Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
<<if $noofDays eq 1 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1>>
<<goto "Event1">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 1 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "Dinner1">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 2 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1 and $dirtyTalk eq true>>
<<goto "Morning1">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 2 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1 and $dirtyTalk eq false>>
<<goto "Morning2">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 5 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "HomeDay2">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 7 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1>>
<<goto "Morning3">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 11 and $timeofDay%5 eq 2>>
<<goto "Day 6">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 11 and $timeofDay%5 eq 3>>
<<goto "SexShop">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 12 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "NicoleConvo">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 14 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "Stripper">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 17 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1>>
<<goto "Nascissistic">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 18 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1 and $tf eq true>>
<<goto "Cuddle">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 20 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "Jasmine">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 23 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1>>
<<goto "HomeSwimMorn">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 24 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1 and $isgo eq true>>
<<goto "Plane">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 25 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1 and $isgo eq true>>
<<goto "Shoot">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 26 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1 and $isgo eq true>>
<<goto "Shock">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 27 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1 and $isgo eq true>>
<<goto "MorningDis">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 26 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4 and $isgo eq false>>
<<goto "Wait">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 27 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4 and $isgo eq false>>
<<goto "BackAlready">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 29 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1>>
<<goto "Dream">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 31 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1>>
<<goto "OntheWatch">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 33 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "Mall">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 34 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1>>
<<goto "Confront Nicole">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 34 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "Ty History">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 36 and $timeofDay%5 eq 1>>
<<goto "EndOfContent">>
<<if $timeofDay%5 eq 0>>
<<goto "Sleep">>
<<elseif $timeofDay%5 eq 1>>
<<goto "Morning Activity">>
<<elseif $timeofDay%5 eq 2>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<goto "Office">>
<<elseif $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "Evening Activity">>
<</if>><<if $noofDays eq 1 and $timeofDay%5 eq 3 and $nomast eq false>>
<<goto "HurryWork">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 1 and $timeofDay%5 eq 3 and $nomast eq true>>
<<goto "StoryP6">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 1 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4 and $nomast eq false>>
<<goto "Boring11">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 1 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4 and $nomast eq true>>
<<goto "Boring2">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 5 and $timeofDay%5 eq 3>>
<<goto "Office1">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 7 and $timeofDay%5 eq 3>>
<<goto "OfficeDay3">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 8 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "DriveHome">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 9 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "Day5">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 12 and $timeofDay%5 eq 3>>
<<goto "Day7">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 14 and $timeofDay%5 eq 3>>
<<goto "Day 8">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 16 and $timeofDay%5 eq 3>>
<<goto "SecretarySex">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 17 and $timeofDay%5 eq 3 and $tf eq true>>
<<goto "Naultilus1">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 17 and $timeofDay%5 eq 3 and $tf eq false>>
<<goto "NormalDay">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 22 and $timeofDay%5 eq 3>>
<<goto "OfficeBore">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 28 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "ConcertTickets">>
<<elseif $noofDays eq 29 and $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
<<goto "WorkingHard">>
<<display "OfficeDesc">>
Sweet Dreams!
Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<br>Sweet Dreams!
<<set $timeofDay=1>>
<<set $noofDays+=1>>
<<set $weatherTodayMorning= either($weather.morning)>>
<<set $weatherTodayAfternoon= either($weather.afternoon)>>
<<set $weatherTodayEvening= either($weather.evening)>>
<<set $weatherTodayNight= either($weather.night)>>
<<set $Energy=100>>
<<for _i=0; _i lt $playerDaysSinceContract.length; _i++>>
<<set $playerDaysSinceContract[_i]+=1>>
<<print "\n">>
<<return "Wake Up">>[[Take good care of Nicole!|Home]]
<img src="TTWDFL.png" width="300px">//''<<print "Day: ">>$noofDays''//
<<if $noofDays%7 eq 1>>
<<print "Monday">>
<<elseif $noofDays%7 eq 2>>
<<print "Tuesday">>
<<elseif $noofDays%7 eq 3>>
<<print "Wednesdayday">>
<<elseif $noofDays%7 eq 4>>
<<print "Thursday">>
<<elseif $noofDays%7 eq 5>>
<<print "Friday">>
<<elseif $noofDays%7 eq 6>>
<<print "Saturday">>
<<print "Sunday">>
<<print "\n">>
<<if $timeofDay eq 1>>
<<print "\n">>
<<print "Early Morning">>
<<elseif $timeofDay eq 2>>
<<print "\n">>
<<print "Morning">>
<<elseif $timeofDay eq 3>>
<<print "\n">>
<<print "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $timeofDay eq 4>>
<<print "\n">>
<<print "Evening">>
<<print "\n">>
<<print "Night">>
<<if $rep lt 0>>
<<set $rep= 0>>
<<elseif $rep gt 100>>
<<set $rep= 100>>
<<if $rep lte 5>>
<<set $repComment= "(In Oblivion)">>
<<elseif $rep gt 5 and $rep lte 20>>
<<set $repComment= "(Relative Unknown)">>
<<elseif $rep gt 20 and $rep lte 40>>
<<set $repComment= "(Rising Sports Agent)">>
<<elseif $rep gt 40 and $rep lt 80>>
<<set $repComment= "(Revered Agent)">>
<<set $repComment= "(Moneymaker Supreme)">>
<<print "\n">>
//''<<print "Reputation: ">> $rep @@color:lime;<<print "\n">>$repComment@@'' //
Love: $loveNicole
<<if $traits.ty.length gt 0 or TEST_MODE>>
<<print "\n">>
<<for $i=0; $i<$traits.ty.length; $i++>>
<<if $i neq $traits.ty.length-1>>
<<print $traits.ty[$i]>><<print ", ">><<else>><<print $traits.ty[$i]>>
<<if $traits.nic.length gt 0 or TEST_MODE>>
<<print "\n">>
<<for $i=0; $i<$traits.nic.length; $i++>>
<<if $i neq $traits.nic.length-1>>
<<print $traits.nic[$i]>><<print ", ">><<else>><<print $traits.nic[$i]>>
I already reperesent these players.
<<for _i=0; _i lt $playerID; _i++>>
<<if _i lt $playerID-1>>
<<print $playerName[_i]>>
<<print ",">>
<<print $playerName[_i]>>
<<print ".">>
<<display "ScoutReport">>
Do I want to represent this player too?
<<print "\n">>
<<set $noofDays= 1>>
<<set $timeofDay= 1>>
<<set $teams to [ "Stags", "Dragons", "Wolves", "Eagles", "Lions", "Phoenixes", "Panthers", "Krakens", "Sharks", "Bulls", "Stallions", "Hounds", "Shooters", "Hunters", "Kings", "Warriors", "Tigers", "Dinoes", "Devils", "Wildcats" ]>>
<<set $rep= 20>>
<<set $loveNicole= 50>>
<<set $maxClientsAllowed=20>>
<<set $repComment= "">>
<<set $activeNation= "">>
<<set $activeName= "">>
<<set $bmi=0>>
<<set $activeAge=0>>
<<set $activeRep=0>>
<<set $activePace=0>>
<<set $activeAcceleration=0>>
<<set $activeDribbling=0>>
<<set $activeShooting=0>>
<<set $activeJumping=0>>
<<set $activeLooks=0>>
<<set $activeProfessionalism=0>>
<<set $activeStrength=0>>
<<set $activeHeight=0>>
<<set $activeWeight=0>>
<<set $activeTeam="">>
<<set $activeSupport= "">>
<<set $playerName= ["Marcus", "Phil", "Johnny"] >>
<<set $playerDaysSinceContract= [500,500,500]>>
<<set $playerEndorse= [2, 0, 0]>>
<<set $playerID= $playerName.length >>
<<set $playerAge= [ 20, random(25,35), random(20,25)] >>
<<set $playerPace= [20, random(1,15), random(1,15)]>>
<<set $playerAcceleration= [19, random(1,15), random(1,15)]>>
<<set $playerDribbling= [19, random(1,15), random(1,15)]>>
<<set $playerShooting=[20, random(1,15), random(1,15)]>>
<<set $playerJumping=[15, random(1,15), random(1,15)]>>
<<set $playerLooks= [20, random(1,15), random(1,15)]>>
<<set $playerProfessionalism= [18, random(1,15), random(1,15)]>>
<<set $playerStrength= [18, random(1,15), random(1,15)]>>
<<set $playerHeight= [203.2, 182, 172]>>
<<set $playerWeight= [93.14, 85.01, 90.56]>>
<<set $playerTeam= [ "Stags", either($teams), either($teams)]>>
<<set $playerSupport= [ "Stags", either($teams), either($teams)]>>
<<set $playerRep= [ random(50,65), random(1,40), random(1,40) ]>>
<<set $traits to { ty: ["Muscular Physique","A Big Cock"],
nic: ["Sexy Blonde", "Perfect Boobs", "Bicurious"]}>>
<<set $weather to { morning: [ "Overcast", "Sunny", "Rainy", "Snowy" ],
afternoon: [ "Overcast", "Sunny", "Rainy", "Snowy", "Hot", "Humid" ],
evening: [ "Cloudy", "Rainy", "Snowy", "Warm" ],
night: [ "Cloudy", "Rainy", "Snowy", "Warm" ]}>>
<<set $weatherTodayMorning= either($weather.morning)>>
<<set $weatherTodayAfternoon= either($weather.afternoon)>>
<<set $weatherTodayEvening= either($weather.evening)>>
<<set $weatherTodayNight= either($weather.night)>>
<<set $activeID=0>>
<<set $drink_cum=0>>
<<set $Energy = 100>>
<<set $watchPorn= 0>><<set $timeofDay+=1>>
/*Have tea and chit chat with Nicole*/
/*Go to the gym with Nicole*/
<<set _random= either(1,3)>>
<<if _random eq 1>>
<<display "ME Tea">>
<<elseif _random eq 2>>
<<display "ME Gym">>
<<display "NicoleChat">>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
/*Watch the sunset with Nicole*/
/*Cook dinner with Nicole*/
/*Watch a porn movie with Nicole*/
<<set _random=either([1,2,3,4,5])>>
<<if _random eq 1>>
<<display "EA Sunset">>
<<elseif _random eq 2 or _random eq 3>>
<<display "EA Dinner">>
<<display "EA Movie">>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<set $rep-=1>>
<<return "You should be ashamed of yourself!">><<widget "NationalitySelector">>
<<set $activeNation= either(["Black", "Irish", "German", "Russian", "Italian", "Spanish"])>>
<<widget "NameGen">>
<<switch $activeNation>>
<<case "Black">>
<<set $activeName= $>>
<<case "Irish">>
<<set $activeName= $>>
<<case "German">>
<<set $activeName= $firstNameOptions.german.random()>>
<<case "Russian">>
<<set $activeName= $firstNameOptions.russian.random()>>
<<case "Italian">>
<<set $activeName= $firstNameOptions.italian.random()>>
<<case "Spanish">>
<<set $activeName= $firstNameOptions.spanish.random()>>
<<widget "BasePlayer">>
<<set $activeHeight= randomFloat(1.60, 2.31)>>/*height in meters*/
<<set $activeHeight= $activeHeight.toFixed(2)>>
<<set $bmi= randomFloat(17, 25)>>/*body mass index*/
<<set $activeWeight= $bmi*$activeHeight*$activeHeight>>
<<set $activeWeight= $activeWeight.toFixed(2)>>
<<set $activeShooting= random(1, 20)>> /*how good at shooting*/
<<set $activeJumping= random(1,20)>> /*how good at jumping*/
/*how strong the player is*/
<<if $bmi gt 23>>
<<set $activeStrength= random(15,20)>>
<<elseif $bmi gt 20 and _bmi lte 23>>
<<set $activeStrength= random(5,15)>>
<<set $activeStrength= random(1,5)>>
<<set $activeDribbling= random(1,20)>> /*how good at dribbling*/
<<set $activeAge= random(18,35)>> /*how old the player is*/
<<set $activeLooks= random(1,20)>>
/*This is a metric to determine how goo the player looks. (1,4) is not good, (5,8) is unmarketable, (9,12) is okayish, (13,16) is good- may serve, (17,20) is for film-star looks*/
<<set $activePace= random(1, 20)>> /*measure of top speed*/
<<set $activeAcceleration= random(1, 20)>> /*how fast achieves top speed*/
<<set $activeProfessionalism= random(1,20)>> /*how professionall the player is . (1,4) is highly unprofessional, (5,8) is unprofessional, (9,12) is moderately professional, (13,16) is professional and (17,20) is model-professional*/
<<set $activeTeam= $teams.random()>> /*the team the player is at currently*/
<<set $activeSupport= $teams.random()>> /*team player grew up supporting*/
<<widget "RepCal">>
/*This widget is used to calculate the reputations of the players*/
<<set _sum= $activePace+ $activeAcceleration+ $activeDribbling+ $activeShooting+ $activeJumping+ $activeStrength* 0.5*$activeLooks+ 2*$activeProfessionalism>>
<<set $activeRep= (_sum/170)*100>>
<<if $activeAge lte 21>>
<<set $activeRep= $activeRep*0.75>>
<</widget>><<set $firstNameOptions to { black:[ "Daronté", "Darrell", "Darriel", "Darryon", "Darterrius", "Dasante", "Dashaud", "Dashonte", "Datreon", "Da'vante", "Davarius", "Da'vion", "Da'wan", "Dazhawn", "De Anté", "De Shea", "Debony", "Decovon", "Defonte", "Dejerius", "Dekion", "Del Vonte", "Delashaun", "Delmetrice", "Demarien", "Demondre", "Denaris", "Denton", "Deqavious", "Dequinn", "Dereece", "Derreck", "Desharious", "Destin", "Devajee", "Deveron", "Devoreaux", "Dhorian", "Dimetrice", "Diontray", "D'Mario", "Dmitry", "Dominique", "Donjae", "Dontrall", "Doran", "D'Quan", "Dremonte", "Dubois", "Dushane", "Dwane", "Dyonte", "Earnell", "Eddison", "Efrem", "Elcee", "Eliyah", "Elvan", "Emiel", "Ericson", "Ethridge", "Everson", "Ezrah", "Farrell", "Fedarius", "Ferando", "Finton", "Foster", "Freddie", "Furnell", "Garence", "Garrell", "Geffery", "Georgy", "Germain", "Ghalen", "Giovante", "Grady", "Gwindell", "Hakim", "Hampton", "Harden","Harmen", "Harry", "Hazell", "Herold", "Holman", "Howell", "Hunter", "Ian Marcus", "Irvin", "Ishaq", "Isiah", "Itrez", "Izaak", "Jévon", "Ja Khel", "Ja Taveon", "Jaboris" , "Jacaubré"],
italian:[ "Mylon", "Nerio", "Nevio", "Nicolas", "Octavio", "Osvaldo", "Palmiro", "Pancrazio", "Pasqualino", "Pio", "Pippo", "Primeiro", "Primo", "Raffaello", "Remigio", "Remo", "Renardo", "Riccardo", "Ricciardo", "Rocco", "Rodolfo", "Romeo", "Romolo", "Romy", "Roque", "Rudolpho", "Sachetan", "Sal", "Sandro", "Sansone", "Saturno", "Saverio", "Serafino", "Severo", "Siffredo", "Simone", "Tacito", "Taddeo", "Teodosio", "Teofilo", "Timoteo", "Tito", "Tristano", "Ullivieri", "Umberto", "Urbano", "Vanni", "Vasilios", "Vicenzo", "Vico", "Vincente", "Vito", "Vittore", "Zan", "Zenzo"],
spanish:[ "Abejundio", "Acalan", "Acilino", "Adelmo", "Agusto", "Alamar", "Alberto", "Alejandro", "Alfonso", "Amancio", "Andrés", "Angilberto", "Anton", "Apolonio", "Arcadio", "Aristeo", "Arsenio", "Atreo", "Avellino", "Azael", "Basilio", "Bebe", "Benicio", "Bertín", "Blasios", "Calixto", "Carlos", "Catarino", "Cezar", "Chago", "Chenche", "Chilo", "Cid", "Clodoveo", "Conrado", "Cordero", "Crisóstomo", "Dasio", "Decarlos", "Decoroso", "Democles", "Deocaro", "Dexter", "Dionisio"],
russian: [ "Adrik", "Afanas", "Afanasei", "Afanasii", "Agripin", "Akim", "Aleksei", "Aleksey", "Ambrosii", "Anastas", "Anastase", "Andrei", "Andrian", "Andrii", "Anisim", "Anton", "Arkhip", "Arman", "Arseni", "Arseniy", "Baran", "Berdy", "Bohdan", "Boleslav", "Boris", "Borys", "Brencis", "Burian", "Cheslav", "Darit", "Denis", "Desya", "Dima", "Dmitrii", "Dmitriy","Dmitry", "Dobry", "Dorofei", "Dorofey", "Egor", "Evgeni", "Evgenii", "Evgeniy", "Faddei", "Fadei", "Fadey", "Fedya", "Fedyenka", "Feliks", "Feofilakt", "Ferapont", "Florenti", "Foka", "Foma", "Garald", "Gavan", "Gedeon"],
irish: [ "Abban", "Abracham", "Aidan", "Aindreas", "Alasdair", "Alaster", "Amhlaoibh", "Aodh", "Aodhagan", "Bailey", "Banning", "Blair", "Braidy", "Bran", "Brasil", "Brendan", "Brien", "Brogan", "Cael", "Caelan", "Caolán", "Case", "Cathair", "Cathal", "Cathan", "Ceallachan", "Ceallagh","Cearbhall", "Cian", "Clancey", "Clearie", "Colman", "Colum", "Conall", "Conallan", "Conan", "Conlaed", "Conlaoch", "Cowal","Crevan", "Dáibhídh", "Dáire", "Daly", "Daniel", "David", "Davin", "Deaglan", "Demond", "Derian", "Derry", "Diarmuid", "Donough", "Driscoll", "Eadbhard", "Eagan" ],
german: [ "Abelard", "Adalard", "Adelbert", "Adelbrecht", "Adolf", "Albrekt", "Aldelmo", "Aldman", "Alldrich", "Alois", "Amery", "Ancel", "Anno", "Aric", "Arman", "Audo",
"August", "Barnum", "Beethoven", "Bernón", "Bernaldino", "Berthold", "Bogart", "Bonifaz", "Bruno", "Bruns", "Carloman", "Christian", "Clodio", "Detlef", "Diederik", "Dietz", "Dirk", "Ebner", "Eckbert", "Eckhard", "Eginhard", "Egon", "Eilert", "Ellery", "Emil", "Erdmann",
"Erdmuth", "Erich", "Ernst", "Felix", "Ferdinand", "Franz", "Fremont", "Fridmund", "Fulberto", "Gaufrid", "Gebbert", "Genardo", "Gerfried", "Gerhard" ]}>>
Tyler. That'd me. I am a former star basketball player turned agent. A horrific injury caused me to put the brakes on my playing career and resort to a different means of earning my livelihood.
I am a fairly young $color man about to be thirty. I have a muscly build. I am really tall too. About 6'6''. I have blue eyes and a bald head. Nicole is my wife and I am madly in love with her. I love that woman to bits and I'd do anything for her. Ah! The Things We Do for Love!
<<return Return>>She is my wife. She is very short compared to me. Only about 5'7''. She has lustrous platinum blonde hair that cascades down her pretty face. She has striking green eyes. She is a model and does photoshoots for lingerie and swimsuit brands. I met her when she was a cheerleader at one of my games and we have been together since. She has an amazingly perfect figure. Her pretty face, soft, well-formed ample bosom, her round bubble butt and her unabashed attitude towards sex are just a few things that make her desirable to me. I love this woman to bits and I'd do anything for her. Ah! The Things We Do for Love!
<<return Return>>Having chosen to look for prospective clients I decide to look through a few reports my scouts have supplied me:
$activeName is a player for $activeTeam.
<<if $activeTeam neq $activeSupport>>
However, he grew up supporting $activeSupport.
He is very happy to be playing for the team he has supported since his childhood.
<<if $activeAge lte 20>>
He is a youngster without much experience.
<<elseif $activeAge gte 21 and $activeAge lte 30>>
He is an established player and playing regularly.
<<elseif $activeAge gt 30 and $activeAge lte 35>>
He is a veteran of the sport but his playing career is on the decline.
He is $activeHeight metres tall and weighs $activeWeight kilos.
<<if $activeHeight gte 2.00>>
He is extremely tall.
<<elseif $activeHeight lt 2.00 and $activeHeight gt 1.80>>
He is fairly tall.
<<elseif $activeHeight lt 1.80 and $activeHeight gt 1.70>>
His height is not one of his special assets.
He is extremely short.
<<if $bmi gte 24>>
He is very heavy and this might hinder his movement.
<<elseif $bmi lt 24 and $bmi gte 22>>
His weight is sometimes a disadvantage but more often than not proves to be an asset
<<elseif $bmi gt 18 and $bmi lt 22>>
His weight is appropriate.
His low weight may result in him getting pushed around very easily.
<<if $activeStrength gte 18>>
He is extremely strong.
<<elseif $activeStrength lt 18 and $activeStrength gte 12>>
He is fairly strong.
<<elseif $activeStrength lt 12 and $activeStrength gte 5>>
He is not exceptionally strong.
<<elseif $activeStrength lt 5>>
He is prone to coming off worse at the physical aspect of the game.
<<if $activeShooting gte 18>>
He is a sharpshooter and scores plenty of points from potentially difficult situations.
<<elseif $activeShooting lt 18 and $activeShooting gt 10>>
He is a regular scorer and his shooting skills are above average.
<<elseif $activeShooting lt 10>>
He rarely scores and his shooting is a cause for concern among the supporters of his team.
<<if $activeDribbling gte 18>>
His dribbling skills are unparalleled and this allows him to run rings around his opponents.
<<elseif $activeDribbling lt 18 and $activeDribbling gt 10>>
He frequently dribbles past his opponents but his level of skill is fairly common.
His successful dribbles are because of his good luck and the incompetence of his opponents than his skill.
<<if $activeJumping gte 18>>
He can jump extremely high and this has often proved to be an asset for his team.
<<elseif $activeJumping lt 18 and $activeJumping gt 10>>
He can jump fairly high but he will not get too many mentions for it.
His unwillingness to leap off the ground had left many a supporter angered last season.
<<if $activePace+ $activeAcceleration gte 35>>
He frequently leaves his opponents scrambling behind him due to being lightning quick.
<<elseif $activePace+$activeAcceleration gte 20 and $activePace+$activeAcceleration lt 35>>
He may occasionally produce a fine sprint here and there but do not expect to see too many of them from him.
<<elseif $activePace+$activeAcceleration lt 20>>
He is exceptionally slow for a baskeball player.
<<if $activeLooks gte 17>>
He has the looks of a movie star and companies would be very willing to give him endorsement deals if he performs exceptionally well.
<<elseif $activeLooks gt 12 and $activeLooks lt 17>>
He is fairly good-looking and he may get an endoresement deal if he is incredibly talented.
<<elseif $activeLooks gt 8 and $activeLooks lte 12>>
His average looks are unlikely to get him too many endoresments.
<<elseif $activeLooks gt 4 and $activeLooks lte 8>>
His below average looks are unlikely to make him the face of any company.
<<elseif $activeLooks lte 4>>
He has not received an endoresemnt yet and is unlikely to receive one in the future.
<<if $activeRep lt 20>>
He is not highly reputated in sporting circles.
<<elseif $activeRep lt 50 and $activeRep gte 20>>
His name is familiar to those who follow the sport regularly.
<<elseif $activeRep lt 80 and $activeRep gte 50>>
He is distictly recognizable and even people who rarely watch the sport recognize him.
<<elseif $activeRep gte 80>>
He is a household name and kids look to emulate him.
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
My scouts do a thorough background check of $activeName and I decide that he is a player I would like to represent. I call him up and offer my services to him.
$activeName comes over to my office and signs a contract with you. I am now his agent too.
<<if $activeRep lte 20>>
Signing a player of such abysmal reputation harms my reputation too.
<<set $rep-=1>>
<<elseif $activeRep gt 20 and $activeRep lte 50>>
Signing a player who is not a household name does absolutely nothing to my reputation whatsoever.
<<elseif $activeRep gt 50 and $activeRep lte 80>>
Signing a reputable player gets me a mention in somne of the sports magazines and tabloids and marginally increases my reputation.
<<set $rep+=1>>
<<elseif $activeRep gt 80>>
Signing a famous player gets me in the news and enhances my repuation too.
<<set $rep+=2>>
<<set $playerName.push($activeName)>>
<<set $playerID= $playerName.length>>
<<set $playerAge.push($activeAge)>>
<<set $playerPace.push($activePace)>>
<<set $playerAcceleration.push($activeAcceleration)>>
<<set $playerDribbling.push($activeDribbling)>>
<<set $playerShooting.push($activeShooting)>>
<<set $playerJumping.push($activeJumping)>>
<<set $playerLooks.push($activeLooks)>>
<<set $playerProfessionalism.push($activeProfessionalism)>>
<<set $playerStrength.push($activeStrength)>>
<<set $playerHeight.push($activeHeight)>>
<<set $playerWeight.push($activeWeight)>>
<<set $playerTeam.push($activeTeam)>>
<<set $playerSupport.push($activeSupport)>>
<<set $playerRep.push($activeRep)>>
<<set _random= random(1, 1000)>>
<<set $playerDaysSinceContract.push(_random)>>
[[Done]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
Reading through his file did not inspire the sort of confidence I would like to have in my clients. I sit there for a while ruing the fact that I had wasted my time in a fruitless endeavour and finally decide to abandon it.
[[I shut the file.|Done]]<<goto "Office">>What should I work on?
<<set _presentClients= $playerName.length>>
<<if _presentClients lt $maxClientsAllowed>>
[[Getting new clients.|NewPlayers]]
@@color:red;The local sports body mandates that one agent may have a maximum of $maxClientsAllowed clients@@
<<print "\n">>
[[Getting better deals for my present clients|Present Clients]]
<<print "\n">>
[[Studying the dossiers of my present client|Dossier]]<<for _i=0; _i lt $playerName.length; _i++>>
<<set _j=_i+1>>
<<set _player= $playerName[_i]>>
<<print "[[_player|Financial][$activeID = "+_i+"]]">>
Supporter of: $playerSupport[_i]
Height: $playerHeight[_i]
Weight: $playerWeight[_i]
<<if $playerPace[_i]+ $playerAcceleration[_i] gte 35>>
@@color:green;Lightning Quick@@
<<elseif $playerPace[_i]+$playerAcceleration[_i] gte 20 and $playerPace[_i]+$playerAcceleration[_i] lt 35>>
@@color:yellow;Fairly Quick@@
<<elseif $playerPace[_i]+$playerAcceleration[_i] lt 20>>
@@color:red;Exceptionally slow@@
<<if $playerStrength[_i] gte 18>>
@@color:green;Immensely Strong@@
<<elseif $playerStrength[_i] lt 18 and $playerStrength[_i] gt 10>>
@@color:yellow;Moderately Strong@@
<<elseif $playerStrength[_i] lt 10>>
@@color:red;Physically Inadequate@@
<<if $playerShooting[_i] gte 18>>
@@color:green;A Sharpshooter@@
<<elseif $playerShooting[_i] lt 18 and $playerShooting[_i] gt 10>>
@@color:yellow;A Regular Scorer@@
<<elseif $playerShooting[_i] lt 10>>
@@color:red;A Rare Scorer@@
<<if $playerDribbling[_i] gte 18>>
@@color:green;A Worldclass Dribbler @@
<<elseif $playerDribbling[_i] lt 18 and $playerDribbling[_i] gt 10>>
@@color:yellow;Mediocre Dribbler@@
<<elseif $playerDribbling[_i] lt 10>>
@@color:red;An Awkward Dribbler@@
<<if $playerLooks[_i] gte 17>>
@@color:green;Movie Star Looks@@
<<elseif $playerLooks[_i] gt 12 and $playerLooks[_i] lt 17>>
@@color:blue;Fairly Goodlooking@@
<<elseif $playerLooks[_i] gt 8 and $playerLooks[_i] lte 12>>
@@color:yellow;Average Looks @@
<<elseif $playerLooks[_i] gt 4 and $playerLooks[_i] lte 8>>
@@color:orange;Below average looks@@
<<elseif $playerLooks[_i] lte 4>>
<<if $playerRep[_i] lt 20>>
<<elseif $playerRep[_i] lt 50 and $playerRep[_i] gte 20>>
@@color:orange;Moderately known@@
<<elseif $playerRep[_i] lt 80 and $playerRep[_i] gte 50>>
@@color:yellow;Distinctly Recognizable @@
<<elseif $playerRep[_i] gte 80>>
@@color:green;World Famous@@
Days Since Last Contract:
<<if $playerDaysSinceContract[_i] gte 100>>
@@color:green;Raise Negotiable@@ $playerDaysSinceContract[_i]
@@color:red;Raise Not Entertained>>@@ $playerDaysSinceContract[_i]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
[[I close the dossier|Office]]<<for _i=0; _i lt $playerName.length; _i++>>
<<set _j=_i+1>>
Supporter of: $playerSupport[_i]
Height: $playerHeight[_i]
Weight: $playerWeight[_i]
<<if $playerPace[_i]+ $playerAcceleration[_i] gte 35>>
Lightning Quick
<<elseif $playerPace[_i]+$playerAcceleration[_i] gte 20 and $playerPace[_i]+$playerAcceleration[_i] lt 35>>
Fairly Quick
<<elseif $playerPace[_i]+$playerAcceleration[_i] lt 20>>
Exceptionally slow
<<if $playerStrength[_i] gte 18>>
Immensely Strong
<<elseif $playerStrength[_i] lt 18 and $playerStrength[_i] gt 10>>
Moderately Strong
<<elseif $playerStrength[_i] lt 10>>
Physically Inadequate
<<if $playerShooting[_i] gte 18>>
A Sharpshooter
<<elseif $playerShooting[_i] lt 18 and $playerShooting[_i] gt 10>>
A Regular Scorer
<<elseif $playerShooting[_i] lt 10>>
A Rare Scorer
<<if $playerDribbling[_i] gte 18>>
A Worldclass Dribbler
<<elseif $playerDribbling[_i] lt 18 and $playerDribbling[_i] gt 10>>
Mediocre Dribbler
<<elseif $playerDribbling[_i] lt 10>>
An Awkward Dribbler
<<if $playerLooks[_i] gte 17>>
Movie Star Looks
<<elseif $playerLooks[_i] gt 12 and $playerLooks[_i] lt 17>>
Fairly Goodlooking
<<elseif $playerLooks[_i] gt 8 and $playerLooks[_i] lte 12>>
Average Looks
<<elseif $playerLooks[_i] gt 4 and $playerLooks[_i] lte 8>>
Below average looks
<<elseif $playerLooks[_i] lte 4>>
<<if $playerRep[_i] lt 20>>
<<elseif $playerRep[_i] lt 50 and $playerRep[_i] gte 20>>
Moderately known
<<elseif $playerRep[_i] lt 80 and $playerRep[_i] gte 50>>
Distictly Recognizable
<<elseif $playerRep[_i] gte 80>>
World Famous
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
[[I close the dossier|Office]]I shit you not. It works!
$ActiveID/* An event that asks the team the player plays for to pay him more money */
/* An event where I approach companies to pitch my clients as a potential face for the brand */
/* An event where you pitch your clients to other teams as they are not getting their due in their present teams */
<span id= "result">
<<link "Negotiate Better Deal">>
<<replace "#result">>
<<display "Better Contract">>
<br><br><<link "Pitch Client as face of a brand">>
<<replace "#result">>
<<display "Endorse">>
<<if $loveNicole lt 100>>
We have tea silently. Nicole asks me how well the agency is running. I tell her about how well it is doing.
<<set $loveNicole+=1>>
<<return "Time for Work">>
Nicole hints at what we should be doing instead of drinking tea. I somehow manage to gulp a lot of the scalding, hot tea and Nicole rushes to help me.
We have a good laugh about it once I recover.
<<set $loveNicole+=2>>
<<return "Time for Work">>
<</if>><<if $loveNicole lt 100>>
We exercise on separate machines. I lift some weights while Nicole does some yoga.
<<set $loveNicole+=2>>
<<return "Time for Work">>
<<elseif $loveNicole gte 100 and $loveNicole lte 200>>
I spend more time glancing over at Nicole as she runs on the treadmill. Even the confines of the sports bra she is wearing can't resrict the slight jiggling of her ample bosom.
<<set $loveNicole+=1>>
<<return "Time for Work">>
<<elseif $loveNicole gt 200 and $loveNicole lt 250>>
I do not get much exercise done as I spend most of the time admiring Nicole's shapely butt as she does squats.
<<set $loveNicole+=1>>
<<return "Time for Work">>
<<set $loveNicole+=2>>
Nicole challenged me to do as many pushups as I can. There was a catch though- I had to do it while my dick was erect and she was lying under me with her mouth open trying to make me cum. I accepted the challenge.
Even with my immaculae sportsman's discipline I did not last long. Nicole's magical tongue made me succumb to her.
<<return "Time for Work">>
<</if>><<if $loveNicole lte 100>>
We sit in the balcony overlooking our private beach admiring the romantic scene that was the setting sun. My hands search out Nicole's and entwine my fingers with hers.
I feel her eyes on me for a split second. Then she reverts to looking at the glorious sunset.
<<return "Time to go to bed">>
<<elseif $loveNicole gt 100 and $loveNicole lte 250>>
Instead of occupying her usual chair, next to mine, Nicole lied down on me. I wrapped my hands around her breasts as she rested her head on my shoulders and realised that she was not wearing a bra.
Her butt was grinding against my crotch as she tried to find a comfortable spot. I do not know whether she was aware of my obvious erection. If she was she feigned ignorance really well.
Once she was comfortable all thoughts of sex fled my mind as we watched the gorgeous sunset, in each other's embrace. When the sun had set, we kissed and just lay there a while, lips locked.
<<return "Time to go to bed">>
Nicole offered to blow me while we watched the sunset. Even though, refusing a blowjob from Nicole should be considered a sin, I insisted that it was her presence I desired and not her lips around my dick.
She seemed pleased that there was more to our relationship than just sex and lay down on the chair next to me.
<<return "Time to go to bed">>
<</if>><<if $loveNicole lte 150>>
<<set $loveNicole+=1>>
I proposed that Nicole and I cook dinner together this evening. Nicole readily agreed. Neither of us are particularly great cooks but with each other's help manage to put up quite the sumptuous meal on the table.
The fact that we were so efficient together surprised us. We grinned at each other as we enjoyed the food we had made.
<<return "Time to go to bed">>
<<set $loveNicole+=3>>
Having cooked dinner plenty of times together yet never having tried to make anything out of the ordinary we decided that me must try something adventurous.
Nicole was happy to go along but she had one condition. We must do it naked! We started to do so but were never going to finish as we struggled to keep our hands off each other.
Soon, I was kneading Nicole's breasts instead of the dough that I was supposed to knead. Her boobs had the imprint of my massive hands as she coated my dick with whipped cream and began to lick it off it.
Things escalated very quickly as we ended up making love instead of food. We got a pizza delivered to our place and when we opened the door, grinning rather stupidly in the post-orgasmic bliss, the delivery boy looked at our flushed red faces covered in flour suspiciously and put two and two together.
<<return "Time to go to bed">>
<</if>>Welcome to The Things We Do for Love. This is a story of Tyler and Nicole, a couple very much in love but exploring the limits of their sexuality. You will be playing as Tyler. You decide what the couple does and how nasty they get. But beware, saying no too often may have repercussions later.
Select Tyler's race:
* Black <<radiobutton "$color" "black" checked>>
* White- The Michael Jackson Option<<radiobutton "$color" "sun tanned">>
<<if $color eq "black">>
<<set $dick= "big, black">>
<<set $dick= "big">>
The shrill alarm rings as the clock strikes seven. My hand shoots out from underneath the blanket and presses the snooze button.I get comfortable once again and am planning on drifting back to sleep when I realize that I am supposed to be at work early today.
I sit bolt upright and look around. I am on a king-size bed in a huge bedroom that is decorated very tastefully. The sunlight streams in through the window. Now that I have witnessed the glorious sunlight I cannot fathom how I planned on going to sleep once more. Next to me lies my gorgeous wife, Nicole. Her platinum blonde hair is pooled around on the pillow and her pale skin shimmers in the early sunshine. Her modest nightwear is unable to hide her sizeable assets as I can see a hint of cleavage peeking out. What should I do?
[[Wake Nicole up with a kiss|KissNicole]]<<print "\n">>
[[Let the poor thing sleep a little longer|Bathroom3]]<<silently>>
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
<<set $KissNicole1= true>>
I move over on my side, align myself with Nicole and kiss her luscious red lips. The kiss disrupts her sleep and she blinks cutely for a while before her eyes gain focus. She sees me and gives me a smile.
@@color:hotpink;"Good morning, handsome."@@ she says.
@@color:aquamarine;"Good morning to you too, baby."@@ I say.
Of late my work has kept me really busy and I have not been able to give Nicole the time she deserves. She is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me and I do not wish to take her for granted. I will have to make active efforts to save our marriage from falling apart.
I give her one last peck on the cheek and head for the bathroom.
@@color:hotpink;"Got some time to spend with your little wife?"@@ she asks as I get up.
[["Sorry, babe. I need to be at work early today." I say.|Bathroom1]]<<print "\n">>
[["I'll make sure to inform you if I do, babe." I say.|Bathroom2]]<<silently>>
<<set $GonnaHJ= 0>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I look in the mirror as I brush my teeth- a bald, $color man of about thirty stares back. I have a muscly build and am pretty ripped. However, Nicole calling me 'handsome' is far from the truth. My face is nothing to write home about. It is pretty ordinary. But, when a bombshell like Nicole calls you handsome you embrace it with both arms and it certainly boosts your ego. My vision ventured further south. I could make out the outline of my sizable morning wood straining against my boxers, something I am proud of. I reflect on the circumstances that brought me to this [[juncture.|StoryP1]]<<silently>>
<<set $GonnaHJ= 1>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I look in the mirror as I brush my teeth- a bald, $color man of about thirty stares back. I have a muscly build and am pretty ripped. However, Nicole calling me 'handsome' is far from the truth. My face is nothing to write home about. It is pretty ordinary. But, when a bombshell like Nicole calls you handsome you embrace it with both arms and it certainly boosts your ego. My vision ventured further south. I could make out the outline of my sizable morning wood straining against my boxers, something I am proud of. I reflect on the circumstances that brought me to this [[juncture.|StoryP1]]<<silently>>
<<set $GonnaHJ= -1>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I look in the mirror as I brush my teeth- a bald, $color man of about thirty stares back. I have a muscly build and am pretty ripped. However, Nicole calling me 'handsome' is far from the truth. My face is nothing to write home about. It is pretty ordinary. But, when a bombshell like Nicole calls you handsome you embrace it with both arms and it certainly boosts your ego. My vision ventured further south. I could make out the outline of my sizable morning wood straining against my boxers, something I am proud of. I reflect on the circumstances that brought me to this [[juncture.|StoryP1]]I am Tyler. The sports pundits used to call me the next big thing in basketball. I remember the day I first met Nicole like it was yesterday.
I was the star young player for the Stags. We were playing against our cut-throat rivals the Dragons. It was the championship decider. Nicole was a cheerleader for the game. She was nineteen at the time- straight out of high school. I could not take my eyes off her during pre-game training. She was the hottest piece of ass I had ever seen. She is even hotter now, I must admit. I scored points aplenty in that game and also the point that ensured that we would win the trophy. I was awarded the Most Valuable Player Award.
My captain was congratulating me as we walked towards our locker room and showers. I felt someone brush against me intentionally and turned to see who it was. It was Nicole. Upon getting my attention she blew me a kiss and made a few suggestive movements with her hands and mouth. I was dumbfounded for a while. My captain advised me to pursue her but I wanted to concentrate on my game and not my love life.
I undressed upon reaching the dressing room and headed straight through to the showers. I decided to take a long shower. The feeling of water on my strained and tired muscles felt great. I heard my teammates filing out one by one and was aware that I was the last one left. It was then that I heard the door open once more. I was pretty sure it was some crazy fan looking for autographs so I opened the door to tell them to [[fuck off.|StoryP2]]I peeked out to see who it was. It was Nicole. She was buck naked and casting her doe eyes about as if searching for something- or someone. Upon the realization that my door was open she made a beeline for it and opened it wide. I, for some reason, backed away from the door. She opened the door wide and stood in the doorway brazenly, with her tits and bare pussy on full display.
My mouth must have been open because she rushed straight in kissed me full on the mouth. I was not used to being on the backfoot too often and was slightly taken aback by her boldness, but not for long. I grabbed her ass with both hands and slammed her against the shower walls while thrusting my tongue violently down her throat. She tried to fight back but I had won the battle for her mouth. Realizing that she had lost on this front, she caught hold of my large erect dick and started jerking me off, eliciting appreciative groans.
I too moved south. I sloppily kissed her neck enroute to her boobs. I sucked on one of her nipples while lightly twisting the other with a hand. She moaned softly at that. I had her sweet taste in my mouth and her fragrance was flooding my senses. I could do this all day but she had [[other plans.|StoryP3]]
Nicole held my hand and led me into the locker room. She kneeled down with her back to the lockers, facing my midriff. She enveloped the head of my engorged cock with her full red lips as her tongue worked magic. Words canot even begin to describe how great it had felt and I had found myself muttering some incoherent bullshit. She worked furiously as spit dribble down her chin and my dick, trying to shove the entire length of my shaft down her throat unsuccessfully. I thought she would soon abandon the effort. I was wrong. She looked very displeased with herself at having failed to deepthroat me. She guided my hands to the sides of her head and folded her hands behind her back, thus giving me complete control.
I do not know what came over me then. The elevated levels of testosterone due to the prolonged foreplay and the match must have played a part in what I did next. I slammed my dick into Nicole's mouth upto the hilt and held her head there. Her throat struggled to acclimatize to the huge intruder as she struggled for air. As she gagged, saliva frothed in copious amounts from her mouth yet she made concerted efforts to hold herself there. I had never been with a girl who had done that to me. After a while, I let her go.
@@color:hotpink;"Do it again!"@@ she gasped. Or that was what it had sounded like back then.
<<set $count_deepthroat= 1>>
I did not need telling twice. This time her throat acclimatized quickly and I pumped my dick in and out of her mouth. It was possibly the most brutal face-fucking I had dished out, but she seemed to be enjoying herself and I was not one to complain. I realized I would not last long if I kept this on any longer and that I desperately needed [[sex.|StoryP4]]
@@color:aquamarine;"I want to fuck your pussy now."@@ I remember telling Nicole as I rummaged in my locker for a condom.
She bent down on her hands and knees, her back arched as I watched-amazed, while putting on the condom. Her ass was raised in the air as if as an offering to me. I pushed a couple of fingers into her pussy and they made a squelching sound. I grinned to myself. She looked back at me pleadingly as if begging me to take her hard and fast. Well, she was in luck, because that was exactly what I intended.
I shoved my dick right into her vagina, caught hold of her waist with both hands and pumped furiously. I could not see her face from this angle but if her pleasurable screams were any indication, I was prepared to bet my winners' medal that she was having a good time. My heavy balls slapped on her ass generating an odd mix of slapping and squelching sounds. Her pussy gripped my cock no fewer than two times as she came violently, screaming my name. Almost half the stadium could have heard her if it had been [[full.|StoryP5]]
My movements were slowly getting more erratic and she must have realized that because she turned around quickly, ripped the condom off my cock and started blowing me once more. I could not hold back anymore and came violently on her face. She caught as much as she could on her tongue. She gave me a moment to admire her with my cum on her tongue and then swallowed it as if it was no big deal. She showed me her pink tongue once more, now devoid of my seed. Then she proceeded to drain my balls of the last vestiges of cum in their depths.
<<set $drink_cum= 1>>
When she was satisfied she stood up, licking the cum she had gathered off her face on her fingers and blew me a kiss. She turned around and proceeded to walk out of the locker room. I admired her ass jiggling as she made her exit.
The memory of my hot wife blowing me in the lockers was getting too much for me. The morning wood had now transitioned into a massive boner. What should I do?
[[Masturbate to the memory|Masturb81]]<<print "\n">>
[[Hurry! The office needs me|NoMB8R]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<set $nomast= false>>
I pull down my boxers to free my dick from its confines. It springs out, ready to fuck but unfortunately will have to make do with a quick wank. I begin to jerk off to the hottest memory of my life moaning Nicole's name. I must not have kept my voice down because the doorknob turned and Nicole entered.
@@color:hotpink;"Babe, is everything alright? I heard you calling out my name."@@ she said.
<<if $GonnaHJ eq -1>>
<<set $typeSmile= "wide">>
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
<<set $Energy-=10>>
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
She saw me masturbating furiously and a sly grin that I knew all too well appeared on her face. She walked over to me, kissed me passionately- a passion that seemed to be missing from our lives of late. She jerked me off with meticulous precision. I had forgotten how good it felt to have a woman's hands- especially one as sexually appealing as Nicole- wrapped around my dick. My self-imposed exile from sex meant that I was not going to last very long. When she realized that my breath was turning ragged, Nicole kneeled in front of me, peeled off her top and sprayed my cum all over her tits and chest.
She looked at her boobs and chest while saying, @@color:hotpink;"Well, it's better than the pearl necklace you got me on our anniversary."@@
We shared a laugh. I kissed her once more as we cleaned up. It was almost time to leave for office.
<<set $hasHJ= true>>
<<elseif $GonnaHJ eq 0>>
<<set $typeSmile= "wide">>
<<set $loveNicole+=3>>
<<set $Energy-=10>>
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
She saw me masturbating furiously and a sly grin that I knew all too well appeared on her face. She walked over to me, kissed me passionately- a passion that seemed to be missing from our lives of late. She jerked me off with meticulous precision. I had forgotten how good it felt to have a woman's hands- especially one as sexually appealing as Nicole- wrapped around my dick. My self-imposed exile from sex meant that I was not going to last very long. When I realized that I was about to come, I told Nicole, expecting her to do something kinky. She continued jerking me off as if she had not heard me. I came all over the floor. I was kind of dissapointed that Nicole had not done anything especially kinky but realized that I cannot expect her to keep the spark alive if I do not make an equal effort.
She kissed me once more and left. I cleaned up quickly. It was almost time to leave for office.
<<set $hasHJ= true>>
<<set $typeSmile= "faint">>
<<set $loveNicole-=2>>
<<set $Energy-=10>>
I had a roaring orgasm as her eyes found me.
She saw me with my penis in my hands and a furious expression replaced the caring look on her face.
@@color:hotpink;"So, you've got time for a wank but no time to spend with your wife, huh?"@@ she screamed at me.
She stormed out, slamming the door on her way.
I felt slightly guilty but did not have much time to dwell on it. I cleaned up quickly. It was almost time to leave for office.
<<set $hasHJ= false>>
I dressed up, collected the keys to my car and searched for Nicole but she was nowhere to be seen. She was probably sunbathing on our private beach at the back of the mansion. I started up my car and [[raced off to work.|Office]]
<<set $typeSmile= "little">>
<<set $loveNicole+=2>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<set $nomast= true>>
I controlled my urges with great effort. I did not have time for such frivolous things. I needed to get to work as soon as possible.
I took a refreshing shower. When I re-entered the bedroom, Nicole was not there anymore. She must have woken up. I picked out my best suit for work and proceeded downstairs.
Nicole was sitting on the sofa having her coffee. She was rocking a sports bra and yoga pants so she was probably going to the gym.
@@color:aquamarine;"I'll see you later in the evening, honey."@@ I told her with a kiss on her cheek.
She smiled at me and kissed my back. I collected the keys to my sports car and [[drove to work|Office]]
I raced through the streets as fast as I could to get to my office in time. I rushed in to the parking lot, parked my car haphazardly and sprinted up the steps.
As I entered the the office my assistant, Michaela, informed me that Marcus was already waiting inside. Marcus was the new star of the Stags. I walked in to see Marcus lounging on a chair in front of my desk.
@@color:lime;"Dude, I've got to shoot an underwear commercial after this. Hurry up, will you?"@@ he said.
<<if $hasHJ eq true>>
He must have noticed the satisfied smile on my face because he said, @@color:lime;"Getting some, were you?"@@
@@color:aquamarine;"Excuse me?"@@ I said.
@@color:lime;"Sex!"@@he said.
My expression must have confirmed his belief for he gave a chuckle and remarked, @@color:lime;"Don't worry mate. I've got no problem waiting for a man if he's getting action from his girl."@@
The dissapointment must have been apparent on my face because he said to me, @@color:lime;"Man, you look terrible. Looks like you've not had sex in months. You could seriously use some sex."@@
I was slightly embarrased by his remark.
I asked him to wait a while longer while I had a talk with my [[secretary.|SecrataryTalk]]As I drove on the busy streets that led to work I could not help but reminisce about what happened in the aftermath of the locker room tryst.
Somehow a video of our escapade found its way on to the internet. My public relations employees worked overtime to get it taken down as well as find out who had put it up. Within a few days , they tracked it down to the IP of a dude named Sam. We also found out that Sam had been Nicole's ex-boyfriend.
My legal team sued Sam into oblivion. We found out that Sam and Nicole had had a bad breakup and Nicole had made a raunchy sextape with me and sent it to him as revenge- a proof that she could have any man she wanted. Sam did not take this well and released the video on the web. Once we were done with this, I could not help but feel a bit of pity for Nicole. I could not believe that she had thought that sending a video of her having sex with someone else to her boyfriend was a good idea.
But boy, was the sex great! Whew! She was the best I had ever had and I decided I needed to track her down.
A red light at a junction disrupted my [[train of thought.|StoryP7]]I walked back to where Michaela sat. Michaela perusing some paperwork when I came in.
Michaela had been my assistant since I had opened the agency. She was a very dependable woman and had not taken a single day off till now. She was also heavily pregnant right now.
@@color:aquamarine;"You know you can opt for the maternity leave, right? You could just get me a temporary assistant and take the leave. When are you due, by the way?"@@ I asked pointing to her pregnant belly.
@@color:gold;"Sir, nobody knows this business like I do. I'll work as long as I can. The baby is due in about a month from now."@@ she replied.
@@color:aquamarine;"Where are the papers that we prepared for Marcus?"@@ I asked.
@@color:gold;"I have them on my system. Should I get them printed?"@@ she asked.
@@color:aquamarine;"Send them over to the printer in my room. I'll prepare the file. I don't want you running around in your condition. I'll be in my office."@@ I told her.
@@color:gold;"Got it."@@ she said
I returned to Marcus to get him to [[sign the papers|MarcusEarly]]As soon as the traffic light turned green, I stepped on the gas and sped off, resuming my trip down memory lane.
I contacted the organizers to get her contact details and called her up as soon as possible. I asked her out on a date. She readily agreed. Maybe I was the best sex she had too! The first date led to the second and second led to many more. Soon we were in love. I had to hide this from the media as she did not want her parents to know yet.
She accompanied me during season break on vacation to Europe. After a romantic night out in Paris, I proposed to her. I did not expect her to say yes, but she did. When we returned, she introduced me to her family as her fiance. Her father was a well renowned lawyer and a racist bastard to boot. He tried to talk Nicole out of marrying me because for some reason he could not see his daughter marrying a black guy. When he failed in his attempt to sabotage our engagement, he made sure that our marriage papers included a huge prenup agreement that ensured that I lost a lot of money in the event of a divorce. This was in no small part a reason for me trying to save our marriage.
We got married in a small private ceremony. It was all very simple for a while. Basketball. Sex. Repeat. Then the injury happened- the kind of injury that prevents you from ever playing sport again. I was released from my professional contract and stayed in the hospital for the better part of the year. When the hospital released me Nicole stayed home with me and took care of me herself.
My injury made me appreciate the fact that I had not taken my education lightly. I had a business degree that I put to use as soon as I was fit enough. I opened my own sports agency to represent players. It was difficult to be taken seriously at first but my background as a former player helped me draw in a few stars. I had immersed myself in the business and hence was spending very little time with Nicole. Today , Marcus, the new star, of the Stags was going to sign with me as his agent.
I pulled into the parking as I finished the though and parked the car [[immaculately.|OfficeEarly]]<<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=10>>
Marcus was built almost the same way as I had been during my playing days. He had the looks of a movie star to go alongwith it and so he received countless offers for shooting commercials. Persuading Marcus to sign for me had probably been the best business I had ever done. The dude was a gold mine but he was not the brightest.
@@color:aquamarine;"The papers are all ready."@@ I said as I handed him the freshly printed file.
He did not even give it a glance. He took an expensive pen out of his shirt pocket and wrote out his signature in a childish handwriting.
@@color:aquamarine;"Congratulations!"@@ I said, shaking hands with him, @@color:aquamarine;"As your new manager I guess it's my duty to tell you that you should read any document before you put your signature on them. 'Coz if you didn't realize you are worth millions of dollars!"@@
@@color:lime;"Will do."@@ he said casually, @@color:lime;"So are we done here? May I leave?"@@
He was already halfway out of the door before I even said yes. I heard him bid adieu to Michaela as he walked away with a swagger that I had possessed [[not so long ago.|Boring1]]I walked up the steps to my office. My assistant Michaela had already arrived was rifling through some paperwork when I came in.
@@color:aquamarine;"Good morning, Michaela."@@ I wished her.
@@color:gold;"Good morning, sir."@@ she wished me back.
Michaela had been my assistant since I had opened the agency. She was a very dependable woman and had not taken a single day off. She was also heavily pregnant right now.
@@color:aquamarine;"You know you can opt for the maternity leave, right? You could just get me a temporary assistant and take the leave. When are you due, by the way?"@@ I asked pointing to her pregnant belly.
@@color:gold;"Sir, nobody knows this business like I do. I'll work as long as I can. The baby is due in about a month from now."@@ she replied.
@@color:aquamarine;"Any news as to when Marcus will be coming in?"@@ I asked.
@@color:gold;"He called in earlier to say that he was shooting a commercial and would be a little late. His papers are ready should I get them printed?"@@ she asked.
@@color:aquamarine;"Send them over to the printer in my room. I'll prepare the file. I don't want you running around in your condition. I'll be in my office. Send Marcus in when he arrives."@@ I told her.
@@color:gold;"Got it."@@ she said
I headed to my personal office and got the papers sorted out. I sat on the desk waiting for [[Marcus to arrive.|MarcusLate]]This is my office. It currently has a desk made of polished wood upon which rests a desktop. Beside the monitor is a photo of me and Nicole on our wedding day. On one wall there is a trophy cabinet. The many trophies that I have won over the course of my short but eventful playing career are featured prominently here. Chief among those are the young player of the year and the most valuable player in the championship winning season. A photo on the wall depicts the squad of the Stags that season. There is a small bathroom on the other side of the room.
Outside the door to my personal cabin is my secretary's desk. There is a sofa opposite the secretary's desk for players waiting to meet me. Beyond that are the cubicles for my other employess and interns.
<<if $timeofDay%5 eq 3>>
<<print "\n">>
[[Waste Time]]
<<elseif $timeofDay%5 eq 4>>
[[Go Home|Home]]
<</if>><<set $timeofDay+=1>>
There was not much work left today that required my active participation so I allowed myself the luxury of remembering what had been the consequences of my locker room romp with Nicole.
Somehow a video of our escapade found its way on to the internet. My public relations employees worked overtime to get it taken down as well as find out who had put it up. Within a few days , they tracked it down to the IP of a dude named Sam. We also found out that Sam had been Nicole's ex-boyfriend.
My legal team sued Sam into oblivion. We found out that Sam and Nicole had had a bad breakup and Nicole had made a raunchy sextape with me and sent it to him as revenge- a proof that she could have any man she wanted. Sam did not take this well and released the video on the web. Once we were done with this, I could not help but feel a bit of pity for Nicole. I could not believe that she had thought that sending a video of her having sex with someone else to her boyfriend was a good idea.
But boy, was the sex great! Whew! She was the best I had ever had and I decided I needed to track her down.
A phone call disrupted my [[train of thought.|Office]]<<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=10>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
Marcus came in a full two hours late grinning from ear to ear.
@@color:lime;"Sorry Mister T., I was banging the intern over at the underwear commercial. That's why I got late."@@ he announced to me.
I asked him to take a seat. Marcus was built almost the same way as I had been during my playing days. He had the looks of a movie star to go alongwith it and so he received countless offers for shooting commercials. Persuading Marcus to sign for me had probably been the best business I had ever done. The dude was a gold mine but he was not the brightest.
@@color:lime;"The papers are all ready."@@ I said as I handed him the file.
He did not even give it a glance. He took an expensive pen out of his shirt pocket and wrote out his signature in a childish handwriting.
@@color:aquamarine;"Congratulations!"@@ I said, shaking hands with him, @@color:aquamarine;"As your new manager I guess it's my duty to tell you that you should read any document before you put your signature on them. 'Coz if you didn't realize you are worth millions of dollars!"@@
@@color:lime;"Will do."@@ he said casually, @@color:lime;"So are we done here? May I leave?"@@
He was already halfway out of the door before I even said yes. I heard him bid adieu to Michaela as he walked away with a swagger that I had possessed not [[long ago.|Office]]
Once I was done with the call I reverted back to my thoughts.
I contacted the organizers to get her contact details and called her up as soon as possible. I asked her out on a date. She readily agreed. Maybe I was the best sex she had too! The first date led to the second and second led to many more. Soon we were in love. I had to hide this from the media as she did not want her parents to know yet.
She accompanied me during season break on vacation to Europe. After a romantic night out in Paris, I proposed to her. I did not expect her to say yes, but she did. When we returned, she introduced me to her family as her fiance. Her father was a well renowned lawyer and a racist bastard to boot. He tried to talk Nicole out of marrying me because for some reason he could not see his daughter marrying a black guy. When he failed in his attempt to sabotage our engagement, he made sure that our marriage papers included a huge prenup agreement that ensured that I lost a lot of money in the event of a divorce. This was in no small part a reason for me trying to save our marriage.
We got married in a small private ceremony. It was all very simple for a while. Basketball. Sex. Repeat. Then the injury happened- the kind of injury that prevents you from ever playing sport again. I was released from my professional contract and stayed in the hospital for the better part of the year. When the hospital released me Nicole stayed home with me and took care of me herself.
My injury made me appreciate the fact that I had not taken my education lightly. I had a business degree that I put to use as soon as I was fit enough. I opened my own sports agency to represent players. It was difficult to be taken seriously at first but my background as a former player helped me draw in a few stars. I had immersed myself in the business and hence was spending very little time with Nicole. Today , Marcus, the new star, of the Stags had signed with me as his agent.
As I completed the thought, I realized that I should try to get home early.I decided that I should get something for Nicole today. It had been a long time since I had treated her to something. What should I get her?
[[I should get her food from her favourite takeout place.|Food]]<<print "\n">>
[[I should get her flowers.|Flowers]]There was not much work left today that required my active participation and I sat in my office reading a few things absent mindedly. Soon, I was bored. I decided that I will leave for home early today.
I told Michaela that she could wrap up for the day and reminded her once more about the maternity leave and left. I decided that I should get something for Nicole today. It had been a long time since I had treated her to something. What should I get her?
[[I should get her food from her favourite takeout place.|Food]]<<print "\n">>
[[I should get her flowers.|Flowers]]Nicole's job requires her to be in perfect shape all the time and I could not be more glad that she puts so much effort into looking attractive. But I remember that she also loves a little junk food. A little cheat day won't do her any harm.
[[I'll get her pizza and diet coke|Pizza]]
<<print "\n">>
[[I'll get her Chinese and expensive wine|Chinese]]I do not remember ever getting Nicole flowers. I do not even know which flowers are her favourite. I should take a guess.
[[Get her roses|Roses]]
<<print "\n">>
[[Get her daisies|Daisises]]
<<print "\n">>
[[Get her azaleas|Azaleas]]<<silently>>
<<set $FoodType= "pizza">>
<<set $Food= true>>
I drove to Nicole's favourite pizzeria and got her favourite pepperoni with extra cheese and a couple of diet cokes. It had been a long time since I had had pizza too and the smell was wonderful. I paid the cashier, did not collect the change and raced off home to [[Nicole.|Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $FoodType= "Chinese">>
<<set $Food= true>>
I drove to Nicole's favourite Chinese restaurant and got her favourite noodles. It had been a long time since I had had Chinese too and the smell was wonderful. I paid the cashier, did not collect the change and bought a bottle of expensive wine enroute to home for [[Nicole.|Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $Flowers= true>>
<<set $typeFlowers= "roses">>
I got a bouquet of fresh roses hoping that they were the type of flowers that Nicole liked the most. I also got a box of chocolates and rushed [[home|Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $Flowers= true>>
<<set $typeFlowers= "daisies">>
I got a bouquet of fresh daisies hoping that they were the type of flowers that Nicole liked the most. I also got a box of chocolates and rushed [[home|Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $Flowers= true>>
<<set $typeFlowers= "azaleas">>
I got a bouquet of fresh azaleas hoping that they were the type of flowers that Nicole liked the most. I also got a box of chocolates and rushed [[home|Home]]I entered the mansion with the stuff hidden behind my back. Nicole was lounging on the sofa clad in a white cami top and daisy dukes watching something on the the television. She looked absolutely delectable and had we been doing any better than we were I would have stripped her of her clothes and eaten her out then and there. She gave me a $typeSmile smile when I walked in.
<<if $Flowers eq true>>
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Look what I got you."@@ I said.
I revealed the flowers I had behind my back. She squealed in delight and ran at me to hug me.
She held the flowers in her hands while taking a deep breath of their fragrance. She looked devotedly at me and asked,
@@color:hotpink;"What's the ocassion? You never get me flowers. How did you know that $typeFlowers were my favourite?"@@
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, I know you and I took a guess."@@ I said.
@@color:hotpink;"Ah, my Romeo is back. Anyway, dinner is ready. Let's have dinner first."@@ she said.
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
<<set $Energy+=10>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Hey babe, look what I got you."@@ I said revealing the bag of $FoodType from behind my back.
She looked delighted and had a look at the $FoodType before saying with a resigned smile, @@color:hotpink;"You know I love $FoodType but I can't have junk food Ty."@@
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, I was hoping we could take a cheat day together. We'll go to the gym together to sweat this out." I said with a grin.@@
@@color:hotpink;"Okay, but promise me you will love me even if I get fat."@@ We laughed together as we sat down to have dinner.
Nicole was very happy with what I had brought along. All throughout dinner she rubbed her foot along my legs while looking at me adoringly. When we are done she stands up, throws her bosom out and says naughtily,
@@color:hotpink;"If you help me clean up quick then I'll take a guess at what you like best."@@
By this time I can not keep it in my pants anymore but I help her clean up real quick. Once we are done I pick her up in my arms and carry her to the [[bedroom.|Bedroom]]<<silently>>
<<set $count_eat=1>>
I laid her down on the bed, undid the button on her shorts, roughly took them and her thong off and buried my face in her bare pussy. I did not usually perform cunilingus on Nicole but today I felt like giving her something more than just a rough fuck. Even though I was pretty inexperienced, I managed to make her scream with pleasure a couple of times. Her fingers gripped the sheets and her toes curled as I had my first experience of giving Nicole an orgasm with my tongue. I undressed while Nicole rode out her orgasm. I returned to the bed with only my tie.
@@color:aquamarine;"I want you to show me how desperately you want this cock."@@ I told her as I tied it like a blindfold over her eyes, depriving her of vision.
I laid on the bed with my erect cock in my hands. Nicole crawled over to me and tried to get hold of my cock with her hands but I moved it away and said authoritatively, @@color:aquamarine;"No! Use of hands isn't allowed."@@
She obediently folded her hands behind her back, stuck out her tongue and tried locating my dick. I moved it away everytime she got too close and the dissapointment was apparent on her face. I toyed with her for a little longer before letting her take my dick in her mouth. The tremedous feeling of having her soft lips wrapped on my shaft left me in no position to stop the groan that escaped me. I lost track of time as Nicole went at it hammer and tongs. She had come a long way from the teenager that had tried to take my dick in her throat on the first try. My dick was sliding comfortably down her throat as she slobbered over it, still without the aid of her hands. I was harder than I had ever been and needed to be inside her.
[[I picked her up and slammed her down on my cock.|SitOnCock]]
<<print "\n">>
[[I made her lie down and started fucking her in missionary.|Missionary]] <<silently>>
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
<<set $Energy-=50>>
<<set $SeXP+=5>>
I grabbed a condom from the bedside table, snapped it on, lifted Nicole and slammed her down on my cock. It was finally happening. Nicole was bouncing up and down on the dick as if nothing had changed. Nicole was intent on pleasing me herself so she shifted my hands from her waist to her boobs. She fucked herself on my dick while I fondled her breasts. The moans of pleasure escaped her with wild abandon.
When she seemed to be running out of energy, I set to work again. I worked my hips furiously as I pumped into Nicole's pussy. The gods must have woken up, going by the number of times she called out to them. For the second time this night, Nicole's toes curled and eyes lost focus as she came. Unable to restrain orgasm anymore, I too came.
We took a quick bath to clean the sweat and the love juices from our bodies. We then lay on the bed spooning. The feeling of her soft butt was causing the blood to flood back into my flaccid penis but I was exhausted for tonight and she was talking to me about [[something.|DirtyTalk]]<<silently>>
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
<<set $Energy-=30>>
<<set $SeXP+=3>>
I grabbed a condom from the bedside table, snapped it on, pushed Nicole on to her back and slammed my cock into her. It was finally happening. I was pumping my cock up Nicole's pussy as if nothing had changed. Nicole raised a leg and I held onto her thigh as I pumped mercilessly into her. The moans of pleasure escaped her with wild abandon.
When I seemed to be running out of energy, she set to work. she propped herself on her hands and knees and pushed into me. The gods must have woken up, going by the number of times she called out to them. For the second time this night, Nicole's toes curled and eyes lost focus as she came. Unable to restrain orgasm anymore, I too came.
We took a quick bath to clean the sweat and the love juices from our bodies. We then lay on the bed spooning. The feeling of her soft butt was causing the blood to flood back into my flaccid penis but I was exhausted for tonight and she was talking to me about [[something.|DirtyTalk]]@@color:hotpink;"Why don't you ever talk during sex?"@@ she asked me.
@@color:aquamarine;"What's there to talk about? I am working so hard as it is, talking will just drain me of energy that can be put pumping into you. You are so pretty that not talking let's me concentrate so that I don't cum early."@@ I said sleepily, kissing her on the neck.
<<if $Energy lte 30>>
I could feel myself succumbing to the sensation of sleep and was failing miserably at resisting it a little longer.
@@color:hotpink;"I want ... ... ... ... ... ... during sex."@@ she was saying, @@color:hotpink;"Call me ... ... ... . The ... ... better. Call ... ... ... ... ... .... ... needs."@@
@@color:aquamarine;"You like that sort of thing, do you?"@@ I asked, barely managing to keep my eyes open.
[["Babe, you know I am not much of a talker during sex. Dirty talk ain't really my thing." I remembered saying the next day->NotoDT]]
I could feel myself succumbing to the sensation of sleep but resisted a little longer.
@@color:hotpink;"I want you to speak dirty to me during sex."@@ she was saying, @@color:hotpink;"Call me anything you want. The dirtier the better. Call me your slut, tell me how you are going to make me a slave of your $dick cock, call me a depraved whore who's only there to fulfill your needs."@@
@@color:aquamarine;"You like that sort of thing, do you?"@@ I asked, barely managing to keep my eyes open.
[["Alright if that is what you want then that is what I'll do from now on." I said.->YestoDT]]
<<print "\n">>
[["Babe, you know I am not much of a talker during sex. Dirty talk ain't really my thing." I said->NotoDT]]
<<set $dirtyTalk= true>>
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I felt her kiss me happily and look at me adoringly. Or she must have done because at this moment I slipped into the realm of [[dreamless sleep.|Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $dirtyTalk= false>>
<<set $loveNicole-=2>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I felt her kiss me sadly and look at me with a hint of dissapointment. Or she must have done because at this moment I slipped into the realm of [[dreamless sleep.|Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Loves Dirty Talk", "Enjoys Giving Blowjobs")>>
<<set $time+=1>>
<<set $loveNicole+=15>>
<<set $Energy=70>>
<<set $SeXP+=2>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I am dreaming that Nicole is giving me a very sloppy blowjob. Her rosy cheeks are hollowing out with the effort she is putting in. I can feel the saliva rolling from her tongue onto my dick and trickle down onto my midriff. Or can I? Am I not just dreaming?
My eyes open and they open wide. Nicole is blowing me just as I had been dreaming. There is something inherently sexy about a girl who does not have to be asked to give head. I had had girlfriends before who I had to beg to give me a blowjob. Not Nicole. She just loved having a cock in her mouth- my cock. They say that the not so pretty girls make more effort to please their man. That is not what I had seen with Nicole. Nicole made even the tens I had fucked look like fives. And when she had my dick in my mouth she was a fifteen and they were twos. What had I done to deserve a girl like Nicole?
I remember that I had promised to talk dirty to her when we fucked. This was as good a time to start as any.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, if it isn't my little slut, Nicole. You like fucking your little whore mouth with my $dick dick, don't you?"@@ I said, in what I hoped was a menacing tone.
@@color:hotpink;"Yes!"@@ she whimpered back. She winked at me to indicate that I was doing well too. I had never done this before but it seemed pretty enjoyable and going by Nicole's reaction, I was a natural at it too.
@@color:aquamarine;"Yeah, bitch, suck on it like it's a lollipop. If you work hard enough I'll reward you with cum!"@@ I continued my babysteps into the territory of dirty talk. One of Nicole's hand relinquished its grip on my cock and made its way to her pussy. I heard wet sounds as she massaged it while giving head. Had she gone wet just by hearing me talk like this?
I remembered how much Nicole had enjoyed deepthroating me the first time we fucked. I hadn't dared to do that again. Maybe it was time to go one step further?
@@color:aquamarine;"You want to gag on that big cock, slut? Do you want it down your throat?"@@
@@color:hotpink;"Ye-"@@ she began to say but never finished because I had pushed her head straight down on my dick. She gagged, saliva frothed at her mouth but she did not stop massaging her pussy. I felt her going rigid and realized that she was cumming. A few dirty words and a relentless throat-fuck was all it took.
<<set $count_deepthroat+= 1>>
@@color:aquamarine;"That's a good little bitch. You want my seed don't you. Beg for it?"@@ I said releasing her from the brutal face fuck
@@color:hotpink;"Yaaas"@@ she gasped, @@color:hotpink;"Give it to me. Paint my whore face with your cum!"@@
I was already on the edge and her pleading tone pushed me right off it. I shot about two human equivalents of cum straight into Nicole's face, uncontrollably.
I looked at her as she lay with a pleased expression and my cum on her face while a finger in her mouth fed it to her. Nicole, my wife, the cover girl of the swimsuit edition of 'The Model Life' lay on the bed looking the most satisfied I had ever seen her, with my cum plastered over her face.
@@color:hotpink;"Looks like someone has a dirty talking school in their dreamland. Zero to advanced in one night."@@ she giggled.
@@color:aquamarine;"I'd do anything for you, love."@@ I said as I went in to the bathroom, ready to leave for a [[perfect day at work.|Home]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Enjoys Giving Blowjobs")>>
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
<<set $Energy=80>>
I am dreaming that Nicole is giving me a very sloppy blowjob. Her rosy cheeks are hollowing out with the effort she is putting in. I can feel the saliva rolling from her tongue onto my dick and trickle down onto my midriff. Or can I? Am I not just dreaming?
My eyes open and they open wide. Nicole is blowing me just as I had been dreaming. There is something inherently sexy about a girl who does not have to be asked to give head. I had had girlfriends before who I had to be beg to give me a blowjob. Not Nicole. She just loved having a cock in her mouth- my cock. They say that the not so pretty girls make more effort to please their man. That is not what I had seen with Nicole. Nicole made even the tens I had fucked look like fives. And when she had my dick in my mouth she was a fifteen and they were twos. What had I done to deserve a girl like Nicole?
@@color:hotpink;"You did most of the work last night yourself so I thought I'd reward you today. Lay back and enjoy!"@@ she said matter-of-factly.
One of Nicole's hand relinquished its grip on my cock and made its way to her pussy. She massaged her pussy while giving head.
@@color:hotpink;"Cum for me, baby!" she gasped as she lay down,"Give it to me. Paint my perfect tits with your cum!"@@
I was already on the edge and her pleading tone pushed me right off it. I shot about two human equivalents of cum straight onto Nicole's breasts, uncontrollably.
I looked at her as she lay with a pleased expression and my cum on her boobs while a finger in her mouth fed it to her. Nicole, my wife, the cover girl of the swimsuit edition of 'The Model Life' lay on the bed looking the most satisfied I had ever seen her, with my cum plastered over her tits.
<<if $GonnaHJ neq -1>>
@@color:hotpink;"Well, it's better than the pearl necklace you got me on our anniversary."@@ she giggled.
I kissed her and went in to the bathroom, ready to leave for a [[perfect day at work.|Home]]
@@color:hotpink;"Two days in a row, huh? Love cumming on my tits, do you?"@@
@@color:aquamarine;"I'd love to cum anywhere for you, babe."@@
I said, kissed her and went in to the bathroom, ready to leave for a [[perfect day at work.|Home]]
I grinned my way happily to the office. Michaela was once again sitting at her table, humming a tune I faintly recognized while going through some documents. I greeted her the very best of mornings. She was not used to seeing me in such high spirits and looked understandably surprised at the change.
I set about my own work, replaying the happy memories I had created over the past week. It seemed like Nicole and I were going to be fine after all. Nothing could ruin this day.
A very faint sound disturbed my happy thoughts.
@@color:gold;"Sir!"@@ it called again. I looked around and realized it was Michaela's voice. She was leaning against the door of my office holding her belly, her face screwed up in palpable discomfort.
@@color:gold;"Sir, I think my water just broke."@@ she groaned. She seemed to be in a lot of pain.
@@color:aquamarine;"But you told me just a few days back that it wasn't due until next month!"@@ I said incredulously. Well done, Ty! A woman goes into labour and your first instinct is to question what she had said days before.
@@color:aquamarine;"Don't worry, I'll get you to your hospital."@@ I helped her to walk to my car and we drove off at breakneck speed to [[Drake Ramoray Memorial Hospital.|Hospital]]<<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=20>>
I sat alone outside the delivery room. We had reached just in time. I had handled all the paperwork and called up Michaela's boyfriend to inform him. He was inside, holding her hand while she tried to squeeze another human-being from within her.
I had told her to take her maternity leave. But no, she wanted to work 'as long as she could'. This fiasco could have been avoided had she only listened to me. I heard myself say it in my head and immediately regretted it. It would not have been possible for me to sign Marcus without her help and experience. It was mighty ungrateful of me to say what I did, even if it had been in my head. Her home was even further away than the office and she would have been alone there. In that circumstance, she would probably lost the baby. This made me instantly glad that I had not forced her to take her maternity leave earlier. I also realized that I paid her a pittance of a salary and decided that I would give her a raise when she rejoined after her maternity leave.
A couple of hours later, her boyfriend asked me to enter the room. I walked in to see Michaela holding a baby boy in her arms. She looked very tired but when I entered she gave me a smile.
@@color:royalblue;"We decided to call him Tyler, after you of course. Thank you, I don't know what would have happened had it not been for you."@@ her boyfriend said as he hugged me. I patted him lightly on the back, unsure what else to do.
I then approached the bed to see the baby that they had named after me. He was sleeping soundly in Michaela's arms.
@@color:aquamarine;"Congratulations, Michaela. I hope you will take your maternity leave now. The job will be waiting for you until you return- alongwith a raise."@@ I said happily and [[left.|NicoleatWork]] <<silently>>
<<set $exhi=1>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
There was no point in going back to work so I decided to visit Nicole at work. She was supposed to be doing a lingerie shoot for 'Matilda's Secret', a very popular undergarment company for women. She had been elated at having gotten the job and she had been following rigorous dieting regime in preparation for today's shoot. She had been modelling since we had gotten married and was one of the most sought after model in these parts.
The security let me in without a fuss. Being an ex-basketball player had its benefits sometimes. I entered into the studio. People were running around as if the place was on fire. It was not difficult to locate where Nicole was. I walked to the place which was generating the most ruckus. Instructions were being yelled at through megaphones. In front of a white screen stood my breathtakingly beautiful wife.
Her platinum blonde hair cascaded down in luxurious locks and she was wearing minimal makeup. She was decked in black shear lingerie. The bra's cloth just thick enough to mask her nipples while the panties covered just enough of her crotch. The rest of it was just strings keeping it from falling. She was wearing black stockings held up by a garter belt and four inch black heels to match with it. It perfectly accentuated her figure and made her look so sexy that I felt something stir in my pants. Had it not been for the nearly hundred people around I would have jumped Nicole's bones then and there. She posed as per the director's instructions and they clicked a few pictures of her from various angles.
These pictures would be published in a while and men all over the world will be jerking off thinking about how she must feel. But the honour of actually making her writhe in bed (and not just in bed) was mine.
@@color:tan;"Change!"@@ the director shouted and an intern rushed in with a new pair. Nicole nonchalantly turned her back to the cameras, stripped off the old pair and put the new ones one. They shot pictures of each piece she wore and this continued for about five more pieces. Finally, the director yelled that it was over and Nicole was handed a pink satin robe.
I descended from the viewing area. Nicole saw me coming and came and gave me a kiss. Well, if kissing your husband in front of a hundred people and five cameras is not a sign of a marriage going well, I do not know what is.
@@color:hotpink;"See anything you like?"@@ she asked brightly.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, they are covered now, aren't they?"@@ I replied smiling widely.
@@color:hotpink;"Well I saw you eyeing me hornily when I was in that black lace set. Would you like to see me in it?"@@ she asked and when I nodded she turned to the director who was walking around supervising the packup saying,@@color:hotpink;"Pierre, I am taking the black one. The hubby would like to see more of me in it."@@
Pierre was a dimunitive, middle-aged man. He looked at me when Nicole was talking and looked alarmed for some reason. Nicole took his silence for approval and took the set and put her arm in mine as we walked out.
@@color:hotpink;"So, what's new with my favourite sports agent? To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?"@@ she asked as we walked towards my car.
I told her about Michaela's water breaking, me taking her to the hospital and them naming the kid after me.
@@color:hotpink;"I guess congratulations are in order for the hero of the day. Tell you what, why don't I blow you while you take us home?"@@ she said smacking her luscious red lips.
I thanked my lucky stars that I had found someone as hot and liberated as Nicole while taking the [[least crowded way home.|Home]]
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
<<set $Energy-=10>>
<<set $exhi+=1>>
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
I parked the car with some difficulty. Nicole shimmied out of the door, blew me a kiss and walked into the house. My legs were still numb. Adrenaline was coursing through me like a race horse. I could get used to this sort of treatment.
We could have been caught any number of times. The family on the van next to us could have seen us at the traffic lights. The police officer who had stopped us to check the papers for the car. The kids on the middle school bus must certainly have seen something when they passed by. But right now I could not care less. All that mattered was that I loved Nicole and [[she loved me.|RoleplaySec1]] <<silently>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Likes Mild Roleplay")>>
We had had dinner and were watching a sappy rom-com of Nicole's picking in our underwear. Nicole was wearing that lingerie that she had picked up from the shoot. I can not keep my eyes off her and I am glad for it because the movie is absolutely soporific.
@@color:hotpink;"We should try roleplay sometime, shouldn't we?"@@ she chimed when the protagonists were engaging in something of that sort on the screen.
@@color:aquamarine;"I am not that great at acting. Don't you remember that energy drink commercial that I was in just after we tied the knot?"@@ I said absentmindedly.
@@color:hotpink;"By the way, what is going to happen at the agency? Are you going to get a temp?"@@ she asked.
I thought about it for a while. I had no idea how I was going to get by without Michaela.
@@color:hotpink;"How about I work as your assistant until Michaela gets back? We can spend time together that way. I'll not take up any modelling gigs until she comes back."@@ she asked.
It was an absolutely preposterous idea, of course. It was indeed a good opportunity to spend time together. However, Nicole had no idea as to how the business was run but I did not have the heart to say no directly.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, it's not exactly an interesting job. You'll get bored."@@ I said.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh please, Mr. Tyler, I need this job badly. I'll do anything."@@ she said batting her eyelids and rubbing her hands on my crotch.
I finally got the hang of what she was trying to do, @@color:aquamarine;"Why don't you show me how far you are willing to go?"@@ I said like an [[interviewer in a porno.|RoleplaySec1.1]]
<<set $Energy=0>>
<<set $count_bareSex=1>>
<<set $loveNicole+=15>>
<<set $SeXP+=5>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Why don't we continue this interview in my office?"@@ I said and walked to my home office. I sat down on the chair and waited for Nicole to come in. She entered timidly, truly acting her part and then taking a seat.
@@color:aquamarine;"No. I will consider your interview only if you give it from here."@@ I said slapping my thighs menacingly.
She walked up to me hesitantly and sat on my lap. @@color:aquamarine;"So, why do you want this job so badly?"@@ I asked.
@@color:hotpink;"Sir, I have a huge student loan and I haven't been able to pay my rent for four months now. The landlord will kick me out if I don't pay him this month. Please sir, I will do anything to get the job!"@@ she said believably, not breaking character.
@@color:aquamarine;"Anything? Anything at all? How about this?"@@ I said as I rubbed her pussy through the fabric of her flimsy panties. She whimpered her consent and I continued to massage her. @@color:aquamarine;"Get down on your knees."@@ I said.
She pulled out my cock and gave the fakest of fake gasps but I was into it now and was not going to break character for anything. @@color:hotpink;"I can't. It's too big."@@ she said.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, no job for you then."@@ I said cruelly. She looked at me with pitiful eyes but not seeing a change in my stance did as she had been told to do. This was when it started getting a little unreal. Nicole had been hesitant until now but once she got the cock in her mouth, she started blowing me with an unbelievable gusto. Licking the tip, the balls, swallowing the length while fondling the balls. She stuck out her tongue and tapped the precum coated cock on it a few times while looking at me as if asking for my approval. @@color:aquamarine;"Yes, atta girl."@@ I said. She intentionally made gagging sounds even though I knew she could take much more of my length very easily. It was easy to pretend that she was inexperienced and it was kind of a turn on too.
I stood up leaving her in the kneeling pose, held her hair behind her and thrust my cock into her lips. @@color:aquamarine;"Show me how badly you want this job!"@@ I said, beginning a furious assault on her mouth. This time she really gagged.
@@color:aquamarine;"Get up on the desk!"@@ I ordered, clearing enough space for her. I had had enough blowjobs for a day. @@color:aquamarine;"Take those panties off."@@ I said, she obeyed. @@color:aquamarine;"Let those tits breathe too."@@ she heeded this order too. I parted her pussy lips saying, @@color:aquamarine;"Such a tiny pussy. I wonder if my dick will fit in there. Only one way to find out, I guess".@@ I slowly pushed the tip in. Nicole gave a pretend painful moan. @@color:hotpink;"Careful!"@@ she gasped.
Soon, Nicole abandoned all pretense that she was in pain and resisting it. The @@color:hotpink;"Oh, God!"@@
s emanating from her lips were enough to keep the neighbours awake for a second time in two days. Her perfect tits jiggled with every thrust while she twisted her nipples to heighten the pleasure.
@@color:aquamarine;"I am going to cum."@@ I announced and she slithered off the desk and presented her face for me to cum on. My third cumshot of the day was a little weak. Droplets of cum formed on Nicole's face.
@@color:hotpink;"So, did I get the job, sir?"@@ she asked me, her voice dripping with honey.
@@color:aquamarine;"It's yours. Until the next review."@@ I said wiping the sweat off my forehead while I dragged myself to bed, smiling inwardly at the look of incredulity on [[Nicole's face.|Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
The shrill alarm rings as the clock strikes seven. My practised hand shoots out from underneath the blanket and presses the off button. I am awake, in high spirits and raring to go. I look at Nicole today. Even she has an angelic smile on her face as she breathed lightly while asleep. If ever there was a girl who epitomised the saying 'an angel on the streets and a freak in the sheets' it was Nicole. The events of last week brought a smile to my lips.
I lightly kissed Nicole on the forehead. She stirred a little but did not wake up. She must be exhausted from all the incessant sex we had been having. It is best I let her sleep. I need to go to office today. It is going to be tough to handle everything without Michaela but I will have to [[manage.->Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=10>>
I got to the office early. I would have to look through the papers that Michaela was handling yesterday. They might need to be sorted out before I could embark on any new project. Terrence, the captain of the Stags when I won the championship with them, was going to visit today. He had retired from basketball and we had not had a talk in ages. I was looking forward to our interaction today.
A blonde woman, in a revealing white blouse and grey pencil skirt arrived while I was mumbling to myself. Michaela must have contacted the temp agency. The lady needs to relax about work sometimes.
@@color:aquamarine;"May I help you, miss?"@@ I asked her.
@@color:hotpink;"Yes, I was offered the secretary's job after an interview with you yesterday."@@ she said confidently. There was no mistaking that voice. It was Nicole. She had done up her hair differently. It was in a neat bun instead of the casual locks that usually adorned her face. She was wearing glasses too. I had thought that yesterday's roleplay had just been roleplay. I did not think for a second that she was serious about working as a secretary.
@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole, what are you doing here?"@@ I asked.
@@color:hotpink;"Well, you offered me the job yesterday, didn't you?"@@ she said.
@@color:aquamarine;"I thought that we were just roleplaying for sex."@@ I hissed. the interns were beginning to look upto see the source of the commotion.
@@color:hotpink;"The sex was just a bonus. There might be more coming your way if you play it right."@@ she winked. I looked at my stunning wife for a while before beginning to explain her responsibilities as [[secretary->Terrence]]She came in to my cabin with a bunch of sheets in her hands a while later. She was facing difficulties in understanding some of the calculations. Despite my education, I had taken a full month to fully comprehend this but Nicole did not have a college degree let alone any business knowledge. I could not blame her for not understanding this. I started explaining it to her. She sat down on my lap. I was slightly taken aback. I had seen Nicole become more open to displaying our love out in the open over the past few days. Maybe it was one of her ideas to return the spice to our sex lives.
I was amazed at how quickly Nicole picked up the concepts. It seems that I should let Nicole stay on as secretary. Perhaps, I can have some fun along the way too. It was at this moment that I realised that Nicole was looking at me with a burning passion in her eyes. Then she said the three words which any man would kill to hear from her.
@@color:hotpink;"Fuck my mouth!"@@ she said, kissing me.
[["We'll have sex as soon as we get home, babe." I say.->NormalMeet]]
<<print "\n">>
[["What are you waiting for? Get started." I say.->UndertheTable]]
<<set $exhi-=1>>
<<set $loveNicole-=5>>
<<set $SeXP-=1>>
<<set $Energy-=10>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
She seemed slightly dissapointed that I did not want a blowjob right now. Had we been alone I would have agreed to it in a hearbeat but she was talking about oral sex in broad daylight. What if someone walked in on us? I could not imagine the uproar it would cause. I am the boss here. I should be maintaining professionalism at the workplace. She left my office to return to her table hiding her face.
The phone rang and Nicole informed me that Terrence was waiting outside. I asked her to send him in. Terrence entered my cabin and we hugged like the old friends that we were.
@@color:peru;"Is that Nicole outside?"@@ he asked.
@@color:aquamarine;"Yup. My secretary is away on maternity leave and she offered to fill in until she gets back."@@ I replied.
We talked for a long time about our playing days. He lamented the fact that the Stags were not contenders anymore, losing every championship since I had been injured. I told him about Marcus appointing me as his agent and the Stags' improved chances this year. He talked to me about how he was opening a training facility to teach kids basketball and asked me if I could help him with a business model. I agreed and even offered to do it for free but he was having none of it. He insisted on paying my fee in full. We whiled away time until the evening drinking wine and discussing Marcus' stats for this season.
@@color:peru;"It was nice seeing you once again, Tyler."@@ he said, ready to leave. I led him out. He stopped at Nicole's desk and told her,
@@color:peru;"Ty seems the happiest that I remember seeing him and a lot must be down to you. Take care of this guy, Nicole. There aren't many guys like him out there."@@ he said.
Nicole seemed very happy at having received praise and replied that she was doing her best. I saw him off, sorted out a few pending matters and decided to take Nicole out for [[dinner|BlueLobster]]<<silently>>
<<if not $traits.nic.includes("Enjoys Giving Blowjobs")>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Enjoys Giving Blowjobs")>>
<<set $exhi+=1>>
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
<<set $Energy-=15>>
<<set $blow= true>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
She was delighted by how dominantly I answered her. She kneeled down in front of my chair and took out my flaccid cock.
@@color:hotpink;"Is this dress not sexy enough? Should I pop another button? Yeah, I think I'll do that. I should let my puppies breathe."@@ she said as she kissed the tip and undid a few buttons on her already low-cut blouse.
@@color:aquamarine;"Less talking and more sucking if you want to keep the job, Ms. Nicole!"@@ I said.
She looked positively tittilated at the roleplay from the previous night being extended. She started licking and sucking the tip. Slowly but surely under her ministrations my cock grew to its enormous size.
@@color:tan;"Sir, there is a Mr.Terrence waiting outside to meet you. He says he has an appointment."@@ one of the interns informed me with a knock on the door.
Any other girl would have been alarmed at the prospect of being seen with a dick in her mouth. She merely shifted her position so that she was blowing me from under my desk so that she was not visible from the other side.
@@color:aquamarine;"What are you doing? Someone will see us."@@ I hissed at her. She just shrugged as if to indicate she could not care less.@@color:aquamarine;"Ask him to come in."@@ I called out to the intern. The intern looked at me as though doubting my sanity for talking to myself but followed up on my instructions nevertheless.
Terrence entered my cabin and he looked like he wanted us to hug like we did during our playing days. But I could hardly move with my dick in Nicole's mouth lest I reveal my nudity.
He talked for a while about our playing days. He lamented the fact that the Stags were not contenders anymore, losing every championship since I had been injured. I could hardly think let alone make intelligible conversation but I managed to tell him about Marcus appointing me as his agent and the Stags' improved chances this year. He talked to me about how he was opening a training facility to teach kids basketball and asked me if I could help him with a business model. I agreed and even offered to do it for free but he was having none of it. He insisted on paying my fee in full. Not for one moment during the conversation did Nicole allow my cock to leave her mouth.
@@color:peru;"How's Nicole? Haven't seen her in a long time."@@ Terrence said.
@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole has joined as my temporary secretary. Her hands are a little full at the moment."@@ I said. More like her mouth is full at the moment, I thought to myself.
@@color:aquamarine;"Oh my God..."@@ I gasped as Nicole did one of her trademark tongue flicks that caused me to almost cum. I composed myself and told Terrence that it was because of an incorrect filing made by an intern. He did not look particularly convinced.
@@color:peru;"Are you okay, Tyler? You are sweating uncontollably."@@ he said.
@@color:aquamarine;"I forgot my medication in the morning so I am in a little discomfort."@@ I managed to say as I felt Nicole suppress a giggle at the effect she was having on me.
@@color:peru;"I guess I should leave then. It was nice seeing you once again, Tyler."@@ he said, ready to leave.
@@color:peru;"You seem happier than I remember ever seeing you and a lot must be down to Nicole. She is taking care of you well, I hope."@@ he winked at me. I realized watching him leave that he must have figured out what was happening. But I did not have time to dwell on it.
[[I came violently in Nicole's mouth->CumNicMouth]]
<<print "\n">>
[[I asked Nicole to deepthroat me->NicDeepthroat]]<<silently>>
<<set $Energy+=10>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
We reached the Blue Lobster but there were no tables available. Oh, did I say there were no tables available? I meant for common people. Being an ex-basketball player married to a famous lingerie model has its advantages. Soon, we were seated in a private booth.
<<if $exhi neq 3>>
<<set $bore= true>>
We ordered and ate the day's specials. Once finished, we were talking about how our sex life seemed to be changing. She reminded me about the promise I had made her at the office.
I promised to eat her out once we got home. She said she wanted cock and not just to be eaten out. I agreed to the [[proposition.|BoringSex]]
<<elseif $exhi eq 3>>
We ordered and ate the day's specials. Once finished, we were talking about how our sex life seemed to be changing.
@@color:hotpink;"I never knew how much I enjoyed sex outside the bedroom. The fear of getting seen gives me a thrill. I'd like to try something more adventurous, babe."@@ she told me.
I have no clue what she means by this and I tell her that.
@@color:hotpink;"For a start, why don't we make love on the balcony tonight?"@@ she said mischievously.
[["I want to restrict our sex lives to the bedroom."|BoringSex]]
<<print "\n">>
[["I'd be totally into that!"|BalconySex]]
<<set $Energy-=10>>
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
It happened almost instantaneously. Terrence closed the door behind him and hot cum spewed forth from my penis into Nicole's welcoming mouth. She lapped it up as if it were some sort of elixir.
@@color:aquamarine;"That was amazing."@@ I told her.
@@color:hotpink;"So, I can keep the job?"@@ she asked innocently.
I had forgotten that we were roleplaying.
@@color:aquamarine;"Yes, you can. As a matter of fact, you have earned yourself a raise."@@ I told her. She was about to leave for the washroom in the cabin.
@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole! How about we have dinner at the Blue Lobster today?"@@ I asked.
@@color:hotpink;"I'll take twenty minutes to get ready then."@@ she said. And she 'was' all clean and dolled up in twenty minutes. She had freed her hair from the clip and it was the way I liked it, cascading around her pretty face. She was wearing a little black dress that she had brought to work for some reason that was not apparent to me.
@@color:hotpink;"Shall we leave then?"@@ she asked me as I admired her [[beauty.->BlueLobster]]<<silently>>
<<set $count_deepthroat+=1>>
<<if $count_deepthroat eq 3>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Enjoys Deepthroating Big Cocks")>>
<<set $traits.ty.push("Enjoys Getting Deepthroated")>>
<<set $drink_cum+= 1>>
<<set $Energy-=15>>
<<set $SeXP+=3>>
As soon as Terrence left I locked the door behind him. Nicole was already lying on my table, her head hanging off the edge. I grabbed her head with both my hands and slid the entire length of my massive cock into her throat. The long blowjob had the shaft lubricated with saliva and it slid in with easy. Nicole's skill at deepthroating meant that I was not going to last much longer.
Hot cum spewed forth from my penis into Nicole's welcoming mouth. She lapped it up as if it were some sort of elixir.
@@color:aquamarine;"That was amazing."@@ I told her.
@@color:hotpink;"So, I can keep the job?"@@ she asked innocently.
I had forgotten that we were roleplaying.
@@color:aquamarine;"Yes, you can. As a matter of fact, you have earned yourself a raise."@@ I told her. She was about to leave for the washroom in the cabin.
@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole! How about we have dinner at the Blue Lobster today?"@@ I asked.
@@color:hotpink;"I'll take twenty minutes to get ready then."@@ she said. And she 'was' all clean and dolled up in twenty minutes. She had freed her hair from the clip and it was the way I liked it, cascading around her pretty face. She was wearing a little black dress that she had brought to work for some reason that was not apparent to me.
@@color:hotpink;"Shall we leave then?"@@ she asked me as I admired her [[beauty.->BlueLobster]]<<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=40>>
<<set $exhi+=1>>
<<set $SeXP+=2>>
<<set $count_eat+=1>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Mild Exhibitionist")>>
<<set $loveNicole+=20>>
We were barely in through the door when Nicole started undressing me. Not one to be left behind I responded in kind, stripping her of the little black dress that she had been wearing. We made our way to the balcony adjoining our bedroom, kissing each other and clawing at our clothes. Nicole can pull off looking sexy and graceful at the same time in lingerie like no other woman can. One part of me wants to tear it off her and the other part wants to just admire her. But desire always overpowers admiration for me.
I undo the clasp of Nicole's bra and it pools at her feet. She is facing the railing with her boobs exposed. If any of the neighbours are awake and in their yard then they have a front seat view to Nicole's glorious tits. I take a nipple between the thumb and index finger of each finger and lightly twist it. Her arousal is evident because her nipples are as hard as pebbles. It seems Nicole has forgotten where she is or she simply does not care because she lets a loud, impassioned moan slip out her lips- the very same lips that had been wrapped around my cock not too long back.
I move further south, trailing a finger to enhance the sensation. I pull down her g-string. It is wet from her pussy juices. I show Nicole as I sniff her underwear and watch her blush furiously at how deep a breath I take. I part her ass cheeks to give me further access to her pussy. I start eating her out voraciously. She is sopping wet and dripping like a faucet.
[['Accidentally' lick her asshole while eating her out->Ass1]]
<<print "\n">>
[[Attempt to give her the pussy licking of a lifetime->Pussy1]] <<silently>>
<<set $count_ass=1>>
<<set $SeXP+=2>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Anal Virgin")>>
I had never been anywhere near Nicole's backdoor. I had always assumed that it was off limits even though we had never talked about this. But after all that had happened over the past few days I was feeling very adventurous so I thought I would give it a go. So, I gave a particularly long lick upwards during one of my tongue strokes. The reaction was instantaneous. I heard a sharp intake of breath as Nicole threw her head back in pleasure. When the sensation had subsided she turned to me blushing cutely. It was apparent she had enjoyed it. I mixed up my licks. I did not want the novelty of the occasional ass lick to wear off.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh God! Fuck me already! I can't take it anymore."@@ she screamed after she had cum twice due to the expertise of my tongue. I saw the lights switch on in a neighbour's apartment.
<<if $dirtyTalk eq true>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Beg for it, bitch."@@ I said remembering my promise to regale her with dirty talk.
@@color:hotpink;"Please, fuck my slut pussy. It is dying to feel your $dick dick stretching its insides."@@ she moaned.
I put on a condom, pushed my dick into her tight pussy and hammered at her insides. My throbbing cock pummeled her repeatedly hitting the back of the canal. I could feel her going delirious with pleasure. Her boobs oscillated periodically with my thrusts. One of her legs rested on the railing, the other on the balcony floor while the rest of her body leaned over. Had I been any unsure of my grip I would have been very concerned for her well being. She was cumming almost involuntarily and I could feel them draining her energy. Finally, her pussy gripped me so tightly that I was unable to postpone my orgasm any longer and flooded the condom with my cum.
Nicole was famished and her legs were still shaking from the multiple orgasms. I helped her clean herself up and laid her down on the bed. We prepared to go to sleep- naked. Because we did not even have the energy to pick out night clothes. She straddled me with great effort and gave me a pious kiss on the lips- as if to say thank you. Then she fell asleep without another movement. I felt the dreamless sleep coming to claim me [[too.->Home]] <<silently>>
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
<<set $bore= true>>
I mixed up my licks. Long ones followed by short ones, making it completely unpredictable for Nicole. Soon, she was writhing with pleasure. Pussy juice flowed incessantly down the inside of her thighs and I was drenched in it.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh God! Fuck me already! I can't take it anymore."@@ she screamed after she had cum twice due to the expertise of my tongue. I saw the lights switch on in a neighbour's apartment.
<<if $dirtyTalk eq true>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Beg for it, bitch."@@ I said remembering my promise to regale her with dirty talk.
@@color:hotpink;"Please, fuck my slut pussy. It is dying to feel your $dick dick stretching its insides."@@ she moaned.
I put on a condom, pushed my dick into her tight pussy and hammered at her insides. My throbbing cock pummeled her repeatedly hitting the back of the canal. I could feel her going delirious with pleasure. Her boobs oscillated periodically with my thrusts. One of her legs rested on the railing, the other on the balcony floor while the rest of her body leaned over. Had I been any unsure of my grip I would have been very concerned for her well being. She was cumming almost involuntarily and I could feel them draining her energy. Finally, her pussy gripped me so tightly that I was unable to postpone my orgasm any longer and flooded the condom with my cum.
Nicole was famished and her legs were still shaking from the multiple orgasms. I helped her clean herself up and laid her down on the bed. We prepared to go to sleep- naked. Because we did not even have the energy to pick out night clothes. She straddled me with great effort and gave me a pious kiss on the lips- as if to say thank you. Then she fell asleep without another movement. I felt the dreamless sleep coming to claim me [[too.->Home]] <<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=20>>
<<set $exhi=2>>
<<if $blow eq true>>
<<set $loveNicole-=5>>
<<set $SeXP-=1>>
We went home and made love for a third night in a row. We made sure that the both of us came once before wrapping up.It had been a tiring day and the two of us were exhausted. I had made Nicole cum but she did not seem particularly happy about my choice of venue. When she was beginning to feel drowsy she turned her back on me and dozed off. I think I should
<<if $bore eq true>>
<<print "reconsider">>
<<print "consider">>
if Nicole offers to be more adventurous in the future. The sex we had today was good but it was bland. Pretty vanilla. And Nicole did not like [[vanilla.->Home]]
<<set $Energy-=20>>
I am glad that Nicole and I had reverted to sharing our bodies with each other and not just the bed. I have never been happier and the change is all but visible. I am more productive at work. The clients are delighted with my newfound enthusiasm and it is infectious. The employees are working extra hard and we are getting a lot of job done for our clients.
Today, I had given Nicole an assignment to help her better understand the job. She finished early and I could see no reason for her to stay back at the office. So, I told her she could leave at midday.
I decided that I will surprise Nicole by getting home early after work. There is still sunshine. Nicole is probably sunbathing beside the pool. She has amazing taste in bikinis and I love to see her wearing them. I step on the gas just at the thought so I get to see her as early as possible.
I reach the mansion and park the car in the garage. Nicole's car is there too which means she has not gone shopping or to one of her friends'. I walk towards the swimming pool, fully expecting to see Nicole in a skimpy swimsuit.
The glimmering water in the pool seems to be mocking the crestfallen look on my face at not finding Nicole there. I walk into the house. Maybe she is watching another boring [[romantic comedy->AssTongue]]<<silently>>
<<set $count_ass+=1>>
But she was not there either. I walked upstairs to the bedroom. The sight which met my eyes when I opened the door was one to behold. Nicole, supporting herself on her knees and an elbow, ass raised high in the air, while she used the index finger of her other hand to penetrate her pristine butthole, unsuccesfully.
<<if $bore eq true>>
<<print "I had never been anywhere near Nicole's backdoor. I had always assumed that it was off limits even though we had never talked about this. But after all that had happened over the past few days I was feeling not particularly surprised.">>
<<print "Last night's ass licking seems to have given her anal fantasies.">>
She looked all hot and bothered at her repeated failures. Her hair was all dishevelled but it did not take away from her beauty at all. If anything, she looked hotter.
She looked at me as I opened the door and it was almost a plea for help.
[[Help her out. Use my tongue to penetrate her ass.->AssTongue2]]
<<print "\n">>
[[Help her orgasm but stay away from her ass.->OralSex]]<<silently>>
<<set $count_ass+=1>>
<<set $SeXP+=2>>
<<set $Energy-=15>>
<<set $count_eat+=1>>
<<set $loveNicole+=20>>
<<if $count_eat eq 3>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Loves to have her Holes Pleasured by A Tongue")>>
How can I refuse my wife this little pleasure? Also, I am quite excited at the prospect of having anal sex with Nicole in the future and by the reaction she has shown it seems a distinct possibility. I feel like I am investing in the future by performing this act on her.
I lay a hand on her ass. Her soft butt almost melts into my hand and I stretch her ass cheeks a bit. I ask Nicole to suck on my index finger so that it is coated in her saliva. I slowly start moving the finger around the orifice to relax her sphincter muscles. Slowly, it seems to be paying off. All this while, I have been rubbing her clit to take her mind off it. Her tight anus is almost sucking my finger in. But it is not time for that yet.
I shape my tongue so that it is narrow at the tip and give Nicole a small lick and then slide it in. It elicits a sharp intake of breath- sharper than yesterday's. But she is almost pushing back into me. She is moaning now. I guide one of her hands to the back of my head and allow her to set the pace. She moves my head back and forth as she fucks her ass with my tongue. Finally, she shoved my tongue right down her anal cavity as I buried my face. She writhed about slightly for a while and I realized she was cumming- her first anal orgasm. And if I had my way then certainly not her last.
[[Ask her to try to finger her asshole.|FingerAssN]]
<<print "\n">>
[[Finger her asshole.|FingerAss]]<<silently>>
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<set $Energy-=10>>
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
<<set $count_eat+=1>>
<<if $count_eat eq 3>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Loves to have her Pussy Pleasured by A Tongue")>>
<<if $count_ass eq 2>>
I had not enjoyed my previous anal encounter with Nicole and decided that I would give her the sexual relief she craved but not through the path she desired.
I did not find the prospect of anal sex all that appealing and decided that I would give her the sexual relief she craved but not through the path she desired.
I lay down on my back and asked her to sit on my face. She happily crawls over and squats over my face. The intoxicating smell of her pussy filled my nostrils as my tongue ventured out for a flavour. I penetrated her pussy with back and forth motions of my adroit tongue. I ate her out like it was the last meal that I was permitted. Nicole was bouncing up and down, willing my tongue to venture further up her vagina. A while later she came all over my face. She giggled at the surprised expressions it elicits from me and I cannot help but give a little chuckle. She begins to shift as if positioning herself to let me fuck her but I tell her, @@color:aquamarine;"Today is all about you, baby!"@@
She positively beams as I say the words and looks more than happy to let me continue pleasuring her. She appears to take more control now as she rubs her privates against my lips. She fondles her breasts, twists her nipples as she enjoys the sensation of taking control over my tongue. I am not quite sure how I feel about this. Maybe I will know whether I enjoy it or dislike it in the future.
Once satisfied, Nicole dismounts and lightly kisses me- tasting herself on my lips. She smacks her lips and gives me a little smile.
She returns refreshed from the bathroom and pulls on her clothes saying, @@color:hotpink;"You clean up quick. I'll get dinner ready. Though I doubt you will be hungry after all the pussy juice that you drank."@@ She giggled at her own joke, blew me a kiss that set the butterflies in my stomach free just like the very first time. I mentally high-fived myself for bagging such a hot chick as my [[wife.->Home]] <<silently>>
<<set $count_ass+=1>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
<<set $Energy-=10>>
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
<<if $count_ass gte 3>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Has Anal Fantasy")>>
<<set $traits.ty.push("Thinks He Will Like Anal Sex")>>
I tell Nicole to try fingering her ass now. Nicole looks like she wants me to try to do it but I tell her that since her fingers are smaller and thinner it will be easier. She seems to see the merit in my argument.
She sends her index finger over to her asshole once more and gives a surprised moan as it slides in without a hindrance. She starts toying with her ass- first with the tip of her fingers and then as she gains confidence the entire digit. I watch entranced as the woman I love masturbates anally for the first time. She has another surprised orgasm and looks raring to go another time.
I stop her. It is my turn now. She looks slightly concerned as I lather my finger in spit. She looks back in trepidation at the prospect of having my finger inside her ass. She need not have worried. It slides in with ease as the cavity adjusts to admit the increased girth. I set the slowest of paces as I pull Nicole into an upright position to kiss her. She moans into my mouth as I steadily accelerate. She does not last too long and cums once more as I stifle her moans with a kiss.
I let her go and she lies down- spent- on the sheets drenched with her pussy juice. She has a very satisfied smile on her face as she purrs a thank you. She blows me a kiss that sets the butterflies in my stomach free just like the very first time. I mentally high-five myself for bagging such a hot chick as my wife.
I let her relax today and prepare dinner. We have dinner and turn in for the night. I lie awake staring at the ceiling as I mentally congratulate myself on successfully introducing my wife to the wonders of anal [[pleasure.->Home]] <<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=15>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<if $count_ass gte 3>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Has Anal Fantasy")>>
<<set $traits.ty.push("Thinks He Will Like Anal Sex")>>
<</if>><<set $loveNicole+=5>>
I tell Nicole that I want to try fingering her ass now. She looks slightly concerned as I lather my finger in spit. She looks back in trepidation at the prospect of having my finger inside her ass. I feel her scrrew up her face at the large intrusion. It slides with a little difficulty as the cavity adjusts to admit the increased girth. I set the slowest of paces as I pull Nicole into an upright position to kiss her. She still seems to be in a slight discomfort but she moans into my mouth as I steadily accelerate. She does not last too long and cums once more as I stifle her moans with a kiss.
I let her go and she lies down- spent- on the sheets drenched with her pussy juice. She has a satisfied smile on her face as she purrs a thank you but says that she should have probably tried it herself first. She blows me a kiss that sets the butterflies in my stomach free just like the very first time. I mentally high-five myself for bagging such a hot chick as my wife.
I let her relax today and prepare dinner. We have dinner and turn in for the night. I lie awake staring at the ceiling as I mentally berate myself for causing her pain while introducing her to the wonders of anal [[pleasure.->Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=40>>
Today had been an awesome day at the office. Marcus had scored a record number of points. He had literally run rings around the rivals. And the match just happened to be against the Dragons, the title contenders. As soon as the match ended I began receiving endorsement offers from various companies. Nicole helped me out with a lot of the negotiations. We played hard ball a number of times with the company and did not back down until they agreed to our valuation of the endorsement. It is easy for a pretty blonde to convice sex deprived, old businessmen. Nicole ran rings around them just as Marcus had around the Dragons. Boy, the both of them were making me a ton of money.
It was getting late and I still needed to sort out the paperwork for a lot of the deals and Nicole had never worked such long hours so I let her go home. For a long time, the interns and I wrapped up the contract deals and sent them over to Marcus and the company for their approval. Finally, exhausted after a hard day at work I put on some soothing music as I drove back to my [[beautiful wife->DungeonPrincess]]<<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=60>>
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
<<set $loveNicole+=20>>
<<set $count_nic_sub=1>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
If ever I needed a drink, it was today. I was famished. I could not remember ever being this tired, even in my playing days. I pored myself some red wine and drank deeply. I would have offered Nicole some but I suspected she was asleep already. The house seemed so silent. I drank deeply from the glass and it rejuvenated me a little. Making such big deals calls for celebrations but Nicole is probably resting and I should turn in too. I walk upstairs to our bedroom and for a while the scene has me confused.
Nicole is lying on the bed but her arms and legs are all tied up- naked, her ass raised in a fashion similar to yesterday's. A soft humming noise emanating from her pussy as she struggles lightly against her restrains. I struggle to make sense of the situation. We have not been robbed. I cannot figure out whether the culprit is still here so I do not make a move yet. All the valuables are still in the house, I see. I cast an eye about the room and see an envelope on the floor. It has Nicole's handwriting on it. I pick it up and it is addressed to:
@@color:hotpink;"The dark knight that has arrived to save me, the princess of dreams."@@
I open it and read the message: @@color:hotpink;"The dragon lord has kidnapped me from my kingdom and has threatened me that he will only free me if I agree to marry him. I have given you my heart and soul already, O dark knight. Release me and take me home... unless of course, you want to claim the TREASURE first."@@ It ends with a winky and a kiss smiley and I finally piece it together. Roleplay. She is roleplaying and wants me to play along.
This goes some distance to alleviating my concerns. However, the fact that she would go to such lengths is slightly concerning. The restrains look tight and they might me cutting into her skin.
@@color:aquamarine;"Baby, these ropes will hurt you. Let's get you out."@@ I say looking concerned.
Nicole stops her fake sobbing and giggles, @@color:hotpink;"These are elastic, stupid, and lined with cotton on the inside. Now get into character."@@
I touch the ropes and they are just the way she said. I need not have been concerned. This has already made me forget how tired I felt. I do as she tells me.
@@color:aquamarine;"Princess, your help has arrived!"@@ I announce regally.
@@color:hotpink;"Thank god, good knight. Now free me of the restrains and take me home."@@ she said sweetly.
@@color:aquamarine;"I was promised a treasure in return for your rescue."@@ I said.
@@color:hotpink;"What do you have in mind, dear knight? My father has riches of all kinds of gems and coin. He will reward you well for being my saviour."@@ she was going to beat about the bush, was she?
@@color:aquamarine;"That's not exactly what I had in mind."@@ I say.
@@color:hotpink;"What did you have in mind, my brave knight?"@@ she says with an almost virginal innocence. God, this is going to be so much fun!
@@color:aquamarine;"Well you are a fair maiden and I haven't been able to quench my desires on this mission. Let me fuck you and I will free you in return."@@ I suggested.
A pause. The smallest one possible before she said, @@color:hotpink;"Alright, but be careful with me."@@ Her desire was very apparent now and she was running into problems in keeping up the virginal facade.
@@color:aquamarine;"Open your mouth wide, princess. My manhood needs to be ready before I can fuck you."@@ I say and she obeys. I start slowly but she starts sucking like a pro. It is clear that as far as she is concerned she wants to get fucked as soon as possible. But, I am enjoying teasing her, drawing this out.
@@color:aquamarine;"For a virgin, you suck better than the whores at the riverside inn."@@ I tell her. She giggles at how deep I am getting 'in character'. She is drooling over my cock and it is slathered with her spit. My cock was getting heated from the blowjob and the hot blood coursing through the veins.
@@color:hotpink;"My good knight, please take my maidenhood."@@ she says. It is all the invitation I need. Then she sees me searching for a condom and says, @@color:hotpink;"You do not need such devices, my dark knight. My queen mother gave me a potion so that your seed does not take hold within my womb."@@ hinting at the contraceptives on the bedside table.
I taste her and enjoy it as much as the first time I did. She is already wet. Perhaps the scenario appeals to her so much that she is naturally aroused. I position myself over her exposed pussy and slide the head in. She moans a little and begs me to fuck her, all pretense of a cultured princess abandoned. I slide my entire length into her and it fits me like a glove. Cross that out, will you? Her pussy fits me like the sheath fits the sword. I set a manic pace and she starts moaning as pleasure starts to take hold of her.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Has Anal Fantasy")>>
<<set $count_ass+=1>>
I rub my thumb over her asshole as I continue to fuck her and as her asshole relaxes I push my thumb in lightly. She gasps and looks back saying, @@color:hotpink;"My knight, today is not the day I give you the pleasure of fucking my other hole. I promise that the future may bring you that joy."@@
I was not planning on fucking her ass with my dick but I appreciate her honesty anyway. It also reinforces my belief that she wants to try anal someday.
I am indulging her fantasies and she is so aroused that she is unable to resist her orgasms. I have given Nicole multiple orgasms through vaginal penetration plenty of times before but for some reason her pleasure seems heightened by being in this situation. She is pushing back into me as much as she can. Her body exudes sexy vibes as sweat pours out of her skin and pussy juice out of her vagina. I delay my release for as long as I can to prolong Nicole's pleasure but cannot resist much longer.
I take my dick out of her pussy and grunt as I spray my spunk all over her ass and pussy. I lay down while she frees herself from the restraints and lies down on me, face forward- her boobs squashed against my sculpted chest. She kisses me delicately.
@@color:hotpink;"Now that you have popped my cherry, will you marry me, my knight?"@@ she asks in pretend concern.
@@color:aquamarine;"You are a sexy maiden, princess and I'd love to share my bed with you for evermore. I shall ask for your hand in marriage as soon as we get back to your kingdom."@@ I say drowsily. Exhaustion is finally catching up with me.
She kisses me again saying, @@color:hotpink;"Well your princess will do her best to satisfy your needs and keep your bed warm. She'll be nastier in the future."@@
I feel the blood flooding back into my penis but slip into a dreamless sleep at the [[same time.->Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I did not usually take Saturdays off but the circumstances had changed now. My lovely wife needed to have her daily share of attention and I was more than willing to give it to her. Did I say attention? I meant sex. I used to think that I needed a lot of sex before I met Nicole. The girl is insatiable and I am equipped with the tools to accomplish the mission impossible.
Today we were sitting by the pool in a reclining chair in our swimsuits. She was wearing a tiny red number that covered barely anything and I could not be happier for it. I was having a hard time keeping my hands off her. She did not seem to mind. It seemed she was enjoying the attention. She was lying with her head on my lap- or rather my erection.
I could not bear the tease anymore and told her I wanted to fuck her. A playful smile spread across her lips as she asked me what I had in mind.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Mild Exhibitionist")>>
@@color:aquamarine;"I enjoyed the night we made love on the balcony. But the stakes weren't that high. No one could actually see us. How about we do it right now?"@@ I asked.
@@color:hotpink;"Ooooh, I like the sound of that. What are you waiting for? I have been feeling your erection since I walked out of the house wearing this bikini. Make me scream your name so loud that the neighbours flock below the balcony to watch you take me hard and fast."@@ she said.
[[Oh, you just wait. I am going to do just that.->Balcony2]]
@@color:aquamarine;"I always liked the sound of having sex in the swimming pool. Wanna try it out?"@@ I asked.
She seemed to have been expecting something slightly more adventurous but recovered from her dissapointment quickly enough.
@@color:hotpink;"Race you to getting in the pool? The last one with clothes on starts by giving the other oral sex."@@ she said sprinting off as I gave her a headstart so that I could [[admire her ass.->ShowerSex]]<</if>><<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=50>>
<<set $SeXP+=2>>
<<set $loveNicole+=20>>
<<set $exhi+=1>>
I picked her up the way I had on the wedding night and carried her upstairs to the balcony. She was kissing me sloppily all the way up the stairs and I nearly tripped once but escaped unharmed.
As soon as we were on the balcony I tore the bikini off Nicole.
@@color:hotpink;"Hey, that is my favourite one."@@ she said
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves Dirty Talk")>>
@@color:aquamarine;"I'll buy you another one if you are a good little slut."@@ I said.
Boy, did she love that! She freed my dick from the shorts that it had been fighting against the whole time. It sprang to life, monstrous as ever. I never tire of watching Nicole's face when she sees my cock. She stares at it with an almost worshipful gaze as if it one of God's most beautiful creations.
She sucked on the tip which was already wet with precum, smacking her lips.
@@color:aquamarine;"Give me a titty fuck and I promise I will reward you with my cum."@@ I said.
Nicole pushed her boobs together obediently as I pushed through the crevice between them. Everytime it emerged from the valley between her tits she took the tip into her mouth and gave it a sloppy, wet kiss. The sensation was driving me insane.
@@color:hotpink;"You wanna feel my tongue on your pretty pussy,whore?"@@ I asked. She murmured a feeble yes. I pushed her against the rails of the balcony in much the same fashion as last time. Either she is really great at pretending or my tongue is working wonders. She is writhing with pleasure and screaming my name to the high heavens. I see a few neighbours look at us and avert their gazes.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves to have her Holes Pleasured by A Tongue")>>
<<set $text= "ass">>
<<set $count_ass+=1>>
Her asshole looks welcoming and I tongue fuck it with an unmatched fervour. Her ass is gripping my tongue as she seeks to heighten the pleasure.
<<set $text= "pussy">>
It has been enough foreplay so I rush inside to fetch a condom. I have been running through condoms faster than wildfire running through a forest in summer. Nicole has not stopped pleasuring herself during this time. She has been pumping her $text to keep herself aroused.
@@color:hotpink;"Fuck me. My pussy is on fire. I need to feel your big dick pumping inside me."@@ she says.
@@color:aquamarine;"Beg for it! You are my fucktoy. You don't give the instructions."@@ I said. Even I was taken aback by what I had just said. Nicole however was totally into it.
@@color:hotpink;"Master, I know I am not worthy but please let me pleasure your big dick in my fuckhole."@@ she begged convincingly.
Did she just call me master though? I am not sure how I feel about this. I should give it some thought and have a talk with her later. But right now there is a more urgent matter on hand- Nicole's inviting pussy.
Oh the sensation of feeling her tightness around my dick, as I pumped her full of my cock! It is a miracle that she is so tight despite the many brutal fucks we have had during our courtship and later during our marriage. I hold her arms behind her back while pistoning myself into her pussy. She is quivering with pleasure. Her naked breasts swing in broad daylight- on full display. The neighbours are watching us with some interest now and two men seem to be even enjoying the show.
@@color:hotpink;"Oohhhh mmmyyy Goood! Yaaasss! Make me moan like a little bitch."@@ she moaned hoarsely. I relinquished her hands and pulled her head back, slipping my tongue down her throat while still working my hips furiously. She almost turned to clay in my hands willing me to bend her the way I wanted. She came time and time again- violently at times. The neighbours seemed amazed at my tremendous stamina as I continued to fuck Nicole incessantly.
She started contracting her vaginal muscles to heighten the pleasure and I realized I would not last long after that.
<<if $drink_cum eq 2>>
<<set $drink_cum+=1>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Loves the Taste of Cum")>>
I turned Nicole around, forcing her down on her knees, tore the condom off my penis and roared as I sent my sperm right into her welcoming mouth. Nicole kneels in front of me her face covered in a cocktail of sweat and sperm, smacking her lips as she shows me she has downed everything that has landed on her tongue. And boy, do I find it sexy! I sit down on the chair on our balcony to catch my breath as Nicole siphons of the cum on her face into her mouth with the most innocent of looks on her face and then winks at me. It makes my cock quiver- as if it is asking me to fuck her again but my legs are still shaking from the effort they have put in. Instead I opt to see the hot view in front of me.
I bend Nicole over the railings once more, tear the condom off my penis and roar as I spray my cum all over Nicole's backside. Her ass and back are covered with my cum. I sit on the balcony chair, spent from the effort I have put in as she remains bent over to let me appreciate my handiwork.
I did not say anything at all just gestured at her to relieve my dick from its confines.
She freed my dick from the shorts that it had been fighting against the whole time. It sprang to life, monstrous as ever. I never tire of watching Nicole's face when she sees my cock. She stares at it with an almost worshipful gaze as if it one of God's most beautiful creations.
She sucked on the tip which was already wet with precum, smacking her lips.
@@color:hotpink;"Do you want a titty fuck?"@@ she asks. I eagerly nod to show my approval.
Nicole pushed her boobs together obediently as I pushed through the crevice between them. Everytime it emerged from the valley between her tits she took the tip into her mouth and gave it a sloppy, wet kiss. The sensation was driving me insane.
@@color:hotpink;"Babe, will you eat me out?"@@ she asked. I grunted a yes back. I pushed her against the rails of the balcony. Either she is really great at pretending or my tongue is working wonders. She is writhing with pleasure and screaming my name to the high heavens. I see a few neighbours look at us and avert their gazes.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves to have her Holes Pleasured by A Tongue")>>
<<set $text= "ass">>
<<set $count_ass+=1>>
Her asshole looks welcoming and I tongue fuck it with an unmatched fervour. Her ass is gripping my tongue as she seeks to heighten the pleasure.
<<set $text= "pussy">>
It has been enough foreplay so I rush inside to fetch a condom. I have been running through condoms faster than wildfire running through a forest in summer. Nicole has not stopped pleasuring herself during this time. She has been pumping her $text to keep herself aroused.
@@color:hotpink;"Fuck me. My pussy is on fire. I need to feel your big dick pumping inside me. I'll beg for it if I have to."@@ she says.
When I do not take any action to relieve her sexual stress she takes it as a cue to beg me for relief.
@@color:hotpink;"Master, I know I am not worthy but please let me pleasure your big dick in my fuckhole."@@ she begged convincingly.
Did she just call me master though? I am not sure how I feel about this. I should give it some thought and have a talk with her later. But right now there is a more urgent matter on hand- Nicole's inviting pussy.
Oh the sensation of feeling her tightness around my dick, as I pumped her full of my cock! It is a miracle that she is so tight despite the many brutal fucks we have had during our courtship and later during our marriage. I hold her arms behind her back while pistoning myself into her pussy. She is quivering with pleasure. Her naked breasts swing in broad daylight- on full display. The neighbours are watching us with some interest now and two men seem to be even enjoying the show.
@@color:hotpink;"Oohhhh mmmyyy Goood! Yaaasss! Make me moan like a little bitch."@@ she moaned hoarsely. I relinquished her hands and pulled her head back, slipping my tongue down her throat while still working my hips furiously. She almost turned to clay in my hands willing me to bend her the way I wanted. She came time and time again- violently at times. The neighbours seemed amazed at my tremendous stamina as I continued to fuck Nicole incessantly.
She started contracting her vaginal muscles to heighten the pleasure and I realized I would not last long after that.
<<if $drink_cum == 2>>
<<set $drink_cum+=1>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Loves the Taste of Cum")>>
I turned Nicole around, forcing her down on her knees, tore the condom off my penis and roared as I sent my sperm right into her welcoming mouth. Nicole kneels in front of me her face covered in a cocktail of sweat and sperm, smacking her lips as she shows me she has downed everything that has landed on her tongue. And boy, do I find it sexy! I sit down on the chair on our balcony to catch my breath as Nicole siphons of the cum on her face into her mouth with the most innocent of looks on her face and then winks at me. It makes my cock quiver- as if it is asking me to fuck her again but my legs are still shaking from the effort they have put in. Instead I opt to see the hot view in front of me.
I bend Nicole over the railings once more, tear the condom off my penis and roar as I spray my cum all over Nicole's backside. Her ass and back are covered with my cum. I sit on the balcony chair, spent from the effort I have put in as she remains bent over to let me appreciate my handiwork.
She rushed inside into the bathroom to clean up. I sat there still dazed from what I had done. A few people had seen us make love on the balcony. It had felt liberating and amazing to not bother about people watching us. We loved each other and were not afraid to show it. Nicole returned from the bathroom, glowing as she always did after sex. She kissed me on the lips and said, @@color:hotpink;"Thanks for the amazing fuck, Ty. Did you see those people watching us? I think they liked the show, don't you?"@@, then without waiting for an answer she continued, @@color:hotpink;"I've got an idea for what we should do in the evening. Catch your breath until then."@@
She kissed me on the lips again and [[went inside.->Home]]
<<set $Energy-=40>>
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
I caught up with her, grabbed her in my arms the way I had on the wedding night and carried her to the pool. She was kissing me sloppily all the way and I nearly slipped once but escaped unharmed.
As soon as we were in the water I tore the bikini off Nicole.
@@color:hotpink;"Hey, that is my favourite one."@@ she said.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves Dirty Talk")>>
@@color:aquamarine;"I'll buy you another one if you are a good little slut."@@ I said.
Boy, did she love that! She freed my dick from the shorts that it had been fighting against the whole time. It sprang to life, monstrous as ever. I never tire of watching Nicole's face when she sees my cock. She stares at it with an almost worshipful gaze as if it one of God's most beautiful creations.
She sucked on the tip which was already wet with precum, smacking her lips.
@@color:aquamarine;"Give me a titty fuck and I promise I will reward you with my cum."@@ I said.
Nicole pushed her boobs together obediently as I pushed through the crevice between them, splashing water around everytime I broke the surface. Everytime it emerged from the valley between her tits she took the tip into her mouth and gave it a sloppy, wet kiss. The sensation was driving me insane.
@@color:aquamarine;"You wanna feel my tongue on your pretty pussy,whore?"@@ I asked. She murmured a feeble yes. I pushed her against the edge of the pool and raised her ass to eat her out. Either she is really great at pretending or my tongue is working wonders. She is writhing with pleasure and screaming my name to the high heavens.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves to have her Holes Pleasured by A Tongue")>>
<<set $text= "ass">>
Her asshole looks welcoming and I tongue fuck it with an unmatched fervour. Her ass is gripping my tongue as she seeks to heighten the pleasure.
<<set $text= "pussy">>
It has been enough foreplay so I rush inside to fetch a condom. I have been running through condoms faster than wildfire running through a forest in summer. Nicole has not stopped pleasuring herself during this time. She has been pumping her $text to keep herself aroused.
@@color:hotpink;"Fuck me. My pussy is on fire. I need to feel your big dick pumping inside me."@@ she says.
@@color:aquamarine;"Beg for it! You are my fucktoy. You don't give the instructions."@@ I said. Even I was taken aback by what I had just said. Nicole however was totally into it.
@@color:hotpink;"Master, I know I am not worthy but please let me pleasure your big dick in my fuckhole."@@ she begged convincingly.
Did she just call me master though? I am not sure how I feel about this. I should give it some thought and have a talk with her later. But right now there is a more urgent matter on hand- Nicole's inviting pussy.
Oh the sensation of feeling her tightness around my dick, as I pumped her full of my cock under the surface of the pool! It is a miracle that she is so tight despite the many brutal fucks we have had during our courtship and later during our marriage. I hold her arms behind her back while pistoning myself into her pussy. She is quivering with pleasure. Her naked breasts swing in broad daylight as I occasionally squeeze them.
@@color:hotpink;"Oohhhh mmmyyy Goood! Yaaasss! Make me moan like a little bitch."@@ she moaned hoarsely. I relinquished her hands and pulled her head back, slipping my tongue down her throat while still working my hips furiously. She almost turned to clay in my hands willing me to bend her the way I wanted. She came time and time again- violently at times. She seemed amazed at my tremendous stamina as I continued to fuck her incessantly.
She started contracting her vaginal muscles to heighten the pleasure and I realized I would not last long after that.
<<if $drink_cum eq 2>>
<<silently>><<set $drink_cum+=1>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Loves the Taste of Cum")>
I took Nicole out of the pool, forcing her down on her knees, tore the condom off my penis and roared as I sent my sperm right into her welcoming mouth. Nicole kneels in front of me her face covered in a cocktail of sweat and sperm, smacking her lips as she shows me she has downed everything that has landed on her tongue. And boy, do I find it sexy! I sit down on the chair near the pool to catch my breath as Nicole siphons of the cum on her face into her mouth with the most innocent of looks on her face and then winks at me. It makes my cock quiver- as if it is asking me to fuck her again but my legs are still shaking from the effort they have put in. Instead I opt to see the hot view in front of me.
I bend Nicole over the edge of the pool once more, tear the condom off my penis and roar as I spray my cum all over Nicole's backside. Her ass and back are covered with my cum. I sit on the chair beside the pool, spent from the effort I have put in as she jiggles her bum to let me appreciate my handiwork.
I did not say anything at all just gestured at her to relieve my dick from its confines.
She freed my dick from the shorts that it had been fighting against the whole time. It sprang to life, monstrous as ever. I never tire of watching Nicole's face when she sees my cock. She stares at it with an almost worshipful gaze as if it one of God's most beautiful creations.
She sucked on the tip which was already wet with precum, smacking her lips.
@@color:hotpink;"Do you want a titty fuck?"@@ she asks. I eagerly nod to show my approval.
Nicole pushed her boobs together obediently as I pushed through the crevice between them, water splashing around everytime I broke the surface. Everytime it emerged from the valley between her tits she took the tip into her mouth and gave it a sloppy, wet kiss. The sensation was driving me insane.
@@color:hotpink;"Babe, will you eat me out?"@@ she asked. I grunted a yes back. I pushed her against the edge of the pool. Either she is really great at pretending or my tongue is working wonders. She is writhing with pleasure and screaming my name to the high heavens.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves to have her Holes Pleasured by A Tongue")>>
<<set $text= "ass">>
Her asshole looks welcoming and I tongue fuck it with an unmatched fervour. Her ass is gripping my tongue as she seeks to heighten the pleasure.
<<set $text= "pussy">>
It has been enough foreplay so I rush inside to fetch a condom. I have been running through condoms faster than wildfire running through a forest in summer. Nicole has not stopped pleasuring herself during this time. She has been pumping her $text to keep herself aroused.
"Fuck me. My pussy is on fire. I need to feel your big dick pumping inside me. I'll beg for it if I have to."she says.
When I do not take any action to relieve her sexual stress she takes it as a cue to beg me for relief.
@@color:hotpink;"Master, I know I am not worthy but please let me pleasure your big dick in my fuckhole."@@ she begged convincingly.
Did she just call me master though? I am not sure how I feel about this. I should give it some thought and have a talk with her later. But right now there is a more urgent matter on hand- Nicole's inviting pussy.
Oh the sensation of feeling her tightness around my dick, as I pumped her full of my cock! It is a miracle that she is so tight despite the many brutal fucks we have had during our courtship and later during our marriage. I hold her arms behind her back while pistoning myself into her pussy. She is quivering with pleasure. Her naked breasts swing in broad daylight as I occasionally squeeze them.
@@color:hotpink;"Oohhhh mmmyyy Goood! Yaaasss! Make me moan like a little bitch."@@ she moaned hoarsely. I relinquished her hands and pulled her head back, slipping my tongue down her throat while still working my hips furiously. She almost turned to clay in my hands willing me to bend her the way I wanted. She came time and time again- violently at times. She seemed amazed at my tremendous stamina as I continued to fuck her incessantly.
She started contracting her vaginal muscles to heighten the pleasure and I realized I would not last long after that.
<<if $drink_cum eq 2>>
<<set $drink_cum+=1>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Loves the Taste of Cum")>>
I took Nicole out of the pool, forcing her down on her knees, tore the condom off my penis and roared as I sent my sperm right into her welcoming mouth. Nicole kneels in front of me her face covered in a cocktail of sweat and sperm, smacking her lips as she shows me she has downed everything that has landed on her tongue. And boy, do I find it sexy! I sit down on the chair beside the pool to catch my breath as Nicole siphons of the cum on her face into her mouth with the most innocent of looks on her face and then winks at me. It makes my cock quiver- as if it is asking me to fuck her again but my legs are still shaking from the effort they have put in. Instead I opt to see the hot view in front of me.
I bend Nicole over the edge of the pool once more, tear the condom off my penis and roar as I spray my cum all over Nicole's backside. Her ass and back are covered with my cum. I sit on the chair beside the pool, spent from the effort I have put in as she jiggles her bum to let me appreciate my handiwork.
She rushed inside into the bathroom to clean up. I sat there still dazed from what I had done. Nicole returned from the bathroom, glowing as she always did after sex. She kissed me on the lips and said, @@color:hotpink;"Thanks for the amazing fuck, Ty. Did you like it too?"@@, then without waiting for an answer she continued,@@color:hotpink;"I've got an idea for what we should do in the evening. Catch your breath until then."@@
She kissed me on the lips again and [[went inside.->Home]]
<<set $Energy-=20>>
Nicole did not tell me where we were going to go, she just gave me the directions as I drove through the town. I did not really frequent this part of the town and did not recognize the streets. She asked me to stop at a shop which was illuminated in pink neon lights. It was a sex shop. Why had she brought me here? She walked into the store nonchalantly leaving me standing out in the streeet awkwardly.
I decided to follow her into the shop. As soon as I stepped in a short man in bright, bubblegum pink hair approached me, @@color:peru;"May I help you, sir?"@@
@@color:aquamarine;"I am here with her."@@ I say, pointing at Nicole who seems to be scanning the vibrator section. The attendant looks at me, then at her and shrugs. I walk over to Nicole.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Has Anal Fantasy")>>
@@color:hotpink;"Babe, I've been thinking about trying anal for a while now but you know you have an enormous dick, right? We can't just do it overnight so I thought I'd get a dildo to prepare my ass to handle your massive cock."@@ she says.
Boy, am I lucky! I never have to ask Nicole to fulfil my fantasies because she has them too and makes an active attempt to fulfil them. I am going hard just at the thought of fucking Nicole in the ass. I realize that I had been zoning out and decide to listen to her,@@color:hotpink;"...think I could get the big one but it would be the same as trying letting you fuck me straightaway. I'll buy the small one, then? Let's just buy both. When I am comfortable with the big one we'll know I am ready for your dick in my ass. Yeah, we need lube as well. Get one from that shelf."@@ I fetch her a tube of anal lube and we head over to the counter.
She hands the stuff over to the cashier. It is the same purple haired guy. I see him eyeing Nicole, then looking at me and the stuff we are going to buy and a look of something similar to jealousy appears on his face, as if he cannot believe my good fortune. Nicole pays for the stuff using her credit card and we head to the car.
@@color:hotpink;"Babe, I've thinking of spicing up our sex life with some toys. Have a look. Anything you wanna try on me?"@@ she asked with a mischievous smile.
Boy, am I lucky! I never have to ask Nicole to fulfil my fantasies because she has them too and makes an active attempt to fulfil them. I never knew that I would want to do this until she told me and now it is all I want to do.
She picks up the largest vibrator there is and says, @@color:hotpink;"This one seems close enough to yours, doesn't it?"@@ I nod but I know that the toy is slightly smaller seeing the label and having measured my length to the millimetre. The girth on it is impressive though. It is curved upwards and the it is a shade of pink that no cock will ever be.
We head over to the counter where she hands the stuff over to the cashier. It is the same purple haired guy. I see him eyeing Nicole, then looking at me and the stuff we are going to buy and a look of something similar to jealousy appears on his face, as if he cannot believe my good fortune. Nicole pays for the stuff using her credit card and we head to the car.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Has Anal Fantasy")>>
@@color:hotpink;"I can't wait to try these out. Drive faster, will you?"@@ she says. I respond by stepping on the [[gas.->AST]]
@@color:hotpink;"I can't wait to try these out. Drive faster, will you?" she says. I respond by stepping on the [[gas.->VST]]
<<set $count_ass+=1>>
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
<<set $loveNicole+=20>>
<<set $Energy-=20>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
We got home and Nicole rushed out of the car and headed straight in. My heart was throbbing in my chest with anticipation. She was sitting on the sofa with the smallest one in her hand. When I reached her she patted the empty space beside her, asking me to sit.
@@color:hotpink;"Undress me, darling. I need to feel this inside my ass."@@ she said.
I slowly and delicately took of her clothes. First the tank top went, then the nanoskirt and finally her lingerie. I kissed her tenderly on her erogenous spots. We usually did not do things this way. We were a passionate couple who got down and dirty very quickly but we were trying something out for the first time and I decided that we should begin carefully. She squeezed a dollop of lube out of its tube and liberally anointed her asshole while slowly massaging it. I meanwhile rubbed her clit to arouse her. She was biting on her lip as she started to slowly finger her ass. Once she was comfortable with the finger's girth she held the vibrator against her entrance. She slowly pushed it past the barrier emitting a guttural @@color:hotpink;"Uuhhhh..."@@. She held it in as her cavity adjusted to the alien commodity that had never penetrated. She took a deep breath and started moving it in and out. The expression of discomfort was slowly giving way to pleasurable moans and it was arousing to see her enjoying herself. She stopped pumping herself and said, @@color:hotpink;"Take off your pants!I shouldn't be the only one having fun. You move the vibrator while I blow you."@@
<<for $i=0; $i<$traits.nic.length; $i++>>
<<if $traits.nic[$i] eq "Has Anal Fantasy">>
<<set $traits.nic[$i]= "Wants to try Anal">>
To say that I had not been enjoying myself until now would be untrue. Watching a hot chick like Nicole fuck her ass and imagining what it would feel like to have your dick there is not exactly my idea of 'not enjoying' but when Nicole offers you a blowjob, you take the blowjob. I take off my pants with one hand and with the other assume control over the vibrator. Nicole leans over kisses me and shifts her attention to by cock. Her head starts bobbing up and down on my erect penis as I set a slow rhythm to use the vibrator.
@@color:aquamarine;"Tell me when to stop."@@ I say and Nicole responds inaudibly because of her full mouth. I slowly pick up the pace. Nicole fondles my heavy balls while moving her head further and further down my shaft.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh my God! Don't stop... don't stop."@@ Nicole's screams as she lets my cock out of her hand as her new toy gifts her her first orgasm.
Once it subsides she goes down on her knees, the vibrator still in her ass and continues to blow me.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves the Taste of Cum")>>
When I cum she swallows down all of it diligently.
When I am about to come she jerks me off over her boobs.
@@color:hotpink;"One step closer to anal"@@ she winks at me, still kissing the [[tip of my cock.->Home]]
<<set $SeXP+=1>>
<<set $loveNicole+=20>>
<<set $Energy-=20>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
We got home and Nicole rushed out of the car and headed straight in. My heart was throbbing in my chest with anticipation. She was sitting on the sofa with the big vibrator in her hand. When I reached her she patted the empty space beside her, asking me to sit.
@@color:hotpink;"Undress me, darling. I need to feel this inside me as soon as possible."@@ she said.
I rapidly undressed her. First the tank top went, then the nanoskirt and finally her lingerie. I kissed her passioantely on her erogenous spots. We were a passionate couple who got down and dirty very quickly. I rubbed her clit to arouse her. She was biting on her lip as she started to slowly finger her pussy. Once she was wet enough she held the vibrator against her entrance. She slowly pushed it past the barrier emitting a guttural @@color:hotpink;"Uuhhhh..."@@.She began pumping the thick vibrator inside her pussy rapidly. A while later, she stopped pumping herself and said, @@color:hotpink;"Take off your pants! I shouldn't be the only one having fun. You move the vibrator while I blow you."@@
To say that I had not been enjoying myself until now would be untrue. Watching a hot chick like Nicole fuck herself with a vibrator and imagining what it would feel like to have your dick in there is not exactly my idea of 'not enjoying' but when Nicole offers you a blowjob, you take the blowjob. I take off my pants with one hand and with the other assume control over the vibrator. Nicole leans over kisses me and shifts her attention to by cock. Her head starts bobbing up and down on my erect penis as I set a slow rhythm to use the vibrator.
I slowly pick up the pace. Nicole fondles my heavy balls while moving her head further and further down my shaft.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh my God! Don't stop... don't stop."@@ Nicole's screams as she lets my cock out of her hand as her new toy gifts her her first orgasm.
Once it subsides she goes down on her knees, the vibrator still in her moist pussy and continues to blow me.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves the Taste of Cum")>>
When I cum she swallows down all of it diligently.
When I am about to come she jerks me off over her boobs.
@@color:hotpink;"I still prefer the real deal."@@ she winks at me, still kissing the [[tip of my cock.->Home]]Sundays are usually not working days for me. But Marcus needs suggestions for the endorsements he should select and my star clients need to be dealt with in person. So, I head for office with Nicole. Nicole was not really needed at the office today but she insisted on coming. Apparently, the fact that my secretary was not present in the office while I was, was slightly unprofessional on the part of the secretary. So, Nicole sat at her outpost outside my cabin while I sat at my table, checking the email.
I notice an email that is not from one of my contact lists. What should I do?
[[Read it.->Nautilus]] //@@color:red;[Enables transformation themes]@@//
<<print "\n">>
[[Delete it.->NoTf]]<<silently>>
<<set $tf= true>>
I curiously open the email. My office email id is given only to my clients. How the hell did someone manage to send me an email on here. It reads:
NAUTILUS MEDICAL RESEARCH FACILITY: Guiding you towards the right path.
It goes on to describe the different types of drugs they make. Having been a former sportsman, the name drug does not evoke the best of responses from me but something on here really caught my eyes. They had instantaneous transformation drugs. Drugs that modified you for a duration and then wore off. They claimed that medical trials were going on and the initial ones had proven quite succesful. It had the contact details of the facility and I was certainly intrigued. So, I saved it to the drafts folder as I awaited Marcus' [[arrival.->Endorsements]]<<silently>>
<<set $tf= false>>
I curiously open the email. My office email id is given only to my clients. How the hell did someone manage to send me an email on here. It reads:
NAUTILUS MEDICAL RESEARCH FACILITY: Guiding you towards the right path.
It goes on to describe the different types of drugs they make. Having been a former sportsman, the name drug does not evoke the best of responses from me but something on here really caught my eyes. They had instantaneous transformation drugs. Drugs that modified you for a duration and then wore off. They claimed that medical trials were going on and the initial ones had proven quite succesful. It had the contact details of the facility but I was not impressed. So, I consigned it to the trash folder as I awaited Marcus' [[arrival.->Endorsements]]<<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=20>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I saw Marcus walking in through the door. He stopped at Nicole's table and seemed to be chatting with her. I could not see Nicole's face but Marcus seemed to be smiling at her. After a while, he walked in to my cabin.
@@color:lime;"Hey Mr. T. How's it going? Did you see the match? The pundits are calling my special move the move of the season."@@ he said as he mimed the move.
We discuss the game and the endorsements follow soon after.
@@color:aquamarine;"No...Don't do anymore sportswear commercials. You already have plenty of those. It is men who will watch those ads and they are going to watch the games anyway. Endorse brands that have a chance of attracting a female and young audience. That way you'll get paid more because I inserted a percentage of profits clause in all of our contracts. So, do the kids' health drink and the deodorant commercials. They will be featured on more television channels and for a wider audience."@@
@@color:lime;"Thanks for the suggestions, Mr. T. You're the business guru. So, I'll lock those in."@@ he said and I nodded.
@@color:lime;"That secretary of yours is a hot piece of ass by the way."@@ he said as he got up to leave.
[[That's my wife you're talking about.->AngryRxn]]
<<print "\n">>
[[Yeah she is indeed.->PlayfulRxn]]@@color:aquamarine;"That's my wife you are talking about."@@ I said angrily, my nostrils flaring.
@@color:lime;"Chill, man. It is not like I am fucking her. Just appreciating the beauty of another human being. She is your wife, is she? Well good for you. Boy, you must have some serious game to bag a chick like that. High five!"@@ he said raising an arm. I did not feel like returning the high five at all and left him hanging. He dropped his hands dejectedly and walked towards the door.
@@color:lime;"So, she is the one who...? Nevermind. Not my concern."@@ he said as he left the door.
<<set $flirt= true>>
I saw him bid adieu to Nicole as he entered the elevator that would take him downstairs. [[Away from my eyes->Home]]@@color:aquamarine;"She is indeed."@@ was all I could manage as my mind played back the incidents that had happened over the past week.
@@color:lime;"Her partner must be a lucky fella. She is gorgeous, man. And totally my type. Blonde and glamorous."@@ he was saying. I just listened in delight. Yup! Her partner //''is''// really lucky. And she //''is''// indeed gorgeous. Also, she //''is''// indeed my type too.
@@color:lime;"Say, Mr. T. Your wife is also a blonde chick, right? Yeah she is. I remember from the vid... from the newspaper article."@@ he says as he exits my office.
<<set $flirt= false>>
I saw him bid adieu to Nicole as he entered the elevator that would take him [[downstairs.->Home]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<if $flirt eq true>>
I have never been the jealous type. Other men appreciating Nicole's beauty has been something of a confidence booster for me. A belief that I am doing well for myself but something about the way Marcus talked about her made me feel insecure.
When we got home, Nicole and I sat ourselves down on the sofa and discussed the day that had been. It was all going fine until she brought up Marcus.
@@color:hotpink;"Marcus is such a sweet guy."@@ she said.
@color:aquamarine;"Oh so you like him too, huh?"@@ I asked angrily.
@@color:hotpink;"What happened, babe? Why are you upset?"@@ she asked a little concerned. I told her about Marcus' comment, the fact that I did not like it and that I had told him that she was my wife.
She gave me a rueful smile and said, @@color:hotpink;"That is just some harmless flirting, baby. You have a little fun and no one gets hurt. You remember the time you told me the same thing when I was upset about you flirting with that red-headed reporter. And anyway he can look all he wants but all this belongs to you.At the end of the day only you get to lay with this hot piece of ass!"@@ she said hugging me and pointing at her body.
She laid my head on her soft bosom- softer than any pillow I had lay on- and my anger was [[slightly assuaged.->Home]]
I have never been the jealous type. Other men appreciating Nicole's beauty has been something of a confidence booster for me. A belief that I am doing well for myself and the way Marcus talked about her did not change anything.
When we got home, Nicole and I sat ourselves down on the sofa and discussed the day that had been. I finally brought up Marcus' comment.
@@color:aquamarine;"You won't believe what Marcus told me today."@@ I said as I told her about the incident.
@@color:hotpink;"And you just agreed? You did not feel insecure at all."@@ she said smiling, a little guiltily for having enjoyed the compliments.
@@color:aquamarine;"I did not even tell him you are my wife. He still thinks you are just my secretary. It is just some harmless flirting, baby. You have a little fun and no one gets hurt. You remember the time I told you the same thing when you were upset about me flirting with that red-headed reporter. And anyway he can look all he wants but all this belongs to me. At the end of the day only I get to lay with this hot piece of ass!"@@ I said hugging her and pointing at her body.
She laid my head on her soft bosom- softer than any pillow I had lay on- and told me that she loved me more for not [[getting insecure.->Home]]
<<set $Energy-=20>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
Every Monday is the most exhausting day of the week. The workload from the previous days had all accumulated and a lot needed to be done today. This meant that Nicole and I had a lot on our plates. We went to the office together and that was it. Work did not let us spend time together at all. I talked with advertising firms, players and teams throughout the day, negotiating better deals for my clients. By the end of the day I could not wait to be done with it all so that I could spend some time with my wife.
I stuffed all the papers on my desk into their respective files, arrived on Nicole's table and told her to do the same. As soon as she was done, I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her [[home.|Stripper]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
@@color:hotpink;"So you are telling me that you've never had a stripper!"@@ she was saying as I drove the car on the road home.
@@color:aquamarine;"Nope."@@ I replied camly.
@@color:hotpink;"What about when you won the championship? Or your bachelor party before we got married?"@@ she asked curiously.
@@color:aquamarine;"The team went to a strip club. I didn't. As for the bachelor party, I didn't have one. Terrence was the only one who was friends with me and usually even he doesn't partake in things like these."@@ I answered.
@@color:hotpink;"Aww, you poor thing. Don't worry, I'll do something."@@ she said with a hint of mischief.
@@color:aquamarine;"I don't think we need to worry about getting me a stripper."@@
@@color:hotpink;"Oh, you already have one. Me."@@ she added at the confused look on my face, @@color:hotpink;"And I am gonna dance until you get tired of being hard tonight."@@ she giggled.
I felt the blood rushing to my cock as [[she said it.|StripShow]]<<silently>>
<<set $loveNicole+=20>>
She sat me down on the sofa and told me to wait while she got ready. I did not know what to expect. I just sat there, looking around uncomfortably as if this was not my own home.
Nicole returned soon, dressed in lingerie, looking as hot as she always did. Well, dressed was an overstatement. The lingerie was made of shear and left little to imagination. Her perked up nipples were pushing through the fabric and the translucent material did little to conceal it. A little thong attempted to hide her pussy, unsuccessfully. She was wearing fishnet stockings and a garter belt too. I got up to kiss her.
@@color:hotpink;"No no no... Only watching; no touching."@@ she said wagging her index finger.
She pushed me lightly towards the sofa and I sat myself down once more. She walked over to the sound system and put on some music. I did not know the song but it seemed very sensual. She started swaying her hips from side to side. I had always known Nicole had a beautiful sense of rhythm and music. I had been invited to a couple of balls when we had been dating and she had danced wonderfully but I had two left feet when it came to dancing. I marvelled at how sensually she moved. She moved closer to me and placed her hands on my shoulders. I closed my eyes expecting a kiss but none came. So, I opened my eyes. Nicole was swaying her ass just above the tent in my pants that was my erection. My eyes met hers and I saw that they were burning with passion.
She let go off me and started taking off her clothes one by one. First the bra went and then the thong. Her unsupported breasts swayed from side to side with each of her movements. I was struggling to keep it in my pants any longer.
@@color:hotpink;"Extra for touching."@@ Nicole announced unexpectedly.
@@color:aquamarine;"Extra what?"@@ I asked confused.
@@color:hotpink;"Extra sex."@@ she answered with a hint of naughtiness.
I nodded my approval and she turned her back to me and started grinding her ass against my crotch.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Wants to try Anal")>>
I see a buttplug buried in her asshole and cannot wait for the day that the buttplug's place is taken by my cock.
She had had enough. She wanted cock and she started unbuckling the belt on my trousers. Then... well then the [[doorbell rang.|Megan]]
I opened the door as Nicole went to fetch something to wear. I did not immediately recognise her but it became apparent to me that I knew the woman who stood before me. It was Megan, one of Nicole's fellow models, but she was totally unrecognizable. Her eyes were all puffy and red, tears streamed across her face and her hair was all dishevelled. I invited her inside immediately and asked her to sit down on the sofa where she resumed sobbing. Not knowing what to do I decided to fetch her a glass of water.
When I returned, Nicole was already there in a pink robe made of silk. I heard Megan telling her how she had found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her. Nicole gestured to me that she had it under control. So, I left the glass of water on the table and went upstairs.
As soon as I was alone I realized that my erection had not subsided yet. Had Megan seen it? Nah! It did not look like she could see anything with the amount of tears in her eyes. My phone vibrated and I realized I had a message. It was from Nicole.
@@color:hotpink;"She is boring me to death with the details of her break-up."@@ it said.
Oh, I had the perfect plan to keep her entertained. I took my trousers off and sent her a dick pic.
@@color:aquamarine;"Still keeping it hard for you, babe."@@ I sent.
She sent me back some kiss smileys immediately. This went on for somewhile. Megan did not seem to be leaving anytime soon. I just lay there with my cock in one hand and the phone in another.
It was nearly two hours before Nicole returned to me. She looked really tired.She looked at my dick which was still erect and said sadly,
@@color:hotpink;"Aw baby, you still kept it hard for me? I am really sorry but I am really tired today."@@
She gave the tip of my cock a little kiss which made me even more blue-balled if that is even possible. She laid down next to me and was soon fast asleep. I could see her chest rising and falling lightly as she breathed. And I just lay there, blue-balled. I wanted to be angry with her but how could I? She seemed so sweet and genuinely apologetic about it. So, I gave my little stripper a kiss and drifted off to sleep [[myself.|Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=40>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
Another glorious day at the office was in full flow. The interns were hustling and bustling with their work while I worked on a few delicate details on clients' contracts. Nicole was at her table, on the phone with some endorsement company who wanted an appointment with me regarding Marcus. The day could not get any better, could it?
<<if $exhi eq 5>>
<<set $exhi+=1>>
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
I heard Nicole put the phone down and she walked into my office. She sat herself down and explained the situation to me, all the while addressing me as Mr. Tyler.
@@color:hotpink;"I want to thank you for giving me this job, boss."@@ she said and winked at me indicating that we were going to indulge in roleplay once more.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well then, get on your knees and get me hard. I'll make sure you enjoy it as well."@@ I said, catching the drift.
She did just that. Her lipstick laced lips started massaging the circumference of my slowly hardening cock. Earlier, I would have been worried whether the door was locked properly. Today, I was not bothered at all. I did not care who saw us.
I was hard before I knew it. And I was glad for it too. I could not wait to be inside Nicole. I grabbed a condom from my wallet, made her stand up, dragged her across the office to the door and pushed her against it. I tore her panties off her bottom while manhandling her boobs through the thin fabric of her low-cut top. I thrust my dick into her warm pussy, moaning in relief as I did.
Nicole was moaning wantonly and I was pretty sure that the door that separated us from the hustle and bustle outside was not sound-proof. So, I did what I thought was the most sensible thing to do at that time. I shoved Nicole's panties into her mouth never stopping my pumping for a second. Nicole still managed to grunt her approval at every stroke that caused her pleasure but the fabric in her mouth muffled the sound.
My thrusting was becoming largely irregular now and it was Nicole's turn to take matters into her own hands. She pulled out the panties from her mouth, took off my condom and proceeded to coax the cum out of my balls. I spilled my seed into her open mouth.
<<if $drink_cum eq 3>>
<<set $drink_cum+=1>>
She downed it all in one fluid motion, smacked her lips and said @@color:hotpink;"Yummy"@@
She dutifully swallowed my cum and smiled at me.
There was a knock on the door.
@@color:peru;"Boss, that energy drink company wants to talk to you about Marcus' schedule."@@ one of the interns announced.
@@color:aquamarine;"Tell them I am busy right now. I'll call them later."@@ I said while Nicole stifled a giggle at the look of panic that I had had on my face when I heard the knock.
Nicole cleaned up, adjusted her clothes and I decided that we must discuss some work related things as well.
Nicole and I discussed about the business model that I had made for Terrence. The amount of things that she had learnt in this short while was incredible. She even pointed out a few mistakes I had made. When she got up to leave, I just admired her firm butt leaving the cabin. Sexy, kinky and intelligent. What more could a man want [[in a wife?|NautilusVisit]]
<<if $tf eq true>>
<<set $Energy-=20>>
Everyone seemed to have the work under control. So, I decided I must have a look at the medical facility that had sent me that email. I looked up its address. I was curious about it and for some reason did not want to tell Nicole that I was going there. Hence, I made an excuse and left the office in her hands while I zoomed off to Nautilus Medical Research facility in my car.
When I reached it, I was astounded by the amount of security it had. Guards patrolled every inch of the premises. I walked up to the main gate and told them my purpose. They asked me to show proof of the email. I showed them the email on my phone, still wondering about the need for this level of security.
They sent me in where I guy in a white labcoat was waiting for me. He looked about fifty and his hair was already white. He had a fatherly vibe around him. When he saw me a grin broke out over his face and he said,
@@color:gray;"Ah, if it is not Tyler. You can leave us."@@ he said to the security guard accompanying me.
I looked at his nametag. It said Dr. Frank N. Stein.
@@color:aquamarine;"Do I know you?"@@ I asked, unsure.
@@color:gray;"No, you do not. But I do know you. You were brought to me after your injury. In normal circumstances that would have been untreatable. However, your blood was compatible with the transformation drug that I had made. We were able to regrow some of important bones but at that early stage we had no control over it and it didn't go as expected. That is why you were never able to play basketball again. We have had some research in the field and were looking for volunteers. That is why we contacted you." @@
@@color:aquamarine;"Wait! You tried an experimental drug on me? Isn't that illegal?"@@ I asked.
@@color:gray;"Well, your wife signed for it, what was she called again? Nicole, yeah? How is she by the way?"@@ he asked.
I chose to ignore that question. @@color:aquamarine;"So, you mean to say that I could return to basketball?"@@
He looked at me with something resembling pity, @@color:gray;"Alas, no. That drug was uncontrolled. There is no way of knowing how your body will react if we try to fix it. Right now we have diversified. We can make you look like someone else. We can make you grow extra body parts. You tell me and we will do it."@@
@@color:aquamarine;"And the side effects?"@@ I asked. I was very curious after what he had just said.
@@color:gray;"Little to none. It just drains you of a lot of energy. Initial tests have been promising."@@ he said.
@@color:aquamarine;"And the price?"@@ I asked.
@@color:gray;"Well, drugs like these are expensive. But it is 'you' we are testing it on. We'll give you a few free samples but only if you agree to be responsible for all the risk."@@ he said showing me a six figure sum for the price of manufacture for a single tablet. Despite having been a top tier basketball player and a reasonably well paid individual that amount was beyond anything I could hope to pay for a single tablet.
@@color:aquamarine;"Count me in."@@ I said.
@@color:gray;"Well when you tell us your requirements we can make tailor-made drugs for you."@@ he said.
@@color:aquamarine;"Alright then, I'll get to you later then."@@ I said.
<<set $Energy-=10>>
Everyone seemed to have the work under control. So, I decided I must have a look at the medical facility that had sent me that email. I looked up its address. I was curious about it and for some reason did not want to tell Nicole that I was going there. Hence, I made an excuse and left the office in her hands while I zoomed off to Nautilus Medical Research facility in my car.
When I reached the location there was nothing there. Just barren land. I had thought that it was a scam earlier but this reinforced my belief. I was glad I had seen through it all.
Pleased with myself I drove back home. It was getting [[late.|AnalSex]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Wants to try Anal")>>
<<set $Energy-=30>>
I unlocked the door and was met with the most passionate kiss that I had ever received. Nicole was trying to undress me with the door open at my back. I could see her eyes burning with lust and passion as she said,
@@color:hotpink;"I want that big dick in my ass! Right now!"@@
Well you do not refuse an offer like that. I wasted no time. We got rid of our clothes and just the thought of anal sex and the sight of my wife's sexy, naked ass was enough to get me hard. I sat down on the sofa and lubed up my cock and her asshole. Her asshole was a lot more accomodating to my fingers now and she moaned unabashedly as I fingered her butt. Once she was ready for the dick she lowered herself onto my cock slowly.
@@color:hotpink;"Go slow. I'll tell you when I want a pounding."@@ she smiled before letting the tip of my cock penetrate her bum. She took a deep breath as she started to push herself down farther. Her asshole stretched to fit my girth within it. Soon the groans of slight discomfort gave way to ragged moans of pleasure. I watched as her tight asshole engulfed my dick. She relaxed and tightened her sphincter muscles as I struggled to control myself. I twisted a nipple with one hand while the other massaged her clit. The room smelt like sweat and love juices.
Unable to control myself I began to cum in Nicole's tight ass. At the same time Nicole orgasmed. Her entire body convulsed in pleasure as she struggled to keep balance. She orgasmed as she had never done and I knew that we would be doing anal more often than not in the future.
<<if $drink_cum eq 4>>
Once her orgasms had subsided she got down on her knees and sucked my cock seeking to get a taste of the last drops of cum still adhering to it.
<<for $i=0; $i<$traits.nic.length; $i++>>
<<if $traits.nic[$i] eq "Wants to try Anal">>
<<set $traits.nic[$i]= "Loves to get Buttfucked">>
<<for $i=0; $i<$traits.ty.length; $i++>>
<<if $traits.ty[$i] eq "Thinks He Will Like Anal Sex">>
<<set $traits.ty[$i]= "Loves Buttfucking Nicole">>
She collapsed next to me on the sofa, glowing like she did when she felt sexually satisfied.
@@color:hotpink;"I love anal sex. I can't wait to take your cock up my ass again."@@ she declared.
Nicole was ready with dinner when I got back home. We discussed about where I had gone. I did not tell her the truth, of course. I just reiterated the lie as we had dinner. It had been an exhausting day and Nicole was visibly yawning.
We decided to call it a day. We changed into our nightclothes and went to sleep in each other's [[arms.|Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $Energy-=10>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I woke up to find that Nicole was not next to me. She had probably woken up before and gone downstairs for coffee. I walked over to the bathroom and realized that the door was ajar. I pushed it wider to see what was going on.
Nicole was standing in front of the body length mirror fingering herself furiously. She was looking at her reflection in the mirror as she masturbated. I heard her saying somethings very slowly. I listened more closely.
@@color:hotpink;"Yess...Lick me, you slut. Yess... Oh my God..yea-"@@ she screamed as she came. As she was regaining her composure she saw me peeking through the door and instantly turned scarlet. She looked absolutely beautiful when she felt embarassed. I gave her a comforting smile which seemed to put her at ease. She came over to me, kissed me and began telling me about what I had just witnessed.
@@color:hotpink;"You'll probably think it is stupid but I've always fantasized about having sex with myself. I find my own form really attractive. Yeah, I know, it's very narcissistic. But that's all it is. It is just a fantasy. There is no way it is going to happen."@@ she said.
<<if $tf eq true>>
I beg to differ, my lady. I think I have found the first thing that Dr. Stein at Nautilus Medical Research facility will be making [[for me.->Home]]
I nodded at what she said. I did not know what to do with this information. So, I carried on with the day [[normally.|Home]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I lied to Nicole about having to go to a youth team game to look for prospective clients and left for Nautilus Medical Centre. I did not feel as guilty as I had done yesterday for lying to her. After all, I was doing it for her- to make her fantasies come true.
I got through the security with a volunteer card that Dr. Stein had given me last time and went to try to locate the man. I found him talking to a junior researcher and waited for them to finish talking. He saw me waiting and sent the other person away.
@@color:gray;"How may I help you, Mr. Tyler?"@@ he asked.
@@color:aquamarine;"I was hoping to test one of your little hocus-pocus tablets."@@ I said. A faint look of anger crossed his face at the mention of 'hocus-pocus'.
@@color:gray;"My pills aren't magic. They are pure science. What do you have in mind?"@@ he asked me.
@@color:aquamarine;"It's a bit weird. I would like to transform into a woman."@@ I answered hesitantly.
@@color:gray;"That'll be new and challenging to make. I'll have to see what I can do. How long do you want this to last?"@@ he asked as he took notes on a tablet that he was carrying.
@@color:aquamarine;"About as long as two women having sex."@@ I answered. Stein peered at me from over his crescent moon glasses as if judging me but did not say anything.
@@color:gray;"Go to the laboratory and give a blood sample there. All drugs have to be tailor-made. I need to study your genetic makeup once more to see if this particular drug will be compatible. And you'll need to stay here until the evening to collect the pill."@@ he said as he walked off.
I got the blood-work done and waited the entire day. As evening approached, I was getting more and more restless. What if this is just a scam? I will not know whether the pills work until I take them.
Finally, Stein called me into his office.
@@color:gray;"We have managed to successully concoct the mixture and make pills out of it. These pills last about two hours each."@@ he said handing me a bottle containing around five pills that looked more like antacids than anything else.
@@color:gray;"We call it Polyjuice."@@ he said. Where have I heard that name before?
@@color:gray;"No two human body masses are the same so basically the pill does is a complex process of mass and energy interchange. If you are transforming into a woman, most likely your mass is decreasing. So, the pill allows the body to convert the extra mass into energy and store it in your cells for a certain time."@@ I yawned visibly at the explanation.
@@color:gray;"Alright , I'll not bore you with the technical details! You must take about 200 millilitres of water, drop the pill in it alongwith a DNA sample of the person you want to tranform into. I would recommend hair. You have to tell me everything that happens- the change, how you felt etcetera- tomorrow."@@
I looked at the little bottle containing the pills. They did not look anything out of the ordinary. I pocketed them and made my way [[home.|NonN]]
<<set $timeofDay+=2>>
The last few days had been so fast paced and exciting that an ordinary day seemed very boring.
I scribbled notes while Nicole took calls as my secretary. We worked our asses off the whole day. I made some important decisions. Marcus called for some financial advice which I was happy to provide him with. After an exhausting yet uneventful day we made our way back home.
We ordered takeout, watched a movie, cuddled and went to [[sleep.|Home]] I did not know whether to tell Nicole about it when I entered or to give her a surprise. Finally, I decided I would keep it a surprise. If the pill worked well and good, if not, Nicole could have some amazing straight sex instead.
While we had dinner, I told her that she was in for a surprise tonight and that I would be blindfolding her on the bed. Nicole had no qualms whatsoever. She quite liked being deprived of her senses during sex.
Now all I had to do was find a hair sample. Plucking it from the top of her head did not seem like a good idea. So, I decided I would head upstairs and check the bed. And there I found it- a lone strand of platinum blonde hair- on the pillow. In the bathroom, I poured out the water and dropped the pill and the hair in a glass. The mixture turned a pale yellow colour and frothed slightly. I sniffed at it suspiciously and was astounded when I realized that it smelled like Nicole.
I heard Nicole coming upstairs and undressing.
@@color:hotpink;"I am naked on the bed waiting for your surprise. I'll be tying that blindfold now. Hurry up or I'll start without you!"@@ she said, giggling at her own words.
@@color:aquamarine;"Yeah, I am coming, honey!"@@ I said.
I took a deep breath and swallowed the solution in one go. For a while I just stood there naked, in front of the mirror- my ripped muscles and huge cock still conclusive proof of my masculinity. Then suddenly I felt a different sensation. I saw as the melanin content of my skin decreased and I became pale. I felt a tingling sensation as platinum blonde hair shot out from my bald head. My muscles slowly melted away as my limbs thinned and smoothed. The flesh reorganized and I felt myself growing boobs and a feminine ass. The feeling was almost as if flesh were being burned away from regions I knew and forming in places I did not have. The tangles of pubic hair which had been maintained at Nicole's behest retraced their path back into the body as the region smoothed. I felt my penis retracting into my body and then my crotch parting to form the delectable pussy that I knew far too well. The vision was almost like a flower blossoming. My facial features softened. I looked at the mirror and smiled- but it was not me that smiled back, but Nicole. All the while, I felt myself getting shorter. It was as if I saw everything from a lower vantage point now.
The transformation was now complete. It was at this instant that I relaized that I was exhausted beyond words.
I touched my boobs and vagina. So, this was how it felt to be Nicole. I had never felt [[this sexy in my life.|NLes]] <<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Bicurious")>>
<<set $traits.nic.push("Bisexual")>>
<<set $traits.nic.delete("Bicurious")>>
I quietly walked out of the bedroom- the reduced weight making it very easy to do so. Nicole was lying on the bed her legs apart and her pussy on display for me.
I walked up to the bed and started licking her pussy and clit in a tiresome manner.
@@color:hotpink;"About time. I thought you stood me up."@@ I did not make any sound lest I reveal the surprise too early.
I diligently persisted at making her come with my tongue.
@@color:hotpink;"Yeass... right there. You've gotten better at licking pussy, you know?"@@ she said as she moved a hand to rub my bald head. But instead of a bald head her hands met with not just any head of hair but a very feminine one at that. She immediately took off her blindfold.
I saw her eyes widen in surprise at the sight before her. I had not abandoned my efforts to make her come yet and continued despite the look of incredulity on her face.
@@color:hotpink;"Ty, is that you?"@@ she asked hesitantly.
@@color:aquamarine;"Yes"@@ I said. Except it was not my voice that said it but Nicole's.
@@color:hotpink;"How...?"@@ she asked, concerned and lost for words.
Despite my earlier enthusiasm, the transformation had taken its toll on me and it was tiring me out every other second. I yawned visibly, but not in a way I remembered myself doing but rather a particularly feminine one I had witnessed before my own eyes.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, you said it was one of your fantasies. So, I thought I'd surprise you."@@ I said, my eyes drooping to the point that they had already resigned to the fate of sleep.
@@color:hotpink;"So, you got makeup?"@@ she said, @@color:hotpink;"But makeup can't change your size."@@ she corrected herself, @@color:hotpink;"How the hell did you manage this?"@@ she asked, both curious and concerned at the same time.
I explained to her about the time I had been injured and how she had signed that contract in a bid to save my life. I told her about Dr. Stein contacting me and saw a faint spark of recogniion at the mention of that name. I told her how they had discovered these drugs that provided instant mutations and how I had volunteered to be a test subject. She stopped me here.
@@color:hotpink;"Why would you agree to such a thing? What if something were to happen to you? What would I do?"@@ she looked on the verge of tears. I was tired but no amount of exhaustion can stop me from comforting my wife when she is distressed. I hugged her, our naked, feminine bodies entwined in embrace.
@@color:aquamarine;"I was just curious, babe. And I was assured that there would be no side effects."@@ I said with a light kiss on her lips.
@@color:hotpink;"How are you feeling now, then?"@@ she asked, concern still lining her pretty face.
@@color:aquamarine;"Tired as fuck."@@ I said, yawning widely once more.
@@color:hotpink;"Then you ought to sleep. No fantasy of mine is as important as your well-being."@@ she said as she lay me down lightly onto my back.
I have never felt so loved and cared for in my life than when she lay on top of me, our boobs pressed against each other, kissed me with care and said, @@color:hotpink;"Sleep, darling."@@
I drifted off to sleep as I felt our heartbeats syncing with [[each other.|Home]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I felt really heavy, after having tuffed myself with whatever food I could from the fridge ,as I made my way to the bathroom with a glass of water in my hands. On my way, I discovered another loose strand of Nicole's hair on the bedspread. I took the pill a second time in under ten hours. The effect was instantaneous. I morphed into Nicole just like yesterday but without the crushing exhaustion, just as Dr. Stein had predicted.
I walked out of the bathroom, this time confidently. My form may have been feminine but my masculine body language had not yet abandoned me and my walk would have betrayed me. I set to work on Nicole once more, this time energized.
She woke up at the sensation of a tongue on her privates and shrieked at the sight.
@@color:hotpink;"I thought it was just a dream. You really changed into me, did you?"@@ she asked and I nodded.
@@color:aquamarine;"Do you want to fulfill your fantasy now, baby?"@@ I asked.
She considered it awhile and then said, @@color:hotpink;"Fuck it! Come here!"@@
She approached me and kissed me while lightly carresing my bottom. Her touch aginst the soft skin sent pleasurable shivers through me and I felt myself moisten at the touch. Our soft lips kissed while tongues swirled in each other mouths.
She left a trail of saliva as she kissed my neck and collarbone on the way down to my sizable breasts. She fondled them and then took a nipple in her warm mouth. I threw my head back at the wonderful feeling.
She took her time as she ventured down once again, this time leaving a trail across the belly and giving the belly button a kiss enroute to the pubic area. She showered sloppy, wet kisses on the inside of my thighs leaving me wanting more. Just as I thought she was going to start licking my pussy she stopped.
@@color:hotpink;"Lick me, little slut. If I climax I'll get you there too."@@ she said.
Yes, I know it is suppossed to be about Nicole but I was slightly disappointed at being robbed of an orgasm. Despite this, I knew I must do as she pleases. After all, it is her fantasy.
I started licking her pussy and clit once more. It seemed I knew more about female erogenous zones now than when I had been a man. I felt Nicole's toes curl and her hands grip the sheets. I continued with unmatched fervour. Nicole came and she came hard. She squirted right in my face, something she had never done when I had been a man. And she seemed distinctly unapologetic about it, begging me to do it again to her.
She pushed me onto the bed, held up one of my legs and started grinding our pussies together. There are not words that can describe the glorious feeling to perfection. I felt myself nearing orgasm and Nicole must have sensed that it was near too because she went down on me and started licking me. I looked at her as she licked my pussy. Her eyes were wide open, fixed on my face as she looked for my reaction. Nothing could have prepared me for what was my first orgasm as a woman. Pleasurable tingles coursed through my body as it covulsed in joy at the sensation. It took a full minute for the sensation to subside and left me wanting more.
After another three rounds of intense lovemaking we lay on the bed talking and cuddling, in each others arms as we fondled [[each other.|Cuddle Fantasy]]I felt the drug wearing off slowly. Nicole held me in her embrace as my boobs receded into my chest and my shoulders broadened. The colour was returning to my skin. The gorgeous hair started retracting back and my bald head returned. The thin arms bulked up and the biceps returned. The soft features hardened as my features became more distinctly manly. The pussy between my legs vanished and in its place my dick started regrowing.
Nicole held my flaccid cock in one of her soft hands. I felt a more familiar feeling of blood rushing to my genitals at her touch.
@@color:hotpink;"Thanks for the amazing sex, Ty."@@ she said looking at me adoringly.
@@color:hotpink;"By the way, I have myself to thank for this."@@ she giggled, @@color:hotpink;"Well, it was a nice change from the usual. Thanks for making my fantasy come true. This was the first time I have been with a woman."@@ she smiled and kissed me.
I had not expected that. Nicole seemed like the type of girl who would exlore her sexuality during her early adulthood. Maybe this was something we must explore?
@@color:hotpink;"I must confess though that there is no alternative to this monster."@@ she said still moving her hand along my shaft, @@color:hotpink;"Let's get ready for work."@@ she said and pulling on a thong that she was apparently going to wear to work, leaving me [[hard as a rock|Home]]
<<set $Energy-=20>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
We had another relaxed day at the office today. Business was slow. I got some other work done too. <<if $tf eq true>>At lunch I slipped away and went to Nautilus to tell them about the drug.
Dr. Stein made me fill a questionairre about the drug and then listened attentively while I explained the various sensations in great detail. When we were done we shook hands and he asked me to come if I wanted anything else of this sort. We will see about that, shall we?
I returned to the office to find it almost empty.<</if>>
Nicole told me that there was so little to do today that she had told the interns to leave. I watched as a few interns left, avoiding my eyes. I did not know what to say. Nicole grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the car to leave for home.
Within fifteen minutes she was next to me on the couch in front of the television, in her underwear. We were watching a movie and during the break when a 'Star Wars' related advertisement came on she said,
@@color:hotpink;"What was your fantasy when you were younger? Fucking someone when they had the pricess Leia costume on?"@@
@@color:aquamarine;"Not really. I found the red princess Jasmine outfit from Aladdin much sexier."@@
She looked at me and gave a mischievous smile. I knew exactly what she wanted to know that for. She straddled me, rubbing her soft butt against my groin and said,
@@color:hotpink;"Don't go to any practice games now. I'll be right back."@@ she kissed me, put on some clothes and I heard the sound of her car leaving.
She came back an hour later, clutching a bag in her hands. She gave one of those 'you just wait and see' smiles. I sat there, getting hard at the prospect of having one of my earliest fantasies fulfilled.
She descended the stairs looking like the woman every man dreams of fucking. She was wearing a more revealing version of the outfit. A tight red top from which her assets threatened to spill over and red harem pants that left her midriff bare. She had her hair done up in a ponytail. She marched confidently up to me and began posing like a model, turning this way and that. The back of her top was held by a couple of fragile strings tied together and I could not wait to free her luscious breasts from its clutches.
@@color:hotpink;"Do you like what you see, Ty?"@@ she asked, bending forward and squeezing her breasts together to reveal even more of her cleavage.
@@color:aquamarine;"Yes!"@@ I muttered hornily. I have to be quick. How do I want to play this?
[[Treat her like a prince would treat a princess|Aladdin]]
<<print "\n">>
[[Treat her like an evil sorceror would treat his sex toy|Jafar]]<<silently>>
<<set $loveNicole+=20>>
<<set $Energy-=30>>
I got up from my seat and kissed her passionately. She was dressed to sexily that I could not resist getting frisky and I cupped her bottom through the thin fabric of her pants. I scooped her up in my arms and caried her back upsatirs, lightly laying her down on the bed we shared.
I undid the golden fastenings that held her top in place, laying next to her. Her glorious feminine mounds spilled out, topped with aroused, pink nipples. I took one in my mouth and gently sucked on it while I kneaded the other with my hand. I could not take my eyes away from Nicole's face. She looked like she could be orgasming just from my ministrations on her tits. I moved further south, softly caressing the contours of her body with my touch and tongue. I flicked my tongue at her navel and it drew a pleasurable giggle, which I noted for future reference.
When I reached the waistband of her pants, I looked up and said,
@@color:aquamarine;"May I have the pleasure of seeing your pussy, my princess?"@@
She looked like she was not expecting this much respect while dressed in a slave costume but nodded nevertheless. I clumsily undid the knots that veiled her pussy and yanked her pants down to reveal it. It was dripping wet and I ignored it altogether to focus on her other erogenous zones. It drew a slight groan of discontent but the touches on the nerve-endings of her thighs shut her up. By the end, she was literally begging to feel my tongue on her pussy. I obliged, breathing in the scent first and then tasting her on my tongue. I made her come until I lost track of time and until it got painful to keep my cock confined in my trousers.
I undid my zipper and it burst forth in all its majesty. Nicole was in no mood to wait any longer and she pulled me on top of her. I allowed myself to fall as I squashed her breasts under my powerful chest. She made us roll over so that she was on top, held my dick in one hand and guided it into her hot slit, breathing a sigh of relief as it entered. She held my shoulder blades as she rode my dick, moving her firm yet supple bottom rhythmically. She kissed me softly saying, @@color:hotpink;"Princess needs you to fuck her harder."@@ I screwed up my face in concentration as I forced myself to pump harder into her.
I felt Nicole orgasming. Her love juices flooded her pussy as we lay entwined in a passionate embrace, spent from the effort of lovemaking, momentarily.
I looked at Nicole. She looked like she wanted more. What should I do?
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves to get Buttfucked")>>
[[Ask Princess Nicole permission for anal|JAAnal]]
[[Ask Princess Nicole to go another round|JAPussy]]
<<set $loveNicole+=20>>
<<set $Energy-=50>>
I recalled the time Nicole had called me 'Master' during sex. Somehow, I found that image of her incredibly arousing and was not able to get it out of my head. I wanted to explore that in greater detail. And this was an opportunity I was not willing to pass.
I sat on the sofa as if it were a throne and said to Nicole,
@@color:aquamarine;"Come here, slut. Show me how much you want your master's cock."@@
She stopped for a moment. Maybe I had gone too far. Then she winked and approached me. She unzipped my pants and thrust my rod into her warm mouth.
@@color:aquamarine;"You like that, huh?"@@ I asked as I held her hair so that it did not interfere with the blowjob.
@@color:hotpink;"Mmmhmm..."@@ she said, mouth too full of dick to form an intelligible sentence.
She moved her her head religiously along my shaft as if her life depended on it. She looked up, her big, round eyes fixed on me as if looking for validation.
She looks up at me, tongue stretching out. She lightly slaps my dick on her hot tongue.
@@color:hotpink;"Master, I want to be your sperm receptacle. Deposit your delicious cum in any of my holes. Your slave will gladly accept it."@@ she says, making me go twice as hard.
Not even in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined Nicole so willing to fulfill my desires. There was no measure of delight big enough to express my joy at seeing Nicole so willing.
@@color:aquamarine;"You want me to use you like my personal fuckdoll?"@@ I asked. She nodded as if she could not wait to be taken. Then realizing that she had been idle for too long she started swirling her hot, pink tongue on the bulbous head of my cock while one of her small hands cradle my spunk filled balls. She licked along the sides of the shaft, lubricating it with her saliva dutifully.
@@color:aquamarine;"Yes, worship my massive cock. Show me how much you desire to feel it in your worthless holes."@@ I said, in a tone of apparent cruelty.
Nicole engulfed the stiff rod with her red lips and slowly pushed herself down until my cock was at the back of her throat. I pushed my cock against the walls of her cheeks and saw it outlined from the outside. I gripped the sides of her head and pistoned my dick into her mouth until she slapped my thighs to let me know that she needed to come up for air.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves to get Buttfucked")>>
She takes a moment to catch her breath then says, in a voice, dripping with raw sensual appeal, @@color:hotpink;"Master, allow your slave to pleasure your massive cock with her ass."@@
[[I was only too happy to do that|JJAnal]]
She takes a moment to catch her breath then says, in a voice, dripping with raw sensual appeal, @@color:hotpink;"Master, allow your slave to pleasure your massive cock with her pussy."@@
[[I was only too happy to do that|JJPussy]]
@@color:aquamarine;"Princess, I desire to fuck your ass."@@ I said.
@@color:hotpink;"Princess grants you permission to buttfuck her."@@ she said her eyes burning with passion, yet with a regal air.
She still lay on top of me. I lathered my middle finger in spit ans slowly pushed it past Nicole's anal ring. She groaned at the intrusion. Her ass struggled for a while and then relaxed as I slowly started the back and forth motion of my finger. She moaned most unlike a princess as she enjoyed the finger shoved up her ass. Love juices from her pussy overflowed and dribbled down onto me.
@@color:hotpink;"Please, don't make me wait anymore. Fuck my ass and don't hold back."@@ she said in a guttural voice of need.
I was always ready for this moment. I positioned my cock at her anal entrance. First the tip went in, then the enormous head and finally the lengthy shaft. All of them elicited different reactions and different moans. I held her close to myself, as I gently sucked on a nipple. Then I began pistoning myself into my wife's pretty asshole. She flung her head back in delight at the sensation. Her fingernails dug into my biceps as she struggled to get a grip on herself.
I was fast rushing towards my own orgasm when Nicole emitted a ear-splitting cry of exctasy as she came. Her ass gripped my cock hard, emptying the contents of my balls deep in her bowels.
By the time her orgasm had subsided, she was so tired that she drifted off to sleep. Unable to resist sleep any longer myself, I kissed her and [[gave in to it too.|Home]]@@color:aquamarine;"Wanna go another round?"@@ I asked Nicole.
@@color:hotpink;"Gladly."@@ she said her eyes burning with passion, yet with a regal air.
She still lay on top of me. I lathered my middle finger in spit and pushed it into Nicole's pussy. She moaned as I slowly massaged the walls of her pussy. Then I slowly started the back and forth motion of my finger. She moaned most unlike a princess as she enjoyed the finger shoved up her ass. Love jices from her pussy overflowed and dribbled down onto me.
@@color:hotpink;"Please, don't make me wait anymore. Fuck me hard and don't hold back."@@ she said in a guttural voice of need.
I positioned my cock at her entrance. First the tip went in, then the enormous head and finally the lengthy shaft. All of them elicited different reactions and different moans. I held her close to myself, as I gently sucked on a nipple. Then I began pistoning myself into my wife's pretty little pussy. She flung her head back in delight at the sensation. Her fingernails dug into my biceps as she struggled to get a grip on herself.
I was fast rushing towards my own orgasm when Nicole emitted a ear-splitting cry of exctasy as she came. Her pussy gripped my cock hard, emptying the contents of my balls deep in her depths.
By the time her orgasm had subsided, she was so tired that she drifted off to sleep. Unable to resist sleep any longer myself, I kissed her and [[gave in to it too.|Home]]I was not going to let her have sexual relief that easy.
@@color:aquamarine;"Show me your tits, slave"@@ I said, clicking my fingers.
Nicole freed her tits from the confines of the constricting top and they bounced into view, glorious as ever, nipples perked up. I sat her on my lap and asked her to grind her hips against my crotch while I buried my head in her cleavage, feasting on her feminine mounds and occassionally on her delectable nipples.
@@color:aquamarine;"Show me your butthole, slut!"@@ I commanded.
She stood up, undid the knots that held the pants in place and started pulling them down. The pants hugged her well-formed thighs and fanned out after her knees, only to meet at her ankles. She turned her back on me, bent down and stripped the pants off. I was delighted to see that she was not wearing any panties and that she was dripping like a leaking tap. She must be finding this scenario incredibly sexy. Her asshole looked incredibly inviting. It was evident that she had been taking special care of it since she had been initiated into the world of anal pleasure.
She lay on the floor, her ass raised up in the air as a finger from each hand furiously pleasured her holes. A while later she gave out a moan, withdrew her fingers and sucked on them hungrily. My erection was at such a point where it was getting painful as I grew more and more aroused at the sight before me and I shifted in my seat.
Nicole must have observed my discomfort for she said, @@color:hotpink;"Master, use my pussy juices as lubricant to fuck my asshole."@@
I plunged my meat into her pussy and added the wetness of her pussy juices to that of her saliva. When I withdrew, she gave out a slight groan of discontent, but not for long. I buried my throbbing dick in her ass. First, the tip entered, then the bulbous head and finally the shaft. She begged me to go faster and I was only too happy to oblige. Her asshole gripped my cock so tightly that I was going mad just keeping myself from flooding her ass.
Her moans of pleasure all but increased in volume as I pistoned into her butthole with reckless abandon. It must be a fantasy of every man that bought a magazine with her on the cover, to bury their erection in her tight ass, yet it was I who had the pleasure of doing so. It felt incredibly heart-warming to have a woman that everyone coveted as your wife and the thought was slowly threatening to immerse me in orgasmic bliss.
Nicole spasmed in pleasure as her body convulsed in orgasmic bliss. I lightly spanked her bottom as she rode her orgasm to the crescendo and back.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves the Taste of Cum")>>
As soon as her orgasm had subsided, Nicole turned to face my cock.
@@color:hotpink;"Feed me your cum, master."@@ she said as if she meant every word of it. I jerked off my cock over her face and painted her pristine, pink tongue with creamy strands of my hot cum. She closed her eyes, revelling at its flavour and then swallowed it with a very audible gulp. She showed me her tongue as proof of her obedience.
I reclined into the sofa, my legs numb with effort. I felt sleep coming to claim me despite my best efforts and before long I was asleep.
As soon as her orgasm had subsided, Nicole turned to face me.
@@color:hotpink;"Flood my ass with your seed, master."@@ she said as if she meant every word of it.
With a herculean effort I prolonged my orgasm as much as I could before emptying the contents of my balls into Nicole's sexy ass. I reclined back into the sofa and she lay there still holding the position, still exhausted fom the brutal fucking. A solitary droplet of cum ran out of her asshole and down her thigh as I drifted into sleep on the sofa itself.
I felt Nicole hug me and go to sleep next to me on the [[sofa->Home]]I was not going to let her have sexual relief that easy.
@@color:aquamarine;"Show me your tits, slave"@@ I said, clicking my fingers.
Nicole freed her tits from the confines of the constricting top and they bounced into view, glorious as ever, nipples perked up. I sat her on my lap and asked her to grind her hips against my crotch while I buried my head in her cleavage, feasting on her feminine mounds and occassionally on her delectable nipples.
@@color:aquamarine;"Now, show me your pussy, slut!"@@ I commanded.
She stood up, undid the knots that held the pants in place and started pulling them down. The pants hugged her well-formed thighs and fanned out after her knees, only to meet at her ankles. She turned her back on me, bent down and stripped the pants off. I was delighted to see that she was not wearing any panties and that she was dripping like a leaking tap. She must be finding this scenario incredibly sexy. Her pussy looked incredibly inviting. It was evident that she was getting off on this fantasy as much as I was.
She lay on the floor, her ass raised up in the air as she furiously pleasured her pussy, two fingers stuffed in their depths. A while later she gave out a moan, withdrew her fingers and sucked on them hungrily. My erection was at such a point where it was getting painful as I grew more and more aroused at the sight before me and I shifted in my seat.
Nicole must have observed my discomfort for she said, @@color:hotpink"Master, your worthless slut begs you to take her as you please."@@
I plunged my meat into her pussy and added the wetness of her pussy juices to that of her saliva. When I withdrew, she gave out a slight groan of discontent, but not for long. I buried my throbbing dick in her pussy again. She begged me to go faster and I was only too happy to oblige. Her pussy gripped my cock so tightly that I was going mad just keeping myself from flooding her cavity.
Her moans of pleasure all but increased in volume as I pistoned into her warm fuckhole with reckless abandon. It must be a fantasy of every man that bought a magazine with her on the cover, to bury their erection in her tight pussy, yet it was I who had the pleasure of doing so. It felt incredibly heart-warming to have a woman that everyone coveted as your wife and the thought was slowly threatening to immerse me in orgasmic bliss.
Nicole spasmed in pleasure as her body convulsed in orgasmic bliss. I lightly spanked her bottom as she rode her orgasm to the crescendo and back.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves the Taste of Cum")>>
As soon as her orgasm had subsided, Nicole turned to face my cock.
@@color:hotpink;"Feed me your cum, master."@@ she said as if she meant every word of it. I jerked off my cock over her face and painted her pristine, pink tongue with creamy strands of my hot cum. She closed her eyes, revelling at its flavour and then swallowed it with a very audible gulp. She showed me her tongue as proof of her obedience.
I reclined into the sofa, my legs numb with effort. I felt sleep coming to claim me despite my best efforts and before long I was asleep.
As soon as her orgasm had subsided, Nicole turned to face me.
@@color:hotpink;"Flood my pussy with your seed, master."@@ she said as if she meant every word of it.
I was aware that Nicole had been taking birth-control pills so I did not refuse her the joy of feeling my cum swirling in her pussy. With a herculean effort I prolonged my orgasm as much as I could before emptying the contents of my balls into Nicole's sexy little pussy. I reclined back into the sofa and she lay there still holding the position, still exhausted fom the brutal fucking. A solitary droplet of cum ran out of her pussy and down her thigh as I drifted into sleep on the sofa itself.
I felt Nicole hug me and go to sleep next to me on the [[sofa->Home]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
Another glorious dawn had been preceded by some raunchy sex, I thought as I woke up. I got ready and descended the stairs. I was having my morning coffee when I noticed Nicole arriving too. Except she was all different. She had been wearing fairly conservative clothes to office, until now. She was wearing a thin, low-cut, transluscent white top that might have belonged to a secretary, but only in porn. She had tied a knot so that it revealed her midriff. Her bosom was peeking out owing to the buttons she had left unuttoned. The skirt was even more revealing. The only appropriate description would be a black nanoskirt. It barely covered her crotch.
She came in and asked me brightly, @@color:hotpink;"So, how do you like my new outfit?"@@
I was about to say that unless she planned playing the part of a slutty secretary in a porn movie she would need a more formal attire than this but it was not my place to control what women wore. If she was comfortable wearing it, she could wear it.
@@color:aquamarine;"I would want to make you cum right here and now, if I didn't need to go to work."@@ she seemed pleased at the answer and posed a little more, allowing me to appreciate her form from different angles.
We arrived at the office and no one could peel their eyes off Nicole. She held my arm all the while as if glad that she was with me, while in truth I was the one pleased to be with her. When she reached her desk she sat down, blew me a kiss and gave me a wink.
I entered my office, shaking my head and smiling to myself at the public display of [[affection.->ProAfternoon]]Nicole dropped in with a with a memo that saiud that a popular sports company wanted to have a talk with me over dinner at the Yellow Lily Hotel. I was delighted. It could mean a big deal that earned me a lot of money. I gave a playful smack on Nicole's ass and she looked pretty pleased about it as she sashayed out.
When it was time to leave, I went outside to tell Nicole but she was not there. Maybe she had gone home, evening was already fast approaching. There was no point in calling her just for the meeting. So, I drove to the hotel myself.
I arrived at the grand construction that was the Yellow Lily Hotel. I stood there awhile admiring it in all its majesty. I entered the lobby and saw multiple help desks and approached one which was being looked after by a particularly amiable woman.
@@color:aquamarine;"Hello, I am Tyler. I had an appointment here. Maybe you can guide me to the right place?"@@ I said.
@@color:peru;"Just a moment, sir."@@ she said as she checked the database. @@color:peru;"Yes, it is here. You may go to the honeymoon suite on floor six. We have been asked not to go there. The meeting is confidential."@@
I found it suspicious that they would not guide me to the room but it was a minor inconvenience and did not see a point in creating a fuss over it. They gave me a key card and I entered an elevator that got me to the sixth floor.
It was deathly quiet on the floor and keeping in mind the conversation with the receptionist I was slightly concerned. I swiped the key card and entered the room. It was a beautiful suite and at any other time I would have been pleased to see it.
I was startled as the room service bell went off. There was someone at the door. Maybe the fellows from the company?
[[There is only one way to know for sure.Open the door.|ProsChoice]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I opened the door. It was Nicole, but she was unrecognizable. She was wearing a revealing top that was being held together by a weak knot. The top gave anybody who walked past her an unrestricted view of her cleavage. The tiny nanoskirt only covered the bare minimum. She was wearing black fishnet sockings and very loud makeup. How she had managed to enter this upscale hotel dressed like this was completely beyond me.
She entered the room with an air of confidence and leaned against the door, slamming it shut. She seemed slightly out of breath and took deep breaths , her boobs rising an falling with each intake and exhale. The sight was captivating, hypnotizing and dumbfounding all at once. She smiled at me.
@@color:hotpink;"I heard someone didn't get to fuck the stripper they got for themselves. So, how about you fuck a hooker instead."@@
She batted her eyelids at me seductively.
I looked her up and down. I do not know how I feel about this.
@@color:aquamarine;"What about the meeting then?"@@ I asked her innocently.
She let out an exasperated breath as if she could not believe I had not seen through this yet.
@@color:hotpink;"Ty, it was all me. I planned all this to get you here so that we could roleplay hooker and client. We had a photoshoot for 'Model Life' in this hotel and I am friends with the receptionists. So, I booked this room and asked them to direct you here. Didn't you find it suspicious that they didn't escort you to the room? And now that that is out of the way, are you going to make me writhe with that magnificient cock of yours?"@@ she said pushing me on the bed and straddling me.
What am I supposed to do now?
[[Sex? You never say no to sex!|AgreePro]]
<<print "\n">>
[[Digusting! Dressing up as a hooker is absolutely disgraceful|RefusePro]]<<silently>>
<<set $no= false>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Of course, I want to have sex, Nicole."@@ I said, grabbing her butt as she hovered over my crotch- teasing me.
@@color:hotpink;"What do you want to do to me, Mr. Tyler?"@@ she asked in a professional tone, before giving me a very loud smooch on the lips.
<<if $dirtyTalk eq true>>
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves to get Buttfucked")>>
[[I want to wreck your asshole tonight|ProAnalDT]]
<<print "\n">>
[[I want to ruin that tight little pussy of yours|ProPussyDT]]
<<print "\n">>
[[I want to mercilessly fuck your throat tonight|ProOralDT]]
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves to get Buttfucked")>>
[[I want to wreck your asshole tonight|ProAnal]]
<<print "\n">>
[[I want to ruin that tight little pussy of yours|ProPussy]]
<<print "\n">>
[[I want to mercilessly fuck your throat tonight|ProOral]]
<<set $no= true>>
<<set $loveNicole-=10>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole, I don't like the way you make everything about sex. I came here for a business deal and it turns out that was just a ploy for you to get sex. And this is absolutely distasteful. What made you think that I would enjoy this?"@@ I said angrily.
Nicole stood there for a while, her face inscrutable. Then she shrugged and walked out of the door. Her face had not given me any hint as to whether she was angry but the way she slammed the door shut behind her enough.
I stood there alone, with a stupid look on my face. Was I too harsh on her? She just wanted to make me happy. How many women would agree to something as degrading as dressing up as a prostitute to pleasure their husbands? She had done it of her free will. Maybe she was a bit nymphomaniacal, but was not that one of the things that made her so endearing to me. [[Maybe I should apologize to her?|Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
@@color:aquamarine;"I wanna wreck that cute little butthole of yours. Get down on your hands and knees like the bitch that you are."@@ I said, my prowess at dirty talk compelling Nicole to obey me.
She did as I ordered. She left her ass raised at me, making her asshole wink as her body quivered with anticipation.
@@color:hotpink;"There is lube in that cabinet beside the be..."@@ she was saying.
@@color:aquamarine;"I am going in raw."@@ I announced to her, she looked like she might be having second thoughts but then resigned to her fate. She took a deep breath and began relaxing her asshole.
Despite my earlier assertion, I did not want to hurt Nicole in any manner whatsoever. So, I wet my fingers with a lot of saliva and her pussy juice and helped her in getting sphincter muscles to relax. She heaved a sigh of relief at my understanding her predicament.
I undid my trousers and discarded my underwear. I was unsurprised to see my cock already standing erect. Something would have to be seriously wrong with me, for me to not find the sight of my wife's naked butt sexy. I plunged my member in her ass. It slid in without obstruction this time. I groaned in plesure at the feeling of unbelievable tightness of her asshole.
@@color:hotpink;"I don't let any other customers in my ass. Just you. Coz you are my favourite."@@ she managed to blurt out between her grunts of pleasure.
@@color:aquamarine;"You won't be able to either because I will ruin you for other men. My big cock will stretch out your little asshole."@@ I managed as continued to pummel her ass.
I kneaded her full breasts as she moaned at the pleasure my cock gave her, buried in her beautiful ass. She was having some real problems keeping her composure. I grabbed a fistful of her hair, turned her head and thrust my tongue deep down her throat while my dick assaulted her tiny butthole. I watched as her eyes rolled and her body quaked as she climaxed. Her passionate moans made it clear to any person listening in on us, what we were doing.
My legs threatened to give out as orgasm washed over me. I came violently, flooding the depths of Nicole's asshole with streams of my hot cum. I sat down on the bed, wiping the sweat of my brow. Nicole's legs still quivered as she experienced a prolonged orgasm. It seemed her asshole was not aware that the huge intruder for which it had widened had been withdrawn as it stayed wide open. Her ass was red from the numerous spanks inflicted upon it by my massive hands.
She recovered a while later, cum running down her thighs and backside, she came and kissed me.
@@color:hotpink;"Thanks for that wonderful orgasm, babe. I think I might enjoy getting dominated. Don't get used to it though, I might want to dominate someday."@@ she said with a wink.
Fifteen minutes later, we were striding down the atrium of the hotel, dressed impeccably in our posh outfits and no one would have guessed that the gorgeous lady on my arm, lay on the floor with my cock buried deep in her ass while [[roleplaying as a whore.|Home]]
<<set $loveNicole+=15>>
@@color:aquamarine;"I am gonna ruin that tight little pussy of yours."@@ I said as I pushed her face first against the door of the suite. I twisted her hand behind her back and with my spare hand tugged at the skirt which loosened and puddled at her ankles.
@@color:hotpink;"I am on the pill, Mr. Tyler. I want to feel your cock, flesh against flesh."@@ she said, her eyes giving me a glance into how horny she was right now. I shoved my dick into her welcoming, wet pussy. Her breath hitched as she felt my member moving in and out of her, filling her.
I set a quick rhythm and watched as Nicole struggled to keep her composure. Her legs quaked and I had to hold her up as I fucked her relentlessly. Her ecstatic moans made it clear to whomsoever might me listening that she was having the time of her life.
I pulled her head back and shoved my tongue down her throat. Orgasm after orgasm rocked her body and my pursuit for my own was also fast approaching. Sweat was running down my back and front in torrents and the muscles in my butt flexed as I continued the onslaught on Nicole's pussy.
@@color:aquamarine;"I will ruin this tight little pussy of yours. I will stretch it out so much that you won't be able to take any other customer's dick but mine."@@ I said to which she murmured incoherently that she would be glad to be my personal whore.
That was the final straw. I came hard into her pussy as I hit the back of it one last time. My hot cum flooded her pussy and my dick slowly became limp, returning to its flaccid state.
I held her up a while longer. Her legs were still weak from the multiple orgasms that I had wrought upon her. When she had reganed her composure, she turned to face me, leaning against the door.
@@color:hotpink;"Thanks for making me cum so many times, Ty. I like it when you dominate me like that. Don't get used to it though. I might feel like dominating someday too."@@ she said.
Fifteen minutes later, we were striding down the atrium of the hotel, dressed impeccably in our posh outfits and no one would have guessed that the gorgeous lady on my arm, had been having rough sex while [[roleplaying as a whore.|Home]]
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
@@color:aquamarine;"I want you to let me use your throat and then be my cumdump."@@ I said.
Nicole undid the shirt I was wearing. She kissed my broad chest and slowly shimmied down to my groin. She licked the six-pack on my abdomen and finally was face to face with my crotch. She fumbled as she tried to undo the buckle of the belt.
@@color:aquamarine;"Hurry up, slut. I haven't got all day."@@ I said viciously. She succeeded in undoing the buckle and pulled down my trousers and boxers, revealing my dick. Her worshipful gaze as she carressed it was not feigned, just the costume was part of the act.
She licked the tip, the shaft and the base of the balls. Then she began the persistent efforts to deepthroat my enormous manhood. Her largely unsuccessful attempts meant that she would have to relinquish control to me.
I placed my hands proprietarily on either side of her head and started pumping my dick furiously into her mouth. Her gagging sounds were like music to my ears. Her free hands found their way unerringly to her clit. She massaged her clit as I persisted with the relentless assault of her throat. Every now and then, she would expertly swirl her tongue to heighten the pleasure. The powerful muscles in my butt flexed at the unrelenting pace with which I was fucking Nicole's throat.
Her continuous clitoral stimulations bore fruit and she orgasmed. The sexy sight of my beautiful wife orgasming with my dick down her throat pushed me over the edge.
I came right down her throat, dumping my load right into her belly. I withdrew my now semi-erect cock from her mouth. She coughed slightly and looked at me as if to check whether I was satisfied. Then she grabbed my dick once more and licked the last drop of cum still adhering to its tip, making me go hard all over again.
@@color:hotpink;"Was your whore able to satisfy you?"@@ she asked, biting her bottom lip sexily.
@@color:aquamarine;"Yeah, I am more than satisfied with you."@@ I managed, stilling reeling from the energy sapping fuck I had had.
She kissed the tip of my cock once more.
Fifteen minutes later, we were striding down the atrium of the hotel, dressed impeccably in our posh outfits and no one would have guessed that the gorgeous lady on my arm, was getting brutally facefucked while [[roleplaying as a whore.|Home]]
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Anal"@@ I said minimally.
@@color:hotpink;"You wanna wreck that cute little butthole of mine. Should I get down on my hands and knees like the bitch that I am."@@ she said. I simply nodded.
She did as she was bid. She left her ass raised at me, making her asshole wink as her body quivered with anticipation.
@@color:hotpink;"There is lube in that cabinet beside the be..."@@ she was saying.
@@color:aquamarine;"I am going in raw."@@ I announced to her, she looked like she might be having second thoughts but then resigned to her fate. She took a deep breath and began relaxing her asshole.
Despite my earlier assertion, I did not want to hurt Nicole in any manner whatsoever. So, I wet my fingers with a lot of saliva and her pussy juice and helped her in getting sphincter muscles to relax. She heaved a sigh of relief at my understanding her predicament.
I undid my trousers and discarded my underwear. I was unsurprosed to see my cock already standing erect. Something would have to be seriously wrong with me, for me to not find the sight of my wife's naked butt sexy. I plunged my member in her ass. It slid in without obstruction this time. I groaned in plesure at the feeling of unbelievable tightness of her asshole.
@@color:hotpink;"I don't let any other customers in my ass. Just you. Coz you are my favourite."@@ she managed to blurt out between her grunts of pleasure.
@@color:hotpink;"I won't be able to either after today's assfucking because you will ruin me for other men. Your big cock will stretch out my little asshole."@@ she followed up, as I continued to pummel her ass.
I kneaded her full breasts as she moaned at the pleasure my cock gave her, buried in her beautiful ass. She was having some real problems keeping her composure. I grabbed a fistful of her hair, turned her head and thrust my tongue deep down her throat while my dick assaulted her tiny butthole. I watched as her eyes rolled and her body quaked as she climaxed. Her passionate moans made it clear to any person listening in on us, what we were doing.
My legs threatened to give out as orgasm washed over me. I came violently, flooding the depths of Nicole's asshole with streams of my hot cum. I sat down on the bed, wiping the sweat of my brow. Nicole's legs still quivered as she experienced a prolonged orgasm. It seemed her asshole was not aware that the huge intruder for which it had widened had been withdrawn as it stayed wide open. Her ass was red from the numerous spanks inflicted upon it by my massive hands.
She recovered a while later, cum running down her thighs and backside, she came and kissed me.
@@color:hotpink;"Thanks for that wonderful orgasm, babe. I think I might enjoy getting dominated. Don't get used to it though, I might want to dominate someday."@@ she said with a wink.
Fifteen minutes later, we were striding down the atrium of the hotel, dressed impeccably in our posh outfits and no one would have guessed that the gorgeous lady on my arm, lay on the floor with my cock buried deep in her ass while [[roleplaying as a whore.|Home]] <<silently>>
<<set $loveNicole+=15>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Turn around."@@ I said minimally.
@@color:hotpink;"You wanna ruin that tight little pussy of mine."@@ she said as I pushed her face first against the door of the suite. I twisted her hand behind her back and with my spare hand tugged at the skirt which loosened and puddled at her ankles.
@@color:hotpink;"I am on the pill, Mr. Tyler. I want to feel your cock, flesh against flesh."@@ she said, her eyes giving me a glance into how horny she was right now. I shoved my dick into her welcoming, wet pussy. Her breath hitched as she felt my member moving in and out of her, filling her.
I set a quick rhythm and watched as Nicole struggled to keep her composure. Her legs quaked and I had to hold her up as I fucked her relentlessly. Her ecstatic moans made it clear to whomsoever might me listening that she was having the time of her life.
I pulled her head back and shoved my tongue down her throat. Orgasm after orgasm rocked her body and my pursuit for my own was also fast approaching. Sweat was running down my back and front in torrents and the muscles in my butt flexed as I continued the onslaught on Nicole's pussy.
@@color:hotpink;"You will ruin this tight little pussy of mine. You will stretch it out so much that I won't be able to take any other customer's dick but yours. Then I will be glad to be your personal whore."@@ she murmured incoherently.
That was the final straw. I came hard into her pussy as I hit the back of it one last time. My hot cum flooded her pussy and my dick slowly became limp, returning to its flaccid state.
I held her up a while longer. Her legs were still weak from the multiple orgasms that I had wrought upon her. When she had reganed her composure, she turned to face me, leaning against the door.
@@color:hotpink;"Thanks for making me cum so many times, Ty. I like it when you dominate me like that. Don't get used to it though. I might feel like dominating someday too."@@ she said.
Fifteen minutes later, we were striding down the atrium of the hotel, dressed impeccably in our posh outfits and no one would have guessed that the gorgeous lady on my arm, had been having rough sex while [[roleplaying as a whore.|Home]] <<silently>>
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Oral."@@ I was so horny that that was all I could say.
@@color:hotpink;"You want me to let you use my throat and then be your cumdump?"@@ she said.
Nicole undid the shirt I was wearing. She kissed my broad chest and slowly shimmied down to my groin. She licked the six-pack on my abdomen and finally was face to face with my crotch. She fumbled as she tried to undo the buckle of the belt.
@@color:hotpink;"This slut apologizes for the delay. I know you haven't got all day."@@ she said as she struggled to undo the buckle. She succeeded in undoing the buckle and pulled down my trousers and boxers, revealing my dick. Her worshipful gaze as she carressed it was not feigned, just the costume was part of the act.
She licked the tip, the shaft and the base of the balls. Then she began the persistent efforts to deepthroat my enormous manhood. Her largely unsuccessful attempts meant that she would have to relinquish control to me.
I placed my hands proprietarily on either side of her head and started pumping my dick furiously into her mouth. Her gagging sounds were like music to my ears. Her free hands found their way unerringly to her clit. She massaged her clit as I persisted with the relentless assault of her throat. Every now and then, she would expertly swirl her tongue to heighten the pleasure. The powerful muscles in my butt flexed at the unrelenting pace with which I was fucking Nicole's throat.
Her continuous clitoral stimulations bore fruit and she orgasmed. The sexy sight of my beautiful wife orgasming with my dick down her throat pushed me over the edge.
I came right down her throat, dumping my load right into her belly. I withdrew my now semi-erect cock from her mouth. She coughed slightly and looked at me as if to check whether I was satisfied. Then she grabbed my dick once more and licked the last drop of cum still adhering to its tip, making me go hard all over again.
@@color:hotpink;"Was your whore able to satisfy you?"@@ she asked, biting her bottom lip sexily.
@@color:aquamarine;"Yeah, I am more than satisfied with you."@@ I managed, stilling reeling from the energy sapping fuck I had had.
She kissed the tip of my cock once more.
Fifteen minutes later, we were striding down the atrium of the hotel, dressed impeccably in our posh outfits and no one would have guessed that the gorgeous lady on my arm, was getting brutally facefucked while [[roleplaying as a whore.|Home]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<if $no eq false>>
I woke up to find Nicole already awake, watching me with a devoted look on her face. When she noticed that I was awake she gave me a light kiss on the lips. I breathed in her sweet scent as we locked lips. She straddled me slowly. Recently she had insisted that we sleep naked. So, I got an eyeful of her toned body and ample breasts as she mounted me. I felt blood rushing to my dick at the scene before my eyes.
@@color:hotpink;"I feel you already going hard. But I have plans for us today. So, morning sex isn't on the agenda. We are going to the beach today. Now, hurry up if you want to watch me pick out and try on bikinis."@@
Her last comment did nothing to relieve my slowly hardening cock.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Mild Exhibitionist")>>
[[Watch her change|BeachEx]]
[[Watch her change|Beach]]
I woke up to find Nicole's space on the empty. She had been asleep when I had gotten home and I did not have the heart to wake her up. I felt bad about the way I had reacted yesterday.
I got up and walked downstairs. Nicole was walking around, sipping coffee, in the nude. When she saw me she smiled. Had she forgiven me for yesterday?
I went to her hugged her and apologized to her profusely for the way I had spoken to her yesterday. I promised to her that I would be more polite about turning down sex from now on. She smiled smugly throughout my apology and when I finished accepted it.
@@color:hotpink;"I have plans for today. So, if you are done apologizing I want you to freshen up. We are going to the beach today. Now, hurry up if you want to watch me pick out and try on bikinis."@@
I smiled to myself. Nothing had changed. Not even downstairs. I was going hard just at the thought of watching Nicole change.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Mild Exhibitionist")>>
[[Watch her change|BeachEx]]
[[Watch her change|Beach]]
<</if>><<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I walked gingerly onto the hot sand of the beach. The swimming trunks doing little to conceal the enormous erection I had from watching Nicole change bikinis. Nicole walked beside me confidently. She loved showing her toned body off and today was no different. The bikini she wore covered barely anything- just the way I like. Heads turned all around as we walked onto the beach front.
We chose a secluded spot that was not infested with people. Nicole promptly spread a cloth on the warm sand and lay down. She took off the top of her bikini and invited me to rub sun tan lotion on her. I would not refuse unrestricted access to Nicole's body for the life of me and I grabbed the opportunity with both hands- literally. I kneaded her breasts with precision, rubbed the lotion onto her toned tummy. She turned over. I obliged by rubbing the lotion onto her backside. I massaged her round ass diligently. I saw a couple of college students spying on us. Nicole unaware of their presence was moaning uncontrollably, letting it be known that she was enjoying herself.
I let my hands move on to the inside of her thighs but that was as close as I intended to get to her pussy, especially in present company. I could see them laughing unabashedly from the corner of my eye. I told Nicole that I was done rubbing lotion on her. She gave a dissapointed moan as if to say that she had hoped for this to lead to something else. Nevertheless, she got up and kissed me. I watched as Nicole registered the presence of the young men. Her eyes twinkled mischievously but she gave a resigned sigh as if it were a lost opportunity.
We had a fun day at the beach. Nicole joined in with some college girls playing beach volleyball and I had fun watching all the partially naked, sweaty bodies on display. Nicole was much more athletic than all the girls- no points for guessing why. We returned home from the beach- I was happy and Nicole looked like the trip left [[something to be desired.|PhoneCall]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<for $i=0; $i<$traits.nic.length; $i++>>
<<if $traits.nic[$i] eq "Mild Exhibitionist">>
<<set $traits.nic[$i]= "Hardcore Exhibitionist">>
I walked gingerly onto the hot sand of the beach. The swimming trunks doing little to conceal the enormous erection I had from watching Nicole change bikinis. Nicole walked beside me confidently. She loved showing her toned body off and today was no different. The bikini she wore covered barely anything- just the way I like. Heads turned all around as we walked onto the beach front.
We chose a secluded spot that was not infested with people. Nicole promptly spread a cloth on the warm sand and lay down. She took off the top of her bikini and invited me to rub sun tan lotion on her. I would not refuse unrestricted access to Nicole's body for the life of me and I grabbed the opportunity with both hands- literally. I kneaded her breasts with precision, rubbed the lotion onto her toned tummy. She turned over. I obliged by rubbing the lotion onto her backside. I massaged her round ass diligently. I saw a couple of college students spying on us. Nicole unaware of their presence was moaning uncontrollably, letting it be known that she was enjoying herself.
I let my hands move on to the inside of her thighs but that was as close as I intended to get to her pussy, especially in present company. I could see them laughing unabashedly from the corner of my eye. I told Nicole that I was done rubbing lotion on her. She gave a dissapointed moan as if to say that she had hoped for this to lead to something else. Nevertheless, she got up and kissed me. I watched as Nicole registered the presence of the young men. Her eyes twinkled mischievously and she said,
@@color:hotpink;"How about we put on a show for them?"@@ she whispered to me.
I had forgotten how much Nicole enjoyed having sex in public and I was game for more. I nodded, made her lie back down, undid the knots on her thong and plunged a couple of fingers into her waiting pussy.
Nicole made no attempt to lower her moans of pleasure whatsoever. She was moaning wantonly, nude on a public beach, being furiously fingered by her husband while young men watched. She did not have a care in the world. She was putting up a show for them. When she orgasmed she artistically arched her back as she moaned with wild abandon.
She sat up and said three words that announced that she had no intention of backing off- @@color:hotpink;"I need dick."@@
She pulled down my trunks and my cock which had been struggling to escape its restrains sprung to attention. She started hungrily gobbling it, wrapping her lips tightly around it while her tongue worked wonders. Taking a leaf out of Nicole's book, I did not hold back with my moans of pleasure at all. Saliva dripped down my dick and Nicole's chin as she embarked on the attempt to give me a sloppy blowjob of a lifetime. Then she stopped.
@@color:hotpink;"I wanna feel you inside me. Lie down on your back. I wanna show them how to have good sex."@@ she said.
I did what she told me to. Nicole grinded her firm butt against my cock before stuffing it up her pussy. She began bouncing on my dick. She maintained a firm grip on my shoulders as her unsupported breasts bobbed up and down with the motion. Every time she had a orgasm, she would scream and announce it to the voyeurs watching us. She would kiss me and I would grab hold of her hips and piston into her because she was unable to keep up the rhythm.
@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole, I am going to cum."@@ I said as I felt my thrusts becoming erratic.
@@color:hotpink;"Cum on my face. I want to give these bastards a show."@@ she said with a wink.
I stood up only to realize that the couple of people watching us had called their friends and there were nearly twenty young men and women watching us with varying emotions. Some shocked, some delighted, some scandalized and some literally salivating at Nicole's body. I jerked off onto my sexy wife's face as a score of young men and women watched us. A few drops landed on her tongue which she swallowed hungrily and the rest glazed her pretty face. She sat there awhile and then stood up. She went up to the group of people who were looking at her with dazed expressions on their faces and blew kisses and took a bow as if she were the lead actress in a award winning play.
Soon after we had cleaned up and pulled on the minimal clothes we had available, a few young women invited Nicole to play volleyball with them. I saw that some of them had watched us and threw me worshipful glances. But I had eyes only for my Nicole.
We returned home from the beach extremely happy. Nicole could not shut up about how much she had enjoyed the public display that we had made of our love life. And I was happy because [[she was happy|PhoneCall]] <<set $timeofDay+=1>>
Nicole's phone started buzzing as I was pulling in to the driveway. She said it was an important call and entered the house to receive it. I took my own sweet time to park the car but when I entered the house Nicole was still on the phone.
@@color:hotpink;"I already told you that I am on vacation right now. I can't take any modelling jobs right now."@@ she was saying earnestly.
I could not hear what the caller said but it put Nicole in some thought. She seemed to be mulling it over.
@@color:hotpink;"I'll call you back with my decision within the hour."@@ she finally managed.
She still seemed to be thinking about it and it did not look like she had registered my presence.
@@color:aquamarine;"What happened, honey?"@@ I asked.
She appeared to be almost startled as if she had not expected me to be here.
@@color:hotpink;"There's this company called Painthouse that's publishing a swimsuit calender for next year. They want me on it but I promised to help you out while Michaela was on maternity leave so I am conflicted. This is big. Like really big. They always get the best models. It's a privilege to even be called for it."@@ she said and I could see how much it meant to her.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, you should obviously go for it. I can see it means a lot to you. Your career is just as important as mine."@@ I said.
She looked positively delighted. She hugged me tightly and showered me with as many kisses as a human could possibly perform over a minute. Worry clouded her pretty face once more though.
@@color:hotpink;"What will you do then? You will need a secretary and I don't think you can arrange one right now."@@ she said, concern apparent on her face.
<<if $tf eq true>>
[[I was actually thinking of accompanying you.|Packing]]
<<print "\n">>
[[I will manage without you for a while|Manage]]
[[I will manage without you for a while|Manage]]
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<set $isgo= true>>
She looked delighted at the prospect. I had never been to one of Nicole's location photoshoots. Last week was the first time I had actually seen her at work.
@@color:aquamarine;"There is a small break in the schedule and it's been a slow few days. I don't see much business happening. I could come along. Just tell me what to do."@@
@@color:hotpink;"You need to get packed as soon as possible. It's gonna be so great having you nearby during the photoshoots. They usually shoot the models in really skimpy bikinis. You are gonna absolutely love me in those."@@ she said.
@@color:aquamarine;"What should I take?"@@ I asked, taking out my phone to list out the things.
@@color:hotpink;"Not too much. Take a few clothes. Take some of those beach shorts. You'll need sun tan lotion. And yeah... plenty of condoms!"@@ she said, winked and walked away already dialling a number to [[confirm her availability.|Home]]<<silently>>
<<set $loveNicole+=3>>
<<set $isgo= false>>
She looked slightly dissappointed but knew that there was no other alternative.
@@color:hotpink;"It would have been nice if you could come along. You've never been to one of my on location shoots. They shoot the models in really skimpy bikinis. You would have really enjoyed watching me shoot there."@@ she said sadly.
@@color:aquamarine;"Don't worry babe. I'm sure they'll want you again next year. I'll see then. Now go get ready."@@
@@color:htopink;"Keep that dick ready for when I come back then."@@ she winked as she walked away, dialling on her phone to confirm her [[availability|Home]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
We were striding toward a chartered plane. Nicole was in a beautiful sundress, a wide brimmed hat and dark glasses. I had chosen, rather foolishly to wear a suit, and the heat was starting to get to me. We got to the plane where a man, dressed much like me, was ushering the models in to the plane.
Nicole started boarding the plane but the man blocked my way.
@@color:peru;"Sorry ma'am, no bodyguards beyond this point."@@ he said, addressing Nicole and not me.
Nicole took her sunglasses off and gave the man a fiercely scathing look.
@@color:hotpink;"That's my husband. I've talked with the agency regarding this and he is coming along."@@ she said angrily.
Had I been subject to that stare it would have made me recoil in fear. It had the desired effect on the man who was being subjected to it. The man backed off allowing me to board the plane.
@@color:hotpink;"Look at the cheek on that guy. He had the gall to call my handsome hunk of a husband a bodyguard."@@ she said, kissing me as I registered the presence of ten other gorgeous women.
She proprietarily grabbed hold of my hand as if I would run off, like a kid in the playground if she did not, and pulled me towards our seats.
As far as I could see I was the only man in the cabin. Besides Nicole and the ten models, there were two stewardesses. Their looks paled in comparison to those of the models however. I saw Nicole give fairly professional nods to most of them. I saw her gaze linger on someone who seemed to be the youngest model in the group. She was barely out of her teens and looked almost like a younger version of Nicole. I saw Nicole eyeing her up and down and I could see the desire in her eyes. She must have realized that she had lingered far too long because she jerked herself out of the stare.
We waited a further thirty minutes. The models were getting restless. Who was this person that would keep so many pretty women waiting?
Just as I was finishing the thought, she entered. Megan looked different from the last time I had seen her. Her flaming red hair had been blow-dried properly and lightly powdered face made her look like the beautiful woman that she is rather than the teary wreck that I remembered seeing a few days back.
@@color:pink;"Megan is here, bitches! And she is as fashionably late as always!"@@ she said throwing her arms out, giving us an unrestricted view of her exposed cleavage spilling over from her low-cut top. Her eyes wandered around the cabin, as if looking for someone. Her eyes found Nicole and she waved cheerily at her. Nicole waved back half-heartedly, as if Megan was the last person she wanted on the flight. Megan walked over to us.
@@colro:pink;"Would you mind moving to the back so Nicole and I can sit together? We've got a lot to talk about."@@ she said in a voice so sweet as if daring me to refuse so she could throw a tantrum.
I looked at Nicole. She was almost pleading with me not to leave her with Megan alone. There was no easy way out of this situation. I decided to let the ladies sit together and excused myself to the [[back.|Overhear]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
You never appreciate what you have until you suddenly do not. I had always thought that what Nicole did at the office was not that big a deal. How wrong I was. I plodded through the unending paperwork and by the time it was time to leave I was famished.
I was watching a show on television when my phone buzzed with a message. It was from Nicole. She had sent me pictures with the heading- Jerk Off Material For Ty. I scrolled through the pictures. Some of them seemed to be from the shoot itself whereas others seemed to have been clicked with her phone. Some topless pictures of her against the backdrop of the tropical skyline. Then there was a picture of just her legs in a swimming pool titled- Skinny Dipping With the Ladies. She had sent me a few nudes too.
The ache in my heart and penis told me what my brain already knew. My wife had been gone a couple of days, but I missed her [[already.|Home]]<<set $timeofDay+=3>>
There is something about airplanes that makes me sleepy. I was planning on dozing off when I overheard Megan and Nicole's conversation. they were making no attempt to actually keep it private so it was not technically eavesdropping.
@@color:pink;"I am done with men now. In college, I was a lesbian. Women are much easier to deal with. Men want this and that. Of course, you are totally into men and I totally understand. You have a stable relationship and your husband seems genuinely nice. But trust me on this, someday he'll ask you to do something in bed you aren't prepared to do. And when you refuse he'll go cheat on you with someone who will do it. What I am saying is that you should at least try it once with a girl. My offer still stands."@@ I heard Megan droning on.
There was a pregnant pause during which I listened intently for Nicole's response.
@@color:hotpink;"I have had sex with a woman actually."@@ she said finally.
Even though I could not see Megan I could imagine the look of surprose on her face and her jaw dropping at the revelation.
@@color:pink;"When? With whom?"@@ she said, in a tone that clearly showed how dissapointed she was at not being Nicole's first.
@@color:hotpink;"Well, it was a few days back actually."@@ Nicole said matter-of-factly.
@@color:pink;"You cheated on your husband with a woman?"@@ she said gleefully, in a hushed tone.
@@color:hotpink;"Not really. He knew about it. In fact, he arranged it all."@@ Nicole said, now enjoying the conversation.
@@color:pink;"Woah! I didn't take Tyler to be so open minded. Was it his idea in the first place? Did he push you into it?"@@ asked Megan, attempting to needle information that would allow her to belittle me and men as a whole.
@@color:hotpink;"It was actually my idea. He went along with it because he loves me. Not all men are evil monsters, Megan!"@@ Nicole retorted.
@@color:pink;"How was it? Tell me! How did you feel? What did she look like?"@@ Megan asked excitedly.
@@color:hotpink;"It was amazing. And well, it's weird but she had an uncanny resemblance with me."@@ she said truthfully.
@@color:pink;"Like you, huh? Speaking of people that look like you, did you see that new model who is with us?"@@ Megan asked.
@@color:hotpink;"You know her?"@@ Nicole asked with great interest. I listened closely too. Anything that Nicole was interested in was interesting to me too.
@@color:pink;"You've never seen her before?"@@ Megan asked incredulously, @@color:pink;"She is Tiffany. She is just nineteen and already modelling for all the big boys. Took us quite some time, didn't it? Anyway, I quite like the way she looks. And seeing as you robbed me of the opportunity of being your first, maybe I'll try and seduce her. I still can't believe that you thought some chick was more attractive than me."@@ Megan said vainly.
@@color:hotpink;"Well, he... I mean she was irresistible. I didn't think I was into women before we got started."@@ Nicole said. Megan failed to notice the moment Nicole had let slip that it had not been a woman.
The conversation then turned to clothes, shoes and what poses they would be required to do. I tried to make sense of it all, conceded defeat and decided to do what I do best on planes. [[Sleep.|Home]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
It was very tiring to hold the office single handedly. The break in play offered a little respite but business did not stop because the play has and I was inundated with paper work. I was glad to be done with work today when the clock struck six I rushed home.
I was sipping wine seated on the sofa when a knock disturbed my leisure time. I was considering ignoring the knock but realised that it was rude. I was just about to get up when the knob turned and Nicole entered. She had a key.
She dumped the suitcase on her way towards me, undid a few buttons on her top and kneeled down in front of me. She tugged down my boxers.
@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole..."@@ I began.
@@color:hotpink;"Shhh... Lie back and enjoy."@@ she said. So, [[I did.|Home]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I looked on as the photoshoot Nicole had brought me to witness commenced. It was a warm day on a tropical island and the beach's white sand reflected the glorious sunlight. The azure water and the white foam as it crashed on to the beach was a sight to behld.
Nicole had been given an outfit that could barely be called a bikini. A tiny thong and a top that was netted and did not cover her boobs. Apparently she was supposed to hide her nipples with her hands or pose strategically so that they were not visible to the camera. They were supposed to shoot a picture for every week in the year. For every week that overlapped between months, they would have the models of those months stare seductively at the cameras or at each other. Megan was the girl posing for the previous month with Nicole. Megan had been handed a very conservative bikini and I had seen her trying to convince the people to let her wear something more revealing to no avail.
Despite her bad mood, her chemistry with Nicole was undeniable. They looked at each other sexily and if there had not been cameras at them from different angles they may have gotten down and dirty then and there. I would be foolish to pretend that I did not find the sight sexy. Megan was hot and Nicole was scorchingly so. I felt my dick come to life and strain against the shorts I was wearing. I was slightly embarassed at my state and looked around. Contrary to yesterday's flight's sex ratio, today was the reverse. Besides the two models holding each other in such passionate embrace, all other humans here were men. And I saw most of them facing the same problem that I was, struggling to keep their erections in check.
I returned to ogling the two women posing before me. Once the photgraphers had their fill of Megan and Nicole together, they told Megan she was free to leave. She did not need telling twice. The bikini she had been made to wear had not been to her liking and she left in a huff.
Nicole's solo shoot began. They shot her from various angles and in varying degrees of undress. For one picture they made her lie down on the wet sand and clicked when the wave arrived so that her privates were covered. They made her strip naked for the next and cover her genitals with her hands. 'Look at the camera sexily with a touch of embarrasment' were the exact words the main photographer used to direct what emotions she must exude. For her final solo shot, Nicole insisted that she be allowed to blow a kiss in my direction while bending and squeezing her breasts together to reveal the maximum cleavage. The photographers readily agreed. I watched as photographers clicked my semi-nude wife blowing a kiss at me while I could barely control my [[erection.|Melanie]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I had given Nicole leave for today thinking she must be tired. So, I sat alone at the office.
As I sat at my computer looking at the news I noticed something that made me forget everything else. Nicole's favourite singer was in town. She seemed to think that he was "our" favourite but I was not a guy who appreciated this dude's work too much. However, one of his songs had played at our wedding and I had liked that one. So, that song had become our song forever.
From what I read the guy was not doing great in terms of selling new records. However, his old hits were keeping him afloat. His concerts were jam-packed. It would be a nice surprise if I managed to get tickets for Nicole and myslef.
An hour later, I was pulling into the driveway, two tickets to the concert stowed in my pockets. Nicole was going to [[freak out.|Tickets]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I saw Tiffany waiting by the side. I had not seen her arrive. She was wearing a bikini just as revealing as Nicole's.I could see her clearly from here. Megan was right. She bore an uncanny resemblance to Nicole. Other than the fact that she had strawberry blonde hair. She was really young as compared to the other models, all of whom had been in the business for a while now. Yet she showed no hint of nerves. She stood confidently, despite her lack of clothing, awaiting her chance.
She was called up soon. Apparently, she was the girl for the next month and Nicole would have one last picture with her. I saw the expression of delight on Nicole's face as she realized who would be with her for the last shot. They were told to shoot the picture in an embrace lying on the sand. Tiffany on her back and Nicole cradling her head while bringing her lips close to hers. They posed, Tiffany rather awkwardly at first. They lay together, breasts sqeezed against each other and two thin layers separating their pussies. I saw Tiffany let her inhibitions go and place a hand on Nicole's butt. Nicole was in her element as she stared into Tiffany's eyes as if she was what she craved, and at that instant she may well have been. Their lips were barely millimetres away. The sexual tension in the air was palpable. Just as their lips were about to touch, the head photographer yelled 'Cut!'. The dissatisfaction on Nicole's face was plain to see. Nicole got up and dusted off sand as the photographers congratulated her on the marvellous photoshoot. Nicole collected herself and prepared to leave when we heard a retching sound.
Tiffany had rushed towards the ocean and was bent over, seemingly vomiting. I saw Nicole rush to be at Tiffany's side. I saw her caressing Tiffany's hair as she vomited. A member of the crew fetched her a bottle of water which she sprayed on her face to clean it. The crew were planning on calling it a day, seeing as on of their models was unwell but Tiffany insisted that she was fine and they could go on. Her make up was done rather rapidly but her natural beauty more than made up for it. The shots were taken quickly. Nicole was always on hand to help her between shots and when it shoot was done she came up to me.
@@color:hotpink;"Ty, wait for me at the hotel's bar. I'll help Tiffany out a little and join with you in a while."@@
I saw no reason to refuse. After all, Tiffany was sick and Nicole wanted to help. So, I made my way to the [[bar.|BarConvo]] <<set $timeofDay+=1>>
The bar was outdoors. It had been built in such a way that a canopy of palm trees guarded the customers from the sun's wrath. I waited while sipping on coconut water.
A pretty woman approached me while I waited.
@@color:peru;"This seat taken, handsome?"@@ she asked flirtatiously.
@@color:aquamarine;"Sorry lady, both are taken. The seat and I."@@ I said, showing her my wedding ring. She walked off dejectedly.
It was not long before Nicole returned. She looked around guiltily but I did not notice it at the time.
@@color:aquamarine;"Is Tiffany alright?"@@ I asked, as she sat down opposite me.
@@color:hotpink;"She's pregnant."@@ she said, as if threw a spanner in the works.
@@color:hotpink;"Her boyfriend convinced her to have unprotected sex. She thought it was a safe day and she agreed. So much for that!"@@ she continued.
@@color:aquamarine;"What's she gonna do now?"@@ I asked.
@@color:hotpink;"Well, I tried calling her boyfriend but he is not responding. Apparently they'd only been dating for a week before that. I think the bastard knocked her up and left. I feel sorry for her. We managed to get her a ticket on the flight back as soon as possible. She'll be fine. I think that she intends to keep the baby. I think that means she won't be able to model for a while now."@@ she said sadly.
Just as she finished we heard a high pitched shriek that told me that Megan was nearby. She had done that since we had gotten here and I had always made myself scarce since she asked me to sit at the back. But there was enough space for three people at the table and I did not want to leave Nicole alone with Megan right now.
@@color:pink;"Hey sexy, what's up? Photoshoot done and dusted?"@@ she asked.
I did not know since when this has been the case because it certainly was not before but Nicole's whole demeanour changed. She behaved as if she was happy for Megan to be here.
@@color:hotpink;"Yup! Guess what? I got to shoot my other overlap with Tiffany."@@ she informed Megan, as if showing off.
@@color:pink;"I am so jealous of you right now. I wished I'd get her. But I got that cow! Amelia! Hard luck!"@@ she made a face, @@color:pink;"Anyway, tonight I'll seduce that chick. You aren't going to get any sleep Nicole. Coz Tiffany's gonna be moaning from the room next to yours. Even though you never know. Some people have convincing husbands."@@ she said, looking at me with a fond expression which she never bestowed upon me.
@@color:aquamarine;"Actually, Tiffany is.."@@ I began but Nicole stamped on my foot and gave me a 'don't you dare tell her' look. @@color:aquamarine;"Never mind"@@ I said, even though I did not quite understand Nicole's intentions.
@@color:pink;"Well you love birds take care. I am off to prepare for tonight. Megan's getting pussy tonight!"@@ she announced a voice so loud that a few customers looked around [[awkwardly.|MelanieNicole]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
@@color:hotpink;"Babe, I'm feeling horny."@@ Nicole told me as we lay on the bed in our hotel room, spooning.
@@color:aquamarine;"The dragon is awake already. You just need to excite it, baby."@@ I said.
She turned to face me.
@@color:hotpink;"Darling, I am going to tell you something and I want you to keep an open mind. Since, you know... the day we made love as women I have been feeling strangely aroused around women. I never thought I was bisexual. But hot women like Megan and Tiffany are really arousing to me now. I saw you noticed me with Tiffany. All I could think of was making love to her. Will you indulge my fantasies a little further?"@@ she asked, going scarlet as she did.
@@color:aquamarine;"Indulge your fantasies? How?"@@ I asked apprehensively.
@@color:hotpink;"Would you mind transforming into Tiffany so... I could fuck her?"@@ she asked, still red.
I heaved a sigh of relief.
@@color:aquamarine;"Of course, love. We can do anything in the bedroom that both of us consent to and that hurts nobody."@@ I said kissing her on the forehead. She sighed in relief too. A smile lit up her sweet face.
@@color:aquamarine;"But how am I going to transform? I don't have the pills right now. Come to think of it, how are we going to get Tiffany's hair?"@@ I asked.
Nicole gave me one of her trademark naughty smiles and drew out two things from her handbag. One of them I immediately recognized. It was the bottle of pills. The other was a thin glass bottle containing a few strands of hair. Strawberry blonde hair.
@@color:aquamarine;"Come here you little minx."@@ I said as I kissed Nicole. @@color:aquamarine;"So you've been planning this all along?"@@
@@color:hotpink;"I was planning on taking Megan's hair but then I was more attracted to Tiffany. So, I plucked a few hairs from her head when she was vomiting. I felt really bad doing it. Poor girl. But this was the only way."@@ she finished sadly.
@@color:aquamarine;"Don't worry, babe. She'll be alright. Let's get started then, shall we? I'll need plenty of food before I transform."@@ I said and Nicole immediately called room service.
I happily chomped down on multiple cheese burgers until I could eat no more while Nicole ate her salad. By the end I was struggling to move. I somehow undressed and Nicole fetched me a glass of water. I dropped the hair and a pill into it. It immediately turned bubblegum pink. I gulped it down as I have done before.
I stood there naked waiting for the change to take effect. Nicole looked on with interest. It slowly started taking effect. The height decreased and became fairer. I felt hair starting to grow out from my scalp. My rippling muscles melted away as my skin smoothed. The abs disappeared as my stomach became toned and flat. I felt a tinglng as my chest expanded to form breasts. My masculine butt evolved to develop characterisitcs of a feminine bubble butt. Finally I watched Nicole's awed expression as my dick and balls receded into my crotch and instead a cute outie pussy developed there instead.
@@color:aquamarine;"How do I look?"@@ I asked, posing as I had seen her pose multiple times.
@@color:hotpink;"You look hot enough for me to want to jump your bones right now, babe. You always do but today you are that way in a different manner."@@ she clarified rapidly.
@@color:aquamarine;"Let's make love, darling. Oooh... let's make sure Megan can't sleep in the next room. She'll be so jealous if she finds out."@@ I said.
Just as I said it there was a knock on the door.
@@color:pink;"Nicole, are you there. Open up, babe."@@ said the voice which I recognized as Megan's.
I looked in terror at Nicole as she threw me a bathrobe to cover up my naked body and ran to open the door [[just as terrified.|Choice3]]
@@color:pink;"Hey there, girlfriend."@@ Megan said as Nicole opened the door. @@color:pink;"I've been trying to find Tiffany all over. I caouldn't find her. Have you seen her somewhere?"@@ she asked as she entered the suite.
Her eyes found me and I saw as realization dawned on her. She turned her head towards Nicole.
@@color:pink;"You naughty bitch. You stole the pussy I wanted."@@ she said playfully. @@color:pink;"So, you are really serious about this bisexual thing, huh? Tyler must be really very open minded to let you go on with this."@@ She did not seem angry, just jealous.
@@color:pink;"You know, Nicole, I've been wondering what it'd be like to have a threesome. Mind if I join in?"@@ she asked seductively.
Nicole looked at me pleadingly as if asking for permission to go along with this.
[["More the merrier!" I said.|FFF]]
<<print "\n">>
[[Get rid of her|NM]]<<silently>>
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Oooh... I've been wanting to do that forever."@@ I said. @@color:aquamarine;"Nicole's been telling me about how sexy she finds you and about her first exprerience as a bisexual. How you've been insisting she try it out but I think she didn't want to put your friendship at risk by doing it. Right Nicole?"@@ I asked.
@@color:hotpink;"Yes."@@ she managed and I noticed that she had already stripped off all her clothes. She hurled herself at Megan and kissed her passionately. I watched in awe as my wife pawed at her best friend and attempted to nearly tear the clothes off her.
@@color:pink;"Wait... wait... calm down, Nicole."@@ Megan managed in between the kisses that Nicole showered on her. Nicole backed off and Megan slowly stripped off. Both of us feasted our eyes on Megan's voluptuous body as it was unveiled. I noticed a tribal tattoo just above her pussy and she caught me looking at it.
@@color:pink;"Like it , do you? My ex made me get it. Apparently, many men find it sexy."@@ she said. That would explain it, I thought.
@@color:pink;"Now Nicole, you lick Tiffany's pussy. I'll be giving you the Megan experience. Let me warn you though. It'll be better than your first and you'll be cursing your luck that you didn't ask me."@@ she said.
I lay on my back. Nicole lay on her stomach lapping at my pussy while Megan let her tongue loose on Nicole's pussy. I felt Nicole's tongue dance around inexpertly over my clit. She would stop every now and then to emit a satisfied purr. Megan must be really good.
She was really good. Within a few minutes, Nicole threw back her head as an orgasm coursed through her. She lay back, looking satisfied as Megan and I continued.
@@color:pink;"That'll keep her quiet for a while. In the meantime I wanna see what that pink tongue of yours can do. I have been waiting to feel it on my pussy since I lay eyes on you."@@ she told me.
It's not everyday that one gets to have sex with another woman with their wife's blessing. I did not need telling twice. I licked away, hoping to impress, using everything I had learnt while pleasuring Nicole. It turned out to be quite good. Megan was enjoying herself. Even though her moans were not as passionate as Nicole's she would be cumming sooner rather than later. I let my work do the talking and soon Megan was writhing under me, her body contorting with the orgasms that ran through her. By then Nicole was back and she had resumed licking my pussy.
@@color:pink;"I wanna taste that pussy too."@@ Megan declared. She had recovered from her orgasm rather quickly.
@@color:aquamarine;"Why don't you both do it together then?"@@ I said. Watching two hot women trying to make me orgasm would have to be a top ten fantasy of mine. Of course when I had dreamed about it I had imagined myself as a man but you take what you can get.
Neither Megan nor Nicole seemed to have a problem with it and they set to work on my pussy. Two hot, pink tongues danced around on my pussy. They alternated between my pussy and my clitoris. Occassionally, they would lock lips and the sight itself was delightfully arousing. The redhead and blonde gave my pussy the impression of being on fire. And on fire it was. I felt the orgasm coming and then just moaned to the heavens as the delightful feeling spread through me.
We lay there, a heap of sexy, naked bodies, exhausted by our own orgasms. Then Megan got up and started dressing up.
@@color:pink;"We should be off. Nicole's husband will want to get some sleep too."@@ she said addressing me while pulling on her hotpants. @@color:pink;"Or maybe he'll want some loving in exchange for letting you sleep with her."@@ she said, winking at Nicole.
@@color:aquamarine;"I'll be leaving soon. I just need to talk to Nicole about a few things."@@ I said. Megan shrugged casually and left. Nicole shut the door behind her.
@@color:hotpink;"I don't know how to thank you enough for this."@@ she said kissing me.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well for now, how about a cuddle? You don't need to thank me. I enjoyed it too."@@ I said. Nicole's phone beeped. Nicole saw the message, smiled and showed it to me. It was a nude from Megan. @@color:pink;"So that you don't forget how hot I am."@@ it said.
We lay together for an hour. By this time the effects of the pill usually subside but today it seemed to be taking exceptionally long. I told this to Nicole.
@@color:hotpink;"Go to sleep, babe. It'll be alright in the morning."@@ she said sleepily.
She was right. I would be back to normal in the morning. I closed my [[eyes.|Home]]
<<set $loveNicole-=5>>
@@color:aquamarine;"Noo... That's not why I am here." I giggled. "I just wanted some advice on how I should progress in my modelling career. And anyway, I am straight."@@ I said.
Megan looked at me as if she seriously doubted the veracity of what I had just told her but accepted it nevertheless.
@@color:pink;"Well, if you change your mind you know where to find me."@@ she winked and left.
Nicole did not seem particularly happy about Megan leaving but I did not give her much time to dwell on it. Kisses were exchanged. Pussies were licked and orgasms were had. But it did not seem like Nicole's heart was in it. I quite enjoyed myslef however.
After sex, we lay on the bed cuddling. Nicole seemed to be drifting off to sleep. It had been over an hour but I had not returned to my original form and I told Nicole about it.
@@color:hotpink;"Go to sleep, babe. It'll be alright in the morning."@@ she said sleepily.
She was right. I would be back to normal in the morning. I closed my [[eyes.|Home]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I woke up as I usually do- at the crack of dawn. I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth- eyes half-closed. I brushed my teeth and the smell of mint awoke me fully. I looked in the mirror- now fully awake and emitted a high pitched shriek. I had still not returned to my male form. Was I trapped as Tiffany [[forever?|NicWake]]@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole, wake up!"@@ I hissed. There was nobody on this island besides Nicole I could ask for help.
@@color:hotpink;"It's the crack of dawn, babe. Go back to sleep."@@ she said yawning. She turned over and I watched helplessly as she went back to sleep. Then she sat bolt upright, looking at me wide-eyed.
@@color:hotpink;"Again?"@@ she asked, she probably thought I had transformed to have sex.
@@color:aquamarine;"The pill's effect didn't wear off."@@ I said apalled. She looked like she was trying to stifle a smile as she heard me say it. She looked concerned but it was the amusement that I noticed on her face.
@@color:aquamarine;"It's not a matter of joke."@@ I said. If I had said this as Tyler it would have been forceful, almost to the verge of inducing fear. As Tiffany, however, it sounded harmless. And Nicole burst out laughing.
However, as soon as she noticed the sad, resigned look on my face she knew I was not lying. She got off the bed and rushed to console me. I had tears in my eyes by now. Maybe the estrogen was slowly taking hold.
@@color:hotpink;"Don't worry, babe. I'll figure a way to get you back to how you were before. But first we need to get back to the country. We can't go on the plane. Your IDs won't work. And I don't think we have tie to get a fake one. I'll give it some thought. Meanwhile, I think we should go shopping."@@ she said.
@@color:aquamarine;"Seriously, Nicole! I hardly think this is the time for shopping!"@@ I exclaimed.
@@color:hotpink;"Well, you can't go around town naked, can you?"@@ she said.
@@color:aquamarine;"I can wear your clothes."@@ I said.
@@color:hotpink;"No, you can't. I could give you a million reasons but I think one will suffice. Your boobs are bigger."@@ she said as she hefted one of her tits through her nightie.
I realized now that I had never worn a piece of cloth when I had transformed. I had always been naked. This situation would require me to wear [[clothes.|Shopping]] I walked into one of the most expensive looking shops in town dressed in mismatched clothing. Nicole had fished out her most loose fitting dress. That adorned my body right now. We tried a lot but none of her bras or panties would fit me. So, I was walking into the shop with just a thin fabric from anyone's touch. Everytime a gust of wind blew my nipples would harden and I was convinced that they could be seen outlined against the fabric. Nicole did not have extra shoes either. So, I had to stuff paper balls into the sneakers I usually wore so that my tiny feet fit in it. Nicole held my hand and helped me navigate the town.
@@color:hotpink;"Wait here. I'll get you some clothes to try."@@ she said, leaving me outside a changing room.
I looked at one of the many mirrors around here. Despite not paying much attention to my appearance I looked quite pretty.
@@color:peru;"May I help you?"@@ asked a man who seemed to be one of the attendants around here. Normally I would have towered over him but he looked exceptionally tall to me as Tiffany.
@@color:aquamarine;"Ummm... My wi... I mean my friend is getting me some things. She asked me to wait here."@@ was all I could manage. I could see through his intentions but felt powerless to resist him. He had everything that men find most disturbing about the so called 'bad boys'. He was devilishly handsome- perfect cheekbones and all. Even the douchebag hairstyle was on point. Irresistible.
@@color:peru;"Well, a pretty lady like you should be wearing better clothes than these. Let's see what we can do about it, shall we?"@@ he said, and without a moment's warning he moved so that he was at the back, his crotch pressed against my firm butt. @@color:peru;"Let's see what size fits these beauties."@@ he said as he squeezed my breasts through the thin fabric.
@@color:aquamarine;"I don't think you can..."@@ I blurted out before a noise made me come to my senses.
@@color:hotpink;"Oi..."@@ I heard Nicole shout. She dumped the pile of clothes she was carrying on a nearby table. @@color:hotpink;"This hot piece of ass belongs to me."@@ she said loudly and french-kissed me then and there. The attendant just stood there and fidgeted for a while and when Nicole and I did not give any indication that we were about to be done in the near future, politely excused himself.
Nicole smiled at me once he left and handed me lingerie, a mini-skirt and a low cut top.
@@color:aquamarine;"You want me to wear this?"@@ I said.
@@color:hotpink;"Well, what else were you planning on wearing?"@@ she asked. I realized that there was no use arguing. When you looked like I did and you visited this place, you had to dress this way. Any other attire would seem odd here.
I entered the changing room. For a big establishment, the changing room was unimpressive. I removed the dress and shoes that I was wearing. All my life, I had only been concerned with undoing the clasp of the bra. Today, I struggled to do the very opposite. I pulled on the lace panties. The touch of fabric against my pussy felt odd and slightly titillating. I admired myself from a few angles before pulling on the top and the skirt. I walked out barefoot. The shoes did not go with the outfit.
@@color:hotpink;"You look sexy, Ty... I mean Talia!"@@ she exclaimed. @@color:hotpink;"Just a few final touches."@@ she said undoing the buttons I had meticulously buttoned, to reveal my cleavage.
@@color:hotpink;"If those fit, these will too."@@ she said pointing at the huge pile she had gotten for me. @@color:hotpink;"Now you need shoes."@@ she said with a glint in her eyes. Nicole loved shopping. But shopping for shoes was her favourite.
She made me try six-inch heels. Try as I might, I could not walk in them. The underwire of the bra was cutting into the flesh of my boobs. If not anything, this experience had taught me how much of the female existence I took for granted. It was not easy being a woman.
Finally, Nicole took pity on me and bought me flats. She looked slightly dissapointed at not being able to purchase a pair that apparently looked gorgeous on me.
@@color:hotpink;"I'm hungry, aren't you?"@@ she asked me as we made our way to a restaurant. I tried to move as naturally as [[possible.|Coffee]]Now that the problem of dressing me up had been addressed, we were discussing ways to get back home. No legal means seemed to occur to either of us.
The man sitting behind Nicole turned suddenly. He was impeccably dressed in a tuxedo and his hair was perfectly parted too. He seemed to be in his early forties but his salt and pepper hair made him look slightly older. The man seated across from him was dressed in a similar fashion.
@@color:bisque;"I could not resist overhearing you two talking."@@ he said. @@color:bisque;"I have a proposition to make."@@
@@color:hotpink;"We are not interested in any propositions. We are not hookers."@@ Nicole said firmly.
@@color:bisque;"Why do they always assume I want sex. I do. But not from 'them'."@@ he said. I did not quite understand what he meant by that. He got up from his table, left money for the food and sat down at ours. His companion followed and leaned on the arm of his chair even though there was a chair empty.
@@color:bisque;"Let me clear the air here. I do not want to have sex with either of you. Now will you listen to my proposal?"@@ he said, looking Nicole in the eyes. Nicole looked at me then back at the man and nodded.
@@color:bisque;"I am Greg. I work for Sunnies."@@ he said.
@@color:hotpink;"The fashion brand?"@@ Nicole asked. I knew it was one of her favourites.
@@color:bisque;"The very same. We "@@, he indicated the both of them, @@color:bisque;"recently bagged a huge deal. And it is traditional at Sunnies to celebrate a huge deal with a cruise party with the team."@@
@@color:aquamarine;"I don't see any problem with that."@@ I said.
@@color:bisque;"I'm coming to it. You see, I love working at Sunnies but it has two flaws. Big ones. Firstly, it discourages relationships with fellow employees. Secondly, it is a very homophobic company and refuses to employ gays and lesbians. I am guilty of violating both of those conditions."@@ he said looking at the quizzical look on Nicole's face.
@@color:aquamarine;"You don't look gay."@@ I blurted out.
He looked at me perplexed and said, @@color:bisque;"What is your idea of a gay person? Do expect GAY to be printed across my face? Or perhaps wear an outrageously pink t-shirt? Look at that guy."@@ he said, pointing at a man sporting a leather jacket and a full beard, @@color:bisque;"For all you know, he could be gay. Gays look and behave like any other people. Don't try to segregate us just on the basis of our sexual preference."@@
@@color:sienna;"I guess you have figured it out now."@@ the other man said in a slightly effeminate voice. Or perhaps it was my slightly prejudiced mind making it so. @@color:sienna;"We are in a relationship. A rumour has been going around the company that we are... you know... doing it. I would love to be able to accept that Greg and I are together but we both love working at Sunnies. We would like to dispel the rumours. The fact that we have not brought any partners for the cruise has done nothing to help us. And what better way to dispel these rumours than appear with two gorgeous ladies on our arms, out of the blue?"@@ he finished.
@@color:hotpink;"Will there be press when we board or get off?"@@ Nicole asked. She seemed concerned.
@@color:bisque;"I don't know. Maybe. Actually I'd be glad if there were. If anyone accuses me of being gay later, I'll just point to the picture in the article and say- Do you think I'd have bagged a hottie like that if I were gay?"@@ he guffawed.
@@color:hotpink;"Press will be a problem. I'm married, you see."@@ she said, showing him the ring on her finger.
@@color:aquamarine;"I don't think your husband will freak out that much about one picture. I'm sure he trusts you more than that."@@ I said. Nicole looked like she wanted to kiss me, but restrained herself. @@color:aquamarine;"What do you require us to do?"@@
@@color:sienna;"Not much. Let's say... occasionally kiss us when there are people around. Some public displays of affection during the ball won't be amiss either. That reminds me please get an evening gown, if you don't have one. That's about it."@@ the other guy said.
@@color:hotpink;"Sorry, but I didn't catch your name."@@ Nicole said.
@@color:sienna;"Silly me."@@ he said, lightly slapping his cheek. @@color:sienna;"I am Larry."@@ he held out a hand and shook both of ours vigorously.
Nicole seemed to have something on her mind. Greg was about to stand up when she said it, @@color:hotpink;"Aren't you worried that we are trying to get into the country illegally?"@@ she said hesitantly.
Greg seemed to consider her for a while. @@color:bisque;"You don't remember me at all do you? I, however, do remember you Nicole. I designed the bikini that you first modelled in. Don't worry. You are in safe hands."@@ he said, put on his sunglasses, held Larry's hand and [[walked away.|SunBathing]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
Greg and Larry had sent us the name of the ship and the place where it had been docked. I had been relieved to take off the bra after the long day yesterday. Today another pair made life hell for my already sore breasts. Nicole and I approached the ship, clad in our sundresses. Greg and Larry were waiting for us there. They were wearing unbuttoned printed shirts and shorts. There outfits were a complete antithesis to what they had been wearing yesterday. Despite myself, I seemed to be enjoying the view. Were the feminine hormones taking a more firm grip over me?
@@color:bisque;"They are with us."@@ Greg said. Something in his voice made me think that he would be repeating it quite often.
@@color:sienna;"We got you a cabin close to ours. Not really, though. It's my cabin coz I spend most of my time over at Greg's."@@ Larry said and winked at me.
@@color:bisque;"You could either rest here or you could sunbathe on the deck. That's where everyone is."@@ Greg told us. Nicole said that we would be coming to the deck. This was what I feared the most. Wearing a bikini. What if my boobs popped out?
Ten minutes later we walked onto the deck, wearing our bikinis. Nicole had given into my pleas to let me wear a conservative one. Nicole did not have any such concerns and was wearing a bikini as skimpy as she always did.
I registered the presence of many hairy, semi-naked male bodies. Of course, working at a fashion company didn't translate into being goodlooking as well. The women were not very good looking either. As we walked, we drew glances, both lecherous and jealous.
When we reached Greg and Larry, Nicole stooped down and kissed Greg on the cheek. Even though it sparked a feeling of jealousy, I followed suit, planting a kiss on Larry's cheek.
Nicole and I lay, soaking up the sun. I turned over, so I was lying with my breats squashed under me. I had been dozing off when Nicole awoke me.
@@color:hotpink;"Ty... You must rub some sun tan lotion or your skin will get burnt."@@ she said.
@@color:aquamarine;"Rub some onto me then."@@ I said absentmindedly, undoing the knot that held the top in place. The heat was making me drowsy. Nicole rubbed lotion onto me. I found the situation very arousing. Her hands massaged my back, my buttocks and went dangerously close to the side of my boobs. My arousal awoke me fully.
I saw the eyes of people on the deck on us. Some erections were obvious too. There aversion to same-sex relationships did not seem to stop them from enjoying the sight in front of them.
The feeling of so many eyeballs on us aroused me no end, for some reason. I tied the knot on my top, grabbed Nicole's hand, planted a peck on Larry's lips, told him We would see him later and stormed off the deck to our [[rooms.|Ball]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
We disembarked off the ship hurriedly. Nicole made me wear glasses and a hoodie so that I was unrecognizable in the darkness. Despite the late hour there were plenty of cameras around and Nicole was probably caught on one of them.
I heard Nicole and Greg talking about him giving us a trip home but Nicole was insistent that she wanted to hire a taxi. Greg conceded and left saying, "If I were suspecting you of something, Nicole, this would be the most suspicious thing you have done, you know?"
I did not have time to process what he said because I had dialled Dr. Stein's number immediately. He did not pick up. I dialled once more.
@@color:gray;"Hello. Please call in the morning..."@@ he said.
@@color:aquamarine;"Wait, Doc. It's Tyler. I need help. The pills froze me as a woman. I did not change back."@@ I said hysterically.
@@color:gray;"How do I know you are Tyler?"@@ he asked.
@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole is with me. She knows."@@ I said, almost on the verge of tears.
@@color:gray;"This could be potentially very serious. When did you take this pill?"@@
@@color:aquamarine;"I took it yesterday."@@
@@color:gray;"Yesterday? This is a catastrophe. Get to the facility as soon as possible."@@
Nicole immediately flagged a taxi and we sped off towards [[Nautilus.|Operation]]
Evening was fast approaching.
@@color:aquamarine;"They can't expect me to wear that!"@@ I exclaimed as I saw what Nicole had laid out on the bed in front of us. They were two evening gowns. They were supposed to be held up by spaghetti straps. The material holding the breasts seemed quite flimsy too. Moreover it would not allow me to wear a bra underneath. The other feature that bothered me was a thigh high slit. It was a daunting task and I was not looking forward to it.
@@color:hotpink;"They don't. I do."@@ she said.
I looked at Nicole incredulously. @@color:aquamarine;"Why would you do that?"@@ I asked her.
@@color:hotpink;"Well, I wanted to look sexy and thought you might want to too. It'll help Larry and Greg too- to be seen with two bombshells like us."@@ she said. I resigned myself to the misfortune that was about to befall me.
I walked into the ballroom. Nicole had done my makeup and convinced me that my dress was not about to pop open.
@@color:sienna;"My lady."@@ Larry said kissing my hand while Greg did the same with Nicole's.
@@color:sienna;"Shall we dance, then?"@@ Larry asked.
As we danced, I would look over at Nicole and Greg to see what they were doing and repeat it a couple of minutes later.
A balding man in an extravagant tuxedo soon approached us.
@@color:peru;"Greg and Larry!"@@ he said as he shook their hands and pulled them into enthusiastic hugs. @@color:peru;"And who have we got here?"@@ he said genially, looking at us. Nicole and I introduced ourselves. I, of course, did so with a fake name that we had decided upon.
@@color:peru;"I was getting concerned for you, boys. Any longer and I would have been tempted to believe the rumour mill was true. Now, I can rest in peace knowing my company is in safe hands."@@ We all laughed.
@@color:peru;"Ladies, take care of my boys well."@@ he said to us. Then they started discussing matters of business. Normally, I would have grasped the opportunity to listen to the matters of the workings of a huge company with both hands. But I was thoroughly disinterested today.
The loudspeaker announced that we would be pulling into the pier within an hour and everyone slowly [[dispersed.|GetOff]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
The taxi skidded as the driver stepped on the brakes outside Nautilus. I saw Stein waiting for us, still in his nightclothes. We rushed out. The panic in Stein's voice had convinced me that we were a little to late.
@@color:gray;"Let them pass."@@ Stein said to the guards, indicating us.
As soon as we were inside, nurses made me lie down and anaesthetized me. I found my eyes closing and did not remeber anything [[else.|Home]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I woke up feeling groggy. I looked at my hands. They were back to their original colour. I looked around. Nicole was sleeping while seated on a chair beside my bed. This was the second time I had awoken to find Nicole this way. There were tear tracks on her cheeks. This was not the first time that I had woken up to this sight before me. Nicole had sat by my bedside after I had been operated on when I had had the injury.
I felt my face with my hands and noted a distinct stubble. I shoved a hand under the covers and discovered to my relief that my penis was back where it belonged. Ages seemed to have passed since I last held it. The movement seemed to have woken Nicole. She stirred awake, noticed I was awake and gave me a benign smile. Then she hugged me and began sobbing into my shoulder.
@@color:hotpink;"Stein said that had we been another hour late, you could have died. There were a number of complications during the operation. I'm really sorry, Ty. It's all my fault. I should never have asked you to transform into Tiffany."@@ she sobbed.
Before I could answer the door creaked open and Stein entered. He looked slightly uncomfortable at having walked in on a private moment but he stood his ground and gave me a fatherly smile nevertheless.
@@color:gray;"How are you feeling?"@@ he asked me as he measured my pulse.
@@color:aquamarine;"Normal."@@ I replied.
@@color:gray;"Nicole told me all about the transformation. The pills were made only to transform into a woman. The woman from whom you took the hair was pregnant at the time. I think the embryo must have been developing into a male. This caused the drug to misbehave. The next one we made..."@@ he said, taking a bottle, that was similar to the one he had handed me before, out of his pocket.
@@color:hotpink;"We don't want any more of those drugs."@@ Nicole said fiercely.
@@color:aquamarine;"Don't we?"@@ I said quietly. Nicole looked at me incredulously. We had one of our silent conversations. @@color:aquamarine;"I think we'll keep it, Doc."@@ I said after we had come to an agreement.
@@color:hotpink;"As long as you assure us that there are no more complications."@@ Nicole added.
@@color:gray;"This time we have tested it more thoroughly. It is even more generic this time. The previous one could only be used to transform into a woman but this one is unisex. You can transform into a man or a woman with it. We've also solved the pregnancy problem. It will use only the most dominant DNA."@@
@@color:aquamarine;"Thanks for fixing me, Doc. You can leave the technical details. Neither of us understand that stuff."@@ I grinned at Stein.
It was not long before Stein discharged me. Nicole and I walked into our home arm in arm, a new bottle of pills in my [[pocket.|Home]]
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
I found Nicole as I always did, lounging on the sofa casually. It was a wonder as to how she maintained that gorgeous figure of hers without strenuous excercise. In all the years we had stayed married I had not seen her at the gym that regularly. I cleared my throat and she looked up.
@@color:aquamarine;"Babe, look what I got you!"@@ I said showing her the tickets. She did not seem to grasp what I was showing her particularly fast. I saw her eyes focus on the two tickets in my hand and realization dawn on her face as she registered the unique colour pallete that was the hallmark of Blood Diamond's concert tickets. She squealed in delight like a little girl and then flung her arms around my neck. She stood on tiptoe as she kissed my lips and the tickets next.
Nicole's father had been a very stricy disciplinarian and had not encouraged her going to concerts and the like. The tickets were not only a gift for Nicole but also a way of getting one over her dad. I wanted to prove to her that I was willing to indulge her more than her father did. Buying two tickets to a concert on the black market the very same day it was being organized was but a small proce to pay for Nicole's affection.
If there is one thing I like more than seeing my little wife happy, it is to watch her change clothes. And today, I am going to witness [[both.|Concert]]Nicole wriggled through the crowd and rushed to a place that would allow her to get a glimpse of her favourite artist. She wolf whistled when Blood Diamond arrived and started speaking tho the audience. I did not know she could do that. I stood behind her with my arms wrapped around her. She turned back and gave me a light kiss as Blood Diamond began his show tonight.
Five songs down the line, I realized that I was the only one not singing along with him. The din was deafening. Nicole must have been singing too but I could not make out her voice in the sea of voices that were singing along with Blood Diamond.
To say I was getting bored would be an understatement. There was enough to keep me entertained. The occasional fan that tried to mount the stage to touch the singer, the energetic dance of the scantily clad ladies of the dancing troupe and the odd reprimands Blood Diamond gave his ill eqipped band who failed to play along well enough kept me moderately pleased.
Then came a song that I did not remember ever hearing. The beat slowed down and Blood Diamond started singing with a deeper voice. The song reminded me of all the things that aroused me- the look Nicole gave me when I saw her the first time, the sensations of our tongue tangling as we kissed, the sight of her naked, the feeling of her soft lips around my stiff cock and the feeling of being inside her. I found Nicole looking back at me with a look that did not hide her arousal at all. I also realized that I had a massive erection and Nicole was grinding into me with her rump keeping with the beat.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Hardcore Exhibitionist")>>
Her eyes were pleading me to fuck her then and there. What should I do?
[[Fuck my wife among thousands of people? Hell yeah!|ConFuck]]
<<print "\n">>
[[I don't think that is a good idea!|NoConFuck]]
She seemed to be hinting at something. I could not quite figure out what.
[[It's too loud. I can't even ask her!|NoConFuck]]
<<set $confuck= true>>
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
I knew what she wanted and was more than willing to give it to her. She must have sensed my readiness because she immediately hiked up her short skirt to reveal her naked butt. She was not wearing any underwear! She had not donned underwear plenty of times when she left home before. But it had always been intended either for comfort or as a surprise for me when we got down to doing the nasty. For some reason her naked, exposed butt presented to me for fucking at a public place aroused me no end.
My erect cock was out in no time, head coated with precum. Nicole's fingers had found her clit and she was stimulating herself furiously. I saw a few people giggling and pointing towards us but by then I was already inside Nicole's tight pussy. I set a frantic pace that mimicked the tempo of the song. I could hear the loud music and the din that was the crowd cheering. But whether the crowed was cheering Blood Diamond or me I could not tell. But I was pumping my engorged dick in and out of Nicole. Nothing else mattered.
I could not hear what Nicole was saying. I could not hear her moans or the lack thereof. So, I thrust into her with renewed effort trying to repeat what I knew made her cum. I felt her pussy grip my dick tightly a few times. I found my hands instinctively reach out for her boobs. I playfully twisted them. Nicole brought her mouth to mine and we kissed. I felt her moan a few times and realised that I must be doing alright. So I persisted with my efforts.
Nicole always has a sixth sense about when I am about to cum. My thrusts had grown more error-prone. She spun around, looked me straight in the eye and then squatted down, She began to suck on my dick with a gusto. I realised that restraint was no longer required and let the floodgates confining my sperm relax. Streams of hot cum were dumped straight from my balls into my wife's waiting belly. Despite my eyes being closed, I could feel the eyeballs on us. So, I opened my eyes to meet them.
The first thing I saw was Nicole, still crouching, with a delighted smile on her face. The smile that illuminated her face informed me that she did not regret this one bit. Not at all. I lifted my gaze to meet the people's. Some were dissaproving, some scandalized, some envious and some appreciative. The final and most important thing I noticed was that the song had changed. Maybe it was two songs ago that Nicole and I began fucking. Maybe three. I did not care and nore apparently did Nicole.
I returned my semi-flaccid cock to the confines of my pants, away from the glances of those around us. A few uncomfortable movements later, I managed to adjust my dick such that it would not hinder me. I wrapped my arms around Nicole and returned to listening to the concert. This time with [[interest.|BackStage]]<<set $confuck= false>>
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Hardcore Exhibitionist")
<<set $loveNicole-=5>>
<<elseif $traits.nic.includes("Mild Exhibitionist")>>
<<set $loveNicole-=3>>
<<set $loveNicole-=1>>
She waited for a while expectantly, waiting for me to make a move. None were made. I felt her chest rise and fall as if with a sigh.
The next thing I knew the song that had evoked such emotions was over and a new one had begun. Nicole began waving her hands and cheering. I recognized it as one of her favourites. All that had been the previous song was forgotten as I joined my wife in enthusiastically waving my hands at this new [[song.|BackStage]]@@color:hotpink;"Why did you not tell me you had backstage passes?"@@ she hissed at me.
We were standing outside the door of Blood Diamond's backstage room. There was an A4 sized paper affixrd to the door with sellotape with Blood Diamond scrawled on it in a childish handwriting. He really did not have much money these days.
@@color:aquamarine;"I thought I'd give you a surprise."@@ I said.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh my God! You should have told me! I am not dressed for this!"@@ she said and began to fret about her appearance. I did not see the point of it. She looked gorgeous.
@@color:aquamarine;"Babe... babe, you look gorgeous. Anyone who thinks otherwise can go fuck themselves!"@@ I said. That seemed to calm her down.
She took a deep breath and knocked.
@@color:peru;"Come in."@@ answered a voice that you could barely fail to recognize after having listened to it for most of the evening.
We entered. The room was not anything special. The paint was peeling off. There were places where the bricks were visible. There seemed to be a bathroom but a very small one. There were no attendants here. Five years ago, it would have been difficult to envision Blood Diamond having to spend even five minutes in this squalor. Fame was a fickle friend.
The man that I saw before me was in an even more broken condition than the room. Seeing him up close really made you appreciate how bad a state he was in. The lines on his face that were probably edited out with photo-editing software were prominently visible. He was not wearing a shirt. The muscled body that had been shown off in countless music videos was in a bad way. A pot belly had replaced his six-pack. The waxed chest was now hairy. When you had seen the man he had been, the sight of what he had become was almost revolting.
Nicole however had no such concerns. She stared at him devotedly, as if dazed by his radiance. The look on her face was eerily familiar. It was a look I knew all too well. It arose on her face everytime she met some she had fantasized fucking. She had had it when she met me the first time.
@@color:peru;"So, you are the people that paid to meet me in person, huh?"@@ He looked at me as though sizing me up. Then his eyes focussed on Nicole.
@@color:peru;"And who is this pretty lady? I feel like I know you from somewhere."@@ he said, kissing Nicole's hand like a gentleman.
Nicole continued to look mesmerized. She failed to utter a single word in Blood Diamond's presence. In my mind's eye, I could almost picture a drop trickling out of her wet pussy. I had to take matters into my own hands.
@@color:aquamarine;"I am Tyler and this is Nicole- my wife. She is one of your biggest fans."@@ I said to him.
@@color:peru;"Oh, I know you alright. My dad was a big Stags fan. I was too. But then I got famous and couldn't come to games coz I was busy. You are a model, aren't you?"@@ he said to Nicole,@@color:peru;"A big fan, you say?"@@
Nicole seemed to find her voice and began to profess her love for Blood Diamond and his music. I listened for a while as they discussed the making of some obscure song and then proceeded to walk around the room.
The room was in a state of disrepair but one thing in particular caught my eye. It was tucked away at the side so I had not seen it when we first entered. It was a life sized replica of Blood Diamond. Not today's Blood Diamond but the one from the time when he was the nation's heartthrob.
I do not know how long I stood there admiring the artist's attention to detail but a while later I found Blood Diamond over my shoulder.
@@color:peru;"Really looks alive, doesn't it? A fan made it for me. It was after the divorce settlement. That damned woman had sapped away all my will to live. I didn't look as ugly as I do today. After all I had just finished judging a show. He had put fake hair on the wax model. That was the only thing that didn't look right. So, I called him up one day and said that I would cut my hair just so that the replica looked perfect. The hair on this one is my own."@@ he said as he fingered a strand, @@color:peru;"I just carry this around nowadays as a reminder of the days that had been."@@
I do not know why he was telling us all this. I looked at Nicole. She seemed genuinely upset about Blood Diamond's predicament. What did she want me to do?
@@color:aquamarine;"You know, you could sell the thing. It would probably fetch a lot of money because of its likeness to you, Blood Diamond."@@ I offered unhelpfully, or so I thought.
@@color:peru;"Oh, call me Jeff. I have tried, buddy. You don't think I would like a little extra cash instead of a dumb wax model. It also reminds me of the time I was most miserable. I'll be glad if I could just give it away but then I think maybe it will get me some dough someday."@@
@@color:hotpink;"We could buy it from you!Couldn't we, Ty?"@@ Nicole chimed.
I looked at her. Whether it was from the urge to help Blood Diamond or to get a life-sized replica of him, I did not know. But she seemed very enthusiastic about buying it. If there is one thing I have learnt in my life it is that you do not refuse anything to the woman that gives you blowjobs of her own volition. Anything. So, I agreed to buy it for Nicole.
Despite having been a celebrity Blood Diamond's upbringing had been in a poor household and so instead of quoting an ostentatious sum he offered to let me have it for a partly sum. However, I was not carrying any cash on me since I knew that I risked being robbed in the crowd. My business intellect kicked in and I figured that I could promise him a part of Marcus' image rights. He seemed to know Marcus and readily agreed to it.
Half an hour later, I was trying to stuff the wax replica onto the back seat of my car while Nicole grinned at me for God knows what [[reason.|WhyReplica]]
@@color:aquamarine;"Why exactly did we get this wax model, Nicole?"@@ I asked as we prepared to tuck in for the night.
@@color:hotpink;"I think you'll figure out a purpose for it."@@ she smirked as if she knew something I did not.
@@color:aquamarine;"But we are not having it in the bedroom. The eyes on it are creepy. I'm not having sex with this here.@@
<<if $confuck eq true>>
@@color:hotpink;"You literally just fucked me in sight of hundreds of people. Is big Ty ashamed of letting a doll watch him fuck his wife?"@@ she said in a mock baby voice.
<<elseif $confuck eq false && $traits.nic.includes("Hardcore Exhibitionist")>>
@@color:hotpink;"Letting people watch us having sex never fazed you. What's the harm in letting a wax doll watch us too?"@@ she said playfully.
@@color:hotpink;"Well, if it bothers you so much you can move it somewhere else tomorrow."@@ she said, slightly crestrfallen that I will not let her keep it in the bedroom.
She skipped out of her clothes and lay on her side of the bed, naked, patting the space beside her asking me to do the same.
[[Strip and go to sleep|Home]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I was vaguely aware that I was dreaming but everything seemed to be so perfect here. I was a rockstar. I had just played an amazing guitar riff that I was sure I had conjured up myself in my dreams and would not remember once I woke up. It was amazing to feel adored and loved by so many people. Girls in front of me ripped their tops off to profess their love for me at the top of their lungs and guys danced manically to my songs. I ended the show and left the stage to the roaring applause of my audience.
While I was going backstage a groupie caught hold of me and pressed herself onto her. I felt bad about cheating on Nicole until I realized that the groupie was Nicole herself. We rushed to my changing room, still making out, walking awkawardly like a weird four-legged creature, peeling each other's clothing off.
We went in and just as I was about to enter her the fire alarm went off.
It took me a while to realize that it was not a fire alarm but the alarm clock ringing. The dream dissolved into nothingness and I woke up, rubbing my eyes, slightly dissappointed that I would not know what happened at the end of the dream.
<<if $tf eq true>>
Or maybe I could make the dream a reality and know what lies ahead. I knew what to do with Blood Diamond's wax model.
<<elseif $traits.nic.includes("Likes Mild Roleplay") && $tf eq false>>
Perhaps Nicole and I could roleplay this scenario. She had always been more than willing to fulfill my fantasies. Maybe she would help me fulfill this too.
Nicole was already stirring awake. I wanted to tell her about the dream but decided to hold back for a while. [[Work was important too.|Home]] The basketball was back and so was the incredible pressure of representing your players well. The Stags had just overtaken the Falcons and only a point separated them from the Dragons who led the pack. Another stellar performance from Marcus had ensured that I would have an eventful day.
Everytime Nicole came into my office I was always surrounded by people looking for my signature on this or that. The entire day passed and I still had not asked Nicole whether she was willing to indulge me.
I crossed my fingers as we entered the car to return home and [[began.|Rockstar]]<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
@@color:aquamarine;"I had an odd dream last night."@@ I told Nicole, tapping the steering wheel nervously.
Nicole looked at me. She had been in the habit of our discussing dreams until I told her one day that I never remembered my dreams. It was true but since then she had never brought up dreams in our conversations. So, she was understandably surprised when I brought it up myself.
@@color:aquamarine;"Maybe it was the effect of the concert. I dreamt that I was performing like Blood Diamond did. Then when I went backstage I met a groupie. You were that groupie. We were about to fuck but then I woke up."@@ I told her while she listened in rapt attention.
<<if $tf eq true>>
@@color:hotpink;"Do you want to make that dream a reality?"@@ she said enthusiastically,@@color:hotpink;"I have one condition though. Stein said that the new pills were safe but I want you to call him up again and ask if any further tests revealed other side effects. I don't want you harmed over some stupid fantasy of ours. If he says it's fine then maybe you could use Blood Diamond's hair."@@ she said the last sentence very timidly as though she was not sure I would accept.
@@color:aquamarine;"So that's why you made me get the replica of Blood Diamond?"@@ I asked, even though I had already realized that. I wanted to hear her say it.
@@color:hotpink;"Yes. Will you do it? It's not cheating if you are the one fucking me, right? Right?"@@ she asked again.
[["Sure, babe." I said.|BDRock]]
<<print ("\n")>>
[["I'm not sure if I am comfortable with that idea. We could roleplay though." I said.|RockRole]]
@@color:hotpink;"Do you want to make that dream a reality?"@@ she said enthusiastically.
[["Sure, babe." I said.|RockRole]]
<</if>>I called up Stein as soon as we got home. He said that the pills had cleared every test they had subjected it too since he gave them to me. He assured me that all the side effects were gone. He also said that the new pills were also rid of the side-effect that caused the user to experience weakness if they did not consume a truckload of food before taking the pill. I thanked Stein and cut the call. It was time for action now!
Nicole was waiting for me when I got back. She looked tensed. When I told her Stein had assured me once again that the pills were safe her concerns were slightly alleviated. She was still in her office attire, so she asked me, @@color:hotpink;"Do you want me to wear any specific type of clothes while you get ready?"@@
[["I want you to wear a swimsuit and pretend as if the concert was at a beach party."|BeachRock]]
<<print "\n">>
[["I want you to wear a casual outfit that is revealing and pretend that you are a slutty groupie at one of my city concerts."|CityRock]]
<<print "\n">>
[["Keep these clothes on and pretend you are a businesswoman who is smitten by me."|BusinessRock]]
Nicole was still in her office attire, so she asked me, @@color:hotpink;"Do you want me to wear any specific type of clothes while you get ready?"@@
[["I want you to wear a swimsuit and pretend as if the concert was at a beach party."|BeachRockRole]]
<<print "\n">>
[["I want you to wear a casual outfit that is revealing and pretend that you are a slutty groupie at one of my city concerts."|CityRockRole]]
<<print "\n">>
[["Keep these clothes on and pretend you are a businesswoman who is smitten by me."|BusinessRockRole]]<<set $top= "skimpy bikini top">>
<<set $skirt= "sarong">>
<<set $bottom= "thong">>
<<set $loveNicole+=12>>
She returned wearing the outfit that I asked her to wear. I wanted her to witness the transformation so I stripped myself of everything other than my denims. I plucked a strand of hair from the replica and dropped it in a glass of water. It instantly turned blood red. I gulped it down in one go.
It did not start immediately. I was slightly afraid too. What if the hair was not his? What if it was not human hair at all? Stein had not told me what would happen if anything besides a human DNA sample had been used.
I need not have worried though. I barely felt this transformation. Maybe the fact that the drug did not have to change the structure from a male body to a female body helped it. I did feel luxurious lock sprout from my scalp. I felt myself grow shorter by a few inches both in height and in my pants. I looked at a mirror and saw not myself but Blood Diamond staring back at me.
Nicole stared at me, her almond shaped green eyes drinking in the sight of her fantasy. She came to her senses quickly and began the roleplay.
@@color:hotpink;"Blo... Blood Dia... Diamond,"@@ she was not pretending. She was struggling to utter a whole sentence, @@color:hotpink;"I am your biggest fan!"@@
She seemed really tense and I decided that I must make her feel more comfortable. So, I put a hand on the small of her back and said, @@color:aquamarine;"Well, my biggest fans are always welcome. Tell me, did you enjoy the concert?"@@ I moved the hand to her butt and gave it a light squeeze.
She blushed as she felt the hand on her rump and began to to tell me in explicit detail all the things she had loved about my performance and then said, @@color:hotpink;"You must be tired after that performance. May I help you to relax?"@@ Then without waiting for a reply she pressed herself onto me just as she had in my dream.
I kissed her back enthusiastically. My tongue roved in her mouth as I clawed at her clothing with my free hand. I peeled the $top off and began to suck on her succulent, pink nipples. She let out a primal grunt as she felt the touch of my tongue on her sensitive nipples. We walked over to the bed, attached to each other like a weird animal.
I lay her down on the bed and yanked the $skirt and $bottom off her. Then I buried my face in her little pussy. Relentless licks made her orgasm wash upon her like a tsunami as a continuous stream of @@color:hotpink;"Oh God! That feels so good!"@@ emanated from her lips.
She sat up and undid the denims and my underpants. My erect penis, which now resembled Blood Diamond's, sprung out. Seeing it for the first time made me realize that it was indeed shorter than my own. Nicole looked slightly crestfallen at finding a smaller dick too but she quickly began to work her magic.
Her soft pink, lips enveloped the girth of the cock and she began to move her head furiuosly along the shaft. She engulfed the penis easily owing to its smaller size as compared to mine. She carried on for a while until she felt me quiver. I had nearly cum. She gave me one of her naughty smiles and winked at me. She then let go off the dick and crawled onto the bed on all fours.
@@color:hotpink"Fuck me!"@@ she said, with her wet pussy on display.
Not one to back down, I plunged my length into Nicole's slick, warm pussy. I took some time getting used to the length of my penis and in the beginning I pumped erratically. Once I was familiar with it, Nicole's pussy stood no chance. She collapsed with orgasms coursing through her as she moaned deliriously.
I was not able to keep this up long though. The blowjob had already brought me to the edge and the contractions of Nicole's tight pussy made me cum really hard. I pulled out and spilled my seed onto Nicole's ass and lower back.
I lay down on the bed, spent. Nicole stood up, her legs still shaking from the multiple orgasms. She walked herself to the bathroom to clean up.
She came back soon and lay next to me. The effects of the pill had already begun to wear off and I was feeling exhausted.
@@color:hotpink;"Can I accompany you on your world tour?"@@
she asked, sitting beside me naked, her hands on her knees.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, you have to promise me more of those mindblowing blowjobs then."@@ I said sleepily.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh, I can promise to do plenty of other naughty things too."@@ she said coquettishly, kissing me goodnight. That is the last thing I remembered as my eyes shut for the [[night.|Home]]
<<set $top= "reavealing halter-neck top">>
<<set $skirt= "tiny nanoskirt">>
<<set $bottom= "panties">>
<<set $loveNicole+=15>>
She returned wearing the outfit that I asked her to wear. I wanted her to witness the transformation so I stripped myself of everything other than my denims. I plucked a strand of hair from the replica and dropped it in a glass of water. It instantly turned blood red. I gulped it down in one go.
It did not start immediately. I was slightly afraid too. What if the hair was not his? What if it was not human hair at all? Stein had not told me what would happen if anything besides a human DNA sample had been used.
I need not have worried though. I barely felt this transformation. Maybe the fact that the drug did not have to change the structure from a male body to a female body helped it. I did feel luxurious lock sprout from my scalp. I felt myself grow shorter by a few inches both in height and in my pants. I looked at a mirror and saw not myself but Blood Diamond staring back at me.
Nicole stared at me, her almond shaped green eyes drinking in the sight of her fantasy. She came to her senses quickly and began the roleplay.
@@color:hotpink;"Blo... Blood Dia... Diamond,"@@ she was not pretending. She was struggling to utter a whole sentence, @@color:hotpink;"I am your biggest fan!"@@
She seemed really tense and I decided that I must make her feel more comfortable. So, I put a hand on the small of her back and said, @@color:aquamarine;"Well, my biggest fans are always welcome. Tell me, did you enjoy the concert?"@@ I moved the hand to her butt and gave it a light squeeze.
She blushed as she felt the hand on her rump and began to to tell me in explicit detail all the things she had loved about my performance and then said, @@color:hotpink;"You must be tired after that performance. May I help you to relax?"@@ Then without waiting for a reply she pressed herself onto me just as she had in my dream.
I kissed her back enthusiastically. My tongue roved in her mouth as I clawed at her clothing with my free hand. I peeled the $top off and began to suck on her succulent, pink nipples. She let out a primal grunt as she felt the touch of my tongue on her sensitive nipples. We walked over to the bed, attached to each other like a weird animal.
I lay her down on the bed and yanked the $skirt and $bottom off her. Then I buried my face in her little pussy. Relentless licks made her orgasm wash upon her like a tsunami as a continuous stream of @@color:hotpink;"Oh God! That feels so good!"@@ emanated from her lips.
She sat up and undid the denims and my underpants. My erect penis, which now resembled Blood Diamond's, sprung out. Seeing it for the first time made me realize that it was indeed shorter than my own. Nicole looked slightly crestfallen at finding a smaller dick too but she quickly began to work her magic.
Her soft pink, lips enveloped the girth of the cock and she began to move her head furiuosly along the shaft. She engulfed the penis easily owing to its smaller size as compared to mine. She carried on for a while until she felt me quiver. I had nearly cum. She gave me one of her naughty smiles and winked at me. She then let go off the dick and crawled onto the bed on all fours.
@@color:hotpink"Fuck me!"@@ she said, with her wet pussy on display.
Not one to back down, I plunged my length into Nicole's slick, warm pussy. I took some time getting used to the length of my penis and in the beginning I pumped erratically. Once I was familiar with it, Nicole's pussy stood no chance. She collapsed with orgasms coursing through her as she moaned deliriously.
I was not able to keep this up long though. The blowjob had already brought me to the edge and the contractions of Nicole's tight pussy made me cum really hard. I pulled out and spilled my seed onto Nicole's ass and lower back.
I lay down on the bed, spent. Nicole stood up, her legs still shaking from the multiple orgasms. She walked herself to the bathroom to clean up.
She came back soon and lay next to me. The effects of the pill had already begun to wear off and I was feeling exhausted. @@color:hotpink;"Can I accompany you on your world tour?"@@ she asked, sitting beside me naked, her hands on her knees.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, you have to promise me more of those mindblowing blowjobs then."@@ I said sleepily.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh, I can promise to do plenty of other naughty things too."@@ she said coquettishly, kissing me goodnight. That is the last thing I remembered as my eyes shut for the [[night.|Home]]<<set $top= "revealing office top and bra">>
<<set $skirt= "black pencil skirt">>
<<set $bottom= "g-string">>
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
She returned wearing the outfit that I asked her to wear. I wanted her to witness the transformation so I stripped myself of everything other than my denims. I plucked a strand of hair from the replica and dropped it in a glass of water. It instantly turned blood red. I gulped it down in one go.
It did not start immediately. I was slightly afraid too. What if the hair was not his? What if it was not human hair at all? Stein had not told me what would happen if anything besides a human DNA sample had been used.
I need not have worried though. I barely felt this transformation. Maybe the fact that the drug did not have to change the structure from a male body to a female body helped it. I did feel luxurious lock sprout from my scalp. I felt myself grow shorter by a few inches both in height and in my pants. I looked at a mirror and saw not myself but Blood Diamond staring back at me.
Nicole stared at me, her almond shaped green eyes drinking in the sight of her fantasy. She came to her senses quickly and began the roleplay.
@@color:hotpink;"Blo... Blood Dia... Diamond,"@@ she was not pretending. She was struggling to utter a whole sentence, @@color:hotpink;"I am your biggest fan!"@@
She seemed really tense and I decided that I must make her feel more comfortable. So, I put a hand on the small of her back and said, @@color:aquamarine;"Well, my biggest fans are always welcome. Tell me, did you enjoy the concert?"@@ I moved the hand to her butt and gave it a light squeeze.
She blushed as she felt the hand on her rump and began to to tell me in explicit detail all the things she had loved about my performance and then said, @@color:hotpink;"You must be tired after that performance. May I help you to relax?"@@ Then without waiting for a reply she pressed herself onto me just as she had in my dream.
I kissed her back enthusiastically. My tongue roved in her mouth as I clawed at her clothing with my free hand. I peeled the $top off and began to suck on her succulent, pink nipples. She let out a primal grunt as she felt the touch of my tongue on her sensitive nipples. We walked over to the bed, attached to each other like a weird animal.
I lay her down on the bed and yanked the $skirt and $bottom off her. Then I buried my face in her little pussy. Relentless licks made her orgasm wash upon her like a tsunami as a continuous stream of @@color:hotpink;"Oh God! That feels so good!"@@ emanated from her lips.
She sat up and undid the denims and my underpants. My erect penis, which now resembled Blood Diamond's, sprung out. Seeing it for the first time made me realize that it was indeed shorter than my own. Nicole looked slightly crestfallen at finding a smaller dick too but she quickly began to work her magic.
Her soft pink, lips enveloped the girth of the cock and she began to move her head furiuosly along the shaft. She engulfed the penis easily owing to its smaller size as compared to mine. She carried on for a while until she felt me quiver. I had nearly cum. She gave me one of her naughty smiles and winked at me. She then let go off the dick and crawled onto the bed on all fours.
@@color:hotpink"Fuck me!"@@ she said, with her wet pussy on display.
Not one to back down, I plunged my length into Nicole's slick, warm pussy. I took some time getting used to the length of my penis and in the beginning I pumped erratically. Once I was familiar with it, Nicole's pussy stood no chance. She collapsed with orgasms coursing through her as she moaned deliriously.
I was not able to keep this up long though. The blowjob had already brought me to the edge and the contractions of Nicole's tight pussy made me cum really hard. I pulled out and spilled my seed onto Nicole's ass and lower back.
I lay down on the bed, spent. Nicole stood up, her legs still shaking from the multiple orgasms. She walked herself to the bathroom to clean up.
She came back soon and lay next to me. The effects of the pill had already begun to wear off and I was feeling exhausted. @@color:hotpink;"Can I accompany you on your world tour?"@@ she asked, sitting beside me naked, her hands on her knees.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, you have to promise me more of those mindblowing blowjobs then."@@ I said sleepily.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh, I can promise to do plenty of other naughty things too."@@ she said coquettishly, kissing me goodnight. That is the last thing I remembered as my eyes shut for the [[night.|Home]]
<<set $top= "skimpy bikini top">>
<<set $skirt= "sarong">>
<<set $bottom= "thong">>
<<set $loveNicole+=8>>
I waited shirtless for Nicole to get dolled up in the attire that I had asked her to wear.
when she returned, Nicole stared at me, her almond shaped green eyes drinking in the sight of as if her wildest fantasy stood before her. She made a show of coming to her senses quickly and began the roleplay.
@@color:hotpink;"Ty... Tyl... Tyler,"@@ she stammered as though she was struggling to utter a whole sentence, @@color:hotpink;"I am your biggest fan!"@@
She acted as if she were really tense and I decided that I must make a show of making her feel more comfortable. So, I put a hand on the small of her back and said, @@color:aquamarine;"Well, my biggest fans are always welcome. Tell me, did you enjoy the concert?"@@ I moved the hand to her butt and gave it a light squeeze.
She blushed as she felt the hand on her rump and began to to tell me in explicit detail all the things she had loved about my performance and then said, @@color:hotpink;"You must be tired after that performance. May I help you to relax?"@@ Then without waiting for a reply she pressed herself onto me just as she had in my dream.
I kissed her back enthusiastically. My tongue roved in her mouth as I clawed at her clothing with my free hand. I peeled the $top off and began to suck on her succulent, pink nipples. She let out a primal grunt as she felt the touch of my tongue on her sensitive nipples. We walked over to the bed, attached to each other like a weird animal.
I lay her down on the bed and yanked the $skirt and $bottom off her. Then I buried my face in her little pussy. Relentless licks made her orgasm wash upon her like a tsunami as a continuous stream of @@color:hotpink;"Oh God! That feels so good!"@@ emanated from her lips.
She sat up and undid the denims and my underpants. My erect penis sprung out. Nicole looked at the familiar dick and she quickly began to work her magic.
Her soft pink, lips enveloped the girth of the cock and she began to move her head furiously along the shaft. She engulfed the penis easily owing to her expertise at blowjobs. She carried on for a while until she felt me quiver. I had nearly cum. She gave me one of her naughty smiles and winked at me. She then let go off the dick and crawled onto the bed on all fours.
@@color:hotpink"Fuck me!"@@ she said, with her wet pussy on display.
Not one to back down, I plunged my length into Nicole's slick, warm pussy. Nicole's pussy hugged my cock as tightly as two long lost friends hug each other. I began to pump her pussy franticaly and Nicole's pussy stood no chance. She collapsed with orgasms coursing through her as she moaned deliriously.
I was not able to keep this up long though. The blowjob had already brought me to the edge and the contractions of Nicole's tight pussy made me cum really hard. I pulled out and spilled my seed onto Nicole's ass and lower back.
I lay down on the bed, spent. Nicole stood up, her legs still shaking from the multiple orgasms. She walked herself to the bathroom to clean up.
She came back soon and lay next to me. I was feeling exhausted already. @@color:hotpink;"Can I accompany you on your world tour?"@@ she asked, sitting beside me naked, her hands on her knees.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, you have to promise me more of those mindblowing blowjobs then."@@ I said sleepily.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh, I can promise to do plenty of other naughty things too."@@ she said coquettishly, kissing me goodnight. That is the last thing I remembered as my eyes shut for the [[night.|Home]]
<<set $top= "reavealing halter-neck top">>
<<set $skirt= "tiny nanoskirt">>
<<set $bottom= "panties">>
<<set $loveNicole+=10>>
I waited shirtless for Nicole to get dolled up in the attire that I had asked her to wear.
when she returned, Nicole stared at me, her almond shaped green eyes drinking in the sight of as if her wildest fantasy stood before her. She made a show of coming to her senses quickly and began the roleplay.
@@color:hotpink;"Ty... Tyl... Tyler,"@@ she stammered as though she was struggling to utter a whole sentence, @@color:hotpink;"I am your biggest fan!"@@
She acted as if she were really tense and I decided that I must make a show of making her feel more comfortable. So, I put a hand on the small of her back and said, @@color:aquamarine;"Well, my biggest fans are always welcome. Tell me, did you enjoy the concert?"@@ I moved the hand to her butt and gave it a light squeeze.
She blushed as she felt the hand on her rump and began to to tell me in explicit detail all the things she had loved about my performance and then said, @@color:hotpink;"You must be tired after that performance. May I help you to relax?"@@ Then without waiting for a reply she pressed herself onto me just as she had in my dream.
I kissed her back enthusiastically. My tongue roved in her mouth as I clawed at her clothing with my free hand. I peeled the $top off and began to suck on her succulent, pink nipples. She let out a primal grunt as she felt the touch of my tongue on her sensitive nipples. We walked over to the bed, attached to each other like a weird animal.
I lay her down on the bed and yanked the $skirt and $bottom off her. Then I buried my face in her little pussy. Relentless licks made her orgasm wash upon her like a tsunami as a continuous stream of @@color:hotpink;"Oh God! That feels so good!"@@ emanated from her lips.
She sat up and undid the denims and my underpants. My erect penis sprung out. Nicole looked at the familiar dick and she quickly began to work her magic.
Her soft pink, lips enveloped the girth of the cock and she began to move her head furiously along the shaft. She engulfed the penis easily owing to her expertise at blowjobs. She carried on for a while until she felt me quiver. I had nearly cum. She gave me one of her naughty smiles and winked at me. She then let go off the dick and crawled onto the bed on all fours.
@@color:hotpink"Fuck me!"@@ she said, with her wet pussy on display.
Not one to back down, I plunged my length into Nicole's slick, warm pussy. Nicole's pussy hugged my cock as tightly as two long lost friends hug each other. I began to pump her pussy franticaly and Nicole's pussy stood no chance. She collapsed with orgasms coursing through her as she moaned deliriously.
I was not able to keep this up long though. The blowjob had already brought me to the edge and the contractions of Nicole's tight pussy made me cum really hard. I pulled out and spilled my seed onto Nicole's ass and lower back.
I lay down on the bed, spent. Nicole stood up, her legs still shaking from the multiple orgasms. She walked herself to the bathroom to clean up.
She came back soon and lay next to me. I was feeling exhausted already. @@color:hotpink;"Can I accompany you on your world tour?"@@ she asked, sitting beside me naked, her hands on her knees.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, you have to promise me more of those mindblowing blowjobs then."@@ I said sleepily.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh, I can promise to do plenty of other naughty things too."@@ she said coquettishly, kissing me goodnight. That is the last thing I remembered as my eyes shut for the [[night.|Home]]
<<set $top= "reavealing halter-neck top">>
<<set $skirt= "tiny nanoskirt">>
<<set $bottom= "panties">>
<<set $loveNicole+=7>>
I waited shirtless for Nicole to get dolled up in the attire that I had asked her to wear.
when she returned, Nicole stared at me, her almond shaped green eyes drinking in the sight of as if her wildest fantasy stood before her. She made a show of coming to her senses quickly and began the roleplay.
@@color:hotpink;"Ty... Tyl... Tyler,"@@ she stammered as though she was struggling to utter a whole sentence, @@color:hotpink;"I am your biggest fan!"@@
She acted as if she were really tense and I decided that I must make a show of making her feel more comfortable. So, I put a hand on the small of her back and said, @@color:aquamarine;"Well, my biggest fans are always welcome. Tell me, did you enjoy the concert?"@@ I moved the hand to her butt and gave it a light squeeze.
She blushed as she felt the hand on her rump and began to to tell me in explicit detail all the things she had loved about my performance and then said, @@color:hotpink;"You must be tired after that performance. May I help you to relax?"@@ Then without waiting for a reply she pressed herself onto me just as she had in my dream.
I kissed her back enthusiastically. My tongue roved in her mouth as I clawed at her clothing with my free hand. I peeled the $top off and began to suck on her succulent, pink nipples. She let out a primal grunt as she felt the touch of my tongue on her sensitive nipples. We walked over to the bed, attached to each other like a weird animal.
I lay her down on the bed and yanked the $skirt and $bottom off her. Then I buried my face in her little pussy. Relentless licks made her orgasm wash upon her like a tsunami as a continuous stream of @@color:hotpink;"Oh God! That feels so good!"@@ emanated from her lips.
She sat up and undid the denims and my underpants. My erect penis sprung out. Nicole looked at the familiar dick and she quickly began to work her magic.
Her soft pink, lips enveloped the girth of the cock and she began to move her head furiously along the shaft. She engulfed the penis easily owing to her expertise at blowjobs. She carried on for a while until she felt me quiver. I had nearly cum. She gave me one of her naughty smiles and winked at me. She then let go off the dick and crawled onto the bed on all fours.
@@color:hotpink"Fuck me!"@@ she said, with her wet pussy on display.
Not one to back down, I plunged my length into Nicole's slick, warm pussy. Nicole's pussy hugged my cock as tightly as two long lost friends hug each other. I began to pump her pussy franticaly and Nicole's pussy stood no chance. She collapsed with orgasms coursing through her as she moaned deliriously.
I was not able to keep this up long though. The blowjob had already brought me to the edge and the contractions of Nicole's tight pussy made me cum really hard. I pulled out and spilled my seed onto Nicole's ass and lower back.
I lay down on the bed, spent. Nicole stood up, her legs still shaking from the multiple orgasms. She walked herself to the bathroom to clean up.
She came back soon and lay next to me. I was feeling exhausted already. @@color:hotpink;"Can I accompany you on your world tour?"@@ she asked, sitting beside me naked, her hands on her knees.
@@color:aquamarine;"Well, you have to promise me more of those mindblowing blowjobs then."@@ I said sleepily.
@@color:hotpink;"Oh, I can promise to do plenty of other naughty things too."@@ she said coquettishly, kissing me goodnight. That is the last thing I remembered as my eyes shut for the [[night.|Home]]
This is the end of the scripted content. Nicole and Tyler will be back with more sexy adventures soon.
<<print "\n">>
[[To be Continued|Continued]]
To be continued.
This is my very first Twine game and so it does not include a lot of things that I would have loved to incorporate.
The trait system was inspired by a game called Girlfriend by DandyLion. I suggest you try out that too.
This is version 0.18a. If you enjoyed the game and would like to see more of this story, please consider dropping a like and a review on to encourage me. I do not want your cash and at no point in time is there ever going to be a Patreon for this game or any that I make in the future.
Thank you for playing 'The Things We Do for Love'.V0.27A by Naughty-Lus
[[With invaluable help from|Help]]
<<if passage() is "Begin">>
Mira O,
<<return "The author is very thankful to them">><<if $watchPorn eq 0>>
/*First time*/
<<set $loveNicole+=5>>
Nicole and I decided to watch a movie as our activity for the evening. For some reason this was the day that the streaming service decided to act up. Try as I might I could not get it to work. We resigned ourselves to having to watch something on cable TV.
I scrolled through the channels trying to find something that was vaguely interesting. Once, one gets used to the instant gratification of a streaming service it becomes very diffcult to digest the fact that not all channels on TV are showing what you like. Nicole leans against me with her head on my shoulders. Most channels are spewing the same kind of deranged bile that I cannot spend a moment on.
Somehow, we arrive at a premium channel showing pornographic content. I did not feel like I had lingered on the channel longer than most but the very next second I was aware of Nicole telling me, @@color:hotpink;"I think we have found something to hold our attention."@@ So, we ended up watching porn instead of a movie. Well, I guess it still technically counts as a movie.
@@color:hotpink;"How about we make a habit of watching porn together?"@@ Nicole asked as we got ready for bed.
@@color:aquamarine;"Sure!"@@ I said.
<<set $watchPorn+=1>>
<<return "Time to go to bed">>
/*Not first Time*/
<<set $loveNicole+=1>>
Instead of watching the porn on offer on the premium channels we decided peruse porn on the internet. I had purchased the memberships to certain porn websites and decided to consume:
<span id= "result">
<br><<link "Vanilla">>
<<replace "#result">>
We watch a video from an attractive married couple doing it on camera. The video has high production value but it is not kinky. If anything it is done very tastefully. It fails to hold Nicole's attention for too long and she spends her time sucking on my cock.<br><<return "Time to go to bed">>
<br><<link "Lesbian">>
<<replace "#result">>
<<set $loveNicole+=2>>
I decide to surprise Nicole with some lesbian porn instead of the usual fare we had been consuming. I could see she was incredibly aroused from watching the two painfully pretty girls getting each other off. @@color:hotpink;"I can see why lesbian experiences are at the top of some girl's bucket list. Not that I'd give up this big boy for some pussy though!"@@ she said, climbing into bed with me. <br>
<<return "Time to go to bed">>
<br><<link "MFF Threesome">>
<<replace "#result">>
<<set $loveNicole+=1>>
Seeing Nicole's voracious appetite for porno flicks I hand over the controls to her. She lands on a video of a thressome with two girls and a guy. For some reason Nicole finds the situation quite amusing. When the video is done, I ask her why she spent the time smirking at the screen. @@color:hotpink;"Did you see the guy trying to keep up with two women at once? Even with a decent dick most guys would not have the stamina or enough blood in their brains to split their time between two women and bring them both to climax. It was hilarious. I bet most women, in real life, use it as a birthday gift or a 'get out of jail free card'.@@ Then as I stripped naked for bed, she looked at me and said, @@color:hotpink;"But maybe 'you' can handle two women, huh?"@@. Then without waiting for an answer turned over and shut her eyes.
<<return "Time to go to bed">>
<br><<link "MMF Threesome">>
<<replace "#result">>
<<set $loveNicole+=2>>
Nicole was already at the couch by the time we next decided to sit down for a porn session. This time she had chosen a particularly raunchy video involving two guys spitroasting a nubile hottie. Nicole seemed pretty into it. And when the woman in the video orgasmed, I was distinctly aware of Nicole orgasming silently next to me. @@color:aquamarine;"I see you liked that"@@. Nicole took her time answering me, @@color:hotpink;"What's not to like? Two delectable cocks ready for your pussy. Keep one busy with your mouth while the other fucks you. When one gets tired you switch. But I dunno if moost women are attracted to two guys enough to fuck them at the same time. I guess even the guys have to be down for that to happen."@@ @@color:aquamarine;"You seem to have given this a lot of thought."@@ I remarked warily.@@color:hotpink;"Well I am not just a pretty face, am I? I am also a naughty nympho!"@@ she said seductively shimmying out of her clothes and dragging me to bed holding my erect penis.
<<return "Time to go to bed">>
<</if>><<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I was woken up by the movement from Nicole's side of the bed. I turned over to her side, eyes squinted to acclimatize to the sunlight streaming in from the window. Slowly my darling wife came into focus.
Nicole lay on the bed, legs splayed wide, two finger buried deep inside her pussy while she pinched a nipple with her other hand. There was a puddle of pussy juice on the bedsheet and her thighs were shining with the same- evidence of the fact that she had been going at it for a while. I had been with Nicole long enough to realise that whatever she must be masturbating to must be pretty kinky because she had her mischievous smile on her face all the while.
As I pondered the reason for my wife's morning arousal she finished herself off quite theatrically. Her pelvis lifted off the bed and her back arched while her whole body shook with the orgasm for a whole minute. Eyes still shut she nonchalantly brought the two fingers that had been in her pussy to her lips and started licking them clean.
Slowly, she opened her eyes. She went completely still and her cheeks started reddening. @@color:hotpink;"I did not realize that you were awake."@@ she said, now scarlet with embarrasment. @@color:aquamarine;"I see you have had a good morning, babe!"@@ I grin reassuringly at her but it fails to put her at ease.
[[Ask her what she was masturbating to|ReasonMas]]
"So, you want to let me in on what got you so hot and bothered?" I asked.
She considered me for a moment. "Promise me you won't judge me!" she said, her face very serious.
@@color:aquamarine;"Hey, babe. You know you can tell me anything, right? I will never judge you for any sexual tastes you have. And I will do everything humanly possible to fulfil your desires. At least that is what I promised you while fingering you under the table at our wedding reception, right?"@@
That brought a smile to her lips. She began telling me about her fantasy. @@color:hotpink;"Okay, you know that daddy did not let boys stay in my room past seven in the evening when I was younger, right? Well, I had a dream that I am sleeping in my bedroom there and you climb in through the window to visit me in the dead of the night. We start making out and as usual don't bother to keep it down. Daddy comes in to investigate and walks in on us having wild sex. You make him sit on a chair, tie his hands and feet and make him watch you fuck me relentlessly.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Enjoys Deepthroating Big Cocks")>>
You make me crawl on all fours to your dick and I let you fuck my mouth. You tell Daddy how amazing my blowjobs feel and how I drain your balls dry every night under his roof.
You make me crawl on all fours to your dick and I please you with my mouth.You tell Daddy how amazing my blowjobs feel and how I drain your balls dry every night under his roof.
You get behind me and stat fucking me doggy style while digging your fingers into my scalp, pulling my hair. You tell Daddy how you make me moan under you, sometimes multiple times a day.
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves to get Buttfucked")>>
You switch from my pussy to my asshole without prelude and tell daddy how I beg you to fuck my ass like a depraved slut. And how you gladly oblige.
Finally you spill your seed all over my face and tell him how much I crave your cum and tell him how I gulp down mouthfulls of it while I demonstrate with all the cum I can manage to put in my mouth.
You tell him you'll be back to use me again later and leave. He refuses to meet my eyes but I stand in front of him, a few drops of your cum still clinging to my face and tell him that I am not a baby anymore and that I love getting fucked by you" she finishes. "Whew! it was great to get it off my chest."@@
[[That is one depaved fantasy|Depraved]]The fact that I did not quite like Nicole's dad was not a well-kept secret on my part but it was unusual that Nicole would have a fantasy like this. Nicole was a total 'daddy's girl'. Her dad never refused her anything- other than the freedom to explore her sexuality. And the way I had managed to win her heart despite the whole-hearted approval of her father seemed to have set her overactive imagination going. If five years of being married to Nicole had taught me anything it was that she was a complete nympho. The only reason Nicole would have a fantasy like this about her doting dad was because how important the expression of her sexuality was to her. Maybe there was such a thing as too protective, huh?
@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole, you know I am not overly fond of your Dad but I don't think that the man deserves to be forced to watch his daughter have sex in front of him."@@ I said.
@@color:hotpink;"I am not planning on really doing it in front of Daddy, am I?"@@ she said, stressing the word 'really'.
Seeing the look of confusion on my face, she straddled me, her still warm pussy against my morning semi, @@color:hotpink;"Some Saturday evening we could dial a random number and have kinky sex while pretending it is my Dad on the line, couldn't we?"@@
Her face made no attempt to hide her obvious arousal. There was tinge of embarrasment there too but I only recognized it because I had known her for so long. The kiss that followed was anything but chaste. Nicole aggresively pushed her tongue into my mouth as if trying to implant the idea in my brain through it.
@@color:hotpink;"So, what do you think about it?"@@ she asked.
[[I'll need to think about it a little longer|Home][$daddysgirl to 0]]
[[Count me in|Home][$daddysgirl to 1]]Nicole had taken the day off work to take part in an ongoing fashion show. She did not want to go too much but the designer was an old acquaintance and he begged her to be present. I had gotten used to having Nicole around the office by now and it kind of felt empty without her. I wondered if maybe I should have accompanied her.
No sooner had that thought formed in my head that a message from Nicole popped up on my phone. "Need you to come down here ASAP!" it said. It was as if that was the spark my subconcious craved. I packed up my stuff, let all my other employees know that they could leave early and drove to my wife at breakneck speed.
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
Off late Nicole had made it a weekly ritual to drag me to her favourite designer's boutique in the mall. Initially, I had protested- as most men do- but over time I began to quite enjoy watching Nicole trying out new clothes. The store was usually empty besides us and Nicole chose some of the most provocative clothes on offer. I did not let Nicole in on the fact that I looked forward to our mall trips, however. Nicole would bring out the big guns to persuade me to go along with her too. She would strip for me or give me a sloppy blowjob in the attempt to convince me to accompany her. I think she is vaguely aware of the facade I put up but just goes along with it because she enjoys it too.
This time around having traded a repeat performance of our balcony sex session for the trip to the mall we made our way there. The store was empty besides a few stragglers and we went to our usual spot at the back of the store where Nicole's favourite section was.
Nicole posed for me in a variety of dresses that made her look absolutely gorgeous. She would do a twirl, adjust her cleavage and ask me my opinion of how she looked but I doubt she ever heard a word of it. She was in her element among clothes and was only vaguely aware of me. Finally she seemed to find a dress she liked very much and took it into the changing rooms.
@@color:hotpink;"Ty, can you help me in here?"@@ she called out a while later. I looked around. There was nobody nearby to see me go into the changing room.
I found my wife supporting herself against the wall with her butt sticking out at me. She was wearing the dress that she had taken along with her. It turned out to be a backless summer dress with a plunging neckline, fastened at the neck with a knot and a short skirt that Nicole had hiked up to reveal her naked bottom.
@@color:hotpink;"What do you say we test out whether that security camera is real?"@@ she said, holding her inviting pose.
I noticed that even if the camera was real, we would be under it and thus outside it's field of view. Nicole must have been aware of it too and just decided to spice up our lives a bit.
I closed the distance between us, flipped her to face me and kissed her passionately- one hand on the back of her head and another fiddling with her nipple through the thin fabric of the dress. We made out like a couple of teenagers who had described what making out was a few weeks ago. By now my fingers had made their way to Nicole's clitoris as she moaned into my chest. Only question was should I take it further?
[[No this is quite enough for a place like this|No further]]
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Hardcore Exhibitionist")>>
[[Hell yeah!]]
<</if>><<set $loveNicole+=10>>
I fingered Nicole until she had a small orgasm. I supported her until her shaking legs could support her weight again. She seemed kind of dissapointed that I had not taken it any further.
We exited the changing room without checking whether the coast was clear. Big mistake! A tiny, old lady confronted us immediately. She seemed to be around eighty but was surprisingly sprightly for her age. She eyed us with such venom that it made me want to recoil in fear of what she might do next.
"You kids were having in there, weren't you?" she blurted out the word sex as if it was making her sick.
She went on a tirade about how the youth of today had no respect for the holy institution of marriage and how it was an affront to God.
@@color:hotpink;"I must stop you there, ma'm but we ARE married. And to each other too, just in case you wondered!"@@ Nicole said showing her the wedding band on her finger, almost perplexed, as if she had told her multiple times. The lady seemed shocked by this revelation but went on nevertheless with her tirade.
"Then you must keep it to your marital bedroom. Intimacy is meant to be shared between a man and wife within four walls."
@@color:hotpink;"That dressing room has four walls, ma'm. Maybe I should be accusing you of invading our privacy by listening in on us. And since you seem so interested in what goes on in my marital bedroom maybe you'd like to see us there? We do much filthier stuff in there!
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves to get Buttfucked")>>
Maybe you'd like to see my husband stuff his cock in my ass and then jizz all over my face?
Maybe you'd like to see me pleasure my husband's cock with my breasts and later swallow his cum?
We could give you a call if you are interested."@@ Nicole said. The old lady was absolutely scandalized Nicole's open defiance and called the shop staff to get us thrown out for indecency. It turned out that the lady was the owner's mother and despite repeated attempts to convince her otherwise she insisted that we be thrown out. The manager finally caved in and told us that it would be best if we stayed away from the store in the future.
Despite being thrown out from her favourite store, Nicole seemed in high spirits as we left the mall. As we were leaving the mall, Nicole whispered to me, @@color:hotpink;"Looks like somebody missed a live show while they were seeing the highlights of the old game!"@@ I looked around. The security guard manning the cameras seemed to be perusing a video on his phone that seemed uncannilly like our sextape. Just above his eyeline was the feed from the security camera of the changing room Nicole and I had [[made out in.|Home]]<<set $loveNicole+=15>>
I fingered Nicole until she had a small orgasm. I supported her until her shaking legs could support her weight again. Despite regaining some balance Nicole stood there a while, catching her breath. Then she got down on her knees, gave me a coquettish smile and a come hither motion with her index finger.
While going to undo my pants to let my dick free, I realized that Nicole had already done so unbeknownst to me during our prior makeout session. I thrust my engorged phallus into Nicole's ever welcoming mouth. By now, Nicole had become so accustomed to my dick that she no longer felt the need to control my strokes. She had also managed to minimize her gag reflex. She let me pummel her throat with my dick at my comfort. The reflecting walls of the cubicle displayed Nicole blowing me from various angles. Her head made a light thud against the wall everytime I pushed in up to the hilt.
The moment she felt my cock twitch she stopped the blowjob. The naughty minx was not satisfied yet. She wanted more. She wanted to get fucked. I guess that is what she mewled into my ears as she stood up. I had no way of knowing. I was dazed with lust - the lust to plunge my cock into the warm depths of Nicole's pussy. I did not hold back. I gave it to her hard and fast. On her part, Nicole made no attempt to keep her moans of arousal down. At this point, I could not care less.
We made love in the cramped space with not a care in the world. At some points we must have fucked in full view of the security camera. Neither of us were concerned about it though. Nicole wrapped her legs around my waist and I moved her on my dick- hands grabbing her shapely buttocks. I felt myself cum and Nicole made no attempt to disengage her pussy from my dick spewing baby batter into her.
I let her lean against me as she gave me her customry post-coital grin. In the aftermath of our less than secret fuckfest, Nicole gave no indication of the slightest bit of embarassment as she exited the changing room, clothes slightly askew and a dollop of my cum making its way to her mouth [[on a finger.|Old Lady 2]]We exited the changing room without checking whether the coast was clear. Big mistake! A tiny, old lady confronted us immediately. She seemed to be around eighty but was surprisingly sprightly for her age. She eyed us with such venom that it made me want to recoil in fear of what she might do next.
"You kids were having in there, weren't you?" she blurted out the word sex as if it was making her sick.
She went on a tirade about how the youth of today had no respect for the holy institution of marriage and how it was an affront to God.
@@color:hotpink;"I must stop you there, ma'm but we ARE married. And to each other too, just in case you wondered!"@@ Nicole said showing her the wedding band on her finger, almost perplexed, as if she had told her multiple times. The lady seemed shocked by this revelation but went on nevertheless with her tirade.
"Then you must keep it to your marital bedroom. Intimacy is meant to be shared between a man and wife within four walls."
@@color:hotpink;"That changing room has four walls, ma'm. Maybe I should be accusing you of invading our privacy by listening in on us. And since you seem so interested in what goes on in my marital bedroom maybe you'd like to see us there? We do much filthier stuff in there!
<<if $traits.nic.includes("Loves to get Buttfucked")>>
Maybe you'd like to see my husband stuff his cock in my ass and then jizz all over my face?
Maybe you'd like to see me pleasure my husband's cock with my breasts and later swallow his cum?
We could give you a call if you are interested."@@ Nicole said. The old lady was absolutely scandalized Nicole's open defiance and called the shop staff to get us thrown out for indecency. It turned out that the lady was the owner's mother and despite repeated attempts to convince her otherwise she insisted that we be thrown out. The manager finally caved in and told us that it would be best if we stayed away from the store in the future.
Despite being thrown out from her favourite store, Nicole seemed in high spirits as we left the mall. As we were leaving the mall, Nicole whispered to me, @@color:hotpink;"Looks like somebody missed a live show while they were seeing the highlights of the old game!"@@ I looked around. The security guard manning the cameras seemed to be perusing a video on his phone that seemed uncannilly like our sextape. Just above his eyeline was the feed from the security camera of the changing room Nicole and I had [[sex in.|Home]]The Things We Do for Love<<return "Have fun!">>
--Story Elements:<br>
~Implemented Shopping Event<br>
~Ty's History<br>
~New Morning Activity: Chat with Nicole about her past<br>
~Ability to get players endorsements
--UI Elements:<br>
~Implemented Hiev's 'Click anywhere to go to the next passage'. Permits user to click anywhere on text to proceed to next passage if page has only one link. (More like copied and pasted, to be perfectly honest)
--Quality of Life:<br>
~Implemented Colors on Clients Page so that it is visually clear which are your better players.<br>
~Implemented a mechanism which judges if your clients are eligible for new contracts.<br>
~Reorganized code to reduce the number of clicks required.<br>
~Increased saves allowed to 30
~Debugged non- dirty talk event on Day 2. Have had several complaints but failed to replicate until now.
~Corrected several typos and some atrocious grammar!
~Implemented a randomness to generic morning and evening events to reduce the monotony. Open to user content to increase variability further. Sleep passage too. What should Ty be dreaming about?
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
I loved indulging Nicole's fantasies but I could not bring myself to condone the way Nicole had berated the old lady at the mall. The old lady had certainly overstepped her boundaries by claiming moral superiority on the basis of her prudish standards but I felt Nicole could have handled the situation much more calmly. I decided that I needed to have a word with Nicole.
@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole, I think we should talk about what happened at the mall yesterday."@@ Nicole had just woken up and the memory of yesterday's makeout/sex in the changing room brought a smile to her lips.
@@color:hotpink;"I can't wait to do it again!"@@ she said. She scooched over to me and started kissing me. It took a while for her to realise that I was not returning the kisses and she looked at me quizzically.
@@color:hotpink;"Dammit! It's about that old lady, isn't it?"@@
@@color:aquamarine;"Well yeah!You needn't have been so rude to her."@@ I said.
@@color:hotpink;"Ty, she literally asked us if we had the license to love each other. That is what she meant when she asked us if we were married. What if we weren't? Does that make our love any less real? I am tired of these old people imposing the standards of their bygone era on us!"@@ her monologue was slowly picking up heat, @@color:hotpink;"I want to be able to kiss you, touch you, make love to you any time I want. As long as you consent I don't see what right anybody else has to stop us."@@
@@color:aquamarine;"Still babe, we live in a society. We have to respect some norms. We have to care about other people's discomfort too!"@@
@@color:hotpink;"What if I don't wanna? Society can go fuck itself! You think I care how many people see me naked- fucking you, blowing you on the street? Not at all. I never got to experience that adolescent first love where you are unable to keep your hands off each other and sneak off to make out. Our whirlwind courtship was the closest I experienced to that. Then you had that injury and became so distant. We were effectively just roommates until just a month back. Now that we have rekindled our romance, I don't want to let go. When I go out with you I want to go out as lovers not as brother and sister! I want the world to see and know that we love each other and not just within the four walls of our home. I don't want to have to wonder what some cranky old bitch thinks everytime I want to hold your hand in public."@@ Hot tears spilled over from Nicole's eyes. I did not think any of Nicole's desires had such depth. I hugged Nicole as she sobbed into my chest. The hot tears trickling down my bare chest.
@@color:aquamarine;"You know what? I don't care what anybody else thinks either. Screw you old lady at the mall!"@@ I said. I felt Nicole smile a little. She lifed her face to kiss me. A chaste kiss on the lips, not devoid of passion though.
@@color:hotpink;"Lay down next to me for a while."@@
So, we lay on the bed, eyes wide open, spooning until we were both irrevocably late for [[work.|Home]]
<<set $timeofDay+=1>>
We lay exhausted in bed after a marathon fuckfest staring at the ceiling letting the still air cool our overworked bodies. As was usual, I began feeling drowsy but Nicole was feeling especially talkative.
@@color:hotpink;"Ty, everytime I ask you about your family you ignore me. C'mon, I am your wife. I should know about my in-laws."@@
She was right. I had successfully dodged all her enquiries regarding my family and most of my childhood. She knew about my sexual history, likes and dislikes, allergies but was totally in the dark about my family. It was time to let her in on it.
@@color:aquamarine;"I have already told you where I was born. I was raised by Dr. and Mrs. Boyle. Dr. Boyle was a surgeon in town. My mother was brought in to the hospital with lacerations all over her body and heavily pregnant. I have no clue regarding the circumstances under which she suffered those injuries nor did anybody else. It was clear to Dr. Boyle that my mother would not survive her injuries. They made a last ditch effort to deliver me because once my mother was dead it would be nigh impossible for me to live. They had to put me on a ventilator to make sure I lived. My mother gained consciousness only to tell Dr. Boyle that I was to be called Ty. 'Call him Ty...' he told me were her last words. Mrs. Boyle was infertile and the couple did not have a kid of there own so they decided to adopt me. In keeping with my mother's last wishes they gave me the name Tyler so that the dimunitive would be Ty. That's how I got stuck with this name."@@ I finished.
@@color:hotpink;"Where are the Boyles now?"@@ Nicole asked, almost fearful of what she was about to hear. My use of the past tense had not gone unremarked.
@@color:aquamarine;"Dead."@@ I said.
Nicole asked,
@@color:hotpink;"How did they die, Ty?"@@
@@color:aquamarine;"Two years after my birth Mrs. Boyle got pregnant. Most people thought it was a miracle. Not Dr. Boyle though. He always taught me that to attribute something to a miracle is to trivialize the complexity of nature. Anyway, they had a son called Trevor. Even after Trevor was born, the Boyles treeated me as one of their own. I never went wanting for comfort or affection. They were great parents. When I was twenty I returned home from college over Christmas break. Trevor had started mixing with a bad crowd and started doing hard drugs. Dr. Boyle cut his pocket money in a bid to stop him buying the drugs but he was already hooked. The day I returned home, I unlocked the door to find Trevor sobbing on the floor beside the bodies of our parents. He had threatened them with a knife so that they'd give him money for the high he was craving. Succesive days without drugs had made him unstable and he had slashed at our parents when they refused to give him the money. The death of his parents had sobered him up though and he had called the police on himself. The police took him into custody. In jail he attempted suicide multiple times- once with a tied up bed sheet as a noose, once trying to crack his skull against the bars of his cell. A year into his term, I got news that they had found him with his wrists slit. He had filed a spoon down to a point and killed himself. That is how I ended up all alone, honey."@@
Nicole wrapped her arms around me. @@color:hotpink;"I am sorry for your loss, Ty. But you are not alone. You've got me. Forever."@@ She wrapped me in her warm embrace and I felt world dissolve into darkness as I drifted off to [[sleep.|Home]]
Owing to $playerName[$activeID] 's good performances I think that I should negotiate a better deal with his team for him.
<<set _player=random(1, 100-$playerRep[$activeID])>>
<<set _ty=random(1, 100-$rep)>>
<<if _player lt _ty>>
<<set _rand= random(_player, _ty)>>
<<elseif _player gt _ty>>
<<set _rand= random(_ty, _player)>>
<<set _rand= _ty>>
<<if _rand lte 20>>
Success! I have managed to negotiate a wonderful deal for my client . They are very pleased with me and word of my skill goes around.
<<set $rep+=2>>
I fail dismally at convincing the club that my client deserves a better contract. I must instrospect whether it was due to my fault or whether I should be selecting better clients in the future.
<<set $rep-=1>>
<<set $Brands= ["An Energy Drink Company", "A Mens Wear Company", "A Sports Gear Company", "A Gaming Company", "An Undergarment Company", "An Automobile Company"]>>
<<set _random3= either($Brands)>>
<<set _player1=random(1, 100-$playerRep[$activeID])>>
/*DONT DELETEvvvvvv*/
<<set _chance= random(1,5)>>
<<set _player2=$playerLooks[$activeID]+random(1,$playerLooks[$activeID])+_chance>>
<<set _ty=random(1, 100-$rep)>>
<<if _player1 lt _ty>>
<<set _rand= random(_player1, _ty)>>
<<elseif _player1 gt _ty>>
<<set _rand= random(_ty, _player1)>>
<<set _rand= _ty>>
<<if _rand lte 22 and _player2 gte 30>>
Success! You have struck gold! You successfully pitched $playerName[$activeID] as the face of _random3 for an upcoming commercial. The deal gets featured in the papers leading to name recognition for you and your client
<<set $rep+=3>>
<<set $playerEndorse[$activeID]+=1>>
Either my clients reputation or my ability to pitch him as a candidate for the job go awry and the _random3 end up rejecting us.
<<if _player2 gt 34>>
<<set $rep-=2>>
$playerName[$activeID] blames me for not being able to get the deal and my reputation among players and compamnies takes a hit.
<<set $rep-=1>>
One of my insiders in the company tells me that they were unwilling to give the advertisement to someone with such an unproven agent. They suggested I buil up my portfolio before I approach any big companies.
<br><br><<set $timeofDay+=1>>
<<if $timeofDay%5 eq 1>>
Nicole and I are lying in bed as we usually do in the morning trying to snooze for another five minutes before we have to get ready for work.
/*1.face to face2. spooning3. early morning hj4. cum dripping out
<<if $loveNicole lte 100>>
Nicole is facing me. Her face looking delightfully radiant in the morning sun. Her lips are an inch from mine. The gentle curves of her tits is visible as it peeks at me from under the duvet.
<<elseif $loveNicole gt 100 and $loveNicole lte 200>>
My nose is filled with the pleasant aroma of Nicole's shampoo as we lay spooning. I breathe in her fragrance deeply. My flaccid dick is wedged betwwen her asscheeks and I can feel her involuntarily grinding against me.
<<elseif $loveNicole gt 200 and $loveNicole lte 250>>
I kiss Nicole 'Good Morning', trying to get her to wake up. She hungrily kisses me back, eyes still shut. Her practised hand shoots underneath the covers, puls don my boxers and begins pumping my cock casually as our tongues mingle.
Nicole is lying on top of me, our sweaty bodies still entwined after our early morning copulation. I can feel my cum oozing out of her pussy as her chest slowly rises and falls against mine.
What should I ask her?
<span id= "result">
<br><<link "About her first time">>
<<replace "#result">>
<<display "First Time">>
<<return "Time for Work">>
<br><<link "About her ex">>
<<replace "#result">>
<<display "Ex">>
<<return "Time for Work">>
<br><<link "Her thoughts when I proposed to her">>
<<replace "#result">>
<<display "Proposal">>
<<return "Time for Work">>
<br><<link "Her past sexual experience">>
<<replace "#result">>
<<display "Her past sexual experience">>
<<return "Time for Work">>
</span>"So, Nicole are you finally ready to tell me about your first sexual experience?" I asked her. She looked at me as if gauging whether the moment was right. She must have thought it was because she proceed to tell me about her first.
@@color:hotpink;"Well, he was an intern at Daddy's firm. He had that handsome, boyish charm to him that I was into at the time. He was in college studying... I don't know... law, I guess. The few times that I had been to Daddy's work he had tken to flirting with me. Initially, I was skeptical but slowly I warmed up to it. I was glad for the attention because the guys in my class weren't paying me any. He was a really smooth talker and he charmed the panties off me. We ended up fucking in a men's restroom cubicle. It was cramped in there, the sex was not great and he seemed to have no idea of how the female body works.@@
@@color:hotpink;"I never saw him again but I heard he started blabbing about banging me at the firm. It was only a matter of time before Dad found out. I heard he was eventually fired and did not manage to get a job at a law firm after graduating either."@@ she concluded.
@@color:hotink;"Now that you know the fake one maybe I'll tell you the real one someday."@@ she said winking at me sexily as she walked out the room, leaving me to wonder if anything she had ever told me was real.
@@color:hotpink;"You know that stupid ex of yours. How did you meet him?" @@I asked Nicole.
@@color:hotpink"Ummm... Sam? Well, he was the son of Daddy's best friend. Apparently, they had made some sort of pact that they would seal their bond of friendship by marrying us together. Initially, it was okay. Daddy did not object to me going on dates with him. The sex was decent. Not as good as ours, obviously. But slowly, he began to sour. He would not take kindly o being ignored or me looking at other guys sometimes. He was unbelievably controlling... telling me what to wear and asking me to put on makeup before we fucked. It became apparent that we weren't going to work out I told him I wanted to breakup. He laughed at me when I said that and told me that nobody would want 'spoiled goods' like me for a girlfriend. That's what led to the video."@@ she finished.
@@color:hotpink"I don't regret any of it though. It brought you to me." @@she said kissing me.
@@color:aquamarine;"So what was going through your mind when I proposed that night in Paris?"@@ I asked her.
@@color:hotpink;"I was completely surprised. I had no idea that you liked me that much already."@@ she said. @@color:hotpink;"I thought you were just having fun with me. That it was all casual. I know how relationships last for most basketball players and I did not really think you were all that different. I'd be lying if I told you I was not already in love with you and trying to seed the idea of a long-term commitment into you but I had no clue you were going to propose that night. You hid that very well!"@@
@@color:hotpink"I had no idea that you had not seen anyone since we met either. I always assumed that you were fucking other chicks too. So, when you proposed to me the exact thought that went through my mind was that I get to keep you all to myself for our entire lives!"@@ She looked at our entwined fingers, matching wedding bands side by side, @@color:hotpink;"And I said yes!"@@
She put on her bra and pulled her hair to the side so that I could fix the clasp in place. @@color:hotpink;"As long as you and I are together, all is right with the world."@@
@@color:aquamarine;"Nicole were you this kinky before we met?"@@ I asked.
@@color:hotpink;"What do you think? Do you think that before we met I used to lay back and think of England everytime a man made love to me?"@@ Nicole asked, in mock anger.
@@color:hotpink;"I was pretty slutty before I met you too. I must have had just three 'long-term' realtionships and a string of one night stands. You remeber the blowjob I gave you in the locker room? You don't get that good without experience. Suffice it to say I have done some crazy stuff you don't want to know about."@@
I feel like I should pursue this further. Then I consider whether it isn't just better to stay in the dark about one's wife's sexual history. Maybe I should give this some more thought.