sex_up: 4,
rate: 60,
rate_up: 5,
lvl: 1,
maxlvl: 5,
ismaxlvl: false,
isenchanted: false,
roomtype: "Trap",
maxlvldesc: "The Mimic Trap Locks its jaws and increases Sexual damage dealt by 25%.",
\<<set $rack1 = {
name: "Body Modification Trap",
desc: "A cruel rack hidden behind a trap door, waiting for an unsuspecting adventure to take one wrong stepped.",
scenename: "ModRackRoom",
cost: 600,
isworking: true,
fetish: ["Bondage"],
effect: "Once triggered, the Girl becomes trapped and locked onto the rack. The rack modifies the Girl, growing a dick or starts producing milk depending on the mode. Both Futanari and Lactating lower the Lust required for the Girl to become Horny or Captured.",
mode: "Futanari",
str: 1,
str_up: 1,
sex: 1,
sex_up: 1,
rate: 65,
rate_up: 7,
lvl: 1,
maxlvl: 5,
ismaxlvl: false,
isenchanted: false,
roomtype: "Trap",
maxlvldesc: "Adds both debuffs, decreasing the Lust required to become Horny or Captured even more.",
\<<set $trance1 = {
name: "Suggestive Fetish Trap",
desc: "A curious stone statue with hypnotic powers for those who stare at it too long.",
scenename: "TranceRoom",
cost: 500,
isworking: true,
fetish: ["None"],
effect: "If triggered, the Girl will be given suggestive thoughts about the choosen Fetish, inheriting that Fetish as a weakness or removing it as a strong Fetish. If the Girl already has that Fetish as a weakness, they take increased Sexual damage and becomes Horny. Against Witches, they lose all strong Fetishes.",
str: 0,
str_up: 0,
sex: 2,
sex_up: 2,
rate: 60,
rate_up: 7,
lvl: 1,
maxlvl: 5,
ismaxlvl: false,
isenchanted: false,
roomtype: "Trap",
maxlvldesc: "Works 100% of the time. Reduces Witches Magic stat greatly.",
\<<set $empty_attack to {
name: "Attack: None",
scenename: "",
desc: "",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $pimp_attack to {
name: "Pimp Slap",
scenename: "PimpPassage",
desc: "Walks up and Pimp Slaps the hoe. The most basic of Attacks, deals a moderate amount of Physical damage. No effect against Sluts.",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $spank_attack to {
name: "Spanking",
scenename: "SpankingPassage",
desc: "Bends the Girl over and spank her. A weak Attack that gets stronger the more times you use it in a row, dealing both Physical and Sexual damage.",
fetishes: ["Ass"],
\<<set $grope_attack to {
name: "Groping",
scenename: "GropingPassage",
desc: "Darts around and grabs the Girl's breasts, squeezing them. Deals Sexual damage based on how high the Girl's Lust.",
fetishes: ["Breasts"],
\<<set $sweep_attack to {
name: "Sweeping Kick",
scenename: "SweepingKickPassage",
desc: "A risky Attack where you jump forward and performs a low kick, sweeping the Girl off her feet. Deals Physical damage based on the Girl's maximum Health.",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $empty_spell to {
name: "Spell: Empty",
cost: 0,
scenename: "",
desc: "",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $hypnosis_spell to {
name: "Hypnosis",
cost: 1,
scenename: "HypnosisPassage",
desc: "Attempts to put the Girl in a trance that forces herself to Masturbate. The higher her Lust is, the more likely the Spell will succeed. Deals Sexual damage based the Girl's Lust.",
fetishes: ["Masturbation"],
require: 0
\<<set $heal_spell to {
name: "Heal",
cost: 2,
scenename: "HealPassage",
desc: "Restore 15 Health to yourself or the Captured girl.",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $greaterheal_spell to {
name: "Greater Heal",
cost: 5,
scenename: "GreaterHealPassage",
desc: "Restores half of your or the Captured Girl's maximum Health.",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $darkblast_spell to {
name: "Dark Blast",
cost: 3,
scenename: "DarkBlastPassage",
desc: "Fire a Dark Blast at the Girl. Deals Magic damage based on how low her Lust is. Horny Girls take the least damage. Does not effect Sluts.",
require: 0
\<<set $lightblast_spell to {
name: "Light Ray",
cost: 4,
scenename: "LightBlastPassage",
desc: "Shoots a Light Ray at the Girl. Deals Magic damage based on how high her Lust is. Horny Girls take the most damage.",
\<<set $cock_spell to {
name: "Cock Enlargement",
cost: 10,
scenename: "CockEnlargementPassage",
desc: "Grows your cock for a single Raid, reducing all damage Girls deal to you unless they have a strong Fetish against Big Dicks. Has a chance to fuck Girls with a weak Fetish to Big Dicks before the fight.",
fetishes: ["Big Dicks"],
\<<set $shock_spell to {
name: "Stimulating Shock",
cost: 1,
scenename: "ShockPassage",
desc: "Sends a weak electric shock at the Girl that stimulates her pussy and deals a small amount of Magic and Sexual damage. Slight chance to make her climax, increased chance if the Girl is Horny. Climaxing deals bonus Sexual damage and causes her to skip her Attack.",
fetishes: ["Pussy"],
\<<set $ressurection_spell to {
name: "Mass Ressurection",
cost: 16,
scenename: "RessurectionPassage",
desc: "Revives and heals all your Units in the Dungeon. Can only be used once during a Raid.",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $pcspell1 to $hypnosis_spell>>
\<<set $pcattack1 to $pimp_attack>>\
\/* Girl Classes*/\
<<set $girlclass to ["Mage", "Archer", "Knight", "Holy", "Evil", "Loli", "Villager", "Thief", "Witch"]>>\
\/*Treasure info*/\
<<set $necklace = {
name: "Necklace of Mages",
cost: 200,
rarity: 1,
rarityname: "Common",
desc: "A pretty necklace filled with a small amount of magic. Slightly increases the chance of a Mage entering your Dungeon."
<<set $ring = {
name: "Archer's Ring",
cost: 200,
rarity: 1,
rarityname: "Common",
desc: "A useful ring to help Archer hit their target. Slightly increases the chance of an Archer entering your Dungeon."
<<set $amulet = {
name: "Amulet of Vigor",
cost: 200,
rarity: 1,
rarityname: "Common",
desc: "A small token made to bring longevity to those who may need it. Slightly increases the chance of a Knight entering your Dungeon."
<<set $orb = {
name: "Witch's Orb",
cost: 500,
rarity: 2,
rarityname: "Rare",
desc: "A glass orb filled with a cloudy aura. Has a 50% chance to slightly increase the Lust of Girls entering your Dungeon. Does not affect Servants of Evil and Witches."
<<set $harp = {
name: "Harp of the Divine",
cost: 500,
rarity: 2,
rarityname: "Rare",
desc: "A sacred instrument used to bring peace. Slightly increases the chance of an Attendant of the Holy Spirit entering your Dungeon."
<<set $chalice = {
name: "Chalice of Loki",
cost: 500,
rarity: 2,
rarityname: "Rare",
desc: "A ritual tool used to drink from to heighten the experience. Slightly increases the chance of a Servant of Evil entering your Dungeon."
<<set $crown = {
name: "Crown of Lolis",
cost: 499,
rarity: 2,
rarityname: "Rare",
desc: "A tiny little crown made for a tiny little princess, so cute! Slightly increases the chance of a Loli enerting your Dungeon."
<<set $wine = {
name: "Fancy Wine",
cost: 800,
rarity: 3,
rarityname: "Legendary",
desc: "A fancy wine bottle unopened and aged to perfection, also quite potent. If a Girl steals this Treasure, they will drink it and get drunk, consuming the Treasure but Capturing them."
<<set $mask = {
name: "Cursed Mask",
cost: 800,
rarity: 3,
rarityname: "Legendary",
desc: "A ancient mask of a fallen hero who was said to be cursed with the uglies. Chance to decrease the amount of non-Slut Girls entering your Dungeon."
<<set $panties = {
name: "Silk Panties",
cost: 1200,
rarity: 4,
rarityname: "Mythical",
desc: "Legendary panties made from the rariest silk, infused with magic for long lasting smoothness. Chance to increase the amount of weak Fetishes a Girl enters your Dungeon with, but does not affect Witches."
<<set $bra = {
name: "Gold Studded Bra",
cost: 2000,
rarity: 4,
rarityname: "Mythical",
desc: "Even scientists cannot explain how this bra can fit any size breasts while providing excellent support and a sexy look. Increases the amount of Gold carried by a Girl entering your Dungeon."
<<set $empty = {
name: "Empty",
cost: 0,
rarity: 100000,
rarityname: "",
desc: ""
\<<set $treasurelist to [$necklace, $ring, $amulet, $harp, $chalice, $crown, $wine, $mask, $panties, $bra]>>\
<<set $bondageset = {
name: "Bondage Starter Kit",
cost: 400,
rarity: 2,
rarityname: "Rare",
desc: "A basic kit for anyone looking to spice things up in the bedroom. Does not take up a Treasure slot and unlocks bondage sex for Captured Girls."
\/*Various Variables*/\
\<<set $retired to false>>
\<<set $hardmore to false>>
\<<set $gameovercount to 0>>
\<<set $sexcheck to 1>>
\<<set $unitsex_count to 0>>
\<<set $isfirstday to true>>
\<<set $days to 1>>
\<<set $castcockspell to false>>
\<<set $back_to_tasks to false>>
\<<set $ad_girls to []>>
\<<set $ad_sluts to []>>
\<<set $pcattack2 to $empty_attack>>
\<<set $pcspell2 to $empty_spell>>\
\/*Unlock Variables*/\
\<<set $basegirlgold to 15>>
\<<set $hasmissionary to false>>
\<<set $hasanal to false>>
\<<set $hastitfuck to false>>
\<<set $hascowgirl to false>>
\<<set $hasblowjob to false>>
\<<set $hasdoggy to false>>
\<<set $haspiledriver to false>>
\<<set $hasthighjob to false>>
\<<set $hashandjob to false>>
\<<set $hasfootjob to false>>
\<<set $hasopenedbook to false>>
\<<set $unlockbondage to false>>
\<<set $unlockthreesome to false>>
\<<set $firstswitcheroo to false>>
\<<set $unlockzombie to false>>
\<<set $unlockditto to false>>
\<<set $unlockfairies to false>>
\<<set $unlocktenta to false>>
\<<set $unlockpit to false>>
\<<set $unlockchest to false>>
\<<set $unlocktrance to false>>
\<<set $unlockrack to false>>
\<<set $unlockmisgold to false>>
\<<set $unlockmisad to false>>
\<<set $unlockmisshopping to false>>
\<<set $unlockmisexp to false>>
\<<set $unlockroom1 to false>>
\<<set $unlockroom2 to false>>
\<<set $unlockroom3 to false>>
\<<set $unlockroom4 to false>>
\<<set $unlockroom5 to false>>
\<<set $unlockonsen to false>>
\<<set $unlockdungeon to false>>
\<<set $unlockshrine to false>>
\<<set $pcattack_slot2 to false>>
\<<set $pcspell_slot2 to false>>
\<<set $unlockspanking to false>>
\<<set $unlockheal to false>>
\<<set $unlockdarkblast to false>>
\<<set $unlocklightray to false>>
\<<set $unlockgroping to false>>
\<<set $unlockgreaterheal to false>>
\<<set $unlockfullheal to false>>
\<<set $unlockcockenlargement to false>>
\<<set $unlockressurection to false>>
\<<set $unlocksweeping to false>>
\<<set $unlockshock to false>>
\<<set $unlockswitcheroo to false>>
\<<set $unlockmoresexytime to false>>
\<<set $villagergift to false>>
\<<set $magegift to false>>
\<<set $archergift to false>>
\<<set $knightgift to false>>
\<<set $thiefgift to false>>
\<<set $witchgift to false>>
\<<set $loligift to false>>
\<<set $holygift to false>>
\<<set $evilgift to false>>
\<<set $slutgift to false>>
\<<set $goddessgift to false>>
\<<set $lvl25event to false>>\
\/*Variable for Starting at Level 25*/
\<<if $unlock25start === true>>
\<<set $unlock25start to false>>
\<<set $hints_array to ["You can only fuck the Girls you Capture. Be aware of Girl's Fetishes to take advantage of them to Capture the Girl more easily.",
"Only four classes can disarm traps: Thiefs, Archers, Servants of Evil, and Attendants of the Holy Spirit.",
"While Thiefs steal a lot of Gold and Treasure, they are also more likely to drop a variety of Treasures.",
"There are two classes that give bonus Exp. Lolis grant you bonus Exp while Witches grant Units bonus Exp.",
"Sluts are the worst. They are difficult to deal with, don't give much of a reward, and, if they clear your Dungeon, cause trouble in the Dungeon for the rest of the night.",
"As more days pass, more Girls come to your Dungeon.",
"The more Girls leave your Dungeon after getting fucked, the more Sluts will start showing up.",
"When a Girl is weak to a Fetish, they take increased Sexual damage.",
"Be sure to assign me Tasks before starting the Raid. I can do VERY useful things for you master.",
"Witches and Servants of Evil become stronger when they are Horny.",
"Archers always strike before you and your Units during combat, be sure to keep this in mind if you are low on Health.",
"Knights have the most Health of all the classes, although they are no match compared to the Endurance of a Slut.",
"Attendants of the Holy Light and Servants of Evil are very strong divine beings, be careful when dealing with them.",
"Witches have no weak Fetishes making them hard to Capture, but getting one can give a Unit a lot of Exp.",
"Most Girls get lured by specific Treasures. Witches are more interested in what Units you have in your Dungeon.",
"All Girls can get lured by your Gold stash. Thiefs can also get lured by any Treasures you have.",
"Storing more Gold in your Treasure Room will increase the chances of luring more Girls to your Dungeon.",
"Be careful when sending me out to Advertise your Dungeon, make sure you can handle the extra Girls or Sluts during that Raid.",
"Girls get stronger and increase in numbers as you gain levels.",
"Healthier Girls give more Exp.",
"Three classes can attack with either Physical or Magical attacks: Attendants of the Holy Spirit, Servants of Evil, and Lolis.",
"Dart Traps seem like an easy pick since they make the Girl Horny. While this is great for most Girls, you will make Servants of Evil and Witches stronger.",
"Slimes are good at one thing, surviving. They don't deal much Physical or Sexual damage but if you need a Unit to lasts as long as a Slut do, go with a Slime.",
"Zombies can do tons of Physical damage and with their ability they can usually take down a few Girls each Raid. They only deal Sexual damage for their attack after their ability has triggered.",
"Pit Fall Traps are amazing at Capturing a Girl and they can never break! They provide no benefits after Capturing a Girl though.",
"Fairies can't take much damage but they don't have to worry about that. If their ability succeeds, the Girl is put in a trance and Masturbates instead of fighting. For Sluts, this can instantly defeat them.",
"Mimic Chest Traps are a great all around Trap. They deal a good amount of Physical and Sexual damage and have a bonus success rate against Thiefs. If they get disarmed early, it can leave you in a tough spot.",
"The Tentacles Unit is the king at Capturing Girls with its wide variety of Fetishes. They also deal bonus Sexual damage while reducing the Physical damage it deals if the Girl has a weakness to one of its Fetishes.",
"The Body Modification Trap can inflict a powerful debuff to Girls who get trapped in it. Making the Girl start Lactating or turning her into a Futanari. These debuffs lower the Lust required for the Girl to become Horny or Captured.",
"Turning a Girl into a Futanari or making her Lactate applies a different debuff even though they have the same effect so pick your preference. The debuffs also stack with each other.",
"You can change the mode for the Body Modification and Suggestive Fetish Traps in their Room Manager.",
"You can press the Spacebar to go to the next passage during Raids, so you can keep one hand on the Spacebar and the other in your pants.",
"Ditto is a interesting Unit, it's most effective against Horny Girls, further increasing their Lust. It does nothing against Sluts though.",
"Since Ditto copies all the Girl's stats it faces besides their Health, it can do a lot of damage to strong Girls.",
"The Suggestive Fetish trap can be a strong tool enable a lot of different strategies, or prevent a strong Fetish from giving a Girl an easy Raid run.",
"Having Witch troubles? Get a Suggestive Fetish trap, it can remove all their strong Fetishes.",
"Don't let five Sluts get to your Treasure Room or it will be light's out for you!",
"The Cock Enlargement Spell can only be cast before the Raid begins. It cost a lot of Mana but lasts the whole Raid, unless a Slut drains your balls...",
"If you get into a fight with a Girl who has a weak Fetish to Big Dicks after casting the Cock Enlargement Spell, there is a chance she will beg to get fucked netting you some easy Exp.",
"The Sweeping Kick Attack is a solid choice to take down Girls with a high maximum Health. It is a risky choice since failure will cause you to take a lot of damage.",
"Sluts hate getting knocked down on their bums. Use the Sweeping Kick to cut their Energy down a lot.",
"The Spell Stimulating Shock doesn't deal much Magic damage, but it can make the Girl climax, causing them to take bonus Sexual damage and skips their attack.",
"Light Ray is like Dark Blast but the opposite. It deals a ton of Magic damage to Girls with high Lust or Horny Girls.",
"Dark Blast is like Light Ray but the opposite. It deals a ton of Magic damage to Girls with low Lust. Girls who are Horny always take the minimum damage.",
"Sometimes to beat a Girl, you just gotta Pimp Slap them.",
"Spanking starts out as a weak Physical and Sexual attack but after a few spanks, it can turn into one of the strongest attacks!",
"Hypnosis is the best way to Capture Girls early on. Be on the lookout for anyone who is weak to Masturbation, they will submit to you much easier.",
"Hypnosis' Sexual damage and success rate increases the Hornier the Girl is. Being weak to Masturbation does not increase the success rate though, just the amount of Sexual damage they take.",
"The Groping Attack deals different amounts of Sexual damage depending on how Horny the Girl is.",
"The Mass Ressurection Spell is a powerful tool for those with a lot of Units in their Dungeon. You can revive and fully heal all your Units once a Raid. The Mana cost is very high though.",
"Lactating and Futanari Girls can have special events against various Attacks, Spells, in certain Rooms, and even after being Captured.",
"There are many surprises waiting to be found, try expereimenting with <em>everything</em>."
]>><<if $pcname === "">>\
<span style="color:red">You must choose a name for yourself.</span>
[[Go Back|Startup]]<</if>>\
<<if $isold === "no">>\
<span style="color:red">You cannot play this game unless you are over 21 years old.</span>
[[Go Back|Startup]]<</if>>\
<<if $pcname != "" && $isold === "yes">>\
Dungeon Lord makes you the boss of your own Dungeon. As countless bitches come to steal away your Treasure, you must manage your defenses by building Rooms, summoning Units, constructing Traps, casting Spells, and of course, fighting the Girls head on as the Dungeon's final boss. Defeat Girls by depleting their <span style="color:green">Health</span> to earn <span style="color:gold">Gold</span>, or capture them by increasing their <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> past 100.
<span style="color:red">If you lose all your Gold or if five Sluts go all the way through your Dungeon, it's game over!</span>
<strong>Please note that the game will Autosave in the Main Menu.</strong>
[[Tutorial|Tutorial2]] or [[Skip Tutorial|FirstDay]]
<<if $unlock25start === true>>\
<<link [[Hardcore Mode|FirstDay]]>>\
<<set $room0 to $empty_owned_room>>\
<<set $hasmissionary to true>>\
<<set $hasanal to true>>\
<<set $hastitfuck to true>>\
<<set $hascowgirl to true>>\
<<set $hasblowjob to true>>\
<<set $hasdoggy to true>>\
<<set $haspiledriver to true>>\
<<set $hasthighjob to true>>\
<<set $hashandjob to true>>\
<<set $hasfootjob to true>>\
<<set $unlockzombie to true>>\
<<set $unlockditto to true>>\
<<set $unlockfairies to true>>\
<<set $unlocktenta to true>>\
<<set $unlockpit to true>>\
<<set $unlockchest to true>>\
<<set $unlocktrance to true>>\
<<set $unlockrack to true>>\
<<set $pcattack_slot2 to true>>\
<<set $pcspell_slot2 to true>>\
<<set $pcattack2 to $spank_attack>>\
<<set $pcspell2 to $shock_spell>>\
<<set $unlockspanking to true>>\
<<set $unlockheal to true>>\
<<set $unlockdarkblast to true>>\
<<set $unlocklightray to true>>\
<<set $unlockgroping to true>>\
<<set $unlockgreaterheal to true>>\
<<set $unlockfullheal to true>>\
<<set $unlockcockenlargement to true>>\
<<set $cockautocast to false>>\
<<set $unlocksweeping to true>>\
<<set $unlockshock to true>>\
<<set $unlockressurection to true>>\
<<set $unlockswitcheroo to true>>\
<<set $pcgold to 1500>>\
<<set $totgoldearned to 1500>>\
<<set $lvl25event to true>>\
<<set $hardmode to true>>\
<</link>><</if>><</if>><<if $pcname != "">>\
!!!!Level $pclvl
!!!!Day: $days
<span style="color:green">Health</span>
<span style="color:green"><<print $pccurhp>> / <<print $pchp>></span>
<span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>
<span style="color:skyblue"><<print $pcmana>></span>
<span style="color:gold">Gold</span>
<span style="color:gold"><<print $pcgold>></span>
Got Feedback?
[[Take Survey Here|]]<<set $pctotalsex to $v_sex + $s_sex + $m_sex + $a_sex + $k_sex + $h_sex + $e_sex + $l_sex + $t_sex + $w_sex>>\
<div style='font-size: 200%;'>$pcname's Stats</div>\
[[Back|Main Menu]]
<<if $skillpoints > 0>>
--Skill Points: $skillpoints--<</if>>
<span style="color:orange">Strength <<print $pcstr>></span><<if $skillpoints > 0>> <<button "[+]" "Stats">><<set $pcstr++>><<set $skillpoints-->><</button>><</if>>
Increases your Physical damage and Resistance against Physical attacks.
<span style="color:green">Endurance <<print $pcend>></span><<if $skillpoints > 0>> <<button "[+]" "Stats">><<set $pcend++>><<set $skillpoints-->><<set $pchp to $pcend * 5>><<set $pccurhp += 5>><</button>><</if>>
Increases your Health and Resistance against Sexual attacks.
<span style="color:skyblue">Magic <<print $pcmgc>></span><<if $skillpoints > 0>> <<button "[+]" "Stats">><<set $pcmgc++>><<set $skillpoints-->><<set $pcmana += 2>><</button>><</if>>
Increases your Mana, Magic proficiency, and Resistance against Magical attacks.
<span style="color:purple">Charisma <<print $pccharisma>></span><<if $skillpoints > 0>> <<button "[+]" "Stats">><<set $pccharisma++>><<set $skillpoints-->><</button>><</if>>
Increases your Luck, the amount of Gold you earn, and the likelihood of events happening.
Exp: $pcexp / $pcexp_nextlvl
!!!Girls Fucked
Villagers Violated : $v_sex
Thiefs Thrashed : $t_sex
Archers Abused : $a_sex
Mages Molested : $m_sex
Knights Knobbed : $k_sex
Witches Wrecked : $w_sex
Lolis Laid : $l_sex
Evil Girls Purified : $e_sex
Holy Girls Corrupted: $h_sex
<span style="color:red">Sluts Shagged : $s_sex</span>
<strong>Total: $pctotalsex</strong>
[[Back|Main Menu]]The goal of the game is to survive as many days as possible while earning levels and Gold to gain access to stronger Unit and Traps and expand your Dungeon.
Capture Girls by raising their Lust over 100 or defeat Girls by reducing their Health to 0. You earn more Gold and Treasures from defeating Girls but you cannot earn Exp from defeated Girls. <strong>You only gain Exp by Capturing and fucking Girls at the end of the each Raid.</strong>
[[Next|Tutorial3]] Before the Girls come to your Dungeon each night, you will be able to manage your Dungeon and perform other tasks to ready yourself for the upcoming Raid. Let's go over all the actions you can do before a Raid.
<strong>Manage Rooms</strong>: Here you can check on the status of each Room, build new Rooms, change what Room has in it, upgrade Traps, repair Traps, or clear out a Room.
<strong>Mistress Room</strong>: Here you can see all the Tasks your Mistress can do. Each action requires a certain amount of Energy, choose carefully what you want her to do. Remember to use all her Energy before the start of each Raid.
<strong>Treasure Room</strong>: You can view what Treasures you currently own and sell any Treasures you don't want.
<strong>Attacks</strong>: Equip different Attacks from this menu. You will learn new Attacks as you gain levels.
<strong>Spells</strong>: Equip or cast different Spells from this menu. You will learn new Spells as you gain levels. Some Spells can only be used from this menu before the Raid begins.
<strong>Your Stats</strong>: View various stats about yourself.
<strong>Dungeon Stats</strong>: View various stats about the Dungeon.
<strong>Guidebook to Dungeon Lording</strong>: Refresh your memory on the mechanics of the game if you skipped the tutorial.
[[Next|Tutorial4]] Once you've made your preperations for the night, end the day to begin the Raiding phase!
Once you end the day, you will see a preview of the number of Girls Raiding your Dungeon. One by one, each Adventurer will run your Dungeon, going from Room to Room until they run out of Health and are defeated, reach max Lust and become Captured, or make it to the Treasure Room.
If a Girl makes it to the Treasure Room, you can choose to fight her yourself. Once you commit to the fight, it will not end until someone has won, so choose wisely. If you lose the fight, she will steal some Gold and Treasure. Use your Attacks and Spells to Defeat or Capture her using the same methods as mentioned before.
Once all the Girls have attempted your Dungeon, the night will end and you can choose how you want to use your Captured Girls. You can fuck them to earn Exp or you can let one of your Units play with them to earn Exp. As you gain levels the Girls will become more difficult so make sure your Units don't fall behind.
<<set _mispic0 to "[img[images/mistress/0.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic1 to "[img[images/mistress/1.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic2 to "[img[images/mistress/2.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic3 to "[img[images/mistress/3.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic4 to "[img[images/mistress/4.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic5 to "[img[images/mistress/5.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic6 to "[img[images/mistress/6.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic7 to "[img[images/mistress/7.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic8 to "[img[images/mistress/8.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic9 to "[img[images/mistress/9.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic10 to "[img[images/mistress/10.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic11 to "[img[images/mistress/11.png]]">>\
<<set _mispic12 to "[img[images/mistress/12.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic13 to "[img[images/mistress/13.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic14 to "[img[images/mistress/14.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic15 to "[img[images/mistress/15.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispic16 to "[img[images/mistress/16.jpg]]">>\
<<set _mispicarray to [_mispic0, _mispic1, _mispic2, _mispic3, _mispic4, _mispic5, _mispic6, _mispic7, _mispic8, _mispic9, _mispic10, _mispic11, _mispic12, _mispic13, _mispic14, _mispic15, _mispic16]>>\
<<set _randpic1 to _mispicarray.pluck()>>\
<<set _randpic2 to _mispicarray.pluck()>>\
<<set _randpic3 to _mispicarray.pluck()>>\
<<set _randpic4 to _mispicarray.pluck()>>\
<<set _randpic5 to _mispicarray.pluck()>>\
<<set _randpic6 to _mispicarray.pluck()>>\
<<set _randpic7 to _mispicarray.pluck()>>\
<<set _randpic8 to _mispicarray.pluck()>>\
<<set _randpic9 to _mispicarray.pluck()>>\
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>New Beginnings</div>\
Dungeon's name: <<textbox "$dname" "Heliyard" autofocus>>
Choose your Mistress.
Name: <<textbox "$misname" "Lusty">>
<table id="t2">
<td><label><<radiobutton "_mistress" _randpic1 checked>><div class="resized-small">_randpic1</div></label></td>
<td><label><<radiobutton "_mistress" _randpic2>><div class="resized-small">_randpic2</div></label></td>
<td><label><<radiobutton "_mistress" _randpic3>><div class="resized-small">_randpic3</div></label></td>
<td><label><<radiobutton "_mistress" _randpic4>><div class="resized-small">_randpic4</div></label></td>
<td><label><<radiobutton "_mistress" _randpic5>><div class="resized-small">_randpic5</div></label></td>
<td><label><<radiobutton "_mistress" _randpic6>><div class="resized-small">_randpic6</div></label></td>
<td><label><<radiobutton "_mistress" _randpic7>><div class="resized-small">_randpic7</div></label></td>
<td><label><<radiobutton "_mistress" _randpic8>><div class="resized-small">_randpic8</div></label></td>
<td><label><<radiobutton "_mistress" _randpic9>><div class="resized-small">_randpic9</div></label></td>
<<if $hardmode === true>>\
<<link [[Next|FirstTreasure]]>>\
<<set $mistresspicture to _mistress>>\
<<set $misstr to 1>>\
<<set $misint to 1>>\
<<set $missex to 1>>\
<<link [[Next|FirstDungeon]]>>\
<<set $mistresspicture to _mistress>>\
<<set $misstr to 1>>\
<<set $misint to 1>>\
<<set $missex to 1>>\
<</if>>\That's all the basics to play Dungeon Lord! I encourage all you nerds out there to look up information about all the Girls, Units, Traps, and other aspects in the Guidebook to optimize your stragety.
[[Next|FirstDay]] <<if $pcgold === 0>>\
<<set $pcgold += 700>>\
<<set $totgoldearned += 700>>\
<<set $ismistress to true>>\
<<set $isdungeon to true>>\
<<if $dname === "">>\
You have to choose a name for your Dungeon!
<<textbox "$dname" "">>
<<if $misname === "">>\
You should give your new Mistress a name, it would be rude if you didn't.
<<textbox "$misname" "">>
<<if $dname != "" && $misname != "">>\
<span style="color:pink"><<print $misname>></span> hands you the <span style="color:gold">$pcgold Gold</span> she has been holding for you. Now it's time to use it to build your first Dungeon Room. Your choices are limited but as you gain more experience and levels you can summon new Monsters and be able to construct new Traps in addition to upgrading your existing Rooms. For now though, you can either choose a Slime Unit or a Dart Trap Room.
<label><<radiobutton "$firstroom" Unit checked>> A Slime Unit Room.</label>
<label><<radiobutton "$firstroom" Trap>> A Dart Trap Room.</label>
<<link [[Next|FirstRoom]]>><</link>><</if>>
<div class="resized-small-right">$mistresspicture</div>\
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>$misname's Room</div>
<span style="color:orange">Strength: $misstr</span>
<span style="color:purple">Intelligence: $misint</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Libido: $missex</span>
[[Assign Task|MistressTasks]]
[[Back|Main Menu]]<<if $room0.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room0.curhp to $room0.hp>>\
<<set $room0.exp_nextlvl to Math.round((($room0.lvl * $room0.lvl) * 0.66) + ($room0.lvl * $room0.lvlgrowth))>>\
<<set $pctreasure to []>>\
Also, as a small token for choosing her, <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> is offering you one of her Treasures. Treasures increase the chances a certain Girl associated with that Treasure will come to your Dungeon.\
<<set $firsttreasure to [$necklace, $amulet, $ring]>><<set $firsttreasure.shuffle()>>
<label><<radiobutton "$misgift" $firsttreasure[0] checked>><span style="color:gold"> <<print $firsttreasure[0].name>></span></label>
<label><<radiobutton "$misgift" $firsttreasure[1]>><span style="color:gold"> <<print $firsttreasure[1].name>></span></label>
<label><<radiobutton "$misgift" $firsttreasure[2]>><span style="color:gold"> <<print $firsttreasure[2].name>></span></label>
<<link [[Begin Game|Main Menu]]>><<set $pctreasure.push($misgift)>><</link>> \/*Update Variables*/\
\<<set $pctreasure_names to []>>
\<<for _i = 0; _i < $pctreasure.length; _i++>>
\<<set $pctreasure_names += $pctreasure[_i].name>><</for>>
\/*Witch Lure Variables*/
\<<set _monstercount to [$room0.roomtype, $room1.roomtype, $room2.roomtype, $room3.roomtype, $room4.roomtype, $room5.roomtype]>>
\<<set _witchlurecheck to _monstercount.count("Unit") - _monstercount.count("Trap")>>
\<<set $cocklimit to Math.round(($pcstr * 2) + ($pcend * 2.5) + ($pccharisma * 1.5) + random(1, 20))>>
\<<if $castcockspell === true>>
\<<set $cocklimit to Math.round($cocklimit * (($pcmgc * 0.1) + 1))>>
\/* Reset last run*/
\<<set $runners to []>>
\<<set $captured to []>>
\<<set $goldstolen to 0>>
\<<set $goldearned to 0>>
\<<set $gameovercount to 0>>
\/* Add Blessings*/\
\<<if $holygift === true>>
\<<set $active_abilities to $active_abilities.concat("Heaven's Extinguisher")>>
\<<if $evilgift === true>>
\<<set $active_abilities to $active_abilities.concat("Underworld Tamer")>>
\<<if $slutgift === true>>
\<<set $active_abilities to $active_abilities.concat("Slut's Stench")>>
\/* Set initial adventures*/
\<<if $pclvl < 5>><<set $adventurers to random(1, 2)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 8>><<set $adventurers to random(2, 3)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 12>><<set $adventurers to random(2, 4)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 17>><<set $adventurers to random(3, 5)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 22>><<set $adventurers to random(4, 6)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 27>><<set $adventurers to random(5, 7)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 33>><<set $adventurers to random(6, 8)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 39>><<set $adventurers to random(7, 9)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 49>><<set $adventurers to random(8, 10)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 60>><<set $adventurers to random(10, 12)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl >= 60>><<set $adventurers to random(13, 15)>>
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<set $adventurers to Math.round($adventurers * 1.4)>>\
\<<set $runners to $girlclass.randomMany($adventurers)>>
\/*Check if treasures lures adventure*/
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Necklace of Mages")>>
\<<set _rng to random(1,10)>><<set _baitcount to $pctreasure_names.count("Necklace of Mages")>>
\<<if _rng <= _baitcount>><<set _luremage to true>><<else>><<set _luremage to false>><</if>>
\<<else>><<set _luremage to false>><</if>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Archer's Ring")>>
\<<set _rng to random(1,10)>><<set _baitcount to $pctreasure_names.count("Archer's Ring")>>
\<<if _rng <= _baitcount>><<set _lurearcher to true>><<else>><<set _lurearcher to false>><</if>>
\<<else>><<set _lurearcher to false>><</if>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Amulet of Vigor")>>
\<<set _rng to random(1,10)>><<set _baitcount to $pctreasure_names.count("Amulet of Vigor")>>
\<<if _rng <= _baitcount>><<set _lureknight to true>><<else>><<set _lureknight to false>><</if>>
\<<else>><<set _lureknight to false>><</if>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Harp of the Divine")>>
\<<set _rng to random(1, 10)>><<set _baitcount to $pctreasure_names.count("Harp of the Divine")>>
\<<if _rng <= _baitcount>><<set _lureholy to true>><<else>><<set _lureholy to false>><</if>>
\<<else>><<set _lureholy to false>><</if>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Chalice of Loki")>>
\<<set _rng to random(1, 10)>><<set _baitcount to $pctreasure_names.count("Chalice of Loki")>>
\<<if _rng <= _baitcount>><<set _lureevil to true>><<else>><<set _lurevil to false>><</if>>
\<<else>><<set _lureevil to false>><</if>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Crown of Lolis")>>
\<<set _rng to random(1, 10)>><<set _baitcount to $pctreasure_names.count("Crown of Lolis")>>
\<<if _rng <= _baitcount>><<set _lureloli to true>><<else>><<set _lureloli to false>><</if>>
\<<else>><<set _lureloli to false>><</if>>
\<<if $pctreasure.length > 0>><<set _rng to random (1, 10)>>
\<<set _baitcount to $pctreasure.length>><<if _rng <= _baitcount>>
\<<set _lurethief to true>><<else>><<set _lurethief to false>><</if>><<else>><<set _lurethief to false>><</if>>
\<<if _witchlurecheck > 0>><<set _rng to random(1, 10)>>
\<<if _rng <= _witchlurecheck>><<set _lurewitch to true>>
\<<else>><<set _lurewitch to false>><</if>><<else>><<set _lurewitch to false>><</if>>
\<<if $pcgold >= 200>>
\<<set _goldlured to []>>
\<<set _luregold to 0>>
\<<for _i = 0; _i < $pcgold; _i += 200>>
\<<set _rng to random(4)>>
\<<if _rng === 4>>
\<<set _luregold++>>
\<<set _randgirl to $girlclass.random()>>
\<<if _goldlured.length <= 10>>
\<<set _goldlured to _goldlured.concat(_randgirl)>>
\<<set $runners to $runners.concat(_goldlured)>>
\/*Add lured girls*/
\<<if _luremage === true>><<set $runners.push("Mage")>><</if>>
\<<if _lurearcher === true>><<set $runners.push("Archer")>><</if>>
\<<if _lureknight === true>><<set $runners.push("Knight")>><</if>>
\<<if _lureholy === true>><<set $runners.push("Holy")>><</if>>
\<<if _lureevil === true>><<set $runners.push("Evil")>><</if>>
\<<if _lureloli === true>><<set $runners.push("Loli")>><</if>>
\<<if _lurethief === true>><<set $runners.push("Thief")>><</if>>
\<<if _lurewitch === true>><<set $runners.push("Witch")>><</if>>
\<<if $ad_girls.length > 0>>
\<<set _luread to $ad_girls.length>>
\<<set $runners to $runners.concat($ad_girls)>>
\<<set $ad_girls to []>>
\<<set _luread to 0>>
\/*Add girl for days*/
\<<if $days >= 20>>
\<<set _num to Math.round($days / 20)>>
\<<for _i = 0; _i < _num; _i++>>
\<<set _randgirl to $girlclass.random()>>
\<<set $runners.push(_randgirl)>>
\/*Cursed Mask Check*/
\<<set _removegirls to []>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Cursed Mask")>>
\<<set _maskcount to $pctreasure_names.count("Cursed Mask")>>
\<<for _i = 0; _i < _maskcount; _i++>>
\<<set _rng to random(2)>>
\<<if _rng > 0>>
\<<if _rng < $runners.length>>
\<<set _cursed to $runners.pluckMany(_rng)>>
\<<set _removegirls to _removegirls.concat(_cursed)>>
\<<set _cursed to $runners>>
\<<set $runners to []>>
\<<set _removegirls to _removegirls.concat(_cursed)>>
\/*Add Sluts*/
\<<set _slutcount to 0>>
\<<set $totalsex to $v_sex + $s_sex + $m_sex + $a_sex + $k_sex + $h_sex + $e_sex + $l_sex + $t_sex + $w_sex + $unitsex_count>>
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<if $totalsex >= 10>>
\<<for _i = 0; _i < $totalsex; _i += 10>>
\<<set _rng to random(1, 6)>>
\<<if _rng >= 5>>
\<<set _slutcount++>>
\<<if $totalsex >= 20>>
\<<for _i = 0; _i < $totalsex; _i += 20>>
\<<set _rng to random(1, 6)>>
\<<if _rng >= 5>>
\<<set _slutcount++>>
<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<if $totalsex >= 25>>
\<<for _i = 0; _i < $totalsex; _i += 25>>
\<<set _slutcount++>>
\<<if $totalsex >= 45>>
\<<for _i = 0; _i < $totalsex; _i += 45>>
\<<set _slutcount++>>
\<<if $slutgift === true>>
\<<for _i = 0; _i < $s_sex; _i += 2>>
\<<set _slutcount++>>
\<<if _slutcount > 0>>
\<<for _i = 0; _i < _slutcount; _i++>>
\<<set $runners.push("Slut")>>
\<<if $ad_sluts.length > 0>>
\<<set _slutcount += $ad_sluts.length>>
\<<set $runners to $runners.concat($ad_sluts)>>
\<<set $ad_sluts to []>>
\/*Print results*/\
<<switch $runners.length>>\
<<case 0>>\
<span style="color:pink">There is nobody coming tonight <em>$pcname</em>! Hopefully things pick up soon, for your sake...</span>
<<case 1>>\
<span style="color:pink"><em>Master</em>, there is only one girl entering the dungeon, make sure to get <em>everything</em> you can out of them.</span>
<<case 2 3 4>>\
<span style="color:pink">Good news <em>Master</em>, you have a few girls coming to your dungeon. Tonight should be <em>very</em> fun.</span>
<<case 5 6 7>>\
<span style="color:pink">Wow look $pcname, there are a lot of girls entering your dungeon. Let's make sure this is a night they remember.</span>
<span style="color:pink"><<print $pcname>>! There is a large group coming this way! You will be having a feast tonight, save some for me <em>Master</em>.</span>
<<if _luregold === 1 && $runners.length >= 1>>\
!!!_luregold Girl has come in search of Gold\
<<elseif _luregold > 1 && $runners.length > 1>>\
!!!_luregold Girls have come in search of Gold\
<<if _lurearcher === true && $runners.includes("Archer")>>\
!!!An Archer has come to claim her Treasure\
<<if _luremage === true && $runners.includes("Mage")>>\
!!!A Mage has come to claim her Treasure\
<<if _lureknight === true && $runners.includes("Knight")>>\
!!!A Knight has come to claim her Treasure\
<<if _lurethief === true && $runners.includes("Thief")>>\
!!!A Thief has come to steal your Treasure\
<<if _lurewitch === true && $runners.includes("Witch")>>\
!!!A Witch has come to see what Monsters you have in your Dungeon\
<<if _lureloli === true && $runners.includes("Loli")>>\
!!!A Loli has come in search of her Treasure\
<<if _lureevil === true && $runners.includes("Evil")>>\
!!!A Servant of Evil has come to take back their Treasure\
<<if $lureholy === true && $runners.includes("Holy")>>\
!!!An Attendant of the Holy Spirit has come to take back their Treasure\
<<if _luread === 1 && $runners.length >= 1>>\
!!!_luread Girl has shown up from <span style="color:pink">$misname's</span> advertising\
<<elseif _luread > 1 && $runners.length > 1>>\
!!!_luread Girls have shown up from <span style="color:pink">$misname's</span> advertising\
<<if _removegirls.length === 1>>\
!!!Your Cursed Mask has prevented _removegirls.length Girl from coming to your Dungeon\
<<elseif _removegirls.length > 1>>\
!!!Your Cursed Mask has prevented _removegirls.length Girls from coming to your Dungeon\
<<if _slutcount === 1>>\
!!!<span style="color:red">Expect _slutcount Slut tonight</span>\
<<elseif _slutcount > 1>>\
!!!<span style="color:red">Expect _slutcount Sluts tonight</span>\
<<if $runners.length === 1>>\
!!Only $runners.length Girl is Raiding $dname tonight
!!$runners.length Girls in total are Raiding $dname tonight
<<if $runners.length === 0>><span id="spaceAct">[[End Day|End of Night Report]]</span><<else>><<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><span id="spaceAct">[[Begin Night|$nextgirl]]</span><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $mage = {
name : "Mage",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Experts in fire and ice magic, Mages enter your Dungeon in hopes to increase their knowledge of the arcanes. They have increased Magic but lower Strength and Endurance and are also strong against Magic spells and abilities.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.6,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 70,
hornyeffect: 0.9,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 2,
numstrong: 2,
trapcheck: 1,
spellcheck: 1.5,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 15,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $archer = {
name: "Archer",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Armed with a trusty bow and plenty of arrows, Archers are looking to make a name for themselves. They have increased Strength but lower Endurance and Magic, always strike first in combat, are more likely to avoid Traps, and can disarm them.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.6,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 70,
hornyeffect: 0.9,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 2,
numstrong: 2,
trapcheck: 1.5,
spellcheck: 1,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 15,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $knight = {
name: "Knight",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "These proud Knights look to vanquish all evil from their king's land, real original. They have increased Endurance but lower Magic and Intelligences and they have more Health than any other class, but often fall victim to Traps and Magic spells and abilities.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 3,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 70,
hornyeffect: 0.9,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 2,
numstrong: 2,
trapcheck: 0.66,
spellcheck: 0.66,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 15,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $holy = {
name: "Attendant of the Holy Spirit",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Girls gifted by Holy power, they are sent out to hunt down those speading darkness. They excel in all stats, are strong against Magic spells and abilities, Traps, and can disarm them. They have the highest Horny limit among all classes but gain a large stat penalties when Horny.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.8,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1.5,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 85,
hornyeffect: 0.75,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 2,
numstrong: 4,
trapcheck: 1.75,
spellcheck: 1.75,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 20,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $evil = {
name: "Servant of Evil",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Girls that were once pure, now infused with lust and dark magic. They excel in all stats, are strong against Magic spells and abilities, Traps, and can disarm them. Thier stats increase when they become Horny and have a chance to start a Raid Horny.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.8,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1.5,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 50,
hornyeffect: 1.1,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 3,
numstrong: 3,
trapcheck: 1.5,
spellcheck: 1.5,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 20,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $loli = {
name: "Loli",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Despite their childlike appearance and innocents, they always find themselves in the lewdest situations. They excel in all stats but often fall victim to Traps and Magic spells and abilities. They enter the Dungeon with the lowest amount of Lust of any class, but have a lower threshold to become Horny.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.75,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1.25,
horny: 1,
hornylimit: 60,
hornyeffect: 0.9,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 1,
numstrong: 4,
trapcheck: 0.3,
spellcheck: 0.3,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 15,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $slut = {
name: "Slut",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Unsatisfied with the men back home, she searches for ultimate pleasure. Sults have no regular stats and are always Horny. Instead of Health, they have Energy that drains as they engage in sexual activities in the Dungeon. They always fall victim to Traps and Magic spells and abilities, having different outcomes from other Girls. They drop very little Gold, aren't worth any Exp, and they can cause chaos if they clear your Dungeon. Sluts are the true Raid boss.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 6,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 1,
expmult: 1,
horny: 99,
hornylimit: 100,
hornyeffect: 1,
ishorny: true,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 5,
numstrong: 1,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 1,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $villager = {
name: "Villager",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Villagers who enter your Dungeon are clearly lost and should be sent home as soon as you finish using them. They don't excel in any stats and they often fall victim to Traps and Magic spells and abilities.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.3,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0.5,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 50,
hornyeffect: 0.5,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 3,
numstrong: 2,
trapcheck: 0.25,
spellcheck: 0.25,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 5,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $thief = {
name: "Thief",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Smart and agile, Thiefs are in it for the Treasure. They have increased Intelligence but lower Endurance and Magic. They are masters at avoidance, having increased chance to dodge Traps as well as units, can disarm Traps, and will always steal a Treasure if they clear your Dungeon.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.5,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 70,
hornyeffect: 0.9,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 2,
numstrong: 2,
trapcheck: 2.25,
spellcheck: 0.75,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 20,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $witch = {
name: "Witch",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "Unwanted by the townsfolks, Witches seek out vengeance against those unfortunate enough to cross their path. They have increased Magic but lower Strength, Endurance, and Intelligence. These Fetish experts don't have any weakness and if they become Horny, their stats increase greatly.",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 2.75,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 1.25,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 70,
hornyeffect: 1.25,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 5,
trapcheck: 0.75,
spellcheck: 0.75,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 5,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $girlclass to ["Mage", "Archer", "Knight", "Attendant of the Holy Spirit", "Servant of Evil", "Loli", "Slut", "Villager", "Thief", "Witch"]>>\
\/*Girl Fetishes 13*/\
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\/*Girl Names 45*/\
\<<set $girl_names to ["Vivian", "Lexi", "Ashely", "Brenda", "Toni", "Stephanie", "Nicole", "Monica", "Zoe", "Jenny", "Jessica", "Allison", "Josie", "Yoko", "Eureka", "Fey", "Alexa", "Andrea", "Ali", "Nina", "Haley", "Rebecca", "Hitomi", "Sakura", "Kiku", "Kira", "Reina", "Elizabeth", "Megan", "Violet", "Ruby", "Sapphire", "Crystal", "April", "Summer", "Morrigan", "Amy", "Melody", "Maria", "Clair", "Lilie", "Rose", "Indigo", "Misty", "Cecilia"]>>\<<set _bondagetrigger to false>>\
<<if $unlockbondage === false>>\
<<set $pctreasure_names to []>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < $pctreasure.length; _i++>>\
<<set $pctreasure_names += $pctreasure[_i].name>>\
<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Bondage Starter Kit")>>\
<<set _bondagetrigger to true>>\
<<set _delete to $pctreasure.last()>>\
<<set $pctreasure.delete(_delete)>>\
<<set _trapsbroken to 0>>\
<<set $allroominfo to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>\
<<set $allroominfo_type to [$room0.roomtype, $room1.roomtype, $room2.roomtype, $room3.roomtype, $room4.roomtype, $room5.roomtype]>>\
<<set _num to $allroominfo_type.count("Trap")>>\
<<if _num > 0>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < $allroominfo.length; _i++>>\
<<if $allroominfo[_i].roomtype === "Trap">>\
<<if $allroominfo[_i].isworking === false>>\
<<set _trapsbroken++>><</if>><</if>><</for>><</if>>\
<<if $isfirstday === true>>\
<<set $isfirstday to false>>\
<span style="color:pink">Welcome to your new Dungeon <em>Master</em>, I know you will do great as the new Dungeon Lord.</span>
<<else>><<set _rng to random($hints_array.length - 1)>>\
<strong>$misname's Advice</strong>
<span style="color:pink"><<print $hints_array[_rng]>></span>
<<if $skillpoints > 0>>\
<strong>You have unspent skill points!</strong>
[[Level Up|Stats]]
/*Level up unlocks*/\
<<if $pclvl >= 2 && $unlockheal === false>><<set $unlockheal to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Spell: Heal</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 3 && $unlockspanking === false>><<set $unlockspanking to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Attack: Spanking</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 4 && $unlockshock === false>><<set $unlockshock to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Spell: Stimulating Shock</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 5 && $unlockroom1 === false>><<set $unlockroom1 to true>>\
<strong>You can add a new Room in your Dungeon</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 5 && $unlockzombie === false>><<set $unlockzombie to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked the Zombie Unit</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 5 && $unlockpit === false>><<set $unlockpit to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked the Pitfall Trap</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 5 && $unlockswitcheroo === false>><<set $unlockswitcheroo to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked the Dungeon Room Switcheroo-er</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 6 && $unlockmisgold === false>><<set $unlockmisgold to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Task for your <span style="color:pink">Mistress</span></strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 7 && $unlockgroping === false>><<set $unlockgroping to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Attack: Groping</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 7 && $pcattack_slot2 === false>><<set $pcattack_slot2 to true>><<set $pcattack2 to $grope_attack>>\
<strong>You can equip two Attacks now</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 8 && $unlockdarkblast === false>><<set $unlockdarkblast to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Spell: Dark Blast</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 8 && $pcspell_slot2 === false>><<set $pcspell_slot2 to true>><<set $pcspell2 to $darkblast_spell>>\
<strong>You can equip two Spells now</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 9 && $unlockmisad === false>><<set $unlockmisad to true>>\
<strong>You have unlocked a new task for your <span style="color:pink">Mistress</span></strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 10 && $unlockroom2 === false>><<set $unlockroom2 to true>>\
<strong>You can add a new Room in your Dungeon</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 10 && $unlockditto === false>><<set $unlockditto to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked the Ditto Unit</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 10 && $unlockchest === false>><<set $unlockchest to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked the Mimic Chest Trap</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 11 && $pctreasure_size === 5>><<set $pctreasure_size++>>\
<strong>Your Treasure Room can now hold up to 6 Treasures</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 12 && $unlockgreaterheal === false>><<set $unlockgreaterheal to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Spell: Greater Heal</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 13 && $unlocksweeping === false>><<set $unlocksweeping to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Attack: Sweeping Kick</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 14 && $unlockmisshopping === false>><<set $unlockmisshopping to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Task for your <span style="color:pink">Mistress</span></strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 15 && $unlockroom3 === false>><<set $unlockroom3 to true>>\
<strong>You can add a new Room in your Dungeon</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 15 && $unlockfairies === false>><<set $unlockfairies to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked the Fairies Unit</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 15 && $unlocktrance === false>><<set $unlocktrance to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked the Suggestive Fetish Trap</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 15 && $pcmaxunitlvl === 5>><<set $pcmaxunitlvl += 5>>\
<strong>Your Units max Level has been increased to 10</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 16 && $unlockmisexp === false>><<set $unlockmisexp to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Task for your <span style="color:pink">Mistress</span></strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 17 && $unlocktenta === false>><<set $unlocktenta to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked the Tentacle Unit</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 18 && $unlocklightray === false>><<set $unlocklightray to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Spell: Light Ray</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 19 && $unlockrack === false>><<set $unlockrack to true>>\
<strong>You've unlocked the Body Mod Trap</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 20 && $unlockroom4 === false>><<set $unlockroom4 to true>>\
<strong>You can add a new Room in your Dungeon</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 20 && $unlockonsen === false>><<set $unlockonsen to true>>\
<strong>You can now buy an Onsen for your Dungeon</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 21 && $pctreasure_size === 6>><<set $pctreasure_size += 2>>\
<strong>Your Treasure Room can now hold up to 8 Treasures</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 22 && $unlockressurection === false>><<set $unlockressurection to true>><<set $cast_ressurection to false>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Spell: Mass Ressurection</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 23 && $unlockcockenlargement === false>><<set $unlockcockenlargement to true>><<set $cockautocast to false>>\
<strong>You've unlocked a new Spell: Cock Enlargement</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 24 && $unlockmoresexytime === false>><<set $unlockmoresexytime to true>>\
<strong>Your Sex skills have increased, allowing you to spend more time fucking Captured Girls</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 25 && $unlockroom5 === false>><<set $unlockroom5 to true>>\
<strong>You can add a new Room in your Dungeon</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 25 && $pcmaxunitlvl === 10>><<set $pcmaxunitlvl += 5>>\
<strong>Your Units max Level has been increased to 15</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 25 && $pctreasure_size === 8>><<set $pctreasure_size += 2>>\
<strong>Your Treasure Room can now hold up to 10 Treasures</strong>
<<if $pclvl >= 25 && $unlockshrine === false>><<set $unlockshrine to true>>\
<strong>You can now buy a Shrine for your Dungeon</strong>
<<if $missex === 5 && $unlockthreesome === false>><<set $unlockthreesome to true>>\
<strong>You can now have a threesome with <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> and a Captured Girl</strong>
<<if _bondagetrigger === true && $unlockbondage === false>><<set $unlockbondage to true>>\
<strong>You can use your Bondage Starter Kit on Captured Girls</strong>
<<if $villagergift === true && $tributepaid === false>>\
<<set $tributepaid to true>>\
<<set $pcgold += $offering>>\
<<set $totgoldearned += $offering>>\
<strong>The nearby village sent <span style="color:gold">$offering Gold</span> as tribute for returning so many whores and sluts to them</strong>
/*Main Menu*/\
[[Manage Your Rooms|Manage]]
[[$misname + "'s Room"|MistressRoom]] | <<if $miscurenergy > 0>><span style="color:green">Energy: $miscurenergy</span><<else>><span style="color:red">Out of Energy</span><</if>>
[[Treasure Room|ManageTreasure]]
<<if $hasonsen === true>>\
<<if $hasshrine === true>>\
[[Attacks|EquipAttack]] | [[Spells|EquipSpell]]
[[$pcname + "'s Stats"|Stats]]
[[$dname + "'s Stats"|DungeonStats]]
[[Guidebook to Dungeon Lording|Guide]]
<<if $pctreasure.length > $pctreasure_size>>\
<span style="color:red">Your Treasure Room is overflowing with loot! You need to sell something before you can start the Raid.</span>
[[Sell Treasure]]\
<<elseif $pclvl >= 25 && $lvl25event === false>>\
<<link [[End Day|Announcements]]>>\
<<if $cockautocast === true && $castcockspell === false && $pcmana >= $cock_spell.cost>>\
<<set $castcockspell to true>>\
<<set $pcmana -= $cock_spell.cost>>\
<<set $active_abilities to $active_abilities.concat("Cock Enhanced")>>\
<<if _trapsbroken > 1>> | <span style="color:red">You have broken Traps in your Dungeon!</span><<elseif _trapsbroken === 1>> | <span style="color:red">You have a broken Trap in your Dungeon!</span><</if>>\
<<link [[End Day|Start of Dungeon Raid]]>>\
<<if $cockautocast === true && $castcockspell === false && $pcmana >= $cock_spell.cost>>\
<<set $castcockspell to true>>\
<<set $pcmana -= $cock_spell.cost>>\
<<set $active_abilities to $active_abilities.concat("Cock Enhanced")>>\
<<if _trapsbroken > 0>> | <span style="color:red">You have broken Traps in your Dungeon!</span><</if>>\
/*Reset special dailies*/\
<<set $doneorgy to false>>\
<<set $doneonsensex to false>>\!!Dungeon Master's Office
<table id="t1">
<caption>Room List</caption>
<tr id="t1">
<td id ="t1">[[Dungeon Room One|Room One]]
<td id ="t1"><<if $hasroom1 === true>>[[Dungeon Room Two|Room Two]]
$<<elseif $unlockroom1 === true && $pcgold >= 100>><<link [[Buy New Room|Room Two]]>><<set $pcgold -= 100>><<set $totgoldspent += 100>><<set $hasroom1 to true>><<set $room1 to $empty_owned_room>><</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold">100</span><<elseif $unlockroom1 == true>>Requires <span style="color:gold">100 Gold</span><<else>>Locked
<td id ="t1"><<if $hasroom2 === true>>[[Dungeon Room Three|Room Three]]
$<<elseif $unlockroom2 == true && $hasroom1 === true && $pcgold >= 150>><<link [[Buy New Room|Room Three]]>><<set $pcgold -= 150>><<set $totgoldspent += 150>><<set $hasroom2 to true>><<set $room2 to $empty_owned_room>><</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold">150</span><<elseif $unlockroom2 == true && $hasroom1 === true>>Requires <span style="color:gold">150 Gold</span><<else>>Locked
<tr id="t1">
<td id ="t1"><<if $hasroom3 === true>>[[Dungeon Room Four|Room Four]]
$<<elseif $unlockroom3 == true && $hasroom2 === true && $pcgold >= 200>><<link [[Buy New Room|Room Four]]>><<set $pcgold -= 200>><<set $totgoldspent += 200>><<set $hasroom3 to true>><<set $room3 to $empty_owned_room>><</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold">200</span><<elseif $unlockroom3 == true && $hasroom2 === true>>Requires <span style="color:gold">200 Gold</span><<else>>Locked
<td id ="t1"><<if $hasroom4 === true>>[[Dungeon Room Five|Room Five]]
$<<elseif $unlockroom4 == true && $hasroom3 === true && $pcgold >= 300>><<link [[Buy New Room|Room Five]]>><<set $pcgold -= 300>><<set $totgoldspent += 300>><<set $hasroom4 to true>><<set $room4 to $empty_owned_room>><</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold">300</span><<elseif $unlockroom4 == true && $hasroom3 === true>>Requires <span style="color:gold">300 Gold</span><<else>>Locked<</if>></td>
<td id ="t1"><<if $hasroom5 === true>>[[Dungeon Room Six|Room Six]]
$<<elseif $unlockroom5 == true && $hasroom4 === true && $pcgold >= 400>><<link [[Buy New Room|Room Six]]>><<set $pcgold -= 400>><<set $totgoldspent += 400>><<set $hasroom5 to true>><<set $room5 to $empty_owned_room>><</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold">400</span><<elseif $unlockroom5 == true && $hasroom4 === true>>Requires <span style="color:gold">400 Gold</span><<else>>Locked
<tr id="t1">
<td id ="t1"><<if $hasonsen === true>>[[Onsen]]<<elseif $unlockonsen == true && $pcgold >= 750>><<link [[Buy Onsen|Onsen]]>><<set $pcgold -= 750>><<set $totgoldspent += 750>><<set $hasonsen to true>><<set $firstvisit_onsen to true>><</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold">750</span><<elseif $unlockonsen == true>>Onsen Requires <span style="color:gold">750 Gold</span><<else>>Locked
<td id ="t1"><<if $hasdungeon === true>>[[Slave's Dungeon|Dungeon]]<<elseif $unlockdungeon == true && $pcgold >= 750>><<link [[Buy Slave's Dungeon|Dungeon]]>><<set $pcgold -= 750>><<set $totgoldspent += 750>><<set $hasdungeon to true>><<set $firstvisit_dungeon to true>><</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold">750</span><<elseif $unlockdungeon == true>>Requires <span style="color:gold">750 Gold</span><<else>>Locked
<td id ="t1"><<if $hasshrine === true>>[[Shrine]]<<elseif $unlockshrine == true && $pcgold >= 1500>><<link [[Buy Shrine|Shrine]]>><<set $pcgold -= 1500>><<set $hasshrine to true>><<set $totgoldspent += 1500>><<set $firstvisit_shrine to true>><</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold">1500</span><<elseif $unlockshrine == true>>Shrine Requires <span style="color:gold">1500 Gold</span><<else>>Locked
<<if $unlockswitcheroo === true>>\
[[Room Switcheroo-er|SwapRooms]]
<<if $pclvl >= 25 && $lvl25event === true>>\
[[Retire Dungeon|Warning]]
[[Back|Main Menu]]<span style="color:pink">Choose a new monster to summon for your dungeon <em>Master</em>. I can't wait to play with it, I'm sure we will get along <em>really</em> well.</span>
<<if $pcgold >= $slime1.cost>>\
<label><<radiobutton "_unit" $slime1 checked>> $
Cost <span style="color:gold">$slime1.cost gold</span>.
Ability: $slime1.ability
Cost <span style="color:gold">$slime1.cost gold</span>.
Ability: $slime1.ability
<<if $pcgold >= $zombie1.cost && $unlockzombie === true>>\
<label><<radiobutton "_unit" $zombie1>> $
Cost <span style="color:gold">$zombie1.cost gold</span>.
Ability: $zombie1.ability
<<elseif $unlockzombie === true>>\
Cost <span style="color:gold">$zombie1.cost gold</span>.
Ability: $zombie1.ability
<<if $pcgold >= $ditto1.cost && $unlockditto === true>>\
<label><<radiobutton "_unit" $ditto1>> $
Cost <span style="color:gold">$ditto1.cost gold</span>.
Ability: $ditto1.ability
<<elseif $unlockditto === true>>\
Cost <span style="color:gold">$ditto1.cost gold</span>.
Ability: $ditto1.ability
<<if $pcgold >= $fairies1.cost && $unlockfairies === true>>\
<label><<radiobutton "_unit" $fairies1>> $
Cost <span style="color:gold">$fairies1.cost gold</span>.
Ability: $fairies1.ability
<<elseif $unlockfairies === true>>\
Cost <span style="color:gold">$fairies1.cost gold</span>.
Ability: $fairies1.ability
<<if $pcgold >= $tenta1.cost && $unlocktenta === true>>\
<label><<radiobutton "_unit" $tenta1>> $
Cost <span style="color:gold">$tenta1.cost gold</span>.
Ability: $tenta1.ability
<<elseif $unlocktenta === true>>\
Cost <span style="color:gold">$tenta1.cost gold</span>.
Ability: $tenta1.ability
<<if $pcgold < $slime1.cost>>[[Back|Manage]]<<else>><<link [[Summon|Manage]]>><<set $pcgold -= _unit.cost>><<set $totgoldspent += _unit.cost>><<set _unit.str += random(_unit.str_mingains, _unit.str_maxgains)>><<set _unit.res += random(_unit.res_mingains, _unit.res_maxgains)>><<set += random(_unit.int_mingains, _unit.int_maxgains)>><<set += random(_unit.sex_mingains, _unit.sex_maxgains)>><<set _unit.hp += random(_unit.hp_mingains, _unit.hp_maxgains)>><<set _learnedfetishes to _unit.fetishlist.pluckMany(_unit.numfetish)>><<set _unit.fetish to _unit.fetish.concat(_learnedfetishes)>>
<<set _unit.curhp to _unit.hp>>\
\<<switch $editroom>>
\<<case 0>><<set $room0 to _unit>><<set $room0.exp_nextlvl to Math.round((($room0.lvl * $room0.lvl) * 0.66) + ($room0.lvl * $room0.lvlgrowth))>>
\<<case 1>><<set $room1 to _unit>><<set $room1.exp_nextlvl to Math.round((($room1.lvl * $room1.lvl) * 0.66) + ($room1.lvl * $room1.lvlgrowth))>>
\<<case 2>><<set $room2 to _unit>><<set $room2.exp_nextlvl to Math.round((($room2.lvl * $room2.lvl) * 0.66) + ($room2.lvl * $room2.lvlgrowth))>>
\<<case 3>><<set $room3 to _unit>><<set $room3.exp_nextlvl to Math.round((($room3.lvl * $room3.lvl) * 0.66) + ($room3.lvl * $room3.lvlgrowth))>>
\<<case 4>><<set $room4 to _unit>><<set $room4.exp_nextlvl to Math.round((($room4.lvl * $room4.lvl) * 0.66) + ($room4.lvl * $room4.lvlgrowth))>>
\<<case 5>><<set $room5 to _unit>><<set $room5.exp_nextlvl to Math.round((($room5.lvl * $room5.lvl) * 0.66) + ($room5.lvl * $room5.lvlgrowth))>>
\<</switch>><</link>> | [[Back|Manage]]<</if>> <span style="color:pink">Choose a new trap to construct for your dungeon <em>Master</em>. Let me know if you need someone to test it on.</span>
<<if $pcgold >= $dart1.cost>>\
<label><<radiobutton "_trap" $dart1 checked>> $
Cost <span style="color:gold">$dart1.cost gold</span>.
Description: $dart1.effect
Max Rank Bonus: $dart1.maxlvldesc</label>
Cost <span style="color:gold">$dart1.cost gold</span>.
Description: $dart1.effect
Max Rank Bonus: $dart1.maxlvldesc
<<if $pcgold >= $pit1.cost && $unlockpit === true>>\
<label><<radiobutton "_trap" $pit1>> $
Cost <span style="color:gold">$pit1.cost gold</span>.
Description: $pit1.effect
Max Rank Bonus: $pit1.maxlvldesc</label>
<<elseif $unlockpit === true>>\
Cost <span style="color:gold">$pit1.cost gold</span>.
Description: $pit1.effect
Max Rank Bonus: $pit1.maxlvldesc
<<if $pcgold >= $chest1.cost && $unlockchest === true>>\
<label><<radiobutton "_trap" $chest1>> $
Cost <span style="color:gold">$chest1.cost gold</span>.
Description: $chest1.effect
Max Rank Bonus: $chest1.maxlvldesc</label>
<<elseif $unlockchest === true>>\
Cost <span style="color:gold">$chest1.cost gold</span>.
Description: $chest1.effect
Max Rank Bonus: $chest1.maxlvldesc
<<if $pcgold >= $trance1.cost && $unlocktrance === true>>\
<label><<radiobutton "_trap" $trance1>> $
Cost <span style="color:gold">$trance1.cost gold</span>.
Description: $trance1.effect
Max Rank Bonus: $trance1.maxlvldesc</label>
<<elseif $unlocktrance === true>>\
Cost <span style="color:gold">$trance1.cost gold</span>.
Description: $trance1.effect
Max Rank Bonus: $trance1.maxlvldesc
<<if $pcgold >= $rack1.cost && $unlockrack === true>>\
<label><<radiobutton "_trap" $rack1>> $
Cost <span style="color:gold">$rack1.cost gold</span>.
Description: $rack1.effect
Max Rank Bonus: $rack1.maxlvldesc</label>
<<elseif $unlockrack === true>>\
Cost <span style="color:gold">$rack1.cost gold</span>.
Description: $rack1.effect
Max Rank Bonus: $rack1.maxlvldesc
<<if $pcgold < $dart1.cost>>[[Back|Manage]]<<else>><<link [[Construct|Manage]]>><<set $pcgold -= _trap.cost>><<set $totgoldspent += _trap.cost>>
\<<switch $editroom>>
\<<case 0>><<set $room0 to _trap>>
\<<case 1>><<set $room1 to _trap>>
\<<case 2>><<set $room2 to _trap>>
\<<case 3>><<set $room3 to _trap>>
\<<case 4>><<set $room4 to _trap>>
\<<case 5>><<set $room5 to _trap>>
\<</switch>><</link>> | [[Back|Manage]]<</if>><div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>End of Night</div>\
<<if $days >= 3>>\
<<set _rng to random(1, 40)>>\
<<set _rng += Math.round(random($pccharisma * 0.6, $pccharisma * 1.2))>>\
<<if $hardmode === true>>\
<<if _rng >= 25>>\
<<set $misevent to true>>\
<<set $misevent to false>>\
<<if _rng >= 31>>\
<<set $misevent to true>>\
<<set $misevent to false>>\
<span style="color:gold">Gold</span> earned tonight: <span style="color:gold">$goldearned</span><<set $totgoldearned += $goldearned>>
<span style="color:gold">Gold</span> lost tonight: <span style="color:red">$goldstolen</span><<set $totgoldlost += $goldstolen>>
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
<<set $captured.shuffle()>>\
Captured Girls:
<<for _i = 0; _i < $captured.length; _i++>>
<<print _i + 1>>. $captured[_i].name | <<if $captured[_i].curhp < 1>><<set $captured[_i].curhp to 1>><</if>>\
$captured[_i].curhp / $captured[_i].hp\
<<elseif $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Time to check on the Captured Girls.
<<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>>\
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
\/*Reset Mistress Energy*/\
\<<if $gameovercount >= 3>>
\<<set $miscurenergy to Math.round($misenergy * .49)>>
\<<set $miscurenergy to $misenergy>>
\/*Add Day*/\
\<<set $days++>>
/*Heal Rooms*/\
\<<if $room0.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room0.curhp to $room0.hp>><</if>>
\<<if $room1.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room1.curhp to $room1.hp>><</if>>
\<<if $room2.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room2.curhp to $room2.hp>><</if>>
\<<if $room3.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room3.curhp to $room3.hp>><</if>>
\<<if $room4.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room4.curhp to $room4.hp>><</if>>
\<<if $room5.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room5.curhp to $room5.hp>><</if>>
/*Reset Mistress Tasks*/\
<<set $has_done_whore to false>>\
<<set $has_done_ad to false>>\
<<set $has_done_unitexp to false>>\
<<set $has_done_pcexp to false>>\
<<set $has_done_shop to false>>\
/*Reset Onsen Events*/\
<<set $misbathing to false>>\
<<set $hasbathed to false>>\
<<set $startbath to false>>\
<<set $mistaskonsen to false>>\
/*Daily Spells Wear Off*/\
<<set $active_abilities to []>>\
<<set $castcockspell to false>>\
<<set $god_empowered to false>>\
<<set $cast_ressurection to false>>\
/*Update Village Tribute*/\
<<set $offering to Math.round(random(200, 400) + (10 * random(($pccharisma * 0.4), ($pccharisma * 0.8))))>>\
<<set $tributepaid to false>>\
/*Empty Pitfalls*/\
<<if $room0.roomtype === "Trap" && $ === "Pitfall">><<set $room0.hascaptured to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $room1.roomtype === "Trap" && $ === "Pitfall">><<set $room1.hascaptured to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $room2.roomtype === "Trap" && $ === "Pitfall">><<set $room2.hascaptured to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $room3.roomtype === "Trap" && $ === "Pitfall">><<set $room3.hascaptured to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $room4.roomtype === "Trap" && $ === "Pitfall">><<set $room4.hascaptured to 0>><</if>>\
<<if $room5.roomtype === "Trap" && $ === "Pitfall">><<set $room5.hascaptured to 0>><</if>>\
/*Reset Zombie Ability*/\
<<if $room0.roomtype === "Unit" && $ === "Zombie">><<set $room0.abilitytriggered to false>><</if>>\
<<if $room1.roomtype === "Unit" && $ === "Zombie">><<set $room1.abilitytriggered to false>><</if>>\
<<if $room2.roomtype === "Unit" && $ === "Zombie">><<set $room2.abilitytriggered to false>><</if>>\
<<if $room3.roomtype === "Unit" && $ === "Zombie">><<set $room3.abilitytriggered to false>><</if>>\
<<if $room4.roomtype === "Unit" && $ === "Zombie">><<set $room4.abilitytriggered to false>><</if>>\
<<if $room5.roomtype === "Unit" && $ === "Zombie">><<set $room5.abilitytriggered to false>><</if>>\<<set _slutgif to "[img[gifs/slut/36.gif]]">>\
<<set _emptypic to "[img[images/random/5.jpg]]">>\
<<set $totgoldearned += $goldearned>>\
<<set $totgoldlost += $goldstolen>>\
<<set $goldearned to 0>>\
<<set $goldstolen to 0>>\
<<if $pcgold <= 0>>\
You have lost all your gold, nobody is going to come to your dungeon anymore. <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> has left you to live out your last days in the rotting dungeon sad, alone, and depressed.
But then you remember you don't have to take this shit. You are better than this. You will set out and start anew somewhere else. You leave $dname behind and set forth to start a new <s>adventure</s> game...
<<elseif $gameovercount >= 5>>\
Overrun by Sluts, your dungeon has becomes a disaster. <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> has left, unable to handle being played and felt up all the time by the Sluts that refuse to leave. You never felt so drained in all your life.
But then you remember you don't have to take this shit. You can do better and learn from your errors. You leave $dname behind for the Sluts and set forth to start a new <s>adventure</s> game...
<<elseif $retired === true>>\
Having been working in $dname for awhile, you feel like you need a change of pace. You decide to pack everything up and leave the Dungeon in <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> hands as you set out to start a new chapter in your book.
Format Test
[[Check Final Stats|FinalStats]]
<<if $days >= 20>>\
[[New Game|Survey]]
[[New Game|Startup]]
<<if $pcgold <= 0>>\
<div class="title-image">_emptypic</div>\
<<elseif $gameovercount >= 5>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_slutgif</div>\
<<set $totalgirlsentered to $s_entered + $m_entered + $a_entered + $k_entered + $l_entered + $h_entered + $e_entered + $t_entered + $w_entered + $v_entered>>\
<div style='font-size: 200%;'>$dname's Stats</div>\
[[Back|Main Menu]]
!!Gold Income
Gold Earned: <span style="color:gold">$totgoldearned</span>
Gold Stolen: <span style="color:red">$totgoldlost</span>
Gold Spent: <span style="color:red">$totgoldspent</span>
!!Dungeon Stats
!!!Girls Entered
Villagers: $v_entered
Thiefs : $t_entered
Archers : $a_entered
Mages : $m_entered
Knights : $k_entered
Witches : $w_entered
Loli : $l_entered
Evil : $e_entered
Holy : $h_entered
Sluts : $s_entered
<strong>Total : $totalgirlsentered</strong>
[[Back|Main Menu]]\/* Setup dungeon and girl stats*/
\/*Set Variables before Dungeon Run*/
\<<set $dungeon_room_info to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>
\<<set $dungeon_room_order to [$room0.scenename, $room1.scenename, $room2.scenename, $room3.scenename, $room4.scenename, $room5.scenename]>><<set _delete to $dungeon_room_order.delete("")>>\
\<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
\<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
\<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
\<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $goldmult to (($pctreasure_names.count("Gold Studded Bra") * 0.5) + 1)>>
\<<if $goldmult > 3>><set $goldmult to 3>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>>
\<<set $add_weak to 0>>
\<<set $add_strong to 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.girlname to $girl_names.random()>>
\<<set $ to $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.classdesc to $knight.classdesc>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hpmult to $knight.hpmult>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit to $knight.hornylimit>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect to $knight.hornyeffect>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak to $knight.numweak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong to $knight.numstrong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck to $knight.trapcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck to $knight.spellcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mingold to $knight.mingold>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to $knight.isrich>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expmult to $knight.expmult>>
\/*Knight Stats*/\
\<<if $pclvl < 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(4, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(1, 3)>>
\<<set $ to random(1, 3)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(6, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $ to random(2, 4)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 14>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(8, 11)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $ to random(3, 5)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 19>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(10, 13)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $ to random(4, 6)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 24>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(12, 15)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $ to random(5, 7)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 30>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(14, 17)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $ to random(6, 8)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 35>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(17, 20)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $ to random(7, 9)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 40>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(20, 23)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $ to random(8, 10)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 45>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(14, 16)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(23, 26)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $ to random(9, 11)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 50>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(16, 18)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(26, 29)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(14, 16)>>
\<<set $ to random(10, 12)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 55>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(18, 20)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(29, 32)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(16, 18)>>
\<<set $ to random(11, 13)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(25, 30)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(35, 40)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(20, 25)>>
\<<set $ to random(15, 20)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl >= 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(35, 45)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(45, 55)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(30, 40)>>
\<<set $ to random(25, 30)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to random(1, 15)>>
\/*Update Stats from Blessing*/\
\<<if $holygift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.15))>>
\<<set $ -= Math.round(random($ * 0.05), ($ * 0.15))>>
\/*Set Hard Mode Stat Bonus*/\
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 1.2)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * 1.2)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 1.2)>>
\<<set $ to Math.round($ * 1.2)>>
\/*Set HP, Horny, and Total Stats*/
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hpmult)>>
\/*Add additional HP per Room*/
\<<if $numrooms >= 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.hp * (1 + ($numrooms * 0.1)))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.hp <= 14>><<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to 15>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to $cur_girl_runner.hp>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.totstats to $cur_girl_runner.str + $cur_girl_runner.end + $cur_girl_runner.mgc + $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expgiven to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.totstats * $cur_girl_runner.expmult)>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<set _rng to random(0, 1)>>
\<<if _rng === 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(1, 5) * $pctreasure_names.count("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Gold Studded Bra")>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to true>>
\<<if $pclvl < 5>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 25)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 10>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 15)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 15>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(0, 5)>>
\<<if $evilgift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += Math.round(random(14, 29) - ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.2))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny > 50>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to 50>><</if>>
\/*Get fetishes*/
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.fetish to $fetish_types>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Silk Panties")>>
\<<set $add_weak += random(0, $pctreasure_names.count("Silk Panties"))>>
\<<if $add_weak > 5>><<set $add_weak to 5>><</if>>
\<<if $add_weak >= 1>><<set $pantiesweak to true>><<elseif $add_weak === 0>><<set $pantiesweak to false>><</if>><<else>><<set $pantiesweak to false>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak += $add_weak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong += $add_strong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numweak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numstrong)>>
\/*Set Items*/
\<<set _rng to random(20)>>
\<<set _itemcheck to 20>>
\<<set _pcluck to Math.round($pccharisma * 0.4)>>
\<<if _rng + _pcluck >= _itemcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.item to $amulet>>
\/*Get Pics*/
\<<set $ran_pic to random(0, 11)>>
\<<switch $ran_pic>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic0.jpg]]">>
\<<case 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic1.jpg]]">>
\<<case 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic2.jpg]]">>
\<<case 3>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic3.jpg]]">>
\<<case 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic4.jpg]]">>
\<<case 5>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic5.jpg]]">>
\<<case 6>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic6.jpg]]">>
\<<case 7>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic7.jpg]]">>
\<<case 8>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic8.jpg]]">>
\<<case 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic9.jpg]]">>
\<<case 10>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic10.jpg]]">>
\<<case 11>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/knight/pic11.jpg]]">>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Class: $</div>
<div class="resized-small-left">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div><div class ="text-right">Name: $cur_girl_runner.girlname
Description: $cur_girl_runner.classdesc
<span style="color:green">Health: $cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>\
<<if $pantiesweak === true>>\
<strong>Your Silk Panties has lured someone with more Fetishes.</strong>\
Weakness: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>></div>
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers remaining: $runners.length</strong>
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>
<span id="spaceAct"><<link [[Begin Her Run|$nextroom]]>><<set $k_entered += 1>><</link>></span>\/* Setup dungeon and girl stats*/
\/*Set Variables before Dungeon Run*/
\<<set $dungeon_room_info to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>
\<<set $dungeon_room_order to [$room0.scenename, $room1.scenename, $room2.scenename, $room3.scenename, $room4.scenename, $room5.scenename]>><<set _delete to $dungeon_room_order.delete("")>>\
\<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
\<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
\<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
\<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $goldmult to (($pctreasure_names.count("Gold Studded Bra") * 0.5) + 1)>>
\<<if $goldmult > 3>><set $goldmult to 3>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>>
\<<set $add_weak to 0>>
\<<set $add_strong to 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.girlname to $girl_names.random()>>
\<<set $ to $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.classdesc to $mage.classdesc>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hpmult to $mage.hpmult>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit to $mage.hornylimit>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect to $mage.hornyeffect>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak to $mage.numweak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong to $mage.numstrong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck to $mage.trapcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck to $mage.spellcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mingold to $mage.mingold>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to $mage.isrich>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expmult to $mage.expmult>>
\/*Mage Stats*/\
\<<if $pclvl < 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(1, 3)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(1, 3)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(4, 7)>>
\<<set $ to random(3, 5)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(6, 9)>>
\<<set $ to random(4, 6)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 14>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(8, 11)>>
\<<set $ to random(5, 7)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 19>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(10, 13)>>
\<<set $ to random(6, 8)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 24>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(12, 15)>>
\<<set $ to random(7, 9)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 30>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(14, 17)>>
\<<set $ to random(8, 10)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 35>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(17, 20)>>
\<<set $ to random(10, 12)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 40>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(20, 23)>>
\<<set $ to random(12, 14)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 45>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(9, 11)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(23, 26)>>
\<<set $ to random(14, 16)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 50>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(14, 16)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(26, 29)>>
\<<set $ to random(16, 18)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 55>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(11, 13)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(16, 18)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(29, 32)>>
\<<set $ to random(18, 20)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(15, 20)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(20, 25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(35, 40)>>
\<<set $ to random(25, 30)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl >= 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(25, 35)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(30, 40)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(45, 55)>>
\<<set $ to random(35, 45)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to random(1, 15)>>
\/*Update Stats from Blessing*/\
\<<if $holygift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.15))>>
\<<set $ -= Math.round(random($ * 0.05), ($ * 0.15))>>
\/*Set Hard Mode Stat Bonus*/\
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 1.2)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * 1.2)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 1.2)>>
\<<set $ to Math.round($ * 1.2)>>
\/*Set HP, Horny, and Total Stats*/
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hpmult)>>
\/*Add additional HP per Room*/
\<<if $numrooms >= 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.hp * (1 + ($numrooms * 0.1)))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.hp <= 9>><<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to 10>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to $cur_girl_runner.hp>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.totstats to $cur_girl_runner.str + $cur_girl_runner.end + $cur_girl_runner.mgc + $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expgiven to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.totstats * $cur_girl_runner.expmult)>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<set _rng to random(0, 1)>>
\<<if _rng === 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(1, 5) * $pctreasure_names.count("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Gold Studded Bra")>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to true>>
\<<if $pclvl < 5>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 25)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 10>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 15)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 15>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(0, 5)>>
\<<if $evilgift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += Math.round(random(14, 29) - ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.2))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny > 50>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to 50>><</if>>
\/*Get fetishes*/
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.fetish to $fetish_types>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Silk Panties")>>
\<<set $add_weak += random(0, $pctreasure_names.count("Silk Panties"))>>
\<<if $add_weak > 5>><<set $add_weak to 5>><</if>>
\<<if $add_weak >= 1>><<set $pantiesweak to true>><<elseif $add_weak === 0>><<set $pantiesweak to false>><</if>><<else>><<set $pantiesweak to false>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak += $add_weak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong += $add_strong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numweak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numstrong)>>
\/*Set Items*/
\<<set _rng to random(20)>>
\<<set _itemcheck to 20>>
\<<set _pcluck to Math.round($pccharisma * 0.4)>>
\<<if _rng + _pcluck >= _itemcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.item to $necklace>>
\/*Get Pics*/
\<<set _ran_pic to random(0, 11)>>
\<<switch _ran_pic>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic0.jpg]]">>
\<<case 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic1.jpg]]">>
\<<case 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic2.jpg]]">>
\<<case 3>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic3.jpg]]">>
\<<case 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic4.jpg]]">>
\<<case 5>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic5.jpg]]">>
\<<case 6>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic6.jpg]]">>
\<<case 7>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic7.jpg]]">>
\<<case 8>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic8.jpg]]">>
\<<case 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic9.jpg]]">>
\<<case 10>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic10.jpg]]">>
\<<case 11>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/mage/pic11.jpg]]">>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Class: $</div>
<div class="resized-small-left">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div><div class ="text-right">Name: $cur_girl_runner.girlname
Description: $cur_girl_runner.classdesc
<span style="color:green">Health: $cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>\
<<if $pantiesweak === true>>\
<strong>Your Silk Panties has lured someone with more Fetishes.</strong>\
Weakness: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>></div>
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers remaining: $runners.length</strong>
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>
<span id="spaceAct"><<link [[Begin Her Run|$nextroom]]>><<set $m_entered += 1>><</link>></span>\/* Setup dungeon and girl stats*/
\/*Set Variables before Dungeon Run*/
\<<set $dungeon_room_info to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>
\<<set $dungeon_room_order to [$room0.scenename, $room1.scenename, $room2.scenename, $room3.scenename, $room4.scenename, $room5.scenename]>><<set _delete to $dungeon_room_order.delete("")>>\
\<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
\<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
\<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
\<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $goldmult to (($pctreasure_names.count("Gold Studded Bra") * 0.5) + 1)>>
\<<if $goldmult > 3>><set $goldmult to 3>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>>
\<<set $add_weak to 0>>
\<<set $add_strong to 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.girlname to $girl_names.random()>>
\<<set $ to $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.classdesc to $archer.classdesc>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hpmult to $archer.hpmult>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit to $archer.hornylimit>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect to $archer.hornyeffect>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak to $archer.numweak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong to $archer.numstrong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck to $archer.trapcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck to $archer.spellcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mingold to $archer.mingold>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to $archer.isrich>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expmult to $archer.expmult>>
\/*Archer Stats*/\
\<<if $pclvl < 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(3, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(1, 3)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(1, 3)>>
\<<set $ to random(3, 5)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(5, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $ to random(4, 6)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 14>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(7, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $ to random(5, 7)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 19>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(9, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $ to random(6, 8)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 24>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(11, 14)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $ to random(7, 9)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 30>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(13, 16)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $ to random(8, 10)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 35>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(15, 18)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $ to random(10, 12)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 40>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(17, 20)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $ to random(12, 14)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 45>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(20, 23)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(9, 11)>>
\<<set $ to random(14, 16)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 50>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(23, 26)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(14, 16)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(11, 13)>>
\<<set $ to random(16, 18)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 55>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(26, 29)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(16, 18)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $ to random(18, 20)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(30, 35)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(20, 25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(15, 20)>>
\<<set $ to random(25, 30)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl >= 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(40, 50)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(30, 40)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(25, 35)>>
\<<set $ to random(35, 45)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to random(1, 15)>>
\/*Update Stats from Blessing*/\
\<<if $holygift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.15))>>
\<<set $ -= Math.round(random($ * 0.05), ($ * 0.15))>>
\/*Set Hard Mode Stat Bonus*/\
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 1.2)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * 1.2)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 1.2)>>
\<<set $ to Math.round($ * 1.2)>>
\/*Set HP, Horny, and Total Stats*/
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hpmult)>>
\/*Add additional HP per Room*/
\<<if $numrooms >= 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.hp * (1 + ($numrooms * 0.1)))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.hp <= 9>><<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to 10>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to $cur_girl_runner.hp>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.totstats to $cur_girl_runner.str + $cur_girl_runner.end + $cur_girl_runner.mgc + $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expgiven to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.totstats * $cur_girl_runner.expmult)>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<set _rng to random(0, 1)>>
\<<if _rng === 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(1, 5) * $pctreasure_names.count("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Gold Studded Bra")>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to true>>
\<<if $pclvl < 5>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 25)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 10>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 15)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 15>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(0, 5)>>
\<<if $evilgift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += Math.round(random(14, 29) - ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.2))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny > 50>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to 50>><</if>>
\/*Get fetishes*/
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.fetish to $fetish_types>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Silk Panties")>>
\<<set $add_weak += random(0, $pctreasure_names.count("Silk Panties"))>>
\<<if $add_weak > 5>><<set $add_weak to 5>><</if>>
\<<if $add_weak >= 1>><<set $pantiesweak to true>><<elseif $add_weak === 0>><<set $pantiesweak to false>><</if>><<else>><<set $pantiesweak to false>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak += $add_weak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong += $add_strong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numweak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numstrong)>>
\/*Set Items*/
\<<set _rng to random(20)>>
\<<set _itemcheck to 20>>
\<<set _pcluck to Math.round($pccharisma * 0.4)>>
\<<if _rng + _pcluck >= _itemcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.item to $ring>>
\/*Get Pics*/
\<<set _ran_pic to random(0, 11)>>
\<<switch _ran_pic>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic0.jpg]]">>
\<<case 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic1.jpg]]">>
\<<case 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic2.jpg]]">>
\<<case 3>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic3.jpg]]">>
\<<case 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic4.jpg]]">>
\<<case 5>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic5.jpg]]">>
\<<case 6>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic6.jpg]]">>
\<<case 7>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic7.jpg]]">>
\<<case 8>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic8.jpg]]">>
\<<case 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic9.jpg]]">>
\<<case 10>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic10.jpg]]">>
\<<case 11>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/archer/pic11.jpg]]">>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Class: $</div>
<div class="resized-small-left">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div><div class ="text-right">Name: $cur_girl_runner.girlname
Description: $cur_girl_runner.classdesc
<span style="color:green">Health: $cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>\
<<if $pantiesweak === true>>\
<strong>Your Silk Panties has lured someone with more Fetishes.</strong>\
Weakness: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>></div>
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers remaining: $runners.length</strong>
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>
<span id="spaceAct"><<link [[Begin Her Run|$nextroom]]>><<set $a_entered += 1>><</link>></span>\/* Setup dungeon and girl stats*/\
\/*Set Variables before Dungeon Run*/
\<<set $dungeon_room_info to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>
\<<set $dungeon_room_order to [$room0.scenename, $room1.scenename, $room2.scenename, $room3.scenename, $room4.scenename, $room5.scenename]>><<set _delete to $dungeon_room_order.delete("")>>\
\<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
\<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
\<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
\<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $goldmult to (($pctreasure_names.count("Gold Studded Bra") * 0.5) + 1)>>
\<<if $goldmult > 3>><set $goldmult to 3>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>>
\<<set $add_weak to 0>>
\<<set $add_strong to 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.girlname to $girl_names.random()>>
\<<set $ to $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.classdesc to $villager.classdesc>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hpmult to $villager.hpmult>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit to $villager.hornylimit>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect to $villager.hornyeffect>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak to $villager.numweak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong to $villager.numstrong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck to $villager.trapcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck to $villager.spellcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mingold to $villager.mingold>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to $villager.isrich>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expmult to $villager.expmult>>
\/*Villager Stats*/\
\<<if $pclvl < 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(1, 3)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(1, 3)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(1, 2)>>
\<<set $ to random(1, 3)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(1, 3)>>
\<<set $ to random(2, 4)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 14>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $ to random(3, 5)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 19>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $ to random(4, 6)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 24>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $ to random(5, 7)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 30>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $ to random(6, 8)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 35>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $ to random(8, 10)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 40>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(9, 11)>>
\<<set $ to random(10, 12)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 45>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(11, 13)>>
\<<set $ to random(12, 14)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 50>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(14, 16)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(14, 16)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(13, 15)>>
\<<set $ to random(14, 16)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 55>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(16, 18)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(16, 18)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(15, 17)>>
\<<set $ to random(16, 18)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(20, 25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(20, 25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(18, 22)>>
\<<set $ to random(20, 25)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl >= 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(25, 30)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(25, 30)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(22, 25)>>
\<<set $ to random(25, 30)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to random(10, 20)>>
\/*Update Stats from Blessing*/\
\<<if $holygift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.15))>>
\<<set $ -= Math.round(random($ * 0.05), ($ * 0.15))>>
\/*Set Hard Mode Stat Bonus*/\
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 1.1)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * 1.1)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 1.1)>>
\<<set $ to Math.round($ * 1.1)>>
\/*Set HP, Horny, and Total Stats*/
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hpmult)>>
\/*Add additional HP per Room*/
\<<if $numrooms >= 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.hp * (1 + ($numrooms * 0.1)))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.hp <= 4>><<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to 5>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to $cur_girl_runner.hp>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.totstats to $cur_girl_runner.str + $cur_girl_runner.end + $cur_girl_runner.mgc + $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expgiven to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.totstats * $cur_girl_runner.expmult)>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<set _rng to random(0, 1)>>
\<<if _rng === 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(1, 5) * $pctreasure_names.count("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Gold Studded Bra")>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to true>>
\<<if $pclvl < 5>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 25)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 10>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 15)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 15>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(0, 5)>>
\<<if $evilgift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += Math.round(random(14, 29) - ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.2))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny > 50>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to 50>><</if>>
\/*Get fetishes*/
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.fetish to $fetish_types>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Silk Panties")>>
\<<set $add_weak += random(0, $pctreasure_names.count("Silk Panties"))>>
\<<if $add_weak > 5>><<set $add_weak to 5>><</if>>
\<<if $add_weak >= 1>><<set $pantiesweak to true>><<elseif $add_weak === 0>><<set $pantiesweak to false>><</if>><<else>><<set $pantiesweak to false>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak += $add_weak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong += $add_strong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numweak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numstrong)>>
\/*Get Pics*/
\<<set _ran_pic to random(0, 11)>>
\<<switch _ran_pic>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic0.jpg]]">>
\<<case 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic1.jpg]]">>
\<<case 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic2.jpg]]">>
\<<case 3>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic3.jpg]]">>
\<<case 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic4.jpg]]">>
\<<case 5>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic5.jpg]]">>
\<<case 6>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic6.jpg]]">>
\<<case 7>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic7.jpg]]">>
\<<case 8>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic8.jpg]]">>
\<<case 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic9.jpg]]">>
\<<case 10>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic10.jpg]]">>
\<<case 11>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/villager/pic11.jpg]]">>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Class: $</div>
<div class="resized-small-left">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div><div class ="text-right">Name: $cur_girl_runner.girlname
Description: $cur_girl_runner.classdesc
<span style="color:green">Health: $cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>\
<<if $pantiesweak === true>>\
<strong>Your Silk Panties has lured someone with more Fetishes.</strong>\
Weakness: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>></div>
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers remaining: $runners.length</strong>
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>
<span id="spaceAct"><<link [[Begin Her Run|$nextroom]]>><<set $v_entered += 1>><</link>></span>\/* Setup dungeon and girl stats*/
\/*Set Variables before Dungeon Run*/
\<<set $dungeon_room_info to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>
\<<set $dungeon_room_order to [$room0.scenename, $room1.scenename, $room2.scenename, $room3.scenename, $room4.scenename, $room5.scenename]>><<set _delete to $dungeon_room_order.delete("")>>\
\<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
\<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
\<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
\<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>>
\<<set $add_weak to 0>>
\<<set $add_strong to 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.girlname to $girl_names.random()>>
\<<set $ to $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.classdesc to $slut.classdesc>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hpmult to $slut.hpmult>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit to $slut.hornylimit>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect to $slut.hornyeffect>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to $slut.ishorny>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak to $slut.numweak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong to $slut.numstrong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck to $slut.trapcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck to $slut.spellcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mingold to $slut.mingold>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to $slut.isrich>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expmult to $slut.expmult>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expgiven to $slut.expgiven>>
\<<if $pclvl < 14>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(8, 12)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 19>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(11, 15)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 24>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(14, 18)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 30>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(17, 21)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 35>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(21, 25)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 40>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(25, 29)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 45>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(29, 33)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 50>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(33, 37)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 55>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(37, 41)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(41, 45)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 65>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(45, 55)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 70>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(55, 70)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl >= 70>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(80, 130)>>
\/*Class modifier*/
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to 1>>
\<<set $ to 1>>
\<<if $slutgift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * 1.3)>>
\/*Update Stats from Blessing*/
\<<if $holygift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.15))>>
\/*Set Hard Mode Stat Bonus*/
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * 1.3)>>
\/*Add addition stats and set HP*/
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hpmult)>>
\/*Add additional HP per Room*/
\<<if $numrooms >= 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.hp * (1 + ($numrooms * 0.1)))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to "Unquenchable">>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.hp <= 29>><<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to 30>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to $cur_girl_runner.hp>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.totstats to $cur_girl_runner.str + $cur_girl_runner.end + $cur_girl_runner.mgc + $>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Gold Studded Bra")>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to true>>
\/*Get fetishes*/
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.fetish to $fetish_types>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Silk Panties")>>
\<<set $add_weak += random(0, $pctreasure_names.count("Silk Panties"))>>
\<<if $add_weak > 5>><<set $add_weak to 5>><</if>>
\<<if $add_weak >= 1>><<set $pantiesweak to true>><<elseif $add_weak === 0>><<set $pantiesweak to false>><</if>><<else>><<set $pantiesweak to false>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak += $add_weak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong += $add_strong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numweak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numstrong)>>
\/*Set Items*/
\<<set _rng to random(100)>>
\<<set _rnjesus to 100>>
\<<set _pcluck to Math.round($pccharisma * 0.75)>>
\<<if _rng + _pcluck >= _rnjesus>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.item to $panties>>
\/*Get Pics*/
\<<set _ran_pic to random(25)>>
\<<switch _ran_pic>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic0.jpg]]">>
\<<case 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic1.jpg]]">>
\<<case 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic2.jpg]]">>
\<<case 3>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic3.jpg]]">>
\<<case 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic4.jpg]]">>
\<<case 5>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic5.jpg]]">>
\<<case 6>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic6.jpg]]">>
\<<case 7>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic7.jpg]]">>
\<<case 8>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic8.jpg]]">>
\<<case 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic9.jpg]]">>
\<<case 10>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic10.jpg]]">>
\<<case 11>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic11.jpg]]">>
\<<case 12>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic12.jpg]]">>
\<<case 13>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic13.jpg]]">>
\<<case 14>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic14.jpg]]">>
\<<case 15>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic15.jpg]]">>
\<<case 16>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic16.jpg]]">>
\<<case 17>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic17.jpg]]">>
\<<case 18>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic18.jpg]]">>
\<<case 19>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic19.jpg]]">>
\<<case 20>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic20.jpg]]">>
\<<case 21>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic21.jpg]]">>
\<<case 22>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic22.jpg]]">>
\<<case 23>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic23.jpg]]">>
\<<case 24>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic24.jpg]]">>
\<<case 25>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/slut/pic25.jpg]]">>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Class: $</div>
<div class="resized-small-left">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div><div class ="text-right">Name: $cur_girl_runner.girlname
Description: $cur_girl_runner.classdesc
<span style="color:green">Energy: $cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>\
<<if $pantiesweak === true>>\
<strong>Your Silk Panties has lured someone with more Fetishes.</strong>\
Weakness: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>></div>
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers remaining: $runners.length</strong>\
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>\
<span id="spaceAct"><<link [[Begin Her Run|$nextroom]]>><<set $s_entered += 1>><</link>></span>\/* Setup dungeon and girl stats*/
\/*Set Variables before Dungeon Run*/
\<<set $dungeon_room_info to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>
\<<set $dungeon_room_order to [$room0.scenename, $room1.scenename, $room2.scenename, $room3.scenename, $room4.scenename, $room5.scenename]>><<set _delete to $dungeon_room_order.delete("")>>\
\<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
\<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
\<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
\<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $goldmult to (($pctreasure_names.count("Gold Studded Bra") * 0.5) + 1)>>
\<<if $goldmult > 3>><set $goldmult to 3>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>>
\<<set $add_weak to 0>>
\<<set $add_strong to 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.girlname to $girl_names.random()>>
\<<set $ to $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.classdesc to $holy.classdesc>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hpmult to $holy.hpmult>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit to $holy.hornylimit>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect to $holy.hornyeffect>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak to $holy.numweak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong to $holy.numstrong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck to $holy.trapcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck to $holy.spellcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mingold to $holy.mingold>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to $holy.isrich>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expmult to $holy.expmult>>
\/*Holy Stats*/\
\<<if $pclvl < 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $ to random(3, 5)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $ to random(4, 6)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 14>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $ to random(5, 7)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 19>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $ to random(6, 8)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 24>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $ to random(7, 9)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 30>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(10, 13)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(10, 13)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(10, 13)>>
\<<set $ to random(10, 13)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 35>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(13, 16)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(13, 16)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(13, 16)>>
\<<set $ to random(13, 16)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 40>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(16, 19)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(16, 19)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(16, 19)>>
\<<set $ to random(16, 19)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 45>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(19, 22)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(19, 22)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(19, 22)>>
\<<set $ to random(19, 22)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 50>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(22, 25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(22, 25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(22, 25)>>
\<<set $ to random(22, 25)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 55>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(25, 28)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(25, 28)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(25, 28)>>
\<<set $ to random(25, 28)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(30, 35)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(30, 35)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(30, 35)>>
\<<set $ to random(30, 35)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl >= 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(50, 60)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(50, 60)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(50, 60)>>
\<<set $ to random(50, 60)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to random(1, 10)>>
\/*Update Stats from Blessing*/\
\<<if $holygift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.15))>>
\<<set $ -= Math.round(random($ * 0.05), ($ * 0.15))>>
\/*Set Hard Mode Stat Bonus*/\
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 1.25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * 1.25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 1.25)>>
\<<set $ to Math.round($ * 1.25)>>
\/*Add addition stats and set HP*/
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hpmult)>>
\/*Add additional HP per Room*/
\<<if $numrooms >= 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.hp * (1 + ($numrooms * 0.1)))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.hp <= 9>><<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to 10>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to $cur_girl_runner.hp>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.totstats to $cur_girl_runner.str + $cur_girl_runner.end + $cur_girl_runner.mgc + $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expgiven to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.totstats * $cur_girl_runner.expmult)>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<set _rng to random(0, 1)>>
\<<if _rng === 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(1, 5) * $pctreasure_names.count("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Gold Studded Bra")>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to true>>
\<<if $evilgift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += Math.round(random(14, 29) - ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.2))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny > 50>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to 50>><</if>>
\/*Get fetishes*/
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.fetish to $fetish_types>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Silk Panties")>>
\<<set $add_weak += random(0, $pctreasure_names.count("Silk Panties"))>>
\<<if $add_weak > 5>><<set $add_weak to 5>><</if>>
\<<if $add_weak >= 1>><<set $pantiesweak to true>><<elseif $add_weak === 0>><<set $pantiesweak to false>><</if>><<else>><<set $pantiesweak to false>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak += $add_weak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong += $add_strong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numweak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numstrong)>>
\/*Set Items*/
\<<set _rng to random(30)>>
\<<set _itemcheck to 30>>
\<<set _pcluck to Math.round($pccharisma * 0.4)>>
\<<if _rng + _pcluck >= _itemcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.item to $harp>>
\/*Get Pics*/
\<<set $ran_pic to random(0, 11)>>
\<<switch $ran_pic>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic0.jpg]]">>
\<<case 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic1.jpg]]">>
\<<case 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic2.jpg]]">>
\<<case 3>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic3.jpg]]">>
\<<case 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic4.jpg]]">>
\<<case 5>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic5.jpg]]">>
\<<case 6>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic6.jpg]]">>
\<<case 7>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic7.jpg]]">>
\<<case 8>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic8.jpg]]">>
\<<case 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic9.jpg]]">>
\<<case 10>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic10.jpg]]">>
\<<case 11>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/holy/pic11.jpg]]">>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Class: $</div>
<div class="resized-small-left">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div><div class ="text-right">Name: $cur_girl_runner.girlname
Description: $cur_girl_runner.classdesc
<span style="color:green">Health: $cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>\
<<if $pantiesweak === true>>\
<strong>Your Silk Panties has lured someone with more Fetishes.</strong>\
Weakness: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>></div>
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers remaining: $runners.length</strong>
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>
<span id="spaceAct"><<link [[Begin Her Run|$nextroom]]>><<set $h_entered += 1>><</link>></span>\/* Setup dungeon and girl stats*/
\/*Set Variables before Dungeon Run*/
\<<set $dungeon_room_info to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>
\<<set $dungeon_room_order to [$room0.scenename, $room1.scenename, $room2.scenename, $room3.scenename, $room4.scenename, $room5.scenename]>><<set _delete to $dungeon_room_order.delete("")>>\
\<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
\<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
\<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
\<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $goldmult to (($pctreasure_names.count("Gold Studded Bra") * 0.5) + 1)>>
\<<if $goldmult > 3>><set $goldmult to 3>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>>
\<<set $add_weak to 0>>
\<<set $add_strong to 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.girlname to $girl_names.random()>>
\<<set $ to $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.classdesc to $evil.classdesc>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hpmult to $evil.hpmult>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit to $evil.hornylimit>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect to $evil.hornyeffect>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak to $evil.numweak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong to $evil.numstrong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck to $evil.trapcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck to $evil.spellcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mingold to $evil.mingold>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to $evil.isrich>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expmult to $evil.expmult>>
\/*Evil Stats*/\
\<<if $pclvl < 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $ to random(3, 5)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $ to random(5, 7)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 14>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $ to random(7, 9)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 19>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(9, 11)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(9, 11)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(9, 11)>>
\<<set $ to random(9, 11)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 24>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(11, 13)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(11, 13)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(11, 13)>>
\<<set $ to random(11, 13)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 30>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(13, 15)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(13, 15)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(13, 15)>>
\<<set $ to random(13, 15)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 35>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(16, 19)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(16, 19)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(16, 19)>>
\<<set $ to random(16, 19)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 40>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(18, 21)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(18, 21)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(18, 21)>>
\<<set $ to random(18, 21)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 45>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(20, 24)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(20, 24)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(20, 24)>>
\<<set $ to random(20, 24)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 50>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(22, 26)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(22, 26)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(22, 26)>>
\<<set $ to random(22, 26)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 55>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(24, 28)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(24, 28)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(24, 28)>>
\<<set $ to random(24, 28)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(29, 33)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(29, 33)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(29, 33)>>
\<<set $ to random(29, 33)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl >= 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(45, 55)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(45, 55)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(45, 55)>>
\<<set $ to random(45, 55)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to random(10, 25)>>
\/*Update Stats from Blessing*/\
\<<if $holygift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.15))>>
\<<set $ -= Math.round(random($ * 0.05), ($ * 0.15))>>
\/*Set Hard Mode Stat Bonus*/\
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 1.25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * 1.25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 1.25)>>
\<<set $ to Math.round($ * 1.25)>>
\/*Set HP, Horny, and Total Stats*/
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hpmult)>>
\/*Add additional HP per Room*/
\<<if $numrooms >= 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.hp * (1 + ($numrooms * 0.1)))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.hp <= 9>><<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to 10>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to $cur_girl_runner.hp>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.totstats to $cur_girl_runner.str + $cur_girl_runner.end + $cur_girl_runner.mgc + $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expgiven to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.totstats * $cur_girl_runner.expmult)>>
\<<if $pclvl < 5>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(8, 15)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 10>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 10)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 15>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(0, 5)>>
\<<if $evilgift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += Math.round(random(14, 29) - ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.2))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny > 50>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to 50>><</if>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Gold Studded Bra")>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to true>>
\/*Get fetishes*/
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.fetish to $fetish_types>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Silk Panties")>>
\<<set $add_weak += random(0, $pctreasure_names.count("Silk Panties"))>>
\<<if $add_weak > 5>><<set $add_weak to 5>><</if>>
\<<if $add_weak >= 1>><<set $pantiesweak to true>><<elseif $add_weak === 0>><<set $pantiesweak to false>><</if>><<else>><<set $pantiesweak to false>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak += $add_weak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong += $add_strong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numweak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numstrong)>>
\/*Set Items*/
\<<set _rng to random(30)>>
\<<set _itemcheck to 30>>
\<<set _pcluck to Math.round($pccharisma * 0.4)>>
\<<if _rng + _pcluck >= _itemcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.item to $chalice>>
\/*Horny Check*/
\<<set _rng to random(4)>>
\<<if _rng === 4 || $cur_girl_runner.horny === 50>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>
\<<set $ to Math.round($ * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>
\/*Get Pics*/
\<<set $ran_pic to random(0, 11)>>
\<<switch $ran_pic>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic0.jpg]]">>
\<<case 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic1.jpg]]">>
\<<case 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic2.jpg]]">>
\<<case 3>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic3.jpg]]">>
\<<case 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic4.jpg]]">>
\<<case 5>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic5.jpg]]">>
\<<case 6>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic6.jpg]]">>
\<<case 7>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic7.jpg]]">>
\<<case 8>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic8.jpg]]">>
\<<case 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic9.jpg]]">>
\<<case 10>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic10.jpg]]">>
\<<case 11>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/evil/pic11.jpg]]">>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Class: $</div>
<div class="resized-small-left">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div><div class ="text-right">Name: $cur_girl_runner.girlname
Description: $cur_girl_runner.classdesc
<span style="color:green">Health: $cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>
<<if $cur_girl_runner.ishorny === true>>\
<strong>$cur_girl_runner.girlname is starting her Raid <span style="color:darkred">Horny</span></strong>\
<<if $pantiesweak === true>>\
<strong>Your Silk Panties has lured someone with more Fetishes.</strong>\
Weakness: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>></div>
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers remaining: $runners.length</strong>
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>
<<if $cur_girl_runner.ishorny === true>>\
<span id="spaceAct"><<link [[Begin Her Run|$nextroom]]>><<set $e_entered += 1>><</link>></span>
<span id="spaceAct"><<link [[Begin Her Run|$nextroom]]>><<set $e_entered += 1>><</link>></span>
<</if>>\\/* Setup dungeon and girl stats*/
\/*Set Variables before Dungeon Run*/
\<<set $dungeon_room_info to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>
\<<set $dungeon_room_order to [$room0.scenename, $room1.scenename, $room2.scenename, $room3.scenename, $room4.scenename, $room5.scenename]>><<set _delete to $dungeon_room_order.delete("")>>\
\<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
\<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
\<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
\<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $goldmult to (($pctreasure_names.count("Gold Studded Bra") * 0.5) + 1)>>
\<<if $goldmult > 3>><set $goldmult to 3>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>>
\<<set $add_weak to 0>>
\<<set $add_strong to 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.girlname to $girl_names.random()>>
\<<set $ to $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.classdesc to $loli.classdesc>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hpmult to $loli.hpmult>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit to $loli.hornylimit>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect to $loli.hornyeffect>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak to $loli.numweak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong to $loli.numstrong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck to $loli.trapcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck to $loli.spellcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mingold to $loli.mingold>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to $loli.isrich>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expmult to $loli.expmult>>
\/*Loli Stats*/\
\<<if $pclvl < 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $ to random(1, 2)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $ to random(1, 3)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 14>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $ to random(2, 4)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 19>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $ to random(3, 5)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 24>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $ to random(4, 6)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 30>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $ to random(5, 7)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 35>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $ to random(6, 8)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 40>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(14, 16)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(14, 16)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(14, 16)>>
\<<set $ to random(7, 9)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 45>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(16, 18)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(16, 18)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(16, 18)>>
\<<set $ to random(8, 10)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 50>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(18, 20)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(18, 20)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(18, 20)>>
\<<set $ to random(9, 11)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 55>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(20, 22)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(20, 22)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(20, 22)>>
\<<set $ to random(10, 12)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(25, 30)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(25, 30)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(25, 30)>>
\<<set $ to random(14, 18)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl >= 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(40, 50)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(40, 50)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(40, 50)>>
\<<set $ to random(20, 25)>>
\/*Update Stats from Blessing*/\
\<<if $holygift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.15))>>
\<<set $ -= Math.round(random($ * 0.05), ($ * 0.15))>>
\/*Set Hard Mode Stat Bonus*/\
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 1.25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * 1.25)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 1.25)>>
\<<set $ to Math.round($ * 1.25)>>
\/*Set HP, Horny, and Total Stats*/
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hpmult)>>
\/*Add additional HP per Room*/
\<<if $numrooms >= 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.hp * (1 + ($numrooms * 0.1)))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to 1>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.hp <= 9>><<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to 10>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to $cur_girl_runner.hp>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.totstats to $cur_girl_runner.str + $cur_girl_runner.end + $cur_girl_runner.mgc + $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expgiven to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.totstats * $cur_girl_runner.expmult)>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<set _rng to random(0, 1)>>
\<<if _rng === 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(1, 5) * $pctreasure_names.count("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Gold Studded Bra")>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to true>>
\<<if $evilgift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += Math.round(random(14, 29) - ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.2))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny > 50>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to 50>><</if>>
\/*Get fetishes*/
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.fetish to $fetish_types>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Silk Panties")>>
\<<set $add_weak += random(0, $pctreasure_names.count("Silk Panties"))>>
\<<if $add_weak > 5>><<set $add_weak to 5>><</if>>
\<<if $add_weak >= 1>><<set $pantiesweak to true>><<elseif $add_weak === 0>><<set $pantiesweak to false>><</if>><<else>><<set $pantiesweak to false>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak += $add_weak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong += $add_strong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numweak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numstrong)>>
\/*Set Items*/
\<<set _rng to random(30)>>
\<<set _itemcheck to 30>>
\<<set _pcluck to Math.round($pccharisma * 0.4)>>
\<<if _rng + _pcluck >= _itemcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.item to $crown>>
\/*Get Pics*/
\<<set $ran_pic to random(0, 11)>>
\<<switch $ran_pic>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic0.jpg]]">>
\<<case 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic1.jpg]]">>
\<<case 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic2.jpg]]">>
\<<case 3>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic3.jpg]]">>
\<<case 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic4.jpg]]">>
\<<case 5>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic5.jpg]]">>
\<<case 6>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic6.jpg]]">>
\<<case 7>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic7.jpg]]">>
\<<case 8>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic8.jpg]]">>
\<<case 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic9.jpg]]">>
\<<case 10>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic10.jpg]]">>
\<<case 11>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/loli/pic11.jpg]]">>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Class: $</div>
<div class="resized-small-left">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div><div class ="text-right">Name: $cur_girl_runner.girlname
Description: $cur_girl_runner.classdesc
<span style="color:green">Health: $cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>\
<<if $pantiesweak === true>>\
<strong>Your Silk Panties has lured someone with more Fetishes.</strong>\
Weakness: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>></div>
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers remaining: $runners.length</strong>
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>
<span id="spaceAct"><<link [[Begin Her Run|$nextroom]]>><<set $l_entered += 1>><</link>></span>\/* Setup dungeon and girl stats*/
\/*Set Variables before Dungeon Run*/
\<<set $dungeon_room_info to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>
\<<set $dungeon_room_order to [$room0.scenename, $room1.scenename, $room2.scenename, $room3.scenename, $room4.scenename, $room5.scenename]>><<set _delete to $dungeon_room_order.delete("")>>\
\<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
\<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
\<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
\<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $goldmult to (($pctreasure_names.count("Gold Studded Bra") * 0.5) + 1)>>
\<<if $goldmult > 3>><set $goldmult to 3>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult: 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>>
\<<set $add_weak to 0>>
\<<set $add_strong to 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.girlname to $girl_names.random()>>
\<<set $ to $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.classdesc to $thief.classdesc>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hpmult to $thief.hpmult>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit to $thief.hornylimit>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect to $thief.hornyeffect>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak to $thief.numweak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong to $thief.numstrong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck to $thief.trapcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck to $thief.spellcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mingold to $thief.mingold>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to $thief.isrich>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expmult to $thief.expmult>>
\/*Thief Stats*/\
\<<if $pclvl < 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(1, 3)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(1, 3)>>
\<<set $ to random(4, 7)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $ to random(6, 9)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 14>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $ to random(8, 11)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 19>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $ to random(10, 13)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 24>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $ to random(12, 15)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 30>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $ to random(14, 17)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 35>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $ to random(17, 20)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 40>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $ to random(20, 23)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 45>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(14, 16)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(9, 11)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $ to random(23, 26)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 50>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(16, 18)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(14, 16)>>
\<<set $ to random(26, 29)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 55>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(18, 20)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(11, 13)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(16, 18)>>
\<<set $ to random(29, 32)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(25, 30)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(15, 20)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(20, 25)>>
\<<set $ to random(35, 40)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl >= 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(35, 45)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(25, 35)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(30, 40)>>
\<<set $ to random(45, 55)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to random(1, 15)>>
\/*Update Stats from Blessing*/\
\<<if $holygift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.15))>>
\<<set $ -= Math.round(random($ * 0.05), ($ * 0.15))>>
\/*Set Hard Mode Stat Bonus*/\
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 1.2)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * 1.2)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 1.2)>>
\<<set $ to Math.round($ * 1.2)>>
\/*Set HP, Horny, and Total Stats*/
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hpmult)>>
\/*Add additional HP per Room*/
\<<if $numrooms >= 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.hp * (1 + ($numrooms * 0.1)))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.hp <= 9>><<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to 10>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to $cur_girl_runner.hp>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.totstats to $cur_girl_runner.str + $cur_girl_runner.end + $cur_girl_runner.mgc + $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expgiven to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.totstats * $cur_girl_runner.expmult)>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<set _rng to random(0, 1)>>
\<<if _rng === 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(1, 5) * $pctreasure_names.count("Witch's Orb")>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Gold Studded Bra")>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to true>>
\<<if $pclvl < 5>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 25)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 10>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 15)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 15>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(0, 5)>>
\<<if $evilgift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += Math.round(random(14, 29) - ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.2))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny > 50>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to 50>><</if>>
\/*Get fetishes*/
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.fetish to $fetish_types>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Silk Panties")>>
\<<set $add_weak += random(0, $pctreasure_names.count("Silk Panties"))>>
\<<if $add_weak > 5>><<set $add_weak to 5>><</if>>
\<<if $add_weak >= 1>><<set $pantiesweak to true>><<elseif $add_weak === 0>><<set $pantiesweak to false>><</if>><<else>><<set $pantiesweak to false>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak += $add_weak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong += $add_strong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numweak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numstrong)>>
\/*Set Items*/
\<<set _rng to random(15)>>
\<<set _itemcheck to 15>>
\<<set _pcluck to Math.round($pccharisma * 0.4)>>
\<<if _rng + _pcluck >= _itemcheck>>
\<<set _randitemarray to [$ring, $ring, $ring, $necklace, $necklace, $necklace, $amulet, $amulet, $amulet, $crown, $chalice, $harp]>>
\<<set _randitem to _randitemarray.random()>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.item to _randitem>>
\/*Get Pics*/
\<<set $ran_pic to random(0, 11)>>
\<<switch $ran_pic>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic0.jpg]]">>
\<<case 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic1.jpg]]">>
\<<case 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic2.jpg]]">>
\<<case 3>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic3.jpg]]">>
\<<case 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic4.jpg]]">>
\<<case 5>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic5.jpg]]">>
\<<case 6>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic6.jpg]]">>
\<<case 7>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic7.jpg]]">>
\<<case 8>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic8.jpg]]">>
\<<case 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic9.jpg]]">>
\<<case 10>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic10.jpg]]">>
\<<case 11>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/thief/pic11.jpg]]">>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Class: $</div>
<div class="resized-small-left">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div><div class ="text-right">Name: $cur_girl_runner.girlname
Description: $cur_girl_runner.classdesc
<span style="color:green">Health: $cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>\
<<if $pantiesweak === true>>\
<strong>Your Silk Panties has lured someone with more Fetishes.</strong>\
Weakness: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>></div>
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers remaining: $runners.length</strong>
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>
<span id="spaceAct"><<link [[Begin Her Run|$nextroom]]>><<set $t_entered += 1>><</link>></span>\/* Setup dungeon and girl stats*/
\/*Set Variables before Dungeon Run*/
\<<set $dungeon_room_info to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>
\<<set $dungeon_room_order to [$room0.scenename, $room1.scenename, $room2.scenename, $room3.scenename, $room4.scenename, $room5.scenename]>><<set _delete to $dungeon_room_order.delete("")>>\
\<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
\<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
\<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
\<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
\<<set $goldmult to (($pctreasure_names.count("Gold Studded Bra") * 0.5) + 1)>>
\<<if $goldmult > 3>><set $goldmult to 3>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner = {
name : "",
girlname: "",
classdesc: "",
str: 0,
end: 0,
mgc: 0,
int: 0,
hp: 0,
curhp: 0,
hpmult: 0,
totstats: 0,
expgiven: 0,
expmult : 0,
horny: 0,
hornylimit: 0,
hornyeffect: 0,
ishorny: false,
fetish: [],
weakfetish: [],
strongfetish: [],
knownweak: [],
knownstrong: [],
numweak: 0,
numstrong: 0,
trapcheck: 0,
spellcheck: 0,
pic: "",
item: "",
mingold: 0,
isrich: false,
iscaptured: false,
isdefeated: false,
debuff: [],
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>>
\<<set $add_weak to 0>>
\<<set $add_strong to 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.girlname to $girl_names.random()>>
\<<set $ to $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.classdesc to $witch.classdesc>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hpmult to $witch.hpmult>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit to $witch.hornylimit>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect to $witch.hornyeffect>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak to $witch.numweak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong to $witch.numstrong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck to $witch.trapcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck to $witch.spellcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mingold to $witch.mingold>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to $witch.isrich>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expmult to $witch.expmult>>
\/*Witch Stats*/\
\<<if $pclvl < 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(1, 2)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(3, 6)>>
\<<set $ to random(2, 4)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(1, 3)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(5, 8)>>
\<<set $ to random(3, 5)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 14>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(2, 4)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(7, 10)>>
\<<set $ to random(4, 6)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 19>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(3, 5)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(9, 12)>>
\<<set $ to random(5, 7)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 24>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(6, 8)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(4, 6)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(11, 14)>>
\<<set $ to random(6, 8)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 30>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(5, 7)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(13, 16)>>
\<<set $ to random(7, 9)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 35>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(8, 10)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(7, 9)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(15, 18)>>
\<<set $ to random(9, 11)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 40>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(9, 11)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(9, 11)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(17, 20)>>
\<<set $ to random(11, 13)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 45>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(10, 12)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(19, 22)>>
\<<set $ to random(13, 15)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 50>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(11, 13)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(11, 13)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(21, 24)>>
\<<set $ to random(15, 17)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 55>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(12, 14)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(23, 26)>>
\<<set $ to random(17, 19)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(15, 18)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(15, 18)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(27, 32)>>
\<<set $ to random(20, 25)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl >= 60>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to random(25, 35)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to random(25, 35)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to random(40, 50)>>
\<<set $ to random(30, 40)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to random(10, 25)>>
\/*Update Stats from Blessing*/\
\<<if $holygift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.15))>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc -= Math.round(random($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.05), ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.15))>>
\<<set $ -= Math.round(random($ * 0.05), ($ * 0.15))>>
\/*Set Hard Mode Stat Bonus*/\
\<<if $hardmode === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 1.2)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * 1.2)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 1.2)>>
\<<set $ to Math.round($ * 1.2)>>
\/*Set HP, Horny, and Total Stats*/
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hpmult)>>
\/*Add additional HP per Room*/
\<<if $numrooms >= 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.hp * (1 + ($numrooms * 0.1)))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.hp <= 9>><<set $cur_girl_runner.hp to 10>><</if>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to $cur_girl_runner.hp>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.totstats to $cur_girl_runner.str + $cur_girl_runner.end + $cur_girl_runner.mgc + $>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.expgiven to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.totstats * $cur_girl_runner.expmult)>>
\<<if $pclvl < 5>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(8, 15)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 10>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(5, 10)>>
\<<elseif $pclvl < 15>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += random(0, 5)>>
\<<if $evilgift === true>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += Math.round(random(14, 29) - ($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.2))>>
\<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny > 50>><<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to 50>><</if>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Gold Studded Bra")>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.isrich to true>>
\/*Get fetishes*/
\<<set $fetish_types to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass", "Oral", "Bondage", "Aphrodisiacs", "Getting Dirty", "Double Penetration", "Lesbians", "Group", "Masturbation", "Monsters"]>>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.fetish to $fetish_types>>
\<<if $pctreasure_names.includes("Silk Panties")>>
\<<set $pantiesweak to true>><<else>><<set $pantiesweak to false>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numweak += $add_weak>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.numstrong += $add_strong>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numweak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.fetish.pluckMany($cur_girl_runner.numstrong)>>
\/*Set Items*/
\<<set _rng to random(25)>>
\<<set _itemcheck to 25>>
\<<set _pcluck to Math.round($pccharisma * 0.4)>>
\<<if _rng + _pcluck >= _itemcheck>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.item to $orb>>
\/*Get Pics*/
\<<set $ran_pic to random(0, 11)>>
\<<switch $ran_pic>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic0.jpg]]">>
\<<case 1>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic1.jpg]]">>
\<<case 2>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic2.jpg]]">>
\<<case 3>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic3.jpg]]">>
\<<case 4>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic4.jpg]]">>
\<<case 5>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic5.jpg]]">>
\<<case 6>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic6.jpg]]">>
\<<case 7>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic7.jpg]]">>
\<<case 8>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic8.jpg]]">>
\<<case 9>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic9.jpg]]">>
\<<case 10>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic10.jpg]]">>
\<<case 11>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.pic to "[img[images/witch/pic11.jpg]]">>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Class: $</div>
<div class="resized-small-left">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div><div class ="text-right">Name: $cur_girl_runner.girlname
Description: $cur_girl_runner.classdesc
<span style="color:green">Health: $cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>\
Weakness: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<print "$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish">><<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length === 0>>None.<</if>></div>
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers remaining: $runners.length</strong>
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>
<span id="spaceAct"><<link [[Begin Her Run|$nextroom]]>><<set $w_entered += 1>><</link>></span><div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Room One</div>\
<<if $room0.roomtype === "Unit">>\
<<if $room0.lvl === $pcmaxunitlvl>>\
<strong>Max Level</strong>
Level: $room0.lvl / $pcmaxunitlvl
Exp: $room0.exp / $room0.exp_nextlvl
<span style="color:green">Health: $room0.curhp / $room0.hp</span>
<span style="color:orange">Strength: $room0.str</span>
<span style="color:blue">Resistance: $room0.res</span>
<span style="color:purple">Intellegence: $</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room0.fetish
<strong>Ability:</strong> $room0.ability
<<elseif $room0.roomtype === "Trap">>\
<<if $room0.lvl === $room0.maxlvl>><strong>Max Rank</strong><<else>>Rank $room0.lvl<</if>>
<<if $room0.lvl === $room0.maxlvl>>\
<strong>Max Rank Bonus</strong>
<<elseif $room0.mode != null>>\
<<link [[Futanari|Room One]]>><<set $room0.mode to "Futanari">><</link>> | <<link [[Lactating|Room One]]>><<set $room0.mode to "Lactating">><</link>>
<strong>Current Mode:</strong> $room0.mode
<span style="color:orange">Physical Damage: $room0.str</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
Success Rate: $room0.rate
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room0.fetish
<<if $ === "Suggestive Fetish Trap">>\
<<link [[Change Fetish|FetishChoice]]>><<set $editroom to 0>><</link>>
<<if $room0.isworking === true>>\
Status: <span style="color:green">Fully functioning</span>
<<if $room0.lvl < $room0.maxlvl && $pcgold >= Math.round(($room0.cost * $room0.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<link [[Upgrade|Room One]]>><<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room0.cost * $room0.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room0.cost * $room0.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $room0.str += $room0.str_up>>\
<<set $ += $room0.sex_up>>\
<<set $room0.rate += $room0.rate_up>>\
<<set $room0.lvl++>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room0.cost * $room0.lvl) / 2)>>
<<elseif $room0.lvl === $room0.maxlvl>>\
Cannot be Upgraded Further
<span style="color:red"> Not enough gold to upgrade</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room0.cost * $room0.lvl) / 2)>></span>
<<elseif $room0.isworking === false>>\
Status: <span style="color:red">Requries repairs</span>
<<if $pcgold >= Math.round(($room0.cost / 4) * $room0.lvl)>>\
<<link [[Repair|Room One]]>>\
<<set $room0.isworking to true>>\
<<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room0.cost / 4) * $room0.lvl)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room0.cost / 4) * $room0.lvl)>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room0.cost / 4) * $room0.lvl)>>
<span style="color:red">You require more gold to repair your trap</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room0.cost / 4) * $room0.lvl)>></span>
Your room is empty
<<link [[Buy Unit|MonsterShop]]>><<set $editroom to 0>><</link>> | <<link [[Buy Trap|TrapShop]]>><<set $editroom to 0>><</link>>
<<if $room0.roomtype === "Unit" || $room0.roomtype === "Trap">>\
[[Back|Manage]] | <<link [[Reset Room|ResetConfirm]]>><<set $editroom to 0>><</link>>\
<</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Room Two</div>\
<<if $room1.roomtype === "Unit">>\
<<if $room1.lvl === $pcmaxunitlvl>>\
<strong>Max Level</strong>
Level: $room1.lvl / $pcmaxunitlvl
Exp: $room1.exp / $room1.exp_nextlvl
<span style="color:green">Health: $room1.curhp / $room1.hp</span>
<span style="color:orange">Strength: $room1.str</span>
<span style="color:blue">Resistance: $room1.res</span>
<span style="color:purple">Intellegence: $</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room1.fetish
<strong>Ability:</strong> $room1.ability
<<elseif $room1.roomtype === "Trap">>\
<<if $room1.lvl === $room1.maxlvl>><strong>Max Rank</strong><<else>>Rank $room1.lvl<</if>>
<<if $room1.lvl === $room1.maxlvl>>\
<strong>Max Rank Bonus</strong>
<<elseif $room1.mode != null>>\
<<link [[Futanari|Room Two]]>><<set $room1.mode to "Futanari">><</link>> | <<link [[Lactating|Room Two]]>><<set $room1.mode to "Lactating">><</link>>
<strong>Current Mode:</strong> $room1.mode
<span style="color:orange">Physical Damage: $room1.str</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
Success Rate: $room1.rate
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room1.fetish
<<if $ === "Suggestive Fetish Trap">>\
<<link [[Change Fetish|FetishChoice]]>><<set $editroom to 1>><</link>>
<<if $room1.isworking === true>>\
Status: <span style="color:green">Fully functioning</span>
<<if $room1.lvl < $room1.maxlvl && $pcgold >= Math.round(($room1.cost * $room1.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<link [[Upgrade|Room Two]]>><<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room1.cost * $room1.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room1.cost * $room1.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $room1.str += $room1.str_up>>\
<<set $ += $room1.sex_up>>\
<<set $room1.rate += $room1.rate_up>>\
<<set $room1.lvl++>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room1.cost * $room1.lvl) / 2)>>
<<elseif $room1.lvl === $room1.maxlvl>>\
Cannot be Upgraded Further
<span style="color:red"> Not enough gold to upgrade</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room1.cost * $room1.lvl) / 2)>></span>
<<elseif $room1.isworking === false>>\
Status: <span style="color:red">Requries repairs</span>
<<if $pcgold >= Math.round(($room1.cost / 4) * $room1.lvl)>>\
<<link [[Repair|Room Two]]>>\
<<set $room1.isworking to true>>\
<<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room1.cost / 4) * $room1.lvl)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room1.cost / 4) * $room1.lvl)>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room1.cost / 4) * $room1.lvl)>>
<span style="color:red">You require more gold to repair your trap</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room1.cost / 4) * $room1.lvl)>></span>
Your room is empty
<<link [[Buy Unit|MonsterShop]]>><<set $editroom to 1>><</link>> | <<link [[Buy Trap|TrapShop]]>><<set $editroom to 1>><</link>>
<<if $room1.roomtype === "Unit" || $room1.roomtype === "Trap">>\
[[Back|Manage]] | <<link [[Reset Room|ResetConfirm]]>><<set $editroom to 1>><</link>>\
<</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Room Three</div>\
<<if $room2.roomtype === "Unit">>\
<<if $room2.lvl === $pcmaxunitlvl>>\
<strong>Max Level</strong>
Level: $room2.lvl / $pcmaxunitlvl
Exp: $room2.exp / $room2.exp_nextlvl
<span style="color:green">Health: $room2.curhp / $room2.hp</span>
<span style="color:orange">Strength: $room2.str</span>
<span style="color:blue">Resistance: $room2.res</span>
<span style="color:purple">Intellegence: $</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room2.fetish
<strong>Ability:</strong> $room2.ability
<<elseif $room2.roomtype === "Trap">>\
<<if $room2.lvl === $room2.maxlvl>><strong>Max Rank</strong><<else>>Rank $room2.lvl<</if>>
<<if $room2.lvl === $room2.maxlvl>>\
<strong>Max Rank Bonus</strong>
<<elseif $room2.mode != null>>\
<<link [[Futanari|Room Three]]>><<set $room2.mode to "Futanari">><</link>> | <<link [[Lactating|Room Three]]>><<set $room2.mode to "Lactating">><</link>>
<strong>Current Mode:</strong> $room2.mode
<span style="color:orange">Physical Damage: $room2.str</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
Success Rate: $room2.rate
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room2.fetish
<<if $ === "Suggestive Fetish Trap">>\
<<link [[Change Fetish|FetishChoice]]>><<set $editroom to 2>><</link>>
<<if $room2.isworking === true>>\
Status: <span style="color:green">Fully functioning</span>
<<if $room2.lvl < $room2.maxlvl && $pcgold >= Math.round(($room2.cost * $room2.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<link [[Upgrade|Room Three]]>><<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room2.cost * $room2.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room2.cost * $room2.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $room2.str += $room2.str_up>>\
<<set $ += $room2.sex_up>>\
<<set $room2.rate += $room2.rate_up>>\
<<set $room2.lvl++>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room2.cost * $room2.lvl) / 2)>>
<<elseif $room2.lvl === $room2.maxlvl>>\
Cannot be Upgraded Further
<span style="color:red"> Not enough gold to upgrade</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room2.cost * $room2.lvl) / 2)>></span>
<<elseif $room2.isworking === false>>\
Status: <span style="color:red">Requries repairs</span>
<<if $pcgold >= Math.round(($room2.cost / 4) * $room2.lvl)>>\
<<link [[Repair|Room Three]]>>\
<<set $room2.isworking to true>>\
<<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room2.cost / 4) * $room2.lvl)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room2.cost / 4) * $room2.lvl)>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room2.cost / 4) * $room2.lvl)>>
<span style="color:red">You require more gold to repair your trap</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room2.cost / 4) * $room2.lvl)>></span>
Your room is empty
<<link [[Buy Unit|MonsterShop]]>><<set $editroom to 2>><</link>> | <<link [[Buy Trap|TrapShop]]>><<set $editroom to 2>><</link>>
<<if $room2.roomtype === "Unit" || $room2.roomtype === "Trap">>\
[[Back|Manage]] | <<link [[Reset Room|ResetConfirm]]>><<set $editroom to 2>><</link>>\
<</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Room Four</div>\
<<if $room3.roomtype === "Unit">>\
<<if $room3.lvl === $pcmaxunitlvl>>\
<strong>Max Level</strong>
Level: $room3.lvl / $pcmaxunitlvl
Exp: $room3.exp / $room3.exp_nextlvl
<span style="color:green">Health: $room3.curhp / $room3.hp</span>
<span style="color:orange">Strength: $room3.str</span>
<span style="color:blue">Resistance: $room3.res</span>
<span style="color:purple">Intellegence: $</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room3.fetish
<strong>Ability:</strong> $room3.ability
<<elseif $room3.roomtype === "Trap">>\
<<if $room3.lvl === $room3.maxlvl>><strong>Max Rank</strong><<else>>Rank $room3.lvl<</if>>
<<if $room3.lvl === $room3.maxlvl>>\
<strong>Max Rank Bonus</strong>
<<elseif $room3.mode != null>>\
<<link [[Futanari|Room Four]]>><<set $room3.mode to "Futanari">><</link>> | <<link [[Lactating|Room Four]]>><<set $room3.mode to "Lactating">><</link>>
<strong>Current Mode:</strong> $room3.mode
<span style="color:orange">Physical Damage: $room3.str</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
Success Rate: $room3.rate
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room3.fetish
<<if $ === "Suggestive Fetish Trap">>\
<<link [[Change Fetish|FetishChoice]]>><<set $editroom to 3>><</link>>
<<if $room3.isworking === true>>\
Status: <span style="color:green">Fully functioning</span>
<<if $room3.lvl < $room3.maxlvl && $pcgold >= Math.round(($room3.cost * $room3.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<link [[Upgrade|Room Four]]>><<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room3.cost * $room3.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room3.cost * $room3.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $room3.str += $room3.str_up>>\
<<set $ += $room3.sex_up>>\
<<set $room3.rate += $room3.rate_up>>\
<<set $room3.lvl++>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room3.cost * $room3.lvl) / 2)>>
<<elseif $room3.lvl === $room3.maxlvl>>\
Cannot be Upgraded Further
<span style="color:red"> Not enough gold to upgrade</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room3.cost * $room3.lvl) / 2)>></span>
<<elseif $room3.isworking === false>>\
Status: <span style="color:red">Requries repairs</span>
<<if $pcgold >= Math.round(($room3.cost / 4) * $room3.lvl)>>\
<<link [[Repair|Room Four]]>>\
<<set $room3.isworking to true>>\
<<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room3.cost / 4) * $room3.lvl)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room3.cost / 4) * $room3.lvl)>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room3.cost / 4) * $room3.lvl)>>
<span style="color:red">You require more gold to repair your trap</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room3.cost / 4) * $room3.lvl)>></span>
Your room is empty
<<link [[Buy Unit|MonsterShop]]>><<set $editroom to 3>><</link>> | <<link [[Buy Trap|TrapShop]]>><<set $editroom to 3>><</link>>
<<if $room3.roomtype === "Unit" || $room3.roomtype === "Trap">>\
[[Back|Manage]] | <<link [[Reset Room|ResetConfirm]]>><<set $editroom to 3>><</link>>\
<</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Room Five</div>\
<<if $room4.roomtype === "Unit">>\
<<if $room4.lvl === $pcmaxunitlvl>>\
<strong>Max Level</strong>
Level: $room4.lvl / $pcmaxunitlvl
Exp: $room4.exp / $room4.exp_nextlvl
<span style="color:green">Health: $room4.curhp / $room4.hp</span>
<span style="color:orange">Strength: $room4.str</span>
<span style="color:blue">Resistance: $room4.res</span>
<span style="color:purple">Intellegence: $</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room4.fetish
<strong>Ability:</strong> $room4.ability
<<elseif $room4.roomtype === "Trap">>\
<<if $room4.lvl === $room4.maxlvl>><strong>Max Rank</strong><<else>>Rank $room4.lvl<</if>>
<<if $room4.lvl === $room4.maxlvl>>\
<strong>Max Rank Bonus</strong>
<<elseif $room4.mode != null>>\
<<link [[Futanari|Room Five]]>><<set $room4.mode to "Futanari">><</link>> | <<link [[Lactating|Room Five]]>><<set $room4.mode to "Lactating">><</link>>
<strong>Current Mode:</strong> $room4.mode
<span style="color:orange">Physical Damage: $room4.str</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
Success Rate: $room4.rate
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room4.fetish
<<if $ === "Suggestive Fetish Trap">>\
<<link [[Change Fetish|FetishChoice]]>><<set $editroom to 4>><</link>>
<<if $room4.isworking === true>>\
Status: <span style="color:green">Fully functioning</span>
<<if $room4.lvl < $room4.maxlvl && $pcgold >= Math.round(($room4.cost * $room4.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<link [[Upgrade|Room Five]]>><<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room4.cost * $room4.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room4.cost * $room4.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $room4.str += $room4.str_up>>\
<<set $ += $room4.sex_up>>\
<<set $room4.rate += $room4.rate_up>>\
<<set $room4.lvl++>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room4.cost * $room4.lvl) / 2)>>
<<elseif $room4.lvl === $room4.maxlvl>>\
Cannot be Upgraded Further
<span style="color:red"> Not enough gold to upgrade</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room4.cost * $room4.lvl) / 2)>></span>
<<elseif $room4.isworking === false>>\
Status: <span style="color:red">Requries repairs</span>
<<if $pcgold >= Math.round(($room4.cost / 4) * $room4.lvl)>>\
<<link [[Repair|Room Five]]>>\
<<set $room4.isworking to true>>\
<<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room4.cost / 4) * $room4.lvl)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room4.cost / 4) * $room4.lvl)>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room4.cost / 4) * $room4.lvl)>>
<span style="color:red">You require more gold to repair your trap</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room4.cost / 4) * $room4.lvl)>></span>
Your room is empty
<<link [[Buy Unit|MonsterShop]]>><<set $editroom to 4>><</link>> | <<link [[Buy Trap|TrapShop]]>><<set $editroom to 4>><</link>>
<<if $room4.roomtype === "Unit" || $room4.roomtype === "Trap">>\
[[Back|Manage]] | <<link [[Reset Room|ResetConfirm]]>><<set $editroom to 4>><</link>>\
<</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Room Six</div>\
<<if $room5.roomtype === "Unit">>\
<<if $room5.lvl === $pcmaxunitlvl>>\
<strong>Max Level</strong>
Level: $room5.lvl / $pcmaxunitlvl
Exp: $room5.exp / $room5.exp_nextlvl
<span style="color:green">Health: $room5.curhp / $room5.hp</span>
<span style="color:orange">Strength: $room5.str</span>
<span style="color:blue">Resistance: $room5.res</span>
<span style="color:purple">Intellegence: $</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room5.fetish
<strong>Ability:</strong> $room5.ability
<<elseif $room5.roomtype === "Trap">>\
<<if $room5.lvl === $room5.maxlvl>><strong>Max Rank</strong><<else>>Rank $room5.lvl<</if>>
<<if $room5.lvl === $room5.maxlvl>>\
<strong>Max Rank Bonus</strong>
<<elseif $room5.mode != null>>\
<<link [[Futanari|Room Six]]>><<set $room5.mode to "Futanari">><</link>> | <<link [[Lactating|Room Six]]>><<set $room5.mode to "Lactating">><</link>>
<strong>Current Mode:</strong> $room5.mode
<span style="color:orange">Physical Damage: $room5.str</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Sexual Damage: $</span>
Success Rate: $room5.rate
<strong>Fetishes:</strong> $room5.fetish
<<if $ === "Suggestive Fetish Trap">>\
<<link [[Change Fetish|FetishChoice]]>><<set $editroom to 5>><</link>>
<<if $room5.isworking === true>>\
Status: <span style="color:green">Fully functioning</span>
<<if $room5.lvl < $room5.maxlvl && $pcgold >= Math.round(($room5.cost * $room5.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<link [[Upgrade|Room Six]]>><<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room5.cost * $room5.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room5.cost * $room5.lvl) / 2)>>\
<<set $room5.str += $room5.str_up>>\
<<set $ += $room5.sex_up>>\
<<set $room5.rate += $room5.rate_up>>\
<<set $room5.lvl++>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room5.cost * $room5.lvl) / 2)>>
<<elseif $room5.lvl === $room5.maxlvl>>\
Cannot be Upgraded Further
<span style="color:red"> Not enough gold to upgrade</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room5.cost * $room5.lvl) / 2)>></span>
<<elseif $room5.isworking === false>>\
Status: <span style="color:red">Requries repairs</span>
<<if $pcgold >= Math.round(($room5.cost / 4) * $room5.lvl)>>\
<<link [[Repair|Room Six]]>>\
<<set $room5.isworking to true>>\
<<set $pcgold -= Math.round(($room5.cost / 4) * $room5.lvl)>>\
<<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(($room5.cost / 4) * $room5.lvl)>>\
<</link>> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room5.cost / 4) * $room5.lvl)>>
<span style="color:red">You require more gold to repair your trap</span> | Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(($room5.cost / 4) * $room5.lvl)>></span>
Your room is empty
<<link [[Buy Unit|MonsterShop]]>><<set $editroom to 5>><</link>> | <<link [[Buy Trap|TrapShop]]>><<set $editroom to 5>><</link>>
<<if $room5.roomtype === "Unit" || $room5.roomtype === "Trap">>\
[[Back|Manage]] | <<link [[Reset Room|ResetConfirm]]>><<set $editroom to 5>><</link>>\
<</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Onsen</div>
/*Set Gifs & Pics*/\
<<set _solopic to "[img[images/random/4.jpg]]">>\
<<set _onsengif0 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif1 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif2 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif3 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif4 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif5 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif6 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif7 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif8 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif9 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif10 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif11 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif12 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/12.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif13 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif14 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/14.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif15 to "[img[gifs/mistress/onsen/15.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengifsarray to [_onsengif1, _onsengif2, _onsengif3, _onsengif4, _onsengif5, _onsengif15]>>\
<<set _randgif to _onsengifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _cleangifsarray to [_onsengif6, _onsengif7, _onsengif8, _onsengif9, _onsengif10, _onsengif11, _onsengif12]>>\
<<set _cleangif to _cleangifsarray.random()>>\
<<if $firstvisit_onsen === false>>\
<<if $mistaskonsen === true>>\
<<set $miscurenergy -= 2>>\
<<set $mistaskonsen to false>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_cleangif</div>\
<<if $hasbathed === false>>\
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp + 30>>\
<<set $hasbathed to true>>\
You call your <span style="color:pink">Mistress</span> into the onsen and instruct her to clean your body. She strips down and joins you in the water and begins running water over your head, slowly running her hands through your hair with soap. Then she gets behind you and rubs her hands and body against yours.
<span style="color:pink">Forgive me Master but we don't have any sponges, I hope my body will suffice. I'll make sure <em>everything</em> is clean.</span>
Your Health has increased greatly, you feel like you can take on the world!
[[Back|Main Menu]]
<<elseif $hasbathed === true>>\
You call your <span style="color:pink">Mistress</span> into the onsen again and instrct her to clean your body. She smirks as she strips down to join you, washing your hair and body while pressing hers against you.
<span style="color:pink">You must really love how I take care of you Master, if this keeps up we might run out of soap. I don't mind being <em>dirty</em> with you <em>Master</em>.</span>
[[Back|Main Menu]]
<<set _rng to random(5)>>\
<<switch _rng>>\
<<case 0>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randgif</div>\
You enter the onsen, <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> is cleaning herself. You watch her for a bit before she notices you.
<<if $miscurenergy >= 2>>\
<span style="color:pink">Greetings Master $pcname, shall I leave so you may bath or do you wish for me to stay and help you relax?</span>
<span style="color:pink">Greetings Master $pcname, shall I leave so you may bath?</span>
<<if $miscurenergy >= 2>>\
<<link [["Call for " + $misname|Onsen]]>> | Costs Two <span style="color:green">Energy</span>\
<<set $mistaskonsen to true>>\
Call for $misname | <span style="color:red">Requires Two Energy</span>\
[[Back|Main Menu]]
<div class="image-centered">_solopic</div>\
You enter the onsen, nobody is here right now. The room is filled with steam and the sound of water trickling into the onsen.
<<if $miscurenergy >= 2>>\
<<link [["Call for " + $misname|Onsen]]>> | Costs Two <span style="color:green">Energy</span>\
<<set $mistaskonsen to true>>\
Call for $misname | <span style="color:red">Requires Two Energy</span>\
[[Back|Main Menu]]
<<elseif $firstvisit_onsen === true>>\
<<set $firstvisit_onsen to false>>\
<div class="gif-tall">_onsengif0</div>\
You enter your brand new onsen with <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> to inspect how it turned out. The natrual stones lit by the lanterns and the soothing sounds of water trickling down the stones into the Onsen makes you feel relaxed already. You feel satisfied with your choice to build a onsen in your dungeon. It doesn't take long before <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> is already naked and in the water.
<span style="color:pink">Oh Master this is just heavenly, I'm so glad you decided to add this onsen, you deserve a place to relax and unwind. Please let me know if I can do <em>anything</em> to help you <em>relieve</em> your stress, especially after a rough night. I hope you don't mind if I use the onsen occasionally</span>
<strong>You can now use the Onsen.</strong>
<strong>You can now assign a new Task for your <span style="color:pink">Mistress</span> inside the Onsen to restore your Health and increase it beyond it's maximum for that night's Raid.</strong>
<strong>You can bring a Captured Girl to the Onsen once a night to earn extra Exp.</strong>
[[Back|Main Menu]]
<</if>>\ /*Variables*/\
<<if $v_sex >= 20 && $villagergift === false>>\
<<set _vgift to true>>\
<<set _vgift to false>>\
<<if $m_sex >= 20 && $magegift === false>>\
<<set _mgift to true>>\
<<set _mgift to false>>\
<<if $a_sex >= 20 && $archergift === false>>\
<<set _agift to true>>\
<<set _agift to false>>\
<<if $k_sex >= 20 && $knightgift === false>>\
<<set _kgift to true>>\
<<set _kgift to false>>\
<<if $w_sex >= 20 && $witchgift === false>>\
<<set _wgift to true>>\
<<set _wgift to false>>\
<<if $t_sex >= 20 && $thiefgift === false>>\
<<set _tgift to true>>\
<<set _tgift to false>>\
<<if $l_sex >= 20 && $loligift === false>>\
<<set _lgift to true>>\
<<set _lgift to false>>\
<<if $e_sex >= 20 && $evilgift === false>>\
<<set _egift to true>>\
<<set _egift to false>>\
<<if $h_sex >= 20 && $holygift === false>>\
<<set _hgift to true>>\
<<set _hgift to false>>\
<<set _giftcheck to [_vgift, _mgift, _agift, _kgift, _wgift, _tgift, _lgift, _egift, _hgift]>>\
<<set _checkcount to _giftcheck.count(true)>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _goddesspic0 to "[img[images/mistress/18.jpg]]">>\
<<set _goddesspic1 to "[img[images/mistress/19.jpg]]">>\
<<set _goddesspic2 to "[img[images/mistress/17.jpg]]">>\
<<set _goddesspic3 to "[img[images/mistress/20.jpg]]">>\
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Shrine</div>\
/*Start Passage*/\
<<if $firstvisit_shrine === false>>\
<<if _checkcount > 0>>\
<div class="image-tall">_goddesspic1</div>\
You start the ritual to summon Jibril again, using <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> body as a vessel again. Your Goddess returns to you and walks forward.
<span style="color:pink"><strong>I can feel the lust gathering inside you. Please tell me which gift you desire to help aid you as you continue to serve me, my loyal follower.</strong></span>
<<if _vgift === true>>\
<<link [[Villager|Girl's Gift]]>><<set $villagergift to true>><<set $giftfrom to "Villager">><</link>>
<<if _mgift === true>>\
<<link [[Mage|Girl's Gift]]>><<set $magegift to true>><<set $giftfrom to "Mage">><</link>>
<<if _agift === true>>\
<<link [[Archer|Girl's Gift]]>><<set $archergift to true>><<set $giftfrom to "Archer">><</link>>
<<if _kgift === true>>\
<<link [[Knight|Girl's Gift]]>><<set $knightgift to true>><<set $giftfrom to "Knight">><</link>>
<<if _tgift === true>>\
<<link [[Thief|Girl's Gift]]>><<set $thiefgift to true>><<set $giftfrom to "Thief">><</link>>
<<if _wgift === true>>\
<<link [[Witch|Girl's Gift]]>><<set $witchgift to true>><<set $giftfrom to "Witch">><</link>>
<<if _lgift === true>>\
<<link [[Loli|Girl's Gift]]>><<set $loligift to true>><<set $giftfrom to "Loli">><</link>>
<<if _egift === true>>\
<<link [[Servant of Evil|Girl's Gift]]>><<set $evilgift to true>><<set $giftfrom to "Evil">><</link>>
<<if _hgift === true>>\
<<link [[Attendant of the Holy Spirit|Girl's Gift]]>><<set $holygift to true>><<set $giftfrom to "Holy">><</link>>
<<elseif $blessings.length === 9 && $goddessgift === false>>\
<div class="image-tall">_goddesspic1</div>\
After you have completed the task laid before you, you are finally ready for the reward Jibril promised.
<<link [[Final Gift|Girl's Gift]]>><<set $goddessgift to true>><<set $giftfrom to "Goddess">><</link>>
<<elseif $goddessgift === true>>\
<div class="image-tall">_goddesspic3</div>\
After finishing Jibril's quest, the Shrine is used for a different kind of ritual now.
<strong>Blessings:</strong> <<if $blessings.length === 0>>None<<else>>$blessings<</if>>
[[Return|Main Menu]]
It doesn't appear like you have enough lust to recieve a gift from Jibril. Best not to bother her than. Come back after fucking 20 Girls from the same class.
<strong>Blessings:</strong> <<if $blessings.length === 0>>None<<else>>$blessings<</if>>
[[Return|Main Menu]]
<<elseif $firstvisit_shrine === true>>\
<<set $firstvisit_shrine to false>>\
<div class="image-tall">_goddesspic0</div>\
As you and <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> entered the newly build shrine, you feel a strong power lurking nearby. The power belongs to your Goddess, Jibril. You instruct your Mistress to stand at the foot of the Shrine, to allow Jibril to use her body as a vessel to communicate. Nervous but obedient, she walk forward to the Shrine. Soon the calm air in the room began to rush around her as she began floating into the air. <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> screamed as black mist crept from the shadows and into her mouth. Soon after she floated gently back down to the ground, but with Jibril in control.
<span style="color:pink"><strong>My dear, loyal follower, you bless me with this Shrine even as you continue your quest? A truly magnificent servant indeed.
I'm afriad your quest is not complete though. Do not falter, I shall aid you as you continue to gather more lust for the Underworld. Come summon me again after doing so and I shall grant you my strength.</strong></span>
You bow your head as the black mist spills out from <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> mouth and she returns to normal.
<strong>You can now be granted gifts from Jibril.
Summon her again after you have fucked a specific class 20 times.
Each class has their own unique reward that Jibril will give you.</strong>
[[Return|Main Menu]]
<<if $firstroom === "Unit">>\
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Slime</div>
Cost: <span style="color:gold">$slime1.cost Gold</span>
Ability: $slime1.ability
Are you happy with this?
<<link [[Yes|FirstTreasure]]>><<set $room0 to $slime1>><<set $pcgold -= $room0.cost>><<set $room0.str += random($room0.str_mingains, $room0.str_maxgains)>><<set $room0.res += random($room0.res_mingains, $room0.res_maxgains)>><<set $ += random($room0.int_mingains, $room0.int_maxgains)>><<set $ += random($room0.sex_mingains, $room0.sex_maxgains)>><<set $room0.hp += random($room0.hp_mingains, $room0.hp_maxgains)>><<set _learnedfetishes to $room0.fetishlist.pluckMany($room0.numfetish)>><<set $room0.fetish to $room0.fetish.concat(_learnedfetishes)>><</link>> or [[No|FirstDungeon]]\
<<elseif $firstroom === "Trap">>\
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Intoxicating Darts</div>
Cost: <span style="color:gold">$dart1.cost Gold</span>
Are you happy with this?
<<link [[Yes|FirstTreasure]]>><<set $room0 to $dart1>><<set $pcgold -= $room0.cost>><<set $totgoldspent += $room0.cost>><</link>> or [[No|FirstDungeon]]\
<</if>><div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Pitfall Room</div>\
/*Reset Room*/\
<<set $dmgtaken to 0>>\
<<set $sextaken to 0>>\
<<set $thisroom to $nextroom_info>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _witcheck to ($ * $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck) + _d20>>\
<<if _witcheck < 15>><<set _witcheck to 15>>\
<<elseif _witcheck > 99>><<set _witcheck to 99>>
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _pitgif0 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _pitgif1 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _pitgif2 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _pitgif3 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _pitgif4 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _pitgif5 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/14.gif]]">>\
<<set _pitgif6 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/15.gif]]">>\
<<set _pitgif7 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/18.gif]]">>\
<<set _pitgifsarray to [_pitgif0, _pitgif1, _pitgif2, _pitgif3, _pitgif4, _pitgif5, _pitgif6, _pitgif7]>>\
<<set _pitgif to _pitgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _slutgif0 to "[img[gifs/69/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif1 to "[img[gifs/69/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif2 to "[img[gifs/69/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgifsarray to [_slutgif0, _slutgif1, _slutgif2]>>\
<<set _slutgif to _slutgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _scizgif0 to "[img[gifs/tribbing/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _scizgif1 to "[img[gifs/tribbing/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _scizgif2 to "[img[gifs/tribbing/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _scizgif3 to "[img[gifs/tribbing/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _scizgif4 to "[img[gifs/tribbing/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _scizgif5 to "[img[gifs/tribbing/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _scizgif6 to "[img[gifs/tribbing/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _scizgifsarray to [_scizgif0, _scizgif1, _scizgif2, _scizgif3, _scizgif4, _scizgif5, _scizgif6]>>\
<<set _scizgif to _scizgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _futagif0 to "[img[gifs/futa/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif1 to "[img[gifs/futa/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif2 to "[img[gifs/futa/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif3 to "[img[gifs/futa/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif4 to "[img[gifs/futa/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagifsarray to [_futagif0, _futagif1]>>\
<<set _futalesgifsarray to [_futagif2, _futagif3, _futagif4]>>\
<<set _futagif to _futagifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _futalesgif to _futalesgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _milkgif0 to "[img[gifs/lactating/pit/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _milkgif1 to "[img[gifs/lactating/pit/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _milkgifsarray to [_milkgif0, _milkgif1]>>\
<<set _milklesgif to _milkgifsarray.random()>>\
/*Start Text*/\
<<if $thisroom.lvl === $thisroom.maxlvl>>\
<<if $thisroom.hascaptured === 2>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room to find a seemingly empty room. Lewd noises can be hear from close by but she can't seem to locate where they are coming from or why it sounds like two girls in heat going at it. Confused and a bit turned on, she moves onward.\
<<if $thisroom.hascaptured === 1>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room to find a seemingly empty room. Muffled noises can be hear but dark dungeons such as this one has been known to play tricks on the senses. She proceeds forward.\
<<if $thisroom.hascaptured === 0>>\
/*Slut fail*/\
<<if $ === "Slut">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<div class="gif-tall">_futagif</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken to $cur_girl_runner.curhp>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname could smell some powerful pheromones as she entered the room. Her new dick grew hot with excitment from the smell. She wasn't paying much attention to where she was walking and fell into the pit of flowers. Becoming a slave to the aphrodisiac pollen, she jerked off her cock, making a huge mess inside the pit.\
<div class="gif-wide">_pitgif</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken to $cur_girl_runner.curhp>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname could smell some powerful pheromones about eight feet under the floor a couple paces ahead with her. Diving head first into the pit fall trap, she landed in a flower bed responsible for the aroma. Like a crack head in a pile cocaine, she started snorting up all the pollen and played with her soaked pussy for the rest of the night.\
/*Clear Check*/\
<<set _clearnum to Math.round((random(($pccharisma * 0.4), ($pccharisma * 0.6)) + $thisroom.rate) - _witcheck)>>\
<<set _clearcheck to random(1, 100)>>\
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><</if>></strong>
<<if _d20 === 1>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<div class="gif-tall">_futagif</div>\
<<set $sextaken += 100 - $cur_girl_runner.horny>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname walked into the dark room. Scared and nervous, she crept forward. She was still in shock about her new genital that has grown out of her, she hopes someone back in the village can cure her. Lost in though, she stepped onto the trap door, opening it up and sending her plummeting to the bottom. Luckily the floor bed broke her fall but it sent out pollen in the air, aphrodisiac pollen that was exteremly powerful. Soon her body was in full heat and she couldn't help but to touch her cock, now fully erect and rock hard. The slightest touch sent her into a state of immense pleasure. She climaxed again and again until the effects of the body modification wore off.\
<div class="gif-wide">_pitgif</div>\
<<set $sextaken += 100 - $cur_girl_runner.horny>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname came into the dark and seemingly empty room. She thought the monster that should be here was already defeat, what luck! She casual walks forward, and straight into the pit fall. She lands face first in a bed of flowers, breaking her fall but being forced to breath in the pheromones. She soon begins to lose control and becomes extremely aroused, ripping off her clothes and rubbing her drenched pussy for the rest of the night.\
<<elseif _d20 === 20 || _clearnum < _clearcheck>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the unlit room. Sensing something odd about the room, she gingerly walks along the edges of the walls of the room. She avoids the pit fall trap and moves onto the next room.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<div class="gif-tall">_futagif</div>\
<<set $sextaken += 100 - $cur_girl_runner.horny>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname walked into the dark room. Scared and nervous, she crept forward. She was still in shock about her new genital that has grown out of her, she hopes someone back in the village can cure her. Lost in though, she stepped onto the trap door, opening it up and sending her plummeting to the bottom. Luckily the floor bed broke her fall but it sent out pollen in the air, aphrodisiac pollen that was exteremly powerful. Soon her body was in full heat and she couldn't help but to touch her cock, now fully erect and rock hard. The slightest touch sent her into a state of immense pleasure. She climaxed again and again until the effects of the body modification wore off.\
<div class="gif-wide">_pitgif</div>\
<<set $sextaken += 100 - $cur_girl_runner.horny>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname walked into a pitch black room. She was on her guard, ready for something to leap from the darkness at her. As she moved forward slowly, focusing on the area around her, she triggered the trap down beneath her feet. Falling down into the flower bed, she looked up as the trap door slowly closed again and locked her and the pheromones inside the chamber. She quickly began to feel the effects of the pollen and slowly but surely gave into her desires, undressing and toying with herself all night long.\
<<if $thisroom.lvl === $thisroom.maxlvl && $thisroom.hascaptured === 1 && $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === false>>\
/*Slut fail*/\
<<if $ === "Slut">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_futalesgif</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken to $cur_girl_runner.curhp>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname's cock was throbbing and she could hear moaning coming from the room. She frantically searched for where they were coming from and stubbled through the trap door into the pit. She found a girl pleasuring herself in a bed of aphrodisiac flowers. Not waiting for the effect of the flowers to get to her, the horny slut mounts the poor girl and fills her up time and time again.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Lactating")>>\
<div class="gif-square">_milklesgif</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken to $cur_girl_runner.curhp>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname's could hear the sounds of another girl in heat somewhere in the room. She didn't have to wait long to find her as she stepped onto the trap door and fell into the pit with the other girl who fell in before her. Milk started to leak from her tits as she grew more excited now that she found the horny girl. She spent the rest of the night forcing the other girl to drink all the milk while they toyed with each other.\
<div class="gif-wide">_slutgif</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken to $cur_girl_runner.curhp>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname could hear the cries of pleasure and wet fingers sliding in and out of a drench pussy. She searched around the floor for the trap leading to the damsel in heat. Together in the flower bed of intoxicating pheromones, they drank each other's love juices.\
/*Clear Check*/\
<<set _clearnum to Math.round((random(($pccharisma * 0.4), ($pccharisma * 0.6)) + $thisroom.rate) - _witcheck)>>\
<<set _clearcheck to random(1, 100)>>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Hit!</span><</if>></strong>
<<if _d20 === 1>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<div class="gif-wide">__futalesgif</div>\
<<set $sextaken += 100 - $cur_girl_runner.horny>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname crept into the room. It was quiet, only soft moanings could be heard. Another adventurer perhaps, or could be a trap. Cautiously, she moved forward calling out if anyone was there. She soon found them as she triggered the trap, sending her down into the pit with the other girl. Stunned and confused, $cur_girl_runner.girlname needed a moment to catch her breath, which meant inhaling aphrodisiac pollen. The other girl meanwhile was already rubbing her new dick she got from eariler, making it hard. It didn't take long before it was inside her, as the two girls fucked all night.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Lactating")>>\
<div class="gif-square">_milklesgif</div>\
<<set $sextaken += 100 - $cur_girl_runner.horny>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname carefully walked into the room that laid before her. She couldn't focus very much, her tits kept leaking milk and they were rubbing against her clothes, making her feel very good. Distracted, she stumbled onto the trap door that triggered and trapped her inside the pit with the other girl from eariler who is feeling the full effects of the aphrodisiac plants. Her shock soon passed as the other girl removed her shirt and started dranking her breastmilk, making $cur_girl_runner.girlname moan as the aphrodisiac started to take effect on her as well. Soon they both were drinking her milk and pleasuring each other for the rest of the night.\
<div class="gif-wide">_scizgif</div>\
<<set $sextaken += 100 - $cur_girl_runner.horny>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the dark dungeon room, slowly looking around. She could hear faint moanings. Thinking it was another adventurer in pain, she quickly rush towards the sound, only to fall into the trap. Landing on right between the legs of the naked adventure who fell to the trap eariler. It didn't take long before she felt the effects of the flower bed, as they began rubbing their drenched pussies against one anothers for the rest of the night.\
<<elseif _d20 === 20 || _clearnum < _clearcheck>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname crept into the dark room that laid before her. She listened closely and heard muffled moaning sounds coming far below her current position. Thinking there could be a trap door somewhere in the floor, she kept to the walls until she made it across the room.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_futalesgif</div>\
<<set $sextaken += 100 - $cur_girl_runner.horny>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname crept into the room. It was quiet, only soft moanings could be heard. Another adventurer perhaps, or could be a trap. Cautiously, she moved forward calling out if anyone was there. She soon found them as she triggered the trap, sending her down into the pit with the other girl. Stunned and confused, $cur_girl_runner.girlname needed a moment to catch her breath, which meant inhaling aphrodisiac pollen. The other girl meanwhile was already rubbing her new dick she got from eariler, making it hard. It didn't take long before it was inside her, as the two girls fucked all night.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Lactating")>>\
<div class="gif-square">_milklesgif</div>\
<<set $sextaken += 100 - $cur_girl_runner.horny>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname carefully walked into the room that laid before her. She couldn't focus very much, her tits kept leaking milk and they were rubbing against her clothes, making her feel very good. Distracted, she stumbled onto the trap door that triggered and trapped her inside the pit with the other girl from eariler who is feeling the full effects of the aphrodisiac plants. Her shock soon passed as the other girl removed her shirt and started dranking her breastmilk, making $cur_girl_runner.girlname moan as the aphrodisiac started to take effect on her as well. Soon they both were drinking her milk and pleasuring each other for the rest of the night.\
<div class="gif-wide">_scizgif</div>\
<<set $sextaken += 100 - $cur_girl_runner.horny>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.hascaptured++>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname glanced around the room as she entered it. She was able to hear soft murmurings from somewhere, but could that be one of the dungeon tricks? She paid no attention to the noises and walked slowly to the otherside of the room until she stepped onto the trap door, falling through and into the pit with the other adventurer who was caught eariler. As the door above the closed tightly, $cur_girl_runner.girlname tried to talk some sense into the girl with the finger lost in her wet pussy. These words soon become moans as the two girls rubbed each other's clits together in heat for the rest of the night.\
<span id="spaceAct">[[Results|TrapResults]]</span>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Chest Room</div>\
/*Reset Room*/\
<<set $dmgtaken to 0>>\
<<set $sextaken to 0>>\
<<set _maxhorniness to 100>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<set _chestgif0 to "[img[gifs/chest/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _chestgif1 to "[img[gifs/chest/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _chestgif2 to "[img[gifs/chest/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _chestgif3 to "[img[gifs/chest/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<set $thisroom to $nextroom_info>>\
<<set _gifsarray to [_chestgif0, _chestgif1, _chestgif2, _chestgif3]>>\
<<set _gif to _gifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _witcheck to ($ * $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck) + _d20>>\
<<if _witcheck < 15>><<set _witcheck to 15>>\
<<elseif _witcheck > 99>><<set _witcheck to 99>>
<<if $thisroom.isworking === false>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room to find a Mimic Chest broken apart. With a confused look, she presses forward.\
/*Slut always fail*/\
<<if $ === "Slut">>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.6)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 0.8)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.2)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<if $thisroom.lvl === $thisroom.maxlvl>>\
<<set _maxrankbonus to true>>\
<<set $dmgtaken to Math.round($dmgtaken * 1.25)>>\
<<set _maxrankbonus to false>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_gif</div>\
/*Slut Text*/\
After approaching the chest and seeing it was a Mimic, she openly embraces it and let's herself get trapped by it, anticipating sexual pleasure all over.
<<if _maxrankbonus === true>>\
The Mimic Trap locks it's jaws, increasing the amount of Sexual damage she will recieve.
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><</if>></strong>
/*Clear Check*/\
<<if $ === "Thief">>\
<<set _clearnum to Math.round((($thisroom.rate * 1.25) + random(($pccharisma * 0.4), ($pccharisma * 0.6))) - _witcheck)>>\
<<set _clearnum to Math.round((random(($pccharisma * 0.4), ($pccharisma * 0.6)) + $thisroom.rate) - _witcheck)>>\
<<set _clearcheck to random(1, 100)>>\
/*Girl Check*/\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
<<if $ === "Thief">>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room with a chest in the center. As much as she wanted to run over and open the chest, she knew it could be a trap. She approached with caution and as soon as she saw the chest had teeth she rolled back, dodging its attack.\
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit" || $ === "Servant of Evil" || $ === "Archer">>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room with a chest. It was rather suspicious and thought about her options while walking around the chest. The Mimic Chest got impatient and lept at her with its jaws open. She easily dodged its attack.\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room with a lonely chest in the middle. She knew it could be a trap and thought better to not go near it at all. She walked around the chest and into the next room.\
<<elseif _clearcheck <= _clearnum || _d20 === 1>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_gif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<if $thisroom.lvl === $thisroom.maxlvl>>\
<<set _maxrankbonus to true>>\
<<set _maxrankbonus to false>>\
<<if $ === "Thief">>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room with a chest. Without thinking, she ran to the chest to open it, she needed to know what riches laid inside for her to grab. She was soon the one grabbed by the Mimic Trap and toyed with roughly. <<if _maxrankbonus === true>>The Mimic Trap locked its jaws, increasing the amount of Sexual damage she will recieve.<</if>>
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room with a shiny chest sitting there. She came for the treasure she heard so much about, she walked over to claim her prize but was soon in the clutches of the Mimic Trap, hanging above the jaw of tentacles that had their way with her. <<if _maxrankbonus === true>>The Mimic Trap locked its jaws, increasing the amount of Sexual damage she will recieve.<</if>>
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
<<if $ === "Thief">>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room with a chest in the center. As much as she wanted to run over and open the chest, she knew it could be a trap. She approached with caution and as soon as she saw the chest had teeth she rolled back, dodging its attack.
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit" || $ === "Servant of Evil" || $ === "Archer">>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room with a chest. It was rather suspicious and thought about her options while walking around the chest. The Mimic Chest got impatient and lept at her with its jaws open. She easily dodged its attack.
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room with a lonely chest in the middle. She knew it could be a trap and thought better to not go near it at all. She walked around the chest and into the next room.
/*If Failed*/\
/*Girls Horny Damage*/\
<<if $istrapped === true && $ != "Slut">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 2) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 0.5) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += $ - $cur_girl_runner.end>>\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<if _maxrankbonus === true>>\
<<set $sextaken to Math.round($sextaken * 1.25)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
/*Max Lust Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _maxhorniness -= _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<elseif $istrapped === false && $thisroom.isworking === true>>\
<<if $ === "Thief" || $ === "Archer" || $ === "Servant of Evil" || $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">>\
/*Disarm Check*/\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _witcheck to ($ * $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck) + _d20>>\
<<if _witcheck < 15>><<set _witcheck to 15>>\
<<elseif _witcheck > 99>><<set _witcheck to 99>>
<<set _disarmnum to Math.round(random(($pccharisma * 0.4), ($pccharisma * 0.6)) + ($thisroom.rate - _witcheck) + ($thisroom.lvl * 10))>>\
<<set _disarmcheck to random(1, 100)>>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><</if>></strong>
/*Disarm Check*/\
<<if _d20 === 1>>\
After failing to capture the adventurer, the Mimic was able to escape to fight another day.
<<elseif _disarmcheck > _disarmnum || _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $thisroom.isworking to false>>\
<<if $ === "Thief">>\
After successfully dodging the Mimic's attack, she was able to disarm the trap by ensnaring its jaw shut.
In a blink of an eye, the veteran $ darted around behind the Mimic Trap, flipping the switch on its back to the "off" position.
After failing to capture the adventurer, the Mimic was able to escape to fight another day.
<span id="spaceAct">[[Results|TrapResults]]</span>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Intoxicating Darts Room</div>\
/*Reset Room*/\
<<set $dmgtaken to 0>>\
<<set $sextaken to 0>>\
<<set _maxhorniness to 100>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<set $thisroom to $nextroom_info>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _witcheck to ($ * $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck) + _d20>>\
<<if _witcheck < 15>><<set _witcheck to 15>>\
<<elseif _witcheck > 99>><<set _witcheck to 99>>
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _dartgif0 to "[img[gifs/ahegao/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _dartgif1 to "[img[gifs/ahegao/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _dartgif2 to "[img[gifs/ahegao/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _dartgif3 to "[img[gifs/ahegao/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _dartgif4 to "[img[gifs/ahegao/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _dartgif5 to "[img[gifs/ahegao/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _dartgifsarray to [_dartgif0, _dartgif1, _dartgif2, _dartgif3, _dartgif4, _dartgif5]>>\
<<set _dartgif to _dartgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _slutgif0 to "[img[gifs/ahegao/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif1 to "[img[gifs/ahegao/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif2 to "[img[gifs/ahegao/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif3 to "[img[gifs/ahegao/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgifsarray to [_slutgif0, _slutgif1, _slutgif2, _slutgif3]>>\
<<set _slutgif to _slutgifsarray.random()>>\
/*Trap is disarmed*/\
<<if $thisroom.isworking === false>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room with a small hallway. Thinking there might be a trap, she weighed her options. After considering all the possiblities, she decides to run through. Nothing happened and she moved to the next room.
/*Slut always fail*/\
<<if $ === "Slut">>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.6)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 0.8)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.2)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<if $thisroom.lvl === $thisroom.maxlvl>>\
<<set _sluttext to true>>\
<<set _sluttext to false>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<div class="gif-tall">_slutgif</div>\
/*Slut Text*/\
After getting shot by an aphrodisiac dart, she decides she wanted more of them. So she searched around for the trigger and got shot up by a ton more but they didn't do anything.
$cur_girl_runner.girlname is already Horny<<if _sluttext === true>> and her <span style="color:purple">Intelligence</span> can't go any lower<</if>>
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><</if>></strong>
/*Clear Check*/\
<<set _clearnum to Math.round((random(($pccharisma * 0.4), ($pccharisma * 0.6)) + $thisroom.rate) - _witcheck)>>\
<<set _clearcheck to random(1, 100)>>\
/*Girl Check*/\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the dark hallway, slowly creeping forward. She got suspicious as the hallway narrowed in front of her. As she entered it, she felt her foot press down on something that felt like a pressure plate. She quickly ran back and hid around the corner, narrowly avoiding the intoxicating darts.
<<elseif _clearcheck <= _clearnum || _d20 === 1>>\
<div class="gif-square">_dartgif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<if $thisroom.lvl === $thisroom.maxlvl>>\
<<set $ to Math.round($ * 0.5)>>\
<<set _maxranktext to true>>\
<<set _maxranktext to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the dark hallway, worried about what laid before her. As the hallway narrowed, she was scaried something was going to grab her from above or at the other end of the corridor. Not paying attention to where her feet were stepping, she triggered the dart trap and got filled up with intoxicating aphrodisiacs, making her body hot all over.
<<if $cur_girl_runner.ishorny === false>>$cur_girl_runner.girlname has become <span style="color:darkred">Horny</span><<if $ === "Servant of Evil" || $ === "Witch">>, all her stats have increased.<<else>>, all her stats have decreased.<</if>><<if _maxranktext === true>> In addition, her <span style="color:purple">Intelligence</span> stat has greatly decreased.<</if>><<else>>$cur_girl_runner.girlname is already <span style="color:darkred">Horny</span><<if _maxranktext === true>> But her <span style="color:purple">Intelligence</span> stat has greatly decreased.<</if>><</if>>
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the dark hallway, she was already thinking about the different traps or monsters that could be lurking in such a place. Cautiously, she moved forward until she felt her feet press into the floor. Quickly she ducked down, avoiding the darts flying at her.
/*If Failed*/\
/*Horny Update*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.ishorny === true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<set $ to Math.round($ * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
/*Girls Horny Damage*/\
<<if $istrapped === true && $ != "Slut">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ * 2)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ * .5)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += $>>\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
/*Max Lust Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _maxhorniness -= _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<elseif $istrapped === false && $thisroom.isworking === true>>\
<<if $ === "Thief" || $ === "Archer" || $ === "Servant of Evil" || $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">>\
/*Disarm Check*/\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _witcheck to ($ * $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck) + _d20>>\
<<if _witcheck < 15>><<set _witcheck to 15>>\
<<elseif _witcheck > 99>><<set _witcheck to 99>>
<<set _disarmnum to Math.round(random(($pccharisma * 0.4), ($pccharisma * 0.6)) + ($thisroom.rate - _witcheck) + ($thisroom.lvl * 10))>>\
<<set _disarmcheck to random(1, 100)>>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><</if>></strong>
/*Disarm Check*/\
<<if _d20 === 1>>\
Unable to locate how to disarm the trap, the $ moved on.
<<elseif _disarmcheck > _disarmnum || _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $thisroom.isworking to false>>\
The $ was able to locate the trap's trigger mechanic and break it for future adventurers.
Unable to locate how to disarm the trap, the $ moved on.
<span id="spaceAct">[[Results|TrapResults]]</span>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Slime Room</div>\
/*Reset Room*/\
<<set $thisroom to $nextroom_info>>\
<<set $thief_evade to false>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<set $dmgtaken to 0>>\
<<set $sextaken to 0>>\
<<set _maxhorniness to 100>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<set $nothinghappened to false>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _slimegif0 to "[img[gifs/slime/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif1 to "[img[gifs/slime/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif2 to "[img[gifs/slime/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif3 to "[img[gifs/slime/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif4 to "[img[gifs/slime/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif5 to "[img[gifs/slime/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _gifsarray to [_slimegif0, _slimegif1, _slimegif2, _slimegif3, _slimegif4, _slimegif5]>>\
<<set _gif to _gifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _evadegif to "[img[gifs/random/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<if $thisroom.curhp === 0>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
As $cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room, she saw nothing besides a pool of green ooze. Stepping over it quickly, she moved on.\
<<set $nothinghappened to true>>\
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Hit!</span><</if>></strong>
/*Thief evade check*/\
<<if $ === "Thief" && _d20 != 1>>\
<<if $ > $ * 5>>\
<<set $thief_evade to true>>\
<<elseif $ > $ * 2.5 || _d20 === 20>>\
<<set _rng to random(4, 7)>>\
<<if _rng === 7>>\
<<set $thief_evade to true>>\
/*Thief avoids room*/\
<<if $thief_evade === true>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_evadegif</div>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room with the slime. She knew she could easily avoid a fight with it if she timed her movements just right. As soon as the slime leapt towards her, she rolled back leaving a smoke bomb behind that cloaked her darting towards the back of the room and escaping without any conflict.\
<<elseif $ === "Archer">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname sent a volley of arrows, cutting the slime up.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname shot the slime but it just ate the arrow up in it's body.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - (($thisroom.res * 0.25) * 2))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname shot an arrow right through the middle, splitting it down the middle.\
<<if $thisroom.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp to 0>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
She landed the killing blow, defeating the slime.\
/*Slime Attacks Archer*/\
<div class="gif-wide">_gif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 2) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
The slime then leaps at $cur_girl_runner.girlname and wraps her in it's oozy body. Having her body fondled this way while gasping for air turned her on.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 0.5) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
The slime then leaps at $cur_girl_runner.girlname and wraps her in it's oozy body. She doesn't enjoy the pleasure the slime was trying to give her at all and struggles to escape as she begins losing her breath.\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
The slime then leaps at $cur_girl_runner.girlname and wraps her in it's oozy body. It starts pleasuring her weak spots while suffocating her.\
/*Max Lust Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _maxhorniness -= _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">>\
<div class="gif-wide">_gif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.75)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.25), ($dmgtaken * 0.5)) - (($thisroom.res * 0.5) * 2))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname walks up to the poor slime and lays down in it, grinding her body all over to get covered in it's ooze. She begins pleasuring herself using the slime.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 0.75)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.25), ($dmgtaken * 0.5)) - (($thisroom.res * 0.5) * 2))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was never into slime sex but she was horny enough to want it. She let the slime take her inside of it but soon began to dictate how this was going to play out.\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.25)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.25), ($dmgtaken * 0.5)) - (($thisroom.res * 0.5) * 2))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname teased the slime to come over and play with her wet pussy. As the slime came inside her, she began moving her hips back and forth, sending ooze across the room.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
/*Other Girls*/\
<<elseif $ != "Slut" && $ != "Archer">>\
<div class="gif-wide">_gif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 2) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was caught off guard by the slimes attack, gets swallowed up. The slime is hitting all the right places and sends her into ecstasys despite having difficulty breathing.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * .5) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname didn't see the slime creep over her on the ceiling. Once it dropped on her, she panic and tried to throw it off. She hated slimes and this one was no different as it tried to eat through her clothes to pleasure her.\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was attacked by a slime out of the darkness of the room. Squeezing through her clothing, it started rubbing her anus and clit while tightening it's grip around her's neck.\
/*Max Lust Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _maxhorniness -= _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<elseif $ === "Villager">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname ripped parts of the slime off her and threw them away from the main body of the slime.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was barely able to crawl away from the slime, losing one of her favorite shoes in the process.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - (($thisroom.res * 0.25) * 2))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname pushed the slime off her screaming as she ran away.\
<<elseif $ === "Knight">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was able to break the slimes hold on her and slams it into the ground with her shield, sending ooze across the room.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname lost her grip on her sword as it floated into the body of the slime. She only escaped after slowly muscling her way through the slimes body, picking up her sword along the way.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - (($thisroom.res * 0.25) * 2))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname then sliced the slime off her body and into peices.\
<<elseif $ === "Thief">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname lit a smoke bomb inside the slime, which sent it into peices after exploding.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was overwhelmed by the slime's sticky body, it wasn't affected by her daggers. She could only leap over the slime after escaping it's grasp and run away.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - (($thisroom.res * 0.25) * 2))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cut her way through the slime's body after getting caught inside it, running away before it could reform.\
<<elseif $ === "Mage">>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cast a fire barrier inside the slime's body, forcing the slime to scatter off her.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname only knew ice spells, which weren't going to help after already being captured by the slime. Instead, she had to force herself free by smacking the slime with her staff.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname after getting caught, teleported to the corner of the dungeon room and shot a fireball at the slime.\
<<elseif $ === "Witch">>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname knew slimes very well as well as how to deal with them. She enchanted her body with ice so the slime fell right off and then lit the slime ablaze, forcing it to retreat.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname wish she would have paid more attention in her summoning classes, she forgot what the slimes weaknesses are. So instead she endured the slime's attacks and eventually slipped away.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname summoned some gouls to pull the slime off her, then froze it solid.\
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str + 10>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname set her body ablaze in holy light, blasting the slime off her into flaming chucks.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname felt sorry for this poor slime. So she gently removed it from her body, made it some Rice Krispie Treats and went on her way.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname built up the holy light inside her while she floated in the slime's body. Once built up enough, she unleashed a blinding light that got the slime off her.\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cut through the slime with her blazing sword, sending burning parts of slime goo everywhere.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname felt sorry for this poor slime. So she gently removed it from her body, made it some Rice Krispie Treats and went on her way.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - (($thisroom.res * 0.25) * 2))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname sliced the slime into peices with her holy blade.\
<<elseif $ === "Servant of Evil">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str + 10>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname, after she's had her fun, surrounds herself in a dark flame and unleashes it in a wave of energy, splattering the slime along the dungeon walls.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname is enjoying her time with the slime, so she doesn't do anything. Once the slime is done, she pulls her clothes from the slimes body and moves onto the next room.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname sets a ring of fire around her feet, forcing the slime fall back.\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname tightened her grip on her whip, setting it on fire. She then quickly spins within the slime's body with the whip tearing through the slime's oozy body like a knife that's been set on fire through butter.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname is enjoying her time with the slime, so she doesn't do anything. Once the slime is done, she pulls her clothes from the slimes body and moves onto the next room.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - (($thisroom.res * 0.25) * 2))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname infuses her whip with dark magic and whips it around, sending the slime packing.\
<<elseif $ === "Loli">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str + 10>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname quickly slides her way out of the slime and hits it with a magic spell that turns the slime into Jell-o, which she uses as a trampoline until it has been worn down to nothing.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname doesn't know how this always keeps happening to her, she tries so hard to avoid such lewd situations. Instead of trying to fight the slime, she spends her time thinking of new ways to avoid this in the future.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname transforms the slimes body into water, which washes across the floor but leaves her wet and cold. You know because her nipples showing through her wet clothes.\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname rolls into a little ball and starts crashing into walls until the slime falls off her. Then she pulls out her trusty hammer and smashes, hitting 100 on the strength meter and earning a prize, naisu!\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname doesn't know how this always keeps happening to her, she tries so hard to avoid such lewd situations. Instead of trying to fight the slime, she spends her time thinking of new ways to avoid this in the future.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - (($thisroom.res * 0.25) * 2))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname moves her body like a eel through the slimes body until she is out. After which she pulls out a wooden roller pin and beats the crap out of the slime while scolding it.\
<span id="spaceAct">[[Results|UnitResults]]</span><div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Zombie Room</div>\
/*Reset Room*/\
<<set $thisroom to $nextroom_info>>\
<<set $thief_evade to false>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<set $dmgtaken to 0>>\
<<set $sextaken to 0>>\
<<set _maxhorniness to 100>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<set $nothinghappened to false>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _bonusdmg to 2.5>>\
<<set _bonussex to 4>>\
<<set _abilitytriggeredgif to false>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _evadegif to "[img[gifs/random/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _zombiepic0 to "[img[images/zombie/0.jpg]]">>\
<<set _zombiepic1 to "[img[images/zombie/1.jpg]]">>\
<<set _zombiepic2 to "[img[images/zombie/2.jpg]]">>\
<<set _zombiepicsarray to [_zombiepic0, _zombiepic1, _zombiepic2]>>\
<<set _zombiepic to _zombiepicsarray.random()>>\
<<set _zombgif0 to "[img[gifs/zombie/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _zombgif1 to "[img[gifs/zombie/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _zombgif2 to "[img[gifs/zombie/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _zombgifsarray to [_zombgif0, _zombgif1, _zombgif2]>>\
<<set _sexgif to _zombgifsarray.random()>>\
/*Room is defeated*/\
<<if $thisroom.curhp === 0>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
As $cur_girl_runner.girlname walked into the room and noticed the zombie laying before her. She kicked it's corpse, making sure it was actually dead before moving on to the next room.\
<<set $nothinghappened to true>>\
/*Dice Roll*/\
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Hit!</span><</if>></strong>
/*Precombat checks*/\
/*Thief evade check*/\
<<if $ === "Thief" && _d20 != 1>>\
<<if $ > $ * 5>>\
<<set $thief_evade to true>>\
<<elseif $ > $ * 2.5 || _d20 === 20>>\
<<set _rng to random(4, 7)>>\
<<if _rng === 7>>\
<<set $thief_evade to true>>\
/*Thief avoids room*/\
<<if $thief_evade === true>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_evadegif</div>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room and spotted the zombie in the corner. She knew how resilent they can be and wanted to avoid it. She quietly moved across the room and to the exit, moving on in the dungeon.\
/*Archer Attack*/\
<<elseif $ === "Archer">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname took aim at the slow moving zombie and shot an arrow through its left eye.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname kept shooting arrows into the zombie but failed to hit any vital parts.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - (($thisroom.res * 0.25)))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname aimed carefully and shot the zombie in the leg trying to slow it down.\
<<if $thisroom.curhp <= 0>>\
<<if $thisroom.abilitytriggered === false>>\
/*Zombie Ability*/\
<div class="image-tall">_zombiepic</div>\
<<set $thisroom.abilitytriggered to true>>\
<<set _abiliitytriggeredgif to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp += $dmgdealt>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 2) * _bonussex)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
After falling, the zombie got back up and attacked $cur_girl_runner.girlname while she wasn't paying attention, dragging her to the ground and assaulting her. While she suffered a lot of damage, she also enjoyed it somewhat.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 0.5) * _bonussex)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
After falling, the zombie got back up and attacked $cur_girl_runner.girlname while she wasn't paying attention, dragging her to the ground and assaulting her. She did not enjoy it at all and took a ton of damage.\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ * _bonussex)>>\
After falling, the zombie got back up and attacked $cur_girl_runner.girlname while she wasn't paying attention, dragging her to the ground and assaulting her.\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str * _bonusdmg)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _maxhorniness -= _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp to 0>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
She landed a lethal arrow through the zombie, finishing it off.\
/*Zombie Attacks Archer*/\
<div class="image-tall">_zombiepic</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>><<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>><</if>>\
After getting shot, the zombie attacks the Archer, biting her in the arm.\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_sexgif</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.75)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.25), ($dmgtaken * 0.5)) - ($thisroom.res * 0.5))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname embraces the zombie and lets it do whatever it pleases to her. The zombie fucked her violetly, just the way she liked it.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_sexgif</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 0.75)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.25), ($dmgtaken * 0.5)) - ($thisroom.res * 0.5))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname let the zombie take her down to the ground and fuck her. She did not like how hard the zombie was going but she was horny enough to deal with it for now.\
<div class="gif-wide">_sexgif</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.25)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.25), ($dmgtaken * 0.5)) - ($thisroom.res * 0.5))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname laided down and let the zombie get on top of her, violating her roughly.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
/*Begin Combat*/\
<<if $ != "Slut" || $ != "Archer">>\
<div class="image-tall">_zombiepic</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>><<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>><</if>>\
The zombie grabs $cur_girl_runner.girlname and bites her arm.\
/*Girl Capture or Defeated check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
/*Girl Attacks*/\
<<if $ === "Villager">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname pushed off the zombie and kicked it a bunch before running away.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname couldn't push the zombie off but was able to slip under their grasp and run away.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname pushed the zombie off her.\
<<elseif $ === "Knight">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname sliced the zombie across the arm and chest before stabbing it through the head.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname tried stabbing the zombie through the stomach, but it wasn't very effect.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cut the zombie's hand that was grabbing her, then took a stab into the zombie's chest.\
<<elseif $ === "Thief">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname pulled some cutting wire from her bag and flipped over the zombie, slicing it's neck deeply.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname pulled some cutting wire from her bag and flipped over the zombie, but wasn't able to clear the zombie and fell.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname pulled her dagger behind her head and cut the zombie across the face, freeing her.\
<<elseif $ === "Mage">>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname set her body ablaze with a spell, igniting the zombie instantly as it rolled around.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was too scared to think of any spell to cast, instead using her staff to free herself from the zombie's grasp.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname kicked the zombie back and shot multiple ice shards through it's limbs.\
<<elseif $ === "Witch">>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was unphased by the zombie's attack. She summoned forth a dark flame elemental to dispatch of the zombie, pummeling it against the wall.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname missed the company of a good zombie, so instead of fighting back, she let the zombie hold her tightly feeling safe as it took a bite.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname surrounded herself in dark ice, loosing the zombie's hold of her. After she escaped it's grasp, she froze the zombie solid and walked away.\
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.str >= $cur_girl_runner.mgc>>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname stabbed the zombie through the gut, then set her sword on fire while it was still inside the zombie, burning it from the inside.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname wanted to save the poor soul who was turned into the zombie, she vowed to return for him once she found the cure for zombification.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cut the hand off the zombie and kicked it off her.\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname used her holy magic to purge the zombie, grabbing it's head and burning it from within with her holy light.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname wanted to save the poor soul who was turned into the zombie, she vowed to return for him once she found the cure for zombification.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname flashed the zombie with holy light, then burned it with holy light.\
<<elseif $ === "Servant of Evil">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname kicked the zombie off her and washed the zombie over with a wave of lava.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname got bored since the zombie wasn't pleasing her sexually, so she fell asleep.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname released a wave of dark magic around her, sending the zombie into the wall.\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname kicked the zombie back and knocked it into the air using her whip before performing the sickest air combo in the entire game!\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname got bored since the zombie wasn't pleasing her sexually, so she fell asleep.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname wrapped her whip around the zombie's foot and smashed it back and forth a few times.\
<<elseif $ === "Loli">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cried as the zombie chased her around. Eventually the room filled up with water and the zombie was washed away in a river of pure Loli holy water.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was so scared of zombies, she ran away screaming after sliding through the zombie's grasp.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cast a mind control spell on the zombie, turning it into her friend. They had a little tea party together before she had to leave. She poisoned the zombie's tea, sneaky bitch.\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname knocked the zombie on the head with her frying pan. Then she set the pan on fire and beat the crap out of the zombie.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was so scared of zombies, she ran away screaming after sliding through the zombie's grasp.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname kicked the zombie in it's undead balls. Then she did a epic knee slide under the zombie, headbutting it's balls, which was both gross and a little arousing.\
<<if $thisroom.curhp <= 0 && $thisroom.abilitytriggered === false>>\
/*Zombie ability*/\
<<set $thisroom.abilitytriggered to true>>\
<<set _abilitytriggeredgif to true>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp += $dmgdealt>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 2) * _bonussex)>>\
<<set $temp_fetish to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
After falling, the zombie got back up and attacked $cur_girl_runner.girlname while she wasn't paying attention, dragging her to the ground and assaulting her. While she suffered a lot of damage, she also enjoyed it somewhat.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * .5) * _bonussex)>>\
<<set $temp_fetish to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
After falling, the zombie got back up and attacked $cur_girl_runner.girlname while she wasn't paying attention, dragging her to the ground and assaulting her. She did not enjoy it at all and took a ton of damage.\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ * _bonussex)>>\
After falling, the zombie got back up and attacked $cur_girl_runner.girlname while she wasn't paying attention, dragging her to the ground and assaulting her.\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str * _bonusdmg)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>><<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>><</if>>\
/*Girl Capture of Defeated check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _maxhorniness -= _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<span id="spaceAct">[[Results|UnitResults]]</span>\
<<if $thisroom.abilitytriggered === true>>\
<<switch $curroomnum>>\
<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $thisroom>>\
<<if _abilitytriggeredgif === true>>\
<div class="gif-left">_sexgif</div>\
<</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Fairies Room</div>\
/*Reset Room*/\
<<set $thisroom to $nextroom_info>>\
<<set $thief_evade to false>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<set $dmgtaken to 0>>\
<<set $sextaken to 0>>\
<<set _maxhorniness to 100>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<set $nothinghappened to false>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
/*Ability Check*/\
<<set _istranced to false>>\
<<set _rng to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _trancenum to $ + _rng>>\
<<set _trancecheck to Math.round((($ + $cur_girl_runner.mgc) * 0.5) * $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck) + _d20>>\
<<if _trancenum >= _trancecheck && _d20 != 20>>\
<<set _istranced to true>>\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set _istranced to true>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _evadegif to "[img[gifs/random/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _masturbationgif0 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgif1 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgif2 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgif3 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgif4 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgif5 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/19.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgifsarray to [_masturbationgif0, _masturbationgif1, _masturbationgif2, _masturbationgif3, _masturbationgif4, _masturbationgif5]>>\
<<set _masturbationgif to _masturbationgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _fairiespic0 to "[img[images/fairies/0.jpg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespic1 to "[img[images/fairies/6.jpeg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespic2 to "[img[images/fairies/7.jpg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespic3 to "[img[images/fairies/8.jpeg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespicsarray to [_fairiespic0, _fairiespic1, _fairiespic2, _fairiespic3]>>\
<<set _fairiespic to _fairiespicsarray.random()>>\
/*Room is defeated*/\
<<if $thisroom.curhp === 0>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
As $cur_girl_runner.girlname walked into the fairies room, filled with glowing mushrooms and overgrown foliage. She found a group of fairies tending to their wounds in the shrubbery. She quietly crept past them and into the next room.
<<set $nothinghappened to true>>\
/*Dice Roll*/\
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<<if _istranced === false>>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Hit!</span><</if>></strong>
/*Precombat checks*/\
/*Thief evade check*/\
<<if $ === "Thief" && _d20 != 1>>\
<<if $ > $ * 5>>\
<<set $thief_evade to true>>\
<<elseif $ > $ * 2.5 || _d20 === 20>>\
<<set _rng to random(4, 7)>>\
<<if _rng === 7>>\
<<set $thief_evade to true>>\
/*Thief avoids room*/\
<<if $thief_evade === true>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_evadegif</div>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room filled with folliage and fairies darting about. She knew that they could cause her some trouble so she wanted to avoid them. It didn't take long for the fairies to notice her but with a quick smoke bomb, they lost her as she made it to the otherside of the room and moved on.\
/*Slut Caught check*/\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">>\
<<set _rng to random(3)>>\
<<if _rng === 2>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_masturbationgif</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken to $cur_girl_runner.curhp>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the fairy tale room, wondering what interesting things might be hidden in here. She was soon surrounded by little fairies, although she failed to notice them. It didn't take long for the fairies to put the Slut into a trance, brainwashing her and forcing her to do the one thing she knew best: to satisfy her wet pussy. Bested by the fairies, she laid down, undressed, and got lost in the pleasure of her own fingers for the rest of the night.
/*Slut if not captured*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<div class="image-tall">_fairiespic</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.75)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.25), ($dmgtaken * 0.5)) - ($thisroom.res * 0.5))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname grabs a fairy out of the air and shakes it's magic dust on her hand and rubs it all over her body, making her super sensitive. She then grabs a couple more fairies and uses them to rub against her soaked pussy and between her tits vigorously.
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<div class="image-tall">_fairiespic</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 0.75)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.25), ($dmgtaken * 0.5)) - ($thisroom.res * 0.5))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname wasn't very happy, she wanted to play with something big, she thought as she slid a few fairies in and out of her pussy. This just wasn't satisfying her at all.
<div class="image-tall">_fairiespic</div>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.25)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.25), ($dmgtaken * 0.5)) - ($thisroom.res * 0.5))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname chased after the fairies as the spread their magic dust over her, increasing her sensitivity. This only increased her speed and eventually caught a few, which she used as a dildo.
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
/*Girl is Tranced*/\
<<elseif _istranced === true && $ != "Slut">>\
<div class="gif-wide">_masturbationgif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includes("Masturbation")>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round((($ * 2.5) * 2) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete("Masturbation")>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includes("Masturbation")>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round((($ * 2.5) * .5) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete("Masturbation")>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 2.25) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _maxhorniness -= _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the fairy tale room, she was nervous about what trickery was laying in wait for her. She searched around, looking for a way to escape to the next room. She saw the door ahead, she quickly ran towards it but feel into the trap the fairies laid. The fairies spread their magic dust over $cur_girl_runner.girlname, her <span style="color:purple">Intelligence</span> was not strong enough to resist the fairies magic.
/*Archer Attack*/\
<<elseif $ === "Archer">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname took a shrapnel bomb and threw it over the fairies, shooting it out of the air. Tiny shards of glass rained down on them.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname shot arrow after arrow at the fairies but couldn't even get close to hitting one.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - (($thisroom.res * 0.25)))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname took aim and landed a couple shots into the swarm of fairies, damaging the group a little.\
<<if $thisroom.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp to 0>>\
She has defeated the swarm of fairies before they could attack her.
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
/*Fairies Attack: Archer*/\
<div class="image-tall">_fairiespic</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 2) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
The small fairies swarm around $cur_girl_runner.girlname and are able to tie her down with magical vines. They are able to please her sensitive parts using magic to heighten her senses and swarm around her clit and breasts, licking all over.
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * .5) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
The fairies restricted $cur_girl_runner.girlname's movements using magical binds. Even with magic aphrodisiacs, she did not enjoy anything the fairies tried to do to her.
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
The fairies were able to trip $cur_girl_runner.girlname using a vine snare. Once on the ground, the fairies bounded her to the floor using magical binds. The played with her sensitive parts, making her wet as she made lewd sounds.
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>><<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>><</if>>\
/*Begin Combat*/\
<div class="image-tall">_fairiespic</div>\
<<if $ != "Slut" || $ != "Archer">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 2) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
The small fairies swarm around $cur_girl_runner.girlname and are able to tie her down with magical vines. They are able to please her sensitive parts using magic to heighten her senses and swarm around her clit and breasts, licking all over.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * .5) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
The fairies restricted $cur_girl_runner.girlname's movements using magical binds. Even with magic aphrodisiacs, she did not enjoy anything the fairies tried to do to her.\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
The fairies were able to trip $cur_girl_runner.girlname using a vine snare. Once on the ground, the fairies bounded her to the floor using magical binds. The played with her sensitive parts, making her wet as she made lewd sounds.\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
/*Girl Capture of Defeated check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _maxhorniness -= _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
/*Girl Attacks*/\
<<if $ === "Villager">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname broke free from her binds and swatted some of the fairies.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname took the abuse from the fairies until they all went to sleep, then she was finally able to escape.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname kicked and screamed until she broke free, then she ran away.\
<<elseif $ === "Knight">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cut the vines with her sword and slashed at the fairies buzzing around her, striking a few of them down.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname lost her sword and wasn't able to break her bonds. Once the fairies had their fun, she was able to escape.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname sliced her bindings off her and ran to the exit with her shield up, bashing some of the fairies along the way.\
<<elseif $ === "Thief">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cut herself free and threw a smoke bomb, blasting the fairies and giving her cover to escape.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname could not control her body and was forced to take the abuse until the fairies tired of playing with her.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cut herself free and swatted at the fairies as she ran towards the exit.\
<<elseif $ === "Mage">>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cloaked herself in fire and easily walked to the exit as the fairies scattered.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname forgot what the spell was called to wrap her body in fire, and took the abuse from the fairies until they let her go.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname ignites the vines that are constricting her, causing a few of the fairies to catch ablaze as well.\
<<elseif $ === "Witch">>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname burned the area in a dark flame, freeing her and sending the fairies running in all directions.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname forgot the proper way to deal with fairies and their tricks, she had to endure until they grew tired of her.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname summoned her toad familiars to attack the fairies while she escaped.\
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.str >= $cur_girl_runner.mgc>>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname merely turned her sword ablaze in holy light and sliced through the vines and fairies if they dared get in her way again.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname did not wish to harm the fairies, instead offering to clean their little outfits after they let her go. Afterwords, the fairies kindly declined her offer.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cut the vines and swatted the fairies away as she marched on.\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname set her body ablaze in holy light, blasting the bindings from her as well as the poor fairies.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname did not wish to harm the fairies, instead offering to clean their little outfits after they let her go. Afterwords, the fairies kindly declined her offer.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname grabbed one of the vines around her leg and set it on fire, kicking some of the fairies off her. After freeing herself, she kept moving forward.\
<<elseif $ === "Servant of Evil">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname enjoyed being tied down for a bit, then unleashed a blast of dark flame, burning the room up and setting herself free.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname is enjoying her time with the fairies, so she doesn't do anything. Once the fairies had their fun, she asked for some of their magic dust to use later when she got home.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname freed one of her hands and shot fireballs at the fairies, forcing them to retreat. Once they were gone, she casually removed the rest of the vines and moved to the next room.\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cracked her whip against the ground where the vines held her, snapping the vines in two. Once free, she unleashed a fury of attacked against the swarm of fairies, injuring several of them as the flew away.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname is enjoying her time with the fairies, so she doesn't do anything. Once the fairies had their fun, she asked for some of their magic dust to use later when she got home.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname burned the bindings away with her whip and cracked it at the fairies.\
<<elseif $ === "Loli">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was too small for the bindings to hold her for long. She slid out and sprinkled her own magic dust on the fairies, turning them into little dolls. $cur_girl_runner.girlname played with them for abit until she got bored and smashed them against each other before leaving.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname slid away as the vines could not hold someone so small down. She left the fairies along because she thought they were cute.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname threw a tantrum, accidentally shooting out fireballs from her wand. This burned the vines and a few of the fairies.\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname slipped away! Then smacked a bunch of fairies with her oversized hammer! Zing!\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname slid away as the vines could not hold someone so small down. She left the fairies along because she thought they were cute.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname slipped through the binds hold her and ran to the exit, hitting the fairies with her deadly fly swatter. Lolis come prepared for anything.\
<span id="spaceAct">[[Results|UnitResults]]</span><div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Treasure Room</div>\
<<set _slutgif0 to "[img[gifs/slut/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif1 to "[img[gifs/slut/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif2 to "[img[gifs/slut/42.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif3 to "[img[gifs/slut/43.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif4 to "[img[gifs/slut/39.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif5 to "[img[gifs/slut/40.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif6 to "[img[gifs/slut/41.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif7 to "[img[gifs/slut/37.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif8 to "[img[gifs/slut/38.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif9 to "[img[gifs/slut/44.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif10 to "[img[gifs/slut/45.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif11 to "[img[gifs/slut/46.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif12 to "[img[gifs/slut/47.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif13 to "[img[gifs/slut/48.gif]]">>\
<<set _cowgirlgifs to [_slutgif0, _slutgif1, _slutgif2, _slutgif3]>>\
<<set _twoslutsgifs to [_slutgif4, _slutgif5, _slutgif6]>>\
<<set _slutscizgifs to [_slutgif7, _slutgif8]>>\
<<set _slutjailbreakgifs to [_slutgif9, _slutgif10]>>\
<<set _slufacesitgifs to [_slutgif12, _slutgif13]>>\
<<set _lostitem to "">>\
<<set _drunk to false>>\
/*Thief stealing*/\
<<if $ === "Thief">>\
<<if $pctreasure.length > 0>><<set _lostitem to $pctreasure.pluck()>>\
<<set _lostgold to Math.round(30 + ($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 5))>>\
<<if _lostgold >= $pcgold>><<set _lostgold to $pcgold>>\
<<if _lostitem != "">>\
<<if === "Fancy Wine">>\
The Thief stole your She decided to take a sip, which was enough to get her hammered.
You have Captured the Thief.
<<set _drunk to true>>\
The Thief stole your and <span style="color:gold">_lostgold gold</span> from the treasure room.
The Thief stole <span style="color:gold">_lostgold gold</span> from the treasure room.
/*Slut stealing?*/\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">>\
<<set $gameovercount++>>\
<<if $gameovercount >= 5>>\
<<set $pcloses to true>>\
<<switch $gameovercount>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set _randgif to _cowgirlgifs.random()>>\
<<set $s_sex++>>\
<div class="gif-square">_randgif</div>\
Instead of stealing your treasure and gold, this slut really wants to ride on a fat cock. She hunts you down inside your bedroom and mounts you, riding you as she drains your shaft.
<span style="color:red">You can no longer defend your treasure room for the rest of the night</span>
<<case 2>>\
<<set _randgif to _twoslutsgifs.random()>>\
<<set $s_sex++>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_randgif</div>\
Already being smoothered by one Slut from eariler, $cur_girl_runner.girlname joins in on the action, smoothering you even more.
<span style="color:red">You will only heal back 75% of your Health and Mana tonight</span>
<<case 3>>\
<<set _randgif to _slutscizgifs.random()>>\
<div class="gif-square">_randgif</div>\
Since you have your hands full, $cur_girl_runner.girlname seeks out <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> to play around with. Although they both enjoyed tribbing each other, your mistress has become exhausted after all that grinding.
<span style="color:red">Your Mistress will only have half her max Energy tomorrow</span>
<<case 4>>\
<<if $slutgift === false>>\
<<set $slutgift to true>>\
<<set $s_sex++>>\
<<set _randgif to _slufacesitgifs.random()>>\
<div class="gif-square">_randgif</div>\
Entering your chambers, $cur_girl_runner.girlname sees you getting your balls drained by a couple of Sluts. She decided she wants to join in the fun and sits on your face, rubbing her soaked pussy all over your face.
<span style="color:red">You have been marked by the Stench of the Sluts. Now you are more likely to attract Sluts to your dungeon and they will be slightly stronger, <strong>FOREVER!</strong></span>
<<set $captured to []>>\
<<set _randgif to _slutjailbreakgifs.random()>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_randgif</div>\
After seeing everyone playing with each other, $cur_girl_runner.girlname goes over to your prison cells and releases all the captured girls who have submitted because they are horny as fuck. The prison turns into a massive orgy as the floor becomes covered in pussy juices as girls grind, suck, and lick each other to become satisfied. After everyone has had their fun, the adventurers leave the dungeon.
<span style="color:red">The Slut has released all your captured girls</span>
<<case 5>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_slutgif11</div>\
Your dungeon has become overrun with Sluts. You find yourself burried under their pussies as they take turns draining your balls over and over. <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> has become their sex slave as well, forced to eat out anyone who desires it. Your Dungeon run has come to a tragic end...
Something is wrong...
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "" && $pcloses === false>>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
After roughing you up, she leaves you her most prized possession, her <span style="color:gold"></span>, despite everything they have been through, they felt a smooth as the day they were made.
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
<<set _lostgold to 0>>\
/*Other stealing*/\
<<set _lostgold to Math.round(30 + ($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 3))>>\
<<if _lostgold >= $pcgold>><<set _lostgold to $pcgold>>\
<<set _rng to random(1, 5)>>\
<<set _rngcheck to $pctreasure.length>>\
<<if _rng <= _rngcheck>><<set _lostitem to $pctreasure.pluck()>>\
<<if _lostitem != "">>\
<<if === "Fancy Wine">>\
The $ stole your She decided to take a sip, which was enough to get her hammered.
You have Captured the $
<<set _drunk to true>>\
The $ stole your and <span style="color:gold">_lostgold gold</span> from the treasure room.
The $ stole <span style="color:gold">_lostgold gold</span> from the treasure room.
/*Update room*/\
<<if _drunk === true>>\
<<set $captured.push($cur_girl_runner)>>\
<<set $goldstolen += _lostgold>>\
<<set $pcgold -= _lostgold>>\
<<if $pcgold <= 0>>\
All your gold has been stolen.
<<set $pcloses to true>>\
/*Next Girl*/\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
<<if $pcloses === true>>\
[[End Night|GameOver]]\
<span id="spaceAct">[[End Night|End of Night Report]]</span><</if>>\
<<if $pcloses === true>>\
[[End Night|GameOver]]\
<<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]</span>\
<<set $pctotalsex to $v_sex + $s_sex + $m_sex + $a_sex + $k_sex + $h_sex + $e_sex + $l_sex + $t_sex + $w_sex>>\\<<set $slime1 = {
name: "Slime",
desc: "A simple and weak Slime, although their body makes them quite studry. Every great summoner has to start somewhere. For most, it's here.",
scenename: "SlimeRoom",
cost: 200,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 9,
fetishlist: ["Breasts", "Pussy", "Ass"],
numfetish: 2,
fetish: ["Getting Dirty"],
ability: "Oozy Body",
abilitydesc: "Doubles it's Resistance against all Physical and Sexual damage.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 4,
str: 2,
res: 3,
int: 1,
sex: 6,
hp_mingains: 1,
hp_maxgains: 2,
str_mingains: 0,
str_maxgains: 1,
res_mingains: 1,
res_maxgains: 3,
int_mingains: 0,
int_maxgains: 0,
sex_mingains: 2,
sex_maxgains: 3,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $goons1 = {
name: "Goons",
desc: "A gang of goons, ready to plunder easy victims.",
scenename: "GoonsRoom",
cost: 400,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 14,
fetishlist: ["Double Penetration", "Gang Bang", "Oral", "Getting Dirty"],
numfetish: 3,
fetish: [],
ability: "Mob Deep",
abilitydesc: "Gains increase stats against low health targets. Slight chance to capture Villagers.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 18,
str: 5,
res: 1,
int: 2,
sex: 12,
hp_mingains: 2,
hp_maxgains: 3,
str_mingains: 2,
str_maxgains: 3,
res_mingains: 0,
res_maxgains: 1,
int_mingains: 0,
int_maxgains: 1,
sex_mingains: 1,
sex_maxgains: 2,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $zombie1 = {
name: "Zombie",
desc: "He doesn't hunger for brains, only ass and titties.",
scenename: "ZombieRoom",
cost: 400,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 18,
fetishlist: ["Anal", "Pussy"],
numfetish: 1,
fetish: [],
ability: "Die Hard",
abilitydesc: "This Unit does not deal Sexual damage during normal attacks. Once a night, this Unit will survive a lethal blow and attack again. This attack deals bonus Physical and Sexual damage and ignores Resistances.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 10,
str: 2,
res: 4,
int: 1,
sex: 2,
hp_mingains: 2,
hp_maxgains: 4,
str_mingains: 1,
str_maxgains: 2,
res_mingains: 0,
res_maxgains: 1,
int_mingains: 0,
int_maxgains: 0,
sex_mingains: 0,
sex_maxgains: 3,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
abilitytriggered: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $fairies1 = {
name: "Fairies",
desc: "Sneaky little devils, always playing the same tricks. They can never learn if they can never remember.",
scenename: "FairiesRoom",
cost: 600,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 21,
fetishlist: ["Aphrodisiacs", "Breasts", "Bondage", "Pussy", "Anal"],
numfetish: 2,
fetish: ["Group"],
ability: "Trance",
abilitydesc: "Magic spell against the Girl's Intelligence. If the Girl loses, they are put in a trance and forced to masturbate, suffering significant Sexual damage that is affected by the Masturabtion Fetish. Against Sluts they have a chance to instantly defeat them.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 9,
str: 3,
res: 2,
int: 4,
sex: 8,
hp_mingains: 1,
hp_maxgains: 1,
str_mingains: 0,
str_maxgains: 1,
res_mingains: 1,
res_maxgains: 3,
int_mingains: 2,
int_maxgains: 4,
sex_mingains: 1,
sex_maxgains: 2,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $outlaw1 = {
name: "Outlaw",
desc: "Strong and cunning, he will make sure you get a nice prize as long as he gets the gold. Better lock the treasure room.",
scenename: "OutlawRoom",
cost: 500,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
maxlvl: 15,
fetishlist: ["Bondage", "Breasts", "Oral", "Masturbation", "Pussy"],
numfetish: 3,
fetish: [],
ability: "Fair Trade",
abilitydesc: "Once a night, whenever the Outlaw captures an adventurer, he will steal her gold for himself but makes sure her body is well taken care of, increasing the exp she gives by 50%.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 19,
str: 6,
res: 3,
int: 9,
sex: 21,
hp_mingains: 2,
hp_maxgains: 3,
str_mingains: 2,
str_maxgains: 3,
res_mingains: 1,
res_maxgains: 2,
int_mingains: 3,
int_maxgains: 4,
sex_mingains: 3,
sex_maxgains: 4,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $tenta1 = {
name: "Tentacles",
desc: "A staple in any legendary Dungeon. What kinda joint would this be without a tentacle monster? Lame, that's what.",
scenename: "TentacleRoom",
cost: 800,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 28,
fetishlist: ["Bondage", "Double Penetration", "Ass", "Oral", "Breasts", "Getting Dirty", "Pussy"],
numfetish: 4,
fetish: ["Monster"],
ability: "Fetish Master",
abilitydesc: "If this Unit has a Fetish the Girl is weak against, it deals increased Sexual damage and reduces the amount of Physical damage it deals. This Unit also takes reduced Sexual damage from Sluts.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 12,
str: 4,
res: 3,
int: 2,
sex: 11,
hp_mingains: 1,
hp_maxgains: 3,
str_mingains: 1,
str_maxgains: 2,
res_mingains: 1,
res_maxgains: 3,
int_mingains: 0,
int_maxgains: 1,
sex_mingains: 2,
sex_maxgains: 4,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
\<<set $ditto1 = {
name: "Ditto",
desc: "Nobody said you could only summon creatures from this universe. Who wouldn't want the best breeder ever in their Dungeon?",
scenename: "DittoRoom",
cost: 500,
lvl: 1,
exp: 0,
exp_nextlvl: 0,
lvlgrowth: 10,
fetishlist: [],
numfetish: 0,
fetish: ["Lesbians"],
ability: "Transform",
abilitydesc: "This Unit copies all stats of the Girl besides their Health. Against Sluts, this Unit transforms into a random sex toy, negating all damage done to and by it.",
roomtype: "Unit",
hp: 2,
str: 0,
res: 0,
int: 0,
sex: 0,
hp_mingains: 1,
hp_maxgains: 4,
str_mingains: 0,
str_maxgains: 0,
res_mingains: 0,
res_maxgains: 0,
int_mingains: 0,
int_maxgains: 0,
sex_mingains: 0,
sex_maxgains: 0,
curhp: 0,
isenchanted: false,
upgrade: ""
<<set $unitarray1 to [$slime1, $goon1, $zombies1, $fairies1, $outlaw1]
<<set $unitarray2 to ["Tentacles", "Black Knight", "Leeches", "Abomination", "Nymph"] /*Treasures*/\
<<set $necklace = {
name: "Necklace of Mages",
cost: 200,
rarity: 1,
rarityname: "Common",
desc: "A pretty necklace filled with a small amount of magic. Slightly increases the chance of a Mage entering your Dungeon."
<<set $ring = {
name: "Archer's Ring",
cost: 200,
rarity: 1,
rarityname: "Common",
desc: "A useful ring to help Archer hit their target. Slightly increases the chance of an Archer entering your Dungeon."
<<set $amulet = {
name: "Amulet of Vigor",
cost: 200,
rarity: 1,
rarityname: "Common",
desc: "A small token made to bring longevity to those who may need it. Slightly increases the chance of a Knight entering your Dungeon."
<<set $orb = {
name: "Witch's Orb",
cost: 500,
rarity: 2,
rarityname: "Rare",
desc: "A glass orb filled with a cloudy aura. Has a 50% chance to slightly increase the Lust of Girls entering your Dungeon. Does not affect Servants of Evil and Witches."
<<set $harp = {
name: "Harp of the Divine",
cost: 500,
rarity: 2,
rarityname: "Rare",
desc: "A sacred instrument used to bring peace. Slightly increases the chance of an Attendant of the Holy Spirit entering your Dungeon."
<<set $chalice = {
name: "Chalice of Loki",
cost: 500,
rarity: 2,
rarityname: "Rare",
desc: "A ritual tool used to drink from to heighten the experience. Slightly increases the chance of a Servant of Evil entering your Dungeon."
<<set $crown = {
name: "Crown of Lolis",
cost: 499,
rarity: 2,
rarityname: "Rare",
desc: "A tiny little crown made for a tiny little princess, so cute! Slightly increases the chance of a Loli enerting your Dungeon."
<<set $wine = {
name: "Fancy Wine",
cost: 800,
rarity: 3,
rarityname: "Legendary",
desc: "A fancy wine bottle unopened and aged to perfection, also quite potent. If a Girl steals this Treasure, they will drink it and get drunk, consuming the Treasure but Capturing them."
<<set $mask = {
name: "Cursed Mask",
cost: 800,
rarity: 3,
rarityname: "Legendary",
desc: "A ancient mask of a fallen hero who was said to be cursed with the uglies. Chance to decrease the amount of non-Slut Girls entering your Dungeon."
<<set $panties = {
name: "Silk Panties",
cost: 1200,
rarity: 4,
rarityname: "Mythical",
desc: "Legendary panties made from the rariest silk, infused with magic for long lasting smoothness. Chance to increase the amount of weak Fetishes a Girl enters your Dungeon with, but does not affect Witches."
<<set $bra = {
name: "Gold Studded Bra",
cost: 2000,
rarity: 4,
rarityname: "Mythical",
desc: "Even scientists cannot explain how this bra can fit any size breasts while providing excellent support and a sexy look. Increases the amount of Gold carried by a Girl entering your Dungeon."
<<set $empty = {
name: "Empty",
cost: 0,
rarity: 100000,
rarityname: "",
desc: ""
\<<set $treasurelist to [$necklace, $ring, $amulet, $harp, $chalice, $crown, $wine, $mask, $panties, $bra]>>\
\<<set $treasurenames to [$treasurelist[0].name, $treasurelist[1].name, $treasurelist[2].name, $treasurelist[3].name, $treasurelist[4].name, $treasurelist[5].name, $treasurelist[6].name, $treasurelist[7].name]>>\
\<<set $treasurecosts to [$treasurelist[0].cost, $treasurelist[1].cost, $treasurelist[2].cost, $treasurelist[3].cost, $treasurelist[4].cost, $treasurelist[5].cost, $treasurelist[6].cost, $treasurelist[7].cost]>>\
\<<set $treasurerarities to [$treasurelist[0].rarity, $treasurelist[1].rarity, $treasurelist[2].rarity, $treasurelist[3].rarity, $treasurelist[4].rarity, $treasurelist[5].rarity, $treasurelist[6].rarity, $treasurelist[7].rarity]>>\
<<set $bondageset = {
name: "Bondage Starter Kit",
cost: 400,
rarity: 2,
rarityname: "Rare",
desc: "A basic kit for anyone looking to spice things up in the bedroom. Does not take up a Treasure slot and unlocks bondage sex for Captured Girls."
}>>\\<<set $dart1 = {
name: "Intoxicating Darts",
desc: "It's like hundreds of little cupids shooting you.",
scenename: "DartRoom",
cost: 200,
isworking: true,
fetish: ["Aphrodisiacs"],
effect: "Once triggered, aphrodisiac darts will be shot all over the room, dealing Sexual damage and making the Girl Horny.",
str: 1,
str_up: 1,
sex: 2,
sex_up: 2,
rate: 55,
rate_up: 5,
lvl: 1,
maxlvl: 5,
ismaxlvl: false,
isenchanted: false,
roomtype: "Trap",
maxlvldesc: "Greatly decreases Intelligence stat."
\<<set $pit1 = {
name: "Pitfall",
desc: "A deep, dark hole hidden from view. One of the oldest trick in the book.",
scenename: "PitRoom",
cost: 300,
isworking: true,
hascaptured: 0,
fetish: ["None"],
effect: "Once triggered, the Girl falls into a hole hiding under a trapdoor. The Girl then becomes instantly Captured from being exposed to intoxicating pheromones all night. Can only Capture one Girl a night. After it has Captured a Girl, it becomes an empty room until the next night. Cannot become disarmed.",
str: 0,
str_up: 0,
sex: 0,
sex_up: 0,
rate: 45,
rate_up: 8,
lvl: 1,
maxlvl: 5,
ismaxlvl: false,
isenchanted: false,
roomtype: "Trap",
maxlvldesc: "Increases Capture size per Raid to two Girls."
\<<set $chest1 = {
name: "Mimic Chest",
desc: "A monster cleverly disguised as a treasure chest. Who wouldn't open the chest?",
scenename: "ChestRoom",
cost: 400,
isworking: true,
fetish: ["Monsters", "Bondage"],
effect: "Once triggered, the Mimic engulfs the Girl inside its mouth. Inside, the Mimic pleasures the Girl, dealing Physical and Sexual damage. Bonus success rate against Thiefs.",
str: 5,
str_up: 3,
sex: 8,
sex_up: 4,
rate: 60,
rate_up: 5,
lvl: 1,
maxlvl: 5,
ismaxlvl: false,
isenchanted: false,
roomtype: "Trap",
maxlvldesc: "The Mimic Trap Locks its jaws and increases Sexual damage dealt by 25%.",
\<<set $rack1 = {
name: "Body Modification Trap",
desc: "A cruel rack hidden behind a trap door, waiting for an unsuspecting adventure to take one wrong stepped.",
scenename: "ModRackRoom",
cost: 600,
isworking: true,
fetish: ["Bondage"],
effect: "Once triggered, the Girl becomes trapped and locked onto the rack. The rack modifies the Girl, growing a dick or starts producing milk depending on the mode. Both Futanari and Lactating lower the Lust required for the Girl to become Horny or Captured.",
mode: "Futanari",
str: 1,
str_up: 1,
sex: 1,
sex_up: 1,
rate: 65,
rate_up: 7,
lvl: 1,
maxlvl: 5,
ismaxlvl: false,
isenchanted: false,
roomtype: "Trap",
maxlvldesc: "Adds both debuffs, decreasing the Lust required to become Horny or Captured even more.",
\<<set $trance1 = {
name: "Suggestive Fetish Trap",
desc: "A curious stone statue with hypnotic powers for those who stare at it too long.",
scenename: "TranceRoom",
cost: 500,
isworking: true,
fetish: ["None"],
effect: "If triggered, the Girl will be given suggestive thoughts about the choosen Fetish, inheriting that Fetish as a weakness or removing it as a strong Fetish. If the Girl already has that Fetish as a weakness, they take increased Sexual damage and becomes Horny. Against Witches, they lose all strong Fetishes.",
str: 0,
str_up: 0,
sex: 2,
sex_up: 2,
rate: 60,
rate_up: 7,
lvl: 1,
maxlvl: 5,
ismaxlvl: false,
isenchanted: false,
roomtype: "Trap",
maxlvldesc: "Works 100% of the time. Reduces Witches Magic stat greatly.",
!!!$ Results
<div class="resized-small-right">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div>\
/*Trap was Unarmed*/\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<if $thisroom.isworking === false>>\
Because the $ was disarmed, $cur_girl_runner.girlname walked through the Room without any problems.
<span style="color:red">You need to repair your $ before it can function again</span>\
<<elseif $istrapped === true>>\
/*Print Girl Results*/\
<<if $ === "Slut">>\
<<if $temp_fetish_weak.length > 0>>\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:green">Energy</span> has been drained by <span style="color:darkred">$dmgtaken</span> because she was turned on by the Trap's Fetishes<<set _showfetish to $temp_fetish_weak>>: <strong>_showfetish</strong>.\
<<elseif $temp_fetish_strong.length > 0>>\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:green">Energy</span> has dropped only <span style="color:darkred">$dmgtaken</span> because she was turned off by the Traps's Fetishes<<set _showfetish to $temp_fetish_strong>>: <strong>_showfetish</strong>.\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:green">Energy</span> has dropped by <span style="color:darkred">$dmgtaken</span>.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>><<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname has lost all her <span style="color:green">Energy</span>.
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:green">Energy</span> is now <span style="color:green">$cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>.
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname has suffered <span style="color:red">$dmgtaken</span> damage.
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>><<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
- $ has lost all her <span style="color:green">Health</span>.
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:green">Health</span> is now <span style="color:green">$cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>.
<<if $temp_fetish_weak.length > 0>>
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has increased by <span style="color:darkred">$sextaken</span> because she was turned on by one of the Trap's Fetishes<<set _showfetish to $temp_fetish_weak>>: <strong>_showfetish</strong>.\
<<elseif $temp_fetish_strong.length > 0>>
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has increased by <span style="color:darkred">$sextaken</span> because she was turned off by one of the Trap's Fetishes<<set _showfetish to $temp_fetish_strong>>: <strong>_showfetish</strong>.\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has increased by <span style="color:darkred">$sextaken</span>.\
<<if $ === "Slut">>
This Slut's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> cannnot be satisfied!
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> is now <span style="color:darkred">$cur_girl_runner.horny</span>.
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.length === 1>>\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname has the Debuff $cur_girl_runner.debuff.
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.debuff.length > 1>>\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname has the Debuffs $cur_girl_runner.debuff.
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname has no Debuffs.
/*Horny Limit Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit - _hornydebuff && $cur_girl_runner.ishorny === false>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>><<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>><<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>><<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>><<set $ to Math.round($ * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<if $ === "Servant of Evil" || $ === "Witch">>\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has reached its limit, making her Horny.
<span style="color:red">Because she's a $, all her stats have increased</span>
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has reached it's limit, making her Horny.
<span style="color:green">All her stats have been lowered</span>
/*Print Girl Outcome*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === false && $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === false>>\
After getting caught by the $, $cur_girl_runner.girlname has escaped and is moving onto the next Room.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats + $basegirlgold) + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats + $basegirlgold) + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
After recieving so much pleasure, $cur_girl_runner.girlname has submitted to her Lust and begins begging to be satisfied. She drops <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span> and is now Captured.<<if $ === "Slut">> She will quickly be released at the end of the night since keeping a Slut around will only cause trouble.<</if>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
After getting caught by the $, $cur_girl_runner.girlname doesn't have the stamina to go on and retreats out of the Dungeon, dropping <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "" && $ != "Slut">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname also dropped her <span style="color:gold"></span>, adding another Treasure to your collection.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.item != "" && $ === "Slut">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname also left her <span style="color:gold"></span> behind, even with how aggressive the Slut was, there was no sign of holes or tears, truly amazing craftsmanship.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
/*Girl passed*/\
<<elseif $istrapped === false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname has successfully cleared the $ room and is moving onward.\
<<if $thisroom.isworking === false>>\
<span style="color:red">Your $ has been disarmed and requires repairs</span>\
/*Girl Captured*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === true>>\
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<<set $captured.push($cur_girl_runner)>>\
<<switch $curroomnum>>\
<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $thisroom>>\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
<span id="spaceAct">[[End Night|End of Night Report]]</span>\
<<else>><<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]</span><</if>>\
/*Girl Defeated*/\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === true>>\
/*Something when girl is defeated*/\
<<switch $curroomnum>>\
<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $thisroom>>\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
<span id="spaceAct">[[End Night|End of Night Report]]</span>\
<<else>><<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]</span><</if>>\
/*Girl Continues*/\
<<set $numrooms -= 1>>\
<<switch $curroomnum>>\
<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $thisroom>>\
/*Final Room*/\
<<if $numrooms <= 0>>\
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Room|PlayerChoice]]</span>\
/*Next Room*/\
<<set $curroomnum += 1>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Room|$nextroom]]</span>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.concat($temp_fetish_weak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.concat($temp_fetish_strong)>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>>!!!$ Results
<div class="resized-small-right">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div>\
/*Unit was Dead*/\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<if $nothinghappened === true>>\
Because the $ didn't have any <span style="color:green">Health</span> left to fight, $cur_girl_runner.girlname walked through the Room without any problems.\
<<set $numrooms -= 1>>\
<<switch $curroomnum>>\
<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $thisroom>>\
<<if $numrooms <= 0>>\
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Room|PlayerChoice]]</span>\
<<set $curroomnum += 1>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Room|$nextroom]]</span><</if>>\
/*Print Girl Results*/\
<<if $ === "Slut">>\
<<if $temp_fetish_weak.length > 0>>\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:green">Energy</span> has been drained by <span style="color:darkred">$dmgtaken</span> because she was turned on by the $'s Fetishes<<set _showfetish to $temp_fetish_weak>>: <strong>_showfetish</strong>.\
<<elseif $temp_fetish_strong.length > 0>>\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:green">Energy</span> has only dropped by <span style="color:darkred">$dmgtaken</span> because she was turned off by the $'s Fetishes<<set _showfetish to $temp_fetish_strong>>: <strong>_showfetish</strong>.\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:green">Energy</span> has dropped by <span style="color:darkred">$dmgtaken</span>.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>><<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
- The $ has lost all her <span style="color:green">Energy</span>.
- The $'s <span style="color:green">Energy</span> is now <span style="color:green">$cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>.
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname has suffered <span style="color:red">$dmgtaken</span> damage.
<<if $dmgtaken > 0>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>><<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
- $ has lost all her <span style="color:green">Health</span>.
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:green">Health</span> is now <span style="color:green">$cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>.
<<if $sextaken > 0>>\
<<if $temp_fetish_weak.length > 0>>
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has increased by <span style="color:darkred">$sextaken</span> because she was turned on by the $'s Fetishes<<set _showfetish to $temp_fetish_weak>>: <strong>_showfetish</strong>.\
<<elseif $temp_fetish_strong.length > 0>>
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has increased by <span style="color:darkred">$sextaken</span> because she was turned off by the $'s Fetishes<<set _showfetish to $temp_fetish_strong>>: <strong>_showfetish</strong>.\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has increased by <span style="color:darkred">$sextaken</span>.\
<<if $ === "Slut">>
This Slut's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> cannnot be satisfied!\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> is <span style="color:darkred">$cur_girl_runner.horny</span>.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.length === 1>>\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname has the Debuff $cur_girl_runner.debuff.
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.debuff.length > 1>>\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname has the Debuffs $cur_girl_runner.debuff.
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname has no Debuffs.
/*Horny Limit Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit - _hornydebuff && $cur_girl_runner.ishorny === false>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>><<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>><<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>><<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>><<set $ to Math.round($ * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<if $ === "Servant of Evil" || $ === "Witch">>\
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has reached its limit, making her Horny.
<span style="color:red">Because she's a $, all her stats have increased</span>
- $cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has reached it's limit, making her Horny.
<span style="color:green">All her stats have been lowered</span>
/*Print Girl Outcome*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === false && $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === false>>\
<<if $thief_evade === true>>\
Afer avoiding the $, $cur_girl_runner.girlname is moving onto the next Room.\
After fighting the $, $cur_girl_runner.girlname has escaped and is moving onto the next Room.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats + $basegirlgold) + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats + $basegirlgold) + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>><</if>>\
After recieving so much pleasure, $cur_girl_runner.girlname has submitted to her Lust and begins begging to be satisfied, dropping <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.<<if $ === "Slut">> She will quickly be released at the end of the night since keeping a Slut around will only cause trouble.<</if>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>><</if>>\
After falling to the hands of the $, $cur_girl_runner.girlname doesn't have the stamina to go on and retreats out of the Dungeon, dropping <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "" && $ != "Slut">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname also dropped her <span style="color:gold"></span>, adding another Treasure to your collection.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
!!!$ Results
/*Print Unit Results*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === false && $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === false && $ != "Slut">>\
- Your $ has taken <<if $isphydmg === true>><span style="color:orange">$dmgdealt</span> Physical<<elseif $ismgcdmg === true>><span style="color:skyblue">$dmgdealt</span> Magic<<else>>no<</if>> damage.\
<<if $thisroom.curhp <= 0>><<set $thisroom.curhp to 0>>\
- Your $ has been defeated by the $ and cannot fight for the rest of the Raid.\
- Your $'s <span style="color:green">Health</span> is at <span style="color:green">$thisroom.curhp / $thisroom.hp</span>.\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">>\
- The Slut drained the $'s <span style="color:green">Health</span> by <span style="color:darkred">$dmgdealt</span>.
<<if $thisroom.curhp <= 0>><<set $thisroom.curhp to 0>>\
Your $ has been worn out by the Slut and cannot fight for the rest of the Raid.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.item to "">>\
Before leaving, she left her <span style="color:gold"></span>, they are still surprisingly fresh.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
<<switch $curroomnum>>\
<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $thisroom>>\
- Your $ is at <span style="color:green">$thisroom.curhp / $thisroom.hp Health</span>.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === true>>\
<<if $dmgdealt > 0>>\
- Your $ has taken <<if $isphydmg === true>><span style="color:orange">$dmgdealt</span> Physical<<elseif $ismgcdmg === true>><span style="color:skyblue">$dmgdealt</span> Magic<</if>> damage.
<<if $thisroom.curhp <= 0>><<set $thisroom.curhp to 0>>\
- Your $ has been defeated by the $ and cannot fight for the rest of the Raid.\
- Your $'s <span style="color:green">Health</span> is at <span style="color:green">$thisroom.curhp / $thisroom.hp</span>.
- Your $ has successfully Captured the $\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === true>>\
<<if $dmgdealt > 0>>\
- Your $ has taken <<if $isphydmg === true>><span style="color:orange">$dmgdealt</span> Physical<<elseif $ismgcdmg === true>><span style="color:skyblue">$dmgdealt</span> Magic<</if>> damage.\
<<if $thisroom.curhp <= 0>><<set $thisroom.curhp to 0>>\
- Your $ has been defeated by the $ and cannot fight for the rest of the Raid.\
- Your $'s <span style="color:green">Health</span> is at <span style="color:green">$thisroom.curhp / $thisroom.hp</span>.\
- Your $ has successfully Defeated the $\
/*Girl Captured*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === true>>\
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<<set $captured.push($cur_girl_runner)>>\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>
<span id="spaceAct">[[End Night|End of Night Report]]</span>\
<<else>><<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]</span><</if>>\
/*Girl Defeated*/\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === true>>\
/*Something when girl is defeated*/\
<<switch $curroomnum>>\
<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $thisroom>>\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
<span id="spaceAct">[[End Night|End of Night Report]]</span>\
<<else>><<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]</span><</if>>\
/*Girl Continues*/\
<<set $numrooms -= 1>>\
<<switch $curroomnum>>\
<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $thisroom>>\
/*Final Room*/\
<<if $numrooms <= 0>>
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Room|PlayerChoice]]</span>\
/*Next Room*/\
<<set $curroomnum += 1>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Room|$nextroom]]</span>\
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.concat($temp_fetish_weak)>>
\<<set $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.concat($temp_fetish_strong)>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_weak to []>>
\<<set $temp_fetish_strong to []>><<if $gameovercount === 0>>\
<div class="resized-small-right">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div>\
Do you want to fight $cur_girl_runner.girlname, the $
<<if $ === "Slut">><span style="color:green">Energy:</span><<else>><span style="color:green">Health:</span><</if>> <span style="color:green">$cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>
She is currently <<if $cur_girl_runner.ishorny === true>><span style="color:darkred">Horny</span><<else>>not Horny<</if>>
Weaknesses: <<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length > 0>>$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish<<else>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length > 0>>$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish<<else>>None.<</if>>
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.length > 0>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname's dick is throbbing.
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Lactating")>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname's breasts cannot stop leaking milk.
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers left: $runners.length</strong>
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>
<<if $unlockheal === true>>\
!!!!Spells and Abilities
<<if $pccurhp < $pchp && $pcmana >= $heal_spell.cost>>\
<<link [[Heal|PlayerChoice]]>>\
<<set $pccurhp += 15>>\
<<set $pcmana -= $heal_spell.cost>>\
<<if $pccurhp > $pchp>><<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><</if>>\
<<elseif $pccurhp >= $pchp && $pcmana >= $heal_spell.cost>>\
Heal | Health is full
Heal | <span style="color:red">Requires $heal_spell.cost Mana</span>
<<if $unlockgreaterheal === true>>\
<<if $pccurhp < $pchp && $pcmana >= $greaterheal_spell.cost>>\
<<link [[Greater Heal|PlayerChoice]]>>\
<<set $pccurhp += Math.round(($pcend * 5) * 0.5)>>\
<<set $pcmana -= $greaterheal_spell.cost>>\
<<if $pccurhp > $pchp>><<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><</if>>\
<<elseif $pccurhp >= $pchp && $pcmana >= $greaterheal_spell.cost>>\
Greater Heal | Health is full
Greater Heal | <span style="color:red">Requires $greaterheal_spell.cost Mana</span>
<<if $unlockressurection === true>>\
<<if $cast_ressurection === false>>\
<<if $pcmana >= $ressurection_spell.cost>>\
<<link [[Mass Ressurection|PlayerChoice]]>>\
<<set $cast_ressurection to true>>\
<<set $pcmana -= $ressurection_spell.cost>>\
<<if $room0.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room0.curhp to $room0.hp>><</if>>\
<<if $room1.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room1.curhp to $room1.hp>><</if>>\
<<if $room2.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room2.curhp to $room2.hp>><</if>>\
<<if $room3.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room3.curhp to $room3.hp>><</if>>\
<<if $room4.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room4.curhp to $room4.hp>><</if>>\
<<if $room5.roomtype === "Unit">><<set $room5.curhp to $room5.hp>><</if>>\
Mass Ressurection | <span style="color:red">Requires $ressurection_spell.cost Mana</span>
You've already casted Mass Ressurection tonight.
Passive Abilities: <<if $active_abilities.length === 0>>None <<else>>$active_abilities<</if>>\
<<if $castcockspell === true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includes("Big Dicks") && $ != "Slut">>\
<<set _rng to random(1, 100)>>\
<<set _clearrate to Math.round(random($pccharisma * 0.75, ($pccharisma * 1.25)) + $cur_girl_runner.horny + ($pcmgc * 1.3))>>\
<<set _clearrate -= Math.round($ * $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck + random(1, 20))>>\
<<if _clearrate < 10>><<set _clearrate to 10>>\
<<elseif _clearrate > 90>><<set _clearrate to 90>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.ishorny>><<set _clearrate to _clearrate * 1.2>><</if>>\
<<if _clearrate >= _rng>>\
<<link [[Yes|CockEnlargementPassage]]>><</link>> or <<link [[No|TreasureRoom]]>><</link>>\
<<link [[Yes|PlayerCombat]]>><</link>> or <<link [[No|TreasureRoom]]>><</link>>\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">>\
<<link [[Yes|CockEnlargementPassage]]>><</link>> or <<link [[No|TreasureRoom]]>><</link>>\
<<link [[Yes|PlayerCombat]]>><</link>> or <<link [[No|TreasureRoom]]>><</link>>\
<<link [[Yes|PlayerCombat]]>><</link>> or <<link [[No|TreasureRoom]]>><</link>>\
<div class="resized-small-right">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div>\
A Slut has incapacitated you, preventing you from defending your Treasure Room for the rest of the night.
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next|TreasureRoom]]</span>
<</if>><div class="resized-small-right">$cur_girl_runner.pic</div>\
/*Combat Information*/\
!!!$cur_girl_runner.girlname, a $
<<if $ === "Slut">><span style="color:green">Energy:</span><<else>><span style="color:green">Health:</span><</if>> <span style="color:green">$cur_girl_runner.curhp / $cur_girl_runner.hp</span>
<span style="color:darkred">Lust: $cur_girl_runner.horny</span>
<<if $cur_girl_runner.ishorny === true>>She is <span style="color:darkred">Horny</span>.
<<if $ === "Slut">>\
No stats are affected because she's always <span style="color:darkred">Horny</span>.\
<<elseif $ === "Witch" || $ === "Servant of Evil">>\
<span style="color:red">Her stats have been increased!</span>\
<span style="color:green">Her stats have been decreased!</span>\
Weaknesses: <<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.length > 0>>$cur_girl_runner.weakfetish<<else>>None.<</if>>
Resistances: <<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.length > 0>>$cur_girl_runner.strongfetish<<else>>None.<</if>>
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.length > 0>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname's dick is throbbing.
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Lactating")>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname's breasts cannot stop leaking milk.
<<if $runners.length > 0>>\
<strong>Number of Adventurers left: $runners.length</strong>
<strong>Last Girl tonight!</strong>
/*Player actions*/\
Attacks: [[$|$pcattack1.scenename]]<<if $pcattack_slot2 === true>> / [[$|$pcattack2.scenename]]<</if>>
Spells: <<if $pcmana >= $pcspell1.cost>>[[$|$pcspell1.scenename]]<<else>><span style="color:red">Requires $pcspell1.cost Mana</span><</if>><<if $pcspell_slot2 === true>> / <<if $pcmana >= $pcspell2.cost>> [[$|$pcspell2.scenename]]<<else>><span style="color:red">Requires $pcspell2.cost Mana</span><</if>><</if>>
Passive Abilities: <<if $active_abilities.length === 0>>None <<else>>$active_abilities<</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Spanking Attack</div>\
<<set _slutgif8 to "[img[gifs/slut/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif9 to "[img[gifs/slut/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _smootheringgifs to [_slutgif8, _slutgif9]>>\
<<set _randgif to _smootheringgifs.random()>>\
<<set _spankgif0 to "[img[gifs/spank/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _spankgif1 to "[img[gifs/spank/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _spankgif2 to "[img[gifs/spank/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _spankgif3 to "[img[gifs/spank/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _spankgif4 to "[img[gifs/spank/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _spankgif5 to "[img[gifs/spank/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _spankgif6 to "[img[gifs/spank/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _spankgif7 to "[img[gifs/spank/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _spankgifsarray to [_spankgif0, _spankgif1, _spankgif2, _spankgif3, _spankgif4, _spankgif5, _spankgif6, _spankgif7]>>\
<<set _spankgif to _spankgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _missedgif to "[img[gifs/random/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _sextaken to 0>>\
<<set _dmgtaken to 0>>\
<<set _maxhorniness to 100>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
/*Setting Damage Mult from Cock Spell*/\
<<if $castcockspell === true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includes("Big Dicks")>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 1>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includes("Big Dicks")>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 0.25>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 0.75>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 1>>\
/*Set Mistress Touch Modifiers*/\
<<if $god_empowered === true>>\
<<set _godsexmod to 1.05>>\
<<set _goddmgmod to 1.2>>\
<<set _godendmod to 1.35>>\
<<set _goddmgmod to 1>>\
<<set _godsexmod to 1>>\
<<set _godendmod to 1>>\
/*Fetish check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($spank_attack.fetishes)>>\
<<set _takehornydmg to true>>\
<<set _takehornydmg to false>>\
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Hit!</span><</if>></strong>
<<if $ === "Archer">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Archer fired off an arrow as you approached her, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<if $pccurhp <= 0>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $pccurhp to 0>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_missedgif</div>\
<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= 1>>\
After taking a arrow to the knee, you walk up to bend her over your lap, but the Archer kicks you in the balls, causing you to skip your attack, resetting your spanking combo, and dealing <span style="color:orange">1</span> Physical damage to you.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<div class="gif-square">_spankgif</div>\
<<if _takehornydmg === true>>\
<<set _dmgtaken += 1>>\
<<set _sextaken += Math.round((((($pcstr * 0.75) * $spankcombo) * 2) * 1.5) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<set $spankcombo += 0.5>>\
<<if _sextaken <= 0>><<set _sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
After taking a arrow to the knee, you bend her over your lap and deliver a couple powerful spanks, causing her to moan in pleasure and dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> physical damage and <span style="color:darkred">_sextaken</span> sexual damage to the Archer.\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((($pcstr * 0.35) * $spankcombo) * 2) * _goddmgmod)>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($spank_attack.fetishes)>>\
<<set _sextaken to 1>>\
<<set _sextaken += Math.round((($pcstr * 0.75) * $spankcombo) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<if _sextaken <= 0>><<set _sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $spankcombo += 0.5>>\
After taking a arrow to the knee, you bend her over your lap and deliver a couple powerful spanks, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> damage and <span style="color:darkred">_sextaken</span> sexual damage to the Archer.\
<div class="gif-square">_spankgif</div>\
<<if _takehornydmg === true>>\
<<set _sextaken += Math.round((((($pcstr * 0.75) * $spankcombo) * 2) * _godsexmod) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set _dmgtaken += 1>>\
<<set $spankcombo += 0.5>>\
<<if _sextaken <= 0>><<set _sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
After taking a arrow to the knee, you bend her over and give her a good spanking, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> physical damage and <span style="color:darkred">_sextaken</span> sexual damage, making the Archer moan lewd noises.\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((($pcstr * 0.35) * $spankcombo) * _goddmgmod) - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if _dmgtaken < 1>><<set _dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($spank_attack.fetishes)>>\
<<set _sextaken to 1>>\
<<set _sextaken += Math.round((($spankcombo * ($pcstr * 0.75)) * _godsexmod) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if _sextaken <= 0>><<set _sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $spankcombo += 0.5>>\
After taking a arrow to the knee, you bend her over and give her a good spanking, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> damage and <span style="color:darkred">_sextaken</span> sexual damage to the Archer.\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += _sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _dmgtaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness - _hornydebuff>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats + $basegirlgold) + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats + $basegirlgold) + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>>\
<<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
After getting spanked, the $ is too turned on and submits to you, giving you <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
After getting spanked, the $ has no more stamina left to fight, falling back out of the Dungeon and dropping <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "" && $ != "Slut">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
she also dropped her <span style="color:gold"></span>, adding another Treasure for your collection.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
<<elseif $ != "Slut">>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_missedgif</div>\
<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= 1>>\
You walk up to bend the $ over your lap, but the she kicks you in the balls, causing you to skip your attack, resetting your spanking combo, and dealing <span style="color:orange">1</span> Physical damage to you.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<div class="gif-square">_spankgif</div>\
<<if _takehornydmg === true>>\
<<set _dmgtaken += 1>>\
<<set _sextaken += Math.round((((($pcstr * 0.75) * $spankcombo) * 2) * 1.5) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<set $spankcombo += 0.5>>\
<<if _sextaken <= 0>><<set _sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
You bend the $ over your lap and deliver a couple powerful spanks, causing her to moan in pleasure and dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> physical damage and <span style="color:darkred">_sextaken</span> sexual damage to her.\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((($pcstr * 0.35) * $spankcombo) * 2) * _goddmgmod)>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($spank_attack.fetishes)>>\
<<set _sextaken to 1>>\
<<set _sextaken += Math.round((($pcstr * 0.75) * $spankcombo) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<if _sextaken <= 0>><<set _sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $spankcombo += 0.5>>\
You bend the $ over your lap and deliver a couple powerful spanks, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> damage and <span style="color:darkred">_sextaken</span> sexual damage to her.\
<div class="gif-square">_spankgif</div>\
<<if _takehornydmg === true>>\
<<set _dmgtaken += 1>>\
<<set _sextaken += Math.round((((($pcstr * 0.75) * $spankcombo) * 2) * _godsexmod) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if _sextaken <= 0>><<set _sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $spankcombo += 0.5>>\
You bend the $ over and give her a good spanking, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> damage and <span style="color:darkred">_sextaken</span> sexual damage, making her moan lewd noises.\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((($pcstr * 0.35) * $spankcombo) * _goddmgmod) - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if _dmgtaken < 1>><<set _dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($spank_attack.fetishes)>>\
<<set _sextaken to 1>>\
<<set _sextaken += Math.round((($spankcombo * ($pcstr * 0.75)) * _godsexmod) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if _sextaken <= 0>><<set _sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $spankcombo += 0.5>>\
You bend the $ over and give her a good spanking, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> damage and <span style="color:darkred">_sextaken</span> sexual damage to her.\
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += _sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _dmgtaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness - _hornydebuff>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats + $basegirlgold) + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats + $basegirlgold) + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>>\
<<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
After getting spanked, the $ is too turned on and submits to you, giving you <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
After getting spanked, the $ has no more stamina left to fight, falling back out of the Dungeon and dropping <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "" && $ != "Slut">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
she also dropped her <span style="color:gold"></span>, adding another Treasure for your collection.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
<<if $ === "Villager">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She swings back hard and wildly, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Loli">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She raises her adorable wand and casts a spell. At first nothing happened but then a giant explosion filled your vision, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She counter attacks with her little sword, scratching your shins up pretty good and dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Mage">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She summoned ice shards and sent them flying forward, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Knight">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She charged back at you, slashing you with her blade and dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Servant of Evil">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She casts a dark spell in retaliation, summoning a black mist that drained your life force, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She cracked back with her spiked whip, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.str >= $cur_girl_runner.mgc>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She flew up and then dived forward with her holy weapon, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She then sent a beam of light towards you, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Thief">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She threw a knife back at you, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Witch">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She summons ghouls to slow you down while firing dark bolts of energy at you, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">>\
<div class="gif-wide">_randgif</div>\
<<if _takehornydmg === true>>\
<<set _sextaken += Math.round(((($pcstr * 0.75) * $spankcombo) * 2) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<set $spankcombo++>>\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round($pcstr * 0.5)>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end + random((_dmgtaken * 0.75), (_dmgtaken * 1.25))) - (($pcend * 0.5) * _godendmod))>>\
<<if _sextaken <= 0>><<set _sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<if _dmgdealt <= 0>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _totsextaken to _sextaken + _dmgtaken>>\
You bent the Slut over and gave her a few quick spanks. She enjoyed getting spanked but wanted to switch roles. She pushed you down and slapping her titties in your face while groping your cock, pulling it out and jerking you off furiously. She lowered your Health by <span style="color:darkred">_dmgdealt</span> while she lost <span style="color:darkred">_totsextaken</span> Energy.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($spank_attack.fetishes)>>\
<<set _sextaken += Math.round(((($pcstr * 0.75) * $spankcombo) * 0.4) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<set _sextaken += Math.round(((($pcstr * 0.75) * $spankcombo) * 1.2) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<set $spankcombo++>>\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round($pcstr * 0.5)>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end + random((_dmgtaken * 0.75), (_dmgtaken * 1.25))) - (($pcend * 0.5) * _godendmod))>>\
<<if _sextaken <= 0>><<set _sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<if _dmgdealt <= 0>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _totsextaken to _sextaken + _dmgtaken>>\
You walked up to the horny Slut and pushed her against the wall and spanked her good. She wanted a turn to be in control so she pushed you down and slapped you around with her tits before pulling your dick out and jerking you off. She lowered your Health by <span style="color:darkred">_dmgdealt</span> while she lost <span style="color:darkred">_totsextaken</span> Energy.\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _dmgtaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _sextaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
After the Slut has her fun, she has become fatigued and leaves the Dungeon.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
Before she leaves though, she leaves you her <span style="color:gold"></span>, still as clean as the day she got them.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
/*Horny Limit Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit - _hornydebuff && $cur_girl_runner.ishorny === false && $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === false && $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === false>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<set $ to Math.round($ * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<if $ === "Servant of Evil" || $ === "Witch">>
$cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has reached it's limit, making her Horny which increases all her stats because she is a $\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has reached it's limit, making her Horny which lowers all her stats.\
<<if $pccurhp <= 0 && $cur_girl_runner.curhp > 0>>\
<<set $pccurhp to 0>>
Out of stamina, you disappear in a dark mist to return to your resting chambers.
<<link [[Next|TreasureRoom]]>><<set $pccurhp to 1>><</link>>\
<<elseif $pccurhp <= 0 && $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $pccurhp to 1>>
After wearing down the Slut, you return to your chambers drained.\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
[[End Night|End of Night Report]]\
<<else>><<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
<<link [[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]>><<set $pccurhp to 1>><</link>>\
/*Girl Captured*/\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === true>><<set $captured.push($cur_girl_runner)>>\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
[[End Night|End of Night Report]]\
<<else>><<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
[[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]\
/*Girl Defeated*/\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === true>>\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
[[End Night|End of Night Report]]\
<<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>>\
<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
[[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]\
<</if>> <div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Hypnosis Spell</div>\
<<set $pcmana -= $hypnosis_spell.cost>>\
<<set _basedmg to 4>>\
<<set _baserate to 12>>\
<<set _slutbasedmg to 20>>\
<<set _maxhorniness to 100>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _pc_check to Math.round(($pcmgc * 0.6) + _baserate + $cur_girl_runner.horny + random(1, 20))>>\
<<set _girl_check to Math.round(($ + $cur_girl_runner.mgc) * 0.5)>>\
<<set _girl_check to Math.round((_girl_check + _d20) * $cur_girl_runner.spellcheck)>>\
<<set _pass to _pc_check - _girl_check>>\
<<if _pass < 15>><<set _pass to 15>>\
<<elseif _pass > 85>><<set _pass to 85>>\
<<set _passcheck to random(1, 100)>>\
<<set _spellfetishes to ["Masturbation"]>>\
/*Set Mistress Touch Modifiers*/\
<<if $god_empowered === true>>\
<<set _godsexmod to 1.05>>\
<<set _goddmgmod to 1.2>>\
<<set _godendmod to 1.35>>\
<<set _goddmgmod to 1>>\
<<set _godsexmod to 1>>\
<<set _godendmod to 1>>\
/*Setting Damage Mult from Cock Spell*/\
<<if $castcockspell === true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includes("Big Dicks")>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 1>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includes("Big Dicks")>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 0.25>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 0.75>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 1>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _masturbationgif0 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgif1 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgif2 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgif3 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/16.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgif4 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/17.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgif5 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _masturbationgif6 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/21.gif]]">>\
<<set _hypnogif5 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _hypnogif6 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _hypnogif7 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _hypnogif8 to "[img[gifs/masturbation/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif0 to "[img[gifs/futa/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif1 to "[img[gifs/futa/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif2 to "[img[gifs/futa/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif3 to "[img[gifs/futa/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif4 to "[img[gifs/futa/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif8 to "[img[gifs/futa/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif9 to "[img[gifs/futa/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif10 to "[img[gifs/futa/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _masturbatiobgifsarray to [_masturbationgif0, _masturbationgif1, _masturbationgif2, _masturbationgif3, _masturbationgif4, _masturbationgif5, _masturbationgif6]>>\
<<set _squirtarray to [_hypnogif5, _hypnogif6, _hypnogif7, _hypnogif8]>>\
<<set _futagifsarray to [_futagif0, _futagif1, _futagif4]>>\
<<set _futacumgifsarray to [_futagif2, _futagif3]>>\
<<set _slutfutagifsarray to [_futagif8, _futagif9, _futagif10]>>\
<<set _futagif to _futagifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _futacumgif to _futacumgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _slutfutagif to _slutfutagifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _randsquirtgif to _squirtarray.random()>>\
<<set _masturbationgif to _masturbatiobgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _slutgif6 to "[img[gifs/slut/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif7 to "[img[gifs/slut/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgifsarray to [_slutgif6, _slutgif7]>>\
<<set _randslutgif to _slutgifsarray.random()>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<div class="gif-square">_slutfutagif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny(_spellfetishes)>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round((($pcmgc + _slutbasedmg) * 2) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round(_hornydmg * 1.2)>>\
<<set _dmgtaken to Math.round($pcstr * 0.5)>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end + random((_dmgtaken * 0.75), (_dmgtaken * 1.25))) - (($pcend * 0.5) * _godendmod))>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _totsextaken to _hornydmg + _dmgtaken>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny(_spellfetishes)>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round((($pcmgc + _slutbasedmg) * 0.4) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round(_hornydmg * 1.2)>>\
<<set _dmgtaken to Math.round($pcstr * 0.5)>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end + random((_dmgtaken * 0.75), (_dmgtaken * 1.25))) - (($pcend * 0.5) * _godendmod))>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _totsextaken to _hornydmg + _dmgtaken>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round((($pcmgc + _slutbasedmg) * 1.2) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round(_hornydmg * 1.2)>>\
<<set _dmgtaken to Math.round($pcstr * 0.5)>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end + random((_dmgtaken * 0.75), (_dmgtaken * 1.25))) - (($pcend * 0.5) * _godendmod))>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _totsextaken to _hornydmg + _dmgtaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _totsextaken>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Slut easily succumbs to your will. She has been dying to jerk her cock off for awhile now and with your influence she will finally be able to. Riding your cock with her ass, she jerks off and cums all over both of you. She lost <span style="color:darkred">_totsextaken</span> Energy while you lost <span style="color:darkred">_dmgdealt</span> Health.\
<div class="gif-wide">_randslutgif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny(_spellfetishes)>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round((($pcmgc + _slutbasedmg) * 2) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _dmgtaken to Math.round($pcstr * 0.5)>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end + random((_dmgtaken * 0.75), (_dmgtaken * 1.25))) - (($pcend * 0.5) * _godendmod))>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _totsextaken to _hornydmg + _dmgtaken>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny(_spellfetishes)>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round((($pcmgc + _slutbasedmg) * 0.4) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _dmgtaken to Math.round($pcstr * 0.5)>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end + random((_dmgtaken * 0.75), (_dmgtaken * 1.25))) - (($pcend * 0.5) * _godendmod))>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _totsextaken to _hornydmg + _dmgtaken>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round((($pcmgc + _slutbasedmg) * 1.2) * _godsexmod)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _dmgtaken to Math.round($pcstr * 0.5)>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end + random((_dmgtaken * 0.75), (_dmgtaken * 1.25))) - (($pcend * 0.5) * _godendmod))>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _totsextaken to _hornydmg + _dmgtaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _totsextaken>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Slut easily succumbs to your will. Instead of using her fingers to pleasure herself, she used you, grinding all over you and your cock. She lost <span style="color:darkred">_totsextaken</span> Energy while you lost <span style="color:darkred">_dmgdealt</span> Health.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<if $ != "Slut">><strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Hit!</span><</if>></strong><</if>>
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set _failed to true>>\
<<elseif _d20 === 1 || _pass > _passcheck>>\
<<set _failed to false>>\
<<set _failed to true>>\
<<if _failed === false>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny(_spellfetishes)>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_futacumgif</div>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round(((($cur_girl_runner.horny * 0.25) * 2) * _godsexmod) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hornydmg += _basedmg>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round(_hornydmg * 1.05)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += _hornydmg>>\
You successfully hypnotize the $, giving her suggestive sexual thoughts and desires. Because one of her biggest fetishes is Masurbation and she currently a Futanari, she quickly rubs her fat cock until she cums hard, increasing her <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> by <span style="color:darkred">_hornydmg</span>.\
<div class="gif-wide">_randsquirtgif</div>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round(((($cur_girl_runner.horny * 0.25) * 2) * _godsexmod) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hornydmg += _basedmg>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += _hornydmg>>\
You successfully hypnotize the $, giving her suggestive sexual thoughts and desires. Because one of her biggest fetishes is Masurbation, she really gets into it, rubbing her soaking pussy vigorously, squirting and increasing her <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> by <span style="color:darkred">_hornydmg</span>. After snapping out of it, her legs are still shaking while trying to stand up.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny(_spellfetishes)>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round(((($cur_girl_runner.horny * 0.25) * 0.5) * _godsexmod) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hornydmg += _basedmg>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round(_hornydmg * 1.05)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += _hornydmg>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= 100>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_futacumgif</div>\
<div class="gif-tall">_futagif</div>\
You successfully hypnotize the $, giving her suggestive sexual thoughts and desires. Your suggestive thoughts turned her, and because she was a Futanari now, she started pleasuring her cock even though she is turned off by masturbating, increasing her <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> by <span style="color:darkred">_hornydmg</span>.\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round(((($cur_girl_runner.horny * 0.25) * 0.5) * _godsexmod) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hornydmg += _basedmg>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += _hornydmg>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= 100>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_randsquirtgif</div>\
<div class="gif-square">_masturbationgif</div>\
You successfully hypnotize the $, giving her suggestive sexual thoughts and desires. Your suggestive thoughts turned her on a lot and she started pleasuring herself even though she is turned off by masturbating, increasing her <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> by <span style="color:darkred">_hornydmg</span>.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.horny * 0.25) * _godsexmod) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hornydmg += _basedmg>>\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round(_hornydmg * 1.05)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += _hornydmg>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= 100>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_futacumgif</div>\
<div class="gif-tall">_futagif</div>\
You successfully hypnotize the $, giving her suggestive sexual thoughts and desires. Your suggestive thoughts turned her, and because she was a Futanari now, she started pleasuring her cock, increasing her <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> by <span style="color:darkred">_hornydmg</span>.\
<<set _hornydmg to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.horny * 0.25) * _godsexmod) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if _hornydmg < 1>><<set _hornydmg to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hornydmg += _basedmg>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += _hornydmg>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= 100>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_randsquirtgif</div>\
<div class="gif-square">_masturbationgif</div>\
You successfully hypnotize the $, giving her suggestive sexual thoughts and desires. Your suggestive thoughts turned her on a lot and she started pleasuring herself, increasing her <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> by <span style="color:darkred">_hornydmg</span>.\
<<elseif _failed === true>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<if $ === "Villager">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Villager runs wildly at you, pushing you down to the ground, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Loli">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Loli girl shoots a beam of pure innocence at you, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Loli girl throws rocks at you, then you get slammed by a large boulder, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Archer">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Archer quickly fires a arrow at you, interrupting your spell and dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Mage">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Mage zaps you with a bolt of lightning, interrupting your spell and dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Knight">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Knight bashes you with her shield, interrupting your spell and dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Servant of Evil">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Evil Servant casts a dark spell, silencing you and dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Evil Servant isn't effected by your spell and lashes out with her whip, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.str >= $cur_girl_runner.mgc>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Holy knight absorbs your spell and quickly counter attacks you with her holy blade, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Holy girl blinds you with a light spell, interrupting your spell and dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Thief">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Thief disappeared in a cloud of smoke and stikes you from the dark, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Witch">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Witch countered your magic and returned fire with a spell of her own, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness - _hornydebuff>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats + $basegirlgold) + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats + $basegirlgold) + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>>\
<<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
Your spell sent $ over the egde, sending her into a state of lust and submitting herself to you. You are able to swipe <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span> from her.\
/*Horny Limit Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.horny >= $cur_girl_runner.hornylimit - _hornydebuff && $cur_girl_runner.ishorny === false>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.ishorny to true>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.str to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.end to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.end * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.mgc to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<set $ to Math.round($ * $cur_girl_runner.hornyeffect)>>\
<<if $ === "Servant of Evil" || $ === "Witch">>
$cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has reached it's limit, making her Horny which increases all her stats because she is a $\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname's <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> has reached it's limit, making her Horny which lowers all her stats.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
After playing with you, the Slut is finally out of energy and leaves the Dungeon.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
Before she leaves though, she leaves you her <span style="color:gold"></span>, still as clean as the day she got them.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
/*Player Loses*/\
<<if $pccurhp <= 0 && $cur_girl_runner.curhp > 0>>\
<<set $pccurhp to 0>>
Out of stamina, you disappear in a dark mist to return to your resting chambers.
<<link [[Next|TreasureRoom]]>><<set $pccurhp to 1>><</link>>\
<<elseif $pccurhp <= 0 && $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $pccurhp to 1>>
After wearing down the Slut, you return to your chambers drained.\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
[[End Night|End of Night Report]]\
<<else>><<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
<<link [[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]>><<set $pccurhp to 1>><</link>>\
/*Girl Captured*/\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured === true>><<set $captured.push($cur_girl_runner)>>\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
[[End Night|End of Night Report]]\
<<else>><<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
[[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]\
/*Girl Defeated*/\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === true>>\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
[[End Night|End of Night Report]]\
<<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>>\
<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
[[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]\
<</if>> The $ is waiting for you in her holding cell dripping wet, waiting for you to decide what to do with her.
<span style="color:green"> Health: $curcap.curhp / $curcap.hp</span>
<<if $unlockheal === true>>\
<<if $curcap.curhp != $curcap.hp && $pcmana >= $heal_spell.cost && $ != "Slut">>\
<<link [[Spell: Heal|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap.curhp += 15>><<set $pcmana -= $heal_spell.cost>><<if $curcap.curhp > $curcap.hp>><<set $curcap.curhp to $curcap.hp>><</if>><</link>>
<<if $unlockgreaterheal === true>>\
<<if $curcap.curhp != $curcap.hp && $pcmana >= $greaterheal_spell.cost && $ != "Slut">>\
<<link [[Spell: Greater Heal|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap.curhp += Math.round($curcap.hp * 0.5)>><<set $pcmana -= $greaterheal_spell.cost>><<if $curcap.curhp > $curcap.hp>><<set $curcap.curhp to $curcap.hp>><</if>><</link>>
<<set $expgain to Math.round($curcap.expgiven * ($curcap.curhp / $curcap.hp))>><<if $ === "Slut">><<set $expgain to 1>><</if>>\
[["Use " + $ + " for Yourself"|PlayerSex]] | Exp gained: <<if $ === "Loli">><<set $pcexpgain to Math.round($expgain * 1.25)>><<else>><<set $pcexpgain to $expgain>><</if>>$pcexpgain
[["Give " + $ + " to a Unit"|WhichUnit]] | Exp gained: <<if $ === "Witch">><<set $unitexpgain to Math.round($expgain * 1.25)>><<else>><<set $unitexpgain to $expgain>><</if>>$unitexpgain
<<if $hasonsen === true && $doneonsensex === false>>\
<<if $ === "Loli">><<set $pcexpgain to Math.round($expgain * 1.75)>><<else>><<set $pcexpgain to Math.round($expgain * 1.2)>><</if>>\
[["Take " + $ + " To Onsen"|OnsenSex]] | Exp gained: $pcexpgain
<<if $captured.length >= 4 && $doneorgy === false>>\
<<set $orgyexp to 0>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < 4; _i++>>\
<<set $orgyexp += Math.round($captured[_i].expgiven * 1.1)>>\
<<set $orgyexp += Math.round($curcap.expgiven * 1.1)>>\
[[Have Orgy!|OrgySex]] | Exp gained: $orgyexp
<</if>>\ /Tasks/
- Double check formatting, going to ship soon!
-*QA Testing*-
****Take your Time*****
^^Game IS playable!^^
- Still improving text display in some passages but looking fresh!
*Websites*<<if $ === "Villager">><<set $v_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">><<set $s_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Archer">><<set $a_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Mage">><<set $m_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Knight">><<set $k_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">><<set $h_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Servant of Evil">><<set $e_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Loli">><<set $l_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Thief">><<set $t_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Witch">><<set $w_sex++>><</if>>\
<<set $pctotalsex to $v_sex + $s_sex + $m_sex + $a_sex + $k_sex + $h_sex + $e_sex + $l_sex + $t_sex + $w_sex>>\
<<set $pcexp += $pcexpgain>>\
<<set _lvlsgained to 0>>\
<<set $pcexp_nextlvl to Math.round(((12 * ($pclvl * $pclvl)) / 4) + ($pclvl * 8))>>\
<<repeat 0.00001s>><<if $pcexp >= $pcexp_nextlvl>><<set $pclvl++>><<set $skillpoints++>><<set _lvlsgained++>><<set $pcexp_nextlvl to Math.round(((12 * ($pclvl * $pclvl)) / 4) + ($pclvl * 8))>>\
<<if _lvlsgained > 1>>\
!!!You gained _lvlsgained levels!
<<elseif _lvlsgained === 1>>\
!!!You gained one level!
!!!Choose how you want to fuck your Captured Girl
<<if $hasanal === true>>\
<<if $hasblowjob === true>>\
[[Blow Job]]
<<if $unlockbondage === true>>\
<<if $hascowgirl === true>>\
[[Cow Girl]]
<<if $hasdoggy === true>>\
<<if $hasfootjob === true>>\
[[Foot Job]]
<<if $hashandjob === true>>\
[[Hand Job]]
<<if $curcap.debuff.includes("Lactating")>>\
[[Milk Her|LactatingSex]]
<<if $hasmissionary === true>>\
<<if $haspiledriver === true>>\
[[Pile Driver]]
<<if $hasthighjob === true>>\
[[Thigh Job]]
<<if $unlockthreesome === true>>\
<<if $hastitfuck === true>>\
[[Titty Fuck]]
<<if $pctotalsex >= (3 * $sexcheck) + ($sexcheck * $sexcheck)>>\
<<set $pcsexskills++>><<set $sexcheck++>><</if>>\
<<set _check to [$hasanal, $hasblowjob, $hascowgirl, $hasdoggy, $hasfootjob, $hashandjob, $hasmissionary, $haspiledriver, $hasthighjob, $hastitfuck]>>\
<<set _checknum to _check.count(false)>>\
<<if _checknum > 0>>\
<<if $pcsexskills > 0>>\
!!!Choose a new sex skill!
<<if $hasanal === false>>\
<<link [[Anal]]>><<set $hasanal to true>><<set $pcsexskills-->><</link>>
<<if $hasblowjob === false>>\
<<link [[Blow Job]]>><<set $hasblowjob to true>><<set $pcsexskills-->><</link>>
<<if $hascowgirl === false>>\
<<link [[Cow Girl]]>><<set $hascowgirl to true>><<set $pcsexskills-->><</link>>
<<if $hasdoggy === false>>\
<<link [[Doggy]]>><<set $hasdoggy to true>><<set $pcsexskills-->><</link>>
<<if $hasfootjob === false>>\
<<link [[Foot Job]]>><<set $hasfootjob to true>><<set $pcsexskills-->><</link>>
<<if $hashandjob === false>>\
<<link [[Hand Job]]>><<set $hashandjob to true>><<set $pcsexskills-->><</link>>
<<if $hasmissionary === false>>\
<<link [[Missionary]]>><<set $hasmissionary to true>><<set $pcsexskills-->><</link>>
<<if $haspiledriver === false>>\
<<link [[Pile Driver]]>><<set $haspiledriver to true>><<set $pcsexskills-->><</link>>
<<if $hasthighjob === false>>\
<<link [[Thigh Job]]>><<set $hasthighjob to true>><<set $pcsexskills-->><</link>>
<<if $hastitfuck === false>>\
<<link [[Titty Fuck]]>><<set $hastitfuck to true>><<set $pcsexskills-->><</link>>
<</if>>\<<set $roominfo_exp.exp_nextlvl to Math.round((($roominfo_exp.lvl * $roominfo_exp.lvl) * 0.66) + ($roominfo_exp.lvl * $roominfo_exp.lvlgrowth))>>\
<<set $roominfo_exp.exp += $unitexpgain>>\
<<set _numoflvls to 0>>\
<<set $strgains to 0>>\
<<set $resgains to 0>>\
<<set $intgains to 0>>\
<<set $sexgains to 0>>\
<<set $hpgains to 0>>\
\/*Level up check*/\
Your $ has gained $unitexpgain Exp.
<<repeat 0.00001s>><<if $roominfo_exp.exp >= $roominfo_exp.exp_nextlvl && $roominfo_exp.lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>>\
<<set $roominfo_exp.lvl++>><<set _numoflvls++>>\
<<set $strgains += random($roominfo_exp.str_mingains, $roominfo_exp.str_maxgains)>><<set $resgains += random($roominfo_exp.res_mingains, $roominfo_exp.res_maxgains)>><<set $intgains += random($roominfo_exp.int_mingains, $roominfo_exp.int_maxgains)>><<set $sexgains += random($roominfo_exp.sex_mingains, $roominfo_exp.sex_maxgains)>><<set $hpgains += random($roominfo_exp.hp_mingains, $roominfo_exp.hp_maxgains)>>\
<<set $roominfo_exp.exp_nextlvl to Math.round((($roominfo_exp.lvl * $roominfo_exp.lvl) * 0.66) + ($roominfo_exp.lvl * $roominfo_exp.lvlgrowth))>>\
<<if _numoflvls > 1>>\
!!!Your Unit has gained _numoflvls levels!
<<elseif _numoflvls === 1>>\
!!!Your Unit has gained a level!
<<if _numoflvls >= 1>>\
<<set $roominfo_exp.curhp to $roominfo_exp.hp>>\
<span style="color:green">Health: $roominfo_exp.curhp / $roominfo_exp.hp</span> | +$hpgains
<span style="color:orange">Strength: $roominfo_exp.str</span> | +$strgains
<span style="color:blue">Resistance: $roominfo_exp.res</span> | +$resgains
<span style="color:purple">Intellegence: $</span> | +$intgains
<span style="color:red">Sexual Damage: $</span> | +$sexgains
[[Take a Peak|$unitsexgif]]\<<set $allroominfo to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>\
\<<set $allroominfo_type to [$room0.roomtype, $room1.roomtype, $room2.roomtype, $room3.roomtype, $room4.roomtype, $room5.roomtype]>>\
\/*Check to see if player has units*/\
\<<set _check to $allroominfo_type.count("Unit")>>
\<<if _check <= 0>>
You have no Units to level up.
\/*List Rooms with Units*/\
Which Unit would you like to give the $ to?
\<<if $allroominfo[0].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room One
<<if $allroominfo[0].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSex]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room0>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 0>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
\<<if $allroominfo[1].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room Two
<<if $allroominfo[1].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSex]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room1>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 1>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
\<<if $allroominfo[2].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room Three
<<if $allroominfo[2].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSex]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room2>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 2>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
\<<if $allroominfo[3].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room Four
<<if $allroominfo[3].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSex]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room3>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 3>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
\<<if $allroominfo[4].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room Five
<<if $allroominfo[4].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSex]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room4>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 4>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
\<<if $allroominfo[5].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room Six
<<if $allroominfo[5].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSex]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room5>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 5>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
[[Back|CapturedGirls]]<</if>>\<<set _missionary0 to "[img[gifs/missionary/0.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary1 to "[img[gifs/missionary/1.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary2 to "[img[gifs/missionary/2.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary3 to "[img[gifs/missionary/3.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary4 to "[img[gifs/missionary/4.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary5 to "[img[gifs/missionary/5.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary6 to "[img[gifs/missionary/6.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary7 to "[img[gifs/missionary/7.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary8 to "[img[gifs/missionary/8.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary9 to "[img[gifs/missionary/9.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary10 to "[img[gifs/missionary/10.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary11 to "[img[gifs/missionary/11.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary12 to "[img[gifs/missionary/12.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary13 to "[img[gifs/missionary/13.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary14 to "[img[gifs/missionary/14.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary15 to "[img[gifs/missionary/15.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary16 to "[img[gifs/missionary/16.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary17 to "[img[gifs/missionary/17.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary18 to "[img[gifs/missionary/18.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary19 to "[img[gifs/missionary/19.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary20 to "[img[gifs/missionary/20.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary21 to "[img[gifs/missionary/21.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary22 to "[img[gifs/missionary/22.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary23 to "[img[gifs/missionary/23.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary24 to "[img[gifs/missionary/24.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionary25 to "[img[gifs/missionary/25.gif]]">>
\<<set _missionarygifs to [_missionary0, _missionary1, _missionary2, _missionary3, _missionary4, _missionary5, _missionary6, _missionary7, _missionary8, _missionary9, _missionary10, _missionary11, _missionary12, _missionary13, _missionary14, _missionary15, _missionary16, _missionary17, _missionary18, _missionary19, _missionary20, _missionary21, _missionary22, _missionary23, _missionary24, _missionary25]>>
\<<set _randomgif to _missionarygifs.pluck()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randomgif</div>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _missionarygifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<link [[Next|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>><</link>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _missionarygifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
<</if>><</if>>\\<<set _anal0 to "[img[gifs/anal/0.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal1 to "[img[gifs/anal/1.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal2 to "[img[gifs/anal/2.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal3 to "[img[gifs/anal/3.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal4 to "[img[gifs/anal/4.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal5 to "[img[gifs/anal/5.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal6 to "[img[gifs/anal/6.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal7 to "[img[gifs/anal/7.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal8 to "[img[gifs/anal/8.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal9 to "[img[gifs/anal/9.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal10 to "[img[gifs/anal/10.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal11 to "[img[gifs/anal/11.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal12 to "[img[gifs/anal/12.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal13 to "[img[gifs/anal/13.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal14 to "[img[gifs/anal/14.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal15 to "[img[gifs/anal/15.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal16 to "[img[gifs/anal/16.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal17 to "[img[gifs/anal/17.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal18 to "[img[gifs/anal/18.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal19 to "[img[gifs/anal/19.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal20 to "[img[gifs/anal/20.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal21 to "[img[gifs/anal/21.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal22 to "[img[gifs/anal/22.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal23 to "[img[gifs/anal/23.gif]]">>
\<<set _anal24 to "[img[gifs/anal/24.gif]]">>
\<<set _analgifs to [_anal0, _anal1, _anal2, _anal3, _anal4, _anal5, _anal6, _anal7, _anal8, _anal9, _anal10, _anal11, _anal12, _anal13, _anal14, _anal15, _anal16, _anal17, _anal18, _anal19, _anal20, _anal21, _anal22, _anal23, _anal24]>>
\<<set _randomgif to _analgifs.pluck()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randomgif</div>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _analgifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<link [[Next|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>><</link>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _analgifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
<</if>><</if>>\\<<set _titfuck0 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/0.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck1 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/1.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck2 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/2.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck3 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/3.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck4 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/4.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck5 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/5.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck6 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/6.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck7 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/7.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck8 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/8.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck9 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/9.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck10 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/10.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck11 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/11.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck12 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/12.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck13 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/13.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck14 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/14.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck15 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/15.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck16 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/16.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck17 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/17.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck18 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/18.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck19 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/19.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck20 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/20.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck21 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/21.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck22 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/22.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck23 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/23.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuck24 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/24.gif]]">>
\<<set _titfuckgifs to [_titfuck0, _titfuck1, _titfuck2, _titfuck3, _titfuck4, _titfuck5, _titfuck6, _titfuck7, _titfuck8, _titfuck9, _titfuck10, _titfuck11, _titfuck12, _titfuck13, _titfuck14, _titfuck15, _titfuck16, _titfuck17, _titfuck18, _titfuck19, _titfuck20, _titfuck21, _titfuck22, _titfuck23, _titfuck24]>>
\<<set _randomgif to _titfuckgifs.pluck()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randomgif</div>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _titfuckgifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<link [[Next|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>><</link>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _titfuckgifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
<</if>><</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>$misname's Training Service</div>\
\<<set $allroominfo to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>\
\<<set $allroominfo_type to [$room0.roomtype, $room1.roomtype, $room2.roomtype, $room3.roomtype, $room4.roomtype, $room5.roomtype]>>\
\/*Check to see if player has units*/\
\<<set _check to $allroominfo_type.count("Unit")>>
\<<if _check <= 0>>
You have no Units to level up.
<<link [[Back|Main Menu]]>><<set $miscurenergy++>><</link>>\
\/*List Rooms with Units*/\
<span style="color:pink">Which Unit would you like me to train?</span>\
\<<if $allroominfo[0].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room One
<<if $allroominfo[0].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSexMis]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room0>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 0>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
\<<if $allroominfo[1].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room Two
<<if $allroominfo[1].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSexMis]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room1>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 1>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
\<<if $allroominfo[2].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room Three
<<if $allroominfo[2].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSexMis]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room2>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 2>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
\<<if $allroominfo[3].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room Four
<<if $allroominfo[3].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSexMis]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room3>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 3>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
\<<if $allroominfo[4].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room Five
<<if $allroominfo[4].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSexMis]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room4>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 4>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
\<<if $allroominfo[5].roomtype === "Unit">>
!!Room Six
<<if $allroominfo[5].lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>><<link [[Give Exp|UnitSexMis]]>><<set $roominfo_exp to $room5>><<set $unitsexgif to $>><<set $roomnumber to 5>><</link>>\
<<else>><span style="color:red">Unit Already Max Level</span><</if>>\<</if>>\
<<link [[Back|MistressTasks]]>><<set $miscurenergy += 2>><</link>>\
<</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>$misname's Gold Hustle</div>\
<<set $has_done_whore to true>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _misclearnum to Math.round(_d20 + $missex)>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _randgif0 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif1 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/12.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif2 to "[img[gifs/anal/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif3 to "[img[gifs/anal/14.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif4 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif5 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/18.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif6 to "[img[gifs/doggy/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif7 to "[img[gifs/doggy/14.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif8 to "[img[gifs/handjob/16.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif9 to "[img[gifs/handjob/17.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif10 to "[img[gifs/missionary/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif11 to "[img[gifs/missionary/19.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif12 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif13 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/15.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif14 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif15 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/24.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif16 to "[img[gifs/thighjob/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif17 to "[img[gifs/thighjob/15.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif18 to "[img[gifs/footjob/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif19 to "[img[gifs/footjob/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgifarray to [_randgif0, _randgif1, _randgif2, _randgif3, _randgif4, _randgif5, _randgif6, _randgif7, _randgif8, _randgif9, _randgif10, _randgif11, _randgif12, _randgif13, _randgif14, _randgif15, _randgif16, _randgif17, _randgif18, _randgif19]>>\
<<set _randgif to _randgifarray.random()>>\
<<set _ganggif0 to"[img[gifs/gangbang/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _ganggif1 to"[img[gifs/gangbang/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _ganggif2 to"[img[gifs/gangbang/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _ganggif3 to"[img[gifs/gangbang/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _ganggif4 to"[img[gifs/gangbang/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _ganggif5 to"[img[gifs/gangbang/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _ganggif6 to"[img[gifs/gangbang/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _ganggif7 to"[img[gifs/gangbang/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _ganggifarray to [_ganggif0, _ganggif1, _ganggif2, _ganggif3, _ganggif4, _ganggif5, _ganggif6, _ganggif7]>>\
<<set _ganggif to _ganggifarray.random()>>\
<<set _runninggif to "[Img[gifs/random/1.gif]]">>\
<strong><span style="color:pink">$misname</span> roll a _d20 for her <span style="color:darkred">Libido</span> check. <<if _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><<elseif _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><</if>></strong>
<<if _d20 === 20 || _misclearnum >= 25>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_ganggif</div>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(random(150, 200) + ($missex * 2.5))>>\
<<set $missexexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
As <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> entered the pub, she approached a table with a bunch of sailors. Using her seducing charm and teasing the men with her body, she convinces them to buy her services for well above the normal price, a spanking <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>! It wasn't an easy job handling all those men at once, but it was honest work that paid well.
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set _goldgained to 0>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_runninggif</div>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> wandered the streets in search for somebody willing to buy her services, but she couldn't find anyone at all. Apparently nobody was out of their homes today due to a Witch sighting. She found out about this only after she was chased out by the guards. $misname was not able to earn anything.
<<elseif _misclearnum <= 8>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_randgif</div>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(random(20, 30) + random($pccharisma *0.5, $pccharisma) + ($missex * 1.25))>>\
<<set $missexexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> went down to her usual spot looking for a potiental customer. She only found someone a bit short both in terms of size and gold. Nobody else was avaliable though so she agreed to his terms but left him early. She brought back <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.
<<elseif _misclearnum <= 13>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_randgif</div>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(random(40, 55) + random($pccharisma *0.5, $pccharisma) + ($missex * 1.5))>>\
<<set $missexexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> went down to her usual spot looking for a potiental customer. She met a local working who was looking for some fun. It was a decent amount so she took the offer, leading him to her "office". She brought back <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.
<div class="gif-wide">_randgif</div>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(random(70, 100) + random($pccharisma *0.5, $pccharisma) + ($missex * 2))>>\
<<set $missexexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> went down to her usual spot looking for a potiental customer. Luckily for her she met a wealthy trader who wanted a longer session to let off some stress. Not afraid to get roughed up for the amount offered, she gladly took the deal and went straight to work. She brought back <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.
/*Update Gold & Mistress Stats*/\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>>\
<<set $totgoldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<if $missexexp >= $missex_nextlvl && $missex < 10>>\
<<set $missexexp to 0>>\
<<set $missex_nextlvl += 2>>\
<<set $missex++>>\
<span style="color:pink">I have improved my Sex skill <em>Master</em>. I can't wait to show you. <<if $missex === 10>>I feel like I cannot get any sexier now.<</if>></span>
Her <span style="color:darkred">Libido</span> has increased.
<<if $mistaskexp >= $mistaskexp_num + 5 && $misenergy < 7>>\
<<set $mistaskexp to 0>>\
<<set $misenergy++>>\
<<set $miscurenergy++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp_num += (6 * ($misenergy - 1))>>\
<span style="color:pink">I feel like I can do <em>even</em> more for you <em>Master</em>. <<if $misenergy === 7>>I feel like my Energy can't get any higher.<</if>></span>
Her <span style="color:green">Energy</span> has increased.
<<if $miscurenergy === 0>>\
[[Job Done|Main Menu]]
[[Job Done|MistressTasks]]\
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>$misname's Training Service</div>\
<<set $has_done_unitexp to true>>\
<<set $roominfo_exp.exp_nextlvl to Math.round((($roominfo_exp.lvl * $roominfo_exp.lvl) * 0.66) + ($roominfo_exp.lvl * $roominfo_exp.lvlgrowth))>>\
<<set _numoflvls to 0>>\
<<set $strgains to 0>>\
<<set $resgains to 0>>\
<<set $intgains to 0>>\
<<set $sexgains to 0>>\
<<set $hpgains to 0>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _misclearnum to Math.round(_d20 + $missex + ($misstr * 0.25))>>\
<strong><span style="color:pink">$misname</span> roll a _d20 for her <span style="color:darkred">Libido</span> check. <<if _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><<elseif _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><</if>></strong>
<<if _d20 === 1>>\
<<set _unitexpgain to Math.round(random(1, 2) + $missex)>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> was not feeling it today and performed poorly, only providing _unitexpgain Exp to the $
<<elseif _d20 === 20 || _misclearnum >= 31>>\
<<set $missexexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<<set _unitexpgain to Math.round(random(10, 14) + ($missex * 2) + ($misstr * 1.75))>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> was feeling really motivated today, performing beyond what was expect and providing _unitexpgain Exp to the $
<<elseif _misclearnum >= 16>>\
<<set $missexexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<<set _unitexpgain to Math.round(random(6, 9) + ($missex * 1.5) + ($misstr * 1.25))>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> performed as well as you would hope, providing your $ with _unitexpgain Exp.
<<set $missexexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<<set _unitexpgain to Math.round(random(3, 5) + ($missex * 1.25) + $misstr)>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> tried her best but she was not feeling very excited with the $, only earning it _unitexpgain Exp.
<<set $roominfo_exp.exp += _unitexpgain>>\
\/*Level up check*/\
<<repeat 0.00001s>>\
<<if $roominfo_exp.exp >= $roominfo_exp.exp_nextlvl && $roominfo_exp.lvl < $pcmaxunitlvl>>\
<<set $roominfo_exp.lvl++>><<set _numoflvls++>>\
<<set $strgains += random($roominfo_exp.str_mingains, $roominfo_exp.str_maxgains)>><<set $resgains += random($roominfo_exp.res_mingains, $roominfo_exp.res_maxgains)>><<set $intgains += random($roominfo_exp.int_mingains, $roominfo_exp.int_maxgains)>><<set $sexgains += random($roominfo_exp.sex_mingains, $roominfo_exp.sex_maxgains)>><<set $hpgains += random($roominfo_exp.hp_mingains, $roominfo_exp.hp_maxgains)>>\
<<set $roominfo_exp.exp_nextlvl to Math.round((($roominfo_exp.lvl * $roominfo_exp.lvl) * 0.66) + ($roominfo_exp.lvl * $roominfo_exp.lvlgrowth))>>\
<<if _numoflvls > 1>>\
!!!Your unit has gained _numoflvls levels!
<<elseif _numoflvls === 1>>\
!!!Your unit has gained a level!
<<if _numoflvls >= 1>>\
<<set $roominfo_exp.curhp to $roominfo_exp.hp>>\
<span style="color:green">Health: $roominfo_exp.curhp / $roominfo_exp.hp</span> | +$hpgains
<span style="color:orange">Strength: $roominfo_exp.str</span> | +$strgains
<span style="color:blue">Resistance: $roominfo_exp.res</span> | +$resgains
<span style="color:purple">Intellegence: $</span> | +$intgains
<span style="color:red">Sexual Damage: $</span> | +$sexgains
<<if $missexexp >= $missex_nextlvl && $missex < 10>>\
<<set $missexexp to 0>>\
<<set $missex_nextlvl += 2>>\
<<set $missex++>>\
<span style="color:pink">I have improved my Sex skill <em>Master</em>. I can't wait to show you. <<if $missex === 10>>I feel like I cannot get any sexier now.<</if>></span>
Her <span style="color:darkred">Libido</span> has increased.
<<if $mistaskexp >= $mistaskexp_num + 5 && $misenergy < 7>>\
<<set $mistaskexp to 0>>\
<<set $misenergy++>>\
<<set $miscurenergy++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp_num += (6 * ($misenergy - 1))>>\
<span style="color:pink">I feel like I can do <em>even</em> more for you <em>Master</em>. <<if $misenergy === 7>>I feel like my Energy can't get any higher.<</if>></span>
Her <span style="color:green">Energy</span> has increased.
[[Take a Peak|$unitsexgif]]<<set _slimegif0 to "[img[gifs/slime/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif1 to "[img[gifs/slime/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif2 to "[img[gifs/slime/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif3 to "[img[gifs/slime/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif4 to "[img[gifs/slime/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif5 to "[img[gifs/slime/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif6 to "[img[gifs/slime/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif7 to "[img[gifs/slime/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif8 to "[img[gifs/slime/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif9 to "[img[gifs/slime/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif10 to "[img[gifs/slime/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif11 to "[img[gifs/slime/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif12 to "[img[gifs/slime/12.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegif13 to "[img[gifs/slime/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _slimegifarray to [_slimegif0, _slimegif1, _slimegif2, _slimegif3, _slimegif4, _slimegif5, _slimegif6, _slimegif7, _slimegif8, _slimegif9, _slimegif10, _slimegif11, _slimegif12, _slimegif13]>>\
<<set _randgif to _slimegifarray.random()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randgif</div>\
<<if lastVisited("UnitSexMis") is 1>>\
<<if $miscurenergy === 0>>\
[[Job Done|Main Menu]]
[[Job Done|MistressTasks]]\
<<if lastVisited("UnitSex") is 1>>\
<<set $unitsex_count++>>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
\<<set $roominfo_exp.hp += $hpgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.str += $strgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.end += $endgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.res += $resgains>>
\<<set $ += $intgains>>
\<<set $ += $sexgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.curhp to $roominfo_exp.hp>>
\<<switch $roomnumber>>
\<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<</switch>><span style="color:red"><strong>Warning!</strong>
You are about to wipe the contents of your room from existance, you will get no gold back or earn exp from this!</span>
Are you sure you want to clear out your room?
<<link [[Yes|Manage]]>><<switch $editroom>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $room0 to $empty_owned_room>>
\<<case 1>>
\<<set $room1 to $empty_owned_room>>
\<<case 2>>
\<<set $room2 to $empty_owned_room>>
\<<case 3>>
\<<set $room3 to $empty_owned_room>>
\<<case 4>>
\<<set $room4 to $empty_owned_room>>
\<<case 5>>
\<<set $room5 to $empty_owned_room>>
\<</switch>><</link>> or <<return "No">><div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>$misname's Pimp Service</div>\
<<set $has_done_pcexp to true>>\
<<set _lvlsgained to 0>>\
<<set $pcexp_nextlvl to Math.round(((12 * ($pclvl * $pclvl)) / 4) + ($pclvl * 8))>>\
<<set _d20 to random (1, 20)>>\
<<set _misclearnum to _d20 + $misstr>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _plantgif0 to "[img[gifs/random/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _plantgif1 to "[img[gifs/random/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _plantgifsarray to [_plantgif0, _plantgif1]>>\
<<set _plantgif to _plantgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _randgif0 to "[img[gifs/anal/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif1 to "[img[gifs/anal/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif2 to "[img[gifs/anal/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif3 to "[img[gifs/anal/23.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif4 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif5 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif6 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif7 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/19.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif8 to "[img[gifs/doggy/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif9 to "[img[gifs/doggy/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif10 to "[img[gifs/doggy/18.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif11 to "[img[gifs/doggy/19.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif12 to "[img[gifs/missionary/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif13 to "[img[gifs/missionary/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif14 to "[img[gifs/missionary/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif15 to "[img[gifs/missionary/25.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif16 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif17 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif18 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgif19 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _randgifsarray to [_randgif0, _randgif1, _randgif2, _randgif3, _randgif4, _randgif5, _randgif6, _randgif7, _randgif8, _randgif9, _randgif10, _randgif11, _randgif12, _randgif13, _randgif14, _randgif15, _randgif16, _randgif17, _randgif18, _randgif19]>>\
<<set _randgif to _randgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _threegif0 to "[img[gifs/threesome/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _threegif1 to "[img[gifs/threesome/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _threegif3 to "[img[gifs/threesome/18.gif]]">>\
<<set _threegif4 to "[img[gifs/threesome/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _threegifsarray to [_threegif0, _threegif1, _threegif3, _threegif4]>>\
<<set _randthreegif to _threegifsarray.random()>>\
<strong><span style="color:pink">$misname</span> roll a _d20 for her <span style="color:orange">Strength</span> check. <<if _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><<elseif _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><</if>></strong>
<<if _d20 === 1>>\
<div class="gif-tall">_plantgif</div>\
<<set _pcexpgain to 0>>\
Set out to find you someone who can show you a good time, <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> heads out towards the town. Unfortunately, while making her way through the forest she gets caught by some of the wild plant life and is unable to break free. Looks like she will be having all the fun instead. Your mistress failed to bring back anyone to fuck.
<<elseif _d20 === 20 || _misclearnum >= 30>>\
<div class="gif-square">_randthreegif</div>\
<<set _pcexpgain to Math.round(random(6, 7) + ($pclvl * 0.25) + ($misstr * 2.5))>>\
<<set $misstrexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
Soon after entering the village, <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> spots a couple of fine ass drunken women heading down a dark alley. She easily follows and casts a controlling spell on them, leading the horny ladies back to your quarters, where you show them what a real dick feels like. After fucking the two girls, you earned _pcexpgain Exp.
<<elseif _misclearnum <= 7>>\
<div class="gif-tall">_randgif</div>\
<<set _pcexpgain to Math.round(random(1, 2) + ($pclvl * 0.25) + $misstr)>>\
<<set $misstrexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> didn't know where she could find someone to easily manipulate and bring back to your chambers. She eventually found herself outside a brothel. She thought she found a high rated slut to bring back but turns out it was a cheap whore. With nobody else to put your dick into, you decide to make the most of the situation, although she enjoyed it more than you. After fucking her, you earned _pcexpgain Exp.
<div class="gif-tall">_randgif</div>\
<<set _pcexpgain to Math.round(random(3, 4) + ($pclvl * 0.25) + ($misstr * 1.25))>>\
<<set $misstrexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
Set out to find you someone to put your cock into, <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> heads towards the local pub. She finds a stunning adventurer who's just beginning her first drink. After joining her and sharing a few more drinks together, <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> swaps the adventurer's drink with a love potion and invites her back to your place. Love struck, she has no choice but to follow her to your chambers. After fucking her, you earned _pcexpgain Exp.
/*Update PC and Mistress*/\
<<set $pcexp += _pcexpgain>>\
<<repeat 0.00001s>>\
<<if $pcexp >= $pcexp_nextlvl>>\
<<set $pclvl++>><<set $skillpoints++>><<set _lvlsgained++>><<set $pcexp_nextlvl to Math.round(((12 * ($pclvl * $pclvl)) / 4) + ($pclvl * 8))>>\
<<if _lvlsgained > 1>>!\
!!!You gained _lvlsgained levels!
<<elseif _lvlsgained === 1>>\
!!!You gained one level!
<<if $misstrexp >= $misstr_nextlvl && $misstr < 10>>\
<<set $misstrexp to 0>>\
<<set $misstr_nextlvl += 2>>\
<<set $misstr++>>\
<span style="color:pink">I have improved my Strength! I can't wait to show you how much strong I am now, <em>especially</em> in your <em>bedroom</em>. <<if $misstr === 10>>I feel like I cannot get any stronger now.<</if>></span>
Her <span style="color:orange">Strength</span> has increased.\
<<if $mistaskexp >= $mistaskexp_num + 5 && $misenergy < 7>>\
<<set $mistaskexp to 0>>\
<<set $misenergy++>>\
<<set $miscurenergy++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp_num += (6 * ($misenergy - 1))>>\
<span style="color:pink">I feel like I can do <em>even</em> more for you <em>Master</em>. <<if $misenergy === 7>>I feel like my Energy can't get any higher.<</if>></span>
Her <span style="color:green">Energy</span> has increased.\
<<if $miscurenergy === 0>>\
[[Job Done|Main Menu]]\
[[Job Done|MistressTasks]]\
<</if>>\<div style='font-size: 200%;'>Treasure Room</div>\
Currently holds $pctreasure_size Treasures.
<<if $pctreasure.length === 0>>You have no Treasures.\
<<for _i = 0; _i < $pctreasure.length; _i++>>
<<print _i + 1>>. $pctreasure[_i].name | $pctreasure[_i].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[_i].cost / 2)>> Gold</span>
[[Sell Treasure]]
[[Back|Main Menu]][[Back|ManageTreasure]]
<<if $pctreasure[0] != null>>\
1. $pctreasure[0].name | $pctreasure[0].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[0].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[0].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[0].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(0)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[1] != null>>\
2. $pctreasure[1].name | $pctreasure[1].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[1].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[1].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[1].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(1)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[2] != null>>\
3. $pctreasure[2].name | $pctreasure[2].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[2].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[2].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[2].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(2)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[3] != null>>\
4. $pctreasure[3].name | $pctreasure[3].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[3].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[3].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[3].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(3)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[4] != null>>\
5. $pctreasure[4].name | $pctreasure[4].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[4].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[4].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[4].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(4)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[5] != null>>\
6. $pctreasure[5].name | $pctreasure[5].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[5].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[5].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[5].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(5)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[6] != null>>\
7. $pctreasure[6].name | $pctreasure[6].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[6].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[6].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[6].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(6)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[7] != null>>\
8. $pctreasure[7].name | $pctreasure[7].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[7].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[7].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[7].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(7)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[8] != null>>\
9. $pctreasure[8].name | $pctreasure[8].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[8].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[8].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[8].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(8)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[9] != null>>\
10. $pctreasure[9].name | $pctreasure[9].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[9].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[9].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[9].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(9)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[10] != null>>\
11. $pctreasure[10].name | $pctreasure[10].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[10].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[10].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[10].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(10)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[11] != null>>\
12. $pctreasure[11].name | $pctreasure[11].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[11].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[11].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[11].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(11)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[12] != null>>\
13. $pctreasure[12].name | $pctreasure[12].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[12].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[12].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[12].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(12)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[13] != null>>\
14. $pctreasure[13].name | $pctreasure[13].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[13].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[13].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[13].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(13)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[14] != null>>\
15. $pctreasure[14].name | $pctreasure[14].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[14].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[14].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[14].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(14)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[15] != null>>\
16. $pctreasure[15].name | $pctreasure[15].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[15].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[15].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[15].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(15)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[16] != null>>\
17. $pctreasure[16].name | $pctreasure[16].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[16].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[16].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[16].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(16)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[17] != null>>\
18. $pctreasure[17].name | $pctreasure[17].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[17].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[17].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[17].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(17)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[18] != null>>\
19. $pctreasure[18].name | $pctreasure[18].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[18].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[18].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[18].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(18)>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $pctreasure[19] != null>>\
20. $pctreasure[19].name | $pctreasure[19].rarityname | Sell: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round($pctreasure[19].cost / 2)>> Gold</span> | <<link [[Sell Treasure|ManageTreasure]]>><<set $pcgold += Math.round($pctreasure[19].cost / 2)>><<set $totgoldearned += Math.round($pctreasure[19].cost / 2)>><<set _deleteme to $pctreasure.deleteAt(19)>><</link>><</if>>\!!Helpful Information
<<if $hasopenedbook === false>>\
<<set $hasopenedbook to true>>\
<span style="color:pink">Here, it's a book I found from the previous Dungeon Lord. It contains <em>all</em> sorts of information about how to run of thriving Dungeon. I know you don't need it <em>Master</em>, but I will leave it here for you just in case.</span>
[[Girl List|GirlGuide]]
[[How to Lure|LureGuide]]
[[Raid Tips|RaidGuide]]
[[Treasure List|TreasureGuide]]
[[Back|Main Menu]]Welcome $pcname, the new Dungeon Lord of $dname. I write you this before leaving you on your own, to help guide you in case you have forgotten everything over the last 500 years.
As the Dungeon Lord, you need to create a dungeon that with plenty of loot so many adventurers come to try to pillage your <span style="color:gold">Gold</span> and [[Treasures|TreasureGuide]]. In order to stop the swarm of adventurers robbing you of everything, you will summon units or construct traps to defend your Treasure Room. As a demon, we also need to feed off the sexual desires and pleasures of the [[Girls|GirlGuide]] to gain levels, unlocking new Units, Traps, Attacks, Spells, and much more. To make sure these girls are soaked and ready before they arrive to your chambers, your Units and Traps will attempt to stimulate them as they enter each room.
To capture a girl, you must increase their <span style="color:darkred">Lust</span> to 100. You will also be able to earn some <span style="color:gold">Gold</span> from capturing girls. Once captured, at the end of the night, you can fuck each captured girl to earn Exp. or choose to let one of your units fuck a girl so they earn Exp. If you want to earn more <span style="color:gold">Gold</span> and steal any <span style="color:gold">Treasure</span> you have to defeat them. To do that you must make the girl run out of <span style="color:green">Health</span>, dropping any loot she has and flee the dungeon. You don't gain any experience from defeating girls, but it's a quicker way to earn <span style="color:gold">Gold</span> and the only way to steal any <span style="color:gold">Treasures</span> she had.
Eventually word will get out about your lewd dungeon and you will be overrun by Sluts, try to survive as long as possible. Be sure to check out some helpful [[Raid Tips|RaidGuide]] and different way to [[Lure|LureGuide]] girls to improve your chances to last as long as a Slut do.
You can increase tha amount of adventurers that can possibly enter your dungeon through different methods.
<strong>Gold:</strong> Sitting on a large gold pile will increase the chances of luring all kinds of adventurers.
<strong>Treasures:</strong> Certain treasures can lure specific girls while Thiefs are by lured by any treasures.
<strong>Advertising:</strong> Once unlocked, your mistress can go out to advertise your dungeon in town. This can lure a wide variety of girls from Sluts to many adventurers at once. Be sure you are prepared for anything.
<strong>Units:</strong> Witches love monsters and can be lured by simply having a lot of units in your dungeon.
$ | $amulet.rarityname
$ | $ring.rarityname
$ | $bondageset.rarityname
$ | $chalice.rarityname
$ | $crown.rarityname
$ | $mask.rarityname
$ | $wine.rarityname
$ | $bra.rarityname
$ | $harp.rarityname
$ | $necklace.rarityname
$ | $panties.rarityname
$ | $orb.rarityname
<div align='center' style='font-size: 125%;'>Attendant of the Holy Spirit</div>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 125%;'>Archer</div>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 125%;'>Knight</div>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 125%;'>Loli</div>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 125%;'>Mage</div>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 125%;'>Servant of Evil</div>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 125%;'>Slut</div>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 125%;'>Thief</div>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 125%;'>Villager</div>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 125%;'>Witch</div>
[[Back|Guide]]Here are some tips and tricks for raids.
* Be sure to pay attention to girl's weak and strong fetishes. Having attacks and spells that exploit their weak fetishes will make it a lot easier to capture a girl.
* Make sure you organize your rooms to maximize their effectiveness.
* Sometimes it's better to not fight a difficult adventurer if you still have a lot of girls waiting to raid your dungeon.
* Make sure your units and traps aren't falling behind in levels.
* Eventually Sluts will overrun your dungeon, once you start seeing more show up, adjust your dungeon to be able to handle their high endurance and sex drive.
* Use the Spacebar to quickly move onto the next passage during a raid.
\<<set $empty_attack to {
name: "Attack: None",
scenename: "",
desc: "",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $pimp_attack to {
name: "Pimp Slap",
scenename: "PimpPassage",
desc: "Walks up and Pimp Slaps the hoe. The most basic of Attacks, deals a moderate amount of Physical damage. No effect against Sluts.",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $spank_attack to {
name: "Spanking",
scenename: "SpankingPassage",
desc: "Bends the Girl over and spank her. A weak Attack that gets stronger the more times you use it in a row, dealing both Physical and Sexual damage.",
fetishes: ["Ass"],
\<<set $grope_attack to {
name: "Groping",
scenename: "GropingPassage",
desc: "Darts around and grabs the Girl's breasts, squeezing them. Deals Sexual damage based on how high the Girl's Lust.",
fetishes: ["Breasts"],
\<<set $sweep_attack to {
name: "Sweeping Kick",
scenename: "SweepingKickPassage",
desc: "A risky Attack where you jump forward and performs a low kick, sweeping the Girl off her feet. Deals Physical damage based on the Girl's maximum Health.",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $empty_spell to {
name: "Spell: Empty",
cost: 0,
scenename: "",
desc: "",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $hypnosis_spell to {
name: "Hypnosis",
cost: 1,
scenename: "HypnosisPassage",
desc: "Attempts to put the Girl in a trance that forces herself to Masturbate. The higher her Lust is, the more likely the Spell will succeed. Deals Sexual damage based the Girl's Lust.",
fetishes: ["Masturbation"],
require: 0
\<<set $heal_spell to {
name: "Heal",
cost: 2,
scenename: "HealPassage",
desc: "Restore 15 Health to yourself or the Captured girl.",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $greaterheal_spell to {
name: "Greater Heal",
cost: 5,
scenename: "GreaterHealPassage",
desc: "Restores half of your or the Captured Girl's maximum Health.",
fetishes: ["None"],
\<<set $darkblast_spell to {
name: "Dark Blast",
cost: 3,
scenename: "DarkBlastPassage",
desc: "Fire a Dark Blast at the Girl. Deals Magic damage based on how low her Lust is. Horny Girls take the least damage. Does not effect Sluts.",
require: 0
\<<set $lightblast_spell to {
name: "Light Ray",
cost: 4,
scenename: "LightBlastPassage",
desc: "Shoots a Light Ray at the Girl. Deals Magic damage based on how high her Lust is. Horny Girls take the most damage.",
\<<set $cock_spell to {
name: "Cock Enlargement",
cost: 10,
scenename: "CockEnlargementPassage",
desc: "Grows your cock for a single Raid, reducing all damage Girls deal to you unless they have a strong Fetish against Big Dicks. Has a chance to fuck Girls with a weak Fetish to Big Dicks before the fight.",
fetishes: ["Big Dicks"],
\<<set $shock_spell to {
name: "Stimulating Shock",
cost: 1,
scenename: "ShockPassage",
desc: "Sends a weak electric shock at the Girl that stimulates her pussy and deals a small amount of Magic and Sexual damage. Slight chance to make her climax, increased chance if the Girl is Horny. Climaxing deals bonus Sexual damage and causes her to skip her Attack.",
fetishes: ["Pussy"],
\<<set $ressurection_spell to {
name: "Mass Ressurection",
cost: 16,
scenename: "RessurectionPassage",
desc: "Revives and heals all your Units in the Dungeon. Can only be used once during a Raid.",
fetishes: ["None"],
}>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 150%;'><span style="color:green">Energy Remaining: $miscurenergy</span></div>\
<<if $miscurenergy === 0>>\
<span style="color:red">Not enough Energy to perform any Tasks.</span>
<<if $miscurenergy >= 1>>\
<<link [[Find Girl for Exp|MistressPcExp]]>><<set $miscurenergy-->><</link>> | Requires: <span style="color:green">One Energy</span>
Send your Mistress to find a whore to bring back for you to fuck and gain Exp. Higher <span style="color:orange">Strength</span> increases the quality of Girl she brings back, earning you more Exp.
<<if $miscurenergy >= 1 && $unlockmisgold === true>>\
<<link [[Whore for Gold|MistressGold]]>><<set $miscurenergy-->><</link>> | Requires: <span style="color:green">One Energy</span>
Send your Mistress to use her body to earn Gold from the town nearby. Higher <span style="color:darkred">Libido</span> increases the amount of Gold she can earn.
<<if $miscurenergy >= 1 && $unlockmisad === true>>\
<<link [[Advertise Dungeon|MistressAd]]>><<set $miscurenergy-->><</link>> | Requires: <span style="color:green">One Energy</span>
Send your Mistress to spread rumors at the tavern about your Dungeon to increase the number of Adventurers that will Raid your Dungeon. Higher <span style="color:purple">Intelligence</span> increases the amount of Girls she can Lure.
<<if $miscurenergy >= 1 && $unlockmisshopping === true>>\
<<link [[Send Shopping|MistressShopping]]>><<set $miscurenergy-->><</link>> | Requrires: <span style="color:green">One Energy</span>
Send your Mistress into town to buy various Treasures. Higher <span style="color:purple">Intelligence</span> and <span style="color:darkred">Libido</span> increase the likelihood of rare Treasures being avaliable and decreased their price.
<<if $miscurenergy >= 2 && $unlockmisexp === true>>\
<<link [[Give Unit Exp|MistressExp]]>><<set $miscurenergy -= 2>><</link>> | Requires: <span style="color:green">Two Energy</span>
Send your Mistress to use her body to give one of your Units Exp. Higher <span style="color:darkred">Libido</span> and <span style="color:orange">Strength</span> increase the amount of Exp given.
<<if $miscurenergy >= 4 && $goddesstask === true && $god_empowered === false>>\
<<link [[Jibril's Gift|MistressTouch]]>><<set $miscurenergy -= 4>><</link>> | Requires: <span style="color:green">Four Energy</span>
Jibril's grants you Godly strength and stature, increasing all damage you deal and decreasing the amount of Health you lose from Sluts.
<<elseif $god_empowered === true>>\
Jibril's Gift | You are already empowered.
Jibril's grants you Godly strength and stature, increasing all damage you deal and decreasing the amount of Health you lose from Sluts.
<<if $miscurenergy === 0>>[[Back|Main Menu]]<<else>>[[Back|Main Menu]]<</if>><div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>$misname's Advertising Campaign</div>\
<<set $has_done_ad to true>>\
<<set _sluts to []>>\
<<set _girls to []>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _misclearnum to _d20 + $misint>>\
<<set _goodgirlsarray to ["Archer", "Mage", "Knight", "Holy", "Witch", "Evil", "Thief", "Loli"]>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _slutgif10 to "[img[gifs/slut/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif11 to "[img[gifs/slut/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgifsarray to [_slutgif10, _slutgif11]>>\
<<set _randslutgif to _slutgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _twoslutsgif0 to "[img[gifs/slut/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _twoslutsgif1 to "[img[gifs/slut/14.gif]]">>\
<<set _twoslutsgifsarray to [_twoslutsgif0, _twoslutsgif1]>>\
<<set _twoslutsgif to _twoslutsgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _treasurepic0 to "[img[images/random/0.jpg]]">>\
<<set _treasurepic1 to "[img[images/random/1.jpg]]">>\
<<set _treasurepic2 to "[img[images/random/2.jpg]]">>\
<<set _treasurepicsarray to [_treasurepic0, _treasurepic1]>>\
<<set _randpic to _treasurepicsarray.random()>>\
<strong><span style="color:pink">$misname</span> roll a _d20 for her <span style="color:purple">Intelligence</span> check. <<if _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><<elseif _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><</if>></strong>
<<if _d20 === 1>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_twoslutsgif</div>\
<<set _sluts to ["Slut", "Slut"]>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> wandered around town for a bit looking for a good place to start soliciting. She got thirsty looking for a spot to set up and so went inside the pug to quench her thirst. Instead she got drunk and talked up your Dungeon to a couple Sluts who wanted what she was selling. Expect 2 addition Sluts to enter your Dungeon tonight.
<<elseif _d20 === 20 || _misclearnum >= 25>>\
<div class="image-wide">_treasurepic2</div>\
<<set $misintexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<<set _numlured to Math.round(($pclvl * 0.1) * 2)>>\
<<if _numlured < 2>><<set _numlured to 2>><</if>>\
<<set _girls to _goodgirlsarray.randomMany(_numlured)>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> found a large group by the central fountain. Courageously, she got up along the fountain wall and begain a fantasy tale about your dungeon and all the riches it had to offer. Many adventurers were movtivated by her tales and went home to prepare for the night's exploration. Expect _numlured additional Girls to enter your Dungeon tonight.
<<elseif _misclearnum <= 9>>\
<div class="gif-square">_randslutgif</div>\
<<set _sluts to ["Slut"]>>\
<<set $misintexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> approached a small gathering but was tired and wasn't focusing on the task at hand. She mentioned your dungeon was more of a sex dungeon then a place with treasures. There was someone in the group that was excited to see your dungeon. Expect 1 additional Slut to enter your Dungeon tonight.
<div class="image-wide">_randpic</div>\
<<set $misintexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<<set _numlured to Math.round($pclvl * 0.1)>>\
<<if _numlured < 1>><<set _numlured to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _girls to _goodgirlsarray.randomMany(_numlured)>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> strolled into the tavern a sought out a group of adventurers who looked like they already had a few too many drinks. They were already talking about their next adventure before she gave them her spiel about your dungeon, selling up the exciting bits. Eager and drunk, they decided that your dungeon was going to be the next place they ventured too. Expect _numlured additional Girls to enter your Dungeon tonight.
<<if _girls.length > 0>>\
<<set $ad_girls to $ad_girls.concat(_girls)>>\
<<if _sluts.length > 0>>\
<<set $ad_sluts to $ad_sluts.concat(_sluts)>>\
/*Update Mistress Stats*/\
<<if $misintexp >= $misint_nextlvl && $misint < 10>>\
<<set $misintexp to 0>>\
<<set $misint_nextlvl += 2>>\
<<set $misint++>>\
<span style="color:pink">I have improved my Intelligence <em>Master</em>. Being smart <em>is</em> sexy, right? <<if $misint === 10>>I feel like I cannot become any smarter now.<</if>></span>
Her <span style="color:purple">Intelligence</span> has increased.
<<if $mistaskexp >= $mistaskexp_num + 5 && $misenergy < 7>>\
<<set $mistaskexp to 0>>\
<<set $misenergy++>>\
<<set $miscurenergy++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp_num += (6 * ($misenergy - 1))>>\
<span style="color:pink">I feel like I can do <em>even</em> more for you <em>Master</em>. <<if $misenergy === 7>>I feel like my Energy can't get any higher.<</if>></span>
Her <span style="color:green">Energy</span> has increased.
<<if $miscurenergy === 0>>\
[[Job Done|Main Menu]]\
[[Job Done|MistressTasks]]\
<</if>>\\<<set _cowgirl0 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/0.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl1 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/1.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl2 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/2.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl3 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/3.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl4 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/4.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl5 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/5.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl6 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/6.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl7 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/7.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl8 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/8.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl9 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/9.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl10 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/10.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl11 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/11.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl12 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/12.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl13 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/13.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl14 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/14.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl15 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/15.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl16 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/16.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl17 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/17.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl18 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/18.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl19 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/19.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl20 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/20.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl21 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/21.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirl22 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/22.gif]]">>
\<<set _cowgirlgifs to [_cowgirl0, _cowgirl1, _cowgirl2, _cowgirl3, _cowgirl4, _cowgirl5, _cowgirl6, _cowgirl7, _cowgirl8, _cowgirl9, _cowgirl10, _cowgirl11, _cowgirl12, _cowgirl13, _cowgirl14, _cowgirl15, _cowgirl16, _cowgirl17, _cowgirl18, _cowgirl19, _cowgirl20, _cowgirl21, _cowgirl22]>>
\<<set _randomgif to _cowgirlgifs.pluck()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randomgif</div>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _cowgirlgifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<link [[Next|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>><</link>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _cowgirlgifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
**Girl Themes**
- Villager
- Doesn't want to be in the dungeon, got lost
- Doesn't know anything about adventuring
- Has no weapons or magic
- Bad against everything
- Gets turned on very easily
- Thief
- Excells at being sneaky, strong silent type
- Uses throwing knifes, daggers, and tricks to clear dungeon
- Knowledgable about most traps
- Not very strong against magic
- Archer
- Quick and agile, always strikes first, very outgoing and outspoken about her skill
- Uses a bow and arrow, normally carry a small dagger as well
- Somewhat knowledgable about traps, not to the level of Thief
- Not effective against magic
- Knight
- Strong, both offensive and defensivly. Can be a bit of a airhead
- Carries a melee weapon and a shield for combat
- Often gets caught in traps because she isn't very mobile
- Not good against magic but can take more phyical damage than most
- Mages
- Smart users of magic, can be arrogant or cocky
- Controls fire and ice spells with her staff
- Lacks knowledge of traps but is strong against magic
- Holy
- Angelic beings from the heavens sent to destroy your dungeon and it's evil ways.
- Either uses a holy blade or light and fire magic
- Has increased trap detection skills and is strong against magic skills
- Takes a lot to corrupt her from Lust
- Can be over caring towards creatures
- Prefers Physical over Magic damage
- Evil
- Demonic beings sent from hell to overtake your humble dungeon for their own desires.
- Weilds a maced whip or dark and fire magic
- Has incrased trap detection skills and is strong against magic skills
- Gets Horny easily but gains increased stats from being horny, can enter dungeons horny sometimes
- Enjoys it rough and is often thankful for it
- Prefers Magic over Physical damage
- Witch
- A hag who is very resilent against sexual attacks. Also went to witch school to study summons
- Uses dark, fire, and ice magic and can summon units.
- Very strong against magic, sucks against traps
- Has a high threshold for her Lust but gains massive bonus from being Horny
- Loli
- A small being with high skills at everything besides her tiny brain
- She always tries her best to avoid lewd situations but is often caught in them
- Uses whatever the hell she wants as a weapon, it's cute regardless
- Falls for traps and magic spells all the time
- Alwats starts with low Lust but threshold is low
- Slut
- Horny girl just looking for some fun
- Only stat she has is energy, can you deplete her energy being she depletes your balls?
- ALWAYS falls for traps and spells, even if you don't want her to
- Raid boss of the game, meat sponge, wreaking ball ect.<<set $allroominfo to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>\
<<if $firstswitcheroo === false>>\
<span style="color:pink">Welcome to the Dungeon Master's Dungeon Room Switcheroo-er! With this, you can exchange the location of two rooms in your dungeon Master. Be wary though, side effects may vary and if your hard on lasts more than five minutes, <em>I'll</em> take care of <em>it</em>.</span>\
<<set $firstswitcheroo to false>>\
Select first room.
<label><strong>Room One</strong>
<<radiobutton "$swapfirstroom" 0 checked>> | $</label>
<label><strong>Room Two</strong>
<<radiobutton "$swapfirstroom" 1>> | $</label>
<<if $hasroom2 === true>>\
<label><strong>Room Three</strong>
<<radiobutton "$swapfirstroom" 2>> | $</label>
<<if $hasroom3 === true>>\
<label><strong>Room Four</strong>
<<radiobutton "$swapfirstroom" 3>> | $</label>
<<if $hasroom4 === true>>\
<label><strong>Room Five</strong>
<<radiobutton "$swapfirstroom" 4>> | $</label>
<<if $hasroom5 === true>>\
<label><strong>Room Six</strong>
<<radiobutton "$swapfirstroom" 5>> | $</label>
[[Next|SwapRooms2]] | [[Back|Manage]]<<set $allroominfo to [$room0, $room1, $room2, $room3, $room4, $room5]>>\
Select second room and exchange locations with the first room.
<label><strong>Room One</strong>
<<radiobutton "_swapsecroom" $room0 checked>> | $</label>
<label><strong>Room Two</strong>
<<radiobutton "_swapsecroom" $room1>> | $</label>
<<if $hasroom2 === true>>\
<label><strong>Room Three</strong>
<<radiobutton "_swapsecroom" $room2>> | $</label>
<<if $hasroom3 === true>>\
<label><strong>Room Four</strong>
<<radiobutton "_swapsecroom" $room3>> | $</label>
<<if $hasroom4 === true>>\
<label><strong>Room Five</strong>
<<radiobutton "_swapsecroom" $room4>> | $</label>
<<if $hasroom5 === true>>\
<label><strong>Room Six</strong>
<<radiobutton "_swapsecroom" $room5>> | $</label>
<<link [[Switcheroo!|SwapRooms]]>>\
<<if _swapsecroom === $room0>>\
<<set _holder_des to 0>>\
<<elseif _swapsecroom === $room1>>\
<<set _holder_des to 1>>\
<<elseif _swapsecroom === $room2>>\
<<set _holder_des to 2>>\
<<elseif _swapsecroom === $room3>>\
<<set _holder_des to 3>>\
<<elseif _swapsecroom === $room4>>\
<<set _holder_des to 4>>\
<<elseif _swapsecroom === $room5>>\
<<set _holder_des to 5>>\
<<switch $swapfirstroom>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<if $swapsecroom === $room0>>\
<<set _switch_fail to true>>\
<<set _holder to $room0>>\
<<set $room0 to _swapsecroom>>\
<<set _switch_fail to false>>\
<<case 1>>
<<if $swapsecroom === $room1>>\
<<set _switch_fail to true>>\
<<set _holder to $room1>>\
<<set $room1 to _swapsecroom>>\
<<set _switch_fail to false>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $swapsecroom === $room2>>\
<<set _switch_fail to true>>\
<<set _holder to $room2>>\
<<set $room2 to _swapsecroom>>\
<<set _switch_fail to false>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<if $swapsecroom === $room3>>\
<<set _switch_fail to true>>\
<<set _holder to $room3>>\
<<set $room3 to _swapsecroom>>\
<<set _switch_fail to false>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<if $swapsecroom === $room4>>\
<<set _switch_fail to true>>\
<<set _holder to $room4>>\
<<set $room4 to _swapsecroom>>\
<<set _switch_fail to false>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<if $swapsecroom === $room5>>\
<<set _switch_fail to true>>\
<<set _holder to $room5>>\
<<set $room5 to _swapsecroom>>\
<<set _switch_fail to false>>\
<<if _switch_fail === false>>\
<<switch _holder_des>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $room0 to _holder>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $room1 to _holder>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $room2 to _holder>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $room3 to _holder>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $room4 to _holder>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<set $room5 to _holder>>\
<</switch>><</if>><</link>> | [[Back|SwapRooms]]
<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Empty Room</div>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the vacant room, worried about traps or monsters that could be hiding, she quickly moved forward deeper into the dungeon.
<<set $thisroom to $nextroom_info>>\
<<set $numrooms -= 1>>\
<<switch $curroomnum>>\
<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $thisroom>>\
<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $thisroom>>\
/*Final Room*/\
<<if $numrooms <= 0>>\
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Room|PlayerChoice]]</span>\
/*Next Room*/\
<<set $curroomnum += 1>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
<span id="spaceAct">[[Next Room|$nextroom]]</span>\
<div class="title-image">[img[images/random/6.jpg]]</div>\\<<set _blow0 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/0.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow1 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/1.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow2 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/2.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow3 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/3.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow4 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/4.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow5 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/5.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow6 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/6.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow7 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/7.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow8 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/8.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow9 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/9.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow10 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/10.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow11 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/11.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow12 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/12.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow13 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/13.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow14 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/14.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow15 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/15.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow16 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/16.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow17 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/17.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow18 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/18.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow19 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/19.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow20 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/20.gif]]">>
\<<set _blow21 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/21.gif]]">>
\<<set _blowgifs to [_blow0, _blow1, _blow2, _blow3, _blow4, _blow5, _blow6, _blow7, _blow8, _blow9, _blow10, _blow11, _blow12, _blow13, _blow14, _blow15, _blow16, _blow17, _blow18, _blow19, _blow20, _blow21]>>
\<<set _randomgif to _blowgifs.pluck()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randomgif</div>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _blowgifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<link [[Next|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>><</link>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _blowgifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
<</if>><</if>>\<<set _bondage0 to "[img[gifs/bondage/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage1 to "[img[gifs/bondage/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage2 to "[img[gifs/bondage/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage3 to "[img[gifs/bondage/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage4 to "[img[gifs/bondage/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage5 to "[img[gifs/bondage/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage6 to "[img[gifs/bondage/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage7 to "[img[gifs/bondage/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage8 to "[img[gifs/bondage/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage9 to "[img[gifs/bondage/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage10 to "[img[gifs/bondage/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage11 to "[img[gifs/bondage/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage12 to "[img[gifs/bondage/12.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage13 to "[img[gifs/bondage/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage14 to "[img[gifs/bondage/14.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage15 to "[img[gifs/bondage/15.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage16 to "[img[gifs/bondage/16.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage17 to "[img[gifs/bondage/17.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage18 to "[img[gifs/bondage/18.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage19 to "[img[gifs/bondage/19.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondage20 to "[img[gifs/bondage/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _bondagegifs to [_bondage0, _bondage1, _bondage2, _bondage3, _bondage4, _bondage5, _bondage6, _bondage7, _bondage8, _bondage9, _bondage10, _bondage11, _bondage12, _bondage13, _bondage14, _bondage15, _bondage16, _bondage17, _bondage18, _bondage19, _bondage20]>>\
<<set _randomgif to _bondagegifs.pluck()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randomgif</div>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _bondagegifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<link [[Next|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>><</link>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _bondagegifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
<</if>><</if>>\\<<set _doggy0 to "[img[gifs/doggy/0.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy1 to "[img[gifs/doggy/1.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy2 to "[img[gifs/doggy/2.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy3 to "[img[gifs/doggy/3.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy4 to "[img[gifs/doggy/4.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy5 to "[img[gifs/doggy/5.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy6 to "[img[gifs/doggy/6.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy7 to "[img[gifs/doggy/7.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy8 to "[img[gifs/doggy/8.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy9 to "[img[gifs/doggy/9.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy10 to "[img[gifs/doggy/10.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy11 to "[img[gifs/doggy/11.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy12 to "[img[gifs/doggy/12.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy13 to "[img[gifs/doggy/13.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy14 to "[img[gifs/doggy/14.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy15 to "[img[gifs/doggy/15.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy16 to "[img[gifs/doggy/16.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy17 to "[img[gifs/doggy/17.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy18 to "[img[gifs/doggy/18.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy19 to "[img[gifs/doggy/19.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy20 to "[img[gifs/doggy/20.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy21 to "[img[gifs/doggy/21.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy22 to "[img[gifs/doggy/22.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy23 to "[img[gifs/doggy/23.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy24 to "[img[gifs/doggy/24.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggy25 to "[img[gifs/doggy/25.gif]]">>
\<<set _doggygifs to [_doggy0, _doggy1, _doggy2, _doggy3, _doggy4, _doggy5, _doggy6, _doggy7, _doggy8, _doggy9, _doggy10, _doggy11, _doggy12, _doggy13, _doggy14, _doggy15, _doggy16, _doggy17, _doggy18, _doggy19, _doggy20, _doggy21, _doggy22, _doggy23, _doggy24, _doggy25]>>
\<<set _randomgif to _doggygifs.pluck()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randomgif</div>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _doggygifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<link [[Next|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>><</link>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _doggygifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
<</if>><</if>>\\<<set _threesome0 to "[img[gifs/threesome/0.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome1 to "[img[gifs/threesome/1.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome2 to "[img[gifs/threesome/2.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome3 to "[img[gifs/threesome/3.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome4 to "[img[gifs/threesome/4.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome5 to "[img[gifs/threesome/5.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome6 to "[img[gifs/threesome/6.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome7 to "[img[gifs/threesome/7.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome8 to "[img[gifs/threesome/8.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome9 to "[img[gifs/threesome/9.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome10 to "[img[gifs/threesome/10.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome11 to "[img[gifs/threesome/11.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome12 to "[img[gifs/threesome/12.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome13 to "[img[gifs/threesome/13.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome14 to "[img[gifs/threesome/14.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome15 to "[img[gifs/threesome/15.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome16 to "[img[gifs/threesome/16.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome17 to "[img[gifs/threesome/17.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome18 to "[img[gifs/threesome/18.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome19 to "[img[gifs/threesome/19.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome20 to "[img[gifs/threesome/20.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesome20 to "[img[gifs/threesome/21.gif]]">>
\<<set _threesomegifs to [_threesome0, _threesome1, _threesome2, _threesome3, _threesome4, _threesome5, _threesome6, _threesome7, _threesome8, _threesome9, _threesome10, _threesome11, _threesome12, _threesome13, _threesome14, _threesome15, _threesome16, _threesome17, _threesome18, _threesome19, _threesome20, _threesome21]>>
\<<set _randomgif to _threesomegifs.pluck()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randomgif</div>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _threesomegifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<link [[Next|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>><</link>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _threesomegifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
<</if>><</if>>\<<set $doneorgy to true>>\
<<set _orgygirls to $captured.deleteAt(0, 1, 2, 3)>>\
<<set _orgygirls.push($curcap)>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _orgygirls.length; _i++>>\
<<if _orgygirls[_i].name === "Villager">><<set $v_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Slut">><<set $s_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Archer">><<set $a_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Mage">><<set $m_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Knight">><<set $k_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">><<set $h_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Servant of Evil">><<set $e_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Loli">><<set $l_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Thief">><<set $t_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Witch">><<set $w_sex++>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _orgygif0 to "[img[gifs/orgy/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _orgygif1 to "[img[gifs/orgy/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _orgygif2 to "[img[gifs/orgy/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _orgygif3 to "[img[gifs/orgy/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _orgygif4 to "[img[gifs/orgy/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _orgygif5 to "[img[gifs/orgy/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _orgygif6 to "[img[gifs/orgy/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _orgygif7 to "[img[gifs/orgy/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _orgygifsarray to [_orgygif0, _orgygif1, _orgygif2, _orgygif3, _orgygif4, _orgygif5, _orgygif6, _orgygif7]>>\
<<set _orgygif to _orgygifsarray.pluck()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_orgygif</div>\
<<set $pcexp += $orgyexp>>\
You gained $orgyexp Exp.
<<set _lvlsgained to 0>>\
<<set $pcexp_nextlvl to Math.round(((12 * ($pclvl * $pclvl)) / 4) + ($pclvl * 8))>>\
<<repeat 0.00001s>><<if $pcexp >= $pcexp_nextlvl>><<set $pclvl++>><<set $skillpoints++>><<set _lvlsgained++>><<set $pcexp_nextlvl to Math.round(((12 * ($pclvl * $pclvl)) / 4) + ($pclvl * 8))>>\
<<if _lvlsgained > 1>>!!!You gained _lvlsgained levels!<<elseif _lvlsgained === 1>>!!!You gained one level!<</if>><<stop>><</if>><</repeat>>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
There's still more Girls, let's go check on the next one.
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Orgy Time]]>><<set _random to _orgygifsarray.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _orgygirls.length; _i++>>\
<<if _orgygirls[_i].name === "Villager">><<set $v_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Slut">><<set $s_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Archer">><<set $a_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Mage">><<set $m_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Knight">><<set $k_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">><<set $h_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Servant of Evil">><<set $e_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Loli">><<set $l_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Thief">><<set $t_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Witch">><<set $w_sex++>>\
<<link [[Next|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>><</link>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Orgy Time]]>><<set _random to _orgygifsarray.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _orgygirls.length; _i++>>\
<<if _orgygirls[_i].name === "Villager">><<set $v_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Slut">><<set $s_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Archer">><<set $a_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Mage">><<set $m_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Knight">><<set $k_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">><<set $h_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Servant of Evil">><<set $e_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Loli">><<set $l_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Thief">><<set $t_sex++>>\
<<elseif _orgygirls[_i].name === "Witch">><<set $w_sex++>>\
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
<<set _fairiespic0 to "[img[images/fairies/0.jpg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespic1 to "[img[images/fairies/1.jpg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespic2 to "[img[images/fairies/2.jpg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespic3 to "[img[images/fairies/3.jpg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespic4 to "[img[images/fairies/4.jpg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespic5 to "[img[images/fairies/5.jpg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespic6 to "[img[images/fairies/6.jpeg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespic7 to "[img[images/fairies/7.jpg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespic8 to "[img[images/fairies/8.jpeg]]">>\
<<set _fairiespicsarray to [_fairiespic0, _fairiespic1, _fairiespic2, _fairiespic3, _fairiespic4, _fairiespic5, _fairiespic6, _fairiespic7, _fairiespic8]>>\
<<set _fairiespic to _fairiespicsarray.random()>>\
<div class="image-centered">_fairiespic</div>\
<<if lastVisited("UnitSexMis") is 1>>\
<<if $miscurenergy === 0>>\
[[Job Done|Main Menu]]
[[Job Done|MistressTasks]]\
<<if lastVisited("UnitSex") is 1>>\
<<set $unitsex_count++>>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
\<<set $roominfo_exp.hp += $hpgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.str += $strgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.end += $endgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.res += $resgains>>
\<<set $ += $intgains>>
\<<set $ += $sexgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.curhp to $roominfo_exp.hp>>
\<<switch $roomnumber>>
\<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<</switch>><<set _zombgif0 to "[img[gifs/zombie/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _zombgif1 to "[img[gifs/zombie/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _zombgif2 to "[img[gifs/zombie/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _zombgif3 to "[img[gifs/zombie/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _zombgif4 to "[img[gifs/zombie/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _zombgif5 to "[img[gifs/zombie/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _zombgif6 to "[img[gifs/zombie/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _zombgifarray to [_zombgif0, _zombgif1, _zombgif2, _zombgif3, _zombgif4, _zombgif5, _zombgif6]>>\
<<set _randgif to _zombgifarray.random()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randgif</div>\
<<if lastVisited("UnitSexMis") is 1>>\
<<if $miscurenergy === 0>>\
[[Job Done|Main Menu]]
[[Job Done|MistressTasks]]\
<<if lastVisited("UnitSex") is 1>>\
<<set $unitsex_count++>>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
\<<set $roominfo_exp.hp += $hpgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.str += $strgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.end += $endgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.res += $resgains>>
\<<set $ += $intgains>>
\<<set $ += $sexgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.curhp to $roominfo_exp.hp>>
\<<switch $roomnumber>>
\<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<</switch>>[[Back|Main Menu]]
<strong>Slot 1: $ <<if $pcattack_slot2 === true>>/ Slot 2: $<</if>></strong>
<span style="color:orange">Pimp Slap</span>
Fetishes: $pimp_attack.fetishes
Equip: <<if $ != $ && $ != $>><<link [[Slot 1|EquipAttack]]>><<set $pcattack1 to $pimp_attack>><</link>>\
<<else>>Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $pcattack_slot2 === true>>\
<<if $ != $ && $ != $>> | <<link [[Slot 2|EquipAttack]]>><<set $pcattack2 to $pimp_attack>><</link>>\
<<else>> | Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $unlockspanking === true>>\
<span style="color:orange">Spanking</span>
Fetishes: $spank_attack.fetishes
Equip: <<if $ != $ && $ != $>><<link [[Slot 1|EquipAttack]]>><<set $pcattack1 to $spank_attack>><</link>>\
<<else>>Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $pcattack_slot2 === true>>\
<<if $ != $ && $ != $>> | <<link [[Slot 2|EquipAttack]]>><<set $pcattack2 to $spank_attack>><</link>>\
<<else>> | Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $unlockgroping === true>>\
<span style="color:orange">Groping</span>
Fetishes: $grope_attack.fetishes
Equip: <<if $ != $ && $ != $>><<link [[Slot 1|EquipAttack]]>><<set $pcattack1 to $grope_attack>><</link>>\
<<else>>Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $pcattack_slot2 === true>>\
<<if $ != $ && $ != $>> | <<link [[Slot 2|EquipAttack]]>><<set $pcattack2 to $grope_attack>><</link>>\
<<else>> | Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $unlocksweeping === true>>\
<span style="color:orange">Sweeping Kick</span>
Fetishes: $sweep_attack.fetishes
Equip: <<if $ != $ && $ != $>><<link [[Slot 1|EquipAttack]]>><<set $pcattack1 to $sweep_attack>><</link>>\
<<else>>Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $pcattack_slot2 === true>>\
<<if $ != $ && $ != $>> | <<link [[Slot 2|EquipAttack]]>><<set $pcattack2 to $sweep_attack>><</link>>\
<<else>> | Already equip<</if>>\
[[Back|Main Menu]] <div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Pimp Slap Attack</div>\
<<set _slutgif2 to "[img[gifs/slut/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif3 to "[img[gifs/slut/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _cowgirlgifs to [_slutgif2, _slutgif3]>>\
<<set _randgif to _cowgirlgifs.random()>>\
<<set _pimpgif to "[img[gifs/random/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _missedgif to "[img[gifs/random/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _sextaken to 0>>\
<<set _dmgtaken to 0>>\
<<set _maxhorniness to 100>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<set _basedmg to 4>>\
<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
/*Setting Damage Mult from Cock Spell*/\
<<if $castcockspell === true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includes("Big Dicks")>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 1>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includes("Big Dicks")>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 0.25>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 0.75>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 1>>\
/*Set Mistress Touch Modifiers*/\
<<if $god_empowered === true>>\
<<set _godsexmod to 1.05>>\
<<set _goddmgmod to 1.2>>\
<<set _godendmod to 1.35>>\
<<set _goddmgmod to 1>>\
<<set _godsexmod to 1>>\
<<set _godendmod to 1>>\
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Hit!</span><</if>></strong>
<<if $ === "Archer">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Archer fired off an arrow as you approached her, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> Physical damage to you.\
<<if $pccurhp <= 0>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $pccurhp to 0>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_missedgif</div>\
<<set $pccurhp -= 1>>\
After taking a arrow to the knee, you walk up to slap her silly, but the Archer kicks you in the balls, causing you to skip your attack and take <span style="color:orange">1</span> Physical damage.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_pimpgif</div>\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((_basedmg + ($pcstr * 0.25)) * 2) * _goddmgmod)>>\
After taking a arrow to the knee, you walk up a deliver a devastating backhand, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> Physical damage to the Archer.\
<div class="gif-wide">_pimpgif</div>\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((_basedmg + ($pcstr * 0.25)) * _goddmgmod) - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if _dmgtaken < 1>><<set _dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
After taking a arrow to the knee, you walk up a pimp slap the hoe, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> Physical damage to the Archer.\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _dmgtaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
After getting slapped, the $ has no more stamina left to fight, falling back out of the Dungeon and dropping <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "" && $ != "Slut">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
she also dropped her <span style="color:gold"></span>, adding another Treasure for your collection.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">>\
<div class="gif-wide">_randgif</div>\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round($pcstr * 0.5)>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end + random((_dmgtaken * 0.75), (_dmgtaken * 1.25))) - (($pcend * 0.5) * _godendmod))>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _dmgtaken>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
You try pimp slapping the Slut but it only turns her on more. You soon find yourself under her as she rides your cock hard. Your health has gone down by <span style="color:darkred">_dmgdealt</span> while she lost <span style="color:darkred">_dmgtaken</span> Energy.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
After the Slut has her fun, she has become fatigued and leaves the Dungeon.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
Before she leaves though, she leaves you her <span style="color:gold"></span>, still as clean as the day she got them.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_missedgif</div>\
<<set $pccurhp -= 1>>\
You walk up to slap her silly, but the $ kicks you in the balls, causing you to skip your attack and take <span style="color:orange">1</span> Physical damage.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_pimpgif</div>\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((_basedmg + ($pcstr * 0.25)) * 2) * _goddmgmod)>>\
You walk up a deliver a devastating backhand, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> damage to the $\
<div class="gif-wide">_pimpgif</div>\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((_basedmg + ($pcstr * 0.25)) * _goddmgmod) - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if _dmgtaken < 1>><<set _dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
You walk up a pimp slap the hoe, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgtaken</span> damage to the $\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _dmgtaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
After getting slapped, the $ has no more stamina left to fight, falling back out of the Dungeon and dropping <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "" && $ != "Slut">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
she also dropped her <span style="color:gold"></span>, adding another Treasure for your collection.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
<<if $ === "Villager">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She swings back hard and wildly, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Loli">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She raises her adorable wand and casts a spell. At first nothing happened but then a giant explosion filled your vision, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She counter attacks with her little sword, scratching your shins up pretty good and dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Mage">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She summoned ice shards and sent them flying forward, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Knight">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She charged back at you, slashing you with her blade and dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Servant of Evil">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She casts a dark spell in retaliation, summoning a black mist that drained your life force, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She cracked back with her spiked whip, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.str >= $cur_girl_runner.mgc>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She flew up and then dived forward with her holy weapon, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She then sent a beam of light towards you, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Thief">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She threw a knife back at you, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Witch">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She summons ghouls to slow you down while firing dark bolts of energy at you, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<if $pccurhp <= 0 && $cur_girl_runner.curhp > 0>>\
<<set $pccurhp to 0>>
Out of stamina, you disappear in a dark mist to return to your resting chambers.
<<link [[Next|TreasureRoom]]>><<set $pccurhp to 1>><</link>>\
<<elseif $pccurhp <= 0 && $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $pccurhp to 1>>
After wearing down the Slut, you return to your chambers drained.\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
[[End Night|End of Night Report]]\
<<else>><<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
<<link [[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]>><<set $pccurhp to 1>><</link>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === true>>\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
[[End Night|End of Night Report]]\
<<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>>\
<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
[[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]\
<</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Dark Blast Spell</div>\
<<set _slutgif4 to "[img[gifs/slut/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _slutgif5 to "[img[gifs/slut/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _facesitgifs to [_slutgif4, _slutgif5]>>\
<<set _randgif to _facesitgifs.random()>>\
<<set _missedgif to "[img[gifs/random/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _darkblastgif to "[img[gifs/random/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set $pcmana -= $darkblast_spell.cost>>\
<<set _dmgtaken to 0>>\
<<set _maxhorniness to 100>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<set $spankcombo to 0.5>>\
/*Set Mistress Touch Modifiers*/\
<<if $god_empowered === true>>\
<<set _godsexmod to 1.05>>\
<<set _goddmgmod to 1.2>>\
<<set _godendmod to 1.35>>\
<<set _goddmgmod to 1>>\
<<set _godsexmod to 1>>\
<<set _godendmod to 1>>\
/*Setting Damage Mult from Cock Spell*/\
<<if $castcockspell === true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includes("Big Dicks")>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 1>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includes("Big Dicks")>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 0.25>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 0.75>>\
<<set _girldmgmult to 1>>\
/*Lust calc*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.ishorny === true>>\
<<set _resist to 0.2>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.horny <= 9>>\
<<set _resist to 1.6>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.horny <= 19>>\
<<set _resist to 1.4>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.horny <= 29>>\
<<set _resist to 1.2>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.horny <= 39>>\
<<set _resist to 1>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.horny <= 59>>\
<<set _resist to 0.8>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.horny <= 79>>\
<<set _resist to 0.6>>\
<<set _resist to 0.4>>\
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Hit!</span><</if>></strong>
<<if $ === "Archer">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
The Archer fired off an arrow as you started casting your spell, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<if $pccurhp <= 0>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $pccurhp to 0>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_missedgif</div>\
<<set $pccurhp -= 1>>\
After taking a arrow to the knee, you finish casting your spell, but the Archer runs up and kicks you in the balls before you can shoot it off, causing you to skip your attack and take <span style="color:orange">1</span> Physical damage.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<div class="gif-square">_darkblastgif</div>\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((($pcmgc * 1.2) * _resist) * 2) * _goddmgmod)>>\
After taking a arrow to the knee, you unleash a great amount of dark energy and send it at the Archer, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgtaken</span> damage to her.\
<div class="gif-square">_darkblastgif</div>\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((($pcmgc * 1.2) * _resist) * _goddmgmod) - ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.25))>>\
<<if _dmgtaken < 1>><<set _dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
After taking a arrow to the knee, you cast dark blast, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgtaken</span> damage to the Archer.\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _dmgtaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
After getting blasted by dark energy, the $ has no more stamina left to fight, falling back out of the Dungeon and dropping <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "" && $ != "Slut">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
she also dropped her <span style="color:gold"></span>, adding another Treasure for your collection.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">>\
<div class="gif-wide">_randgif</div>\
<<set _dmgtaken to Math.round($pcstr * 0.5)>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end + random((_dmgtaken * 0.75), (_dmgtaken * 1.25))) - (($pcend * 0.5) * _godendmod))>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _dmgtaken>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
You blast the Slut with your spell but she is too horny and corrupted so it doesn't do any damage. She then jumped forward from the mist of the spell, positioning herself on your face and forces you to eat her dirty pussy out. Your Health is lowered by <span style="color:darkred">_dmgdealt</span> Health and she lost <span style="color:darkred">_dmgtaken</span> Energy. You may or may not also be poisoned.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
After the Slut has her fun, she has become fatigued and leaves the Dungeon.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
Before she leaves though, she leaves you her <span style="color:gold"></span>, still as clean as the day she got them.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_missedgif</div>\
<<set $pccurhp -= 1>>\
You begin to cast dark magic, but the $ runs up and kicks you in the balls, causing you to skip your attack and take <span style="color:orange">1</span> Physical damage.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<div class="gif-square">_darkblastgif</div>\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((($pcmgc * 1.2) * _resist) * 2) * _goddmgmod)>>\
You summon a large amount of dark energy and send it straight at the $, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgtaken</span> damage to her.\
<div class="gif-square">_darkblastgif</div>\
<<set _dmgtaken += Math.round(((($pcmgc * 1.2) * _resist) * _goddmgmod) - ($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 0.25))>>\
<<if _dmgtaken < 1>><<set _dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
You cast dark blast, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgtaken</span> damage to the $\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= _dmgtaken>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp to 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.isrich === true>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round((($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5)) * $goldmult)>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
<<set _goldgained to Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.totstats * 2.5) + $basegirlgold + random($pccharisma * 0.75, $pccharisma * 1.5))>>\
<<if _goldgained < $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><<set _goldgained to $cur_girl_runner.mingold>><</if>>\
<<if $ === "Slut">><<set _goldgained to random(1, 5)>><</if>>\
<<set $pcgold += _goldgained>><<set $goldearned += _goldgained>>\
After getting blasted by dark energy, the $ has no more stamina left to fight, falling back out of the Dungeon and dropping <span style="color:gold">_goldgained Gold</span>.\
/*Treasure Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.item != "" && $ != "Slut">>\
<<set _reward to $cur_girl_runner.item>>\
she also dropped her <span style="color:gold"></span>, adding another Treasure for your collection.\
<<set $pctreasure.push(_reward)>>\
<<if $ === "Villager">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She swings back hard and wildly, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Loli">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She raises her adorable wand and casts a spell. At first nothing happened but then a giant explosion filled your vision, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She counter attacks with her little sword, scratching your shins up pretty good and dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Mage">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She summoned ice shards and sent them flying forward, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Knight">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She charged back at you, slashing you with her blade and dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Servant of Evil">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She casts a dark spell in retaliation, summoning a black mist that drained your life force, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She cracked back with her spiked whip, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.str >= $cur_girl_runner.mgc>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She flew up and then dived forward with her holy weapon, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She then sent a beam of light towards you, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Thief">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($pcstr * 0.6))>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She threw a knife back at you, dealing <span style="color:orange">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<elseif $ === "Witch">>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($pcmgc * 0.6))>>\
<<if _dmgdealt < 1>><<set _dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _dmgdealt to Math.round(_dmgdealt * _girldmgmult)>>\
<<set $pccurhp -= _dmgdealt>>\
She summons ghouls to slow you down while firing dark bolts of energy at you, dealing <span style="color:skyblue">_dmgdealt</span> damage to you.\
<<if $pccurhp <= 0 && $cur_girl_runner.curhp > 0>>\
<<set $pccurhp to 0>>
Out of stamina, you disappear in a dark mist to return to your resting chambers.
<<link [[Next|TreasureRoom]]>><<set $pccurhp to 1>><</link>>\
<<elseif $pccurhp <= 0 && $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $pccurhp to 1>>
After wearing down the Slut, you return to your chambers drained.\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
[[End Night|End of Night Report]]\
<<else>><<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>><<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
<<link [[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]>><<set $pccurhp to 1>><</link>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated === true>>\
<<if $runners.length === 0>>\
[[End Night|End of Night Report]]\
<<set $nextgirl to $runners.pluck()>>\
<<set $curroomnum to 0>>\
<<set $numrooms to $dungeon_room_order.length>>\
<<set $nextroom to $dungeon_room_order[$curroomnum]>>\
<<set $nextroom_info to $dungeon_room_info[$curroomnum]>>\
[[Next Girl|$nextgirl]]\
<</if>>\[[Back|Main Menu]]
!!Combat Spells
<strong>Slot 1: $ <<if $pcspell_slot2 === true>>/ Slot 2: $<</if>></strong>
<span style="color:skyblue">Hypnosis</span>
Mana Cost: $hypnosis_spell.cost
Fetishes: $hypnosis_spell.fetishes
Equip: <<if $ != $ && $ != $>><<link [[Slot 1|EquipSpell]]>><<set $pcspell1 to $hypnosis_spell>><</link>>\
<<else>>Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $pcspell_slot2 === true>>\
<<if $ != $ && $ != $>> | <<link [[Slot 2|EquipSpell]]>><<set $pcspell2 to $hypnosis_spell>><</link>>\
<<else>> | Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $unlockshock === true>>\
<span style="color:skyblue">Stimulating Shock</span>
Mana Cost: $shock_spell.cost
Fetishes: $shock_spell.fetishes
Equip: <<if $ != $ && $ != $>><<link [[Slot 1|EquipSpell]]>><<set $pcspell1 to $shock_spell>><</link>>\
<<else>>Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $pcspell_slot2 === true>>\
<<if $ != $ && $ != $>> | <<link [[Slot 2|EquipSpell]]>><<set $pcspell2 to $shock_spell>><</link>>\
<<else>> | Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $unlockdarkblast === true>>\
<span style="color:skyblue">Dark Blast</span>
Mana Cost: $darkblast_spell.cost
Fetishes: $darkblast_spell.fetishes
Equip: <<if $ != $ && $ != $>><<link [[Slot 1|EquipSpell]]>><<set $pcspell1 to $darkblast_spell>><</link>>\
<<else>>Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $pcspell_slot2 === true>>\
<<if $ != $ && $ != $>> | <<link [[Slot 2|EquipSpell]]>><<set $pcspell2 to $darkblast_spell>><</link>>\
<<else>> | Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $unlocklightray === true>>\
<span style="color:skyblue">Light Ray</span>
Mana Cost: $lightblast_spell.cost
Fetishes: $lightblast_spell.fetishes
Equip: <<if $ != $ && $ != $>><<link [[Slot 1|EquipSpell]]>><<set $pcspell1 to $lightblast_spell>><</link>>\
<<else>>Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $pcspell_slot2 === true>>\
<<if $ != $ && $ != $>> | <<link [[Slot 2|EquipSpell]]>><<set $pcspell2 to $lightblast_spell>><</link>>\
<<else>> | Already equip<</if>>\
<<if $unlockheal === true>>\
!!Utility Spells
<span style="color:skyblue">Heal</span>
Mana Cost: $heal_spell.cost
<<if $pccurhp < $pchp && $pcmana >= $heal_spell.cost>>\
<<link [[Spell: Heal|EquipSpell]]>><<set $pccurhp += 15>><<set $pcmana -= $heal_spell.cost>><<if $pccurhp > $pchp>><<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><</if>><</link>>\
<<elseif $pccurhp === $pchp>>Health is full<<else>>Not enough Mana<</if>>\
<<if $unlockgreaterheal === true>>\
<span style="color:skyblue">Greater Heal</span>
Mana Cost: $greaterheal_spell.cost
<<if $pccurhp < $pchp && $pcmana >= $greaterheal_spell.cost>>\
<<link [[Spell: Greater Heal|EquipSpell]]>><<set $pccurhp += Math.round(($pcend * 4) * 0.5)>><<set $pcmana -= $greaterheal_spell.cost>><</link>>\
<<elseif $pccurhp === $pchp>>Health is full<<else>>Not enough Mana<</if>>\
<<if $unlockressurection === true>>\
<span style="color:skyblue">Mass Ressurection</span>
Mana Cost: $ressurection_spell.cost
<<if $unlockcockenlargement === true>>\
<span style="color:skyblue">Cock Enlargement</span>
Mana Cost: $cock_spell.cost
Fetishes: $cock_spell.fetishes
<<if $castcockspell === false && $pcmana >= $cock_spell.cost>>\
<<link [[Spell: Cock Enlargement|CockEnlargementPassage]]>>
<<set $pcmana -= $cock_spell.cost>><</link>>\
<<elseif $castcockspell === true>>Already Cast<<else>>Not enough Mana<</if>>\
<<if $cockautocast === false>>\
<<link [[Turn on Autocast|EquipSpell]]>><<set $cockautocast to true>><</link>>
<<elseif $cockautocast === true>>\
<<link [[Turn off Autocast|EquipSpell]]>><<set $cockautocast to false>><</link>>
[[Back|Main Menu]] <div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Tentacles Room</div>\
/*Reset Room*/\
<<set $thisroom to $nextroom_info>>\
<<set $thief_evade to false>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<set $dmgtaken to 0>>\
<<set $sextaken to 0>>\
<<set _maxhorniness to 100>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<set $nothinghappened to false>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _tentagif0 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif1 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif2 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif3 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif4 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif5 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/15.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif6 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/17.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif7 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/18.gif]]">>\
<<set _gifsarray to [_tentagif0, _tentagif1, _tentagif2, _tentagif3, _tentagif4, _tentagif5, _tentagif6, _tentagif7]>>\
<<set _gif to _gifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _evadegif to "[img[gifs/random/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<if $thisroom.curhp === 0>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
As $cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room, she saw a bunch of tentacles cut up and scattered throughout the room. She avoids the pit in the middle and moves on.\
<<set $nothinghappened to true>>\
<<if $ != "Slut">>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Hit!</span><</if>></strong>
/*Thief evade check*/\
<<if $ === "Thief" && _d20 != 1>>\
<<if $ > $ * 5>>\
<<set $thief_evade to true>>\
<<elseif $ > $ * 2.5 || _d20 === 20>>\
<<set _rng to random(4, 7)>>\
<<if _rng === 7>>\
<<set $thief_evade to true>>\
/*Thief avoids room*/\
<<if $thief_evade === true>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_evadegif</div>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room with the tentacles. She knew things could get messy really quick. So she avoid a fight with it by timing her movements just right, dipping and ducking under the tentacles as the lashed out at her. Eventually she made it through the room and escaped the tentacles.\
<<elseif $ === "Archer">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname sent a volley of arrows that rained down on the tentacles.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname shot at the tentacles but the arrow was grabbed out of the air and snapped in two.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname landed a solid hit against the tentacles.\
<<if $thisroom.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp to 0>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
She landed the finishing arrow through the large tentacle in the middle of the swarm, driving them back into their pit.\
/*Tentacles Attacks Archer*/\
<div class="gif-wide">_gif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 2.2) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round(($thisroom.str * 0.25) - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
The tentacles then reaches out for the Archer, grabbing her by the leg and holding her over the pit of tentacles. They swarmed over all her body, pleasuring her everywhere while she cried out in ecstasy.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * .5) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
The tentacles then reaches out for the Archer, grabbing her by the leg and holding her over the pit of tentacles. They toyed with her body while she was not enjoying it at all.\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
The tentacles then reaches out for the Archer, grabbing her by the leg and holding her over the pit of tentacles. They tore through her clothes and penetrated her holes as she dangled in the air helpless.\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
/*Girl Capture of Defeated check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _maxhorniness -= _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">>\
<div class="gif-wide">_gif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.15), ($dmgtaken * 0.3)) - ($thisroom.res * 0.5))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname leaps into the pit of slippery tentacles as they catch her and begin fucking all her holes. She has been waiting for the day she found a dungeon with such a large tentacle monster and she was enthralled by all the pleasure she felt.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 0.75)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.15), ($dmgtaken * 0.3)) - ($thisroom.res * 0.5))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the tentacle room displeased, she thought tentacles were overrated. Her thoughts did not matter as the monster picked her up and started to pleasure her regardless.\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.25)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round(($cur_girl_runner.end * 0.5) + random(($dmgtaken * 0.15), ($dmgtaken * 0.3)) - ($thisroom.res * 0.5))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt <= 0>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was wet as she entered the tentacle's chamber. Good thing there is a horny tentacle monster here waiting for a young wet lass to make it's play thing, which is exactly what happened.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
/*Other Girls*/\
<<elseif $ != "Slut" && $ != "Archer">>\
<div class="gif-wide">_gif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * 2.2) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round(($thisroom.str * 0.25) - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room and was caught unaware by the tentacles hiding in thier pit. She was quickly overwhelmed with tentacles and pleasure as they hit all the right places to make her climax.\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round(($ * .5) - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room and was caught unaware by the tentacles hiding in thier pit. Once it got ahold of her she paniced and flailed wildly.\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ - $cur_girl_runner.end)>>\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str - ($cur_girl_runner.str * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room and was caught unaware by the tentacles hiding in thier pit. Lifting her up by the leg, the swarm of tentacles filled all her holes.\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _maxhorniness -= _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<set $dmgdealt to 0>>\
<<elseif $ === "Villager">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname bravely bit one of the tentacles.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was barely able to crawl away after being toyed with.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname squirmed and kicked until she was freed.\
<<elseif $ === "Knight">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname was able to free herself by slicing the tentacle that was holding her.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname sheepishly crawled away after feeling immense amounts of pleasure.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname wounded the tentacles with her sword as they tried to played with her.\
<<elseif $ === "Thief">>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname threw out a bunch of cutting wire as she was being tossed around. She then was able to pull them all down cutting the tentacles up badly.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname could not get ahold of any of her weapons and suffered from the pleasure.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cut through the tentacle holding her with her dagger.\
<<elseif $ === "Mage">>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname casts a ring of fire that expanded out from her, buring the tentacles around her.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname's staff was dropped after getting caught and her mouth was filled with a tentacle so she could not cast any spells.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname froze the tentacle that was holding her, shattering it.\
<<elseif $ === "Witch">>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname set fire to the pit below her, buring the tentacles up. She then flew out from the pit like the badass she is.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname could not focus while the tentacles were violating her body. Eventually she asked nicely to be let go, to which the tentacles complied.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname blasted the tentacles with dark magic, forcing them back into the pit.\
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.str >= $cur_girl_runner.mgc>>\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname spun through the air, slicing the tentacles apart as the two ends sizzled from her holy blade.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname vowed not to hurt another creature until the dungeon lord $pcname was defeated. So she endured the mix of pain and pleasure.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname sliced the tentacles with her blade as they lifted her up.\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname set her body ablaze in holy light, burning the tentacles all around her.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname vowed not to hurt another creature until the dungeon lord $pcname was defeated. So she endured the mix of pain and pleasure.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname filled the room with holy light that caused the tentacles to retreat into the pit.\
<<elseif $ === "Servant of Evil">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname eyes began to glow as the tentacles toyed with her. Soon a demonic hand appeared through the wall and slammed into the pit of tentacles. It slowly came up out of the pit with $cur_girl_runner.girlname in it's hand.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname missed the feeling of tentacles filling her up back in the tentacle pleasure house in Hell. She decided to spare this one and enjoy the moment.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname filled the pit with dark magic that drained the energy from the tentacles.\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname cracked her whip against the tentacles holding her, setting them on fire. As she fell, she twirled around and sliced more of the tentacles into chunks.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname missed the feeling of tentacles filling her up back in the tentacle pleasure house in Hell. She decided to spare this one and enjoy the moment.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname used her whip as a grappling hook to free herself from the tentacles. As she swung across the room, she cut up some of the tentacles reaching her for.\
<<elseif $ === "Loli">>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.mgc >= $cur_girl_runner.str>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname turn into a mouse to free herself. Afterwords she summons an army of mice that bite and tear up the tentacles leaving a bloody mess.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $ismgcdmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname seemed unaware of what was happening to her. She lost her turn.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.mgc - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname filled the tentalce's pit up with water. It didn't stop the tentacles at first but soon they started boiling as the water heated up. Now she wants Unagi.\
<<set $isphydmg to true>>\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str * 2)>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname calls for her guardian to help her. A stone hand slams the tentacles through the roof. After the massive destruction, the girl and her golem spend the next hour fixing the roof because they felt bad.\
<<elseif _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $isphydmg to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname seemed unaware of what was happening to her. She lost her turn.\
<<set $dmgdealt += Math.round($cur_girl_runner.str - ($thisroom.res * 0.25))>>\
<<if $dmgdealt < 1>><<set $dmgdealt to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $thisroom.curhp -= $dmgdealt>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname slips out from the grasp of the tentacles because she is so small and slender. She then is offended from being called slender and is reminded of her flatchest. In her outburst, she slams her hammer into the tentacles as they try to grab her again, purely by accident.\
<span id="spaceAct">[[Results|UnitResults]]</span><<set _tentagif0 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif1 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif2 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif3 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif4 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif5 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif6 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif7 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif8 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif9 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif10 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif11 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif12 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/12.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif13 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif14 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/14.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif15 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/15.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif16 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/16.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif17 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/17.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif18 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/18.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif19 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/19.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagif20 to "[img[gifs/tentacles/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _tentagifarray to [_tentagif0,_tentagif1, _tentagif2, _tentagif3, _tentagif4, _tentagif5, _tentagif6, _tentagif7, _tentagif8, _tentagif9, _tentagif10, _tentagif11, _tentagif12, _tentagif13, _tentagif14, _tentagif15, _tentagif16, _tentagif17, _tentagif18, _tentagif19, _tentagif20]>>\
<<set _randgif to _tentagifarray.random()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randgif</div>\
<<if lastVisited("UnitSexMis") is 1>>\
<<if $miscurenergy === 0>>\
[[Job Done|Main Menu]]
[[Job Done|MistressTasks]]\
<<if lastVisited("UnitSex") is 1>>\
<<set $unitsex_count++>>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
\<<set $roominfo_exp.hp += $hpgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.str += $strgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.end += $endgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.res += $resgains>>
\<<set $ += $intgains>>
\<<set $ += $sexgains>>
\<<set $roominfo_exp.curhp to $roominfo_exp.hp>>
\<<switch $roomnumber>>
\<<case 0>><<set $room0 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 1>><<set $room1 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 2>><<set $room2 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 3>><<set $room3 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 4>><<set $room4 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<<case 5>><<set $room5 to $roominfo_exp>>
\<</switch>>\<<set _pile0 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/0.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile1 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/1.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile2 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/2.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile3 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/3.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile4 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/4.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile5 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/5.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile6 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/6.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile7 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/7.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile8 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/8.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile9 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/9.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile10 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/10.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile11 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/11.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile12 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/12.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile13 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/13.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile14 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/14.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile15 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/15.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile16 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/16.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile17 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/17.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile18 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/18.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile19 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/19.gif]]">>
\<<set _pile20 to "[img[gifs/piledriver/20.gif]]">>
\<<set _pilegifs to [_pile0, _pile1, _pile2, _pile3, _pile4, _pile5, _pile6, _pile7, _pile8, _pile9, _pile10, _pile11, _pile12, _pile13, _pile14, _pile15, _pile16, _pile17, _pile18, _pile19, _pile20]>>\
\<<set _randomgif to _pilegifs.pluck()>>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randomgif</div>\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _pilegifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<link [[Next|CapturedGirls]]>><<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>><</link>>
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $unlockmoresexytime === true>>\
<<link [[Extend Time|Extra Sexy Time]]>><<set _random to _pilegifs.pluck()>><<set $sexytimegif to _random>><</link>>
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
<</if>><</if>>\<div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>$misname's Shopping Trip</div>\
<<set $pctreasure_names to []>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < $pctreasure.length; _i++>>\
<<set $pctreasure_names += $pctreasure[_i].name>><</for>>\
<<set $has_done_shop to true>>\
<<set _buyall to false>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _misclearnum to Math.round(_d20 + $misint + ($missex * 0.25))>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _sexgif0 to "[img[gifs/blowjob/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _sexgif1 to "[img[gifs/cowgirl/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _sexgif2 to "[img[gifs/doggy/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _sexgif3 to "[img[gifs/tittyfuck/17.gif]]">>\
<<set _sexgifsarray to [_sexgif0, _sexgif1, _sexgif2, _sexgif3]>>\
<<set _sexgif to _sexgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _flashgif0 to "[img[gifs/boobs/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _flashgif1 to "[img[gifs/boobs/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _flashgif2 to "[img[gifs/boobs/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _flashgif3 to "[img[gifs/boobs/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _flashgifsarray to [_flashgif0, _flashgif1, _flashgif2, _flashgif3]>>\
<<set _flashgif to _flashgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _grumpypic to "[img[images/random/3.jpg]]">>\
/*Set Shop Item Choices*/\
<<set _lureitems to [$necklace, $necklace, $necklace, $ring, $ring, $ring, $amulet, $amulet, $amulet, $crown, $harp, $chalice]>>\
<<set _rareitems to [$orb, $orb, $orb, $orb, $wine, $wine, $mask, $mask]>>\
<<set _mythicitems to [$panties, $bra]>>\
<<if $unlockbondage === false>>\
<<set _rareitems.push($bondageset)>><</if>>\
<<set _itemchoice to []>>\
<strong><span style="color:pink">$misname</span> roll a _d20 for her <span style="color:purple">Intelligence</span> check. <<if _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><<elseif _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><</if>></strong>
<<if _d20 === 1>>\
<div class="image-wide">_grumpypic</div>\
<<set _deal to 1.25>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < 3;>>\
<<set _rngitems to _lureitems.pluck()>>\
<<set _itemchoice.pushUnique(_rngitems)>>\
<<if _itemchoice.length === 3>><<set _i to 3>>\
After arrive to the town, <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> makes her way to the black market, looking for some deals and using her great "bartering" skills. The shopkeeper was not having any of her shenanigans, did not offer her any rare items, and even increased his prices.
<<elseif _d20 === 20 || _misclearnum >= 35>>\
<div class="gif-square">_sexgif</div>\
<<set _deal to 0.6>>\
<<set $misintexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<<set _buyall to true>>\
<<set _rngitems to _lureitems.pluck()>>\
<<set _itemchoice.push(_rngitems)>>\
<<set _rngitems to _rareitems.pluck()>>\
<<set _itemchoice.push(_rngitems)>>\
<<set _rngitems to _mythicitems.pluck()>>\
<<set _itemchoice.push(_rngitems)>>\
Soon after entering the village, <span style="color:pink">$misname</span> made her way to the black market. She wore an extra revealing top and flirted with the shopkeeper very well. He showed her a bunch of rare items and treasures. He is willing open to lowering some of his prices and offers her a special deal. She rewards his good service with some service of her own.
<<elseif _misclearnum >= 18>>\
<div class="gif-tall">_flashgif</div>\
<<set _deal to 0.8>>\
<<set $misintexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<<set _rngitems to _lureitems.pluck()>>\
<<set _itemchoice.push(_rngitems)>>\
<<set _rngitems to _rareitems.pluck()>>\
<<set _itemchoice.push(_rngitems)>>\
<<set _rngitems to _mythicitems.pluck()>>\
<<set _itemchoice.push(_rngitems)>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> entered the town and found the black market. She flirted and even showed a bit more skin then usual. The shopkeeper tried to firm, both literally and figuratively, but broken down, showing her some specialty items and promised a small discount because she has a nice rack.
<div class="gif-tall">_flashgif</div>\
<<set _deal to 1>>\
<<set $misintexp++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp++>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < 2;>>\
<<set _rngitems to _lureitems.pluck()>>\
<<set _itemchoice.pushUnique(_rngitems)>>\
<<if _itemchoice.length === 2>><<set _i to 2>>\
<<set _rngitems to _rareitems.pluck()>>\
<<set _itemchoice.push(_rngitems)>>\
<span style="color:pink">$misname</span> heads towards the town and the black market. She looked around for a bit trying to find anything rare and useful. She asked the shopkeeper in her most seductive voice if he had anything in the back, flashing her goods. He was not amused, telling her that he only has what is on the floor and the prices are set.
/*Print Shop Items*/\
Here are your options.
<<if $pcgold >= Math.round(_itemchoice[0].cost * _deal)>><label><<radiobutton "_buyitem" _itemchoice[0] checked>> _itemchoice[0].name
Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(_itemchoice[0].cost * _deal)>> Gold</span>
Cost : <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(_itemchoice[0].cost * _deal)>> Gold</span>
<span style="color:red">Can't Afford</span>
<<if $pcgold >= Math.round(_itemchoice[1].cost * _deal)>><label><<radiobutton "_buyitem" _itemchoice[1] checked>> _itemchoice[1].name
Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(_itemchoice[1].cost * _deal)>> Gold</span>
Cost : <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(_itemchoice[1].cost * _deal)>> Gold</span>
<span style="color:red">Can't Afford</span>
<<if $pcgold >= Math.round(_itemchoice[2].cost * _deal)>><label><<radiobutton "_buyitem" _itemchoice[2] checked>> _itemchoice[2].name
Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(_itemchoice[2].cost * _deal)>> Gold</span>
Cost : <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round(_itemchoice[2].cost * _deal)>> Gold</span>
<span style="color:red">Can't Afford</span>
<<if _buyall === true && $pcgold >= Math.round((_itemchoice[0].cost + _itemchoice[1].cost + _itemchoice[2].cost) * 0.5)>>\
<<link [[Buy Them All!|Main Menu]]>><<set $pctreasure to $pctreasure.concat(_itemchoice)>><<set $pcgold -= Math.round((_itemchoice[0].cost + _itemchoice[1].cost + _itemchoice[2].cost) * 0.5)>><<set $totgoldspend += Math.round((_itemchoice[0].cost + _itemchoice[1].cost + _itemchoice[2].cost) * 0.5)>><</link>>
Cost: <span style="color:gold"><<print Math.round((_itemchoice[0].cost + _itemchoice[1].cost + _itemchoice[2].cost) * 0.5)>> Gold</span>
/*Update PC and Mistress*/\
<<if $misintexp >= $misint_nextlvl && $misint < 10>>\
<<set $misintexp to 0>>\
<<set $misint_nextlvl += 2>>\
<<set $misint++>>\
<span style="color:pink">I have improved my Intelligence <em>Master</em>. Being smart <em>is</em> sexy, right? <<if $misint === 10>>I feel like I cannot become any smarter now.<</if>></span>
Her <span style="color:purple">Intelligence</span> has increased.
<<if $mistaskexp >= $mistaskexp_num + 5 && $misenergy < 7>>\
<<set $mistaskexp to 0>>\
<<set $misenergy++>>\
<<set $miscurenergy++>>\
<<set $mistaskexp_num += (6 * ($misenergy - 1))>>\
<span style="color:pink">I feel like I can do <em>even</em> more for you <em>Master</em>. <<if $misenergy === 7>>I feel like my Energy can't get any higher.<</if>></span>
Her <span style="color:green">Energy</span> has increased.
<<if $miscurenergy === 0>>\
<<if $pcgold >= _itemchoice[0].cost || $pcgold >= _itemchoice[1].cost || $pcgold > _itemchoice[2].cost>>\
<<link [[Buy Item|Main Menu]]>><<set $pctreasure.push(_buyitem)>><<set $pcgold -= Math.round(_buyitem.cost * _deal)>><<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(_buyitem.cost * _deal)>><</link>> | [[Buy Nothing|Main Menu]]\
[[Buy Nothing|Main Menu]]<</if>>
<<if $pcgold >= _itemchoice[0].cost || $pcgold >= _itemchoice[1].cost || $pcgold > _itemchoice[2].cost>>\
<<link [[Buy Item|MistressTasks]]>><<set $pctreasure.push(_buyitem)>><<set $pcgold -= Math.round(_buyitem.cost * _deal)>><<set $totgoldspent += Math.round(_buyitem.cost * _deal)>><</link>> | [[Buy Nothing|MistressTasks]]\
[[Buy Nothing|Main Menu]]<</if>>
<</if>>\<<if $ === "Villager">><<set $v_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Slut">><<set $s_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Archer">><<set $a_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Mage">><<set $m_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Knight">><<set $k_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">><<set $h_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Servant of Evil">><<set $e_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Loli">><<set $l_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Thief">><<set $t_sex++>>\
<<elseif $ === "Witch">><<set $w_sex++>><</if>>\
<<set $pctotalsex to $v_sex + $s_sex + $m_sex + $a_sex + $k_sex + $h_sex + $e_sex + $l_sex + $t_sex + $w_sex>>\
/*Set Gifs & Pics*/\
<<set _onsengif0 to "[img[gifs/onsen/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif1 to "[img[gifs/onsen/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif2 to "[img[gifs/onsen/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif3 to "[img[gifs/onsen/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif4 to "[img[gifs/onsen/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif5 to "[img[gifs/onsen/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif6 to "[img[gifs/onsen/6.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif7 to "[img[gifs/onsen/7.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif8 to "[img[gifs/onsen/8.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif9 to "[img[gifs/onsen/9.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif10 to "[img[gifs/onsen/10.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif11 to "[img[gifs/onsen/11.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif12 to "[img[gifs/onsen/12.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif13 to "[img[gifs/onsen/13.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengif14 to "[img[gifs/onsen/14.gif]]">>\
<<set _onsengifsarray to [_onsengif0, _onsengif1, _onsengif2, _onsengif3, _onsengif4, _onsengif5, _onsengif6, _onsengif7, _onsengif8, _onsengif14]>>\
<<set _randgif to _onsengifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _loligifsarray to [_onsengif9, _onsengif10, _onsengif11, _onsengif12, _onsengif13]>>\
<<set _randloli to _loligifsarray.random()>>\
<<set $pcexp += $pcexpgain>>\
<<set $doneonsensex to true>>\
<<set _lvlsgained to 0>>\
<<set $pcexp_nextlvl to Math.round(((12 * ($pclvl * $pclvl)) / 4) + ($pclvl * 8))>>\
<<if $ === "Loli">>\
<div class="gif-centered">_randloli</div>\
You take your Captured Loli to your Onsen and treat her gently, washing her. She is hesitant at first but slowly opens up to you. She starts washing you too. As your bodies touch each other more, she becomes overcome with lust as she takes the lead and pleasures you well.\
<div class="gif-centered">_randgif</div>\
You take the $ you captured to your Onsen. You bath her and keep her close. Her lust is apparent as she rubs her hand over your cock frequently until you finally give her what she wants.\
<<repeat 0.00001s>><<if $pcexp >= $pcexp_nextlvl>><<set $pclvl++>><<set $skillpoints++>><<set _lvlsgained++>><<set $pcexp_nextlvl to Math.round(((12 * ($pclvl * $pclvl)) / 4) + ($pclvl * 8))>>\
<<if _lvlsgained > 1>>\
!!!You gained _lvlsgained levels!\
<<elseif _lvlsgained === 1>>\
!!!You gained one level!\
<<if $captured.length > 0>>\
Lets check on the next Girl.
<<set $curcap to $captured.shift()>>\
<<if $gameovercount >= 2>>\
You only regained a portion of your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span> because you were smoothered by Sluts tonight.
<<set $pccurhp to Math.round($pchp * .75)>>\
<<set $pcmana to Math.round(($pcmgc * 2) * .75)>>\
You have regained your missing <span style="color:green">Health</span> and <span style="color:skyblue">Mana</span>.
<<set $pccurhp to $pchp>><<set $pcmana to ($pcmgc * 2)>>\
<<if $misevent === true>>\
[[Next Day|MisEvent]]\
[[Next Day|Main Menu]]\
<</if>><</if>><div align='center' style='font-size: 200%;'>Body Modification Trap Room</div>\
/*Reset Room*/\
<<set $dmgtaken to 0>>\
<<set $sextaken to 0>>\
<<set _maxhorniness to 100>>\
<<set _hornydebuff to 0>>\
<<set $thisroom to $nextroom_info>>\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _witcheck to ($ * $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck) + _d20>>\
<<if _witcheck < 15>><<set _witcheck to 15>>\
<<elseif _witcheck > 99>><<set _witcheck to 99>>
<<if $thisroom.lvl === $thisroom.maxlvl>>\
<<set _roomfetish to ["Big Dicks", "Breasts", "Bondage"]>>\
<<elseif $thisroom.mode === "Futanari">>\
<<set _roomfetish to ["Big Dicks", "Bondage"]>>\
<<elseif $thisroom.mode === "Lactating">>\
<<set _roomfetish to ["Breasts", "Bondage"]>>\
/*Set Gifs and Pics*/\
<<set _cleargif0 to "[img[gifs/random/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif1 to "[img[gifs/random/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif2 to "[img[gifs/random/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargif3 to "[img[gifs/random/20.gif]]">>\
<<set _cleargifsarray to [_cleargif0, _cleargif1, _cleargif2, _cleargif3]>>\
<<set _cleargif to _cleargifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _milkgif0 to "[img[gifs/lactating/mod/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _milkgif1 to "[img[gifs/lactating/mod/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _milkgif2 to "[img[gifs/lactating/mod/2.gif]]">>\
<<set _milkgif3 to "[img[gifs/lactating/mod/3.gif]]">>\
<<set _milkgif4 to "[img[gifs/lactating/mod/4.gif]]">>\
<<set _milkgif5 to "[img[gifs/lactating/mod/5.gif]]">>\
<<set _milkgifsarray to [_milkgif0, _milkgif1, _milkgif2, _milkgif3, _milkgif4, _milkgif5]>>\
<<set _milkgif to _milkgifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _futagif0 to "[img[gifs/futa/0.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagif1 to "[img[gifs/futa/1.gif]]">>\
<<set _futagifsarray to [_futagif0, _futagif1]>>\
<<set _futagif to _futagifsarray.random()>>\
<<set _bothpic0 to "[img[images/modification/0.jpg]]">>\
<<set _bothpic1 to "[img[images/modification/1.jpg]]">>\
<<set _bothpic2 to "[img[images/modification/2.jpg]]">>\
<<set _bothpic3 to "[img[images/modification/3.jpg]]">>\
<<set _bothpic4 to "[img[images/modification/4.jpg]]">>\
<<set _bothpic5 to "[img[images/modification/5.jpg]]">>\
<<set _bothpicsarray to [_bothpic0, _bothpic1, _bothpic2, _bothpic3, _bothpic4, _bothpic5]>>\
<<set _bothpic to _bothpicsarray.random()>>\
/*Trap is disarmed*/\
<<if $thisroom.isworking === false>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the room filled with empty racks, already sprung from their trap doors. Lucky for her, she was not trapped in one. Deciding best not to linger, she moved to the next room.\
/*Slut always fail*/\
<<if $ === "Slut">>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<if $thisroom.lvl === $thisroom.maxlvl>>\
<div class="image-tall">_bothpic</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.debuff.push("Futanari")>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Lactating")>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.debuff.push("Lactating")>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.6)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 0.8)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.2)>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the trap room, walking casually to the exit. She stepped onto a pressure plate, springing the body modifier rack trap and ensnaring her. She was filled with excitement as she waited to see what would happen. The rack injects a purple fluid into her nipples and clit, forcing her body to start producing milk and growing a dick out of her clit.\
<<elseif $thisroom.mode === "Futanari">>\
<div class="gif-tall">_futagif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.debuff.push("Futanari")>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.2)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 0.8)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += $>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the trap room, walking casually to the exit. She stepped onto a pressure plate, springing the body modifier rack trap and ensnaring her. She was filled with excitement as she waited to see what would happen. The rack injects a purple fluid into her clit, growing a dick out of her clit.\
<<elseif $thisroom.mode === "Lactating">>\
<div class="gif-wide">_milkgif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Lactating")>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.debuff.push("Lactating")>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 1.2)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($ * 0.8)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += $>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the trap room, walking casually to the exit. She stepped onto a pressure plate, springing the body modifier rack trap and ensnaring her. She was filled with excitement as she waited to see what would happen. The rack injects a purple fluid into her nipples, forcing her body to start producing milk.\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<if $ != "Slut">><strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><</if>></strong><</if>>
/*Clear Check*/\
<<set _clearnum to Math.round((random(($pccharisma * 0.4), ($pccharisma * 0.6)) + $thisroom.rate) - _witcheck)>>\
<<set _clearcheck to random(1, 100)>>\
/*Girl Check*/\
<<if _d20 === 20>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the seemingly empty room. Something felt off about the room thought. She treaded lightly, testing tiles to check for pressure plates. Eventually she cleared the room without getting trapped.\
<<elseif _clearcheck <= _clearnum || _d20 === 1>>\
<<set $istrapped to true>>\
<<set $dmgtaken += Math.round($thisroom.str)>>\
<<if $dmgtaken < 1>><<set $dmgtaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.curhp -= $dmgtaken>>\
<<if $thisroom.lvl === $thisroom.maxlvl>>\
<div class="image-tall">_bothpic</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.debuff.push("Futanari")>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Lactating")>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.debuff.push("Lactating")>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ * 2)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ * .5)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += $>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the trap room, looking around cautiously. She slowly walked forward, checking the walls. She failed to notice the pressure plate on the floor and stepped on it, springing the body modifier rack trap and ensnaring her. She was filled with fear as she waited to see what the machine was going to do to her. The rack injects a purple fluid into her nipples and clit, forcing her body to start producing milk and growing a dick out of her clit.\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<elseif $thisroom.mode === "Futanari">>\
<div class="gif-tall">_futagif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Futanari")>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.debuff.push("Futanari")>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ * 2)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ * .5)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += $>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the trap room, looking around cautiously. She slowly walked forward, checking the walls. She failed to notice the pressure plate on the floor and stepped on it, springing the body modifier rack trap and ensnaring her. She was filled with fear as she waited to see what the machine was going to do to her. The rack injects a purple fluid into her clit, growing a dick out of her clit.\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<<elseif $thisroom.mode === "Lactating">>\
<div class="gif-wide">_milkgif</div>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includes("Lactating")>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.debuff.push("Lactating")>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ * 2)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.weakfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_weak to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish.includesAny(_roomfetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += Math.round($ * .5)>>\
<<set _hold to $cur_girl_runner.strongfetish>>\
<<set $temp_fetish_strong to _hold.delete($thisroom.fetish)>>\
<<set $sextaken += $>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the trap room, looking around cautiously. She slowly walked forward, checking the walls. She failed to notice the pressure plate on the floor and stepped on it, springing the body modifier rack trap and ensnaring her. She was filled with fear as she waited to see what the machine was going to do to her. The rack injects a purple fluid into her nipples, forcing her body to start producing milk.\
<<if $sextaken < 1>><<set $sextaken to 1>><</if>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny += $sextaken>>\
<div class="gif-wide">_cleargif</div>\
<<set $istrapped to false>>\
$cur_girl_runner.girlname entered the seemingly empty room. Something felt off about the room thought. She treaded lightly, testing tiles to check for pressure plates. Eventually she cleared the room without getting trapped.\
/*If Failed*/\
/*Max Lust Check*/\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.debuff.includesAny("Futanari", "Lactating")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Futanari")>>\
<<set _hornydebuff += $cur_girl_runner.debuff.count("Lactating")>>\
<<set _maxhorniness -= _hornydebuff * 10>>\
<<if $cur_girl_runner.horny >= _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.horny to _maxhorniness>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.iscaptured to true>>\
/*Defeat Check*/\
<<elseif $cur_girl_runner.curhp <= 0>>\
<<set $cur_girl_runner.isdefeated to true>>\
<<if $istrapped === false && $thisroom.isworking === true>>\
<<if $ === "Thief" || $ === "Archer" || $ === "Servant of Evil" || $ === "Attendant of the Holy Spirit">>\
/*Disarm Check*/\
<<set _d20 to random(1, 20)>>\
<<set _witcheck to ($ * $cur_girl_runner.trapcheck) + _d20>>\
<<if _witcheck < 15>><<set _witcheck to 15>>\
<<elseif _witcheck > 99>><<set _witcheck to 99>>
<<set _disarmnum to Math.round(random(($pccharisma * 0.4), ($pccharisma * 0.6)) + ($thisroom.rate - _witcheck) + ($thisroom.lvl * 10))>>\
<<set _disarmcheck to random(1, 100)>>\
<strong>The $ rolled a _d20 for her stat check. <<if _d20 === 1>><span style="color:red">Critical Fail!</span><<elseif _d20 === 20>><span style="color:green">Critical Success!</span><</if>></strong>
/*Disarm Check*/\
<<if _d20 === 1>>\
Unable to locate how to disarm the trap, the $ moved on.\
<<elseif _disarmcheck > _disarmnum || _d20 === 20>>\
<<set $thisroom.isworking to false>>\
The $ was able to locate the trap's trigger mechanic and break it for future adve